The Natural Issue OTC March 2015

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March 2015| $6.00 The Natural Issue

10 Tips For

Healthy Natural Hair Exercise and Beauty Stocking up for Spring Western Buying Conference 2015

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CONTENTS March2015 in this issue

Editorial Letter ����������������������10 Natural Beauty

자연스러운 아름다움

Expert Advice �����������������������12 The Natural Skincare Product Fad is Here to Stay!

Marketplace �������������������������16 Naturally Fabulous

How Should You Sell It? �������24 Exercise and Beauty

어떻게 판매할 것인가?

Feature Article 10 Tips for Healthy Natural Hair ���������������������� 66 by Alecia James

The individual curl pattern commonly found in us “curly” naturals is unique, and consequently requires care that is tailored to your particular hair type. However there are some practices that can be beneficial to all regardless of your hair type or structure. Learn them here!

이 달의 판매 초점은 …운동과 뷰티!

Urban Call Briefs ������������������47 Role Model Beyond Beauty: Part 7

Notes From the Natural Nation ���������������������63 Why Another Jamaican Black Castor Oil?

Clipper Tips ��������������������������76 Slim Your Cutting Time with the SlimLine Ion Trimmer

Therapy Trends ���������������������78 Natural Beauty Bullets

Tonsorial Times .................... 80

Show Coverage

Western Buying Conference 2015 ������������������������ 84 The Western Buying Conference (WBC) celebrated their 30th Anniversary in Las Vegas on January 19th and 20th, with over 200 exhibitors attending.

Get Twisted!

업계소식................................ 92

Industry News ���������������������96 Coupons ��������������������������� 103 Show Calendar ����������������� 108 Ad Index ��������������������������� 108 Reader Feedback ��������������� 110 Product Spotlight �������������� 112 OKAY African Black Soap Original 4

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

On The Cover If you’re looking for a beauty product that does it all, look no further! Colomer is proud to announce the newest addition to their Lottabody line, the Love Me 5-n-1 Miracle Styling Crème. It detangles and conditions, offers heat protection, adds moisture and shine, prevents split ends and tames frizz. Learn more about the entire product line on page 37.

CONTENTS March 2015 Finished Product

Hair Masques ���������������������������30 by Cindy Tawiah Hair masques have been in existence since the beginning of time with numerous examples of women in history mixing and applying various homemade preparations into their hair. Modern times now have us searching through aisles in beauty supply and drug stores, looking for the best deep conditioning hair masques for our dry thirsty strands. The options can be daunting, but the truth is that all conditioners smooth the cuticle (first layer of the hair), soften the hair, add shine and restore moisture to the hair.

Knowledge To Know Eat Healthy, Eat Natural Foods ���36

Business Tips Interesting Social Media Facts You Should Know in 2015 ��������������������������������������� 52 by Sundeep Pardal We all ask ourselves the same desperate question from time to time: How am I going to make this work?! No matter how well we’ve done laying the groundwork for everything to run smoothly— becoming educated, choosing the right spouse, treating others well—we all face situations that challenge us. If we can keep our cool and adhere to some basic principles, we can not only meet any challenge—we can perform with excellence.

2015년 당신이 알아야 할 흥미로운 소셜 미디어 소셜 미디어는 더이상 젊은이들이 이벤트를 계획하거나 그들의 개그를 공유하는 플랫폼만이 아니며, 새롭게 생성되거나 이미 설립된 조직들 모두를 위해 존재한다는 것에 반론의 여지가 없다. 어떠한 것들이 인기가 있는지, 그리고 어떻게 활용해야 하는지를 알아보자.

Beauty Supplies to Stock up on this Spring �������� 56

by Marina Janakievska Every day we hear on TV, read in the newspapers or on the Net about how important it is to eat healthy natural food. The truth is when we go buying food it can be hard to decide which food is best for consumption. To help, here is information about the top 10 natural foods you should eat.

by Scott Grimes When spring turns the bend and we can kiss winter goodbye, it’s the perfect time to stock up on new beauty supplies for the new season. Spring is all about bright colors and funky, fun patterns, and a spiced up hair routine—be sure your store is ready!

