February 2017 | $6.00 The Tool Issue Jinny New Jersey Branch Special Deal Inside DISINFECTION IN 2017…MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER! Knowledge to know KEEP CUSTOMERS COMING BACK
Product Spotlight
Dark and Lovely® Introduces No-Ammonia Hair Color that Feels as Good as it Looks with New COLOR-GLOSS Ultra Radiant Color Crème
Feature Article
Inventory Update by Tariq Nevar
A lot of us tend to develop the “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality and that works with a lot of things, but not your inventory. Although your equipment that you bought years ago may still work very well, tools do have a shelf life. Read on to learn more about opportunities in the male grooming market.
Andis is revolutionizing clipper tool technology once again! The company has expanded its line of professional-grade tools with the new ProAlloy™ AdjustableBladeClipper, the new standard for highvolume haircutting. Thanks to XTR™ (Extreme Temperature Reduction) motor technology, this tool runs cooler and quieter, and gives off less vibration than comparable clippers. www.andis.com
4 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 The Tool Issue contents February 2017 ON THE COVER
February 2017 $6.00 The Tool Issue Jinny New Jersey Branch Special Deal Inside DISINFECTION IN 2017…MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER! Knowledge to know KEEP CUSTOMERS COMING BACK 10 Editorial Letter Armed and Ready 철저한 준비완료 12 Expert Advice Heat Styling 16 Marketplace Look in the Toolbox 24 How Should You Sell It? Flat Irons vs. Pressing Combs 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 이번달의 포커스는 플랫 아이언과 프레싱 콤브의 대결입니다. 50 Notes From the Natural Nation The Art of Blending 62 Clipper Tips New Year, New Tools, New Prices! 64 Therapy Trends Brushing up on Beauty Tools 66 Tonsorial Times CREED 70 Newsworthy 업계소식 74 Industry News 90 BIR Bits 95 Coupons 100 Show Calendar / Ad Index 102 Reader Feedback 독자 반응 104
contents February 2017
Finished Product
Hair Dryers: Bonnet vs. Handheld
To many, a hair dryer may seem like just a hair dryer. After all, it’s a beauty tool that gets users from point A (wet hair) to point B (dry hair). However in the multicultural beauty industry there are varying types of dryers, and as a store owner it is important to know their differences and specialties.
56 Manufacturer Profile
Jane Carter Solution
It may seem like “multicultural beauty” is a universal term with one meaning, but with hair it might not be the case. We recently spoke with Jane Carter of Jane Carter Solution, and she explained that “culture has little to do with hair type.” She clarified, “Hair is hair. It’s either straight, wavy, curly or coily. It’s either fine, medium or coarse in texture. If we market to consumers with that in mind, I think it would make their buying choices easier.” Read on to learn more about this company that believes “beauty is about feeling great from the inside out.”
‘다문화의 아름다움’ 이라고 하면, 마치 서로 화합된 표현처럼 들리지만, 헤어 카테고리에서는 그렇지 않다.
우리는 최근 제인 카터 솔루션의 제인 카터씨와 인터뷰를 하였고 그녀는 ‘문화는 헤어 타입과 거의 관련이 없다” 고 설명했다. 그녀는 명확하게 ‘헤어는 헤어일 뿐이다.’
라고 선을 그었다. 즉, 타입은 결국 직모, 웨이브, 컬리( 곱슬) 또는 코일리 중 하나인 것이다. 모발의 질감도 얇은 모, 중간 모, 굵은 모로 나뉘어 지는 것이다. 만약 우리가
그러한 마인드로 시장에 진출한다면, 소비자들의 구매
선택을 더 쉽게 만들 것이라 생각한다.”
Knowledge To Know
Disinfection in 2017…More Important than Ever!
by Leslie Roste
The old saying, “when you know better, you do better” is certainly applicable to proper disinfection in the salon environment. For many years’ stylists, barbers, nail technicians and estheticians had little to worry about in terms of spreading infection, but times have changed and so have the bugs! Proper disinfection is a simple process; read on to learn more!
2017년의 살균… 그 어느 때보다 더 중요합니다!
“알면 알수록 더 잘한다”는 옛말이 있습니다. 이 옛말은 미용실의 살균 상태에 관해서는 더욱 확실히 적용이 됩니다. 수년간 스타일리스트, 이발사, 네일 기술자 및 미용인들은 살균에 대해서 별 생각 없이 지내왔지만, 시대도 바뀌고 세균도 함께 진화해서 이제는 바뀌어야 합니다.
Step-By-Step Instructions for Applying Mascara by Rachel Jackson Mascara is a cosmetic product many of your female customers use, and there are actually multiple tools that can be used with it. From multiple eyelash curlers and lash combs to mascara wands (a.k.a. spoolies), there is much to know. Brush up on your knowledge here.
마스카라는 많은 여성분들이 사용하는 화장제품의 하나이며, 이를 사용하는 도구들이 제법 있습니다. 다양한 종류의 아이레쉬 펌도구와 레쉬 빗들부터 알아야 할 것들이 많이 있습니다. 이 글과 함께 여러분의 지식을 업그레이드 해보세요.
Business Tips
Ways to Keep Customers Coming Back to a Particular OTC Store by Tabitha Odell
In this time of “Super Service” it is a race and a challenge to get your customers to become repeat customers and frequent your store whenever they have a beauty need. There are some things to consider when working on strategizing a plan to communicate with your customers. This article includes things you should consider when developing your individual marketing plan.
요즘 같은 시기에 “슈퍼 서비스”를 제공하는 것은 충성도 높은 고객을 만들기 위한 방법이다. 고객의 관심을 얻기 위해 반복적으로 접근하며 그들이 원하는 매장이 되도록 계속해서 또는 충분한 관심을 주어야 한다. 고객과 소통하기 위하여 계획을 짤 때 고려해야 할 몇 가지가 있다. 이 글을 통해 여러분의 마케팅 계획을 좀더 발전시키도록 해보자.
6 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com
Art Director: Sam
Advertising & Sales Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com
Contributing Writers: Rachel Jackson Mezei Jefferson Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Tariq Nevar Tabitha Odell Leslie Roste Emma Young
Columnists: Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson
8 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
Ann Jhin
Haley McNeal
editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
Tony Bae
Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com
Armed and Ready
Here at the OTC Beauty Magazine office we are still in New Year organization and positive outlook mode. Our files are in order, calendars are set for 2017 and we have a month-by-month plan in place for the next 12 months. We feel that we are armed and ready for anything that may come our way, and we want the same to be true for you in both your personal and professional business life.
Likewise, your customers should also have their “toolbox” stocked up and ready to go, and you can help! All of the items in your store should be checked to ensure they are in tip-top shape for selling, but especially pay attention to your beauty tool offerings. This month we are focusing on tools—from hair brushes and makeup applicators to electric hair styling tools and clippers—and we hope you find something new to add to your store’s tool inventory. After all, your customers must have the right tool for the job in order to achieve success with the look they try to achieve each day. Consider how difficult it would be to try and drive a screw into a piece of wood using a hammer. Although possibly achievable, it would be much easier using a drill, which is the correct tool for the job. Your customers also need correct, updated tools to make their beauty routines as efficient and flawless as they can be.
In addition to the product collection showcased in the Marketplace section, we also offer knowledge on tool and shop sanitation, items used with mascara application, and even a comparison of flat irons and pressing combs…and that’s just a few of the topics discussed. We invite you to take a look at each section and see what all is inside.
철저한 준비완료
OTC 뷰티 매거진 사무실에서는 새해를 맞이하여 계획을 세우고, 희망찬 한 해를 보낼 준비를 마쳤습니다. 모든 파일들은 정리가 완료 되었으며, 2017 캘린더에는 12개월간 매달 계획이 잡혀있습니다. 앞으로 다가올 그 어떤 어려움에도 맞설 준비가 돼있습니다. 여러분들도 개인적인 사항과 비즈니스에 관한 일들이 완전히 준비되어 있었으면 하는 바램입니다. 여러분은, 고객들의 툴박스 정비를 마치고, 새해를 시작할 준비를 도와주셔야 합니다. 여러분의 스토어 재고 중, 특히 미용도구들이 모두 구비되어 있으며 최상의 상태임을 확인해야 합니다. 이번 달은 각종 도구들 –머리 빗 과 메이크업 도구, 그리고 전자 헤어스타일링 도구부터 이발기까지- 에 초점을 맞출 것입니다. 이를 통해 여러분의 스토어 재고에 보충할 것을 찾아보시기 바랍니다. 여러분의 고객이 매일 성공적으로 스타일링하고 싶은 스타일이 나올 수 있도록 그에 걸맞은 도구들이 필요할 테니까요. 예를 들어, 망치로 나사를 돌려서 조인다고 생각해보세요. 가능은 하겠지만, 그보단 전동드릴을 사용하는 것이 훨씬 쉽고 합당한 것입니다. 고객들의 일상을 최상으로 효율적이며 간편하게 하기 위해선 최신의 도구가 필요할 것입니다. 마켓플레이스(Marketplace) 섹션에서는, 제품 이외에도 스토어 청결, 마스카라 사용법, 플렛 아이언과 프레싱콤의 차이점 외에도 더 넓은 범위의 정보들까지 제공하고 있습니다. 어떤 내용들이 담겨 있는지 살펴 보시기
10 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
When it comes to heat styling multicultural hair, it is important to use hot tools and styling products correctly. Proper use will protect the structural integrity of the hair and especially on natural hair being worn smoothed, it will protect the curl pattern for when the consumer decides to return curly. Let’s take a look first at the products that should be used on multicultural hair before the hot tools are applied.
After shampooing and conditioning it is good to use a protein-based deep treatment to strengthen the hair. Adding more protein to the hair will not only keep hair healthy and fight breakage, but it will protect the natural curl pattern as well. Once the hair is cleansed it is now time to begin styling. Always begin the styling process with some type of style primer to put a barrier between the hair and the heat from the finishing tools. This can be in the form of styling gel, foams, sprays or lotions. Usually these products will say “Heat Protectant” on them, but if not, just look for ingredients in the formula like PVP/DMAPA acrylates copolymer, quaternium 70, hydrolyzed wheat protein and silicones (silicone quaterniums, dimethicone). All of the mentioned ingredients have been proven to protect the hair against excessive heat. When applying these products, make sure they are thoroughly distributed throughout hair, especially towards the ends of the hair where heat damage occurs first. A great product to use is the Dark and Lovely 6 Week
Anti-Reversion Crème Serum or the Optimum Silky Blow Out Elixir. Both will provide silky results on all textures of hair and block out the excessive heat from hot styling tools. Next, use the setting method for the desired style, whether it is molding the hair and setting under hooded dryer, blow dried or set with some type of rod or
dryness and loss of curl pattern on multicultural hair. To know if there is already heat damage, look at hair when it is wet. If the hair has straight ends to it, the straight ends are heat damaged. Currently there is nothing to cure heat damaged ends on textured hair but to cut them off and properly maintain the hair afterwards, making sure heat damage doesn’t reoccur.
roller. If a blow dryer is to be used, the position of the dryer is critical to not cause heat damage to the hair shaft.
When blow drying hair, take small controlled sections to begin the blow dry. Hold the blow dryer on an angle parallel to the hair and not directly on top of hair section. This allows the air to blow across the hair and smooths the cuticle for shinier and smoother results. Holding a blow dryer to blow directly into the hair will cause internal damage to hair by breaking down the proteins and will lead to
In addition, a light siliconebased spray or serum is good to use before a flat iron or curl iron is used. This will help to absorb and even out the heat to the hair, and help to prevent heat damage. Then take small diagonal partings and start with the flat iron close to the scalp; in one continuous motion, slide iron to ends of hair. Do not let the iron sit still on the hair at any point, especially at the ends. If a curling iron is used, make sure not to hold the iron on the ends of hair too long. Start with the iron in the middle of the section of hair and allow the ends of the hair to go into the iron last. This will protect the ends of the hair and create a curl that will last longer when styled.
Using hot tools and heat protectant products correctly can give multicultural hair many different style options without sacrificing the natural curl pattern or integrity to the hair. Women have always been style chameleons with their hair, and now they can change up looks while maintaining healthy hair without sacrificing their natural curl patterns.
Mezei Jefferson is the Director of Education for L’Oreal Multi-Cultural Beauty Division
12 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Meet Mezei Jefferson
look in the TOOLBOX
See the newest items we’ve put in our toolbox!
1 2 3
Salon Staple
There are some things all salons must have: an array of different brushes, efficient sanitation practices, sharp scissors, clippers for clean cuts, and the Thermal Ionic Rollabout™ Hard Hat Dryer from BaBylissPRO. It combines ionic technology with the classic salon dryer, and provides wattage up to 1600 with three temperature settings. The standing dryer is easily moved, yet can lock in place to ensure it doesn’t move while in use. Height is also adjustable. www.babylissus.com
Elite Straightening
Ease of use and show-stopping results…what more could your customers ask for in a hair straightening iron? That’s what they get with Gold ‘N Hot Elite’s 1” Ceramic Digital Slim Straightening Iron. The tool boasts a highly efficient professional heater than enables it to get up to 450 degrees, making it ideal for all types of hair. It also shows the temperature in the LED readout, making the heat setting unmistakable. www.goldnhothair.com
Clip and Trim Set
The perfect duo for clipping and finishing sharp haircuts is here— the mXpro™ Adjustable Magnetic Motor Clipper and TEQie® Mini Trimmer Combo Kit. The mXpro™ is lightweight, designed for cutting wet or dry hair, and is versatile for fades and tapers. The TEQie® features a compact, powerful rotary motor and weighs less than four ounces. It also has a super-durable, stainless steel T-Blade. Together, these tools are ideal for both stylists and barbers. www.osterstyle.com
16 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Curl Away, Girl
www.dreamworldproducts.com 4 5
Your store shoppers who want to get out of the door quickly in the morning with gorgeous soft curls will love the Self-Grip Rollers from Diane. Shown here in a two inch size, they are self-adhering and need no pins or clips to stay in place while setting hair. Their vented bases allow fast drying for hair and leave behind beautiful tresses. www.frommbeauty.com
Brush Easy
Nothing is quite as aggravating as a tangle that just will not seem to come out of your hair. Luckily Wet Brush has created the perfect brush to battle these pesky knots—the Original Detangler, which can be used on wet or dry hair, and works on extensions and wigs. This tool has exclusive IntelliFlex® bristles that glide through any hair type with ease while being gentle on the scalp. They also eliminate hair breakage and pain that used to be associated with brushing hair. www.thewetbrush.com
Conveniently Compact
When traveling, being able to pack light is vital, and J2 Hair Tools helps your customers keep their luggage under the checked bag weight limit while flaunting beautiful hair wherever they go. This 1 Inch Mini Travel Curling Iron is half the size of a typical curling iron, but still provides all the heat users want, up to 400 degrees.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 17
Call on a Professional
When using heat styling products it is just as important to consider the health of your hair as it is what the final style will look like. Schwarzkopf’s göt 2b Guardian Angel Flat Iron Balm provides 425 degree heat protection for hot hair while leaving a smooth, glossy finish. Now your customers can enjoy carefree styling! www.schwarzkopf.com 7
Some jobs are better left up to a professional who knows exactly what they’re doing—like the Pro Dry+™ Tourmaline Ionic/Ceramic Dryer from Andis. This 1875 Watt tool contains tourmaline crystals that emit negative ions to quickly seal the cuticle layer and eliminate frizz for smoother, silkier hair. It also uses ionic technology to break up water molecules for quicker drying time. It boasts a powerful motor, two heat/two speed settings, a cool-shot button and multiple attachments for flawless styling. www.andis.com
göt 2b Protected
Fits One, Fits All
The signature red Speed-OGuide Universal Clipper Comb fits most electric clipper brands. They feature evenly spaced teeth for maximum control for the best measuring capacity, and the teeth glide through the hair with ease, never irritating the scalp. They come in varying sizes. www.spilo.com
18 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Unsightly Hairs Be Gone
No lady likes unwelcome facial hair and J2 Electrics is here to help. Their Electric Personal Trimmer easily removes unwanted hair on the face, chin, neck and more. Offering two different sizes of blades, it fits the needs of each of your female customers. www.dreamworldproducts.com
Cut with the Best
“Legend” and “hero” are names given to people who will not be forgotten and are highly respected. The same can be true when applying those terms to tools, and Wahl has given this distinction to two of their own. Shown packaged here together in a Barber Combo, these two 5 Star Series tools—the Legend Wide Range Fade Clipper and the Hero Ultra-Close Trimmer—provide the perfect pair for any barber shop. www.wahlpro.com
Tangle Free Curls
Are your customers looking for more than a typical hair blowout? Encourage them to try styling while they dry with the Helen of Troy 1.5” Professional Tangle-Free Hot Air Brush. With a high and low heat setting for all hair types, this tool also flaunts a rotating tangle-free vented barrel. It is versatile and has the ability to lock that barrel in place for curling, or unlock for unwinding tight ringlets. www.hotus.com
20 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
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How should you sell it?
By Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
This month’s selling focus is…
Flat Irons vs. Pressing Combs!
When considering ways in which your African American customers can straighten their hair, one might question their choice of styling tools and why one is preferred over another. For example, a flat iron and pressing comb seem to provide the same result, but are they actually one in the same?
Can the flat iron replace the pressing comb?
The answer is NO for a number of reasons. The pressing comb has been around for over a hundred years. The flat iron became popular in the late 70s; however, this is not a good reason for the comparison. The flat iron will smooth frizz and curls on most all hair. The press comb is designed to surround the hair shaft with heat, using the teeth as a precursor to the pressing with the back of the comb. The flat iron (electric or stove-heated) has two flat heated plates that style through a combination of heat and pressure forcing the cuticle flat against the body of the hair shaft. When pressing or flat ironing, it is best to use some form of moisturizer, leave-in conditioner or light oil in order to allow for a smoother pull through. This will also protect the hair from excessive heat and allow the hair to retain the straight look longer.
Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau,
Liquid Gold Bonding www.liquidgoldbonding.com
The pressing comb is best for tight curly and (so called) kinky hair, because the pre-treatment with the teeth will allow for an easier and smoother transition. Electric pressing combs and other electrically heated devices do not get hot enough for Afro natural hair, because this hair has a stronger and more resistant cuticle structure.
If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the March issue!
24 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
By Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau
이 달의 판매 촛점은......
Flat iron형 아이언 vs. 빗형 아이언!
Flat iron형 아이언이 comb형 아이언을 대체할 수 있나요?
여러가지 이유로 안됩니다. 전열식
빗은 100년의 역사가 있습니다.
flat iron은 1970년대말에 인기를
끌었지만 이 한가지 이유만으로 좋은 이유가 될 수 없죠.
flat iron은 거의 모든 유형의 곱슬머리를 펴줍니다.
전열식 빗은 모간을 열로 둘러싸며 빗의 이빨이 전조가
되게 하여 빗의 뒷면과 맞닿게 하도록 디자인 되었습니다.
(전열 또는 가열된)Flat iron은 두 개의 판에 열을 가하여
모표피를 모간으로 열과 압력을 가합니다. 하지만 빗형
아이언 또는 flat iron을 할 때는 일종의 모이스처라이저
를 사용하거나 내포된 컨디셔너 또는 가벼운 기름을 발라
열을 가하는데 더 쉽게 할 수 있습니다. 또한 머리카락의
과열을 막아주며 더 장시간 동안 효과를 유지할 수
빗형 아이언은 빗의 이빨로 인해서 곱슬머리를
더 쉽고 부드럽게 진정시킬 수 있으므로 심한 곱슬머리에
쓰입니다. 전자 빗형 아이언과 다른 전자 도구들은 아프로
헤어스타일의 저항력이 강한 모표피를 진정시킬 만큼의
열을 내지는 못합니다.
26 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau 박사, 모발학자 Liquid Gold Bonding
흑인 고객의 머리카락을 피려고 할 때 어떤 도구를 써야 할지, 또한 왜 하나의 도구가 다른 도구보다 더 나은지 궁금증이 생길 것입니다. flat iron형 아이언과 comb형 아이언이 동일한 결과를 낳는 것처럼 보일 수 도 있겠지만 사실 그렇지 않습니다. 이 질문에 관하여 공유를 원하신다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일을 보내주시면 감사하겠습니다. 귀하의 의견은 3월 호에 소개 될 수 있습니다!
어떻게 판매해야 하나?
Finished Product
To many, a hair dryer may seem like just a hair dryer. After all, it’s a beauty tool that gets users from point A (having wet, fresh out of the shower hair) to point B (flaunting perfectly dried, voluminous or set-in-place hair). Although that seems correct there are actually variations of this item, allowing your customers to create the style that best suits them individually.
In the multicultural beauty supply industry there are two distinct types of hair dryers your customers can choose from: a bonnet hair dryer and a handheld hair dryer.
Each one works in different ways to set and style hair. To better understand the differences OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with Nicole Gray, Director of Shows and Education for ConairPRO. She explained why it is important to know which tools work best to achieve the look and style your customers want. Shoppers may ask you directly for advice, or you can store this knowledge and use it to further the success of your business, understanding the need to have both on your shelves.
Gray offers the following advice for your customers who prefer hairstyles that are set for all-day wear. “For setting or wrapping hair in a particular form in which the hair is molded into place, we suggest using a bonnet or hood dryer. The combination of product and heat works to set the hair into place for long-lasting style and hold. The BaBylissPRO Thermal Ionic Rollabout Hard Hat Dryer is the perfect combination of even air flow and heat distribution, as well as static-free negative ion technology.”
On the other hand, some of your store shoppers may prefer a more free-flowing hairstyle. “If the customer prefers to wear the hair with movement and body, the combination of a handheld blow dryer, brush, and the proper products allows one to shape the hair, create lift at the root and overall volume while drying. The trick is to marry the proper tool and technique to create ideal results. The new BaBylissPRO Rapido handheld dryer is a must for any type of blowout. The series of different size concentrator nozzles, negative ion technology, and brushless motor not only produces the smoothest results possible, but also the most powerful blow dry with the actual dryer weighing less than a pound. A must have for any blow out!”
Keeping both types of hair dryers on your store shelves— bonnet/hood and handheld blow dryers—will ensure your customers are able to find exactly the tool they need. We encourage you to stay educated on the latest product releases and styling techniques so your establishment is a hotspot shopping destination for fashionistas in your area.
32 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
K t K Knowledge to know
By Leslie Roste
2017년의 살균… 그 어느 때보다 더
The old saying, “when you know better, you do better” is certainly applicable to proper disinfection in the salon environment. For many years’ stylists, barbers, nail technicians and estheticians had little to worry about in terms of spreading infection, but times have changed and so have the bugs! Today we see that the bacteria, viruses and fungi we encounter are much stronger, more tenacious and shockingly widespread. In fact, one of the amazing facts in 2017 is that the most developed countries are home to some of the most drug resistant bacteria in part because of our overuse of antibiotics. Those risks combined with renewed dedication by state boards and inspectors means not only do you risk getting yourself or someone else sick, but also incurring some hefty fines!
When done correctly, proper disinfection is actually a simple process! The first step is ensuring you have the right disinfectant available. Each state mandates the type of disinfectant to be used, but the vast majority of states require an EPA registered disinfectant that is bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal, such as Barbicide. The EPA registration indicates that the product has been tested and is proven to be effective against the pathogens listed on the label. In addition, it is important to know if your state requires immersion of all nonporous implements or also allows for the use of disinfecting wipes and sprays (Barbicide offers both a wipe and a spray). Whichever product you use, it is important to understand the contact time of that product to ensure you are eradicating the pathogens that cause illness. Contact time is the time that the implement must be in contact with the disinfecting chemical for it to be effective. Most immersion and spray products used in the salon have a 10 minute contact time and it is truly important that this be observed!
It is important to understand the contact time of that product to ensure you are eradicating the pathogens that cause illness
Now that you have your product and understand the contact time, make certain it has been mixed correctly and is in the type of container acceptable in your state – in general, containers must be covered and large enough for all implements you use to fit completely into the solution. At this point you are ready! Take your dirty non-porous (glass, metal or plastic) implements and wash them to remove all residue. This can be done with soap and water or a chemical cleaner, such as Ship Shape Powder or Ship Shape Surface and Appliance Cleaner. Once the item is clean and rinsed, it 합니다. 오늘 날 박테리아와 바이러스, 그리고
강해졌고 빨리 퍼지고 있습니다. 2017년에 더욱 놀라운 사실은 가장 발전된 국가들에서 서식하고 있는 박테리아가 항생제의 과다사용으로 오히려 더 강한 저항력을 갖고 있다는 사실이죠. 이러한 리스크로 인해서 당신뿐만 아니라 다른 사람들도 병들게하며 상당한 벌금을 낼 수 도 있습니다. 제대로만 소독을 하면 간단한 과정임을 알게 될 것입니다! 우선 올바른 살균제가 필요합니다. 각 주마다 써야 할 살균제를 정의하고 있지만 대부분 바비사이드 (Barbicide)와 같은 EPA등록 살균제는 필수입니다. EPA 등록된 제품들은 라벨에 등록된 병원균의 퇴치에 효과적인 것이 입증돼있습니다. 또한 주에서 모든 미용 도구의 살균제 침수를 필요로 하거나 소독용 물티슈 또는 스프레이의 사용을 허가하는지 여부를 아는 것이 중요합니다 (바비사이드는 소독용 물티슈와 스프레이를 모두 제공합니다). 어떤 제품을 사용하든 질병을 유발하는 병원체를 근절하기 위한 해당 제품의 접촉시간을 숙지하는 것이 중요합니다. 접촉시간은 도구가 소독 화학 물질과 접촉하여 효과를 내는 시간입니다. 미용실에서 사용되는 대부분 침지와 스프레이 제품은 10분의 접촉시간을 갖고 있으며 이것을 실제로 관찰하는 것이 중요합니다. 이제 제품을 소유하고 접촉시간을 이해했으니 올바르게 혼합되었고 주에서 허용되는 용기 유형인지 확인을 해야 합니다 - 요기는 대부분 덮여있어야 하며 대용량을 담을 수 있을 만큼 커야 합니다. 이제 준비가 되셨습니다. 청결하지 않은 비 다공성 (유리, 플라스틱 또는 금속) 도구를 씻고 도구의 모든 잔류물을 제거해야 합니다. 이 과정은 비누와 물 또는 Ship Shape Powder, Ship Shape Surface, Appliance Cleaner와 같은 화학세제로 할 수 있습니다. 제품을 깨끗이 씻어낸 후에 살균제에 담그거나 스프레이하면 됩니다 (주에서 스프레이가 허용되는
34 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
더욱 더
can be immersed into the disinfectant or sprayed down thoroughly (if your state allows for sprays). Allow the item to remain immersed for the full contact time – generally 10 minutes – and then remove, rinse and allow to air dry or dry with a clean or single use paper towel. It is important to remember that items that are made of materials other than glass, metal or plastic are considered single use items and must be discarded after a single use. Very frequently we see items that are marked as “disinfectable” or “sanitizable” but are made of porous materials like paper and cardboard. Regardless of what an item says, only non-porous items may be disinfected and re-used on consecutive clients.
Doing the right thing in terms of disinfection may feel like wasted time and money until you have a bad outcome for a client or yourself. Besides the risk of illness with pathogens like MRSA, even simple pathogens can create problems for your business. Common things such as ringworm and folliculitis are easily grown and spread in a salon environment and while they won’t kill anyone, they might kill your business. In this technological age where service choices are guided by rating services like Yelp!, giving a great service in a clean environment can be a 5 star rating… giving someone ringworm is likely a dreaded one star! Social media like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat can document to the world your amazing salon or your lack of attention to health and safety… the choice is yours!
Meet Leslie Roste
유리, 금속 또는 플라스틱
만들어진 제품은 일회용 제품으로 간주되므로 한번 사용하고 폐기해야 합니다. 종이와 판지와 같은 다공성 물질로 만들어진 “살균”으로 표시된 제품들을 종종 볼 수 있습니다.
제품이 무엇인지에 관계없이 비 다공성 품목만이 소독 가능하며 연속적으로 고객에게 재사용 할 수 있습니다.
소독을 올바르게 하는 것이 시간과 비용의 낭비로 여겨질 수 도 있지만, 고객이나 당사자에게 안 좋은 결과를 초래할 때는 상황이 달라집니다.
MRSA와 같은 병원균에의 걸릴 수 있는 질병 이외에도 간단한 병원균조차도 사업에 문제를 초래할 수 있습니다. 백선과 모낭염과 같은 일반적인 균들은 미용실 환경에서 쉽게 자라고 널리 퍼집니다. 이 균들은 아무도 사망에 이르게 하지는 않지만 당신의 사업을 죽일 수도 있습니다. Yelp! 와 같은 평가 사이트에서 청결점수로 만점을 받을 시에 소비자들은 당신의 사업장을 선택할 확률이 높아집니다. 누군가에게 백선을 퍼트리는 것은 공포의 빵점을 도래할 수 있습니다! 페이스북, 인스타그램, 스냅챗과 같은 SNS는 멋진 미용실 또는 청결하지 않은 미용실을 보도할 수 있습니다... 선택은 당신의 것입니다!
Leslie Roste, RN is the National Director of Education for King Research. After leaving hospital nursing she became a leading subject matter expert on infection control in the professional beauty industry. She writes for Milady textbooks and helps states in revising their infection control rules.
경우). 제품을 약 10분동안 담근 후 씻어내고 공기로 건조하거나 일회용 종이 타월로 건조해주세요.
이외의 재료로
K t K Knowledge to know
By Rachel Jackson
Step-By-Step Instructions for Applying Mascara
Many women think that they know the secrets to perfectly applying mascara. Without proper instructions, mascara could end up being too clumpy or sparsely applied that it barely looks visible. Follow these simple steps every time you apply mascara and it should come out perfect every time.
Step 1: Curl your lashes
Spend a few dollars and invest in an eyelash curler, you will be so glad that you did! Always remember to curl your lashes before you apply mascara, this will keep your curler clean and your eyelashes in great shape. Simply place your lashes within the curler and squeeze for five seconds. Begin at the base of your lashes and repeat this process several times until you get to the end of your lashes.
Step 2: Define your lash line.
You can do this quite easily by using black eye shadow to “push” your lash line and give the illusion of thicker, fuller eyelashes. Simply dust a thin line of black eye shadow along the lash line of your top lid.
Step 3: Apply Mascara to your Eyelashes
Hold your mascara wand in a horizontal position and apply the mascara from the base of your upper lashes. Move the brush all the way up from the base of the lashes to the tips. Repeat this to ensure that all lashes are covered. Do not
마스카라 단계별 이용방법
드문드문 바르게됩니다. 아래의 방법만 이용하면 마스카라를 완벽히 바를 수 있을겁니다.
1단계: 속눈썹 말기 몇 달라만 투자하면 속눈썹 롤러를 구매하실 수 있습니다, 후회하지 않을 겁니다! 항상 마스카라를 적용하기 전에 속눈썹을 말아야 합니다. 이로 인해 롤러가 청결할 것이며 속눈썹이 예쁘게 정리될 겁니다. 간단하게 속눈썹을 롤러에 대고 5초다가 눌러줍니다. 속눈썹 맨 아랫부분을 기초로 속눈썹 끝부분까지 여러 번 반복합니다.
