November 2016 | $6.00 The Accessories Issue
Hair Care
Four Cornerstones of a Great Business
What’s New in the Industry?
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OT Be OTC B Beaut Beauty e uty uty M ut Magazine a zine November 2016 aga
OT OTC O T TC C Beauty Beaut Be au a utty M u Magazine ag ag aga ga azzi zin iin ne N No Nov November ove ov emb em mb m be err 20 2 2016 016 6
November 2016
c ont en t s T he Ac c es s o r i e s Is s u e
Editorial Letter
A Little Something Extra
작은 성의
Expert Advice
How Should You Sell It?
The Basics of Skin Care Products
Knowledge To Know Plopping
by Will Williams In the naturally curly hair realm a relevant vocabulary has emerged to include terminology unknown or unheard of outside the new frontier of curl discovery - “No Poo”, “Pre Poo”, “Pineapple”, and “Plopping” are a few new terms. We focus on plopping to discover more about this styling technique.
플로핑 네추럴 헤어 분야에서, “노 푸”, “프리 푸”, “파인애플”, 그리고 “플로핑” 이라는 새로운 신조어가 생겨나고 있다. 플로핑에 초점을 맞추, 이러한 단어들이 무엇을 뜻하는지 알아보도록 하자.
How Popular is the Press and Curl Market? by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau By most accounts and Ʈrst observances we are led to believe that of the three basic professional services performed in black beauty salons, the relaxer is the most popular. The other two services are the Curly Perm and the Press and Curl. Actually, the Press and Curl is almost as popular as relaxers, but the market place is not for the most part in the salons.
프레스와 컬 마켓의 인기는? 많은 자료들에 의하면, 흑인 미용실에서 제공하는 3가지 기본 서비스 중 가장 인기가 많은 것은 릴렉서 입니다. 다른 두 종류 서비스는 컬리 펌과 프레스 앤 컬 입니다. 사실, 프레스 앤 컬은 릴렉서와 비슷할 정도로 인기가 좋지만, 대다수의 미용실에서는 시행하고 있지 않습니다.
엄격하게 관리를 할지라도, 과다 건조하고 부스러지는 모든 형태의 헤어스타일은 어려움이 많습니다. 많은 사람들이 면이 수면시 헤어에 나쁜 영향을 끼친다는 것을 모르고 있습니다. 왜 면이 면이 모발에 좋지 않은지 알아보도록 하자.
Winter Hair Care
어떻게 판매할 것인가?
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
by Trayvaughn Ferguson Even with a strict regimen, women of all hair patterns, textures, and lengths continue to struggle with excessively dry, brittle hair. Many are unaware of the detriment cotton can cause their strands as they sleep. Read on to learn why it is recommended to exchange cotton for satin in hair wrap accessories.
미인은 잠꾸러기란 말의 진정한 뜻
Going the Extra Mile
이 달의 판매 초점은 …. 겨울철 헤어 케어!
The True Meaning of Beauty Sleep
Business Tips
Tips for Beauty Store Owners
by Tabitha Odell The beauty industry is exceptionally competitive. As an entrepreneur, competing with the prices that the bigger stores oƬer can be a challenge; however you can get clients in diƬerent ways other than prices alone. This article oƬers tips to do just that.
뷰티 매장주들을 위한 팁 뷰티 산업은 경쟁이 매우 치열하다. 매장 운영주로서, 대형 매장이 제공하는 가격 경쟁은 경쟁에서 살아남기에 어려운 점이 될 수도 있다. 그러나 단지 가격이 아닌 다른 방법으로도 고객들의 발길을 돌릴 수 있다. 이 기사에서 그 방법을 알려주고 있다.
Are your customers looking to make a change in their haircolor for winter season, whether drastic or subtle? Ecoco, Inc. can help with their new Eco Style Pro Semi-Permanent Moisturizing Hair Color. Ideal for all hair types, this formation made in Italy is free of ammonia and peroxide, and enriched with aloe vera and jojoba oil.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
November 2016
c ont en t s
Clipper Tips
by Randall Bell, Ph.D. Throughout the world, majestic structures stand as legacies to history’s greatest empires and civilizations. All of the world’s greatest structures rest on a solid foundation, and the integrity of every foundation depends on its four cornerstones. The same is true for a successful business, as it too must have a solid foundation - which can based on four basics.
Therapy Trends
Tonsorial Times
성공하는 사업체의 4가지 주춧돌
The Four Cornerstones of a Great Business
세계 각지의 위대한 왕조나 제국들은 대개 그들을 상징하는 웅장한 건축물들이 있습니다. 세계의 위대한 건축물들은 모두 건실한 기초와 4개의 추춧 돌에 기반해 있습니다. 성공한 비즈니스도 마찬가지로, 4개의 추춧돌을 기초로 한 튼튼한 기초가 있어야 합니다.
Beauty Ambassadors
Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article
All Things Old Are New Again!
Skin Care Beauty Ambassador Article Coconut Curls
Notes From the Natural Nation
Feature Articles
Accessorizing Natural Styles for a Festive Holiday Look Accessory Marketing Q&A
This month, OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate to speak with Amanda Saintil of Fromm International to learn a few tips on how to best market accessories to customers in your beauty supply store. Read on to see what we discovered.
Manufacturer ProƮle Zotos International
When a beauty business goes beyond the calling of providing quality goods to its consumers to working toward a greater good, we are intrigued. This month OTC Beauty Magazine was able to speak with Ron Krassin, President and CEO of Zotos to learn more about “one of the ‘greenest’ manufacturers in the industry.” Krassin stated that he is, “optimistic about our future and believe that despite our success, our best years are yet to come.” Likewise, we can’t wait to see what is in store for this company.
미용 비즈니스에서 품질 좋은 제품을 소비자들에게 제공하는 것 그 이상의 모습과 노력을 보일 때, 우리는 놀라움과 흥미로움을 금치 못하게 된다. 이번 달 OTC 뷰티 매거진에서는 Zotos의 CEO인 Ron Krassin과 만나서 업계 ‘친환경’ 제조업체 중 하나인 이 회사에 관해 자세한 얘기를 나눴다. Krassin은 “저희는 이만큼 성공했지만, 여전히 저희의 미래와 믿음에 낙관적이며, 최고의 해는 아직 오지 않았습니다”고 말한다. 마찬가지로, OTC 뷰티 매거진 역시 이 회사에 무엇이 있는지 서둘러 만나보았다.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Maintain the Movember Moustache Headbands and Geles Crown the Accessory Market Treating and Preventing Shaving Nicks
Industry News
BIR Bits
Show Calendar / Ad Index
Reader Feedback
Product Spotlight Coconut Restore
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Ann Jhin
Haley McNeal
Korean News Editor:
Tony Bae
Art Director:
Sam Choi
Advertising & Sales Coordinator:
Contributing Writers:
Carla Alexander Randall Bell, Ph.D. Courtney Blakemore Trayvaughn Ferguson Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Jon McDaniel Tabitha Odell Will Williams Emma Young
Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson
To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 OakcliƬ Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry oƬering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, eƬective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traƱ c, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry oƬering both Korean and English translations.
OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing oƱ ces. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staƬ member is strictly prohibited.
Post Master:
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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 OakcliƬ Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 8
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Editorial Letter
A Little Something Extra 작은 성의
hether it’s an extra chicken nugget on the plate when
주문한 음식이 배달될 때 추가로 들어 있는 치킨 너겟 몇 조각, 아침 출근 전
your food order is delivered, a second hug before
한 번 더 따뜻하게 나를 안아 주는 포옹, 혹은 당신을 위해 숨겨 놓은 특별한
you leave for work in the morning, or a special
“thank you” 메모를 발견할 때, 조금만 더 신경을 쓴 노력이나 흔적은 더욱 값진
“thank you” note hidden away for you to find, when
additional effort or thought is put into something the meaning is definitely noticed. The same is true in beauty when accessories are considered. The perfect addition to any
의미를 불어 넣습니다. 미용 분야에서 액세서리 역시 이와 같은 역할을 합니다. 어떤 옷에든 어울리는 무엇인가를 추가하면 최상의 모습을 만들 수 있습니다. 액세서리 시장은 단순히 머리핀이나 머리띠 이상의 것들로 구성됩니다. 그것은 모자, 장갑, 스카프, 매니큐어, 선글라스, 주얼리 등으로
outfit can really set it off in the best way. The accessory market is made up of more than
확장됩니다. 이 묻혀있는 산업 분야는 더욱 재미있는 혁신과
simply hair bows and headbands. It expands into
아이템을 개발하기 위해 지속적으로 성장하고 진화하고
hats, gloves, scarves, and even fingernail polish,
있습니다. 이것은 분명히 여러분이 지속적으로 관심을
sunglasses, jewelry and more. Just like to rest of this
갖고자 하는 사업 분야일 것입니다.
varied industry, it is constantly growing and evolving to
특히 홀리데이 시즌 동안, 액세서리는 고객들 사이에서
include even more fun innovations and items. This is certainly
한창 인기가 있을 것입니다. 특별한 모임이나 행사의 사진
a sector of the business you want to keep your eye on.
촬영이든, 혹은 단지 이 기간 동안 더욱 멋져 보이고 싶은
Especially during the holiday season we are in the midst of, accessories
마음에서든, 자신의 모습이 특별해 보일 수 있도록 포인트를
gain recognition among your customers. They want to accentuate their
줘보세요. 추운 날씨에는 또한 좀 더 몸을 보호할 수 있는
looks in a distinct way for special occasion photos and to feel a little more glamorous during this time of year. The cold weather also calls for protection against the elements. Be sure your store is ready! In this issue we have gathered influential tips both for your everyday business work as well as keeping up with the trends. We hope you enjoy this issue and the Thanksgiving season with your friends, families and
무언가가 필요합니다. 여러분의 매장도 이에 대비해야 합니다! 이번 호에서 저희는 트랜드 따라잡기뿐 아니라 여러분 일상적인 업무에 관해 유익한 팁들을 모아 보았습니다. 추수 감사절 연휴, 친구와 가족 그리고 여러분의 소중한 고객들과 즐거운 시간이 되기를 바랍니다. 온누리에 사랑을 나눠주세요 !
loyal customers. Spread the love!
Editor, 10
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OT OTC O TC Beauty TC Be B eaut au ut y M ut Magazine ag ag aga ga azin ziin zi ne Nov N No November ov vem emb mb be err 2016 2016 20 16
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Expert Advice By Jon McDaniel
The Basics of Skin Care Products Even in the wintertime, your skin is susceptible to UV rays, and therefore sun damage.
While commercials may tell you that you need a slew of expensive creams and salves to have beautiful skin, the truth about great skin is actually found in simplicity. Just like anything else, less is more, and investing in a few basic products that work well for your skin type is much better than spending a ton of money on a wide variety of products. Want to learn more? The following article is here to help, and it outlines the basics of skin care products, including what to look for when buying esthetician products wholesale. Read on for more information. The Basics of Skin Care Products If you know what is best for healthier, youngerlooking skin, and if you are aware of what works best for your skin type, then you will save a lot of money by only investing in products that you know work well. Check out the following list, as it offers the basics in skin care products to help you get started: •
Find out your skin type: The more you know about your skin specifically, the more able you will be to treat any simple conditions you may have or know where to go to find the solutions you will need. You will also save a lot of money when you avoid buying products that will not be effective for your skin type or condition. Not sure what type of skin you have? The typical categories are normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive skin types. If you are still unsure which type you have, there is a variety of quizzes you can take online to determine your skin type and then treat your skin accordingly. • Sunscreen SPF 30 or higher: Every person should invest in a good sunscreen, as sun damage is the leading cause of premature aging, sun
spots, and skin cancer. These are all conditions that most people do not pay much thought to until it is too late, so be proactive now and save your skin for later! You are probably already pretty diligent about slathering yourself with sunscreen while swimming, but are you paying attention to protecting your skin from sun damage on a daily basis? Even in the wintertime, your skin is susceptible to UV rays, and therefore sun damage. Invest in a good facial sunscreen lotion that is SPF 30 or higher, and put it on before you apply makeup or leave the house for the day. •
A night cream containing the essentials: It is never too early to start using night cream, although you will probably notice how essential this product is as you near your 30s. A good night cream doesn’t have to be heavy and can even be applied during the day before you put on your makeup. Night cream should contain vitamin A, retinol, and quite possibly collagen, as these products will rejuvenate your skin and lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It can also reduce puffiness. No night cream or lotion can get rid of wrinkles, but it can go a long way towards reducing their appearance, which is the next best thing!
A good face lotion: Keeping in mind your skin type, search for a good face lotion that will keep your skin hydrated. Healthy skin is hydrated skin, and it is a myth that drying out your skin will get rid of acne. In fact, you will probably aggravate your skin and therefore induce a breakout this way. The key to a good moisturizer is to find one that fits your skin type (not too oily, not too light, etc.) and then use it every day. Speak with an expert before buying to find the right moisturizer for your skin type.
Meet Jon McDaniel Jon McDaniel is a contributing writer to Article courtesy of You can find the article at:
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
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OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Going the Extra Mile Sometimes all it takes to effectively complete a look is the right accessory and/or styling product. Because of this, we have gathered together a multitude of items that can help your customers go the extra mile to reach their individual beauty destinations.
Style Right Moisture is a must-have for healthy, beautiful hair…especially naturally curly locks. The ORS Olive Oil for Naturals Buttermilk Styling Lotion is infused with vital nutrients that lock in moisture and maintain styles with a soft hold, while not weighting curls down. It’s perfect for creating flawless holiday looks!
Hold Tight Once your customers have spent the time getting their hair just right before heading out the door for that holiday party, the finishing touch they must add is a spritz of Rusk’s Anti-Frizz Spray. This hairspray provides all-day humidity resistance by creating an invisible barrier between hair and thick, hot air. It also delivers style control without weighing hair down.
Ultra Straight Just as some of your customers love their naturally curly hair, others may enjoy the smooth and sleek styles that a straightening iron can provide. For these shoppers, offer them the Ultra 1” Ceramic Flat Iron from Andis. It creates smooth, straight, soft styles for all hair types, including synthetic and hair extensions! This tool features 20 variable heat settings. 16
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Smooth Operator This oil truly is a multi-tasking miracle worker. Rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins, SheaMoisture’s 100% Pure Argan Oil is beneficial for both skin and hair. It absorbs quickly to soften and smooth dry hair and skin; it controls frizz and adds healthy shine to hair; and replenishes moisture to help fight the appearance of fine lines, giving skin a youthful glow.
Curl Check Let’s face it, it’s easy for hair to get dry, frizzy, flat or it can even lose a little of its shine and moisture from day to day. Give curls, coils, kinks and waves the renewing boost they need with the Hair Milk Refresher Spray from Carol’s Daughter. This lightweight mist redefines hair without weighing it down.
Color Refresher Looking for a product that can easily color grays, and is made without ammonia and with low peroxide? That’s Bigen’s Easy Color! The easy cream formula quickly brushes in and is rinsed out after 10 minutes, leaving no stains or drips. Customers can also use what they need and save the rest for touch-ups later. It’s perfect for color refreshing!
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Double Up On Drama Ardell’s Top and Bottom Lash Set is now available in Double Up Lashes, which have twice the amount of lashes for a more dramatic look! Double layer style gives your customers a fuller, thicker look. Paired with the bottom set of lashes, their eyes are really going to be popping in all of their photos this holiday season.
Soft Styles Even without barrettes or bows in it, hair can still be considered an accessory all its own. It can be pinned up and pulled back for a polished look, or curled for a more playful ‘do. Regardless of how it’s flaunted, all hair deserves to be soft, free of tangles and able to be styled with ease. The Just for Me Texture Softener No-Lye System can get hair to that point easily. Package shown contains 4 applications.
