Gourmet News • Spring Cheese Guide 2023

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4 The Cheese Guide contents table of
NEAL President ABEER ABIAAD Vice President ANTHONY SOCCI Vice President of Sales YASMINE BROWN Production Manager/Art Director AJ FLICK Senior Editor JOELLEN LOWRY Editor HEATHER ALBRECHT Customer Service Manager JAMIE GREEN Circulation Manager The Cheese Guide is a product of Gourmet News, published by Oser Communications Group ©Copyright 2023 All rights reserved Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission of the publisher, is expressly prohibited Executive and editorial offices located at: 1877 N Kolb Road • Tucson, AZ 85715 T 520 721 1300 • F 520 721 6300 www osercommunicationsgroup com LEE M. OSER JR. Founder Le Gruyère AOP Made in Switzerland, Loved Worldwide Murray’s Cheese Coming to a Kroger store near you Monti Trentini Crafts Cheese With Passion Infor AI Improves Amalthea’s Cheese Quality, Yields Bel Brands USA Adds Animal-Free Nurishh OSER COMMUNICATIONS GROUP www gourmetnews com 6 9 10 12 14

Le Gruyère AOP

made in Switzerland




he screen glows an eerie blue, then fills with swirling white mists. e f ly through the misty cloud and emerge over a craggy, snowaped mountain range … over a clear, glassy lake that mirrors a uge mountain beside it and the blue sky above … over a agnificent green valley nestled among the hills.

n the valley below, the roofs of a small town lie clustered together round a church and its steeple. Now, we glide over elegant, akeside castles and mansions with acres of emerald green armland … toward a sunny alpine meadow … music swells as the amera zooms in on and circles … a cow.

Actually, a small herd of cows, happily munching on verdant grass and colorful wildflowers

Yes, the much-loved “Sound of Music” has a similar opening, but this isn’t a story about a singing nanny This is a story about a much-loved cheese, created in Switzerland in a time-honored tradition

Le Gruyère AOP, a hard cheese made from unpasteurized milk, is created today just as it was in the year 1115, said Denis Kaser, whose job it is to travel the world, educating those in the food industry as well as consumers about the gourmet cheese from the French-speaking region of Switzerland

Those who are familiar with Le Gruyère know that the hard cheese melts beautifully, lending itself famously as the choice for cheese fondue

Le Gruyère is recognized as one of the world’s best cheeses, proven by 22 awards, including four as best in the world, including in the cheese capital of the United States, W isconsin

Kaser is prepared to present global activities involving Le Gruyère, from food trucks to meeting with chefs to inviting bloggers and influencers and holding classes on the traditional process of producing the artisanal cow’s milk cheese

Le Gruyère is actively promoting the cheese in 25 countries

“The first priority is the U S market,” Kaser said “It’s the most important market inter nationally for us ”

Le Gruyère works with its U S partners to promote the cheese, holding classes in regional shops as well as appearing at trade shows, including the W inter Fancy Food Show in Las Vegas, where Kaser sat down with Gourmet News

Last fall, Le Gruyère launched its own T ikTok account, sharing lively videos and a variety of recipes While Le Gruyère explores contemporary media to promote the cheese, it never compromises on its tradition of cheesemaking

“You cannot promote successfully without having a quality product,” Kaser said “We’ve never heard from consumers or retailers having a quality complaint We’ve never had quality issues ”

Only cheese made in the Swiss Gruyère district in the cantons of Fribourg, Jura, Jura Ber nois, Neuchâtel and Vaud using the original recipe can be called Le Gruyère The Appellation D’Origine Protégée (AOP, or Guarantee of Origin) assures that it is authentic

In an age when food makers are introducing traceability, that’s a step also steeped in tradition at Le Gruyère Each wheel is not only molded on the rind (the heel) with Le Gruyère AOP along with a casein – a natural milk protein – that includes the production date, number of the wheel and the cheese dairy before it’s pressed

As consumers demand clean labels and only natural ingredients, Le Gruyère has never used additives In fact, the dairies aren’t even allowed to feed their cows anything with additives The cows feed on grass and flowers in the mountains over the summer and hay in the winter when they are back in the valley dairies

The milk dairy and cheese dairy cannot be more than 14 miles away from each other Many of the farms are family farms, with the tradition passed down from one generation to another

Cws are milked twice a day The mor ning milk is poured into vats with the previous night’s milk The cheesemaker then adds starter cultures for the maturation process and rennet to tur n the milk into curd Because the milk is not heated before the curding process, it preserves the flavors of a quality raw milk cheese

Sharp rakes called cheese harps slice the curd into small pieces, after which the vat is heated gradually up to 57 degrees for 40 to 45 minutes When the curds are cut to the size of a grain of wheat, the cheesemaker’s skills really come into play – grabbing a handful of curd, squeezing it and testing the texture

After the wheel is pressed, it soaks in a saltwater bath for 24 hours; it will be regularly tur ned and brushed with salt water, which creates the heel, as it ages in the temperature-controlled cellar that remains at 15 degrees with 93 to 95 percent humidity

After four months, experts from the Interprofession du Gruyère –affineurs – check the wheels, tapping a small hammer on the rinds, listening for consistency in the texture

Only after five months of aging and an affineur’s careful inspection and tasting can a wheel bear the name Le Gruyère AOP, and be put on the market or proceed to further aging Wheels that don’t pass inspection are not sold

Each cheese dairy has a quota to achieve “No more, nov less,” Kaser said

The mildest Le Gruyère is aged six to nine months Le Gruyère AOP Réserve is aged 10 months and has a stronger, aromatic taste

Le Gruyère Alpage is produced from May to October and, thanks to the summer wildflowers that the cows devour, has an elegant floral taste Kaser said it also carries a smoky flavor

Le Gruyère sells an organic cheese, Bio, in Europe

M u r r a y ’ s C h e e s e


to a Kroger store


Curiosity may not be kind to cats, but it could be cheese’s best friend

“All it takes is curiosity A little curiosity goes a long way,” said Elizabeth Chubbock, chief strategy officer for Murray’s Cheese “The reason we educate our cheesemongers is so they can inspire the curiosity of consumers, lead them to a new discovery, surprise and delight them ”

Late last year, Murray’s opened its 1,000th shop within Kroger stores and already has added dozens more this year

“We’re always looking for ways to inspire customers,” she said, such as grilling halloumi to introduce the traditional Cypriot cheese to consumers

“Halloumi has been around for a long time but it’s fun and exciting to find ways to get consumers to something new ”

Murray’s is famous for its specialty cheese food shop in New York City’s Greenwich V i l l a g e , e s t a b l i s h e d i n t h e 1960s It remains the “retail heart and soul” of Murray’s m o re re c e n t v e n t u re s , including the Kroger kiosks

