OTC March 2018

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March 2018 | $6.00 The Color Issue Sales Tips To Revitalize Your Business WESTERN BUYING CONFERENCE 2018 BRONNER BROS. INTERNATIONAL BEAUTY SHOW Show Coverage: Hair Color Trends for Spring 2018
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 1

58 Feature

Spring Into Style With Hair Color

There is no doubt that hair color is the hottest hair accessory. Permanent shades with extraconditioning formulas make it easy for consumers to have more fun at home with hair color. From reds to brunettes to blacks and blondes, the at-home hair colors are warming up, showing that the possibilities are endless. With new technology, it’s easier than ever for everyone to bring out their inner artist and achieve salon-worthy hair color results at home.

26 Knowledge To Know Stronger Hair and Richer Color in Two-Steps

With spring rearing its head around the corner, the need for fresh, new hair colors is in high demand. This season’s mantra is all about “new year, new me” and many are using the warmer months to infuse some color into their hairstyles. Whether your customers are interested in a clean, natural color or a bold, head-turning shade, one problem constantly arises. Wash after wash, hair color slowly begins to fade, making it appear dull. Luckily, KAB Brands has developed a hair treatment that not only makes hair stronger but, according to a recent study, it also helps the hair sustain its applied color.

두 단계로 만드는 강하고 풍성한 색의 헤어

사람들은 봄을 맞이하면서 신선한 헤어 컬러를 하고 싶어합니다.

“새로운 헤어, 새로운 나” 는 많은 사람들이 새로운 모습을

시작하기 위하여 사용하는 주문입니다! 고객들은 깨끗하고

자연스런 색상 또는 굵고 매혹적인 색조를 띄는 헤어에 대한

갈망을 가지고 있는데 항상 한 두 가지 문제점이 발생합니다.

머리를 감을 때 마다 색은 조금씩 사라지기 시작하고 색조도

변경됩니다. 다행히도, ApHoge는 헤어를 강하게 만들어 주는

헤어 트리트먼트를 개발했으며, 최근 연구에 따르면 이 제품은

색조와 생기를 유지하도록 도와준다고 합니다.


Creme of Nature has released its newest collection Pure Honey. From a hair mask to a shampoo, conditioner and leave-in conditioner, this luxurious line of products will make your customers’ hair soft and moisturized.

To learn more, visit www. cremeofnature.com

2 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 In Every Issue contents March 2018 8 Editorial Letter Color Me Beautiful 컬러로 나를 아름답게 12 Marketplace Coloring Products For Spring 18 Expert Advice What Drives Customers to Your Store? 20 How Should You Sell It? Faux Lashes 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 인조 속눈썹 33 Urban Call Briefs Leadership Profiles in Beauty 90 Clipper Tips Boost Barbering Sales with Better Product Placement 92 Therapy Trends The Ultra Supreme Shading of 2018 96 Industry News 100 BIR Bits 101 Show Calendar 103 Coupons 108 Ad Index 110 Reader Feedback 독자 피드백 112 Product Spotlight Dark & Lovely Go Intense Spray 70 Top Sellers We take a look at the 5 fastest-moving hair coloring products at Jinny Beauty Supply.

38 Business Tips How to Revitalize Your Store and Attract More Business in 2018

The change in consumer hair styling to non-chemical and natural looks has caused a lull in beauty store volume. Consumers who are noticing less hair damage are buying far less in hair attachments – real and synthetic, as well as fewer wig purchases. This can cause a decrease in overall product sales in your store. Learn how to avoid these pitfalls with these expert tips. 2018년, 상점에 활력을 주고 더 많은 고객을 유치하는

화학제품이 없고 자연스럽게 보이는 헤어 스타일링의 변화로

인하여 뷰티 스토어의 매출이 감소되었습니다. 이런 것들이 헤어

손상이 적다는 사실을 알고있는 소비자는 가발 뿐만아니라 진짜

및 합성 붙임 머리를 구입하는 경우가 훨씬 적습니다. 이로 인해

매장 전체의 제품 판매가 감소 할 수 있습니다. 전문가의 팁을

통해 이러한 위험을 피하는 방법에 대해 배워 보세요.

42 Seven Best Practices to Budget (and Spend) for Marketing

For anyone charged with allocating marketing dollars, it can seem like an arduous and even dicey process to decide how much to spend annually, and on what. For some, it’s the autopilot response of last year’s budget, plus three to five percent. For others with limited marketing dollars, it can mean the equivalent of putting all one’s eggs in a single basket. But rest assured there are effective ways to plan, allocate and intelligently spend marketing dollars.

마케팅의 예산책정 및 지출을 위한 가장 좋은 7가지


마케팅 비용을 관리하는 사람에게는, 매년 무엇을 어디에 얼마를

쓸 것인지 결정하는 일이 힘들고 어려운 과정일 수 있습니다.

일부 사람들은 작년 예산에서 3-5프로 정도를 추가해서 비슷하게

짜기도 합니다. 마케팅 비용이 제한적인 일부 사람들의 경우엔, 이렇게 하는 것은 모든 계란을 하나의 바구니에 담는것과

마찬가지 라고도 할 수 있습니다. 그러나 마케팅 비용을 계획, 할당 및 지능적으로 지출하는 효과적인 방법이 있으니 안심하십시오.


Top 10 Tips to LIFT your Leadership

Good leaders are hard to find, and great leaders are even more elusive. Whether there’s a team reporting to you or not, you have the ability to lift your level of respect with your peers while also improving your capacity for greater leadership opportunities.

리더십을 높이기 위한 10가지 꿀 팁

훌륭한 리더들은 흔하지 않고, 위대한 리더는 더 찾기 어렵습니다. 본인에게 부하직원들이 있던 없던, 위대한 리더십을 발휘할 수 있는 역량을 향상시키면서 동료들의 존경심을 높일 수 있습니다.

54 Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador

Embrace the Spring With Vibrant Colors and Style

64 Manufacturer Profile

Andis Company

Andis Company has been a leading manufacturer of the highest-quality tools for hair tools for men and women and grooming items for pets since 1922. With nearly a century in the business, this company not only manufactures top-notch tools, but it also works with industry professionals and retailers to ensure their products continue to be a staple in every household. OTC Beauty Magazine interviewed Karen Formico, the vice president of marketing for Andis, to learn more about how the company built its empire and what to expect from the brand moving forward.

Andis Company는 1922년부터 핸드 헬드 헤어 도구 및 애완 동물용 미용 용품을 제조 해 온 최고의 품질을 자랑하는 제조업체입니다. 거의 1세기가 넘도록 사업을 이끌어 온 이 회사는 최고 수준의 도구를 제조 할 뿐만 아니라 제품이 모든 가정에서 지속적으로 중요한 도구가 될 수 있도록 업계 전문가, 소매점과 협력합니다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 Andis의 마케팅 담당 부사장인 Karen Formico와 회사가 어떻게 이런 제국을 구축했고, 앞으로 발전할 브랜드에서 기대할 점이 무엇인지에 대해 인터뷰를 진행하며 자세히 알아 보았습니다.

72 Western Buying Conference 2018 Coverage

The Western Buying Conference welcomed throngs of professional beauty distributors and OTC retailers in Las Vegas during its 33th anniversary.

82 Bronner Bros International Beauty Show

Thousands attended the year’s first installment of the highly-anticipated multicultural beauty show.

4 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 contents March 2018 30 New
Hair Products
1 (84 4 ) GIBSMEN www.g i b sgrooming . com Now Available at Jinny Beauty Supply





Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com


Columnists: Kenny

6 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited. CEO: Ann Jhin
Jessica De Vault Hale editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
Editor: Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com
Art Director: Sam Choi support@otcbeautymagazine.com
& Sales
Writers: Marwan Zreik Makeba
Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 7

Editorial Letter

Color Me Beautiful

Ever since I was a child, I have been obsessed with changing my look. At 8 years old, I played in my mother’s makeup. When I turned 12, I discovered spray-on hair color. By 17, I was buying my own colorful cosmetics and expressing myself with different looks every day at school. And by the ripe age of 20, I embarked on the wonderful world of permanent and semi-permanent hair color. I’ve been a redhead, blonde, brunette and have even sported purple tresses. Years of coloring my own hair took its toll, but luckily I discovered the usefulness of wearing colored weaves and wigs.

Why damage my own hair when I could simply add color temporarily and safely?

It turns out, I’m not the only individual switching things up from time-to-time. Many are celebrating spring with a new hair color that leaves the humdrum, muted shades of winter behind to embrace the warmer colors of the new season. As a retailer, this is the perfect time to invest in the merchandise that your shoppers are going to be looking for, such as hair color, maintenance products and colored extensions and wigs.

컬러로 나를 아름답게

저는 어렸을 때부터, 제 외모에 변화를 주는 것에 집착하였습니다. 여덟 살에 엄마의 화장품을 가지고 놀았습니다. 12살에는 모발의 색을

바꾸는 스프레이를 발견했습니다. 17세에는 나만의 다채로운 화장품을 구매하여 학교에서 매일 나를 다르게 꾸몄습니다. 그리고 20 세에, 영구적이거나 반영구적인 헤어 컬러를 멋지게 꾸미고 다녔습니다. 저는 빨간 머리, 금발, 갈색으로 염색을 했었고, 심지어 보라색으로도 머리를 염색했습니다. 수년동안 내 머리의 컬러를 바꾸면서 모발의 손상이 있었지만, 그 뒤로 색깔이 있는 가발을 착용하는 것의 유용함을 알았습니다.

Aren’t sure which colors to stock up on? Don’t worry, Teneya Gholston, the Director of Marketing for Revlon, will share all of the hottest color trends in our feature story on page 58.

We’ll also help you identify the necessary essentials for color maintenance in our monthly Marketplace feature on page 12. And don’t forget about your protein. These treatments are very important when it comes to hair coloring. Learn more about their benefits on page 26.

Understanding the basics of coloring hair may not seem very useful for a store owner, but customers often need a second opinion or a sounding board when making a product decision. Be their trusted source by staying on top of the trends and color processes. If you’re able to do that, your shoppers will turn to your store every time they seek to change up their looks.

임시적으로 안전하게 염색을 하는데도 왜 모발은 손상이 될까요??

때때로 스타일을 바꾸어주는 사람은 저만이 아닙니다. 많은 사람들이 따뜻한 컬러의 겨울 스타일을 뒤로하고 새로운 헤어 컬러로 봄을 맞이하고 있습니다.

스토어 오너들은 헤어 컬러, 유지 관리 제품, 익스텐션, 그리고 가발과 같이 앞으로 구매자들이 찾을 상품들에 투자해야 하는 아주 좋은 시기입니다.

어떠한 컬러를 진열해야 하는지 잘 모르시겠다고요? 걱정 마세요. 브랜드 관리자 Teneya Gholston씨가 58 페이지의 주요 기사에서 가장 인기있는 컬러 경향을 공유하였습니다.

또한 12 페이지의 마켓플레이스 섹션에서 컬러 유지에 필요한 필수 제품들을 결정하는데 도움을 줄 기사를 접하실 수 있습니다. 그리고 단백질을 잊지 마세요. 이러한 트리트먼트는 헤어 컬러의 경우 매우 중요합니다. 26 페이지에서 단백질의 혜택에 대해 자세히 알아보세요. 헤어 컬러의 기본 사항을 이해하는 것이 스토어 오너에게 매우 유용하다고는 할 수 없지만, 고객들은 제품 구매를 결정할 때 권고를 받거나 조언이 필요 할 수 있습니다. 트렌드 및 컬러 프로세스를 유지하면서 신뢰를

8 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
있다면 쇼핑객은
줄 수 있도록 조언해주세요. 그렇게 할 수
외모를 바꿀 때마다 스토어로 향할 것 입니다.
@biancarenee ©2018 The Wella Corporation, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CSM2018-1020 COLOR THAT LOVES YOUR TEXTURE Show us how you wear it #TexturesAndTones

Coloring Products For Spring

Whether your shoppers prefer to accentuate their hair color with highlights, use natural henna or rely on box kits for bold, sassy colors, the color of one’s mane is important to their look. Many chose to do their own color at home or touch up their roots with products purchased from their local beauty supply store. That’s why it’s important to have the right items in your inventory to ensure you have what your customers need. Make sure your shoppers achieve their color goals with these helpful products.


Everyone isn’t a fan of chemical-based hair colors, but that doesn’t mean they can’t change their hair color from time to time. Products like Colora Henna Powder can not only safely and effectively dye your hair, but it can also revive lifeless strands with its natural conditioning agents.


There’s nothing worse than watching gray roots sprout underneath your dyed hair. Not only can gray hair age your appearance, but it can also distract from your hair’s stunning color. The Cover Your Gray Hair Mascara can help with this. With this product, you can easily target specific areas of hair with its mascara wand – a perfect solution for those suffering from scattered gray hairs..


When customers want to try something new without the permanence of traditional hair dyes, then suggest the Dark & Lovely Go Intense Color Sprays. These vibrant sprays can be used on natural or relaxed hair and are non-permanent, allowing shoppers to change their hair colors based on their mood for the day.

MARKET PLACE 12 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018


When you’re graying around your edges, but don’t have time to visit a salon, the OKAY Colored Edges product instantly conceals gray regrowth and tames unruly edges simultaneously. The product is also very versatile and can be used on eyebrows, sideburns, beards and even mustaches.


Mixing your own hair color at home can be intimidating. Thankfully, products like Manic Panic High Voltage Classic Cream Formula Hair Color comes ready to use – no peroxide needed. Most importantly these creamy color concoctions condition the hair as well, guaranteeing a healthy, stunning result.


From a warm Honey Blonde to Raging Red and Cocoa Brown, there is an assortment of beautiful shades to choose from in the ORS Olive Oil Hues Hair Color Kits collection. Each color is formulated with vitamins and nourishing natural oils, for a conditioning hair color experience.

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 13

Coloring Products For Spring


Yellow and brassiness are never the sorts of words you want to hear when it comes to your white, gray or blonde hair. To neutralize hair color and eliminate those unwanted tones, suggest One N’ Only Shiny Silver Ultra Conditioning Shampoo and Conditioner. Both work in tandem to enrich the hair, improve manageability and restore moisture to dry, damaged hair.


Great color often requires a developer to lift hair color to prepare it for a new shade. To do this safely and effectively, try one of Sparks Hidracolor Developers. This collection’s formulas provide an even color canvas needed prior to color application. There are several volumes, ranging from volume 10 for gray blending to volume 40 for maximum lift.


When you have color-treated hair, all products are not created equal – this includes protein treatments. To avoid fading and damage, the Nutress Hair Protein Pack For Color Treated Hair can be used to restore and revitalize color-treated tresses. The unique formula deeply conditions, smoothes and shines while enabling optimal protein and moisture retention. It also helps reduce breakage and dryness.

MARKET PLACE 14 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018

Coloring Products For Spring


When hair is freshly colored customers may avoid washing their hair for a day or two to allow the color to set in and to preserve its vibrancy. But if the hair or scalp is oily or they desperately want to refresh their hair, the (re)FRESH Dry Shampoo is the ideal choice. The spray leaves hair feeling clean, texturized and fresh smelling and most importantly, it doesn’t leave a white residue behind.


If your shoppers want a complex color treatment that gives the impression of intentional depth and highlights, then suggest the Colorsilk Moisture-Rich Color kit. The unique Revlon 3D Color Gel Technology delivers natural looking, multi-tonal color and is enriched with argan oil to create a silky and vibrant result.


Who says color was only for the hair? Graff*Etch Color Pencils allows barbers to create cool, colorful designs with hair pencils specifically designed to be used on the scalp. Not only can your customers express themselves with these unique pencils, but they can easily remove the color in one wash.


Many shoppers love perms for the lovely curls they get, but those with gray hair can’t just use any perm. The Design Freedom Regular perms are ideal for those with gray tresses. Those with tinted hair (up to 20 volume) would benefit from the Design Freedom Tinted perm

MARKET PLACE 16 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018



OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 17
FREE OF: sulfates, parabens, phthalates, gluten & drying alcohol HASKBEAUTY.COM HOLLYWOOD FILM & TV SETS HOLLYWOOD FILM & TV SETS HASK IS USED ON MORE THAN ANY OTHER HAIR CARE BRAND Tri-level Thickening Complex Volumize • Strengthen •Fortify

Expert Advice

What Drives Customers to Your Store?

When a customer enters your store how can you turn them into YOUR customer? Customers have various reasons as to why they are shopping with you or your competition. Below are six reasons that will influence a customer’s decision and separate you from the store around the corner.

1. Inventory

Carry brands and items that are relatable, trendy, popular, and fit your surrounding demographics. As a store owner, you want your inventory to be relevant and current. For example, if you have a large senior community, you would want to sell products that are skewed to an older population. Additionally, listen to your customers. Customers will tell you want they like and want you to carry. Use samples to encourage future purchases of new items that you offer.

2. Product Placement

Product placement is extremely important. Floor displays and counter units are a great way to capture high traffic areas in the store. Position and rotate different manufacturers and products to keep the displays fresh and current. These products can be new merchandise, products that have a new look and even slower-moving items. New product placement will allow products to catch the attention of shoppers quicker than if tucked away on the bottom shelf or in line with other products. Displays and endcaps are a great way to feature and bring new attention to products, too.

3. Reputation and Relationships

4. Pricing

“How much should I charge?” Pricing is always a touchy subject and of course everyone wants to be profitable but sometimes you can price yourself out of the game. When pricing products, keep the following items in mind: immediate competition, product movement and product reputation.