No Mission Impossible Whether your customers are battling dry skin, chapped lips or even stretch marks and blemishes, we have found the product to help! Butter Sweet’s Cocoa Butter Stick helps relieve all of these woes that can become more prevalent in the winter time. This product is paraben-free.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
M A R K E T PLACE Curl Definition Flaunt those curls! Biotera Ultra Moisturizing Defining Curl Crème-Gel is a texture-enhancing, frizz-fighting cream that intensely hydrates, defines and defrizzes all curl patterns. This formula is enriched with intensely restorative Marula Oil, and infused with beneficial botanicals and extracts. It is also paraben-free.
Sculpt Away
Beautiful Beads Your customers can easily add a little personality and fun to their hair with Brittny Professional’s Hair Shell Beads. Each pack comes with 6 shell beads to add just a touch of distinction to hair styles, or multiple packs can add even more!
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
When men desire a clean, polished look with hair that has incredible texture, hold and control, they should turn to Uncle Jimmy’s Molding Putty. This styler creates lift, texture and separation for unstructured styles and looks. It is made with black seed and honey to keep hair healthy, and also flexible.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
How should you sell it? This month’s selling focus is…
Winter Hair Care!
November through February holds great potential for holiday celebrations of every sort (and photo opportunities galore)! Unfortunately, the cold, harsh winter weather can simultaneously wreak havoc on hair.
What hair hardships can multicultural shoppers face during this season, and what products can they look for in OTC stores to help protect hair from them?
“Multicultural hair tends to require more moisture and deep conditioners in normal, warmer weather. The colder, dryer air of the fall/winter season contributes to additional dryness and hair breakage. To prepare hair for the colder season, I recommend several steps and products. • • •
Use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, followed by a hair steamer for ultimate hair softness and hydration. Fall is also an excellent time to get your ends trimmed. Rid hair of split ends to prevent it from splitting all the way up to your roots, keeping hair healthy. If hair is severely dry or damaged I recommend a protein treatment every six weeks to strengthen and help reduce hair breakage. Include these products and steps in your hair regimen, and you’ll be on the road to hair health.
Lastly, always seek the advice of a professional hair stylist. Have an awesome fall healthy hair season!” Phylencia Taylor, Beauty Consultant and Author, “Evolving Beauty” Shine Beauty Culture Instagram: @PhylenciaTaylor
If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the December issue! 22
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
어떻게 판매할 것인가?
이 달의 판매 초점은 …
겨울철 헤어 케어!
11 월에서 2 월 사이는 모든 종류의 홀리데이 행사(그리고 풍성한 사진 촬영 기회)가 열리기 마련이다! 불행하게도, 춥고 혹독한 겨울 날씨는 이와 동시에 머리를 엉망으로 만들 수도 있다.
이 시즌에 다문화 고객들이 직면할 수 있는 헤어에 관한 어려운 점은 무엇이며, OTC 매장에서는 그들의 모발 보호에 도움이 되는 어떤 제품들을 찾을 수 있을까?
“다문화권 소비자들의 모발은 보통 혹은 따뜻한 날씨에는 보다 많은 보습과 딥 컨디셔너가 필요한 경향이 있습니다. 가을 겨울철의 춥고 건조한 공기는 모발을 더욱 건조하게 하고 손상을 가져올 수 있습니다. 추운 계절을 위한 헤어 관리 준비를 위해서, 여러가지 방법과 제품들을 추천합니다. • •
보습 샴푸와 컨디셔너를 사용한 후, 모발의 최상의 부드러움과 수분 보유를 위해서 헤어 스티머를 사용하라. 가을은 또한 모발 끝을 손질하기에 좋은 시간이다. 갈라진 모발의 끝부분을 정리하여 모발의 뿌리 부분까지 갈라져 올라오는 것을 방지하고 모발을 건강하게 유지해라. 모발이 심하게 건조하고 손상되었다면, 모발의 손상을 줄이고 모발을 강하게 만드는데 도움이 되는 프로틴 트리트먼트를 6주에 한 번씩 하기를 권한다. 당신의 모발 관리에 이런 제품들과 방법들을 적용하다면, 당신의 모발은 늘 건강한 상태를 유지할 것이다.
마지막으로, 항상 전문 헤어 스타일리스트와 상담하세요. 건강한 모발과 함께 멋진 가을 보내길 바랍니다!“
Phylencia Taylor, Beauty Consultant and Author, “Evolving Beauty” Shine Beauty Culture Instagram: @PhylenciaTaylor
이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 12월호에 게재됩니다! 24
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
K t K Knowledge to know By Will Williams
Plopping The Ultimate Wash-and-Go The Universe of Naturally Curly Hair is a great teacher for all who want to understand the complex mystery of curls and waves. A relevant vocabulary has emerged to include terminology unknown or unheard of outside the new frontier of curl discovery. Some new terms that have found their way into the lexicon of Natural Hair Care include “No Poo”, “Pre Poo”, “Pineapple”, and “Plopping.” What is plopping? It is the ultimate wash-and-go. In short it is a styling technique that allows curls to retain their shape as they dry.
Benefits of Plopping Plopping reduces drying time (by soaking up the excess moisture), absorbs excess product (which prevents flaking and gives softer more natural results), and stretches the curls to reduce shrinkage a bit. • Plopping keeps hair in a scrunched position, therefore as it dries it becomes curlier. • Water and product weight can pull down wavy and curly hair, causing it to elongate. Since plopping is anti-gravity, there are no more weighed down curls. • Frizz free curls! • Since the hair mass sits on top of the head, roots are not being pulled down. This gives you a lift at the roots and not a flat crown.
Co-Wash & Go: The Ultimate Plopping
플로핑 궁극의 “머리만 감고 가기” 컬과 웨이브의 복잡한 신비를 이해하고 싶은 사람들에게 자연 곱슬머리는 좋은 교재가 됩니다. 업계 밖의 사람들에게는 생소한 관련 용어들이 생겨 나기 시작했습니다. “노 푸” “프리 푸” “파인애플” “플로핑”등은 자연모 케 어업계에서 사용하는 신조어들의 일부입니다. 플로핑이 무엇입니까? 그것은 궁극의 “머리만 감고 가기” 입니다. 간단히 말해, 그것은 곱슬머리가 건조되면서 원래 모양을 유지하게 되는 스타일 테 크닉입니다.
플로핑의 이점
1. Mist dry hair prior to washing, and use a generous amount of deep conditioning treatment. Work conditioner throughout the hair from ends to root, adding more water if needed. Apply a conditioning cap for 20 minutes. Remove the cap and co–wash hair. (Finger or comb conditioner through hair to detangle.)
플로핑은 (물기를 흡수함으로) 드라이 시간을 줄여주고, 남은 제품들을 흡수하고 (부스러기를 방지하고 좀 더 부드럽고 자연스러운 효과), 또한 컬을 스트레치 함으로 줄어듬을 방지합니다. • 플로핑은 헤어를 구부러진 상태로 지탱해주기에, 머리가 마르면서 더 곱슬거리게 됩니다. • 수분과 제품의 무게가 곱슬머리를 잡아 당겨 늘어나게 할수 있습니다. 플로핑은 중력의 영향을 받지 않기에, 아래로 쳐지는 컬이 없습니다. • 프릿즈(frizz)가 없는 곱슬머리! • 머리카락이 머리 위에 얹히기 때문에, 모근이 잡아 당겨지지 않습니다. 모근에 리프트를 주어 납작하지 않게 됩니다.
2. Rinse thoroughly.
머리만 감고 끝: 궁극의 플로핑
You will need: a curl mist spray or water bottle, a moisture-rich conditioner, Shea & Coconut Oil, a frizz fighter, and a curling custard.
3. Re-apply a lesser amount of conditioner and finger comb to the ends just to make sure hair it is soft and silky. A four-section parting may help you move faster through your hair. Rinse well (80-90%) leaving just a little residual conditioner in the hair. 4. After you get out of the shower, lay a micro fiber towel or t-shirt onto the hair to squeeze out excess water; be sure not to rub. Rubbing causes frizz. Do not use a terry cloth, as it will remove too much moisture. 5. Apply a leave-in conditioner. Apply Oil then a curl cream (For many Naturals, the order is leave-in, oil, then curl cream—which is also known as the LOC method.
준비물: 미스트 스프레이 혹은 물병, 수분이 풍부한 컨디셔너, 시어 와 코코넛 오일, 프리즈 파이터, 그리고 컬링 커스터드. 1.
머리를 감기 전에 미스트 드라이를 한 후, 딥 컨디셔너를 충분히 사용합니다. 컨디셔너를 모근에서 끝까지 충분히 바른후, 필요하면 물을 추가 합니다. 컨디셔닝 캡을 20분간 착용합니다. 캡을 벗고 머리를 감습니다. (손가락이나 빗으로 컨디셔너를 머리에 발라 엉키지 않게 합니다)
충분히 린스를 합니다.
모발이 부드럽도록 적절한 양의 컨디셔너를 바른후 손가락으로 빗질을 해줍니다. 80-90%의 컨디셔너를 헹궈내고 약간만을 모발에 남깁니다.
샤워를 마친 후 극세사 수건이나 티셔츠로 머리에 남은 물기를 짜냅니다. 이때 문지르지 않도록 주의합니다. 문지르게 되면 머리가 곱슬곱슬 해집니다. 일반 수건은 물기를 너무 많이 제거 하기 때문에 쓰시면 안됩니다.
리브-인 컨디셔너를 바릅니다. 오일을 바른후 컬 크림을 겹쳐 바릅니다.
Now, it’s Time to Plop • For longer, thicker hair like 4 B-C, after LOC, gather hair into a loose twostrand twist at the crown. • Lay a t-shirt (long-sleeved works best) or a microfiber towel out on a chair with the sleeves at the end closest to you. 28
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• Flip your head forward, bending at the waist, so that all of your hair is in the center of the towel and on top of your head. • Take the flap of fabric that is behind your head and flip it up over your neck, then tie the long sleeves of the shirt (or extra fabric of your microfiber towel) behind your head in a knot. If you have extra material or used a long-sleeved shirt, wrap the extra length of the sleeves around to the front and tie the ends in a knot. This will make your turban more secure.
So Why the Twist? The big, loose, two-strand twist prior to plopping helps to smooth and clump curls all the way down to the root.
After Plopping, Now What? Finger-curl the hair by putting a small amount of a curl pudding or gel onto the fingers and smooth it lightly down the length of the hair. Then smile, hair toss, and repeat.
(자연모 케어 순서는 리브-인, 오일, 그리고 컬 크림입니다. 앞글자를 따서 LOC 방식이라고 부릅니다)
이제, 플로핑을 할 시간입니다.
• • • •
4 B-C와 같은 길고 두꺼운 머리는 머리 꼭대기에 두 가닥으로 모읍니다. 티셔츠(긴팔이 좋습니다) 혹은 극세사 수건을 의자 위에 올려 놓습니다. 허리를 굽혀 머리를 앞으로 숙여서, 머리카락이 전부 수건의 중앙에 놓이게 합니다. 머리 뒤편의 천을 목뒤로 넘기고, 셔츠의 긴 소매부분을 머리 뒤로 묶습니다. 남은 면이 있다면, 머리 앞편으로 두른후 묶습니다. 이렇게 하면 터번이 더 잘 고정됩니다.
왜 머리를 땋을까요?
프로핑 전에 만든 크고 헐렁한 두줄 꼬임은 곱슬머리를 모근까지 부드럽게 해줍니다.
플로핑 다음엔 무엇을?
손가락에 컬 푸딩이나 젤을 바른후, 머리를 손가락으로 빗고 머리 끝까지 부드럽게 만져줍니다. 그다음엔 미소를 짓고, 머리를 넘기고, 다시 반복합니다.
Meet Will Williams Will Williams is currently the Director of Education for M&M Products Co., a Master Barber, Master Cosmetologist, Public Speaker and Product Developer. Will is a Global Ambassador working with professionals and consumers the world over.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
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K t K Knowledge to know By Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
How Popular is the Press and Curl Market? 프레스와 컬 마켓의 인기는?
y most accounts and first observances we are led to believe that of the three basic professional services performed in black beauty salons, the relaxer is the most popular. This is because relaxers represent 80% of the services performed. The other two services are the Curly Perm and the Press and Curl. Actually, the Press and Curl is almost as popular as relaxers, but the market place is not for the most part in the salons. Consider the following facts: • Pressing and Curling represents over 40% of black hair care of women and girls (professionally and home care) • The remaining 55-60% belongs to the relaxers (for the most part) and the Curly Perm I do not intend to confuse you with conflicting statistics, because I just stated that 80% of services in black salons are the relaxer. This is true, however many of these hair rearrangements are not done in salons. The truth is that only about 30% of Press and Curls are done professionally in salons. A much larger percentage of relaxers are done in salons. The Curly Perms that were very popular from the late 70s throughout the entire 80s and early 90s has now tapered down to less than 10%. In its hay day it ranked about even with relaxers. The Press and Curl market remained stable and consistent throughout this period, although most of the Curl market was drawn from the Press market because the Curly Perm could not be executed on relaxed hair, due to chemical and irreversible changes on relaxed hair. When the Curly Perm market toned down, much of that market returned to the Press & Curl and popular natural styles, but not in salons. The Curly Perm gave rise to the popularity of the “unisex salons” because many of the Curly Perms were performed on males in beauty salons. This is a large reason why the Curly Perm nearly equaled the number of relaxers being done in black salons. When the popularity of the Curly Perm reached its peak, then subsided, most of the unisex business went with it. There are basically two reasons for the lack of more of the Press and Curl business being performed in salons: 1. The majority of non-black-owned salons do not offer this service. 2. Most cosmetology schools are not required by the State Board to instruct the practicality of this service. In fact, most of them do not even have the equipment to render or teach this service. However, schools that have a large black clientele and student base do offer this procedure as a matter of economic necessity. Most State Boards only require the school to touch on the subject as reflected in one
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
많은 자료들에 의하면, 흑인 미용실에서 제공하는 3가지 기본 서비스 중 가장 인기가 많은 것은 릴렉서 입니다. 릴렉서는 미용실에서 구매되는 서비스의 80%를 차지하기 때문입니다. 다른 두 종류 서비스는 컬리 펌과 프레스 앤 컬 입니다. 사실, 프레스 앤 컬은 릴렉서와 비슷할 정도로 인기가 좋지만, 대다수의 미용실에서는 시행하고 있지 않습니다.
다음의 사실들을 봐 보세요 • 흑인 여성들의 40%(집에서 혹은 미용실에서)이 프레싱 앤 컬을 하고 있습니다. • 나머지 55-60%는 릴렉서(대부분)와 컬리 펌 모순되는 통계자료로 헷갈리게 해드리고 싶지 않습니다. 저는 이미 흑인 미용실에서 행해지는 서비스의 80%가 릴렉서라고 말을 했습니다. 그것은 사실이지만, 헤어 스타일링이 전부 미용실에서 이루어지는 것은 아닙니다. 사실 프레스 앤 컬의 30%만이 미용실에서 서비스되고 있습니다. 반면 대부분의 릴렉서는 미용실에서 이루어집니다. 컬리 펌은 70년대 후반부터 80년, 그리고 90년대 초반까지 대단한 인기를 자랑했지만 현재는 10% 미만으로 떨어졌습니다. 전성기엔 릴렉서와 대등하게 인기 있었습니다. 직모에는 화학적인 영구적 변화를 가져 오기 때문에 컬리 펌은 직모에는 할 수 없었음에도, 프레스 앤 컬 시장은 이 시기 동안 꾸준했습니다. 컬리 펌 시장이 수그러들었을 때, 시장은 대부분 프레스 앤 컬로 돌아왔지만 미용실에서는 그러지를 못했습니다. 컬리펌은 “유니섹스 미용실”의 성장에 한 몫을 했습니다. 왜냐면 많은 수의 컬리펌은 미용실의 남성 고객을 대상으로 이루어졌기 때문입니다. 이것이 흑인 미용실에서 컬리펌이 릴렉서와 대등한 점유율을 갖게 된 이유입니다. 컬리펌의 인기는 전성기를 기록하고 다시 수그러들었고, 유니섹스 비즈니스도 그와 궤를 같이 했습니다. 다음은 프레스 앤 컬 비즈니스가 미용실에서 행해지지 않는 두 가지 기본적인 이유입니다. 1.
