The Year End Issue OTC Dec 2015

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December 2015| $6.00 The Year End Issue

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Hair Oil 2015: The Year of Natural Hair Care Enhance the Shopping Experience

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CONTENTS December 2015 in this issue

Editorial Letter ����������������������10 No Winter Woes Here

더 이상의 겨울철 고민은 없습니다.

Expert Advice �����������������������12 Winterize Your Skin

Marketplace �������������������������18 2015 Round-Up

How Should You Sell It? �������24

Finished Product

All About Hair Oil ������������������� 30 by Evonne Jordan Dry, oily, brittle and damaged hair is something most women and some men have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Hair oils and what they do for your hair is very important. Oiling ones hair is one of the most important hair care techniques you want to do while caring for your hair. It is all about finding the right one for you.

Skin Care Through Changing Seasons

어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은… 환절기 피부 관리입니다!

Notes From the Natural Nation ���������������������59 Castor Oil: An All-Purpose Remedy

Clipper Tips ��������������������������70 Know Your Power Source (Part 2)

Manufacturer Profile

Therapy Trends ���������������������72 PDC Brands ������������������������������������������������������������������ 66 Reimagining Texture and Technology

Tonsorial Times ��������������������74

Introducing PDC Brands, the company formerly known as Parfums de Coeur®. This emerging powerhouse in beauty and personal care consumer products has big plans for the future, and OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate to learn more about them. Fueled by a combination of double-digit organic growth and strategic acquisitions, PDC Brands is rapidly evolving into a major beauty and personal care platform.

Shop Assessment Time

Staff Picks �����������������������������78

업계소식................................ 80

예전Parfums de Coeur®로 알려진 회사, PDC 브랜드를 소개하려 한다. 미용 및 개인 관리 소비자 제품 분야에서 신흥 강자로 떠오르고 있는 이 회사는 미래에 대한 큰 계획을 가지고 있으며, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이들에 관해 좀 더 자세한 내용을 알아볼 수 있는 행운을 얻게 되었다. 두 자리 수의 유기적 성장과 전략적 인수의 조합으로 장착된 PDC 브랜드는 주요 미용 및 개인 관리 분야에서 빠르게 진화하고 있다.

Jinny Innovations �����������������82 Industry News ����������������������84 Coupons ������������������������������93 BIR Bits ���������������������������������94 Show Calendar ����������������� 100 Ad Index ��������������������������� 100 Reader Feedback ��������������� 102 Product Spotlight �������������� 104 OSSAT Naturals Healthy Hair Care System


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

On The Cover House of Cheatham is proud to announce their new line of Aunt Jackie’s products for curls and coils – the Flaxseed Recipes Collection. These products are sulfate-free, paraben-free, and contain no mineral oil or petrolatum. They are just what your customers need to start their journey to happy, healthy hair. Learn more at

CONTENTS December2015 Knowledge To Know

Business Tips

by KC Obioha Do you have frustrated customers with black skin discoloration problems? Do you notice dark spots, uneven skin tone or pimples hurting their self-confidence? Are you noticing a lot of customers using too much concealer to cover flawed skin? As the New Year approaches make it their resolution to achieve clear, flawless complexions by removing imperfections on the skin.

by Darren Pace It is said that music defines you and that is definitely the case for retail environments as well. Store background music can help a business succeed, boosting the appeal of their products or services and in fact influence customer behavior. Background music is critical when it comes to how your customers enjoy their shopping experience in a store.

검은 피부의 변색 문제로 고민하는 고객이 있는가? 다크 스팟이나 고르지 못한 피부 톤, 여드름 등이 그들의 자신감을 저하시킨다는 것을 느낀 적이 있는가? 많은 고객들이 피부 결함을 커버하기 위해 너무 많은 컨실러를 사용한다는 것을 알고 있는가? 많은 사람들이 다가오는 새해에는 피부 결함을 제거함으로써 깨끗하고 흠 잡을 때 없는 피부를 만드는 것을 새해 결심으로 세우고 있다.

by Lumbie Mlambo The poor are always with us – and in great numbers. There is so much need out there and that’s why I believe it’s important that all of us do whatever we can to help the underprivileged. Here are a few tips for how we can get started helping our brothers and sisters in need.

Store Background Music Skin Discolorations and How to Repair Skin in the New Year ������� 34 Enhances the Shopping Experience ������������������� 48

피부 변색 및 피부재생법

A Prescription for Healthy Hair and Preventative Care ��������� 36 by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau In most cases, signs of unhealthy hair will include excessive dryness, brittleness to the touch, excessive shedding, and brittle ends. Help your customers combat unhealthy hair this season! Read on to learn why healthy hair must first begin with a healthy scalp, and other helpful tips.

건강한 헤어 및 예방 관리를 위한 처방

대부분의 경우, 건강하지 못한 헤어는 과도한 건조, 쉽게 부서짐, 지나치게 빠짐, 끝부분이 갈라짐 등의 증상을 보인다. 모발손상으로 고생하고 있는 고객들을 도와라. 이 기사를 통해서 건강한 두피를 만들어 건강한 모발을 만드는 법을 배워보도록 하자.

2015: The Year of Natural Hair Care ������������������������� 40 by Taliah Waajid I believe 2015 will be remembered as a very special year for the natural hair care products industry. This year proved that not only has the natural hair care segment arrived, but it is also the hottest development in hair care…and it is here to stay. Learn all about the growth of this movement and how it can help fuel sales for your store. 나는 2015년이 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품 산업에 있어서는 아주 특별한 해로 기억될 것이라 생각한다. 올해는 네추럴 헤어 케어 분야에서 성공을 거두었을 뿐 아니라, 헤어 케어 분야에서 가장 성공한 개발이었음을 입증했다. 이러한 변화들을 파악하여 판매에 도움이 될 것들을 배워보도록 하자


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

How to Help our Brothers and Sisters in Need ���� 50

어떻게 어려움에 처한 형제 자매를 도울 수 있을까요?

가난은 항상 우리와 함께 한다. 상당히 많이 말이다. 세상에는 너무도 많은 어려움들이 있고 이것이 우리 모두가 소외 계층을 돕기 위해 무엇이든 하는 것이 중요하다고 내가 믿는 이유이다. 여기에, 어려움에 처한 주변사람들을 도울 수 있는 방법에 대한 몇 가지 도움말들이 있다.

Beauty Ambassadors

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article ����������������� 54 No More “Bad Hair Days”

Skin Care Ambassador Article ���������������������������������� 56 Raw, Natural Coconut Oil


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Earl Cole

Art Director:

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

Carla Alexander ReGia Davis Evonne Jordan Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Cynthia Malcom Lumbi Mlambo KC Obioha Darren Pace Phylencia “PT� Taylor Stript Wax Bar Taliah Waajid


Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Editorial Letter

No Winter Woes Here 더 이상의 겨울철 고민은 없습니다. We have made it! The year has almost come to a close and we are wrapping up 2015 holiday celebrations just after this month. Although everything seems to be winding down, there is one thing we cannot forget, especially during the harsh winter months – keeping hair and skin healthy. Yes, a complete hair and skin care regimen is important all year long, but we must not skip steps during the excitement of this season. Always be sure to take the necessary actions to keep skin moisturized and hair nourished. Whether you use hair oil (see page 30), a tried-and-true favorite item, or a new one we have picked out (either in the Marketplace on page 18 or Staff Picks sections on page 78), keep on keepin’ on! We are also looking forward to 2016, anxiously waiting to see what all it has in store. In this month’s feature article one writer takes us on a journey of six hairstyles that are sure to take the new year by storm. Flip to page 62 to learn more. As you wrap up this year and prepare for an exciting new chapter, be sure to take time to make lasting memories with your friends and family while still striving for business success. We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful season with loved ones. We also wish you all the success in world in the coming year.

해냈습니다! 한 해가 거의 저물어가고 우리는 지금 바로 다음 달에 있을 2015 년 홀리데이 시즌 준비를 마무리하고 있습니다. 비록 모든 것이 끝나가는 듯 보이지만, 간과해서는 안 될 것이 하나 있습니다. 그것은, 추운 겨울철 동안 헤어와 스킨을 건강하게 유지하는 것입니다.

그렇습니다, 완전한 헤어와 스킨 관리 요법은 일년 내내 중요하지만,

들뜨게 되는 이 시즌 동안에도 단계별 관리를 생략해서는 결코 안 됩니다. 피부 보습과 모발 영양을 유지하는데 필요한 관리들은 반드시 해야 합니다. 헤어 오일(30페이지 참조)이나 믿고 사용하는 선호 아이템, 혹은 우리가 선택한 새로운 아이템들을(18페이지 마켓 플레이스 섹션이나 78페이지 편집자 선택 섹션), 지속적으로 사용해야 합니다!

또한, 우리는 다가올 2016년 매장에서 보게 될 것들을 애타게 기다리고

있습니다. 이 달의 특집 기사에서는 새해를 강타할, 확실한 6가지 헤어 스타일을 알아보게 될 것입니다. 자세한 내용은 62페이지에서 볼 수 있습니다.








위해 여전히 노력하는 동안에도 여러분의 친구와 가족들과 함께 추억을 만드는 시간을 갖길 바랍니다. 여러분 모두 사랑하는 사람들과 함께 즐거운 크리스마스, 멋진 홀리데이를 보내길 바랍니다. 또한 내년 한 해도 여러분의 성공을 기원합니다.

Editor, 10

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice by Cynthia Malcom

Winterize Your Skin

The battle with winter weather can wage war against your skin; in order to be victorious you have to fight back by giving skin what it is missing. Balanced skin has an abundance of antioxidants, skin-repairing ingredients, and cell-communicating elements that help generate normal skin cells. Your winter skin care treatment should always begin with a water-based peptide serum and include a moisturizing cream. Antioxidants in skin care products work to battle free radicals, fuel collagen production, nourish the skin, lessen the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and shed light on brighter, firmer skin tone. Who wouldn’t want that? When choosing skin care products, look for these ingredients: 1. A smart nutrient like a Hyaluronic acid base with peptides. Hyaluronic acid in your skin will adjust its moisture absorption rate based on humidity. This has a direct relation to the season and the climate. 2. A powerful antioxidant like Apricot kernel oil. This oil is mainly derived from dried seeds and fruit, and is mainly composed of linoleic acid and oleic acid. It improves the condition of skin and hair; keeping hair roots and strands well nourished and moisturized. Massaging your scalp with some warm apricot oil stimulates the follicles, softens the hair and improves hair growth too. 3. A deeply hydrating ingredient like jojoba. Jojoba contains nutrients (vitamin E and B), as well as minerals like chromium, copper and zinc, which nourish and protect all skin types to contest the effects of aging. Jojoba oil is an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial oil-balancing acne treatment. Adding jojoba oil to your hair care regime as a hot oil treatment will be beneficial for its moisturizing and conditioning properties. Squalene from olives is also an easily absorbed antioxidant that has antibacterial properties which help to maintain skin’s healthy-youthful appearance. Tips to complete your winter skin routine: • Always wear sunscreen. Select a product with zinc and titanium dioxide. • Rebalance skin. If you are experiencing dryness, itching, burning tightening and/or eczema during the colder, dryer months it is because the skin lacks the ability to keep moisture where it is needed. It has lost the substances necessary to keep water content normalized and the surface of the skin feeling like silk. Remember: When the necessary, skin-repairing and cell-communicating ingredients are depleted the skin can’t protect itself from the weather in any season. Be sure to work and keep your skin healthy all year long.

Cynthia Malcom has 15 years of experience in the beauty industry. She is a Licensed Esthetician, Nail Technician, Licensed Esthetic Instructor, Manicurist Instructor, Freelance Writer, Public Speaker and Education Director, and owner of Edgar Renee’ Aesthetic Education & Consulting Group (; based in Columbus, Ohio. Explore the class and course catalog at edgareneegroup. 12

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December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine




As 2015 draws to a close we want to gather one more collection of the hottest products on the market for you. Be sure you start the new year off right, stocking your shelves with these great items and more.

Clear Ice速

The Clear Ice速 Coconut Oil Styling Gel is perfect for moisturizing hair while keeping styles looking great all day long. The non-flaking, alcohol-free and protein-free formula provides a firm hold and is good for natural or chemically treated hair.

Miss White

Is this not the most fabulous bar of soap you have seen?! The Miss White Beauty Active Exfoliating Soap from Fair and White cleanses and exfoliates skin, preparing it to receive lightening actives quickly and efficiently. Its magically scented, fine exfoliating foam leaves skin freshly cleansed and smooth, promoting a softer skin tone. 18

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Purple Passion

Are Sparks’ fun permanent hair color shades big sellers in your store, but customers have been asking for all-inclusive kits? Now they can get them! Sparks’ top five vibrant colors come packaged with everything users need to create the perfect at-home creative look in one Complete Color and Lightener System: a tube of color, lightener, developer, mixing brush, applicator gloves, tub, step-by-step instructions and a how-to technique guide.

Bubble Fun

Relaxing is a little more fun with bubbles. Shea Moisture’s Olive and Green Tea Bubble Bath and Body Wash with Avocado is perfect for creating ultra-moisturizing bubble baths. Cleanse and soften skin with this luxurious product.

Clean Freak

Looking for a shampoo that is good for the user, their hair and the environment? Then look no further! Clean Freak Purifying Shampoo from Not Your Mother’s boasts an eco-friendly formula that cleanses hair without using harsh chemicals. It is also biodegradable so it will not clog pipes or pores. Revitalize stressed hair while moisturizing and soothing tresses.

December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


M A R K E T PLACE Healthy Hair

Designed to prevent hair loss and restore nutrients to roots and scalp, the Organic Hair Energizer Root and Scalp Tonic works great for all hair types. The nourishing properties of Pro Vitamin B5 revitalize weak roots for natural hair growth. Product is paraben free.

