Hiking routes Belvédère

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Welcome to BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour

Hiking routes from the village of Belvédère

Welcome to

BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour Circuit of Pranaous

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Hiking sheet

Circuit of Pranaous Departure: Belvedere (830m) Difference in level: + 90m - 90m Total duration: approximately 1 hour

From the town hall square, go up the shopping street Victor Maurel, watching on the right for beacon 89. The path descends towards the Coulombier district to intersect the M.171 road (b.90). Always continue the descent towards the Raggias district in order to find beacon 246. Turn left (east), on an almost level path that leads to old barns.

Level: easy hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT

This first hike of discovery of the close environment of Belvédère, circulates through the countryside and will also offer beautiful perspectives on the Vésubie valley on the way back. Many barns, witnesses of an important occupation of the grounds, mark out the route and present their mountain architecture, like besides the small chapel St Blaise at the end of the path.

The complete program of cartography, marking and maintenance is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in terms of the Departmental Plan for Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the circular of the Prime Minister of August 30, 1988). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on January 22, 2004.

All tourist information is indicative and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality and the editor. Users are responsible for taking all precautions required by local conditions.

Near the village, these campaigns were easily accessible and good land for market gardening and cereals, including rye, barley, corn (for polenta), potatoes and the "pelandron" variety of local bean. Rise slightly through the countryside through a pleasant oak forest along a few barns (not yet restored). Go down slightly by dropping to the left to find a service road at beacon 252. It should be noted that to the north a path descended to cross the Gordolasque and joined the district of Cougnas. Following the numerous floods of this river, this path was diverted to facilitate hikers, fording being strongly discouraged.

From beacon 252 go up the small asphalt road on the left for almost 500 meters to reach the crossroads of the Gordolasque road at the level of the St Blaise chapel (b.251). Blaise was a bishop when he retired to a cave, leading a hermit's life, fleeing the persecutions carried out against Christians by Diocletian (284-305). Despite these precautions, he was handed over to the emperor. Christ then appeared to him in a dream and asked him to sacrifice himself. Among his miracles, Blaise saved a child from suffocation by removing a fishbone stuck in his throat, from this story stems the thaumaturgical origins of the saint (rf: the Belvedere chapels by Office du Tourisme). Follow the M.171 road to the West, being very careful of the traffic, the lane being very narrow and the traffic quite "lively". After the Pavy roundabout, at the entrance to the village, follow the main street to return to the starting point.

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BELVÉDÈRE Planet circuit

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Hiking sheet

Planet circuit Departure: Belvedere (830m) Height difference: + 150m - 150m Total duration: approximately 1 hour Level: easy hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT The different hikes are classified by order of difficulty, both in terms of duration and positive and negative elevations. Everyone will be able to find pleasure in the different “hiking sheets”. This route will lead to the first heights of the village, in an almost flat place as its toponym indicates, moreover decorated with a pretty chapel. The complete mapping, marking and maintenance program is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in matters of Plan Departmental Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the Prime Minister's circular of August 30 1988). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on 22 January 2004. All tourist information is of an indicative nature. and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality or the editor. It is up to users to take all required precautions. by local conditions.

From Place des Tilleuls, just opposite the town hall, take rue Marcel Ferrier (dead for France on July 26, 1944), the streets of St Esprit and du Collet, in order to reach the wash house (b.88). The path runs alongside beautiful gardens and follows a irrigation canal, operating in summer and winter. It is good to remember the interest of these gardens proximity, called “ort” in patois, which allow vegetable production of season for family needs. Without forget the work of our elders to bring water on these plots of land by long irrigation canals, which testifies to their stubbornness and their attachment to this land. After passing the drinking water basins and cross the irrigation canal (b.264) leave the path that leads towards the road to the Gordolasque, to go up to the neighborhood Glue. Reaching a very sharp bend in thesmall route des Blancons and its transformer electric (979m - b.290). We will find the ruins of Fort St Jean, with buried structure, built on the site of the old homonymous chapel, in the years 1932, able to accommodate around fifteen men. Its armament was light and its role was limited for observation, covered by the fortifications most important of Flaut and Gordolon on the opposite bank of the Gordolasque.

