Personal Learning Objectives (Oscar Manfred). Case: MasterPeace India/Pakistan

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Personal learning objectives Case: Masterpeace India/Pakistan Oscar Manfred


1. My personal goals for this project 2. What are you going to do in this project to demonstrate your competence.

RESEARCH & UNDERSTANDING 1. I want to be able to work with concepting and design with an intercultural perspective, and therefore I want to research and dig into foreign cultures in an attempt to really understand the target group. 2. I’m going to use well researched sources, make reasonable conclusions and provide a well written and understandable background for the case.



1. I wish to be able to effectively convey the concept in such a way that it is clear and easily understandable by the client.

1. I want to create visually appealing products, that are all feasible for the certain cultural context in India and Pakistan.

2. I’m going to do the Concept pitches in a straight-forward, brief and precise way.

2. I’m going to use the research on the cultural context and use it as a starting point for all communication, by providing a guide that functions as a basis for future design work in the region.

My professional product(s).

Research Report My work on the research report consists of the regional context (see 3.), the target group demographics (see 4.1.1.) and the Fogg Behaviour Model (see 4.2.3.).

Concept Pitch 5-2 Concept Brainstorm

Regional Communication Guide

Week 2 Estimation on the process so far.

All the research has been performed, and I’m very happy with my contribution. I found some really interesting insight about the conflict, Pakistani/­ Indian culture and the behaviour of the target group.

The Tuesday presentation went really, really well! I was positively surprised of the amount of excitement the people at MasterPeace felt towards our concept, and I feel like we really got the point across.

Visualizing has really just started so far. There isn’t that much to analyze from it so far, however, I’m very pleased with the research I did, and feel confident that it will show in the executions as well.


1. I want to get expert insights on how well the campaign concept is phrased and presented, so as to improve in future projects. 2. Contacting a experienced concept designer, presenting the case to them and engaging in a conversation about the concept and how well it will work.

Expert Review - Concept

Evaluating hasn’t begun yet, so I can’t really comment on it at all.


Week 3 Self-reflection on my acchievements.

I’m very pleased with the way the Research Report turned out. The fact that both Florian and Raghda complimented us on our research makes me extremely happy. I have put a lot of effort into the report, and it’s great to see it pay off. As tedious as i think research is sometimes, there are few things as satisfying as the moment when you find the pefect source that confirms a hypothesis you have.

Main objectives for the future.

I have really started to appreciate doing research on foreign cultures and it’s context. While it is sometimes a complete hell to find the right sources, the pay-off when you do find them is so good. I want to continue working on international projects and evolve my understanding of foreign cultures.



It’s very hard to claim individual products when it comes to conceptualizing, seeing as most work is done together as a group, however, I am pleased that my 5-2 Concept Brainstorm was recieved well by the rest of the team, and the Concept Pitch went very well.

I sincerely want to thank Anita for giving me the idea of doing a regional communication guide. It really have a place of it’s own inside the project, and I was very happy to be the one creating it. I do believe this was my strongest contribution to the project.

The Expert Review was helpful to get some insights on the concept. However, I would have really liked to get more time with him. Unfortunately, time constraints hindered that, and I am not completely happy with the way it turned out. I think it could have been done better, if the time frame wasn’t as tight as is has been.

While it was very rewarding to work with the regional communication guide, it would have been nice to be more involved with the visualizing of the other products. I do feel like visual design is my strongest point, and I always want to do more of it.

For next project, I would definately try to be more preemptive when it comes to evaluations. I didn’t fully realise the amount of time having to be put into it.

Overall, I’m happy with the result, for sure.

When working on a project like this, your really start to understand just how many aspects are connected to the conceptualizing process. I would love to use the knowledge learned from this project and apply it to other design projects (not necessarily straigh-forward concept projects) in the future.

For the future, it would be nice to be more directly involved.


Oscar Manfred - 1685299

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