Sheen Spray

ON Natural’s Braid & Twist Sheen Spray contains natural protein ingredients that provide excellent control of both Human and Synthetic braids. It relieves and soothes itchy, irritated scalp while adding silky shine and moisture to braids. Promote strong, healthy hair with no frizzy, greasy feeling.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Nourishing Mint

OKAY Pure Natural’s Soothing and Invigorating Peppermint Leave-In Conditioner provides refreshing hydration to dry, brittle hair. It moisturizes and adds softness and shine, while leaving hair manageable and energized. It is made with Natural Shea, and free of parabens and silicone.

Quick Release

Soften and dissolve adhesive residue while conditioning the skin with Salon Pro 30 Sec® Lace Wig Bond Conditioning Remover. It releases adhesive fast, simplifying the process of gently removing lace wig bonds.

Mask Up

Sometimes hair needs a little extra attention and deep down moisturizing – that’s where Giovanni’s Ultra-Moist Deep Deep Moisture Hair Mask comes in handy. This rich formula is perfect for dry, damaged hair as it helps repair extreme damage and revitalizes overprocessed, coarse hair. It also prevents split ends and breakage, improving rough texture.

December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine




OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

Skin Care Through Changing Seasons! There is something magical about the change in seasons. As the temperatures begin cooling down initially in Autumn and continue to drop for the whimsical winter season, excitement fills the air, but skin woes can arrive.

Exfoliation is key for fresh skin, but what other tips can help keep skin looking and feeling great as the seasons change? “When winter approaches, it is important to moisturize the skin so that it doesn’t become dried out. Always apply after cleansing. Get plenty of water to drink so that the skin gets the water it needs to maintain the youthful cells. If it doesn’t get enough water, then it will look aged and dehydrated. Opt for eating foods that are healthy and benefit the skin, such as strawberries, tomatoes, salmon, edamame, tea, carrots, broccoli and avocado. They have nutrients in them that help to protect the skin and keep it looking great. ‘A little effort in [skin care] can go a long way toward helping you to look fabulous through the holiday season and beyond,’ explained Katherine Goldman, celebrity esthetician/waxologist and owner of the Stript Wax Bar.”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the January issue! 24

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Stript Wax Bar Photo Credit: Easton Schirra


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...

환절기 피부 관리이다!

계절의 변화에는 뭔가 마법 같은 것이 있다. 가을이 되면 기온은 선선해지다가 변덕스러운 겨울철까지 지속적으로 떨어지고, 흥분의 분위기가 느껴지지만, 피부의 근심도 시작된다.

각질 제거는 신선한 피부를 위한 열쇠이지만, 환절기에도 피부를 좋게 유지할 수 있는데 도움이 되는 다른 방법들에는 무엇이 있을까?

“ 겨울이 다가오면, 피부가 건조해지지 않도록 수분을 지속적으로 공급하는 것이 중요하다. 세안 후 항상 보습제를 사용하라.

충분한 수분을 섭취해서 피부가 젊은 세포를 유지하는데 필요한 수분을 얻을 수 있게 하라.

피부 건강에 도움이 되는 음식을 먹어라. 예를 들자면, 딸기, 토마토, 연어, 완두콩, 차, 당근, 브로콜리 그리고 아보카도 등이 있다. 이런 식품들은 피부를 보호하고 좋게 유지하는데 도움이 되는 영양분을 함유하고 있다.

‘피부 관리를 위한 약간의 노력이 홀리데이 시즌에도 당신이 멋지게 보이는데 도움이 될 것입니다.’ 유명 인사들을 담당하는 에스테티션이자 왁스 전문가이며 The Stript Wax Bar를 운영하는 Katherine Goldman이 조언한다.”

Stript Wax Bar 이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 1월호에 게재됩니다! 26

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Photo Credit: Easton Schirra

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Evonne Jordan

All About Hair Oil

The importance of hair oils and how they work to benefit hair Dry, oily, brittle and damaged hair is something most women and some men have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. Hair oils and what they do for your hair is very important; hair oil is a toiletry for tresses. It is a hairdressing consisting of an oil or ointment that is lightweight and penetrates the hair to treat and condition at the same time. While hair oil still adds shine, the humble oil also protects and nourishes the hair. Hair oil is beneficial for any and every one. Oiling ones hair is one of the most important hair care techniques you want to do while caring for your hair. It is very necessary that hair is given proper treatment; a massage with most oils is beneficial for healthy hair. It is all about finding the right one for you.

Avocado Oil – contains proteins, healthy fats, amino acids and vitamins A, D, E, and B6. The proteins help fill in damaged areas in your hair cuticles, repairing damage that’s already present and preventing future breakage and frizz. Avocado oil is strong and thick, so it is most effective when used on medium to thick hair.

Coconut Oil – helps the lubrication of the hair. The content of coconut oil, consisting of magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron happens to provide the best for your hair. It is very useful for damaged hair due to its ability to strengthen.

• Rosemary Oil – very useful for unwanted and flaky Here are some of the oils currently on the market dandruff problems. It’s best to warm the oil slightly and • Argan Oil – is the most expensive of the hair oils on the apply it with the help of your fingers and cotton; be sure list, but ask anyone who uses it and you will hear it is to rub it into the scalp well and wrap your head with a worth every penny spent. Argan oil contains vitamin E, hot towel. Omega 3 and 9 fatty acids, and antioxidants, all of which do amazing things for damaged, dry, coarse or otherwise A brief history unmanageable hair. For centuries, natural oils have been used to condition human hair. A conditioner popular with men in the late Victorian era 30

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Finished Product

was Macassar oil, but this product was quite greasy and required pinning a small cloth, known as an antimacassar, to chairs and sofas to keep the upholstery from being damaged by the Macassar oil. Modern hair conditioner was created at the turn of the 20th century when perfumer Ed. Pinaud presented a product called brilliantine at the 1900 Exposition Universelle in Paris. His product was intended to soften men’s hair, including beards and mustaches. Since the invention of Pinaud’s early products, modern science has advanced the hair conditioner industry to include those made with silicone, fatty alcohols and quaternary ammonium compounds. These chemical products allow the benefits of hair conditioner without feeling greasy and heavy. How to use oils You can you use oils on a daily basis to nourish your hair or you can simply add a few drops of oil to your leave-in conditioner for the ultimate in hydration. You can also use it as an overnight scalp treatment for incredible deep conditioning by adding a few drops directly to the scalp and massaging in. Simply cleanse it in the morning. Evonne Essentials Hair Care Products Evonne Essentials hair oil will have you saying “bye-bye” to damaged hair. Do you have dry, damaged, and unruly hair? Like

Evonne Jordan,

many women and even men, you are likely using strong shampoos and blow drying your hair everyday as you are pulling, twisting and teasing your hair. Over time, this ritual depletes your hair’s nourishing oils. Evonne Essentials oils are to the rescue. Using Evonne Essentials oils as part of your hair care routine can breathe new life and luster into your hair and scalp. Evonne Essentials oils will also infuse your hair with a burst of natural energy. These products are an innovation in hair care, promoting a healthy scalp, increased hair elasticity, increased hair strength, hair growth and more…all while adding shine and softness to the hair. During the development stage of their products, the company included natural ingredients that are clinically proven to help give customers beautiful hair and soothe the scalp. The products are not greasy and they don’t weigh your hair down. They are universal, perfect for use on all hair types and textures as well as all skin types; they benefit EVERYONE. Visit and take a look for yourself. Evonne Essentials’ most popular oils are Extra Strength Restoring Hair Oil and the Growth Oil Strengthening Serum. These oils have a unique formula that promotes healthy hair. Our products will effectively help you to achieve the look and style you want without stripping or robbing your hair of its natural essential oils. Evonne Essentials hair care products will cover any hair concerns you may have.

Author and Founder of Evonne Essentials, is a Motivational Speaker holding a (BS) degree, Bachelor of Science in Business Management and a master degree (MBA), Master of Business Administration with a Minor in Human Resource Management. She is the owner of Queens Hair and Beauty Supply in Madison, AL. In 1994 after finishing Cosmetology College she opened a nail salon called Fashion Nails where she pampered clients from head to toe. In her professional career she helps small businesses get contracts for their business. She has a passion for helping people reach their potential. Contact Evonne Jordan at or call 256-325-0525.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015


Knowledge to Know by KC Obioha

Skin Discolorations and How to Repair Skin in the New Year 피부 변색과 새해에 피부를 회복할 수 있는 방법 Do you have frustrated customers with black skin discoloration problems? Do you notice dark spots, uneven skin tone or pimples hurting their self-confidence? Are you noticing a lot of customers using too much concealer to cover flawed skin? As the New Year approaches make it their resolution to achieve clear, flawless complexions by removing imperfections on the skin. Major causes of Hyperpigmentation: 1. Insect Bites: Insect bites make some black skin react and get darker. Scratching the skin makes it worse by irritating it more. 2. Acne Scars: If you have acne issues then you know that when the pimples clear you may still have to deal with the scars left behind. These scars can take months if not years to disappear. 3.Pregnancy: Pregnancy and weight gain can cause dark patches on the skin. Pregnancy triggers hormones that can cause melasma, which makes dark patches of skin appear on the face, stomach or back of the body. 4. Sun Damage: Too much exposure to the sun makes skin get darker and can cause an uneven skin tone. 5. Genetics: Thirty percent of men and women are prone to discoloration of the skin. 6. Medication: Certain medications can cause hyperpigmentation. Treatments to get rid of Black skin discolorations: 1. Skin Lighteners: Hydroquinone is an effective treatment for dark spots and skin discolorations. 2. Hydroxy Acids: These work by loosening the “glue” that holds the skin cells together. It also makes cell turnover faster so that new, lighter cells replace the dark spots. 3. Chemical Peels: Peels work by sloughing layers of dead skin and bringing out fresh, new skin. Peels give instant improvements in skin discolorations. Only a professional dermatologist should administer a chemical peel. 4. Microdermabrasion: This treatment “sandblasts” the top layer of skin away leaving fresh, new skin to take its place. This procedure should also be done by a professional. These dark marks and scars can be removed using skin-lightening products to fade discolorations and even out the skin complexion. Products containing hydroquinone are usually the most popular amongst consumers facing these problems.

검은 피부의 변색 문제로 고민하는 고객이 있는가? 다크 스팟이나 고르지 못한 피부 톤, 여 드름 등이 그들의 자신감을 저하시킨다는 것을 느낀 적이 있는가? 많은 고객들이 피부 결함 을 커버하기 위해 너무 많은 컨실러를 사용한다는 것을 알고 있는가? 많은 사람들이 다가오 는 새해에는 피부 결함을 제거함으로써 깨끗하고 흠 잡을 때 없는 피부를 만드는 것을 새해 결심으로 세우고 있다.

색소 침착의 주된 요인: 1. 벌레 물림: 벌레 물림은 검은 피부 반응을 만들고 점점 짙게 만든다. 피부를 긁으 면 더 많은 자극으로 인해 상태를 악화시키게 된다. 2. 여드름 흉터: 만일 당신이 여드름 문제를 갖고 있다면, 여드름이 없어진 후에도 여전히 남은 흉터를 해결해야 한다는 것을 알 것이다. 이런 흉터들은 없애려면 몇 달 혹은 몇 년이 걸릴 수도 있다. 3. 임신: 임신과 체중 증가는 피부에 검은 착색을 유발한다. 임신 유발 호르몬은 기 미를 생성할 수 있는데, 이것은 얼굴과 배, 신체 뒷면에 검은 착색을 만든다.

4. 자외선으로 인한 손상: 자외선에 지나치게 노출될 경우 피부색이 점점 짙어지고 고르지 못한 피부 톤을 야기할 수 있다. 5. 유전: 남성과 여성의 30%가 피부 변색을 갖는 경향이 있다. 6. 약물: 특정 약물은 색소 침착을 유발한다.

검은 피부 변색을 제거하는 트리트먼트: 1. 피부 미백제: 하이드로퀴논은 다크 스팟과 피부 변색에 효과적인 치료이다.

2. 하이드록시 산: 이것은 피부 세포를 서로 결합하는 “glue결합제”를 느슨하게 만 든다. 또한 세포의 회전율을 가속화하여 새롭고 밝은 세포를 다크 스팟과 교체하게 된다.

3. 케미컬 필: 박피는 죽은 피부층을 벗겨내서, 신선하고 새로운 피부를 드러나게 하 는 것이다. 박피는 피부 변색에 즉각적인 향상을 제공한다. 오직 피부 전문의만이 케 미컬 필 트리트먼트를 제공하고 관리해야 한다. 4. 미세 박피술: 이 치료는 피부의 상단층을 “sandblasts (모래를 분사하여 씻거나 가는 것)” 해서, 신선하고 새로운 피부가 올라올 수 있게 한다. 이 치료 역시 전문가에 의해서 실행되어야 한다.

피부의 짙은 마크나 흉터는 변색을 옅게 하고 피부 색을 고르게 하는 피부 미백 제품을 사용 함으로 제거될 수 있다. 하이드로퀴논이 함유된 제품들이 이런 피부 문제를 갖고 있는 소비 자들 사이에서 일반적으로 가장 인기가 있다.

