All Tracked Bills Feb 20, 2015

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Weekly Legislative Briefings Tracks 2015 Session


HB1002 -- 10% Authors:



Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Retirement Systems Act of 2015; effective date.


A shell bill that creates the Oklahoma Retirement Systems Act of 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative McDaniel 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/24/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Business, Labor and Retirement Laws Committee


HB1005 -- 31% Authors:

McDaniel and Brinkley


Teachers’ Retirement System of Oklahoma; treatment of certain contributions.

Description: contributions.

A nonfiscal amendment relating to benefit computations for the Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; specifies treatment of certain

Actions: 17 Feb - H Third Reading, Measure passed: Ayes: 96, Nays: 0 18 Feb - H Engrossed, signed, to Senate 18 Feb - S First Reading


HB1021 -- 13% Authors:



Sunset; P-20 Data Coordinating Council; re-creating the Council; modifying termination date.


Continues the Coordinating Council through July 1, 2022.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Administrative Rules 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Administrative Rules Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Administrative Rules Committee


HB1022 -- 10% Authors:



Sunset; Educational Quality and Accountability Board; re-creating the Board; modifying termination date.


Recreates the Educational Quality and Accountability Board to continue through July 1, 2022.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Faught 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Administrative Rules


HB1023 -- 10% Authors:

Dahm and Faught


Sunset; State Capitol Preservation Commission; re-creating the Commission; modifying termination date.


Amends the State Capitol Preservation Commission to continue through July 1, 2022.

Actions: 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Administrative Rules Committee 17 Feb - H Note: Not heard in committee, House Administrative Rules 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1027 -- 13% Authors:

Cannaday and Garrison




Schools; modifying implementation dates and duties relating to the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System; emergency.

Description: Pertains to TLE, extending evaluations to 2016-2017 school year and requires the commission to evaluate and research value-added models and student learning to report back to the state Board of Education. The bill does not allow the board to adopt permanent rules until the report is complete; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Common Education Committee


HB1032 -- 13% Authors:

Kirby and Crain


Definitions and general provisions; permitting certain individual to participate in executive session to discuss real property; effective date.

Description: Amends requirements of public bodies to meet in executive session, stating that it is permitted to discuss real estate and property transactions unless representation from the property is operating under an existing agreement to represent the public body. Actions: 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Government Oversight and Accountability Committee

17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Government Oversight and Accountability Committee 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1034 -- 31% Authors:

Kirby and Loveless


Billy and Denney


Schools; authorizing sponsorship of charter schools by certain tribes on certain property; effective date.


Allows a federally recognized Indian tribe to sponsor a charter school when said school is within reservation or treaty area boundaries.

Actions: 16 Feb - H Engrossed, signed, to Senate 17 Feb - S First Reading 17 Feb - S coauthored by Billy


HB1037 -- 13% Authors:

Quinn and Faught


Oklahoma Open Records Act; providing additional exemption under Oklahoma Open Records Act; effective date.

Description: States for any request for a record which contains individual records of persons, when the cost of copying, reproducing or certifying each individual record is otherwise prescribed by state law, the cost may be assessed for each individual record, or portion thereof requested as a prescribed by state law. Actions: 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Government Oversight and Accountability Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Government Oversight and Accountability Committee 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1044 -- 13% Authors:

Walker and Treat


State employees; establishing a state employee suggestion program; effective date; emergency.

Description: Creates a provision allowing agencies with more than 10 employees to develop a state employee suggestion program, which will promote efficiencies that result in cost savings. The bill allows agency to financially reward the employee for their idea. The bill amends and repeals parts of the Incentive Awards for State Employees Act; EMERGENCY Actions: 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 4:30 PM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, Appropriations and Budget Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Appropriations and Budget Committee 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1051 -- 13%


Kirby and Griffin


Schools; creating the Safe Sports School Act; effective date.


New law that will require schools to review Safe Sports School criteria utilize guidelines provided by the state. The State Department of Education

will provide a one-time grant award of $7,000 to each public schools who receive a Safe Sports School Awards. Actions: 18 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 4:30 PM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, Appropriations and Budget Committee 18 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, as amended, Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget Committee 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1052 -- 10% Authors:

McDaniel and Jolley


Oklahoma State Pension Commission; membership; voting; effective date.

Description: Amends that the Oklahoma State Pension Commission will have nine members, instead of the previous seven, and amends who will and will not be a nonvoting member. Actions: 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015 19 Feb - H Laid out for consideration at 9:26 AM 19 Feb - H Third Reading, Measure passed: Ayes: 66, Nays: 27


HB1054 -- 13% Authors:

Perryman and Pittman


Lotteries; modifying reference; effective date.


Shell bill pertaining to the Lottery Commission.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to State Government Operations 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, State Government Operations Committee 18 Feb - H CR; Do Pass State Government Operations Committee


HB1055 -- 10% Authors:



Definitions and general provisions; requiring written or electronic recording in executive session; effective date.

Description: Amends language pertaining to executive sessions. The bill requires public bodies to preserve certified minutes and recording of meetings and outlines proper protocol in terms of litigation involving violations of the Open Meeting Act. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Perryman 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Government Oversight and Accountability


HB1058 -- 13% Authors:

Casey and Halligan


Public finance; claims processing; institutions within Oklahoma State System of Higher Education; effective date; emergency.


Allows institutions under the authority of the State Regents for Higher Education can process payments in terms of federal tax withholdings

without claim forms; EMERGENCY. Actions: 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015 19 Feb - H Laid out for consideration at 10:14 AM 19 Feb - H Third Reading, Measure and Emergency passed: Ayes: 92, Nays: 0


HB1063 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; exempting students from taking certain tests after certain conditions are met; effective date; emergency.


Exempts students from taking end-of-instruction tests if the student passed the Algebra I, English II and two other required EOIs; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Roberts 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1064 -- 10% Authors:


Title: Schools; excluding certain students from certain calculation of school grades for the annual reports for the Oklahoma School Testing Program; effective date; emergency. Description: Pertains to the State Board of Education and the Oklahoma School Testing Program, states students on an IEP with indication that the student is to be assessed with alternative achievement standards will no be included in the bottom quartile of testing results; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nollan 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1065 -- 13% Authors:

Nollan and Stanislawski


Schools; directing use of certain type of test for assessment for reading skills under the Reading Sufficiency Act; effective date; emergency.

Description: Act; EMERGENCY.

Requires the State Board of Education to administer a valid criterion-referenced test in terms of third grade students and the Reading Sufficiency


9 Feb - H Laid over 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Common Education Committee


HB1072 -- 13% Authors:

Cleveland and Dahm

Title: Higher education; repealers; studies of higher education institution employee benefit programs and salary and other remunerative benefits for higher education institution faculty and staff; effective date. Description:

Repeals studies of higher education institution employee benefit programs and salary and other remunerative benefits for higher education

institution faculty and staff Actions: 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015 19 Feb - H Laid out for consideration at 10:17 AM 19 Feb - H Third Reading, Measure passed: Ayes: 89, Nays: 0


HB1078 -- 10% Authors:



Children; modifying and updating sections in the Oklahoma Children's Code; effective date.

Description: Amends that a child is age appropriate for an "adjudication hearing" based on the development for the cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral capacities typical for an age group. In cases of specific children, the behavioral capacities will be based on that child. Strikes out "individual living programs" that assist a child to enhance skills and abilities necessary for adult living. If the child is age 14 or older, the the court shall determine a plan concerning the transition of the child into a successful adulthood. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Ownbey 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Children, Youth and Family Services


HB1084 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; expanding minimum salary schedule for certain school years; effective date; emergency.


Expands minimum teacher salary schedule until 2030 with no salary changes: EMERGENCY

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Ownbey


HB1092 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; directing school districts to increase support employee salaries; increasing the minimum salary schedule for teachers; effective date;

emergency. Description:

Allows at least 6% pay raises to teacher salaries for those employed by a local public school district and support employees; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Condit 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1094 -- 10% Authors:



Children; requiring child care facility to develop attendance system; effective date.


Requires every child care facility to meet requirements of the Child Care Facilities Licensing Act and develop and attendance system.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Children, Youth and Family Services 12 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Children, Youth and Family Services Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, as amended, Children, Youth and Family Services Committee


HB1105 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring teachers to receive certain stipend for classroom expenses; effective date.


Authorizes each teacher employed by a local public school district to receive a $500 stipend for classroom expenses.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Skipped Action : Authored by Representative Kannady 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1106 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; directing school districts to increase support employee salaries; effective date; emergency.

Description: The salary level of state-paid support employees, employed by a local school district, will be increased at least by 6.25%. The salary increase will be provided to all support employees regardless of the number of hours per day the employee works; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Skipped Action : Authored by Representative Kannady

3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1109 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.

Description: Amends the act relating to Teacher’s Retirement System of Oklahoma. For any retired teachers the limit on allowed earnings from the public schools of Oklahoma for employment for the performance of duties ordinarily performed by personnel shall be $30,000. Loosens age restrictions on who may receive benefits; EMERGENCY Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Cannaday 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1111 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.

Description: Pertains to teachers’ retirement, removing the 60 calendar day requirement before a retiree can be employed in education again, amending that provision so a retiree cannot be employed in education for the remainder of the school year; and it increases the earnings limit on allowed earnings to be the minimum salary for a teacher; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Hoskin 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1112 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.

Description: Pertains to teachers’ retirement, stating that the earnings may not exceed the limitation allowed by the Social Security Administration unless the amount is greater than $30,000. The bill removes language pertaining to retire members under the age of 62, 65 and 70; and requirements that half of the members’ final average salary will be used to compute benefits; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Hoskin 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1124 -- 10% Authors:



Child care; providing exception for employee who has completed school criminal history record check; effective date.


States that employees working in a child care facility who have already completed a national criminal history record check conducted by OSBI do

not need an additional restricted registry search or records search conducted on them. Actions: 10 Feb - H Laid over 12 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Children, Youth and Family Services Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, as amended, Children, Youth and Family Services Committee


HB1129 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; gross production taxes; revenue stabilization; effective date.

Description: Defines moving five-year average amount for gas and oil; states that the gross production tax, beginning July 1, 2016, is levied and collected on various items as defined in the bill. The bill amends that all monies collected from tax levied on natural gas or casing-head gas at a rate of 7 percent, 4 percent and 2 percent will be apportioned from the gross production tax levy pursuant to the Energy Revenue Stabilization Fund but only after the GRF revenue is apportioned. The bill applies the same to oil at a tax rate of 1 percent. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Russ 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 17 Feb - H Withdrawn from Rules, Direct to Appropriations and Budget


HB1141 -- 10% Authors:


Title: Schools; modifying funding requirements of the annual salary bonus for certain school psychologists, speech-language pathologists and audiologists; effective date; emergency. Description: States that the State Board of Education will provide an annual salary bonus of $5,000 to school psychologist, speech-language pathologist or audiologist regardless of available funds and removes the requirement that it will be increased to $7,000; amends the “Oklahoma School Psychologist, SpeechLanguage Pathologist, and Audiologist National Certification Fund;� EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative McDaniel 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1142 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; providing for an evaluation system for speech-language pathologists; effective date; emergency.


Amends that for purposes of the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System, the term "teacher" will not include speech-

language pathologists. Authorizes that the State Board of Education will adopt a statewide system of evaluation of speech language pathologists. This act will become effective July 1, 2015. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative McDaniel 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1143 -- 10% Authors:



Crimes and punishments; authorizing handgun licensees to carry on certain school property; effective date.


Prohibits a public college or university from denying any person with a valid conceal carry license from carrying a concealed handgun on campus

unless licensee has been involved in a violent act. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Faught 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Public Safety


HB1145 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Oklahoma Civics Education Initiative Act; effective date.

Description: Creates the “Oklahoma Civics Education Initiative Act;� states that for 2016-2017, every student enrolled in a public school or seeking a diploma issued by the state upon completion of the GED test will take and receive a passing grade on the United States Citizenship Test to graduate with a diploma and those that do not successfully pass the test will be given the opportunity to retake. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Skipped Action : Authored by Representative Kannady 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1154 -- 13% Authors:



Schools; providing certain exemption for law enforcement officers; effective date.

Description: public school district.

Exempts law enforcement officers who are employed with an employing agency from participating in a background check for employment at a

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 5 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 9 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Common Education Committee


HB1158 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; modifying implementation dates and duties relating to the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System; emergency.


Amends an act related to teacher evaluation policies. The bill extends dates for implementation of the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader

Effectiveness Evaluation System. The bill also extends the date for the adoption of recommendations from the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Commission; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Montgomery 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1171 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


State Board of Career and Technology Education; appropriations; purposes; budgetary limitations, duties and compensation; effective date.

Description: Makes an appropriation to the State Board of Career and Technology Education for the categories of Education and Workforce Development and ISD Data Processing; sets budget limitations for the board on full-time-equivalent employees and lease-purchase agreements. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1172 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


State Board of Education; appropriation; purpose; budgetary limitations; duties and compensation; effective date.


Makes appropriations to and sets budget limitations for the State Board of Education. The bill will be effective July 1, 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1174 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education; appropriation; purpose; effective date.


Makes an appropriation to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. The bill will be effective July 1, 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1178 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


Office of Educational Quality and Accountability; appropriation; purpose; budgetary limitations; duties and compensation; effective date.


Makes an appropriation to and sets budget limitations for the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1179 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics; purpose; budgetary limitations; duties and compensation; effective date.


Makes an appropriation to and sets budget limitations for the Board of Trustees of the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1180 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat

Title: effective date.

Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology; appropriation; purpose; budgetary limitations; duties and compensation;


Makes an appropriation to and sets budget limitations for the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1242 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


Appropriations; general appropriations; purposes; effective date.


Makes appropriations to various agencies related education, general government and transportation, transportation, human services, natural

resources and regulatory services, public safety and judiciary. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1243 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


Appropriations; general appropriations; purposes; effective date.

Description: Makes appropriations to various agencies related to the categories of education, general government and transportation, transportation, human services, natural resources and regulatory services, public safety and judiciary. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1244 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


State Board of Education; appropriation; purpose; budgetary limitations; duties and compensation; effective date.

Description: Education.

Makes appropriations to, authorizes expenditures of, requires transfer of funds related to and sets budget limitations for the State Board of

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1251 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


Public finance; budget documents; submission; effective date.


Modifies document submission requirements for Governor-provided budget documents.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1255 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


Schools; needs assessments; effective date.


Modifies reporting requirements in a section of law related to student needs assessments.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1257 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


State government; reporting requirements; effective date.


Modifies reporting requirements to include written or electronic format in relation to The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1260 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


Appropriation; purpose; emergency.