대부분의 비흑인 미용실은 그 서비스를 제공하지 않습니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
chapter of the textbook. The students are not required to know the practical (or hands-on) aspect of Pressing and Curling. Most State Boards do not even test the students on this service, other than one or two questions on the subject on one of the tests performed. As a result, many students graduating from such schools seek this know-how from other black beauticians (most of whom are from the old schools) because they find they cannot perform this service for the large number of potential customers who seek them out. The fact is, somewhere between 40% and 60% of black female women and children require the Press and Curl hair style; and every year there are fewer black professionals who know this aspect of black hair care. As a result, most of this potential beauty shop service is done at home by non-professionals instead of in salons where it belongs. In a recent survey, I observed that potential new patrons cannot tell by looking in the windows of most black-owned and operated beauty salons whether or not the services of pressing and curling are offered. There are no signs or posters in the windows created by manufacturers, advocating professional Press and Curl products. As a result most people will not come in and request a service that may generate a negative response or make them appear to be old fashioned, or out of step with what’s happening today. Advertising plays a major role in determining what people buy and use. So since such media advertising and posters have all but disappeared from the public scene, the consumer is left to believe that such products and services have also disappeared. Cosmetologists with a majority of black clientele who do not offer this service are ignoring 1/3 of their potential customers. You only have to check the cosmetic counters in most major retail stores (other than beauty supply stores) that display a wide variety of hair care products aimed at the black consumer. You will observe that over 1/3 of their shelf space is used to display products that are used by people who press and curl their hair. If these products did not sell well, the retailer would not devote so much of their valuable shelf space to this need. This is further proof that the majority of this service is being performed in the home rather than in beauty salons.
정부 면허 취득을 하는 데에 있어 위 서비스를 필수로 요구하지 않기 때문입니다.
사실 대부분의 경우엔 위 서비스를 제공하거나 교육할만한 장비를 갖추고 있지도 않습니다. 그렇지만 흑인 고객이나 학생이 다수인 학교에서는 경제적인 이유로 위 시술을 제공하기도 합니다. 대부분의 정부 자격증은 학교들이 위 주제를 교과서의 한 챕터정도로 다룰 것만을 요구합니다. 학생들은 실무적인 (혹은 직접적인) 프레싱 앤 컬링을 알 필요가 없습니다. 결과적으로, 졸업생들의 다수는 다른 흑인 미용사들의 노하우를 따로 전수받기를 원합니다. 그들은 스스로는 고객들이 원하더라도 이 시술을 할 능력이 없기 때문입니다. 중요한 사실은 40-60%의 흑인 여성들과 어린이들은 프레스 앤 컬 헤어스타일을 필요로 합니다. 그리고 매년 이 기술을 익힌 흑인 미용사들의 수는 줄어 갑니다. 결국 이 중요한 시술은 집에서 아마츄어들에 의해 행해진다는 것입니다. 최근의 설문조사에 따르면, 미용실들이 프레싱 앤 컬링 서비스를 제공하는지 외관상으로 알수 없다는 사실을 알게 되었습니다. 포스터나 광고가 붙어있지도 않았고, 프로페셔널 프레스 앤 컬 제품들을 홍보하지도 않았습니다. 결과적으로 많은 사람들은 유행이 지난 지도 모르는 서비스를 받는 것을 꺼려하게 됩니다. 광고는 사람들이 구매하고 싶은 것을 결정하는데 큰 영향을 줍니다. 대중들의 시선에서 그런 광고들이 사라져버림으로, 고객들은 그 서비스와 상품들이 존재하지 않다고 믿게 됩니다. 이 서비스를 제공하지 않는 흑인 미용실들은 1/3의 고객들을 잃게 되는 것입니다. 흑인 미용상품을 판매하는 주요 소매상의 다양한 광고를 보면 알게 될 것입니다. 약 1/3 의 공간을 프레스 앤 컬 된 머리를 가지고 있는 고객들을 겨냥한 상품들로 채워져 있다는 것을 알게 될 것입니다. 이런 제품들이 잘 팔리지 않는다면 상점들은 그들의 소중한 공간을 그런 것들로 채우지 않을 것입니다. 이것은 프레스 앤 컬 서비스의 대다수가 미용실이 아닌 가정집에서 행해지고 있다는 또 다른 증거가 될 것입니다.
Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-283-7118.
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K t K Knowledge to know By Trayvaughn Ferguson
ven with a strict regimen, women of all hair patterns, textures, and lengths continue to struggle with excessively dry, brittle hair. Following several consultations with clients, I was shocked to learn that a large number of them still used cotton scarfs or caps to wrap their hair at night. During the consultations, it became apparent that many were unaware of the detriment cotton was causing to their strands as they sleep. As we continued to discuss tips and trick to improve the overall health of their hair, I recommended that they exchange cotton for a satin cap, bonnet, or wrap to prevent breakage, retain moisture, and increase the longevity of their style. Unlike cotton scarfs and caps, satin wraps, bonnets, and caps actually protect the hair from damage that could occur due to friction while sleeping. While asleep with a cotton cap or scarf on, friction occurs from the strands rubbing against the course material, resulting in snagging and breakage in certain areas of the hair. Whereas satin caps, bonnets, and wraps provide a smooth surface, allowing their hair to move without ripping the strands from the scalp. It is also important to mention that satin provides a huge benefit for women with curls, kinks, and coils who experience frequent knots. The satin material of caps, wraps and bonnets permits the curls to glide easily, prohibiting the strands from tangling with themselves, leading to less damage overtime. As mentioned previously, the major complaint women have is suffering from extremely dry and brittle hair. Cotton material has a tendency to strip the hair of its natural oils which causes the hair to appear dehydrated and dull. On the contrary, satin material preserves the natural oils of the hair, maintaining moisture longer. Retention 36
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
미인은 잠꾸러기란 말의 진정한 뜻 of moisture is vital in a healthy hair journey because it hydrates and strengthens the strands as the hair grows longer in length. This is why brands infuse their caps, wraps, and bonnets with essential oils such as jojoba oil and olive oil. Although adverting damage and maintaining soft shiny tresses are key benefits of the satin material, it is important to mention that satin products do an excellent job of maximizing the durability a style as well. Because satin is a breathable material it allows air to circulate the scalp. This is crucial for women who suffer from night sweats. As a result, frizz or roughing of the cuticles is reduced and the style remains intact for a prolong period of time. Stylist Tip: For women with long curly hair or head full of hair, try a technique called “pineappling.” This technique involves placing all of the hair firmly at the top of the head. “Pineappling” in conjunction with a satin wrap, or scarf around the perimeter secures the style in place. However, for women who find tying their hair up every single night a tedious process, it might be wise to invest in a few satin pillow cases. Similar to other satin products, pillowcases do not tug on the strands or absorb the oils of the scalp like traditional cotton pillowcases. Additionally, women who use this type of pillowcase have reported that satin has been
beneficial to the delicate skin of the face. They said they notice less sleep lines and folds when sleeping at night. They have also reported that the skin on their face has felt softer and smoother when they awake the next day. Whether flaunting curls, waves, kinks, coils or relaxed hair, every woman's goal is to grow and maintain long, healthy hair. By implementing products like satin bonnets, caps, and wraps into their nightly routine, dry, brittle hair will become a thing in the past.
____________________ 엄격하게 관리를 할지라도, 과다 건조하고 부스러지는 모든 형태의 헤어스타일은 어려움이 많습니다. 몇몇의 고객들과 상담을 해본 후에 저는 그들이 아직도 면 스카프나 모자등으로 밤에 머리를 감싼다는 사실에 놀랐습니다. 모발 건강을 위한 상담을 계속하며, 저는 고객들이 수분유지와 부스러짐 방지를 위해선 면대신 새틴 보닛, 혹은 랩등을 사용하기를 권장하고 있습니다. 면 스카프나 면 모자와 달리, 새틴 랩, 보넷, 그리고 모자들은 수면 동안의 마찰로 인한 모발 손상을 막아줍니다. 면 모자나 스카프를 착용하고 잠을 자는 동안, 모발은 거친 표면에 쓸리게 되고, 머리의 일부분이 손상되게 됩니다. 반면 새틴 모자, 보넷, 혹은 랩등은 표면이 더 부드럽기에 마찰이 적습니다. 또한 새틴은 곱슬머리, 구부러진 머리, 혹은 자주 엉키는 머리를 가진 여성들에게 특히 좋습니다. 모자, 랩, 보넷의 새틴은 곱슬머리가 쉽게 미끄러지게
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
K t K Knowledge to know By Kenny Duncan
해주고, 엉킴을 막아줍니다. 전에 말한 것과 같이, 여성들은 과하게 건조하거나 부스러진 머리에 대한 불만이 많습니다. 면 재질은 자연적인 기름기를 빼앗아 가기 때문에 머리가 건조해지고 부스러지게 됩니다. 반면 새틴 재질은 모발의 천연 유분을 지키고 수분을 더 오래 유지합니다. 수분은 건강한 머리결에 아주 중요합니다. 머리가 자라면서 가닥에 힘을 받게 해주기 때문입니다. 브랜드들이 모자, 랩, 보넷등에 호호바 오일이나 올리브 오일같은 에센션 오일을 포함시키는 이유입니다. 새틴 재질의 또 다른 이점은 스타일의 유지
입니다. 새틴은 통풍 가능한 재질이기 때문에 두피에 공기를 공급해줍니다. 이것은 잠자리에서 땀을 흘리는 여성들에게 아주 중요합니다. 결과적으로, 모발이 거칠어지지 않고 긴 시간동안 스타일을 유지시켜 줍니다. 스타일 팁: 긴 곱슬머리를 가진 여성이나 머리숱이 많은 분들은 “파인애플”이라는 기법을 사용해보세요. 이 테크닉은 머리를 머리 위에 단단히 묶고, 새틴 랩이나 스카프를 더해서 스타일을 유지시키는 기법입니다. 하지만, 매일 밤 머리를 묶는 것은 귀찮은 일입니다. 몇 가지 새틴 베게 커버에 투자하는
것이 현명한 일일지 모릅니다. 다른 새틴 제품과 마찬가지로, 새틴 베게 커버는 면 베게 커버처럼 머리의 기름기를 흡수하거나 머리가 엉키게 하지 않습니다. 또한 이 베게 커버를 사용하는 여성은 얼굴 피부에도 긍정적인 효과를 가져온다고 말합니다. 수면시에 피부에 주름이 덜 생기는 것을 느끼게 됩니다. 컬, 웨이브, 꼬임이나 땋은 머리, 혹은 생머리에 이르기 까지. 모든 여성들의 목표는 길고 건강한 머리를 기르고 유지하는 것입니다. 새틴 보넷, 캡, 그리고 랩을 매일 밤 사용함으로 건조하고 부스스한 머리와 작별할 수 있습니다.
Meet Trayvaughn Ferguson Trayvaughn Ferguson is a 21-year-old licensed cosmetologist who concentrates on product knowledge to promote healthy hair growth in his clients. Currently, he is the beauty representative for Cindy Tawiah’s product line, Diva by Cindy.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Business Tips By Randall Bell, Ph.D.
The Four Cornerstones of a Great Business 성공하는 사업체의 4가지 주춧돌 Throughout the world, majestic structures stand as legacies to history’s greatest
세계 각지의 위대한 왕조나 제국들은 대개 그들을 상징하는
empires and civilizations. The castles of medieval Europe, the aqueducts of the Roman
웅장한 건축물들이 있습니다. 중세 유럽의 성, 로마 제국의
Empire, the temples of Ancient Greece, the Great Wall of China, the pyramids of
수로, 고대 그리스의 성전, 중국의 만리장성, 고대 이집트의
Ancient Egypt—these structures still awe and inspire wonder centuries after they were constructed. Though they are found all over the world and include cathedrals, bridges, opera houses, pyramids, and towers, they all have one element in common. All of the world’s greatest structures rest on a solid foundation. And the integrity of every foundation depends on its four cornerstones.
피라미드. 이들은 건설된지 수세기가 지난 후에도 감탄과 경탄을 자아냅니다.
교회, 다리, 오페라 하우스, 피라미드, 탑등의
다른 형태를 가지고 있지만, 이들은 모두 하나의 공통된 요소를 가지고 있습니다. 세계의 위대한 건축물들은 모두 건실한 기초에 기반해 있습니다.
The Four Cornerstones Cornerstones were chiseled one hammer swing at a time. Nobody really knows the origins of the term “fair and square,” but it most likely comes from the construction
그리고 그 기초들의 바탕엔 네가지의 주춧돌들이 있습니다.
of cornerstones. “Fair” refers to rock—that it is free of cracks. “Square” means that the
네가지 주춧돌
stone is perfectly cut and that the corners are at right angles. It is hard work to make
주춧돌은 수 없는 망치질로 다져집니다. “페어 와 스퀘어(공명
a cornerstone, which then
정대)”란 말의 어원은 알려져 있지 않지만, 그것은 주춧돌의 건설
작업에서 유래되었다는 의견이 있습니다.
unnoticed. But laying a solid foundation
what is built will last. It is hard work, but it is worth it. Great businesses, like buildings, must have a solid foundation. And
Great businesses, like buildings, must have a solid foundation. And the foundation of a great business is only as strong as its four cornerstones.
the foundation of a great business is only as strong as its four cornerstones. Often businesses are thought of
“페어”는 금가지 않은 바위를 뜻합니다. 직각으로 다듬어진 돌을 가르킵니다.
“스퀘어”는 네면이
주춧돌을 만드는것은
어려운 작업이고, 그것들은 대부분 보이지 않는 지하에 묻혀있습니다. 하지만 든든한 기초가 없는 건축물은 오래가지 않습니다. 어렵지만 가치가 있는 작업입니다. 성공한 사업체는 건축물과 같아 건실한 기초가 반드시 필요합니다. 그 기초는 4가지 주춧돌의 견실함에 따라 결정이 됩니다. 사업체는 하나의 일만을 잘하면 되는 존재로 인식되는 경우가 많습니다. 하나의 주춧돌만을 가진 건물이 곧 무너질수
as single entities that must do one thing well to succeed. Just as a building with one
밖에 없듯, 사업체는 하나의 주춧돌만으로 존재할수 없습니다.
cornerstone would collapse, a business cannot succeed with only one cornerstone, no
모든 사업체에는 4가지의 요소가 필수적인데, 그 4가지는 바로
matter how strong. There must be four elements in a business’ foundation. The four cornerstones of a business can be summed up as Me, We, Do, Be.
나, 우리, 실행, 존재하다 입니다.
The Me Cornerstone
“나” 주춧돌
When you are building the Me cornerstone, you are building knowledge and wisdom.
“나” 주춧돌을 만드는것은 지식과 지혜를 만드는것입니다.
