The Hair Issue OTC Aug 2015

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August 2015| $6.00 The Hair Issue

Healthy Hair: Straight vs. Textured

Jinny Corp. Opens 1st Jinny Regional St. Louis Marks 11th Location

Don’t Forget Relaxer Customers Scan to visit OTC website

CONTENTS August 2015 in this issue Editorial Letter ����������������������10 High Maintenance 철저한 관리

Expert Advice �����������������������12 Healthy Hair: Straight vs. Textured Hair

Marketplace �������������������������18 Big Business from Root to Tip

How Should You Sell It? �������26 Hair Care Have-To’s

어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이달의 판매 초점은… 헤어 케어 필수 제품 !

Notes From the Natural Nation ���������������������69 Natural Hair - Guaranteed Style Freedom

Clipper Tips ��������������������������80 Selecting Different Tools for Different Hair Types

Therapy Trends ���������������������82 Customized Cocktails Create Multiple Rounds

Tonsorial Times ��������������������84

Feature Article

Who Will Sell Hair in 2016? �������������������� 72 by Torain The retail sales of the commercial hair market will take a truly dramatic turn in the year 2016. The principle reason for this tremendous shift is that sales of commercial hair has grown to such tremendous proportions that it has attracted investors and speculators who formerly had no knowledge of the massive trading that takes place all over the globe. Have no fear, OTC store owners! The vast amount of new sales that is available to everyone, on every level of the hair industry, is insured for the coming day. Look to the future for prosperity and a secure living.

Manufacturer Profile

Hoyu America Co. ������������������������������������������������������������76 Confidence and excitement about a product or brand is what truly leads to growth and recognition, and can even lead to big changes within a company. For example, Mr. Yoshihiro Sasaki, president of Hoyu America Co., has recently made the move after 25 years with Hoyu Japan to Hoyu America, with a goal of expanding the Bigen brand and products to this audience. “The quality of our Bigen products is reliable and splendid, so I am very confident and proud of our products,” Sasaki explained while expressing wishes that many people can experience them. OTC Beauty Magazine was lucky enough to learn more about this company that has exceeded its 100th anniversary from the president himself. 제품이나 브랜드에 대한 자신감과 흥분은 진정으로 성장과 인정을 이끌어내는 것이며, 심지어 회사의 큰

The Barbering APP-e-tite

변화로 이어질 수도 있다. 예를 들어, Hoyu America Co.의 대표인Mr. Yoshihiro Sasaki는 대중들에게 Bigen

업계소식................................ 86

브랜드와 제품을 확대할 목표로 최근 25년간의Hoyu Japan to Hoyu America에 변화를 만들었다. “저희 Bigen

Jinny News ���������������������������88 Industry News ����������������������90

제품의 품질은 신뢰할 수 있고 아주 훌륭합니다, 제품에 관해 저는 강한 자부심과 자신감을 갖습니다.” Sasaki 는 이런 말과 함께 더 많은 사람들이 자신의 제품을 경험할 수 있기를 바란다고 덧붙였다. OTC 뷰티 매거진이 설립 100주년이 넘는 이 회사에 관해 회사 대표로부터 보다 자세히 알 수 있는 기회를 갖게 된 것은 아주 행운이다.

Coupons ��������������������������� 101 Show Calendar ����������������� 108 Ad Index ��������������������������� 108 Reader Feedback ��������������� 110 Product Spotlight �������������� 112 Ultra Sheen Supreme Relaxer


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

On The Cover

Experience Straight From Eden by Creme of Nature. Their new Advanced Oil-Infused Relaxer is a 100% naturally derived relaxer creme that is infused with natural coconut, avocado and olive oils. It contains NO bad ingredients for hair like lye, mineral oil, petrolatum, sulfates, parabens or formaldehyde. Expect more. NEVER compromise!™ Learn more about the brand on page 53 and at

CONTENTS August 2015 Knowledge To Know Finished Product The Attraction Uncovered ���������� 38 Hot Oil Treatments ���������������������������������������������� 34 by Phylencia “PT” Taylor OTC/Beauty Supply Stores are everywhere, and Beauty Professionals and Beauty Supply Stores have a long-standing relationship. Shine Beauty Culture (A Research and Strategy Consultancy) caught up with three dynamic Master Hair Stylists and probed their Beauty Supply Store shopping patterns, likes, loves, wants and preferences.

by Laura Garces As women, we all want to have perfect and healthy hair all the time. It’s simple, when your hair looks good you feel good. Hot oil hair treatments are a must-have product in all beauty regimens and work great for all hair types by providing numerous benefits. Learn all about them here!

매력을 파헤치다.

Don’t Forget Your Relaxer Customer ����������������� 50

OTC/뷰티 서플라이는 도처에 있으며, 뷰티 전문가와 뷰티 서플라이는 밀접한 관계에 있다. Shine Beauty Culture( 조사 전략 자문회사)는 3명의 역동적인 마스터 헤어 스타일리스트들을 선택해서 그들의 미용 재료 매장 쇼핑 패턴과 선호도, 그리고 그들이 원하는 것을 조사했다.

Top 5 Hair Mistakes we Commit Everyday ������������������ 42 by Vivek Pratap Hair defines the way we look. We love our hair, we love styling it and changing our look from time to time. But it is very important to take care of our tresses. Here are the top 5 hair care mistakes that we commit, yet are unaware about them.

우리가 매일 저지르는 헤어에 관한 실수 TOP 5 헤어는 우리의 모습을 좌우한다. 우리는 헤어를 사랑하고, 그것을 스타일링하고 때때로 우리의 모습을 변화시키는 것을 좋아한다. 그러나, 우리의 모발을 보살피는 것은 매우 중요하다. 여기 우리가 일상적으로 범하지만, 미쳐 인식하지 못하는 헤어 관리의 실수 TOP 5가 있다.

Business Tips

by Tabitha Odell Trends change and as responsible store owners you try to remain in sync with the winds of change. Today the popular trend is products for natural hair, but what about the customer who wears a relaxer? You are still selling them and it’s important to not forget to promote products that compliment relaxers.

릴렉서 고객들을 잊어선 안 된다 여러분은 책임있는 스토어 오너로서 변하는 트랜드 변화의 바람에 맞추려고 노력하고 있을 것이다. 현재 인기 트랜드는 네추럴 헤어 제품이지만, 릴렉서를 사용하는 고객들은 어떻게 해야 할까? 당신은 여전히 그들에게 제품을 팔고 있으며 릴렉서를 찬사할 수 있는 제품을 홍보하는 것을 잊지 않는 것도 중요하다.

Don’t Let These Financial Blunders Leave Your Wallet Empty ���������������������� 54 by Jim Chilton To err is human, but when mistakes affect your pocketbook it’s not exactly divine. Don’t feel alone if you’ve committed a financial blunder, though. Two-thirds of Americans have made a significant money mistake somewhere along the way. Now is a good time for anyone to pledge to do a better job handling money.

사소한 재정적 실수들로 당신의 지갑을 털리지 말라. 잘못은 인간이 하고 용서는 신이 한다지만, 실수가 당신의 지갑에 영향을 미칠 때는 신도 어쩔 수 없는 것이다. 재정적인 실수를 저질렀다해도 결코 당신이 혼자라고는 생각하지 마라. 미국인의 2/3는 어디선가 돈에 관한 큰 실수를 저지르고 있다. 지금은 누구든지 돈을 좀 더 잘 관리할 수 있는 좋은 시기이다.

Beauty Ambassadors

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article ������������������ 62

Own Your Curly Style

Jinny News

Jinny Corp. Opens it’s First ‘Jinny Regional’ in St. Louis ��������� 88 Once again, Jinny Corp., the largest multicultural and ethnic distributor in the world, plans to expand their distribution network in St. Louis, Missouri. This makes it their 11th distribution center which will now make their total warehouse square footage a whopping 1.46 million square feet in America.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Skin Care Ambassador Article ����������������������������������� 64 Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A Superior Natural Hair Treatment


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Earl Cole

Art Director:

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

Whitney Branum Jim Chilton ReGia Davis Laura Garces Tabitha Odell Vivek Pratap Phylencia “PT� Taylor Torain Rocio Urquidi Ayanna Ziegler


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Editorial Letter

철저한 관리 For many of us, hair care can be high maintenance. From cleansing and drying to styling and holding it in place, just getting ready in the mornings is exhausting. Not to mention getting trims and cuts periodically. But what if I told you hair care doesn’t have to be that complicated? What if it is possible for your customers to find the hair goods that work for them, and learn to use them efficiently for easy, safe upkeep of their hair? Now that sounds more like it. In this month’s issue of OTC Beauty Magazine we are exploring the fascinating world of hair care. We have gathered information about some of the newest and most popular items made especially for tresses that your customers will want to know about. Read on so you are prepared to enlighten them. We have also touched on the differences in caring for straight vs. textured hair (page 12) and some common mistakes we make daily not meaning to (page 42). We also want you to not “forget your relaxer customer” (page 50) even though the natural trend is in full force. You will always have an array of customers in your store and you want to meet each and every one of their needs. So whether they are looking for relaxers, styling tools or even commercial hair, be sure you are stocked up to keep them coming back week after week. Hair care may seem complicated and a bit daunting of a subject to master, but we believe in you. Let us be your guide to keeping your customers’ hair—and your own—happy, healthy and beautiful.

우리 중 많은 사람들에게, 헤어 케어는 철저한 관리가 필요한 것일 수 있습니다. 클렌징과 드라이부터 스타일링과 스타일 유지까지, 단지 아침 준비만으로도 지칠 수 있습니다. 정기적으로 다듬거나 커트하는 것은 언급할 필요도 없습니다. 하지만, 헤어 케어가 그렇게 복잡할 필요가 없다고 말한다면 어떨까요? 우리 고객들이 자신에게 맞는 헤어 제품을 찾고, 쉽게 효과적으로 그것을 사용하는 방법을 배워서 그들의 헤어를 안전하게 유지하는게 가능하다면? 이제 그럴 수도 있을 것 같습니다.

이 달의 OTC 뷰티 매거진에서는 헤어 케어의 매혹적인 세계를

탐험합니다. 여러분 고객들의 헤어를 위해 특별히 최근의 가장 인기있는 아이템들에 관한 정보를 모았습니다. 그 내용을 읽고나면 당신의 고객들을 파악할 준비가 될 것입니다.

이번 호에서는 스트레이트 헤어와 텍스쳐 헤어 관리의 차이점

(페이지12), 그리고 우리가 매일 하게 되는 일반적인 실수들에 (페이지42) 관해서도 다루고 있습니다. 또한 네추럴 헤어가 강세이긴 하지만, 여러분들이 “당신의







매장에는 언제나 다양한 고객들이 찾을 것이며 여러분은 그들 각자의 요구사항을 충족시키길 원합니다. 그들이 릴렉서를 찾든, 스타일링 도구나 심지어 판매용 모발을 찾더라도, 여러분의 매장에 모든 제품들을 보유하고 있어서 그들이 매주 당신의 매장을 찾을 수 있도록 해야 합니다.

헤어 케어는 복잡하고 터득하기에는 다소 어려워보일지도 모르지만,

우리는 여러분을 믿습니다. 여러분과 고객들의 헤어가 행복하고 건강하며 아름다움을 유지할 수 있도록 우리가 여러분의 가이드가 되겠습니다.

Editor, 10

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice by Whitney Branum

Healthy Hair:

Straight vs. Textured Hair Kinky and curly hair differs from straight hair in many ways. It is often drier and requires different styling techniques, products, special care and expertise. But while caring for textured hair can be complicated because of the range of curl patterns and associated needs, that doesn’t mean caring for straight hair is a walk in the park either. Due to the harsh chemicals used in the straightening process, chemically straightened hair often requires significant attention to achieve and maintain smooth, healthy hair. Shampooing Shampooing is the first step in any maintenance routine. It is an important step, but more for your scalp than for cleansing hair strands; it is imperative not to overwork and scrub hair, but to gently massage the scalp to remove buildup and debris. In addition, the cleansing agents in shampoo can cause all hair types, but especially curly textures, to be dry and frizzy post-wash. A great way to preserve hair’s natural oils and to combat frizz is to alternate between sulfate-free shampoos and co-washes, and to use clarifying shampoos sparingly. Sulfates are the lathering ingredients in shampoo that can dry out hair, so using a sulfate-free formula is a great way to gently cleanse fragile kinky, curly hair. A co-wash, or conditioning wash, works very well for non-straight textures as well. They remove product buildup at the scalp, but infuse moisture and slip so that wet coils easily glide through fingers for less breakage. Conditioning Conditioners are loved by curly hair and chemically relaxed alike, but often disregarded by naturally straight hair textures. This is a big no-no, regardless of hair texture. Conditioners replenish moisture and make it easier to comb through wet hair. They also help to reduce breakage and flyaways.

Finding the right conditioner for your texture is key. Straight hair should use a rinse-out conditioner post-cleansing, followed by a light detangler; this will help reduce frizz and flyaways once the hair is dry. For curly to kinky hair there is no such thing as over-conditioning. We recommend that kinkier hair types layer conditioners, starting with a rinse-out conditioner, followed by a detangler, moisture sealing oil and finally a leave-in conditioner. For chemically relaxed hair, weekly deep conditioning treatments are vital to maintain hair elasticity and strengthen tresses. Styling Finally, styling straight hair versus styling curly hair can be different but there are some common practices. If hair is chemically relaxed, a wet set will help maintain healthy hair and reduce breakage. Additionally, a daily oil moisturizer lotion or setting lotion is ideal to maintain softness, manageability and shine. For all hair types, a thermal protector is vital when applying heat to hair (blow dryer, curling or flat iron), so that you don’t burn off natural hair oils. We recommend using a product with max 425°F protection. There are thermal products available with higher degree protection, but honestly, that level of heat should not be applied to hair. For natural curl patterns, cold perm rod sets, twist outs and wash n’ gos are beautiful styles that require zero heat. Avoiding heat will help maintain natural oils and breakage. Achieving these natural styles is simple with the help of curling creams, lotions and activators. However, it is important to be mindful when using gels because the alcohol content can dry hair, so apply a cream or lotion first, or a cocktail with the gel, to protect the hair.

Whitney Branum is an Associate Brand Manager for Cantu. Cantu, founded in 2004, is the #6 ranked Multicultural Hair Care brand and one of the fastest growing brands in the category. Cantu’s expertise is predicated upon the delivery of ultra-moisturizing, premium quality hair and skin formulas enriched with pure shea butter, specifically developed for multi-textured hair types. 12

OTC 2015 OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine August December 2008

May2008 2015 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December



OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December May 20152008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine


Big Business from

Root to Tip

From shampoos to oil sheen and permanent color to styling tools, hair maintenance is big business in the beauty industry. Check out some of the hottest products here, and see what you can add to your store shelves today!

Frizz No More

Strengthen and restore hair with Hask Argan Oil from Morocco Repairing Shine Oil. This lightweight, alcohol-free oil absorbs instantly to provide frizz-free shine without leaving an oily residue. Argan Oil penetrates hair to restore shine and provide soft, silky results in dry, damaged hair. What else could your customers want?

Calm Down, Scalp

Do your customers often ask for advice on how to treat a dry, itchy or flaking scalp? Look no further than Fantasia’s Tea Tree Naturals Scalp Serum. Formulated with aloe and vitamins, this leave-in treatment nourishes and moisturizes troubled scalps, promoting long, healthy and shiny hair. Users of all hair types can enjoy its cooling effect.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Pro Dry

Ideal for high-volume blowouts, the Andis Pro Dry Tourmaline Ionic/Ceramic Hair Dryer gets the job done. Drying hair quickly while sealing the cuticle layer, it eliminates frizz for smoother, silkier hair. It boasts three heat settings, two speed settings, a cool shot button and two snap-on attachments for easy personalization.

Power of Infrared

Flaunting dual plates for fast, even heat distribution and infrared technology, which maximizes any effect of styling for optimum results in a shorter time, the Croc Infrared Iron has it all! With 25 heat settings and floating plates, users can create curls, flips or straight hair with this one tool. Seal in moisture, add silky shine and maintain hair styles all day long.

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


M A R K E T PLACE Pump up the Volume

When fast, easy and versatile styling power that creates volume, body and fullness is what your customers want, they need the Hot Tools 1 1/4” Hot Brush Styler - Gold. Great for all hair types, it operates at a range of variable temperatures, reducing static and creating brilliant shine.

Sculpt Away

Let your customers’ inner artists shine through by offering them Soft & Beautiful Botanicals Ultra Nourishing Sculpting Foam from Strength of Nature. It is perfect for creating their favorite styles! Whether hair is naturally curly or relaxed, users can achieve amazingly smooth, healthy-looking soft hold with radiant shine, body and movement. Their hair will smell great while being nourished by natural oils and butters!

Mega Therapy

Instantly nourish and hydrate hair while providing long-lasting shine with Doo Gro’s Mega Therapy Oil Treatment with Argan Oil. This nutrient-rich organic oil is lightweight and can also be used as a daily moisturizer or skin and nail treatment.

