April 2014 OTC

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April 2014| $6.00 The Nail Issue


Necessities Ecoco Inc.

Manufacturer Profile

OTC Store Interview Inside Baya Beauty Supply – FL

8 Simple Stressbusters ISSE Long Beach Coverage

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CONTENTS April2014 in this issue

Editorial Letter ����������������������10 The Perfect Polish 완벽한 매니큐어

Expert Advice �����������������������12 Basics for a Perfect Manicure

Marketplace �������������������������18 Pampered and Pretty

How Should You Sell It? �������24 Pressing Combs

어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 프레싱 콤(Pressing comb) 입니다!

Urban Call Briefs ������������������47

Feature Article

Salon Sterilization �����������������66 by Joseph Giovinco

Salon sterilization practices have improved dramatically over the years. Education and technology have both played a key role in driving awareness about the dangers of providing salon services without proper sterilization techniques. The best defense for salon safety is educating the public, and following the advice in this article will help lead to a safer and more hygienic visit to nail salons everywhere.

살롱 살균 미용실 살균 작업은 지난 몇 년간 극적으로 개선되어 왔다. 교육과 기술은 적절한 살균 기술 없이 미용 서비스를 제공하는 것의 위험성에 대한 경각심을 일깨워주는 주된 역할을 하고 있다. 살롱 위생에 가장 안전하게 대처하는 방법은, 대중을 교육시키는 것인데, 이 기사가 여러분에게 많은 도움이 될 것이다.

Connecting with Your Most Important Consumers: Part IV

King of Locs..........................63 Best Care for Nails

Clipper Tips ��������������������������80 Finding the Right Hair Dryer

Therapy Trends ���������������������82 Great Nails Go Undercover

Retailer Profile Baya Beauty Supply Lake City, FL �������������������������� 74 by Tony Bae

운은 준비된 자에게 따르는 것입니다.

Tonsorial Times .................... 84 Your Big Idea, “STOLEN!”

업계소식................................ 92

Jinny News ��������������������������98 Industry News ������������������ 100 Coupons ��������������������������� 105 Show Calendar ����������������� 108 Ad Index ��������������������������� 108 Reader Feedback ��������������� 110 Product Spotlight �������������� 112 Creme of Nature Argan Oil From Morocco for Natural Hair


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

On The Cover

SoftSheen-Carson invites customers to experience the timeless hold of day-tonight styles created with Amla Legend OilInfused Styling Products in their Optimum Salon Haircare line. This new innovation taps into the secret of creating beautiful hair through the use of Legendary Amla Oil from India. It has long been used to enhance long, full and shiny hair. Learn more at www.softsheen-carson.com.

CONTENTS April 2014 Knowledge To Know Finished Product

Relaxers: Debunking the Myth ����������������������� 30 Fragile Nails: Causes and by Cindy Tawiah Treatments ������������������������������������ 36 With the creation of mild no lye relaxers, women happily grabbed boxes of relaxer and by Naomi Andrews

Have you ever noticed your physician looking at your nails during your regular checkup? If so, it’s because they are good indicators of your overall health. In this article Naomi offers tips on how to keep healthy nails and a healthy body.

부러지기 쉬운 손톱의 원인과 치료 여러분의 손톱 관리사가 여러분의 손톱을 자세히 들여다 보는 것을 본적이 있습니까? 그들이 먼저 보는 것은 여러분의 손톱 건강입니다. 이번 기사에서 Naomi 씨는 여러분의 손톱청결로 건강을 지키는 법을 알려주었습니다.

How to Fix Dry Cuticles for Better Nail Health ���������������������� 40 by Pauline Downie

Good fingernail care is a must! Your cuticles could be stopping you from growing your fingernails. If your cuticles are overgrown this will stunt fingernail growth, and also cause hangnails. Keeping your cuticles in shape not only helps the condition of your fingernails, but also the overall appearance of your hands.

건강한 손톱을 위한 건조한 큐티클 관리 방법 큐티클 건강은 반드시 챙겨야 한다! 큐티클이 손톱 성장을 방해할 수도 있다. 만일 큐티클이 너무 많이 자라게 되면 손톱이 자라는 것을 방해하게 되고, 손거스러미를 생기게 한다. 큐티클의 모양을 일정하게 유지하는 것은 손톱 상태에도 도움이 될 뿐 아니라, 전체적인 손 모양에도 영향을 주는 것이다.

conveniently applied the chemicals at home to save money. When their hair became dry, brittle, and began to shed they could not understand why their hair did not look like the models on the boxes. Cindy explains why this happened here.

Business Tips

8 Simple Stressbusters ��������������������������������������������������52 by Henry S. Miller Got stress? Stress is a part of a normal life that you can’t really avoid. The good news? You have more power than you realize to control stress before it prevents you from living the life you want to lead. Here are 8 simple stressbusters to help you.

8 가지 간단한 스트레스 해소 방법 스트레스가 있는가? 스트레스는 당신이 피할 수 없는 일상적인 생활의 일부이다. 좋은 소식은? 당신은 스트레스가 당신의 생활을 방해하기 전에 그것을 조절할 수 있는 힘을 갖고 있으며 그것은 당신이 아는 것보다 더욱 강력하다. 여기 당신에게 도움이 될 8가지의 간단한 스트레스 해소법이 있다.

Retail Lighting Options ���������������������������������������������� 56 by Ron Maier Changing the look of your retail store can be as easy as changing the lighting. Lighting can make a big difference in the look and feel of your store. It can also make a difference in your customer’s buying mood and impression of your inventory. Take note of the information here and see how it can apply to your store.

매장 조명 옵션 여러분의 매장 환경을 바꾸는 것은, 조명을 바꾸는 것으로도 쉽게 할 수 있다. 조명은 매장의 모습과 느낌을 아주 다르게 만들 수 있다. 또한 고객들의 구매 심리와 제품에 대한 인상을 바꿀 수도 있다. 이 기사를 읽고 여러분의 매장에 어떻게 적용할 수 있을지를 생각해 보자.

Manufacturer Profile Show Coverage Ecoco Inc. ������������������������������������ 70 ISSE Long Beach ������������� 88 Much like the success of Ecoco, Inc., the beauty industry is constantly growing. “It’s a beautiful, clean, honest business with wonderful people. The sky’s the limit in the beauty business, and the possibilities are endless to what you can accomplish,” declared Aaron Tiram, founder of Ecoco. OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with Tiram to learn more about how the company grew from one man’s dream to the company it is today. Ecoco 주식회사의 성공처럼, 뷰티 산업은 지속적으로 성장하고 있다. “멋진 사람들과의 아름답고, 깨끗하며 정직한 비즈니스입니다. 뷰티 산업에 있어 제한은 없습니다. 여러분은 무한한 가능성을 가지고 성공을 이뤄낼 수 있습니다.” Ecoco 주식회사의 설립자인 Aaron Tiram이 말한다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 Tiram과 얘기를 나누면서 한 사람의 꿈으로부터 오늘날의 기업으로 어떻게 성장했는지에 대해 더욱 자세히 알아봤다.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

Produced by the Professional Beauty Association (PBA), the 2014 International Salon and Spa Expo Long Beach (ISSE Long Beach) continues to be the West Coast’s largest and most influential total beauty event. An energetic crowd of nearly 40,000 beauty professionals from around the world attended the show, January 25-27 at California’s Long Beach Convention Center.


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com

Earl Cole

Art Director:


Advertising & Sales Coordinator:


Contributing Writers:

Naomi Andrews Pauline Downie Joseph Giovinco Cyrus Jackson Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Ron Maier Henry S. Miller Cindy Tawiah


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

Editorial Letter

The Perfect Polish 완벽한 매니큐어


ach time your customers visit the nail salon is different. From the reason they are visiting (gearing up for a special event, or just for a little routine pampering) to the ser vices and polish color they choose, it is always unique, even if only in a small way. Thinking of this dynamic made me realize that the information within the covers of OTC Beauty Magazine is much like the ser vices available in nail salons. Essentially ever y patron gets the same thing out of it; pretty nails from the salon, and a more informed view on your business and the beauty industr y as a whole from the magazine. However, each reader will take the knowledge they gain and use it differently. From the products in the Marketplace you choose to carr y in your store (see page 18) to the lighting options you plan to utilize in your store (page 56), ever yone will use it uniquely. And that, my friends, is beautiful. Our hope is that as you flip through this issue you find articles that enlighten your view on the nail care industr y as well as ones that enable you to educate customers on how to keep their nails, and their salon customers healthy. As always, if you have any suggestions on what you would like to learn about, feel free to let us know. We want to offer you just the right shade of polish you’re looking for.

러분의 고객들은 매번 네일 살롱을 방문할 때마다 다릅니다. 그들의 방문 목적부터(특별한 이벤트를 위한

준비, 혹은 약간의 일상적인 휴식을 위해서) 그들이 선택하는 서비스와 매니큐어 색상까지, 그것은 항상 독특하며, 심지어 아주 작은 방법에서도 늘 다릅니다.

이런 다양한 생각들이, OTC 뷰티 매거진이 담고

있는 내용들과 네일 살롱에서 사용할 수 있는 서비스들이 일치한다는 것을 깨닫게 했습니다. 네일 살롱에서 받을 수 있는 예쁜 네일 서비스나, 잡지를 통해, 여러분의 비즈니스와 미용 산업 전반에 관한 정보화된 시각과 같은, 기본적으로 모든 고객들은 무엇인가를 얻습니다. 그러나, 각 독자들은 그들이 얻은 지식들을 다르게 사용할 것입니다. 여러분이 마켓 플레이스에서 선택하여 여러분의 매장에서 취급하는 제품들(페이지18),





계획하는 조명 옵션(페이지56)까지, 각자 개성 있게 사용할 것입니다. 여러분, 그것은 아름다운 것입니다.

저희가 바라는 것은 여러분이 이번 호를 읽어보면서,

네일 케어 산업에 관한 시야를 넓히는 것은 물론, 고객들이 건강하게






교육하는데 도움이 되는 기사를 찾는것입니다. 언제나처럼, 좀 더 알고 싶은 것에 관해 제안하고 싶다면, 언제든지 알려 주세요. 저희는 여러분이 찾고 있는 바로 그 색상의 매니큐어를 제공할 것입니다.

Editor hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

June 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice

Basics for a

Perfect Manicure

Beautiful hands not only make you look attractive, they are also the mark of a well groomed person. A manicure well done with the right tools and implements by an experienced nail tech will keep your hands and nails well moisturized and in good health. As a nail tech it is essential you maintain the right supplies like implements, creams, soaking and dapper dishes, plenty of clean linen, gloves to do your clients’ manicure in the right manner, etc. Some essential tools and supplies that a good manicure will require are: •

Cuticle pusher/orangewood stick – to push back the translucent skin on the cuticle area

• • •

Nail clippers – for trimming the nails to the desired length Nail file or emery board – with a minimum grit of at least 240 for filing 3 way buffer – for buffing, shining and finishing your manicure. Especially for nails which are uneven the white, black and grey of the buffer are perfect to get the shine back on your nails. Soaking dish – to soak your client’s fingers in between the manicure processes Cuticle oil, moisturizers and exfoliators – for softening and smoothing the nails and hands during the manicure Aromatherapy oils – for massaging on the hands and relaxing the client during the manicure Top coat dryers – used to dry the top coat or enamel faster than just air drying naturally. This prevents the polish from damage and setting it evenly on the nail. Paraffin wax machine - this is used on very dry and dull hands to hydrate and moisturize them. It can also be used if the client wishes to simply indulge themselves in something extra special. Nail polish and nail bleach – base coat, enamel and top coat and the nail bleach composed of hydrogen peroxide to remove stains from over and under the nail plate. Clean towels and a neat work table – all add to the beginning of a good manicure

• • • • • • •

Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http://www.articlesbase.com/nails-articles/gel-nails-basics-for-a-perfect-manicure-1869507.html 12

OTC 2014 2008 OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine April December

April2008 2014 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December



OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December April 20142008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine


Pampered All of your customers deserve to feel pampered and pretty, and we have just the products to help them do just that. Nail beauty from tip to toe is definitely in style this season.



Pink Powder

You know that signature smell of a nail salon? Once you open the container of Pink Powder by Amazing Shine you will immediately feel like you are sitting in the chair, waiting on your manicure to begin. As a part of the acrylic nail system, it allows nail artists to create perfect acrylic nail designs with every use. www.amazingshinenails.com

In Awe of Aqua

Get ready to adorn your shelves with the fresh, vibrant shades of spring and summer! Nail color is a popular way for customers to celebrate the new seasons and Dream World offers an array of popular hues in their J Nail Lacquer brand. Color shown here is Aqua Blue. www.j2beauty.com 18

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

Smooth Soles

Ditch Dry Skin

Remove dry, rough skin in a snap with Gena Pedi Care lotion from American International Industries. This peppermint oil infused sloughing lotion is refreshing and non-abrasive as it smoothes away rough, dry surface skin on feet, hands, elbows and knees. Aloe moisturizes feet while offering soothing and calming benefits, and menthol (traditionally known as an antiseptic) cools and refreshes skin. www.genaspaproducts.com

As the sun starts shining bright and flip flops are dusted off for use, sometimes we notice that we haven’t taken care of our feet as well as we thought throughout the winter. After all, feet spend the majority of the chilly months in warm, fuzzy socks. Nevertheless, when it’s time to polish up feet for flaunting, look to Diane for their two-sided Foot file which removes calluses and smoothes skin. www.frommbeauty.com

Hydrated Hands

No manicure is complete without a proper hand massage with a nourishing lotion. The Olive Oil Body Lotion from Difeel Organics is formulated with organic olive oil that promotes the skin’s ability to hold in moisture and restores vital nutrients. It also treats the many signs of aging while offering deep conditioning for all skin types. www.sunflowercosmetics.com

Fancy Toes

Flip flop and open-toe heel weather is upon us, and your customers will be looking for ways to decorate their toenails and proudly show them off. Be sure to offer them Bling Nail Appliques from Nail Bliss™ to add just the sparkle they want. These appliques are customizable for easy creation of one-of-akind designs and are delightfully simple to apply and remove. www.nailbliss.com April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


M A R K E T PLACE Cuticle Care

Keeping cuticles in check is a vital part to any manicure, and DeMert makes it easy with their Creamy Cuticle Remover. This fast-acting cream works quickly to soften and remove cuticles. Make sure you have this in your store so they can keep their manicure stations complete. www.demertbrands.com

Better Shape Up

Whether short or long, squared off or rounded out, all nail shapes are beautiful when taken care of properly. Trimming nails is an important step to any nail routine, and Spilo wants to keep your customers equipped. Their Toolworx brand Nail Clipper is made for easy use when clipping nails for a neat, wellmanicured appearance. www.spilo.com

Start Fresh

Just as some outfits give you an undefeatable air of confidence whereas others offer pure comfort as you snuggle in for a movie night on the couch, what you wear can change your entire outlook of the world, at least for a day. The same is true for nail polish color. Offer your customers just what they need to start fresh with a new manicure color whenever they want with Marianna’s Professional Acetone Polish Remover. This large size is perfect for the salon owners who shop with you! www.mariannaind.com

Feel Like Dancing?

Startlet is excited to offer your customers one more way to get all dolled up to hit the town on Friday nights. Their new Dancing Nails are pre-glued nail sets that give users unique, ready-to-wear nails in minutes. Simply clean the natural nail, select the Starlet nail that fits best, press to apply, and enjoy! 20

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

Pressing Combs! Often times product terms within the beauty industry easily get confused. Two of these terms, “pressing comb” and “straightening comb,” seem to be intertwined, but one expert explains why they are very different. This knowledge is important for your customers to know, especially when purchasing a comb like this in your store.

What is the difference between a pressing comb and a straightening comb? There is no such apparatus as a straightening comb because it does not straighten hair at all. “Straightening comb” is slang terminology for “pressing comb.” A pressing comb separates and surrounds the hair evenly with heat by virtue of the teeth, then by using the back of the comb smoothes or presses the cuticle layers of the hair shaft from a flared-out position to a flat position against the body of the hair shaft. The only part of the hair shaft that is affected is the cuticle. The rest of the hair shaft is not stretched, straightened, rearranged or reformed in any way. If it were, we could then refer to this device as a straightening comb. Since all it does is press the cuticle flat against the hair shaft, then the correct referral for this tool is pressing comb, or thermal texturizing tool.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau, Founder Lloneau Products www.liquidgoldbonding.com

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the May issue! 24

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...