Creates appropriations; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Jolley (principal Senate author) 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Appropriations and Budget


HB1265 -- 10% Authors:



Crimes and punishments; authorizing the carry of firearms on private university, private college or private vocational-technical school property by

certain persons; effective date. Description: Amends a section of law related to the unlawful carry of firearms in certain places. The bill eliminates procedures for a college, university or technology center school to notify the state of handgun license violations on the school’s campus. The bill allows private universities, private colleges and private vocational-technical schools to adopt a policy allowing licensed individuals to carry and possess a concealed or unconcealed handgun onto the private campus, excusing the school from any liability from injuries arising from the adoption of the policy except in cases of gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Walker 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Public Safety


HB1267 -- 10% Authors:

Walker and Boggs


Schools; authorizing education and displays for traditional winter celebrations; effective date.

Description: Creates a law allowing school districts to educate students about traditional winter celebrations, use traditional greetings regarding the celebrations and display scenes or symbols associated with the celebrations on school property. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Walker 2 Feb - H Authored by Senator Boggs (principal Senate author) 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1268 -- 10% Authors:


Title: emergency.

Schools; adding an alternative method of demonstrating satisfactory knowledge of financial literacy for certain students; effective date;

Description: Amends a section of law related the Passport to Financial Literacy Act. The bill deletes obsolete language and provides alternative assessment measures through the Oklahoma Alternative Assessment Program for students who have an Individualized Education Program as provided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Casey 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB1270 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.


Eliminates certain limitations for teachers’ post-retirement earnings; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Casey 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1271 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Omnibus School Act of 2015; effective date; emergency.


Creates the Omnibus School Act of 2015, which amends sections of law related to teacher evaluation policies, student assessments and the

school grading system. The bill also prohibits the administration of criterion-referenced tests for grades three through eight for any subject not required by federal law, removing social studies and writing of English from the required subjects for grades five and eight and geography for grade seven. The bill amends a section pertaining to the school grading system by providing that school site report cards issued during the 2015-2016 school year shall contain the grade and designation the school received during the 2014-2015 school year; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Casey 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1272 -- 10% Authors:


Title: Schools; deleting requirement for the development and administration of criterion-referenced tests in certain grades; directing the State Board implement a state-assessment System; effective date; emergency. Description: Amends a section of law related to school testing to delete the option to adopt criterion-referenced tests from other states and require the State Board of Education to adopt rules providing for the system of student assessments and not align the system with the Common Core State Standards. The bill also deletes the requirement for students to complete an end-of-instruction test upon completion of certain subjects and the requirement for school districts to administer a fine arts assessment; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H Laid over


HB1274 -- 31% Authors:

Walker and Boggs


Children; authorizing child care facility to release relevant information about potential employee; effective date.

Description: Amends a section of law related to background checks of job applicants at child care facilities to allow child care facilities to release information obtained during background checks to other child care facilities when requested. Actions:

17 Feb - H Third Reading, Measure passed: Ayes: 98, Nays: 0 18 Feb - H Engrossed, signed, to Senate 18 Feb - S First Reading


HB1275 -- 31% Authors:

Cockroft and Jolley


Moore, Ritze, and Strohm


Elections; changing election dates for members of the board of education; effective date.

Description: Changes primary elections for members of the Board of Education; amends language relating to provisions if one or more candidate qualifies to have their name appear on the ballot. Actions: 17 Feb - S First Reading 17 Feb - H Engrossed, signed, to Senate 17 Feb - S coauthored by Moore


HB1286 -- 10% Authors:



Public finance; federal funds; reporting; effective date.

Description: States that each agency subject to the Oklahoma State Finance Act will develop a plan and budget preparing for a 25 percent reduction in federal funds. The bill states the plan must be submitted within 30 days of November 1, 2015 to the appropriate parties. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Cockroft 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1290 -- 10% Authors:

Casey and Fields




Schools; establishing the School District Unfunded-Mandate Relief Program; effective date; emergency.

Description: Establishes the School District Unfunded-Mandate Relief Program meant to allow school systems with locally elected school boards to avoid underfunded and unfunded state mandates; requires that the State Department of Education create and publish a list of all state-created mandates, State Board of Education rules, and the funding needed to implement them. A school district can be deregulated from these mandates with approval from the board of education; EMERGENCY. Actions: 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 4:30 PM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, Appropriations and Budget Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Appropriations and Budget Committee 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1291 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; ad valorem taxation; ratio study; personal property; effective date.


Amends an act relating to revenue and taxation. Requires the ratio of assessed value of personal property per county to its cash value to be

reported to the State Board of Equalization. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Casey 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1292 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; modifying implementation dates relating to the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System; emergency.

Description: Relates to schools. Extends power of the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Commission to evaluate schools and teachers until the first full academic year after which it sees fit to recommend the quantitative component of the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Casey 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1302 -- 10% Authors:



Ethics and elections; creating the Ethics and Elections Reform Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill: “Ethics and Election Reform Act of 2015.”

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Wesselhoft 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1303 -- 10% Authors:



Ethics and elections; creating the Ethics and Elections Reform Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill: “Ethics and Elections Reform Act of 2015.”

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Wesselhoft

3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1304 -- 10% Authors:



State government; creating the Ethics and Election Reform Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill: “Ethics and Elections Reform Act of 2015.”

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Wesselhoft 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1305 -- 10% Authors:



State government; creating the Ethics Reform Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill: “Ethics Reform Act of 2015.”

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Wesselhoft 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1310 -- 10% Authors:



Elections; creating the Election Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the “Election Act of 2015.”

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Wesselhoft 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1311 -- 10% Authors:



Elections; creating the Election Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the “Election Act of 2015.”


2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Wesselhoft 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1312 -- 10% Authors:



State government; creating the Ethics Reform Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the “Ethics Reform Act of 2015.”

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Wesselhoft 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1313 -- 10% Authors:



State government; creating the Ethics Reform Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the “Ethics Reform Act of 2015.”

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Wesselhoft 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1321 -- 13% Authors:



Schools; adding alternative methods for demonstrating mastery of state academic content standards; effective date; emergency.

Description: Pertains to EOIs, specifying exemptions and alternatives involving students who take the Armed Forces Vocational Aptitude Battery or the Armed Force Qualification Test and students who earn business endorsements approved by CareerTech. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 5 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 9 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Common Education Committee


HB1325 -- 10% Authors:



Crimes and punishments; authorizing the transport of pistols in vehicles by certain persons; effective date.


Allows any person 21 one years or older to transport a pistol for self-defense without a valid handgun license as long as the citizen is not involved

in criminal activity. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Bennett 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Public Safety


HB1330 -- 31% Authors:

Coody and Fry



Title: Schools; directing the State Board of Education to adopt rules requiring waiver of certain curriculum requirement for certain military students; effective date; emergency. Description: Requires the State Board of Education to adopt rules requiring all school district boards of education to waive the Oklahoma history high school graduation requirements for children of military families; EMERGENCY. Actions: 16 Feb - H Referred for engrossment 16 Feb - H Engrossed, signed, to Senate 17 Feb - S First Reading


HB1331 -- 13% Authors:

Coody and Simpson




Schools; adding a military student identifier to the state student data system; effective date; emergency.

Description: Amends the Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act of 2013; the State Board shall publish an available data inventory of student’s information, publish policies to comply with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, develop data security plan, among other provisions; EMERGENCY. Actions: 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015 19 Feb - H Laid out for consideration at 10:22 AM 19 Feb - H Third Reading, Measure and Emergency passed: Ayes: 90, Nays: 0


HB1333 -- 0% Authors:



Schools; adding an international comparison and ranking index to information included on school site report cards; effective date; emergency.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H Failed in Committee


HB1339 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language; effective date.


Shell bill that pertains to the Oklahoma School Code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Dunnington 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1340 -- 10% Authors:



Energy; creating the Oklahoma School District Facilities Energy Conservation Program; effective date.

Description: Creates the Oklahoma School District Facilities Energy Conservation Program; States that school districts will be subject to the provisions and superintendents shall oversee it; Outlines objectives such as cumulative energy savings of 20 percent by 2020, and fully funding the program with school district budgets. The bill provides exemptions for school districts that have already implemented similar programs. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education 5 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, A&B Education Committee 9 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, as amended, A&B Education Committee


HB1345 -- 10% Authors:



Definitions and general provisions; discrimination in employment; modifying discriminatory practice by employer; effective date.

Description: Amends a section of law related to discrimination in employment; adds definitions of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression;” expanding discriminatory practices of an employer to include failing or refusing to hire, to discharge, or otherwise discriminate against an individual based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Dunnington 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws 4 Feb - H Withdrawn from Business, Labor and Retirement Laws, Direct to Economic Development, Commerce and Real Estate


HB1362 -- 10% Authors:


Title: date; emergency.

Schools; adding duty to Safe School Committees to develop a rape or sexual assault response program for students and school staff; effective


Amends language related to Safe School Committees; requiring the committee to recommend the development of a rape or sexual assault

program to inform students and school staff on response and treatment following a sexual assault incident; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Griffith 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1364 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.

Description: Amends language related to the Teachers’ Retirement System of Oklahoma; modifying restrictions to teachers’ post-retirement earnings from $15,000 to $25,000; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Griffith 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1376 -- 10% Authors:



Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; defined contribution; effective date.

Description: Amends retirement systems. Requires an employee to be employed full-time or less than full-time but more than half-time to qualify for a contribution system and states that an employee who participates in the defined benefit plan after November 2015 will continue to participate only as long as he or she continues to be employed. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, Business, Labor and Retirement Laws Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Business, Labor and Retirement Laws Committee


HB1378 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring the State Board of Education to promulgate rules for the administration of certain tests in certain languages; emergency.

Description: States that the State Board of Education shall provide administration of the Oklahoma School Testing Program for students with limited English; School districts will provide information about the test to the public; States the board will post a sample test item bank and criterion-referenced sample tests on the internet; States the board will provide an electronic delivery system for tests administered; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Stone 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1380 -- 10% Authors:



Bennett, Brumbaugh, Kern, and Rogers


Schools; directing the State Board of Education to adopt a certain United States History program and assessment; prohibiting the expenditure of

funds on the Advanced Placement United States History course; effective date; emergency. Description: Requires the State Board of Education to identify and adopt a United States History program and corresponding test as a substitute to the Advanced Placement U.S. course and test; the Board will not award grants to school districts for the Advance Placement U.S. History courses until the College Board changes the framework; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Common Education Committee


HB1381 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language; effective date.


Shell bill relating to the Oklahoma School Code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Fisher 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1389 -- 10% Authors:


Title: date; emergency.

Schools; changing percentage amounts for certain components of the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System; effective

Description: Amends the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System (TLE) with 70 percent of the evaluation of teachers will be based on the qualitative component and 30 percent on the quantitative component, formerly a 50/50 percent; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Murdock 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1393 -- 10% Authors:



School lands; School Lands Revenue Study Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill creating the School Lands Revenue Study Act of 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Murdock 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1436 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language relating to the Oklahoma School Testing Program; effective date.


Shell Bill that creates the “Oklahoma School Testing Program Act.�

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Stone 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1440 -- 10% Authors:





Schools; limiting the number of years a member of certain boards of education can serve; effective date; emergency.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Elections and Ethics 6 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/11/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 512-A, Elections and Ethics Committee 11 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, as amended, Elections and Ethics Committee


HB1441 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying references relating to governing boards of school districts; effective date.


States that the boards of two or more school districts may contract with one superintendent of the school district.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Caldwell 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1442 -- 10%




School elections; providing for the filling of certain vacancies on the board of education by appointment; effective date; emergency.


States that if after the filing period is closed and no candidate for an open position on a board of education of a school district has filed, the

vacancy will be filled by appointment by the board. Person appointed will not be required to reside in the board or election district but will be required to reside in the school district; EMERGENCY. Actions: 17 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/18/2015 18 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/19/2015 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1444 -- 10% Authors:



Public retirement systems; Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; Board of Trustees; voting rights; effective date.

Description: States that a statewide organization with a membership of at least 7,000 person(s) consisting of retired educators who are retired members of the Teachers’ Retirement System of Oklahoma and who are receiving retirement benefits from such System will appoint a voting member to the Board of Trustees. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1446 -- 10% Authors:

Coody and Coody


Schools; expanding minimum salary schedule for certain school years; effective date; emergency.

Description: States that for the school years of 2014-2020 teachers in the public schools of Oklahoma will receive in the salary and/or fringe benefits no less than the amounts specified; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1447 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; increasing minimum teacher salary schedule; effective date; emergency.

Description: States that beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, teachers in the public schools of Oklahoma will receive in salary and/or fringe benefits no less than the amounts specified; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1473 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; modifying grading scale and calculations used for the Oklahoma School Testing Program annual reports; effective date; emergency.


Amends that 75% of the state test score for Oklahoma public schools will be determined by rules created by the State Board of Education, to be

based on factors other than test scores. Grades will be calculated by combining points earned for the whole school growth and factors measured as outlined in the bill; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Wood 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1486 -- 10% Authors:



Children; authorizing pilot program for children at high risk of entering the juvenile justice system; effective date.


Creates a pilot program in public school districts to identify and serve children at a high risk of entering the juvenile justice system.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Matthews 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1489 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.

Description: States that a member may enter into post-retirement employment with the public school system of Oklahoma and still receive monthly retirement benefits; amends limitations: retired members under the age of 62 are now allowed to earn the lesser of $16,000 or half of the member’s final average salary unless the earning limitation allowed by the Social Security is more than $16,000; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Matthews 2 Feb - H First Reading 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1497 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; replacing requirement for certain end-of-instruction tests with the American College Test assessment; effective date; emergency.


Deletes certain requirements for the American College Test (ACT) assessment. The bill deletes certain procedures for the Commission for

Educational Quality and Accountability regarding end-of-instruction tests. The bill updates language and deletes subject areas for academic content mastery standards, replacing end-of-instruction tests with the ACT. The bill modifies language to correct the switch to the ACT; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Perryman 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1498 -- 13% Authors:

Casey and Quinn


Schools; defining the phrase per pupil expenditure; effective date.


Creates a law pertaining to school and expenditures. The bill defines “per pupil expenditure� and provides the categories that shall be included

and the conditions under which they are applied. Actions: 6 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/11/2015 at 10:30 AM, 512A, State Capitol, Rules Committee 16 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 512-A, Rules Committee 18 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Rules Committee


HB1499 -- 13% Authors:



Schools; exempting students from taking certain tests after certain conditions are met; effective date; emergency.

Description: Exempts students who have attained a proficient score on EOI tests in certain subjects from taking any of the remaining end-of-instruction tests in other subjects; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 5 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 9 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Common Education Committee


HB1502 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to character education programs; effective date.


Shell bill that cleans up language relating to the State Department of Education and its character education programs.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Walker 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1507 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; authorizing school districts to provide sexual violence awareness and prevention programs; emergency.


Amends language pertaining to sex education in schools. The bill authorizes school districts to develop programs under certain circumstances

that address sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking awareness/prevention and sexual consent. The bill prohibits any student from required participation; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Virgin 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1513 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring certain training, certification and professional development for English Language Learner teachers; effective date; emergency.

