14 minute read
Consulado De Mexico - Homenaje
El líder mexico-estadounidense más importante de Florida Central en los últimos 35 años
Orlando, FL - El Consulado de Mexico en Orlando llevó a cabo un homenaje en memoria de nuestro editor Guillermo Hansen durante la tarde del lunes, 17 de julio, en sus oficinas ubicadas en Technology Dr., Orlando.
El Hon. Consul Juan Sabines describió su trayectoria, vida y legado con estás palabras: “el líder mexico-estadounidense más im-
Central Florida's most important Mexican-American leader of the last 35 years
portante de Florida Central en los últimos 35 años.”
Este sus logros destaca su ayuda para establecer el primer Consulado de Mexico en Orlando y el haber sido elegido para recibir el Premio Ohtli, el más alto reconocimiento que otorga el gobierno Mexicano a aquellos que se destacan fuera del país.
Orlando, FL - The Consulate of Mexico in Orlando held a tribute in memory of our publisher Guillermo Hansen during the afternoon of Monday, July 17, at its offices located in Technology Dr., Orlando.

Hon. Consul Juan Sabines described his career, life and legacy in these words:
"Central Florida's most important MexicanAmerican leader of the last 35 years." His accomplishments highlight his help in establishing the first Mexican Consulate in Orlando and being chosen to receive the Ohtli Award, the highest recognition given by the Mexican government to those who excel outside the country.
En honor al líder México-estadounidense más importante de Florida Central en los últimos tiempos, Guillermo “Bill” Hansen, y para continuar con su legado en pro de la educación María de la Cruz Mora recibió una beca de 2 mil dólares para sus estudios. Dinero recaudado gracias al Gofundme organizado para el servicio funerario del por siempre líder y héroe Guillermo Hansen.
Durante la develación de la placa conmemorativa que nombra el salon de conferencias del Consulado el Salón “Guillermo Hansen"

Guillermo Hansen, de 65 años, residente de Kissimmee, fue un prominente hombre de negocios y reconocido líder comunitario. Como fundador del periódico Osceola Star News paper, dedicó su vida al servicio de varias organizaciones y dejó una marca indeleble en la comunidad de Florida Central. A Guillermo le sobreviven su esposa por 39 años, Yolanda y sus dos hijos, Yanin y Bryan.

WORLD TRAVELER GASTRONOMY APPRECIATOR CULTURAL ADVOCATE taking the first promotional tourism caravans to Europe,
Entre los oradores de los actos fúnebres de Guillermo
Hansen se encontraban oficiales electos y amistades

Public officials and friends that spoke at Guillermo Hansen's funeral service

"En nombre de la directora general del periódico La Prensa Newspaper Orlando, Maritza Beltrán y del personal de esta casa editorial, queremos expresar nuestras más profundas condolencias a Yolanda, Yanin y Bryan, esposa e hijos de Guillermo "Bill" Hansen por el sensible fallecimiento del esposo, padre y líder comunitario. ¡Descansa en paz Bill!
La Prensa Newspaper Orlando
I'm truly saddened by the recent passing of Mr. Guillermo Bill Hansen. I worked for Mr. Hansen, at the El Osceola Star Newspaper for a couple of years and on and off throughout the years I lived in Kissimmee. I feel compelled to make this post, because I'm not sure if I told him exactly this, I hope I did, but Mr. Hansen was a critical piece to my success as a business woman and entrepreneur. See you on the other side one day.
I am deeply saddened by the passing of Guillermo Bill Hansen. In the past 12 years that I have been with NUC University Florida I had the pleasure of participating in various projects and events with him, his wife and El Osceola Star Newspaper. He was a true and faithful partner to our institution, local businesses, and our community. My thoughts and prayers are with his wife Yolanda, his children, Yanin Hansen and Bryan.
Mi corazón sintió esta noticia bien profundamente. Mis mas sentido pésame a la familia, y a Yolanda. Desde que lo conocí en Valencia College como estudiante él siempre tuvo tanta fe en mí y en mi crecimiento profesional.. Don Guillermo que Dios te lleve en la gloria y muchas GRACIAS por dedicarte tanto a los estudiantes y los latinos!
Emmy Torres
Rest in Power Guillermo Bill Hansen. El Osceola Star newspaper was your baby. You always put us Latinos in the forefront with big companies at so many events. You ALWAYS made time to give me advice. My deepest condolences to Yolanda and the entire family. El Osceola Star Newspaper

It is with great sadness that I share the news that Guillermo Hansen, who served for 13 years as a trustee of Valencia College, has passed away. Guillermo was a dear friend and mentor to me, and he was one of Valencia College’s greatest champions and advocates. I will truly miss him.

