The Tool Issue OTC April 2016

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April 2016| $6.00 The Tool Issue

Essential Tools For

Barbering Product Education Importance Bronner Bros. Mid-Winter International Beauty Show

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CONTENTS April 2016 in this issue

Editorial Letter ����������������������10 Complete Your Collection

여러분의 컬렉션을 완성해 보세요

Expert Advice �����������������������12 How to Choose the Right Tweezers for You

Marketplace �������������������������18 Armed for Perfection

Feature Article

Essential Tools for Barbering �� 58 by Elizabeth Yong Barbering has been an occupation since ancient times. Is your store providing the essential tools that successful barbers of today need to offer five-star service? Offering a one-stop shop for barbers and all their tool needs can increase sales and customer loyalty.

How Should You Sell It? �������26 How Heat Protecting Products Work

어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은… 열 보호 제품의원리!

Notes From the Natural Nation ���������������������55 Spring into Spring with a Moisture Miracle

Clipper Tips ��������������������������68 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Which Trimmer is Best of Them All? (Part 2)

Therapy Trends ���������������������70 Stimulating Sales in Sonic Appliances

Tonsorial Times .................... 72 Light on the Subject

Industry News ���������������������86

Manufacturer Profile

OMT, LLC �������������������������������������������������������������������� 62 Innovations are part of what makes this beauty industry great; whether it be a fresh product in an already established line, or a new company altogether. OMT, LLC recently stepped onto the scene and OTC Beauty Magazine was able to speak with Gwen Hill-Clayton, owner and president, to learn more about this hair and grooming manufacture dedicated to bringing the latest and greatest in male products, and more. 이미 만들어져 있는 라인에서의 새로운 제품이든, 완전히 새로운 회사의 제품이든에 상관없이, 혁신은 미용 업계를 더욱 대단하게 만드는 중요한 요소이다. OMT LLC는 최근 이 업계로 뛰어 들었는데, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이 회사의 대표인Gwen Hill-Clayton과 만나서 최신이자 최고인 남성 제품을 제공하는데 전념하고 있는 이들의 헤어 및 그루밍 제품에 관해 자세히 알아보았다.

BIR Bits ���������������������������������94 Coupons ������������������������������95 Show Calendar ����������������� 100 Ad Index ��������������������������� 100 Reader Feedback ��������������� 102 Product Spotlight �������������� 104 In a Heartbeat™


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

On The Cover Since 1922 Andis has been at the center of haircutting style, developing classic tools that enable classic—and eclectic—cuts. The classic duo of the Master® clipper and T-Outliner® trimmer is legendary in the industry. Learn more at

CONTENTS April 2016 Finished Product

Business Tips

Therefore, when choosing a flat iron, you have to consider a variety of factors. This article offers knowledge on three of the most common types of plating found on these tools.

by Ted Fishman Hair stylists and beauty experts agree that a heat protector product definitely helps protect hair from damage. Seeing as these products are necessary, it presents quite the upsell opportunity to you, as a store owner. Learn how to use this necessary coupling to your advantage.

Available Flat Iron Plating ����������� 30 How to Sell More Heat Protector Products by Blain Gowing When Selling Heat Appliances �������������������������� 42 Hair straighteners differ in form, sizes and added features.

Knowledge To Know

열 보호 제품들의판매를 증가시켜주는 팁

헤어 스타일리스트와 미용 전문가들은 열 보호 제품이 확실히 모발을 손상으로부터 보호하는데 Wahl Professional Director of 도움이 된다는 것에 동의한다. 스토어 오너들은 이러한 제품들을 구비하고 있음으로 해서 Education Laura VanderMoere 판매를 증대할 수 있다. 어떻게 판매를 해야 하는지 알아보도록 하자. Shares Tips and Techniques for Outdated Computer Systems Play Preventative Maintenance Care of Your Clippers and Trimmers ��� 32 Havoc with the Bottom Line �������������������������������� 44 Starting with “Maintenance 101” and exploring topics such as proper care techniques and common problems clipper and trimmers can face, this article is a go-to for basic information, suited to barbers and hairstylists. Regular maintenance and care is vital for the upkeep of hair cutting tools.

Wahl Professional의교육부장인 Laura VanderMoere가 전해 주는 클리퍼와 트리머의 유지 보수 관리에 관한 방법과 팁 클리퍼, 트리머의 유지 및 관리의 기본적인 수칙과, 사용시 쉽게 발생하는 문제점들을 예방하고 관리하는 방법들을 이 기사를 통해 알아보도록 하자. 헤어 기기들을 고장 없이 사용하려면 평상시에 관리 수칙을 철저히 지키는 것이 가장 중요하다.

by Nicole McMackin One of the greatest characteristics of computer technology also can be problematic…it’s everevolving. While that’s exciting for techies, it can be a headache for business leaders, whether they are corporate executives or small business owners. Take a look at where your establishment stands technologically, and see if an upgrade is right for you.

구식 컴퓨터 시스템은 골칫거리가될수있다

컴퓨터 기술의 가장 큰 특징 중 하나는 끊임없이 진화한다는 것이다. 그런데, 이것은 문제가 될 수도 있다. 기술 전문가들에게는 흥미롭겠지만, 비즈니스 리더나 기업 임원 혹은 소규모 사업주에게는 골칫거리가 될 수도 있다. 여러분의 시스템을 돌아보고, 업그레이드가 필요한지 한번 살펴 보도록 해라.

Beauty Ambassadors

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article ������������������ 50 The Importance of Product Education �������������������������������������� 36 TOOL (noun) \’tül\ by by Will Williams To create a connection with your customers and help push item sales, it is vital that both you and the customer are educated about the products you sell. Each item sold in this industry is different, and knowing their distinguishing factors, and how to correctly use them, is key to success.

제품 교육의 중요성

고객들에게 제품 구입을 권해줄 수 있으려면, 여러분과 고객들 모두가 제품에 대해 이해를 하고 있어야 한다. 이 업계에서는 하나의 제품을 판매하기 위해서, 제품의 특징과 정확한 사용법을 숙지하고 있는 것이 가장 중요하다.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Skin Care Beauty Ambassador Article ����������������������� 52 Understanding Everything Under the Sun

Show Coverage Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show, Mid-Winter 2016 ������������������������������������������������������ 76 The 69th Annual Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show took Atlanta by storm, February 20-22 at the Georgia World Congress Center.


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Earl Cole

Art Director:

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

Carla Alexander Ted Fishman Blain Gowing Nicole McMackin Laura VanderMoere Will Williams Spilo Worldwide Elizabeth Yong Emma Young


Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Editorial Letter

Complete Your Collection 여러분의 컬렉션을 완성해 보세요 A high school teacher once instructed my classmates and me to “work smart, not hard.” He simply meant for us to use the tools we had to accomplish a set goal by the most efficient means possible. Life was stressful enough, and heaven knows we had plenty of assignments to fill our time; in order to get everything completed with our sanity intact we needed to work smart, not unnecessarily hard. The same can be applied to life beyond the classroom, and especially as it pertains to the beauty industry. When relating this lesson we must look at what tools we have to reach success in this industry. No matter if we are considering cosmetic brushes, electrical hair goods, hair brushes, or even nail clippers, this business houses a multitude of tools that are all created to make beauty easier. Of course everyone’s vision of beauty differs, and that’s why this collection is so vast; there is something that can serve a specific purpose for each and every one of your customers. It is your job as a beauty store owner to provide shoppers with the tools they need. As you flip through this month’s issue be sure to keep an eye out for exciting new products in the industry, tips on how to protect hair from styling heat, business tips (to make your entrepreneur life easier), and much more great information. We also have included coverage of the 2016 Mid-Winter Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show. You do not want to miss out on any of it! This year as you examine your tool inventory we urge you to see what tools may be missing from your collection, and be sure to stock up on the latest innovations this great industry has to offer.

한 번은, 저희 고등학교 선생님께서 “영리하게 일해라, 열심히 말고”라는 내용으로 수업을 한 적이 있었습니다. 간단히 말해, 가능한 가장 효율적인 수단에 의해 설정된 목표를 달성할 수 있는 도구를 사용하라는 것입니다. 우리 삶에 스트레스는 충분히 많고, 우리의 시간을 채우기 위해 주어진 과제들이 너무도 많다는 것을 하늘은 알고 있습니다. 우리의 온전한 정신으로 모든 것을 충분히 완료하기 위해서는 불필요하게 열심히 일하는 것이 아니라, 영리하게 일 할 필요가 있습니다. 이와 같은 이치는 교실 밖 인생에도 적용될 수 있는데, 특히 미용 업계에도 관련이 있습니다.

이 수업에서 배웠던 것처럼, 우리는 이 업계에서 성공에 도달하기 위한 도구들이

무엇인지를 보아야 합니다. 우리가 화장품 브러쉬나 전기 헤어 제품, 헤어 브러쉬, 혹은 네일 클리퍼들을 고민하고 있는 동안, 이 업계는 보다 쉽게 미를 창조하기 위해 만들어진 다양한 도구들이 쏟아져 나오고 있습니다. 미에 대한 사람들의 비전이 모두 다르기 때문에, 컬렉션이 너무도 광대한 것입니다. 하지만 여러분의 고객 개개인의 특정한 목적을 모두 수행할 수 있는 것들은 반듯이 있습니다. 구매자들이 필요로 하는 도구를 그들에게 제공하는 것은 뷰티 서플라이 오너로서의 몫입니다.

이번 호 기사들을 읽으면서, 업계의 흥미로운 신제품들, 열처리 스타일링으로부터

모발을 보호하는 방법에 대한 팁, 비즈니스 팁(당신의 사업 인생을 보다 쉽게 만드는), 그 밖의 많은 정보들을 살펴보길 바랍니다. 또한, 이번 호에는2016 Mid-Winter Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show에 관한 집중 기사도 포함하고 있습니다. 어떤 기사도 놓치지 마세요!

말이 나온 김에, 여러분이 취급하고 있는 컬렉션 중에서 빠진 것은 없는지 확인

한번 해보시기 바랍니다. 또한, 이 위대한 업계가 제공하는 가장 최신의 혁신적인 제품들도 빠트리지 마세요.

Editor, 10

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice Article courtesy of Spilo Worldwide

How to Choose the Right Tweezers for You What differentiates an ‘okay’ pair of tweezers from a great pair? Choosing the right pair of tweezers can be crucial in achieving the perfect results. With hundreds of tweezers on the market today, it is hard to know which ones are the best; however it all starts with the quality of tweezers you use. Here are three tips to choosing a premium quality tweezer that lasts you a lifetime: 1. Choose Stainless Steel – Always choose a tweezer that is made from 100% stainless steel. It can be safely disinfected without rusting and holds up in the long run. Other metals, such as nickel, can cause irritation to the skin and will eventually begin to rust. 2. Triple Check the Tip Alignment – Your tweezer tips should be perfectly aligned. This means the tips are the same length and line up evenly from tip-to-tip, ensuring a non-slip grip on even the shortest and finest of hairs. 3. Look for Smooth, Finished Edges – Not only is the alignment of your tweezer important, but making sure your tweezer tips have smooth and finished edges is equally as

essential. When looking at the tips of the tweezer, there should be no light passing through the closed edges. A finished edge produces accurate tweezing and ensures a complete snag-free pull from the root. Another component to consider when choosing the right tweezer is knowing when to use the different tips. Tweezer tip shapes include slant, point, two-tip and a straight tip. • • • •

Slant Tip: The most popular! Best for shaping eyebrows and removing facial hair. Point Tip: A must-have! Best for removing ingrown hair or splinters. Two-Tip: A great value! A slant and point tip in one. Slant tip is best for brow shaping and point tip is best for removing ingrown hair or regrowth. Straight Tip: An ergonomic choice! Best for fast and easy removal of body and facial hair.

Whether you are a beauty professional or a consumer looking for long-lasting, reliable and effective tweezers, these tips will help you achieve the ultimate results from your tweezers.

Spilo Worldwide is a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry. Spilo takes pride in being knowledgeable in quality and performance of exceptional implements for hair, nails, and skin. With tweezers being an essential tool across the beauty industry, Spilo is a leader in the category offering a variety of prominent choices from proprietary and exclusive brands like Mehaz, Toolworx, and Rubis. 12

OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December April 20162008 OTC

April2008 2016 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December



OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December May 20152008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine


Armed for

Perfection Beauty tools are necessary for your customers to achieve the overall look they desire, whether in terms of hair, makeup, nails, beard maintenance or more. Explore this collection of electrical and general beauty tools that will keep them armed for perfection.

Perfectly Arched

Eyebrow maintenance truly is a labor of love. Keeping brows in tip-top shape is hard work, but armed with the right tools it’s no sweat for beauty technicians, or skilled users themselves. Gigi’s Fine Applicators are perfectly shaped for successful eyebrow waxing. One end is curved for wax placement while the other is pointed for precise shaping.

Fast Feed®

Haircuts are delightfully personal, and Oster is celebrating individuality with the Club Tattoo collection. Barbershops around the globe embrace this as well! Shown here, the Fast Feed Clipper is designed to easily craft multiple hairstyles and contains a quiet, powerful pivot motor. 18

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Whisper Quiet™

Who wouldn’t want to decrease hair drying time up to 50 percent? The Whisper Quiet Salon Turbo Ionic Dryer from HOT Tools gladly provides users with quiet operation and powerful performance. It maximizes shine and eliminates frizz while helping hair retain its essential natural moisture. Great for all hair types.

Pivot Pro®

Arm your customers with the tool they need to outline hairstyles and trim necklines, beards and moustaches like a pro. The Andis Pivot Pro Corded Trimmer flaunts four times the power of comparable magnetic motor trimmers. It is designed with a pivot motor for control and power for cutting all types of hair.

Stay Organized

Wahl has your barber customers covered when it comes to both clipper tool selection and organization. Their 8-Pack Premium Cutting Guides comes with a handy holder that has personalized slots for each guide comb. These attachments fit all Wahl full size clipper blades except for their Competition Series blades. April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine



Blow Dry Buddy

A dependable, round brush is vital to a beautiful hair blow-out, and the BabylissPRO Wood BlowDry Brush is exactly that. Flaunting a 1 3/8� barrel, this natural wood handle brush is ideal for chin length, fine to normal hair. It is manufactured to be anti-static and to not pull as it easily flows through tresses. Perfect!

Thermal Pressing Comb

The Brass Double Thermal Pressing Comb from Maxi Professional, like others in the collection, boasts highly polished fine teeth for smooth finishing. The heat resistant handle ensures easy and safe handling while pressing or straightening hair.

Pamper Damaged Hair

Customers can confidently repair and protect their hair with ApHogee, thanks to their scientific approach to beauty. Their Shampoo for Damaged Hair gently cleanses hair and helps restore its natural beauty. Containing rich proteins and conditioners it repairs damaged areas and improves hair strength.

The Key to Color

Necessary in the hair dying process, developer is a tool that cannot be overlooked. Setting the chemical reaction of development in gear, it is vital that the user chooses the correct volume. The Clairol Soy4Plex Pure White Creme Developer is created for use with Clairol Professional hair color and should be mixed well when using.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine



Wig Tape

Lace wig wearers the world over will tell you that a secure hold is a must-have. Thankfully they can find that with the Salon Pro 30 Seconds Lace Wig Tape. It provides the width, shape and contour that is needed for any lace wig tape application. Package includes 12 lace tapes.