If your competition is $3 cheaper on 10 items that your customer is searching for, you will lose that customer. Demographically, most shoppers that shop at the beauty supply stores earn less than $50,000 annually and have at least 2 kids at home. They typically don’t have a lot of disposable income to spend on beauty, so they want beauty on a bargain.

Unlike in past years, today social media is where consumers go for reviews, share ideas and content and post their daily activities. This medium can kill a business if you do not receive positive reviews. When consumers search for beauty supply stores in their area, the results filter back immediately when consumers read the negative reviews. It is very important that you provide a positive customer experience. Positive shopping experiences can include but are not limited to the following: friendly, helpful and knowledgeable staff, current and relevant solution-based products, well-lit store, trendy and fashionable products, easy to find products and prices and promotional activities. Stores should be shopper friendly with the customer in mind. Additionally, if you create a positive relationship and reputation with your customers, factors like product pricing will not be a problem because shoppers will be loyal to your relationship with them and appreciate your efforts for making their shopping experiences positive and memorable. Customers talk to each other via social media, networking or within their communities. Word of mouth is key to promoting and maintaining a positive reputation in your community. Give them something positive to say about you.

5. Lighting

Lighting creates an inviting and appealing space in your store. It invites the customer to shop and adds to their positive shopping experience. The right lighting strategically placed within the store increases shoppers’ engagement. For example, when visiting a jewelry store, jewelry items are placed in brightly-it cases to encourage shopping. Additionally, big box stores are also using lighting to create pathways, aisles and messaging.

6. In Store Activities

Customers love excitement and fun! Create an atmosphere where customers can enjoy themselves. Use your vendors to help create promotional activities in your store. As a store owner, create flyers in advance to promote the instore event. Make sure that your vendors have giveaways for your customers. Post items on sale only during the promotional period. Instores promotions can last 2 to 4 hours, and if you have many vendors, make it an all day event. Purchase balloons, turn up the music and have fun. Additionally, feature promotional products on an endcap, case stack or on the counter to encourage excitement. Another idea is creating instore mailers/flyers. While in the marketplace, I have seen beauty supply stores create flyers in two different ways: direct mailers to their customer based on zip codes and instore flyers promoting specific items. Both of these methods work to draw customer to the store, increase their shopping engagement and increase store business overall. These stores also have a positive reputation for being community friendly.

There is no one solution to driving customers to you store. A store’s success depends on a multitude of factors. You can’t hone in on a single one and expect to be successful. If you really want to influence purchase decisions, you need to look at the big picture and consider some of these factors.

18 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
Meet Makeba Matthews Makeba Matthews is a Merchandising Manager for Strength of Nature Global.
©2018 Beauty Perfection. All Rights Reserved. 1-855-9-SPARKS. To learn more, please visit www.shopbeautyperfection.com | CHECK OUT OUR EASY TUTORIALS AT SPARKSCOLOR.COM SPARKS is a vibrant, long-lasting, direct dye hair colorthat produces the brightest shades imaginable! PUT SOME IN YOUR SPRING COLORS!

How should you sell it?

This month’s selling focus is… False Eyelashes

There’s no doubt that faux eyelashes are hot sellers and are great add-ons to increase the quantity of shoppers’ cart items. Whether a customer comes in for hair products or accessories, it’s hard for them to pass up the display of assorted lashes, often situated close to the register.

When it comes to false eyelashes, there are more options to choose from than ever before. From the traditional Wispies to the faux mink variety, how can OTC retailers help their customers pick out what’s right for them? And what is the best way to display false eyelashes in a store?

“The wonderful thing about false eyelashes is there are hundreds of different styles available which means shoppers are bound to find the look they want for any occasion, whether it’s every day natural or a glamourous night on the town. The challenge for OTC retailers lies in merchandising their assortments so that the shopping experience allows for quick product selection as well as stimulates trial of new products and provides basket-building opportunities.

Category segmentation is really the key to an effective and pleasant lash shopping experience. OTC’s are encouraged to use signage that quickly guides customers to the “their” lash. Start by separating the full strip lashes from individuals, then merchandise by styles according to length and volume; this provides a natural way for shoppers to scan the category. Some lash brands offer styles with premium benefits, such as Ardell’s Faux Mink lashes, made with tapered tips and Invisiband® technology. These lightweight lashes are made of synthetic fibers that mimic the appearance of luxurious mink, and these premium benefits should be called out on merchandising wherever possible.

As lashes continue to surge in popularity, make sure to find space for in-store displays that can attract new users with innovative technologies such as magnetic eyelashes. Also available from Ardell, magnetic lashes are applied without adhesive and can be re-used multiple times. Trend items such as this can be placed by the cash register to capitalize on impulse buys.

Additionally, as digital technology becomes a larger part of the shopping experience, OTC’s are encouraged to experiment with in-store digital makeup applications that can allow shoppers to ‘virtually’ try on dozens of pairs of lashes in seconds. Just make sure to remind your customers that unless they are using magnetic lashes, they shouldn’t leave your store without a tube of adhesive!”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the April issue!

20 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018

Ultra hydration, elongation and slip for simple wash-and-wear styling. EVERY


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매우 다양한데요, OTC업체는 어떻게 고객들이 적절한 속눈썹을 선택하도록 도울 수 있을까요? 그리고 가게에서 인조 속눈썹을 디스플레이하는 가장 좋은 방법은 무엇일까요?

인조 속눈썹의 가장 좋은 점은 매일 사용할 수 있는 자연스러운 스타일이든, 밤에 외출할 때 사용하는 화려한 스타일이든, 언제 어디서나 수백가지 스타일을 원하는데로 연출 할 수 있다는 것입니다. 여기에서 OTC업체에게 주어진 과제는, 과연 어떻게하면 고객이 제품을 신속하게 선택할 수 있고, 신제품을 사용해보고 싶도록 자극하여 고객들의 바구니를 빠르게 채울 수 있도록 하느냐 하는 것입니다.

우선 카테고리를 분할 하는 것이 효과적이고, 고객들이 즐겁게 속눈썹 쇼핑을 할 수 있도록 만들어주는 매우 중요한 요소입니다. OTC업체는 고객을 ‘ 그들이 원하는 눈썹’으로 갈 수 있도록 빠르게 안내를 해야합니다. 우선 풀 스트립 속눈썹에서 작은 개개의 속눈썹으로 구분하고, 거기에서 길이와 볼륨에 따라 스타일 별로 상품을 구별해 놓습니다; 이 것이 구매자들이 속눈썹을 고를 때 사용하는 자연스러운 방법입니다. 일부 속눈썹 브랜드는 아르델 (Ardell)의 인조 밍크 속눈썹(Faux Mink lashes)과 같은 프리미엄 스타일도 제공하는데요, 이는Invisiband®기술을 사용한 제품으로 끝이 좁아지는 방식으로 제작되었습니다. 이러한 가벼운 속눈썹은 고급 밍크를 모방한 합성 섬유로 만들어진 것으로, 이러한 장점들은 어디서든 고객들의 눈에 띌 수 있도록 해야 합니다.

속눈썹이 계속해서 인기를 끌면서, 자석 속눈썹과 같은 혁신적인 기술에 관심을 보이는 새로운 사용자들을 끌어 들이 수 있도록 매장 내에 디스플레이 공간을 확보하세요. 이 것은 아르델(Ardell)에도 있는 속눈썹으로, 접착제 없이 부착할 수 있고 여러번 사용할 수 있는 장점이 있습니다. 이와 같은 트렌드 항목은 주로 계산대 옆에 진열하여 고객들에게 충동 구매를 불러일으킬 수 있도록 하는 것도 좋은 방법입니다.

또한 디지털 기술역시 쇼핑의 큰 부분을 차지하면서, OTC업체는 구매자가 단 몇 초안에

화장품 애플리케이션을 매장안에 설치하는 것도

마르완 쥐릭(Marwan Zreik)

22 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
고객들에게 알려주세요. 이러한 자석 속눈썹을 사용하지 않으면, 접착제 튜브 없이는 매장을 떠날 수 없다는 사실을 말이죠!”
여러 쌍의 속눈썹을 ‘가상’으로 사용할 수 있는 디지털
권장합니다. 그리고
미국 인터네셔널 인더스트리 마케팅 부사장, 아르델(Ardell) 위와 관련하여 질문이 있으시다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com 로 보내주십시오. 4월호에 여러분의 의견이 채택될 수도 있습니다! 어떻게 판매해야 하나?
어떻게 판매해야
인조 속눈썹 요즘 인조 속눈썹은 매우 잘 팔리는 상품이며, 쇼핑객들의 카트 한 쪽을 채워주는 훌륭한 물품이라는 것에는 분명 의심의 여지가 없습니다. 어떤 고객이 헤어관련 제품이나 액세서리를 사러 왔어도, 계산대 가까이에 디스플레이 되어있는 다양한 속눈썹들을 보면 그냥 지나칠 수가 없게 되곤 하죠. 사실 인조 속눈썹의 경우, 그 어느 제품보다 더 많은
전통적인 모발로 만든 제품에서 인조
선택권이 있습니다.
밍크에 이르기까지


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MOISTURE LOSS | BREAKAGE | HEAT | COLOR | ENVIRONMENT | TRANSITIONING | RELAXING OUR 1 st SYSTEM TO FIGHT 7 DAMAGE FACTORS *Use system of the rescuer treatment, restorer shampoo and strengthener conditioner vs a non-conditioning shampoo. REPAIR. REPEAT.

Knowledge to Know

Better Hair Color in 2Steps

더 나은 헤어 컬러를 위한 두 가지 단계

With Spring around the corner, fresh, new hair colors are in high demand.

“New hair, new me” is the mantra many are using to kick-off exciting new looks! Whether your customers are interested in a clean, natural color or a bold, head-turning shade, one problem often arises. With each wash, hair color slowly starts to fade and shades change. Luckily, ApHogee has developed a hair treatment that not only makes hair stronger but, according to a recent study, also helps hair retain its color & vibrancy.

ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment is well known for stopping hair breakage and strengthening weak, damaged hair. Independent lab and salon testing have determined that this treatment also has a dramatic effect on hair color retention. Testing proves that it helped treated tresses experience less color fading by 30% over 10 washes as compared to untreated hair while adding the strengthening benefit as well.

Help build your Hair Color store sales by recommending an application of ApHogee TwoStep Protein Treatment, prior to all Hair Color services.

봄이 서서히 다가옴에 따라, 신선하고 새로운 헤어컬러가 많이 팔리고 있습니다. “새로운 헤어스타일, 새로운 나” 이 것은 많은 사람들이 자신의 새로운 모습을 시작할 때 사용하는 주문과도 같죠. 여러분의 고객이 깔끔하고 자연스러운 컬러에 관심이 있든, 아니면 과감하고 한 눈에 반할 수 있는 컬러를 선호하든, 꼭 한 가지 문제는 발생하기 마련입니다. 매번 머리를 감을 때마다 점점 연해지거나 색상이 바뀌기 시작하죠. 하지만 아포지(ApHogee)의 제품은 헤어를 튼튼하게 만들어 줄 뿐만 아니라, 최근의 한 연구에 따르면 머리카락이 그 색과 선명함을 유지하도록 돕는 헤어 트리트먼트를 개발했다고 합니다.

“The way it works is by forming a protein matrix which allows the hair to attract and trap color more strongly within the cortex of the hair,” said Domenic Costa, the director of marketing for ApHogee. “This makes it ideal to use prior to a color service - on porous hair particularly - in order to improve color retention.”

Hair consists of different layers. The “cortex” of the hair determines its strength, elasticity and texture. It is enclosed by keratin protein plates which form the “cuticle” that protects the cortex. The cortex is responsible for hair’s smoothness, shine and can affect the appearance of hair color. Costa adds that it is not recommended to use the ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment after putting in a fresh color because it may attract some of the pigment away when rinsing the excess treatment out of the hair. However,

아포지 투스텝 프로틴 트리트먼트(ApHogee TwoStep Protein Treatment )는 머리카락의 파손을 멈추고 약하고 손상된 머리카락을 강화시켜주는 것으로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 자체 실험실과 샵에서 테스트를 해본 결과 이 치료법이 머리카락의 색 유지에 결정적인 영향을 미친다는 사실 또한 알아냈습니다. 테스트 결과 10번 이상 머리를 감았을 때, 이 트리트먼트를 받지 않은 머리카락의 색상이 30% 더 감소하였고, 강화 제품을 추가하면 이 효과는 더욱 좋아지는 것으로 나타났습니다.

헤어 컬러 서비스를 받기 전에 아포지 투스텝 프로틴 트리트먼트(ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment )를 추천하여, 모든 헤어 컬러 제품의 매장 판매를 늘릴 수 있도록 해주세요.

아포지(ApHogee)의 마케팅 디렉터 도미닉 코스타(Domenic Costa)

씨는 “이 제품은 머리카락안의 단백질을 형성하게 하여, 이 단백질이 더욱 색을 강하게 끌어당기고 유지할 수 있도록 해주는 것입니다.” 라고

이야기 했습니다. 특히 손상이 많은 머리카락을 염색하기 전에 색상 유지 개선을 위해 이를 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.

머리카락은 여러 다른 층으로 구성되어 있습니다. 머리카락의 “피질” 은 머리카락의 힘, 탄력 그리고 질감을 결정합니다. 그 것은 피질을 보호하는 “큐티클”을 만들어주는 케라틴 단백질 플레이트에 둘러싸여 있습니다.

26 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
피질은 머리카락의 매끄러움과 윤기 그리고 머리카락의 색에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 코스타씨는 또한 머리카락을 헹굴 때 일부 색소가 빠져 나갈 수 있기
OTC Beauty Magazine

there is one exception to this rule and that is if the coloring process caused so much damage that repairing the hair is a greater priority than the quality of the color.

There are many other one-step treatments that contain a blend of oils, moisturizers, and protein at varying ratios that yield different results. ApHogee notes that for the most serious breakage, the longest lasting treatment is a two-step process, where the protein is applied first for maximum bonding. Afterwards, the softness and shine would be restored with moisturizers and oils in the second step. This type of treatment would last several weeks as opposed to only a few shampoos.

Because the ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment is a multi-step process, Costa suggests following the directions for all of the steps – especially for the application and drying process – and to shake the product well before use. For best results, use the product once every four to six weeks and always use prior to a color process, especially if the hair is porous. For more information and a video on how to apply, check out www.aphogee.com or YouTube.

Meet Khalia

말합니다. 다만 한 가지 예외는, 염색 과정에서 너무 많은 손상을 일으킨 경우에는 색의 질보다 머릿결을 더 우선시해야 한다는 것입니다.

여러 비율로 오일과 보습제, 단백질을 혼합하여 다양한 결과를 낼 수 있는 원스텝 치료법은 많이 있습니다. 아포지(ApHogee)에서는 아주 심각한 파손이 있을 경우, 가장 오래 지속될 수 있는 치료법은 바로 이 ‘ 투스텝’ 프로세스라고 이야기 합니다. 이 과정은 먼저 단백질로 하여금 파손된 부분을 아주 강하게 붙게 해줍니다. 이 후, 두번째 단계에서 보습제와 오일로 머릿결을 부드럽게 하여 윤기를 되찾을 수 있도록 합니다. 이러한 치료법은 단순히 몇 번 샴푸한 것보다 그 효과가 몇 주 동안 갈 것입니다. ‘아포지 투스텝 프로틴 트리트먼트’는 여러 단계의 과정이므로, 코스타씨는 모든 작업 단계에서 설명서를 따를 것을 권장하고 있습니다. 특히 제품 사용 및 건조 과정에서는 더욱 말이죠. 그리고 사용 전에 제품을 잘 흔들어야 합니다. 최상의 결과를 위해 제품을 4주에서 6 주마다 한 번씩 사용하고, 특히 머리카락의 파손이 심한 경우에는 컬러 작업을 하기 전에 항상 사용해야 합니다. 보다 자세한 내용과 사용

Writing has always been in Khalia’s future, as she’s been writing since elementary school. Oddly enough, she graduated from the University of West Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in criminology. Yet, she chose to ditch that career path to pursue her passion in writing. When she’s not writing short stories, she’s doing nail art and listening to Kpop.

Deeply Clean Skin

때문에, 새롭게 염색을 한 후에 아포지 투스텝 프로틴 트리트먼트를 사용하는 것은
권장하지 않는다고
introducing new VOLCANIC ASH SCRUB
방법은 www.aphogee.com 또는 YouTube를 참고해 주세요.
ability to draw out pollutants, Volcanic Ash acts like a magnet for pollutants, bringing them to the surface so they can be washed away.
result is refreshed, renewed skin!
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Kaleidoscope Hair Products

New Vendor Alert Kaleidoscope Hair Products

As our society becomes more educated on hair, more hair issues seem to become more apparent. Hair breakage, split ends, and chemical damage are only a few of the problems that hair brands are clamoring to solve. Recently, hair loss has come into the spotlight, but it’s nothing new for hairstylists who tried their best to help their clients with this issue. That was the case for hair stylist Jesseca Dupart, who built her business, Kaleidoscope Hair Products, on the growing necessity for a remedy to hair loss and alopecia. Equipped with a unique marketing strategy and a proven product, this brand offered an entirely new perspective on the hair loss conversation, said Dupart.

“We’ve now become a huge name brand when it comes to beauty products,” she said. “Anytime, especially in the urban market, anyone sees something that has hair loss or is hair-loss related, they think of us.”