You focus on your thoughts, feelings, and attitudes. Building the Me cornerstone of a
당신은 당신의 생각, 감정, 그리고 태도에 집중을 합니다. “나”
business means that you don’t just conduct business day-to-day and react to whatever
주춧돌을 만든다는것은, 사업체를 운영하는데 있어 일상적인
comes up, but that you listen, learn, and carefully choose your direction. You should spend time in deep thought to develop intellectually, spiritually, and philosophically. It’s
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
상황에 반응하는것이 아니라, 듣고 배우며, 신중히 나아갈 방향을 선택한다는 뜻이 됩니다. 당신은 지적, 영적, 철학적인
Great businesses, like buildings, must have a solid foundation. And the foundation of a great business is only as strong as its four cornerstones.
important to take time to turn off all the noise, knowing that great insights
발전을 위한 시간이 필요합니다. 당신을 가이드 해줄 위대한 통찰력이 당신
already reside inside of you if only you take the time to listen.
안에 존재하고 있음을 인지해야 합니다.
For a business, this could mean taking some quiet time at the start of every day to reflect on the mission of the company and to plan for the day. Common signs of a weak Me cornerstone in a business include an arrogant, know-it-all attitude, a confused company mission, and a widespread sense
사업체 운영에 있어서, 이것은 매일 아침 시간을 내어 기업이 나아갈 방향에 대해 사색하고 그 날 하루를 계획하는것을 뜻합니다.“나” 주춧돌이 약한 기업의 특징은 거만함, 불분명한 목표, 영적 빈곤함 등이 있습니다. “
of spiritual poverty. The signs that a business has a strong Me cornerstone
나” 주춧돌이 강한 기업의 특징은 기업의 모든 사람들이 끊임없이 배우고,
are that everybody at the company is continually learning, people know why
직원들은 그들의 업무의 목적을 알고 있으며, 그들의 업무가 다수의 이익을
they are doing the work they are doing, and they see their work as service to
위한 것임을 이해하고 있다는 것입니다.
a greater cause.
The We Cornerstone
“우리” 주춧돌
When you are building relationships, you are within the We cornerstone. Here
인간관계를 만들어 가는것은 “우리” 주춧돌의 영역입니다. 당신은 적절한
you connect with the right people and build your circle of success. Within
사람들과 인맥을 쌓고 성공의 인간관계를 만들어갑니다. 이 주춧돌에서
this cornerstone we develop culturally, sociologically, and influentially. You
우리는 문화적, 사회적 영향력을 계발합니다. 당신의 사회적 자산을
build social capital and avoid toxic people. You recognize that the most
쌓아가고 해악한 사람을 피합니다. 세상에서 가장 중요한 힘이 친절임을
important force on the earth is kindness. In a business, this means showing appreciation to staff, vendors, and customers who make the business run. A weak We cornerstone shows
자각합니다. 비즈니스에서
up as poor morale, a breakdown in communication, and widespread
표하는것입니다. “우리” 주춧돌이 약할때는, 낮은 사기, 커뮤니케이션
conformity. In a business with a strong We cornerstone, there is an energetic
부재, 그리고 관습에 젖은 모습등이 나타납니다. 강한 “우리”주춧돌이 있는
and elevated spirit, a creative and expressive team, and everybody knows and
사업체에서는, 전체적인 에너지가 상승되고, 창의적이고 감정을 표출하며,
embraces their unique style.
각자의 독특한 스타일을 받아들입니다.
The Do Cornerstone You are building the Do cornerstone when you build productivity. The Do
“실행” 주춧돌
cornerstone includes the physical, financial and environmental aspects of
생산성을 높히는것은 “실행” 주춧돌을 건설하는것입니다. “실행” 주춧돌은
a business. In the context of a business, the Do cornerstone means adding
사업체의 재정적, 환경적, 또는 물질적인 요소들을 포함합니다. 사업
value to the company, customers, and clients and producing quality products
경영에 있어서는, “실행” 주춧돌은 기업과, 고객과, 손님들에게 가치를
and services. It also means staying healthy, keeping to the budget, and maintaining a pleasant office space. A weak Do cornerstone shows up as bad health, debt, and clutter. Signs of a strong Do cornerstone are that you are in shape, adding value, and keeping your spaces clean, tidy, and pleasant.
더해주고 고품질의 서비스와 제품을 생산하는것입니다. 그것은 또한 건강관리, 재무관리, 그리고 좋은 사무실 공간을 유지하는것을 뜻합니다. “실행” 주춧돌이 취약할 때는, 건강상태와 재무상태가 나쁘며 분위기가 어수선합니다. 좋은 “실행” 주춧돌은 좋은 건강, 가치 취득, 그리고 당신의
The Be Cornerstone
공간을 깨끗하고 기분좋게 유지하는것을 의미합니다.
The Be cornerstone is where you build the future of your business. This is where you develop and set goals, manage your time, and document your achievements. Ultimately, with this cornerstone, you contribute to building
“존재하다” 주춧돌
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Business Tips By Dr. Randall Bell
something bigger than yourself and your day-to-day work. This is where you
“존재하다”주춧돌은 당신의 기업체의 미래를 설계하는것입니다. 당신이
break out of your comfort zone, set goals, and create something timeless.
목표를 새우고, 시간 관리하고, 업적을 기록해두는것입니다. 궁극적으로, 이
A weak Be cornerstone shows up as aimless wandering, poor
주춧돌은 당신은 당신의 일상 업무와 당신 자신보다 더 큰것을 건설합니다.
execution, and shortsighted, selfish decisions. Signs of a strong Be cornerstone include clearly stated goals, executing goals, and a strong sense of history.
당신의 익숙한 타성에서 벗어나고, 목표를 설정하고, 영원한것을 창조합니다. 약한 “존재하다” 주춧돌은, 목적없는 방황, 부족한 추진력, 근시안적인 시야, 이기적인 결정으로 표출됩니다. 강한 “존재하다” 주춧돌은 분명한 목적,
Finding Balance Cutting
추진력, 그리고 과거 기록의 보존들입니다.
disastrous. History books are full of examples of buildings, people, businesses, and governments that ignored one or
균형잡기 지름길을 선택하는것은 좋지않습니다. 역사책은 이 주춧돌을 무시한 건물,
more of these cornerstones. The initial
사람, 기업, 그리고 정부로 가득합니다. 초기의 결과는 기업 문화에 무언가가
result is a feeling of something just not
옳지 않음으로 나타나고, 결과는 대부분 멸망입니다.
being right in the company culture. The end result is often collapse.
많은 사람들은 “나” 주춧돌에서 멈춥니다. 사람들은 그들의 생각과 느낌에서 벗어나질 않습니다. 프로페셔널 모임들은 “우리” 주춧돌에서 정체되어,
Many people tend to get stuck in the Me cornerstone. They never go beyond their own thoughts and feelings. Professional organizations often get stuck in the We cornerstone and become social gatherings that do not build wisdom, produce anything, or contribute to anything greater than
건설적이지 않으며, 그들 자신의 생존과 돈벌이에서 멈춰버린 사회적 모임이 되버립니다. 정부 기관은 “존재하다” 주춧돌에서 멈추고, 그들의 업적을 보존하는 노력외에 다른것을 하지 않습니다.
their own survival and funding. Many government institutions get stuck in the Be cornerstone and accomplish little besides attempting to preserve their
순간을 소중히
own legacy.
마찬가지로, 많은 비즈니스들은 “실행” 주춧돌에서 멈춰버립니다. 그들은 바쁜 것이 능률적인 것이라 착각하고, 지혜, 인맥, 그리고 업적보다는
Making It Count Likewise, many businesses tend to get stuck in the Do cornerstone. They
생산성에만 집중합니다. 짧은 시기에는 효과를 볼수 잇지만, 장기적으로
mistake busyness for business and focus on productivity at the expense of
봤을때 그것은 실패의 지름길입니다. 장기간의 성공을 위해선 4가지
wisdom, connection, and legacy. This may work in the short term, but in
주춧돌이 모두 든든하게 지탱해줘야 합니다.
the long run it is a recipe for failure. For success in the long run, all four cornerstones must be solidly in place. The slow, difficult process of building each of these four cornerstones of Me,
나, 우리, 실행, 존재하다 라는 4가지 주춧돌을 건설하는것은 느리고 어려운
We, Do, Be is not always glorious and often they may go unnoticed for years.
과정이며, 몇년동안 눈에 띄지 않을수도 있습니다. 하지만 길게 봤을때 이
But in the long run these four cornerstones form the foundation of a great
것들은 훌륭한 기업체를 만드는 기반이 되어줍니다.
Meet Dr. Randall Bell Dr. Randall Bell is a socio-economist, speaker and author of “Rich Habits Rich Life.” He has consulted on such cases as the World Trade Center, Flight 93 Crash Site and OJ Simpson. His work has generated billions of dollars to build lives and communities by documenting the poor habits that lead to disaster—and the rich habits that lead to transformation and growth. For more information on Dr. Randall Bell, please visit
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Business Tips By Tabitha Odell
Tips for Beauty Store Owners 뷰티 매장주들을 위한 팁 The beauty industry is exceptionally competitive. As an entrepreneur, competing with the prices that the bigger stores offer can be a challenge; however you can get clients in different ways other than prices alone. Discovering your niche gets you known in your area as being a specialist or pro in a specific zone and can drive a particular group away from the larger, more generalized stores and straight into yours. Building your notoriety in this area, as well as being known for a greatly proficient staff, can be precisely what you need to find that competitive edge. Beauty supply businesses stock diverse sorts of hair, skin and cosmetic products. Such stores are common all across the country in cities large and small, and they can also be found via the Internet. Notwithstanding serving consumers, some beauty supply businesses also stock products for experts, such as cosmetologists, cosmetics specialists, and aestheticians. Here are a couple of tips for beauty supply store owners:
뷰티 산업은 경쟁이 매우 치열하다. 매장 운영주로서, 대형 매장이 제공하는
1. Consider taking a few business classes at a local college or night school. Learn as much as you can before inundating yourself
가격 경쟁은 경쟁에서 살아남기에 어려운 점이 될 수도 있다. 그러나 단지 가격이 아닌 다른 방법으로도 고객들의 발길을 돌릴 수 있다. 틈새 시장을 발견하면, 당신이 위치한 지역에서 특정 분야의 전문가로서 자신을 알릴 수 있고 대규모 일반화된 매장으로부터 특정한 그룹의 고객들을 유치하여 당신의 고객으로 전환시킬 수가 있다. 확실히 숙련된 직원 뿐 아니라, 지역에서 자신의 평판까지도 확실히 구축하는 것이 경쟁력을 찾는데 반듯이 필요한 것이다. 뷰티 서플라이 사업은 헤어, 스킨 및 화장품 등 다양한 종류를 공급한다. 그런 매장들은 전국 중소 도시 어디서나 공통적이며, 또한 인터넷을 통해서도 찾아볼 수 있다. 소비자들을 위한 제품 공급은 물론, 일부 뷰티서플라이 사업은 미용사, 화장품 전문가, 그리고 피부 관리사 등 전문가용 제품도 공급한다. 다음은 뷰티 스토어 매장 주인들을 위한 몇 가지 조언들이다:
가능한 많이 배워라. 처음에는 소규모 사업을 시작해서 관리하고 그 다음으로 뷰티 회사를 고려하라. 어떤 수업도 듣기가 힘들 경우에는, 도서관이나 인터넷을 통해 뷰티 서플라이 매장이나 뷰티 서플라이 산업에 관한 자료를 가능한 많이 활용해라.
있는가? 당신이 제시하는 항목의 정도는 당신이 이윤을 남기기 시작하면서 확장될 수 있지만, 그 전까지는 견고하고 신뢰할 수 있는 몇 가지 브랜드와 약간의 몇몇 와일드 카드만으로 엄격한 재고 라인을 유지해야 한다.
3. Are you interested in selling extravagant products, skin care products, hair products, or ethnic centered products? The measure of items you offer can be expanded once you start to make a profit, but until then keep the lines you stock restricted to a couple of solid and trusted brands, and perhaps a few wild cards.
당신의 타겟 시장을 구별하라. 호화스러운 제품, 스킨 케어 제품, 헤어 제품 혹은 특정 인종을 겨냥한 제품을 판매할 의향이
into the business world. Consider that you will be running and maintainig a small business to start with first, and a beauty company second. In the event that you can’t make it to any classes, find out as much as you can by utilizing library books or scan the web for books on the best way to open a beauty supply store or beauty supply institutes as references.
2. Identify your target market.
지역 대학이나 야간 학교에서 몇 가지 비즈니스 수업을 들어라. 비즈니스 세계로 스스로를 내던지기 전에
당신의 고객을 파악하라.
고객들과 대화를 해라. 그들이
당신의 매장에 왔을 때 무엇을 찾는지를 파악해라. 그들이 찾고 있는 것을 당신의 매장에서 찾았는지 제품이 진열된 방법때문에 어려움을 겪지는 않았는지 물어봐라. 당신이 취급하지 않는 제품을 그들이 찾고 있는가? 그것이 무엇인지 그리고 매장에 반드시 보유해야만 하는 것인지 알아봐라. 혹시 그들이 원하는 것을 다른 것으로 대체할 수 있는지 물어봐라. 매장 직원들을 교육해라. 그들은 제품에 관해 잘
3. Know your customer. Spend time talking with your customers;
알고 고객들의 질문에 답할 수 있어야 한다. 특정 제품에 관해 사용이
find out what they are looking for when they come into your store. Ask if they can find what they are looking for or if they have a hard time with the way the items are arranged. Are they looking for something you don’t
적합한 사람과 적합하지 않은 사람을 알고 있어야 어떤 제품이 어떤
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
스타일에 가장 잘 어울리는지를 알 수가 있다.
OT O OTC TC T C Beauty Be B eaut aut au uty M Magazine ag a aga gazzin ga ziin ine N No Nov November ov ovemb em e mber mb ber er 2 20 2016 01 16 6
47 47
Business Tips By Tracey C. Jones
carry? Find out what that is and if you should add it to your stock. Ask if there is something that they would change if possible. Educate your store employees, they should know the products and be able to answer customer questions; knowing who should or shouldn’t use certain products, which product is best to achieve certain styles, etc.
다른 미용 재료 매장, 사람들, 온라인 그리고 잡지 등에서 다른 제품들을 조사해라. 당신의 고객이 좋아하는 것을 찾아라. 뷰티 비즈니스는 여성들을 기반으로 하여, 여성들이 자신의 미적 열망을 위해 참고하며 사용하는 것들을 조사하는데 관심을 집중할 필요가 있다. 당신의 주 고객들 사이에서 가장 인기있는 제품을 파악해서, 매장에서 반드시 취급해야 하는 제품이 무엇인지를
4. Research different products at other beauty supply stores, in person, online and in magazines. Discover what your customers like. Your business is based on women and you need to focus your research on the things that women use as reference to create their beatuy aspirations. It is very important that you keep up with what is the “hottest” item for your core customer, so you know what you should be carrying in your store. This will enable you to make sure you are carrying what your customer is looking for and brings her to your store.
5. Keep track of everything. This includes budgets, product info,
아는 것은 아주 중요하다. 이것은 고객들이 찾고 있는 제품을 당신의 매장이 확실히 보유함으로써 그들을 당신의 매장으로 들어오게 할 수가 있다.
이것은 예산, 제품 정보, 빌딩, 사업
라이센스 정보, 그리고 모든 것을 포함한다. 무언가를 지속적으로 추적하는 것은 이제 더이상 의미가 없는 것처럼 보일 수 있지만, 몇 달간 진행하다보면 당신이 해 오던 것에 기뻐하게 될 것이다.
building, and business license information, everything. Keeping track of some things may seem meaningless now, yet a couple of months down the line you will be pleased you did.
6. Overstocking. Try not to overstock with useless items just to fill rack
모든 것을 추적하라.
과잉 보유.
