12 minute read
Palate Bistro
We will always be three...
Phil Barone, Josh Hetherington and Tim Powell met and never imagined what the future had in store for them. Tim, the founder originally from Chicago, spent 20 years in Tampa working in restaurants; there he met his two partners and eventual best friends. They invested in pressure washing businesses, and they went "a thousand" turns to conclude that they should study to be able to get where they wanted in life. This is how he became a computer science engineer (IT). He was hired by a "start up" that stood out and publicly capitalized its shares. So he opted for a change of course... His dream was always to open a restaurant, and the three friends talked about this constantly, since they had all worked as a support, administrative, kitchen and other team, but never as owners, who We all know it's another story... Josh, a Kissimmee native, had studied business, and worked with Marriott and with a private Sushi restaurant. With a background and experience in French, Thai and English cuisine, Phil worked his way up as a chef opening several restaurants in the St Petersburg, Florida area, eventually serving as personal chef to the owners of Orange Theory. three realize that they have the same illusion of owning a restaurant, they wait for the perfect moment to launch their PALATE restaurant, giving way to their dreams; this is how Palate Bistro arises. An extremely welcoming, modern, and vibrant environment, with employees who treat each other like family, and live music, which when we listened to it, simply did not stop pleasing. The "mixology" and the bar are run by Vickie Plunaett, a super nice blonde, who makes the best drinks in the world! With incredible creativity and taste! They present 16 cocktails and an exquisite menu, and to all this, we add good prices and voila! You have the perfect restaurant on the southern border of Orange County in Hunter's Creek. Everything is fresh and made to order. They introduced us to their concept of Beef Wellington An English classic), the Boursin Eggplant starter, one that is succulent and very particular for a vegan dish.
Definitely both are winners...
The main courses range from a Rib Eye, which is extremely popular, to the Chicken Katsu, which was the "star" of the night, with its very original, unique and delicious flavor. The Smothered Chicken for those of us who love the mix of blue cheese with balsamic vinegar, and finally a delicious and fresh Grouper Stack, which is so delicate that it melts in the mouth. Hands down seafood, one of our Orlando favorites! For dessert, what better than a simple, creamy and unique Cheesecake with different berries.
Our deepest condolences to the family of Phil Barone, as during our visit we received the sad news of his death. His legacy will last in the kitchen of this great restaurant where his friends remember him daily and represent his legacy in them. Rest in peace Phil Barone...
Disney Eats: Guía gastronómica del EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival presentado por CORKCICLE 2023
Lake Buena Vista, FL - La época del año que todos los amantes de la comida han estado esperando está a solo unas semanas de distancia. Y ya sabes lo que es: ¡el EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival presentado por CORKCICLE!
Esta celebración comienza el 27 de julio y se extiende hasta el 18 de noviembre de 2023, y está llena de ofertas emocionantes y deliciosas que celebran las diversas culturas y cocinas de todo el mundo.
Con casi 30 (sí, escuchaste bien) Global Marketplaces este año, tus papilas gustativas emprenderán un viaje con sabores, ingredientes y delicias exclusivas de varios países del mundo. Este año, el Festival no solo da la bienvenida a nuevos platos, como la fondue de chocolate negro de The Alps y los chilaquiles de Flavors of America, sino también a cuatro nuevos Global Marketplaces: Char & Chop, Wine & Wedge, Bubbles & Brine y Swirled Showcase. !Además, experimente con deliciosos sabores en Brew-Wing Lab en Odyssey, donde los invitados se embarcarán en una aventura llena de sabor, presentando las creaciones culinarias, y los percances locos, del Dr. Bunsen Honeydew y su asistente, Beaker, de Muppet Labs.
A medida que prueba su camino a lo largo del Festival, querrá participar en uno de los favoritos de los fanáticos que regresan, Emile's Fromage Montage. Este delicioso paseo gastronómico presenta varias delicias con queso de Global Marketplaces. Simplemente tome un Pasaporte del Festival y coleccione sellos comprando cinco de estos artículos. Una vez que los haya obtenido todos, diríjase a Shimmering Sips para obtener un premio especial de canje.
