OTC February 2018

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February 2018 | $6.00 The Tech Issue Stock up on the TopSelling Clippers and Trimmers Technological Innovations Happening in Beauty Therapy Trends DISCOVER A NEW REVENUE STREAM WITH E-COMMERCE
2 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

...Love Your Style

Adds Brilliant Shine

Refreshes & Moisturizes Hair

Moisturizes & Defines Curls

Refreshes Curls & Coils

Provides Extreme Moisture Conditions & Softens

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 1
TRADE SHOW 역대 최대규모의 2018년 지니 트레이드쇼 역대 최대규모의 2018년 지니 트레이드쇼 The Biggest Show in Jinny History! THE BIG SHOW! THE BIG SHOW!

4 BRAND NEW CARS! 2018년형 승용차 4대

For every $5K dollars each customer orders (invoice amount) during the months of January, February and March, the customer will receive one raffle ticket for the grand prize of a brand new car!

Example: if a customer ordered a total of $26K in the months of January, February and March, they will receive 5 car raffle tickets.

The Grand Prize will be drawn between1pm and 5pm. Winner must be present to claim prize. Otherwise new entry will be selected.

2018년 1월부터 쇼 개최 전까지 주문 금액 5천불마다 자동차 추첨권 1장씩 증정하고, 쇼 당일 추첨을 통해 쇼장에 계신 당첨 고객분께 자동차를 증정합니다.

(예, $26,000 주문할 경우 추첨권 5 장)

★ 자동차 추첨시간 : 오후 1시 ~ 오후 5시 추첨권은 해당지역 쇼의 개최 전까지 오더한 금액에 한해서만 증정 합니다.

< 마이애미쇼 2월 25일|시카고쇼 3월 4일|뉴저지쇼 3월 11일|애틀란타쇼 3월 18일 >



Jinny has the Savings you won’t find anywhere else!

쇼장 각 부스에서 업체별로

준비된 엄청난



Jinny has the Prizes you won’t find anywhere else!

Every customer who purchases at least $3,500 dollars at the show will receive a prize.


Jinny has the Discounts you won’t find anywhere else!

구매 금액에 따라 다양한 할인
혜택 부여
구매시 금액에
다양한 선물 100퍼센트 증정 (준비된
$3,500 이상
선물은 고객분들이 선택함)

108 Product Spotlight

Crème of Nature Argan Oil Strength & Shine Leave-in



E-Commerce: The Next Step for Beauty Supply Stores?

The OTC retail scene is rapidly shifting. Gone are the days where retailers could simply rely on their brick-and-mortar establishments to keep a steady flow of revenue. Technology is here to stay and that means e-commerce is extremely important when thinking about the future of your store.

72 Top Sellers

The Top Selling Products of the Year

We take a look at the 5 fastest-moving clippers and trimmers at Jinny Beauty Supply.

30 Knowledge To Know Changing the Seasons

Versatility is one of the most beloved characteristics of natural hair, and many naturalistas like to take advantage of that by constantly switching up their hairstylesespecially when the seasons change. The problem is, style switching can be pretty expensive for your customers. Since the new season is quickly approaching, we’re sharing some tips to help your naturally curly shoppers switch up their hairstyles and care for their tresses.

계절의 변화

네추럴 헤어는 다양한 스타일을 만들 수 있다는 특징때문에

많은 이들에게 사랑을 받으며, 이러한 네추럴 헤어를 가지고

있는 사람들은 계절이 바뀔 때마다 헤어스타일을 자주

바꿔준다. 봄은 많은 사람들이 새로운 스타일을 추구하는

시기이다. 문제는 이러한 스타일 변경에 여러분의 고객들이

돈이 제법 많이 지불한다는 것이다. 특히나 계절이 빨리

바뀌는 요즘, 우리는 곱슬거리는 머리를 가진 고객들에게

스타일을 바꿀 수 있는 몇 가지 팁을 나누고자 한다.

62 Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador

By Terri Taricco-Cropp

Create the “You” that You Love!

In Every Issue contents February 2018 12 Editorial Letter There’s an App for That 적합한 앱이 있습니다 16 Marketplace Protective Styling Products 20 How Should You Sell It? Wigs and Wig Care Accessories 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 가발과 가발관리 액세서리들 28 Finished Product Electric Clippers 37 Urban Call Briefs Leadership Profiles in Beauty 78 Clipper Tips Cut the Cord! 80 Therapy Trends Innovation Gets Personal in 2018 84 Industry News 94 BIR Bits 95 Show Calendar 96 Korean News 업계소식 99 Coupons 104 Ad Index 106 Reader Feedback 독자 피드백
6 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

Ultra hydration, elongation and slip for simple wash-and-wear styling. EVERY


© 2017 Jane Carter Solution @janecartersolution

February 2018


42 Business Tips Teaching Employees to Execute Customer Service Magic

A sale, like a great magic trick, occurs inside the customer’s mind. And it is there where it is replayed, remembered, and redefined continually after. The mind is the final battleground. Because magicians are masters of perception, they understand how to get into the heads of their prospects better than anyone else. That’s why the principles of magic can be so helpful in a business environment.

고객에게 마법 같은 서비스를 제공하기 위한


위대한마법처럼 판매는 고객의 마음속에서 발생합니다. 이후

고객의 마음은 반복되고, 기억되며 다시 정의됩니다. 마음이

최후의 전장인 것입니다. 마술사는 통찰력의 거장이기

때문에 다른 누구보다 고객이 기대하는 생각속으로 들어갈 수

있는 방법을 잘 알고 있습니다. 그렇기 때문에 마술의 원리는

사업에서 큰 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

48 Igniting Your Team to New Levels of Performance

When it comes to constructing a team of people who work well together to create winning outcomes, knowing how to and understanding how to are two very different phenomena. The strong and astute organizational leader is one who is committed to optimizing their resources and maximizing their return on their investment. Given that the people expense is often the largest investment in any enterprise; creating this kind of culture is simply smart business. As a leader, empowering your workforce to unleash their strengths and encouraging people to collaborate, and innovate leverages people’s ability to act as a team and produce results should be your focus.

팀을 한단계 더 업그레이드 시키기 위한 점화

성공적인 결과를 만들기 위해 같이 일할 사람들을 팀으로

구성 할 때 ‘방법’을 아는 것과 ‘방법’을 이해하는 것은 매우

다른 두 가지 현상입니다. 강력하고 기민한 조직의 리더는

자원을 최적화하고 투자 수익을 극대화하기 위해 최선을

다하는 사람입니다. 인건비는 종종 모든 기업에서 가장

큰 투자입니다. 이러한 환경 기반을 만드는 것이 현명한 사업입니다. 리더들은 자신의 강점을 발휘하고 사람들 간에 협업하도록 장려하고, 팀과 제품의 성공적인 결과를 위해 인력을 활용하는데 집중해야 합니다.

54 They Did What? Coping Effectively With Customers Who Behave Badly By

As providers trying to deliver a great experience to both external and internal customers, businesses need to identify what they want and don’t want their customers to do, and pinpoint what people and processes they can put in place to achieve the desired results.

뭘 했다고? 진상 고객 효과적으로 응대하기 욉부 및 내부 고객 모두에게 훌륭한 경험을 제공하려는 업체는, 기업이 원하는 것을 식별하고 고객이 원하지 않는 것을 파악하여 원하는 결과를 실현하기 위해 어떠한 사람과 절차를 두어야 하는지에 대한 파악이 필요합니다.


The new Andis T-Outliner Cordless Li Trimmer meets the professional standard for all-around outlining, dry shaving and fading with its magnetic motor trimmer. It’s close-cutting, carbon-steel T-blade is perfect for detailing and its powerful, highspeed motor runs cool and quietly. Learn more at www.andis.com

8 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
MOISTURE LOSS | BREAKAGE | HEAT | COLOR | ENVIRONMENT | TRANSITIONING | RELAXING OUR 1 st SYSTEM TO FIGHT 7 DAMAGE FACTORS *Use system of the rescuer treatment, restorer shampoo and strengthener conditioner vs a non-conditioning shampoo. REPAIR. REPEAT.


Editor: Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com

Art Director: Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com

Advertising & Sales Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com

Contributing Writers: Scott Zangwill Ylorie

Kate Zabriskie Magi Graziano Kostya Kimlat Terri Taricco-Cropp Khalia

Columnists: Kenny


Elayne McClaine

10 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
CEO: Ann
De Vault Hale
Editor: Jessica

There’s an App for That

적합한 앱이 있습니다

Do you need a personal assistant? Don’t worry, Amazon invented Alexa for that.

Do you need help picking out a beauty regimen for your skin? There’s a DNA program that can help with that, too.

We live in a brave, new technological world, ripe with high-tech conveniences meant to make our daily tasks easier and more efficient. This has never been truer than it is in the beauty industry. Whether it’s a beauty app on your phone that allows you to buy your favorite products with a thumbprint or a new cosmetic formula that makes your foundation look even better than before, fresh and new innovations are now a constant in our lives. Time is quickly moving on, and it behooves the beauty industry to keep up with the pace.

As new products are being released and trends are cropping up every few weeks, it’s imperative that OTC store owners stay on the pulse of what’s popular and what’s not. Your customer base requires it. One way to keep up is to take your store online. We delve into the burgeoning trend of online beauty supply stores to examine the pros and cons of venturing into E-commerce on page 64.

In some cases, it’s technology that can be a hindrance to your business. For example, selling wigs can be tough when your customers are going online to buy the same product at a reduced price. Learn how to compete with these online companies in the How Should You Sell It column on page 22.

There’s no doubt that technology and our role in it are changing daily, so all of the players in the beauty industry should take it as a challenge to learn, evolve and, if necessary, reinvent themselves. Change is never easy, but rest assured, your customers will thank you for it.

“Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.”

개인 비서가 필요한가요? 걱정 마세요. 구글은 개인비서용 알렉사를 만들었습니다.

피부를 위한 미용 요법을 찾는 데 도움이 필요한가요? 이것에 도움을 줄 수 있는 DNA 프로그램이 있습니다.

우리는 일상 업무를 보다 쉽고 효율적으로 만들어주는 첨단 편의 시설로 가득차있는 멋지고 새로운 기술 세계에 살고 있습니다. 하지만 뷰티 업계에서는 결코 그렇지 않았습니다. 손가락으로 좋아하는 제품을 구입할 수 있는 휴대폰의 뷰티 앱이든, 이전보다 훨씬 기본 바탕의 외모를 더 좋게 만들어 줄 수 있는 새로운 화장품이든, 새롭고 혁신적인 제품은 이제 우리 삶에서 끊임없이 변화하고 있습니다. 시간이 빨리 지나가고 있으며, 뷰티 업계에서도 이 추세를 따라잡을 필요가 있습니다. 신제품이 출시되고 몇 주마다 트렌드가 변화하고 있기 때문에 OTC 스토어 오너는 어떤 제품이 인기가 있고 어떤 제품이 인기가 없는지에 대해 계속 따라가 주어야 합니다. 고객이 이런 것을 원하고 있습니다.

인기를 유지하는 한 가지 방법은 온라인 상점을 이용하는 것입니다. 우리는 64 페이지의 전자상거래로의 진출에 대한 장단점을 조사하기 위해 온라인 뷰티 서플라이 스토어의 급성장 추세를 연구하였습니다.

어떤 경우에는 귀하의 사업에 영향을 줄 수 있는 기술입니다. 예를 들어, 가발을 판매하는 것은 고객이 동일한 제품을 저렴한 가격으로 온라인으로 구매하기 때문에 어려울 수 있습니다. 22 페이지의 판매 방법 항목에 있는 온라인 회사와 경쟁하는 방법에 대해 알아보세요.

기술과 우리의 역할이 매일 바뀌고 있다는 점은 의심의 여지가 없습니다.

따라서 미용 업계의 모든 사람들은 배우고, 진화 시키며, 필요한 경우 스스로를 재발견하는 도전을 받아 들여야합니다. 변화는 결코 쉬운 일이 아니지만 확신하세요. 고객이 감사할 것 입니다.

“절대 학습을 멈추지 마세요, 인생은 가르침의 연속이니까요.”

12 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
Editorial Letter


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Protective Styling Products

Spring may be right around the corner, but it’s still quite chilly in most places. The cold temperatures are likely to encourage many shoppers to retreat to protective hairstyles to keep their strands safe from the elements. Protective styling is typically related to hairstyles that allow the natural hair to be tucked away and be free of the manipulation of daily styling. These styles include wearing weaves, wigs, braids, twists and more. The options are limitless. And thanks to a wide variety of products, consumers can protect and nurture their hair simultaneously to ensure their tresses are even stronger and healthier after the protective style is taken out. Stock up on these popular products to ensure your customers are covered for all of their protective styling needs.


One of the biggest challenges with wearing protective styles, especially those with tight cornrows, is the incessant itching of the scalp. Washing the hair helps, but it’s undoubtedly difficult to get the cleansing product to the scalp. That’s where the Cantu Apple Cider Vinegar Root Relief comes in. Thanks to its apple cider vinegar, peppermint oil and shea butter formulation, this product can deeply cleanse and condition the scalp.


Lace front wigs are commonly used as a protective style for consumers with natural or relaxed hair. Not only are they convenient to wear, but when properly worn, they are practically undetectable. To keep the wig in place, shoppers have turned to the göt2b Glued Spiking Glue to bind the wig to the wig cap for safe wear and removal.


When consumers are wearing weaves or other protective styles that keep the natural hair bound in cornrows, the hair and scalp can acquire product buildup over time. To keep the scalp and hair clean, recommend Hairfinity’s Beneath the Weave Scalp Purifying Shampoo and Moisture Restoring Conditioner. The shampoo is a light foam that can cleanse and remove buildup without stripping hair of its moisture. While the conditioner soothes the scalp and prevents matting, breakage and dryness.

MARKET PLACE 16 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018


If washing the hair is too much fuss for your customers, you can always suggest the tried-and-true SeaBreeze Astringent. This reliable product can be applied to the scalp with a cotton ball and is ideal for those who wear braids, twists, or any protective style that allows ample access to the scalp.


Another easy product to use is a dry shampoo, such as the Hask Coconut Dry Shampoo. This product uses ultra-fine rice starch to quickly absorb any excess oils and sweat. Plus, its tropical coconut scent leaves the hair smelling fresh and the scalp feeling rejuvenated.


Whether you’re wearing a wig or weave with synthetic or natural hair, the OKAY Premium Wig Shine is perfect for giving a protective style a natural, beautiful shine. Plus, the oil-free formula won’t leave a greasy residue and will make combing the hair a breeze.

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 17


If protective styles are installed too tightly or aren’t well maintained, it can lead to damaged tresses. In between styles, it’s a good idea to use a powerful deep conditioner like the Pantene Repairing Hair Mask. This product is perfect for strengthening the hair. With its infusion of argan oil, the mask is activated by water to work deep inside the core of each strand.


Keep hair strong and healthy underneath a weave installation with the Girl+Hair Protective Restoring Balm. This treatment can be used every day to help restore and maintain the health of the natural hair. The product is formulated with a botanical oil blend of castor, shea, Abyssinian and olive oils to soften the natural hair and support hair growth.


