OTC January 2018

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NEW! Creme of Nature Certified Natural Coconut Milk Styling Line. NURTURING BY NATURE ©2017 Beautyge Brands USA Inc. All rights reserved. January 2018 | $6.00 The New Year Issue Attract More Customers and Increase Sales in 2018 Manufacturers Get Personal with Customized Hair Products How Should You Sell It: Getting Rid of OldPackaged Products
2 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
Show us how you wear it. #TexturesAndTones
OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 1 BOOST YOUR SALES with Call your distributor today for details. ©2017 The Wella Corporation, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CSM2017-1420 • No Ammonia • With Jojoba and 5 Botanical Extracts • Long-Lasting, Rich and Vibrant Color Results

64 Feature Guide to Hair Textures

Not sure which products suit which hair texture?

Confused about the differences between 3a and 4b hair patterns? We have a comprehensive guide that will break down all of those details.


We take a look at the 5 fastest-moving shampoos at Jinny Beauty Supply.

28 Knowledge To Know Start the New Year Off Right

With 2017 behind us, we look forward to new opportunities in 2018 to improve, expand, and increase business. If your 2017 business was good then you have the opportunity to do even better in 2018. The New Year offers a fresh start to put some programs in place that will help improve business.

새해, 올바르게 시작하기

2017년을 뒤로하고, 우리는 2018년에 사업 개선, 확장 및 향상시킬 수 있는 새로운 기회를 기대하고 있습니다. 2017 년 사업이 성공적 이었다면 2018년에는 더 나은 성과를 올릴

기회를 갖고 있습니다. 새해의 사업 개선에 도움이 될 몇 가지

프로그램을 새로 시작했습니다.

34 History of Afro Natural and Multicultural Hair

The natural Afro hairstyle is not new but is a recycled phenomenon dating back to slavery and continuing to the present day. However, this style has been executed in different ways, depending on the trends of the times in the history of Afro hair development

아프로-내츄럴과 다문화 헤어스타일의 역사

내츄럴 아프로 헤어스타일은 새로운 것이 아니고, 노예제도

때부터 지속적으로 사용되어 온 스타일이다. 하지만 이

스타일은 아프로 머리의 트렌드에 따라 많은 다른 방식으로

발전되어 왔다.

In Every Issue contents January 2018 10 Editorial Letter Resolutions for Success 성공을 위한 결심 14 Marketplace Products to Pamper You By 20 How Should You Sell It? Old-Packaged Merchandise 어떻게 판매해야 하나? 오래된 포장지의 제품들 28 Finished Product Coconut Oil 40 Urban Call Briefs Leadership Profiles in Beauty 76 Therapy Trends Innovation Gets Personal in 2018 80 Industry News 96 BIR Bits 98 Korean News 업계소식 99 Coupons 104 Show Calendar / Ad Index 106 Reader Feedback 독자 피드백 108 Product Spotlight Hairfinity Infinite Edges Serum
Top Sellers The Top Selling Products of the Year
4 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
NEW LOOK New Year ©2018 Beauty Perfection. All Rights Reserved 1-855-9-SPARKS. To learn more, please visit www.sparkscolor.com GIVE YOU THE CREATIVE FREEDOM! HIDRACOLOR & SPARKS SPARKSCOLOR.COM FOR TECHNIQUES

January 2018


44 Business Tips

Discover the ‘Secret Sauce’ for Customer Retention

Every business has a culture, and the culture defines whether the business is customer, time or technology-focused, and sets the tone for customer interaction with negativity or an attitude of joy. The significance of creating greater customer satisfaction begins with a total team approach. There are three ingredients that form the ‘secret sauce’ that creates an environment that generates raving fans, in turn developing an organic marketing strategy that brings in friends and family of your satisfied customers.

고객 유지를 위한 “비밀 소스”의 발견

모든 사업에는 문화가 있으며, 문화는 사업을 고객, 시간

또는 기술에 초점을 맞추어야 할지를 정의하고 부정적 또는

즐거움에 대하여 고객을 대응하는 분위기를 조성합니다.

팀 전체의 접근 방식에 따라서 위대한 고객 만족도 향상이

시작됩니다. 광팬을 만들 수 있는 환경을 조성해주는 ‘

비밀 소스’에는 세 가지가 있으며, 만족한 고객이 차례로 고객의 친구 및 가족을 불러들이는 유기적인 마케팅 전략을 개발합니다.

50 A PRIMAL Approach to Creating the Professional Life You Desire!

Are you completely satisfied with your career or work? Whether you are just starting your career, or are more seasoned in your position, it can sometimes become a challenge to stay motivated, engaged and happy all the time. It is likely you devote a tremendous amount of time in your chosen field, how can you enjoy it more and make it truly extraordinary? You can improve in this area by clarifying and focusing on your primal needs.

내가 원하는 커리어의 삶을 만들기 위한 원초적 접근!

본인의 경력이나 직업에 완전히 만족하시나요? 경력을

쌓거나 더 나은 위치에 있어도 항상 동기를 부여하고 몰두하며

행복하게 지내는 것이 어려울 수 있습니다. 선택한 분야에서

엄청난 시간을 투자해야 할 것입니다. 어떻게 하면 더 많이

즐기고 진정으로 뛰어날 수 있을까요? 근본적인(primal)

욕구를 명확히 하고 집중함으로써 이 분야에서 발전 할 수



The Harm of Entitlement

Entitlement is one of the most harmful traits a leader can instill in an employee. Like with parenting, giving children a sense of entitlement is doing a disservice to the child. The child does not learn how to problem solve, cope with everyday disappointments, and rise to a challenge. Entitlement doesn’t build the child’s courage and strength. Ultimately, parents harm the child in a way that negatively affects their future. The same is true for leaders and their staff.

권리의 위험성 권리는 리더가 직원에게 제공 할 수 있는 가장 해로운 것 중의 하나입니다. 자녀 양육과 마찬가지로 자녀에게 권리를 주는 것은 자녀에게 바람직한 것이 아닙니다. 아이들은 문제 해결 방법, 실망스러운 상황에 대처하는 방법을 배우지 않으면 어려움에 부딪칩니다. 아이들에게 권리를 주는 부모들은 아이들의 용기와 힘을 키우지 못합니다. 궁극적으로, 부모들이 미래에 부정적인 영향을 미치게 되어 아이들에게 해를 끼치게 되는 것입니다. 리더와 직원들도 이와 마찬가지입니다.

60 Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador

By Detra Smith

Holiday Hair – Voluminous Micro Curls


Crème of Nature’s Certified Natural Coconut Milk Styling products softens hair and improves manageability, these formulas are ideal for normal hair and work to nourish while detangling and adding shine.

NEW! Creme of Nature Certified Natural Coconut Milk Styling Line. NURTURING BY NATURE ©2017 Beautyge Brands USA Inc. All rights reserved. January 2018 $6.00 The New Year Issue Attract More Customers and Increase Sales in 2018 Manufacturers Get Personal with Customized Hair Products How Should You Sell It: Getting Rid of OldPackaged Products 6 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018


tbae@otcbeautymagazine.com koreannews@otcbeautymagazine.com



Coordinator: advertising@otcbeautymagazine.com

Contributing Writers:

Columnists: Lafayette

8 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Post Master: Please send address changes to: OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit www.otcbeautymagazine.com. Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited. CEO: Ann Jhin
Jessica De Vault Hale editor@otcbeautymagazine.com subscriptions@otcbeautymagazine.com
Tony Bae
Art Director: Sam
& Sales
Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Detra Smith Curt Redden Denise Ciardello Ted Fishman Nathanial Jamail Khalia Dunn

Resolutions for Success

The New Year is officially upon us, and what better time than now to make resolutions for your personal and professional improvement? Last month, we talked about learning from the lessons of 2017 and setting new goals for 2018. This month, it’s all about planning the baby steps to make your aspirations possible.

Your first steps may start with examining your current team. In order for any business to be successful, each employee must be on the same page. Kicking your team into action can be challenging, but the key is to encourage everyone to work hard and put their best foot forward, from your newest hire to your seasoned staffers. We offer some worthwhile suggestions on how to accomplish this task in this month’s Business Tips, starting on page 44. From reigniting your professional passion to addressing entitlement in the workplace, each article will be helpful to your efforts.

If your store ran like a well-oiled machine last year, then resolve to fine tune what already works. To get some new ideas to accomplish that, check out Start the New Year Off Right – Attract More Customers and Increase Sales in 2018 on page 34. Industry veteran Ted Fishman shares some valuable insights you won’t want to miss.

And you won’t be the only one changing things up for the better. Some of your top selling brands may redesign their product packaging this year. When this happens, you’ll have to find some creative ways to sell the old-packaged inventory. Merchandise Manager Makeba Matthews of Strength of Nature offers some timely advice on how to make the most of this common issue in the How Should You Sell it Column on page 22.

We hope that this edition of OTC Beauty Magazine will inspire you to have a positive and lucrative start to your year.

And remember, success doesn’t just happen. It’s planned for. Editorial Letter

성공을 위한 결심

새해가 우리에게 다가왔습니다. 개인적이고 전문적인 개선을 위한 결심을 새움에 있어 지금보다 더 나은 시기가 있을까요? 지난 달에, 우리는 2017년의 교훈을 배우고 2018년에 새로운 목표를 세우는 것에 대해 이야기했습니다. 이번 달에는 여러분의 포부를 가능하게 하기 위한 초기 단계를 계획하는 것입니다.

첫 번째 단계는 현재의 팀을 조사하는 것으로 시작될 수 있습니다. 사업이 성공하려면 각 직원들이 동일한 목표가 있어야 합니다. 팀을 행동으로 옮기는 것은 어려울 수 있지만 신입 사원부터 노련한 직원 모두가 최선을 다해 격려하여 발전하도록 하는 것이 핵심입니다. 이번 달 XX 페이지에 있는 비즈니스 팁에서는 이 작업을 수행할 몇 가지 방법을 알려드립니다. 전문적인 열정을 불태우는 일에서 직장에서 자리잡기에 이르기까지, 각 기사는 여러분의 노력에 도움이 될 것입니다.

여러분의 상점이 기름칠이 잘 된 기계처럼 운영되었다면, 이미 작동하는 것을 미세하게 조정하십시오. 이를 달성하기위한 새로운 아이디어를 얻으려면 XX 페이지의 새해, 올바르게 시작하기- 2018년 더 많은 고객 유치 및 매출 증대를 확인해보세요. 업계의 베테랑 테드 피시먼은 당신이 놓치고 싶지 않은 가치 있는 통찰력을 이글에서 공유하였습니다.

그리고 당신만이 더 나은 것을 위해 변화하는 유일한 사람은 아닐 것 입니다. 올해 최고의 판매 브랜드 중 일부는 제품 포장 디자인을 변경 할 수 있습니다. 이 경우 이전의 재고 상품을 판매 할 창의적인 방법을 찾아야합니다. Strength of Nature 판촉 매니저인 Makeba Matthews 씨는 xx 페이지에 어떻게 판매해야 하는지에 대한 공통 문제를 최대로 활용하는 방법에 대한 적절한 조언을 해주고 있습니다.

OTC 뷰티 매거진의 이번 호를 통해 여러분에게 긍정적이고 수익성있는 새해를 시작할 수 있게 하는 영감을 주길 기원합니다.

그리고 기억하세요:

10 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
성공은 그냥 일어나지 않습니다. 계획된 것 입니다.

Ultra hydration, elongation and slip for simple wash-and-wear styling. EVERY


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OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 13

Products to Pamper You By

With the holidays behind us and several more months of freezing temperatures ahead, now is the perfect time to take care of the hair and skin we’re in. But you don’t have to visit a spa to be spoiled. With the right products, your shoppers can take some muchneeded “me” time at home. Be sure they’re equipped to do just that with these must-have products.

Hair Detox

When your customers’ hair just won’t behave, it may be in need of a detox. Suggest the OKAY® Detoxifying and Purifying Charcoal Shampoo, Conditioner and Leave-In Conditioner. These products are formulated to pull out oil, dirt and toxins from your hair, leaving a clean, healthy and shiny appearance.

Nourishing Oil

When hair is extra parched from the harsh, cold elements, it deserves to be treated with care. Pamper your tresses with a luxurious oil like the Crème of Nature with Coconut Milk Essential 7 Treatment

Oil This oil is ideal for natural hair and not only helps with shine but it also protects curls from breakage.

Hair Growth Balm

Nothing is more satisfying than taking time out to take care of yourself. A little self-care can go a long way, especially when it comes to hair growth. Take a little time to use T-Tree by Parnevu Herbal Grow to stimulate healthy hair growth. Not only will this help with extending hair lengths, but it also helps eliminate flaky, dry and itchy scalp.

MARKET PLACE 14 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018

Hair and Body Whip

Keeping hair and skin moisturized during the winter months is a must, but it’s a step that many may skip when in a rush. Finding a 2-in-1 product that can moisturize the tresses and skin is a great way to ensure that your body is soft and supple from head to toe. Suggest a products like Inahsi Naturals Hair & Body Whipped Butter that is rich in Aloe Vera Juice and Shea Butter can help restore shine and lock in moisture.

Bonnet Dryer

When it’s time to deep condition your hair, give your customers a spa-like experience with the Gold ‘n Hot Dryer Soft Bonnet. This hair dryer features an ION generator that helps the hair dry faster without the harsh heat damage. With four heat settings to choose from, this dryer can also accommodate any heat preference and dry your hair in no time – no salon necessary.

Pore Strips

Whether it’s from the makeup we wear or the natural oils on our skin, pores can be clogged from a variety of factors. That’s why it helps to periodically cleanse the skin and remove any impurities. Products like Daggett & Ramsdell Pore Refining Nose Strips has a charcoal formula that can penetrate deep down to unclog pores and draw out excess dirt.

OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 15

Products to Pamper You By

Hand Cream

Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is to apply a moisturizing lotion to your hands. The right product can be soothing and leave skin feeling soft and supple. When customers come to your store in search of the perfect lotion, suggest Difeel Hand Cream. This restorative hand cream has a blend of Vitamin E, natural oil, botanical extracts and certified organic Shea Butter.

Skin Milk

Your skin deserves the necessary nourishment to leave it youthful, bright and even Clear Essence

Skin Beautifying Milk is a lotion that can do just that by eliminating dry and dull spots. This product is great for all skin types and prevents the dark spots, dryness and blemishes that affect the skin’s ability to look fresh and even. In addition, it works well to pamper your elbows, knees, knuckles and feet.

Face Mask

Refresh your skin with the rejuvenating and refining Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula Face Enzyme

Mask This cooling clay mask has a blend of cocoa butter and skin rebalancing ingredients that can lift out impurities in minutes and purify the skin. Its Papaya Enzyme ingredient also exfoliates the skin, leaving behind brilliantly soft skin.

MARKET PLACE 16 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018

Products to Pamper You By

Body Creme

Pampering yourself doesn’t have to be a rare occasion. You can feel spoiled and adored every day when you apply Nivea Crème to your skin. This rich and creamy moisturizer smooths and softens your skin with its intensive moisturizing formula. Ideal for extremely dry skin, this crème can be used all over the body and on rough spots along the knees, feet and elbows.

Night Creme

Don’t have the energy to spoil yourself? Let your night crème do the work for you. The B&C Skin Tight Mixed Fruit Night Crème helps eliminate fine lines and prevent premature skin aging for men and women. This product can mildly exfoliate, clean and tone the skin, all while sleeping.

Oil Treatment

Nourish your scalp with the Soft & Beautiful Botanicals Oil Treatment with Olive Oil. This hair and scalp treatment is enriched with olive oil, Shea Butter, Vitamin E and soy protein and is ideal for strengthening, repairing and protecting the hair. Plus, it adds a great deal of shine.

MARKET PLACE 18 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018

How should you sell it?

This month’s selling focus is…

Old-Packaged Merchandise

A common problem in beauty supply stores isn’t always managing employees or attracting customers. Often times, it can be the products themselves. Moving product off the store shelves is a feat in itself, but when manufacturers change the design of their product packaging, it could be viewed as a cause for concern or a new sales opportunity. New packaging can be an exciting way to draw in new fans of the product line, but when old-packaging is still in stock at the store, some retailers may struggle to move the old-packaging to make room for the new improved design.

It begs the question, how do you sell . . .

Old-Packaged Merchandise?

“When keeping both old and new packaging on the shelf at the same time, nine times out of 10, old packaging is not going to sell as fast as the new packaged product. Especially consider, new packaging is usually supported with new advertising and promotions for the new packaging claims. In most cases, the result of new packaging claims are going to attract new consumers who will come into your store and try this new improved product. It’s understandable if you don’t want to put the old packaging on sale and sell it out, but if no action is taken old packaging is going to sit on the shelf otherwise. You might as well put the old packaging on a discount and highly visible, because a lot of times loyal customers are going to pick up the older packaging first.

Think of Walgreens, Walmart, Kroger - think about how they pull customers in with new products. They try to pull them in with something new and exciting to offer. Give the shopper something to excite them. Do deals and discounts in a special area. It most likely will excite your customer, because if you knock something down by $1 and you can get their shopping cart to be $30 (worth of product) - you don’t lose that much.

That’s the kind of things we’d like to see happen at the beauty supply store, especially when it comes to moving out older packaging to make room for new packaging. There’s a great opportunity to satisfy loyal and new consumers and at the same time, create excitement resulting in a larger shopping cart.”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to editor@otcbeautymagazine.com. Your response could be featured in the Feburary issue!

20 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018

“오래된 포장지와 새로운 포장지를 선반에 동시에 두었을 때 열에 아홉은 낡은 포장지의 물품이 새로운 포장지보다 늦게 팔리게 된다. 특히나 새로운 광고를 포함한 포장지나 홍보를 하는 포장지는 더욱 그렇다. 대부분의 경우 새로운 포장지를 사용하면 새로운 고객을 스토어로 이끌 수 있다. 낡은

포장지의 물품의 가격을 낮추고 싶지 않는 것은 이해가 가지만 빨리 방법을 생각해내지 않으면 선반에 계속 자리만 차지 하고 있을 것이다. 그럴 바에는

할인을 조금이라도 해서 잘 보이는 곳에 놓아 판매하는게 낫다. 더군다나 자주 오는 단골 고객들은 그런 물품을 먼저 산다. Walgreens, Walmart, 그리고 Kroger, 이 들이 어떻게 고객들을 새로운 물품에 관심 갖게 하는가? 이러한 대기업들은 무언가 새롭고 신나는 제안을 한다. 고객들에게 무언가 새로운 것을 전달해라. 특별 구역에 할인을 해라. 그러면 고객들이 좋아할 것이다. 1 달러 깎아서 그 들의 쇼핑 카트에 30

달러를 추가할 수 있다면 잃을 게 무엇인가?