Dupart, like other stylists, realized that hair loss was at its all-time high. Even with the natural hair movement gaining momentum in recent years, there were still those who suffered from chemical burns, thinning hair, and traction alopecia from weaves or braids that were too tight. She believed there were too many people suffering from this condition and decided to take matters into her own hands by creating a solution herself. Dupart reached out to one of her close mentors, who introduced her to manufacturers and others who could help her make products. That was the push she needed to launch her brand in 2014. Kaleidoscope started with four core products: Miracle Drops, Sleek Edges, Diamond Shine, and Versatile Spritz.

Kaleidoscope is most famous for their No. 1 selling product Miracle Drops, but since the company’s grand opening other products have been growing in popularity. The company’s growing collection includes a shampoo, conditioner, serum, and even a heat protectant. There are currently 11 products in total that center around hair growth. Why are Kaleidoscope products so popular? Dupart likens her products to a stimulant, suggesting they give the scalp “a jumpstart”, similar to the shock of a defibrillator to a failing heart. This jolt can encourage hair growth and restore hair follicles. “It even helps in situations where people have had issues for years,” added Dupart.

Unlike other hair loss treatment products that center on pill and vitamin consumption, Kaleidoscope products are all topical and applied directly onto the head. The decision to keep the products topical was intentional for good reason. Many people – young and old – find it hard to takes pills. Topical products, however, can be applied by anyone and are soaked into the skin upon contact for maximum efficacy.

Meaningful Marketing

OTC retailers should keep a close eye on this brand because it has created a significant buzz on social media and the company has grown exponentially because of this exposure. Digital marketing is the norm and necessary for most beauty brands, but Kaleidoscope’s marketing strategy isn’t typical. From its promotional content on social media to its entertaining music and parody videos on YouTube, Kaleidoscope is difficult to ignore. Its relatable approach is one that Dupart prides herself on.

“I attack [alopecia] with comedy and bring it to the table. Let’s discuss the fact that people are dealing with hair loss,” she said while adding that Kaleidoscope does not make fun of hair loss rather the brand aims to make the best of a bad situation. Those who suffer from alopecia can easily be embarrassed by it. By adding humor to the conversation, consumers have become less apprehensive about their condition and more willing to seek out help and buy Kaleidoscope products, she said. Dupart also advises OTC retailers to incorporate Kaleidoscope posters in their store to attract customers. Many consumers look to brand signage in stores to find their favorite products.

Her desire to help others with her products has led to her undeniable success. Dupart has built her business from the ground up, and she doesn’t seem to be coming down anytime soon.

To learn more about Kaleidoscope Hair Products, visit www.iluvcolors. com and follow Dupart on Instagram at @darealbbjudy

30 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018

Urban Call Briefs

Joseph Rodney Lawrence, Partner, Segmented Marketing Services,

Inc. 1948-2007

Joseph Rodney Lawrence – also known as JRL - was a beloved business partner and company leader, dedicated father and devoted husband; a kind, thoughtful and gentle soul and a native of Chicago. Lawrence studied business administration at the University of Illinois’s Chicago Circle campus and moved from Chicago to WinstonSalem, North Carolina in 1990 to join Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi) as a partner. Lawrence has worked with well-known minorityowned companies including Johnson Products, Johnson Publishing, and Softsheen Products, as well as mainstream companies such as McDonald’s and Sears, Roebuck & Company. He has also made career marks in general market advertising firms, including Leo Burnett where he worked as media buyer and planner, and Bozell & Jacobs where he was an account supervisor.

At McDonald’s, Lawrence was the first African-American regional advertising manager in the history of the company. He was responsible for the development and implementation of marketing and promotional strategies for 300 stores in a four-state region and $200 million of sales in the nationwide rollout. Lawrence has left a lasting impression on the $5 billion multicultural beauty business, where he served in various executive capacities: promotion and advertising manager at Johnson products (Gentle Treatment, Ultra Sheen and other brands); marketing director for

Supreme Beauty Products - the hair care subsidiary of Johnson Publishing Company (Ebony, Jet, and Fashion Fair cosmetics); promotion director for Softsheen Products; and business director for the American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI) - the trade association of minority-owned hair and beauty care companies which displays the Proud Lady silhouette of a black woman on products and advertising. Lawrence’s 30 years of experience in marketing, advertising and promotion served him well in meeting the challenges of SMSi’s Fortune 50 clients.

Dr. George C. Fraser,

George C. Fraser founded FraserNet, Inc. nearly 30 years ago with the vision to lead a global networking movement that brings together diverse human resources to increase opportunities for people of African descent. He is considered by many to be a new voice for African Americans and one of the foremost authorities on economic development, networking and building effective relationships.

While Fraser’s accomplishments are significant, his beginnings were very humble. He was born in Brooklyn, New York into a family of 11 children (8 boys and 3 girls). When his mom became mentally ill, his father, a cab driver, could not care for the children. So Fraser was orphaned at the age of 3 and spent 14 years in foster homes. Growing up on the streets of New York, he had little hope and no expectations.

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 33
The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. - and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.
Eunice Mosley Dudley Partner, Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. 1948-2007 Joseph Rodney Lawrence Partner, Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. 1948-2007 Dr. George C. Fraser Chairman and CEO of FraserNet, Inc. Dr. George C. Fraser Chairman and CEO of FraserNet, Inc. Thomas W. Tyree President and chief executive officer of TWT Distributing, Inc. Erica Strong Celebrity Hairstylist and Author

Urban Call Briefs

Although his guidance counselor suggested he drop out of high school, Fraser graduated with a vocational diploma in woodworking because the school system did not consider him college material. For several years, Fraser mopped floors during the midnight shift at LaGuardia Airport, while he paid his way through college. Later, in 1996, he graduated from the prestigious Dartmouth College Minority Business Executive Program. In 1999, he was awarded the Honorary Doctorate Degree of Humane Letters from Jarvis Christian College.

Fraser rose to leadership positions with Procter & Gamble, the United Way, and Ford Motor Company. He went on to author four criticallyacclaimed books: “Success Runs In Our Race; Complete Guide to Effective Networking in the African American Community and Race For Success”; “The Ten Best Business Opportunities for Blacks In America”; “Click: Ten Truths for Building Extraordinary Relationships”; and, most recently, a children’s book; “Who Would Have Thunk It: The First Adventures of the Fraser Foster Kids.”

Fraser is also the publisher of the award-winning “SuccessGuide Worldwide: The Networking Guide to Black Resources.” He is the founder of the national annual PowerNetworking Conference, where thousands of Black professionals, business owners, and community leaders gather to learn the art and science of networking, entrepreneurship and wealth creation.

He is also the chairman of Phoenix Village Academy, which consists of three afro-centric charter schools that serve Cleveland inner-city children. A popular speaker and author, Fraser offers inspiring talks on success principles, such as effective networking, wealth creation, business ethics and valuing diversity – topics that are as popular among corporate professionals as they are among college students.

His views have been solicited by media as diverse as CNN and the Wall Street Journal. Over the past decade, the prestigious publication, Vital Speeches of the Day, has selected, reprinted and distributed worldwide, five of Fraser’s speeches – a first for any professional speaker in America, regardless of color.

UPSCALE magazine named him one of the “Top 50 Power Brokers in Black America”. Black Enterprise magazine called him “Black America’s #1 Networker” and featured him on a cover issue. Fraser has appeared on seven national magazine covers and was recently inducted into the Minority Business Hall of Fame and Museum. TV host and journalist Tavis Smiley called him a “visionary with the rare combination of leadership and management skills.” Fraser was featured in The New York Times bestseller, “Masters of Networking”, along with Secretary of State, General Colin Powell.

Erica Strong , Celebrity Hairstylist and Author

Have you ever experienced a level of darkness in your life that felt too deep to come out of? Have you felt as if the world was prospering while your life was falling apart?

Erica Strong knows this state all too well when she found herself abandoned, betrayed and left to face financial calamity with three children on her own, not once but twice. Two failed marriages, two public embarrassments and two reasons to quit; in her mind, life just couldn’t get any worse. Strong began to search for answers to life as she knew it. Her answer came from one statement in a book written by Joyce Myers “The Battlefield of the Mind” that read: “the battle is won or lost in your mind first.” This one phrase began her journey to transform her mind and life. Strong understood that her only path out of such great despair was to forgive, change her thoughts, change her words and move forward. She began to journal her life, which not only was therapeutic but also became her first book “Love Strong, Stand Strong, Finish Strong”. She discovered that the more she helped others, the more she healed.

As a celebrity stylist, she has styled Debbie Morgan, Karen Clark Sheard, Tamela Mann and Lisa Raye, just to name a few. She is the salon owner of Be Strong Salon (Atlanta, Georgia) and is now an author and speaker. Strong found her voice and the purpose of her path. She helps every woman that sits in her chair to be styled. She began speaking at battered women shelters, women community organizations and church conferences using the transparency of her life to show women how to ‘finish strong’. Erica has been graced with multiple opportunities within her industry and has worked with amazing producers and directors such as Kim Fields - known

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Erica Strong Celebrity Hairstylist and Author

for The Facts of Life” (1979), Erica became her personal stylist and was head stylist for Fields’ projects such as “Holiday Love” (2014), Tyler Perry’s “Diaries of a Marriage Counselor” (2012), Tommy Ford’s, “Switching Lanes” (2014) and James Kicklighter’s “Desires of the Heart” (2013).

Strong has also served as an educator for Design Essentials - a major hair care brand - and has worked as one of the leading hair stylists for the Stomp Out Autism fashion show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week; Silence the Pain – Sickle Cell Anemia and Metro Hair. While performing all of these roles, Strong has motivated, encouraged and inspired others through her talent of styling, expressive writing and her voice of strength.

Strong has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix and is currently pursuing her master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at Liberty University. Her goal is to be one of the few licensed stylists who are also a licensed therapist - a “hair therapist”. She is a speaker for two global organizations, Facilitate, Educate, Empower and Develop (FEED) - an organization that brings together a collective of artists, business leaders, entrepreneurs, authors, and scholars, whose mission is to build a global community of creative entrepreneurs through workshops and mentorships – and Globally Igniting Africa (GIA) FEED – a organization that empowers young girls and women by daring them to fulfill their dreams through a globally united front. Strong will be speaking in Lagos Africa to African women on fulfilling their dreams and breaking the gender barriers that have kept them suppressed.

Strong is known for her powerful and positive affirmations “Repeat After Me” that can be found on her website www.ericastrong.com and her inspiring YouTube channel “Finishing Strong with Erica Strong”.

Thomas W. Tyree President and chief executive officer of TWT Distributing, Inc.

Thomas W. Tyree, president and chief executive officer of TWT Distributing, Inc.

Thomas W. Tyree launched TWT Distributing, Inc. in 1992. The Charlotte-based company is a category management and distribution company that is responsible for building and managing profitable ethnic health and beauty care product categories for many of the country’s leading food, drug and discount retailers.

Over the past 40 years, Tyree has built a successful track record in retail and distribution management. Prior to TWT, Tyree served as the national sales manager for a major Midwest health and beauty care products distributor for 20 years.

Since 1992, Tyree has been a strong financial contributor to many educational organizations as well as The United Negro College Fund and for college-based sororities and fraternities scholarship funds. Furthermore, Tyree has spent many years establishing endowments and scholarship funds for students at local and regional colleges such as Livingstone College, Virginia Union University, St. Augustine College, Benedict College and South Carolina State University.

A native of Charleston, West Virginia, Tyree has been married to Quolona Tyree for over 30 years and has one daughter, Toshica.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit www.segmentedmarketing.com.

The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 35
Lafayette Jones

Business Tips


2018년, 상점에 활력을 주고 더 많은 고객을 유치하는 방법

The change in consumer hair styling to non-chemical and natural looks has caused a lull in beauty store volume. Consumers who are noticing less hair damage are buying far less in hair attachments – real and synthetic, as well as fewer wig purchases. This can cause a decrease in overall product sales in your store. What is the answer to this dilemma? One step you can take to get additional business is to utilize your signage throughout your store. Use creative signage to attract customer attention, and have space assigned to the following sections:

• “New Item” Section

• “Consumer Value Section” featuring combo packs and bonus sizes. Be sure to add to re-assign products, as newer entries are available.

• “Travel and Trial” Section for consumer testing of affordable products prior to the purchase of a larger size product. These goods are excellent for travel, carrying in purses and office use since they are sized for air travel approval.

Review your existing department sections and bring in new categories/ departments to maximize customer impulse purchases. Amongst these categories are:

1. Clothing - Hosiery, leggings, belts, body stockings, lingerie, gloves, scarves, t-shirts, towels, socks and underwear, uniforms, hats, shoes, slippers, boots.

2. Cosmetics - These can come in economy, teen, and premium categories. Lip gloss, lipstick, nail polish, mascara, liquid makeup, eyebrow pencils, eyeshadow, lip treatments, eyelashes, etc.

3. Fragrance – Ladies and men’s perfume and body oil, incense, air fresheners, body sprays and deodorants.

4. Nail Care – Nail polish, artificial nails, nail glue and remover, nail jewelry and decorations, emery boards, nail buffers, brushes, pumice stones, nail polish removers, nail treatments, hardener, quick dry, nail repair, finger and toenail clippers and scissors.

5. Skin Care – Cleansers, facial scrubs, body wash, astringent, soaps (regular and medicated), moisturizers, pressed powder, face cream, acne treatment, dark spot remover, cocoa butter treatments, skin toner, eye creams, hand creams.

6. Hair Color – Permanent, semi-permanent, touch-up, peroxide, developer, color spray, powder, lightener, cover your gray, color remover and henna.

7. Appliances – Economy and professional/electric and non-electric items, blow dryers, clippers, hair cutting kits, flat irons, curling irons, straightening combs, heating stoves, flat irons, and foot baths.

8. Professional Sizes and Treatments – Gallons and pounds of shampoo crème and professional sizes of relaxers.

9. Baby and Young Mother – Shampoo, baby powder, baby oil, stretch mark treatments, children’s shampoos, conditioners, detanglers and relaxers.

화학제품이 없고 자연스럽게 보이는 헤어 스타일링의 변화로 인하여 뷰티 스토어의 매출이 감소되었습니다. 이런 것들이 헤어 손상이 적다는 사실을 알고있는 소비자는 가발 뿐만 아니라 진짜 및 합성 붙임 머리를 구입하는 경우가 훨씬 적습니다. 이로 인해 매장 전체의 제품 판매가 감소 할 수 있습니다. 이 딜레마를 어떻게 해결할 수 있을까요? 고객들을 더 끌어들이기 위해서 취할 수 있는 한 방법은, 매장 전체에서 광고판을 이용하는 것입니다. 센스 있는 광고판을 사용하여 고객의 관심을 끌고 난 후, 다음과 같은 섹션의 공간을 마련해주세요:

• “신상품” 섹션

• “할인 섹션”은 콤보 팩과 보너스 크기가 특징입니다. 신상품을 추가하여 새로운 제품들도 있다는 것을 보여줘야 합니다.

• “여행과 체험” 섹션은 큰 사이즈의 제품을 구매하기 전, 소비자들이 작은 사이즈의 제품을 구입해 사용해 볼 수 있게 하는 섹션입니다.이 제품들은 항공 여행시에도 소지할 수 있는 크기로 만들어졌기 때문에 여행시나 작은 지갑에 넣고 다니며 사무실에서 사용하기에도 아주 좋은 제품들입니다.

전에 분류했던 섹션을 검토하고 새로운 카테고리/분야로 나누어 고객의 충동 구매를 극대화하십시오. 이러한 카테고리는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 의류 - 양말, 레깅스, 벨트, 바디 스타킹, 란제리, 장갑, 스카프, 티셔츠, 수건, 양말 및 속옷, 유니폼, 모자, 신발, 슬리퍼, 부츠.

2. 화장품 - 저렴한 것, 10대용 그리고 프리미엄 카테고리로 나눌 수 있습니다. 립글로스, 립스틱, 매니큐어, 마스카라, 액상 메이크업, 눈썹연필, 아이섀도, 립 트리트먼트, 속눈썹 등

3. 향수 - 남성용 및 여성용 향수, 바디 오일, 향초, 공기 청정제, 바디 스프레이 및 탈취제.

4. 네일 케어 - 매니큐어, 인공 손톱, 네일 접착제 및 리무버, 네일 보석 및 장식, 에머리 보드, 네일 버퍼, 브러쉬, 각질제거 도구, 매니큐어 리무버, 네일 트리트먼트, 손톱강화제, 퀵 드라이, 네일 리페어, 손톱 및 발톱깎기와 가위.

5. 스킨 케어 - 클렌저, 페이셜 스크럽, 바디 워시, 수렴제, 비누 ( 일반 및 의학용), 보습제, 고형 파우더, 얼굴 크림, 여드름 치료제, 다크 스팟 리무버, 코코아 버터 트리트먼트, 스킨 토너, 아이 크림, 핸드 크림.

6. 헤어 컬러 - 영구, 반영구, 터치 업, 과산화물, 디벨로퍼, 컬러 스프레이, 파우더, 라이트너, 새치염색, 염색 제거제와 헤나.

7. 가전 제품 - 저렴하고 전문적인/전기 및 비전기 제품, 헤어 드라이어, 가위, 헤어 커팅 키트, 다리미, 고대기, 스트레이트용 빗, 난방 스토브 및 족욕기.

8. 전문가 용량의 트리트먼트 - 전문가가 사용할 용량의 샴푸 크림과 릴렉서.

9. 아기용품 및 초보 엄마 - 샴푸, 베이비 파우더, 베이비 오일, 튼살용 트리트먼트, 어린이 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 디탱글러 및 릴렉서.

