Broadcasters Show Daily @ NAB • April 18, 2023

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TEGNA Inc announced that Tim Thomas has been appointed President and General Manager at WTLV and WJXX, the NBC and ABC affiliates in Jacksonville, effective April 3, 2023. Thomas will be responsible for overseeing the stations’ operations across platforms, as well as leading community service efforts and driving results for advertisers

Thomas joins WTLV and WJXX, known as First Coast News, from West Texas where he was President and General Manager and led all operations across KWES, KXVA and KIDY Thomas led KWES and KXVA to significant broadcast share growth, and in 2022, KWES received a Regional Edward R Murrow Award for Overall Excellence In Midland-Odessa, the station partnered with local nonprofits to raise $1 4 million dollars for the Permian Basin Rehabilitation Center and supported thousands of families during the holidays through the Salvation Army

Previously, Thomas was station operations manager for WXIA-WATL in Atlanta, leading local on-air and digital programming and creating new business opportunities Prior to WXIA-WATL, Thomas was news operations director at First Coast News

“Tim’s leadership style, authenticity and teamwork are second to none,” said Larry Delia, Senior Vice President, Media Operations at TEGNA “His experience, strategic thinking and ability to foster an inclusive and positive culture make him a g r e a t f i t a s h e r e t u r n s t o Jacksonville to lead the First Coast News team ”

SES announced that the SES-18 and SES-19 satellites, designed and assembled by Northrop Grumman, were successfully launched by SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, United States, at 7:38 pm local time on Friday, March 17.

The two American-made satellites are the fourth and fifth – and final – satellites to be launched as part of SES’s C-band transition plan, following the launch of SES22 in June 2022 and the tandem launch of SES-20 and SES-21 in October 2022 These satellites are essential parts of SES’s plan to achieve the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) program to clear C-band spectrum to enable wireless operators to deploy 5G services across the contiguous U S (CONUS) while ensuring that SES’s existing customers continue to enjoy uninterrupted TV, radio and critical data transmission services to millions of Americans.

Since 2020, SES, along with other satellite operators, has been clearing 300 MHz of C-band spectrum and transitioning customer services to the remaining allocated 200 MHz of spectrum by launching new satellites, building new ground stations and sending hundreds of satellite earth station technicians across the country to install new filters on customers’ antennas

Ai C Off i ‘B O X t h S t t Sh R E i d Off i
B y p r o v i d i n g c o n t r a c t u a l s e r v i c e p r o t e c t i o n s t o c u s t o m e r s w h o r e c e i v e v i d e o s e r v i c e s i n t h e U S , S E S - 1 8 a n d S E S - 1 9 w i l l e n a b l e S E S t o s a f e l y c l e a r C - b a n d Continued on Page 9 Continued on Page 9


Air Comm Offering ‘Buy One Get One Free’ on Select Radios

BOOTH #C3333

Air Comm, an authorized Motorola dealer, offers a wide variety of two-way radios, accessories and packages that provide a customized solution for the communication needs of any customer, large or small With options to rent or buy both new and used radios, Air Comm allows customers to choose the right radios at the right price. Air Comm is offering a special deal on one of its most popular product lines. Take advantage of Air Comm’s “Buy One Get One Free” offer on select radios

With over 40 years of experience, Air Comm supplies and services customers ranging from small businesses needing just a few radios to large nationwide corporations requiring multimillion dollar systems Air Comm features a wide range of Motorola and Titan Radio products Air Comm’s customers, which include numerous Fortune 500 companies, rely on Air Comm’s premier customer service and competitive pricing for their day-to-day radio communication requirements.

Air Comm’s most popular radios for its production industry customers are the Titan Radio products. Titan Radio’s popularity is due in large part to Titan Radio’s innovative 18 bank charger Titan Radio is the exclusive manufacturer of the economic and efficient 18 bank charger, which allows customers to easily transport and charge up to 18 radios Titan Radio also offers six and 12 bank packages, including

Continued on Page 9

TEGNA Appoints Tim Thomas President and General Manager

TEGNA Inc announced that Tim Thomas has been appointed President and General Manager at WTLV and WJXX, the NBC and ABC affiliates in Jacksonville, effective April 3, 2023. Thomas will be responsible for overseeing the stations’ operations across platforms, as well as leading community service efforts and driving results for advertisers