건강한 음식, 네추럴 푸드를 먹자.

봄철, 매장을 채울 미용 재료들

우리는 매일 TV나 신문 혹은 매체들을 통해서 건강한 네추럴 푸드를 먹는 것이 얼마나 중요한지 듣는다. 그러나 사실상 우리가 음식을 사러 갔을 때, 어떤 음식이 가장 적합한지 결정하는 것은 쉽지 않다. 여기에 꼭 섭취해야 할 10가지 네추럴 푸드에 관한 정보를 소개해 본다.

봄이 고개 숙여 인사하고, 우리는 겨울에게 작별을 고하는 지금은 새로운 계절을 위한 새로운 미용 제품들로 매장을 채울 아주 적절한 시간이다. 봄은 곧 밝은 색상과 펑키, 재밌는 패턴을 뜻하며 일상적인 것보다 조금은 더 특별한 헤어의 계절이다. 이에 철저히 준비를 해보자!

Manufacturer Profile

In What Ways do Natural Fromm International ��������������������������������������������������� 70 Downsizing. This word often has a negative connotation, but Fromm International used it efficiently Hair Care Products Help in regards to their marketing efforts and it has proved wildly successful. According to Sara Pirok, in Hair Growth? ���������������������������� 40 Chief Marketing Officer for Fromm, the company implemented a 3-brand “good, better, best” by Jacques Allrich Long black beautiful hair is every woman’s dream. To maintain good hair and to make it look lovely you need to use natural products instead of chemicals that damage the hair. Therefore, natural hair care products have been designed for all hair types.

네추럴 헤어 케어 제품이 모발 성장에 도움이 될 수 있는 방법에는 무엇이 있을까 검은색의 긴 아름다운 모발은 모든 여성의 꿈이다.좋은 모발을 유지하고 아름답게 보이게 하기 위해서는 모발을 손상하는 화 학제품 대신 네추럴 제품을 사용해야만 한다. 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품은 모든 헤어 타입을 위해 설계되었다.


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

strategy to refocus their business plan, and they have “taken the beauty world by storm.” 소형화. 이 단어는 종종 부정적인 의미를 갖지만, Fromm International은 마케팅 부분에서 이것을 효율적으로 사용하였으며 성공적으로 입증해왔다. Fromm의 최고 마케팅 책임자인 Sara Pirok에 따르면, 이 회사는 사업 계획에 집중하기 위해 “좋은, 더 좋은, 최고의” 라는 3 가지 브랜드 전략을 구현했으며, “아름다움의 천하를 풍미”하고 있다.


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Earl Cole

Art Director:

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

Jacques Allrich Scott Grimes Joycelyn Gunn-Stephens Alecia James Marina Janakievska Sarah Labdar Sundeep Pardal Renae Tate Cindy Tawiah


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Editorial Letter

Natural Beauty 자연스러운 아름다움 Have you ever stopped and thought about how hard it is to pretend to be something you’re not? For example, tr ying to repair a vehicle when you have never even looked under the hood of a car, or attempting to solve a problem with computer programming when you know nothing about technology. These sound like pretty uncomfortable situations. Likewise, it can be just as uncomfortable to tr y and look, dress or fashion your style like someone you’re not. Instead, we here at OTC B e aut y Mag a z in e s u g g e s t y o u s i mp l y b e y o u r s e l f a n d f l au nt y o u r n atu r a l b e aut y c on f i d e nt l y. Ever yone was born with a certain skin tone, hair type and a unique personality ; that’s what makes this world we live in so great. So why tr y and alter that? We say let your natural curls go wild, keep your skin soft with natural products that are good for your body, and be sure to eat healthy foods to stay naturally radiant. We have gathered a few products to help your customers do just that in this month’s Marketplace. Similarly, the Knowledge to Know articles are exceptionally enlightening in regards to inner health. Want another way to stay up to date on what’s going on in the world? Tr y getting engaged in social media. Flip to page 52 to learn more about a few platforms that can help you engage with your customers on a new level and benefit your product and trend knowledge. This is also a ver y busy time for our industr y! Be sure to stop by the Industr y News section to get the low-down on what’s going on in the business. We’re sharing all kinds of interesting facts this month that you do not want to miss, so let your natural curiosity run wild and start exploring this issue!

