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Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight



Before & After

The half-walls in the pre-doctoral clinics that were once so efficient in helping faculty supervise students suddenly became an impediment to patient and provider safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. The college’s solution? Based on feedback from safety, medical, and engineering experts, the college used Plexiglas to extend the operatory walls to the ceiling, installed hospital-grade curtains at each operatory entrance, and placed high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in those areas where aerosol-generating procedures would be completed. Now, faculty members move in and out of safe, upgraded operatories to supervise students.

Silver Linings

“We as a student body and college are working extremely hard each and every day to ensure proper PPE and continue academic success through this hard time. What our class realizes most is that we are all in this together.” “I have realized how truly precious every never really know when it might be the last time we get to see someone in-person. Life is all about enjoying the present moment and holding our loved ones even closer.”

Miles Leube, ’21 (DHY)

“It is strange to hear upperclassmen talk about 8-hour days spent in class, and hours on end spent in the preclinic. My first year in dental school has been very different with days spent “Zooming” into class in my pajamas with a warm cup of coffee in-person labs have less students, so I get more personal attention from the professors. With fewer people around I feel as though the relationships I have made with my classmates and faculty are even more authentic.”

Sydney Sherek, ’24 (DDS)

College of Dentistry students, faculty, and staff are keenly aware of the toll the pandemic has taken on people and their families. Nevertheless, many students are finding “silver linings” during the pandemic.

moment is that we get to spend with other people, especially our loved ones because we and cookies baking in the oven. Our

Victoria Hoerig, ’22 (DHY)

“Attending in-person lab courses with just half of our class has allowed me to develop better relationships with my classmates. I feel like I am getting to know more people because I consistently interact with the same classmates.”

Austin Clyde ’24 (DDS)

“The administration and faculty are doing all they can to help us through this stressful time by being open with their communication and encouraging student input when making decisions. It has been a heart-warming feeling to know that I belong to

a caring, cohesive community of people who help one another thrive even in tough times.” Christine Morgan, ’23 (DDS)

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