Each Murray’s Cheese shop in the Kroger family of stores carries more than 150 cheese as well as charcuterie, olives c r a c k e r s a n d s p e c i a l t y f o o items from all over the world

“The kiosk cheese shops ar meant to be a reflection of ou flagship store,” Chubbock sai “Kroger came to Murray’s in th early 2000s, wanting to brin this experience into their store

“We took the flagship sto as a model and scaled it dow with merchandise and training, and it came to life within Kroger stores We launched in maybe 2007 in our first stores and have just grown very, very quickly over the years ”

Kroger bought Murray’s Cheese in 2017, making it a subsidiary under the nationwide grocery chain The Greenwich Village store operates separately, with the kiosks operating under store managers

One thing that sets Murray’s Cheese apart is its extensive training program for aspiring cheesemongers

“Our training programs are leading the industry,” Chubbock said

The training team recruits cheesemongers and gives them interactive, hands-on training and tastings In the last six or seven years, Murray’s has sent some 2,000 cheesemongers to the American Cheese Society’s certification program

“It’s pretty robust training,” Chubbock said “It rides on top of regular training as something our team offers as part of our service-driven mission ”

It makes you wonder, with Kroger offering Murray’s Cheese shops in more than 30 states, where do they find all those people wanting to be cheesemongers? It’s not like kids raise their hands in school when a teacher asks if they want to be a cheesemonger when they grow up

“A lot of the cheesemongers are already in the stores,” Chubbock said “ M a y b e t h e y c a m e f ro m a d i ff e re n t d e p a r t m e n t W h a t w e h e a r continuously is that they really enjoy it and appreciate the extra emphasis on training

Others may come from other ers, either they’re retired or ed early and want something do with lower pressure than r jobs,” she said “Sometimes, come from culinary schools to something that stays within r i n t e re s t , o r t h e y ’ v e b e e n king in a restaurant ”

The extensive training is vital to er consumers to cheeses suited different occasions or seasons “Consumers are interested in w a n d e x c i t i n g f l a v o r s , ” u b b o c k s a i d “ Tr a d i t i o n a l eese is always a big driver for over the holidays, like Le ruyère

“ W h e n w e l o o k a t s p r i n g , h a t ’s d r i v i n g t h e m e rc h a n d i s e re f re s h , i n n o v a t i v e f l a v o r s n d i d e a s T h i n k o f c h e e s e s h f l o w e r s , f r u i t o r u n i q u e e r y ’s S t r a w b e r r y S p r i t z g o a t s ’ m i l k i s e x c e l l e n t a s w e l l a s M e y e r L e m o n & H o n e y C h e v re f ro m C y p re s s G ro v e ”

Chubbock said Murray’s is on the hunt for the right vegan cheese

“There are a lot of really excellent ones out there on the market,” she said “Oftentimes, the texture is so extreme It’s challenging and difficult I think for people who are not able to eat cheese made traditionally with milk or choose not to I’m thrilled there are so many really interesting and well-made options out there And there’s still room to evolve I’m curious to see how it moves along

“As cheese sellers, we pay attention, take seriously and support the evolution of the industry At the end of the day, we want to have cheese for people whether it’s dairy or not

“Let them eat cheese ”

The Cheese Guide 9

Monti Trentini crafts with


Having grown up on the historic Finco Dairy, where the third and fourth generations of the family continue the traditions of Monti Trentini gourmet cheese, there isn’t much that surprises Maria Vittoria Finco about cheese

But a group of fellow millennials took her by surprise when they stopped by the Monti Trentini booth at the 2023 W inter Fancy Food Show

“They knew all about Grana Padano and Italian cheese,” she said “It was fun to see these people my age with such knowledge and experience about Italian cheese ”

Lest anyone think cheesemaking is a glamorous profession, Finco knows from watching her father make Monti Trentini cheese that it isn’t something a lot of people her age want to pursue

“It’s hard work to be a cheesemaker,” she said “You have to wake up early every day of the week and work hard

“Those who do it are very passionate about it It’s something my father enjoys Yes, it’s a hard life The milk is not always the same He is always checking the properties People who want to go into the industry do it because making cheese makes them happy ”

Being a cheesemaker is also a challenge because of variables in the weather that affect what the cows eat, which can alter their milk Too much rain, too little rain, the level of humidity – all can have various effects on the milk and cheese

Monti Trentini produces more than 50 cheeses with more than 300

products divided into different cuts and packaging

One of the best-selling products is an aged cheese with truffle It was so popular at the W inter Fancy Food Show that they ran out of samples

New to the brand is the Aged Drunken Cheese, a cow’s milk cheese infused with ripples of merlot and aged from three to six months or more

At this year’s Summer Fancy Food Show, expect to see new packaging and logo, a project that was postponed by the pandemic

Each generation of the Finco family has passed down the traditions to the next generation, finding ways to make the traditional cheese with innovations

“ O u r g re a t - g r a n d f a t h e r p a s s e d t h e l a n d a n d t r a d i t i o n s t o o u r grandfather, who passed it to my father, who is passing it to my cousins and me It means a lot to us,” Finco said

Finco handles marketing and communications for the brand, while her cousins cover sales, packaging and contemporary issues such as energy Just because Monti Trentini cheese is made in a historic dairy on the Sette Comuni plateau in Gallio doesn’t mean solar panels can’t be utilized and practices to improve sustainability can’t be enacted

“It’s a big thing with us, to take care of the environment and animals,” Finco said “Happy cows make happy milk and happy cheese It’s true!”

The family culls milk from local cow dairies, many of which are small family dairies with as few as 30 cows up to maybe 100

“It's easier to take care of them when there are fewer cows,” she said “And there’s a true affection for them Every cow has a real value ”

10 The Cheese Guide

Infor AI Improves

Amalthea’s Cheese Quality, Yields

Amalthea, a leading global provider of goat cheese and organic cow cheese, is using the industry cloud company Infor’s integrated artificial intelligence solution to help improve cheese quality and yields, build customer loyalty and boost sustainability

For every one percent increase in yields, Amalthea expects to save approximately 500,000 euros, which it can reinvest to further develop the business Amalthea plans to significantly increase its manufacturing capacity in five years to meet the high demand for more cheese types and innovative solutions such as its CleardMilk formula, a process that can extract whey, cream and other components from raw milk This helps lessen waste and improve sustainability practices

Headquartered in the Netherlands, Amalthea strives to make the most of the top-quality goat milk it receives from about 50 goat farmers who are members of the Amalthea Cooperative of Goat Farmers Amalthea’s stated mission is to enhance the lives of consumers, customers and farmers by making delicious and nutritious dairy products in a sustainable way, based on utilizing the richness of goat and cow milk to the full extent