단지 진열대를 채우기 위해 제품들을 과도하게 많이
보유하지 말아라. 시장에서는 수량보다 품질이 더 중요하다. 당신의 고객들이 찾게 될 제품을 보유하면 그것이 지속적으로 고객을 만들게 될 것이다.
space. Quality matters more than quantity in this market sector. Carry what your clients will be searching for and it will make them repeat customers.
재고 관리는 중요한 문제이다. 지나치게 많거나 혹은 너무
모자라는 재고는 문제가 될 수 있다. 적절한 수량과 제품 혼합을 찾는 것이 성공의 핵심이 될 것이다. 제품은 판매할 수 있는 제품이어야 한다. 움직이지 않는 제품은 재정적 손실일 뿐이다. 이것을 염두에
7. Inventory. Managing inventory is a major issue for stores. Too much or
두고 적절한 제품 주문 방법을 사용해야 한다. 이것은 당신의
too little could be a problem. Finding the right mixture and volume will be the key to your success. You must be able to move your inventory; having stock that doesn’t move is lost money. You must be mindful and use a reasonable method of ordering your stock. This is where your research comes in and will help you determine what to carry and when. Some items you will only need to carry seasonally, others yearround.
조사를 통해 이뤄지는 것이며, 언제 어떤 제품을 보유해야 할 지를 결정하는데 도움이 될 것이다. 어떤
어떤 제품들은 연중 보유해야 할 수도 있다.
8. 매장을 쇼핑하기 쉬운 곳으로 만들어라. 제품을 쉽고 편하게 찾을 수 있도록 만들어진 뷰티 스토어
그만큼 유리하며, 절대적으로 필요하기도 매장은 완벽하고
8. Make your store easy to shop. Orderly beauty supply store shelves that make finding products easy and convenient are advantageous and an absolute necessity. Your store should be perfect and alluring at all times. Stock your beauty supply displays with the latest products to demonstrate to your client that you are relevant and up-todate with the newest trends. The beauty industry needs the old standbys; however it is critical to also keep up with the next trend.
시즌에만 보유할 필요가 있고,
하다. 모든
당신의 제품들을
진열해야 한다. 고객들에게 보여줄 수 있는 가장 최신 제품으로 진열대를 채우고 최신 트랜드를 유지해라. 미용 산업은 기존의 제품들이 필요하다. 그러나 다음 트랜드에 뒤쳐지지 않는 것도 아주 중요하다.
당신의 비즈니스를 알리고 홍보해라.
지역의 잠재적인
고객들에게 알릴 수 있는 홍보 우편물을 발송해라. 상당히 많은 사람들이 미용 제품 구매를 위해 인근에 있는 매장을 선호하며, 그들의 쇼핑 구역 내에 있는 당신의 매장도 이들로 하여 매출을 올려야 한다.
9. Market and promote your business. Send community mailers
지역의 다른 비즈니스와 함께 광고 및 홍보를 시도하고 근처 다른 매장
to acquaint potential customers in your area with your store. Numerous individuals prefer to shop locally for their beauty products, so realizing that
주인들과도 친분을 쌓아라. 고객들을 추천해주는 미용 전문가들을
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
your store is in their territory should bring in some local business. Try to advertise and to promote with other local businesses and build relationships with shop owners nearby. Offer rebates to other beauty professionals in return for client referrals. Support neighborhood occasions, such as fashion shows and talent searches and contribute free beauty products. It is important to look in to adding social media to your advertising budget. Social media is a huge way to reach many potential customers and it has become a staple in grassroot marketing.
10. Get seen.
For a great opportunity and extraordinary chance to network and see what other experts in the business are doing attend trade shows and other relevant events to learn more about trends. Experiment with the products that vendors are offering to see what you might need to add to your shop. You and the staff ought to experiment with as many of the products that you are selling as possible so that you can give a certified survey of it when inquired.
11. Build up a customer database. Send out consistent emails or flyers with promotions, discounts and new product offerings. This will keep your shop relevant and top of mind, and give customers motivation to select your store over other ones.
12. Dream Big. Your smaller beauty supply store can compete with the bigger retailers, you simply need to demonstrate that you are a trusted and proficient asset. Keep your shop top of mind by sending promotional materials and emails with regularity, maintain an easy to shop and well stocked store, and stay state-ofthe-art on the most recent trends.
위한 리베이트를 제공해라. 패션쇼나 인재 찾기와 같은 지역 행사를 지원하고 미용 제품들을 무료로 제공해라. 당신의 광고 예산에 소셜 미디어를 포함하는 것도 아주 중요하다. 소셜 미디어는 상당히 많은 잠재 고객들을 유치할 수 있는 거대한 방법이며 그라스루트 마케팅 (grassroot
되고 있다.
10. 둘러봐라.
네트워크를 형성하고 업계
다른 전문가들의 동향을 파악하는 최고의 기회는 전시회 및 기타 관련 이벤트에 참석해서
것이다. 공급업체가 제공하는 제품들 중 당신의 매장에 추가할 필요가 있다고 생각되는 제품들을 실험해봐라. 당신과 직원들은 고객들로부터 문의를 받을 때 제품에 관한 확실한 정보를 제공할 수 있을 정도로 판매하고 있는 제품들을 최대한 많이 시험해 보아야 한다.
11. 고객 데이터베이스를 구축하라. 프로모션, 할인 그리고 신제품에 관한 이메일이나
발송해라. 이것은 고객들이 항상 당신의 매장을 염두해 둘 수 있게 하여 당신의 매장을 선택하게하는 동기를 부여한다.
12. 포부를 크게 가져라.
당신의 작은
미용 재료 매장은 대형 소매업체들과 경쟁할 수 있고, 신뢰와 실력 있는 스토어임을
정기적으로 홍보 물품이나 이메일을 발송해서 당신의 매장을 항상 떠올릴 수 있게 하고, 쉽게 구매하고 제품들이 잘 정돈 된 매장을 항상 유지하며, 최신 트랜드와 최첨단을 유지하도록 해라.
Meet Tabitha Odell Tabitha Odell has been providing exceptional consumer service to the health and beauty industry for more than a decade via Cosmetic Answers, LLC. Cosmetic Answers is the culmination of Tabitha’s extensive experience in risk management, claims management, litigation management, compliance and consumer relations in the health and beauty industry. Visit and
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC O T TC C Beauty B aut Be au y M Magazine agazine November 2016
Beauty Ambassador
Styling Tools
By Carla Alexander
All Things Old Are New Again! Don’t you love the fact that when something is a winner, you can always count on it to come back around? All sorts of things have made comebacks: bell-bottoms, hip-huggers, clogs and countless other fashion trends. Hair trends are no different, and anticipating the next style craze—long, short, curly, straight— requires a seasoned hair fashion professional. Well, fear not, Gold ‘N Hot has your back on the next big thing! Are you ready? Crimping! Crimped hair will make a strong comeback in the upcoming holidays so we’ll see a plethora of unique crimp-inspired styles during this festive season. A quick Internet search will show you that the runways, red carpets, and posh parties are filled with the eye-catching accents of hair crimps: Up-do’s, pony tails, braids and full heads will be flaunting those beautiful, versatile crimps. To ensure that you’ll stay on top of this wonderful trend through the holidays and well into the New
Year, Gold ‘N Hot has two musthaves that will address all your crimping needs. The Gold ‘N Hot 1” Ceramic Crimping Iron is perfect for accenting your tresses. You can make a big statement with small, crafted crimping of slim pieces of hair. The ceramic plates seal in conditioning for silky-soft locks, and with temperature ranging from 200°F to 450°F you can accommodate every hair type from fine to thick, to weaves and extensions. Also available for those bold personalities who do nothing halfway is the Gold ‘N Hot 2” Ceramic Crimping Iron. This tool takes you to new levels of texture and style with very little work. Quickly rev up your entire head in no time, and show your knack at being on the cutting edge of hair fashion. Simple to use, but with a sophisticated finish, you will not believe how easy you can go from normal to WOW! With these two awesome tools in your hair arsenal, you’ll be ready for all those festive date nights and holiday events coming your way. And gone will be those frustrating moments when you wonder, “what will I do with my hair?” Accenting your curls is fast and simple with any of our Ceramic or 24K Gold curling irons! We have a full range of tools to compliment the crimper and expand your style with limitless customization. Our 24K Gold Pressing and Styling Comb will get those roots and edges expertly in line, and our full line of straighteners (from 3/8” to 2 ¼”) give you the power to create dynamic styles truly deserving of every party-goers envy. Follow Gold ‘N Hot on our social media for tips and
tricks that will show you how to combine multiple tools into one awesome hairstyle, and for an amazing collection of unique, fun styles. At Gold ‘N Hot, we pride ourselves in giving you the look you need while ensuring you have healthy, vibrant hair. We put control in your hands by offering a wide array of technologies, temperatures and sizes, and are continually innovating to bring you the best haircare appliances available. Black and Gold will become the top colors you want to see in your hairstyling kits, so get them while they’re hot! Gold ’N Hot Products provide quality, professional tools to hairdressers. We also empower customers to get professional results from the comfort of their homes. Gold ’N Hot is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact us at or visit our website at Be sure to follow (or like us!) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest @GoldNHotElite for the latest updates, giveaways, and more.
Hair styles in photos are from the Bronner Bros. International Hair Show in Atlanta, by LaShawndra Harris of LaShawndra Harris Hair & Make-up Artistry Studio, El Paso, TX.
Meet Carla Alexander Carla Alexander is a Brand Manager in the Marketing Department of the Professional Division, Salon/ Beauty Group at Helen of Troy. Since earning her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Dallas Baptist University, she has pursued her passion in the marketing field and finds particular satisfaction in helping people be their own kind of beautiful.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
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Beauty Ambassador
Styling Tools
Coconut Curls A Naturalista’s Must-Have from Palmer’s® Hairstyles, much like fashion are often a trend of the times. From bell bottoms, to shoulder pads, and skinny jeans, trends are often influenced by cultural movements. The natural hair movement, as it is often referred, is one such movement where women forgo chemically relaxing their hair straight and embrace their natural curl texture. This change in haircare routine and purchasing habits has not only created a major shift in the paradigm of the multicultural hair care business (according to Mintel sales of the once-estimated $744 million relaxer industry have seen rapid decline and are projected to decrease to 45% by 2019), but introduced new product innovation and a booming social media community. The natural hair movement and social media are integrally and symbiotically connected. One could argue that and had it not been for modern technology the movement may have never amplified in such a sweeping way, changing the zeitgeist to one of “naturalistas” and cyber gurus. Dispelling any misconception that “going natural” requires less maintenance, time or money spent, the reality is quite to the contrary. As any curly girl will tell you, maintaining a natural hairstyle requires research, knowledge, time, and trialand-error exploration before finding the products and specific ingredients that work best for your curl texture. But why all the extra work? The coiled growth pattern of a curly hair follicle (anything curl type from a 2C to a 4C) weakens as it grows, resulting in the hair strand being more prone to breakage and dryness. That is why it is essential for any curly hair product regimen to include a sulfate-free shampoo and hair moisturizers formulated with a natural ingredient that is chemically predisposed to work effectively for those conditions such as Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter or Coconut Oil. Coconut Oil is loaded with naturally occurring proteins, vitamin E, antioxidants and fatty acids such as Lauric Acid, Caprylic Acid, and Capric Acid. Its high concentration of medium chain fatty acids creates a protective moisture barrier around hair follicles in their weakest state that helps prevent hair dehydration as well as splitting or breakage. This makes Coconut Oil an exceptional hair emollient for curly hair care. Lauric Acid, the most prevalent of the fatty acids in Coconut Oil, is valuable for its naturally occurring antimicrobial and anti-bacterial properties which helps maintain a healthy scalp.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
A long-standing star ingredient in the Palmer’s portfolio of natural ingredients, Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula hair care products all contain a high concentration of coconut compared to other mass brands. Palmer’s raw Coconut Oil is Certified Organic Extra Virgin, Fair Trade and is sustainably and ethically sourced in regional countries of South East Asia. These ultra hydration-boosting products are free of Sulfates, Mineral Oil, Phthalates, Parabens, Gluten and Dyes. Along with Coconut Oil, many of the products use the other parts of the coconut such as coconut water, coconut milk and the meat or “copra” of the coconut. The products also contain hair-healthy Natural Vitamin E and Tahitian Monoï Oil. An ancient Polynesian beauty secret, Monoï oil has been used for centuries in cosmetics, religious practices and to heal skin ailments such as insect bites and burns. With the name literally meaning “scented oil” Tahitian Monoï is produced through a process of infusing unrefined coconut oil with the naturally perfumed, star-shaped petals of the native Tiaré flower (Gardenia Tahitensis). The flowers are picked when they are still unopened and soaked in the coconut oil through a process known as “enfleurage” for a minimum of 15 days. Tahitian Monoï is rich in emollients and is a superior hair-smoothing ingredient that helps keep curls bouncy and frizz-free. Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula hair products are more than a curl diva’s must-have, they are a sensory experience. Delicately fragranced with coconut and hints of vanilla and almond, they transport your senses as they transform your hair. Key products in the line include: • • • • • • •
Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Conditioning Shampoo Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Repairing Conditioner Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Protein Pack Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Hair Milk Smoothie Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Curl Styler Cream Pudding Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Super Control Gel for Edges Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Hair Polisher
OT OTC O TC Beauty Bea Be aut au uty M u Magazine ag agazin ag aga gazin zin zi ne Nov N No November ovemb o em e m err 20 2 2016 016 16
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OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Notes From The
Natural Nation By Emma Young
Accessorizing Natural Styles for a Festive Holiday Look
ow that women are learning how easy it is to style their natural hair, they’re looking for more creative ways to show off their versatility. That’s why, as they prepare for the holiday season, you’ll find more and more customers convening at your accessory shelves, like kids in a candy store. Accessories are a fun and easy way to pretty up a natural style for the holidays. One favorite is the “puff cuff.” Women can just slip their moisturized hair into the cuff, and then puff it out. It’s a great look. They can even acquire a 70’s “retro” look by parting their hair in the center and putting a puff cuff on each side. Back in the day, they called those “Afro Puffs.” Hair clips are always fun and decorative, especially for Christmas. There are so many designs to choose from, and since they’re so affordable, the options are limitless. A flower, a butterfly or even a rhinestone star can dress up any hairstyle—and when it is attached to a classic headband, it makes the look even more stunning. Speaking of headbands, there is an array of different headbands to choose from as well. Statements used to be made only on t-shirts, but now whether it’s an American or Afrocentric flag, a political statement or even a subtle invitation, which can be accomplished with a sprig of mistletoe placed discreetly in the headband, it’s no longer all in your head; now it’s in the hair. Scarves are in style like never before, and for those women who have always been challenged with tying a scarf just right, there are bunches of scarves to choose from that are already tied and putting them on is as easy as putting on a hat.
Wigs are accessories, too! Natural curly wigs are fun to wear, and give the hair underneath that wig cap a chance to relax and grow. Hair can be braided underneath the wig, or even twisted in a two-strand twist. The important thing is to make sure the hair beneath the wig is kept healthy and moisturized with just the right product, like Jamaican Mango & Lime’s Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture®. All the accessories in the world won’t take the place of a beautiful, glowing, healthy natural hairstyle, and Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® line of moisture-infused products are great for keeping natural hair frizz-free, moisturized, soft and beautiful. Whether she’s accessorizing her natural wash ‘n go style, or the fabulous two-strand twist, curls, coils or therma-styled hair, a natural healthy look can always be attained with Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture®. All Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® products are sulfate-free, paraben-free and mineral-oil free. That means, no matter how often she shampoos her hair with Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® Coconut Milk and Honey Shampoo, she never has to worry about stripping her hair of its vital moisture. Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture Coconut Milk and Honey Leave-In Conditioner can be used after shampooing and every day between shampoos to keep hair moisturized, frizz-free and healthy. Make sure you display your accessories prominently for the holiday season and point out to your customers the various ways they can make their beautiful natural hair even more eye-catching with the right accessories and the right natural hair products.