What a Pair

Looking and smelling good should be at the top of all of your male customers’ lists. Clairol Professional invites them to “get their swagger back” with this great package deal. When customers purchase two Beautiful Collection Advanced Gray Solution shades of semi-permanent hair color they can get a FREE Old Spice Swagger Deodorant. Now that’s one handsome deal.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

It’s a Miracle! Flawless Hair

Strengthen hair with the exclusive dual repairing complex—a blend bursting with the antioxidant power of blackberries and coconut oil—found in Giovanni’s Hair Oil Serum. This ultra-repair super potion kicks dry, damaged and over-processed hair to the curb as it smoothes and softens, tames frizz and flyaways, and adds shine while enhancing color. Breakage and split ends take a hike too!

Undo the hurt and make damage disappear with Dr. Miracle’s Miracle Repair 3-Step Conditioning and Treatment System. Working to restore hair health, the reconstructive system instantly rebounds hair from the damage of coloring, relaxing and styling tools. Simply cleanse, rebuild and moisten!

Happy Hair with Henna

Keep hair happy when coloring by using Henna Natural Hair Color from OKAY Pure Naturals. This 100% natural hair color powder provides longlasting, vibrant and rich color that can be applied to all hair types. It is free of harmful chemicals like PPD, ammonia and peroxide, protecting hair from damage. Product shown here in the color “Indigo.”

Bronze Baby

Want to give your customers the option of instant, vibrant hair color that washes out with shampoo? Offer them Liquid Chalk temporary intense hair makeup from L’Oreal Technique. It works without a pre-lightener, and is available in a variety of shades (shown here in “Bronze Baby”). This hair color is water-based and works instantly on all hair types and colors. August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


M A R K E T PLACE Tangle Release

Instantly release tangles before washing hair with Motions’ new Pre-Wash Detangling Butter. This ultramoisturizing butter smoothes over each hair strand to provide ideal slip and softness, promoting less hair breakage. It is created especially for natural textures and smells delightful, flaunting shea butter and coconut oil components.

Take Care of that Color

Sparks is known for their noteworthy, vibrant hair colors. Just as important as getting hair to a certain hue is keeping it that way. The Color Care Protecting Conditioner penetrates into the hair shaft to gently condition, thicken and detangle. Botanically enriched, it moisturizes and nourishes hair while preventing breakage. It also provides UV protection to keep bright hair from fading.

Amazing Amla

Talk about a heavenly scent…the Amla Legend Moisture Remedy Shampoo, a part of SoftSheenCarson’s Optimum Salon Haircare collection, tops the charts! Infused with Amla Oil from India, this creamy shampoo gently cleanses and detangles each hair strand while providing intense moisture to weak, damaged hair. Rejuvenate hair with the legendary power of Amla Oil!


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

Hair Care Have-To’s! Let’s be honest—sometimes hair care regimens can be complicated and customers may not know exactly where to begin looking amongst the sea of product offerings. That’s where your advice comes in handy! We want to help customers know what steps of a hair care regimen are vital (a.k.a. “have-to’s”) to their overall hair health.

If you could offer customers one recommendation for their daily hair care regimen, what would it be? “I would advise that a customer should include moisturizing their hair daily into their hair care regimen with our Hawaiian Silky Argan Oil Infusion 12 to promote healthy, long hair.”

Afua Odame, Marketing Sales Representative AFAM Concept Inc.

“Whether your hair is natural, pressed, relaxed or somewhere in the middle, finding an edge control gel that doesn’t leave hair brittle or flaky is a must! Dr. Miracle’s Edge Holding Gel is formulated with Jojoba oil to add shine and condition, plus it’s free from alcohol and parabens!” Abike Kamson, Marketing Coordinator Dr. Miracles

“The key to an effective daily haircare regimen is moisture. Keeping the hair moisturized will aid in better styling, manageability and overall health of the hair. Dark and Lovely Au Naturale, the award-winning #1 new hair care line for natural hair*, has introduced Moisture L.O.C.: a product layering haircare regimen used by women with naturally curly hair to maximize moisture retention. L.O.C., an abbreviation for liquid, oil, and cream, an easy-to-remember, step-by-step moisturizing haircare process, infuses hair with moisture, leaving curls plush and pliable. It is crafted with a combination of Coconut and Moringa Oils, penetrates deep inside the hair; leaving hair deeply nourished, shiny and healthy for a full week. After using the Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Moisture L.O.C. system, I recommend styling with Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Easy Twist Gel N’ Butter, a conditioning gel and moisturizing butter for hassle-free twist-outs. This “No Need to Cocktail Recipe” fights frizz, nourishes curls, and provides long-lasting touchable hold and shine without curdling. And to finish, spritz hair with the Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Sheen Sealing Nectar, which conditions hair and scalp for instant hydration, succulent sheen and superb curl definition that lasts. *According to IRI Dollar Sales in the US, Dark and Lovely Au Naturale was the #1 new hair care line for natural hair in 2013.

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the September issue! 26

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Mezei Jefferson, Director of Education L’Oreal Multi-Cultural Beauty Division


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...

헤어 케어 필수 제품 !

솔직하게 말자하면 ---- 때때로 헤어 케어는 복잡할 수 있으며, 고객들은 수많은 제품들 가운데 무엇부터 찾아야 할지 정확히 알지 못할 수 있다. 그것이 바로 당신의 조언이 필요할 때이다! 우리는 고객들이 그들의 전반적인 헤어 건강을 위해 어떤 단계의 헤어 케어 방법이 중요한지를( 일명, “Have-to’s”) 알 수 있도록 돕고자 한다.

고객들에게 일상적인 그들의 헤어 케어에 관해 한가지 조언을 한다면, 어떤 것이 있을까? “ 건강하고 긴 모발을 촉진할 수 있도록 저희의 Hawaiian Silky Argan Oil Infusion 12로 매일 모발에 보습을 첨가할 수 있는 헤어 케어를 고객들에게 조언하겠습니다.”

Afua Odame, 마케팅 영업 담당자 AFAM Concept Inc.

“당신의 모발이 네추럴이든, 프레스나 릴렉서를 사용한 상태이든, 혹은 그 중간 어디쯤이든, 모발이 잘 부러지거나 벗겨지지 않도록 엣지 콘트롤 젤을 찾는 것은 필수입니다! Dr.Miracle’s Edge Holding Gel은 광택과 컨디셔닝 기능을 추가하기 위해 호호바 오일로 배합된 제품이며, 알콜과 파라벤이 함유되지 않았습니다!”

Abike Kamson, 마케팅 코디네이터 Dr. Miracles

“효과적인 데일리 헤어 케어 요법의 핵심은 수분이다. 모발의 수분을 유지하는 것은 더 나은 스타일을 만들고 관리하며 전반적인 헤어 건강에 도움이 된다. 네추럴 헤어를 위한 새로운 헤어 케어 라인으로 1등 수상 경력에 빛나는Dark and Lovely Au Naturale가 Moisture L.O.C 를 발표했다: 자연적으로 곱슬머리인 여성들에 의해 사용되는 헤어 케어 요법을 계층화한 제품으로 보습을 극대화한다. 액체, 오일, 크림의 약자를 딴L.O.C는 기억하기 쉬우며, 단계적인 보습 헤어케어 과정으로 모발에 수분을 주입하여 컬을 화려하면서도 유연하게 유지시켜준다. 이 제품은 코코넛과 모링가 오일의 조합으로 제조되었으며, 모발 깊숙히 침투하게 된다; 모발 깊숙히 영양을 공급하고, 일주일 내내 윤기있고 건강한 모발을 유지시켜준다. Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Moisture L.O.C. system을 사용한 후에는, 번거로움없이 돌려서 사용하는 컨디셔닝 젤과 보습 버터인Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Easy Twist Gel N’ Butter로 스타일링 할 것을 추천한다. “칵테일 레시피가 필요없는” 이 제품은 지나치게 꼬불꼬불함을 막아주고, 컬에 영양을 공급하며 딱딱하게 굳지 않으면서도 오래 지속되는 컬과 광택을 제공한다. 그리고 마지막으로, Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Sheen Sealing Nectar를 헤어에 뿌린다, 이 제품은 헤어와 두피에 즉각적인 수분을 공급하고, 촉촉한 윤기와 지속적으로 뛰어난 컬 형태를 제공한다.

* 미국IRI Dollar Sales에 따르면, Dark and Lovely Au Naturale는 2013년 네추럴 헤어를 위한 No.1 헤어 케어 신제품 라인이었다.

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 9월호에 게재됩니다! 28

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Mezei Jefferson, Director of Education L’Oreal Multi-Cultural Beauty Division

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Laura Garces

Hot Oil


As women, we all want to have perfect and healthy hair all the time. Beautiful hair makes women feel confident. It’s simple, when your hair looks good you feel good. It is sometimes necessary to use unique ingredients in our hair care routine to achieve amazing results. Hot oil hair treatments are a must-have product in all beauty regimens and work great for all hair types by providing numerous benefits. The History of Hot Oil Treatments Hot oil treatments are natural products derived from plant extracts that have endless amounts of benefits for the hair and can either be homemade or store-bought. A hot oil treatment is an inexpensive luxurious product you will not regret purchasing and is well worth the investment. Hot oil therapy is the process of when warm oil is added to wet or dry hair. The heat from the hot oil does wonders by making the hair cuticles expand so they can retain more oil. Hot oil hair care treatments are a moistureretaining tool that prevents hair from looking dull.

Benefits A hot oil treatment works great for all hair types and textures. The treatment is beneficial to hair because it moisturizes the hair follicles and tames unwanted frizz. It is no secret that women want smooth and silky hair at all times regardless of weather conditions. The great thing about hot oil is that it’s beneficial year round. It is important to include hot oil in your hair care regimen especially during cold climate conditions when the hair becomes dry and frayed. After it is applied, it leaves the hair feeling replenished, restored and luxurious. The hot oils infuse the hair with shine and luster without making it feel or look “greasy.” Another benefit hot oil treatments provide is repairing and preventing damage done to the hair cuticles. The hair cuticle is the outermost part of the hair shaft and slowly becomes weakened when it is under constant stress due to heat tools, chemical processes and everyday brushing. A hot oil treatment soaks into split ends and minimizes the damage caused by frequent hair coloring and external factors. It is used to replenish the scalp’s natural oils that seal in moisture. When the scalp lacks either moisture or natural oils, dandruff can form. Dandruff is an unwanted guest on our hair that makes the scalp itchy and flaky. A hot oil treatment is the solution to stop dandruff because it prevents clogging of the pores and soothes the irritated scalp. Homemade Hair Oil Treatments The following oils have a high concentration of healthy nutrients that work great for at home treatments. • Olive Oil – strengthens and nourishes the hair by providing elasticity to hair strands • Avocado Oil – improves strength • Sesame Oil – provides shine and luster • Coconut Oil – softens and nourishes the hair *do not allow the oil to dry because it will harden

• Safflower Oil – hydrates the hair • Grape Seed Oil – a light moisturizing hair oil that works as a natural heat protectant • Tea Tree Oil – helps eliminate dandruff

It is important to choose the oil that will work specifically for your hair type and benefit you accordingly. How it Works A hot oil treatment can be used before shampoo or after conditioner, depending on your hair texture. If you have thin hair it is better to apply the hot oil treatment before you shampoo as this will create a barrier against sulfates to stop the stripping of natural oils from the hair. In order to reduce damage, a hot oil treatment can be applied to hair every 2 - 4 weeks or more often depending on the needs of your hair. The continual use of hot oil treatments will give you long-lasting good looking hair. After incorporating this product into your routine you will see a noticeable difference in your hair. Instructions for Hot Hair Oil Treatments For homemade hot oil treatments, heat the oil mixture in a small pan until comfortably warm. It is not recommended to microwave oils because they can potentially burn the scalp due to a high temperature. For store bought products, follow these instructions: 1. Immerse the closed tube of the hot oil product in hot tap water for one minute. 2. Make sure to test the oil to ensure it is not too hot and will not burn the scalp. 3. Once the product is hot, massage the oil into the scalp using fingertips in a circular motion; this helps promote hair stimulation, working from the root to end. (Scalp stimulation encourages new hair to grow faster. The warm oils stimulate blood flow to help thicken the hair.) 4. Apply a plastic cap for 15 - 20 minutes so the oil can penetrate the hair shaft. 5. Gently rinse out the hot oil treatment from the hair. 6. Style as usual. If interested in adding hot oil therapy into your beauty regimen, try the HASK Macadamia Oil Leave-In Hot Oil Treatment. Not only is this product affordable, but you will see an improvement in the texture of your hair. The HASK Macadamia Oil Leave-In Hot Oil Treatment is alcohol free, gentle enough to use as often as needed, and is safe for chemically treated or colored hair. This is the perfect product to combat dry and damaged hair. The added macadamia oil in the formula helps to restore moisture back into the hair. The HASK Macadamia Oil Leave-In Hot Oil Treatment nourishes the hair and gives it a healthy and strong appearance. Look out for the Argan Hot Oil Leave-In Treatment launching this month, in August! For more information on where to buy HASK products visit or

Laura Garces is originally from Queens, NY. Her background is in marketing and advertising within the fashion/beauty category. She currently works for Inspired Beauty Brands, an innovative developer and marketer of personal care products. 34

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Phylencia “PT” Taylor

The Attraction Uncovered

Beauty Professionals and the OTC Store 매력을 파헤치다. (부제) 미용 전문가와 OTC 매장 OTC/Beauty Supply Stores are EVERYWHERE. On every other block in urban and some suburban neighborhoods, you will find a Beauty Supply Store in the U.S. Beauty and lifestyle merge as beauty enthusiasts shop the stores and curate ingenuity that can only be derived from the belly of the culture. Beauty enthusiasts deliver what become mainstream hair trends, the results from local beauty supply store finds. Weaves

Natural Hair Styles


How does that transcend to beauty professionals? The Beauty Professional and the Beauty Supply Store have a long-standing relationship; a relationship full of love and sometimes loath in the struggle to distinguish themselves as professional stylists, separate from the non-professional consumer who shops at the OTC. Shine Beauty Culture (A Research and Strategy Consultancy) caught up with three dynamic Master Hair Stylists and probed their Beauty Supply Store shopping patterns, likes, loves, wants and preferences.

Gina Miller-Palmer Specialty: Healthy hair regardless of texture or length. Owner, SheSalon ATL, GA 404.681.2778 Instagram @SheSalonAtlanta Facebook/SheSalonLLC

Garth Aubin Specialty: Modern Stylist, Natural Hair & Extensions. Serenity Salon NY, NY Instagram @IAMGUABIN Photo Credit: G. Aubin

Photo Credit: SheSalon LLC

Sheena Renee Specialty: Master Stylist, Natural, Chemically Treated Hair & Extensions. Owner, Sheena Renee Hair Studio ATL, GA 404.867.9669 Instagram @IAMSHEENARENEE Facebook/SheenaReneeHairStudio Photo Credit: Appealing Studios


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

OTC/뷰티 서플라이는 도처에 있다. 미국의 도시들과 일부 교외 지역에서는 한 블록 건너마다 뷰티 서플라이를 찾을 수가 있다. 뷰티 마니아들이 매장을 쇼핑하고 문화의 중심으로부터 파생될 수 있는 독창성을 주도 함으로써 미용과 라이프 스타일은 하나가 된다. 뷰티 마니아들은 주류 헤어 트랜드를 창출하는데, 이 는 결국 지역 뷰티 서플라이 스토어에서 찾은 것들이다. 네추럴 헤어 스타일



미용 전문가들과 뷰티 서플라이 스토어는 오랜 세월 동안 관계를 유지하고 있다. 이 관계는 끈끈한 관 계이면서도 때로는 OTC 매장에서 쇼핑을 하는 일반 소비자들과 차별되려는 전문 스타일리스트들의 투쟁으로 인한 껄끄러움도 있다.

Shine Beauty Culture(조사 전략 자문회사) 는 3명의 역동적인 마스터 헤어 스타일리스트들을 선택 해서 그들의 미용 재료 매장 쇼핑 패턴과 선호도, 그리고 그들이 원하는 것을 조사했다.

Gina Miller-Palmer

Garth Aubin

전문분야: 길이와 머릿결

전문분야: 모던 스타일



에 상관없이 건강한 모발

Owner, SheSalon ATL, GA 404.681.2778 Instagram @SheSalonAtlanta Facebook/SheSalonLLC 사진제공: SheSalon LLC

Sheena Renee

전문분야:마스터 스타일 리스

리스트, 네추럴 헤어 &

트, 네추럴, 화학제품을 사용한

Serenity Salon NY, NY Instagram @IAMGUABIN

Owner, Sheena Renee Hair Studio ATL, GA 404.867.9669 Instagram @IAMSHEENARENEE Facebook/SheenaReneeHairStudio

사진제공: G. Aubin

모발 관리 & 익스텐션.

사진제공: Appealing Studios

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K Top 5 Products Purchased by Professional Hair Stylists from the OTC: 1) Hair Color (semi/demi permanent color) 2) Edge Gel 3) Shampoo/Conditioner 4) Styling Products: Hair Spray, Blow Dry Lotions/Curling Creams 5) Weave Implements: Needles, Weave Nets, and Bonding Glue *Survey from small sample size of three stylist mentioned in this article only.