One of the biggest challenges for dairy manufacturers such as Amalthea is that milk composition varies across farms and seasons Therefore, there is no standard recipe that can be applied across all milk batches to achieve consistent quality and yield Close monitoring and steering of the cheese production process is required to create cheese consistency so that customers stay loyal and Amalthea maximizes yield potential

“Our customers require consistency in the cheese we produce,” said Joris Aarts, chief financial officer at Amalthea “The big challenge is that milk is the raw material used to produce cheese and, by nature, is very unstable and inconsistent over the seasons Infor Coleman AI helps us make cheese production as stable and predictable as possible, in terms of quality and yield, so that our customers are happy ”

For each of its cheese batches, Amalthea used to set a target yield based on the practical or past knowledge of production When a cheese batch deviated from the target yield or the right target yield wasn’t set, factory operators had to take action and make changes to production to make the process more efficient

Past production issues were identified by manually processing data and analyzing it on a weekly basis W ith approximately 240,000 liters of milk processed each day, it was not optimal to wait a week or sometimes a month to get insights and make necessary system changes to optimize yield

“ I n t h e p a s t , w e h a d t o d o t h e s e m i l k y i e l d calculations manually, and we were only able to do this once per week, or sometimes once per month, so it was too late,” Aarts said “On top of that, we were not able to calculate the yields per batch

“ We c o u l d i m p ro v e m i l k y i e l d s o m e w h a t , b u t n o w w i t h I n f o r C o l e m a n A I , w e c a n n o t o n l y s e e t h e y i e l d s p e r c h e e s e b a t c h i n re a l t i m e , b u t i t a l s o g i v e s u s d i re c t i n s i g h t i n t o w h a t c o n t r i b u t o r s a re c a u s i n g a h i g h e r o r l o w e r m i l k y i e l d s o t h e o p e r a t o r s c a n d i re c t l y a c t o n i t ”

In 2020, Amalthea moder nized its ERP with Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage and leveraged the power of Infor’s cloud technology platform, Infor OS, to solve a c r i t i c a l m i l k y i e l d b u s i n e s s p ro b l e

12 The Cheese Guide
h i s w a s

applications, data silos and lack of time and resources

The moder nization formed the building blocks to create AI-driven applications quickly and efficiently Amalthea’s AI-driven yield deviation detection and explanation is now fully automated – from data collection and processing to presentation

Amalthea is utilizing Infor CloudSuite Food & Beverage throughout its supply chain, from the reception of milk to the cheese warehouse It interfaces with and helps automate production systems in the factory, such as weighing units and processing tanks

Infor technology also has helped Amalthea improve the speed and efficiency of its financial closing process from weeks to days According to Aarts, having the business now fully running in the cloud with Infor provides a strong foundation for future growth, as data insights will play an increasingly important role in dairy production

“Infor has a process catalog specifically designed for dairy, and it can give us good insights into milk utilization and yields,” Aarts said “This utilization of milk is the most important way in which we can manage costs, so Infor already has helped us save money with that

“Now, with Infor Coleman AI implemented,” he said, “we can stretch that even further because we have more real-time data and information about this milk yield ”

Amalthea is a Dutch goat cheese and organic cow cheese producer affiliated with the goat farmers’ cooperative with the same name The highest quality goat and organic cow milk is delivered every day and is then prepared in Amalthea's moder n cheese factory, where it is tur ned into award-winning Dutch goat and organic cow cheese

CleardMilk – the ideal basis for dairy and cheese innovations and local production – is also produced in that factory Based in Rijen (North Brabant), the Amalthea Group processes more than 130 million liters of milk annually and has a workforce of around 70 employees Its products are sold in more than 35 countries

Infor is a global leader in business cloud software specialized by industry It develops complete solutions for focus industries Infor’s mission-critical enterprise applications and services are designed to deliver sustainable operational advantages with security and faster time to value

More than 60,000 organizations in more than 175 countries rely on Infor’s 17,000 employees to help achieve their business goals

The Cheese Guide 13
p re v i o u s l y h a rd t o t a c k l e b e c a
s e o f o u t d a t e d a n d d i
c o n n e c t e d

Bel Brands USA

add s

Animal-Free Nurishh

Building on the successful launches of Babybel Plant-Based and Boursin Dairy-Free, Bel Brands USA has launched Nurishh Incredible Dairy Animal Free Cream Cheese Spread Alter native, created in partnership with Perfect Day and The Laughing Cow Plant-Based, which join the ranks of Bel’s beloved cheeses with alter native dairy options to reach even more consumers

Consumers continue to demand a wide range of dairy and dairy alter native cheese products to meet their dietary preferences Bel is positioned to leverage its 150 years of experience to understand what makes cheese, cheese Bel continues to work closely with consumers to develop each product and ensure cheese lovers’ expectations are met for the taste, texture and richness that more closely mimics the dairy-based cheeses consumers already know and love

As Bel Brands USA pioneers into new territories of dairy alter natives, its portfolio of products have been met with positive consumer feedback and e x p a n d e d d i s t r i b u t i o n , p a v i n g t h e w a y f o r c o n t i n u e d p ro d u c t d e v e l o p m e n t , i n n o v a t i o n a n d n e w f o r w a rd - t h i n k i n g p a r t n e r s h i p s , i n c l u d i n g P e r f e c t D a y, t h e p re c i s i o n f e r m e n t a t i o n l e a d e r t h a t h a s developed a kinder, greener protein designed for a more sustainable future

“At Bel Brands USA, we’re proud to offer a wide array of products for c h e e s e l o v e r s e v e r y w h e re re g a rd l e s s o f t h e i r d i e t a r y a n d l i f e s t y l e preferences,” said Shannon Maher, chief marketing officer “Building on the success and consumer excitement from Babybel Plant-Based and Boursin Dairy-Free, we’re thrilled to unveil new innovations from both our most well-known brand with the launch of The Laughing Cow Plant-Based

14 The Cheese Guide

as well as leveraging new technology through a partnership with Perfect Day to launch our breakthrough animal-free offering with Nurishh Incredible Dairy When it comes to all of our offerings, fans don't have to compromise on taste, flavor or enjoyment ”

Bel's newest plant-based and animal-free dairy offerings include Nurishh Incredible Dairy and The Laughing Cow Plant-Based Bel’s first alter native dairy brand, Nurishh, has launched an animal-free cream cheese spread alter native that tastes just as good as traditional cream cheese because it contains real dairy proteins without using any cows and is lactose-free Developed in partnership with Perfect Day, Nurishh Incredible Dairy is c re a t e d t h ro u g h p re c i s i o n fermentation This revolutionary and sustainable process offers complete dairy protein, and the taste and texture of traditional d a i r y, w i t h o u t i n v o l v i n g a n y a n i m a l s I t i s a v a i l a b l e i n Original, Strawberry and Chive & Onion flavors for $4 99 at Kroger stores nationwide C e r t i f i e d p l a n t - b a s e d a n d v e g a n , T h e L a u g h i n g C o w Plant-Based delivers the great taste, creamy deliciousness and spreadability people know and love The Laughing Cow PlantBased will be coming soon to select retailers in Garlic & Herb and Original for $5 49