Meet Emma Young Emma L. Young is a freelance writer who has written for various publications including ShopTalk Magazine, the Saints Magazine, South Shore Current and the Spiritual Perspective Newspaper.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Feature Article By Amanda Saintil
Accessory Marketing Q&A Expert insight from Fromm International on how to better sell accessories to customers OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate to speak with Amanda Saintil of Fromm International to learn a few tips on how to best market accessories to customers in your beauty supply store. Read on to see what we discovered.
Q. How often should stores switch up their item selection?
for their looks. Browsing competitors and big-box stores as well
A. “The change of seasons is the optimal time to review and update your
Back to school isn’t just for kids—the fall usually means the whole
assortment. Women often lighten their hair color for summer and look
household is getting back to a more regimented routine, making it an
for a fresh cut in the fall. Take advantage of these habits by offering new,
optimal time to promote basics. This is the perfect time of year to offer
trend-based accessories to accentuate an updated look.”
special pricing or ‘stock up’ sales on staples like ponytails and headbands.
as celebrity trends is a must to understanding this audience.
Whether it’s getting together with friends and family or attending
Q. Where in the store is it ideal to place hair accessories for sale?
the company holiday party, women want to step up their everyday
A. “Trend-based hair accessories are often an impulse purchase—these are
required! At the same time, shoppers are keeping their eyes open for
ideal to put at the front of the store or at the register. Since hair accessories
gifts. This is a great time of year to offer exclusive statement pieces that
are a relatively low price point, they are perfect add-on items to increase
are more likely to fetch a higher price.”
look with something special around the holidays—sparkle and bling
the overall ticket. Fashion-forward women love to discover the next new and exciting beauty find and then share it with their friends!”
Q. What seasons are “high times” for accessory sales and how can store owners act on it (i.e. holidays, back to school, etc.)? These times can call for specific needs.
Q. How can store owners enhance the shopping experience when customers are looking to purchase accessories? (Should they be able to try them on, should some be placed as Point of Purchase items at the counter for impulse purchases, etc.?) A. “Hair accessory shopping is a hands-on experience—items should
A. “During certain times of the year, customers will come into the store
be easily accessible and in an area where shoppers can linger. These
for specific needs. Prom season pulls in a younger demographic
decisions take time! Another excellent way to encourage sales is to offer
who will be very trend savvy. You can expect they have spent
simple tutorials or specific styles shoppers can achieve at home, and then
hours on Instagram and other social outlets to get inspiration
direct them to the products to do so.”
Meet Amanda Saintil Amanda Saintil is the Brand Manager for Fromm International.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Manufacturer ProƮle
Zotos Headquarters
Ron Krassin President and CEO of Zotos When a beauty business goes beyond the calling of providing quality goods to its consumers to working toward a greater good, we are intrigued. This month OTC Beauty Magazine was able to speak with Ron Krassin, President and CEO of Zotos to learn more about “one of the ‘greenest’ manufacturers in the industry.” Krassin stated that he is, “optimistic about our future and believe that despite our success, our best years are yet to come.” Likewise, we can’t wait to see what is in store for this company.
미용 비즈니스에서 품질 좋은 제품을 소비자들에게 제공하는 것 그 이상의 모습과 노력을 보일 때, 우리는 놀라움과 흥미로움을 금치 못하게 된다. 이번 달 OTC 뷰티 매거진에서는 Zotos의 CEO인 Ron Krassin 과 만나서 업계 ‘친환경’ 제조업체 중 하나인 이 회사에 관해 자세한 얘기를 나눴다. Krassin은 “저희는 이만큼 성공했지만, 여전히 저희의 미래와 믿음에 낙관적이며, 최고의 해는 아직 오지 않았습니다”고 말한다. 마찬가지로, OTC 뷰티 매거진 역시 이 회사에 무엇이 있는지 서둘러 보고 싶다. 66
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What do you find most interesting about the industry? RK: We see the growth of beauty stores as an ongoing trend in the Professional Industry and we are excited to bring new products and concepts to this channel of the professional industry. OTC: Please briefly describe the history of Zotos. How did this company get started and what is it founded on? RK: In September of 1929, the company that today is Zotos International, Inc. was incorporated under the name “Sales Affiliates, Inc.” Owned by Dr. Ralph L. Evans, Sr., a chemist, and Neil R. Andrews, a prominent advertising executive, Sales Affiliates was originally organized to sell “Inecto” hair color products and “Marinello” cosmetic products to the trade. In 1931, Dr. Evans and his co-worker, Dr. Everett McDonough, pioneered a chemical method for controlling heat to perm hair, and introduced the machine-less permanent wave, turning around the Depression-ravaged beauty industry. Prior to their invention, women had to endure the slow and time-consuming instrument of semi-torture that was machine waving. In 1940, Dr. Everett McDonough again revolutionized waving with the invention of the ‘Mercapton Cold Wave Permanent,’ requiring no heat and ensuring greater client comfort. OTC: Is there a certain mission statement Zotos stands by? Please explain. RK: At Zotos, we are passionate about inspiring stylists around the globe with the most innovative and high-performing products, dynamic education, and exceptional customer service. We offer one of the widest arrays of brands in the professional beauty industry, with education to match. That’s because we believe each stylist is unique and each client has an individual beauty ready to be revealed with just the right artistry and products. Our ultimate goal is to offer real solutions that create remarkable results. OTC: How is the company structured and what brands make up this company? RK: Zotos, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Shiseido, a leading global beauty company. Since Shiseido was founded as Japan’s first Western-style pharmacy in Tokyo’s Ginza district in 1872, the company has expanded its business not only across the world, but also across the industries of skincare, cosmetics, fine fragrance and hair care. Shiseido Group’s brand portfolio includes Shiseido, Zotos, Bare Escentuals, NARS and Beauté Prestige International.
OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): 업계에서 가장 흥미로운 점은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? RK: 저희는 전문 미용사 분야의 지속적인 성장과 함께 뷰티 매장의 성장을 보고 있으며, 이런 전문채널에 신제품과 컨셉을 공급하는 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. OTC: 간단히 Zotos의 역사를 설명해주십시오. 귀사는 어떻게 시작되었으며 무엇을 토대로 설립되었습니까? RK: 1929 년 9 월, 현재의 Zotos International, In. 이 Sales Affiliates, Inc. 라는 이름으로 설립되었습니다. 화학자인Dr. Ralph L. Evans, Sr.와 유능한 광고인Neil R. Andrews의 소유로, 판매 계열사는 원래 “Inecto” 헤어 컬러 제품과 “Marinello” 화장품 제품을 판매하기 위해 조직되었습니다. 1931년, Dr. Evans와 그의 동료Dr. Everett McDonough는 헤어 파마에 열을 제어하는 화학적 방법을 개척했고, 기계없는 퍼머넌트 웨이브를 소개했는데 이것은 침체된 뷰티 산업을 호전시키게 되었습니다. 그들의 발명 이전에, 여성들은 시간이 오래 소모되는 웨이브 기구를 참고 사용해야 했습니다. 1940년, Dr. Everett McDonough는 다시‘Mercapton Cold Wave Permanent,’를 개발함으로써 혁신적인 바람을 일으켰는데요, 이 기구는 열이 필요없으며 사용자들에게 한층 더 편안함을 보장했습니다. OTC:
있습니까? 설명 해주십시오. RK: Zotos는 가장 혁신적이고 고성능의 제품과 역동적인 교육, 그리고 뛰어난 고객 서비스로 전 세계 스타일리스트들에게 영감을 주기 위해 열정을 바치고 있습니다. 저희는 전문가용 미용 산업 분야에서 가장 방대한 제품군을 제공하는 업체 중 하나이며, 여기에 걸맞는 교육 역시 함께 제공합니다. 스타일리스트 각자 개성이 있으며 각각의 고객들은 그들에게 어울리는 예술적 기교와 제품으로 돋보일 수 있는 그들만의 미를 갖고 있다고 저희는 믿기 때문입니다. 저희의 궁극적인 목표는 놀라운 결과를 만드는 진정한 솔루션을 제공하는 것입니다. OTC:
보유하고 있습니까? RK: Zotos, Inc. 는 선도적인 글로벌
OTC: Are there any of your brands that may be of specific interest to the multicultural beauty and barber industry vs. professional markets? If so, why? RK: Though we do not have a brand specific to the multicultural industry, brands such as Biotera, 180PRO and Luxe Majestic Oil deliver incredible results to all hair types.
Shiseido의 지분을 소유한
OTC: What prompted the need for your products/lines within the beauty industry? RK: The beauty business is always evolving, driven by customers’ needs to make their lives easier. We develop products that offer practical solutions to everyday hair problems.
확장할 뿐 아니라, 스킨
OTC: What is the main point of differentiation between Zotos and competing companies within this beauty realm? RK: We truly try to deliver on products that are effective and affordable,
년 도쿄의 긴자에서 일본 최초의
설립된 비즈니스를
시세이도는, 국제적으로
케어, 화장품, 향수 그리고 헤어 케어 산업까지 분야를 넓혔습니다. 시세이도 그룹 브랜드
Shiseido, Zotos, Bare Escentuals, NARS그리고 Beauté Prestige International이 포함됩니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Manufacturer ProƮle which is what our customers really want. Our team is made up of passionate professionals who live and breathe the hair care industry, giving them a unique understanding of the needs of both salon pros and their clients. OTC: We understand that your company is active with sustainability efforts. Could you please explain these and why there is an interest in this? RK: Zotos proudly manufactures our products in upstate Geneva, NY. To reduce the environmental impact on our beautiful New York State, Zotos has a fully vertically integrated manufacturing operation—which simply means we make the major components such as the container and label, decorate the container, mix and fill all at one site! As a result of having our global distribution warehouse under the same roof, Zotos has eliminated a large majority of transportation-related emissions from our business model—while most factories inefficiently ship these items separately, we make them on site. In addition, Zotos is focused on “right the first time” quality initiatives which reduce scrap by eliminating variation in our processes and products. This includes reusing packaging whenever possible, trimming waste outputs to record levels with an aggressive sustainability program through the site. Finally, our manufacturing site is home to twin 1.65MW wind turbines situated meters from our factory, providing 100% of the electrical needs on windy days in Geneva.
OTC: 귀사의 브랜드 중 다문화 뷰티와 이발업계, 전문가 시장에 특별한 관심을 갖는 것이 있습니까? 그렇다면 이유도 함께 말씀해주십시오. RK: 다문화 업계를 위한 특정 브랜드를 보유하고 있지는 않지만, Biotera, 180PRO, Luxe Majestic Oil과 같은 브랜드들은 모든 타입의 헤어에 놀라운 결과를 제공합니다. OTC: 뷰티 업계에서 귀사의 제품/라인이 필요한 이유는 무엇입니까? RK: 미용 사업은 항상 진화하고 삶을 보다 쉽게 만들기 위한 고객들의 요구에 의해 구동됩니다. 저희는 일상적인 헤어 문제에 실질적인 해답을 제공하는 제품을 개발합니다. OTC: Zotos와 다른 경쟁 기업 간의 차별화에 있어 주요 포인트는 무엇입니까? RK:
제공하려고 전문가들과
그들의 고객 모두의 요구에 대한 독특한 이해를 제공하는 헤어 케어 산업 속에서 살며 숨쉬는 열정적인 전문가들로 구성되어 있습니다. OTC: 귀사는 지속 가능한 노력으로 활성화되어 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 이 점에 관해 설명 부탁드리며 어떤 점에 관심을 두고 있습니까? RK: 저희 Zotos는 뉴욕 북부 제네바에서 제품을 생산하고 있습니다. 아름다운 뉴욕 주에서 환경에 미치는 영향을 줄이기 위해, Zotos는 완전히 수직 통합된 제조 공정을 갖고 있습니다 – 이것은 쉽게 말해 용기와 레이블, 용기 장식 등과 같은 주요 부품들을 한 장소에서 만든다는 뜻입니다! 같은 지붕 아래 글로벌 유통 창고를 보유한 결과, Zotos는 대부분의 공장들이 별도로 제품들을 각각 배송하는 비효율적인 모델이 아니라 저희가 한 장소에서 부품들을 제조함으로써 운송과 관련된 배출물의 대다수를 제거하고 있습니다. 또한, Zotos는 제조 공정과 제품의 변형을 제거함으로써 스크랩을 감소시킨 “right the first time처음부터 제대로” 품질 이니셔티브에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 여기에는 가능한 포장을 재사용하고, 현장에서 지속 가능한 프로그램으로 수위를 기록하면서 적극적으로 폐기물 생산량을 줄이기 위해 노력하는 것도 포함이 됩니다. 마지막으로, 저희 제조 사이트에는 공장으로부터 몇 미터 떨어진 곳에 풍력 발전용 터빈이 있는데 이것은 제네바에서 바람이 부는 날에 전기 수요의 100%를 제공합니다. OTC: OTC 미용 재료 매장 파트너들(저희 독자들)은 귀하의 제품을 취급함으로 어떤 혜택을 볼 수 있을까요? 또한, 고객과 관련된 귀사의 강점은 무엇입니까? RK: 저희는 손상되고 건조하거나 곱슬, 머리 숱이 적어지는 등 모발의 문제를 가진 많은 소비자들에게 저렴한 가격으로 문제를 해결할 수 있는
OTC: How can your OTC beauty supply store partners (our readers) benefit from carrying Zotos’ products? Likewise, what are your company’s strengths as far as customer relations? RK: We have products that offer solutions to many of the problems consumers have with their hair—damage, dryness, frizz, thinning—all at affordable prices. We’ve worked with many of the same customers for decades, building strong lasting relationships based on mutual trust.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
제품을 보유하고 있습니다. 많은 고객들이 수십년간 저희와 일해오고 있으며 상호 신뢰를 바탕으로 강력한 관계를 형성하고 있습니다. OTC: 올 해 가장 크게 성장을 보인 트랜드는 무엇이며, Zotos는 어떻게 소비자들의 요구를 충족하고 있습니까? RK: 대부분의 소비자들은 그들이 사용하는 제품에 무엇이 들어 있는지
OTC Beauty Beautty Maga M Magazine agazine Novemb November m er mb e 20 2 2016 016 16
Manufacturer ProƮle OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most throughout this year, and how has Zotos met consumer demand for it? RK: Many consumers are becoming very aware of what’s in their products; we’re thrilled to have relaunched our Biotera line which has been reformulated to remove all parabens and add more botanicals and extracts than ever before. We also launched 3 new stylers in the line that not only style the hair, but treat it as well.
아주 잘 알고 있습니다. 저희는 모든 파라벤을 제거하고 이전보다 더 많은 식물 추출 성분로 공법화된Biotera 라인을 재출시하게 되어 들떠 있습니다. 저희는 모발의 스타일링뿐 아니라 트리트먼트도 되는 3가지 새로운 스타일러도 출시했습니다. OTC: 올해 출시된 가장 성공적인 제품이나 개인적으로 제일 좋아하는 제품은 무엇입니까?
OTC: Do you have a favorite and/or most successful product that was released this year? RK: Our Luxe Majestic Oil line launched in September of this year. It not only nourishes hair with 100% natural Moroccan Argan Oil, but is also enhanced with keratin protein. This blend transforms hair’s condition to make it stronger, smoother and shinier. OTC: What benefits does your company experience from participating in tradeshows throughout the year? RK: Being part of a tradeshow allows you to directly interact with your consumers and industry peers. You can see the latest innovations across the industry, and share your own. It’s always and exciting experience that provides unique insights, which we take into account when developing future products.
