April 2017 | $6.00 The Natural Issue Bronner Bros. 2017 70th Anniversary Show Coverage THE BEAUTY OF NATURAL What to do if you Suspect Customers of Stealing Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Shows Miami and Atlanta
up the Misconceptions About
and Maintenance of Natural Afro Hair: Part 1 by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
Unlike what most people believe, dealing with natural Afro centric hair is not a difficult task. The most difficult task is dealing with misconceptions that we have regarded as facts for so long that they become an accepted reality for many of us. Travel with us on this three-part journey to set the record straight.
28 Finished Product Shea Butter by Osman Mithavayani
Hailing from the Savannah belt extending from western to eastern Africa, shea butter has been a staple for skin and hair care and overall beauty care for thousands of years. The origins of shea butter go back as far as ancient Egypt, and as time progressed through the ages, more uses and benefits for it were discovered as its popularity grew throughout the entire world.
54 Manufacturer Profile
International Beauty Exchange
Skin care is a large, vital sector of the beauty supply industry, and we here at OTC Beauty Magazine are always eager to learn more about manufacturers of beneficial products. We were fortunate to speak to members of the International Beauty Exchange team— Dali Rodriguez-Gould, Operation Manager and VP Assistant, Carolina Velasquez, Business Development Manager and John Graterol, VP of Sales—to brush up on our knowledge of this thriving company.
스킨케어는 뷰티 서플라이 업계에서 굉장히 중요한 위치에 있습니다. 이에, 저희 OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC Beauty Magazine) 은 항상 이 유익한 산물의 제조사에 대해서 더 알고자 노력하고 있습니다. 운이 좋게도 저희는 국제 뷰티 교류 팀의 (International Beauty Exchange) 멤버 분들과 만날 기회를 가지고 – 운영 관리자이자 VP 보좌인 달리 로드리게즈-구드 (Dali Rodriguez-Gould), 사업 개발부장이신 캐롤라이나 벨라스케스 (Carolina Velasquez), 세일즈 VP 이신 존 그라테롤 (John Graterol) – 이 훌륭한 회사에 대해 알아 보았습니다.
4 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 The Natural Issue contents April 2017 10 Editorial Letter Back to Basics 기본을 잘 챙기세요 12 Expert Advice Investing in Your Skin 16 Marketplace Born This Way 21 Special Article What to do if you Suspect Customers of Stealing 22 How Should You Sell It? Charcoal 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 이번 달 포커스는 바로.... 숯입니다! 46 Notes From the Natural Nation A Black Woman’s Journey “Back to her Roots” 58 Clipper Tips Slim Your Cutting Time with Slimline® Pro Li Trimmer 60 Therapy Trends The Nature of Beauty 62 Tonsorial Times Bumps or Infection? 96 Industry News 110 BIR Bits 113 Coupons 116 Show Calendar / Ad Index 118 Reader Feedback 독자 피드백 120 Product Spotlight ORS™ Olive Oil Steps Up Color Offerings with Olive Oil Hues ColorStretch™ Touch Up Sticks 50 Feature Article Clearing
30 Knowledge To Know
Essential Oils in Beauty Products
by Toni Love
Essential oils have been used in beauty products for centuries. During the earlier years, people lived off of the land. They grew herbs in their gardens and used them, along with other ingredients to make ointments, teas, salves and other things. Today, holistic healing and the importance of “all things natural,” have become interesting topics of conversation.
뷰티 제품의 에센셜 오일
뷰티 제품에서 에센셜 오일이 수세기 동안 사용되어왔습니다.
초기 몇 년 동안에는 땅에서 수확한 것만으로 사용했으며
연고, 차와 같은 것을 만들수 있는 재료와 더불어 약초들을
정원에서 재배하여 사용했습니다. 지금은 홀리스틱 힐링과
“모든 것이 천연” 의 중요성이 흥미로운 화두가 되었습니다
32 My Hair Says it All by Will Williams
Hair has always been a barometer to telegraph certain messages to like-minded individuals. Hair stands as a statement of internal and external leanings regarding health, politics, and racial identity. Learn more about the Natural movement, hairstyles throughout history as well as how hair can divide or unite us.
헤어 스타일로 모든 것을 표현한다
헤어 스타일은 같은 생각을 가진 사람들에게 특정 메시지를
표현하기 위한 척도였습니다. 헤어 스타일은 건강, 정치 및
인종 식별에 관한 내외부 성향을 나타내기도 합니다. 역사를 통한 새로운 흐름, 헤어스타일로 어떻게 하나가 되고 분열이 될 수 있는지를 알아보도록 하세요.
36 Business Tips
The Importance of Merchandising for Retail Businesses by Scott Zangwill
Merchandising is the past, present, and future for the stability and growth of beauty supply stores. Retailers stock so many products that it is impossible to understand the usage and benefits of each of them enough to confidently recommend a variety of brands to meet specific customer needs. This is where merchandisers come in.
소매업 판촉의 중요성 판촉이라는 것은 뷰티 물품 창고의 성장 및 안정성을 위한 과거, 현재, 그리고 미래라고 볼 수 있습니다. 유통 업체들은
이점 등을 충분히 숙지하지 못해 특정 고객의
요구 사항을 듣고 추천하기에는 무리가 있습니다. 이 때가
바로판매업자들이 필요한 때 입니다.
38 Beating the Big Box Store
by Dr. Kevin Coughlin
Most people are aware that the real economic engine in the United States is small business. In fact, most would agree that small businesses are the foundation of the economy. However, there are some hurdles to overcome when competing against big box stores and ways to ensure your customers feel special and keep coming back.
대형 상점과 경쟁하기 대부분의 사람들은 미국에서 진정한 경제 동력이 소기업이라는 것을 알고 있습니다. 사실, 소기업이 경제의 기초라는 것에 대부분 동의할 것입니다. 하지만, 대형 체인점들과 경쟁을 하고, 고객들이 특별하다고 느껴 단골이 되기까지는 넘어야 할 장애물들이 있습니다.
Beauty Ambassador
Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article by Terri Taricco-Cropp Keep Hair Looking its Best with the Right Tools from HOT TOOLS®.
70 Show Coverage
Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Shows
Jinny Beauty Supply is proud to introduce a brand new concept with their Pure Buying Shows. On the heels of the 20th anniversary of their very first tradeshow in 1997, the first two shows of the series were held in Miami and Atlanta. Coverage of these events are here, with New Jersey and Chicago’s coverage coming in the May issue.
64 Bronner Bros. 2017 Mid-Winter Show
Bronner Bros. proudly celebrated 70 years of holding tradeshows with this Mid-Winter installment. With more than 35,000 barber and salon professionals in attendance, once again it proved to be a tremendous success.
Celebrate Natural hair! Creme of Nature proudly introduces a new line of Argan Oil From Morocco products made especially for Natural hair. This line includes their Moisture & Shine Curl Activator Creme, Flexible Styling Snot, and Apple Cider Vinegar Clarifying Rinse Encourage your customers to try something new today. www.cremeofnature.com
6 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
제품을 보유하고 있어 각 브랜드 별 사용 방법이나
너무나 많은
April 2017 $6.00 The Natural Issue Bronner Bros. 2017 70th Anniversary Show Coverage THE BEAUTY OF NATURAL What to do if you Suspect Customers of Stealing Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Shows Miami and Atlanta
CEO: Ann Jhin
Editor: Haley McNeal editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
Editor: Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com
Art Director: Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com
Advertising & Sales Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com
Contributing Writers: Dr. Kevin Coughlin Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Toni Love Osman Mithavayani Rachel Roff Mary Talbott
Terri Taricco-Cropp Will Williams Emma Young Scott Zangwill
Columnists: Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson
8 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
Sometimes it’s important that we slow down and take the time to remember the basics, like drink plenty of water, give your eyes a break from the computer screen every so often, red means stop and green means go, be sure to eat your vegetables, and just breathe. This world we live in is nonstop and we can easily be so consumed by the idea that we have to get more done and fit more in the day while still getting adequate sleep, that it can get overwhelming sometimes. That’s why it’s vital to remind yourself every once in a while of the simple things that can easily go overlooked.
The same can be true in regards to beauty products. In an effort to make the next best product companies may continue adding ingredients, hoping to get the perfect floral scent or the most attractive color without giving thought to if it is actually good for the consumer. That’s why this month we chose to focus on the natural things; those that are inherently good for us that could also help improve outer beauty. For example, you can learn more about natural shea butter on page 28, essential oils on page 30 and simple ways to invest in your skin on page 12. We’ve even looked into the importance of merchandisers in this industry, and we encourage you to check it out; flip to page 36.
This month’s issue is also packed with a plethora of show coverage. After all, members of the beauty industry hold strong ties to their customers by serving them well, offering quality products and educating them on items whenever they get the chance. These tradeshows are a great time to connect with friends and colleagues as well as discover the latest trends and items. We are excited to bring this coverage to you.
So as this business continues to grow and expand, we hope you grow in success along with it. At the same time, we also encourage you to stay grounded and always remember to frequently go back the basics.
Editor, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com
잘 챙기세요
때로는 좀 천천히 시간을 좀 내어 기본적인 것을 생각해 볼 필요가 있습니다. 가령, 물을 많이 마셔야 하는 것, 컴퓨터 화면으로부터 자주 눈을 떼어 주는 것, 빨간색은 중지이고 초록색은 진행을 의미하는 것, 야채를 꼭 챙겨먹는 것, 심호흡을 하는 것 등. 우리는 바쁘게 돌아가는 세계에서 살고
있으며 매일 더 많이 일하여 맞추어야 한다는 강박관념으로 쉽게 지칠 수 있습니다. 때로는 충분한 수면을 취하는 것이 더 좋은데 말이죠. 가끔씩 단순한 것들이 쉽게 간과될 수 있다는 것을 상기하는 것이 매우 중요한 이유입니다.
미용 제품도 마찬가지일 수 있습니다. 회사들이 소비자에게 실제로 좋은 것인지 생각하지 않고 최고의 신제품을 만들기 위해 재료를 계속 추가하여 완벽한 향기 또는
가장 매력적인 색만을 나타나도록 하고 있다는 것이죠. 그래서 이번 달에는 자연적인 것 즉, 외형의 아름다움을 개선할 수 있도록 도와 줄 수 있는 기초적인 것들을 다루었습니다. 예를 들어, 28 페이지의 천연 시어 버터, 30 페이지의 에센셜 오일 및 12 페이지의 피부에 간단한 투자 방법에 대해 자세히 배울 수 있습니다. 우리는 미용 산업에서 머천다이저의 중요성에 대해서도 살펴 보았습니다. 36 페이지로 가보시죠.
이번 호에는 엄청난 쇼 커버리지로 가득차있습니다.
뷰티 업계의 모든 구성원들은 고객에게 우수한 품질의 제품과
제품에 대한 교육을 제공하여 고객과 훌륭한 유대 관계를
맺은 이후 언제든지 기회를 잡을 수 있습니다. 이 전시회는 친구 및 동료와 같이 최신 트렌드 및 아이템을 발견 할 수 있는 좋은 시간입니다. 이러한 사항들을 알려드릴 수 있어 매우 기쁩니다.
이 사업이 지속적으로 성장하고 확장하여 여러분과 같이 성장하기를 기대합니다. 동시에, 항상 기본으로 돌아가서
기초를 유지할 수 있도록 해 주세요.
10 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
• Prevents hair from breaking, encouraging growth
• Helps reduce split ends and smoothes the cuticle layer of the hair for intense shine
• Adds softness and manageability
• Rich in antioxidants
• Leaves hair soft and manageable
• Helps condition the most dry, brittle hair
• Hydrates the scalp
Now.... It’s your time to shine!
2 NEW OILS @ICFantasia Fantasiahaircare Fantasia Industries Corporation fantasiahaircare.com • Made In USA
Expert Advice
by Rachel Roff
Investing in Your Skin
You can make a huge difference in the beautification of your skin with a little time and these expert tips
With so many new and innovative skincare products and treatments on the market, today’s consumer has more access to great skin over the counter than ever. Learning the basics of skincare can seem overwhelming, but is really important in the long-run. Think of all the time or money we invest in material goods, such as a purse or car, that can be replaced once worn down. Your skin is the first thing you and others see about you, but cannot be replaced when it’s not properly maintained so it’s worth investing your time and necessary funds to take better care of your skin. I will share one of my favorite quotes: “cheap skincare isn’t life-changing and life-changing skincare isn’t cheap.” Make sure that your minimal skincare routine includes a great cleanser, serum and moisturizer with protective sunscreen.
Your skin is the largest organ in the body and, often, is the mirror to your positive or negative lifestyle habits. Oxidative stress and inflammation in your skin and body comes from stress, sugar, pollution, medications, smoking and much more. It can result in acne, large pores, uneven skin tone and of course premature signs of aging. I always stress the importance of healthy lifestyle to my clients because it can make or break not just the appearance of your skin but your overall health. I also highly recommend a diet rich in antioxidants and daily use of natural antioxidants; the Urban Skin Rx offers Eventone Support Supplements which are an all-natural powerful antioxidant compound of L-Glutathione and Vitamin C to help to fight off oxidative stress in the body that contribute to the appearance of uneven skin tone, dark marks and aging skin. I also recommend taking a daily probiotic, Turmeric and fish oil.
For everyone’s basic skincare routine, the use of a daily cleanser followed by a moisturizer with a sunscreen is a must.
underarms with water and consider them clean? The skin on your face meets more bacteria and dirt than almost any other part of your body so it is beyond necessary to adequately cleanse the face. Many cleansers now incorporate effective skin cleansing active ingredients, such as salicylic acid for oily acne prone skin or kojic acid for uneven skin tone, which offer exfoliating properties that can take the place of a physical scrub. Clean is great, but overdoing it can cause more harm than good. Consumers like the idea of thoroughness from a physical scrub that contains rough beads, but I do not recommend using them daily. Instead, consumers should limit their use to 1-3 times a week. They may also find that proper use of an effective cleanser or daily treatment serum, often using a harsh scrub is not necessary at all. Lastly, remember to cleanse your skin at least twice a day. If you wear makeup, you will need to cleanse your face once at night to remove the makeup and a second time to actually cleanse the skin. For everyone’s basic skincare routine, the use of a daily cleanser followed by a moisturizer with a sunscreen is a must. If you want to take more of a corrective and preventative approach to caring for your skin, you will need a treatment serum like Urban Skin Rx’s Super C Brightening Serum. A serum is traditionally delivered via a watery liquid, gel, thin cream or even pads soaked in active ingredients that should address your skin type and concerns. Depending on your skin concern, choose from a treatment serum with active ingredients that fades discoloration and firms the skin, such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C), kojic acid, and hyaluronic acid. This is the perfect combination for a woman in her mid 20’s and over who is battling uneven skin tone and initial signs of aging. For acne-prone skin, look for ingredients such as Benzoyl Peroxide, Glycolic Acid and arnica. This combination of active ingredients kills acne causing bacteria, exfoliates clogged pores, and calms redness and inflammation.
It’s important for consumers to use an effective cleanser as the second step in taking care of their skin. It always baffles me that so many consumers say that they wash their face with water alone. When I hear this, I think to myself—and occasionally out loud—would you wash your
Meet Rachel Roff
Last, but certainly not least, it’s important for every woman and man to use a daily moisturizer with SPF 25 or higher to protect their skin. Using a daily sun protection is the most important preventative action you can do for you skin daily and, yes, all skin tones need to wear an SPF 365 days a year. UVA and UVB rays are present year-round, even in some indoor lighting, and it breaks down collagen that leads to premature signs of aging, larger pores, and uneven skin tone. A moisturizer with sunblock should always be the last step in your morning regimen, unless you wear makeup then it is the last step before applying your makeup.
In a nutshell, live a healthy lifestyle, take daily supplements, use an effective cleanser, serum, and moisturizer with sunblock, and your skin will be flawless and age at a slower rate.
Rachel Roff is the developer of the Urban Skin Rx, a line of high performance clinical skin care products and the founder of Urban Skin Solutions, one of the first medical spas and laser center in the country that exclusively caters to ethnic and darker skin, that boasts a clientele of over 30,000. Rachel is a trusted, highly sought-after medical aesthetician and melanin expert. She is a North Carolina-certified medical aesthetician and laser technician.
12 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Born This Way
When you are born you enter this world with supple, soft skin and the natural hair you are graced with. To celebrate this natural beauty, in this issue we chose to feature a handful of products that appreciate the splendor you were born with, and help you achieve that fresh, natural look time and time again.
Get in the Game
As House of Cheatham says, “Team Natural wants you!” Their Africa’s Best Textures brand provides maintenance and styling remedies to keep natural hair soft, manageable and fabulous. The Coconut & Sweet Almond Natural Growth Oil is vitamin-rich, and provides protective therapy that smoothes and seals rough, raised cuticles. www.africasbesthair.com
Travel Essentials
It’s that time of year where your customers are gearing up for Spring Break and trips to warmer climates. This is where Jane Carter Solution’s Natural & Curly Hair Essential Kit can come in handy! It contains what users need to transition from relaxed to natural hair, as each product is designed to hydrate and nourish tresses. Kit includes: Hydrating Invigorating Shampoo, Nutrient Replenishing Conditioner, Revitalizing Leave-In Conditioner, Wrap & Roll, Nourish & Shine and Curl Defining Cream. www.janecartersolution.com
It’s Magic!
Combining the natural protection and restoration powers of Aloe Vera and Rosemary extracts, Dominican Magic’s Revitalizing Hair Mask provides intense moisture and restoration to dried hair. Reviews prove that this product is a hit with users! www.dominicanmagic.com
16 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Celebrating Curls
Washing hair is essential, but when a product can clean while also moisturizing and softening dry, brittle hair and scalp, it’s even better! The Curly & Coily Coconut & Jamaican Black Castor Oil Co-Wash from Fantasia is made with Coconut Oil to increase strength and shine, and pure Jamaican Black Castor Oil, which stimulates scalp and encourages new hair growth. www.fantasiahaircare.com
Buttermilk Bliss
Namaste has discovered the Ethiopian secret for softer, healthylooking hair—Ghee Butter. When combined with nourishing olive oil and hydrating coconut oil, like in their Buttermilk Styling Lotion, it provides the ultimate in hair nutrition. This product leaves behind a soft hold that won’t weight curls down. www.orshaircare.com
Wondrous Waves
Your customers can define waves and curls without the crunch, while leaving behind a touchable, frizz-free finish thanks to Cantu’s Wave Whip Curling Mousse. Made with pure Shea Butter and formulated without harsh ingredients, this weightless moisture yielding item produces volume for days. www.cantubeauty.com
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 17
Nature’s Finest
What is more natural than 100% pure natural oil? Universal Beauty Products’ Via Natural Jojoba Oil functions very similar to human body oil—it is easily absorbed without clogging the pores and provides ample moisture to skin, scalp and hair. Its moisture provides all-day benefits. www.salonpro30sec.com
Get Down to Business
At the end of a long, tiring day sometimes the best feeling is to wash away the dirt and impurities accumulated on the face while out and about, and get down to clean, shining skin. The Cream Cleanser & Makeup Remover from Palmer’s is a light foaming cream formula that helps customers accomplish just that. They can then sleep easy knowing their skin is pampered and well-moisturized. www.palmers.com
Smooth as a Baby
When your customers hit the beach or pool this spring and summer, they want to know that the parts of their body they want hair-free are smooth and flawless. GiGi’s innovative Coconut Honee Flex Wax is a flexible hair removal wax that has the pliable application of a soft wax without the use of muslin strips, like a hard wax. Formulated with nourishing coconut oil and honey extract, it softens and protects the skin, leaving it is as hair-free and smooth as the day they were born. www.gigispa.com
18 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
As a storeowner you and your employees must always be on alert for theft. Hopefully stealing does not take place in your store, but there is a possibility for this to occur. That’s why it’s important to know what to do should theft be suspected, as well as ways to prevent it in the first place. In light of recent events, here are a few suggestions:
절도가 의심이 될 때 무엇을 해야 할까요?