KC Obioha is the President of Clear Essence Cosmetics USA, Inc. 34

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

December 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

A Prescription for Healthy Hair and Preventative Care 건강한 헤어 및 예방 관리를 위한 처방 The Purpose of this article is to allow you to better serve your customers and patrons when they seek your advice as to what type of products to use and how to use them. Healthy hair must first begin with a healthy scalp. Both the hair and the scalp must be cleansed on a frequent basis, a minimum of once per week. However, if you are into fitness and work out three or more times per week, I strongly recommend that you shampoo the hair at least three times per week. When a person works out and perspires, the scalp also excretes perspiration through the hair follicles. Therefore, just as you shower after a workout to remove body odors and perspiration, remember to also include shampooing the hair. Hair on the scalp also holds odors when not cleansed. In most cases, signs of unhealthy hair will include excessive dryness, brittleness to the touch, excessive shedding, and brittle ends. Natural hair needs to be trimmed on a regular basis. When a person waits longer than two months to have their ends trimmed, the split ends which accumulate will continue to split further up the shaft and may require a shorter haircut than desired. In addition, if you have any systemic illness, are taking any prescription medication, or have a very poor diet, you will have unhealthy hair that will be reflected in various hair loss and scalp disorder conditions. Contrary to popular belief, to a certain extent, colored hair that is natural can be maintained to be as healthy as possible. Any time an individual applies a hair color, a chemical has been applied. Weekly conditioning treatments should follow processing the hair with color. There are hair coloring options available—a rinse, which is designed to last from shampoo to shampoo; a semi-permanent rinse, which is designed to last from 6-8 weeks; and a semipermanent rinse that will remain up to 24 weeks. Permanent color, which is designed to be just that, permanent, requires additional applications or “touch ups” on the new hair growth. Use caution when applying hair color at home because some people may experience an allergic reaction to the ingredients. A simple allergic test can be performed that will alert you to if you are allergic to 36

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

이 글의 목적은 당신의 고객들이 자신에게 맞는 제품 문의와 사용법에 관한 조언을 당신에게 구할 때, 그들에게 보다 나은 서비스를 당신이 제공할 수 있도록 돕기 위함이다.

건강한 헤어는 우선 건강한 두피로 시작해야 한다. 헤어와 두피 모두 정기적으로 자주, 최소한 1주일에 한 번 이상은 깨끗이 씻어야 한다. 그러나, 당신이 만일 주 3회 이상 운동을 하는 경우

에는, 최소 주 3회는 헤어 샴푸할 것을 강력하게 권장한다. 운동으로 땀을 흘릴 경우, 두피 또한

모낭을 통해 땀을 배출한다. 따라서, 운동 직후에는 샤워를 해야 몸에서 나는 냄새와 땀을 제거 할 수가 있다, 또한 헤어 샴푸도 함께 하는 것도 잊지 말라. 두피에서 자라는 헤어 또한 청결하 지 않을 경우 냄새가 나게 된다.

대부분의 경우, 건강하지 못한 헤어는 과도한 건조, 쉽게 부서짐, 지나치게 빠짐,

끝부분이 갈라짐 등의 증상을 보인다. 네추럴 헤어는 정기적으로 끝을 다듬어줄 필요가 있다.

만일 2개월 이상 끝부분을 다듬어주지 않으면, 갈라지는 끝이 점점 길게 모발의 위쪽으로 올라 가서 결국에는 원하는 길이보다 짧게 헤어 컷을 해야 될 수도 있다. 게다가, 전신 질환이 있어

서 처방 약을 복용 중이거나, 음식 섭취가 좋지 못할 경우는 건강하지 못한 헤어를 가지게 되며 이것은 다양한 탈모와 두피 질환을 가져오게 될 것이다.

대중적인 믿음에 반해서, 어느 정도까지는, 염색이 된 네추럴 헤어는 가능한 건강

하게 유지될 수가 있다. 염색을 할 때마다, 화학 물질을 모발에 적용하게 된다. 염색된 모발에

는 매주 컨디셔닝 트리트먼트를 해야한다. 헤어 컬러링의 옵션들을 보면 --- 린스, 이것은 머리 를 감는 사이를 지속시키기 위해 디자인되었다. 반영구적 린스, 이것은 6-8주 정도 지속된다.

반영구적 린스는 최대24주까지 남아 있게 된다. 영구 컬러는 영구적으로 적용이 되는 것으로, 새로 자라나오는 모근 쪽에 추가적인 터치 업만 하면 되도록 만들어졌다. 가정에서 헤어 염색

을 할 때는 특히 주의해야 하는데, 많은 사람들이 제품 성분에 대한 알레르기 반응을 경험할 수 가 있기 때문이다. 간단한 알레르기 테스트를 먼저 해보면 당신이 사용하려는 제품에 대해 알

레르기가 있는지 여부를 알 수 있다. 소량을 팔꿈치 안쪽이나 귀 뒷면에 살짝 바른다. 몇 분 후, 이 부위가 화끈거리거나 자극이 느껴지며 붉어지면, 이것이 바로 알레르기 반응의 표시이다.

K-t-K a product. Put a small amount on the bend of the elbow or behind an ear. After a few minutes if you feel a burning or irritation and the area turns red, this is an indication of an allergic reaction. If the test is for permanent color, clean the test area with lemon juice; if the test was for a curly perm, clean with peroxide. There is no allergic test for relaxers because the active ingredient will irritate anyway. An excessively itchy scalp affects millions of Americans on a daily basis. The reason could result from a combination of several contributing factors. One main reason includes the frequency in which many women shampoo their hair. Weekly shampooing avoids oil accumulation on the scalp, which can add to excessive itchiness, scaly scalp disorders, scalp inflammation and even hair breakage. Scratching an itchy scalp may bring only temporary relief and the condition may be a symptom of other heath conditions that can be present. One suggestion is to change hair care products. Check the labels on new shampoos and conditioners for ingredients that you may be allergic to. Even innocent sounding plant extracts sometimes cause allergic reactions. As for using hair products, in my opinion the best way to shampoo and condition natural hair at home is in the shower, as compared to shampooing over the kitchen sink. Furthermore, natural hair longer than five inches is more difficult to rinse in the sink and may tangle more easily. Another benefit of shampooing and conditioning while in the shower is that you will be able to cleanse your hair and scalp more thoroughly. I also recommend using a moisturizer on the hair and light oil on the scalp. Use just enough of the product to lightly lubricate the scalp. You don’t need to apply an excessive amount because once the hair and scalp has absorbed what it needs; any additional product will be wasted. When conditioning hair, do not use detangling shampoos because they coat the hair with a polymer similar to a wax; this will lock out the conditioners that follow, causing the conditioner to be ineffective. Detangling shampoos are designed to allow you to shampoo without a follow up cream rinse, balsam, or any other after-shampoo conditioner. They are fine for use on hair that does not need special attention. Do not use on any hair that has received a chemical service such as relaxers, curly perms and color treatments.

영구 컬러를 위한 테스트의 경우, 레몬 주스로 테스트 부위의 피부를 깨끗이 닦는다. 컬 펌을 위한 테

스트를 위해서는 과산화수소로 먼저 깨끗이 닦는다. 릴렉서를 위한 알레르기 테스트는 없다. 왜냐하 면 활성 성분은 어찌되었건 자극적이기 때문이다.

매일 수백만의 미국인들이 지나치게 가려운 두피로 영향을 받고 있다. 원인은 여러 가지

요인들의 조합으로부터 발생할 수 있다. 많은 여성들이 샴푸를 너무 자주하는 것도 주된 원인에 포함

이 된다. 매주 샴푸를 하면 두피에 피지가 축적되고 이로 인해 과도한 가려움이나 두피가 비늘처럼 벗 겨지는 질환, 두피 염증, 심지어 모발이 부서지는 것을 방지할 수 있다. 가려운 두피를 긁으면 일시적

으로는 가려움이 해소될 수 있지만, 그것은 현재 다른 건강상의 이유로 나타나는 증상으로서의 가려 움일 수도 있다. 헤어 케어 제품을 바꿔보는 것도 한 가지 방법이 되겠다. 새로운 샴푸와 컨디셔너의

레이블을 확인해서 성분 가운데 당신이 알레르기가 있는지의 여부를 확인하라. 때로는 순식물성 추 출물도 알레르기 반응을 일으킨다.

헤어 제품 사용에 관해 내 의견을 말하자면, 가정에서 네추럴 헤어를 샴푸하고 컨디셔닝

을 하는 최선의 방법은 샤워 중에 하는 것으로, 주방 싱크대에서 샴푸하는 것과 비교하자면 훨씬 좋은 방법이다. 또한, 5인치 이상으로 긴 네추럴 헤어는 싱크대에서 헹구기가 더 어려우며 더 엉키기 쉽다. 샤워 중에 샴푸와 컨디셔닝을 하면 좋은 또 다른 점은 모발과 두피를 더 철저하게 씻을 수 있다는 것 이다.

또한 모발 보습제와 두피를 위한 가벼운 오일 사용을 권유한다. 두피에 윤활제 역할을

할 수 있는 제품을 가볍게 사용하라. 너무 많은 양을 사용할 필요는 없다 두피와 헤어는 필요한 것을 한 번 흡수하면 충분하기 때문이다. 그 외 추가적인 제품들은 낭비가 된다.

헤어 컨디셔닝에서, 엉킴 방지 샴푸를 사용해서는 안 되는데, 이런 제품은 왁스와 유사한

폴리머(중합체)로 모발을 코팅하기 때문이다. 이것은 다음에 사용하는 컨디셔너를 막아서, 컨디셔너 가 제대로 효과를 내지 못하게 한다.

엉킴 방지 샴푸는 후속적으로 사용하는 크림 린스나 발삼, 혹은 다른 애프터 샴푸 컨디

셔너없이 샴푸할 경우를 위해 고안되었다. 특별한 관리가 필요 없는 모발에 사용하는 것이 좋다. 릴렉 서나 컬 펌, 그리고 염색처럼 화학적 손질을 한 모발에는 사용하지 말라.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Tricology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. Contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-323-7100.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

December 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Taliah Waajid

2015: The Year of Natural Hair Care 2015: 네추럴 헤어 케어의 해 I believe 2015 will be remembered as a very special year for the natural hair care products industry. Despite continued sales declines in key sub-segments (namely, relaxers and texturizers), the total African-American hair care category grew +10% over the past year. And what is the sub-segment that is fueling this growth? Natural hair care products! In fact, natural hair care product sales are up +50% versus last year, and is the fastest growing segment within African-American hair care across all major classes of trade. 2015 proved that not only has the natural hair care segment arrived, but it is also the hottest development in hair care…and it is here to stay. When I launched Black Earth Products in 1996, the natural hair movement was reawakening as Black women were seeking styling and conditioning options to avoid chemically processing their hair. And while those trendsetting women championed “transitioning hairstyles” and “the big chop” during the category’s infancy, the newest generation of natural hair advocates—millennials—are somewhat different. Not only are they growing up as aspiring “naturalistas,” millennials are using natural hair care products to put their own spin on traditional hairstyles (such as the uneven and fingered afros, pony tail puffs, up-do’s and fro-hawks). Also, millennials have played a large role in the increasing popularity of braids, twists and locs (about 25% of all natural hairstyles) over the past several years. How can the growth of this category produce more sales for your store? 1.Assortment: The larger your natural product assortment, the more consumers become shoppers (who browse the aisle and buy on impulse), and the less they become buyers (focused on necessity purchases, cost savings and time in the store). The retailers with the largest assortments tend to attract and retain the most natural hair shoppers (and their dollars). 2.Merchandising: How your natural hair care products are organized in your store may mean the difference between average sales and outstanding sales. Stores with clearly marked natural hair aisles, engaging signage, end caps and helpful store employees will generate more sales in the long run. Strategically placing accessories (rods, combs, coloring products, hair bonnets, etc.) near your natural hair care aisle will drive impulse purchases and increase transaction size. So what does 2016 hold in store for you and the natural hair movement? There will be more educated natural hair consumers on the lookout for quality natural hair care products. The category shows no sign of slowing down. The combination of increased social media coverage, current celebrity/fashion 40

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

나는 2015년이 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품 산업에 있어서는 아주 특별한 해로 기억될 것이라 생각

한다. 주요 서브 세그먼트(이완제나 텍스쳐라이져) 분야에서는 지속적인 매출 감소가 이어지고 있지만, 전체 아프리카계 미국인 헤어 케어 부문은 지난해보다 10% 성장했다. 그리고 이런 성

장에 연료를 공급하는 서브 세그먼트는 무엇인가? 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품이다! 사실상, 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품 판매는 전년 대비 최대 50%까지 증대되었으며, 이것은 아프리카계 미국인 헤 어 케어 제품 분야에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 분야이다.

2015년은 네추럴 헤어 케어 분야에서 성공을 거두었을 뿐 아니라, 헤어 케어 분야에서

가장 성공한 개발이었음을 입증했다. 내가Black Earth제품을 1996년에 출시했을 때, 네추럴

헤어의 움직임은 화학적 헤어 손질을 피할 수 있는 스타일링과 컨디셔닝을 찾고 있던 흑인 여

성들에 의해서 주목 받았다. 이런 유행 선도 여성들이 카테고리의 초창기 동안 “과도기 헤어스

타일” 및 “ The big chop” 을 주장한 반면, 네추럴 헤어를 옹호하는 최신 세대인, millennails ( 밀레니얼 세대: 1980년에서 2000년 사이에 태어난 사람들)은 다소 다르다. 그들은 “자연주의 자”를 열망하며 성장하고 있을 뿐 아니라, 밀레니얼 세대들은 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품들을 그

들 나름의 방식으로 전통적인 헤어스타일(고르지 않은 흑인 곱슬, 풍성한 포니 테일, 올림머리, fro-hawks)에 포함시켜 사용하고 있다. 또한 멜레니얼 세대들은 지난 수년 간 브레이드나 트

위스트 혹은 locs(모든 네추럴 헤어 스타일의 25% 정도에 해당)의 인기를 증가시키는데 큰 역 할을 해왔다.

이 네추럴 카테고리의 성장이 여러분의 매장에서 어떻게 더 많은 매출을 생성할 수 있을까?

1.모음: 많은 네추럴 제품 구성을 보유할수록, 더 많은 소비자들이 쇼핑객(진열 통로를 둘

러보다 충동적으로 구매하는 사람들)이 되고, 보다 적은 수의 소비자들이 구매자(필요한 제 품 구매에 초점을 두고, 매장에서 시간과 비용을 절약하는 사람들)가 된다. 많은 제품구성

을 갖고 있는 매장들은 대부분의 네추럴 헤어 쇼핑객의 관심을 끌고 그들과 그들의 주머니 를 잡는 경향이 있다.

