December 2014| $6.00 The Year End Issue
2014 Wrap-Up Like a Good Neighbor World Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Show – Fall 2014 Industry Insights
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CONTENTS December2014 in this issue
Editorial Letter ����������������������10
Feature Article
Farewell, ‘14
Like a Good Neighbor ��������������� 64
굿바이 2014
Expert Advice �����������������������12
by Will Williams
6 Tips Helping Professionals Take Leaps of Faith
Beauty supply stores are the one constant in the landscape of urban America and increasingly suburban towns and cities. Looking for a tool or even a hard-to-find item that has long since been out of the big box rotation of fast moving consumer goods? The beauty supply often has it and for that reason it occupies a special space in the consciousness of all its customers. .
Marketplace �������������������������16 Stock up for the New Year
How Should You Sell It? �������24 Tattoo Care
어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 … 문신 관리!
Urban Call Briefs ������������������47 Role Model Beyond Beauty: Part IV
King of Locs..........................63 Captains of Industry and the Community
Clipper Tips ��������������������������76 Which Tool is Right for the Job? (Part 2)
Therapy Trends ���������������������78 The Twists and Turns of Getting Rest
Tonsorial Times .................... 80 Complacency or Change
Jinny News ��������������������������90
Show Coverage
World Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Show Fall Extravaganza ����������� 82 For over 25 years Taliah Waajid has promoted the importance of living a natural lifestyle through education, and by providing products for healthy hair and body. She just celebrated her successful 17th Annual World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show in Atlanta on October 25-26 at the Georgia International Convention Center.
업계소식................................ 93
Industry News ���������������������94 Coupons ������������������������������99 Show Calendar ����������������� 104 Ad Index ��������������������������� 104 Reader Feedback ��������������� 106 Product Spotlight �������������� 108 Twisted Sista 4
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
On The Cover
CONTENTS December 2014 Finished Product
Business Tips
by Eileen Mngumi
Product sampling is the ultimate marketing tool to help increase sales by introducing new products, creating and maintaining consumer loyalty, and offering customers a way to try out a product before purchase.
Commonly Asked Questions Why Product Sampling Works ������������������������� 54 about Shea Butter ��������������������30 by Sonja Watford-Mair Shea Butter is a natural, oil-rich substance that has remarkable moisturizing and healing properties when applied to skin or hair. Learn all about where it’s from, why it is good for skin, how it is used and so much more.
Knowledge To Know
제품 샘플이 효과를 거두는 이유 제품 샘플링은 신제품을 소개하고, 고객 충성도를 생성 유지하며, 소비자들이 구매 하기 전 제품을 시험적으로 사용해볼 수 있는 방법을 제공함으로써 매출 증대에 도움을 줄 수 있는 궁극적인 마케팅 방법이다.
Rough Isn’t Rugged in The Importance of Keeping Your OTC/Beauty Men’s Skin ������������������������������������� 36 Supply Store Clean and Orderly ������������������������ 58 by Joshua Fox, M.D. Yes, this is the year-end themed issue, but whenever we can fit men’s beauty information in the mix we take the opportunity. Especially with the harsh winter weather in full swing, men must be on the lookout to ensure their skin is in tip-top shape.
거친 것이 남성의 얼굴을 강하게 보이는 것은 아니다. 연말 특집으로 남성들의 피부에 관한 기사를 다루어 보았다. 피부는 겨울철에 더욱 손상되기 쉽기 때문에 특별한 관리가 필요하다.
by Ted Fishman The appearance of your store when a customer first enters it is very important. A neat, well organized store tells your customer that this is a store where the owner takes pride in his business and dedicates time to making sure that the products sold here are clean, fresh and well maintained.
OTC 미용 재료 매장을 깨끗하고 정돈된 상태로 유지하는 것의 중요성 고객이 당신의 매장으로 처음 걸어 들어올 때의 매장 모습은 아주 중요하다. 깔끔하고 잘 정돈된 매장은 주인이 자신의 비즈니스에 자부심을 갖고 깨끗하고 신선하며 잘 관리된 제품을 판매하기 위해 시간을 아끼지 않고 노력하고 있음을 고객들에게 말해주는 것이다.
Manufacturer Profile Post Take-Down Rules for Flawless Hair and Scalp �������������� 40 The Stephan Company �������������������������������������������� 70 by Marleena Mitchell The popularity of braids and weaves may be at an all-time high. Ladies love the versatility of these protective styles, and who can blame them? Although these protective styles have been known to promote growth, proper care after a take-down is critical to maintaining the health of your hair and scalp. There are rules that must be followed, and they are discussed here.
완벽한 모발과 두피를 위한 Take-down(착용한 인조 모발을 제거하거나 브레이드를 푸는 것) 이후의 규칙 브레이드와 위빙의 인기가 아마 사상 최고에 이를 것이다. 여성들은 이런 보호용 스타일의 다양성을 좋아하며, 또한 누가 그들을 비난할 수가 있을까? 비록 이런 보호용 스타일들이 성장을 촉진하는 것으로 알려져 왔지만, 제거 이후의 적절한 관리는 모발과 두피 건강을 유지하는데 중요한 영향을 미친다. 반드시 따라야 하는 규칙들이 있고, 그러한 것들을 다루어 보았다.
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
To say the beauty industry is interesting can be a bit of an understatement. Susan Fahey, Director of Marketing for the Stephan Company shared her opinion on what makes it so fascinating: “I love that it is ever-changing—it keeps you on your toes! The challenge however, is to meet the current needs of the beauty industry, while remaining one step ahead of the next new trend!” If you ask us, it looks like this company is doing a great job of that. The Stephan Company 미용업계가 흥미롭다고만 말하는 것은 약간은 절제된 표현일 수도 있다. Stephan Company 의 마케팅 이사인Susan Fahey는 미용업계를 매혹적으로 만드는 것에 관한 그녀의 의견을 우리와 공유하였다. “나는 미용업계가 끊임없이 변화한다는 것이 좋습니다- 그것은 당신을 항상 움직이게 만들죠! 도전은 한 단계 앞서 다음 새로운 트랜드를 유지하는 동시에, 미용업계의 현재의 요구를 충족하는 것입니다!” 이 회사는 이런 것에 있어서는 일을 아주 잘 해나가고 있는 듯 보인다.
Ann Jhin
Haley McNeal
Korean News Editor:
Tony Bae
Earl Cole
Art Director:
Advertising & Sales Coordinator:
Contributing Writers:
Ted Fishman Joshua Fox, M.D. Cyrus Jackson Bruce E. Katz Sonja Mair Marleena Mitchell Eileen Mngumi Scott Petinga Will Williams
Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson
To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Editorial Letter
Farewell ‘14 굿바이 2014 Just as you wrap up gifts for your friends and loved ones at Christmastime, we are wrapping up yet another fantastic year here at OTC Beauty Magazine. For the past 11 months we have been proud to bring you the latest in products, news, updates, show coverage and so much more. We thank you for letting us be your go-to guide for all things beautiful.
Seeing as there is so much excitement and activities
going on at the end of the year, we have dedicated this issue to being a melting pot of ideas and topics. Product sampling, the low-down on tattoo care, scalp and hair care and why keeping your store clean and organized is important—we really reached far and wide for article subjects this month. Don’t flip past the Marketplace section either; it contains an array of products that are great to offer your customers both now and in the New Year. (We even picked a few of our favorites and featured them in the Staff Picks section on page 86!)
As always you can rely on the Industr y News section to
have the latest in breaking beauty and barber business news. We also cover the Taliah Waajid Fall Show that was recently held in Atlanta, Ga.
Don’t think that just because the year is coming to an
end we have slowed down. We are continuing to work hard, straight into 2015.
사랑하는 사람들과 친구들을 위해 크리스마스 선물을 포장하는 것처럼, 우리 OTC 뷰티 매거진에서는 또 다른 멋진 한 해를 아직 마무리하고 있는 중에 있습니다. 지난 11개월 동안, 우리는 여러분에게 가장 최신의 제품과 뉴스, 새로운 소식들, 그 외 많은 것들을 제공하고 선보인 것에 자부심을 가져왔습니다. 우리 매거진을 미용 전반에 관한 여러분의 지침서가 될 수 있게 해 준 것에 감사함을 느낍니다. 한 해를 마무리하면서 수많은 흥미로운 것들과 다양한 활동들이 있다는 것을 볼 수 있으며, 우리는 이번 호가 여러 가지 아이디어와 주제들이 녹아 있는 용광로가 될 수 있도록 노력을 기울였습니다. 제품 샘플링, 문신 관리 및 두피, 헤어 관리에 관한 심도있는 정보, 그리고 매장의 청결과 정돈 상태가 중요한 이유 – 이번 호에는 정말이지 아주 넓고 다양한 내용들이 포함되어 있습니다. 마켓 플레이스 섹션 또한 그냥 지나치지 마세요. 고객들에게 지금부터 새해까지 제공하기에 아주 좋은 다양한 제품들의 소개가 포함되어 있습니다. (편집자 추천 섹션 페이지 86 에서는 우리가 가장 좋아하고 특징있는 몇 가지 제품들도 선별해 보았습니다!) 언제나 그랬듯이, 업계 비즈니스 뉴스에 관한 최신 정보를 얻고자 한다면 업계 뉴스 섹션을 참조하시면 됩니다. 또한 최근 애틀랜타에서 개최된Taliah Waajid 가을 쇼에 관해서도 다루고 있습니다. 한 해가 마무리되고 있어서 우리 매거진 역시 한가해질 것이라고는 생각하지 마세요. 저희는 2015년을 향해 멈추지 않고 열심히 달리고 있습니다.
Editor, 10
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine
Expert Advice by Scott Petinga
Helping Professionals Take Leaps of Faith As a former Marine, cancer survivor and highly successful entrepreneur, I’ve learned a thing or two about risk. If you’re ready to take a leap and change things for the better, here’s some wisdom to get you started:
1. Realize you take risks every day. Getting up, answering the phone, and heading out the door are all risks, albeit minor ones. However, every time you do those things you’re putting yourself out there—you’re even risking rejection daily in your professional and personal life. You do these things every day and survive. Trust me, it won’t kill you. You are very capable of risk taking. Now it’s time to ramp it up. You’ve already got a toe in the water so jumping in the rest of the way isn’t as big a shock. Taking risks is a state of mind. Knowing you can do it on a small scale makes it a lot easier to start taking risks on a larger one. 2. Find comfort in the uncomfortable. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. You don’t have to go sky diving or base jumping—although you certainly can if you want—but you do have to go beyond doing what you’re used to doing and stretch out into new territory. Learn where you’re most comfortable, most skilled, and most proficient—then step right past that to a place where you feel the most uncomfortable, the most uncertain, and the most unsure of yourself. That’s where the real progress begins. Consider any world class athlete, artist or entrepreneur. No matter what their area of expertise, they put in the hours and continually push the limits to achieve beyond what anyone thought possible. You don’t break world records—or break out of ruts—without making that push. 12
OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December December 2014 2008 OTC
3. Risk it right now. At this very moment you have everything you need. Sound impossible? It happens to be true; you just may not appreciate it. Do you have food, clothing and shelter? Then you have everything you need and, once you live by this simple philosophy, taking risks becomes far easier. The most important part of this notion is that most business opportunities don’t wait around, so take action now. Don’t make the mistake of waiting on someone or something to come along to make taking that leap of faith more viable. “Perfect timing” is a fallacy—there are few, if any, such moments in life. Don’t wait so long that you can’t take a risk even when you want to, only to be consumed with remorse for what “could have been.” Now is the time to capitalize on opportunities that are present. 4. Do your own thing and do it your way. The concept of going your own way and doing your own thing is not new. The problem is most people don’t do it because it bucks tradition and goes against the grain, and frankly, it scares most people. But on the other hand, it can provide you with a lot of freedom, and provide you a life-long exemption from blindly or reluctantly following protocol. Mavericks live according to their own agenda and goals and, even in the corporate world, there is more latitude to blaze new trails in business than you might think. The key is to look at each task for the opportunities they present. Sure, there may be a “perfectly fine” or traditional way of doing something to achieve a good result, but when you have a better approach or process in mind that can achieve an even more desirable result, it may just be time to go that route. In today’s cutthroat culture, originality is perhaps your greatest gift. Use it. 5. Fail. Don’t just give yourself permission to fail. Actually fail. Go out there and fall on your face. It’s the only way you’re really going to learn anything. The lessons you learn from those failures will be the ones that propel you to success. Here’s an idea: try living life like a two year old. In other words, fall down often, make mistakes and occasionally be defiant. Children are extremely resilient and, as adults, we lose this enviable quality. Throughout our career we proverbially fall down, get bruised and even skin our knees. We might even literally shed a few tears, but perseverance and tenacity, honed with hindsight-based perspective so as to not repeat the same mistakes, are key to staying the course up the ladder of achievement. 6. Repeat. Taking risks is not a “one and done” proposition. It takes tenacity, the ability to keep forging ahead, trying new things, and pushing past obstacles to achieve results. Tenacity determines how hard we fight for our dreams. A tenacious person never has to look back at all the missed opportunities. Once you take that first dive off the edge of the cliff, subsequent dives become a lot easier. In fact, they become a way of life. After experiencing the exhilaration and ROI of risk taking, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.
Scott Petinga is Chairman and CEO of The Scott Petinga Group. He is a pioneer in developing businesses with lasting impact in the fields of communications, sustainable real estate, business acceleration and philanthropy. Through his flagship company AKQURACY—a full-service, data-fueled communications agency—he earned a spot on the prestigious 2012 Inc. magazine list of fastestgrowing private companies. He may be reached online at December2008 2014 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December
OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December December2008 2014
December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine
Stock up for the se
ne lec
co w
We nti
New Year
gt he ye uc tio c ar ele ts. ni s br Ma su ate tron k p es gb -to he the ur -da y ad b ey te e int s ou ti a ot n he s you r pr o Ne du ge w tr ct Ye e ad ar. yt o pr
Strengthen Bonds
Carrot Defense
Dark spots and uneven skin tone do not stand a chance against the Aliya Paris Carrot Intense Serum. This lightening serum fights discoloration with the power of carrot oil, leaving skin even and clear.
Awesome Argan Oil
Having trouble keeping every hair in place all throughout the day? Let Ampro Pro Styl Argan Oil Gel help. It provides hair with a firm, non-greasy hold. Enhanced with Argan Oil, this gel moisturizes hair and does not flake. It is alcohol, paraben and protein free!
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Create a stronger bond between Infinity Hair Fibers and thinning hair with Infinity Fiber Locking Spray. This fine mist finishes off the perfect look after fiber application, keeping the natural look in place all day long.
Shine On Chemist Knows Best
For frizz-free hair, the chemist gives the following orders: simply apply Hair Mask for Frizzy Hair with Shea Butter to clean, wet hair. Comb it through completely and leave it in for 7 minutes before rinsing thoroughly. No heat is required, and it is not intended for use more than two times a week. Follow these instructions and this intensive hair repair formula will restore softness and shine.
Discover the benefits of ionic technology with the Cricket 5125i Ionic Professional Hair Dryer. Infuse hair with moisture and shine while reducing static electricity with this amazing, professional quality tool. Healthy looking hair that is full of shine and body awaits!
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Pure Gold
Be sure to stock your shelves with this popular favorite of the Fair and White line—Gold Hand Cream with Argan Oil. The intensive hand cream treatment is formulated with Glycerin and Argan Oil to deeply penetrate and restore moisture, leaving hands soft, smooth and protected. Don’t let winter wreak havoc on skin.
Soft & Curly
Make beautiful curls appear right before your eyes with Taliah Waajid Kinky, Wavy, Natural Soft & Curly. This light, alcohol-free moisturebased condition-filled styling jelly defines curls and waves, leaving hair with great shine and frizz-free curls. It is recommended for use on medium to large curl patterns. Combat dull, dry hair today!
Shimmering Shine
Bonfi Natural’s Oil Free Mega Shine contains a unique special light complex of ingredients that was formulated to impart the highest shine possible on human and synthetic hair. It penetrates quickly so that the hair retains freedom of movement without the heavy greasy feel. It also decreases inner fiber friction to ease combing and minimize breakage.