이번 달의 주제는 프레싱 콤(pressing comb) 입니다! 뷰티 관련 제품들은 가끔 무엇에 쓰이는 제품인지 잘 알 수 없는 경우가 있습니다. “프레싱 콤(pressing comb)과 스트레이트닝 콤(straightening comb)이 그러한 경우입니다. 여기에 전문가들이 그 다른 점을 설명해 주었습니다. 여러분의 스토어를 방문한 고객들에게 유용한 정보가 될 수 있을 것입니다.

프레싱 콤(pressing comb)과 스트레이트닝 콤 (straightening comb)의 차이점은 무엇입니까? 사실 스트레이트닝 콤이라는 것은 존재하지 않습니다. 왜냐하면 스트레이트닝 콤 자체로는 헤어를 전혀 곱게 펴주지를 못하기 때문입니다. “스트레이트닝 콤”은 “프레싱 콤”을 전문가들이 그렇게 부르는 것 뿐입니다. 프레싱 콤은 열을 가한 빗으로 모발을 일정하게 나누어주고, 빗의 뒤쪽으로 모발의 큐티클층(cuticle layer)을 눌러줌으로 해서 흩어진 모발을 가지런히 모아주는 역할을 하는 것입니다. 이러한 과정은 단지 모발의 큐티클에만 영향을 미치는 것입니다. 나머지 부분들은 펴지거나, 스트레이트 되거나, 정리되지 않는 것입니다. 만약 실제로 모발을 펴 주었다면, 스트레이트닝 콤으로 불리는 것이 맞는 것이겠지요. 단지 큐티클을 눌러서 모발을 납작하게 만들어주기 때문에 프레싱 콤이나 열처리 모발기구쯤으로 불리는 것이 정확한 것입니다.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau, 설립자 Lloneau Products www.liquidgoldbonding.com

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 5월호에 게재됩니다!


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Cindy Tawiah


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

Hair relaxing

became very popular in the 80s after people realized the Jheri curl could not give them versatility and was too greasy. No lye relaxers were formulated due to burn complaints from women who were getting relaxer services. No lye relaxers were presented as a gentler/milder form of relaxer without the lye. With this women happily grabbed boxes of relaxer and applied their chemicals at home to save money, and because of the convenience factor. When their hair became dry, brittle, and began to shed they could not understand why their hair did not look like the models on the boxes.

The Reason

The no lye relaxers come in two forms, calcium hydroxide and lithium hydroxide. (CaOH is the chemical formula for calcium hydroxide.) The OH at the end of this compound is actually the base/lye component. The calcium causes deposits on the hair, causing it to become dry and brittle. Hair consists of three layers, and relaxer penetrates to the second layer to break polypeptide (protein) bond. When this happens, the cuticle (first layer of the hair) remains open if relaxer is just rinsed and neutralized after processing without further action. This causes splitting, shedding, and breakage.

Keeping Hair Healthy

In order for relaxed hair to remain healthy the use of relaxers containing calcium hydroxide should be avoided at all costs. Not only does the calcium result in dryness, but the neutralizer in the box is not sufficient to remove traces of relaxer from the hair. This leads to hair loss and large amounts of shedding, especially around the hairline and temples. After using a relaxer the cuticle or first layer of the hair is opened and neutralizer removes traces of relaxer from the hair. What the hair needs next is a stabilizer or a conditioner with a low pH to return hair back to its optimal acidic pH balance and seal the cuticle. This rearranges the polypeptide bonds which were broken during application of the relaxer. After 3-5 minutes hair can be neutralized thoroughly. Applying a moisturizing or deep conditioner, rinsing and styling will complete the process.

One Last Note

In order to prevent over-lapping (relaxer touching the ends of the hair), which leads to over-processing and dryness, apply a conditioner to the ends of the hair. This keeps the relaxer from having direct contact with previously relaxed hair. Enjoy healthy hair!

Cindy Tawiah is the Creator and Founder of Diva by Cindy Hair products. She has also been featured in several hair magazines and her products were highlighted through several media platforms. Her desire is to now take her products national and heal generations of women everywhere. Visit www.divabycindy.com. Shedding and breakage are things of the past, thanks to the three step conditioning hair relaxer system, developed by Diva By Cindy. April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Naomi Andrews

a r F Na 부러지기 쉬운 손톱의 원인과 치료


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

e l i g : s land Treatments iCauses Ever noticed the steps a physician follows at your regular health checkup? The first thing they notice is the health of your nails. Brittle or fragile nails which break easily are a sign of a problem. They are prone to breaking and might also have ridges and white spots on them. These certainly hamper the looks of your wellmanicured hands. Such nails are a common sight for many of us. They are an indicator there is a vitamin and mineral deficiency in the body. These deficient nutrients also affect the growth of your nails badly.

정기적인 건강 검진 중에 의사가 확인하는 것들을 생각해 본

Beautify Your Nails Carefully

아름다운 손톱 가꾸기에 세심해 져라.

So many options are available nowadays to beautify your nails (like nail paints, French manicures, acrylic nails). You can opt for any as per your mood, desire and demand of the occasion, but the foremost thing to consider would definitely be the condition of your nails. Fragile nails prone to cracking, flaking and splitting would set your mood low. You can certainly mask the white spots with nail paints, but the original luster and shine of healthy nails have their own beauty. Following certain simple and easy steps to take care of your nails is definitely what is needed. These key steps would help you keep your nails healthy

요즘은 손톱을 아름답게 가꿀 수 있는 방법들이 너무도 많이

적 있는가? 그들이 먼저 보는 것은 당신의 손톱 건강이다. 잘 부러지거나 부서지는 손톱은 문제의 신호이다. 손톱 위에 하 얀 반점들이 생기거나 잘 부서질 수도 있고 손톱 표면이 울퉁 불퉁해질 수도 있다. 이것은 매니큐어가 잘 발려진 당신의 손 모습을 확실히 방해한다. 이런 손톱들은 우리들 중 쉽게 볼 수 있는 모습이다. 손톱은 우리 몸의 비타민과 미네랄 결핍 상태 를 지적해준다. 이런 영양 결핍은 손톱이 제대로 자라지 못하 는데 영향을 끼친다.

있다. (네일 페인트, 프렌치 매니큐어, 아크릴 손톱 등등). 당 신의 기분이나, 욕구, 특별한 행사에 맞게 어떤 것이든 선택할 수 있지만, 고려해야할 가장 중요한 점은 손톱의 상태이다. 부 러지기 쉬운 손톱은 균열이나 박리, 혹은 갈라지는 경향이 있 고 이로 인해 당신의 기분이 쳐질 수도 있을 것이다. 네일 페 인트로 흰 반점을 확실히 커버할 수는 있지만, 건강한 손톱 원 래의 광택과 윤기는 그것 자체의 아름다움이 있다. 손톱 관리 를 위한 다음의 몇가지 쉽고 간단한 단계들은 확실히 필요한 것이다. 이 중요한 단계들은 당신의 손톱을 일년 내내 건강하 April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K all the year round and you need not fear from choosing any nail art to complement your dress next time you visit a party. If you are in a habit of using nail paints more frequently, be sure to use good quality products and an acetone free remover. Acetone generally causes dehydration of the cuticles and thus overuse can give you fragile nails.

게 유지하는데 도움이 될 것이며, 다음 번 파티에 입고 갈 드레 스에 잘 어울릴 수 있는 네일 아트를 선택하느라 고심할 필요가 없을 것이다. 네일 페인트를 자주 사용하는 습관이 있다면, 품질 좋 은 제품과 아세톤이 첨가 되지 않은 리무버를 사용해라. 아세톤 은 일반적으로 손톱 표피층을 건조하게 만들며, 과도한 사용은 손톱이 부러지기 쉽게 만든다.

Tips for Healthy Nails 건강한 손톱을 위한 조언

• A simple solution to the above problem is checking on the dietary deficiencies. Consuming a diet rich in vitamins and minerals promotes the growth of healthy, strong and shiny nails without any spots or ridges.

• 이상의 문제들에 관한 간단한 해결책은 영양 결핍 상태를 체

• Clip your nails regularly. These are the dead cells of your body and grow at a certain pace. Over time when newer layers get added they push back the cuticles to make the nail bed weak.

•정기적으로 손톱을 깎아라. 이것은 신체의 죽은 세포에 해당하

• While being conscious to consume a vitamin-rich diet, also make sure to consume lots of water. Hydrated cuticles are responsible for making your nails strong.

• 비타민이 풍부한 음식을 섭취하도록 신경을 쓰는 것과 동시

• To keep your cuticles hydrated, massage a little amount of vitamin E oil or some hydrating lotion two or three times daily.

• 손톱 표피층이 충분한 수분을 유지하게 하려면, 약간의 비타

크하는 것이다. 비타민과 미네랄이 풍부한 음식물의 섭취는 어 떤 반점이나 돌출된 표면없이 건강하고 강하며 윤기나는 손톱 의 성장을 촉진시킨다.

며 일정 속도로 성장한다. 새로운 층이 거듭 추가되면서 표피를 뒤로 밀기때문에 손톱 밑바닥을 약하게 만든다.

에, 충분한 수분도 섭취해야 한다. 수분이 충분한 표피층은 손 톱을 건강하게 만드는 것을 책임진다.

민 E 오일이나 수분 로션을 이용해 일일 2-3회 정도 마사지를 해라.

• Certain yoga exercises help improve blood circulation and strengthen the nervous system. These have also been found helpful in overcoming the problem of fragile nails.

•요가는 혈액 순환을 개선하고 신경계를 강화하는데 도움이 된 다. 이것 또한 부러지기 쉬운 손톱 문제를 극복하는데 도움이 되는 것으로 알려지고 있다.

• Nail biting is a big NO for everybody. • 손톱을 물어뜯는 것은 모두에게 절대로 NO.

• Use nail care products like a nail growth lotion. Such products have specific ingredients like vitamin E extracts and other chemical components which stimulate the growth of stronger nails and cuticles. • Get a manicure and pedicure done at intervals of about three to four weeks. This helps remove all the accumulated debris and dead skin in and around the nails.

• 손톱 성장 로션과 같은 네일 케어 제품을 사용해라. 이런 제 품들은 손톱 및 표피를 강하게 성장시키는 비타민E 추출물이나 화학적 요소같은 특정 성분들을 갖고 있다. •3-4주의 간격을 두고 매니큐어나 페디큐어를 해라. 이것은 손 톱 주변에 남아있는 모든 죽은 피부나 잔류물들을 제거하는데 도움이 된다.

Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http://www.articlesbase.com/nails-articles/fragile-nails-causes-and-treatments-3502460.html

Naomi Andrews is a skin care expert from Hawaii. She has been involved in performing many cosmetic and make up procedures to assist her clients in nail care. Through her professional career, she has come across and worked with a lot of wonderful products like Obagi, Pure Fiji and many others.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

Ever noticed the steps a physician follows at your regular health checkup? The first thing they notice is the health of your nails. Brittle or fragile nails which break easily are a sign of a problem. They are prone to breaking and might also have ridges and white spots on them. These certainly hamper the looks of your wellmanicured hands. Such nails are a common sight for many of us. They are an indicator there is a vitamin and mineral deficiency in the body. These deficient nutrients also affect the growth of your nails badly. Beautify Your Nails Carefully So many options are available nowadays to beautify your nails (like nail paints, French manicures, acrylic nails). You can opt for any as per your mood, desire and demand of the occasion, but the foremost thing to consider would definitely be the condition of your nails. Fragile nails prone to cracking, flaking and splitting would set your mood low. You can certainly mask the white spots with nail paints, but the original luster and shine of healthy nails have their own beauty. Following certain simple and easy steps to take care of your nails is definitely what is needed. These key steps would help you keep your nails healthy all the year round and you need not fear from choosing any nail art to complement you dress next time you visit a party. If you are in a habit of using nail paints more frequently. Be sure to use good quality products and an acetone free remover. Acetone generally causes dehydration of the cuticles and thus overuse can give you fragile nails. Tips for Healthy Nails • A simple solution to the above problem is checking on the

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Pauline Downie

How to Fix

for Better Nail Health 건강한 손톱을 위한 건조한 큐티클 관리 방법 Your cuticles could be stopping you from growing your fingernails. If your cuticles are overgrown this will stunt fingernail growth, and also cause hangnails. Keeping your cuticles in shape not only helps the condition of your fingernails, but also the overall appearance of your hands. An orange wood stick is a handy tool to have to help push your cuticles back. If your cuticles are really bad then a metal cuticle pusher will do the trick. Don’t cut your cuticles, it is very easy to cause damage, and you may cut the cuticle in such a way that a bacterial infection can get in. Soak your fingernails in warm soapy water for a few min to help soften them, and then apply a cuticle removal cream, (natural of course). Another great way for softening cuticles is to soak your fingernails in warm olive oil for a few minutes, and then rub the oil into your cuticles. Using your orange stick, or metal cuticle pusher, gently push down on your cuticles, holding the pusher at an angle and going all around the edge of your nail. This 40

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

큐티클이 손톱 성장을 방해할 수도 있다. 만일 큐티클이 너무 많이 자라게 되면 손톱이 자라는 것을 방해하게 되고, 손거스 러미를 생기게 한다. 큐티클의 모양을 일정하게 유지하는 것 은 손톱 상태에도 도움이 될 뿐 아니라, 전체적인 손 모양에도 영향을 주는 것이다.

오렌지 나무 스틱은 큐티클을 밀어넣는데 도움이 되

는 편리한 도구이다. 만일 큐티클 상태가 너무 심하다면 금속 큐티클 푸셔가 도움이 된다. 큐티클을 자르지 말라, 그것은 너무도 쉽게 상처를 낼 수 있으며, 세균 감염이 생길 수도 있 다. 따뜻한 비눗물에 몇 분간 손톱을 담구면 큐티클이 부드러 워진다, 그리고 큐티클 제거 크림을 바르면 된다. (물론 네추 럴 제품으로).

큐티클을 부드럽게 하기 위한 또 다른 좋은 방법은 따

뜻한 올리브 오일에 몇 분간 손톱을 담군 후, 큐티클에 오일 을 부드럽게 문지르는 것이다. 오렌지 스틱을 사용하거나, 금 속 큐티클 푸셔를 사용하여 부드럽게 큐티클을 밀어 넣고, 모

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



will help remove dead skin and debris from around the nail. When you are finished, gently move the cuticle pusher around in tiny circles to help remove any flaking or dead cuticle. Cut any dead cuticle that is not coming off with a nail clipper. Nail clippers can be very sharp, so be careful you don’t cut any skin, and don’t cut deep into the cuticle. Massage your cuticles each night and your fingernails as well, using almond oil, olive oil, vitamin E oil or coconut oil. Try to avoid cuticle creams full of chemicals. Always use natural when you can. In the long term, these chemicals are not doing your cuticles or your health any good. You are just wasting your money buying cuticles creams, when oil from your kitchen pantry is just as good, if not better. Drink plenty of water and take a biotin supplement daily, and include fish oil capsules and vitamin B12. You will not only increase the health of your fingernails, but you will also have shiny hair and a clear complexion. A wonderful little recipe for removing cuticles is to mix a teaspoon of sugar with some olive oil and massage around your cuticles. Always keep your hands and fingernails well moisturized daily; this is a must for dry cuticles. Wear cotton lined gloves when working around the house or in the garden. If your damaged cuticles are not responding to anything you are doing, and your cuticles are receding then a trip to a dermatologist (people trained in skin disease) is a good idea. Whether you fix your damaged cuticles yourself using a cuticle tool and your own oils, or have your overgrown cuticles done professionally, good fingernail care is always a must.