1. Always have a store policy for theft, and ensure that your employees know what to do in the event of shoplifting.
• You may choose to verbally confront the suspect regarding the merchandise in question. This must be done calmly and professionally in hopes that they return the item to avoid trouble.
• After peacefully speaking with the suspect you may prefer to have them kindly detained until the police arrive. The authorities could then handle the situation appropriately.
• You may simply take note of what was taken and let the suspect leave. In this case it would be advantageous to make note of the customer’s description and items taken to file a police report after the incident.
2. DO NOT do the following:
• Use physical force – If you choose to peacefully confront a suspect cooperation is always preferred, but if they act out, using force is never the appropriate solution. Besides putting you in danger of a lawsuit or either one of you getting injured, it also discourages store patrons who witness this from returning to your store.
• Accuse without reason – If you do not have definite reason to suspect theft, do not approach a customer. Put yourself in their shoes; if you were wrongly accused, chances are you would feel violated and not want to return to that store. If a false accusation is made on accident, be quick to apologize and make amends.
3. Strategies to prevent theft:
• Keep the store clean and tidy. When aisles and shelves are cluttered it may be difficult to tell what is out of place or what might be missing. Not to mention your sight may be obstructed.
• Have a security system in place that records various places within the store. If theft does occur the evidence could be priceless.
• Keep updated and accurate inventory records
스토어오너와 점원은 항상 절도를 경계해야 합니다. 내 상점에서 절도가 발생하지 않기를 바라지만, 발생할 가능성은 언제나 있습니다. 절도를 사전에 방지하는 것뿐만 아니라 절도가 의심스러운 경우 무엇을 해야 할지 아는 것이 매우 중요한 이유입니다:
1. 절도에 대한 상점 방침을 갖고 있어야 하며, 절도가 발생할 때 점원들이 무엇을 해야 하는 지 알고 있어야 합니다.
• 문제가 되는 상품에 관련하여 의심되는 사람과는 구두로만 응대하는 것을 택할 수 도 있습니다. 이렇게 할 때는 문제없이 물품을 되돌려 놓기를 희망하면서 반드시 침착하고 전문적으로 수행해야 합니다.
• 용의자에게 평화적으로 말한 후에 경찰이 도착할 때까지 부드럽게 용의자를 붙들고 있기를 선호할 수도 있습니다. 경찰이 이러한 상황을 적절하게 처리할 것 입니다.
• 어떤 물건을 훔쳤는지에 대해서만 메모를 해놓고 용의자를 그대로 나가도록 할 수 도 있습니다. 이러한 경우에는 고객의 인상착의와 가져간 물품을 메모하여 사건이 발생 한 이후 경찰에게 제출하는 것이 유리합니다.
2. 다음은 금기 사항입니다: • 물리적으로 제압하려고 하지 마세요 - 언제나 평화적으로 용의자에게 응대하는 것이 좋은 방법이며, 용의자가 무력을 사용한다고 해서 같이 무력으로 응대하는 것은 적절한 해결책이 절대 아닙니다. 게다가 고소를 당할 위험에 처하거나 상해를 입을 수 도 있으며 이를 목격한 고객들이 다시 방문하지 않게 되는 계기가 됩니다.
• 이유 없이 혐의를 제기하지 마세요 - 절도로 의심되는 명백한 사유가 없으면, 고객에게 다가가지 마세요. 고객의 관점에서 살펴보세요. 잘못 고소된 경우라면 고객은 매우 불쾌할 것이며 다시는 가게에 오고 싶어하지 않을 것입니다. 실수로 잘못 고소한 경우에는 빠르게 사과하고 용서를 구하세요.
3. 절도 방지 전략들:
• 상점을 깔끔하고 깨끗하게 유지하세요. 통로와 판매대가 어수선하면 어떤 물건이 없어지고 누락되었는지 파악하기 어렵습니다. 말할 것도 없이 시야도 방해될 것 입니다.
• 녹화를 해주는 보안 시스템을 가게 내 여러 곳에 설치하세요. 절도가 발생하면 그 가치를 따질 수 없습니다
• 항상 최신의 재고상태를 정확하게 유지하세요
• 쉽게 모니터링을 하기 위해서는 비싼 물건들은 계산대 근처에 두세요
• Place high value items near the cash register for easy monitoring
• Make your presence known throughout the store
• Display signs that shoplifters will be prosecuted to deter stealing
• 상점에 내가 있다는 것을 알 수 있도록 하세요
• 절도자는 고소한다는 문구를 표시해주세요.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 21
Special Article
This month’s selling focus is…
We can’t help but notice that charcoal has made quite an impact on the beauty industry lately. From shampoos to facewashes and face masks, this natural ingredient is popping up everywhere! So naturally, we want to know more.
What are the benefits of charcoal as it pertains to hair and skin health? How does it work?
Who would have thought that using activated charcoal could really change your beauty regimen? The benefit to charcoal is simple, everything sticks to it! It’s like a lint brush—when you roll the lint brush over your clothes it picks up all the lint, and when you put charcoal in your hair or on your skin it grabs all of the toxins, oils and dirt. For hair, charcoal is another way to detoxify your hair and scalp. It works as a deep cleaning agent that will remove dirt, toxins and unpleasant smells on the hair. Charcoal works great for dandruff and heals scalp conditions. Many people have used it in their shampoo and as a hair mask to give a wonderful deep treatment to the hair.
Skin and charcoal are a good combination as well. I say that because it is a great natural resource as it removes sebum and dead skin cells from the face, and helps prevent skin infections. Another benefit for using charcoal is that it unclogs pores and balances oily skin. When using charcoal once a week on oily skin as a mask or facial wash it will help draw out excessive oils in the skin. Last, but not least, charcoal unclogs pores by absorbing oil and deep-seated debris at the same time as detoxifying the skin.
Charcoal is a great natural benefit to use and add to your beauty regime.
If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the May issue!
22 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Meet Miown Bell, Education Research and Development Administrator AFAM Concept, Inc. www.afamconcept.com
How should you sell it?
이번 달 포커스는 바로....
최근 들어 숯이 미용업계에서 각광을 받고 있는 건 모두가 아는 사실이죠.
샴푸부터 얼굴 세안제 및 얼굴 마스크에 이 천연 성분이 곳곳에서 쓰입니다!
그래서 그런지, 더욱 궁금해졌습니다.
숯이 머리카락과 피부건강에
장점이 무엇인가요? 그리고 어떻게 영향을 주나요?
“옛날에 숯을 사용해서 미용업계를
바꾼다고 했었으면, 믿을 사람 하나
없었을 겁니다. 장점은 단순합니다, 모두 다 붙어버립니다! 의류용
먼지제거기와도 같죠, 제거기를 옷에
밀면, 먼지가 깨끗이 제거되는 것과 같이 숮을 피부와 머리에
적용시, 독소와 먼지 그리고 기름까지 제거해줍니다.
모발의 경우 숯은 모발과 두피를 해독하기도 합니다. 숯은
머리카락에 먼지, 독소 및 불쾌한 냄새를 제거하면서
청소하는 역할을 합니다. 숯은 비듬에도 효과적이며 두피를
치료하기도 합니다. 샴푸와 헤어 마스크로 훌륭한
치료효과를 본 사람들도 매우 많습니다.
피부와 목탄도 좋은 조합입니다. 피지나 각질을 얼굴에서
제거하고 피부 감염을 예방하는데 도움이 되므로 훌륭한
천연 자원이라고 자신 있게 이야기할 수 있습니다. 숯 사용의
또 다른 장점은 모공을 깨끗이 하고 기름진 피부를 균형
있게 유지한다는 것입니다. 지성 피부에 숯을 일주일에 한번
마스크나 폼클렌저로 사용하면 피부에 과도한 기름을 끌어내는 데 도움이 됩니다. 마지막으로, 숯은 피부를 해독하는 동시에 기름과 깊숙이 박혀있는 먼지를 흡수하여 숨구멍을 열어줍니다.
여러분의 미용에 매우 큰 도움이 되는 숯입니다.”
24 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 Meet Miown Bell, 교육 연구 개발 관리자 AFAM Concept, Inc. www.afamconcept.com 이 질문에 관하여 공유를 원하신다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일을 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. 귀하의 의견은 5월 호에 소개 될 수 있습니다!
영향을 미친다고 하는데,
어떻게 판매할 것인가?
by Osman Mithavayani
Shea Butter Finished Product
Hailing from the Savannah belt extending from western to eastern Africa, shea butter has been a staple for skin and hair care and overall beauty care for thousands of years. The origins of shea butter go back as far as ancient Egypt, where the butter would be stored and used in large clay jars and vessels for cosmetic and beauty purposes by ancient Egyptian royalty. As time progressed through the ages, and as the utilization of shea butter spread throughout Africa, more uses and benefits for shea butter were being discovered as its popularity grew not only in Africa, but soon in the entire world. These days, shea butter is an essential and necessary part of hair and skin care for the multicultural beauty industry and the entire beauty industry worldwide.
Where it Comes From
Shea butter comes directly from the Karite tree which begins to bear its fruits around the ages of 10 to 15 years, fully maturing around 20 to 30 years. The Karite tree can produce nuts for up to 200 years. Shea butter is harvested primarily in West Africa, where the butter is extracted from the almond shaped fruits/nuts that the Karite tree naturally grows. Using ancient and traditional methods, the Karite nuts are gathered and crushed to then extract the shea butter. The nuts are roasted, milled into a paste, emulsified, boiled, strained and purified, then packaged. The butter is packaged and distributed all over the globe primarily for cosmetic purposes, just like our ancestors used thousands of years ago.
The modern-day resurgence and popularity of shea butter in the beauty industry has helped boost and stimulate the economy in western Africa. According the the UN Development Programme (UNDP) an estimated 3 million African women work with shea butter. And according to the New York Times, shea butter’s yearly revenue for western Africa is
Meet Osman Mithavayani
about $90 million to $200 million dollars. The great majority of the people working and extracting shea butter in western Africa are women. The shea butter business is extremely important and profitable for these women and their families. This has caused shea butter to be referred to as “women’s gold.”
Uses for Shea Butter
Shea butter has a multitude of natural uses and benefits for hair, skin and beauty. When it comes to hair, shea butter stands alone with its multiple properties and benefits in hair maintenance and health. It can be used as a conditioner for the hair, and as a sealant for hair moisture. Shea butter also adds a protective layer on the hair preventing UV harm from the rays of the sun. Shea butter can be used to prevent and treat dandruff, dry scalp and scalp issues like eczema and psoriasis. This also seamlessly translates to skin care. Shea butter can be used as a mild sunscreen and eases sunburns on the skin while also reducing pain associated with sunburns. Shea butter can help ease and reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars on the body as well as acne scars on the face. Shea butter is also known to prevent and erase wrinkles. Shea butter can also relieve aching joints as well as arthritic pain. The benefits for shea butter can be seen external as well as internal when used as an antiinflammatory. Shea butter is also known to relieve insect bites. These are just a few of the many uses and benefits of shea butter.
Osman Mithavayani, the co-founding son of OKAY, started in the beauty industry nearly 30 years ago when his family opened their first salon. He gained hands-on experience in the family’s beauty salons, retail beauty stores, wholesale, and now the manufacturing side of the business. Osman states “OKAY brand has been developed with the collaboration of many great people which makes us a strong team. We are headed by my parents who are the driving force behind our rapidly flourishing company. I am very proud to be part of such a great team and brand, which can one day be one of the biggest in the world.”
28 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Looking to the Future
The future of shea butter in the multicultural beauty supply industry is extremely bright. The demand for shea butter is at an all-time high worldwide. The reason for this is because of the desire and need by the consumer for all natural beauty, skin, and hair products. In the information age of the Internet, where almost any and all knowledge can be acquired with the click of a button, more and more people are educating themselves when it comes to what products they are putting on, and inside of their bodies, and realizing that all natural products are the best route to go for their personal and commercial use. Shea butter is the all-natural answer for a multitude of beauty, skin and hair issues that for many years prior to this information age of the Internet, people (especially in the “western world”) have been relieving with artificial, or less than all natural products. This was simply happening because of the lack of knowledge when it comes to the ingredients in these products. Now thanks to the Internet and the ease of acquiring knowledge concerning products and ingredients, the consumer demands natural and healthier alternatives from skin, hair, and beauty companies; these companies have listened. Shea butter in a very short time has become a household name. With all of its natural healing and soothing properties for hair, scalp, and skin, Shea butter stands supreme in the beauty, skin, and hair care world and isn’t going anywhere.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 29
by Toni Love
Knowledge to know
Essential oils have been used in beauty products for centuries. During the earlier years, people lived off of the land. They grew herbs in their gardens and used them, along with other ingredients to make ointments, teas, salves and other things. Today, holistic healing and the importance of “all things natural,” have become interesting topics of conversation.
We are seeing more commercials stressing the importance of using natural products. Celebrities such as Jessica Alba are also getting involved. She owns the Honest Company which sells all natural products, and is a common name in this market. There has been an emergence of using products consisting of essential oils on natural hair to maintain moisture.
In the Market
Essential Oils in Beauty Products
뷰티 제품의
에센셜 오일
Essential oils are used to make almost all products on the market today. These products include: shaving creams, hair moisturizers, sunscreen, body butters, toothpaste and many more. Most essential oils are derived from different parts of plants, many found in India and throughout the world.
The products for skin that are made of essential oils are created to protect it from pollutants and ailments, and also to moisturize and rejuvenate it. Additionally, they are used for relaxation and healing skin problems. Essential oils can be added to bath water to assist with softening the skin.
Oils can also be added to facial creams to add luster to dry skin. Massage oils can afford a small dose of essential oil to add to stimulation or for fragrance purposes. Many people add essential oils to homemade facials and masks to ensure the skin is not too dry after the products have been removed.
Proper and intelligent usage of essential oils is a must because of the variations and purposes of them all. For example, acne and allergies have been known to be cleared by Angelica Root Oil. Rosewood, Palmarosa, Rose and Geranium are all commonly found in beauty products.
Highlighting a few Oils
Essential oils have become the main ingredient in many beauty products. In the natural hair market, these oils are stressed during marketing campaigns to educate and enlighten consumers. Natural hair that is kinky and extremely curly tends to experience dryness and need additional oils. Shea butter has been one of the natural ingredients in products for men, women, and children who have chosen to go natural.
When the hair is extremely dry, essential oils are added to it and the scalp is usually cleansed with Tea Tree oil. Tea Tree oil has more versatile uses than most. In addition to cleansing the scalp, it has been known to assist with dandruff treatments, unclogging blocked hair follicles, stimulating the scalp, assisting with keeping the scalp free of fungus and bacteria, and balancing the production of one’s own natural oil.
Another essential oil to assist with scalp and
Meet Toni Love
뷰티 제품에서 에센셜 오일이 수세기 동안 사용되어왔습니다. 초기 몇 년 동안에는 땅에서 수확한 것만으로 사용했습니다. 연고, 차와 같은 것을 만들수 있는 재료와 더불어 약초들을 정원에서 재배하여 사용했습니다. 지금은 홀리스틱 힐링과 “모든 것이 천연” 의 중요성이 흥미로운 화두가 되었습니다. 천연 제품 사용의 중요성을 강조하는 광고가 더 많아지고 있습니다. 제시카 알바와 같은 유명인도 참여하고 있습니다. 제시카 알바는 모든 천연 제품을 판매하는 Honest Company 의 오너이며 이 시장에서 잘 알려진 브랜드 입니다. 자연 모발의 수분 유지를 위해 에센셜 오일을 사용하는 제품이 자리를 잡아가고 있습니다.
시장에서는 오늘날 대부분의 제품들에 에센셜 오일이 사용됩니다.이러한 제품들은 면도용 크림, 모발 수분크림, 선크림, 바디버터, 치약등입니다.
대부분의 에센셜 오일은 식물의 여러 부분에서 추출되며, 인도에 많이 있으며, 세계 전역으로 퍼지고 있습니다.
에센셜 오일로 제조되는 피부용 제품들은 오염물질과 질병으로부터 피부를 보호하며 수분을 공급하고 피부에 탄력을 줍니다. 에센셜 오일은 목욕물에 첨가하여 피부를 부드럽게 하는데 사용될 수 있습니다. 건조한 피부의 윤기를 내기 위해 얼굴 크림에 오일을 첨가 할 수도 있습니다. 마사지 오일에는 자극을 주거나 향기를 내기 위해 소량의 에센셜 오일을 첨가 할 수 있습니다. 많은 사람들이 수제 페이셜과 마스크 제품을 뗀 후에도 피부가 건조하게 되지 않도록 하기 위해 에센셜 오일을 첨가합니다.
상황과 목적에 따라 에센셜 오일의 적절하고 현명한 사용이 매우 중요합니다. 예를들어, 여드름 및 알레르기는 안젤리카 뿌리 기름에 의해 제거되는 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 로즈우드, 팔마로사, 로즈 및 제라늄은 모두 뷰티 제품에서 흔히 사용되는 것들입니다.
몇 개의 오일들 알아보기 에센셜 오일은 많은 뷰티 제품에서 주요 재료가 되었습니다. 천연 모발 제품 시장에서 이러한 오일은 마케팅 캠패인에서 고객에게 알려주고 이해시키기 위해 강조됩니다. 특이하고 매우 곱슬거리는 자연 모발은 매우 건조한 경향이 있어 추가적인 오일이 필요합니다. 시어 버터는 자연스러움을 추구하는 남성, 여성 및 어린이를 위한 천연 성분 제품 중의 하나입니다.