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
The Essence of Gold
Seal in vital moisture, repel humidity, reduce frizz and produce unmatched conditioning and shine while straightening hair with the FHI Heat Essence 1” Golden Titanium Professional Hair Straightener. With a wide range of adjustable temperatures and Golden titanium plates, it smoothes and straightens coarse, highly textured hair with ease—perfect!
Power of 3
Shea, Coconut and Macadamia Oils—Curl MAX Power of 3 Finishing Hair Oil combines the power of these three great ingredients. This lightweight serum instantly moisturizes and absorbs, leaving hair smooth, shiny and frizz-free.
Pamper with Palmer’s
Nourish and repair dry, frizzy hair with Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula Strengthening Leave-In Conditioner. This enriched, lightweight spray helps control frizz, adds shine, reduces split ends, detangles and acts as a heat protectant from styling damage. Feel free to use this product that works great on dry or wet hair daily.
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
How should you sell it? Courtesy of the American Academy of Dermatology
This month’s focus is...
Tattoo Care!
Tattoos are a popular way to change your appearance and express yourself. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, more than a third of Americans ages 18 to 25 have a tattoo, and about 40 percent of Americans ages 26 to 40 have tattoos. Here, board-certified dermatologist Bruce E. Katz, MD, FAAD—who maintains a private practice in New York City—shares insight on how to correctly care for this body art.
What are some ways customers can keep their tattoos looking their best? “As a permanent and often pricey form of body art, tattoos are an investment. In order to protect that investment, it’s important to take steps to keep tattooed skin healthy and vibrant. 1. If tattooed skin feels dry, apply a water-based lotion or cream to the tattoo. Petroleum-based products, such as petroleum jelly, can cause the ink to fade. 2. Protect tattoos from the sun. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light can fade some tattoo inks and increase one’s risk for getting skin cancer. When in the sun, protect tattooed skin by applying a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or more. Apply the sunscreen 15 minutes before going outside and reapply at least every two hours. 3. Stay out of tanning beds and away from sunlamps. These devices may also fade the ink in tattoos and increase the risk of skin cancer. In some people, the UV light may also react with the tattoo ink, causing a painful skin reaction. 4. See a board-certified dermatologist if a skin reaction occurs or if tattooed skin changes in any way. The skin may have a bad reaction to the ink in a tattoo. This can happen immediately after getting a tattoo or years later. A change could also be a sign of skin disease. A dermatologist can diagnose what’s happening and treat it. 5. When considering a new tattoo, consider getting it on skin that is free of moles. A tattoo can make it more difficult to see the earliest signs of skin cancer. When caught early, skin cancer (including melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer) is highly treatable. If you have questions about tattoos or if you or your customers no longer want a tattoo, speak with a dermatologist. Although many tattoo removal kits are available online, these products are not regulated by the FDA and have led to permanent skin injuries. A dermatologist can provide safe options for removing an unwanted tattoo.” (The “Tattoos: How to Care” video is posted to the Academy website ( and the Academy’s YouTube channel. This video is part of the Dermatology A to Z: Video Series, which offers relatable videos that demonstrate tips people can use to properly care for their skin, hair and nails. A new video in the series posts to the Academy’s website and YouTube channel each month.)
If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the January issue! 24
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Bruce E. Katz, MD, FAAD Dermatologist, Private Practitioner
어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...
문신 관리! 문신은 당신의 외적인 모습을 바꾸고 스스로를 표현하는데 인기있는 방법이다. Pew Research Center에 따르면 사실상, 18-25세 미국인들의 1/3 이상이 문신을 갖고 있으며, 26-40세 미국인들의 거의 40% 정도가 문신을 하고 있다고 한다. 여기, 피부과 전문의로 뉴욕에서 병원을 운영하고 있는Bruce E. Katz, MD, FAAD가 이 바디 아트를 올바르게 관리하는 방법을 알려준다.
고객들이 자신의 문신을 가장 최고의 상태로 유지할 수 있는 방법은 무엇일까? “영구적이며 종종 값비싼 형태이기도 한 바디 아트로서, 문신은 일종의 투자이다. 이러한 투자를 보호하기 위해서는, 문신을 한 피부를 건강하고 생기있게 유지할 수 있는 방법을 택하는 것이 중요하다.” 1. 문신한 피부가 건조하게 느껴지면, 수용성 로션이나 크림을 문신 부위에 발라준다. 바세린과 같은 지용성 제품들은 잉크를 변색시킬 수도 있다. 2. 태양 광선으로부터 문신을 보호하라. 자외선에 문신을 노출하게 되면 일부 문신 잉크가 변색될 수 있으며 피부암의 위험을 증가시킬 수도 있다. 외출 시에는, 넓은 스펙트럼의 자외선 차단 지수가 30 이상되는 선스크린을 문신한 피부에 발라준다. 외출15분 전에 자외선 차단제를 바르고 최소 2시간마다 다시 발라준다. 3. 태닝이나 태양등(인공적으로 피부를 태우거나 할 때 쓰는)을 멀리하라. 이런 장치들은 문신의 잉크를 변색시킬 수도 있고 피부암의 위험도 증가시킨다. 일부 사람들은, 자외선에도 문신의 잉크가 반응하여, 고통스러운 피부 반응을 일으키기도 한다. 4. 피부 반응이 발생하거나 어떤 식으로든 문신한 피부가 변할 경우, 피부 전문의와 상담해라. 피부는 문신 잉크에 좋지 않은 반응을 일으킬 수도 있다. 이런 현상은 문신을 한 즉시 나타나기도 하지만, 수년 후에 나타날 수도 있다. 변화는 피부 질환의 사인이 될 수가 있다. 피부과 전문의들은 이것이 무엇인지 진단하고 치료할 수가 있다. 5. 새로운 문신을 고려 중일 때는, 점이나 반점이 없는 부위에 해야 한다. 문신은 피부암의 초기 사인을 식별하기 어렵게 만들 수가 있다. 일찍 발견이 되면, 피부암(흑색종을 포함한 피부암의 치명적인 형태)은 거의 치료가능하다. 문신에 관한 질문이 있거나 더이상 문신을 원하지 않는 경우라면, 피부과 전문의와 상의해라. 비록 문신 제거 제품들이 온라인으로 다양하게 구매 가능하지만, 이런 제품들은 FDA에 의해 규제되지 않고 있거나, 영구적인 피부 손상을 초래할 수 있다. 피부과 전문의들은 원치 않는 문신을 제거하는 안전한 방법을 제공할 수가 있다. (“문신: 관리 방법” 비디오는 아카데미 웹사이트(와 유투브 채널에 게시되고 있다. 이 비디오는 피부과 A to Z의 일부이다: 피부, 헤어, 손톱의 적절한 관리를 위해 사용할 수 있는 방법들을 제시하는 비디오 시리즈. 이 시리즈의 새로운 영상은 매달 아카데미 웹사이트와 유투브 채널에 게시된다). 이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 1월호에 게재됩니다!
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Bruce E. Katz, MD, FAAD Dermatologist, Private Practitioner
July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine
by Eileen Mngumi
y l n
o m m o C d e k s A
Questions about
Shea Butter What is Shea Butter? Shea Butter is a natural, oil-rich substance that has remarkable moisturizing and healing properties when applied to skin or hair. Where does Shea Butter come from? Shea Butter is extracted from the nut-like seeds of the Shea tree, which is also known as the Karite tree and by many other local names in the African countries where it is found. The scientific name of the Shea tree is Vitellaria paradoxa and there is also an important subspecies called Vitellaria nilotica. The tree is adapted to growing in the dry Savannah regions of Africa that stretch right across the continent from Senegal in the West to Sudan in the East. Why is Shea Butter so good for the skin? Modern scientific analysis has been able to explain what African women have always known—that Shea Butter is excellent for protecting, nourishing, soothing and healing the skin. Along with high levels of moisturizing oils, its many natural ingredients include antioxidants such as vitamin A, vitamin E and catechins, anti-inflammatory agents, and lupeol, which can slow the effects of skin aging by inhibiting enzymes that damage skin proteins. Shea Butter has been proven to stimulate skin cell regeneration, and improve the skin’s elasticity. It even has its own built-in sunscreen in the form of cinnamic acid, which can absorb some ultraviolet radiation. 30
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
How is Shea Butter used? Shea Butter can be used for all the family’s skincare needs. It is mild enough to be used on newborn babies, can improve the appearance of a teenager’s acne, and works wonders on dry, mature skin. Heat softens Shea Butter, so warming it by rubbing a little in the hands before applying makes it more easily absorbed into the skin. Shea Butter can be used: • as an everyday moisturizer to keep skin soft and supple. • to soothe and encourage healing of bruises, minor cuts and rashes. • to intensively treat dry, rough skin on hands, elbows, knees or feet. • to prevent stretch marks and help scars to fade. • to strengthen cuticles and nails. • when massaging aching joints and muscles. • to reduce irritation after shaving. • as a moisturizing hair treatment. • to smooth out wrinkles and promote even skin tone. • for adding to your bath so you can enjoy its benefits all over, while relaxing! Can Shea Butter help my skin problem? If you have a serious skin disorder you should seek medical advice to have it properly diagnosed and treated. Shea Butter cannot cure dermatitis, eczema, acne or psoriasis, but many people find it useful in controlling these conditions. It can reduce itching and inflammation and its moisturizing properties help to heal dry, cracked skin. Pure, unrefined Shea Butter is recommended for sensitive skin that shows allergic reactions to other skin care products. It also soothes chapped skin, grazes and minor burns, including sunburn. What is the difference between refined and unrefined Shea Butter? Refined Shea Butter is extracted with the use of chemical solvents and high temperatures. The end product is white and odorless, and is mostly used in the food industry. It can contain chemical residues and has much reduced levels of beneficial ingredients. Unrefined Shea Butter is produced using traditional methods. After being removed from the fruit, the Shea nuts are boiled, sun-dried, milled using simple machinery and then kneaded to produce a smooth, beige colored butter with a nutty scent. This process is labor intensive and time-consuming but it preserves as much as possible of the Shea Butter’s therapeutic qualities. What are the differences between East African and West African Shea Butter? All pure, unrefined Shea Butter is good for the skin, but that produced in East Africa is usually softer at room temperature and more easily absorbed into the skin. It also has a lighter scent, and its unique fatty acid profile helps the skin to retain its elasticity more efficiently. Far less Shea Butter is produced in the East, so it is not always easy to obtain, but different marketing and distribution methods mean that the women farmers who produce East African Shea Butter receive a larger share of the profits than those working in West Africa. Can Shea Butter be mixed with other ingredients? Yes. Shea Butter can be used on its own or combined with other ingredients, such as essential oils, to add different but complementary qualities. Is Shea Butter production environmentally friendly? Yes, if the end product has not been industrially refined. The Shea trees are not cultivated in large plantations. They grow wild and the seedlings germinate naturally. They can live for 300 years, but do not start producing fruit until they are 15 to 20 years old. The trees are not only valued for their highly nutritious fruits and Shea Butter, but also as a source of high quality charcoal. When clearing land for agriculture some trees are cut down, but villagers have always tried to protect those that yield the best fruit. In areas where Shea Butter production has been encouraged as a source of income, the trees have become an even more valuable asset and more are being conserved. Traditional methods of processing Shea Butter have little environmental impact and the waste products are used as fertilizer, used to waterproof mud walls and are burnt as fuel. Can vegans use Shea Butter? Shea Butter is a natural plant product so it is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. Shea Butter is not tested on animals. Article courtesy of You can find the article at: skin-care-articles/commonly-asked-questions-about-shea-butter-1609513.html
Eileen Mngumi is the founder of Tausi Signature, a UK-based cottage industry producer of Shea Butter skin care products which promotes fair trade values. Shea Butter has amazing natural protective and skin healing properties which take it realms beyond any other moisturizing product. Tausi Signature products use pure, unrefined East African Shea Butter; much softer and more delicately scented than its West African counterpart. Find Tausi Signature on Facebook! December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014
April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Knowledge to Know by Joshua Fox, M.D.
Rough Isn’t Rugged in Men’s Skin Tips on Easy Skin Maintenance for Men
거친 것이 남성의 얼굴을 강하게 보이는 것은 아니다. 손쉬운 남성 피부 관리 방법 The days when skin care was just for women are long gone. But even though men shave daily—and commit common mistakes that can contribute to an unhealthy appearance—rough and irritated skin isn’t inevitable. For decades, skin care was something in which only women seemed interested. But recent years have witnessed a surge in men of all ages who realize that their fathers’ bare-bones routine of nicking their faces with razors and splashing on stinging aftershave just doesn’t cut it anymore. A lot of men don’t properly prepare their face to be shaved or do what’s needed to keep razor burn and bumps at bay. They may use a dull razor blade or shave with only a meager layer of foam or gel, but a little extra effort can restore the ‘rugged’ while banishing the ‘rough.’
스킨 케어가 단지 여성들을 위한 것인 시대는 지났다. 그러나 남성들은 심지어 매일 면도를 하면서도 거칠고 손상된 피부의 건강하지 않은 외관을 만드는 일 반적인 실수를 불가피하게 저지른다. 수십 년 동안, 스킨 케어는 단지 여성들만 관심을 보이는 것으로 여 겨졌다. 그러나 최근 몇 년 동안, 면도칼로 자신의 얼굴에 상처를 만들고 애프 터 쉐이브를 바르면서 따끔함을 느끼는 아버지들의 일상적인 면도를 목격한 모든 연령대의 남성들이 급증하고 있음을 목격했다. 많은 남성들은 면도를 위 해 자신의 얼굴을 적절하게 준비하지 않거나 지속적으로 면도칼 상처를 만들 기만 한다. 그들은 아마도 무뎌진 면도칼을 사용하거나 면도용 젤이나 폼을 충 분히 바르지 않고 면도를 한다, 그러나 약간의 노력은 ‘거침’을 제거하는 동안 ‘강인함’을 복원할 수 있다.
First steps toward handsome, healthy skin for men A close, smooth shave actually starts well before the task begins—ideally in the shower, where a steam-rich environment opens pores and softens stubble. A worthwhile step for men—one that women discovered long ago—is using an exfoliating-rich scrub on their faces before shaving. Exfoliation frees ingrown hairs and gets rid of dead skin cells that might otherwise hinder facial cleanser or soap from reaching the skin layers below. It’s better to use a soap specifically labeled as a “facial cleanser” rather than standard-issue soap, since it does a better job of moisturizing and keeping skin damage leading to premature wrinkling at bay. After washing the face (whether in the shower or sink), don’t towel-dry. Instead, leave it damp and apply a liberal amount of gel or foam,
잘 생기고 건강한 남성 피부를 위한 첫 단계 최대한 가까이 근접해서 부드럽게 면도하는 것은 실제로는 작업을 시작하기 전에 좋은 출발이 된다 – 이상적인 것은 샤워 중, 스팀으로 충분히 모공이 열 리고 수염이 부드러워질 때이다. 남성들을 위한 아주 중요한 단계는 – 여성들이 오래전에 발견한 것 – 면도 전에 각질 제거 스크럽을 얼굴에 사용하는 것이다. 각질 제거제는 안쪽 으로 자란 수염을 바깥으로 드러나게 하며 얼굴 세안제나 비누가 피부층 아래 로 도달하는 것을 방해하는 죽은 피부 세포를 제거한다. 일반적인 비누보다 “ 얼굴 세안제”로 표시된 비누를 사용하는 것이 좋다, 왜냐하면 이런 제품들은 보습 작용이 더 좋고 주름으로 이어질 수 있는 피부 손상을 방지하는데 도움이 되기 때문이다. 세안 후에는 (샤워를 하든 세면대에서 씻든), 수건으로 닦지 않는다.
