September 2016 | $6.00 The Charity Issue
7th Annual Beauty of Charity Issue OTC Beauty Multicultural Hispanic Opportunity Cosmoprof North America 2016 Coverage
Jinny Corp. VIP Tradeshow
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
september 2016
c ont en t s
T he Ch a r i t y Is s u e Editorial Letter ����������������������10 Unmatchable Beauty
대항할 수 없는 아름다움
Expert Advice �����������������������12 How to Shampoo Hair
Marketplace ��������������������������16 Radiant From Within
How Should You Sell It? ����22 Sensitive Skin Care
어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이달의 판매 초점은 …… 민감성 피부를 위한 관리!
Notes From the Natural Nation �����������������������55 The Beauty of Giving Back
Clipper Tips ���������������������������66 Clipper Tips for the College-Bound Student
Therapy Trends ��������������������68 Empowerment to the People
Tonsorial Times . ..................70 Black Lives Matter
Industry News ���������������������98 BIR Bits ��������������������������������� 116
Photo courtesy of Carey Wagner/CARE.
Special Charity Section
The Beauty of Charity �������������������������������������������58
Take a moment to turn on the television and flip to the news. Chances are you will see a report of some form of tragedy that has struck fellow neighbors from somewhere across the nation. Despite the sad news that is regularly fed to us by the media, we here at OTC Beauty Magazine are proud to report of how so many beauty industry manufacturers are working to do good in the world. In their own ways, the vendors featured here are doing their part to help those around them. Won’t you join them?
September 2016 | $6.00 The Charity Issue
Coupons ������������������������������ 119
On The Cover
Show Calendar ������������������ 124 Ad Index ������������������������������� 124 Reader Feedback ������������� 126 Product Spotlight ������������� 128
ORS Olive Oil Styling Line 4
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
7th Annual Beauty of Charity Issue OTC Beauty Multicultural Hispanic Opportunity Cosmoprof North America 2016 Coverage
Jinny Corp. VIP Tradeshow
Andis is proud to introduce the 2016 limited edition T-Outliner® Blackout™ trimmer with full black finishes. This tool is perfect for all-around outlining, dry shaving and fading. It is equipped with a close-cutting, carbon-steel T-blade, specially hardened for long cutting life, and boasts a powerful magnetic motor that runs cool and quiet. Get it before it’s gone!
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
september 2016
c ont en t s
Knowledge To Know
Understanding Weaves and Extensions ����������������������������������������� 28 by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Many of your customers may utilize weaves and extensions in their regular beauty routines. However, we wonder if they realize the “ins and outs” of these beauty products and their upkeep. We urge you to read this article so that you are armed with the information you need to help educate them, should they ask for advice or help.
헤어위빙과 헤어 익스텐션의 올바른 이해 많은 소비자들이 멋을내기 위해 헤어위빙을 하거나 익스텐션을 많이 한다. 하지만, 이를 사용하는 방법을 잘 알고 있어야 한다. 이 기사의 글을 읽고, 여러분의 고객들에게 올바른 사용법을 알려주도록 하자.
Salt for your Skin!! ����������������������������������������������� 34 by Srujani Rautaray More than a seasoning or preserving agent in food, salt is also used to benefit the skin in a multitude of ways. Here we present eight ways in which salt can be helpful, along with scientific reasons for why it works.
피부에 좋은 소금!! 소금은 양념이나 음식의 간을 하는 용도 이외에 피부에 좋은 효과를 가져온다. 이 글에서 그 좋은 8가지 효능들을 알아보도록 하자.
Business Tips
Trust: The Foundation of a Successful Workplace ���������������������� 40 by Walt Grassl Trust is a vital attribute of a good leader, and can serve you well both in the workplace and in your personal life. Learn these six things leaders do to create a culture of trust, and why they are important.
신뢰 : 성공적인 직장의 기초 신뢰는 좋은 리더가 되기 위해 반드시 필요한 덕목이며, 개인적인 생활에서도 매우 중요한 요소이다. 신뢰를 구축할 수 있는 6가지 방법에 대해 배워보도록 하자.
OTC Beauty Multicultural Hispanic Opportunity ������������������������������������������������ 46 The Hispanic population continues to grow, and makes up a significant part of the total U.S. population. While much of this customer base is already shopping in your stores, you are not reaching its full buying potential if you are not offering the assortment of products they are looking for. Learn more here!
OTC 뷰티의 다문화 히스패닉을 겨냥한 비즈니스 히스패닉 인구는 지속적으로 증가하고 있으며, 이미 미국 인구의 상당한 부분을 차지하고 있다. 이 고객들 중 많은 사람들이 이미 당신의 매장에서 쇼핑을 하고는 있지만, 그들이 찾고 있는 다양한 히스패닉 제품들을 제공하지 못한다면 당신은 전체적인 구매 잠재력에 도달하거나 새로운 판매를 창조하고 있지 않는 것이다. 이 글을 통해 좀더 알아보도록 하자.
Beauty Ambassador
Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article ����������������������������������������������������������� 50 Let Your Natural Hair Fall
Skin Care Beauty Ambassador Article �������������������������������� 52 The ABC’s of Baby Skin Care
Show Coverage
Cosmoprof North America 2016 �������������������������������������������� 74 Cosmoprof North America (CPNA), the only all-encompassing, award winning, business-to-business beauty event in North America is proud to announce they have done it again by producing record breaking exhibitor attendance and ticket sales. This years’ show was held on July 24-26 in Las Vegas. (Coverage includes INSPIRE and Namaste’s Customer Appreciation Party which corresponded with this shows’ timeframe.)
Jinny Corp. VIP Tradeshow ������������������ 86 Jinny Beauty Supply of Miami held a VIP Tradeshow on Sunday, August 7. The company’s most honored customers were invited to take part in a day of unmatchable deals and specials promotions.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Ann Jhin
Haley McNeal
Korean News Editor:
Tony Bae
Art Director:
Anthony Camacho
Advertising & Sales Coordinator:
Contributing Writers:
Walt Grassl Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Brian Monje Srujani Rautaray Sarika Tainwala Emma Young
Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson
To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations.
OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 8
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Editorial Letter
Unmatchable Beauty
대항할 수 없는 아름다움
I fully believe there is no beauty like that of a kind heart. To be respectful, caring and helpful to others is something that physical beauty cannot compare to. That’s not to say we all shouldn’t strive to be the prettiest version of ourselves we can be, but I think it’s important to not focus only on the outer beauty. Instead, let’s work to perfect the inside, reinforcing the splendor of the outside. This month is our annual “Beauty of Charity” issue, and we are shining the spotlight on vendors in our industry who are working to help those around them. Through various charitable actions, they are giving back and providing ways in which you can also help others. I ask that you read on to learn about how the beauty business is working to make this world a better place.
마음보다 아름다운 것은 없다는 말을 저는 전적으로 믿습니다. 다른 사람들을 보살피고 도움을
We have also included an article on trust, which is a large attribute in running a successful business today. What’s more, it’s also vital for any relationship we have. Developing trust in others, and proving yourself trustworthy, is yet another way to refine the allure within. In addition to the specialized content on philanthropy in this issue, we also have our tried-and-true focus on new products, industry knowledge, and interesting facts. We have also included coverage of the Cosmoprof North America show that took place July 24-26 in fabulous Las Vegas. As you can see this issue is cram packed of great information, so what are you waiting for? Start learning about ways to beautify the outside, and inside, today!
또한, 우리는 오늘 날 성공적인 비즈니스를 실행하는 데 큰 몫을 차지하며, 우리들이 맺고 있는
주는 것은 물리적인 아름다움과는 비교할 수 없는 무엇입니다. 이 말은 우리가 할 수 있는 방법으로 스스로 가장 예쁜 모습을 추구해서는 안된다는 뜻이 아니라, 단지 외적인 아름다움에만 중점을 두지 않는 것이 중요하다는 것입니다. 대신, 내면을 완벽히 하고, 멋진 외면을 강화해 보세요.
이번 달은 연중 기획 “ Beauty of Charity 자선의 미” 특집이며, 우리 업계에서 주변 사람들을 돕는데 노력하고 있는 업체들을 주목하고 있습니다. 다양한 자선 활동을 통해, 그들은 나눔을 실천하고 여러분도 남을 도울 수 있는 방법을 제시하고 있습니다. 이번 호 기사들을 통해서 여러분들이 미용 업계가 이 세상을 보다 나은 곳으로 만들고자 노력하는 방법에 대해 좀 더 배울 수 있기를 바랍니다.
다른 관계들에도 매우 중요한, 신뢰에 관한 기사를 다루었습니다. 다른 사람에 대한 신뢰를 쌓고, 스스로 신뢰할 수 있는 사람임을 증명하는 것은 내적 매력을 정제시키는 또 다른 방법이기도 합니다.
이번 호에서는 자선에 대한 특징적인 내용뿐 아니라, 신제품, 업계 지식, 그리고 흥미로운 사실에 대한 검증에 초점을 두고 있습니다. 또한 7월24-26일까지 라스 베가스에서 개최된 Cosmoprof North America show에 관한 내용도 포함되어 있습니다. 이번 호에서 다양한 정보들을 볼 수 있는데, 무엇을 기다리고 계십니까? 내면과 외면을 아름답게 할 수 있는 방법들을 오늘부터 배워보도록 하세요!
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Expert Advice By Sarika Tainwala
How to Shampoo Hair
Using the correct techniques can make a world of difference in your hair’s health, bounce and shine—but if you’re making some common mistakes, you could be damaging your lovely locks without even realizing it.
1. Start with a rinse.
Hair should be thoroughly wet before you add your shampoo. Hot water will open the cuticle, which is good for removing any dirt or product trapped in the hair. Another bonus: When the hair is rinsed in warm water, it loosens the oils through the scalp and opens the cuticle so it is able to absorb the oil.
2. If you have long hair, condition first.
If you have hair beneath the shoulders, protect fragile ends from drying out and further damage by running a small amount of conditioner through them and lightly rinsing, before any shampooing. This will not only keep ends healthy, it will fill any holes in the cuticle with moisture, making it smoother and boosting shine.
3. Lather up — but only at the scalp.
You only need to shampoo the hair at the scalp, particularly at the nape. The best way to lather up is from roots to ends. The hair closest to the scalp is the youngest and will inevitably be the oiliest, while the end of the hair is the oldest and usually driest, most fragile part of the hair. Don’t use more shampoo than you need. A quarter-sized amount of shampoo is enough. If your hair is particularly long or thick, go ahead and double that. 12
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
4. Be gentle!
Friction can permanently damage your hair’s cuticle, leading to breakage and frizz. Start your lather at the roots. Increase blood flow to the scalp and stimulate hair growth by using vertical strokes with medium pressure. Don’t use circular motions, which can tangle your hair. Next, smooth the lather over the ends in a straight stroking motion. Do not scrub the fragile ends or use a back and forth motion like you’re washing a rag on a washboard.
5. Don’t rinse and repeat.
Despite what the instructions on the back of your shampoo bottle may say, there’s no need to wash your hair twice. Avoid stripping the hair by doing one shampoo only, which is usually sufficient unless the hair is extremely dirty and the first shampoo didn’t produce lather.
6. Add conditioner from the mid-lengths to the tips.
After one has rinsed out shampoo, squeeze some of the water out of the hair before one puts in the conditioner. Then clip hair up and finish showering, leaving the conditioner rinse out for the final step of the shower. The longer the conditioner stays onto the hair, the better it absorbs. Don’t put conditioner at the roots of the hair; the natural oil from the scalp is more concentrated there.
7. Finish with a cold water rinse.
Cold water will shut the cuticle tight, sealing the shinglelike outer layer, which will cause it to reflect the most light and give off the most shine.
8. Use a shampoo and conditioner that’s made for one’s hair type.
If hair is dry, choose moisturizing products. If hair is colored, opt for color-safe formulas. “Volumizing” shampoos tend to leave hair drier, so they’re best for fine hair types that would be weighed down by more moisturizing products.
9. How often you wash your hair depends on your hair type, too.
If someone has oily or fine hair, then it’s important to shampoo daily. Normal or dry hair can lather up closer to three times a week.
Meet Sarika Tainwala
Sarika Tainwala is a contributor to Article courtesy of You can find the article at:
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Radiant From Within
In this issue focused on works of charity and celebrating the beauty of the heart inside you and your customers, we still want to celebrate the outward beauty as well. Why not let that radiance of goodwill shine from within for the world to see? These products can help do just that.
Moisturizing Mavens
Delight for Coils and Curls
Let your customers be the moisturizing mavens they want to be, flaunting nourished and gorgeous hair every day. The OKAY Ultra Moisturizing Shea Leave-in Conditioner provides ultra moisture to dry, brittle hair. It boasts hydrating properties that provide shine and luster, leaving hair manageable and beautiful.
The As I Am CocoShea Spray Moisturizer is causing smiles to pop up everywhere. This unique spray-on formula absorbs quickly to nourish, seal in moisture, soften, shine, help protect hair against UV damage and hydrate the scalp. It’s versatile and can be used as a leave in treatment, when twisting, or for general daily hair care and maintenance.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
All in the Eyes They say eyes are the window to the soul, so why not let them draw all the attention they can get, helping showcase your customers’ inner beauty? Ardell’s Flawless Tapered Luxe Lashes are whisper soft and made of premium remy hair. Easy to apply and remove, they’re perfect for everyday use.
Smooth Edges A precise finish that perfects your customers’ hairline and edges, with flexible hold and without dryness or flakes…what more could they want? When they style with GroHealthy’s Shea & Coconut With Omega 3 Smooth Edges they can be confident they’re working to repair, rebuild and moisturize hair, all while keeping styles looking fabulous.
Nice and Neat Who doesn’t want their hair to be polished and styled just right, all nice and neat? Dark and Lovely’s Au Naturale Length Retention Nice & Neat Braiding Custard helps keep braided styles moisturized, soft and conditioned. It’s also shine enhancing so styles look fresh and new all day long.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Lovely Lavender Lotion is a must for soft, smooth hands and all-over skin. If it’s essential, why not use one that smells good and is natural? The fatty acid of the Shea butter tree nut (which is used in the formulation of TAHA’s Natural Hand & Body Lotion) is crucial for rejuvenating and moisturizing skin. Providing vitamins that are necessary for healthy skin, this lavender scented lotion is a great choice.
Strengthen with Step 1 In any hair routine, shampoo is step one for obtaining luscious, showstopping tresses. Creme of Nature’s Strengthening Shampoo with Acai Berry & Keratin gently cleanses and helps to strengthen and prevent dry or damaged hair. Infused with certified natural acai berries and keratin while flaunting a new fragrance, it’s a fabulous wake up call to hair.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Smooth it Out For your customers who choose to rock smooth, relaxed hair, suggest they use nuNAAT’s Brazilian Patauá Oil Moisture Infusion No-Lye Relaxer System. Formulated with oils from the Brazilian rainforest that are rich in omega 3, 6 and 9, this kit will leave hair nourished and protected from dryness and breakage. Tresses will be healthier, more vibrant and full of body.
Deep Repair Dry, damaged hair has met its match: the Deep Repair Masque from Macadamia Professional. With it your customers can love the hair they were born with, no matter what texture. Formulated with Macadamia Oil which mimics scalp’s natural oil production, it works to renew dry, damaged and color-treated hair of all textures. Best for use twice a week.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Hair Vacation Let your customers’ hair care routine transport them to a beach chair on the seashore by using HASK Monoi Coconut Oil Nourishing Shine Oil. This lightweight, alcohol-free instantly absorbing oil provides beautiful shine with no oily residue. It works to revive hair of all types.
Cool Curls Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition Curl Nourish Conditioner is a part of the brand’s first sulfatefree haircare system that gives a supple lather, providing a gentle cleanse that doesn’t strip hair’s natural moisture. It also provides the care of triple nourishment for stronger hair with well defined, smoother and frizz-free curls.
Silky Shine The raw, natural ingredients of Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Hair Polisher Serum deeply hydrate, repair damage and give hair incredible shine. This shine boosting finishing serum instantly tames frizz, adds high-definition gloss and makes hair feel like silk.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
How should you sell it?
This month’s focus is...
Sensitive Skin Care!
“Fragrance free” is the easy answer, but what other attributes should your customers look for when shopping for lotions, shampoos and soaps for use on sensitive skin? We asked the industry experts to find out.
What claims and attributes should customers look for in skin care products for sensitive skin? Likewise, what ingredients should they stay away from?
“No one wants dry, red, irritated skin. It is important to reduce enlarged pores, maintain moisture and keep hair and skin moisturized. Ingredients like shea butter and coconut oil help to keep skin soft and supple. These two ingredients are great moisturizers. Hydrating Vegetable Glycerin, warm water and Aloe are essential for great hair and skin. Chamomile and vitamin E soothes, calms irritations and prevents itching. It is important to avoid ingredients that strip the scalp and skin of natural oils. Soaps and shampoos with ammonium, sulfate and sodium lauryl sulfate remove and strip moisture from our skin. It is important to avoid alcohol because it dries the skin and upsets our skin’s natural moisture balance. Harsh scrubs and exfoliates damage and create irritations.” Taliah Waajid, Natural Hair Care Specialist Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products
If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the October issue! 22
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
어떻게 판매할 것인가?
이 달의 판매 초점은 ... 민감성 피부를 위한 관리! 당신의 고객들이 민감성 피부에 사용할 수 있는 로션이나 샴푸, 비누 등을 구매할 때, “무향” 이 쉬운 대답이긴 하지만, 이 밖에도 당신의 고객들이 찾아야 할 다른 특징 들은 무엇이 있을까? 우리는 그 대답을 위해 업계 전문가에게 질문을 던져 보았다.
민감한 피부를 위한 스킨 케어 제품을 찾을 때, 고객들은 어떤 특성들을 찾아야 하며 피해야 할 성분은 무엇인가?
“어느 누구도 건조하고 붉으며 트러블이 생기는 피부를 원하지 않습니다. 확대된 모공을 줄이고, 수분을 유지하며, 모발과 피부에 지속적으로 수분을 공급하는 것이 중요합니다. 시어 버터나 코코넛 오일과 같은 성분은 피부를 부드럽고 유연하게 유지하는데 도움이 됩니다. 이 두 성분은 대단히 좋은 보습제입니다. 수분 식물성 글레세린, 따뜻한 물 그리고 알로에는 모발과 피부에 아주 필수적입니다. 카모마일과 비타민 E는 진정 작용을 하며 가려움을 방지합니다. 두피와 피부의 천연 피지를 제거하는 성분은 피하는 것이 중요합니다. 암모늄, 황산 나트륨, 라우릴 황산이 함유된 비누나 샴푸는 피부의 수분을 제거합니다. 피부를 건조하게 만들고 피부의 자연적인 수분 균형을 방해하는 알콜의 사용도 피하는 것이 좋습니다. 거친 스크럽과 각질 제거는 피부를 손상시키고 자극을 생성합니다.” Taliah Waajid, Natural Hair Care Specialist Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products
이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, editor@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일을 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 10월호에 게재됩니다! 24
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
K t K Knowledge to know By Srujani Rautaray
Salt for your Skin!!! 피부에 좋은 소금!!! The next time you see that crystalline white pixie dust you won't just think about sprinkling it as a seasoning or preserving agent. Salt is also used to benefit the skin, in a multitude of ways starting from being used as a facial steamer to being used for treating acne. A key component of various beauty products (natural products as well as chemical), it can be effectively used as beauty remedy at home, for various skin problems. The popular sea salt is most beneficial in this regard. Salt comes as a relief in today's times, where most beauty products are composed of chemicals that may tamper the skin in the long run. At the same time, organic products may be difficult to find and very costly. We list out eight ways in which salt can be helpful to you, along with the exact scientific mechanism of how it works…
1) Salt for dry skin
여러분들은 이제부터 작고 반짝이는 흰 결정을 보실때, 양념이나 방부제만을 생각하지는 않으실것입니다. 여드름 치료부터 세안제까지, 소금은 피부에 다양한 긍정적 효과를 가져다 줍니다.
