Agricultural Standards Book

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Agricultural Standards Book.

Imprint. Publisher Osec Swiss Import Promotion Programme Stampfenbachstrasse 85 P.O. Box 2407 CH-8021 Zurich Swisscontact Regional Office South East Asia Terusan Hang Lekir II Street No.15 Kebayoran 12220 Jakarta Indonesia Author MM Diyan Hastarini Pictures 2be creative-production Design and Printing 2be creative-production


Agricultural Standards Book

Preface. Nowadays, agricultural products are shipped all around the globe and delivered on a daily basis to many markets. More than often, we have food in one and the same dish that is combined with ingredients that derive from different continents. Further, less and less consumers and producers know each other, and to the same extent there is little knowledge about production, processing and transforming of foodstuffs and natural ingredients. Agricultural standards, production and processing all combine to present a tool that helps to at least diminish alienation. By means of clear framework requirements, these standards define the processes of production, transformation and, in many cases, also the elements concerning labor conditions that have to be respected by the employer and/or the buyer. Furthermore, the standards also investigate the traceability of a product. Due to accredited institutions that execute frequent supervisions and audits, the compliance of the products regarding the standards are verified. This enables us to know and be reassured that the chain of custody respects the compulsory guidelines fixed in the standards. Once a product – either fresh or processed, wildly collected, organic or produced by a conventional farming system – has been checked, the producer/trader/exporter then has the right to put a label on the product in order to somehow or other mark the regularity of the production process. This booklet aims to give a short overview to interested individual farmers, associations, processors and exporters of agricultural products on the main standards that exist covering their sector, what they stand for, how to enter the certification process and where to find more information about the topics raised. Hopefully, the booklet facilitates the orientation for all involved parties. With the wide variety of information stated in this booklet, we pretend to build a piece of the bridge that relies on the confidence in the producers and exporters (and their markets) as well as its consumers that are far away from the production area.

Constantin Kostyal Project Manager Food Swiss Import Promotion Programme

Agricultural Standards Book


Preface. The market for agricultural products becomes more and more global and demanding for producers, as together with the increasing global trade, agricultural quality standards have become more and more important for accessing export markets. Consumers in importing countries want to know about the production standards applied in the producing countries and traceability within the value chain becomes highly relevant in international trade. Farmers, processors and exporters in the producing countries have to be familiar with these standards if they want to remain competitive. However, the fact of having an increasing number of specific quality standards for each sector market makes it more and more difficult for the producers and exporters to keep the overview on the existing regulations. Over the last 10 years, Swisscontact worldwide as well as in Indonesia has been supporting farmers and businesses in developing countries in accessing export markets. SwisscontactÂ’s work focuses on capacity building of the value chain partners in the producing countries and is very glad of having with SIPPO a competent partner who is supporting the producers in accessing the markets in the importing countries in Europe. This booklet is a result of the cooperation with SIPPO and we hope that it will help interested farmer groups, processors and exporters to gain an overview on the various food standard and the relevant steps in the certification process. Information is a first important step for securing existing and entering new market opportunities.

Peter Bissegger Regional Director South East Asia Swisscontact Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation


Agricultural Standards Book

Contents. Preface from SIPPO Preface from Swisscontact Contents Acronyms and Abbreviation Glossary Introduction 1. Certification/Verification in Brief 1.1. Certification/Verification Cost 1.2. Group Certification/Verification 2. Environmental Standards 2.1. ISO 14000 2.2. Bird Friendly Standard 3. Social Standards 3.1.SA 8000 3.2. ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) 4. Sustainable Agriculture Standards 4.1. 4C (Common Code for Coffee Community) 4.2. C.A.F.E. Practices 4.3. UTZ Certification 4.4. ETP (Ethical Tea Partnership) 4.5. RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) 4.6. FAIRWILD 4.7. Fairtrade 4.8. Rainforest Alliance 5. Food Safety Standards 5.1. GLOBAL GAP 5.2. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) 5.3. ISO 22000 5.4. BRC Global Standard (British Retail Consortium) 5.5. IFS (International Food Standard) 6. Organic Agriculture 7. List of Certification Bodies in Indonesia 8. List of Consultant/Supporting Agencies in Indonesia

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Agricultural Standards Book




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Common Code for Coffee Community Bird Friendly British Retail Consortium European Commission Ethical Trading Initiative Ethical Tea Partnership European Union Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point International Food Standard International Labour Organization International Organization for Standardization Japan Agriculture Standard Rainforest Alliance Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Social Accountability 8000 United Kingdom United Nation United States United States Department of Agriculture National Organic Program

Agricultural Standards Book

Glossary. ·

Accreditation: an activity to officially authorize or approve an institution to conduct certification/verification.