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
K-t-K massaging it into the skin. With a high-quality razor, shave the flatter parts of the face (sides and sideburns) first, moving to the upper lip, chin and ear area afterward. By leaving difficult-to-shave areas until last, men allow the shaving product plenty of time to soften the stubble on these parts. Can’t-fail extra efforts and tips for smoother skin The after-shave your dad used likely contained alcohol, which causes stinging, burning and redness. But today, alcohol-free after-shaves are designed to soothe and moisturize the skin; this is exactly what’s needed after exfoliating and shaving. Speaking of moisturizing, that’s another area where men can take a skin care lesson from the ladies… Shaving and exfoliating both strip good oils away as well as dead skin cells, so hydrating the skin afterward is important. Even better, look for a moisturizer with sun protection built right in. After all, women aren’t the only ones who want to keep wrinkles to a minimum for as long as possible. A healthy skin care regimen is just as important for men as it is women, and it only takes a little time and care for men to make sure their skin remains in tip-top condition.
대신, 젖은 상태로 두고 충분한 양의 젤이나 폼으로 피부를 마사지 한다. 고성 능의 면도기로, 얼굴의 평평한 부분부터 먼저 면도를 한다(측면과 구레나룻), 다음으로 입술 위, 턱, 귀 쪽으로 이동한다. 면도가 힘든 부분은 마지막까지 남 겨두면, 면도 제품이 이 부분의 수염을 부드럽게 만들 수 있는 충분한 시간을 주는 것이다. 부드러운 피부를 위해 절대 실패하지 않을 추가적인 노력과 방법들 당신의 아버지가 주로 사용하던 애프터 쉐이브는 따금함과 화끈거림, 피부 발 적을 유발하는 알콜이 포함되어 있었다. 그러나 요즘, 비알콜성 애프터 쉐이브 가 피부를 진정시키고 수분을 공급하도록 설계되고 있다. 이것은 각질 제거와 면도 후 정확히 필요한 것이다. 보습에 관해 말하자면, 이것은 남성들이 여성들 로부터 스킨 케어 수업을 받을 수 있는 또 다른 분야이다. 면도와 각질 제거는 죽은 피부 세포는 물론 좋은 피부 오일까지 벗겨 낸다. 그래서 이후에 피부를 보습하는 것이 중요하다. 이왕이면 자외선 차단 기 능이 내장된 보다 좋은 보습제를 찾아라. 결국, 여성들만 가능한 오래도록 주름 을 최소화하길 원하는 것이 아니다. 건강한 스킨 케어 방법은 여성들뿐 아니라 남성들에게도 중요하며, 그들의 피부를 최상의 상태로 유지하기 위해서는 단지 약간의 시간과 관리가 필요할 뿐이다.
Joshua Fox, M.D., is board certified and specializes in dermatology at Advanced Dermatology P.C., with 13 locations in New York and New Jersey.
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Knowledge to Know by Marleena Mitchell
Post Take-Down Rules for Flawless Hair and Scalp 완벽한 모발과 두피를 위한 Take-down(착용한 인조 모발을 제거하거나 브레이드를 푸는 것) 이후의 규칙 The popularity of braids and weaves may be at an all-time high. Ladies love the versatility of these protective styles, and who can blame them? Waking up “flawless” is a dream that often becomes a reality as quality installs tend to require little maintenance, saving precious time in the morning. Although these protective styles have been known to promote growth, proper care after a take-down is critical to maintaining the health of your hair and scalp. There are rules that must be followed: Post Take-Down Rules 1. Wash and deep condition hair 2. Wait a minimum of two weeks before applying relaxer But why should we follow these rules? Can any harm actually come to those who opt to relax immediately after rocking braids or weaves? In a word, ABSOLUTELY! Breaking post take-down rules and relaxing your hair without proper cleansing, conditioning and rest can have very real consequences. Read on to find out what can happen. 브레이드와 위빙의 인기가 아마 사상 최고에 이를 것이다. 여성들은 이런 보호 용 스타일의 다양성을 좋아하며, 또 누가 그들을 비난할 수가 있을까? 이런 제 품들이 약간의 관리로 소중한 아침 시간을 절약할 수 있도록 잘 착용되었다면 “흠 잡을 때 없이 완벽함”으로 일어나는 것이 실현될 수 있을 거라는 꿈에서 깨 어나라. 비록 이런 보호용 스타일들이 성장을 촉진하는 것으로 알려져 왔지만, 제거 이후의 적절한 관리는 모발과 두피 건강을 유지하는데 중요한 영향을 미 친다. 반드시 따라야하는 규칙들이 있다: Take-down이후 규칙 1. 머리를 감고 딥 컨디션하기 2. 릴렉서를 하려면 최소 2주 이상 기다리기 그러나 왜 우리는 이 규칙을 따라야만 할까? 브레이드나 위빙을 제거한 즉시 릴렉서를 사용하면 실제로 해가 될까? 대답은, 확실히 ‘그렇다’ 이다! 제거 이후 의 규칙을 어기고 적절한 클렌징이나 컨디셔닝, 휴식없이 모발에 릴렉서를 사 40
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
After a take-down, hair is more fragile than usual. That is because braids and weaves can lift the cuticles of the strands, leaving hair more porous. Braids can also rob strands of their elasticity. The hair is stretched to capacity and indentations form where the hair has been pulled and twisted into the braid. These indentations can cause the diameter of the hair to become smaller, nearing the point of breakage in these areas. For these reasons the risk of breakage post take-down is greater than normal. Increased shedding is to be expected due to both fragility and lost time (blame it on all the days your hair didn’t shed while tucked away). So how does hair in this condition respond to relaxer? For any chemical service hair should be as healthy as possible. Hair that is porous, shedding and lacks elasticity may be too fragile to relax without major risks. The lifted cuticles of porous strands leave the hair vulnerable to over processing. Shedding increases the chances of matting and tangling during the relaxer process, which can make it difficult to evenly distribute the relaxer. Loss of elasticity due to braiding leaves hair more susceptible to breakage in areas where the most tension occurred. Washing and deep conditioning the hair post take-down can help restore strand elasticity, smooth the cuticle and limit shedding. Post take-down, the scalp tends to be irritated. Hair is usually under stress at the scalp, which can lead to opened pores. Braids can also cause tiny abrasions on the scalp that are not visible to the naked eye. Take-downs are also known to involve pulling, tugging, combing and scratching. What would happen if relaxer touched a scalp in this condition? Although relaxer is meant to be applied to hair, it typically makes contact with the scalp during the relaxer process. An irritated scalp is more susceptible to burning and possible injury. Applying a relaxer without a proper rest period could force a premature rinse, leaving you with a head full of under processed hair. Waiting the recommended two weeks allows time for the scalp to breathe, heal and return to its normal state. Relaxing hair too soon after a take-down could have grave consequences. Post take-down rules are in place to spare us the heartache and pain that accompanies hair loss and scalp injury. Healthy hair and scalp are the foundation for all fabulous styles. Take good care of them and you’ll always wake up “flawless” – whether you’re weaved, braided or not! 용하면 아주 실질적인 결과를 초래하게 된다. 어떤 일이 일어나게 되는지 잘 읽어봐라. Take-down후, 모발은 평소보다 더욱 부서지기 쉬운 상태가 된다. 이것은 브레이드와 위브가 머리카락의 큐티클을 들어 올려서 모발을 더욱 다공성으로 만들기 때문이다. 브레이드는 또한 머리카락의 탄성을 뺏을 수도 있다. 모발이 브레이드 속으 로 당겨지고 꼬이게 되면 당겨진만큼 늘어나게 된다. 이렇게 당겨진 자국은 모발의 지 름을 축소시키고 이 주변 모발의 손상 지점이 가까워지게 된다. 이런 이유로Takedown후 모발 손상의 위험은 정상보다 커지게 되는 것이다. Shedding(탈모의 일종) 의 증가도 모발의 취약성과 휴지기(당신의 모발이 감춰져있는 동안 저절로 빠지지 못했 던 것을 탓해라) 로 인해 나타날 수가 있다. 그러니 어떻게 이런 상태의 모발이 릴렉서 를 감당할 수가 있겠는가? 어떠한 화학적인 모발 손질을 위해서는 모발이 충분히 건강해야만 한다. 모 발이 다공성이 높고 빠지며 탄력이 부족하다면 너무도 손상이 쉬워서 큰 위험없이 릴렉 서를 적용할 수가 없다. 여기저기 구멍난 머리카락의 들어 올려진 큐티클은 모발이 과 도하게 처리될 만큼 취약하게 하여 릴렉서가 고르게 퍼지지 못하게 한다. Shedding( 휴지기의 모발이 두피 개선 과정이 시작되면서 두피 조직의 이완, 모공 확장에 의해 이 미 죽은 상태로 붙어있다가 떨어지는 현상)은 릴렉서 사용 과정에서 윤기를 없애고 엉 킴 가능성을 증가시켜서, 릴렉서가 골고루 분산되는 것을 어렵게 만든다. 브레이드로 손실된 탄력은 모발을 아주 민감하게 만들어서 가장 많은 당김이 있던 부분에 손상을 초래한다. Take-down후 모발을 감고 딥 컨디셔닝을 하는 것은 머리카락의 탄력 을 복원하고, 큐티클을 부드럽게 하며 Shedding을 제한하는데 도움이 된다. Take-down 후, 두피는 자극을 쉽게 받는다. 모발은 주로 모공을 열 수 있 는 두피로부터 스트레스를 받는다. 브레이드는 또한 두피에 육안으로는 식별이 불가능한 작은 찰과상을 발생시킬 수 있다. Take-down또한 잡아 당김과 빗 질, 긁힘 등이 포함되는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이런 상태의 두피에 릴렉서가 닿 을 경우 어떤 일이 발생할까? 릴렉서는 모발에 적용하는 것을 뜻하지만, 릴렉서를 사용하는 과 정에서 통상적으로 두피와 접촉하게 된다. 민감한 두피는 화끈거릴 수 있고 상처가 날 수도 있다. 적절한 휴식 기간 없이 릴렉서를 사용하는 것은 시기 상조의 린스를 강요하게 되며, 당신의 머리 전체를 손질이 덜 된 상태로 남 겨두게 되는 것이다. 2주 정도의 권장 기간 동안 기다림으로써 두피가 숨을 쉴 수 있고 치료가 되어 정상 상태로 돌아올 수 있는 시간을 주는 것이다. Take-down 후 너무 빨리 릴렉싱이 된 모발은 심각한 결과를 초래할 수가 있다. Take-down 후 규칙들은 탈모와 두피 손상을 동반하는 고통과 상심으 로부터 우리를 쉬게하는데 적절하다. 건강한 모발과 두피는 모든 멋진 스타일의 기본이다. 모발과 두피를 잘 관리한다면 당신은 언제나 “무결점의 완벽함”으로 깨어날 것이다 – 당신이 위빙이나 브레이드를 하고 있건 아니건 상관없이!
Marleena Mitchell, a graduate of the University of Illinois (Urbana-Champagne) has been with Namaste Laboratories LLC for over two years writing across a broad range of areas within both the Sales and Marketing Departments. She is passionate about writing, hair trends, pop culture, fashion and helping women everywhere embrace the beauty of their hair. 42
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Urban Call Briefs by Lafayette Jones
Giving Back to Our Community This month’s edition of Urban Call Briefs features another group of “Role Models Beyond Beauty” who are doing wonderful things in our community. “Role Model-Beyond Beauty” has been a Sophisticates Black Hair Styles and Care Guide magazine feature for more than 25 years. It highlights women of color who have made significant advances in their careers and who have given back to their communities. Nearing its 100th edition, the column has honored black women in a wide range of fields. The column portrait art by commissioned artist Leo Rucker is also an art exhibition of 180 pastel portraits with the Role Model story about these accomplished women and their distinguished careers are in the personal collection of beauty industry leaders Sandra and Lafayette Jones. Visit and the SMSi-Urban Call YouTube Channel ( In August 2013 the Role Model Beyond art portraits and editorial were featured at
Lafayette Jones
the National Black Theater Festival held bi-annually in Winston-Salem, NC where more than 30,000 festival participants had an opportunity to view the exhibition at The Sawtooth School of Visual Art. The column is written by beauty industry and icon, Lafayette Jones and is co-authored by his daughter, Bridgette Miller Jones, who joined as co-columnist five years ago. Bridgette is a 2011 Spelman graduate and now East Carolina School of Dental Medicine candidate (2015). The “Role Model Beyond Beauty” column originally debuted as a touring 180+ piece art collection and exhibition. The expanded exhibition opened for a second year in Winston-Salem, NC, the City of the Arts. Selected pastel portraits of the large collection commissioned by Sandy and Lafayette Jones and illustrated by Artist Extraordinaire Leo Rucker are being shown July 13—August 9, 2015 in the Milton Rhodes Sawtooth. A handful of profiles are included in this OTC Beauty Magazine edition.
Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit
The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and May not be reproduced without written permission from the author. December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Urban Call Briefs Anika Robbins Anika Robbins was raised in Lagos, Nigeria and worked at her parent’s salon, The Lions’s Den Beauty Boutique. It was there, where she was inspired by unique Afro-Eurasian influences, that Robbins received hands-on training in the fashion industry and entertainment industry, which eventually lead her to work as a teen model where she appeared on the covers of magazines and in television commercials. After receiving her high school diploma, Robbins continued her education and earned a Cosmotology degree from Aveda Institute in Minneapolis, MN. Over the years she has traveled with Oprah Winfrey’s “Live Your Best Life” national tour as a makeup artist, in addition to providing makeup and wardrobe services for award winning R&B band Mint Condition. Robbins then launched her signature fashion column in the Minneapolis Spokesman Newspaper and its radio version on the Twin Cities’ KMOJ. Robbins has inspired audiences nationwide with her warmth and passion for total wellness and personal empowerment. She has developed and taught life skills and empowerment programs for numerous community organizations including The Urban League. Robbins has also created her company, Anika & Friends, which has worked with a number of organizations including Clariol Professional and CoverGirl. But what thrills this dynamic talent is the launch of her long awaited makeup line, Anika International Cosmetics. Today Robbins continues to work as a freelance makeup artist and provides hair and make-up services for ShopNBC. When she is not home with her husband, this beauty-dedicated professional teaches modeling and self-esteem, and continues to educate the world on beauty.