2단계: 속눈썹 뚜렷하게 하기
간단히 할 수 있으며 검은 아이셰도우를 이용하여 속눈썹 선을 밀어내어
더 두껍고 풍부한 속눈썹으로 거듭날 수 있습니다. 눈꺼풀의 속눈썹 선을 타고 검은 아이셰도우를 얇게 털어내 주면 됩니다.
3단계: 속눈썹에 마스카라 바르기
마스카라 막대를 가로로 들고 속눈썹의 밑부분부터 끝까지 발라줍니다. 브러쉬를 아랫부분에서 위로 끝까지 이동하면 됩니다. 속눈썹의 모든 부위에 적용이 되도록 이 과정을 반복합니다. 하단 속눈썹은 피해주십시오. 이후 마스카라 막대를 수직으로 들면 마스카라를 윗 방향으로 바를 수 있게 됩니다.
38 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
대개 여성들은 완벽하게 마스카라를 쓰는 방법을 안다고 자부하죠. 하지만
된 방법을 이용하지 않으면 투박하고
is to hold your mascara wand in a vertical position.
This allows you to apply the mascara by pulling the brush in an upward direction.
Step 4: Comb your lashes using a lash comb
When you are applying mascara, you should remember to comb your lashes. Mascara can sometimes bunch up in clumps and you need a way to remove this. It is recommended to purchase a metal comb because it is more durable than other types of brushes.
Step 5: Curl your lashes a second time
Although this step is optional, it is highly recommended because it can make a big difference after you are finished applying your mascara. Curl your lashes one more time, but do not use your standard lash curler. This time, you should use a battery operated heated lash curler. This can help ensure that your long, thick lashes have the perfect curve to them all day long.
Additional Mascara Application Tips and Tricks
• Using a lash comb can be a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, you may wonder why you did not previously use one. Lash brushes are an integral part of keeping your lashes looking long, perfectly separated, and clump-free. If you just cannot get used to the idea of the lash comb, you can remove extra mascara by wiping your mascara wand on a clean tissue before use.
• Try using a clean mascara wand by combing it through your lashes while they are wet. You can buy packages of these at your local beauty supply store or simply keep the wands from your old mascara tubes. Just remember to wash them along with the rest of your makeup tools. Professionals call this a “spoolie.”
• Do not be afraid of colored mascara. While basic black works well on almost everyone, those with blond hair should consider using brown. Blue makes your eyes brighten up and purple can really make them stand out.
• Mascara is attracted to oily eye creams and concealers, so be sure to powder under the eye before applying your mascara. This can help prevent mascara from smudging under the eyes.
• Applying mascara only to your upper lashes can give you a more intense, dramatic look.
• Use a mascara primer before applying mascara. The primer can coat your lashes and prepare them for mascara application. Think of it as a sort of eyelash conditioner.
• Do not pump your mascara wand in and out of the tube. This causes
4단계: 속눈썹 빗으로 속눈썹을 빗어주십시오
마스카라를 쓸 때 속눈썹을 빗어야 한다는 것을 기억해야 합니다. 가끔은 마스카라가 떡이 되게 바를 수도 있으며 이를 제거할 방법을 알아야 합니다. 다른 종류의 빗보다 더 내구력이 강한 금속 빗을 쓰실 것을 추천합니다.
5단계: 속눈썹을 2번째로 말아주세요
필수조건은 아니지만 이후 더 큰 효과를 보시려면 하셔야 하는 사항을 추천합니다. 속눈썹을 한번 더 말아주시고 표준 속눈썹롤러를 쓰지 말아주세요. 밧데리로 작동이 되는 전열식 속눈썹롤러를 쓰면 더 길고 풍부한 속눈썹을 하루 종일 유지할 수 있을 겁니다.
추가 마스카라 팁
• 속눈썹빗을 사용하는 것이 처음에는 어렵겠지만 적응이 되면 어떻게 없이 살았는지 의아해 하실 겁니다. 속눈썹 빗은 속눈썹이 더 길고 완벽하고 갈라지게 보이기 위한 필수 제품입니다. 속눈썹 빗을 쓰시기에 그래도 힘드시다면 추가적인 마스카라 막대의 마스카라를 휴지에 닦아 쓰시면 됩니다.
• 속눈썹이 젖었을 때 깨끗한 마스카라 막대를 사용해서 빗도록 하세요. 동네 뷰티 서플라이 스토어에서 패키지로 구매하시거나 이전의 마스카라 막대를 튜브에서 따로 보관하여 쓰시면 됩니다.
미용도구를 씻을 때 같이 씻으면 됩니다. 전문가들은 이것을 “ 스풀리 (spoolie)라고 합니다.
• 유색 마스카라를 두려워하지 마세요. 기본 검은색이 모두에게는 어울리지만 노랑머리를 갖고 계신 분들께서는 갈색을 사용하시는 것을 고려하면 좋습니다. 파랑색을 사용하시면 눈이 밝아지는 것처럼 보이며 보라색을 사용하시면 눈에 띄실겁니다.
• 마스카라는 기름기가 함유된 아이크림 또는 컨실러에 쉽게 접착이 되므로 사용하시기 전에 눈 밑에 파우더를 바르시는 것을 기억해주세요. 눈 아래 마스카라가 번지는 것을 방지할 수 있습니다.
• 윗 속눈썹에만 마스카라를 적용하므로
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 39
더 강력한 룩을 선사할 수 있습니다.
마스카라를 바르기 전에 마스카라 프라이머를 이용해주시면
extra air into your mascara tube causing it to dry out much sooner than it should.
• Try to wait at least five seconds before blinking after applying mascara to avoid smudging.
• Always apply mascara to clean, dry lashes.
Whether you are a makeup novice or a professional, these simple steps and tips can help you apply mascara perfectly each time. You should no longer have to worry about your mascara being applied in clumps. When applying your makeup, five simple steps to keep in mind are to curl your lashes, define your lashes, apply mascara, remove clumps of mascara with a lash comb, and finalize the process by curling one last time. These are several step-by-step instructions that can help you look great after applying your mascara. Even if you are a professional makeup artist, it is important to brush up on the basics once in a while.
Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http:// www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/stepbystep-instructions-for-applyingmascara-806005.html
Meet Rachel Jackson
해줍니다. 속눈썹 컨디셔너로
• 마스카라 막대를 튜브 안팎으로 계속 펌핑하지 마십시오. 마스카라 튜브에 공기가 침투하여 더 빨리 건조하게 합니다.
• 마스카라를 바르고 최소 5초를 기다리고 눈을 감고 떠주면 번짐을 방지할 수 있습니다.
• 마스카라를 바르기 전에 속눈썹을 항상 청결하고 건조하게 합니다.
메이크업 초보나 전문가나, 위와 같은 방법을 이용해주시면 마스카라를 바를 때마다 완벽히 바를 수 있을 겁니다. 더 이상 마스카라 무더기로 투박하게 바를 것을 걱정하지 않으셔도 됩니다. 메이크업을 하실 때 5 가지의 간단한 방법만 염두해주세요: 속눈썹을 만다, 속눈썹을 뚜렷하게 한다, 속눈썹에 마스카라를 바른다, 속눈썹 빗으로 마스카라의 무더기를 제거하고 마지막으로 한번 더 말아준다. 이 방법을 사용하시면 훨씬 쉽게 마스카라를 이용하실 수 있을 것입니다. 전문 메이크업 아티스트라고 해도 가끔 기본기는 닦아주시는 것이 좋습니다.
Rachel Jackson is a freelance writer who writes about style, beauty and fashion, often focusing on a specific product such as mascara.
40 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
쉽게 바를
코팅하며 마스카라를
수 있도록 준비를
생각해주시면 됩니다.
Business Tips
By Tabitha Odell
In this time of “Super Service” it is a race and a challenge to get your customers to become repeat customers and frequent your store whenever they have a beauty need. There are some things to consider when working on strategizing a plan to communicate with your customers.
It is best to work with a marketing professional and develop a marketing plan. You can make a plan for the year and then set up your schedule of implementation by the quarter and month. When developing your plan these are some things that you should consider.
1. Community Involvement
Get involved in your local community, or in causes that impact your potential customer base. It is a good way to generate “impressions” on members of your community. It is possible for small businesses to partner with other organizations to both meet a need and promote your business.
If you don’t know how to become involved in your community, consider joining your local Chamber of Commerce or Rotary Club. The meetings these organizations have will allow you to meet other business owners who may be actively involved in their communities. You may find many opportunities to meet the needs of your community and promote your business at the same time.
OTCs should look to give the impression that they care about the consumers. There has been a long standing uncomfortable, almost contentious relationship between the Black consumers and the Korean store owners. By finding ways to emerge your stores into the community in which your store resides, you find a way to bridge the gap and work toward earning loyal consumers who are glad to shop in a “neighborhood” store.
요즘 같은 시기에 “슈퍼 서비스” 를 제공하는 것은 충성도 높은 고객을 만들기 위한 방법이다. 고객의 관심을 얻기 위해 반복적으로 접근하며 그들이 원하는 매장이 되도록 계속해서 또는 충분한 관심을 주어야 한다. 고객과 소통하기 위하여 계획을 전략하는 일을 할 때에 고려해야 할 몇 가지가 있다. 그 중 하나는 마케팅 전문 작업과 마케팅 계획을 개발하는 것이다. 우선 이 한 해에 대한 계획을 짤 수 있으며 월별 또는 분기별로 일정을 구현하도록 설정할 수 있다. 여러분이 계획을 개발할 때 고려해야 할 몇 가지가 있다.
1. 커뮤니티 참여 지역사회와 계속해서 연계하고, 잠재적인 고객 기반에 영향을 미칠 원인을 생각하여 그에 관여해 보는 것이다. 사회 구성원에게 노출을 할 수 있는 방법은 그들의 커뮤니티이다.
만약 당신이 당신의 지역 사회에 참여하는 방법을 모르는 경우, 당신의 지역 로터리 클럽 또는 지역 상공 회의소에 가입을 할 것을 추천한다. 이 미팅은 다른 자영업자의 오너들과 적극적으로 사회에 참여할 수 있는 다른 기회를 준다. 당신의 지역 사회의 요구를 충족하고 동시에 귀하의 비즈니스를 홍보 할 수 있는 많은 기회를 찾을 수 있다.
OTC는 그들이 소비자에게 계속해서 관심을 준다는 인식과 인상을 갖게 해야 한다. 오랜 시간 동안 블랙 컨슈머와 한국 상점 오너 사이의 논쟁을 초래할 불편한 관계가 지속되어
44 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
매장에서 쇼핑할 만한 충성 고객들을 얻을 수 있도록 방법을 강구해야 한다.
왔다. 격차를
방법을 찾아야 하며, 이웃
유지하는 방법
2. Cause Marketing
Cause marketing of a for-profit product or business benefits a nonprofit charity or supports a social cause in some way. This type of marketing works best when you feel great about the help you’re providing to a nonprofit group. Work with an organization you believe in and something that matters most to you.
A solid cause-marketing campaign starts with making the best partnership, so as you go through the nonprofit selection process, look for a cause that relates to your company or its products.
Cause marketing involves donating products or services and not simply writing a check. This can help form even stronger consumer associations between what products you offer and the work you do with you partner. The best scenario is when your affiliation is a win-win for you and them. When you choose the nonprofit you will have to define how it will help your business increase its visibility, brand or company awareness.
2. 코즈 마케팅(cause marketing)
영리 목적의 제품이나 비즈니스의
코즈 마케팅은 어떤 식으로든 비영리
자선활동 또는 사회적 원인을 지원한다. 이러한 마케팅 유형은 비영리
그룹에 당신이 도움을 제공할 때 가장 잘 작동된다. 당신이 중요하다고 믿는 조직과 함께 일하는 것이다.
단단한 코즈 마케팅 캠페인은 최고의 파트너십을 만드는 것과 함께 시작한다. 그러므로 비영리 선택 과정을 통해
Quality customer service is the best way to keep customers coming back, thus ensuring long-term success.
If the partner organization has a newsletter or social media presence with its patrons, agree to do joint promotions. Make sure you know how you are allowed to use the organization’s logo and name in your marketing campaigns, and that you provide them with your logo and how you want it used in their promotional materials on the Web, social media and print.
To have success in cause marketing you will need to motivate your audience to take action, such as making them come to your store to participate in your marketing effort with your partner.
3. Local Marketing Efforts
Local store marketing or neighborhood marketing will specifically target the community around a physical store. All promotional messages are directed to the local population, rather than the mass market. Local marketing takes several forms: direct mail, in-store events, local team sponsorships, or advertisements in local print media. This in an effort to not only attract new customers, but also to get the customer to become repeat business.
Local marketing is an excellent tool used by small businesses. Local marketing will allow you to develop a repeat customer base in the immediate vicinity of your business’s location. People like to shop near their homes; it saves time and is more convenient. Use local marketing tactics to different consumer segments, as identified by socio-economic standing, demographic composition, and purchasing values. This is something that your marketing professional will be able to help you identify and target.
4. Partnering with Manufacturers
Collaboration should become a theme for success in the future. Effective collaboration can result in dramatic reductions in inventories and costs, especially combined with improved service levels, and customer satisfaction. Contact the manufacturers you purchase products from and ask for what opportunities they have for grassroots marketing and what opportunities they have for in-store promotions. See if they are running any campaigns that you can become a part of and ask what they are willing to do to include your store in their promotional calendar for the year. Ask about educational materials they have on their products that you can have to give to your customers when they ask questions about products.
살펴보고 당신의 회사나 제품과 관련한 요인을 찾는다.
코즈 마케팅은 단순히 체크를 써주는 것이
아닌 제품이나 서비스를 기부하는 것을
포함한다. 당신의 파트너와 함께 할 일과
당신이 제공하는 상품 사이에서 이는 더
강력한 소비자 단체를 구성할 수 있도록 도와준다.
당신의 제휴처(협력사)와 당신 모두가 윈윈 하는 것이 가장 좋은 시나리오이다. 당신이
비영리를 선택한다면, 그 곳이 어떻게 당신의 비즈니스에 대한 인식, 브랜드 또는 비즈니스 가시성을 높일 수 있는지 정의를 내려야 한다.
만약 파트너 조직이 뉴스테러 또는 소셜 미디어가 존재하는 경우 공동 프로모션을 수행하는 것을 추천한다. 우선, 마케팅 캠페인 조직의 로고와 이름을 사용할 수 있도록 허용 방법을 알아보고, 원하는 방법은 웹, SNS, 인쇄물 등의 자신만의 홍보자료에 사용해야 한다.
코즈 마케팅의 성공을 위해 당신의 청중들, 즉 고객들이 행동을 취할 수
있도록 동기를 부여해야 한다. 예를 들어 당신의 파트너와 함께 당신의 마케팅에 참여할 수 있도록 끊임없이 유도해야 한다.
3. 로컬 마케팅 노력
로컬 스토어 마케팅 또는 이웃지역 마케팅(neighborhood marketing) 은 특히 실제 매장 주변의 지역 사회를 대상으로 한다. 모든 프로모션 메시지는 일반 대중 시장보다는 직접적인 지역 주민들을 타깃으로 한다. 로컬 마케팅은 직접적인 메일 수신, 매장 내 이벤트, 현지 팀 후원 또는 로컬 신문 광고 게재 등의 형태가 있다. 이러한 노력은 단순히 새로운 고객을 유치하는 것이 아니라 반복적으로 구매를 하도록 유도하는 것이라 중요한 가치가 있다.
로컬 마케팅은 소규모 기업에서 사용하는 훌륭한 툴이다. 로컬 마케팅은 즉시 당신의 사업 위치 근처에 반복적으로 올 수 있는 고객 기반을 개발할 수 있다. 사람들은 대개 자신의 집 근처에서 쇼핑하는 것을 좋아한다. 시간을 절약하고 더 편리하기 때문이다. 사회 경제적 상황, 인구통계학적 구성 및 구매 가치에 의해 식별되는 다양한 소비자 세그먼트에 현지 마케팅 전술을 사용한다.