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10. Phone Accessories – Home and car chargers, cases, telephone cords, etc.

11. Miscellaneous Accessories – Razors and blades, batteries, playing cards, lighters, umbrellas, hair magazines, costume jewelry, (earrings, bracelets, necklaces, rings, ankle bracelets, toe rings, tiara crowns), key chains, sunglasses, handbags, purses, coin purses, watches, and keychains.

12. Hair Decorating and Styling Aids – Ponytail holders, barrettes, ribbons, ponytail rings, hair bonnets, beads, feathers, hair rollers, head wraps, hair clips, combs, headbands, rubber bands and hairpins (regular and decorative).

In order to revitalize the beauty store business taking steps to stock the above items may take some time and effort but will result in getting more customers to shop in the stores. Flyers can be sent out to customers announcing the categories of new items now being carried. Window signs and signage throughout the store announcing “See Our New Large Selection of Products and Accessories We Now Stock” can attract store traffic. The various categories can also be listed on this signage.

These new product and accessory sections will bring in extra sales not only for these items but for others, as well. Once the customer is in the store they will also want to purchase their usual beauty store items, too.

Meet Ted Fishman


11. 기타 액세서리 - 면도기 및 면도날, 배터리, 카드 놀이, 라이터, 우산, 헤어 매거진, 코스튬 쥬얼리, (귀걸이, 팔찌, 목걸이, 반지, 발찌, 발가락 반지, 티아라 크라운), 열쇠 고리, 선글라스, 핸드백, 지갑, 동전 지갑, 시계.

12. 머리 장식 및 스타일링 용품 - 세안용 머리띠, 머리핀, 리본, 포니 테일 링, 헤어 보닛, 비즈, 페더, 헤어 롤러, 헤드 랩, 헤어 클립, 빗, 머리띠, 고무 밴드 및 머리핀 (일반 및 장식용).

뷰티 스토어를 활성화하기 위해 위의 항목을 진열하려면 많은 시간과 노력이 들겠지만, 더 많은 고객들을 유치할 수 있을 것 입니다. 매장에 진열될 신상품에 대해 알릴 수 있도록 고객들에게 전단지를 보세요. 매장 내 모든 광고판은 “새로운 제품과 액세서리를 진열해 놨습니다” 라는 문구가 고객의 눈길을 사로 잡을 수 있습니다. 다양한 카테고리를 이 광고판에 표시 할 수도 있습니다.

새로운 제품 및 액세서리 섹션에서는 신상품뿐만 아니라 기존 제품에서도 추가적인 판매가 일어날 것 입니다. 고객이 매장에 들어오면 늘 사용했던 일상적인 뷰티 제품들도 구매를 할 것입니다.

Ted Fishman, president of Ted Fishman & Associates, is an industry veteran who has dedicated his life to the betterment of the business. He can be reached via email at tfish90469@aol.com.

폰 액세서리 – 집 및 자동차용 충전기, 케이스, 전화번호판

Best Practices to Budget (and Spend) for Marketing Business Tips

7가지 방법

For anyone charged with allocating marketing dollars, it can seem like an arduous and even dicey process to decide how much to spend annually and on what. For some, it’s the autopilot response of last year’s budget, plus 3 to 5%. For others with limited marketing dollars, it can mean the equivalent of putting all one’s eggs in a single basket. These are examples of the extremes, but not altogether unheard of in marketing.

But, all the same, there are effective ways to plan, allocate and intelligently spend marketing dollars. Each involves a step backward from the narrow framework of the budget, while interjecting the purpose of the marketing into the practice of budgeting dollars toward success. Here are seven best practices to follow when approaching any marketing budget process:

1. Think bigger

비용을 관리하는 사람에게는, 매년 무엇을 어디에 얼마를 쓸 것인지 결정하는 일이 힘들고 어려운 과정일 수 있습니다. 일부 사람들은 작년 예산에서 3-5프로 정도를 추가해서 비슷하게 짜기도 합니다. 마케팅 비용이 제한적인 일부 사람들의 경우엔, 이렇게 하는 것은 모든 계란을 하나의 바구니에 담는것과 마찬가지 라고도 할 수 있습니다. 물론 이 것은 극단적인 예를 든 것 이지만, 사실 마케팅 분야에서는 아주 없는 일은 아닙니다. 하지만 이와 동시에, 마케팅 비용을 보다 효과적으로 계획하고 할당하며, 이를 현명하게 사용하는 좋은 방법이 있습니다. 우선 모든 단계에 있어 예산의 좁은 틀에서 한 발 뒤로 물러나, 성공을 위해 이 예산을 지출하고자 할 때 반드시 이 마케팅의 목적이 무엇인지를 생각해가며 지출을 해야한다는 것입니다. 다음은 마케팅 예산 프로세스를 시작하고자 할 때 따라야 하는 가장 좋은 7가지 방법입니다.

Don’t limit your marketing to media in the traditional sense. Go beyond even digital and new media. People immediately equate marketing spending to media. What if you could spend your marketing dollars in a way that would mean reaching your target, but not having to dump lots of dollars on big media? Marketing is also promotion, incentives, rewarding loyalty,

1. 더 크게 생각하십시요. 이제는 마케팅을 예전의 방식에 국한시킨다는 사고방식은 버리세요. 기존의 디지털 미디어와 새로운 미디어를 뛰어넘어야 합니다. 메이저 미디어를 통해 어마어마한 마케팅 비용을 사용하지 않고, 목표한 마케팅 성과를 얻을 수 있다면 어떻겠습니까? 마케팅은 홍보 및 인센티브, 보상금 혹은 긍정적인 경험 만들기, 향상된 서비스, 고객과의 직접적인 커뮤니케이션, 판매, 관계의 구축 그리고 함께 일하는 모든 것들이 조합

42 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
마케팅의 예산책정 및 지출을 위한 가장 좋은

creating positive experiences, enhanced service, direct communication with the customer, sales, relationship-building or any combination of activities working together. Get outside the confined silo of the marketing function and media option. Begin to think how you can most efficiently impact customer conversion. Don’t be afraid to be dramatic. What if time, money and scale were not consequential factors? Let your mind wander to big ideas, then find ways to work around your limited resource. If you need help, bring someone in from the outside to challenge your thinking. None of this has to be expensive— just effective.

2. Build the cost of marketing into your product or service

Have you accounted for the cost to market and sell your product or service into its cost to produce? It’s too easy to say, “we’re not spending enough on marketing.” But, you’re handicapping yourself even further if you’re not building marketing into the cost of your product or service. In short, you’re cheating yourself by not being realistic. The If-You-Build-It-TheyWill-Come approach works only in the movies. Drawing customers (large or small numbers) to your service or product is an inherent part of selling. You’re either generating such attention yourself or drafting off of something else. Either way, resources (usually in the form of people and money) need to be allocated for such activities.

3. Target

This might seem obvious, but basic consideration of your specific target customer in your spending strategy can make your marketing budget go much further. Knowing your best customers inside and out will enable you to do this. You don’t have to speak to the universe. Just speak to your universe. Focus on the essential few with the highest chance for conversion. Budget and spend your acquisition dollars toward them first. Then, migrate out from there. If your target audience is too big, you probably don’t know enough about them. Look, listen and learn in order to segment. It is well worth the time.

4. Focus on behavioral change over attitudes and awareness

If you’re short on marketing dollars, don’t even think about building awareness. Forget consideration sets and good feelings about your brand, company or product. If you have very limited marketing dollars to spend, these are not your biggest issues. Instead, focus on differentiation, an emotional hook and getting the customer to act (i.e. buy). Demonstrate why you’re better, engage them in an emotional decision and call them to action. No cheesy or cliché come-ons. Be dramatically and truthfully different in a way that convinces your customer to give you a try. Attitudes follow behavior.

5. Treat marketing as an investment

If you want it to yield a return, you must treat marketing as an investment. One of the biggest mistakes by some marketers today is throwing around the term ROI (return on investment) in conjunction with their marketing spending, while treating it as an occasional or periodic expense. This is hypocrisy. If you want long-term, sustained ROI from your marketing, treat it as you would a true investment (in your product, service and business). Remember: the “I” in ROI stands for investment.

6. Strategy first

This is the single most valuable tool in your marketing arsenal. Thinking efficiently and with reverence to clearly defined marketing and business goals

생각하세요. 고객 전환에 가장 효과적으로 영향을 미칠 수 있는 방법이 무엇인지 생각하세요. 튀어보이는 것을 두려워하지 마세요. 만약 시간과 돈, 규모가 중요한 요소가 아니라면 어떨까요? 우선 큰 아이디어를 먼저 생각해보세요. 그리고나서 제한된 예산으로 그 아이디어를 현실 가능하도록 만들어 보세요. 그리고 이를 위해, 필요하다면 외부 사람들에게 도움을 요청해보는 것도 좋은 방법입니다. 이 중 어느 것도 비용이 많이 들 필요는 없습니다. 효과적인 방법만 찾아보시면 말이죠.

2. 제품이나 서비스 가격안에 마케팅 비용도 넣으세요. 여러분의 제품이나 서비스의 생산 가격에 마케팅 비용도 포함되어 있습니까? 단순히 “저희는 마케팅에 충분한 비용을 들이지 않고 있어요.” 라고 말하는 것은 참 쉬운 일입니다. 하지만 제품이나 서비스의 비용에 마케팅 비용을 포함시키지 않는다면, 이는 여러분들이 스스로를 더욱 힘들게 만드는 것입니다. 간단히 말해서, 여러분들은 현실을 직시하지 안으므로써 결국 자신을 속이고 있게 된다는 것입니다. ‘If-You-BuildIt-They-Will-Come’ ‘당신이 지으면, 그들은 올 것이다’ 라는 말은 영화에서나 나오는 이야기이지요. 고객을 여러분의 제품과 서비스로 이끌어 오는 것은 (많게든 적게든) 판매 과정의 본질적인 부분입니다. 여러분 자신이 이러한 관심을 불러일으키거나 또 다른 것을 끌어 올 수도 있습니다. 어느 쪽이든, 예산은 (주로 사람이나 돈) 바로 이러한 활동을 위해 할당될 필요가 있습니다.

3. 타켓

당연한 이야기이지만, 여러분이 타켓으로 생각하는 고객층을 생각하며 전략을 짠다면, 여러분의 마케팅 비용은 더욱 효율적으로 쓸 수 있는 것입니다. 좋은 고객들을 안팎으로 알고 있는 것은 많은 도움을 줄 것입니다. 다른 고객층까지 이야기할 필요는 없습니다. 그냥 ‘여러분의 세계’ ‘여러분의 고객층’에 대해서 이야기하세요. 가장 여러분의 제품을 선택할 가능성이 많은 몇 가지 꼭 필요한 사항에 집중하시면 됩니다. 우선적으로 이들을 위한 예산을 세우고 실행하세요. 그리고는 그 곳에서부터 시작하세요. 만약 여러분이 목표로 하는 고객층이 너무 광범위하면, 오히려 그들에 대해 충분히 알지 못할 수 있습니다. 보고, 듣고, 연구하여 범위를 나누세요. 분명 가치있는 일이 될 것입니다.

4. 태도나 인식에 따른 행동 변화에 집중하세요. 마케팅 비용이 부족하다면, 자신의 브랜드를 알리려는 생각조차 하지마세요. 숙고하고 있던 사항들을 잠시 잊고, 당신의 브랜드나 회사 혹은 제품에 대해 좋은 감정을 가지세요. 만약 여러분의 마케팅 예산이 매우 한정되어 있다해도 그 것이 가장 큰 문제는 아닙니다. 그 대신 남들과의 차별화 그리고 마음에 확 들 수 있는 인상을 남기는 것에 집중하여, 고객이 행동을 취하도록 (즉, 구매를 말하는 것이죠) 해야 합니다. 왜 여러분의 것이 더 나은지 보여줌으로서 그들의 마음을 결정할 수 있도록 움직이게 만들고, 그들을 행동에 옮기도록 하세요. 괜히 과장되고 진부한 코메디같은 설명은 하지마세요. 고객들에게 제품이나 서비스를 권하되, 참신하고 진정성있는 모습으로 다른 제품과 차별화하시기 바랍니다. 마음을 먹으면 행동은 따라오게 되있습니다.

5. 마케팅을 투자로서 생각하세요 만약 여러분이 마케팅을 통해 수익을 돌려받기를 원한다면, 마케팅을 투자로 다루어야 합니다. 오늘날 일부 마케터들이 저지른 가장 큰 실수 중 하나는 ROI (return on investment, 투자한 만큼 돌아온다) 라는 용어를 너무 쉽게 생각하고, 이와 동시에 마케팅 비용을 단순히 주기적으로 나가는 비용으로 취급해 버린다는 것입니다. 이 것은 위선입니다. 마케팅(제품 및 서비스, 비즈니스)에서 장기적이고 지속적인 ROI를 원한다면, 진정한 투자를 원하는 것처럼 다루십시오. 명심할 점은 ROI에서 I는 investment 즉, 투자를 의미한다는 것입니다.

6. 전략이 우선

이 것은 당신의 마케팅 창고에 있는 가장 가치있는 도구일 것입니다.

44 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
된 것입니다. 평범한 마케팅의 광고방식이나 기능의 틀에서 벗어나서
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will help you distill your goals, intentions and plans guiding you to determine how much to spend and where to spend it. Speaking from experience, the practice of strategic thinking takes a load of time and guesswork away from determining where to best spend marketing dollars.

7. Zero-base your budget

If you’ve made it as far as a strategic plan, a zero-based marketing budget should come as no surprise. Your strategic goals, business and marketing objectives will lead you to tactical media spending. Start from scratch so that your spending matches that of what you’re wanting to accomplish. You’ll be amazed at how focused a budget it can yield.

Budgeting for marketing is far less complicated when you can approach it with greater intention and priorities in mind. Follow these tried and true practices and your marketing budget process will be a much more effective exercise.

Meet Andy Slipher

데 도움을 줍니다. 경험에 비추어 볼 때, 이와같은 전략적 사고방식은 마케팅 비용을 어디에 사용할지 결정 하는 일에 대한 시간과 이를 예측하는 업무를 단축시켜 줍니다.

7. 영점기준 예산 접근법 전략적 계획까지 도달했다면 영점 기준 예산 접근법은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 전략적 목표 및 비즈니스, 마케팅 목표를 달성하면 전략적으로 미디어 비용을 지출 할 수 있게 되실 것입니다. 처음부터 시작하세요. 그러면 여러분의 지출이 여러분의 목표와 일치할 것입니다. 그리고 여러분의 예산이 수익을 내는 것에 얼마나 집중되어 있는지 놀라실 것입니다.

마케팅 예산 편성은 보다 큰그림과 우선 순위를 가지고 접근할 때 훨씬 덜 복잡합니다. 이러한 시도와 실제 경험을 통해 당신의 마케팅 예산 과정을 훨씬 더 효과적으로 책정할 수 있을 것 입니다.

Andy Slipher is the founder of Slipher Marketing, a consultancy where strategy comes first, followed by tangible marketing results. He is an accomplished strategist, interim CMO, speaker and writer on marketing strategy. He is marketing segment lecturer for SMU’s accredited Bank Operations Institute for professional bankers, and for the Independent Bankers Association of Texas (IBAT). Andy’s forthcoming book is “The Big How: Where Strategy Meets Success.” For more information, visit www.Slipher.com

앤디 슬리퍼(Andy Sliper)는 전략적 사고 방식을 가장 중요시하고 구체적인 마케팅 결과를 우선시하는 컨설팅 회사 <Slipher Marketing>의 창립자입니다. 그는 뛰어난 전략가이며 임시 CMO, 연설가 그리고 마케팅 전략에 관한 작가이기도 합니다. 그는 전문 은행원을 위한 SMU의 공인된 은행 경영 연구소(Bank Operations Institute)와 텍사스 은행 협회(IBAT)의 마케팅 부문 강사로 있습니다. 앤디 슬리퍼는 현재 “The Big How: Where Strategy Meets Success.”라는 책을 발간 예정입니다. 더 많은 정보를 원하시면, www.Slipher.com를 방문해 주세요.

마케팅과 비즈니스 목표를 명확하게 정의하기 위해 효율적으로 생각하는 것은 여러분이 목표, 의도 및 계획을 추출하여 지출할 금액과 지출처를 결정하는

TOP 10 Tips to LIFT your Leadership

리더십을 높이기 위한 10가지 꿀 팁

Good leaders are hard to find, and great leaders are even more elusive. Whether there’s a team reporting to you or not, you have the ability to lift your level of respect with your peers while also improving your capacity for greater leadership opportunities.

To enhance your own abilities as a leader, begin with an intentional mindset of being open to new ways of thinking and new ways of interacting with your peers, your team, and your organization as a whole.

To lift your leadership, start with this list of “Top 10 Tips:”

1. Listen to Your Team

It’s not necessary for leaders to know everything, but you do need to know what the individual skillsets are in the members of your team, so you will know who to approach to get the answer you need.

It is also important to ask your team for input, and listen to what they have to say. They will appreciate being included in any decision made – especially if it affects their workload, department, budget or the amount of time they have allocated. When your team feels like a valued part of the process, it helps improve both their personal connection and overall commitment to the desired results.

2. Make Tough Decisions

Your team may not like every decision you make, but don’t let that scare you into not making the right decisions, or worse, no decisions at all. For any decision you make, do your research and get feedback from your team. If you are able, explain your decisions diplomatically and address the concerns. At the very least, your team will feel informed and be thankful the decision wasn’t theirs to make.

