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Get the Per fec t Balance of Heat & Sweet

New B one Suck in’ Hot Honey and Bone Suck in’ Extra Hot Honey is the perfect balance of heat and sweet. Wake up your favorite dish or tr y something new tonight! Bone Suckin’ Hot Honey & Bone Suck in’ Ex tra Hot Honey are made with honey, chili peppers and apple cider vinegar. This is the per fec t c o m b i n a t i o n to make your food come alive!

and cucumbers.

• Cocktails: Add a splash of B one Suck in’ Hot Honey to your favorite cocktail, such as a Margarita or Bloody Mar y.

• Charcuter ie B oards: Pour over the cheese and meats and enjoy all the compliments and oohhs and aahhs!

CII recognizes that its customers want qualit y produc ts from a company who cares CII is proud to create food ingredients that not only look great, but have a delicious and wholesome taste The company ’s food par ticulates add flavor, color and charac ter to numerous food applications such as baked goods, cereal, confec tioner y and ice cream Unlike most fat-based or sugar-based par ticles, CII’s Flav-R-Bites® and Flav-RSwir l® stand up to heat, moisture, are shelf stable and they make your produc ts look and taste better!

Flav-R-Bites don’t have to be sweet

They can add color and flavor accent to chips, pizza, frozen dinners and even

M a r y Tr y i t o ve r w a t e r m e l o n , o r seafood and pasta

• Smoked Sea Salt Excellent with all meats and seafood I t tastes like you have been smoking your foods for hours without all the work With excellent and bold flavor, a little goes a long way and pairs well with the infused olive oils like Garlic Infused and Chili Infused, as well as its Balsamic vinegars. Ideal for barbecue and salads!

• Plain Pink H imalayan (from the H imalayan mountains). Pairs well with oils and vinegars, and is great on meats, salmon, salads and any where you need Himalayan salt.

For more information, go to w w w .aristonspecialties.com or email orders@ aristonfoods.com.

“ We have used honey in our recipes for decades so we decided to br ing customers t wo new items this year focused just on the amazing honey that we use in a lot of our produc ts,” said Sandi Ford The resulting new items Bone Suck in’ Hot Honey and Bone Suck in’ Ex tra Hot Honey have the per fec t balance of heat and sweet! B one Suck in’ Hot Honey & Bone Suck in’ Ex tra Hot Honey are versatile and can be used on a var iet y of dishes They are delicious on chicken wings, pizza and other appetizers I t can also be used as a dipping sauce for fruits, vegetables and crackers The Hot Honeys can even be used to add a touch of heat and sweetness to cocktails

Here are some of the ways to use Bone Suckin’ Sauce Hot Honey:

Bone Suck in’ Hot Honey and Bone Suckin’ Extra Hot Honey are delicious and versatile condiments that can be enjoyed on a variet y of dishes. I t is a great way to add a touch of heat and sweetness to your food.

Here are some additional fac ts about B one Suck in’ Sauce Hot Honey :

• I t is gluten free, no high fruc tose cor n syrup, non- GMO and kosher

• I t is pack aged in cases of 6- and 12- ounce bottles

• I t has the great quality that you expec t from Bone Suck in’ Sauce

• The flip top lid makes it clean and easy to pour!

What people are saying about Bone Suckin’ Hot Honey: “Delicious!”“Great on pizza!”“I would put it on ever ything!” “Per fec t for avocado toast!” “Delicious on chicken!” dog treats Create flavor and swir l effec ts in bread produc ts by adding FlavR-Swir l, CII’s pre -blended mixes The company ’s produc ts are fully customizable regarding flavor, color, size and texture All of CII’s produc ts can also be customized to meet any ingredient restric tions that your projec t might have like natural, gluten-free, non- GMO, organic or no sugar added

Plant-based proteins are increasingly impor tant to consumers and CII manufac tures a full line of custom plant-based protein cr isps and Textur ized Plant Proteins ( TPP) for the health and wellness and plantbased meal mar kets S ome of the sources that CII utilizes are chick pea, fava, wheat, rice and other specialty plant proteins