RK: 올해 9 월에 출시된Luxe Majestic Oil line 입니다. 이 제품은 100% 모로코 아르간 오일로 모발에 영양을 공급할 뿐 아니라, 케라틴 단백질을 향상시킵니다. 이 제품은 모발의 상태를 더욱 강하면서도 부드럽고 빛나게 바꿔줍니다. OTC: 올 한해 박람회에 참가하면서 회사는 어떤 혜택을 경험했습니까? RK: 박람회에 참여하는 것은 저희 고객들 및 업계 동료들과 직접적으로 상호 작용할 수 있게 합니다. 업계의 최신 혁신 기술을 볼 수 있고 또한 각 업체의 노하우를 공유할 수도 있습니다. 그것은 항상 미래의 제품을 개발할 때 저희가 고려해야 하는 독특한 통찰력을 제공하는 흥미로운 경험인 것입니다. OTC: 2017년에 큰 영향을 줄 수 있는 스타일이나 패션, 트랜드를 어떻게 예견하십니까?
OTC: What are your predictions for styles/fashions/trends that may be making an impact in 2017? RK: Consumers want cleaner—cleaner food, cleaner cars, cleaner products; we are all becoming very aware of the impact we have on this earth, and the beauty industry has a responsibility to reduce our footprint as much as possible.
RK: 소비자들은 보다 깨끗한 것을 원합니다- 깨끗한 음식, 깨끗한 차, 깨끗한 제품. 저희는 우리가 이 지구에 미치는 영향을 매우 크게 인식하며, 뷰티 산업 역시 가능한 한 많은 발자국을 줄여야 하는 책임이 있습니다. OTC: Zotos가 앞으로 특별히 추구하는 것은 무엇입니까? 2016 년 말 혹은 다가오는 새해에 대한 큰 계획을 가지고 있습니까?
OTC: What does the future hold for Zotos specifically? Do you have any big plans for the end of 2016 or the upcoming New Year that you can share? RK: We will continue to innovate, to speak to and listen to our consumers, and to deliver high-quality, highly effective products at affordable prices. We are always working to adhere to our core values and mission while creating ways to take them to the next level.
Company Name: Zotos International Address: 100 Tokeneke Rd, Darien, CT 06820 Contact Number: 1-800-242-9283 Website: Years in Business: 87 70
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
RK: 저희는 지속적으로 혁신하고 소비자들과 소통할 것이며, 고품질의 효과적인 제품을 저렴한 가격으로 제공할 것입니다. 저희는 다음 단계로 도약할 수 있는 방법을 창조하는 동시에 저희의 핵심 가치와 사명을 준수하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
회사명: Zotos International 위치: 100 Tokeneke Rd,
Darien, CT 06820 연락처: 1-800-242-9283 웹사이트: 사업 년수: 87
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
CLIPPER TIPS Sponsored by Andis Co.
Maintain the Movember Moustache by Kenny Duncan
It’s that time of year when the moustache trend takes upper lips and the men’s grooming industry by storm—Movember. During the month of November, men everywhere are encouraged to grow out their moustaches to increase awareness for men’s health issues, such as prostate and testicular cancer, and mental health and suicide prevention. While Movember creates a challenge for men who do not know how to maintain their moustaches, it also creates the demand for the tools needed to help tame wildly growing moustaches. During this time, barber and beauty supply stores have a unique opportunity to capitalize on the Movember trend. Men will need a tool to outline their moustache and a tool to help keep the moustache hair growing evenly. I would suggest a trimmer that includes attachment combs such as the Andis Slimline® Pro Li. This cord/cordless lithium-ion trimmer will allow them to outline their own moustache and trim any stray hairs to keep it from looking too wild. Some men will want their moustache to grow, but will also want the rest of the face to be clean shaven. Because it is easy to accidentally shave that ‘stache with a traditional razor, I recommend avoiding those altogether and trying the Andis Profoil™ Li Shaver. The Profoil Li is a lightweight, powerful shaver that will cut very close, yet will not shave the longer hairs of the moustache. This means that a man can shave the small, short hairs growing around his moustache without actually cutting into the moustache shape he’s so carefully groomed during the month. These two products will give him the best of both worlds. Andis also manufactures a trimmer called the Superliner that includes both a trimmer blade and a foil shaver attachment, so the shopper gets two tools in one! It can handle both trimming and shaving very well. For more information about shaving tools and trimmers, please visit today.
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in Ʈlms such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company. 74
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
THERAPY TRENDS Headbands and Geles Crown the Accessory Market by Elayne McClaine
Fabric, ornaments and jewelry for hair and everywhere seem to be trending toward rustic, native inưuences. Popular designs are being inspired by woods, feathers, beads, and metals reminiscent of Indian maidens. Or, consumers are wearing headbands and scarves that are reminiscent of “Gone with the Wind.” Either direction lends itself to very textured patterns for scarves, geles or glamourized dowraps. Several celebrities have embraced this look and consumers are fusing them into contemporary fashion statements. Consumers are weaving these textures into their weaves, or covering their entire heads with these wraps and headdresses. The African-wraps are often hard to conƮgure, and usually someone from the country has to wrap it for the consumer. Patterns inspired by Asian and African inưuences often have metallic sparkles. Some patterns and shapes being used for the hair wraps and turbans are coming back from another Americana era. Modern day consumers are embracing it. When stocking up on accessories for hair and body adornment don’t forget the need for matching electronics accessories. There is so much to choose from! It costs little to customize the smart phone to coordinate with the outƮt, or the colors in scarves and wraps. As impulse items, electronic accessories can be a very proƮtable front end purchase. Consumers now think of their smart devices as an extension of their business and personal life. They can track calories, activities, steps, appointments, OTC sales and food coupons in a minute. Why not have accompanying electronic accessories in every color?
Elayne McClaine has identiƮed and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such Ʈrms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of PƮzer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with Ʈrms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
RA Cosmetics 100% Mango Scented Shea Butter Our Body Butter with Mango Scent from RA Cosmetics is 100% all natural and smells incredible. It is full of nourishing and anti-oxidant rich ingredients. It helps Ʈght signs of aging; relieves dry skin; reduces windburn/sunburn and frostbite. It is made with nature’s best moisturizers – shea butter and mango scented oil – and is paraben-free. Our Body Butter is a skin must-have and Nature’s gift to your hair and skin.
OTC Beauty Maga OT Magazine ga azin zine e Nov Novemb November ember er 20 201 2016 16
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TONSORIAL TIMES Treating and Preventing Shaving Nicks by Dwayne Thompson Recently, I received a phone call from my good friend and grooming client. He was really concerned about a nick he created on his face while shaving. He stated he was bleeding and could not get the bleeding to subside even after applying tissue. I questioned him to determine if he used anything else on the cut to clot the bleeding. He was clueless and was about to apply some rubbing alcohol to his face, which is a big no-no. He did not have an astringent on hand, which by deƮnition causes skin contraction or shrinkage of the tissues, arrest of secretion, or control of bleeding. He also did not have a styptic pencil, or styptic stick, which works in the same way that astringent does. Styptic pencils usually contain titanium dioxide or a form of sulfate, which will help the blood clot quickly. Styptic pencils can be found at a variety of pharmacies and beauty supply stores, and is a great accessory to mention to customers purchasing shaving products. Next, I advised him to get a few tablets of aspirin and crush them up in a small bowl, then add a tablespoon or two of water and mix. I then advised him to get a Q-tip or cotton ball and apply the solution directly to his cut and face; this quickly worked for him. aspirin will also soothe the skin which may have been irritated by the razor blade. By the way, if he did not have aspirin he could have used deodorant. Deodorant and most antiperspirants contain aluminum chloride which can, in addition to shrinking sweat glands, constrict blood vessels and stop bleeding. Also, consider applying an Alum stone or Alum Powder. Alum is well known for water puriƮcation and an after shave treatment to help stop bleeding. Finally, make sure you moisturize your face before and after shaving. Shave in the direction in which the hair grows and make sure the razor blade is fairly new or at least clean. Your razor may be the cause of your nicks; be mindful of moles or existing razor bumps when shaving. Keep up the good work! Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the Ʈrst barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The OƱcial Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
조지아 협회 지난 10월16일 조지아 애틀랜타 뷰티협회
적극 참여하여 쇼가 성공적으로 개최될 수
가을 제품 및 겨울 제품을 홍보할 수 있는
사무실에서 동남부지역 뷰티협회 모임이
있도록 함께 노력하기로 하였다.
쇼로 만들기로 하고 경비를 제외한 쇼의
있었다. 이날 모임은 맴피스협회, NC협회,
현 총연합회와의 관계정립에 대해서 동남부
수익금은 각 지역협회의 회원들을 위해
네쉬빌협회, 미시시피협회, 그리고 조지아
지역 협회들은, 그간 보여준 총연합회의
쓰기로 하였다. 마지막으로 동남부지역협회
애틀랜타뷰티협회가 참석하여 유대 관계를
행동에 커다란 실망과 함께 안타까움을
협의회 회장에 현 조지아 애틀랜타협회
공고히 하고 정보를 서로 공유 함으로서
나타내고 앞으로 동남부 지역 협회들은
김일홍 회장을 선출하고 총무에는 NC협회
우리들의 비즈니스가 더욱 발전 할 수 있도록
총연합회와의 관계를 재 설정하기로 의견을
조병성 회장이 맡기로 하였다. 다음 모임은
하는데 목적을 둔 것이었다. 이날 모임에서
맴피스협회 트레이드쇼에서 갖기로 하고
동남부지역 뷰티협회 협의회를 발족하고
각 지역협회의 문제점을 비롯한 활성화
이날의 모임을 마무리 하였다.
한편, 내년 3월 12일에 개최되는 제 10
관하여 각 지역협회들이 적극 참여하기로
회 조지아 뷰티 트레이드쇼는 이미 벤더
협조방안에 관해서 의견을 나누었다. 또한,
하고 가칭 동남부협회 트레이드쇼로 정했다.
신청접수를 받고 있으며, 관심 있는 업체는
맴피스 지역협회쇼와 조지아트레이드쇼에
시기는 모든 쇼가 상반기에 집중 되어 있는
협회 사무실(770-454-7993) 에 문의하면
관해서 의견을 나누고 동남부 지역협회들이
관계로 하반기에 하기로 의견을 모으고 특히
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
마지막으로 공동
Jinny Beauty Supply of
칄욊 ęłľęł
Open Positions: â&#x20AC;˘ Sales: 3RVVLELOLW\ WR ZRUN LQ WKH 1HZ -HUVH\ RIÂżFH
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â&#x20AC;˘ Warehouse: Warehouse Management, Inventory Management and Delivery (CDL required)
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Atlanta Headquarters
e-mail: Contact: Mr. Charles Seo (Vice President) T. 770-734-9222
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Jinny Beauty Supply National Network of Sales & Distribution Centers Atlanta
Los Angeles
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St. Louis
OTC O T TC C Beauty Beau uty M Magazine agazine No N November ov vem emb mber 2016 2016 6
Industry News
Andis Announces #AndisNation Social Media Ambassadors Andis® Company recently announced its inaugural, 20-member group of #AndisNation social media ambassadors. This diverse group of men’s grooming experts from across the United States have their clippers, trimmers and social game on the pulse of the industry and will help Andis spread the word about the latest grooming trends, techniques and haircutting tools.
The newly named #AndisNation Social Media Ambassadors include:
• Tiffany Abeyta of Eden Salon and Barbershop, in Colorado Springs, Colo. • Josh Aguilera of Steez Cuts Barbershop, in Alhambra, Calif. • Joshua A. Alvarez of Fine Line Barbershop in Miami, Fla. • Joe Barajas of South Crown Barbershop, in San Antonio, Texas • Kelan Bilal of Excalibur Barber, in Youngstown, Ohio • Terrance Caruthers of Groom Therapy Lounge, in St. Louis, Miss. • Paul DeSales of DTown Barbers, in San Diego, Calif. • James Dunn of Traditions Barbershop, in Sanford, Fla.
To be selected for the program, the #AndisNation Ambassadors were required to upload to Instagram a photo of a men’s haircut they created, with a description of why they wanted to be part of #AndisNation and what they could bring to the company’s more than one million fans. For more information about the ambassadors, follow the updates with #AndisNation or visit Andis on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
• Chad Gabriel of Cut To Contrast Barbershop, in San Francisco, Calif. • Paul Laurie of Rust Belt Barbering & Salon, in Buffalo, N.Y. • Alejandro Martinez of Echo Park Barbers, in Los Angeles, Calif. • Jesus Meza of Gentlemen’s Barbershop, in Palm Springs, Calif. • Maurice Miller of Abliss Salon Studios in Jacksonville, Fla. • Andy Mendoza of Fresh Factory Barbershop, in Bristol, Conn. • Brian Munoz of His and Hers Parlour in Miami, Fla. • Andrew Munoz of The Barber Lounge, in Tampa, Fla. • Fredo L. Olan of East to West Hair Artistry, in San Francisco, Calif. • Yassen Rodriguez an independent barber in Orlando, Fla. • Pedro Ruiz of Addictions in Ink Tattoo Parlor & Salon in Wichita, Kan. • CJ Torian of Starting Five Barbershop & Salon, in Pleasantville, N.J.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Industry News Lottabody Wants to Know What You Have #aLotta Around the beginning of September, Lottabody, a Revlon Pro brand, kicked off its #aLotta digital empowerment campaign with the introduction of a series of confessional-style video vignettes that introduce you to an eclectic group of young women from different walks of life such as aerospace engineer Tiffany Davis and Racia Poston, a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserve, who were all tasked with answering the same question: ‘What do you have a lot of?’ And, why? While simple on the surface, the introspective question led each woman to share
details about their past, obstacles they’ve overcome and the one trait or common thread that embodies who they are today. Answers such as “passion” and “strength” kicked off inspiring stories about fearlessness, self-discovery and resilience. The concept of ‘#aLotta’ encourages women to fully embrace the attributes that define them. The stories these women shared will inspire others to excel, to overcome, and to be proud of who they are and to know that, despite life’s obstacles, when you embrace the things that make you unique, anything is possible.