부하직원들이 있던 없던, 위대한 리더십을 발휘할 수 있는 역량을 향상시키면서 동료들의 존경심을 높일 수 있습니다.

리더로서의 자신의 능력을 향상 시키려면, 의도적으로 새로운 사고 방식과 동료, 팀 및 조직 전체와 소통할 수 있는 새로운 방식을 섭렵하는 사고 방식을 가지는 것부터 시작하십시오.

리더십을 높이려면 이 “10가지 최고의 팁” 목록부터 시작하십시오.

1. 팀의 의견을 들으세요

리더가 모든 것을 알 필요는 없지만 팀 구성원의 개별 스킬셋이 무엇인지 알아둘 필요가 있으며, 필요한 답을 얻기 위해 누구와 의견을 나누어야 하는지 알 수 있습니다.

팀에게 의견을 물어보고 팀원이 말하는 것을 경청하는 것도 중요합니다. 팀원들은 특히 자신의 업무량에 영향을 주거나, 부서, 예산 또는 팀원들에게 할당된 시간에 영향을 미칠 의사결정을 하는 데에 포함되는 것을 감사하게 생각합니다. 일을 하는데 있어서 본인이 중요한 역할을 하고 있다고 느껴질 때 일에대한 전반적인 참여를 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

2. 어려운 결정하기

당신의 팀원들은 당신이 정하는 모든 결정을 좋아하지 않을지도 모르지만, 그로 인해 올바른 결정을 내리지 못하게 하거나, 더 나쁜 것은 결정을 내리게 하거나, 아무런 결정도 내리지 못하도록 해서는 안됩니다. 어떤 결정을 내든, 탐구하고 팀으로부터 피드백을 받으세요. 할 수 있다면, 결정을 내린 이유에 대해서 설명하고 우려 사항에 대하여 말하십시오. 적어도, 당신의 팀이 결정 하지 않은 사항이더라도 팀은 정보를 잘 전달받은 것에 대하여 만족할 것입니다.

48 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 Business Tips
않고, 위대한 리더는 더 찾기 어렵습니다. 본인에게
리더들은 흔하지

3. Delegate to Team Members

There are many leaders who diminish their potential by hoarding tasks and duties because they’re afraid of what others will think if they ‘can’t do it all.’ This is a misconception that can lead to burnout, and even worse, cause your peers and teammates to lose their trust, respect, and loyalty to you as a leader.

Great leaders are also great delegators. If you are not sure what you can delegate, here’s a general process for you to consider:

• Make a list of your specific tasks and duties

• Put your name next to the ones that you absolutely must do yourself. For example: signing checks, attending executive meetings, and certain high-level approvals are not tasks and duties you can delegate.

• For the tasks that are left, think of people on your team and their specific skillsets. If they are capable of doing a task at least 80% as well as you – then delegate that task.

• Empower your team with delegated tasks and duties while also allowing them the autonomy needed (meaning – don’t micro-manage them). Be sure to also give them the authority necessary to ask questions and get help if needed. People will surprise you with their skill and abilities when given the trust in an opportunity.

4. Admit When You’re Wrong

Everyone makes mistakes and leaders are no different. When you make a mistake, be up front with your team. Your honesty and vulnerability will help open a pathway to better trust and communication. When you show your willingness to trust them with your mistakes, they in turn will feel more valued as a team member and work with you to help correct mistakes, and ensure a lesson is learned for everyone involved.

5. Show Appreciation


팀원들에게 위임하기 많은 리더들이‘전부를

다 할 순 없어’라고 다른 사람들이 생각하는 것을 두려워함으로 인해 일하는 잠재능력을 약화시키고 있습니다. 이것은 오해이며 번아웃 상태로 만들 수 있고, 심지어는 동료와 팀원들이 당신을 리더로서 신뢰, 존경, 그리고 충성하는 마음을 잃을 수 있습니다.

훌륭한 지도자는 훌륭한 위임자입니다. 어떠한 것들을 위임 해야 할 지 확실하지 않은 경우 일반적으로 다음 사항들을 고려해보세요

• 특정 작업 및 직무목록 만들기

• 절대적으로 내가 해야만 하는 것들 옆에 나의 이름을 적으세요. 예:

서명 확인, 임원 회의 참석, 특정 레벨의 승인들은 위임할 수 있는

업무 및 책무가 아닙니다.

• 남은 작업에 대해서는 팀 구성원과 해당 스킬셋을 생각해 보십시오. 팀원들이 적어도 80%의 작업을 수행 할 능력이 있다면 - 그 작업을 위임하십시오.

• 위임된 업무와 직무로 팀에 힘을 실어 주는 동시에 필요한 자치권을 부여 해 주십시오 (의미 – 너무 세부적으로 관리하지 마십시오).

질문을 할 수 있도록 필요한 권한을 부여하고 필요한 경우 도움을 제공해야 합니다. 기회에서 신뢰가 주어지면 팀원들은 자신의 기술과 능력으로 당신을 놀라게 할 것입니다.

When your team members do good work, make sure you let them know you noticed. Write a hand-written thank you note, give them a special gift card, and take time to recognize them publically. To make an even bigger impression – send their spouse a hand-written note sharing how important they were to the team’s success. Appreciation goes a long way, and as you incorporate a culture of gratitude, your staff will reciprocate that appreciation through loyalty and a job well done.

6. Be Willing to Get Your Hands Dirty

The most successful leaders won’t ever ask a team member to do something that they aren’t willing to do themselves. People in general acquire much more respect for leaders who aren’t afraid to jump into to accomplish any

4. 잘못했을 때 인정하세요 누구나 실수를 하며 리더도 마찬가지입니다. 실수를 저지렀을 때 팀과 상의하십시오. 당신의 정직과 취약점이 더 좋은 신뢰와 의사 소통의 통로가 될 것입니다. 실수를 정직하게 인정하고 바로잡겠다는 의지를 보여줄 때, 팀 구성원들은 더 가치있게 느끼고 실수를 바로 잡는 데 도움을 주며 참여한 모든 사람들이 교훈을 얻게됩니다.

5. 감사를 표시하세요

당신의 팀원들이 일을 잘하고 있을 때, 당신이 인지한 것을 팀원들에게 알려주도록 하십시오. 손편지로 감사를 전달하고, 팀원들에게 특별한 기프트 카드를 제공하고, 공표할 수 있는 시간을 가지십시오. 더 큰 인상을 주려면 팀원의 배우자에게 배우자가 팀의 성공에 얼마나 중요한 역할을 하는지 손으로 쓴 메모를 보내십시오. 감사는 오래 지속 되며 감사의 문화를 가질 때, 직원들은 충성도와 일을 잘 해 내는 것으로 그 감사에 보답 할 것입니다.

6. 기꺼이 내 손을 더럽히세요 가장 성공한 리더는 팀원에게 스스로 할 의지가 없는 것을 하도록 요구하지 않습니다. 일반적으로 사람들은 필요한 일을 달성하기 위해 두려워하지않고 뛰어드는 리더들을 훨씬 더 존경합니다. 이것은 당신이

50 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018




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task needed. This doesn’t mean you’re doing the work for them, but at those critical moments when help is needed, your assistance could help motivate your team to reach – or even exceed – the goals set.

7. Mentor Your Team Members

If you can help your members to become more successful, the whole team will benefit. The more you invest into your team members, the more they will be willing to give in return. As you lead by example in a mentorship role for those in your organization, others with similar skills and capabilities will follow your lead. This creates a culture where current and upcoming leaders develop a mindset of helping others succeed.

8. Bond Through a Social Cause

To lead a team effectively, you need to be a part of the team. Start a new social cause as a team-building activity and make sure you lead the way. To add even more lift to your leadership, adopt a charity to support within your local community and get away from the office where you can get to know your team members on a more personal level.

9. Let Your Team See You Learn

Leaders are learners. Let your team observe you reading a book or a trade publication in the break room, and encourage them to do the same. You could also start an optional book club focused on self-improvement and leadership books where you can discuss how those books have made an impact on you, and how they helped change the way you lead.

10. Keep Meetings as Short as Possible

Everyone generally has a list of tasks and duties that take up their entire workday. Although necessary, meetings can be seen as disruptive and nonproductive, especially if nothing was essentially accomplished. Meetings should have a specific purpose and agenda that involves everyone in the room. The more you respect the time of your team, the more they will respect you as a leader.

Improving your capacity to lead is something that will take intentional effort, and these tips will help you focus in on what matters most. Your attention to detail is sure to be rewarded in the form of enhanced loyalty, higher respect, and increase the success of you, your team, and the overall organization. 팀원들을 위해 일하는 것을

중요한 순간에 팀에 동기를 부여하여 팀 목표를 달성하거나 심지어 초과 할 수 있도록 합니다.

7. 팀원의 멘토가 되십시오 팀원이 더 성공할 수 있도록 도움을 준다면 팀 전체에 도움이 될 것입니다. 팀원들에게 더 많이 투자하면 할수록 더 많은 보답을 기꺼이 제공 할 것입니다. 조직 내의 멘토십 역할을 예로 리드함에 따라 비슷한 기술과 역량을 가진 사람들이 여러분을 따를 것입니다. 이것은 현재와 미래의 지도자들이 다른 사람들의 성공을 돕는 사고 방식을 개발하는 문화를 만들어 줍니다.

8. 사회적 대의를 통한 약진 팀을 효과적으로 이끌려면 팀의 일원이되어야합니다. 새로운 사회활동을 통해 팀구성 활동을 시작하고 길을 리드 하십시오. 귀하의 지도력을 향상시키려면, 사무실을 벗어나 팀 멤버들을 개인적으로 더 깊이 알 수 있는 계기를 만들 수 있는 지역 사회봉사활동을 해보세요.

9. 팀에게 내가 학습하는 것을 보여주세요 리더는 학습자입니다. 당신이 휴게실에서 책이나 무역 출판물을 읽는 것을 팀원이 보게하도록 하고, 팀원도 같은 행동을 하도록 격려하십시오. 또한 자기 계발 및 리더십 서적을 읽는 독서 클럽을 시작할 수 있습니다. 이 클럽에서 책이 나에게 어떤 영향을 미치고, 이 책들이 지도하는 방식을 어떻게 도움을 주었는지에 대해서 토론 할 수 있습니다.

10. 회의는 최대한 짧게

모든 사람은 일반적으로 하루 종일 해야 하는 업무와 직무들이 있습니다. 비록 필요한 것일지라도, 회의는 혼란스럽고 비생산적인 것으로 간주 될 수 있습니다. 특히 본질적으로 아무 것도 수행되지 않은 경우입니다. 회의는 회의실에 있는 모든 사람이 포함되어 있는 특정 목적과 의제가 있어야합니다. 팀의 시간을 존중하면 할수록 리더로서 당신을 존경할 것 입니다.

리드 할 수 있는 능력을 향상시키는 것은 특별한 노력을 해야하는 것이므로 이 팁들은 가장 중요한 일에 집중하는 데 도움이 될 것 입니다. 세부 사항에 주의를 기울이면 충성도가 향상되고 존경심을 높이며 자신, 팀 및 전체 조직의 성공을 높일 수 있습니다.

Meet Elizabeth McCormick

Elizabeth McCormick is a Keynote Speaker specializing in Leadership, Sales and Safety presentations. She was recently named #4 on the list of Leadership Experts to Follow Online. A former US Army Black Hawk pilot and author of “The P.I.L.O.T. Method; the 5 Elemental Truths to Leading Yourself in Life;” Elizabeth teaches instantly applicable strategies to boost your employees’ confidence in their own leadership abilities. For more information, please visit www.YourInspirationalSpeaker.com.

Elizabeth McCormick


52 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
씨는 리더쉽, 세일즈 및 안전 프리젠테이션을 전문으로하는 기조 연설자입니다. 그녀는 최근에 온라인에서 팔로우를 해야 할 리더십 목록에서
전 미 육군 블랙
조종사이며 “The P.I.L.O.T. Method; the 5 Elemental Truths to Leading Yourself in Life;”의 작가인 엘리자베스는 자신의 리더십 능력에 대한 직원의 신뢰를 높이기 위해 즉시 도입 할 수 있는 전략을
4위를 차지했습니다.
아니지만, 도움이 필요한
의미하는 것은

Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools

Embrace Spring With Vibrant Colors

The Spring season brings us some of the year’s most beautiful colors. The sky is a brighter blue, the grass is full and green, flowers are blooming in wonderful splendor – vibrancy is all around us. To embrace that lively spirit, we change our clothes, hair and makeup for this fresh new season. So it’s also the perfect time to brighten our hair color! When salon guests start asking for something new, give them the perfect color service that will have them walk out of your salon radiant and smiling.

We all love giving our guests exceptional experiences by creating beautiful hair colors. But why do some clients return only a month later with dull or faded hair? There are two big reasons. One, they’re not using proper haircare products, and two, their styling tool heat settings are way too high.

With Hot Tools’ rheostat settings, temperatures can reach 450 degrees. So people often make the mistake of automatically going for the highest setting because they think styling can be done faster. But that temperature should only be used for the tightest, most extreme curly hair - that is not color-treated. Even then, we need to make sure that curly hair is strong enough for this level of high heat. Remember, once hair has been damaged by extreme temperatures, the damage cannot be reversed. For this reason, we recommend starting at 300 degrees and moving up, gradually increasing 25 degrees at a time until you find the perfect heat setting for your hair type. Using tools with rheostat or digital settings will give you the most accurate temperature reading.

your salon guests will have longer-lasting color and a healthy shine to their hair.

Another great tip is to use permanent, ammonia-free colors with an oil delivery system. These color systems have been proven to drive pigment deeper into the hair’s structure, which is great for preserving color integrity. Colors will be less likely to fade from the damaging heat styling. Fashion colors – like blues, pinks, purples – are usually direct dyes that stay on the surface of the hair. These types of direct dyes naturally fade with every shampooing. So these colors require the lowest heat settings to ensure they last as long as possible. Our recommendation is to use the lowest heat setting on your blow dryer, as well as with flat irons and curling irons. Don’t worry, low heat settings do not have to mean weak styling. Low heat settings can be used very effectively.

This leads us to the treatment of hair extensions vs. natural hair. Do test a strand first on the extensions with different heat settings to see the results before sending a guest out the door. We definitely don’t want customers coming back to the salon with faded extensions and asking us to redo them. Be sure to tell your clients that they should be using a different heat setting on their extensions than on their natural hair. Clients often don’t realize the huge differences between natural hair and extensions.

Now let’s discuss heat styling with color-treated hair. Think about how heat opens the cuticle. Once that happens, color molecules escape, which causes colors to fade. This is why using a heat protectant is so important. Heat protectants will help seal the hair and keep the cuticle closed. As a result,

With the arrival of spring, you might consider selling quick and easy clip-in extensions for noticeable “pops” of color. This is an easy way to change a look and mood. Some of our salon guests may not work in environments that allow loud fashion colors, but they may still want fun hair for the weekends. That’s when these colorful clip-in extensions can be perfect accessories for those outgoing personalities. Clip-ins can also fit every budget.

An important part of our jobs is to serve as consultants for our guests. Emphasize to them effective healthy styling habits. By educating our clients on heat settings for their colored extensions, we’re sharing valuable knowledge that helps us build stronger relationships, and widen our client base. Never forget that you are the professional. Your clients trust your advice, and they look to you for inspiring hairstyles.

Stay creative and passionate. And stay true to the saying: “Knowledge is power!”

Gold’NHot is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact Veronica Guerrero vguerrero@hotus.com or visit our website at www. GoldNHothair.com.com. Be sure to follow (or like us) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram @goldnhotelite

Meet Detra Detra Smith is the artistic director for Belson/Gold ‘N Hot and is a Matrix Artistic Educator.

54 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
CURLS never go out of Style GH9436-5/8” GH192-1/2” GH9388-3/8” @goldnhotelite 1-800-480-8832

Spring into Style with Hair Color

There is no doubt that hair color is the hottest hair accessory. Permanent shades with extra conditioning formulas make it easy for consumers to have more fun at home with hair color. From reds to brunettes to blacks and blondes, the at-home hair colors are warming up, showing that the possibilities are endless. With new technology, it’s easier than ever for everyone to bring out their inner artist and achieve salon-worthy hair color results at home.

Hair color has the ability to change an entire look without cutting the hair. Whether you’re looking for a subtle change, like going from natural black to a chocolate brunette, or a head-turning makeover with a fun blonde or red shade, it is easy to update your entire look utilizing at-home hair color. Hair color also has the ability to accent a new haircut, showing off the body and dimension of the new look. New permanent at-home hair

color comes in more shades with new conditioning technology, allowing consumers to really have fun at home with hair color. It’s important to encourage consumers to read the manufacturer’s instructions, which come in the box, for best results.

New at-home hair color technology focuses on conditioning benefits that improve the vibrancy of the hair color and helps to prevent fading while providing unbeatable shine. Look to Creme of Nature Moisture-Rich Hair Color with Shea Butter Conditioner ($3.99), an ammonia-free liquid permanent hair color that provides intense color utilizing specially blended conditioners and polymers that keep hair looking vibrant and feeling soft throughout. The ultra-moisturizing mango and shea butter conditioner contains nourishing silk proteins that penetrate every strand so that hair looks and feels healthy.

Formulas free from ammonia offer long-lasting, multi-dimensional color without harsh chemicals. New technology allows for up to 100% grey coverage, plus vibrancy and true color that you can count on. Look for options that are infused with silk protein to condition and protect the hair, while offering lasting shine that nourishes and smooths hair.