The top five (5) products unveil the attraction of the OTC for the professional stylists. This stylist triad uses Professional-Only products, with the exception of the above category exclusive products. All agree the convenience of the OTC store is unequivocally the most appealing attraction. “The ability to peruse aisles and aisles of different products is still inspiring as a stylist. For last minute purchases, you just can’t beat going to the local Beauty Supply Store. Although greater product knowledge would help support new purchases,” declares Garth. Aubin, a NYC stylist, explains, “Sales representatives stop by occasionally, but mostly they call-in orders. Going to the Beauty Supply Store is just part of my routine now; I can select what I want.” Garth Aubin, Shops 3-5 times per week, OTC Lover “I’d love to see the OTC stores give back to the communities they live and breathe in. Urban and African American women are the core consumer for the OTCs. It would be nice to see greater community initiatives that contribute to the areas that receive so much from women that live in those areas.” Gina Miller-Palmer, Monthly OTC shopper, Community Activist “I fear the safety for my clients. At many OTC stores, non-professional consumers are allowed to purchase Professional ONLY products, which require expertise for use. Also, the pricing is inflated. Many stores have high prices. That just seems unfair and unsafe,” describes Renee, defending her clients/the consumer. Sheena Renee, Bi-Monthly OTC shopper, Stylist/Martyr The variety of products and convenience are indeed the main attraction for this trio. Shopping the Beauty Supply Store is a pattern and has some level of frequency for most Professional Stylists. Although, the lack of staff product knowledge, desire for more competitive pricing, Professional-Only consumer sales and increased community support all rank high as improvements this triplet of Stylists would like to see. Enhanced consumer and community interest in exchange for OTC support and sales all year long throughout the U.S. could make the attraction even greater!

OTC 매장에서 전문 헤어 스타일리스트들이 구매하는 TOP 5 제품들 1) 헤어 컬러 ( 세미/데미 컬러) 2) 엣지 젤 3) 샴푸/ 컨디셔너 4) 스타일링 제품들: 헤어 스프레이, 드라이 로션/컬링 크림 5) 위브용 도구들: 니들, 위브 네트, 본딩 접착제 *조사 결과는 이 기사에서 언급한 3명의 스타일리스트들로부터 얻은 결과이다.

상위 5가지 제품은 전문 스타일리스트들이 OTC 매장의 매력을 보여주는 것이다. 이 3명의 스타일리스트들 은 위에서 언급한 범주의 제품들을 제외하고는, 전문가용 제품을 사용한다. OTC 매장이 제품구입에 확실 하게 매력적인 곳임에 모두 동의한다.

“통로들에 진열된 다른 제품들을 천천히 살펴보는 것은, 스타일리스트들에게 많은 영감을 제공해 줍니다. 시간에 임박하게 구매를 할 때에도, 지역 뷰티 서플라이 스토어를 따라갈 수가 없습니다. 물론 더 많은 제품 지식이 신제품 구매에 도움이 되기도 합니다.” NYC 스타일리스트Garth Aubin이 설명한다. “판매 담당자 가 가끔 들르지만, 대부분 전화로 주문합니다. 미용 재료 매장에 가는 것은 지금 저에게는 일상의 한 부분이 죠. 제가 원하는 것을 선택할 수가 있으니까요” Garth Aubin, 주 3-5회 구매, OTC 애용자

“저는 OTC 매장들이 그들이 살고 호흡하고 있는 지역 사회에 환원하는 것을 보고 싶습니다. 도시와 아프리 카계 미국 여성들은 OTC 매장의 핵심 소비자들입니다. 그 지역에 살고 있는 여성들로부터 너무도 많은 것 을 받고 있는 곳에 기여하는 더 큰 지역 사회 활동을 보게 되면 좋을 것입니다” Gina Miller-Palmer, 매월 OTC 매장에서 구매, 지역 활동가

“저는 고객의 안전을 염려합니다. 많은 OTC 매장에서, 비전문가인 소비자들이 전문적인 사용 지식이 요구 되는 전문가용 제품을 구매할 수가 있습니다. 또한, 가격도 부풀려 있습니다. 대부분 매장들의 제품 가격 대가 높습니다. 불공정하고 안전하지 못해 보입니다.” Renee는 자신의 고객과 소비자들을 옹호하는 설명 을 하고 있다. Sheena Renee, 2달에 한 번씩OTC 매장에서 구매 , 스타일리스트

제품의 다양성과 편리함은 이 3명의 스타일리스트에게 주된 관심사이다. 뷰티 서플라이에서의 쇼핑은 대부분 의 스타일리스트들에게는 패턴이며 일정한 수준의 빈도를 갖는다. 비록, 직원들의 제품 지식이 부족할지라도, 보다 경쟁력있는 가격, 전문가 전용 제품 소비자 판매, 그리고 지역 사회에 대한 환원의 증가를, 이 3명의 스타일 리스트들은 보고 싶어 한다. 지속적으로 미국 전역에서 높아지고 있는 OTC에 대한 관심과 판매의 증가는 보다 더 큰 매력을 만들 수 있다!

Shine Beauty Culture/The Shine Culture is a Brand Management Consultancy for Beauty and Lifestyle Brands, Est. in

2007 in NYC by Phylencia “PT” Taylor. Research, Marketing and Communication Strategies are our core. We are inspired by the impact beauty and lifestyle brands transcend to our culture, discovered while working with Fortune 500 Brands for over a decade. When PT isn’t working as a Brand Management Consultant and Researcher, she’s an Adjunct Professor within USG, Entrepreneur and Mom living Atlanta, Ga. Website:, Instagram: @TheShineCulture


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015


Knowledge to Know by Vivek Pratap

Top 5 Hair Mistakes we Commit Everyday

우리가 매일 저지르는 헤어에 관한 실수 TOP 5 Hair defines the way we look. We love our hair, we love styling it and changing our look from time to time. But it is very important to take care of our tresses. Not taking care of your hair can lead to hair loss, premature greying and other hair and scalp issues. Here are the top 5 hair care mistakes that we commit, yet are unaware about them. 1. Using too much heat: Active lifestyles demand everything quick and in the same way we also want our hair dried as quickly as possible. But in the process of blow-drying our hair, we end up damaging it too. Try air drying your hair as much as possible and blow dry it only after applying a protective serum. The same rule applies for styling. It may be tempting to style your hair every day, but the heat damages your hair a lot. Style your hair occasionally and after using a heat protection serum. 2. Brushing too much: Your grandmother may have asked you to brush at least 100 times a day for glossy hair, but don’t you think it’s actually too much? Brushing is healthy, but only to some extent. Too much of hair brushing can cause breakage and make your hair “static.” Brush your hair after using a mild detangling serum to prevent any kind of breakage. 3. Brushing when your hair is wet: Your hair may appear smooth when it is wet and you may feel it will be easy to brush it, but that’s not a fact. Brushing your hair while it’s wet will only cause more hair breakage. If you actually want to get your hair in place then apply some conditioner to your wet hair and use a wide-toothed comb to get the hair detangled. Again do not tug at the tangles as this could cause more damage. 4. Not trimming your hair: If you are planning to grow your hair and avoiding trims for the same purpose then you’re 42

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

헤어는 우리의 모습을 좌우한다. 우리는 헤어를 사랑하고, 그것을 스타일링하고 때때로 우리의 모습을

변화시키는 것을 좋아한다. 그러나, 우리의 모발을 보살피는 것은 매우 중요하다. 모발관리를 하지 않으

면, 탈모나 흰머리가 일찍 생기는 것, 또는 다른 헤어와 두피 문제를 초래할 수 있다. 여기 우리가 일상적 으로 범하지만, 미쳐 인식하지 못하는 헤어 관리의 실수 TOP 5가 있다. 1. 과다한 열 사용:

활동적인 라이프 스타일은 모든 것을 빠르게 요구하며 같은 방식으로 우리는 헤어 드라이도 가능한 빨 리하기를 원한다. 그러나, 모발을 드라이어로 말리는 과정에서, 우리는 결국 너무 많은 손상을 초래한

다. 가능하면 자연 건조로 모발을 말리고 드라이어로 건조시킬 때는 모발 보호 세럼을 먼저 발라야 한

다. 같은 규칙은 스타일링에도 적용된다. 모발을 매일 스타일링하고 싶을 수도 있지만, 열은 모발을 상

당히 손상시킨다. 가끔씩 모발을 스타일링하고, 이 때 역시 모발을 열로부터 보호할 수 있는 세럼을 먼 저 발라야 한다. 2. 지나친 빗질:

광택있는 모발을 위해서는 하루에 최소한 100번 정도는 빗질을 하라고 할머니께서 말씀하셨을지도 모

른다, 그러나 실제로 너무 많다고 생각하지 않는가? 빗질은 건강한 것이지만, 어느 정도 적절해야 한다. 지나치게 많은 빗질은 모발을 부서지게 하며 당신의 모발에 “정전기”를 유발한다. 모발이 부서지는 것 을 방지하기 위해서 가벼운 엉킴방지 세럼을 사용한 후 빗질해라. 3. 모발이 젖었을 때 빗질:

모발이 젖은 상태에서는 부드럽게 보여서 빗질이 쉬울 것처럼 느낄 수 있다, 그러나 사실이 아니다. 모

발이 젖은 상태에서 빗질을 하는 것은 모발을 더욱 많이 부서지게 할 수 있다. 모발을 정돈된 상태로 두 고 싶다면 젖은 모발 위에 컨디셔너를 바른 후, 사이 간격이 넓은 빗으로 엉킴을 풀면서 빗질해라. 다시 말하지만, 엉킨 부분을 세게 잡아 당기지 말아라, 이것은 더 큰 모발 손상을 초래할 수 있다.

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K doing it wrong. Regular trimming keeps split ends at bay and also helps you maintain your regular hairstyle. This also makes you less tempted to go for a proper haircut for the change of style, which means shortening your length. Go for regular trimming sessions every two months. Go to a good hair stylist who will not shorten the length while trimming the ends of your tresses. 5. Pulling out tangles: No matter how badly your hair has gotten tangled, you mustn’t pull them hard to loosen the tangles. Always wet your hair slightly, apply a detangling serum or conditioner and work on the tangles gently using a wide toothed comb. Hair needs to be treated gently. Everyone is born with great hair and only gentle maintenance can help your mane shine with luster. Use good quality products and go to an experienced hair stylist who will not treat your hair with chemicals unnecessarily. For Hair Treatment Centers available in Delhi-NCR, visit hairtreatments-list/.

4. 모발을 다듬지 않는 것:

머리를 길게 기를 계획으로 모발을 다듬어주지 않고 있다면 잘못하고 있는 것이다. 정기적으로 모

발 끝부분을 다듬는 것은 끝부분이 갈라지는 것을 방지하며 오히려 일반적인 헤어스타일을 유지하 는데 도움이 된다. 이것은 또한 헤어 스타일의 변화를 위해서 적절한 헤어 커트를 하려는, 다시 말

해 모발의 길이를 짧게 만들고 싶은 마음이 덜 들게 한다. 2개월에 한번은 정기적으로 모발을 다듬 어라. 실력 있는 헤어 스타일리스트에게 가면 머리 끝을 깔끔하게 다듬으면서도 길이는 짧게 만들 지 않을 것이다.

5. 엉킨 머리를 잡아 당기는 것:

아무리 당신의 머리가 심하게 엉킨다고 해도, 엉킴을 풀겠다고 세게 잡아당겨서는 절대 안된다. 항

상 모발을 가볍게 적시고, 엉킴방지 세럼이나 컨디셔너를 바른 후에 사이가 넓은 빗을 사용해서 부 드럽게 엉킴을 풀어야 한다.

모발은 부드럽게 다뤄져야 한다. 모든 사람들은 좋은 모발을 갖고 태어나며 오직 부드

러운 관리만이 당신의 모발을 광택있고 빛나도록 도울 수 있다. 좋은 품질의 제품을 사용하고 불필 요한 화학제품으로 당신의 모발을 손상시키지 않는 경험많은 헤어 스타일리스트를 찾아라. DELHI-NCR의 헤어 트리트먼트 센터들에 관한 정보는HTTP://WWW.MEDYLIFE.COM/ HAIRTREATMENTS-LIST/에서 자세히 볼 수 있다.

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Vivek Pratap is a contributor to For the last five years, Vivek has been working as an Executive whose sole responsibility is to maintain site ranking and improve Alexa and Google website rank for better reachability among users.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Business Tips by Tabitha Odell

Don’t Forget Your Relaxer Customer 릴렉서 고객들을 잊어선 안 된다 Trends change and as responsible store owners you try to remain in sync with the winds of change. Today the popular trend is products for natural hair, but what about the customer who wears a relaxer? You are still selling them and it’s important to not forget to promote products that compliment relaxers. For liability reasons your store employees should never directly recommend one particular product, but should be able to answer general questions and let the customer know that the deciding factor is always a personal choice. Having your employees knowledgeable about the products you sell, and armed with product information will make your customers feel confident and comfortable with their purchases. Be Confident in Selling Relaxers Today the trend is “natural” hair. The term “natural” is being used loosely since most customers use heat implements such as flat irons, thermally treating their hair. Everyone is moving to meet the needs of this “natural” customer, unintentionally abandoning those who still wear a relaxer. There are customers who still wear and like relaxers, and they have no intentions of stopping their use. For that customer, have items that are great for assisting them in sustaining their hair maintenance routine. Satin caps and pillowcases and good for sleeping, and help prevent split ends. Natural boar bristle brushes are the best for brushing. When the customer asks how to maintain their hair, they need a moisturizing shampoo, a regular conditioner and a deep conditioner that they should rotate every other shampoo. Direct them to maintenance items, lotions, creams and oils. Let them know that finding the right combination of maintenance items that will give them 50

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

여러분은 책임있는 스토어 오너로서 변하는 트랜드 변화의 바람에 맞추려고 노력

하고 있을 것이다. 현재 인기 트랜드는 네추럴 헤어 제품이지만, 릴렉서를 사용하는 고객들은 어떻게 해야 할까? 당신은 여전히 그들에게 제품을 팔고 있으며 릴렉서를 찬사할 수 있는 제품을 홍보하는 것을 잊지 않는 것도 중요하다.

책임적인 이유에서 매장 직원들은 어떤 특정 제품을 직접적으로 추천해

서는 안되지만, 일반적인 고객들의 질문에는 답변을 할 수 있고 결정 요인은 항상 개인의 선택임을 고객들이 알 수 있도록 해야 한다. 당신이 판매하고 있는 제품에 관해 직원들이 충분한 지식을 갖게 하고, 제품 정보로 확실히 무장하게 하는 것은 고객들이 그들의 구매에 있어서 자신감과 편안함을 느끼게 할 수 있다. 릴렉서 판매에 자신감을 가져라

현재 추세는 “네추럴” 헤어다. “네추럴”이라는 용어는 대부분의 고객들이 플랫 아

이언과 같은 열처리 도구를 사용하고, 모발을 다루는데 열을 사용하기 때문에 막연 하게 사용되고 있다. 모두가 이런 “네추럴” 고객들의 요구를 맞추는 방향으로 이동 하고 있으며, 본의 아니게 릴렉서를 사용하는 고객들을 포기하고 있는 것이다.

여전히 릴렉서를 사용하고 좋아하는 고객들이 있으며, 그들은 이 사용을 그만 둘

생각이 없다. 그런 고객들을 위해서, 그들의 일상적인 헤어 유지 관리를 지원하는

데 좋은 아이템을 보유해야 한다. 새틴 캡과 베개는 수면에 좋고, 끝이 갈라지는 것

을 방지하는데 도움이 된다. 천연 멧돼지털 브러시가 브러시 중에서는 으뜸이다. 고 객들이 모발 관리 방법에 관해 물어오면, 그들은 보습 샴푸와 일반 컨디셔너 그리

고 두 번 샴푸 할 때마다 반드시 사용해야 하는 딥 컨디셔너가 필요하다고 답해줘

라. 그들의 헤어 상태를 유지하고 관리할 수 있는 아이템과 로션, 크림과 오일을 직

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips the look they are trying to achieve will be accomplished through trials and they may try many items until they find which one they like best. You can be confident in selling relaxers. As long as your customer uses the relaxer in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions she should have a satisfactory result. Be prepared for your relaxer customer. Ask the manufacturer for product information so that you have it available for your shoppers. Ask the manufacturer to send someone to educate your employees on the SKUs they sell to your store so that that your employees will be able to answer general questions. Have the customer service number for the companies whose products you sell to refer customers who have questions, complaints or concerns about a product. Follow the Instructions and TEST! One of the things you should know when talking about relaxers is that manufacturers decide what the strength of their product will be and a regular strength product from Company 1 may not be a regular strength for Company 2. For this reason it’s important to follow the manufacturers’ instructions and perform a strand test every time the customer uses a relaxer to determine if the product will be the right strength for their hair. Encourage the customer to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. “Regular” and “Super Strength” is determined by a percentage range. “Regular” has a certain pH level range, and “Super” has a pH range of its own. This range allows manufacturers to determine what they will set as the strength for their products. Relaxers are not all the same, but when used correctly they are excellent tools to accomplish hairstyle control. Ninety-nine percent of product complaints regarding relaxers are due to misuse use or not following instructions. There are a couple of things that you should know and remember about your customers: 1. 2. 3.

