February 2016| $6.00 The Skin Issue
Why Use Natural Oils? Multicultural Skin Care Concerns Advice for Budding Entrepreneurs
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CONTENTS February 2016 in this issue Editorial Letter ����������������������10 Cozy Up With Us 친해집시다.
Expert Advice �����������������������12 3 Surprising Warning Signs Your Hair is Thinning
Marketplace �������������������������18 Combat the Cold
How Should You Sell It? �������24
Feature Article
Strategizing for Success ��������� 60 by Eric Loftholm Each fourth quarter as the New Year approaches, it’s prudent to prepare a profitability plan for the coming year, especially with respect to your sales and marketing endeavors. But, whether developed before or after the start of the New Year, the importance of creating a tactical plan for sales and marketing success cannot be overstated. Here’s how to set yourself up for annual planning success.
Natural Oils for Skin Care
어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이달의 판매 초점은 …… 네추럴 오일과 스킨 케어 입니다!
Notes From the Natural Nation ���������������������57 The Art of Blending
Manufacturer Profile
Clipper Tips ��������������������������72 NEOX. �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 66 Features and Function: Finding the Right Hair Dryer
Therapy Trends ���������������������74 The OTC as Skin Coach
Tonsorial Times ��������������������76 Eliminate Body Acne
Industry News ����������������������86
You spent a great deal of time and energy to get your beauty supply store up and running, the last thing you want to happen is to become a victim of theft. Security is an important part of any business, and NEOX is proud to provide that for their customers. OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate enough to speak with the CEO, Mr. Keith Lee, to learn more about this company that works hard to protect your store’s most valuable assets. 뷰티서플라이 매장을 시작하고 운영하기 위해 당신은 엄청난 시간과 에너지를 투자했지만, 당신이 바라는 마지막이 좀도둑의 피해자가 되는 것일지도 모르겠다. 보안은 어떤 비즈니스에서든 중요한 부분이며, NEOX는 고객들에게 이런 보안 문제 해결을 제공하는 것에 자부심을 갖는다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이 회사의 CEO인 Keith Lee 씨와 회사에 관해 더 자세히 알아보고 그들이 여러분 매장의 가장 중요한 자산을 지키기 위해 얼마나 노력하는지 얘기 나눌 수 있었던 것을 행운으로 생각한다.
BIR Bits ���������������������������������96 Show Calendar ����������������� 100 Ad Index ��������������������������� 100 Reader Feedback ��������������� 102 Product Spotlight �������������� 104 ORS™ Olive Oil Plus™
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
On The Cover Your customers can smooth hard-to-tame edges with ease, using the new Extra Hold Prefect Edges™ from Creme of Nature. Enriched with Argan Oil from Morocco, it provides users with firm hold, long-lasting control and lustrous shine with no flakes. Learn more at www.cremeofnature.com.
CONTENTS February 2016 Knowledge To Know
Business Tips
by Cynthia Malcom This Valentine’s Day, encourage your customers to show their skin, hair and nail routines a little extra love. In this article we give you 14 ways (one for every day up until the holiday) to pamper yourself. Give them a try!
be. Learn why it’s beneficial to be your authentic self, even in your business life, acting the same in all situations.
14 Ways to Fall in Love with The Stress Relieving Ability of Authenticity ��������� 38 by Walt Grassl your Hair, Skin and Nails Not being authentic is extremely stressful. You feel you have to behave differently depending on the this Valentine’s Day ������������������� 30 situation. You have to choose between being yourself and being who you think others need you to
발렌타인 데이에 당신의 헤어, 스킨 그리고 네일과 사랑에 빠질 수 있는 14가지 방법
이번 발렌타인 데이에는 여러분의 고객들이 스킨, 헤어, 그리고 네일에 좀더 사랑을 쏟을 수 있는 날로 만들어 보자. 여기에 좀더 예뻐지는 14가지 팁들이 있다!
Multicultural Skin Care Concerns and How to Identify the Best Treatment ������������������������������ 32 by Dr. Joe Cerni Certain skin care basics are relatively universal, but multicultural women have specific concerns that aren’t always adequately addressed, even by some skin care professionals. I wanted to take the time to share with OTC readers some common skin issues I see in my multicultural patients and discuss a valuable resource to help determine your skin tone and best treatment plan to combat some of these skin issues.
다문화 피부 관리에 관한 최고의 트리트먼트 구별법
특정한 피부 관리의 기본은 상대적으로 보편적이지만, 다문화 여성들은 심지어 스킨 케어 전문가들에 의해서도, 항상 쉽게 해결되지 않는 특정한 문제들을 가지고있다. 나는 OTC 독자들과 함께 나의 다문화 환자들로부터 보고 있는 일반적인 피부 문제들을 공유하여, 여러분의 피부 톤을 파악하고 피부 문제를 해결하기 위해 최고의 치료 계획을 세우는데 도움이 되는 귀중한 자료들에 관해 논의하는 시간을 갖고자 한다.
진정한 스트레스 해소의 핵심
솔직하지 못하는 것은 큰 스트레스가 된다. 상황에 따라 다르게 행동해야만 한다고 느끼게 된다. 있는 그대로의 당신 자신과 다른 사람들이 원하는 당신의 모습 중에서 선택해야만 한다. 자신 본연의 모습이 왜 중요한지, 알아보도록 하자.
One Piece of Advice (Or Maybe More) for Budding Entrepreneurs ���������������������������������� 42 by Marsha Friedman Opening your own store can be a little overwhelming at times, but don’t worry! This author shares her response from when someone asked her what advice she would give entrepreneurs who are on the verge of launching a business.
신예 사업가를 위한 한가지 (혹은 여러 가지) 조언
새로운 매장을 오픈함에는 많은 일들이 수반된다. 하지만, 걱정할 건 없다! 이 기사에서 새로 시작하는 사업가들에게 쓸만한 조언들을 찾아보자.
Customer Service that Sells to Boomers Comes From Training Millennials ������������������������� 46 by Bob Phibbs When you are focused on creating a team culture of customer service, it is important to realize how generational differences can impact the selling process. The Generation Gap can cause differences in the way each type of person approaches customers, and also what they expect as customers themselves. Ensure all of your employees are trained to sell to all of the shoppers who visit your store.
베이비 부머를 대상으로 하는 판매 고객 서비스는 밀레니엄 세대 교육으로부터 시작돼야한다
당신이 고객 서비스의 팀 문화 창조에 중점을 둘 때, 세대 차이가 판매 과정에 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지를 인식하는 것이 중요하다. 세대의 차이에 의해 소비자 접근방식이 달라질 수 있고, 소비자들도 원하는 서비스 방식이 다르기 때문이다. 매장의 직원들은 이러한 차이점들을 잘 숙지하고 있어야 할 것이다.
Beauty Ambassadors
Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article ����������������� 54 Hello February!
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Ann Jhin
Haley McNeal editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
Korean News Editor:
Tony Bae tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com
Earl Cole
Art Director:
Advertising & Sales Coordinator:
Contributing Writers:
Dr. Joe Cerni ReGia Davis Marsha Friedman Walt Grassl Eric Loftholm Cynthia Malcom Bob Phibbs Carla Rivas/Hair La Vie Rocio Urquidi
Kenny Duncan Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson
To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.
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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Editorial Letter
Cozy Up With Us 친해집시다.
February is here: a month filled with love and cool temperatures. We are looking forward to falling further in love with our beautiful selves each and every day, and giving our skin the pampering it needs. Especially with chill and dryness in the air, we have to make sure our skin (and hair) doesn’t dry out. Won’t you join us, and invite our customers too? This month one of our writers, Cynthia Malcom, creatively laid out 14 ways to fall in love with hair, skin and nails; one tip for each day leading up to Valentine’s Day. We love the idea (found on page 30), but we challenge you to find more tips to round out the entire month. We even discovered why natural oils are currently a favorite among customers, and we are eager to learn even more about each type that is out there. No matter the skin care needs of your shoppers, there is sure to be an oil to suit their needs that can be used alone, or mixed with their already favorite lotions. Have you ever wondered what your skin type is? On page 32, Dr. Joe Cerni advises where to find The Fitzpatrick Scale online to help you, and your customers, identify personal skin information. This knowledge can help tailor skin care routines that will benefit the user most. As always we have gathered a few business tips to help you run your store efficiently. Specifically, we suggest you start with a profitability plan for the new year, even if you make it now in February. (Flip to page 60 to learn more.) It’s never too late to lay out a plan for success! So grab your favorite cozy blanket, maybe even put on a face mask, and peruse the pages of this month’s issue to explore the latest in beauty, business and skin care.
2월입니다. 사랑과 상큼한 온도로 가득한 달. 우리는 매일 스스로의 아름다운 모습과 더욱 사랑에 빠지길 기대하며, 피부를 소중히 보살피고 있습니다. 특히, 춥고 건조한 날씨에는, 피부와 헤어가 건조하지 않도록 해야 합니다. 우리와 함께 하시겠어요? 여러분의 고객 분들도 초대할까요?
이달의 저자 중 한명인 Cynthia Malcom은 헤어, 스킨, 그리고 네일과 사랑에
빠질 수 있는 14가지 방법; 발렌타인 데이까지 하루에 한 가지씩의 팁. 을 창의적으로 구성했습니다. 저는 이런 아이디어(30페이지)를 좋아합니다. 그러나 전체적으로 더욱 많은 팁을 찾길 바랍니다. 우리는 또한 천연 오일이 요즘 왜 고객들 사이에서 인기가 있는지에 관해서도 알아보았고, 시중에 나와있는 각각의 오일 타입에 관해 더욱 자세히 알아보고자 합니다. 구매자의 스킨 케어 요구가 무엇이든, 그들의 요구에 적합한 오일이 분명히 있으며, 개별적으로 사용할 수도 있고, 기존의 로션과 혼합해서 사용할 수도 있습니다.
여러분의 피부 타입은 무엇인지 궁금했던 적이 있습니까? 페이지 32 에서는, Dr.
Joe Cerni가 당신과 당신의 고객들에게 도움이 될 수 있는Fitzpatrick Scale(개인별 피부 정보를 확인할 수 있는 척도) 을 온라인 어디에서 찾을 수 있는지 알려드립니다. 이 정보는 사용자가 최상의 혜택을 얻을 수 있는 일상의 스킨 케어에 도움을 줄 것입니다.
늘 그랬듯이 여러분의 매장을 효율적으로 운영하는데 도움이 되는 몇 가지
비즈니스 팁도 모았습니다. 특히, 새해를 위한 수익성 계획을 시작할 것을 권합니다, 2 월이지만 지금 시작할 수도 있습니다. (자세한 내용은 60페이지를 참조하세요). 성공을 위한 계획을 세우는데 아직 결코 늦지 않았습니다!
그러니 당신이 가장 좋아하는 포근한 담요를 잡으세요, 페이스 마스크를 하는
동안 덮을 수도 있고, 미용과 비즈니스 그리고 스킨 케어를 탐험하기 위해 이번 호를 정독하는 동안에도 사용할 수 있겠죠.
Editor, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com 10
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine
Expert Advice by Carla Rivas/Hair La Vie
3 Surprising Warning Signs Your Hair is Thinning With hair loss, one of the best ways to stop the process is early detection and prevention. But, are there other ways to spot thinning hair before it is too late? “You will notice the obvious signs: there is more hair in the sink, the shower drain is clogging, and more. Yet, there are other warning signs that you’ll want to pay attention to as well,” explains Carla Rivas, co-founder of the all-natural hair growth vitamin and styling line Hair La Vie. “Some of them may surprise you.” Warning Sign #1: You hair is oiler than it used to be. If your hair begins to feel oilier or you find yourself washing more or using dry shampoo more this is a pretty good sign your hair is thinning. For women especially, this is most likely due to stress and overstyling. Women often underestimate how badly they are damaging their hair. Once your hair is damaged you need to infuse it with the proper antioxidants, natural oils and nutrients to bring it back to life and get it growing healthier and faster. When choosing a hair vitamin just be careful to avoid synthetic fillers like magnesium sterate, titanium dioxide, silicon dioxide and chromium. Make sure the capsule is veggie too. “I designed Hair La Vie hair growth vitamin with 20 all-natural ingredients for exactly this reason. It will help repair the damage and bring your hair back to its naturally beautiful state.”
Warning Sign #2: You need to color your hair more often. If you notice your roots are coming out more but your hair does not seem longer, this could be a bad sign of breakage. Breakage will thin your hair out too and make it appear uneven. Breakage happens when the hair shaft is damaged or your hair is not moisturized enough. If you use a natural non-heavy oil like an argan or coconut oil this can help hydrate the hair and make it more elastic and flexible. This will always help with split ends. Warning Sign #3: Your hair keeps getting frizzier. Having a lot of flyaways, frizz or split ends is another way to tell breakage and damage is happening. Try drying your hair with a cotton shirt instead of a towel. Also, use a deep conditioner with protein. The most popular protein for your hair is keratin. “We offer a keratin infused deep hydration masque called Hair La Vie Revive. Something like this, that is natural but filled with antioxidants and protein, will help calm the frizz and strengthen your hair.”
Carla Rivas is a hairstylist and co-founder of the all-natural growth vitamin Hair La Vie. Hair La Vie is made with only the highest quality of clinically proven, all-natural ingredients. No synthetic additives, fillers or binders have been added to their products. There are no artificial flavors, colors, dyes, or secret ingredients in Hair La Vie either. Visit www.hairlavie.com to learn more.
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OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008
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Combat the Cold
We are no stranger to it, but the cold weather continually imposes extra stress on skin. Be sure this season your customers are armed with the best and newest tools to keep their skin happy and healthy.