뷰티 서플라이 스토어에는 이러한 것들이 필요하다, 특히 새로운 포장지를 갖춘 상품을 위해 낡은 포장지 상품을 치워야 할 대책을 마련해야 할 때는 더욱 그렇다. 새롭고 신나는 결과를 만드는 동시에 충실하고


22 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
새로운 고객들을 만족시킬 기회는 충분하다.”
Matthews, 판매 매니저 Strength of Nature 위와 관련하여 질문이 있으시다면 editor@otcbeautymagazine.com 로 보내주십시오. 2월호에 여러분의 의견이 채택될 수도 있습니다! 어떻게 판매해야 하나?
어떻게 판매해야 하나... 오래된
제품들 뷰티 서플라이 스토어들의 문제는 직원들을 경영하거나 고객들을 유치하는 것이 아니다. 문제는 주로 물품에서 발생된다. 상점 선반에서 물품을 넣고 빼는 것 만해도 일인데 제조사가 물품 포장의 디자인을 바꾸기라도 하면 문제가 된다. 하지만 이는 세일즈 기회이기도 하다. 새로운 포장지는 제조사의 새로운 팬들을 만드는 방법이기도 하지만 낡은 포장지가 남아있으면 새로운 물품을 위해 낡은 물품을 팔기 힘들어 하는 소매업자들도 있을 것이다. 그러면
어떻게 팔아야 하는가?
포장지의 제품들은

Finished Product Coconut Oil

The diverse use of coconut oil seems to be a new trend, but actually, it’s been around for thousands of years. People in India, Asia, the Philippines, the Pacific Islands, and other tropical locales have always used coconut oil, for cooking, health and beauty, or around the house. No wonder the coconut tree is often called “the tree of life.”

Coconut oil is made by first extracting the kernel or the white part inside the shell of a mature coconut. The kernel is then milled, coldpressed, and filtered to create a raw, or virgin, coconut oil.

Coconut oil was popular in the U.S. long before 2017, too. In the 1950s, it was truly the cooking oil of choice, much like vegetable or olive oil is today. However, the imported tropical oil, which is high in saturated fats, faced criticism when new research revealed in the 1980s that saturated fats result in high triglyceride levels and can lead to heart disease. Domestic soybean oil and other vegetable oils became the new norm.

nutrients. But, it didn’t take long to realize that this super food is just as good for you on the outside as it is on the inside.

For your hair

Hair oil treatments are widely popular. Adding coconut oil to the mix gives you another option to try out if your hair doesn’t respond to other products, like Argan oil or jojoba oil.

When it comes to your hair, coconut oil makes a great deep conditioner because of its fatty acids. You can use it to mend split ends, stimulate growth, care for your scalp, and prevent hair loss. It can even be used to treat and prevent irritations like dandruff and lice.

Try using it periodically as a leave in treatment on freshly washed hair. Apply melted coconut oil to your hair. Wrap your hair in a towel for at least 30 minutes, but one to two hours is best. Shampoo again to remove all of the oil.

absorb for about 10 minutes and then wipe away the excess with a towel.

If you want to use coconut oil to clean your skin, start by applying it with a cotton pad all over your face, except around your eyes. Let it sit for five minutes before washing it off. To remove eye makeup, dip cotton balls in coconut oil, close your eyes, and lightly dap the cotton balls for a few seconds. You’ll be able to wipe off waterproof mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner more easily.

For your body

The benefits of coconut oil don’t stop at your hair and skin. Many parts of the body can benefit in some way from this tropical oil.

Rub coconut oil on your nail beds to act as cuticle oil and also protect against infection, especially during visits to nail salons. That goes for your toes, too. Coconut oil can prevent cracked heels and make for a relaxing addition to a foot massage.

Now, at a time when many people are more conscious of what they’re putting in (or on) their bodies, many are turning back to virgin coconut oil over popular hydrogenated oils. Science has shown that while coconut oil is high in saturated fat, it’s composed of mediumchain fatty acids, which are much easier for the body to digest and convert to energy. It’s likely that coconut oil does not contribute to poor cholesterol or heart problems after all.

The many benefits of coconut oil

Coconut oil boasts a myriad of benefits, from diet to hair, skin, and overall health. As you can see from its history, it is primarily added to food as a way to improve digestion, manage cholesterol, increase energy, and boost

You can even incorporate coconut oil into your daily routine. Virgin coconut oil won’t leave behind residue and it’s perfectly safe for regular use. Detangle your tresses by adding melted oil to your ends and gently massaging up to your roots. Just comb through the tangles, let the coconut oil absorb, and style as usual. Your hair will be nurtured all day long.

For your skin

Is it too soon to call coconut oil the miracle skin care treatment? It moisturizes like no other product on the market, and it also has antifungal and antibacterial properties, protecting you from many skin conditions. Plus, coconut oil is a great cleanser, erasing impurities left by makeup and everyday dirt and grime.

To use coconut oil as a moisturizer, put a dollop in the palm of your hand and gently massage it onto freshly cleaned skin. Allow the oil to

You can also use it to moisturize cracked or chapped lips in all seasons, but especially the summer. Coconut oil naturally protects your skin from mild sun exposure and relieves sunburn symptoms on those days you spend a little too long outside.

Choosing the right coconut oil

As you can see, coconut oil can be used for nearly anything. But before you purchase a bottle for yourself, make sure you’re buying the right kind of coconut oil. Store shelves are packed with so many varieties, it’s hard to pick if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

First, pick a solid. Some stores sell coconut oil as a liquid, but those are more refined and processed and are lacking some of the important nutrients. Also, read the labels and watch for keywords. You want to buy coconut oil that says unrefined, cold-pressed, or extra virgin. Purchase it as close to its natural state as possible.

Follow these tips and you should start seeing the benefits of coconut oil in no time.

26 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018

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Knowledge to Know

History of Afro Natural and Multicultural Hair

아프로 내츄럴과 다문화 헤어스타일의 역사

The natural Afro hairstyle is not new but is a recycled phenomenon dating back to slavery and continuing to the present day. However, this style has been executed in different ways, depending on the trends of the times in the history of Afro hair development. In today’s world the Natural Afro look is primarily concerned with hair belonging to multicultural Afro females, although men are included to a much lesser degree.

The Start of Afro American Multicultural Hair

This phenomenon dates back to slavery when white slave owners and their overseers were engaging in sexual encounters with slave women. The results were light skin children with curly or wavy hair that were in stark contrast to the natural African kinky hair and dark skin. As these children grew up, they were generally treated better than other slaves and the females were considered more attractive to the Caucasian male population and commanded higher prices at slave auctions. Many slaves of that period attempted to alter their hair by straightening with hot homemade iron combs or dinner forks and cooking grease or lard for sheen, longevity and to keep hair from scorching. This was the beginning of pressing hair. The inspiration for this was something that was unknown to the slaves in Africa. This concept was similar to ironing wrinkles from clothes and applying this technique to straightening hair. Later they discovered that they could relax the hair with lye soap that was used to wash very soiled clothes by combing the lather through the hair, sometimes with disastrous results of burning scalps, loss

내츄럴 아프로 헤어스타일은 새로운 것이

아니고, 노예제도 때부터 지속적으로

사용되어 온 스타일이다. 하지만 이

스타일은 아프로 머리의 트렌드에 따라

많은 다른 방식으로 존재한다. 오늘날의

내츄럴 아프로 (Natural Afro) 스타일은 주로 아프리카 여성들에게 사용되고 남자들에게는 별로 사용되지 않는다.

아프로 아메리칸 헤어스타일의


이 현상은, 백인 주인과 그 들의 감독관들이 노예 여자들과 성적인 관계를 나누던 노예제도 시기부터 사용한 것으로 기록 되었다. 그 결과로, 덜 검은 살 색을 가지고 원조 아프리카 사람들과는 달리 곱슬거리는 머리를 가진 아이들이 태어났다. 이 아이들은 대체로 조금 나은 취급을 받았으며 백인 남성들도 이런 여성들을 다른 아프리카 사람들 보다 더 매력적으로 보고 노예로써 더 비싼 값에 팔렸다. 그 시대의 많은 노예들은 집에서 만든 빗이나 포크와 기름으로 헤어 스타일을 바꾸려고 노력했다. 이것이 프레싱 헤어의 시작이었다. 이것은 아프리카 노예들에게 알려지지 않은 곳에서부터 시작되었다. 옷을 다려서 편다는 개념을 머리에도 적용한 것이다. 나중에 그 들은 비누 거품을 이용 해 옷을 씻을 때 사용하는 잿물 비누를 이용 해 머리를 필수 있다는 것을 발견 했다. 이 것은 간간히 두피가 타거나, 머리카락이

28 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
빠지거나 빨갛게 되는 부작용을 일으켰다. 모발이 타거나 빠지는 현상은 머리를 레모네이드나 식초로 헹궜을 때 효과가 있다는
OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 29

of hair and hair turning red. The burning and hair loss was resolved by accident by rinsing the hair with lemonade or vinegar (neutralizing). The reasoning for hair straightening was the belief that if they could in some way mimic the appearance of the white masters this would gain them better treatment as was shown to slaves with Caucasian fathers. The results were sometimes negative because this attempt was considered a mockery by the slave owners. Later during that same period, mashed potatoes and lard were combined with the lye in order to control the concoction from gravitating to the scalp, resulting in less burning of the scalp.

Fast forward to the early 1900s, when the pressing comb and related products were developed and popularized by a woman named Annie Malone, who started the first Afro American owned Beauty School Chain called Poro College (Poro: a West African word meaning organization, dedication and discipline) in Chicago, Indianapolis and St. Louis. Malone did not invent the pressing comb but did popularize it in conjunction with her related product line, because the true originator is unknown. She and her husband acquired a wealth of $14 million during the course of their business empire. She was the mentor and the inspiration for Madam C.S. Walker, who improved the pressing comb to be more effective on coarse, kinky hair. Walker was granted a patent for the improvements. Malone and Walker’s mission was to develop improved ways to style female Afro kinky hair with products designed for that purpose that replaced makeshift methods such as thick petrolatum and axle grease. Walker included the pressing comb in her innovative shampoo, press and curl kit that made her the first self-made female millionaire in America.

조금이라도 닮으면 더 나은 취급을 받을 수 있다는 믿음 때문이었다. 하지만, 그 결과는 노예 주인들을 흉내 낸다는 이유로 가끔 부정적으로 받아들여졌다. 그 시대의 후반기에는 으깬 감자와 라드를 잿물과 섞어 두피가 타오르는 고통을 완화 시켰다.

빗과 그것에 관련된 제품들은 1900년대

초기에 시카고, 인디아나폴리스와 세인트 루이스에서 처음으로 아프리카 사람이 소유하고 Poro College라고 (Poro:

조직, 헌신, 그리고 규율이라는 뜻의 서부

아프리카 언어) 알려진 Beauty School

Chain을 시작한 Annie Malone이라는

여성에 의해 발달되고 대중화되었다.

Malone은 빗을 발명하지는 않았지만

그녀의 제품들과 함께 대중화를 시켰다.

그녀와 그녀의 남편은 그들의 왕성한

비즈니스로 인해 1천 4백만 달러를 모았다.

그녀는 킨키헤어와 거친 모발에 보다 효과적인 빗을 만든 Madam C.S. Walker

에게 멘토와 영감이 되어주었다. Walker 는 발전시킨 빗에 대한 특허권을 따냈다. Malone과 Walker의 미션은 거친 머리를 가진 아프리카인들을 위한 임시변통의 방법이 아닌 더 좋은 빗을 만들 방법을 발달 시키는 것이었다. Walker는 그녀의 혁신적인 샴푸, 그리고 곱슬거리는 머리를 위한 제품에 더해 빗을 만들어 그녀를 아메리카의 첫 번째 자수성기한 백만장자 여인으로 만들었다.

Fast forward again to the 1950s, when hair relaxers became popular. This method used highly caustic cream to penetrate and soften the resistant Afro hair, and then physically smoothed it until it was straight. This procedure was first used on men in barber shops and then refined for use on women by Johnson Products of Chicago.

Later in the late ‘60s, a “back to basics” movement came about called the Natural or Afro. This was to allow the hair to grow out in its natural state and then cut it into a neat rounded shape. This style was very popular among both Afro women and men. However, it was rejected by non-Afro employers because they felt that the look was a sign of black activism against the ruling class. Many black people were mandated by their bosses to return to their so-called straight look by way of pressing, relaxing - or wearing short cut afros for men - or risk losing their jobs. This resulted

시간을 1950년대로 빠르게 돌려보자. 그 당시에는 릴렉서가 유행하였다. 이 방법은 상당히 부식성이 높은 크림을 사용해서 강한 아프로 머리를 약화한 뒤 스트레이트 하는데 사용 되었다. 이 방법은 이발소에서 남성들에게 처음으로 사용 되었으며 Johnson Products of Chicago에서 정제한 제품이 여성들에게 사용되기 시작하였다.

1960년 후반에 내츄럴 (Natural) 또는 아프로 (Afro)라는 이름의 “ 기본으로 돌아가자 (back to basics)” 라는 움직임이 일어났다. 이 움직임은 머리를 자연적으로 기른 뒤 둥근 모양으로 자르는 것이었다. 이 스타일은 아프로 스타일의 여성들과 남성들에게 굉장히 유행하였다. 그러나 이 것을 흑인들의 행동주의로 보고 아프리카 사람이 아닌 고용주들에게 부정적인 반응을 받았다. 많은 흑인들은 그들의 상사로부터 머리를 누르거나 머리를 짧게 잘라서 스트레이트한 모습을 유지하지 않으면 해고를 한다는 위협을 받았다. 이는 대법원까지 가는

30 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
것이 우연히 발견 되었다. 머리를 스트레이트
이유는, 자신들의 백인
1 (84 4 ) GIBSMEN www.g i b sgrooming . com we your ticket! comin’ at ya like a freight train… Now Available at Jinny Beauty Supply

in lawsuits that went all the way to the Supreme Court that ruled that a black person cannot be discriminated against for wearing their hair in its natural state, no more than any other culture. This style was replaced in the late ‘70s with the Curly Perm better known as the Jeri Curl. This style used a mild chemical (cold wave solution) originally used to form a curl on naturally straight hair in reverse to put a controlled smooth curl or wave in Afro Kinky hair. For the most part, this hairstyle resembled natural multicultural hair, although that terminology was not used then.

Afro hair is described by several names based on the many styles and ways it can be worn. This is because of the many textures of Afro hair, from straight to extremely kinky. No other culture has such a variety of choices. These choices go by a number of names. For example, the Press & Curl, the Natural or Afro, (in its natural curly, wavy, kinky state), Curly Perm (a chemically-induced style on rods) first known as the Jeri Curl, Relaxed (a process that chemically softens hair that is then combed and smoothed straight), cornrows and braids that originated in Africa and dreadlocks that had its origin in the West Indies.

Fast forward this time to the present. Due to the fact that so many Afro American women do not have traditional afro-centric hair, the trends now are for products that address this situation that is identified by the terms Multicultural, Transitional, Multi-Textured, Curly & Wavy, Mixed Hair, In-Between Hybrid (meaning two or more). Many of these trends are replacing relaxers and press & curl products and services by as much as 30%. This does not mean that afro-centric products and services are down, it just shifted to a different direction, to include the expanded use of weaves and extensions of which the Afro consumer are over 80% of the customer base.

In conclusion, you can see and understand the many aspects that are attributed to Afro hair and is the reason why the Afro hair care business accounts for 1/3 of sales of hair care products and professional services in America, even though its consumer base is only 12% of the population. Remember the old phrase that describes a women’s hair as her “crowning glory.” The social and cultural significance of Afro hair should not be underestimated. In my opinion, one of the reasons that black women spend so much time and money on their hair, even though they may not realize it, is that they are reaching back to their ancestral heritage originating from Africa, as well as for social acceptance and self-awareness. 소송을 불러 일으켜 머리를 자연스럽게

수 없다는 법을 만들었다. 이 스타일은 1970년대에 Jeri Curl 이라고 유명하게 알려진 Curly Perm이라는 스타일로 대체 되었다. 이 스타일은 자연스러운 스트레이트 머리에 아프리칸 여성처럼 머리를

살짝 곱슬 스럽게 만들어주는 가벼운 화학제품 (차가운 웨이브 용액) 을 사용 했다. 전문적인 스타일 이름도 없는 이 스타일은 내츄럴 다문화

헤어에 가까웠다.

아프로 헤어는 여러 스타일에 따라, 그리고 어떻게 스타일 되었는지에

따라 많은 이름으로 불려왔다. 이는 아프로 머리가 스트레이트에서부터 킨키까지, 다양한 질감들이 있었기 때문이다. 어느 문화도 이처럼 다양한 선택을 할 수 없다. 이러한 옵션들은 여러 이름으로 불려진다. 예를 들어, Press & Curl, the Natural 또는 Afro (자연스럽고 곱슬거리고 거친), 처음에 Jeri Curl이라고 알려진 Curly Perm (화학을 사용해 만들어진 곱슬머리), Relaxed (화학을 사용 해 머리를 스트레이트하게 만드는 방법), 콘로 스타일, 아프리카에서 유래한 땋은 머리, 자메이카에서 유래한 드레드락들이 있다.

시간을 빠르게 현재로 돌려보자. 많은 아프로 스타일의 미국 여성들이 전통적인 아프로 머리 스타일을 하지않아, 제품을 사용하는 차원에서

Multicultural, Transitional, Multi-Textured, Curly & Wavy, Mixed Hair, In-Between Hybrid (2개 이상의) 와 같은 이름들로 불리고 있다.

아프로 헤어의 다양한 측면들을 이해하고 나니, 총 소비자가 인구의 12% 밖에 안되는 아프로 헤어스타일이 왜 케어 비즈니스 판매에 3 분의 1을 차지하는지 알 수 있게 되었다. 여성의 머리는 그녀의 최고의 영광이라는 말을 기억하자. 아프로 머리의 사회적 그리고 문화적 중요성은 과소평가하면 안된다. 정작 본인들은 인식하지 못할지라도, 흑인 여성들이 머리에 시간과 돈을 많이 투자하는 이유 중 하나는 아프리카에서 유래하는 그들의 조상의 유산을 돌이켜 보기 위해, 그리고 사회적 수용과 자부심을 위해서인 것이라 생각된다.

Meet Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.) and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Trichology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. To obtain a copy of his book, “What the Text Books & State Boards Ignored in Regards to Ethnic Cosmetology,” contact Dr. Lloneau at liquidgoldbondng@aol.com or call 310-283-7118.

32 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
유지한다는 이유로 흑인들을 해고할

Knowledge to Know

Start the New Year Off Right

Attract More Customers and Increase Sales in OTC Stores in 2018

With 2017 behind us, we look forward to new opportunities in 2018 to improve, expand, and increase business. If your 2017 business was good then you have the opportunity to do even better in 2018. The New Year offers a fresh start to put some programs in place that will help improve business.

For starters, there are some key things that every OTC store should have in place:

• A convenient and friendly environment.

• The widest selection of specialized beauty care products

• Attractive pricing

• Knowledgeable store personnel to help customers shop

In order to be competitive, stock and feature products not carried in retail stores, or if they are carried in retail stores stock the larger sizes of these items. Visit your local retail stores and check out the Ethnic/Multicultural sections to see what products are carried and which are not. Since most retail stores are planogrammed they have much less shelf space than OTC stores. Be sure to have enough stock on your shelves and give your customers the best possible prices so they will come back to your store when they need more products.

Try to hire local knowledgeable store personnel who use many of the products you stock. Customers will feel comfortable asking them for information on how to use these products, how they work, which are best for their problems, etc. Set up your store with signage and make it easy for your customer to find what they are looking for. Use End Caps, Tables, Displays to attract customers to new items, closeouts, bonus and combo sizes, etc.

Decorating Opportunities

Decorate your stores for all holidays in 2018 – New Years, Valentine’s Day, Black History Month, Easter, Mother’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Father’s Day, Fourth of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. Visit a Party Store to get some ideas on how to decorate your store for each of these holidays. You should also use your window space for signage with various posters, pictures, etc. and change them throughout the year.

Styling Trends

Be sure to keep up-to-date with current hair styling trends and products used for styling and maintaining them. Have these products on hand in your stores and use signage to let your customers know you stock them.

