October 2016 | $6.00 The Holiday Issue
Taming Seasonal Hair Worries 69th Annual Summer Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show Coverage
In Store Marketing Suggestions
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
october 2016
c ont en t s
T he H ol i day Is s u e Editorial Letter ����������������������10 Holiday Hype 홀리데이 광고
Expert Advice �����������������������12 Do Curly Perms, Relaxers and Hair Coloring Help Hair Grow?
Marketplace ��������������������������16 Stock Happiness for the Holidays
How Should You Sell It? ����22 How Foods Affect Skin 어떻게 판매할 것인가? 음식이 피부에 미치는 영향
Notes From the Natural Nation �����������������������55 Twist Out in Style for the Holidays
Clipper Tips ���������������������������70 The ProAlloy Clipper: Comfortable, Close and Cool Cutting
Therapy Trends ��������������������72 Merry Reality Season!
Tonsorial Times ....................74 Holiday Undercut Styles
Feature Article
In Store Marketing for the Holidays ����������������� 58
by Ted Fishman As September comes to an end and October arrives, thoughts of fall and the upcoming holiday season starts to be on our minds. It’s time for the stores to start preparing for all of the extra sales that the holiday season can bring.
Finished Product
Rose Oil �����������������������������������������������������������������������������28 by Osman Mithavayani With a multitude of complex vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, rose oil has become a popular oil in the beauty market today. Learn more about it here!
업계소식 ���������������������������������������84 Industry News ���������������������86 BIR Bits ������������������������������������92 Coupons ���������������������������������95 Show Calendar ������������������ 100
Ad Index ������������������������������� 100 Reader Feedback ������������� 102 Product Spotlight ������������� 104
New Cutting Edge Design 4
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
October 2016 | $6.00 The Holiday Issue
Taming Seasonal Hair Worries 69th Annual Summer Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show Coverage
In Store Marketing Suggestions
On The Cover
Oster Professional is proud to announce that a new cool, precise and powerful tool is coming soon – the ZIPLINE™ Trimmer. Designed with barbers in mind, this tool was built to maximize its cutting power, right out of the box. Learn more on page 33! www.ostersyle.com
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
october 2016
c ont en t s
Manufacturer Profile
Business Tips
Big ideas are often born when a soon-to-be-innovator endures a discouraging experience themselves. This is especially true in the beauty business, and EDEN BodyWorks can testify to it. OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate to speak with Jasmine Lawrence, Founder of the EDEN BodyWorks, to learn more about the company whose “mission is to provide natural products that integrate wellness and beauty, inspired by nature, to restore and maintain the hair and body’s original design.”
by Kate Zabriskie If you’re grateful but don’t take the time tell anyone, does it count? Maybe, but it’s a bit like clapping with one hand. When shown appropriately, gratitude has tremendous power. We think it’s a great time to revisit this subject, especially when gearing up for Thanksgiving.
EDEN BodyWorks ������������������������������������ 62
큰 아이디어는, 종종 혁신가가 될 사람이 좌절의 경험을 견딜 때 태어난다. 이것은 특히 미용 업계에서도 맞는 말인데, EDEN BodyWorks가 그것을 증명할 수 있다. OTC 뷰티 매거진이EDEN BodyWorks의 창업자인Jasmine Lawrence와 얘기를 나눌 수 있었던 것은 행운이었으며,“자연에서 영감을 얻은 건강과 미를 통합한 천연 제품을 제공하고, 모발과 신체의 원래 모습을 복원하고 유지하는 것이 미션이다”는 이 회사에 관해 더 자세히 알게 되었다.
Knowledge To Know
Helping Customers Handle Their Hair During Cold Weather ��������������������� 32 by Taliah Waajid The colder months have proven to be rough on hair. While it is important that consumers are prepared, it is even more vital that store owners are equipped to provide hair products and other items that will help them through the hair woes of these seasons. Discover what products they will need here.
고객들의 겨울나기 돕는법 추운 계절 헤어관리는 어렵습니다. 소비자들이 겨울철을 대비하는 것이 중요하듯이, 스토어 오너들도 고객들의 겨울준비를 위한 아이템과 제품들을 구비하는 것이 중요 합니다. 어떠한 제품들이 필요한지 알아보도록 하겠습니다.
Five Simple Steps to Bump-Free Shaving �����������������������������������������������������������������������36 by Kenny Duncan Getting a close shave can be an irritating process, literally! That’s especially true for men who have curly hair, yet want that suave, cleanshaven look. For men looking to keep it close when it comes to facial hair, dry shaving is a great alternative.
범프 없는 면도를 위한 5가지 간단한 방법 말끔한 면도의 길은 말그대로 거칩니다! 곱습거리는 체모를 가졌지만 깔끔히 면도된 얼굴을 원하는 남성들에겐 더욱 그렇습니다. 체모를 깨끗이 면도하고 싶은 남성들에겐 건조면도가 훌륭한 방법이 될 수가 있습니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Harness the Power of “Thanks” and Step-Up Your Gratitude Game ��� 42
“고맙습니다”의 힘을 이용하여, 당신의 감사하는 능력을 키우세요 감사한 마음을 말로 표현하지 않는다면 의미가 있을까요? 그럴 수도 있겠지만 그것은 한 손으로 손뼉을 치는 것과 같습니다. 감사하는 마음을 적절히 표현할 때, 엄청난 힘이 생깁니다. 추수감사절에 맞춰 이러한 주제를 다시 한 번 다루는 것이 괜찮다는 생각이 듭니다.
The Science of Success ����������������������� 46 by Tracey C. Jones For many, success is an elusive goal, but success is more scientific than you think. It follows the same universal laws found in natural science. When you look at it this way, you can take concrete steps to ensure you practice the science of success and create an experiment of excellence in your very own life.
성공의 과학 많은 이유로, 성공은 어려운 목표이다. 하지만 성공은 생각하는 것보다 훨씬 과학적이다. 그것은 자연 과학에서 발견된 것과 같은 보편적인 법칙을 따른다. 당신이 성공을 이런 방식으로 접근하면, 당신은 성공의 과학을 실행할 수 있는 구체적인 단계를 얻게 되며, 인생의 달콤함을 맛볼 수 있다.
Beauty Ambassador
Skin Care Beauty Ambassador Article �������������������������������� 52 Hydrate Lips with a Simple Flip!
Show Coverage
69th Annual Summer Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show �������� 78 More than 30,000 multicultural beauty and barber professionals flocked to Atlanta for the high-energy summer Bronner Bros. Beauty Show, August 20-22.
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Ann Jhin
Haley McNeal editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
Korean News Editor:
Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com
Art Director:
Anthony Camacho support@otcbeautymagazine.com
Advertising & Sales Coordinator:
Contributing Writers:
Kenny Duncan Ted Fishman Tracey C. Jones Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Osman Mithavayani Taliah Waajid Emma Young Kate Zabriskie
Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson
To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations.
OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 8
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Editorial Letter
Holiday Hype 홀리데이 광고 I am the first to admit it: I’m a sucker for family time. I adore any reason I can find to get together with the ones I love to celebrate a special occasion and the ties that bind us. Luckily the holidays provide multiple opportunities for this kind of fellowship, and of course we all want to look fabulous while attending these events. I’m willing to bet that many of your customers can agree with me. They likely spend the last quarter of the year refining their makeup and hair care product collections, getting their hair freshened up to that perfect fall/winter hue, and keeping their nails in tip-top shape for the photo opportunities that are sure to come. This is where this season of the year becomes extremely important to you as a store owner. October is the perfect time (or you can even get a head start in September) to examine your inventory and explore what new items you may be able to bring in and sell for the holiday season. Flashy, glittery makeup items will move for the New Year, glamorous goods and hair tools will be put to use around Thanksgiving and Christmas, and fun accessories for Halloween can bring extra revenue in October. You will want to be sure you have anything and everything your customers may be looking for. Besides the items they may need for personal use, they could also be shopping for gift sets to give to family and friends around Christmastime. There are chances to sell more around every corner! In addition to stocking your shelves for the holidays, we have included tips in this magazine on an array of topics: how foods affect skin, bump-free shaving, harsh winter weather hair care, the power of saying “thank you,” and more. All of this is in addition to our show coverage of the Bronner Bros. show. You certainly do not want to miss anything from this issue.
제가처음드리는말씀인데, 저는 가족과의 시간이라면 사족을 못씁니다. 저는 제가 사랑하는 사람들과 특별한 날을 축하하고 그들과의 결속을 다지기 위해 함께 할 수 있다면 어떤 이유이든 좋아합니다. 다행히 연휴는 이런 종류의 교제를 위한 다양한 기회를 제공하며, 물론 우리 모두는 이런 이벤트에 참석하는 동안 멋지게 보이고 싶어합니다.
그들은 아마도 자신의 화장과 헤어 케어 제품들을 개선하고, 완벽한 가을/겨울 색조로 헤어에 생기를 얻고, 분명히 있을 포토 타임 기회를 위해 자신의 네일을 최상의 모양으로 유지하는데 한 해의 마지막 3개월을 쓰고 싶어할 수도 있습니다. 이것이 바로 한 해 중 이 시기가 매장 주인인 당신에게 너무도 중요한 이유이다. 10월은 홀리데이 시즌을 위해 재고 물품을 확인하고 매장에 새로 구비하거나 판매할 수 있는 새로운 제품을 탐색할 수 있는 완벽한 시기(물론 9월에 미리 시작할 수도 있습니다)입니다. 화려하고 반짝이는 메이크업 아이템은 새해로 이동할 것이고, 매력적인 제품과 헤어 도구들은 추수 감사절과 크리스마스 시즌에 사용될 것이며, 할로윈을 위한 액세서리들은 10월에 추가 수익을 가져올 수가 있습니다. 여러분의 고객들이 혹시라도 찾게 될 어떤 제품이든 모두 당신의 매장이 보유하고 있는지 확인해 봐야 합니다. 고객들은 개인적인 용도에 필요한 제품들 외에, 크리스마스 시즌 동안 가족이나 친구들에게 줄 선물 또한 구매할 수도 있습니다. 구석구석 더 많은 판매를 올릴 수 있는 기회들이 있습니다!
홀리데이를 위해 진열대를 채우는 것 뿐 아니라, 이번 호에서는 다음의 주제들에 관한
조언들도 포함되어 있습니다: 음식이 피부에 미치는 영향, 범프없이 말끔하게 면도하기, 추운 겨울 날씨 모발 관리, “감사합니다”라는 말의 힘, 등등. 여러분은 분명 이번호에서 단 하나의 내용도 놓치고 싶지 않을 것입니다. 이 모든 것들이 저희가 이번호에 다루는 Bronner Bros. 쇼 기사에 포함되어 있습니다.
In closing, I want to be sure and say that we here at OTC Beauty Magazine are thankful for your support and wish you all the best this holiday season.
저는 여러분의 고객들 대부분도 내 생각에 동의한다는 것에 기꺼이 내기를 걸 수도 있습니다.
끝으로, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 여러분의 성원에 감사하며 여러분 모두 멋진 홀리데이 시즌을
보내길 바니다.
Editor, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com 10
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Expert Advice By Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
Do Curly Perms, Relaxers and Hair Coloring Help Hair Grow? No! However, many curly perm customers do claim that the curl did help grow their hair. The reason for this is because the restructuring portion of the procedure relaxed out most of the kink in the hair. Prior to the curl, when the person combed or brushed their hair the comb or brush pulled hair off the ends as they attempted to comb through, or free the comb from the kinky hair when it became entangled. Therefore, much of the hair growth was lost from the ends, not from a slower rate of growth at the scalp as they suspected. As a result, the customer assumes the curl procedure accelerated the rate of growth. In reality, the cold wave procedure eliminated most the kink, which was the reason for the breakage and the assumption of slow or no hair growth. The main reason for the belief that the curly perm grows hair is because of the necessary haircut associated with the permanent curl. Just about all hair that has not been cut recently has split ends. Split ends will not curl, so they must be eliminated by cutting.
Since most curl procedures either start or end with a haircut, this is the primary reason for healthy noticeable hair growth after a permanent curl. Another reason that people believe that curly perms, relaxers and hair colors help to grow the hair is that with such services there is a very clear and defined line of demarcation when the new growth appears. They can now actually see the new natural growth as distinguished from the treated hair. However, if they measure the length of the hair they will discover that the hair is the same length or shorter than before. Chemical services such as those mentioned above actually weaken hair, not make it stronger; hair growth is not one of their advantages. If they did aid in promoting the stimulating hair growth, manufactures would proudly say so in their advertising.
Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,� contact Dr. Lloneau at liquidgoldbondng@aim.com or call 310-283-7118.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Stock Happiness for the Holidays
The holiday season is just around the corner and we want to make sure your customers are covered from head to toe. This month we have gathered products that will help pamper your shoppers and get them celebration ready.