Increase the impact of a deep conditioning treatment with the Gold ‘N Hot Professional Ionic Soft Bonnet Dryer. After applying conditioner and a plastic cap to the hair, the shopper can put on the jumbo-sized drawstring bonnet and turn on the dryer for a heated, deep conditioning treatment. This dryer includes four different heat settings to accommodate a conditioning session or to dry hair for other styles.

MARKET PLACE 18 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
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Giovanni Cosmetics



If customers’ hair is more in need of hydration rather than strengthening, the One ‘n Only Hydrating Mask is a phenomenal choice. This creamy, rich conditioner hydrates and restores the hair’s elasticity, shine and manageability. No heat activation required.


A popular protective style for natural hair is two-strand twists. The hair requires little manipulation after styling and can double as a second style when twists are undone for a twist-out. Ensure that both styles are defined and shiny with the As I Am Twist Defining Cream. Made specifically for highly-texturized hair, this cream is also ideal for moisturizing tresses, as well.


Certain protective styles can tug at the scalp’s edges and cause breakage or worse – traction alopecia. Keep the hairline strong and intact with Eden Bodyworks’ Peppermint Tea Tree Temple Balm. This powerful product helps prevent breaking, fading or thinning of hair. In addition, it provides a manageable hold for sleek styling.

MARKET PLACE 20 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

How should you sell it?

This month’s selling focus is… Wigs & Wig Care Accessories

Wigs have always been a staple in the beauty supply store and that trend shows no signs of stopping. From wig tape to detangling spray and even shampoos, there are countless products catering to customers’ fascination with these popular hair pieces. However, there are even more online shops offering a broader supply of wigs and accessories, often times at a lower cost. Competing with these retailers –online or locally - is unavoidable, but setting your store apart from the rest is paramount. Those efforts can start with your wig section.

How can OTC retailers improve the display of their wigs and wig accessories to bolster sales?

“Wigs are generally placed in the rear or side of the stores as they do take up a lot of room. There are so many styles and qualities of wigs. One of the tips I would suggest to increase sales is to make up one entire end cap using mannequin heads and wigs, showcasing eight to 15 examples of your nicest wigs that you know will stand out. Focus on what’s hot and in style. When a customer comes in and sees the new or hot style or new wig colors, this will really grab their attention.

Another way to bolster wig sales, as I have written before, is to bundle some together for a Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off deal. Use the second wig to get rid of some older wig inventory. Another way is to combine the wigs with some of the new wig sprays and wig shines. There are many out on the market and it gets the customers’ attention to also browse through the chemical section.

Lastly, your stores all carry lots of assorted bling. You can use the jewelry and hair clips in combination with the wig displays on the end caps to give the customers ideas on how to look great. This will allow you to sell more than just the wigs.”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the March issue!

22 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
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“가발은 공간을 많이 차지해, 대체로 상점의 뒤나 옆에 배치된다. 가발 세일을 늘리는 팁 중 하나는 한 쪽의 진열대에 마네킹 머리와 가발을 사용 해 8

개에서부터 15개의 가장 좋은 가발을 전시하는 것이다. 인기있고 트렌디한 가발을 중심으로 전시해라. 고객이 들어와서 스타일 좋거나 색이 예쁜 가발을 보면 그 들의 주의를 끌 것이다.

가발 세일을 증가시킬 또 다른 방법은, 기존의 방법과 같이 하나 사면 하나를 50% 세일하는 딜을 제공하는 것이다. 하나를 이용해 낡은 가발을 처분하는 것이다. 또, 가발과 가발 스프레이랑 가발 샤인을 합쳐서 딜을 만드는 것이다. 마켓에 다양한 딜이 있고 딜들은 고객들의 주의를 케미컬 섹션으로 이끈다.

마지막으로, 모든 여러분의 상점은 다양한 치장품을 다 수 보유하고 있다. 쥬얼리와 헤어 클립을 가발과 함께 엔드캡(end cap)에 전시를 해 고객들에게 어떻게 코디할 것인지를 알려줄 수도 있다. 이렇게 하면 가발 말고 다른

24 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
제품들도 한꺼번에 팔 수 있다.”
Brand Specialist Inc. 위와 관련하여 질문이 있으시다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com 로 보내주십시오. 3월호에 여러분의 의견이 채택될 수도 있습니다! 어떻게 판매해야 하나?
어떻게 판매해야 하나... 가발과 가발관리 액세서리들 가발은 항상 뷰티 스토어의 중요 상품으로 여겨져 왔으며 그 것은 오늘날도 변함이 없다. 가발 테이프, 꼬임방지 스프레이, 심지어 샴푸까지, 수많은 제품들이 소비자들의 매력적인 헤어 스타일을 만들기 위해 판매되고 있다. 하지만 흔히 온라인 스토어에서 더 다양한 가발과 액세서리들을 제공한다. 온라인이나 오프라인에서 경쟁을 피한다는 것이 불가능하기 때문에, 다른 상점들보다 더 빛나야 하는 것이 관건이다. 그러한 노력은 가발에서부터 시작될 수 있다. OTC 소매업자가 세일을 늘리기 위해 어떻게 가발과 가발
액세서리의 진열을 업그레이드 할 수 있는가?

WhereBeautiful Hair Begins!

I m p e r i a l D a x C o . , I n c . • F a i r f i e l d , N J • 1 . 8 6 6 . D A X . W A X • w w w. d a x h a i r c a r e . c o m I m p e r i a D a x C o . , n c . • F a i r f i e l d , N J • 1 . 6 . D A X . W X • w w w. a x a i r c a r e . c o m
Natu al FOR s
16” 16” 18” 18”

Finished Product

Electric Hair Clippers

Every barber has at least one pair of electric hair clippers in his arsenal. It’s difficult to imagine what these professionals would do without this invaluable tool. However, there was a time when clippers were uncomplicated manual devices without a motor, making a simple haircut a cumbersome task at best.

The first manual clipper was developed in the 19th century by Serbian barber, Nikola Bizumic. Bizumic. This invention was a hand-held tool used by squeezing and releasing a pair of handles. Tired of his peasant lifestyle of breeding pigs, Bizumic decided to flee to the city of Ruma where he met barber Petar Javonovic, who was in need of an apprentice. Bizumic not only found a new career, but his invention quickly spread. Barbers used these tools to cut hair short and relatively fast, by early century standards. His unique creation ultimately brought change to the barbering world.

The electric hair clippers work the same way as the manual variety, but they are driven by an electric motor which makes the blades oscillate from side to side. The first pair of electric clippers were invented by Leo J. Wahl. As a high school junior at Sterling High School, Wahl experimented with a vibrating electromagnetic motor. Later as an engineering student at the University of Illinois, Leo Wahl improved his designs by creating a vibrating medical massager for his uncle J. Frank Wahl. Frank Wahl opened a manufacturing plant to produce and sell Leo Wahl’s massager. The young inventor sold the massagers to barbershops, all while recognizing the need to improve upon the industry’s current tools. When his uncle was drafted to the Mexican Revolution, Leo Wahl used the opportunity to take over the manufacturing business and experiment on a new electric hair clipper design.

clippers. By 1920, his factory had manufactured and sold thousands of clippers to barbers all over the United States.

After nearly a decade in the making, Wahl patented his final design of electric clippers in 1921. He went on to purchase 100% of the Wahl Manufacturing Company stock and renamed the business Wahl Clipper Corporation. Until his death in 1957, Wahl worked with barbers all across the nation for input to design more convenient and efficient hair clippers and introduced other hair care tools along the way.

Electric Clippers Today

In 1919, Leo Wahl applied for patents on his newly developed electromagnetic hair clipper, and before long, the clippers were being mass produced at Wahl Manufacturing Company. It was the first practical clipper with the drive motor in the hand, rather than connected to a separate motor through a flexible shaft. Leo Wahl concentrated on working directly with barbers to improve his hair

Meet Khalia

Hair clippers are more known for their use in barber shops. However, they have become very popular for at-home use and are seen as an essential tool in proper male grooming – as clippers can cut both hair and beards. Many clippers are intended to accommodate thick, coarse hair and are generally simple to use. Different adjustments can allow the user to cut their hair to any desired length.

Hair clippers are also great alternatives to scissors. Instead of going out to a barber shop to get a quick cut, one can easily purchase their own set of clippers and cut their hair in the comforts of their own home. That means saving a lot of time and money from being spent in the barbershop. This makes electric clippers a sound investment for professionals and at-home enthusiasts.

Customers looking to execute a barbershop-quality cut on their own can purchase professional electric clippers. These tools enable the user to maneuver easily for more complex hairstyles. Luckily, there are a variety of electric clippers at a number of price points that can address a plethora of consumer and professional needs.

Writing has always been in Khalia’s future, as she’s been writing since elementary school. Oddly enough, she graduated from the University of West Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in criminology. Yet, she chose to ditch that career path to pursue her passion in writing. When she’s not writing short stories, she’s doing nail art and listening to Kpop.

28 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

Knowledge to Know


Preparing Natural Hair for Warmer Weather

Versatility is one of the most beloved characteristics of natural hair, and many naturalistas like to take advantage of that by constantly switching up their hairstyles - especially when the seasons change. Spring, for many, fosters an itch to transition into a new look. The problem is, style switching can be pretty expensive for your customers. Since the new season is quickly approaching, we’ve decided to share some tips to help your naturally curly shoppers switch up their hairstyles and care for their tresses without breaking the bank.

1. Go DIY! Try Marley Twists or Box Braids. Customers can install these themselves (saving money). They control the amount of tension that will be put on their hair (ouch), and they can remove them whenever without feeling like they’ve spent a week’s salary on them. Rocking frizzy braids or twists is no fun! There are a ton of YouTube videos with easy-to-follow instructions to help shoppers achieve their desired look. With a little practice, you’ll get the satisfaction of creating a new look for spring.

2. Craving Color? Temporary dyes, hair chalk (or sprays), and extensions provide significant alternatives to salon visits and flexibility in changing it up when you don’t like it or want to experiment a little more with color. The key is to do your research. Shoppers should be informed users so they’ll pick the best colors, brands, and understand the application process. Change doesn’t have to end badly.

3. Length check? Clip-ins and protective styles are all the rave. This may be more of a splurge when caring for natural textures. There are so many amazing influencers rocking protective styles to adorn their crowns. Wigs are also another way to switch it up from season to season.

Products for Optimal Hair Care

No matter the style preference, caring for one’s own hair is paramount. We suggest your shoppers review their regimen every season. Just as the weather changes, so do our hair care needs. During the winter months, our strands crave moisture! The brittle cold weather, the layers (i.e. hats or scarves) can wreak havoc on our precious strands. We recommend deep conditioning weekly and protecting strands at night with satin pillowcases and/or caps. When spring blooms, we like to see strands glow in the sun. For those wearing braids, twists, or locs, EDEN BodyWorks has a few oil offerings to combat and supplement your daily regimen (Peppermint Tea Tree for dry, itchy scalp or Coconut Shea for shine and sheen). One of our best sellers, the Coconut Shea Curl Defining Crème can be used to twist and add definition to curls. It’s truly a year-round staple for many natural women.

네추럴 헤어는 다양한 스타일을 만들 수 있다는 특징때문에 많은 이들에게 사랑을 받으며, 이러한 네추럴 헤어를 가지고 있는 사람들은 계절이 바뀔 때마다 헤어스타일을 자주 바꿔준다. 봄은 많은 사람들이 새로운 스타일을 추구하는 시기이다. 문제는 이러한 스타일 변경에 여러분의 고객들이 돈이 제법 많이 지불한다는 것이다. 특히나 계절이 빨리 바뀌는 요즘, 우리는 곱슬거리는 머리를 가진 고객들에게 돈을 많이 쓰지 않고 스타일을 바꿀 수 있는 몇 가지 팁을 나누고자 한다.

1. DYI 도전! Marley Twists 와 Box Braids를 사용 해보자. 고객들이 돈을 아끼며 스스로 할 수 있다. 머리의 팽팽함을 조절할 수 있고 주급을 지불한 것처럼 느끼지 않고 풀고 싶을 때 풀 수 있다. 록킹 프리지(Rocking frizzy) 브레이드나 트위스트는 재미가 없다! 유투브에 가면 원하는 스타일을 어떻게 만드는지 알려주는 강사들이 많다. 조금만 연습하면 봄을 위한 완벽한 스타일을 스스로 해낼 수 있을 것이다.

2. 색을 원하는가? 임시 염색, 초크칠 (아니면 스프레이), 그리고 붙임 머리는 미용실 방문의 대안과 언제나 스타일을 바꿀 수 있는 다양함을 제공한다. 고객들은 이미 자신을 위한 최고의 색과 브랜드를 알고있다. 변화가 꼭 실패하는 것은 아니다.

3. 길이? 클립인(Clip-in) 이나 땋은 스타일이 굉장한 유행을 하고있다. 네추럴 스타일을 하고 있다면 어마어마한 돈 낭비일 수도 있다. 수많은 유명인들이 땋은 스타일을 유행시키고 있다. 가발도 계절마다 스타일을 바꿀 수 있는 방법이다.

최상의 헤어 케어를 위한 상품들

어떠한 스타일을 선호하든, 자신의 머리를 가꾸는 것은 중요하다.

우리는 당신의 고객들에게 그들의 대안법을 검토하라고 조언해 주고 싶다. 계절이 바뀌듯 우리의 헤어 케어 필요성도 바뀐다. 겨울철에는 머리카락이 수분을 요구한다! 추운 날씨는 중요한 머리카락에 큰 재앙이 될 수 있다. 딥 컨디셔닝과 밤에 새팅 배게나 캡으로 머리를 보호하는 것을 추천한다. 봄이 오면 우리는 머리가 길고 햇빛에 찬란히 빛나는 것을 보고 싶어 한다. 머리를 따거나 트위스트하는 이들에게는 EDEN BodyWorks가 도움을 많이 준다 (건조하고 가려운 두피는 Pepperemint Tea Tree, 그리고 빛나는 머리를 위한다면 Coconut Shea). 가장 잘 팔리는 상품 중 하나인 Coconut Shea Curl Defining Crème는 트위스트로 사용될 수도 있고 더 확실한 파마를 위해 사용될 수 있다. 네추럴 헤어를 가진 여성들에게 위한 확실한

30 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
계절의 변화 따뜻한 계절을 위한 자연스러운 머리를 준비하기
LIFT AND TONE IN ONE EASY STEP Use on dark hair to achieve the perfect blonde shade. Up to 5 levels of lift! BLUE For Dark Hair ONLY* Call your distributor today for details. *Not for use on lighter hair to avoid unwanted tones ©2017 The Wella Corporation, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CSM2017-1553

As purveyors of healthy hair, our first goal is to make sure the scalp is healthy – that’s where hair growth begins. We have shampoos and conditioners that fit every lifestyle. Have product build up? No problem – go with the Peppermint Tea Tree for a gentle, clarifying cleanse and condition. Dealing with breakage and damage – grab our Jojoba Monoi collection. Need help with everyday styling and moisture – that’s what our Coconut Shea family is for. We’ve even developed a few stylers for womenon-the-go who need dual usage products. The new Citrus Fusion collection (conditioner, mousse, refresher, butter) can be used on both the hair and body. What a great way to reinvigorate your spring routine – go citrus! And this collection is packed with some of your favorite superfoods like acai, orange and lime, honey, kelp, quinoa, and castor oil. So basically, you’re dousing your hair and skin in a variety of nutrients.