소금은 각종 화장품(화학제품과 자연산포함)
의 주요성분이며 가정에서도 손쉽게 효과적으로 피부 미용제품으로 사용할수 있습니다. 이러한 용도로 가장 좋은것은 바다소금입니다. 장기적으로 부작용을 내포하고 있을지 모르는 화학성분이 널리 사용되는 현대에 소금은 바람직한 대안이 될수가 있습니다. 동시에 유기농 제품들은 구하기 어렵고 가격이 비쌀수 있습니다. 소금이 당신에게 유익한 8가지 방법과, 그것들의 정확한 과학적 메카니즘을 정리해보았습니다.
1) 건성 피부를 위한 소금
A bath in sea salt water helps to treat dry skin. In aggravated conditions (during cold and dry winter), the dry skin especially becomes irritating as it becomes itchy. In such situations, bath salts, which are fast becoming popular these days, are just the right solution! Another additional benefit of a bath in sea salt water is that the nail cuticles immediately get cleaned.
바다 소금물 목욕은 건성 피부에 좋습니다. 춥고 건조한 겨울과 같은 극한의
How it works?
어떻게 가능한가요?
상황에선 건조된 피부에 가려움증과 염증이 발생할수 있습니다. 그런 상황에서는 요즘 빠르게 유행하고 있는 소금물 목욕이 적합한 해법입니다. 소금물 목욕의 또다른 유익한점은 손/발톱의 표피가 깨끗해진 다는 점입니다.
It opens up the pores and hydrates the tissue. Instead of the dry and rough skin, it leaves behind soft, supple skin. Specialized treatments involving salt can also be used to treat serious skin diseases like eczema (a kind of inflammation of the skin) or psoriasis (skin disease characterized by red patches of skin)
염분은 피부의 기공을 열고 수분을 공급합니다. 건조하고 거친 피부가 부드럽고
2) Treatment of acne
바다 소금은 여드름 치료용 비누, 마스크, 토너, 클리너등에 사용됩니다. 심한
Sea salt is often used in soaps, masks, toners and cleaners to treat acne. Even if you suffer from severe acne, try this before you take hormonal medication to be the last resort.
How it works?
Sea salt has a miraculous composition of eighty-four percent sodium chloride. Silicon, phosphorous, vanadium, potassium etc. form the rest 16%. The sulphur helps synthesize oxygen whereas potassium maintains the water balance for proper cell metabolism, thus enabling absorption of nourishment to get rid of impurities. Calcium cleans the pores, making cell membranes stronger and magnesium removes dirt and toxins from skin. 28
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
촉촉해집니다. 습진(피부 염증의 한종류)이나 건선(붉은 반점이 특징인 피부병) 과 같은 피부병의 치료에도 좋습니다.
2) 여드름 치료 여드름때문에 고생하실때엔, 호르몬 치료를 받기 전에 먼저 소금을 사용해보세요.
어떻게 가능한가요? 바다소금은 84%의 염화나트륨과 실리콘, 규소, 인, 바나듐, 칼륨등이 나머지 16% 를 구성하고 있습니다. 황은 산소를 생산하며 칼륨은 적절한 세포 신진대사를 위한 수분 밸런스를 유지하여, 영양분 흡수와 노폐물 폐기를 원활하게 해줍니다. 칼슘이 모공을 깨끗하게 해주며, 세포막을 튼튼히 하고, 마그네슘은 노폐물과 독소를 피부에서 제거합니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
K t K Knowledge to know 3) Salt for face exfoliation
This is one exfoliation technique that could be easily tried with readily available ingredients.
3) 소금 박피 가정에서 손쉽게 구할수 있는 물질로 간편히 시도할수 있는 박피기술입니다. 1 티스푼의 고운 소금와 1 티스푼의 올리브유로 얼굴과 몸을 마사지 하세요.
Massage your face and body with a miraculous mixture of 1 teaspoonful of fine grained salt and 1 teaspoonful of olive oil.
4) 소금 스킨 토너
4) Salt as a skin toner
미지근한물과 소금 한 티스푼을 담은후 얼굴에 뿌리세요.
Salt can be used to reduce facial oiliness and leave behind glowing, radiant skin. For this, fill a small spray bottle with tepid water mixed with a whole teaspoon salt and mist on face. The eye-region should be avoided and focus should be given to the cheek region. This acts as an excellent skin toner.
5) Treatment of puffed eyes
Want to get rid of the puffy eyes that are making you look dull? Want to hide the fact that you did not sleep much last night? Oops! No cucumber in the refrigerator? Then try this one… Take some cotton pads and soak them in a solution of one teaspoon salt and hot water. This can be used for treating puffed eyes.
6) Salt scrub
Salt scrub can be used for scrubbing arms and legs to exfoliate dead skin cells and improve circulation. After taking a relaxing shower, when your skin is still wet, sprinkle some salt on hands and rub it gently on arms and legs
7) Salt as facial steamer
Steam facials are the ultimate fad these days. Steaming the skin with salt before exfoliating opens up the pores.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
소금으로 얼굴의 기름기를 제거하고 번들거림을 막을수 있습니다. 분무기에 눈주위는 피하시고
볼쪽에 집중하셔야 합니다. 이것은 훌륭한 스킨 토너가 됩니다.
5) 눈 붓기 가라앉히기 답답해 보이는 부은 눈을 가라앉히고 싶으신가요? 어젯밤 잠을 설친것을 숨기고 싶으신가요? 아차! 냉장고에 오이가 없다고요? 그럼 이것을 시도해보세요… 식염수에 뜨거운 물과 소금 한 스푼을 넣고, 화장솜을 적셔보세요.
효과가 좋습니다.
6) 소금 각질제거 소금으로 팔 다리의 각질 제거를 하세요. 죽은 세포를 벗겨내시고 순환이 좋아집니다. 샤워를 하신후 피부가 젖은 상태에서 손에 소금을 덜어서 부드럽게 팔 다리를 문질러 주세요.
7) 소금 안면 스티머 세안 스티머가 요즘 굉장히 유행입니다. 소금으로 스팀을 하시면 모공을 열어줍니다. 뷰티 살롱에 가지 않고 집에서 할수있는 방법이 있습니다. 1/3컵의 바닷물을 끓인후, 용액을 입구가 넓은 그릇에 붓습니다.
부드러운 수건으로
얼굴을 감싼후, 얼굴을 뜨거운 김에 10-15분 정도 댑니다. 이때 그릇의 입구가 얼굴이 전부 들어갈만큼 커야 합니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
K t K Knowledge to know Here's how you can try the trick at home without having to go to the beauty salon. Boil one-third cup of sea salt in a small pan of water. Pour the solution so obtained in a bowl. Cover your face with a soft towel and keep it over the steam for around 10-15 minutes, but not more. Make sure the mouth of the bowl is big enough for your face to fit in as the steam is still coming out.
8) Salt for anti-aging
A sea salt bath reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and cellulite. It restores healthy, radiant and youthful skin.
8) 소금 노화방지 바닷물 목욕은 잔주름, 셀루라이트, 주름을 줄여줍니다. 건강하고 젊은 피부로 가꿔줍니다.
어떻게 가능한가요? 염분은 탁월한 수화물질입니다. 분자 레벨의 노화방지제이며, 노화를 촉진하는 유리기에서부터 몸을 지켜줍니다. 자, 소금은 기적입니다, 그렇지 않나요?
How it works?
Sodium is an important hydrating element. It actually acts in the molecular level as an anti-aging agent and defends the free radicals that accelerate the aging process. Salt is a miracle, isn't it?!
Meet Srujani Rautaray
Srujani Rautaray is a writer who currently resides in India. She is also a contributor to Article courtesy of You can find the article at:
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
K t K Knowledge to know By Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
Understanding Weaves and Extensions 헤어위빙과 헤어 익스 텐션의 올바른 이해
Some people experience allergic reactions to the added hair that is sometimes blamed on bonding and/extension adhesives. Some commercial hair is from animal sources, and some are chemically treated to enhance the appearance, to eliminate some of the cuticles scales to prevent matting, and/or to smooth or relax the cuticles for easier control and styling. This could be the sources for an allergic reaction.
붙임머리는 때때로 접착/연장 점착제로 인한 알레르기 반응을 유발하기도 합니다. 몇몇 제품은 동물성 원료로 만들어지고, 또 어떤 제품은 표피가 벗겨짐을 방지하고 광택을 유지하기 위해 화학적으로 가공되기도 합니다. 이러한 요소들은 알레르기를 일으킬 수 있습니다. 어떤 사람들은 인공 모발을 붙인 자연 모발이 부서지는 경험을 하기도 합니다. 이것은 자연모가
너무 약하거나, 혹은 너무 많은 인공 헤어가 부착되었기
Sometimes people experience breakage of their own natural hair that the commercial hair is attached to. This is caused by the natural hair being too weak to support the weight of the added hair. Or, more hair was added than the natural hair could support.
Extensions and Weaves
익스텐션이 좋은 선택이 될수가 있습니다. 헤어스타일을 망쳤을때나 머리결이
There is nothing like natural hair, but if your hair needs a break or time to recover, extensions or weaves are a good choice. Whether your hair needs recovery from former abuse or from a hairstyle gone wrong, these methods will stimulate hair growth if the job is done well. You don’t have to wear your hair in a style that you are not comfortable with after a hair disaster. A good weave will add length and fullness to one’s hair while protecting it. The same goes for extensions that are correctly braided in one’s hair.
헤어 익스텐션과 위빙헤어 물론 자연모 만큼 좋은 것은 없지만, 모발이 회복할 시간이 필요할시엔 위빙이나 상했을때 이런 방법을 올바르게 사용한다면 두발성장을 촉진시킬수 있습니다. 머리를 망친후에 원치않는 스타일대로 머리를 할 필요가 없습니다.
위빙헤어는 머리에 길이와 풍성함을 더해주며 동시에 보호효과를 가져다줍니다. 적절한 방식으로 브레이드된 헤어 익스텐션도 마찬가지입니다. 중요한것은 고객의 모발보호입니다. 뒀을때 가장 잘 자랍니다.
위에 언급한대로, 머리는 가만히 내버려
모발을 익스텐션이나 위빙으로 보호하게 되면,
모발은 태양빛이나 잡아당김 같은 장애에 노출이 되지 않고 자랄수 있게 됩니다.
The emphasis should be placed on protecting one’s hair. As mentioned before, hair grows best if left alone. If your hair is well protected by extensions or a weave, the hair has a chance to grow undisturbed, free from pulling and environmental threats like the sun. The advantage of weaves and extensions is really that you can wear any hairstyle while growing your own hair. Most hair loss is from the ends due to splitting. Weaves and extensions protect the 34
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익스텐션이나 위빙의 장점은 사실 머리가 자라는 동안 원하는 헤어스타일을 만드실수 있다는것입니다. 대부분의 모발손실은 끝의 갈라짐으로 인해서입니다. 위빙과 익스텐션은 모발끝의 갈라짐을 방어해주는 역할을 하게 됩니다.
인공 헤어 종류 지금 시중엔 굉장히 다양한 종류의 헤어 익스텐션이 있습니다. 그렇기에 제품을
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
K t K Knowledge to know ends from harsh treatment that causes splitting, which results in breakage.
구매하시기전에 준비를 잘 하셔야 합니다. 최종 결정을 내리시기 전에 원하는
Artificial Hair Types
대부분의 인공 헤어는, 비록 100% 인모제품 일지라도, 화학적으로 처리되었다는
There are so many types of hair extensions available today that the choices are overwhelming and confusing. So, be prepared before you go shopping for your extensions. Make sure you have a hairstyle in mind and educate yourself on the pros and the cons before you make a choice. Also, be aware of the fact that most artificial hair, even 100 percent human hair, is treated with chemicals. If you are allergic to synthetic, animal or certain chemicals, you might want to test the commercial hair before you buy and certainly before you attach them to your hair.
헤어스타일을 염두에 두고, 각각의 장점과 단점을 비교하시면 좋습니다. 또한 사실을 기억하셔야 합니다.
합성 재질로 만들어졌습니다.
위빙헤어 주의사항 •
Keep your scalp clean: This is even more essential for weave styles because the scalp is covered all the time, creating a hotbed for bacteria. Do not sleep on your weave while it is wet or damp: This avoids matting as well as damage to your natural hair. For longer length weaves, tie up the hair before sleeping on it.
두피를 청결하게 하세요: 위빙에선 특히 중요합니다. 두피가 늘 커버되있기 때문에 세균이 자라기가 쉽습니다. 젖은 위빙을 하고 잠들지 마세요: 윤기가 사라질뿐 아니라 자연모를 손상하게 합니다. 긴 위빙의 경우에는 주무시기전에 묶어주세요. •
윤기 유지: 적시거나 샴푸하시기전에
인모 위빙, 가발, 익스텐션에는
뜨거운 물을 쓰지 마세요.
이것은 머리를
뿌옇게 만듭니다. •
캡이나 오래도록
깔끔하게 유지됩니다. •
위빙 스타일을 너무 오래 쓰지마세요:
위빙이나 익스텐션은 3개월이 한계입니다.
Prevent Matting: Remove all tangles before wetting or shampooing hair to prevent irreversible matting. Do not use hot water on human hair weaves, wigs or extensions; this will cause the hair to swell and become matted.
붙은 머리가 광택을 잃게 되면 두피 문제와
Do use a scarf: Sleeping in a cap or scarf will protect your style, which will keep it neat for a longer period of time.
됩니다. 컨디셔너나 보습제를 사용하여야
Do not keep a weave style in too long: Three months is the maximum for weaves as well as for extensions. If the added hair starts to mat you risk scalp problems and hair breakage. Also, the normal grow out time is 2-3 months.
After care: Use products sparingly because product residue will build up in the underlying added hair. If you must use a conditioner or a moisturizer, apply sparingly to both added and natural hair. Also rinse thoroughly after shampooing.
얼마나 자주 터치 업, 머리감기, 컨디셔닝을 해도 되는지
The Do’s and Don’ts for Weaves
스타일리스트의 조언을 따르세요: 헤어스타일리트의 지시대로 머리를 관리하세요.
Follow your stylist’s advice: Follow the advice of your stylist regarding how to care for your style; ask how often to wash or condition, and if or how often a touch up will be required.
대부분의 인공모는
카네칼론(Kanekalon), 도쿄칼론(Tokyokalon), 그리고 야키(Yaky) 라는 3종류의
The most popular and common types of artificial hair are basically made of three different synthetic fibers. They are synthetic Kanekalon, Tokyokalon and Yaky.
합성, 동물성, 혹은 특정 화학제품에 알레르기가
있으시다면 구매 전에 반드시 시험해 보셔야 합니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
모발 손상이 오게 됩니다. 또한 일반적인 자연모의 성장기간은 2-3개월입니다. • 애프터 케어: 헤어 제품 사용을 절제하세요. 제품은 붙인머리 밑에 쌓이게 한다면, 자연모와 붙인머리에 조금씩 바르세요.
또한 샴푸한 후에 완전히
헹구셔야 합니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
K t K Knowledge to know Caring for Weaves
위빙헤어 관리
Caring for weaves is rather easy because your own hair should be safely protected so you cannot harm it. The hairstyle and the type of fiber you choose will determine your weave care, but usually the emphasis will be on keeping the weave hair from tangling. Combing or brushing is not recommended for weave because this causes the weave hair to shed from the weave tracks. Use your fingers to untangle to prevent the weave from shedding. If you need to comb or brush the weave hair, keep one hand on your head below the track while doing so. This will not only prevent too much hair from coming out, it will also prevent disturbing the underlying natural hair.
위빙 관리는 비교적 쉽습니다. 자연모가 이미 상하지 않도록 보호되기 때문입니 다. 선택한 헤어스타일과 섬유질이 위빙관리를 결정하게 되지만, 대부분의 경 우는 엉키지 않게 하는것이 가장 중요합니다. 빗질을 하면 위빙 헤어가 위브 트 랙에서 벗겨지기 때문에 권장되지 않습니다. 위빙이 벗겨지지 않도록 손가락 을 사용하세요. 빗이나 브러쉬를 사용하실 경우엔 트랙 아래의 한손을 대주세 요. 지나치게 많은 머리가 나오지 않게 막음과 동시에 아래의 자연모 손상을 방 지해줍니다.
Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-283-7118.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Business Tips By Walt Grassl
Trust: The Foundation of a Successful Workplace
Six Cornerstones to Building a Culture of Trust
신뢰 : 성공적인 직장의 기초 신뢰의 문화를 구축하는 6가지 초석 Alice and Bob are both supervisors at a medium size company. One day over lunch, they were comparing the pluses and minuses of some of their past bosses. During the discussion, they were reminded of Greg, probably the best leader they ever had.
Alice 와 Bob은 모두 중간 규모 회사의 관리자이다. 어느 점심 식사 중에, 그들은
While Greg was personable, focused and set high standards, they concluded Greg’s greatest quality was that he created a culture of trust.
Greg은 매력적이고, 집중하고, 수준도 높았지만, 그들은 Greg의 가장 큰 장점은
Greg did not yell, threaten or lie to get his teams to meet short-term deadlines. He also did not, and would not sacrifice long-term success to meet short-term deadlines.
Greg은 자신의 팀원들이 단기적인 마감 시간을 맞추도록 언성을 높이거나,
This was in stark contrast to Mack, who was Greg’s polar opposite. Mack would lie to his customers about the ability to meet accelerated schedules. In turn, he would peddle these same falsehoods to his team about a nonexistent urgent customer need to meet the accelerated schedule. The kicker? After the team rallied to accomplish its goals on a sped-up timeline, Mack would proudly—and fraudulently—claim success for their results. He abused his team for his personal gain, and the team members would leave Mack’s team at the earliest opportunity. Alice and Bob were both students of leadership and decided to compile a list of some of the things that Greg did, to create a checklist for themselves as emerging leaders. Here are six things leaders do to create a culture of trust, and why they are important:
1. Trusted leaders are dedicated to doing the right thing.
Trusted leaders have a keen sense of right and wrong. When circumstances arise that threaten to change their moral compass, these leaders stand their ground and hold firm to their morals. They resist the urge to do the wrong thing to avoid uncomfortable situations. They do the difficult right over the easy wrong.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
과거 상사들의 장단점을 비교하고 있었다. 토론이 이어지는 동안, 그들은 아마도 그들에게 최고의 리더였던 Greg을 회상했다.
그가 신뢰의 문화를 만든 것이라고 결론을 내렸다.