LisaRaye McCoy American actress and fashion designer LisaRaye McCoy was born on September 23, 1967 in Chicago, Ill.. After graduating from Eastern Illinois University, she began her career as a model, working for fashion shows in different venues around her hometown. Her first film was in 1996, when she took on a supporting role in the action flick “Reasons.” Since then, she has starred in several films, mostly low-budget ones: “The Players Club,” “The Wood,” “The Cheapest Movie Ever Made,” “ All About You,” “Love Chronicles,” “Go for Broke” and “Civil Brand.” McCoy then joined the cast of the sitcom “All of Us.” This wasn’t her first television role, though; this was preceded by guest roles in “In the House” and “The Parent ‘Hood.” She joined the sitcom in 2003 as Neesee, the self-absorbed ex-wife of lead Robert (Duane Martin) who shares custody over their son Bobby (Khamani Griffin.) Created by Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, the series lasted four seasons but nevertheless had a tumultuous stay, being threatened with cancellation in 2005 before eventually getting axed in 2007. She, however, was nominated for an NAACP Award for the role in the same year. During her stint on the sitcom, McCoy starred in other films, including “Beauty Shop,” “Gang of Roses” and “Envy.” She also provided her voice to a character in the animated television movie “The Proud Family Movie.” Aside from these, she also appeared in several music videos, including Tupac Shakur’s “Toss it Up” and Ludacris’ “Number 1 Spot.” She also collaborated with the rapper Benzino for the song “Would You?” which was released in 2003. In 2005, in a nod to her past as a fashion model, she also launched her own fashion lines: Luxe & Romance, a lin48
OTC Beauty Magazine
December 2014
gerie line which debut in that year’s New York Fashion Week; and Xraye, a jeans line for women. Dubbed “one of Hollywood’s up-and-coming leading ladies,” by Jet magazine, LisaRaye, born Lisa Ray McCoy, never intended to become an actress. She was raised watching her father and mother managing their hotel, and assumed one day she would take her place alongside her parents, helping them with their hotel, and maybe even one day running one of her own. Unfortunately, it wasn’t something that really interested her. “I knew I’d work in my father’s business even though I hated it,” LisaRaye told Upscale Magazine. Because she really did not know what else she could possibly do with her life, she went to college at Eastern Illinois University to study hotel management. It was while she was there, studying things she felt she already knew from having watched her parents doing them for years, that she started modeling. Modeling was something that LisaRaye was good at and that she enjoyed. “I like the all-eyes-on-me type of thing,” she told Jet. And she certainly seemed to be having an early success, showing up on the covers of such publications as Brides magazine, Ebony, Being There, and After 5, as well as appearing in advertisements for Johnson Publishing Company’s Supreme Beauty Products. She was worried about what her parents would think about her sidestep from the hotel business, but her parents were very supportive, and LisaRaye started modeling more and more. It wasn’t until her father’s early death, however, that she seriously started thinking about what she wanted to do with her life and came to grips with the fact that she did not want to run hotels for a living. When she found out that she was pregnant, LisaRaye started to take her modeling career seriously and really start working on it. “After I had Kai (her daughter),” she told Upscale, “I started taking life seriously. I knew I had to set a strong example for her.” And her new serious frame of mind definitely paid off. Within a short span of time she was getting more and better work, and it wasn’t long before she was hired as the spokeswoman for Courvoisier Cognac. She also appeared in Tupac Shakur’s video, “Toss It Up.” It was her hard work and the success of her modeling career that eventually led to her screen debut. Her modeling brought her to the attention of long-time Spike Lee producer Monty Ross who offered her a part in the 1996 film “Reasons,” that he directed. “’Reasons’ was my acting start,” she told Upscale, “Although the film didn’t get distribution, because of his contacts, Ross was able to show the film to everyone in Hollywood, and they all wanted to know who the fresh face was.” Ross, impressed by her acting in “Reasons,” advised LisaRaye to visit Hollywood during the TV pilot season. Fresh from the excitement of her first feature film, which she very much enjoyed making, she decided to go. Although she was not hired for any of the new pilots airing that season, LisaRaye quickly realized that she had found her new home. Once there LisaRaye managed relatively quickly to obtain guest spots on shows such as “Martin,” “In the House,” “The American Way,” and the TV movie “The Father Clements Story.” This brought her even more vividly to the attention of important Hollywood moguls and led to her first big role as Diamond/Diana Armstrong in the 1998 film “The Player’s Club.” The New Line Cinema movie, directed by Ice Cube, told the story of a young single mother who takes on a job as a stripper to pay her way through college. LisaRaye’s performance was dubbed “persuasively feisty” by Variety, and was received favorably. It was this part that paved the way for LisaRaye’s grand entrance into the first glimmerings of Hollywood stardom. Next, according to LisaRaye’s official web site, she was slated to start filming a movie called “Civil Brand,” a film about abuse in women’s prisons. And that is most definitely not the end of LisaRaye’s raid of Hollywood. On the horizon there are two more movies scheduled for release: “Rhapsody” and “The Cheapest Movie Ever Made.” Things have been going very well for the hotel proprietor turned model turned actress, and there is plenty more to come. LisaRaye told Jet that she would love to do action
films (Pam Greer is one of her idols). She would also love to work with Jada Pinkett Smith, Samuel L. Jackson, Laurence Fishburne, Spike Lee, and Angela Bassett. Whatever she does, however, she definitely wants to continue acting as long as she enjoys what she’s doing. “When I don’t have a ball and all of this stops being fun for me,” she told Jet magazine, “then I’ll say I don’t want to do this anymore.” For a woman who admitted that she “gets a lot of love” from her fans, it is to be hoped that that day is a long time coming.
1961. Her success as a solo artist started in 1983 when she released her hit album “I’m in Love Again.” Going out on the road, the BlueBelles earned national fame at The Apollo Theater in Harlem, NY where they became “Apollo Sweethearts.” The group also enjoyed modest success with remakes of songs such as “You’ll Never Walk Alone” and “SomeMrs. Bronner where Over the Rainbow,” and their balRobbie Bronner, a native of Forsyth, Ga., lad “Down the Aisle (The Wedding Song)” is known as the matriarch of the Bronner became a top 40 hit. Yet nothing compared to family. Now retired, for over thirty years their early success. In 1967, Cindy Birdsong this amazing woman served as Secretary/ left the group to join forces with Diana Ross and the Supremes. MeanTreasurer for the Bronner Bros. Company while, the remaining members of the BlueBelles tried to pull out of their Inc. Mrs. Robbie Bronner is the widow of musical slump. the late Nathaniel H. Bronner, Sr., founder In 1970, unable to recreate their early success, the BlueBelles were of Bronner Bros. Company, Inc. In 1947 Nadropped from their label and abandoned by their managers. Patti turned to thaniel H. Bronner and Arthur E. Bronner, promoter Vicki Wickham for help with their antiquated image. Under WickSr. borrowed $200 against the family farm to ham’s management, the group changed their name to the edgier “LaBelle,” start their business. Through the years Bronaltered their fashion to reflect the 70s glam rock era, and pushed the limits ner Bros. Company, Inc. has evolved and with their lyrics and music. After releasing several albums on the Warner grown. Today it is an international leader in the beauty products industry. Bros. label, their 1974 release Nightbirds finally caught on with listeners. The family enterprise consists of Bronner Bros. Beauty Cosmetics (includThe first single off the album, “Lady Marmalade,” about a seductress in New ing BB, African Royale and Nu Expressions product lines, Cottonwood Hot Orleans, became the group’s first No. 1 hit in 12 years. Springs Spa and Motel in Alabama, Bronner Brothers International Hair In response to the album’s success, LaBelle began a whirlwind Shows, The Word of Faith Family Worship Center (headed by Bishop Dale tour, becoming the first group to play at the Metropolitan Opera House, Bronner with 9,000 members), The Ark of Salvation Worship Center where and the first black vocal group to land the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. Nathaniel, Charles and James Bronner are ministers, and Upscale magazine. Yet, underneath the success, there was a layer of tension within the group Bronner Brothers employs over 300 full time and part time staff who operover musical direction. In 1977, after creative differences, the group split ate two manufacturing facilities, two beauty supply stores, a hair weaving up to focus on solo projects. studio, public relations office and corporate headquarters in Marietta, Ga. Patti LaBelle released her eponymous solo debut in 1977, which Annually, the Bronner Bros. International Hair shows generate more than received critical acclaim. In 1982, after the moderate success of albums $50 million and attract more than 60,000 beauty professionals to Atlanta’s such as Tasty (1978) and Released (1980), LaBelle recorded the ballad Georgia World Congress in February and August. The year 2015 will mark “The Best is Yet to Come”, which reached No. 14 on the R&B chart, and the 77th anniversary of the Bronner Bros. Company, Inc. which will be cel- garnered LaBelle her first solo Grammy Award nomination. That same ebrated with an opening ceremony, parties, celebrities and groundbreaking year she had a No. 1 hit with “On My Own,” sung with Michael MacDonevents throughout the show celebrating this remarkable achievement. ald. Throughout the 80s, LaBelle continued to score hits with songs such For all the success of her family, Mrs. Bronner continues to live as 1984’s “New Attitude” and “Stir It Up,” which both became pop radio the life of a woman who has an abiding faith in God and an audacious belief staples, as well as 1989’s “If You Asked Me To.” in the future of mankind. Her story is one of helping those less fortunate In 1991, LaBelle released Burnin’, which hit gold status and and lending her support to make the world a place of peace, love and unlanded the singer her first Grammy Award. She was honored again for her derstanding. work in 1993, when she was given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority and has She also continued releasing popular albums throughout the 90s, including served as Woman’s Day Speaker on numerous occasions, including as the Gems (1994), Flame (1997), and Live! One Night Only (1998)—which won President’s Day speaker at the National Beauty Culturists Annual meeting LaBelle her second Grammy. and Convention. Among her many accomplishments is the creation of a In 2008, Patti and former LaBelle members Nona Hendryx and community center. Mrs. Bronner spends numerous hours working with Sarah Dash reunited to release Back to Now, their first full album as a inner city kids and their parents, giving her time and resources to those less group in 32 years. The collection featured a combination of new songs and fortunate. Her strong spiritual faith is a source of comfort to many. A splen- singles recorded before the LaBelle break-up. The album was followed by did sight to behold is to see this proud grandmother of 28+ surrounded by a successful reunion tour. In June of 2009, Patti LaBelle was honored yet her towering sons and third generation of Bronners. The dynamic woman again, with her induction into the Apollo Legends Hall of Fame. has written a book on the success of the Bronner family and company. For In addition to her success as a singer, LaBelle has also written more information, visit two books: the autobiography “Don’t Block the Blessings” (1997), and the diabetic cookbook “LaBelle Cuisine: Recipes to Sing About” (1998). She has also starred in stage and screen productions, including roles in the films “A Patti LaBelle Soldier’s Story” (1984) and “Beverly Hills Cop” (1984); an appearance in the Patti LaBelle is an African American singer and actress who has been called Broadway gospel musical “Your Arm’s Too Short to Box with God” (1982); the Godmother of Soul. She is widely regarded as the queen of rock and and a recurring role in the television series “A Different World” (1990). soul music. She has received acclaim for many of her songs, including “Lady Patti LaBelle married her manager, Armstead Edwards, in 1969. Marmalade,” “When You Talk About Love,” and “New Attitude.” She began The couple split in 2000, after 30 years of marriage. her career as part of the Ordettes in 1959, who became The Bluebelles in December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Business Tips by Sonja Watford-Mair
Why Product Sampling Works Free samples: Everybody wants them…Everybody loves them! After all, it’s free stuff!
제품 샘플이 효과를 거두는 이유
무료 샘플: 누구나 원한다…. 누구나 이것을 좋아한다! 무엇보다, 공짜이기 때문이다!
roduct sampling is the ultimate marketing tool to help increase sales by introducing new products, creating and maintaining consumer loyalty, and offering customers a way to try out a product before purchase. Past studies done by Research Studies Groups show that 81 percent of consumers say that if they received a sample and liked the product, they would later buy it. Sampling can remove a customer’s fear of purchasing new products that they’ve never tried before. It also forces potential customers to widen their normal pallet of selections, and consider breaking already established buying habits and patterns. To effectively maximize sampling and increase buying opportunities at the OTC level, the following is recommended: 1. Offer sampling along with product demonstrations by a trained sales representative. This can be an opportunity to engage the senses of the shopper by allowing them to become emotionally involved while in the store, to see, touch and even smell the products. This product sampling activity is usually combined with the “Show and Sell” technique. Show them the product and ask them to buy it! 54
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
제품 샘플링은 신제품을 소개하고, 고객 충성도를 생성 유지하며,
소비자들이 구매 하기 전 제품을 시험적으로 사용해볼 수 있는 방법을 제공함으로써 매출 증대에 도움을 줄 수 있는 궁극적인 마케팅 방법이다. Research Studies Groups의 과거 연구에 따르면, 소비자의 81%가 샘플을 받고 마음에 들면, 추후에 구매할 것이라고 한다. 샘플링은 소비자들이 이전에 시도해 본 적 없는 새로운 제품을 구매하는 것에 대한 두려움을 제거할 수 있다. 또한 잠재적인 소비자들이 그들의 일반적인 선택의 폭을 넓히게 하며, 이미 확립된 그들의 구매 습관과 패턴을 깨트리는 것을 고려해 보게 만든다. OTC 매장 수준에서 효과적으로 샘플링을 극대화하고 구매 기회를 증가시키기 위해서는, 다음과 같은 내용들을 권장할 수가 있겠다: 1. 충분히 교육이 된 영업 담당자가 제품을 시연하면서 샘플을 제공해라. 이것은 구매자들에게 매장 안에 있는 동안 동참하고 있다는 감정적인 연대 의식을 심어줄 수 있는 기회가 될 수 있다. 이런 제품 샘플링 활동은 흔히 “보여주고 판매하기” 방법과 연결된다. 그들에게 제품을 보여주고 구매 의사를 물어봐라! 2. 고객들에게 나눠주는 시험 샘플들의 실제 제품을 보유하고 있거나
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
2. Have the product inventory on-hand for the trial samples you give to your customers or know readily where you can purchase the goods to bring in the stock. Some retailers feel that they must first distribute samples, and then wait for feedback and requests before bringing in the new products. This procedure can work if carefully monitored, but if not, it could lead to many missed opportunities! Nothing is worse than having a customer excited about a product, and having to wait weeks on end for the particular store to bring in the item they gave samples on! Today’s customers are quite savvy, and through the internet, social media, and the mere spirit of competitive shopping, they will quickly search elsewhere to find what they want. 3. Be knowledgeable about the samples you are giving your customers. Obtain as much information as possible from the representatives about the features and benefits of the product. This educational information can help change opinions and win over new customers. Plus, sampling can give a lift to an existing brand portfolio. Many times, customers are thrilled to hear about extended and new additions to already established brands. 4. Avoid charging customers for samples that were intended as giveaways. This practice in the long run can back fire! It can be exasperating for customers to be charged a fee for samples and then later witness that the same samples are given out free at a competitive store or location. This may cause consumers to have distrust for the retail establishment and question their general practices. The proper use of the “sampling program” can definitely generate multiple returns and increase sales. Sampling can be a costly and expensive method of targeting customers from a company stand point, but most companies also know that it is very effective and usually well worth the investment! So instead of just putting samples inside the bag, retailers should also make certain that they—along with their staff—are knowledgeable about the product samples they are distributing, and have clear cut strategies on how to best use this tried and tested marketing tool at the store.
신속히 제품을 구매할 수 있는 곳을 미리 알고 있어야 한다. 일부 소매업체들은 신제품을 매장에 보유하기 전에 반드시 샘플을 먼저 배포하고, 고객들의 피드백과 요청을 기다린다. 이런 과정은 세심하게 모니터를 한다면 효과적이겠지만, 그렇지 않다면, 많은 판매 기회를 놓칠 수가 있다! 제품에 열광하는 고객들이 있다는 것은 너무도 좋은 일이며, 나눠준 샘플을 특정 매장이 보유할 때까지 몇 주를 기다려 준다면 이보다 더 좋은 것은 없다! 요즘 고객들은 인터넷과 소셜 미디어, 그리고 단순한 쇼핑의 경쟁적 심리 등을 통해 아주 많은 지식을 갖고 있어서, 그들이 원하는 곳을 찾기 위해 신속하게 다른 곳을 검색한다. 3. 고객들에게 나눠주는 제품에 대한 지식을 갖고 있어야 한다. 제품의 특징과 효능에 대해 담당자로부터 가능한 많은 정보를 얻어라. 이런 교육적 정보는 고객들의 의견을 수정하고 신규 고객을 설득하는데 도움이 된다. 또한, 샘플링은 기존 브랜드의 포트폴리오 이미지를 끌어올릴 수가 있다. 많은 경우, 고객들은 기존 브랜드의 새로운 추가 제품이나 확장된 라인에 관해 기쁘게 생각한다. 4. 샘플을 경품으로 이용하여 고객들에게 비용을 청구하지 말아라. 이 방법은 장기적으로 역효과가 될 수 있다! 샘플 비용을 부과하는 것은 고객들을 짜증스럽게 만들 수가 있으며, 나중에 경쟁업소에서 같은 샘플을 공짜로 나눠주는 것이 목격될 수도 있다. 이것은 고객들이 소매점에 대한 불신을 가지고 일반적인 관행에 의문을 제기할 수도 있다. “샘플링 프로그램”의 적절한 사용은 고객들을 다시 찾게 만들고 확실히 매출 증대를 생성할 수 있다. 샘플링은 매장 입장에서는 고객을 대상으로 하는 비용이 드는 고가의 방법일 수도 있겠지만, 대부분의 업체들은 또한 이것이 매우 효과적이며 투자 가치가 있음을 알고 있다! 그러니, 가방 안에 샘플을 단지 넣기만 하기 보다는, 소매업체들은 나눠주고 있는 제품에 대한 충분한 지식을 갖고 있는 직원들로 하여금 매장에서 이 시험적인 마케팅 방법을 최고로 활용할 수 있는 전략을 명확히 하는 것이 중요하다.
Sonja Watford-Mair has over 25 years of experience working in the Health & Beauty and Retail Industry. Her expertise and background ranges from fashion retail, cosmetics, hair and skin care. Sonja presently works for Manufacturers Representative - Briggs Market Masters, Inc. in Atlanta, GA as Merchandising Manager and Key Account Sales.