접 알려줘라. 이런 제품들에 있어서 올바른 조합을 선택할 수 있도록 알려줘라. 그들 이 원하는 스타일을 줄 수 있는 아이템을 찾기 위해서는 먼저 시험적으로 사용해보

고 그들이 가장 좋은 것을 선택할 때까지는 여전히 많은 제품들을 시험해 볼 수 있음 을 알려줘라.

당신은 릴렉서를 판매하는 것에 자신감을 가질 수 있다. 고객들이 제조사

의 지침에 따라서 릴렉서를 사용하는 한, 그들은 만족스러운 결과를 얻을 것이다. 당

신의 릴렉서 고객들을 위해 준비해라. 제조업체에 제품 정보에 관해 문의하고 고객들 을 위해 그러한 정보를 숙지하고 있어야 한다. 매장에서 직원들을 교육할 수 있는 담

당자를 파견해줄 수 있는지 제조업체에 물어봐라. 그러면 당신의 직원들은 고객들의

일반적인 질문에 관해 쉽게 대답할 수가 있을 것이다. 소비자들의 질문, 불만 혹은 제

품에 관해 문제가 있는 고객들을 위해서 당신이 판매하고 있는 제품의 제조업체 고객 서비스 번호를 가지고 있어야 한다. 지침 및 테스트를 따르라!

릴렉서에 관해 이야기 할 때 당신이 꼭 알아야할 것들 중 하나는 제조업체들이 정하

는 제품의 강도는 각 제조사마다 다르기 때문에 A라는 회사의 일반 강도 제품이 B라

는 회사의 일반 강도와는 다를 수 있다는 것이다. 이런 이유 때문에, 제조업체의 지침 을 따르고 고객들은 제품이 본인에게 적당한 강도인지를 알아보기 위해서 제품을 사

용할 때마다 한 두가닥의 모발에 시험적으로 테스트를 해야 하는 것이다. 고객들에게 제조업체의 지침을 정확히 지키도록 장려해라.

“보통”과 “아주 강함”은 백분율의 범위에 의해 결정된다. “보통”은 소정의

PH 레벨 범위를 가지며, 아주 강함은 그 고유의 PH 범위를 갖는다. 제조업체들은 이 런 범위로 제품 강도의 설정을 결정한다. 릴렉서는 모두 같지가 않으며, 정확하게 사 용했을 때 헤어스타일을 조절할 수 있는 우수한 도구가 되는 것이다. 릴렉서 제품에 관한 불만의 99%는 잘못된 사용이나 지침을 따르지 않은데서 기인한다.

Just because a customer says their hair is natural doesn’t 당신의 고객에 관해서 반드시 알고 기억해야 하는 몇 가지가 있다: mean that their hair is or was healthy. Just because the customer says they have used a relaxer 1. 고객들이 자신의 모발이 네추럴이라고 말을 한다고 해서, 꼭 그들의 모발 before so something must be wrong with the product they 이 네추럴이거나 건강한 것은 아니다. purchased from your store doesn’t mean that they are right or 2. 고객들이 릴렉서를 사용해왔으며, 예전에 그들이 당신의 매장에서 구매한 that they used the product correctly. Customers misuse products all the time and never assume 릴렉서 제품에 문제가 있었다고 말을 한다고 해서, 그들이 반드시 옳거나 그들 they have any responsibility, so the best thing you can do 이 정확한 지침대로 제품을 사용한 것은 아닐 수 있다. is to educate yourself on the products you sell and always 3. 고객들은 항상 제품을 오용할 수 있으며 거기에 따른 책임이 결코 자신에 refer disgruntled customers to the appropriate manufacturer.

Ask your manufacturers for promotional ideas, and sell relaxers and maintenance items with confidence. Manufacturers work diligently to provide quality products and want to partner with you so that you can successfully sell their products.

게 있다고 생각하지 않는다, 그러니 당신이 할 수 있는 가장 최선의 일은 당신이 판매하고 있는 제품에 관한 지식을 스스로 충분히 갖고 불만스러워하는 고객들 은 항상 해당 제조업체에서 직접 도움을 받을 수 있게 하는 것이다.

제품 홍보 아이디어에 관해 제조업체에 문의하고, 자신감을 갖고 릴렉서와 유지 관

리 제품들을 판매해라. 제조업체들은 품질좋은 제품을 제공하기 위해 부지런히 일하

고 있으며 당신이 성공적으로 자신들의 제품을 판매할 수 있도록 당신과 파트너가 되 고자 한다.

Tabitha Odell has been providing exceptional consumer service to the health and beauty industry for more than a decade via Cosmetic Answers, LLC. Cosmetic Answers is the culmination of Tabitha’s extensive experience in risk management, claims management, litigation management, compliance and consumer relations in the health and beauty industry. Visit and 52

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Business Tips by Jim Chilton

Don’t Let These Financial Blunders Leave Your Wallet Empty

Get Your Fiscal House in Order

사소한재정적 실수들로 당신의 지갑을 털리지 말아라.


(부제) 당신의 재정을 안정화해라.

o err is human, but when mistakes affect your pocketbook it’s not exactly divine. Don’t feel alone if you’ve committed a financial blunder, though. Two-thirds of Americans have made a significant money mistake somewhere along the way. Now is a good time for anyone to pledge to do a better job handling money. One thing I always tell people is that you can’t let your emotions get in the way when you are trying to meet your financial goals. When it comes to finances, there is always going to be at least a little uncertainty. But, you can go a long way toward financial stability if you avoid these common blunders: • Living without a ‘net.’ Bad things happen in life, even to the best people who are trying to do the right things. That’s why you need to set aside savings that will serve as an emergency fund in case you suddenly have major medical problems or lose your job. I recommend a six to 12-month cushion that would cover your mortgage, groceries, utilities and the other necessities of day-to-day living. • Failing to check credit reports. More than 70 percent of credit reports contain some sort of error. Meanwhile, identity theft is on the rise. You should check your credit reports annually to make sure you are not a victim. • Giving little thought to retirement. Many people fail to properly prepare for retirement. If you think Social Security will take care of you, think again. Social Security is designed as supplemental income, not something that can replace your entire paycheck. You need to plan and save to make sure you can lead the lifestyle you want in your later years.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

잘못은 인간이 하고 용서는 신이 한다지만, 실수가 당신의 지갑에 영향을 미 칠 때는 신도 어쩔 수 없는 것이다. 재정적인 실수를 저질렀다해도 결코 당 신이 혼자라고는 생각하지 마라. 미국인의 2/3는 어디선가 돈에 관한 큰 실수를 저 지르고 있다. 지금은 누구든지 돈을 좀 더 잘 관리할 수 있는 좋은 시기이다. 내가 늘 사람들에게 말하는 것은 당신의 재정적인 목표를 달성하기 위해 애쓸 때 당신의 감 정이 그것을 방해할 수는 없다는 것이다. 재정에 관해서는, 언제나 최소한 약간의 불확실성은 있을 것이다. 그러나, 만일 당신이 다음과 같은 실수들을 피한다면 재정적으로 안정성을 오래 지 속할 수가 있다:

• ‘NET’ 없는 생활. 나쁜 일은 살면서 일어날 수 있다, 심지어 옳은 일을 위해 노력 하는 최고의 사람들에게도. 그래서 우리는 당신이 갑자기 건강상의 문제가 생기거 나 실직할 수 있는 만약의 경우를 대비해서 응급 상황에 쓸 수 있는 자금을 따로 저 축해야할 필요가 있다. 주택 모기지나 식료품비, 공과금 등과 생활에 필요한 각종 비용을 충당할 수 있도록 6-12개월 정도의 여유 비용을 추천한다. • 크레딧 리포트 확인 실패. 크레딧 리포트의 70% 이상이 오류가 포함되어 있다. 그러는 동안, 개인 신분 도용이 증가하고 있다. 당신이 이런 종류의 피해자가 되지 않기위해서 매년 당신의 크레딧 리포트를 확인해야 한다.

• 은퇴에 대한 생각을 하지 않는 것. 많은 사람들이 은퇴 준비를 적절하게 하지 못한 다. 만일 사회 보장 연금이 당신을 보살펴줄 것이라 생각한다면, 다시 생각해라. 소 셜 시큐리티는 부수입으로 설계되었으며, 당신의 전체 월급을 대신해 줄 수 있는 것 이 아니다. 당신의 노후를 원하는대로 살 수 있도록 계획하고 저축해야 한다. • 신용 카드 부채 올리기. 신용이 지배하는 것처럼 보이지만, 현금이 당신의 진짜 왕

Business Tips

• Racking up credit card debt. Credit seems to rule, but cash should be your real king. Americans are carrying more than $800 billion in credit card debt. Making a conscious effort to use cash will help wean you off your reliance on plastic. If you are struggling with credit card debt, you need to start making a plan to get rid of that debt. • Seeking advice in the wrong places. Uncle Felix may mean well, but he’s not necessarily the ideal person to offer you advice on the stock market. A trained professional is your best bet. Sure, word of mouth can be helpful, but it can be equally hurtful. Before you pick someone to help you with investments, do your homework because you want someone with a good reputation. Check with the Better Business Bureau and do a Google search to see what else you can learn. • Trying to do too much, too quickly. Financial problems that took years to create aren’t going to be fixed overnight, so ease into your new financial plan. Instead of a dramatic overhaul that could leave you frustrated, try to make small changes that will lead to larger commitments. Even as we get older and presumably know more, we are still bound to make a misstep here or there. We simply can’t know it all, especially when it comes to our finances, but if we realize our limitations we can at least learn to make fewer mistakes and do a better job of setting and meeting the goals we have for our money.

이 되어야 한다. 전체 미국인들은 8000억 달러 이상의 신용카드 부채를 안고 있다. 현금을 사용하려고 의식적으로 노력하는 것이 플라스틱 카드에 대한 당신의 의존도 를 끊는데 도움이 될 것이다. 만일 신용 카드 빚으로 어려움을 겪고 있다면, 부채를 없앨 수 있는 계획을 세우기 시작해야 한다. •엉뚱한 곳에서 조언을 찾는다. UNCLE FELIX는 아마도 호의를 가지고 있을지도 모른다, 그러나 그가 반드시 주식 시장에 관해 당신에게 조언을 제공할 수 있는 이 상적인 사람은 아니다. 충분한 교육을 거친 전문가가 당신에게 가장 안전하고 확실 한 방법이다. 물론, 입소문도 도움이 될 수 있지만, 그만큼 상처가 될 수도 있다. 투 자에 관해 당신에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 누군가를 선택하기 전에, 당신의 과제를 먼 저 마쳐라 왜냐하면 당신은 좋은 명성을 가진 누군가를 원하기 때문이다. 더 나은 비즈니스 회사를 확인하고 구글 검색으로 당신이 좀 더 배울 수 있는 것이 무엇인 지 알아봐라. • 너무 빨리, 너무 많은 일을 하려고 한다. 수년에 걸쳐 만들어진 재정 문제는 하루 밤 사이에 고쳐지지 않으므로, 당신의 새로운 재정 계획과 친숙해져라. 당신을 좌절 하게 할 수 있는 극적인 점검 대신에, 보다 큰 공약으로 이어질 수 있는 작은 변화들 을 만드는데 노력해라. 우리가 점점 나이를 먹으면서 아마 더 알게 된다하더라도, 우리는 여전히 여기저기 서 실수를 저지르게 되어 있다. 특히 재정에 관해서 우리는 모든 것을 알 수는 없으 나, 우리의 한계를 인식한다면 최소한 실수를 줄이는 방법을 배울 수가 있으며 우리 가 돈으로 목표를 달성하는데 있어서 좀 더 나은 방법을 택할 수가 있게 된다.

Jim Chilton is the founder and chief executive officer for the Society for Financial Awareness, or SOFA (, a non-profit public

benefit corporation with a mission to provide financial education across America. SOFA conducts free financial workshops and seminars to individuals, companies and organizations on such topics as “Getting Fiscally Fit,” “Financial Blunders,” “Exploring Your Options for a Quality Retirement” and “Solving Debt.” Chilton is a San Diego, Calif., native and alumnus of San Diego State University. After college, he became a high school teacher and coach, but later joined the financial services industry. After achieving a desirable level of success, Chilton felt the need to do more for the community and in 1993 founded SOFA.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools by Rocio Urquidi

Own Your Curly Style Girls with curls know every day is an adventure. One day your hair is soft and manageable, the next day it’s a beast. And here’s the hook: You can get soft, manageable hair without hair relaxers. I bet you never thought that was possible. Get ready for the low-down on the fastest, simplest shortcuts that will give you the beautiful, curly hair you want. Natural hair is definitely on the rise, many women are transitioning from chemically treated hair to embrace the natural style. We know some ladies aren’t fans of their natural curls, and this is likely because they aren’t quite sure what to do with them! Rock Your Curly Style There are easy ways to get messy hot waves and curls that do not require much work. The ideal goal is that you do not look like you have spent hours on your hair. The key is getting creative with some easy-to-get tools and products. If you are deep conditioning once a week, a hooded (bonnet) dryer is the best way to get soft, smooth, natural-looking curls. There are two products I highly recommend: The Gold ‘N Hot Professional Ionic Soft Bonnet Dryer or the Gold ‘N Hot Jet Bonnet Attachment. Both of these dryers distribute heat gently and evenly for professional results. The Ionic Soft Bonnet Dryer is among the best. It quickly dries your hair with less damage and delivers flawless, silky-soft hair. The Jet Bonnet is equally effective, and has a flexible hose that attaches to your favorite hand-held dryer. For maximum results in less time, make sure you attach the Jet Bonnet to an Ionic Dryer. Mother Nature on Your Side Before sitting under your bonnet dryer, try these million-dollar tips for healthy, allnatural hair treatments.

• For soft, shiny moisturized curls, mix a combination of olive oil and honey into your hair. For a boost in hair growth, apply coconut oil. For long- lasting hydration, apply Jamaican black castor oil, and for improved elasticity, mix in avocado oil. • Try different combinations for different treatments. You’re only limited by your imagination. Embrace Your Natural Curly Texture Don’t forget that styles look best with the body and volume that only curls can provide. The right bonnet used with natural ingredients can gently nurture your hair, bringing out soft, manageable and healthy curls. Who needs relaxers when you have Mother Nature on your side? Keep your hair looking as silky and vibrant as the moment you step out of the salon. It’s fast, healthy, and much less expensive. Pamper your hair regularly, but pamper it smartly. Please share a picture of your free flowing natural curls on our social media sites @GoldNHotElite and let us know how it changed your life. Excited about great hair? Become a Brand Ambassador! Gold ’N Hot is currently looking for people who are eager to give us feedback on our products. If you are interested in becoming a brand ambassador, please contact us feedback@belsonus. com or visit our website at Belson Products is dedicated to producing products that give you the power to get professional results you desire from the comfort of your own home. Be sure to follow us or like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @GoldNHotElite for the latest updates, giveaways and more.