“This announcement marks an exciting step towards giving even more consumers the ability t o t r y w h a t ’s p o s s i b l e w h e n Perfect Day’s innovative animalfree protein is used by a best-inclass dairy leader,” said R yan Pandya, Perfect Day CEO and cof o u n d e r “ C o n s u m e r s a ro u n d t h e country will now be able to try kinder, greener animal-free cream cheese and make a delicious choice for the future of our planet ”

Bel Brands USA’s full line of plantbased and animal-free dairy products includes Babybel Plant-Based, Boursin Dairy-Free, The Laughing Cow PlantBased and Nurishh Incredible Dairy Animal Free as well as Nurishh’s line up of wholly plant-based products Beyond launching new products, Bel continues to look to the future by exploring partnerships with movers and shakers that have the same drive to make global industry changes for all, for the good of the planet These p a r t n e r s h i p s w i l l e n a b l e B e l t o c o n t i n u e t o i n n o v a t e a n d b r i n g forward first-in-class alter native dairy and dairy-based cheeses within the B e l B r a n d s U S A p o r t f o l i o N e w partnerships include Perfect Day, Standing Ovation and Superbrewed Food

Perfect Day, the precision fermentation leader, has developed the world’s first process for creating identical dairy proteins without animals Its animal-free protein is made using precision fermentation, a process in which microflora are given the genetic blueprint to “brew” milk protein, which means products are better for the planet, without compromising on taste, texture or delight

Nurishh Incredible Dairy is the first original cream cheese spread alter native made with Perfect Day protein to receive nationwide retail distribution Looking ahead to the future, consumers in the United States

can expect to see more innovations from this partnership between Bel and Perfect Day

S t a n d i n g O v a t i o n , a F re n c h c o m p a n y t h a t u s e s m i c ro - o r g a n i s m s a n d s c i e n c e t o c re a t e a n a n i m a l - f re e , e n v i ro n m e n t a l , t a s t y a l t e r n a t i v e c h e e s e , l e v e r a g e s a s i m i l a r t e c h n o l o g y a s P e r f e c t D a y I n s t e a d o f p ro d u c i n g w h e y p ro t e i n t h a t ' s u s e d i n c re a m y, s p re a d a b l e c h e e s e a l t e r n a t i v e s , S t a n d i n g O v a t i o n h a s i d e n t i f i e d a p ro c e s s t o p ro d u c e c a s e i n s , a s e c o n d f a m i l y o f d a i r y p ro t e i n s , t h a t o ff e r s o p p o r t u n i t y i n m o re d e n s e , f i r m c h e e s e o ff e r i n g s C o n s u m e r s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s w i l l s t a r t t o s e e i n n o v a t i o n s f ro m t h i s p a r t n e r s h i p c o m i n g t o s h e l v e s i n t h e c o m i n g y e a r s

Superbrewed Food, a company dedicated to developing protein-rich ingredients based on a cultured fermentation alter native protein platform makes a nutrient-rich protein ingredient made from microflora found in nature that converts plant fibers Their products deliver superior nutritional benefits, in addition to exceptional texture and t a s t e c o m p a re d t o o t h e r p l a n t o r m i c ro b i a l proteins

“Our innovation pipeline remains strong with the development of new products and flavors, leveraging new and evolving technology with a focus on our ongoing commitment to deliver products that meet the needs of all consumers and that they can feel good about eating,” said Florian Decaux, plant-based acceleration director at Bel Brands USA “By expanding our portfolio and entering strategic partnerships, we are able to act on and embrace key insights, live responsibly and provide delicious food that enables people to lead a good life ”

B e l p ro d u c e s m o re t h a n 3 0 l o c a l a n d inter national brands that are sold in more than 130 c o u n t r i e s a ro u n d t h e g l o b e B r a n d s i n c l u d e B a b y b e l , B o u r s i n , T h e Laughing Cow, Nurishh and p o p u l a r c h e e s e s p re a d s marketed under Kaukauna, Merkts and Price*s labels Bel Brands USA delivers fun snacks to over 400 million consumers globally

Founded in 2014 by R yan P a n d y a a n d P e r u m a l Gandhi, Perfect Day is on a mission to create a kinder, greener tomorrow through the harmony of science and nature Leveraging expertise a c ro s s b i o l o g y, f o o d i n n o v a t i o n a n d c o n s u m e r p ro d u c t s , P e r f e c t D a y s u p p o r t s c o m p a n i e s i n d e v e l o p i n g , s c a l i n g a n d c o m m e rc i a l i z i n g n e x tg e n e r a t i o n p ro d u c t s t h a t satisfy market demands and champion a path toward a sustainable future

T h e c o m p a n y ’s f l a g s h i p product, the world’s first precision-fermented protein, debuted in 2020 and can be found in animal-free ice creams, cream cheese, baked goods and sports nutrition products across the United States, Hong Kong and Singapore Instead of relying on cows, Perfect Day utilizes microflora to create proprietary animal-free milk protein Perfect Day’s protein can be used across a range of products to deliver the same taste and texture while supporting the planet An ISO compliant, third-party reviewed life cycle assessment found that Perfect Day’s whey protein reduces blue water consumption by up to 99 percent, greenhouse gas emissions by up to 97 percent and non-renewable energy use by up to 60 percent, when compared to conventional production methods

The Cheese Guide 15

feeding your

Inner Child(Vegan)

Entering the market with the tastiest boxed mac and cheese that just so happens to be vegan, GrownAs* Foods offers a nutritious, flavorful and eco-friendly alter native to the traditional boxed mac and cheese many are accustomed to From the makers of Seed Ranch Flavor Co , a gourmet hot sauce brand, GrownAs* is releasing its mac and cheese in two flavors, Classic and Truffle P ro u d l y p l a n t - b a s e d w i t h a s t e l l a r n u t r i t i o n p ro f i l e a n d s i m p l e ingredients including nutritional yeast, smoked paprika, potato and coconut flour, GrownAs* Foods has “cut the crap” found in conventional mac and cheese to deliver a non-gmo, cholesterol-free, nut-free, soy-free and sugar-free version that contains 25 grams of protein per box

GrownAs* Mac and Cheese boasts a savory flavor, a creamy texture and an “I can’t believe this is vegan” cheesiness