Thomas joins WTLV and WJXX, known as First Coast News, from West Texas where he was President and General Manager and led all operations across KWES, KXVA and KIDY Thomas led KWES and KXVA to significant broadcast share growth, and in 2022, KWES received a Regional Edward R Murrow Award for Overall Excellence In Midland-Odessa, the station partnered with local nonprofits to raise $1 4 million dollars for the Permian Basin Rehabilitation Center and supported thousands of families during the holidays through the Salvation Army

Previously, Thomas was station operations manager for WXIA-WATL in Atlanta, leading local on-air and digital programming and creating new business opportunities Prior to WXIA-WATL, Thomas was news operations director at First Coast News

“Tim’s leadership style, authenticity and teamwork are second to none,” said Larry Delia, Senior Vice President, Media Operations at TEGNA “His experience, strategic thinking and ability to foster an inclusive and positive culture make him a g r e a t f i t a s h e r e t u r n s t o Jacksonville to lead the First Coast News team ”

Xytech Systems to Showcase Re-Energized Offering for End-to-End Media Operations at Show

Xytech Systems, the leading provider of end-to-end media operations for the world’s premier media and broadcast entities, presents the ‘new Xytech’ – its revitalized vision for a cloud-driven future After a successful 2022, which saw new financial investment and significant leadership transitions spearheaded by the appointment of Keith Buckley as Chief Executive Officer, Xytech will demonstrate its continued commitment towards product innovation and operational excellence by showcasing its enhanced Media Operations Platform[TM].

Keith Buckley, Chief Executive Officer, Xytech Systems, said, “We’re thrilled to reconnect with customers and partners at NAB Show 2023 to present our new Xytech Media Operations vision and focus on cloud-driven SaaS models that meet today’s media production demands While the pace of change in media has evolved faster in the last five years than in the past 50, the tools used to create, manage and transmit media have failed to keep up Our Media Operations Platform stands out as the most deeply integrated and comprehensive end-to-end solution that can help production teams manage their entire media lifecycle in the cloud ”

T h e r e c e n t l y upgraded version of X y t e c h ’ s M e d i a Operations Platform m a k e s i t s p u b l i c d e b u t a t t h e N A B

Continued on Page 9

SES’s Fourth and Fifth C-band Satellites for the United States Successfully Launched

SES announced that the SES-18 and SES-19 satellites, designed and assembled by Northrop Grumman, were successfully launched by SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, United States, at 7:38 pm local time on Friday, March 17.

The two American-made satellites are the fourth and fifth – and final – satellites to be launched as part of SES’s C-band transition plan, following the launch of SES22 in June 2022 and the tandem launch of SES-20 and SES-21 in October 2022 These satellites are essential parts of SES’s plan to achieve the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) program to clear C-band spectrum to enable wireless operators to deploy 5G services across the contiguous U S (CONUS) while ensuring that SES’s existing customers continue to enjoy uninterrupted TV, radio and critical data transmission services to millions of Americans.

Since 2020, SES, along with other satellite operators, has been clearing 300 MHz of C-band spectrum and transitioning customer services to the remaining allocated 200 MHz of spectrum by launching new satellites, building new ground stations and sending hundreds of satellite earth station technicians across the country to install new filters on customers’ antennas

B y p r o v i d i n g c o n t r a c t u a l s e r v i c e p r o t e c t i o n s t o c u s t o m e r s w h o r e c e i v e v i d e o s e r v i c e s i n t h e U S , S E S - 1 8 a n d S E S - 1 9 w i l l e n a b l e S E S t o s a f e l y c l e a r C - b a n d
Continued on Page 9 Continued on Page 9
BOOTH #W2949

The ACE Series/ENC: The Next Generation of Captioning

In celebration of the centennial NAB show, Link Electronics proudly unveils the newest addition to its automated c a p t i o n i n g p r o d u c t l i n e , t h e A C E Series/ENC. The ACE Series/ENC is the latest innovation in automated captioning It combines the ACE, automated captioning engine, with a built-in caption encoder to streamline your workflow and make it easier to distribute your content faster than ever before

This system is designed to be a complete captioning solution, all contained within one unit The ENC caption encoder is compatible with all live caption ACE systems, from one channel of l i v e a u d i o u p t o f o u r s i m u l t a n e o u s feeds The ENC caption encoder accepts HD/SD SDI inputs and will output two encoded SDI video streams with the option of one output being decoded for monitoring The ENC caption encoder is controlled through user-friendly software on the ACE systems

T h e A C E S e r i e s A u t o m a t e d

Captioning Engines use the latest in ASR technology to convert speech into text and caption data for up to four c h a n n e l s o f a u d i o s i m u l t a n e o u s l y