서리 부분과 손톱 전체를 둥글게 해준다. 이것은 손톱 주변 의 죽은 각질 제거와 지저분한 잔해들을 제거하는데 도움이 된다. 이 작업을 모두 끝내고 나면, 큐티클 푸셔를 작은 원형 모양으로 돌려 주어 각질이나 너덜너덜하게 일어난 부분을 제거할 수 있다. 제거되지 않는 죽은 큐티클은 손톱깍기로 잘라내라. 손톱깍기는 아주 날카롭기 때문에로, 다른 피부를 자르지 않도록 주의해야 하며, 큐티클을 너무 깊게 자르지 말아야 한다.

손톱은 물론 큐티클도 함께 아몬드 오일이나 올리브

오일, 비타민E 오일, 코코넛 오일로 매일 밤 마사지해라. 화 학 성분이 많이 함유된 큐티클 크림은 피하는 것이 좋다. 가 능한 천연 제품을 사용해라. 장기적으로 보면, 화학 제품들 은 당신의 큐티클이나 건강에 좋은 영향을 주지 못한다. 당 신의 주방 찬장에 있는 오일보다도 질이 떨어지는 큐리클 제 품을 사는 것은 돈 낭비일 뿐이다.

충분한 수분을 섭취하고 비오틴을 매일 섭취하고,

피쉬 오일 캡슐과 비타민 B12도 함께 섭취해라. 손톱의 건강 증진뿐 아니라, 윤기나는 모발과 깨끗한 안색에도 도움이 될 것이다.

큐티클 제거를 위한 간단하면서도 멋진 방법으로는

올리브 오일에 설탕 1 티스푼을 섞어서 큐티클 주변을 마사 지하는 것이다. 손톱과 손에 항상 충분한 수분을 공급해라. 건조한 큐티클에는 필수적이다. 집안 일이나 정원 일을 할 때는 면장갑을 착용해라. 만일 이와 같은 관리 후에도 손상 된 큐티클에 효과가 없다면, 피부과 의사를(피부 질환에 능 숙한) 찾아보는 것도 좋을 것이다. 손상된 큐티클을 큐티클 도구와 당신만의 오일을 사용해서 스스로 관리하거나, 지나치게 자란 큐티클을 전문적으로 관 리하거나, 좋은 손톱 관리는 언제나 필수적이다.

Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http://www.articlesbase.com/nails-articles/how-to-fix-dry-cuticles-for-better-nail-health-3855184.html

Pauline Downie loves all things fingernails. Check out her site Beautiful Healthy Fingernails (www.beautiful-healthy-fingernails.com) and find out how to overcome nail fungus, which vitamins are best for strong fingernails, how to manicure and all about fake nails.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs by Lafayette Jones

Connecting With Your Most Important Consumers Hip-Hop, White, Latino, Black and Asian Communities Part Four Cheryl Russell, the former editor-in-chief of American Demographics magazine was quoted extensively in a USA Today update on what we have learned from the most recent U.S. Census. The article begins with the following summary: “The USA is bigger, older, more Hispanic and Asian and less wedded to marriage and traditional families than it was in 1990. It also is less enamored of kids, more embracing of several generations living under one roof, more inclusive of same-sex couples, more cognizant of multiracial identities, more suburban, less rural and leaning more to the South and West. It was always predicted that we would be diverse, but it’s happened faster than anyone predicted,” says Cheryl Russell, now editorial director of New Strategist Publications. “Diversity and the rapid growth in diversity is one of the reasons we have a black president today.

Lafayette Jones

That’s one thing that would never have been predicted.” In this book series, I have selected leading multicultural books that will help your organization to better understand and profit from America’s changing demographic. These books cover top news stories about the intricate relationship between aspirational brands and celebrities, and multicultural consumer segments. You may want to check out book titles and their content on multicultural consumers in this article. You can learn more about the collaborators on each book here as well as review the table of contents in the following selected books. If you decide to purchase any of the titles listed, you can do so with FREE SHIPPING by visiting www.ParamountBooks.com and use coupon offer code SMSi-UC.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit www.segmentedmarketing.com.

The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author. April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs Shopping Behavior In Asia Competitive environment brands are especially sought when they are sold by department Cannibalization stores where customers can be assured that they are not fakes. The real three challenges Retailers like Tesco, Walmart and Carrefour are already in the Sidebar: Being careful with numbers region, but there is plenty of room for more modern retailers as Chapter 5: A Nice Price Is Not Enough Poor people need low prices consumers gain more discretionary income. Laurent Sausset Price: The sole reason for selecting a store? has been surveying customers in the Far East for many years Author: Caveat about price satisfaction through his company, DistriSurvey Ltd. He understands their Price sensitivity Laurent Sausset A tale about psychological price and price elasticity likes and dislikes, shopping behaviors, and the differences Price and value for money Theme: What Retailers Need to Know for among them by country and ethnic background. In “Shopping How Asians define quality Success in the Far East Behavior in Asia” he discusses all aspects of retailing in the region How local minorities perceive prices including such topics as location, parking and traffic patterns, Chapter 6: The Ambiguities of Promotions Author Biography: Laurent Sausset is If it’s on promotion, it must be bad promotions, product assortment, pricing, signage, customer High-low and EDLP a consultant with 25 years of marketing loyalty and employee training. He offers specific examples and Promotion with deferred benefit experience in Asia. Born in France in recommendations for success, category by category. Whether Country variations 1959, he has also lived in Canada and Promotions with immediate effect your niche is appliances, packaged goods, furniture, books, Are Asians different when it comes to promotions? Africa. After earning a graduate business degree in France, he personal care, sporting goods or leisure products, you will find Loyalty to brands or loyalty to promotions began his career in 1985 in Tokyo with Nichifutsu Boeki, importing useful information that will lead to a better understanding of your Promotions and four customer profiles and selling European consumer products and technical goods in potential customers in Asian markets and US markets. Seeing Chapter 7: The Key Is Assortment Japan. He then joined the Remy Martin group and was in charge beliefs in the minds of most Asian consumers and Sausset helps Assortment as criterion to select a store Width and depth of assortment of sales and marketing in Asia from 1989 to 1995, while the brand you “see” how to succeed in Asia. Show me something new progressed in volume from number three in the region to number (200 pages, ISBN 978-0-9830436-5-2, paperback) There are many kinds of shopping malls downtown one. In 1995 Laurent was hired by the headquarters of The Walt Store brands and private labels Book Content: For minorities too, the key is assortment Disney Company as Director, Corporate Brand Management TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 8: Service, Facilities and Staff for Asia. In this capacity, based in Hong Kong, he oversaw the Introduction Facilities: Entering a store Disney brand exposure including Walt Disney Pictures, Licensed Chapter 1: Market Commonalities and Differences Shopping environment Traditional shopping behaviors Products, The Disney Store and Theme Parks for Greater China, Trolleys or shopping carts Demographics Locating products India and Southeast Asia. In 1999 Laurent joined a European A few details about income and households Locating prices marketing consultancy, S.A.D.A., as Managing Director of its Living arrangements Cleanliness and resting areas subsidiary in Taipei and developed sales in Taiwan and the rest of Physical conditions in a market Product shortage Checkout counters the Asia-Pacific, focusing its expertise on retail marketing. Laurent Local culture Chapter 2: Seeing Is Believing Staff competence started his own boutique consultancy, DistriSurvey Ltd., in early The importance of observation Staff attitude 2004, specializing in shopping behavior and attitudes in the Far Observation and perception Chapter 9: How to Create Loyal Customers in Asia A few keys to better understand Asian shoppers East markets. Over the years he has advised major Western retail Exclusive shoppers and membership cards don’t imply loyalty Confucianism again Satisfaction does not imply loyalty either chains in Asia such as Walmart, Carrefour, Casino Group, RtMart, It’s Seeing—something measurable Supermarkets: Try to differentiate with imported foods Kingfisher B&Q, Leroy Merlin, Office Depot, Toys’R’Us, as well Believing, being tricked or missing a chance Hypermarkets: Make shopping easier and diversify the non-food selection as Asian retailers including Wellcome, Tops, Giant, Hymal, Lotte, The principle of charity Department stores: Surprise your customers Chapter 3: A Visit to a Store Perfume, cosmetic and soft-line retailers: Provide a creative content Jusco, Robinson, Central and Far Eastern department stores. A typical shopping trip Category killers: Showcase your expertise Occasionally Laurent writes articles for Chinese retail magazines Shopping gallery and food court Leisure products: Focus on modernity and is also a speaker about Asian customers shopping behavior The hypermarket Chapter 10: A Few Words about the Future Hypermarket: The non-food floor and retail sales forecasting methods in cities as various as The “PR x SF x AT” formula and accessories The notion of quantity Bangkok, Taipei and Seoul. Laurent has lived in Japan, Hong Kong, Apparel Hypermarket: The food floor A problem with trust Taiwan and currently resides in Thailand with his wife Siriwan. He Checking out Retail density spends 90 percent of his time in the Asian markets. Chapter 4: What Location Means in Asian Markets Electronic commerce and new concepts

Book Description: The Far East will be the next middle-class market for retailers and manufacturers in all categories. Name

Visibility Accessibility Catchment area Gravity Laws

Chapter 11: The Growing Asian Middle Class Presents New Challenges Bibliography Index

Brand About Author: Andrea Syverson Theme: A Seriously Playful Approach for Passionate BrandBuilders and Merchants Author Biography: Andrea Syverson is a customer-centric listener, connector and creator. As a right and left-brained creative marketing strategist with over 25 years experience, she holds the customer in highest regard in all decision-making processes. By actively and intuitively listening to customers, she has created and developed best-selling products and strategies across a variety of categories —from gifts and stationery and books to gourmet food and apparel to spirituality, and many in between. Her clients include many large and small giants: Hallmark, Hershey Foods, Ben & Jerry’s, Celestial Seasonings, Spanx, Boston Proper, Compassion International and World Vision just to name a few. While she holds an MBA, Andrea acknowledges that her true expertise comes from continuous 48

OTC Beauty Magazine

April 2014

hands-on customer experiences. Syverson loves her work as a brand provocateur. She’s helped companies “stop and think” about their product positioning, brand relevance and customer needs. She’s helped companies get back to the heart and soul of their mission, reposition themselves if necessary, construct product and brand fit charts, creatively brainstorm the future, and develop strategic merchandising and marketing plans that place their customers’ needs first and center. Her clients appreciate her warm and enthusiastic style and ability to work as an “outsider-insider.” She is President of IER Partners (www.ierpartners.com), a national consulting firm based in the Rocky Mountains, specializing in branding, strategic planning, merchandising, new product development and creative thinking. She may be reached at asyverson@ierpartners.com. Book Description: “BrandAbout” is an experiential, do-ityourself, creative playbook for energizing brands and their product lines and/or services. With 10 practical lessons based on more than 25 years of hands-on, in-the-trenches merchandising and marketing experience, “BrandAbout” provides companies of all sizes—from startups to Fortune 500s—with more than 40 creative homework exercises that can be customized to their unique needs and applied over and over again. “BrandAbout” is an adventurous practicum for companies. The main prerequisite is an open mind, an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for delighting customers! “BrandAbout’s” inspirational and personal approach is based

on Syverson’s real world multi-channel expertise in the marketplace as she encourages companies to collaborate interdepartmentally, intradepartmentally and directly with their customers. Like a stylized syllabus, “BrandAbout” is organized into 10 individual building blocks that can be worked through all at once in a self-directed two or three day offsite or integrated individually into weekly or monthly meetings. “BrandAbout” is actionable, practical, empowering and a must-read for creative dreamers and doers looking for a fresh approach to their brand and product challenges. Think of “BrandAbout” as creative brain food for busy marketers and merchants! (232 pages, paperback, ISBN 978-0-9830436-9-0; April 2012) Book Content: TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Play in the Brand Chapter 2 Be Insatiably Curious Chapter 3 Listen Actively Chapter 4 Conduct Tete-a-Tetes Chapter 5 Dare Yourself and Your Brand Chapter 6 Herald Your Brand Chapter 7 Craft Your Brand Chapter 8 Practice Branners Winsomness Chapter 9 Kindle Your Inner Amish Chapter 10 Integrate Dreamily Includes a selected bibliography and index

Latino Link Author: Joe Kutchera Theme: Building Brands Online with Hispanic Communities and Content Author Biography: Joe Kutchera is a leading speaker and consultant on reaching Hispanics and Latin Americans online, bringing over 11 years of interactive sales and marketing experience to his clients. Previously Joe launched ContextWeb’s Spanish-language ad network for U.S. Hispanics and opened its Mexico City office as its Director of Spanish-Language Markets. During his nine-year tenure at Time Warner, Joe built web properties such as Warner Bros. Online, ThisOldHouse.com, CNNMoney, and CNNExpansion. During his last two years at the company, Joe started the digital ad sales team for Grupo Editorial Expansion in Mexico City, acquired by Time Inc. in 2005, launching the websites CNN Expansion, Quien.com, and Chilango. com. You can read Joe’s columns about best practices for reaching U.S. Latinos online on MediaPost and Portada. Joe has spoken at conferences and universities in the U.S., Spain, and Mexico about the consumer behavior of Hispanics and Latin Americans

online as well as how to develop and localize content for them. In addition, Joe has written for iMedia, Life & Style, and Chilango magazines as well as the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, his hometown newspaper. Joe has served as a board member for the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) in Mexico and as a member of the Hispanic Committee for the IAB in the United States. He has a BA from Macalester College and an MBA from Fordham University. He currently lives in Chicago and has lived in Mexico City, New York. Prague, and San Juan, PR. You can read his blog and share a downloadable sample chapter of this book with your friends at www.JoeKutchera.com. Book Description: An amazing convergence is happening in marketing today: the growth of the U. S. Hispanic population and the growth of digital media. Hispanics increasingly use the Internet to keep in touch with family and friends, anywhere in the world. They search for product information. They compare prices, print coupons, and shop online. Is your brand ready? Joe Kutchera outlines the issues that your company needs to understand in order to successfully cater to Hispanic consumers online, including shopping behavior, social networks, translation, localization and emerging mobile platforms. In addition, the author illustrates how marketers can grow their businesses virtually to reach Spanish-speakers in Latin America. Case studies in the book detail the experiences of Best Buy, American Family Insurance, H&R Block, Ford Motor Company, Lexicon Marketing and Monster. Each chapter ends with a succinct summary of Lessons Learned. (216 pages, paperback, ISBN 9780981986982; September 2010

Content: TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction: Latino Link: Unifying Audiences through Communities and Content Chapter 1. Soccer without Borders (in an Absolut World) Case Study: Lexicon Marketing-Building a Branded Social Network for U.S. Hispanics Chapter 2. Findability in Spanish Case Study: H&R Block by Angela Malloy Chapter 3. The Great Unifiers on the Web: Language, Culture . . . and Shopping Case Study: Best Buy en Espanol by Ana Grace Chapter 4. $40 Billion in Spending from the “Invisible Shoppers” Research: U.S. Hispanics-A Proxy for Understanding the Mexican e-commerce Market by Roxana Strohmenger and Tamara Barber Chapter 5. Lessons in Social Media Research: Why U.S. Hispanics Use Social Networking Sites by Felipe Korzenny, Ph.D. Chapter 6. Organize Your Team and Align Its Goals Case Study: Monster: Managing a Global Brand en Espanol by John Hyland Chapter 7. Which “Flavor” of Spanish for the Worldwide Web? Case Study: Developing an Online Latino Identity: AmFamLatino.com by Jose A. Rivera Chapter 8. Localizing Your Website for Latinos Research: You Can’t Find Treasure Without a Map by Pedro Mujica Chapter 9. Targeting Latina Moms Online Case Study: Ford: Tu Voz en Tu Vide by Dave Rodriguez and Maylinn De La Maza Chapter 10. Reaching Latinos with Content Chapter 11. The Future Today: Mobile Platforms en Espanol Case Study: Promoting American Family Insurance on Mobile Platforms by Jose A. Rivera Appendix with survey research Bibliography Index About the Author