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Business Tips by Ted Fishman
The Importance
of Keeping Your OTC/Beauty Supply Store Clean and Orderly OTC 미용 재료 매장을 깨끗하고 정돈된 상태로 유지하는 것의 중요성
he appearance of your store when a customer first enters it is very important. A neat, well organized store tells your customer that this is a store where the owner takes pride in his business and dedicates time to making sure that the products sold here are clean, fresh and well maintained. They see that they will easily be able to find what they are looking for and will also be able to look around to see some other products and items that they may want to try. There may be the concept by some that a messy, dirty store means bargains and lower prices, but most customers would rather shop in a clean and neat store. Signage can be used to direct the customers to your new items, combos and bonuses, and travel and trial sizes. These areas may be a little cluttered, but should still maintain some order. This section is for the customers who like to “rummage” through products and items to find bargains. Very few customers want to deal with dirty and dusty products, messy floors, etc. It is also important to keep the front of the store clean and orderly including the windows and signage. This gives the impression that your store is a pleasant place to shop and that the products and items that you stock will not be old or outdated. Taking a lesson from the larger “big box” stores, department stores, and super markets you will find that their store personnel are constantly dusting, cleaning, re-arranging and organizing their stock in order to assure a pleasant shopping experience for their customers. This holds true for just about any type of business, large or small. 58
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
객이 당신의 매장으로 처음 걸어 들어올 때의 매장 모습은 아주 중요하다. 깔끔하고 잘 정돈된 매장은 주인이 자신의 비즈니스에 자부심을 갖고 깨끗하고 신선하며 잘 관리된 제품을 판매하기 위해 시간을 아끼지 않고 노력하고 있음을 고객들에게 말해주는 것이다. 그들은 자신들이 찾고 있는 제품을 쉽게 찾을 수 있고 다른 제품들 또한 둘러보며 사용해 보기를 원하게 될 수도 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 지저분하고 더러운 매장은 할인이나 저가 제품을 의미하는 것으로 인식될 수도 있겠지만, 대부분의 고객들은 깨끗하고 잘 정돈된 매장에서 쇼핑을 할 것이다. 사인 간판은 당신의 새로운 제품이나 패키지 혹은 보너스, 여행용 및 시험 사이즈 제품들을 고객들에게 직접적으로 알리는데 사용될 수 있다. 이런 영역은 조금 복잡할 수는 있지만, 여전히 일정한 순서를 유지해야 한다. 이 섹션은 할인 제품을 “뒤적거리며 찾는” 것을 좋아하는 고객들을 위한 곳이다. 아주 극소수의 고객들만이 더럽고 먼지 앉은 제품, 지저분한 바닥과 거래를 원한다. 창문이나 간판을 포함한 매장 전면을 깨끗하고 정돈된 상태로 유지하는 것 또한 중요하다. 이것은 당신의 매장이 쇼핑하기에 쾌적한 공간이며 당신이 보유하고 있는 제품들은 결코 오래되거나 날짜가 지난 것이 아니라는 인상을 줄 수 있다. 더 큰 대형 매장이나 백화점, 수퍼 마켓으로부터 배워라. 고객들에게 즐거운 쇼핑 경험을 보장하기 위해 매장 직원들이 지속적으로 먼지를 제거하고 청소하며 제품을 다시 배치하고 정돈하고 있음을 알게 될 것이다. 이것은 크던 작던 어떤 형태의 비즈니스에서도 마찬가지다.
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Another excellent concept that can bring plus sales is the “Store Within a Store” merchandising concept. Departments should be set up as follows: • Hair Color Sundries • Hair Care • Pegged Hair Accessories • Skin Care (Hairnets, Hair Rollers, Doo • Baby & Young Mother Rags, Barrettes, Combs & • Appliances Brushes) • Hair Dept. (Human Hair & • Nail Care Synthetic Wigs) • Cutlery • Fashion, Extension, • Salon Size Section Bonding, Sundries • Salon Sundries (Neck Strips, • Men’s Grooming Capes & Gowns, Cotton • Cosmetics (Economy, Teen, Balls, Aluminum Foil, Premium) Towels) • Clothing (T-shirts, Shoes, • Eye Lashes Hats) • Incense & Perfume • Hair Color Granted it is not always an easy task to keep your store clean and well organized with deliveries coming in daily and customers constantly handling your stock. However it will pay off for you in the long run since you will sell more products and keep your customers coming back to shop in your stores.
Ted Fishman,
매출을 올릴 수 있는 또 다른 훌륭한 컨셉은 “매장 안의 매장” 판매 개념이다. 부서는 다음과 같이 설정해야 한다: • • • • • • • • • •
헤어케어 스킨케어 베이비 & 출산 후 제품 가전 제품 헤어 분야.(합성 가발 & 인모) 패션, 익스텐션, 본딩, 잡화 남성 그루밍 화장품(저가, 틴에이져용, 고가) 의류(티셔츠, 신발, 모자) 헤어 컬러
• •
• • • •
• •
헤어 컬러 잡화 헤어 고정용 악세서리 (머리망, 헤어 롤러, 헤어핀, 빗, 브러쉬) 네일 케어 커트레이 (날이 있는 제품들) 미용실용 사이즈 섹션 미용실 잡화(넥 스트립, 케이프 & 가운, 솜, 알루미늄 호일, 타월) 속눈썹 방향 & 향수
매일 제품 배달이 오고 고객들은 지속적으로 진열된 제품을 만지는 상황에서 매장을 깨끗하고 잘 정돈된 상태로 유지한다는 것이 언제나 쉬운 일은 아니다. 그러나 장기적으로는 당신에게 보답이 될 것이며, 당신은 더 많은 제품을 판매하고 고객들은 지속적으로 당신의 매장을 찾게 될 것이다.
president of Ted Fishman & Associates, is an industry veteran who has dedicated his life to the betterment of the business. He can be reached through email at
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
OTC Beauty Magazine March 2014
King of Locs by Cyrus Jackson
and the
of Industry
The health and beauty industry is a power house of commodity. Every
that no matter what race or walk of life someone comes from everyone
year the average consumer will spend 3% of their household income
responds to kindness. Now, I firmly believe that any good deed needs
on health and beauty products. This statistic spans the chain and OTC
to come from the heart, but it seems only natural that local businesses
class of trade. Looking at the contribution of the consumer to the
give back to the consumers and their communities that support them
cycle of life we call industry is truly sobering when you consider other
with their hard earned money.
needs and necessities of various communities. The OTC class of trade
is particularly connected to communities as a whole. The average
as a business owner. Sponsorships and donations are one way. Please
beauty supply store is located in the heart of urban communities and
consider for a moment the gesture of donating a small amount of hair
set themselves apart by the individual care and attention they give to
care products as a raffle for your local school or local career enrichment
customer service. I believe there are ways to take customer service
program for the less fortunate. The return on value is enormous as
to a next level that not only ensures a store’s popularity, but can aid
a human being and it also gives everyone a sense that their local
in continued customer support and promotions. The beauty supply
business cares for the community and sees the human being beyond
should consider getting involved in community activities.
the dollars and cents. When business is good and it comes time to hire
Community service is not a penal sentence as it sounds. I
more staff, look to the positive youths in the community. Providing
can recall the story of a local grocer in California that saw his sales
summer opportunities and afterschool employment is sorely needed
increase once he began a program to shuttle the disabled and elderly
in urban areas and creates a sense of togetherness. The news is ripe
to and from their shopping trips. They gained news coverage and
with the stink of injustice and discrimination as of late. The remedy to
became a staple within the urban community. I think we can all agree
these issue lies with the way that we all interact with each other.
There are many ways to be involved in your local community
Cyrus Jackson
has had a successful career in the hair care industry for over 30 years including sales, marketing and product development with companies such as World of Curl, D-Orum Products, Leisure Curl and Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. Jackson’s continued development and promotions of quality products for natural ethnic beauty has made him the self-proclaimed King of Locs.
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Feature by Will Williams
Many manufacturers offer product knowledge classes and distributors do a good job of bringing manufacturers together with store owners
Like a Good Neighbor
Beauty supply stores are the one constant in the landscape of urban America and increasingly suburban towns and cities. It seems as though most shopping centers of any size and traffic will have a beauty supply store. Convenient to the consuming public and stocking many items not found in the big box retail stores, the beauty supply is the go-to for a quick fix for nails, hair or hair pieces. Looking for a tool or even a hard-to-find item that has long since been out of the big box rotation of fast moving consumer goods? The beauty supply often has it and for that reason it occupies a special space in the consciousness of all its customers. Beauty Supply vs. Other Stores I asked many consumers in preparation for this article questions about beauty supply stores vs. other places they shopped for beauty products. Their answers made me think outside of the box. Overwhelmingly I got the sense that consumers did not think about grocery, drug, and big box stores the same way as they did beauty supply, although many of them said they often made beauty product purchases there. This was mainly because of convenience, and sometimes price, and others said they were there when an in-store promotion was going on and made a purchase. When asked what business in the community consumers thought were good neighbors the most often heard answer was, “the grocery store.” Why? Most respondents replied that grocery stores were good neighbors because food about to pass a sell by date was routinely donated to food banks. Not only food that was date sensitive or challenged, but “fresh vegetables were donated to the less fortunate either personally or through a neighborhood charity.” 64
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Other neighbors who scored high in the good neighbor of business rankings were the big bakeries like Krispy Kreme (KK) and Dunkin Donuts. Consumers said that KK was socially active and inventive in the way they interacted with the neighborhood where they did business. The phrase that consumers used was “counted on.” They said, “you can almost always count on KK to help out.” When asked who else they thought were good neighbors in this way, I was somewhat surprised to see and hear about the involvement of the “big box stores.” They are doing things like showing up for “Habitat for Humanity” projects, proudly wearing their corporate logos on caps or shirts, donating sweat, time, tools and expertise to building the community around them. Participation in community 5K walk/runs and neighborhood cleanup projects made them feel a little less corporate and a little more community. Learning from Customers Talking to consumers is an eye-opening experience. Beauty supply stores are generational in the communities where they do business in so many ways. Customers get to know the “family” in a way that does not happen with the big boxes. Beauty supply business owners know the names of their customers who regularly visit the store. Consumers know the names of owners and most times a friendly greeting is passed. When older beauty supply owners stop coming to the store as often and younger ones assume more responsibility for business operation, you will often hear customers inquire about their parents and tell them to convey their hellos. That’s an advantage for beauty supply. No one knows hair like beauty supply
November 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Having someone in the beauty supply store that knows how to match specific conditions to specific products, along with an understanding of customers’ spending profiles, will increase beauty supply sales.
stores, and no one else can supply hair to consumers with a good eye for matching flattering color combinations so that the customer is satisfied and happy with their look. However, many consumers increasingly feel that when it comes to products for hair care, beauty supply stores do not exhibit the same degree of knowledge for matching the customer with the product that they need. Many manufacturers offer product knowledge classes and distributors do a good job of bringing manufacturers together with store owners. However it is the day-to-day sales associate that needs this additional knowledge of how to interact with the customer. Knowledge for the Future I am a “secret shopper” and I can tell you that I see so many consumers of hair products that are completely and totally mystified by the choices they are presented with. If there is one thing that the “great recession” has taught us, it is that consumers who have discretionary income allowing them to make choices always choose quality over price unless price equals value for money. Price sensitive consumers are also informed by word of mouth, YouTube and various media. Having someone in the beauty supply store that knows how to match specific conditions to specific products, along with an understanding of customers’ spending profiles, will increase beauty supply sales. This is the age of information and involvement. Being a good neighbor, getting involved in the neighborhood where we do business, providing customer assistance on the busiest days…this is the way of the future. The beauty supply industry will do better business—we are a part of the urban landscape. We are a part of every small town and suburb in America from St. Petersburg, Fla. to Providence, R.I., and from Baltimore, Md. to Bakersfield, Calif. Beauty Supply is the one sure place that consumers can find what they are looking for when it comes to hair care needs. Perhaps it’s time for us to be more visible in community involvement.
Will Williams is currently the Director of Education for M&M Products Co., a Master Barber, Master Cosmetologist, Public Speaker and Product Developer. Will is a Global Ambassador working with professionals and consumers the world over.
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Susan Fahey To say the beauty industry is interesting can be a bit of an understatement. Susan Fahey, Director of Marketing for the Stephan Company shared her opinion on what makes it so fascinating: “I love that it is ever-changing—it keeps you on your toes! The challenge however, is to meet the current needs of the beauty industry, while remaining one step ahead of the next new trend!” If you ask us, it looks like this company is doing a great job of that. 미용업계가 흥미롭다고만 말하는 것은 약간은 절제된 표현일 수도 있다. Stephan Company의 마케팅 이사인Susan Fahey는 미용업계를 매혹적으로 만드는 것에 관한 그녀의 의견을 우리와 공유하였다. “나는 미용업계가 끊임없이 변화한다는 것이 좋습니다- 그것은 당신을 항상 움직이게 만들죠! 도전은 한 단계 앞서 다음 새로운 트랜드를 유지하는 동시에, 미용업계의 현재의 요구를 충족하는 것입니다!” 이 회사는 이러 것에 있어서는 일을 아주 잘 해나가고 있는 듯 보인다. 70
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is your background with both The Stephan Company and the beauty business? What is your role with the company today? Susan Fahey (SF): I have been a part of the Stephan Company for over 10 years now and have been immersed in many aspects of the beauty business, leading me to my current role as Director of Marketing. OTC: How did The Stephan Company get its start? Please briefly tell our readers about the history of the company and what it is founded on. SF: With our roots in the Professional Barber industry, the Stephan Company was founded in Worcester, Mass. in 1897! Nearly 115 years later, our Stephan Barber products still have a loyal following in barber shops today. Spanning many generations and through several acquisitions, the Stephan Company is now a premier manufacturer of hair care, skincare and personal care items. OTC: What indicated a need for this company within the beauty industry? Specifically, how is it crafted to cater to the OTC/ multicultural consumer? SF: From our tried-and-true formulas to the diversity of our product lines the Stephan Company has withstood the test of time, and much like the beauty industry itself, we have evolved into the multicultural company that we are today.
OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): Stephan Company와 미용업계 두 분야에서 귀하는 어떤 배경을 갖고 계십니까? 현재 회사에서의 역할을 무엇인지? Susan Fahey (SF): 저는 Stephan Company에서 10년 이상 일하고 있으며, 미용 산업의 여러 측면에 집중해 왔습니다. 현재 마케팅 이사로 있습니다. OTC: Stephan Company는 어떻게 시작되었습니까? 회사의 역사와 설립 계기에 관해 간단한 설명 부탁드립니다. SF: 전문 이발업계에 뿌리를 두고 있는Stephan Company는 1897년 메사추세츠의 Worcester에서 설립되었습니다! 거의 115년이 지난 현재에도, 저희Stephan 이발 제품은 여전히 이발소에서 높은 충성도를 얻고 있습니다. 여러 세대에 걸쳐, 여러 합병을 통해, Stephan Company는 현재 헤어 케어, 스킨 케어 그리고 퍼스널 케어 제품에 있어 최고의 제조업체입니다. OTC: 미용업계 내에서 귀사의 필요성을 지적하는 것은 무엇일까요? OTC/ 다문화 고객들을 수용하기 위해서 구체적으로 어떻게 하고 계신지? SF: 신뢰할 수 있는 제품 성분부터 제품 라인의 다양성까지, Stephan Company는 테스트의 시간을 견뎌냈고, 미용업계 자체가 그렇듯이, 저희는 현재 다문화 회사로 발전했습니다.
OTC: Briefly explain the different brands that fall under the The Stephan Company umbrella. What makes them unique from others in the business? SF: Our heritage brands include Balm Barr skincare, Protein 29 and Wildroot men’s grooming products, Cashmere Bouquet talcum powder and Quinsana Plus Anti-fungal powder. Our professional hair care line Image has been providing salons with quality hair care products for over 3 decades and our fragrances Hope and Interlude have been inspiring women for generations! Our ethnic and multicultural brands include LeKair, LeKair Natural Curls with Avocado Oil, Imágen hair and skincare for today’s Nueva Latina, and New Era for today’s multicultural woman.