Powerful color looks good and lasts. Look for fade-resistant formulas like

58 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 Feature Article

Creme of Nature Exotic Shine™ Hair Color with Argan Oil from Morocco ($5.99), which utilizes new micro-sphere technology that combines potent conditioners and vitamins that aim to strengthen strands inhibiting damage, breakage and dryness that can occur during the color process. Added hydration plus double the conditioning benefits of Argan Oil from Morocco work to deliver rich and vibrant tones while providing up to 100% grey coverage.

Hair color shades are warming up to show off all skin tones and colors with new takes on blonde, burgundy and black. With undertones that complement the skin’s natural undertones, it’s easier than ever for consumers to find the right hair color to meet their needs.

Hair color looks great on all lengths. Adding color is a great way to accent layers and bring out subtle nuances in the hair, or go for fullon color all over. In 2018, we‘ll see ombre lobs where color is blended beautifully but in a unique long bob style. Another way to add subtle color to hair is through the use of highlights. Opting to lighten hair around the perimeter can open up the face while showing off a next-to-natural hue. Cropped, sculptured afros, twist-outs and braids are also great styles to show off a variety of hair colors including golden blondes and burgundies.

Golden blondes are a great way to get in on the metallic hair trend in a wearable way that is relatable for all. New in 2018 are soft golden blonde hues that really shine. Warm, buttery golden tones, like Creme of Nature Moisture-Rich Hair Color in Light Golden Blonde, are soft and inviting. The look is flattering on all shades. Going blonde is a great way to show off

warm complexions with the look of luxurious shine. Golden blonde looks great on its own for all-over color that really makes a statement or as an accent color for balayage.

Mulled wine and burgundy shades offer endless possibilities for consumers who want an alternative to basic brown hair. Rich in color, burgundy shades, like Creme of Nature Exotic Shine Color with Argan Oil from Morocco in Burgundy Blaze, are new and on the horizon for color consumers looking for a modern option to naturallooking brown shades. Burgundy hues with flattering red cues offer the right amount of spice to any look. Choose to color all over or leave the roots darker by starting color one to two inches from the roots for a more natural look. Burgundy hair color blends easily with natural color, adds immediate dimension and shows off texture.

Whether you’re looking to cover greys or add a natural-looking dose of color and shine, natural black offers options for everyone. New formulations offer non-stop shine so black hair color is flattering, never dull. Natural black shades give a dramatic look to all hair

lengths and textures. Shades such as Creme of Nature Moisture-Rich Hair Color in Natural Black, are rich in color and offer 100% grey coverage and multi-dimensional dyes, allowing consumers to color in confidence.

Trying a new hair color is an easy way to update your look while adding depth to your style. The newest formulas will offer a shine, dimension and rich formulas that last while providing moisture intense conditioning. It’s also important for consumers to maintain their hair after color using colorprotecting shampoos, like Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Sulfate-Free Moisture & Shine Shampoo, and the right amount of daily moisture, plus weekly conditioning.

60 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018


Andis Company has been a leading manufacturer of the highest-quality tools for handheld hair tools and grooming items for pets since 1922. With nearly a century in the business, this company not only manufactures top-notch tools, but it also works with industry professionals and retailers to ensure their products continue to be a staple in every household. OTC Beauty Magazine interviewed Karen Formico, the vice president of marketing for Andis, to learn more about how the company built its empire and what to expect from the brand moving forward.

Andis Company는 1922년부터 핸드 헬드 헤어 도구 및 애완 동물용 미용 용품을 제조 해 온 최고의 품질을 자랑하는 제조업체입니다. 거의 1세기가 넘도록 사업을 이끌어 온 이 회사는 최고 수준의 도구를 제조 할 뿐만 아니라 제품이 모든 가정에서 지속적으로 중요한 도구가 될 수 있도록 업계 전문가, 소매점과 협력합니다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 Andis의 마케팅 담당

부사장인 Karen Formico와 회사가 어떻게 이런 제국을 구축했고, 앞으로 발전할 브랜드에서 기대할 점이 무엇인지에 대해 인터뷰를 진행하며 자세히 알아 보았습니다.

Company Global Education Team

64 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 Manufacturer Profile

OTC: Can you tell us a little bit about the history of Andis and how it got its start? What idea or slogan is the company based upon?

Formico: Andis Company traces its roots back to the 1920s when Matthew Andis was working at Mitchell Motor Car Company in Racine, Wisconsin USA as a toolmaker and decided to start his own business making an electric version of hair clippers. Fast forward 96 years to today, where Andis Company is an international leader in handheld tools to trim, cut, curl, straighten and dry hair, as well as products for grooming both small and large animals. Still a family-owned company guided by fourth-generation president Matt K. Andis, Andis remains committed to the same high quality and innovation demonstrated by our founder nearly a century ago. Today, we are committed to upholding the ideals of excellence and integrity that the brand is synonymous for while further developing top-performing tools for professional barbers and stylists around the globe.

OTC: Briefly describe the products that make up your product portfolio and the consumers they are created for.

Formico: Andis’ Barber & Beauty Division makes a complete line of clippers and trimmers for both professional barbers and at-home users. In addition, we offer a full line of dryers and styling tools – packed with professionalgrade features – for consumers. For the industry professional, time is money. Our products – specifically clippers and trimmers – are designed to allow them to create the styles their clients want, quickly and efficiently. If you look at today’s men’s grooming trend, many of these styles can only be achieved with electric hair clippers and trimmers. So, our products are integral to their success. At the same time, the Andis brand is synonymous with quality. Professionals know that when they purchase one of our clippers or trimmers it’s an investment that will last.

OTC: If you had to pick one product that is most symbolic of the company, what would it be and why?

OTC: Andis의 역사와 어떻게 시작했는지에 대해 조금 이야기 해 주시겠어요? 회사가 지향하는 아이디어 또는 슬로건은 무엇인가요?

Formico: Andis Company는 1920년대 Matthew Andis가 미국 위스콘신주 라신에 있는 Mitchell Motor Car Company에서 툴메이커로 근무했던 때로 거슬러 올라가며, 그때 전기 이발기를 만드는 사업을 시작하기로 결정했습니다. 지금까지의 96년을 빠르게 되돌아 보면 Andis Company는 작고 커다란 동물 손질용 제품뿐만 아니라 머리를 자르고, 컬링하고, 스트레이트 및 말리는 핸드 헬드 도구의 세계적인 리더입니다. 여전히 4대 회장인 Matt K. Andis가 이끄는 가족기업인 Andis는 거의 1세기 전에 창립자가 보여준 것과 같은 높은 품질과 혁신을 하기위하여 헌신하고 있습니다. 오늘날 우리는 브랜드가 우수성과 정직성을 나타낼 수 있도록 최선을 다하고 있으며 전세계의 전문 미용사와 스타일리스트를 위한 최고의 도구를 개발하고 있습니다.

Company Vintage Master Clipper

OTC: 포트폴리오와 소비자를 구성하는 제품에 대해서 간략히 설명해주세요.

Formico: Andis’ Barber & Beauty Division 은 전문 미용사와 집에서 사용하는 모두에게 완벽한 가위 및 트리머 라인입니다. 추가적으로 저희는 소비자를 위해 전문가 수준의 기능을 갖춘 드라이어와 스타일링 툴에 대한 전체 라인을 제공 합니다. 업계 전문가에게 시간은 돈입니다. 당사의 제품은(특히 클리퍼 및 트리머) 고객이 원하는 스타일을 빠르고 효율적으로 만들 수 있도록 디자인 되었습니다. 오늘날의 남성이 원하는 스타일 트렌드중 많은 부분을 전기 이발기와 트리머만으로 스타일을 연출 할 수 있습니다. 따라서 우리의 제품이 전문가들의 핵심 성공 요소입니다. 동시에 Andis 브랜드는 곧 품질입니다. 전문가들은 당사의 클리퍼 또는 트리머 중 하나를 구매할 때 오래 사용할 수 있는 투자라는 것을 알고 있습니다.

Formico: Generations of American barbers have used our corded T-Outliner trimmer because of its high-speed performance and closecutting blade. Debuting in 1958, the T-Outliner has truly withstood the test of time. What we are most excited about is the new evolution of that symbolic and iconic tool. We have developed the next generation of the professional, powerful cordless trimmer with the new Cordless T-Outliner Li. We’re proud to offer this tool to the professional industry, symbolizing the Andis drive for innovation while saluting our history.

OTC: 회사를 가장 잘 나타낼 수 있는 제품 하나를 고른다면, 어떤 제품이며 이유는요?

Formico: 미국의 미용사는 고속 성능과 날카로운 면도날 덕분에 유선형 T-Outliner 트리머를 사용했습니다. 1958년에 데뷔 한 T-Outliner는 진정으로 시간의 시험을 견뎌내었습니다. 우리가 가장 흥분하고

있는 것은 상징적이고 대표적인 이 도구의 새로운 진화입니다. 우리는 새로운 무선 T-Outliner Li와 전문적이고 강력한 차세대 무선 트리머를 개발했습니다. 우리의 역사에 경의를 표하면서 전문 업계에 Andis 의 혁신을 상징하는 이

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 65
및 일반 정보에 대하여 소비자 및 상점 오너들에게 어떻게 교육을 하고 계신가요? 마찬가지로 어떻게 고객 피드백을 받고 있나요?
도구를 제공하게 된 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. OTC: 제품 출시, 사용
Andis Andis Company

OTC: How do you keep consumers and store owners educated on product releases, uses and general information? Likewise, how do you receive customer feedback?

Formico: Product releases are typically communicated to store owners through trade press, our accounts and social media platforms, complete with product information and specifications. We’ve developed strong social media platforms across Facebook and Instagram to help communicate product information and facilitate a two-way conversation with our professional community if there are any questions or inquiries.

We are continually looking for, and listening to, customer feedback on all facets of our business. Consumer feedback on our products is the lifeblood of our product development, and we take it very seriously. We incorporate customer feedback throughout all portions of our development and upgrade programs. Customers are welcome to interact with us via our social platforms or directly with us through our Customer Service team.

OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most in the hair care and barber business and how has the company met consumer demand for it?

Formico: Both in the US and internationally, we’ve seen a continued trend for cordless products. But along with this trend, barbers and stylists still need the power and consistency that they are accustomed to from corded tools. Andis has placed a large focus on understanding technology trends for cordless products that bring true benefits to the barber, and much of that centers on the batteries and motors used in cordless tools.

Formico: 제품 출시는 일반적으로 상점

통해 제품 정보 및 사양을 제공합니다. 우리는 질문이나 문의 사항이 있을 경우 제품 정보를 전달하고 전문 커뮤니티와 양방향 소통을 할 수 있도록 페이스북과 인스타그램을 통한 강력한 소셜 미디어 플랫폼을 개발하였습니다.

우리는 끊임없이 우리 사업의 모든 측면에서 고객 피드백을 찾으며 듣고 있습니다. 제품에 대한 소비자의 피드백은 제품 개발의 생명이므로 이 고객 피드백을 매우 진지하게 다루고 있습니다. 우리는 고객의견을 개발 및 업그레이드 프로그램의 모든 부분에 반영합니다. 고객은 소셜 플랫폼을 통해 또는 고객서비스 팀을 통해 직접 당사와 소통할 수 있습니다.

Andis Company Bronner Brothers Total Look Competition Educator Kenny Duncan

Lithium-ion battery power has proven to provide the highest level of power and consistency for cordless tools, offering longer run times and more consistent power from older technologies like Nickel-Metal Hydride or Nickel Cadmium batteries. We have incorporated advanced lithium-ion technologies into our cordless clippers and trimmers to give barbers ultimate flexibility in cordless run-time, fast charging times, and power consistency. This provides barbers with the best of both worlds - the freedom of a cordless tool with the power and consistency they expect from a corded product.

This cord-free convenience has provided a newfound freedom for industry professionals. Barbers are finding themselves moving about the shop more efficiently and working on location much more easily.

OTC: What tips do you have for OTC beauty store owners on how to best market your products to customers? For example, is there a certain place they fit best in the store or is sampling most beneficial?

Formico: Selecting the right tool for the job plays a huge role in performance and results. Helping the consumer understand the differences in clippers and trimmers ensures a more satisfied customer and drives repeat business. Andis offers a video library of product, maintenance and how-to-style videos designed to make that process much easier. Retailers who have the

OTC: 헤어 관리 및 미용 사업에서 가장 많이 성장한 추세는 무엇이며 회사는 소비자 요구를 어떻게 맞추고 있나요? Formico: 미국과 전 세계적으로 무선 제품에 대한 지속적인 트랜드를 보아왔습니다.

사용할 수 있는 힘이 필요합니다. Andis는 미용사에게 진정한 혜택을 가져다 주는 무선 제품에 대한 기술 트렌드를 이해하는데 크게 집중하고 있으며 무선 도구에 사용되는 배터리와 모터에 중점을 두고 있습니다.

리튬 이온 배터리 전력은 무선 도구에 최고 수준의 전력 및 일관성을 제공하여 니켈-금속 수소화물 또는 니켈 카드뮴 배터리와 같은 구형 기술보다 더 긴 사용 시간과 보다 일관된 전력을 제공합니다. 우리는 고급 리튬 이온 기술을 무선 클리퍼 및 트리머에 통합하여 무선 사용 시간, 빠른 충전 시간 및 전력 일관성에 있어 미용사에게 최고의 유연성을 제공합니다. 이것은 미용사에게 유선제품에서 기대할 수 있는 강력하고 힘이 일정하게 공급되는 것과 무선 도구의 자유로움 두 가지 세계를 제공합니다.

전선이 필요없는 편리함은 업계 전문가에게 새로운 자유를 제공했습니다. 미용사들은 상점에서 보다 효율적으로 이동하고 더 쉬운 위치에서 작업할 수 있었습니다.

OTC: OTC 뷰티 스토어 오너들이 귀하의 제품을 고객에게 잘 마케팅하는 방법에 대한 조언은 무엇인가요? 예를 들어 상점에서 가장 잘 어울리는

66 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
업계 신문, 당사 계정 및 소셜 미디어
그러나 이 트렌드와 함께 미용사와 스타일리스트는 유선 도구로 익숙한, 계속적으로
특정 위치가 있거나 아니면 샘플링 등, 어떤 방법이
소비자가 가위와 트리머의 차이점을
보장하고 반복적인 사업을 이끌어
및 스타일링 하는 방법에 대한 동영상 라이브러리를 제공합니다. 판매 시점에 정보 제공용 동영상을 표시 할 수 있는 소매 업체는 해당 카테고리의 생산성 증가와 이에 대한 보답으로 할인을 줄 수 있습니다.
좋을까요? Formico: 적합한 도구를 선택하는 것은 성능과 결과에 큰
이해하도록 돕는 것은 보다 만족스러운 고객 확보를
줍니다. Andis는 사용 과정을 훨씬 더 쉽도록 하기 위하여 제품, 유지관리
Manufacturer Profile

means to show informational videos at the point of sale can expect to see an increase in the productivity of the category as well as a reduction in returns.

OTC: Please explain how your OTC store partners and our readers can benefit from carrying Andis products.

Formico: Andis has long been the preferred brand of professional barbers and that speaks volumes. Barbers also influence purchases by at-home users through product recommendations to their customers, so clients can maintain their look at-home in-between visits. Consumers generally choose the brand used and recommended by the pros, which will in turn drive traffic to retailers who carry the Andis brand. Andis also invests heavily in social media and public relations to help create demand for our tools and move product off the shelf.

OTC: Are there any big plans set for Andis in 2018 that you can share?

Formico: Education will continue to be a primary focus in 2018. We are releasing a new education book and videos, Clipper Cutting 301 –a Guide to Cutting Multi-Cultural Hair – to complement our popular Clipper Cutting 101 and 201 guides. Resources like these books, and their companion how-to videos, help aspiring and experienced professionals, as well as at-home clipper cutters, take their skills to the next level. In addition, we will continue to expand our education team in various countries across the globe.

OTC: 귀하의 OTC 매장 파트너와 독자들이 Andis 제품을 구매하여 얻을 수 있는 혜택에 대해 설명해주세요.

Formico: Andis는 오래 전부터 전문 미용사가 선호하는 브랜드로 판매량이 이를 말해줍니다. 미용사는 또한 고객에게 제품 권고를 통해 집에서 사용하는 사용자의 제품 구매에 영향을 미치므로 고객들이 집에서도 외출해서도 모양을 유지할 수 있습니다. 소비자는 일반적으로 전문가가 사용하고 권장하는 브랜드를 선택하므로, Andis 브랜드를 판매하고 있는 소매 업체에서 매출이 파생 될 것입니다. Andis는 또한 도구에 대한 수요를 창출하고 제품을 구매하는데 도움이 될 수 있도록 소셜 미디어 및 홍보 활동에 많은 투자를 하고 있습니다.

OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about the company or industry in general?

Formico: Our success is a reflection and result of the company’s core values: Excellence, never settling for good enough; Respect, valuing what’s important to others; and Integrity, being responsible and accountable. We’re constantly working to build and improve upon our product lines by listening to what our end-users need. We look forward to seeing the Andis Nation and the men’s grooming category, grow both domestically and internationally.