Certification: an activity to determine whether a product meets certain standards and results in a certificate.


Certification body: unit that decides about the authorization, suspension or cancellation of certification of a company, a farm or group certification.


Conversion period: the time a farm needs to implement organic production methods before it can be certified, e.g. 2 3 years for organic crop production.


Inspection: a close look at the compliance of a production system with certain standards in order to judge its condition.


Standard: a document that provides for both common and repeated use rules, guidelines or characteristics for/of products or related processes and production methods as well as marking or labeling requirements as they apply to a product, process or production method.


Verification: the process of ascertaining the extent of conformance to certain standards.

Agricultural Standards Book


Introduction. The food market is regulated by various standards and regulations owing to the growth of consumer awareness on food safety, social and environmental. This booklet consists of standards that apply to agricultural products produced in Indonesia and that are required by worldwide markets. Each standard and regulation has its own market. To enter the market, producers should meet the required standards for the respective market that has been entered.

Figure 1. Producer must understand market requirements before enter the market.

This booklet applies to people who are involved in production activity both for fresh and processed agriculture products. After reading this booklet, the reader should be able to understand which standards must be fulfilled, who they should ask regarding the certification/verification of the standards' main requirements as well as training/consultation. It is difficult to provide the entire quantity of information in this booklet. Therefore, numerous internet addresses are provided where additional information can be obtained if necessary. We hope this booklet caters to your needs.

Agricultural Standards Book


1. Certification/ verification in Brief. Before entering a new market, the producer must know about and comply with all required standards. The compliance of the standards usually achieved by certification or verification processes depends on the requirements of the standards. Organic standards represent one of the standards that use certification to ensure a producer-linked compliance with criteria for organic production. C.A.F.E. Practices Generic Evaluation Guideline is one of the standards that use verification to ensure a producer-linked compliance with defined criteria according to the guidelines. Both certification and verification require an inspection of the producer conducted by an independent party (usually a certification agency) to check the compliance of the production activity with certain standards. The difference between certification and verification is that the certification is followed by the issuing certificate; regarding verification, no certificate is issued. A certificate is a written guarantee by an independent certification agency stating that the production process or the product complies with certain standards.




Inspection Report

Certificate Figure 2. Differences between certification and verification.


Agricultural Standards Book


Certification/verification can help distinguish one product from another, helping to promote the product on the market, improve customer confidence in the product, and securing a continuous (sustainable) improvement of the producer management system. In general, the certification/verification procedure is as follows:

Aplication for Certification/ Verification

Certification/ Verification Body Sending Offer Letter and Draft of Agreement on Certification/ Verification Programme

Sign Agreement on Certification/ Verification Programme



Certification/ Verification Decision

Figure 3. Certification/ verification procedure.

Agricultural Standards Book


1.1. Certification/Verification Costs The costs of meeting the standards and attaining a certified/verified status are: 1. Costs for changes: The producer must make his/her product/process production compliance according to the requirements of the selected certification/verification program. 2. Certification/verification costs: These costs are calculated based on the number of working days needed for carrying out inspection and reporting or by the size, complexity and risk of the certified operation/farm, plus the inspector s travel and accommodation expenses. To reduce costs, the producer can provide accommodation, transport and meals for the inspector. In addition, some certification/verification body charges overhead fees for administration and certification/verification, depending on the size and complexity of the applicant and the number of standards requested for certification/verification.

1.2. Group Certification/Verification For smallholder producers, costs have become a constraint to access certification/verification individually. In order to respond to this situation, a group certification/verification scheme was developed and adopted by some standards such as Organic, C.A.F.E. Practices, 4C (Common Code for Coffee Community), RSPO, Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance, Utz Certification, FAIRWILD and GLOBAL GAP. Group certification/verification is used to organize individual producers into groups and to shift partial responsibility from an external inspection to an internal inspection. In order to implement this shift, the group must have a documented internal management system onsite to ensure that the individual group members meet the requirements of the standard. Group certification/verification implies that: · A central body is responsible for ensuring the group s compliance with applicable standards. The central body manages the files of all group members and inspects each member s operation at least once a year. A list of all individual member producers is available. Using the Internal Control System (ICS) mechanism, the group decides on members compliance with applicable standards. Non-compliances are dealt with according to set procedures and sanctions.