Apple Cider Vinegar Goodness Apple cider vinegar is probably not the first ingredient that comes to mind when you think about hair care, but perhaps it should be! Hawaiian Silky has harnessed its power in multiple products, including the Bald Spot Hair Recovery Serum. Specially formulated as an accelerator, it feeds follicles and aids in the stimulation of new hair. www.afamconcept.com
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
New Shades for the Holidays Permanent hair color made especially for dark hair…we’ll take it! Your customers will love L’Oreal Technique’s new Excellence HiColor violet and black shades that create multi-level lift in one step with no brassiness. Encourage your customers to try a new hair color this holiday season. www.lorealtechnique.com
The Mane Choice Do your customers long for longer, thicker hair for the holidays? Help them get picture-ready with Manetabolism Plus Healthy Hair Growth and Retention Vitamins. This daily dietary supplement offers complete nutrition for beautiful hair, starting from within. www.themanechoice.com
Fun Hair Care Condition hair while shielding it from damage with the new nourishing and protective formula of Creme of Nature’s Straight from Eden Natural Oil –Infused Leave-In Conditioner. This twophase, natural oil-infused formula is made with conditioning oils from coconut, avocado and olive. Simply shake to activate! www.cremeofnature.com
Awesome Oil One product that benefits three aspects of beauty (hair, scalp and body)…tell us more! Via Natural’s Ultra Care Peppermint Oil makes hair stronger and cleanses the scalp. It also works to help improve memory and mental alertness, making sure your customers do not forget anyone on their Christmas gift list. www.salonpro30sec.com
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Concentrated Soothing Power Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Concentrated Cream is ideal for the winter months, or even yearround. Made with Pure Cocoa Butter and enriched with Vitamin E in a soothing emollient base, it heals and softens rough, dry skin while smoothing marks and scars, and toning skin. It can be used all over the body or on specific areas after sun and wind exposure. www.palmers.com
Superb Silver Where could you find a better Dye-Namic Duo than with Sparks? Shown here in “Starbright Silver,” the set provides users with a shade of their signature Long-Lasting Bright Hair Color and SulfateFree Shampoo. The products work together to create beautifully shaded locks, and preserve that vibrancy until the last piece of celebratory confetti hits the floor. www.sparkscolor.com
#Shine On
Style with the Spunge
Whether flaunting relaxed or natural hair, Ultra Sheen Supreme has all of your customers covered. Their #Shine Polisher works to “Make Me Glow” by adding shine to relaxed hair, or “Wash and Go” by locking in moisture for the perfect wash and go for natural tresses. It is the best of both worlds. www.ultrasheensupreme.com
The Spunge Twist Creme is an essential styling aid for those that want to achieve the most stylish curls and twists with ease. It is ideal for use daily for temporary curls and twists, or to start dreadlocks. www.spungeformen.com
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Golden Locks Nothing adds a little oomph to a fabulous outfit like a showstopping new hair color, and Eco Style Pro’s Semi-Permanent Moisturizing Color has just the shade – Golden Blonde. Formulated with aloe vera and jojoba oil with no ammonia or peroxide, it’s the perfect holiday choice. www.ecocoinc.com
Hair TLC Is your customers’ hair in need of a little TLC (tender love and care)? If so, offer them HNP Placenta Plus Argan Oil Leave-In Instant Conditioning Treatment. This formula repairs and adds shine to dry, damaged and chemically treated hair. The results are show-stopping healthy and beautiful tresses. www.inspiredbeauty.com
Anti-Stress Face Spa Say “so-long” to stress with the new collection of Andrea Face Spa Masques featured here in an attractive display. With formulations for antiaging, intense moisturization, pore-shrinkage and revitalizing, there is something for all of your customers to indulge in. Relax today! www.andrealashes.com
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
How should you sell it?
This month’s focus is...
How Foods Affect Skin!
We hear it all the time that “you are what you eat,” but sometimes we wonder how much truth there actually is to that statement. This month we reached out to one industry expert to learn how certain foods can actually cause skin to be radiant, or dull-looking.
How do the foods we eat affect our skin? Do certain foods aid in protecting and preserving healthy skin?
“Drinks like coffee and black tea dehydrate your internal tissues and skin. Most fried foods contain trans fats and hydrogenated oils which can often deplete levels of good fats and can lead to dry skin. Instead, focus on drinking lots of water and eating foods with good fats (which will help to keep cell walls strong and prevent water loss) like avocado and olive oil as well as citrus and kiwi (the potassium they contain regulates the body’s water levels). Additionally, cabbage has sulfur which can help to prevent dry, irritated skin.” Dominique Tinkler, Education Director The Mitchell Group www.mitchellgroupusa.com
If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the November issue! 22
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
어떻게 판매할 것인가?
이 달의 판매 초점은... 음식이 피부에 미치는 영향! 우리는 “당신이 먹는 음식이 곧 당신이다” 라는 말을 항상 듣지만, 때때로 이 말이 과연 어느 정도 진실인지 의구심이 생기기도 한다. 이 달에는 업계 전문가들 통해 특정 음식들 이 실제로 어떻게 피부를 빛나게 하는지 혹은 칙칙하게 만드는지에 관해 알아 보았다.
우리가 섭취하는 음식이 어떻게 피부에 영향을 미칠까? 특정 음식들은 피부를 보호하고 건강한 피부를 유지하는데 도움이 되는가?
“커피나 홍차와 같은 음료는 내부 조직과 피부에 탈수를 유발합니다. 대부분의 튀긴 음식들은 트랜스 지방과 수소처리화된 경화유가 포함되어 있어서 종종 체내의 좋은 지방을 고갈시킴으로써 건조한 피부를 초래하게 됩니다. 대신, 충분한 수분을 섭취하고 좋은 지방(세포벽을 강하게 유지하고 수분 손실을 막아줌)이 함유된 아보카도, 올리브 뿐 아니라 키위나 감귤류 과일(이런 과일류들에 함유된 칼륨은 신체의 수분 레벨을 조절함)을 섭취하도록 합니다. 또한, 양배추는 피부가 건조해지거나 염증이 생기는 것을 방지하는데 도움이 되는 황을 보유하고 있습니다”. Dominique Tinkler, Education Director The Mitchell Group www.mitchellgroupusa.com
이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 11월호에 게재됩니다! 24
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Finished Product
Rose Oil By Osman Mithavayani
With a multitude of complex vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, rose oil has become a very popular oil in the beauty market today. Excellent for both skin and hair, the oil from this beauty enhancing flower can be used on all skin types and can be found in an array of hair and skin care products like facial creams, moisturizers, shampoos and fragrances.
OKAY® Pure Naturals® offers and an excellent selection of oils in both pure and blended form. We currently offer the beauty enhancing benefits of rose oil as a hair and skin oil complete with a tip cap for easily applying the oil to hair, skin and scalp. Our rose oil will keep hair properly hydrated and moisturized. It also helps alleviate inflammation and to soothe irritated skin.
Aside from all the benefits rose oil provides for skin and hair, this oil is excellent for aroma therapy and can be used as an anti-depressant and to help de-stress. When used in aroma therapy, rose calms and soothes the mind and provides a sense of relaxation. While these characteristics do not directly add beauty benefits, it sure makes products infused with rose oil like lotions or creams an extra pleasant experience for customers.
With the popularity of this top selling oil we have newly released the OKAY® Pure Naturals® Rose Oil Hair Care Collection infused with cherry blossom for added benefits. This new hair care line helps nourish, soften and helps hair maintain a healthy silky shine. You can find our new Rose Oil and Cherry Blossom Hair Care Collection along with our new shampoo lines at our website.
Meet Osman Mithavayani
Osman Mithavayani, founding son of Okay Pure Naturals, started in the beauty industry nearly 30 years ago when his family opened their first salon. He gained hands-on experience in the family beauty salons, retail beauty stores, wholesale and now the manufacturing side of the business. Osman states, “I have worked every position in every business we have had, and I will tell you that our success with OKAY didn’t happen overnight. Long hours of hard work daily and many years of experience allowed us to learn and experience so much that it allowed us to be a successful brand.”
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
HAIR POLISHER INTRODUCES 2 NEW OILS Now.... It’s your time to shine!
T OIL U N O C O C king,
ir from brea a h ts n e v e r •P g growth e encouragin smoothes th d n a s d n e t ce spli hine • Helps redu of the hair for intense s r cuticle laye ity manageabil d n a s s e tn f • Adds so tioxidants • Rich in an
SHEA BU TTER OIL • Leaves hair
soft and man ageable • Helps cond ition the mos t dry, brittle • Hydrates th hair e scalp • Contains e ssen and shiny ha tial fatty acids for stron g ir
Fantasia Industries Corporation fantasiahaircare.com • Made In USA OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
K t K Knowledge to know By Taliah Waajid
Helping Customers Handle Their Hair During Cold Weather
고객들의 겨울 나기를 돕는법
The colder months have proven to be rough on the hair. A bad hair day can last an entire season with the fall and winter. The air is dry, and natural and curly hair in particular will start to dry up and shrink more than ever. Relaxed hair also becomes dry too, and split ends are excessive at this time for all hair types. While it is important that consumers are prepared, it is even more vital that store owners are equipped to provide hair products and other items that will help them through the hair woes of these seasons.
추운 계절 헤어관리는 어렵습니다. 망한 머리가 가을 겨울 내내 지속되는 경우도 있습니다. 공기가 건조하여 자연적인 곱슬머리는 건조하고 수축되기가 쉽습니다. 직모도 건조해지고, 머리 끝 갈라짐은 모든 머리모양에 공통적으로 발생합니다. 헤어샾 오너들은 고객들의 겨울준비를 위한 아이템과 제품들을 구비하는것이 중요 합니다.
고객들은 특정 제품을 왜 구매해야 하는지 당신에게 문의할것입니다.
You are who they depend on to show them what they need to purchase, and why. Products that will help your customers greatly are oils, masques, hot oil treatments, thick deep conditioners and daily leave in conditioners. Ingredients that help are Shea butter, honey and aloe vera. Hats are good for covering up, but you should always suggest they purchase a scarf too, to protect the hair from drying out.
고객들에게 권해드릴만한 제품은 오일, 마스크, 고온 오일 트리트먼트, 딥
Winter Woes
고난의 겨울
All types of textures and styles get the cold weather blues. Dry scalp and brittle hair are just a few of the conditions the rigid days bring. You can assist customers who have grown frustrated with hair care during the colder months find some relief. Well-conditioned, trimmed and properly treated hair can still shine through the dull and freezing weather. Product placement and knowledge, especially as the industry expands, can help everyone involved. Customers need to be informed on why they need certain products, as well as the long term benefits. Winter hair care preps hair for the warmer months when customers can be a little more carefree.
On Display
Keep items that will help with protecting strands on display near the front of your store. Again, if you sell wool hats that can damage the hair then promote scarfs, along with deep conditioners to provide all-day protection. 32
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
컨디셔너, 그리고 데일리 컨디셔너입니다. 효과적인 재료로는 시어버터(Shea Butter), 꿀, 그리고 알로에가 있습니다. 모자도 좋지만, 모발이 건조해지는것을 방지 하기 위한 스카프의 구매도 권유해야합니다.
모든 텍스쳐와 스타일에게 겨울은 견디기 쉽지 않은 계절입니다. 건조한 두피와 부서지는 모발과 같은 현상이 일어나기 쉽습니다. 고객들을 도울수 있습니다.
추운 계절 어려움을 겪는
잘 관리되고, 트림되고, 적절하게 손질된 모발은
춥고 단조로운 날씨에서도 빛이 납니다. 각종 헤어 케어 제품에 대한 지식을 갖춤으로서, 모든 사람들에게 이로울수 있습니다. 고객들은 왜 특정한 제품이 필요하고, 그것들이 주는 장기적인 효과에 대해 알아야 합니다. 겨울에 관리를 잘 해두면 따뜻한 계절엔 조금 신경을 덜 써도 됩니다.
디스플레이 제품들을 가게 전면에 디스플레이 하세요.
말씀드렸듯, 모발 보호용 모자를
판매할시엔 스카프와 딥컨디셔너를 같이 홍보하세요. 고객들은 모자의 노출된
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
K t K Knowledge to know By Taliah Waajid
Consumers can see some breakage or damage resulting from exposed elastic or plastic components from hats. Even coarse materials can be harsh on the hair. Remind customers as they shop that they need to keep the hair they have covered up moisturized.
부분이나 플라스틱에 모발이 갈라지고 부서지는것을 보게 될수 있습니다. 거친
Hair products that can coat or condition the hair can be presented as a winter care survival kit; to encourage customers to buy and try everything they see. As the time approaches for the seasons to change it is important that you as a store owner understand how you can keep happy customers. The key is having the right information and the perfect products, making the winter season pleasant for everyone.
Meet Taliah Waajid
재질도 모발에 해가 될수 있습니다. 고객들에게 머리에 항상 수분 보충을 해줘야 한다고 상기 시켜드리세요. 모발을 코팅하거나 컨디셔닝 할수 있는 제품들을 겨울나기 패키지로 소개
해드리면 고객들이 같이 사용해볼 수 있게 됩니다. 샵의 오너로서 어떻게 하면 환절기 고객을 만족시켜 드릴수 있을지를 이해하는것이 중요합니다. 중요한점은 정확한 정보와 완벽한 제품을 갖춤으로 겨울을 모두에게 즐거운 계절로 만드는것입니다.