4. 제조사와 협력
협업은 미래의 성공을 위한 테마가 될 것이다. 효율적 협업은, 재고, 비용, 특히 향상된 서비스, 고객 만족 등의 극적인 감소를 발생할 수 있다.
당신이 구매한 제품의 제조업체에 문의하여 어떤 기회가 대중 마케팅을 위해 존재하는지 물어보고 그들이 매장 프로모션에 대해 진행할 수 있는지 정중히 부탁을 한다. 만약 당신이 그들이 진행하는 캠페인 중
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 45
있는지 문의해라. 그들이 상품에 대해 갖고 있는 교육자료가 있는지 물어본 후 정중히 요청하여 고객들이 제품에 대한 질문을 할 때 올바른 정보를 제공할 수 있도록 돕는다.
일부가 될 수 있다면 연중 프로모션 일정 중 그들이 여러분의 매장을
무엇을 할 수
5. Quality Customer Service
Customer service is all about consumers’ needs first and your needs second. If your consumers expect a response from you in 24 hours and you always respond much later, that’s putting your needs first and their needs second. Understand that consumers are like a spouse, they need to feel special to continually respond to your offers. You make your consumers feel special by over-delivering in every area, especially in those areas they don’t expect. Imagine how you’d feel if you sent an email with a question to a merchant and they responded within half an hour with an answer when you were expecting an answer the next day. You would definitely feel special. It’s a wonderful feeling. Create this feeling with your consumers.
필요가 최우선시되며 귀하의 필요는 그 다음으로 여겨진다. 귀하의 고객들이 24시간내 귀하의 응답을 기대하고 있는데, 항상 훨씬 나중에 응답을 한다면, 이는 귀하의 요구가 최우선시 되고 그들의 필요는 나중으로 치부되는 것이다. 소비자는 마치 배우자처럼 그들이 지속적으로 이벤트에 응답할 수 있도록 특별한 느낌을 느끼게 할 필요가 있음을 이해해야 한다. 모든 지역에서 당신의 소비자들이 특별하게
Each interaction with your customer has an impact on the success of your company.
It’s also important that you stay in contact with your consumers, not only when you need to make a sale. This could be as simple as sending an online greeting on holidays. It could be giving helpful advice that you researched or offering something free that they really appreciate. Make sure whatever you do the quality is on par or better than whatever you’d sell them. This also means the presentation or packaging. Remember you always want to appear as putting their needs ahead of yours, even if you don’t all the time. Quality customer service is the best way to keep customers coming back, thus ensuring long-term success.
6. Educating Employees
Providing product education for your employees should be important to you in the coming year. The consumer today wants to be “super served,” meaning they want to be catered to and want to feel pampered. The best way to do that is to make sure your employees are courteous and knowledgeable of the items you sell in your store. Make sure you train your employees on customer service and define quality consumer service.
What one person defines as quality consumer service may be completely different from another person’s definition of quality consumer service. Think of what quality means to you personally. There are some basic essential customs of consumer service which will build loyalty and grow your business.
1. Present yourself. Welcome your customer to your company, and allow them to know that you’re there to help them and who you might be. A smile, good eye contact, and cheerful disposition are key factors to folks concentrated on consumer service.
2. Give your customers value. Not only are you supplying a merchandise, service, or business alternative to your own customers, but you are providing an experience that shows you take your customer’s time and business seriously. Your customer is the most important part of your operation. The customer gives you your occupation. Without them, you are not in business.
느끼도록 계속해서 공급을 해야 하며 특히 그들이 기대하지 않는 지역에서 특별함을 제공해야 한다. 만약 당신이 상인에게 상품에 대한 질문을 이메일로 보냈을 때, 반나절 만에 답변을 받았다면 당신이 기대했던 하루가 지나 응답을 예상했던 것과 달리 어떻게 느껴질지 상상해보아라. 당신은 확실히 특별한 느낌을 갖게 될 것이다. 꽤 괜찮은 기업 혹은 셀러라고 느낄 것이다. 이러한 느낌을 계속해서 당신의 고객에게 만들 것을 추천한다. 당신이 소비자들에게 판매를 해야 할 경우가 아니더라도, 당신의 소비자와 연락을 지속적으로 유지하는 것도 중요하다. 이는 연휴 시즌에 인사말을 보내는 게 실 예시가 될 수 있다. 예를 들어 유용한 팁을 제공하거나 무료로 제공할 만한 무언가를 주는 것도 좋은 방법이다. 무엇을 하거나 주건 간에, 그 질로 비교하면 당신이 그들에게 판매하는 것 무엇보다 더 큰 가치를 나타낼 수 있다. 이는 또한 프레젠테이션 또는 패키징을 의미한다.
따라서, 품질 고객 서비스는 장기적인 성공을 보장하는, 계속해서 고객을 유지할 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법이다.
6. 직원 교육 새해에 직원에게 제품에 대한 교육을 제공하는 것은 굉장히 중요하다.
오늘날 소비자는 굉장히 많은 것을 제공받고 싶어하며 애지중지 하고 있다는 느낌을 받고 싶다는 것이다. 그렇게 유지하는 가장 좋은 방법은 당신의 직원들이 가게에서 얼마나 정중하고 판매 상품에 대해 지식이 있는지 확인하는 것이다. 당신이 여러분의 직원들에게 고객 서비스에 대해 확실히 가르칠 수 있는지, 품질
고객 서비스를 정의 내릴 수 있는지 분명히 해야 한다.
품질 고객 서비스를 정의 내릴 때 모든 사람의 관점이 똑같이 정의 내려 질 수는 없고 완전히 달라질 수 있는 것이다. 개인적으로 품질이 당신에게 무엇을 의미하는지 생각해보아라. 충성도를 구축하고 비즈니스를 성장시킬 고객 서비스의 기본 필수적인 몇 가지 관습이 있다.
1. 내 자신을 나타내라. 당신의 회사에 고객이 왔을 때, 따뜻하게 환영해주고, 내가 누구인지 간단한 소개와 언제나 고객들을 위해 당신이 옆에 있다는 것을 상기시켜야 한다. 따뜻한 미소, 부드러운 아이컨텍트, 쾌활한 말투는 사람들의 집중 시킬만한 핵심 요소이다.
2. 고객 가치를 제공하라. 뿐만 아니라 당신은 고객에게 상품, 서비스
46 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
품질 고객 서비스 모든 고객
서비스는 고객들의
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Each interaction with your customer has an impact on the success of your company. It’s possible for you to provide value by making your customer your utmost priority, smiling, and making eye contact.
3. Be a good listener. By being a good listener, discover the things they already know about your services. You may be able enough to serve them by understanding what exactly your customers need.
4. Think about what other things your customer might want to have to attain their goal. Propose products that will meet that need and show attention to their concerns.
5. Establish your customers’ confidence. If your customer has come to you to create a purchase or to find out more information about one of your products or service and has researched many different products, acknowledge or compliment them for doing so. You might even learn some advice from them about similar products. Take some time to educate them when they have no idea about your products and commend them for doing their research before purchasing.
사업을 이어나가지 못한다. 고객과의 각 상호 작용은 기업 성공에 영향을 미친다. 당신의 고객을 최우선으로 대접하며, 아이컨텍 및 미소를 지으며 고객 가치 제공을 실현한다.
3. 잘 경청하라. 말을 잘 들어주는 사람이 되면, 그들이 이미 우리의 서비스에 대해 알고 있는 것을 발견할 수 있다. 그렇게 된다면 당신은 고객들이 정확히 어떤 필요를 느끼는지 이해함으로써 충분히 도와줄 수 있다.
6. Build trust by means of your customer. Seek help when necessary. Do not attempt to fake your way through the inquiry, should you not understand the solution to a customer’s question. Ask someone who might know the answer. Your customer would rather wait for the reply that is right than get a response based on a guess.
7. Be a role model of exceptional customer care. High-quality consumer service starts with you. Set a good example and teach others about good customer support in your day-to-day interactions. Make eye contact and smile at the individual you are doing business with. You’ll find it makes it hard for someone not to grin back.
8. Thank your customer for shopping with you. When you show your customer you care about their business and their needs, you can be certain that they’ll tell others about the service they received, and more people will want to do business with you.
Understanding your customer and building a long term shopping relationship requires careful planning and execution. You must constantly add tools to your “tool box of knowledge” to assist you in providing the products and service your customer requires and demands. If your customer feels like you want and appreciate her shopping in your store, she will return and you will enjoy a long term shopping experience.
Meet Tabitha Odell
4. 고객이 그들의 목표를 얻기 위해 어떤 다른 것을 원하는 게 있는지에 대해 생각해야 한다. 그들의 관심사에 대해 지대한 관심을 보여주며 가능성이 큰 제품을 제안한다.
5. 고객 신뢰를 설정한다. 만약 당신의 고객이 다가와서 구매를 하거나 당신의 제품에 대해 더 많은 정보를 찾거나 다양한 제품에 대해 연구를 한 경우 또는 칭찬을 할 경우, 당신은 유사한 제품들로부터 조언을 얻을 수 있다. 그들을 교육하는 데 시간을 갖고 그들이 당신의 제품에 대해 전혀 모를 때 안내를 하며 추천을 해준다.
6. 고객에 의한 신뢰를 구축하라. 반드시 필요할 때 도움을 얻을 수 있다. 고객의 질문에 대한 해결방안을 이해하지 못할 때 문의를 이해한 척 시도하면 절대 안 된다. 답을 알고 있을 사람에게 물어보아라. 당신의 고객은 오히려 추측을 기반으로 받은 답변보다 정말 적합한 답변을 찾을 것을 기다리는 것이다.
7. 탁월한 고객 관리의 롤 모델이 되어라. 고품질의 고객 서비스는 당신과 함께 시작된다. 좋은 예를 설정하고 다른 좋은 고객 지원에 대해 하루하루 상호 작용을 하며 가르친다. 함께 사업을 하고 있는 개인에게 아이컨텍을 하고 미소를 짓는다.
8. 고객들에게 스토어에서 쇼핑한 것을 감사한다. 당신이 고객들에게 그들의 사업과 요구를 관심 가진다고 표기했을 때, 그들은 다른 누군가에게 그들이 받은 서비스를 그대로 설명할 수 있다고 확신할 수 있어야 하며 더 많은 사람들이 당신과 비즈니스를 같이 하길 원할 것이다.
고객을 이해하고 장기적인 쇼핑 관계를 구축하는 것은 신중한 계획과 실행이 필요하다. 당신은 지속적으로 제품을 제공하는 데 당신의 고객이 필요로 하고 요구에 서비스를 제공하기 위해 “지식의 도구 상자” 에 도구를 추가해야 한다. 만약 당신의 고객이, 매장에서 쇼핑 한 것에 대해 오너가 감사하게 느낀다는 것을 알게 되면, 그녀는 다시 돌아와 오랫동안 쇼핑을 하게 될 것이다.
Tabitha Odell has been providing exceptional consumer service to the health and beauty industry for more than a decade via Cosmetic Answers, LLC. Cosmetic Answers is the culmination of Tabitha’s extensive experience in risk management, claims management, litigation management, compliance and consumer relations in the health and beauty industry. Visit www.cosmeticanswers.net and www.celebraterelaxedhair.com.
48 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
또는 비즈니스 대안을 공급하고 있다. 고객은 당신의 운영에 가장 중요한 부분이다. 고객은 당신에게 당신의 직업을 제공합니다. 그들 없이,
By Emma Young
The Art Of Blending
It’s February, and by the time you are reading this the groundhog has already rendered its verdict as to whether or not we will be plagued with six more weeks of winter. No matter what the forecast turns out to be, Naturalistas everywhere know this is the perfect time to start getting ready for spring. Pretty soon, those winter hats will return to the closet, drawers or wherever they are kept and women will begin rocking the scene with fresh, shiny and beautiful curls, coils and twists.
But, wait! Something happened over the winter months. Maybe it came about because women were wearing those hairgrabbing wool winter hats… (Most women know that wearing wool caps directly on their hair is a no-no, but sometimes that frigid winter air makes a woman throw all caution to the wind.) Whatever the reason, the results can often be dry, frizzy or thinning hair that’s going to require some magic if she wants her hair to look its best in time for spring.
February is the best time for a woman to make
some magic happen, so that spring will find her natural style looking its awesome best.
Blending oils is the absolute best DIY solution for making hair fabulous in time for spring. All it takes to master the art of blending oils is (1) having the right kinds of oil and (2) knowing which oil does what. It’s best to use a family of oils made with natural ingredients, like My DNA Jamaican Black Castor Oils. Each oil is great by itself, and even better when they’re blended with each other for maximum results.
For instance, My DNA Jamaican Black Castor Oil Coconut Oil improves scalp health, supports hair growth and adds volume and shine. That’s a great start, but her scalp might have been neglected during the winter months, which is a good reason to mix the Coconut Oil with My DNA Jamaican Black Castor Oil Peppermint Oil. The Peppermint Oil stimulates the scalp (you can actually feel the
tingle!) and it keeps the dandruff away. More importantly, it rejuvenates those neglected hair follicles and increases blood flow and healthy blood circulation.
For dry, itchy scalp and blocked hair follicles, My DNA Jamaican Black Castor Oil Tea Tree Oil, blended with either the Coconut Oil or the Peppermint Oil gives fantastic results. Its natural antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and anti-infection properties help hair get healthy and stay healthy.
My DNA Jamaican Black Castor Oil Mango/Papaya promotes hair growth, prevents hair loss, and is rich in nutrients to help boost hair strength and growth. Blend it with Coconut Oil and a little bit of Peppermint Oil, and she’s on the way to having strong, thick, shiny hair in time for spring.
Stress is one of the number one reasons for hair loss and breakage, and that brings me to My DNA Life Natural Lavender Oil. Its natural aromatherapy properties make it a great stress reducer, plus it nourishes hair, moisturizes scalp and strands, helps prevent shedding and improves blood circulation on the scalp. Add a few drops of lavender oil to any other oil, such as Coconut Oil, for a powerful blend.
Introduce your customers to the art of blending, but make sure you have plenty of blending oils in stock!
50 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Meet Emma Young
Emma L. Young is a freelance writer who has written for various publications including ShopTalk Magazine, the Saints Magazine, South Shore Current and the Spiritual Perspective Newspaper.
Notes From The Natural Nation
By Tariq Nevar
Inventory Update
Imagine walking into an Apple Store stocked with first generation iPhones, iPads and MacBooks. Imagine if you never upgraded after your first “smart” phone. Imagine if you never got a new car…we all remember the tape deck auxiliary cord into the CD player days, and none of us miss that one bit! The times are moving forward and so should you and your tools. Thanks to social media, keeping up with the latest trends and tools is easier than ever. Just simply following @BarbershopConnect and @StylistShopConnect on Instagram will open the door to all of the newest trends happening in the barbershop, hair salon, and in the industry.
A lot of us tend to develop the “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality and that works with a lot of things, but not your inventory. Although your equipment that you bought years ago may still work very well, tools do have a shelf life. Despite worrying signs that the men’s grooming category is suffering, manufacturers have increased their commitment to innovation and new product launches. Over the past two years, the US was the most active in terms of new product launches accounting for 21% of global new men’s grooming products according to Datamonitor Consumer’s Product Launch Analytics tool.
We are now entering the cordless era powered by the highly efficient lithium ion rechargeable battery.
We are now entering the cordless era powered by the highly efficient lithium ion rechargeable battery. Going cordless not only adds to the allure of the salon, but also is sure to make the stylist fall in love at first use!