Agricultural Standards Book

· The group certification/verification is applicable to all small farms as well as to processing and handling activities registered within the group. Individual operators within the group may not use the certification/verification independently. What should a producer do if a buyer requests a certain certification/verification? 1. Understanding the standards and requirements of the requested certification/verification. The producer may ask the certification/verification body if any particular requirement in the standard(s) is unclear (free of charge). 2. Ask the certification/verification body about the costs of certification/verification. Then calculate whether it is feasible or not. Don t forget to include costs of any changes that should meet the standard(s). 3. Providing it is feasible, ask whether the buyer has some preference regarding the choice of the certification/verification body. If the buyer prefers a certain certification/verification body, make sure to use that certification/verification body to verify/certify the product. If no preferences are made on behalf of the buyer, the producer may choose the certification/verification body. 4. If producers don t have the confidence to pass the certification/verification, they may apply for a pre-audit in order to understand the gap between the current practices and the practices that meet the standard. Important: A pre-audit entails additional costs that must be paid by producer.

Agricultural Standards Book


2. Environmental Standards.

Figure 4. Coffee plantation with shade trees.

Environmental standards have been developed to ensure a product is produced without harming the environment and that it supports nature conservation. Environmental standards include criteria such as: · Minimize water usage. · Minimize environmental pollution. · Waste and wastewater management. · Protect water sources. · No deforestation of primary forests. · Protect endangered species. Environmental standards that apply for agricultural products such as ISO 14000 and the Bird Friendly Standard.


Agricultural Standards Book

2.1. ISO 14000


Scope Market Scheme Certification Body

The company develops and implements an environmental management system that includes: environmental objectives and goals, policy and procedure for reaching the goals, definition of responsibilities, staff training activities, documentation and system to review any changes made. 路 The environmental management system must follow and respect the National Environment Regulation. 路

Any business, regardless of size, location or income. Worldwide. Certification. PT Mutu Agung Lestari, PT Sucofindo, Jogya Environmental Certification Assurance (JECA), Baristand Indag Environmental Management Assurance (BRISEMA), Balai Besar Bahan dan Barang Teknik (B4T), Bureau Veritas Indonesia and TUV Nord Indonesia.

Certification Cost

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Paid by applicant. Dependent on the size, complexity and risk of applicant.

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2.2. Bird Friendly Standard


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Market Scheme Certification Body Certification Cost


Agricultural Standards Book

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Farm must be certified organic. The shade canopy at least 40% shade cover. The shade canopy should have a structural diversity: this means that trees canopies should be composed of different layers ("strata"). The main canopy layer ("stratum") must be at least 12 m high. There must be at least 11 different tree species which compose the shade canopy. The predominating tree species shouldn't comprise more than 60% of the total canopy, and shouldn't be an exotic species. Bird friendly coffee must be clearly separated from all other coffee at all stages of harvest, post harvest, processing and trade. Product: coffee. Recently made exclusive for Latin American coffee. Potential development: East Africa and Sumatra Coffee.

US, Canada and Japan. Certification. Ceres Indonesia. · ·

Certification costs are paid by the applicant. Calculated based on the number of working days needed for carrying out inspection and reporting (fee per day starts at 330 US$), plus the inspector s travel and accommodation expenses. In addition, a certification body overhead fee for administration and for certification depending on the size and complexity of the applicant and the number of standards requested for certification/verification.


Group certification scheme applied.

Further Information Birds/About_Us/

Agricultural Standards Book


3. Social Standards.

Figure 5. Good working condition for workers.

Social standards are developed as an increasing consumer awareness on social topics. Developed social standards sufficiently refer to the International Labour Organization conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In general, the requirements of social standards are: · · · · · · · · ·

Employment is freely choosen. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Working conditions are safe and hygienic. Child labour shall not be used. Livable wages are paid. Working hours are not excessive. No discrimination is practiced. Regular employment is provided. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.

Social standards are applied in the food market such as SA 8000 Standard and ETI Base Code.

Agricultural Standards Book


3.1. SA 8000


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Scope Market Scheme

No child labor. No forced labor. A healthy and safe workplace. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. No discrimination. No unjust discipline. Limits on working hours. Basic needs wage.

Any business, regardless of size, location or income. Worldwide. Certification.

Certification Body Bureau Veritas Indonesia, Control Union Certification and TUV Nord Indonesia. Certification · Certification costs are paid by the applicant. Cost · Calculated based on the number of working days needed for carrying out inspection and reporting or by the size, complexity and risk of the certified operation/farm, plus the inspector s travel and accommodation expenses. Remarks


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Agricultural Standards Book

3.2. ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative)


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Scope Market

Scheme Certification Body

Employment is freely chosen. Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. Working conditions are safe and hygienic. Child labour shall not be used. Livable wages are paid. Working hours are not excessive. No unjust discipline. No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.

Applied for supplier of ETI Member Companies. ETI member companies such as Associated British Foods (Primark), Tesco, Premier Food, Marks & Spencer and Ethical Tea Partnership. Supplier monitoring.