New as of Fall 2022, CII is also offering clusters, granola and panned items at its new facilit y in St Joseph, M issour i B y combining whole - grain goodness with health and wellness components, such

• Chicken wings: Toss your favor ite chicken wings in Bone Suckin’ Sauce Hot Honey and bake or gr ill until cooked through

• Pizza: Dr izzle B one Suck in’ Sauce Hot Honey on your favorite pizza before or after bak ing

• Appetizers: Dip your favorite appetizers, such as carrots, celer y and crackers, in Bone Suck in’ Sauce Hot Honey

• Fruits and vegetables: Drizzle Bone Suckin’ Hot Honey on your favorite fruits and vegetables, such as apples, pears as SlimBiome®, the company ’s cluster produc tion will add new produc t offerings with limitless possibilities These produc ts will fit well into the cereal and snack mar kets to add value to your items

I n its new St Joseph facilit y, CII has the capability to run your raw flours and ingredients through its Heat Treatment Processing equipment to significantly reduce pathogens to an acceptable level in your ingredients. Flour products can be wheat, pea, soy, r ice, cor n and many others.

CII is unique in its ability to innovate

B one Suck in’ Hot Honey and B one Suck in’ Extra Hot Honey are available for purchase online and at selec t retailers I t is a great addition to any k itchen and is sure to become a favor ite of hot honey lovers ever y where Bone Suck in’ Sauce is the award-winning Wester n Nor th Carolina st yle tomato based bar becue sauce and marinade The serious barbecue, grilling and marinating sauce for land and sea I t is rated No 1 in Newsweek and A+ in Health M agazine Use amply for that Bone Suck in’ Flavor!

For more information, call 800 446 0497, email sales@bonesuckin com or stop by booth #1949 beyond standardized food produc ts The company is dr iven to craf t unique solutions for each of its customers and have designed its innovation processes to adapt to customer needs

Even as CII expands its operations, it maintains an agile, entrepreneur ial mindset that sets the company apar t from larger producers who do not share CII’s passion to create. CII’s patented manufac tur ing processes allow for greater efficienc y and returns on ever y dollar its customers invest.

For more information, go to ciifoods.com.

Liquid I.V. Provides $1.3 Million in Grants to Expand C lean Water Access

Liquid I V is investing $1 3 million in three organizations focused on funding innovative solutions for and expanding access to clean water

The company ’s goal is to expand access to clean and abundant water for communities in need, leading to universal water secur it y by 2050 and to help the 771 million people globally, including t wo million in the United States, who do not have access to clean drinking water These organizations align Liquid I V ’s passion with the exper tise required to create durable impac t for communities worldwide

MAP International

Liquid I V par tnered with MAP International for several years to provide the Hydration Multiplier produc t for use in disaster and humanitar ian response

Liquid I V ’s H ydration Multiplier meets the World Health Organization’s ( WHO) standards for an Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS), which is much needed by those with limited clean water access

Now Liquid I V is tak ing its suppor t one step far ther by providing $300,000 in funding for MAP International’s work in Liber ia and Bur k ina Faso Here are these countries’ current situations:

• Liber ia is one of the wettest countr ies in the wor ld with its average annual precipitation exceeding 5,000 millimeters, but a lack of infrastruc ture and ser vices leaves over 90% of the population without access to safe drinking water

• Burk ina Faso is seeing an increasing number of internally displaced persons (IDP) due to violence, drought and famine

Liquid I V ’s suppor t will provide installation and implementation of hand pumps and water filtration in targeted communities, with effor ts focused on women, children and IDPs

International Rescue Committee

This year, Ethiopia’s people have experienced the most ex treme drought in the countr y ’s histor y, with 24 million people already affec ted The International Rescue Committee (IRC ) began its work in Ethiopia over 20 years ago, and this year, Liquid I V is providing $500,000 to restore and expand access to clean water sources for over 38,400 drought-affec ted individuals This funding will meet cr itical water, sanitation and hygiene needs by rehabilitating infrastructure and providing training to local community members within the South Omo Zone

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Sustainable LA Grand Challenge