¡Pero eso no es todo! A medida que se pone el sol, las melodías suenan con la serie de conciertos Eat to the Beat presentada por Florida Blue Medicare que presenta actuaciones nocturnas de actos musicales locales y de renombre. Echa un vistazo a la alineación completa aquí.
¿Estás listo para los menús completos para este año? Sé quien soy. ¡Permítanme presentarles la Guía gastronómica 2023 para el EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival presentada por CORKCICLE!
Buen provecho.
Disney Eats: Foodie Guide to the EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival presented by CORKCICLE 2023
Lake Buena Vista, FL - The time of year all foodies have been waiting for is just a few weeks away. And you know what it is – the EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival presented by CORKCICLE! This celebration kicks off on July 27 and runs through November 18, 2023, and is filled with thrilling and delicious offerings celebrating the various cultures and cuisines across the globe.
As you taste your way throughout the Festival, you’ll want to take part in a returning fan-favorite, Emile’s Fromage Montage. This delicious food stroll features several cheesy goodies from the Global Marketplaces. Simply pick up a Festival Passport and collect stamps by purchasing five of these items. Once you’ve gotten them all, head over to Shimmering Sips for a special redemption prize.
(407) 820.4012
With nearly 30 – yes, you heard that right – Global Marketplaces this year, your taste buds will go on a journey with flavors, ingredients and signature delights from various countries around the world. This year, the Festival not only welcomes new dishes, like the Dark Chocolate Fondue from The Alps and the Chilaquiles from Flavors of America, but also four brand-new Global Marketplaces – Char & Chop, Wine & Wedge, Bubbles & Brine and Swirled Showcase! Also, experiment with delicious flavors at Brew-Wing Lab at the Odyssey where guests will embark on a flavorful adventure, featuring the culinary creations – and madcap mishaps – of Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and his assistant, Beaker, from Muppet Labs!
(407) 820.4386
But that’s not all! As the sun goes down, the tunes come out with the Eat to the Beat Concert Series presented by Florida Blue Medicare featuring nightly performances from local and renowned musical acts. Check out the full line-up here.
Are you ready for the full menus for this year? I know I am. Let me present to you the 2023 Foodie Guide for the EPCOT International Food & Wine Festival presented by CORKCICLE!
Las 10 Candidatas al Mundial Femenil
1. Estados Unidos - buscan el tricampeonato, quinto en total. Han ganado 21 de sus últimos 24 partidos, incluyendo los 7 que han jugado este año sin conceder un solo gol y ante rivales como Canadá, Japón y Brasil. Solo 10 de Francia 2019 siguen, y varias serán suplentes, será un equipo muy distinto al que ganó los últimos dos mundiales. Jugadoras clave: Alex Morgan y Sophia Smith, las delanteras.
2. Alemania - buscan su tercer título mundial tras los de 2003 y 2007, y fueron subcampeonas de la Euro 2022. Mezcla perfecta de experiencia con juventud, como Lena Oberdorf (21 años) y Jule Brand (20). No llegan en la mejor forma pero sí son la mejor opción para desbancar al USWNT. Jugadora clave: Alexandra Popp.
3 . Australia - las locales tienen chances de verdad, aun en un grupo difícil con Canadá, Nigeria e Irlanda, pero este año ya vencieron a Inglaterra, España y Suecia. Tienen algunas lesiones e históricamente su defensa les ha fallado. Tienen mucho talento como la defensa Ellie Carpenter, la extremo Caitlin Foord, ambidiestra, y la gran figura del torneo, la jugadora clave: Sam Kerr.
4. Suecia - constantes invitadas a etapas finales, semifinalistas en 2019, subcampeonas en 2003. Es un equipo veterano pero parece que siempre se quedan cortas. Jugadora clave: la capitana Caroline Seger, 232 juegos con selección.