I first met Guillermo in 2010, when I was new to Valencia in my role as Provost of the Osceola Campus. I was so very fortunate to have him serve as an ambassador for me, introducing me to key leaders in Osceola County. He was always eager to promote Valencia to the public, including to the Spanish-speaking audience of his newspaper, El Osceola Star Newspaper.
He frequently encouraged high school students to fill out the FAFSA, apply for scholarships and financial aid, and participate in dual enrollment. He regularly connected students and parents with resources at Valencia, frequently hired Valencia students and graduates as interns, and championed the cause of DREAMers.
A true leader in Osceola County, Guillermo served as a member of the The Osceola Chamber, where he founded the Minority Business and the Hispanic Business Council of The Osceola Chamber. He also served on the board of directors for the Osceola Arts and the Osceola Council On Aging. He was also actively involved with the Mexican Consulate of Orlando (Consulmex Orlando) and Casa de México, and was recognized with the prestigious Don Quijote award for his immeasurable contributions to the community.
But his greatest impact may have been his role in raising scholarship funds. Since 2000, the Hispanic Heritage Scholarship Fund of Metro Orlando and its partners have awarded 444 scholarships totaling more than $2 million. Furthermore, he and his wife, Yolanda, have also successfully raised tens of thousands of dollars for scholarships awarded through their own personal philanthropic organization, Amigos Helping Amigos.
As a member of Valencia College’s Board of Trustees, I could always count on Guillermo to ask thoughtful questions, to explore every possible avenue to help students, and to showcase his excellent sense of humor –in both English and Spanish. I will miss his cheerful response of “Presente” during roll call at the start of each Board meeting. But above all, I will miss how he used his voice to speak on behalf of our students.
I know I speak for everyone at Valencia when I say that we will miss Guillermo’s generous spirit, his big laugh, and his kind heart. We’ve lost a legend.
Que descanses en paz, mi querido amigo.
Dr. Kathleen Plinske, Valencia College President