“The boxed mac and cheese category was truly in need of some love,” said David Delcourt, founder and CEO GrownAs* Foods “I’ve been vegan for over five years and never found a mac and cheese that I enjoyed, or that my children would eat “We kept imagining mac and cheese that everyone at the table could dig into, so we created it from scratch When it comes to taste, nutrition, sustainability and cheesiness, we beat out the mac and cheese of our childhood every time – and thanks to our mascot, Mac Man, we look good doing it ”

Packaged in a recyclable box and a 100 percent compostable pouch,

plant-based spread goes

GrownAs* Foods offers a fun, convenient, tasty and responsible way for consumers to feed their inner child, or actual child, in under 10 minutes

GrownAs* Foods Mac and Cheese is available for purchase on Amazon, in select grocery stores, and through the company’s website The company offers a variety of purchase options ranging from $10 to $65 (depending on the quantity) and also offers consumers five percent off if they subscribe and save GrownAs* also sells its vegan cheese for foodservice GrownAs* Foods is a plant-based company based out of Boulder, Colo GrownAs* Foods is a Seed Ranch Flavor Co subsidiary


Philadelphia, the leading cream cheese brand with 69 percent share of the category, is bringing its signature multi-sensorial experience to the plantbased aisle Philadelphia Plant-Based spread features a carefully crafted recipe with simple, high-quality ingredients, creamy spreadable texture and delicious taste

Less than half of consumers who try plant-based spreads a re re p e a t c u s t o m e r s , indicating that current options a re n ’t m e e t i n g t h e e v o l v i n g preferences of cream cheese lovers A recipe more than two y e a r s i n t h e m a k i n g , P h i l a d e l p h i a P l a n t - B a s e d spread marks the first time a m a i n s t re a m c re a m c h e e s e brand is entering the plantbased market with a recipe that mirrors the delicious taste and creamy texture of the iconic Philadelphia brand

W ith this new offering, the brand hopes to attract the 52 percent of

consumers who want to add more plant-based foods to their diets

“The influx of flexitarian consumers has driven growth within the plantbased market, which is now more than 20 times the size of the vegan population,” said Robert Scott, president of research and development at The Kraft Heinz Company “As the brand that has set the cream cheese standard for 150 years, we realized the current options weren’t meeting consumer expectations and there was no trusted leader

“Philadelphia Plant-Based spread not only provides a solution that mirrors the taste and texture of our iconic Philadelphia brand, but it also reinforces Kraft Heinz’s bet to bring plantbased offerings to the masses ”

M a d e w i t h s i m p l e i n g re d i e n t s a n d n o added flavors or dyes, Philadelphia PlantBased spread is free of dairy, lactose and gluten It is available in the beloved original cream cheese flavor Philadelphia fans know and love, at select retailers in the Southeast United States – with additional flavors planned for the national rollout in summer 2023

16 The Cheese Guide
– and your child, too!

505 Southwestern hatches novel


chile from the Hatch Valley in the recipe The Hatch Valley green chile queso will bring 505’s signature bold flavors to the sauce and is the perfect queso for tortilla chips, hot dogs, nachos and more

“For 25 years, 505SW has been committed to creating the highest quality products using the best and most simple ingredients from the Hatch Valley, N M Now we are excited to bring this level of quality to our queso,” said Sam Carson, president “Why settle for less? You deserve 505 Southwester n Queso, because it’s the only national brand made with authentic Hatch Valley Green Chile 505SW Queso is an amazing cheese sauce and it’s evident in the flavor, texture and quality of the product Reward your taste buds!”

Additional ingredients in the queso include Monterey Jack cheese, jalapeños, Hatch Valley green chile and tomatoes The new line of queso is sold in 12-ounce glass jars throughout the Wester n United States and select markets nationwide in a variety of grocers including Walmart,

Safeway, Albertsons, Bashas’ and Kroger

505SW started in 1997 when Albuquerque resident Roy Solomon began bottling and selling his recipes for green chile sauce and salsa Honoring his local area code to develop the brand, Solomon’s “magic ingredient” was fire-roasted, Hatch Valley green chiles

W ith humble beginnings as a local favorite, the brand has grown to become the largest nationally distributed jarred green chile sauce brand 505SW is sold in every U S state and inter nationally

505SW’s parent company, Flagship Food Group, operates multiple facilities in New Mexico throughout the state and created the 505SW –New Mexico True Scholars program in 2017 to support local New Mexico high school students interested in studying agriculture in college

Cheesecake in the Bag

To kick off its holiday promotions, Philadelphia created a kit for consumers to make the Philly Handbag, a homemade dessert gift The h a n d b a g w a s m e a n t t o o p e n peoples’ eyes to the wonders of cheesecake, bringing creativity and inspiration to the 46 million slices of P h i l l y c h e e s e c a k e e n j o y e d e a c h holiday season

T h e l i m i t e d - e d i t i o n P h i l l y Handbag, inspired by the growing dupe culture and the viral “is it cake” trend, gave fashionable – and hungry – s h o p p e r s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o transform an en vogue fashion staple into a delicious tasting experience – i they were quick enough to add it to the cart

Online shoppers could purchas the Philly Handbag cheesecake kit fo $19 10, complete with step-by-ste instructions and materials needed t be immersed in the experience o baking their own cheesecake creation Complete with a plush quilted

leather” fondant, silver-encrusted chain and decadent creamy interior, the Philly Handbag was the latest addition to the l d ’s m o s t i c o n i c b a g s , i n c l u d i n g i t s ntessential Philly PP clasp h e P h i l l y H a n d b a g i n t ro d u c e d t h e n d ’s “ C h e e s e c a k e I s E v e r y t h i n g ” m p a i g n , w h i c h c e l e b r a t e d n e w a n d miliar creative spins on cheesecake From i d a y b a k i n g i n s p i r a t i o n t o c re a t i v e ipes of popular gifts, “Cheesecake Is erything” encouraged cheesecake lovers reach for the beloved brick once again

“As a brand that has set the cream eese standard for 150 years, we saw w m u c h f a n s m i s s e d o u r b e l o v e d oliday dessert in the midst of last year’s eam cheese shortage,” said Keenan h i t e , s e n i o r b r a n d m a n a g e r, hiladelphia cream cheese at the Kraft einz Company “We wanted to show up a big way to share that cheesecake is le also igniting the endless possibilities that cheesecake presents

The Cheese Guide 17


Le Gruyère AOP

Here are some facts about Le Gruyère AOP:

• Le Gruyère AOP is produced using raw milk

• Le Gruyère AOP is natural –there are no additives, no GMOs and no preservatives

• Le Gruyère AOP is naturally gluten and lactose free

• Each wheel of Gruyère AOP is aged for a minimum of five months before being released for sale and can be aged for between 14 and 18 months It can be kept for more than 24 months for cheese lovers looking for an even stronger flavor

• A wheel of Gruyère AOP weighs between 25 and 40 kg

What does AOP mean?