For some researchers, the Fort district could be the site of the first village, of which itremains an old city gate, in the shape warhead. Head south on the path that descends, to pass in front of the ND de Fenestre chapel (1758) built on the Planet site, bordering of the annual pilgrimage route (July 26) leading to the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Window. This chapel would have been built in 1758, according to a missing ex-voto, by Count Jean-François Raynardi and his wife, who remained sterile until that date, to thank Our Lady for having granted them a male child. Their son François-Félix, last count of Belvédère was in fact born on May 9, 1758. (rf: the Heritage of the communes of A-M by Flohic éditions). Pass near the St Roch chapel and the cemetery (b.87) to continue along the road to cemetery and take the path on the left in the children's park leading to rue St Antoine who leads to the center of the village.

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BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour Roquebillière le Vieux

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Hiking sheet

Roquebillière le Vieux Departure: Belvédère (830m) Elevation: + 230m - 230m Total duration: approximately 1h 30 Level: easy hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT

This circuit reaches the nearest village, although the main town is now on the right bank of Vésubie. It is sad to remember that after around thirty days of rain, on the night of November 24, 1926, an impressive landslide rolling down from Belvédère destroyed Roquebillière, causing nineteen victims. The village was then evacuated and prohibited from habitation.

The complete program of mapping, marking and maintenance is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in matters of Departmental Hiking Plan (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the Prime Minister's circular of August 30, 1988). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on January 22, 2004.

All tourist information is of an indicative nature. and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality or the editor. It is up to users to take all precautions imposed by local conditions.

Attention since the middle of 2012, the road signs have been modified, the abbreviation: D. of departmental road, becomes M. of metropolitan road. From the town hall, cross the Place des Tilleuls and at the beginning of the Avenue des Platanes, take the stairs on the left which descend on a very sharp bend (b.86). Use a small path which joins and crosses a bend in the M.71 road, before a second bend (b.85) crossing point on the return. The path (North) descends on a new bend in the road (b.84), follow this path for approximately 250m, before leaving it for a shortcut. Cross the M.71 twice, to finally come out on the M..2565 (b.81) almost opposite the bridge over the Vésubie. Make a short return trip down a hundred meters to turn right (b. 82) on the path that crosses the Vésubie by the old bridge with large arches. It will be interesting to visit the church of St Michel de Gast, located in the bed of the Vésubie, it is one of the rare examples of late Gothic architecture in the Alpes-Maritimes(rf: the Carnets de l’AMONT n°1). The village since its creation has been rebuilt more than six times having suffered many natural disasters, including floods, earthquakes, a tragic landslide, to finally settle on the right bank of the Vésubie.

Go down to marker 83, staying on the sidewalk of the M.2565 before following the area of the dramatic landslide of 1926 which devastated the village of Roquebillière at night. A good path heading south remains slightly above M.2565, passing the ruined chapel of St Roch. Follow a service track, passing near a house and less than 400 meters further, leave it for a path branching off to the left. It is interesting with a short round trip of one kilometer to visit the small chapel of St Julien. This building, which underwent multiple alterations between the 15th and 18th centuries, has a pretty fresco by Jean Massa (rf: Pays Vésubien). In the past, children's wounds were washed with holy water from St Julien, who is the patron saint of the village. This path comes close to a bend of the M.71 (645m) and rises towards the Preinas district, before a second bend (718m) from where we will climb quickly towards beacon 85. From this point, follow the route taken on the outward journey to return to the village.

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BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour Les Terres Rouges

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas prohibited

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction

Hiking sheet

Les Terres Rouges Departure: Vacherie de la Valette (1500m) Elevation: + 370m - 370m Total duration: approximately 2h 30 Level: easy hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT This circuit runs entirely through the forest communal which means that even to the most strong heat the hiker will stay in the freshness of the undergrowth. The Cow Farm of Valette or Gordolasque will offer a pleasant moment by tasting the products processed on site: milk and cheese, we will gladly consume on the spot or at the return from the walk. The complete mapping, marking and maintenance program is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in matters of Plan Departmental Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the circular of the Prime Minister of August 30 1988). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on 22 January 2004. All tourist information is indicative and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality and the editor. Users are responsible for taking all necessary precautions by local conditions.

