OTC December 2016

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December 2016 | $6.00

The Year End Issue

Seasonal Skin & Hair Care Finished Product

The Truth Behind Jojoba Oil BEAUTY BUSINESS NEWS


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

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OTC Beaut Beauty utty Maga M Magazine gazin ga zine zin e Dec Decemb December cemb ember 201 em 2016 16

OTC Beauty Be B eau aut utty u yM Magazine aga ga azin z e Dec zi De December em emb mbe err 20 2016 016 6


December 2016

c ont en t s

The Year E nd I s s u e Editorial Letter


We Made It!

우리가 해냈습니다!

Expert Advice Perfect Winter Skin

12 16



How Should You Sell It?


Moisturization When Relaxing hair 어떻게 판매해야 하나?

53 58

Clipper Tips


Therapy Trends


Tonsorial Times

72 78 94 97 100

StaƬ Picks


Feature Article

Winter Versus Summer Skin Care

by Loc Tran Just as your body needs diƬerent clothing to protect it against the changing weather, your skin needs a diƬerent skin care regime to properly protect it from the elements. Here is a closer look at how winter versus summer aƬects skin and its care.

2016: An Explosive Year for Natural Products

Child Friendly Tools & Tips for the Holiday Season

Rejoice, Recover and Purchase

It’s a WRAP!

102 104


The Truth Behind Jojoba Oil

by Stephanie McLemore, Dark and Lovely Style Squad Member Jojoba oil has recently made quite an impact on the beauty market and we could not wait to learn more about it. This article explains the many beneƮts it boasts, and why it has become a household name. Read on to learn more about this phenomenal oil.

Stocking StuƬers

Notes From the Natural Nation

Finished Product

Industry News


BIR Bits Coupons Show Calendar Ad Index Reader Feedback Product Spotlight BB Classics

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

December 2016 | $6.00

The Year End Issue

Seasonal Skin & Hair Care Finished Product

The Truth Behind Jojoba Oil BEAUTY BUSINESS NEWS

All year long hair nourishment and upkeep is of top concern for many of your customers. Okay Pure Naturals has them covered with a full range of hair care products, suitable for all hair types. Boasting a multitude of beneƮts, great moisturization capabilities and working to improve hair appearance, they are all great choices! www.okaypurenaturals.com

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


December 2016

c ont en t s


Knowledge To Know by Cynthia Malcom What we are just now beginning to understand about our skin in the 21st century, it seems Cleopatra already knew. Her eternal youthful glow lay in the hands of Donkey Milk. Cleopatra bathed in sour donkey milk which contains an ingredient called Lactic acid, which has been used in skin care as early as the Cleopatra Era. Learn why it’s a great ingredient to add to your beauty arsenal as well. 젖산 21세기에 와서야 발견되고 있는 피부 관리에 좋은 성분들에 대해 클레오파트라는 이미 알고 있었던 것 같습니다. 당나귀의 우유에 그녀는 영생과 젊음을 가진 자신의 손을 담구었습니다. 클레오파트라는 당나귀의 신 우유로 목욕을 했는데 그것은 바로 젖산이 풍부한, 즉 클레오파트라 시대 때부터 사용해오던 피부 관리 성분입니다. 무엇이 그렇게 특별한지 알아보도록 하겠습니다.




by Toni Love During this time of the year, people tend to forget about protecting the hair. Most feel the need to protect the hair during the summer months because of the exposure to direct heat. The summer heat can be brutal, but the hair shaft should also be protected during the winter months. 헤어 모이스쳐라이저 사용의 중요성 한 해 중 이 맘 때가 되면 모발 관리에 대해서 잊고 지내는 사람들이 많다. 대부분이 여름 에는 뜨거운 햇빛에서 모발의 노출을 자제하려고 한다. 여름의 뜨거운 햇빛으로부터 모발을 보호하는 것도 중요하지만, 겨우내 모발 보호도 만만치 않게 중요하다.

Business Tips


Beauty Ambassadors

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article Out with the Boring, in with the STYLE!


Skin Care Beauty Ambassador Article


Special Awards Section

Cocoa Butter is Nature’s Super Ingredient for Beautiful, Youthful Skin

OTC Beauty Magazine Awards

Advertisements are an integral part of any publication, and here at OTC Beauty Magazine we take time to recognize a few each year. We congratulate 2016’s winners as well as honorable mentions, and sincerely thank you all for your support.

To Lead Others You Must Serve Others

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

F.O.R.T.U.N.E.: 7 Characteristics of a Highly Successful Business Leader

by Eliakim Thorpe At a leadership conference two entrepreneurs learned the most important traits of a leader, and how the most successful leaders are not simply measured by their knowledge, but more importantly, measured by their character. Intelligence isn’t a replacement for high character. This article explores seven characterizes of a highly successful leader on the ‘F.O.R.T.U.N.E.’ leadership path. 포춘: 크게 성공한 비즈니스 리더들의 7가지 성향 리더십에 관한 강연에 참가한 두 기업가는, 리더가 되기 위해 가장 중요한 성향들에 대해서, 그리고 크게 성공한 리더들은 간단히 그들의 지식으로서만 성장했던 것이 아니라, 더욱 중요한 것은 그들이 가진 성향이었다는 것을 배웠다. 훌륭한 성향은 지식과 맞바꿀 수 없는 것이었다. 성공한 리더들이 갖추고 있는 7가지 덕목들을 이 글에서 배워보자.

Moisturizing is Vital to Hair Care

by Walt Grassl In this article we follow Paul, a young worker who was promoted to the role of superviser. To prepare for this position he learned about leadership, and he found that leadership was not about telling people what to do. Working under servant leadership, he began to thrive in a positive and productive workplace. This can be translated to a store atmosphere as well. 리더가 되기 위해서는 타인에게 봉사해야 한다. 이 글에서, 우리는 젊은 나이에 슈퍼바이저로 승진한 폴의 이야기를 다루어 보았다. 그는 리더쉽을 공부하면서, 리더란


어떠한 일을 시키는 역할이 아니라는 것을 배웠다. 봉사하는 리더가 긍정적이고 생산적인 작업환경을 만든다는 것을 배웠다. 이러한 이야기가 여러분의 스토어에도 해당될 수 있을 것이다.

Lactic Acid


Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards

Each year Jinny Corp. presents various manufacturers with coveted Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards in recognition for their achievements within the industry. The winners of these revered honors are recognized in this special section. Congratulations to all!





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OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com

Art Director:

Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:


Contributing Writers:

Carla Alexander Walt Grassl Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Toni Love Cynthia Malcom Stephanie McLemore Dr. Janet Prystowsky Eliakim Thorpe Loc Tran Emma Young


Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 OakcliƬ Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry oƬering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, eƬective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traƱ c, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry oƬering both Korean and English translations.

OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing oƱ ces. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staƬ member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 OakcliƬ Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 8

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC O OT TC Beauty TC Be B eaut au au auty utty M Magazine aga a ag ga g azin ziin zi ne De Dec D December ec e ce emb em mb m ber er 20 2016 2 01 16 6


EDITORIAL LETTER We Made It! 우리가 해냈습니다!


an you believe it? 2016 has already come and gone…where does the time go? It seems like we were just gearing up for the first quarter and anxiously waiting to see what new trends and items would hit the market in the new year. Now—in what seems like the blink of an eye—we are doing it all over again, but for 2017. In considering the beauty concerns that typically arise during this time of year we couldn’t help but focus on hair moisturization. In bitter, cold temperatures it is sometimes difficult to keep hair from drying out and becoming frizzy—and nobody wants to look back and see that in holiday family photos! In this issue you will find information on hair maintenance, winter skin care, and some product ingredients that pack powerful punches. Business-wise we wanted to take time and reflect on our inner selves, seeing as that can ultimately impact both our lives and companies in drastic ways. The articles featured here are about leadership, and how serving others can help us become better leaders. As you tie up the ends of 2016 and look forward to a new beginning, we encourage you to examine the type of leader you are, the business you run, and how you impact your community. Let’s end this year on a great note! Here at OTC Beauty Magazine we find ourselves lucky to be working in such a fast-paced, exciting and innovative industry as this one. Beauty is a realm where everyone can express themselves in individual ways, and the result is always uniquely fabulous. It’s a fun place to be and we couldn’t be more thankful to be here with you. We hope you and your family have wonderful holiday season and a very Merry Christmas. We wish you all the best.

믿기 십니까? 2016년도가 이렇게 왔다가 벌써 갑니다...시간이 참 빠르게 가지요? 아마 1/4분기 준비를 이제 막 시작했다가 벌써 걱정된 마음으로 신년에는 어떤 새로운 트렌드와 물품들이 시장에 나올 지 기다리는 심정이겠지요. 이제 - 눈 깜짝할 사이에 - 우리는 다시, 그러나 2017년을 위해 새로 도약하는 것입니다. 한 해 중 이맘때 많은 사람이 관심을 갖는 모발에 대한 수분 관리를 빼놓을 수 없었는데요, 단도직입적으로 말씀 드리자면, 추운 날씨에 모발이 건조해지고 부시시 해지는 것을 방지하는 것은 쉽지 않습니다 - 그리고 아무도 홀리데이 가족 사진에 찍힌 자신이 그렇게 나오는 것을 원치도 않지요! 그러하여 해결방안을 모색하려고, 모발 관리, 겨울 피부관리, 그리고 그것들에 좋은 재료를 쓴 제품에 대한 정보들을 찾게 될 것입니다. 비즈니스 지향적으로 우리가 가진 진실된 마음을 표현할 시간을 갖고, 우리 모두의 생활과 나아가서 회사 전체에 좋은 영향을 주고 싶었습니다. 그러한 취지로 우리가 어떻게 다른 이들을 도움으로써 더욱 좋은 리더가 될 수 있는가에 대한 리더쉽을 주제로 한 사설들 몇 가지를 기재해 봅니다. 2016년을 마치고 새로운 출발을 하면서 당신이 어떠한 리더이며, 어떤 비즈니스를 운영하고 있으며, 당신이 속한 곳에 어떠한 영향을 주고 있는지 되돌아 보는 시간을 가지시길 바랍니다. 자신에 대한 뜻 깊은 메모 한장으로 한 해를 마감하세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이 빠르고 흥미진진한 무궁한 발전의 산업에 몸담게 된 것을 행운으로 생각하고 있습니다. 뷰티는 모든 이가 자신 각자의 개성을 표출하고, 그 사람만의 독창적인 아름다움을 만들어 내는 하나의 영역이라고 하겠습니다. 흥미로운 공간에서 여러분과 함께 할 수 있음을 감사드립니다. 가족과 함께 훈훈하고 즐거운 성탄절과 연휴 보내시기 바랍니다. 여러분이 하시는 일에 축복을 기원합니다.

Editor, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com 10

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OT OTC T Beauty Beaut Be Beaut auty y Maga M Magazine aga gazin zin ne D De Dec December ecem ecem em mb be err 2016 201 16 6

1 11 1

Expert Advice by Dr. Janet Prystowsky

Perfect Winter Skin Perfect winter skin sounds like a pipe dream to most people. Suffering through cold air, a dry office, and icy walks through town can make winter pretty miserable. So what can you do to protect yourself from the elements? Whether your skin is usually dry, normal, combination, or oily, many of these tips will apply to you. So let’s get through the winter skin blues, not just in one piece, but with perfect winter skin.

MORNING Do you wake up itchy? If you do, then it may be time to invest in a humidifier. I recommend warm mist humidifiers, a.k.a. vaporizers. Warm mist humidifiers heat water before aerosolizing, helping to kill bacteria and viruses. Aim for a humidity of 40-50%. Too much humidity will make a nice home for mold and mildew to grow, which can lead to even more skin problems. So make sure to clean or replace your humidifier’s filter regularly as well. Your skin’s natural oils are your friend. Not only do they help keep your skin hydrated, but they also help protect your skin from the elements. Harsh soaps can strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving you more susceptible to skin infection. When you shower or wash your face, try using less soap than you normally would during the summer. A tablespoon’s worth of body wash is plenty enough for your body. Switch to a gentle cleanser for your face as well. I’ve recommended Dove’s beauty bars to my patients for years and started working with the brand recently. Also, opt for warm water over hot water. It can be tempting to take a hot shower in


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

the winter, but the hot water can actually melt away your skin’s natural moisturizers, causing water to evaporate right out of your skin! After washing, use a body oil to replenish some of the natural oils that washed off in your shower. If you use Dove’s dry oil body wash, you can skip this step because the body oils are built into the body wash. Pat yourself dry because rubbing can be irritating to already sensitive skin. Moisturize your face before applying any makeup. People with normal or dry skin should use a moisturizer with a mild vitamin A, like retinyl palmitate. My skincare line, Livad Skin Care, is coming out with a complexion cream that will be perfect for the winter. It also includes a few essential oils, like sunflower and cucumber, that are great for replenishing your skin’s hydration. People with more combination or oily skin can use a stronger vitamin A, like retinol. If you still suffer from acne during the winter, a strong cleanser like Neutrogena’s oil-free Acne Wash, which contains 2% salicylic acid will help. A facial cleanser which contains glycolic acid works as well. Keep in mind that these products will likely dry out your skin and your acne, so try to find a balance that works for you. Pregnant women should avoid vitamin A products and salicylic acid, so they should look for a very basic moisturizer like Lubriderm and a glycolic acid product for acne if necessary.

DAY If you find yourself outside or driving a lot during the winter, it’s a good idea to continue using sunscreen. The sun still shines during the winter, so any exposed skin can still be

sun damaged. However, if you’re barely outside and not by a window during the day, then there is little use in wearing sunscreen. With hats, scarves, gloves, and jackets, very little skin will see any sunlight. Skiers, on the other hand, should absolutely wear sunscreen when on the slopes. With the combination of high altitude and reflection from the snow, many skiers come home with sunburnt faces. They should use an SPF 50 broad spectrum sunscreen. Most outdoor workers and drivers can get away with SPF 30 broad spectrum sunscreen during the winter. If you suffer from chapped lips, stay away from lip balms and don’t lick your lips! Go for Aquaphor. While many lip balms are soothing in the short term, they can actually perpetuate your chapped lip problem. Aquaphor will lock in moisture, keeping your lips soft and fresh. For chapped, dry hands and feet, go for heavy creams like Eucerin or Nivea, or ointments like Vaseline or Aquaphor.

Your clothing matters too. Fleece, microfiber, and wool are great material options when looking for winter apparel. Make sure to wear scarves, mittens, and thick socks. Guarding your skin from cold wind and dry air will be instrumental in keeping your skin soft and hydrated. In the office you may or may not have control over your heating and humidity. If you do, then make sure your humidity is around 40-50%. If your office temperature is too low, I strongly do not recommend buying a space heater. Space heaters have a tendency to dry out the air in a room, which will negatively impact your skin. Wearing an extra layer of clothing may be your best option if you cannot change the thermostat.

NIGHT There isn’t much you need to do at night to keep your skin in tip top shape. Assuming your home is at a comfortable temperature, and assuming you’ve already gone and bought

a warm mist humidifier, you’re well on your way to perfect winter skin. Now is the time to check your body to see if there are any spots that need a little extra tender love and care. Typical problem areas will be your hands and face, since these are the typical areas exposed to the cold and dry winter air during the day. Remember not to use harsh cleansers and soaps during the winter. I like Ponds for taking makeup off at the end of the day, but natural oils like baby oil, olive oil, and sunflower oil can work as well. Use a Dove beauty bar afterwards if your face feels oily. If your feet or hands are dry and cracked even though you wear mittens and thick socks during the day, you should use more Vaseline or Aquaphor at night. Blot off any excess with a tissue. This routine should work for anybody! If you still have winter skin concerns, you may want to ask your dermatologist for suggestions that fit better with your unique skin and lifestyle.