WIN! The Hispanic Market

Author: M. Isabel Valdés Theme: Strategies for Business Growth Author Biography: Isabel Valdés is known as a visionary marketer and consumer insights expert; She popularized integrated multicultural marketing through “In-culture marketing” and “Marketing for Share of Heart,” that are gold standards in business and marketing today. She is passionate and committed to bring Hispanic marketing to corporate America and to bring Corporate America to the Hispanic community! An accomplished entrepreneur, she founded Hispanic Market Connections, Inc., an award winning marketing research and consulting company, which was sold and publicly traded in 1998. Presently she heads IVC, In-Culture Marketing, and Transforming Heart Shares into Market Shares™, a strategic marketing consultancy. Presently she is a member of PepsiCo and Frito-Lay’s Ethnic Advisory Board and heads its Human Sustainability Committee. An active community leader, she has served as trustee on several national and regional Hispanic community organization boards, including NCLR, (The National Council of La Raza,) D.C., The National Hispana Leadership Institute, (D.C.) The Tomas Rivera Policy Institute, LA and presently she co-chairs the Mexican Heritage Corporation, in San Jose. She has received numerous honors and awards, including being selected by Fortune Small Business as a “Woman Entrepreneur Star,” and “Business Woman of the Year” by the New York Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. She was named “21st Century Star of Multicultural Research” by American Demographics magazine. A frequent guest

speaker at trade conferences, C-Suites and universities, for almost a decade she was a lecturer at the Summer Executive Communications Series and the Business School at Stanford University, her Alma Mater. She is the author of five books: “The Hispanic Market Handbook” (1995, Gale Research Publishers), “Marketing to American Latinos, A Guide to the In-culture Approach, Part 1,” released in 2000 and Part 2, released in 2002 (Paramount Market Publishing), and “Hispanic Customers for Life, A Fresh Look at Acculturation” (2008, Paramount Market Publishing). “WIN! The Hispanic Market: Strategies for Business Growth” (Paramount Market Publishing, 2012) is her fifth book and her first as an editor. She earned an M.A. in Communications Research and an M.A. in Education from Stanford University. She also holds professional degrees in Communications Arts and Advertising from two leading universities in South America. Ms. Valdés lives part-time in San Francisco and part-time in South America.. Book Description: Every businessperson, from the boardroom to the mom-and-pop retailer, knows that without customer growth, there is little hope of business growth. In the United States today, the most growth is coming from customers of Hispanic origin and projections are that the trend will continue. Hispanics are younger, have more children, and are still forming new households. Corporations that “rightsize” the growth opportunity and invest appropriately when it comes to their Hispanic customers increase their shareholder value and have continued success in the marketplace. The top experts who contributed to this book demonstrate how to do it right. “WIN! The Hispanic Market: Strategies for Business Growth” by M. Isabel Valdés, a pioneer in in-culture marketing and strategy, taps into the expertise of more than a dozen contributors, from Wall Street executives to advertising and retail experts. Her expert collaborators (in order of appearance) include: Carlos F. Orta, President and CEO, Hispanic Association for Corporate Responsibility (HACR)

Steve Moya, Santiago Solutions Group Michael Klein and David Wellisch, co founders of Latinumnetwork Jessica Pantanini, COO Bromley Communications and President of Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies (AHAA) Carlos Santiago, CEO, of Santiago Solutions Group Gabriela Alcántara-Diaz, President/Strategist , GADMarketingCommunications, Inc. Cesar Melgoza, CEO and founder, Geoscape Marie Quintana, SVP, Multicultural Marketing and Sales, PepsiCo Donald Longo, Editorial Director, Stagnito Media, Hispanic 360 Summit Douglas Darfield, SVP of Hispanic Services, Nielsen Media Roberto Orci, CEO, Acento Advertising Lucia Ballas-Traynor, SVP, Café Media Martha Montoya, President, Los Kitos Entertainment Lee Vann, CEO, Captura Group Federico Subervi, Texas State University-San Marcos, Professor and Director, Center for the Study of Latinos and Media & Markets Carlos Garcia, SVP, KnowledgeNetworks Derene Allen, Managing Partner, Santiago Solutions Group (208 pages, hardcover, ISBN 978-0-9830436-8-3; 2012) Content: TABLE OF CONTENTS Topics include: 1. WHY Wall Street should respond to a strong, well-thought-out Hispanic strategy; 2. HOW to conduct research with acculturated and unacculturated Hispanic consumers so that none are left out; 3. WHY your Hispanic initiative needs to be properly staffed by people who understand Hispanic culture; 4. WHY you need to make a realistic assessment of your business potential with acculturated and unacculturated Hispanic customers so that your efforts are not disappointing; 5. HOW you can marry census data with new technologies like geosegmentation to put your efforts where they will have the best ROI; 6. WHY and HOW to use social media, and why you may have to rethink your distribution channels if you are serious about finding your missing customers. April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Henry S. Miller


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

8 가지 간단한 스트레스 해소 방법 Got stress? Stress is a part of a normal life that you can’t really avoid. The good news? You have more power than you realize to control stress before it prevents you from living the life you want to lead. Here are 8 simple stressbusters to help you:

스트레스가 있는가? 스트레스는 당신이 피할 수 없는 일상적인 생활의 일부이다. 좋은 소식은? 당신은 스트레스가 당신의 생활을 방해하기 전에 그것을 조절할 수 있는 힘을 갖고 있으며 그것은 당신이 아는 것보다 더욱 강력하다. 여기 당신에게 도움이 될 8 가지의 간단한 스트레스 해소법이 있다:

1. Breathe Slowly and Deeply Before you react to the next stressful event, first take three deep breaths and consciously release each breath slowly. If you have more time, try a relaxation technique, such as meditation or guided imagery, before deciding how to handle the situation.

1. 천천히 깊게 호흡하라. 다음 스트레스 상황에 반응하기 전에, 우선 세 번의 깊은 호흡을 하고 의식적으로 각각의 호흡을 천천히 내뱉어라. 시간 여유가 있다면, 그 상황을 어떻게 처리할지 결정하기 전에, 명상이나 이미지 가이드와 같은 릴렉스 기법을 시도해 봐라.

2. Speak More Slowly If you feel overwhelmed at any time, deliberately slow down the pace of your speaking. You will appear less anxious and more in control of the situation. Stressed people tend to speak fast and breathlessly. If you slow down, you’ll find you can think more clearly and react more reasonably to stressful situations.

2. 더욱 천천히 말하라. 당신이 흥분하고 있다고 느껴지면, 의도적으로 말하는 속도를 늦춰라. 덜 화가 나고 상황을 좀 더 조절하고 있는 것으로 보여질 것이다. 스트레스를 받는 사람들은 말을 숨가쁘고 빠르게 하는 경향이 있다. 속도를 조금 늦춘다면, 더욱 명확하게 생각하고 합리적으로 스트레스 상황에 대처할 수 있다는 것을 알게 될

3. Take a Break Outdoors Take advantage of the healing power of fresh air and sunshine. Just five minutes outside on a balcony or terrace can be rejuvenating. If you have more time, 30 minutes of sunshine has proven positive benefits.

것이다. 3. 야외에서 휴식 시간을 가져라. 신선한 공기와 햇빛의 치유력을 활용해라. 발코니나 테라스에서 단 5분간만 휴식하는 것으로도 원기를 회복할 수가 있다. 좀 더 시간이

4. Check Your Posture Hold your head and shoulders upright. Avoid slumping or stooping: bad posture leads to muscle tension, pain and increased stress. If you are behind a desk during the day, avoid repetitive strain injuries and sore muscles by making sure your workspace is ergonomic, and take five minutes every hour to walk around or stretch.

있다면, 30분 정도 햇빛을 쏘이는 것도 긍정적인 효과가 있음이 입증되고 있다. 4. 당신의 자세를 확인하라. 머리와 어깨를 똑바로 펴라. 지나치게 몸을 숙이거나 구부정한 자세를 피해라. 나쁜 자세는 근육 긴장과 통증, 스트레스 증가를 유발한다. 만일 하루종일 책상 앞에 앉아 있는다면, 작업 공간이

5. Drink Plenty of Water and Eat Small, Nutritious Snacks Fight dehydration and hunger—they can provoke aggressiveness and exacerbate feelings of anxiety and stress. Drink plenty of water and always have small, nutritious snacks available on hand such as fruit, string cheese or a handful of nuts.

인체 공학적인지를 확인하여 반복적인 염좌나 근육통을 방지해라, 그리고 1시간마다 5분씩 휴식을 갖고 잠깐 걷거나 스트레칭을 해라. 5. 충분한 양의 물을 마시고, 가볍고 영양가 있는 간식을 섭취해라. 탈수와 배고픔을 물리쳐라- 그것은 불안과 스트레스의 감정을 April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


악화시키고 공격성을 자극한다. 충분한 양의 물을 마시고 과일이나 스트링 치즈 혹은 간단히 집어 먹을 수 있는 견과류를 항상 갖고 있어라.

6. 오늘은 한 가지를 한다. 시간을 조절해라. 매일, 당신이

6. Do One Thing Today Take control of your time. Every day, do at least one simple thing you’ve been putting off: return a phone call, make a doctor’s appointment, or file the paperwork piling up on your desk. Taking care of one nagging responsibility will energize you and improve your attitude! You might even find that completing one task inspires you to move on to the next one. At the end of each day, try planning your schedule for tomorrow using a calendar or day planner that works for you.

미뤄둔 간단한 것을 최소한 하나씩만 해라. 전화 걸기, 병원 진료 예약하기, 책상의 서류 정리하기. 당신을 성가시게 괴롭히는 일들을 처리함으로 당신이 활기를 얻고 당신의 태도를 개선하게 될 것이다! 하나의 작업을 마치고 다음 단계로 이동하면서 당신은 어떠한 영감도 얻게 될 수 있다. 매일 하루의 끝에서, 달력이나 플래너를 이용해 일에 대한 내일의 일정을 계획해라. 7. 스트레스가 많은 날에는 스스로에게 보상해라. 하루의 끝에서, 업무상, 가사 문제,

7. Reward Yourself after a Stressful Day At the end of the day, set aside any work concerns, housekeeping issues or family concerns for at least a few minutes. Allow yourself a brief period of time to fully relax before bedtime each day—even if it’s only taking a relaxing bath or spending 30 minutes with a good book. Remember, you need time to recharge. Don’t spend this time planning tomorrow or doing chores you didn’t get around to during the day. You’ll be much better prepared to face another stressful day if you give yourself a brief reward of some free time.

가족 문제 등 모든 일에 관한 생각을 단 몇 분이라도 제쳐둬라. 당신이 매일 잠자리에 들기 전 충분히 릴렉스할 수 있는 잠깐의 시간을 스스로에게 허용해라. 편안하게 목욕을 하거나 30분 정도 좋은 책을 읽는 것도 좋다. 기억해라, 당신은 충전의 시간이 필요하다. 이 시간을 내일을 계획하는데 사용하지 말고, 낮 동안 하지 못한 소소한 일들을 하는데 사용하지도 말아라. 만일 당신이 스스로에게 약간의 보상으로 자유 시간을 준다면, 다른 스트레스 상황에 직면할 때 당신이 더욱 잘 준비가 될 것이다.

8. Practice Letting Go When your next inevitably stressful situation comes up, make a conscious choice not to become upset. Just let it go. Don’t waste your energy on situations where it is not deserved. Managing your anger is a proven stress reducer.

8. 놓아주는 연습을 해라.

There’s no way to avoid stress, but you can be proactive in managing it. Here’s wishing you a happy life with less stress!

스트레스를 피할 수는 없지만, 그것을 능동적으로 관리할 수는

Henry S. Miller

다음에 피할 수 없는 스트레스 상황이 온다면, 화내지 않도록 의식적으로 선택해라. 그냥 놓아줘라. 그럴만한 가치가 없는 상황에서 당신의 에너지를 낭비하지 말아라. 당신의 화를 다스리는 것은 스트레스를 감소하는데 입증된 것이다.

있다. 스트레스 덜 받는 즐거운 인생을 기원한다!

is the author of The Serious Pursuit of Happiness: Everything You Need to Know to Flourish and Thrive and Inspiration for the Pursuit of Happiness: Wisdom to Guide your Journey to a Better Life. He is also the creator of the online membership program Get SERIOUS About Your Happiness: 20 Transformational Tools for Turbulent Times. As President of The Henry Miller Group (www.millergroup.com), he is a speaker, trainer and consultant helping organizations improve engagement, performance and productivity specifically by increasing employee well-being. In prior careers, Henry was a Senior Consultant for the Tom Peters Company training and coaching senior management teams worldwide in leadership and his initial career in corporate America was with IBM.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Ron Maier

Retail Lighting Options 매장 조명 옵션


hanging the look of your retail store can be as easy as changing the lighting. Lighting can make a big difference in the look and feel of

your store. It can also make a difference in your customer’s buying mood and impression of your inventory.

Track lighting is really the most versatile and effective lighting

product on the market today. You can illuminate displays, store fronts,

러분의 매장 환경을 바꾸는 것은, 조명을 바꾸는 것으로도 쉽게 할 수 있다. 조명은 매장의 모습과 느낌을 아주 다르게

만들 수 있다. 또한 고객들의 구매 심리와 제품에 대한 인상을 바꿀 수도 있다.

트랙 조명은 요즘 시장에서 가장 다용도로 사용되는

효과적인 조명 제품이다. 제품 진열과 매장 입구, 창문 디스플레이 등 많은 것을 이 조명으로 비출 수가 있다. 많은 소매업자들은 유리

window displays and more. Many retailers use track lighting inside

진열장 내부에 트랙 조명을 사용하기도 한다. 계산대와 중요한

of their glass display cases as well. Cash register areas and important

사인도 트랙 조명으로 강조할 수가 있다.

signage can be accented with track lighting.

Track lighting can be hung on a track from the ceiling. With

adjustable heads, they are versatile tools for lighting up wall displays. They are high up, small and almost completely out of sight, so they do not detract attention from the products you are highlighting.

New trends are leaning towards single lights that hang down

트랙 조명은 천정에 트랙을 설치하여 달 수 있다. 조절되는

해드 부분으로, 벽면 디스플레이에 조명을 비추는데 사용할 수 있는 다목적 도구이다. 이것은 아주 높은 곳에 설치하고, 크기도 작아 거의 눈에 띄지 않기 때문에, 당신이 강조하고자 하는 제품으로부터 시선을 뺏지도 않는다.

새로운 트랜드로는 와이어에 매다는 개별 조명이 있다.

경쟁 매장과 차별화되는데 도움이 될 수 있도록 장식적이고

on a wire. With these, you can use decorative or contemporary heads to

현대적인 조명 해드를 사용해 이런 스타일의 조명을 설치할 수도

help distinguish yourself from the competition. Task areas and counters

있다. 작업 구역과 카운터도 같은 방법으로 장식하고 조명을 밝힐

can be illuminated and decorated at the same time. These types of lights

수 있다. 이런 형태의 조명에는 팬던트 조명이 추천된다. 이것은

are referred to as pendant lights. They make usable light in low-light areas. Art glass and other decorative covers make pendant lights a wonderful addition to just about any store. 56

Lighting can also help with promotions. Our eyes are naturally OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

비교적 어두운 곳에 사용할 수 있는 조명이다. 어느 매장이든 아트 글래스와 다른 장식 커버들을 이용하면 팬던트 라이트를 더욱 멋지게 만들 수가 있다.

조명은 또한 제품 홍보에도 도움이 된다. 우리의 눈은 다른

조명이 비치는 지역에 자연스럽게 이끌리게 된다. 코너 뒷쪽의

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


drawn to areas of different lighting. That display back in the corner may

진열이 이전에는 간과되었을 수도 있지만, 만일 이 곳을 강조하는

have been overlooked before, but if you come up with a lighting scheme

조명 배합을 사용한다면, 당신의 고객들이 다시 관심을 갖는 것을

that accents this area, you could be seeing your customers become interested again. This enables you to draw attention to areas that need it and help your items suddenly look more attractive.

Lighting also works well for theft prevention. Shoplifters need

볼 수 있을 것이다. 이것은 당신이 필요한 곳으로 관심을 이끌 수 있게 해주며, 당신의 제품들이 갑자기 더욱 매력적으로 보이게 하는데 도움이 될 것이다.