Rocio Urquidi is the Associate Brand Manager for Belson Products. She is marketing oriented with the ability to generate and market ideas in new products; simultaneously creative and passionate about design, brands and the beauty industry. She earned her degree from the University of Texas at El Paso. 62

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Beauty Ambassador

Skin Care

Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A Superior Natural Hair Treatment


Olive oil is an emollient fat obtained from the fruit, olive, of the Olea Europaea tree, a traditional tree crop of the Mediterranean Basin. The oil is produced by pressing whole olives, and while commonly loved for cooking, it is also fantastic for hair care. Its history can be traced back to ancient civilizations all over the world. Extra virgin olive oil comes from the first cold pressing of the olive fruit. No heat or chemicals are used in this first extraction, which ensures that the full vitamin and mineral content is left intact. Subsequent extractions lose potency exponentially, yielding a far less vitaminrich oil. Homemade and do-it-yourself treatments using olive oil are common on blogs and social media, however those can be tricky to make and use, expensive, and turn bad quickly. Palmer’s takes all the benefits of natural extra virgin olive oil, takes out the guess work and makes this moisturizing super-star simple to use. Extra virgin olive oil is truly a miracle hair treatment prized for centuries due to its rich, moisturizing properties, making it ideal for use on the hair. Many use this natural treatment straight from the bottle. However, blending this luxurious oil into easier-to-use formulations containing other key ingredients makes it much more easy to use, and incorporate daily into any hair care routine. All Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula products contain vitamin E, an antioxidant with fantastic hair benefits like protecting strands from color fade, moisture retention and even preventing split ends. It’s important to start layering moisture from the very beginning of the hair care process—shampooing. Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® Smoothing Shampoo imparts the benefits of extra virgin olive oil right in the shower, in a rich sulfate free formula that won’t strip the hair, leaving the natural moisture balance undisrupted. A key part of moisture retention is to refrain from over-washing, which is a major factor in dry hair and scalp. To avoid this, Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® Clean Scent Dry Shampoo can be sprayed directly on roots between washes to refresh, volumize and revive the hair, keeping a clean look and fresh feel for days longer. Palmer’s also uses a unique Botanical Scalp Complex in the Olive Oil Formula® line, consisting of three key extracts: Nettle, Sage and Hyssop. Nettle’s anti-inflammatory nature is the perfect treatment for itchy, irritated or red scalp, and improves circulation by stimulating the hair’s roots. Sage leaf has antibacterial, deodorant and strengthening properties and also protects against hair loss and breakage. Hyssop (a member of the mint family) contains organic compounds that protect hair from external environmental conditions and prevent discoloration and damage to the hair from harmful UV rays. Together these 3 botanicals work together to keep hair healthy, and allow it to grow longer and stronger without excess damage or breakage. Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® Gro Therapy offers these botanicals in a light hairdress, which fortifies the follicles at the scalp, and also protects the hair shaft by reducing breakage, allowing hair to grow long and healthy.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Olive oil is one of the best hair moisturizers and conditioners because of a rich, yet lightweight emollient property that can penetrate the hair shaft. Olive oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties that promote scalp health and prevent dandruff. There are also naturally occurring vitamins and minerals in this unique oil, which act as antioxidants protecting hair and skin from damaging free radicals. Rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and vitamin E, these powerful compounds work together to lock in moisture, soften the texture and protect the keratin in each strand (keeping the hair strong and thick). Olive oil isn’t only a cure for dry hair. For oil-prone hair, it helps to control buildup of sebum (the hair’s natural oils) helping to promote growth by leaving hair follicles open. Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® Restoring Conditioner fortifies the hair with extra virgin olive oil, antioxidant vitamin E, and keratin protein for added strength and repair. Using this conditioner starts the moisture building process right in the shower. For those who need added moisture for drier or coarser, textured hair, Palmer’s® Olive Oil Formula® Moisturizing Hair Milk and Strengthening Leave In Conditioner can be applied to damp or even dry hair prior to styling to detangle and tame unruly strands. They leave hair glossy and beautiful. Extra virgin olive oil is also rich in high levels of mono-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, an additional antioxidant important for hair growth. Olive oil’s unique lipid structure is able to penetrate the hair shaft quickly to repair hair, and protect from future damage. Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula® Spray Oil is an easy way to impart dry, brittle strands with moisture in a convenient spray pump. This product can be sprayed onto the roots to soothe itchy scalp, or only on hair’s ends for a shiny finish. Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula line includes a complete regimen of products including: Olive Oil Formula® Smoothing Shampoo Olive Oil Formula® Replenishing Conditioner Olive Oil Formula® Conditioning Spray Oil Olive Oil Formula® Weightless Shine Dry Oil Mist Olive Oil Formula® Super Control Gel for Edges Olive Oil Formula® Strengthening Leave In Conditioner Olive Oil Formula® Clean Scent Dry Shampoo Olive Oil Formula® Co Wash Cleansing Conditioner Olive Oil Formula® Gro Therapy Olive Oil Formula® Curl Extend Hair Pudding Olive Oil Formula® Moisturizing Hair Milk These products can be found in mass and chain drug retailers across the country, and even around the world.

Notes From the

Natural Nation by ReGia Davis



When it comes to natural hair, understand it comes in stages. Some women are currently struggling in the transition stage not knowing exactly what to do with their hair and experiencing difficulties in styling due to different textures. There are some women who have decided the transition stage is just too frustrating and they choose to do the big chop resulting in the teeny weeny afro (TWA). You can’t forget about women who have medium length hair that won’t grow past their arm pits and are searching for the best remedies to make their hair grow faster. And finally there are women who have long hair that are learning how to handle it because it’s so long. It is safe to say, you have a customer that fits all of these stages. Women learn to embrace each stage of their natural hair journey with a sense of pride. They begin to respect themselves more and as a result they boost their self-esteem. Hairstyles women once thought were impossible to do with their hair are now possible through this journey. One of the greatest benefits of having natural hair is the ability to wear it curly or straight. The desire to wear a different look crosses a woman’s mind quite often after seeing stars like Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o prove that short hair can be just as glamorous as long hair; amazed as singer Alicia Keys rock shaved sides; or even watching singer Janell Monae rock out on stage with a ‘sculpted’ do. There are so many ways to wear natural hair that it leaves others in amazement and full of questions. Natural hair is definitely a conversation starter and using the right products will have people asking your customers, “What products do you use on your hair?” MY DNA is line that will definitely start a conversation. It was created for spiral hair of every texture and for natural hair consumers who embrace their cultural DNA. This line was formulated with unique natural ingredients that help women rediscover and accept the way they were born and allows them to be bold, confident and naturally free. Suggest the following products and steps for customers wanting to wear their curly hair straight. Curly to straight hair using MY DNA products: 1. Shampoo hair with MY DNA Sulfate-Free Shampoo to remove product build-up and avoid stripping your hair of its natural oils.

2. Use MY DNA Detangling Conditioner to hydrate and detangle hair. 3. Dry hair with either a cotton t-shirt or a microfiber towel in a blotting motion to reduce breakage and then blow dry. 4. Apply a dime-sized amount of MY DNA Shine & Smoothing Mist to moisturize and protect hair from heat damage. 5. Blow dry hair and section hair into parts to flat iron. 6. Apply MY DNA Serum to smooth hair and add shine.

It is normal for women to receive “oohs” and “aahs” after straightening their hair. They are usually amazed at how long their hair actually is being that natural hair textures experience shrinkage. A benefit of wearing straight hair is the versatility. Straight hair can be thrown into a ponytail, a bun or an updo within a short amount of time. It is appropriate for work, a date, the gym or even a special event. If natural hair customers have straight hair and want to switch it up to curly hair, they can follow steps one through three listed above and add these steps listed below: 1. Section hair into small sections. 2. Spray hair with MY DNA Leave-In Conditioner & Detangler and distribute evenly to condition the hair while detangling and moisturizing. 3. Apply MY DNA Moisturizing Hair Butter to provide moisture and MY DNA Defining Custard to define curls or spirals. 4. Style as desired. Whether a woman’s hair is straight or curly, women like for their hair to feel good and look good. Maximize your sales by recommending hair accessories such as jeweled headbands, shimmer head wraps, bohemian head chains or even simple hair pins and hair ties no matter if their hair is short, long, straight or curly. Not only do your customers need them, but they also show off a glamourous side without spending too much time styling. Natural hair gives women the ability to style as they want. You will benefit from a more profitable sale by acknowledging their natural hair freedom and enhancing their overall look.

ReGia Davis holds a degree in Public Relations and Marketing from Georgia Southern University. She started her career as a Junior Brand Manager of natural haircare brands for Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. She has also written several articles for OTC Beauty Magazine. ReGia is currently a Marketing Assistant and researcher with Universal Beauty Products, Inc. August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature by Torain

Who Will Sell Hair in 2016?

The retail sales of the commercial hair market will take a truly dramatic turn in the year 2016. The principle reason for this tremendous shift is that sales of commercial hair has grown to such tremendous proportions that it has attracted investors and speculators who formerly had no knowledge of the massive trading that takes place all over the globe. Although the craft of making hair pieces and wigs has existed since prehistoric times, it has never been as lucrative as to be compared with the colossal international monetary exchange that is happening through the world today. Even the popularity of wigs and hair pieces that dominated throughout the 1960’s—when just about every woman of any race would not leave the house without the use of some sort of hair additions. Even the popular movement of Black pride brought about new fashion ideas that created stunning imitations of wigs and postiches that were perfect replicas of the unique characteristics of African hair. Today the overwhelming fads of any current fashion begin and end with the hair. Even amongst the most youthful looks—like those teenagers that wear the Gothic look, the skateboarders and those that are fanatical about the Hip Hop culture—depend on colors as declarations of their social orders. Often the colors that they favor are unnatural, like iridescent blue, vibrant purples, startling magenta or blood red. Each day brings about new and exciting color combinations that may be as astonishingly wild as they are breathtaking. International Trading Another reason for the new interest in human hair is that the world has never been so engaged in international trade. In the 21st century there has been a massive increase in world commerce. The industrialization of China (who are the biggest producers of commercial hair) has had a huge impact on making the hair more readily available to countries that had only known a limited amount of the hair trade before now as either consumers or suppliers. China, because of her massive population, her newfound riches and the position of leadership that she has always occupied in hair production will continue to dictate a great deal of the policies in the global hair industry. The intense recent commercialization of this manufacturing giant has permitted her to be the largest purchaser of hair from India and throughout 72

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Asia. Currently all these factors has had a profound influence on every aspect of the hair business. The most recent one being the alliance of individual companies and Alibaba—the Internet’s most prominent company for trading in just about everything produced in any country of the world. Presently they have a new wing that is called “AliExpress” that deals with every item of the beauty trade and most particularly HAIR. This is a means that offers the opportunity to any person to purchase commercial hair at prices that are far below those offered by beauty supply stores that have been the traditional source of just about all of the hair purchased in the United States. This is a means that not only offers all the tools and hair products of the beauty industry to the individual hair designers, but it is also open to every single person that desires to order one or two bundles of hair. It is becoming the means by which small salons, boutiques and the average consumers are acquiring hair for selling or personal use. At last year’s (2014) Bronner Brothers show in August AliExpress occupied a large space and was enthusiastically received by a great many hair designers. Even though the hair that they offer is generally considered to be of an inferior quality, it is nevertheless gaining popularity every day. Many consumers of hair among the Black population are totally unconcerned with whether or not they buy hair of poor quality, because their main interest is how cheap it is. They feel that it is in their best interest to purchase hair and throw it away after a limited use rather than to buy expensive, long-lasting hair that keeps its texture and will return to its original wave or curl pattern after it is wet. With the curling irons (particularly the ones that are heated by the stove) they can make the hair do whatever they wish, no matter how coarse or poorly manufactured it may be. When you consider this and how common place it is to purchase it off the Internet these days, we wonder how this new trend of greatly increased sources of human hair will affect the traditional hair stores—especially those that are as big as a super market, many of whom have begun to import this poor quality hair in an effort to compete with this situation. Commercial Hair Trade Newcomers The next largest newcomers to the commercial hair trade on a worldwide

(Photos above) Handwritten signs placed in the windows of prominent, very large beauty supply stores in Brooklyn, New York, offering wigs at astonishingly low prices. (Photo on page 72) A model flaunts suave, tasteful, soft Indian hair in a natural reddish-brown color with a delicate spray of gently lightened strands at the hairline above the forehead. Hair designs of this nature are favored by the many career women today.

scale are the Indians who have for some time been selling hair to Chinese manufacturers. In turn these manufacturers process and package it, making the variety of colors that we have become so familiar with in our everyday dealings. For about the last 10 years they have made an effort to sell directly to the consumers who are basically the Black people of the United States, Canada, England, the West Indies and the huge African markets. These are all places to which the Black people of the world have immigrated in mass. Like everyone else, they (the retailers of these countries) have witnessed firsthand the astonishing amount of money that China and Korea has made over the last 60 years in the Americas and now through their ever-expanding world markets; they have remained in a position of leadership in the overall international trade. Though India and some of the other Asian nations (such as Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines) that have entered the ever-growing hair industry as suppliers are working quite diligently, they are still a good deal behind the Koreans, who own just about all of the retail outlets in this country. It is when the Indians and other Asian cultures came into the industry that the old standard weight of a bundle of hair dropped from four ounces to three and one half, which is now the accepted measurement. While the more polished manufacturer’s hair of China issues perfect renditions of every color imaginable, the Indians and other nations can basically only provide the dark colors that are natural to their people. This means that most of the consumers outside of the Black race cannot use their hair because they do not offer the multitude of colors that are so essential to today’s fashions and those that are needed to match the natural colors of the Caucasian and Hispanic customers. Although they are moving up in technical understanding, it will be many years before they will be a dominant force in the international hair trade. Black hair designers and their patrons do like the Indian hair because of the soft texture and consistent wave pattern. In many cases they (the hairdressers) have developed an understanding of coloring techniques that allows the stylist to add on additional charges for their skills that they have developed in the creation of the colors or color combinations possible when using virgin hair. Also, as a direct result of these skills they are able to accommodate the rapidly growing demands of the better paying Caucasian market. In many cases the consumers are aware of the virgin (or near virgin) hair that is being shipped from India and demanding it so that the salons have to provide it; often packaging it with the salon’s name and logo. This adds tremendously to the salon’s prestige, enabling them to promote their own quality brands.

Technology and the Industry Quite possibly the most economically significant groups to make a grab for the money in the hair industry are the speculators that utilize the modern technological means to reach the consumer. One of the most frequent advertisements to pop up on my computer without being sought are those that are selling wigs and bundles of hair. These use the loveliest models in devastatingly beautiful hair fashions, sometimes at reduced prices that are very tempting to the consumer. They promote websites that will offer hair and other beauty products at phenomenally low prices. Of course this hair is either synthetic or extremely poor quality—a fact that they usually neglect to mention—but the buyers feel that they have the word of a popular celebrity on the quality and that’s enough for them. A perfect example of this can be seen nightly when hair sales infomercials come on the television. Merchants should not consider this new wave of television promotion to be a serious threat because we have many examples of these companies repeatedly failing, miserably, in the past. Customers know what they want and will search until they find it and are satisfied with the product. Stay Optimistic! All of this is not necessarily negative to those that are already established in the retail hair business or those who will go into the industry in the future. First of all, there is a tremendous amount of advertising of hair fashions and products that is reaching a multitude of new potential customers who were not formerly into wearing commercial hair. Secondly, this excessive promotion has come about because of the increased acceptance of hair as an essential part of fashion and a reflection of social attitudes. Consequently these factors translate into greater sales that increase the overall growth of one of the most exciting and fastest expansion of commodities in the world. The vast amount of new sales that is available to everyone, on every level of the hair industry, is insured for the coming day. There are precious few products that are being traded internationally over the last 60 years or more that can compare with the steady expansion of the commercial hair trade globally. There is plenty for everyone. In addition to this, the ever-growing human population is comprised of both contributors of raw materials and new customers. Our industry is one of the most promising of opportunities in existence today. Look to the future for prosperity and a secure living.


is known in the global hair industry as The Black Dragon and can be contacted directly through email ( or by phone at 602-214-4939.

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine




Hoyu America Co.

Mr. Yoshihiro Sasaki Confidence and excitement about a product or brand is what truly leads to growth and recognition, and can even lead to big changes within a company. For example, Mr. Yoshihiro Sasaki, president of Hoyu America Co., has recently made the move after 25 years with Hoyu Japan to Hoyu America, with a goal of expanding the Bigen brand and products to this audience. “The quality of our Bigen products is reliable and splendid, so I am very confident and proud of our products,” Sasaki explained while expressing wishes that many people can experience them. OTC Beauty Magazine was lucky enough to learn more about this company that has exceeded its 100th anniversary from the president himself. 제품이나 브랜드에 대한 자신감과 흥분은 진정으로 성장과 인정을 이끌어내는 것이며, 심지어 회사의 큰 변화로 이어질 수도 있다. 예를 들어, Hoyu America Co.의 대표인Mr. Yoshihiro Sasaki는 대중들에게 Bigen 브랜드와 제품을 확대할 목표로 최근 25년간의Hoyu Japan to Hoyu America에 변화를 만들었다. “저희 Bigen 제품의 품질은 신뢰할 수 있고 아주 훌륭합니다, 제품에 관해 저는 강한 자부심과 자신감을 갖습니다.” Sasaki는 이런 말과 함께 더 많은 사람들이 자신의 제품을 경험할 수 있기를 바란다고 덧붙였다. OTC 뷰티 매거진이 설립 100주년이 넘는 이 회사에 관해 회사 대표로부터 보다 자세히 알 수 있는 기회를 갖게 된 것은 아주 행운이다. 76

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): In your opinion, what is the most interesting aspect of the hair care industry? Yoshihiro Sasaki (YS): The beauty (hair care) industry has been considered as the exclusive property of women, and mostly dominated by females even until a few years ago. However, men are now penetrating into this “women’s world” and making big plays. Men in this beauty market are not the minority anymore and they are conquering the beauty world rapidly. This is one of the remarkable and interesting trends these days and should not be overlooked. OTC: Can you tell us a little bit about the history of Hoyu and how it got its start? What idea or slogan is it based upon? YS: Masujiro Mizuno founded Mizunokankudo, predecessor of Hoyu, to manufacture and sell home medicine in 1905. In 1909, Niwa Karasu was launched as the first hair product, and in 1923 Hoyu Shokai Co. was established. As an ambassador of the joys of hair coloring, in 1966 Hoyu began to distribute our Bigen product in California, and finally, Hoyu America was established in 2003. Hoyu’s slogan “COLOR YOUR HEART” expresses our desire to add dimension to people’s lives through an extensive line of innovative hair color and hair care products. With a strong business background and an unending passion for coloring and caring for hair, Hoyu marked its100th anniversary in February 2005. OTC: What differentiates this company and makes it stand out from similar ones in the industry? YS: One in eight Hoyu employees works in R&D. What makes us unique is that our development is always based on the customer’s viewpoint. With more than 10% of Hoyu’s staff working in the R&D department, we have gathered and analyzed decades of knowledge and data about the beauty and health industry. Paired with our advanced technological capabilities, our R&D facilities are among the best in the industry. Our research covers a broad spectrum of topics such as hair-dyeing mechanisms, color science, manufacturing technologies, improvement of safety, the development of the most up-to-date technology and product testing. With our unique new technologies and commitment to our consumers, Hoyu has set many of the standards in the hair coloring industry. As a result, Hoyu has the No.1 share (over 40%) in the Japanese hair color market. This means that many Japanese people love our products and use them repeatedly. In the U.S. there are many people who have black hair like the Japanese, so I believe they will love our products as well. OTC: Briefly describe the brands that make up your product portfolio. YS: The main product we are distributing in OTC markets is the Bigen brand which is the most famous, and is a best-selling product in 70 countries worldwide. Of our four famous products within the OTC market, Bigen Permanent Hair Color is the most popular one. This product has a unique powder formula that is activated by water and deposits rich, natural color into even the most stubborn gray color. It covers 100% gray hair without the use of chemicals such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Another famous Bigen product is Bigen Semi-Permanent Hair Color. This product has a gentle, oil-rich conditioning formula and nourishes with natural moisturizers— honey, beeswax and sunflower—while providing long-lasting color without ammonia or peroxide. This product is safe for all hair types including chemically treated and relaxed hair. The third one is Bigen EZ Color for Men, and this product is specialized for easy use. You simply add color to the comb and comb in. You can use on hair and beard without stains, drips or ammonia. The last of our four main products for the OTC market is the Bigen Hair Care collection, consisting of shampoo, conditioner, sheen spray and a polishing-serum. You can get more information on the website, OTC: If you had to pick one product or specific brand that is most symbolic of Hoyu, what would it be and why? YS: Bigen Powder! Bigen Powder Hair Color was the first product which successfully launched and hit in the U.S. market. Bigen Power actually solved and answered the consumer’s concern for the coverage of gray hair. Bigen sells over 5 million pieces per year in the U.S. and we are also spreading our distribution coverage to the Middle and South America, selling directly from Hoyu America.