2016 was the year men finally realized that products were a worthwhile investment! As reported by The Independent, many popular men’s product retailers have reported immense growth in sales in men’s grooming products as much as 300% in 2015. With over 52% of men considering their look to be important or very important, the industry is rapidly growing. Because of this shift in approach, it has been reported that 75% of males buy their own grooming products. In 2016 the Men’s grooming industry was estimated to garner $21 billion in revenue. Men are starting to get more and more knowledgeable about beauty and are paying attention to their looks: hair care products are
Feature Article
the biggest beneficiary, with salon visits coming second.” With men’s hair trends constantly evolving from season to season, men are searching the market for the best products to fit their needs. Message to all salons: Keeping your inventory up to date benefits the owner, the stylists, and the client. Everybody wins!
One of the most exciting consequences from the recent growth in the cosmetology industry is the increase in new opportunities that were previously unavailable. One of the biggest opportunities being provided through this growth is the ability for more barbers/stylists to find work and open Salons. This is good for the economy as well as the entire cosmetology industry. With more barbers and hair cutting salons in business the competition increases, which in turn leads to higher quality service being provided to the customer. Also, with there being a growing focus on barbering and current hair styles from the public perspective, cosmetologists will be forced to be more innovative, and thereby help to shape and even create global styles. Another benefit we are seeing from growth in the industry is the increase of resources available to barbers
and stylists. With more demand for their services, barbers will be able to afford and stay up to date on all the latest hair cutting technology.
Men and women’s skin is different in a handful of different ways. Example: men’s skin is 25% thicker, contains a noticeably higher collagen density, produces more sebum oil, and appears to be better hydrated, even without skin products. That’s why facials tailored specifically to men’s skin are a thing. Men’s facials are structured to the needs of men’s skin and usually deal with problems men commonly face, such as razor burn, sensitivity, dullness, and ingrown hairs. Some target skin that has been damaged by the elements like sun and wind, some target acne, and some target aging. Aestheticians deeply cleanse skin before exfoliating away dead skin cells, steaming open pores, performing extractions to clear individually clogged pores, and applying a toner. The facials may include a vigorous face, neck, and shoulder massage, and they often conclude with the application of a customized mask and men’s skincare products. So why aren’t men’s facials more of a thing? It is clear that men still have a ways to go to get to the point where they take advantage of self-improvement the way women do.
Meet Tariq Nevar
Tariq “The Groomsmith” Nevar, alum of Syracuse University, is a celebrity barber with clientele in various industries from music, comedy, film, fashion, TV and professional athletics, to motivational speaking and so much more. He currently hails as a brand ambassador for Oster and Squire. His knowledge and experience in the industry was established long before he was born, being the son of Legendary Cosmetologist Heather “Roxanne” Ferguson. Combining his hunger to drive growth in the hair industry and his strong pedigree, Tariq Nevar is becoming a household name and it’s clear to see why. The Tariq Nevar App is available for download in Android and Apple App Stores.
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It may seem like “multicultural beauty” is a universal term with one meaning, but with hair it might not be the case. We recently spoke with Jane Carter of Jane Carter Solution, and she explained that “culture has little to do with hair type.” She clarified, “Hair is hair. It’s either straight, wavy, curly or coily. It’s either fine, medium or coarse in texture. If we market to consumers with that in mind, I think it would make their buying choices easier.” Read on to learn more about this company that believes “beauty is about feeling great from the inside out.”
최근 제인 카터 솔루션의 제인 카터씨와 인터뷰를 하였고 그녀는 ‘문화는 헤어 타입과 거의 관련이 없다”고 설명했다. 그녀는 명확하게 ‘헤어는 헤어일 뿐이다.’라고 선을 그었다. 즉, 타입은 결국 직모, 웨이브, 컬리(곱슬) 또는 코일리 중 하나인 것이다. 모발의 질감도 얇은 모, 중간 모, 굵은 모로 나뉘어 지는 것이다. 만약 우리가 그러한 마인드로 시장에 진출한다면, 소비자들의 구매 선택을 더 쉽게 만들 것이라 생각한다.”
Jane Carter Founder and CEO
Manufacturer Profile
“다문화의 아름다움’ 이라고 하면, 마치 서로 화합된 표현처럼 들리지만, 헤어 카테고리에서는 그렇지 않다. 우리는
OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is your background with both this company and the beauty business? What is your role with the company today?
Jane Carter (JC): I was a salon owner and stylist for 20 years. I worked on Clairol’s national team as a hair color educator. As a result of being around products all the time, I developed an allergic reaction to many of the typical ingredients that are in many professional and consumer hair care products. As a hair colorist my client base was very diverse and consisted of many different hair types and textures. Between the chemical sensitivity and the inability to find a product line that would address the needs of all of my clients, I sought out a chemist to develop a more diverse line with cleaner ingredients. Many of the product samples that were sent to me to try by chemists contained the same ingredients that I was trying to avoid using. Probably the most amusing thing about the whole process that I learned was that all of the chemists were men; they had never spent any time in a salon environment and none of them had hair. I took an essential oil course and made my first product. We still sell it today. It’s called Hair Nourishing Serum. It’s 100% natural and can be used on all hair types and textures. As I traveled with Clairol, I met many stylists that fell in love with the product and wanted to purchase it. I also had several clients that wanted to purchase the product. I never really anticipated creating an entire product line; I just needed a few styling products with clean ingredients. Shortly after that, I studied formulation chemistry for three semesters and later became a member of The Society of Cosmetic Chemists. It was quite the experience. I began to understand things like, for instance, spritz sprays that were used in a lot of salons with a curling iron or flat iron for a firmer hold were alcohol based. I could not understand why a stylist would take the time to condition a client’s hair and then finish styling with a heat appliance using an alcohol-based spritz spray. I made a product called Natural Hold Spray Gel Polymer is used for hold and is soluble in water or alcohol. It worked perfectly and achieved exactly what I was looking for. It provided hold, allowed us to turn down the temperature of our heat appliances, did not dry out the hair and did not cause the allergic reaction that an alcohol-based spray created. I stayed in the salon until the day-today demand of running and growing a company became very time-consuming. I still miss being in the salon to this day.
OTC 뷰티 매거진(OTC): 이 회사와 뷰티 사업에 대한 당신의 경력은 어떻게 되나요? 현재, 당신은 회사에서 어떠한 역할을 맡고 있나요?
제인 카터 (JC): 저는 20 년 동안 살롱 오너이자 스타일리스트였습니다. Clairol의 네셔널 팀에서 헤어 컬러 교육자로 경력을 쌓았습니다. 항상 제품들을 주위에서 사용해 본 결과, 일반적인 성분의 알레르기 반응이 많은 전문가와 소비자들의 헤어
케어 제품에서 나타나는 것을 발견했습니다. 헤어 컬러리스트로서 내 고객 기반은
매우 다양했고, 다양한 머리 유형과 머릿결을 소유하고 있었습니다. 화학 민감성과 저희 고객 분들이 원하는 제품 라인을 찾지 못하는 불능 속에서 내 고객의 모든 요구를 충족 할 제품 라인을 찾을 수 없다는 중에, 나는 청소기 재료와 함께 더욱 다양한 라인을 개발하는 약국을 찾았다. 많은 제품의 샘플은 나에게로 보내졌고 케미스트들 또한 내가 사용하지 않으려고 노력했던 같은 성분을 검사하고 있었다. 아마도 전체 과정에서 가장 재미있는 것은 화학자들이 모두 남자라는 사실이다. 그들은 살롱에서 시간을 보낸 적이 거의 없으며 대부분의 사람들이 대머리였다. 나는 에센셜 오일 수업을 듣고 나의 첫 번째 제품을 만들었다. 우리는 여전히 오늘도 판매하고 있다. 이 제품은 헤어 영양 세럼이라 불린다. 이는 100% 천연 제품이고 모든 헤어 타입 및 모질에 사용 가능하다. 내가 Clairol 출장 중 일때, 이
제품을 구입하고 싶어 사랑에 빠진 스타일리스트들을 많이 만났다. 또한 나는 이
제품을 구매하고 싶어하는 몇몇의 고객들을 만나기도 했다. 나는 예전까지도 전체
OTC: Please share the history of Jane Carter Solution. How did this company come into existence and what is it founded on?
JC: As I mentioned earlier, necessity is the mother of invention. A brand that addressed the needs of the entire range of hair types and textures, as well as had clean ingredients, was missing in the market.
OTC: What differentiates your company and makes it stand out from similar businesses in the industry?
JC: I think what makes us different is the fact that I am a stylist first, so I understand product performance. Second, as a product formulator, I understand the importance of using clean ingredients. They are kind to your body and the planet. Third, because my family is very diverse, I understand that a line should be developed with the entire range of hair textures in mind. I feel that it is my professional responsibility as a stylist and manufacturer to create products that are not necessarily segmented towards one specific hair type. I understand the market positioning, however to be a global brand I think it is important to not make the assumption that one ethnicity has the same hair care needs. I don’t believe in segmenting or limiting your
제품 라인을 만드는 것을 예상하지 못했었다. 단순히 깨끗한 순수재료가 원료로 들어간 몇 가지의 스타일링 제품이 필요했을 뿐이었다. 그 직후, 나는 3학기동안 화학 성분에 대해 공부를 했고, 화장품 화학자 협회(The society of cosmetic chemists)의 일원이 되었다. 그것은 상당히 가치가 큰 경험이 되었다. 예를 들어, 분출하는 스프레이는 미용실에서 많이 사용하는 컬링 아이언 또는 플랫 아이언과 알코올을 기반으로 하는 것으로 미처 몰랐던 많은 것을 이해하기 시작했다. 나는 처음에 왜 스타일리스트가 고객들의 머리를 컨디셔닝 해주는데 시간이 소요되고, 알코올 기반의 스프레이를 이용한 열 기기를 사용하여 스타일링을 마무리 하는 것에 대해 이해 할 수 없었다. 내츄럴 고정 스프레이 젤이라는 제품을 만들었다. 고분자는 고정을 할 때 사용되며 물이나 알코올에서 용해된다. 그것은 완벽하게 작동했고 내가 찾고 있던 목표에 일치했다. 이는 알레르기 반응을 유발하지 않을뿐더러, 뜨거운 열 제품을 써서 온도를 높이지도 않아도 되며 정확하게 스타일을 유지시켜주었기 때문에 마침내 알코올 베이스의 Natural Hold SprayGel이라는 이름의 스프레이가 개발되었다. 일의 수요가 매우 많아 많은 시간을 살롱에서 지내곤 했다. 나는 여전히 살롱에 있던 것이 요즘 그립기도 하다.
OTC: 제인 카터 솔루션의 역사를 공유해주시겠어요? 어떻게 이 회사가 태어났으며 무엇이 설립되게 한 큰 이유인가요?
JC: 제가 앞서 언급 한 바와 같이, 필요는 발명의 어머니입니다. 그때 당시 전 범위의 헤어 타입, 모질 뿐만 아니라 깨끗한 원료를 필요로 하는 브랜드는 시장에서 찾을 수 없었습니다.
OTC: 귀하의 기업의 차별화 전략은 무엇이며 이 뷰티 업계에서 비슷한 비즈니스에서 눈에 띄는 점은 무엇인가요?
JC: 내가 생각하기에 우리가 다른 기업들과 차별화된 점은 우선 내가 스타일리스트이며, 제품의 성능을 잘 이해한다는 것이라고 생각합니다. 둘째, 제품 제조자로써, 깨끗하고 순수 원료를 사용하는 것의 중요성을 이해하고 있다. 그 원료들은 당신의 몸에 절대 해롭지 않으며 이 행성(지구)에도 이롭다. 셋째로, 우리 가족은 굉장히 다양하다. 그러므로 나는 모든 범위를 아우를 수 있는 제품 라인이 개발되어야 했음을 깨달았다. 하나의 특정한 구체적 헤어 타입을 설정할 필요 없이 상품을 개발한 스타일리스트 및 제조업자인 나의 직업으로써의
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consumer based on an ethnic bias. In America, for instance, the 2010 census confirmed that the US is a melting pot that keeps evolving and will continue to be that.
OTC: What need does this company meet among the OTC customer base?
JC: I think that the need we meet is the fact that the customer base has a wide range of choices when selecting products. I think that the OTC store has become the destination spot for a lot of consumers because of the wide range of product offerings.
OTC: If you had to pick one product that is most symbolic of your company, which would you choose and why?
JC: One of the first products that I made is called Nourish & Shine. It is still one of our top sellers today. It was my answer to the replacement of the typical petroleum based product. This product is great because it can be used on your hair and skin.
OTC: Please describe the newest product, innovation or concept this company has developed.
JC: Our newest innovation is Curls To Go. The line was created for super curly and coiled textures. The formulas contain high performance natural ingredients essential to nourish and hydrate curly hair…butters, essential oils, vitamins, plant and herbal extracts that deliver instant and long-term benefits. They are free of sulfates, parabens, silicones, paraffin, mineral oil, phthalates and DEA/MEA/TEA. They are easy to use, multi-benefit products that work together to “wake up” natural curls and deliver healthy, gorgeous, long-lasting, frizz free curls every time!
OTC: How do you keep consumers and store owners educated on product releases, uses and general information? Do you utilize your website and/or social media channels regularly?
JC: We use an integrated approach to reaching our customers. Social and local efforts will lead the charge to inform, samples, and offer instruction.
OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how has the company met consumer demand for it?
JC: Needless to say, the natural hair and ingredient trends continue to set the tone for the industry. We were ahead of the trend, having sold our first natural product at salons in 1992. We will continue to create products that are good for the hair.
위해서는 하나의 민족이 오직 하나의 같은 헤어 케어 요구를 필요로 한다는 가정을 버려야 한다고 생각한다. 나는 절대 인종에 따라 제품 및 소비자를 국한시키지 않는다. 예를 들어 미국에서는 2010년 인구 조사 시, 미국이 끊임없이 진화하고 변화할 용광로라는 것임을 확인했다.
OTC: OTC 고객 기반 중 무엇을 충족해야 할까요?
JC: 고객을 기반으로 그들이 물건을 고를 때 다양한 범위의 선택이라면 그들의 요구를 쉽게 충족시킬 수 있다고 생각한다.
OTC: 만약 당신의 회사의 제품 중 가장 상징적인 제품을 하나만 선택해야 한다면, 어떤 것이고 이유는 무엇인가?
JC: 내가 최초로 만들었던 제품인 Nourish&Shine 이라는 제품이다. 그 제품은 아직도 우리의 베스트 셀러 중 하나다. 그 제품은 일반 석유 기반의 제품을 교체 할 수 있는 나의 핵심 포인트였다. 이는 심지어 당신의 헤어 및 피부에도 사용할 수 있기 때문에 굉장히 좋다.
OTC: 최근 귀하의 회사가 개발한 최신 제품, 혁신적인 특징 또는 컨셉에 대해 설명해주세요.
JC: 자사의 최신 혁신은 Curls To Go이다. 이 라인은 곱슬기가 정말 심하거나 코일 모질을 가진 고객들을 위해 만들어졌다. 이 성분에는 영양을 공급해주고 곱슬머리의 수분을 주는 고성능의 천연 성분이 함유되어있다. 버터, 에센셜 오일, 비타민, 식물, 허브 추출물 등의 장기적인 베네핏을 주는 원료들이 많이 포함되어있다. 이 제품은 황산염, 파라벤, 실리콘, 미네랄 오일, 프탈레이트 및 DEA/MEA/TEA가 들어있지 않다. 사용하기도 훨씬 편하며 ‘WAKE UP’ 내츄럴 컬 제품과 함께 사용할 때 다양한 이점이 있다. 뿐만 아니라 건강하고, 오래 유지되는 모발을 자랑하게 된다.