조명은 또한 도난 방지에도 역할을 한다. 매장 좀도둑들은

물건을 훔칠 수 있는 호젓하고 비밀스러운 느낌을 원한다. 어두운

to feel secluded and secretive when they are doing their deeds. Dark

곳이나 흐린 조명은 그들의 친구이다. 의심이 가는 곳에 조명을

corners and dim lighting are their friends. Lighting up areas that you

밝혀주면 좀도둑들이 물건을 훔치고자 하는 마음을 단념시키는데

suspect may be inviting to a thief will help deter them from getting

도움이 될 것이다. 탈의실 구역의 추가 조명 또한 도난 방지에

comfortable enough to steal your merchandise. Extra lighting in your dressing room areas is also helpful in theft prevention.

There are all kinds of track lighting and specialty lighting

도움이 된다.

현재 트랙 조명과 특수 조명에 관한 모든 제품들이 시장에

나와 있다. 고효율 형광등부터 금속 할로겐 램프까지 다양하게 선택할 수 있다. 또한 낮은 볼트나 라인 볼트의 조명을 선택할 수도

products on the market today. You can choose from high efficiency

있다. 조명은 적은 비용으로 오래 지속될 수 있고 다양한 가능성을

fluorescent or metal halide lamps. You can choose low or line volt lights.

만들어 준다. 당신의 매장을 저렴한 비용으로 업그레이드하는 것은

The possibilities are endless when it comes to lighting and a little money

제품 홍보와 동시에, 매장의 모습과 느낌을 개선하고, 좀도둑을

goes a long way. This inexpensive upgrade to your store can help you to

단념시키는데 도움이 된다. 조명은 당신의 매장에서 가장 중요한

promote items, improve the look and feel of your store and at the same

매장 설비 중 하나이다.

time, deter shoplifters from targeting you. Lighting could be one of the most important store fixtures that you consider in your store.

Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http://www.articlesbase.com/marketing-tips-articles/retail-lighting-options-373566.html

Ron Maier is the Vice President of S & L Store Fixtures, a leading provider of retail store displays and store fixtures, including slatwall accessories, mannequins and more. For more information, please visit www.slstoredisplays.com.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine March 2014

King of Locs by Cyrus Jackson

Best Care for



We live in a society where beauty maintenance plays a major role in our day-to-day lives. The maintenance of skin, hair and nails can tell a lot about a person’s health and lifestyle. If you take a moment to examine the nails of a relatively healthy individual verses the nails of someone with health issues, you can truly tell the difference in maintenance, diet and fitness. Poor diet and a lack of proper vitamins and minerals can also be read through the texture and appearance of skin, hair and nails. The fact that nails alone can indicate a health status shows just how important it is to keep your overall beauty maintained to live a healthy life. Nails are an important part of one’s appearance and deserve specific attention and maintenance. Both men and women experience common problems like brittle nails and cracking on the skin around the edges. There is good news for the modern consumer. There are new natural products that can help alleviate these problems by delivering nourishing essential oils and vitamins with every application. One of the most helpful ways to improve the health of your nails is to apply argan oil. Argan oil is an aromatic beauty product that is extracted from the argan tree in Morocco and has been used a variety of ways over the past few centuries. Argan oil is not only used for nails, but is beneficial for your hair and skin too. The properties found in Argan oil make skin soft, hair shine and nails strong.

Our Jamaican Mango & Lime Black Castor Oil line has a few oils that can be used for the maintenance of nails. Consumers can use the Jamaican Mango & Lime Argan Black Castor Oil in particular to strengthen their nails and cuticles as well as moisturize dry skin. If you apply the oil to your cuticles and nails every night before bed, it softens the cuticle and prevents nails from cracking. The Original and Xtra Dark Jamaican Black Castor Oils can be used to nourish and seal in vital moisture needed for healthy hair, skin and nails. The Jamaican Black Castor Oils are all-purpose oils rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids that retain their nutritive properties making them good for moisturizing skin, treating dry, damaged hair, relieving pain and massaging the body. Healthy diets rich in vitamins and minerals along with a proper fitness plan can work wonders for the body. The results are even more beneficial when coupled with quality natural products like Jamaican Mango & Lime Jamaican Black Castor Oils. In today’s society there is a great deal of focus on health. Men and women alike are taking their health and fitness more seriously. The overall look and state of your hair, skin and nails is a true gauge of how you take care of the body, so take time to incorporate only the best products in your health and beauty regimen.

Cyrus Jackson has had a successful career in the hair care industry for over 30 years including sales, marketing and product development with companies such as World of Curl, D-Orum Products and Leisure Curl. Jackson is the owner and president of Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. makers of one of the first complete products lines in the industry for the care and maintenance of natural ethnic hair types, Jamaican Mango & Lime. Jackson’s continued development and promotions of quality products for natural ethnic beauty has made him the self proclaimed King of Locs. April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature by Joseph Giovinco


Sterili 살롱 살균


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014


alon sterilization practices have improved dramatically over the years. Education and technology have both played a key role in driving awareness about the dangers of providing salon services without proper sterilization techniques. Unknowingly, so many salon patrons contract things like nail fungus, skin rashes, infection, and in some cases herpes. This article is geared towards providing quality information about salon sterilization and to highlight some of the best practices. First, the nail salon should invest in the right type of sterilization equipment such as an autoclave. It is industry knowledge that a steam or gas sterilizer is much more effective when compared to a “dry heat” autoclave machine. Prior to placing the instruments in a sterilization pouch, it is very important to wash the items thoroughly in hot, soapy water. After this, please be sure to submerge them in a chemical disinfectant for ten minutes or so. After the salon tools soak in the cleaning solution, they should then be placed in a separate, clearly marked container to avoid cross contamination. Once dried, the sterilization pouches are to be used as a packaging and indication method. The pouches should have durable and transparent film for added visibility. Also, they should be constructed of a durable medical grade kraft paper. Also, the footbaths should be sanitized between customers as well. It is very important to make sure other tools such as callus buffers and cuticle drills are cleaned and disinfected, in between each

롱 살균 작업은 지난 몇 년간 극적으로 개선되어 왔다.

교육과 기술은 적절한 살균 기술 없이 미용 서비스를 제공하는 것의 위험성에 대한 경각심을 일깨워주는 주된 역할을 하고 있다. 많은 미용실 고객들은 자신도 모르게 손톱 균류, 피부 발진, 감염, 그리고 일종의 헤르페스균과 같은 것에 접촉이 된다. 이 글은 미용실 살균에 관한 양질의 정보를 제공하고 이를 잘 시행하고 있는 최고의 사례 중 몇 곳을 강조하는 방향으로 초점을 두었다. 첫째, 네일 살롱은 오토클레이브와 같은 적절한 살균 장비를 구비해야만 한다. 증기나 가스 살균기가 “건열” 오토클레이브 기계와 비교할 때 훨씬 효과적이라는 것이 업계의 인식이다. 살균 주머니에 기구를 넣기 전에, 뜨거운 온도의 흐르는 물에 비누로 먼저 기구를 씻는 것이 아주 중요하다. 그 다음에, 기구들을 화학 소독제에 10분정도 담궈두기 바란다.

살롱 도구들을 세정액에 담근 후에는, 잘 표시된 별도의

보관함에 분리하여 교차 감염을 피해야 한다. 한 번 건조된 후에는, 살균 주머니를 포장이나 표시 방법으로 사용할 수 있다. 주머니는 내구성이 좋아야하며 내용물이 보이도록 투명한 필름 형태여야한다. 또한, 내구성있는 의료용 크래프트지로 구성되어야 한다.

족욕 또한 고객 사이 사이 소독되어야 한다. 캘러스

버퍼(굳은 살 제거기)나 큐티클 드릴과 같은 도구들이 세척 및

What to Know and Look For When Getting Your Nails Done

zation 네일 서비스를 받을 때 알아야 할 것들

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Salon Sterilization practices are so very important when receiving a manicure or pedicure. If these types of services are performed by an unhygienic nail salon, it can lead to a range of problems which could have been avoided. Proper sterilization techniques avoid the spread of common problems such as skin infection, nail fungus, and more. Beware, these conditions can occur without sterilization of nail care tools in an autoclave. Research has proven time and time again that the use of non-sanitized instruments could potentially lead to the transmission of hepatitis, herpes, or even HIV. Though these hazards seem extreme, one is more likely to contract a cold, flu or some type skin infection. In some cases, it is perfectly normal for nail salon patrons to bring their own nail care tools. This is a great way to ensure the instruments are sterilized to the satisfaction of the client, and helps to guarantee they are not used by anyone else. It is also a very normal request to ask the technician to wear gloves. The importance of salon sterilization and hygiene has been seen in the news over and over. There are plenty of horror stories about salon customers contracting various diseases at the fault of poor sterilization management. However, millions of people pay homage to several thousand salons every year without such problems. However, the best defense for this is educating the public. Following this advice will help lead to a safer, and more hygienic visit to nail salons everywhere.

소독되었는지 각 고객 사이에 확인하는 것이 매우 중요하다. 마찬가지로, 고객마다 항상 새로운 드릴 비트를 사용해야만 한다.

client. Likewise, a new drill bit should always be used for each client. Be sure nail technicians wash hands because this is one of the easiest ways to minimize the transmission of germs, and also the most basic way to avoid other problems related to sanitation. It is necessary to make sure the salon insists on both the client and technician washing their hands prior to beginning the service. In addition, the salon should also provide a fresh bowl of soapy water for the client soak their nails.

네일 관리사는 만드시 손을 씻어야 하는데, 이것은

세균의 전염을 최소화하는 가장 쉬운 방법 중 하나이며, 위생과 관련된 다른 문제들을 피할 수 있는 가장 기본적인 방법이기 때문이다. 서비스를 시작하기 전 고객과 네일 관리사 모두 손을 씻도록 주지시킬 필요가 있다. 또한, 살롱은 고객들이 손톱을 담글 수 있는 신선한 비누물을 제공해야만 한다.

미용실 살균 작업은 매니큐어나 페디큐어를 받을 때

매우 중요하다. 만일 이런 유형의 서비스가 비위생적인 네일 살롱에서 수행되는 경우, 피할 수도 있었던 일련의 문제들로 이어질 수 있기때문이다. 적절한 살균 기술은 피부 감염이나 손톱 균 등 일반적인 문제들의 확산을 피할 수가 있다. 이런 문제들은 오토 클레이브로 네일 케어 도구를 소독하지 않을 경우 발생할 수 있음에 주의해라. 살균처리가 안 된 기구들이 잠재적으로 간염이나 헤르페스, 심지어 HIV까지의 전염을 초래할 수 있다는 연구가 가끔씩 발표되고 있다. 이런 위험들은 아주 극심한 것으로 보이지만, 감기나 플루, 일종의 피부 감염 등에 걸릴 가능성이 더 많다.

어떤 경우에는, 자신의 개인 네일 케어 도구를 가져오는

네일 살롱 고객들이 아주 당연해보인다. 이것은 고객들에게 멸균된 기구들로 인한 만족감을 심어주기에 좋은 방법이며, 다른 사람들이 사용하지 않은 것임을 보증하는데 도움이 된다. 관리사들이 장갑을 착용하도록 하는 것 또한 아주 당연한 요청이다. 네일 살롱의 살균 위생의 중요성은 뉴스에서 반복적으로 보여지고 있다. 부실한 위생 관리로 다양한 질병에 노출되는 살롱 고객들에 관한 무서운 이야기들이 너무도 많다. 그러나, 수백만의 사람들은 그런 문제들없이 해마다 수천개의 네일 살롱을 방문한다. 그렇지만, 이런 문제에 관한 최선의 방어는 대중을 교육하는 것이다. 이 조언을 따른다면 어디서나 더욱 안전하고 위생적인 네일 살롱 방문에 도움이 될 것이다.

Article courtesy of articlesbase.com. You can find the article at: http://www.articlesbase.com/nails-articles/salon-sterilization-what-to-know-and-look-for-when-getting-your-nails-done-1668125.html

Joseph Giovinco After graduating Georgia State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Joe moved to China to pursue a career in Teaching English at a university in Shanghai. After returning in 2005, he began an online medical supply company. Now, publishing articles from his office in Peachtree City, Ga. Joe strives to share information with the health care community. 68

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine




Aaron Tiram Much like the success of Ecoco Inc., the beauty industry is constantly growing. “It’s a beautiful, clean, honest business with wonderful people. The sky’s the limit in the beauty business, and the possibilities are endless to what you can accomplish,” declared Aaron Tiram, founder of Ecoco. OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with Tiram to learn more about how the company grew from one man’s dream to the company it is today. Ecoco 주식회사의 성공처럼, 뷰티 산업은 지속적으로 성장하고 있다. “멋진 사람들과의 아름답고, 깨끗하며 정직한 비즈니스입니다. 뷰티 산업에 있어 제한은 없습니다. 여러분은 무한한 가능성을 가지고 성공을 이뤄낼 수 있습니다.” Ecoco 주식회사의 설립자인 Aaron Tiram이 말한다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 Tiram과 얘기를 나누면서 한 사람의 꿈으로부터 오늘날의 기업으로 어떻게 성장했는지에 대해 더욱 자세히 알아봤다. 70

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is your background with both this company and the beauty business? What is your role with the company today? Aaron Tiram (AT): I started a beauty supply company in the 1980s that grew into three locations in the Miami area. In 1983 I founded Ecoco with the desire to create my own products. By 1985, I sold the beauty supply stores and moved my family and manufacturing business to Chicago. My focus in the company today is new product and business development.

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): 귀사와 뷰티 산업에서 어떠한 배경을 갖고 계신가요? 현재 회사에서 당신의 역할은 무엇입니까? Aaron Tiram (AT): 저는 1980년대에 미용 재료상을 시작했고, 비즈니스는 Miami 지역의 3군데에서 성장했습니다. 1983년 저는 제 자신의 제품을 만들고 싶은 마음으로 Ecoco를 설립했습니다. 1985년까지, 저는 뷰티 재료 매장을 처분하고 가족과 제조 사업을 시카고로 옮겼습니다. 현재 회사에서 제가 집중하는 것은 신제품과 사업 개발입니다.

OTC: Please provide us with a brief description of Ecoco’s history. Does the company have a motto or belief it is founded on? AT: As said, I started in the beauty supply store business. My desire to create my own products came from the idea of connecting beauty, environment with a mission to unleash individual style through products that care for your hair, and the world we live in. This is why many of our ingredients are naturally derived. I started by coming up with a styling gel formula that would provide better performance, left hair in better shape, and used the best natural ingredients. This effort started the Eco Styler brand. Following the many successes of Eco Styler, we expanded to make many other products like relaxers, shampoos and conditioners, hair colors, and bonding glue. In fact Hip Grip Bonding Glue and Remover is the top selling bonding glue in almost every beauty supply store today. Also, Ecoco products are sold in most chain stores both domestically and worldwide. In the early years, I would make and deliver the products. Today, there are teams dedicated to each function of the business. By actively investing in on-site R&D (Research and Development) labs and state-of-the-art manufacturing Ecoco is able to control quality and fulfillment, and create innovative products using advanced technologies that benefit the hair and skin care needs of customers around the world. Because of our advanced hair technology and manufacturing strength, many companies turn to us to develop and manufacture their private label brands. They know with our fail safe processes and track record supporting their private label business operation, they in turn are able to operate more efficiently and stress free. At Ecoco, everyone is dedicated to ensuring every product includes the ingredients of love and pride. This promise is found on the label of every product we sell. One of my personal mottos is, “Nothing is impossible. The impossible just takes a little longer.”