5. España - la fortaleza es que tienen mucho talento, entre Bonmati, Caldentey, Battle, la capitana Ivana Andrés y obvio Alexia Putellas, aunque Mapi León y Patri Guijarro se bajaron de la escuadra por pleitos con el DT Jorge Vilda. Jugadora clave: Alexia Putellas, ganadora de los últimos dos Balones de Oro, pero regresa de una lesión de rodilla que la dejó fuera casi un año.
6. Inglaterra - campeonas de la Euro 2022 en su casa, pero 4 de las titulares no estarán, especialmente en la delantera: Ellen White (retirada), Leah Williamson, Fran Kirby y Beth Mead (todas con lesión de rodilla). Llegan en mala forma, aunque siguen con muchísimo talento como Toone, Russo, Kelly, Daly y James. Jugadora clave: Keira Walsh, nombrada mejor jugadora de la Euro.
7. Francia - estarían más arriba de no ser por lesiones importantes: Amadine Henry, capitana, y Marie Antoinette Katoto, delantera. Siempre tienen talento pero se quedan cortas, como en su mundial hace 4 años. Corrieron a su DT, Corinne Diace, en marzo, y llegó nada más que Hervé Renard, quien ganó fama con Arabia Saudí en el mundial de Catar. Jugadora clave: la nueva capitana, Wendie Renard, una de las mejores defensas del mundo.
8. Holanda - las subcampeonas. Mezcla de experiencia: Van de Donk, Roord, Martens; y juventud, Pelova, Leuchter, Brugts, Van Domselaar. Jugadora clave: Lieke Martens, del PSG.
9. Canadá - campeonas olímpicas, aunque perdieron recientemente con EUA, Francia y Japón, tuvieron drama por las protestas de pagos igualitarios. Tienen buenas figuras como Buchanan, Fleming, Lawrence y Riviere. Jugadora clave: Christine Sinclair, de 40 años, máxima anotadora de la historia a nivel mundial.
10. Noruega - lo importante es el regreso de Ada Hebergerg, balón de oro 2018, tras 4 años de ausencia en selección. Decepcionan en defensa, pero la dupla HegerbergHansen es de élite. Jugadora clave: Ada Hegerberg.
The 10 Candidates for the Women’s World Cup
1. United States - seeking the threepeat, fifth overall. They’ve won 21 of their last 24 games, including the 7 they’ve played this year without conceding a single goal and against the likes of Canada, Japan and Brazil. Only 10 from France 2019 remain, and several will be substitutes, it’ll be a very different team from that who won the last two World Cups. Key players: Alex Morgan and Sophia Smith, forwards.
2. Germany - looking for their third world title after 2003 and 2007, runnersup at Euro 2022. Perfect mix of experience with youth, such as Lena Oberdorf (21 years old) and Jule Brand ( 20). They don't arrive in the best shape but they’re the best option to unseat the USWNT. Key player: Alexandra Popp. 3. Australia - the hosts have a real chance, even in a tough group with Canada, Nigeria and Ireland, but this year they’ve already beaten England, Spain and Sweden. They have some injuries and historically their defense has let them down. Still, there’s a lot of talent like defender Ellie Carpente r, winger Caitlin Foord, switch-hitting, and the great figure of the tournam ent, the key player: Sam Kerr.
4. Sweden - constant invitees to the final stages, semi-finalists in 2019, runners-up in 2003. They’re a veteran team but they always seem to come up short. Key player: captain Caroline Seger, 232 caps.
5. Spain - the strength is that they have a lot of talent, including Bonmati, Caldentey, Battle, the captain Iv ana Andrés and obviously Alexia Putellas, although Mapi León and Patri Guijarro got off the squad due to conflicts with coach Jorge Vilda. Key player: Alexia Putellas, winner of the last two Ballon d'Ors, but she's returning from a knee injury that sidelined her for nearly a year.