여러분이 아닌 다른 무언가인 척하는 것이 얼마나 어려운지 생각해본 적이 있습니까? 예를 들어, 자동차 후드 아래를 한 번도 본 적 없는 당신이 자동차를 수리하려고 노력하거나, 기술적인 아무런 지식이 없는 여러분이 컴퓨터 프로그램에 발생한 문제를 해결하려고 시도하는 것. 이것은 꽤 불편한 상황처럼 들립니다. 마찬가지로, 여러분이 아닌 다른 사람처럼 옷을 입고 패션과 스타일을 꾸미고자 하는 것 역시 불편할 수가 있습니다. 자, 여기 OTC 뷰티 매거진에서는 여러분의 자연스러운 아름다움을 당당하게 과시할 수 있고 여러분 자신이 될 수 있는 간단한 방법을 제시하고 있습니다. 모든 사람들은 특정한 피부톤과 헤어 타입 그리고 독특한 개성을 갖고 태어났습니다. 이것이 바로 우리가 살고 있는 이 세상을 아주 멋있게 만드는 이유입니다. 그런데 왜 그것을 바꾸고자 애쓰십니까? 여러분이 네추럴 컬을 있는 그대로 유지하고 몸에 좋은 네추럴 제품으로 여러분의 피부를 부드럽게 유지하며, 자연스럽게 빛날 수 있도록 건강한 음식을 드셔야 합니다. 이 달의Marketplace 섹션에 여러분의 고객들에게 도움이 될 수 있는 몇 가지 음식들을 모아보았습니다. Knowledge to Know 기사들은 내면의 건강에 관해 아주 계몽적인 내용들을 다루고 있습니다. 지금 세계에서 일어나고 있는 최신 정보를 유지할 수 있는 또 다른 방법을 원하십니까? 소셜 미디어에 접속해보세요. 페이지 52에서는 여러분 제품의 효능과 트랜드 지식에 관해 고객들과 연결되는데 도움이 될 수 있는 몇 가지 플랫폼에 관해 더 자세히 배울 수가 있습니다. 지금은 또한 우리 업계가 아주 바쁜 시간입니다. 업계 뉴스 섹션에서 현재 비즈니스에서 일어나고 있는 실상에 관한 내용도 얻어 가시길 바랍니다. 이번 달에는 여러분이 놓치기 싫은 모든 종류의 흥미로운 내용들을 공유하고 있으니 여러분의 자연적인 호기심을 발동시켜 이번 호를 탐구하시길 바랍니다!

Editor, 10

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice by Renae Tate

The Natural Skincare Product Fad is Here to Stay! Natural, organic, paraben-free, mineral. These terms are popping up more and more in today’s beauty industry. Consumers are looking for ingredients that they can pronounce and are simplifying their regimen more and more. It all seems confusing and label reading can be tedious while buying cosmetic products, but get ready because the trend is here to stay! Natural ingredients provide more certainty in what one is applying or putting into their bodies. In this day and age, beauty mavens have so many choices when it comes to makeup and skincare. It’s hard to keep up with which ingredients are harmful and which are a-okay! Many beauty supply owners are also worried about what products to carry, what to suggest and what all these terms actually mean! Many stores suggest putting all your organic, natural, etc. products in one section or shelf space. This allows for an easy guide for those customers who are into the latest health and beauty trend. Simple ingredients are becoming more popular and skincare is no exception. Clear Essence Cosmetics is one particular company that has created an all-natural beauty line to ensure that its customers are using only the best and most beneficial ingredients found in nature. Everyday skin is affected by harsh environmental pollution, dietary