Taliah Waajid has been in the hair care business for over 25 years, specializing in natural, healthy hair. Taliah Waajid is also the founder and presenter of the World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show (naturalhairshow.org) which is the world’s largest natural hair, beauty and health show of its kind. Taliah is a licensed master cosmetologist, natural hair care specialist, educator, and product manufacturer of healthy hair care products. To date, Taliah has 4 product lines: Taliah Waajid Black Earth Products, Curls, Waves & Natural Kinky, Wavy & Natural, and the newest line, Pure & Natural Shea-Coco. Taliah Waajid products are sold around the world including North America, South America, Africa, Europe and the Caribbean Islands.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
K t K Knowledge to know By Kenny Duncan
Five Simple Steps to Bump-Free Shaving 범프 없는 면도를 위한 5가지 간단한 방법 Getting a close shave can be an irritating process, literally! That’s especially true for men who have curly hair, yet want that suave, clean-shaven look. For men looking to keep it close when it comes to facial hair, dry shaving is a great alternative. Not to mention, it’s the best option for people who have sensitive skin and develop bumps easily.
말끔한 면도의 길은 말그대로 거칩니다! 곱습거리는 체모를 가졌지만 깔끔히
Here are five simple, can’t-miss steps and some tool recommendations for dry shaving that will help keep men bump- and irritation-free.
다음은 남성들이 범프와 염증없이 건조면도를 하는것을 돕기 위한 다섯 단계의
Facial exfoliation prior to dry shaving ensures that the pores on the exposed layers of skin remain clear and free from pore-clogging dirt and oil. Clogged pores prevent hair from growing above the top layer of skin, resulting in bumps from ingrown hairs.
Determine How Close
Shaving too close could be the culprit of ingrown hair bumps. So if you want to deliver a close shave – but not too close! – a trimmer like Andis’ Limited Edition T-Outliner® BLACKOUT would be a great alternative. The T-Outliner will leave a very short stubble that will minimize ingrown hairs and has been the dry shaver’s personal choice for decades. In addition, the Andis Headliner® is the best alternative for trimming or dry shaving at home.
Dampen the Skin
Dry shaving is an alternative to traditional shaving with shaving cream and a razor. It’s considered “dry shaving” because wet products, such as shaving creams, soaps and lotions, are not used during the process. However, you can get a great dry shave if the skin and hair is softened with a moist, hot towel before starting the dry shaving process. If you’re looking for a closer shave, a super-smooth dry shave can be achieved using the Andis Profoil Lithium Shaver, which shaves as close as a razor without the burn or irritation.
Keep a Routine
Consistency with the shaving routine can help men maintain a bump-free complexion. For instance, if the Andis Profoil Lithium Shaver creates the 36
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
면도된 얼굴을 원하는 남성들에겐 더욱 그렇습니다.
체모를 깨끗이 면도하고
싶은 남성들에겐 건조면도가 훌륭한 방법이 될수가 있습니다. 예민하고 고르지 못한 피부를 가진 남성들에겐 최상의 방법입니다.
간단한 안내와, 필요한 제품 소개입니다.
세면 건조 면도를 하기전에 세면을 함으로 모공이 먼지가 기름기 없이 깨끗하게 해줍니다. 막힌 모공은 체모가 밖으로 나오지 못하고 피부 아래에서 자라게 되고 이것이 범프가 됩니다.
길이 선택 너무 바짝 면도를 하게 되면 수염이 피부내에서 자라게 됩니다.
너무 바짝
면도하고 싶지 않으시다면Andis’ Limited Edition T-Outliner® BLACKOUT 와 같은 트리머가 좋은 선택이 될수가 있습니다.
T-Outliner는 아주 짧은
그루터기를 남김으로, 체모가 피부내로 자라는 것을 최소화 해줍니다. 이 제품은 건조 면도가가 수십년동안 개인적으로 사용하고 있는 제품입니다. 또한, Andis Headliner역시 건조 면도를 하는데 적합한 제품입니다.
피부 적시기 건조 면도는 면도칼과 면도크림을 사용하는
다릅니다. “건조면도”라고 불리는 이유는,
같은 액체들이 필요없기 때문입니다. 하지만
피부를 부드럽게 하면 건조면도가 더 효과가 좋습니다. 더 깔끔한 면도를 원하신다면,
없이 면도칼처럼 말끔히 면도 해주는 Andis Profoil Lithium Shaver를 사용해보세요.
체계적으로 체계적인 면도 법은 매끈한 얼굴을 가져다
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
K t K Knowledge to know By Kenny Duncan
ideal closeness of the desired shave, shaving every two days may work best to keep shaven areas bump-free. If the Andis T-Outliner or Headliner trimmers create the ideal closeness of a shave, shave every 3-7 days to prevent ingrown hairs.
Profoil Lithium Shaver 를 사용하실 때에는 이틀에 한번, the
Protect Your Skin
피부 보호
Andis’ Bump Care® wipes are a perfect exfoliator and skin protector for dry shaving. Bump Care helps remove pore clogging debris and helps soothe skin irritation. It’s available in convenient pre-moistened wipes. Simply wipe the skin after shaving to complete your bump-free shaving routine.
Meet Kenny Duncan
Andis T-Outliner or Headliner trimmers 는 3-7일에 한번씩 사용하시면 수염이 피부내로 파고듬을 방지해줍니다.
Andis’ Bump Care® 는 건조면도 피부 보호에 완벽한 세안제 입니다. Bump Care 는 모공을 막고 있는 먼지를 제거 하고 피부 트러블을 진정시켜 줍니다.
면도후 간편히 닦아 내는것만으로
범프 없는 면도를 완성합니다.
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of the 12-chair salon—Main Attraction Unisex Salon—based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
NEW No No No No
Sulfates Parabens Mineral Oil Petrolatum
With Castor Oil to help protect hairline. Amazing definition! Soft hold.
Deep Sulfate-Free! Anti-Breakage, Won’t strip Conditions, Anti-Dryness. Softens, hair. Repairs.
Intensive Moisture Sealing Butter. Anti-Damage.
CONTACT YOUR DISTRIBUTOR TODAY! ©2016. MADE IN USA by: House of Cheatham, Inc., Stone Mountain, GA 30083. OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Business Tips By Kate Zabriskie
Harness the Power of “Thanks” and Step-Up Your Gratitude Game “고맙습니다”의 힘을 이용하여, 당신의 감사하는 능력을 키우세요 If you’re grateful but don’t take the time tell anyone, does it count? Maybe, but it’s a bit like clapping with one hand. You know you’re doing it, but does anyone else? Probably not. When shown appropriately, gratitude has tremendous power. At a minimum, it will keep you from appearing like an ungrateful and uncouth toad. On the other end of the spectrum, wellexpressed thanks can open doors, solidify relationships, and change careers. The key to giving and getting with gratitude is knowing who to thank, when to thank them, and how to do it.
Who to Thank
Thank up; thank down; thank out; and thank around. • Thank up. When bosses take the time to support you, provide you with an opportunity, or include you in something to which you’re not usually privy—thank them. Chances are, the next time they are deciding to whom they will extend an invitation, your name will appear higher on the list than it might have had you failed to recognize an earlier kindness. • Thank down. Maybe your team stayed late to finish a project. Perchance someone put forth extra effort in their job. Perhaps an employee who has had a hard time meeting expectations finally does so. If you want those types of activities to continue to occur on any kind of regular basis, you need to recognize them. • Thank out. Customers, colleagues, and suppliers will support you if they feel you acknowledge their efforts. If you want to grow and build your network and workplace support system, those are the people you must cultivate. Doesn’t it make sense to nurture the relationships you have with them? • Thank around. Do you take the time to thank your office’s cleaning staff? A lot of people forget those individuals, and they shouldn’t. After all, chances are nobody would miss the CEO if he or she were absent for few days. Try that with the janitorial staff—not a pretty thought.
When to Thank
The world would be kinder and gentler place if people displayed more grace. Can you imagine how your workplace would function if everyone expressed sincere gratitude at least once an hour? Motivated, appreciated, and valued are some possibilities that come to mind. When you think about it, once an hour may be a bit much at first, but it is not a bad goal to work toward. And as with most activities, the more you do it, the easier it will become. But be warned: you must choose well. Recognizing people inappropriately is worse than not recognizing them at all. 42
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
감사한 마음을 말로 표현하지 않는다면 의미가 있을까요? 그럴 수도 있겠지만 그것은 한손으로 손뼉을 치는 것과 같습니다. 당신이 손뼉을 치고 있다는 사실을 남들은 모를 것입니다. 적절하게 표현 될 때 감사는 굉장한 힘을 갖습니다. 최소한, 고마움을 모르는 무례한 사람으로 비쳐지지는 않을 거에요. 반대로 잘 표현된 감사의 마음은, 관계를 돈독히 하고, 기회의 문을 열고, 또 커리어를 바꿀 수도 있습니다. 감사를 표현하는 키는 언제, 어떻게, 누구에게 해야 하는지를 아는 것입니다.
감사해야 할 사람 위로, 아래로, 밖으로, 주변으로 감사합니다. • 위로하는 감사. 상사가 시간을 내어 당신을 지원해주거나, 기회를 주거나, 혹은 당신을 어떠한 일에 포함 시켜준다면 감사하세요. 다음 번에 비슷한 상황에서 초대할 사람을 생각 할 때에 당신의 이름이 먼저 떠오르게 될것입니다. • 아래로 감사. 팀원들이 프로젝트를 완성하기 위해 야근을 했을 수도 있습니다. 누군가 열성을 다해 작업을 했을 수도 있습니다. 실망스럽던 직원이 마침내 기대에 부응했을 수도 있습니다. 이런 실적이 꾸준히 발생 할 수 있기를 원한다면 그들의 노력을 칭찬해줘야 합니다. • 밖으로 감사. 고객, 동료, 그리고 협력업체들에게 감사하기를 잊지 않는다면 그들은 계속 당신을 지원할 것입니다. 계속 성장하고 싶고 인적 네트워크를 건설하고 싶다면 이런 사람들을 반드시 챙겨야 합니다.
당신의 인맥에
투자하는것이 합리적이라고 생각하지 않으십니까? • 주변에 감사. 당신의 사무실 청소직원들에게 감사를 표할 시간을 내십니까? 많은 사람들이 이들을 잊지만 그래서는 안될일입니다. 사장이 며칠 자리를 비운것을 눈치채지는 못할지 모릅니다. 하지만 청소직원들이 없다면 보기 좋지 않겠지요.
감사할 시기 사람들이 감사의 마음을 더 많이 표현한다면 세상은 더 부드럽고 친절한 곳이 될것입니다. 한시간에 한번이라도, 모든 사람들이 고마움의 뜻을 전한다면 어떻게 직장이 변할것이란 생각을 해본 적이 있으십니까? 동기부여가 되고, 의욕넘치고, 존중 받는 곳이 될것이란 생각을 쉽게 할 수 있습니다. 생각해보면 한시간에 한번은 너무 과한거 같을지 모릅니다.
하지만 도전해 볼만한 목표입니다.
대부분의 일이 그렇듯 많이 하면 할수록 쉬워지니까요. 하지만 주의하세요. 잘못된 사람을 인정해주는 것은 아예 그러지 않은것만 못합니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Business Tips By Kate Zabriskie
For example, ask any kid how much a certificate, award, or trophy received for some trivial activity meant to him. If you don’t already know, the answer is a whole lot of “zero.” Kids are not stupid, and neither are the big people they turn into.
Gratitude should feel real and be relevant; if either one of those elements is missing, your “thank you” will most likely seem hollow.
How to Thank
The words “thank you” are an adequate choice for acknowledging common courtesies shown to you. However, when people go beyond the basics, your recognition should as well. By following a few simple guidelines, you can quickly and easily step up your gratitude game. • G et specific. Focus on a detail, and your “thank you” will mean more. For instance, “The lemon muffins you made and brought into the office today were some of the best I’ve ever had. The glaze was amazing. You were so thoughtful to share them with us.” That’s a whole lot better than, “Thanks for the muffins.” • Get personal. Share with others how what they’ve done meant something to you, and your thanks will both seem and be more sincere. With a little thought, you can connect feelings to the most mundane topics. • Great creative. Ironically, the phrase “thank you” hinders most people’s ability to express gratitude effectively. Avoid using the phrase at the start of your sentences, and you’ll find you are more imaginative. For instance, “Thank you for allowing me to attend today’s meeting. I appreciate the opportunity to be included in the decision-making process.” That’s okay, but consider the following: “I learned a lot about the decision-making process at this meeting. I never understood how the committee system worked until today. It was real eye opener. I appreciate you allowing me to attend.” Choice number two is stronger and it doesn’t use the words “thank you.” • Get out your stationery. If you really want to show your thanks, think “old school.” These days, hand-written notes are few and far between, so when you take the time to craft one, it won’t go unnoticed. Write at least three sentences using your best penmanship, focus on a detail, and tell your recipients how what they’ve done for you has made a difference.
예를 들어, 어린이들에게 사소한 상장, 상품, 혹은 트로피가 그들에게 어떤
의미를 갖고 있는지 물어보세요.
모르고 계셨다면, 대답은 아마 “제로”
일것입니다. 어린이들은 바보가 아니고, 어른들도 마찬가지입니다. 감사는 진정성이 있고 관련성이 있어야 합니다. 둘 중 하나라도 없다면,
당신의 “고맙습니다”는 공허하게 들릴뿐입니다.