Blow Dry Mousse

If a lightweight, oil infused conditioning mousse that provides hair with body, bounce and smoothness sounds too good to be true, get ready to be amazed. Amla Legend’s Lustrous Body Blow Dry Mousse from SoftSheen-Carson gives users’ hair flexible hold with silky texture, and radiant shine from root to tip. What’s more, if offers humidity resistance and frizz control.

Awesome Attachment

Just as an accessory adds the finishing touch to any outfit, the correct attachment to a hair dryer can elevate an “ok” hair style to a fabulous one. The Diane Screw-On Adjustable Nozzle comes with 4 adjustable rings and can be tightened to securely fit most hand held dryers. This tool separates hair for quick drying time, combs tresses and can help create volume.

Creative Crimps

Are your customers looking to add excitement to their look? Suggest the Gold ‘N Hot 2” Professional Ceramic Crimping Iron…it creates wildly fantastic hairstyles. Its ceramic plates distribute heat evenly for fast styling while keeping hair free from damage. 22

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

For your skin care trust Fair & White!

How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

How Heat Protecting Products Work! For many of your customers it is already a part of their morning routine: always apply a heat protector on hair before styling with a heat tool. This month we’re learning from the experts about what really makes these products work.

Scientifically, how do heat protecting serums, lotions and sprays work to guard hair against heat damage? “Hair is comprised of three main parts: the cuticle (intertwined scales), the hair cortex (rich in protein) and the medulla. A healthy strand of hair has a tight cuticle layer, preserving the moisture balance of the hair and protecting the cortex from outside elements. Healthy hair appears shiny, smooth and contains a natural elasticity because of the structural integrity. In contrast, porous hair means the cuticle layers’ tight seal has been compromised. This damage can come from a number of causes: natural weathering, excessive washing, brushing, chemicals and heat styling. Highly porous hair allows water to be absorbed and lost rapidly. The swelling of the hair due to this rapid absorption causes protein loss to the cortex and chipped, ragged cuticles. Heat protectants are designed to bind moisture to the hair and then create an added layer of strength, preserving the cuticle wall and protecting the structural integrity of the cortex. This layering slows moisture loss, blocks humidity and lowers heat conductivity.”

Sophia Perelli Giovanni Cosmetics, Inc.

“There are several kinds of heat used in hair care: hot water, hot air and hot irons, all of which have the ability to damage hair if not used correctly. In order to help defend hair against heat, a protective product (like a leave in conditioner) should be used. Do not use gels because they contain too much water that can turn into steam and burn the scalp. It is vital that a lubricant be applied to act as a cushion between the hair and the iron, avoiding harm. To better understand why, let’s look at how a curling iron works to form a temporary curl on hair. The outer layer of the hair shaft is called the cuticle and it consists of the same element as finger nails, but is much thinner. These cuticles protect the inner areas of the hair from outside dangers, yet they are softened and bend when a curling iron is used. Each time an iron is used on the hair some cuticle is lost and it takes at least two days for it to recover and rebuild. Do not use this any more than three times a week.”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the May issue! 26

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau, Trichologist/President Lloneau Products, Inc.


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...

열 보호 제품의 원리! 열기기를 사용하기 전에 모발에 열 보호제를 바르는 것이 이미 많은 고객들에겐 매일 아침의 일상이 되어 버렸다. 이 달에는 이런 제품들이 어떻게 효과를 내는 것인지에 대해 전문가들로부터 배워보자

과학적으로, 열 보호 세럼, 로션 그리고 스프레이가 열 손상으로부터 모발을 어떻게 보호할까? “머리는 세 가지 주요 부분으로 구성됩니다. 표피(서로 얽혀있는 껍질들), 헤어 피질 (단백질이 풍부), 그리고 수질. 건강한 모발은 단단한 표피층을 보유하고 있으며, 모발의 수분 균형을 유지하고 외부 요소로부터 피질을 보호합니다. 건강한 모발은 윤기 있고 부드러우며, 구조적인 무결성으로 인한 자연적인 탄력을 갖고 있습니다. 반면, 구멍이 많은 모발은 표피층의 밀봉이 손상되었음을 의미합니다. 이런 손상은 많은 이유들로 발생합니다: 자연 풍화, 과도한 머리 감기, 빗질, 화학적 및 열 스타일링 등이 있습니다. 과도하게 구멍이 많은 모발은 수분이 빠르게 흡수되고 손실되게 합니다. 이런 빠른 흡수로 인한 모발의 붓기는 피질의 단백질 손상과 깨지고 고르지 못한 표피를 만들어 냅니다. 열 보호제는 모발에 수분을 결합하고 강도를 높일 수 있는 층을 추가하도록 설계되어서, 표피 벽을 보존하고 피질의 구조적 무결성을 보호합니다. 이 층은 수분 손실을 늦추고, 습도를 차단하여 열전도율을 낮춥니다.”

Sophia Perelli Giovanni Cosmetics, Inc.

“모발 관리에 사용되는 열에는 여러 가지가 있습니다. 뜨거운 물, 뜨거운 바람, 그리고 뜨거운 아이언. 이 모든 것들은 올바로 사용하지 않으면 모발을 손상시키게 됩니다. 열로부터 모발을 보호하기 위해서는, 보호 제품(바르는 컨디셔너와 같은)을 반드시 사용해야 합니다. 젤은 증기로 변해서 두피를 타게 할 수 있을 만큼의 많은 수분을 포함하고 있기 때문에 사용해서는 안 됩니다. 손상 방지를 위해, 모발과 아이언 사이의 쿠션 역할을 하는 윤할제를 사용하는 것은 매우 중요합니다. 그 이유를 더욱 잘 이해하기 위해서, 컬링 아이언이 어떻게 모발에 일시적인 컬을 형성하는지를 살펴봅시다. 모발의 외부 층은 표피라고 불리는데 이것은 손톱과 같은 요소로 구성됩니다, 물론 훨씬 얇지만. 이 표피층들이 외부의 위험으로부터 모발의 안쪽을 보호합니다, 그런데 컬링 아이언을 사용할 때 이 표피층들은 부드럽고 잘 구부러집니다. 매번 모발에 아이언을 사용할 때마다 일부 표피층을 잃게 되며 이것의 회복과 복원을 위해서는 최소한 2일이 걸립니다. 주 3회 이상은 아이언을 사용하지 마세요.”

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 5월호에 게재됩니다 28

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau, Trichologist/President Lloneau Products, Inc.

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Blain Gowing

Available Flat Iron Plating


air straighteners differ in form, sizes, and added features. When choosing a flat iron, you have to think about the regularity of use. Invest in a good device, if you want to use it daily. Those with long hair, opt for a styler with wider plate. It is also appealing to go for flat irons having extra features. An automatic shut off is an additional benefit, the same with heat resistant handles.

2. Gold Plating Gold plated flat irons are intended for normal and relatively thick hair types. They are a good choice for everyday use, as they do not leave hair dry and dull. They also remove the frizz and leave pleasing results without much damage. Gold plated tools are more expensive than the chrome plating; but more reasonable than the ceramic.

So as to have the best styling device, you should also check the plating of the device. Below mentioned is three of the most common plating:

3. Ceramic Plating This is the most suggested type of plating. It is the best flat iron for all hair types such as heavy curly, fine, damaged, and chemically treated. It heats up very fast and you can finish the job quickly. In addition, the hair will not spend too much time under the heat. Another benefit of this device is that it is lightweight, so it is very easy for users to handle.

1. Chrome Plating Flat irons with chrome plating are a common choice among women because of their low price. These tools are perfect for those who do not use their straightener on a daily basis. This is due to the heat generated from the chrome plates easily damages the hair. So, pick this only if you plan to use it occasionally. Those who have chemically treated, dry hair, fine hair, and easily damaged hair, avoid this type of plating.

Knowing different types of hair straightening rods and their features allow you to choose the best device for your hair type. To prevent severe hair damages and ensure best results, use the best straightening iron with the support of protective hair care products.

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Blain Gowing is a contributor to, writing for Flat Iron Experts, professionals in the hair styling industry for the past 8 years. Read about the features of different types of flat irons online from their website, 30

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Laura VanderMoere

Wahl Professional Director of Education Laura VanderMoere Shares Tips and Techniques for Preventative Maintenance Care of Your Clippers and Trimmers Wahl Professional의교육부장인 Laura VanderMoere 가 전해주는 클리퍼와 트리머의 유지 보수 관리에 관한 방법과 팁 Maintenance 101: Everyone should have the following at their station if they are using a clipper or trimmer: • Blade Brush/Pressurized Air Can • Sanitizer • Clipper Oil/Blade Lubricant • Screwdriver

• Soft Towel • Blade Guard or Attachment Comb • Hooks

Proper Care You rely on clippers and trimmers for precision cutting, but their performance can diminish without the proper care. To ensure longevity of your tools and to continue to give your clients top-notch cuts, follow this recommended tool care routine. First, remove hair clippings from the blades after each use and before storing at night by removing the excess clippings with a blade brush, or use a pressurized air can. Tool sanitation is one of the most important preventative care steps you can take to enforce a hygienic environment for your clients. Sanitation is especially critical for trimmers that are used around the nose or mouth areas. “What people tend to overlook is whenever a tool comes in direct contact with the skin, this opens the door for cross-contamination; transferring bacteria, viruses or skin disorders from client-to-client,” says Laura VanderMoere, Director of Education, Wahl Professional. To prevent cross-contamination and keep your tools clean, sanitize your blades with hospital-grade sanitizer after each client and before storing. This is especially important with trimmers. For accurate sanitation time, follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Dry your blades with a soft cloth, and apply oil. Oil the blades each time after sanitizing or when the blades are starting to pull or bog down. Be sure to remove the excess hair before oiling, using either a blade brush or pressurized air depending on your personal preference. For proper direction, follow the manufacturer’s guide. After completing your daily routine, hang your clippers and trimmers whenever possible. If a hook isn’t available, gently wrap the cord together—do not wrap the cord around your unit as this may damage the wires. Always protect the blades with the provided blade guard or attachment comb to keep the blades aligned. “Clippers and trimmers are an investment and when properly maintained, will last a very long time,” says VanderMoere. The Unveiling of your New Tool After opening a new tool, remove it from the box and inspect it well. 1. Make sure the top and bottom blades are parallel. To align blades (pull lever up), loosen the screws (it is not necessary to take the blades apart to adjust), line the left tooth of the top blade over the left tooth of the bottom blade and tighten the screw. For a three-hole blade loosen the center screw only. 2. Plug in and turn on, with the teeth of the blade facing down (eventual damage may occur if oil trickles back into the motor). Add a drop of oil to each corner and center of the blade; open and close the taper lever to distribute the oil throughout the blade. 3. Adjust the power screw at this time for optimal clipper power (when applicable). With the clipper on, locate the screw on the right side of the clipper; turn right (clockwise) until a loud noise is heard then turn back left (counter-clockwise) until the noise stops. Continue to turn 1/8-1/4 of a turn more to set screw in place. With daily care, your clippers and trimmers can continue to perform well and help execute precision haircuts. Without routine maintenance, you may need to troubleshoot. Wahl Clipper Corporation shares a list of common problems and the preventative actions to correct them. 32

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

How to Oil Wahl Pro Blades Photo courtesy of Wahl Professional 유지 및 관리 기본: 클리퍼와 트리머를 사용하는 사람들은 아래 항목들을 반드시 보유하고 있어야 한다. • 블레이드 브러쉬 / 압축 공기 캔 • 소독제 • 클리퍼 오일 / 블레이드 윤활유 • 드라이버

• 부드러운 수건 • 블레이드 가드 또는 동반되는 빗 • 후크

여러분은 정확한 커팅을 위해 클리퍼와 트리머에 의존하지만, 적절한 관리가 따르지 않으면 그것의 성능은 쇠퇴 할 수 있다. 여러분 기구들의 수명을 보장하고 고객들에게 최고 수준의 커팅을 제공하기 위해서는, 다음의 기구 관리 권장 사항들을 따르기 바란다.

첫째, 매번 사용 후 블레이드에서 잘린 모발을 제거하고 사용이 끝나고 야간에 보관하기 전에 블레이드 브러쉬나 압축 공기 캔을 사용해서 모발 잔여물을 깔끔히 제거하라. 도구의 위생은 당신의 고객들에게 위생적인 환경 제공을 위해 당신이 취할 수 있는 가장 중요한 예방 관리 단계 중 하나이다. 코와 입 주위에 사용하는 트리머는 특히 위생이 중요하다. “사람들은 기구가 사람들과 직접 접촉 할 때마다, 교차 감염 (고객들 사이에서 박테리아, 바이러스 혹은 피부 질환이 전송되는 것)의 문을 여는 것이라는 것을 간과합니다.” Wahl Professional의Director of Education, Laura VanderMoere가 말한다.

교차 오염을 방지하고 도구를 깨끗이 유지하기 위해서는, 각각의 고객들이 서비스를 마친 후와 보관 전에, 블레이 드를 병원 등급의 살균제로 소독해라. 트리머는 특히 이것이 중요하다. 정확한 위생 시간을 위해서는 제조업체의 지침을 따라야 한다. 부드러운 천으로 블레이드를 건조하고 오일을 발라라. 살균 후 혹은 블레이드를 뺄 때 마다 오일을 바른다. 오일을 바르기 전에 잔여 모발을 확실히 제거해야 하며, 이 때 블레이드 브러쉬나 압축 공기를 사용할 수 있다. 적절한 지시를 위해서는, 제조업체의 설명을 따른다. 업무가 끝난 후, 클리퍼와 트리머는 가능하면 걸어둬라. 후크가 없으면, 코드는 부드럽게 말아두어라- 전선에 손 상을 줄 수 있으므로 기기를 코드로 둘러 감아서는 안 된다. 블레이드는 함께 제공되는 블레이드 가드나 빗에 항 상 넣어서 보관해야 정렬된 블레이드를 유지할 수가 있다. "클리퍼와 트리머는 투자이며, 제대로 관리할 때, 오래 지속될 것입니다,” 라고 VanderMoere는 말한다. 당신의 새로운 기기를 알아보자 새 기기를 개봉한 후, 상자에서 꺼내서 자세히 살펴봐라.

1. 블레이드의 상단과 하단이 평행한지 확인해라. 블레이드를 정렬하려면(레버를 당기고), 나사를 풀 어서(블레이드를 조절하기 위해서 떼어 낼 필요는 없다), 상단 블레이드의 왼쪽 날과 하단 블레이드의 왼쪽 날을 나란히 하고 나사를 조이면 된다. 3홀 블레이드의 경우에는 중앙의 나사만 풀면된다.

2. 블레이드 날이 아래로 향하게 한 채로, 플러그 인하고 전원을 켠다(오일이 모터로 흘러 들어갈 경우 의도치 않은 손상이 발생할 수 있기 때문에). 블레이드의 중심과 각 모서리 부분에 오일 한 방울씩 떨 어트린다. 테이퍼 레버를 열고 닫아서 오일이 블레이드 전체에 고루 전해지도록 한다. 3. 이 때, 최적의 클리퍼 파워를 위해(해당될 경우) 전원 나사를 조정한다. 클리퍼를 켜고, 나사의 위치 를 클리퍼의 우측으로 한다. 시끄러운 소리가 들릴 때까지 우측(시계 방향)으로 돌리고 나서 소음이 멈출 때까지 좌측(시계 반대 방향)으로 돌린다. 나사를 꽉 조이기 위해 1/8-1/4정도 더 돌려준다.