No matter the season, a good leave-in conditioner will go a long way to keeping hair healthy. Try our Coconut Shea Leave In Conditioner for daily moisture, soft twists, and refreshing twist/braid outs.

Whatever you’re craving, there’s a style with an EDEN BodyWorks product in mind to help you achieve your hair goals – healthy hair, growth, maintenance, protection, updos (there’s a gel for that, too), curly, straight, or somewhere in between. We encourage you to spend time learning what works best for your customers’ hair type. You can get style inspiration from our YouTube channel (DiscoverEDEN) or via Instagram (@ edenbodyworks). Don’t forget to tag us and use hash tag #StylewithEDEN to be featured. We love showing off your creativity.

Meet Ylorie Taylor

건강하게 유지하는 것이다. 우리는 각 종 머리를 위한 샴푸와

컨디셔너가 있다. PepperMint Tea Tree를 사용하면 젠틀하게 모든 것을 깔끔하게 씻고 컨디션을 해준다. 상처와 머리 손상이 많다면 Jojoba Monoi 컬렉션이 있다. 매일 스타일링하고 싶다면 Coconut Shea를 사용하자. 우리는 아무 때나 사용 할 수 있는 새로운 상품, Citrus Fusion 컬렉션 (컨디셔너, 무스, 버터, 그리고 리프레셔)도 있다. 이는 정말 봄을 위한 완벽한 준비이다. 이 컬렉션은 또, 당신의 총애하는 슈퍼과일을 함유하고 있다. 한마디로, 당신의 머리와 피부를 가지가지의 영양분으로 흠뻑 적시는 것이다.

계절에 상관 없이 좋은 컨디셔너는 머리를 건강히 유지하는데 많은 도움이 된다. 우리의 Coconut Shea Leave In Conditioner로 매일 수분과 부드러운 트위스트를 유지하라.

무엇을 원하든, EDEN BodyWorks에는 최상의 머리를 (예를 들어 건강한 머리, 유지, 보호, 생머리, 파마 등등) 갖추도록 도와주고 그 스타일에 알맞는 제품이 있다. 당신의 고객의 머리에 알맞은 제품이 무엇인지 잘 공부하기를 조언한다. 유투브 (DiscoverEDEN), 또는 인스타그램 (@edenbodyworks)에 가면 많은 정보를 얻을 수 있을 것이다. 우리를 태그 #StylewithEDEN하는 것도 잊지 말자. 우리는 고객들의 창의성이 피어나는 것을 기대한다.

Ylorie Taylor is the Vice President at EDEN BodyWorks. In addition to developing the overall brand strategy, she prides herself for keeping a pulse on the industry and honing a niche in marketing to the multi-cultural consumer. Believing it’s her God-given talent to help brands grow further faster, she can often be found contributing her knowledge and sharing her passions across the many facets of brown girl beauty.

Ylorie Taylor는EDEN BodyWorks의 부사장이다. 그녀는 브랜드 전략을 세우는 것의 일환으로 다문화 소비자 마케팅에 집중한다. 브랜드가 성장하는데 도움을 주는게 그녀에게 신이 내린 재능이라 믿으며 흑인 여성들의 특별함을 세상과 나누며 살아가고 있다.

건강한 헤어의 조력자로써, 우리들의 첫 번째 목적은 머리가 자라는
RAW COCOA BUTTER & EXTRA VIRGIN COCONUT OIL www.palmers.com © 2017 E.T. Browne Drug Co., Inc. All Rights Reserved. * IRI INFOSCAN 52 WEEKS ENDING 4/ 16 /17 F/D/Mx UNITS /palmers @palmers @palmersworks @PalmersTV

Urban Call Briefs

Eunice Mosley Dudley Businesswoman,

Eunice M. Dudley, Co-Founder of the DudleyQ+ brand, is one of the world’s most sought after African-American female business leaders. She currently serves as the Executive Director for the Dudley Beauty School System. Eunice Mosley was born in Selma, Alabama. She is the seventh of nine children born to Andrew M. Mosley, Sr. and Eva O. Murdoch Mosley. At a very early age she exhibited a “creative spirit” and a deep desire to learn.

The Teenaged Years

She got her start in the Beauty Industry selling Fuller Products doorto-door in Brooklyn, New York while working as a student at Talladega College. It was at this Fuller branch in the summer of 1960 that she met Joe L. Dudley, Sr. Both were selling Fuller Products during the summer to earn their college tuition. They married in 1961 and both began working for Fuller Products full-time in 1962.

Early Success in the Beauty Industry

By 1976, Joe L. Dudley, Sr. & Eunice Dudley had helped developed a sales force of more than 400 people, a beauty school and a chain of beauty supply stores located throughout the Southeast. Dudley Products was deemed an entrepreneurial success.

Award-Winning Building Designer

The design, planning and building of Dudley Products, Inc.’s new manufacturing and home office facility in Kernersville, North Carolina were personally supervised by Dr. Dudley. These efforts earned her The Energy Efficient Building Award presented by Energy User News and the ASHRAE Technology Award, an International Award given for second place in recognizing outstanding achievements in design and operation of energy-efficient buildings.

Transition to Second Generation Leadership

Over the past 40 years through dedication, hard work and persistence, she has helped take the DudleyQ+ Brand from very humble beginnings to a respected and world-renowned position in the Beauty Industry. In 2009, Joe L. Dudley, Sr. and Eunice Dudley were featured in a national movie, “Good Hair”, a Chris Rock documentary about the hair care industry.

In June 2008, Joe and Eunice Dudley restructured the Dudley conglomerate and turned over all day-to-day responsibilities over to their daughter, Ursula Dudley Oglesby who began Dudley Beauty Corp, LLC.

Dedicated Community Involvement

Eunice Dudley strongly believes in giving back to the community. She frequently volunteers her time, money, and resources to various boards and organizations. Some of her community service includes:

• Board Member for the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro (Gate City Housing board)

• Financial Secretary for Greater Greensboro/Reidsville club of NANPBW

• United Negro College Fund contributor

• Former member of Bennett College Board of Trustees, North Carolina A&T State University Board of Trustees

• Former member of Providence Baptist Church Board of Trustees & Co

• Direct Selling Education Foundation Board

Breast Cancer Survivor

Eunice Dudley is a woman of faith who survived her own personal battle with Breast cancer. Today she is strongly committed to helping other women who have been diagnosed with this disease.

Recipient of Numerous Awards

Eunice Dudley has received a number of awards, including:

• The Ollie Chinn Porter Award from The National Association of Negro Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. [2014]

• The Order of the Long Leaf Pine Award [North Carolina 2014]

• Carolina Entrepreneur Hall of Fame, Class of 2013 from McColl School of Business, Queen’s College

• Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Degree from Bennett College [1991]

OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 37
The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. - and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.
Eunice Mosley Dudley Co-Founder of the DudleyQ+ Brand Eunice Mosley Dudley Co-Founder of the DudleyQ+ Brand Patricia Bailey Founder of The PBailey Group John Kim President of Winston Salem Beauty World, Inc. Pepper Miller Founder of the Hunter-Miller Group, Inc.

Urban Call Briefs

• NAAWLI Legacy of Leadership [2008]

• The Athena Award from the Greensboro Area Chamber of Commerce

• The Crystal Award from the NANBPW Clubs, Inc.

• Co-Winner of the Kernersville First Citizens of the Year Award [1993]

Considered discerning and resultsdriven; Patricia Bailey founder of The PBailey Group is an analytical sales and marketing business development group with channel marketing and promotion planning/development emphasis; specializing in helping clients maximize distribution opportunities across a multichannel consumer environment. With experience in niche market segments, her track record displays increased market penetration; increased market share and delivering measurable planned profit/promotional goals.

With cumulative experience of over 48+ years; collectively the firm has helped manage start up enterprises, emerging businesses and strategic business units, with companies sized from $1 million to upwards of over $100 million. Comfortable in managing a diverse work environment, as a consulting group, the business portfolio has included, Blue Cross Blue Shield®, McDonalds® USA, MV Roberts and Co., Namaste Laboratories, L.L.C., The Potter’s House of Dallas, Walgreens®, Women of the Church of God and 4 other HBA manufacturers; one of which was global and based out of Brazil.

Projects though sometimes broad in nature, generally encompass strategic management initiatives-including building cloud application reporting, branding initiatives, advertising strategies, data selling stories, collaborative forecast models, product packaging/positioning, channel integration programs, retail strategic planning/analysis and corporate sales support across the Food, Drug, Mass, Distributors plus the Beauty Supply classes of trade.

Prior to starting the The PBailey Group in 2003, Pat Bailey was an executive for seven years at Pro-Line International, where she served as Vice President of Marketing (5 years) and Vice President of Customer Marketing (Sales - 2 years). Pat was fully accountable for corporate retail account management, short and long term strategic planning, team vision/goals, trade development/budget plans, forecast management, and customer marketing management. Pat implemented the latest in available sales industry systems; IRI Data Analyzer, Spectra Enlighten, and space management programs. Pat refined the sales management structure –instituting scorecard management with key performance indicatorsreflecting consistent account growth of 5% to upwards of 37%. In delivering more customer value, she helped initiate category management initiatives across major retail chains.

Pat’s tenure at Pro-Line International included presiding over a staff charged with crafting marketing plans, new product development and strengthening consumer awareness of Pro-Line’s five core brands. Pat

created the company’s first ever, category management department and was the catalyst for initiatives across the industry resulting in the development of an ethnic shared database formulated by IRI and implemented across the category-where hierarchical structure and definitions remain to this day. Within strategic executive team, she provided market intelligence and helped the company to secure capital for market expansion while helping position the company for acquisition.

In her earlier career, serving as either Group Manager Planning and Promotions or Marketing Manager, Pat managed or supported, in some capacity, the top 1 out of 5 leading brands for African American women, African American men and African American children: Optimum Care®, Care Free Curl®, Designer Touch®, Wave Nouveau®, Luster’s Pink®, Soft & Beautiful®, Luster’s S Curl®, Pro-Line Comb Thru®, Just For Me®, and PCJ®.

As the data backbone of The PBailey Group, and for ten years-since inception, Shaun S. Bailey has provided strong operational management with expansive analytical skills support. Shaun is an experienced 15 year senior analyst with disciplines across multiple areas; cost accounting, retail merchandising, finance and small business solutions. As a collaborative, balanced team building business professional with experience aligned across financials, people, customers and internal business processes, Shaun is responsible for developing entrepreneurial practical database applications. Process orientated, he helps build client reporting; market analysis, strategic business dashboards, merchandising applications and sales commission applications. Reporting has included year over year analysis, same store sales, retail metrics, fill rates, and sales performance with product line ship attainment to targets. Processes have also included hand held POS platforms, vendor rebate programs and lost sales analysis.

Collective Career Board Positions: North Central Texas Alzheimer’s Association, American Health and Beauty Aids Institute, Ina Mae Greene Foundation, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and FAMU Alumni – Dallas Chapter

John Kim

President of Winston Salem Beauty World, Inc.


BS in Business Administration from UNC-Chapel Hill – 1993.


• President of W-S Beauty, Inc. -1993 to present.

• Lead Beauty World –Winston Salem to achieve 22 consecutive years of positive sales growth.

• In 2000, developed a limited service hotel from the ground up in Hillsborough, North Carolina under the Microtel Inn and Suites brand. Sold the property in 2012.

• In 2002, developed a new upscale retail/ salon concept called Hair Body & Soul which is still in operations in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

• In 2005, opened a third store in Dulles, Virginia in the Dulles Town Center which is still in operations.

38 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
Patricia Bailey Founder of The PBailey Group John Kim President of Winston Salem Beauty World, Inc.

• In 2007, formed a partnership to develop and sell 13 new Cricket Wireless stores throughout North and South Carolina. Served as CFO for the company. Sold the stores for profit in 2008-2009.

• In 2013-14- Revamped Beauty World store concept and created the Beauty World brand, a registered Trademark. Built website and ecommerce under the new brand.

• In 2015, formed a partnership with the SMS Companies, Inc. and Urban Call to start a marketing and distribution services firm of luxury brands and national brands for entrepreneurial companies in the health and beauty industry.


• Business Development and Strategy

• Marketing and Managerial Accounting

• Fluent in Korean

Personal Values:

God, Family, Church, Businessin that order.

Founder of the Hunter-Miller Group, Inc.

When Pepper Miller was rejected as a candidate for the market research training program at the now defunct J. Walter Thompson ad agency in Chicago, she resigned and opened her own market research firm, The HunterMiller Group, Inc. in 1995. Since then she has been helping large corporations like General Mills, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble and The Chicago Symphony Orchestra understand Black America.

In 2005, Miller along with the late Herb Kemp, co-authored “What’s Black About It?”, considered by many to be one of the most important books on African-American cultural marketing and insights. In her 2012 book, “Black (Still) Matters in Marketing” Miller helps marketers better understand the importance of making a real and meaningful connection with today’s black consumer. Through cultural insights, stories, stats and case stories, Miller opens the door to black culture, invites you in and starts a deep, meaningful conversation. This book is an intimate look into what it means to be Black in today’s America. Through an honest discussion, Miller walks you towards a better understanding of how Black still matters.

Miller also served as a research consultant for the largest study about African Americans to date, the “Black America Today” segmentation study – commissioned by Radio One and conducted by Yankelovich. The study was launched June 2008.

In July 2007, Miller received the Target Market News MAAX Award for Research Executive of the Year. In 2006 and in 2012, Miller won Takes the Cake Best Speaker award at the prestigious Marketing 2 Women Conference. Miller also established the Ruth C. Hunter Market Research Scholarship Fund to increase market research awareness among Black American students and encourage them to consider market research as a career option.

Miller is a founding blogger for Advertising Age’s Big Tent multicultural blog and has been an invited guest speaker by many corporations including Procter and Gamble, General Mills, Colgate, ConAgra, Home Depot, Macy’s, MillerCoors, Johnson & Johnson, Astra Zeneca and GlaxoSmithKline.

She is married to Ronald Miller. They have two grown children and a grandson.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit www.segmentedmarketing.com.

The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.

OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 39
Lafayette Jones Pepper Miller Founder of the Hunter-Miller Group, Inc.

Business Tips

Teaching Employees to Execute Customer Service Magic

The Four Aces to an A+ Rating

A+등급을 받기위한 네가지 비법

A sale, like a great magic trick, occurs inside the customer’s mind. And it is there where it is replayed, remembered, and redefined continually after. The mind is the final battleground. Because magicians are masters of perception, they understand how to get into the heads of their prospects better than anyone else. That’s why the principles of magic can be so helpful in a business environment.

The following four tools and techniques are used in magic to create the perception of magical experiences. These four words begin with the letter ‘A,’ so we’ll call each of them the proverbial “Ace Up The Sleeve.” They’re not just a part of a winning hand. When executed together, they are a part of a winning strategy of customer service.

1: Assumptions

People are constantly making assumptions. Magicians use the assumptions that the human brain naturally makes “against” you. Assumptions are the reason why it’s so fun for magicians to fool other magicians. That’s because a prepared magician will know what methods his magician friend knows, and use those very assumptions to pull off his trick in a way his friend won’t expect, leaving him dumbfounded.

Assumptions impact every interpersonal interaction and can be helpful or hurtful. First, consider what assumptions you are making about your customers. Are you assuming they like you, your brand or your product? Or are you assuming they’re skeptical of you?

