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Recent Grants and Awards

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Sharing Blessings

Sharing Blessings

Homa Amini, DDS, MS, MPH

Dental faculty loan repayment program; Health Resources & Services Administration: $60,750


John Bartlett, MS, PhD

Enamelysin processing mechanisms in amelogenesis; National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research: $514,584

Canise Bean, DMD, MPH

Medicaid Equity Simulation Project; Ohio Department of Medicaid: $23,101

Lewis Claman, DDS, MS

Tobacco cessation counseling training for Ohio Medicaid dental providers; Ohio Department of Medicaid: $112,376

Bryant Cornelius, DDS, MBA, MPH

Comparing oral ketamine and liquid oxycodone for postoperative pain management following surgical removal of two mandibular third molars, American Society of Dentists Anesthesiologists: $7,206

Shareef Dabdoub, PhD

Uncovering the functional potential of the developing peri-implant microbiome; National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research: $148,200

Brian Foster, PhD

Function of cementocytes in cellular cementum formation and resorption; National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research: $148,304

Brian Foster, PhD

Modeling odontohypophosphatasia in the sheep; Texas A&M University: $15,251

Brian Foster, PhD

Functions of extracellular matrix proteins in dental and skeletal mineralization; National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research: $701,593

Brian Foster, PhD

Role of tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase in dentoalveolar development and disease; National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research: $156,000

Rachel Kearney, BSDH, MS

An evaluation of the effects of listening to music on dental anxiety during a scheduled dental appointment; International Federation of Dental Hygienists: $1,000

Do-Gyoon Kim, PhD

Effects of reproduction and lactation on postmenopausal bone health; University of Pennsylvania: $6,274

Purnima Kumar, BDS, MS, PhD

Interactive Omics: Black raspberry metabolites and the oral microbiome in smokers; National Cancer Institute: $132,858

Purnima Kumar, BDS, MS, PhD

E-cigarettes and perturbations in the subgingival ecosystem; National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research: $473,892

Purnima Kumar, BDS, MS, PhD

Assessment of the relevance of the plaque biofilm-oral disease matrix; William Wrigley Jr. Company: $60,782

Purnima Kumar, BDS, MS, PhD

Impact of peri-implant treatment using glycine powder air-abrasive debridement on the oral microbiome; Colgate-Palmolive Company: $30,000

Eugene Leys, PhD

The oral microbiome in HIV-associated oral warts and candidiasis; LSU Health Sciences Center: $10,000

Eugene Leys, PhD

Diabetes reversal and the subgingival microbiota; University of Pennsylvania: $189,371

College of Dentistry researchers received nearly $4.8 million in funding for new and continuation grants and contracts in the last year (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020)

Susan Mallery, DDS, MS, PhD

Secondary chemoprevention of oral cancer by locally delivered agents; National Cancer Institute: $320,630

Susan Mallery, DDS, MS, PhD

Assessment of chemopreventive effects of a mucoadhesive fenretinide patch on premalignant oral epithelial lesions; National Cancer Institute: $665,263

Susan Mallery, DDS, MS, PhD

Assessment of Fenretinide+Tocilizumab Nanoparticles’ Chemopreventive Efficacy in an Oral Carcinogenesis Murine Model; James Cancer Center Peletonia IDEA grant; $75,000

Kristin McNamara, DDS, MS

Role of cornulin in the progression of oral premalignant lesions; Indiana University Health: $1,806

Deborah A. Mendel, DDS

Development of a Dynamic Impact Experiment for Mouthguard Performance Assessment (Clinical Pilot Grant): $17,654

Caroline Sawicki

The role of reactive brain endothelium in modulating stress-induced immunological and behavioral changes; National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research: $33,665

John Sheridan, PhD

Behavioral and cellular determinants of treadmill training and recovery after SCI; National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Strokes: $13,227

John Sheridan, PhD

Characterizing sleep disruption as a postinjury immune stressor; National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Strokes: $3,322

John Sheridan, PhD

Post-injury sleep disruption alters the inflammatory response to traumatic brain injury; Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity: $10,264

John Sheridan, PhD

Social defeat and stress-sensitization: Neuroimmune role of spleen in recurrence of anxiety; National Institute of Mental Health: $277,168

John Sheridan, PhD

Dynamic cellular interactions associated with inflammatory monocyte accumulation in the neurovasculature with social stress; National Institute of Mental Health: $271,391

Dimitris Tatakis, DDS, PhD

Effects of Pro Relief dental gel soothing formula on palatal donor site wound healing; Oxyfresh: $11,192

Susan Travers, MS, PhD

Inhibitory modulation and circuitry in the rostral solitary nucleus; National Institute of Deafness & Other Communication: $331,500

Yun Wang, DDS, PhD

Instructive scaffolds capable of simultaneously regenerating multiple periodontal structures; Washington University: $43,518

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