"Rest in Peace my dear friend Guillermo! Your legacy will last forever. You will be missed. Descansa en paz mi querido amigo Memo Guillermo Bill Hansen.
Gracias por abrir el camino para que los hispanos en Osceola tuviéramos un lugar en la mesa. Gracias por tus sacrificios porque valieron la pena. Descansa en paz
" "
Se nos fue un héroe, luchador de todas las causas nobles del pueblo hispano, Guillermo Bill Hansen, fundador y presidente de El Osceola Star Newspaper, único periódico que decidió publicar en dos idiomas sus noticias y reportajes, para el pueblo anglosajón. Durante el campeonato mundial de fútbol compartí con él la eliminación de México, equipo que conocía a cada uno de sus jugadores y estrategias, siempre decía este será el nuestro, visionario luchador de mil batallas; mi más sentido pésame a su esposa, Yolanda Lopez Roldan, sus hijos y familia, seguro que Dios reconfortará sus vidas.
Earlier today I learned of the loss of an incredible community activist, and a dear friend, Guillermo Bill Hansen. His impact on our community will forever be remembered by the countless lives he touched and in the positive changes he brought to Osceola County. Guillermo was a true pioneer. #condolences
Peggy Choudhry, Osceola County Commissioner District 1
"Our community has lost an extraordinary leader. Guillermo was a passionate disrupter and a beloved friend. Roberto and our family have known Guillermo Bill Hansen and his wife Yolanda Lopez Roldan for more than 30 years and we have treasured our friendship. His most extraordinary gift was that of husband to Yoli and father to Yanin and Bryan. We are devastated and sad but are joyful and blessed to have known him. It is an honor to call him friend. Rest in Peace Memo.
Linda Landman Gonzalez
The News-Gazette team is saddened to hear about the passing of Guillermo Bill Hansen, the founder of Osceola County's Spanish-language El Osceola Star Newspaper, after fighting a battle with cancer. In addition to being a businessman, 'Bill' was ingrained in the community, as a member of The Osceola Chamber, the region's Hispanic Business Council and the Valencia College board of directors, among others. Our area will miss Bill advocating for both the Hispanic community and Osceola County as a whole. #RIPBill El Osceola Star
The News-Gazette
"Very sorry for the loss of a great mentor, Guillermo Bill Hansen; Mr. Hansen was an amazing Chief Editor, journalist, community leader, father, husband, tireless advocate for the Hispanics, and boss, who opened the doors for me a little over 10 years ago, when I had the opportunity to work under his wing and learned so many things that are still very relevant to my current role. Yolanda Lopez Roldan, Yanin Hansen sending prayers and love your way! Joining you and our friends in the Central FL community in the passing of Mr. Hansen.
Paola Vargas-St
"We send our thoughts and prayers to Guillermo Bill Hansen's loved ones during this difficult time. Bill was a long standing member of our Board of Directors and our Osceola Arts family. We thank him for his commitment to the arts and our community. He will certainly be missed.
Osceola Arts
Obituario / Obituary
Guillermo Hansen, de 65 años, residente de Kissimmee, falleció el sábado 1 de julio. Fue un prominente hombre de negocios y reconocido líder comunitario. Como fundador del periódico Osceola Star, dedicó su vida al servicio de varias organizaciones y dejó una marca indeleble en la comunidad de Florida Central. A Guillermo le sobreviven su esposa, Yolanda y dos hijos, Yanin y Bryan.
"Memo", como era conocido por su familia y amigos, pasó sus años de formación en Europa. A la edad de 14 años, se mudó a un suburbio de Londres, Inglaterra para estudiar en Croydon College y viajar por toda Europa. A la edad de 18 años, se mudó a Orlando y lanzó su primer negocio, una agencia de viajes. Operó como guía turístico para grupos de la Ciudad de México y donde conoció a su alma gemela, una de sus turístas, su esposa Yolanda. Prontos a celebrar su aniversario de bodas de 40 años en septiembre, ella fue el amor de su vida.
A finales de los 70, principios de los 80, Guillermo se convirtió en un pionero en la industria turística del centro de Florida, un contribuyente activo a los comités que dieron forma al Aeropuerto Internacional de Orlando. Rompiendo moldes como uno de los primeros ejecutivos hispanos que trabajaron en hoteles y parques temáticos de Florida Central, fue clave en la organización y realización de las primeras caravanas turísticas promocionales a Europa, América Central, América del Sur y México. Es responsable de desregular el transporte en Florida y establecer el vínculo de los operadores turísticos de Florida para proteger a los turistas que visitan Florida.
Durante sus años de turismo fue propietario y operó Agentur S.A. en la Ciudad de México, que era el representante oficial de Alamo Rent a Car, Howard Johnson's, Ramada Inns, Amtrak, Winnebago y la oficina oficial de Turismo de Florida en México. Su compañía abrió las puertas para que muchas de estas compañías estadounidenses se establecieran en México.
Además, Guillermo fue un visionario que entendió la importancia de llevar noticias a la comunidad hispana en el Condado Osceola. Fundó el primer medio de comunicación bilingüe en Florida Central, que ha estado en circulación continua por más de 30 años. Su dedicación y compromiso con el periodismo han dejado una marca duradera en el panorama de los medios locales.