모발이 매우 건조하면 에센셜 오일을 추가하고 두피는 차 나무 오일로 보통 닦아냅니다. 차 나무 오일은 더 다양한
용도에 사용됩니다. 두피를 클렌징하는 것 외에도 비듬 치료, 두피 모낭의 막힘 제거, 두피 자극, 두피 균류 및 세균 감염을 방지하고, 제품 자체의 천연 오일 밸런스를 조절해줍니다.
두피 및 비듬 문제 해결을 위한 다른 하나의 에센셜
Toni Love is an International Educator and Speaker holding a BA degree in Business Administration (Management) and a MA in Continuing Education. She is a published author of “The World of Wigs, Weaves, and Extensions.” She owns Toni Love’s Cosmetology Training Center based in Atlanta where she teaches licensed professionals from the U.S. and abroad.
30 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
K t K
dandruff problems is Rosemary Oil. Rosemary Oil helps with itchy scalp and the elimination of dandruff. It encourages hair growth and assists with dry scalp. Note: if a woman is pregnant, it is advised that she does not use this oil during pregnancy as it has been known to be harmful to the unborn child.
Many people eat basil and it is known to be good for us, seeing as it has been known to stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth. It can also be found in natural products that are used mainly to promote healthy hair growth.
Peppermint oil has become very popular over the years and has been used in beauty products as well as diffusers for home fragrances. As a home fragrance, it gives the space a calming effect and fresh smell. It is often used in massage therapists’ offices to assist with making the clients relax as they receive a massage. On the skin and scalp, it has a tingling sensation and encourages blood flow to the scalp and to the hair roots.
There are so many essential oils used in beauty products, such as: Basil, Bergamont Mint, Carrot Seed, Camphor, Frankincense, Sage, Olive, Spearmint, Lemon, etc. Therefore, it is almost imperative to educate yourself on the correct usage and doses. These oils are natural and aid in better skin, scalp and overall health.
Natural Nourishment
Many people conduct their lives using the “natural approach” to almost everything. They consider natural products and essential oils in their food consumption, skin and scalp products, and as mentioned earlier, from selecting shaving creams to toothpaste.
Today, during the development of many beauty products, essential oils are the main ingredient. Manufacturers are more conscience of the consumers who are educated on essential oils. Also, they are constantly attempting to improve the quality of their products. For millions of consumers, being natural, eating organically and using essential oils is a lifestyle that will continue for centuries to come. 오일은 로즈마리 오일입니다. 로즈마리 오일은
도움을 줍니다. 참고 : 임신한 여성의 경우 태아에게 유해한 것으로 알려져있어 임신중에는 이 오일을 사용하지 않도록 권고합니다. 많은 사람들이 바질을 먹고 있으며 혈액 순환이 촉진되고 모발 성장에 좋다고 알고 있습니다. 바질은 또한 건강한 모발 성장을 촉진시켜주는 천연제품의 주요 원료로 사용되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 페퍼민트 오일은 수년동안 매우 인기가 있었으며 가정용 디퓨저뿐만 아니라 뷰티 제품에도 사용했습니다. 홈 향기로 공기를 진정시키는 효과와 신선한 향기를 냅니다. 페퍼민트 오일은 마사지 치료 샵에서 마사지를 받을 때 종종 긴장을 푸는데 도움이 됩니다. 피부와 두피가 따끔거릴 수 있고 두피와 모근의 혈액순환을 도와 줍니다.
뷰티 제품에 사용되는 에센셜 오일은 많이 있습니다: 바질, 베르가못 민트, 당근 씨, 캄퍼 , 유향, 세이지, 올리브, 스피어민트, 레몬과 같은 것입니다. 따라서 올바른 사용법과 사용량에 대해 필수적으로 아셔야 합니다. 이 오일들은 천연이며 피부 및 두피 개선과 건강에 전반적으로 도움이 됩니다.
자연 영양 많은 사람들이 거의 모든 것에 대해 “자연적 접근법”을 사용하여 삶을 살고 있습니다. 사람들은 음식 소비, 피부 및 두피 제품에서 천연 제품과 에센셜 오일을 고려하며 앞서 언급했듯이 면도 크림부터 치약을 선택 할 때 염두에 둡니다.
오늘날, 많은 뷰티 제품 개발시에 에센셜 오일을 주요 성분으로 사용하고 있습니다. 제조사는 에센셜 오일 교육을 받은 소비자에게 더 양심적으로 하고 있습니다. 또한 제품 품질을 지속적으로 향상시키고자 노력하고 있습니다. 수백만명의 소비자를 위해 천연으로, 유기농으로 먹고 에센셜 오일을 사용하는 것은 수세기 동안 지속 될 수 있는 라이프 스타일입니다.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 31
두피 가려움증과 비듬제거에
효과적입니다. 로즈마리 오일은 모발 성장을 촉진하고
by Will Williams
My Hair Says it All
Hair has always been a barometer to telegraph certain messages to like-minded individuals. Hair stands as a statement of internal and external leanings regarding health, politics, and racial identity.
Drivers in the Natural Movement
Seven years ago I penned an article describing who I thought was the driving contributors to the “Natural Hair Movement” in the United States, identifying the original Natural hair wearer as someone who uses very little in the way of chemicals for food, cleaning and hair enhancement. Another person I identified was the Naturalista was one who suddenly discovered that she did not want chemicals in her hair for various reasons that revolved around health, heritage and political thought. This woman was the one who upon that ‘Ah-ha Moment’ cut her relaxer and did the “Big Chop.” Lastly was the “Recessionista.” This woman suddenly found herself in the midst of the Great Recession and the two to three hundred dollars spent at salon was no longer available, so she opted for a very stylish boy cut like Viola Davis. Besides making a cultural statement, that fit with fashion and at a price she could appreciate. She identified in a major way.
헤어 스타일은 같은 생각을 가진 사람들에게 특정 메시지를 표현하기 위한 척도였습니다. 헤어 스타일은 건강, 정치 및 인종 식별에 관한 내외부 성향을 나타내기도 합니다.
Natural Movement 의 선구자들 저는 7 년 전 미국에서 “Natural Hair Movement”를 처음으로 이끌었던 사람을 언급하는 기사를 기고 했었습니다. 이 사람은 모발의 영양, 세척과 모발강화에 화학제품을 거의 사용하지 않았습니다. 그리고 또 다른 한 사람이 있는데, 이 분은 Naturalista(본인 네추럴 헤어를 기르는 사람) 였으며, 어느 날 갑자기 건강 및 정치적인 여러 이유로 모발에 화학 물질 사용을 중지 하였습니다. 그녀는 ‘Ah-ha Moment’에서 릴랙서를 사용하지 않고 “Big Chop”으로 헤어를 자른 사람이었습니다. 최근에는Recessionista (경제적 어려움에도 헤어스타일을 신경 쓰는 사람을 일컫는 말) 가 되었습니다. 그녀는 대경기 침체로 인하여 미용실에서 더이상 200~300 달러 정도를 사용할 수 없었기 때문에, Viola Davis 처럼 아주 스타일리시한 보이 컷을 택했습니다. 문화적인 성명서를 표현하는 것 외에도, 패션을 표현할 수 있으며 가격도 적당한 가격입니다. 그녀는 정공법으로 대처한 것입니다.
However in my mind the foremost driver of the “Natural Look” is the “Fashionista.” Here is a woman who will wear curls whether or not she can grow them. She will have them even if she has to purchase curly wigs or weaves.
So when people talk about the decline of relaxers and the rise of Naturals it must be taken into consideration that under most sew ins there is hair that is un-relaxed (Natural).
Hair Throughout History
Hair has and always will speak volumes about how you see yourself, both internally and externally. Throughout time individuals have used hair as a canvas to project opinion upon.
Shaved heads were worn in ancient Egypt because of the heat. Long hair was uncomfortable and so men and women alike shaved their heads and wore wigs in public. That activity is paralleled today among women who wear weaves or wigs in summer to defeat style-robbing humidity.
In ancient Greece men wore their hair shaved and women wore their long, often adorning the hair with gold and other jewelry to indicate their
Meet Will Williams
아무튼 저는 “Natural Look” 의 최고의 선구자는 “Fashionista” 라고 생각합니다. 그녀는 머리카락 길이와 관계없이 컬이 있는 헤어를 유지합니다. 곱슬이나 위브 가발을 구입해야 할 때도 컬이 있는 머리카락을 유지할 것 입니다.
그래서 사람들이 릴렉서의 사용을 줄이고 자연에 대한 중요성을 이야기 할 때, 대부분의 가발 안에 있는 머리카락을 펴지 않는 것을 고려해야합니다.
역사로 본 헤어 스타일 자신의 내면과 외면은 헤어 스타일로 표출됩니다. 긴 세월동안 개인은 헤어 스타일을 캔버스로 사용하여 자신을 표현했습니다.
고대 이집트에서는 더위 때문에 머리를 삭발했습니다. 긴 머리카락이
불편하여 남녀 모두가 머리를 깎고 공개장소에서는 가발을 썼습니다. 이런 행동은 오늘날 스타일을 망치는 습도를 물리 치기 위해 여름에 위브나 가발을 쓰는 여성들과 동일한 개념입니다.
고대 그리스에서는 남성들이 머리를 삭발했으며 여성들은 긴 머리를 쓰고 종종 금이나 다른 보석으로 머리를
Will Williams is currently the Director of Education for M&M Products Co., a Master Barber, Master Cosmetologist, Public Speaker and Product Developer. Will is a Global Ambassador working with professionals and consumers the world over.
32 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
꾸며 전시상태나 경제 여건을 표현했습니다. 이집트와 마찬가지로 고대 로마에서도 미용은 매우 고귀한 예술이었으며
K t K Knowledge to
헤어 스타일로 모든 것을 표현한다
marital or economic status. In ancient Rome, just like Egypt, hairdressing was a very high art and often political as well.
No one has the ear of the King or Queen like the Royal Hairdresser who basically had a mouth to ear relationship. The same parallel is true today when the client is in the stylists’ chair. It is the stylist who gives professional recommendation as to procedures, practice and product to maintain salon fresh looks and healthy hair.
The expression of hair has taken many turns and twist from the male wig worn in 17th century Europe to the close-cropped hair and even the tweezing of hair lines for women to make the forehead appear higher.
In the Americas, Native Americans could be identified easily by their hair. Tribes from the east coast wore their heads almost completely shaved with a ridge of hair running straight down the middle of the head. We see that parallel in Mohawks, Fro Hawks, and South of France hairstyles that are quite popular today.
On every continent throughout all of history, hair has been a leading indicator of changes occurring in society.
Hair Can Divide, But Also Unite
Many hairstyles have divided us, like the “skin heads” and to some degree the “hippie look” but none was as divisive as the Afro. In the 1960s when the Afro first emerged worn by Angela Davis, H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmicheal and Muhammad Ali, many Barbers, refused to cut Afros. Many Stylists also objected to “nappy hair.”
Soon though, the late sixties and seventies saw African Americans unite around this hairstyle, and become politically and culturally aware so much so that the Afro was appropriated and many mostly young Whites the world over adopted this curly style to express solidarity.
Many hairstyles unite us. However there is no style or human hair condition that unites humanity more than curls. Except for Native Americans and Asians who have classically straight hair, everyone else has some curl. With intermarriage and cross-cultural pollination, Asians and American Indians also have curls.
When styling your hair is not an option because of time, occasion or if you just don’t feel like it, curls are a viable fashion alternative. For many, curls are the epitome of hairstyles. For others it is an occasional break from heat styling and straight hair.
The future is bright for curls and curly looks! The variation of styles, whether it is knots, buns, or twists are endless. The amazing thing is that there are many varying options for cleansing, conditioning and styling curls and Natural hair.
스타일을 말해주는 왕실 미용사는 없습니다. 클라이언트가 스타일리스트의 의자에 앉아 있을 때도 마찬가지입니다. 미용실에서 건강한 머리카락을
유지하기위한 절차, 실습 및 제품에 대한 전문적인 추천을 해주는 사람이 스타일리스트입니다.
헤어 스타일의 표현은 17세기 유럽에서
착용했던 남성용 가발에서부터 클로즈업된 머리카락까지, 그리고 이마를 더 높이 보이게 하는 여성용 헤어 라인의 핀셋까지 많은 변화와 변형을 가져 왔습니다.
아메리카에서는 머리카락을 보고 아메리카 원주민을 쉽게 확인할 수 있습니다. 동부 해안의 부족들은 머리를 거의 완전히 깎았고, 중간 머리는 똑바로 세우고 깎았습니다. 요즘 꽤 유행중인 호크스 (Mohawks), 프로 호크 (Fro Hawks), 프랑스 남부의 헤어 스타일도 동일합니다.
모든 역사와 대륙을 통틀어 헤어 스타일은 사회 변화의 선도적 지표였습니다.
헤어스타일로 편도 나누지만 통합도 할 수 있습니다.
“스킨 헤드”와 “히피 룩”과 같은 수많은 헤어 스타일로 편을 갈라 놓았으나, 이 스타일을 아프리카계로는 나누지는 않았습니다. 1960 년대에 Afro스타일이 Angela Davis, H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmicheal 및 Muhammad Ali 에 의해 처음으로 등장했을 때, 많은 미용사들은 Afros 스타일로 자르는 것을 거부했습니다. 많은 스타일리스트도 ““nappy hair”를 거부했습니다. 곧 60년대 후반과 70년대에 아프리카계
미국인이 이 헤어 스타일을 통해 어우러졌고 정치적으로나 문화적으로 너무나 많이 도용되어 젊은 백인들이 이 컬 스타일을 통해 결속을 표현하는 것으로 채택했습니다.
수 많은 헤어스타일은 우리를 하나로 만들어 줍니다. 그러나 컬만큼 인류를 하나로 만드는
스타일이나 모발 상태는 없습니다. 고전적으로
직모를 가진 아메리카 원주민과 아시아 인을
제외하면 다른 모든 사람들은 곱슬입니다.
인종간 결혼과 다문화로 인해 아시아계 미국인과
아메리칸 인디언도 곱슬머리를 가집니다.
헤어 스타일링은 시간, 상황에 따라 또는
머리를 스타일링하고 싶지 않아서 하지
않아야할 선택사항은 아닙니다. 곱슬 머리는
실용적인 대안입니다. 많은 사람들에게 곱슬은 헤어스타일의 본보기입니다. 가끔 히트 스타일링과 스트레이트 헤어로 펴기도 합니다. 곱슬머리과 곱슬모양은 앞으로도 계속 발전할 것 입니다! 매듭, 번즈 또는 꼬는 것과 같이 무제한으로 스타일을 변화 시킬 수 있습니다. 놀라운 점은 클렌징, 컨디셔닝, 스타일링 컬 및 자연스러운 헤어에 대한 다양한 옵션이 있다는 것입니다.
정치적으로 사용되었습니다. 왕 또는 여왕에게
Business Tips
by Scott Zangwill
The Importance of Merchandising for Retail Businesses
Merchandising is the past, present, and future for the stability and growth of beauty supply stores. Retailers stock so many products that it is impossible to understand the usage and benefits of each of them enough to confidently recommend a variety of brands to meet specific customer needs. This is where merchandisers come in. These professionals work full circle for the benefit of manufacturers, distributors, and retailers alike to bring awareness of specific products to the customer.
How does it work?
Traditionally, merchandisers are hired by a manufacturer to promote specific products at the retail level. This may be because of a recent product launch that needs to gain traction in the market or simply to ensure their products maintain their existing shelf presence. The general goal is for an ongoing push-pull system to stay in place: maintain strong sales with core products and further brand growth with product launches by pushing them out of the warehouses and into stores and homes. However, retailers can also request manufacturers to hire merchandisers for their store. If products are moving too slowly, a retailer can contact the company they bought it from and let them know they need help moving it. Depending on the volume purchased and the manufacturers’ availability, this help may come in the form of posters and shelf talkers to give the products more visibility, switching placement to an endcap, supplying product samples, or scheduling an in-store promotion. Manufacturers and retailers, however, need to understand that, like with any promotional endeavor, results are not seen overnight. It should be an ongoing, long-term strategy since each repeat exposure to a brand increases the likelihood of a sale, as well as the development of repeat purchases and brand loyalty.
소매업 판촉의 중요성
판촉이라는 것은 뷰티 물품 창고의 성장 및
과거, 현재, 그리고 미래라고 볼 수 있습니다. 유통 업체들은 너무나 많은 제품을 보유하고 있어 각 브랜드 별 사용 방법이나 이점 등을 충분히 숙지하지 못해 특정 고객의 요구 사항을 듣고 추천하기에는 무리가 있습니다. 이 때가 판매업자들이 등장할 적절한 때 입니다. 이 전문가들은 제조 업체, 유통 업체, 소매 업자들이 고객들에게 특정 상품에 대한 인지도를 부여하여 최대의 이익을 낼 수 있도록 항상 노력합니다.
어떤 식으로 진행되나요? 관례적으로, 특정 상품을 소매 단계에서 홍보하는 목적으로, 판매 업자는 제조 업체에 의해서 고용됩니다. 이는 최근 출시된 제품들에 대해 시장 내에서의 주목이 필요한 경우거나 현재 진열된 상태를 유지하기 위해서 하는 행동들입니다. 일반적인 목적은 푸시풀 시스템 (Push-pull system) 의 지속이라 볼 수 있습니다. 푸시풀 시스템이라 함은, 제품 출시와 동시에 창고에서는 밀어 내고 각 상점과 가정에 상품을 밀어 넣어, 지속적이고 강력한 매출과 더 나아가 브랜드 자체의 성장을 기리는 행위라 할 수 있습니다. 하지만, 소매 업자들은 제조 업체들에게 판매 업자를 직접 요청할 수도 있습니다. 제품이 너무 느리게 순환이 된다면, 소매 업자들은 물품을 구입한 회사에 해결책을 요구할 수 있습니다. 물품 용적 혹은 제조 업체의 역량에 따라 포스터와 선반 광고 형태로 전달 되어, 더 뛰어난 가시성, 진열대 간의 자리 재배치, 공급 제품 샘플, 혹은 매장 내 홍보 스케줄을 짤 수 있도록 도울 것입니다. 하지만 제조 업체와 소매 업자들이 알아야 할 사실은 이런 홍보의 노력이 하루 아침에 결실을 맺지는 않는다는 것입니다. 지속적인 전략으로 잘 짜인 홍보방식은 계속해서 브랜드를 노출할 것이고 이는 판매를 촉진시켜 지속적인 매출과, 브랜드 가치를 높이게 될 것입니다.