감사의 방법 “고맙습니다”라는 단어는 당신에게 표해진 작은 호의를 인정하는 적절한 선택입니다. 하지만 사람들이 그 이상의 호의를 배풀 때는 당신의 반응도 그에 상응해야 합니다. 몇 가지 간단한 가이드라인을 지킨다면 당신은 쉽고 간편하게 감사하는 능력을 기를 수 있습니다. • 구체적으로. 디테일에 신경을 쓴다면, 당신의 “고맙습니다”는 더 의미가 있을것입니다. “오늘 사무실에 가져오신 레몬 머핀은 내가 먹어본것중 최고였습니다.
• 개인적으로. 그들이 해 준일이 당신 개인에게 어떤 의미를 가지고 있는지를 나누면, 당신의 감사인사는 더 진실하게 들릴 것입니다. 조금 생각을 하면 당신의 사적인 느낌과 연계할 수 있습니다. • 창의적으로.
역설적으로, “고맙습니다”란 문구는 사람들의 표현능력을
감사의 시작을 그 문구로 하지 않으면 좀 더 창의적일 수
있습니다. 예를들어, “오늘 미팅에 초대해주셔서 감사합니다. 의사결정 과정에 참여 할 수 있는 기회를 갖게 된 것에 감사합니다.” 이것도 나쁘지 않지만, 다음을 생각해보세요. “오늘 의사결정 미팅에서 많은 것을 배웠습니다. 이전에는 의원회 시스템이 어떻게 운영되는지 몰랐습니다. 눈을 뜨게 된 경험이었습니다. 저를 초대해주셔서 감사합니다.” 두번째 문장이 더 강렬하고 “고맙습니다”란 말을 쓰지 않았습니다. • 필기구를 꺼내세요. 진정으로 감사를 표하고 싶다면 옛날생각을 해보세요. 요즘은 손글씨 편지는 아주 드뭅니다. 전한다면 기억에 남을 것입니다.
So there you have it: the who, what, and how of a good “thank you.” And at this point, if you are still reading, I sincerely appreciate your taking the time to consider these ideas. As you might imagine, it’s great to feel as if what you have to say might be useful to someone. You’ve made my day. Thank you!
생각해주셨습니다.” 이것은 “머핀 고마워요”보다 훨씬 낫습니다.
그렇기에 당신이 손글씨 노트를
당신의 글씨체를 동원해서 구체적으로
감사의 인사를 전한다면 효과가 있을 것입니다. ‘누구에게, 어떻게, 무엇’을 감사해야 하는지를 이야기 해 보았습니다. 아직까지 읽고 계신다면, 시간을 내어 저와 생각을 함께 해주심에 감사 드립니다. 누군가에게 도움이 될 무언가를 알려주는 것은 아주 행복한 일입니다. 여러분 덕분에 즐거웠습니다. 감사합니다!
Meet Kate Zabriskie
Kate Zabriskie is the president of Business Training Works, Inc., a Maryland-based talent development firm. She and her team help businesses establish customer service strategies and train their people to live up to what’s promised. For more information, visit www.businesstrainingworks.com.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Business Tips By Tracey C. Jones
The Science of Success 성공의 과학
For many, success is an elusive goal. They feel powerless and resort to blaming their circumstances for the condition of their lives. But success is more scientific than you think. It follows the same universal laws found in natural science. When you look at it this way, you can take concrete steps to ensure you practice the science of success and create an experiment of excellence in your very own life.
많은 이유로, 성공은 어려운 목표이다. 사람들은 무기력함을 느끼고, 그들의 생활
The Function of Followership: How engaged are you as a
참여의 기능: 당신은 참여자로서, 삶에 얼마나 집중을 하고 있나? 통념과는
follower? Contrary to popular belief, the job doesn’t make you; you make the job. The more engaged, authentic, and proactive you are, the greater your rewards. Every time you engage in effective followership, you exponentially increase your chances of success.
You may feel that your organization doesn’t value your active followership. This may be true. It takes an authentic leader and a collaborative culture to value active and engaged followers; however, the type of follower you are today determines the type of leader you’ll be tomorrow. They are two sides of the same coin.
The Exposure to Experience: You truly grow under adverse circumstances. Trials are not noble; they are character-building. Pressures forge and solidify our core, and a mind stretched can never go back to its previous form. Remember, a diamond was once a lump of coal, and a pearl was a grain of sand. The quickest way to success is to cram fifty years of failure into fifteen. An intern once asked a seasoned executive how he became so successful. The executive replied, “Good judgement.” The intern asked how he got good judgement, and the elder replied, “Experience.” The young man then asked, “Well, how do you get experience?” to which his mentor replied, “Poor Judgement.” Every experience, good, bad, or ugly, adds a key to unlocking a future door. Make sure your key ring is full.
The Momentum of Motivation: Do you feel stuck? The reason
could be the Law of Inertia which states that all objects tend to “keep on doing what they’re doing.” Each one of us generates our own motivation. This is why people with the same opportunities experience different outcomes. Force equals mass times acceleration; therefore, if you want a greater force to “get you off your mass” you’ve got to apply a higher degree of acceleration. When you dial into your internal cheerleader, you will be a body in motion that stays in perpetual motion.
The added benefit of motivation is that it is has a highly transferable quality. Thus, the more of it you generate, the more it multiplies. People also refer to this as “atmosphere.” Atmosphere doesn’t just come out of nowhere; someone has to generate it. You can be a thermometer that merely reflects what’s going on around you, or you can be a thermostat and set the temperature in your organization.
The Vector of Vision: Vision is simply seeing what needs to be
done and doing it. Often people fool themselves into thinking vision is some type of mystical prophecy only a genius can see, when in reality the great 46
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
수준을 주변 환경의 탓으로 돌린다. 그러나 성공은 당신이 생각하는 것보다 훨씬 과학적이다. 그것은 자연 과학에서 발견된 것과 같은 보편적인 법칙을 따른다. 당신이 성공을 이런 방식으로 접근하면, 당신은 성공의 과학을 실행할 수 있는 구체적인 단계를 얻게 되며, 인생의 달콤함을 맛볼 수 있다.
달리, 일이 당신을 만드는 것이 아니라, 당신이 일을 만드는 것이다. 당신이 더 많이 참여하고, 진심을 다하며 주도적일수록, 당신은 더 큰 보상을 받게 된다. 당신이 효과적인 팔로쉽에 참여할 때마다, 당신의 성공의 기회는 기하 급수적으로 증가한다.
당신의 조직이 당신의 활발한 참여가 별로 가치가 없다고 느낄 수도 있다.
이것이 사실일 수도 있다. 진정한 지도자와 협동적인 문화가 추종자들의 참여와 활동을 가치 있게 한다. 현재 당신의 참여 유형은 내일의 지도자의 유형을 결정하는 것이다. 그것은 동전의 양면과 같다.
경험에의 노출:
당신은 진정으로 불리한 상황에서 성장한다. 시험은
고귀하지 않다, 그것은 인격 함양이다. 긴장은 우리의 본질을 단련하며, 확대된 사고는 결코 이전의 형태로 되돌아 갈 수가 없다. 기억하라, 다이아몬드는 한 때 석탄 덩어리였으며, 진주는 모래알이었다.
성공을 위한 가장 빠른 방법은 50년의 실패를 15년으로 줄이는 것이다. 한번은,
인턴이 노련한 경영진에게 어떻게 성공하게 되었는가를 물었다. 그 임원은 “좋은 판단”이라고 대답했다. 인턴이 어떻게 그가 좋은 판단을 내릴 수 있었냐고 묻자, 그는 다시 “경험입니다.”고 대답했다. 젊은 사람이 자신의 스승에게 “그러면 어떻게 좋은 경험을 할 수가 있습니까? 라고 다시 묻자, 그는 “나쁜 판단”이라고 답했다. 모든 경험은 그것이 좋은 것이든 나쁜 것이든, 추한 것이든 모두 미래의 문을 여는 열쇠를 보태준다. 당신의 열쇠 고리를 가득 채워라.
동기 부여의 추진력 : 당신의 생활이 틀에 박혀있는 것 같은가? 모든 개체는 “그들이 하고 있는 것을 계속하는 경향이 있다”는 관성의 법칙이 그 이유가 될 수 있다. 우리 모두는 각각 자신의 동기 부여를 생성한다. 이것이 같은 기회의 경험을 가진 사람들이 다른 결과를 만드는 이유이다. 힘은 질량 곱하기 가속이다. 그러므로, 만일 당신이 “당신의 질량을 덜어내기 위해” 더 큰 힘을 원한다면, 당신은 더 높은 수준의 가속을 적용하지 않으면 안된다. 당신의 내적 응원 세력에 열중할 때, 당신은 끊임없이 움직이는 상태에서 운동중인 물체가 될 것이다.
동기 부여의 추가적인 이점은 그것이 양도가 가능한 질을 가진다는 것이다.
따라서, 당신이 그것을 생성할 수록, 그것은 배가 된다. 사람들은 또한 이것을 “ 분위기”라고도 한다. 분위기는 단지 아무데서나 나오지 않는다. 누군가 그것을 생성해야만 한다. 당신은 단지 당신의 주변에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지만을 반영하는 온도계가 될 수도 있고, 혹은 온도 조절기가 되어 당신 조직의 온도를 설정할 수도 있다.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Business Tips By Tracey C. Jones
visionaries are people who took action and got things accomplished when no one else would or could. Vision is what directs your everyday path and decision. Vision also has a moral quality that aligns with your values and convictions. Vision is a constant drip, a directional plumb line that centers everything we do.
비전의 벡터:
비전은 단순히 해야할 것과 하고 있는 것을 보는 것이다.
사람들은 종종 비전은 단지 천재들만 볼 수 있는 신비한 예언의 형태이며, 사실상 위대한 선지자들은 누구도 하지 않았고 할 수 없는 것들을 행동으로 옮겨 수행한 사람들이라는 생각으로 스스로를 바보로 만든다. 비전은 당신의 일상의 경로와 결정을 지시하는 것이다. 비전은 또한 당신의 가치와 신념에 부합하는 도덕적
Vectored vision is what keeps us on course in life. As a proverb says, “Where there is no vision; the people perish.” So if you want to stay on the path to success keep your GPS calibrated to your true north.
질을 갖는다. 비전은 일정한 드립이며 우리가 하는 모든 일에 중심을 잡는 방향
The Physics of Failure: The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics states
직선이다. 벡터화 비전은 삶의 과정에서 우리를 지키는 것이다. 속담이 말하듯, “비전이
that an effect can never be greater than the cause. The universe tends toward an increasing state of disorder, and that includes you. To defeat the forces of natural chaos, you must implement a series of internal transformations. These include healthier eating, becoming a better thinker, and increasing your positivity. A robust body, mind, and soul are foundational to a successful life.
없는 곳에, 인간은 멸망한다.” 그러므로 만일 당신이 성공의 경로에 그대로
Many people think that life gets better by chance when, in fact, it only gets better through change. Emerson stated that cause and effect are two sides of the same coin. You cannot create a different outcome, nor even maintain the status quo, without injecting your life with some empowering forces. There’s no smoke without fire. If you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got. So if you want to escape the black hole of failure, drill down to that root cause, commence countdown, and launch yourself out.
한다. 여기에는 건강한 식사, 더 나은 생각을 하는 사람 되기, 긍정성 향상 등이
The Tension of Time: Everything you do is woven into the fabric
of time. Existentialists go so far as to say you do not exist in time; you are time. So what are you doing with your life clock? Are you killing time or filling time? Do you have a sense of the potential that each second of life affords you? The pain of grief can stop the clock and freeze you in place, but the pleasure of passion can make the time fly. As Albert Einstein said, “That is the way to learn the most, when you are doing something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes.” When you dial into your passion, the tension of time fades away. We are aware of it, but not stuck in it. Every action looks to the future, but enjoys the here and now. So find what you love, do it, and transcend time. Obey these laws of success and increase your choices in life. Choices equate to opportunities. Disobedience only leads to diminishing our choices, and diminished choices can lead to a life of regret. So if you want success to be a factor in your life, remember: it’s not luck, chance, or fortune…it’s science!
머물고 싶다면, 당신의 GPS를 당신의 진정한 북쪽으로 맞춰라.
실패의 물리학 :
열역학 제 2 법칙은 효과가 원인보다 클 수 없다고
명시한다. 우주는 무질서의 증가 상태를 향하는 경향이 있고, 거기에는 당신도 포함된다. 자연 혼돈의 위력을 물리치려면, 당신은 일련의 내부 변환을 구현해야 포함된다. 튼튼한 신체와 마음, 그리고 영혼은 성공적인 삶의 기반이다.
사실, 많은 사람들이 인생은 단지 변화를 통해 더 나은 것을 얻을 때 그것을
기회로 더 나아진다고 생각한다. 에머슨은 원인과 결과는 동전의 양면이라고 말했다. 당신은 당신의 인생에 어떤 강력한 힘을 주입하지 않고서는 다른 결과를 만들 수 없으며, 심지어 현상태를 유지할 수도 없다.불이 없이는 연기가 나지 않는다. 만일 당신이 항상 하던 것을 한다면, 당신이 항상 얻었던 것을 얻게 될 것이다. 그러니, 실패의 블랙홀로부터 탈출하고 싶다면, 그 근본 원인을 상세하게 깊이 파고 들어서 스스로 새로운 것을 시작하라.