Using a cutting-edge neural network linguistics algorithm, the ACE Series converts speech to text and sends out f u l l y c o m p l i a n t c a p t i o n i n g d a t a through traditional broadcast or OTT streaming

More than 20 language packages are included, with internal translation between English and Spanish and the ability to caption in multiple languages

for more robust accessibility The ACE Series features speaker identification, customizable vocabulary and a built-in t r a n s c r i p t e d i t o r A w e b - b a s e d Graphical User Interface (GUI) contains an event scheduler and EPG functionality, allowing for different audio inputs and caption outputs on demand, with selectable on-screen caption location and position

T h e A C E S e r i e s / E N C i s a s e r v e rbased solution housed in your own studio As an on-premises solution, it is free from the requirements of connecting to the Internet, allowing for a secure captioning option The unit accepts up to four simultaneous inputs of SD/HD-SDI with embedded audio. Once a captioning task is complete, the ACE Series can create the files of your choice, such as a caption file, subtitle file, time-stamped transcript, a Word document, plain text d o c u m e n t o r a v a r i e t y o f o t h e r f i l e types The ACE Series/ENC is backed by L i n k E l e c t r o n i c s ’ h i g h l y s p e c i a l i z e d engineering team, offering white glove setup and 24/7 technical support

The ACE Series/ENC will be highlighted at the 2023 NAB show at booth W1953, along with the full ACE Series line and other Link Electronics products such as caption encoders and decoders, signal generators, cross converters, and more For more information about the ACE Series/ENC or any Link Electronics p r o d u c t , c o n t a c t s a l e s a t s a l e s @ l i n k electronics com or call 417 320 3438

For more information, go to, call 417.320.3438, email s a l e s @ l i n k e l e c t r o n i c s c o m o r s t o p b y booth #W1953

NBA and Second Spectrum Expand Partnership

S e c o n d S p e c t r u m , a G e n i u s S p o r t s

Limited company (“Genius Sports”) and t h e N a t i o n a l B a s k e t b a l l A s s o c i a t i o n (NBA) announced a multi-year partners h i p e x p a n s i o n n a m i n g S e c o n d S p e c t r u m a n

Official NBA League Pass

A u g m e n t a t i o n P r o v i d e r and an Official NBA Team

B a s k e t b a l l A n a l y t i c s

Provider The league and Second Spectrum will also work together to research and develop “Dragon,” a next-generation technology platform that will track “mesh” data, which aims to synthesize m i l l i o n s o f o n - c o u r t b a s k e t b a l l d a t a

SKB’s 66th iSeries Size Means Even More Broadcast Solutions

S i n c e i n t r o d u c i n g t h e i r c o m p e t i t i v e injection molded case to the marketplace in the early 2000s, SKB has wasted no time in redefining the industry standard for waterproof utility cases – and providing more innovative size options than any other case manufacturer

S K B i S e r i e s c a s e s a r e i n j e c t i o n m o l d e d o f u l t r a h i g h - s t r e n g t h p o l y p r o p y l e n e c o p o l y m e r r e s i n , a n d h a v e b e e n b u i l t a n d i n d e p e n d e n t l y tested to meet or exceed U S military specifications for waterproofness, pressure equalization and UV, solvent, corrosion, fungus and impact resistance

( M I L - S T D - 8 1 0 G ) S K B ’ s p r o p r i e t a r y blend of virgin (non-recycled) plastic also produces cases that are lighter and two times stronger than similar cases f r o m l e a d i n g c o m p e t i t o r s A l l S K B iSeries cases are designed for maximum f u n c t i o n a l i t y a n d g e a r p r o t e c t i o n –i d e a l f o r s e n s i t i v e e q u i p m e n t t h a t requires portability – with standard feat u r e s i n c l u d i n g m o l d e d - i n h i n g e s , p a t e n t e d e a s y - t o - o p e r a t e t r i g g e r release latches, comfortable snap-down rubber over-molded cushion grip handles and a variety of customizable interior options to suit every need

SKB’s 66th iSeries size, the 3i-282812, is just as feature-packed as its series siblings With an interior measurement of 28" x 28" x 12", this case also includes an oversized snap-down tow handle and built-in wheels for easy transport of larger items SKB’s product development and sales teams have already pinp o i n t e d m a n y p o t e n t i a l b r o a d c a s t applications for this size

Cinema Camera and Canon EOS C70

There’s no doubt that this new size will prove ideal for accommodating many o f t o d a y ’ s m o s t p o p u l a r b r o a d c a s t products and brands ”

According to SKB President and CoF o u n d e r D a v e S a n d e r s o n , t h e r e a r e even more innovations in the pipeline “We typically have 20 product developm e n t o r i m p r o v e m e n t p r o j e c t s i n process at all times,” Sanderson notes “On average, we build at least five new injection molds in any given year.”