판매 업자의 방문에서 최대한 많은 이득을 얻으세요 판매 업자들은 몇몇의 제조업체를 통해 고용되어, 여러분의 소매점들이 속한 특정 지역을 규칙적으로 스케줄에 맞춰 방문할 것입니다. 이 업자들을 통해 최대의 이익을 내십시오! 그들은 결국 여러분이 대표하는 브랜드를 더 잘 팔 수 있도록 도와주는 것이 목적입니다. 그들과의 좋은 관계를 쌓아나가십시오. 어떤 브랜드의 어떤 새 소식들이 있는지 귀 기울이십시오. 새 직원들이 제품에 대해 트레이닝 받을 수 있도록 부탁하십시오. 제품을 어디에 배치해야 하는지, 어떻게 진열해야 하는지, 어떤 새 제품을 실어 날라야 하는지에 대한 그들의 충고를 옆에서 잘 들으십시오. 그렇습니다, 그들은 여러분이 무언가를 팔기를 원하지만,
Meet Scott Zangwill
Scott Zangwill is the merchandising specialist behind Merchandise Brand Specialist, Inc., a full service merchandising group for the multicultural beauty industry serving brands nationwide. The company is based in the northeast, and has 9 merchandisers that cover 17 cities across the country. Self-employed for 28 years with 5 years in the beauty industry, Scott currently works with top brands such as Clairol/Wella, House of Cheatham, I.C. Fantasia, Imperial Dax, and Softee. He has also worked with Sunny Isle, Okay, Gonesh and Dr. Miracle.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
안정성을 위한
Making the Most of a Merchandiser’s Visit
Merchandisers typically work for several manufacturers at the same time and are hired to work a specific territory, meaning they will make regular, scheduled stops to your retail locations. Use these visits to your benefit! They are, after all, there to help make sure you succeed with the sale of all brands they represent. Develop relationships with them. Find out what’s new with each brand. Ask them to train new employees on the products. Listen and take their advice into consideration regarding where to place the products, how to display them, and even which new products to carry. Yes, they want to sell you something, but they also know that if they sell it to you and it doesn’t move, they will be hearing about it during their next visit to you!
Responsibility of a Merchandiser
Experienced merchandisers have a thorough understanding of the industry in which they serve. They are out in the field every day! They see what your competitors are doing. They know before you know what plans manufacturers have for their brands. They are constantly exhibiting at trade shows to have a pulse on market trends. All of this knowledge can be yours if only you ask! Merchandisers instinctively know if their presence is welcome at a retailer: there are brand posters on the front door, shelf talkers visibly and professionally hung, and organized shelves are well stocked with a variety of staple and up-and-coming products. Use these professionals to your benefit and reap the rewards of a valued business partner.
업자의 책임 숙련된 판매 업자들은 그들이 일하는 영역에 대한 높은 이해도를 가지고 있습니다. 그들은 매일 그 영역에서 일을 합니다! 그들은 여러분의 경쟁자들이 무엇을 하는지도 봅니다. 여러분이 브랜드의 제조 업체가 다음으로 어떤 계획을 가지고 있는지 알기 전에 이미 그들은 알 수 있습니다. 그들은 시장 동향을 파악하기 위해 지속적으로 트레이드 쇼에 전시를 합니다. 이런 지식들은 추구하기만 하신다면 얼마든지 여러분의 것이 될 수 있습니다. 판매 업자들은 그들의 존재가 소매 업자들에게 환영 받는지 아닌지를 본능적으로 알고 있습니다: 현관에는 브랜드 포스터들이 있고 선반 광고들이 가시적으로 그리고 전문적으로 걸려 있는지, 여러 주요 상품들과 한창 떠오르는 상품들이 가지런히 진열대에 잘 정렬돼있는지를 통해서 말이지요. 이 전문가들의 도움을 잘 받으셔서 가치 있는 비즈니스 파트로서, 최대의 수익을 내십시오.
또한 여러분의 손으로 넘어간 제품이 전혀 팔리지 않았다면 다음 방문 때 그 소식에 대해 들을 것이라는 것도 잘 알고 있기 때문이지요! 판매
Business Tips
by Dr. Kevin Coughlin
대형 상점과 경쟁하기
To Succeed as a Small Business, Make it S.P.E.C.I.A.L. for Your Customers
소기업으로 성공하기 위해서는 귀하의 고객을 특별(S.P.E.C.I.A.L.)하게 만들어 주세요.
Most people are aware that the real economic engine in the United States is small business. In fact, most would agree that small businesses are the foundation of the economy.
Very little provides more satisfaction than building and running a successful small business, but many small businesses make a fatal mistake at the outset: they don’t understand what their customers really want. As a small business owner, to put your best foot forward for success you must create a dialogue with your customer base, and ensure that your customers and clientele understand that you’re looking out for their wants and needs.
But building a customer-driven small business can be a bit different from competing with The Big Box on the corner. How do you fight a company or business that almost has an unlimited supply of money and expertise? In all truth, it can be extremely difficult and takes a lot of effort; but it can be done and is being done all across the country. Your customers want to feel connected, they want to feel special, and they don’t want to be just a number or another transaction.
Your customers are all looking for products and services that they believe in, like and trust. That is the winning combination in competition, and you and your team will be on the way to beating The Big Box by making the experience S.P.E.C.I.A.L. for your customers.
S- Superior Service
What is it, and how do you attain it? First and foremost you must put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Experiment with each and every interaction that will occur between your company and the customer. A great starting point is to assess the quality of phone etiquette and your employees’ ability to address your customers’ questions. Ensure that you are receiving really good information that is timely and accurate. Really evaluate your website and email responses. Take an honest look at your products and services to make sure they are the best they can be.
P- Products
Evaluate your products and or services to see how they stand up against the competition. Take a hard look at the processes and procedures you can implement to make those products and or services most appealing and cost-effective to your customer base.
대부분의 사람들은 미국에서 진정한 경제 동력이 소기업이라는 것을 알고 있습니다. 사실, 소기업이 경제의 기초라는 것에 대부분 동의할 것입니다.
성공적인 소기업을 창업하고 운영하는 것에 비해 고객에게 더 많은 만족을 제공하는 소기업은 거의 없으며, 수많은 소기업은 처음부터 치명적인 실수를 저지릅니다. 소기업들은 고객이 진정으로 원하는 것을 이해하지 못합니다. 소기업 오너로서 성공을 위한 최선의 노력을 기울이기 위해서는 고객 중심의 대화를 하고 고객과 모든 의뢰인들이 원하고 필요한 것들을 파악하고 있는지 확인해야 합니다. 그러나 고객 중심의 소기업을 만드는 것은 구석에서 대형 상점과 경쟁하는 것과는 약간 다를 수 있습니다. 자본이 엄청나게 많고 전문 지식을 가진 회사나 사업체와 어떻게 경쟁할 수 있겠습니까? 사실 이것은 매우 힘들며 엄청난 노력이 필요합니다. 하지만 할 수 있으며 나라 전역에서 수행되고 있습니다. 귀사의 고객들은 특별하게 대접받고 싶어하지, 주문번호나 매상으로만 취급되고 싶어하지는 않습니다. 고객들은 고객 취향에 맞고 신뢰 할 수 있는 제품과 서비스를 찾고 있습니다. 이것이 경쟁에서 승리하는 조합이며 귀하와 귀하의 팀이 귀사의 고객들을 특별 (S.P.E.C.I.A.L)한 경험을 받게 하도록 하여 대형 상점을 이길 수 있을 것 입니다.
S- 우수한 서비스(Superior Service)
우수한 서비스는 무엇이고 어떻게 달성할까요? 최우선으로 해야 하는 것은 고객 관점이 되어야 합니다. 회사와 고객간에 발생할 수 있는 모든 상호 작용을 실험해 보십시오. 고객의 질문에 대답하는 전화 예절의 질과 직원의 역량을 평가해 보는 것이 훌륭한 출발점입니다. 시기적절하고 정확하게 정말로 좋은 정보를 제공 받았는지 확인해보세요. 냉정하게 웹사이트와 이메일 답변을 평가해보세요. 제품들과 서비스를 냉철하게 확인해보고 정말 최선인지 확인해 보세요.
- 제품 (Products) 제품 및 서비스를 평가하여 경쟁에서 이길 수 있는지 조사해보세요. 제품 및 서비스가 고객 기준으로 가장 매력적이고 비용 효과적인 제품을 구현할 수 있는지 프로세스 및 절차를 자세히 살펴보세요.
38 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
E- Education
This means training, training and more training with everyone; your sales people and perhaps most importantly, training for yourself. Many times as the business owner you are the last to recognize that you may need and benefit from training more than anyone else. Success starts at the top, and without positive business training you and your company along with your customers will suffer.
C– Consistency
Constantly evaluate and re-evaluate your processes and procedures to make sure they are simple, repeatable and trainable. Delivering consistent products and services are paramount to successful long term success. Anyone can do something well once or twice, but when you can do it consistently you know your company is running well.
I- Ideal Customer Experience
You must look at and review to see if your customers are repeating purchases. Are they coming back to your company for additional products and services? If not, it’s imperative that you ascertain why.
A– Approachable
Do your employees and customers have access to you? If not, why?
Determine how to create an environment that allows information to reach leadership so team members and customers know that their concerns will be addressed and not overlooked.
L- Lighthearted
When it stops being fun for you, your team or your customers, you have started your company in a downward direction and action steps must be taken to change that culture. When your customers and team members have an enjoyable experience there is no better marketing plan available.
Most businesses want and dream to become larger. The reasons are many, but the main reasons are that success is equated many times with more or bigger; however, more doesn’t always mean better; it simply means more.
If your desire is to make your company or business larger, be careful what you wish for. The vast majority of small business entrepreneurs like the risks, controls, and the building of their business many times more than the end result. As has been stated many times, it is the journey more than the destination that brings real satisfaction.
For those who are wise enough to realize this, you must understand that all the things that can make the big box stores great are also the things that can be seen as negatives. This provides business owners an opportunity to compete and win over a customer base that eventually gets overlooked by so many big box stores.
In the end, all business owners are unique but most entrepreneurs have common traits. They are competitive; they like the action and want to win. They are motivated and work hard and have an undeniable desire to succeed and make sacrifices to accomplish their goals.
Whatever your goals and aspirations are, stick with them. There is plenty of room for the small, medium, and large companies. The market place needs all three groups. Find out what motivates you and what you really love about your business; pursue that passion with all your heart and you will receive much more than financial reward, but self-satisfaction that what you set out to do you accomplished.
E- 교육(Education)
훈련입니다. 사업 오너로서 내가 다른 누구보다도 더 많이 훈련 할 필요가 있고 훈련을 통해 혜택을 볼 수 있다는 것을 가장 늦게 인식할지도 모릅니다. 성공은 위에서부터 시작되고 긍정적 비즈니스 교육이 없으면 귀하와 귀사는 고객과 함께 어려움을 겪을 것입니다.
C– 일관성(Consistency) 프로세스와 절차를 지속적으로 평가하고 재평가하여 단순하고, 반복적이며 훈련 가능한지 확인하세요. 한결같은 제품과 서비스를 제공하는 것이 장기적인 성공에 무엇보다 중요합니다. 누구나 한 두 번 잘 할 수 있지만 지속적으로 일관되게 한다는 것이 회사가 잘 운영된다는 것 입니다.
I- 이상적인 고객 경험(Ideal Customer Experience) 고객이 구매를 계속하는지 확인하고 검토해야 합니다. 고객들은 상품을 더 구매하거나 서비스를 받기 위해 귀사에 다시 방문하나요? 그렇지 않은 경우 왜 그런지 확인해야 합니다.
A– 접근 가능(Approachable)
직원과 고객들이 귀하와 연락할 수 있나요? 연락할 수 없다면, 왜죠? 팀 구성원과 고객이 자신의 우려 사항을 해결 해주고 간과하지 않는다는 것을 알 수 있도록 리더에게 연락 할 수 있는 정보를 볼 수 있는 환경을 만드는 방법을 결정하세요.
L- 마음을 편하게(Lighthearted) 귀하, 귀하의 팀 또는 고객들이 흥미가 없어졌을 때 회사가 잘못된 방향으로 향하는 문화를 변경하기 위한 조치를 취해야 합니다. 고객 및 팀 구성원이 즐거운 경험을 할 때가 최고의 마케팅 플랜입니다.
대부분의 사업장은 더 크게 확장하길 원하며 그렇게 되길 꿈꾸고 있습니다. 이유는 다양하지만 주된 원인은 더 커지는 만큼 성공을 하게 되기 때문입니다. 하지만 더 큰 것이 항상 더 좋은 것을 의미하지 않습니다. 단지 더 큰 것 입니다.
귀사 또는 사업체를 더 크게 만들고자 하는 바람이 있다면 원하는 것을 신중히 선택하십시오. 대부분의 소기업 창업자는 최종 결과보다 위험, 통제 및 비즈니스 구축을 더 선호합니다. 여러 번 언급했듯이 진정한 만족감을 주는 것은 결과보다 과정입니다.
이것을 깨닫기에 충분한 지혜로운 사람들에게는 대형 상점을 위대하게
만들 수 있는 모든 것들이 부정적으로 보일 수 있다는 것도 이해해야만 합니다. 이것은 사업주들에게 많은 대형 상점들이 간과하고 있는 고객 중심으로 경쟁하여 이길 수 있는 기회가 됩니다. 결국 모든 사업주는 다 다르지만, 대부분의 기업가는 공통적인 특성을 가지고 있습니다. 경쟁력을 가지고 있습니다. 사업주들은 행동을
좋아하고 이기기를 원합니다. 사업주들은 동기가 부여되어 열심히 일하며 자신의 목표를 달성하기 위해 희생하여 성공하려는 부정할 수 없는 열망을 가지고 있습니다.
목표와 열망이 무엇이든, 그것들을 고수하세요. 중소기업과 대기업을 위한 충분한 시장이 존재합니다. 시장에는 세 가지 그룹이 모두 필요합니다. 나에게 동기를 부여하는 요소는 무엇이고 사업에 열정을 쏟을 수 있는 것이 무엇인지 찾아보세요. 진심으로 그 열정을 추구하면 재정적 보상 이상의 효과를 얻을 뿐만 아니라 성취에 대한 자기만족도 이루게 됩니다.
Meet Kevin Coughlin
Kevin Coughlin, DMD, MBA, MAGD is an accomplished dentist, author and speaker. With his unique and powerful message, Kevin provides small businesses with actionable solutions when considering strategic change, as well as keys to compete in an expansive market. For more information on bringing Kevin Coughlin in for your next event, please visit www.Ascent-Dental-Solutions.com.
40 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
이 의미는 모든 사람과 훈련하고, 훈련하며 또 훈련하는 것을 의미합니다.
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Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools
by Terri Taricco-Cropp
Keep Hair Looking its Best with the Right Tools from HOT TOOLS ®
Choosing the best styling tool for your hair doesn’t have to be complicated. A fast and easy tip for selecting a hair dryer or a flat iron, for example, is making sure the appliance offers a good range of heat settings. A quick scan to verify that your tool delivers necessary heat temperatures can save you lots of styling grief later.
When choosing a heat setting on your dryer or flat iron, consider the thickness of your hair. Remember to work with your hair texture— not against it! A great rule of thumb is that fine, thin hair requires your temperature to be at the lowest possible setting for styling. Normal hair should do well with a mid-range setting, and wavy hair responds well to temperatures a little higher. Thick ethnic hair typically requires a higher setting for optimum styling. Don’t forget that these are just estimates! Experiment with a small section of your hair to determine the best heat setting.
Hot Tools® styling products offer both digital displays and manual dials to achieve a wide range of desired heat settings. Professional hair dryers have a stronger airflow that requires less time to dry hair, which means less time exposed to heat—a great way to give yourself a hairhealthy lifestyle. Another good tip is to make sure you use the nozzle attachment to target airflow, which helps distribute heat more evenly.
Let’s look at Hot Tools® dryers and straighteners in more detail to give you additional direction for fabulous hairstyles.
Meet Terri Taricco-Cropp
Hair Dryer
Know your dryer and what it can do for your hair. The Hot Tools® 1038UL dryer with Direct IONIC TECHNOLOGY® injects a high volume of ions into the air stream, depositing them directly onto the hair to break apart water molecules for easier evaporation and faster drying. What does this mean for your hair? It means supreme conditioning, silky smoothness, and eye-catching shine, all with reduced frizz.
The Hot Tools® Pro-Moisture system with Tourmaline and IONIC® technologies further revives your hair by transforming your dryer’s airflow into a hydrating spa treatment for hair. This reduces drying time by up to 50 percent faster than non-ionic dryers! Half the time means half the heat on your hair.
Salon Flat Iron
The Hot Tools® 1” Salon Flat Iron with Extra-Long Plates the benefits of the Nano Ceramic® Micro-Shine® Styling surface. With this advanced technology, you can enjoy:
• Snag-free styling with an ultra-smooth surface
• Incredible shine and frizz-free, long-lasting styles
• Gentle far-infrared heat that minimizes damage while protecting hair integrity
Know your setting—don’t fry your hair! Regardless of hair thickness and texture, start with low temperatures and increase as needed or decrease the temperature to find the right heat setting. Controlling the iron’s temperature goes a long way in creating healthy, beautiful styles.
Hot Tools® is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact Veronica Guerrero vguerrero@hotus.com or visit our website at www.HotTools.com. Also, visit our website for how-to-videos, style sheets, and tips from the pros. Be sure to follow (or like us) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube @ /HotToolsPro.
Terri has been part of the Professional Beauty Industry since 1984, as a stylist and salon owner. She also has worked in full service distribution, on-line beauty, trade shows and is now VP of Marketing for Hot Tools. She leads a team of dedicated people devoted to bringing the best styling products to stylists and consumers globally.
44 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
by Emma Young
A Black Woman’s Journey
“Back to her Roots”
She walks down the street with grace and beauty. Heads turn. Some people stop and stare. Others marvel at the beautiful, versatile hairstyles worn by today’s African American woman.
Arriving at this stage in the evolution of her natural beauty didn’t happen overnight. It was a journey that began over two centuries ago, when beautiful African women arrived on America’s shores.
She began her journey by trying to make her hair as straight as women with naturally straight hair. She straightened it with a “straightening comb” then rolled it with strips of paper from a brown paper bag. Then she avoided water at all costs because that would send her hair back to its original kinky stage.
By the 1920’s, she had discovered the Marseille, a hairstyle resembling fingerwaves, achieved at first by laying a tremendous amount of hairdress on her hot-combed hair. Later, it was discovered that lye would get it even straighter. That led to the discovery of relaxers.
By the 1960’s she began wearing the “Afro” hairstyle. This style was unique to the Black woman because no other hair texture defied
Meet Emma Young
gravity allowing hair to grow up instead of down.
As women continued on this journey, hair care companies began to make relaxers, shampoos and conditioners especially for the Black woman’s unique hair. They made special combs with which women could “tease” their hair so it stood up and looked thicker. Then she’d comb her very straight, hot combed hair over the teased hair to achieve the bouffant style.
Then came the cold curl, more popularly known as the Jheri Curl, which was convenient. No pressing, no relaxer—all she had to do was spray it with curl activator. With the Jheri Curl water was no longer the enemy; the more moisture the better. Daily moisturizing with “curl activator” was a must and also a mess! Greasy stains were left on the backs of sofas, on pillows, and on her dance partner’s shoulders.