Certification Cost Remarks


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Agricultural Standards Book


4. Sustainable Agriculture Standards.

Figure 6. Safe and healthy working conditions.

Sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals: environmental stewardship, farm profitability and prosperous farming communities. In general, sustainable agriculture standards consist of criteria for good business practices, environmentally sound farming practices and social criteria, such as: · Documented quality management system. · Product traceability. · Transparency of business activity. · Reduce and prevent soil erosion. · Implementation of integrated crop management. · Minimize water usage and environmental pollution. · Minimize energy use. · Optimize use of sustainable energy sources. · No deforestation of primary forests.

Agricultural Standards Book


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Protect water sources. Protect endangered species. Criteria on worker s rights and working situations as mentioned in the social standard.

Common problems faced by farmers/farmer groups to meet sustainable agriculture standards are to a lesser extent on the ecological side, but rather on unreliable internal control systems, use of prohibited agrochemicals (e.g. Paraquat), record keeping, as well as insufficient use of personal protection equipment while handling agrochemicals. Sustainable agriculture standards which are applied in the food market such as 4C (Common Code for Coffee Community) Code of Conduct, Starbucks C.A.F.E. Practices Generic Evaluation Guideline, UTZ Code of Conduct, ETP Standard, RSPO Standard, Fairwild Standard and Fair Trade Standard.


Agricultural Standards Book

4.1. 4C (Common Code for the Coffee Community)


Scope Market Scheme Verifier

To attain 4C verification, the producer also called 4C Unit should become a member of the 4C Association and verified against 4C Code of Conduct. · The 4C Code of Conduct consists of 10 Unacceptable Practices and the 4C Code Matrix. The scope of the 4C Code of Conduct covers the three dimensions of sustainability: decent working and living conditions for farmers and their families as well as employees, protection of primary forest and conservation of natural resources such as water, soil, biodiversity and energy and economic viability which are the basis of social welfare and sustainability. · 4C Unit must exclude Unacceptable Practices and attain average yellow for the Code Matrix 4C in order to market their coffee as 4C Compliant Coffee. ·

Arabica and Robusta coffee. 4C Association Members from Trade and Industry. Verification. BIOCert and Control Union Certification.

Verification The verification is fully paid by the 4C Association. Costs Remarks

Rainforest Alliance certified producers (groups) can apply for the 4C License without having to go through the entire 4C Verification Process.

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4.2. C.A.F.E. Practices


Scope Market Scheme Verifier

Only suppliers who meet Starbucks quality standards and are willing to show financial transparency as a prerequisite may participate in the program. · The supplier will be verified against the C.A.F.E. Practices Generic Evaluation Guideline which consists of criteria on: · Product quality. · Economic accountability. · Social responsibility. · Environmental leadership. · The supplier must be compliant with zero tolerance indicators and achieve at least 60% in each of the scored Subject Areas and meet the minimum requirements in the Social Responsibility Subject Area of the C.A.F.E. Practices Generic Evaluation Guideline to attain the status as a preferred supplier. ·

Applied for Starbucks Arabica coffee supplier and its supply chain. Starbucks market worldwide. Verification. BIOCert, Control Union Certification, Ceres Indonesia, IMO, STR and SDS (Sustainable Development Services).

Verification · Verification costs are paid by the supplier. Costs · The fee is based on the number of working days needed for inspection and reporting. Fee per day starts at 200 US$ to 400 US$, plus the inspector s travel and accommodation expenses.


Agricultural Standards Book


Starbucks preference to extend preferred pricing and contract to Strategic and Preferred suppliers.

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4.3. UTZ Certification



The applicant is certified against UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside Code of Conduct that consists of criteria for economically, socially and environmentally responsible production. · Compliance with UTZ Code of Conduct is achieved if the certificate holder has fulfilled all the mandatory control points, plus the defined number of additional control points (non-mandatory points in a specific year) per chapter. ·

Coffee, Tea, Cocoa, Palm Oil. UTZ CERTIFIED coffee: more than 20 consuming countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium, France, UK, Scandinavia, Switzerland, Japan, US and Canada. · UTZ CERTIFIED tea: Sara Lee Corporation and ETP member. · UTZ CERTIFIED cocoa: Ahold, Cargill, Heinz Benelux, Mars, Nestlé, ECOM, Chocolat Frey and Ludwig Schokolade.




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Certification Body

Certification (for coffee, tea and cocoa). Traceability system service for RSPO-certified palm oil.

Control Union Certification, IMO and Ceres Indonesia.

Certification · Paid by applicant. Cost · Calculated based on the number of working days needed, starting at 330 US$/day to 500 US$/day, plus the inspector s travel and accommodation expenses. In addition, certification body overhead fee for administration and certification.