Meet Janet H. Prystowsky MD, PhD Janet H. Prystowsky MD, PhD is a board certified dermatologist in New York City and Founder and President of Livad Skin Care

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



Stocking Stuffers

1. Pre-Treat for Greatness The Cantu Thermal Shield Heat Protectant is a pre-treatement for all hair types to prevent

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s here…the most wonderful time of year! The Christmas season is upon us and we hope you all enjoy this time with your families and friends. We also wish you the best of luck with your business as you wrap up this year. Here we have gathered a Ʈnal product collection of 2016 that would make wonderful stocking stuƬers.

damage caused by ưat irons and other heated styling tools, while adding moisture to strands for smoother, frizz-free results.


Especially during this season of events and photographs galore, you know your customers are trying to create the perfect hairstyle by any means necessary. Make sure they do that safely. www.cantubeauty.com

2. First Things First


Hair health starts at the root, yet it’s easy to get caught up in the styling of the actual hair and forget about where it comes from. The Scalp Nourishing Serum from Jane Carter Solution heals and soothes the scalp using natural essential oils, botanicals, and vitamins. When combined with heat and massage, this serum helps increase scalp circulation, resulting in a healthy, supple, wellnourished scalp. It can help reduce itching, ưaking and control dandruƬ too! www.janecartersolution.com

3. Relieve Rough Patches Winter can bring with it skin concerns like extreme dry skin and even rough dry patches, but have no fear. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Clinical Intensive Relief soothes skin supremely. Formulated to help your customers who battle sensitive skin, extremely dry skin, eczema-prone skin or diabetic skin conditions, it helps calm them all of these worries. Hypoallergenic and dermatologist tested. www.palmers.com


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



1. Healthy Hair Essential Halloween is over and the mask of damaged hair is one we are no longer hiding behind. Instead, we are putting the Green Tea and Carrot Deep Strengthening and Restorative


Mask Treatment from The Mane Choice to good use. Formulated to penetrate the hair shaft and infuse strands with high-quality vitamins and nutrients, it works to transform hair into its most optimal and healthiest state. www.themanechoice.com

2. Kids Curls Let’s face it; we all have crazy hair from time to time that needs taming with our favorite styling product. The same is true for children’s beautiful curls. SheaMoisture’s Coconut & Hibiscus Kids Curling Butter Cream is formulated with natural ingredients that are completely safe for children, leaving sensitive curls hydrated and full of deƮnition. www.sheamoisture.com


3. Be the Boss During the holidays and all year-round, equip your customers with the products they need to be the boss of their unique style. El Patron’s Fresh Aftershave is a refreshing and toning formula that boasts the brand’s signature blended fragrance. The product combines the scent of leafy green sage, watery herb tones, and notes of lavender and violet, with overtures of Siberian Ʈr needles, oak moss and leather. www.elpatronusa.com

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016




2. 1. Sweet Therapy Before facing this bright new year ahead, encourage your customers to wind-down and recollect themselves this December with some Isoplus “sweet therapy.” This AntiBreakage Deep Repair Conditioner works to strengthen, defend and maintain protein balance for hair. www.isoplus.com

2. Gorgeous Green The new year is a great time for your customers to try something new with their beauty routines, and hair color is a fun place to start. The Green Ivy Complete Color Kit from Sparks contains everything they need to pre-lighten and color their hair. With this product they can start 2017 oƬ with a just a pop of color in their hair, or an entire head of a new hue. www.sparkscolor.com

3. All Around Goodness Are you looking for a product to nourish and moisture both skin and hair? Look no further than the Jamaican Mango and Lime Black Castor Oil Skin & Hair Butter! This product protects and restores nutrients to dry hair, scalp and skin for ultimate hydration and softening. It boasts no petroleum. www.universalbeauty.com


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



1. Cute Curlies


The last thing moms and dads want is to cause their little ones discomfort while styling their hair. This is where ORS’ Curlies Unleashed for Kids Knot A Chance Daily Detanlger comes in handy. This lightweight spray with nourishing mango and zesty orange infuses hair with moisture to prevent tangles and breakage, improving daily manageability. It revives second-day curls fabulously! www.orshaircare.com

2. Stock up on Essentials Just as your customers are getting ready for the new year, it is a good idea to equip them with the everyday essentials they need to stock up on, including conditioner. The Herbal-Gro


Conditioner from Mane ‘n Tail is a vital step in a complete hair care system that is formulated with natural herbs blended with an olive oil complex to nourish, strengthen, and fortify hair from root to tip. www.manentail.com


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


How should you sell it?

This month’s selling focus is… Moisturization When Relaxing Hair! With hydration being so important to hair it is often questioned as to if relaxer systems actually contain moisturizers. This month, we found out!

Are there conditioners in hair relaxers? If not, how is it possible to include a conditioner in the relaxing procedure?

Are there conditioners in hair relaxers?

and apply a liquid or lotion-type protein to all of the hair. Leave it in

No! Organic conditioners cannot coexist in

for about 5 minutes, then shampoo with the neutralizing shampoo

an environment of Sodium Hydroxide or

and complete the process as per the manufacturer’s instructions. The

Calcium Hydroxide (no lye) products, for two

purpose of this is to get conditioners deep into the hair while it is still

reasons. (1) The relaxer caustic highly alkaline contents would destroy

open before the neutralizing closes down the hair shaft, disallowing

the acid based low pH conditioners such as Proteins, Panthenol, Olive

conditioners to get into the hair later during the moisturizing step.

Oil, Aloe Vera (or any vegetable based item) before the cap goes on

Due to the conditioners’ low pH, it will start the neutralizing step.

the jar in the factory. (2) The organic conditioner would weaken the

Hair relaxing deteriorates about 40% of the hair shaft; this procedure

relaxer because it would have a neutralizing effect on the relaxer due

will rebuild much of it as a part of the relaxing experience.

to the fact that an alkaline-based relaxer is neutralized by acid-based

Note: Do not use vegetable-based conditioners such as Aloe

ingredients in a shampoo formula. Manufactures who claim to have

Vera, Jojoba Oil, Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Argan Oil, Coconut Oil or

a Conditioning Relaxer System lead you to understand that there is

Soy Protein, etc. Use a product that identifies its protein source from

a conditioner in their relaxer, when in reality the conditioners are

an animal base, such as Amino, Keratin, Polypeptide (PPT) Animal

somewhere in the total system such as the moisturizers, shampoos

Hydrolize. Animal-based proteins most resemble the natural proteins

and other items that are part of the system – but not in the relaxer.

found in human hair and skin. Vegetable-

How to include a conditioner in the relaxing procedure: After rinsing all of the relaxer from the hair, towel blot the excess water

based proteins work well in products that are applied to the exterior of the hair.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau, Trichologist Liquid Gold Bonding www.liquidgoldbonding.com

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the January issue! 22

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

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어떻게 판매해야 하나?

이번 달 판매 전략은 ...

헤어 릴렉서 사용 시 모발 수분공급입니다! 수분공급이 모발에 중요한 것은 알고 있기에, 헤어 릴렉서 시스템이 수분 공급의 역할도 하고 있는지 궁금해 집니다. 이번 달에 저희가 그 답을 드리겠습니다!

헤어 릴렉서에 컨디셔너 성분이 들어 있을까요? 그렇지 않다면, 어떻게 헤어 릴렉싱 과정 중 컨디셔너 단계를 포함시킬 수 있을까요?





모발에서 헹구어 낸 뒤에, 타올로 물기를 닦아낸 후 액체나 로션

들어있나요?” 그렇지 않습니다! 유기농

타입의 단백질을 모발 전체에 발라줍니다. 5분 정도 지난 뒤에 사용

컨디셔너는 2가지 이유로 수산화 나트륨이

설명서대로 중화 샴푸를 사용해 머리를 감습니다. 이것의 목적은

수산화 칼슘 같은 성분들과 함께 공존할

중화가 되어 모간이 닫혀 모이스쳐라이징 단계에서 컨디셔너가

수 없습니다. (1) 릴렉서는 알칼라인 성분이 높아서 pH가 낮은

모발에 침투하지 못하는 것을 방지하기 위해서 모간이 열려있을

단백질, 팬세놀, 올리브 오일, 알로에 베라 (또는 식물성 제품들)

때 컨디셔너가 깊숙히 모발에 침투할 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.

같은 산성의 컨디셔너 성분들을 공장에서 뚜껑이 닫히기도 전에

컨디셔너의 pH가 낮기 때문에, 중화 과정이 시작될 것입니다. 헤어

파괴시켜버립니다. (2) 유기농 컨디셔너는 릴렉서의 성분을

릴렉싱은 모간의 상태를 40%정도 악화시킵니다; 그러므로 이

중화시키는 역할을 하게 되어 그 효과를 약하게 하는데, 그 이유는

과정은 릴렉싱 과정에서 악화된 모간을 살리는 과정 중 하나라고

알칼라인을 주성분으로 하는 릴렉서가 산성인 샴푸의 성분들과

할 수 있습니다.

합쳐지게 되면 중화가 되는 효과가 나오기 때문입니다. 유통업자들이

메모: 알로에 베라, 호호바 오일, 올리브 오일, 쉬어 버터, 아르간

컨디셔닝 릴렉서 시스템이라고 광고를 하여 여러분들에게 컨디셔너

오일, 코코넛 오일 또는 콩 단백질 같은 식물성 컨디셔너의 사용은

성분이 릴렉서에 들어있다는 것으로 착각하게 유도하였는데, 사실은

금물입니다. 단백질 성분이 동물성인 아미노, 케라틴, 폴리펩타이드

그 릴렉싱 과정 중에 모이스처라이져, 샴푸 등의 제품을 포함하는

동물성 하이드롤라이즈 같은 제품을 사용하시기 바랍니다. 동물성

것이지 - 사실상 그 성분이 릴렉서에 포함이 되어있는 것은

단백질은 사람의 모발과 피부에 가장 가까운


성분입니다. 식물성 단백질은 모발 겉 표면에

릴렉싱 과정에 컨디셔닝을 포함하는 방법: 릴렉서를 모두

사용되는 제품에 효과가 좋습니다.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau, Trichologist Liquid Gold Bonding www.liquidgoldbonding.com

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 1월호에 게재됩니다!


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

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27 7

Finished Product by Stephanie McLemore, Dark and Lovely Style Squad Member

The Truth Behind Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil (Simmondsia chinensis) can be found primarily in warmer climates, specifically southern California, southern Arizona, and northwestern Mexico. A common misconception with Jojoba oil is that it is known as an oil, but it’s actually a liquid wax. Jojoba starts as a plant (shrub) with waxycoated leaves. The wax acts as a protective coating that allows the natural liquids and water from the rainfalls to remain inside the leaves, therefore moisture does not evaporate. It also helps the plant survive cold weather conditions. The Jojoba plant can thrive in temperatures as high as 122 degrees Fahrenheit. The

Jojoba plant has a very lengthy lifespan, which allows for Jojoba oil to be highly stable and have a long shelf life. Jojoba oil is best used at its purest form. It loses its potency when mixed with synthetic oils. To note, pure Jojoba oil has neither a smell nor color. If it develops a rancid smell or dark color, note that this is a sign that the oil has gone bad. This oil is ideal for mixing with cosmetics or it can be used alone. Jojoba oil contains many nutritional compounds, including essential long-chain fatty acids and fatty alcohols. It contains high portions of mono-unsaturated essential fatty acids and is loaded with Vitamin C and E. In addition, Jojoba oils are used as carrier oils. Carrier oils are oils that are extracted from the fatty portion of a plant and used to dilute the strength of essential oils. This allows the oil to safely carry the essentials to the skin to be used as a topical oil, without irritation.

Now that we have covered the origin and properties of this magical plant, let us discuss the benefits of use of the Jojoba plant. If you walk into your local cosmetic store you will see that Jojoba oil is very popular and used in some of the most common cosmetics such as massage creams, body oils, facial masks, lotions, cuticle oils, and hair products to name a few. Jojoba oil, when mixed with a shampoo or conditioner, adds health benefits to the hair. Some benefits include mending split ends and combating brittleness. When used as a scalp treatment or hot oil treatment, jojoba oil can be an aid in healthy hair growth. This oil is also great for those that suffer from Alopecia, and for unclogging hair follicles; talk about a miracle oil! On the hair and skin, it acts as a protective waxy coating just as it does on the plant. This allows the moisture to seal in the skin and hair, locking in moisture the entire day. Moreover, Jojoba oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties, as well as microbacterial properties that are healing for the skin. It’s believed that this oil is close to the skin’s

sebum, making it a great choice. This oil can be used to treat acne, sunburn, and psoriasis. As you can see this oil is amazing! Because of the shelf life and its many benefits, Jojoba oil has been a household name for quite some time. After discovering its properties I decided to purchase some 100% organic Jojoba oil, what an experience! After my daily skin care regimen I now apply it to my face. Just like it promised, the oil dissipated into my skin. If felt great, leaving my skin soft and supple without a greasy residue! I highly recommend this phenomenal oil to add to your beauty regimen.

Meet Stephanie McLemore Stephanie McLemore is a goal driven self-starter, who has 20+ years in the beauty industry. McLemore believes in building a legacy of skilled professionals. She is a Licensed Cosmetology Educator and stresses customer care, hair care, creativity and customer satisfaction. McLemore is a Dark and Lovely Style Squad member, Cosmetology Educator and Celebrity Stylist. She is also Certified as a Makeup Artist, and a Licensed Esthetician. Having these qualities has qualified her as a well-rounded beauty expert.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

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K t K Knowledge to know by Cynthia Malcom

Lactic Acid


A modern-day skincare ingredient that even Cleopatra would recommend 클레오파트라도 추천할 만큼 현대인의 피부 관리에 좋은 성분


hat we are just now beginning to understand about our skin in the 21st century, it seems Cleopatra already knew. Her eternal youthful glow lay in the hands of Donkey Milk. Cleopatra bathed in sour donkey milk

which contains an ingredient called Lactic acid, which has been used in skin care as early as the Cleopatra Era. In the 1940s this ingredient started to emerge in a synthesized form. In the 1990s, baby-boomers drove the antiaging market to what it is today because of their need to stay looking younger longer and their expendable income to drive the market. The boomers propelled lactic acid along with fruit acids right on to the “an anti-aging ingredient must have scene.” Now you cannot walk down the beauty aisle without seeing these ingredients plastered as key hook words and phrases calling out for to you to stop and think: Does your skin need this?