The 90’s were the years of extension braids, weaves, wigs, braids and cornrows as the Black woman discovered the versatility of her hair.
Then came the best part of the journey. Black women began to embrace their own natural hair and discover all the ways they could wear it.
She also discovered that her hair needs
moisture, moisture and more moisture! In searching the shelves of the Beauty and Barber Supply Stores, looking for the product that promised the moisture she needed, she discovered Jamaican Mango & Lime®, with products designed especially for her.
Jamaican Mango & Lime® Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture® is blended with pure and natural butters, oils, vitamins and honey to penetrate and surround every dry, thirsty, overworked strand, while locking in 360 degrees of intense, long-lasting moisture. MY DNA is formulated with unique ingredients, especially for naturalistas who love their kinky, coily, curly hair because they were born that way. Jamaican Mango & Lime® Jamaican Black Castor Oil is formulated with natural ingredients to help promote growth, and help to stop breakage— especially when used as a hot oil treatment.
Let your natural-style-loving customers know that you wish them “Bon Voyage” on their journey, by keeping your shelves filled with all the great products that keep their natural hair soft, beautiful and moisturized.
Emma L. Young is a freelance writer who has written for various publications including ShopTalk Magazine, the Saints Magazine, South Shore Current and the Spiritual Perspective Newspaper.
46 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Notes From The Natural Nation
Feature Article
by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
Part I
Clearing up the Misconceptions About Care and Maintenance of Natural Afro Hair
Unlike what most people believe, dealing with natural Afro centric hair is not a difficult task. The most difficult task is dealing with misconceptions that we have regarded as facts for so long that they become an accepted reality for many of us.
Norm vs. Normal
Who is not familiar with the phrase, “Your hair is nappy; it needs fixing”?
This means that it’s time for a touchup and implies that pure Afro centric hair is undesirable. The worst aspect is that Afro hair care routines and in many cases even Afro life is based upon and revolved around these kinds of notions. The beliefs are so profound that, of course, it will take some time before people will be able to let these misconceptions go.
These routines and beliefs about Afro hair did not just appear out of the blue one day. A closer look will tell you that Afro routines—the way they comb, wash and style their hair are merely based on a straight hair care model. This is hardly a surprise. Straight hair has been a dominating beauty standard in our
society for such a long time that it became the norm and we unconsciously adopted it as a model for all hair types. However, the standards for straight hair are not necessarily correct or healthy for kinky hair. By using these standards as a norm for all other different hair types, we confused the norm with what is not normal.
This pattern has occurred for centuries throughout history. Another example that we all can relate to is the “size six norm.” Even though being a size six is the prevalent beauty standard and the majority of us strive to fit this norm, we cannot confuse the “size six norm” with “normal.” Beautiful women come in all sizes.
We must clear up these contradictions. You don’t need to be a size six to be beautiful. Likewise, your hair does not need to be straight to be beautiful. Beautiful hair comes in all textures and in all lengths. Additionally, Afro centric hair responds differently to routines designed for straight hair, but that does not imply that Afro hair is unmanageable, bad or abnormal. Normal Afro centric hair is naturally singular so it responds differently; it has other needs and that’s why it needs other norms and routines. However, before we get into Afro routines, let’s first try to clear up some stubborn misconceptions.
Misconception: Afro Centric Hair Can Not Grow Long
It is still a pervasive belief that Afro centric hair can’t grow long. When you offer a cursory look around, you hardly see women of color with natural long hair. This is deceiving because naturally straight hair is compared to chemically straightened hair. Hair that is chemically treated to look straight has been through numerous processes to keep it straight. Apart from the chemical process, which is already damaging, it is very likely that blow drying, press and/or curling, and flat ironing are done on a regular basis to keep the hair straight. These treatments can cause split ends that sooner or later break off, resulting in the misconception of little or no hair growth from the scalp when in reality, the problem is hair loss on the ends. This makes the comparison unfair because naturally straight hair does not need all the unhealthy treatments to keep the strands straight.
A closer look will show that Black women with very long hair usually wear natural hairstyles like dreadlocks. To make a fair comparison, compare long, natural, straight hair to naturally cultivated dreadlocks. Try to imagine all women who are now wearing perms wearing luscious locks instead and then make the comparison again. Compare the long locks with long straight hair. It may appear to be shorter due to the natural curl pattern. Do you still believe that Afro hair cannot
50 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
grow long?
There is nothing like natural hair, but if the hair needs a break or time to recover, extensions or weaves are good choices. These methods will allow for natural undisturbed hair growth if the job is done right. They do not have to wear their hair in a style that they are not comfortable with after a hair disaster. A good weave will add length and fullness to one’s hair while protecting it. The same goes for extensions that are correctly braided in one’s hair. Most hair grows best if left alone. It is important to understand that if the hair is braided too tight, this can cause permanent hair loss from the scalp (Tension Alopecia). If the hair is well protected by extensions or a weave, the hair has a chance to grow undisturbed, free from pulling and environmental threats like the sun. The advantage of weaves and extensions is really that they can wear any hairstyle while growing their own hair.
do so many women of color wear weaves and braids these days? Contrary to popular belief, relaxed hair is very high maintenance. In fact, chemically altered hair is more difficult to care for than natural hair because of the chemical damage to hair. Relaxers first deteriorate the outer layer (Cuticle) of a hair strand and subsequently break the hair inner structure so that the hair can become straight. That is why Afro centric hair needs extra care after it has been permed. It is more vulnerable.
Misconception: Natural Afro Centric Hair is Hard to Manage
This misconception is based on the customs of daily combing and styling of one’s hair. Natural Afro centric hair does not need combing or styling everyday because hairstyles stay unimpaired for at least one week on average. In addition, most combs are unsuitable for natural Afro centric hair. That means being able to quickly comb through the hair on a daily basis cannot be used as a standard to define Afro hair as “hard to manage.” Defining nappy hair as unmanageable based on the above standards would be like defining straight hair as unmanageable because it is difficult to braid and it can hardly keep a braid, cornrow or curl. It doesn’t make sense, does it?
Care Easier
Straightening Afro Centric Hair Makes Hair
It may seem easy to comb through and style straightened hair on a daily basis, but it certainly is not easier to care for relaxed hair. If this were true, where do you suppose the majority of Afro hair problems come from? Why
Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
Relaxers not only make it harder to maintain healthy hair, they also limit lifestyles of wearers. To maintain a straight and healthy looking hairstyle, they condition, roller set, blow dry, wrap or flat iron the hair, which can cause hair loss as described in the first part of this article. After all the efforts put into creating a hairstyle, they do everything to keep that hairstyle and limit activities that will not hinder the style. They may not exercise because perspiration causes premature reversion of the hair, as does swimming, and a lot of other outdoor activities. The truth is, chemicals really do not make life easier; they make it harder to maintain healthy hair.
Misconception: Afro Centric Hair Offers Limited Hairstyling
This is far from the truth. Afro centric hair is probably the most versatile hair type there is. Styles range from casual and classic up-do to hip and extravagant. In fact, Afro centric hair is so unique that many styles designed for this hair type are impossible to recreate with other hair types. They should embrace this uniqueness.
To be continued in the June 2017 issue…
Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at liquidgoldbondng@aim.com or call 310-283-7118.
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Also pictured are Santiago Urtiaga, Warehouse Distribution; Manuel Peña, Warehouse Operational; and Edder Arroyo, Sales and Marketing.
사진에는 창고 배급의 산티아고 울티아가 (Santiago Urtiaga) 씨, 창고 운영의 마뉴엘 페냐 (Manuel Peña) 씨, 그리고 세일즈와 마케팅의 에더 아로요 (Edder Arroyo) 씨도 계십니다.
Skin care is a large, vital sector of the beauty supply industry, and we here at OTC Beauty Magazine are always eager to learn more about manufacturers of beneficial products. We were fortunate to speak to members of the International Beauty Exchange team—Dali Rodriguez-Gould, Operation Manager and VP Assistant (seated), Carolina Velasquez, Business Development Manager (center) and John Graterol, VP of Sales (far left)—to brush up on our knowledge of this thriving company.
스킨케어는 뷰티 서플라이 업계에서 굉장히 중요한 위치에 있습니다. 이에, 저희 OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC Beauty Magazine) 은 항상 이 유익한 산물의 제조사 분들에 대해서 더 알고자 노력하고 있습니다. 운이 좋게도 저희는 국제 뷰티 교류 팀의 (International Beauty Exchange) 멤버 분들과 만날 기회를 가지고 – 운영 관리자이자 VP 보좌이신 (의자에 앉아 계시는) 달리 로드리게즈-구드 (Dali Rodriguez-Gould) 씨, 사업 개발부장이신 (중앙) 캐롤라이나 벨라스케스 (Carolina Velasquez) 씨, 세일즈 VP 이신 (가장 왼쪽) 존 그라테롤 (John Graterol) 씨 – 이 훌륭한 회사에 대해 알아볼 보았습니다.
54 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Manufacturer Profile
OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is the background of International Beauty Exchange and its presence in the beauty business?
International Beauty Exchange (IBE): International Beauty Exchange, Inc. is one of the largest importers and distributors of multicultural skin care products in the United States. We have been in this important niche market for more than 20 years. International Beauty Exchange, Inc. has developed strong, lasting relationships with OTC wholesalers around the country and chain stores. Our products are available in many countries around the world. We offer a personalized and reliable service to our customers, delivering original and quality products in a timely manner.
OTC: What is your favorite thing about being a part of the multicultural beauty industry?
IBE: Multicultural beauty consumers are a world growing trend and for us at International Beauty Exchange, this is the perfect opportunity to re-think our skin care business and offer our products to a wellinformed shopper as we reach a broader audience.
OTC: Who is International Beauty Exchange? Please explain the company’s history.
IBE: A group of partners saw the opportunity and a demand for skin tone completion products around the word and established operations in 1990. The rest is history; now our products are available worldwide through direct and indirect sales with our loyal distributors such as Jinny Corp., among others.
OTC: What types of products does your company provide to consumers? Explain the brands you represent.
OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC Beauty Magazine, OTC): International Beauty Exchange 사의 배경과 현재 뷰티 산업에서의 입지는 어떻게 되나요?
International Beauty Exchange (IBE): International Beauty Exchange는 현재 미국 내 가장 큰 다 문화 스킨케어 제품들의 수입, 유통회사 중 하나라고 보실 수 있습니다. 저희는 이 틈새 시장 속에서 20 년 이상 자리를 지키고 있습니다. International Beauty Exchange 사는 나라 전역에 OTC 도매업자들, 그리고 연쇄점들과 강력하고 끈끈한 관계를 형성해 왔습니다. 저희 제품은 세계 곳곳에서 구매하실 수 있습니다. 당사는 고객 맞춤형 개인 서비스를 제공하며, 우수 품질의 제품들을 빠른 시일 내에 전달해 드립니다.
IBE: We are pleased to offer a variety of high quality skin care products, as well as moisturizing treatment like lotions, creams, body oils, and serum, among others. Our broad portfolio of products encompasses leading brands as well as our own brands, such as: African Formula, Caro Light, Caro White, Crusader, Dermaclair, Metasol, Idole, Movate, Morgan Pomade, Precious Beauty, SH18, Topiclear, Topiclear Paris, Venus de Milo and Top White.
OTC: Where are your products manufactured, and are they safe for users of all skin types?
IBE: International Beauty Exchange, Inc. manufactures and distributes skin care products, soaps, creams, lotions, gels and serum in Europe, the Middle East and USA with suitable ingredients for all skin types.
대해 설명 부탁 드립니다.
OTC:다문화뷰티산업을진행하실 때어떤점이가장좋으신가요? IBE: 다문화 뷰티 소비자들의 수는 세계적으로 증가하고 있는 추세이며, 특히 저희 International Beauty Exchange에게는 다시 한 번 저희의 스킨 케어 사업에 대해 생각해 볼 수 있고 또
기회라고 생각합니다.
OTC: International Beauty Exchange사는 어떤 분들일까요? 회사 연혁에 대해서 설명 부탁 드릴게요.
IBE: 몇몇의 파트너들끼리 세계적으로 피부 톤 완성 제품들에 대한 수요와 가능성을 보았고, 1990 년에 설립하게 되었습니다. 나머지는 모두 역사에 남아있습니다; 현재 저희의 제품은 지니 법인 (Jinny Corp) 과 같은 훌륭한 유통회사들과 함께 세계적으로 직, 간접 판매될 만큼 성장했다는 사실이 중요하겠지요.
OTC:소비자들에게는어떤타입의 제품들을 제공하시나요? 브랜드에
IBE: 귀사는 로션, 크림, 바디 오일, 세럼과 같은 수분 트리트먼트 제품을 포함한 최고 품질의 다양한 스킨 케어 제품들을 제공해드리는데 매우 보람을 느끼고 있습니다. 또한 저희는 매우 넓은 상품 범위를 자랑하며 이는 유도 상표 및 귀사의 본 제품들을 모두 아우릅니다. 일 예로, 아프리칸 포뮬라 (African Formula), 카로 라이트 (Caro Light), 카로 화이트 (Caro White), 크루세이더 (Crusader), 더마클레어 (Dermaclair), 메타솔 (Metasol), 이돌 (Idole), 모베이트 (Movate), 모건 포마드 (Morgan Pomade), 프레셔스 뷰티 (Precious Beauty), SH18, 토피클리어 (Topiclear), 토피클리어 파리 (Topiclear Paris), 비너스 드 밀로 (Venus de Milo) 와 탑 화이트 (Top White) 를 들 수 있습니다.
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더 다양한 소비자들에게 접근함으로써, 견문이 넓은 소비자들에게 저희 물건을 소개할 수 있는 완벽한
OTC: Is there one certain skin concern your company targets, or is there an array?
IBE: Dry skin, discoloration, and dark blemishes. Topiclear provides great quality products for the skin, helping to moisturize and even out the skin tone by using creams, lotions, oils or gels with natural fragrances such as Papaya and Carrot, leaving the skin beautifully smooth with a healthy look.
OTC: What is the latest innovation or product release of IBE?
IBE: The Topiclear Papaya line, now also available in European Formulation with natural Extracts for even tone complexion.
OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business, and how is the company meeting consumer demand for it?
IBE: Definitely Natural Extracts that provide vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as antioxidants, to fight free radicals to keep skin healthy and beautiful.
OTC: What is IBE doing to ensure excellent customer service to OTC retailers? How can these store owners benefit from working with you?
IBE: We provide education on how to use our products upon our programs of business visits to the retailers.
OTC: 제품들의 생산은 어디서 이루어지며, 어떤 피부 타입에도 안전한가요?
IBE: 국제 뷰티 교류 주식회사의 스킨 케어 제품들, 비누, 크림, 로션, 젤과 세럼 등은 유럽, 중동, 미국에서 생산, 유통되며 모든 피부 타입에 적합한 재료를 사용합니다.
OTC:회사가특별하게타겟으로삼는피부가있나요?아니면어떤배열 구조가 따로 있나요?
OTC: What sort of feedback have you received from store owners who sell your product and their customers who use them?
IBE: Topiclear’s products have been around for more than 20 years and consumers love the fact that the fragrance of our soaps and lotions are true to the natural extract properties such as: Papaya, Cocoa Butter, and Aloe Vera, among others.
OTC: What tips would you offer store owners on how to best market your products to customers?
IBE: We provide promo kits to be given as testers to the consumers. Once they try the product they will continue to buy.
IBE: 건성 피부, 기미, 잡티가 그것 일겁니다. 토피클리어 (Topiclear) 는 피부의 수분 공급과 피부 톤 안정을 도와주는 파파야나 당근과 같은 천연향 성분의 크림, 로션, 오일 혹은 젤 등의 고품질 제품을 제공하여 피부가 건강한 아름다움을 유지할 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
OTC:IBE의가장최근에발매된 제품 혹은 혁신이라 하면 무엇이 있을까요?
IBE: 토피클리어 (Topiclear) 파파야 라인입니다. 자연 추출물을 이용한 유럽식 포뮬레이션으로 피부색 안정화에 도움을 줍니다.
OTC: 최근 뷰티 산업에서 많은 성장을 이루는 트랜드는 어떤 것이 있을까요? 그리고 회사는 그 소비자들의 욕구를 어떻게 채워나가나요?
IBE: 당연히 비타민 A, B, C 와 E 그리고 노화 방지제를 제공하는 자연 추출물이라고 할 수 있습니다. 이것들은 유리기와 싸워 피부를 더 건강하고 아름답게 유지하게 해줍니다.
OTC:OTC소매업자들이최고의고객서비스를제공할수있도록IBE는 어떤식으로도움을주나요?여러분과일을하면어떠한이점이있나요?
IBE: 소매업자들을 방문, 저희의 비즈니스 프로그램을 기초로 제품 사용법 등의 교육을 제공하고 있습니다.
OTC: 회사 제품을 직접 판매한 상점 주인 혹은 제품을 사용한 소비자들로부터는 어떠한 피드백을 받으셨나요?
IBE: 토피클리어 (Topiclear) 의 제품들은 근 20년 이상을 소비자 분들과 함께 하였고, 저희의 비누와 로션에 함유된 파파야, 코코아 버터, 알로에 베라와 같은 자연 추출물 천연향은 소비자 분들의 많은 사랑을 받아왔습니다.
OTC: 소비자에게 제품을 홍보하는데 있어서 상점 주인들에게 특별히 전수해 줄만한 팁 같은 것들이 있을까요?
IBE: 저희는 테스터를 목적으로 하여 판촉용 세트를 제공하고 있습니다. 한 번이라도 사용하신다면 계속 저희 제품을 이용하실 겁니다.
56 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Manufacturer Profile
OTC: Do you have a top tip regarding general skin care you would like our readers to know?
IBE: Create a routine for your skin care; follow our “How to”:
1. Cleanse with Topiclear soap daily
2. Exfoliate twice a week to eliminate dead cells
3. Treat blemishes or dark spots with our Topiclear lotions or creams.
4. Moisturize deeply by applying Topiclear serum.
OTC: Are there big plans in store for 2017 for this company?
IBE: Yes, we are so excited to inform you that we will continue to add more products with natural extracts. Soon to come…coconut products!
OTC: What trade shows does IBE plan to attend this year, and how do you see them benefitting both manufacturer exhibitors and show attendees?
IBE: This year we are participating in: Jinny’s Tradeshows, Beautyworld Middle East and Cosmoprof Las Vegas.
There are many reasons for exhibiting. Some of them are:
1. It is a wonderful way to develop and strengthen our brands.
2. To get leads from new buyers and prospects.
3. To see current clients, which is very valuable.
One of the main benefits of attending a trade show is that customers can immediately compare numerous companies’ products, prices and services. These are also good places to discover new companies and brands. Often, customers attend trade shows with very little knowledge of who sells the type of products they are looking for. By attending a trade show, they can figure out which companies sell what they are looking for, and which solution is the best for them, all in just one day. Trade shows can also provide the attendees greater confidence in the purchase, due to being given the ability to see the products firsthand.