OTC: Ecoco의 역사에 관해 간략하게 설명해주세요. 회사 창립에 바탕을 두는 모토나 신념이 있습니까? (AT): 말씀드렸듯이, 저는 미용 재료 매장 비즈니스로 시작했습니다. 제 자신의 제품을 만들고 싶은 욕구는 아름다움과 헤어를 관리하는 제품을 통해 개인의 스타일을 만들어 내고자 하는 환경, 그리고 우리가 살고 있는 세계를 연결하는 아이디어로부터 나왔습니다. 이것이 저희 제품 성분의 많은 부분을 천연에서 추출하는 이유입니다. 저는 더 나은 효능을 제공하면서 헤어를 더 좋게 만들어주는 스타일링 젤 제품을 내놓는 것으로 시작했는데, 여기에는 최고의 천연 성분을 사용했습니다. 이런 노력이 Eco Styler 브랜드를 시작하게 했죠. Eco Styler의 커다란 성공에 따라, 저희는 릴렉서, 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 헤어 컬러, 그리고 본딩 글루 등 다른 많은 제품을 만드는 것으로 사업을 확장했습니다. 사실상Hip Grip 본딩 글루와 리무버는 지금 거의 모든 미용 재료 매장에서 가장 잘 팔리는 본딩 글루입니다. 또한 Ecoco 제품은 국내와 해외 대부분의 체인점에서 판매가 됩니다. 초기에 저는 제품을 만들고 납품을 했었지만, 지금은 비즈니스에서 각각의 기능에 전념하는 팀들이 있습니다. 현지R&D(연구 및 개발) 연구소와 첨단 제조에 적극적으로 투자함으로써 Ecoco는 품질과 주문 처리를 제어하며, 전세계 소비자들이 바라는 헤어 및 스킨 케어의 효능을 가진 첨단 기술을 사용하여 혁신적인 제품을 만들 수가 있습니다. 저희의 첨단 헤어 기술과 제조력때문에, 많은 회사들이 자사 브랜드를 개발하고 제조하기 위해 저희를 찾습니다. 그들은 실패를 염려할 필요없는 공정 과정을 알고 있으며, 그들의 자사 브랜드 운영을 지원하는 기록을 추적할 수 있어서 결국 더욱 효과적이면서도 스트레스없이 운영할 수가 있습니다. Ecoco에서는, 모든 제품에 사랑과 자존심의 성분을 확실히 담기 위해서

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Manufacturer Profile

OTC: Are there any interesting facts about the company that you would be willing to share? AT: Ecoco is a family owned business located in Chicago, with a global footprint. Also, Eco Styler has again been voted by the Texture Media’s audience (7 million unique users) as the best styling gel for textured hair. This is the second time we have won the “Best of the Best” award. We are very proud of this vote of confidence coming from our customers. OTC: How is the Ecoco structured? Briefly describe the divisions that make up the company and the product categories it offers. AT: R&D is the heart and soul of the company, and everything else is structured around it. OTC: How can OTC stores benefit by carrying Ecoco’s products, and what differentiates them from others of their kind in the market today? AT: We make high quality products, which is why customers are loyal to us. They know our products consistently deliver better results. Also, we control the manufacturing and shipping of our products. In fact, we enjoy a near 100% delivery rating. By manufacturing our own products we are able to provide value and margins while keeping high product standards. We support our brands with branding, advertising and marketing efforts. Thus, we stay relevant with our customers and bring in new customers through strong brand recognition. OTC: How do you determine when it is the right time to develop and release a new product? Are there any indicators you look for? AT: We are keenly aware of our customer’s needs and stay in front of beauty and fashion trends - not only domestically, but globally as well. OTC: How do you keep consumers and store owners educated on product releases, uses and general information? AT: We are strong proponents of sampling. People need to try a new product to believe in it. Advertising helps our education efforts, as does a strong web presence. OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how has the company met consumer demand for it? AT: The natural hair trend is strong. We have developed products like Eco Custard, Eco Cocktail, Hair Food and Eco-Lestrol to meet this demand. OTC: From a store owner’s perspective, what is the easiest aspect of doing business with Ecoco? AT: 1. Near perfect shipping times. 2. Great products. 3. Over the top customer demand. OTC: What types of POP material does Ecoco offer to OTC retailers and what makes them successful? AT: We provide displays for products as often as requested. We also provide additional sales material such as posters, shelf talkers, and sample products - of course. 72

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

모두가 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 이 약속은 저희가 판매하는 모든 제품의 라벨에 나타납니다. 제 개인적인 모토 중 하나는 “불가능은 없다는 것입니다. 불가능이란 단지 조금 더 시간이 걸리는 것뿐이죠” OTC: 회사에 관한 흥미로운 것 가운데 공유할 수 있는 것이 있다면? (AT): Ecoco는 시카고에 위치한 국제적 입지를 가진 가족 소유 기업입니다. 또한, Eco Styler는Texture Media’s audience (700만의 고유 사용자들)에 의해 텍스쳐 헤어를 위한 최고의 스타일링 젤로 다시 한번 선정되었습니다. “최고 중의 최고”로 수상된 것은 이번이 두 번째입니다. 저희는 고객들로부터 얻은 이 자신감 넘치는 투표에 대단한 자부심을 갖고 있습니다. OTC: Ecoco의 구조는 어떻게 됩니까? 간략하게 회사를 구성하는 부서와 제공하고 있는 제품 카테고리에 대한 설명 부탁드립니다. (AT): R&D는 회사의 심장이며 영혼이죠, 그리고 다른 모든 것이 그것의 주위를 둘러 구성되어 있습니다. OTC: OTC 매장이 Ecoco 제품을 취급함으로 얻을 수 있는 혜택은 무엇이며, 현재 시장에서 동종의 타사 제품과 차별화되는 점은 무엇인가요? (AT): 저희는 고품질의 제품을 생산하며, 그것이 저희 제품에 대한 고객들의 충성도를 얻는 이유입니다. 그들은 저희 제품이 지속적으로 더 나은 결과를 가져다 준다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 또한, 저희는 제품의 제조와 운송을 직접 관리하고 있습니다. 사실상, 저희가 거의 100% 배송을 하고 있습니다. 저희는 자사 제품을 직접 생산함으로써, 높은 품질을 유지하면서도 제품의 가치와 마진을 제공할 수가 있습니다. 저희는 제품과 더불어 브랜딩, 광고, 마케팅도 지원하고 있습니다. 따라서, 저희는 고객들과 적절한 유대를 유지하면서도 강력한 브랜드 인지도를 통해 새로운 고객을 유치하고 있습니다. OTC: 신제품을 개발하고 출시하기에 적절한 시기는 어떻게 결정하십니까? 찾고 계신 어떤 지표라도 있는지요? (AT): 우리는 고객들의 요구를 민감하게 인식하고 뷰티와 패션 트랜드의 최일선에 머물고 있습니다. - 국내뿐 아니라, 세계적으로도 말이죠. OTC: 제품 출시나 사용법, 일반적인 정보에 대한 소비자들과 매장 주인들의 교육은 어떻게 진행하고 계신가요? (AT): 저희는 샘플을 강력히 지지합니다. 신제품을 신뢰하기 위해서는 시험적으로 사용해봐야 합니다. 광고는, 강력한 인터넷 웹에서의 노력과 마찬가지로 저희의 교육적인 노력에 도움이 됩니다. OTC: 뷰티 사업내의 귀사의 분야에서 가장 최근 성장을 보이고 있는 트랜드는 무엇이며, 소비자들의 요구를 충족하기 위해 회사는 어떤 노력을 하고 있습니까? (AT): : 네추럴 헤어 트랜드가 강합니다. 저희는 이러한 요구를 충족하기 위해 Eco Custard, Eco Cocktail, Hair Food and Eco-Lestrol과 같은 제품을 개발해왔습니다

OTC: What is the best way to effectively market the company’s products? Do you offer samples or anything for store owners to distribute in order to boost sales? AT: We actively promote sampling to our customers through various vehicles, including online media. This creates product push through, and product demand. OTC: What do you feel is the most important thing for multicultural beauty store owners to know when recommending your company’s products to their customers? AT: Our diverse offerings address both customer hair types and individual styling needs. OTC: Does your company have any big plans in store for 2014 that you can talk about? AT: We will continue to amplify our branding and marketing efforts for greater sell through. However, we are also in the process of building a second location for our soon-to-be-launched second company Talyoni LLC. Talyoni will be the parent company to salon brands like El Patron, a stand out men’s grooming line of products that will launch at IBS (International Beauty Show). The new location will also house state of the art research and development labs and a test salon. Separately, Ecoco will launch a line of multi-functional cream styling gels called ECO Pro. This too will be a salon exclusive line. The technology, ingredients and performance that can be expected from these lines are truly spectacular. This reveals to your readers only some of what they can expect from Ecoco in 2014. There is more in the pipeline. OTC: Is there any additional expert advice you would like to give OTC Beauty Magazine readers? AT: Your brand is critical to survival, no matter what business you are in. Ensure that your store brand has a unique and relevant point-of-difference, from say a chain consumer store.

Company Name: Ecoco Inc. Address: 1830 N. Lamon, Chicago, IL 60639 Contact Number: 773-745-7700 Website: ecocoinc.com Year in Business: 30

OTC: 스토어 오너의 관점에서, Ecoco와 비즈니스를 하는 가장 이로운 점은 무엇일까요? (AT): 1. 완벽에 가까운 배송 시간. 2. 좋은 제품. 3. 높은 고객 수요. OTC: Ecoco가 OTC 소매장에 제공하는 POP 자료는 어떤 형태이며, 무엇이 그들을 성공하게 만들까요? (AT): 저희는 매장이 요구하는 만큼 제품에 관한 디스플레이를 제공합니다. 또한 포스터, 셸프 토커(소매점내에 전시되는 POP광고 가운데서 상품 진열대의 전면에 늘어뜨린 광고인쇄물), 물론 샘플 제품까지 추가적인 세일즈 자료들을 제공합니다 OTC: 귀사의 제품을 효과적으로 판매하는 최선의 방법은 무엇일까요? 매장 주인들이 판매를 높일 수 있도록 샘플이나 그 외 어떤 것을 제공하고 있습니까 (AT): 저희는 온라인 미디어를 포함한 다양한 수단을 통해, 적극적으로 고객들에게 샘플을 홍보합니다. 이것이 제품을 밀어 올리고, 제품의 수요를 창조하는 것이죠. OTC: 다문화 뷰티 매장 주인들이 귀사의 제품을 자신의 고객들에게 추천할 때 알아야 할 가장 중요한 것은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? (AT): 저희의 다양한 제품은 고객들의 헤어 타입과 개인적인 스타일링 요구를 모두 해결합니다. OTC: 2014년 준비 중인 큰 계획 가운데 말씀해 주실 수 있는 것이 있습니까? (AT): 저희는 더욱 높은 판매량을 위해 브랜딩 및 마케팅 노력을 지속적으로 증폭해 나갈 것입니다. 또한 저희 회사는 곧 시작될 두번째 회사인Talyoni LLC 를 위한 두번째 사옥을 짓는 과정에 있습니다. Talyoni는IBS (International Beauty Show)에서 출시될 눈에 띄는 남성용 그루밍 제품 라인인 El Patron과 같은 살롱 브랜드의 상위 기업이 될 것입니다. 새 사옥은 최첨단의 조사와 개발 연구실 그리고 테스트 살롱을 위한 공간이 될 것입니다. 별도로, Ecoco는ECO Pro라는 이름의 다기능성 크림 스타일링 젤 라인을 출시할 것입니다. 이것 또한 살롱 전용 라인이 될 것입니다. 이 라인에서 기대할 수 있는 기술과 성분, 성능은 실로 탁월합니다. 2014년 Ecoco로부터 소비자들이 기대할 수 있는 몇 가지를 OTC 독자들에게만 알려드리는 것입니다. 한창 진행 중인 다른 계획들도 물론 많이 있습니다. OTC: OTC 뷰티 매거진 독자들에게 추가적으로 주고 싶은 전문가의 조언이 있으시다면? (AT): 여러분이 어떤 비즈니스에 속하든, 여러분의 브랜드는 생존하는 것이 아주 중요합니다. 여러분의 매장 브랜드가 체인 고객 매장과 비교했을 때, 독특하고 적절한 차이점을 갖고 있는 것이 중요합니다.

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Profile by Tony Bae

운은 준비된 자에게 따르는 것입니다 Baya Beauty Supply • Lake City, FL

남의 떡이 커 보인다는 말이 있다. 이는 사람들이 항상 남

첫 번째 운(?)

의 것을 부러워하며 본인의 현실에 만족하지 못하고 있는

99년도에 가족들이 있는 미국으로 건너온 최사장은 미국

모양새를 말하는 것이다. 인간은 태어나면서 기본적인 생

의 환경에 적응하기도 전에 일을 시작하였다고 한다. “언

존력을 가지고 태어나기 때문에 어떻게 보면 자연스러운

어도 환경도 모두 낯선 미국땅에서 적응하기 위해 두 가지

현상일 것이다. 하지만, 이에 너무 심취해 버리면 모든 것

일을 하며 미국에서의 성공을 꿈꿨습니다” 라는 최사장

을 부정적으로 보는 그릇된 시각을 가질 수 있고, 눈앞에

은, 초창기에 뷰티 서플라이에서 일을 한 것이 계기가 되

산재한 문제만 바라보며 성실성과 꾸준함을 잃어버릴 수

어 뷰티 업계에 뛰어 들었다고 한다. 그렇게 6년여를 일을

있다. 어떤 일에 시작은 같아도 시간이 지남에 따라 차이

배우다 지난 2006년에 본인의 스토어를 차리기 까지 많

가 나는 것은, 그 과정에 얼마나 충실했느냐에 의해 결정

은 다리품을 팔며 장소를 물색하였다고 한다. “6개월 정

이 나게 되어있다. 비즈니스를 하는 사람들에게서는 이러

도 온 플로리다를 뒤져가며 스토어 자리를 물색 하였는데

한 법칙이 확연히 적용이 된다. 현재의 경제나 환경만을

쉽지 않았습니다. 그러다 처음에 눈 여겨 보았던 곳에 자

탓하고 본연의 역할을 게을리 하면 도태되는 것은 불을 보 듯 뻔하다. 많은 한국인 이민자들이 이역만리 이국 땅에 서 성공을 할 수 있었던 것이 바로 그 성실함과 꾸준함이 바탕이 되었기 때문에 가능했던 것이다. 이번에 OTC 뷰 티 매거진에서 취재한 Florida, Lake City 에 위치한 Baya Beauty Supply 의 최기철 사장은 몸에 베어있는 성실함 과 본인의 꾸준한 노력으로 값진 성공을 이뤄낸 사람 중 하나이다. 그러한 성공을 만들어 내기까지 혼자서 눈물도 많이 흘렸다는 최기철 사장의 이야기를 들어보도록 하자. 74

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

리가 나와 바로 계약을 하고 본인의 스토어를 시작하게 되 었습니다” 라고 한다. “운이 좋았던 것 같았습니다” 라는 최사장은 처음 스토어가 위치한 거리 이름을 따서 Baya 라고 이름을 지었다고 한다. 그곳에서 4년간 운영을 하다 가 좀더 넓은 자리를 찾고 있었는데, 이때도 탐내고 있던 자리가 1년만에 나와 현재 7,500 sq ft 규모의 스토어로 옮기게 되었다고 한다. 이에 최사장은 “그 때도 운이 좋았 던 것 같습니다” 라고 한다. 운이라는 것은 보는 시각에 따라 달라진다. 감나무에 그냥 누워서 감 떨어지기를 기 다리는 사람과 감나무를 흔드는 사람의 차이는 엄청난 것 이다. 최사장의 경우는 단순한 ‘운’ 보다는 감나무를 열심 히 흔들었기에 찾아온 당연한 결과일 것이란 생각이 든다. 파이를 키우는 쇼핑환경 Lake City 의 인구는 1만 3 ~ 4천명 정도라고 한다. 하지 만, 그 중 뷰티 서플라이 손님의 대부분을 차지하는 흑인 의 인구는 1/3 정도밖에 안 된다고 한다. 그런데 다른 뷰 티 서플라이 스토어와 다르게 특이한 점은, 스토어를 방 문하는 고객들의 비율이 흑인과 백인이 50 대 50 이라는 점이다. “저도 처음엔 백인들이 들어와 희한하다고 생각 을 하였습니다. 그래서 백인 제품들을 점점 많이 구비하 다 보니, 이제는 백인 손님들도 아주 자연스럽게 방문을 하고 있습니다”. 항상 포화 상태라 파이를 키워야 한다는 것이 모든 뷰티 스토어 오너들의 생각인데, 백인들을 스 토어로 들이는 것은 쉽지 않은 일이다. 거기에 대해 최사 장은 “이 지역 사람들은 흑인과 백인들이 잘 어우러져 지 내는 분위기 입니다. 그래서 어색함 없이 서로 편하게 쇼 핑을 하는 환경이 이루어 질 수 있었던 것 같습니다”. 라 고 한다. 뷰티 서플라이 스토어는 흑인들 전용이라는 인 식이 있어, 흑인 고객들은 당연히 거리낌 없이 스토어를 방문하지만, 백인 손님들에게 뷰티 서플라이 스토어는 조 금 낯 설수도 있다. 그래서 최사장은 백인 고객들에게 조 금이라도 친근한 환경을 만들어주기 위해 백인 제품들을 April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Retailer Profile