시간의 장력 :
당신이 하는 모든 것은 시간이라는 직물로 짜여진다.
실존주의자들은 당신은 시간에 존재하는 것이 아니라, 당신이 바로 시간이라고까지 말했다. 그런데 당신은 지금 당신의 인생 시계로 무엇을 하고 있는가? 시간을 보내고 있는가 채우고 있는가? 당신은 매 초가 당신에게 주는 잠재력을 느끼고 있는가? 슬픔의 고통은 시계를 멈추게하고 당신을 그 자리에서 움직이지 못하게 한다, 그러나 열정의 기쁨은 시간을 날 수 있게 한다. 알버트 아인슈타인은 “ 당신이 시간이 가는 걸 인식하지 못할 정도의 즐거움으로 무언가를 하고 있을 때, 그 때 바로 가장 많은 것을 배우는 것이다.”고 말했다. 당신의 열정에 열중할 때, 시간의 긴장은 사라진다. 우리는 그것을 알고 있지만, 그 안에 갖혀있지 않다. 모든 행동은 미래를 보고 있지만, 지금 현재를 즐겨라. 그러니 당신이 좋아하는 것을 찾고, 그것을 하라, 그리고 시간을 초월하라.
이런 성공의 법칩을 준수하고 인생에서 당신의 선택을 증가시켜라. 선택은
기회와 동일하다. 불복종은 단지 우리의 선택을 줄어들게 하고, 줄어든 선택은 후회의 인생으로 이어질 수 있다. 그러니, 당신 인생에 영향을 미치는 요인으로서 성공하고자 한다면, 기억하라: 그것은 행운도 기회도 아니다...바로 과학이다!
Meet Tracey C. Jones
Tracey C. Jones is a US Air Force veteran, entrepreneur, speaker, and publisher. She speaks to audiences across the nation on leadership, accountability, business success, and other topics. Her latest book is “Beyond Tremendous: Raising the Bar on Life.” To learn more visit www.TremendousTracey.com.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Beauty Ambassador
Styling Tools
Hydrate Lips with a Simple
The lip category just got more exciting with the launch of Palmer’s® Cocoa Butter Formula® FLIPBALMS! The all-new FLIPBALMS feature a revolutionary “flip to open” packaging design for easy application with just one hand. FLIPBALM even won the Best Product Award for the most innovative packaging at ECRM in February 2016. The three amazing flavors—Juicy Watermelon, Creamy Coconut and Ripe Mango—are good enough to eat, while hydrating and soothing lips…all with a quick flip! A necessity in any bag, each scrumptious flavor offers a colorful pop of easily applicable lip hydration!
Packed with natural ingredients like pure Cocoa Butter, raw Shea Butter and Vitamin E, Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula FLIPBALMS glide on smoothly for instant moisturization. They are clinically proven to moisturize for 24 hours! Cocoa Butter is made up of Cocoa Mass Polyphenols which are powerful anti-oxidants that neutralize free radicals in the skin, preventing lip damage, as well as oleic acid which promotes cell regeneration, revealing younger looking lips. One of 3 FDA approved barrier ingredients, Cocoa Butter, protects lips by creating a barrier from the aging effects of sun, wind and environmental pollutants. It seals in moisture all day to combat dryness with vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and E. Shea Butter has a high concentration of natural vitamins and fatty acids, making it incredibly nourishing and moisturizing for lips. Due to its cinnamic acid and other natural properties, Shea Butter also has antiinflammatory properties. Shea Butter aids in skin’s natural collagen production and contains oleic, stearic, palmitic and linolenic acids that protect and nourish lips to prevent drying. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects lips from damage directly caused by ultraviolet rays. Lips do not contain the protective pigment melanin, so Vitamin E can help protect lips during the day. It helps maintain the soft, youthful texture of lips by reducing the signs of aging.
Free from Mineral Oil, Petrolatum, Parabens and Phthalates Available in three, deliciously fruity flavors: • Juicy Watermelon - Savor the sweetness of this summertime treat • Natural Watermelon Extract – Rich in Vitamin C to help promote cell renewal • Creamy Coconut - Indulge in the taste of an island escape • Pure Coconut Oil – Packed with proteins and fatty acids to soothe dryness • Ripe Mango - Take a tropical bite of this fresh delight • Natural Mango Extract – Bursting with moisture to help prevent dryness and restore elasticity 52
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Easily flips open and closed for mess-free application. Perfect for instant hydration whenever, wherever. A fun, colorful way to protect and heal dry, chapped lips!
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Notes From The
Natural Nation By Emma Young
Twist Out in Style for the Holidays Summer has gone, fall is on its way in and that’s a sure sign that the holiday season is approaching. Before you know it, Thanksgiving will be here with families and friends coming together to share the love over a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Next thing we know, there’ll be the rush of holiday parties, office parties, Christmas parties and all kinds of get-togethers. The holiday season is a great time for natural hair wearers to try out the different styles. Women are discovering that natural styles can be elegant enough for the office Christmas Party or the New Year’s Eve party, or casual enough to hang out with friends and family to decorate a Christmas tree or put together the children’s toys. Bantu knots, braidouts, coils and twist outs are some of the more popular looks that will be in style this holiday season. All it takes to make any of these style look exceptionally awesome is the right product and knowing how it’s done. Take the two-strand twist out, for instance. This style is guaranteed to be the hottest look of the holiday season, especially if MY DNA hair products are used to give the style the moisture, definition
Step 3 – Sub-section hair into 2 strands and twist each section. Dry under a hooded dryer or let air dry.
Step 4 – Gently pull apart sections with your fingers to achieve desired volume. Apply MY DNA® Serum for added shine and frizz control.
and shine it needs.
Here’s how to achieve the look in five steps:
Step 5 – Untwist strands and pull apart each section to make twists fuller. Continue to separate strands for more fullness. For added shine apply more MY DNA Serum as needed.
Step 1 – Start with hair that has been shampooed and conditioned using MY DNA® Hydrating Co-Wash Conditioning Cleanser.
Step 2 – Generously saturate wet hair with MY DNA® Leave-in Conditioner. Gently massage from root to ends to ease out tangles. Apply MY DNA® Moisturizing Hair Butter to the entire head. Smooth from roots to ends until evenly distributed. Apply MY DNA Defining Custard to small sections of the hair.
Here’s the final look that’s sure to win plenty of compliments throughout the holidays.
Holidays are more enjoyable when a woman knows she’s looking her best, so let your customers know that great natural styles are achievable, as long as they start with the right product line.
Meet Emma Young
Emma L. Young is a freelance writer who has written for various publications including ShopTalk Magazine, the Saints Magazine, South Shore Current and the Spiritual Perspective Newspaper.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Feature Article By Ted Fishman
In Store Marketing for the Holidays
As September comes to an end and October arrives, thoughts of fall and the upcoming holiday season starts to be on our minds: Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, and New Years. It’s time for the stores to start preparing for all of the extra sales that the holiday season can bring. Stores start planning decorations for Halloween as early as late August. Putting up some Halloween decorations like pumpkins, scare crows, fall haystacks, etc. can create an atmosphere for your customers to start thinking about Halloween and the products they may need for their celebrations—hair color sprays, nail polish, make up, wigs, and other like items will bring you extra sales and while these customers are looking for their Halloween needs they will also want to stock up on some of their regular products like relaxers, hair products, skin products, and personal care products.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
For Thanksgiving you can put up some fall decorations, pictures of turkeys, pilgrims, cornucopias of fruit, pictures of a Thanksgiving table, holiday foods, etc. Thanksgiving is a favorite holiday. It brings thoughts of families getting together for family meals, delicious seasonal foods, football games, and giving thanks. Your customers will want to look their best as they go to various Thanksgiving festivities and a nicely decorated store will bring an atmosphere of shopping for things that will allow them to look their best and stock up on makeup, hair products, and personal care items. This is also the time of year to be thankful for what we have and to help those who are less fortunate by giving out free turkeys in the neighborhoods near your stores. This will show your customers that you appreciate their business and that you care about those who cannot afford to have a nice Thanksgiving meal.
Friday and lasts until Christmas ends, so there are opportunities during all of those days for you to get extra business.
As Thanksgiving comes to an end Christmas will be on your customer’s minds. Black Friday starts right after Thanksgiving and this is probably one of the best selling days of the entire year. Take advantage of this by extending some great deals to your customers. Make up a “Black Friday” flyer and pass it out to all of your customers. Decorate your stores for Christmas—Santa Claus, Sleigh Bells, Christmas Trees, etc. will all give your store a Christmas spirit atmosphere. You can even play some of the favorite Christmas carols in the background. Your customers will be looking to buy all types of products at Christmas in your stores. The Christmas holiday season starts on Black
Decorating your stores for the holidays to create an atmosphere for your customers is very important. Department stores spend thousands of dollars every year, as do almost all stores creating holiday atmospheres. These decorations make customers happy and put them in a shopping mood. Now is an ideal time to plan how you are going to decorate and market your stores for the holiday seasons. October, November, and December can be extremely profitable because of the holidays, and they can help to add “plus sales” to your year end.
New Year’s is a huge holiday for celebrating the New Year—2017. Parties, dressing up, New Year’s Eve celebrations, etc. will be on your customers’ minds. Decorate your stores for the New Year with signs that say “Happy New Year,” pictures of celebrations, Father Time, a New Year’s baby—any types of signs that indicate celebrating the New Year. Thoughts of a fresh start, New Year’s resolutions and looking forward to a good year will help bring customers to your stores to buy products that will have them looking their best. Makeup, hair products, hair appliances, hair ornaments, hosiery, jewelry, and all types of items to help them look their best when the “ring in the New Year.”
Meet Ted Fishman
Ted Fishman, President of Ted Fishman & Associates, is an industry veteran who has dedicated his life to the betterment of the business. He can be reached through email at tfish90469@aol.com.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Manufacturer Profile
Jasmine Lawrence Big ideas are often born when a soon-to-be-innovator endures a discouraging experience themselves. This is especially true in the beauty business, and EDEN BodyWorks can testify to it. OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate to speak with Jasmine Lawrence, Founder of the EDEN BodyWorks, to learn more about the company whose “mission is to provide natural products that integrate wellness and beauty, inspired by nature, to restore and maintain the hair and body’s original design.”
큰 아이디어는, 종종 혁신가가 될 사람이 좌절의 경험을 견딜 때 태어난다. 이것은 특히 미용 업계에서도 맞는 말인데, EDEN BodyWorks가 그것을 증명할 수 있다. OTC 뷰티 매거진이EDEN BodyWorks의 창업자인Jasmine Lawrence와 얘기를 나눌 수 있었던 것은 행운이었으며, “자연에서 영감을 얻은 건강과 미를 통합한 천연 제품을 제공하고, 모발과 신체의 원래 모습을 복원하고 유지하는 것이 미션이다”는 이 회사에 관해 더 자세히 알게 되었다.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is your background with both this company and the beauty business? Jasmine Lawrence (JL): I am the Founder of EDEN BodyWorks. EDEN BodyWorks develops and distributes natural hair and body care products. OTC: In your opinion, what is the most interesting aspect of the OTC beauty industry? JL: The most interesting aspect is the accessibility and convenience. Customers never have to go out of their way to find what they want. In a web-based world, it’s still great to have a place you can count on being close to home, to get the products you really want. OTC: Can you tell us a little bit about the history of EDEN BodyWorks? How did it get its start? JL: I started this company to provide quality and affordable products for men and women all around the world after having my own bad experience using harsh products as a young woman. Since it’s launch in 2004 EDEN BodyWorks has been committed to educating and empowering our partners and customers about living a healthy lifestyle and loving their body and hair. OTC: What differentiates EDEN BodyWorks and makes it stand out from similar companies in the industry? JL: EDEN BodyWorks stands out due to its commitment to the community and our customers. We constantly seek to do more than just sell products. We partner with other people and businesses to educate and encourage positive values that improve people’s whole lives, not just their hair and skin. OTC: Briefly describe the brands that make up your product portfolio. What tips do you have to help retailers incorporate these items in their stores? JL: We currently have 4 collections; each one addressing different needs and wants from consumers. The Peppermint Tea Tree collection was formulated for scalp conditions – to clarify and alleviate problems from the start, while providing a regimen for healthy hair growth. The JojOba Monoi collection is about treating breakage and damaged hair – allowing the hair to return to its natural, healthy state. Coconut Shea is a family of styling aids for moisture and daily maintenance, with added bonuses like amazing conditioning products. We also have a kid’s collection to make washday easier and fun! This fall we are launching a new collection that I know our consumers will enjoy along with their current EDEN products. OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how has the company met consumer demand for it? JL: An interesting trend I’ve seen is a rise in the adoption of hair care regimens and protective styling. Women are sharing stories and tips across social media to help standardize the way they take care of their hair for different seasons and occasions. EDEN BodyWorks works closely with influencers, beauty professionals, and veterans in the natural hair community to create products that support these regimens. An example is the Coconut Shea line that introduced the brand’s first CoWash and line of styling products. OTC: If you had to pick one of your products or a specific brand that is most symbolic of your company, what would it be and why? JL: The two products that really stand out are our Coconut Shea CoWash and our JojOba Monoi Deep Conditioner. Both are non-
OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): 회사와 뷰티 업계에서 귀하는 어떠한 배경을 갖고 있습니까? Jasmine Lawrence (JL): 저는 EDEN BodyWorks의 설립자입니다. EDEN BodyWorks는 천연 헤어 및 바디 케어 제품을 개발, 유통하고 있습니다.