To start this hike, you need everything first go by vehicle about 10km on the M.171 to the Vacherie de la Valette or the Gordolasque. From the car park near the cow farm of the Valletta (1500m - b.273) which is now named the Gordolasque cowshed on the new IGN map, head south along the trail along the border of the National Park from the Mercantour. A long crossing in the communal forest led to the Serre de Clapeiruole, which we reached at 1765m. This will be the high point of the course, since then begins the descent into the Lands Reds, partly off-trail, but following always in a westerly direction and staying on the croup. The Terres Rouges composed of pelites Permians (period from 240 to 290 million years during the primary era) were formed in rift ditches in which dust grains are deposited. This explains that at some distance they are not not find. The reddening climate (which gives the red color) favored air oxidation free from iron. Note on the opposite side the peaks Valletta of Prals (2496m) and Montjoia (2366m) which form a real barrier dominant rock of almost 900 meters.

While on the south side, we will see numerous barns including: la Moulière, Trémenil, Font de l'Ort, Tales, Graus, the Festola and the barns of the Colonel which are scattered on the lower path. Soon reach the place called Castellarou (1530m - b.263) from which we find the end of a track. Use this track to the North-East forest which descends very gradually to through the forest to reach the intersection with the M.171 road (1400m - b.271). Do not hesitate to make a short round trip, first by going down this path, which leads to the remarkable Ray waterfall, with its fall almost 60 meters. Again from beacon 271, climb the paved road for nearly 300 meters, before to leave it for a path (b.272). This remains almost parallel to the road offering beautiful views of the deep gorge of the Gordolasque valley. The path emerges at the level of the wall of a dam and quickly to the starting point.

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BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour Fort de Flaut

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Hiking sheet

Fort de Flaut Departure: Belvedere (830m) Difference in level: + 440m - 440m Total duration: approximately 3 hours round trip Level: medium hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT

This hike leads us to the military past of this region where many defensive works were built. For those who want more, continue to the village of Bolléne -Vésubie with its beautiful baroque church decorated with trompe l'oeil paintings and its curious washhouse, the village is the obligatory passage for the various rallies that climb the mythical Col de Turini . The complete program of cartography, marking and maintenance is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in terms of the Departmental Plan for Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the circular of the Prime Minister of August 30, 1988 ). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on January 22, 2004.

All tourist information is indicative and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality and the editor. Users are responsible for taking all precautions required by local conditions.

From the town hall square, go up rue Victor Maurel to find beacon 89. The path descends towards the Coulombier district to intersect the M.171 road (b.90). Always continue the descent, neglecting the Cougnas path on the left (b.246), until you cross the Planque road. Continue down the path to find an uncrowded lane to follow for nearly 250 meters to the east, and cross the Gordolasque on the Véséou road bridge. Turn right, continue 300 meters on the road to find beacon 247. Following the catastrophic floods in 1993, many works of art and services were washed away by the waves, including the old Véséou bridge in the town of Belvédère. Rise by the path, which crosses a very long watering channel serving the slope of the countryside of Flaut and Baudou. It is at beacon 248 that you will find the beginning of Mount Péla, before reaching the nipple of Flaut (866m) still occupied by many combat blocks. This fort (1931-1935) one of the most important of the fortified sector of the A-M (296 men) composed of 5 blocks, of which block 3 is remarkable because it has 7 armored bells, which represent the different models used on the Maginot works.

Cross the plateau and head east to find a paved track and the entrance to a large blockhouse. The view of the village of Bolléne-Vésubie is superb and marks the end of this route. Return by the same route. For a round trip to La Bollène-Vésubie you will have to add 220m of ascent and 460m of descent. Use the Baudou road for almost 300 meters, which shortcuts allow you to cut 3 times, following the markings carefully to respect the cultivated properties. From beacon 249, a good path descends towards the Planchette valley, which it crosses on a footbridge downstream of the Véséou bridge, the same name as the Belvédère bridge. After a final ascent, come out on the paved road (b.208), near a wayside cross and enter the village of Bollène-Vésubie. 0n can visit the St Laurent church completed in 1725, whose roof and facades were redone in 1962. The frescoes are due to the talent of Jean Ange Bosio, a native of Bollène who also decorated the choir in neo-classical style.

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BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour Circuit of Vignols

Hiking sheet Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Circuit of Vignols Departure: Belvedere (830m) Difference in level: + 450m - 450m Total duration: approximately 3 hours Level: medium hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT We can assume that the district of Vignols, whose toponym immediately brings to mind the vine, has always been cultivated, given its exposure. The vines first and then the orchards are still jealously preserved. The path on the orographic left bank will bring a note of freshness along the beautiful Vésubie river, famous for its trout “rainbow” or “fario”. The complete program of cartography, marking and maintenance is carried out by the General Council of the AlpesMaritimes to which the legislator has given competence in terms of the Departmental Plan for Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the circular of the Prime Minister of August 30, 1988 ). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on January 22, 2004.