Description: Requires teacher candidates to study English Language acquisition and teaching methods for the instruction of English Language Learners. The bill creates a requirement that teachers must be licensed to teach English as a Second Language. The bill updates language to reflect the English Language teaching requirements; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 5 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 9 Feb - H CR; Do not pass Common Education Committee


HB1521 -- 13% Authors:



Schools; excluding certain incentive pay from definition of total compensation of teachers; effective date.

Description: Amends an act relating to schools. States that compensation for returning teachers must not be decreased from the last school year and that compensation cannot be a one-time incentive pay or a one-time retention pay for returning a second year. Actions: 9 Feb - H CR; Do Pass A&B Education Committee 9 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/11/2015 at 4:30 PM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, Appropriations and Budget Committee 11 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Appropriations and Budget Committee


HB1522 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; adding student achievement results and performance descriptions from certain schools to annual reports; effective date; emergency.


Amends an act relating to schools. Requires that reports of the Oklahoma School Testing Program will include student achievement results of

schools that receive revenue from the state for the financial support of public schools including schools that participate in the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Henke 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB1523 -- 10% Authors:





Schools; removing certain school years in which a student may be evaluated for probationary promotion; emergency.


Amends language related to the Reading Sufficiency Act; removes outdated school years in which a student may be evaluated for probationary

promotion; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Henke and Leewright 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB1525 -- 10% Authors:



Higher education; clarifying language relating to the Oklahoma Higher Education Code; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the Oklahoma Higher Education Code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nollan 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1530 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the School Report and Assessment Calculation Review Task Force; emergency.

Description: Creates a 15-member School Report and Assessment Calculation Review Task Force to evaluate the calculation metrics used by the State Department of Education for the annual reports of the Oklahoma School Testing Program and evaluation system; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Henke 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1535 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring school district to implement an ongoing diagnostic testing program; modifying end-of-instruction testing requirements; repealer;

effective date; emergency. Description: Requires school district to implement an ongoing diagnostic testing program for all students. The bill amends EOI testing and will no longer require passage in order to graduate high school but it will require each eleventh grader to take the ACT test; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Thomsen 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB1537 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; directing the State Board of Education to adopt certain Science standards by a certain date; effective date.

Description: Relating to standards in schools set by the State Board of Education, sets a deadline (August 1, 2017) by which the State Board must adopt subject matter standards for Science that are college- and career-ready to replace the current standards. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Thomsen 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1538 -- 13% Authors:



Public retirement systems; Pension Improvement Act; effective date; emergency.

Description: To be known as the Pension Improvement Act; creates a revolving fund, not subject to fiscal year limitations, for the retirements systems in Oklahoma. The act shall become effective July 1, 2015; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, Business, Labor and Retirement Laws Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Business, Labor and Retirement Laws Committee


HB1539 -- 10% Authors:


Title: Schools; annual report of the Oklahoma School Testing Program; directing revision of the school report cards; providing for multiple categories; modifying grades and information on school report cards; effective date; emergency.


Relating to the school grading system, the act adds that the Board shall not calculate school site grades or determine school performance

designations during the 2015-2016 school year and instead revise the calculation metrics of all components of the school report cards to ensure the accountability of the system; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Thomsen 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1542 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring certain screening and training for students with dyslexia; requiring certain teacher training in teaching methods for students

with dyslexia; effective date; emergency. Description: Amends children identified as at risk for reading disabilities or reading below grade level shall be screened for dyslexia. Students found to have dyslexia will be given resources to help their education. The bill updates all references related to the Oklahoma Teacher Preparation; replacing such with the Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Shelton 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1553 -- 13% Authors:

Sears and Mazzei


Revenue and taxation; ad valorem taxation; in lieu tax; heavy equipment; effective date.


Created as Heavy Equipment Rental Tax Act; levies a rental tax of 1% for all qualified heavy equipment.

Actions: 18 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 4:30 PM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, Appropriations and Budget Committee 18 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget Committee 18 Feb - H Title stricken


HB1558 -- 13% Authors:



Motor vehicles; apportionment of motor vehicle fees; effective date; emergency.

Description: Amends the percent of monies referred to the General Revenue Fund for FY15 to 22.94 percent. and it amends percentages referred to cities and incorporated towns for FY15 to five percent; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B General Government 6 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 4:30 PM, Room 432A, State Capitol, A&B General Government Committee 9 Feb - H CR; Do Pass A&B General Government Committee


HB1563 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Education Extracurricular Activities Act; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the Education Extracurricular Activities Act.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Hall 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1587 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Public School Spending Transparency Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the Public School Spending Transparency Act of 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Park 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1588 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; State Aid formula; clarifying statutory language; effective date.


Shell bill that amends language regarding state education and the state aid formula.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Park 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1589 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; modifying curricular requirements for mathematics; effective date; emergency.


Amends curricular standards, requiring high school students to take four credits of mathematics and one more credit of a science; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB1592 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to an inventory of coursework approved for graduation; effective date.


Shell bill pertaining to the Board of Education.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Russ 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1594 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language relating to the Oklahoma School Testing Program; effective date.


Shell Bill creating the Oklahoma School Testing Program Act.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Russ 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1595 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to the apportionment of funds appropriated for school districts; effective date.


Shell bill pertaining to school funding.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Russ 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1596 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Common Sense Zero Tolerance Act; effective date; emergency.

Description: Creates the “Common Sense Zero Tolerance Act� and insures that teachers and other trained school personnel can use their discretion and training in handling disciplinary actions; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Kern 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1600 -- 10% Authors:



Children; requiring health care professionals and school personnel to report suspected child abuse or neglect to law enforcement; effective date.


Amends that anyone who is regularly in contact with children shall promptly report suspected child abuse or neglect to law enforcement.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Children, Youth and Family Services 12 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Children, Youth and Family Services Committee 17 Feb - H Laid over


HB1604 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring certain information to be made available to certain agencies; emergency.

Description: Relating to schools, specifies what type of information of school dropouts (including the name, address, race and age) shall be made available for the use in youth educational programs provided by the State Department of Health; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Sherrer 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB1611 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language; effective date.

Description: States that the purpose of the Oklahoma School Code is to provide for a state system of public school education and for the establishment, organization, operation and support of this state system. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Henke 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1622 -- 10% Authors:


Title: Schools; directing the development of standards for ACT assessment preparation instruction; deleting end-of-instruction testing requirements; requiring ACT assessment; effective date; emergency. Description: Requires the State Board of Education to adopt standards to ensure students are prepared to take the American College Test (ACT); replaces all references of the EOIs with the ACT, and replaces the exams with ACT; repeals EOIs. Actions:

2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Derby 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB1632 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; adding an additional day of classroom instruction each school year for a certain number of years; effective date; emergency.

Description: For the 2015-2016 school year, schools shall be in session for not less than 180 days, or for not less than 1,080 hours. For each consecutive school year after, through school year 2020-2021, required time for class session will augment by one day (or 6 hours) per school year; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1633 -- 10% Authors:



Board of Education; appropriation; purpose; effective date; emergency.

Description: An appropriation is to be made in the sum of $100 million (or so much thereof as may be necessary for the financial support of public schools) from the General Revenue Fund of the State Treasury to the State Board of Education for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016; to be effective July 1, 2015; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1634 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Health Education for Middle Schools Act of 2015; effective date.

Description: Created as Health and Education for Middle Schools Act of 2015; health education shall be taught in public schools during grade seven or eight; the method by which it is taught is determined by each school district, which will be encouraged to work with community-based health organizations. Students may be exempt based on personal moral or religious grounds. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1636 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language relating to the Oklahoma School Code; effective date.


Shell bill citing the Oklahoma School Code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1637 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language relating to scope, organization and definitions for public schools; effective date.


Shell bill that amends language pertaining to the purpose of the Oklahoma School Code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1638 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.

Description: Raises the limit on allowed earnings from the public schools of Oklahoma for retired members; changes earnings limitations for retired members below the age of sixty-two; changes earnings limitations for retired members older than seventy years; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1639 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; providing for additional pay for certain special education teachers; effective date.

Description: Adds that special education teachers assigned to teach students with severe disabilities shall be paid a minimum of ten percent above teachers of nondisabled children in the same school district; adds that all teachers of special education who serve as special education teachers in the same district for five or more consecutive years shall be paid a minimum of five percent above teachers of nondisabled children; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading

2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1643 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to school taught on Saturday; effective date.


Shell bill that cleans up language pertaining to school taught on Saturdays.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1644 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying references relating to governing boards of school districts; effective date.


Shell bill pertaining to school districts and governing boards.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1645 -- 10% Authors:



Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Systems Amendments Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the Oklahoma Pension Systems Amendments Act of 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1646 -- 10% Authors:



Public retirement systems; Oklahoma Pension Systems Amendments Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the Oklahoma Pension Systems Amendments Act of 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1649 -- 10% Authors:



Public retirement systems; retirement benefit increases; offsets; effective date; emergency.


States that any person receiving benefits from the Oklahoma Firefighters Pension and Retirement System, Oklahoma Police Pension and

Retirement System, Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges, Oklahoma Law Enforcement Retirement System, Teachers’ Retirement System of Oklahoma, and Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System as of June 30, 2014, who continues to receive benefits on or after July 1, 2015, will receive a two-percent increase in said benefits on July 1, 2015. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Brown 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1661 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language relating to the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990; effective date.


Shell bill pertaining to the “Teacher Due Process Act of 1990”.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Kern 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1670 -- 10% Authors:



Schools, requiring an annual adjustment in teacher salaries to equal regional average; effective date; emergency.


Amends teacher's salaries, states that for the 2015-2016, salary levels will be adjusted to equal the regional average; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Brown 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1672 -- 13% Authors:



Higher education; making certain students eligible to participate in the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; effective date; emergency.


Relates to higher education and the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Act; makes certain students eligible to participate in the Oklahoma Higher

Learning Access Program. The bill specifies specific eligibility criteria and deletes income determination for certain students; EMERGENCY. Actions: 17 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/18/2015 18 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/19/2015 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1682 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Securing Educational Excellence Fund; effective date; emergency.

Description: Amends requirements for the Rebuilding Oklahoma Access and Driver Safety Fund’s annual apportionment , which is not to increase until the Securing Educational Excellence Fund reaches a total annual apportionment of $600 million; EMERGENCY. Actions: 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, A&B Education Committee 16 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, A&B Education Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, as amended, A&B Education Committee


HB1684 -- 10% Authors:

Denney and Griffin


Education; Erin's Law; requiring schools to establish a sexual abuse prevention program; effective date.


Creates Erin's Law, requiring all schools to offer sexual abuse prevention instructional programs for grades prekindergarten through fifth grade.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 5 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 9 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, as amended, Common Education Committee


HB1685 -- 13% Authors:

Denney and Halligan


School health and safety; creating the 24/7 Tobacco-free Schools Act; effective date; emergency.

Description: Creates the 24/7 Tobacco-free Schools Act, prohibiting the use of tobacco products on or in educational facilities that offer early childhood education programs or in which children in grades kindergarten through twelve are educated. The bill mends that a center school district or college or university may designate smoking areas outside the educational facility; EMERGENCY. Actions:

13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Common Education Committee 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1687 -- 13% Authors:

Denney and Halligan


Adult education; modifying name of certain diploma; effective date; emergency.

Description: States that funds appropriated to the State Board of Career and Technology Education for Adult Education Matching Funds will be provided to school districts which offer courses leading to a high school equivalency diploma; The Department of Education will retain the responsibility for issuing diplomas to those who successfully complete a high school equivalency test established by the State Board of Education; EMERGENCY. Actions: 19 Feb - H Laid out for consideration at 10:29 AM 19 Feb - H Third Reading, Measure and Emergency passed: Ayes: 90, Nays: 0 19 Feb - H Set on House Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


HB1688 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; county assessor training; documentary stamp tax; effective date; emergency.

Description: Creates the Country Government Modernization Revolving Fund to help cover the expenses incurred by Oklahoma State University Center for Local Government Technology for their duties imposed upon them. It amends the percentage of money collected on stamps and how much is put in the General Revenue Fund. Money deposited in the in the County Government Modernization Revolving Fund will be distributed by the Tax Commission monthly as follows to the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service for duties imposed; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Revenue and Tax


HB1689 -- 10% Authors:


Title: Schools; increasing number of days in certain school years; expanding minimum salary schedule for certain school years; requiring certain recommendations and reports; effective date; emergency. Description: Known as the “Teacher Retention and Compensation Act of 2015,” it modifies the amount of time classrooms will be in session and instruction will be offered. Amends teacher’s salaries and/or fringe benefits through the school year of 2019; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education 4 Feb - H Withdrawn from Appropriations and Budget, Direct to Rules


HB1690 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring separate reporting of the academic performance of certain students on the Oklahoma School Testing Program annual report;

effective date; emergency. Description: Amends that students who are in-patients receiving long-term or short-term rehabilitation services and are provided educational services by a school district following the agreement between a hospital or medical facility, separate reporting will be required of the academic performance of the student under Oklahoma School Testing Program; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 9 Feb - H Withdrawn from Rules, Direct to Common Education 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB1691 -- 10% Authors:


Title: Schools; allowing certain boards of education to contract with educational services entities to provide educational and administrative services; effective date; emergency. Description: The board of education of each school district with average membership of 30,000 or more or where the school district is located in a county of more than 500,000 people may have the authority to contract with a public or private nonsectarian entity to provide educational and administrative services for the school district. All educational service providers will be exempt from all statutes and rules relating to schools, boards of education, and school districts to the same extent a charter school is exempt; EMERGENCY. Actions: 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H Laid over 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB1692 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; removing certain position eligible for annual salary bonus; effective date.


Removes language stating that a speech language pathologists will be able to receive an annual salary bonus of $5,000 in public schools.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1693 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act; modifying provisions related to allocation of tax credits; effective

date. Description: Amends the “Oklahoma Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship Act.” When an “eligible special needs student” who has been provided services under an Individual Service Plan through the SoonerStart program, and deemed eligible for school district services and approved by a board of scholarship-granting organization, they will be eligible of up to $5,000 or 80% of the statewide annual average per-pupil expenditure. Modifies definition of a “qualified school.” Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 9 Feb - H Withdrawn from Rules, Direct to Appropriations and Budget


HB1696 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; modifying the Oklahoma Charter Schools Act; effective date; emergency.


Bill Schools; modifying the Oklahoma Charter Schools Act; effective date; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 4 Feb - H Withdrawn from Rules, Direct to Common Education


HB1705 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; updating references relating to a certificate of qualification for teachers; effective date.


Shell bill that modifies public developmental research schools.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1706 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language relating to the Oklahoma School Code; effective date.


Shell bill that amends the Oklahoma School Code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1707 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language relating to scope, organization and definitions for public schools; effective date.


Shell bill that modifies language related to the Oklahoma School Code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1708 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to school taught on Saturday; effective date.