choices and stress. Taking good care of it to delay aging, improve appearance, and fade dark spots or marks is usually easier said than done. But suggesting Clear Essence Olive Oil or Carrot Oil soaps are the perfect combination of natural ingredients and powerful results. These soaps maintain the skin tone while adding moisture. Our Olive Oil Soap helps to soften rough skin while carrots have been proven to add elasticity and leave skin looking radiant and firm. There are many benefits to regular facial care. Regular skin care stimulates and improves metabolism and functions of the dermal tissues. This improves the appearance of the face and keeps it healthy and glowing. For those looking for glowing, smooth and moisturized skin‌ look no further than Clear Essence Specialist Skin Care Body Oil. Not only is it a moisturizing body oil, but it also helps to fade stretch marks and scars on the body, especially for darker skin tones. It helps to improve the skins appearance and elasticity over time. While many believe that the natural fad is simply a trend, reports and statistics indicate that many consumers are becoming more health conscious and aware of the ingredients they are using in their beauty products. Keeping up with this change will be imperative for beauty supply and store owners in the coming years to ensure that natural items are available for the informed consumer!

Renae Tate is the Graphic Design Lead and Sales and Marketing Representative for Clear Essence Cosmetics USA, Inc. While keeping up with beauty trends has become a deep interest for her, she also enjoys snowboarding, fashion, the beach and traveling in her free time.


OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine March December OTC 20152008

March2008 2015 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December



OTC 2008 OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December March 2015

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine


Endless Moisture

SoftSheen-Carson has the recipe for endless moisture to relieve thirsty, dehydrated hair, and they have used it in their Super Quench Leave-In Spray. A part of the Au Naturale Moisture L.O.C. line, it is the first step of their three step process, preparing hair to absorb supreme moisture. Users apply it generously to damp hair without rinsing. Your customers can rest easy; it is free of mineral oil, parabens and petrolatum.

Back to Natural

Your customers with mixed textures—curly, wavy, kinky-coily and transitioners—can find amazing hair manageability, softness and shine with the Shea Butter Miracle Leave-In Conditioner from African Pride. Regular use intensely moisturizes and instantly detangles hair, turns frizz into smooth curls, coils and waves, and nourishes for greater shine and softness. Not to mention, it smells heavenly!


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Thicken Tresses

Fortified with biotin, saw palmetto, wheat protein and vitamin E for an energized scalp and thicker, fuller hair, the Biotin B-Complex Therapy Thickening Conditioner from Avalon Organics is the natural answer for thinning hair concerns. Not only does it boost volume and help to build body in fine hair, it also conditions and nourishes hair while encouraging growth. It contains 70% organic content and is packaged in a bottle made of 100% recycled material— that’s impressive!

Curl Control

Encourage your customers to celebrate their natural curls with Mixed Roots’ Curl Control Leave-In Lotion. As step four in the Mixed Roots system, this product defines and locks in the users’ natural curl or wave pattern while eliminating frizz. It is also free from parabens and mineral oil.

Tropical Twists and Locks

The unique formula of Hawaiian Silky’s Herbal Twist & Lock Gel allows customers to have total control of forming and styling their twists and locks for that “essential look” without drying the hair. It seals in moisture, promoting healthy sheen while absorbing into the hair shaft without leaving oily build-up. It’s also great for sculpting and setting hair.



Nothing is quite as beautiful as when someone is true to themselves and completely genuine. From beauty to personality, this often rings true. In this issue’s Marketplace section we have highlighted products in the industry that celebrate individuality, embracing natural hair styles and being health conscious regarding the formulation of beauty products. Won’t you celebrate being naturally fabulous with us? March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


M A R K E T PLACE Pure Jojoba Oil

Feel good about using Difeel products—the certified organic ingredients used for these products are good for the environment! The pure essential Jojoba Oil is odor free and boasts multiple benefits such as being antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, a moisturizer and an acne treatment. Its suggested use is as a natural moisturizer, applied directly onto the skin or as a base for lotions. Drops can also be mixed into regular shampoos and conditioners, or used weekly for warm oil massages.