All tourist information is indicative and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality and the editor. Users are responsible for taking all precautions required by local conditions.

From the Place des Tilleuls, go up rue St Antoine which leads to the cemetery and the chapel of St Roch (b.87), from where the cemented path allows you to pass the baton to a path which runs along the chapel of the Planet and the disused site of Fort St Jean (979m b.290). After a few dozen meters on the Route des Blancons, turn left, passing under a high voltage line, to cross the Fuont district and the Coulette barns. The passage of the Vignols valley announces the approach of the intersection of the Croix du Serre (1050m b.289) in the red shales. Continue on a reasonable slope towards the valley of Sape Valcrose, then reach a hilltop. Pass almost level, skirting hilltops and crossing a hutch, which are shaded by many chestnut trees, up to beacon 288 (1010m). It is possible to reach Berthemont les Bains by adding 120 meters of positive elevation and 210 meters of negative, via beacons 287 and 286. To leave towards the South by a wide scarf of the Carbonel district (920m). The path returns to the West and descends fairly gradually towards the Chalet Fornerie (690m - b.280). Carefully cross the M.2565, paying attention to the traffic, and go below the road on the left bank of the Vésubie (b.279) on a dirt track.

There is a center for Mérens horses, a small horse originating in the Ariège valley, which is a good horse for hiking, driving and vaulting, also used for the ecological maintenance of mountainous regions thanks to its sure foot and its hardiness. First on a dirt track and then on an asphalt road, you will have to follow the edge of the Vésubie for nearly a kilometer and a half, via beacon 278. When you reach the end of the large road bridge, cross a new times the M.2565 on the crosswalk. The path crosses the M.71 road twice, then runs along it for 250 meters to recover a path again in a hairpin (b.84). This trail reaches and crosses near a major road intersection (b.85). The village is close when the path joins a new hairpin (b.86), there are some fairly steep stairs that lead to the village square.

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BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour Circuit of Adrets

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Hiking sheet

Circuit of the Adrets Departure: Belvedere (830m) Difference in level: + 480m - 480m

From the town hall square, go up rue Victor Maurel via beacon 89, place du Perrier and rue du Sament to arrive at the Nice - Gordolasque crossroads (b.91). Take the Gordolasque road to the St Blaise chapel (b.251).

Total duration: approximately 3 hours Level: medium hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT As its Provençal name suggests, it is a place very well exposed to the sun, unlike the shade. Still including some "Mouta-cala" (ascent-descent) we will take care to hydrate well during the course, however the water is in abundance both in the canal and in the valley of the Gordolasque. When crossing the roadway, pay attention to road traffic on these narrow and winding lanes. The complete program of cartography, marking and maintenance is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in terms of the Departmental Plan for Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the circular of the Prime Minister of August 30, 1988). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on January 22, 2004.

All tourist information is indicative and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality and the editor. Users are responsible for taking all precautions required by local conditions.

Saint healer of sore throats, patron saint of singers and because of the iron comb which was used for his torture, he is also the patron saint of wool carders and drapers. Take the path on the right descending for a few tens of meters, then turn left (towards the North) to find yourself on a track that you must follow for a good kilometer below and parallel to the M.171 road. Cross the Gordolasque on a bridge (843m) and follow the Chemin de Cougnas (b.253) south. The path goes up on the left by a few laces, to reach the road of Adrets (b.261). It is a question of using this way which one leaves (b.260) after two laces, the climb is steeper in this sector to reach the highest point of the route (1120m - b.259) in the Cloutet district. We very often find in mountainous areas the names: adret, adrés, adrech, which means the part of the mountain the longest in the sun, very sunny terrain.

As for the term: cloutet, which is derived from the Provençal: clot, it is a flat place, flat cultivated space with the diminutive suffix: and. Immediately begin the descent on the shady side, cross a small irrigation canal and in overgrown vegetation make a large loop via beacon 267, cross the Gordolasque valley on the Frêne bridge (990m b.266). Paying close attention to traffic, descend the M.171 for almost 800 meters to the crossroads of the Route des Blancons (935m). Go up this path for about 700 meters to reach the ruined chapel of St Jean (979m b.290) in the Colle district. Take the path that descends to the east, crossing a plateau, then the Gimbert district (b. 284). The route runs along a canal and beautiful vegetable gardens to return to the village.