Shell bill that relates to school attendance.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1709 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; updating statutory citations relating to the Oklahoma Charter Schools Act; effective date.


Shell bill that modifies language pertaining to the Oklahoma Charter Schools Act.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Denney 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1711 -- 0% Authors:


Title: effective date.

State employee benefits; deleting requirement that the Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Board set certain monthly premiums;

Description: Amends the “State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board” by changing the name to “Oklahoma Employees Insurance and Benefits Board;” removed the insurance premiums for active employees and for the retirees under the age of 65. Actions: 11 Feb - H Failed in Committee 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Government Oversight and Accountability Committee

17 Feb - H CR; Do not pass Government Oversight and Accountability Committee


HB1712 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; ad valorem taxation; exemption; qualifying manufacturing concerns; effective date.

Description: Removes the term "payroll" and replaces it with "Base Payroll"; defines Base Payroll and Initial Payroll; States any nonrecurring bonuses, exercis of stock option or stock rights or other nonrecurring, extraordinary items included in total payroll numbers as reported by the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Mulready 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws 4 Feb - H Withdrawn from Business, Labor and Retirement Laws, Direct to Appropriations and Budget


HB1724 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; ad valorem taxation; qualifying manufacturing concerns; wind energy; effective date.


Pertaining to Revenue and taxation; ad valorem taxation; qualifying manufacturing concerns; wind energy.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Osborn 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Revenue and Tax


HB1755 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Oklahoma Education Savings Account Act; effective date.


Shell bill creating the "Oklahoma Education Savings Account Act."

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Newell 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1763 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring school districts to adopt a grading policy; allowing certain students to graduate from high school with a provisional diploma;

effective date; emergency. Description: Outlines a grading policy that will be adopted by school district boards; amends, in regards to EOIs, that if a student does not attain a proficient score on Algebra I or English II tests after retaking the exams a minimum of three times, the student may graduate with a provisional diploma; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Enns 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB1782 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.


States that earnings from the public schools may no exceed the Earnings Limitation for employees allowed by the Social Security Administration.

For retired members the limit on allowed earnings from the public schools of Oklahoma for employment for the performance of duties ordinarily performed by classified or nonclassified personnel will be $40,000.00 unless the earnings limitation allowed by the Social Security Administration would be greater than $40,000.00; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative McCall 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1782 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.

Description: States that earnings from the public schools may no exceed the Earnings Limitation for employees allowed by the Social Security Administration. For retired members the limit on allowed earnings from the public schools of Oklahoma for employment for the performance of duties ordinarily performed by classified or nonclassified personnel will be $40,000.00 unless the earnings limitation allowed by the Social Security Administration would be greater than $40,000.00; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative McCall 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1782 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.

Description: States that earnings from the public schools may no exceed the Earnings Limitation for employees allowed by the Social Security Administration. For retired members the limit on allowed earnings from the public schools of Oklahoma for employment for the performance of duties ordinarily performed by classified or nonclassified personnel will be $40,000.00 unless the earnings limitation allowed by the Social Security Administration would be greater than $40,000.00; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading

2 Feb - H Authored by Representative McCall 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1786 -- 13% Authors:



Oklahoma Education Lottery; eliminating net proceeds minimum requirement; effective date; emergency.


States that all gross proceeds will be the property of the Oklahoma Lottery Commission. From its gross proceeds, the Commission will pay the

operating expenses at the Commission. At least 45% of gross proceeds will be made available as prize money; EMERGENCY. Actions: 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, A&B Education Committee 16 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, A&B Education Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass A&B Education Committee


HB1788 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; expanding minimum salary schedule for certain school years; effective date; emergency.


Amends teacher salary schedules for the 2014-2015 school years until 2025, increasing salaries each year; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Hardin 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1789 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; increasing minimum teacher salary schedule; effective date; emergency.


Provides teachers' salary increases for 2015-2016; amending teachers' salary schedule; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Hardin 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1790 -- 10% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; post-retirement earnings limitations; effective date; emergency.


States that a member may enter into post-retirement employment with a public school and still receive monthly benefits, except that a retired

member is not eligible to be employed by the public schools for 60 calendar days after post-retirement; the bill removes earning details; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Hardin 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1801 -- 10% Authors:



Public retirement systems; Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; forfeiture of benefits; effective date.


Shell bill amending language relating to the Teacher's Retirement System of Oklahoma.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Roberts 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1808 -- 10% Authors:


Title: Public retirement systems; Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma; death benefit; Oklahoma Education Lottery Trust Fund; apportionments; effective date; emergency. Description: The sum of $5,500 will be awarded to a annuitant of a person who died who contributed to the Teacher's Retirement System if there is no designated beneficiary. When the total of $5,000,000 has been reached in the School Consolidation and Assistance Fund, excess funds will be transferred into the Teachers' Retirement System of Oklahoma to offset any liabilities associated with the increase of the death benefit amount; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Banz 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Business, Labor and Retirement Laws


HB1812 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring certain teachers to receive certain increases in salary; effective date.

Description: States that if a teacher teaches in a public school in Oklahoma for a minimum of 5 years in which 90% or more of the students receive free or reduced lunch, the teacher will receive a 3% raise in salary. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Proctor 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Education


HB1816 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the National Board Teacher Certification Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the National Board Teacher Certification Act of 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Proctor 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1822 -- 10% Authors:

Martin and Martin

Title: emergency.

Schools; directing school districts to increase support employee salaries; increasing minimum teacher salary schedule for teachers; effective date;

Description: Creates the Teacher Retention and Compensation Act of 2015; increases the salary level of teachers and increases the number of school days each year until 2019 to total 185 days; EMERGENCY. Actions: 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, A&B Education Committee 16 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, A&B Education Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, amended by committee substitute A&B Education Committee


HB1823 -- 13% Authors:

Martin and Martin

Title: report; emergency.

Schools; directing the State Board of Education to not calculate school site grades and designation for certain school year; requiring certain

Description: Allows the State Board of Education to study and improve the school grading system in regards to performance designations using the accountability system reports; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Common Education Committee


HB1839 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language; effective date.


Shell bill cleaning up language pertaining to the Oklahoma School Code.


2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Banz 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1841 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Oklahoma Civics Education Initiative Act; effective date.


Creates the “Oklahoma Civics Education Initiative Act,” which will authorize school districts to establish a civics education program.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Banz 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1842 -- 10% Authors:



Elections; creating the Elections Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the “Elections Act of 2015.”

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Banz 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1850 -- 10% Authors:



State government; State Employees Disability Program Act; making certain persons eligible for short-term disability plan; effective date.

Description: Amends language in the bill regarding the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board that states a person on maternity leave will be eligible to receive benefits from the short-term disability plan. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Inman 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to State Government Operations


HB1851 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; ad valorem taxation; homestead; additional homestead; effective date.


Amends an act in regards to the ad valorem taxation that homesteads in this state shall be assessed taxation the same as other real property to

the excited of $2,000.00 of the assessed valuation. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Inman 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to A&B Revenue and Tax


HB1864 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Career Tech Territory Study Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bills that creates the Career Tech Territory Study Act of 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Shelton 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1872 -- 10% Authors:



Labor; authorizing leave of absence for certain donations for employees; effective date.

Description: Allows employees a leave of absence for medical reasons, like donating bone marrow. An employer may not punish an employee for leave of absence for serving as a donor. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Shelton 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1883 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Oklahoma School Testing Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill that creates the “Oklahoma School Testing Act of 2015.�

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Christian 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1886 -- 10% Authors:



Lottery; clarifying language; effective date.


Shell bill creating the "Oklahoma Education Lottery Act."

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Christian 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1930 -- 10% Authors:

Jordan and Jordan


Schools; clarifying language; effective date.


Shell bill modifies language regarding purpose of Oklahoma School Code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Jordan 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1944 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language; effective date.


Shell bill clarifies language in relation to the Oklahoma School Code, which will provide for a state system of public school eduaction.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Roberts 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1955 -- 10% Authors:


Title: effective date.

Public buildings and public works; clarifying statutory language relating to opening bids under the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974;


Shell bill clarifying lanuage relating to opening bids under the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Watson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB1962 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; ad valorem taxation; Freeport exemption; tangible personal property; emergency.


Amends an act relating to the ad valorem taxation. In regards to personal property to the Freeport Exemption, the phrase "goods, wares, and

merchandise," includes all tangible personal property that is with respect to any timely filed appeals in the Court of Tax Review; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Watson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 9 Feb - H Withdrawn from Rules, Direct to Appropriations and Budget


HB1963 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; ad valorem taxation; procedures; emergency.

Description: Amends the Ad Valorem Tax Code, modifying provisions related to confidentiality of information and prohibiting an increase in ad valorem taxes pursuant to certain final judgments in tax appeals; EMERGENCY. Actions: 9 Feb - H Withdrawn from Rules, Direct to Appropriations and Budget 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 4:30 PM, State Capitol, Rm 432-A, Appropriations and Budget Committee 17 Feb - H Laid over


HB1972 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language; effective date.


Shell bill clarifying language in regards to the Oklahoma School Code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Brumbaugh 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2003 -- 0% Authors:

Nelson and Jolley


Bennett, Brumbaugh, Echols, Fisher, Hall, Johnson, Jordan, Kern, McCullough, Moore, Newell, Strohm, and Rogers


Education; Oklahoma Education Savings Account Act; effective date; emergency.

Description: Creates the Oklahoma Education Savings Account Act to provide additional educational options to parents for the education of students in this state, by creating education accounts for individual students empowering parents to make educational decisions for their children; EMERGENCY. Actions:

3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H Failed in Committee


HB2004 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; modifying provisions of the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program Act; effective date; emergency.

Description: Amends language pertaining to the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with disabilities Program Act; modifies eligibility criteria and exemptions for students provided services under an Individual Family Service Plan. The bill gives responsibility of parents to pay tuition until scholarship funding begins; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nelson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 19 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 3:00 PM, 3:00pm or AA1: State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee


HB2014 -- 10% Authors:



Cockroft and Kern

Title: School security; creating the Special Reserve School Resource Officer Act; allowing certain persons to carry handguns on public school property; codification; noncodification; emergency. Description: Creates the Special Reserve School Resource Officer Act.The bill states that it shall be unlawful for any person in possession of a valid handgun license issued pursuant to the provisions of the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act to carry any concealed or unconcealed handgun into certain places as outlined in the bill. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H CR; Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Common Education Committee


HB2018 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to conflicting provisions of the school code; effective date.


Shell bill modifying language relating to schools.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2030 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language relating to the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990; effective date.


Shell bill clarifying statutory references in relation to the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2031 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to the school district definition; effective date.


Shell bill amending language pertaining to the definition of school districts.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2032 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to the definition of public schools; effective date.


Amends language related to public schools, clarifying the State of Oklahoma.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2033 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to payment or acceptance of bribes by school officers or employees; effective date.


Shell bill clarify language relating to schools and the payment or acceptance of bribes by school officers or employees.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Coody 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2038 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Community Learning Schools Act; effective date; emergency


Creates the Community Learning Schools Act, applying to any school site operated by the board of education of a school district. The bill states

that the school site is in improvement status as define by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 if they meet the qualifications of what is outlined in the bill; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Young 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB2039 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Community Wraparound Schools Act; effective date; emergency.

Description: Creates the Community Wraparound Schools Act, enstating the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools "Sustainable Community Schools" model to ensure high-quality educational opportunities and improved educational outcomes for all students. The bill provides for grants available to the plan through the State Board of Education; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Young 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education


HB2043 -- 10% Authors:


Title: date; emergency.

Schools; creating the Minority Teacher Recruitment Advisory Committee; expanding duties of the Minority Teacher Recruitment Center; effective

Description: Amends language pertaining to the Minority Teacher Recruitment Advisory Committee, officially creating the committee and providing for effect of vacancies on a quorum and filling said vacancies. The bill highlights duties of the committee and directs the Minority Teacher Recruitment Center to award Grow Your Own grants to consortia; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Young 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2049 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act of 2013; clarifying statutory language; effective date.


Adds title clarity to language pertaining to the Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act of 2013.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nelson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2067 -- 0% Authors:



Children; decreasing length of power of attorney delegating care and custody to forty days; effective date.


Decreases length of power of attorney to forty days instead of one year in regards to custody of children.

Actions: 10 Feb - H Laid over 12 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Children, Youth and Family Services Committee 17 Feb - H Failed in Committee


HB2069 -- 13% Authors:

Nelson and Griffin


Schools; providing for changing the residency of children in foster care upon request of the foster parent; effective date; emergency.

Description: Amends language pertaining to foster care, stating that upon request of the foster parent, the residence of a child in foster care for school purposes may be changed to the school district in which the child resided prior to being placed in foster care or the school district in which the previous foster family home of the child is located; EMERGENCY. Actions: 10 Feb - H Laid over 12 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Children, Youth and Family Services Committee 17 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Children, Youth and Family Services Committee


HB2075 -- 10% Authors:



Elections; creating the Election Reform Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill creating the Election Reform Act of 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Roberts 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2076 -- 10% Authors:



Elections; creating the Election Reform Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill creating the Election Reform Act of 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Roberts 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2088 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; directing the State Board of Education to take steps to implement certain adopted standards by a certain school year; effective date.

Description: Amends language and statutory references relating to the review of adopted subject matter standards; directs the State Board of Education to take steps to implement certain adopted standards by a certain school year. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nelson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2102 -- 10% Authors:



Property; creating the Oklahoma Community Protection Act; effective date.

Description: Creates the Oklahoma Community Protection Act stating that the state shall not adopt or implement policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe upon or restrict private property rights without due process. Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Moore 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2111 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to the school district definition; effective date.


Clarifies language relating to school districts.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Moore 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules

3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2112 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to conflicting provisions of the school code; effective date.


Clarifying language which relates to conflicting provisions of the school code.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Moore 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2119 -- 10% Authors:



Public buildings and public works; procedures; effective date.


Modifies language and requirements related to bid documents and contracts for public buildings.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative McBride 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to State Government Operations


HB2130 -- 13% Authors:

Cleveland and Dahm


Schools; repealer; calculation of instruction costs and total compensation to certified personnel for certain school year; effective date.


Repealer relating to calculation of instruction costs and total compensation to certified personnel for certain school year.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Common Education 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 3:00 PM, State Capitol, Rm 412-C, Common Education Committee 16 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Common Education Committee


HB2132 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; creating the Parent Empowerment Act; effective date.


Amending a law relating to Oklahoma Charter Schools and creating the Parent Empowerment Act. States that a school that has received a

sufficient petition, requesting a transition to a charter school under the provisions of the Parent Empowerment Act, will be formed if they follow other provisions provided in the bill. A petition circulated by parents and legal guardians seeking to make their school a charter school, must follow provisions in the bill. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 16 Feb - H Withdrawn from Rules, Direct to Common Education


HB2133 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying language; effective date.