위협하거나 거짓말하지 않았다. 그는 또한 단기적인 마감을 맞추기 위해 장기적인 성공을 희생시키지도 않았다. 그와 극명한 차이를 보인 Mack은 Greg과는 완전히 대조적이었다. Mack은 일정을 빨리 맞출 수 있는 능력에 관해 그의 고객들에게 거짓말을 했다. 차례로, 그는 존재하지도 않는 급한 고객의 요구로 일정을 빨리 맞춰야 한다고 그의 팀원들에게도 같은 거짓말을 퍼뜨렸다. 팀원들이 가속화된 시간표로 업무를 수행하기 위해 정신 없는 경주를 한 후, Mack은 자랑스럽게 속여서 성공적인 결과를 만들어 갔다. 그는 개인적인 이득을 위해 팀원들을 학대했고, 팀 구성원들은 기회가 왔을 때 빠르게 그의 팀을 떠났다. 리더쉽을 배우는 학생인 Alice 와 Bob두 사람 모두는, 신흥 지도자로서의 그들의 위한 체크리스트를 만들기 위해 Greg이 했던 몇 가지들의 목록을 작성하기로 했다. 다음은 리더가 신뢰 문화를 창조하기 위해 할 수 있는 6가지와 그 중요성이다:
1. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자는 옳은 일을 하기 위해 최선을 다한다. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자들은 옳고 그름에 관한 예민한 감각을 갖고 있다. 자신의 도덕적 범위를 변경할 수 있는 위협적인 상황이 발생하면, 이런 지도자들은 자신의 입장을 고수하고 그들의 도덕성을 더욱 굳건히 한다. 그들은 불편한 상황을 피하기 위해 옳지 않은 것을 하도록 재촉하는 것에 저항한다. 그들은 손쉬운 잘못보다는 어려운 옳은 것을 행한다.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Business Tips 2. Trusted leaders keep their word.
Trusted leaders keep commitments. They do what they say they will do, and don’t make promises they can’t keep. Leaders dedicated to constructing a culture of trust are painstaking about meeting deadlines. They realize that if they don’t keep their word, there is no way that they can hold others accountable for theirs. “Do as I say, not as I do” does not breed trust.
3. Trusted leaders explain the politics of the workplace.
Politics exist everywhere—including the workplace. Trusted leaders are aware of the politics and make sure their team is aware of them as well. There is often tension between the needs of the bigger organization and the needs of the team. Trusted leaders seek balanced solutions. When decisions flow down from higher authorities that may not make sense to the team, they explain the politics and the big picture. When it is important, they push up the concerns of the team.
4. Trusted leaders do not expect blind obedience.
Trusted leaders realize that trust is a two-way street. They empower their team members. They want team members to be comfortable speaking up when they don’t understand something. They insist that they speak up when they see a potential problem. Should someone make an error in judgment, it becomes a teaching moment, not an inquisition. This is the highest form of trust.
5. Trusted leaders focus the credit on deserving team members.
When a team is successful, leaders are immediately recognized for the success of their teams. Trusted leaders shine the spotlight of success on deserving team members. They don’t hog the spotlight. They publicly recognize their team members so that others may know who they are. That improves their opportunities for advancement. They don’t use the peanut butter approach and credit everyone equally—even the undeserving. When they share the spotlight, it does not take away from the leader’s prestige. It greatly improves the relationship with the team.
6. Trusted leaders accept the blame when the team fails.
Trusted leaders do not create scapegoats. They live by the old maxim, “the buck stops here.” When things don’t go well, they step up and accept the blame. Team members that report to these individuals know that they will
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
2. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자들은 약속을 지킨다. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자는 약속을 지킨다. 그들은 자신이 할 것이라고 한 말을 이행하며, 그들이 지킬 수 없는 것은 약속하지 않는다. 신뢰 문화를 구축하는데 전념하는 지도자들은 마감 시간을 맞추는데 철저하다. 그들은 자신이 약속을 지키지 않으면, 다른 사람들로 하여금 책임감을 갖게 할 수 없다는 것을 알고 있다. “내가 하는대로 하지 말고, 내가 말하는 대로 하라” 는 신뢰를 낳을 수 없다.
3. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자들은 직장의 정치적인 문제들을 설명한다. 정치적인 문제들은 어디에나 존재하며, 여기에는 직장도 포함된다. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자들은 정치적인 문제를 인식하고 자신의 팀원들도 같이 그 문제들을 확실히 인식할 수 있도록 한다. 큰 조직의 요구와 팀의 요구 사이에 종종 긴장감이 형성된다. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자는 균형잡힌 해결 방법을 찾는다. 권력이 센 위쪽에서부터 내려오는 결정이 팀원들에게는 이해가 되지 않을 수도 있지만, 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자라면 정치적인 문제와 큰 그림에 관해 설명한다. 중요한 문제일 경우, 그들은 직원들의 관심을 높인다.
4. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자들은 맹목적인 순종을 기대하지 않는다. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자는 신뢰가 양방향 도로라는 것을 알고 있다. 그들은
그들은 무언가를
이해하지 못할 때 편안하게 발언하기를 바란다. 그들이 잠재적인 문제를 보게 될 때 큰 소리로 말하기를 주장한다. 누구든 판단의 오류를 범하게 되면, 그것은 종교 재판이 아니라, 교육이 순간이 된다. 이것이
5. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자들은 자격이 되는 팀 구성원의 신용에 초점을 둔다. 팀이 성공하면, 지도자들은 즉각 팀의 성공에 대해 인정을 받는다. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자는 인정받을 자격이 되는 팀원들에게 성공의 스포트 라이트를 비춰준다. 그들은 스포트 라이트를 독차지하지 않는다. 그들은 공개적으로 팀원을 인정하여 다른 사람들에게도 그들이 누군지를 알린다. 그것은 발전을 위한 그들의 기회를 향상시킨다. 그들은 달콤한 땅콩 버터식의 접근과 신용을 모든 사람에게 동등하게 사용하는 것이 아니라, 오직 받을 만한 자격이 되는 사람들에게만 사용한다. 그들이 스포트라이트를 공유해도, 지도자의 명성를 깎아내리는 것은 아니다. 그것은 팀과의 관계를 크게 향상시킨다.
6. 신뢰할 수 있는 지도자는 팀이 실패 할 경우, 비난을 받아 들인다. 신뢰할 수있는 지도자들은 희생양을 만들지 않는다. 그들은 “모든 책임은 내가
Master Well Comb • Chicago, IL 60639 • Ph: 773-745-7700 OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Business Tips not be thrown under the bus in the event that a project does not turn out the way it was intended. To the extent a team member’s behavior or judgment contributes to a lack of success, these leaders will privately correct them. They investigate and analyze to find the root cause of the problem, and then publicly address opportunities to improve, provide training if needed and/or introduce process improvements.
진다.”는 오래된 격언에 의해 산다. 일이 잘 되지 않을 때, 그들은 앞으로 나와서
Alice and Bob became accountability partners in trust. Once a month they would meet for lunch and review the six cornerstones, and share when they had the opportunity to practice and where they might have missed opportunities. Their leadership skills improved. They had higher levels of trust with their teams. Team morale improved and their teams became more successful.
필요하다면 향상 과정을 소개할 것이다.
At the end of the day, we all want to trust our leaders and our teammates. Creating a culture of trust is one of the most important roles of a leader.
비난을 받아들인다. 이런 지도자들의 지시를 받는 팀 구성원들은 프로젝트가 의도된 방향으로 되지 않을 경우에 희생양이 되지 않을 것이라는 것을 알고 있다. 팀 구성원의 행동이나 판단이 성공의 부족에 기여하는 범위 내에서, 지도자들은 개인적으로 그들을 고칠 것이다. 그들은 문제의 근본 원인을 찾기 위해 조사하고 분석한 다음, 개선하고 교육을 제공할 수있는 기회를 공개적으로 발표하고,
Alice 와 Bob은 신뢰 속에서 책임 파트너가 되었다. 한 달에 한 번 그들은 점심 식사 시간을 가지며 6가지 초석을 검토하고, 실행할 수 있었던 기회는 언제였고 어디서 기회를 놓쳤었는지를 공유한다. 그들의 지도자 능력은 향상되었다. 그들은 팀과의 높은 신뢰 수준을 갖게 되었다. 팀의 사기는 향상되었고 그들의 팀은
결국 가장 중요한 것은, 우리는 모두 우리의 지도자와 동료들을 신뢰하고 싶어 한다는 것이다. 신뢰의 문화를 만드는 것은 지도자로서의 가장 중요한 역할 중 하나이다.
Meet Walt Grassl
Walt Grassl is a speaker, author, and performer. He hosts the radio show, “Stand Up and Speak Up,” on the RockStar Worldwide network. Walt has performed standup comedy at the Hollywood Improv and the Flamingo in Las Vegas and is studying improv at the Groundlings School in Hollywood. For more information on bringing Walt Grassl to your next event, please visit
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Business Tips
OTC Beauty Multicultural Hispanic Opportunity Hispanic Population Reaches 55 Million
OTC 뷰티의 다문화 히스패닉을 겨냥한 비즈니스 히스패닉 인구가 5천 5백만에 이른다 The Hispanic population in 2014 reached 55 million, representing 17.4 percent of the total U.S. population. What does this multicultural market opportunity means for beauty OTC stores? While a lot of these customers are already shopping in your stores, you are not reaching its full buying potential and creating new sales if you are not offering the assortment of Hispanic products those customers are looking for. They want products they relate to from their country of origin. The Hispanic Market importance and opportunity has been acknowledged nationwide by the Food Drug and Mass market (FDM) as chain stores have been increasing more and more specific sections to cater to this market segment. Therefore, this business opportunity for the Beauty OTC relies on starting to focus on having these multicultural products available. Displaying them in a dedicated section that keeps them all together is the best way to capture the Hispanic consumers’ attention. As mentioned, beauty OTC stores already have Hispanic customers and some stores are already carrying Hispanic products. It is important though to not only have products, but to also have the right assortment (i.e. good product selection). In order to have the best mix possible it is necessary to identify the Hispanic consumers that shop in the stores. Hispanics differ among themselves; the unique thing that identifies the Hispanics living in the U.S. is obviously that all of them speak the same language (Spanish), yet they come from different countries, cultures and traditions. They are constantly looking for products – either those that come from their country of origin or products that are made here in the U.S. but are understandable for them, suit their needs, can be related to, and/or have brand recognition. Even though they purchase general HBA products, they also purchase products based on specific individual needs, depending on ethnicity. The consumer trend among Hispanics for beauty and hair products is on natural and organic ingredients. They are also driven by price, quality, scents and fragrances. Overall, the Hispanic beauty consumer is very aware of their personal care and how to improve their image and appearance. They purchase not only for themselves, but for the entire family in the household too. This is the time for beauty OTC stores to grasp this business opportunity. Jinny Beauty Supply is proud to announce that it has been working on developing one of the largest and most comprehensive Hispanic tailormade planogram programs to suit your store Hispanic market needs. It will offer top brand recognized items and also innovative ones. Here is some important information you should know about Hispanic 46
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
2014 년 히스패닉 인구가 전체 미국 인구의 17.4 퍼센트에 해당하는 5천 5백만명 에 도달했다. 이 다문화 시장의 기회가 OTC 뷰티 매장에는 어떤 의미가 될까? 이 고객들 중 많 은 사람들이 이미 당신의 매장에서 쇼핑을 하고는 있지만, 그들이 찾고 있는 다양 한 히스패닉 제품들을 제공하지 못한다면 당신은 전체적인 구매 잠재력에 도달하 거나 새로운 판매를 창조하고 있지 않는 것이다. 그들은 자신의 나라로부터 왔거 나 그와 관련된 제품들을 원한다. 히스패닉 시장의 중요성과 기회는 체인점들이 이 분야를 충족시킬 수 있는 특정 섹션을 점점 더 증가시키고 있다는 점에서 식품 의약품 및 대중 시장(FDM)에 의 해 전국적으로 인식이 되고 있다. 따라서, OTC 뷰티 매장이 갖는 이 분야의 사업 기회는 이 다문화 제품을 보유하고 있는가에 우선 중점을 두고 시작하는 것이다. 전용 섹션에 그들이 원하는 제품들을 모아서 진열하는 것이 히스패닉 소비자들의 관심을 끌 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법이다. 언급 한 바와 같이, OTC 뷰티 매장은 이미 히스패닉 고객들을 보유하고 있으며 어떤 매장들은 히스패닉 제품을 보유하고 있다. 단지 제품을 보유하고 있는 것만 이 아니라, 올바른 제품군(즉, 제대로 선별된 제품)을 보유하는 것이 중요하다. 최 상의 제품 혼합을 보유하기 위해서는 매장에서 제품을 구매하는 히스패닉 소비자 들을 제대로 파악할 필요가 있다. 히스패닉도 그들 사이에서 구별이 된다. 미국에 살고 있는 히스패닉이 갖는 고유한 점은 그들이 분명 공통의 언어(스페인어)를 사
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Business Tips 용하고는 있지만, 각기 다른 나라와 문화, 그리고 전통으로부터 왔다는 것이다. 그들은 끊임없이 제품을 찾고 있다- 자신의 나라에서 기원된 제품이든 미국 내에 서 생산되었지만 그들의 요구에 적합하며, 브랜드 인지도를 갖거나 그들이 이해 할 수 있는 제품이든. 물론 그들은 일반적인 건강 미용 제품도 구매하지만, 특별한 개인적인 요구에 기반을 둔 제품이나 자신의 민족성에 따른 제품 또한 구매한다. 미용과 헤어 제품에 관한 히스패닉들 사이의 소비자 추세는 네추럴과 유기농 성분 에 있다. 그들은 또한 가격과 품질, 제품의 향에 이끌린다. 전반적으로, 히스패닉 미용 제품 소비자들은 그들의 개인적인 관리와 그들의 이미 지와 외모를 향상시키는 방법을 아주 잘 알고 있다. 그들은 단지 그들 자신을 위해 서만이 아니라 가족 전체 구성원들을 위한 제품을 구매한다. 지금이 바로 OTC 뷰티 매장이 이 비즈니스 기회를 잡을 때이다. Jinny Beauty Supply는 당신의 매장이 히스패닉 시장의 요구에 부합할 수 있는 가장 포괄적 인 히스패닉 맞춤형 플라노그램을 개발해 온 것에 자부심을 갖고 있다. 이 플라 노그램은 최고의 브랜드 인지도를 갖는 제품은 물론 혁신적인 제품들도 제공할 것이다.
population in the U.S. by origin: Hispanic origin by type in the EUA (United States) in 2010 • Hispanics in General 50,477,594 • Mexicans 31,798,258 • Puerto Ricans 4,623,716 • Cubans 1,785,547 • Salvadorians 1,648,968 • Dominicans 1,414,703 • Guatemalans 1,044,209 • Colombians 908,734 • Hondurans 644,401 • Ecuatorians 564,631 Top 8 states by Hispanic population size in 2010 1. California 14.0 million 2. Texas 9.5 million 3. Florida 4.2 million 4. New York 3.4 million 5. Ilinois 2.0 million 6. Arizona 1.9 million 7. New Jersey 1.6 million 8. Colorado 1.0 million As a suggestion, showing Hispanic countries’ flags visually in your store will capture consumer attention and make them feel welcome. You might consider displaying these flags: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Spain, Colombia, Venezuela, El Salvador, Panama, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Peru and Ecuador.
다음은 미국 내 히스패닉 인구의 출신 국가에 관해 당신이 알아야만 하는 몇 가 지 중요한 정보들이다: 2010 미국 내 거주 히스패닉의 출신 국가별 인구 • 전체 히스패닉 50,477,594 • 멕시코인 31,798,258 • 푸에르 토리코인
• 쿠바인 1,785,547 • 살바도르인 1,648,968 • 도미니카인 1,414,703 • 과테말라인 1,044,209 • 콜럼비아인 908,734 • 온두라스인 644,401 • 에콰도르인 564,631 2010년 히스패닉 분포 Top 8 주 9. 캘리포니아
14.0 million(1400만)
10. 텍사스
9.5 million (950만)
11. 플로리다
4.2 million (420만)
12. 뉴욕
3.4 million (340만)
13. 일리노이
2.0 million (200만)
14. 아리조나
1.9 million (190만)
15. 뉴저지
1.6 million (160만)
16. 콜로라도
1.0 million (100만)
제안하자면, 당신의 매장에 히스패닉 국가의 국기를 보이게 전시하는 것은 소비자 들의 주의를 끄는 동시에 그들을 환영하는 느낌을 줄 수가 있다. 다음 국기들을 진 열하는 것을 고려해볼 수가 있겠다: 멕시코, 도미니카 공화국, 푸에르 토리코, 쿠 바, 스페인, 콜럼비아, 베네수엘라, 엘 살바도르, 파나마, 온두라스, 니카라과, 과 테말라, 코스타리카, 페루, 에콰도르.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Beauty Ambassador By Bryan Monje
Styling Tools
Let Your Natural Hair Fall Fall begins on Sept. 22, marking the beginning of that annual season of change. Not only does the weather and color of leaves begin to change, but so does our clothing and sometimes even our eating habits as we prepare for the “hibernation” of winter! A metaphorical hibernation, of course, filled with holiday cheer, festivities, and time with our friends and family. But in the midst of all these changes, we can’t forget about the changes that affect our hair. As air becomes cooler in the chill of the fall, it carries less humidity, which means our hair will have less moisture. This will definitely affect our style and texture. Change can be amazing – unless it is affecting our hair. With fall’s dropping temperatures, our hair care worries really begin to grow. Don’t despair; we’ll help you with the mission to keep your hair well-moisturized, hydrated and primed for perfect styling. Ready for amazing hairstyles and healthy hair? Here are some great tips that will quickly get your hair moisturized and free from breakage. 1. Use deep conditioners with every wash. For maximum benefit, don’t forget to wear a conditioning cap to help the conditioner penetrate your hair follicles even more. We highly recommend the Gold ‘N Hot Professional Conditioning Heat Cap. 2. Oil your tips daily. This helps prevent both the breakage and split ends that are caused by cold weather and chilly winds. 3. Don’t use wool or cotton hats! They cause breakage when rubbing against your hair. If wearing a wool or cotton hat is absolutely necessary, try lining the cap and collar with silk or other non-abrasive fabrics. 4. Use heat protectors on your hair before styling. This will help protect your hair from any heat damage. Keeping your hair protected and well-moisturized is crucial to having natural, great-looking, beautifully styled hair. Don’t get caught with drab hair during the picture-crazy holiday season. Remember, those parties are just around the corner, so get your hair looking good and healthy for those quick pics and selfies.
Meet Bryan Monje
Once you’re confident your hair is well-moisturized and protected, feel free to grab some Gold ‘N Hot tools and start styling! Gold ‘N Hot has amazing tools designed for any hairstyle. Here are two awesome examples: 1. For the shimmering beauty of straightened hair, you can’t go wrong with the Gold ‘N Hot 1” Professional Ceramic Tourmaline Ion Straightening Iron. Its tourmaline-infused plates seal in conditioning for supremely silky-soft hair. 2. Want something with more volume? The Gold ‘N Hot 1-1/4” Ceramic Curling Iron will deliver wavy, luxurious curls, and the 1” Ceramic Crimping Iron will get you out of the box with a wild style of perfectly crimped hair. With the wide selection of tools from Gold ‘N Hot, you can get the unique look you want and the hair protection you need. The integrated technology will keep your hair hydrated and moisturized just in time for the arrival of fall’s cooler days. Don’t forget to condition your hair, oil your tips, avoid abrasive fabrics and use heat protectors. Those simple tips can help your hair stay hydrated, stylish and ready this fall’s holiday picture season. Here at Gold ‘N Hot, we pride ourselves in giving you the look you need, while ensuring you have healthy, vibrant hair. We put those controls in your hands by offering many technologies, temperatures and sizes, and are continually innovating to bring you the best haircare appliances available. Gold ’N Hot products provide quality professional tools for hairdressers, and we empower customers to get salon results from the comfort of their homes. Gold ’N Hot is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact us at or visit our website at Be sure to follow (or like us!) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @GoldNHotElite for the latest updates, giveaways, and more!