Corporate HQ

OTC: 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): 귀하의 견해로, 현재 헤어 케어 산업에서 가장 흥미로운 점은 무엇일까요? Yoshihiro Sasaki (YS): 미용(헤어케어) 산업은 전적으로 여성들의 것으로만 간주되어 왔으며, 최근 몇년전까지만해도 여성들에 의해 전적으로 지배되었습니다. 그러나, 남성들이 현재 이러한 “여성들의 세계”로 점점 침투하고 있으며 게임을 크게 만들고 있죠. 미용 시장에서 남성들은 더이상 소수가 아니며 그들은 미용 시장을 빠르게 점령하고 있습니다. 이것이 현재 흥미롭고 주목할 만한 트랜드 중 하나이며 간과해서는 안되는 것이죠. OTC: Hoyu의 역사에 관해 간략한 설명 부탁드립니다, 어떻게 시작하게 되었는지? 기반이 되는 아이디어나 슬로건이 있습니까? YS: Masujiro Mizuno가 1905년에 가정용 상비약을 제조 판매하기 위해서Mizunokankudo 를 설립하게 되었는데, 이것이 Hoyu의 전임회사입니다. 1909년에, Niwa Karasu가 처음으로 헤어 제품을 출시했으며, 1923년Hoyu Shokai Co.가 설립되었습니다. 헤어 컬러의 즐거움을 홍보하는 대사로서, 1966년 Hoyu는 캘리포니아에 Bigen 제품을 유통하기 시작했으며, 마침내 2003년Hoyu America가 설립되었습니다. Hoyu의 슬로건인 “당신의 마음을 색칠하세요”는 대규모의 혁신적인 헤어 컬러와 헤어 케어 제품을 통해 사람들의 생활에 또 다른 측면을 보태주고자 하는 저희의 욕구를 표현합니다. 강한 사업 배경과 염색에 관한 끊임없는 열정 그리고 모발에 대한 관심으로, Hoyu는 2005년 2월 설립 100주년을 기념했습니다.

OTC: How do you keep consumers and store owners educated on product releases, uses and general information? YS: Our professional sales members regularly visit our customers and stores to educate, maintain, and retain our consumer base. Maintaining a stable and consistent relationship with our customers and letting them make more profits are a few of our main business goals. OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in OTC stores for hair items? Why? YS: A special discount promotion on products is the best for OTC stores because stores and customers are very sensitive on the price. I believe that discount promotions provide August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Manufacturer Profile OTC: 귀사가 업계의 유사 업체와 차별화되고 눈에 띄는 이유는 무엇일까요? YS: Hoyu 직원 8명 가운데 1명은 R&D(연구 개발) 파트에서 일합니다. 저희를 특별하게 만드는 것은 저희의 개발이 언제나 고객들의 관점을 기반으로 두고 있다는 것입니다. Hoyu 직원 중 10% 이상이 연구 개발 부서에서 일을 하면서, 저희는 미용 및 건강 산업에 관한 수십년간의 지식과 데이터를 수집 분석하고 있습니다. 저희의 첨단 기술력과 짝을 맞춰서, 저희의 연구 개발 시설은 업계에서 가장 최고라고 할 수 있습니다. 저희의 연구는 모발 염색 기법, 색상 과학, 제조 기술, 안전성 향상, 최신 기술의 개발과 제품 테스트와 같은 방대한 영역의 주제를 포함합니다. 저희의 특별한 신기술과 고객에 대한 약속으로, Hoyu는 헤어 컬러 산업에서 많은 표준을 설정하고 있습니다. 그 결과, Hoyu 는 일본 헤어 컬러 시장에서 시장 점유율 1위(40% 이상)를 기록하고 있습니다. 이것은 많은 일본인들이 저희 제품을 사랑하고 지속적으로 사용한다는 의미입니다. 미국에도 일본인처럼 검은 모발을 가진 많은 사람들이 있으며, 따라서 저는 그들 역시 저희 제품을 좋아할 것이라고 믿습니다.

competitiveness so the products can appeal more to the customers. OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most in the hair care business and how has the company met consumer demand for it? YS: In Japan, the consumers of hair color prefer the product be easy to use, cause less damage to hair and have less smell. The gray-cover products for men are also very popular and have increased their sales every year. I believe U.S. consumers have similar preferences, and our products have matched these demands because you can use our Bigen powder by just adding water (easy to use), they do not contain ammonia (no harsh odor) and they are gentle to hair (no hydrogen and low pH). We also have a gray-cover product for men, Bigen EZ Color. OTC: What is the hair color trend you see as having the most impact in the next coming months? YS: I would use almost the same answer as above, but add one thing: I expect the demand for vivid color to increase. With this expectation, we are preparing to launch new vivid shades for Bigen Semi-Permanent Color in August. OTC: What are Hoyu’s goals for finishing out the year? Are any big plans in store that you can share? YS: One of the important goals for finishing out this year is to distribute our new three shades of Bigen Semi-Permanent Hair Color—Passion Pink, Turquoise Blue and Royal Purple—launching in August. We are already distributing our 15 shades of Bigen Semi and would like to add new shades on their shelves. We are also targeting to increase the distribution of our Bigen EZ Color & Bigen Conditioner.

OTC: 제품 포트폴리오를 구성하는 브랜드에 대한 간략한 설명 부탁드립니다. YS: : 저희가 OTC 시장에 유통하고 있는 주요 제품은 Bigen 브랜드인데, 이 브랜드는 가장 유명하며 전세계 70개국에서 가장 판매가 높은 제품입니다. OTC 시장에서 가장 인기있는 4가지 제품 가운데 하나는, Bigen Permanent Hair Color입니다. 이 제품은 독특한 분말 공법으로 물에 의해서 활성화되어 풍부하고 자연스러운 색상을 만들어주며 심지어 아주 완고한 회색 모발에도 효능이 좋습니다. 암모니아나 과산화수소 등의 화학 약품을 사용하지 않고도 100% 회색 모발을 커버할 수 있습니다. 또 다른 유명한 Bigen 제품으로는Bigen Semi-Permanent Hair Color 가 있습니다. 이 제품은 부드럽고, 오일이 풍부한 컨디셔닝 제품으로 꿀, 비왁스, 해바라기와 같은 천연 보습제로 영양을 공급하며, 암모니아와 과산화수소없이 지속적인 컬러를 제공합니다. 이 제품은 화학적인 손질이나 릴렉서를 사용한 모발을 포함한 모든 모발 타입에 안전합니다. 세 번째 제품은Bigen EZ Color for Men인데, 이 제품은 특별히 사용이 아주 간편합니다. 염색약을 빗에 발라서 쉽게 머리를 빗으면 됩니다. 헤어는 물론 수염에도 얼룩이나 암모니아없이 사용할 수가 있습니다. OTC 시장에서 가장 인기있는 주요 4가지 제품 중 마지막은Bigen Hair Care collection으로 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 광택 스프레이 그리고 광택 세럼으로 구성됩니다. 자세한 정보는www.bigen-usa.com에서 보실 수 있습니다. OTC: Hoyu를 상징하는 대표적인 제품이나 브랜드를 하나만 선택한다면, 무엇이며 왜일까요? YS: Bigen Powder입니다! Bigen Powder Hair Color는 미국 시장에 출시해서 성공을 거둔 첫번째 제품입니다. Bigen Powder는 새치머리를 감추고자하는 소비자들의 염려를 해결하고 해답을 실제적으로 제시했습니다. Bigen은 미국에서 매년 500만개 이상 판매가 되며, 현재 중미와 남미 지역으로 유통을 확장하고 있는데, Hoyu America롤 통해 직접 판매가 됩니다. OTC: 제품 출시, 사용법 및 일반 정보에 관해 소비자들과 매장 주인들을 어떻게 교육하고 있습니까? YS: 저희 전문 영업 직원이 정기적으로 고객들과 매장을 방문해서 교육을 실시하며, 고객 기반을 유지 관리하고 있습니다. 고객들과의 안정적이고 일관된 관계를 유지하고 그들이 더욱 많은 수익을 낼 수 있게 하는 것이 저희 주요 비즈니스 목표 가운데 몇 가지입니다. OTC: OTC 매장에서 헤어 제품에 가장 적합한 제품 프로모션 형태는 무엇이라고 생가하십니까? 그 이유는? YS: 제품에 대한 특별 할인 프로모션이 OTC 매장에서는 최고입니다. 왜냐하면 매장과 고객들은 가격에 매우 민감하기 때문이죠. 저는 할인 프로모션이 경쟁력을 제공해서 제품이 고객들에게 더욱 많이 어필할 수 있을 것으로 생각합니다.

OTC: What tips do you have for OTC beauty store owners on how to best market your products to customers? For example, is there a certain place they fit best in the store, or is sampling most beneficial? YS: Putting our products where customers can easily notice and access them is the one of the best ways to market Hoyu goods. Since there are many similar products in each OTC store, placing the product in a good place is a key strategy for sales and marketing success. Also, putting our brands together helps to market our products because customers can easily recognize them. I believe making shopping easy and customers comfortable is beneficial.

OTC: 헤어 케어 비즈니스 분야에서 최근 가장 크게 성장하고 있는 트랜드는 무엇이며 회사는 고객들의 이런 요구 충족을 위해 어떻게 하고 있습니까? YS: 일본에서, 헤어 컬러 소비자들은 사용이 쉬운 제품을 선호합니다, 왜냐하면 모발에 손상이 덜하고 냄새도 적기 때문이죠. 남성들을 위한 새치 커버 제품은 아주 인기가 있으며 매년 매출이 증가하고 있습니다. 저는 미국 소비자들 역시 유사한 선호도를 갖고 있다고 생각하며, 저희 제품은 이런 요구에 부합되는 제품이죠. Bigen 분말을 그저 물에 섞으면 (사용이 아주 쉽고), 암모니아가 첨가되지 않아서 (강한 냄새도 없으며), (수소가 함유되지 않은 낮은 Ph로)모발에도 부드럽습니다. 남성을 위한 새치머리 커버 제품으로, Bigen EZ Color도 있습니다.

OTC: If you could give one piece of advice to customers about their hair care routine, what would it be? YS: After applying hair color you should use a special shampoo and conditioner for colored hair. It is important to control pH balance after coloring to avoid hair damage and to make the shade last, and these goods are formulated for just that. We recommend you use Bigen Shampoo and Conditioner after using Bigen Powder Hair Color.

OTC: 향후 몇 개월안에 가장 임팩트 있는 헤어 컬러 트랜드는 무엇일까요? YS: A.I.I.는 60개 이상의 브랜드를 제공합니다. 각 브랜드는 고유하게 판매됩니다; 브랜이미 위에서 거의 같은 대답을 했습니다만, 한가지 덧붙이자면: 강렬하고 선명한 색상의 수요가 증가할 것으로 전망합니다. 이런 기대로, 저희는 8월에 새로운 비비드 색조인 Bigen Semi-Permanent Color출시를 준비하고 있습니다.


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

OTC: 올해를 마무리하기 전까지 Hoyu의 목표는 무엇입니까? 저희와 공유할 수 있는 큰 계획이 있습니까? YS: 올해를 마무리할 때까지 저희의 중요한 목표 중 하나는 새로운 3가지 색조 제품인 Bigen Semi-Permanent Hair Color –패션 핑크, 터키석 블루, 블루와 로얄 퍼플을 8월에 출시하고 유통하는 것입니다. 이미Bigen Semi 15개 색상은 유통을 하고 있지만 여기에 새로운 색상을 더 추가하고 싶습니다. Bigen EZ Color & Bigen Conditioner의 유통을 증가시키는 것 또한 목표로 하고 있습니다. OTC: OTC 매장 주인들이 고객들에게 귀사의 제품을 가장 잘 판매할 수 있는 최선의 마케팅 방법에 관한 조언 부탁드립니다. 예를 들어, 매장에서 가장 진열이 적합한 장소가 있을까요? 혹은 샘플을 제공하는 것이 가장 유리할까요? YS: 고객들이 쉽게 제품을 발견할 수 있고 접근할 수 있는 위치에 두는 것이 Hoyu 제품을 가장 잘 판매할 수 있는 방법 가운데 하나입니다. 각 OTC 매장에는 저희와 유사한 제품들이 많이 있기 때문에, 좋은 위치에 제품을 진열하는 것이 영업과 판매 성공을 위한 주된 전략이 될 것입니다. 또한, 저희 브랜드 제품을 함께 진열하는 것도 홍보에 도움이 됩니다. 왜냐하면 고객들이 쉽게 저희 브랜드를 인지할 수 있으니까요. 고객들이 쉽고 편안하게 쇼핑할 수 있게 하는 것이 도움이 될 것이라고 생각합니다. OTC: 고객들의 일상적인 헤어 케어를 위해 조언을 하신다면? YS: 염색 후에는 염색된 모발을 위해서 특별한 샴푸와 컨디셔너를 사용해야 합니다. 염색 후 모발 손상을 방지하고 지속적으로 색상을 유지하기 위해서는 pH발란스를 유지하는 것이 중요하며, 이러한 제품들은 이를 위해 제조되었습니다. Bigen Powder Hair Color 사용 후에는Bigen Shampoo와Conditioner 사용을 권합니다. OTC: 연중 어떤 박람회에서 Hoyu 제품을 볼 수가 있을까요? 그렇다면, 어떤 것이 될까요? YS: 몇가지 이름만 말씀드리자면, Bronner Brothers, Sisters Only –DC 와 the National Beauty Culturist League입니다.

OTC: Can we find Hoyu at any trade shows throughout the year? If so, which ones? YS: Bronner Brothers, Sisters Only –DC and the National Beauty Culturist League, just to name a few. OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about the company? YS: The name of Hoyu in Japanese means “fellow friends” and it originates from our drive to create new frontiers of business with good friends while strengthening friendships with other people and companies. This includes our product’s consumers, customers, wholesalers, etc. We strive to contribute to society by developing products that make people feel young, beautiful and healthy as they lead healthy and culturally rich lives. The 100th anniversary is not our goal, but our new beginning. We are taking our first step into a new dream for the next 100 years.

OTC: 끝으로 회사에 관해 OTC 독자들과 공유하고 싶은 생각은 무엇입니까? YS: Hoyu는 일본어로 “동료, 친구”라는 뜻이며, 이것은 다른 사람들과 기업들과 우정을 강화하면서 좋은 친구들과 새로운 비즈니스를 개척하고자 하는 저희 의지에서 유래되었습니다. 여기에는 저희 제품의 소비자들과 고객들, 도매업체 등도 포함이 됩니다. 저희는 사람들이 젊고 아름다우며 건강함을 느껴서 그들의 삶을 건강하고 문화적으로도 풍부하게 이끌수 있는데 도움이 될 제품을 개발함으로써 사회에 공헌하려 애쓰고 있습니다. 100주년 기념은 저희의 목표가 아니라, 저희의 새로운 시작입니다. 저희는 다음 100주년을 위한 새로운 꿈을 향해 그 첫발을 내딛고 있습니다.

Company Name: Hoyu America Co. Address: 6265 Phyllis Dr. Cypress, CA 90630 Contact Number: 714-230-3000 Website: Years in Business: 110 years (HQ) / 12 years (U.S.)

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Sponsored by Andis Co.