Dark Spot Corrector
Do not let stubborn highly pigmented areas on hands, knuckles, elbows, knees and feet have your customers feeling down. Fair & White’s Miss White Beauty Active Dark Spot Corrector is specifically designed with an aggressive depigmenting complex to fade dark areas. www.mitchellgroupusa.com
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Eyebrow maintenance may not technically be skin care related, but they definitely accent the face, so we think this product display belongs in this collection. Ardell’s Brow Power display features their Brow Pomade, Mechanical Brow Pencil, and Brow Defining Kit so your customers have their pick of tools to yield beautiful brows. www.ardelllashes.com
Perfect Pores
Utilizing the purifying power of charcoal, the Pore Refining Charcoal Sheet Masks from Daggett & Ramsdell penetrate deep into skin to remove dirt, oil and makeup. Encourage your customers to take a little time for themselves to pamper their skin. They are worth it. www.fiskgroup.com
Scrub Away
Exfoliation is a vital step to any skin care routine, removing dirt, oil and dull skin. Reveal a complexion that looks and feels healthy with OKAY’s Clarifying Papaya Facial Scrub. It is paraben and sulfate free! www.okaypurenaturals.com
Clean and Refresh
Facial care is just as important for men as it is women, and Master Well Comb stands behind this truth. Their Witch Hazel All Natural Astringent works to cleanse, soften and moisturize skin anytime throughout the day. www.krewcomb.com February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
Beautiful Hair
In addition to nurturing skin, we must not forget hair when the winter air gets dry and cold. The Love that Body™ Professional Setting Lotion works to help strengthen hair while giving it better body and super sheen. This fast-drying formula will not flake and helps to overcome porosity and split ends. It is perfect for wet setting, blow styling and waving natural or relaxed hair.
Hello Kitty
If your customers have richly moisturized and healthy hands, why not encourage them to add a little pop to the beauty with a fun nail color? This Hello Kitty by OPI display boasts soft, feminine hues that your customers will adore. www.opi.com
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Protect Those Hands
This one is especially helpful for your hair stylist customers (we know there is nothing quite as aggravating as hair dye stained hands), or anyone who wants to protect their hands. AmerCare’s Edge Vinyl Powder Free Gloves are great to have on-hand for any time where skin protection is needed. www.amercare.com
Compliment Beautiful Skin
Moisturize and condition hair while providing strength and shine with this lightweight oil sheen hair spray. The Oil Sheen Light Hair Spray with Coconut Oil from Isoplus is perfect for creating healthy, breathtaking hair styles… which also compliment beautiful skin. www.isoplus.com
Facial Cream Wash
Proper facial care can help protect skin and reduce the signs of aging. Cococare Vitamin E Facial Cream Wash is perfect for removing eye makeup and cleansing the face and neck. Fragrance, color and soap free, this mild formula hydrates and conditions all skin types. www.cococare.com
Keeping hands soft and youthful is a year-round concern, but especially so in the winter. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Eventone Age Spot Hand Cream can help with this while fading age spots, revealing flawless skin. Enriched with Vitamin C and sunscreen, and flaunting a fresh white lily fragrance, this is a must-have for every bag. www.palmers.com February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
M A R K E T PLACE Smooth and Restore Softness
When exfoliating, be sure not to stop only at the face; the hands and body need this nourishment as well. The invigorating Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Body Scrub from Shea Moisture gently exfoliates and nourishes with a rich blend of certified organic Shea Butter, Honey, Mafura and Baobab that super-boost skin’s hydration. www.sheamoisture.com
It’s a Miracle!
DNA Jamaican Black Castor Oils (like the Monoi Oil flavor shown here) are powerful, universal in usage treatment oils that maintain their own DNA nutritive beneficial properties of moisturizing, soothing and strengthening for hair, scalp and/ or skin. This miracle treatment oil promotes the health of, and helps rejuvenate, skin and hair. It also moisturizes dry skin and stimulates hair growth. www.mydnaisuniversal.com
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
How should you sell it?
This month’s focus is...
Natural Oils and Skin Care!
Here lately we have been hearing a great deal about natural oils and their role in skin care routines. Whether included in original product formulation or added in at-home, it seems their benefits are unbeatable. We reached out to an industry expert to learn more.
What makes natural oils in skin care products so beneficial? What is your favorite way to include them in your skin care routine? “Adding a skin care product that includes natural oils to your beauty routine is one of the best choices you can make for your skin. There are a large number of benefits that comes with using natural oils, some of which include keeping skin looking youthful, maintaining proper moisture and keeping skin healthy. Today’s women have become more knowledgeable, experienced, and creative when it comes to taking care of their skin. Most of them turn towards natural oils to create the perfect product for their particular need. Natural oils can be added to some of your favorite products like facial masks, lotions, body butters and treatments for added benefits or just personal preference.
We always encourage our customers to search the internet and see the abundance of skin care
products that can be created using natural oils, all of which can be made using OKAY®’s vast selection of natural oils. Aside from the benefits these oils provides for skin, most oils also have an uplifting, aromatic scent that when inhaled reduces stress, increases focus, and helps you relax. When natural oils are added to your beauty routine the possibilities and benefits are endless.”
Osman Mithavayani, Vice President Xtreme Beauty International www.xbi.co
If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the March issue! 24
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...
네추럴 오일과 스킨 케어 입니다! 최근 우리는 네추럴 오일과 피부 관리에서 그 역할에 관한 아주 좋은 얘기들을 듣고 있습니다. 처음부터 제품 성분에 포함되어 있든, 가정에서 추가했든, 그것의 장점은 타의 추종을 불허합니다. 우리는 보다 자세한 내용을 위해 업계 전문가를 만나 보았습니다.
스킨 케어 제품 중에서 천연 오일 사용의 이점은 무엇일까? 당신은 일상적인 피부 관리에 천연 오일을 어떤 방법으로 포함시키는가?
“일상적인 미용 관리를 위해 천연 오일을 포함한 스킨 케어 제품을 추가하는 것은 당신의 피부를 위해 할 수 있는 최선의 선택 중 하나입니다. 천연 오일을 사용함으로써 얻게 되는 이점은 너무도 많습니다, 피부를 젊어 보이게 하고, 피부에 적절한 수분과 건강을 유지할 수가 있습니다. 요즘 여성들은 자신의 피부 관리에 있어서 더욱 많은 지식과 경험을 보유하고 있으며 보다 더 창의적으로 변하고 있습니다. 그들 대부분은 자신의 특정한 필요를 위한 완벽한 제품을 만들기 위해 천연 오일로 눈길을 돌립니다. 천연 오일은 개인적인 취향이나 특정한 효능을 위해 페이셜 마스크, 로션, 바디 버터나 여러 트리트먼트 제품에 추가될 수 있습니다.
우리는 항상 고객들이 인터넷 검색을 통해 천연 오일을 사용해서 만들 수 있는 무수한 스킨
케어 제품들과 OKAY®의 다양한 천연 오일들을 사용할 수 있는 방법들을 찾아보기를 권장합니다, 이런 오일들이 피부에 주는 혜택 이외에도, 대부분의 오일들은 기분을 좋게 하는 아로마 향이 있어서 향을 맡으면 스트레스를 줄이고 집중력을 높이며 휴식을 취하는데 도움을 줍니다. 천연 오일을 일상적인 미용 관리에 사용할 때의 가능성과 혜택은 무한합니다..”
이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 3월호에 게재됩니다! 26
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Osman Mithavayani, Vice President Xtreme Beauty International www.xbi.co
August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine
Knowledge to Know by Cynthia Malcom
14 Ways to Fall in Love with your Hair, Skin and Nails this Valentine’s Day 발렌타인 데이에 당신의 헤어, 스킨 그리고 네일과 사랑에 빠질 수 있는 14가지 방법 1.
Cleanse face and body with a gentle moisturizer. Keep nails neat and tidy by incorporating a nail brush into your daily cleansing routine. Co-wash hair 1-2 times weekly.
Exfoliate: Use a natural bristle brush on damp skin to cleanse and exfoliate the face. Use a dry body brush on dry skin starting at your feet and work your way up to exfoliate your body and bring out your natural glow. Avoid using synthetic ingredients and harsh exfoliators that contain rough, jagged pieces.
Quench your face and body with moisturizer twice daily. Choose a peptide enriched moisturizer for the morning and a vitamin rich treatment cream to combat aging, dryness and other skin concerns for night. Use a hair cream daily and a light cuticle oil every evening.
Kiss those lips with hydrating balms by choosing moisturizing sticks with vitamin E.
Wear sunscreen daily; SPF of at least 15 is necessary.
Seek the shade and protect your delicate eyes, face, neck and ears with a wide-brimmed hat; cover-up with UV-protective clothing.
Consider drinking sunscreen waters (such as Harmonized H2O) to avoid the sun’s harmful rays.
Bronze your beauty with a spray tan instead. Your body’s first response to protect against UV overexposure is a tan. Avoid over-tanning and tanning beds.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
부드러운 보습제로 얼굴과 몸을 씻는다. 네일은 매일 네일 브러시를 사용해 클렌징
각질 제거: 얼굴 세안과 각질 제거를 위해서 물기가 있는 피부에 동물 털로 만든 천
하여 단정하고 깔끔하게 유지한다. 주 1-2회 머리를 감는다.
연 소재의 브러시를 사용해라. 건조한 발에는 드라이 바디 브러시로 각질을 제거해 서 자연스럽게 피부 윤기를 만들어라. 거칠고 투박한 입자가 포함된 각질 제거제나 합성 성분의 사용을 피해라.
하루에 두 번 얼굴과 몸에 로션을 발라라. 오전에는 펩타이드가 풍부한 보습제를,
밤에는 노화와 건조함, 다른 피부 문제에 대처할 수 있도록 비타민이 풍부한 트리 트먼트 크림을 선택해라. 헤어 크림을 매일 사용하고 매일 저녁 가벼운 큐티클 오 일을 사용해라.
비타민 E가 함유된 보습 스틱은 입술에 수분을 공급하는 립밥으로 아주 좋다.
자외선 차단제를 매일 사용해라. 최소한 SPF 15 이상이 필요하다.
햇빛을 차단할 수 있는 것을 찾고 당신의 섬세한 눈과 얼굴, 목과 귀를 창이 넓은 모
태양의 유해한 광선을 피하기 위해 Harmonized H2O와 같은 마시는 자외선 차단
스프레이 태닝을 이용해봐라. 과도한 자외선 노출로부터 보호하기 위한 신체의 첫
계절에 상관없이 매일 15 분 정도 자외선 아래에서 활동하면, 건강하고 아름다운 피
자를 이용해서 보호해라. 자외선 차단 기능이 있는 옷으로 피부를 가려라. 제를 고려해봐라.
번째 반응은 햇빛에 타는 것이다. 과도한 태닝이나 태닝 배드를 삼가해라.
Bask your beauty in the sunshine by obtaining 15 minutes of outdoor UV exposure daily during all four seasons for optimum consumption of vitamin D which helps maintain a healthy, beautiful glow.
Skin Affirmations I am perfect the way I am.
10. Perform a skin selfie check monthly to be aware of any new or changing moles; see a dermatologist if you notice any skin changes. 11. Eat healthy. Cut-down on refined sugar; too much sugar causes cell glycation with a pitfall of side effects that are not ideal for healthy skin, hair and nails. Your hair and skin love walnuts, all green vegetables, quinoa, wild rice, chia seeds, avocados, hemp seeds, lentils, chickpeas, edamame (young green soybeans) and berries. 12. Satisfy your thirst with antioxidant teas like green tea, blueberry or raspberry teas, and vitamin enriched waters. Drink less alcohol, exercise and stay hydrated for a healthy complexion. 13. Breathe and take time for yourself. Incorporate breath therapy, and stop and smell the roses. Slow down or you will miss it all! 14. Love yourself: To thine own self be true. With all the hustle and bustle of daily life, work and holidays, take some time for you! Daily beauty affirmations will help you remember your greatness and keep you in touch with your beauty.
Happy Valentine’s Day! 부 광택을 유지하는데 충분히 도움이 되는 비타민 D의 최적의 소비량을 얻을 수 있 다.
10. 매달 피부 셀프 체크를 해서 점이나 잡티가 새로 생겼거나 변화된 것이 있는지 확인 해라. 눈에 띄는 피부 변화가 있을 때는 피부과 전문의와 상담해라.
11. 건강하게 먹어라. 정제된 설탕 섭취를 줄여라. 과도한 설탕 섭취는 건강한 피부와
헤어, 네일에 적합하지 않은 부작용을 일으킬 수 있는 세포의 당화를 발생시킨다.
헤어와 피부에는 호두, 녹색 채소, 퀴노아, 와일드 라이스, 치아 씨, 아보카도, 삼씨, 렌틸, 병아리콩, 에다마메(어린 푸른 콩) 그리고 베리 등이 좋다.
12. 갈증에는 녹차, 블루 베리 혹은 라즈베리 티처럼 항산화 작용이 좋은 차나 비타민
이 풍부한 물을 마셔라. 알코올 섭취를 줄이고, 운동과 수분 섭취로 건강한 피부를 유지해라.
13. 자신을 위한 시간을 갖고 호흡해라. 호흡 치료를 병행하는 것도 좋고, 장미향을 맡 는 것도 좋다. 천천히 하라 그렇지 않으면 모든 것을 놓칠 수도 있다!
14. 자신을 사랑해라. 스스로에게 진실돼라. 일상 생활, 일, 홀리데이에 조차 부산하고
바쁜 일들이 가득하지만, 자신을 위한 시간을 가져라! 매일 아름다움을 긍정적으로
확인하는 것은 당신의 위대함을 인식하고 당신의 아름다움을 지속적으로 유지하는 데 도움이 된다.
I love my curls. Being beautiful is one of the top priorities in my life, and I practice this feeling every day. Each day my skin becomes more and more radiant. Every day brings me closer to my perfect self-image. Every day I feel prettier and prettier. Every day I practice feeling beautiful. Every day my inner beauty shines brighter than before. Every morning when I look in the mirror, I see a younger, more attractive me.
긍정확인 체크리스트
• 나는 나 자체로 완벽하다. • 내 곱슬 머리를 사랑한다.
• 아름다워지는 것은 내 인생 최우선 과제 중
하나이며, 나는 매일 이를 실행하고 있다.
• 내 피부는 날마다 빛이 난다.
• 내가 원하는 완벽한 모습으로 매일 가까
• 나는 날마다 더욱 예뻐진다.
• 매일 나는 아름답다고 느낀다.
• 나의 내면의 아름다움은 날마다 더욱 빛
• 매일 아침 나는 거울을 통해 더욱 젊고 매
해피 발렌타인!
력적인 나를 본다.