Bryan Monje is a Marketing Intern in the Marketing Department of the Professional Division, Salon/Beauty Group at Helen of Troy. He is currently a senior Marketing student at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) where his passion for Business and Marketing has lead him to help members of the American Marketing Association UTEP Chapter develop professionally during his role as President.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Beauty Ambassador
Skin Care
The ABC’s of Baby Skin Care Parents are taught what to expect when they are expecting, but when baby arrives, there are new rules to learn. As parents settle into their new role and discover all the beautiful joys of parenthood, nurturing and caring for baby’s skin quickly becomes a top concern. Newborn and baby skin is very different from adult skin. Their skin, like their immune system, is delicate, thinner and requires extra-special TLC. In fact, there are many differences between baby’s skin and adult skin. Many common household products can cause irritation to baby’s sensitive skin. So parents should seek out products that are hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested to be safe and gentle on baby’s skin. Baby’s skin is more sensitive to chemicals, fragrance and dyes and is therefore more prone to skin irritation, dryness, chafing and rashes.
Dry Skin:
It is recommended that new parents look for a mild baby wash with natural ingredients that won’t dry out skin or sting eyes. Soap-free cleansers are also preferred. It is best to use a cleanser or wash formulated specially for baby’s skin. Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Baby Wash is formulated with Pure Cocoa and Shea Butter and is hypoallergenic, tear-free, dermatologist tested and gentle enough for daily use.
Irritated and Eczema-Prone Skin:
Soothe dry, irritated skin and cradle cap with an emollient cream or oil that will condition and moisturize delicate, irritation-prone skin and scalp. Often both eczema and diaper rash don’t develop until after the first month or two. Eczema, or dry, irritated skin, can appear as a red, itchy rash and can occur on the body, face and scalp. Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Skin Therapy Baby Oil is mineral oilfree and dermatologist tested for baby’s unique skin care concerns. This multi-purpose baby oil contains Pure Cocoa Butter and natural oils to help soften and soothe baby’s cradle cap and eczema-prone skin all over body and scalp.
Diaper Rash:
Diaper rash is caused by the irritating wetness of a dirty, soiled diaper. It often develops when baby’s skin is not properly dried after bathing. Both a bacteria and yeast infection can also cause diaper rash. Luckily many forms of diaper rash don’t require a doctor’s visit and can be successfully treated at home. Some of the best ways to treat and prevent diaper rash include: • Check and change diapers often. • Clean the diaper area well with a mild, baby wash or cleanser that is gentle enough for daily use, like Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Baby Wash. • Pat and dry baby well after cleansing. • Apply a thick layer of a protective diaper rash cream that contains ingredients that treat and prevent diaper rash like Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Bottom Butter® Zinc Oxide Formula. • Moisturize baby’s skin well, especially if skin is dry and post-cleansing. 52
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Moisture loss:
Since baby’s skin is thinner and tends to be drier, keeping baby’s skin moisturized, soothed and touched is essential. Moisturizing baby can help strengthen baby’s skin barrier and seal in softness. By using products with natural ingredients like Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Baby Butter with Cocoa Butter and Aloe, parents can maintain their little ones’ baby-soft skin. Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® baby care products are formulated with Pure Cocoa Butter along with skin soothing natural ingredients to cleanse, soften and care for baby’s sensitive skin. Cocoa Butter provides a natural protective moisture barrier and helps heal fragile, dry skin, making it the ideal ingredient for softening, smoothing and soothing baby’s delicate skin. Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Baby Wash, 8.5 fl oz. – A sulfatefree, tear-free baby wash with Pure Cocoa Butter and Shea Butter that cleanses and conditions without harsh detergents that can dry sensitive skin. Skin soothing lavender and chamomile calm and relax baby. Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Baby Butter, 8.5 fl oz. – A daily moisturizing lotion that gently softens and soothes baby’s delicate skin. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter along with skin soothing Aloe Vera help soften and protect fragile, baby skin. Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Bottom Butter® Zinc Oxide Formula, 4.4 oz. – Specifically formulated with 10% Zinc Oxide, the #1 Pediatrician-recommended ingredient for the treatment of diaper rash. Palmer’s creamy formula combines Pure Cocoa Butter, Vitamins A, D, and Pro Vitamin B5 to help soothe sensitive baby’s bottoms along with starch, a natural drying agent. Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Skin Therapy Baby Oil, 5.1 fl oz. – A mild, mineral oil-free baby oil with Pure Cocoa Butter and natural oils that gently moisturizes baby’s delicate skin. Perfect for softening baby’s cradle cap and soothing eczema-prone skin. Products are hypoallergenic, dermatologist tested.
Baby Skin Care Differences • • • • • • •
Baby’s skin is thinner Baby’s skin is more fragile Baby’s skin is less oily than an adult’s skin Baby’s skin produces less melanin Baby’s skin is less resistant to bacteria and harmful substances Baby’s skin sweats less than adult’s Baby’s skin is more susceptible to many skin irritations and rashes including heat rash, baby acne, eczema and cradle cap.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Notes From The
Natural Nation By Emma Young
The Beauty of Giving Back Businesses don’t grow by themselves. They grow because people make them grow. These people, called shoppers and/or consumers, come from all walks of life. Each day they spend a portion of their hardearned money to purchase the products or services a business provides. Above and beyond just selling goods and services and making sure every item or service provided is of the highest quality and worth the money the consumer spends, business owners also have a responsibility to give back to the community they serve. There are a number of ways giving back can be accomplished. Here are a few ideas:
• Provide scholarships.
Specifically, companies in the hair care and beauty industry can provide scholarships to beauty schools, such as Pivot Point, and they can also mentor high school and cosmetology school students to provide insight into the profession after graduation.
• “A Day of Pampering” is a good way to acquaint consumers
with your products and services, while giving free make-overs through a company-sponsored, charitable event.
• Encouraging employees to volunteer.
Hair stylists could volunteer on off days to provide their services, free of charge, to girls going back to school. They can also volunteer their services at nursing homes, helping the residents feel beautiful and youthful.
• Contributions
to churches and local organizations are always welcome, but sponsoring a “beauty day” at one of the local churches is more fun for all and greatly appreciated by the church. It is also a smart way to introduce your products and services to the community, thereby building a loyal customer base.
So, take time out of your day-to-day business activities to help others in your community. No matter what you choose to give or how you give back, both the business and the community will reap lasting benefits.
Meet Emma Young
Emma L. Young is a freelance writer who has written for various publications including ShopTalk Magazine, the Saints Magazine, South Shore Current and the Spiritual Perspective Newspaper.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
The Beauty of Charity
Take a moment to turn on the television and flip to the news. Chances are you will see a report of some form of tragedy that has struck fellow neighbors from somewhere across the nation. Despite the sad news that is regularly fed to us by the media, we here at OTC Beauty Magazine are proud to report of how so many beauty industry manufacturers are working to do good in the world.
In this, our 7th Annual Beauty of Charity issue, we are highlighting the philanthropic efforts of our industry colleagues. In their own individual ways, they are doing their part to help those around them. Won’t you join in?
DeMert Brands, Inc. Supports Many Charities on a National, Regional and Local Level
This year DeMert Brands has sent care packages to troops and to veteran organizations, supported animal rescue groups, and donated products to various charity fundraisers.
For the past six years DeMert Brands, Inc. has been a supporter of the Young Survival Coalition (YSC). They are currently a national sponsor of the organization and have committed to continue this support throughout 2017 as well. Jennifer Merschdorf, CEO of YSC, stated, “We at YSC are incredibly moved by the fact that Not Your Mother’s has a sincere interest in helping and advocating for YSC and likewise, raising awareness that young women can and do get breast cancer.” Aiming to make a positive
ORS/Namaste Works for Good Year-Round
• December 2015: ORS sponsored a Coat/Toy Drive during Christmas where the company donated toys and coats for underprivileged kids • April–May 2016: ORS sponsored hair and makeup for underprivileged seniors going to prom • June – October 2016: ORS is supporting Breast Cancer Research by participating in a walk and donating sponsorship dollars
impact, DeMert Brands is aligning well with YSC and working closely throughout the year to include breast cancer awareness information on products, in stores, at events and via social media. Breast cancer survivors are also invited as VIP guests at Not Your Mother’s sponsored events including New York Fashion Week.
“YSC is a wonderful organization with an important vision we have made a long-term pledge to support,” expressed Bethany Pagliarulo, owner of DeMert Brands. “Their work to increase the quality of life and uplift the lives of young women with breast cancer is near and dear to our hearts.” Young Survival Coalition (YSC) is the premier global organization dedicated to the critical issues unique to young women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. YSC offers resources, connections and outreach so women feel supported, empowered and hopeful. Through action, advocacy and awareness, YSC seeks to educate and influence the medical, research, breast cancer and legislative communities to address breast cancer in young women, and to ensure that no young woman is left to face breast cancer alone.
1907 by Fromm Bright Pink Hair Ties
Put a bow on it for a purpose! Dedicated to the fight against cancer, 1907 by Fromm’s Bright Pink Hair Ties support Bright Pink’s mission to save women’s lives from breast and ovarian cancer by empowering them to be proactive at an early age. These adorably feminine hair ties will hold your tresses up in style while donating half of all sales to Bright Pink. “At Fromm International, we are committed to finding better ways to create beauty and strive to give back while doing so. These values are displayed in our partnership with Bright Pink, the only national nonprofit organization focused on the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women. For the second year in a row, Fromm has created a charitable product in conjunction with the organization, contributing 50% of the product’s sales to Bright Pink. Retailers can purchase our pink product of the year, the 1907 by Fromm Bright Pink Hair Ties, knowing that they are directly supporting a very worthy cause.”
– Kate Mohan, Director of Marketing 58
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Father Brings Joy to Children’s Hospital Patients in Memory of his Late Daughter
An Easter Bunny bearing presents brought a smile to kids who need it most Turning each holiday into an extra special celebration for the kids at the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital is a distinct privilege for one Hollywood, Fla. resident. In honor of his late daughter, Samantha Alba, Leocadio Alba, Sr. once again embodied the spirit of the Easter Bunny, delivering gifts and prompting smiles on Thurs., March 24, starting at 1:30pm to the Hospital’s patients. Leocadio Alba, Sr., a local business owner and father of the late Samantha Alba, understands all too well the hardships the kids at the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital face on a daily basis. After 10 long months of seeking treatments to battle her leukemia, it was on December 13, 1997 that Samantha was called home by our Father at the young age of 2. Alba said, “The joy that she brought our lives every day that we were given to spend with her was immeasurable. The staff and services provided to us at the hospital allowed us to make every day count. We know that today, parents and their children rely on the same supportive environment from the hospital so like years past, we continue to feel lead to help in what little way we can to at least bring some joy to these families, especially during the holidays.” Alba made photos with the Easter Bunny available to the hospital’s patients, as well as delivered boxes of toys on Thurs., March 24 starting at 1:30pm. This event was made possible by many supporters, including some of Alba’s clients, customers, and church
members: Mitchell Group Cosmetics, Sunny Isle, Fantasia, Beauty Exchange, Flamingo, Ace Printing, many members of the Christ the Rock Community Church of Cooper City, FL, Compass Industries, The Bazar, Inc., OKK Trading, Omni International Trading Corp., USA Beauty Care, Inc., Daniel Lacentra, local Publix store manager, and the supportive staff of the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital, including the forever popular Lotsy-Dotsy the clown and two nurses who even attended to Samantha so many years ago: Nidia Jimenez and Caroline Moretti. Special recognition also goes out to the SunSentinel newspaper that published an article on Alba prior to the event as well as covered the story on Samantha throughout the late ‘90s. Blessings were bestowed on numerous kids ranging in age from newborn to 18 years old. Alba said, “So many of the kids were so sad, but it was beautiful to see their eyes light up when the Easter Bunny came into their room. That moment of happiness when your world seems to be crumbling around you means everything to these kids and their families.” Alba recounts that many parents broke out into tears when they saw the exchange between their child and the Easter Bunny and asked for prayers upon their exit. Even patients too sick to allow Alba and his entourage in the room were blessed by prayers through the closed door. Please visit for information on the hospital or to make a donation in honor of Samantha Alba. The Sun-Sentinel article as well as video can be found here: http://www.
Andis Company Leads Local Efforts to Strengthen Community Charitable Initiatives through the Andis Foundation Make a Difference in the Development of Youth and Families
In 2016, Andis Company’s diverse philanthropic efforts were led by the development of the Andis Foundation, a new initiative for the familyowned organization. The Andis Foundation, which was created to help build strong families and develop thriving kids, provided matching grants to community organizations that enhance learning and youth development. Additionally, Andis also provided higher education scholarships to dependent children of Andis Company employees, supported programs that encourage community engagement and volunteerism, and funded organizations that help with healthy family relationships and parenting. Andis’ top priority through its philanthropic efforts is helping people in Southeastern Wisconsin, where the company is headquartered. Every year, Andis associates raise money for the United Way of Racine County, Wisconsin. In fact, the company has been active in Racine County since it’s founding in 1922, donating to numerous
community organizations, schools and churches. Additionally, Andis has also donated clippers and trimmers to back-to-school and other charitable events that involve haircutting such as St. Baldrick’s, Relay for Life, the Susan Komen Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, Petsmart Charities, the City of Hope Foundation and many more. To tie-in the small and large animal division of Andis’ business, the company believes in guiding the next generations of groomers by supporting the youth competitors from organizations such as 4-H and Future Farmers of America. Andis also sponsored the Junior Showmanship Competition during the 22nd Anniversary World Beef Expo at the Wisconsin State Fair Park. Youth competed by presenting their animals in 21 categories and the winners of each age group— whose animals best represent breed standards—received Andis’ AGC Super 2-Speed Clipper for large animals. OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Hain Celestial Personal Care Brands and CARE® Celebrate the Launch of the Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project with Limited Edition Products
This past March, Alba Botanica®, Avalon Organics® and JĀSÖN® brands, along with CARE®—a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty— announced the Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project. The program benefits 150 indigenous girls and adolescents from families in western Guatemala by supporting their primary school education. This is a milestone in the brands’ Empower Her through Education campaign with CARE that is dedicated to eliminating barriers to education for girls in developing countries.
These donations directly support the 150 girls and teachers in the Qach’Umilal program. “Girls who stay in school are generally healthier, earn more money as adults and start families later,” said Michelle Nunn, CARE’s president and CEO. “Most importantly, they are more likely to make sure their sons and daughters also go to school, helping to break the cycle of poverty. We’re confident that the Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project Education is an investment that will pay off now and for generations to come.”
Qach’Umilal translates as “guiding star,” a name representative of the program’s mission, to help build vital self-esteem needed to foster education and personal growth for girls. From an early age, girls in Guatemala are expected to devote much of their days to domestic or agricultural chores, leaving little or no time for formal education. When the CARE team first partnered with schools in this area, many female students lacked the confidence to express themselves. The Qach’Umilal Girls’ Education and Leadership Project has made significant progress in empowering girls to be more confident by emphasizing music, art and relationship-building. While the core of the program is the importance of educating the girls, it also equips teachers with the training to address issues from nutrition and food security to livelihoods and self-esteem. Teachers and facilitators meet with the girls and their families, which helps lead to long-lasting change for women and girls within the community. To raise awareness the Alba Botanica®, Avalon Organics® and JĀSÖN® brands, in collaboration with CARE, introduced limited edition bath and body products featuring actual drawings from the Qach’Umilal girls. Through the partnership, the Alba Botanica®, Avalon Organics® and JĀSÖN® brands have donated $25,000 directly to the local schools. In addition, the brands in partnership with CARE hosted a matching fundraising program to double the impact. People were able to donate directly to the program at or donate through an innovative new approach, #donate, created by GoodWorld. Through #donate Alba Botanica®, Avalon Organics®, JĀSÖN® and CARE social media posts allowed followers to give instantly to the girls of Qach’Umilal without leaving social media.
Together, Alba Botanica®, Avalon Organics®, JĀSÖN® and CARE are inspiring confidence, creating leaders and keeping girls in school. “The art for these products was created by girls who directly benefit from this project,” said Julie Marchant-Houle, General Manager of Personal Care at The Hain Celestial Group, Inc. “We’re honored to be making a difference in these girls’ lives and in their communities.”
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Photos courtesy of Carey Wagner/CARE.
Mitchell Group Empowers Women Through Fair Trade
When you buy our natural shea butter you are empowering women from the Northern Area of Ghana, Tamale, to live with dignity and comfort, allowing them to invest in their communities, families, and environment.
For centuries shea butter has been called “women’s gold”, not only for its rich golden color, but also because it provides employment and income to millions of women across the continent. Using traditional methods, women often organized in cooperatives, harvest karité fruits. They then crush the nuts inside to extract the precious butter, which is boiled, cleaned, packaged and sold at the local markets or exported. Shea butter is a non-toxic, versatile ingredient that can be used for cooking, skincare, and hair products alike. Its main use, however, is for skincare purposes.
The UN Development Program (UNDP) estimates that an average of three million African women work directly or indirectly with shea butter. When you buy our shea butter you are empowering women from the Northern Area of Ghana, Tamale, to live with dignity and comfort, allowing them to invest in their communities, families, and environment. In our endeavor to provide the best possible personal care from both worlds, we have created a highgrade 100% Natural Shea Butter. This high performance personal care product is well worth the purchase, effort and cost.
Wahl Professional Partners with Warner Bros. Pictures and Metro-Goldwn-Mayer Pictures as the Official Promotional Clipper for “BARBERSHOP: THE NEXT CUT” In the highly anticipated return of Calvin (Ice Cube) and Eddie (Cedric the Entertainer) to their neighborhood barbershop, Calvin’s, the comedy “Barbershop: The Next Cut” opened in theaters on April 15th, 2016! After more than 10 years, everybody’s back for a fresh cut in the movie sequel, and Wahl Professional was excited to see their clippers back at the stations of Calvin’s Barbershop for the 3rd time. Wahl Professional, the leader in the professional and home grooming category, is pleased to have teamed up with Warner Bros. Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures (MGM) as the official promotional clipper partner in conjunction with the theatrical release of “Barbershop: The Next Cut”, from MGM, New Line Cinema and Warner Bros. Pictures. To connect with “Barbershop” fans throughout the country, Warner Bros. and MGM brought the #BarbershopTour to 6 cities leading up to the April 15th movie release. The 6-city tour showcasesd a Mobile Barbershop experience with Warner Bros. and MGM offering complimentary cuts from Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.) member Juan Ramos and local barbers on board the 3-station trailer to perform #YourNextCut. “With ‘Barbershop’ 1 & 2, Wahl was a promoter from the start, providing product for the film crew to use and photograph,” said Lance Wahl, Director of Sales and Marketing, Wahl Professional Division. “For ‘Barbershop: The Next Cut’, we were invited to be part of a total barbershop experience on the #BarbershopTour and for us, this was a perfect fit. We are excited to support the Tour.” The Mobile Grooming Tour made stops in Chicago, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Dallas, Miami and Philadelphia in March, then went on to Los Angeles in early April. Each stop along the way was promoted
on local media outlets and social media using #BarbershopTour. The appearance in each city included press events and screenings, along with free haircuts offered on the mobile barbershop Airstream equipped with 3 barber stations. The partnership with Wahl Professional and “Barbershop: The Next Cut” and participation on the Tour established a natural synergy of grooming and professional styling by barbers in shops and salons today. “Barbershop: The Next Cut” features prominent trends that are captivating the industry, such as: the high fade and flat-top, dark Caesar, the all around afro, comb-over with a hard part and comb-over with a mid-shadow fade. The partnership aimed to inspire barber-stylists and provide a look into the world of haircutting and styling through the big screen. Attendees at America’s Beauty Show in Chicago had an opportunity to receive limited quantities of movie premiums that Wahl distributed at their booth. Like so many “Barbershop” fans, Wahl’s Juan Ramos was excited to see the hair culture spotlighted in the film. He also looked forward to sharing his passion for haircutting on the upcoming Grooming Tour. “I get the motivation to perform each cut from my passion,” said Ramos, Wahl Educator. “The passion to do what I do, the passion to stay on top—the passion of a barber doing hair.” Ramos stays ahead of trends and modern cuts through social media—a significant tool that allows him to easily follow trends in other regions, such as when the pompadour was popular on the West Coast and soon moved to the East Coast. Social media unifies the haircutting community by giving a platform to express hair versatility. Ramos attended the tour and provided complimentary haircuts for the total barbershop experience. Wahl Peanut trimmers and 5-Star Cutting Capes were also donated on the Grooming Tour. Photo courtesy of Warner Bros. and MGM Pictures.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship Program Accepting Applications for Fall 2016 Scholarships
Wella’s Hairdressers at Heart and the Beauty Changes Lives Foundation (BCL) announce the opening of the Fall 2016 Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship Program application window. Applications will be accepted through September 19, 2016. Established in 2012, the competition celebrates the passion of aspiring hairstylists and the commitment of licensed hairstylists to push their career to new limits.
the U.S. or Canada. Additionally, 10 licensed hairstylists will receive “Advanced” scholarships to attend a North American Sassoon Academy program, including travel and course fees up to $5,000.