What is It? It is an alpha hydroxy acid and a member of the distinguished clan of exfoliates derived from foods like sour milk and pickles. In the past, I had questioned if I slather my left over spoiled cereal bowl milk-soot on my skin, would it have enough lactic acid to rejuvenate it? I have since abandoned what some might consider an eccentric idea because it may be nasty with little immediate benefit. But no worries; science in beauty formulations has done the work for us. Products now contain enough lactic acid to do the job of

21세기에 와서야 발견되고 있는 피부 관리에 좋은 성분들에 대해 클레오파트라는 이미 알고 있었던 것 같습니다. 당나귀의 우유에 그녀는 영생과 젊음을 가진 자신의 손을 담구었습니다. 클레오파트라는 당나귀의 신 우유로 목욕을 했는데 그것은 바로 젖산이 풍부한, 즉 클레오파트라 시대 때부터 사용해오던 피부 관리 성분입니다. 1940 년대에 와서야 이 성분은 합성성분으로써 드러나기 시작합니다. 1990 년대에는 베이비 붐 세대들이 더 오랫동안 젊음을 유지하려는 수요와 그들의 늘어나는 수입으로 오늘날의 노화 방지 제품 시장을 주름 잡게 됩니다. 이 붐 세대는 젖산과 과일산이 노화 방지 제품 시장에 없어서는 안될 성분으로 추대해 왔습니다. 이제 여러분은 뷰티 제품 매장을 지날 때 마다 이 성분들을 중요한 슬로건으로 사용하는 제품들을 보면서, “ 이거 정말 내 피부에 좋은가?”라고 생각하지 않을 수 없을 것입니다.

이것은 무엇인가? 이 성분은 알파 하이드록시 산으로 피부의 각질제거 효과를 가지는 성분 중 하나로 신 맛의 우유나 피클등의 음식에서 찾아볼 수 있습니다. 과거에 저는 먹다 남은 시리얼 그릇에 상한 우유를 보며, 이게 내 피부를 재생시킬 만큼의 충분한 젖산을 가지고 있는가라고 궁금증을 가졌었습니다. 저는 그 동안 이 기이한 짓이 더럽기도하고 아무런 효과가 없을 것 같아 직접 실험해보지는 않았습니다. 그런데 염려마십시오. 화장품 제조에 있어서 과학은 이런 일을 가능하게 했습니다. 충분한 젖산을 포함하고 미백효과와 피부톤을 밝게 해주는 성능을 가진 제품들이 나왔기 때문입니다.

lightning, brightening and toning the skin.

어떻게 도움이 되는가? How Does it Help? When used in products and applied to the skin, lactic acid can help reduce the signs of aging, fine lines, wrinkles and sun damage. This amazing


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

젖산이 포함된 제품을 피부 관리에 사용했을 시, 잔주름, 주름 그리고 자외선 노출에 의한 피부 손상 등의 노화 증상을 줄여줍니다. 이 대단한 성분은 검은 잡티, 햇빛에 의한 잡티 또한 줄이거나 없애줍니다. 젖산은 물을

ingredient also reduces and eliminates dark spots or sun spots. Lactic acid is attracted to water and disrupts the bonds between the cells to allow for easier exfoliation. It inhibits pigment/skin coloring, thus permitting you to treat the skin for unwanted dark scaring without causing more of darker skin discoloration to the area. Lactic acid is also hydrating for the skin. Harmonizing ingredients together enhances the skin greatly. For example, choosing products with lactic acid and a humectant offers the skin exfoliation, and combats dry scaly skin at the same time, so you get a powerpacked treatment.

Who Does it Help? Lactic acid it great for Ethnic skin; sure it can be used on all skin types based on the skin concerns, but if you are targeting discoloration this can be a bottle of magic. It can help to erase dark spots and acne scars. The way this ingredient works is it is absorbed at a slower rate into the skin, making it less aggressive and gentler to skin. Lactic acid is milder than the fruit acid arsenal when it comes to treating hyperpigmentation/dark spots without causing further darkening of the skin. For skin that is sun damaged, aging and hormonally or environmentally dry, cleansers, lotions and other topicals containing lactic acid go right to work correcting and improving skin texture through an exfoliating process. Lactic acid encourages skin to exchange its old dead cells for new ones. Lactic acid also reduces the appearance of scarring from acne and age related skin

끌어 당기는 힘이 있는데 그것으로 세포 사이의 연결고리를 흐틀어놔 각질제거가 쉽도록 해줍니다. 이는 피부의 색소 침착을 막아주는, 즉 원하지 않는 어둡게 변하는 피부의 흉터들을 개선해주는 것입니다. 젖산은 또한 피부 수분 공급에 뛰어납니다. 여러 성분을 잘 합성하여 사용한다면 피부 관리에 최적입니다. 예를 들어 젖산이 풍부한 제품과 습윤제를 함께 사용하면 각질과 피부의 건조함을 동시에 해결하는 아주 강력한 효과를 보실 수 있습니다.

어떤 이에게 도움이 되는가? 젖산은 동양인의 피부에 좋습니다. 물론 모든 피부 타입에 좋습니다만, 색소침착에는 아주 마술같은 존재입니다. 특히 검은 잡티나 여드름 흉터를 없애는데 효과적입니다. 이 성분은 천천히 피부에 흡수되어 자극적이지 않고 부드럽게 작용합니다. 젖산은 과일산 성질보다 피부에 부드럽게 작용해 피부가 더 이상 검게 손상되는 것을 막으면서 색소침착과 검은 잡티 등을 제거합니다. 자외선에 손상된 피부, 호르몬에 의한 노화, 외부 환경으로 인한 건조함을 젖산이 함유된 클렌저와 로션과 같은 제품들의 사용으로 각질제거 과정을 통해 피부결을 정돈하고 개선할 수 있습니다. 젖산은 피부가 오래된 세포에서 새로운 세포로 변환되는 과정을 촉진시킵니다. 젖산은 또한 여드름 흉터나 노화로 인한 피부의 색 변화를 개선합니다. 이 것은 젖산이 노화로 인해 처진 피부를 콜라겐과 탄력소의 생성을 촉진시켜 줌으로써 피부 정돈의 역할을 하기 때문입니다. 젖산 성분을 함유한 크림/로션 제품은 과도한 자외선과 독한 화학성분/클렌저에서 오는 피부 손상의 치유를 돕습니다.

discoloration. This acid tones loose skin due to aging by promoting collagen and elastin growth. These creams/lotions containing lactic acid will help to repair the damage that has occurred from over exposure to the sun and harsh chemicals/cleansers.

Lactic Acid Peels Lactic acid is not just made available in creams, washes and lotions. It can also be a chemical peel that you can find and offer on the shelf. Lactic acid chemical peels will continue to fight against premature aging, sun damage, freckles, appearance of acne scars, melasma (a.k.a. pregnancy mask) and aid in the elimination of the skin problem.

The skin may experience some redness or irritation directly after depending on the percentage of the peel. When used in the right strength these peels are called superficial peels; they turn over cells, but do not shed them visibly. These are called “Lunch Time Peels,” meaning you can get a peel on your break and return to work with no one saying “What happened?!!” I’m sure you have seen this from a customer or co-worker who is shedding their layers like a reptile,

젖산의 필링효과 젖산은 크림, 와셔, 또는 로션의 형태로만 만들어 지는 것이 아닙니다. 젖산은 화학 필링 제품에서도 사용이 되고 있으며 쉽게 찾아보실 수 있습니다. 젖산 화학 필링의 효과는 지속적이며, 빠르게 진행되는 노화를 막아주고, 자외선에 의한 피부 손상, 주근깨, 여드름 흉터, 기미 ( 또는 임신 마스크)등의 피부 트러블을 제거하는데 효과적입니다. 필링의 정도에 따라 필링 직후 피부가 붉어지거나 자극이 올 수도 있습니다. 강도를 적당히해 표피만 깍는 필링은 피상적인 필링으로 불립니다. 유관으로는 보이지 않게 피부 조직을 깎아 피부 세포를 변환시켜 줍니다. “점심 시간 필링”으로 불리는데 그 이유는 쉬는 시간에 잠시 피부과에 다녀와도 그 누구가 “어떻게 된거야?!!”라고 물어보지 않는 시술이기 때문입니다. 아마 파충류처럼 피부 조직이 벗겨지는 손님이나 직장 동료를 본 적이 있었을 것입니다. 그 이유는 그들이 미디움 딥 화학 필링(진피면까지 깍는 필링)을 받아서이고, 피상적인 필링을 받은 후에는 이런 현상이 없습니다. 필링 제품을 피부과 의사나 화려한 피부 관리 스파에서만 찾아볼 수 있겠지만 이러한 저자극 필링 제품은 가까운 뷰티 매장에서도 쉽게 찾아보실 수 있습니다. 젖산 화학 필링 제품을 4-8번 사용으로 피부 조직의 변환 정도를 낮춰주면서 사용하시면 젊고 촉촉한 우유빛 피부를 오래 유지하실 수 있습니다.

right? Medium-deep chemical peeling treatments cause that, but not

유념을 둔 마술

superficial peels.

화학 필링을 했을 시에 피부가

In order to find peel products you can go to a dermatologist or some fancy spa, but mild peel kits are right on the shelves of your drug store.

붉게되는 현상을 유념해 두시기

Lactic acid chemical peel products are best when used in treatments of 4-8 to minimize the cell turnover rate, giving skin that youthful dewy glow it longs for. OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


Mindful Magic

바랍니다. 인내심을 가지고 선크림을 발라주어 젖산이 잔주름, 주름,

Keep in mind that using chemical peels can cause redness; it is pertinent to

색소침착과 건조함 등 피부의 노화에 작용하는 동안 자외선으로부터

use sunblock as protection from the sun while Lactic acid works its magic on

보호하는 것이 중요합니다.

aging, fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and dryness.

또한 적당한 것이 좋다는 사실을 잊지 마십시오. 적당히 하는

Also remember less is more. Everything is good in moderation. Too

것이 모든 일에 이롭습니다. 권하는 양보다 너무 과한 산의 사용은

much acid outside of what is recommended could cause irritation and a host

피부에 자극을 주고 또 다른 피부 트러블의 원인이 됩니다. 최적의

of other skin complications. Always read the directions first and follow the

결과를 위해서는 항상 제품의 사용 설명서를 읽고 그 사용법에 따라

manufacturer’s directions precisely for an optimal outcome. Now that I’ve gone on and on about how Lactic acid will put you as one with one of the original beauty manufactures—Cleopatra—you must try it. Do be reminded that there are appropriate cautions one should take when being

정확히 사용하시기 바랍니다. 이제 제가 미용의 오리지날 선두자였던 클레오파트라가 애용한 젖산에 대해 주저리 주저리 충분한 설명을 마쳤습니다 - 직접 꼭 사용해 보시기

exposed to the sun and being treated with lactic acid (use a SPF of at least 15

바랍니다. 단, 젖산을 사용하는 과정 중 피부가 자외선에 노출되는 것을

daily). Now you know where this magical ingredient came from, but what

피하라고 말씀드리고 싶습니다 (매일 SPF 15 이상의 제품을 사용하시기

about where it’s going? The answer is nowhere; it will be around working its

바랍니다). 이제 여러분은 이 마술같은 힘을 가진 성분이 어디에서

lighting brightening, tightening and exfoliating magic for a long while.

유래된 것인지는 잘 아시는데, 아마 끝은 어디인가?라고 궁금해 하실 수도 있습니다. 이에 대한 답은, 이 성분은 어디에도 가지 않고, 피부를 환하게 해주고 탱탱하게 해주고 각질을 제거해주는 마술 같은 존재로 오래오래 사용될 것입니다.

Meet Cynthia Malcom Cynthia Malcom has 19 years of experience in the beauty industry. She is an internationally certified CIDESCO Diplomat, and holds four Advanced Esthetic and beauty industry licenses. When Cynthia is not writing, she is working as the Education Director and owner of Edgar Renee’ Aesthetic Education & Consulting Group based in Columbus, Ohio, where she offers advanced aesthetic classes to licensed professionals from all over the United States. Reach Cynthia at edgarenee@gmail.com or www.edgarenee.com.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


K t K Knowledge to know By Toni Love

Moisturizing is Vital to Hair Care 헤어 모이스쳐라이저 사용의 중요성 During this time of the year, people tend to forget about protecting the hair. Most feel the need to protect the hair during the summer months because of the exposure to direct heat. Exposure to heat can dry out the hair shaft and can cause the hair to lighten. A moisturizer can be used to protect the hair to prevent it from lightening. Some moisturizers can seal the hair shaft and protect it from elements of the weather. Although, the summer heat can be brutal, the hair shaft should also be protected during the winter months. Moisturizing the hair is important because conditioners tend to protect the hair from breakage due to dryness. The hair can become dry from wind, wearing hats, scarves, and other coverings used during the winter months. Most people don’t understand how the wind can dry out the hair. Cold dry air is not good for the cuticle layer of the hair shaft and if strong, can cause breakage. Also, being in the cold air and going into a heated environment can cause the hair to fizz. Therefore, a good moisturizer can assist in closing the cuticle and prevent the frizziness. Strong and gusty winds can also cause longer hair to tangle. If this happens, a light moisturizing cream can be applied to the hair and the tangles can be brushed out lightly, starting in the nape area and working towards the front of the head.

Proper Moisturization There is a misconception about moisturizing the hair. Some people feel the more they moisturize, the longer their hair will grow. This is not true. Moisturizing is vital to maintaining healthy hair, but a person can “overmoisturize.” If this happens, the hair will go limp. It will not hold curls nor will it have body. It will appear dull and lifeless. Proper moisturizing will show in the appearance of the hair shaft. The hair will have a nice, natural-looking shine and will appear very healthy. The hair will have life and body. There are so many moisturizers on the market; therefore, the selection process can be a challenge. Do not select moisturizers because of how they look and smell. Many of them smell really good, but they might not be the right selection for your hair type. There are moisturizers for natural hair, meaning the hair has not been chemically processed. These moisturizers tend to have an oil base, because natural hair tends to be extremely dry. The oil based moisturizer assists with providing additional oils to create moisture without being too oily. In addition to natural hair, there are moisturizers for color treated hair. If a person has a permanent, s e m i - p e r m a n e nt , and/or temporary color in their hair, there is a moisturizer on the market for this person. It is very important to select a moisturizer for color treated hair to ensure no damage is done to the hair shaft. Permanent colored hair needs additional moisture because the peroxide used to mix the color can cause the hair shaft to become dry and


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

한 해 중 이 맘 때가 되면 모발 관리에 대해서 잊고 지내는 사람들이 많다. 대부분이 여름 에는 뜨거운 햇빛에서 모발의 노출을 자제하려고 한다. 강력한 햇빛에 모발이 노출되면 모발이 건조해지고 색이 변화되기 때문이다. 헤어 모이스쳐라이저의 사용은 이 같은 모발의 색 변화를 방지해준다. 이러한 모이스쳐라이저는 모발을 감싸줌으로써 날씨의 변화로부터 보호해준다. 여름의 뜨거운 햇빛으로부터 모발을 보호하는 것도 중요하지만 겨울 내 모발 보호도 만만치 않게 중요하다. 모발에 수분제공이 중요한 이유는 컨디셔너를 사용할 시에 모발이 건조하여 갈라지는 것을 막아주기 때문이다. 바람이 불 때, 모자를 쓸 때, 스카프를 두를 때 등 겨울 내 머리에 무언가를 덮게 되면 모발을 건조시키는 요인이 된다. 대부분의 사람들이 바람이 모발을 건조하게 만드는 것에 대해 잘 알고 있지 못한다. 차가운 공기는 모발의 큐티클 표면에 좋지 않고 강한 바람은 모발의 갈라짐을 유발할 수 있다. 또한 추운 공간에서 따뜻한 공간으로 갑자기 옮겼을 때에 모발은 부시시해지게 된다. 좋은 헤어 모이스쳐라이저의 사용은 모발의 큐티클을 감싸주어 이러한 부시시 해짐을 방지할 수 있다. 먼지가 많은 강한 바람은 또한 긴 모발이 엉키는 원인이 된다. 이런 경우에는 적당량의 헤어 모이스처라이징 크림을 발라주고 모발의 끝부분에서부터 뿌리 순서로 가볍게 빗질을 해 풀어줄 수 있다.