April 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine



일상적인 관리를 한다면, 당신의 클리퍼와 트리머는 제대로 작동할 것이며 정밀한 헤어컷을 실행하는데 지속적으로 도움이 될 것이다. 일상적인 기구 관리가 없다면, 아마도 고장이 발생하고 그것을 해결해야 할 수도 있다. WAHL Clipper Corporation 은 일반적으로 발생하는 문제들과 그것을 해결하기 위한 예방 조치 목록을 다음과 같 이 말하고 있다.

Common Problem 1: Not cutting Reasons Why: a. Not using proper (Wahl) lubricant b. Not oiling frequently enough c. Not oiling all necessary areas of blade d. Improper line up

e. f. g.

Wrong technique for type of blade Blades need service Damaged blades

Common Problem 2: Blades biting or nicking Reasons Why: a. b.

Improper line up of blade Wrong blade for the type of use

c. d.

Wrong technique for type of blade Damaged teeth on blades

Common Problem 3: Unit runs slow or bogs down Reasons Why: a. b. c.

Not using proper lubricant Not oiling frequently enough Not oiling all necessary areas of blade

d. e.

Wrong technique for type of blade Wrong type of blade

Common Problem 4: Product won’t charge Reasons Why: a. Storing product with transformer plugged into product, but not plugged into an outlet or outlet that is shut off at night b. Not charging in the “off ” position By practicing a care routine, you are safeguarding your products and protecting your clients from preventable cross-contamination. For more information, visit for daily maintenance tips and more. For questions regarding repair and evaluation of your Wahl Professional tools, please call 800-767-9245.

일반적인 문제 1: 커팅이 되지 않는다. 원인:

a. 적절한 윤활제(Wahl 제품)를 사용하지 않는다. b. 오일을 자주, 충분히 바르지 않는다. c. 블레이드의 필요한 모든 부분에 오일을 바르지 않 는다.

일반적인 문제2: 블레이드가 모발을 물거나 자국을 만든다 원인: a. 블레이드의 부적절할 라인업 b. 사용 형태와 맞지 않는 블레이드

일반적인 문제3: 느리게 작동하거나 교착이 되는 경우 원인:

d. e. f. g.

부적절한 라인업 블레이드 형태에 맞지 않는 테크닉 블레이드가 서비스가 필요할 경우 손상된 블레이드

c. 블레이드 유형에 맞지 않는 테크닉 d. 손상된 블레이드 날

a. 적절한 윤활제를 사용하지 않는다. d. 블레이드 형태에 맞지 않은 테크닉 b. 오일을 자주, 충분히 바르지 않는다. e. 잘못된 블레이드 유형 c. 블레이드의 필요한 모든 부분에 오일을 바르 지 않는다.

일반적인 문제 4: 제품이 충전되지 않는다 원인: a. 변압기와 저장 제품이 제품에 연결되어 있지만, 콘센트에 연결되어 있지 않거나 콘센트가 밤 새 차단되어 있는 경우 b. “Off” 위치에서 충전되지 않은 경우

일상적인 관리방법을 실행함으로써 여러분은 제품을 보호할 수 있고, 교차 감염으로부터 고객들도 보호할 수가 있다. 일상적인 관리 방법과 그 외 보다 자세한 내용은www.wahlpro.com를 방문하면 된다. Wahl Professioinal 기구에 관한 수리 및 평가에 관한 질문은 800-767-9245로 전화하면 된다.

Laura VanderMoere is the Director of Education for Wahl Clipper Corporation, North America Professional Division. She is a Master Barber by trade and her approach is not just for men. "It doesn't matter what goes on under the cape, it's about a thought process, removing mental boundaries and developing yourself as an artist,” she says. Laura's first love is precision cutting, but she is also incredibly passionate when it comes to teaching about tools and techniques. "Once you master the fundamentals anything is possible. You just have to understand your canvas, its texture and the tools needed to achieve your vision.” Laura believes an artist must push past industry restrictions and boundaries to individuate their artistry and their client's individual style.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

April 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Will Williams

The Importance of Product Education 제품 교육의 중요성 I

was receiving my new automobile and the salesman was giving me a grand tour of all the key features of my new purchase. Since I was changing automobiles it was not just merely an upgrade in the same make of car; it was an entirely new adventure that promised to make my driving experience new and exciting. I remember once someone saying, “Any automobile will take you from point A to point B. The difference in cars is how you arrive.” The same can be said about some beauty products. There is a Korean Proverb that says, “Carve the peg only after studying the hole.” It has many layers to its core meaning. The learning that I take from it, as it regards the OTC, is that first we must know what the customers are looking for. Next we must provide it. Finally we need to deliver it in a way that they will be familiar with on the first time trying. It is said that there are three moments of truth regarding product selection, sale and repurchase: 1. The first moment of truth is display and packaging. The package must be able to attract the attention of the consumer. (This is the Manufacturers’ job). Next, the OTC store must display the product where the customer will see it. These two things taken together are the first moment of truth. 2. The second moment of truth occurs when the customer decides to purchase and completes the transaction at checkout. 3. The third moment of truth occurs when the customer takes the product home and uses it with whatever expectations are presented on the package.

Now let’s apply a little education to the matter at hand. There may be material on the display that consumers can take and read. There may also be a web address or Internet site that the consumer is directed to. Research shows that when the consumer is prompted into conversation about the purchase they are more amenable to asking or answering questions about it. For example, the OTC beauty advisor could ask, “Have you used this product before?” If the consumer answers “yes,” the beauty advisor could ask, “What do you like best about it: fragrance, texture or its ability to deep condition?” The consumer now becomes the educator, instructing the beauty advisor. “I love the way it makes my hair shine without greasy residue. I love the fragrance and it is easy to apply; a little goes a long way.” In less than two to three minutes the consumer has been prompted to educate everyone around them about this product and its effect on them and their family. This now becomes a “word of mouth” advertisement If the consumer is a first-time user of the product, it is important to tell them one 36

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

가 새 자동차를 구입했을 때, 판매원은 새 자동차의 주요 기능에 관한 내용들을 자세히 알려주 었다. 단지 같은 브랜드로 차종을 업그레이드한 것이 아니라, 완전히 다른 자동차를 구입한 것

이라, 앞으로의 내 운전 경험을 새롭고 흥미롭게 할 새로운 모험이었다. 언젠가 누군가 한 말을 기억

한다, “어떤 자동차든 당신을 A지점에서 B 지점까지 데려다 줄 것이다. 자동차의 차이는 당신이 어떻 게 도착하는가 이다.” 일부 미용 제품에도 이 말이 적용된다고 할 수 있다.

한국 옛 속담에, “구멍을 보아 말뚝 깎는다.”는 말이 있다. 이 말에 핵심적인 의미는 여러 가지로 해석

될 수 있다. 소매상에 관해 얘기할 때, 내가 이 속담으로부터 얻은 것은, 우리는 고객이 찾고 있는 것이 무엇인지 먼저 알아야 한다는 것이다. 다음으로 그것을 반드시 제공해야 한다는 것이다. 마지막으로 그들이 처음 시도할 때의 친숙한 방법으로 그 제품을 제공해야 한다는 것이다. 제품 선택과 판매, 그리고 재구매에 관한 3 가지 결정적 순간이 있다고 한다:

1. 첫 번째 결정적 순간은 진열과 포장이다. 포장은 소비자의 관심을 끌 수 있어야 한다. (이

것은 제조업체의 일이다). 다음으로, OTC 매장은 소비자들이 잘 볼 수 있는 곳에 제품을 진열해야 한다. 이 두 가지가 모두 첫 번째 결정적 순간이 된다.

2. 두 번째 결정적 순간은 소비자가 구매를 결정하고 계산대에서 구매를 마치는 순간이다.

3. 세 번째 결정적 순간은 소비자가 구매한 제품을 집으로 가져가서 포장된 제품을 보고 그

들이 가졌던 기대감으로 그것을 사용하는 순간이다.

지금부터, 현재의 문제에 약간의 교육을 적용해 보자. 진열대에는 소비자들이 가져가서 읽을 수 있 는 홍보물이 있을 수 있다. 또한 소비자들이 직접 접속할 수 있는 웹사이트 주소나 인터넷 사이트 도 있다.

연구 조사에서는 소비자들이 제품에 관심을 갖고 제품에 대한 관한 질의 응답을 함으로 해서 제품

이 더욱 개선된다고 한다. 예를 들어, OTC 뷰티 어드바이저가 묻는다,”전에 이 제품을 사용하신 적이

있습니까?” 만일 소비자가 “네”라고 답하면, 뷰티 어드바이저는 “이 제품의 어떤 점이 가장 맘에 드십 니까: 향기, 촉감 혹은 딥 컨디션 능력? 이렇게 물어볼 수 있다. 소비자는 이제 교육자가 되어, 뷰티 어

디바이저를 가르치게 된다. “나는 이 제품이 번들거림 없이 모발을 윤기 있게 해 줘서 좋습니다. 향기

도 좋고 사용도 쉽습니다. 조금만 사용해도 오래 지속됩니다.” 2-3분 안에 소비자는 이 제품과 효능에 관해 가족과 주변 모든 사람들을 교육하고 있는 것이다. 이것이 바로 “입소문” 광고가 되는 것이다.

소비자가 제품을 처음 사용하는 경우, 포장에 인쇄되지 않은 한 가지를 그들에게 알려주는 것이

중요하다. 예를 들어, 매장에 새로 들어온 바르는 컨디셔너가 있을 경우, OTC 뷰티 어드바이저는 자신

thing that is not printed on the package. For instance, if this is a new-to-the-store leave in conditioner, it would be good for OTC beauty advisor to try it for him or herself. In the OTC where there are multiple beauty advisors it is a good idea to try and sample every thing that holds appeal. A 10 minute discussion between beauty advisors about new products will yield a lot of knowledge that can be passed on to customers. Education and experience can be strong encouragements for customers of the store. The experience is priceless for the customer because it is a personal endorsement. It has been proven that personal recommendation from a friend, acquaintance or someone knowledgeable with first-hand experience carries a lot of weight in the decision making process for consumers at store level. Education for store personnel around natural ingredients like Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Jojoba and Rosemary is very important because these ingredients are in so many products. They can perform numerous tasks from anti-breakage to growth and flexibility. Knowledge around key ingredients helps customers make informed decisions. Educated OTC beauty advisors who are familiar with the core functionality of product categories are a customers’ best friend. Conversation with customers will reveal conditions like dryness, slow or no growing hair. Let’s look at two important areas customers hone in on and are most likely to ask questions about.

이 먼저 사용해보는 것이 좋다.

여러명의 뷰티 어드바이저를 보유하고 있는 OTC 매장에서는 제품들을 직접 시험 사용해보고 제

품의 매력을 부각시킬 수 있는 샘플링을 만드는 것이 좋은 아이디어가 된다. 신제품에 관한 뷰티 어

드바이저와의 10분간의 대화는 제품에 관한 많은 지식을 고객들에게 전달할 수가 있다. 말로 직접 이 러한 정보를 전해 줌으로서 고객들은 제품과 스토어에 더욱 신뢰를 갖게 된다. 친구나 지인, 제품을

맨 처음으로 사용해본 사람으로부터의 개인적인 권유는 소비자들이 매장에서 구매를 결정할 때 상당 히 무게를 실어준다는 것은 이미 입증되어왔다.

코코넛 오일, 시어 버터, 호호바와 로즈마리 등 천연 성분의 제품을 담당하는 매장 직원들에 대한

교육은 매우 중요하다, 왜냐하면 이런 성분들은 너무도 많은 제품에 함유되어 있기 때문이다. 이런

천연 성분들은 피부에 생기는 문제들을 방지하고 성장과 탄력을 돕는 등 수많은 작용을 할 수 있다. 주요 성분에 대한 지식은 고객들이 정확한 지식으로 결정을 내리게 하는데 도움이 된다.

제품 카테고리의 핵심 기능에 친숙하도록 교육받은 OTC 뷰티 어드바이저들은 소비자들에게는

최고의 친구이다. 소비자들과의 대화를 통해 모발의 건조함, 느린 성장 혹은 성장하지 않는 모발 등 의 상태가 드러나게 될 것이다.

소비자들이 관심을 갖거나 질문할 가능성이 높은 두 가지 중요한 부분을 살펴보자.

April 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K 1. Itchy dry scalp and its nemesis, dry, shedding hair Consumers really want to know answers when it comes to this age-old problem. Here are a few things that could affect itchy scalp and dry hair: infrequent shampoo, poor rinsing when shampooing and improper cleansing. It is so important to use moisturizing shampoo for general cleansing. It is equally important to rinse all the shampoo from hair and condition well. If you feel comfortable suggesting increasing shampoo frequency, do so. Your customers will thank you for it. Clean, conditioned hair and maybe a splash of Sea Breeze on the scalp can be soothing and such a relief from itching.

1. 가렵고 건조한 두피와, 이에 따라 건조해지고 빠지는 모발

소비자들은 이 아주 오래된 문제에 관한 답을 알고 싶어 한다. 가려운 두피와 건조한 모발에 영향을

끼치는 몇 가지가 있다. 드문 샴푸, 샴푸를 깨끗이 씻어내지 않는 것, 부적절한 클렌징. 일반적인 클렌

징에는 보습 샴푸를 사용하는 것이 아주 중요하다. 모발에 묻은 샴푸를 모두 씻어 내고 잘 클렌징하는 것도 똑같이 중요하다. 샴푸 사용 횟수를 늘이는 것을 제안하는 것도 소비자들에게 도움이 되는 조언 이 될 수 있다. 깨끗하고 컨디셔닝이 된 모발에 Sea Breeze 제품을 뿌려주는 것 또한 가려움을 없애 주는 방법이 될 것이다.

2. Slow or no growing hair Many products for hair growth will feature Rosemary, Jojoba and Castor Oil. These oils have long been associated with providing an environment for healthy hair growth. Highcount cotton sheets and pillows help as well. Of course old school staples like Satin Bonnets and Pillowcases also help. Suggest changing combs every three months if your customers are using plastic combs, and most of us are. Hard rubber and plastic combs can deteriorate and the teeth will form snags that tear the hair. That damage results in frizz and weakened hair. It is important to make sure customers have good tools and rotate them when the seasons change.

2. 느리거나 성장하지 않는 모발

Education is the key to knowledge; knowledge is the key to professional recommendations that really help OTC customers to have healthy scalp and beautiful hair. Education is a product just as much as any other item in-store or online.

교육은 지식의 핵심이다. 지식은 OTC 고객들이 건강한 두피와 아름다운 모발을 갖도록 진정한 도움

Being selective about educators and education is a must for the OTC. It is important to check the credentials of whomever you choose to supply your education.

헤어 성장을 위한 많은 제품들은 로즈마리, 호호바, 캐스터 오일 등이 함유돼있다. 이러한 오일은 건

강한 모발 성장을 위한 환경을 제공하는 것과 깊은 관련이 있다. 촘촘히 짜여진 면 시트와 베개도 도 움이 된다. 그리고 옛날방식의 Stain Bonnets과 베갯잇 역시 도움이 된다.

고객이 플라스틱 빗을 사용하는 경우, 우리들 대부분이 그렇지만, 3개월 마다 빗을 바꿀 것을 권유해 봐라. 딱딱한 고무와 플라스틱 빗은 닳을 수가 있고 빗의 날이 날카로워져서 모발을 끊을 수도 있다.

이렇게 낡은 빗은 푸석하고 약한 모발을 초래하게 된다. 고객들이 좋은 도구를 사용하며 계절이 바뀔 때마다 그것을 바꿔 쓰도록 하는 것이 중요하다.

