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Ariston’s Newest Arrivals from Greece

Tr y Ar iston’s newest ar r ivals from Greece. These gorgeous, infused salts come with their own adjustable stainless-steel mill. They are both a gourmet food item and a little k itchen tool all in one – a must in ever y k itchen and store counter!

They come in the following flavors:

• Plain S ea Salt from Greece. Classic sea salt that enhances any dish. G oes with all of its oils and vinegars.

• Greek Salad Infused Sea Salt (beautiful blend of rosemar y, oregano and sundr ied tomato), pairs well with Ar iston S elec t Ex tra Virgin Olive Oil or M editer ranean Her b infused Olive Oil

Takes you to Plak a Athens Greece or the Greek Islands without the passpor t

• Garlic & Basil infused Sea Salt Excellent with the traditional balsamic, caprese salads, cheeses, and great with pasta and I talian dishes, too I t has a beautiful color as well

• Lemon & Turmeric infused Sea Salt

Excellent with chicken, seafood, rice, potatoes, eggs and any where that needs the brightness of lemon flavor and the healthy and ear th flavor of tur mer ic Pairs well with Ar iston’s Black Pepper, Ariston Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Ariston White Balsamic vinegar

• Black S ea Salt (sea salt with all natu r a l c u t t l e f i s h b l a c k i n k ) K e e p yo u r g u e s t g u e s s i n g w h a t ’s yo u r s e c re t i ngredient Tastes like sea salt with a subtle hint of seafood Also works excellent a s a s a l t r i m fo r a c o c k t a i l o r B l o o d y

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