Second, think about what assumptions they are making of you. People perceive what they expect, so before you can deliver on any customer service, you need to get into the mind of your customer, client or patient, and understand what they’re assuming is going to happen when they interact with you.

2: Acknowledgment

A human interaction can only be successful if the customer’s assumptions are acknowledged. For example, the sophisticated magician who encounters a spectator oozing with negative assumptions about magic must first acknowledge those assumptions in order to move forward.

“You look skeptical,” the magician might say. “How about I show you the

고객의 마음속에서 발생합니다. 이후 고객의 마음은 반복되고, 기억되며 다시 정의됩니다. 마음이 최후의 전장인 것입니다. 마술사는 통찰력의 거장이기 때문에 다른 누구보다 고객이 기대하는 생각속으로 들어갈 수 있는 방법을 잘 알고 있습니다. 그렇기 때문에 마술의 원리는 사업에서 큰 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

다음의 4가지 도구와 기술은 마법의 신비함을 만들어 내는 것들 입니다. 이 네 단어는 ‘A’로 시작합니다. 우리는 이것들을 “비장의 무기”라고 부를 것입니다. 이것은 성공을 위한 도구만이 아닙니다. 이 도구들이 같이 실행될 때 고객 서비스를 승리로 이끌 전략을 만들어 줍니다.

1: 가정

사람들은 끊임없이 가정을 합니다. 마술사는 두뇌가 자연스럽게 당신을 “상대로”만든다는 가정을 이용합니다. 마술사가 다른 마술사를 속인다는 가정이 재미있는 이유입니다. 마술을 하는 마술사는 그의 마술사 친구가 어떤 마술인지 알고 있다는 가정을 하게되고, 마술사 친구가 예상하지 못하는 방식으로 마술을 하기 때문에 그 마술사를 놀라게 합니다.

가정은 모든 대인 관계에 영향을 미치며 도움이 될 수도 있고 상처를 줄 수 있습니다. 먼저, 고객에 대해 어떤 가정을 하고 있는지 생각해보세요. 고객들이 당신, 당신의 브랜드 또는 제품을 좋아한다고 가정하고 있나요? 아니면 고객들이 회의적이라고 가정하고 있나요?

둘째, 고객들이 당신에게 어떤 가정을 하고 있는지 생각해보세요. 고객이 기대하는 바를 인식하여 고객에게 서비스를 제공하기 전에 고객 또는 상대하는 분의 마음을 파악하여 응대할 때 발생될 것으로 예상되는 사항을 이해해야합니다.

2: 인정

인간의 상호 작용은 고객의 가정이 인정되는 경우에만 성공할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 마술에 대해 부정적인 입장을 가지고 있는 관객을 대하는 세련된 마술사는 먼저 그 전제를 인식해야만 마술을 진행할 수 있습니다.

42 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
위대한마법처럼 판매는
제공하기 위한 직원교육
마법 같은 서비스를

fastest trick I do, and if you enjoy it, I can come back later and show you more?”

Acknowledgment communicates authenticity. For businesses and brands, it can be the saving mea culpa that redeems a company from a mistake. For individuals, it is a way of clearing the air before being able to move forward in a relationship.

3: Anticipation

Once you’ve identified your customer’s assumptions and then acknowledged them, you’re ready to build anticipation.

Studies have shown that your mind is in a constant state of anticipation, making predictions about the future, and then rewarding or punishing you for being right or wrong. This is what makes magic so much fun to watch— your brain is constantly making predictions about how a trick might end. And when your brain guesses correctly, it’s rewarded handsomely.

There are many ways a magician might increase your anticipation levels. Sometimes, he’ll tell you exactly how the trick will end. Sometimes, he might even create anticipation through tension, by feigning an error , before successfully completing an effect to the delight of the audience.

Master magicians know how to raise the level of anticipation—and ultimately the astonishment that is about to come. Creating anticipation is an ultimate tool of perception, a masterful tactic that can create intrigue and heightened emotions, leading to a better payoff in the end.

You can raise anticipation levels in a sales interaction by painting a picture of how the customer’s future might look. What can you say to get a customer excited about a future payoff? What emails could you send to heighten this

할 수 있는 가장 빠른 속임수를 보여드릴까요? 제 마술이 마음에 든다면, 마술을 더 보여드려도 될까요?”

인정은 인증으로 통합니다. 기업과 브랜드의 경우, 회사를 실패로부터 구제하는 메아 쿨파(mea culpa)가 될 수 있습니다. 개인에 대해서는, 이것은 관계를 진전시키기 전 공기를 정화해 주는 방법인 것입니다.

3: 기대

고객의 가정이 무엇인지 확인했다면, 인정하고 기대를 줄 준비가 되어

있는 것 입니다.

연구에 따르면 마음은 미래에 대한 기대를 하고, 잘 되거나 잘못된 것에

대해 보람을 느끼거나 자책하는 등 끊임없이 예측을 하고 있습니다. 이것이 마술을 재미있게 만드는 것 입니다. 뇌는 마술이 어떻게 끝날지에 대한 예측을 끊임없이 하고 있습니다. 그리고 뇌가 정확하게 추측 할 때,

멋진 보상을 받게 됩니다.

마술사가 당신의 기대 수준을 높이는 데에는 수 많은 방법이 있습니다.

때로 마술사는 속임수가 어떻게 끝날지 정확하게 알려줄 것입니다.

때로는 청중들에게 즐거움을 선사하기 위해, 마술을 성공하기 전 실수로 위장하여 긴장감을 통한 기대를 만들 수도 있습니다.

최고의 마술사는 기대 수준을 올리는 방법을 알고 있으며 궁극적으로

어느 시점에서 청중들이 놀랄지 알고 있습니다. 기대감을 창조하는 것은 궁극적인 인식의 도구이며, 흥미와 격렬한 감정을 만들어 냄으로써 결국 더 좋은 결과를 낳을 수 있는 훌륭한 전술입니다. 고객이 앞으로 어떻게 변하게 될지 그림으로 보여주면 판매시 응대하는 동안 기대 수준을 높일 수 있습니다. 앞으로 변화될 모습으로 고객을 흥분하게 하기위해 무엇을 말할 수 있나요? 이 기대감을 높이기 위해 보낼 수 있는 이메일은 무엇입니까? 긴장감을 불러 일으켜 기대를 창출

마술사가 “당신은 마술을 믿지 않는군요.” 라고 말할지도 모릅니다. “ 제가


sense of anticipation? Is there a way you can create anticipation through generating tension?

Think about how you can build, build, build anticipation so that when a customer finally makes her purchase, she feels like it’s a cause for celebration!

4: Astonishment

Have you ever been amazed by a magician? Have you seen or experienced something that made you take pause? Your eyes widened, your pupils dilated, your mouth got dry. For a brief moment you couldn’t explain what just happened. This positive and pleasantly surprising moment has an eerie way of zapping your brain like nothing else does. Magicians refer to this as the moment of astonishment.

Excellent customer service comes down to how well you’re able to astonish your customer. Sure, a customer might have assumptions that you may have acknowledged, and you might even deliver on what she anticipated would happen. But unless you go an extrastep, providing something she previously thought unlikely or impossible, she will not walk away feeling astonished.

Astonishment taps into your customer’s emotional brain, and it’s in the emotional brain that brand loyalty becomes rooted and repeat business generated. Astonishment is what leads to 5-star Yelp reviews and unsolicited Facebook posts singing your glories.

Just like an astonished audience member might excitedly request that a magician “do that again,” or demand a magician share a performance -- “show that to my friend!” -- your customers will want to experience your business again and share it with friends if you leave them truly astonished.

4: 놀람

마술사때문에 놀랐던 적이 있습니까? 잠깐 멈춤 버튼을 누른 경험이 있나요? 눈이 크게 떠지고, 입을 벌리게 되며 침이 마르게 되고 잠시 동안 방금 일어난 일을 믿을 수 없게됩니다. 긍정적이고 유쾌한 이 놀라운 순간은 당신의 두뇌를 두드려 기분을 괴상하게 만듭니다. 마술사들은 이것을 경이로운 순간이라고 부릅니다. 훌륭한 고객 서비스는 고객을 얼마나 놀라게 할 수 있는지에 달려 있습니다. 물론, 고객은 귀하가 인정한 가정을 가지고 있을 수도 있고 예상대로 제공 할 수도 있습니다. 그러나 고객이 이전에 전혀 생각하지도 못했던 불가능한 것을 제공한다면, 고객은 놀라서 그대로 얼음이 되어 있을 것입니다.

놀라움은 고객의 정서적 두뇌를 자극하고, 브랜드 충성도를 높여 지속적인 사업이 이루어질 수 있도록 감성적 두뇌를 자극합니다. 놀라움을 느낀 고객은 영광을 노래하며 별 5 개의 옐프(Yelp) 리뷰와 요구도 하지 않았던 페이스 북의 게시물을 작성합니다. 깜짝 놀란 청중들은 마술사에게 “다시해봐”라고 요구하거나 마술사에게 공연을 공유하도록 요구할 수도 있는 것과 같이 놀라운 경험을 한 경우-- “제 친구에게 보여주세요!”-라고 고객은 다시 귀하의 사업을 친구들에게 경험시켜주고 공유하고 싶어합니다.

그럼 어떻게하면 응대시에 놀라운 순간을 더 증폭할 수 있을까요?

So how can you add moments of astonishment to your interactions? What surprises can you plan? How can you take things a step beyond meeting their anticipated expectations and deliver something they wouldn’t have imagined possible?

Stack the deck to win the game

A competent magician will understand the assumptions his audience is making about him and acknowledge them. A great magician will build so much anticipation that the audience creates an expectation for the successful conclusion of a trick. But an excellent magician will not just bring a trick to its successful conclusion—he will go an extra step, not only delivering on the promise, but exceeding it and surprising the audience.

Excellent magicians have all four “aces” up their sleeves. You don’t have to be a magician to use these tools, you just have to Think Like A Magician™. Teach these tactics to your employees, and they’ll be masters at delivering magical customer service.

Meet Kostya Kimlat

어떤 서프라이즈를 계획할 수 있나요? 예상했던 기대를 충족시키는 것 이상의 단계를 밟아서 고객들이 상상할 수 없었던 것을 어떻게 전달할 수 있을까요?

게임 승리를 위해 데크를 쌓아 올리세요

유능한 마술사는 관객이 본인에 대해 의심하고 있는 것을 알고 있습니다. 위대한 마술사는 청중들이 마술은 속임수를 통해 완성한다는 기대를 만들어 줍니다. 그러나 훌륭한 마술사는 성공적인 마술을 하는데 속임수만 사용하지 않습니다. 이 마술사는 한단계를 더 나아가 약속된 바를 전달해주는 것만이 아니라 관객을 기대를 넘어선 놀라움으로 입을 벌리게 할 것 입니다.

훌륭한 마술사는 네 개의 “A”를 모두 스토어에 가지고 있습니다. 이러한

도구를 사용하기 위해 마술사가 될 필요는 없습니다. 마술사처럼 만 생각하면 됩니다. 이러한 전술을 직원에게 가르쳐 주면 마법과 같은

고객 서비스를 제공하는 데 큰 도움이 될 것입니다.

Kostya Kimlat is a keynote speaker and corporate magician who fooled Penn & Teller on their hit TV show, “Fool Us”. Kostya speaks to businesses about how to Think Like A Magician™ to improve sales and customer service. For more information about Kostya Kimlat, please visit www. TheBusinessMagician.com.

Kostya Kimlat씨는

46 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
기조 연설자이자 히트 TV 프로그램인 “Fool Us”에서 Penn & Teller를 속인 기업 마술사입니다. 코스 티아씨는 세일즈 및 고객 서비스 향상을 위해 마술사와 같이 생각하는 방법에 대해 기업에서 연설합니다. 코스 티아 키멜트씨에 대한 자세한 정보는 www.TheBusinessMagician.com을 방문하세요.
수 있는
어떻게하면 고객이 구매할 때 축하를
느낄 수 있도록 고객들의
방법이 있나요?
받는 것 같이
기대감을 높일지에 대해 생각해보세요!

Igniting Your Team to New Levels of Performance Business Tips

팀을 한단계 더 업그레이드 시키기 위한 점화

When it comes to constructing a team of people who work well together to create winning outcomes, knowing how to and understanding how to are two very different phenomena.

The strong and astute organizational leader is one who is committed to optimizing their resources and maximizing their return on their investment. Given that the people expense is often the largest investment in any enterprise; creating this kind of culture is simply smart business. As a leader, empowering your workforce to unleash their strengths and encouraging people to collaborate, and innovate leverages people’s ability to act as a team and produce results should be your focus.

In work cultures where people focus on only their piece of the puzzle it leads to silo mentality and ultimately breeds ineffectiveness and inefficiency. A high performance team cannot exist in an environment where competition and one-up-manship prevail. When people on the team focus on each other’s limitations and detriments—and why things cannot be done—they all too often miss opportunities to make the organization better. Additionally, teamwork is adversely impacted when the people on the team feel the need to focus on fighting and jockeying for authority or power. This need to be ‘better than’ decreases collaboration and limits innovation. It is a recipe for stagnation and conflict—neither which drive long term results.

성공적인 결과를 만들기 위해 같이 일할 사람들을 팀으로 구성 할 때 ‘ 방법’을 아는 것과 ‘방법’을 이해하는 것은 매우 다른 두 가지 현상입니다.

강력하고 기민한 조직의 리더는 자원을 최적화하고 투자 수익을 극대화하기 위해 최선을 다하는 사람입니다. 인건비는 종종 모든 기업에서 가장 큰 투자입니다. 이러한 환경 기반을 만드는 것이 현명한 사업입니다. 리더들은 자신의 강점을 발휘하고 사람들 간에 협업하도록 장려하고, 팀과 제품의 성공적인 결과를 위해 인력을 활용하여야 합니다.

사람들이 퍼즐 조각에만 집중하는 직장 문화에서는 사일로(부서 간의 소통 부재) 사고방식으로 이어지고 비효과적이며 비효율적이게 됩니다. 한사람이 좌지우지 하는 경쟁 환경에서는 성과가 높은 팀이 나올 수 없습니다. 팀원들이 서로의 한계와 손실, 그리고 일이 되지 않는 이유 등에 집중할 때, 조직을 더 잘 만들 기회를 종종 놓치고 맙니다. 또한 팀 구성원이 권한이나 권력을 위해 싸우거나 다투는 것에만 집중할 때, 팀워크는 깨지기 마련입니다. ‘보다 낫다’는 욕구는 협업을 감소시키고 혁신을 제한합니다. 그것은 장기적으로 좋은 결과를 가져 오지 못하게 하는 정체와 갈등만을 주는 방법입니다.

48 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

As leaders, it requires rewiring our minds and our teams to repair an absence of trust; however before you can rewire, you first need to be aware and responsible for the absence of trust in the first place.

Whether you are seeking to create a high performance work team or a high performance culture; there are seven steps for creating an environment where high performance and teamwork can thrive.

1. Identify and Clarify the Purpose for the Team

People must understand the why behind what they are doing. Once the purpose for the team is crystalized and talking points are clearly outlined, it is the initiator of the team’s role to connect the dots for people to see how they connect to it. Communicating an inspiring vision for the people on the team and mapping what success looks like when it is achieved is a foundational element for congealing a group of people together and getting them geared up to work together in unison.