을 줄 수 있는 전문가적 조언의 핵심이다. 교육은 매장이나 온라인상의 제품들만큼이나 중요한 상품 인 것이다.

교육자 및 교육에 대해 깐깐한 것이 OTC 매장을 위해서 필요하다. 또한, 여러분의 매장에서 교육을 제공할 사람에 대한 자격 조건을 확인하는 것도 중요한 일이다.

Will Williams is currently the Director of Education for M&M Products Co., a Master Barber, Master Cosmetologist, Public Speaker and Product Developer. Will is a Global Ambassador working with professionals and consumers the world over.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

April 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Ted Fishman

How to Sell More Heat

Protector Products When Selling Heat Appliances

열 보호 제품들의 판매를 증가시켜 주는 팁


air stylists and beauty experts agree that a heat protector product definitely helps protect hair from damage. A heat protectant adds moisture to hair, preventing the natural moisture from evaporating. It also forms a protective barrier over the hair cuticle on the hair strand which prevents heat damage and enables the hair to keep its shine. There is an array of products available in the marketplace that are especially formulated to protect hair from heat appliances. There are sprays, creams, mists, etc. that are available. These products are designed to be used before using a heat appliance such as a blow dryer, flat irons, curling iron, etc. A great opportunity is available to sell these heat protector products along with the heat appliances. Signage in the heat appliance section, telling the customer that products are available and recommended to be used in conjunction with heat appliances, is helpful. A section right near the heat appliance area should be devoted to heat protector products. Some vendors will even provide small 1 ounce samples of their products in “fishbowls” as samples for the consumer to try. The opportunity is there. Every consumer who purchases a heat appliance should also purchase a heat protector product to go with it. Store personnel should suggest this if possible. The customer may only buy that blow dryer, curling iron, flat iron, etc. once in a while, but they will come back to buy the heat protector product over and over again.

어 스타일리스트와 미용 전문가들은 열 보호 제품이 확실히 손상으로부터 모발을 보호하는데 도움이 된다는 것에 동의한다. 열 보호제는 모발에 수분을 더하고, 자 연 수분이 증발하는 것을 방지한다. 또한 모발의 표피 위에 보호막을 형성하여 열로 인한 손상을 방지하고 모발의 윤기를 유지시켜준다. 열 기기로부터 모발을 보호할 수 있도록 특별히 공법화된 제품들이 시중에 많이 있 다. 스프레이, 크림, 미스트 등등. 이런 제품들은 드라이어나 플랫 아이언, 컬링 아이언 등 을 사용하기 전에 먼저 사용하도록 디자인되었다. 열 기기들과 함께 이런 열 보호 제품들을 판매할 수 있는 좋은 기회들이 있다. 열 기 기 진열 섹션에 사인을 붙이고, 고객들에게 열 기기와 함께 사용하도록 권장하는 제품들 이 있고, 이러한 제품들이 도움이 된다는 것을 알려라. 열 기기 제품들 바로 근처 섹션에 열 보호 제품들을 진열해야 한다. 일부 공급업체들은 작은 1 온스 샘플 제품들로 채워진 어항만한 유리 통을 제공하기도 하는데, 고객들이 시험 삼아 사용하기에 좋은 샘플이다. 기회는 있다. 열 기기를 구매하는 모든 소비자들은 그것과 함께 사용할 수 있는 열 보호 제품을 구매해야 한다. 매장 직원들은 가능하다면 이 점을 반드시 고객들에게 제안 해야 한다. 고객들이 드라이어나 컬링 아이언, 플랫 아이언과 같은 기구제품들은 시간을 두고 가끔 구입할지 모르지만, 열 보호 제품들 또 구매하고, 다시 구매하기 위해 스토어 를 방문할 것이다.

Ted Fishman, President of Ted Fishman & Associates, is an industry veteran who has dedicated his life to the betterment of the business. He can be reached through email at


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Nicole McMackin

Outdated Computer Systems Play Havoc with the Bottom Line

Assessing Technology Needs can Help Businesses Stay Competitive 구식 컴퓨터 시스템은 골칫거리가 될 수 있다

시스템향상은 기업 경쟁력 유지에 도움이 된다


ne of the greatest characteristics of computer technology also can be problematic…It’s ever-evolving. While that’s exciting for techies, it can be a headache for business leaders, whether they are corporate executives or small business owners. Businesses periodically need to upgrade or replace creaky computer systems, or risk falling behind their competitors. If they try to muddle through with a cranky jalopy when everyone else moved up to the latest sports car, they may find themselves out of the race for consumer dollars. One thing companies need to remember is that as the capabilities of technology continue to rise, so do the expectations of their customers. The bar keeps being raised higher and higher in terms of how quickly and efficiently customers expect to be served. But weighing whether to invest a substantial sum in updated technology when other needs are pressing can leave management in a dilemma. Is it time to junk the system entirely and start over? Can the current system be salvaged with just an update here or there? Or is everything fine – at least for now? Frankly, unless they happen to work for a high-tech company, most business leaders probably don’t consider information technology to be one of their areas of expertise. I’m sure most of them prefer to spend their time and energy on the other pressing matters. They look at the struggling IT system they don’t completely understand, and about all they can think about is the cost they are going to face to improve it. So they keep putting off a decision. Inaction can come with its own costs, such as: • Low employee morale and production. Employees will dread coming to work when they know they must do battle each day with troublesome technology. An outdated system leaves employees frustrated and, what’s more, production suffers when the system works too slowly or freezes up. • Cybersecurity threats. While technology is a great asset, it also represents a potential risk for every company. Hackers are hard at work looking for weak links in everyone’s IT security systems. An aging system provides a weaker defense against potential breaches that could damage both a company’s equipment and reputation. • Missing out on potential cost reductions. Technology can be expensive, that’s no 44

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

퓨터 기술의 가장 큰 특징 중 하나는 끊임없이 진화한다는 것이다. 그런데, 이것은 문제가

될 수도 있다. 기술 전문가들에게는 흥미롭겠지만, 비즈니스 리더나 기업 임원 혹은 소규모

사업주에게는 골칫거리가 될 수도 있다.

사업을 하다 보면 주기적으로 낡은 컴퓨터를 업그레이드하거나 교체해야 할 필요가 있다. 그

렇지 않으면 경쟁에 뒤쳐지는 위험을 감수해야 한다. 만일 모든 사람들이 최신형 스포츠카로 바꿀 때, 당신은 여전히 짜증스러운 고물차로 고군분투 중이라면, 시장성에 대한 경쟁에서도 뒤쳐지게 될 수 있다.

회사가 기억해야 할 한 가지는 기술력이 계속 높아짐에 따라, 고객들의 기대도 높아진다는

것이다. 얼마나 신속하고 효율적으로 고객들의 기대를 충족시킬 수 있느냐는 점에서 잣대는 점점 더 높게 올라가고 있다.

그러나 다른 요구 사항으로 압박이 있을 때, 업데이트된 기술에 상당한 금액을 투자할지 여

부를 측정하는 것은 관리에 있어서 딜레마에 빠지게 될 수 있다. 시스템을 완전히 폐기처리하고 새 롭게 다시 시작해야 할 때인가? 현재 시스템을 여기 저기 업데이트하는 걸로 충분히 사용할 수 있 을까? 아니면 적어도 지금은 다 괜찮은가?

솔직히, 첨단 기술 회사에 근무하지 않는 한, 대부분의 비즈니스 리더들은 자신의 전문 분야

중 하나가 될 정보 기술을 아마도 크게 고려하지 않을 것이다. 그들 대부분은 그들의 시간과 에너지 를 당면한 다른 문제를 해결하는데 사용하는 것을 선호할 것이라고 나는 확신한다. 그들은 완전히

이해하지 못하는 IT시스템을 보면서 어려움을 겪고 있으며, 그것에 관해 그들이 생각할 수 있는 모

든 것은 시스템 개선을 위해 그들이 사용하게 될 비용이다. 그래서 그들은 결정을 계속 미루는 것이 다.

활동부족은 다음과 같은 비용을 동반할 수 있다. • 직원의 낮은 의욕 및 생산성. 직원들은 골칫거리 시스템과 매일 씨름해야 한다는 것을 알게 될 때 일하러 오는 것에 대한 거부감이 커진다. 오래된 시스템은 직원들을 불만스럽게 하고, 이에 한 술 더 떠서 시스템이 너무 늦게 작동하거나 얼어버리면 생산에도 차질이 생긴다.

• 사이버 보안 위협. 기술은 큰 자산이지만, 그것은 또한 모든 기업들이 갖는 잠재적 위험을 나타내

기도 한다. 해커들은 모든 사람의 IT 보안 시스템에서 취약한 링크를 찾는데 열심이다. 노후된 시스 템은 회사의 장비와 명성 모두를 손상시킬 수도 있다.

• 잠재적인 비용 절감의 누락. 알고 있듯이, 시스템을 구축하는데 많은 비용이 들기도 한다. 하지만,

secret, but the right technology also can be a solution to rising expenses in other areas of a company. An efficient computer system can help reduce costs and potentially increase revenues. Remember, too, that downtime and outages also chip away at the profit margin. Many businesses barely function—or don’t—when their computer systems crash. Most companies with an aging system could benefit from an IT assessment that would help answer the questions that leave business leaders fretting. That would tell you how well your technology infrastructure matches up with the goals and needs of your business. A good assessment will tell you if you are spending too much or too little, and can point out ways that you can gain the most leverage from technology. But any decision shouldn’t be about technology for the sake of technology. This isn’t like consumers lining up to buy the latest gadget-filled cell phone just because it’s the trendy thing to do. Businesses don’t need something just because it’s the newest and flashiest thing. They need what will help them succeed with their bottom line. 적합한 기술은 기업의 다른 분야 비용증가를 막아주기도 한다. 효율적인 컴퓨터 시스템은 비용을 절

감하고 잠재적으로 수익을 높이는데 도움이 된다. 기억하라, 기계가 작동하지 않는 시간과은 이익 마 진 또한 깎아 먹는다는 것을. 많은 기업들은 컴퓨터 시스템에 오류가 생기게 되면 가까스로 기능을 이어가거나 아예 기능을 할 수 없게 된다.

오래된 시스템을 보유하고 있는 대부분의 기업들은 시스템 점검을 통해 비즈니스 리더들을 초조하

게 만드는 요소들을 해갈할 수도 있다. 그것은 당신의 기술 인프라가 비즈니스의 목표와 요구에 얼마 나 잘 일치하는지를 말해준다. 재대로 된 검사는 당신이 비용을 너무 많이 사용하고 있는지 혹은 너

무 적은 비용을 쓰고 있는지를 알려줄 것이며, 기술로부터 당신이 가장 크게 얻을 수 있는 이익을 말 해줄 수 있다.

그러나 어떤 결정도 테크놀로지만을 위한 것이어서는 안 된다. 이것은 소비자들이 단지 유행

이라는 이유로 최신형의 휴대전화를 구매하기 위해 줄 서 있는 것과는 다르다. 비즈니스는 단지 새롭 고 신선한 것이기 때문에 무언가가 필요한.

Nicole McMackin is president of Irvine Technology Corp. (, a firm that specializes in information technology solutions and staffing. McMackin has an established career in sales and management with a strong emphasis of account ownership within Fortune 300 organizations. She is a graduate of the University of California, Irvine, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree.

April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine


Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools by Carla Alexander


(noun) \’tül\:


An implement, especially one held in the hand, for the purpose of accomplishing a task.

ow, that sounds cold and generic, doesn’t it? When we hear the word “tool,” maybe the first thing that comes to mind is a screwdriver or a hammer. However, Gold ‘N Hot has a much more fun, colorful and useful purpose for the tools we create. Whatever you call your electric hair appliances, we have the “tool” that serves to beautify your hair and create a classy, sassy, stylish and original ‘do. Our tools use the latest and most beneficial technologies to ensure that you receive the perfect mix of style, healthy heat, temperature and surfaces. From 24K Gold Irons to Ceramic, Ionic and Tourmaline, we search far and wide for the very best for our customers. Obviously, hair health is the first and most basic need for beautiful hair. Gold ‘N Hot designs its tools with temperature ranges that can be adjusted to the ideal temperature for any hair type. We take great pride in staying on top of the latest trends, technologies, and styles so we can provide you with the industry’s best tools for curly, extra-curly, kinky, coiled and natural hair. Take a moment to look over just a few of our products. Whether you are shopping for yourself or for valued customers or clients, you can be confident that we carry a full line of multicultural hair tools that you can trust and depend upon. Hair Dryers We have to tell you about our Professional 1875 Watt Ionic Ultra-lightweight Dryer with Tourmaline. This dryer is super lightweight (at only 10 ounces!) and very reasonably priced compared with other dryers of the same technology. (We also have five other blow dryers in our line to suit any need). Ceramic Technology We have straighteners of various sizes to straighten even the curliest hair. These irons have temperature ranges from 200ºF to 450ºF; and our fast heat-up and quick recovery ensure you get styled and on your way with no delay. The ceramic guarantees that hair comes out silky-soft and sealed with no frizzies or fly-aways.

We also have ceramic curling irons in a variety of sizes for everything from the tiniest pin curl to flowing, bouncy large curls. Cool Tips and Clamp Releases allow for safe and easy styling. 24K Gold Some of the best curling irons available are our 24K Gold Professional Spring Irons. The gold on the barrel provides superior heat conductivity, and the temperatures range from 200ºF all the way up to 500ºF. Heat that high may not be necessary, but it’s nice to know it’s available! And the rest… Professional ionic soft bonnet dryers, several professional hard hats, as well as a professional conditioning cap ensure that we have the hair spectrum covered from “wet” to “out the door.” If you find yourself feeling adventurous, we also have crimpers, triple barrel wavers, an iron that straightens and curls (appropriately called the Straight ‘n Curl®) and deep wavers for beachy waves that take very little effort to accomplish.

Gold ‘N Hot is dedicated to producing products that give you the power to get the professional results you desire from the comfort of your own home. Gold ’N Hot is currently looking for enthusiastic new people eager to provide feedback on our products and increase our brand awareness. If you’re interested in becoming a Brand Ambassador, please contact us at: or visit our website at: Be sure to follow and like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @GoldNHotElite. Visit these social media sites for the latest updates, giveaway, and more.

Carla Alexander is a Brand Manager in the Marketing Department of the Professional Division, Salon/Beauty Group at Helen of Troy. Since earning her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Dallas Baptist University, she has pursued her passion in the marketing field and finds particular satisfaction in helping people be their own kind of beautiful.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Beauty Ambassador

Skin Care


Understanding Everything Under the Sun

hether or not we are diligent practitioners, most of us know at this point how important it is to regularly use sun protection. No other step in your beauty regimen can serve the dual role of preserving your youth (using sunscreen helps prevent visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and discoloration) and possibly saving your life (one person dies of melanoma every hour1 and each year in the US nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer2). While we may know we should use sun protection there are still pervasive myths, misguided beliefs and general misunderstandings of the products and category as a whole. Pick up any suncare product on the market and chances are you will find some of these common terms: “SPF,” “Water Resistant” or “Broad Spectrum.” But what do they actually mean? Sun Protection Factor (SPF) SPF: The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) rating system was introduced in 1962 to measure a sunscreen’s effect against UVB rays, the particular UV wave that causes sunburn, sun damage and can contribute to skin cancer.