OTC: 귀하는 소비자와 점주 분 모두에게 어떤 식으로 사용법, 제품 출시, 일반적 정보를 알려드리나요? 당신은 정기적으로 웹 사이트 및 / 또는 소셜 미디어 채널을 활용하십니까?
JC: 우리는 고객들에게 도달하기 위하여 통합된 접근 방식을 사용한다. 사회와 지역적 노력은 정보, 샘플 및 제공에 관한 설명을 이끈다.
OTC: 귀하가 봤던 동종업계의 최근 가장 성장한 트렌드는 무엇이며 귀사는 어떻게 소비자의 수요를 충족시켰나요?
JC: 말할 필요도 없이, 자연스러운 스타일의 헤어와 천연 성분이란 트렌드는 이 뷰티 헤어 산업에 개념을 확실히 정립했다. 우리는 트렌드를 앞서나가 살롱에서 자사의 첫 번째 내츄럴 제품을 1992년에 선보였다. 우리는 계속해서 머릿결에 좋은 성분으로 제품을 만들 것입니다.
58 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
책임이라고 생각한다. 마켓 포지셔닝을
브랜드가 되기
Manufacturer Profile
OTC: What tips do you have for OTC beauty supply storeowners on how to best market your products to consumers?
JC: Continue to be the channel of plentiful assortment and variety, to edge the competition.
OTC: Does this company participate in any trade shows throughout the year? If so, which ones, and why do you find these helpful for both manufacturing companies and visitors?
JC: Local, on the ground efforts are important to engage the customer. We use a careful process when selecting shows, but look to the ones that best attract our customers and give us an opportunity to inform and interact with them.
OTC: What are the company’s goals for the 2017? Any big news or plans you can share?
JC: Curls To Go is our biggest news in 2017. We are excited and are celebrating with tremendous deals and programs to our customers, and engaging advertising and social efforts to reach the consumer.
OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about Jane Carter Solution and/or the beauty industry in general?
JC: I have always been passionate about marrying the professional salon industry. I think that salons are still segregated in services, which can limit their customer base as well as their potential revenue stream. I think that all stylists should have the opportunity and the knowledge to service any customer that walks through the door. I have done training in many beauty schools and I know that stylists are passionate people. They do what they do because they love it. Certainly our customer base is women with hair that they perceive to be problematic. Our job is to provide the solution. Our job as a brand is to make their haircare and styling needs simple, no matter what their hair texture may be. I also feel that the DNA of a brand is consistent with the DNA of the founder and should be consistently translated through the DNA of your company’s core values. We are here to serve. That may be doing a great job by creating great products for our customers, or donating products to shelters around the world. Beauty is not about being pretty. Beauty is about feeling great from the inside out. That is our goal and responsibility as a brand.
OTC: OTC 뷰티 유통업체 점주 분들을 위해 시장 및 고객들과 관련하여 조언을 해주신다면 한마디 부탁 드리겠습니다.
JC: 경쟁 가장자리에서 풍부하고 다양한 채널을 계속 이어가세요.
OTC: 귀하의 회사는 일년 내내 모든 무역 박람회에 참여합니까? 그렇다면, 어떤 박람회에 참여하며, 제조 기업과 방문객들에게 도움이 될만한 이러한 것들을 찾으시는 이유가 무엇인가요?
JC: 기본적인 노력이자 가장 관건은 고객과 소통하는 것으로써 이는 굉장히 중요하다. 우리는 신중한 과정을 거쳐 쇼(전시회/박람회)를 선택하지만, 우리 고객들의 관심을 가장 끌만한 것을 선정하되 그들과 상호작용할 수 있는 기회를 제공하는 곳을 찾는다.
OTC: 2017년, 회사의 목표는 무엇입니까? 당신이 공유 할
수 있는 어떤 큰 계획이나 진행 상황이 있나요?
JC: Curls To Go가 2017년 가장 큰 뉴스가 아닐 까 싶네요. 우리는 엄청난 거래가 성사된 것에 대해 굉장히 기쁘며 우리의 고객들과 연계하여 광고 및 사회적 노력을
OTC: 제인 카터 솔루션 또는 뷰티 업계를 볼 때 어떠한 최종 생각을 저희 OTC독자들과 나누고 싶으신가요?
JC: 나는 항상 전문 살롱 산업과 결혼을 하고 싶을 만큼 열정이 있는 세대이다. 내가 생각하기에 그 살롱은 여전히 구분되어 그들의 고객인 베이스뿐만 아니라 그들의 잠재적 소득원을 제한한다. 나는 모든 스타일리스트가 문을 통해 걸어 들어오는 모든 고객들에게 서비스를 제공 할 수 있는 기회와 지식이 있어야 한다고 생각한다. 나는 수많은 미용 학교에서 훈련을 수행하였고 스타일리스트들은 열정적인 사람들이라는 것을 깨달았다. 그들은 그것을 사랑하기 때문에 하는 것이다. 물론 우리의 고객 기반은 문제가 될만한 소재로 인식되는 여자이다. 우리의 임무는 솔루션을 제공하는 것이다. 나는 또한 브랜드 DNA는 설립자의 DNA와 일치하고, 끊임없이 우리 회사의 핵심 가치의 DNA와 맞아야 한다고 생각한다. 우리는 서비스를 제공하기 위해 이 자리에 있는 것이다. 우리의 고객을 위한 훌륭한 제품을 만들거나 전세계 피난처에 제품을 기부하는 등 좋은 일을 할 수가 있다. 뷰티란 아름다워 지는 것이 아니다. 아름다움은 안에서부터 밖으로 좋은 느낌에 관한 것이다. 즉, 그것이 우리의 목표이자 브랜드로서의 책임이다.
Company Name: Jane Carter Solution
Address: 50 Park Place, #1001, Newark, NJ 07102
Contact Number: 877-424-7227
Website: www.janecartersolution.com
Years in business: 8
회사명: 제인 카터 솔루션
주소: 50 Park Place, #1001, Newark, NJ 07102
연락처: 877-424-7227
웹 사이트: www.janecartersolution.com
사업연수: 8년
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 59
고객에게 접근하기 위하여 참여하고
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Split End Repair
Clairol Professional® iThrive™ Keratin Rescue Split End Repair with Panthenol was designed by stylists as the finishing step for dry and damaged hair to help leave the hair smooth and frizz-free.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 61
Try the complete iThrive Keratin Rescue System that delivers not only immediate results today, but helps to reverse 2 years of damage in 1 use. ©2017 The Wella Corporation, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CSM2016-1548 EBONY BEAUTY & GROOMING AWARDS #1 HAIR RX As voted by Ebony Magazine Call your distributor today for details.
Sponsored by Andis Co.
New Year, New Tools, New Prices!
by Kenny Duncan
Most hair professionals struggle with the idea of raising their prices, asking themselves, “How do I tell my clients?” and “Do I deserve it?” The truth is that most people have had similar thoughts so, in the back of their mind, clients know a price increase is reasonable. Hair professionals can raise their rates because they invest in new tools and a new year is the perfect time for this.
While guiding your customers to the proper tools, take the opportunity to explain some of the benefits in purchasing a quality item. Using a tool like the Andis Supra ZR™, along with a full set of detachable blades, will lead to faster and better quality haircuts. With better quality comes the ability to charge a higher price and faster cutting times means you can increase client turnover on any given day— two simple ways to increase your daily service dollars. It’s also important to mention service upgrades that will leave clients focusing on the higher end service experience rather than the increased price. These options could be a complimentary hot towel or eye brow trim. By explaining that the end benefit of purchasing a higher quality tool is a price increase, this will strengthen your store’s relationship with a valuable customer by showing them that you care about their business.
Because an informed client is a better client, each time I raise my prices I personally hand a letter to my clients explaining what my new rate will be the next time they come in and offer a one-time discount. I also make sure to mention the continuing education I received and the new Andis tools I invested in, thus warranting a price increase. Over the years, I progressed from using the Andis Master® as my strongest clipper - Andis Excel - Andis BGRC® - Andis BGR+® - Andis MVP - Andis Excel Ultra™ – now onto the Andis Supra ZR This is one of the tactics that has led me to reach my goal of becoming a six-figure barber and can lead others there too!
JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.
62 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 Advertisement
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.
JBS Beauty Club
Brushing Up on Beauty Tools
by Elayne McClaine
There is a brush for every purpose. Sophisticated OTC consumers are using brushes to cleanse, invigorate, detangle, conceal and style. As consumers mimic the tools used by professional hairstylists, makeup artists and manicurists, they are brushing up on the need for task-specific brushes. Brushes are the ultimate beauty tool. Many beauty regimens require a brushing tool as an applicator or enhancer for hair, skin, nail and facial products. Recent electronic and digital innovations are technically brushes. Penetration or stimulation therapies for face and hair are rooted in the use of a brushing mechanism. There is a new detangling concept that involves a sculpted, vertical brush that smooths tussled or knotted hair. Manual manipulation of a cone-shaped brush that moves through hair sideways rather than down and out conceptually provides less ripping, tearing and breakage. Beauty tools and implements are essential to the average consumer. Brushing up on the latest tools will profit the OTC.
While makeup is a traditional category, the brush industry is stimulating growth and multiple purchases. Foundation application now requires several brushes—a kabuki brush, a concealer brush and a contouring brush. Eye makeup application now requires a shadow brush, liner brush, brow brush as well as mascara. Lip and blush applications also require new brush concepts. Sable, pony or goat hairs are used to define quality while many consumers prefer synthetic micro cut fibers. Consumers want to travel with their brushes, clean their brushes and organize their brushes. Some market analysts link the increase in brush sales with the many new uses and accessories that support the various types of brushes.
Price points are increasing as the promise associated with the brush is defined. Consumers find value in the brush sets or professional pouches. Brushes and other beauty tools support product purchases throughout the beauty business, one stroke at a time.
Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.
64 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
From Father to Son
by Dwayne Thompson
One of the first and last impressions you can leave on a women is your scent. This is why it is so important to groom and bathe yourself every day and take care to get a manicure and pedicure once monthly. Personally, I like to take a shower or bath and brush my teeth at least 3 times daily. Wearing clean clothes and undergarments are paramount, next to washing your body and applying deodorant, lotions or aftershave. Be careful not to mix too many scents or fragrances when developing your daily regimen. This leads me to the final step before walking out of the house…choosing a cologne that is timeless and one that will match your natural body oils, lifestyle or occasion you have dressed for whether day or night. I will provide you with a few tips and a cologne option for 2017.
Fragrance is an invisible part of our personal style, and it has a powerful effect on how people see and remember you. Most men who use colognes and perfumes do so because they had a father or role model who introduced them to the practice. Dad’s Old Spice or Brut is not an option. Those who stumble upon the practice fail to understand the importance and the purpose. Did you know that wearing a fragrance will make you more attractive to women? In choosing a mate, smell is of high importance for many women. A nice fragrance adds to your overall impression of being a sharp, well put-together man. Choosing a fragrance should always be done by you and you alone. Remember you are trying to match your natural body scent and find a cologne to enhance your scent. Smell is actually our strongest sense. It is connected to our memory and can develop deep connections to our emotions.
Here are a few cologne tips:
1. Start light: Put one spray on warm body parts.
2. Less is more: Don’t drown yourself in a fragrance.
3. Do not apply to clothing: You want to mix fragrance with your natural body oils, and this can possibly stain clothing.
4. Apply to dry skin: Apply after a shower while you are completely dry.
5. Don’t kill the note: Rubbing a scent into your skin breaks the molecular bond, making the scent weaker.
I have personally been wearing a niche brand called “Creed,” and it has taken some time for me to find the right fragrance for my natural body oil, which is Aventus and Green Irish Tweed. Visit www.creedboutique.com to learn more about the brand, the rich history and use the scent finder on the site.
Keep up the good work!
Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com.
66 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
OTC Beauty Magazine February
조지아 협회
조지아 협회는 오는 3월 12일 일요일에, 새로
변경된 장소인 캅카운티에 위치한 Cobb Galleria
Center 에서 제 10회 뷰티 트레이드쇼를 개최한다.
각종 미용잡화, 쥬얼리, 케미컬, 선글라스, 모자 및
의류, 신발, POS System, 크레딧 카드, 건강식품,
보험 등 약 150여개 업체의 300부스가 준비된다.
새로운 트렌드와 상품정보를 통하여 침체된
비즈니스에 활력을 찾을 수 있는 기회의 장이 될
것이라 확신한다고 협회는 말하고 있다. 한층 더
업그레이드 된 경품에는, 고급브랜드 마사지 체어, 1등 상금 천불을 비롯해 스마트 TV, 전자기기 등을
드리고, 선착순 200 스토어 오너분들에게 핸드폰 portable charger를 드리며 이 외에도 다양하고 푸짐한 경품 및 행사들이 준비되어 있다고 한다.
신청을 희망하시는 분들은 참가 신청서, 호텔 및
셔틀버스 신청서, 골프 신청서를 작성하여 협회로
보내면 된다. 특히, 5시간 이상 거리에서 오시는
분들에게는 Hotel Room (2인 1실) 1박을 제공할
예정이라고 한다. (호텔접수 마감일: 2017년 2월 10일)
보다 자세한 사항들은 협회 770-454-7993로
연락하면 된다.
SC 미소협
70 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
미용재료상 소매상인 협회는 2016년 송년회에서 1년여간 공석이었던 회장자리에 지난 4대 회장을 역임한 최윤식 고문을 6대회장으로 선임하였다. 신임회장은 공동구매, 세미나, 회원배가 그리고 1년여간 회장공석으로 인해
받은 불이익에 대한 대책안으로 회장 소감을 대신 하였다. 회장 공석으로 잠잠했던 SC 미소협의
활발한 활동을 기대해 본다.
Industry News
Wahl Global Headquarters Museum Opens Door to History and Commemorates 100 Years of Innovation, Style and Hair
100 years: a time to look back in order to move forward. Wahl Professional celebrates their upcoming 100-year anniversary by opening the doors to their history and timeless style in the new Wahl museum. The Wahl Global Headquarters Museum opened in May 2016, in advance of the company’s “2019” milestone, with a special look at Wahl’s history and roots in the beauty and barbering industry.
Recent office upgrades prompted the Wahl team to showcase their journey as the leading clipper and trimmer manufacturer, along with the path Wahl is paving for the future.
“Now that we are approaching our 100-year anniversary and built a new addition to our offices, we thought it was time to properly display and organize our past,” says Lance Wahl, Global Vice President Professional Products, Wahl Clipper Corporation.
The vintage-inspired, classically styled museum pays homage to the rich history of barbering and how Wahl has helped shape it.
“Since Wahl created the clipper category, it’s important to show proper credence to the very beginning and what the initial innovation has accomplished,” says Wahl. “The museum also highlights all the products we have created outside of clippers and trimmers. The exhibits remind us of all the experiments we at Wahl have tried and motivate us to go further.”
The museum allows visitors to learn more about the beauty and barbering history and see how the industry is advancing.
“You can take a tour through 97 years of history and check out the innovative products that Wahl has released through the years. You can also see a sample of the first electromagnetic massager that founder Leo Wahl built in 1914—which inspired him to build an electromagnetic powered clipper,” says Aaron Flick,
Marketing Associate at Wahl Clipper Corporation.
“There’s also a feature where visitors can see where Wahl is located around the world, even in outer space!” This is all in addition to the history of the Wahl family.
One of the museum’s spotlight exhibits showcases Wahl’s timeline of innovation and displays actual archived products. In addition, a continuous feed of classic commercials and video content streams for visitors to watch at any time.
“My favorite part of the Wahl museum is the timeline of Wahl tools,” says Flick. “It’s pretty neat to see how far Wahl has come and how much innovation has come through the building. I also enjoy the retro barber chair on full display that is occasionally used for community charity events."