It means it has a protected designation of origin. To be considered AOP, you have to have:

• A tradition

• A limited production zone

• A name

• A knowhow and a history

• A product

Production process has been maintained since the origins of Gruyère AOP back in the year 1115 and is strictly respected by the milk producers, the cheesemakers and the affineurs who follow the rules of the AOP specifications.

Le Gruyère www.gruyere.com

Odyssey S weet Heat Crumbled Feta Cheese

Klondike Cheese Co has added a fiery cheese sensation with their new Odyssey® Sweet Heat flavored feta cheese

With red, green and habanero peppers, it offers a bit of kick to any of your favorite traditional dishes

Consumers are looking for hot and unique flavor combinations The blend of the spicy, salty and tanginess of the cheese can be added to scrambled eggs, omelets and burritos These recipe applications open up new ways to serve feta cheese than on your traditional salad Mix into a cream cheese and Greek yogurt to make a zesty


Odyssey is made using only the freshest Wisconsin cow’s milk by master cheesemakers for the last three out of the four generations at Klondike’s plant It’s a great story and a great product to share with consumers.

Odyssey Sweet Heat Feta is only one flavor out of the seven varieties offered to fill your case To find all the flavors and sizes available, please go online or call

Klondike Cheese Co 608.325.3021 www.klondikecheese.com

Nicasio Valley Blackbird Trio

Perfect for holiday gifting, Nicasio Valley’s Blackbird Trio combines three of its finest aged cheeses Formagella, with its velvety white exterior, is the mildest of Nicasio’s aged cheeses, similar to Camembert or Brie Tomino, a soft-ripening cheese, is a delicate, lightly washed rind cheese with a pungent aroma and

S o ciété Ro quefor t

This year, Société Roquefort celebrates 160 years of unique artisanal savoir-faire. The recipe, of course, is a lot older: references to Roquefort cheese trace back to antiquity

However, it was in 1863 that Société des Caves et Producteurs Réunis was bor n when various Roquefort producers decided to join forces and create what would become the iconic brand of Roquefort

More than one and a half centuries later, a lot of things changed, but some have stayed the same: Société Roquefort is still made with the raw milk of Lacaune sheep, and it is still ripened in the geological feast of natural

architecture that is the ancient limestone caves of Roquefort’s village.

Continuity has its benefits, as Société Roquefort has remained the most balanced Roquefort, one that perfectly combines the bold blue flavor and the subtle creamy aroma of raw sheep’s milk, staying true to one of the most complex and distinguished flavors in the cheese world!

Société Roquefort comes in bulk and in a resealable 3 5-ounce wedge

Société Roquefort societeroquerfort.com

Crave Brothers Farmers Rop e String Cheese

Crave Brothers Farmers Rope String Cheese is truly a one of a kind The coil appearance is trademarked by Crave Brothers and resembles a rope lasso Not only is the Farmers Rope a fun shape, but it also has all of the qualities you look for in an engaging children (and adult) snack

The part-skim Mozzarella String Cheese allows for you to “play with your food” and string the cheese apart while you eat. It also makes for a unique garnish String off a piece of string cheese, tie it into a loose bow and put on top of

your soups Try cutting a piece in half and wrapping prosciutto around it and skewering it with a toothpick for another handheld appetizer

For the pizza lovers out there, add the Farmers Rope to your pizza crust for a gooey, milky flavor of cheese stuffed pizza! The possibilities are endless with Crave Brothers Farmstead Classic Farmers Rope String Cheese and can bring a unique visual to your deli and cheese case!

Crave Brothers www.cravecheese.com

Bonnie’s Jams Red Pepp er Jelly

a powerful, yet pleasant flavor Nicasio Reserve, a classic SwissItalian mountain cheese, has a rich flavor and is a gold-medal winner at the California State Fair

Nicasio Valley Cheese Co. www nicasiocheese com

Red Pepper Jelly has always been a favorite in the American South Bonnie created this signature flavor based on a delicious version from a dear friend in Alabama After a lot of experimentation in her kitchen, and a lot of tasty samples shared with friends, Bonnie created her signature Red Pepper Jelly for

folks to enjoy at home. Made using fresh sweet red peppers, seeded habanero, cider vinegar and sugar, it’s the perfect combination of sweet and heat

Bonnie’s Jams 209 814 2871 www.bonniesjams.com

18 The Cheese Guide


Bellwether Farms’ Whole Milk Basket Ricotta

As many fans of Bellwether Farms already know, delicious, authentic ricotta is one of life’s simple pleasures and is arguably the most enjoyable by itself with a spoon Whole Milk Basket Ricotta’s smooth, creamy, pillowy-soft texture and delicate, slightly sweet flavor make for an indulgent snack, dessert, a star in a variety of savory dishes – and everything in between

In accordance with Bellwether Farms’ motto, “whole is better,” Bellwether Farms’ hand-dipped Whole Milk Basket Ricotta is made from whole, full-fat Jersey cow milk straight from healthy, happy cows The Whole Milk Basket Ricotta is even housed in its original draining basket, another touch that harkens back to the days of artisanal cheese production and makes it truly unique

“We are delighted that our Whole Milk Basket Ricotta is resonating, because it’s a product we are particularly proud of,” says Liam Callahan, owner of Bellwether Farms “We hear from folks all the time that they’ve never had ricotta as good as ours, and it makes sense. There’s nothing else quite like it on the market, and you can really taste the difference We can’t think of a better way to head into our 35th an-

niversary year than to continue this great momentum into 2021 ” To lear n more about Bellwether Farms’ Whole Milk Basket Ricotta, how #WholeIsBetter and for a store locator, please visit Bell-

Odyssey Tzatziki Greek Yo gur t Dip

Klondike Cheese Company introduces a healthier alter native to a traditional sour cream-based dip with its new Odyssey® brand Tzatziki Greek Yogurt Dip This is a gluten-free and rBST-free cow’s milk dip that has crunchy cucumbers and a zest of garlic and dill.

wetherFarms com Founded in 1986 in Sonoma County, familyowned and -operated Bellwether Farms lovingly crafts dairy products using whole, full-fat sheep’s milk and cow’s milk With a fervent commitment to traditional, artisanal techniques, Bellwether Farms’ smallbatch cheeses and yogurts are found in grocery stores nationwide and have won dozens of awards One percent of Bellwether Farms’ sales go to organizations providing hunger relief or food-related education Lear n more and follow on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

Bellwether Farms www bellwetherfarms com

Pine River’s Mango Hab anero Cold Pack Cheese Spread

Mango Habanero is one of the newest spreads to join Pine River’s Cold Pack Cheese Spread lineup This spread has a softer texture and brings together the sweetness of mango with the heat of habanero peppers for an addictive sweet and spicy snack combination.