Following are a few comments from the nearly 200 individuals who have been awarded Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education scholarships:
Beauty Changes Lives Foundation President Lynelle Lynch said the program underscores the importance of education throughout a hairstylists’ career journey. “Beauty is a career that celebrates diversity, yet a unifying element in every successful hairstylists’ career is a commitment to ongoing education. We are honored to work with Wella’s Hairdressers at heart to support hairstylists’ continued development,” Lynch said.
• “I’ve always told my son and daughter they could do anything they dreamed of achieving. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve gotten bolder about pursuing my passion and searched out a scholarship that would let me make my dream come true. It is so great to go into the beauty school classroom and be happy doing what I love every day. I never had that feeling when I was in college or working in retail.” Autumn White, 2013 Basic Winner • “I’ve always known that I wanted to work in the beauty industry and I was always impressed with Sassoon’s passion and commitment to following his vision. This award is about more than money; it’s an honor to be associated with such a standard of excellence,” Rachael Cooper, 2013 Basic Winner • Not many people follow their dreams, but that’s so important and the Vidal Sassoon Professional Education Scholarship helped me continue my professional dream. I tell students that anything is possible as long as you have the heart to pursue your goal.” Tara Gross, 2014 Advanced Winner Ten “Basic” scholarships winners will receive scholarships covering 50% of tuition (up to $10,000) at a qualified cosmetology school in
The scholarship competition is generously funded by Wella’s Hairdressers at Heart, a multi-year, $1.5M scholarship program honoring the legacy of Vidal Sassoon his belief in lifelong education.
Wella North America CEO Sal Mauceri said Wella is committed to fostering the next generation of beauty professionals through scholarships, mentorship and education. “Education is the cornerstone of excellence in our industry and Wella’s Hairdressers at Heart is pleased to see Vidal’s commitment to education live on through the Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship,” Mauceri said. “Vidal transformed not just the art and science of hairstyling, but the world’s perception of hairstyling as a career.” For more information on “Basic” and “Advanced” scholarships please visit: and
Oster Professional Takes it to the Streets David Guerin, Global Artistic Manager for Oster Professional, is at it again. David and Oster Professional landed on the Bowery Mission while at the IBS Show in New York City. David said “Our goal was to reach out to the barber community throughout the country to help the homeless. Our response from the barber community was priceless.” About 20 barbers from the west coast to the east coast and everywhere in between came in to help pull this off. These barbers hit the street in front of the Bowery Mission and offered up free haircuts and product to any and all homeless. “Over the course of four hours we all did at least 250 haircuts on the homeless. Listening to some of their stories as to how they ended up here made pretty much all of us tear up several times.” David said. “Every barber that came out to show the Barber Love is anxious to be part of this again. For all of these homeless people it is not about donations, it is about letting them know we all care about them.” 62
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
As a result of this great effort a group of Barbers called “Street Thug Barbers” were looking for a clipper sponsor to help them out. David says, “Cameron Sterling, co-founder of Street Thug Barbers, reached out to me for help. They do exactly what we just did for the homeless in New York City. However these guys do it almost daily.” Oster has become their clipper sponsor so that this group can be able to continue their taking care of the homeless throughout America and in Canada. David Guerin and Oster have a strong belief in helping out the homeless. “These are people just like all of us,” says David. “Giving some of our time to show them that they are important will always be a positive experience for their lives.”
Strength of Nature Helps Women Recognize and Celebrate their Unique Beauty Through Partnership with Dress for Success
Strength of Nature is a proud partner of Dress for Success, an international not-for-profit organization that empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing a network of support, professional attire and the development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. For the past two years, Strength of Nature has partnered with this amazing organization to help thousands of women across the country complete
Dress for Success CEO, Joi Gordon; former Miss America, Suzette Charles; and Charlene Dance, Strength of Nature Global Marketing Director. Photo Credit: Dress for Success.
their look for some of the most important moments in their lives, by providing them with quality and affordable hair products when they are ready to take the next step towards achieving their personal and professional goals.
Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products Fights Back
The fight against breast cancer effects millions of people yearly and Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products did their part to help women fight back. As a company they wanted to support the important fight to find a cure, and offered special promotions where proceeds went toward the cause. They worked to make October 2015 pretty in pink, and are still deciding on 2016 plans.
Charlene Dance, Strength of Nature Global Marketing Director, stands with Dress for Success CEO, Joi Gordon, and guest at ColorComm Conference 2015. Photo Credit: Exclusive Access.
In 2015, Strength of Nature started as a sponsor of the Dress For Success Power Walk providing thousands of products to walk attendees. In 2016, the partnership grew and Strength of Nature became a sponsor of the Dress for Success Annual Success Summit, a threeday intensive and interactive weekend of workshops that’s aimed to equip them with real-life knowledge that they can apply to their own professional paths and personal lives, as well as their local communities. Strength Celebrity hairstylist Tasheara Neshell shares hair of Nature sponsored 10 tips with Dress for Success Annual Success Summit Dress for Success attendees attendees in Chicago. Photo Credit: Nicole Townsend. and provided them with transportation and lodging to attend the conference. In addition, celebrity hairstylist Tasheara Neshell (she has styled Jennifer Hudson’s hair for a number of years) led a hair clinic offering attendees practical hair tips.
PDC Volunteers
PDC Brands volunteered with the Essence Festival in New Orleans at Cohen College Prep to help paint the school. In the image above you can see the Cantu Crew and mini volunteers hard at work.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Creme of Nature Goes Pink for Upcoming Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign
Leading hair-care brand prepares for an eventful October Look Good Feel Better partnership and participation in three Breast Cancer Awareness Walks, along with a robust social media campaign. Leading hair-care company Creme of Nature® continues its expansive Breast Cancer Awareness Month campaign throughout the month of October, featuring an ongoing partnership with Look Good Feel Better and participation in the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walks. Look Good Feel Better is a free
non-medical, national program dedicated to improving the self-esteem and quality of life of people undergoing cancer treatment. For the campaign, Creme of Nature will participate in Breast Cancer Awareness walks in Washington, D.C., Brooklyn, and Chicago; and launch a limited-edition Argan Oil from Morocco Pink Perfect Edges and initiate the “Wear Pink Fridays” social media campaign, encouraging fans and consumers to pledge to wear pink on a Friday in October and post a photo using the hashtag #CourageousBeauty. Creme of Nature's Argan Oil from Morocco Pink Perfect Edges — a hair gel infused with Argan Oil that helps to control and hold down edges, without flaking, while moisturizing and adding Exotic Shine™ to the hair — will be available for purchase throughout October with a portion of its proceeds benefiting Look Good Feel Better. For the second year in a row, Creme of Nature’s Team #CourageousBeauty will return to the American Cancer Society’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walks. The brand will partner with top beauty bloggers in each city and work together to encourage fans to make a donation to the teams and participate in the following walks: • October 2, Washington, D.C. – American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Awareness • October 16, Brooklyn, NY – American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Awareness • October 22, Chicago, IL – American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Awareness
As part of Creme of Nature’s continued support, the brand will match up to $2,500 raised by each #CourageousBeauty Team. A registration page will be available in September for fans and consumers to sign up with a team in their city. Stay tuned to Creme of Nature's Twitter (@cremeofnature), Facebook ( and Instagram ( accounts for more information on signing up. "Creme of Nature has always committed itself to helping women feel beautiful and more confident, and we are honored to support these incredible organizations that highlight these courageous women," said Teneya Gholston, Creme of Nature's Director of Marketing. "Every year the heroism and stories of survival continue to inspire us. It is a privilege to work with these organizations and celebrate the beauty and courage of all women." Creme of Nature will support Look Good Feel Better in a social media campaign as well. The brand will donate $1 to Look Good Feel Better for every social media post of fans wearing pink on Fridays in October using hashtag #CourageousBeauty. Creme of Nature will also include a link to the Look Good Feel Better website on and circulate promotional materials such as pamphlets and posters to the public at key events.
The Look Good Feel Better program offers women step-bystep makeover sessions led by cosmetology professionals. The free two-hour, hands-on workshop includes a 12-step skin care and makeup lesson, information on nail care techniques, and advice on how to deal with hair loss, including tips on the use of wigs, hairpieces, turbans, scarves, and other accessories. The program is open to all women who are undergoing cancer treatment. Since its inception, Look Good Feel Better has served more than 900,000 women with cancer, and the cosmetic industry has donated more than $188 million in product and financial support. Each year, Look Good Feel Better serves approximately 50,000 women in more than 15,000 workshops nationwide, delivered by 6,000 volunteers, as well as offering online and virtual services and support.
American International Industries Got Hands-On to Fight Hunger this Past Thanksgiving
One of the leading employers in the City of Commerce, American International Industries (A.I.I.), rallied its employees to join in the fight to end hunger this past Thanksgiving by donating food to the city’s Holiday Cheer program. A.I.I. employees collected almost 7,000 pieces of non-perishable food items for the program which operates from November-December and provides assistance to local families with limited income. Volunteers from the City of Commerce repackaged the donated food and redistributed to residents in need in time to celebrate Thanksgiving.
“Making a difference in our community is one of the core values at American International Industries,” said Terri Cooper, EVP of A.I.I. “Supporting the City of Commerce and its Holiday Cheer 64
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program ensures that food can reach the people who need it most in our own backyard.” “With the help of businesses like American International Industries, we’ve had great success helping those who need it most during the holiday season,” City of Commerce Mayor Pro Tem Tina Baca Del Rio said. “So many families in our community are worried about how they will make ends meet during the holidays and it’s donations like this that help take just a little piece of that worry away. There are a lot of families who won’t go hungry because of this donation; it is beyond fantastic and cannot thank A.I.I. enough.”
Ampro Industries, Inc. Values Supporting the Community
One of our four Core Values at Ampro Industries, Inc., (found at is to support our community. "Our third responsibility is to our community. We must be good citizens – support good works and charity. We must maintain in good order the property we are privileged to use. We must participate in the promotion of civic improvement, health, education and good government and acquaint the community with our activities."
development projects."(
Memphis Health Center - "MHC strives to provide safe, quality, affordable, effective and comprehensive health services to the citizens of Shelby and Fayette counties in Tennessee." (memphishealthcenter. org)
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital - St. Jude's September Walk/ Run to End Childhood Cancer, St. Jude/NPHC Call to Service Reception at the Congressional Black Caucus in our nation's capital - "St. Jude is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases." ( • We are also doing a special on-pack promotion program with St. Jude to help them better communicate their mission to the communities we serve.
6. Stax Music Academy – Stax "is a unique learning center that inspires young people and enhances their academic, cognitive, performance, and leadership skills through music, with a strong focus on the rich legacy and tradition of Stax Records. Since 2000, the Academy has been serving primarily at-risk youth throughout Memphis with its unique blend of mentoring experiences, high quality music education programs and performance opportunities." ( 7.
In 2015 / 2016, Ampro supported the following community programs: 1.
City of Hope - "City of Hope is a leading research and treatment center for cancer, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases."( Building Blocks Mentoring Program - "Our mission is to empower students through education and job readiness skills." (
INNER L. I. G. H. T. Outreach's Literacy Lab and Summer Start Camp for budding entrepreneurs - "Our mission is to restore communities through interactive youth programs and community-
Beneficiaries of our "Pink Lid Program": Wings Cancer Foundation - A supportive arm at the West Cancer Center that "...provides access to comprehensive and individualized wellness and support resources from diagnosis all the way through survivorship." (
8. The Red Pump Project - " a nonprofit organization raising awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls." ( 9. National Civil Rights Museum: Freedom Awards & Night at the Lorraine - "The Freedom Award is an annual event for the National Civil Rights Museum. Held each year in the fall, The Freedom Award honors individuals who have made significant contributions in civil rights and who have laid the foundation for present and future leaders in the battle for human rights. Since 1991, the Freedom Award has served as a symbol of the ongoing fight for human rights both in America and worldwide." • Night at the Lorraine - "Celebrating the vibrant history of the Lorraine Motel for the benefit of the National Civil Rights Museum." (
American International Industries Goes Red for Women
Each year American International Industries (A.I.I.) employees don red in support of the American Heart Association’s National Wear Red Day. In an effort to raise awareness of heart disease, the number one killer of women in the United States, A.I.I. employees don red clothing, accessories and, of course, beauty products, to show their support for the cause. This year was particularly in support of ibd® Associate Brand Manager Yesenia Flores whose “heart warrior” daughter, Berlyn Victoria, was born with a heart condition almost seven years ago.
The American Heart Association National Wear Red Day
aims to increase awareness, educate, and assist in funding research efforts and treatment services for women battling heart disease. One in three women die of heart disease and stroke each year. Now in its 13th year, National Wear Red Day has helped make tremendous strides in the fight against heart disease in women. A.I.I. is proud to help in these efforts, by standing together and supporting the friends, families and colleagues who are affected by heart disease. Executive Vice President Terri Cooper notes that “we’re in the business of making women look and feel good. Our participation in this event reminds us that what we do is important and so is our commitment to the cause.” OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
CLIPPER TIPS Sponsored by Andis Co.
Clipper Tips for the College-Bound Student In the fall, students begin to get their supplies together to head back to college. For most of these young men, that means being away from their favorite barber/stylist for months at a time and a dramatic change to their regular grooming routines. You can help them keep in style by suggesting the right tools to use while they’re away. Andis makes several professionalgrade tools that consumers can use to meet their personal grooming needs at school or at home. The Pivot Motor Combo is a budget-friendly clipper/ trimmer set, good for general cutting and trimming on all types of hair. Both tools feature pivot motors that deliver enough power to cut through even the thickest hair—dry or damp. This combo includes a full set of easy-touse attachment combs to help achieve a variety of hair lengths and is packaged with a case for convenient storage. The SuperLiner Trimmer with shaver head attachment is a versatile, rotary motor tool for men wanting a clean close shave, but who don’t have the time or skills for a straight razor shave. Because it’s two tools in one, the SuperLiner is perfect for the busy student. They can use the trimmer blade to clean up and shape the hairline or sideburns and then snap-off the blade and attach the shaver head to finish up. It’s quick and simple. The SlimLine Pro Li Trimmer is the ideal tool for the student on the go. Its cordless design and compact size means it can be easily tucked into a backpack for weekend road trips. The powerful lithiumion battery packs a powerful punch that can be used to dry shave and create clean outlines. Best of all, it has a close-cutting T-blade to achieve a barbershop-clean look. Don’t forget to recommend care and maintenance products to your customers to keep their tools running smoothly. Proper care will extend tool life and improve cutting performance—both contributing to a happy customer!
Learn about the Andis tool line at Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
THERAPY TRENDS Empowerment to the People Charity and cause-related marketing directed to the OTC consumer must address relevant empowerment strategies. Consumers are facing a new reality of what it will take to make America great. It is not rhetoric or blame. It is not another funeral or rally. Any marketing outreach should treat the consumer with a new sense of awareness and edification. OTC retailers can provide uplifting education regarding voting, education and achievement. OTC retailers can show support by contributing to proactive causes. “Power to the People” is more than a catch phrase. The empowerment message has become overt across all cultures. Now more than ever, consumers will take a stand for self-empowerment. Social media and the news continue to dramatize that it is the community’s responsibility to take charge. The cause has been elevated to economics, education and equality. Online marketing and apps that provide handy tips or resources can be an efficient method of bringing power to the people. This has been the year of political strife, violence and inhumanity. By now consumers want to invest in the future of their family, their neighborhoods and the nation. Marketing programs to this new consumer awareness should address empowering strategies—“Back to School”, “Back to Work” and “Back to Basics” are handy themes. Communities that feel slighted by loss of jobs, loss of life and loss of economic stability need empowerment strategies. OTC’s should offer programs designed to provide visibility and sensitivity. Becoming a solution-oriented partner is a powerful way to bring power to the OTC community.
Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
TONSORIAL TIMES Black Lives Matter The months of June and July of 2016 were filled with an incredible amount of senseless loss of life. From the Orlando shootings at Pulse night club, to the police officer shootings of Philando Castile in Minnesota, Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, La., five police officers in Dallas, Texas and three police officers in Baton Rouge, La. The climate here in America has become thick with malice and hate for young black males and law enforcement officers. There have also been an increased number of thefts and violent robberies in beauty and hair weave supply locations. I can’t help but feel outrage and frustration when I see the lack of compassion for our fellow men and woman. I have personally become guarded when I interact with strangers and yes, even police officers because you never know what may set off a devastating chain of events which could cause the loss of life.
What Does #BlackLivesMatter Mean?