OTC: OTC 뷰티 업계에서 가장 흥미로운 점은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? JL: 가장 흥미로운 측면은 접근성과 편리합니다. 고객들은 그들이 원하는 것을 찾기 위해서 결코 멀리 갈 필요가 없습니다. 인터넷의 도움으로, 당신이 정말로 원하는 제품을 얻기 위해 집 가까이에서 믿을 만한 곳을 찾을 수 있다는 것이 아주 편리합니다.
OTC: EDEN BodyWorks의 역사에 관해 간략한 설명 부탁드립니다. 회사는 어떻게 시작되었습니까? JL: 젊은 여성으로서 거친 제품을 사용하던 좋지 않은 저의 경험을 바탕으로, 전세계 모든 남성과 여성들을 위한 품질 좋고 저렴한 가격의 제품을 제공하기 위해 이 회사를 시작하게 되었습니다. 2004년EDEN BodyWorks 를 시작한 이래로, 저희 회사는 건강한 라이프 스타일과 자신의 신체와 모발을 아끼는 것에 관해 저희 파트너들과 고객들을 교육하고 그들에게 힘을 실어주는데 최선을 다하고 있습니다.
OTC: EDEN BodyWorks가 업계 유사한 다른 회사들과 차별화되고 눈에 띄는 이유는 무엇일까요? JL: 지역 사회와 고객들에 대한 헌신이 저희 EDEN BodyWorks를 도드라지게 합니다. 저희는 제품 판매 이상으로 할 수 있는 것들을 지속적으로 찾고 있습니다. 저희는 단지 사람들의 모발과 피부만이 아니라 그들의 전체 삶을 개선하는 긍정적인 가치를 교육하고 장려하기 위해 다른 기업, 다른 사람들과 협력합니다.
OTC: 간단히 제품 포트폴리오를 구성하는 브랜드에 대해 설명해 주십시오. 소매업체가 매장에서 이런 제품들을 취급하는데 도움이 될 수 있는 조언이 있다면 무엇일까요? JL: 저희는 현재 4가지 컬렉션을 보유하고 있습니다. 각각의 컬렉션은 소비자들의 서로 다른 요구와 필요를 해결하고 있습니다. 페퍼민트 티 트리 컬렉션은 두피 컨디션 제품으로서, 건강한 모발 성장을 위한 처방을 제공하는 동시에, 사용 시작부터 문제를 파악하고 완화시킬 수 있도록 공법화되었습니다. JojOba Monoi 컬렉션은 손상된 모발과 부서짐을 치료하는 제품으로 모발이 원래의 건강한 상태로 돌아갈 수 있게 합니다. 코코넛 시어는 보습과 데일리 관리를 위한 스타일링 보조 제품군으로, 놀라운 컨디셔닝 제품이 보너스로 추가 구성되어 있습니다. 또한 저희는 아이들이 좀 더 쉽고 재밌게 씻을 수 있는 아동용 컬렉션도 보유하고 있습니다. 이번 가을, 저희 고객들이 EDEN의 현재 제품들과 함께 더욱 만족할 수 있는 새로운 컬렉션을 출시하게 됩니다.
OTC: 미용 업계의 귀사의 분야에서 가장 최근 성장하고 있는 트랜드는 무엇이며 회사는 이에 관한 소비자들의 요구를 어떻게 충족하고 있습니까? JL: 제가 보고 있는 흥미로운 추세는 헤어 케어 요법 및 보호 스타일 수용의 증가입니다. 여성들은 여러 계절이나 특별한 행사를 위한 자신의 모발 관리 방법을 표준화하는데 도움이 되도록 그러한 내용과 조언들을 소셜 미디어를 통해 공유하고 있습니다. EDEN BodyWorks는 이런 요법들을 지원하는 제품 생산을 위해 영향력 있는 사람들, 미용 전문가, 천연 헤어 커뮤니티 분야에서 연륜이 있는 사람들과 긴밀하게 일하고 있습니다. 브랜드 최초의 CoWash(conditioner-only washing) 제품과 스타일링 제품 라인을 도입한 코코넛 시어 라인이 한 예입니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Manufacturer Profile traditional products that help to aid in one of the most important aspect of hair health and growth: moisturization. Due to the fact that these types of products are not broadly used, EDEN BodyWorks invested in partnerships and marketing to help educate customers on the benefits. Our creative events brought women together and allowed them to get to know each other, the EDEN BodyWorks team and their hair better. OTC: How do you keep consumers and store owners educated on product releases, uses and general information? JL: EDEN BodyWorks is very active on social media. We are on all major platforms and continue to see steady growth in our followings. In addition to sharing video tutorials and other education materials via social media and email, EDEN BodyWorks is present at several major conferences, tradeshows and expos around the world. From one-on-one meetings to sampling and in-store promotions, the team at EDEN BodyWorks carefully listens and responds to feedback from both consumers and retail partners to make them feel like valued members of our product development process.
OTC: 회사의 가장 상징적인 제품이나 브랜드를 하나 만 선택한다면 무엇이고 그 이유는 어디에 있습니까? JL: 저희Coconut Shea CoWash 와JojOba Monoi Deep Conditioner 두 제품은 정말 돋보입니다. 두 제품 모두 모발 건강과 성장의 가장 중요한 측면 중 하나인 보습을 돕는, 기존과는 다른 제품입니다. 이런 제품 형태가 광범위하게 사용되지 않고 있기 때문에, EDEN BodyWork 는 제품의 혜택을 보게 될 고객들을 교육하기 위해 파트너쉽과 마케팅에 투자했습니다. 저희의 독창적인 이벤트는 여성들을 함께 모아서 그들이 서로는 물론, EDEN BodyWorks팀과 그들의 모발에 관해 더욱 알 수 있도록 합니다.
OTC: 제품 출시 및 사용법, 그리고 일반적인 정보에 관한 소비자들과 매장 주인들의 교육은 어떻게 실행하십니까? JL: EDEN BodyWorks 는 소셜 미디어 상에서 매우 적극적입니다. 저희는 모든 주요 플랫폼에 들어 있으며 팔로잉도 지속적으로 성장하고 있습니다. 개별 비디오 지침과 다른 교육적 자료들을 소셜 미디어와 이메일을 통해 공유할 뿐 아니라, EDEN BodyWorks는 세계적으로 여러 주요 컨퍼런스와 전시회 및 박람회에도 참여하고 있습니다. 샘플링을 위한 일대일 미팅과 매장 프로모션부터, EDEN BodyWorks 팀이 소비자와 소매 파트너 양쪽 모두로부터의 피드백을 주의 깊게 듣고 해답을 제공함으로써 그들이 저희 제품 개발 과정의 귀중한 구성원으로 느낄 수 있도록 애쓰고 있습니다.
OTC: OTC 매장에서 가장 효과적인 제품 프로모션은 무엇이라고 생각하시는지, 또 그 이유는 무엇일까요? JL: 제가 본 것 중에 샘플링이 가장 효과적입니다. 고객들은 항상 무언가 무료로 얻는 것을 좋아하죠! 또한 그들은 위험 부담없이 신제품을 시도할 수 있는 것을 즐깁니다. 제품 샘플과 함께 교육적인 자료를 제공하면 고객들은 매장을 떠나기 전에 그 제품과 브랜드에 관해 좀 더 잘 알게 되죠. 또한 그들의 질문에 대답하고 더욱 상세한 사용 방법을 제공함으로써 그들로 하여금 신제품에 대한 보다 긍정적인 경험을 갖게 합니다.
OTC: 거친 질감의 모발을 가진 여성들이 미용에 관해 가장 어려움을 겪는 부분은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? JL: 거친 질감의 모발을 가진 여성들에게는 본인의
가장 큰 어려움이라 생각합니다. 텍스쳐 헤어가 직장에서는 덜 프로페셔널하다는 사회적인 낙인이 아직도 존재합니다. 텍스쳐 헤어를 전문적으로 관리하는 헤어 살롱의 프리미엄은 아주 높고, 스스로 본인의 스타일을 만들고자 하는 소비자들은 어디서 시작해야 할 지도 모르는 상황입니다. 64
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Manufacturer Profile OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in OTC stores and why? JL: Sampling is the method I have seen – and the most effective. Customers always love to get something for free! They also enjoy being able to try a new product at no risk. Providing educational materials with the product samples allows the customer to learn more about the product and the brand after they leave the store. It also helps them to have a more positive experience with the new product by helping to answer questions and provide more detailed usage tips. OTC: What do you consider to be one of the biggest beauty struggles women with textured hair face today? JL: I think learning to style their own hair is still a big struggle for women with textured hair. There still exists a social stigma that textured hair is less professional in the workplace. Premiums for hair salons that specialize in managing texture hair are very high and are sometimes the preference for women who are unsure how to get started finding styles they like that they can learn to do on their own. OTC: We have seen your company exhibiting at various tradeshows. How do you see this participation as being beneficial both for you as a company and for customers who attend the shows? JL: These tradeshows are not only a great way to meet partners and customers face to face, but they are an essential tool in educating customers about the benefits of certain products and to provide samples of upcoming products. These tradeshows allow us to collect necessary feedback on formulations, packaging and event details. With this feedback we are able to iterate on our products to better suit the needs of our diverse customer base. OTC: What are EDEN BodyWorks’ goals for finishing out this year? Are any big plans in store for 2017 that you can share? JL: EDEN BodyWorks has a lot of new and exciting news to share later this year! Our fans and customers provided a lot of great feedback over the years and we are delighted to be able to finally deliver a few of the most requested products thus far. OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about the company? JL: EDEN BodyWorks is community focused and community driven. We rely on feedback from both retail partners and consumers to keep the brand in a position where we are truly meeting the needs of the people we serve. Connect with us and help us create a healthier future!
Company Name: EDEN BodyWorks Address: 3330 Cumberland Blvd, Suite 500, Atlanta, GA 30339 Contact Number: 877-578-3336 Website: www.edenbodyworks.com Years in Business: 12 66
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC: 다양한 박람회에서 귀사를 보아왔습니다. 이런 쇼에 참여하는 업체로서의 귀사와 고객들 모두에게 어떤 혜택이 있다고 생각하십니까? JL: 이런 박람회는 파트너와 고객들을 직접 만날 수 있는 좋은 방법일 뿐 아니라, 특정 제품의 혜택에 관해 고객들을 교육할 수 있고 출시될 제품의 샘플도 제공할 수 있는 필수적인 기회입니다. 이런 박람회들은 제품 성분과 포장 그리고 상세한 이벤트 정보에 관한 필수적인 피드백을 수집할 수 있게 합니다. 이런 피드백을 통해 저희 제품이 다양한 고객 기반의 요구에 더욱 적합할 수 있도록 반복적으로 노력할 수가 있습니다.
OTC: 남은 올 한 해EDEN BodyWorks의 목표는 무엇입니까? 2017년을 위한 큰 매장 플랜을 갖고 계신다면 말씀해 주실 수 있을까요? JL: EDEN BodyWorks는 남은 올해 동안 여러분과 공유할 수 있는 새롭고 흥미로운 소식들을 많이 갖고 있습니다. 저희 팬들과 고객들은 지난 수년간 좋은 피드백들을 너무도 많이 제공해 주셨고 저희는 지금까지 가장 많은 요청을 받은 제품 몇 가지를 마침내 제공할 수 있게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.
OTC: 회사에 관해 마지막으로 OTC 독자들과 공유하고 싶은 의견이 있다면 말씀해주세요. JL: EDEN BodyWorks 는 지역 사회를 중심으로 거기에 초점을 두고 있습니다. 저희가 서비스를 제공하는 사람들의 요구를 진정으로 충족시킬 수 있는 브랜드의 위치를 유지하기 위해서 소매 파트너와 고객들 모두로부터의 피드백에 의존하고 있습니다. 저희와 연결되어 저희가 보다 건강한 미래를 만들 수 있도록 도와주세요!
회사명: EDEN BodyWorks
위치: 3330 Cumberland Blvd, Suite 500,
Atlanta, GA 30339 연락처: 877-578-3336 웹사이트: www.edenbodyworks.com 사업 년수: 12
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
CLIPPER TIPS Sponsored by Andis Co.
The ProAlloy Clipper:
Comfortable, Close and Cool Cutting For those who make purchase decisions on quality rather than price, I’d recommend checking out the new ProAlloy™ from Andis. I have had a chance to use this new clipper over the past six months and I must say I’m impressed. This clipper feels great in my hands, cuts close, is powerful, and didn’t get hot during prolonged use. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this clipper stand out. Durable construction, designed to run cooler The durable materials and construction impressed me and I believe will impress anyone who uses it. The ProAlloy’s rigid aluminum lower housing helps provide more cutting torque versus adjustable blade clippers with plastic housings. Its sleek design is appealing to the eye and it’s comfortable enough for all-day cutting. The placement and style of the power switch is great for right-handed users and seems durable. When I use a magnetic motor tool for the first time, I like to keep the clipper running for a long period to simulate how hot it will get with real-world use in the barbershop. I tested the ProAlloy in the same fashion and I was surprised how it became mildly warm, but never too hot to handle. Even during actual cutting use, the body of this clipper didn’t get hot in my hands. This is not only a plus for pros, but also for novices who take longer to complete a haircut, because this tool will stay comfortable in their hands.