So what does the number mean? Let’s say your skin, with no sunscreen, would typically burn after 10 minutes of sun exposure. An SPF 15 simply means that you can now multiply that time (10 minutes) by 15 (for a sun factor product of SPF 15) = 150 minutes of sun protection without burning. This of course is subject to variables such as the intensity of the sun, your skin type and complete coverage during application. Most dermatologists recommend using a SPF within a range of 15-50 as the higher SPF levels don’t necessarily provide much more protection. Water Resistant The FDA currently recognizes two water resistance claims: Water Resistant (40 min) or Water Resistant (80 min). You might remember terms like “waterproof ” and “sweat-proof ” but they are no longer allowable on suncare packaging as they were deemed as misleading consumer communication. Water resistant sunscreens must pass testing that verifies the product will retain its stated sun protection factor (i.e. SPF 30) after either 40 minutes or 80 minutes of water exposure 52

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

(including sweating). After that period of time, the SPF level will start to degrade, which is why it is always recommended that you reapply every two hours after water exposure. Palmer’s® Eventone® Suncare Body Lotion, Sheer Spray, Sunscreen Balm and Stick have all been tested independently and provide 80 minutes of water resistance. Broad Spectrum Originally, sunscreens were designed to only protect against UVB rays, the rays that cause sunburn, but those only account for a small portion of the full UV spectrum. There are actually three different wavelengths of ultraviolet rays: UVA, UVB and UVC. UVC rays are absorbed by the ozone layer and never reach the Earth’s surface, but UVA and UVB rays do. UVA rays account for up to 95% of the UV radiation reaching the Earth’s surface, and although they are less intense than UVB, UVA rays penetrate the skin more deeply than UVB, and play a major part in skin aging and the development of wrinkles. Tanning booths primarily emit UVA. The high-pressure sunlamps used in tanning salons emit doses of UVA as much as 12 times that of the sun. Not surprisingly, people who use tanning salons are 2.5 times more likely to develop squamous cell carcinoma, and 1.5 times more likely to develop basal cell carcinoma. According to recent research, first exposure to tanning beds in youth increases melanoma risk by 75 percent. Protection from both of these harmful rays is imperative, which is why most major sunscreen products will contain broad spectrum coverage. Products that contain the claim “Broad Spectrum” are tested to cover you from the full range of UVA and UVB waves. All of Palmer’s® Suncare products have all been tested for and provide full Broad Spectrum protection. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends Palmer’s® Eventone® Suncare as effective broad spectrum sunscreens. -----------

American Cancer Society. Cancer Facts & Figures 2014. content/@research/documents/webcontent/acspc-042151.pdf. Accessed June 2, 2014.


Guy GP, Machlin SR, Ekwueme DU, Yabroff KR. Prevalence and costs of skin cancer treatment in the U.S., 2002-2006 and 2007-2011. Am J Prev Med 2014; 104(4):e69-e74. DOI: amepre.2014.08.036


Notes From the

Natural Nation by Emma Young

Spring into

Spring with a Moisture Miracle W

inter is on its way to being a forgotten memory as spring makes its way onto the scene. Women have shed their winter hats and are more than ready to show off their beautiful natural hair. And when it comes to beautiful natural hair, nothing says “I’m ready for spring,” like bold colors and bolder styles. Just as women have grown to love their own natural hair and the great looks that can be achieved with just a little bit of creativity, they’ve also grown to appreciate how important it is to keep their hair healthy—especially when they’re transitioning from one season to the next. So, as spring approaches, don’t be surprised to see a multicultural influx of women bombarding beauty supply stores looking for the newest and best products to address the needs of their natural hair. Number one on the list of natural hair needs is moisture! After three to four months of dry indoor heat, their hair is thirstier than ever for moisture. As these natural hair-wearers come face-to-face with the bright spring sun they’ll need a “moisture miracle.” Jamaican Mango & Lime™ Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture™ is just the “moisture miracle” women need to help repair their natural hair from the ravages of winter to keep hair strong and healthy. Women who love their natural hair styles need to look no further than Jamaican Mango & Lime™

Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture™ for an amazing line of products that provides intensive moisturization for curly and wavy hair. The unique infusion of moisture that is in every Jamaican Mango & Lime™ Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture™ product starts with Coconut— known to moisturize and strengthen hair. The “moisture miracle” blend includes Coconut Milk which nourishes the hair, and Coconut Oil which provides shine and protection, and seals in moisture. These basic ingredients are fortified with Shea Butter to provide moisture and condition the hair; and to further condition and soften the hair, honey is added to the mix. Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin E are also added to strengthen and fortify the hair. These ingredients are combined with a proprietary mix of other natural ingredients to provide an infusion of moisture that helps to control frizz and adds shine and softness. Naturally, all of Jamaican Mango & Lime™ Pure Naturals with SmoothMoisture™ products are sulfate-free, mineral oil-free and paraben-free. So just in case your customers ask what they need for their hair to transition from winter to spring, don’t forget to mention MOISTURE! Once they’ve experienced a real “moisture miracle” they’ll keep coming back to your store for more.

Emma L. Young a freelance writer who has written for various publications including ShopTalk Magazine, the Saints Magazine, South Shore Current and the Spiritual Perspective Newspaper. April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature by Elizabeth Yong


Essential Tools for Barbering

arbering has been an occupation since ancient times when, in addition to cutting and grooming hair, barbers performed surgeries and centuries later doubled as dentists. Barbers of today have put down the scalpel and instead reach for a straight razor, clippers and trimmers to offer their loyal clients an experience, not just a procedure. Is your store providing the essential tools that successful barbers need to offer five-star service? Offering a one-stop shop for barbers and all their tool needs can increase sales and customer loyalty.

Making the Cut Clippers and trimmers are essential to every barber, however there are many options to choose from. Adjustable blade clippers have a side lever on the cutting blade that moves to control the length of hair being cut. Detachable blade clippers use removable blade sets to cut different hair lengths and textures. Detachable blades sets are available in steel or ceramic. Additional guards can be used on both types of clippers. Trimmers are available with a square or T-blade, the latter can be used for etching designs into hair. Both clippers and trimmers are available in corded and cordless options. Cordless tools are powered by either a nickel-cadmium or lithium-ion battery. Nickel-cadmium batteries are cost effective, but are heavier in weight and can suffer from “memory effect” and not charge to full capacity—decreasing overall tool speed; lithium-ion batteries are more expensive, lighter and have “no memory” so tools maintain the same speed for the duration of use, and through multiple recharging. In addition to stocking a variety of clippers and trimmers, add shears to your barber retailing area. According to Ivan Zoot, aka Clipperguy, “Every barber should have three pairs of shears: barber shears that are 6.5” or larger, 5.5” precision cutting shears, and blending or thinning shears.” Opposite the cutting tool, barbers use three types of combs: a cutting comb, a clipper comb and a finishing comb. They should have at least 6 or more of each so combs can be rotated for cleaning throughout the day as every client requires disinfected combs.

Elizabeth Yong

Most barbers have a professional hairdryer and rely on a lonely vent brush. With the men’s grooming category growing, Rodrick Samuels, president of Michigan Barber School and owner of Hair Lab Detroit the Salon, recommends having multiple brushes on hand. “I teach all students at Michigan Barber School to perfect their finishing skills by using round brushes to create volume, a Mason Pearson boar bristle brush to create waves and now, various curl sponges for twists.” Full Service To encourage barbers to offer full service and create a client experience, stock hot lather machines, lather solution, straight razors, shavers, small towels and hot towel steamers for facial services and shaving. A neck duster, talcum powder and alcohol-based aftershave are vital to complete a memorable service fit for a king. Other essential sundries that factor into the client experience include a water bottle to dampen hair for cutting, neck strips to provide a sanitary barrier between the client’s neck and cape, and the cutting cape itself. Speaking from experience, Samuels says, “Barber cutting capes should be made of sturdy, water repellant lightweight nylon so hair cuttings slide easily to the floor. I prefer an extra long adjustable snap neck closure if possible; Velcro tends to catch falling hair.” Maintenance Smart barbers maintain their cutting tools between each client to guarantee top cutting performance and client comfort. Always keep blade brushes or canned air, blade care spray and lubricating oil in stock. Brushes and combs also need to be disinfected by soaking in liquid disinfectant or UV light, depending on individual state requirements, so keep disinfecting solutions like Barbicide on the shelf as well. By keeping a healthy inventory of frequently-used barber liquid tools and maintenance products, expect to see more barbers as customers.

is a communications professional, brand builder, consultant and proprietor of Forever Yong Public Relations ( Well versed in the professional salon and barber industries for nearly 20 years, on both sides on the editorial desk Elizabeth helps deliver captivating stories and rich content that resonates with targeted audiences, whether the medium is video, digital or print. Need to get your story out? Contact


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016




Gwen Hill-Clayton Innovations are part of what makes this beauty industry great; whether it be a fresh product in an already established line, or a new company altogether. OMT, LLC recently stepped onto the scene and OTC Beauty Magazine was able to speak with Gwen Hill-Clayton, owner and president, to learn more about this hair and grooming manufacture dedicated to bringing the latest and greatest in male products, and more.

이미 만들어져 있는 라인에서의 새로운 제품이든, 완전히 새로운 회사의 제품이든에 상관없이, 혁신은 미용 업계를 더욱 대단하게 만드는 중요한 요소이다. OMT LLC는 최근 이 업계로 뛰어 들었는데, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이 회사의 대표인Gwen Hill-Clayton과 만나서 최신이자 최고인 남성 제품을 제공하는데 전념하고 있는 이들의 헤어 및 그루밍 제품에 관해 자세히 알아보았다. 62

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is your background with both OMT, LLC and the beauty business? Gwen Hill-Clayton (GH): I have been in the health and beauty industry for over 30 years now. My background has been strong in ethnic hair care with sales positions with Proline, Pride & Power, Inc., Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. and Universal Beauty Products, Inc. I have always had a love for the industry and stayed primarily in a sales role, from Merchandiser on up to National Sales Manager. I have been at the forefront of some of the industry’s most successful brands like Salon Finish Foam, Jamaican Mango & Lime, Jamaican Mango & Lime Black Castor Oil and now Nappy Styles™.

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): OMT, LLC 와 미용 사업에 있어서 귀하의 배경은 무엇입니까? Gwen Hill-Clayton (GH): 저는 건강 및 미용 산업 분야에서 30년 이상 일해왔습니다. Proline, Pride & Power, Inc., Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. 그리고 Universal Beauty Products, Inc.의 영업 담당으로 있으면서 특히 에스닉 헤어 케어 분야에 강했습니다. 항상 이 업계에 대한 사랑을 가지고 제품 판매자에서 네셔널 세일즈 매니저에 이르기까지 주로 영업 관련 일을 했습니다. 저는 Salon Finish Foam, Jamaican Mango & Lime, Jamaican Mango & Lime Black Castor Oil, 그리고 현재는 Nappy Styles™까지 업계에서 가장 성공한 브랜드들의 최전선에 있었습니다.

OTC: For you, what makes the beauty industry so unique and exciting? GH: I have seen so much over the years, but I think the most intriguing thing is simply the ability to absorb so much of the industry at various companies. By this, I mean the various organizational structures at companies in our industry allow you to wear many hats in a business sense. Now, this can be a lot of work, but it allows you to learn and grow from your experiences, where in so many industries your personal career growth can be stagnant. I have gone from working at a sales administration level to owning my own firm. The networking aspect of our industry also just can’t be beat. It is a smaller, successful sector and you tend to make life-long relationships in all areas—from manufacturing and distribution to retail—that are mutually beneficial over the years, and honestly enjoyable.

OTC: 귀하에게, 무엇이 미용 산업 분야를 매우 독특하고 흥미롭게 만들까요? GH: 지난 수 년간 너무 많은걸 봐 왔지만, 가장 흥미로운 것은 다양한 업체들이 업계의 너무 많은 것을 흡수하는 능력이라고 생각합니다. 이로 인해, 기업들의 다양성이 업계의 비즈니스 트랜드를 만들어가는 것입니다. 빠른 변화를 따라잡기 위해 많은 노력이 수반되기도 하지만, 그대로 정체되어있는 다른 분야와 달리 개인적인 지식과 경험이 축적되는 계기가 되기도 하는 것입니다. 제 회사를 소유하기 위해 저는 세일즈 분야의 일을 떠났었습니다. 우리 업계에서는 네트워킹 또한 빼놓을 수 없는, 매우 중요한 요소입니다. 제조사에서부터 도매상, 그리고 소매상까지, 모든 관계를 중요시하고 잘 관리하여, 장기적인 우호관계를 구축하는 것이 성공의 중요한 요소이며, 이는 꽤나 즐거운 일이기도 합니다.

OTC: How did the idea for this company originate, and what is the company founded on? Please briefly explain its history. GH: Through my observation at the distribution level, I noticed a lack of quality products for males in our industry, but the trend and demand was certainly going in that direction. So I got with some contacts and a few master barbers to discuss the need for new products and the developing trends. Men need quality products too for hair health and grooming. OTC: What unmet need does this company meet in the multicultural beauty industry? What does the organization do to ensure this need is being met? GH: The health and beauty industry has a huge and profitable ethnic sector. At the distribution level you see basic beauty products for barbers that have been around for years. Women have been the largest consumers over the years, but we are seeing a change in this. Most men report that they use their lady’s products or find whatever is available. When the natural hair care trend began there was a real void as most products where really designed for females. Male products that were on the market still offered limited choices. We have a whole comprehensive line of products from our Nappy Styles™ 3 N 1 Napping Sulfate-Free Shampoo and Napping Quick Soft Leave- In Conditioner to our Napping Gel and Crème Paste. We also have a superior Beard & Hair Oil to round off the line. We just took the new formulation basis of quality ingredients and created products for men. The new unaltered hair styles that are being requested at barbers were also a key indicator for change.