According to when we say “Black Lives Matter” we are broadening the conversation around state violence to include all of the ways in which black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state or police. We are talking about the ways in which black lives are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity to live. The Guardian, a team of US-based journalists, states, “Young black men were nine times more likely than other Americans to be killed by police officers in 2015, according to the findings of a Guardian study that recorded a final tally of 1,134 deaths at the hands of law enforcement officers” in 2015 and over 600 deaths by July 20th 2016. So when you see the statement “Black Lives Matter” it is just to let you know that everyone deserves to make it home to their family. These are your patrons, your beauty and barber supply customers, and above all fellow Americans. Stop the killing! Eliminate hate and replace it with LOVE! Keep up the good work! For more statistics or reports on gun violence go to Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
RA Cosmetics 100% Mango Scented Shea Butter
Our Body Butter with Mango Scent from RA Cosmetics is 100% all natural and smells incredible. It is full of nourishing and anti-oxidant rich ingredients. It helps fight signs of aging; relieves dry skin; reduces windburn/sunburn and frostbite. It is made with nature’s best moisturizers – shea butter and mango scented oil – and is paraben-free. Our Body Butter is a skin must-have and Nature’s gift to your hair and skin.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
With unique forward thinking programs and strategic partnerships with key influencers this award winning event debuts the most innovative trends to the beauty industry Cosmoprof North America (CPNA), the only all-encompassing, award winning, business-to-business beauty event in North America and the ultimate meeting point for beauty professionals is proud to announce they have done it again by producing record breaking exhibitor attendance and ticket sales. Held annually at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, 33,750 attendees (12.5% increase to 2015) engaged with record breaking 1,154 exhibitors representing 38 countries (12% increase from 2015) and were able to see and experience new sections like Discover Green and Glamour Me along with show favorites, Discover Beauty, Tones of Beauty and Discover Scent. The show floor space covered 280,991 sqf (26,105 sqm) of space with an increase of of 10% compared to the previous year. This year was also about igniting the power of some of most influential beauty influencers in the business and giving the exhibitors a chance to be covered on their social media channels. With over 23 million impressions and 400 posts these influencers which included ethnic, multi-cultural, television personalities, vloggers, and bloggers brought the show to a new level and really solidified its title of best in business. Below are some of the new and returning programs that took place at Cosmoprof North America 2016: Discover Green: Going Green - Discover Green was a special area curated with the input from Insiders Guide to Spa and dedicated to eco-friendly, clean, organic and/or natural beauty products. Glamour Me: Experiencing Beauty Innovation Live - Glamour Me was a new beauty lounge that allowed attendees to experience participating exhibitor products first-hand, and with close to 200 appointments booked it has exceeded expectations. Attendees were able to select to have their hair, nails, skin or makeup show ready with quick 30 minutes services provided by select exhibitors. Tones of Beauty: Multi-cultural Beauty - Also returning for the second year is the highly successful Tones of Beauty, which showcased a select group of coveted and innovative multicultural brands across every major sector: Skin, Hair and Color. Discover Beauty - Presenting a line-up of start-up beauty brands, this high-end, curated section combined the best of both worlds: prearranged face-to-face meetings with key retail buyers such as Neiman Marcus, Lord & Taylor, Barneys New York, HSN and Kohl’s as well as a traditional exhibition presentation where all attendees are invited to come and discover these brands. Discover Beauty Spotlights - Spotlights was an exclusive initiative within the Discover Beauty program. This department store-like
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
presentation serves as a showcase for companies that are big on creativity yet smaller in size, but who are a prime fit for high-end retail stores, boutiques, salons and spas. IBFE: - Returning for the second year, International Business Forum & Exhibition (IBF&E) focused on the Beauty Supply Chain business platform for companies specialized in contract manufacturing, packaging, machinery, OEM and raw materials. TV Shopping Channel Auditions - Making a return were the live auditions for major US TV shopping channels QVC, HSN and Evine Live whereby exhibitors were able to pitch products live to the merchants. New this year, exhibitors were also able to audition with international TV shopping channels, and CPNA created a new collaboration with EVINE Live, an onmichannel retail experience. Boutique - BOUTIQUE, buzzing with activity, was set up as a sampling bar showcasing deluxe premium-size samples from twenty exhibiting brands. For a donation of $10, attendees chose seven samples out of twenty-featured products and this year CPNA raised over $13,000 to be given to Look Good, Feel Better. Discover Scent: The Smell of Success in the Air - Scent was also in the air this year - literally. An area on the show floor dedicated exclusively to fragrance, Discover Scent featured 13 niche fragrance brands curated with the assistance of Sniffapalooza. CPNA hosts PBA Beauty Week - Cosmoprof North America not only celebrates the beauty industry, but also entrepreneurship evidenced this year at the second annual Beauty Pitch™ which was co-hosted by PBA on Saturday, July 23rd. This one-of-a-kind beauty competition showcased six innovative beauty companies who left the event with great opportunity ahead of them. The 2016 North American Hairstyling Award (NAHA) winners also were recognized during a star-studded awards ceremony on July 24, 2016 at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. Held during PBA Beauty Week, North America’s largest, most inclusive beauty event, NAHA was hosted by Alan Cumming, Tony award winning actor, author and activist. This year’s Hairstylist of the Year was presented to Matt Swinney of Evolution in Minneapolis, MI. This is Swinney’s first NAHA Hairstylist of the Year honor. The event drew more than 3,000 attendees, while thousands tuned in to watch PBA’s live streaming broadcast online at Cosmoprof North America will return to Mandalay Bay Convention Center July 9-11, 2017. Stay tuned to for information and updates. Event information and exhibitor updates are also posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@COSMOPROFNA, COSMOPROFLV).
The elaborate Helen of Troy booth
Carrie English and Joe Magnano stand at the Beauty Perfection booth
A curious show attendee stops by the Oster booth.
Phil Ivaldi and Andy Rah of Macadamia Professional
Wendy Rose of River City Scientific (left) and Mr. Eddie Jhin of Jinny Corp. (center) stand with (left to right) Tricia Snead, Jack Sammons, Robert Lee and Jonathan Rudner of Ampro Industries.
The walkway to the CPNA show floor filled with attendees.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Another view of the eye-catching Ecoco show booth
The J. Strickland team
The Ecoco booth
Sam Lazar (right) stands alongside fellow booth workers at the Universal Beauty Products booth.
(Left to right) Angela Meza, Linda Patty, Vanessa Urrea, Godfrey Barboza, Camille Oliveira and Tiger Farah of Mitchell Group.
John Graterol stands alongside Astrid Graterol at the International Beauty Exchange booth.
Sue Seok, Sammie Cho and Art Emm of Jinny Corp. meet with John Perrone of Fantasia and Ken Klibaner of KSA.
Osman Mithavayani and Clint Eskew share a “thumbs up� in front of the Xtreme Beauty International booth.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
John Plunkett and Jennifer Jhin of Beauty Logica
The Jinny Corp. booth
The Beauty Logica booth
Signage at the Jinny Corp. booth
A side view of the Jinny Corp. booth
Haley McNeal of OTC Beauty Magazine and Erica Lin of Jinny Corp.
(Left to right) Ken Klibaner of KSA, Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp., Harry Sczcukowski of Andis, Eddie Jhin of Jinny Corp., and TJ Dickinson of Andis.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
The bustling Palladio booth
The Andis booth
A barber shows off his skills using Andis tools at the company’s booth.
The friendly and inviting, beautiful Namaste booth.
Alan Murphy, Leslie Roste, and Brenda Leckie of BlueCo Brands
(Left to right) James William, Kristin Healy and Jim Nolan of Inspired Beauty Brands
The bright American International Industries booth
A booth representative of Via Hair Care
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Carla Alexander and Nina Patrick of Helen of Troy
Afua Odame and Corey Grant of AFAM Concept
Leo Alba of Beauty Consultants Group and James Lee of Jinny Corp. meet with the Mitchell Group team.
Erica Lin, Nicole Cho and Jeff Cho of Jinny Corp.
(Left to right) Jonathan Rudner, Jack Sammons, Robert Lee and Wendy Rose stand at the Ampro Industries, Inc. booth
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Sue Seok and Sammie Cho of Jinny Corp. meet with the Murray’s team.
The Toppik booth
A meeting taking place at the Keystone Laboratories booth
Colleagues pause for a photo at the CFN booth.
Gretchen Correia of Beauty Logica, along with Art Emm and Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp., pause with Kenya Moore of Kenya Moore Haircare for a quick photo.
Domenic Costa and Walt Winslow of KAB Brands
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Pausing for a photo before a meeting, Jay Halaby (center) stands with colleagues at the Manic Panic booth.
Andy Morgan, Director of Sales OTC/International of Revlon Professional
Richard Stella of R. Stella Enterprises and Clay Campbell of Innovative Beauty Products
Harlan Kirschner, president of the Kirschner Group, sits in a meeting with industry colleagues.
Nick Mullings of Sunny Isle Jamaican Black Castor Oil
The Spilo booth
(Left to right) Chelsea Compton, Debbie Gassman, Lance Wahl and Anne Marie Kolias of Wahl.
A view down a busy show floor aisle
(Left to right) Camila Crews, Dick De Wilde and Charlene Dance of Strength of Nature
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
The Professional Beauty Association (PBA) and Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) were proud to present INSPIRE: A Night Celebrating Beauty Entrepreneurs, just as this year’s CPNA show and PBA Beauty Week was gearing up. This unique event was created to bring beauty professionals together to celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit of the beauty industry.
On Saturday, July 23 some of the industry’s biggest names gathered in Las Vegas, NV to network and watch beauty entrepreneurs pitch their product to a panel of judges at Beauty Pitch™ 2016. Proceeds from INSPIRE benefit the PBA Foundation, an organization supporting charitable initiatives and the historical preservation of the beauty industry, and City of Hope, a world-renowned comprehensive cancer treatment research center.
The Beauty Pitch competition showcased six innovative beauty companies in two separate categories – Startup and Established. Over one thousand attendees gathered to watch these companies pitch their products to a panel of celebrity judges including John Paul DeJoria, Kevin Harrington, ELLE Beauty Director Emily Dougherty; Executive Editor at InStyle Digital Innovation of Time Inc. Deanne Kaczerski, and Mark Spinks, President of BSG CosmoProf and Armstrong McCall, Sally Beauty Holdings. The winners of this esteemed event include: Sunlights Balayage, Inc., P3 Pure both recipients of cash prizes, and O.R.G Skincare chosen by the merchants of BSG to gain distribution into all 1,200 nationwide stores and online. Additionally, all semifinalists received an invitation to be featured in an online exclusive boutique on Amazon Launchpad. Article courtesy of INSPIRE, PBA and CPNA
The Jinny Corp. team: (Left to right) Garrett Wright, Sue Seok, Dean Kim, Steve Ma, Eddie Jhin, Jennifer Jhin and John Plunkett.
(Left to right) Dean Kim, Sue Seok and Steve Ma of Jinny Corp.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Todd Smith and Harlan Kirschner, President of the Kirschner Group
Bethany Crellin, Joe Magnano of Beauty Perfection, and Carrie English of Pravana
The judges get comfortable in their seats on stage as the Beauty Pitch 2016 event is just getting started.
Candy Shaw and Jamison Shaw Codner of Sunlights Balayage present on stage.
Maxine Tatlonghari of Vanity Girl Hollywood
Jennifer Yen, Creator/Founder of pĹŤr-lisse
Amy Cazin of P3Pure explains Primal Pit Paste Natural Deodorant to the judges and audience.
Representatives for Whish present their products.
Harlan Kirschner presents Sunlights Balayage with their prize check from The Kirschner Group as winner in the Startup Category.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
NAMASTE ANNUAL CUSTOMER APPRECIATION PARTY On Monday, July 25 just after the busy CPNA show floor closed, Namaste Laboratories invited select customers to their Annual Customer Appreciation Party. Held in a suite atop the Palms Resort & Casino in Las Vegas, attendees enjoyed delicious food, beautiful views of the city, and great music amid friends and colleagues. It was a fabulously fun event that celebrated working relationships and ramped up hype for the company’s fresh marketing campaign: No Stereotypes – Beautiful Hair Comes in All Types. Not Stereotypes.
Mohit Malhotra, CEO of Namaste, addresses the crowd and welcomes them to the event.
Larry Sussman from Beauty Enterprises and Eddie Jhin, President of Jinny Corp.
(Left to right) Steve Ma, Art Emm, Jennifer Jhin and John Plunkett of Jinny Corp.
(Left to right) Namaste CEO Mohit Malhotra and Rakesh Sareen, also of Namaste, stand alongside customers as they all enjoy the party.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
The majestic ice sculpture made for this event
Sue Seok of Jinny Corp. (center) with Darrin Barbour and Vikram Bali, VP, both of Namaste.
Steve Ma and Andrew Yoo of Jinny Corp.
Sammie Cho and Sue Seok of Jinny Corp. with Ann Scott, a broker with MV Roberts.
Joe and Jordan Briggs of Briggs Market Masters
Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. has a caricature drawn of himself.
A handful of party attendees enjoyed themselves with a little dancing.
The Jinny Corp. team
(Left to right) Sammie Cho, Julia Ma, Erica Lin, Jennifer Jhin and Nicole Cho of Jinny Corp.
Flash mob dancers performed at the event, bringing an additional feeling of fun to the party.
(Left to right) Sammie Cho, Julia Ma, Nicole Cho, Sue Seok, Erica Lin and Jeff Cho of Jinny Corp.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Jinny Corp. VIP Tradeshow 2016 Jinny Beauty Supply of Miami held a VIP Tradeshow on Sunday, August 7. The company’s most honored customers were invited to take part in a day of unmatchable deals and specials promotions. The Miami branch has held this show for the past three years, and each installment has been a tremendous success. This show was no different! Highly regarded as a beneficial tradeshow, Jinny Corp. once again wowed attendees.
Beauty Exchange top managers with Jinny Corp.’s Andy Son and Kevin Back.
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A look at a few of the vendor booths, which stayed busy throughout the show.
Grace Seong of Jinny Corp. speaks with an Altagrace Shop representative.
Jinny Miami’s Kevin Back speaks with a gentleman from Beauty Super Market.
McKay Matchett of PDC Brands works with a customer to complete an order.
“By far the top event in the industry! Thank you to all of the customers attending; it was an absolute pleasure to see the best of the best within the beauty industry turning out. This event felt like the start of a shift in what customers should expect from a show, personalized interaction. Those attending, both customers and manufacturers, had a chance to share business strategies and customized business plans with the top industry professionals. It went far beyond any selling show I've ever attended. If I had to give it a name, I call it an ‘Industry Symposium.’ Great event with premium samples, interaction and offers. Thank you for including me. Last but not least, a big thank you to the Miami staff who thought of every detail to really make this a ‘stand out’ event for all. I couldn't get over the level of attention. One example that really stuck out to me was the staff taking clients to their cars with umbrellas. You all put the sunshine right back in Miami!!!!” Susan DeLucia, Wella Tanya Trotman-Oden of Beyond Expectation Sales & Services, Inc. speaks to a representative of Beauty Souce about Bonfi products.
Kristine Lee of Jinny Corp. works with a customer of Lins Beauty Mart.
Michael Jeffreys and Larry O’Malley of J. Strickland meet with customers.
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“This is the fourth VIP show Jinny has hosted, yet the best thus far. The customers came ready to buy and they bought in a big way. The orders were nice, but more importantly they were curious about new items and willing to try them. It was a Sunday well spent. Thanks for the invite.” James William, Inspired Beauty Brands “Jinny’s Annual VIP Customer Show is a great opportunity to connect with Jinny’s top customers. It’s also a great time to give customers information on all brands, new products, educational appointments as well as fulfilling their needs by way of the vendor you represent. It is always amazing to hear great stories and helpful feedback from individuals who serve the most important people: our customers. Thank you Jinny Beauty for this AMAZING opportunity.” Afua Odame, AFAM Concept Inc. A Royal Discount representative and David Seo of Jinny Corp.
Asmarina Imports show attendees speak with Sonja Mair of Briggs Market Masters to learn about Namaste’s available products.
An attendee of Cabellos Celina stands alongside Osman Mithavayani of Xtreme Beauty International.
Suki Kwon of Jinny Corp. speaks with ladies from Kirpanali’s LTD.
Customers from Starband Custom Jewelry.
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Jinny Corp.’s Manouchka Cesarin Vieux assists Maculeuse Castin with questions regarding JBS Hair products.
Beauty Exchange representatives enjoying the show
Super 88 representatives meet with Tara Coleman of L’Oreal Multicultural.
Andy Son of Jinny Corp. speaks with a customer from Jolly’s Pharmacy.
“Customers were enthusiastic with the deals/promotions offered and placed great orders! Good show!” Sonja Watford-Mair, Briggs Market Masters “The Jinny Miami VIP show was incredible! This was by far THE BEST show in the Southeast in many years! The non-stop customer traffic translated to awesome sales and made the day speed by! KUDOS to the entire Miami Team, Brian, Lan and Art for par excellence service to both their vendors and customers! The Sunday vibe was awesome and the air conditioner felt great! Many kind thanks on behalf of Bonfi Naturals and Sunny Isle JBCO! Let’s repeat show again in the 1st Quarter of 2017.” Tanya Trotman-Oden, Beyond Expectation Sales and Services, Inc. Jinny Corp.’s Pedro Ronquillo takes an order from Kirpalani’s LTD.
Robert Lee of Ampro Industries sits at a meeting with a show attendee.
Todd Smith of the Kirschner Group meets with The Beauty Shack at the Helen of Troy booth.
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A representative of Cordelia Jean Beauty Supply works with Jinny Corp.’s Ken Sauceda to place a product order.
Derek Lee of First Choice Sales and Marketing Group speaks with Dieu Avant.
Grace Seong of Jinny Corp. (right) and a show attendee from Lins Beauty Mart
“Great show! Impeccable hospitality! I like the small, intimate format that allows for comfortable, direct interaction with customers as well as the Jinny staff and manufacturers.” Tara Coleman, L’Oreal USA Multicultural Beauty “I wanted to let you know I was very pleased with the up-beat mood of both customers and Jinny staff at the event. Selling in of new items is always a key for the future of the companies I represent. With that being said, I am happy to report nearly a 90% success of new item distribution at this event.” Kelly Davidson, Klibaner Sales Agency
Manouchka Cesarin Vieux of Jinny Corp. speaks with Maculeuse Castin at JBS Hair.
Morrishane Horton of Revlon Professional explains Creme of Nature products to curious customers.
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David Seo of Jinny Corp. assists Eternel Est Grand with ordering.
“At Jinny’s VIP show, IBE had the great opportunity to promote out new Topiclear Skin Tone Body Oils and the chance to educate Jinny’s VIP customers about Topiclear’s new packaging design!” Astrid Graterol, International Beauty Exchange “Congratulations to Lan and her sales team at the VIP show. They all did an amazing job at making sure every customer came to each booth. Her team knew exactly what the customer needed and had great recommendations on trying new items and maximizing show deals.” Todd Smith, The Kirschner Group Customers from Prime Beauty, and Cute and Beauty check in at the front desk.
J. Strickland’s Michael Jeffreys and Larry O’Malley both help customers with orders.
Ernest meets with Kirpalani’s LTD. at the Strength of Nature booth.
Osman Mithavayani of Xtreme Beauty International completes a product order for NNK Corp.
A flavorful lunch was provided to all who attended the show.
Kevin Stewart of Ampro discusses products with a customer from Eternel Est Grand & Divine Shop.
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“This was a tremendous show for J. Strickland. With the large number of Jinny’s export customers in attendance we are able to present our deals on the bestselling Blue Magic products as well as Royal Crown, Worlds of Curls and Doo Gro products with fantastic results. We also presented and pre-sold our new multicultural line of products, Coconut Restore, which was extremely well received.” Michael Jeffreys, J. Strickland & Co.
Morrishane Horton of Revlon Professional speaks with a representative of Beauty Super Market.
Kristine Lee of Jinny Corp. and a representative from Rockland Furniture speak with Larry O’Malley at the J. Strickland booth.
Jonathan Tiram sits with customers from Starband Custom Jewelry at the Ecoco booth.
Members of the Jinny Corp. sales team meet with Beauty Exchange in the hair division.
A look at a few vendor booths.
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Beauty Exchange VIP customers, accompanied by a few Jinny employees, gather around the R&R Corp. booth and speak with John Rim.
Lan Wilkerson and Kristine Lee of Jinny Corp. assist Asmarina Import with product orders.
Beauty Exchange customers
Grace Seong of Jinny Corp. speaks with a JBS Hair customer from VNC Co. LTD.
“We had a wonderful time at the VIP Show in Miami. Our Sparks and Curl Girl promotions were received enthusiastically.” Joe Magnano, Beauty Perfection “The Jinny Beauty Miami Show was a wonderful event for Cantu this year. The Cantu booth was extremely busy the majority of the day and customers came ready to order! International customers gave great feedback regarding distribution in their specific countries and were appreciative of the vendors who were present. It made for great conversation, happy customers and a happy vendor! “ McKay Matchett, PDC Brands
John Rim of R&R Corp. meets with Super Beauty Discount.
Susan DeLucia of Wella, along with Super Beauty Discount, models a new iThrive product.
Willie “Doc” Johnson explains Murray’s products to a customer.
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OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Industry News
Going Beyond Beauty Tools!