While Liquid I V continues to suppor t global populations affected by crises, its team also recognizes the oppor tunit y for clean water access innovation in its own back yard – Los Angeles

The UCLA Sustainable LA Grand Challenge tackles climate change by leveraging interdisciplinar y, university-wide research, expertise and education with its public and private partners to help transform Los Angeles Liquid I V is supporting the challenge by providing $542,986 to fund three water security projects:

• An Undergraduate Research Scholars Program

• An Equit y, Diversit y and I nclusion Graduate Fellows Program

• A Faculty Research Projec t

The company believes these programs will suppor t the development of nex tgeneration climate and sustainabilit y solutions

Liquid I V ’s approach to expanding water security is driven by the values of community empowerment, innovation and equit y to create long-lasting, sustainable impac t These grants mar k a bold new chapter for the company ’s Impact work, which couldn’t be done without the suppor t of the Liquid I V community

For more information, go to w w w.liquidiv.com.

Paesana’s Premium Organic Pasta Sauces have all the delicious sautéedto -per fec tion flavor that ’s been in the S caramelli family since 1902 And because they ’re organic, these nutrient-rich sauces contain only qualit y ingredients including 100 percent impor ted I talian tomatoes, 100 percent ex tra virgin olive oil, garlic, onions and spices that are slow-kettle cooked Finally, the sauce is jarred at peak freshness to seal in the flavors per fected over generations

Paesana puts the same care in labeling its jars as it does in preparing its sauces Discerning organic shoppers look for the USDA organic seal, which the company proudly displays on the front of its transparent labels Paesana is also happy to share that these sauces are gluten free, kosher certified and (with exception of its Vodk a sauce) Non- GMO Projec t Verified

Beyond the label, and for in-store convenience, the company has packed its jars in display-ready trays, which make for an attrac tive store end cap display This eye - catching store setup is unique and appealing, mak ing the produc t it- self the per fec t in-store adver tisement

While an attrac tive end cap display of Organic Tomato Basil or Organic Vodk a Sauce is an attention grabber, having six organic varieties on-shelf to choose from would inspire a customer to grab a favor ite or t wo Paesana’s most popular sauce flavor is Organic Tomato Basil, with its fragrant flavor of basil Organic Marinara has a traditional recipe reminiscent of Sunday dinner at Grandma’s The crowd favorite Organic Vodk a sauce is made with organic heav y cream to achieve a rich and creamy texture Paesana wouldn’t forget those who like a little k ick ; hence, the company offers Organic Fra Diavolo For those who crave a richer sauce, there is Organic Sicilian Grav y And garlic lovers can’t get enough of Paesana’s Organic Roasted Garlic sauce

Each delicious variety of Paesana Organic Pasta Sauce delivers a taste of the I talian countr yside I t ’s an organic sauce like no other – full of flavor!

For more information, go to w w w paesana com, email sales@paesana com or call 631 845 1717

Tor tuga Tennessee Whiskey S pice Cake

Tor tuga is a world-renowned brand that continues to lead the gourmet and spirit cakes categor y by heavily focusing on innovation and ensur ing that its consumers are presented with innovative and new options

Tor tuga has been doing business with the cruise channel, major big box retailers in Nor th America, depar tment and grocer y stores and the gif ting sec tor for over 35 years Given the company ’s recent success with evolving from its worldfamous rum cakes and creating a new cake with bourbon, the Kentuck y B our bon Butter Cake, Tor tuga continues to explore the spirits world

From this evolution, Tor tuga’s Southern Trio range was born, which consists of Kentuck y B our bon Butter Cake, M oonshine Apple Pie Cake and the newest addition, Tennessee Whiskey Spice Cake I t is carefully craf ted with Tennessee Whiskey ’s r ich aroma and complex flavors and the distinc t notes that emerge from the spices All three flavors are available in the standard sizes – 4 ounces, 16 ounces and 32 ounces

Tor tuga’s new selection of spirit cakes are inspired by America’s oldest and traditional delec table recipes and give consumers the oppor tunit y to exper ience unique flavors charac ter ized by bold notes and magnificent richness

For more information, call 786 817 6880 or go to www.tor tugaimpor ts.com.

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