2.판촉: 매장에서 헤어 케어 제품들이 정리 배치된 방법은 평균 판매와 뛰어난 판매의 차

이를 의미할 수가 있다. 진열 통로에 천연 헤어 제품을 명확하게 표시하고, 눈에 띄는 엔드 캡 사인과 훈련된 매장 직원들은 장기적으로 더욱 많은 판매를 올리게 될 것이다. 네추럴

헤어 케어 진열 통로 근처에 전략적으로 액세서리(로드, 빗, 염색 제품, 헤어 보닛 등)를 배 치하는 것은 구매 충동을 촉진하고 고객들의 구매 수요를 높이게 될 것이다.

그렇다면, 당신의 매장과 네추럴 헤어 동향을 위해 2016년에는 어떤 제품을 취급할 것인가? 더 욱 많은 정보와 교육이 된 네추럴 헤어 케어 소비자들이 고품질의 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품을 찾

December 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine



trends, and widespread product availability is fueling even faster conversion (and retention) to natural hairstyles. For example, consumers read about current and emerging natural hairstyle trends in popular hair magazines. Bloggers have created a whole new way of teaching women the secrets of natural hair care. For over 15 years, thousands of current and aspiring naturalistas flock to Atlanta and New York City to attend the World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Shows (the world’s oldest and largest natural hair care show). So, as consumers become more knowledgeable about the natural hair care segment, they use word of mouth to spread the gospel of natural hair care even further. In 2016, you will also see more natural hair consumers seeking “all natural” formulations. While “paraben-free” and “sulfate-free” have been touted by many manufacturers over the past few years, consumers are demanding even more naturally-derived ingredients because they are paying closer attention their health. While ingredients are important, the most important benefit to naturalistas is that the product actually works-across all natural hair textures. As a licensed cosmetologist, I have professionally serviced thousands of clients with natural hairstyles, and have trained thousands of stylists on the benefits of natural hair care for their clients. And as the founder and CEO of one of the oldest natural hair care companies in the country, I am especially proud to create quality products for today’s family. I continue to believe that “healthy hair is good hair,” and I am so thankful that my mother never let me perm my hair. Necessity is the mother of invention, so when I couldn’t find products to style my natural hair, I created my own. This industry has been good to me and my family, my employees, my clients and my customers. And while we should all take a moment to appreciate the remarkable growth and success of the natural hair movement in 2015, I am equally excited to help lead the next wave of innovation and change in the natural hair care category. Best wishes to you, your families and your customers for a safe and prosperous holiday season.

게 될 것이다. 이 카테고리의 성장이 둔화되는 흔적은 보이지 않는다. 성장하는 소셜 미디어의 역 할과 현재 연예/패션 트랜드, 그리고 광범위한 제품의 가용성 조합은 오히려 네추럴 헤어 스타일

로의 더욱 빠른 변환 ( 및 보존)에 연료를 공급하고 있다. 예를 들어, 소비자들은 인기 있는 헤어 매

거진에서 지금 떠오르고 있는 네추럴 헤어 스타일 트랜드를 읽는다. 블로거들은 네추럴 헤어 케어 의 비밀들을 여성들에게 가르치는 새로운 방법을 만들고 있다. 15년 이상, 수많은 네추럴 추종자 들이 World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Shows(세계적으로 가장 오래되고 큰 규모의 네추

럴 헤어 케어 쇼)에 참석하기 위해 애틀랜타로 혹은 뉴욕으로 모여들고 있다. 소비자들은 네추럴

헤어 케어 분야에 관해 더욱 많은 지식을 습득하게 되고, 그들은 네추럴 헤어 케어를 마치 찬송가 처럼 입에서 입으로 더욱 넓게 퍼트리고 있다.

2016년, 여러분은 더욱 더 많은 네추럴 헤어 소비자들이 “all natural” 성분을 찾는 것을 보

게 될 것이다. 많은 제조업체들이 지난 몇 년간 “파라벤 무첨가”나 “황산 무첨가”를 내세웠지만,

소비자들은 이보다 더욱 더 천연 성분의 제품을 수요하고 있다. 왜냐하면 그들은 자신의 건강에 더 욱 더 관심을 두고 있기 때문이다. 성분이 중요한 것은 사실이지만, 자연주의자들에게 가장 중요한 혜택은 실제적으로 효능이 있는 제품—모든 네추럴 헤어 텍스쳐에 효능이 있어야 한다는 것이다.

전문 미용가로서, 나는 수 많은 네추럴 헤어 스타일의 고객들에게 서비스를 제공해왔으며,

고객들을 위한 네추럴 헤어 케어의 장점을 수많은 스타일리스트들에게 교육해왔다. 국내 가장 오

래된 네추럴 헤어 케어 회사의 창립자이자 대표로서, 나는 특히 현재 오늘날의 가정을 위한 고품질 의 제품을 생산하는 것에 특히 자부심을 갖고 있다. 나는 “건강한 헤어가 좋은 헤어”라는 것을 늘 믿고 있기 때문에, 나의 네추럴 헤어를 손질할 수 있는 제품을 찾을 수 없을 때는, 스스로 만들어

사용했었다. 이 산업은 나와 내 가족, 나의 직원들과 고객들, 소비자들에게 잘 맞아왔다. 2015년 네 추럴 헤어 동향의 눈의 띄는 성장과 성공에 우리가 감사하는 시간을 가져야 하겠지만, 또한 그 만 큼 나는 네추럴 헤어 케어 범주에 다가올 다음의 혁신과 변화의 물결을 주도하는데 도움을 줄 수 있다는 것에 들떠있다.

여러분과 여러분 가정, 고객들 모두에게 안전하고 번창한 홀리데이 시즌이 되길 기원한다.

Taliah is a pioneer in the natural hair care industry, and has been dubbed “the queen of curly, coily, natural hair care.” Taliah is a natural hair care specialist, a licensed master cosmetologist and the manufacturer of the first complete line of products for natural, chemical-free hair care. She is also the presenter of the largest consumer trade show that celebrates natural hair, health and beauty ( For more information about the Taliah Waajid family of products, please visit Photo Credit: VOD Photo


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Business Tips by Darren Pace

Store Background Music


the Shopping Experience It is said that music defines you and that is definitely the case for retail environments as well. Store background music can help a business succeed, boosting the appeal of their products or services and in fact influence customer behavior. Background music is critical when it comes to how your customers enjoy their shopping experience in a store. You can find a vast variety of background music solutions that are created to develop better connections with your customers whether it’s at an online store or a physical location. Although the visual offerings of retail stores are an important way to accomplish a desirable impact, it’s the store background music that keeps them in the store which makes it also a necessary addition to any shopping atmosphere. You always want your customers’ eyes on your products or services, however subliminally; it’s the music that makes them more open to emotional buying. They may not realize it, but most consumers buy emotionally, not logically. If customers associate the place of business with favorable emotions, they’ll keep coming back just to have the experience again. Each time your customers return, they’ll be more apt to stay for longer periods of time and often bring along their friends. There have been numerous scientific studies undertaken regarding how background music in retail environments affects the buying behavior of shoppers. The final results maintained that the right store background music resulted in shoppers hanging around longer, buying more as well as becoming loyal customers. Obviously these are fantastic results given today’s economy. Several retailers have reported an increase in the average dollar amount spent

and size of the purchase as well as not only repeat business but referrals. It has been reported that repeat customers have been bringing more people into the stores to enjoy the experience. Even in stores that use aromatherapy to lure and attract customers, as well as aromatic tea brewing, etc., background music adds an important, finishing touch. This combination works great in trendy boutiques, high end shops, spas and hair or nail salons. Store background music can create an experience of peace and relaxation that most individuals need to get away from the stresses of their lives. It has been proven that by creating an enjoyable shopping environment you are encouraging your customers to linger longer as well as spend more money. It is also crucial to pay attention to the clientele being catered to. If it’s a younger, hipper crowd you’ll want to use background music that would appeal to them. The same goes for other age groups. During the holidays it appears that every age group, across the board, enjoys hearing holiday music while they shop because it puts them in a festive mood. So, bottom line, store background music will empty your sales tables much faster, keep customers in the store longer, making the time fly while they browse and admire the products on display. Nothing magical about it; it’s the understated influences of the background music. Store background music will not simply enhance your customer’s shopping experiences; it can help you connect with them on an emotional level, cultivating positive associations and long lasting, loyal customers.

Darren Pace is a contributor to Article courtesy of You can find the article at:


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Lumbie Mlambo

How to Help our Brothers and Sisters in Need Tips and Reasons for Support

어떻게 어려움에 처한 형제 자매를 도울 수 있을까요? 지원의 방법과 이유

The poor are always with us – and in great numbers. In the United States, about 46.5 million people live in poverty, according to the Brookings Institution. Worldwide, the number of impoverished people is about 1.6 billion, according to a study by Oxford economists. There is so much need out there and that’s why I believe it’s important that all of us do whatever we can to help the underprivileged. Who knows? You may someday wear their shoes. It’s like your health; nothing is guaranteed. The truth is that regardless of whether a nation is industrialized or not, the needy are everywhere. Many people require aid and support around the world and, most likely, in your community. A variety of private and public agencies try to help, but their resources are limited and they can’t provide for every community in need of assistance or basic necessities. This leaves a large segment of low-income population with unmet needs, which is why it’s so important for everyone to do what they can to help the needy. Here are a few tips for how we can get started helping our brothers and sisters in need. • One person’s trash … Next time you’re taking time to clear some room in your closet or garage, remember that, though you may be finished with an item, someone else may need it. Those old pajamas, underwear and t-shirts that you’re fond of tossing in the trash can be turned into cloth rags for cleaning at home, or for other organizations to help the under-privileged earn a subsistence income through using them for cloth crafting. Items such as loose leaf pages of paper, construction paper, crayons (broken and whole), markers, pens and pencils are perfectly useful, especially for poor children going back to school. • Help others on date night. Lavish dresses, spotless tuxedos and expensive dishes are not only for fancy people. You, too, can attend a luxurious gala event to benefit charity. While this kind of event may be attended by affluent community 50

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

가난은 항상 우리와 함께 한다. 상당히 많이 말이다. BROOKINGS INSTITUTION에 따르면,

미국에서 약 4,600만명이 빈곤하게 살고 있으며, OXFORD 경제학자의 연구에서는 전세계적으 로 가난한 사람들의 숫자는 16억에 달한다고 한다.

세상에는 너무도 많은 어려움들이 있고 이것이 우리 모두가 소외 계층을 돕기 위해

무엇이든 하는 것이 중요하다고 내가 믿는 이유이다. 누가 알겠는가? 당신 역시 어느 날 그들의 처지가 될 수도 있다. 마치 당신의 건강과도 같은 것이다. 어떤 것도 보장되지 않는다.

국가의 산업화 정도와는 상관없이, 가난은 어디에나 있다. 전세계의 많은 사람들이

다양한 민간 및 공공 기관들이 도움을 주기 위해 노력하고 있지만, 그들의 자원은

원조와 지원을 필요로 하며, 아마도 당신의 지역 사회 또한 그럴 것이다.

제한적이어서 지원이나 생필품을 필요로 하는 모든 커뮤니티에 제공할 수가 없다. 이로 인해 저 소득 인구의 많은 부분이 도움을 받지 못하고 있으며, 이것이 바로 우리 모두가 할 수 있는 각자 의 방법으로 그들을 돕는 것이 중요한 이유이다.

다음은 어려움에 처한 주변사람들을 도울 수 있는 방법에 대한 몇 가지 도움말이다. • 한 사람의 쓰레기…. 다음 번에 당신의 옷장이나 차고를 청소하는 시간을 갖게 되면, 기억하 라, 당신이 버릴 수 있는 물건들이 누군가 에게는 필요할 수도 있다는 것을. 당신이 쓰레기통

에 던져버리기 좋아하는 오래된 잠옷이나 속옷, 티셔츠는 집안 청소를 위한 청소 걸레로 탈바 꿈할 수 있으며, 혜택을 받지 못하는 사람들이 천 공예를 이용해 부가 수입을 올리는데 도움

이 되도록 다른 기관에서 사용할 수도 있다. 바인더에 끼워 쓰는 페이퍼들이나 판지, 크레용(부 러진 것이든 아니든), 마커, 펜 그리고 연필 등은 특히 신학기를 맞는 가난한 아이들에게는 아 주 유용하다.

• 밤 시간 데이트로 다른 사람을 도울 수 있다. 호화로운 드레스, 흠 없는 턱시도, 값비싼 요리들 이 단지 멋진 사람들만을 위한 것은 아니다. 당신 역시 자선을 위한 고급스러운 갈라 행사에 참

석할 수 있다. 지역 사회 지도자들과 물질적으로 풍요로운 사람들이 이런 종류의 이벤트에 참여

Business Tips leaders and well-to-do folks, the more important consideration is who it benefits. Various good causes may be small businesses and historic sites in your town; better causes, however, often go toward organizations that benefit struggling families, disadvantaged children and homeless people. This will likely be more expensive than your typical date night, but most are doable for middle-class couples. • Donate your professional skills. Among the great charitable organizations are programs supporting Guardians ad Litem, or GALs. A GAL is a person the court appoints to represent the best interests of a child in a divorce or parental rights and responsibilities case. The GAL will investigate the family situation and advise the court about where a child should live and what type of contact parents should have with their children. A professional with backgrounds including the law or journalism may be great for such work, but there are many other worthy causes if this doesn’t fit what you’re good at. A chef may help prepare tasty meals on Thanksgiving, or a salon worker may help make young girls with cancer feel pretty. Most professions can apply their expertise in the service of others. * Mlambo co-founded JB Dondolo Inc., a charity named for her father that promotes and develops projects that stimulate growth and improve people’s lives in low-income areas. One of the charity’s newer projects involves health and educational programs for underprivileged boys and girls.