OTC: 이 회사에 대한 아이디어는 어떻게 생겨났으며, 회사는 어떻게 설립되었습니까? 간략하게 회사의 역사에 관해 설명 부탁 드립니다. GH: 유통 분야를 주시한 결과, 업계에서 남성을 위한 고품질의 제품은 부족하지만, 트랜드와 수요는 확실히 그 방향으로 가고 있다는 것을 발견했습니다. 그래서 전문가들과 접촉하고 몇몇 경험있는 이발사들과 신제품 개발 및 트랜드 개발의 필요성을 논의했습니다. 남성들 역시 모발의 건강과 관리를 위한 고품질의 제품들이 필요했던 것입니다. OTC: 다문화 뷰티 업계에서 귀사는 아직 충족되지 않은 요소들 가운데 어떤 것들을 충족시키고 있습니까? 이런 요구의 충족을 위해서 회사는 어떤 노력을 하고 있습니까? GH: 건강 및 미용 산업은 거대하고 수익성이 높은 에스닉 분야를 보유하고 있습니다. 이발사들도 많은 미용 제품들을 계속해서 사용해 오고 있습니다. 여성들이 그 동안은 가장 큰 소비자였지만, 이 또한 변하고 있는 것을 우리는 보고 있습니다. 대부분의 남성들은 여성들의 제품을 사용하거나 사용할 수 있는 어떤 제품이든 찾는다고 합니다. 네추럴 헤어 케어 트랜드가 시작되었을 때, 대부분의 제품들은 여성들을 위해 디자인되었기 때문에 남성들에게는 문제가 되었습니다. 마켓에 있는 남성 제품들은 여전히 제한적입니다. April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine


Manufacturer Profile OTC: Please explain the products and brands that fall under the OMT, LLC umbrella. What makes them unique and different from others that are similar in the industry? GH: Nappy Styles™ incorporates quality ingredients used to design products for females like your Shea Butter, Black Castor Oils and Coconut Oils and used them to formulate products specifically for the needs of male grooming. The twist is that ladies can and do use our products too. The current trend is the unaltered style for many men. These are Afros, Modified Fro Fades, Frohawks, and Nappy Temp Fades, etc. These require products that are healthy for the hair and scalp, but maintain just the right moisture and flexibility needed to get the look just right. We have also developed our products with “texture equalizers.” The user can grow their hair freely with their natural curl pattern, but have the freedom to style the hair in an easier manner without chemicals. To be honest there are not too many products out there at this time that can compare to our brand, but those that will follow will more than likely be knock-off types of brands. The quality to the customer cannot be guaranteed there, but there is room in the industry for all, as I would love to see the category grow. This is good for everyone. OTC: Who makes up the primary audience/consumer base for your products? GH: Our demographic consists of males, ages 16-35, and the entire barber industry as these products will ensure that they have something innovative to offer their clients. Ladies ages 25-45 have also taken a liking to our product for their significant other, their young teens, and they use the products to achieve many of the unaltered natural styles popular with women today like the Short Fades and Fros. OTC: What is the biggest distinguishing factor that makes men’s beauty products distinctive? Do those customers have individualized needs that are different than their female counterparts? If so, what are they? GH: Men tend to experience even more dryness that women as their shampoo regimens are different. They tend to under shampoo with a simple grooming regimen, or over shampoo as they engage in sports and more physical activity. They need products that are formulated with the right balance for this. Most men report that they do not use conditioners which are vital to healthy hair and scalp. We also see a lot of hair damage with males for both the hair and beard. Men tend not to notice these things and just continue with the limited products available to them. OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in OTC stores? How is OMT working to take advantage of that marketing technique? GH: You know at OMT, LLC we truly believe in taking it to the streets and to the main consumer. As we have seen over the years, OTC stores receive less male traffic. So we have truly made a relationship and network with barbers on a national level. We have comprehensive brochures, store referrals, sell sheets, sampling, direct barber demonstrations, consultations and we are growing a strong merchandising team for in-stores. We participate in both industry and consumer trade shows and make barber performance and promotion a priority to inform the customer. OTC: Is there a certain part of the store you would recommended owners place your items for increased selling power? Why? GH: We currently have stylish and informative displays that we suggest be placed near the point-of-sale area as it can be a great upsell for any OTC. Many female customers may want to add on something for their male counterparts. Also, our products can be placed in the male grooming and barber aisles. Many of our followers are professionals and will search for our products there. Additional sales means additional profits for all. OTC: What trend(s) have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business, and how is the company meeting consumer demand for it? GH: The expansion of the European influence on male styling is tremendous right now. We are seeing new fades and fro variations out of the South of France and Dubai. We are distributing instructional marketing materials on 64

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

저희는 Nappy Styles™ 3 N 1 Napping Sulfate-Free Shampoo 와 Napping Quick Soft Leave- In Conditioner 부터 Napping Gel 과Crème Paste까지 전체적으로 포괄적인 라인을 보유하고 있습니다. 또한 라인의 완성을 위한 최상급의 Beard & Hair Oil도 있습니다. 질 좋은 성분의 새로운 기초 공법을 도입하여 남성을 위한 제품을 만들었습니다. 유행하고 있는, 꾸미지 않은 헤어 스타일 또한 변화의 핵심 지표가 되었습니다.

OTC: OMT, LLC 가 보유하고 있는 제품과 브랜드에 관한 설명 부탁 드립니다. 업계의 유사 제품들과 구별되는 독특한 점은 무엇일까요? GH: Nappy Styles™은 시어 버터, 블랙 코스터 오일, 코코넛 오일처럼 여성용 제품에 주로 쓰이는 질 좋은 성분과 특별히 남성들의 그루밍을 위한 제품 공법에 사용되는 양질의 성분들을 모두 포함하고 있습니다. 이 말은, 여성들도 저희 제품을 사용할 수 있다는 것입니다. 현재의 남성 헤어 트랜드는 꾸미지 않은 스타일 입니다. 여기에는 Afros, Modified Fro Fades, Frohawks, Nappy Temp Fades 등이 있습니다. 이런 스타일은 모발과 두피에 건강하면서도 원하는 스타일의 모양을 내기 위해 촉촉함과 탄력을 유지하는 제품들을 요합니다. 저희는 또한 texture equalizers 기능이 있는 제품을 개발했습니다. 사용자는 자연적인 컬 패턴 그대로 모발을 자유롭게 기를 수 있으면서도, 화학적 손질 없이 보다 손쉬운 방법으로 자유로운 헤어 스타일을 갖게 됩니다. 솔직히, 현재 저희 브랜드와 비교할 수 있는 제품들은 많지 않고, 유사 제품이 있다 해도 아마 저희 제품을 모방한 제품일 것입니다. 고객들에게 그런 제품들의 품질을 보장할 수는 없지만, 이 업계에서는 모두에게 기회가 있고, 저는 업계 내의 저희 분야가 성장하는 것을 보고 싶습니다. 모두에게 좋은 것이죠. OTC: 귀사 제품의 주요 고객/소비자 기반은 어떻게 구성됩니까? GH: 16-35세까지의 남성 고객들과 저희 제품이 자신의 고객들에게 추천할 수 있을 만한 혁신적인 것이라고 확신하는 전체 이발 업체가 저희 주요 소비자 기반입니다. 25-45세 사이의 여성들 역시 배우자나 아들을 위해 저희 제품을 구매합니다, 또Short Fades 나 Fros처럼 현재 꾸미지 않은 네추럴 스타일을 선호하는 많은 여성들도 저희 제품을 사용합니다. OTC: 남성 미용 제품의 가장 큰 차별화 요소는 무엇일까요? 이런 고객들은 여성들과는 다른 개별화된 요구를 갖고 있습니까? 만일 그렇다면, 무엇일까요? GH: 남성들은 샴푸 방법이 다르기 때문에 여성들보다는 건조함을 더 많이 경험하는 경향이 있습니다. 그들은 단순한 그루밍 방법으로 샴푸하거나 운동이나 많은 육체적 활동 때문에 과다한 샴푸를 하기도 합니다. 그들에게는 이런 경우를 위한 적절한 균형을 맞출 수 있는 제품들이 필요합니다. 대부분의 남성들은 모발과 두피 건강에 필수적인 컨디셔너를 사용하지 않는 것으로 보고됩니다. 저희는 또한 모발과 수염 모두에 많은 손상을 겪는 남성들을 봅니다. 남성들은 이런 문제들을 잘 알아차리지 못하며 그저 그들이 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 제품들만 지속적으로 사용하고 있습니다. OTC: OTC 매장에서 효과적인 프로모션 형태는 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? OTC 매장은 마케팅 기법 활용을 위해 어떤 노력을 하고 있습니까? GH: OTC 에서 저희는 주요 고객들을 진정으로 신뢰합니다. 저희가 수년간 봐온 것에 따르면, OTC 매장들은 남성 고객이 상대적으로 적습니다. 그래서 저희는 전국적인 수준에서 이발사들과의 네트워크와 관계 형성에 애써왔습니다. 포괄적인 안내 책자와 매장 추천, 판매 시트, 샘플, 직접적인 이발사의 시연, 상담 등 다양한 형태의 프로모션을 하고 있으며, 매장을 위한 강력한 판매 팀을 양성하고 있습니다. 저희는 업계와 소비자 양측의 무역 박람회에 모두 참석하고 있으며 이발사들의 시연과 홍보를 고객들에게 알리기를 우선 순위로 두고 있습니다. OTC: 귀사 제품의 판매 파워 증가를 위해 매장 내의 특별한 진열 위치를 추천하신다면? GH: 저희는 현재 세련되고 정보력이 있는 진열 방법을 갖고 있으며 어떤 OTC 매장이든 가장 큰 구매 설득력이 있는 위치에 제품을 진열할 것을 제안합니다. 많은 여성 소비자들은 자신의 남성 파트너를 위한 무언가를 구입하고자 할 수도 있습니다. 또한, 저희 제품은 남성 그루밍 섹션이나 이발 섹션에 배치될 수도 있습니다. 저희 제품을 좋아하는 많은 분들이 전문가들이며 그들은 저희 제품을 거기서 찾을 것입니다. 추가적인 판매는 추가적인 이익을 의미하죠. OTC: 미용 업계의 귀사의 분야에서 최근 가장 크게 성장하고 있는 트랜드는 무엇이라고 생각하십니까, 또 회사는 이런 요구의 충족을 어떻게 충족하십니까? GH: 남성 스타일링에 있어서 유럽 영향력의 확장이 현재 아주 거대합니다. 저희는

these new trends and our products are formulated to cater to these unaltered styles. Beards are truly also in season and we have outstanding products that assist with grooming and growing the perfected boss style beard. OTC: What kind of feedback have you received from store owners, distributors and consumers who either sell or use your products? GH: We have seen such an increase in business in a very short time as there was not very much on the market for these types of styles and for the male consumer in general. We participate in industry and consumer shows and our products not only meet the needs of the growing unaltered style trend, it is also driving the trend as more males embrace the new styles with ease while using our products. OTC: From a business standpoint, what can store owners expect when working with your company? For example, how is excellent customer service cultivated? GH: I have been working in the OTC class of trade in direct sales for some time and I am familiar with the direct needs of the OTC. We have a system set up to relay up-to-date information, products and specials in real-time. We have quality and knowledgeable customer service agents that can be reached by phone and online to meet the needs of the retail and consumer. To ensure this, I have made myself a direct contact at our initial stages to ensure one- on-one customer service. OTC: What strategies have you used to gain brand and company recognition for this new company and its products? Did Social Media or the Internet play a role? GH: We have an extremely strong online and social media presence that drives not only consumer business, but also barber business directly to the OTC. Our Website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts are truly a driving force for our type of consumer, sparking direct purchase action. We also recently just launched our newsletter campaigns. The interaction with our customers both in person and online have been one of the most important factors in driving our business. We are also embarking on a strong campus campaign for our young consumers where the trend and buying power is strongest. We find that brand loyalty for males sticks. Once they find the right product, they tend to be repeat purchasers for years to come. OTC: What big plans does this company have for 2016? We will be sure to keep our eye out for advancements. GH: We are participating in not only trade shows, but also campus and college tours in 2016. As we grow, we intend to have our online experience become more interactive and we are beginning a store referral program this year. So stores across the country should order a display and sign up! OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers? GH: Nappy Styles™ is truly the new brand for the ultimate in male grooming. The profit potential for retailers is truly tremendous. We are at the beginning of the unaltered style movement and as it grows they will receive more and more requests for quality male products like Nappy Styles™. So retailers would do well to stock the most comprehensive brand on the market, Nappy Styles™.

남프랑스와 두바이로부터 새로운 fades 와 fro 의 다양한 형태를 보고 있습니다. 저희는 현재 이 새로운 트랜드에 관한 교육 마케팅 자료를 배포 중이며 저희 제품은 이런 고정된 스타일에 맞게 공법화되고 있습니다. 수염은 정말이지 계절과 상관이 있지만 저희는 완벽한 보스 스타일의 수염 관리를 도울 수 있는 뛰어난 제품들을 보유하고 있습니다.

OTC: 귀사의 제품을 판매하거나 사용하는 매장 주인과 유통업체 그리고 고객들로부터 어떤 피드백을 받고 계십니까? GH: 저희는 남성 고객들을 위한 시장에서, 그 동안은 없었던 이러한 제품들의 필요성으로 인해 짧은 시간에 커다란 성장을 하는 것을 보았습니다. 저희는 업계와 소비자 쇼에 참여하면서 저희 제품이 단지 성장하는 고정된 스타일 트랜드의 요구 충족뿐 아니라 더욱 많은 남성들이 저희 제품을 사용하는 동안 수월하게 새로운 스타일을 포용할 수 있도록 도와주고 있다는 것을 알게 되었습니다. OTC: 비즈니스 관점에서, 매장 주인들이 귀사와 일하면서 어떤 점을 기대할 수 있을까요? 예를 들어, 고객 서비스는 어떤 방법으로 실행하고 계십니까? GH: 저는 가끔씩 소매점 판매에 직접 관여함으로써, 소매점으로부터의 직접적인 요구에 대해 잘 알고 있습니다. 저희는 최신 정보와 제품 및 특별한 제품에 관한 정보들을 바로 바로 확인할 수 있는 시스템을 보유하고 있습니다. 또한, 뛰어난 자질과 지식을 보유한 고객 서비스 직원을 보유하고 있기 때문에 소매업체와 소비자들이 필요할 때는 전화나 온라인으로 언제든 도움을 드릴 수가 있습니다. 이에 관한 확실한 보장으로, 저 역시 1대1 고객 서비스를 위한 기초 단계에서 직접적으로 고객과 소통할 수 있도록 하고 있습니다. OTC: 새로 창업한 기업과 새로운 제품의 브랜드 홍보를 위해 어떤 전략을 갖고 계신가요? 소셜 미디어나 인터넷 활동을 하고 계십니까? GH: 저희는 소비자 비즈니스뿐 아니라, OTC 와 직접적인 바버 비즈니스를 촉진하는 아주 강력한 온라인과 소셜 미디어 활동을 하고 있습니다. 저희 웹사이트와 페이스북, 인스타그램 그리고 트위터 계정은 저희 고객 형태와 직접적인 구매 행동 유발을 위한 강한 원동력입니다. 또한 저희는 최근 뉴스 레터 캠페인을 시작했습니다. 개별적으로 또 온라인 상으로 고객들과의 상호작용은 저희 비즈니스를 촉진하는 가장 중요한 요소 가운데 하나가 되고 있습니다. 트랜드와 구매 파워가 점점 강해지고 있는 젊은 소비자들을 위해 강력한 캠퍼스 캠페인도 시작했습니다. 저희는 남성들의 소비자 충성도를 발견하고 있습니다. 그들은 일단 자신에게 맞는 제품을 찾게 되면, 해를 거듭해 지속적으로 구매하는 경향이 있습니다. OTC: 2016년 갖고 계신 가장 큰 귀사의 계획은 무엇입니까? 귀사의 발전에 저희는 지속적인 관심을 가질 것입니다. GH: 저희는 앞으로도 국제 시장의 동향 변화에 따른 새로운 아이템을 소개하면서 국제 시장을 보다 적극적으로 개척해 나갈 것입니다. 그리고 기회가 되는 경우에 추가적인 브랜드 인수에도 항상 열린 생각을 갖고 있습니다. OTC: 마지막으로 OTC 독자들과 공유하고 싶은 의견 있으시면 부탁 드립니다. GH: Nappy Styles™은 남성 그루밍에 있어서 궁극의 새로운 브랜드입니다. 소매업체들에게 있어서 잠재적인 이익은 정말이지 엄청날 것입니다. 저희는 흐트러짐 없이 고정되는 스타일이 태동하는 시작에 있으며, 그것이 성장함에 따라 Nappy Styles™처럼 양질의 남성 제품에 대한 더 많은 요청을 받게 될 것입니다. 따라서 소매업체들은 시장에서 가장 포괄적인 브랜드인Nappy Styles™를 보유하는데 더욱 애쓰게 될 것입니다.

Company Name: OMT, LLC. Address: P.O. Box 1413, Hampton, GA 30228 Contact Number: (404) 788-3572 Website: Years in Business: 1

April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine




Sponsored by Andis Co.

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Which Trimmer is Best of Them All? Part 2

Continued from March’s “Clipper Tips” article.