Founded on more than five generations of experience in the dairy industry, Pine River prides itself on selecting only the highestquality dairy ingredients for a difference you can taste in the cheese spreads Pine River uses Grade A Wisconsin Cheddar, graded and aged in-house by licensed Wisconsin cheese graders, and award-winning

Grade A butter from a neighboring dairy A combination of 9- to 24month-old Cheddar and specifically formulated whey adds delicious flavor and smooth texture to the spreads. Add to this a dedicated staff of cheese spread makers who skillfully craft the cheese spreads into perfection in every batch

Pine River offers three styles of cheese spread – Cold Pack, Clean Label and a Shelf-Stable Gourmet Snack Spread. Each is crafted one batch at a time in a state-ofthe art facility in Newton, Wis

Pine River Cheese Spread 800.722.4217 www.pineriver.com

Odyssey Tzatziki Greek Yogurt Dip has only 30 calories per serving, two times the protein, and five live and active cultures compared to traditional sour cream based dips

“Our Tzatziki Greek Yogurt Dip is perfect for dipping veggies, chips or crackers, spread on sandwiches or burgers and use in gyros and other Mediterranean

dishes,” stated Luke Buholzer, VP of sales at Klondike Cheese Company. “Consumers are excited about the line of Odyssey Tzatziki Greek Yogurt Dip not only because of the flavor and nutrition but they like understanding where it is coming from Wisconsin is known for its amazing fresh dairy and our Tzatziki is no different ”

The Tzatziki Greek Yogurt Dip is an addition to the family of other Odyssey Greek Yogurt Dips available in these delicious flavors: Southwest, French Onion and Bell Pepper.

Odyssey Brands www.odysseybrands.com

Fiorucci Panino Variety Tray

The new Fiorucci Panino Variety Tray allows consumers to create a delicious party tray instantly, featuring three mouthwatering meat and cheese combinations that are ready to serve and eat anytime

Each 15-ounce package contains seven handwrapped rolls of pepperoni, prosciutto and hard salami, all surrounding individual sticks of creamy, white, rBST hormone free mozzarella cheese Made from pork containing no artificial flavors, colors or ingredients, the zesty pepperoni, silky prosciutto and smoky hard salami are all made from select cuts of pork that

are cured, aged and spiced using classic Italian recipes, then wrapped around cool, buttery mozzarella.

Each serving is an excellent source of calcium and protein, gluten free, low-carb, keto friendly and contains zero grams of sugar

Product is available to ship to customers immediately, with a guaranteed shelf life of 45 days upon delivery and over 600 units per pallet. Suggested retail price is $17 to $19

www fioruccifoods com

Old Cro c Grand Reser ve Australian Cheddar

Grand Reserve is crafted with milk from grass-fed cows and nonGMO ingredients Grand Reserve is carefully aged a minimum of 2 full years for a bold, rich flavor The cheese’s texture is surprisingly creamy, yet crumbly with notice-

ably crunchy crystals Grand Reserve completes the brand’s top-selling lineup of 7-ounce chunks, which includes medium, sharp, extra sharp and smoked Cheddars

Old Croc www oldcroccheese com

20 The Cheese Guide
Fiorucci Foods



Bellwether Farms Whole Milk Basket Ricotta

Buholzer Brothers Muenster Cheese

Marinated Ciliegine Fresh Mozzarella

Fiorucci Panino Variety Tray Odyssey Traditional Feta Chunk in Brine

Bellwether Farms 707 763 0993 www.bellwetherfarms.com

Klondike Cheese Company 608 325 3021 ww.buholzerbrothers.com

Crave Brothers Farmstead Cheese LLC 920 478 4887 www.cravecheese.com

Campofrio Food Group America

Fiorucci Foods 800.520.7775 www fioruccifoods com

Klondike Cheese Co 608.325.3021 www odysseybrands com

Our whole milk basket ricotta starts with rich, whole Jersey cow milk produced on our neighbor’s farm We culture the milk to bring out its delicious flavors and then heat each batch in kettles until curds form. Sold in its original draining basket, this unique ricotta is known for its pillowy texture A ricotta like no other! MSRP: $8 99

Muenster is a semi-firm cheese with a creamy texture Perfect for grilled cheese, scrambled eggs or pizza This Muenster comes in a 6-pound loaf, 8-ounce chunk and an 8-ounce retail slice pack. Check out other available flavors in the Buholzer Brothers family, which include Brick, Muenster, Havarti and Gouda

Marinated Ciliegine Fresh Mozzarella is an appetizer in a cup This fresh, milky cheese meets a perfect blend of Italian seasonings and olive oil It is not only a great item for customers to take home, but you can add value to your deli bar and other store applications using this! MSRP: $3 99

F i o r u c c i i s p r o u d t o a n n o u n c e t h e n e w 1 5 - o u n c e P a n i n o Va r i e t y Tr a y, t h e p e r f e c t p r o d u c t f o r e n t e r t a i n i n g , h o s t i n g , b u i l d i n g a n e l e g a n t c h a r c u t e r i e b o a r d , o r s n a c k i n g f o r t h e f a m i l y. T h i s p r o d u c t f e a t u r e s t h r e e m o u t h w a t e r i n g c o m b i n a t i o n s o f I t a l i a n d r y - c u r e d m e a t w r a p p e d a r o u n d c r e a m y m o z z a r e l l a ; t o p - s e l l i n g p r o s c i u t t o , p e p p e r o n i a n d h a r d s a l a m i M S R P : $ 1 7 - $ 1 9

Traditional 8-ounce chunk brine is an authentic way to taste feta in the family line up of Odyssey® Feta Cheeses. With the exceptional mouth-feel and freshness you get from the cheese packaged in a brine solution, you can be guaranteed the highest quality taste and great flavor

A new brand to the categor y for semi-soft, mild flavored cheese. Offered in 6-pound loaves and 8-ounce chunks for your deli case Great for Detroit-style pizzas and melting on sandwiches Check out other available flavors in the Buholzer Brothers family, which include Muenster, Havarti and Gouda

First produced in Colby, Wisconsin, in 1885, Colby cheese has a mild flavor similar to mild Cheddar It has a firm, open texture with tiny holes Slice it for sandwiches, shred into casseroles or cube for snacks Colby has a sweet, nutty flavor that is mild and meant to be mild, yet nutty and flavorful Retail: $11/pound

Ellsworth Cooperative Creamer y Natural White Cheddar Cheese Curds taste like no other because they are crafted with only rBST free milk from 450 family farms throughout Wisconsin and Minnesota

This Blue Cheese Center Cut is perfect for the upscale and distinguished consumer who cares about sustainability and premium products They primarily use the center cut when entertaining and buy the cheese to include in appetizers such as charcuterie boards The center cut pairs well with nuts, crackers, meats, fruits and vegetables Consumers also love Litehouse Simply Artisan Blue Cheese Center Cut for snacking It’s a convenient snacking product that can be enjoyed with crackers, apple slices and almonds.