OTC: Are there any final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers?
IBE: As we move forward from being among the first innovators of skin tone complexion to now creating new products that are based on natural extracts as the new trends dictate, we at International Beauty Exchange, Inc.—home of Topiclear—would like to extend our gratitude to our loyal customers that have been using our brands since the early stages.
OTC: 저희의 독자들이 스킨 케어를 하는데 있어서 알아야 할 기본적인 팁이 있을까요?
IBE: 스킨 케어를 차례차례 규칙적으로 하셔야 합니다; 저희의 방법을 한 번 따라 해 보세요:
1. 토피클리어 비누로 매일 세안한다.
2. 죽은 세포들을 일주일에 두 번 정도 박피한다.
3. 토피클리어 로션 혹은 크림으로 잡티와 반점 등을 관리해 준다.
4. 토피클리어 세럼을 적용하여 항상 수분공급을 해 준다.
IBE: 네, 저희는 자연 추출물들을 추가한 제품들을 더 생산해낼 계획을 갖고 있습니다. 곧 코코넛 제품들이 출시 될 것입니다!
OTC: 이번 년도에는 어떤 박람회를 참여하실 예정이며, 이런 트레이드 쇼가 생산 회사 출품 자들이나 쇼 참석자들에게 어떤 식으로 이익을 준다고 보시나요?
IBE: 저희는 올해: 지니의 트레이드 쇼, 뷰티월드 중동 그리고
코스모프루프 라스 베가스 의 참석할 예정입니다.
쇼에 참석하는 데에는 많은 이유가 있습니다, 그 이유로는:
1. 저희 브랜드를 개발하고 더욱 더 강건하게 하는 데 최고의 방법입니다.
2. 새로운 혹은 잠재 구매자들에 대한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.
3. 굉장히 많은 가치를 가진 현재 고객들을 뵐 수 있습니다. 트레이드 쇼를 참석하는 가장 큰 이점 중 하나는 소비자들이 그 많은 회사들의 제품, 가격, 서비스 등을 그 자리에서 곧바로 비교할 수 있다는 것입니다. 그래서 이 장소에서는 새 회사나 브랜드를 접하기도 하지요. 종종, 소비자들은 자신이 원하는 타입의 제품을 파는 회사에 대해 매우 적은 정보만을 가지고 트레이드 쇼에 참석합니다. 트레이드 쇼에 참석함으로써, 어떤 회사가 자신의 욕구를 만족시켜줄 수 있고, 어떠한 해결책이 소비자 본인에게 최선인지를 하루 만에 다 알 수 있습니다. 트레이드 쇼는 또한 참가자들이 제품을 직접 눈으로 볼 수 있는 기회를 줌으로써, 제품을 구매 하는 데 더욱 자신감을 제공하기도 합니다.
OTC: 마지막으로 OTC 독자 분들께 드릴 말씀이 있으신가요?
IBE: 저희가 피부 톤 관리의 첫 선구자로서 시작하여 현재 자연 추출물을 이용한 새 제품들을 출시해 나가며 새 트랜드를 이끌어 나가기까지, 저희 International Beauty Exchange는– 토피클리어의 원산지 – 와 처음부터 함께 해오신 모든 소비자 분들께 깊은 감사의 말씀을 드리고 싶습니다.
Vital Company Information
Company Name: International Beauty Exchange
Address: 5810 NW 163rd St.
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
Contact Number: 305-621-6555
Website: www.ibeautyexchange.com
Years in Business: 27
회사명: International Beauty Exchange
주소: 5810 NW 163rd St. Miami Lakes, FL 33014
연락처: 305-621-6555
웹사이트: www.ibeautyexchange.com
사업 경력: 27 년
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 57
회사 정보
Sponsored by Andis Co.
Slim Your Cutting Time with the Slimline® Pro Li Trimmer by Kenny Duncan
I’m always excited when a new a tool comes along that makes my job easier. One of my favorite tools in the current Andis trimmer lineup is the Slimline Pro Li T-blade trimmer. This trimmer is different from previous models in that it has a new and improved lithium-ion battery. This more powerful battery produces 2 hours of non-stop runtime. The best part about lithium-ion batteries is that along with the longer running time, they experience less power loss during use—you get consistent power up until the battery drains completely. Like many Andis tools it is backed by a one-year warranty.
The next great feature of this trimmer that professionals are sure to love is the ability to zero gap the T-blade. Zero-gapping allows the blade to deliver a skinclose result similar to a straight razor, but without the mess! This trimmer is ideal for dry-shaving, outlining, designing—you name it.
Lastly, I love the lightweight, ergonomic design. It makes this trimmer a delight to use. Its sleek, contoured housing just feels right in your hand. But the Slimline Pro Li has more than good looks. It is equipped with a high-speed rotary motor, which can power through wet or dry hair and it also operates with or without the cord, which means it will be ready for action when you need it with no waiting.
For more information about the Slimline Pro Li visit www.andis.com.
58 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 Advertisement
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.
The Nature of Beauty
by Elayne McClaine
The beauty of nature is a product story that will never get old. From skin to hair to scalp to nails…from inside to out, natural products suggest big beauty benefits. Whether nurturing skin or hair, consumers relate to the promises. They seek formulas than can be used from head to toe. Nuts and seeds deliver moisture, repair and sheen. Plants and leaves provide cleansing and detoxification. Botanicals can brighten and revitalize. They understand the nature of beauty. They are also aware of the pollutants found in natural products: harmful chemicals, preservatives, synthetic coloring, thickeners and thinners, and fragrances. Consumers are actively engaged in getting as close to natural as possible as they scrutinize labels for evidence of dangerous parabens, GMOs, harmful sulfates or allergens. To avoid destructive additives consumers create Do-It-Yourself concoctions with 100% pure essential oils as the base. Consumers feel these natural oils help them control the beauty of nature.
Not only are women with natural hair styles concerned about using nature to enhance and repair, most consumers seek natural therapies. Consumers are making their purchasing decisions based on what’s in a product as well as what it can do. This extends beyond hair care to skincare and cosmetics.
The majority of skin care and beauty products, including cleansers, lotions and scrubs, use inorganic compounds and petroleum-based gels as their foundation. The increase in natural hair styling and limited makeup trends is increasing consumer awareness in natural ingredients and the not-so-natural hosts. Stock those products that assure the consumer that there will be attempts to minimize toxins, allergens and pore clogging agents.
Most brands are cashing in the beauty of nature. The more advertising and awareness is placed before the consumer, the more they will demand products developed with the beauty of nature in mind.
Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence.
ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.
Hair Strengthening Kit
The ApHogee Hair Strengthening Kit is a specialty treatment developed to strengthen weak, damaged hair. It uses the same technology as the ApHogee TwoStep Protein Treatment to stop hair breakage and deliver an excellent hair repair product, but it is easy to use for non-stylists. It does not require a hooded dryer and is a simple, fast process. The Hair Strengthening Kit provides the protein needed to repair damaged hair for up to two or three weeks.
ApHogee will continue to sell the original Two-Step Protein Treatment as the best protein treatment to combat hair breakage and damage, but are very happy to offer the Hair Strengthening Kit as an easy to use, effective repair product. For more information, visit www.ApHogee.com.
60 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Bumps or Infection?
by Dwayne Thompson
We all know that razor bumps on your face can be a real pain in the neck. They can also be embarrassing and difficult to cure if you are unable to determine if they are truly razor bumps or something worse. Recently, I was approached by a gentleman who wanted to know how I kept my skin so smooth and clear.
Before I went into my educator mode, I noticed he was suffering from razor bumps along his cheeks and under his neck and chin area. I began to ask him about his grooming regimen and products he was currently using to reduce razor rash and he went on to say that “none of the products work and it was a complete waste of time to buy any bump removal products.” I knew right away, I was dealing with a hard case.
In my mind, I thought, “Either he is not applying the products properly or he is not cleaning or storing his shaving tools.” Through our conversation, I learned he was not cleaning his clippers or his razor before or after shaving. In turn, he has infected his face and over the counter bump products will not work at this point. I will share the most common infections, but contact your doctor or dermatologist for proper diagnosis.
Fungal infection: When your razor remains wet or if you don’t wash it properly post using it, there are high chances that it might harbor microbes that cause fungal or yeast infection. Also, sharing of dirty razors can cause folliculitis or ringworm infection.
Hepatitis: Sharing razors with a person infected with hepatitis might increase your risk of getting the infection as well.
Staphylococcus infection: Failure to use disinfectants or a virucide before or after using your razor also puts you at high risk of getting bacterial infections, most common being staphylococcus infection. A skin infection, it usually manifests as a painful rash or boil which is often mistaken for a razor bump. OUCH!
Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com.
Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.
62 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Bronner Bros. International Celebrates
Anniversary in High Style 70th
More than 35,000 barber and salon professionals converge in Atlanta for bi-annual beauty show
Seven decades ago, Dr. Nathaniel H. Bronner, Sr. and his brother Arthur E. Bronner, Sr. hosted the first Bronner Bros. Hair show in the basement of the Butler Street YMCA in Atlanta. Today the pioneering event has grown to include all facets of cosmetology—and is billed as the largest multicultural beauty show in the world. Once again, the Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show attracted more than 35,000 salon and barber professionals to the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta. According to reported estimates, the show’s economic impact on the city is nearly $60 million per year.
The youngest of six sons, James Bronner lead the beauty show. Before joining the family business, Bronner earned a degree in computer engineering from Georgia Tech. As SVP of Trade Show Operations, he is leveraging his tech expertise to create the ultimate show experience.
“The Bronner Bros. Beauty Show is all about inspiring excellence in the business of beauty,” Bronner elaborates. “We honor the hard work and determination of licensed professionals who take pride in what they do every day. This business is not for the faint of heart, but those who do it well deserve to be celebrated. We will continue to give a voice to the hairstylists, barbers and artists who create and innovate cutting-edge trends.”
64 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 Show Report BB Mid-Winter Show 2017
Hair models and presenters on stage at the Farouk Systems booth
Models have their hair styled at the Universal Beauty Products, Inc. booth.
A creative hairstyle is in the works at the Basic booth
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 65
(Left to right) Sunja Friend and Trenell Billups of AFAM Concept, Inc.
(Left to right) Eboni Martin and Sidonia Harris for Nappy Styles (OMT, LLC).
Stylish show attendee Nadir Love posed while walking the show floor.
A volunteer has her hair styled using exclusive products on the Mizani booth stage while spectators look on.
Kristi Faulkner of the Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T) demonstrates a cut on stage at the Wahl booth.
Andis Educator Kenny Duncan shares his technique of barbering with onlookers.
Blue strikes a pose with a package of Vitale Pro products while working at the company’s booth.
Mizani had a large, eye-catching booth setup.
66 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
The Rolda USA booth is reminiscent of a barber shop, complete with onsite hairstyles.
The team at the NouriTress Hair Products booth
Another stage found among the show floor busy with awe-inspiring action
Frank Soto, Babyliss4Barbers Platform Educator, gives show attendees a look at his barbering techniques at the Babyliss Pro booth.
If the large, lighted H2PRO booth does not catch passerby’s attention, the styling techniques of this hairstylist are sure to.
Mizani models take the main stage as a show begins, located at the back of the event floor.
Domenic Costa of KAB Brands
Certified makeup artist Mckenzie Mitcham stands just outside of the Manic Panic booth, giving show attendees a one-stop shop for creative, colorful beauty findings.
Michael Joshua of M3 Cosmetic Labs
Attendees crowd the show aisles
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 67
A Taliah Waajid booth representative pauses from ringing up a customer for a quick photo.
Visitors are helped with product selections at the Bronner Bros. booth.
The show-stopping purple-lit booth of Design Essentials features stylists in action.
The Hicks Total Transformations booth
Stylist Pat Grant-Williams uses Creme of Nature products to make one model’s hair look flawless at the Colomer booth.
Jessica with Eden Bodyworks holds up a collection of coconut lotions.
Heather Joyner holds up a brow perfecting palette at the Ardell booth.
We caught a photo of a stylist as she began working on a volunteer’s hair at the Dominican Magic booth.
68 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Maggie Ocasio and Tia Moses, both of Bronner Bros., pause for a quick photo.
Red Pro hair stylists are hard at work on stage, demonstrating their styling skills on models with creatively colored hair.
Show attendees take a stroll through the Fashion Mall.
A view of the busy show floor
A stylist reveals his technique for creating a stacked haircut on the Farouk Systems stage.
The Brazilian Professionals booth was large and featured lighted posters as well as hair demonstrations to easily grab the attention of visitors.
(Left to right) Osman Mithavayani and Ayman Abdel of Xtreme Beauty International
A model has her hair styled on the Influence Hair Care stage.
Hair demonstrations in action at the Nu Expressions booth
Shining the Spotlight on Bronner Bros. Legendary Company Celebrates 70th Anniversary
OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): Congratulations on the 70th Anniversary of Bronner Bros.! Please describe the history of the company and how it came to be the powerhouse it is today.
(OTC): What is your personal favorite part of the tradeshows?
James Bronner (JB): My father (Nathaniel Bronner, Jr.) and his brother (Arthur Bronner) were the original Bronner Bros. and started the company in 1947. They saw a need in the beauty industry to bring stylists, barbers, estheticians, nail techs and students together to educate and inspire them. Through 70 years of bringing together the beauty industry, Bronner Bros. has become a household name.
(OTC): Is there a central thought or belief that Bronner Bros. is founded upon?
JB: My father had a priority system that was unusual for business in his day and even today. He prioritized God first, family second, then business third. This has caused the company to have a strong second and third generation that were prepared for business and to continue the company’s legacy for years to come.
(OTC): What role does family values and religion play in the company?
JB: Bronner Bros. highly values relationships; relationships with family, relationship with God, relationships with our employees and relationships with those in the beauty industry. Holding true to this value has caused the family to remain strong and united, and allowed our customers and partners to trust our brand and love the people behind it.
JB: My favorite part of the tradeshows is the night events. I think it is the most unique part of the show as other shows don’t typically produce them. We have begun involving television in the shows and this allows us to have them celebrity-hosted and filled, adding excitement to the traditional beauty show elements. Our Hair Battles, Barber Battles and School Battles allow us to present to the industry the pinnacle of creativity in front of a crowd of 8,000 people.
(OTC): Are there any big plans in store for the company as you go through this monumental year, and into the future? What are your goals?
JB: We are building a new corporate headquarters this year on property adjacent to our manufacturing facilities. We will place a company museum on the first floor of it for people to see the 70 year history. We are also launching a new product line and are doing a refresh on several old lines. We have a goal to make every area of the company the best it has ever been this year.
(OTC): Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
JB: Bronner Bros. is celebrating 70 years in business this year, but we are laying plans now that will allow us to celebrate 100 years in the future. Our values of faith, family and finance will help ensure we have a solid foundation to continue our growth. It all started with two brothers then went to six sons and the third generation has 30 in it, so we plan to be around and strong for a very long time.
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 69
James Bronner
Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Show Miami Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Show Miami
On the heels of the 20th anniversary of their very first tradeshow in 1997, Jinny Beauty Supply proudly introduced a brand new concept with their Pure Buying Shows. Miami, the first host location in the series, drew a crowd of 286 energetic and happy local and international market attendees, as well as 90 familiar exhibiting vendors. With three other shows to go, we can’t wait to see what awaits!
70 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
(Left to right) David Seo, Kristine Lee and Andy Son of the Miami Jinny Corp. Sales team.
(Left to right) Ashley Lamberti, Isaac Jamison and Tara Coleman of SoftSheen-Carson Multicultural.
The Dream World booth
(Left to right) Jinny Corp.’s Steve Ma and Kevin Lee
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 71
Tia Hurd of EDEN BodyWorks
(Left to right) Kevin Stewart and Robert Lee of Ampro Industries
Gilbert Landestoy of HBA Sales (right) and a friend represent Vogue International.
(Left to right) Garrett Wright, Art Emm, Eddie Jhin and Steven Fischman of Jinny Corp.
Joe Magnano of Sparks
(Left to right) Sean Duffy of Conair, Kelly Miller of Greg Dawson & Associates, and Frank Sutera of CFN Beauty Representation.
72 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
(Left to right) Marvin Jones, Joe Johnson and a fellow company rep stand at the B&C Products booth.
Gregoria Luciano, President and CEO of Dominican Magic, stands alongside Chanel Bisono at the company’s booth.
(Left to right) Yung Nguyen and Nicole Freeman, both of the Freeman Group, stand behind the Croc booth.
(Left to right) Ileana Martini and Evelyn Henderson, both of L’Oreal USA
Brian and Rhonda Marshall work the INAHSI booth
Andrey Court and Jonathan Tiram assist customers at the Ecoco booth.
Ramon, Carlos, Alexander, Geanpiero and and Garrett Wright, all of Jinny Corp.
Mark Ruiz works the Belson booth
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 73
Lexi Hellerman, Andre Lewis and Jane Carter of Jane Carter Solution
Show customers from Hazem Beauty Supply
Cora Watson of Dial and Joe Briggs of Briggs Market Masters
Nori Carcieri representing High Time Products
(Left to right) Martha Jackson and Tia Moses of Bronner Bros.
John Rim of R&R Corp.
74 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Jay Moton, Diane Charpentier and Mary Shaw of Coty/Wella.
Fuad Ravat of M&M Products
James William of International Beauty Brands
(Left to right) Jay Moton, Susan DeLucia, Diane Charpentier and Mary Shaw of Coty, Inc./Wella.
Larry O’Malley of J. Strickland and Co.
Turkesha McIvy and Gwen Hill-Clayton of OMT, LLC (Nappy Styles).
(Left to right) Linda Patty, Leo Alba and Camille Oliveira at the Mitchell Group booth
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 75
(Left to right) Justin Lee, Steven Fischman, Damon Cho and Ryan Jang of Jinny Corp.
Sunny Babar and Maddy Borbelly of B&C Distribution
(Left to right) Art Emm, Lan Wilkerson, Steven Fischman, Garrett Wright and James Lee of Jinny Corp.
A customer is helped at the Namaste booth.
Roc Cannon and Khalifah Waajid at the Taliah Waajid booth
Tanya Trotman-Oden of Beyond Expectation Sales & Services, Inc. representing Bonfi Natural
Pat Echemendia and Thomas Crumpton work the Zotos Professional booth.
customer is helped by Afua Odame at the
76 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
AFAM Concept booth
(Left to right) Harry Szczukowski, Manny Klibaner, Kyle Davidson and TJ Dickinson at the Andis booth.
Willie “Doc” Johnson for JM Products
The Strength of Nature booth
The vast array of beauty brands carried by Strength of Nature is shown here.