Blade Designs Andis trimmers have three primary blade designs options for trimmers which are square, T and deep tooth. Each blade design can be used to do everything. However, the different design of each blade has a small advantage in how it performs for specific tasks. Square shaped blades are equipped with standard short teeth that do not extend beyond the base of the trimmer. Its design forms the shape of a square and is often used to create straight lines and sharp corners when outlining. Square blades are most popular among barbers who have clients who ask for very straight front lines. The most often used square blade trimmer is the Andis Outliner. T-shaped trimmer blades are best for trimming in tight spaces with ease, such as the corners of a mustache and around the ears. T-shaped blades vary in size—which are small and large—and each size has an impact on how much hair can be cut at one time. My very first Andis trimmer was the T-Edger which is equipped with a small T-blade. My next Andis trimmer was the Outliner II which is equipped with a large square blade. Deep tooth trimmer blades are fairly new, and since its conception they have become very popular. Deep tooth blades are great for allowing more hair to feed into the trimmer blades and excel at cutting thicker hair. They are easier to align if needed. For example, the Superliner is equipped with a deep tooth T-blade and a rotary motor, which collectively allows for more comfortable dry shaving and quicker outlining of thick hair. These are a few reasons why the Superliner has become popular in urban barbershops.

RA Cosmetics 100% Mango Scented Shea Butter Our Body Butter with Mango Scent from RA Cosmetics is 100% all natural and smells incredible. It is full of nourishing and anti-oxidant rich ingredients. It helps fight signs of aging; relieves dry skin; reduces windburn/sunburn and frostbite. It is made with nature’s best moisturizers – shea butter and mango scented oil – and is paraben-free. Our Body Butter is a skin must-have and Nature’s gift to your hair and skin.

My personal favorite trimmer is the SlimLine Pro Li which is equipped with a deep tooth, small T-shaped blade, a rotary motor, and cord/ cordless operation. It’s been selected as my best trimmer because it suits my needs with its motor type, blade design and power source. My question for you is: What’s the best trimmer for you? If you have questions of which trimmer has what features, log on to today to find out which trimmer is best for you!

Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clipper cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 68

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Since 1922 Andis® has been at the center of haircutting style, developing classic tools that enable classic – and eclectic – cuts. Like our U.S.-made Master® clipper and T-Outliner® trimmer. This classic duo is legendary in the industry, relied upon by generations of barbers for its superior performance and durability. Reach for Andis and experience the difference today. 1-800-558-9441



Stimulating Sales in Sonic Appliances Regular HBA product sales may soon be eclipsed by the startling growth of supersonic tools, appliances and implements. Clients are demanding that spa treatments be professionally delivered at home. From cleansing and microdermabrasion to mani-pedi and mini-facelifts, power implements are becoming popular. Your clients will continue to cleanse, style and remove hair with the latest state of the art tools. Consumers also believe that makeup delivery, product performance enhancement and hair regrowth are now achievable at home. This craze has become infectious. You will find these tools readily available at drug store and other mass outlets. In fact, they are very popular in “as seen on TV” outlets and on the television shopping stations. OTC customers can find these products at a modest price or at a really high “professional” price well into the hundreds. The FDA has approved, or is considering, skin care systems that stimulate by micro-currents. These sonic-speed tools help stimulate skin’s contouring and tone. It’s used to correct folds and furrows in the forehead and prevent those God forsaken jowls. The increased electrical current promises deeper cleansing and improvement of facial tone. That’s the ultimate anti-aging claim! Hair regrowth laser combs and photo therapy wands will also stimulate sales. New news in tools comes in the form of makeup application implements and full body buffing. Consumers are taking to the idea of professional delivery and dosage at sonic speed. Even the portable versions of these tools are attractive. Awareness is growing and category sales should be soaring.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 70

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Light on the Subject I have come across several new products over the past 10 years and many of them are great additions in the pursuit of creating the best service for the client. I have supported and promoted products like the Curl Sponge, Graff Etch Pencils, Twis Les Cords, Pro Grips, Clocca Capes, Klean Kutz Towels, Liquid Gold, Clipp-Aid, Chair Covers, Shoe Covers, Black Ice, and a handful of liquid product lines. Well today, I would like to introduce an innovative product which I have found to be a simple fix to poor lighting in the barbershop/salon or on stage competing to produce the best possible haircut. Introducing the Flash Comb, a comb with a LED light built into the comb created by The Rich Barber, Chuka Torres, and since 2012 The Rich Barber Company has been motivating and inspiring barbers to think outside of the box and THINK RICH. The philosophy is reflected in his products, services and education. He also created the “On the Money Blade Setters” a device designed to set your trimmer blades. In an industry where your reputation is everything it’s important that you invest in detail, and the Flash Comb really works to improve your work. On average, a Barber or Stylist may use the light on the Flash Comb 5-7 minutes per haircut in a barbershop/salon or 5-10 minutes per haircut in a house or hotel. • • • • • • • • • •

Perfect for: Barber shops and house/hotel calls Excellent for fading, detailing and checking haircuts More light to always do your best work LED light pack Direct light (so you always have light right where you need it) Patent Pending Detachable light pack for sanitation Reversible design for left and right handed Barbers Lightweight and comfortable design LED light pack: up to 25 hours of efficient use

For more information to wholesale this product, contact me directly at or call 678-310-3863.

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 72

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#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

Bronner Bros. Assembled Unprecedented Roster of Celebrity Stylists and Educators at 69th Annual International Beauty Show

James Bronner (right) greets a show guest at the entrance.

Three platforms combined to offer the ultimate “trilogy” of education, inspiration and excitement Bronner Brothers, Inc. (BB) once again presented an unrivaled show that attracted the masses. Its 69th Annual International Beauty Show, held February 20-22, was billed “The Trilogy.” Three platforms combined to offer access to top level cosmetology educators, trendsetting artists and inspiring business leaders. More than 30,000 licensed professionals and students attended the three-day convention, held at the Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) in Atlanta, GA. Registration was open to beauty industry professionals only. Widely regarded as the largest multi-cultural beauty show in the world, the Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show included a highly anticipated 2016 Summer Trend Release featuring the celebrity stylists behind some of today’s most iconic looks. A-list participants included Neal Farina (Beyoncé, Mary J. Blige), Sam Fine (Tyra Banks, Vanessa Williams, Patti LaBelle, Iman), Takisha Sturdivant-Drew (Kerry Washington, Sanaa Lathan, Amber Riley), Andre Walker (Oprah, Halle Berry) and Johnny Wright (First Lady Michelle Obama). In addition to trend presentations, attendees could learn from an all-star panel of men’s barbering, skin, shave and hair masters at the “Pass the Mic” Barber Forum, moderated by James Wealthy. The Ultimate Beauty Competition showcased the work of students at Aveda, Empire, Paul Mitchell and Pro Way Hair Schools. This friendly display of school pride challenged students to innovate by pushing the boundaries of traditional concepts. Closing out February’s trilogy experience is a “Power Session” with renowned motivational speaker Dr. Les Brown and co-founder of PriceLine, Jeff Hoffman. “To empower and inspire the next generation of multi-cultural beauty and barber professionals we recognized the need to offer an experience unlike any other. So we took stock of our core DNA and the original vision set forth by Bronner Bros. founder, Nathaniel Bronner, Sr.,” said James Bronner, BB Show Director. “Our 69th annual show promises to deliver world-class education, coupled with exciting tools and resources to help every committed beauty professional elevate their craft.” He added, “At the same time, we are the only established beauty show offering a unique environment for good old-fashioned networking—created with a diverse mix of multicultural attendees in mind.” 76

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Efforts to continually improve the BB Beauty Show’s overall experience included a new streamlined registration process, limited retail vendor displays and more opportunities to compete for cash prizes. In keeping with Bronner Bros. tradition, attendees could also attend church service with Pastor C. Elijah Bronner on Sunday, February 21. Other show highlights included: • World-class education – Over 300 creative and technical development classes and hands-on seminars for professionals and students at all levels; taught by the industry’s best. • Premier vendors and manufacturers – Renewed emphasis on professional tools and cutting edge products with demos by over 300 exhibitors including Amika, Andis, Avlon Industries, Basic Hair Care, Brazilian Blowout, Creme of Nature, Crown Brushes, Design Essentials, Dudley, FHI Brands, Kiss Products, Mizani, Morphe Brushes, Nairobi Professional, Nioxin, NuExpressions, Taliah Waajid, Universal Beauty Products and Wahl, among others. • Improved VIP experience – VIP only lines, VIP seating at the official sanctioned events and parties, gift bags, celebrity visits, music and more. • Celebrity attendees – Cynthia Bailey, Christina Keyes, Cardi B. and Toya Wright were in attendance, among others. “Through the education and resources provided at the Bronner Beauty show, savvy stylists can entice a new generation of clients and meet their changing preferences,” said Kim Kimble, celebrity hairstylist and entrepreneur. “It’s the perfect environment for any stylist wanting to stay up on the latest trends and techniques like precision cuts, color, weaves and treatments. When it comes to healthy hair, great stylists still matter!” “Getting a haircut is more than a commodity—it’s an experience that builds and shapes our community,” said Killer Mike, owner of S.W.A.G. Barbershop in Atlanta. “Shifts in men’s style and urban culture spells opportunity for any barber who is serious about winning in this business. I’m excited about Bronner’s commitment to equipping barbers and entrepreneurs in the industry.”

Bronner Bros. Mid-Winter International Beauty Show 2016

Industry friends, (left to right) Dennis Shortt, Jolorie Williams, Teneya Gholston and Steve Gross pose for a quick photo.

Andis Educators Danny Amorim and Eric Cheek discuss haircutting techniques and Andis tools at the company’s booth.

A crowd gathers to check-in before entering the show.

(Left to right) Irwin Hass of the Kirschner Group stands alongside Carrie English of Pravana and Joe Magnano of Beauty Perfection.

A familiar sign welcomes guests to the event, letting them know they have arrived.

A stylist works on a volunteers’ beautiful hair while a guest looks on.

A model for Doll Hair poses beside signage at their booth.

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The Taliah Waajid booth

The nail technicians at the Poochiez Nails booth are hard at work, crafting beautiful nail creations for show attendees.

Visitors stop to learn about shears at one show booth.

Michael Joshua of M3 Cosmetics showcases a couple of new Arganics products.

Stylists for Basic are hard at work on stage.

An instructor at the Product Club booth demonstrates how to color hair using a foil technique.

The eye-catching Design Essentials booth


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Bronner Bros. Mid-Winter International Beauty Show 2016

Micah holds up a popular product at the Wahl booth.

Calvin Crosby and Gwen Hill-Clayton stand with fellow OMT, LLC booth workers.

There is more than just hair goods found at this beauty show. T-shirts are among the various other products available for purchase.

Crowds gather to learn about great products found among the show floor.

Talmadge Lee holds up an Ossat product at the AFAM Concept booths.

Henry Tyson of Morning Glory Products, Inc.

Jerry Montgomery shows off two product samples of Hick’s Edges.

April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine



Hair stylists at the Amika booth reveal different ways to style tresses, while another booth attendant hands out sample bags to passersby.

The cheerful Vitale Pro booth

A show attendee is helped at the Bronner Bros. booth.

A model has her hair dried at the Colomer booth.

The beautiful ladies at the Colomer booth flaunt their natural hairstyles.


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Bronner Bros. Mid-Winter International Beauty Show 2016

The ladies working the Universal Beauty Products booth show off both a product and piece of company flair.

The H2PRO booth

Shears are big business, and the Zeepk booth proved that as visitors stopped to learn about and purchase their products.

Tricia Snead of Ampro holds up a Vivas Exfoliating Body Bar.

A hairstylist educates a crowd at the Essations booth.

The elaborate Mizani booth

Fantasia Industries was in attendance at the show, featuring their new Aloe Oil line.

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IndustryNews New Year, New Products and New Brands for Spilo Spilo Showcases Expanding Portfolio at WBC 2016 For Spilo, WBC was a great way to kick off 2016! Reconnecting with customers while introducing new items and brands played a huge role in the overall success of the conference. Spilo’s constant expanding portfolio showcased at WBC included Tony Moly, Elegance, Headblade, T3 and exclusives such as Little Box of Pretty, Rubis, Personna and Flowery. As the beauty industry continues to blossom, Spilo is looking forward to maintaining a leadership role in identifying trends and offering high quality product as customers diversify and experiment with their product mixes. Here is a list of some of Spilo’s 2016 “Hot Topic Brands”:

• Magic Washcloth Makeup Remover - Our exclusive microfiber cloth is the chemical-free way to remove makeup (even waterproof) with ease! • Rubis - 13 new products from the world’s finest Swiss tweezer/ scissor manufacturer, exclusively at Spilo. • Personna - The all new Personna Flare shaping razor ushers in a new wave of hair tool innovation.

Flowery and Little Box of Pretty are owned by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and International master distributor to • Little Box of Pretty - Our 10 SKU brand that brings a unique the professional beauty industry for over 70 years. sense of organization to professional quality, trend-driven hair Learn more at accessories.

Danny Amorim

Eric Cheek

Aileen Nunez

(Far right) Shaun Corbett took home first place for his “Coming to America” themed cut and fashion component. (Right) Barbers compete on stage.

Andis® Total Look Competition Challenged the Best Barbers in the Industry to Ignite their Cutting Edge Style and Technical Skill at the World’s Largest Multicultural Beauty Show The prestigious Andis Total Look Competition took center stage at the annual Bronner Brothers International Beauty Show on Sunday, February 21, 2016, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Thirty-five barbers from across the country competed in this year’s event. In front of an audience of more than 600 people, the contestants had to execute a complete haircut using the Andis Excel Ultra™ clipper and GTX T-Outliner® trimmer in just 30 minutes, in addition to the head-to-toe fashion look. Contestants were judged on technical execution of styles, originality, suitability and head contour. “Our goal with the Andis Total Look Competition is to encourage the contestants to really embrace their creativity and flex their haircutting muscle, while demonstrating the performance and versatility of our professional tools,” said Aileen Nunez, Andis Company’s International Education Manager. “We want our competitors to use all of their skills and experience to create looks that push the style envelope.” Nunez managed the event while nationally recognized barbers and Andis Educators Danny Amorim and Eric Cheek were on stage discussing 86

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haircutting techniques and Andis tools. Shaun Corbett of Da Lucky Spot Barber, in Charlotte, North Carolina, earned first place and $800 in cash and product for his re-creation of actor and comedian Eddie Murphy’s Prince Akeem character from the popular 1988 film, “Coming to America.” “Shaun’s ‘Coming to America’ movie theme hit high marks with the judges, and creatively it was the most original concept,” said Nunez. “I want to thank Andis for the chance to flex my creative muscle and have fun at the Total Look Competition,” says Corbett. “I hope this win serves as a launch pad for great things to come.” Don Kutz of B.W.A. Chair of Champions Barber Shop, in Gary, Indiana, was awarded second place ($250 in cash and product); and Ryan Lemoine of Precision Cuts Barber Shop, in Auburn, Alabama, took home third place ($200 in cash and product).