올바른 모발의 수분 공급 모발의 수분 공급에 대해 잘못 생각하는 경향이 있다. 어떤 사람들은 모발에 수분 공급을 많이 해줄 수록 머리가 길게 자란다고 알고 있다. 그것은 사실과 무관하며 모발에 수분을 공급하는 것도 중요하지만 잘못하면 모발에 너무 지나친 수분 공급을 하게 된다. 이것은 모발을 축 처지게 하며 모발에 힘이 없어져 컬링을 해도 잘 유지가 되지 않는다. 모발이 탁탁하며 생기 없이 보이게 된다. 올바른 수분 공급은 눈에 띄게 모발에 나타난다. 모발이 아름답고 자연스럽게 빛나며 아주 건강하게 보일 것이다. 모발에 생명과 힘이 더해지는 것이다. 시중에 아주 다양한 헤어 모이스쳐라이저들이 판매되고 있기 때문에 좋은 제품을 찾는 것은 곤혹일 수 있다. 모이스처라이저를 살 때, 그 향과 겉모습이 좋다고 하여 구매하지 말아야 한다. 많은 제품들의 향이 정말 좋을 수 있지만 그것이 당신의 모발에 알맞은 것인 지는 장담할 수 없다. 제품 중에는 모발에 염색/ 펌을 전혀 하지 않은 자연 모발을 위해 만들어 진 제품들이 있다. 이런 모이스처라이저 제품들은 자연 모발이 대부분 건조하기 때문에 오일을 베이스로 한다. 오일 베이스 제품들은 아주 과하지 않게 모발에 필요한 적당의 유분을 제공하여 준다. 자연 모발에 이어 염색을 한 모발을 위한 모이스처라이저 제품들도 있다. 각각 퍼머넌트, 세미 퍼머넌트, 템포러리 헤어 컬러가 사용된 염색 모발을 위한 모이스처라이저 제품들이 있다. 모발이 더이상 상하는 것을 방지하기 위해 알맞은 제품을 고르는 것이 정말 중요하다. 퍼머넌트 염색을 사용한 모발은 염색 시 사용된 과산화물에 의해 모발이 건조하고 때로는 잘 부서지기 때문에 충분한

sometimes brittle. This is also true with chemically treated hair. Chemically treated hair consists of: chemical relaxers, permanent waves, texturizers, and hair color. All of these services will require moisture to be applied back into the hair shaft, because some chemicals can cause the hair to become dry.

Different Forms for Different Hair Types Moisturizers are available in many forms, such as liquids, creams, and foams. Some are leave-in and others have to be rinsed out. Moisturizers are made for dry hair, color treated, chemically treated, damaged and extremely damaged, therefore, you have to select the one for your hair type. If a person is not aware of their hair type, they should consult with a licensed professional. A licensed professional can analyze the hair and scalp, and can advise a person on the best product for their hair. During the consultation, be sure to ask questions and ask about the condition of your scalp. There are also moisturizers that work well on the scalp. After a detailed consultation with a licensed professional, a person should be on their way to a healthy head of hair!

수분의 공급이 필수이다. 이는 다른 화학 트리트먼트를 사용 한 모발에도 적용된다. 모발에 스트레이트 펌, 웨이브 펌, 텍스처라이저, 헤어 컬러를 사용한 경우를 다 포함한다. 이 모든 화학 제품들은 모발의 수분을 빼앗아 건조하게 만들기 때문에 수분을 공급해 주는 것이 필요하다.

다양한 헤어 타입에 알맞은 형태의 제품 액체, 크림, 또는 거품으로 된 다양한 형태의 모이스처라이저 제품들이 있다. 모발에 바르고 헹구어야 하는 제품도 있고 바른채 두는 리브 인 제품도 있다. 모이스처라이저 제품들은 건성 모발, 염색 모발, 화학 제품이 사용된 모발, 손상 모발, 심한 손상 모발 등으로 나누어 만들어 졌기 때문에 자신의 모발 상태에 알맞은 제품을 고르면 된다. 자신의 모발 상태를 모른다면 라이센스가 있는 헤어 전문가에게 상담을 받아봐라. 전문가는 모발과 두피 상태를 점검하고 그 것을 토대로 알맞은 제품을 추천해 줄 것이다. 상담 시에 두피에 대한 질문과 자신의 두피 상태에 대해 꼭 알아보길 바란다. 두피 관리에 좋은 모이스처라이저 제품들도 많이 있다. 모발 전문가의 자세한 조언을 받은 뒤에는 건강한 두피와 모발을 가질 수 있기 될 것이다.

Meet Toni Love Toni Love is an International Educator and Speaker holding a BA degree in Business Administration (Management) and a MA in Continuing Education. She is a published author of “The World of Wigs, Weaves, and Extensions.” She owns Toni Love’s Cosmetology Training Center based in Atlanta where she teaches licensed professionals from the U.S. and abroad.

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


Business Tips by Walt Grassl

To Lead Others You Must Serve Others 리더가 되기 위해서는 타인에게 봉사해야 한다. The Importance of Servant Leadership 봉사하는 리더쉽의 중요성 폴은 24살 이었다. 직장에서 그는 가장 어리고 수줍음이 많은 직원이었다. 직장동료들과 함께한 점심시간에 근래에 그의 상사인 찰스가 승진을 한 이야기가 소재가 되었다. 그들은 누가 그의 뒤를 이을 지 열변을 토했다. 그 중 동료인 테리가 그 자리를 차지하기 위해 공작해 왔다는 얘기가 나왔다. 테리는 그 누구와도 직장에서 평화롭게 지내지 못했다. 그는 그 자리를 차지하여 사람들이 “그가 원하는 대로 행동”하게끔 하고 싶었다. 모두가 그 가능성에 대해 넋두리를 하는 동안, 폴은 왜 아무도 그 자리를 탐하지 않는지 물었다. 각자가 그들만의 변명을 내놓았다. 폴은 머리를 저으며, “당신들이 문제를 해결할 수 없다면, 당신들 또한 문제 중 하나이다.” 2주 후 - 그에게 놀라운 일이 생겼다. - 찰스는 폴을 불러 그의 자리를 물려받을 것을 권유했다. 그는 충격을 받았다. 직장에 거의 모두가 30 Paul was 24 years old. He was shy and the youngest member of his workgroup. During lunch with his coworkers, the conversation turned to the recent promotion of his current supervisor, Charles. They speculated about who would replace him. There was a major concern that a coworker, Terry, was lobbying hard for the position. Terry got along with no one. He was hoping to get the job “So people will do what I want them to do.” While the group was lamenting about that possibility, Paul asked why no one there was vying for the position. One by one, they all had their reasons why they didn’t want it. Paul shook his head and said, “If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.” Two weeks later—much to his surprise—Paul was called into Charles’ office and offered the job. He was shocked. While most of the group was under 30, one member was in his mid-40s. Paul thought, “I can’t tell my dad what to do.” After sleeping on the offer overnight, Paul accepted, on the condition they train him to be a leader. Charles agreed. Paul aggressively sought training at work. He also read voraciously about leadership—for the rest of his life. Paul learned that leadership was not about telling people what to do. He learned to be a leader who shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform at the highest level possible. He later heard these principles described with the term Servant Leadership.

A title doesn’t make you a leader. The ability to have an impact, to inưuence and to inspire does. 세 이하였지만, 그 중 40세 중반의 직원이 있었기 때문이다. 폴은 “ 아버지같은 사람에게 명령할 자신이 없다.”고 생각하였다. 밤새 곰곰히 생각한 끝에, 폴은 회사가 자신에게 리더가 될 수 있도록 훈련을 해주는 조건에서 그 권유를 승낙 하였다. 찰스는 동의했다. 폴은 열정적으로 훈련에 임하였다. 그는 또한 열중하며 리더십에 대한 책들을 읽었다-그의 남은 여생동안. 폴은 리더십이 결코 남에게 명령을 내리는 것이 아니라는 것을 배웠다. 리더는 그의 힘을 공유하고 상대의 요구를 먼저 들어줄 줄 알며, 그의 가능성을 개발하고 이룰 수 있도록 도와주는 역할을 한다는 것을 깨달았다. 그는 나중에 이러한 방침이 ‘봉사하는 리더십’으로 불린다고 전해들었다. 여기 7가지 ‘봉사하는 리더’의 역할과 그것의 중요성을 적는다.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

Here are seven things servant leaders do, and why they are important:

1. They sell, they don’t tell. The servant leader persuades others with inspiration, not force. The phrase “Because I’m the boss,” never leaves their lips. That approach may get you what you want in the short term, but it won’t inspire others. A title doesn’t make you a leader. The ability to have an impact, to influence and to inspire does.

2. They value diverse opinions. The servant leader listens to others. They recognize that everyone has something unique to offer. They want to hear different points of view. They believe in the old expression, “Everyone is an expert within five feet of their workstation.” In meetings, they solicit input from the more reserved team members, who are often silenced by the more outgoing team members. 3. They are humble. Servant leaders understand the importance of being humble and grateful. They know that without everyone’s effort, they simply won’t succeed. They make sure they consistently thank their team members, individually and collectively. A servant leader makes a conscious effort to walk around and catch people doing things right.

4. They create a culture of trust. Servant leaders keep their word. They do what they say they will do, and they’re dedicated to doing the right thing. When the team fails, they accept the blame. When the team succeeds, they focus the credit on the team. They feel the tension between the needs of the bigger organization and the needs of the team and they seek balanced solutions. When decisions flow down from higher authorities, that may not make sense to the team, they explain the politics and the big picture. They don’t expect blind obedience.

5. They see themselves as part of the team. The servant leader knows their team is their most important asset. The team helps them succeed. When the situation dictates, they roll up their sleeves and help get the job done. If some of the team is working on the weekend to save schedule, they show up to support the team.

6. They develop other leaders. The servant leader doesn’t hoard knowledge in fear that they might be replaced. They know the best way

1. 그들은 명령하기보다 설득을 한다. 봉사하는 리더는 상대를 부추겨 설득하며 가부장적으로 행동하지 않는다. “내가 당신의 상사이기 때문에”라는 말은 전혀 입밖에 내지 않는다. 그러한 방법은 짧게는 도움이 되는 것 같아도, 상대를 분발하게 할 수는 없다. 직함이 당신을 리더로 만드는 것이 아니다. 상대에게 영향을 주고, 사기를 북돋으며 분발하게 할 수 있는 능력이 리더를 만드는 것이다. 2. 그들은 다양한 의견을 존중한다. 봉사하는 리더는 남의 말에 귀기울인다. 그들은 모든이가 각자만의 유익한 의견을 가지고 있다고 생각한다. 그들은 다양한 관점을 파악하려 한다. 그들은 “모든이가 자신만의 공간 속에서는 항상 누구보다 뛰어난 전문가이다.”라는 옛말을 믿는다. 그들은 회의 중에 평소 의견이 강한 직원들에 가려 침묵을 지키는 직원들의 의견에 더욱 귀를 기울인다. 3. 그들은 겸손할 줄 안다. 봉사하는 리더들은 겸손의 중요성을 알고 항상 감사하는 마음을 가진다. 그들은 모든 사람의 노력이 없다면, 성공할 수 없다는 것을 잘 안다. 그들은 항상 직원들 각자에게 그리고 그룹 전체에 대해 감사하는 마음을 표현한다. 봉사하는 리더는 끊임없이 직원들에게 관심을 가지고 옳은 일에 대해 격려하는 것을 잊지 않는다. 4. 그들은 신뢰를 중요시한다. 봉사하는 리더는 자신이 한 말에 대한 책임을 진다. 그들은 자신이 한다고 한 것은 꼭 이루어내며, 옳은 일을 지향한다. 그는 그룹의 실패에 대한 모든 책임을 진다. 성공할 시에는 모든 직원들에게 그 성과를 돌린다. 그들은 큰 단체와 직원들이 느끼는 이질감을 염두하여 균형적인 방안을 모색한다. 위에서 내린 결정이 직원들에게 이해되지 않는 일이라 하여도, 그들에게 정책을 해설해주고 더 큰 성과를 바라보도록 인도한다. 그들은 절대복종을 바라지 않는다. 5. 그들은 자신이 직원 중 하나라고 생각한다. 봉사하는 리더는 직원들을 자신의 가장 중요한 자산으로 여긴다. 직원들을 성공의 주인공으로 여긴다. 상황이 좋지 않을 때에는 발벗고 나서서 일을 해결한다. 스케줄을 당겨 주말에 일을 하는 직원들이 있다면 함께 참여하여 그들을 지원한다. 6. 그들은 다른 리더들을 양성한다. 봉사하는 리더는 자신의 직책이 바뀔 수도 있다는 것에 대해 두려워하지 않는다. 그들은 가장 훌륭하게 집단을 이끄는 것이 다른 리더를 양성하는 것에 있다고 생각한다. 그들은

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


to lead is to create other leaders. They don’t want to be the bottleneck to the team’s success. They allow their team members to present to senior leadership, to give them exposure.

7. They think long term. Servant leaders focus on both the immediate task at hand and the important but not urgent activities needed for a healthy organization. They spend a great deal of their time sharing what they learn and helping others through things like career counseling, suggesting contacts, and recommending new ways of doing things. Paul had a long, successful career as a leader. He inspired loyalty from the people he led. He mentored many employees that were his direct reports. Employees from other organizations were referred to him. One time, Paul’s project team was given the challenge to accelerate a prototype product delivery. Paul did not immediately commit his team to do the impossible. He presented the challenge to the team and the team concluded it could, with a lot of overtime, meet the delivery. But the documentation would take one more week. Paul reported this to his manager, Bob, who agreed with this approach. While the team was celebrating the successful accelerated delivery, Bob showed up and announced that they needed to complete the documentation in two days. Paul was furious about the bait-andswitch. When Bob left, Paul told his team not to kill themselves to meet the accelerated deadline. They had already gone above and beyond. He said he would take the blame. The next morning he received an email from the head of his team. “We’re going to meet the new deadline. We are not doing it for Bob—we are doing it for you.” Paul reluctantly let them push to meet the new deadline. As bad as he felt about Bob’s behavior, he felt good about his relationship with his team.