Cynthia Malcom
has 15 years of experience in the beauty industry. She is a Licensed Esthetician, Nail Technician, Licensed Esthetic Instructor, Manicurist Instructor, Freelance Writer, Public Speaker and Education Director, and owner of Edgar Renee’ Aesthetic Education & Consulting Group (www.edgarenee.com); based in Columbus, Ohio. Explore the class and course catalog at https://squareup.com/market/edgareneegroup. February 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine
Knowledge to Know by Dr. Joe Cerni
Multicultural Skin Care Concerns and How to Identify the Best Treatment 다문화 피부 관리에 관한 최고의 트리트먼트 구별법 Certain skin care basics are relatively universal, but multicultural women have specific concerns that aren’t always adequately addressed, even by some skin care professionals. While all human skin is basically the same, skin of color has cellular and structural differences that make it more sensitive and reactive. The sun, certain skin conditions, beauty treatments and other factors can lead to skin discolorations, keloid scars and other problems. Our skin is delicate and has special needs. I wanted to take the time to share with OTC readers some common skin issues I see in my multicultural patients and discuss a valuable resource to help determine your skin tone and best treatment plan to combat some of these skin issues. Although people of color have more natural protection from ultraviolet (UV) radiation because of the increased amount of melanin (the pigment that gives skin its color), the cells that make melanin pigment tend to be more reactive to inflammation and injury. So, pigmentation problems are more common in skin of color. Acne is the most common skin condition in darker skin, followed by pigmentation problems, or dyschromias. The most common dyschromia in people of color is postinflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH). This refers to increased pigmentation or dark spots at the sites of inflammation. Acne is one trigger for PIH, and the resulting dark spots are often of greater concern than the original pimples. In terms of strategies to treat PIH, there are many options. First, we can block the production of melanin by using hydroquinone and other bleaching creams. Retinoid creams also help block the transfer of pigment to the upper layers of the skin. We can remove excess pigment in the skin using chemical peels, and we employ sun protection to prevent increased pigment production and UV exposure. Melasma, often referred to as the “mask of pregnancy” as that’s when it commonly kicks in, is the second most common pigmentation problem for people with darker 32
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
특정한 피부 관리의 기본은 상대적으로 보편적이지만, 다문화 여성들은 심지어 스킨 케어
전문가들에 의해서도, 항상 적절하게 해결되지 않는 특정한 문제를 가지고있다. 모든 사람
의 피부는 기본적으로 동일하지만, 유색의 피부는 그것을 더욱 민감하고 크게 반응하게 만
드는 세포 및 구조적 차이를 갖고 있다. 태양, 특정 피부 상태, 미용 트리트먼트나 다른 요인 들이 피부 착색이나 켈로이드 흉터 및 다른 문제들을 발생시킬 수 있다. 우리의 피부는 섬
세하고 특별한 관심을필요로 한다. 나는 OTC 독자들과 함께 나의 다문화 환자들로부터 보
고 있는 일반적인 피부 문제들을 공유하여, 여러분의 피부 톤을 파악하고 피부 문제를 해결 하기 위해 최고의 치료 계획을 세우는데 도움이 되는 귀중한 자료들에 관해 논의하는 시간 을 갖고자 한다.
비록 유색 인종들이 더 많은 멜라닌 색소(피부에 색상을 공급하는 색소)를 보유하고 있어
서 자외선으로부터 더욱 자연적인 보호력을 갖긴 하지만, 멜라닌 색소를 만드는 세포는 염증 과 상처에 더 많이 반응하는 경향이 있다. 그래서, 색소 침착은 유색 인종에게서 더욱 일반적 이다.
여드름은 착색이나 피부 이상 변색 다음으로, 짙은 피부에서 더욱 일반적인 피부 문제이
다. 유색 인종에게서 나타나는 가장 일반적인 피부 이상 변색은 염증 반응 후의 색소 침착
(PIH)이다. 이것은 염증이 있는 자리에 색소 침착이나 다크 스팟을 증가시키는 것을 뜻한다. 여드름은 PIH의 방아쇠 역할을 하며, 결과적으로 생성된 다크 스팟은 종종 원래 여드름보다 더 큰 걱정거리가 된다.
PIH 를 치료하는 전략의 측면에는, 많은 옵션들이 있다. 우선, 하이드로퀴논이나 다른 표
백 크림을 사용해서 멜라닌의 생성을 차단할 수가 있다. 레티노이드 크림 또한 피부 상층으
로 착색이 전이되는 것을 막는데 도움이 된다. 화학적 필을 해서 피부의 과도한 착색을 제거 할 수도 있고, 색소의 증가나 자외선 노출로부터 보호하기 위해 자외선 차단제를 사용한다. 임신 기간에 주로 나타나서 종종 “ 임신의 마스크”로 불리는 기미는 짙은 피부색을 가진 사
February 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine
K-t-K skin. It presents as dark patches on the cheek, forehead, upper lips and face. More women than men are affected, but the condition can occur independent of pregnancy and is commonly seen in people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Contributing factors are genetic predisposition, and hormone and UV exposure. In terms of treatment and managing various skin conditions like the ones mentioned above, I would like to share with you one of the most important and well-respected skin care charts that doctors, nurses and medical aestheticians follow: The Fitzpatrick Scale. This scale was developed as a way to classify the typical response of different skin types to UV light. Once you determine your skin type, work with your skin care doctor or dermatologist to plan out the best treatment to prevent and heal hyperpigmentation. To determine your skin type based on The Fitzpatrick Scale, please visit http://www.skincancer.org/prevention/are-you-at-risk/fitzpatrick-skin-quiz. You can use this skin-type chart for self-assessment by adding up the score for each of the questions you’ve answered. At the end there is a scale providing a range for each of the six skin-type categories. Following the scale is an explanation of each of the skin types. You can quickly and easily determine which skin type you are. I strongly recommend that if you are a Fitzpatrick 4, 5 or 6, you have a discussion with your skin care specialist. We as skin care professionals must prepare for the prospect of clients with increasingly high Fitzpatrick skin types, and learn to recognize what is appropriate and inappropriate concerning skin care treatments, ingredients and products for skin of color. Global skin is the future of our skin care clientele.
람들에게 두 번째로 일반적인 색소 침착 문제이다. 이것은 뺨과 이마, 윗입술과 얼굴에 짙은
띠 모양으로 나타난다. 남성들보다는 여성들에게 많은 영향을 주긴 하지만, 임신과는 별개로 나타날 경우 주로 40,50,60대에서 많이 보게 된다. 기미 발생에 영향을 주는 요인들은 유전 적 소인이나 호르몬 자외선 노출 등이 있다.
위에서 언급한 것과 같은 다양한 피부 상태를 치료하고 관리하는 측면에서, 나는 의사, 간
호사 및 의료 피부 관리사들이 따르는 가장 중요하고 높이 평가되는 피부 관리 차트를 여러
분과 공유하고자 한다: The Fitzpatrick Scale(피츠패트릭 스케일). 이 스케일은 각기 다른
피부 타입이 자외선에 반응하는 것을 분류하기 위한 방법으로 개발되었다. 일단 당신의 피부 타입을 파악하면, 피부 관리 전문가나 피부과 의사와 함께 색소 침착을 치료하고 방지하는데 최선의 치료법을 찾도록 go라.
Fitzpatrick Scale을 토대로 당신의 피부 타입을 파악하려면, http://www.skincancer.
org/prevention/are-you-at-risk/fitzpatrick-skin-quiz를 방문해 봐라. 각각의 질문에
대한 당신의 답변을 토대로 점수를 추가하면서 자가 진단 형태로 이 피부 타입 차트를 사용
할 수 있다. 마지막에, 6가지 피부 타입의 범주를 정해놓은 스케일이 제공된다. 스케일을 따 르면 각 피부 타입에 관한 설명이 있다. 쉽고 빠르게 당신의 피부 타입을 파악할 수가 있다.
만일 당신의Fitzpatrick 이 4,5 또는 6 일 경우, 피부 관리 전문가와 상의하길 강력하 게 권한다. 피부 관리 전문가로서 우리는Fitzpatrick 스킨 타입이 높아질 가능성을 가진 고
객들을 위해 준비하고, 피부 관리 치료법과 제품의 성분에 있어서 유색 피부에 어떤 것이 적 합하고 또 부적합한지를 인식하는 것을 배워야 한다. 글로벌 피부는 우리의 피부 관리 고객 의 미래이다.
Dr. Joe Cerni is a cosmetic physician, researcher and speaker specializing in aesthetic and regenerative medicine. He serves as
a Medical Director of three private practices including his own Forever Ageless Inc., which is located in Newport Beach, Calif. He is also the Medical Director and Owner of Illuminate – Face & Body Bar, whose goal is to create a lifestyle brand that reflects elegance, affluence, timelessness, sophistication, self-confidence and transformation. Illuminate’s first location will be open in early 2016 in Las Vegas, NV, with an additional location opening in San Diego, Calif. in mid-2016.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
February 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine
Business Tips by Walt Grassl
The Stress Relieving Ability of Authenticity 진정한 스트레스 해소의 핵심
Paul and Trudy work in a medium size company. Paul has recently had to present in meetings with both upper management and with customers. He has been getting more and more stressed out with the higher levels of scrutiny. Before each and every meeting, he tries to figure out how he needs to act. What questions might he be asked? What is the best answer? What do they want to hear? Trudy, Paul’s longtime associate in the office, has noticed his stress and invited him to lunch. After listening to Paul describe his feelings, she understood the root cause of Paul’s stress. So she shared with him her thoughts on authenticity. Not being authentic is extremely stressful. You feel you have to behave differently depending on the situation. You have to choose between being yourself and being who you think others need you to be. You develop strategies on how to behave in different situations. You don’t act consistent with who you are and what you value. Everything you say or do is part of some thought-out plan. Whether you are talking to the distributor you buy product from or your customers, you should be your authentic self. You should show up the same in all situations. If you know who you are and are genuinely authentic, where you are and who you are talking to should not change that. The core of who you are and what you stand for should come through every time. You may change the style with which you communicate and the clothes you might choose to wear, but these changes should not change the essence of who you are. Respect and value yourself. Be authentic. Don’t apologize for who you are. You have strengths and weaknesses; we all do. That is what makes us unique. Authenticity gives you the courage to not get pressured into 38
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
PAUL 과TRUDY 는 중소 규모의 회사에서 일하고 있다. 최근 PAUL은 상위 관리 팀과 고객들이 함께 하는 미팅에 참석해야만 했다. 그는 철저한 검토가 진행될수록 많은 스트레스를 받았다.
각각의 회의 전, 그는 자신이 어떻게 행동해야만 하는지를 파악하기 위해 노력한다. 어떤 질문 을 받게 될까? 최선의 답변은 무엇일까? 그들은 어떤 말을 듣길 원할까?
PAUL 의 오랜 사무실 직원인 TRUDY는 PAUL이 스트레스가 심하다는 것을 알고 점심 식
사에 그를 초대했다. PAUL 의 심정을 듣고 나서, 그녀는 PAUL이 갖는 스트레스의 근본을 이해 했다. 그래서 그녀는 스트레스 원인에 대한 자신의 생각을 그와 공유했다.
솔직하지 못하는 것은 큰 스트레스가 된다. 상황에 따라 다르게 행동해야만 한다고 느끼
게 된다. 있는 그대로의 당신 자신과 다른 사람들이 원하는 당신의 모습 중에서 선택해야만 한
다. 당신은 다른 상황에서 행동하는 법을 만들어 간다. 당신은 일관된 당신의 모습과 당신의 가 치대로 행동하지 않는다. 당신이 하는 모든 말과 행동은 주도 면밀하게 계획된 것들 중 일부이 다.
당신이 물건을 구매하는 대리점과 얘기를 하든 당신의 고객들과 얘기를 하든, 진정한 당
자신이 누구인지 알고 당신이 진정으로 믿을만한 사람이라면, 당신이 어디서 누구와 얘기
신의 모습이어야 한다. 모든 상황에서 같은 모습을 보여야 한다.
를 하더라도 결코 변하지 않아야 한다. 자신의 본질과 당신이 나타내는 것이 항상 나와야 한다. 당신이 의사 소통하는 스타일이나 옷 입는 스타일을 바꿀 수는 있지만, 이런 변화들이 진정한 당신의 본질을 바꿔서는 안 된다.
스스로를 존중하고 가치 있게 해라. 진짜가 돼라. 당신에게 사과하지 말아라. 당신에게는
진정성은 당신의 가치에 부합하지 않는 의사 결정을 할 때, 압박 받지 않을 수 있는 용기
강점과 약점이 모두 있다. 우리 모두 그렇다. 그것이 우리를 특별하게 만드는 것이다.
를 준다. 진짜가 된다는 것은 당신이 다른 사람들의 판단을 무시하게 한다. 진짜가 된다는 것은 당신 스스로를 믿게 한다.
진정성은 많은 전문적인 관계에서 이점이 있다: 리더: 당신의 가치에 따라 지속적으로 행동할 때, 사람들은 당신을 신뢰할 수 있게 된다. 당신은
Everything you say or do is part of some thought-out plan. February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
Business Tips decisions not in line with your values. Being authentic lets you ignore the judgments of others. Being authentic lets you trust yourself. Authenticity benefits many different professional relationships: Leader: When you consistently behave according to your values, people learn to trust you. You attract people by interacting with them in meaningful ways. You tell them the truth. People may not agree with your choices, but they will know they are based on your values—not company politics or whether or not you like them. At times, you will make mistakes and misjudge situations and people. When those mistakes come from within your core and are consistent with your values, others will see that. Don’t blame yourself or regret the decision. You made a conscious choice, even when it may have been difficult. You did not succumb to outside pressure or influences. So even when the outcome of your efforts were not as you hoped them to be, accept responsibility but know you did the right thing. Coworkers/Teammates: When you consistently show up as you, your coworkers and teammates will trust you. Be yourself. Take a genuine interest in your colleagues. Ask questions about them. Listen to their answers, without interrupting to add your thoughts on what they are saying. When you value their thoughts and opinions, they will value yours. They know you are sincere and trustworthy. They will know you have no hidden agenda. They will know that you speak your truth and not just going along with the crowd. You will learn new things. Be open to new experiences and be honest about not knowing everything. You will become a valued member of the team. Customers/Clients: When you are authentic with your clients and customers, you become someone they trust. Sometimes, this means saying no when something is just not in line with your values. This can be extremely difficult, but your customers and clients will recognize this. The right ones will value it for exactly what it’s worth. They cannot deny your authenticity and integrity. They can trust you and your product without any doubt. Have you ever had that feeling about a person, that something is not quite right? Most of the time, that is your instinct telling you the person is not being genuine and authentic. You distrust them. Well, that works both ways. The best gift we can give someone is to be authentic. When we let people see behind any masks or the walls of emotional armor we have put up, we connect with them.