Shell bill modifying language in a bill relating to the Oklahoma School Code.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2134 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; Oklahoma School Testing Program annual report; clarifying language; effective date; emergency.


Shell bill modifying language pertaining to the Oklahoma School Testing Program; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2138 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to the apportionment of funds appropriated for school districts; effective date.


Shell bill modifying language pertaining to schools and funds appropriated by the State Board of Education.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nelson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2139 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System; emergency.


Shell bill clarifying language regarding statutory language relating to the Oklahoma Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System;

EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nelson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2140 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; clarifying statutory language relating to payment or acceptance of bribes by school officers or employees; effective date.


Shell bill modifying language pertaining to schools accepting bribes by school officers or employees.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nelson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2141 -- 10% Authors:



Revenue and taxation; enacting the Tax Credit Education Scholarship Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill creating the "Tax Credit Education Scholarship Act of 2015."

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nelson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2149 -- 10% Authors:



Elections; creating the Election Reform Act of 2015; effective date.


Shell bill creating the "Election Reform Act of 2015."

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Nelson 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2170 -- 10% Authors:



Schools; requiring risk assessment be available to certain students; effective date.


States that beginning in the sixth grade in the public schools, at risk assessment will be made available to each student who attends a school that

does the following as listed. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative McCullough 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HB2209 -- 13% Authors:



Schools; independent districts; dependent districts; elections; millage; voting procedures; effective date.

Description: States that any person who resides in a dependent school district who is the parent or legal guardian of a student who begins to attend a school located in an independent school district will be allowed to vote in the elections for members of the school board of the independent school district and in any election for the approval or modification of an ad valorem tax levy imposed or to be imposed by the independent school district for any period of time during which the student is attending a school in the independent school district. Actions: 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Elections and Ethics 13 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 512-A, Elections and Ethics Committee 18 Feb - H CR; Do Pass Elections and Ethics Committee


HJR1001 -- 10% Authors:



Oklahoma Constitution; legislative sessions; appropriations; ballot title; filing.


Proposes an issue to be placed on the ballot; amending the legislative session meeting times and requirements.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Grau 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 6 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/11/2015 at 10:30 AM, 512A, State Capitol, Rules Committee


HJR1004 -- 10% Authors:

Sears and Jolley


Casey and Treat


Constitutional amendment; State Board of Equalization; membership; ballot title


Proposes the Superintendent of Public Instruction be added as a member of the State Board of Equalization.

Actions: 2 Feb - H Coauthored by Senator(s) Treat 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules 6 Feb - H Meeting set for 02/11/2015 at 10:30 AM, 512A, State Capitol, Rules Committee


HJR1015 -- 10% Authors:



Oklahoma Constitution; homesteads; fair cash value; gross household income; ballot title; filing.


Proposes an amendment to the Oklahoma Constitution, which will prohibit an increase in the fair cash vale of a homestead for property tax

purposes only for persons sixty-five and older with gross household incomes below a certain level. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Dank 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HJR1021 -- 10% Authors:



Oklahoma Constitution; homestead; ad valorem exemption; ballot title; filing.


Provides an exemption of $50,000 for the owner of a homestead property.

Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative Proctor 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


HJR1023 -- 10% Authors:


Title: Oklahoma Constitution; income tax rates; individuals; corporations; exemptions, deductions and credits; legislative measures; supermajority approval; ballot title; filing. Description: Proposes an amendment reducing the income tax rate by one percent until it reaches 3 percent by Jan. 1, 2017 and eventually the tax rate will reach zero percent by Jan. 1, 2020. Actions: 2 Feb - H First Reading 2 Feb - H Authored by Representative McCullough 3 Feb - H Second Reading referred to Rules


SB1 -- 5% Authors:



State government; creating Elimination of Non-Essential Governmental Spending Act; abolishing agencies; repealer. Effective date. Emergency.


Creates the Elimination of Non-Essential Governmental Spending Act and abolishes the State Industry Development Authority, the Native

American Cultural and Educational Authority among others. Returns all property and funds to the state on July 1, 2015; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Anderson 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB3 -- 5% Authors:



Native American Cultural Center and Museum; modifying fund to which certain revenues deposited.

Description: center.

Amends funding pertaining to the Native American Cultural Center, phasing-in funding from the GRF funds until FY 2017 to be used for the

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Anderson 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB4 -- 5% Authors:



Education; creating Teaching Professional Compensation Act. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Creates the Teaching Professional Compensation Act. The bill sets salaries of public school teachers for the 2015-16 school year resulting in big raises; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Anderson 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB5 -- 13% Authors:





Schools; providing immunity from liability for education employees for use of reasonable force. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Amends that no education employee or school volunteer is liable for the use of reasonable force to control or discipline a student while student is in attendance or transit to school; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 9 Feb - S coauthored by Cockroft 12 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed


SB9 -- 5% Authors:





Genetic counseling; permitting certain entities to provide certain information to parents; providing standards for information. Effective date.


Allows health officials to provide expectant or new parents information about Down Syndrome if a health test renders the child as such.

Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Barrington 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Health and Human Services 9 Feb - S coauthored by Denney


SB15 -- 5% Authors:





Schools; providing for consolidation of administrative duties of schools when certain requirements are met. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Creates the Rural Education Empowerment Act. The bill states administrative services of a district with less than 250 students will be combined upon departure of a superintendent; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Loveless 2 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SB18 -- 13% Authors:



Schools; creating a task force to study administrative costs and identify efficiencies. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Creates a 13-members task force to study school administrative costs, efficiencies and recommendations for savings. The bill outlines membership and members will not receive travel compensation; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education 5 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 9 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed


SB20 -- 13% Authors:





Teacher certification; providing for certification of out-of-state teachers. Effective date. Emergency.


Amends teaching certification for certain subject areas, allowing teachers holding an out-of-state certificate and meeting specified requirements to

be issued a certificate by the Board of Education without taking additional competency exams; EMERGENCY. Actions: 12 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Education committee; CR filed 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Education committee; CR filed


SB21 -- 5% Authors:

Bennett and Allen


Fisher, Kern, Ritze, and Russ


Schools; creating the Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Creates the Religious Viewpoints Antidiscrimination Act. The bill allows students to express religious viewpoints while setting up provisions for school districts to follow; EMERGENCY. Actions: 7 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Judiciary 18 Feb - S coauthored by Fisher, Kern, Ritze, and Russ 18 Feb - S Coauthored by Bennett (principal House author)


SB22 -- 5% Authors:

Biggs and Loveless


Schools; permitting criminal history record checks on certain volunteers. Effective date.

Description: Amends that the board of education may request the OSBI to conduct a criminal history check on school district or higher education volunteers with the fee being paid by the volunteer or district, depending on the circumstances. Medical professionals and sports referees are exempt. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Loveless 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education 3 Feb - S coauthored by Biggs


SB23 -- 0% Authors:



Open records; providing exception for certain business information kept by higher education institutions. Effective date.


The Oklahoma Department of Commerce, the Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education, the technology center school districts,

the Oklahoma Film and Music Office, and institutions within the Oklahoma State System of Higher Education may not keep confidential that submitted information when and to the extent the person(s) submitting the information consents to disclosure. Actions: 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules 10 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/11/2015 at 2:30 PM, State Capitol, Rm 419-C, Rules Committee 11 Feb - S Laid Over


SB25 -- 5% Authors:



Teacher due process; directing certain notification upon the dismissal or resignation of a teacher on certain grounds. Effective date. Emergency.


Requires a school district to notify the State Board of Education of the dismissal or probation of a career teacher. Allows the board to order

suspension of the teacher; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Thompson 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB27 -- 5% Authors:



Virtual school funding; modifying calculation of state aid. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: The weighted average daily membership for the first year of operation and each year after a full-time virtual charter school will be determined by multiplying the actual enrollment of students as of August 1st. At midyear, the allocation for the full-time virtual charter school will be adjusted using the first quarter actual enrollment for the school; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Allen 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SB29 -- 13% Authors:

Denney and Brecheen


Teacher certification; directing the State Department of Education to provide certain written notice. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Requires the State Department of Education to notify license or certificate holders if their license expired on June 30 of that year. Establishes late fees for individuals choosing to renew their license past the deadline; EMERGENCY. Actions: 18 Feb - S Title stricken 18 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Appropriations committee; CR filed 19 Feb - S Coauthored by Denney (principal House author)


SB31 -- 5% Authors:



Officers; creating hiring freeze for elected officials during certain time period. Effective date.


Allows a hiring freeze by the office or agency of statewide office holders from the first day of filing for re-election or beginning of new office term.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Standridge 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB32 -- 5% Authors:



Voting procedures; extending days and hours for in-person absentee voting. Effective date.


Amends in-person absentee voting times from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, amending the time to be 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Floyd 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB40 -- 5% Authors:

Walker and Thompson


Schools; providing for education of winter holidays; allowing certain greetings and displays. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Allows school districts to display holiday symbols and offer traditional holiday greetings. Specifies that a school must not encourage adherence to a particular religious belief; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Skipped Action : coauthored by Walker (principal House author) 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education 3 Feb - S coauthored by Walker


SB45 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; providing a pay increase to support employees. Effective date. Emergency.


Provides a $1,200 pay increase for school full-time support employees and prorated for part-time employees; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Sharp 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB48 -- 5% Authors:

Echols and Loveless


Schools; providing immunity from liability for offering certain elective course. Effective date. Emergency.


Allows school districts and employees to provide an elective course in the bible and religious studies; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Loveless 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education 5 Feb - S Coauthored by Echols (principal House author)


SB49 -- 5% Authors:



Teacher salary; establishing a minimum salary schedule for teachers. Effective date. Emergency.


Sets teachers' salary schedule for 2015-2016, This would give teachers a pay raise; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Sharp 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB50 -- 13% Authors:

Biggs and Smalley


Agriculture education; modifying grades in which programs can be offered. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Expands agricultural education programs to students in the sixth through twelfth grades. Formerly a student had to be an eighth through twelfth grader; EMERGENCY. Actions: 17 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 9:30 AM, AGENDA ADDED: State Capitol, Rm 535, Appropriations Committee 18 Feb - S Title stricken 18 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Appropriations committee; CR filed


SB57 -- 13% Authors:

Williams and Anderson


Letters of guardianship; providing for certain renewal. Effective date.


Amends that letters of guardianship as evidence of transfer are valid for no more than 15 months unless renewed by the court.

Actions: 10 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Judiciary committee; CR filed 18 Feb - S Set on Senate Floor Agenda for 02/19/2015 19 Feb - S Set on Senate Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


SB60 -- 5% Authors:

McPeak and Garrison


Schools; exempting Oklahoma School for the Blind and Oklahoma School for the Deaf from school grading. Effective date. Emergency.


Exempts the Oklahoma School for the Blind and the Oklahoma School for the Deaf from the A-F grading systems and the requirements of such;

EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Garrison 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education 11 Feb - S Coauthored by McPeak (principal House author)


SB63 -- 5% Authors:

Cox and Paddack


Telecommunications; modifying Oklahoma E911 Emergency Service Fund. Emergency.

Description: Allows the Corporation Commission to require competitive bidding of services when the applicant is applying for funding from the Federal Communications Commission in regards to the universal service fund and services; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Paddack 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Energy 17 Feb - S coauthored by Cox


SB66 -- 5% Authors:



Teachers Retirement System; modifying earnings limit for certain retired members. Effective date.

Description: money.

Increases the cap on post-retirement benefits and states that if the employee is federal money, then the district doesn't have to contract to state

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Anderson 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Pensions


SB68 -- 13% Authors:

Nelson and Holt


Charter schools; allowing certain city governing bodies to be sponsors. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Modifies the definition of charter schools as well as charter school sponsorship where it adds that the governing body of a city must meet certain criteria to be a sponsor; EMERGENCY. Actions:

5 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 9 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed 10 Feb - H Note: Coauthored by Nelson (principal House author)


SB75 -- 5% Authors:





Teachers' Retirement; COLA. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: States those receiving benefits from the Teachers' Retirement System in July 2014 and after July 1, 2015 may receive a one-time payment of $500; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Barrington 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Pensions 5 Feb - S coauthored by Boggs


SB77 -- 5% Authors:





Teacher and leader evaluations; prohibiting use of certain model. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Removes standardized tests from the quantitative and qualitative assessment components of TLE's statewide evaluation system and replaces such with a assessment components determined by the district; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - S Remove as author Senator ["123"]; authored by Senator ["104"] 3 Feb - S coauthored by Garrison 7 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB85 -- 13% Authors:

Sears and Mazzei


Income tax credits; modifying time period and condition under which credits are allowed. Effective date.


Amends time for taxpayer's qualified railroad reconstruction.

Actions: 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Finance 5 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/10/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Finance Committee 10 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Finance committee; CR filed


SB89 -- 5% Authors:



Firearms; modifying which weapons can be carried on school property. Effective date.


Allows a handgun, rifle or shotgun to stay in a vehicle on school property, public or private, if the owner has a valid license.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Silk 7 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Public Safety


SB91 -- 5% Authors:



Unlawful carry; modifying prohibited items. Effective date.


Amends unlawful carry, removing switchblade knife and a knife that opens automatically by hand pressure from the list of items unlawful to carry.

Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Silk 2 Feb - S First Reading 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Public Safety


SB92 -- 0% Authors:

Sears and Mazzei


Public finance; oversight of performance-based efficiency contracts. Effective date.

Description: Pertains to contracts, adding the definition of "State Government Entity." The bill amends any government entity will consult with the State Bond Advisor before entering a performance-based efficiency contract. Actions: 18 Feb - S Referred to Finance 18 Feb - S Laid Over 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/24/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Finance Committee


SB93 -- 13% Authors:





Income tax; providing exemption for certain income earned by certain licensed teachers. Effective date.

Description: Amends for taxable years starting Dec. 31, 2015, income earned by a person holding a certificate from the Oklahoma State Board of Education to teach Pre-K through twelfth and is employed full-time will be exempt by 25 percent. Actions: 17 Feb - S coauthored by Brinkley

17 Feb - S Title stricken 17 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Finance committee; CR filed


SB94 -- 13% Authors:

Sears and Mazzei


Tax credits; modifying time period and conditions under which certain credit is allowed; deleting requirement for report. Effective date.


Amends the Affordable Housing Tax Credit. The bill authorizes the credit until January 1, 2016 and some projects until 2020 if the legislature

reauthorizes after review of the required report. Actions: 9 Feb - S Skipped Action : coauthored by Sears (principal House author) 10 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Finance committee; CR filed 10 Feb - S Title stricken


SB95 -- 13% Authors:

Bingman and Fry


Energy conservation; exempting certain Career Tech districts. Emergency.