직원들의 성공을 발목 잡고 싶어하지 않는다. 그들은 직원들이 자신보다 더 높은 상사에게 일을 보고 하도록 하며 경험을 쌓게 해준다. 7. 그들은 넓게 본다. 봉사하는 리더는 중대한 일과 긴급한 상황에 대한 균형적인 일처리를 중요시하며 바람직한 구성체를 위해서 하나의 상황에 매달리지 않는다. 그들은 주로 직원들에게 상담, 조언 그리고 새로운 방안에 대한 추천을 해주며 공유하는 것에 일의 초점을 맞춘다. 폴은 오랫동안 성공적인 리더로서 일해왔다. 그는 팀원들의 충성하는 마음을 이끌어 냈다. 그는 많은 직원들이 추천하는 멘토가 되었다. 다른 회사의 직원들도 그와 일하기를 원하였다. 한번은, 상부에서 제품 생산일을 앞당기라는 지시가 떨어졌다. 그는 불가능한 일을 바로 팀에게 강요하지 않았다. 그는 팀에게 이러한 지시에 대해 설명해 주었고, 팀원들은 할 수 있다고 결론을 내려, 결국 많은 오버타임 근무를 통해 목표를 달성하였다. 그러나 보고서를 내기에는 일주일이 더 필요했다. 폴은 그의 상사인 폴에게 이러한 상황을 보고하였다. 팀원들이 큰 성과를 이룬 것을 서로 축하하고 있을 때, 밥이 나타나 보고서를 이틀 안에 내야 한다고 통보했다. 폴은 밥의 이러한 행동에 대해 화가 치밀었다. 밥이 나간 뒤, 그는 팀원들에게 마감일을 지키기 위해 몸을 불사르지 말라고 하였다. 그들은 이미 할 수 있는 그 이상의 성과를 거두었기 때문이다. 그는 무슨 일이 생기면 자신이 책임을 지겠다고 하였다. 그 다음 날 그는 팀의 대표로부터 이메일을 받는다. “저희는 마감일에 맞추어 일을 마치도록 할 것입니다. 밥을 위해서 하는 것이 아니라-당신을 위해서 할 것입니다.” 폴은 마지못해 마감일에 맞추어 일을 수행했다. 밥의 행동이 현명하지 못하였지만, 그는 그의 팀원들과의 좋은 관계에 대해 흐뭇하였다.

At the end of the day, we all want to succeed and be recognized. Being a servant leader is a great way to work toward creating a positive and productive workplace.

Meet Walt Grassl Walt Grassl is a speaker, author, and performer. He hosts the radio show, “Stand Up and Speak Up,” on the RockStar Worldwide network. Walt has performed standup comedy at the Hollywood Improv and the Flamingo in Las Vegas, and is studying improv at the Groundlings School in Hollywood. For more information on bringing Walt Grassl to your next event, please visit www.WaltGrassl.com.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


Business Tips by Eliakim Thorpe


7 Characteristics of a Highly Successful Business Leader 포춘: 크게 성공한 비즈니스 리더들의 7가지 성향 Matthew and Janice are entrepreneurs who’ve been in business for nearly two years. They recently decided to attend a leadership conference to help them remain competitive leaders/entrepreneurs in a global economy. What began as a conversation about the occupational role of a leader turned quickly into an exchange over the most important traits of a leader, and how the most successful leaders are not simply measured by their knowledge, but more importantly, measured by their character. Intelligence isn’t a replacement for high character. Matthew and Janice concluded that successful organizations have leaders who are not only functionally proficient—but more importantly—are leaders who have developed necessary characteristics to empower employees and develop sustainable organizations. When you embark on your leadership journey, it is critically important to acknowledge that success is not simply about an executive’s credentials, but their well-developed character to ensure continued organizational growth and long-term success. There are seven characteristics of a highly successful leader to consider on the ‘F.O.R.T.U.N.E.’ leadership path.

매튜와 제니스는 2년정도 비즈니스를 `해온 기업가들이다. 그들은 얼마 전 세계시장에 걸맞은 경쟁력 있는 리더/기업인이 되고자 리더십 강연에 참여하기로 결정했다. 강연은, 리더가 직장에서 맡은 역할에 대하여 시작한 강연은 곧 리더가 지녀야 할 가장 중요한 성향들에 대해서, 그리고 크게 성공한 리더들은 간단히 그들의 지식으로서만 성장했던 것이 아니라, 더욱 중요한 것은 그들이 가진 성향이었다는 주제로 계속되었다. 훌륭한 성향은 지식과 맞바꿀 수 없다는 것이었다. 매튜와 제니스는 훌륭한 기업은 기술적으로만 뛰어난 리더를 필요로 하는 것이 아니라 - 더욱 중요하게도 - 직원들에게 힘을 북돋아 줄 수 있고 지속적으로 기업을 발전시킬 수 있는 훌륭한 성향을 가진 리더를 필요로 한다는 것을 깨달았다. 당신이

Every leader must be:


earless (1) - The great tragedy of any organization is a leader who

is paralyzed by fear. Fear is being unfamiliar with the unknown or simply being unwilling to take risks. Often the greatest challenge of any organization is not the current market conditions, revenue projections, profit margins, or stock market volatility, but a leader’s own ability to confront self-imposed limitations rooted in fear. If the leader of an organization is paralyzed by fear, it will ultimately hinder the competitiveness and sustainability of the company. In the life of every business leader there will be a single defining event that will require a decisive moment of fearlessness to propel the organization forward. It may be unpopular for the few that you lead, but necessary for the many to catapult the organization forward. It is in this moment that courage is formed within the heart and mind of the leader which will position the organization to be on the cutting edge of its industry.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016




성공은 뛰어난 자격만을 갖추는 것이 아니라 기업의 성장과 장기적인 성공을 확신할 수 있는 잘 개발된 개인의 성향을 갖춰야 한다는 사실을 깨닫는 것은 매우 중요하다. 리더십을 이룬 성공한 리더들이 가지는 7가지 성향을 적어보겠다. 모든 리더들이 꼭 갖추어야 하는 성향:

1. 두려움이 없다- 기업에게 가장 비극적인 일은 두려움으로 얼어버린 리더를 두는 것이겠다. 두려움을 느낀다는 것은 앞을 알 수 없는 일에 대한 미성숙한 태도이며 간단히 말해 위험을 부담할 자신이 없다는 것이다. 종종 기업들이 부딪히는 가장 큰 도전은 현 시장의


riginal (2) - Many leaders have been educated to embrace the norm and the similar (hold onto tightly held paradigms) which create a very linear view on organizational growth and sustainability. A unique quality of highly successful business leaders is their ability to embrace uniqueness, distinctiveness, and their authentic leadership style. An executive must be mindful that while it is essential to learn from other successful leaders, no two leaders are alike. An original leader defies labels and is keenly aware of their value to their organization; unwilling to lead simply for the approval of others but is fully committed to expressing their authentic leadership identity. It’s living outside the ordinary leadership constructs that propels the leader to achieve the extraordinary.

상태, 이윤과 손해, 또는 주가의 변동이 아니라 리더가 자신 스스로 만들어 놓은 그 두려움을 대하는 태도이겠다. 만약 기업의 리더가 두려움으로 얼어붙어있다면, 결국 그 기업의 경쟁력과 지속 가능성은 무너지는 것이다. 한번쯤은 리더로서 자신의 기업을 한걸음 앞서 나아가도록 하기 위해 두려움을 이겨내야 하는 결정의 시간을 맞이하는 때가 오게 마련이다. 몇몇 사람에게는 관심 받지 않는 이야기일지라도 이는 많은 기업을 전진시키는 힘으로 작용해 왔다. 마음 속 깊은 곳에서 들끓어 나오는 리더의 용기는 그의 기업을 해당 산업의 최상의 위치로 올리는 전동력이 되겠다.

2. 독창적이다- 기업의 성공과 지속력에 대해서 기존의 많은 리더들은



(3) - Every business leader will experience peaks and valleys while managing an organization. It’s during these periods of personal and economic volatility that a resilient leader is required to properly lead the organization. In addition, a core competency of the executive must be able to identify sources of resistance which demand the leader to captain the organization during this period of instability. Resistance is often seen as a negative force in the lifecycle of a leader and organization. However, if properly understood, it is a positive force to be leveraged if guided by a resilient executive.



(4) - A leader’s ‘hard’ skills are often valued over ‘soft’ skills. Successful leaders recognize the critical importance of trust as a necessary ‘soft’ skill. Trust is the ability to cultivate and demonstrate integrity, honesty, and transparency within an organization. A successful leader is fully aware that trust is the foundation of every good relationship and a key commodity to building solid connections within the company. Trust is not only constructed at the top of an organization, but built at the bottom, creating multi-directional relationships throughout the enterprise. When a leader fosters trust, the team and colleagues form a powerful bond that helps the employees communicate more effectively and produce more efficiently.

직설적인 관점으로 기본과 비슷한 것(아주 전형적인)들을 포용하라고 배워왔다. 크게 성공한 비즈니스 리더의 특성이 있다면, 고유성과 독특함을 포용하는 마음가짐과 그들만이 가진 특유의 독창적인 리더십 스타일이다. 뛰어난 리더가 염두해 두어야 할 것은 성공한 리더들이 갖는 장점을 중요시하되, 모든 사람의 상황은 다르다는 사실을 인지하는 것이다. 독창적인 리더는 직함만을 중요시하는 것에 반대하며 예리하게 자신이 기업에서 가지는 가치를 알고 있다. 다른 사람의 인정을 위해서 기업을 이끌어 가는 것이 아니라, 자신만의 리더십이 갖는 정체성을 완벽하게 소화해낸다. 평범하지 않은 리더가 되려면 이러한 평범한 리더십의 고정관념을 깨는 것이다.

3. 굴하지 않는다- 모든 비즈니스 리더는 경영 중 기업이 최고의 수익을 올리는 성공의 상황, 또는 반대로 최소의 수익을 올리는 실패 상황을 경험하게 될 것이다. 이러한 경제적인 변동에 알맞게 기업을 이끌어갈, 상황에 굴하지 않는 리더가 필요한 것이다. 더불어 경영진은 이러한 불안정 상태에 있는 기업을 저항력 있게 이끌어갈 리더를 창출해 내는 능력을 갖추어야 한다. 저항력은 기업과 리더에게 부정적인 의미로 보여질 수 있다. 그러나 탄력 있는 경영진의 인도로 그 참된 의미를 이해한다면 이 것은 긍정적인 영향력으로 작용할 수 있겠다.

4. 신뢰할 수 있다- 종종 리더의 강한 기술은 부드러운 기술에 의해 그 가치를 발휘한다. 성공적인 리더는 부드러운 기술로써 꼭 필요한 신뢰를 크게 중요시한다. 신뢰는 기업 안에서 진실성, 정직함 그리고 투명성을 구축하고 입증하는 능력이다. 성공적인 리더는 신뢰가 모든 긍정적인 관계의 근본이며 기업 내의 탄탄한 연고를 다지는 유용한 열쇠라는 것을 꿰뚫고 있다. 신뢰는 기업의 윗자리에서만 쌓아지는 것이 아니라 아랫자리에서도 형성이 되어야 하며, 그럼으로써 기업 전체에 쌍방의 관계를 형성하게 된다. 신뢰를 조성하는 리더가 있으면 그 팀과 직원들은 강력한 유대감을 형성하고, 그것은 직장 동료간의 대화를 효과적으로 돕고 효율적인 생산을 추진하는 힘이 된다.

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(5) - The leadership life of an executive requires a delicate balance between rigidity and flexibility. Organizations should be agile and flexible as a matter of survival because companies today face an unprecedented level of change and volatility in the marketplace. While it may be tempting to take organizational shortcuts to traverse the market volatility, it’s during this turmoil that a leader must demonstrate a level of conviction to properly navigate the enterprise. Being an uncompromising leader is simply a conviction which is a firmly held belief. A business leader must be willing to take a stand and act according to organizational values and guiding principles.



(6) - Nobility is defined as a quality of being honorable, excellent, and of high regard; having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals. A noble leader provides direction and purpose in any corporation. When there is a sense of nobility within a leader, he or she will determine the conduct of the organization. When it’s anchored within the heart, mind, and soul of a leader, it will become embedded into the cultural DNA of the organization. Selfless service to the customer becomes the priority over a self-centered approach to conducting business in today’s economy.

5. 단호하다- 리더쉽을 요하는 경영진의 삶은 융통성과 강직함 사이의 균형을 필요로 한다. 오늘날 시장의 변동성과 예측할 수 없는 변화를 안면에 둔 기업들은 생존을 위해서 민첩하고 유연하게 행동해야 한다. 조직적인 지름길을 택하여 시장의 변동성을 가로지르려 할 수도 있겠으나, 이러한 혼란의 상황에서 리더가 확신을 가지고 기업을 제대로 이끌어 나가는 것이 필요하다. 단호한 리더가 된다는 것은 간단히 말해서 확신을 가지고, 신념으로 자신의 중심을 지키는 것이다. 비즈니스의 리더는 원칙을 인도하며 기업의 가치에 알맞은 태도를 지키고 실행할 줄 알아야 한다.

6. 고결하다- 고결함은 명예롭고 훌륭하며 높은 존경을 사는 성품으로 여겨진다. 높은 도덕성과 이상 또는 질 높은 개인의 성품을 가지거나 보여주는 것을 뜻한다. 고결한 지도자는 어느 기업에서나 목표와 방향을 제시해준다. 리더가 고결한 의식을 가질 때, 그 또는 그녀는 기업 경영의 지휘를 맡을 수 있게 된다. 이 것이 리더의 마음, 정신, 그리고 혼의 정신적 지주 역할을 할 때, 기업의 근본적 정신에도 반영될 수 있는 것이다. 이 것이 오늘날의 경제에 자기 중심적인 생각보다


7. 윤리적이다- 리더십의 개혁을 원하는 지금, 세상은 윤리적인 리더를 요구한다. 오늘날의 상황을 보자면,


It has been stated that “Leading is a willful responsibility to sacrifice personal desires and comfort for the pleasure of those we lead and serve.” High character, moral conduct, and a strong culture result in a boost in profits, highly-motivated employees, and strong organizational outcomes. Furthermore, these 7 characteristics were the engine that created a sense of authentic purpose which drove top performance, individually and organizationally.


비즈니스를 운영하는 원동력이다.


(7) - The new leadership imperative now demands ethical leaders. In today’s climate, many leaders have succumbed to greed, been seduced by success and corrupted by power. True leaders can achieve greatness without compromising their character or code of conduct. Ethical business leaders live according to their own philosophy which has been developed, sharpened, and perfected throughout leadership experiences. Before an executive can the lead the many, he or she must first learn to master themselves. If the business leader stands for nothing, the organization will fall for anything.


많은 리더들이 자신의 힘과 지위를 남용하여 부패로써 성공했다. 진정한 리더는 행동 강령이나 지위를 남용하지 않아도 성공을 거둘 수 있는 사람이다. 윤리적인 비즈니스 리더는 그 동안 쌓아온 경험을 통해 개발되어 선명해지고, 완벽해진 자신만의 철학을 고수한다. 경영자는 많은 사람을 이끌기 전에, 반드시 그 또는 그녀 자기 자신을 알고 정복해야 한다. 비즈니스 리더가 꿋꿋이 자신의 자리에 설 자신이 없다면, 그 기업은 어떤 이유에서든 무너질 것이다. 이러한 말이 있다. “지도자가 된다는 것은 그가 이끌고 돌보는 자들의 기쁨을 위해 자기 자신의 욕망과 안정을 버릴 줄 아는 책임을 가지는 것이다.” 높은 성품, 도덕적인 지휘, 그리고 강한 공동체 의식은 성공적인 수익, 의욕 넘치는 직원들, 나아가 강력한 기업을 결과로 낳는다. 더 나아가서 이러한 7가지 성향은 개인적으로 또는 기업적으로 높은 성과를 가져온 목표를 설정하게 한 원동력이었다.