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BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour Saint Grat

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Hiking sheet

Saint Grat

To start this hike, you must first go by vehicle about 4km on the M.171 to the place called Pont de Frêne.

Departure: Pont de Frêne (990m) Difference in level: + 590m - 40m Total duration: approximately 3 hours Level: medium hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT

Provide a shuttle vehicle for the return. This linear hike best follows the left bank of the Gordolasque valley. The objective being to reach the rural hamlet of St Grat, named after this bishop of Aosta who, on returning from a trip to the East, brought back to the pope the head of St John the Baptist, hence its representation on his arm a book on which a head is placed.

The complete program of mapping, marking and maintenance is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in matters of Departmental Hiking Plan (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the Prime Minister's circular of August 30, 1988 ). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on January 22, 2004.

All tourist information is of an indicative nature. and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality or the editor. Users are responsible for taking all precautions required by local conditions.

The Frêne bridge (990m - b.266) allows the crossing of the Gordolasque valley, from where a path rises (b.267) by a broad movement towards the West, (opposite to the main direction of the route) passing over the small irrigation canal in the Adrets district. Arriving at an important intersection (b.259) at a place called Le Cloutet, change direction, to take towards the East, an almost level path, because it largely follows the small canal, the only difficulty being the lush vegetation which sometimes invades the path. Beacons 268 and 269 point out the right route which bends to the edge of the Gordolasque in the Clot de l'Eve district. Please note that you should not embark on this course in heavy water (storms, melting snow). After the gentle slope, along the left bank of the Gordolasque, a short climb leads to a bend in the M.171 (b.271). Make a return trip to the Ray waterfall. Go up the M.171 for almost 300 meters, before leaving it (b.272) for a path parallel to the road, then use a dirt track which leads to the Vacherie (1484m - b.273) where the local cow tomme.

This territory has always been a favored grazing place for oxen, cows, sheep, sheep and goats, which explains the existence of several cow farms near the village. Every year the cowherds' return feast gives rise to festivities and the tasting of local products such as brous. After 500 meters on a track find marker 274, which offers the possibility, on the right, to take a trip to the small lake of St Grat (1554m) or on the left, to go up the path towards the M.171 road ( 1547m - b.275). Go up this road for around 400 meters to find the small St Grat chapel, the end of this hike. This chapel dedicated to St Grat, bishop of Aosta and protector of the harvest. Its festival is celebrated in the month of August, that is to say at harvest time, which held an important place in the lives of the villagers who obtained their food mainly from the earth.

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BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour Férisson circus

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Hiking sheet

Férisson circus Departure: Vacherie de Férisson (1920m) Elevation: + 680m - 680m Total duration: approximately 4 hours Level: medium hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT

Follow the Gordolasque road by car and after 2km, turn left on the Blancons road which leads via a winding 11km track to the cowshed site where the vehicle will be parked without impeding free movement. The route proposes to make discover a series of peaks which form the bottom of the remarkable circus of Férisson. The complete program of cartography, marking and maintenance is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in terms of the Departmental Plan for Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the circular of the Prime Minister of August 30, 1988). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on January 22, 2004.

All tourist information is indicative and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality and the editor. Users are responsible for taking all precautions required by local conditions.

From the cowshed of Férisson (1920m - b.296) follow the dirt road to the north then a path begins an upward crossing, from where many small valleys come to bring their water and their gravel! It is from the 2065m mark that the slope becomes steeper, but many switchbacks make it easier to progress to reach the wide Férisson drop (2254m b.297) surmounted by a large cross. The view then opens on the Fenestre valley and we also discover the sanctuary of the Madonna which receives many pilgrims every year. This path has seen herds of sheep and cattle pass by for centuries, hence the presence in these territories of many cow farms. From the drop there are two possibilities: either by following the entire geographical ridge to the summit of Valette de Prals (2496m) by a panoramic path, this route passes by the high point (2339m), the Tête de Cinant (2350m), the Tête de la Lava ( 2375m) and finally the summit of Pertus (2437m), either by a path evolving slightly below the ridge, often called "military ridge" and passing all the same by the Tête de la Lave (2375m b.298) and joining by a short ascent the summit of the Valette de Prals ( 2496m - b.299).