Make Your Customer Feel Welcome

Let your customers know that they are very welcome and that you appreciate their business. Be sure that the atmosphere of your store carries this message to every customer that walks in. This welcoming atmosphere can be accomplished by:

• Placing signage throughout the store that says ‘Welcome! We are happy you are here!”

• Asking the shoppers if they need help with anything. And tell them that if they can’t find what they’re looking for, ask store personnel if that item can be ordered.

2017년을 보내고, 우리는 더욱 비즈니스가 발전하고 성장할 새로운 기회의 2018년을 맞이한다. 만약 당신의 2017년이 성공적이었으면 2018년에는 더 성공적으로 발전할 기회를 가질 수 있다. 새해는 비즈니스를 향상시킬 새로운 프로젝트를 추진할 기회를 제공한다. 일단 모든 OTC 스토어가 갖춰야 할 주 요소들이 있다:

• 편하고 친근한 환경

• 다양한 옵션의 특별 뷰티 케어 제품

• 고객을 이끄는 가격

• 고객들이 쇼핑할 수 있게 도와 줄 수 있는 지식 수준이 높은 직원 경쟁하기 위해서는, 다른 소매상점에 없는 제품들을 채워 넣고 전면에 내세우며, 만약 다른 소매상점에서 취급하는 제품들이면 보다 큰 용량의 제품으로 채워 놔라. 지역의 소매상점을 방문해서 다문화 섹션에 무슨 제품들이 있고 무슨 제품들이 없는지 확인해라. 대체로 소매상점들은 상품을 보이기위한 진열만 하기때문에 OTC 상점들 보다 훨씬 선반공간이 적다. 제품들이 선반에 충분히 있게 하고 제품이 더 필요하면 다시 돌아올 수 있게 고객들에게 최고의 가격을 제공해라.

이미 상점에 있는 제품들을 사용하고 있는 직원들을 고용해라. 그러면 고객들은 제품을 어떻게 사용하는지, 어떻게 작동하는지, 그리고 그 들에 문제를 어떻게 해결하는지 그 들에게 정보를 편히 물어볼 수 있을 것이다. 상점에 사인 체계를 유지하고 고객들이 제품을 쉽게 찾을 수 있게 도와주자. 또한, 양쪽 끝 진열대, 책상, 그리고 전시로 고객들에게 새로운 아이템, 마감 아이템, 보너스 그리고 콤보 사이즈 등을 알리자. 스토어를 꾸며보자 2018년의 모든 공휴일을 (새해, 발렌타인 데이, 추수감사절, 크리스마스, 할로윈 등등) 위해 상점을 장식해라. 파티 상점에 가서 상점을 어떻게 장식 할 건지 생각해두자. 일년 내내 스토어의 창문에 다양한 포스터와 사진을 붙이고, 시기에 따라 포스터들을 바꿔주도록 해라.

트렌드 스타일하기 트렌드 헤어스타일과 그 것을 유지하는 제품에 대한 지식을 알아 둬라. 이 제품들을 스토어에 놓고 전시해 고객들에게 그 제품들이 있다는 것을 알려야 한다.

고객들을 환영해주자

고객들에게 그 들이 와서 기쁘고 거래를 해줘서 감사하다는 것을 알려주자. 상점의 분위기는 모든 고객에게 중대한 메시지를 준다는 것을 잊지 말자. 이러한 분위기는 아래와 같이 만들 수 있다.

• 상점에 ‘환영합니다! 고객님이 오셔서

34 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
같은 싸인판
고객들에게 도움이 필요한지 물어보고 무엇을 찾는지 모르겠다면 상점 직원에게 그 제품을 주문하라고 요청하기
저희는 정말 기쁩니다!’
걸어 놓기 •
새해, 올바르게 시작하기 2018년, 고객들을 더 끌어 모으고 스토어의 세일을 증가 시키자

Community Projects

Let your store community know that you care about them. Sponsor a local sports event for kids like baseball or basketball, support local charity events, contribute to food banks to help feed families during the holidays or donate to local churches. Be sure that your business name, address, and phone number is on all sponsorships and donations.

Get a book for customers to sign with their names and addresses so that you can mail them sale flyers or even get their birthday dates and send them cards with small discounts or a free item for their birthday. Once they come into the store they are sure to buy other products.

If it is feasible, put an ad in the local neighborhood newspaper every so often announcing your store and providing some details about the store hours.

Trade Shows

Distributor, local, and national trade shows are great places to get special deals and to see new products and trends in the marketplace. Try to attend as many as you can to keep informed and to mingle with other OTC store owners.

You can make 2018 a better and more profitable year for your business by implementing some or all of these suggestions. Competition continues to grow so positive steps need to be taken by all in order to be sure that your business continues to thrive and to reach its maximum potential.

Meet Ted Fishman


지지하고, 공휴일에 가족들이 먹을 수 있게 교회 같은 곳에 음식을 기부해라. 비즈니스 이름, 주소, 그리고 전화번호를 후원하고 기부하는 단체에 알리는 것은 필수이다.

그 들에게 광고 전단을 보내고 생일 때 생일 카드와 생일 할인 아이템을 보낼 수 있게 그 들의 이름과 주소를 싸인 할 수 있는 책을 가져가라. 그

들이 상점에 들어오면 더 많은 제품을 살 것이다.

실현이 가능하다면, 상점을 알리고 상점에 대한 디테일을 제공 할 수 있게 현지 이웃 신문지에 자주 광고를 넣어라.

트레이드 쇼

유통 회사, 지역, 그리고 네셔널 트레이드 쇼는 현재 마켓의 특별 세일과 새로운 제품, 그리고 트렌드를 볼 좋은 기회이다. OTC 상점 소유자들과 대화를 나눌 수 있고 알릴 수 있게 이런 트레이드 쇼에 최대한 많이 참여하자.

이 모든 것을 시행함으로 2018년을 더욱 수익성 있는 해로 만들 수 있다. 경쟁은 계속해서 심해지기에, 비즈니스가 성장하고 번창하려면 모두가 그와 같은 마인드 셋을 가지고 있어야 한다.

Ted Fishman, President of Ted Fishman & Associates, is an industry veteran who has dedicated his life to the betterment of the business. He can be reached by email at tfish90469@aol.com.

Ted Fishman은 Ted Fishman & Associates의 회장이며 그의

비즈니스에 바친 산업의 베테랑이다. 더 많은 정보는 tfish90469@aol.com로 연락하면 된다.

커뮤니티 프로젝트 상점 지역 커뮤니티에 우리가 고객들을 케어한다는 사실을 알려라. 야구나 농구 같은 지역의 스포츠 이벤트를 후원하고
자선 단체 이벤트를
introducing new VOLCANIC ASH SCRUB Deeply Clean Skin FOR HEALTHY RENEWAL 1-800-645-3752 • WWW.QUEENHELENE.COM ©2017 GENERAL THERAPEUTIC, INC. • LAKE SUCCESS, NY 11042 Since 19 30 Known for its ability to draw out pollutants, Volcanic Ash acts like a magnet for pollutants, bringing them to the surface so they can be washed away. The result is refreshed, renewed skin! Pairs perfectly with our VOLCANIC ASH MASQUE!

Urban Call Briefs

Editor- in- Chief Emeritus of Essence Magazine and Founder, National Cares Mentoring Movement

Susan L. Taylor is synonymous with Essence magazine, the brand she built—as its fashion and beauty editor, as editor-in-chief and editorial director. For 27 years, she authored one of the magazine’s most popular columns, In the Spirit. For nearly three decades, as the driving force behind one of the most celebrated Black-owned businesses of our time, Susan Taylor is a legend in the magazine publishing world.

She was the first and only African-American Woman to be recognized by the Magazine Publishers of America with the Henry Johnson Fisher Award—the industry’s highest honor—and the first to be inducted into the American Society of Magazine Editors Hall of Fame. She is the recipient of the NAACP President’s Award for visionary leadership and has honorary degrees from more than a dozen colleges and universities.

A fourth-generation entrepreneur, Susan grew up in Harlem working with her father in his women’s clothing store. She founded her own cosmetics company, a first for Black women, which led to the beauty editor’s position at Essence. She is the author of four books: In the Spirit: “The Inspirational Writings of Susan L. Taylor”; “Lessons in Living”; “Confirmation: The Spiritual Wisdom That Has Shaped Our Lives”, which she co-authored with her husband, Khephra Burns; and her most recent, “All About Love; Favorite Selections from In the Spirit on Living Fearlessly.” She is a much sought-after speaker, inspiring hope and encouraging us to reclaim our lives and create sustainable communities.

She is an avid supporter of a host of organizations dedicated to moving the Black community forward, but her passion and focus today is the National Cares Mentoring Movement, a call to action, which she founded in 2006 as Essence Cares. The Cares mentoring movement is a massive campaign to recruit one million able adults

to help secure our children who are in peril and losing ground. “Not on our watch!” she says. “Our children are the mothers and fathers of our tomorrows, and their future is in our hands.” The goals of the Cares movement are to increase high school graduation rates among African-American students, end the violence in Black communities and the over-incarceration of our young. “Creating safe, top-tier schools in every underserved community in this nation is the mandate—and it’s doable,” Taylor says. “Five years ago, I issued a call to action for at least one million able adults to mentor a young child. Today, the National CARES Mentoring Movement has volunteers in 58 U.S. cities and has recruited over 120,000 mentors.

Now more than ever, it is important to volunteer our time and talent to those who are suffering around us. Not only does it help them, but it also nourishes us.

I am working with community leaders, educators and psychologists to build pilot programs that will change the destiny of children in schools that have high dropout statistics. Our young people need loving adults in their lives who will listen to them, help guide and motivate them and keep them on the right course. If you can give one hour per week and a year’s commitment, you will help save a life. Please visit caresmentoring.org for more information on the program.

Through our efforts, we can help build a better community for African-American youth and families. Please consider how you can make a difference in your life by committing to living healthier and encouraging excellence in education, and share that spirit with as many others as possible.”

Susan is a co-founder of Future PAC, the first national political action committee devoted to providing a network of support and sources of funding for progressive African-American women seeking federal and state-level political offices. She is co-chair with Danny Glover of Shared Interest, a capital campaign to raise money to build housing in the rural areas of South Africa, and serves on the boards of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center. She has worked passionately to help restore the lives of people in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast region who were devastated by Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita.

The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. - and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.
Susan Taylor Essence Magazine, Editor In Chief Emeritus Susan Taylor Essence Magazine, Editor In Chief Emeritus A’lelia Bundles Author, Great Granddaughter of Madame C.J. Walker – Industry Icon, TV Producer Dr.Katie B. Catalon National President NBCL (National Culturists Beauty League) Haroon A. Rashid Author, Celebrity Stylist, Educator

Urban Call Briefs


Author, Descendant of Madame C.J. Walker, Industry Icon, TV Producer

She began her journalism career as editor of her award-winning junior high school newspaper and coeditor of her high school newspaper in Indianapolis. In college, she was a deejay and director of the jazz department of Harvard’s college radio station, WHRB. During the summer between her junior and senior year, she was an intern at Newsweek’s Chicago bureau.

A’lelia Bundles is an award-winning television producer and former ABC News Washington deputy bureau chief, and was the director of talent development for ABC News. Bundles also worked as a network television news executive and producer at both NBC News and ABC News. She is the author of numerous essays, articles, and encyclopedia entries about her great-great-grandmother, Madame C.J. Walker; and also wrote a young-adult biography, “Madame C.J. Walker: Entrepreneur”, which won an American Book award. In the early 1900s, Walker became one of the wealthiest women, Black or White, in the country by developing a line of beauty and hair products for black women.”

Bundles is the president of the Madam Walker and A’Lelia Walker Family Archives and served as chairman of the Board of the National Archives Foundation from 2011 to 2017. As president of the Family Archives, she shares the history of her famous ancestors through speeches, publications, documents, photographs and several public initiatives. She was a board trustee at Columbia University and served on the advisory boards of Walker’s Legacy, the March on Washington Film Festival and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study’s Schlesinger Library at Harvard, as well. Recently, she also worked as an advisor and Walker historian for the Madam C. J. Walker Beauty Culture product line that was launched by Sundial Brands in March 2016.

This esteemed author and journalist is at work on her fifth book, “The Joy Goddess of Harlem: A’Lelia Walker and the Harlem Renaissance”, a biography of her great-grandmother, whose parties, friendships, international travels and arts patronage helped define the era. Her book “On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C.J. Walker” – a biography of her great-greatgrandmother—was named a New York Times Notable Book. It has been optioned by Zero Gravity Management for a television series featuring Oscar award winner, Octavia Spencer.

An engaging public speaker, who mixes her love of history and interest in current events, she has delivered keynote addresses and served as master of ceremonies at dozens of events, book festivals and conferences including at Harvard University, London City Hall, the National Archives and on all the major television and radio networks including ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, PBS and NPR.

Bundles is also a speaker for The Family Collage. This Heritage & History program is inspired by the recent commemoration of the 105th birthday of Charlotte-born Romare Bearden. Not only did Bundles once interview the renowned artist, but Bearden’s and Bundles’ maternal ancestors were close friends, too.




National President of the National Beauty Culturists League Incorporated (NBCL)

Dr. Katie B. Catalon is a retired Cosmetology Teacher with the Charleston County School District. She is the fourteenth President of the National Beauty Culturists’ League Incorporated, located at 25 Logan Circle N.W., Washington, DC 20005.

She served many years as the First Vice President of the South Carolina State Cosmetologists Association (SCSCA). She is a member of the Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary of Our Lady of Guadalupe Court 110 of Charleston, South Carolina. She serves on the Board of Directors for the YWCA of Greater Charleston, and is the recipient of the NAACP Award, and also a recipient of the TWIN Women Award from the YWCA.

She is also a life member of Gamma XI Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Theta Nu Sigma National Sorority, Life member of the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW), a member of the North Area Justice Ministry (CAJM), and also a member of the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History. She is the recipient of many awards for community service. She is a member of Saint John Catholic Church in North Charleston, South Carolina and is a widow, the mother of two daughters, Regenia, and Sharmina (deceased), grandmother of eight, and great-grandmother of two.

She is the author of four published books: “Cross Town Route” in 1995, “Down Home” in 1999, “Three” in 2008 and “John ‘L’ the Tall Man” in 2014. Most of all, she is delighted to serve as the President of the National Beauty Culturists’ League Incorporated, and is most appreciative of all courtesies extended by its members.

In humility and constant prayer, she states that her life will always be to serve and assist others in ways that will always be pleasing to Jesus Christ.

NBCL is the only organization of its kind in the entire world with 93 years of existence, and its purpose is to elevate those in the beauty industry to a higher level of education through educational classes in the National Institute of Cosmetology, a division of NBCL.

The following is the organization’s profile.

National President: Dr. Katie Catalon

Association Name: National Beauty Culturists’ League (NBCL)

Founding Date: 1919

Corporate Headquarters: 25 Logan Circle NW, Washington, D.C. 20005-3725

Phone Number: (202) 332-2695

Newsletter: NBCL Newsletter

Website: nbcl.org

Name of Annual Show: Annual Convention and Trade Show

Membership: Individual Memberships, Sustaining Membership Corporations, Beauty School Student, Corporate MembershipNonprofit, Salon Owners, Estheticians and Barbers

Association Description: The NBCL’s strength is within the links that bind the organization together. The association has a

A’lelia Bundles Author, Great Granddaughter of Madame C.J. Walker – Industry Icon, TV Producer Dr.Katie B. Catalon President NBCL Beauty Culturists League)

comprehensive approach toward building a unified program, and they are the only organization with a professional degree program in Cosmetology. NBCL currently has 8,000 members in 37 chapters in United States, Caribbean, England and Canada

Objectives: To establish high standards of conduct and operation. To encourage scientific methods of hair, scalp, and skin treatment. To gather, prepare and disseminate educational information. To seek legislation beneficial to the beauty profession. To promote goodwill and cooperative effort among all beauticians, manufacturers, and persons engaged in related fields. To promote the general welfare and raise the public image of those engaged in the beauty culture field.

Scholarship Program to help licensed Cosmetologists, Students, Barbers, Estheticians, and Nail Technicians earn Cosmetology Degrees from National Institute of Cosmetology (NIC).

Degree Programs: NIC awards Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate Cosmetology Degrees to NIC students successfully completing the required degree courses that are listed in the NIC curriculum.


Social Activist, Master Hair Stylist and Educator

Haroon Rashid is a former member of the City of Chicago’s Commission on Human Relations Advisory Council on African Affairs. He is also the Founder and President of Friends of DuSable, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on the history of the founder of modern-day Chicago, Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable. First Lady Michelle Obama was the keynote speaker on behalf of her husband, then State Senator Barack Obama, during the annual Friends of DuSable 2006 DuSable Commemoration & Award Ceremony.

Rashid was introduced to the hair and beauty industry at the age of 15, working as a salon assistant in his uncle’s barbershop in Boston, Massachusetts. It was here, at Sportsman Barbershop, that he began his interaction with hair-care professionals and clients. Haroon enlisted in the United States Marine Corp when he was 18 years old. During the last year of his four-year stint, Rashid

became the base barber at McAlister Navel Ammunition Depot in McAlister, Oklahoma, as an off-duty assignment. That experience exposed him to the multicultural and diverse aspect of hair-care service. By age 22, Rashid completed Wilfred Beauty College and Vaughn Barber School, in Boston, Massachusetts.

During his career, Rashid has built an outstanding reputation as a Hair, Beauty and Wellness Specialist. He has traveled and worked in three continents – Africa, Caribbean and Europe - as an educator for global hair care companies. He has been commissioned to do consultant work for national companies such as Revlon, Roux Lab, Clairol, L’Oreal, Johnson’s Products, Carson’s Products, Deena Corp, Elente Vitale, and Mc Bride Labs.

Highlights of his career include:

• Serving as an Advanced Educator for M&M Products in South Africa.

• Contracting as an Advanced Educator at Alpha Beauty Academy in London, England.

• Commercial credits include ad campaigns for Fashion Fair, Isoplus, Duke Men’s Products, Shades of You Hosiery, and Ebone Cosmetics.

• Magazine editorial coverage from Working Mother, Rapp Pages, Essence, Ebony, Bride’s Today, Shop Talk, Upscale, EM, Jet, and Black Elegance.

• Former distributor of Carson Products / Sensitive by Nature hair products.

• Former distributor of EFALOCK Professional Tools a Canadian/American, hair tools Company.

• As a former member of the Atlanta chapter of National Beauty Culturist League, he served as a personal consultant to the former President, the late Dr. Katie Wickham for a proposed NBCL African-American Trend Release.

• He held a seat on the board of directors for the Chicago Cosmetology Association / NHCA.

• He Produced a cable television show in Atlanta covering Professional Hair Care & the Fashions. Interviewing hair industry professionals, including President of Bronner Brothers International, the late N.H. Bronner, Global Ambassador Paul Mitchell, Floyd Kenyatta, legendary educator and signature product owner, the late Olive Benson, President of the NHCA, and the late Dr. Alexander Newia.

Rashid’s new book, “My Cultural Birthrights and Other Black Gold” is about two experiences: his beauty career and a rather interesting, personal life story. The book also details his work with so many incredible personalities, including former First Lady Michelle Obama, the late Nelson Mandela, and boxer Muhammad Ali.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit www.segmentedmarketing.com.

The preceding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author.

Haroon A. Rashid Author, Celebrity Stylist, Educator Lafayette Jones

Business Tips

A PRIMAL Approach to Creating the Professional Life You Desire!