Shea & Coconut Smooth Edges:
The perfect hairline finish to protect your edges, with flexible hold and without dryness or flakes.
Coconut: Moisturizes, adds shine and helps
promote growth.
hair from within.
Shea: Nourishes roots and soothes scalp. Omega 3: Helps rebuild, strengthen and protect
This ability to run cooler is made possible by Andis’ patentpending XTR™ Technology, which stands for Extreme Temperature Reduction. It delivers efficient power while keeping the clipper quiet and cool to the touch. In fact, it runs 35 percent cooler than the popular Envy clipper. And because it’s quiet, the ProAlloy is especially good for use on children. Close-cutting, adjustable blade Out of the box the blade adjusts from size 000 to 1, however when I zero-gapped this tool I could achieve a 00000 closeness without irritating, scratching or snagging my client’s scalp. This is possible because the blade is designed with rounded teeth that are not too thick. This feature is valuable because it helps me move faster while maintaining comfort for my clients. When I can zero gap an adjustable blade clipper, I will use less tools to complete faded or tapered haircuts and I will place a higher value on that tool because I can use it more often than others. With all the features I’ve described above, it should be easy to see why the ProAlloy is one of my favorite corded clippers to date. For more information about the Andis ProAlloy, visit andis.com. Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company. 70
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
RA Cosmetics 100% Mango Scented Shea Butter
Our Body Butter with Mango Scent from RA Cosmetics is 100% all natural and smells incredible. It is full of nourishing and anti-oxidant rich ingredients. It helps fight signs of aging; relieves dry skin; reduces windburn/sunburn and frostbite. It is made with nature’s best moisturizers – shea butter and mango scented oil – and is paraben-free. Our Body Butter is a skin must-have and Nature’s gift to your hair and skin.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
THERAPY TRENDS Merry Reality Season! This holiday season marks the end of a long very un-merry year. Recent events and the election have forced us to see ourselves for who we really are…the good, the bad and the glamourous. It may be coincidental, but the beauty and color trends seem to be dark and murky. Maybe the metaphor for this holiday season is that we are facing a deep, dark reality. Our light and bright image fantasies have to be revived in us—maybe next spring. We’re gladly welcoming this holiday season as we face the new reality of who we are as a nation. The design world has focused on deep, somber tones of black-navy, beetroot and leaden metallic. Somber can be sophisticated. Muted can be marvelous. Dimmed can be delightful. Hair shades and extensions will be deep, dark and dimmed with shocking shades of blues and green replacing the neons. Eye décor will be sharp, black-lined and dramatic. Nails will be very neutral or very pronounced grays, greens and purples. While the palette may be deeper than usual, there is no limit to the innovation and creativity in store for the holidays. OTCs should be aware that this is a very dimensional season. Objects will be attached to hair, skin and nails— three dimensional, larger than life objects from cheery Swarovski crystals, to ornamental bling! This holiday season will be merry and gay. It will be a welcome escape from an exhaustive year. Shopping may be the consumers’ best therapy for celebrating.
Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry
JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
TONSORIAL TIMES Holiday Undercut Styles The “Undercut” hair style for men has come on strong in 2016 and I suspect it will continue to grow in popularity throughout the holidays into 2017. It seems to be the goto look in fashion magazines and music videos. It has also celebrated popularity in particularly with the millennials eager to expand the trend. The “Undercut” is youthful and can work incredibly well for curly, straight or wavy hair types. The great thing about this style is it can be creatively interpreted in several distinctive versions, which can allow your client to develop their unique look. I will share several versions of the “Undercut.” Look them up online to become familiar with the style as they all require additional liquid products to maintain this style such as pomade, hair gel, mousse, shampoo and conditioners, color, a curl sponge, and regular visits to the barbershop or salon. Below is the list of most requested “Undercut” styles. 1. Undercut Classic Style 2. Layered Undercut 3. Pompadour 4. Top Knot Undercut 5. Disconnected Undercut 6. High Top Undercut 7. Long Undercut 8. Forward-Swept Undercut 9. Side Swept Undercut as seen on Justin Timberlake 10. Slicked Back Undercut 11. Braided Undercut 12. Pulled Back-Long Dread with Top Knot Undercut as seen on Jaden Smith These styles, if executed well, will keep your clients looking stylish and coming back for continued maintenance. As we prepare for the holiday season, remember the less fortunate, give back to the community supporting your business, and continue to educate yourself on innovative trends and products coming to market every week. Keep up the good work!
Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
The 69th Annual Summer Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show More than 30,000 multicultural beauty and barber professionals flooded Atlanta, August 20-22.
Furthering its reputation for introducing global trends and the next generation of stylists, the 69th annual Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show (BB) returned to the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on August 20-22, 2016. Themed “Where Beauty Reigns,” the three-day event granted over 300 manufacturers, distributors and retailers an opportunity to showcase their latest products and services in front of about 35,000 multicultural cosmetology professionals. Due to the overwhelming success of its 2015 airing on BET’s Centric TV, show attendees were also able to witness the industry’s best and brightest compete during a live taping of the legendary “Hair Battle.” “Every Bronner Bros. show is driven by a spirit of excellence and a commitment to continually improve the overall experience. This show promises to deliver our most exciting mix of innovative classes, trendsetting exhibitors and world-class entertainment to date,” said James Bronner, director of trade show operations. “If you’re a manufacturer, a licensed professional or a student who has never attended, we invite you to come and enjoy the world’s largest multicultural beauty show!”
In addition to the Hair Battle, other show highlights included: • Education – For students and licensed professionals, the summer show offered more than 100 classes on topics such as advanced cut, color and weaves techniques, among others. Nationally recognized stylists and educators also showcased creative nail and makeup trends. Salon and barber shop owners and operators could learn new sales and marketing strategies to grow their brand. •
Exhibitors – From hair and makeup to barbering and men’s grooming, the summer show gave attendees access to more than 300 well-known multicultural brands across every major OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
sector. Avlon, Design Essentials, Nairobi Professional, Sebastian, and Wahl were amongst the companies representing the next generation of multicultural beauty. •
Entertainment – In response to attendee demand, the summer evening events featured a combined comedy and celebrity fashion show. Bovanti Cosmetics and Upscale Magazine partnered with Bronner Bros. to present “Fashion Edge & Celebrity Style,” the nation’s largest professional fashion tour on Saturday, August 20, at 8:00 p.m. The runway included celebrities in the film and music industry, as well as designs by Lisa Nicole and Bramer Leon. Grammy Award-winning artist and “Real Housewives of Atlanta” cast member Kandi Burruss also presented fashion-forward apparel from her retail boutiques, T.A.G.S. and T.A.G.S.II.
Since its founding in 1947, Bronner Bros. has consistently served the multicultural beauty market, which includes hair stylists, barbers, estheticians, makeup artists, nail techs and students. According to the
research firm Mintel, the estimated value of the multicultural beauty market is now approximately $500 billion and growing. Bronner Bros.’ summer show met the increased demand to reach professional cosmetologists who create new styles, drive trends and influence the adoption of products among multicultural consumers. “From the very beginning, my father Dr. Nathaniel H. Bronner Sr. instilled a vision that positioned the show as the highest platform for celebrating diverse representations of beauty,” Bronner added. “This longstanding reputation is a testament to our history of supporting and empowering multicultural stylists and barbers – many of whom are now household names. We look forward to continuing this tradition at the August show.” Article Courtesy of Bronner Bros., Inc.
Thomas Crumpton (left) of Southeast Rep Services, Inc. stands alongside Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.) member Garland “G-Whiz” Fox of Wahl.
(Left to right) Sidonia and Eboni of OMT/Nappy Styles.
A hair demonstration in action at the Hick’s Total Transformations booth
A stylists works her hair magic at the 360 Weft booth.
Taheera Cartman and Simone Luster hold up a few popular products at the Luster’s booth.
Kenny Duncan, the Lead Educator for Andis Co., shows off his skills while cutting hair at the Andis booth.
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A volunteer has his hair styled by one of the experts exhibiting at the show.
The model at the Kiss Colors booth showcases her show-stopping colorful hair.
(Left to right) Andy Johnson, Ken Klibaner, Diana Ozanski and Kyle Davidson at the Andis booth.
Anisa and Shia are two smiling faces waiting to greet customers at the Motions booth.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
A barber begins working on a hairstyle at the Uncle Jimmy’s booth.
Three show attendees flaunt fun hair colors.
The busy Watch Me Work Hair booth
Fantasia Industries products on display
The excitingly colorful Manic Panic booth
Friendly faces await show attendees at the Sase Hair Care booth.
The H2PRO booth
Hair styling demonstrations in action on the IRK Products stage
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Before even reaching the IRK Products stage, attendees were greeted by a stylist in action while walking by.
Lashawndra Harris Todd and Gilles Argivier of Gold ‘N Hot
Maggie Ocasio of Bronner Bros. stands alongside Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp.
Sam Lazar (center) stands with fellow booth workers at the Universal Beauty Products booth.
The Taliah Waajid booth
Serwa Collins of Bronner Bros.
A booth representative of Via Hair Care
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A volunteer smiles as a stylist does her hair at the Basic Hair Care booth.
A booth attendee of Design Essentials shows off her creative hairstyle along with a box of popular product.
A multitude of visitors fill a show floor aisle.
Booth workers showcase products at the Jane Carter Solutions booth.
Hoyu booth attendees
A barber hard at work at the BaByliss Pro booth
Event visitors pause for a photo in front of the Joya Mia booth.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
2016 장학기금마련 골프대회 뷰티협회 김일홍회장은 대회에 참가하여준 모든 분들께 감사의 말을 전하고 무더운 날씨에도 무사히 대회를 마치게 되어 기쁘게 생각한다고 말했다. 또한 대회에서 입상한 수상자에게도 축하의 말을 전했다. 김일홍회장은 이번 대회에서 조성된 장학기금은 연말 정기총회에서 우리 비즈니스의 고객들과 회원자녀들에게 전액 지급하겠다고 말하고 다시 한번 대회에 참가하여준 모든 분들 그리고 커다란 관심과 후원을 하여준 각 업체에 깊은 감사의 뜻을 전했다.
지난 9월 11일 조지아 애틀랜타 뷰티협회가 주최한 2016 장학기금모금 골프대회가 성황리에 마쳤다.
애틀랜타에 소재한 헤리테지 골프코스에서 진행된 이번 대회에는 80여명의 회원들과
도매업체 직원 그리고 일반인들이 참가하여 기금모금에 함께 동참하였다. 이날 2시부터 시작된 대회는 샷건 플레이로 진행하였다. 협회에서는 참가자 전원에게 고급 골프장갑과 기념타올 등을 기념품으로 증정하고 간식과 함께 음료도 준비하여 참가자들이 경기하는데 아무런 불편함이 없도록 하였다. 대회가 끝난 후 시상식에 앞서 협회가 준비한 푸짐한 저녁식사로 만찬을 즐긴 참가자들은 협회의 빈틈없는 준비에 만족감을 나타내었다. 조지아 애틀랜타
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Jinny Beauty Supply of
채용 공고
Jinny Beauty Supply, the largest distributor in the beauty industry, is opening its 13th branch in Cherry Hill, NJ. We are hiring valuable people who can grow with the company. This new branch will be a core location that will provide the best customer service in the Northeastern U.S., covering New York, New Jersey and Philadelphia. The New Jersey branch is seeking employees who have enterprising and progressive minds, as well as experience in the industry.
Open Positions: • Sales: Possibility to work in the New Jersey office. New York and Northeastern states - in-house and outgoing sales. • Warehouse: Warehouse Management, Inventory Management and Delivery (CDL required)
업계 최대 규모 Jinny Beauty Supply에서는 New Jersey Cherry Hill 지역에 13번째 지점이 될 New Jersey branch에서 함께 일 할 유능하고 참신한 인재를 모집합니다. 본 지점은 뉴욕, 뉴저지, 필라델피아 등 북동부 지역의 고객서비스를 제공하게 될 핵심 지점으로 관련 업계 유경험자를 포함하여 진취적이고 적극적인 마인드를 가진 여러분을 초대합니다. 모집 부문 •영업부: New Jersey 지점 근무 가능자, New York 및 북동부 지역 영업 담당자 (재택 근무 가능) •창고부: 창고 운영 담당자, 재고 관리 담당자, 배송 관리 담당자(대형 트 럭 운전 가능자) •경리부: 고객 관리, 수금 관리, 출하 관리
직원 혜택
• Accounting: Customer Service, Shipping Logistics
의료보험, 치과 및 안과 보험 무료 점심 제공 유급 휴가 회사 차량 및 외근 수당 제공
Benefits: Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance Lunch Provided Daily Paid Vacation Company Car and Outgoing Allowance Quarterly Bonuses Semi-Yearly Salary Increases Possible Sponsorship for Perm. Residency
분기별 보너스 지급 반기별 급여 인상 영주권 스폰서 가능 (최단기간 영주권 획득)
전형 일정
이력서 및 경력서 접수 마감: October 31, 2016 서류 합격자 및 인터뷰 일정 추후 통보
Atlanta Headquarters
e-mail: cseo@jinny.com Contact: Mr. Charles Seo (Vice President) T. 770-734-9222
Resume Entry Deadline Application Deadline: October 31, 2016 Successful candidates will be notified for interviews.