전면에 배치하였다고 한다. 물론, 지역 특성에 따라 분위 기가 다르긴 하겠지만, 그러한 환경을 만들기 까지 최사장 이 얼마나 많은 노력을 해 왔을지는 말로 설명을 안 해도 알 수 있을 것 같았다. 올인! 처음에 스토어를 차렸을 때 두려움도 있었지만, 잘 만들어 나가야 한다는 마음이 컸다고 한다. “평상시에 머릿속에는 항상 스토어 생각밖에 하지 않았습니다. 스토어에선 물론, 집에서 잠을 때, 샤워할 때, 밥을 먹을 때도 온통 스토어 생 각뿐이었습니다. 지금 돌아보면 정말 열심히 일을 했다고 생각합니다. 하루에 5분도 쉴까 말까 하여 직원들이 좀 불 편해 하곤 하였습니다. 하지만 직원들의 할 일은 따로 있 고, 저는 제가 할 일을 할 뿐이었습니다”. 라는 최사장은, 자신이 해야 할 일에 매진을 하였을 뿐이라고 덤덤히 말한 다. 이는 성공을 이뤄낸 많은 사람들이 공통적으로 가지고 있는 성실함이 몸에 베어 있기 때문일 것이다. 두 번째 스 토어로 이사를 할 당시에는 이런 저런 일들을 모두 혼자서 만들어 나가다 보니 너무 힘들어 새벽에 모든 일손을 놓고 눈물을 훔친 적도 있었다고 한다. “그 때를 생각하면 잘 버 텨준 제 자신이 대견스럽단 생각이 듭니다” 라는 최사장에 게서 본인이 할 수 있는 최대한의 노력이 수반되었음을 엿 볼 수 있었다. 세상을 사는 많은 사람들이 남들의 눈에 보 이지 않게 엄청난 노력을 하고 있다. 다만 남들의 눈에는 그 결과만이 보이기 때문에, 그저 운이 따랐을 뿐일 것이 라는 안타까운 생각들을 하고 있는 것이다. 고객과의 관계지속 “고객들에게 최대한 편안한 쇼핑환경을 만들어 주는 것 이 중요하다고 생각합니다” 라는 최사장은 Baya Beauty Supply 를 방문하는 대부분의 고객들이 스토어의 친절함 과 깨끗한 쇼핑 환경 때문이라고 말한다고 한다. 또한, 조 76

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

그마한 소도시라 항상 가족과 같은 정겨운 분위기가 형성 되어 있기 때문에 그들의 신뢰를 저버리면 스토어에 막대 한 영향을 끼칠 수 있다고 한다. “지금까지 고객들에게 멤 버십 카드를 8천장 정도 나누어 주었는데, 현재 30% 정 도는 사용이 되고 있으며, 멤버들에게 약간의 할인을 해 주는 정도의 용도로 사용되고 있습니다”. 약간의 할인이 개개인에게 큰 금액은 아니지만, 스토어 입장에서는 적지 않은 금액일 것이다. 하지만, 그러한 것이 스토어를 방문 하는 고객들에 대한 고마움의 성의 표시이자, 약간의 환 원 의미도 담고 있어 계속해서 멤버십을 유지하고 있다고 한다. 또한, 크리스마스 때는 손으로 직접 쓴 카드와 조그 마한 선물을 나눠주고 있다고 한다. “저희의 손카드에 감 동을 하시는 손님들도 있습니다” 라는 최사장은 일년 동 안 스토어를 이용해 준 고객들에게 감사의 표시를 하려고 시작하였는데, 고객들의 반응이 너무 좋아 지금까지 계속 유지해 오고, 앞으로도 계속 그러한 감사의 표시를 할 것 이라 한다. 지난 시간들에 비해 이제는 조금 여유를 찾았다는 최사장 은 “큰 욕심은 없습니다. 그저 현재를 유지하다 은퇴 할 생각입니다” 라며, 그간 일에 매달려 아직 혼자이기 때 문에, 좋은 사람을 만나는 것이 다음 목표라고 웃으며 말 한다. 마지막으로 업계에 하고 싶은 말이 있냐는 질문에, “도매상들이 스토어의 규모에 상관없이 동등하게 신경을 써 줬으면 좋겠습니다. 모두모두 공생할 수 있는 환경이 만들어졌으면 하는 바램입니다” 라며, 인터뷰를 마무리 했다. 비즈니스 성공 덕목에서 가장 중요한 것은 ‘성실’일 것이다. 거기에 끊임없는 노력까지 가미 된다면, 그 파급 효과는 배가될 것이다. 항상 성실하고 끊임없이 노력하는 최사장의 미래는 이래서 밝을 수 밖에 없을 것이라는 생 각을 해본다.

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine




Sponsored by Andis Co.

Finding the Right Hair Dryer I typically write about clippers. However, with men’s styles trending toward shorter tapers or fades on the sides and a longer top slicked back or styled in a high pompadour, the hair dryer becomes a key tool after the essential clipper work is done. Below are some tips on helping customers find the right hair dryer: Features to look for in a dryer Compare product features and attachments, such as the concentrator or diffuser that comes with the dryer. For example, a diffuser that “locks on” will avoid the embarrassing situation of falling off during use. Ceramic technology offers moist, even heat that penetrates the hair shaft for healthier hair with less frizz. Dryers that contain Tourmaline gemstones help break down water molecules for faster drying, avoiding thermal damage. A “cool shot” button can also help quickly set the style. If customers want to accentuate wavy hair, look for a dryer with a diffuser attachment. Of course look at the price! There are dryers on the market with many of the same technologies that high-end dryers have, but without the threefigure price tag that can scare away customers. Using different settings Low and medium heat settings work best for slightly damp and fine hair – or aid in drying hair product applied to dry hair. High heat settings work best for blow dry styling with the goal of shaping the hair shaft and for drying thick hair. Cool air settings work best for avoiding discomfort from prolonged heat exposure, drying styling product on dry hair and locking in style.

RA Shea Butter Lotion Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit www.racosmetics.com.

Various fan settings work best for different textures of hair. For thick hair, use the higher fan setting. Lower fan settings work best when aiming to avoid changing the hair shape, yet attempting to dry the hair or product applied to the hair. Motor choices AC motor dryers can be heavier than DC motor dryers, but typically are less noisy, more powerful, and have a longer lifespan. DC motor dryers are generally lighter, which is especially beneficial to customers who use a hair dryer for long periods of time. However, the downside is they typically are not as durable and long lasting as AC motor dryers. Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through www.ClipperEducation.com, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clippers cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 80

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

Andis Introduces New Professional Grade SlimLine Pro™ Cordless Trimmer This small compact cordless trimmer is perfect for necklines, edging and light-duty grooming. The 5-ounce trimmer runs fast and cool and can be zero-gapped. The carbon steel, close-cutting T-blade has an exclusive Comfort Edge® finish that helps prevent nicks and scratches for a smooth skin finish. Powered with a Ni-MH battery for lasting performance, the SlimLine Pro™ carries enough charge for all-day average use and recharges to full power overnight. Learn more at www.andis.com.


Therapy Trends Great Nails Go Undercover Consumers of all ages are experimenting with colors and shapes that would have been considered avant-garde a few years ago. Two-tone green and black nails, lettering or sprinkles is becoming the new normal. Fashion-forward product innovations provide salon services that can be achieved at home at little cost. Gel manicures and designs created with special effect polishes, nail art and nail strips can be created with a short trip to the drug store or to your OTC. The affordability and accessibility of shades, textures and treatments have propelled the category beyond the $12.5 billion level.

All this creativity takes its toll on the health of the nail.

Under the canvas of nail design lies dehydrated, discolored and splitting nails. Nail care is trending into importance due to trauma caused by salon techniques that weaken the nail bed, aging nails and nail sensitivities. The tools, chemicals and harsh dyes used on a normally healthy nail creates thinning and weakness. These maladies require products that fill in and nourish the nail. Removing some of the nail art and gel color can also weaken the nail. Aging nails often become ridged, brittle and uneven. Manufacturers are launching healthy solutions in both base coat and top coat products that address peeling and splitting while priming the surface for color. Amino acids and keratin have been added to assist in resurfacing damaged or aging nails. Ultimately your clients want stylish nails that are healthy under the polish. Stocking a full array of shades along with nail and cuticle treatments will drive sales.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com. 82

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014



Your Big Idea, “STOLEN!” Over the past few months, I’ve been questioned about product ideas, distribution, inventions and the process of protecting inventions through patents and trademarks. Although I am not a patent attorney, I have referred a few friends and associates to legal counsel to determine their legal options to resolve their challenges. Recently, I have discovered several well-known products in the beauty and barbering industry like “The Clipper Keeper,” Pro Grip, Graff Etch Pencils, Razors and some shampoo/conditioner combinations which have been “officially” hi-jacked by pirate suppliers and manufacturers. I have always been intrigued by the process of invention and protecting your intellectual property whether it is a physical product, online service or invention. Here is some advice for those who are seeking to move forward with a patent and how to protect your ideas once they are out of your head and ready for sale. Owning a patent gives you the right to “exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling” your patented invention. Patent infringement occurs in every industry and sector of the economy, and the job of fighting patent infringement falls on the shoulders of the patent holder. So to all inventors: make sure you get your paperwork completed and always be cautious concerning who you share your ideas with when you know there is no patent or trademark in place for your ideas. It can be costly to take this fight to court! What remedies are available for patent infringement? A patent owner may enforce his patent by bringing a patent infringement action (lawsuit) in federal court against anyone who uses his invention without permission. If the lawsuit is successful, the court will take one of two approaches. It may issue a court order (called an injunction) preventing the infringer from any further use or sale of the infringing device, and award damages to the patent owner. Or, the court may work with the parties to hammer out an agreement under which the infringing party will pay the patent owner royalties in exchange for permission to use the infringing device. Keep up the good work! Find more information about patent infringements visit http://www. legalzoom.com/intellectual-property-rights/intellectual-property-basics/ top-5-intellectual-property-disputes.

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com. 84

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

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#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

ISSE Long Beach Show Continues to Attract Big Crowds in


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

NAHA stage; both new and expanded booths; and of course the annual Night Out Party. Next year’s International Salon & Spa Expo will take place January 24-26, 2015 at the Long Beach Convention Center. ISSE Long Beach is open to licensed salon/spa professionals, cosmetology students and instructors only. To maintain a professional atmosphere, attendees must present proof of license and a valid photo ID. For additional information and updates on next year’s show, please visit probeauty.org/isse. [Images and story courtesy of PBA]

Crowds gather at the entrance to the ISSE LB show floor

(Left to right) Jennifer Jhin, Amy Chong and Steve Ma of Jinny Corp.

Photo courtesy of Marc Birenbaum Beauty Store Business Magazine

Produced by the Professional Beauty Association (PBA), the International Salon and Spa Expo Long Beach (ISSE Long Beach) held on January 25-27 continued to be the West Coast’s largest and most influential total beauty event, bringing the best of beauty to Southern California. An energetic crowd of nearly 40,000 beauty professionals from around the world attended the show. PBA’s ISSE concept has evolved beyond the traditional “hair show” to be the industry’s most complete beauty event for professional hair, nails, cosmetics, esthetics, wellness, massage and advanced education. ISSE Long Beach is known for its diverse exhibitor base, and 2014 was no exception. Known as the launch pad for new beauty products and services, ISSE Long Beach 2014 featured a sold-out expo floor, welcoming more than 350 leading beauty brands. Ranging from international beauty leaders to indie trendsetters, exhibiting brands included CAILYN Cosmetics, Clairol Professional, Conair, Glycelene, Moroccanoil, OPI Products Inc., Vidal Sassoon, Wella Professional and Zotos International. ISSE was also excited to welcome first-time exhibitor Aveda to the show floor this year, which also marked the return of the company to any expo floor in multiple years. On-site sales and reservations for 2015 exhibit space exceeded expectations as brands appreciated the professional caliber of the show and did not want to miss out on space in 2015. PBA streamlined the check-in process this year, expediting the process and improving the attendee’s experience. New and improved attendee check-in processes, including online ticket activation and a PBA member only check-in line, sped up the entry process and eliminated long lines and wait times. Regular posts on social media platforms also helped guide and direct attendees to the correct check-in and credential check locations. These improvements helped get attendees onto the show floor promptly and efficiently each day. ISSE Long Beach also featured more than 150 complimentary education sessions. Spanning all three days of the show, classes covered all aspects of hair, nails, makeup, skincare and wellness. Educators included Allen Ruiz, Berry Bachen and DJ Riggs, Major League Barbers, Enzo Milano, and OPI. Show highlights consisted of: expansion of its increasingly popular EstheticsAmerica & Wellness Pavilion; introduction of the PBA Beauty Bar; emphasis on scholarships as beauty education benefited from generous donations at the event; the show’s first time hosting the major League Barber’s Hot Hands Barber Brawl competitions; successful ISSE hairstyling competitions; NailPro Nail Competitions that brought out new and seasoned entrants; capacity crowds at the


ISSE Long Beach 2014

Show attendees pose for a quick photo holding bags of samples they have collected so far.

One of the many hair demonstrations happening at the event

Smiling visitors share in the exciting moment just before entering the event

A hairstylist holds up a Chi styling tool before using it to beautifully style the model’s hair.

A joyful Dinair model flaunts a colorful hair creation.

At the Keratin Complex booth a stylist effectively uses hairspray and a blow dryer simultaneously to craft the hairstyle just as he wants.

The Croc booth

Artists at the American Crew booth show off styling techniques while thoroughly explaining the process to onlookers.

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine

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Models strut their hairstyles and creative clothing on the Nick Arrojo stage.

An exhibitor instructs onlookers on how to give a fantastic facial.

Another great hairstyle in the making, thanks to Andis Co.

Elaborate outfits and hairdos were no strangers to the show, as is shown here.

The Farouk booth

Happy show attendees

Celebrity hair stylist Nick Arrojo concentrates on his precision while cutting a model’s hair.

A gentleman has his beard trimmed with an Oster clipper, showing its precision.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

ISSE Long Beach 2014

A group of visitors pause for a quick photo just before entering the show.

The Professional Beauty Association (PBA) booth

A busy show floor aisle filled with visitors

Happy visitors with arms full of samples indicate a successful time at the show.

Making sure the hair is placed just right, the hairstylist in the Andis section of the show crafts a perfect style.

Barber skills, like those it took to create this design, were on display at ISSE LB.

Numerous nail technicians learn necessary skills from Nailpro experts.

Excited show attendees

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


업계소식 휴스톤협회. 휴스톤 협회는 지난 3월 2일 휴스톤에 위치한 코리아하우스에서 정기총회를 가졌다. 13개 스토어가 참석한 이날 정기 총회에서 협회 공식 명칭을 “휴스톤 뷰티 서플라이 협회”로 바꿨다. 또한, 5월에 있을 골프대회 준비를 논하였는데, 이번에는 지역의 소매인 협회와 공동으로 대회를 치루기로 하였다. 골프 대회는 5월 25일에 있을 예정이고, 50여명이 참석할 예정이라고 한다. 휴스턴 뷰티인 골프대회에 관한 참석 문의는 979-436-4241로 연락을 하면 된다.