OTC: 2018년도에 공개할 수 있는 Andis의 큰 계획이 있습니까? Formico: 2018년에도 교육이 계속 주요 관심사가 될 것입니다. 우리는 인기있는 Clipper Cutting 101 및 201 가이드를 보완하기 위해 Clipper Cutting 301 – a Guide to Cutting Multi-Cultural Hair 라는 새로운 교육용 도서와 비디오를 출시 하고 있습니다. 이 책과 같은 리소스 및 같이 동반되는 노하우 비디오는 집에서 사용하는 사용자뿐만 아니라 경험이 풍부한 전문가에게 도움을 주어 기술을 한 차원 높여줄 것입니다. 또한 전 세계 여러 국가로 교육 팀을 지속적으로 확장 해 나갈 것입니다.

OTC: 마지막으로 OTC 독자들과 공유하고 싶은 회사 또는 업계 전반적인 사항에 대해 말씀하고 싶은 것은 무엇인가요?

Formico: 우리의 성공은 회사의 다음과 같은 핵심 가치를 반영한 결과입니다. 항상 만족하지 않고 더 나은 것을 추구합니다. 다른 사람들에게 중요한 것을 존중해줍니다. 일에 대한 책임을 집니다. 우리는 최종 사용자가 어떤 것이 필요한지를 경청하여 제품 라인을 구축하고 개선하기 위해 끊임없이 노력하고 있습니다. 우리는 Andis 가족을 볼 수 있길 바라고 있으며 남성 미용 카테고리가 국내 및 국제적으로 성장하기를 바라고 있습니다.

Contact Number: 1-800-558-9441 Website: www.andis.com Years in business: 96

웹사이트: www.andis.com 사업기간: 96년

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 67
Company Information
Company Name: Andis Company
Address: 1800 Renaissance Blvd. Sturtevant, WI 53177
정보 회사명: Andis Company 주소: 1800 Renaissance Blvd. Sturtevant, WI 53177 전화번호: 1-800-558-9441
Andis Company Educator Kenny Duncan

OP SELLING Hair Color Products

When shopping for styling tools and products, shoppers may turn to online product reviews for guidance. This not only makes customers more likely to purchase popular merchandise, but it also boosts sales for these trending items, as well. That’s why it’s important to know what products are selling well and are in high demand at Jinny Beauty Supply. This monthly feature will keep you posted on what’s in and what’s out, so you can purchase your inventory accordingly

From rich purples to vibrant blondes, you’re going to see a variety of hair colors this season that span the spectrum. While some consumers will visit the salon to change their hair hue others will attempt to do their own hair at home. No matter their choice, you should make sure your store is carrying the products they’re looking for. These are the top-selling hair coloring products at Jinny Beauty Supply.

Clairol Professional Basic White Powder Lightener CL3422

Why It’s the Top Contender

There’s no guesswork involved when it comes to this powder lightener. Colorists love this product because of its predictable and quick results. This extra-strength powder is de-dusted and contains humectants to minimize powder fly-away and allows you to accommodate a full range of lightening services.

Suggested Retail Price: $2.59

Quick Facts

• Perfect for off-the-scalp blonding services

• Can use on virgin hair

70 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 Top FIVE

Bigen Permanent Powder Hair Color (Original Black) NC59

This deposit-only color is known to darken the hair without the damage. Rather than lifting the hair and then coloring, this Bigen product skips the lift to protect your strands. As a result, the hair is left smooth, healthy and beautifully colored with a long-lasting shade.

Suggested Retail Price: $4.99

High Beams Intense Temporary Spray-On Color


Sometimes you don’t want to make a permanent hair color change. Customers wanting to experiment with color without the commitment often embrace this product. You can add highlights or spray large sections of the hair. Best of all, the color washes away in one shampoo.

Suggested Retail Price: $6.99

Clairol Beautiful Collection Moisturizing Color Semi-Permanent Hair Color (Jet Black)


This product doesn’t just effectively infuse color into the hair but it also revitalizes hair with its formula of Aloe Vera, Jojoba Oil and Vitamin E. While its gentle enough to use after a relaxer, it’s still strong enough to help blend gray hairs.

Suggested Retail Price: $5.69

Dark & Lovely Fade Resist Hair Color


This is one of the most popular hair colors for women of color, thanks to its rich formulation of nourishing Shea, avocado and olive oils. This unique combination of ingredients helps protect relaxed and natural hair and leaves behind a silky, shiny result.

Suggested Retail Price: $5.69

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 71
4 3 5

Bally’s Hotel & Conference Center, Las Vegas

The Western Buying Conference (WBC) held their 33rd show in January with great success. With distributorship and overall attendance up once again, WBC continues to expand. The show opened on Sunday, Jan. 14, with a line of attendees picking up their badges. Excited faces eagerly waited to see what was new beyond just the great deals that were being offered. Monday was another very well attended day.

This year WBC was sponsored by 13 western rep groups; had 162 exhibitors and a total count of 215 booths. WBC also provided meeting rooms for four full-service distributorships who held successful meetings throughout Sunday and Monday. The WBC would also like to thank the many rep groups outside the western territory for supporting this show. These rep groups held booths and brought in numerous exhibitors and attendees.

33 years strong!!! Western Buying Conference 2018

WBC’s sold-out floor on Sunday and Monday made this year’s show floor the place to be. The party Sunday night was packed with people, food, drinks and dancing with music provided by DJ Erio. Then, it was back to business as usual on Monday as many exhibitors closed deals with attendees before show’s end. WBC would like to thank everyone for their support in making WBC 2018 a greatly attended and a widely successful show AGAIN this year.

72 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
Show Coverage
Article and above image courtesy of The Kirschner Group Garrett Wright of Jinny Corp. with Bethany Crellin of Sparks and Harlan Kirschner of the Kirschner Group
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 73
Steve Ma and James Lee of Jinny Corp. attended the Western Buying Conference. Xtreme Beauty International booth Helen of Troy booth American International Industries booth. Jane Rossi of Manic Panic. Wahl booth Sue Seok of Jinny Corp. and Nicole Freeman of The Freeman Group smiled for the camera at hte conference.
OFFER ENDS MARCH 31, 2018 SPECIAL OFFER BUY 3 CASES MIX & MATCH JANE CARTER PRODUCTS JCS1009, 1016, 1023, 1030, 1047, 1054, 1061, 1078, 1092, 1108, 1115, 1139, 1146, 1160, 1177, 1825, 2150) FREE GET 1 CASE REVIT LEAVE-IN-COND OR 1 CASE OF WRAP & ROLLFREE (JCS1078, JCS1061)

Bronner Bros.



ATLANTA - The nation’s most diverse mix of salon and barber professionals converged for three days of education, competitions, networking and entertainment

The 71st Bronner Bros. Mid-winter Beauty Show was held on February 10-12 at the World Congress Center in Atlanta.

Renowned as one of the nation’s largest gatherings of stylists, barbers, exhibitors and beauty enthusiasts, the event attracted more than 35,000 attendees and exhibitors. Among those exhibitors was Jinny Corp.’s Urban Beauty - a vendor whose booth drew massive crowds throughout the event.

More than 52 hair stylists, locticians and models were featured on their stage, providing product demonstrations and sales assistance to prospective customers. From the crochet Faux Goddess Locs to

Queen B Braiding Hair, some of the brand’s popular styles were available to purchase and install. Even reality show celebrity, Lovely Mimi of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” attended to have her hair braided with the coveted hair.

There were also multiple contests taking place throughout the event, from the Andis Total Look Barbering Competition to the Champion of Weaves. Celebrities such as Keyshia Ka’Oir, Waka Flacka, Tammy Rivera and more were also in attendance.

For information on the latest news about the Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show, visit www.bronnerbros.com.

Images courtesy of Craig Wood of Luxum Studios.

82 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 83
Lovely Mimi of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” made an appearance at the Urban Beauty booth. Urban Beauty Models Share the brand’s hashtag. The Urban Beauty Booth Platform stylists provided product demonstration at the Urban Beauty booth.
84 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
JBS Hair staff assisted customers. Throngs of attendees flocked to the Urban Beauty booth. Lovely Mimi showed off her Urban Beauty hairstyle. Jessica De Vault Hale of OTC Beauty Magazine interviewed Lovely Mimi of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta”. Chloe Lee of JBS Hair assisted customers, while stylists gave product demonstrations on stage.

Thousands of attendees lined up to enter the

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 85
Bronner Bros. show. Platform Stylist August Snow and Sedric Lanard. Platform stylists used Queen B braiding hair for their product demonstrations. Lovely Mimi shows off her Urban Beauty Hair with the brand models.
86 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
A platform tylist offers a product demonstration for a customer. Stylist Aissa of Curlz Hair Salon at the Urban Beauty booth. Chloe Lee of JBS Hair spoke with a customer about Urban Beauty Hair. Grace Seong of JBS Hair assisted customers. Platform stylists created new looks on the Urban Beauty stage. Vendor models were seen throughout the beauty show.
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 87
Attendees came to Bronner Bros. in style. Intern Khalia Dunn had her hair blown out at the Farouk Systems booth. Celebrity Keyshia Ka’oir posed for the camera at her booth. A hair artist shows off his creation for one of the Bronner Bros. competitions. The staff at GIBS Grooming. Reality show star Kenya Moore of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” was seen at her booth for Kenya Moore Haircare.
88 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
Ashli and Gabby Darrington, Andre and Courtney Jones promoted Ecoco’s newest product. Anthony was happy to assist attendees at the American International Industries booth. A platform stylist offers a quick seminar at the Babyliss stage. Shane Choi and John Rim of R&R Corp. flank their two brand ambassadors at the R&R Corp. booth. Andis Brand Educator Kenny Duncan gave a product demonstration at the Andis booth.
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 89
Scott Jablowski at the Wahl booth. The Bronner Bros. retail booth. Tricia Sneed of Amprogel. Solita Parrish of Taliah Waajid. Platform stylists educate passersby at the Wahl booth. Keyshia Ka’oir takes a selfie with a fan. A staff member at the Bronner Bros. booth

Boost Barbering Sales with Better Product Placement CLIPPER TIPS

One of the common problems for independent beauty supply owners is theft. Especially from higher-priced items such as clippers and trimmers. While theft is certainly a real problem for store owners, as a shopper who is also a professional barber, I sometimes question whether more money is lost in potential sales as a result of poor product placement within the store.

For example, I’m the type of shopper that walks into a store intending to spend $20 but because of seeing a new product or display I end up spending $100 in a short amount of time – and I don’t think I am alone in that regard. In my opinion, strategic product placement should trump theft prevention with complimentary tools always being displayed together.

For example, if the Andis T-Outliner is valued enough for you to want to place it in a visible location that reduces theft, also consider placing Andis Cool Care Plus, clipper oil and cleaning brushes in the same display area. Or consider moving a lockable display to a higher traffic area. The goal with strategic product placement is to up-sell each customer, capitalizing on those impulse buyers.

In my experience consulting with store owners, I’ve found that better product placements will lead to increased items per sale and provide more flexibility to invest in newer items that can be included in the “impulse buy” category. Take the Andis Easy Trim Personal Trimmer or the Easy Trim 2 Cord/Cordless Trimmer – both tools are versatile, affordable products perfect for men and women alike. If these are displayed near checkout, in plain sight they would interest the person who might not be shopping for a personal grooming tool, but will clearly see the need for it.

Strategic product placements are the ideal way to create impulse buying opportunities for your customers, which in turn will help increase sales that could earn higher profits than product placements that are designed to only prevent theft. That thought process prevents merchants from achieving higher sales, too.

For more information on new Andis professional tools, visit andis.com today.

90 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 Advertisement
Kenny Duncan is a nationally known barber, stylist and educator, as well as co-owner of a 12-chair salon— Main Attraction Unisex Salon— based in Philadelphia. He is the barber for several Grammy Awardwinning artists and has toured the world as the barber for the Lady Gaga production team. Kenny’s styling work has also appeared in films such as “Fantastic Four” and “Creed” starring Michael B. Jordan. He is currently the Lead Educator for Andis Company.


The Ultra Supreme Shading of 2018

Each year there is an evaluation of shades and hues that represent the sentiment and temperament of the nation. Are we feeling vibrant or subdued? Do we feel spiritual or pragmatic? Will consumers be boastful or demure? The Color of the Year represents the mood of the year. The selected color is chosen from nearly 2000 choices. This color will drive interior design, fashion, and ultimately beauty. This year’s shade is a regal Ultra Violet. Ultra-violet is a whimsical and versatile shade of purple. It will unfold in a range of plums, mauves, grape and mulberry. It may sound like a deep, dark color statement. However, designers are showing it off in rich, sophisticated hair and makeup techniques. It offers a ton of flexibility, either by going richer, lighter or muted. The shade is forecasted to be used in sophisticated beauty techniques. Once the consumer has embraced the shade of the year, they will select shades to complement its use. Most consumers will be led from the clothing store to the OTC with an idea of how to alter their makeup and hair style to be in the trend. The color impact may take place all at once or may gradually hit the shelves. Ultra Violet will show up in a variety of product forms in hair care, cosmetics and, of course, nail care. Its selection is just the starting point. A major trend for 2018 will be violet hues in hair, either a solid bold shade or a range of shades that blend or contrast with a lead color like Ultra Violet. Cosmetics and nail products will continue to embrace shades of purple. Customers will find a range of Ultra Violet shades that can take them from subdued to supreme in their spirit and their temperament.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skincare and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.

92 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 93
94 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 FREE ITEM RR39832 OFFER ENDS MARCH 31, 2018 SPECIAL OFFER BUY 3 CASES OF ANY CNI STYLING ITEMS (RR39845, RR39766, RR39771, RR39769, RR39770, RR39768) FREE GET 1 CASE OF CNI STYLING 24HR EDGE TAMER (RR39832)

Another First: Wahl Professional Launches Wahl Select Barbers

Program to Build Upon Success of Wahl Professional Ambassador Initiative

Sterling, Ill. (February 13, 2018) Artists, educators, innovators and social media influencers all-in-one. Successful barbers and stylists are as well rounded as their blades are sharp.

Wahl Professional will recognize the efforts of those who are truly relentless in their passionate pursuit as artists and ambassadors with the new Wahl Select Barbers program, the applications for which can be submitted starting today.

Those selected will receive at least one new Wahl Professional product each month to test or review, have their content shared by the Wahl Professional social media team, and strengthen their consideration for a position on the Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.).

“This is an amazing opportunity not only to test out what’s new from Wahl, but to potentially join our outstanding Wahl Education and Artistic Team,” said Aaron Flick, Senior Marketing Associate, Professional Division, Wahl Clipper Corporation. “(We want) to build a community, provide more knowledge on Wahl tools and education, and to look for artists who are loyal to the Wahl brand. This new tier of the Ambassador Program will take them to the next level.”

apart based upon a specific set of criteria: knowledge of Wahl Professional tools, a passion for educating other artists, an active Instagram presence, and an output of consistent high-quality content.

Anyone who is a licensed barber or stylist and a member of the Wahl Professional Ambassador program is eligible to apply.

But, as the name implies, Wahl Select Barbers will set themselves

The last two points are of special merit.

“Wahl Professional strives for quality and the artists selected will be of the highest quality in both their content creation and professionalism,” explains Flick.

Wahl Professional will choose 10 artists to hold the distinction of being recognized as a Wahl Select Barber. More openings will occur upon possible advancement of Wahl Selects to become part of W.E.A.T., or as other circumstances arise.

Selects will be notified of their honor via the Wahl Ambassador program two weeks after their submission is received.

Current Wahl Professional Ambassadors will receive an e-mail inviting them to apply. Those who want to become an Ambassador to fulfill part of the qualification process, can sign up at http:// wahlpro.com/get-started/become-an-ambassador/.

As to plans for an expansion to the program?

“You never know what Wahl has in store,” said Flick.

in-cosmetics Global in Amsterdam to host seminars on global haircare trends and more

The leading personal care ingredients event will focus on R&D at its event in The Netherlands from April 17-19

R&D professionals the world over will gather at RAI Amsterdam from on April 17-19 to benefit from in-cosmetics Global’s unmissable one-stop-shop of networking, knowledge transfer and technical tips for the next formulations.

Around 95% of exhibitors are international and will be on hand with their latest ingredients. They will be complemented by an exciting educational programme, featuring prominent speakers from across the globe and an unmatched array of interactive areas on the show floor. Among those speakers is Iliyana Mesheva, an associate analyst at GlobalData, who will teach the upcoming seminar “Trends and Opportunities Across the Global Haircare Landscape” in the Marketing Trends Theatre on April 17.

For her seminar, she plans to “provide an insight into the latest global trends and consumer preferences shaping today’s ever-changing haircare space. In particular, this presentation will look into the key consumer drivers behind these trends and the main consumer groups brands ought to target,” Mesheva said. “It will also explore interesting product launches from across the world, to highlight innovation opportunities that will ensure brands stay on trend.”

“This trend is being driven by heightened image-consciousness as the hair’s importance to contributing to overall appearance is increasingly seen as being on-par to that of the skin. Therefore, motivated by consumers’ increased attentiveness towards their hair and scalp health, haircare brands are beginning to take the same targeted approach as their skincare counterparts, encouraging consumers to adapt their haircare regimens according to their individual needs and appearance-related goals,” she said.

Some of the trends she’ll be touching on will include the growing multi-step haircare regimen – a concept that takes its influence from South Korea’s K-beauty skincare routines.

Treating hair like skin is the next frontier for the beauty industry. From scalp scrubs to masks, there will be no shortage of unique products to mimic skincare for the hair.