Description: Exempts Technology Center School Districts from the Oklahoma State Facilities Energy Conservation Program; Technology Center School Districts will not be subject to the provisions but are encouraged to implement local district energy conservation efforts; EMERGENCY. Actions: 18 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/19/2015 at 8:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Energy Committee 18 Feb - S Remove as author Senator ["156"]; authored by Senator ["108"] 19 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Energy committee; CR filed


SB100 -- 5% Authors:



Crime and punishment; clarifying certain prohibited acts; deleting certain construing provisions and administrative penalty. Effective date.

Description: Amends places where it is unlawful to carry a concealed or unconcealed handgun, including a courthouse and any building owned or leased by a city that is used for public meetings, unless security checkpoints are maintained. The bill allows handguns on college campuses with consent of the school. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Sharp 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Public Safety


SB105 -- 5% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System; allowing certain post retirement employment; certain earnings limitations. Effective date.


Amends that employees in public schools may enter into post-retirement employment 30 calendar days, formerly 60 days, between the retiree's

last day of employment and post-retirement. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Sharp 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Pensions


SB109 -- 13% Authors:

Rousselot and Anderson


Durable powers of attorney; modifying certain authority and procedures. Effective date.

Description: Pertains to durable power of attorney, amending that the attorney-in-fact is accountable to the fiduciary, which has the power to revoke or amend power of attorney. The bill states if a durable power of attorney is recorded, notice of revocation must be filed. Actions: 3 Feb - S coauthored by Rousselot 16 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/17/2015 at 10:15 AM, State Capitol, Rm 230, Judiciary Committee 17 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Judiciary committee; CR filed


SB113 -- 5% Authors:



Elections; requiring special runoff primary election under certain conditions. Effective date.


States elections can be no less than 20 days after the special primary election.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Stanislawski 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB114 -- 5% Authors:



Elections; requiring state agencies to provide change of address information to State Election Board. Effective date.


States if a registered voter changes their address they must fill out the necessary forms to enable the voter to transfer their registration.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Stanislawski 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB120 -- 5% Authors:



Officers; prohibiting hiring of new employees during certain time period. Effective date.


In regards to statewide office holders, from first date of filing for re-election until the new term of office, a hiring freeze will be in place for that office

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Smalley 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB123 -- 5% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement System; modifying earnings limit for certain retired members. Effective date.


Amends post-retirement requirements of public school employees and changes allowed earnings from $15,000 to $30,000.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Smalley 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Pensions


SB124 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; directing district boards of education to post budgets online. Effective date. Emergency.


Requires school district board of education's to post the adopted, updated district budget on its website every fiscal year; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB125 -- 5% Authors:



Teachers; delaying implementation of the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System. Effective date. Emergency.


Extends evaluation requirements to the 2015-2015 and 2016-2017 school years; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB133 -- 5% Authors:



Public buildings and public works; conflicts of interest. Emergency.


Amends public construction contracts and those involved shall fully disclose contractual relationships and disclose any conflict of interest;

EMERGENCY Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Bass 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to General Government


SB136 -- 25% Authors:

Nelson and Stanislawski


Online education; providing the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board certain duties. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Statewide virtual charter school board to send forms for parents authorization to release state test results to online course providers; reviews online courses for curricular standards; enters contracts with online course providers; makes available online courses to school districts; EMERGENCY Actions: 18 Feb - S Measure and Emergency passed: 45 to 0. 18 Feb - S Referred for engrossment 19 Feb - S Engrossed measure signed, returned to House


SB137 -- 13% Authors:


Title: Higher education; relating to Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; directing State Regents for Higher Education to review determination of financial qualification. Effective date. Emergency. Description: Requires the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to review the determination of financial qualification; stating that if the income from taxable and nontaxable sources does not exceed $50,000 than the student will meet financial qualification; EMERGENCY Actions: 12 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Education committee; CR filed 16 Feb - S Referred to Appropriations


SB138 -- 0% Authors:



Higher education; providing in-state status for certain veterans, their spouses and children. Effective date. Emergency.


Amends students will be eligible for in-state status if the student's parents are certain veterans. This includes stepchildren; EMERGENCY


12 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Veterans and Military Affairs committee; CR filed 17 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 9:30 AM, AGENDA ADDED: State Capitol, Rm 535, Appropriations Committee 18 Feb - S Laid Over


SB139 -- 5% Authors:

Roberts and Fields


County elections; requiring special election to fill county office vacancy. Effective date.


Amends when any elective county office has a vacancy that it shall be filled by a special election called by Governor within thirty days.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Fields 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB146 -- 5% Authors:



School accountability; exempting Oklahoma School for the Blind and Oklahoma School for the Deaf from A-F grades. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Amends that State Board of Education will prepare annual results of school state testing, exempting Oklahoma School for the Blind and Oklahoma School for the Deaf from A-F; EMERGENCY Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Simpson 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB149 -- 13% Authors:

McPeak and Garrison

Title: Emergency.

State government; modifying purchasing exemption for Oklahoma School for the Blind and Oklahoma School for the Deaf. Effective date.

Description: Pertains to the Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act, stating expenditure of monies for educational programs by OKDRS to the Oklahoma School for the Blind and Deaf must be approved by the Commission for Rehabilitation Services; EMERGENCY. Actions: 11 Feb - S Title stricken 11 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Appropriations committee; CR filed 11 Feb - S Coauthored by McPeak (principal House author)


SB154 -- 13%


Mulready and David


Public trusts; modifying Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. Emergency.


Pertains to the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974; increasing trust funds to $75,000 for construction or labor contracts if the trustee finds that

an emergency exists; EMERGENCY Actions: 5 Feb - S Coauthored by Mulready (principal House author) 12 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 230, General Government Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass, amended by committee substitute General Government committee; CR filed


SB156 -- 5% Authors:


Title: Emergency.

State property; exempting the Oklahoma School for the Blind and the Oklahoma School for the Deaf from certain requirements. Effective date.


Exempting the Oklahoma School for the Blind and the Oklahoma School for the Deaf from certain requirements; EMERGENCY

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Garrison 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB157 -- 5% Authors:



Franchise tax; modifying amount of tax levy based on certain schedule; modifying minimum and maximum. Effective date.


The amount of tax for each $1,000.00 or fraction will be equal to $1.25 for the taxable period ending during 2015.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Loveless 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Finance


SB158 -- 5% Authors:



Initiative and referendum; modifying procedures for circulation of petitions; requiring notifications. Emergency.

Description: The Secretary of State shall notify the proponents of an initiative or referendum petition of the dates on which circulation of petitions for signatures may begin and when such signatures are due; EMERGENCY Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Griffin 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB159 -- 5% Authors:

Casey and Fields


Schools; providing for an increase in compensation for career teachers. Effective date. Emergency.


Starting in 2015 through 2019 school years each full time career teacher will receive a pay increase of $625.00 from the previous school year's

compensation; EMERGENCY Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Fields 3 Feb - S coauthored by Casey 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB162 -- 13% Authors:

Denney and Halligan




Testing; directing the State Board of Education to promulgate certain rules. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Requires the State Board of Education to make rules exempting students on IEPs from mandated tests and be assessed with alternative achievement standards; EMERGENCY. Actions: 16 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei 16 Feb - S Referred to Appropriations 17 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei


SB169 -- 5% Authors:


Title: date.

Income tax; deleting provision for certain tax rate modification; providing for modification in tax rates over time; repealing certain duty. Effective

Description: Pertains to income tax, reducing the income tax rate each year from 2017 through 2025 by on 0.1 percent from until the tax rate reaches 4.1 percent. The bill amends, between 2026 through 2035, to lower the tax income rate to 3.1 percent and then after 2036, lower it to 3 percent. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Finance


SB170 -- 5% Authors:



Sales tax; modifying certain exemption to include exemption for sales by certain clubs. Effective date.


Amends that booster or club members, that raise money for private or public schools, are exempt from taxation in relation to IRC, 26 U.S.C.

Section 501(C) Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Finance


SB171 -- 10% Authors:



Charter schools; creating the Flexibility for Rural Education Act of 2015; removing population limits. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Changes name of Act to "Flexibility for Rural Education Act." Removes the restrictions for eligibility (including daily membership, local population, and being identified as in need of improvement pursuant to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) of charter schools to be sponsored; EMERGENCY. Actions: 5 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 9 Feb - S Title stricken 9 Feb - S Failed in Committee - Education


SB177 -- 13% Authors:

Denney and Halligan


Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program; modifying income cap. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Amends students part of the Oklahoma Higher Learning Access Program, that if the student applies for participation in the Program during the 8th-10th grade or between ages of thirteen and fifteen that if the federal gross income of the student’s parent(s) exceeds $55,000 per year, they will not need financial aid; EMERGENCY. Actions: 9 Feb - S Title stricken 9 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Education committee; CR filed 11 Feb - S Coauthored by Denney (principal House author)


SB179 -- 13% Authors:

Denney and Halligan




Schools; increasing number of school days and school hours. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Amends classrooms should be in sessions for not less than one hundred eighty-one days or not less one thousand eighty six (1,086) hours each school year if the district board adopts a school-hours policy and notifies State Board of Education before September 15 of applicable school year; EMERGENCY Actions: 9 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Education committee; CR filed 11 Feb - S Coauthored by Denney (principal House author) 17 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei


SB182 -- 5% Authors:

Denney and Halligan




Teacher Salary; establishing minimum salary schedule. Effective date. Emergency.


New law stating that beginning 2015-2016 school year, teachers in public schools will receive benefits no less than the amounts listed in the bill.

“Fringe Benefits� is defined as retirement benefits; EMERGENCY Actions: 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations 11 Feb - S Coauthored by Denney (principal House author) 17 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei


SB186 -- 5% Authors:



School grades; providing bonus points for volunteer hours. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Related to the Oklahoma School Testing Program; provides bonus points (which effect the grade of a school site) in elementary schools that can be earned by parents and/or community members who volunteer during the school year; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB187 -- 5% Authors:

Nelson and Holt


Schools; creating the Parent Empowerment Act; creating guidelines for petition circulation. Effective date.

Description: Creates the Parent Empowerment Act; allows for petitions at any time in a qualifying school to be circulated seeing to transition the school to a charter school; creates certain guidelines for petition. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education 3 Feb - S coauthored by Nelson


SB189 -- 13% Authors:

Casey and Sharp



Title: Public finance; creating Oklahoma Performance Informed Budget and Transparency Act of 2015; modifying agency budget request procedures. Effective date. Emergency.


Creates the Oklahoma Performance Informed Budget and Transparency Act of 2015. The bill replaces the words zero-based with the words

performance-informed; EMERGENCY. Actions: 10 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/11/2015 at 9:30 AM, SEE NOTES: State Capitol, Rm 535, Appropriations Committee 11 Feb - S Title stricken 11 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Appropriations committee; CR filed


SB212 -- 5% Authors:



Unlawful carry; requiring certain notifications on college campus; providing certain immunity. Effective date.

Description: Requires the Oklahoma State Board of Regents to provide notice to the public regarding its institutions, utilizing a public method setting out a firearm policy; but, any entity may provide written authorization allowing weapons on the property. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Griffin 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Public Safety


SB221 -- 5% Authors:

Echols and Sharp


Reading Sufficiency Act; removing limits on teams; providing for referrals to summer academies. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Allows the Student Reading Proficiency Teams to make recommendations after analyzing information for the student and classroom performance. Amends option for those who score unsatisfactory on the reading portion of the third-grade test; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Sharp 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee 5 Feb - S Coauthored by Echols (principal House author)


SB233 -- 13% Authors:

Echols and Crain


Elections; modifying date of Presidential Preferential Primary election. Effective date.

Description: Modifies dates of Presidential Preferential Primary elections to be held on the fourth Tuesday in March in years the President and Vice President of the United States are to be elected. Actions: 11 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Rules committee; CR filed 11 Feb - S Title stricken 17 Feb - S coauthored by Echols


SB237 -- 5% Authors:



School counselors; requiring school counselors to spend certain amount of time on direct services. Effective date. Emergency.


Requires school counselors to spend at least 80% of their work time providing direct services to students. Their remainder of time will be spent on

school counseling program support; EMERGENCY Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Paddack 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB238 -- 5% Authors:


Title: Emergency.

School grades; exempting from A-F grading schools with certain percentage of students on individualized education program. Effective date.

Description: Amends that State Board of Education will prepare annual reports of the results of the Oklahoma School Testing Program. It also amends that students attending a school where more than 80% of students are in an indiviudalized education program in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, will be assessed with different achievement standards; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB239 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; creating the Chase Morris Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Creates the Chase Morris Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act; mandates the State Department of Health and the State Department of Education to jointly develop and publicly post guidelines and other relevant informative materials to inform students wishing to participate in athletic activity about the risks of sudden cardiac arrest; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Yen 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee


SB257 -- 5% Authors:



Teachers' Retirement; modifying definition; requiring certain leave to count as creditable service. Effective date.


States that a "Retirement Contract" means a document prepared by the Teacher's Retirement System, that incorporates member's selected

retirement option, and must be executred and submitted to the Teacher's Retirement System no less than 30 days prior to retirement date. Former members of the Teacher's Retirement System of Oklahoma who withdrew their contributions prior to January 1, 1983 and had at least ten years of service may receive a retirement benefit that is based upon years of service and compenstation at the time member terminated employment. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Pensions


SB262 -- 13% Authors:

Thomsen and Paddack


Schools; directing the State Department of Education to make workplace safety training information available. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Allows the State Department of Education and Oklahoma Department of Labor to collaborate and make information available to school districts in relation to workplace safety training for grades seven through twelve. Information will include ODL’s “Youth at Work Talking Safety: A Safety and Health Curriculum for Young Workers,” and will encourage school districts to from grades seven-twelve teachers about the importance of incorporating workplace safety in training in their curriculum; EMERGENCY Actions: 5 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 9 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed 17 Feb - S coauthored by Thomsen


SB272 -- 5% Authors:



Ad valorem tax; modifying amount of homestead exemption during certain time period by specified amount; limiting increase. Effective date.

Description: Modifies ad valorem tax language to state that all homesteads shall be assessed for taxation the same as other real property, except that homesteads shall be exempt from all forms of ad valorem taxation of the assessed valuation for tax years ending on or before December 31, 2015, or for any tax year which is the first year that the taxpayer is making application for homestead exemption. The amount of the exemption will increase on or after January 1, 2016 if the assessed valuation for the prior year increased. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Fry 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Finance


SB273 -- 5% Authors:



Income tax; providing deduction for amounts deposited to and distributed from catastrophe savings accounts; defining terms. Effective date.

Description: Amends that taxable income of taxpayers for corporations and adjusted gross income for individuals in the taxable years beginning after December 31, 2015 will be allowed a deduction for an amount that will be contributed to a catastrophe savings account. It will be paid out of or distributed from a catastrophe savings account, or has earned interest income on such accounts that does not exceed $5,000. A “qualified catastrophe expense” under specific provisions means a tornado safe room, roof covering for impact, fire, flood resistant building materials, and whole home standby generators.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Loveless 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Finance


SB274 -- 5% Authors:



Oklahoma Legislative Open Records Act; requiring certain records to be open for inspection. Effective date.