시카고 협회. 시카고 협회는 지난 3월 16일 세노야식당에서 40여명의 회원들이 모인 가운데 정기모임을 가졌다. 저녁식사를 곁들인 이날 모임에서는 ‘Flae Market’이라는 이름을 붙인 새로운 시스템을 테스트 해 보았다고 한다. ‘Flea Market’ 은, 각각의 스토어에 물량이 넘치거나 모자른 제품들을 서로의 필요에 의해 사고파는 방식이라고 한다. 각각의 스토어 오너들은 예전에 많이 구매한 제품들이 생각보다 움직임이 적어 스토어에 쌓여 있는제품들을 가지고 나와, 그러한 제품들을 필요로 하는 다른 스토어 오너에게 판매를 하는 것이다. 이번 모임에서 처음 시도하는 것이라 대단한 성공은 아니었지만, 그러한 시도를 함으로 해서 협회원들의 과도한 제고의 부담을 덜어줄 수 있는 돌파구를 찾아 주고자 협회장이 추진하였다고 한다. 매번, 정기모임이 있을때 마다 ‘Flea Market’을 가동할 것이라는 이회장은 회가 거듭할 수록 그 성과가 점점 나아지기를 기대한다고 한다.

남부 버지니아. 남부 버지니아 협회는 지난 3월 2일 노폭가든에서 오후 6시에 정기총회를 가졌다. 30여명의 회원이 참석한 이날 총회에서, 지난 2013년도 회계보고를 하였으며 새로 협회에 가입하여 이날 참석한 신입회원들을 소개하는 시간을 가졌다. 또한, 회원들끼리 업계동향 및 지역 정보 공유하는 시간을 가졌다. 협회 이광병 회장은 “회원이 늘어날 수록 지역에 도움이 되는 활동 등을 포함하여 협회의 활동 범위가 더욱 넓어질 수 있습니다. 그래서 현재 협회원들 영입에 주력을 하고 있습니다” 라고 하며, 많은 지역 뷰티 서플라이 스토어 오너들의 참여를 당부 하였다. 92

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine

93 81


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


ShowReport JinnyNews

Jinny Corp.

Customer Appreciation Deal Winners The following OTC stores purchased the highest total quantity of assorted Motions products in February and were rewarded for their efforts of taking part in the Customer Appreciation Deals. Jinny Corp. and the participating manufacturer congratulate the winners.

Top Beauty Supply #3

Discount Beauty Supply and Boutique

Ace Beauty

S.Q. Beauty Supply

390 Grayson Hwy. Lawrenceville, GA 30046 Atlanta Branch 13555 Greenfield Rd. Detroit, MI 48277 Chicago Branch

1449 Wilcrest Dr. Houston, TX 77042 Houston Branch

Beauty Exchange #9

IC Beauty Supply

6359 W. Colonial Dr. Orlando, FL 32818 Miami Branch 98

9410 Walnut St. Dallas, TX 75702 Dallas Branch

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

2551 E. Ave. S. Suite C Palmdale, CA 93550 Los Angeles Branch

IndustryNews IndustryNews

Save the Date:

Cosmoprof North America 2014, July 13-15 Cosmoprof North America (CPNA), named one of Trade Show News Network’s 25 Fastest-Growing Trade Shows and winner of Trade Show Executive’s Marketing Genius Award, will take place July 13 – 15, 2014 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. The show expects over 900 exhibitors this year, encompassing all sectors of beauty, including nail, beauty, skincare, hair, spa and packaging. During this three-day event, exhibitors and attendees will come together to explore the newest products and trends all at one venue. In addition to the valuable networking events, CPNA will continue to offer their award-winning educational conferences and business platform initiatives. Discover Beauty will be back for its 8th edition and will continue

to feature distinctive brands from around the world. Additionally, the widely successful SPOTLIGHTS program will be back highlighting the best in small niche beauty brands. A leader in the professional beauty trade industry, CPNA continues to exemplify innovation, the importance of B2B networking and insightful education that is relevant to what is currently taking place in the industry. Cosmoprof North America is the epicenter of ground-breaking beauty, so mark your calendars now! SHOW HOURS: Sunday, July 13 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.| Monday, July 14 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Tuesday, July 15 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Visit www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com to prepare for the show.

Andis Redesigns Professional Tools Packaging to Improve the Customer Experience and blue indicates adjustable blade clippers; while for trimmers, purple signifies corded tools and burgundy cordless. Each package also includes a chart that graphically highlights the most common features, such as motor and hair type, to allow for quick comparison of products. Iconic Andis products, such as the Master® clipper and T-Outliner® trimmer, are identified with gold accents and labeled appropriately as part of “The Classic Collection.” In addition, Formico explains that intended product use is also important to end users. “One of the most asked for features included an area that tells what the tool is best used for – so we place that front and center.” To view the complete At a Glance: Four color-coded categories now make Andis portfolio of Andis products, products easier to find: black denotes detachable blade clippers visit www.andis.com. Andis is starting the new year strong with new packaging for its complete line of professional clippers, trimmers and accessories. The redesign features a fresh, upscale look with a focus on ease of selection. The updated packaging began hitting shelves in late March. “Andis clippers and trimmers have long been the preferred choice of professional barbers and stylists, and the wide variety available can make selecting the right tool confusing. We wanted to help simplify the decision process and improve the shopping experience,” says Karen Formico, vice president of marketing for Andis. “To do that, we went right to the source – we asked the professionals, as well as the store associates, to help us design a package that provided the information they needed to see. The result is a packaging system that not only looks attractive on the shelf, but guides the shopper to the right product for their needs.”


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

June 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Are You the New Face of AMBI®?

AMBI® Skincare, a trusted name in cleansers and moisturizers for skin of color, is pleased to announce the open call for entries to their first-ever AMBI® Model Search. Women ages 18 and older can register online at www.ambimodelsearch.com. The Grand Prize Winner will be featured in a national print campaign, receiving a 3 day/2 night trip to New York City for a professional photo shoot plus $2,000 cash. “We look forward to discovering the new face of AMBI,” commented Tricia Green, Senior Brand Manager at Valeant Pharmaceuticals. “We are looking for bold women who are confident, spirited and independent; someone who represents the AMBI brand and who is proud of her culture and history. Celebration is the heart of AMBI and we’re seeking someone who embodies just that.” AMBI® is accepting online entries through April 15, 2014. To enter, two photos – a headshot and a full body shot

– must be submitted online. Judges will select the top five finalists from the entries submitted based on appearance and how well they represent the AMBI® brand. After the finalists are selected and announced on April 25th, voting will immediately open up to the general public and will close on May 2nd. The Grand Prize Winner will be selected based on a combination of online votes and the judge’s score. Weekly product giveaways will also be hosted on the site. Official Rules must be reviewed before entering the AMBI® Model Search. For more information on AMBI® and Valeant Pharmaceuticals, please visit: www.shopambi.com and www.valeant.com.

2014 Proud Lady Beauty Show Join in the fun of the 25th Year Celebration!

The 2014 Proud Lady Beauty Show, sponsored by the American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI), will be held May 3-5 at the newly expanded Tinley Park Convention Center in Tinley Park, Ill. Two days of exhibits will feature great educators and your favorite product manufacturers. Visitors will also be able to participate in activities such as: • Participate in classes by leading celebrity barbers and stylists • See and participate in all new lock styling and braid styling competitions • See 10 exciting competitions for barbers, stylists, braiders and barber and cosmetology students 102

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

• Register to win a free airline ticket and cash, compliments of AHBAI

• Learn successful marketing tools to help increase and maintain your salon and barber shop clientele • Learn how to open a successful salon, barber shop, beauty or barber school • Participate in more free classes than ever before! • Learn the hottest trends in hair coloring, natural hair care, hairstyling, barbering, marketing, hairweaving, hair cutting and trichology taught by the top educators in the field • Be captivated by hot feature presentations, classes and competitions on the exhibit floor • See the “Battle of the Schools” competition on Saturday night and the awesome Proud Lady Comedy Show • Buy new products which will revolutionize your business while increasing profits • See major exhibitors who have participated in the past

For more information, call 312-458-9862, or go online at www.proudlady.org or Facebook.com/ahbaiplbs

IndustryNews Andis Debuts American Legacy Collection with Full Video Tutorials on Each Style

Andis is releasing its first styling series, the American Legacy collection, featuring looks that can be achieved with the company’s clippers and trimmers and highlighting six hair makeovers of people who work at the company. Andis educators Kenny Duncan and Jason Potchen created the Classic Taper on Anel from machine shop, a Crop and Pixie on Shirley and Jenny both from assembly, a Classic Side Part on John from shipping, the Fauxhawk on social media expert Travis and the South of France on Riko from machine shop. “We wanted to use Andis associates for the American Legacy collection because they are integral to the Andis heritage and craftsmanship that is recognized worldwide by generations of barbers and stylists. In addition, they represent the real people that walk into salons and barbershops day in and day out,” says Karen Formico, vice president of marketing. “As a company, Andis has always believed in

inspiring others to excel, whether they are holding our tools, making our tools or receiving a new style from our tools. Helping to build their legacy is at the heart of our mission.” The video tutorials walk the professional through the steps of each cut in great detail and can be accessed through the Andis website. “Many stylists did not receive adequate training using clippers so they don’t realize how effective they can be in creating the latest styles, especially those that require tight fades and tapers. That’s where the tutorial is so effective,” says Duncan. “We want to give stylists the education they need to master the cuts using the tools that are most effective at delivering it” Andis will release its second collection of six hairstyles this summer. To view the American Legacy Collection and the tutorial videos visit www.andis.com/GetTheLook.







Aliya Paris Skincare

Aliya Paris Skincare began with the idea of providing care for skin that really works the way it should. Unsightly blemishes, marks and discoloration are all problems your customers face from day-to-day, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be overcome. Aliya Paris products work with natural ingredients like carrots to provide skin with the nutrients nature created. Namely, Aliya Carotiq helps ensure skin stays even-toned and beautiful through the use of the following products. Carrot Intense Lotion: Aliya nourishing toning body lotion with carrot oil leaves skin brighter and restores its natural glow. It is specially formulated to reduce the appearance of pigmented marks. Exfoliating Carrot Soap: Aliya face and body bar soap gently cleanses and nourishes skin. Its exfoliating beads eliminate 104

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

dry, dull skin to reveal a smooth and even complexion. Carrot Intense Serum: Aliya lightening serum with carrot oil fights discoloration, dark spots and uneven skin tone. Carrot Intense Cream: Aliya cream is proven to help diminish the appearance of dark spots. It is formulated with carrot oil, a skin moisturizer that softens, smoothes and firms skin, leaving users with a radiant, even skin tone. Learn more at www.aliyaskincare.com


Ad Index

aPRIL: 2-7 Cosmoprof Worldwide & Cosmopack Bologna, Italy www.cosmoprof.it

6-7 Allied Beauty Show: Toronto

Aliya Paris .........................9, Insert www.aliyaskincare.com American International ............85 www.aiibeauty.com

Toronto, ON, Canada www.abacanada.com

Ampro Industries ............... Insert www.amprogel.com

6-7 Bellevue Fashion Focus

Andis Co. .................................7, 80 www.andis.com

Bellevue, WA www.fashion-focus.net

13-14 Discover Show 2014 Austin, TX www.state-rda.com

14-15 Cosmoprof Spring Style Show

Belson ............................................3 www.belsonproducts.com City of Hope ...............................33 Colomer USA .................112, IBC www.cremeofnature.com

San Jose, CA www.springstyleshow.net

Conair �����������������������������������14, 15 www.conair.com

24-26 Cosmobeaute Asia Vietnam


Phu My Hung, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam www.cosmobeauteasia.com

26-27 World Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Show College Park, GA www.naturalhairshow.org

mAY: 3-5 AHBAI Proud Lady Beauty Show Tinley Park, IL www.ahbai.org

4 Eastern Shore Natural Hair Care Expo Salisbury, MD www.naturalhaircareexpo.com

4-5 Allied Beauty Show: Edmonton

Cosmoprof North America .....87

Diva By Cindy .............................82 www.divabycindy.com Dream World, Inc. ���13, 34, 60, 64, 78, 82, 94, 95 Ecoco, Inc. ..............................29, 69 www.ecocoinc.com

House of Cheatham �����������������25 Namaste Laboratories �����������������5 www.houseofcheatham.com Nature’s Protein ��������������������������39 Hoyu America ............................35 www.hoyu-usa.com Oster Prof. Products ................... 27 www.osterpro.com Inspired Beauty Brands �����������11 www.inspiredbeauty.com Professional Beauty Supply ��������79 www.lavatechtlc.com JBS Beauty Club ..................61, 84 Professional Products JBS Hair ��2, 28, 50, 55, 83, 99, 103, Unlimited ������������������������������62, 101 109 www.ppuinc.com www.jbshair.com Queen Helene ������������������������������58 JD Beauty Group .................16, 17 www.queenhelene.com www.jdbeauty.com R&R Corp. ..................................... 51 JF Labs/AFAM ......................65, 81 www.thenextimage.com www.jflabs.com RA Cosmetics ........................ 59, 80 Jinny Corp. �����������������������������96, 97 www.racosmetics.com www.jinny.com Sensitive By Nature .............. 44, 45 KAB Brands .............................. BC www.aphogee.com Smooth Care ��������������������������������86 Kirschner Group �����������������22, 23 SMSi-Urban www.kirschnergroup.com Call Marketing, Inc. ����������������������46 www.segmentedmarketing.com Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products ....................................111 SoftSheen-Carson .................Cover www.liquidgoldbonding.com www.softsheen-carson.com Maxi Professional .......................32 Starlet International �����������������107

Fantasia Ind. �������������������������������43 www.fantasiahaircare.com Fromm International ..................8 www.frommbeauty.com

Miss Jessie’s .................................31 Unilever ��������������������������������� Poster www.missjessies.com www.unilever.com Mizani .................................... IFC, 1 Xtreme Beauty International ���93 www.mizani-usa.com www.xbi.co

Helen of Troy �����������������������������21 www.hotus.com


19-21 Beautyworld Japan

Edmonton, AB, Canada www.abacanada.com

International Barbering & Beauty Expo Long Beach, CA www.intbbe.com

5-6 Beauty Spa & Expo 2014

18-19 International Hair & Beauty Show

27-29 Beautyworld Middle East

Mumbai, India www.beautyandspaexpo.com

Secaucus, NJ www.ihshow.com

Dubai www.beautyworldme.com

18-19 BeautyUK 2014

18 North Florida Simply Natural Hair Beauty & Wellness Expo

31-June 2 Premiere Orlando

NEC, Birmingham, Britain www.beautyukshow.com

18-19 Houston Image Expo Houston, TX www.theimageexpo.com 108

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

Jacksonville, FL www.simplynaturalhairexpo.com

Tokyo, Japan www.beautyworldjapan.com/tokyo/e/

Orlando, FL www.premiereshows.com

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. What nail care product sells the best in your store? Why do you think it does so well? 1.어떤 네일 케어 제품이 매장에서 가장 많이 판매됩니까? 그 이유는 무엇이라고 생각합니까?


______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you attend tradeshows to help stay up-to-date with the latest beauty products, techniques and trends? If so, what is your favorite part? 2. 최신 뷰티 제품과 기술, 트랜드에 관한 정보를 얻기 위해 트레이드 쇼에 참여합니까? 그렇다면, 가장 마음에 드는 부분은 무엇입니까?


______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is something new you learned from this issue? 3.이번

호에서 당신이 새롭게 배운 것은 무엇입니까?


______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name (성함) _______________________________ Store Name (스토어 이름) _____________________ State (주) _________________________________ 110

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

Mail this form to: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com


OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com

September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Creme of Nature

Argan Oil From Morocco for Natural Hair

Creme of Nature’s top-selling Argan Oil From Morocco line is expanding with four new hair care products to care for natural hair, Argan Oil From Morocco for Natural Hair: Pudding Perfection™, a curl enhancing creme that provides soft, hydrated and stretched curls; Twirling Custard™, a curl styling gel that defines crunch-free coils and provides a long-lasting hold; Moisturizing Milk Masque™, a repairing treatment that heals and strengthens curls; and Butter-licious Curls™, a curl hydrating buttercreme that hydrates and softens for healthy


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

curls. The line has been formulated without sulfates, parabens, mineral oil and petrolatum to deliver unbeatably soft curls, kinks, coils and waves with exotic shine. These four amazing products are made with Argan Oil and Argan Butter, known as “liquid gold” for their moisturizing and softening properties from essential fatty acids, anti-oxidants and vitamins. Now natural customers can have all the style, softness and exotic shine that they are looking for. For more information, please visit www.cremeofnature.com.

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