6. England - Euro 2022 champions at home, but 4 of the starters won’t be there, especially up front: Ellen White (retired), Leah Williamson, Fran Kirby and Beth Mead (all with knee injuries). They arrive in bad shape, although they still have a lot of talent like Toone, Russo, Kelly, Daly and James. Key player: Keira Walsh, named the Euros’ best player.
7. France - would be higher up but for major injuries: Amadine Henry, captain, and Marie Antoinette Katoto, forward. They always have talent but they fall short, like in their World Cup 4 years ago. They sacked their coach, Corinne Diace, in March, and none other than Hervé Renard arrived, who gained fame with Saudi Arabia in the Qatar World Cup. Key Player: the new captain, Wendie Renard, one of the best defense-women in the world.
8. Netherlands - the runners-up. They mix experience: Van de Donk, Roord, Martens; and youth, Pelova, Leuchter, Brugts, Van Domselaar. Key player: Lieke Martens, from PSG.
9. Canada - Olympic champions, though recently lost to the USA, France and Japan, had drama over equal pay protests. They have some good players like Buchanan, Fleming, Lawrence and Riviere. Key player: Christine Sinclair, 40, leading scorer in world history.
10. Norway - The key is the return of Ada Hebergerg, 2018 Ballon d'Or winner, after 4 years of absence from the national team. They disappoint defensively, but the HegerbergHansen duo is elite. Key player: Ada Hegerberg.
Ricardo Arjona Blanco y Negro tour llega a Orlando
Orlando, FL - El cantautor guatemalteco Ricardo Arjona trajo su exitosa gira Blanco y Negro Tour al Amway Center de Orlando el miércoles 21 de junio, en un lleno total, el concierto fue un éxito.
Tras alcanzar una audiencia de más de tres millones de personas con "Hecho A La Antigua", el concierto en streaming más visto de la historia de la música en Latinoamérica y España, Arjona sentó un precedente con Blanco Y Negro, ya que ha sido considerada la producción más atrevida del artista.
Arjona ha publicado 16 álbumes de estudio -cuatro alcanzaron el número uno en la lista Billboard Top Latin Albums-, cuatro álbumes entraron en la lista Bill -
Ricardo Arjona "Blanco y Negro" tour comes to Orlando
board 200, cuatro sencillos alcanzaron el número uno en la lista Billboard Latin Songs y siete lograron lo mismo en la lista Billboard Latin Pop Songs. Su trabajo le ha hecho merecedor de numerosos premios, entre ellos el Latin Heritage Award (1995) de la Sociedad Americana de Compositores, Autores y Editores (ASCAP), que honra a los autores y compositores que han hecho contribuciones únicas y duraderas a la música. Además, Arjona ha ganado un Premio Grammy (Álbum Pop Latino 2007 - "Adentro") y un Premio Grammy Latino (Álbum Vocal Pop Masculino 2006 - "Adentro") y es cinco veces ganador del Premio Billboard de la Música Latina.
Orlando, FL - Guatemalan singersongwriter Ricardo Arjona brought his successful Blanco Y Negro Tour to Orlando's Amway Center on Wednesday, June 21, in a sold out, the concert was a success.
After reaching an audience of more than three million people with "Hecho A La Antigua", the most watched streaming concert in the history of music in Latin America and Spain, Arjona set a precedent with Blanco Y Negro, as it has been considered the most daring production of the artist.
Arjona has released 16 studio albums—four reached number one on the Billboard Top Latin Albums chart, four albums charted on the Billboard 200, four singles reached number one on the Billboard Latin Songs chart and seven accomplished the same on the Billboard Latin Pop Songs chart. His work has earned him numerous awards, including the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) Latin Heritage Award (1995), which honors songwriters and composers who have made unique and enduring contributions to music. Additionally, Arjona has earned one Grammy Award (2007 Latin Pop Album"Adentro") and one Latin Grammy Award (2006 Male Pop Vocal Album - "Adentro”) and is a five-time Billboar d Latin Music Award winner.
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