The award winning implement brand, Mehaz, introduces all new packaging
Mehaz, the award-winning nail, skin and haircare implement brand, is pleased to announce the arrival of a NEW, beautiful and sophisticated package design! Each new package clearly displays individual products while calling out key features and benefits in English, French and Spanish. Two distinct product categories, ELITE and ESSENTIALS, make it easy for consumers to shop based on their specific needs and desired price points. ELITE products include all Mehaz premium, professional grade beauty tools sourced in Solingen, Germany, and are packaged in boxes with a royal blue ombré design. ESSENTIALS products include a set of high-quality Mehaz implements available at an accessible price point, and are packaged in sky blue ombré boxes. Going beyond beauty tools, Mehaz reflects unsurpassed quality in master crafted products, and now has premiere packaging to match. New Premium Packaging: Prominently displays product and clearly identifies key product features in same or smaller dimensions than current packaging.
Two Easy-to-Shop Product Categories: • ELITE (Royal Blue): Premium professional grade beauty tools sourced in Solingen, Germany • ESSENTIALS (Sky Blue): High-quality beauty tools at accessible price points End Result Driven Features: Works like a silent sales person, helping customers clearly understand the benefits of the product in 3 languages – English, French and Spanish. *New packaging rolled out in August 2016, with the exception of the following items that will transition later: • MC0212 – 12x Magnification Mirror • MC1000 – Disinfectant Tray • MC1197 –Butterfly Razor • MCR0056 – Straight Razor • MCR0056 – Straight Razor Mehaz is distributed by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 70 years.
Dark and Lovely Partners with CurlyNikki to Reveal What Happens “When Good Hair Goes Bad”
Dark and Lovely Debuts Natural Hair E-Book with Texture Hair Expert CurlyNikki
Dark and Lovely, the brand that has catered to the beauty needs of African American women for over 40 years, has partnered with natural hair expert and best-selling author, Nikki Walton of, on the release of her new electronic book, “When Good Hair Goes Bad: Tips and Tricks for Restoring Your Gorgeous, Healthy, Natural Hair.” Currently available as a free download exclusively at www.DarkandLovely. com/NikkiWalton, this groundbreaking partnership is a long-term effort to provide consumers with free access to the most up-to-date and objective information for the maintenance and care of natural hair. Through the coupling of a digital product and nationwide retail partnerships, this collaboration is pioneering digital distribution and reflects the changing patterns in how consumers get their information. “We worked with CurlyNikki for the launch of our Dark and Lovely Au Naturale #CurlPower campaign in 2013 and it was a huge success; so it was a no-brainer for us to collaborate again,” says Michelle Ryan, SVP Marketing, L’Oreal Multi- Cultural Beauty Division. “With the instant success of Walton’s first book, Dark and Lovely deemed partnering with Walton on her follow up as a great way to increase awareness and educate women with naturally curly textures on how to maintain the health of their hair by taking the guesswork out of styling and care.” For those seeking hair tips, “When Good Hair Goes Bad” is an easy to read e-book that provides responses to all of your natural hair questions from hair color and protective styles to straightening gorgeous curly locks. 98
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“Women across the world have requested my advice on how to truly manage their natural hair. I am thrilled to work with Dark and lovely to help share my experience and expertise in an attainable way,” says “When Good Hair Goes Bad” author Nikki Walton. “I wanted my second book to be easy for people to get their hands on and Dark and Lovely is the driving force for making this happen.”
“Dark and Lovely has a full portfolio of products— whether you are natural, love to color your hair or wear a smooth style—that take the guesswork out of styling your hair,” said Ifeoma Fejokwu, Senior Brand Manager, Dark and Lovely. “The Au Naturale line manages shrinkage, locks in moisture and reduces breakage, which are all benefits that are needed when managing natural hair.” “When Good Hair Goes Bad: Tips and Tricks for Restoring Your Gorgeous, Healthy, Natural Hair” is now available for free exclusively at www. For more information, follow Dark and Lovely on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Industry News Macadamia Beauty Welcomes New VPs of Business Development
Macadamia Beauty, parent company of Macadamia Professional and éprouvage, welcomes two new executive hires for their growing sales team. With recent growth, Macadamia Beauty has tapped Mary Clark as Vice President of Business Development, covering West Coast and Canada, and Stacey Hull as East Coast Vice President of Business Development. Both women will oversee developing new business, strengthening key client relationships and merchandising programs, and growing sales on behalf of Macadamia Professional and éprouvage, in their key markets. Mary brings 20 years of experience in sales, business development and education in the professional beauty industry. With previous Mary Clark roles at TIGI, Bed Head, Toni&Guy and Clinique, she has a proven track record
of building brands through her strong relationships with retailers, distributors and salons, with specific attention to West Coast and Canadian markets. Mary currently resides in Sonoma County in Northern California where she enjoys yoga, wine tasting and spending time with her two children. With over thirteen years of sales experience in the beauty and nutritional supplement industry, Stacey has a demonstrated track record of exceeding quota and building strong customer partnerships with special expertise in account development and market penetration. Prior to joining the Macadamia Beauty team, she had sales-focused roles at NeuroScience Inc., Designs for Health, TIGI, Sebastian and Aveda. Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Stacey is a wellness enthusiast who enjoys hiking and traveling with her husband and three children.
Stacey Hull
Macadamia Beauty Welcomes Territory Account Managers, Cavallaro and DeFelice
Macadamia Beauty is expanding their sales force with the addition of two new Territory Account Managers for Macadamia Professional and éprouvage.
Taylor currently resides is Los Angeles, CA with her husband Michael, where they enjoy all the fine dining and unique experiences Los Angeles has to offer.
Spearheading the California market, Taylor Cavallaro will be responsible for leading the strategy and execution of all channel marketing activities including promotions, sales support materials, presentations and trade shows for the BeautySales distributor, national accounts and international channels, with the ultimate goal of growing both the Macadamia Professional and éprouvage businesses.
Macadamia Professional has also tapped Tony DeFelice as the New England Territory Account Manager, to lead client relations with existing accounts and to expand business from Connecticut through Maine. While Tony’s focus lies primarily within the New England region, he will also assist as needed in other markets on behalf of Macadamia Professional and éprouvage.
With previous sales roles at Hempz, Number 4 Hair Care and DS Labs, Taylor has a proven track record of increasing sales and brand awareness on behalf of her brands. She brings with her a wealth of industry knowledge and strong relationships with retailers, salons and stylists that she has cultivated and fostered over the years. Taylor Cavallaro
Most recently with Matrix, Tony is a beauty industry veteran with more than 20 years of experience. As a licensed hairdresser and educator, with a penchant for sales, stylists and salon owners gravitate toward him and his unprecedented knowledge of the space, creativity and passion for hair care. Tony lives in Connecticut and in his free time loves to decorate, bake, cook and entertain. Both Taylor and Tony transitioned into their roles in June.
Macadamia Beauty Grows Retail Sales Division with New Director, Stepenie Staton
Stephenie Staton 100
Current Macadamia Professional Global Director of Channel Marketing, Stephenie Staton, will take over responsibility for directing Retail Sales for all US national accounts. In her new role, Stephenie will lead relationships with retail customers in Canada and the US, focusing on Macadamia Professional and éprouvage brands, while continuing to spearhead strategy and execution of all channel marketing activities globally for all of the Macadamia Beauty brands. Stephenie is a vital member of the brand’s marketing team and Macadamia Beauty is pleased to bring her experience and passion
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over to the retail sales side for both Macadamia Professional and éprouvage as the new Global Director of Channel Marketing and Retail Sales. Before joining Macadamia Beauty, Stephenie spent over 19 years’ in various marketing and sales roles at TIGI where she proved her strong expertise in directing the creation of marketing tools and promotional packaging which has led to success in creating growth in target markets and with key customers. She has a proven record of accomplishments in planning and leading comprehensive marketing strategies across direct, distributor, national account and international channels. Stephenie is a mother of two young boys and enjoys spending free time with her family. Some of her other passions include cooking for friends and family, scrapbooking and painting.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Industry News Fantasia Hair Care Releases New Jamaican Black Castor Oil and Polishers New Products Shine and Strengthen Hair
Fantasia Hair Care is helping to manage and strengthen damaged hair by introducing several new products that not only promote healthy hair, but also encourage hair growth. The first product to join the IC Fantasia line is Jamaican Black Castor Oil: • 100% natural Jamaican Black Caster Oil is the ultimate hair, skin and scalp treatment. • This proven ingredient achieves excellent results on dry, damaged hair and scalp. • Shines and conditions dry damaged hair. Helps return the scalp to a normal, healthy condition. Strengthens hair to prevent breakage. • It is made from the beans or seeds of the castor plant just like all other kinds of castor oil. While clear castor oil is pressed from fresh seeds, Jamaican black is made by first roasting the seeds and then pressing them. As an addition to their wildly popular Hair Polisher line, Fantasia has introduced a Coconut Oil and Shea Butter Hair Polisher. • Both the Coconut Oil Hair Polisher and the Shea Butter Hair Polisher hydrate, soften and eliminate split ends. • The coconut oil in the Coconut Oil Hair Polisher adds to the formula by penetrating the cortex of the hair shaft, which strengthens the hair. • Shea butter benefits the hair by softening it and making it easier to manage in the new Shea Butter Hair Polisher.
• Shea Butter has been utilized for decades in areas of Africa not only for the hair but also because of its skincare and therapeutic qualities • Both polishers are sold in a six-ounce bottle with the signature rounded cap that Fantasia Hair Polishers are known for. When brothers Paul and Archie Bogosian started Fantasia Hair Care in the early 1960s, they had no idea how popular their line of ethnic hair products would soon become. Fifty-one years later, the company is as popular as ever. The Bogosian brothers are still recognized and revered as innovators in an ever-changing industry. Fantasia has been servicing the ethnic sector since nearly the beginning of its existence. “We pride ourselves on being a multi-cultural brand—we saw this sector had a need and we are honored to serve it,” said Archie Bogosian. For more information about Fantasia Hair Care, visit
ORS™ Olive Oil Launches New Empowerment Campaign and Ignites a #NoStereotypes Movement
Honest and disruptive campaign sparks dialogue about multicultural beauty standards ORS™ Olive Oil has the world talking about No Stereotypes, its latest campaign designed to empower women and men of color to embrace their unique beauty and honor that of others. Known as a trusted healthy hair advocate, ORS recently launched a colorful and disruptive ad campaign to celebrate the various types, textures and styles of ethnic hair. While the campaign features a variety of its styling and maintenance offerings, the message pushes diverse self-expression that often shines through with hair trends and styles. “ORS Olive Oil No Stereotypes is a movement that gives voice and emotion to many of the judgments we make about one another, and ultimately challenges us to rethink these hurtful actions. It’s a call to embrace and respect our unique beauty, and the beauty of others,” says Shawn Tollerson, Chief Operating Officer for Namaste Laboratories, the makers of ORS™. “We want consumers to share real stories to hit on emotional truths that will ultimately evolve into unapologetic empowerment.”
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ORS aims to expose and debunk these hurtful stereotypes once and for all. In addition to the advertising components, No Stereotypes will come to life through a series of engaging events and rich discussions throughout the year. ORS joined forces with Café Mocha Radio for its Salute Her Tour, and will host a series of candid conversations as part of the No Stereotypes platform. The brand is also teaming up with a host of influencers and thought leaders to express universal truths through storytelling from real experiences that many women and men alike have faced. Consumers are encouraged to join and follow the movement via #NoStereotypes on social media. Stay tuned for more from ORS Olive Oil No Stereotypes. Additional details and content can also be seen at www.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Industry News USA “The Undisputed King of Beauty”
Euromonitor International releases a preview into the latest data on the beauty and personal care market ahead of its seminar at in-cosmetics North America
With just under three months to go until the new annual in-cosmetics North America exhibition taking place in New York, 7- 8 September, Euromonitor International released a preview into the latest data on the beauty and personal care market, labelling the USA the “undisputed king of beauty with the lion’s share of the global industry.” The report details that the US beauty market is currently worth US $80 billion and is expected to rise to $90 billion by 2020, with a significant boost from the luxury and make up sectors. Should these predictions be achieved, the market will have expanded by almost 45 percent in just ten years.
Amanda Hatzmark comments: “The US cosmetics market has shifted markedly to premium products, as consumers are now looking for higher quality products at a variety of price points. Cosmetics manufacturers can capitalize on this trend by examining shifting consumer attitudes and considering the changes in the premium and mass markets.” The US cosmetics industry is thriving and now is a fantastic time to propel the US market further into the spotlight with the launch of the first incosmetics North America show. The event sets the stage for the industry to source the latestproducts and discuss current trends in the marketplace. Further information is available from
A considerable area of growth is noticeable from within the premium segment with significant percentage hikes across many sectors including premium BB/CC creams and lipsticks, premium skin care and also mascaras. The largest percentage of year-on-year growth in the US for 2014-2015 came from premium foundations/concealers, increasing from 3 percent in 2013-2014 to 14.2 percent. However, premium BB/CC creams still head up the market coming close to reaching 40 percent year-on-year growth in 2015. Overall the premium beauty sector reached a historic high in 2015 as the market delivered 7 percent year-on-year growth. Colour cosmetics has also made huge advances, with the US contributing to approximately 25 percent of all global value sales. The U.S. market was worth approximately $14 billion in 2015 with a year-on-year growth of about 7 percent. As the market continues to take progressive steps forward, there is still scope for expansion within the fragrance and skin care sectors, with the US currently accounting for only 17% of the global value sales for fragrance and just 14% for skin care. Amanda Hatzmark, research analsyst at Euromonitor International, will be evaluating this data and more as part of the marketing trends seminar programme at the in-cosmetics North America show. Through the combination of data driven insights and a deep understanding of the beauty and personal care industry, Amanda’s session is set to provide a fascinating overview of the current US market trends and how the consumer landscape is changing.
USA is the undisputed king of beauty with the lion’s share of the global industry. Currently worth US $80 billion, the US market is expected to increase by a further US $18 billion by 2020, with a strong boost from the premium segment. Growth has accelerated significantly in colour cosmetics, but still leaving room for further expansion of premium skin care. Should the market achieve growth predictions, it will have expanded by almost 45 percent in just 10 years. (© Euromonitor International 2016)
Andis® Introduces the New Standard for High-Volume Haircutting with the Pro Alloy® Adjustable Blade Clipper Clipper runs cooler and quieter due to patent-pending XTR™ Technology
Andis® expands its line of professional-grade tools with its new Pro Alloy® Adjustable Blade Clipper, the new standard for high-volume haircutting. The Pro Alloy® clipper runs cooler and quieter and gives off less vibration than comparable clippers thanks to its patent-pending XTR™ Technology. For barbers and stylists who serve a high number of clients each day and need a tool that keeps up with their performance needs, the Pro Alloy is sure to be a new favorite. “With the Pro Alloy Andis is changing clipper technology again – the Extreme Thermal Reduction (XTR) technology is a game changer,” says Karen Formico, Vice President of Marketing for Andis. “Compared to other adjustable blade clippers, such as our popular Envy model, the Pro Alloy runs 35 percent cooler and even reduces in-hand vibration by 20 percent. It is the perfect clipper for delivering the heavy-duty, all-day, every-day performance that hair professionals demand from their tools.” 104
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The sleek and stylish Pro Alloy clipper features a contoured alloy housing for durability and comfort and a powerful, high-speed magnetic motor for cutting all hair types. Its carbon steel blade adjusts from size 000 to size 1 for precision fading and all-around cutting versatility. The Pro Alloy kit includes nine attachment combs: 1/16”, 1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4”, 7/8”, 1” and comes with blade guard and oil. Made in the USA, the Pro Alloy features a one-year limited warranty. Retailers and distributors interested in carrying the Pro Alloy Adjustable Blade Clipper or any other products from Andis Company can find more information at or call 800-558-9441.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Industry News Oliviero Toscani the Author of the New Advertising Campaign for Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 50th Anniversary Oliviero Toscani, the famous photographer known over the whole world, is the author of the advertising campaign for Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2017, the leading international exhibition for the beauty sector, March 26-20, 2017.
by Bologna Fiere Group in Las Vegas, with Cosmoprof North America, and in Hong Kong, with Cosmoprof Asia.
The 2017 edition is a special appointment: the 50th anniversary of the show will be celebrated. From its beginning in 1967, Cosmoprof has given visibility to an industrial sector which is recognized in the world for its high standard – and, recently, from the Italian Ministry of the Economic Department as well, which included Cosmoprof in the list of Italian trade fairs with international impact, an excellence of Made in Italy. The advertising campaign of Cosmoprof 50 focuses on women’s faces with a touch of colour appearing here and there, similar to a touch of make up on lips, eyes and hair. Faces of different races, representing a new idea of beauty with no ethnical border, are a synonym of the multi-cultural world of Cosmoprof.
The new advertising campaign will promote the shows of the Cosmoprof international platform (Bologna, Las Vegas, Hong Kong) on the main Italian and foreign magazines. The 2016 edition of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, organized in collaboration with Cosmetica Italia - Personal Care Association and with the support of the Italian Ministry of the Economic Development and ITA - Italian Trade Agency, has been characterized by record numbers, with more than 200,000 visitors. 2,510 exhibitors attended the show, with 73% of them coming from abroad, and 25 Country Pavilions were present, confirming the international leadership of the exhibition.
Oliviero Toscani, the eclectic personality who made the most distinguished figure in the history of photography and communication in the latest 30 years, highlights with artistic talent the role of Cosmoprof Worldwide as the not-to-be-missed event for the beauty world - thanks to the presence of the format
Thanks to the events organized in Las Vegas and Hong Kong, the Cosmoprof international platform involves 6,400 exhibitors and more than 350,000 visitors coming from more than 150 countries in the world. For further information, visit
Denman Rep Award
At Cosmoprof North America, Denman awarded Gerry Udell, Inc., the Northeast Sales organization, “Rep Group of the year for Growth in Sales 2015”.
The award took the form of an Art Medal and was created by Natasha Ratcliffe who designed two of the 2012 Olympic Games’ 50 pence pieces for the Royal Mint in the United Kingdom.
The front of the commemorative medal is an interpretation of the ‘Face of Denman’, Zoe Rainey, and the reverse shows the hair flicks transformed into waves. From these waves flows the gateway to America surrounded by the Stars and Stripes of the American flag.
Pictured left to right: Philip Steele, Managing Director, Denman International; Gary Udell, Co-Principal, Gerry Udell Inc.; Victoria Fishman, CEO, Denman Inc.; John Rainey, Chairman, Denroy Group; Gerry Udell, Gerry Udell Inc.
John Rainey, Chairman of the Denroy Group and Victoria Fishman CEO of Denman Inc. presented the award to Gary Udell recognizing the Gerry Udell Group for obtaining the largest percentage of increase in business.
On receipt of the award, Gerry Udell commented, “Our focus on the Northeast has continually produced sales increase each year.” Glenn Udell also stated that, “The Denman name is recognized worldwide as a premiere professional hairbrush company and we are very proud to represent them in the United States.”
American International Industries Further Expands Beauty Portfolio with Acquisition of Model in a Bottle®
American International Industries (A.I.I.), a leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of beauty products, announced its acquisition of Model in a Bottle®. The acquisition comes just one year after the company’s purchase of Hollywood Fashion Secrets®, further cementing A.I.I.’s place as the leader in beauty and style essentials.
“Like other brands in our portfolio, Model in a Bottle® offers innovative products with a fast-growing and loyal customer base. With this acquisition we broaden our portfolio into the cosmetics category, adding dimensions to our current 106
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product offerings,” said Zvi Ryzman, President of A.I.I. “We believe it has great potential and with our wide distribution channels and expertise in growing niche brands, we anticipate a long and happy future for A.I.I. and Model in a Bottle®.”