Are you completely satisfied with your career or work? Whether you are just starting your career, or are more seasoned in your position, it can sometimes become a challenge to stay motivated, engaged and happy all the time. It is likely you devote a tremendous amount of time in your chosen field, how can you enjoy it more and make it truly extraordinary?

You can improve in this area by clarifying and focusing on your primal needs. While some consider primal as specific to stages of early man or evolutionary development, the Latin origins of primal (primus) is defined as essential, fundamental, and of most importance. So, what is most important for you as you seek to improve your work and life?

In researching top performers across industries, there are certain approaches and mindsets that separate the vast majority of people from those that reach the goals they desire. All activities are not equal. A PRIMAL approach for you in this context is about a laser like focus on what is most important or fundamental to your future success.

There are six key elements essential in this process and they form the acronym as follows:

1. Purpose and Passion: Everyone has something that drives them to do what they do, and activities that help them connect to their natural talents. The challenge is figuring out what that is for you and then using it daily in your work. Maybe you’re thinking there is no way I can find passion in my current work. If this is the case, you may not be leveraging your unique talents and strengths in your current role. You may not even be aware of what your

있어도 항상 동기를 부여하고 몰두하며 행복하게 지내는 것이 어려울 수 있습니다. 선택한 분야에서 엄청난 시간을 투자해야 할 것입니다. 어떻게하면 더 많이 즐기고 진정으로 뛰어날 수 있을까요?

근본적인(primal) 욕구를 명확히 하고 집중함으로써 이 분야에서 발전 할 수 있습니다. 일부 사람들은 primal을 초기 인간 또는 진화적 발달의 특정 단계로 간주하지만, primal (primus)은 라틴어로 필수적이고 근본적이며 가장 중요한 것으로 정의됩니다. 일과 삶을 향상 시키려고 할 때 무엇이 가장 중요할까요?

산업 분야에서 최고 성과자들에 대한 연구를 보면, 목적을 이루려고 하는 대다수의 사람들과는 다른 특별한 접근 방식과 사고 방식을 가지고 있습니다. 모든 활동이 같지 않습니다. 이 문맥에서 당신을 위한 근본적인 접근 방식은 레이저와 같이 미래의 성공을 위한 가장 중요하고 기본인것에 대해 집중하는 것 입니다.

이 프로세스에는 필수적인 6가지 주요 요소가 있으며, 주제어는 다음과 같습니다.

1. 목적과 열정: 모든 사람들이 맡은 일을 하도록 유도하는 특별한 것을 갖고 있으며 천부적인 재능에 연결시키는 데 도움을 주는 활동을 합니다. 도전은 나를 위한 것이 무엇인지를 알아 내어 일상 생활에서 매일 사용하는 것입니다. 어쩌면 당신은 내가

44 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
본인의 경력이나 직업에 완전히 만족하시나요? 경력을 쌓거나 더 나은 위치에
현재하고 있는 일에서 열정을 찾을 수 있는 방법이 없다고 생각하고 있을 수도 있습니다. 이 경우에, 현재 역할에서 나만의 고유한 재능과 강점을 활용하지 못할 수도 있습니다. 어쩌면
내가 원하는 커리어의 삶을 만들기 위한 원초적 접근!

unique talents and strengths are. Top performers consistently tap into what they love to do, then they dive deeper by focusing on the activities and areas where they have strengths. There are many great assessments to help you understand these strengths. The key is self-discovery first, so you can then look for activities and projects in your current profession where you can exercise these talents so they become even stronger. You will also find yourself enjoying work more because it is more rewarding to work in areas you love, and have natural ability.

2. Relationships: Once you have refined the areas in which you naturally excel, the next step is to identify the professional relationships where you will focus and seek improvement. Nobody is successful alone. Study the top performers in your field. What do they do differently? How many of them do you have close and deep relationships? Who are those people for you? If you want to improve, you can dramatically accelerate your learning curve, and improve your results by learning from those who have already achieved what you want to achieve. Invest the time to seek out a mentor who can help you, and be willing to give first. The relationships you establish and deepen in your professional roles will positively impact everything you do.

3. Intention and Attention to the most important areas of your work: Not all relationships are equal, and not all activities are equal. The most satisfied top performers say no to the good so they can say yes to the great. They do this by understanding what key actions drive most of their results. The 80/20 Pareto principle applies to your work most of the time. If you look at your deliverables, you will likely see that 20% of what you do drives 80% of your overall results. How do you do more of the activities driving the majority of your results? Effective goal setting processes can help you prioritize those things first, so you can increase your focus and execution in the areas that matter most. This will help prevent that sickening feeling at the end of the week when you reflect and ask, “I was so busy this week, but what did I really achieve?” Focusing on the activities that will yield the greatest return on your investment is critical to improving performance.

4. Measure: Once you establish your goals, you have to keep them in front of you at all times. This is often where people struggle with effective goal achievement. You effectively craft your goals, but then put them away. In order to win, you must keep score. Having clearly defined goals and measuring your progress will keep you on the path to success, and ensure you schedule those things first. Best practices in this area include building a scoreboard for your most important activities and projects and keeping them visible in your workspace. Gamifying this process helps you stay competitive with yourself and also helps others hold you accountable as you track your progress.

자신이 하고 싶은 것을 지속적으로 활용하여, 강점이 있는 활동과 영역에 집중함으로써 더 깊이 몰두합니다. 이러한 강점을 이해하는 데 도움이되는 많은 훌륭한 평가가 있습니다. 해결책은 먼저 자아 발견이며, 현재 위치에서 이러한 재능들을 연습하여 더 강하게 만들 수 있는 활동들과 프로젝트들을 찾을 수 있습니다. 내가 좋아하고 타고난 재능을 발휘하는 일에 더 보상을 받기 때문에 일을 더 많이 즐길 수 있게 될 것 입니다.

2. 관계: 타고난 재능이 있는 분야를 다듬은 후, 다음 단계는 집중하고 개선을 추구하는 곳에 전문적인 관계를 식별하는 것 입니다. 아무도 혼자서는 성공하지 못합니다. 귀하의 분야에서

최고로 성공한 사람을 연구하십시오. 그들은 어떻게 다른가요? 그들과 얼마나 가깝고 깊은 관계가 있나요? 나를 위한 사람들은 누구입니까? 개선하고자 하는 경우, 이미 나의 목표를 달성한

사람들에게 배움으로써, 크게 학습 효과를 낼 수 있으며 결과를 향상시킬 수 있습니다. 나를 도와 줄 수 있는 멘토를 찾는데 시간을 투자하고, 기꺼이 먼저 베풀기 바랍니다. 전문적인 역할에서 맺어진 깊은 관계는, 내가 하는 모든 일에 긍정적인 영향을 미칩니다.


가장 중요한 부분에 대한


같지 않으며 모든 활동이 동등 하지는 않습니다. 가장 만족한 결과를 달성한 성과자는 좋은 것에는 아니오라고 말하고 위대한 것에 네 라고 말합니다. 최고의 결과를 이루기 위해서 취해야할 주요 행동이 무엇인지를 이해하기 때문에 이렇게 말합니다. 80/20 파레토 법칙은 대부분 나의 업무에 적용됩니다. 결과를 보면, 20% 는 전체 결과의 80%를 차지할 것입니다. 대부분의 결과를 이끌어내는 활동을 어떻게 더 많이할까요? 가장 먼저 해야 할 것에 대하여 우선 순위를 정하는 효과적인 목표 설정 프로세스를 통해 가장 중요한 분야에서 집중력과 실행력을 높일 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하면 이번 주말에 “나는 이번 주에 너무 바빴지만 실제로 무엇을 했지?”라고 반문하고 질문할 때 짜증나는 감정을 예방할 수 있습니다. 투자에 대한 최고의 성과를 산출하는 활동에 집중하는 것은 성과 향상에 도움이 될 것 입니다.

4. 측정: 목표를 세웠다면, 항상 목표를 앞세워야 합니다. 이것은 종종 사람들이 효과적인 목표 달성에 어려움을 겪고 있는 곳입니다. 효과적으로 나의 목표를 세웠지만, 목표들을 잊게됩니다. 극복하려면 점수를 유지해야 합니다. 목표를

명확하게 정의하고 진척 상황을 측정하는 것이 성공의 길로 계속 안내해 줄 것입니다. 그러기 위해서는 측정하는 것에 대해 먼저 계획을 세우세요. 이 분야의 모범 사례는 가장 중요한 활동 및 프로젝트에 대한 점수판을 작성하고 작업 공간에 보이도록 유지하는 것입니다. 이 과정을 게임화하면 나 자신을 경쟁력있도록 유지시키면서 다른 사람들이 나의 진척도를 추적하여 내가 책임감이 들도록 할 수 있습니다.

46 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
나만의 재능과 장점이 무엇인지 알지 못할 수도 있습니다. 최고의 성과자는
모든 관계가

5. Attitude and Perseverance: Everyone fails and has setbacks at some point. What do the most successful people do differently, and how can you emulate their resilience in your own life? Establishing and maintaining a positive “can-do” attitude, in spite of your challenges, is foundational to helping you be successful. This is much deeper than simply not whining or complaining when things get tough. This is the ability to rewire your brain to approach problems and challenges with “What is the opportunity in this situation?” rather than fixating on the negative issues.

6. Legacy and Your Work: There is a tremendous value to be gained from considering how you want to be remembered by your colleagues, and the impact you want to have aligned with your purpose and your work. How will you give back and help others? Reflecting on your desired legacy will help you to identify the seeds you must plant today. Fast forward to your retirement celebration and think of all the things you want people to say about you. What was your impact, and what will carry on in your work and contributions moving forward?

The key to success lies in formalizing and actively implementing your action plan in each of the six areas. Best of luck in pursuing your best days and your best work as you apply this PRIMAL approach!

Meet Curt Redden

5. 태도와 인내: 모든 사람은 실패하고 어느 시점에서 좌절감을 갖게 됩니다. 가장 성공한 사람들은 어떻게 다르게 행동하며 내 삶에서 그들이 극복했던 것을 어떻게 따라할 수 있을까요?

어려움에도 불구하고 긍정적인 “할 수 있다” 라는 태도를 확립하고 유지하는 것이 성공을 도와주는 기본입니다. 이것은 힘들어 질 때 단순히 징징 거리거나 불평하는 것보다 훨씬 더 심오합니다.

이것은 부정적인 문제에 고집하기보다는 “이 상황에서의 기회는

무엇이지?”라는 문제의식을 갖고 문제와 어려움에 접근하기 위한 생각을 다시 정리해 볼 수 있는 능력입니다.

과거의 유산과 일: 동료들에게 내가 어떻게 기억되고 싶은지를

생각하는것과 목표와 일에 균형을 맞추려고 하는 것에는

엄청난 가치가 있습니다. 어떻게 되돌려주고 다른 사람들을 도와 줄 것인가요? 내가 원하는 유산을 반영하면 오늘 심어야 하는 씨앗을 파악하는데 도움이 될 것입니다. 퇴직 축하 행사를

앞당겨 생각해보고, 사람들이 나에 대해 말할때 듣고 싶은 것을 생각하세요. 나의 영향은 무엇이었으며, 당신의 일과 공헌이 앞으로 어떻게 될까요?

성공의 핵심은 여섯 가지 영역에서 행동 계획을 확고히 하고 적극적으로 실행하는 것입니다. 이러한 원초적인 접근을 통하여 최고의 날과 최고의 실적을 추구하는 최고의 노력을 다하십시오!

Curt Redden is a speaker, talent-development expert, and co-author of Going PRIMAL, A Layered Approach to Creating the Life You Desire. Curt has spent more than twenty-five years working to support and encourage employees as they strive for success. He currently is the head of global talent development for a Fortune 50 company. He is also certified by the Association for Talent Development as a master trainer and performanceimprovement consultant. For more information on Curt Redden, please visit www.primalsuccess.com.

Curt Redden 씨는 연설자, 재능-개발 전문가, Going PRIMAL, 내가 원하는 삶을 생성하기 위한 단계적 접근의 공동저자입니다. Curt씨는 성공하려는 직원들을 지원하고 독려하는데 25년 이상 헌신하였습니다. Curt씨는 현재 Fortune 50 대 기업의 글로벌 인재 개발 책임자입니다. 그는 또한 마스터 트레이너 및 성과 향상 컨설턴트로 인재 개발 협회의 인증을 받았습니다. Curt Redden에 대한 자세한 내용은 www. primalsuccess.com 을 참조하시기 바랍니다.

48 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018

Business Tips

Discover the “Secret Sauce” for Customer Retention

Key Ingredients for Lasting Relationships

고객 유지를 위한 “비밀 소스”의 발견

지속적인 관계를 위한 레시피

Peter Drucker famously wrote in “The Practice of Management” that the purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. Unfortunately, the latter of these is often overlooked. With the papers, online content and mailers filled with so many ways to attract new customers, what businesses tend to forget is that they spend almost three times as much on attracting new customers than retaining the customers they already have.

Every business has a culture, and the culture defines whether the business is customer, time or technology-focused, and sets the tone for customer interaction with negativity or an attitude of joy. The standards and values of the team can become apparent to a customer as soon as the phone is answered. When the emphasis of the workplace is placed on exceptional customer care, the team becomes an asset that will continue to grow the business over time. The significance of creating greater customer satisfaction begins with a total team approach.

The following three ingredients form the secret sauce to create an environment that generates raving fans, in turn developing an organic marketing strategy that brings in friends and family of your satisfied customers.

Peter Drucker 는 그의 책 “The Practice of Management” 에서 비즈니스의 목적은 고객을 늘리고 유지하는데 있다는 유명한 말을 남겼다. 안타깝게도, 흔히들 후자를 간과한다. 신문지, 온라인 컨텐츠, 그리고 메일 등의 고객 수를 늘릴 많은 방법들 때문에, 많은 비즈니스들이 기존의 고객을 유지하는 것 보다 새로운 고객들을 유치하는데 세 배의 시간을 투자하고 있다.

모든 사업에는 그 분야만의 문화가 있다. 그러한 문화는 사업이 고객, 시간, 아니면 테크놀로지에 초점을 두는지, 고객과의 소통에 중심을 둘지를 설정한다. 그 팀의 가치와 기준은 전화 한통을 받는 것만으로도 구분이 된다. 직장이 고객 케어를 중요시 할 때 팀은 회사를 계속 성장시킬 자산이 될 것이다. 한 층 더 좋은 고객 만족도를 만드는 것은 팀 접근법에서부터 시작된다.

다음의 세가지 요소는, 소비자를 광팬으로 만들고, 만족한 고객들이 그들의 친구와 가족들까지도 끌어들일 만한 마케팅 전략을 만드는 비밀 소스이다.

50 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
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Personal Attention - Customer service is the first step in effective marketing. When a customer walks in your front door, how do they feel? Is it cold and sterile or warm and inviting? Do you look up and smile when a customer enters the room? Do you realize that you can change someone’s entire outlook with a simple smile?

Personal touches, like shaking hands and individual greetings, provide an immediate differentiator and project a form of professionalism that people expect from a business encounter. By ensuring that someone feels like you are glad that they are there, they will only leave your business feeling happy— and even better—they will go tell all their friends.

Be Punctual - Customers do not enjoy being forced to wait without knowing the reasons for the delay or how long the delay will be. These long waits may be interpreted as a sign of disrespect for the time and efforts your customers spend to ensure their calendars are clear. Staying on schedule (or close to it) is a major factor in customer retention—perhaps even one of the biggest. There is a clear message of “indifference” that flows when people frequently experience long wait times.

Focus on Professionalism – This area is lacking in so many businesses. Is it because our society has become so casual and that is getting mixed up with how to remain professional? Here are a few parts of professionalism that a business may want to focus on:

• Dress appropriately -Your workplace attire may or may not include wearing a suit and tie, but you are still a professional. Whether you have to dress up for work, you wear a uniform or you wear scrubs, your appearance should always be neat and clean. A wrinkled outfit looks no better than a pair of ripped jeans. Wear the type of clothing your employer requires and take pride in what you are wearing. Generally speaking, revealing or tight clothing is a no-no. Avoid clothing that is too low, too high, too tight or too revealing.

• Don’t hide from your mistakes - As hard as it may be to do, take ownership of your mistakes and do your best to correct them. Try not to make the same one twice. Never blame others, but set an example so that those who shared in the mistake can step forward and admit it. By the same token, don’t constantly call others out on their mistakes; rather, help to teach them the right way.

• Be a team player - A true professional is willing to help his or her co-workers when they are overburdened. He or she isn’t afraid to share knowledge, opinions, or simply an extra pair of hands. One person’s success reflects well on everyone in his or her workplace.

Every facet of your business—large and small—is important, and customers will always appreciate excellent customer service. While you put so much

- 고객 서비스는 효과적인 마케팅의 첫번째 단계이다. 고객이 처음 문으로 들어오면 그들이 어떤 기분이 들것인가? 차갑고

냉소적인 분위기인가, 아니면 따뜻하고 환영하는 듯한 분위기인가?

고객이 들어오면 그 들을 보고 미소를 짓나? 고객의 기분을 단순한 미소로 완전히 바꿀 수 있다는 것을 아는가?

개인적인 안부나 악수와 같은 행위는 사람들에게 전문적인 비즈니스의 느낌을 바로 느끼게 해줄 수 있는 제스처이다. 누군가가 그들의 방문을 환영한다는 느낌을 전달해주면, 그들은 회사에 좋은 인상만을 가지게 될 것이고, 더 나아가 그들의 친구들에게도 이러한 느낌을 전달할 것이다.

시간을 엄수해라- 고객들은 이유도 모른 채 기다리는 것이나 얼마나 기다려야 하는지 모르고 기다리는 것을 좋아하지 않는다. 이러한 행동은 고객들이 시간을 애써 비운 것에 대한 무례함으로 해석된다. 일정을 맞추는 것은 고객을 유지하는 데에 큰, 혹은 가장 중요한 요소이다. 사람들이 오래 기다리다 보면 무관심하다는 느낌을 바로 받게 된다.

전문성에 초점을 둬라 – 많은 비즈니스들이 이 방면에서 취약하다. 우리 사회가 너무 태평스러워져서 전문성을 유지하는 것을 잊어버린 것 일까? 다음은 많은 비즈니스들이 초점을 둬야 할 몇 가지 전문성의 부분이다:

• 적절한 옷차림 -당신의 회사 복장이 넥타이와 수트를 요구하지 않을지라도 본인이 프로라는 사실을 잊지 말아야 한다. 옷을 갖춰 입어야 하거나 유니폼 혹은 수술복을 입어야 해도 겉모습은 항상 자연스럽고 깨끗해야 한다. 구겨진 옷은 찢어진 청바지나 다름 없다. 고용주가 요구하는 옷을 입고 입는 옷에

대한 자부심을 가져라. 보통 꽉 끼는 옷이나 노출이 심한 옷은 좋지 않다. 너무 짧거나 높거나 노출이 심한 옷은 삼가해야 한다.

실수를 가리지 말 것- 아무리 어려울지라도 자신의 실수에

책임을 갖고 실수를 고치기 위해 최선을 다 해야 한다.

똑같은 실수를 반복하지 말 것. 다른 사람들을 탓하지 말고

실수를 같이 한 자들에게 실수를 인정 함으로 써 본보기가

되어야 한다. 또 다른 사람들의 실수를 알리지 마라. 대신, 그 들이 알맞게 상황을 대처 할 수 있게 도와줘라. • 팀 플레이어가 되어라- 프로는 자신의 동료가 힘들 때 도와 줄 수 있어야 한다. 또한, 자신의 지식이나 의견을 감추지 않는다. 한 명의 성공은 회사에 있는 모두에게 반영된다.