OTC: Stephan Company라는 큰 우산 아래의 다양한 브랜드에 관한 설명 부탁드립니다. 이 제품들이 업계 다른 제품들과 차별성을 갖는 것은 무엇인지? SF: 저희의 오랜 전통적인 브랜드에는Balm Barr skincare, Protein 29, Wildroot 남성용 그루밍 제품, Cashmere Bouquet 탤컴 파우더, Quinsana Plus 항곰팡이 파우더가 있습니다. 전문가용 헤어 케어 라인인Image 는 고품질의 헤어 케어 제품으로 3년이 넘도록 미용실에 제공되고 있으며, 향수인Hope and Interlude는 세대를 거쳐 많은 여성들을 설레게 하고 있죠. 민족 다문화 브랜드에는LeKair, LeKair Natural Curls with Avocado Oil, 라틴계 여성들을 위한 Imágen 헤어 & 스킨 케어, 그리고 다문화 여성들을 위한 New Era 가 있습니다
OTC: How would you describe the company’s primary customer base? SF: She’s a savvy shopper that wants salon quality products at affordable prices. She’s connected to Social Media and relies heavily on blogger
OTC: 회사의 주요 고객 기반은 어떻게 설명할 수 있을까요? SF: 여성들은 아주 똑똑한 구매자로 가격은 저렴하면서도 미용실 수준의 품질을 원합니다. 여성들은 소셜 미디어로 연결되어 있고, 블로거들의 December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
Manufacturer Profile
recommendations, you-tube videos and word of mouth from her inner circle to guide her purchases.
추천에 크게 의존하죠, 유투브와 주변에서의 입소문이 여성들의 구매를 만들어 냅니다.
OTC: What are the newest trends you have seen emerge in the beauty industry, and how has The Stephan Company met that consumer demand? SF: The natural hair movement is definitely evolving—what was once a trend is now a part of today’s culture. Into the mid-20th century, naturally curly-kinky hair was viewed as unkempt and unattractive, however as millennial women have come of age, a paradigm shift has taken place. Women have chosen to abandon the chemicals and love the hair they were born with. They are embracing their natural curls—You Go Curl! To meet that consumer demand, we’ve created LeKair Natural Curls with Avocado Oil.
OTC: 미용업계에서 보여지는 최신 동향은 무엇일까요, 그리고Stephan Company는 고객들의 수요를 어떻게 충족하고 있습니까? SF: 네추럴 헤어의 움직임이 확실히 진화하고 있습니다 – 한 때의 트랜드가 지금은 문화의 일부가 되었습니다. 20세기 중반, 자연스럽게 곱슬한 헤어는 헝클어지고 매력없어 보였습니다, 그러나 새로운 천년의 시대가 오고, 패러다임이 변화하였습니다. 여성들은 화학적인 것들을 포기하고 타고난 자신의 머리를 사랑하게 되었습니다. 그들은 자신의 곱슬머리를 그대로 포용하고 있죠 - You Go Curl!(컬 화이팅!) 고객들의 수요을 충족하기 위해, 저희는LeKair Natural Curls with Avocado Oil을 만들었습니다.
OTC: How does the company ensure it stays up-to-date with the latest trends in the beauty industry? SF: By staying in touch with the fashion and beauty industries through Social Media, bloggers, attending Trade Shows, conducting research, and most importantly by listening to our customers.
OTC: 귀사는 미용업계 내에서 어떻게 최신 트랜드를 파악하기 위해 어떤 노력을 하시는지? SF: 소셜 미디어, 블로거들, 트레이드 쇼 참석, 리서치 실시 등을 통해 패션과 뷰티 업계와 지속적으로 연계를 하고 있으며, 무엇보다 중요한 것은 고객의 의견을 듣는 것입니다.
OTC: What sort of feedback have you received from customers that use the Stephan Company products? How do they benefit most from using them? SF: We have a very loyal customer base that has come to know and trust our brands. Our newest products, LeKair Natural Curls and New Era are getting rave reviews for their unique ingredients, refreshing scents and striking results—you’ll Love Your Curls! OTC: How do you educate retailers and consumers on product knowledge? SF: Going forward, Social Media is going to play a huge role in how we educate retailers and consumers on our products. We are currently working on a program that will include interactive web pages containing product knowledge, helpful ”tips and tricks” by industry experts, and the latest in beauty trends and topics. OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in OTC stores? Why? SF: Competitive pricing and sampling. With all the new products constantly entering the market, it’s impossible to try them all—she will be more apt to spend $9.99 or less to find the perfect deep conditioner or decadent curl cream. Sampling works well for new brands, and products 72
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
OTC: Stephan Company의 제품을 사용하는 소비자들로부터 어떤 피드백을 얻고 있습니까? 귀사의 제품을 사용함으로 소비자들이 얻을 수 있는 가장 큰 혜택은 무엇일까요? SF: 저희의 브랜드를 알고 믿어주는 아주 충실한 고객 기반을 갖고 있습니다. 저희 최신 제품인LeKair Natural Curls와 New Era 는 독특한 성분과 상쾌한 향기 그리고 눈에 띄는 결과로 크게 호평 받고 있습니다- 여러분의 컬을 사랑하게 될 것입니다! OTC: 제품 지식에 관해서는 소매업체와 소비자들에게 어떤 교육을 실시하고 있습니까? SF: 앞으로, 소셜 미디어는 저희 제품에 관한 소매업체와 소비자 교육에 있어 큰 역할을 할 것입니다. 저희는 현재 제품 정보나 유용한 “팁 & 트릭”, 최신 미용 트랜드와 주제를 포함하는 대화형 웹 페이지를 전문가에 의해 제작 중에 있습니다. OTC: OTC 매장에서 가장 효과적이라고 생각하는 제품 홍보 형태는 무엇이며 그 이유는? SF: 경쟁력있는 가격과 샘플링입니다. 새로운 제품들이 끊임없이 시장으로
with a much higher price point—she won’t mind spending the extra money if she knows what the end result will be. OTC: What general marketing advice would you give OTC store owners? What about in regards to your products specifically? SF: Keep it fresh. Whether it’s a product demonstration, giveaway or the launch of a new line, always give your customers a reason to come back. Loyal customers are your best salespeople. OTC: Are there any big plans in store for 2015 that you can share? SF: We’re going natural! We’re really excited to be launching our LeKair Natural Curls line with no Parabens, no Sulfates, and no Mineral Oil. The line consists of a Moisturizing Shampoo, Detangling Conditioner, Deep Conditioner, Curl Defining Cream, and Curl Rejuvenating Spray. The LeKair Natural Curls line is a healthier alternative to traditional hair care products. They help promote healthy hair and a healthy scalp for those gals who have committed to going natural! OTC: What is the best business advice you can give store owners as they head into the New Year? SF: Build relationships; they are the heartbeat of your business. Build relationships with your customers, the distributors you work with, even the guy you buy your office supplies from! Build relationships, nurture them and watch your business grow. Company Name: The Stephan Company Address: 4829 East 7th Avenue, Tampa, FL 33605 Contact Number: 813-248-5761 Website: Years in Business: 117
진입하고 있는 시점에서, 모든 것을 다 시도해보는 것은 불가능합니다. – 여성들은 완벽한 딥 컨디셔너나 컬 크림을 찾는데 $9.99 정도는 충분히 지불하려 할 것입니다. 샘플링은 새로운 브랜드이나 아주 고가의 제품에 매우 효과적입니다. – 여성들이 제품 사용으로 좋은 결과를 볼 수 있다면 여분의 돈을 기꺼이 지출할 것입니다.
OTC: OTC 매장 주인들에게 마케팅에 관한 일반적인 조언을 한다면? 구체적으로 귀사의 제품에 관해서 한다면? SF: 제품을 신선하게 보관하세요. 시연 제품이든, 경품이든 혹은 새로 출시되는 신제품이든, 항상 고객들이 다시 찾을 수 있는 이유를 제공하세요. 충성스러운 고객들이 여러분 최고의 영업 사원입니다. OTC: 2015년 매장의 가장 큰 계획이 있으시다면 말씀해 주세요. SF: 저희는 네추럴을 지향합니다! 파라벤이나 황산염, 미네럴 오일이 첨가되지 않은 저희 LeKair Natural Curls 제품 출시에 아주 들떠있습니다. 이 제품 라인은 보습 샴푸와 엉킴 방지 컨디셔너, 딥 컨디셔너, 컬 디파이닝 크림, 그리고 컬을 젊게하는 복원 스프레이가 포함됩니다. LeKair Natural Curls 라인은 전통적인 헤어 케어 제품에 대한 보다 건강한 대안입니다. 이 제품들은 네추럴을 지향하는 여성들의 모발과 두피 건강을 증진시키는데 도움이 됩니다! OTC: 새해를 앞두고 매장 주인들에게 최고의 비즈니스 조언을 하신다면? SF: 관계를 구축하세요; 그들은 여러분 사업의 심장박동입니다. 고객들, 함께 일하는 유통업체들, 심지어 당신이 사무용품을 구매하는 매장의 직원과도 관계를 구축하세요! 관계를 구축하고 그것을 키워나가면서 여러분의 비즈니스가 성장하는 것을 지켜보세요.
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
CLIPPER TIPS Which Tool Is Right For The Job? Sponsored by Andis Co.
Part 2 of 3
As I mentioned in last month’s article, when selecting a tool it’s not so much a question of which one is best, but rather which one is best for your cutting needs. The Envy™ model US-1 is one of latest additions to the Andis tool lineup and is rapidly becoming a favorite with barbers and stylists alike. This is the perfect tool for shearstyle cutting, fading and clipper-over-comb technique. The balanced design and lightweight housing make this clipper easy to handle and it has the ability to cut thick hair as well. You can see this tool in action in Andis’ American Legacy Collection Series 2 “Pompadour” how-to video ( GetTheLook). The Envy’s magnetic motor makes the blades move just as fast as the Master clipper’s blades, allowing it to cut through thick hair. While I wouldn’t suggest using the Envy on very wet hair, it will handle damp hair or hair with a mild amount of gel or pomade in it. The plastic housing absorbs some of the motor’s power, but it doesn’t affect the cut quality it delivers. In my experience, the performance difference is only seen when attempting to remove a large amount of hair too fast. The easy solution for this is when cutting large amounts of hair, slow down each clipper stroke to allow time for the blades to fully cut through each lock of hair – you should not be rushing your cut anyway. The Envy is one of the best tools in its price range because of how well it cuts and the full set of attachment combs included with the clipper. Therefore a budgetconscious clipper cutter will find great value in this tool. And just like the Andis Master, the Envy is made in the USA, which means it will deliver years of service and replacement parts will be readily available should you ever need them. To learn more about the Andis line, visit Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clippers cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 76
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Therapy Trends
The Twists and Turns of Getting Rest The steady growth of the black hair care market has been propelled by natural styling. Many more consumers are seeking to go natural to give their hair a break. Braiding was once considered too casual or juvenile for adult, glamorous women. Cornrowing and locking symbolized a race or culture that was African-inspired. Today, multicultural consumers of all types are braiding: from French braids, to Dutch Heidi Braids to Mohawk Braids. Bridal parties are wearing elegant fishtail styles. Princesses are wearing braided crowns. These styles are sleekly elegant or a messy torrent of twists.
Consumers have tried every color and treatment product.
Now it’s time for the hair to rest. OTC consumers of all ages are
#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.
twisting and wrapping their hair for style, for protection and for pure rest. Whether the objective is a fashion statement or a rest for the hair, braids and twists are the solution. When too much heat, chemicals and colorants have attacked the hair, rest is the best remedy. As the porosity of the hair shaft becomes uneven or so open, it becomes difficult to condition or manage. Often, when hair has become overly porous, it is the result of harsh chemical use, harsh combing and excessive heat. Hair can even suffer from too much of the wrong conditioning. It’s time for the hair to rest! Braiding, twisting and abstinence from chemicals can give hair the rest it needs. Naturally, braiding requires product use. The twists and turns of rest can be very lucrative.
Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 78
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
RA Shea Butter Lotion Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit
Complacency or Change
How will your organization learn from complacency and lack of growth in 2014? Historically, the beauty industry is built on cultural trends through innovation and change. The beauty and fashion industry is the type of culture that’s full of passionate innovators, already naturally in tune to the urgency surrounding changes in the market and technology. Also it’s these types of people, those excited about new ideas within your own organization, who keep your company moving ahead instead of falling behind. One key to avoiding complacency is to ensure these innovators have a voice with enough volume to be heard (and listened to) at the top. It’s these voices that can continue to keep a sense of urgency in your organization. If they are given the power to lead, they will continue to innovate, help keep a culture of urgency and affect change. You must remember to listen to your customers, vendors and suppliers needs most of all and take heed to your staff on the front line working directly with your customer base. Sometimes traditional ways of doing business with the general public must be changed due to cultural changes in our society. Companies successful in your grandparents generation will not necessarily be successful in your children’s generation. As trends, needs and values of your patrons change so must your company’s view of how you stay ahead of the curve. Yes, even a huge company like McDonald’s experienced a decline in 2014 sales due to the new generation of customers seeking healthy food choices. Other examples of company complacency and failure to change are Kodak, Woolworth’s, The Yellow Pages and most recent The United States Postal Service. What changes will your supply business make in 2015?
Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 80
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
by Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products
The World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show Fall Extravaganza
Taliah Waajid is known as the Queen of Natural Hair and Beauty because she believes in achieving a healthy lifestyle through all measures: hair, skin, body and overall wellness. For over 25 years she has promoted the importance of living a natural lifestyle through education, and by providing products for healthy hair and body. Taliah Waajid just celebrated her successful 17th Annual World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show in Atlanta on October 25-26 at the Georgia International Convention Center. Thousands of consumers came out to experience the interactive seminars, live performances, vendors, an exciting natural hair competition, the Book Nook, Poet’s Corner, Wellness Way and Children’s Corner. A new series of fun and informative workshops were offered: “Eyebrow” classes by Tangila Robinson, “Transform into a Happy You” by Veda McNeal Wright, and “Aromatherapy 101” by Del-B-Ra, which got a large turnout and taught the significance of using essential oils to achieve healthy hair. Hosted by Comedian Mario Tory and Stylist Krystle Styles, the Naturals After Dark Fall Fashion Event took everyone by surprise. The twelve foot tall glow-in-the-dark robots shocked and entertained the audience during intermissions. Gayla Rogers Collection, Angellically Kute, and 14-year-old Kimanni Koture were some designers featured during the show. To sum up the Saturday night, an after party took place at the Shark Bar on Greenbriar Parkway in Atlanta, Ga. When singer Lyfe Jennings took the stage on Sunday, he had the audience swaying with his melodic tunes and captivating stage presence. Following his spectacular performance, a meet and greet was held at the Taliah Waajid booth. Speaking of which, Taliah Waajid products sold out like hotcakes at her booth! The Jamaican Black Castor Oil was especially popular, and will be available in stores in 2015. It will come in three different scents: Lemongrass, Coconut and Original. The Taliah Waajid team is gearing up for the 18th Annual World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show on April 25-26, 2015. Find them on Twitter and Instagram @naturalhairshow, and online at 82
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
World Natural Hair Show ATL
The Roots Ensemble played music at the entrance of the show, welcoming visitors.
Eboni, Deborah and Calvin show off Jamaican Mango and Lime products at the Universal Beauty booth.
A look down a crowded show aisle
Kathy Griffin of GBL Sales Inc. works the Reshma Femme booth.
Vincent Harris at the Wahl booth
One booth representative speaks with a customer, accurately describing a product.
Sunja Friend of Ossat converses with Kaye Williams, a show attendee.
Randy Lee, Assistant Director of Retail Sales for Luster Products, shows off a You Be-Natural product.
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
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A glimpse into the children’s area at the show.
Nyesha Miller of Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products
This dedicated representative for UR Curly matched her jewelry to the product. What great color coordination!
Amanda Tapia displays a Cantu product from Advanced Beauty Brands.
This great band was just one act that took the stage to entertain show visitors and booth workers alike.
Letrice, Cynthia and Chester pose for a quick photo behind the nuNAAT booth.
Bridget holds up a few Tropical Roots products at the Bronner Bros. booth.
(Left to right) Toni Jamison and Tanisha Jones of The Damn Salon.