할 수 있지만, 가장 중요하게 고려되어야 할 것은 그런 행사로 인해 혜택을 보는 사람들이다. 지

역의 중소 기업이나 유적지들이 다양한 자선 단체가 될 수 있지만; 더욱 좋은 단체들은 어려움을 겪는 가정이나 소외 계층의 아이들과 노숙자들에게 혜택을 줄 수 있는 기관이나 단체가 될 것이 다. 이것은 당신의 전형적인 밤 시간 데이트보다 비싼 것일 수 있겠지만, 대부분은 중산층 커플 들이 할 수 있는 정도의 비용이다.

• 당신의 전문 기술을 기부하라. 큰 자선 단체 중에는GUARDIANS AD LITEM이나 GALS를 지

원하는 프로그램들이 있다. A GAL은 법원이 이혼 혹은 부모의 권리와 책임과 관계된 케이스에

있는 아동들의 최선의 이익을 대변하기 위해 임명한 사람이다. GAL은 가족 상황을 조사하고 아 동이 어디에서 살아야 하고 어떤 부모가 아이와 함께 지내야 하는지에 대해 법원에 알리게 될

것이다. 법이나 저널리즘을 포함한 전문 지식을 배경으로 하는 사람이 이런 일에 적임자이지만, 만일 이것이 당신의 전문 분야와 맞지 않는다 해도 다른 많은 가치 있는 자선 활동들이 있다. 요

리사는 추수감사절을 위한 맛있는 음식 준비에 도움을 줄 수 있으며, 미용을 직업으로 하는 사람 들은 암에 걸린 어린 소녀들이 예쁘게 보이고 싶어하는 것을 도와줄 수가 있을 것이다. 대부분의 직업이 그들의 전문 지식을 봉사하는데 적용할 수 있다.

* MLAMBO 는 저소득 지역 사람들의 삶을 개선하는 프로젝트를 개발하고 성장을 촉진하는데

노력한 아버지를 위해 JB DONDOLO INC.라는 자선단체를 공동 설립했다. 자선 단체의 새로운 프로젝트 중 하나는 소외된 소년 소녀들을 위한 건강 및 교육 프로그램을 포함하고 있다.

Lumbie Mlambo is editor of Equanimity Magazine (, a lifestyle publication that shares the stories of “real people and their search to lead better lives.” She also has a background in project management, computer/software engineering and business analysis. She holds an associate degree in computer science from Indiana University South Bend; and a bachelor’s degree in computer science and mathematics from Texas Woman’s University. She is multilingual, speaking English, Zulu, Ndebele and French.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools by Carla Alexander

No More “Bad Hair Days” As the year comes to a close, we all begin to consider ideas that will help us live better, more productive and balanced lives; whether it’s about the money we spend, the charity we extend, or how we interact with the many people we deal with throughout our daily lives. Feeling good about how you present yourself is the best way to go out into the world. Put your best self forward! Gold ‘N Hot takes our part in that equation very seriously. We all know that if our hair looks good, it goes a long way toward boosting our confidence and self-esteem. As we move into a fresh New Year, Gold ‘N Hot wants to be the go-to styling tools for extra-curly, textured, natural or processed hair. Our full line of appliances has been developed with wavy, curly, coiled, kinky, corkscrew hair as our priority. Everything from our high temperatures (up to 500° on many items) to our superior finishes (gold, ceramic) have been created to ensure your hair retains the health and endurance you desire while attaining the specific look you work so hard to achieve. All of our irons can address your hair needs –whether fully natural, chemically processed, or somewhere in between. Our wide array of curling irons can create any size curl you desire—from 3/8” to 1 ½”. Gold ‘N Hot Flat Irons can take hair from any type of texture to boardstraight. The 3/8” works for people who want meticulous control and need to tackle different textures. The 2 ¼” is for those who want a polished look, but who do not have all day to get it done!

Some of our more versatile tools include conicals, deep wavers and our super-handy root straighteners (for bangs, regrowth, short hair and even men’s styles). Stove systems and Marcel irons are two of the best in our line! Need to deep condition? We have you covered—literally! Our Professional Conditioning Heat Cap has everything you need to maintain the best possible condition for your hair. We also have the Jet Bonnet Dryer Attachment and the Professional Ionic Soft Bonnet Dryer. Both of these will dry your hair at variable temperatures for healthy, shiny, beautiful hair. This is just a small sample of the products that Gold ‘N Hot has available. Gold ‘N Hot is dedicated to producing products that let you own the power to get professional results from the comfort of your home.

Gold ‘N Hot is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact us at or visit our website at Be sure to follow us or like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest - @GoldNHotElite - for the latest updates, ideas, giveaways and more.

Carla Alexander is a Brand Manager in the Marketing Department of the Professional Division, Salon/Beauty Group at Helen of Troy. Since earning her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at Dallas Baptist University, she has pursued her passion in the marketing field and finds particular satisfaction in helping people be their own kind of beautiful.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Beauty Ambassador

Skin Care

Raw, Natural Coconut Oil A new indulgent body range from Palmer’s®

16th century Portuguese and Spanish authors described the face-like appearance of the coconut shell with the word of their native language coco meaning “grinning face”. Hundreds of years later, the coconut is still putting smiles on faces. One of the most transcendently loved fragrances, flavors and ingredients, coconut is now more popular than ever. But beyond the crowd-pleasing aroma and taste of this magnificent tree nut, the high-protein coconut oil extracted from the raw coconut meat or “copra,” is nature’s super ingredient for decadent moisture and naturally hydrated skin. This key ingredient has long played a star role in Palmer’s® Coconut Oil Formula® hair products, and now Palmer’s has harnessed the power of this workhorse beauty oil for a new body care range. Four luxuriously skin-pampering products that not only intoxicate the senses, but also drench skin in rich moisture for an instant hydration boost and a radiant, healthy glow. Coconut Oil is loaded with naturally occurring proteins, vitamin E, antioxidants and fatty acids such as Lauric Acid, Caprylic Acid, and Capric Acid. This high concentration of medium chain fatty acids creates a breathable, protective barrier that helps lock in long-lasting moisture and prevent skin dehydration. This makes coconut oil an exceptional skin and hair emollient. Lauric Acid, the most prevalent of the fatty acids in coconut oil is valuable for its anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. The natural vitamin E and antioxidants in coconut oil combat the effects of aging by preventing free radical damage. Palmer’s raw coconut oil is sustainably and ethically sourced in regional countries of South East Asia. All of the products in the range provide 24-hour moisture and are free of Sulfates, Mineral Oil, Phthalates, Parabens, Gluten and Dyes. Along with Coconut Oil, all of the products in the range contain skin-healthy extracts like Sweet Almond Oil and Tahitian Monoï Oil. An ancient Polynesian beauty secret, Monoï oil has been used for centuries in cosmetics, religious practices and to heal skin ailments such as insect bites and burns. With the name literally meaning “scented oil,” Tahitian Monoï is produced through a process of infusing unrefined coconut oil with the naturally perfumed, star-shaped petals of the native Tiaré flower (Gardenia Tahitensis). The flowers are picked when they are still unopened and soaked in the coconut oil through a process known as “enfleurage” for a minimum of 15 days. Tahitian Monoï is rich in emollients and is a superior skin-soothing ingredient that helps rehydrate skin. 56

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula body products are more than a beauty must-have, they are a sensory experience. Delicately scented with coconut and hints of vanilla and almond, they transport your senses as they transform your skin. Products in the line include: • Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Body Lotion • Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Body Oil • Palmer’s Coconut Oil Formula Hand Cream • Palmer’s Coconut Oil Body Cream Available in 2016 in Walmart, Target, Walgreens and other mass stores nation-wide.

Quick Facts: •

The coconut tree (Cocos Nucifera) approximately 60 coconuts per year


The coconut palm can live to be 100 years old, but bears the peak of its fruit between 20-40 years of age

The coconut plays a prominent role in Hindu and Buddhist religions, its flowers often decorating weddings and other religious ceremonies

Lauric acid, the most prevalent fatty acid found in coconut oil is known to have anti-microbial and antibacterial properties

The dried meat of the coconut used to extract the oil is known as the “Copra”

The indentations on the outer shell of a coconut that create the face-like resemblance that inspired the origin of the word are known as “stoma”

Notes From the

Natural Nation by ReGia Davis

CASTOR OIL An All-Purpose Remedy

Mention “castor oil” to older generations and you may notice the cringed, disgruntled look on their face due to all of the interesting memories it brings to mind. Many people were forced to take a daily dose as a child with the claim that it will heal a number of ailments. Castor oil continues to be a product that sells off the shelf due to its many uses for the hair, skin and body. Oil that has been around for thousands of years and cured a number of problems, castor oil is a product that every storeowner should have on their shelf. Scientifically known as Ricinus communis, castor oils are roasted and ground manually from Jamaican Castor beans, then boiled to produce 100% pure organic oil. These pure and unrefined oils retain their nutritive properties, making them great for moisturizing skin, treating damaged hair, relieving pain, and massaging the body. For centuries, castor oil has been used as a powerful all-purpose remedy. Rich in vitamin E and fatty acids, this soothing oil is made of properties essential to healthy hair and skin. People have been known to use castor oil as a laxative for constipation, to start labor in pregnancy, a skin and scalp treatment, and even an immune booster. Today, castor oil is best known for beautifying and growing strong, healthy hair, moisturizing dry skin and improving the overall health of the body. The benefits of castor oil include the following uses:

the moisture into the hair and prevents it from becoming dry which can lead to hair loss and split ends. It can also help thicken eyebrows. 2. Skin – Application of castor oil keeps the skin moisturized. It is heavy oil that penetrates the skin deeply, making it an effective skin treatment for acne and psoriasis. 3. Body – This soothing oil is also used for aromatherapy when massaging the body and reducing the pain of swelling joints and tissues. The anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system by increasing white blood cells. You can maximize your revenue in castor oils by taking advantage of its many benefits and placing them in additional areas of the store. Display signage throughout the store that directs customers to other areas where they can find castor oil. When a customer comes into your store looking for oil that will moisturize their hair, they should find castor oil in the hair section. If a customer needs to find oil that heals and improves the appearance of their skin, they should find castor oil there in the skin section. There is a castor oil for every customer. They are sold in several fragrances, offer many benefits and can easily maximize the store’s revenue. The goal is to efficiently utilize castor oil in your shelf space and increase revenue.

1. Hair – When castor oil is applied to the hair and scalp, it stimulates hair growth, blood circulation and frees scalp of bacterial infections and dandruff. The oil seals

ReGia Davis holds a degree in Public Relations and Marketing from Georgia Southern University. She started her career as a Junior Brand Manager of natural haircare brands for Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. She has also written several articles for OTC Beauty Magazine. ReGia is currently continuing her professional journey from a Marketing Assistant to a Sales Coordinator with Universal Beauty Products. December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature by Phylencia“PT” Taylor


2016 Preview:

6 Hairstyles that Rock!

Hair care trends come and go. Where trends are derived from and how they are shaped is debatable. Did you know that hair care trends are in part incited in beauty supply store neighborhoods across the United States? “Street style” inspirations have always been a contributor to fashion and hair styles, conceived from ingenuity and often out of necessity. There is an infinite amount of information on the Internet from beauty experts and bloggers alike, all claiming to know what’s new and “hot” in hair each year. Not to mention there are also color and style influences from annual Fashion Week runways globally: NYC, Paris, Milan and London. At Shine Beauty Culture, our Consultants use a Cross-Cultural™ research approach to predict new hair trends. We transform foresight from the insider’s view. We marry consumer and industry market research for a layered strategic approach to analyze what’s happening in haircare trends. The Natural Movement The “natural movement” has transcended over the last 10-15 years to a “natural lifestyle” both professionally and personally. Achieving a specific “hairstyle” is still paramount to the ethnic consumer, followed by the need to have healthy hair. There is also a willingness among multicultural consumers to exert large amounts of time and money to do so. The infinite search for the “right” products to manage and style the multicultural woman’s hair is a quest. In addition to hair products, purchases of equipment and accessories are on the rise. Equipment such as hair steamers, dryers and diffusers as well as accessories like puff-cuffs, banana clips, head bands and up-do pin accessories are common to support achieving varied styles. Multicultural Diversity The ever-growing diversity in the multicultural population has a huge influence on haircare needs and styling trends. Change of style and diversity of interests are robust contributors to hairstyles and hair maintenance products. In 2015, 8.7% (or one in every 11) of African Americans are reported as immigrants from the Caribbean or Africa, being Black or Mixed-Race. In 2010, The Hispanic population exceeded the African American population. (US Census 2010) with the nation becoming more racially and ethnically diverse than ever, ethnic diversity and Multi-Cultural immigrants help shape diversity in hairstyle, hair maintenance and haute classifications. (Source: US Census 2010, Pew Research Center, Nielson AA Consumer Report 2015) One of the most popular hair trends is using “protective styles.” These are 62

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

styles that limit the manipulation of your hair by covering it with a wig, weave, braids or an up-do. Therefore you are protecting your hair with less heat because of the absence of flat irons and blow dryers. Heard of Tex-Lax? An ever-growing segment is the “Closet Tex-Laxer.” A Tex-Lax is a process of applying a relaxer, but only with the objective of making the hair more manageable, not bone straight. Oil or conditioner is applied to the relaxer and hair in advance, and the relaxer is left on for a very short time as just to soften and calm the curls, waves, coils or kinks. Few in the natural community are willing to admit they Tex-Lax, thus the name “Closet Tex-Laxer.” Relaxer use has declined from a leader in hair care sales in the 90s to only 13% of hair care sales in 2015. Marginal, though, relaxer sales do exist. Hairstylists are revealing that women are returning to relaxing or tex-laxing to garner a longer lasting hair style. Except their return is with less relaxing frequency for purposes like having more hair manageability when working out at the gym. (Stylist Research Sources: and Multicultural women spend approximately $1 billion dollars annually on beauty, and over half is within hair care. Beauty supply stores contribute to at least half of haircare sales, and the other 50% is from multi-outlet (MULO) retailers. The natural product section is over 50% of haircare products, with styling products leading those shelf sales. This is significant because it reinforces the Natural movement’s presence and future. Moisture rich and full-bodied conditioning products will continue to dominate shelves to help achieve healthy natural hair with styling products to achieve the ever-important hairstyle. Where Trends Start Trends start right under your nose, in beauty supply neighborhoods all across the U.S. They begin in part from urban cutting-edge subcultures. They often arise out of ingenuity and creativity, birthed for a variety of reasons to include convenience, social acceptance, health concerns, uniqueness, opulence and panache to name a few. The multicultural woman has an undeniable ingenuity that has sparked hair care trends for decades, even centuries. By the time trends spread to mainstream America—through suburban and rural neighborhoods, television shows, movies and overall pop-culture—the trend has usually ended. The subculture has now moved on to new trends and styles.