의미 있는 방법으로 그들과의 상호 작용을 통해 그들을 매료시킬 수 있다. 당신은 그들에게 진실
을 말한다. 사람들이 당신의 선택에 동의하지 않을 수도 있지만, 그들은 그러한 당신의 선택이 회 사의 정책이나 그들이 좋아하는지에 여부가 아니라, 당신의 가치에 기반을 두고 있다는 것을 알 게 될 것이다.
때때로, 당신은 실수를 하고 사람과 상황을 잘못 판단할 수도 있다. 이런 실수들이 당신의
근본 핵심으로부터 나온 것이며 당신의 가치가 일관된다면, 다른 사람들은 그것을 보게 될 것이
다. 자신을 비난하거나 결정을 후회하지 말아라. 어려움이 있었을지도 모르지만, 당신은 의식 있
는 선택을 한것이다. 당신은 외부의 압력이나 영향에 굴복하지 않았다. 그래서 당신의 노력의 결
과가 당신이 바랬던 만큼이 아니더라도 책임을 가지고 당신이 옳은 일을 한 것임을 알기 바란다. 동료 / 팀원: 당신을 일관되게 보여주면, 동료와 팀원들은 당신을 신뢰할 것이다. 있는 그대로 행 동해라.
동료에게 진정한 관심을 가져라. 그들에 관해 질문해라. 그들이 말하는 도중에 당신의 의견
으로 그들을 방해하지 말고, 그들의 대답에 귀를 기울여라. 당신이 그들의 생각과 의견을 소중하
게 여기면, 그들도 당신의 생각과 의견을 가치 있게 생각할 것이다. 그들은 당신이 성실하고 신뢰 할 수 있는 사람이란 걸 안다. 또한 당신이 어떤 숨겨진 의도나 목적을 갖고 있지 않음을 그들은
알게 될 것이다. 그들은 당신이 진실을 말하며 단지 여러 사람들과 함께 가려고만 하지는 않는다 는 것을 알게 될 것이다.
당신은 새로운 것을 배울 것이다. 새로운 경험에 스스로를 열고, 모르고 있는 모든 것들에
정직하라. 당신은 팀의 가치 있는 일원이 될 것이다.
고객 / 클라이언트: 당신의 고객과 클라이언트들을 솔직하고 진정으로 대한다면, 당신은 그들이
신뢰하는 누군가가 될 것이다. 이것은 때때로 당신의 가치에 부합되지 않는 어떤 것에 관해서는
NO라고 말하게 됨을 뜻한다. 이것은 아주 힘들 수도 있지만, 당신의 고객과 클라이언트들은 이것 을 인식할 것이다. 옳은 판단을 하는 사람들은 그것의 가치를 정확하게 판단할 것이다. 그들은 당 신의 정통성과 진실성을 거부하지 않을 것이다. 그들은 당신을 믿고 당신의 제품을 의심 없이 신 뢰할 수 있게 된다.
다른 사람에 관해 무언가 꽤 옳지 않다는 느낌을 받은 적이 있는가? 대부분의 경우, 다른 사람이
진실하고 정통인지의 여부는 당신의 본능이 말해준다. 당신이 그들을 불신하게 된다. 자, 이것은 두 가지 방법으로 사용할 수 있다.
우리가 다른 사람들에게 줄 수 있는 최고의 선물은 진정성과 정통성이다. 사람들에게 어떤
가면이나 우리가 입고 있는 감정의 갑옷으로 만든 벽 뒤의 모습을 보여줄 때, 우리는 그들과 연결 된다.
그 주말, PAUL 은 TRUDY의 말을 생각했다. 그는 맞추려고만 애를 써왔다. 있는 그대로의 자신을
보여주지 않았다. 그는 있는 그대로의 자신의 모습이 될 수 있는 결정을 내렸다. 다른 사람들을 감 동시키거나 그들에게만 맞추려고 노력하지 않을 것이다.
그의 직장 생활은 훨씬 쉬워졌다. 스트레스도 덜 느꼈다. 그는 상사와 동료, 고객들과 더욱
정직한 관계를 즐기게 되었다.
That weekend, Paul thought about Trudy’s words. He was trying to fit in. He wasn’t showing up as himself. He made a decision to be himself. He would not try to impress others and fit in. His work life got a lot easier. He felt less stressed. He enjoyed more honest relationships with his bosses, coworkers and customers.
Walt Grassl is a speaker, author, and performer. He hosts the radio show, “Stand Up and Speak Up,” on the RockStar Worldwide
network. Walt has performed standup comedy at the Hollywood Improv and the Flamingo in Las Vegas and is studying improv at the Groundlings School in Hollywood. For more information on bringing Walt Grassl to your next event, please visit www.WaltGrassl.com.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
Business Tips by Marsha Friedman
One Piece of Advice (Or Maybe More) for Budding Entrepreneurs 신예 사업가를 위한 한가지 (혹은 여러 가지) 조언
I’m not sure I realized I was on the cusp of a trend when I started my own public relations firm more than 25 years ago. Like any entrepreneur, I was focused on my own goals those first few years—getting established and growing the business—so the fact that the number of businesses owned by women was about to hit a period of dramatic growth wasn’t my major concern. But it seems hard to ignore these days. More than 9 million businesses in the United States are owned by women, and a recent survey shows that the growth of women-owned businesses over the last 15 to 20 years has been outpacing business growth in general by a wide margin. I think the fact that so many women are motivated by the entrepreneurial spirit is worth noting. With that in mind, I’d like to share my response when someone asked me recently what one piece of advice I would give entrepreneurs (male or female) who are on the verge of launching a business. I thought that was a great question, but pardon me while I cheat a little on the answer. As I mulled the possibilities, I decided I couldn’t stick to just one piece of advice, so here are three:
• Network the old-fashioned way. Get word out about your plans as much as possible. This is no time to keep a secret. Share the great news! Attend any business-oriented meetings you can find in your area. Join networking groups, such as the Chamber of Commerce, and schedule speaking engagements. Make a list of all your contacts—friends, relatives, former business associates—who might want to know. Don’t qualify who you are telling. Tell the world! Business opportunities can appear in the most surprising ways, so don’t place any limitations on how far and wide you blast the news.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
나는 25년 전 홍보 회사의 운영을 시작했을 때, 내가 트랜드의 첨단에 있었음을 깨닫지 못했다.
다른 사업가들과 마찬가지로, 처음 몇 해 동안은 내 목표에만 집중했다 – 회사를 설
립하고 성장시키겠다는 – 그래서 여성이 소유하는 사업체들이 극적인 성장을 막 시작하려 했다 는 사실은 내 주요 관심사가 아니었다.
그러나 요즘은 그것을 무시하기가 어렵다. 미국에서 900만개 이상의 기업을 여성
이 소유하고 있으며, 최근 조사에서는 지난 15-20년간 여성 소유 기업의 성장이 일반적인 비즈
니스 성장에 있어서 큰 차이로 상회하고 있다. 많은 여성들이 기업가 정신으로 동기 부여가 되어 있다는 사실이 주목할 가치가 있다고 나는 생각한다.
이런 생각으로, 새롭게 사업을 시작하려는 기업가들에게(남성이든 여성이든) 내가
줄 수 있는 조언이 무엇이냐고 누군가 물어왔을 때 내 대답을 함께 공유하고 싶다.
아주 좋은 질문이라고 생각하지만, 내 대답에 약간의 속임수가 있더라도 용서하길 바란다. 가능 성을 심사 숙고한 결과, 한 가지 조언만으로는 대답이 힘들 것 같다는 결론을 내렸다, 그래서 다 음과 같은 3가지 조언을 제시한다:
• 옛날 방식 네트워크. 당신의 계획을 가능한 많이 알려라. 비밀로 할 시간이 없다. 좋은 소식을
공유해라! 지역에서 찾을 수 있는 비즈니스 중심의 미팅에 참석하라. 상공회의소와 같은 네트워 크 그룹에 가입하고 연설 약속을 잡아라. 친구, 친척, 전 직장 동료 등 알고 싶어 하는 모든 연락
처를 목록으로 만들어라. 당신의 계획을 알리는 대상을 평가해서 선택하지 말라. 온 세상에 알려 라! 비즈니스 기회는 가장 놀라운 길에서 나타날 수 있다, 그러니 당신이 소식을 얼마나 멀리 넓 게 알려야 할지에 관해 한계를 두지 말아라.
February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
Business Tips • Network the new-fashioned way. When I started EMSI Public Relations, social media didn’t exist. No Facebook. No Twitter. No LinkedIn. I know; it’s a world that’s hard to imagine. But if social media had been around a quartercentury ago, you can bet I would have put it to use spreading the news about my fledgling business. In addition to making your Facebook friends and your Twitter followers aware of what’s happening you can use social media to reach groups that might have an interest in your product or service. • But first, get yourself ready. Before the world starts beating a path to your door, you want to make sure you have the appropriate welcome mats laid out nicely so that the world thinks well of you. Remember the adage about never getting a second chance to make a first impression. Your website should be up and running, and look professional. It should reflect the quality and professionalism you plan to provide. You are now a business owner, so you want to dress the part, both literally and figuratively. Let me add one final piece of advice. “I’m going into business for myself ” is a bold statement. As you share your exciting news with the world, make sure you do it in a gracious manner. Be confident, but not arrogant or cocky. You want to come across as credible and dignified, a person worthy of the trust you are asking customers and clients to give you.
• 새로운 방식의 네트워크. 내가EMSI 홍보 회사를 시작할 때, 소셜 미디어는 존재하지 않았다.
페이스 북도 트위터도LINKEDIN도 없었다. 알고 있다; 상상하기 힘든 세상이라는 걸. 그러나 소 셜 미디어는 25년 전부터 있어왔고, 내 신생 기업에 대한 소식들을 퍼트리는데 그것을 사용할
수 있었다고 말할 수도 있을 것이다. 페이스북 친구들을 만들고 트위터 팔로워를 만드는 것뿐 아 니라, 당신의 제품이나 서비스에 관심을 가질 수 있는 그룹과 연결될 수 있는 소셜 미디어를 사 용할 수가 있다.
• 먼저, 스스로 준비하라. 세상이 당신의 문을 향해 길을 내기 전에, 그 문 앞에 세상이 당신을 칭 찬할 만한 적절한 환영 매트를 멋지게 놓아 두었는지 확인하라. 첫 인상을 만들 수 있는 두 번째
기회는 결코 얻을 수 없다는 격언을 기억해라. 당신의 웹사이트는 활발히 움직이고 있어야 하며, 전문적으로 보여야 한다. 그것은 당신이 제공하는 계획의 질과 전문성을 반영해야만 한다. 당신 은 이제 비즈니스 소유자이다, 그래서 당신은 말 그대로도 비유적으로도 역할에 어울리는 옷을 입길 바란다.
마지막 조언 하나를 더 하고 싶다. “나 혼자 힘으로 비즈니스를 할거야”는 대담한 말이다. 당신 의 현재의 소식을 세상과 공유할수록, 품위 있는 태도를 지켜야 한다. 자신감을 가져라, 그러나
오만하거나 건방져서는 안 된다. 당신은 신뢰할 수 있고 위엄이 있는 인상을 가져야 하며, 당신 이 고객과 클라이언트들에게 요구하는 것을 신뢰할 수 있는 사람이 돼야 한다.
Marsha Friedman
is a public relations expert with 25 years’ experience developing publicity strategies for celebrities, corporations and media newcomers alike. Using the proprietary system she created as founder and CEO of EMSI Public Relations (www.emsincorporated.com), an award-winning national agency, she secures thousands of top-tier media placements annually for her clients. The former senior vice president for marketing at the American Economic Council, Marsha is a sought-after advisor on PR issues and strategies. She shares her knowledge in her Amazon best-selling book, “Celebritize Yourself,” and as a popular speaker at organizations around the country.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Business Tips by Bob Phibbs
Customer Service that Sells to Boomers Comes From Training Millennials 6 Practical Tips that Drive Sales
베이비 부머를 대상으로 하는 판매 고객 서비스는 밀레니엄 세대 교육으로부터 시작돼야한다 판매 촉진을 위한 6가지 실용적인 팁
When you are focused on creating a team culture of customer service, it is important to realize how generational differences can impact the selling process. That Generation Gap was on display recently when Graham, a friend of mine walked into a local electronics store to buy a microphone. The young sales associate took him to the microphones and then stood there silently hovering over him. The associate wasn’t helping with anything; in fact Graham didn’t think he knew anything about microphones. Finally he said, “I’m fine.” The clerk replied, “I only get a commission if I stay here.” Most Baby Boomers would not consider that good customer service—in fact, they would consider it just the opposite. The Millennial employee on the other hand thought he was doing his job. That’s the Generation Gap. The Baby Boomers grew up when retail still had people who chose working retail as a career and modeled exceptional customer service. They grew up minding their “p’s and q’s” meaning they had to mind their manners. Most had entry-level jobs where they were taught how to help a customer in a friendly manner. As such, they expect when they go out to a store to still receive that kind of treatment. The Millennial generation—those under about 32—grew up with the Internet. Efficient, fast and cheap were things that became increasingly important to their generation as they conducted their lives online. Most did not have entry-level jobs so the social skills necessary to engage a stranger in many cases just weren’t developed. Millennials grew up digital natives, communicating with their friends on their computers. Both Boomers and Millennials wanted to have friendships, but Boomers had to do it in person while Millennials could to do it virtually. 75% of purchases will still come from Baby Boomers expecting personal service for the foreseeable future.
당신이 고객 서비스의 팀 문화 창조에 중점을 둘 때, 세대 차이가 판매 과정에 어떤 영향을 미칠 수 있는지를 인식하는 것이 중요하다.