Enacts new law, the "Oklahoma Legislative Open Records Act," which requires certain records of various entities to be open for inspection.

Defines "record" as not meaning scheduling information of legislators, records relating to the Open Meeting ACT, records that would invade personal privacy of employee, or records protected by attorney-client privilege and other state evidentiary privileges. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB285 -- 13% Authors:

Coody and Ford




Schools; directing alignment of early childhood education standards. Effective date.

Description: Relating to schools, the bill adds that the State Board of Education shall align standards for early childhood education programs with the newly adopted standards as outlined in the Act. Actions: 9 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed 17 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei 19 Feb - S Coauthored by Coody (principal House author)


SB286 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; creating the Community Learning Act; establishing eligibility criteria. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Creates the Community Learning Act; allows a district board of education or charter school to create a community center learning process and allows entities to enter agreements pertaining to such program, EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Pittman 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SB287 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; creating the Sustainable Community Schools Act; establishing grant criteria. Effective date. Emergency.


Creates the Sustainable Community Schools Act; requires the state department of education to make grants available to plan and improve

sustainable schools. The bill details application requirements and states that each grant will be used to create a leadership team, goals and other items. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Pittman 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SB288 -- 5% Authors:


Title: Emergency.

Teachers; providing additional duties of the Minority Teacher Recruitment Advisory Committee; establishing grant criteria. Effective date.

Description: Removes the previous time limit on creating the Minority Teacher Recruitment Advisory Committee. The Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability and other agencies are directed to work together in the interests of recruiting, retaining, and placing minority teachers in public schools in Oklahoma; adds that these efforts will include establishing and administrating loan forgiveness programs and additional supports for minority teachers, particularly those teaching in lowincome districts, and carry out Grow Your Own Teacher preparation programs to recruit and prepare persons to become effective teachers; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Pittman 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SB289 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; creating the Health Education for Middle Schools Act of 2015. Effective date.

Description: Creates the Health Education for Middle Schools Act of 2015 stating that health education will be taught in the public schools during grades six, seven, or eight. Each school district will have the power to determine which grade level, and by which methods, health education will be taught. Teachers must be certified by the State Board of Education to teach health education. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Pittman 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SB292 -- 13% Authors:

Echols and Griffin


Child abuse and neglect; adding definition of failure to protect. Effective date.


Amends an act relating to child abuse and neglect, stating that “failure to protect� means to not take reasonable action to prevent or remedy child

abuse or neglect, including the conduct of a non-abusing parent or guardian who knows the identity of the abuser or person neglecting, and lies or tries to conceal the abuse or neglect. Actions: 10 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Judiciary committee; CR filed 10 Feb - S Title stricken 12 Feb - S Coauthored by Echols (principal House author)


SB300 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; modifying requirements to participate in the School District Empowerment Program. Effective date. Emergency.


Removes the provision that school districts must comply with minimum salary schedule requirements for teachers as it pertains to the School

District Empowerment Program; requires 85 percent of students enrolled in an empowered school district to demonstrate mastery of the state academic content standards and if the district cannot do so, it must implement an intervention model; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Loveless 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB301 -- 13% Authors:

Biggs and Loveless


Schools; allowing the State Board of Education to suspend or deny teacher certification upon certain findings. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Allows the State Board of Education to deny or revoke certification of any person that has been convicted of a crime involving domestic abuse or a minor, which will be determined at a hearing held by the board. The bill states if said certificate holder applies for reinstatement of their certification, and it is granted, a fee will apply. Repeals law pertaining to convicted felons and certification; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education 5 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 9 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed


SB302 -- 0% Authors:

Kirby and Loveless


Charter schools; allowing a federally recognized Indian tribe to be a sponsor under certain conditions. Effective date.

Description: States that the Oklahoma Charter School Act will allow a federally recognized Indian tribe to sponsor a charter school when it is located within former reservation or treaty boundaries. Actions: 5 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 9 Feb - S Laid Over 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee


SB303 -- 13% Authors:

Denney and Shaw


Schools; requiring teacher training programs to include sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention. Effective date. Emergency.


Requires boards of education to require training once a year on reporting child abuse, neglect, sexual abuse and assault awareness and

prevention and requires the State Department of Education and DHS to develop such age-appropriate training and implement it; EMERGENCY. Actions: 5 Feb - S Coauthored by Denney (principal House author) 6 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/09/2015 at 9:00 AM, SEE NOTES: State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 9 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed


SB310 -- 5% Authors:



Elections; providing for elections to be conducted by mail; providing procedures. Effective date.


States that beginning with the 2020 election cycle, all elections in this state will be conducted by mail, with provisions outlined in the bill.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB311 -- 5% Authors:



Elections; changing procedures for Primary and General Elections; eliminating Runoff Primary Election; modifying dates. Effective date.

Description: Relations to elections and election procedures. Changes the date of Primary Elections from June to August. Modifies circumstances under which the primary election will be held. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB312 -- 5% Authors:



Elections; modifying dates upon which elections may be held by political subdivisions. Effective date.

Description: States that no regular election to fill an elective office will be held by any county, school district, technology center school district, municipality or other political subdivision authorized to call elections except for at certain times as outlined in the bill. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading

2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB313 -- 5% Authors:



Elections; providing for electronic voter registration; providing procedures. Effective date.


New law stating that a person may submit a voter registration application electronically if they meet certain qualifications laid out in the bill. Allows

for the Secretary of the State Election Board to establish a secure website to permit such voter registration applications. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB314 -- 5% Authors:



Elections; allowing voter registration on certain days. Effective date.

Description: Allows an eligible voter to register on days, as set in current state statutes, by appearance in person and completing a voter registration application, making written oath, and providing proof of identification. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB315 -- 13% Authors:

Hall and Holt


Elections; modifying procedures relating to absentee ballot applications. Effective date.

Description: States that absentee ballot applications will say if it is for a single election or for all future elections that the voter is eligible for. If an application for an absentee ballot in all future elections in which the voter is eligible to vote is approved; the application will be considered valid until the voter cancels the application or ceases to be a registered voter or a ballot is returned as undeliverable by the United States Postal Service. Actions: 11 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Rules committee; CR filed 11 Feb - S Title stricken 12 Feb - S Coauthored by Hall (principal House author)


SB316 -- 5%




Elections; modifying procedures relating to absentee voting and early voting. Effective date.


Modifies procedures for absentee ballot voting procedures for voters with physical incapacitations.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB317 -- 5% Authors:



Elections; modifying days and hours for in-person absentee voting. Effective date.


States that a registered voter may apply for an in-person absentee ballot at a location chosen by the secretary of the county election board from

8am-6pm Wednesday through Friday immediately preceding any election and 8am to 6pm on Saturday immediately following an election. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB318 -- 5% Authors:

Echols and Holt

Title: Effective date.

Elections; modifying procedures for recognition of political parties and organizations; modifying procedures relating to Presidential Electors.

Description: Relates to elections. A recognized political party or political organization may terminate its status in Oklahoma by notifying the Secretary of the State Election Board in writing. Modifies language pertaining to petitions and procedures for ballot access. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Holt 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - S coauthored by Echols


SB328 -- 5% Authors:

Newell and Dahm


Payroll deductions; limiting voluntary payroll deductions for certain statewide public employee associations. Effective date.

Description: Allows a state agency to make voluntary payroll deductions for an employee to savings or credit and other organizations outlined; prohibits school districts and state agencies from making payroll deductions for professional organization dues or political contributions on behalf of an employee. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Dahm 3 Feb - S coauthored by Newell 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to General Government


SB330 -- 5% Authors:

Watson and Dahm


Retired teachers; modification of post retirement benefit upon post retirement marriage. Effective date. Emergency.


Amends spouse beneficiary requirements in regards to Teachers’ Retirement System, stating that if a spouse is the designated beneficiary and

dies after the member’s effective date of retirement and the member remarries-the member may make a one-time election for each subsequent marriage to name a new spouse beneficiary; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Dahm 3 Feb - S coauthored by Watson 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Pensions


SB331 -- 25% Authors:

McCall and Standridge


Oklahoma Vehicle License and Registration Act; modifying agency to which certain registration fees are paid. Effective date.

Description: Outlines capacities and fees for taxi cabs, school buses, intercity motorbus and states that fees related to such will be paid to the Oklahoma Tax Commission or the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. Actions: 18 Feb - S Measure passed, to House: 34 to 10. 18 Feb - S Referred for engrossment 19 Feb - S Engrossed measure signed, returned to House


SB345 -- 13% Authors:

McDaniel and Brinkley


Retirement System; requiring Board to comply with federal tax regulations. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Changes the State Board to the Oklahoma Pension and Retirement Board and replaces all references to the board; and states that OPPRB will develop procedures and require information from the distributing plan to conclude if a potential rollover contribution is a valid rollover contribution; EMERGENCY. Actions: 13 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 1:30 PM, State Capitol, Rm 230, Pensions Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Pensions committee; CR filed 17 Feb - S coauthored by McDaniel


SB352 -- 20% Authors:

Echols and Newberry


Public bidding; authorizing local bid preference for certain bids. Emergency.

Description: Pertains to express trusts and property; amends that a construction contract exceeding more than $50,0000 may choose a local bid preference of no more than 5 percent of the bid price; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 17 Feb - S Notice served to reconsider vote on measure Newberry 18 Feb - S Set on Senate Floor Agenda for 02/19/2015 19 Feb - S Set on Senate Floor Agenda for 02/23/2015


SB361 -- 13% Authors:

Echols and Dahm


Eminent domain; modifying purposes; striking dollar amount; repealing authorization for coal slurry pipeline. Effective date.


Amends lands set apart for the use and benefit of Oklahoma public schools which are subject to eminent domain to not include mill. The bill also

states that appraisers no longer receive specific mandatory compensation. Actions: 9 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/10/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 230, Judiciary Committee 10 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Judiciary committee; CR filed 11 Feb - S Skipped Action : coauthored by Echols (principal House author)


SB364 -- 5% Authors:

Dahm and Strohm


Crime and punishment; expanding scope of state preemption to include knives; certain entities to create policy. Effective date.

Description: Amends language to include knives in firearm regulation. The bill allows public or private elementary schools to create policy that regulates the possession of knives by students on the school’s property or on any form of transportation controlled by the school. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Dahm 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Public Safety 5 Feb - S Coauthored by Strohm (principal House author)


SB400 -- 5% Authors:

Walker and Dahm


Firearms; amending restricted places for unlawful carry. Effective date.

Description: Pertains to concealed/unconcealed weapons on college campuses; stating a weapon may be carried onto a private university, private college or private technical school property, or in a vehicle owned by any private university, college or technical school for transportation of students or personnel by a person who has a valid license pursuant to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Dahm 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Public Safety 4 Feb - S coauthored by Walker


SB404 -- 13% Authors:





Career and technology education; creating the Oklahoma Career Promise Act; establishing eligibility criteria. Effective date. Emergency.


Creates the Oklahoma Career Promise Act, which requires the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Department of Commerce, the State Board of

Career and Technology Education and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education to publish a list of industry certification areas impacting the economy and that meet certain guidelines. The bill creates the Oklahoma Career Promise Revolving Fund to provide funds to the program; EMERGENCY. Actions: 12 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed 17 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei


SB405 -- 13% Authors:



Higher Education; contracts with retired employees; removing intent language; removing certain requirement for certain position. Effective date.


Amends language related to higher education and contracts with retired employees, removing the six semester hour requirement.

Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Quinn 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Pensions 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Pensions committee; CR filed


SB428 -- 13% Authors:

Echols and Crain


Elections; modifying dates upon which certain elections may be held. Effective date.

Description: Amends a section of law related to election dates; excludes January from the list of months when special elections shall be held by any county, school district, technology center school district, municipality or other entity authorized to call elections. Actions: 11 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Rules committee; CR filed 11 Feb - S Title stricken 17 Feb - S coauthored by Echols


SB433 -- 5% Authors:



Public finance; creating the Common Education Trust Fund; providing for use of fund. Effective date.


Creates the Common Education Trust Fund and a five-member investing board, the Teacher Salary Supplement Committee and a seven-member

committee; and the Oklahoma Building Bonds Common Education Sinking Fund to support teachers, students, and educational programs. The bill provides procedures for the creation and maintenance of the funds and committees. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Crain 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations 3 Feb - S Referred to Appropriations Subcommittee on Education


SB454 -- 5% Authors:

Casey and Ford


Teachers' Retirement System; modifying provisions related to post retirement earnings limitation. Effective date.


Amends language pertaining to teachers’ retirement. The bill removes many provisions relating to post retirement earnings.

Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Ford 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Pensions 19 Feb - S Coauthored by Casey (principal House author)


SB464 -- 5% Authors:



Income tax; providing for reduction of tax levy over time; requiring State Board of Equalization to make certain determination. Effective date.

Description: Amends taxable income, lowering the income tax rate from 5.5 percent in 2012 to 5.25 percent for 2013 through 2015. The bill amends tax rates to be 4.85 percent on the remainder of funds for single and married couples, if the State Board of Equalization has not made a determination. The bill further reduces the top marginal rate to zero and is contingent upon a determination by the board. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Loveless 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Finance


SB484 -- 10% Authors:



Telecommunications; modifying requests for reimbursement from the Oklahoma Universal Service Fund. Emergency.

Description: Pertains to the Oklahoma Telecommunications Technology Training Fund; states that any request for Special Universal Service reimbursement will be filed by the telecommunications service provider within 90 days of the Special Universal Service being initially provided and violation of such will result in a fine of $500 per day. Actions: 18 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/19/2015 at 8:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Energy Committee 19 Feb - S Laid Over 19 Feb - S Failed in Committee - Energy


SB505 -- 13% Authors:

Nelson and Stanislawski


Statewide Virtual Charter School Board; creating the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board Revolving Fund. Effective date. Emergency.


Relating to the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board, it will create the “Statewide Virtual Charter School Board Revolving Fund,” which will not

be subject to fiscal year limitations. Funds garnered will be received by the Statewide Virtual Charter School Board from State Aid. Monies accrued will be appropriated and may be budgeted and expended by the SVCSBR; EMERGENCY. Actions: 17 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/18/2015 at 9:30 AM, AGENDA ADDED: State Capitol, Rm 535, Appropriations Committee 18 Feb - S Title stricken 18 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Appropriations committee; CR filed


SB506 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; requiring certain athletic association to submit annual budget. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Public schools or school districts will not be a member of any school athletic association unless that association has adopted a written policy requiring that the submission of the association’s annual budget report to the State Department of Education for publication will be posted online; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Shortey 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SB552 -- 5% Authors:



Ethics Commission; modifying amount which lobbyist principal, legislative liaison or lobbyist may spend for certain purposes. Effective date.

