Otavio´s World Comix #1

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Otávio! It’s not worth hiding, you’re still going to school! Oh no... She’s going to find me here!

I can hear you, little man...

It’s not me! I don’t want to go! I’m not going!

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Oh, so you don’t want to go to school? That’s fine then.

Seriously? Is it really okay?


Since you’re not going to school, you’re going to supermarket with me.

But mom, it’s the first day of school, I’m scared...

I’m scared of the kids. I think they’re going to laugh at me.

The supermarket? Not that... better go to school.

Scared of what, Otávio?

Don’t worry. You are a handsome and special young man.

Now go get ready!


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My mom is probably right.

I’m going to look very handsome.

School might be nice.

There are so many things that are different and cool here. The girls are pretty!

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Hmm, But will they like me?

Will they like my way of doing things?

Hello! My name is Otávio Augusto. But you can just call me Otávio...

Awesome! Can I be in the club, too?


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And the boys? Will they let me play ball with them?

I’m going to have to ask...

My name is Joca, and I’m part of the Popsicle Stick Club.

I’m sorry. But you are too weird to be in our club...

Good morning students! I see we have a new student in the class! Welcome!

Let’s get started, today’s lesson is about the sensory organs...

During class...

Teacher, they won’t leave me alone!

What is this? | 9| www.omundodeotavio.com.br www.omundodeotavio.com.br


That’s all for today. See you tomorrow, students. Otávio, I want to have a little talk with you, okay?


Hahaha. The weird one is in trouble!

Just say it, teacher. My day has already been ruined...

Weird is right...

Imagine him in our club!

Otávio, don´t worry, I just want to talk. What’s going on?


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I don’t want to have these big teeth!

But it wasn’t my fault. They were the ones that were bothering me!

And these glasses! And these ears!

Well, to tell you the truth, I do think it was my fault.

I was born like this, ugly!

Otávio, you don’t know what you’re saying!

It? It who???

Imagine if it hears you?

Your body! Your body could go on strike! You know, we were all created by God. He created each and every one of us in a special way, some short, some tall, some skinny, and some a little chubbier...

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...and some ugly like me.

You are very handsome! You have to understand that God doesn’t look at what is on the outside, but what is on the inside, our heart!

Go home and think a little about what I said.

Oh man... I’m kind of tired. I think I’ll take a little nap.

Otávio has crossed the line.

Do you have any idea at how many things I have to listen to?

How is that? Doesn’t he like us?

I’m the one that suffers!

When he is sick, I’m the one that’s running all the time. 12

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Me,”4 eyes”? Without me it would be hard to read, write, and play!

My big teeth play an important role in chewing! While the other kids take a long time to eat, you take two bites and you’re done! Hey guys! What is all that noise? What is going on?!

Oh, it’s the Heart. We should have spoken a little softer...

Did he say anything about me?!

No! The problem is with the exterior organs, primarily the ones on the face. | 13 | 13 www.omundodeotavio.com.br www.omundodeotavio.com.br

Do you mean to say that Mr. Otávio thinks he is ugly?! What’s his deal?! There is no right form of being handsome! No one is perfect, what’s important is what is in your heart!

That’s right!

You know what? Let’s go on strike, let’s see who is going to lose!

Phew! It was only a dream.


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I forgot how important my body is to me.

I’m going to school and confront those kids.


Otávio, you forgot your lunchbox! Thanks mom! I need to get to school quickly.

Look who is here?! The kid with the big teeth!

Don’t you guys have a mirror at home?


What do you mean?

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Take a look at your hair, Rubinho! It looks like you’re wearing a wig!

Gabi, with your freckles, it seems like you took a tan with a sieve on your face!



And you Dani, your hair looks like a Christmas tree full of ornaments!

Caca, your laugh is like an orchestra of hyenas.


Joca, you only know how to copy other people!

Copy other people?


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I didn’t want to say those things, but you need to understand...

The thing that is most important is not your appearance, but what is in your heart!

We are all special to God!

You are right. None of us are perfect!

Okay let me think... Sure!

Can you ever forgive us, Otávio?

Of course! But I wanted to know if I could join the Popsicle Stick Club?

I write poems. Do you want to hear one?

It’s called “Three Million”! Let’s start: 1,2,3,4,5,6...

Ugh! This is going to take a long time!

But, what can you do?

Wait up! I’m still in the beginning!

Keep going, Otávio, keep going... HA! HA! HA! HA!

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Hello OtĂĄvio! What are you doing my grandson?


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Hello grandfather, Orestes!

I’m writing a poem!

That’s good! Your mom asked me to tell you a story. Do you want to hear it?

Today I will tell you the story of David and Goliath! Do you know it?

Sure! Of course!!!

No, I don’t remember it... Tell me, it must be interesting!

It all started with a boy called David, he was a simple pastor of sheep in Israel!

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One day, God sent a prophet to speak with David and to anoint him to a better position, because in the future he will become King of Israel.

Also, David knew how to play the harp very well!

I have heard of the harp, it is a musical instrument!

David was very well known throughout the kingdom and loved to play the harp everywhere. David was a man of God! For everything he did, he asked for God’s help!


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During that time, there was a war between the Israelites and the Philistines, which were of another kingdom. They fought for power and land.

During the time of the battle, the biggest and the best warrior of the Philistines defied all of Israel’s army.

The Israelites were scared! Except David, who was much smaller than Goliath.

It was Goliath, the giant warrior!

Let’s see what you are made of! | 25 | 25 www.omundodeotavio.com.br www.omundodeotavio.com.br

Goliath was the size of a building...

and David the size of a bird?

No Otávio. Goliath was over nine feet tall...

And David was half his size! Saul, who was king of Israel, told David that he would lose.

David had already defended his father’s sheep from a furious lion.

I have confronted worse things, my king...

I will go and I will fight! Who does Goliath think he is to mess with God’s army?


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Oh man! I would be so scared, that I would pee my pants.

The Israelites gave David armor and a sword, but he would not except because they were too heavy. He could not battle with them.

Goliath had armor and a big sword that was really heavy!

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Do you think his sword was a little fat?

Fat, me?

It was a huge sword, that’s why it was so heavy!

Hahaha... No Otávio! It wasn’t a fat sword...

As a weapon, David brought a sling.


What is a sling?


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A sling is a type of slingshot.

It was used to hunt, shooting stones.

Everyone was anxious waiting to see what would happen. They thought David would lose, but David did not only believe in his intelligence, he believed in God.

Okay then, kid...

You sent me this kid?

Are there not soldiers in your army? ha!ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

I will destroy you and your army! David put a stone in the sling and spun it with all his strength.

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The stone flew with great speed and hit the giant’s head

He could not handle the hit and fell to the ground! THUD!


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David has defeated Goliath, the giant feared by all...

The kingdom of Israel won that battle with the help of God! Did you like it, Otávio?

I loved it, grandpa!

Now I need to find my slingshot!

Because if there is a giant... I’m out!

I’m already prepared!

But why a slingshot?


This grandson of mine has such an imagination!

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