Alexia Amerson (right) of The Mane Choice sits alongside a fellow booth representative
Gwen Jimmere (center), CEO and Founder, stands with fellow booth attendees at the Naturalicious booth
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 77
The Softee booth
Customers are helped at the Universal Beauty Products booth.
Mary Lee Joshua of M3 Cosmetic Labs
Eric Dow of BTB Sales and Marketing represents KAB Brands.
Will Stewart and Belal Ahmed of Salon Commodities
Grace Seong of the Jinny Miami team helps customers with an order.
Show attendees enjoy a lovely lunch at the
Customers placing orders
78 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
A customer learns of new Andis products from Kyle Davidson before placing an order.
After a successful tour of the show floor customers drop off their order envelopes.
Jinny Corp.’s Matthew Chung and Winnie Kim assist customers with Dream World orders.
Visitors filled the aisles talking to vendors and learning about products.
A crowd of show attendees waiting to check-in
Show Registration
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 79
Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. speaks to Todd Simmons of Imperial Dax, surrounded by customers
Andis’ TJ Dickinson assists customers with product orders.
Osman Mithavayani of XBI speaks with customers at the company’s booth
Miami OTC store owners and show customers
Susan DeLucia and Mary Shaw of Coty/Wella disuss orders, with Jay Moton looking on.
Jinny Corp.’s Manouchka Cesarin Vieux speaks with customer friends.
(Left to right) Darling Acuna, Suki Kwon and Charles Seo of Jinny Corp.
A look down one show floor aisle
80 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Sonja Mair of Briggs Market Masters works with a customer at the Namaste Laboratories booth.
Gilbert Landestoy of HBA Sales completes an a Vogue International order.
Conair’s Sean Duffy speaks with customers about an order.
Eddie Jhin, President of Jinny Corp., speak with Steven Fischman, also of Jinny.
Customers from Kirpalani Store
Vendors hard at work
Randy Lee shares a laugh with Tyrone Livingston at the Luster booth.
A busy show floor aisle
Customers stop by to learn about Fantasia’s product offerings.
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A visitor is assisted at the Sundial booth.
Eddie Jhin, President of Jinny Corp., having a conversation with customers
Customers are helped at the Colomer booth, as well as other stations down the aisle.
Jinny Corp.’s Sue Seok pauses for a quick photo with Susan DeLucia of Coty/Wella.
Dali Rodriguez-Gould of International Beauty Exchange smiles at the booth after meeting with People’s Beauty Supply.
A full show aisle
James William of International Beauty Brands hands a coupon to a customer after a successful order was placed.
82 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
A JBS Hair Corp. model proudly holds up a pack of Queen B Braids.
Customers are assisted at the Andis booth.
Show visitors begin to fill the dining area, enjoying lunch.
Corey Huggins speaks with Lee Nielsen, VP of Sales forJD Beauty Group
(Left to right) Solomon Kim, Alex Kwon and Jake Kim of Jinny Corp.
Khalifah Waajid and Roc Cannon are busy helping customers with Taliah Waajid orders.
Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Show Atlanta Jinny Corp. Pure Buying Show Atlanta
The Atlanta event attracted local customers as well as those from Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Memphis and Oakland. This resulted in an overall attendance of 407 with an impressive 109 exhibors! We invite you to look through show photos here, and stay tuned for news from New Jersey and Chicago’s shows in next month’s issue.
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(Left to right) Michelle Lee, Richard Kim, Matthew Chung and Kevin Lee of Dream World.
The bustling JBS Hair Corp. booth
Julia Ma and Sammie Cho of Jinny Corp. prepare the registration table for customers’ arrival.
A view of the show floor and dining area
A look down a crowded show floor aisle
Show attendees enjoy lunch and vistation with fellow event-goers.
84 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
A model has her hair styled on-site at the JBS Hair Corp. booth.
The filled show floor
A JBS Hair Corp. model flaunts show-stopping tresses.
Customers stop by the Coty/Wella booth
Customers fill the show floor
Perry Merrity of PDC Brands works the Cantu booth with fellow members of the team.
The International Beauty Exchange booth
Harry Szczukowski of Andis Co. speaks with a show visitor.
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Chef Chang and his team serve up tasty food for lunch.
A glimpse down a crowded aisle
(Left to right) Jeff Cho, Alex Kwon, Chloe Kim, Jake Kim, Matt Hwang and Benjamin Chung of Jinny Corp.
A busy show floor aisle
JBS Hair Corp. models and stylists pause for a quick photo.
Andy Johnson, TJ Dickenson and Ken Klibaner help customers at the Andis booth.
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Chef Chang
John Rim and Shane Choi of R&R Corp.
(Left to right) Roberta Maxwell and Jennifer Edwards prepare for a busy show day at the Strength of Nature booth.
Jacob Forbes and Jina Haynes of JM Products.
Josef Verovic, Co-owner of Girl and Hair
A customer is helped at the Softee booth
Cynthia Morrison sits ready to meet with customers at the nuNAAT booth
Joyce Lasalvia, a representative of Graham, assists a show attendee with an order.
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Osman Mithavayani of Xtreme Beauty International speaks with customers
Jeannell Darden of Moisture Love
Denise Kinsler of Naturally Fly
Andy Morgan of Colomer speaks with a customer about the company’s product offerings.
(Left to right) Brittany Johnson and Bree Lara laugh with customers at the TGIN booth
Anne Marie Kollias of Wahl
James Lee of Jinny Corp. and Leo Alba of Beauty Consultants Group
The Curly Kids booth representative
88 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Lorena Thompson and Gregorio Luciano of Dominican Magic stand alongside Gilbert Landestoy of HBA Sales.
Calvin Crosby stands alongside a fellow Beauty Wholesale representative at their booth.
(Left to right) Michael Judson of Strength of Nature and Darrin Barbour of Namaste Laboratories
Todd Simmons and Lauren Zawisha of Imperial Dax
Maddy Borbelly and Sunny Babar of B&C Distribution
Pete Augustine of Palmer’s and Mike O’Kasik of Fred O’Kasik Sales
Kevin Stewart and Robert Lee of Ampro.
Terrance McCalla and Dawn Mallard for High Time
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Cora Watson of Dial and Jade Briggs of Briggs Market Masters
The lovely ladies working at the Luster booth
(Left to right) Belal Ahmed and Michael Shless of Salon Commodities
Sonja Mair of Briggs Market Masters assists a customer with a Namaste Laboratories order.
Andre Lewis of Jane Carter Solution
Eric Dow and Jeff Roberts, both of BTB Sales and Marketing, work the King Research booth.
Mark Osinoff of Queen Helene
90 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Cheryl Kinnon of Spilo Worldwide
Sidonia Harris-Appiah of OMT, LLC (Nappy Styles)
Daniel Lee of JBS Hair Corp. explains a product to a show attendee.
Jinny Corp.’s Tim Robitaille (left) and Craig Wood (right) stand with Haley McNeal of OTC Beauty Magazine
The girls of at the Naturalicious booth, along with Founder and CEO Gwen Jimmere (center), strike a fun pose!
A packed show floor aisle
Susan DeLucia of Coty/Wella and Tim Robitaille of Jinny Corp.
(Left to right) Tara Coleman and Ashley Lamberti of SoftSheenCarson Multicultural.
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Todd Smith of the Kirschner Group stands behind the booth for Fromm, High Ridge and DeMert.
David Neidow tells a customer about J. Strickland’s new Nature’s Protein products
The Cantu team stands ready to greet customers.
Brian Fitzgerald of Combe Incorporated
Brian Mullenbach of House of Cheatham
(Left to right) Linda Patty, Leo Alba and Camille Oliveira at the Mitchell Group booth.
Walt Winslow of KAB Brands
Tom Gebhart and Kim Wirick for Bio Ionic
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Lee Nielsen and Jennifer Spatafora of JD Beauty Group
Show visitors and vendors enjoy lunch together.
Jay Halaby, owner of Jay Halaby and Associates, stands alongside Jane Rossi of Manic Panic.
Roc Cannon poses behind the Taliah Waajid booth
(Left to right) Dali Rodriguez-Gould, Santiago Urtiaga and John Graterol of International Beauty Exchange
(Left to right) Janice Doctor and Evelyn Henderson of L’Oreal USA
Joe Magnano of Sparks speaks with customers
Eduardo Gomez and Caylan Griffin of Ecoco
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(Left to right, front) Kelly Evans, Benjamin Chung and Elizabeth Bolden of Jinny Corp. pose with Leo Alba of Beauty Consultants Group
(Left to right) Rhonda and Brian Marshall of INAHSI with Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp.
Sharon Parker and Elizabeth Jumet of Keystone Laboratories
Tanya Trotman-Oden of Beyond Expectation Sales & Services, Inc. at the Bonfi booth
Tamika Owens and Derek Lee of First Choice Sales and Marketing at the Biocosmetics booth
Tommy Song of Klibaner Sales Agency speaks to a customer at the Andis booth.
Matt Hwang of Jinny Corp. and Thomas Crumpton of Southeast Rep Services
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A model has her hair styled at the JBS Hair Corp. booth during the show.
Yunus Kalla and Sarah work the M&M Products booth
(Left to right) Kelly Miller of Greg Dawson and Associates, Sean Duffy of Conair and Gary Fishkin of CFN Beauty Representation
(Left to right) Jake Forbes, Tanya Higgins, Frank Cowell, Deborah Haynes Brannon, and Jina Haynes of JM Products/Murray’s Worldwide
The Ampro mascot greets show-goers at the entrance.
Sue Seok and Solomon Kim of Jinny Corp.
(Left to right) Randy Lee and Jory Luster, President of Luster Products
City of Hope, a world-renowned independent cancer and diabetes research and treatment center, announced that its National Professional Salon Industry Group will honor Mark Spinks, president of Beauty Systems Holdings, with its 2017 Spirit of Life® Award. The Spirit of Life Award is City of Hope’s most prestigious philanthropic honor, presented annually to an industry leader who has demonstrated outstanding business and philanthropic achievement.
Beauty Systems Holdings President Mark Spinks to be Honored with City of Hope’s Prestigious Spirit of Life® Award
Mark Spinks has dedicated his career to the advancement of the professional beauty industry. Since 2005, he has been a leader at Beauty Systems Group, the world’s largest professional beauty distributor, and in 2015, became president of the organization. Under Mark’s leadership, Beauty Systems Group has focused on strengthening the connection among stylists and becoming an industry leader for superior product assortment and service. He is passionate about the industry and serving his customers—the suppliers, salon and stylists.
“We are proud to honor Mark Spinks as our ‘Spirit of Life’ recipient and are thankful for the great contributions Mark has made to our industry. We look forward to enjoying a wonderful City of Hope event and continuing our efforts to help those who are fighting cancer,” said
Harlan Kirschner, CEO of the Kirschner Group and City of Hope’s National Professional Salon Industry Group’s Council President.
Spinks will receive The Spirit of Life Award on July 8, 2017, at Mandalay Bay Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada. This year’s event, titled “The Beauty of Innovation, the Beauty of Hope,” and will celebrate the hope of a cure for cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
The event, one of the industry’s best networking evenings, will include a hosted cocktail reception, dinner and entertainment. For information about becoming a sponsor, purchasing tickets or to make a donation, visit www.cityofhope.org/salon-spirit or contact Andrea Courtney at (800) 272-2310, acourtney@coh.org.
Andis® Total Look Competition Highlights Top Barbering Talent at Bronner Brothers 70th Anniversary Show
The Andis® Total Look Competition featured 26 of the top barbers from across the United States during the Bronner Brothers International Beauty Show on Sunday, February 12, 2017, held at the Georgia World Congress Center.
Johnnie Akons of Legacy Cutz, in Chicago, Illinois, earned first place and $500 in cash and product for his recreation of a jazz-era look, complete with a saxophone.
“The Andis Total Look Competition challenges some of the best barbers in the industry to tap into their creativity and pull together not just an innovative and well-executed haircut, but also a total fashion look,” says Andis Educator and past winner Erik Cheek. “Akons’ jazz-inspired look hit high marks with the judges, and creatively it was the most original concept.”
In front of a large professional audience, the 26 contestants had to execute a complete haircut in just 30 minutes, using the Andis ProAlloy® Clipper and the GTX T-Outliner® Trimmer, in addition to the head-to-toe fashion look. Contestants were judged on technical execution of styles, originality, suitability and head contour.
“I want to thank Andis for the chance to flaunt my creative ability at the Total Look Competition,” says Akons. “This honor is no doubt a step in the right direction toward a bright future.”
Jason Chapman of Above Average Barber Shop in Fort Wayne, Indiana was awarded second place ($250 in cash and product); and Samuel Simpson of Strictly Skillz Barbershop in Hollis, New York, took home third place ($150 in cash and product). www.andis.com
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Winners, Johnnie Akons, Jason Chapman and Samuel Simpson stand alongside each other, and again with their creative concepts.
Industry News
Wahl Global Educators Traveled to Russia and China to Bring the Latest in American Barbering Education
Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.) members
Christina Goree, Rick Morin and Jose Barba have extended global education by sharing their knowledge in classrooms and events around the world. Last fall, these members traveled to Russia and China to lead educational classes on American barbering and represent Wahl Professional. Wahl Clipper Corporation is the global leader in the professional beauty and grooming industry.
“Our global education team strives to not only uphold the high standards established by Wahl as a global leader, but to maintain best practices for clipper education,” says Laura VanderMoere, Director of Education, Wahl Professional.
Christina Goree, barber and Emmy Award-winning artist, attended Russia’s biggest beauty show in Moscow: InterCHARM, held last October, to meet with educators, barbers and stylists and present a Master Class. Goree served as the guest artist from the United States, proudly representing Wahl Professional with her three decades of experience as a master barber and stylist.
“I demonstrated fading, blending and advanced texturizing and bulk removal, utilizing the All-in-One blade,” says Goree.
Stylists and barbers were focused and eager to learn from Goree. Attendees reveled in a variety of techniques, resulting in amazing “before and after” transformations, from long to shaved sides.
Recognized as one of the top 50 barbers in the U.S., Rick Morin brought his talents worldwide to China to demonstrate basic fading and blending techniques, with a heavy focus on
his Wahl clippers.
“They were amazed at how I was able to complete entire haircuts using only Wahl clippers. Most of them use shears for ALL their haircuts,” says Morin.
Industry barber Jose Barba led effective hands-on demonstrations using his favorite Wahl tools.
“I brought a range of my favorite clippers, and after the attendees examined them, they loved them,” says Barba.
“The most popular ones include the Detailer and Magic Clip, but I predict the Icon clipper will soon surge in popularity.”
The tools were all well-received and routinely sold out. All three educators saw major appeal from the attendees to explore more tools Wahl has to offer.
“We are proud to spread our message of American barbering to all corners of the world,” says Lance Wahl, Global Vice President Professional Products, Wahl Clipper Corporation. “We are finding that many international professionals appreciate what Wahl has to offer from both a product and education standpoint.”
Language barriers were shattered—all spoke the universal language: hair. The fusion of international and local trends and techniques unified the educators and attendees. Goree recognized fresh trends during her visit to Moscow. “One trend I’d like to see evolve in the United States is a cool twist on conservative cuts.”
Global industry professionals were excited to incorporate and adapt American elements to their styles. “There’s huge interest in American culture such as barbering, skateboarding, coffee shops and fashion. They’re hungry for what they call hip hop style barbershops,” says Barba.
As educators and professionals, the team thrived during demonstrations and seminars, bringing Wahl education worldwide. The Wahl tools gained substantial popularity, reinventing global hair executions.
“With the inaugural Global Education Leadership Summit hosted at our Global Headquarters in Sterling, Ill., March 2017, along with our continually growing Global Artistic Teams, Wahl Professional is staying true to their reputation as the leader and go-to resource for clippers and education in the professional industry,” says Laura VanderMoere. www.wahlpro.com
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Industry News
Industry News
Wahl Professional Launches New Website as Hub for Industry Professionals
Wahl Professional tools have always helped barber-stylists execute the ideal style transformation. Wahl Professional unveils their new website at wahlpro.com, propelling Wahl forward while maintaining their classic aesthetic.
The new design is a sleek homage to the rich history of barbering and styling— classic with a modern twist.
“With the launch of our new website, we are able to communicate in ways that ease the process for professionals to find, use and share information to best fit their needs,” says Lance Wahl, Global Vice President Professional Products, Wahl Clipper Corporation. “This includes a userfriendly experience across multiple devices, a clean interface and intuitive design, sharing capabilities, interactive
product pages and social interaction.”
The modern website reinforces Wahl’s strive toward excellence and position as the industry standard.
“I like the functionality of the site and that it is mobile friendly,” says Aaron Flick, Marketing Associate at Wahl Clipper Corporation. “With more and more people accessing information via their smartphone, we needed a website that was easy to navigate and esthetically pleasing. I think the visual theme fits the brand we have established for 98 years.”
Within the redesign accompanies new features and original content. Visitors to the site have access to what’s happening in the beauty and barber industry through Wahl’s new blog “Wahl Street,” with new content posted weekly. Here, visitors will find the latest
industry news, as well as stories, photos and videos about Wahl Professional and the Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.).
The products are the real spotlight on the website. Committed to education, Wahl is proud to spotlight their Product Selector, a tool to help pair the artist with the right tool. To enhance artists’ cutting-edge skills, the Product Selector works to deliver the perfect tool to help artists be their best.
“Wahl is committed to supporting professionals through quality, innovative products, topnotch education and superior customer service. We needed a website that reflected this commitment to excellence,” says Flick. Now, professionals can look to Wahl’s website for everything hair. www.wahlpro.com
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Interview with Daniela Ciocan Marketing Director Americas, Cosmoprof
What are some of the up-andcoming trends in professional beauty that are being answered at Cosmoprof North America 2017?
The success of social media and online influencers has made its way to the professional beauty sector. With a multitude of new indie mass and prestige beauty brands making their start online, professional stylists are taking a cue. There is a growing trend of professional brands emerging out of the digital social scene. Having a thorough understanding of the market needs, stylists are creating products that meet demand and connecting online with the stylist community.
Whether through its showcases or education programs, Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) has built a legacy on creating programs that are in line with current market needs. For example, CPNA added Discover PRO to its 2017 lineup, a new curated area carried out in conjunction with PBA (Professional Beauty Association) dedicated to the professional beauty market. The showcase will feature 15-pre-selected brands, like Evox from Evolution Proof, Theorie and Peter Coppola, that meet varying needs. From nail and haircare products to tools and makeup, Discover PRO will be a trend directional showcase for inspiration in the professional beauty market
Those looking to better understand the advent of social influence on the professional beauty market should add the Influencers & Social Media: Transforming professional
beauty business conference to their CPNA event agenda. Moderated by Gordon Miller, Publisher for American Salon, the session delves into how socially savvy brands like Pulp Riot and B3 have successfully navigated the online sphere and what they learned along the way. And how smart distributors like BSG CosmoProf leverage on the reach of the professional beauty companies they feature to engage and connect with the stylists community to build loyalty and ultimately sell more products.