Agricultural Standards Book


Price premium rewarded for UTZ CERTIFIED coffee which is determined in a negotiation process between the buyer and seller. 路 UTZ CERTIFIED submits an invoice to the first buyer of UTZ CERTIFIED coffee at an administration fee of $ 0.012 per lb. of green coffee. 路 Group certification scheme applied. 路 UTZ traceability system will now pay a transaction fee of 2US$ per metric ton for traceability services. Buyers will be invoiced 3 US$/mt (2 as transaction fee + 1 as RSPOdonation). 路

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Agricultural Standards Book


4.4. ETP (Ethical Tea Partnership)




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ETP member companies are required to disclose all sources of their tea. · Workshops on ETP standards and approaches held by the ETP Regional Manager to identify the key social and environmental risks facing the estates. · These risk assessments form the basis of improvement plans. · ETP Regional Managers will continue to liaise with estates to ensure the changes required are taking place. Tea. Applied for suppliers of ETP Member Companies.

ETP Members: Accord Tea Services Ltd, Ahmad Tea, All about Tea, Bell Tea Company, Betty & Taylors Harrogate Ltd, Booths, DJ Miles & Co Ltd, Drie Mollen, Herbal Republic, Imporient UK Ltd, Jing Tea, Keith Spicer Ltd, Metropolitan Tea Co Ltd, Mothers Parkers Tea & Coffee Inc, Newby Teas, Republic of Tea, Sara Lee, Tazo Tea, The Tetley Group, R Twining & Company Ltd, tea and The Windmill Tea Co Ltd. Supplier Monitoring.

Monitoring Unit ETP. Monitoring Paid by ETP. Cost Remarks


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Agricultural Standards Book

4.5. RSPO


RSPO s principles for sustainable palm oil production are: · Commitment to transparency. · Compliance with applicable law and regulations. · Commitment to long-term economic and financial viability. · Use of appropriate best practices by growers and millers. · Environmental responsibility and conservation of natural resources and biodiversity. · Responsible consideration of employees and of individual and communities affected by growers and mills. · Responsible development of new plantings. · Commitment to continuous improvement in key areas of activity. A certificate of conformance with the RSPO criteria will be issued based on the fact that certification assessments don t possess any major non-conformities whatsoever.

Scope Market Scheme Certification Body

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Palm Oil. The unit of certification is the mill and its supply base.

Europe. Certification. Control Union Certification, PT Mutuagung Lestari, PT SAI Global Indonesia and PT Sucofindo.

Certification · Certification paid by the applicant. Costs · RSPO Certification costs are calculated based on the number of working days needed or the size of certified area (ha), plus the inspector s travel and accommodation expenses. Remarks


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Market Scheme Certification Body

Wild resources maintained and no negative environmental impacts. Fair contractual relationship with collectors, no discrimination, no child labour and fair trade benefits for collector communities. Fair labour conditions in collecting and processing companies. Sustainable sourcing practices employed and fair trade practices. Compliance with laws, regulations and agreements, customary rights respected. Good management, applied business practices, transparent cost-calculation and benefit-sharing throughout the value chain.

Products collected from the wild (e.g. medicinal and aromatic plants, berries, wild fruits, nuts and seeds, mushrooms, honey). · Raw materials for finished products (e.g. essential and fatty oils). · Products containing FAIRWILD ingredients. ·

Worldwide. Certification.


Certification · Paid by applicant. Cost · Calculated based on the number of working days needed for inspection and reporting, plus the inspector s travel and accommodation expenses.


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4.7. Fairtrade



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The organizational structure allows the producers to bring a product to the market and enable all members of the organization to participate in democratic decision-making processes. Transparency and non-discrimination within the organization. In hired labour situations, the workers social rights and security as mentioned in the social standards must be met by the company. A minimum price and/or a fairtrade premium to the producers must be paid by the buyer. A financial advance on contracts (pre-financing) should be paid by the buyer if requested by the producers. Minimized and safe use of agrochemicals, proper and safe management of waste, maintenance of soil fertility and water resources as well as no use of genetically modified organisms.


Bananas, cocoa, coffee, cotton, flowers & plants, fresh & dried fruit, fresh vegetables, nuts and oil seeds, honey, juices, rice, spices and herbs, sugar, tea and wine.


Fairtrade shops in 23 countries in Europe and USA, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Mexico, Australia and South Africa.

Scheme Certification Body

Certification. FLO-CERT.

Certification The certification fee differs based on the type of Cost applicant and is available at the FLO-CERT website. Remarks


Agricultural Standards Book

Fairtrade standards do not require organic certification as part of its standards. However, organic production is promoted and is rewarded by higher Fairtrade Minimum Prices for organically grown products.