Soaked in a red wine vintner’s blend, this certified organic, cave-aged blue cheese surprises with bright berr y and plum notes An attractive rose blush hue to the rind makes this a standout for a holiday cheese platter Available in Whole Wheel, Mini-Wheel and Exact Weight Wedge formats.

The Litehouse Simply Artisan Blue Cheese Center Cut is the premium selection of the wheel, hand cored from the center where the flavor is the most rich and robust This award-winning handcrafted cheese is aged 100 days to ensure its signature robust flavor develops rBST Free and gluten free.

The Cheese Guide 21
Artisan Wraps Bluehorn Blue Cheese Artisan Blue Cheese Center Cut Litehouse Simply Artisan 800 669 3169 www litehousefoods com/contact Rogue Creamer y 541 665 1155 www roguecreamer y com Litehouse Simply Artisan 800 669 3169 www litehousefoods com
and United States
Cheese contests
and United
Championship Cheese Contests
American Cheese Society
Buholzer Brothers Brick Cheese Colby Cheese Natural White Cheddar Cheese Curds
608 325 3021 www buholzerbrothers com
2503 •
878 1107 www widmerscheese com Ellsworth Cooperative Creamer y 715 273 4311 www ellsworthcheese com
Widmer’s Cheese Cellars Inc.



Roquefort Société 3 5 ounces

Le Gruyère AOP Brie L’Indulgent

Asiago Vecchio 15 months

Lactalis American Group 212 758 6666 www societeroquefort com

Interprofession Du Gruyère +41 29 921 84 10 www.gruyere.com

Lactalis American Group 212.758.6666 www lactalisamericangroup com

Monti Trentini USA LLC www montitrentini com

Smoked Red Fox Rock Star, Vintage Cave Aged Cheddar


Atalanta Corporation 908 845 2156 www.beltonfarm.co.uk

Snowdonia Cheese Company Limited 647 760 6272 www.snowdonia-cheese.co.uk

2021 Gold medal at Concours International de Lyon

World’s Best Brie at the 2022 World Championship Cheese Contest

Silver medal at the 2017 World Cheese Awards

Société Roquefort is made from raw sheep’s milk and aged in the natural caves of the village of Roquefort A French classic, Roquefort represents the perfect equilibrium between the characteristic flavor of bold blue mold and the delicate creamy texture of raw sheep’s milk cheese. In 1925, honored to be the First ever PDO awarded cheese, Roquefort cheese just can’t be compared to any other!

Le Gruyère AOP cheese from Switzerland 100 percent artisanal handed down from generation to generation since 1115 The Protected Designation of Origin (AOP) recognizes a level of quality granted uniquely that gives it a specific character and an inimitable flavor. After six to nine months, Le Gruyère AOP Classic is aromatic and smooth and just right with mild flavor

Brie L’Indulgent is a triple crème Brie from the Meuse region east of Paris Unctuous and rich, no wonder it was awarded World’s Best Brie in 2022.

This Asiago Vecchio PDO is made exclusively with milk collected on the Asiago Plateau, located in the north eastern part of the Italian Alps After the natural skimming of the milk, which is made overnight, the milk is transformed in traditional copper vats by Florindo, an expert cheesemaker

Smoked Red Fox starts with Belton Farm’s most popular aged Red Leicester cheese, recognized for its complex blend of sweet and savor y flavors and cunningly unexpected crunch This authentic U.K. cheese is then cold smoked for 10 hours using natural oak chips for an award-winning, delicately smoky flavor

Rock Star, Snowdonia Cheese Company’s first ever vintage cave-aged Cheddar, has been matured to perfection within Welsh slate caverns in the heart of Snowdonia The result is irresistibly creamy Cheddar with a distinctively rich and complex flavor. Discover why Rock Star takes center stage on any cheeseboard Retail: $8 99/5 3 oz

J&M Foods’ Original Cheese Straws are a traditional Southern delicacy combining a light, crisp texture with just a hint of hot Ser ve them anytime as a snack, appetizer or hors d’oeuvre They’re a delicious counterpart to soups, salads, fruit and wine Retail: $3 99-$5 99

Fillo Factor y’s Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla Trumpets are quite possibly the most fun thing to come out of the pandemic They won a gold sofi Award this year As with all Fillo Factor y products the Trumpets are hand-made in small batches

Jarlsberg cheese, a Norseland brand based in Darien, Connecticut, has introduced a new lite version of its Minis, which are individually wrapped cheese wheels Each 20-gram portion contains 50 calories and 7 grams of protein Retail: $4 99/five-count bag, 99 cents individually

Pine River Cheese Spreads are made using only the finest dair y ingredients starting with Grade A Wisconsin Cheddar, aged in-house by specialized cheese spread makers These cheese spreads have won more than 170 awards Enjoy as a delicious snack, enhance your next cheese board or use in a recipe as an alternative to natural cheese

Dair yfood USA has taken its Cheese Dip & Pretzel Snack Pack concept to another level with a major redesign under the SnackUps brand SnackUps provide a more elevated snacking experience by combining Wisconsin-made cheese dip and crispy pretzels together for a satisfying snack

H a l l ’s O r i g i n a l S n a p p y B e e r C h e e s e h a s b e e n a f a n f a v o r i t e f o r m a n y d e c a d e s . H a l l ’s i s t h e p e r f e c t a d d i t i o n t o a n y t a i l g a t e , g e t t o g e t h e r o r j u s t t o s n a c k o n w h i l e b i n g e w a t c h i n g y o u r f a v o r i t e s h o w H a l l ’s b e e r c h e e s e i s a v a i l a b l e i n 8 - o u n c e a n d 2 4 - o u n c e t u b s H a l l ’s m e l t s s m o o t h l y o v e r m a n y o t h e r d i s h e s a n d i s a g a m e c h a n g e r i n m a n y f a l l f a v o r i t e s

22 The Cheese Guide
I M P O R T S Cheese Straws Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla Trumpets Jarlsberg Minis Lite Pine River Cold Pack Cheese Spread Cheese Dip Grab’n Go Snack Packs Hall’s Original Snappy Beer Cheese J&M Foods 800 264 2278 www janis-melanie com Fillo Factor y www fillofactor y com Norseland www jarlsberg com Pine River 800 722 4217 Ext 122 www pineriver com Dair yfood USA Inc. 608 437 5598 www dair yfoodusa com Hall’s Beer Cheese 859 396 0220 www beercheese com ACS Competition categor
Smoked Gouda flavor took 2nd place in 2017 U S Championship Cheese Contest – Pasteurized Process Cheese Spread Categor y
y: Up State New York

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