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Now that we’ve examined

where and how trends are conceived, here are the six hair styles to watch and get in 2016.


HAUTE COLOR: Rich Colors will Change the Hues in 2016

Bronde (in between brown and blonde), reds and oranges, rich greys and blues – whether full color, ombre or highlights, color variations will dominate in 2016! Colored weaves are a great way to play with color without the commitment.

“Color is the easiest way to get a New Haute Look. Healthy Color is EVERYTHING in 2016.” Photo Credit: Darya Johnson


Darya Johnson of Darya’s Naturals | @DaryasNaturals Professional Natural Stylist & Educator Salon Owner, Atlanta (Buckhead) & Chicago (Humboldt Park)

TEXTURED UNDEFINED TOUSSLES: Hair Styles that Embrace Texture

Natural Hair will continue to penetrate lifestyle for the multicultural woman through undefined afros, TWAs (Teeny Weeny Afros) and LOBS (shoulder length bobs). 64

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015


HAIR ACCESSORIES GALORE: Up-do’s and Accessories

These are easy go-tos for day or night, and everything in between. Unique and leather hair accessories give hair hold and high-style.


Photo Credit: Shine Beauty Culture

BUNS & KNOTS: Chignons with a Twist

Simple, beautiful ways to change one’s look and still look fashionable; buns (bow, donuts, dual, high ninja), top knots and round knots are in! Maiden braids with buns are extra special.



Weaves and wigs are excellent protective styles. However, the cost commitment and time to install and wear can be daunting. Twists, braids and easy-to-install crochet weave hair installations offer quick hair style changes that can be removed easily. Twists and Braids also taunt Bohemian, Natural or African inspired looks. (Consider Box and Ghana Braids and Marley Crochet Weaves.)


Photo Credit: Shine Beauty Culture

SHORT STYLES: Nothing Says Change Like a Short Cut

When a woman cuts her hair, it’s been said that she is inviting change. Edgy shaven, razored, undercuts or graduated bobs will continue to lead style versatility in 2016!

Photo Credit: Shine Beauty Culture

ROCK ON! Sources:,, IRI 2/2015, Nielson AA Consumer Report, 2015 and Pew Research Center, 2013.

Shine Beauty Culture is a Brand Management Consultancy for Beauty Brands, Est. in 2007 in NYC by Phylencia “PT” Taylor. Research, Branding, Digital Marketing and Communication Strategies are our core. Inspired by the impact beauty and lifestyle brands transcend to our culture, discovered while working with Fortune 500 Brands for over a decade. When PT isn’t working as a Brand Management Consultant and Researcher, she’s an Adjunct Professor within USG, Editorial Director for a custom beauty publication, Entrepreneur and Mom living Atlanta, Ga. Check our site and Follow us on Instagram: @TheShineCulture. December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine




Introducing PDC Brands, the company formerly known as Parfums de Coeur®. This emerging powerhouse in beauty and personal care consumer products has big plans for the future, and OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate to learn more about them. Fueled by a combination of double-digit organic growth and strategic acquisitions, PDC Brands is rapidly evolving into a major beauty and personal care platform.

예전Parfums de Coeur®로 알려진 회사, PDC 브랜드를 소개하려 한다. 미용 및 개인 관리 소비자 제품 분야에서 신흥 강자로 떠오르고 있는 이 회사는 미래에 대한 큰 계획을 가지고 있으며, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이들에 관해 좀 더 자세한 내용을 알아볼 수 있는 행운을 얻게 되었다. 두 자리 수의 유기적 성장과 전략적 인수의 조합으로 장착된 PDC 브랜드는 주요 미용 및 개인 관리 분야에서 빠르게 진화하고 있다. 66

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): Tell us about the history of PDC Brands. PDC Brands (PDC): This new beauty and wellness company is actually 34 years in the making. Formerly known as Parfums de Coeur®, PDC Brands was founded in 1981 with roots in affordable fine fragrances. The beauty and personal care consumer products company has nearly tripled its business since joining forces with Boston based private-equity firm, Yellow Wood Partners in late 2012. OTC: What products can be found under the company’s umbrella? PDC: PDC Brands has built a portfolio of top beauty and personal care brands which hold leading market share positions in Fine Fragrance, Specialty Bath and Body, Hair Care, First Aid and Holiday gifting categories in the mass-market. Driven by category-leading growth on popular fragrance brands, Body Fantasies® and BOD Man®, coupled with the acquisitions of Calgon®, The Healing Garden® and Dr Teal’s®, PDC Brands has become a top source of growth for US and International mass-market retailers. The Company’s core brands are amongst the top market share leaders in every category they compete. “PDC Brands has successfully transformed from a singularly-focused fragrance company, to a leading global purveyor of beauty and wellness brands and products,” says CEO of PDC Brands, James Stammer. “We plan

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): PDC 브랜드의 역사에 대해 말씀해 주세요.

PDC 브랜드 (PDC): 아름다움과 건강을 추구하는 이 새로운 회사는

실제적으로는 34년 전에 만들어졌습니다. 예전Parfums de Coeur®로 알려진 PDC 브랜드는 1981년 좋은 품질에 저렴한 향수를 뿌리로 설립되었습니다. 미용 및 개인 관리 소비자 제품 회사는 2012년 후반 보스톤에 기반을 둔 개인 펀드 회사인 Yellow Wood Partners와 힘을 합친 후로 거의 세 배로 커졌습니다.

OTC: 귀사에는 어떤 제품들이 있습니까?

PDC: PDC 브랜드는 대중 시장에서 고급 향수, 전문 목욕 용품, 헤어 케어, fisrt aid 그리고 홀리데이 선물 분야의 최고 시장 점유율을 차지하고 있는 최고의 미용 및 개인 관리 브랜드 포트폴리오를 구축하고 있습니다.

OTC: Genieco가 소비자들에게 제공하고 있는 제품에는 어떤 것들이 있습니까?

PDC: PDC 브랜드는 대중 시장에서 고급 향수, 전문 목욕 용품, 헤어 케어, fisrt aid 그리고 홀리데이 선물 분야의 최고 시장 점유율을 차지하고 있는 최고의 미용 및 개인 관리 브랜드 포트폴리오를 구축하고 있습니다. Calgon®, The Healing Garden® and Dr Teal’s®와 더불어, 인기 있는 향수 브랜드Body Fantasies® 와 BOD Man®이 분야를 선도하는 성장에 힘입어, PDC 브랜드는 미국과 전세계 대중 소매 시장에서 성장의 최고 원천이 되고 December 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine


Manufacturer Profile

to expand even further by investing in our current brands as well as adding new and unique brands and products to our portfolio.”

있습니다. 회사의 핵심 브랜드는 모든 경쟁 분야에서 최고 시장 점유율을 선도하는 위치에 있습니다.

OTC: Speaking of acquisitions, has the company recently gained any new brands? PDC: Yes! PDC Brands recently added two more leading trademarks to its growing portfolio of top-selling consumer-goods brands: Cantu® and Bodycology®. The recent addition of Bodycology®, the #1 Specialty Bath brand in the U.S.1 mass-market, solidifies PDC Brands’ position as an industry leader – bringing the best of prestige beauty and specialty retail to massmarket consumers at affordable prices. Cantu®, one of the fastest-growing multi-cultural hair care brands in the U.S.2, is quickly cementing its position as a go-to solution for the unique needs of naturally textured hair. Customer favorites include Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Repair Cream, Cantu Coconut Curling Cream, and Cantu Moisturizing Curl Activator Cream.

“PDC 브랜드는 개별적으로 초점을 맞춘 향수 회사로부터 미용 및

wellness 브랜드와 제품의 선도적인 글로벌 공급업체로 성공적으로 변화하고 있습니다.” PDC 브랜드 대표 James Stammer가 말한다. “저희는 현재의 브랜드에 대한 투자뿐 아니라, 새롭고 독특한 브랜드와 제품을 추가하여 더욱 확대할 계획입니다.”

OTC: 인수에 관해서, 회사가 최근 새로운 브랜드를 취득한 것이 있습니까?

PDC: 네! PDC 브랜드는 최근 2개의 중요 브랜드를 최고 판매 소비자

브랜드의 성장 포트폴리오에 추가했습니다: Cantu® and Bodycology®. 미국 대중 시장에서 No.1 전문 목욕 브랜드인Bodycology®의 최근 추가는 PDC 브랜드의 위치를 업계 선두 주자로 굳히게 했습니다. – 저렴한 가격으로 대중 시장 소비자들에게 최고의 명성을 가진 미용 및 전문 제품을 제공하고 있습니다.

미국 내에서 가장 빠르게 성장하고 있는 다문화 헤어 케어 브랜드의

하나인 Cantu®는 자연적인 텍스쳐 헤어의 독특한 요구를 위한 해법을

OTC: Where can your products be found? PDC: PDC’s products are sold in over 40 markets globally, and the company has plans for further international expansion. 68

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

제시함으로써 신속하게 그 위치를 확고히 하고 있습니다. 소비자들은Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioning Repair Cream, Cantu Coconut Curling Cream, Cantu Moisturizing Curl Activator Cream 등을 선호합니다

OTC: What goals do you have for the future? PDC: PDC Brands expects to grow greatly. Currently, annual global retail sales are estimated at over $300 million, and the company expects to double again by year-end 2017. In addition to investments and acquisitions, PDC Brands’ priority is to continue connecting their products with consumers to fuel organic growth. “We are constantly seeking new ways to cultivate consumer connections for our brands,” says Vice President of Marketing for PDC Brands, Jessica Donoghue. “We are focusing on strategic media partnerships and social advocacy programs that we know will directly influence our customers.” Additionally, in February, the company opened its new corporate headquarters in Stamford, Conn. to accommodate its growing business and team.

OTC: 귀사의 제품은 어디에서 볼 수가 있을까요?

PDC: PDC의 제품은 전 세계적으로 40 개 이상의 시장에서 판매되고 있으며, 회사는 국제적인 더 큰 확장을 위한 계획을 가지고 있습니다.

OTC: 앞으로의 목표는 무엇입니까?

PDC: PDC 브랜드는 더욱 크게 성장할 것을 기대합니다. 현재, 연간 글로벌 소매 매출이 $300밀리언 이상으로 추정되며, 회사는 2017년까지 이것의 2 배를 기대합니다.

투자와 인수에 관해서 덧붙이자면, PDC 브랜드의 우선권은 유기적

성장을 연료로 소비자와 제품을 지속적으로 연결하는데 있습니다. “저희는 저희 브랜드와 소비자를 연결할 수 있는 새로운 방법을 지속적으로 찾고 있습니다.” PDC 브랜드 마케팅 부사장, Jessica Donoghue가 말한다. “ 저희는 전략적 미디어 파트너쉽과 소비자들에게 직접적으로 영향을 줄 것으로 보이는 사회적 지지 프로그램에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.”

또한, 회사는 2월에, 성장하는 비즈니스와 직원들을 수용할 수

있도록, 코네티컷 주 스탬 포트에 새롭게 본사를 열게 되었습니다.

Company Name: PDC Brands Address: 6 High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905 Contact Number: 800-887-2738 Website: Years in Business: 34 years

1 2

Nielsen Retail Sales, Latest 52 weeks ending 6.13.15, Total U.S. xAOC Nielsen Retail Sales, Latest 52 weeks ending 6.13.15, Total U.S. xAOC

December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Sponsored by Andis Co.

Know Your Power Source Lithium-Ion vs. Nickel-Metal Hydride Batteries (Part 2)

Continued from November’s “Clipper Tip” article. 3. Power: While Li-On and Ni-Mh batteries can store a similar amount of power at the same physical size, because Li-On batteries are lighter manufacturers like them because they can be made twice the size for more power without adding to the overall weight of a product. For example, the Andis Slimline Pro Li is bigger but lighter than the Andis Slimline Pro. However, the Andis Slimline Pro Li features a 2-hour charge and run-time compared to the Andis Slimline Pro which only has a 1-hour charge and run-time simply because of its battery properties. Another advantage of the Li-On battery is that cutting performance stays consistent, even when the battery is close to being completely drained. 4. Durability: While both batteries are durable, proven technologies, the Li-On battery has the edge in terms of memory effect caused by charging – there is none. In addition, a Li-On battery may only see a 3% “self discharge” per month where energy loss with a Ni-Mh battery is much higher at 30%. Note that this is more of an issue for a consumer who might not use a tool every day. After using all types of cordless tools, I’ve come to prefer Li-On powered tools over NiMh powered tools. In the salon, I have found that the Andis Slimline Pro Li and the Supra ZR detachable blade clipper best fit my needs. While I may fall short in my own personal charging habits, my Li-On powered tools perform as promised, withstanding an entire day of high-volume cutting. Best of all, they deliver the power of a corded product with freedom from a cord. This gives me the added benefit of performing faster haircuts because I’m not stopping to detangle cords. So if you are in the market for a powerful, reliable cordless tool, try Li-On battery technology.

Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clipper cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 70

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015


#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.



Reimagining Texture and Technology This has been the year of reimagining the beauty industry. The products launched and the methods of distribution were not dreamed of five or 10 years ago. As we look back on 2015 we see new lingo, new categories and new consumers. These new consumers are often outside of the AfricanAmerican demographic. Another precursor to the reimagined or reinvented beauty industry might have something to do with the cross-cultural merchandising found in OTC as well as other mass retailers. Consumers are finding out about general market products and how to adapt them to their needs. Five years ago no one would have imagined strong declines in relaxer sales. No one would have predicted the rise of anti-reversion systems, or products that stretch the time between relaxers. No one would have reimagined the concept of chemically treated hair being lumped in the new category industry defined by texture and technology. Why all of this in 2015? Consumers sought control and natural solutions to age-old problems, as well as high tech delivery systems; this is the year that new thinking hit the shelves. The natural hair trend has driven increases in styling categories that were once dormant. Likewise, products from shampoos to shavers have been reinvented to accommodate the styleintensive natural styles. Replicating salon services—both hair and nail—at home is not new. However, this was the year of heightening the consumer’s ability to manage and manipulate beauty on their own terms. Consumers have also reimagined how to care, cut and color hair with today’s new texture and technology products.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 72

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

RA Cosmetics 100% Mango Scented Shea Butter Our Body Butter with Mango Scent from RA Cosmetics is 100% all natural and smells incredible. It is full of nourishing and anti-oxidant rich ingredients. It helps fight signs of aging; relieves dry skin; reduces windburn/sunburn and frostbite. It is made with nature’s best moisturizers – shea butter and mango scented oil – and is paraben-free. Our Body Butter is a skin must-have and Nature’s gift to your hair and skin.


Shop Assessment Time Finally, we have reached the end of the fiscal year and it is time to do an assessment of your income, shop, equipment, tools and employees working in your establishment. This is the perfect time to prepare for changes in your new year and determine how your establishment has grown or declined. Below you will find some tips to help you evaluate your business and plan changes which will help you continue to grow and increase profits. 1. Take inventory of all your equipment to determine what needs repair or replacement. Make sure all your signage is working if you are using window images or neon lighting. Make sure all your lights in and around the shop are in good working order. Above all make sure your client chairs are clean and without tears or holes in the seating. Steam clean your flooring to remove bacteria and loose hair. 2. Go over your marketing strategy for the new year and determine if there are any affordable options to attract new clientele by reaching out to new demographics such as children, differing genders and older clients. 3. Invest in your staff; they are the heart of your business. These people are the ones who are creating the experience for your clients, they are selling your products, and they are the ones who will determine if your business rises or falls. It’s your responsibility to cultivate them and reward them for excellent performance. 4. Offer new services and products.You can earn more money per customer and attract new clients by constantly revising your offerings. Whether that means bringing in an esthetician, a manicurist, a dietitian, or simply offering a new line of products, you have to constantly keep up with what your clients want. Just make sure to spend time doing a little market research to find out what people want before you add on any additional expenses. Keep up the good work! Merry Christmas!

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 74

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015



Staff Picks 2015

We are lucky to work in such a varied and interesting industry; there are always new products being released and keeping us on our toes. Each month OTC Beauty Magazine brings you some of the latest and greatest items, but for December we want to feature a handful of our tried-andtrue staff favorites. DRAMATIC EYES

Whether around the holidays or simply for everyday wear, dramatic eye makeup is a favorite trend among many women and eyelashes can add the perfect finishing touch. Ardell’s Curvy 410 lashes in black are one of our top picks.


With the popularity of beards in full-swing, it is vital that facial hair flaunters keep them soft to the touch, full and shiny. Our gentlemen like to use El Patrón’s Black Seed Oil Beard Oil because it helps beard growth, prevents in-grown hairs and is non-greasy.


You really cannot go wrong with a classic. The Liquid Cream Shave from Lucky Tiger softens the roughest beards while protecting the most sensitive skin for the closest shave ever. We love that.


Beauty Magazine December 2015


We are all for saving time when we can, especially when getting ready for work in the mornings. That’s why we love the new BabylissPro Mega Styler™ Thermal Round Brush. Designed for styling and drying large sections of hair at a time, it gets you out the door faster.


There is something comforting in knowing that your skin is soft and moisturized, especially during the colder months of the year. That’s why Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Moisturizing Body Oil is our go-to after-shower or in-bath product for nourished skin.


The men on staff like to keep their hairlines and beards clean and maintained, thanks to the Andis GTX T-Outliner 3-Prong Corded Trimmer. Ideal for outlining, dry shaving and fading, it is a perfect component in every man’s hair cutting arsenal.

December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


업계소식 조지아 협회 2015 정기총회 및 송년의 밤 일시: 12 월 20일 일요일, 오후 6시 30분 장소: 애틀랜타 한인회관 (5900 Brook hollow pkwy, Norcross, GA 30071)


가주 뷰티서플라이 협회(회장 스캇 홍) 는 11월3일(화) 오후 7시 세리토스 에 위치한 Midway Int’l 사 사옥에서 개최된 신제품 세미나에, 약 90여 회원 업체의 회원 및 판매를 직접 담당하는 실무직원 등 150명이 참석해 성황을 이루었다. 3시간여에 걸친 이날 세미나에서는 몇몇 제품들의 시연 및 설명 회가 있었으며, 2016년 트렌드에 대해 설명하기도 하였다. 또한, 11월17 일(화) 에는 Midway Int’l 사에서 회사창립 30주년 기념행사가 관련업계인 사와 가주뷰티서플라이 협회원 등 180여명이 참석한 가운데 당사 사옥내 Auditorium Hall 에서 거행되었다. 한편, 가주 뷰티서플라이 협회는 오는 12월13일(일) 가든스윗 호텔에서 정 기총회및 송년회를 개최할 예정이라고 한다. (문의: 213-249-4066)


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC뷰티업계를 더욱 발전시킬 Jinny Corporation만의 JLOFT Mobile 소프트웨어/애플리케이션 출시

Jinny Corporation은 자사의 세일즈 (Ordering) 시스템인 JOS Warrior의 고객용

B2B환경에 맞는새로운 기능을 갖추고 있다. Jinny는 모든 OTC스토어가 이 새로운

4년 동안 전국적으로 사용하고 있는 시스템을 고객용도의 시스템으로 발전시켜 OTC

전체적인 향상을 불러오리라고 확신한다.

버젼인 JLOFT Mobile의 출시를 발표했다. Jinny Corp은 자사의 세일즈팀이 지난 스토어에 선보일것을 밝혔다.

소프드웨어를 즐기게 될것이며 단순히 주문서를 만드는것만이 아닌 업소 운영의

JLOFT Mobile의 가장 큰 장점:

Jinny의 Ordering 시스템은 오랜 시간동안


많은 OTC업주와 매니저들로 부터 문의가 있어 왔었지만 Jinny는 손님들이 좀더

이어져 온 Jinny와 Eddie Jhin사장의

개발할때까지 출시를 늦추어 왔다.

중심 철학이며 Jinny의 IT부서가 이를

Jinny 는 이러한 신기술이 어떻게 업계의


발전을 이끌고 또 업계 전체적으로 어떤

영향을 미치게 될지 잘 알고 있다. Jinny

대한 지식과 정보를 함께 공유하고 더 나아가 아직 알지 못했던 새로운 기술의 세계에 모두가 함께 적응하고 맞추어 변화하기를 원한다.

JLOFT Mobile은 지금까지 뷰티업계에 있었던 어떤 소프트웨어 보다 훨씬 발전되고 82

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

소프트웨어 개발을 위해 끊임없이

업그레이드 할것이다. 이는 1995년 이후

편하게 사용할수 있는 최상의 소프트웨어로

는 모든 OTC스토어들이 손님들과 제품에

Jinny Corp.은 새롭고 더욱 발전된

이어받아 계속 이끌어 나갈것이다.

Jinny는 현재 OTC스토어가 어떻게 운영되고 있는지 확실히 이해하고

있기 때문에, 이를 바탕으로 JLOFT

Mobile은 뷰티서플라이 스토어의 환경에

알맞게 이용될수 있도록 프로그램 되었다.

JLOFT Mobile은 모든 주요 시스템 환경; Windows, Apple, Android 에서

이용할수 있다. Android용 애플리케이션은 완성 단계에 있으며 2015년 11월이면 이 모든 세 주요 환경에서의 사용이 가능할것이다.

JinnyInnovations UTY STORE ville, GA 30340 YOUR BEA Dora iff Road 3587 Oakcl 91 -32 (678) 805

Windows Device 애플리케이션의 주요 기능은;

1. 네트워크의 연결 없이도 제품 주문서를 만들수 있다.

2. Jinny Corp, JBS Hair, Dream 의 업데이트 된 제품 데이타에 24시간/365일 접속할수 있다. 3. 현재 32,000가지 제품을 고해상도의 사진으로 볼수 있으며, 계속 업데이트 되고 있다.

4. JLOFT Mobile로 접속이 가능하며 JLOFT Mobile을 통해 새로운 딜이나 프로모션을 받을수 있고 매달

$$$을 적립할수있다.

5. 60,000가지가 넘는 제품들이 업데이트 되어 있다.

Windows Device

6. Order를 마치면 유선 또는 이메일로Order Confirmation을 바로 받을수 있다. (Jinny 세일즈맨과 즉시

연결이 될것이다)

7. 모든 주문서의 원본을 기기내에 보관할수 있다.

8. 샘플 요청이나 원하는 배송 시간 등 요구사항이나 특별한 설명을 기입할수 있다.

9. Window, Apple, Android 모두에서 사용이 가능하며 개인의 컴퓨터나 어느 기기로도 다운로드가


찾는 손님들에게 제품의 사용법등을 설명하고 대화하기가 용이하다.

10. 제품의 정보를 바로 볼수 있어서 OTC 스토어 직원과 주인들이 제품에 대해 쉽게 배울수 있으며 가게를 11. 제품에 대한 새로운 정보를 비디오나 사진으로 쉽게 보고 저장할수 있다. 12. Jinny 의 세일페이퍼를 우편으로 기다릴 필요 없이 빠르게 받을수 있다.

13. JLOFT Mobile를 이용하는 고객은 중요 소식이나 정보를 보다 빠르게 접할수 있다.

14. 가격비교 분석 기능: 벤더나 도매상의 가격을 비교 분석하여 가장 저렴한 가격을 제공하는 업체를

이용자가 바로 알수 있으며 재고현황도 알수 있도록 한다. (2016년 2월 에 선보일 예정)

Special Planog


Apple Device

JLOFT Mobile은 OTC스토어에게 유용한 자산이 될것이다. 첫번

째 버젼이 공개될 준비가 되면 OTC Beauty Magazine에 광고가 나

갈것이며 더 많은 정보를 원하거나 관심이 있으면 담당 세일즈맨 에게 문의하면된다.

Available in Android, Apple and Windows versions. Windows Device December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews China Glaze® Gives a Wash of Iridescence to New York Fashion Week Wave with Clover Canyon On September 16, China Glaze® Nail Lacquer partnered once again with celebrity manicurist Casey Herman as lead nail artist as contemporary fashion brand Clover Canyon presented its Spring/Summer 2016 collection during Spring/Summer 2016 New York Fashion Week. Cascading flowers, laser cut dresses and a bouquet of color were complemented with a wash of iridescence using the classic China Glaze® shade, Rainbow. Design Inspiration: Designing a nail look to go with a collection filled with modern designs that still had a vintage vibe, Herman knew the manicure needed to be timeless. “The Clover Canyon collection is so colorful so we wanted a shade that would give the nails a clean, fresh, almost luminescent finish to complement the clothing. China Glaze® Rainbow is such a soft, pretty shade and looked beautiful on every skin tone. Just one coat was all it took for the perfect finished look.” Herman and her team kept the nails simple yet beautiful, first cleaning, shaping and lightly buffing each models’ nails before applying a thin coat of China Glaze® Rainbow. The lacquer’s sheer Mother of Pearl finish flattered a variety of skin tones, and leant an elegant balance to the bright bursts of purple, pink, green and blue in the designs.

(Left) China Glaze® Rainbow. (Right) Lead Nail Artist Casey Herman applies one coat for a wash of iridescence.

China Glaze® Products Used: Rainbow, Orange Cuticle Oil and Fast Freeze Quick Dry Spray How To: 1. Clean nails, paying particular attention to the cuticles and underneath, and shape as needed 2. Gently buff to smooth any ridges or other imperfections 3. Paint one thin coat of Rainbow 4. If in a hurry, spray with Fast Freeze Quick Dry Spray 5. Apply Orange Cuticle Oil as needed to keep nails healthy and cuticles moisturized China Glaze® is free of DBP, toluene, and added formaldehyde. China Glaze® nail lacquers are available through salons and professional beauty supply stores nationwide. For more information, please visit or follow China Glaze on Facebook (@ChinaGlaze), Instagram (@ChinaGlazeOfficial), Twitter (@ChinaGlaze) and Pinterest (

The finished China Glaze® manicure at the Clover Canyon show Photos courtesy of ©MatthewCarasella/

Mitchell Group Marketing Efforts Mitchell Group, the main distributor of Fair & White, wants to continue supporting your business! In the past year we have visited different OTC stores providing the following advertising material: - See Through Window Graphics - End Cap stickers - Shelf Talkers - Banners - Roll ups We are doing this because we feel it is important for your store to have our recommended educational material. This extra addition of advertising will give that amazing touch of beauty to your store as well as improving sales of your Mitchell brand products. If you would like to receive any of the material mentioned above, please contact us via email at or call 1-888-726-6211. 84

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Fantasia Hair Care Launches New Heat Protector Shampoo and Conditioner New Products Infuse Moisture with Avocado Oil and Aloe Vera Fantasia Hair Care is meeting the cold winter season head on—with the launch of the Fantasia Hair Polisher Heat Protector Shampoo and Conditioner. These innovative products combat winter’s dry and brittle hair with the infusion of moisture from avocado oil and aloe vera. The products are available at retailers and beauty supply stores nationwide starting November 15. “The Heat Protector Shampoo and Conditioner cleanse and prime hair for heat styling while infusing moisture and a supple texture,” said Fantasia Hair Care Co-Founder Paul Bogosian.