2. Select a Leader

The team’s leader does not have to be the person who invents the possibility and purpose for the team; it does need to be a person who accepts the responsibility for shepherding and guiding the team to success. The leader’s job is to be present—to be there for the team. The best leaders select the right people, inspire them towards a vision and back out of the way during the planning stage—unless they are specifically asked for guidance.

3. Establish Rules

People need to know what is expected from them, and from the team. People need to know and understand where the boundaries are regarding decision-making, autonomy and performance. Giving people the rules of the game before they agree to play it allows for people to opt in or opt out of the team and the game. Advanced clarity of expectations also reduces unnecessary problems, ambiguity and confusion and serves to mitigate poor performance and unwanted turnover on the team.

4. Select the Players

Whether you are building an enterprise or a team of people to accomplish a project, it is crucial that you select the right people for the right roles, for the right reasons. When this happens people join the team for the right reasons; which is the baseline team engagement. When people are engaged, they have a strong desire to bring value—to be a contributor. They enjoy the type of work they are doing and are able to connect their work to the bigger picture.

The best team dynamics happen when there is a variety of people who bring their uniqueness to the team. Beyond competencies and skills,

리더로서 신뢰 결여를 만회하기 위해 마음과 팀을 다시 결속해야합니다. 그러나 이를 만화하기 전에, 먼저 신뢰의 부재에 대해 인식하고 책임을 져야합니다.

성과가 높은 팀 또는 문화를 만들고자 하는 분을 위해 성과가 높은 팀워크 환경 조성을 위한 7가지 단계가 있습니다.

1. 팀 목적 파악 및 명확화하기

사람들은 그들이 하는 일의 배경을 이해해야 합니다. 팀 목적이 구체화되고 논의 포인트가 명확하게 나타나면, 사람들이 점들을

연결하여 어떻게 보여지는지를 보는 것이 팀 역할의 시작입니다. 팀원들에게 고무적인 비전을 전달하고 그것이 성취되었을 때 성공이

어떻게 보이는지를 매핑하는 것은 사람들의 집단을 하나로 모으고 함께 조화롭게 작동하도록 하는 기본 요소입니다.

2. 리더 선출하기

팀의 리더는 팀의 가능성과 목적을 만든 사람일 필요는 없습니다.

리더는 팀원들이 성공하도록 인도하고 책임감을 부여하는 사람이어야 합니다. 리더의 임무는 팀원을 참여하도록 하는 것입니다. 최고의 리더는 팀원들이 구체적으로 지침을 요구하지 않는 한 적합한 사람들을 선택하고 계획 단계에서 비전을 향해 고무시키고 계획 항로에서 벗어나지 않도록 이끌어주어야 합니다.

3. 규칙 만들기

팀원은 팀원으로서 무엇을 기대받고 있는지 알아야합니다. 사람들은 의사 결정, 자율성 및 성과와 관련된 경계가 무엇인지 파악하고 이해해야 합니다. 사람들이 게임을 하기전에 게임 규칙을 제시하면 사람들은 팀과 게임에 참여할 수도 있고 하지 않을 수도 있습니다.

기대치에 관해 미리 확실한 정의를 내리는 것은 불필요한 문제, 모호함 및 혼란을 줄이고 팀의 나쁜 성과 및 원치 않는 이직을 완화시키는 역할을 합니다.

4. 플레이어 선택하기

프로젝트를 달성하기 위해 기업을 구축하든, 팀을 구성하는 것이든 관계없이 적합한 역할을 가진 적합한 인력을 선택하는 것이 중요합니다. 이런 일이 발생하면 사람들은 정당한 이유로 팀에 합류합니다. 이것이 팀 참여의 기본입니다. 사람들이 참여하면 가치를 창출하고자 하는 강한 열망을 가지고 기여자가 됩니다. 팀원들은 그들이 하고있는 일의 유형을 즐기고 더 큰 그림에 그들의

노고를 결속 시킬 수 있습니다.

최고의 팀은 팀원들의 고유성이 한대 어우러질 때 나타납니다.

역량과 기술 이외에도 각 팀 구성원이 제공하는 독특한 특성과

50 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

it’s important to consider unique traits that each team member brings to the table and how those unique traits can be leveraged for optimal creativity and innovation.

5. Set the Level

Level-setting allows each member of the team a new opportunity to begin again. During a level set, team members explore their limiting beliefs and barriers to working with others in a productive and effective manner, and do the necessary work to unpack those factors that get in the way. The team as a whole is challenged to work together in experiential learning in ways they never considered.

6. Planning

The best approach for a leader during planning is to be a source for inspiration, questions, and guidance. Leaders who step too far in to planning create teams that are dependent on the leader and lack creativity. If the leader notices a problem with the plan, rather than pointing it out, it is much more empowering to ask questions that provoke the team members to activate their critical thinking skills to answer and think potential challenges through.

7. Check in, Track Progress, Celebrate Success

When people are aware of the milestone meetings and rely on regular feedback it reduces uncertainly and unnecessary stress. Laying out the stages of organizational effectiveness, beginning with what it means to be operating in formulation and concentration and then defining criteria for low, moderate and high momentum gives the team an opportunity to self regulate, correct and celebrate as they see fit.


레벨 설정하기

레벨 설정을 통해 팀의 각 구성원은 새로운 기회를 가질 수 있습니다. 팀 구성원은 레벨 설정 과정에서 다른 사람과 함께 생산적이고 효과적인 방식으로 작업 할 수 있는 제한적인 신념과 장벽을 탐색하고

방해 요소를 해결하기 위해 필요한 작업을 수행합니다. 전체로서의 팀은 전혀 고려하지 않았던 경험적 방식으로 함께 협력해야합니다.

6. 계획하기

계획 단계중에 리더가 할 수 있는 가장 이상적인 역할은 영감, 질문 및 지침의 원천이 되어주는 것입니다. 팀 생성 계획을 세우는 데

너무 깊게 들어가는 리더는 리더에 의존하며 창의력이 부족한 팀을

만듭니다. 리더가 계획에 문제가 있다는 것을 지적하는 것보다 문제를 먼저 알아내어 팀원들이 잠재적 사고를 통해 대답하고 사고 할 수 있는 비판적 사고 능력을 활성화하도록 유도하는 질문을 하는 것이 훨씬 더 좋습니다.

7. 시작, 진행, 성공 축하

While knowing and understanding are two very different distinctions, doing is the link that shifts knowing to understanding. For the impatient leader, doing may be a challenge because progress is most often only experienced incrementally. Building a high performance team is not about exponential breakthroughs, if they happen great; however if sustainability is your goal, impatience is your enemy. Teams respond best to a system that allows them to learn, move forward, fall, learn from mistakes, move forward again and sustain progress over time. When high concentration and effort is celebrated, and low momentum is acknowledged and genuinely appreciated, teams build confidence and fortitude to stay the course. 최적의 창의력과 혁신을

사람들이 일정회의를 이해하고 정기적인 피드백에 의존하면 불확실성과 불필요한 스트레스를 줄일 것입니다. 조직의 유효성 단계를 정하고 공식화 및 집중화해서 운영된다는 것을 의미하는

것으로 시작하여 저, 중, 고 모멘텀에 대한 기준을 정의하면 팀이 스스로를 조정하고 수정하여 목표에 도달 했을 때 축하 할 수 있는 기회를 제공할 것입니다.

알고 있는 것과 이해하는 것은 매우 다르지만, 실행하는 것은 아는 것을 이해하는 것으로 이동시켜주는 연결 고리입니다. 참을성 없는 리더의 경우, 진전은 점진적으로만 경험되기 때문에 도전이 될 수 있습니다. 성과가 높은 팀을 구성하는 것이 큰 일이라면 기하 급수적인 발전에 관한 것이 아닙니다. 그러나 지속 가능성이 당신의 목표라면, 참을성은 걸림돌이 되게 됩니다. 팀은 그들이 배우고, 앞으로 나아가고, 추락하고, 실수에서 배우고, 전진하며, 발전을 지속 할 수 있게 해주는 시스템에 가장 적합합니다. 높은 집중력과 노력을 경축하고 낮은 추진력이 인정되고 진정으로 높이 평가 될 때, 팀은 자신감을 갖고 용기를 내게 됩니다.

Meet Magi Graziano

Magi Graziano, as seen on NBC, is the CEO of KeenAlignment, a speaker, employee recruitment and engagement expert and author of The Wealth of Talent. Through her expansive knowledge and captivating presentations, Graziano provides her customers with actionable, practical ideas to maximize their effectiveness and ability to create high-performing teams. With more than 20 years’ experience as a top producer in the Recruitment and Search industry, she empowers and enables leaders to bring transformational thinking to the day-to-day operation. For more information on Graziano please visit www.KeenAlignment.com. NBC에서 볼 수 있는 Magi Graziano는 연사,

The Wealth of Talent의 저자로 KeenAlignment의 CEO 입니다. Graziano는

52 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
고용 및 참여 전문가이자
지식과 흥미로운 프레젠테이션을 통해 고객에게 실행할 수 있고 실용적인 아이디어를 제공하여 효율성과 성과를 극대화 할 수 있는 팀을 창출합니다. 채용 및 검색 업계에서 20년 이상 최고의 프로듀서로서의 경험을 쌓은 그녀는 지도자들이 역동적인 생각을 일상 업무에 적용 할 수 있도록 지원합니다. Graziano에 대한 자세한 내용은 www.KeenAlignment.com을 참조하십시오.
위해 이런 고유한 특성을 활용하는 방법을 생각해
내는 것이 중요합니다.

Business Tips

They Did What?

Coping Effectively With Customers Who Behave Badly


고객 효과적으로 응대하기

Polite Notice:

“When it’s your turn, if you are talking on your cell phone, we will help the next customer.”

“If you make a mess on the kitchen counter, wipe it up. If you use a dish, clean it. If the dishwasher is full of clean dishes, empty it.”

“If you drink the last cup of coffee, make a new pot. Your mother doesn’t live here.”

While somewhat funny, each of those notices is a cry for help from service staff exasperated by their customers’ impolite behavior.

If you pay attention, you can see breaches in etiquette everywhere you look. For example, anyone who has ever watched people at a hotel’s breakfast buffet load up their bags with enough calories to fuel a football team has witnessed a classic guest etiquette fail.

While normal customers are enjoying a bowl of cereal or a pancake, those ”other” people are squirreling away yogurt, bagels, bananas, sausage, and anything else they can get their hands on.

No doubt, the hotel staff shake their heads in disbelief each and every morning they encounter such a scene, but short of a bag search at the buffet’s exit, is there anything that can be done to change customer behavior? Fortunately, yes.

As providers trying to deliver a great experience to both external and internal customers, businesses need to identify what they want and don’t want their customers to do, and pinpoint what people and processes they can put in place to achieve the desired results. 정중한 공지:

도와드릴 것 입니다.”

“부엌 조리대가 엉망진창이라면 깨끗하게 하세요. 접시를 사용하시는 경우

닦아주세요. 식기 세척기에 깨끗한 접시가가 가득차 있다면 비워주세요.”

“마지막 커피를 마셨다면, 새로운 커피를 만들어 놓으세요. 당신의 어머니가 여기에 있지는 않습니다.”

다소 재미있지만, 이러한 공지 사항은 고객의 무례한 행동으로 분노한 서비스 직원들의 외침입니다.

주의를 기울이면 모든 곳에서 에티켓을 파괴한 사례를 볼 수 있습니다.

예를 들어, 호텔의 조식 뷔페에서 축구 팀이 먹을 만큼의 음식을 가방에

담는 손님등 에티켓이 파괴된 현장을 보았을 것 입니다.

일반 고객이 시리얼이나 팬케이크 한 그릇을 즐기는 동안, 그 “다른” 사람들은 요구르트, 베이글, 바나나, 소시지 등을 손에 감추고 있을 수 있습니다.

의심할 여지없이, 호텔 직원들은 매일 아침 그러한 장면을 볼 때마다

신뢰를 잃고 머리를 좌우로 흔들곤 합니다. 그러나 뷔페의 출구에서 가방 속을 확인 할 수는 없으니 고객 행동을 바꾸기 위해 할 수 있는 일이 있을까요? 다행스럽게도 있습니다. 외부 및 내부 고객 모두에게 훌륭한 경험을 제공하려는 업체는, 기업이

54 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
“귀하의 차례이더라도 통화를 하고 계시면 다음 고객님을
고객이 원하지 않는 것을 파악하여 원하는 결과를 실현하기 위해 어떠한 사람과 절차를 두어야 하는지에 대한 파악이 필요합니다.
원하는 것을 식별하고

Step One – Audit

Experience your business from your customer’s vantage point. Whether you’re serving external or internal customers, you need to understand what happens to them before you can encourage or discourage behaviors.

Step Two – Encourage What You Do Want

Next, identify the actions you want your customers to take, and put people and processes in place to encourage those behaviors.

For example, if you want dry counters in your bathrooms, look at your sinks. Are they designed well, or do they spray water everywhere?

By providing hand dryers instead of paper towels, have you deprived customers of a way to clean up after themselves? If you provide towel dispensers, does your service staff pack them so tightly that customers will destroy several dozen paper towels before leaving behind a washbasin filled with sodden confetti and hands still damp? What about your employees? Do you train your staff to wipe down counter tops—even if “housekeeper” isn’t part of their official title? Do you model good behavior yourself?

Step Three – Invite Customers to Participate in the Process

Like anyone else, most customers are more willing to help you reach your service goals if you remind them of the mutual benefit of lending a hand. Let folks know what they can do to aid the common cause, and make it easy for them to do it. Consider that bathroom with the perpetually wet countertops. Is there a sign of some sort explaining the desired state and what customers should do if they encounter something different?

Something such as, “We make every effort to keep our sink counters dry and free of debris. If they or some other aspect of this restroom is in need of servicing, please tell any of our employees so we can make it right. Many thanks!” could make a big difference.

Such a notice makes clear your commitment to customer service, and it suggests an easy way for customers to take action and help you make good on that commitment. They don’t have to find a manager or call a phone number to report a problem but instead simply talk to any employee.

Step Four – Discourage What You Don’t Want

Beyond communicating your desired end (e.g. tidy restroom counters) and encouraging customers to participate in achieving it, you need to ensure that you and your staff are not working against yourselves by inadvertent enablement. Take, for example, the over-full paper towel dispenser. You want tidy restroom counters? Then have the person whose job it is to replenish paper towels service the dispensers more frequently and restock them with fewer towels. That isn’t rocket science, but it will require close management and frequent correction for a couple of weeks until that new practice becomes a matter of routine.

1 단계 - 감사 고객의 시점에서

비즈니스를 경험해 보십시오. 내부 고객을 서비스하던

외부 고객을 서비스하던간에 고객들에게 어떤 행동을 장려하거나

말리기 전에 어떤 일이 발생 했었는지 이해해야 합니다.

2 단계 - 원하는 것을 독려하십시오

다음, 고객들에게 부탁할 행동을 서정하고, 그러한 행동을 유도하기 위해 사람을 쓰고, 룰을 만드십시오.

예를 들어, 화장실에 건조대가 필요한 경우, 싱크대를 먼저 보십시오.

씽크대는 잘 디자인 되었나요 아니면 물을 도처에 뿌리고 있나요?