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
World Natural Hair Show ATL
Phil Etefia of RA Cosmetics
Mel Calloway of 3GS 1 Step Transform
Visitors rest their tired feet just outside of the show floor doors.
A busy show floor aisle
Tricia Snead of Ampro
Kevin Stewart of Ampro
The T. Barnes Beauty booth
The creative Tropic Isle Living booth
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
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Staff Picks 2014
Every month we bring you the latest and greatest products in the industry, but did you ever wonder what products we here at OTC Beauty Magazine personally love? Check out our most recent favorites here! What a Babe
Sometimes a girl just wants beautiful, beach-tousled waves, even during chilly winter months. Is that too much to ask? No worries ladies—Not Your Mother’s Hair Care has made this possible with their Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray. It’s perfect for any hair type!
Split Ends, be Gone
Few things are as annoying as examining the ends of your hair only to find {gasp!} split ends. Thankfully, OGX offers the solution to this dilemma with their Nourishing Coconut Milk Split Ends Mender. Not only does it smell beautiful, but its ingredients add strength and elasticity– everyone knows beauty comes from within.
Easy Cleansing
A pump-bottle for body wash…what a genius idea! Jasön is making shower time quicker for rushed, snooze-button pressers everywhere. The gentle Soothing Aloe Vera Body Wash cleanses with botanical surfactants and safely nourishes with Vitamin E and Pro-Vitamin B5. 86
Beauty Magazine December 2014
Pucker Up
You had us at Organic Lip Balm, Kiss My Face. Who doesn’t have a tube of lip balm in their pocket or purse right now? We do, and it’s the one shown here. This USDA certified organic cranberry orange lip balm nourishes lips with antioxidant fruit seed oils. Don’t let your lips get chapped this season!
Pump up the Volume
Every girl has a go-to conditioner, and for us it’s Aussie’s Aussome Volume Conditioner. Providing lightweight conditioning and a delightful scent, it makes it easy to keep hair volume high and strands soft.
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
September 22nd, Jinny United top operation managers Mr. Ki Nam Kim (Los Angeles), Mr. Jack Park (Atlanta), Mr. Devin Ok (Dallas), Mr. Brian Oh (Miami), Mr. Bum Shin (Atlanta), and Mr. Joey Ku (Atlanta) arrived in the 160K square foot Niles building and started the moving process back to Jinny United’s original 100K square foot Kimball headquarter building in which the founder Mr. Tae H. Jhin operated out of until his passing. Mr. Ki Nam Kim stated, “This move process was the hardest project that we have endured thus far because both buildings were filled with inventory and materials, and we had to move from a much bigger, taller warehouse to a smaller and shorter warehouse.” Mr. Brian Oh added, “We learned some new things out of this experience and we will apply these to our new operation. It will only make our company stronger next time.” Mr. Devin Ok commented, “At the end of the day, when the date is set by our top manager Mr. Eddie Jhin we surprisingly always get it done on time.”
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
Amazingly within 50 days on November 3rd, all operations were entirely moved to the Kimball building. By November 10th they had completely cleaned out their Niles building and fully organized Kimball to be exactly how they wanted it to be. Mr. Eddie Jhin stated, “Due to our newest expansion to the Detroit market in the month of December 2014, the decision of condensing our Chicago operation into one building and operating out of the Kimball building rather than Niles will benefit our company in many ways. Our top people and the entire Chicago staff worked very hard and they are an amazing group of people!!! I am very fortunate to have such people.” Relentlessly, Jinny United mentioned that on December 1st they will send their top crew to Detroit and they plan to open either on January 5th or 12th to their customers. In 2014, Jinny has moved and opened three branches: Memphis in May, Niles to Kimball in November, and Detroit in December. They have set another record year to build for their future.
난 9월 22일 지니 시카고지점 16만 스퀘어피트의 나일스 빌딩 에 로스엔젤레스지점의 김기남, 아틀란타지점의 박규태 신범 구 자휘, 달라스지점의 옥승재, 마이애미지점의 오상준등 지니의 각 지점 핵심 운용관리자들이 도착하여 지니의 창업자이신 고 진 태훈회장님께 서 살아 생전에 일하셨던 지니그룹의 최초 본사 사옥인 10만 스퀘어피 트의 킴벌빌딩으로 옮기는 이전공사를 시작하였다. 김기남이사는 “이번 이전공사는 두 빌딩이 제품과 기자재들로 꽉 차있 는 상태에서 더군다나 더 넓고 높은 건물의 창고에서 작고 좁은 창고로 이전해야 하는 공사였기 때문에 그동안 저희가 해왔던 그 어떤 공사보 다도 힘든 프로젝트였습니다”라고 말했으며 오상준부장은 “이번 공사를 통해 새로운 것들을 배울수 있었고 이러한 경험은 다음 공사에 활용하게 될것이며, 이는 우리 회사를 더욱더 강하게만드는 첩경이 될것이라고 생각합니다”라고 덧붙였다. 옥승재부장은 “결국 중요한것은, 우리의 탑 매니저인 에디진 사장님으 로부터 완공 목표날자를 받고나면 놀랍게도 우리는 항상 그 날자에 맞추 어 모든것을 해냈다는 것입니다.”라고 언급했다.
전작업이 끝나고 마침내 11월 10 나일스빌딩의 완벽한 보수정리 및 킴 벌빌딩의 모든 관리체계가 그들이 원하는대로 재 구축 되었다. 에디진 사장은 “올 12월 디트로이트 시장 진출을 위해 오픈 할 새 지점 때문에 부득이 하나의 빌딩으로 지점 통합운영을 결정하게 되었으며, 나일스 빌딩보다 킴벌빌딩으로 통합하는것이 다방면으로 저희 회사에 더 도움이 될것입니다. 이번공사를 지원해준 지니의 핵심 운용관리자 들을 포함한 시카고 지점의 모든 직원들은 매우 열심히 일했으며, 참으 로 경이로운 팀웍을 보여 주었습니다. 이러한 직원들과 함께 한다는 것 이 저에게는 큰 행운이라고 자부합니다.”라고 말했다. 지속적으로 확장투자하는 지니그룹은 12월 1일 최정예 건설팀을 디트 로이트에 파견하여 내년 1월 5일 또는 12일까지 새로운 지점을 오픈하 고 고객 서비스를 제공할 예정이라고 밝혔다. 2014년도에 지니는 5월에 멤피스지점 개점, 11월에 나일스에서 킴벌로 의 지점 이전통합 그리고 12월의 디트로이트 지점등 3개의 지점을 새로 이 오픈 및 통합 함으로써 또다른 기록적인 발자취를 남기며 그들의 미 래를 밝혀 나가고 있다.
믿기어렵게도 50일이 채 지나지 않은 11월 3일 킴벌빌딩으로의 모든 이
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
조지아 협회 조지아 애틀란타 뷰티협회는 지난 11월9일에 애틀랜 타의 명소인 스톤마운틴 공원에서 회원들과 더불어 가을 산행 및 야유회를 개최하였다. 작년에 이어 올 해 두 번째로 가진 가을야유회는 단조로운 일상에서 벗어나 회원들이 마음껏 계절의 멋을 함께 느낄 수 있 는 시간으로 마련되었다. 김일홍 회장은 인사말에서 오늘 좋은 날씨에 함께해 준 회원들에게 감사의 말을 전하고 또 이번 야유회 준비를 위해서 수고하여 주신
임원, 이사들께도 고마움을 전했다. 정상욱 이사장을 선두로 산행길에 오른 회원들은 산정상으로 오르는 팀과 산허리를 도는 둘레길팀으로 나누어 등반을 하 였다. 산행을 마친 회원들은 협회에서 정성껏 준비한 점심을 먹으며 회원들간에 친목을 나누고 또한 재미 있는 게임을 통하여 모든 회원들께 상품을 나누는 행 사도 가졌다.
NFBS 중앙협회 지난 저지 모인 이날
11월 17일, NFBS 중앙협회(회장 유중현)는 뉴 협회 사무실에서 각 지역협회 이사들 30여명이 가운데 이사회를 가졌다. 오전 10시에 시작한 이사회는 지난 제 7차 트레이드 쇼에 대한 결산
보고를 하고, 새로운 이사장을 선출하였다. 새로운 이 사장은 시카고 협회 회장을 역임한 이상신씨가 선출 되었으며, 내년 1월 1일부터 앞으로 2년간 이사장직 을 수행할 예정이다.
가주 협회 가주협회 (회장 Scott 홍)는 오는 12월 7일 ‘정기총 회 및 송년의 밤’ 행사를 갖는다고 한다. 오후 5시에 Garden Suite Hotel 에서 열릴 이날의 행사는, 보다 많은 회원들의 참석을 위해 일요일로 시간을 정하였 다고 한다. 회비는 1인당 $50이며, 경품 추첨을 통해 푸짐한 상품도 준비되어 있다고 한다. 또한, 협회에
서 발행한 제 8호 협회지도 증정할 예정이라고 한다. 이날 행사에 참석하실 분들은 다음의 연라처로 문의 하면 된다. 재무 김기태:323-779-2580, 총무 강덕수: 323-733-0933
일리노이 협회 일리노이협회(회장 최영모)는 오는 12월 7일 6시에 시카고 문화회관(Korean Cultural Center of Chicago)에서 협회원 및 뷰티 관계자들이 함께하는 ‘송 년의 밤’ 행사를 갖는다고 한다. 이날 행사는 6시에 저녁 식사를 시작으로, 회장 이/취임식을 할 예정이 며, 여러 가지 게임과, 경품 추첨 등, 회원간의 침목
과 올해의 쌓인 피로를 잠시라도 해소해 줄 시간을 가 질 예정이라고 한다. 행사에 관한 문의는 회장 최영모 (847-668-6946), 부회장 송현호(847-226-2398), 정태규(773-807-4928)로 하면 된다.
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
(Left) Steve Vilot with songstress Melanie Martinez. (Right) Matt Ketchum with a finished fishnet hair design.
Barber Authority Powered by Andis at Austin City Limits Music Fest Traveling barber team provides grooming to music artists and talent. The slogan for Austin may be “Keep it weird,” but the Barber Authority powered by Andis kept the musical acts and crew at Austin City Limits looking clean cut and groomed with complimentary services performed in their mobile barbershop the weekends of October 3-5 and 10-12. At the three-day event, Barber Authority lead by master barbers Steve Vilot and Matt Ketchum, recruited Austin stylist Heather Barclay, owner of Orange Salon, and her team to assist with the shaves, cuts, hair designs and bang trims for the VIPs in the Artist Lounge. “The artists really appreciate the services we offer,” says Vilot, who also goes backstage to groom the headlining acts.
“Our three chairs were consistently filled. A fresh cut right before going on stage makes a huge difference and with our talented crew using Andis cutting tools and heat styling tools, both men and women walked away looking their best.” Andis supplied the barbering team with trimmers, clippers, hair dryers, capes, towels and the new RAZR Pro Lather Machine. “Most of the artists want a clean-up of their signature cut, but a few times there’s someone who wants a hair design and my T-Outliners are my brush to their canvas.” says Ketchum.
“Where Beautiful Hair Begins with Care” We are living in quite an exciting time for the beauty industry, as it seems like new products are coming out every day. Products made especially for textured hair, transitioning maintenance items, relaxers, hair coloring goods, styling tools and so much more…it never stops! Amid the constant releases, every once in a while a company stops you in your tracks. For example, when a line comes out that works for hair of all types, both men and women of all nationalities and ages, and even kids alike…it definitely grabs our attention. That’s So Natural is a new product line that was created when the need for affordable hair goods that would cater to the needs of users with all types of hair textures who are concerned with lack of moisture, dry hair/dry scalp and itchy scalp was acknowledged. Not only does this line address these topics, but it smells delightful and it is formulated with natural, healthy botanicals ingredients to effectively nourish and condition the hair. It truly is the one-stop shop for multicultural customers. It is also noteworthy to report a few interesting facts about the owner, Tarecha (T’Baby) Strachan. She has roots in the music business, making her road to the beauty business an interesting one. This Gold Record recording artist experienced firsthand the 94
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excitement of the music industry, but saw that it was not the path to stay on. Passionate about hair and sharing her knowledge of hair care with others, she chose to share her belief that “beautiful hair begins with care” with others through this line. She is also a hair stylist herself, adding to her expertise. It’s evident that this line is more than a compilation of runof-the-mill shampoos and conditioners. These goods provide excellent cleansing and hair care while the company behind it works to educate consumers so they can continue nurturing happy and healthy hair. Leaving tresses shiny, soft and smelling magnificent, here at OTC Beauty Magazine we couldn’t find any complaints. It’s only natural to fall in love with the products of the That’s So Natural line.
IndustryNews 2014 AHBAI CEO Roundtable
AHBAI (American Health and Beauty Aids Institute) held “Must Attend” educational and networking event for industry leaders This CEO Roundtable event brought leaders in the Ethnic HBC Industry together at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers on Tuesday, October 28. During the event, key topics were addressed by Industry Experts including: - The State of the Industry: Current and Future Ethnic HBC Trends - Consumer Report: Style Preferences and consumer Behavior - Regulatory Update: Addressing Current and Future Industry Regulations Following the educational session, attendees were invited to relax and network with movers and shakers in the industry at the Wine and Cheese Sip. After all, networking is where it’s at !
Dean Rhoades
DermaNew Co-Founder, Dean Rhoades, Recently Passed
Dean Rhoades, 64, founder of the Dean Rhoades Salon in Beverly Hills and co-founder of DermaNew Skincare, passed away on September 6 in his Beverly Hills home. Rhoades was born on July 17, 1950 in Indianapolis, Ind. Dean was an inventor and innovator from his earliest days as a teen. He followed his dream to London at age 20, where he studied at Vidal Sassoon and was quickly on his way to becoming a worldclass hair stylist. The Dean Rhoades Salon he founded became known for excellence in hair and skin care, providing award-winning beauty solutions to a celebrity clientele that relied upon Dean not only to style their hair, but to create their image. He was one of the first to recognize the emerging role of salons
as day spas. He was also one of the first who embraced natural-based products by joining forces with Aveda. He felt that he wasn’t just cutting hair, but instead changing the quality of his client’s lives. It was at a Beauty Industry Show when Dean met Amby Longhofer, his life and business partner. It was love at first sight, and they married and had their wonderful son, Wyatt. Dean and Amby created the first privately owned Aveda Lifestyle Store and Salon in the heart of Beverly Hills. Dean continued his passion for invention, innovation, and design at DermaNew, inventing a hand-held skin resurfacing device that became a new beauty category, and the standard for at-home skin resurfacing.
SoftSheen-Carson Laboratories®Dark and Lovely®Introduces Fade Resist Iced Coffee Hair Color Collection
Indulge in decadent color with new cool brown shades from the #1 hair color designed for women of color SoftSheen-Carson Laboratories®, the #1 ethnic hair care brand in the world, is excited to introduce its NEW Dark and Lovely Fade Resist Iced Coffee Collection: a collection of cool brown shades of permanent hair color that deliver vibrant, fade-resistant color and silky, shiny hair. Formulated with rich, moisturizing ingredients, Aloe Vera and Sunflower, NEW Dark and Lovely Fade Resist Iced Coffee Collection is specifically designed to help protect relaxed and natural hair while coloring. Its super-rich conditioning formula wraps the hair strand to help protect it from dryness and damage, even after multiple shampoos. The low ammonia, non-drip liquid formula also features exclusive Moisture Seal Crème for double conditioning power. This unique Moisture Seal Crème locks in shine to illuminate color, help protect colored hair from breakage and leave hair smooth and silky. “If you want to achieve a beautiful brown tone with brilliant
shine, the Fade Resist Iced Coffee Collection is the perfect solution,” says Mezei Jefferson, Senior Manager of Education, SoftSheen-Carson. “This at-home hair color for black women is easy-to-use, leaves no brassy yellow undertones, provides 100% gray coverage and the shades are designed to complement any skin tone.” Dark and Lovely Fade Resist Iced Coffee Collection is comprised of a 3-shade, cool brown palette, including: Iced Espresso, Mocha Frappe and Cool Latte.