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4.8. Rainforest Alliance


The 10 Principles of the Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Agriculture Standard are: · Social and Environmental Management System. · Ecosystem Conservation. · Wildlife Protection. · Water Conservation. · Fair Treatment and Good Working Conditions for Workers. · Occupational Health and Safety. · Community Relations. · Integrated Crop Management. · Soil Management and Conservation. · Integrated Waste Management.




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Scheme Certification Body

Coffee, cocoa, tea, fruit, vegetables, flower, ornamental plants, agave, sugarcane, cinnamon, etc. · Applied to individual producers and farmers groups. Coffee: KRAFT. Tea : Lipton-Unilever. Cocoa: MARS. Bananas: Chiquita. Retail shops worldwide.

Certification. Rainforest Alliance Asia Pasific Regional Office.

Certification · Audit costs: include auditor honorarium as well as Cost administrative and logistic costs. · Annual fee: applies only in the case of a certified farm. The annual fee is calculated based on 5US$/ha for a group of farmers at a maximum of US$ 5,000 and 7.5 US$/ha for a single farm.


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Agricultural Standards Book


5. Food Safety Standards.

Figure 7: Hygiene produce handling.

Increasing consumer demand for safe food has led to the development of food safety standards such as GLOBAL GAP, HACCP, ISO 22000, BRC and IFS. Food safety standards are primarily designed to reassure consumers that food is produced at a high level of quality and security. Generally, food safety standard criteria are as follows: · Analyze and control the food hazard. · Personal hygiene and safety. · Finished product requirement (product analysis). · Produce handling hygiene procedure. · Input (pesticide, insecticide) storage. · Food safety management system. Most of the non-compliances found during food safety inspection are related to: record keeping systems, availability of risk assessment documents, availability of several procedures such as a harvesting hygiene procedure, a produce handling hygiene procedure, analysis results, pesticide storage, protective clothing and hygiene.

Agricultural Standards Book




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Market Scheme

Minimize detrimental environmental impacts of farming practices. Reduce use of chemical inputs. Worker hygiene and safety. Hygiene produce handling. Sanitary facilities. Minimize contamination. Quality control.

Fresh fruits and vegetables, combinable crops, flowers and ornamentals, coffee, tea, cattle and sheep, pig, poultry, turkey, salmonids, shrimp, pangasius and tilapia. Europe and now accepted worldwide. Certification.

Certification Body Bureau Veritas Indonesia, Control Union Certification, Ceres Indonesia, TUV Nord Indonesia and IMO. Certification 1. Paid by applicant. Costs 2. Consist of: · Producer registration and certification fee (based on the general GLOBALGAP fee table). · Audit costs calculated based on the number of working days needed for carrying out inspection and reporting (approx 500 US$/day) or by the size, complexity and risk of the certified operation/farm, plus the inspector s travel and accommodation expenses. Remarks

Group certification scheme applied.

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Agricultural Standards Book

5.2. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point)


Scope Market Scheme Certification Body

Identification, evaluation, and control of food safety hazards based on the following seven principles: 1. Conduct a hazard analysis. 2. Identify critical control points. 3. Establish critical limits for each critical control point. 4. Establish critical control point monitoring requirements. 5. Establish corrective actions. 6. Establish procedures to insure the HACCP system is working as intended. 7. Establish record keeping procedures. Applied by the food industry. Worldwide. Certification. PT Sucofindo, Laboratorium Terpadu IPB, BBIA, PT Mutuagung Lestari, PT Embrio Biotekindo, PT SGS International Services Indonesia, TUV Nord Indonesia, Control Union Certification, Bureau Veritas Indonesia and IMO.

Certification 路 Paid by applicant. Cost 路 Dependent on the size, complexity and risk of operator. For the medium, starting at twenty million Indonesia rupiah. Remarks


Further Information calControlPointsHACCP/HACCPPrinciplesApplicationGuid elines/default.htm

Agricultural Standards Book


5.3. ISO 22000


Scope Market Scheme Certification Body

Food quality and food safety management systems, based on the establishment and implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach. Food Industry. Worldwide. Certification. PT Sucofindo, Laboratorium Terpadu IPB, PT Mutuagung Lestari, PT Embrio Biotekindo, TUV Nord Indonesia, Control Union Certification and IMO

Certification 路 Paid by applicant. Cost 路 Dependent on the size, complexity and risk of the certified unit. For the medium industry starting at twenty five million Indonesia rupiah. Remarks


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5.4. BRC Global Standard (British Retail Consortium)


Scope Market Scheme Certification Body

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A detailed and well-implemented HACCP system. A quality management system. Control of factory environments. Finished product requirements. Production process and personnel hygiene regulation.