내 친구, GRAHAM이 최근 마이크를 구입하려고 지역 전자 제품 매장에 들어갔을 때, 세
대 차이가 나타났다. 젊은 판매 사원은 내 친구를 마이크가 진열된 곳으로 데리고 가서는 조용히 주위를 맴돌며 서 있었다.
그 직원은 아무런 도움도 주지 않았다; 사실 GRAHAM은 그 직원이 마이크에 대해서 전혀
아는 게 없다고 생각했다. 마지막에 내 친구가 말했다, “저는 괜찮아요.” 그러자 직원이 대답했 다, “저는 여기 가만히 서 있으면 판매 수당을 받습니다.”
대부분의 베이비 붐 세대들은 이것을 좋은 고객 서비스라고 생각하지 않을 것이다- 사실,
그 반대로 생각할 것이다. 밀레니엄 세대 직원들은 반대로 그 직원은 자신의 일을 했던 것이라고 생각할 것이다.
이것이 세대 차이다. 베이비 부머들은 소매업들이 직업으로서 탁월한 고객 서비스를 제공하는 사람들을 보유하고 있 을 때 성장했다. 그들은 언행의 조심을 항상 매너로 염두에 두면서 자랐다. 그들 대부분은 고객 에게 친절하게 도움을 주는 것을 배운 곳에서 신입 말단 직을 시작했다. 그래서 그들이 매장에 갔을 때 여전히 이런 대접을 받기를 기대한다.
밀레니엄 세대들은 – 대략 32세 이하 – 인터넷과 함께 성장했다. 자신들의 삶을 마치 온라
인으로 조정하는 듯한 그들 세대에는 효율적이고, 빠르고 저렴한 것들이 점점 더 중요하게 되었 다. 이 세대의 대부분들은 말단 직업을 갖지 않았기 때문에 많은 경우 낯선 사람과의 대면을 위 해 중요한 사회적 기량이 개발되지 않았다.
밀레니엄 세대들은 디지털 목소리를 듣고, 친구들과 컴퓨터로 대화하며 자랐다. 베이비 부
머 세대와 밀레니엄 세대 모두 우정을 갖길 원했지만, 밀레니엄 세대들이 가상 현실 속에서 친구 를 만들고 우정을 키울 수 있었던 반면, 베이비 부머들은 개인적으로 해야만 했다.
구매의 75%는 당분간 개인 서비스를 여전히 기대하는 베이비 부머들로부터 나올 것이다. 당신의 사업이 베이비 부머들이 기대하는 고객 서비스를 제공할 수 없다면, 그들을 점점 잃게 될 것이다.
Unless your business is able to give Baby Boomers the customer service they expect, you’ll see less and less of them.
당신의 젊은 신세대 직원들이 베이비 부머 세대에게 제품을 판매할 수 있도록 적절히 교육시키
To ensure that your Millennial staff are properly equipped to sell to the Boomer generation, utilize these six training tips:
솔선하라. 베이비 부머 세대인 고객들이 당신에게 오도록 하지 말아라 – 그들에게 다가가라. 그
Initiative. Don’t make Boomers come to you—find them. Boomers do not
신경을 쓰면서 주기적으로 물어봐라. 베이비 부머 세대들은 떠날 준비가 될 때, 그들은 떠날 준
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
기 위해서는 다음의 6가지 교육 팁을 활용해라.
들은 “도와주시겠어요?” 혹은 “어디서 계산하면 되죠?” 식으로 묻고 싶어하지 않는다. 그들에게
Business Tips want to ask, “Can you help me?” or “Where do I pay?” Keep your head up and engage them regularly. And once a Boomer is ready to leave, they’re ready to leave.
비가 된 것이다.
Hustle. Your speed of service has to be given in proportion to the amount of customers in your store. Your head must be up and looking at who just came in, who needs help and who needs to be rung up. If you ignore Boomers they’ll walk.
산대로 가고자 하는지를 살펴야 한다. 베이비 부머 세대들을 무시한다면, 그들은 그냥 걸어나
Being included. Boomers want to fit in, they want to be popular. They were the ones who wanted a trophy but someone else got it. Unlike the Millennials, they are still looking for validation. And for Boomers, it comes from owning things. High touch over high tech. A Millennial salesperson could show a virtual product but a Baby Boomer wants to touch it. Boomers want to see it for themselves—that’s why they are in your store and not shopping online for the item. They still want to feel, touch, smell and experience it. The choice of right words. Avoid phrases like “no problem” and the word “like” as in “this shampoo is like the best we have.” Boomers in general are old school and appreciate proper grammar. Connecting the dots. It is great to connect with customers and build rapport, but you have to go further with Boomers. You need to connect the dots between what they want and what you have to sell. If you sell electronics for example, you want to be able to keep connecting them to the item you have in stock, selling it in a way that says, “It’s not just a device, it’s all the things it can do for you.” Again, this is the generation that doesn’t like to return things—they want to get it right the first time. In Conclusion Selling to Baby Boomers is not that hard. You have to make it personal. Respect the fact that they took the afternoon off from the kids and work, and they are in your shop to buy from you. Despite job-hopping that’s occurring across the country, Millennials’ commitment to their job is typically very high. They’re looking to acquire new skillsets and experiences. Make sure you are training them so they can deliver world-class customers experience. If not, you risk not only losing their interest in working there, but Boomers interest in shopping with you.
활기차게 서둘러라. 당신의 서비스 속도는 매장에 있는 고객의 양에 비례해서 부여되어야 한
다. 항상 고개를 들고 방금 매장으로 들어 온 고객이 누구인지, 도움이 필요한 고객이나 누가 계 갈 것이다.
포함시켜라. 부머 세대들은 어울리기를 원하며, 인기를 얻고 싶어 한다. 그들은 트로피를 갖고
싶어했지만 다른 사람들이 그것을 가져버렸다. 밀레니엄 세대와는 달리, 그들은 아직도 유효성 을 찾고 있다. 그리고 그들의 경우, 그것은 물건을 소유하는 것으로부터 비롯된다.
첨단 기술 이상의 많은 체험. 신세대 영업 사원들은 가상 제품을 보여줄 수 있지만, 베이비 부머 들은 그것을 실제로 만져보길 원한다. 부머 세대는 직접 보기를 원한다 – 그들이 온라인으로 구
매를 하지 않고 당신의 매장에 직접 가는 이유가 바로 이것이다. 그들은 여전히 만지고, 느끼고, 냄새 맡고 경험하길 원한다.
올바른 단어 선택. “문제 없습니다”와 같은 문구나 “이 샴푸는 저희가 가지고 있는 샴푸 중 최고 인 것 같습니다.” 에서와 같이 “..처럼…인 것 같다”와 같은 단어 사용을 피해라. 일반적으로 그 들은 오래 전 학교를 다녔으며 적절한 문법을 좋아한다.
점들을 연결하라. 고객들과 연결하고 교감을 구축하는 것은 좋지만, 부머 세대들과는 더욱 멀
리 가야 한다. 당신은 그들이 원하는 것과 당신이 팔아야 하는 것 사이의 점을 연결해야 한다.
예를 들어 당신이 전자 제품을 판매한다면, 당신이 보유하고 있는 제품을 그들과 끊임없이 연결
시키고, “이건 단지 기구가 아닙니다, 당신을 위한 모든 것을 할 수 있는 것입니다.” 라는 방식으 로 제품을 판매할 수 있길 원한다. 다시 말하지만, 이 세대는 제품 리턴을 좋아하지 않는 세대이 다 – 그들은 처음에 그들이 원하는 바로 그 물건을 구매하길 원한다. 결론
베이비 부머들에게 제품을 파는 것은 어려운 일이 아니다. 그들에겐 개인적으로 대해야 한다. 그 들이 아이들과 일로부터 오후 시간을 비우고 당신으로부터 구매하기 위해 당신 매장에 있다는 것을 감사해라.
전국적으로 이직률이 많음에도 불구하고, 자신의 일에 대한 밀레니엄 세대들의 헌신은 일
반적으로 아주 높다. 그들은 새로운 기량과 경험을 얻기 위해 노력하고 있다. 그들을 교육시켜서 그들이 세계 최고 수준의 고객 경험을 제공할 수 있도록 해라.
그렇지 않다면, 당신의 비즈니스에 관한 밀레니엄 세대들의 관심을 잃는 것은 물론, 당신 의 매장에서 쇼핑을 하는 부머 세대들의 관심도 잃게 될 것이다.
Bob Phibbs is the CEO of The Retail Doctor, a New York consultancy. As a speaker, sales consultant and author of “The Retail Doctor’s Guide to Growing Your Business,” Bob has helped thousands of businesses since 1994. With over thirty years’ experience beginning in the trenches of retail and extending to senior management positions, his presentations are designed to provide practical information in a fun and memorable format. For more information on Bob, please visit www.RetailDoc.com
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Beauty Ambassador
Styling Tools by Rocio Urquidi
February 2016: The twenty-nine days devoted to love. This Valentine’s season is the perfect time to glam yourself up and pursue a new love interest, or heat up your current one. Regardless of your partnership status, nothing catches the eye like a bold new hairstyle. If you’re looking for a change, here are some suggestions for fun, trendy hairstyles that are sure to get you noticed.
feels silky-smooth, without the frizz. Remember the golden rule to selecting the right styling products: Purchase the products with the features designed for your hair type. By being aware of your particular hair type, and knowing how to maintain your hair type, you will be taking proactive measures to protect your tresses.
Bob! The classic Bob hairstyle has been a favorite of many women around the world. Suitable for women of all ages, the Bob is fun, fashionable and trendy in every season. For the elegant straight Bob, try the 1” Ceramic flat iron -- it’s the ideal tool to straighten your hair. The Gold ‘N Hot 1” Ceramic Straightening Iron delivers the ultimate sheen, and is perfect for a sleek, polished look with no static or frizz. For a glamorous twist, you can also add long-lasting curls with a Gold ‘N Hot 1” 24K Gold Curling Iron.
Remember: Everyday styling does not have to damage your hair. Properlyselected hair tools help you create and maintain your “everyday” look, but they also empower you to explore new styles and expand your fashion with features that provide an extra flair or a dramatic change. With the right hair tools, a woman can convey her beauty confidently, while protecting her hair from damage.
Crimp it! Unleash your imagination with the awesome Gold ‘N Hot 2” Ceramic Crimping Iron. This tool is ideal for hot-and-spicy, high-energy hairstyles that will definitely make you stand out from the crowd. Perfect for both short and long hair, this crimping iron will bring out a wide range of amazing textured styles. Pixie! A trio of trendy hairstyles will be popular this season: the Pixie, the Boy Cut, and the Asymmetrical Short Crop. If you’re looking to join this hip fashion crowd, then the versatile Gold ‘N Hot 3/8” Ceramic Root Straightener should be part of your styling tool collection. This ceramic straightener is great for bangs, spikey hair and for straightening the roots of naturally extra-curly, coily hair. With the right tools and a few styling tips, it’s easy to create the styles you want. By styling smart you can preserve your natural hair so it always looks shiny and
We all know how scary it can be to transition into a new hairstyle, but a new look can bring a new attitude, amplifying your confidence and spicing up your life. So surprise yourself and delight all your loves this Valentine’s season. Try a new style and bring out the glamour in you. Your hairstyle is limited only by your imagination. Be bold and glamorous. Have fun and be stunning!
Gold ‘N Hot is dedicated to producing products that give you the power to get the professional results you desire from the comfort of your own home. Gold ‘N Hot is currently looking for excited new individuals who are eager to give us feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you’re interested in becoming a brand ambassador, please contact us at feedback@belsonus.com or visit our website at www.BelsonProducts.com. Be sure to follow us or like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @GoldNHotElite for the latest updates, giveaways and more.
Rocio Urquidi is the Associate Brand Manager for Belson Products. She is marketing oriented with the ability to generate and market ideas in new products; simultaneously creative and passionate about design, brands and the beauty industry. She earned her degree from the University of Texas at El Paso.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Notes From the
Natural Nation by ReGia Davis
The Art of
Blending As the cold weather approaches, beauty routines change. The cold air combined with wind and indoor heat are the reasons you experience itchy, dry skin in the winter. Not only does your skin dry out, but so does your hair, hands and cuticles. The feeling of split, chapped lips or dry, cracked hands should be a reminder of why it is important to stay moisturized. Skin conditions can develop if the proper amount of moisture is not added to skin care routines.
Eczema, psoriasis, and “winter itch” are all common skin conditions
that require close attention. You often find someone with these skin conditions scratching their skin to relieve the itch which is very damaging to the skin. It would be nice to be able to use anything you have to moisturize your skin with, but skin is sensitive and should be handled with care. A person must know their skin type to understand what type of product to use and how much to use. Whether one has dry, oily or combination skin, all skin types require moisture, especially during the winter months.
A great way to moisturize your skin during these months is to use blended
oils. Blended oils are combinations of light-weight essential oils, which have been traditionally used for massage and aromatherapy. Two or more oils are blended to achieve a scent that can help ease tension, enhance your mood and also help moisturize and promote healthy skin and hair.
When it comes to trying new products, it is important to try a brand that
listens to their consumers. After listening to consumers’ requests, My DNA® Life Naturals™ Multi-Purpose Treatment Oils were formulated as natural oils to promote healthy hair, nails, and skin. Whether you are looking for an oil that moisturizes and nourishes your hair and skin or that simply supports your overall emotional wellness, MY DNA® Life Naturals™ Multi-Purpose Treatment Oils has an oil for you.