Selecting Different Tools for Different Hair Types As an educator for Andis Company one of the most common questions I’m asked is: “What’s the best clipper?” The answer to that question is not that straight forward. The answer starts with another question: What are the hair characteristics and hair types that you cut most often? I ask this because different hair characteristics, densities and textures require different clipper motors to achieve the best performance. So to get the best clipper, you must first establish which motor type will meet your cutting needs and those of your clients’. Once you’ve determined that, you can decide about the more subjective features of a clipper such as size, shape, style, etc. Cutting Coarse Hair For clients with coarse hair and where a large amount of hair must be removed, a rotary or pivot motor clipper with a course cutting blade will perform best. The power and strength of both the rotary and pivot motor designs will allow for a quick, easy and efficient cutting with each clipper stroke. A coarse cutter blade mounted to either one of those clipper types allows thicker sections of hair to be cut easier and quicker compared to clippers with fine cutter blades. My favorite rotary motor clippers are the Andis BGR+ and the Andis Supra 120 Ion. My favorite pivot motor clipper is the Speed Master II. Cutting Fine Hair For clients with fine hair, or if the hair is thin, a magnetic motor clipper works best. Magnetic motor clippers are designed to cut with low torque, but with blades moving at extremely high speeds for better quality finishes. Low torque cutting coupled with fast moving blades allows for less aggressive cutting action which makes cutting small sections of medium to thin hair easier because you won’t remove too much hair attempting to achieve quality. All magnetic motor clippers have fine cutter blades, which are great for fine tuning a haircut. My favorite magnetic motor clipper is the Andis Realtree® Camo Clipper US-1 model. So for those of you asking, “What’s the best clipper?” I can only tell you what motor is best for you, because that’s objective. If you want speed and ease of use while cutting through thick hair, the rotary and pivot motor tools are your best choice. If you like to fade hair close in small sections, a magnetic motor clipper will be right for you. However, the “best” clipper is also based on style, size and shape, and only you can answer that question. This is where choosing an Andis product becomes easy, because of the large variety of high quality tools offered in varying shapes, sizes and styles in every motor type. Andis tools also come with a great warranty on every product. So which one is right for you? For more information about Andis tools visit today.

Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clipper cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 80

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015


RA Shea Butter Lotion Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit

Protect your investment with Andis DryCare™ Andis introduces DryCare™ which is the first step in our full line of total maintenance for your clippers and trimmers. DryCare™ cleans tools and assures optimum performance and a longer tool life. The high-pressure air blasts debris and hair from clipper and trimmer blades to allow the blades to run smoothly. The included concentrator allows for cleaning in hard-to-reach areas of your blades. Visit for more information and to view our full line of professional products.



Customized Cocktails Create Multiple Rounds Stylists and consumers have become creative in the care and treatment of textured hair. Personalized treatments require multiple purchases of products to cleanse, condition, control or style. To customize the right product for their needs, stylists and consumers are shaking up cocktails. This is good news for the OTC! For frizz reduction and hydration found in wavy hair, mix two parts volumizer and one part smoothing oil—shaken not stirred—in a spray bottle. For better defining a curl pattern the cocktail might include three products: a gloss booster, hold product and a shaping mouse. To increase color lift with less damage, keratin bond builders are added to the processing cocktail. Multiple product consumption patterns are bound to show up at the OTC registers. Considering the moisture loss, damage and maintenance needs of the average consumer, it is not uncommon to sporadically utilize several products. The cocktail concept seems to require that these products be mixed and used as one…on the spot. Some of these remedies start at the root with a clean and healthy scalp. Scalp health is integral to supporting the efficacy of the other products used. Clearing the scalp of serums, treatments and oils is critical. Conditioning cleansers and co-wash cocktails are driving sales of shampoo products at an astounding rate. Cocktailing is becoming critical since today’s hair care trends require a multi-faceted concoction of treatment and style control. Until customized products are created consumer mixologists will create what they need in the palm of their hands.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 82

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.


The Barbering APP-e-tite

We are in a mobile world folks, and if you are not on a mobile platform you will soon be obsolete. The barber shop has finally evolved and so has the tech savvy clients we serve. Although Customer Loyalty Cards are great they cannot guarantee true loyalty if the competition offers better prices, service or convenience. Now that the economy appears to have turned the corner, progressive barber shops are doing more to compete to hold on to their loyal customers. But the wise barber is competing on quality, service and innovation…not on price alone. The most recent trend in barber shops was the customer loyalty card or membership. “Keep our card in your wallet and when you come back next time I’ll put another stamp on it. After 10 stamps you’ll get a free haircut.” Some customers will diligently keep the card and produce it after every cut. Other customers will lose their card, share it with their friends or not even bother to take it at all. The printer will keep on stocking you up with new cards and wasting your money in the meantime. Wouldn’t it be wild to see a shop full of clients all holding your loyalty card for a free haircut on a month you need to really pay the bills? Finally, there is now a better way to really perfect your approach to customer service with little client disconnect. Developing an online platform with an app was originally designed to cut customer waiting time. The idea here is that barbers would be able to inform their customers about their slow time in the shop to help keep butts in the chair. Offer retail opportunities and stay connected to your clientele on social media. So cut your printing costs, start delivering a world class customer service app for your loyal customers, and create a new stream of revenue by offering your clients an incentive for prepaying for their haircuts. For more information on app development for your organization contact Eric Ramos at or go to Keep up the good work!

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 84

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015


업계소식 조지아 협회 조지아 협회는 지난 7월 15일 이사회를 열었다. 이날 이사회에서는 오는 11월 1일에 있을 뷰티 페스티벌 개최에 관 해 논의 하였다. Clayton county performing art center 에서 오후 4시부터 6시까지 진행될 이날 행사는 1,500명에서 2,000 명의 참석자가 예상되는 대형 행사이다. 이러한 행사는 뷰티 업계에서는 조금 생소하긴 하지만, 주로 미국 내 흑인 소비자들을 상대로 운영되는 뷰티 서플라이 스토어의 특성상, 흑인 사회와의 교류를 만들기 위한 취지로 기획하 게 되었다고 한다. 이날 행사에서는 부채춤이나 대고춤, 그리고 태권도 시범 등 한국 전통문화를 선보이는 것으로 이 날의 행사를 가득 채울것 이라고 한다. 또한, 협찬업체를 선정하여 공연 중간중간에 회사 홍보 및 샘플 증정과 같은 시 간도 가질 것이라고 한다. 입장권은 협회 회원스토어를 통해 흑인 고객들에게 나누어 줄 예정이라고 한다.

클리브랜드 협회 Cleveland 뷰티협회는 지난 6월21일 RAWIGA COUNTRY CLUB에서 “제7회 장학기금모금 골프대회”를 개최하였다. 외부인사, 후원업체 임직원, 협회회원 등 100여명이 참가한 이날 대회는 샷건방식으로 진행되었다고 한다. 협회는 본 래 취지인 장학기금마련에 소기의 목적을 달성한바, 수익을 사업체근처의 school district과 연계해서 연말에 장학금 을 전달할 계획이라고 한다. 협회 Peter Kim 회장은, “어려운 경제여건, 여전한 경제불황 임에도 불구하고 매년 장학 기금모금에 후원과 성원을 해주시는 모든 업체 사장님들, 임직원들께 다시 한번 감사의 말씀을 전하고 싶습니다. 진 심으로 배려하고 염려하는 마음이 담긴 격려와 지원이라 생각됩니다” 라고 감사의 말을 전하였다. 86

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

June 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


ShowReport JinnyNews


Jinny Once again,


Distribution Center in

Jinny Corp., the largest multicultural and ethnic distributor in the world, plans to expand their distribution network in St. Louis, Missouri. This makes it their 11th distribution center which will now make their total warehouse square footage a whopping 1.46 million square feet in America. The biggest difference with this new location is that this distribution center will be called ‘Jinny Regional St. Louis’. What is Jinny Regional? Mr. Charles Seo, CFO of Jinny United says, “We have learned and been advised by our operation managers in our Memphis and Detroit branches that it is not always beneficial for our smaller market warehouses to have Jinny Corp. inventory at 94% like we are used to. It is not cost effective to maintain this standard and this was causing smaller branches to grow at a slower rate than what we expected.” Jinny Regional St. Louis’ new mission statement will be designed to carry only the best of the A and B products from each brand. These items are defined by Jinny’s massive in-house data bank in combination with IRI report analyses. Mr. Jack Park, Operations Director, adds, “With our current system, we can setup our new warehouse from start to finish within 25 business days with a variance of 3 days; but now, with the new format of Jinny Regional, we can maximize our efficiency which allows us to cut out almost 7 business days and is almost 28% faster than our current system. Over time, we will be much more efficient in opening our Jinny Regionals down the road.” So when will Jinny Regional St. Louis be open to customers? Mr. Devin Ok, Co-Operations Director says, “We will receive our keys to the building on Monday, August 3rd and we will be open on August 24th.” The total size of this building is 48,000 square feet with a 24 foot clear ceiling. OTC Beauty Magazine asks, “What is the purpose of opening more distribution centers for Jinny United? Do you plan to open more?” Mr. Andrew Yoo, Sales Director of Jinny Corp. states, “We feel that our company brings a series of value to our OTC stores when we are closer to them rather than further away. We believe our OTC stores can rely upon Jinny as their true distribution partner and we can learn more about the owners and their business in order to service them better. I don’t know if we will open more Jinny Regionals, but if this new concept works, we will open more as we have with our ‘JBS Cash & Carry’ concept which we introduced to the industry back in 2000.” Leading the St. Louis Regional branch will be Mr. Ki Nam Kim. He will be moving his family from Los Angeles, and with 18 years with Jinny Corporation he has enough experience and knows the company’s core philosophy inside and out. Eddie Jhin stated, “Under Mr. Kim’s leadership and his role for the company, I am very confident that he will serve our customers in the market very well and he will make our first Regional branch a top notch distributor in the St. Louis market.” Mr. Eddie Jhin, the top manager of Jinny United, says, “What pleases me the most is that the idea of Jinny Regional and opening in the St. Louis market came from my employees and this is exactly why I am so proud to lead this group of people.” “OTC stores are an intricate part of our company. Our mission is to grow our OTC stores in every single city and region, and if this mission is accomplished, I think we have done our job. Jinny needs our OTC stores to believe that we want them to succeed and hopefully they will appreciate the fact that we are their biggest defender of this industry. We are here to serve and learn from you, but you must try and try again to be better in order for all of us to grow.” “We hope that our OTC stores in St. Louis and Kansas will welcome our company and we will do our best to support your needs. Thank you all!” 88

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Proctor & Gamble Company Merges 43 Beauty Brands with Coty Inc. The Procter & Gamble Company recently announced the signing of a definitive agreement to merge 43 of its beauty brands with Coty Inc. in a Reverse Morris Trust Transaction. Among others, the transaction includes P&G’s Salon Professional business. P&G Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer A.G. Lafley commented, “This represents a significant step forward in the work to focus our portfolio on the 10 categories and 65 brands that best leverage P&G’s core competencies. Coty will provide an excellent new home for the businesses and brands we are merging today, as well as for the talented people who are operating them.” This agreement will enhance Coty’s beauty portfolio and expand its offering in the salon professional channel, where it has already built a nail care category presence through the acquisition of OPI in 2010. “We are delighted and privileged to join forces with the Wella team and its portfolio of iconic salon brands,” said Bart Becht, chairman and CEO of Coty. “The salon channel is a large and attractive category at the very top end of beauty, and Wella is a key building block of our growth strategy. With its legacy, unique brand portfolio and highly capable organization, Wella has firmly earned its place as a leading partner for hair salons. We are looking forward to being a part of its continued success.” “As two iconic houses strongly anchored in their beauty heritage, Coty and Wella are a perfect fit. We are both driven by a passion

for beauty, creative freedom and the entrepreneurial spirit that was embodied by our founders. We are honored to join the Coty family and are excited about the possibilities this represents for Wella’s mission of elevating hairdressers and the hairdressing industry,” said Sylvie Moreau, global executive vice-president of Wella. Until deal closing, expected in the second half of 2016 and subject to all the necessary regulatory approvals and completion of any required information and consultation processes, Wella will continue to operate as the Salon Professional unit of Procter & Gamble. Separately, certain of the fragrance brands require the consent of the licensor to transfer. “We’re looking forward to our future with Coty, and we remain firmly focused on supporting our salon partners consistently and with the continued excellence that they have come to expect from us,” commented Sal Mauceri, Wella North America. “Over the past years, Wella has been going from strength to strength, and we have great plans to continue to delight our salons. We will continue to build on our portfolio with several exciting product and service innovations, supported by our world-class sales and education team.”

The Professional Beauty Association Appoints New Director of Marketing & Communications Marketing Professional, Jody Ryan, Joins the PBA Team The Professional Beauty Association (PBA) is excited to announce Jody Ryan as their new Director of Marketing & Communications. With over 17 years of marketing communications experience, Ryan’s background includes marketing, media, brand engagement and strategic planning. “We are excited to have Jody join the PBA team as the Director of Marketing & Communications. As the beauty profession’s most influential association, PBA’s focus is on supporting our members and increasing recognition for our industry. Jody’s expertise in marketing, branding and media is a great fit for moving our efforts forward,” stated PBA’s Executive Director, Steve Sleeper. Prior to joining PBA, Ryan was the Marketing Communications Director for Redflex Traffic Systems, Inc., an international leader in photo-enforcement. As the senior marketing communications professional and spokeswoman for the company, she created and maintained on90

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

going media relationships while building and executing comprehensive marketing communications plans. Ryan also has experience working for the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (GPCC) also as the Marketing Communications Director. While at GPCC, she oversaw all aspects of the Chamber’s earned media, social media, marketing and advertising in addition to guiding overall messaging and branding. Ryan has also worked for the Arizona’s Workforce Development System and APCO WorldWide in Washington D.C. In addition to her years of professional experience, Ryan was also named to the Phoenix Business Journal’s “40 Under 40” list in 2012. She is on the Board of Directors for the Arizona Family Health Partnership. She received her Bachelors of Science in Journalism and Mass Communications from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and her Executive Masters in Business Administration from the University of Arizona.

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews African American Skincare Myths To moisturize or not to moisturize? Winter weather will soon be here!

by Ayanna Ziegler The weather is finally cooling down. What a relief! The only problem is that cold weather can leave skin dry, dull and cracked. Don’t worry! We have a few tips that will combat cold weather and leave skin looking smooth and healthy! You may notice that when the air is cold, your skin is more ashy and dry than usual. There are a few factual reasons for this. The first is that cold air is dry and lacks humidity. Dry air pulls the moisture out of skin, and makes it difficult for it to stay properly hydrated. Heavy winds also add to this problem. They strip the skin’s lipids, which help to seal in skin’s moisture. Even people who wouldn’t normally have dry skin can develop a flaky and dull complexion if the skin is exposed to these conditions. The first step to treating winter dryness is to remove all the left over skin. At the very minimum, get rid of all the dead skin that appears flaky, dry and weathered. The best way to do this is through exfoliation. Use any method of exfoliation that works best for you and be consistent. The best results show themselves after some time. Clear Essence Complexion Soap with AHA is the perfect cleansing soap bar to remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells. Doing away with dead skin is one of the best things you can do for your skin in general, because the build-up clogs pores and causes breakouts. Now that we are working with fresh skin, the next step is to begin adding and retaining moisture. Suggest African American skin care products that work towards hydrating dry skin. Clear Essence’s My

Natural Beauty Moisturizing Body Lotion with SPF 15 is perfect for this. Its main goal is to repair skin that has been damaged by over-exposure to environmental elements. To make sure that all of the moisture we’re adding to the skin is not stripped by winds and other elements, add oil to the skin care regimen. Apply a small amount after you’ve thoroughly rubbed in the lotion or add it to bath water to fully hydrate your body’s skin. This will act as a barrier between the environment and your skin, and can be especially helpful if your skin becomes chapped easily. Clear Essence’s Specialist Skincare Body Oil is a unique oil that contains vitamins A and E for added skin health. Adding a small amount of this oil to your regimen is a sure way to put that healthy glow back into your skin. These steps are simple, but can completely transform one’s skin. Always remember to use sunscreen for protection against sunrays, and to stay hydrated! Overcast days can still lead to sunburn so don’t pack away the sunscreen just yet. Also the best way to keep skin moisturized during winter is to continue drinking eight glasses of water a day! Ayanna is a 3rd year Media and Cultural Studies student at University of Riverside. With extensive experience in writing articles for various beauty publications she continues to build on her knowledge of the industry within her studies and passion for all things makeup and fashion.

Andis Announces New Associates and Promotions

Andis Company, a manufacturer of professional-grade grooming and styling tools for the barber, salon and animal grooming industries, as well as at-home consumers, has announced the following associate news:

NEW ASSOCIATES: Kevin Zlevor has been appointed Director of International Sales. In this newly created position, Zlevor will oversee the international sales managers of each of the company’s Barber and Beauty and Animal divisions. He also will provide strategic direction and planning to achieve both short- and long-term growth objectives for Andis in its key international markets. Prior to joining Andis, Zlevor was Global Sales Director with S.C. Johnson. He will report to Gary Stanczyk, VP of Sales. Shawn McClaren has been hired as National Sales Manager where he will be focusing on the company’s retail accounts. He is a consumer product sales and marketing leader with extensive multi-channel experience working with all retail channels including mass, club, specialty, home center, discount, military, drug and grocery. McClaren joins Andis from Office Star Products where he was Director of Business Development. He will report to Gary Stanczyk, VP of Sales. Tim Hamilton has been named Procurement Manager. In this role, he will work with Andis Company suppliers and vendors to reduce lead times and materials costs while improving overall quality and profitability. Hamilton was a Senior Buyer with office products company, Fellowes Inc., prior to joining Andis. He will report to Iris Huang, VP of Supply Chain. George Sieczka has been hired as Machine Shop Manager. Sieczka will oversee three machine shop supervisors and manage production to the finished product. He has more than 15 years’ experience adhering to 92

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lean manufacturing principles. He will be report to Tom George, VP of Operations. Frank Bassing has been added as Andis Machine Shop Supervisor where he will oversee, train and coordinate a team of 35 associates in the machine shop. He holds more than three decades of experience in professional manufacturing and will be reporting to George Sieczka, Machine Shop Manager.