The NBA will use Second Spectrum a u g m e n t a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y t o c r e a t e automated, enhanced graphics based o n o p t i c a l o n - c o u r t b a s k e t b a l l d a t a f o r a l t e r n a t e t e l e c a s t s a v a i l a b l e o n N B A League Pass. The alternate telecasts will feat u r e a d v a n c e d t e a m a n d p l a y e r s t a t i s t i c a l i n s i g h t s i n t e g r a t e d d i r e c t l y i n t o t h e stream, enriching the e x p e r i e n c e a n d p r oviding viewing optionality for analyticsfocused fans

“The new 3i-2828-12 is the perfect case for 2-foot light panels, broadcast monitors, mixers and more,” explains W i l l S t e v e n , S K B ’ s V i c e P r e s i d e n t o f Sales and Marketing. “Our company is b u i l t o n a f o u n d a t i o n o f c o n t i n u a l improvement and innovation, which is why many of our generic iSeries sizes are eventually developed into custom cases for popular broadcast equipment l i k e t h e B l a c k m a g i c P o c k e t 6 K P r o

Additionally, all official NBA tracking data will continue to be integrated into Genius Sports’ world-leading basketball insights and analytics engine Genius Sports will also continue to provide its services to all 30 NBA teams who rely on Second Spectrum’s precise m a c h i n e l e a r n i n g f o r k e y b a s k e t b a l l insights and decision-making

“As one of the most technologically

After more than 45 years of steady growth, SKB remains dedicated to the assurance that every case with an SKB logo has been manufactured with an unwavering commitment to superior quality, which is why all iSeries cases are proudly made in the USA and come standard with an unconditional lifetime warranty

Stop by booth #C4250 to see the new 3i-2828-12 and all of SKB’s best broadcast case solutions in person.

For more information, go to www skb cases com or stop by booth #C4250

advanced leagues in world sport, NBA teams, fans, broadcasters and media partners demand cutting-edge innovations,” said Mark Locke, Chief Executive Officer of Genius Sports “We’re thrilled to expand our long-term partnership with the NBA We are proud that the NBA shares our vision that Dragon can solve the technology challenges of the future ”

T u e s d a y , A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 3 4 B r o a d c a s t e r s S h o w D a i l y
AN I N DE P E N DE NT P U B LICATION NOT AF F I LIATE D WITH NAB Kimberly Oser Publisher Tara Neal President Abeer Abiaad Vice President Anthony Socci Vice President of Sales Yasmine Brown Production Manager/Art Director AJ Flick Senior Editor JoEllen Lowr y Editor Heather Albrecht Customer Ser vice Marcos Morhaim Senior Account Manager Riley Usser y Account Manager Enrico Cecchi European Sales Broadcasters Show Dai y s pub ished by Oser Communicat ons Group ©2023 All rights reser ved Executive and editoria offices at : 1877 N Kolb Road Tucson AZ 85715 520 721 1300/ Fax : 520 721 6300 European off ces ocated at Lungarno Benvenuto Ce lini 11 50125 Florence Ita y www osercommunicat onsgroup com Lee M Oser Founder Daily Show BROADCASTERS

Hearing Is Personal: How Lucid Technology Adapts to Your Ears

Every day each of us experiences an extraordinary variety of sound that is, in many ways, personal to us. The alarm tone that wakes us up, the conversations we have with people – each of these are uniquely experienced individually and personally While we can’t individually manage all of our aural exposure, we certainly can have our preferences

Normal ears contain around 15,500 sensory hair cells that sit alongside a m e m b r a n e t h a t v i b r a t e s w i t h e a c h i n c o m i n g s o u n d . E a c h f r e q u e n c y o f

sound vibrates the hair cells in specific locations, which is why we are able to hear differences in sounds. While different sounds vibrate different parts of our membrane, louder sounds increase the amplitude of the vibration

When it comes to hearing loss, the majority is sensori-neural loss, where inner and outer hair cells have been damaged This leads to an inability to hear soft sounds, while still being able t o h e a r ( a n d b e s e n s i t i v e ) t o l o u d sounds So, while a person experiencing hearing loss can still have a dynamic