Meet Eliakim Thorpe Eliakim Thorpe is a highly sought-after speaker, consultant, thought-leader and entrepreneur, author, and a leading authority on organizational transformation. He is the creator of the T.H.R.I.V.I.N.G. Organization: A New Philosophy to Transform Organizations, which is both a philosophy and a systematic process to help businesses create frameworks to become transformational—internally and externally. As an IT professional, Eliakim has worked with and consulted for Fortune 10 to Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, Whirlpool and GM. For more information about Eliakim, please visit www.EliakimThorpeSpeaks.com.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

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a e r Y s g o n f o H L i b r e u r o n F a r t i e o t f n A

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Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools

By Carla Alexander

Out with the Boring, in with the 2016 was a fascinating and fun year to try new styles and learn new ways to care for those lovely locks! Not only do great hairstyles perform ornamental functions, they allow us to keep those tresses under control. Whether you use tools like the flat iron to make your coils go straight or you condition, shake and let them go natural, there have been many new and unique style choices this year. Creativity in the use of braids, those sophisticated up-dos, bobs and weaves—all made for a banner year in using our crowning glory to shout a personal statement about our style. As we find ourselves at the end of the year, we have a chance to make one last big statement before we look ahead to 2017, the new year and all the new ways we can care for and create new styles with our hair. Any length, any texture, and any curl type can benefit from the return of the amazing crimping iron. Gold ‘N Hot has two unique and versatile tools to make your holiday hair pop! First, our 2” Professional Ceramic Crimping Iron (GH3013) can take long locks and create unlimited style; whether you use this amazing iron to do a full head of crimps (don’t be afraid-think luxurious lion’s mane!)

or you can use it to add texture here and there while using a flat iron (Gold ‘N Hot has an amazing 1” Ceramic Flat Iron, GH2144) and creating your own patterns throughout. Your style will be your own and will be the talk of any holiday gathering. You don’t have to have shoulder, or even neck-length hair to achieve chic styles! Especially for the holiday season, Gold ‘N Hot has rereleased its 1” Ceramic Micro Crimping Iron (GH3010). This iron is amazing for shorter styles, up-do’s or for accenting smaller sections of longer hair. Strips in braids, ponytails, bangs— any piece of hair that needs a little accent—can be jazzed up with this amazing and versatile iron. Do as little or as much as you want. Gold ‘N Hot offers 24K Gold Curling Irons in various sizes, and amazing specialty tools including deep wavers to make achieving sexy, chic, and classy styles simple and quick! Sure, clothes, jewels, shoes and accessories tell something about our personality and style, but nothing makes a statement like your hair. Be sure you don’t leave this most important part of your party preparation half done! Heads will turn, whether you decide to go elegant, or eccentric, understated sophistication or wild

STYLE! trendsetter. Find the tools you need in Gold ‘N Hot’s extensive line of hair tools made especially for textured hair. You can go flat, get tight curls, create big, soft, round waves, or join the current holiday trend by crimping big or little. Gold ‘N Hot is dedicated to producing products that give you the power to get professional results you desire from the comfort of your own home. Gold ’N Hot is currently looking for excited new individuals who are eager to give us feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you’re interested in becoming a brand ambassador, please contact us feedback@ goldnhothair.com or visit our website at GoldNHotHair.com. Be sure to follow us or like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest @GoldNHotElite for the latest updates, giveaways, and more.




Meet Carla Alexander Carla Alexander is a Brand Manager in the Marketing Department of the Professional Division, Salon/Beauty Group at Helen of Troy. Since earning her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Dallas Baptist University, she has pursued her passion in the marketing field and finds particular satisfaction in helping people be their own kind of beautiful.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine December 2016


Beauty Ambassador

Skin Care

Cocoa Butter

is nature’s super ingredient for beautiful, youthful skin. Cocoa Butter is an all-

natural skin conditioning plant extract loaded with essential fatty acids that soften






skin’s natural oil balance,


Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Moisture Rich Night Cream: a super-rich blend of Retinol, Peptides, Shea Butter and

Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Multi-Effect Perfecting Facial Oil: a blend of 9 pure oils plus Retinol, Resveratrol and

Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Ultra Gentle Facial Cleansing Oil: lightly hydrates while cleansing and removing eye-


Cocoa Butter can penetrate and deliver its high concentration of the


provides long-lasting balanced

Aloe for overnight renewal

supple. temperature and matching


hydration and sun protection with an SPF 15

diminishing water loss – keeping skin hydrated and

Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Moisturizing Day Cream:

Vitamin C to help reduce the appearance of fine lines

makeup, suitable for all skin types, even oily

powerful antioxidants that your skin uses to prevent premature aging. Cocoa Butter contains nature’s most powerful antioxidants,

All of the Cocoa Butter Formula® products also contain Vitamin E to

vitamins, flavonoids, and the unique Cocoa Mass Polyphenol which allows

soften and soothe the skin. This super anti-oxidant helps prevent the

skin to perform at its best and be as beautiful as when it was at its youthful

signs of aging and damage caused by free radicals which can damage

peak. These polyphenols are powerful anti-oxidants that neutralize free

collagen and cause skin dryness, fine lines and wrinkles.

radicals, preventing skin damage and preventing wrinkles. This super

All products in this facial range are 100% free of

ingredient leaves skin soft and supple, smooth and even, free of marks

Parabens, phthalates and dyes. These products can be

and blemishes, and regenerating healthy new skin cells. Cocoa Butter

found in Mass and chain drug retailers across

is also naturally rich in Oleic acid, which promotes cell regenerating to

the country, and even around the world.

reveal younger looking skin, and is also anti-inflammatory and has been shown to soothe breakouts. Cocoa Butter is one of the few ingredients that can function as a skin barrier to protect skin from the effects of sun, wind and environmental pollutants. This barrier seals in moisture all day to combat dryness. Palmer’s is the expert in harnessing cocoa butter into superior formulas, creating amazing beauty products, as seen in the Cocoa Butter Formula® body care line. The same natural ingredients have been expertly blended into a unique line of products specifically for the face, addressing the concerns of moisture loss and aging facial skin.

Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® Facial Care line includes a complete regimen of products including:


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

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OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

Notes From The

Natural Nation By Emma Young

2016: An Explosive Year for Natural Products 2016 has been a banner year for natural

with the latest natural hair styles. With the

and most beautiful hair with the least

hair wearers, and as we come to the end of

launch of their new and exciting product

amount of effort, it surrounds and delivers

2016 and look to entering 2017, it is evident

lines in 2016, Jamaican Mango & Lime® has

360 degrees of intense, lasting moisture.

that locs, twists, braids and wash ‘n wear

emerged as the clear choice among women

This moisture infuses every single strand

hairstyles are here to stay.

who embrace their natural hair styles.

of coily, kinky, textured and straight hair

2016 was the year of defining that

One great style that women love

and is especially effective on color-treated

“natural” doesn’t just describe the look, it

because it’s so versatile and easy to wear is

hair. Women love the way the Pure Naturals

also describes the ingredients. Natural hair

the feed-in braids or cornrows. Jamaican

with Smooth Moisture® Coconut Milk &

wearers have made it clear that they prefer

Mango & Lime® Jamaican Black Castor Oil

Honey Hair Masque seals in moisture and is

natural ingredients in their hair products.

is great for these kinds of styles because

great for wash ‘n wear styles. They’ve found

Women also feel that there is nothing

these awesome oils go into the scalp and

that Coconut Butter Crème is more than a

natural about having to spend hours making

replace hair oil. The Jamaican Black Castor

conditioner because it’s great for smoothing

great efforts to achieve a natural look.

Oils Peppermint and Vitamin A&D are oils

out the ends of the two-strand twist or

Culturally diverse women who are busy and

that women don’t want to be without and

braids. Blended with 100% pure and natural

on-the-go want to achieve the healthiest and

now Jamaican Black Castor Oil is available

butters, oils, natural extracts and honey, it

most beautiful hair with the least amount of

in a 2-ounce travel size for conveniently

infuses color-treated and natural-styled hair


carrying in your purse.

with maximum moisture derived from all-

For twenty-one years, Jamaican

The 2016 launch of Jamaican

Mango & Lime® products have been at

Mango & Lime®’s Pure Naturals with

the forefront of the natural hair industry,

SmoothMoisture® gives natural hair wearers

Keep your sales rising and keep your

continuing to produce new and innovative

everything they asked for and more. Inspired

customers naturally beautiful!

products that support and protect natural

by culturally diverse women who are busy,

hair, keeping hair healthy while keeping up

on-the-go and want to achieve the healthiest

natural ingredients.

Meet Emma Young Emma L. Young is a freelance writer who has written for various publications including ShopTalk Magazine, the Saints Magazine, South Shore Current and the Spiritual Perspective Newspaper.

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


Feature Article by Loc Tran


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

Winter Versus Summer Skin Care Just as your body needs different clothing to protect it against the changing weather, your skin needs a different skin care regime to properly protect it from the elements. As the body's largest organ, skin is far more delicate than you probably realize. Here is a closer look at how winter versus summer affects skin and it's care.

Why is Skin Care Different in Winter Than in Summer Months? Winter months generally are colder and drier than summer months when heat and humidity levels are on the rise. When skin is exposed to the harsh winter weather, it takes a beating, becoming excessively dry, irritated and chapped. Clothing protects most skin but we often fail to protect our faces. Moving indoors isn't any better. Constantly running heaters and dehumidifiers sap every bit of moisture from the air. During the summer, temperatures warm and more skin becomes exposed to the elements. Higher temperatures and humidity levels increase the amount of sweat the body produces in an attempt to cool off. As an unintentional consequence, skin becomes oilier and more prone to pimples and

other irritation. Swimming is a great way to cool off however exposure to harsh pool chemicals and salt water can lead to excessive dryness.

Tips for Protecting Skin During the Winter Months Apply sunscreen regularly because you're just as likely to sunburn in the winter as you are in summer. Apply a sunscreen, moisturiser or makeup with a minimum SPF of 15. Be sure to protect lips by wearing lipstick or lip balm with sun protection. Stop licking lips! Moisturize. Add moisture to inside air by turning on a humidifier. If you don't have one, place a pan of water near a radiator or heat source. Plants help moisturize the air. Add moisture to your body by using emollient-based soaps, lotions and creams. Take shorter, warmer showers and baths. Hot water strips away natural oils as does staying submerged in water. Adding moisturizers to bath water helps, but take care when exiting as the tub will be slippery. Reduce the number of times you apply toner after cleansing and use toners with no or low alcohol levels. Gently

exfoliate using a washcloth or scrub to remove dead skin cells and stimulate skin.

Tips for Protecting Skin During Summer Months Always protect your skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation by applying sunscreen, wearing sun protective clothing and seeking shade whenever possible. Stay out of the sun when it's strongest, between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. Excessive sweat and oils clog pores so use a cooling cleanser containing salicylic acid to keep skin blemishes under control. Cleansers made with eucalyptus or menthol extracts feel good and help keep pores clean and open. Change your moisturizing products because skin doesn't need as much moisturising protection during summer as it does during winter. Always rinse your body with cool water after swimming to remove chlorine and salt. A facial mask applied once a week will deep-clean pores and help skin retain its natural pH balance. Use a mister to keep skin cool and moist.

Meet Loc Tran Loc Tran is a contributing writer for Articlesbase.com Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http://www.articlesbase.com/skin-care-articles/winter-versussummer-skin-care-3612898.html

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



CLIPPER TIPS Sponsored by Andis Co.

Child Friendly Tools & Tips for the Holiday Season by Kenny Duncan

The holiday season is quickly approaching and it is one of the busiest times for hair professionals. It’s an especially busy time for cutting children’s hair, which can be one of the most difficult things to do for barbers, stylists and at-home clipper cutters. Many these challenges stem from choosing the wrong tools and using the wrong techniques. Most young children are not comfortable being in the barbershop in the first place; then barbers come at them with loud and uncomfortable tools and it just make things worse. Thankfully, Andis makes a variety of tools that are great choices for clipping kid’s hair. Using tools with quiet-running motors, such as the ProAlloy™ clipper or the SpeedMaster clipper, will keep a child from leaning away from his barber. In fact, the ProAlloy uses patent-pending XTR™ Technology to make it cooler and quieter than other clippers. In general, magnetic motor clippers produce the least amount of sound, followed closely by pivot motor tools. Clippers with large motors, such as some detachable blade designs, can be louder and should be avoided with timid children. The same rule applies to trimmers. The T-Outliner® trimmer is a magnetic motor tool that is both classic and quiet. Additionally, any trimmer in the Andis Slimline series will deliver quiet cutting performance for barbers wanting to use quieter tools on children.

Children’s Haircutting Tips • Use quiet-running clippers – Try the ProAlloy or Master®. • Avoid large, powerful detachable blade tools. • Keep it fun – Use a toy or a treat as a prize for holding their chin down while you trim their nape. • Use Andis Slimline series trimmers on the nape – The cordless design delivers added freedom and the comfort edge finish on the blades helps reduce scratches and client discomfort. • Use attachment combs instead of clipper-over-comb cutting technique – The precise size of an attachment comb and the hair it leaves behind is always going to be consistent, even when the child is moving. Visit andis.com to find out which tools are best for you.

Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in Ʈlms such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



THERAPY TRENDS Rejoice, Recover and Purchase by Elayne McClaine

This year, 2016, ends with good tidings of good riddance! This was the year of so many extremes. Consumers seem glad to phase out their radical hair color, dramatic makeup designs and over-the-top wilding hair styles. Consumers ended the year by selecting calming, natural shades for hair, makeup and nail color. Did the previously, bold aggressive palettes and studded, dimensional makeup design reflect the year’s stressful occurrences? Did fear, lack of funds, and falsehoods create a fed-up rebellious spirit? If any of this year’s events impacted the psyche of the consumer, they will end the year with purchases that upgrade their self-esteem and reinforce their values. OTC consumers tried every possible trend from radical design images to proactive wellness regimes. In 2016, new limits to beauty concepts and techniques were revealed. It was an adventurous year. Consumers were as invigorated by the images portrayed in the evening news as the silver screen. This year was its own reality show! Women were portrayed as superstars, victims, and survivors. They were lifted up and crushed down. Enough of 2016 was enough. Consumers want to reboot their image and recharge their spirits. Women are now resorting to a more neutral and tonal palette with their makeup by choosing colors that enhance their features versus manipulating them. It is predicted that consumers will be moving away from unnatural projections of themselves. This year, social media may have taught them that they can and will define the boundaries of beauty and selfawareness. Beauty manufacturers heard a major lesson from this outgoing year: mature consumers, as well as Millennials, became one monolithic community when basic respect was challenged. So rejoice! The year has ended with a resolve that consumers can reset their beauty profile, and standards of decorum. The outward purchases reflect their inner self expression. Elayne McClaine has identiƮed and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such Ʈrms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of PƮzer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with Ʈrms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

RA Cosmetics 100% Mango Scented Shea Butter Our Body Butter with Mango Scent from RA Cosmetics is 100% all natural and smells incredible. It is full of nourishing and anti-oxidant rich ingredients. It helps Ʈght signs of aging; relieves dry skin; reduces windburn/sunburn and frostbite. It is made with nature’s best moisturizers – shea butter and mango scented oil – and is paraben-free. Our Body Butter is a skin must-have and Nature’s gift to your hair and skin.