Here is a list of MY DNA® Life Naturals™ Multi-Purpose Treatment Oils that are good for moisturizing the skin and hair: • Argan Oil - Penetrates into the skin and scalp to help strengthen each hair strand, mends split ends and promotes a youthful appearance of the skin. • Olive Oil - Enhances the overall condition of the skin, scalp and hair by adding proteins needed to rebuild and repair tissue, increasing manageability and softness of the hair, and restoring smoothness to the skin. • Vitamin E Oil - Helps the skin look younger, smoother and fresher, and prevents breakage and dryness by helping hair retain its moisture content. • Monoi Oil - Reduces breakage, alleviates thinning hair and controls dandruff. • Tea Tree Oil - Moisturizes the hair and encourages a calming treatment for any dry or irritated scalp or skin troubled with eczema or redness. • Jojoba Oil - Penetrates and moisturizes the skin without leaving oily residue. • Peppermint Oil - Relieves pain associated with headaches and sore muscles; and nourishes damaged dry hair. • Shea Butter - Moisturizes, conditions and nourishes skin and hair with Vitamin E. • Coconut Oil - Revitalizes dull, dry, damaged hair; helps control and soften skin and hair. • Lavender Oil - Promotes overall relaxation and is used for aromatherapy, stress relief, insomnia, aches and pain. After using these oils, you will notice a calming state of harmony that will inspire a positive emotional state, enhance your physical wellness and refine your skin care regimen. MY DNA® Life Naturals™ Multi-Purpose Treatment Oils have several blended oils that will keep your hair, skin and nails hydrated and moisturized this winter!
ReGia Davis holds a degree in Public Relations and Marketing from Georgia Southern University. She started her career as a Junior Brand Manager of natural haircare brands for Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. She has also written several articles for OTC Beauty Magazine. ReGia is currently continuing her professional journey from a Marketing Assistant to a Sales Coordinator with Universal Beauty Products. February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
Feature by Eric Loftholm
Strategizing for Success Keys for Planning Annual Sales and Marketing Goals
Each fourth quarter as the New Year approaches, it’s prudent to prepare a profitability plan for the coming year, especially with respect to your sales and marketing endeavors. Doing so can give you a notable competitive edge, particularly given the extraordinary number of professionals that don’t bother producing this strategic tool. But, whether developed before or after the start of the New Year, the importance of creating a tactical plan for sales and marketing success cannot be overstated. Here’s how to set yourself up for annual planning success. Successful annual planning requires one key ingredient: your mindset. Indeed, the first step towards successful financial planning is setting an intent to successfully complete your plan. What doesn’t get scheduled doesn’t get done. Make a commitment now to complete an annual financial plan over the next month so that you have it ready by the start of the next quarter. 60
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Asking Yourself the Right Questions Creating your plan is largely a matter of asking and answering a series of questions that help you identify your sales and marketing goals and other financial goals, and then verbalize steps to achieve those goals. You should ask yourself questions about key annual sales goals such as what overall sales amount you want to achieve. After defining some annual goals, you can break these down into smaller time frames by quarter, month, and week to make it easier to define concrete steps for achieving your goals. I’d encourage you to create a Word document or get a notebook where you can ask yourself some annual planning questions.
February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
Feature Examples of the types of sales and marketing goals that can go into creating your annual plan include: • Ultimate outcomes for the year • Annual revenue projections (sales results) • Annual marketing strategy (marketing tactics) • Ultimate outcomes for each month • Monthly revenue projections • Monthly marketing strategy • Monthly projects (if any) You can break each of these goals up into more specific areas. For instance, you can break each category down by quarter and by month. You can break it down even farther by week or by day if you so choose. Supplementary Goals in Other Areas In order to achieve your marketing and sales goals, you may find it helpful to set goals in other areas of your business or personal life. For example, in your business, you may set a goal of hiring more staff or adopting new automation tools. Achieving personal goals can also help you achieve your business goals. For instance, if you haven’t been sleeping on a regular schedule, setting a goal of getting on a more consistent sleep cycle this year may help make you more productive. Similarly, you can set goals in areas such as your personal finances, health, relationships and spiritual development. The Strategy of Creating a Space for Success A fundamental strategy for annual planning is creating a space for success. You can only have so many things; when something is occupying space, something else cannot occupy the same space. This is true both literally and in the metaphoric sense of occupying mental space or space in your business. If you no longer need something, getting rid of it can free up some space. This creates a space for you to attract something new to your business or other areas of your life. To help you review the “space” surrounding your business, here are some questions to ask yourself: • What was great about the past year? • What are you most proud of? • What were you most surprised by? • In what ways did you grow? • What was your biggest success? • What adversity did you overcome? • What skills did you develop? • What goals did you accomplish? • What was your most challenging sale? • What were you consistent at?
Finding Your Direction Once you’ve oriented yourself in your business space, it’s time to review your past year’s performance in order to identify some areas where you can improve. Here are some examples of questions to help you perform this evaluation: • Based on your annual goals where should your results be right now? • Did you hit your gross sales number? • How was your consistency during the past year? • How did you do in the area of consistency? • How did you do in the area of marketing? • How did you do in the area of social media? • How did you do in the area of web marketing? • How did you do in the area of motivating your team? • How did you do in the area of time management? • How did you do in the area of objection handling? Use this list of questions to develop questions specific to your own industry, business and product lines. You can also ask questions about non-business areas that impact your business. For instance, how many hours of sleep did you average per night this year, and how many hours would you need to achieve optimal energy for top business performance? Expand on the above list of questions to help you identify areas for strategic improvement. In order for you to achieve your potential in the next year, uncover what areas of your business and other parts of your life need improvement. Being Prepared Pays The fact you’re reading this article gives you an advantage over most people. Gallup’s annual Economy and Personal Finance survey for 2013 revealed that 70 percent of Americans do not prepare a detailed personal budget. Entrepreneurs who handle their personal finances this way are prone to carry the same habits over into their business planning. When you consider that poor financial planning is one of the top causes of small business failure, you can see why creating an annual financial plan early gives you an advantage over the competition.
Eric Lofholm is a Master Sales Trainer, author, business success guru, communications expert and lauded speaker who has presented his proprietary, proven sales and success systems to Titans of Industry and thousands of other professionals world-wide. He founded and serves as CEO for Eric Lofholm International, Inc.—an organization that professionally trains achievement-minded individuals and employee groups on the art and science of selling. Connect with Eric online at www.SalesChampion.com. 62
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Keith Lee You spent a great deal of time and energy to get your beauty supply store up and running, the last thing you want to happen is to become a victim of theft. Security is an important part of any business, and NEOX is proud to provide that for their customers. OTC Beauty Magazine was fortunate enough to speak with the CEO, Mr. Keith Lee, to learn more about this company that works hard to protect your store’s most valuable assets.
뷰티서플라이 매장을 시작하고 운영하기 위해 당신은 엄청난 시간과 에너지를 투자했지만, 당신이 바라는 마지막이 좀도둑의 피해자가 되는 것일지도 모르겠다. 보안은 어떤 비즈니스에서든 중요한 부분이며, NEOX는 고객들에게 이런 보안 문제 해결을 제공하는 것에 자부심을 갖는다. OTC 뷰티 매거진은 이 회사의 CEO인 Keith Lee 씨와 회사에 관해 더 자세히 알아보고 그들이 여러분 매장의 가장 중요한 자산을 지키기 위해 얼마나 노력하는지 얘기 나눌 수 있었던 것을 행운으로 생각한다. 66
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is your background with this company and what role do you have with it today? What do you like most about your job? Keith Lee (KL): I have been working in the CCTV field since 1997. The roles I play at NEOX are CEO and sales customer service. What I like most about my job is being able to protect my customer’s business. I also like being referred and known from current customers for having good quality products and customer service. OTC: Please tell us about the history of NEOX. How did this company get started? KL: NEOX (previously known as Coax CCTV) was started on September 1, 2014. Coax CCTV (whose business name later changed to NEOX) had been in business from 2004 until that time. I was the CEO at Coax CCTV, and now at NEOX. From 2004-2012, I went to a lot of trade shows in Chicago, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, LA and New York for beauty supplies, clothing, cigarettes, and convenient stores. NEOX met lots of customers from these shows.
OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): 회사의 배경은 무엇이며 현재 회사에서 귀하는 어떤 역할을 맡고 계십니까? 귀하의 역할 중 가장 좋아하는 일은 무엇입니까 Keith Lee (KL): 저는 1997년부터 CCTV 분야에서 일을 해왔습니다. NEOX에서 제 역할은 CEO이며 세일즈 고객 서비스를 맡고 있습니다. 저의 일 중에 가장 좋아하는 것은 제 고객의 사업체를 제가 지켜줄 수 있다는 것입니다. 또한 저는 좋은 품질의 제품과 고객 서비스를 보유하고 있는 현재 고객들이 저를 알아주고 추천해 주는 것이 좋습니다. OTC: NEOX의 역사에 대해 설명 부탁 드립니다. 회사는 어떻게 시작되었습니까? KL: NEOX(이전에 Coax CCTV로 알려진)는 2014년 1월에 시작되었습니다. Coax CCTV(이후에 NEOX로 사업명이 변경됨)는 2004년부터 그 때까지 운영되었습니다. 저는 Coax CCTV의 CEO 였으며, 현재는 NEOX를 대표하고 있습니다. 2004년부터 2012 년까지, 저는 시카고, 애틀랜타, 마이애미, 댈러스, 로스엔젤레스 그리고 뉴욕까지 미용 재료와 의료, 담배 및 편의점들을 위한 많은 무역 박람회를 다녔습니다. NEOX는 이런 쇼를 통해 제게 많은 고객들을 확보할 수 있게 해 주었습니다.
OTC: What kind of products does this company sell and who is your main customer base? KL: The products that we sell are CCTVs (closed-circuit television), EAS (electronic article surveillance), and price marking products. Our main customers are beauty supply stores, gas stations and property managing groups.
OTC: 회사는 어떤 종류의 제품들을 판매하며 주 고객 기반은 누구입니까? KL: 저희가 판매하는 제품들은 CCTV(폐쇄 회로 TV), EAS(전자식 도난 방지 감시 제품), 그리고 정찰 가격 제품들입니다. 저희 주요 고객층은 뷰티 서플라이 매장과 주유소, 그리고 부동산 관리업체들입니다.
OTC: Specifically, how can OTC store owners benefit from utilizing your products? Why is it important that they use them? KL: OTC store owners can benefit from our products by preventing theft and monitoring criminal activity. NEOX offers the highest qualities of CCTV products such as HD SDI. In terms of EAS, we have different types of sensors that are made in the USA and can be catered to the customers’ needs.
OTC: 구체적으로, OTC 매장 주인들이 귀사의 제품을 활용함으로 어떤 혜택을 얻을 수 있을까요? 그들이 귀사의 제품을 사용하는 것이 왜 중요할까요? KL: OTC 매장 주인들은 저희 제품을 이용함으로써 도난 방지와 범죄 행위를 모니터 할 수 있습니다. NEOX는 HD SDI와 같은 CCTV 제품에 있어서 최상의 품질을 제공합니다. EAS에 관해서는, 미국에서 생산되고 고객의 요구를 충분히 만족시킬 수 있는 다양한 타입의 센서를 보유하고 있습니다.
February 2016
OTC Beauty Magazine
Manufacturer Profile
OTC: What makes NEOX different than other companies of its kind in the industry? KL: What makes NEOX different is our 24/7 communication with customers. A lot of other CCTV companies tend to not communicate well after the installation is done. OTC: What is the latest product innovation NEOX has encountered? How do you keep up with industry trends? KL: The latest NEOX has encountered is HD 4K and HD SDI. We keep up by researching about the latest products and seeing if they are practical. OTC: What kind of feedback have you received from customers who use your products? KL: Customers are satisfied with the installation quality and picture quality of the cameras. They say our quality is the best. OTC: How do you educate customers and retailers on product knowledge? KL: We educate them at the jobsite during the planning phase so that they can have a better idea of where it is best to install the camera and what products we offer. Additionally, we advise on what they can do to help protect their business. I also educate them at an end of the year seminar and through multiple magazines. OTC: What is the best piece of advice you can give OTC store owners regarding store security? KL: The best is prevention first through high quality CCTV and installation.
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
OTC: NEOX가 업계 유사 기업과 차별화되는 이유는 무엇입니까? KL: NEOX가 차별화되는 이유는 고객과의 24/7 연중 쉬지 않는 소통 때문입니다. 다른 많은 CCTV 업체들은 설치 후에는 고객들과 커뮤니케이션을 잘 갖지 않는 경향이 있습니다. OTC: NEOX의 가장 최신의 제품 혁신은 무엇입니까? 업계 트랜드는 어떻게 따라잡고 계시는지요? KL: 가장 최근 NEOX의 혁신은 HD 4K 와 HD SDI입니다. 저희는 최신 제품에 관해 조사하고 그것이 실용적인지를 파악하고 있습니다. OTC: 귀사의 제품을 사용하는 고객들로부터 어떤 피드백을 듣습니까? KL: 고객들은 카메라의 설치 품질과 화질에 만족하고 있습니다. 저희 품질이 최고라고 말합니다. OTC: 제품 지식에 관해 고객들과 소매업체에 어떤 교육을 실시하십니까? KL: 그들이 카메라 설치하기에 가장 좋은 위치를 찾고 저희가 어떤 제품을 제공하는지에 관해 알 수 있도록 저희는 계획 단계 동안 현장에서 직접 그들을 교육합니다. 또한, 자신의 비즈니스를 보호하는데 도움이 되는 것들을 알려줍니다. 그리고 해마다 연말이면 세미나와 다양한 잡지를 통해 교육을 제공하고 있습니다. OTC: 매장 보안에 관해 OTC 매장 주인들에게 줄 수 있는 최고의 조언은 무엇입니까? KL: 가장 높은 품질의 CCTV와 제품 설치를 통해 예방하는 것이 최선입니다. OTC: 사업을 하시면서 매일 직면하는 문제 가운데 가장 큰 장애물은 무엇입니까? KL: 제가 직면하는 가장 큰 장애물은 모든 면에서 고객들을 만족시키는 것입니다.
OTC: What is the biggest obstacle you face from day to day regarding the business? KL: The biggest obstacle I face is making sure customers are satisfied in all aspects. OTC: What do you foresee 2016 holding for the company? Are there big plans you can talk about? KL: Since the current US economy is not as good as past years’, security is the primary issue for the business. We are looking to improve CCTV and EAS quality. Therefore, NEOX’s goal for 2016 is to be the best in that field. OTC: Besides utilizing surveillance goods and anti-theft devices, what are a few tips you can share with store owners to deter shoplifters? KL: As I mentioned before, prevention is key. We recommend using motion detector lights with visible cameras for the outside. For the inside, we recommend using antennas with sensors. Retail stores need 2 types of sensors: Soft tag (sticker type for chemical products) and hard tag (plastic type for hair products). All sensored products will be detected by antenna at the exit door without deactivating sensors which mean pay at the register. OTC: What happens if a good purchased from your company, like a pricing gun, breaks? Can you refurbish them? KL: Since NEOX has an over 10-year relationship with Avery Dennison, Signet, Garvey and Meto, those major companies offer the best refurbishing program through NEOX to our customers.