Description: Amends language related to limits on meals and gifts; prohibits lobbyists from providing anything of value to the governor, a legislator or any employee of the governor or the legislature; decreases the amount of money a legislative liaison or a legislative lobbyist representing only one lobbyist principal can pay for meals for the governor, legislators or employees of the governor or the legislature; prohibits legislative lobbyists representing more than one lobbyist principal from paying anymore than $200 for meals for the governor, legislators or employees of the governor or legislators. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SB568 -- 5% Authors:



Ad valorem tax; modifying requirements for exemption for certain manufacturers. Effective date.


Amends a section of law related to exemptions from ad valorem tax for certain manufacturers. The bill modifies requirements for certain entities

engaged in electric power generation by means of wind from, $250,000 to $1 million. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Quinn 2 Feb - S First Reading 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Finance


SB589 -- 5% Authors:



Private educational institutions; requiring certain institutions to publish certain report online. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Requires private educational institutions to annually publish on its website a report concerning the cost of its programs and the ability of its courses to transfer; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Bice 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB593 -- 5% Authors:


Title: Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Program; requiring participating schools to comply with certain requirements. Effective date. Emergency. Description: Modifies language and requires private schools that accept students participating in the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship to comply with state mandates; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Smalley 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB607 -- 5% Authors:

Cox and Anderson


Student athlete health; creating the Chase Morris Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Creates the “Chase Morris Sudden Cardiac Arrest Act;� requires athletes to sign and return a from declaring that he or she has reviewed the signs of sudden cardiac arrest and students who show signs must be removed from the physical activity immediately and not allowed to return until he or she is approved to from a doctor; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Anderson 3 Feb - S coauthored by Cox 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB609 -- 13% Authors:

Nelson and Jolley


Schools; creating the Oklahoma Education Empowerment Scholarship Act; establishing eligibility. Effective date. Emergency.


Creates the Oklahoma Education Empowerment Scholarship Act, the Oklahoma Education Empowerment Scholarship Savings Program, and the

Oklahoma Education Empowerment Scholarship Savings Revolving Fund. The bill proposes certain provisions, definitions, requirements, administration direction, funding and all other various rules and regulations for each program. The bill proposes specifications regarding tax exemptions after a certain time in relation to the Oklahoma Education Empowerment Scholarship Savings Program. EMERGENCY. Actions: 12 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/24/2015 at 10:30 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Finance Committee


SB624 -- 5% Authors:



Income tax; providing exemption for income earned by certain teachers and para-professionals. Effective date.

Description: For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2015, there will be an exempt from taxable income one hundred percent of any income earned during the year for those who are under contract as a classroom teacher for the entire calendar year or those that are employed as a paraprofessional providing classroom support. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Griffin 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Finance


SB629 -- 5% Authors:



Health education; requiring certain courses to include education on sexual abuse and assault. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: States that the board of education of a school district that offers a health class will include, as part of the class, age-appropriate sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention education; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Sparks 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB630 -- 13% Authors:





Schools; providing for intensive remediation of students with certain scores on reading assessments. Effective date. Emergency.


Providing for intensive remediation of students with certain scores on reading assessments; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 12 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed 17 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei


SB631 -- 5% Authors:



Testing; directing the State Board of Career and Technology Education to review certain GED passing rate. Effective date. Emergency.


States that the State Board of Career and Technology Education will review the number of students passing the General Education Diploma tests;

EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB632 -- 5% Authors:



Wildlife licenses; modifying residency requirements. Effective date.

Description: States that a full-time student who shows proof of full-time attendance at any institution of higher education in the state is presumed to retain residency status in the state for the purpose of purchasing any annual license issued by the Department of Wildlife Conservation. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Silk 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Tourism and Wildlife


SB650 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; prohibiting use of state funds to support certain history courses until certain course framework is changed. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: EMERGENCY.

States that no state funds will be used to support advanced placement U.S. history courses in Oklahoma schools as the courses are designed;

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SB665 -- 5% Authors:



School curriculum; creating the Oklahoma Science Education Act. Effective date. Emergency.


Creates the "Oklahoma Science Education Act", states that the State Board of Education, school district boards of education, school district

superintendents and school principals will endeavor to create an environment withing public school districts that encourages students to explore scientific questions, learn about scientific evidence, develop critical thinking skills and respond appropriately and respectfully to differences of opinion about controversial issues; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB667 -- 5% Authors:



Teachers; modifying Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System criteria. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Relates to the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System; deletes a reference to phased-in implementation; directs evaluations to be based on certain criteria by certain date; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB668 -- 13% Authors:

McDaniel and Jolley

Title: Emergency

Retirement boards; Oklahoma State Pension Commission; adding certain person; OPERS Board; adding certain person. Effective date.

Description: Adds two new members to the Oklahoma State Pension Commission, the Commissioner of Labor and the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Also adds one new member to the Board of Trustees, the Oklahoma State Treasurer. Any newly added member can also designate a proxy in their place; EMERGENCY. Actions: 9 Feb - S Laid Over 13 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 1:30 PM, State Capitol, Rm 230, Pensions Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass, amended by committee substitute Pensions committee; CR filed


SB674 -- 13% Authors:

Denney and Halligan


Schools; creating the 24/7 Tobacco-free Schools Act. Effective date. Emergency.


Creates the 24/7 Tobacco-free Schools Act, prohibiting the use of tobacco products in or on an educational facility that offers an early childhood

education program or in which children in grades kindergarten through twelve are educated. This also includes school vehicles and at any school-sponsored event or activity; EMERGENCY. Actions: 11 Feb - S Coauthored by Denney (principal House author) 12 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass as amended Education committee; CR filed


SB675 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; allowing certain statement on an individualized education program regarding assessments. Effective date. Emergency.


Amends provisions related to IEPs; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Floyd 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB677 -- 5% Authors:



Teachers; delaying implementation of certain Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System components. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: States that during the 2014-2017 school years, and for evaluations of teaches and administrators conducted during the 2017-2018 school year and each school year thereafter; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB679 -- 5% Authors:

McDaniel, Bass, and Floyd


Students; directing the State Board of Education to establish a process to track certain expenditures. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: States that by December 31, 2015, the State Board of Education will establish a uniform process designed to track the additional expenditures for transporting homeless students; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education 17 Feb - S Coauthored by McDaniel 17 Feb - S Coauthored by McDaniel, J. (principal House author)


SB680 -- 5% Authors:



Teachers; creating the Oklahoma Teacher Loan Repayment Program Act; establishing eligibility criteria. Effective date. Emergency.


Creates the "Oklahoma Teacher Loan Repayment Program Act", The program will provide educational loan repayment assistance to qualifying

teachers who teach in an Oklahoma public school for 3 straight years; Created in the State Treasury a revolving fund for the Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability designated the "Oklahoma Teacher Loan Repayment Revolving Fund."; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Bass 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SB681 -- 5% Authors:



Teachers; establishing minimum salary schedule for teachers. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: States that beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, teachers in public schools of Oklahoma will receive in salary and/or fringe benefits no less than the amounts specified; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Bass 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SB682 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; modifying requirements for school district discipline policies. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: States that harassment, intimidation, bullying and cyberbullying means any pattern of harassment, intimidation, threatening behavior, physical acts, verbal or electronic communication directed toward a student or group of students, including race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry or ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity and expression or other distinguishing personal characteristic of a student; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Pittman 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SB706 -- 5% Authors:

Casey and Ford


Teachers; delaying implementation of the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System. Effective date. Emergency.


Delays implementation of the Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System. Amends that the State Board of Education inconsultation

withthe Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Commission shall study continued implementation of the TLE to produce a system that promotes reflection and professional growth for teachers and leaders; EMERGENCY. Actions: 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 19 Feb - S Coauthored by Casey (principal House author)


SB707 -- 5% Authors:





Schools; directing the State Board of Education to adopt requirements for high school graduation. Effective dates. Emergency.


Provides consultation to adopt recommendations for requirements for high school graduation; Provides positions for the State Board of Education

pertaining to certain consultation. Actions: 3 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee 17 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee


SB708 -- 13% Authors:

Casey and Ford




Student testing; removing requirement for testing certain subjects and grades. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Beginning with the 2015-2016 school year, the Board will not develop or administer any criterion-referenced test for grades 3 through 8 in any subject not required by federal law; adds English language arts; EMERGENCY. Actions: 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed 17 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei 19 Feb - S Coauthored by Casey (principal House author)


SB709 -- 13% Authors:

Martin, Martin, and Ford




Teacher recruitment; creating the Oklahoma Teacher Recruitment Act; establishing eligibility. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Creates the “Oklahoma Teacher Recruitment Act”, The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education in consultation with the Commission for Educational Quality and Accountability will administer the program; a program participant who graduates from an accredited college will receive a standard certificate to teach pursuant to the Oklahoma Teacher pursuant to the Oklahoma Teacher Preparation Act and is eligible to receive a completion bonus of $4,000 if they received a bachelor’s degree in science, math or special education; Created in the State Treasury a revolving fund for the State Regents for Higher Education to be designated to

the “Oklahoma Teacher Recruitment Revolving Fund.�, Will develop and administer professional development, support, mentorship and coaching programs; EMERGENCY. Actions: 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed 17 Feb - S coauthored by Mazzei 19 Feb - S Coauthored by Martin (principal House author)


SB711 -- 13% Authors:



Teachers; directing certain teacher employment decisions to be forwarded to the State Board of Education. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Amends an act relating to the Teacher Due Process Act of 1990 stating that if a teacher is recommended to be dismissed or not reemployed that the grounds for removal be based on criminal charges sufficient to result in the denial or revocation of a certificate. Failure to forward recommendation to the State Board of Education shall not be the basis for any claim or action against the public school; EMERGENCY. Actions: 9 Feb - S Laid Over 12 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/16/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee 16 Feb - S Reported Do Pass Education committee; CR filed


SB782 -- 5% Authors:

Denney and Jolley


Charter schools; modifying criteria for sponsors; directing sponsors to establish certain policies. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Amends charter school sponsorship, allowing any school district to be a sponsor and priority will be provided to those serving at-risk student populations. The bill amends the charter school application to include several new provisions. The bill provides specific powers to a sponsored charter school and allows sponsors to develop policies and practices. The bill prohibits the operation of a charter school without an executed charter school contract; EMERGENCY. Actions: 4 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee 5 Feb - S Coauthored by Denney (principal House author) 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee


SB783 -- 5% Authors:

Denney and Jolley


Charter schools; providing for calculation of state aid for certain purpose. Effective date. Emergency.


Pertains to state aid funds; allowing a charter school to receive funds for facility use, acquisition and maintenance; EMERGENCY.

Actions: 4 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee 5 Feb - S Coauthored by Denney (principal House author) 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee


SB784 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; directing the State Board of Education to consider certain system of assessments. Effective date. Emergency.


States that prior to the 2017-2018 school year, the State Board of Education will consider and review a standards-based system of assessment

and if it aligns with 80 percent of adopted standards, it may be used in lieu of assessments otherwise required. The bill requires the board of education, State Board of Career and Technology and the executive director of the Department of Commerce to implement provisions of the bill; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Jolley 4 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee


SB785 -- 5% Authors:



Schools; providing for development of remediation plan for students with certain scores on reading test. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: Requires grade level performance benchmarks to be used to assess a student's reading level; the bill amends that if a student is found with a reading deficiency, they will be allowed to take intensive remediation in reading. The bill removes language requiring the district to provide notice of such remediation; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Jolley 4 Feb - S Referred to Education Committee then to Appropriations Committee 19 Feb - S Meeting set for 02/23/2015 at 9:00 AM, State Capitol, Rm 535, Education Committee


SB786 -- 5% Authors:



School funding; providing for calculation of certain State Aid portions. Effective date. Emergency.

Description: States that each school year, starting with 2015-2016, each school district will receive a portion of state aid as detailed in the bill, including funding for purchasing text books; EMERGENCY. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Jolley 4 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Appropriations


SCR1 -- 5% Authors:



Concurrent Resolution; encouraging high schools to partner with technology center schools for JROTC.


Encourages Oklahoma high schools to partner with technology center schools to offer Junior Officers’ Training Corps programs to bring the

program to a greater number of high school students. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Sharp 4 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SCR3 -- 5% Authors:



Concurrent resolution; directing certain review of advanced placement U.S. history framework. Distribution.


Resolutions directing withholding of certain funds from certain Advanced Placement U.S. history activities.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 4 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Education


SJR1 -- 5% Authors:



Constitutional amendment; vesting legislative authority in single house. Effective date. Ballot title.

Description: Proposes to put on the voting ballot that legislative authority of the state will consist of one house, not of a Senate and a House of Representatives and that one legislative entity will consist of 100 Representatives for an office of two years. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Anderson 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SJR2 -- 5% Authors:



Constitutional amendment; providing for legislative sessions in odd-numbered years. Ballot title.

Description: Places on the ballot the question which would require the legislature to meet every other year. Amends legislative compensation cannot exceed previous years' by more than one-half. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SJR3 -- 5% Authors:



Constitutional amendment; setting limit on compensation for members of the Legislature. Ballot title.


Puts to a vote of the people legislative salaries, to be set by the Board of Legislative Compensation based on the average salary of legislators in

surrounding states. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brecheen 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules


SJR12 -- 5% Authors:

Grau and Holt


Constitutional amendment; restricting ability of Legislature to consider certain measures in even-numbered years. Effective date. Ballot title.

Description: Puts to a vote of the people that in an even-numbered year, the Legislature may not consider any measure for the enactment of new law, the amending or repeal of existing law, except when necessary for the appropriation of revenue. Upon affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members each chamber of the legislature, the types of measures may be introduced and considered during an even-numbered year. Changes will become effective January 1, 2017. Actions: 2 Feb - S Skipped Action : coauthored by Grau (principal House author) 3 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules 3 Feb - S coauthored by Grau


SJR14 -- 5% Authors:



Constitutional amendment; authorizing issuance of obligations. Ballot title.

Description: A resolution putting to the vote of the people to amend the Constitution to declare that the State of Oklahoma may not exceed $2,500,000,000 in debt in order to provide support for STEM research and students. Describes duties for the Oklahoma Building Bonds Commission. Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Crain 4 Feb - S Referred to Rules Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SJR15 -- 5% Authors:



Constitutional amendment; authorizing issuance of obligations. Ballot title.

Description: Puts to a vote of the people to amend the Constitution to declare that the State of Oklahoma may incur a debt of no more than $2,500,000,000 for STEM education and other educational endeavors.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Crain 4 Feb - S Referred to Rules Committee then to Appropriations Committee


SJR16 -- 5% Authors:



Constitutional amendment; providing for appointment and confirmation of State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Ballot title.


Puts to a vote of the people the governor's power to appoint the Superintendent of public instruction.

Actions: 2 Feb - S First Reading 2 Feb - S Authored by Senator Brinkley 4 Feb - S Second Reading referred to Rules

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