Applied for suppliers of British, Belgian and Dutch retailers. British, Belgian, Dutch, US and Japan retailers. Certification. Control Union Certification, IMO, Ceres Indonesia, Bureau Veritas Indonesia and TUV Nord Indonesia.

Certification · Paid by applicant. Cost · Dependent on the size, complexity and risk of the certified unit. Remarks


Further · Information ·

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5.5. IFS (International Food Standard)


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Market Scheme Certification Body

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Corporate policy, structure, customer focus and management review. HACCP system, documentation requirements and record keeping. Personnel hygiene, protective clothing, training, and staff facilities. Product specifications, purchasing, packaging, factory environment, housekeeping, pest control, traceability, etc. Internal audit, product analysis, product withdrawal and recall, management of corrective actions, etc. Processed and handling product. Primary packaging activity. Applied for suppliers of large supermarket chains throughout Europe (except Great Britain).

Large supermarket chains throughout Europe (except Great Britain). Certification. Control Union Certification, IMO, Bureau Veritas Indonesia, and TUV Nord Indonesia.

Certification · Paid by applicant. Costs · Dependent on the size, complexity and risk of the certified unit. · IFS certification costs would be higher than other food safety certification schemes because the Iocal auditor is not available. Remarks


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Agricultural Standards Book

6. Organic Agriculture. Requirements

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Scheme Certification Body

Use of local natural resources and the management of ecosystems instead of external agricultural inputs. The use of synthetic chemicals is prohibited. The use of genetically modified inputs is prohibited. Maintaining organic integrity by preventing contamination and mixing. Conversion period defined by the product. Defined by the standard. Products: Crop Production, Animal Husbandry, Beekeeping, Aquaculture, Wild Collection, Processed Product (Food), Textiles and Cosmetic.

Worldwide. EU, US and Japan are the main markets for organic products. · Each market for organic products has its own organic standard such as EC Organic Regulation for EU, USDA NOP for the United States and JAS for Japan. Certification Indonesia National Organic Standards: PT Sucofindo, PT Mutuagung Lestari, LSO Persada, LSO Sumbar, LeSOS, Inofice and BIOCert. · For International Standards (EC Regulation, USDA NOP and JAS): BIOCert, Bureau Veritas Indonesia, Ceres Indonesia, Control Union Certification, IMO, LeSOS or TUV Nord Indonesia ·

Certification · Paid by applicant. Cost · Calculated based on the number of working days needed or the size, complexity and risk of the farm/operation, plus the inspector s travel and accommodation expenses. Fee per day starting at 120 US$ to 200 US$ for national standards, and 250 US$ to 500 US$ for international standards.

Agricultural Standards Book


Certification · In addition, the certification body may charge an overhead Cost fee for administration and certification, depending on the size and complexity of the applicant and the number of standards requested for certification. Remarks

In Europe, some private standards have been developed and accepted by markets i.e.: Biosuisse in Switzerland, Soil Association in the UK and Naturland in Germany. All of these private standards possess higher requirements that the EC Organic Regulation. Naturland and Soil Association standards also cover areas not yet governed by the EC Organic Regulation, i.e. organic aquaculture, organic textiles and organic cosmetics. · Although there are many organic standards, the requirements are generally quite similar. The differences usually concern the conversion period topic and permitted external inputs which may be used in organic production. ·

Further · Information · · · · ·


Agricultural Standards Book

7. List of Certification Bodies in Indonesia. Balai Besar Barang Teknik (B4T) Address: Jln. Sangkuriang No 14, Bandung. Tel: +62-22-2504828, Fax: +62-22-2502027. Baristand Indag Environmental Management Assurance (BRISEMA) Address: Jln. Ki Mangunsarkoro No 6, Semarang. Tel: +62-24-8310216, Fax: +62-24-8414811. BIOCert Address: Jl. Kamper M.1 Budi Agung, Bogor. Tel: +62-251-316294, Fax: +62-251-316294. E-mail: Website: Bureau Veritas Indonesia Address: Ariobimo Sentral Penthouse 1 Floor JL. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-2 No. 5, Jakarta 12950. Telp: +62-21-5210393, Fax: +62-21-5210806, +62-21-5210717. Website: Ceres Indonesia Address: Jalan Kayu Manis Barta 17, Jakarta 13130. Tel: +62-8196003949. E-mail: Website: Control Union Certification Address: Jl. Kramat 3A, Cilandak Timur, Jakarta Selatan 12560. Tel:+62-21-78842016, Fax: +62-21-78842017. E-mail: Website: IMO Indonesia Address: Jl. Kalasan No. 15, Perum Cimanggu Permai I, Bogor 16313. Tel:+62 812 9975 306, Fax: +62 251 323 089. E-mail: Website: Agricultural Standards Book