크거나 작거나 회사의 모든 면은 중요하다. 그리고 고객들은 항상

52 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
개인 서비스


NEW! 6 new shades lift & tone in one step. Blonde never looked better! Sun-kissed
Up to 5 levels of lift 11.01 Cool Blonde 11.12 Platinum Blonde 11.91 Pearl Blonde 11.0 Natural Blonde 11.13 Beige Blonde 11.2 Champagne Blonde
hair all year long!

emphasis on the new customer, what about the returning customers? You need to woo each one equally. Give that personal attention that everyone longs for in every aspect of their lives. Treat customers with respect at all times. If you maintain a culture of respect, your customers will know that they are truly being well cared for. Stay on time; work together as a team to maintain that time schedule and when someone falls behind, let the customer know that there will be a wait.

Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times; this includes how you look, what you say and how you treat others. Keep an open line of communication with your customers, and ensure prompt attention to any issues that may arise.

It doesn’t take a lot to create the secret sauce to customer retention—it just takes consistency and attention to detail. Most importantly, it takes a team.

Meet Denise Ciardello

훌륭한 고객

동안, 기존의 고객에게도 신경을 쓰고 있는가? 두 가지에 똑같이 초점을 둬야 한다. 서비스를 모두에게 골고루 줘라. 고객들을 언제나 존경해라. 존경하는 문화를 유지하면 고객들도 알아 볼 것이다. 시간을 맞춰라. 다 같이 팀으로 써 일하고 한 명이 뒤떨어지면 고객에게 늦어진다는 것을 알려라.

전문성을 유지해라. 항상 프로답게 행동하고, 보이고, 말하고, 사람들을 대해라. 고객과의 커뮤니케이션을 중요시하고 이슈가 생기면 빠르게 대처해라.

고객 유지의 비밀소스를 만드는 것은 어려운 일이 아니다. 그저 일관성과 디테일에 주목해야 할 뿐이며. 더 중요한 것은, 팀을 이루는 것이다.

Denise Ciardello is the co-founder of Global Team Solutions (GTS), an accomplished speaker, and author of the “Office Management Gems” series. Through her engaging keynotes and consulting, Denise provides unique insight, creativity, and humor for her clients. Her industry distinctions include serving as president of the Academy of Dental Management Consultants and membership in the National Speakers Association, and Toastmasters International. For more information on Denise Ciardello, please visit www.GTSGurus.com.

Denise Ciardello는Global Team Solutions (GTS)의 공동 창립자, 뛰어난 연설가, 그리고 “Office Management Gems” 시리즈를 작성한 작가이다. 그녀의 호감가는 주안점과 컨설팅으로 Denise는 독특한 통찰력, 창의력, 그리고 유머를 모두에게 전한다. 그녀는 Academy of Dental Management Consultants의 회장, National Speakers Association의 멤버, 그리고 Toastmasters International의 멤버로 활동 했다. Denise Ciardello에 대한 더 많은 정보는www.GTSGurus.com에서 얻을 수 있다.

54 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
서비스를 인정한다. 새로운 고객 유치에 신경 쓸

FREE OF: sulfates, parabens, phthalates, gluten & drying alcohol




The Harm of Entitlement

권리의 위험성

Entitlement is one of the most harmful traits a leader or parent can instill in another person. The real problem with entitlement is that it is usually done out of love or caring for others. When a child is entitled, they get rewards for unearned behaviors. Parents want to protect and help their kids, so they remove all the obstacles in front of them, and they do it with the intention to make their children’s lives better than their own. They say things like, “We don’t want them to suffer or experience pain like we did.” But when they do that, they are doing a disservice to their child. Their child does not learn how to problem solve, cope with everyday disappointments, and rise to a challenge. They don’t build the child’s courage and strength. Ultimately, they harm the child in a way that negatively affects their future. Parents must remember that their struggles and obstacles made them the strong adults they are today. The same is true for leaders.

가지고 있으면, 일하지 않고도 보상을 받아야 한다고 생각한다. 부모들은 자식을 도와주고 보호하고

싶지만 정도가 심하면 그들

앞에 있는 모든 장애물을 제거해서 그 들의 의존성을 증가시킨다. 그 들은 “저희는

아이들이 저희와 같은 고통을 겪게 하고 싶지 않아요,”라고 흔히 말한다. 하지만 결국에 그들은 아이들에게 폐가 되는 것뿐이다. 그러면 아이들은 문제를 어떻게 해결하는지, 일상의 실망감을 어떻게 다루는지, 그리고 인생을 어떻게 도전하는지 배우지 못한다. 부모는 그 들이 경험한 장애물들이 지금의 그 들을 만들었다는 것을 잊지 말아야 한다. 리더들도 이와 같다.

A leader wants to be a leader who helps their employees, and, like a parent, they want to remove obstacles for their employees to make their job easier. In business, unlike in parenting, they start to give more entitlements to employees who have been with them the longest. A leader does this because they feel the employee has earned it. An example of this is when a leader starts removing expectations each year an employee works for them. As each year passes, the leader inadvertently decreases the expectations and responsibility

리더들은 부모들이 자식을 도와주고 싶은 것처럼 그 들의 직원을 도와주고 싶어한다. 비즈니스에서는 부모들과 달리 리더들은 고위 직원들에게 더 많은 권리를 주기 시작한다. 리더는 직원들이 그 것을

받을 자격이 있다고 생각해서 준다. 리더가 직원들로부터 기대가 점점 줄어들기 시작하는 시점이 바로 그러한 예라고 볼 수 있다. 그렇게 해가 지날수록 리더는 고의가 아니게 그들이 이런 자격들을 얻었다는 믿음을

56 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
권리는 리더나 부모가 다른 이에게 심어줄 수 있는 가장 위험한 특성 중 하나다. 진짜 문제는 이러한 권리가 대게 다른 이의 사랑이나 걱정 때문에 발생한 다는 것이다. 아이가 노력없이 권리를
Business Tips
MOISTURE LOSS | BREAKAGE | HEAT | COLOR | ENVIRONMENT | TRANSITIONING | RELAXING OUR 1 st SYSTEM TO FIGHT 7 DAMAGE FACTORS *Use system of the rescuer treatment, restorer shampoo and strengthener conditioner vs a non-conditioning shampoo. REPAIR. REPEAT.

of the employee based on the belief they have somehow earned this right.

In recent conversations with several leaders, I have discovered the proof of this belief. Lynne, a great leader in business today, said that she finds it interesting that the expectations and requirements she sets forth for applicants if they come to work for her organization are much higher than the expectations and requirements for employees who have worked for her for years. In fact, she said, “My most tenured employees don’t meet the expectations I give the applicants.” Crazy, right! So, why? Some leaders fear that if they push their employees, they will quit or rebel. Lynne is not alone in this belief.

When leaders entitle their employees, they stop pushing them. They stop challenging them, and, in turn, the employees become complacent. Sooner or later, the hungry employees start to look for a new challenge. Leaders who entitle their employees take away their employees’ purpose and power. Their employees are then just performing a job, and do not experience growth. When an employee becomes complacent and loses their purpose, they start to look for other places to fulfill the void. When this happens, everybody loses.

A person should not entitle those they love or lead. They should empower them, and this is not accomplished by leaving them alone or letting them do it on their own. Leaders should empower their employees by challenging them and holding them to a higher standard than their new people, not just in results, but in activity, preparation, discipline, growth and passion for going beyond in their efforts! The longer a person works for an organization, they should not work less. Rather, they should prepare and produce more. Leaders should know that the best way they can help those they lead is to coach them, mentor them, and challenge them to step it up, even when they are doing well. By not entitling their employees, a leader gives them the respect and the responsibility they deserve. A leader must show their love, caring and leadership by removing all of the entitlement beliefs, traits and behaviors.

갖고 그 직원의 기대와 책임감을 줄인다.

여러 리더들과 나눈 최근의 대화에서 나는 이러한 믿음을 확인할 수

있었다. 오늘 날의 비즈니스의 위대한 리더인 Lynne은 그녀의 밑으로

온 새로운 직원들에게 오래 일한 직원들 보다 더 많은 책임감과 기대감을

갖고 있다는 것에 의아함을 가졌다. 그녀는 “나의 오래된 직원들은 새로

지원하는 사람들보다 기대치가 적다,” 라고 했다. 믿을 수 있는가? 왜

이런 사태가 발생하는가? 어떤 리더들은 그들이 직원들을 처벌하면 그

들이 그만두거나 저항한다는 생각을 한다. Lynne만 이런 생각을 하는 것은 아니다.

리더들이 그 들의 직원에게 생각 없이 권리를 주면 그 들은 직원들의

성장을 멈추는 것이나 같다. 직원들을 도전 시키지 않으면 직원들은 만족하고 결국에는 다른 도전을 찾아 떠난다. 직원들을 도전 시키지

않으면 그 들의 목적과 힘을 뺏는 것이나 다름 없다. 성장을 경험하지 못하고 그냥 일만 하게 되는 것이다. 직원이 자기만족에 빠지고 목적을 잃으면 다른 일을 찾아 나선다. 이 것은 모두에게 나쁜 일이다.

사랑하는 사람이나 지휘해야 하는 사람이라면 쓸데 없이 자격을 줘서는 안된다. 대신 그 들에게 힘을 줘야한다. 하지만 이는 그 들 혼자 하게 내버려 둔다고 되는 일이 아니다. 리더는 그 들의 새로운 사람들보다 직원들의 활동, 준비, 규율, 성장 그리고 열정을 도전 시키고 더 높은 기준을 세워야 한다. 더 오래된 직원이라고 더 적게 일해야 하는 것은 아니다. 대신, 그 들은 더 꼼꼼히 준비하고 더욱 생산성 있게 일해야 한다. 리더들은 직원들이 잘하고 있을 때도 코치해주고, 잘 할 수 있는 방법을 알려주고, 부추기고 도전 시키는 방법을 일깨워 줘야 한다. 그들에게 권리를 주는 것이 아니라, 존중하면서 책임감을 심어줘야 한다. 리더는 모든 권위 및 특권의식을 버림으로 해서 그들의 사랑과 리더십을 보여줄 수 있다.

Meet Nathan Jamail

Nathan Jamail is the author of the bestselling Playbook Series, including his latest book “The Leadership Playbook.” Nathan is a top international motivational speaker and expert on Leadership and employee coaching. As a former executive director, business owner and sales professional, Nathan is an expert who teaches from experience. Nathan has helped thousands of great leaders become great coaches. You can find more information about Nathan at www.nathanjamail.com and follow him on https://www.facebook.com/jdgroup/.

Nathan Jamail는 “The Leadership Playbook”을 쓴 Playbook Series의 베스트 셀러인 작가이다. Nathan은 탑 국제

www.nathanjamail.com 와 https://www.facebook.com/jdgroup/

58 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
전문가로 써 Nathan은 경험에서 가르치는 전문가이다. Nathan에 대한 더 많은 정보는
수 있다.
동기부여 강사이며 리더십과 직원 코칭 하는데 전문가이다. 전 기업체의 전무, 그리고 세일즈
OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 59 Call your distributor today for details. ©2017 The Wella Corporation, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CSM2017-1553 ALL THE SASS WITHOUT THE BRASS Refreshes faded highlights, removes dull yellow in gray hair and leaves hair shiny. Use Shimmer Lights™ Shampoo & Conditioner weekly to maintain a cool blonde effect or an enhanced gray.

Beauty Ambassador Styling Tools

Holiday Hair Voluminous Micro Curls

Start the New Year with a head full of micro curls. Create amazing curls and volume with the Gold ‘N Hot 3/8” 24k Gold Spring Curling Iron. You can achieve this look with any length and any texture. A beautiful head full of curls with maximum volume is attainable in minimal time. Your salon guests can ring in the New Year with the best hair at the party. Micro Curls are made perfect with Gold ’N Hot!

With a temperature range from 200°F to 450°F, you can address every type of hair from fine, thick, weaves and extensions. If you are curling extensions that are a different texture than the natural hair you may need to adjust the temperature for the different hair type. Gold ’N Hot recommends using the lowest heat setting necessary. If the hair has been colored or lightened a lower heat setting will have less fading.

The best way to achieve a micro curl look is to start with a horizontal section at the nape that is about an inch thick. Clip the other hair out of your way. To keep the curls more natural looking you should not section with perfectly straight partings. Twist small strands of hair in random directions around the barrel of the curling iron. Stretch some of the hair for bigger curls. Twist smaller sections tightly and leave them on the heat longer for tighter curls. Although working in sections makes the style more manageable, you should follow the growth pattern of the hair to get the most natural looking results. Once the nape is finished you should move up the head in one-inch sections until you get to the top. When working with the top section it is important to curl as close to the scalp as you can to maintain less frizz. It is also important to twist the top curls in the direction the hair grows. The style will last longer and look most natural. Once the hair has cooled you can slip your fingers into the base at the scalp and move the hair a little to create volume without separating the curls. Pinch and hold the end of each curl, then stretch and

Meet Detra Smith

spread the hair at the base and middle. This will make the hair look thicker and give it more style than simply leaving it coiled. Be aware that the hair will look half the real length. Using extensions will make the style look longer and bigger.

Gold ‘N Hot recommends using a smoothing cream with a heat protectant when drying the hair. Use a heat protectant setting spray when curling. Some stylists prefer to wrap the hair around an open curling iron like a wand and then close the flipper. This gives more control when curling but takes a little longer. Another way is to leave the curling iron closed and wrap the hair tightly around it as if it were a wand. You can actually lift the curl off the barrel easier by slightly opening the flipper against the hair. Finish the look with a light hold shine spray.

Whether going for a glamorous, romantic or edgy look, your clients will be right on trend with micro curls. They are easy to create and are long lasting with proper maintenance. You should recommend a satin pillowcase and twisting any loosened curls back into place. At Gold ‘N Hot, we pride ourselves in giving you the tools you need while ensuring your salon guests have healthy, vibrant hair. We put control in your hands by offering a wide array of technologies, temperatures, and sizes. We are continually innovating to bring you the best haircare appliances available. With this awesome 3/8” curling iron in your hair arsenal you will be ready to create micro curls and new styles every day.

Gold ‘N Hot® is looking for brand ambassadors to provide feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you are interested, please contact Veronica Guerrero vguerrero@hotus.com. Be sure to follow (or like us) on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube @ /GoldNHotElite

Detra Smith is the Artistic Director of Helen of Troy/Gold ‘N Hot.

60 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
· Full Professional Power · Maximum Styling Versatility · For All Hair Types @goldnhotelite GoldNHotHair.com · 1-800-480-8832

Get to Know Your Customers’ Curls

Curly hair was once considered a trend but is now seen as a lifestyle that isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Many are now choosing to sport their natural hair texture rather than straightening or chemically altering it. As lovely as it is, curly hair requires a lot more attention and care than the straight or wavy types. Being knowledgeable about the different curl textures is key to understanding what products work best for your natural-hair customers. So, keep this guide in mind when speaking with you shoppers.


3a curls show a loose “S” pattern and is the size of sidewalk chalk in circumference. This hair starts to show a lot of body and is shiny. This hair type is also very fine and prone to frizz. To help these curls pop, recommend Aunt Jackie’s Curls & Coils Curl La La Defining Curl Custard. “It helps tame the flyways and frizz while keeping the hair soft and curls defined,” said Crystal Styles, the assistant director of marketing at House of Cheatham.


Those with type 3b hair have very defined, springy curls that can range from bouncy ringlets to tight corkscrews. It can get quite coarse and have a bushy-type texture. 3b hair isn’t particularly shiny and is prone to frizz. For a great hair cleanse, suggest the Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 Miracle Apple Cider Vinegar Charcoal Activated Shampoo. According to Miown Bell, the Director of Education at AFAM Concepts, “It removes excess build up. When applied to the hair it draws out impurities in the scalp that can prevent healthy hair growth.”

64 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Feature Article


3c curls look like tight corkscrews. Curls can be kinky or very tightly curled, with many strands densely packed together. Hair is voluminous, but usually fine in texture. This hair type is very prone to dryness. The Mane Choice Team recommends their Pink Lemonade & Coconut 5-Minute Reviving Mask. It is specifically formulated to deeply penetrate the hair shaft to infuse it with high-quality vitamins, nutrients, and moisture. Perfect for brining dry locks back to life!


Hair type 4a has a definite “S” curl pattern. The circumference is that of a crochet needle and has lots of strands packed densely together. Although it holds more moisture than the other 4 types, it is very fragile and prone to shrinkage. Hair has fewer cuticle layers than other hair types, giving it less natural protection from damage. For help with shrinkage, recommend Aunt Jackie’s Curls & Coils Don’t Shrink Flaxseed Elongating Curling Gel.

“It’s a great solution for naturalistas who prefer to elongate their curls for longer periods of time,” said Styles.


Type 4b hair has a less defined curl pattern. Instead of curling or coiling, the hair bends in sharp angles like the letter “Z.” Hair often shrinks up to 75% and has a cotton-like feel. 4b hair is very fragile and dry, so care is needed when working with it. To help strengthen hair, look no further than Softsheen-Carson’s Dark and Lovely Coil Moisturizing Soufflé. “It treats your curls and coils to a moisturizing delight while helping to reduce breakage,” said Mezei Jefferson, the director of education for the MultiCultural Beauty Division of Loreal. It also provides a low crunch less, hold that instantly defines and softens tight curls and coils for all day elongation.


Type 4c hair is composed of curl patterns that will almost never clump without being styled. The curls are so tightly kinked, there is seemingly no definition. 4c hair has the most shrinkage with over 75%. For moisture retention and elongation, try Jane Carter Solution’s Coiling All Curls Elongation Gel. “Anybody and everybody, no matter how tight your curl is, can use this product,” said Dee Dee Cormier, Vice President of Marketing at Jane Carter Solution. “It’s going to give elongation and hold.”

Meet Khalia

Writing has always been in Khalia’s future, as she’s been writing since elementary school. Oddly enough, she graduated from the University of West Georgia with a bachelor’s degree in criminology. Yet, she chose to ditch that career path to pursue her passion in writing. When she’s not writing short stories, she’s doing nail art and listening to Kpop.

OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 65

Strength of Nature

There aren’t many who are unfamiliar with the product lines underneath the umbrella of Strength of Nature. This juggernaut of a company houses more than 15 brands that cater to women of color, including African Pride, Motions, Dr. Miracle’s, Mega Growth, Proline and Just for Me. With 2018 right around the corner, Strength of Nature shows no signs of slowing down. Kelly Keith, the vice president of marketing, talks with OTC Beauty Magazine about the art of selling the company’s brands in OTC stores, its challenges and its plans for the New Year.

Strength of Nature의 제품 라인들을 잘 알지 못하는 사람은 그리 많치 않습니다. 이 무적의 회사는 African Pride, Motions, Dr. Miracle’s, Mega Growth, Proline and Just for Me 등을 포함해 유색여성들을 돕는 15개 이상의 브랜드를 가지고 있습니다. 2018년 이 코앞에있는

지금도, Strengh of Nature은 멈출 기미를 보이지 않고 있습니다.

마케팅 부사장인 Kelly Keith가 저희 OTC Beauty Magazine과 함께 OTC 상점에서 회사 브랜드를 판매하는 방법, 힘든점, 그리고 계획에

대해 이야기해 보았습니다.

66 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Manufacturer Profile

OTC: What is Strength of Nature founded on as a company? Can you briefly explain its history?