OTC: 2016년의 회사를 어떻게 전망하십니까? 얘기할 수 있는 큰 계획이 있습니까? KL: 현재 미국의 경제가 예전만큼 좋지 않기 때문에, 보안은 비즈니스의 가장 주된 문제입니다. 저희는 CCTV와 EAS 품질을 향상시킬 수 있는 방법을 찾고 있습니다. 따라서, NEOX의 2016년 목표는 업계 최고가 되는 것입니다. OTC: 감시 제품 및 도난 방지 장치 사용 이외에, 매장 좀도둑 방지를 위해 매장 오너들과 공유할 수 있는 몇 가지 방법 말씀해 주세요. KL: 앞서 언급 한 바와 같이, 예방이 중요합니다. 매장 외부를 볼 수 있는 카메라와 동작 감지기 사용을 추천합니다. 실내의 경우, 센서가 있는 안테나 사용을 권합니다. 소매 매장들은 2가지 타입의 센서가 필요합니다: 소프트 태그(화학 제품에 대한 스티커 타입)과 하드 테그 (헤어 제품을 위한 플라스틱 타입). 센서 장치가 된 모든 제품들은 계산대에서 물건 값을 지불했다는 의미의 정지 센서가 없으면 출구에서 안테나에 의해 감지가 됩니다. OTC: 귀사에서 구매한 제품들이 고장이 나면 어떻게 됩니까? 그런 제품은 수리를 해줍니까? KL: NEOX는Avery Dennison, Signet, Garvey, Meto와 같은 메이저 회사들과 10년 이상의 관계를 이어오고 있기 때문에, 이런 회사들은 NEOX를 통해 저희 고객들에게 최고의 에프터 서비스 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다. OTC: 저희 독자들과 공유하고 싶은 아주 흥미로운 일이나 조언이 있다면 말씀해주세요. KL: 앞서 언급했듯이, 저는 가장 먼저 예방을 강조하며, 그 다음으로 품질과 가격을 말씀 드리고 싶습니다.
OTC: Do you have any more interesting facts or tips you would like to share with our readers? KL: As I mentioned before, I like to emphasize prevention first, then quality, then price.
Company Name: NEOX Address: CHICAGO OFFICE: 65 E. Palatine Rd. #305 Prospect Heights, IL 60070 ATLANTA OFFICE: 4300 Northeast Expy. #C Doraville, GA 30340 Contact Number: (847) 459-3399 Website: www.neoxunited.com Years in Business: 18 years February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Sponsored by Andis Co.
Features and Function: Finding the Right Hair Dryer I typically write about clippers. However, with men’s styles trending toward shorter tapers or fades on the sides and a longer top slicked back, or styled in a high pompadour, the hair dryer becomes a key tool after the essential clipper work is done. Below are some tips on helping customers find the right hair dryer:
RA Cosmetics 100% Mango Scented Shea Butter
Features to look for: Compare product features and attachments, such as the concentrator or diffuser that comes with the hair dryer. For example, a diffuser that “locks on” will avoid the embarrassing situation of falling off during use. Ceramic technology offers moist, even heat that penetrates the hair shaft for healthier hair with less frizz. Dryers that contain Tourmaline gemstones help break down water molecules for faster drying, avoiding thermal damage. A “cool shot” button can also help quickly set the style. If customers want to accentuate wavy hair, look for a dryer with a diffuser attachment. Of course look at the price! There are dryers on the market with many of the same technologies that high-end dryers have, but without the three-figure price tag that can scare away customers.The Andis Pro Dry+ is a good example of a dryer that has these features. Plus, it has two speed/heat settings to help you achieve any style your customer desires.
Our Body Butter with Mango Scent from RA Cosmetics is 100% all natural and smells incredible. It is full of nourishing and anti-oxidant rich ingredients. It helps fight signs of aging; relieves dry skin; reduces windburn/sunburn and frostbite. It is made with nature’s best moisturizers – shea butter and mango scented oil – and is paraben-free. Our Body Butter is a skin must-have and Nature’s gift to your hair and skin.
Using different settings: Low and medium heat settings work best for slightly damp and fine hair – or aid in drying hair product applied to dry hair. High heat settings work best for blow dry styling with the goal of shaping the hair shaft and for drying thick hair. Cool air settings work best for avoiding discomfort from prolonged heat exposure and for drying styling product on dry hair and locking in style. Various fan settings work best for different textures of hair. For thick hair, use the higher fan setting. Lower fan settings work best when aiming to avoid changing the hair shape, yet attempting to dry the hair or product applied to the hair. Motor choices: AC motor dryers can be heavier than DC motor dryers, but typically are less noisy, more powerful, and have a longer lifespan.The Pro Dry+ mentioned above is an AC motor. DC motor dryers are generally lighter; which is especially beneficial to customers who use a hair dryer for long periods of time.The original Pro Dry model is a DC motor. However, the downside is they typically have a shorter lifespan compared to AC motor dryers. Shoppers should consider the features and pick the tool best suited to his or her needs. Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through www.ClipperEducation.com, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clipper cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 72
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.
The OTC as Skin Coach This will be the year of coaching and advising your consumers. Many brands will have marketing supported by in-store computer technology, mobile and online skin coaching. Skin care merchandising will require knowledge as olden as deep sea remedies to modern cryogenically produced donkey milk powder. Modern skin care devices for cleansing, rejuvenating and electronic face masks represent modern delivery of ancient remedies. The need for the consumer, manufacturer and merchandiser to collaborate on custom solutions is critical. Consumers want DNA data to predict the best nutrients for their skin. Middle Eastern and African spices, grains, fruits and camel’s milk are trending in spas. OTC shelves must include exotic mud treatments and scrubs as well as everyday moisturizers. The skin care coach must recognize the language associated with remedy…its origin and benefits. Customers will want to be protected from the sun, inflammation, injury, hyperpigmentation, hormonal changes and acne. They will want to be coached on not using competing aggressive treatments, i.e. scrubbing and peeling. A good coach will be up-to-date on the latest types of anti-aging flowers, acids, butters and gums, and donkey milk. As DNA will be used to predict future sicknesses, DNA testing, picture analysis and diagnostic mobile apps will be used to personalize skincare purchases. New technologies that will be infused with ancient ingredients bring spa-quality skin care from the OTC shelf to the consumers’ home. Coaching and merchandising skills will help drive the educated consumer from purchasing online into your store.
Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com. 74
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Eliminate Body Acne
Skin care is a subject I have visited a few times in the past and yet there is never enough space in my segment to address the challenges and mistakes men make concerning developing a healthy skin care regimen. So let me help you avoid common practices which actually contribute to the aging process and promote dry flaky skin. Again, I will suggest visiting www.mooreunique.com to learn more about their incredible products which helped me clear my skin of body acne, discoloration and uneven skin tones. Below are a few products I use daily. There are many products out there that promise clear skin, even skin tone and acne-free skin. This unique four-step regimen stops acne in its tracks, prevents future breakouts and reduces blemishes for a smooth, clear complexion. It also moisturizes the skin without having to worry about more breakouts. Dr. Milton Moore, a certified dermatologist and pharmacist created and produced this incredible product line called Moore Unique Skin Care and the “Acne Unique Package” now only $59.99 which consists of the following: Clear Skin Acne Wash, 4.0 oz. Clear Skin Acne Wash exfoliates dead skin cells, cleans pores, reduces oil, prevents irritation and clears acne on the face and body. Acne 10 Gel, 2 oz. Acne 10 Gel rapidly dries up and prevents acne pustules on the face and body. It also mildly exfoliates for a smoother complexion. Facial Moisturizer, 2.5 oz. This is a rich moisturizing cream with protein-based collagen to reduce fine lines and other signs of aging. It is extremely effective at locking in moisture and rejuvenating skin, and serves as an excellent base for makeup. Toner Cream, 2.5 oz. This toner cream smooths the skin to obtain a healthy-looking, even tone and texture. It gently exfoliates, reverses pigment discoloration and reduces the signs of aging. If you order now online, you will receive 20% OFF! Keep up the good work!
Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit www.tonsorialtimes.com. 76
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OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
Introducing Discover Green at Cosmoprof North America 2016
Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) is proud to introduce an exclusive dedicated section that will be located among the show floor during the 2016 event, held July 24-26. Ensuring optimum brand exposure, this Discover Green program holds great potential for companies looking for placement within a section that has a distinguished high-end look and customized marketing. This new section is for brands dedicated to green, eco-friendly, clean, organic, and/or natural products in beauty, showcasing novel
ideas from beauty marketers in the growing environmentally conscious market. CPNA chose to enact Discover Green because “all regions in the global natural personal care market continue to surpass the overall beauty market’s growth during 2014” (Source: Kline & Company). With such popularity and growth, this sector certainly deserves recognition. Be sure to check out this section when you attend the show this year! Visit www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com for more information about the event.
Same High-Quality Stripless Wax, No Lifter Needed Enjoy an easy waxing experience with convenient and safe lip container for easy removal
Melting Pot introduces a new convenient 4 oz. heat-resistant plastic container of Stripless Wax with no lifter needed. An innovative stand out lip feature allows for the quick, easy removal of wax from the warmer without any additional means. Melting Pot Stripless Wax is ideal for the brows, face and body. This formula includes plasticizers to maintain flexibilty and avoid cracking. • Same great 4 oz. heat-resistant formula – No strips needed • New innovative lip feature for easy removal from warmer with no lifter needed
• Includes lid for safe storage of unused wax • Contains plasticizers to keep product pliable with no cracking • Fits all Melting Pot warmers and other leading brands – Do not microwave Melting Pot is owned by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 70 years. Visit www.spilo.com.
HASK Kalahari Melon Oil Get ready for a really good hair day with HASK Kalahari Melon Oil collection!
What if we told you the secret to preserving and nurturing color-treated hair comes from the desert? It’s true, and HASK bottled it up in the HASK Kalahari Melon Oil Color Protection collection! The line features a Shampoo, Conditioner, Deep Conditioner and Shine Oil, all formulated with Color Shield Complex (which helps protect color-treated hair from damage and fading caused by every day washing and heat styling). Found in the African desert, the kalahari melon thrives by retaining moisture in the driest conditions. This powerhouse ingredient counteracts moisture loss and fading, leaving color-treated hair healthy and vibrant. Don’t damage your hair or your wallet with endless trips to the salon; add HASK Kalahari Melon Oil Color Protection collection to your routine for unbeatable color retention! •HASK Kalahari Melon Oil Color Protection Shampoo and Conditioner are formulated with nutrient-rich ingredients including cranberry and sunflower oils to cleanse, detangle, and replenish hair, leaving it resilient and healthy. 86
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•HASK Kalahari Melon Oil Color Protection Deep Conditioner is an ultra-restorative hydrating treatment that will extend the life of your hair color. •HASK Kalahari Melon Oil Color Protection Protecting Shine Oil’s lightweight and alcohol-free formula instantly absorbs into hair to provide a radiant glow with no greasy residue. The line is ideal for color-treated, dry or damaged hair; infused with fresh exotic melon notes. Go online to www.haskbeauty.com for more information.
February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
In Rememberance of Isadore Adams
From the Employees of Wahl Clipper
Isadore Adams came to us out of the blue when we were being sued for making hair stencils. Isadore took it upon himself to come out to Wahl to tell us and prove that hair stencils had been on the market back in the 1950s. He never asked for anything for his testimony in our suit, he just felt that it was unfair and Isadore was a very fair person. He talked business all the time and loved the Hair Clipper business. The I ADAMS Posters eventually added clipper photos and the Wahl name across the bottom and soon became known as the Wahl posters more so than the I ADAMS posters. Between Izzy and Bo, Wahl got into the barber business and new products were coming out left and right. He got us into the Barber show business and our business expanded so much that we took a big bite out of our competition’s apple. We’ve had tons of requests from barbers everywhere to start cutting hair on stage for us that we finally turned this part of our business over to Isadore and he ran it like a champ. The man must have owned a lot of stock in Krispy Kreme because every time we saw him he would bring boxes upon boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts to keep our sales and repair people very happy. When he would arrive with the donuts he would say “a few of them may be missing.” He said “a couple of the donuts would not stop talking to him.” We in turn would send him home with a pound of Chicken George and a Coke. Izzy never went home hungry. He told us that Oprah used to call him “the fox” and you can certainly see why, he was smart and sly as a fox and full of so many great ideas. He not only came up with so many different ideas, but he followed through on them. Barber competitions, trade show set ups, new products, posters and stylist training. He was not much for flying on the airlines but bought a van and drove everywhere, stopping at every barbershop in the United States. Nobody could ever say that he was lazy because he never stopped, he was always thinking, always selling, always creating, and always “living the dream.” And Izzy could
dream. With one of his ideas, we were afraid we were going to have to put Obama’s picture on a clipper and that might have put us out of business. So many of his plans were for charity and people that didn’t have it as good as he did. He was constantly looking for ways to raise money for underprivileged people or a very worthy cause. He was not the richest man in the world, financially, but extremely rich when it came to people loving and caring for him as we all did. He put a smile on everybody’s face and he had a joke to tell and a donut to share with everyone he met. His friend Bo told us that Isadore was part of the Black Panthers in his younger years, but there was nothing vicious or extreme about him. He was a big teddy bear and loved life and everyone in it. We will miss him and the fun, joy and love that he left with all of us. We love you Isadore.
Isadore Adams (front) with (left to right in back) Isadore’s sister Bernice; W.E.A.T. member Garland “G-Whiz” Fox; Wahl Professional Director of Education Laura VanderMoere; and Barber & Stylist Brian Washington (Isadore’s son).