The Wahl museum offers a retrospective view of Wahl’s history and most popular and innovative products. Style and trends may change, but quality is timeless—and Wahl delivers just that.
Visitors can take a tour of the Wahl Global Headquarters Museum at 2900 North Locust Street in Sterling, Illinois, located 100 miles west of Chicago. The Wahl Museum hours are Monday through Friday, from 8 am – 5 pm. www.wahlpro.com
74 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
The Tools Every Stylist Needs for Spring
One of the most exciting things about a new season is the new trending hairstyles that come with it. From wavy, wet looks to sleek, straight cuts, we have a lot of look forward to this spring! Thankfully, Fromm Beauty has all of the tools stylists will need to create beautiful, glammed out looks.
1907 by Fromm is thrilled to introduce a line of innovative, multi-use brushes thoughtfully designed to offer stylists the highest quality selection of tools season after season. Each 1907 by Fromm brush outlined below features bristles and barrels that are anti-static, heat-safe and equipped with ionic nylon pins to fight frizz, decrease drying time and enhance hair health.
1907 by Fromm Hot Paddle Brush: This brush is designed to specifically enhance the blow drying experience. The Hot Paddle Brush features a thermal soothing plate with an aluminum pad that retains heat, reducing drying time by 10 minutes. Along with its rounded surface designed to give perfectly smooth volume from the root, this brush is perfect for creating those straight, polished looks.
1907 by Fromm Square Thermal Brush: This brush excels in offering multiple styling options with just a tilt of the barrel. Its square shape allows stylists to create smooth, voluminous looks by holding the barrel flat against strands; wavy, natural looks by tilting it at an angle; and glamorous curls by fully rotating the barrel while styling.
1907 by Fromm Copper Core Brush: This thermal rounder is the only brush on the market with a 100 percent copper barrel. This unique feature has antimicrobial properties that destroy over 80 percent of bacteria and fungus, helping to eliminate dandruff, itching and flaking—common springtime nightmares as hat season comes to an end. Additionally, the copper core provides superior temperature control to evenly heat hair faster, and with the brush’s handcrafted boar bristles, stylists can achieve a frizz-free finish in no time! www.frommbeauty.com
Dark and Lovely Brand Ambassador
Justine Skye Donates Toys to Brooklyn Kids
This past holiday season, R&B singer and newly announced Dark and Lovely Brand Ambassador, Justine Skye stopped by the Wynn Center - Police Athletic League in Brooklyn, NY to surprise children and donate over 100 toys to the after-school program.
Justine welcomed the children in attendance—ages ranging from 6 to12 years old—and shared her excitement to kick off the holiday season with them, especially since she was a Brooklyn kid just like them. The children then presented hand written “thank you” cards after a quick dance performance for Justine and the Dark and Lovely team.
“It’s the season to give away lots of toys,” says Justine Skye. “I just want to thank Dark and Lovely for teaming up with me to make the little ones smile!”
Photo credit: Pete Monsanto of Fly Life Images
Andis Company Names Scott Reske as Director of Quality
Scott Reske, Director of Quality, Andis Company
Andis Company, a manufacturer of professional-grade grooming and styling tools for the barber, salon and animal grooming industries, and at-home consumers, has added Scott Reske as Director of Quality. In this newly created role, Reske will develop and implement the company’s strategic quality initiatives.
“I am excited to add Scott and his 20 years of experience to our team,” said Matt K. Andis, President. “For over 95 years, quality has been a cornerstone of the Andis brand and this role will allow us to maintain our high standards of excellence as we continue to expand our capacity and position the company for future growth.”
Reske will ensure that quality is integrated into all areas of Andis’ business and customer touchpoints. He will drive continuous improvement in products and services, while bringing a new perspective and extensive experience to the company. Reske joins Andis after spending more than 20 years at Cree (formerly Ruud Lighting) with 15 years spent in Quality and Operations. A lifetime resident of Racine, he received a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics from Carthage College and a Master’s in Business Administration from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside. www.andis.com
76 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 Industry News
Industry News
Cosmoprof North America Highlights Professional Beauty with
“Discover Pro Beauty”
Special area to capitalize on expansive show segment
Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) has announced it will launch DISCOVER PRO BEAUTY, a new special area dedicated to innovative start-ups in the professional beauty space, at its upcoming annual event, scheduled to take place July 9-11, 2017 at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The program comes on the heels of successful implementation of several other curated special areas focused on finished goods for retail and will follow a similar feel and format. As such, the new showcase will be located in the professional pavilion and be designed with a highend feel, made to set it apart from the general exhibiting space. The exclusive area will host only 12 exhibitors that are pre-selected to ensure a match with participating buyers who represent national and regional distributors as well as chain salon operators. Participating companies will benefit from guaranteed face-to-face
meeting with distributors which to date include and are not limited to: BSG CosmoProf, Ulta, Jinny Beauty, JC Penney Salons and Armstrong McCall, Austin.
“The professional beauty category is one of the largest sections at CPNA and already welcomes all the leading professional distributions who have come to rely on our event as a resource,” says Daniela Ciocan, Marketing Director, CPNA. “With industry support and the fact the Professional Beauty Association (PBA) is part organizer of the show and will be instrumental in helping to ensure program success, we feel that we have the right formula.”
Ensuring success for both participants and visitors, the showcase will be tailored to meet varying needs. For buyers and attendees, participating companies will provide a diverse showing of product types from nail and haircare products and tools to makeup and skincare—all focused specifically on professional distribution. In addition, the area will cater to start-up or established international brands who are new to the US market to ensure that this becomes a trend directional showcase for inspiration in the professional beauty market. In contrast, exhibitors benefit from the above mentioned guaranteed meetings and prime visibility—both on the show floor and
through dedicated marketing exposure. Each 12 square meter booth comes fully furnished to enable seamless participation.
“Our special areas have been so successful because they provide the ideal event scenario for everyone involved— buyers have come to trust our formula and know our areas provide a short-cut to leading brands; exhibitors get prime visibility, built-in business leads and easy set-up; and attendees get one more valueadded stop on their CPNA tour,” says Ciocan.
In support of its professional beauty category, CPNA also hosts PBA events such as the North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA), PBA Beacon and Business FORUM. Coupled with CPNA conferences and other educational initiatives, the 2017 event promises to be chock full of valuable insights on the growing professional beauty industry.
“We always strive to be more than just an industry event,” says Ciocan. “Our aim is to be a valuable resource for every player in the beauty space. Through careful curations, education and key partnerships we’ve been able to achieve our goals and maintain our leadership as one of the most awarded and coveted industry business platforms.”
To learn more about exhibiting or becoming a qualified buyer to the area, please contact cpna@cosmoprofnorthamerica. com. For general information, visit: www. cosmoprofnorthamerica.com.
Andis® Updates Iconic Master® Clipper with 3 New Limited Edition Colors
Same legendary high-speed cutting performance in hot new colors
The Andis Master clipper has been prized by generations of American barbers and at-home users alike, for its high-speed cutting performance and durability. Now, Andis has put a colorful spin on its legendary adjustable blade clipper that users are sure to love—new color choices of Ghost, Lime and Grape.
“At Andis, we understand the role that creativity and individuality plays in men’s grooming. Folks like to express themselves in unique, creative ways,” says Karen Formico, Andis vice president of
marketing. “With these new color choices of our most popular clipper, you can express a bit more of your individuality.”
These Master clippers include all the same features that have made this tool a barbershop standard: an alloy housing for durability; a powerful, high-speed magnetic motor for cutting all hair types; and a carbon steel blade that adjusts from size 000 to size 1 for precision fading, tapering and all-around cutting versatility.
All Master clippers come with blade guard and oil, and feature a oneyear limited warranty. www.andis.com
78 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Wahl Professional Delivers the Best in Clipper Technology with the 5-Star Cordless Magic Clip
Your favorite tool is more versatile and popular than ever—cordless! The 5-Star Cordless Magic Clip from Wahl Professional offers advanced, one-of-akind technology that no other clippers have. The 5-Star Cordless Magic Clip is the only clipper to utilize a stagger-tooth blade with crunch blade technology, as well as feature the bottom blade as a standard five-star blade slide. That’s the innovation Wahl delivers.
The Cordless Magic Clip is one of Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.) member Julius ‘Caesar’ Arriola’s favorite tools to use for his clients. The lightweight Magic Clip makes head maneuvering easy and the stagger-tooth blade system makes fading hair even more effortless.
The Cordless Magic Clip is THE tool every barber stylist should have in their arsenal.
“I believe this clipper is made
Skin Inc.’s Face & Body® Announces Exclusive Medical Spa Summit in Partnership with American Med Spa Association
1-Day Summit to Provide Concrete Steps for Professional Success in Medical Spa Industry
Skin Inc.’s Face & Body Spa Conference & Expo is proud to announce its partnership with the American Med Spa Association (AmSpa) in presenting its brand new Medical Spa Summit, an entire day of medical spa training and education from the top educators in the medical spa industry. Exclusive to Skin Inc.’s Face & Body events, the one-day summit will give attendees the opportunity to learn more about what it takes to own and operate a medical spa or take their business to the next level. It will also discuss topics such as:
• Whether non-physicians can own a medical spa
for everyone, from barbers to stylists alike, due to its powerful consistency, and its lightweight cordless design,” says Arriola.
The Cordless Magic Clip was designed to create seamless blends when hard or soft line fading. The incredibly precise stagger-tooth blade—unique to Wahl—blends hair and creates texture while cutting. The top blade is made up of tall square teeth alternating with small teeth in between. The bottom blade is a standard five-star blade slide which no one else on the market has. It’s the ideal tool for any barber or stylist who wishes to achieve flawless fades and tapers.
“To get precise cuts every time, I suggest the Cordless Magic Clip,” says Arriola. “It’s cordfree, which allows the professional to move around the hair in angles that a corded clipper might not allow.”
The Cordless Magic Clip is essential for every professional because it provides flexibility and unlimited
• How regulations are changing estheticians’ scope of practice
• What are the common legal mistakes for new medical spas
• And much more
“We are thrilled to join forces with AmSpa. In just four short years they have become the source for business and legal information for medical spas. The Medical Spa Summit which will be featured at Face & Body will help our customers currently running medical spas or considering medspa services within their practice and gain insightful information on running a profitable business,” says Sandy Chapin, group show director of Face & Body.
Representing one of the fastest growing market segments in the country, the medical spa industry brought in an estimated $1.8 billion in sales in 2013, along with a highly significant 18 percent year-over-year growth (Marketdata Enterprises). It is currently projected to eclipse $3.6 billion in sales in 2016.
“As the medical spa industry continues its rapid expansion, its overlap with the larger spa industry makes this partnership a natural progression,” said AmSpa Founder and Director Alex
opportunities to achieve the perfect haircut.
“Being able to use this as a cordless clipper is incredible. It gives you the flexibility to move around the client without having the clutter of any cords and without sacrificing any power or performance,” says W.E.A.T. member Kristi Faulkner. “The freedom of having no cord and the light weight of the tool makes it incomparable to any other tool.”
The Cordless Magic Clip is the only clipper with a true linear-based movement of the blade. This allows the user to adjust the clipper to a zero setting without ever pulling the client’s skin.
Faulkner relies on her Magic Clip for its close cutting, but also its versatility and power. “The Cordless Magic Clip is definitely my favorite. I use it every day—all day—on different hair textures to achieve many looks,” says Faulkner.
Like Faulkner, Arriola relies on his clipper for its performance. “One of my absolute favorite and go-to tools, simply for its consistent performance while being tangle-free!”
To learn more about Wahl tools and techniques, barbers and stylists are encouraged to take a Wahl educational class. Visit wahlpro.com to see the Cordless Magic Clip and find out where you can take your next class.
Thiersch. “AmSpa is very excited to add our top-rated legal and business education for med spas to the already incredible aesthetic and beauty content offered at Face & Body.”
Skin Inc.’s Face and Body Medical Spa Summit will be offered exclusively during Skin Inc.’s Face & Body Advanced Education Conference Program the Saturday prior to each Face & Body expo in Rosemont, IL, San Jose, CA, and Atlanta, GA.
Admission to the summit is $345. Attendees will also receive admission to the Face & Body expo hall, featuring exhibitors and representatives from all sectors of the spa, skin care and wellness industry. Visit www.americanmedspa. org and www.faceandbody.com to learn more.
80 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Photo Courtesy of Wahl Professional
Industry News
Macadamia Professional—the Oil Authority for Global Textures—expands its styling portfolio with the introduction of two new products, to provide both professionals and consumers unique haircare solutions that cater to the needs of diverse textures and styles.
Macadamia Professional Debuts Two New Launches
The innovative, lightweight Foaming Root Boosting Spray is ideal for fine to-medium textures to lift, amplify and texturize hair right at the roots. It increases volume while providing just the right amount of hydration and moisturization with a residue-free hold that is never stiff or flaky. The Thermal Protectant Spray boasts a Thermal Protectant Silicone to shield hair from up to 450F of heat styling while Avocado Oil, Hydrolyzed Rice & Vegetable Proteins, and a Conditioning Silicone blend deliver moisturizing and healing properties for a humidityresistant, frizz-free shine. It is ideal for all hair types. Both launches feature the water lily fragrance, a fan favorite of the Macadamia Professional scent profiles.
As with all Macadamia Professional products, these new styling extensions are color safe, cruelty, sulfate and paraben-free, and contain Macadamia Professional’s exclusive PRO OIL Complex, a therapeutic blend of Macadamia and Argan Oils, rich in Omega 7, 5, 3, and 9 fatty acids, which deeply yet weightlessly nourish and renew hair’s natural texture. www.macadamiahair.com
Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna Reinforces its Collaboration with Iran Beauty & Clean
The Memorandum of Understanding between Bologna Fiere Group, which organizes Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, and the trade fair in Teheran has been renewed, consolidating the collaboration between Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna and Iran Beauty & Clean, the Gulf and Middle East’s landmark trade fair for the beauty industry.
Bologna Fiere Cosmoprof will be the exclusive international agent for the 24th edition of Iran Beauty & Clean, held at Teheran International Fairground from April 25-28, 2017, and it will sell booths to international companies interested in participating.
Iran Beauty & Clean will host all the beauty sectors. The exhibition is a not-tobe-missed event in the Gulf and Middle East region for companies focused on Cosmetics & Toiletries, with players in makeup, accessories and skin care segments, from mass market to prestige. A special area will be dedicated for Perfumery, with selected brands coming from all over the world. The sections for Hair Salon and Beauty Salon will showcase companies with products
Foaming Root Boosting Spray: A foaming spray that gives lift and body at the roots. It creates weightless body without stiffness and residue. Ideal for fine to-medium textures.
Thermal Protectant Spray: A featherlight spray that guards against the damaging effects of heat styling tools and leaves hair shiny and smooth. Provides thermal protection up to 450 F while eradicating frizz and resisting humidity. Ideal for all textures.
and services geared for sale to licensed professionals, for use in a salon or spa setting and sold by distributors. A special area will host the Nail world, with professional nail reconstruction products and treatments for hands and feet. Iran Beauty & Clean is the leading regional event for Packaging and OEM, from packaging design to contract manufacturing, from raw materials to machinery and all services for the cosmetic industry. To confirm its role as an international event, the fair will host 5 Country Pavilions with more than 150 small and medium-sized companies. Italy, Turkey and South Korea are the fastest-growing Country Pavilions. Iran is a growing and dynamic market, a new gateway to the Gulf countries. With a population of more than 80 million
inhabitants, 55 percent of them under 30 years old, Iran is the second-biggest beauty market in the Middle East and the seventh-largest in the world, and it offers new business opportunities for international beauty brands. The country’s total beauty market is estimated at $5 billion in 2017. Local consumers show interest mainly on hair products and skin care, perfumes, cosmetics for the eyes, makeup, nail polishes and prestige products. Furthermore, the local industry is developing and it is searching for raw materials, machinery for the packaging and filling machines.