Kelly Keith: Strength of Nature has always been anchored in affordable, yet efficacious hair care for women of color. We are pioneers in providing maintenance, styling and growth products that don’t break the bank. Serving the consumer fuels us as we focus on developing innovative hair care solutions that make her life easier.

OTC: Describe the goods that make up your product portfolio. What tips do you have to help retailers incorporate these items in their stores?

Kelly Keith: I am a big fan of segmenting all chemical products together, and all maintenance and styling products together by brand. For example, a brand’s relaxer or texturizer offerings would sit together in the chemical segment. Subsequently, a brand’s shampoo, conditioner, detangler, daily oil moisturizer and edge gel products would be segmented together in the styling and maintenance set. This creates a billboard effect that draws the consumer in and makes her more likely to try other products in a line beyond her goto staples.

OTC: Who makes up the primary audience/consumer base for your products?

Kelly Keith: Strength of Nature services such a wide range of women and girls with brands like Just for Me, African Pride and Ultra-Sheen we have something to meet the needs of the consumer at every stage in her life from ages 5 to 95.

OTC: Strength of Nature회사는 어떤 원칙을 두고 설립되었나요? 그 역사를 간단히 설명해 줄 수 있나요?

Kelly Keith: Strength of Nature 는 언제나 유색 여성들을 위한 저렴하고도 효과있는 모발 케어를 중심으로 해 왔어요. 저희는 값 비싸지 않은 관리, 스타일, 그리고 성장 제품을 제공하는 선구자에요. 고객들에게 제품을 제공하는 것이 저희들의 원동력이되어 그들의 삶에 도움을 줄 획기적인 모발 케어 솔루션을 개발하는 데 더 집중할 수 있게 됩니다.

OTC: 제품 포트폴리오를 구성하는 제품들을 설명해주세요. 이 제품들을 소매상들이 자신들의 상점에 들여오는 데 도움이 될만한 팁이 있나요?

OTC: If you had to pick one product (or a couple) that is most symbolic of your company, what would it be and why? How is it differentiated from other products in the market?

Kelly Keith: I think the Motions Versatile Foam Styling Lotion is a great representation of our company because it is an affordable product that works regardless of hair texture or hair state. When it first launched, the Foam Styling Lotion was used for wraps and roller sets. Today it is also being used for braid outs, twist outs, and other natural styles requiring hold. And with ingredients like Shea Butter, Argan Oil and Coconut Oil, it’s actually good for your hair. This type of crossover appeal is rare in our industry and is a great representation of Strength of Nature.

OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in OTC stores? Why?

Kelly Keith: The OTC channel provides the consumer with options they can’t find anywhere else, but it also creates a challenge for brands to stand out. I think without a doubt you’ve got to violate at shelf if you want to win in OTC. You’ve got to have danglers, shelf takers, aisle violators, neck hangers, etc. Product promos and in-store promotions are also key. Anything that is going to draw the consumer’s attention to your product on shelf is best.

Kelly Keith: 저는 모든 화학 제품들을 한군데로 모으고 모든 관리 및 스타일 제품들을 브랜드 별로 진열하는 것을 매우 선호합니다. 예를 들어 한 브랜드의 릴랙서 또는 텍스쳐라이져 제품들을 화학 코너에 같이 진열해요. 또한, 한 브랜드의 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 디탱글러,

제품들은 스타일 및 관리 세트에 다 함께 진열될 거에요. 이렇게 하면 빌보드 처럼 고객들의 시선을 끌 수 있고, 그들이 언제나 사용하는 제품 외에도 같은 종류의 다른 제품들도 사용해 볼 수 있어요.

OTC: 당신 제품의 일차적인 고객들은 누군가요?

Kelly Keith: Strength of Nature 는 Just for Me, African Pride and UltraSheen과 같은 브랜드들로 광범위한 여성들과 소녀들을 돕고있어요. 5세 부터 95세까지 모든 나이에 필요한 제품들을 가지고 있어요.

OTC: 회사를 가장 잘 상징하는 제품을 하나 (아니면 둘) 선택하라면 무엇을 선택하겠어요, 그리고 그 이유는? 시중의 다른 제품들과는 어떻게 다른가요?

Kelly Keith: 제 생각에 Motions Versatile Foam Styling Lotion이 저희 회사를 잘 대표하는 것 같에요, 왜냐하면 모발 텍스쳐나 상태와 상관없이 효과가 있는 저렴한 제품이기 때문이에요. 처음 출시되었을때, Foam Styling Lotion은 랩이나 롤러 세트에 사용되었어요. 이제는 브레이드, 트위스트, 그리고 홀드를 필요로 하는 네추럴 스타일들에 사용되고 있어요. 쉬어 버터, 알간 오일, 코코넛 오일과 같은 재료들을 사용하여 실질적으로 모발에 좋아요. 이런식의 퓨젼은 저희 산업에서 보기 힘들고 이는 Strength of Nature의 좋은 본보기에요.

OTC: OTC 상점에서 어떤 식의 제품 프로모션이 가장 잘 통한다고 생각하나요? 그 이유는 모죠?

Kelly Keith: OTC 채널이 고객들에게 다른 곳에서는 찾을 수 없는 옵션들을 제공하기는 해도 이 때문에 브랜드가 여러 제품들 사이에서 눈에 띄는게 쉽지 않습니다. 제 생각에는OTC에서 이기기 위해서는 반드시 진열대에 변화를 주어야 해요. 광고를 걸거나 붙이고, 달고 하는 것 등등 말이에요. 제품 프로모와 상점내 프로모션 또한 중요해요. 어떻게든 진열대 위에 당신의 상품들로 고객들의 시선을 끌어야 합니다.

OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 67
엣지 젤
데일리 오일 모이스쳐라이져, 그리고

OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how is the company meeting consumer demand for it?

Kelly Keith: At this point I think it’s safe to say that the natural movement is less of a trend and more of a way of life. One thing I have seen is a shift in the way naturalistas are wearing their hair. I think with the growing popularity of artists like Sza and continued popularity of Tracee Ellis Ross we are going to see an increased focus on curl stretching, elongation and blow outs as consumers go for big hair. We are keeping this trend top of mind as we prepare new products for market.

OTC: What has been the biggest factor contributing to the growth that Strength of Nature has seen as a company? Are there any obstacles you had to overcome, and if so, how did you do so?

Kelly Keith: Much of our company’s growth has been due to strategic acquisition of strong legacy brands like Ultra Sheen, Dr. Miracle’s, Just for Me and Motions, making us a leader amongst legacy manufacturers. There’s been somewhat of a challenge maintaining a connection with the natural consumer. She’s so excited by trendy brands of today and eager to try something new. We know that she’s just looking for the best possible options to manage the health and style of her hair, so we’ve doubled down on our efforts to talk to her and understand exactly what she needs, and what she’s missing. Given that, we’re working on some exciting new projects so stay tuned!

OTC: What is Strength of Nature doing to ensure excellent customer service to OTC retailers? How can they benefit from working with you?

Kelly Keith: Without OTC retailers our consumer base wouldn’t be fully serviced, so we’ve made the OTC channel a focus for this year. We’ve taken steps to ensure that retailers are getting hands-on customer service at the store level by bringing on a merchandising team 100% focused on store partnerships. We know the level of pride each store owner has in their business and it is our goal to assist in making it as successful as possible. Store owners that partner with us will benefit from pull through programs focused on getting consumers into the stores to make purchases. Brand awareness and product availability on shelf is an essential part of a successful partnership between OTC retailer and manufacturer. As a manufacturer, it is our job to service the OTC channel by ensuring that they have the necessary tools to compete. Our merchandising teams are constantly monitoring and optimizing the product mix at shelf so that it results in lift for our store owners.

Kelly Keith: 현 시점에선 네추럴로 돌아가는 추세인데, 이는 트렌드라기 보다는 생활방식이라고 해 도 될것 같아요. 제가 본 것중 하나는 자연주의자들의 모발스타일이에요. 제 생각에 Sza와 같은 아티스트들의 인기가 커지고 Tracee Ellis Ross의 인기가 지속됨에 따라 고객들이 트레치, 일롱게이션, 그리고 블로아웃과 같이 큰 헤어 스타일에 관심이 많아 질 것 같아요. 저희는 시장에 새로운 제품을 준비하면서 이를 제일 염두에두고 있어요.

OTC: Strength of Nature 회사의 성장에 가장 큰 공을 준 요소는 무엇이었나요? 넘어서야 할 장애물들이 있나요, 그리고 그렇다면 어떻게 이를 극복했나요?

Kelly Keith: 저희 회상 성장은 Ultra Sheen, Dr. Miracle’s, Just for Me, 그리고 Motions과 같은 튼튼한 전통 브랜드들을 전략적으로 병합함으로써 가능했고, 레가시 생산자들의 선두가 될 수 있었어요. 네추럴 스타일의 고객들과의 관계를 유지하는데 어느정도의 문제가 있었어요. 그들은 현재 트렌드한는 브랜드에 빠지고, 새로운 것을 시도하고 싶어해요. 저희는 그들이 단순히 모발 건강과 스타일을 유지할 최고의 방법을 찾고 있는 것을 알기 때문에 두 배로 더 노력을 하여 그들에게 얘기를 하고 그들이 필요한 것, 원하는 것이 정확히 무엇인지 이해하려고 했어요. 이 때문에, 현재 놀라운 새 제품들을 만드는 중이에요, 조금만 기다려 주세요!

OTC: Strenth of Nautre는 OTC 소매상들이 훌륭한 고객 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 보장하기 위해 무엇을 하고 있나요? 그들이 당신 회사와 일함으로써 어떤 이득을 얻을 수 있나요?

Kelly Keith: OTC 소매상들 없이는 저희 고객층이 완전한 서비스를 받을수 없기 때문에 저희는 OTC 채널을 올해의 목표로 했어요. 저희는 상점 파트너쉽에 100% 집중하는 상품 팀을 불러와 고객들이 상점에서 직접적인 서비스를 받을 수 있도록 보장하는 조취를 취했어요. 저희는 각 스토어 주인들이 자신의 스토어에 가지고 있는 자부심을 알고 있고, 이를 최대한 성공적으로 만들게 돕는 것이 저희의 목표에요. 저희와 파트너쉽을 가지는 상점 주인들은 고객들이 상점안으로 들어와 구매를 하는데에 집중하는 풀-쓰루 (pullthrough) 프로그램들을 통해 이득을 볼 거에요. 진열대에서의 브랜드 인지와 상품 존재

여부는 OTC 소매상과 생산자 간의 성공적인 파트너쉽을 위한 필수 요소에요. 생산자로서, 저희의 역할은 OTC 채널들이 경쟁을 위해 필요한 모든 도구들을 갖도록 보장하는 것이에요. 저희 상품 팀들은 진열대의 제품 구조를 항상 모니터하고 최적화하여 상점 주인들이 이득을 볼 수 있도록 합니다.

68 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
어떤 트렌드가 커지고 있나요, 그리고 이에 회사가
OTC: 뷰티 사업 섹터에서 최근에
어떻게 대응하고 있나요?
Manufacturer Profile

OTC: Are there any big plans in store for Strength of Nature in 2017 and 2018 that you can share?

Kelly Keith: I can’t say too much, but I can tell you that we have a new marketing team, and more brilliant minds behind the communication and innovation that we are sure will push the industry forward. We are so excited for 2018 and the way forward!

OTC: Is there a central belief that serves as the driving force behind the company? Please explain.

Kelly Keith: We believe that exquisite hair care should be accessible to all women at affordable price points. We approach all innovation and development with this core belief in mind as we strive to create products that make her life easier.

OTC: How do you educate consumers and retailers on product knowledge? Do you have an online and/or social media presence?

Kelly Keith: In the past we have educated consumers on product usage through our website and we will continue to build out that resource with how to videos and through our expanding social media channels. We are currently revamping our web pages to better serve our consumers, so be on the lookout for more interactive, solution-focused websites in 2018!

OTC: What do you think makes the multicultural beauty industry so unique and exciting?

Kelly Keith: There is just so much fun to be had in this industry! The opportunity to create products and communications for women of color is a humbling experience because we get to become a part of so many lives. There’s not one woman of color who can’t name a product she grew up with, or the products her mom used, or even the products she saw at her grandmother’s. These formulas and fragrances are cultural markers that help shape us as women. Technology has come so far since the industry first started, and we are committed to continuing the innovation in this industry.

OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about the company and/or the beauty industry in general?

Kelly Keith: I think the most important thing that any of us in this business can do is listen to and respect our consumer. We are in a time where her thoughts are easily accessible on social media, she wants to communicate with us. In the end, those who succeed in this business will be the ones who heard her and acted accordingly.

OTC: 2017년과 2018년을 위해 준비된 큰 계획들이 있나요?

알려줄수 있나요?

Kelly Keith: 다 말해드릴 수는 없지만, 저희에게 새로운 마케팅 팀이 있고 저희가 생각하기에 이 산업을 발전시킬, 커뮤니케이션과 혁신을 주도하는 뛰어난 두뇌들이 있다고는 말해 드릴 수 있어요. 2018년과 미래가 매우 기대되요!

OTC: 회사를 이끄는 중심 원칙이 있나요? 설명해 주세요.

Kelly Keith: W저희는 훌륭한 모발 케어가 모든 여성들에게 저렴한 가격으로 접근이 가능해야 한다고 믿어요. 저희는 모든 혁신과 개발을 이 믿음과 함께 다루고 고객들의 삶을 더 쉽게 해줄 제품을 만드는데 노력하고 있어요.

OTC: 고객들과 소매상들에게 어떻게 상품들을 소개하나요? 온라인이나 소셜 미디어를 이용하나요?

Kelly Keith: 과거에 저희는 웹사이트를 통해 고객들에게 소개를 해왔고, 계속해서 설명비디오들과 점점 커지고 있는 저희 소셜 미디어

Company Information

Name: Strength of Nature Global, LLC

Address: 64 Ross Road, Savannah, GA 31405

Contact Number: 912-228-3246

Website: www.strengthofnature.com

OTC: 다문화 뷰티 산업이

Kelly Keith: 이 산업에는 즐거움이 많아요! 유색 여성들을 위한 제품들과 대화의 장을 만드는 것은 저희를 겸손하게 해요, 왜냐하면, 그들과 함께 그들 인생의 일부분이 되기 때문이에요. 유색 여성들은 모두 자신이 자랄 때 사용한 제품, 또는 그녀의 엄마가 사용하던 제품, 아니면 그녀 할머니 집에서 본 제품까지 이름을 다 기억해요. 이 포뮬라와 향들은 저희를 여성으로 가꿔줄 문화적 특징이에요. 이 산업이 처음 시작된 이후로 기술이 이 만큼 발전했고, 저희는 저희 산업에 계속해서 혁신을 불러오기 위해 노력합니다.

OTC: 회사와 일반뷰티산업에 관해 OTC 구독자들과 공유할 마지막 말은요?

Kelly Keith: 제 생각에 이 사업에서 저희가 할 수 있는 가장 중요한 것은 저희 고객의 의견을 듣고 존중하는 것입니다. 저희는 고객들의 생각을 소셜 미디어에서 쉽게 알 수 있는 시기에 있어요. 그들은 저희와의 대화를 원해요. 결과적으로, 이 사업에 성공하는 이들은 고객들을 듣고 그에 맞게 행동한 이들이 될 것입니다.

Years in Business: 17 회사 정보

회사명: Strength of Nature Global, LLC

주소: 64 Ross Road, Savannah, GA 31405

연락번호: 912-228-3246

Website: strengthofnature.com

사업 경력: 17년

OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 69
현재 저희는 고객들을 위해 저희 웹페이지를 탈바꿈하고 있기 때문에 더 사용가능하고 솔루션에 집중된 저희 웹사이트를 2018년에 기대해 주셔도 좋습니다!
채널을 이용하여 이를 계속 해서 발전 시킬거에요.
특별하고 기대되는 이유가 무엇이라고 생각하나요?

OP SELLING Shampoos of the Year

When shopping for styling tools and products, shoppers may turn to online product reviews for guidance. This not only makes customers more likely to purchase popular merchandise, but it also boosts sales for these trending items, as well. That’s why it’s important to know what products are selling well and are in high demand at Jinny Beauty Supply. This monthly feature will keep you posted on what’s in and what’s out, so you can purchase your inventory accordingly.

The foundation of a solid hair care routine is your shampoo. The wrong shampoo will strip your hair of all of its essential oils or sap out your color treatment. At Jinny Beauty Supply, there are five shampoos that customers can’t get enough of. See which shampoos are the top sellers and stock up!

Why It’s the Top Contender

This moisturizing shampoo is made with Shea butter and essential oils –important ingredients for infusing vital oil into the hair. Not only is this product ideal for all hair types including chemically relaxed, colored, pressed or permed hair, but it is also gentle enough for daily use.

Suggested Retail Price: $5.99

Quick Facts

• Helps moisturize hair

• Maintains a healthy scalp

72 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Top FIVE Cantu Shea
Shampoo CTU00001
Butter Moisturizing Cream

Crème of Nature Argan Oil from Morocco Moisture & Shine Shampoo


The Crème of Nature Argan Oil collection is known for imparting moisture and “exotic shine.” The shampoo is no exception. This product gently cleanses the hair without stripping it and nourishes hair with its rich Argan oil formula.

Suggested Retail Price: $6.99

Africa’s Best Moisturizing Shampoo with Conditioner CH110812

This shampoo offers the best bang for your buck. It not only cleanses but it conditions, detangles and moisturizes in one wash.

Suggested Retail Price: $3.39

Clairol Shimmer Lights Shampoo (blonde & silver


The dreaded brassiness often found in blonde and gray hair is all but a distant memory with this shampoo. Shimmer Lights removes the unwanted yellow tones of the hair and leaves shiny, healthy hair behind.

Suggested Retail Price: $7.59

ORS Olive Oil Creamy Aloe Shampoo


This popular shampoo neutralizes, detangles and moisturizes for soft, manageable tresses. A popular staple for many customers, this product is known to improve elasticity and hydration in the hair with consistent use.

Suggested Retail Price: $6.59

OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 73
2 4 3 5

THERAPY TRENDS Innovation Gets Personal in 2018

The beauty industry will no longer rely on stereotypical beauty standards. Inclusivity versus diversity in marketing will determine the ideal of innovation in the coming year. Beauty standards come in all shapes, sizes, colors, cultures, and genders. Skin tone and hair texture will be marketed as a continuous range reflecting individuals from every biology. The beauty and personal care industry will represent the world, as consumers view the world of unique personalization. Products must be marketed to the millennials as well as the aging boomers. Products must embrace the gender neutral as well as the transgendered. Halal, kosher and vegan will become mainstream benefits in cosmetics as well as toothpaste.

The more inclusive the beauty industry becomes, the more diverse beauty shoppers will be able to rapidly embrace who they are and where to find their products. Consumers, especially OTC consumers will expect the industry to respond with personalized innovation. Shades and textures of foundations were recently launched in as many shades as it takes to accommodate and include all consumers. Anti-aging reparative features for the elegant elderly will be positioned as preventative mandates for the pro-aging X and Y generations. Imaging products and tools will be structured for delicate traditional make up and artistic enough for new consumers into the make-up arena to design outside traditional norms. Consumers want it all and they want it fast.

Each consumer no matter the ethnicity, culture or gender wants to be considered an equal player in the market place. Consumers will rely on personal claims and personal technology to demand innovation at the store level. Variety, customization and innovative formulations should be available at every price point. Consumers are being influenced by the caliber of products, devices and services available on the web. They want this same personal innovation to meet them in the OTCs.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skincare and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit www.esmemarketspecialists.com.