Last year multicultural beauty had a strong presence at CPNA. Any key learning and what’s in store for this year’s event?
Multicultural beauty is constantly evolving and growing, with more and more brands jumping into the space. However, products are not only being created for specific skin tones, we are seeing a greater shift towards solutions created to meet a more diverse population. One session at CPNA tackling this topic is titled: Unlocking the Kingdom of Success. Featuring Lisa Price, founder of Carol’s Daughter, and Tristan Walker, Founder & CEO at Walker & Company Brands, Inc., the session will highlight best practices for breaking into the multicultural market segment. Attendees will also learn more about the evolution forcing more brands to meet a specific ‘problem’ rather than ‘color.’
Tones of Beauty will also be making its return and promises to feature another stellar showcase of brands answering industry demands.
For example, exhibiting brands like Mixed Chicks and Twisted Sista are great examples of on trend brands that have had success broadening their client base. By answering the challenges of all curly hair types, these two brands were able to successfully appeal to multiple skin tones.
You recently launched a new award program, can you provide some details?
The Beauty Innovation & Design Awards was created in association with Beauty Packaging Magazine to recognize innovations in packaging and formulation in the beauty industry. Several categories are dedicated to the professional beauty market (with specific categories in packaging innovation for hair, nail and skincare). Enrollment closes April 24th and is open to the industry at large. One winner will be chosen per category and an additional Grand Award and Audience Choice Award winner will also be selected to receive a unique prize package valued at nearly $20,000. Winners will be announced during an onsite reception on July 10th during Cosmoprof North America, taking place July 9-11 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. To enroll, go online to http://beautyidawards.com/. To purchase tickets to the award reception or general admission, visit www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com. Note a 25% discount on general admission tickets is available if purchased before June 9th, 2017.
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Industry News
Industry News
Beard Guyz Releases New Product Collection
Beard Guyz is thrilled to launch a new collection of products. Available this spring, the three new products are detailed below.
Beard Butter with Grotein 20
A proprietary blend of extracts and peptides are formulated to nourish existing hair while stimulating hair growth with cell-tocell signaling. This unique blend of natural and organic actives in a hydrophilic base is specially formulated to help stimulate hair growth for a fuller and thicker beard.
• Benefits: Moisturizes skin beneath the beard to prevent and repair itchy, flaky skin; thickens and softens beards; hydrates without leaving a greasy feel; absorbs quickly; stimulates and maintains consistent growth; prolongs the lifecycle of hair.
Beard Serum with Grotein 20
This product helps promote healthy hair growth, working to fill in patchy areas and assisting new growers in starting full, thick beards. The serum contains a blend of natural and organic active herbals, peptides and extracts to help nourish facial hair and revitalize skin in preparation for incoming follicles.
• Benefits: Facilitates facial hair growth; rehydrates dry or brittle hair; rejuvenates skin and hair cells to prolong hair’s life cycle; light and fresh fragrance; intense growth formula works as users sleep.
Beard Scentz
Product helps eliminate unwanted smells that build up in facial hair like fast food, smoke and pollutants. Beards will feel clean
and smell great with just a few spritzes. Additions of natural and organic ingredients like Tea Tree, Manuka and Thyme Oils help ensure that beards retain moisture and keep their luster. The spray fits in users’ pockets for on-the-go freshness.
• Benefits: Eliminates the scent of undesirable odors; helps free beards of germs and bacteria; keeps beard and skin hydrated; safe for sensitive skin; no residue. www.beardguyz.com
New “Beauty Innovation & Design Award” Program Opens to Industry at Large
Competition to Recognize Cosmetic Trend Setters in Packaging and Formulation
The new Beauty Innovation & Design Awards (BeautyID Awards) will recognize creativity in packaging design, material and product formulation in the ever-growing beauty segment. The Awards will cover all cosmetic product categories (hair, nail, skin, color, personal care, fragrance and sustainability) across professional, prestige and mass market segments. In addition, one category is dedicated specifically to cosmetic contract manufacturing. Enrollment opened in early March to the industry at large. Created by Cosmoprof North America and in collaboration with Beauty Packaging Magazine, the awards honor suppliers in the beauty industry.
“CPNA is one of the most awarded shows that recognizes indie beauty brands, which notoriously innovate with their packaging and formulation,” says Eric Z Horn, Trade Show Director, Cosmoprof North America.” As such, it was a natural evolution to provide a platform to recognize such creativity.”
as suppliers and product manufacturers can all apply. However, package and/or formulation cannot be in a conceptual stage and must have been launched during April 1, 2016 - March 1, 2017.
Winners will be announced at the celebratory Cosmprof North America event on July 10, 2017 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The judging panel will select one winner from each of the 11 categories as well as one Grand Award winner. In addition, an Audience Choice winner will be selected through public online voting scheduled to open late April.
The BeautyID Award submissions will be reviewed by an esteemed panel of judges that includes representatives from: Aware Products, Badger Winters, Barney’s, Clemson University, Estee Lauder, Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), Hatch Beauty, Mary Kay, Mintel, MSLK, Stylus, ThisThatBeauty and Walsh House. The judges will be looking for that unique combination of distinctive design and user functionality. Whether answering a demand or creating a new trend, product submissions of any type are accepted. Design, branding and PR agencies as well
“We are thrilled to provide this unique opportunity to our beloved industry and grateful to our esteemed judging panel for lending their talent,” says Daniela Ciocan, Marketing Director Americas, Cosmoprof. “To the participants, the opportunity to be seen and heard by these influential individuals is tremendous. However what also sets the award apart, is not only the recognition it provides, but also the unique prize package that grants winners access to tools that will assist in enhancing future creativity.”
In addition to the winners receiving a custom trophy and exposure through CPNA and Beauty Packaging magazine market channels, we are also working with several sponsors who will provide a number of prizes to be announced throughout the course of the program.
To learn more or enter, visit: www.beautyIDawards. com. For more information or to contact us directly, email us at info@beautyidawards.com.
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Industry News
Dark and Lovely Celebrates 45 Years of Catering to the Beauty Needs of African American Women
Dark and Lovely Commemorates 45 Years of Beauty with Brand Ambassadors Teyonah Parris and Demetria McKinney, The Tom Joyner Foundation and its 2017 Scholarship Recipients
Dark and Lovely, the brand that caters to the hair care and styling needs of women of color, celebrated the kick-off of its 45th Anniversary with a commemorative event in New York City. The festivities, which highlighted Dark and Lovely’s rich heritage and impact within the African American community, were attended by leading beauty media and influencers.
Dark and Lovely was introduced 45 years ago as the first hair color product formulated specifically for African American women. Now, decades later, Dark and Lovely has grown to include a complete collection of deep conditioning treatments, shampoos, faderesistant hair colors, relaxers, stylers and a full line of products specifically designed for naturally curly hair. Most recently, Dark and Lovely Au Naturale, which takes the guesswork out of styling and caring for natural hair, was introduced to consumers with curly, wavy, kinky and coiled hair textures.
“Since its inception in 1972, Dark and Lovely has helped women of color embrace their unique and highly individual styles by offering innovative products and technology exclusively designed to meet their needs,” said Melinda Johnson, Assistant Vice President, Marketing, Dark and Lovely. “Regardless of hair type— whether naturally curly, straight, color-treated or in a protective style—we pride ourselves on offering an array of regimens and treatments to manage these hair styles and textures.”
year. Scholarship winners include: Ashani Scales of Delaware State University, Renea Young of Mississippi Valley State University, Hollye Weekes of Wiley College, as well as Kimberly Burton and Cherise McAdoo of Hampton University.
Thomas Joyner Jr., president and CEO of the Tom Joyner Foundation, said this program is a great opportunity for these students. “We’re really glad that these outstanding students from HBCUs are getting a once-in-lifetime experience to get scholarships to help them complete their education, and to get mentors who will help them succeed today—and in their careers.”
In this anniversary year, Dark and Lovely has also launched two new collections: Dark and Lovely Color-Gloss Ultra Radiant Color Crème, a no-ammonia naturallooking hair color infused with Shea Butter, Coconut Oil and Pomegranate, that gives natural looking color, while delivering a glossy shine—and Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Clumping Curl Clay Cleanser and Clumping Curl Crème Gel, a care and styling duo formulated with Coconut Oil and Argan Oil, to help define naturally curly hair and reduce frizz.
“Reflecting back on the past 45 years fills me with tremendous pride,” says Erica Bowen, Senior Vice President, Marketing, L’Oreal USA Multi-Cultural Beauty Division.
“I am thrilled to be able to help Dark and Lovely celebrate their 45th anniversary and I am so excited to be the newest brand ambassador,” said actress Teyonah Parris. “I grew up using Dark and Lovely products and I’m so proud to be able to represent the brand as an ambassador. It is a privilege to celebrate this significant milestone during Black History Month.”
As part of the Young Women with a Purpose Project, and in partnership with The Tom Joyner Foundation, the brand awarded five dynamic students with scholarships totaling $10,000 and assigned them to L’Oréal USA senior-level executives, who will serve as mentors throughout the school
“This brand has been a staple within the African American community; and we are proud to have established a longlasting, trusted relationship with our core consumer. While we celebrate Dark and Lovely’s rich heritage, we’re excited to continue to elevate the brands innovation and offerings to meet the growing needs of women of color.”
“To have 45 years of excellence, to have 45 years of beauty, to have 45 years of empowerment—that’s what Dark and Lovely is,” said actress and singer Demetria McKinney. “To be a brand ambassador for this brand has been an awesome, awesome journey!”
For more information about Dark and Lovely, visit DarkAndLovely.com or follow on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Also, follow the trend with #WEAREDARKANDLOVELY.
106 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Achieve Color Perfection with New Sparks HidraColor
Beauty Perfection Launches 50 Shades of Permanent Hair Color
Beauty Perfection announces the release of Sparks HidraColor, a new protein-based permanent hair color. In addition to its category leading, vibrant color Sparks LongLasting Bright Hair Color, Sparks HidraColor brings over 50 hair color shades to the consumer market, from the brightest of blondes to deep, rich brunette tones. With the added ability to combine shades for ultimate customization, Sparks HidraColor also incorporates nourishing ingredients in its formulas for healthy, beautiful hair. Fully cover roots to ends, blend and conceal grey; combine with
Sparks Long-Lasting Bright Hair
Color to create on-trend, vibrant looks. There are no limitations to how Sparks HidraColor can be used.
Nourishing ingredients found in Sparks HidraColor–wheat protein, rice amino acids, oatmeal amaranth seed, aloe vera and honey deliver stunning, enduring color with ultimate hydration and highgloss shine. Sparks HidraColor provides excellent coverage while conditioning the hair, and any Sparks HidraColor shade can be used as demi-permanent or permanent color with the choice
of either an activator or developer, respectively.
Sparks HidraColor is available through beauty supply stores beginning April 2017.
Since 2013, Beauty Perfection has been dedicated to using ingredient-focused formulas that deliver nutrients to the hair while providing vibrant, long-lasting color. The new Sparks HidraColor collection finds itself right at home with its ease-of-use, top-notch ingredients and wide color range. Follow @shopbeautyperfection on Instagram and YouTube.
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BIR Bits
The Kirschner Group invited Kevin Otero, previously in leadership at P&G where he oversaw Wella, Sebastian, Nioxin and Clairol, to consult during its annual management strategy and planning meetings.
“Kevin is one of the smartest gentlemen we have in our business and understands all aspects of the global beauty industry,” says Harlan. The Kirschner Group’s team meets quarterly for management planning and sets their global strategies every December. Reach Harlan at harlan@kirschnergroup.com. Visit kirschnergroup.com.
L’Oreal USA announces the departure of two long-time L’Oreal leaders, along with several new executive appointments.
All newly appointed executives will join the L’Oreal USA Strategic Committee.
Pat Parenty will retire from his role as president of Professional Products Division U.S. Pat joined the PPD team in the U.S. in 1997 as vice president of sales for Redken, before progressing to president of PPD U.S. in November 2010. In this position he transformed its business model through the strategic creation and implementation of SalonCentric, a national distributer of salon professional products with more than 575 locations in 48 states.
David Greenberg has been appointed to group president of Professional Products Division North America and will hold direct responsibility for the division’s U.S. and Canada operations at SalonCentric. Ikdeep Singh is the new brand president of Maybelline, Garnier and Essie within the Consumer Products Division. Tim Coolican is now the brand president of L’Oreal Paris. After a successful 30-year career with L’Oreal USA, Sarah Hibberson will depart from her role as senior vice president of human resources. Stephane Charbonnier has been promoted to senior vice president of human resources and chief human resources officer for L’Oreal USA.
Having an environmentally friendly ethos is important to consumers.
A Nielsen study found that 75% of millennials are willing to pay extra for sustainable offerings, including a defined social and societal impact.
Charles Allan Barry Fox—known as Chuck Fox—has died at the age of 81
Along with owning Shear Technology, which he sold to Belson, Chuck held other positions in the professional beauty industry. Always behind the scenes—and that’s the way he liked it— Chuck was called on to spearhead programs and projects for distributors, including Columbia, Peels, Xenon Schools, Bay State and Emiliani, to name a few, and manufacturers like Spilo for at least 30 years, and was known for his professionalism, fairness and kindness.
The professional beauty industry was both shocked and devastated to learn of the untimely death of beloved industry icon Fabio Sementilli, the vice president of education for Coty Professional Beauty North America.
This incredibly proud and talented hairdresser and educator died tragically January 23 during an apparent robbery and carjacking incident near his home in Southern California.
Henkel Beauty Care Hair Professional North America will open a new facility in the Los Angeles area.
It will house the U.S. headquarters for Henkel’s North American professional hair care brands—Schwarzkopf Professional, Alterna, Kenra Professional and Sexy Hair. The company will relocate operations from current headquarters in Culver City, CA, New York City, Indianapolis and Chatsworth, CA, respectively, to the new facility in mid-2017.
Under CEO Fabian Garcia, Revlon has announced that it’s focused on brand growth, with plans to become a $5-billion company in five years.
To that end, the company has announced a dramatic reorganization that puts the brands—as opposed to the distribution channels—in the spotlight.
Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.”
The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz.
For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at lisa@bironline.com. Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message.
110 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
Pat Parenty
Fabio Sementilli
Show Calendar / Ad Index
1 Baltimore Beard and Barber Expo 2017 Baltimore, MD www.beardbarberexpo. eventbrite.com
1-2 Baltimore Natural Hair Care Expo 2017 Baltimore, MD www.bnhce2017.eventbrite.com
1-2 Eastern Buying Conference East Rutherford, NJ www.easternbuyingconference. com
1-2 Skin and Make-Up Artist Expo 2017 Baltimore, MD www.bmoreskinmakeupexpo2017. eventbrite.com
9-10 San Jose Spring Style Presented by Cosmo Prof San Jose, CA www.springstyleshow.net
22-23 Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair Show Atlanta, GA www.naturalhairshow.org
7-8 Image Expo Houston Houston, TX www.theimageexpo.com
7-8 The Makeup Show NYC New York, NY www.themakeupshow.com
14-16 Beautyworld Middle East Dubai, UAE www.beautyworldme.com
15-17 20th Beautyworld Japan Tokyo, Japan www.beautyworldjapan.com
20-21 International Hair and Beauty Show Secaucus, NJ www.ihshow.com
21-22 Barber UK, Beauty UK & Hair UK Birmingham, England www.barberukshow.com, www.beautyukshow.com, www.hairukshow.com
AFAM Concept
Ampro Industries
www.amprogel.com Andis Co. .....................................................................
58 www.andis.com Beauty Perfection ....................................................... 13 www.sparkscolor.com
Bronner Bros.
Colomer USA
www.cremeofnature.com Conair
Cosmoprof North America
www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com Curls, LLC
Browne and Drug Co., Inc.
‘N Hot
of Troy
Henkel Consumer Goods, Inc.
116 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
2, 3, 25, 41
Inspired Beauty Brands 14
JBS Beauty Club 62 JBS
20, 95
34 www.jinny.com KAB Brands 43, 60 www.aphogee.com Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products 48 www.liquidgoldbonding.com Luster 112 www.lusterproducts.com M&M Products .............................................................. 39 www.mmproducts.com Merchandise Brand Specialist, Inc. ....................... 62 Mitchell Group 15 www.mitchellgroupusa.com Nature’s Protein 97 www.NPhaircare.com Namaste Laboratories ......................................... IFC, 1 www.orshaircare.com One Bottle Products ................................................. 105 Queen Helene 31, 37 www.queenhelene.com Softee Products 8 www.softeeproducts.com SoftSheen-Carson ................................. 7, 42, 49, 115 www.softsheen-carson.com Sundial Brands .......................................................33, BC www.sundialbrands.com Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products 117 www.naturalhair.org The Mane Choice 61 www.themanechoice.com Toni Love 60 www.tonilove.com Universal Beauty Products, Inc. 47 www.universalbeauty.com Urban Skin Rx 58 urbanskinrx.com Wahl 29 www.wahlpro.com Wella, The Salon Professional Division of P&G .............................................27, 59, 107 Xtreme Beauty International 5, 53, 101 www.xbi.co
of Cheatham ....................................................
Beauty Products, LLC
Hair ...................................................................
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In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.
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뷰티 트랜드, 제품 혹은 방법 등에 대해 더 알고 싶으신 부분이 있으신가요?
• What is something you do in your store to make customers feel extra special and appreciated, to keep them coming back?
매장에서 손님들이 특별한 대우 혹은 더 환영 받는다고 느끼실 수 있도록 하여 재방문을 유도 하는 전략이 있나요?
• Do you think the natural hair trend is here to stay? Why or why not? 천연 머리 트랜드가 지속될 거라 보시나요? 왜 그렇게 생각하시는지 혹은 왜 그렇게 생각하지 않으시는지 답해주세요.
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118 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017
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답변을 함으로써,
ORS™ Olive Oil Steps Up Color Offerings with Olive Oil Hues ColorStretch™ Touch Up Sticks
As a leading brand in the ethnic hair care market, ORS™, the Original Root Stimulator, provides a wide range of healthy hair solutions for all hair types and textures. The brand has recently enhanced its color offerings with the ORS™ Olive Oil Hues ColorStretch™ Touch . Featured in three popular colors— Black, Brown and Ruby—the Hues ColorStretch™ Touch Up Sticks help consumers stretch color between hair applications.
The touch up sticks are packed with vitamin oils for strength, instantly cover up gray in a single-pass and are non-dulling. They also work well with all hair color brands for both women and men. Ideal for natural and relaxed hair, ORS™ Olive Oil Hues ColorStretch™ Sticks are available at select retailers.
For more hair care news and tips, please visit www.orshaircare.com or connect on social media at www.facebook.com/orshaircare and @ORSHairCare on Twitter and Instagram.
120 OTC Beauty Magazine April 2017 Product Spotlight