Además de su trabajo en el mundo de los medios, Guillermo fue un destacado líder empresarial. Fundó el Consejo Empresarial Hispano de la Cámara de Comercio de Osceola, así como eventos musicales y culturales de renombre, como Viva Osceola, Gala Osceola, Haciendo Negocios Bajo las Estrellas y el evento del Día de Reyes. Su visión y espíritu empresarial contribuyeron significativamente al desarrollo económico y cultural de la región.
Fue el fundador de la Casa de México en Orlando. Miembro de la junta del Osceola Center for the Arts (Osceola Arts), miembro de la junta de Parques y Recreación. Fue galardonado con el Premio Don Quijote a la Excelencia por la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de Orlando (HCCMO).
Ayudó a establecer el primer consulado mexicano en Orlando. Recibió el premio Ohtli, el máximo galardón del gobierno mexicano que recibe un mexicano fuera de su país.
Guillermo también desempeñó papeles importantes en la educación y el turismo. Se desempeñó como Síndico de Valencia College durante más de 12 años y como Comisionado de Turismo del Condado Osceola durante más de 20 años. Su compromiso con la excelencia y su dedicación para promover el crecimiento de la comunidad fueron reconocidos tanto a nivel local como internacional.
Además de sus logros empresariales y comunitarios, Guillermo también era un amante de los deportes y un entusiasta del golf y el fútbol. Fue entrenador de baloncesto para niños en escuelas primarias y secundarias. Su influencia positiva en la vida de los jóvenes atletas ha dejado un legado duradero.
Más allá de sus logros profesionales, Guillermo fue un ser humano excepcional, un verdadero héroe para la comunidad, un esposo amoroso y un padre ejemplar.
Con gran tristeza honramos a Guillermo Hansen, un hombre cuya pasión, dedicación y generosidad dejaron una huella imborrable en nuestra comunidad. Su legado vivirá en los corazones de aquellos tocados por su amabilidad y liderazgo. Descansa en paz Guillermo, siempre te recordaremos como un verdadero ejemplo de éxito y servicio a los demás.
Carta de la nueva Editora
Gracias por su continuo apoyo al Osceola Star durante 30 años. Mi padre, Guillermo Hansen, fue el orgulloso Editor de este periódico desde su año de inicio. Con su fallecimiento, es un honor para mí ocupar su puesto como editora del periódico Osceola Star.
Espero continuar al frente de este medio con la misma misión que mi padre, que era servir a la comunidad hispana del Condado Osceola. Con mis muchos años de experiencia como asistente de edición, continuaré con su legado. Por favor siéntase en libertad de contactarme en cualquier momento. Espero embarcarme en este nuevo viaje y con esta nueva responsabilidad que no tomo ligeramente.
Letter from the new Editor
Thank you for your continued support of the Osceola Star for 30 years. My father, Guillermo Hansen was the proud Editor of this newspaper since it’s first year. With his passing, it is my honor to fill his spot as the Editor of the Osceola Star Newspaper.
I hope to continue to lead this outlet with the same mission as my father which was to be of service to the Hispanic community of Osceola County. With my many years of experience as Assistant Editor I will continue his legacy. Please feel free to contact me at any time. I look forward to embarking on this new journey and with this new responsibility that I do not take lightly.
Guillermo Hansen, 65, longtime resident of Kissimmee passed away on Saturday, July 01. He was a prominent businessman and recognized community leader. As the founder of the Osceola Star newspaper, he dedicated his life to service to various organizations and left an indelible mark on the Central Florida community. Guillermo is survived by his wife, Yolanda and two children, Yanin and Bryan.
“Memo” as he was known by his family and friends, spent his formidable years in Europe. At the age of 14, he moved to a suburb of London, England to study at Croydon College and backpack across Europe. At the ripe age of 18, he moved to Orlando and launched his first business, a travel agency company. He operated as a tour guide for groups from Mexico City which led to him meeting his soulmate, one of his tourists, his wife Yolanda. Soon to celebrate their 40-year wedding anniversary in September, she was the love of his life.
In the late 70’s / early 80’s Guillermo became a pioneer in the central Florida Tourism Industry, an active contributor to committees which shaped the Orlando International Airport. Breaking the mold as one of the first Hispanic executives working in Central Florida’s hotels and theme parks, he was key in organizing and taking the first promotional tourism caravans to Europe, Central America, South America and Mexico. He is responsible for deregulating transportation in Florida and establishing the Florida tour operators bond to protect tourists visiting Florida.
During his tourism years he owned and operated Agentur S.A. in Mexico City which was the official representative of Alamo Rent a Car, Howard Johnson’s, Ramada Inns, Amtrak, Winnebago, and the official Florida Tourism office in Mexico. His company opened the doors for many of these American companies to establish themselves in Mexico.
Moreover, Guillermo was a visionary who understood the importance of bringing news to the Hispanic community in Osceola County. He founded the first bilingual media outlet in Central Florida, which has been in continuous circulation for over 30 years. His dedication and commitment to journalism have left a lasting mark on the local media landscape.
In addition to his work in the media world, Guillermo was a noted business leader. He founded the Hispanic Business Council of the Osceola Chamber of Commerce, as well as renowned music and cultural events, such as Viva Osceola, Gala Osceola, Business under the Stars, and the Three Kings Day event. His vision and entrepreneurship contributed significantly to the economic and cultural development of the region.
He was the founder of Casa de México in Orlando. Board member of Osceola Center for the Arts (Osceola Arts), Board Member of Parks and Recreation. He was awarded the Don Quijote Award for Excellence by the Orlando Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (HCCMO).
He helped establish the first Mexican consulate in Orlando. He received the Ohtli award, the highest award from the Mexican government that a Mexican receives outside his country Guillermo also played important roles in education and tourism. He served as a trustee for Valencia College for over 12 years and as the Osceola County Commissioner of Tourism for over 20 years. His commitment to excellence and his dedication to promoting community growth were recognized both locally and internationally.
In addition to his business and community achievements, Guillermo was also a lover of sports and an enthusiast for golf, soccer, and serving as a basketball coach for children in elementary and secondary schools. His positive influence on the lives of young athletes has left a lasting legacy.
Beyond his professional achievements, Guillermo was an exceptional human being, a true hero to the community, a loving husband, and an exemplary father.
With great sadness, we honor Guillermo Hansen, a man whose passion, dedication, and generosity left an indelible mark on our community. His legacy will live on in the hearts of those touched by his kindness and leadership. Rest in peace, Guillermo, we will always remember you as a true example of success and service to others.