Andis Ultra® Styling Tools for Multi-Cultural Hair Andis Company is launching a new line of styling tools for use on textured hair. The Ultra line includes three items: a Tourmaline Ionic Bonnet Dryer, 1” Ceramic Flat Iron and an 1875W Styling Dryer with attachments. The items come in an attention-getting gold and purple packaging that’s sure to stand out on the shelf. Features of the new items include: Ultra Bonnet Dryer dries hair quickly without damage while wearing hair extensions. Gentle drying process helps condition and soften hair—can be used on all hair textures and types. • Ionic technology dries hair faster with less damage than non-ionic dryers • Tourmaline crystals quickly seal the cuticle layer and eliminate frizz for smoother, silkier hair • Jumbo bonnet designed for extra-large rollers and conditioning treatments—stays comfortable with secure, elastic fit • 2-speed and heat settings for styling
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
flexibility • 40" Flexible hose • Convenient storage case with retractable handle Ultra 1” Ceramic Flat Iron creates straight, smooth and soft styles. 20 variable heat settings style all hair types: coarse to fine, human to synthetic, including hair extensions. • Clamp style holds hair tight for quick results • 20 variable heat settings • Auto shut-off • Fast, 30-second heat-up • Tangle-free swivel cord Ultra 1875 Watt Dryer is great for creating blow-out styles on natural and synthetic hair, and braids, and can be used for all hair textures and types. • 1875 watts of turbo drying power • Lightweight for comfortable and
fatigue-free drying • Cool shot button locks in style • 2 heat/speed settings • Includes styling pick and concentrator attachments. Learn more at
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Industry News Wahl Global Educator Garland ‘G-Whiz’ Fox Brings His Passion for Hair Abroad Fox travels to Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong, and performs men’s haircutting techniques using his favorite Wahl tools Global Vice President Professional Products, Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.) Wahl Clipper Corporation. “Our team in member Garland ‘G-Whiz’ Fox continued his Asia expressed enthusiasm that attendees global education journey by traveling to Asia experienced a strong mix of knowledge and (Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong), to compassion during the events. They were educate on Wahl tools and techniques and to engaged and eager to learn more exchange ideas on global trends. about the cutting techniques,” adds Wahl Clipper Corporation is the Wahl. global leader in the professional The most popular tools during beauty and grooming industry. Fox’s stay were the cordless tools, As a lead artist and including the Cordless Magic Clip educator for W.E.A.T., Fox and Cordless Detailer. “They’re not showcased American barbering only comfortable to use, they’re techniques in Malaysia for a showstoppers. Many were responsive crowd of more than 600 barberand engaged with the use of these stylists, together with a followclippers,” says Fox. up classroom seminar; traveled “Everything comes back to the to Sri Lanka and Hong Kong to Garland ‘G-Whiz’ functionality of clippers,” adds Fox. lead haircutting demonstrations Fox cuts model’s hair During the training, Fox immersed and training seminars; took the with 5-Star Cordless the sales and management teams in each main stage as guest artist at Hong Magic Clip on stage country to learn and participate along Kong’s Sky Bar; and launched in Malaysia. with the students. As an outspoken education on the Wahl 5-Star proponent of education, Fox presented Series. All events were a resounding success. the different uses of the tools and fostered “The sales, engaging attendees excitement with the attendees. The clippers and education all lead to success,” says Fox. spoke both numbers and volumes—and “We actually broke records in each country. spotlighted Wahl internationally. Everyone worked together, from our hosts, “No matter our language, we can all to Wahl’s global sales teams and our many communicate through hair. Our connection is attendees. Combining education, performance the love for the industry, and for the clippers.” and demonstrations, the experience in each One of the key differentiators in country was all over the top.” Asia includes the timing of the cuts—they are “The Wahl global training and executed fast, usually within eight minutes. events in Asia resulted in the biggest attendee While demonstrating, Fox highlighted the turnouts in recent history,” says Lance Wahl,
benefits of a thorough cut, including client retention and increased revenue. “Professionals in Asia look for speed. Here in the U.S., we look for perfection,” says Fox. Using his favorite Wahl tools, such as the Pilot, 5-Star Shaver and G Whiz Trimmer, in addition to the cordless products, Fox helped embellish what barber-stylists are already doing in Asia. In America, blends and fading are hugely popular, while designs and color are more popular in Asia. By integrating a blend of western and international styles using Wahl clippers, barber-stylists can learn and contribute to a flawless execution. Each country hosted a rich backdrop for the events and professionals. Between the culture, history and a shared enthusiasm for the haircutting industry, hosts were welcoming to Fox and the Wahl presence. “This is just the beginning of an international fusion for Wahl Professional Global Education,” says Laura VanderMoere, Director of Education, Wahl Professional. “With our leadership training in Brazil, the UK and Russia in 2014, Germany and Russia in 2015 and now Asia in 2016, Wahl Professional is staying true to their reputation as the leader and go-to resource for clippers and education in the professional industry.” To learn more about the product selection of Fox’s favorite Wahl tools during his trip to Asia, visit
New Awards Announced at in-cosmetics North America Sensient Cosmetic Technologies and Conair Corporation revealed as winners following exciting first day at in-cosmetics North America The first day of the new in-cosmetics North America event in New York City closed in style on September 7, 2016. ICMAD— the official Awards partner—presented the Innovation Zone Best Ingredient Gold Award to Sensient Cosmetic Technologies, while Conair Corporation scooped the Formulation Challenge Award after creating a new beauty product in just 90 minutes. Johnson & Johnson, Unilever, Conair Corporation, Victoria’s Secret and Cosmetic Group USA took part in the in-cosmetics North America Formulation Challenge. Taking place 88
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in the event’s purpose built lab, the respected brands and manufacturers were challenged to create a new product, using ingredients from a number of exhibitors[2]. Judged by The Institute of Personal Care Science and Mintel, Conair Corporation was crowned the first-ever winner, impressing the judges with its excellent all-day moisturiser product, which achieved top marks in both technical and marketing categories. In a close second, Cosmetic Group USA was given the runner up prize for its urban skin care cream. A spokesperson from Conair Corporation said, “We were very excited to be taking part in the Formulation Challenge. Innovation is our passion and we’re delighted that our team effort combined to make a product that really impressed the judges.” After presenting the award, Belinda
Carli, Director at The Institute of Personal Care Science, said, “Asking five finished product manufacturers to create a new product in such a short period of time was a difficult task. The results demonstrated just how creative an industry we work in. The in-cosmetics North America event is all about highlighting the ingredients that will help inspire a new generation of cosmetics and this competition showed just how exciting the future is.” [2]Ashland,
Chemyunion Quimica, Croda, Dow, Dr Straetmans, DSM Nutritional Products, Gattefosse, Grant Industries, Inolex, LipoTrue, Lonza, Lucas Meyer Cosmetics, Sederma and Sensient
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Industry News SheaMoisture Launches Phase Two of its Acclaimed #BreakTheWalls National Awareness Platform Company continues to challenge beauty industry standards, this time with one powerful question: What’s Normal? everyone,
everyone, and celebrating the
normalcy—of everyone’s SheaMoisture assembled prominent beauty vloggers—including
StyledByAle, and everyday women who have made headlines for defending their hair in the workplace, including Sgt. Jasmine Jacobs, who petitioned the U.S. military to change its policy banning natural hairstyles, and Rhonda Lee, a local ABC meteorologist who was fired for responding to a comment about her natural hair—to secure their perspectives on what is considered normal in beauty, especially regarding hair type, texture and style. Their responses, supporting the brand’s challenge of a normal standard, based on a 4,000 person third party bias study (slated for release in October), were compiled and shared in a compelling short video, developed by Droga5. “With
#BreakTheWalls earlier this year, we furthered our 25-year mission to spark meaningful conversation and action towards true inclusion and a more empathetic mindset in the beauty industry and our society, which includes bringing down both literal and metaphoric walls,” said Richelieu Dennis, founder and CEO of Sundial Brands.“With our first iteration, we showed the physical walls coming down. With ‘What’s Normal?’ we are confronting the mental walls that encourage us to force-fit ourselves and others into falsely constructed beauty and ‘good hair’ ideals. By questioning the very concept of a normal standard, especially as it applies to beauty and to hair type or texture, we can begin to see how arbitrary, narrow and potentially destructive it is and course-correct ourselves on a path to where everybody gets love. Our forward track must focus on including
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
differences.” “ W h a t ’ s Normal?” continues to reinforce SheaMoisture’s focus on what it has coined
General Market, which is defined by inclusion and commonalities via need states. The New General Market approach ensures that
consumers, those
have been traditionally underserved,
enhanced experience of accessibility, choice and
site, and in three simple steps provides a
inclusion according to their needs, not traditional
personalized hair care regimen tailored to her
specific needs around maintenance (cleansing
different hair types and needs has been at the
and conditioning), treatment (restoring and
core of SheaMoisture’s innovation strategy since
renewing) and styling (shaping and finishing).
the beginning. For 25 years the brand has been
developing new formulations based on feedback
celebrate the positive changes women are
from its community and co-creation with its
experiencing in the beauty industry and
retail partners. The brand now offers more than
encourages them to join together to continue
150 hair care products to meet individual needs,
to reshape the beauty landscape—from a
based on type, texture, condition and style, and
dated model of “standardized ideals” to one of
has partnered with retailers to introduce this
inclusive representation at retail and beyond.
problem-solution approach to the industry. To further customize the experience,
Continue with SheaMoisture on the journey to find #AMillionWaysToShea
the brand is introducing a first-of-its-kind hair
r e c o g n i t i o n t o o l — “G o o d H a i r D a y ”
( The “Good
Hair Day” tool uses an innovative hair
Facebook: SheaMoisture · Instagram:
recognition technology that automatically
@sheamoisture4u · Twitter: @SheaMoisture.
identifies the user’s hair type and/or style, based on a photo or selfie uploaded to the
and For
to more
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Industry News
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
BIR Bits American International Industries has acquired Model in a Bottle. The acquisition comes just one year after the company’s purchase of Hollywood Fashion Secrets, further cementing A.I.I.’s place as a leader in beauty and style essentials. “Like other brands in our portfolio, Model in a Bottle offers innovative products with a fast-growing and loyal customer base. With this acquisition, we broaden our portfolio into the cosmetics category, adding dimensions to our current product offerings,” says Zvi Ryzman, president of A.I.I. Visit and
Hair care legend and internationally renowned trichologist Philip Kingsley died on September 3, 2016. Philip was the world’s leading authority on hair and scalp health. Dubbed the “Hair Guru” by the New York Times, the “Hair Wizard” by Vogue and the “Hair Doctor” by the Sunday Times, he was the man who coined the phrase “bad hair day.” Philip was the first to link hair health with nutrition and well-being. He believed that the traditional classifications of hair as normal, oily and dry were inaccurate, and introduced the concept of hair textures instead: Fine, Medium, Coarse, African-Caribbean. This had a huge impact on the hair-care industry, and is the standard by which many modern hair care brands now operate. Visit
Cosmoprof Asia 2016 and AsiaWorld-Expo will take place November 15-18, 2016 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. About 60,000 visitors are expected to tour the 2,700 international exhibitors and 23 national and group pavilions. For more details and to register, visit
Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.” The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz. For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message. 94
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OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Show Calendar Ad Index NOVEMBER: 12-13 The Makeup Show Chicago Chicago, IL 13-14 Image Expo Dallas Dallas, TX 13-14 San Juan Beauty Show San Juan, PR 15-18 Cosmoprof Asia: Hong Kong Hong Kong, China
AFAM Concept Inc. ..........15, 57, 99
Helen of Troy ..................................... 5
nuNAAT ............................................. 76
Ampro ................................................. 51
House of Cheatham ...................... 71
OMT, LLC ........................................... 31
Andis Co. ........................................... 11
Hoyu America .......................... 26, 27
One Bottle Products ..................... 47
Beauty Perfection ........................... 9
Innovative Beauty Products .....Poster
Beauty Man, LLC ............................ 33
Isoplus .............................................. 101
Beauty Ventures ......................64, 81
Oster Prof. Products ..................... 50
J2 Beauty ........................... 65, 72, 73
PDC Brands ............................ 2, 3, 93 Queen Helene .......................... 30, 38
Biocare Labs .............................34, 95
JBS Beauty Club ............................ 74
RA Cosmetics .......................... 76, 85
Brittny Professional ................60, 92
JBS Hair ................. IFC, 1, 61, 80, 89
Salon Commodities, Inc. ............. 77
Chloe Hair Accessories ...... 14, 103
Jinny Corp. ....................................... 83
Sensitive By Nature ........................82
Colomer USA .................................. 96
KAB Brands ...................................... 25
Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products ................... 37
Combe Inc. ........................................ 87 Conair ................................................ 23 DRM-JPC Brands ........................... 29 Dream World Products ................ 78 Ecoco, Inc. .............Cover, 40, 41, 75
Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products ........................................... 91
Ten Pro ............................................... 74
L’Oreal Technique .......................... 35
Universal Beauty Products, Inc. .. 58
M&M Products ................................ 69
Wella, The Salon Professional Division of P&G ............................... 19
Mane Selection .............................. 52
Western Buying Conference (WBC) ................................... BC, Insert
Maranatha Soon Co. ..................... 45 Fantasia Ind. .................................... 39 Fromm ............................................... 63 Giovanni Cosmetics ..................... 49 Gold ‘N Hot ....................................... 55
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Mitchell Group ................................ 13 Namaste Laboratories ............ 8, 53 Nature’s Protein ............................IBC
Xtreme Beauty International . 21, 79 Zotos International ......................... 7
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.
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OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
Coconut Restore Restore hair to its natural beauty. Nature’s Protein is tantalizing hair follicles with their Pure, Natural, Proven Coconut Restore line, leaving hair luxurious, polished, and manageable. Coconut Oil is rich in capric acid, lauric acid and other essential fatty acids that help protect strands from breakage. Coconut Oil also consists of linoleic acid that helps to keep the hair hydrated and oleic acid that helps condition the hair, allowing it to grow naturally stronger and longer. This vitalizing oil moisturizes the hair to improve its strength and flexibility. Coconut Restore is free from sulfates, parabens, mineral oil, petrolatum, and artificial dyes, making it a perfect remedy for hair care needs. Nature’s Protein launched Coconut Restore in July 2016 with a complete line of hair products that are sure to meet hair care needs. Infused with protein, Coconut Restore is a year-round remedy for dry, brittle, and damaged hair. Most hair care products only coat the surface of the hair, which only gives tresses a healthy shine, leaving important layers of the hair untreated. Coconut Oil has the ability to penetrate the cortex of hair strands, which helps to increase its strength and flexibility.
5 Ways Coconut Oil Can Prevent Hair Damage: • Helps lock in protein • Prevent split ends • Reduces effects of hygral fatigue • Moisturizes hair • Prevents mechanical hair damage
3. Moisture Replenishing Shampoo cleanses and removes residue from hair without harsh chemicals. This concentrated formula utilizes Coconut Oil to purify hair fibers, deposits antioxidants and restores hairs natural moisture. Sulfate-free gentle cleansing system.
The Coconut Restore line consists of six invigorating products:
4. Curl Control Leave-In Conditioner clinches the curls with a healthy blend of Coconut Oil to boost natural softness, shield against humidity, and leave hair moisturized and full of body. This conditioner consists of specialty polymers that bind to hair fibers to keep them in place without flakes. It works well on thermal or straightened hair as well as naturally curly hair. It is free from sulfates, parabens, mineral oil, petrolatum, and artificial dyes.
1. Revitalizing Whipped Coconut Oil works wonders as a hair and skin moisturizer. This natural oil is rich in emollients which provide the hair with volume and shine without common harmful chemicals. This oil contains no sulfates, parabens, mineral oil, petrolatum, or artificial dyes. 2. Daily Strengthening Conditioner is a hydrating formula that softens and conditions, leaving hair looking, feeling and smelling remarkable. This conditioner binds hair fibers, making detangling and conditioning more manageable while leaving hair soft and silky without weighing it down. This healthy combination of protein and Coconut Oil will make hair softer, stronger and healthier. Free from sulfates, parabens, mineral oil, petrolatum, and artificial dyes.
5. Styling & Setting Gelee is a non-flaking, alcohol-free formula that locks in moisture while providing a lasting look all day. This gelee leaves hair bursting with shine while exuding beautiful curls and a welldefined style. It is safe for all hair types. The Coconut Restore Styling & Setting Gelee is free from parabens, mineral oil, petrolatum, and artificial dyes. 6. Keratin Intensive Repair Masque is a musthave for dry, damaged hair. Enriched with Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Keratin, this masque instantly improves pliability, leaving hair restored and invigorated all over. This masque seals cuticles and split ends, leaving hair stronger and revitalized. It is free from sulfates, parabens, mineral oil, petrolatum, and artificial dyes. Coconut Restore is great for wavy, curly and coily hair. It breaks down hair barriers and alleviates much of the moisture deficiency that women contend. This product is perfect for nourishing hair while taming frizzes and unruly strands. Coconut Restore nourishes the scalp while gently revitalizing curls, coils, locks, and twists, leaving hair stronger and more defined than ever! Coconut Oil is a must-have for healthy hair needs. Nature loves it, so why not let your customers’ hair love it too?! Article by Courtney Blakemore.
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine November 2016