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TONSORIAL TIMES It’s a WRAP! by Dwayne Thompson

2016 was a year Ʈlled with ups and downs, and above all, new perspectives of the intense struggle we all face here in the great U.S. of A. I am glad to see open discussions on race, a focus on closing the gap in wages for women, education, politics, immigration and international trade. Now that we have a new president we will all have to become more accountable for our individual contribution to change. We all must become more tolerant and responsible for the development of our community and our country. Remember this is a democracy and everyone’s opinion is valued and necessary. In 2017, I would like to focus on closing the cultural divide by addressing issues facing gender, race, economics and education. Hopefully, this will assist beauty and barber supplies by identifying industry trends, customer product demands and social responsibility. Make an eƬort to reach deeper and wider into the “Millennial” demographic for retailers; it’s no longer about what you oƬer, but how you oƬer it. Millennial customers are increasingly focusing on experiences instead of simply “buying things,” which is encouraging all retailers to rethink their approach to how they market and sell to this group. The entire shopping experience must be an experience, not a commodity. I am sure you have noticed how advertisers are tailoring their commercials to appeal to the lighter side of things by making commercials more like social media viral videos with informative micro news messages and informal bloopers that at memorable. Product companies, please consider updating your packaging; keep it hip and vibrant. Until next issue! Keep up the good work!

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the Ʈrst barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The OƱcial Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

ApHogee CurliƮc for Naturals

ApHogee CurliƮc products are speciƮcally formulated to combat curly hair problems resulting in beautiful, healthy hair. The CurliƮc Textured Hair Wash and Texture Treatment is the perfect shampoo and conditioner combo for naturals. The Textured Hair Wash is a sulfate free, paraben free shampoo that gently cleanses the hair. The Texture Treatment contains Quinoa protein to strengthen, repair and seal the hair while also containing the Pro-phytamine Complex to smooth and moisturize, keeping hair healthy and elastic. For more information, visit www.ApHogee.com.

#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.


HAIR POLISHER INTRODUCES 2 NEW OILS Now.... It’s your time to shine!

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ir from brea a h ts n e v e r •P g growth e encouragin smoothes th d n a s d n e t ce spli hine • Helps redu of the hair for intense s r cuticle laye ity manageabil d n a s s e tn f • Adds so tioxidants • Rich in an


SHEA BU TTER OIL • Leaves hair

soft and man ageable • Helps cond ition the mos t dry, brittle • Hydrates th hair e scalp • Contains e ssen and shiny ha tial fatty acids for stron g ir


Fantasia Industries Corporation FANTASIAHAIRCARE COM s -ADE )N 53! OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016



OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


OTC Beauty Magazine

Awards 2016 We congratulate 2016’s winners as well as honorable mentions. We also extend our greatest gratitude to all of our advertisers for your support.

A magazine cannot exist without loyal advertisers, and here at OTC Beauty Magazine we are lucky to have some of the best in the beauty business partnering with us.

Each year we recognize a few who excel in various categories, and they are honored here.

Best Cover: Oster

Honorable Mentions: Creme of Nature, American International Industries, Andis


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

Best All-Around Advertiser: XBI

Most Marketable Ad: L’Oreal Multicultural (SoftSheen-Carson)

Honorable Mentions: Wella, AFAM

Honorable Mentions: Inspired Beauty Brands, Hoyu America

Best New Advertiser: Sundial Brands

Most Creative Ad: Namaste Laboratories

Honorable Mentions: EDEN BodyWorks, Combe Incorporated

Honorable Mentions: Ecoco, Beauty Perfection

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


Tae H. Jhin

Awards 2016

Each year Jinny Corp. presents various manufacturers with coveted Tae H. Jhin Vendor Awards in recognition for their achievements within the industry. Congratulations to all!

Top All Around Vendor AAA - PDC Brands AA - Ecoco A - ABS Consumer Products (EDEN BodyWorks)

PDC Brands


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ABS Consumer Products (EDEN BodyWorks)

Susan DeLucia

Darrin Barbour

Robert Lee

Cora Watson

Top Vendor Rep AAA - Susan DeLucia AAA - Darrin Barbour AA - Robert Lee A - Cora Watson

Top Broker Rep Derek Lee

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


Tae H. Jhin Awards Most Innovative New Product AAA - Aunt Jackie Flaxseed and Andis Pro Alloy Clipper AA - Oster Zipline Trimmer A - Mane Choice Manetabolism Plus

Aunt Jackie Flaxseed

Oster Zipline Trimmer


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

Andis Pro Alloy Clipper

Mane Choice Manetabolism Plus

Best Selling Product AAA - Beautiful Collection 22D AA - Murray’s Edge A - Smooth ‘N Shine Style Mousse

Beautiful Collection 22D

Murray’s Edge

Smooth ‘N Shine Style Mousse

Top All Around Brand AAA - Cantu AA - Oster A - As I Am



As I Am OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


Staff Picks Here at OTC Beauty Magazine we count ourselves lucky to work in this multicultural beauty supply industry that is so varied and innovative. The constant introduction of new products to the market keeps us on alert and on the lookout for the next best trend. Each month we keep you informed with a collection of new items, but for December we also want to feature a handful of our staff favorites.

Never Out of Style Lotion is a year-round must-have for all skin types, seeing that moisturization is vital to healthy, supple skin—even for men. Uncle Jimmy Body Lotion is a non-greasy, long-lasting moisturizing cream that is easy-to-spread, quickly absorbed and non comedogenic – meaning it does not cause blackheads. It also works to relieve extra dry and itchy skin which can arise during the winter. www.unclejimmyproducts.com

“Ooh la lash” Not only around the holidays, but every day, women deserve to feel flirty and fabulous. Ardell’s “Ooh la lash” Individuals can help your customers easily achieve that. With the ability to add only as much drama as she wants, it truly puts the user in control. www.ardelllashes.com

Style Control I can only speak for myself, but frizzy hair that is topped off with flyaways is a daily battle I face. To stand my ground I have found that hair mousse is an excellent go-to that not only controls my style, but also gives me the extra volume I look for. Formulated to protect no matter how users style hair, the Mirabelle Plum Styling Mousse from Carol’s Daughter is a hit! www.carolsdaughter.com


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Shampoo is a Staple Few beauty products are found in every single customer’s arsenal, but shampoo is undoubtedly one of them. After all, everyone wants clean, beautiful and great-smelling hair. What’s more, if tresses are also repaired to their optimum health with use it’s even better. ORS’ Black Olive Oil Repair 7 Sulfate Free Shampoo cleanses and strengthens all hair textures while boasting 7 benefits to users—from thermal protection to promoting shine and adding body. www.orshaircare.com

So Long, Split Ends I’m certain there are customers that agree that little is as aggravating hairwise as split ends. They creep up in no time and threaten the health of tresses. However, Clairol iThrive Keratin Rescue Split End Repair runs to the rescue! This lightweight finishing crème leaves dry, damaged hair smooth and frizz-free, all the way to the ends. www.clairolpro.com

Fits in the Pocket Also a favorite among the men in our office is the Lucky Tiger Premium Peppermint Lip Balm. Made with high quality natural ingredients that promote natural healing, this natural lip balm provides lasting protection as it softens and moisturizes lips. Encourage your customers to show the delicate skin of their lips some love. www.getluckytiger.com

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Industry News

Cosmoprof North America Solidifies its Award-Winning Stature CPNA on a Winning Streak, Taking Home Most Awards for its 2015 Edition Cosmoprof North America (CPNA), the leading B2B beauty trade show organized by BolognaFiere Group and Professional Beauty Association, part of the international network of Cosmoprof (with events in Bologna, Italy and Hong Kong, Asia), showed yet again its prowess as a trailblazer always on the cusp of innovation. The show’s 2015 edition was one of the most awarded at the Trade Show Executive (TSE) “Gold 100 Grand Awards Dinner & Ceremony” held on Thursday, September 22nd, winning four TSE awards. CPNA won ‘Best Program to help Exhibitors Maximize ROI’, ‘Most Innovative Trade Show,’ and ‘Greatest Show of 2015’. Additionally, Daniela Ciocan, Marketing Director for CPNA, won the ‘Marketing Genius Award’, her second win for this coveted title. Recognized by this influential trade show industry publication, CPNA’s growth and success is partly due to the record breaking 1,015 exhibitors but most especially for its innovative new programs Discover Scent and Tones of Beauty, along with the industry’s most relevant program to help entrepreneurs, BEAUTY PITCH. The 2015 edition of CPNA was filled with novelty and unique programs that were in tune with consumer trends to help


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exhibitors and attendees find solutions to meet their growing demands. CPNA’s ongoing success has been in its ability to innovate and provide all facets of the beauty industry under one roof. With the above exciting additions, achievements, and improvements, it comes as no surprise that CPNA was selected as the winner of their four awarded categories. The entire team of Cosmoprof North America is thrilled about these awards and looks forward to continued success for the show in the future. “Our focus is to continue and develop existing programs and add new opportunities so it can continue its upward trajectory while continuing to deliver the unparalleled value it has been recognized for thus far,” says Eric Horn, the Show’s Director. For more information on the Cosmoprof North America show and a complete list of exhibitors, please visit www.cosmoprofnorthamerica. com. Event information and exhibitor updates are also posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@COSMOPROFNA | COSMOPROFLV).

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Industry News

Let’s Go Mani Dipping Introducing ProDip by SuperNail® Now you can create beautiful acrylic nails in half the time of traditional acrylic powders with the new ProDip by SuperNail® Acrylic Dipping System. This new system is fast, easy to use and odorless, making each salon visit comfortable and convenient for all clients. Available in 30 finely milled powders in a mix of fashion-forward hues and classic colors ranging from sheer to prismatic glitters, plus classic Pink, White and Clear, ProDip by SuperNail® offers the durability of a traditional liquid and powder acrylic system, but without the odor and application time. Applied to either the natural nail or over nail tips, the lightweight and flexible powder formula requires no sculpting and provides a durable, long-lasting glossy finish. It is non-damaging to the nail bed and can be soaked off in just 10 minutes.

How It Works: 1. After prepping the nail, apply one coat of ProDip Prep to all 10 fingers. 2. Fill the custom designed ProDip Disposable Dipping Tray with ProDip Powder. Whether you choose to dip, tap or pour, this tray offers sanitary application and eliminates excess waste. 3. Focusing on one finger at a time, apply one coat of ProDip Base, then dip finger into powder and dust away excess. Repeat on all 10 fingers. 4. Apply a second coat and dip again into powder. Repeat dipping process on all 10 fingers, then seal with ProDip Activator and allow to dry. 5. Finish your ProDip service with the no-light-needed ProDip Finish Gel for a high shine, durable finish. 6. To remove simply break seal, wrap or soak in acetone for 10 minutes and roll off nail. The ProDip by SuperNail® Acrylic Dipping System includes: • 2 oz. and 8 oz. ProDip Powders in classic Pink, White and Clear • 0.9 oz. ProDip Powders in 30 gorgeous shades • ProDip Prep • ProDip Base • ProDip Activator • ProDip Finish Gel • ProDip LED/UV Gel Sealant – no cleanse top coat • ProDip Cuticle Oil • ProDip Disposable Dipping Trays • ProDip System Kit – includes one 2 oz. jar each of ProDip Powder in White, Pink and Clear; one .5 oz. bottle each of Prep, Base, Activator, Finish Gel; 20 Disposable Dipping Trays and 30 Cleansing Wipes ProDip by SuperNail® Acrylic Dipping Systems are available at beauty supply stores nationwide, starting November 2016. www.supernailprofessional.com.

Multicultural Beauty Highlighted with “Tones of Beauty” at Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2017 Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, the leading international exhibition for beauty trends organized by Bologna Fiere Group, will celebrate its 50th anniversary from March 17-20, 2017. For its 50th edition, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna will be debuting Tones of Beauty, a luxury showcase highlighting the different types and evolving shades of beauty of the darker consumer. Tones of Beauty will be launched inside COSMOPRIME, a preview of Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2017, from March 16th - 19th alongside other international companies with a strong focus on retail. The showcase will bring the most coveted brands for “Black & Brown” beauty encompassing all segments of the industry for the first time in Italy. It will be a continuation of the highly successful program that began two years ago at Cosmoprof North America championed by Daniela Ciocan, the organization’s Marketing Director. Consequently, the program itself serves as a marketing and sales incubator for brands and offers them everything from advertising to alternative distribution. To ensure authenticity and relevancy, the Tones of Beauty initiative has partnered with Corey Huggins and his company love, Aunt Bonnie, a US-based global “beauty media” agency connecting brands with the multicultural audience relating to communication and marketing


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strategy. Huggins reprises his role as Curator and Host for the Italian edition. "I’m very excited to introduce a select group of game-changing brands that have been long deserving of the Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna platform,” says Huggins, Founder and Global CEO of love, Aunt Bonnie. Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna reprises its role as the international hub for the most influential beauty trends and the development of Tones of Beauty only solidifies it. The showcase responds to the shifts in population with the multicultural demographic quickly rising. A recent study lead by the United Nations cited African people in general as the fastest growing population in the world, highlighting that by the year 2100, nearly 40% of the world’s population will be of African descent. Moreover, multicultural women are known to spend 80% more on cosmetics and nearly twice as much on skincare products than other consumer bases. Additionally, the Black hair care market is supposed to reach up to 876 billion dollars by 2019. Thus, having the Tones of Beauty showcase at Cosmoprof Bologna is not only lock step with the multicultural trend, but it also puts the Bologna Fiere Group at the forefront for the luxury trade show market. www.cosmoprof.com

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Industry News

Centric TV Debuts Legendary Bronner Bros. “Hair Battle” Featuring Tamar Braxton Five of the nation’s top hairstylists shock and awe in quest for hair champion title

More than a decade after the original Battle Royale rocked the world of multicultural beauty, “Centric Presents… Bronner Bros. Hair Battle” returned to national prime time on Saturday, October 22. Five contestants brought the glitz, glam, and “hair slayage” required to compete for the prestigious title of Hair Battle Champion. Hosted by singer and television personality Tamar Braxton, this is the second live taping to air on Centric TV, which features unique programming targeting diverse audiences.

Year after year, the industry’s most dynamic hairstylists and barbers attend Bronner Bros. Beauty Shows for the chance to make their mark. Having propelled countless salon professionals into the spotlight, the Hair Battle is the ultimate showcase of hair artistry, technical prowess and creativity. 2016 contestants include Angela Stuckey, Keon Brunson, Que, Texas T and Terrance Davidson. “The Hair Battle is like the Olympics of beauty. In no other place, at no other time, will the world witness this much innovative hair artistry on the same stage,” said James Bronner, senior vice president of trade operations, Bronner Bros. “When we started the Hair Battle 15 years ago, the goal was to inspire, celebrate and demonstrate pride in our craft. This competition continues that mission by featuring the nation’s best hairstylists— each of whom was handpicked for their distinct style, world-class showmanship and over the top creativity.” To decide which hairstylist should be crowned Hair Battle royalty are three celebrity

judges: hairstylist, singer, actor and personality Miss Lawrence (“Empire,” “Fashion Queens,” and “Real Housewives of Atlanta”), hair stylist and personality Shekinah Jo (“Family Hustle”) and master stylist and salon owner Razor Chic of Atlanta. The winner will receive a $10,000 cash prize. “I’m expecting all of the contestants to bring it, OK? When these stylists leave the stage, I want to be inspired to go home and try everything I saw,” exclaimed event host, Tamar Braxton. “As far as I’m concerned, everybody is a winner!” Known for her animated personality, Tamar Braxton kept the energy high as contestants prepped hundreds of models’ hair, makeup and costumes for an unforgettable show. The event was taped before a live audience during the midsummer Beauty Show in Atlanta, GA. Last year’s broadcast netted recordsetting ratings, giving the network original content that resonated with multicultural viewers nationwide. Now entering its 70th year, the Bronner Bros. Beauty Show is the largest multicultural beauty show in the world. Join the conversation on social media @Bronner Bros; #BB #BBHairBattle. www.bronnerbros.com

Photo credit: Chris Kelly 82

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OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


Industry News

Fromm Looks Ahead to Spring Although we’re in the dead of winter

temperatures? Not with the 1907 by

and shine. To make sure hair is restored

now, spring will soon be approaching

Fromm Copper Core Thermal Brush. It

to its shiny best, comb wet hair with

and it’s important to get your store

uses the natural properties of copper to

the Diane by Fromm Oil Detangler

inventory ready.

kill 88% of bacteria, giving users a flake-

Comb. Infused with rich minerals found

The winter winds are harsh

free finish. In addition, the copper core

in almonds and avocados including

on everyone’s strands and the only

dries hair 30% faster than a traditional

vitamin E and omega 3, this comb

thing worse than brittle, dull hair is the

aluminum brush, resulting in less

restores dehydrated hair.

transition into frizzy hair caused by the

damage to hair strands.


spring season changes. Many women turn to serums and sprays to tame their

2. Spring Hair Problem: Brittle

tresses caused by the shift in weather,


however it’s also beneficial to take a look

Solution: Diane by Fromm Oil

at tools. Whether they are looking for

Detangler Comb

more volume or to replenish nutrients,

Months of cold weather

Fromm has a tool that will seamlessly

can leave hair stripped

help your customers’ hair into the spring

of nutrients


1. Spring Hair Problem: Flakes & Dander Solution: 1907 by Fromm Copper Core Thermal Brush Flaky, itchy scalp due the change in


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Industry News

From Pop Culture and Politics to School Hallways and Social Media, 7 Out Of 10 Girls Encounter Negative Beauty Posts, Comments, Snaps and Photos that can be Destructive To Their Self-Esteem The Dove Self-Esteem Project teams up with Ariel Winter and body positivity advocates to lead the #SpeakBeautiful Squad and arm girls with resources to combat online negativity and shaming.