종이 타월 대신 핸드 드라이어를 제공하여 고객이 손을 적절히 말릴 수

있는 기회조차 제공하지 않았나요? 타올 디스펜서를 제공하는 경우, 서비스 직원이 종이를 너무 꽉 채워 놔서 고객이 손을 말리지도 못한채

수십 개의 타월을 축축한 채로 세면대에 버리고 가도록 하고 있지 않은가요? 직원들은 어떤가요? “하우스키퍼”가 그들의 일이 아니더라도 카운터 탑을 닦도록 직원을 훈련시키나요? 여러분은 솔선수범을 하고 있는 가요?

3 단계 - 프로세스에 고객이 참여하도록 초대

다른 사람들과 마찬가지로, 대부분의 고객은 상호 이익을 상기 시켜주면 서비스 목표를 달성 할 수 있도록 생각보다 기꺼이 도와 줍니다. 일반 사람들을 돕기 위해 그들이 할 수 있는 일을 사람들에게 알리고 쉽게 실천할 수 있도록 하세요. 계속 젖어있는 카운터탑이 있는 욕실을 생각해보십시오. 원하는 컨디션을 유지하기 위해 고객이 해야 할 것이 있나요?

“우리는 싱크대를 건조한 상태로 유지하고 지저분하지 않도록 모든 노력을 기울이고 있습니다. 이 화장실에서 그 밖에 서비스가 필요한 경우 직원에게 알려서 시정할 수 있도록 해주세요. 정말 감사합니다! ” 라는 문구는 큰 차이를 만들 수 있습니다.

이러한 공지는 고객 서비스에 대한 귀하의 공약을 분명히 하고 고객이 조치를 취하고 그 약속을 잘 수행 할 수 있도록 도와주는 쉬운 방법입니다. 관리자를 찾거나 문제를 보고하기 위해 전화를 하기위해 전화번호를 찾을 필요가 없으며 단순히 직원과 이야기를 나누면 됩니다.

4 단계 - 원하지 않는 것을 억제하세요.

원하는 상태(예: 깔끔한 화장실 카운터)을 전달하고 고객이 그것을 달성하는데 참여하도록 격려하는 것 이외에도, 귀하와 직원이 부주의 한 사용으로 불필요하게 일하지 않도록 해야 합니다. 예를 들어, 넘치는 종이 타월 디스펜서를 가져 가십시오. 깔끔한 화장실 카운터가 필요 하신가요? 그런 다음 종이 수건을 보충하는 일을 하는 사람에게 디스펜서를 좀더 자주, 조금씩 덜 채워서 보충하도록 하세요. 이것이

56 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

Step Five –Create Alternatives

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, customers continue to behave in ways you don’t like. While it’s not always possible to creatively accommodate these people, often it is.

Consider the problem of abandoned shopping carts in a big box store’s parking lot. Those unmanned vehicles tie up spaces that would otherwise be available, they’re potentially dangerous, and they make the outside of the store look uncared for. To solve the problem, a business might first liberally place cart return areas throughout its lot and send an associate outside several times an hour to gather any strays. The company might also post signs asking people to bring carts to the store as they arrive for shopping.

If those actions don’t have the desired impact, the company might adopt a rental cart system where customers deposit a quarter to access a cart and get their quarter back upon the cart’s return. While some people will forgo the quarter for convenience, others will gladly police the lot to retrieve a free 25 cents.

Whatever the solution, it should never berate customers or accuse them. Instead, keep the message positive. Here’s an example – “Due to the popularity of many of our room items, housekeeping now sells alarm clocks, sheets, towels, lamps, and other merchandise found in your suite. If you wish to purchase something, please contact the front desk, or simply take the item home with you. We’ll gladly charge the credit card we have on file. Enjoy your stay, and let us know if we can be of service to you.”

The message is clear. The hotel does not intend for guests to own the items they’re using, but if they want to do so, they can certainly be accommodated. Left up to chance, you get what you get from customers, but with an understanding of your customers’ experience and deliberate choices, you can influence how people behave.

주정도의 긴밀한 관리와 잦은 수정이 필요합니다.

5 단계 - 대안을 만드세요.

때로는 아무리 노력해도 고객이 마음에 들지 않는 방식들로 행동합니다. 이러한 사람들을 완전히 변화시킬 순 없지만, 전혀 방법이 없는 것은 아닙니다.

대형매장의 주차장에 버려진 쇼핑카트 문제를 생각해 보세요. 방치된 카트는 공간을 차지하고 위험할 수 있으며 카트를 사용 할 수 없도록 하며 매장이 관리되지 않는 것처럼 보이도록 합니다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 업체는 처음에 카트 반납 영역을 자유롭게 배치하고 한 시간에 몇 번씩 직원들이 치우도록 하여 모든 위험을 분산시킬 수 있습니다. 회사는 또한 사람들이 매장에 도착했을 때 쇼핑카트를 가지고 들어가라는 안내판을 게시할 수도 있습니다.

이러한 조치에도 원하는 효과가 없는 경우, 회사는 고객이 카트를 이용할 때 25센트를 지불하고 카트를 반환 할 때 25센트를 다시 가져가는 카트 렌탈 시스템을 채택 할 수 있습니다. 일부 사람들은 편의를 위해 25센트를 버릴 것이지만, 다른 사람들은 25센트를 회수 할 수 있도록 기꺼이 규칙을 준수할 것 입니다.

해결책이 무엇이던, 고객을 질책하거나 비난해서는 안됩니다. 대신

메시지를 긍정적으로 유지하십시오. 여기에 한 예가 있습니다. 방에 있는 물품의 인기로 인해, 하우스 키핑에서는 자명종, 시트, 수건, 램프 및 기타 상품을 판매합니다. 물건을 사고 싶으면 프론트 데스크에 문의 하시거나 그냥 집으로 가져가시면 됩니다. 가져가신 품목에 대해서는 신용 카드로 청구 될 것입니다. 머무는 동안 즐거운 시간을 보내시고 필요하시면 언제라도 불러주세요.”

메시지는 명확합니다. 이 호텔은 손님들이 물품을 가져가라는 의도는 없지만 손님이 가져가기를 원한다면 확실한 메시지를 준 것 입니다. 고객으로부터 얻을 수 있는 기회를 포기하고 고객의 경험 이해를 통한 신중한 선택으로 사람들의 행동에 영향을 줄 수 있습니다.

Meet Kate Zabriskie

Kate Zabriskie is the president of Business Training Works, Inc., a Maryland-based talent development firm. She and her team help businesses establish customer service strategies and train their people to live up to what’s promised. For more information, visit www.businesstrainingworks. com.


58 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
메릴랜드에 있는 재능 개발 회사인 Business Training
Inc.의 대표입니다. 그녀와 그녀의 팀은 기업이 고객 서비스 전략을 수립하고 약속 한 바에 따라 실천 할 수 있도록 직원의 교육을 도와줍니다. 자세한 내용은 www.businesstrainingworks.com을 참조하세요.
로켓 과학은 아니지만 새로운 관행이 보통의 일과가 될 때까지 2

Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools

Create the “You” That You Love!

It’s February – Cupid’s infamous month of love – which means it’s the perfect time to glam yourself up. So assume full pampering mode and create a new hairstyle to make you come alive. Going out or staying in, we have the tips to create an amazing Valentine’s Day look.

The Bob

The versatile Bob hairstyle is suitable for women of all ages. Wearable in every season, the Bob is always fashionable and trendy. If your aim is to achieve a straight, sleek and elegant bob, we suggest a 1” ceramic flat iron to beautifully straighten your hair. Our top tool for this? The Gold N Hot 1” Ceramic Straightening Iron. It creates the ultimate polished look, eliminating static and frizz. If your goal is for a more glamorous look, try the 1” 24K Gold Curling Iron to create fun, carefree long-lasting curls.

Crimp it

Rev up your imagination and stand out in the crowd with that unique, attractive style that only a good crimping can bring. Create crimped hairstyles on both short and long hair with our

signature Gold N Hot 2” Ceramic Crimping Iron for a vibrant, high-energy texture that will surely turn heads.


The eternally young Pixie – aka “boy cut” – is the asymmetrical short crop that is always cute and always in. For the ideal Pixie, try the Gold N Hot 3/8” Ceramic Root Straightener. It’s also great for bangs, spiky hair and for straightening the roots of naturally extra-curly, coily hair. The perfect pixie never fails.

Remember that just a few smart styling tips (and the right tools!) can give you any style you want. With a few simple techniques, you can keep your natural hair looking and feeling shiny, silky-smooth, and free of annoying frizz. The secret is buying the right products and knowing how to maintain your specific hair type. And a little bit of homework on a product’s various features will further empower you to protect and beautify your hair.

Hair tools have the power to create your

Meet Terri Taricco-Cropp

Terri Taricco-Cropp, Vice President of Marketing Professional Division

“everyday” look, and can easily add a little spice and pizazz to change it up. The right tools give a woman that extra boost of confidence she needs to feel beautiful. Never accept that regular styling should mean excessive heat damage. By taking the time to learn what works best for your hair type, and investing in the right hair tools, your hair will be healthy and beautiful.

Yes, a hair transition can be scary. But it just might change your life. So surprise your date this Valentine’s Day or delight your friends. But more importantly, surprise and delight yourself by trying a new style that’s bold and glamorous or fun and sexy. Never forget that hairstyles are only limited by your imagination.

Gold’N Hot is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact Veronica Guerrero vguerrero@hotus.com or visit our website at www.GoldNHothair.com. com. Be sure to follow (or like us) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram @goldnhotelite

Terri has been part of the Professional Beauty Industry since 1984, as a stylist and salon owner. She also has worked in full-service distribution, online beauty, trade shows and is now VP of Marketing for Hot Tools. She leads a team of dedicated people devoted to bringing the best styling products to stylists and consumers globally.

62 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

Discover a New Revenue Stream with E-Commerce

The OTC retail scene is rapidly shifting. Gone are the days where retailers could simply rely on their brick-and-mortar establishments to keep a steady flow of revenue. Technology is here to stay and that means e-commerce is extremely important when thinking about the future of your store.

Today, e-commerce is extremely practical and necessary for your store’s survival. Establishing an online identity is vital in order to keep up with the ever-changing consumer buying habits.

According to BigCommerce, 67% of Millennials and 56% of Gen Xers prefer to shop online rather than in-store. That means more than half of the younger generations are likely shopping at their favorite stores that have websites, instead of walking into the physical shop. Not only is online shopping more convenient, but it saves the consumer time.

stores. Stylist Solutions drop ships the majority of their customers’ orders, allowing them to expand their inventory selections without investing a dime or increasing their storage space. Customers even have the option to have their order delivered to their home or to the store.

“We just witnessed over 6,000 major retail outlets close their doors in 2017. Their demise was largely attributed to their inability to accommodate their customers online,” said Ken Adams, owner of Stylist Solutions. His company creates e-commerce sites for beauty professionals, enthusiasts, and OTC

“Moreover, those locations did something that OTC stores don’t –advertise, “Adams continued. If major retailers, those of whom spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising, can go out of business, it is feasible that OTC stores could follow suit.

According to Adams, some of the most popular OTC e-commerce stores also have brick-and-mortar locations. “They realized the importance of e-commerce and now they’ve expanded their business globally and it’s fueling new brick and mortar store openings.”

Many store owners think that using e-commerce will negatively affect their store, but it does the exact opposite, he said. “One mid-size OTC store in North Carolina was struggling to keep pace with some of the larger stores in the area. They didn’t have the capital to purchase all the products their

64 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 Feature Article

customers wanted, so they got a site. They also identified all the products their competitors didn’t have and made sure they were included on their site. It took a couple of months of consistent marketing, but once the customers started to use the site, it paid off. Their clientele expanded, and they even began selling wholesale to local salons, something they were never able to do before.”

One of the biggest critiques for OTC stores is that customers never know what they have in stock. Additionally, most OTC stores cannot carry every SKU in a company’s collection. This forces store owners to “pick and choose” which products they think may sell the best.

BigCommerce notes that over 75% of consumers actively research products before they go out and buy them. Imagine spending hours online researching products, and to then settle on what you want, only to go to the beauty supply store to see its out of stock. Customers will journey to an OTC store specifically for one product, only to find out that it isn’t even sold at the store – even though other products of the same brand are available there. “[E-commerce] will improve the customer shopping experience and help them retain customers much longer because now customers will know if that product is available at that particular location.”

E-commerce is not a passing trend. In fact, it is gaining momentum. BigCommerce states that e-commerce is growing 23% year-over-year. With over half of Americans preferring to shop online, e-commerce is practically inevitable for OTC stores.

E-Commerce For All

Retailers aren’t the only ones who could stand to benefit from having e-commerce. Hairstylists and even vloggers can get in on the action. “It can also help small regional hair care brands become national brands, which is good for the store, the brand, and most definitely the consumers,” said Adams.

Vloggers and stylists can have a massive impact on the products people want to try and their popularity. Many brands – more notably, the natural brands - would not have obtained the success they have today if it were not for stylist and bloggers endorsing products on their social media pages. According to Adams, brands such as Mielle Organics, Mane Choice (Hair Solution), or even Shea Moisture “didn’t start out in national retail chains or OTC stores for that matter. It was the vloggers, social media, and hair shows that made those brands into what they are today.”

However, manufacturers aren’t interested in selling a couple of items direct to consumers or to independent vloggers and stylists. They want and need to move volume. That makes OTC chains and retail stores the best option to sell to.

But vloggers and stylists are wising up. With the assistance of companies like Stylist Solutions, they are able to create their own websites, endorse the products they love and profit from their efforts through online sales. Customers won’t have to worry about whether a product works because they can watch the influencer’s video to make a decision. When they are ready to buy, they won’t have to venture to their local beauty supply store

66 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

either. They can buy directly from the vlogger or stylist’s website. While this may be convenient for the customer, it could completely disrupt the OTC industry - especially if retailers refuse to evolve with the shift towards technology and convenience.

Growing with the e-commerce trend may be the best way to ensure your store remains competitive. Think of the benefits of going online. For example, E-commerce stores are not regulated

Meet Khalia

by shelf space limitations. “You can list as many items as your online store can support – which is endless,” said Adams. “That makes it easier for you to be able to experiment with product types.”

From the infinite inventory to the flexible hours of operation to having access to any SKU a customer requests, e-commerce has the potential to take any OTC to the next level. Success could easily be one computer click away.

Writing has always been in Khalia’s future, as she’s been writing since elementary school. Oddly enough, she graduated from the University of West Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in criminology. Yet, she chose to ditch that career path to pursue her passion in writing. When she’s not writing short stories, she’s doing nail art and listening to Kpop.

68 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

Keeps Hair Hydrated Long Lasting Styles

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It effectively adds radiant shine, incredible body and volume!


Prevents hair from breaking, encouraging growth Helps reduce split ends and smoothes the cuticle layer of the hair for intense shine

Adds softness and manageability Rich in antioxidants

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 69 Fantasia Industries Corporation • fantasiahaircare.com • Made In USA
@ICFantasia Fantasiahaircare

Cut the Cord! Cordless Technology Now Delivers Cord-like Power, Speed and Reliability CLIPPER TIPS

There was a day when only corded tools delivered the power, speed and reliability needed by hair professionals. This is why the Andis Master® clipper and T-Outliner® trimmer earned top spots in the hearts of barbers worldwide. Today, the game has changed. Andis is cutting the cord and making a range of cordless tools like the new T-Outliner Cordless Li, Envy® Li and Supra ZR®. These deliver the same power, speed and reliability barbers need plus the cordless convenience.