76 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018

With 100% Natural Formulations in 2018!

No matter your style, Van Der Hagen® and Beard Guyz® got you covered!

Conair Corporation Announces the Passing of Leandro P. Rizzuto, Chairman

and Co-Founder

The Counteract Coalition brings together CEOs from more than a dozen beauty companies to demand change in Washington, D.C.

STAMFORD, Conn., Dec. 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- With great sadness Conair Corporation today announced the passing of Leandro P. Rizzuto, its beloved co-founder and Chairman of the Board. After bravely battling a long and difficult fight with pancreatic cancer, Mr. Rizzuto passed peacefully on Sunday, December 3rd, surrounded by his family.

staff of the worldwide Conair Corporation extends its sincerest condolences to Mr. Rizzuto’s four children and the entire Rizzuto family.

Ronald T. Diamond, President of Conair Corporation, said, “We are deeply saddened by the loss of our leader. Mr. Rizzuto was a man who loved life and people and deeply loved our company. He was our leader, mentor and teacher, encouraging those around him to always strive to do more than we thought we could do, and be greater than we thought we could be.” The company will grieve the absence of its leader. Mr. Diamond says the company will honor him by continuing to develop innovative new products that use emerging technology to improve the everyday lives and businesses of Conair’s consumer and professional customers all over the world.”It is what Lee would want us to do,” says Diamond,”and we’ll do it!” The entire

The family will announce arrangements as they are made. It is expected that Mr. Rizzuto’s funeral will be private; Memorial Masses will be held for Conair’s thousands of worldwide employees to honor Mr. Rizzuto.

About Conair Corporation

Lee Rizzuto founded Conair with his parents in 1959. Over the last 58 years, he and his family grew the small hair appliance and haircare company into a multinational corporation. Today Conair is marketed in over 125 countries, together with its BaByliss, Cuisinart, Waring and many other world-renowned brands. The Rizzuto family is committed to continuing the business and gives thanks for the over- whelming number of heartfelt condolences extended from around the world.


This latest award comes on the heels of recent recognitions also at TSE and TSNN--

Las Vegas, NV, November 16, 2017--Cosmoprof North America, the largest and most-awarded B2B Beauty exhibition in the US, was named as winner for best Print Advertising Campaign (over 200,001 nsf) at The International Association of Exhibitions and Events™ (IAEE) Art of the Show competition.

The competition recognizes excellence in promotional materials for the exhibitions and events industry and it includes 15 different categories of competition, spanning three show sizes. The winners were selected for their creative use of several essential marketing elements needed to promote exhibitions and events. The winning entries will be featured in a gallery style display at Expo! Expo! IAEE’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition to be held 28-30 November 2017 in San Antonio, Texas.

“The 2017 print campaign set out to bridge the global events (Las Vegas, Hong Kong and Bologna) while representing unity and diversity in the beauty industry,” says Daniela Ciocan, Marketing Director of Cosmoprof North America. “We are thrilled to have won this award as it is a testament to its successful incorporation and interpretation in North America throughout all marketing communications efforts for the 2017 edition.”

To meet the global goal of promoting excellence and unity, Cosmoprof Worldwide commissioned acclaimed Italian photographer, Oliviero Toscani, best-known worldwide for

designing controversial advertising campaigns for Italian brand Benetton (from 1982 to 2000), to create the 2017 campaign. Toscani’s interpretation of diversity and beauty without borders, led to a provocative image that featured three women of different ethnicities with cosmetic-like color smears in various places (lips, eyes, hair). The primary goal of Cosmoprof North America was to incorporate the campaign across all communication platforms and make the images appear synonymous with the 2017 event. Whole or parts of the campaign images were used in visual communication across leading up to and at the Las Vegas event.

“The Art of the Show Competition provides a nice overview of how the industry is developing because marketing touches on all aspects of any show,” noted IAEE President and CEO David DuBois, CMP, CAE, FASAE, CTA. “We are able to see what’s hot and what is resonating in trade shows since Art of the Show is the only marketing competition specifically targeted to the exhibitions and events industry.”

This award comes on the heels of several other recognitions Cosmoprof received, included most recently Trade Show Executives (TSE) Gold 100 Award, Trade Show News Network’ (TSNN) Top 25 Fastest Growing Shows – by Net Square Footage and the Grand Award from UFI in their 21st International Fair Poster Competition for its series of posters.

Cosmoprof North America will be held once again at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas July 29- 31. For more information, visit: www.cosmoprofnorthamerica.com

80 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Industry News

Marani Brands, Inc. Subsidiary, Peppermint Jim, LLC, Announces The Launch of New Product and Channels

SAINT JOHNS, MI, Dec. 05, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Marani Brands, Inc. (OTC PINK: MRIB) (the “Company”), is pleased to announce that its subsidiary Peppermint Jim, LLC has launched a new lip balm product line with Cocoamint Lip Balm.

Cocoamint Lip Balm is a blend of natural ingredients featuring Peppermint Jim’s pure Peppermint oil and natural chocolate cream flavor. Peppermint Jim continues to seek online distribution for its expanding line of products. As retail consumers move more to online shopping, Peppermint Jim will expand distribution to meet that demand.

The Company recently announced the acquisition of Peppermint Jim as part of its move to consumer focused products. Peppermint Jim’s products fit into a category of “affordable luxury” products that make consumers feel good without carrying a high price tag. According to a McKinsey & Company report, the affordable luxury segment of consumer retail is the fastest growing product category within the retail sector. The Company is pleased to move in that direction with a large selection of products distributed online and in physical locations.

Mr. Crosby stated, “I am excited to be part of MRIB, launching our new products and announcing our new channel partner; www. cpnbrands.com. Of course, we encourage our customers to also visit www.Peppermintjim.com. In the coming months, we plan additional rollouts and will expand our operations to a wide variety of Pop-up sites and retail locations.”

The Company also plans to rollout new programs for Sponsorship

and Private Labeling.

The Company is continuing in its effort to consolidate a unique portfolio of products alongside its current brands.

About Peppermint Jim, LLC Peppermint Jim, LLC (PJ LLC), established in 2012, is the operator of Crosby Mint Farms, established in 1912. PJ LLC owns a mint distillery producing pure mint oil products utilizing a process developed over one hundred years ago. PJ LLC products include mint oils, lip balm, and muscle rub. PJ LLC also develops innovative approaches in the marketing of pure essential mint oils, along with the marketing of proprietary organic compost that is a byproduct of its production process. PJ LLC also operates the Tucson Mountains Growing Station in Arizona in order to take advantage of the favorable Southwestern US climate, harvesting four to five times per year there, as opposed to just one annual harvest in Michigan.

Learn more about Peppermint Jim, LLC by visiting http://peppermintjim.com/ Follow Peppermint Jim on Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/peppermintjims https://twitter.com/peppermintjim https://www.youtube.com/user/peppermintjim https://www.instagram.com/peppermintjim/

About Marani Brands, Inc. Marani Brands is a wine and spirits company in the process of transitioning itself into a consumerfocused organic health & beauty products company.

BioSilk® Appoints Hairstyling Ambassador

Houston, Texas - Farouk Systems, Inc., the makers of CHI and BioSilk, recently appointed Ivan Rodriguez as the BioSilk Hairstyling Ambassador. In this position, Ivan will create trends and photo collections, while assisting with public relations opportunities and representing the brand for various BioSilk events.

Ivan Rodriquez has been a Creative Artistic Team Member for Farouk Systems since 2002. He has over 20 years of experience in the beauty industry that spans educating hairstylists in Asia, Latin America and the United States. His experience as a master stylist comes from working in numerous prestigious salons such as: Rizos Hair Salons in Spain, Alexander

de Paris in France, Sharon Blain in Australia, Paula Persil in Brazil and Joss Claude & Bellver in Mexico.

Through the course of his career, Ivan has been honored as the International Educator of the year 2015 and 2016; Editorial Stylist for 2017; representative for America Latina in a recent hairdressing challenge; The Best Emerging Talent 2017 in Paris; and currently nominated as the Mexican Stylist of the Year 2017. According to Ivan Rodriquez, “Everything in the world is in motion. I like to inspire myself in this ever-revolving change that compliments what the movement is dictating. Fashion is something I love and I tend to lean toward the simple and elegance from various collections. My hair collections always adjust to the lifestyle of my clients so they are ready to take to the streets with confidence and style.”

82 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Industry News

Best in Black: Wahl Professional Expands Its Coveted Designer Clipper Family

Sterling, Ill. (December 8, 2017)/The best-selling Wahl Designer Clipper from Wahl Professional, the industry leader for clippers and trimmers, continues to impress.

With a new look, it also continues to improve.

Coming fresh off winning the 2017 Stylist Choice Award for “Favorite Clipper/Trimmer”, the Designer now features a classic black color and a textured black lid that distinguishes it from Wahl Professional’s conventional clipper lids.

The result: A sleek yet modern design – plus an improved grip and feel – with the same quality that places Wahl in a class by itself.

“The Wahl Designer sets the standard when it comes to clipper cutting,” says Aaron Flick, Senior Marketing Associate, Professional Division, Wahl Clipper Corporation. “It is equipped with an electromagnetic motor, taper lever, and professional steel blade which makes this the perfect tool for beginning artists or

those new to clipper cutting.”

To keep everything consistent, the new color scheme is applied to the Corded Designer Clipper, Cordless Designer Clipper, plus the All-Star Combo, which features the Designer and Peanut Trimmer.

“We refer to them as the Designer family,” said Flick.

While the looks of the tools have been updated, they retain the quintessential type of quality that has made Wahl renowned worldwide.

Wahl Professional Unveils The 5-Star Retro T-Cut Cordless Trimmer

What’s Old

Is New (And Improved) Again

Sterling, Ill. (December 8, 2017)/ As one of the most recognizable faces of the Wahl Education and Artistic Team (W.E.A.T.), advice from Garland “G-Whiz” Fox carries a distinguished amount of cachet.

And based on his reaction to the latest Wahl tool, barbers and stylists are going to want to pay close attention to his tips on how to use the 5-Star Retro T-Cut Trimmer, which Fox had the honor of demonstrating at the Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show in Atlanta over the summer.

“I’m like a kid in a candy store whenever I get to use something new,” said Fox. “I noticed right away how immaculate the Retro T-Cut is on tight hairlines, trims, shaves, clean-ups. Not every trimmer is all-in-one like this.”

The Retro T-Cut is the latest breakthrough in the esteemed 5-Star line, taking its cue from the 30+ year history of Wahl’s mainstay 8900 Rechargeable Trimmer, while adding to it in promising ways beyond a very appealing facelift to the appearance itself.

“With the increased popularity of our 5-Star Brand, we received lots of requests for a powerful cordless trimmer that drives the t-wide blade,” said Lance Wahl, Global Vice President Professional

Products, Wahl Clipper Corporation.

“We value the input of professionals who use our products every day and feel a great sense of duty and pride to deliver what they want.”

The cost efficient, cordless, T-blade trimmer has everything the busy barber needs: a more powerful motor, adjustable blades with zero-overlap precision, 3 trimming guides (1/16”3/16”), a longer-lasting rechargeable battery and charging stand, plus more.

“You can use the Retro T-Cut on every hair type,” said Fox. “It makes super sharp lines and extra crispy fades. The wider blade covers more hair in fewer passes for faster cuts.”

OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 83

David Stanko, Renowned Master Colorist and Expert Educator, Joins Madison Reed

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 4, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Madison Reed, a prestige hair color brand, today announced David Stanko has accepted the newly created role of Vice President, Technical Design and Education. Prior to Madison Reed, Stanko was a master colorist and brand ambassador for Redken 5th Avenue NYC, a division of L’Oreal. For more than 21 years, Stanko played a pivotal role in Redken’s global product launches, including educating and inspiring hair color professionals around the world. Stanko is a major talent acquisition for Madison Reed and the latest milestone in the company’s momentum. Madison Reed recently announced $25 million in venture capital funding – led by Comcast Ventures – to fund the national expansion of Madison Reed Color Bars.

“We are at a pivotal moment in our company,” said Madison Reed CEO and Founder Amy Errett. “It is a huge honor to have an educator of David’s caliber join us full-time. He will ensure our clients continue to have a phenomenal, prestige experience while we quickly grow the company. Meanwhile, David’s formula acumen and artistry are incredible resources for our team as we expand our product portfolio.”

Stanko is a hair color visionary, popular with celebrities and salon-industry insiders. As Vice President of Technical Design, he will travel globally to work with the company’s manufacturers and suppliers. In his educational role, he will direct the training of Madison Reed’s Color Crew, a team of certified colorists who provide color services at Madison Reed Color Bars and consult with clients in multiple ways: in person and via phone, email, online chat, and Facebook Messenger.

“The deep relationship between colorists and their clients is based on trust, communication and education,” said Stanko. “You

can have the best products in the world, but for the customer to have success, she has to learn about the product. Education is in my DNA, and I can’t wait to bring my experience to Madison Reed.” “This company is such an interesting disruptor,” Stanko continued. “Women have always wanted to take control of their beauty, but no one was truly focused on that in the hair color industry. Not only is Madison Reed serving these women, they are celebrating them. The traditional boundaries between at home and the salon are disintegrating, and Madison Reed is at the epicenter of a new way to think about color and beauty. I couldn’t be more thrilled to be joining this company at such an exciting time.”

Stanko is relocating to San Francisco, but he will return frequently to New York to continue his longstanding relationship with Licari Cutler Salon on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue.

About Madison Reed:

Based in San Francisco, Madison Reed is a beauty company revolutionizing the way women color their hair. The fast-growing startup uses technology in conjunction with a team of licensed colorists to help women find their perfect color, and have salonquality hair color delivered for under $25. Founded in 2013, Madison Reed started with a simple mission: To create a luxurious prestige hair color made with ingredients you can feel good about. Madison Reed’s conditioning, multi-tonal formula is crafted without ammonia, parabens, resorcinol, PPD, phthalates, and gluten. The entire color and hair care line is enriched with argan oil, keratin, and ginseng root to protect and pamper hair. Products can be found online, on mobile, and through select retailers including Sephora, QVC and Ulta Beauty. For fast, fabulous color applied by a professional, visit Madison Reed Color Bars in New York and San Francisco. For more information, visit www.madison-reed.com, click here for a company overview, or click here for digital assets.

84 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Industry News

in-cosmetics Global in Amsterdam to home in on R&D


leading personal care ingredients event reveals a focus on R&D at its Global event in The Netherlands from 17-19 April 2018

The ever-evolving personal care industry changes radically from one year to the next. With 2017 witnessing the rise of colour cosmetics, facial masks and ramped up haircare products, what can we expect to hit the market in 2018? Fortunately for cosmetic manufacturers, in-cosmetics Global will return in April, putting the spotlight on all the latest trends.

According to Mintel, the four big trends will be: biotechnology, in response to environment stressors on skin and hair; definitions of beauty; brands with personality; and customisation driven by digital technology. R&D professionals the world over will gather at RAI Amsterdam from 17-19 April next year to benefit from incosmetics Global’s unmissable one-stop-shop of networking, knowledge transfer and technical tips for the next formulations. Attendance at the event will guarantee visitors are first in line to learn about innovations, upcoming trends and start-up companies.

Around 95% of exhibitors are international and will be on hand with their latest ingredients. They will be complemented by an exciting educational programme, featuring prominent speakers from across the globe and an unmatched array of interactive areas on the show floor.

Show highlights

For the first time, in-cosmetics will introduce a series of R&D Tours, building on the show’s focus on education and inspiration. Two topics will be covered – Biotechnology Actives and the Future in Anti-Ageing – with R&D professionals invited to join an exclusive tour that will highlight the most unique, innovative ingredients on display. Also new to the 2018 show will be a Pre-Show Regulatory Conference, held in association with Conusbat, which will provide a wealth of valuable information to manufacturers.

The Formulation Lab®, (sponsored by Brentag) will be one of the most popular interactive areas, where R&D professionals will learn from highly skilled experts through a series of bookable hands-on demonstrations. Providing delegates with the latest guidance on how to overcome common formulation challenges and learn the secrets to creating winning formulations, these sessions are not to be missed.

Event organiser Reed Exhibitions has announced its exciting

Formulation Challenge will run at the Global event for the very first time. Sponsored by Croda, on 19 April, a select few leading cosmetic manufacturers will battle it out to create the most innovative and impressive formulation from a box of mystery raw materials in just 90 minutes. A panel of market specialists will judge their work and, following a nail-biting wait, the winner will be revealed.

Six other reasons to visit in-cosmetics Global in Amsterdam:

1. Browse the popular Make-Up Bar for the latest product innovations and the opportunity to touch and test the ingredients on display.

2. Experience the Sensory Bar’s unusual textures and sensations first-hand, including hybrid textures, jellies, butters and powders.

3. Visit the event’s Innovation Zone – a launchpad for more than 100 state-of-the-art ingredients (sponsored by Ashland).

4. Stop by Sustainability Corner, which will showcase a selection of initiatives and insightful presentations as the beauty industry continues to pave the way towards a fundamentally more sustainable business model.

5. Build your industry knowledge at the world-renowned Marketing Trends & Regulations and Technical Seminar Theatres and Workshop programme, with each session focusing on the industry’s most of-the-moment topics.

6. Attend the highly anticipated After Party on 17 April, where the in-cosmetics Global awards will take place. Expert judges will review all entries and present the most innovative suppliers with their prizes at the show.

Speaking ahead of the 2018 edition of the event, Roziani Zulkifli, Exhibition Manager of in-cosmetics Global, commented: “We can’t wait to bring the show back to Amsterdam and introduce the new elements we have been developing. The R&D Tours, Formulation Challenge and Pre-Show Regulatory Conference have all been coined to further inform and inspire our visiting cosmetics manufacturers – even when they are pressed for time.

“in-cosmetics Global will provide unrivalled educational value to a broad international range of cosmetic professionals and we look forward to welcoming them all in April.”

in-cosmetics Global will take place at RAI Amsterdam from 1719 April 2018. For more information, please visit http://www.incosmetics.com/.

86 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Industry News

L’Oréal Paris Announces Aja Naomi King As Newest Celebrity Spokesperson

NEW YORK, Nov. 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- L’Oréal Paris, the #1 global beauty brand, proudly announces actress Aja Naomi King as the brand’s newest spokeswoman. Aja is one of Hollywood’s top rising stars whose love of beauty was sparked at a young age by her mom. Just as her body of work has evolved with impressive performances and versatile roles across film and television, so has her passion for helping others understand and value their worth. The skilled actress and Yale graduate currently stars in the hit series “How to Get Away with Murder.” In her newest role, Aja joins an esteemed roster of spokeswomen including Julianne Moore, Eva Longoria, Elle Fanning and Camila Cabello, among others, in representing the brand.

“Growing up, I watched my mom apply her makeup in the morning and wanted so badly to be part of that daily ritual with her. Seeing how much she enjoyed putting makeup on, including her go-to L’Oréal Paris Colour Riche Lipcolour, inspired me to love makeup as much as she did,” says Aja Naomi King. “Makeup became my armor growing up. It provided me with a sense of protection and gave me the power and confidence to face the world in the way I wanted. To now represent L’Oréal Paris is incredibly overwhelming. I am so excited to help others find and believe in the beauty of who they are because everyone deserves to know their own worth.”