The Classic is Reborn Introducing the New GiGi® Honee Warmer

For decades, the GiGi® Honee Warmer has been a fixture in salons and spas. This year, the well-known wax warmer is getting a spa makeover of its own. With an updated sleek design, spa inspired color palette and upgraded materials and convenience features; the new GiGi® Honee Warmer is ready to make its debut.

Fantasia Hair Polisher Heat Protector Shampoo Size: 12 oz. bottle / Suggested Retail: $6.99 each. Fantasia Hair Polisher Heat Protector Conditioner Size: 12 oz. bottle / Suggested Retail: $7.99 each. The Fantasia Hair Polisher Heat Protector Shampoo and Conditioner are sulfate and paraben free. For more information about Fantasia Hair Care, visit

New features include: • Hinged Lid: Keep wax clean and sanitary with the flick of the wrist. The GiGi® Honee Warmer now has a hinged lid that can be fully removed for easy cleaning. • Stainless Steel Surfaces: In salons and spas sanitation is top priority. Stainless steel provides an impeccably clean surface making it the first choice of hospitals and salons. • Indicator lights: Convenient light indicates if the unit is on with just a glance. • Scraper Bar: Remove excess wax to prevent spills and drips. GiGi® Honee Warmer™ is available at professional beauty supply stores nationwide October 2015. SRP: $74.95. For more information about American International Industries, visit

Geneico Inc.’s Green Update Geneico Inc. is proud to share the exciting results of their October Energy Production Report. The company’s carbon offset (electricity generated by their solar roof panels) for the month of October was 1.97 tons or 3,940 pounds. That is the equivalent of 50 trees! With a passion for sustainability and renewable energy, the company proudly utilizes clean energy solutions with cutting-edge technology. Keep up the good work!


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

December 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



in-cosmetics Korea to Increase in Size by 50% in 2016 in-cosmetics Korea, Seoul, 6-7 July 2016

The in-cosmetics Group announced that the Korean edition of the leading event for personal care ingredients is expanding significantly in 2016. Featuring more product innovations, technical education, trends and business matching opportunities than ever before, the exhibition is expected to increase in size by 50% when it returns to Coex in Seoul, South Korea for a second instalment from July 6-7 next year. Currently ranking as Asia’s 4th largest beauty and personal care market[1], South Korea proved to be an ideal location for over 200 global cosmetic manufacturers keen to showcase their products to senior domestic and international R&D visitors in 2015. Exhibitors praised the exhibition as ‘the event the Korean industry had been crying out for,’ hailing it a ‘runaway success.’ And with the country boasting the world’s highest per capita usage of skincare and male grooming products, plus a booming export market for home-grown cosmetic brands, it’s no surprise that the 2016 event is expected to increase in size so dramatically and attract over 4,000 visitors. In addition to a rise in exhibitor and visitor numbers, the free-to-attend educational program is expanding

significantly. Highlighting newly launched ingredients, innovative formulation concepts, consumer insights and personal care trends, the Innovation Seminars and – new for 2016 – Marketing Trends and Regulations seminars will play a key part in the learning experience, with more sessions and increased delegate capacity. Commenting on the educational opportunities at the 2015 event, Cynthia Yco, President, USwiss Skin, said, “The seminars were fantastic and very educational. I’ve learned a lot about the science and technology behind these ingredients. I think this is something that I couldn’t have received anywhere else.” Additionally, the popular Innovation Zone will feature more new ingredients and innovative finished products, while the Business Matching program will connect senior decision makers with exhibitors via pre-arranged meetings. Finally, a new French Pavilion will enable visitors to easily meet suppliers from France. Online visitor registration will open in March 2016 and will be free of charge (US $5 if registering at the show). [1]

Source: Euromonitor International

Andis on the Movie Set of “Creed” Master barber keeps actors groomed for Philadelphia-based movie.

Working on the movie set of the new boxing action-drama “Creed,” Kenny Duncan, Andis lead educator, relied on his Andis tools to get the actors camera-ready. “As part of the hair crew on ‘Creed,’ I clipped and trimmed the principle actors Michael B. Jordan, Tony Bellow and Sean Davis. For Michael’s role of Adonis Creed Johnson, director Ryan Coogler envisioned a medium fade, which I started with the BGR+ with outliner blade to his temples below the occipital. To transition to the top, I used the Envy clipper closed, half open and fully open, followed by the 1A blade on the BGR+ against the grain. He requested the T-Outliner for edging,” says Kenny. “I was referred to hair department head Rita Parillo. I am fortunate that my years of professionalism have presented me with amazing opportunities, including being Michael’s personal barber on the promotional movie tour,” he adds. 88

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Just as “Creed” looks to introduce the “Rocky” franchise to a new generation of viewers, Kenny looks to educate a new generation of barbers and stylists about Andis clippers and trimmers.

Michael B. Jordan as Adonis Creed Johnson Grooming by Kenny Duncan for Andis Photo by Eli Joshua

IndustryNews Get a High Shine Manicure On-The-Go with China Glaze® The dream: clients have all the time in the world to relax and devote to looking perfectly polished, smears and smudges never happen, and nails look perfect until the next appointment. The reality: clients are constantly on-the-go, polish smears even after waiting patiently for what seems like ages and, after a few days that perfect manicure is starting to look a little dull. China Glaze® understands the reality and is here to help; introducing new Gotta Go Top Coat. Applied over just-polished nails, this protective top coat dries quickly, delivering a glossy finish in just minutes. The non-yellowing fluid texture forms a protective

seal around the polish so your manicure stays true to color and wears longer with more shine. For the first time, China Glaze® is offering Gotta Go Top Coat in a convenient, professional 16 oz. refill bottle. Easy to pour and break-proof in its plastic bottle, this professional refill meets all the needs of a busy salon and even busier clientele. China Glaze® Gotta Go Top Coat is available at fine beauty supply stores and salons nationwide as 0.5 fl. oz. open stock and six-piece counter display, and a 16 fl. oz. professional size refill. For more information, please visit or follow China Glaze on Facebook (@ChinaGlazeOfficial), Instagram (@ChinaGlazeOfficial), Twitter (@ChinaGlaze) and Pinterest (

Andis Updates Popular Pivot Motor Combo SpeedMaster® Clipper and PivotPro® Trimmer now available in bold metallic blue Now in bold metallic blue, the Pivot Motor Combo from Andis helps professionals speed through even the thickest hair. The SpeedMaster™ clipper and PivotPro™ trimmer both have pivot motors—the workhorse that offers four times the power of comparable magnetic motor tools. Perfect for cutting thick, heavy or wet hair with ease, the SpeedMaster™ clipper features an adjustable stainless-steel blade that goes from size #000 to #1 with a touch of the lever, making it great for fading and tapering. For fast touch ups, designing and finishing touches, the PivotPro™ trimmer is equipped with an improved close-cutting stainless-steel T-blade for better hair feed. Use it to groom necklines, beards, goatees, moustaches and edging around ears. 90

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

“The Pivot Motor Combo is ideal for cosmetology students, as well as professionals who are new to clipper cutting. It is a lower speed, powerful tool set that offers great control to the novice/ intermediate clipper user but is also a great value,” says Aileen Nunez, Andis International Manager of Education. “Behind the chair, the pivot motor design delivers more power to make quick work of thick, dense hair.” This complete professional kit includes: • 4 trimmer combs sizes: 1/16”, 1/8”, 1/4” and 3/8” • 9 clipper attachment combs sizes: 1/16”, 1/8”, 1/4”, 3/8”, 1/2”, 5/8”, 3/4”, 7/8” and 1” • Lubricating oil • Blade guards and blade brush The Andis Pivot Motor Combo tools feature heavy-duty 8-foot cords, hanger loops for quick storage and a one-year warranty. It is also available in optional black and silver colors; SRP: $66.70.


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

BIR Bits

Professional salon hair care color product sales (at manufacturers’ shipment dollars) grew by 3.8% in 2014 to $831 million. Hair color services are the prime driver of the entire salon industry, according to the New 2014 Professional Salon Haircolor Study from Professional Consultants & Resources, the leading strategic consulting company and data supplier to the professional beauty salon industry. “Salons across the United States report hair color services are growing and essential to the survival and growth of their Cyrus Bulsara businesses and the salon industry,” says Cyrus Bulsara, president of Professional Consultants & Resources. • L’Oréal is the leader in hair color sales with its Matrix, Redken, L’Oréal Technique and L’Oréal Professional brands. • P&G follows closely with its growing exclusive brands like Koleston, Illumina, Color Perfect, Magma and Innosense. Visit

VNC Sales welcomes Jennifer Dillon and Missy Mitchell. Jennifer joins the rep firm’s West Coast team. She has 15 years’ experience in manufacturing, distribution and as a manufacturers’ representative. Missy will work with the firm’s Southeast team. She has 20 years’ experience in education and as a manufacturers’ representative.

Spilo Worldwide has introduced a new website at The site offers a more user-friendly interface, a faster ordering experience for distributors and a new online shopping experience for Flowery professionals. Visit

Kevin VanNest, John Madia and Missy Mitchell from VNC Sales recently participated in a community outreach program, providing school-age children in the Denton, TX area with free haircuts and hair care gift bags. Supporting manufacturers included Krest Combs, Erico/Flairsol bottles, JDB/Wet Brush, American International’s Woody’s, Not Your Mother’s Hair Care, Dr. G, Cricket Co. and Andis. Visit

Eraser Time. In last month’s reporting, we listed Farouk’s sales at $135 million, citing an article from Happi on the top professional beauty manufacturers’ sales. According to Andre Chiavelli, Farouk’s executive vice president global sales, “This is grossly understated. We are a privately held company and do not publish our annual sales.”

Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.” The “Beauty Industry Report” (BIR) is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz. For 3 FREE complimentary issues of BIR, please send your request to Lisa Iavello at Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message. 94

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

ShowCalendar DECEMBER: 5-6 Nzuri Natural Hair, Health and Makeup Expo Houston, TX

JANUARY: 17-21 The Cosmetics, Fragrance & Bath EPPS New Orleans, LA

18-19 Western Buying Conference Las Vegas, NV

20-22 Cosme Tokyo 2016 Tokyo, Japan

30-Feb. 1 International Salon and Spa Expo (ISSE) Long Beach, CA


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

Ad Index American International ............41 Fantasia Ind. ................................37

NEOX ....................... 48, 85, Insert

Ampro Industries ......................11 Helen of Troy ..............................31

Oster Prof. Products .................33

Andis Co. �������������������������������������� 9 House of Cheatham ...........Cover

PureJOIN ....................................27

Baby Sweet .................................22 Idelle .............................................57 Inspired Beauty Beauty Wholesale LTD .......38, 63 Brands ..............................23, 44, 91

Queen Helene ......................42, 52

Belson ..........................................55 J Strickland & Co. .......................53 J2 Beauty �����������2, 3, 14, 15, 17, 89 Brittny Professional ������29, 71, 98 JBC Distributors ........................75 Butter Sweet ..............................87 JBS Beauty Club �������������������������70 Cantu ������������������������������������������43 JBS Hair ...............IFC, 1, 16, 96, 97 Chloe Hair Accessories ..........103 JF Labs/AFAM ������������ 25, 49, IBC Clear Essence Cosmetics USA, Inc. �����������������35 Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products �����39 Colomer USA .................... 93, BC Mane Selection ���������������������������� 7 Conair ..........................................13 Maxi Professional ����������������������81 DeMert Brands ��������������������������� 5 Mitchell Group ...........................73 Dream World, Inc. ����������� 8, 28, 80

Sensitive by Nature ������������46, 47

RA Cosmetics �������������������72, 101

Smooth Care ..............................92 Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products ................................76, 77 Ten Pro ........................................95 Universal Beauty Products, Inc. ..............................58 Wella,The Salon Professional Division of P&G ....................60, 61 Western Buying Conference ��������������������������Insert Xtreme Beauty International ������ 45, 51, 70, 72, 99

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

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2. What beauty supply business topic would you like more information on? 2. 당신이 좀 더 정보를 얻고자 하는 미용 재료 비즈니스 주제는 무엇입니까?

3. What trend are you hoping to see grow in the new year?

3.당신이 새해에 성장하기를 바라는 트랜드는 무엇입니까?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

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OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

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September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


OSSAT Naturals Healthy Hair Care System

OSSAT Naturals styling products allow users the flexibility to style natural hair any way they like. The products feature a 5-in-1 natural moisture blend that nourishes hair.

Each of these 8 items can be combined in different ways to benefit hair according to the users’ specific needs. The following 3 groups show how. 1. Cleansing/Conditioning Trio – Restores, Replenishes and Softens • Smoothing Shampoo • Moisturizing Co-Wash • Deeper Moisture Mask

O = Olive Oil for More Moisture S = Shea Butter for Conditioning S = Sunflower Oil for Shine A = Argan Oil to Stop Frizz T = Tea Tree Oil for Internal Repair

2. Moisturizing and Transitioning Trio – Maintains Moisture and is Great for Transitioning from Relaxed to Natural • Moisturizing Co-Wash • Deeper Moisture Mask • Triple Moisture Lotion 3. Versatility Four – Curl, Twist, Mold, Hold, Shape and Shine • Shaping Gelly • Form & Hold Wax • Curling Custard • Natural Oils Moisture Mist (for hair and body) For more information, visit


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2015

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