TBH Digital Glossary and the Real Selfie Challenge, are available to all by visiting Twitter.com/Dove. "We live in a world where girls are constantly confronted with unwarranted

change the way we talk about beauty online.

negativity online. Our research shows 62%

"I've experienced the challenges of growing

of girls want to be taught how to use social

up with social media—even before stepping

media as a resource to empower them about

into the spotlight. Platforms like Twitter

positive body image,"2 states Nick Soukas,

have become a part of our daily routines.


Vice President of Marketing for Dove.

It's so important that girls have the tools

disgusting." "Pale looking alien." These

"With the #SpeakBeautiful Squad, we are

to combat the negativity found there and

are just a few of the real negative tweets

providing girls, parents and mentors, with

to encourage others to understand the

girls encounter on social media every

videos and GIFs containing the practical

emotional impact their words online can

day. Between the school year kicking off

advice they need to help create a world

have on girls in real life."

and recent news headlines, girls today are

where social media offers girls positivity

bombarded with damaging commentary

and support rather than negativity and

online that impacts how they feel about

defeat. From Ariel Winter, who

themselves offline. Dove research shows

has shown remarkable courage

that 70% of girls believe social media has

standing up to online bullies, to

a strong influence on the way they look.1

Franchesca Ramsey, a YouTube

From Tweets and Facebook comments

activist known to use humor

to Snaps and images on Instagram, girls


hold in the palm of their hands constant

issues, Dove is proud to come

access to an onslaught of messaging that

together on these issues with

can influence their self-image. To help

extraordinary women who live,

girls cope with this relentless damaging

work, and play in the online

commentary, the Dove Self-Esteem Project






is launching the #SpeakBeautiful Squad, a


media self-esteem resources, like the







group of digitally savvy, influential women

Esteem Advocate Ariel Winter

who will provide girls with the tips, advice

is joining Dove to lead the

and resources they need to arm themselves


against online negativity. The new social

encourage people everywhere to

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


and Franchesca Ramsey

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


Industry News

Meet the #SpeakBeautiful Squad

a safe community online. Follow Vanessa

"date" between mom and daughter so

Joining Ariel on the #SpeakBeautiful Squad

at @vvanedwards.

that mom can see her daughter's life on

are Franchesca Ramsey, Jeannette Kaplun,

social media while still respecting her

and Vanessa Van Edwards. Dove collaborated

Experience the #SpeakBeautiful New Online

with the Squad to create the resources that

Self-Esteem Building Activities

will help the next generation learn how

The legacy of the #SpeakBeautiful campaign,

way you look in that moment share it!

to overcome online negativity and make

a partnership for social change between Dove

Join our Real Selfie Challenge and show

social media a place where all girls feel

and Twitter, has resulted in a 47% decrease

girls that photos don't have to be perfect

privacy. •


Real Selfie Challenge – If you love the

confident and beautiful. Each member of

in negativity on Twitter , but there is more

the #SpeakBeautiful Squad is an expert on

work to be done. This next evolution of the

different online barriers to girls' confidence.

program provides go-to resources as part of

your daughter and work together to

• Teasing & Bullying – Actress and Self-

the #SpeakBeautiful curricula.

create a written contract of how both can

to be beautiful. •

Technology Contract – Sit down with

Re-Do Challenge - Everyone makes

be respectful of privacy while abiding by

the #SpeakBeautiful Squad and through

mistakes. It's what you do afterwards that

specific rules.

her own experiences of cyberbullying,

counts. Challenge a girl in your life to a

Esteem Advocate Ariel Winter leads



Your Core Group - Help a girl in your


life identify a core group of

everywhere to understand

friends whose opinion she

the emotional impact that

values. When confronted with

our online comments and




can turn to this list as a firm

on girls. Follow Ariel at

foundation of whose voices


really matter.




• Role of Media – Vlogger and








Project has reached over 19.4

Ramsey is helping girls

million lives with self-esteem

learn how to navigate the

curriculum in order to help

media that surrounds them

the next generation develop Ariel Winter

while raising awareness of

a positive relationship with

the role the media plays and its impact

re-do! Encourage her to post two positive

beauty and we are committed to continuing

on their self-esteem. Follow Franchesca at

Tweets with #SpeakBeautiful for every

that mission online. Together, we can all


negative Tweet in the past.

#SpeakBeautiful and unite to transform social

TBH Digital Glossary – Walk through a

media into a place where girls can feel free

Kaplun, Founder and CEO of Hispana

list of terms often found online and their

to be their confident selves. Follow @Dove

Global is helping parents and mentors to

definitions with a girl in your life and

and the #SpeakBeautiful Squad on Twitter to

identify and encourage positive behaviors

explain how they affect self-esteem.

receive tips, advice and exercises on how to

• Growing Up & Body Image – Jeannette

Signs of Cyberbullying – Learn to spot

navigate the negativity on social media.

that can affect a girl's self-image. Follow

the signs of cyberbullying and ways you


Jeannette at @JeannetteKaplun.

can help a girl in your life who has been

online and discourage negative ones

• Friends & Relationships – Published

1 "Dove: #SpeakBeautiful Girls Research" March 2016

Bystander to Hero – Challenge girls to

2 "Dove: #SpeakBeautiful Girls Research" March 2016

stand up against cyberbullying rather

3 Twitter Research, October 2016

learn how to notice unhealthy online

than being a bystander with guidance

relationships and empower them with

from this activity.

advice on how to rise above them to create

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Vanessa Van Edwards will help girls

Author and Behavioral Investigator



Digital Dates – Schedule a recurring

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OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


BIR Bits On September 30, Coty became the world’s third largest beauty company, after completing the acquisition of P&G’s specialty beauty business, which includes 41 beauty brands. That transaction doubled the company’s annual revenue. Coty is now a global leader in fragrance, color cosmetics and professional hair care and styling. For additional information, visit coty.com.

SalonQuest, LLC, the marketer of Aquage and Biomega Haircare, has been acquired by the Professional Division of Conair Corporation. Conair,

Glenn Udell, vice president/ treasurer, announces that Gerry Udell, Inc. has been appointed the Northeast representatives for Model in a Bottle, which was recently acquired by American International Industries, Inc. Visit gerryudell.com.

like Aquage, is a family-owned business that is deeply rooted in the salon industry. Conair is also the parent company of BaBylissPRO. “Conair and BaBylissPRO are technology-driven and customer focused,” says Ken Russo, senior vice president, Professional Division of Conair Corporation. “Our success comes from innovative, high-quality products and an unwavering commitment to professional stylists and their clients. That focus drives our success and it will continue to do so with Aquage. We’re very excited to have this opportunity and look forward to a bright future.” Visit aquage.com.

Jane Carter Solution introduces Healthy Hair Cleansing & Conditioning Co-Wash. Jojoba oil and botanical extracts cleanse and infuse the hair with restorative botanicals. Dry hair will soak up the non-lather formula, which moisturizes and cleans all at once to leave hair softer, shinier and bouncier. Visit janecartersolution.com.

Beauty Logica, a one-stop beauty destination, debuted at Cosmoprof North America. To meet the customers’ needs, the catalog supply house has 11 distribution centers across the country with more than 1.4 million square feet of warehouse space, filled with the largest selection of professional beauty supply sundries and tools in the country. The brand services a new generation of shoppers, including professional distributors, OTC stores, beauty schools and chain salons and spas, with a large selection of multi-textural brands and the newest trends in the beauty industry. Jennifer Jhin, vice president of marketing, explains, “With the growth of social media and online marketplaces, today’s consumer is constantly demanding the newest trends and specific products, especially in the multicultural space. Beauty Logica is the go-to source for multi-textural brands, among others. We provide an agile platform that allows our customers to stay on top of those trends and products to meet their customers’ needs. In addition, as a new generation of catalog houses, Beauty Logica is building a reputation for exceptional service and quick delivery, with orders arriving in 1 to 2 days to most locations nationwide.” Adds John Plunkett, vice president of sales, “We are happy to be represented by Jay Halaby in the Northwest and Western territories and The BTB Group in the Southeast.” For more information, call 866-518-5272 or visit beautylogica.com.

Andis launches the Pro Alloy Adjustable Blade Clipper for high-volume haircutting. The Pro Alloy clipper runs 35% cooler and quieter and gives off 20% less vibration than comparable clippers, thanks to its patent-pending XTR Technology. Visit andis.com.

Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.” The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz. For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at lisa@bironline.com. Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message.


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Show Calendar Ad Index DECEMBER:

AFAM Concept Inc. ................... 9, 61 www.afamconcept.com

Helen of Troy ....................................25 www.hotus.com

Oster Prof. Products ........................ 8 www.osterpro.com

Andis Co. ...................................2, 3, 45 www.andis.com

House of Cheatham .......................59 www.houseofcheatham.com

Queen Helene ...........................32, 35 www.queenhelene.com

Beauty Perfection ..........................11 www.sparkscolor.com

Hoyu America ..................................95 www.hoyu-usa.com

RA Cosmetics ...........................60, 87 www.racosmetics.com

Beauty Man, LLC .............................75

Inspired Beauty Brands ................23 www.haskbeauty.com

Sensitive By Nature .................76, 77 www.sbnusa.com

J2 Beauty .........................27, 91, 101 www.dreamworldproducts.com

Strength of Nature ...................IFC, 1 www.strengthofnature.com

Brittny Professional ................64, 74 www.dreamworldproducts.com

JBS Beauty Club .............................62

Sundial ................................................21 www.sundialbrands.com

Bronner Bros. .................................IBC www.bronnerbros.com

JBS Hair ....................... 14, 15, 65, 96 www.jbshair.com

15-16 Western Buying Conference Las Vegas, NV www.westernbuyingconference.com

Chloe Hair Accessories ................54 www.dreamworldproducts.com

Jinny Corp. ............................ 7, 46, 47 www.jinny.com

Conair .................................................19 www.conair.com

KAB Brands .......................................62 www.aphogee.com

15-17 Beauty Expo USA Las Vegas, NV www.btexpousa.com

Dream World Products ..........55, 90 www.dreamworldproducts.com

Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products ............................................89 www.liquidgoldbonding.com

15-19 Cosmetics, Fragrance & Bath EPPS Jacksonville, FL www.ecrm.marketgate.com/Events/

Ecoco, Inc. ..................... 5, 41, 79, BC www.ecocoinc.com

21-23 Face & Body Spa Conference & Expo Midwest Rosemont, IL www.faceandbody.com

Gold ‘N Hot ........................................49 www.goldnhothair.com

4-7 International Health & Beauty Care EPPS St. Pete Beach, FL www.ecrm.marketgate.com/Events/

Beauty Ventures ...............26, 92, 93 www.beautyventures.net


23-25 Cosme Tokyo 2017 Tokyo, Japan www.cosmetokyo.jp/en 28-30 International Salon and Spa Expo (ISSE) Long Beach, CA www.probeauty.org/isselb/


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

E.T. Browne and Drug Co., Inc. ....51 www.palmers.com

Fantasia Ind. .....................................63 www.fantasiahaircare.com

M&M Products .................................81 www.mmproducts.com Mane Selection ...............................99 www.maneselection.com

Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products .......................................... 85 www.naturalhair.org Ten Pro ................................................60 www.tenprofessional.com Toni Love ............................................58 www.tonilove.com Universal Beauty Products, Inc. ..52 www.universalbeauty.com Wella, The Salon Professional Division of P&G ................................33 Western Buying Conference .. Insert www.westernbuyingconference.com

Mitchell Group .................................29 www.mitchellgroupusa.com One Bottle Products ............ 58, 103

Xtreme Beauty International ........ Cover, 36, 37, 83 www.xbi.co

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Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. Do you have plans to “give back” to your community as a store during this holiday season? If so, we would love to hear about how! 연휴기간 중 지역사회에 “환원”하고자 하는 계획을 가지고 계십니까? 저희와 그 계획을 공유해주세요!

2. What was your favorite popular trend this year, and why?

한 해 중 본인이 가장 마음에 든 트렌드는 무엇이었으며, 그 이유는 무엇입니까?

3. What are you most looking forward to (in regards to your business) in 2017? 2017년에 이것은 (사업 상) 가장 이루었으면 하는 일이 있나요?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name(성함)_____________________________ Store Name (스토어 이름) ___________________ State (주) _______________________________ 102

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016

Mail this form to: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com

보내실곳: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com

OT OTC O TC Beauty TC Be B eau au aut utty M Magazine ag a aga ga g azine ziiin zzin ne D Dec De December ece ec emb em mb m be err 20 2016 2 01 16 6

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BB Classics Bronner Bros. encourages your customers to treat their hair the best, and their products can help them do just that. This collection of tried-and-true classic favorites can help them look fabulous, no matter what their hairstyle.

• Pump it Up! Gold Styling Spritz – Leaves hair lustrous and healthy while providing long-lasting style without flaking or build up. • Oil Moisturizer Hair Lotion – This superb conditioning product leaves zero buildup on tresses! It also works to protect hair from the sun and

spray conditions and shines, leaving a soft and healthy look to hair. Ideal for use on both natural and relaxed hair, it contains no drying alcohols and leaves no greasy buildup. • Hot Six Oil – This 6-in-1 item is a great all-purpose product. It can be

heating tools. • Moisturizing Foam Wrap – This multipurpose styling lotion moisturizes and shines without leaving residue. It is perfect for use on pressed and relaxed hair.

• Smooth Sheen Conditioning Spray – Infused with Shea butter, this

used on hair, nails, body, scalp, and as a bath or massage oil. • Hot Six Oil Hair and Body Mist – This mist conditions without any heavy build up. It features all of the best oils in one!

Learn more at www.bronnerbros.com.


OTC Beauty Magazine December mber 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2016


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