April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine



in-cosmetics North America Brings Global Innovation, Education and new Suppliers to the US Two days in September, hundreds of business opportunities and an exclusive collaboration with MakeUp in NewYork The inaugural in-cosmetics North America, the latest addition to the world-leading portfolio of personal care ingredients events, will take place from 7-8 September at Manhattan’s Pier 36 venue. With a dual focus on product innovation and technical education, the event will provide US-based brands and manufacturers with a chance to source the latest, most innovative raw materials. Alongside in-cosmetics’ trademark business focus, technical education will take centre stage. Visitors will hear from leading international industry experts, who will discuss some of the personal care industry’s most pertinent subjects, while a Formulation Lab on the show floor will provide hands-on practical training for R&D professionals. Additionally, a series of Innovation Seminars, Formulation Displays and Marketing Trends presentations will enable visitors to identify products, techniques and industry trends, to inspire the next generation in personal care products. More than 100 suppliers from 20 countries have already signed up, including companies from France, Germany, India, Brazil, Argentina, Japan and South Korea. All will showcase innovative ingredients and technologies, and many will be in the US for the first time. The organisers of in-cosmetics North America have also revealed that private rooms will be available for business meetings with chosen suppliers, helping to increase new business opportunities and enabling

Mr. Mario Gonzalez

manufacturers and suppliers to maximise their productivity at the event. The event’s Lower East Side location will enable visitors to gain easy access to accommodation and restaurants in Manhattan, as well free transportation from Penn Station, Central Park and selected hotels. in-cosmetics North America will also join forces with the highlytargeted MakeUp in NewYork show – which takes place on the same dates – to deliver a unique experience to R&D, Marketing and Purchasing teams planning to attend the events. Just 20-minutes away, at Brooklyn’s Grand Prospect Hall, visitors will find innovative formulation and packaging solutions for color cosmetics. Together, the events provide an opportunity for brands to meet suppliers throughout the cosmetic and personal care supply chain. Visitors will be able to take advantage of a free shuttle operating between the two venues, gaining access to a host of complementary networking and education opportunities. Lucy Gillam, Director of the in-cosmetics Group, commented: “in-cosmetics and MakeUp are the strongest sources of innovative cosmetics ingredients, formulation services, packaging, accessories and market intelligence worldwide. We’re delighted to be teaming up in New York to serve the global personal care industry.” Further information can be found online by visiting

Exciting Move for Mario Gonzalez as he Steps into Retirement

OTC Beauty Magazine is proud to honor Mr. Mario Gonzalez, the recent National Sales Manager of DeMert Brands, as he retires from the beauty industry. He excitedly takes this next step and plans to fully enjoy retirement while he is “still young and healthy.” We thank him for his 27 years of dedication to make this business great. Below is a brief listing of companies Mr. Gonzalez has worked for in the past. • Helen of Troy, El Paso, Texas May 1989 – August 1999 • Oster Professional, Boca Raton, Florida September 1999 – June 2013 • DeMert Brands, Lutz, Florida June 2013-March 2016


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

April 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews Wahl Introduces Vintage Edition 5-Star Senior and Hero to Commemorate the Rich History of Barbering and the Tools that Shaped It Retro-Inspired Tools Look as Sleek and Stylish as the Haircuts Respect the past. Look to the future. That’s the inspiration for the release of the Vintage Edition 5-Star Senior and 5-Star Hero from Wahl Professional, a grooming products leader in the salon and barber industry since 1919. “Our 100th Anniversary is quickly approaching,” says Lance Wahl, Director of Sales and Marketing for Wahl Clipper Corporation, Professional Division. “There is no better time to unveil a nostalgic look that commemorates the rich history of barbering and the tools that have helped shape it.” The limited edition tools celebrate the work of early barbers and stylists who revolutionized men’s grooming while empowering professionals today to be innovative in the industry. While the retro-inspired, vintage tool designs are a throwback in look, they are just as sleek and stylish as the haircuts. “The Wahl Senior and Hero execute a precision cut, every time,” says Master Barber Rick Morin, member of the Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.). “The new vintage designs will have barbers and stylists talking, especially those who are already cutting with the Senior and Hero. They’ll want to add these to their arsenal as a commemorative item.” “The Senior is my favorite because of the surgical blade and V9000 motor,” says Morin. “The surgical blade has a tapered edge that allows for easier blending on short haircuts. The Senior has a V9000 motor with

almost twice the power in this clipper up from the V5000 clipper, which allows for more precise cutting.” The Vintage Senior is ideal for professionals who are ready to upgrade their clipper. “When tapering, I use the Senior at the start of a haircut for uniform length,” Morin said. “For fading, I use it after I make my initial guide with my Hero.” The 5-Star Hero is a corded T-blade trimmer that replicates the look and shape of the Senior. The high-quality Hero is excellent for outlining, edging and design, especially hair tattoos. “You’ll cut a nice fresh blend with the Senior,” says Morin. “And because everyone loves the Senior, Wahl launched one similar in a trimmer – The Hero.” The Senior and Hero are both available for a limited time in the vintage edition this April. For more information about Wahl Professional, please visit

in-cosmetics Set to Shine Spotlight on North America in Paris

in-cosmetics, April 12-14, Paris Expo, Porte de Versailles, Paris When it returns to Paris in 2016, in-cosmetics will shine a light on North America—the largest personal care market in the world. From April 12-14, visitors from around the world will be given a chance to learn what keeps the US at the forefront of the industry and what the coming trends will be. North America continues to hold the lion’s share of the personal care market, with more than 2,000 cosmetics manufacturers, representing 18 percent of the industry. Currently worth $78.1 billion, the USA’s beauty and personal care market’s retail value is expected to shoot up to $89.5 billion by 2019, according to Euromonitor International. Should the sector achieve growth predictions, it will have increased by almost 35 percent in just 10 years. Premium beauty products will lead the way, with the sector forecast to expand by 19 percent over the next four years. Visitors to in-cosmetics, which is supported by the US Department of Commerce, will be able to experience a free-to-attend educational program, part of which will be designed to aid the growth of businesses in the US. The program will include a number of sessions devoted to helping cosmetics and personal care companies grow their businesses in the country over the coming years. Among industry experts presenting on the US market will be David Tyrrell, Global Skincare Analyst at Mintel, who will run a session on US trends and the local and global impacts that they have. Meanwhile, Vera Sandarova of Kline & Company will discuss personal care ingredients market changes, 90

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

trends and the outlook on niche ingredients in the US market. In addition to the renowned educational program, companies including Ashland, AMA Laboratories and Elementis will be among those exhibiting at the show. There will be a diverse mix of businesses, from start-ups to established multinationals, offering both active and functional ingredients. A dedicated pavilion, hosted on the exhibition floor, will also focus solely on the US. Housing raw material and ingredients businesses from across the region, visitors will be able to meet new suppliers and identify ingredients that have the potential to create the next generation of cosmetics products. A further 44-plus US-based ingredients companies will take their place on the show floor. Cathy Laporte, Exhibition Director, said, “The US market is hugely important to the industry. We believe the content to be delivered in Paris will help businesses achieve success in the country, by providing unique insights into the trends driving the next generation of personal care products in North America. “Not only that, our US-based exhibitors will be given a great opportunity to showcase raw materials and ingredients to a global audience who are looking for innovative new ideas that can help increase sales at home and abroad.” For more information, visit the show website at


The Professional Beauty Association and Cosmoprof North America Announce “INSPIRE: A Night Celebrating Beauty Entrepreneurs” INSPIRE to Feature Beauty Pitch™ 2016 Live Competition The Professional Beauty Association (PBA) and Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) are excited to announce INSPIRE, a night celebrating beauty entrepreneurs. INSPIRE, to be held Saturday, July 23rd, will kick-off PBA’s Beauty Week and CPNA exhibition. This must-attend event will also feature the live Beauty Pitch™ 2016 competition. Proceeds from the event will benefit both the Professional Beauty Association’s Foundation and City of Hope, a comprehensive cancer center. “The Professional Beauty Association is honored to be hosting INSPIRE, a night focused on the entrepreneurial and charitable spirit of our industry. This year, INSPIRE will feature Beauty Pitch 2016, our live competition with the return of celebrity guest Mark Cuban,” said PBA Executive Director Steve Sleeper. “After the success of the inaugural event, we are excited about moving Beauty Pitch to the opening night to create INSPIRE, a celebration of our amazing industry and our long legacy with City of Hope.”

professional salon/spa market and technology service providers. Interested companies must be based in the United States (US), have US distribution, show an annual 10% growth in revenue since the launch of the business and meet the category revenue requirements.

INSPIRE schedule of events: 6:00 pm. - 8:15 p.m. INSPIRE Reception 7:00 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. INSPIRE Dinner 8:15 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Beauty Pitch 2016: Live Competition 10:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Inspire After Party

Beauty Pitch Timeline: February 1 – April 29th April 1st May 17th May 23rd June 7th June 24th July 23

Beauty Pitch 2016 Launched in 2015, Beauty Pitch is a beauty-centric competition focused on helping entrepreneurs take their business to the next level. Beauty Pitch 2016 is looking to engage beauty entrepreneurs in two separate business categories: Startup Category, (revenues ranging from $100K to $5M) and the Established Category (revenues ranging from $5M and above). The competition is open to beauty entrepreneurs from all sectors including prestige, mass, clinical, organic/natural, the


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Beauty Pitch Application Information Beauty Pitch applicants will need to prepare a two-minute video, complete an online application and submit a one-page executive summary. Three finalist companies from both the Startup and Established categories will pitch their businesses to a live audience and panel of judges at 8:15 p.m. on Saturday, July 23. Celebrity entrepreneur Mark Cuban will be returning to the competition as a celebrity judge. The cost is $250 for CPNA Exhibitors and PBA Members, and $500 for other applicants. From March 16 - April 29, the cost to apply is $350 for CPNA exhibitors and PBA members, and $600 for other applicants.

Entry Process Opens Event Tickets Go on Sale (Early Pricing) 12 Semi-Finalists Notified Online voting starts for the Audience Choice Awards 6 Finalists Notified Early Ticket Pricing Ends Live 2016 Beauty Pitch Competition during PBA Beauty Week

Please visit for more information about the application process and event. Also, visit beautyweek, and to learn more about all of these organizations.

BIR Bits

The Benchmarking Company asked more than 4,000 U.S. women what beauty products and services they wanted to try, buy and accomplish in 2016. Here’s a sampling of their to-do lists. How many of these lead to new opportunities for you? • Hair: 51% say they want to use quality hair care products, 47% want to try a new hair style and 42% resolve to condition their hair more frequently. • Hair styles: 40% said they’d like to try a natural, beach-blown look, 34% want to grow out their hair into long locks and 34% want to wear their hair curly. • New products or services: 44% reported they’d like to try face masks, 42% want to give skin-cleansing devices a go and 42% are looking for a new hair styling tool to try. • Makeup: 46% said they want to watch makeup tutorials to perfect their makeup application, while 35% resolve to adopt more makeup trends. Consider those opportunities for your brand, store or salon/spa. • Skin: 76% resolved to take better care of their skin, 54% want to take better care of their lips and 53% plan to moisturize more often. For more information on beauty product testing and specialized consumer research, visit

On December 20, 2015 at Las Vegas’ Plant Hollywood, Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach of the Philippines was crowned the 64th Miss Universe. Farouk Systems, the official hair care sponsor for the past 10 years, was on hand to create her winning look and provide the 80 contestants with CHI Haircare and Miss Universe Style Illuminate products and services. Visit

Farouk Shami congratulates Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach. Photo: Miguel Sada Rios.

In 2015, Fromm partnered with Bright Pink, a non-profit organization that has a mission to save women’s lives from breast and ovarian cancer by empowering them to live proactively at a young age. To support the partnership, Fromm created a Pink Hope Brush, with 50% of sales going directly to support Bright Pink. The total contribution was $25,000. As a result of this success, Fromm will launch a new pink product under its 1907 line in July. Visit

Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.” The Beauty Industry Report is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz. For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message. 94

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Show Calendar Ad Index APRIL:

AFAM Concept Inc. �����������16, 35

Inspired Beauty Brands ������������� 2 NEOX �����������������������������������42, 46

2-3 Baltimore Natural Hair Care Expo 2016

American International ������������� 3

J. Strickland & Co. �������������������101 nuNAAT ��������������������������������������� 5

Andis Co. ...................Cover, 59, 68

J2 Beauty ������������������ 71, 82, 87, 89 PBA/COH ����������������������������������48

Baltimore, MD

9-10 Eastern Buying Conference East Rutherford, NJ

10 Roc-A-Natural Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Expo New York, NY

17-18 Cosmoprof Spring Style Show San Jose, CA

23-24 Taliah Waajid 19th Annual World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show Atlanta, GA

MAY: 1-2 Nashville Fashion Focus Nashville, TN

12 ICMAD FDA Regulations Workshop New York, NY

15-16 Biloxi Fashion Focus Biloxi, MS

Baby Sweet ��������������������������������72

JBC Distributors �����������������������69 PDC Brands �������������������������������57

Beauty Perfection ����������������������� 9 Belson �����������������������������������������51 Brittny Professional .............61, 83 Colomer USA ����������������� 103, BC Conair �����������������������������������������23

JBS Beauty Club �����������������������72 Queen Helene ���������������������34, 38 JBS Hair �������������������� 24, 49, 56, 74 RA Cosmetics ���������������������14, 68 KAB Brands �������������������������������13 Smooth Care �����������������������������70 Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products �����93 SoftSheen-Carson ��������11, 47, 91 Luster Products, Inc. �����������������84 Sundial ������������������������������IFC, 1, 8

Cosmoprof North America �� IBC

DRM-JPC Brands ����������������������39 DeMert Brands �������������������������40 E.T. Browne and Drug Co., Inc. ���������������������99 Ecoco, Inc. ����������������� 21, 31, 53, 75 Evolving Beauty ������������������������45

M&M Products ��������������������������15 Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products ��Insert, 67 Mane Selection ��������������������������66 Universal Beauty Products, Inc. ���������������54 Maxi Professional ����������������������70 Wahl ��������������������������������������������43 Mitchell Group ��������������������������25 Wella,The Salon Namaste Laboratories ������33, 73 Professional Division of P&G ��29 Xtreme Nature’s Protein, Inc. ����������������41 Beauty International ����������17, 85

Fantasia Ind. �������������������������������27 Helen of Troy ������������������������������� 7

15-17 Beautyworld Middle east Dubai, UAE

16-18 Beautyworld Japan

21-22 International Hair & Beauty Show

Tokyo, Japan

Secaucus, NJ

18-20 China Beauty Expo

22-23 Mid-Atlantic Fashion Focus

Shanghai, China


OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

National Harbor, MD

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. What do you find most interesting about the multicultural beauty supply industry?


업계에서 가장 흥미로운 것은 무엇이라고 생각합니까?

2. Is there a current or emerging beauty trend you would like to learn more about? 2. 더 자세히 알고 싶은 현재 혹은 새로운 미용 트랜드가 있습니까?

3. What kind of product education do you prefer to receive from manufacturers and why? 3.


어떤 종류의 제품 교육을 받고 싶으며 그 이유는 무엇입니까?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

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OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

Mail this form to: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:


OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:

September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Do you dread washing your hair because you know what will inevitably come next? Well, don’t get all hot and bothered anymore! Not Your Mother’s In A Heartbeat™ Blow Dry Accelerator will reduce your blow-drying time so you don’t feel like you need to take another shower after doing your hair! This paraben free salon formula will detangle and soften, help eliminate frizz, improve humidity resistance and provide thermal protection to the hair…so you and your hair won’t miss a beat! BENEFITS • Reduces drying time • Provides thermal protection • Frizz control • Improves humidity resistance • Detangles hair • Makes hair softer INGREDIENT HIGHLIGHTS • FREE of: o Sulfates o Parabens o Phthalates o Dyes o Gluten, Nuts & Soy STYLING TIPS & EFFECTS Prior to blow-drying, spray on wet hair. Comb through for even distribution. Style as usual. 104

OTC Beauty Magazine April 2016

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