Model in a Bottle® products include a range of makeup sealing products including the widely recognized Original Makeup Setting Spray, Eyebrow Sealer and Lipstick Sealer. Visit to view the complete line. Details of the acquisition are not available.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Industry News
Wahl Education and Artistic Team Welcomes Four New Members
The Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.) announces four new members: April Guiliani, Julius ‘Caesar’ Arriola, Andres ‘Dre’ Reyes and Miguel Rosas, who hail from Arizona to Los Angeles, from Greater Chicago to the Quad Cities. The addition of these new members further strengthens the team’s incomparable skills and position as the industry’s leader in clipper education. W.E.A.T. focuses on diverse clipper techniques ranging from precision clipper cutting to creative clipper styling, regardless of gender, race or texture.
“I am extremely proud of W.E.A.T and very excited that the industry’s demand for Wahl education has required us to continue growing our team,” says Laura VanderMoere, Director of Education, Wahl Professional. “April, Julius, Andres, and Miguel each have a unique talent that grabbed my attention. They all possess the passion and dedication to Wahl and to our industry that secured them a position on our team.” After completing an intense orientation and training, these next generation W.E.A.T. leaders are amped up and ready to go for the fall season.
Pictured left to right: Julius ‘Caesar’ Arriola; Laura VanderMoere, Director of Education, Wahl Professional; Miguel Rosas; April Guiliani and Andres ‘Dre’ Reyes
Introducing April, Julius, Adres and Miguel of W.E.A.T Each of the four new W.E.A.T. members shares the lessons that shaped their desire to enter the industry and how they are paying it forward.
April Guiliani
April Guiliani works as a Cosmetology instructor in a top school in Arizona, where she has the opportunity to learn more every day. Joining W.E.A.T. has only increased her passion for the hair industry. Since grooming horses as a teenager, April has always loved Wahl products. “I was an allWahl girl even before I started on the team,” says Guiliani. “I believe in supporting American-made products and I trust the product to deliver excellent results.”
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She has created her own signature technique: a V-part design, which is a hard part that goes from one side to the other in a V-shape in the back. The V-part design is a different, yet functional way to tame the cowlick. She has received several requests for this look from her clientele.
Guiliani’s favorite tool is the Wahl Sterling Reflections Senior—the everyday clipper that can execute any type of cut. She also uses the Wahl Detailer trimmer to create designs and give a nice, clean detail to her cuts.
Julius ‘Caesar’ Arriola
As one of the newest members of W.E.A.T., Arriola brings new flair to the team. He shines both on stage and during private classes. His specialty includes men’s classic haircuts, especially side parts and pompadours accompanied by modern precision zero-fade lending. His formula is to fuse them together to deliver what he calls the “modern classic hairstyles.” “I’m excited to be involved with Wahl’s established legacy and help grow it even more. It’s our job as industry professionals and representatives for Wahl to push the driving force in progressive positivity for not only barbering, but for the hair industry altogether.” The Cordless Magic Clip clipper and Hero trimmer are Arriola’s favorite tools to use for his clients. The lightweight Magic Clip makes head maneuvering easy and the stagger-tooth blade system makes fading hair even more effortless. The Hero is his trimmer of choice because it handles it all: outlining, design work and even balding out.
Andres ‘Dre’ Reyes
Besides showcasing his polished cutting techniques, Andres ‘Dre’ Reyes is involved with creative services for W.E.A.T., including photography, video production, graphic design and illustration. His ultimate go-to tool is the cordless Magic Clip because of its versatility. Some of his other favorites include the Rapid Fire to remove bulk, the Legend for easy fading and blending, the Mag trimmer for kids’ hair and the Hero trimmer for hairlines and tattoo designs. “Everyone in the industry already knows that Wahl is where it’s at. I feel like I’m part of the dream team,” says Reyes. “I’m motivated to work even harder and continue enhancing my skills to help keep Wahl and W.E.A.T. on top!”
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Industry News Miguel Rosas
Miguel Rosas’ role includes teaching classes, platforming and representing Wahl professionally via public appearances and social media and most importantly, showcasing superior haircutting skills at all times. “I believe I was chosen to be a part of this team because of my leadership skills, talent, respect, professionalism and passion for this industry,” says Rosas. “I am honored to be a part of W.E.A.T. because I get to represent a great team and showcase my talent and skills globally while educating others.” His specialty is hair portraits, but also is also fluent in cutting traditional men’s haircuts using techniques unique to Rosas.
W.E.A.T. is proud to be the leaders of education, helping artists achieve success. “Everyone should continue their education in both men and women’s haircutting,” says Guiliani. “It will keep your skills sharp, and help boost your confidence in
BlueCo Brands Celebrates Three Years Offering Free Education Program
The Barbicide Certification Program was designed by a medical professional with the beauty industry in mind A MRSA infection was almost career-ending in the case of Daniel Fells, New York Giants Tight End, when it almost led to foot amputation in 2015. The rise in MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), a very easily transmitted and prolific bacteria, should cause concern in the professional beauty industry. These cases can lead to serious health complications and even death. This very common bacteria can be easily spread through pedicures where bowls and implements have not been properly disinfected between clients. BlueCo Brands, the manufacturers of iconic blue Barbicide, have created a free program to teach proper infection control techniques, to help cut down on the spread of the harmful pathogens. This Barbicide Certification program was developed by Leslie Roste, RN, BSN and is housed on the company’s website and can be accessed by students, inspectors and professionals. “Since the Barbicide Certification was launched in 2013 over 200,000 people have become Barbicide Certified. We certify everyone from students to state inspectors either online or in personal trainings taught all over the nation. This free program is a great way to make sure everyone in the professional beauty industry has access to high quality information specifically tailored and prepared for today’s beauty industry professionals, by a healthcare professional. Our team believes this knowledge helps all areas of the beauty industry.” said Alan Murphy, BlueCo Brands’ President. Additionally, BlueCo Brands introduced the Sapphire Program to help promote this education in barber and cosmetology schools in January of this year. As of June 2016, 238 schools worldwide were registered, with more joining the program every week. “As these young professionals enter the workforce, they know proper infection control procedures and will be able to better protect themselves and their clients,” said Leslie Roste. Beauty industry businesses may also register for the program and get their employees Barbicide Certified. Registered participants can receive window clings, lapel pins and certificates. Through this education program BlueCo Brands hopes to cut down on the spread of harmful pathogens, like MRSA. This is one of the many ways the company is working to promote general health and safety of the public. More information about BlueCo Brands products and their education program can be found at 110
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learning a new skill or technique you may not have felt confident in before.” “My favorite part of the W.E.A.T. training was learning how to push myself in finding other uses for tools, including being able to execute women’s haircuts,” says Arriola. “It’s highly important to continue education, because our industry is ever-changing. Styles come and go, some are created and you never know what kind of client might sit in your chair next.” “As the industry continues to evolve into a fusion of cultures and textures, our students, professionals, and instructors are required to think like an artist and be able to blend their skillset to accommodate all aspects of hair. It’s not just barbering or cosmetology anymore, in addition to tool dexterity, the essential technique everyone must master to succeed is a thought process, and this is what you will learn from W.E.A.T.,” says VanderMoere. W.E.A.T. is a 17-member group of industry professionals that are the leaders and educators for Wahl. They are highly trained and technology advanced artists capable of instructing any skill level. Their goal is to provide students and licensed hair professionals with clipper education, and they believe that education is the key to a stylist’s success. To meet the team, please visit
Lucky Tiger Men’s Grooming Line is the Perfect Retail Solutions for Men
Men are looking for products at the salon or barbershop Men are some of the most loyal customers a salon or barbershop will ever have. The men’s grooming market is growing, with 55 percent of salons saying they have more men coming in than ever before, according to a survey performed by Modern Salon Media. With this change in clientele, retail spaces need to include products for men as well. Lucky Tiger’s men’s grooming line, which was perfected over the last 80 years, is a great addition to any retail space. Brenda Leckie, BlueCo Brands National Sales Director said, “While working in a salon it is important to make sure your retail space reflects your client’s needs. Men want products they can use, and are made for their skin type. If you give him something designed for him, he is more likely to purchase in your retail space.” Many men want stylist recommendation on which products to use, and 43 percent use styling or grooming products “always or most of the time” according to the same Modern Salon survey. As stylists build a relationship with these clients it is important to recommend the right products for him to use at home. Lucky Tiger recently launched a new countertop display, along with a razor set and gift set that salons, spas and barbershops can purchase to enhance their retail space. More information about these items and how to get them for retail spaces can be found on the company’s website. Many product lines cast a one size fits all net over men’s grooming products. Men’s grooming is as diverse as men themselves. Some want to treat themselves to an old time wet-shave at a barbershop and a haircut every two weeks, others want a close shave with all natural products, still others are looking to bring back classic style with a groomed mustache. Lucky Tiger has something for every man and knows the product line needs to cover a range of products—this means everything from classic barbershop favorites to premium natural products for at home use. A complete list of Lucky Tiger products can be found at www. For information about getting Lucky Tiger products for a retail space contact
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Industry News BlueCo Brands Launches Program for Healthcare Powerhouse, Siemen’s Healthcare
Barbicide used as disinfectant in hospital laboratory hemostasis analyzers
Medical professionals, on average, touch about five strangers per day, according to a survey by MS Media; beauty industry professionals may touch 15-20 strangers per day. Medical professionals use protective equipment during these interactions and have access to medical history, unlike beauty industry professionals who may touch three times as many strangers per day. BlueCo Brands, the manufacturers of Barbicide, has long drawn a parallel between the medical industry and beauty industry; this parallel continues as BlueCo Brands announces Siemen’s Medical, after extensive testing and validation, has selected Barbicide as the exclusive disinfectant for the BCS® and BCS® XP Systems, the most widely used fully automated hemostasis analyzers. The program launched in the US July 1, 2016, and expansion into Canada is planned for the second half of 2016, with expansion worldwide slated for 2017. “Barbicide is a hospital-grade disinfectant and we have always treated it as such. We have been providing the beauty industry with protection from harmful
pathogens for almost 70 years, and have always said that these products would be beneficial in other spheres. We are excited to provide that same level of protection to the healthcare industry,” said Alan Murphy, BlueCo Brands’ President. Being able to provide disinfectants to a powerhouse of healthcare, like Siemen’s Healthcare, demonstrates BlueCo Brands is on the cutting edge of disinfection. The versatility of these products is made possible by the company’s high level of testing, and the tracking of threatening pathogens in today’s climate. Vital testing and validation from agencies such as the EPA ensure industry businesses and personnel are protected, along with the high standards BlueCo Brands sets for products and services they provide. BlueCo Brands will continue to offer these same products to the beauty industry, and is dedicated to providing professionals with tools to keep themselves, their clients and their businesses safe. The beauty industry needs the versatility Barbicide products provide, since professionals serve clients with unknown health risks every day. More information about BlueCo Brands and Barbicide products can be found online at
5 Reasons to Own the Magic Washcloth Makeup Remover Cloth An affordable, chemical-free makeup remover that uses just water!
Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and pricey towelettes, and hello to fresh, youthful, makeup free skin!
Top 5 reasons to own the Magic Washcloth Makeup Remover Cloth: 1.
Chemical free…uses water only! With the Magic Washcloth Makeup Remover Cloth, all you need to remove your makeup is water (even waterproof makeup)! Split microfibers in the material, combined with warm water, acts like a vacuum brush, breaking-up the oils that bond make-up to the skin, while lifting and trapping dirt and residue. Skincare benefits. Most makeup removal solutions can be harsh and even damaging to the skin. The Magic Washcloth Makeup Remover Cloth gently exfoliates while cleaning, effectively prepping the skin for moisturizer and toner. Perfect for sensitive, hard-to-reach areas. Each cloth includes a “tight spot pocket” to target hard-to-reach areas, like the eyes and corners of the
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
nose. The microfiber material is incredibly soft and will not irritate the skin. Cost effective. Makeup wipes and remover solutions are expensive! The Magic Washcloth is machine washable and can be washed hundreds of times. Each box includes two full-size cloths, so while one is in the wash, you’ll have another to use. Convenient. After each use, simply wash the cloth with soap and warm water. Once clean, gently wring out the cloth and hang dry with the convenient hang loop. This makes it easy to dry and prepare for the next use. After multiple uses, just toss the Magic Washcloth in the washing machine/dryer and “voila!,” it’s ready for use again.
Key Features/Benefits • Uses water only…no harsh chemicals! • Gently exfoliates while removing makeup • Targets hard to reach areas • Convenient/Easy-to-Use Size • Tight Spot Pocket • Hang loop for sanitary drying • Two for less than the price of one! Little Box of Pretty is owned by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer
and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 70 years.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
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OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
BIR Bits Manufacturer sales for the professional salon industry’s appliances category grew 4.7% in 2015. That is according to the new 2015 Professional Salon & Pro Beauty Industry Appliances & Shears Study from Professional Consultants & Resources, the U.S. salon and professional beauty industry’s leading strategic consulting, market intelligence and data research company. In 2015, the top 10 professional salon appliance companies by dollar volume were 1. Conair; 2. Helen of Troy; 3. Andis; 4. Wahl; 5. Farouk Systems; 6. Oster; 7. John Paul Mitchell Systems; 8. GHD; 9. Sally Beauty Brands and 10. Remington. For more details and findings from the study, contact Cyrus at or visit
More than 100 Paul Mitchell Schools joined thousands of beauty salons nationwide on June 7, 2016 to extend a special invitation to cancer patients and survivors for Cancer Survivor Beauty and Support Day.
The all-volunteer national event takes place each year on the first Tuesday in June, when participating locations provide a day of complimentary pampering for all men, women and children cancer survivors. It is held in all 50 states, with each supporting facility offering beauty services of their choice.
After nearly 60 years in Midtown Manhattan, L’Oreal USA has started moving into the company’s new U.S. headquarters at 10 Hudson Yards
L’Oreal’s pioneering role as Hudson Yard’ second tenant signals the neighborhood’s evolution into a dynamic urban center that is set to become a NYC cultural hub.
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Vogue International, a privately held company focused on the marketing, development and distribution of salon-influenced and nature-inspired hair care and other personal care products.
The acquisition will include the OGX collection of shampoos, conditioners, treatments, styling products, body care and bath products, the FX line of hair styling products and the Proganix and Maui Moisture hair care lines.
• Jay Stone, 81, of Jay Stone Sales, passed away on May 25. In addition to being one of the best Manufacturer Reps in the beauty business, he was the industry joke teller. • James Emiliani of Emiliani Enterprises passed away on May 30, at 88 years old. During his life, Jimmy received many awards, including Knight Cavaliere, City of Hope Spirit of Life Honoree, Italian Tribune Man of the Year, Unico Man of the Year and Columbus Day Parade Master of Ceremonies. • On June 30, Beauty Systems Group lost a true leader, colleague and most importantly, a good friend, Joe Murphy. • Rudolph Zamora, age 66, died recently. In later years, he worked in marketing with Thermafuse and recently was classified ads manager at Modern Salon Magazine.
Jay Stone
Joe Murphy
Rudolph Zamora
Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.” The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz. For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message. 116
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OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Show Calendar Ad Index SEPTEMBER: 18-19 Armstrong-McCall World’s Fair Austin, TX 21-24 Natural Products Expo East Baltimore, MD
OCTOBER: 2-3 Cleveland Fashion Focus Cleveland, OH
AFAM Concept Inc.................... 56, 57
Gold ‘N Hot.......................................... 51
Ampro Industries.............................. 11
Helen of Troy....................................... 21
OMT, LLC.............................................. 47
Andis Co..................................Cover, 67
House of Cheatham.......................107
One Bottle Products......................103
Beauty Man, LLC................................ 99
Hoyu America...................................117
Beauty Perfection........................... 2, 3 Biocare Labs..............................68, 101 Combe Inc.........................................105 Colomer USA....................................123
Innovative Beauty Products, LLC.. 73 Inspired Beauty Brands............ 41, 44 International Beauty Exchange.... 45 J2 Beauty............................................. 94
Oster Prof. Products...........................8 PDC Brands......................................... 53 Queen Helene............................. 13, 38 RA Cosmetics............................70, 115 Smooth Care....................................... 72
JBS Beauty Club................................ 96
SoftSheen-Carson........................... 33
9-10 Charlotte Fashion Focus Charlotte, NC
DeMert Brands................................... 29
JBS Hair..............................................IBC
Spilo Worldwide................................ 32
DRM-JPC Brands............................114
KAB Brands......................................... 23
Sundial .............................................IFC,1
9-10 Premiere Beauty Classic Columbus, OH
Dream World, Inc............................... 66
Key Beauty Products............5, 27, 37
Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products............................................125
13-15 Cosmobeauté Indonesia 2016 Jakarta, Indonesia 14-17 BeautyExpo 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 16-17 Glendale Fashion Focus Glendale, AZ 23-24 Premiere Birmingham Birmingham, AL 30-31 Mane Stream Expo Tampa, FL
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
E.T. Browne and Drug Co., Inc......127
Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products............................................118
Ecoco, Inc.......................19, 43, 69, BC
L’Oreal Technique............................111
Fantasia Ind......................................... 35
M&M Products.......................................9
Fromm................................................... 25
Mitchell Group.................................... 71
Giovanni Cosmetics......................... 39
Namaste Laboratories..................... 95 Nature’s Protein................................. 49
Ten Pro.................................................. 70 Universal Beauty Products, Inc..... 54 Wahl....................................................... 31 Wella, The Salon Professional Division of P&G..................14, 15, 109 Xtreme Beauty International... 26, 97
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard!
In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.
여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)
1. What charity initiatives does your store participate in? What response has your business gotten from that participation? 1. 여러분의 매장은 어떤 자선 활동에 참여하고 있습니까? 이러한 참여를 통해 여러분의 비즈니스는 어떤 반응을 얻습니까?
2. Is there a certain seasonal beauty concern your customers have during the fall? If so, what? 2. 가을 철, 여러분의 고객들이 갖는 미용에 관한 특별한 관심이 있다면 무엇입니까?
3. What beauty trend or product would you like to learn more about? 3. 여러분이 좀 더 자세히 알고 싶은 미용 트랜드나 제품은 무엇입니까?
When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.
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OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
ORS Olive Oil Styling Line TM
Keeps wavy, curly, kinky edges smooth For Smoothing
64 g (2.25 oz. net wt.)
GRAPESEED OIL For Heat Protection
Keeps wavy, curly, kinky edges smooth For Smoothing
64 g (2.25 oz. net wt.)
HAIR GEL Damage Shield Anti-Frizz Radiant Shine
Blow Drying, Flat Ironing, Hot Curling
136 mL
Keeps wavy, curly, kinky
. net wt.)
ORS Olive Oil’s new line of styling products combine its rich heritage of Olive Oil with the high performance styling attributes of Moringa, Brazilian Pequi, Grapeseed and Avocado Oils for natural hairstyle mavens.
T& ENSE Radiant Shine
, Hot Curling
As the high heat of summer continues to loom and fall awaits, women want to achieve the latest styles AND set next-level trends. They are looking for high value, high performance, multi-use products like these from ORS Olive Oil which allow them to experiment at a value, as well as HAIR GEL achieve and maintain healthy, beautifully styled hair. Keeps wavy, curly, kinky
. net wt.)
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Worthy of separate mentioning, ORS Olive Oils’ use of Pequi Oil rightfully predicts consumers’ demand for reversion-resistant hairstyling products. This miracle oil, unlike others, penetrates curly, kinky wavy hair to yield long-lasting, smooth, frizz-free big-beautiful or free-flowing natural styles.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016