The power of a tool is measured by its ability to easily cut through thick, wet hair. Corded detachable blade clippers like the Andis Excel Ultra®, have always been known as the most powerful option. Thanks to advancements in lithium-ion battery technology, cordless tools like the Supra ZR have higher blade speeds with equal torque.

The speed of a tool is measured by how many times a cutter blade moves from center to left or right. Traditionally, magnetic motor tools move faster than rotary motor tools -until now. The new T-Outliner Cordless Lithium-Ion Trimmer operates at 7,200 blade strokes per minute, matching the speed of the iconic Andis corded T-Outliner. The fast-moving blades of the T-Outliner produce crisp, clean lines and designs.

The reliability of a tool is measured by its ability to last and deliver the same amount of power over time. The first generation of cordless tools were characterized by gradual power loss during use because of using NiCad batteries. With the new lithium-ion powered tools, reliability and consistent power are now standard.

After several years, and a steady progression in technology, cordless tools have finally caught up to the unmatched qualities of corded tools. The best benefit of this technological advancement is cordless convenience – no tangling cords, less clutter at the work station and they are easy to travel with.

My top three favorite cordless tools are the Andis Envy Li, Supra ZR, and the new T-Outliner Cordless Li. The new cordless T-Outliner Li features a lithium-ion battery with an industryleading three hours of run time. Andis engineers also gave it new constant speed motor technology which means it won’t drag or stall in thick hair. Those barbers who like the familiar feel and performance of the corded T-Outliner will love the new cordless version. See it at your authorized Andis dealer.

78 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 Advertisement
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.

THERAPY TRENDS Innovation Gets Personal in 2018

The beauty industry will no longer rely on stereotypical beauty standards. Inclusivity versus diversity in marketing will determine the ideal of innovation in the coming year. Beauty standards come in all shapes, sizes, colors, cultures, and genders. Skin tone and hair texture will be marketed as a continuous range reflecting individuals from every biology. The beauty and personal care industry will represent the world, as consumers view the world of unique personalization. Products must be marketed to the millennials as well as the aging boomers. Products must embrace the gender neutral as well as the transgendered. Halal, kosher and vegan will become mainstream benefits in cosmetics as well as toothpaste.

The more inclusive the beauty industry becomes, the more diverse beauty shoppers will be able to rapidly embrace who they are and where to find their products. Consumers, especially OTC consumers will expect the industry to respond with personalized innovation. Shades and textures of foundations were recently launched in as many shades as it takes to accommodate and include all consumers. Anti-aging reparative features for the elegant elderly will be positioned as preventative mandates for the pro-aging X and Y generations. Imaging products and tools will be structured for delicate traditional make up and artistic enough for new consumers into the make-up arena to design outside traditional norms. Consumers want it all and they want it fast.

Each consumer no matter the ethnicity, culture or gender wants to be considered an equal player in the market place. Consumers will rely on personal claims and personal technology to demand innovation at the store level. Variety, customization and innovative formulations should be available at every price point. Consumers are being influenced by the caliber of products, devices and services available on the web. They want this same personal innovation to meet them in the OTCs.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skincare and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.

80 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018

Sundial Brands Founder Acquires Essence Magazine

Essence Ventures, LLC, an independent African-American owned company focused on merging content, community and commerce has acquired the multi-platform media company Essence Communications from Time, Inc., Essence Ventures announced in a press release. This deal marks the return of black ownership of Essence magazine.

“This acquisition of Essence represents the beginning of an exciting transformation of our iconic brand as it evolves to serve the needs and interests of multigenerational Black women around the world in an even more elevated and comprehensive way across print, digital, e-commerce and experiential platforms,” said Essence President Michelle Ebanks, in the press release. “In addition, it represents a critical recognition, centering and elevation of the Black women running the business from solely a leadership position to a co-ownership position.”

able to return this culturally relevant and historically significant platform to ownership by the people and the consumers whom it serves and offer new opportunities for the women leading the business to also be partners in the business.”

Since its founding in 1970, Essence has been a hallmark for women’s empowerment and a cultural beacon of pride and celebration of the diverse images and lifestyles of Black women. Today, Essence is an international, omni-channel destination for diverse storytelling and original content comprising beauty, fashion, lifestyle, entertainment and culture.

Ebanks will continue at the helm of the company and will also join its board of directors. In addition, the all Black female executive team of Essence, including Ebanks, will have an equity stake in the business.

Essence magazine was not a part of the Time Inc. sale to Meredith Corp. in 2017 and remained opened to a new buyer until now. Richelieu Dennis, the founder and chairperson of Essence Ventures and founder of the ubiquitous SheaMoisture (Sundial Brands), said he looks forward to taking the magazine’s brand to the next level.

“The strategic vision and leadership that Michelle has provided to Essence over the years have been exemplary, and we are thrilled to work with her and her talented team to provide the necessary resources and support to continue to grow the engagement and influence of the Essence brand and transform this business,” said Dennis in the press release. “As importantly, we are excited to be

“Essence has always embodied and evangelized what the world now sees – the sheer beauty, power and magic of Black women,” said Ebanks. “From her influence in politics and at the polls, mandate for social justice, and demand for economic inclusion to her impact on beauty culture, leadership in equal rights efforts, and catalyzation of community empowerment, she is at the forefront – driving the cultural phenomena that are positively changing the world. Essence will continue to lead that charge with, for and beside her as the unparalleled platform for her voice.”

Essence currently reaches a global audience of more than 16 million across its various platforms encompassing its signature print magazine; digital, video and social platforms; television specials, including the Black Women in Hollywood Awards on OWN: The Oprah Winfrey Network; books; and live events, including the Street Style Block Party during New York Fashion Week and the annual Essence Festival, a cultural celebration that debuted in 1995 and is now one of the country’s largest annual events, attracting more than 450,000 attendees.

Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

84 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 Industry News
Richelieu Dennis

eWorldTrade is Going to Participate in CosmoProf Worldwide Bologna 2018

BOLOGNA, Italy, Dec. 19, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The COSMOPROF

Worldwide Bologna 2018 is going to happen in Italy as a threeday event from 16 to 19 March, along with COSMOPACK – the renowned cosmetics packaging, Cosmo Perfumery & Cosmetics and Cosmo Hair & Nail & Beauty Salon exhibition. The Cosmoprof will also celebrate its 51st anniversary of the trade fair.

eWorldTrade is going to be a major participant in the exhibition this coming year with an aim to enable thousands of worldwide manufacturers and suppliers from the cosmetics and beauty industry to meet and build business relationships. This exhibition is a worldwide event for all professional beauty companies and enterprises and business-to-business platform for the cosmetics and beauty industry to showcase their products to a much wider audience.

The event is expected to welcome around 250,000 trade visitors, 2,500 exhibitors and 1,100 journalists and bloggers from different corners of the world. The innovative technology, techniques and products will be displayed and bifurcated in five main areas:

1. Perfumery & Cosmetics

2. Natural Health

3. Packaging & Contract Manufacturing

4. Beauty Salon and Spa

5. Hair and Nails

This high-profile meet-up with professionals and business sectors can definitely result in breakthroughs of cosmetic and

beauty businesses worldwide. Apart from professional attendees, there would be other elite personalities and brands as well who will come to this event and will learn a lot about the exhibition. There would be media and bloggers in the exhibition who would like to cover the event and will present it to their readers and audience to enhance their following.

eWorldTrade, being a lucrative b2b e-commerce platform, is aiming to participate in this event with new objectives and enchantments to help all beauty and cosmetic sectors from perfume manufacturers to cosmetic suppliers expand their businesses with tradeshows around the world.

The CEO of eWorldTrade disclosed the company’s aim for the upcoming grand event:

“This time, we aim to facilitate networking and business opportunities for companies, retailers and professionals visiting the show, creating a customized fair to meet the specific needs of each sector, both under the perspective of exhibitors and attendees.”

About eWorldTrade.com

eWorldTrade is a U.S.-based e-commerce business-to-business marketplace with its operational unit based in Pakistan and China, and in other countries as well. Currently, the B2B platform is serving a huge number of producers, companies and suppliers to connect and trade with industrial importers worldwide with its digital trading platform.

Frequent Styler Miles: Wahl Professional Continues Partnership with Nomad Barber in New Series of Videos

Sterling, Ill. (December 27, 2017) Nomads travel from place to place in search of food. Except one: Miguel Gutierrez, better known as the Nomad Barber. He searches for something else: Stories.

With help from Wahl Professional, the leading innovator within the barber and styling industry, he’ll find plenty more stories for the whole world to watch, as the two have announced an extension to the genre-shifting Nomad Barber web series.

“Miguel is an extremely passionate, hard-working artist,” said Aaron Flick, Senior Marketing Associate, Professional Division, Wahl Clipper Corporation. “His interviews, videography and photography are top notch. More importantly, Miguel is authentic and driven to share with the world the art of barbering.”

now and September of next year.

“I am excited to be documenting this (my travels) alongside Wahl and feel like the authentic and genuine family values of Wahl work well with my brand too - it all just feels organic,” said Gutierrez of his travels. “I feel like Wahl is also promoting themselves globally and it’s a brand I see in the majority of shops I visit.”

The new globetrotting installments of the Nomad Barber video series will take Gutierrez to new locations, 17-20 in all, between

That brand is also seen by viewers in the background throughout the videos – but its appearance isn’t forced. As a true partner, Wahl is committed to Gutierrez’s vision and is lending its full support.

“Miguel has scheduled the interview and locations. All product in the videos is provided solely by the shop owners. We did not provide any tools throughout this process,” said Flick.

86 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 Industry News

Clariant and Global Bioenergies unveil development of new bio-based cosmetics polymer for more natural formulations

• New renewable isobutene-based ingredient for Personal Care lotions and creams

• Meets ISO 16128:2016

• Expands possibilities for brands making a conscious transition to more natural formulations

Muttenz (Switzerland) and Evry (France) – January 2, 2018 – Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, and Global Bioenergies, a leader in industrial biotechnology, today announced the development of a new bio-based polymer for cosmetic creams and lotions, which is derived from renewable isobutene.

The building block of Clariant’s new cosmetics ingredient is currently produced on a small scale at Global Bioenergies’ demo plant located in Leuna, Germany. The companies are working on upscaling production with larger volumes.

Developed with Global Bioenergies’ sugar-based isobutene, Clariant’s new ingredient is a rheology modifier that influences formulation viscosity and achieves specific sensorial and texturizing properties for creams and lotions. It contains more than 50% renewable carbon, and consequently meets the ISO 16128:2016 standard for natural and organic cosmetic ingredients and products.

The bio-based polymer is a breakthrough for the industry as it is proven not to change the properties of an application, offering formulators a direct 1:1 alternative to petroleum-based equivalents.

Ralf Zerrer, Head of Strategic Marketing and Innovation, Business Unit Industrial & Consumer Specialties at Clariant, states: “Supporting our customers in the Personal Care industry with sustainable, bio-based ingredients is a key priority for Clariant. The demand for ingredients based on renewable resources is here to stay and will become the norm among brands in the very near future. With our new polymer, we are delighted to expand current limited opportunities for formulators looking to improve the sustainability of their formulations, letting them make an immediate switch without compromising application properties or performance.”

Marc Delcourt, CEO of Global Bioenergies commented: “Renewable isobutene is a widely used building block for cosmetic applications and we are excited by the opportunities it presents for new biobased ingredients to address the needs of niche markets. Our relationship with Clariant is strengthening, and we expect to continue building our network of partners as we prepare for larger capacities.”

New Drug Plumps Thinning Eyebrows Eyebrow

pencil is now the ‘old

school’ fix.

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 21, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Thinning eyebrows common concern for mature women

Women who suffer from thinning eyebrows will be enthused by data gained in an exploratory study for hair regrowth in men by a drug labeled RPHE-7193. This drug was then examined as it applied to women who suffer from thinning eyebrows. In the results, there were solid statistical indicators that women who had thinning eyebrows gained their eyebrows back in the areas where no eyebrow hair was growing anymore. The cosmetic result was more volume with thicker eyebrows. According to Robert Gadimian of Rophe Pharma, these positive results were seen after only 4-6 weeks of treatment.

causes individual strands to become weak and break off, reducing overall hair volume. Each time a hair is plucked, there is a chance of permanent follicular damage and no regrowth. Over years of stress, the incidence of hair loss from traumatic plucking increases. Add to this the fact that eyebrows thin with age, as does all body hair growth, and the end result is something a lot of women find aesthetically unpleasant. Gadimian said his company realized that up until now no drug had been approved to treat thinning eyebrows in women, so studies were initiated with RPHE-71093 and the results are encouraging.

Rophe Pharma documents regrowth results

A common cause of thinning of the eyebrows is overplucking which technically is called, traction alopecia. It is a stress on the individual hairs and the follicles which produce the hair. It is most commonly found in people with ponytails or cornrows that pull on the hair with excessive force. In addition, rigorous brushing, heat styling and rough scalp massage can damage the hair’s cuticle, the hard, outer casing of the hair. This

Eyebrow transplantation not reliable procedure

Rophe Pharma researchers analyzed results of RPHE7193 in women suffering from thinning eyebrows and were amazed by the positive results. Since cosmetic treatments do not provide satisfactory results and are usually a temporary remedy it seems the efficacy of RPHE-71093 in helping women to gain their own eyebrows back could become the most preferred option for restoring hair growth in this area. Encouraged by these results, the company has also initiated an exploratory study to evaluate if RPHE-7193 can stimulate the growth of eyelashes in women. The results will be announced shortly.

88 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 Industry News

Unilever completes acquisition of Sundial Brands

London/Rotterdam – Unilever announced on December 18further to the announcement made on 27th November 2017 - that it completed the acquisition of Sundial Brands.

Sundial Brands is a leading haircare and skincare company recognized for its innovative use of high-quality and culturally authentic ingredients. Sundial’s brands include SheaMoisture, Nubian Heritage, Madam C.J. Walker and nyakio™. Since its founding in 1991, Sundial has championed inclusive beauty and has served the unmet needs of consumers of color through its robust innovation pipeline, product offerings and purpose-driven business model. Through its Community Commerce business model, B Corp and Fair for Life certifications, Sundial’s approach complements the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan (USLP) to accelerate growth while increasing positive social impact.

Sundial Brands will operate as a standalone unit within Unilever. Sundial’s founder, Richelieu Dennis, will continue to lead the business as CEO and Executive Chairman.

As part of the agreement, Unilever and Sundial are creating the New Voices Fund with an unprecedented initial investment of US$50 million to empower women of color entrepreneurs. The intention is to scale the Fund to US$100 million by attracting investments from other interested parties.

“The Sundial team has built differentiated and on-trend premium brands serving multicultural and millennial consumers that enhance our existing portfolio,” said Kees Kruythoff, President, Unilever North America. “Sundial is an important addition to our U.S. portfolio of purpose-driven companies, which includes Ben & Jerry’s and Seventh Generation.”

“We are excited to partner with Richelieu and his team to enable Sundial to bring its unique product offerings and community impact to more people around the world,” said Alan Jope, President, Unilever Personal Care. “We look forward to continuing to grow the business and make an even bigger impact on society through Sundial’s community programs.”