MingFeng: Turning Concepts Into Reality

MingFeng has become one of the top 100 national high-tech enterprises in China Its mission is to turn incredible concepts into practical realities The company provides services for brands from more than 30 industries, including jewelry, spirit and beverage, commemorative coin, watch, cigar, cosmetic, electronics and health-related products

MingFeng’s industrial park covers an area of 230,000 square meters, with

thousands of skilled staff who can handle an annual output of up to 80 million p i e c e s I t s n e w f a c i l i t y c o n s o l i d a t e s operations and maximizes efficiency to produce three times more than the curr e n t p r o d u c t i o n c a p a c i t y . M i n g F e n g continues to modernize and utilize the latest equipment and technology that applies to the manufacturing process Its dedicated work force assures that customers will receive products at the

range of hearing, it is a much smaller range than a person with normal hearing

The standard for today’s hearing a i d s a n d a m p l i f i e r s i s a t e c h n o l o g y c a l l e d W i d e D y n a m i c R a n g e Compression (WDRC) WDRC logically amplifies softer sounds more than louder sounds, in an effort to balance what the user hears. It gives the most amplification to soft sounds, less to average sounds and even less to loud sounds Ears that are experiencing hearing loss have a decreased range of what they can hear and WDRC attempts to generically boost the range of soft sounds

L u c i d i d e n t i f i e d t h e n e e d f o r a more nuanced approach that highlights a n d d i f f e r e n t i a t e s a w i d e r r a n g e o f

h i g h e s t q u a l i t y , o n s c h e d u l e a n d a t competitive pricing

The company believes in the great environmental importance of the plane t a n d s u s t a i n a b l e h u m a n d e v e l o pment In 2013, MingFeng formed the B i o m a s s T e c h n o l o g y C o m p a n y T h i s division specializes in the research and development of biomass composites and its applications The biomass composites aim at taking full advantage of the abundant forestry residues from the agriculture industry, such as straw, rice husks and wood pulps. MingFeng then

sounds, while optimizing comfort and natural sound Its innovative technology focuses on an adaptive dynamic range optimization approach Where W D R C b o o s t s s o f t n o i s e s t h e m o s t , Lucid technology gives the same amplif i c a t i o n t o s o f t , a v e r a g e a n d l o u d sounds It focuses on the average loudn e s s o f c o n v e r s a t i o n a l s p e e c h a n d places this information within the listener’s dynamic range. So, rather than compress every sound to fit within the d y n a m i c r a n g e , L u c i d t e c h n o l o g y adapts the sounds to fit naturally within the listener’s range

Lucid Technology creates a personal hearing ecosystem that each person can use to create their own preferred listening experience

u s e s m o d i f i e d f o r m u l a d e s i g n c o mb i n e d w i t h u p g r a d e d p r o f e s s i o n a l equipment to produce different types of biomass composites, which are then e x t r u d e d a n d m o l d e d i n t o u s e f u l , everyday commodities

MingFeng is eager to bring clients the latest trends in packaging products and materials, helping with creating innovative designs and offering support with its dedicated and trusted teams

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , g o t o

one accessory per radio and carrying case, starting at $1,760 M a n y c u s t o m e r s a l s o c h o o s e t o

Xytech Systems (Cont’d. from p. 1)

Show, showcasing the latest Granite software advances These new updates ensure that Xytech can deliver the critic a l m e d i a o p e r a t i o n s r e s o u r c e s t h a t customers need to manage and deploy end-to-end video content lifecycles In a d d i t i o n , c u s t o m e r s l o o k i n g t o t a k e advantage of workflows in the cloud can now make use of all the benefits

TEGNA (Cont’d from p 1)

Thomas has an associate degree in m a s s c o m m u n i c a t i o n f r o m t h e University of Central Florida and a bachelor’s degree in business management He is also a 2022 National Association of B r o a d c a s t e r s B u s i n e s s L e a d e r s h i p

t a k e a d v a n t a g e o f A i r C o m m ’ s r a d i o r e n t a l o p t i o n s . S e v e r a l m u s i c a l a r t i s t s a n d b a n d s r e n t r a d i o s f r o m A i r C o m m ’ s l a r g e r e n t a l f l e e t , b u t y o u d o n o t h a v e t o b e a l a r g e t o u r -

Air Comm (Cont’d. from p. 1) i n g g r o u p t o b e n e f i t f r o m A i r C o m m ’ s c o m p e t i t i v e r e n t a l s . A i r C o m m r e n t s a n y n u m b e r o f r a d i o s f o r a r a n g e o f s h o r t t e r m a n d l o n g t e r m c o n t r a c t s R e n t a l r a d i o s s t a r t a t

that SaaS offers, thanks to the 400-plus new features and 1000-plus operational improvements implemented This follows a staggering 14,000 hours spent researching and looking for ways to best optimize workflows and boost productivity, to deliver the best tools readily available today

The latest enhancements and additions to APIs as well as integrations with O p e n I D , A z u r e A D , M S E x c h a n g e ,

Program graduate.