If la valette or vallette is a Provençal name meaning, the small valley, the name prals is derived from the Provençal name, pra = meadow. Like the next peak, montjoia, which takes its name from the Provencal = cairn, heap of stone on which pilgrims planted a cross, near a place of pilgrimage. Descend on the wider ridge to the south, passing the 300 beacon (2314m), then the summit of Montjoia (2366m). From the 2280m level, leave the ridge line to descend outside the markings towards the North-East on the Serre Morose. Arrived at the 2078m level, a small path leads back to the Peillasque valley and to the starting point. There is of course the possibility of buying cheese at the cowhouse in order to appreciate the local cow tomme.

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BELVÉDÈRE Circuit of Graus

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Hiking sheet

Circuit of Graus Departure: Belvedere (830m) Difference in level: + 690 m - 690m Total duration: approximately 4 hours Level: medium hike Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT As its name suggests, this hike takes place entirely on the adret side, i.e. the side exposed to the sun, the hiker will take this into account to prevent any “hot heat”. It is also a district where there are many barns including those of Cougnas, Moulière or Graus, not to mention the Festola or the Colonel. The complete program of cartography, marking and maintenance is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in terms of the Departmental Plan for Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the circular of the Prime Minister of August 30, 1988 ). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on January 22, 2004.

All tourist information is indicative and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality and the editor. Users are responsible for taking all precautions required by local conditions.

From Place des Tilleuls, follow Rue Victor Maurel to cross the whole village and join Route de la Gordolasque (b.91). ). Take the downhill road for about a hundred meters, then turn left on a dirt track to follow for about 1500 meters and crossing a concrete bridge above the Gordolasque. Reach beacon 253 and take the path on the left which climbs towards the Adrets district, first joining the service road (b.261) then following it by two large road bends. Beacon 260 allows you to leave the main road to stay on the path that passes east of the Aiguille (1082m). Two important bifurcations are materialized by beacons 259 (1150m) one heading towards the Pont de Frêne and the other towards the Clot de l'Eve. Continue to the east on a climb on the ridge rising towards the Terres Rouges. Beacon 258 interrupts the progression to go to the right, remaining almost level. Passage through many small talwegs and under the barns of La Moulière, as well as the spot elevation 1342m (high point of the route), because the path bends to reach the Graus track (b.256).

Use this track to the west (right) to go to the barns of Graus (1263m) and less than 500 meters after leaving this track (b.255). It is a path that goes down to cross the Graus valley (1193m) and follow its left bank under the steep slopes of Mont Péla. The gently sloping route avoids the meanders of the valley to reach the Candoulent district more directly (950m - b.254). Takes its name from Provençal: candolent = cold place, earth covered with frost; or field of pain. Some locals think the lingering wind mimics the sound of an ailing or tired dog? A steeper descent, with many bends, leads once again to cross the Graus valley and heading westwards leads to the Cougnas district (b.253) Provençal name meaning: corner, angle, small space withdrawn, corner between two ravines. Take the same route as on the outward journey to return to the village.

Welcome to

BELVÉDÈRE Place d’Armes

Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Hiking sheet

Place d'Armes Departure: Belvedere (830m) Elevation: + 730m - 730m Total duration: approximately 4h30 round trip Level: sporty hiking

From Place des Tilleuls, just opposite the town hall, take rue Marcel Ferrier (died for France on July 26, 1944), rue St Esprit and rue du Collet to pass near the cemetery and the St Roch chapel (b .87). A cemented path takes you over to a path which runs alongside the N-D de Fenestre chapel on the Planet site and the remains of Fort St Jean (979m b.290).

Cartography: IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT Part of this hike is off trail but remains marked. It does not present any difficulty if not a fairly steep drop, and some will continue the ascent towards the Tres Crous. Each village placed itself under the protection of a saint, and never failed to mark his attachment to the holy cross, thus volunteers built and transported at Tres Crous, a large cross. The complete mapping, marking and maintenance program is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in matters of Plan Departmental Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the Prime Minister's circular of August 30 1988). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on 22 January 2004. All tourist information is of an indicative nature. and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality or the editor. It is up to users to take all required precautions. by local conditions.