“In welcoming Aja to the L’Oréal Paris family, we are thrilled to strengthen our diverse roster of spokeswomen and further connect with a younger generation of consumers,” says Tim Coolican, President, L’Oréal Paris USA. “Aja has openly and powerfully shared her journey to overcoming feelings of self-doubt and as such, inspires others to embrace their own beauty and self-worth. She is incredibly talented, accomplished and most importantly, fully understands and embraces our brand philosophy of ‘Because You’re Worth It’”.

their communities across the country. Tapping into her steadfast commitment of inspiring others to see their own value, she will also be leveraged to drive moments of worth and empowerment for the brand through event appearances, social media promotion and campaign engagement.

Born in Los Angeles, Aja has been performing in some capacity since the age of three and is one of Hollywood’s most accomplished young stars. Most recently, she received critical acclaim for her role in the groundbreaking feature, “The Birth of a Nation.” Aja was nominated for a 2017 NAACP award in the category of “Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture” for her performance, and the film won multiple awards at the 2016 Sundance Film Festival. Additionally, she received the “Shining Star” award at this year’s Essence Black Women in Hollywood gala. Next, the breakout star will have leading roles in “The Upside” and “A Girl from Mogadishu,” both scheduled for release in 2018.

About L’Oréal Paris:

Aja will star in TV, print and digital advertising campaigns for the leading global beauty brand beginning in the United States in early 2018. Her first campaign will be for True Match Lumi Glow, a new collection of five products designed to create an effortless and luminous glow – Glotion Natural Glow Enhancer, Glow Nude Palette, Shimmerista Powder, Glow Amour Glow Boosting Drops and Bronze It Bronzer. Following True Match Lumi Glow, Aja will be featured in campaigns for Hair, Skincare, as well as Cosmetics. Additionally, Aja will serve as a presenter at L’Oréal Paris’ Women of Worth celebration on December 6, 2017. The annual event celebrates ten inspiring women who are making a difference in

The L’Oréal Paris division of L’Oréal USA, Inc. is a total beauty care brand dedicated to empowering women by offering the most luxurious and innovative products and services available in the mass market. The brand’s signature tagline, “Because I’m Worth It,” was born in the United States in 1971 to celebrate the beauty and intrinsic self-worth of women, and for more than 100 years, L’Oréal Paris has been providing women around the world with products in four major beauty categories: hair color, haircare, skincare and cosmetics. With L’Oréal’s invention of hair color in 1909, the brand continues to serve as the leading innovator of hair products across color, care, and styling with brands such as Superior Preference, Féria, Excellence Crème, Elvive, the Ever Collection, Advanced Hairstyle, and Elnett Satin Hairspray. L’Oréal Paris provides scientifically-advanced skincare products that are clinically proven to address individual skin concerns through its renowned brands Revitalift, Hydra Genius, Age Perfect, and Sublime Bronze. L’Oréal Paris ‘iconic cosmetics collections include Infallible, True Match, Colour Riche, Voluminous, and Visible Lift. For more information about L’Oréal Paris and to receive personalized advice, expert tips, and exclusive content, please visit www.lorealparisusa.com or follow on Instagram (@LOrealMakeup, @LOrealHair, @LOrealSkin, @LOrealMen, Snapchat (@LOrealMakeup), Twitter (@LOrealParisUSA), Facebook (@LOrealParisUSA), and Pinterest (@LOrealParisUSA).

88 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Industry News
LIFT AND TONE IN ONE EASY STEP Use on dark hair to achieve the perfect blonde shade. Up to 5 levels of lift! BLUE For Dark Hair ONLY* Call your distributor today for details. *Not for use on lighter hair to avoid unwanted tones ©2017 The Wella Corporation, Woodland Hills, CA 91367 CSM2017-1553

Cosmetics LK Adds to Portfolio of Quality-Focused Brands With Acquisition of Nail Care Brand Prolana

DANIA BEACH, Fla., Nov. 16, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Beauty, health and personal care company Cosmetics LK (http://cosmeticslk. com/) announces the acquisition of nail care brand Prolana. With this acquisition, Cosmetics LK can now offer its shoppers some of the safest, highest quality products for nails available anywhere. “We strive to provide both a large inventory and competitive pricing on all products,” says Leon Kohn, Owner of Cosmetics LK. “Prolana has developed nail care solutions that are safe, reliable and effective — at a reasonable price point that our customers will appreciate. We’re proud to bring the Prolana name on board and help it achieve even greater recognition.”

Founded and launched in 2007, Prolana’s flagship product is Nail Optimizer, a one-step solution for restoring and strengthening even the most thin, brittle nails. The enriched nail-hardening product encourages the growth of protein and calcium structures, which results in healthy, stronger, more flexible nails when used regularly and as directed. Moreover, Prolana products do not contain toluene or DBP (dibutyl pththalate) — a plastic-like compound that has been banned in the EU for many years.

Prolana Nail Optimizer has earned a nearly 5-star rating on Amazon.com, along with numerous glowing reviews: “This is the first time I’ve really had nails since, well, EVER. After I started using Nail Optimizer every night, they actually started growing and now look like happy, healthy nails, even though I only get manicures once very few months. I also like that it dries faster than regular nail polish.” Several reviewers mention that their manicurist introduced them to Prolana, which goes to show the professional quality of the brand. Others remark on Nail Optimizer’s fast dry

time and vibrant shine.

Cosmetics LK, like Prolana, has had a decade to establish its reputation among retailers and consumers. Since its founding ten years ago, the company’s mission has been to provide consumers with the best and trendiest products in the beauty and health and personal care categories. The acquisition of Prolana will both support that mission and enable Cosmetics LK to connect with even more consumers in ecommerce and retail spaces.

As a one-stop shop for all cosmetic needs, Cosmetic LK features products in the following broad categories: baby, bath and body, face care, nail care and men’s products. Dozens of national brands are represented in the company’s large inventory, from household names to boutique offerings, and new products are continually added.

Cosmetics LK has bold plans to expand its selection of Prolana products in 2018 by committing additional resources to research and development.

About Cosmetics LK, LLC

Cosmetics LK, LLC offers a range of products in the categories of Beauty and Health & Personal Care, all from national brand names and privately held names. The company services all their customers by providing each one with the latest in-trend and highest quality assortment of products within the categories distributed. Cosmetics LK, LLC’s number one priority since the first day of operation has been the delivery of an exceptional level of service to every one of its customers in both the retail and ecommerce sectors.

As a distributor in both the retail and ecommerce channels, Cosmetics LK, LLC administers and processes numerous types of orders in a variety of scopes. With experience in the distribution industry and order logistics, Cosmetics LK, LLC promises to ship within 24 business hours of receipt of orders at any time, five days a week.

90 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Industry News

The in-cosmetics Group announces senior management changes following record-breaking year

Following the most successful year in its history, hosting a record 32,970 personal care industry professionals at six events across the world, the in-cosmetics Group – organiser of the world’s most prestigious personal care ingredients events – has announced a series of senior management promotions and new appointments.

The announcement follows a record-breaking 10th edition of incosmetics Asia. With 11% more floor space, the show welcomed more than 10,000 unique visitors – the largest number of any in-cosmetics event in history. This, together with increased attendance figures at in-cosmetics Global in April, in-cosmetics Korea in June, in-cosmetics Latin America in September and incosmetics North America in October, means 2017 has been the Group’s best year to date.

Having worked on the in-cosmetics events for almost 15 years, Exhibition Director Cathy Laporte has been promoted to Senior Exhibition Director for the in-cosmetics Group, in recognition of her contribution to the growth of the portfolio as a whole.

Laporte will assume the role from Lucy Gillam who, after five years running the in-cosmetics Group of events, will step up to become Director of Strategy & Customer Value for Europe at Reed Exhibitions – the company that owns the in-cosmetics brand.

Having grown the in-cosmetics portfolio over the last five years, bringing the brand to new territories including North America, Korea and Latin America, and launching the hugely successful Formulation Summit, Gillam will now work with Reed Exhibition events across all industry sectors to deliver value and great experiences for customers.

With over 20 years’ experience, spanning research, business development, marketing and exhibition management roles, Cathy Laporte was the natural choice for the role, according to Reed Exhibitions UK Divisional Director Darren Johnson:

“Cathy joined the company as a Marketing Manager and has worked tirelessly to help build the in-cosmetics brand around the world, using her innate marketing, communication, management and business skills to deliver successful events time and again.”

Cathy Laporte added: “I am delighted to be taking over as Senior Exhibition Director at what is an extremely exciting time for the incosmetics Group. This year we have seen major growth in terms of visitor and exhibitor numbers, meaning more manufacturers and suppliers are using the events as knowledge building and sharing platforms than ever before. However, rest assured we are not standing still, we are currently consolidating plans and pioneering initiatives for 2018, which will take our events to the next level.”

Laporte will take over from Gillam as Senior Exhibition Director for the in-cosmetics Group portfolio, while new recruits Roziani Zulkifli and Shona Thomson have joined as Exhibition Manager and Marketing Manager respectively to continue the Group’s growth.

in-cosmetics will begin 2018 with its flagship event, in-cosmetics Global, which takes place from 17-19 April at the RAI Amsterdam. The event will return to the Dutch capital after 10 years, with renewed vigour and a host of new features that will offer more value to customers than ever before.

For more information about the in-cosmetics events in 2018, please visit http://www.in-cosmetics.com/

92 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Industry News

Beautycounter—the Leader in Safer Beauty—Endorses Personal Care Products Safety Act

Joined by a group of safer beauty brands, the company backs bill introduced by Senators Feinstein and Collins calling for FDA authority to regulate safety of beauty products

WASHINGTON, Nov. 17, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Counter Brands, LLC. – parent company of Beautycounter, the leader in safer skin care and cleaner cosmetics, today announced it will endorse the Personal Care Products Safety Act (S.1113). Following the company’s guidance, several other safer beauty brands signed a letter supporting the legislation, including côte and tenoverten nail polish brands, Vapour Beauty, OSEA and S.W. Basics skin care, among others.

The bill, introduced by Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), takes a significant step toward updating the current regulatory structure governing cosmetics and skin care products. It calls for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to regulate the safety of ingredients used in beauty and grooming items and promotes transparency in the industry, requiring companies to post complete label information about their products, report adverse events related to their products to the FDA and provide the agency with information about ingredients contained in their products.

80 years, the bipartisan Personal Care Products Safety Act will help increase safety for consumers, protect small businesses, and provide regulatory certainty for manufacturers. We welcome the endorsement of these American entrepreneurs and look forward to working together to continue building support for this important bipartisan bill in the Senate.”

“Recent studies show that health issues like cancer, infertility and hormone disruption are on the rise due in part to ongoing exposure to toxic chemicals,” said Gregg Renfrew, Beautycounter Founder and CEO. “Our mission is to get safer, high-performing personal care products into the hands of everyone. For nearly four years, we have worked tirelessly in Washington to build momentum for legislative reform of the cosmetics industry. We look forward to continuing our work with Senate HELP Committee leadership as they undertake this important piece of consumer safety legislation.”

Despite its continuous growth, the $62 billion beauty industry in the United States has largely gone unregulated. The Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act of 1938 is the most recent major regulation adopted by the industry, which essentially allows personal care product companies to self-regulate. The Personal Care Products Safety Act would give the FDA more oversight to ensure product safety through a variety of mandates, including having to evaluate a minimum of five ingredients, or classes of ingredients per year for safety; ordering recalls; requiring complete ingredient information on labels and more.

“Americans use a variety of personal care products daily, and they should be able to know whether the products that they are applying to their hair or skin, or to their children, are safe,” said Senator Collins. “By updating FDA oversight of the ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products for the first time in nearly

“We continue to build momentum for our bill to update the nearly 80-year-old safety rules for personal care products, gaining support from a wide-range of companies that know how common sense rules of the road help businesses succeed,” Senator Feinstein said.

“Thank you to Beautycounter for their support and I look forward to working with them to move this bill forward.”

Beautycounter is mobilizing its base in support of the bill, including its clients and network of more than 25,000 Independent Consultants across all 50 states. A certified B Corporation, Beautycounter has been active on Capitol Hill since its founding in 2013, and recently launched the Counteract Coalition, an advocacy initiative made up of nearly 20 clean, high-performance beauty brands dedicated to advancing a safer cosmetics industry.

About Beautycounter

Beautycounter is the leader in the safer skin care and cleaner cosmetics category.

The Santa Monica, CAbased brand drives a national movement for improved transparency and accountability in the beauty industry, including advocacy to update federal regulations that have stood largely unchanged since 1938. The company’s mission is “to get safer products into the hands of everyone.” Beautycounter develops and distributes nearly 150 products across skin care, color cosmetics, advanced antiaging, kids, baby and personal care collections. Beautycounter is a Certified B Corporation. Founded by Gregg Renfrew in 2011, Beautycounter launched in 2013 as a direct-retail brand (direct to consumer through multiple channels) that is now available through 25,000+ consultants across North America, online at Beautycounter.com, and through strategic partnerships including J.Crew, a limited-edition collection with Target, and a pop-up shop on Nantucket Island. For more information, please visit www. beautycounter.com.

94 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018


Henkel has named Robert Schaeffler to succeed Karl-Heinz Pitsch as the general manager of Sexy Hair.

The news comes following the announcement of Karl-Heinz’ retirement. Robert will lead Sexy Hair in addition to his current responsibilities with Kenra Professional and #mydentity brands as part of Henkel Beauty Care North America.

Also at Henkel Beauty Care, Michelle Chandler will succeed President and Founder Steve Goddard as the new General Manager of Pravana.

The news comes following the official announcement of Henkel’s acquisition of the hair color company earlier this year.

American International Industries recently promoted two key sales leaders. Mark Moesta, formerly vice president, professional sales, has been promoted to senior vice president of sales and strategy, and Mickey Fenig has been named vice president, international sales.


Seventy percent of millennial women said they feel the need to downplay the time and effort they put into their looks, due, in part, to today’s world of woke-up-like-this selfies, according to a new survey by TRESemme’.

The brand partnered with clinical psychologist and confidence expert Dr. Judy Ho to poll millennial women and found that hair can actually give women the confidence to walk taller every day.

“68% of women feel there is a stereotype about women who spend time on their appearance. The hesitation seems to come from the belief that women may be taken less seriously if they look doneup, especially in a professional setting. However we know that most women believe that their hair and beauty routine contribute greatly to their confidence, which leads to t feel more effective in work and social settings,” explains Dr. Ho.

Just 40% of Google Hair Care searches specify a brand, down from 44% the year before. Instead, consumers are actively researching products specific to their hair type, gender, ethnicity and by product ingredients, as searches for tea tree, coconut milk and keratin climbed to new heights in June 2017, representing, 100%, 67% and 54% of Indexed Google search volume. That, according to the 5th annual Digital IQ Index Report: Hair Care & Color 2017, from digital benchmarking firm L@ Inc.

BIR Bits
Robert Schaeffler Mark Moesta
96 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
Michelle Chandler
OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 97

To All of the OTC Store Owners and It’s Staff Members:

Happy New Year! The Jinny United companies and I would like to say thank you for your support and business in 2017. It has been a challenging year for our multicultural beauty industry but with hard work, great promotions and your support, we have turned 2017 into a good year.

There will be many challenges that will come your way in 2018, but for those OTC stores who are willing to change for the better, they will stay on top. It is so important to keep learning your own business and your industry.

Once again, Happy New Year! I wish each and every one of you a successful and happy 2018.

Eddie Jhin

OTC 상점 오너분들과 직원분들 모두에게:

새해 복 많이 받으세요! Jinny United 와 저는 2017년도 귀하의 지원과 사업에 감사드립니다. 2017년은 다문화 뷰티 산업에 힘든 한해였지만, 열심히 일하고 훌륭한 판촉 및 지원을 통해 2017년을 성공적인 해로 바꾸어 놓았습니다.

2018년도에도 많은 어려움이 있겠지만, 더 나은 방향으로 변하고자 하는 OTC 스토어들은 계속해서 상승세를 유지할 것 입니다. 자신의 사업과 업계에 관해 끊임없이 연구하는 것이 중요합니다.

다시한번 새해 복 많이 받으세요! 2018년에도 모두 성공하시고 행복하시길 기원합니다.

Eddie Jhin 드림

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Store name Address Jinny Invoice Number Date Signature Phone I. Purchase the required amount of the vendor’s products. Coupon good for ONE TIME PURCHASE ONLY. 2. Fill out the coupon, supplying all necessary information. 3. Return the refund coupon* along with a copy of your original Jinny invoice** per Manufacturer’s request. 4. You’ll receive a credit from your Jinny Beauty Supply Accounting Department to be used on your next Jinny invoice. S. NO RETURNS will be accepted on coupon purchases. *Original only, NO COPIES will be accepted. **Copy of invoice MUST ACCOMPANY refund for credit.
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Show Calendar | Ad Index


11-12 San Juan Beauty Show San Juan, Puerto Rico www.sanjuanbeautyshow.net

27-29 International Salon and Spa Expo Long Beach, California www.probeauty.org/isselb/



PBA Executive Summit Scottsdale, AZ www.probeauty.org/execs

AFAM Concept 2 and 3 www.afamconcept.com

American International Industries 17 www.aiibeauty.com

Ampro Industries 27 www.amprogel.com

Andis Co. 75 www.andis.com

Brock Beauty.....................................Inside Back Cover www.brockbeauty.com

Buttersweet.....................................................................62 www.buttersweetproducts.com

Coty Inside Front Cover, 1, 59 and 89 www.wella.com

Dream World Products........33, 35, 47, 49, 63, 91, 93, 97, 103, 105 www.dreamworldproducts.com

Fantasia Ind. 9 www.fantasiahaircare.com

Gibs Grooming...............................................................31 www.gibsgrooming.com

Gold ‘N Hot 61 www.goldnhothair.com

GraffEtch ........................................................................... 8 www.graffetch.com

Hair Illusion 13 www.hairillusion.com

Helen of Troy 21 www.hotus.com

Henkel Consumer Goods.............................................48 www.henkel.com

Innovative Beauty Products, LLC 29 www.godefroybeauty.com

Inspired Beauty Brands...............................................55 www.inspiredbeauty.com

Jane Carter Solution....................................................11 www.janecartersolution.com

JBS Hair ........................................ 42-43,

104 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
70-71, 78-79 www.jbshair.com Just For Locs....................................................................87 www.justforlocs.com Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products 37 www.liquidgoldbonding.com L’Oreal Technique 53 www.loreal.com M&M Products 81 www.mmproducts.com Mane Selection............................................................101 www.maneselection.com Murray’s Worldwide.....................................................33, 93 www.murrayspomade.com Nature’s Protein.............................................................45
Queen Helene 36
Services, Inc......................38
Sparks 5
Universal Beauty..............................................................77
Laboratories Cover and
www.sparkscolor.com Spunge...............................................................................19 www.spungeformen.com
Mane Choice Hair Solution..............Back Cover www.themanechoice.com
International........................................................35 www.vogueintl.com Xtreme Beauty International 24-25 and 74 www.xbi.co

Let your voice be heard!

In this segment, OTC Beauty Magazine wants to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it via email.

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• What are your professional resolutions for 2018?

2018년도의 경영을위한 새로운 결심은 무엇인가요?

• What challenges did 2017 present to you and how do you plan to overcome them this year?

2017년도에 당면했던 문제는 무엇이며, 올해 이 문제를 극복하기 위한 계획은 무엇인가요?

• How will you take advantage of the excitement of New Year? Will you host a special sale or offer discounts?

새해의 들뜬 분위기를 어떻게 이용할 예정인가요? 특별한 판매 또는 할일을 제안할 예정인가요?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication.

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감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

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106 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018
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Reader Feedback

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108 OTC Beauty Magazine January 2018 Product Spotlight
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