INOFICE Address: Jl. Tentara Pelajar No I, Bogor. Tel:+62-251-8382641, Fax: +62-251-8382641. Jogya Environtmental Certification Assurance (JECA). Address: Jln. Sokonandi No 9 Yogyakarta. Tel: +62-274-512929, Fax: +62-274-563655. Laboratorium Terpadu – Institut Pertanian Bogor Address: Kampus IPB Baranangsiang, Jln. Raya Pajajaran, Bogor 16151. Tel: +62-251-8385165, Fax: +62-251-8385165. E-mail: Website: LeSOS (Lembaga Sertifikasi Organik Seloliman) Address: PO BOX 03 Trawas, Mojokerto 61375. Tel: +62-321-618754, Fax: +62-321-618754. E-mail: Website: LSO Sumatera Barat Address: Jln. Raden Saleh No 4A, Padang. Tel: +62-751-26017, Fax: +62-751-26017. LSO Persada Address: Jln. Nogorojo No 20, Komplek Polri, Gowok, Depok, Sleman - Yogyakarta. Tel: +62-274-499420, Fax: +62-274-889477. PT Embrio Biotekindo Address: Jln. Pajajaran Indah V No 1 Baranangsiang, Bogor 16143. Tel: +62-251-8377973, Fax: +62-251-8377973. E-mail: Website: PT Mutuagung Lestari Address: Jl. Raya Bogor No.19 KM 33,5, Cimanggis, Depok 16953. Tel: +62-21-8740202, Fax: +62-21-87740745-46. E-mail: Website:


Agricultural Standards Book

PT SAI Global Indonesia Address: Graha Iskandarsyah, 4th Floor, Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya 66 C, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160. Website: PT Sucofindo Address: Graha SUCOFINDO, 1st Floor, Jl. Raya Pasar MInggu Kav. 34, Jakarta 12780. Tel: +62-21-7983666, Fax: +62-21-7983888. E-mail: Website: PT SGS Indonesia Address: Cilandak Commercial Estate #108C, Jln. Raya Cilandak KKO, Jakarta 12560. Tel: +62-21-7818111, Fax: +62-21-7807914. Website: STR Address: Jl. Barito II No. 33 A, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160. Tel: +62-21-7227999, Fax: +62 -21-7227999. E-mail: Sustainable Development Services (SDS) Address: Jl. Kemiri No.1 Candijati,Arjasa, Jember 68119. Tel: +62-331-540606, Fax: +62-331-540606. E-mail: TUV Nord Indonesia Address: Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia, Jl. Let. Jend. TB. Simatupang Kav. 88, Tower F, 7th Floor, Suite 704, Jakarta Selatan. Tel : +62-21-78837338, Fax: +62-21-78837336. E-mail : Website:

Agricultural Standards Book


8. List Consultant/ Supporting Agencies in Indonesia. Badan Standarisasi Nasional (National Standardization Agency of Indonesia) Address: Manggala Wanabakti Building, Block IV Floor 3th - 4th. Jend. Gatot Subroto Street, Senayan, Jakarta 10270 - Indonesia. Tel: +62-21-5747043, Fax: +62-21-5747045, Website: IDEAS CONSULTANCY SERVICES Griya Bogor Indah Blok O No. 5 Kedung Badak, Bogor 16165. Tel: +62 251 8655756, Fax: +62 251 8655756 E-mail:, Website: Indonesia Organic Alliance Address: Jl Kamper Blok M No. 1, Budi Agung, Bogor. Tel: +62-251-8316294, Fax:+ 62-251-8316294 E-mail:, Website: Komite Akreditasi Nasional (National Accreditation Committee) Address: Manggala Wanabakti Building 4th floor, Block IV Jend. Gatot Subroto Street, Senayan, Jakarta 10270. Tel: +62-21-5747043, Fax: +62-21-57902948 PT CORE INDONESIA Address: Jln. Kalasan No.15 Perum Cimanggu Permai I, Bogor 16310. Tel: +62-251-8323089, Fax: +62-251-8323089 Email: Q Consulting and Training Address: Perum Bukit Mekarwangi Blok C15, No.27 Tanah Sareal, Bogor 16168. Tel: +62-251-7535008, Fax: +62-251-7535008 E-mail:, Website: Swisscontact Address: Jl. Terusan Hang Lekir II No.15, Kebayoran, Jakarta 12220. Tel: +62-21-7394041, Fax: +62-21-7394039 E-mail:, Website:


Agricultural Standards Book


Agricultural Standards Book


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