TEGNA Inc is an innovative media company that serves the greater good of o u r c o m m u n i t i e s A c r o s s p l a t f o r m s , TEGNA tells empowering stories, cond u c t s i m p a c t f u l i n v e s t i g a t i o n s a n d

Google Calendar and MS SharePoint, also mean that production teams no longer need to switch programs while completing critical tasks The solution enables them to work in a single platform to trigger workflows across the content lifecycle of production, from s c h e d u l i n g , c r e w i n g , a s s e t m a n a g ement, billing and accounts receivables, saving time while increasing productivity.

delivers innovative marketing solutions. With 64 television stations in 51 U.S. markets, TEGNA is the largest owner of top four network affiliates in the top 25 markets among independent station groups, reaching approximately 39 percent of all television households nationwide TEGNA also owns leading multi-

o n l y $ 1 . 0 0 p e r d a y .

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , g o t o w w w a i r

c o m m r a d i o c o m , c a l l

o r stop by booth #C3333

V i s i t o r s t o t h e s t a n d c a n l e a r n about the company’s latest upgrades in the cloud that serve the largest customers operating in the media space today and producers of all sizes across any industry with video operations Meet Xytech Systems in West Hall (#W2949) for more information on the c o m p a n y ’ s c o r e s o l u t i o n s , i t s l a t e s t cloud-driven innovations, and to get hands-on with demos of Granite.

c a s t n e t w o r k s T r u e C r i m e N e t w o r k , Twist and Quest. TEGNA offers innovative solutions to help businesses reach consumers across television, digital and over-the-top (OTT) platforms

F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n , v i s i t www tegna com s p e c t r u m t o h e l p a c c o m p l i s h t h e F C C ’ s a m b i t i o u s g o a l s f o r A m e r i c a n 5 G i n n o v a t i o n . S E S - 1 8 i s e x p e c t e d t o b e g i n o p e r a t i o n s i n J u n e 2 0 2 3 a t 1 0 3 d e g r e e s W e s t r e p l a c i n g S E S - 3 C - b a n d p a y l o a d a n d S E S - 1 9 w i l l b e c o - l o c a t e d w i t h S E S - 2 2 a t 1 3 5 d e g r e e s W e s t

SES (Cont’d from p 1)

“This successful launch marks one of the last remaining milestones on our journey to clear a portion of the C-band, a n d w e a r e i n c r e d i b l y g r a t e f u l t o

Northrop Grumman, SpaceX, and all of our partners who helped make this plan a r e a l i t y , ” s a i d S t e v e C o l l a r , C h i e f Executive Officer of SES. “We are now on the home stretch in protecting our c u s t o m e r s ’ b r o a d c a s t s w h i l e f r e e i n g crucial 5G spectrum and we look forward to successfully concluding our work well before the FCC’s December 2023 accelerated clearing deadline ”

About SES

SES has a bold vision to deliver amazing

experiences everywhere on earth by distributing the highest quality video content and providing seamless conn e c t i v i t y a r o u n d t h e w o r l d . A s t h e leader in global content connectivity solutions, SES operates the world’s only m u l t i - o r b i t c o n s t e l l a t i o n o f s a t e l l i t e s with the unique combination of global c o v e r a g e a n d h i g h p e r f o r m a n c e ,

i n c l u d i n g t h e c o m m e r c i a l l y - p r o v e n , low-latency Medium Earth Orbit O3b system By leveraging a vast and intelligent cloud-enabled network, SES is able

t o d e l i v e r h i g h - q u a l i t y c o n n e c t i v i t y solutions anywhere on land, at sea or in the air, and is a trusted partner to the w o r l d ’ s l e a d i n g t e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s companies, mobile network operators, governments, connectivity and cloud service providers, broadcasters, video platform operators and content owners SES’s video network carries around 8,000 channels and has an unparalleled reach of 369 million households, delivering managed media services for both linear and non-linear content

B r o a d c a s t e r s S h o w D a i l y 9 T u e s d a y , A p r i l 1 8 , 2 0 2 3
8 6 6 8 8 6 3 7 6 7

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.