Additionally, Unilever has appointed Esi Eggleston Bracey, a seasoned executive with a strong track record of business leadership in driving cultural relevancy in brand building, as EVP & COO of Unilever North America Personal Care, effective January 1, 2018. As a part of her role, Bracey will work closely with Dennis to further accelerate the growth, purpose-driven mission and consumer connectivity of Sundial Brands.

“I’ve always wanted Sundial Brands to be an inspiration to other minority-owned companies of how a business against all odds can achieve excellence, have significant social impact in our communities and be successful on a world stage,” said Richelieu Dennis, founder and CEO, Sundial Brands. “I am excited Sundial and Unilever have created this partnership, rooted in a purposedriven ethos, that represents an incredible opportunity to take our Community Commerce economic empowerment and impact model to another level.” Dennis added: “I’ve enjoyed a longstanding relationship with Esi and look forward to working with her to continue to change the game in beauty, personal care and community building.”

Sundial’s 2017 turnover is expected to be approximately $240 million.

Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

90 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 Industry News

Creme of Nature Expands Its Certified Natural Ingredients Hair Care Line With Styling Products Infused With Coconut Oil

Naturalistas rejoice as the popular hair care brand introduces new curl-quenching, budget-friendly products your curls and wallet are sure to love

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Dec. 7, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --

Expanding on the success of its moisture-rich hair care line, trusted hair care brand Creme of Nature is releasing seven new styling products with the Certified Natural Coconut Milk Collection, designed to moisturize and protect hair while achieving the latest hair styles. These new curl-loving products are infused with coconut oil to provide nourishment from the roots to ends while aiding in detangling dry, lifeless curls and transforming them to look and feel healthy. The entire line is free of sulfates, mineral oil and petrolatum.

“Catering to your curls with the finest natural ingredients just got even easier with the styling products from our Certified Natural Coconut Milk Collection,” said Teneya Gholston, Creme of Nature’s Director of Marketing. “Kinky, coily, wavy or curly, we’ve designed our newest styling products for every natural girl — from 3a to 4c — to look and feel beautiful with high-quality products at affordable prices.”

There’s something for everyone with Creme of Nature’s Certified Natural Ingredients new styling products with Coconut Milk. Whether you’re looking for added moisture, damage control, definition or shine, Creme of Nature has you covered:

• Creme of Nature® Coconut Milk Curl Repair Leave-In Cream ($5.99; 11.5 oz.), perfect for every curl, this hydrating repair cream detangles and moisturizes dry, damaged hair, preventing damage and restoring body and shine.

• Creme of Nature® Coconut Milk Hydrating Curling Cream ($5.99; 11.5 oz.), this curl-defining cream leaves you with long-lasting, moisture-rich curls. Ideal for twist-outs and wash-n-go’s, this product provides elongation and curl definition, hold and shine.

• Creme of Nature® Coconut Milk Moisture Curl Milk ($5.99; 8.3 oz.), this lightweight daily moisturizer works to improve manageability, prevent breakage and define curl while providing superior hydration.

• Creme of Nature® Coconut Milk Curl Quench Foaming Mousse ($5.49; 7 oz.), a frizz-fighting and curl-defining

mousse that provides medium hold, leaving curls soft, defined and full of body. This product is ideal for a flexi-rod or roller set for full, bouncy curls.

• Creme of Nature® Coconut Milk Essential 7 Treatment Oil ($5.99; 4 oz.), seven of your favorite oils including Coconut, Olive, Jojoba, Sweet Almond, Argan, Shea and Sunflower oils, this repairing oil smoothes your curls and provides shine while locking in moisture and protecting your hair from breakage.

• Creme of Nature® Coconut Milk Shine & Hold Control Glue ($4.99; 5.1 oz.), an alcohol-free maximum-hold gel that sculpts hair and adds shine.

• Creme of Nature® Coconut Milk 24 Hour Edge Tamer ($4.49; 2.25 oz.), smoothes, holds and controls edges for 24 hours, leaving behind no residue.

The new products will be available at beauty supply stores nationwide. The Creme of Nature Coconut Milk Curl Repair Leave-In Cream, Creme of Nature Coconut Milk Essential 7 Treatment Oil and Creme of Nature Coconut Milk Moisture Curl Milk will also be available at Walgreens.

For more than four decades, Creme of Nature has created a variety of exceptional hair products to help women achieve their desired hair success goals of healthy, beautiful hair. Creme of Nature® Certified Natural Ingredients hair care line includes shampoos, conditioners, leave-in conditioners and a treatment masque which cater to all hair types using the best certified natural ingredients. The Certified Natural Ingredients product line includes three natural-ingredient families: the Coconut Milk collection detangles and conditions; the Mango & Shea Butter collection is ultra-moisturizing; and the Acai Berry & Keratin collection is strengthening. Creme of Nature has the best hair care products for great style and healthy hair.

We invite you to join the Creme of Nature family. For more information about Creme of Nature, please visit cremeofnature. com, or follow us on Instagram (@cremeofnature), Facebook (facebook.com/cremeofnature), Snapchat (cremeofnature), Twitter (@cremeofnature).

92 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 Industry News


Gerry Udell, Inc. announces that Glenn Cole, who has worked the New England and New York State territory for over 35 years, will retire, effective December 31, 2017. Gary Udell remarked, “Glenn’s hard work and dedication have earned him the utmost respect from his customers, manufacturers and peers. Glenn has had a remarkable career in the professional beauty industry. He has pioneered many new and innovative products and has been instrumental in the growth of Gerry Udell. We are grateful for what he has accomplished for our company and wish him the best of luck. He will always be an integral part of the Gerry Udell Family.” Stay in touch with Glenn via email at gc27@verizon.net


Farouk and friends ‘Light It Up’ in Cancun

Farouk Systems, Inc. hosted “Light It Up,” its biennial global conference, at the Moon Palace Resort & Spa in Cancun, Mexico, recently. The 3-day event showed Farouk Systems’ ability to brighten the future of beauty professionals with the newest advancements and technology the industry can offer. More than 4,000 guests from around the world included hairdressers, sales personnel, distributors and media, Miss Universe Iris Mittenaere, Miss USA Kára McCullough, former Miss Universe Pia Wurtzbach, former Miss USA Nia Sanchez, and special guests from South Korea’s LG Group. In addition, educational teams from the United States, Canada, South America, the Middle East, Asia, Australia and Europe presented hair fashion and artistry during multiple runway shows, Chairman Farouk Shami welcomed each attendee by saying, “We are the hairdresser. We are the beauty Industry. We are over 4,000 beauty professionals representing 150 countries ,and we are committed to making a difference. I love this industry and have a responsibility to each of you to provide the best and safest products that not only improve your careers but are respectful toward the environment.” He added, “Farouk Systems was the first to use silk and to utilize the technology of NASA. We will continue to be the first by creating products and tools that hairdressers need to make their lives and their salons better and safer places.”


Henkel Beauty Care recently announced that the Schwarzkopf Professional sales team will take over the domestic distribution of Alterna Haircare in the United States. As a result, John Fortunato has been appointed general manager for the Schwarzkopf Professional North American business and Alterna Haircare. John will continue to report directly to Stefan Mund, regional head of Henkel Beauty Care Hair Professional in North America. John has extensive industry experience and a track record for delivering results.

Kathleen Cannon has been promoted to head of sales for Schwarzkopf Professional US and Alterna Sales & Education. Kathleen has a diverse background earned over 17 years in both the salon professional and CPG industries that gives her the breadth of experience to lead teams responsible for iconic brands such as Schwarzkopf, as well as developing brands like Alterna.

Vera Koch has been promoted to head of marketing for Schwarzkopf Professional US. Vera has more than 13 years of experience in international and regional marketing, product development and innovation for professional, consumer and luxury brands in the beauty industry.

BIR Bits
Glenn Cole Mark Moesta Vera Koch Kathleen Cannon
94 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
John Fortunato




February 4-5 Keune Foundational Color Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

February 5-6 The Future of Beauty Miami, FL innocosevents.com Conversational Marketing and AI

February 5-6 Live Love Spa Las Vegas, NV 800-728-1965, livelovespa.com

February 5-6 Professional Beauty GCC Dubai, UAE professionalbeauty.ae

February 5-6

InnoCos Summit: The Future of Beauty Miami, FL http://innocosevents.com/

February 5-6 BeautyWorld Japan Fukuoka Fukuoka, Japan beautyworldjapan.com

February 5-7

ECRM/EPPS Merchandising Solutions Jacksonville, FL 440-528-0427, ecrm.marketgate.net

February 5-8 New York Fashion Week: Men’s New York, NY fashionweekdates.com

February 5-8

ECRM/EPPS Convenience Store Jacksonville, FL 440-528-0427 , ecrm.marketgate.net

February 7 Women’s Wear Daily’s Digital Beauty Forum New York, NY summits.wwd.com

February 7-8 MakeUp in Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA makeup-in-losangeles.com

February 8-16 New York Fashion Week: Fall/Winter 2018 New York, NY fashionweekdates.com

February 10-12 Bronner Bros Intl Beauty Show Atlanta, GA bronnerbros.com

February 11-12 San Juan Beauty Show San Juan, PR sanjuanbeautyshow.com

February 18 Barber/Salon Hair & Beauty Competition Phoenix, AZ https://2018basc.org/

February 23-25 Cosmetology & Barber Convention/Expo Fresno, CA http://jliveent.com/cosmobarberexpo/

February 25-26 Professional Beauty London 2018 London, England professionalbeauty.co.uk

February 25-26 Intl Manufacturers & Distributors Forum London, England professionalbeauty.co.uk

February 25-26 Keune Correct It Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

February 25-28 Personal Care Products Council Meeting Palm Beach, FL 202-454-0328, personalcarecouncil.org

February 26-28 Beauty Asia 2018 Singapore Singapore beautyasia.com.sg

February 27March 7 Paris Fashion week: Women’s RTW Paris, France mbfashionweek.com

February 28March 3 Packaging Innovations 2018 Birmingham, United Kingdom easyfairs.com


March 1 CEW: Beauty Insider Awards Product Demo New York, NY cew.org

March 4 Beauty & Barbers United Expo & Awards Raleigh, NC bbuawards.com

March 4-5 Professional Beauty Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa probeauty.co.za

March 4-5 Keune Next Level Cutting Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

March 4-6 International Beauty Show (IBS) New York New York, NY 877-398-6938, ibsnewyork.com

March 5-6 Professional Beauty Bengaluru Bengaluru, India professionalbeauty.in

March 9-11 Beauty International Dusseldorf Dusseldorf, Germany www.beauty.de

March 10-12 China International Beauty Expo Spring Guangzhou, China chinainternationalbeauty.com

March 11-12 Keune Next Level Cutting Chicago, IL and Scottsdale, AZ keuneeducation.com

March 11-16 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia Moscow, Russia mbfashionweek.com

March 15-19 Cosmoprof Worldwide & Cosmopack Bologna, Italy cosmoprof.it

March 16 ICMAD Reception at Cosmoprof Royal Carlton Hotel, Bologna, Italy icmad.org

March 18-19 Keune Cut & Color Collaborative Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

March 18-19 Spectrum International Beauty Expo Los Angeles, CA 310-680-7367 , sibe.us

March 19 Allied Beauty Show: Montreal Montreal, QC, Canada 905-568-0158, ext. 205, abacanada.com

March 22-25 Beauty & Care Istanbul, Turkey https://10times.com/beauty-forum-istanbul

March 24-25 Beauty Expo Melbourne Melbourne, Australia http://www.beautyexpomelbourne.com.au/

March 25-26 Mid-Atlantic Fashion Focus National Harbor, MD fashion-focus.net

March 25-26 Allied Beauty Show: Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada 905-568-0158, ext. 205, abacanada.com

OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 95



South Carolina 미용재료상 소매상인 협회(이하 SC미소협)는 지난 2017년 12월 10일 일요일 오후 7시에 협회 송년회를 서라벌 식당(Duluth, GA)에서 개최하였다. 많은 관계자들이 참석한 이날 행사는, 식사 후 국민의례를 시작으로 최 윤식회장의 송년사가 있었다.

최회장은 타인종의 뷰티 업계진출에 대한 염려와 그에 대한 대안으로 공동구매를

자주하여 산출된 이득을 회원에게 돌려 주는게 좋은 방법 중에 하나라고 생각하여

2017년에 많은 공동구매를 추진하였고 2018년에는 더욱 활성화 하기 위한 기금마련을 제안하였다. 그 뒤로 이 미실 지역 부회장의 2017년 활동보고와 윤 석원 지역 부회장의 감사보고가 이어졌다. 공식 일정을 마치고, 2부의 노래자랑 및 여흥 시간에는 도매 업체에서 후원한 상품을 추첨에 의해 나누어 주었다.

96 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018
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AFAM Concept


Andis Co. ........................................................................






Dream World Products........60, 70, 71, 74-77, 80-83, 85, 87,89, 91, 96-98, 101-103, 105, 109 www.dreamworldproducts.com





JBS Hair

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2-3, 21
.............................................. 41
International Industries
www.aiibeauty.com Ampro Industries
Cover and 79 www.andis.com
Eden Bodyworks. 33
E.T. Browne ........................................................................................... 35
Fantasia Ind. 69
House of Cheatham 67
Imperial Dax 25
Innovative Beauty Products, LLC ............................................... 65 www.godefroybeauty.com Inspired Beauty Brands 55 www.inspiredbeauty.com Jane
Solution............................................................................ 7
www.fantasiahaircare.com Giovanni Cosmetics
‘N Hot
www.goldnhothair.com Helen of Troy
M&M Products 53 www.mmproducts.com Mane Selection .................................................................... 65 and 78 www.maneselection.com Miracle 7 29 www.miracle7haircare.com
Back Cover
Nature’s Protein 51
Queen Helene 32 and 44 www.queenhelene.com
Front Cover
.................................................................................... 13
14, 15
10, 11, 26-27, 40, 43 and 45 www.jbshair.com
Namaste Laboratories ...................................................
Roux Laboratories Inside
Marketing Services, Inc
www.smooth-care.com Softsheen-Carson
www.sundialbrands.com Xtreme Beauty International
Ad Index

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In this segment, OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it via email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

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• What are of some of the most popular technologies on your store shelves?

스토어 진열대에 있는 가장 인기있는 테크놀러지는 무엇인가요?

• How do you plan to infuse technology (i.e. iPads for online ordering) into your store?

귀하의 스토어에 테크놀러지(예:온라인 주문을 위한 iPad) 도입은 어떻게 계획하고 있나요?

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Reader Feedback

Argan Oil Strength & Shine Leave-in Conditioner


Perfect for natural and relaxed hair types, the Crème of Nature Argan Oil Strength & Shine Leave-In Conditioner is a unique two-phase formula that combines Argan Oil liquid shine and a strengthening protein complex that improves hair strength, protects against damage, adds moisture and Exotic Shine™.


• Moisturizes hair, adds Exotic Shine™, detangles and provides protection

• Strengthening protein complex to protect against damage and heat styling

• Infused with Argan Oil from Morocco


This is a two-phase formula.

To activate ingredients, shake conditioner well before using. Spray throughout damp or dry hair as needed. Do not rinse. Style as usual.


Use Strength & Shine Leave-In Conditioner before blow drying for extra protection and brilliant shine or mist hair to revive naturally curly styles.

108 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2018 Product Spotlight

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