PROMOTIONS: Jeno Stacy has been promoted to Material Handling Supervisor, where he will direct, coordinate and supervise a team of seven associates in the material handling department. Stacy is a 17-year veteran of Andis Company and most recently held the position of Lead Material Handler. He will report to John Nielsen, Materials Manager. Mike Monahan has been promoted to Tool Room Supervisor, reporting to Michael Stephans, Manufacturing Engineering Manager. His new responsibilities include project planning, managing tooling fixtures and machining, and providing layouts and direction on associates on all shifts. During his tenure, he has been a Tool and Die Maker and was promoted to Lead Tool and Die Maker. Michael Lisiecki has been promoted to Assembly Supervisor from his previously held role of Production Planner. His new responsibilities include managing up to 50 associates in the assembly department. He will report to Keith Wischer, Assembly Manager.

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews African Pride®, the Leader in Premium-Quality, Affordable Hair Care for Women of Color, Makes National Television Debut on The Real

African Pride’s “Get Your ‘Do Interview Ready Segment” on the Hit Daytime Talk Show Features Makeovers for Deserving Women from the Non-Profit Organization Dress for Success. African Pride®, the premium, value-priced hair care line for women and their families that offers maximum conditioning and styling flexibility made its national television debut in early June on the hit daytime talk show The Real (syndicated; check local listings). With a line of products that promote moisture and overall hair health, African Pride is committed to initiatives that empower women. The brand is teaming up with non-profit organization Dress for Success as a major sponsor for 2015. The “Get Your ‘Do Interview Ready” segment on The Real features hair makeovers for two deserving women as they strive towards their career goals. The segment also features tips for maintaining your hair during the warm and humid months of summer. Celebrity stylist Tasheara Neshell, whose clients include Academy Award®-winning actress Jennifer Hudson, styled each woman with African Pride’s Olive Miracle and Shea Butter Miracle maintenance lines. See the complete segment here: “African Pride is ideal for women who take an individualistic approach to styling their hair as the ultimate form of self-expression,” says Charlene Dance, global marketing director for Strength of Nature, the makers of the African Pride line. “We are thrilled to join forces with Dress for Success to empower these women and to bring their story to The Real and millions of women around the country.” The segment demonstrates African Pride’s Olive Miracle and Shea Butter Miracle hair maintenance lines on women with two natural textured hair patterns— wavy and kinky. The resulting styles showcase how nourishing ingredients such as olive oil, coconut oil, shea butter and vitamin E work together to reduce breakage and dryness while leaving hair manageable, shiny and interview-ready. Each member of the studio audience received a gift bag containing an array of African Pride hair care products to maintain healthy, moisturized hair just in time for summer. In conjunction with The Real, African Pride also offered a national sweepstakes on for a chance to win one of 10 gift baskets with African Pride products. Follow African Pride on Twitter and Instagram on @MyAfricanPride.

John Delgado and Paul Laurie

From left: Seth Davis, Jasmine Birt, John Delgado, Paul Laurie and Georgia Tournai

Andis Names Clipper Ace Challenge Winners Contest finalists and winners introduced at Premiere Orlando Beauty Event

For the exciting conclusion of its Andis Clipper Ace Challenge and Student Clipper Rising Star contests, Andis Company took to the stage at Premier Orlando to unveil the winners. Andis created the Clipper Ace Challenge to identify and recognize hair professionals with the potential to join its team of educators, while the student contest was designed to help support an individual embarking on a new career in the barber and beauty industry. “We received hundreds of video entries from outstanding individuals across the country and thank everyone for participating,” says Karen Formico, VP of marketing for Andis. “Our Clipper Ace winner, John Delgado, owner of Fine Line Barbershop in Miami, will represent Andis at select education events 94

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later this year, sharing his knowledge and passion with others. He will also receive a collection of professional Andis tools. Our Andis Clipper Rising Star student winner, Paul Laurie, from Erie 1 BOCES in West Seneca, NY received a $2,000 scholarship and an assortment of product, and his school was also a winner taking home $1,200 in product to support the education of their students.” Other professional finalists in the Andis contest were: Jasmine Birt of Déjà vu Hair and Nail Lounge in Elmhurst, IL; Seth Davis owner of Urban Fellow Barbershop in Warwick, RI; and Georgia Tournai owner of City Barbershop in Brush, CO.

IndustryNews PBA’s International Salon & Spa Expo Honored by Trade Show News Network for Growth in Attendance The West Coast’s Biggest and Best Beauty Expo Named One of Top 25 Fastest-Growing Shows The Professional Beauty Association (PBA) is proud to announce that the International Salon & Spa Expo (ISSE) at Long Beach has been named one of the top 25 fastest-growing shows for attendance by Trade Show News Network (TSNN). This achievement will be celebrated in Atlanta at the 6th annual TSNN awards from November 6-8, 2015. These awards honor the top fastest-growing shows in attendance and net square footage. “We are so thrilled the ISSE show is being honored at the TSNN Awards,” said PBA Executive Director, Steve Sleeper. “This show is constantly evolving beyond the traditional hair show and has become the industry’s most complete beauty event for professional hair, nails, cosmetics, esthetics, wellness, massage and advanced education. We pride ourselves on making this an event for any and all beauty professionals, and this shows with our increase in attendance year after year.” During the three-day weekend celebration in Atlanta, the top association and for-profit fastest-growing shows in net square footage and top association and for-profit fastest-growing shows in attendance will be celebrated during the TSNN Awards Gala, along with the overall fastest-growing show in each category. The top 25 winners in overall attendance growth from 2012 to 2014 are a diverse mix of industries, including trucking, labels and roofing.

Festivities include a special opening night celebration at the College Football Hall of Fame, a brunch at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum and various educational offerings. In addition to the 50 fastest-growing shows in attendance and net square footage, the gala awards evening will also celebrate a special “Industry Icon Award” honoree and TSNN’s “Best of Show” award, celebrating shows that stand out for their innovation. While the TSNN awards honor trade shows based on their attendance growth rate from 2012-2014, ISSE shows no sign of slowing down. After hosting 40,000 attendees in 2014, ISSE Long Beach 2015 welcomed an energetic and record-breaking crowd of nearly 43,500 beauty professionals from around the world. ISSE has become the biggest and best beauty expo on the West Coast, open exclusively to licensed beauty professionals, students and instructors. With approximately 150 educational classes, live stage performances from top industry icons, and hair, nail and barber competitions, ISSE Long Beach 2015 is the place to be for beauty professionals to stay up on the latest trends and advance their careers. For additional information regarding the TSNN awards, please visit For additional information on PBA and ISSE, please visit

The Professional Beauty Association Releases 2014 Distributor Benchmarking Survey Results Beauty Distributors Report Higher Revenue, Greater Outlook on Sales for 2015

The results from the Professional Beauty Association’s (PBA) 2014 Biennial Distributor Benchmarking Survey are now available. Nearly fifty (50) independent organizations participated in the survey that produces this unique and valuable industry resource. A majority of participating distributors reported higher sales and an overall greater outlook for 2015. The final research report that is culled from all participant responses provides a strong indicator of industry performance as well as a means for distributors to see how well they are keeping up with customers and competitors. “The 2014 Biennial edition of the PBA Distributor Benchmarking Survey is a must read if you operate a professional distributorship in the beauty industry,” said Steve Neumaier, president of Goldwell New York and Chair of the PBA Task Force responsible for managing the production of this report. “This comprehensive report allows distributors to instantly identify areas in which their company excels or needs improvement.” Providing both quantitative and qualitative data, this comprehensive report includes information on nine primary business sections: sales, human resources, financials, warehouse/freight, sales meetings, stores, education, advertising and promotion and technology. Separate sections on general business conditions and exit strategies for key company personnel are also included. “Benchmarking tools provide quick access to critical key metrics. The 2014 Distributor Benchmarking Survey report focuses on the essential


OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

financial, management, and operations data and practices of a distributor in the beauty industry,” states Elizabeth Fantetti, Director of Membership and Association Programs for the Professional Beauty Association. “PBA members continually cite it as one of the most valuable resources that the association offers.” Highlights from the 2014 PBA Distributor Benchmarking Survey: • 78% of reporting distributors reported higher sales. • 57% of reporting distributors offer sales staff automated ordering options. • $75,000 is the median compensation for Regional Sales Managers. • A majority of reporting distributors expect greater 2015 year-end sales. The 2014 PBA Distributor Benchmarking Survey was sent complimentary to all participating distributors; other industry professionals can purchase a copy of the full report at The results are $250 for PBA Business Members and $375 for PBA Individual Members. To learn more about this research initiative or to become a member of the Professional Beauty Association contact the PBA Membership Team at 480-455-3460 or


Wella Announces the 2015 #WellaCares Challenge Grand Prize Winners

With a Total of $30,000 Awarded to Salons Across North America Wella, the salon professional division of P&G, is proud to announce the two Grand Prize Winners of the #WellaCares Challenge as Michelle Erjavac & Vivian Pisano. Each will receive $10,000 for their dedication and commitment to charity-related and environmental sustainability efforts, respectively. The #WellaCares Challenge is part of Wella’s Hairdressers at Heart program, which provides lifetime career support at four critical stages of a hairdresser’s career: student, new talent, working hairdresser and salon owner. Aimed to help hairdressers and salon owners amplify their contributions to charity within their local communities, participants from across North America submitted videos and essays that revealed their passion and actionable efforts towards various charity-driven causes and contributing to environmental sustainability via their salons. Finalists were chosen by a combination of web-based public voting and a judging panel of industry experts. Salon Sustainability Grand Prize Winner Vivian Pisano, from The Secret Garden Spa, was awarded $10,000 for her work promoting ecofriendly practices. The Secret Garden Spa uses organic spray tans, mobile friendly programs to cut out paper printing, refurbished furniture, and high efficiency lighting and machines. Vivian plans to use the award to build a greenhouse which will be maintained by On Your Mark, a community-based program employing people with developmental disabilities, who will also utilize it for their local cafe and other work programs. Vivian says, “As a service provider we have a one on one connection with our clients, giving us the power to affect lives on a daily basis. The power to inspire others to make simple changes creating a trickle effect is the most impactful.” Community Impact Grand Prize Winner Michelle Erjavac, from United Hairlines, was awarded $10,000 for her work with The Warrior Support Team, a charity that provides support and services to wounded, ill, and injured military service members and their families. Michelle, along with her salon family, used their day off to host a charity event to help bring awareness to this cause and was able to raise $2,700. Michelle says, “These men and women sacrificed so much for our great country but I never realized how much they and their families are affected. Twentytwo active duty and military personnel commit suicide in the US every day and we want to do something to help.” 98

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In addition to the two $10,000 grand prizes, Wella will award 10 additional finalists a total of $10,000 in prize money this calendar year. The other winning entries are (listed by award level and in alphabetical order): Five Runner Up Winners for Salon Sustainability (in alphabetical order): Cathy Brown-Issel for Ele’s Place, Brown and DeLine Salon, Ann Arbor, MI; Gabbie Vossler, Glass Door Salon and Spa, Anaheim, CA; Kristine Singer, Solo Salon, Chicago, IL; Linden Glavich, The Linden & Company Salon and Spa, Eureka, CA; Lori Maclean, Essential Elements Hair, Antigonish, NS. Five Runner Up Winners for Community Impact (in alphabetical order): Christopher Lane Blackmer for CCSO Crimes Against Persons Unit, Razzle Dazzle College, Caldwell, ND; Donna Richardson, Simply Hair Salon, Cynthiana, KY; Rebecca Wood for Haircuts for Hospice, Cloud 9 Salon, Mapleton, ND; Sam Pecoraro for YWCA Women’s Domestic Violence Group, Pecoraro Salon, Lockport, NY; Stephanie Gearheart for The Daisy Project, Prime Designz Salon, Lake Orion, MI. The next #WellaCares Challenge will commence in the Spring of 2016. For more information and updates, please, visit About Wella, the Salon Professional Division of P&G: Wella’s products help make beauty dreams real every day for millions of stylists and consumers worldwide. Wella brands are distributed in more than 180,000 salons across the globe, and include Wella Professionals Care and Styling as well as Koleston Perfect, Illumina Color, Color Touch and Blondor by Wella Professionals; Sebastian Professional; Clairol Professional and Nioxin. The Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship grant is part of Wella’s “Hairdressers at Heart,” an industry-wide program that supports stylists at each stage of their career with scholarships, through artistic competition, and with assisted child care and salon grants for community service.


Ad Index


American International �����������61 Garcoa Laboratories, Inc. .........89

Oster Prof. Products .................37

15-17 Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show | Summer 2015

Ampro Industries ........................7 Genieco, Inc. ��������������������������������� 8

Queen Helene ���������������������44, 56

Andis Co. �������������������������������� 9, 80 Helen of Troy ..............................43

R&R Corp. ����������������������������������29

Baby Sweet ��������������������������������66 House of Cheatham ..................51

RA Cosmetics ....................80, 105

Beauty Wholesale LTD ������40, 71 Hoyu America ............................75

Smooth Care ..............................99

Belson �����������������������������������������63 Idelle .............................................67 Inspired Beauty Butter Sweet �����������������������������74 Brands ............................30, 60, 111

SoftSheen-Carson .....................87

San Jose, CA

Cantu ...........................................13 JBC Distributors ........................23

Ten Pro ........................................24

22-25 NACDS Total Store Expo

Chloe Hair Accessories �����������91 JBS Beauty Club ................82, 104 JBS Hair ����15, 36, 70, 95, 100, 106 Colomer USA ���������������Cover, 53 JF Labs/AFAM ���������������������45, 83 Conair �����������������������������������������39 KAB Brands ����������������������������� BC DeMert Brands ............................5 Keystone Laboratories ������������33 DRM-JPC Brands .............57, 58, 59, 112, IBC Mane Selection ��������������������������14 Dream World, Inc. ��2, 3, 16, 17, 25, 46, 47, 48, 107 Maxi Professional ����������������������97

Ubiquitous Hair & Health Trade Show �������������109

Atlanta, GA

22-23 Beauty Expo Australia Sydney Australia

22-23 Ubiquitous Hair & Health Trade Show Washington, DC

22-24 Face & Body Northern California

Denver, CO

30-31 Armstrong McCall World’s Fair of Cosmetic Arts & Sciences Houston, TX

SEPTEMBER: 5-8 11th Annual Beauty Fair São Paulo, Brazil

15-17 Cosmeeting/Beyond Beauty Paris, France

16-19 Natural Products Expo East

E.T. Browne Drug Co., Inc. ������65 Mitchell Group ��������������������������93 Fantasia Ind. �������������������������������81 Namaste Laboratories ������������49

Baltimore, MD

Fisk Industries ............................31

18-22 Farouk Cancun Conference 2015

23-25 Cosmobeaute Asia

Cancun, Mexico

20 NAILPRO Sacramento Sacramento, CA

20-21 Indianapolis Fashion Focus Indianapolis, IN 108

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

Bangkok, Thailand

30-Oct. 1 in-cosmetics Brasil São Paulo, Brasil

Sparks Hair Color .....................11

Unilever ...........................IFC, 1, 55 Universal Beauty Products, Inc. ..............................68 Wahl .............................................85 Wella,The Salon Professional Division of P&G ��27 Xtreme Beauty International ...........32, 41, 82, 103

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. What hair maintenance item sells best in your store (i.e. shampoos, relaxers, hair accessories, conditioning products, etc.)? Are you doing anything to promote these sales, creating the success? 1.매장에서 가장 판매가 높은 헤어 관리 제품은 무엇입니까(샴푸, 릴렉서, 헤어 악세서리, 컨디셔닝 제품들, 등등)? 이런 제품들의 판매 촉진을 위해 무언가를 하고 있으며, 성공하고 있습니까?

2. Do you have a set cleaning schedule each day, week or even month? What is your method to ensure your store stays tidy? 2. 매일, 매주 또는 매월 설정해 놓은 청소 일정이 있습니까? 매장을 깔끔하게 유지하기 위한 여러분의 방법은 무엇입니까?

3. Do you find POP product placement beneficial to hair maintenance and styling item sales? 3.POP 간접 광고가 헤어 유지 보수 및 스타일링 제품 판매에 도움이 된다고 생각합니까?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name (성함) _______________________________ Store Name (스토어



State (주) _________________________________ 110

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

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September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Iconic ethnic hair care manufacturer Ultra Sheen is unveiling new packaging designs on its Ultra Sheen Supreme Relaxer system. The Ultra Sheen Supreme Relaxer system combines ultra brilliant technology to pamper and protect the hair shaft with moisturizing natural oils to safeguard tresses. This 112

OTC Beauty Magazine August 2015

initiative is the brand’s latest step in their ongoing commitment to the young fashion-forward, trend setting woman on the go. The rebranded kit will be available in mass market stores and beauty supplies nationwide in September. For further information, visit

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