Iran Beauty & Clean is offering to influential buyers from all over the world exciting new opportunities not only in the Middle East and Gulf region, but in Africa and the Indian subcontinent, too.
The 2016 edition of Iran Beauty & Clean welcomed over 18,000 visitors from 20 countries, with an exhibition area reaching more than 26,000 square meters, and 400 exhibitors from 15 countries aiming at new opportunities in the Iranian market.
Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna is the B2B international event for the beauty sector. The 2016 edition registered record results, with more than 200,000 visitors, 2,510 exhibitors, 73% of them from foreign countries, and 25 Country Pavilions took part in the exhibition, cementing its international leadership. www.cosmoprof.com
82 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Industry News
Countdown to in-cosmetics Global begins
The leading personal care ingredients event reveals a focus on makeup and sustainability at its Global event in London this April
Following its biggest-ever edition in Paris last year, the in-cosmetics Global event will return to London for the first time in 15 years.
More than 9,000 visitors are expected to travel to the UK from more than 100 countries when the event opens on April 4. Over three days, the personal care industry’s leading event will provide a one-stop-shop for manufacturers to do business. R&D professionals will be able to network with suppliers and source innovative ingredients, while learning about the latest consumer trends and technical information.
Among the visitors that attended the 2016 Global event in Paris were GlaxoSmithKline, Beiersdorf AG, Clarins, Colgate, Procter & Gamble and L’Oreal. Speaking about the show Dr. Kerstin Meyer-Lipp, R&D Section Head, Proctor & Gamble, said: “The show was great—really inspiring. I made a lot of new connections
category in the cosmetic market1 and growing demand for color cosmetics, the 2017 edition will see the launch of the Make-up Bar. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore a range of innovative functional ingredients and technologies— all developed by the event’s exhibitors. Featuring prototype formulas for lips, eyes, nails and skin, leading international suppliers will demonstrate their expertise in innovative pigments and technologies. Finished product manufacturers can explore the ingredients helping to deliver captivating and trendsetting color cosmetics products.
Sustainability in the Spotlight
Another new feature will be the highly relevant Sustainability Corner—designed to showcase leading environmental and social sustainability initiatives.
Climate change, diminishing resources and globalization are pushing the cosmetic industry to profoundly change the way it operates. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were ratified in September 2015 and goal 12 is to “ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.” This represents a direct call to the cosmetics industry to act now.
and loved the Sensory Bar and Formulation Lab features. I thought both were definitely experiences worth repeating and the trend presentations were great as well so I think visiting was time well-invested and I look forward to the next installment.”
Nirmita Sheth, Senior Product Development Chemist at L’Oreal The Body Shop, added: “This year’s show was a fantastically organized event, very informative and the high caliber of visitors and diverse range of exhibitors made it a very worthwhile show for us to attend.”
Around 800 international suppliers will showcase their latest ingredients at ExCeL, London from April 4-6, 2017. They will be complemented by an exciting educational program, featuring prominent speakers from across the globe. There really is no better place to be for cosmetic manufacturers who are serious about product development.
A Focus on Makeup
Always keen to align itself with the industry’s key trends, in-cosmetics Global will launch a variety of new concepts in London.
To support the most dynamic
Leading suppliers will share the ways they have developed or reformulated an ingredient or product to be more sustainable. A series of presentations will take place during the event, enabling visitors to debate key issues and learn how the industry is working towards achieving the UN SDGs targets.
Today’s Hottest Topics will be Covered
In total, in-cosmetics Global 2017 will boast over 100 hours of free educational sessions, including the hugely popular Marketing Trends sessions. International experts will deliver up-to-the-minute consumer trends, analysis and research data, as well as the latest relevant regulatory changes. Topics covered in the presentations will be diverse, including the impact of Brexit on the industry, how manufacturers can use digital to grow their businesses and also how to target millennials.
R&D professionals are invited to attend the highly anticipated Formulation Lab which was a resounding success last year. Already sold out for 2017, a packed program of sessions will be run by leading ingredients suppliers including Akzo Nobel, Lonza, Nordmann Rassmann and Symrise. They will offer attendees valuable insights through practical, hands-
on demonstrations. The in-cosmetics Global Workshop program will focus on the industry’s most important topics. Speakers will present crucial scientific and regulatory updates relevant to personal care professionals and topics will cover sustainability, pollution and EU cosmetics claims regulation, among others.
Nadine Lavable, Processing Engineer at L’Oreal, attended the incosmetics Workshop program in Paris. Commenting on the value of the sessions, she said: “The Workshops were very useful and taught me a lot about the nutrients used in cosmetics, as well as issues with certain preservatives. The details are extremely useful for those responsible for developing new products.”
Also at the exhibition will be the popular Sensory Bar, which houses a ‘tryout’ area where visitors can test innovative textures and new sensations.
Country pavilions will also be a key part of the exhibition. With areas dedicated to Spain, Brazil, France, Korea and North America, attendees will be presented with the latest developments in the personal care and cosmetic industry from around the globe.
Presenting Industry Awards
Cosmetic manufacturers are also invited to attend the highly anticipated in-cosmetics Global awards ceremony on April 4. These awards recognize those suppliers developing the most innovative functional and active ingredients, while a Make-up Award will also be presented for the first time. Expert judges will review all entries and present the most innovative suppliers with their prizes at the show.
Speaking ahead of the 2017 edition of the event, Cathy Laporte, Exhibition Director of in-cosmetics Global, commented: “We’re delighted to be returning to London next year and are bringing a program that will meet the requirements of the global personal care market. In particular, we’re looking forward to introducing the new Makeup Bar where visitors can test more ingredients and identify some of the most innovative techniques in color cosmetics. in-cosmetics Global will provide invaluable educational value to R&D professionals and finished product manufacturers based in all four corners of the globe.” in-cosmetics Global will take place at ExCeL London from April 4-6, 2017. For more information, please visit http://www.in-cosmetics.com/.
1 Cosmetics Europe
84 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
BIR Bits
American Crew is accepting submissions for the 2016-2017 All-Star Challenge, a professional men’s grooming competition that recognizes the top men’s stylist in the world.
Stylists are challenged to create artistic, modern styles that embody the vision of the American Crew man. Entries are open through February 15, 2017.
The U.S. winner will be awarded $5,000, a free scholarship to the American Crew education program and a chance to compete in the global American Crew All-Star Challenge (Europe, May 2017). The two remaining U.S. finalists will be recognized with a $2,000 prize and a free scholarship to the American Crew education program. Learn more at americancrew.com/allstarchallenge.
The way women access and experience beauty is more dynamic and varied than ever before, according to Andrea Van Dam, CEO, Women’s Marketing, a marketing services agency.
“Understanding the beauty buyer’s needs and impulses is our passion,” says Andrea. “To stay on the pulse of her motivations, we partnered with retail experts at the Seurat Group and surveyed 1,000 multicultural women across the U.S. to learn how they discover and purchase beauty and hair care products.” The research became “Unmasking the beauty Consumer.” What inspires women to try new brands and products? For beauty lovers, it’s about new trends and the thrill of discovery. About 86% of women say they notice new trends and love learning about them. But it’s also about efficacy—one in two women keep trying different brands and products to find something that best meets their needs. Does this make her disloyal? No, it makes her an active and passionate consumer— eager to experiment and try—with the hope that she will achieve
Changes at The Kirschner Group.
Kimberly Breed has stepped down as director of operations to pursue a family business in Arkansas with her husband, Scott. Sally Remigio has been promoted to director of operations. Rachelle Navarro will step into the role of show coordinator. Anna Harrtell joins the firm as sales manager for Europe. Visit kirschnergroup.com.
better results. There is a tremendous opportunity to win this consumer, but to do so, you’ve got to engage her every step of the way.
Women get information from six different sources before purchasing. Top sources include beauty professionals, online reviews, and family and friends. A strong social strategy helps build buzz and forms the foundation of the brand.
Eighty-six percent of women go to the store intending to purchase a hair or beauty product and are motivated by the thrill of finding something new—one in five say they try a new product when they see it in store. When you take into consideration that 50% of women make brand decisions instore, it becomes clear that brands that invest in the places where she is more likely to shop and offer the best experience have a better chance of converting in-store shoppers.
Clearly communicating product features and benefits, and offering the opportunity to experience the product in the aisle is key. Visit womensmarketing.com
90 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Hair by Sara Leahy, last year’s U.S. American Crew All-Star Challenge finalist
Anna Harrtell Kimberly Breed
Rachelle Navarro
Sally Remigio
Kiros Beauty LLC announces its U.S. and international sales representation of Dominican Magic, a luxurious professional hair care brand with natural ingredients inspired by the fruits, plants and vegetables grown in the tropics of the Dominican Republic.
Dominican Magic products are the creation of Gregorio Luciano of Luciano Brothers, LLC. Gregorio has been studying and improving upon the traditional Dominican hair care regime.
Kiros Beauty, founded and led by Juan Valencia, is an import/export facilitator agent that has been working with multicultural beauty markets.
Dominican Magic is a line of hair care products developed to serve the growing number of Dominican salons in the United States. Dominicans are multicultural and the salons are attracting a very large customer base, including African Americans and Caribbeans. The Dominican blowout is becoming much more mainstream, and not strictly for the Latino population. Visit dominicanmagic.com and kirosbeauty.com.
Ethics have become increasingly important to a company’s reputation at a time when public opinion can go viral in an instant.
New research from marketing intelligence agency Mintel reveals that 56% of U.S. consumers stop buying from companies they believe are unethical. What’s more, over one-third (35%) of consumers stop buying from brands they perceive as unethical even if there’s no substitute available, and 27% stop purchasing even if they think the competitor offers lower quality. Overall, more than three in five consumers believe that ethical issues are becoming more important (63%). Visit http://bit.ly/1NdhaFS.
Consumers are increasingly aware of ingredients and seek transparency in labeling, according to a new study, “Natural Personal Care Global Series” by Kline Consumer Products.
Environmental concerns, green consciousness and sustainability are important to consumers, who are driving strong growth of natural products in both the personal care and natural OTC markets. The U.S. market for natural personal care products has grown more than 7% recently, fueled by growing consumer awareness and interest in using these products. Visit klinegroup.com.
The California Trade Alliance will host 22 California-based companies at a dedicated California Pavilion at Cosmoprof Bologna, March 17-20, 2017.
The space is next to the U.S. pavilion.
Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.”
The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz.
For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at lisa@bironline.com. Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017 91
Show Calendar / Ad Index
Bronner Bros. Show
70th Anniversary Experience Atlanta, GA www.bronnerbros.com
2017 Global Beauty and Wellness Exchange Montage Palmetto Bluff, SC www.globalbeautyexchange.com
Beauty Asia 2017 Singapore www.beautyasia.com.sg
Natural Products Expo West Anaheim, CA www.expowest.com
International Beauty Show (IBS) New York New York, NY www.ibsnewyork.com
Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, Cosmopack & Cosmoprime Bologna, Italy www.cosmoprof.it
The Makeup Show Orlando Orlando, FL www.themakeupshow.com
America’s Beauty Show Chicago, IL www.americasbeautyshow.com
Spectrum International Beauty Expo Los Angeles, CA www.sibe.us
31-April 2
Beauty Dusseldorf 2017 Dusseldorf, Germany www.beauty-international.com
Ampro Industries .......................................................
www.amprogel.com Andis Co. .................................................................
www.beautyventures.net Brittny Professional
100 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Concept 43, 103
21, 40
Cover, 63
72, 98
55, 68, 73, 87
Carol’s Daughter 25
Chloe Hair Accessories 86 www.dreamworldproducts.com Conair 11 www.conair.com Dream World Products 42, 64 www.dreamworldproducts.com Fantasia Ind. 101 www.fantasiahaircare.com Gold
Hot 33
Products, LLC ................................ 79
Inspired Beauty Brands 37
J2 Beauty 19, 88
JBS Beauty Club 62 JBS Hair .................................... 22, 23, 54, 69, 89, 97, BC
J.M. Products – Isoplus, LLC 51
Jane Carter Solution 94 www.janecartersolution.com Jinny Corp. 2, 3, 28, 29, 30, 31 www.jinny.com KAB Brands 65 www.aphogee.com King Research .................................................................... 35 www.barbicide.com Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products 92 www.liquidgoldbonding.com M&M Products 49 www.mmproducts.com Mane Selection 8 www.maneselection.com Maxi Professional 93 www.dreamworldproducts.com Mitchell Group 67 www.mitchellgroupusa.com Nature’s Protein 5 www.NPhaircare.com Namaste Laboratories 85 www.orshaircare.com NouriTress Perfect Hair Products 71 www.nouritress.com One Bottle Products 77 Oster Prof. Products 47 www.osterpro.com Queen Helene 36, 53 www.queenhelene.com SoftSheen-Carson 13, 81, 99, IBC www.softsheen-carson.com Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products 27 www.naturalhair.org Ten Pro 62 www.tenprofessional.com Universal Beauty Products, Inc. ............................ IFC, 1 www.universalbeauty.com Wella, The Salon Professional Division of P&G 60, 61, 83, Poster Xtreme Beauty International 14, 15, 75 www.xbi.co
of Troy
www.hotus.com Innovative Beauty
Let your voice be heard!
In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.
뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더
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전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)
• What steps do you utilize to keep customers coming back to your store?
고객들이 재방문 할 수 있도록 실행하고 있는 방법이 있습니까?
• What beauty tools sell quickest in your store: electric styling (i.e. curling irons and hair dryers) or manual tools (i.e. brushes and makeup applicators)?
현재 가게에서 가장 빨리 팔리는 미용도구가 무엇입니까: 전기 스타일링 (예: 드라이어와 컬링아이언) 또는 수동도구 (예: 빗과 메이크업 도구)?
• What beauty trend do you hope to see more of as the year progresses? 2017년이 지나면서 어떤 미용트렌드가 보고 싶습니까?
When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.
102 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
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Reader Feedback
Dark and Lovely® Introduces
No-Ammonia Hair Color
that Feels as Good as it Looks with New
COLOR-GLOSS Ultra Radiant Color Crème
Hair color infused with natural shea butter, coconut oil and pomegranate that protects curls and shines through
Dark and Lovely® is proud to offer the #1 hair color designed for women of color. Dark and Lovely’s new Color-Gloss Ultra Radiant Color Crème collection features their first no ammonia, shine-infusing conditioning hair color that provides natural looking results while delivering a gorgeous, glossy shine. The nourishing formula deeply conditions to provide softness, leaving hair feeling as good as it looks. It also protects hair of all textures—from naturally curly to relaxed—from damage while delivering beautiful, radiant color.
Infused with three key ingredients, Dark and Lovely COLOR-GLOSS collection includes:
• Shea Butter: Has been used for centuries to soothe dry, itchy scalp and dandruff on African hair. It absorbs easily into the scalp and provides moisture from roots to ends.
• Coconut Oil: One of the most powerful oils in the world. It is high in vitamin E and other nutrients, resulting in stronger roots and thicker, shiner, healthier hair.
• Pomegranate Seed Oil: Revitalizes hair leaving it looking thick and shiny. It acts as a great protector against chemicals and other environmental damage.
Naturalistas shouldn’t fear coloring as COLOR-GLOSS hair color was made with natural hair in mind. Integrity of the natural curl pattern is important to this consumer and COLOR-GLOSS has nourishing ingredients that help to retain moisture in hair, allowing curls to bounce back. Dark and Lovely COLOR-GLOSS is available in six natural hair color shades including: Golden Brown, Light Brown, Medium Brown, Medium Red Brown, Natural Black and Rich Black. One application lasts up to 28 shampoos and works for all hair types. www.darkandlovely.com
104 OTC Beauty Magazine February 2017
Product Spotlight