After a few dozen meters on the Route des Blancons, turn left, passing under a high-voltage line, to cross the Fuont district and the Coulette barns. The passage through the Vignols valley announces the intersection of the Croix du Serre (1050m - b.289) in the red schists. Turn right (East) to follow the path which climbs quite steeply to reach the Route des Blancons (1120m - b.439). Go down a few meters on the road to take the path again. From this point the serious things will begin, and will be divided into two levels. The first part, which evolves on a partly wooded ridge, between the Adret and Ubac, rises to the left of a paragliding take-off area (1451m). A hundred meters of altitude difference higher (1558m - b.302) the place called Place d'Armes, does not at all reflect the large space for maneuvering the troops that its toponym suggests.

This long ridge starting from the summit of Gelas (3143m) passes through the Colomb (2816m), Ponset (2828m), Neiglier (2786m), as well as the peaks of Paranova (2556m) and Valette de Prals (2496m) just before the summit of Montjoia (2366m), the Bermonnet ridge and the Tres Crous. To reach the Tres Crous site you will have to add 340m of elevation gain and the same amount of descent. Having reached the high point of this route, head north, leaving the ridge line to cross towards the Sape Valcrose valley. From passing the valley the path heads west to join the track (b.303) serving the Férisson cowshed in a hairpin bend. Two shortcuts avoid large hairpins on the track up to 1312m. It will be necessary to go down the Route des Blancons for almost 2km to find the intersection (b.439). Take the outward route to return to the village.

Welcome to

BELVÉDÈRE Municipality of Mercantour Circuit du Péla

Hiking sheet Design/editing: R. Ravaioli Layout/photos: R. Daumas

Excerpt from IGN TOP 25 map n° 3741 OT 1cm = 250m

©IGN - Paris 2006 edition 3 copying and reproduction prohibited

Circuit Péla Departure : Belvedere (830m) Elevation : + 840m - 840m Total duration: about 5 hours Level : sporty hiking Cartography : IGN Top 25 n° 3741 OT Mount Péla with its 1465m is the last buttress of the backbone from the top of Tuor, West orientation, standing out from the main chain, while the top of the Diable and Pointe des Trois Communes have a North/South orientation. This now heavily forested summit was, at the beginning of the 20th century, stripped of all its forest for supplying different households. The complete mapping, marking and maintenance Program is carried out by the General Council of the Alpes-Maritimes to which the legislator has given competence in matters of Plan Departmental Hiking (law of July 22, 1983, supplemented by the circular of the Prime Minister of August 30 1988). It was adopted by the Departmental Assembly on 22 January 2004. All tourist information is indicative and do not engage the responsibility of the municipality and the editor. Users are responsible for taking all necessary Precautions by local conditions.

From the village square, take the main street to beacon 89, then a short shortcut driven on road M.71 (b.90). Go down to through the countryside of Coulombier (b.246) to reach the small road to Planque. Continue down the path to find a little traveled path to follow for almost 250 meters to the east, and cross the Gordolasque on the Véséou road bridge. Turn right, continue 300 meters on the route to find beacon 247. Take the path that rises in the oaks, cross a small watering channel and emerge on the Flaut flat (866m - b.248) at near the blockhouse. Commit to the geographical ridge, by a path which passes by a blockhouse as well as a bend (928m) from the access road to the pylon. The rest of the journey evolves in the ubac to avoid the difficulties of the rocky parts of the ridge, in order to pass above the point side 1052m, in a forest of pines and spruces. A few stacked laces make it possible to find the crest line (1200m) and quickly the legendary Caïre of St Sauveur (1320m). Continue the progression on the ridge panoramic, to reach beacon 250 (1380m). Take the path on the right (East) serving barns to rise to the highest point of Mount Péla (1465m). Return by the same route to the beacon 250. The trail at the beginning almost level, then requires a myriad of laces to get off in the Candoulent district (b.254).

Reach the valley of Graus (820m), the cross on a footbridge, and from the Cougnas district (b.253) continue on a dirt track that crosses the Gordolasque on a large concrete bridge, lasting 1500 meters approximately, to the chapel of St Blaise (b.251). Descend the M.171 road doing well pay attention to traffic (narrow lane, without sidewalk) to the east entrance of the village (b.91) that you cross by rue Victor Maurel to return to the starting point. The chapel of St Blaise is an essential place in the “barverenc” tradition. Every year when of the Saint's Mass, the celebrant proceeds to the imposition of the “coulagno”, a rite of protection against sore throats, of which the saint isrevered. After the Mass there is entertainment profane, known as "the farandole of cabbage", leads by the last couple of the past year. A meal is organized, after the farandole, to which husbands invite their wives (rf: The Heritage of the municipalities of A-M by Flohic Editions

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