HASK Bamboo Oil
Get your healthiest, strongest hair ever with HASK Bamboo Oil collection! It’s time to add strength training to your haircare routine! Fortify fragile hair and defend against damage and breakage with HASK Bamboo Oil Strengthening collection. The line features a Shampoo, Conditioner, Deep Conditioner and Shine Oil, all formulated with ProDefense Complex that penetrates hair to strengthen, reinforce and protect. Bamboo oil, known as one of Asia’s natural treasures, is proven to strengthen hair and deliver essential nutrients that revive weakened and lifeless strands. Combined with biotin and collagen, silicon-rich bamboo oil gives hair a strong foundation, improves flexibility and prevents split ends. So damage caused by every day styling is a thing of the past! •HASK Bamboo Oil Shampoo and Conditioner work together to strengthen the hair, allowing it to grow long 88
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while remaining healthy and strong. •HASK Bamboo Oil Deep Conditioner is a super-powered moisturizing treatment that enriches weak hair, all while detangling and softening. •HASK Bamboo Oil Shine Oil’s lightweight and alcohol- free formula instantly absorbs into hair to provide a luminous glow with no greasy residue. The line reinforces and nourishes all hair types; infused with an herbaceous, lemongrass scent. Visit www.haskbeauty.com.
February 2016 OTC Beauty Magazine
IndustryNews Check your (hair) baggage at the door with HASK Charcoal with Citrus Oil collection! Hair weighing you down? It’s time for a detox! Introducing HASK Purifying Charcoal collection – a complete line that features a Shampoo, Conditioner, and Deep Conditioner that are formulated to give you a deep clean and bring hair back to life. Whether you rely on dry shampoo to maintain your weekly blowouts or reach for sprays and gels regularly, overdoing it with product can create build-up that weighs your hair down and can seriously cramp your style. Charcoal, a hero ingredient derived from coconut shells in the Philippines, acts as a magnet and attracts and removes impurities—like product build-up—so you are left with hair that is full of body and shine. For an extra boost of radiance HASK purifying charcoal, combined with vitamin C-rich lemon and grapefruit oils, invigorates and clarifies hair without stripping away any moisture. •HASK Purifying Charcoal Shampoo and Conditioner are formulated to cleanse and clarify, while detangling and locking in moisture.
•HASK Purifying Charcoal Deep Conditioner is a clarifying treatment that not only rids the scalp and hair of impurities, but also reintroduces moisture to nourish and soften all hair types. The line is ideal for all hair types; infused with a botanical citrus scent. Learn more at www.haskbeauty.com.
World Perfumery Congress Returns to the US in 2016 World Perfumery Congress, June 13-15 2016, Fontainebleau Resort, Miami Beach, Fla.
The organizers of the biennial World Perfumery Congress (WPC) have announced that it will return to North America in June 2016. The popular event, which attracted 1,100 professionals in 2014, will once again showcase the fragrance industry’s latest innovations and provide attendees with invaluable insights on game-changing fragrance technologies, trends in fragrance creation, and market and global trends in and of impact to fragrance and fragrance products. From June 13-15, perfumers, marketers of fragranced products, fragrance ingredient manufacturers, suppliers of fragrance materials and other fragrance industry professionals will gather in Miami for the 2016 edition of WPC. Presented by the American Society of Perfumers and produced by Perfumer & Flavorist magazine, the event will showcase some of the most exciting innovations impacting fragrance development. BAS F SE, Givaudan, International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF), MANE, Robertet Inc. and Symrise AG are among the confirmed companies exhibiting (http://wpc.perfumerflavorist. com/exhibitors/). Alongside the exhibition, WPC’s renowned conference program returns. With a focus on providing unique educational content, topics to be discussed include sensory 90
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technology, sustainability, regulations, ingredients and the latest market trends. Guided by the WPC advisory board (which includes representatives from the likes of P&G, Takasago and Bath & Body Works), event organizers are finalizing content for the 2016 show. Sandy Chapin, Show Director, WPC 2016, commented, “WPC is the fragrance industry’s leading event, bringing together professionals from across the globe to one meeting place. The 2014 event in Deauville, France was hugely successful and we’re excited to again bring WPC to the US in June [the 2012 event was held in Connecticut]. We pride ourselves on providing both exhibitors and attendees with an excellent opportunity to network and develop new relationships while discussing the future of fragrance.” The event organizers and the American Society of Perfumers (ASP) have also announced a special 25 percent discount on registration for all qualified perfumers. To register your attendance at the World Perfumery Congress, please visit: http://wpc.perfumerflavorist.com/register/.
Taliah Waajid, Trailblazer of Natural Hair Care Products for Textured hair, Launches Her Purest and Most Natural Hair Care Line to Date Pure & Natural Shea-Coco™ is over 97% natural!
Taliah Waajid, one of the leading innovators and manufacturers of natural hair care products, has developed a new natural, luxurious collection. Pure & Natural Shea-Coco™, a line designed to nourish and define textured hair with the most natural of ingredients, launched online at www.naturalhair.org on December 9, 2015 and will be available at Target, Walmart, Sally Beauty Supply, and local beauty supply stores beginning this month. Perfect for men, women and children, Pure & Natural Shea-Coco™ offers the highest amount of naturally derived ingredients in its products. Twenty years ago, Taliah Waajid, who was no stranger to the care of natural hair, debuted her first line, Black Earth Products. Her need to be innovative came at a time when there were limited products available for consumers with naturally textured hair. Since then, Taliah has evolved her extensive collection by developing natural products for natural hair consumers, especially those who are health conscious and committed to living healthy lifestyles. Pure & Natural Shea-Coco™ will premiere five products derived from the most natural ingredients including coconut, shea butter, and monoi oil for intense conditioning and maximum moisturization. All of the products range from having 97.7% - 100% natural ingredients. “Many so-called ‘natural’ hair care products out there have high
Empowerment to Take Your Business to the Next Level When: Monday, February 22, 2016 Where: Georgia World Congress Center, Room 101 If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for this event, please contact: Dwayne Thompson 678-310-3863 globalbarbernetwork@gmail.com 92
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percentages of artificial ingredients. They claim to be beneficial for natural hair but contain harmful ingredients like alcohol, mineral oil, petroleum—and even formaldehyde! Pure & Natural Shea-Coco™ is vegan, 100% paraben free, contain natural ingredients, and are made with non-GMO ingredients,” says Taliah Waajid, CEO and founder of Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products. “Pure & Natural Shea-Coco™ will make hair look, feel, and smell as wonderful as the natural ingredients contained in the products.” Visit www.naturalhair.org to learn more. The complete Pure & Natural Shea-Coco retail line includes: • Pure & Natural Shea-Coco 2-in-1 Conditioning Co Wash (98% Natural) • Pure & Natural Shea-Coco Monoi Oil Natural Serum (100% Natural) • Pure & Natural Shea-Coco Condition Daily Leave-In Conditioner (98% Natural) • Pure & Natural Shea-Coco Curly Hair Curl Soufflé (97% Natural) • Pure & Natural Shea-Coco Natural Hair Style Cream (98% Natural)
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
BIR Bits
When does most personal grooming occur? According to new data from RealityMine, at 7:00 a.m., followed by 9:30 p.m. According to the most recent research, drawn from 4,504 panelists from the United States, Australia, France, Mexico and Russia, consumers conduct their grooming alone (80%) and in conjunction with/adjacent to activities such as TV watching (45%), engaging with their mobile devices (44%), eating, doing chores and relaxing. Earlier research from Euromonitor shows that women spend 42 minutes grooming every day, while men spend 28 minutes.
Farouk Systems USA has signed a promotional agreement with Univision Enterprises, the products and services division of Univision Communications Inc., the leading media company serving Hispanic America. Farouk’s CHI and BioSilk hair care products and styling tools will be used by the hair styling team at Despierta America (Wake Up America), Hispanic America’s No. 1 morning show. Additionally, Despierta America will create a weekly segment giving viewers a glimpse into what happens behind the scenes, as the hosts and guests are styled with CHI and BioSilk products. Visit www.farouk.com.
Spilo Worldwide is now the exclusive distributor of Tony Moly skin care products in the U.S. professional beauty supply channel. Tony Moly is the leading innovator in Korean skin care, and is known for its unconventional natural ingredients, such as gold, goat’s milk and snail mucin, and its bright, playful packaging. Visit www.spilo.com.
Tony Moly’s Panda’s Dream White Hand Cream is now available from Spilo.
Courtesy of “The Beauty Industry Report.” The “Beauty Industry Report” (BIR) is a monthly newsletter for executives in the professional beauty biz. For 3 FREE complimentary issues of the “Beauty Industry Report,” please send your request to Lisa Iavello at lisa@bironline.com. Include your name, company name, address, phone number and email address in the email message. 96
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Ad Index
AFAM Concept Inc. ............23, 81 www.afamconcept.com
House of Cheatham ..................41 www.houseofcheatham.com
PDC Brands ................................56 www.pdcbrandsusa.com
7-10 Global Beauty & Wellness Exchange
American International ..............5 www.aiibeauty.com
Inspired Beauty Brands �����������35 www.haskbeauty.com
Queen Helene ......................34, 44 www.queenhelene.com
Andis Co. .....................................11 www.andis.com
J Strickland & Co. .......................87
RA Cosmetics ���������������������71, 72 www.racosmetics.com
Laguna Beach, CA www.globalbeautyexchange.com
20-22 Bronner Bros. Mid-Winter Show Atlanta, GA www.bronnerbros.com
24-26 Beauty Asia 2016 Singapore www.beautyasia.com.sg
MARCH: 6-8 International Beauty Show (IBS) New York New York, NY www.ibsnewyork.com
13-14 Spectrum International Beauty Expo Los Angeles, CA www.sibe.us
Baby Sweet ��������������������������������58 www.babysweetproducts.com
J2 Beauty...15, 50, 51, 64, 78, 80, 84 www.j2beauty.com JBC Distributors ........................73
Belson ..........................................55 www.belsonproducts.com
Brittny Professional ...........59, 101 www.brittnybeauty.com Butter Sweet ..............................16 www.buttersweetproducts.com Chloe Hair Accessories ..........103 www.chloeponytail.com Colomer USA ............... Cover, 37 www.cremeofnature.com DRM-JPC Brands ................ IFC, 1 www.johnsonproducts.com
JBS Hair ...14, 36, 52, 53, 83, 94, 95 www.jbshair.com KAB Brands ................................27 www.aphogee.com
Maxi Professional .......................70 www.maxihairproducts.com
Ten Pro ..........................................2 www.tenprofessional.com
Mitchell Group ...........................75 www.mitchellgroupusa.com
Wella,The Salon Professional Division of P&G �������������������28, 29
Namaste Laboratories .............89 www.orshaircare.com
Xtreme Beauty International ������������ 7, 77 www.xbi.co
Ecoco, Inc. ........................13, 25, 49 www.ecocoinc.com
OMT, LLC ....................................33 www.nappystyles.com
26-27 West Coast Natural Hair + Health + Beauty Expo
Fantasia Ind. �������������������������������17 www.fantasiahaircare.com
Kintex, Korea www.hairworld2016.kr
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Sparks Hair Color ������������������������ 9 www.sparkscolor.com Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products ........65, 91 www.naturalhair.org
Bologna, Italy www.cosmoprof.it
27-29 International Beauty Fair Korea
SoftSheen-Carson �������43, 63, BC www.softsheen-carson.com
Mane Selection .. .....................3, 74 www.maneselection.com
NEOX ....................................48, 93 www.neoxunited.com
Los Angeles, CA www.wcnhexpo.com
Smooth Care �����������������������������79 www.smooth-care.com
JBS Beauty Club ..................72, 85 Biocare Labs �������������������������� 8, 45 www.biocarelabs.com
Dream World, Inc. .............. 76, 82, 97, IBC www.dreamworldproducts.com
17-21 Cosmoprof Worldwide & Cosmopack
Sensitive by Nature ������������98, 99 www.sbnusa.com
Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants
to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.
여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)
1. What skin care product sells best in your store? Do cold temperatures increase these sales? 1.당신의 매장에서 가장 잘 판매되는 스킨 케어 제품은 무엇입니까? 추운 기온이 이런 제품들의 판매를 증가시킵니까?
2. What new product would you like to learn more about?
2. 좀 더 자세히 알고 싶은 신제품은 무엇입니까?
3. Do you create a profitability plan for your store each year? If yes, how is it most beneficial? 3.
Thank you, Mimi Park of Fantastic Beauty in Decatur, GA for feedback from the December issue. Throughout the next few issues we will do our best to address these topics. 12 월호에서 피드백을 통해 참여해주신 조지아 주 Decatur 소재 Fantastic Beauty의 Mimi Park 님께 감사 드립니다. 다음 호에서도 이런 주제들에 관한 질문을 해결하기 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
Name (성함) _______________________________ Store Name (스토어
State (주) _________________________________ 102
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
Mail this form to: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com
OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email: editor@otcbeautymagazine.com
September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine
ORS™ Olive Oil Plus™
ORS™ Olive Oil is addressing the hair needs of Naturalistas by introducing a new line of dual powered styling products. Known for its therapeutic benefits, ORS pushes Olive Oil to the next level by combining the power of Olive Oil with the power of additional oils that elevate performance in each: • • • • •
Smooth & Easy Edge Gel w/Pequi Oil Strand Strengthening Styling Gelee’ w/ Moringa Oil Smooth Control Styling Gelee’ w/ Pequi Oil 2-n-1 Shine Mist & Heat Defense Spray w/ Grapeseed Oil 12-n-1 Style Defining Crème Gel w/ Avocado Oil
While all of the new enhanced styling products are suitable for all hair types, they are ideal for curly, kinky and wavy hair. “We are excited about the Olive Oil Plus line, the products are packed
OTC Beauty Magazine February 2016
with powerful ingredients that women of all hair types will be able to use,” said Tracey V. Bell, Sr. Marketing Manager, Namaste Laboratories, makers of ORS Olive Oil products. “ORS Olive Oil products are known for their protection and nourishment of hair, and now consumers will be able see how the plus ingredients deliver high performance styling.” These new ORS™ Olive Oil styling products are not only therapeutic, they offer styling solutions so consumers can change their hairstyles and experiment with confidence. Thus, the new ORS Olive Oil products offer great appeal to the style maven, who wants styling versatility so that she can change her hair as often as she changes her clothing style. “We understand that consumers want products that help them to achieve salon and runway looks and the new Olive Oil styling products deliver that and more,” said Bell. Learn more at www.orshaircare.com.