* Resume will be accepted via e-mail. * 이력서는 e-mail로 접수합니다.
Jinny Beauty Supply
National Network of Sales & Distribution Centers Atlanta
Los Angeles
New York
St. Louis
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
Industry News
WBC Show Dates Have Changed!
The Western Buying Conference is kicking off 2017 with their 2-day Las Vegas event NOW starting on Sunday, January 15th!
The Western Buying Conference, in support of SalonCentric and their upcoming National Conference in Orlando, Fla., has changed its show dates to Sunday, January 15th and Monday, January 16th 2017. Western Buying Conference invites professional beauty distributors, OTCs, spas and schools nationwide to come and meet their manufacturers. They will get an exclusive opportunity to see great new products and receive special deals. Western Buying Conference will be holding their annual Party Bash on Sunday night. Both Western Buying Conference and SalonCentric are excited to collaborate and make these two events successful.
Luster Exhibits New Pink ® Products at the Ubiquitous Beauty, Hair and Health Expo
The celebrated family brand builds awareness on how to “Think Pink” with new Shea Butter & Coconut Oil line , natural hair products, and a specially designed line for kids Luster Products Inc. stole the spotlight in the beauty industry once again as they showcased their new Pink® Shea Butter Coconut Oil products at the Ubiquitous Beauty, Hair, and Health Expo in Washington D.C. The family owned hair care brand highlighted their newly formulated Pink Shea Butter Coconut Oil line of products at the Expo on August 27-28 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center. Another highlight of this show was the debut of Luster’s Pink Kids line, designed for the parent seeking products infused with natural ingredients. Products in the Pink Kid’s line include Sulfate Free Shampoo, Moisturizing and Detangling Conditioner, Leave in Conditioner/Detangler, Curling Crème and Curling Custard. Pink Kids was designed to condition and strengthen every strand of a youthful head, with natural ingredients that are designed to rejuvenate the hair. This past January, Luster introduced Pink ® Shea Butter Coconut Oil, a new line of products targeted to today’s health and ingredient conscious consumer wearing natural and chemically treated styles. The Pink ® Shea Butter Coconut Oil line includes sought after products that cleanse, condition, style and maintain today’s looks with the powerful combination of Shea Butter to moisturize and Coconut Oil to strengthen hair, condition the scalp and promote hair growth. The packaging for all of Luster’s Pink ® products has also been updated to appeal to today’s consumers, who are looking for fresh appealing packaging in addition to key product ingredients with an accompanying irresistible fragrance.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
As part of the show, Luster conducted hair care seminars led by their Artistic Director Kevin Pendleton. He and his team of “Pinkologists” (stylists) took the lead in educating guests on all of Luster’s lines, providing individualized ‘prescriptions’ on the appropriate use of the products by hair type, demonstrating the latest hair appliances. Hair and beauty enthusiasts visiting Booth 601 were able to purchase Luster products, spin the Luster prize wheel and enter drawings for product and gifts. “Luster is looking forward to being part of the Ubiquitous Expo, where we will showcase our new signature line of Pink products for natural hair,” said Angela Ferguson, Luster’s senior brand manager. Luster Products is a generational brand that is considered the product of choice for African American families. With the launch of our new formulas, we provide users versatility, whether they have natural hair or wear chemically treated styles. Luster’s Pink® is the product you’ve always known, but our new, natural formula appeals to an ingredient conscious consumer. We want our customers to think pink again and ‘get loud’ about the exciting changes in our products.” Also available were Luster’s Natural Oils formulated in Jojoba & Grapeseed, Apricot, Tea Tree and Castor oils that are suitable for cocktailing. These products, for both hair and skin, are produced with rich, natural oils that nourish, moisturize, soothe and protect. Join the conversation about Luster’s newest products using the hashtag #LustersNewPink. www.lusterproducts.com
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Industry News Deck the Halls with All Things Beauty Holiday Beauty Buys for Every Budget
With the holidays slowly creeping up, it is never too early to prepare. This holiday season Spilo offers must-have beauty stocking stuffers for every budget. Whether it is for nails, skin, brows or hair, every accessory is sure to make you feel merry.
5. Magic Washcloth Makeup Remover Cloth • • • • • •
1. Flowery Beauty Pump Bottles • • •
Plastic bottles hold polish remover, alcohol, cleanser, toner or makeup remover Saturates with one touch Twist lock. No leaks!
2. Little Box of Pretty 2” Bobby Pins
• Add a bright pop of color or keep it simple with on-trend and basic color bobby pins packaged in cute little boxes that are handy at home or on the go. • Premium quality • Smooth, easy-glide finish • No damage to hair • No rusting • 30 pins/travel case (60 pins per 2-pack) • Available in fuchsia/black or teal/bronze
3. Flowery Starry Night 4-in-1 File Catty Collection
• 4 features in 1 mani tool: • Sleek case • Nail snag quick-fix • Cuticle push • Under nail sweep • 180/240 grit nail file with 3 NEW dreamy designs: Dazzled in Gold, Chevron and Starry Night • A perfect “grab-and-go” holiday gift
4. Flowery Block On! Mini Buffers MEGA CUBE • 18 mini buffing blocks • Each color denotes a step to prep nails • Professional buffing blocks for nail technicians and nail enthusiasts alike • Compact cube for sanitary storage
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Uses water only…no harsh chemicals! Gently exfoliates while removing makeup Targets hard to reach areas Convenient/easy-to-use size: 8” x 8” Tight spot pocket Hang loop for sanitary drying • Two for less than the price of one!
6. Mehaz Pinch-Free Power Curl • Creates statement lashes every time • Ultra luxe chrome design – The professionals’ choice for all eye shapes • Pinch-free precision – For a perfect curl every time • 1 bonus pad – Nonstick silicone pad
7. Mehaz Solitaire Ultimate Brow Kit • • • • •
Precision tools for perfect brows Includes Slant Tweezer and Precision Brow Scissor Swarovski – The finest quality crystals Stainless steel – Extra sharp edges that last All inclusive – Everything you need for the perfect brows
8. Rubis Swiss Tweeze Elegance Tweezers • • •
All-purpose tweezer is perforated for a secure grip Lightweight, ideal for removing facial and body hair and shaping eyebrows Available in rose gold and gold finishes for Holiday 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
BIR Bits L’Oreal USA has launched “Beaumoji,” a messaging keyboard designed to enhance and animate conversations about beauty.
The keyboard offers 130 playful and on-trend emojis created for the passionate community of beauty enthusiasts.
The Beaumoji keyboard features illustrations of current beauty trends, characters indulging in beauty experiences, symbols of iconic L’Orealbrand products, and icons and gestures to express enthusiasm for all things beauty. The keyboard is available for free on both iOS and Android and will issue seasonal updates, reflecting evolving beauty trends. Follow @beaumoji_ on Instagram for more information.
L’Oreal USA has taken the White House Equal Pay Pledge.
The company is committing to conducting an annual company-wide gender pay analysis, reviewing promotion processes and hiring to reduce unconscious bias, and embedding equal pay efforts into broader equity initiatives. This company joins other business leaders, including Amazon, American Airlines, Deloitte, PepsiCo, Salesforce and Staples, which made the pledge at the United State of Women Summit, convened by the White House Council on Women and Girls.
Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.” The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz. For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at lisa@bironline.com. Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message. 92
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Show Calendar Ad Index OCTOBER: 2-3 Cleveland Fashion Focus Cleveland, OH www.fashion-focus.net 9-10 Charlotte Fashion Focus Charlotte, NC www.fashion-focus.net
AFAM Concept Inc.................... 15, 93 www.afamconcept.com
Hoyu America.............................. 25, 61 www.hoyu-usa.com
nuNAAT............................................... 69 www.patauaoil.com
American International.................. 75 www.aiibeauty.com
Imperial Dax....................................... 89 www.daxhaircare.com
One Bottle Products....................... 30
Andis Co.............................................. 19 www.andis.com
Innovative Beauty Products, LLC.................................... 21 www.godefroybeauty.com
Beauty Perfection........................... 2, 3 www.sparkscolor.com Beauty Ventures......................... 50, 51 www.beautyventures.net
Inspired Beauty Brands.................. 57 www.haskbeauty.com J2 Beauty.......... 26, 27, 56, 90, 97, 98 www.dreamworldproducts.com
9-10 Premiere Beauty Classic Columbus, OH www.beautyclassicshow.biz
Brittny Professional................... 14, 76 www.dreamworldproducts.com
JBS Beauty Club............................... 72
Colomer USA................................. IFC,1 www.lottabody.com
JBS Hair......................... 40, 41, 68, BC www.jbshair.com
13-15 Cosmobeauté Indonesia 2016 Jakarta, Indonesia www.cosmobeauteasia.com
Conair.................................................. 43 www.conair.com
Jinny Corp.......................................... 85 www.jinny.com
DeMert Brands.................................. 49 www.demertbrands.com
KAB Brands........................................ 45 www.aphogee.com
E.T. Browne and Drug Co., Inc... 53, 94 www.palmers.com
Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products..........103 www.liquidgoldbonding.com
14-17 BeautyExpo 2016 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia www.beautyexpo.com.my 16-17 Glendale Fashion Focus Glendale, AZ www.fashion-focus.net 23-24 Premiere Birmingham Birmingham, AL www.premiereshows.com 30-31 Mane Stream Expo Tampa, FL www.manestreamexpo.com
NOVEMBER: 12-13 The Makeup Show Chicago Chicago, IL www.themakeupshow.com 13-14 Image Expo Dallas Dallas, TX www.theimageexpo.com 13-14 San Juan Beauty Show San Juan, PR www.sanjuanbeautyshow.net 15-18 Cosmoprof Asia: Hong Kong Hong Kong, China www.cosmoprof-asia.com
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Ecoco, Inc.................................7, 37, 71 www.ecocoinc.com EDEN BodyWorks............................ 65 www.edenbodyworks.com Fantasia Ind........................................ 31 www.fantasiahaircare.com Gold ‘N Hot.......................................... 13 www.goldnhothair.com Helen of Troy...................................... 47 www.hotus.com House of Cheatham........................ 39 www.houseofcheatham.com
Oster Prof. Products ......... Cover, 33 www.osterpro.com Queen Helene............................. 34, 38 www.queenhelene.com RA Cosmetics.............................. 70, 91 www.racosmetics.com Salon Commodities, Inc................. 35 www.asiamnaturally.com Sensitive By Nature......................... 84 www.sbnusa.com Smooth Care...................................... 60 www.smooth-care.com Sundial......................................... 72, IBC www.sundialbrands.com Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products .................... 29 www.naturalhair.org
Luster Products, Inc. ...................... 99 www.lusterproducts.com
Universal Beauty Products, Inc...................................... 54 www.universalbeauty.com
M&M Products............................. 70, 87 www.mmproducts.com
Wella, The Salon Professional Division of P&G..................11, 67, 101
Mane Selection.................................... 8 www.maneselection.com
Western Buying Conference........ 23 www.westernbuyingconference.com
Mitchell Group................................... 73 www.mitchellgroupusa.com
Xtreme Beauty International.....5, 77 www.xbi.co
Nature’s Protein................................... 9 www.nphaircare.com
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard!
In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.
여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)
1. What beauty product or ingredient you would like to learn more about? 1. 어떤 제품이나 성분에 관해 좀 더 자세히 알고 싶으십니까?
2. What do you do in your store to ensure superior customer service for shoppers? 2. 최상의 고객 서비스를 구매자들에게 보장하기 위해 당신의 매장에서는 어떤 노력을 하고 있습니까?
3. Which holiday of the year brings about the highest sales increase for your store? 3. 어떤 연휴철에 당신의 매장은 가장 높은 판매 성장을 보입니까?
When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.
Name(성함)_____________________________ Store Name (스토어 이름) ___________________ State (주) _______________________________ 102
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
Mail this form to: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com
OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016
New Cutting Edge Design Developed with hairstylists for hairstylists, the all new Personna Flare hair shaping razor has seven features to deliver optimal cutting tension. The design is garnering rave reviews, making it a must-have tool at a fantastic value. Learn more at www.spilo.com. 7 NEW FEATURES:
1. Sleek and durable, all-black handle 2. Secure and comfortable gel grip 3. 30% heavier with even weight distribution 4. Brushed matte finished combs and razor head 5. Smooth, contoured finger-ring 6. Peek-a-boo window to feel gel grip inside package 7. Easy-open, easy storage clamshell packaging
Value Kit!
• 1 Texturizing Guard for blending or adding volume. • 1 Blade Lock Guard for free-hand styling. • 5 FREE Glide Coated™ Blades.
OTC Beauty Magazine October 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine September 2016