“Striving for healthier - and in turn more beautiful - hair, consumers are viewing hair as an extension of the skin, and seek to give it similar levels of attention and care,” Mesheva said. “In fact, based on GlobalData’s 2016 primary consumer research, following an elaborate multi-step regimen concept appeals to 42% of consumers globally who express willingness to increase the number of products used in their beauty routine in order to improve their appearance.”

To register for this seminar at in-cosmetics Global in Amsterdam, visit in-cosmetics.com/global

96 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 Industry News
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 97


First of its kind activation for a beauty exhibition

Las Vegas, NV (January 23, 2018) – Cosmoprof North America (CPNA), the only all-encompassing, award winning, business-tobusiness beauty event in North America, is proud to announce a special collaboration with LA Fashion Week (LAFW), the official fashion week of Los Angeles. CPNA, always seeks out innovative and complimentary collaborations, and has once again created a solid intiative never before done by a beauty exhibition. Recognized as the breeding ground of cool indie beauty and fashion labels, Los Angels offers the right elements for such a parntership whereby niche sought after beauty and fashion labels are on display together for this unique cultural event showcasing fall 2018 trends.

“It is no secret that fashion and beauty are inherently linked,” says Daniela Ciocan, Marketing Director at CPNA. “We are thrilled to partner with LAFW to further combine these two worlds and give guests an exculsive look at the upcoming brands on display at CPNA and allow small beauty brands the opportunity to be present at LAFW through their affiliation with us.”

VIPs attending LAFW shows and installations will be treated to a taste of CPNA indie beauty brands through the show’s coveted curated limited-edition BOUTIQUE beauty boxes; featuring new to

market beauty products. This exclusive opportunity gives LAFW VIPs a rare peek inside the global beauty exhibition, not open to the public, where up-and-coming brands are discovered. The limited edition beauty box, created by HCT Packaging, a leading packaging supplier for the cosmetics industry, includes over $200 in sought after products from several leading brands including: Eve Pearl Brands, Pink Pewter, My Skin & CO, Hue For Every Man and Royal Apothic. Participating exhibitors in this program benefit from a collaboration that takes their products from the show floor and into the hands of tastemakers, celebrities, influencers and media.

“LAFW and CPNA are both dedicated to raising the profile of new and emerging brands through the global lookinglass in a multisensory, showcase of what’s new and innovative,” says Arthur Chipman, Executive Producer, LAFW. “With so many celebrities, influencers and tastemakers at both our events, this collaboration brings tremendous value to everyone involved. We are thrilled to help indies get visibility and look forward to expanding the collaboration with CPNA in the future.”

For registration and show updates, please visit www. cosmoprofnorthamerica.com.

American International Industries Acquires Spilo Worldwide, Inc.

Los Angeles (January 12, 2018) – American International Industries

(A.I.I.), a leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of beauty products, today announced its acquisition of Spilo Worldwide, Inc. The acquisition encompasses the entire Spilo family of brands which include ColorMode, Master Barber, Mehaz Professional, Rubis of Switzerland, ToolWorx and many others.

“Spilo is an icon in the professional beauty industry, one that I’ve admired since I first started in the business almost 50 years ago,” said Zvi Ryzman, president of A.I.I. “We are committed to the development of the Spilo family of brands and will provide the support needed to grow them. We are confident combining these two organizations will strengthen the market position and growth of the brands while also expanding our position as a leader in the professional beauty industry.”

Marc Spilo, current CEO of Spilo, will continue to support the Spilo

family of brands through the transition and thereafter.

Details of the acquisition are not available.

About American International Industries

For 45 years, A.I.I. has been the leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of innovative, quality beauty and skin care products for men and women. Our product lines include Andrea, Ardell, Body Drench, Bye Bye Blemish, BWild, Checi, China Glaze, Clean + Easy, Clubman-Pinaud, DUO, European Secrets, EzFlow, Fright Night, Gelaze, Gena, GiGi, Gypsy Lash, Hollywood Fashion Secrets, IBD, Jeris-Lustray, Jerome Russell, LASH beLONG, Model in a Bottle, Nail Tek, No Tweeze/Micro Tweeze, ‘N Rage, Prolinc, Punky Colour, RAW, Salon Perfect, Seche, SuperNail, Surgi-Care, Waterworks, Winning Nails, Woltra, Woody’s, and Youthair. For more information, visit our website: www.aiibeauty.com.

98 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 Industry News

Fantasia Industries Corporation / Agadir International, LLC

Sadly Announces the Passing of their President and Co-Founder, Paul Bogosian

Fantasia Industries Corporation / Agadir International, LLC • sadly announce the passing of their President and Co-Founder, Paul Bogosian on January 20th, 2018.

Born in Providence, Rhode Island, Mr. Bogosian grew up in New York City. After serving in WWII, he attended hairdressing school. He and his brother, Archie, Co-Founder, purchased their first salon in Manhattan, NY, under the name; Fantasia. Following years of success and growth, with multiple salons in New York, the Bogosian brothers geared their talents into manufacturing. 54 years ago, Fantasia Industries Corporation began as a small, professional, hair care company. Today, Fantasia Industries, together with their professional company; Agadir International are marketed worldwide, serving both the professional and consumer customer clientele.

The Bogosian family, including Paul’s son, Jack who serves as Executive Vice President states that Fantasia is grieving now, but is committed to continue his Dad’s dream of developing and improving hair care products for all.

Paul is survived by his loving children and grandchildren. He was predeceased by his loving wife, Amelia in 2017.


David Stanko is the new vice president, technical design and education, for hair color brand Madison Reed. Previously, he was a master colorist and brand ambassador for Redken 5th Avenue NYC.

For more than 21 years, David played a pivotal role in Redken’s global product launches, including educating and inspiring hair color professionals around the world. David is a major talent acquisition for Madison Reed and the most recent milestone in the company’s momentum. Madison Reed recently announced $25 million in venture capital funding—led by Comcast Ventures —to fund the national expansion of Madison Reed Color Bars.

“We are at a pivotal moment in our company,” says Madison Reed CEO and Founder Amy Errett. “It is a huge honor to have an educator of David’s caliber join us full time. He will ensure our clients continue to have a phenomenal, prestige experience while we quickly grow the company. Meanwhile, David’s formula acumen and artistry are incredible resources for our team, as we expand our product portfolio.”


L’Oréal has been recognized for its worldwide leadership in sustainability, ranking as the topperforming global company and best-performing personal products company on Newsweek’s 2017 Global 500 Green Rankings. Through its global sustainability program, Sharing Beauty With All, L’Oréal is reducing its environmental footprint, strengthening its positive social impacts and transforming how it operates, innovates, designs and manufactures its products.

Cosmoprof North America was honored for best Print Advertising Campaign at The International Association of Exhibitions and Events Art of the Show competition. “The 2017 print campaign set out to bridge the global events (Las Vegas, Hong Kong and Bologna) while representing unity and diversity in the beauty industry,” says Daniela Ciocan, CPNA marketing director. CPNA will take place in Las Vegas on July 29- 31. Visit cosmoprofnorthamerica.com.


Leandro P. Rizzuto, co-founder with his parents and chairman of the board for Conair Corporation, has died after a long and difficult fight with pancreatic cancer.

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of our leader,” says Ronald T. Diamond, president of Conair Corporation. “Mr. Rizzuto was a man who loved life and people and deeply loved our company. He was our leader, mentor and teacher, encouraging those around him to always strive to do more than we thought we could do, and be greater than we thought we could be.” Ronald says that the company will honor Lee by continuing to develop innovative new products that use emerging technology to improve the everyday lives and businesses of Conair’s consumer and professional customers all over the world.

“It is what Lee would want us to do,” says Ronald, “and we’ll do it!” The entire team of the worldwide Conair Corporation extends its sincerest condolences to Lee’s four children and the entire Rizzuto family. Lee founded Conair with his parents in 1959. Over the past 58 years, he and his family grew the small hair appliance and hair care company into a multinational corporation. Today, Conair is marketed in over 125 countries, together with its BaByliss, Cuisinart, Waring and many other brands.

The Rizzuto family is committed to continuing the business and gives thanks for the overwhelming number of heartfelt condolences from around the world.

100 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 BIR Bits
David Stanko Leandro P. Rizzuto




March 1

CEW: Beauty Insider Awards Product Demo New York, NY cew.org

March 4 Beauty & Barbers United Expo & Awards Raleigh, NC bbuawards.com

March 4-5

Professional Beauty Cape Town Cape Town, South Africa probeauty.co.za

March 4-5 Keune Next Level Cutting Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

March 4-6

March 5-6

International Beauty Show (IBS) New York New York, NY 877-398-6938, ibsnewyork.com

Professional Beauty Bengaluru Bengaluru, India professionalbeauty.in

March 9-11 Beauty International Dusseldorf Dusseldorf, Germany www.beauty.de

March 10-12 China International Beauty Expo Spring Guangzhou, China chinainternationalbeauty.com

March 11-12 Keune Next Level Cutting Chicago, IL and Scottsdale, AZ keuneeducation.com

March 11-16 Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia Moscow, Russia mbfashionweek.com

March 15-19 Cosmoprof Worldwide & Cosmopack Bologna, Italy cosmoprof.it

March 16 ICMAD Reception at Cosmoprof Royal Carlton Hotel, Bologna, Italy icmad.org

March 18-19 Keune Cut & Color Collaborative Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

March 18-19 Spectrum International Beauty Expo Los Angeles, CA 310-680-7367 , sibe.us

March 19 Allied Beauty Show: Montreal Montreal, QC, Canada 905-568-0158, ext. 205, abacanada.com

March 22-25 Beauty & Care Istanbul, Turkey https://10times.com/beauty-forum-istanbul

March 24-25 Beauty Expo Melbourne Melbourne, Australia http://www.beautyexpomelbourne.com.au/

March 25-26 Mid-Atlantic Fashion Focus National Harbor, MD fashion-focus.net

March 25-26 Allied Beauty Show: Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada 905-568-0158, ext. 205, abacanada.com


April 2-3 Professional Beauty Kolkata Kolkata, India professionalbeauty.in

April 5 Ulta Beauty 2018 GM Conference Houston, TX ulta.com

April 7-8 Evolve Fargo Fargo, ND http://www.cosmoprofbeauty.com/ showsandevents

April 8 NailPro Pasadena Pasadena, CA nailpropasadena.com

April 8-9 Keune The Creative Process Atlanta, GA keuneeducation.com

April 18-20 Scruples Global Design Artistry Lakeville, MN scrupleshaircare/education.com

April 19-20 Int’l Meeting on Cosmetology & Trichology Dubai, UAE scientificfederation.com/cosmetology-2018/

April 19-21 Cosmobeauté Vietnam

Phu My Hung, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam www.cosmobeauteasia.com

April 21-22 CT Barber Expo Hartford, CT https://ctbarberexpo.com/

April 21-22 21st Taliah Waajid: World Natural Hair Atlanta, GA naturalhairshow.org

April 21-22 International Beauty Forum 2018 Leipzig, Germany beauty-fairs.de

April 21-23 Intercoiffure Spring Atelier Memphis, TN 800-442-3007, intercoiffure.com

April 21-23 American Hair Loss Council Nashville, TN https://www.ahlc.org/annualconference/

April 21-24 Natl. Assoc. of Chain Drug Stores Meeting Palm Beach, FL nacds.org

April 22-23 Scottish Hair & Beauty 2018 Glasgow, Scotland scottishbeautyshow.com

April 22-23 Natural & Organic Products Europe London, England http://www.naturalproducts.co.uk

April 25-26 Makeup in Seoul Seoul, South Korea https://makeup-in-seoul.com

April 25-28 25th Iran Beauty and Clean Tehran, Iran http://www.spnco.net/

April 28 Beauty Supply Summit 2018 Atlanta, GA beautysupplyconference.com

April 28-30 America’s Beauty Show Chicago, IL 800-648-2506, americasbeautyshow.com

April 28-30 Int’l. Esthetics, Cosmetics & Spa Conference Chicago, IL 800-498-6984, iecsc.com

April 29 4th Annual Glitz & Glam Hair/Barber Show Decatur, GA


April 29-May 1 Sport Clips Annual National Huddle San Antonio, TX sportclips.com

April 29-May 2 Strategies Incubator Centerbrook, CT strategies.com

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 101
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Store name Address Jinny Invoice Number Date Signature Phone I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4. You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases. *Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit. ATLANTA 1-800-936-8733 BALTIMORE 1-855-299-6909 CHICAGO 1-800-535-6110 DALLAS
LOS ANGELES 1-877-644-0167 MEMPHIS 1-844-525-4669 MIAMI 1-866-616-3200 NEW YORK 1-855-261-3015 New Jersey 1-844-358-8967 ST. LOUIS 1-844-544-5200 Store name Address Jinny Invoice Number Date Signature Phone I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4. You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases. *Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit. ATLANTA
DETROIT 1-844-421-9736 HOUSTON 1-713-343-5636 LOS ANGELES 1-877-644-0167 MEMPHIS 1-844-525-4669 MIAMI 1-866-616-3200 NEW YORK 1-855-261-3015 New Jersey 1-844-358-8967 ST. LOUIS 1-844-544-5200 Store name Address Jinny Invoice Number Date Signature Phone I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4. You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases. *Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit. ATLANTA 1-800-936-8733 BALTIMORE 1-855-299-6909 CHICAGO 1-800-535-6110 DALLAS 1-800-925-4669 DETROIT 1-844-421-9736 HOUSTON 1-713-343-5636 LOS ANGELES 1-877-644-0167 MEMPHIS 1-844-525-4669 MIAMI 1-866-616-3200 NEW YORK 1-855-261-3015 New Jersey 1-844-358-8967 ST. LOUIS 1-844-544-5200



108 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
Concept 3, 41 www.afamconcept.com American International Industries .............................................. 49 www.aiibeauty.com Ampro Industries 40
Andis Co. ............................................................................................. 91 www.andis.com Beauty Perfection 19 www.shopbeautyperfection.com Brock Beauty 43 www.brockbeauty.com
Daughter 39
9, Poster
World Products........ 68 and 92
Fantasia Ind. 29 and 99
GIBS Grooming ...................................................................................... 5 www.gibsgrooming.com Gold ‘N Hot 55
Helen of Troy ....................................................................................... 45
House of Cheatham 51 www.houseofcheatham.com Innovative Beauty Products, LLC 15 www.godefroybeauty.com Inspired Beauty Brands 17 www.inspiredbeauty.com Jane Carter Solution 21 www.janecartersolution.com JBS Hair 24, 56, 57, 61, 62 and 102 www.jbshair.com KAB Brands 27 www.aphogee.com Kaleidoscope Hair Products 31 www.iluvcolors.com L’Oreal Technique ............................................................................. 23 www.lorealusa.com M&M Products 53 www.mmproducts.com Mane Selection ................................................................... 36 and 90 www.maneselection.com Murray’s Worldwide 93 www.murrayspomade.com Namaste Laboratories 37 www.orshaircare.net Nature’s Protein 63 www.jstrickland.net PDC Brands Back Cover www.cantubeauty.com Queen Helene 28 and 46 www.queenhelene.com
of Nature) Cover and 59
Roux Laboratories .............................................Inside Front Cover
Segmented Marketing Services, Inc 32
Softsheen-Carson ......................... 25,69
Inside Back Cover
Sundial Brands 7
Wahl 97 www.xbi.co Xtreme Beauty International 10-11 and 47
www.carolsdaughter.com Coty
www.wella.com Dream
www.xbi.co Ad
FREE ITEM LR687 OFFER ENDS MARCH 31, 2018 SPECIAL OFFER Buy four (4) cases mix & match of Pink Kids Shampoo, Conditioner, Detangler, Curling Crème, Custard, Detangling Spray
FREE Get One (1) case (6pcs) Detangling Spray
(LR682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687)

Let your voice be heard!

In this segment, OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it via email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

• What are the most popular hair colors at your store?

당신의 상점에서 가장 인기있는 헤어 컬러는 무엇입니까?

• What are customers’ biggest complaints when it comes to maintaining their colored hair?

염색한 헤어를 유지하는데 있어 고객들의 가장 큰 불만은 무엇입니까?

• Are colored extensions and wigs popular sellers at your store?

여러분의 스토어에선 컬러플한 익스텐션과 가발이 인기 제품인가요?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication.

보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써,

감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

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Store Name (상호명) ___________________________________ State (주)

Mail this form to: ( 보내실곳 : ) OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340

Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com

110 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018
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Reader Feedback

Dark & Lovely Go Intense Sprays

Color Sprays Ultra-Vibrant Temporary Hair Color

The first ultra-pigmented temporary color spray that pops on your texture and curls. Get 100% color impact on the darkest hair with 0% commitment to permanent bleaches and dyes.

• ROSE GOLD shines warm and metallic through any crowd. This cinnamon luxe was made for leading ladies like you.

• BOMBSHELL BLUE brings you cool sapphire shades for a stand-out ‘do. Look out, bae watch. Your ocean-inspired coif is making waves.

• LUCKY LAVENDER puts a passionate pastel on full display. Toss your bouquet of floral tresses from side to side. This lusciously soft purple will make you want to say ‘I do.’

• MINT CONDITION elevates your game with a fresh, frosty jade. If this vivacious green is in your hair, trust that envy is in the air.

• PRETTY IN PINK tints your world a rosy shade of fierce. Nothing says style and confidence more than this stellar blush-crush of a color.

• GOLD RUSH transforms your hairstyle into all that glitters. Feel your halo in its tawny, gilded glory.

• SILVER LINING really brings out the shiny, sultry best of any situation. This electric chrome will put your whole look on point.

112 OTC Beauty Magazine March 2018 Product Spotlight

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