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
IndustryNews Do Restore. Do Stimulate. De Revive. Do Shine. DOO GRO® has designed the latest and greatest new hair care products that are guaranteed to increase your consumer sales. DOO GRO has improved their line by adding new top of the line products such as Mega Style Edge Gels, Mega Style Smooth & Straight Relaxers and very soon a release of Hair Vitalizers and a Mega Therapy line of Oil Therapy. Consumers are sure to live on the edge with the NEW Mega Style Edge Gels. These gels are non-sticky, non-greasy and consists of the highest quality Olive and Argan Oils. Petrolatum, Sulfate, Mineral Oil, Silicone and Alcohol free, they produce healthier, shinier, controlled hair. Forget the straight and narrow, get edgy with the all new Mega Style Edge Gels. DOO GRO® is also delighted to introduce the new Mega Style Smooth & Straight Relaxer. This newly designed Anti-Breakage relaxer is devised with Hydrolyzed Silk Protein and Panthenol to improve shine, strengthen hair and seal in moisture. The new Mega Style Relaxer leaves hair silky straight and easy to manage while promoting healthy, shinier hair. Soon to hit the line of hot new items are the Mega Therapy line of Oil Treatments and the Medicated Hair Vitalizers. The Mega Therapy line of Oil Treatments is comprised of Argan Oils and Nutrient Rich Moringa Oil which are excellent for hair, scalp and skin. The Hair Vitalizers are medicated Anti-Dandruff formulas designed in a creamy lightweight formula and an intense moisture-rich conditioner. These new products are definitely designed to nourish and revitalize the hair.
Fromm at the Premiere Orlando Show 2014
At this year’s memorable Premiere Beauty Classic tradeshow all the industry professionals arrived ready to deliver the best products, education and showmanship they could muster. The two-day event hosted over 200 classes for artists of all different beauty mediums to discover new techniques, trending styles, and cutting-edge tools to try and buy at their fancy. Fromm has occupied a unique position in the beauty industry, providing stylists with the most innovative tools influenced from stylistbased research. The company continues to focus on developing cutting-edge, dependable tools with a reorganization of their products into three brands to improve their relevance to stylists. All throughout the two-day event, our Fromm stylist Michael Andiorio managed our booth and witnessed the 1907 Uptown Shear and the 1907 Union Station Shear and Thinner combo rise as our bestselling “better” items. Under our higher
end brand, the Fromm Tempo Shear crafted with cryogenically treated German steel sold out completely. This product/value relationship of “good, better and best” encompasses Diane by Fromm, 1907 by Fromm, and Fromm, the company’s signature brand. While the classes themselves were absolutely packed and displayed a number of upcoming trends to watch including some new variations of braids, the show grounds and attendees themselves reflected some interesting new ideas. Ombré has been trending for some time now, but for those who are too hesitant to take the color plunge now have the option of ombré extensions. Also, some distributer must have been bringing back glitter hair spray because people of all ages were rocking the dazzled look!
Fromm at Premiere Birmingham Show 2014
The Southeastern beauty event wrapped up this year on October 20 with wonderful memories of new products, trends and the excitement of celebrity stylists. At this year’s Premiere Birmingham tradeshow thousands of attendees in the span of two days arrived to watch and learn about the best products and the latest techniques. Fromm has occupied a unique position in the beauty industry, providing stylists with the most innovative tools influenced from stylist-based research. The company continues to focus on developing cutting-edge, dependable tools under the compass of three brands: Diane by Fromm, 1907 by Fromm, and Fromm, the company’s signature brand. All throughout the two-day event, our Fromm stylist Nichole Heintz interacted with attendees from our booth and watched as the 1907 Union Station Shear stole the spotlight as our bestseller. Each class held a large audience and displayed a 96
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number of upcoming trends to watch including some new shear techniques and different takes on the 1960’s shag. However, celebrity stylist Nick Arrojo stole the show with his impeccable razor technique as he shaved and styled a multitude of piecey bobs. As for color, different shades of red stood out as a popular gradient for the fall season. But the hottest—and recently, longest lasting trends around—ombre, sombre, and balayage are still gaining traction. Sunlight’s Balay Box contains lighteners that have “ideal consistency for balayage highlighting but also achieves an extraordinary amount of lift very rapidly while simultaneously leaving the hair in excellent condition” ( The company sold out of the The Balay Box so quickly they had to ship additional orders. Fall may be here, but the public insists that those highlights shouldn’t be left in the sand.
Three New Reasons to Love Rubis Introducing Rubis Techno Tweezers and Gold Slanted Tip Tweezer #1 and 2: Rubis Techno Tweezers No sharpening required with these Rubis Techno Tweezers! Infused with high-tech, stay-sharp precision tips made of polymer fiberglass that removes the finest and shortest hairs, these provide renowned performance with extra comfort at a compelling price. Features and Benefits: • Slanted tip, all-purpose tweezer • Perfect for shaping eyebrows and removing facial and body hair • Polymer fiberglass stay-sharp precision tips–no sharpening required • 35% lighter than traditional tweezers • Available colors: stainless, black • Suggested Salon Price: $24.99 #3: Rubis Gold Slanted Tip Tweezer Bathed in 24 carat gold, this all-purpose tweezer combines the beauty of fine jewelry with professional performance for those who demand the very best. Features and Benefits: • Slanted tip, all-purpose tweezer • Perfect for shaping eyebrows and removing facial and body hair
• • • •
Bathed in 24 carat gold 3 ¾” standard size Stainless steel–safely disinfect without rusting Suggested Salon Price: $43.99
Rubis tweezers are the perfect addition to any salon hair removal service, or even as a go-to at-home tweezer to ensure no unwanted hair goes unplucked. About Rubis® of Switzerland Manufactured in Switzerland of the finest materials, each Rubis tweezer undergoes a 40 step manufacturing process, 12 steps more than the average good tweezer. The final steps are performed under a microscope, ensuring each tip meets along the entire gripping surface, making Rubis the most precise tweezer you can buy, perfect for the beauty professional or home user. Rubis is exclusively distributed by Mehaz International to the professional beauty industry. Mehaz is owned by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 65 years. For further information, visit
Year End
by: Dr. Reginald Mitchell a.k.a. Dr. Hair, Director of Education—Namasté Laboratories
Hair is a slender, thread-like appendage (out-growth) of the skin or scalp. Its main purpose is to adorn and protect. However, in the winter months, the hair suffers tremendously. It needs protecting. The air is cold and there is less moisture. Thus we have dry, brittle and shedding hair near the end of the year. Hair has a growth reproduction cycle. The hair’s growth cycle is like the growth of the leaves on a tree. In the spring, the leaves grow. In the summer they simply adorn the tree. In the fall and winter, the growth stops and the leaves fall. Doesn’t this remind you of hair? It grows in the spring and summer and sheds in the fall and winter. The 411 for healthy end-of-year hair is to keep the hair clean, but moisturized; wear smooth up-do hairstyles that eliminate stress on the hair and reduce the amount of heat applied to the hair. Remember
braiding the hair does not give the hair rest. It can actually put more stress on the hair. Shampoo once a week. Use a shampoo that cleanses relaxed, natural and/or color-treated hair without depleting the natural oils of the hair. Use a shampoo free of sulfates, parabens and mineral oil, yet still adds moisture to the hair with ingredients like Olive Oil from the Mediterranean. Try the NEW ORS Olive Oil Sulfate-Free Hydrating Shampoo. It’s great year round, but especially impactful for fall and winter. Don’t forget to condition the hair after shampooing. Reduce heat application to the hair. Wear the hair smooth and use ornamentation to give holiday glamour to your style. If your hair type and texture warrants, oil the scalp daily, or as needed. It’s such a wonderful feeling to have healthy hair and scalp.
December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine
IndustryNews OPI and GLOSSYBOX Nail It Professional nail care company OPI, has teamed up with GLOSSYBOX to create a custom pale pink polish, which perfectly matches the prestige subscription box’s classic Pantone shade. “In being part of the GLOSSYBOX experience, OPI is able to reach a new audience of beauty lovers looking to receive the latest in both color and technology,” said Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, OPI Co-Founder and Brand Ambassador. “With GLOSSYBOX, OPI has the opportunity to
market products in a new way that allows users to see, touch and most importantly test lacquer and color firsthand.” Launched in all November boxes exclusively for GLOSSYBOX subscribers along with four deluxe and full-size beauty products, the limited-edition shade is aptly-named, “Pink Outside the GLOSSYBOX.” “OPI really ‘nailed’ the color of our box,” said Elian Pres-Gurwits, President and Managing Director of GLOSSYBOX. “We know our subscribers will love this versatile shade, not just because it is a specialedition which is a rosy play on the classic neutral for fall. We view this partnership with OPI as a great example of two like-minded brands uniting to raise the bar on our unboxing experience.” All GLOSSYBOX subscribers received “Pink Outside the GLOSSYBOX” in their November boxes, while anyone could purchase the box for $21 on
Creme of Nature Partners with Look Good Feel Better® During Breast Cancer Awareness Month Leading ethnic hair care brand joins with non-profit organization to share common thread of helping women with cancer to look good and feel better Long-standing hair care brand Creme of Nature® continues their partnership with Look Good Feel Better, a free non-medical, brand-neutral national public service program created to help individuals with cancer to look good, improve their self-esteem and thereby manage their treatment and recovery with greater confidence. For the fifth consecutive year, Creme of Nature and Look Good Feel Better ran an informative campaign through the end of October. During this important time, Creme of Nature launched a limitededition Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Pink Perfect Edges—a hair gel infused with Argan Oil that helps to control and hold down edges, without flaking, while moisturizing and adding Exotic Shine™ to the hair—with a portion of its proceeds benefiting Look Good Feel Better. “Courage is Beautiful” informative brochures along with neck hangers were found on Creme of Nature with Argan Oil product packaging to help spread the word about the organization and the support it provides for women who are undergoing cancer treatment. Through Look Good Feel Better, women receive step-by-step makeover sessions that are led by cosmetology professionals. Each free two-hour, hands-on workshop includes a 12-step skin care and makeup lesson, information on nail care techniques and advice on how to deal with hair loss, including tips on the use of wigs, hairpieces, scarves and other accessories. 98
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
“We at Creme of Nature are delighted to support such a phenomenal organization as Look Good Feel Better,” said Teneya Gholston, Creme of Nature Director of Marketing. “Our brand is committed to making consumers feel beautiful, which is why we find it very important to support this organization’s mission to help women look their best while working to survive cancer. This partnership is an extension of our goal to celebrate the beauty of all women and allows us to connect with our consumer on a more personal level.” Along with the “Courage is Beautiful” product inserts, Creme of Nature promoted Look Good Feel Better via a social media campaign using #CourageousBeauty as the hashtag. Creme of Nature has also included a link to Look Good Feel Better’s website on and is circulating promotional materials such as pamphlets and posters to the public at key events. Look Good Feel Better information was also shared on the brand’s social media sites—including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter—and website. Since its inception, Look Good Feel Better has served more than 900,000 women with cancer, and the cosmetic industry has donated more than $188 million in product and financial support. Each year, 50,000 women participate in the program’s 15,400 free workshops across the country, delivered by 6,000 volunteers. Services are also available via print and video materials, online and via mobile resources. For more information about Look Good Feel Better’s free services, please visit For more information about Creme of Nature, visit, or follow the brand on Twitter (@cremeofnature), Facebook for consumers ( cremeofnature) or via the blog (
ShowCalendar December: 7-10 ECRM/EPPS International Health & Beauty Care Orlando, FL
13-14 Nzuri Natural Hair, Health and Makeup Expo Houston, TX
JANUARY: 19-20 Western Buying Conference Las Vegas, NV
Ad Index Advanced Beauty Systems ......76 American International ..............5 Ampro Industries ............... Insert Andis Co. .....................................45 Beauty Wholesale LTD .......56, 59 Belson ..........................................37 Bonfi Natural/Wet-n-Wavy .....75 Colomer ....................................107 Conair ..........................................43
Long Beach, CA
Dream World, Inc. ....28, 29, 68, 74
Charlotte, NC
Jheri Redding Professional...IFC, 1 Luster Products .........................11 Makari ................................8, 31, 80
Maxi Professional .......................22 Mitchell Group ...........................41 Mizani .............................. Cover, 61
Ecoco, Inc. ...................... 53, 65, BC
One Bottle ..................................13
Fantasia Ind. ................................23
Oster Prof. Products .................21
Fisk Industries ............................67
Pak Cosmetics ...........................79
Helen of Troy ................................9
Professional Products Unlimited ..............................62, 87
R&R Corp. ...................................51 RA Cosmetics ....................78, 103 SMO International ....................35 Smooth Care ............................105 SMSi-Urban Call Marketing, Inc. ................................................46 Ten Pro ........................................32 The Stephan Company ............69 Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products .............................52 Universal Beauty Products........ 7 Urban Therapy/Twisted Sista ...................................108, IBC Wella,The Salon Professional Division of P&G ............. 55, Insert Western Buying Conference...Insert
Inspired Beauty Brands ............33
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
JF Labs/AFAM ......................25, 89
Nature’s Protein ........................57
Hollywood Beauty .....................77
JBS Hair......15, 20, 34, 44, 50, 88, 92
Mane Selection .. ....................... 2, 3
24-26 International Salon and Spa Expo (ISSE)
31-February 1 Unique Natural Hair, Beauty and Fashion Show
JBS Beauty Club ..................14, 78
Queen Helene ......................38, 60
Xtreme Beauty International ...................27, 39, 81
Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants
to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.
여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)
1. What are the good things your customers have to say about Shea Butter products? Do you sell more during the cold winter months? 1. 고객들이 시어 버터 제품에 대해 얘기할 수 있는 장점들은 무엇입니까? 추운 겨울 동안 특히 더 이 제품들을 많이 판매합니까?
2. Do you give away many samples at your store? Does it help increase product sales?
2.매장에서 샘플을 많이
배포하고 있습니까? 이것이 제품 판매를 높이는데 도움이 됩니까?
3. What is the best tip you can share with other store owners of how to easily keep their store clean? 3.매장을 깨끗하게 유지할 수 있는 쉬운 방법을 다른 매장 주인들과 공유한다면 어떤 방법이 있을까요?
When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.
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OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
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September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine
Twisted Sista
A global take over with curl products for all textures and types
Twisted Sista is where “Curls of the World Unite!” Inspired from the salons of London, Twisted Sista’s latest formulation is infused with consumer’s ideal “cocktail” of Almond, Avocado and Coconut Oils, resulting in effective moisturizing products for frizz free, curl defining styles. There is an item for all textures from thick tight coils and curly curls to loose wavy textures. Luxurious Clarifying Shampoo - Consumer’s favorite hair cocktail of Coconut and Avocado Oils for super hydration to seal in moisture and avoid future drying. Intensive Leave-In Conditioner - The answer to frizz. It is formulated with Avocado, Coconut and Silk Amino Acids to create soft, manageable shiny texture curls without weighing hair down. Curl Crème Activator - Awarded the best Curl Activator in Cosmopolitan magazine, this active curl crème provides “curlicious” magic, putting life back into tired, saggy curls. It delivers volume, bounce and curl definition to naturally textured curls or relaxed wavy styles. Hairstyles are confirmed to remain moisturized, soft and frizz-free for up to 24 hours. 108
OTC Beauty Magazine December 2014
30 Second Curl Spray - Refresh curls and see the effects in 30 seconds for full vibrant new curls. With moisturizing curl elements such as Coconut, Almond Oil and Avocado, curls are awakened as it seals in moisture and shine while taming frizz. Amazing Dream Curls - Especially for thin and/or wavy curl types, it enhances curl patterns. This alcohol-free curl styler provides a crunch-less hold and elongates curls while infusing moisture. Curls remain moisturized and in place for up to 24 hours. Nourishing Sleek Edge Gel - Almond Oil provides luminous shine to this soft lightweight edge gel, resulting in a sleek hold with no flakes. Restorative Dry Oil - Enjoy the moisture and shine provided by this Almond, Avocado and Coconut Oil mix. It works to restore dry hair, avoid breakage and prevent split ends with no residue build up. The revolution has begun... “Curls Of The World Unite!” For more information, contact your distributor today and visit us at