Shine On

Face the day fearlessly with the Hask® Monoi Oil Nourishing Shine Oil. Ideal for all hair types, this lightweight, alcohol-free shine oil’s delicious coconut scent sends you on a mini vacation every day. Leaving hair soft and hydrated, it instantly absorbs, providing beautiful shine with no oily residue.

Freshen Up

Sometimes morning hair routines are as easy as simply refreshing curls without having to re-cleanse. The Freshen Up Curl Refresher from 4 Naturals refreshes waves and coils after the second or third day, without weighing down curls. This spray eliminates frizz, protects hair against damages and leaves hair soft, smooth and shiny. It works great on all hair types and virgin hair extensions.

Purification Masque

Sometimes it’s more than the actual hair that needs help. The Shea Moisture African Black Soap Purification Masque exfoliates and detoxifies hair and scalp to relieve dry itchiness. This intensive treatment simultaneously removes product buildup while strengthening hair by sealing in moisture. Featured ingredients include Plantain Enzyme, Tea Tree Oil, and Willow Bark Extract.


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

100% Natural

100% natural…what is better to see on a beauty product than that? The Reshma Henna Oil Treatment for Dry and Damaged Hair is a deep conditioning treatment that restores moisture, softens split ends and adds radiant shine to the hair. This miracle blend of five exotic nourishing oils (natural Jojoba oil, Cedar wood oil, Tea Tree oil, Henna Extract and Clove oil) reduces the appearance of dandruff, helps mends split ends, and rejuvenates hair to be healthier, shinier and more lustrous.

Defrizz, Define, Detangle

Encourage natural curls, don’t hide them! Let Kinky Moves Curl Defining Hair Cream encourage them by providing that extra oomph they need. It eliminates frizz and flyaways, letting the true beauty of your customers’ curls shine all day long. This formula is infused with natural grape seed and jasmine.

Clean Hair, Clean Conscience

A sweet smelling, sulfate-free shampoo with no sulfate, silicone, parabens or mineral oil…what more could your customers want? Cantu for Natural Hair offers their Sulfate-Free Cleansing Cream Shampoo to gently remove heavy build up and leave hair healthy and clean. Safe for natural and colored hair, this formula is made with 100% pure shea butter for the ultimate softness.

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


M A R K E T PLACE Curl-to-Coil

Looking for a lightweight pomade that works wonders on all hair types without weighing locks down? If so, look no further than nuNAAT’s Real Me Perfect Do Pomade. The formula hydrates hair to prevent breakage while providing softness and shine. It is excellent when doing twist-outs, braid-outs and other natural styles and does not contain harmful ingredients.

Born this Way

Everyone is born with DNA that is uniquely theirs, much like their hair texture. Universal Beauty celebrates this uniqueness with their My DNA line of products, which includes this Serum. Its unique blend of Shea Butter and Monoi de Tahiti helps to resurface hair by repairing damaged cuticles while mending split ends and eliminating frizz. It adds strength and elasticity while producing heightened hair shine.

Clean as Can Be

Nothing is as natural as being perfectly clean, especially before or after a waxing treatment. The GiGi All PuPe Clarifier is an essential product, helping to cleanse pores and remove impurities from the skin for more effective hair removal. It also prevents irritation and bumps.


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

Exercise and Beauty! Besides spending a great amount of time and money trying to look beautiful on the outside, there has to be something your customers can do to look and feel their best beginning with the inside… Exercise! It actually has more benefits than helping maintain a healthy weight. Be sure to encourage your shoppers to get out and exercise to help them look and feel fabulous!

How does exercise benefit your body? “In a world obsessed by beauty, we’ve spent billions of dollars a year on products to enhance our skin, hair and nails. However, what we don’t realize when we buy and use these beauty products is that there are easier and more natural ways to enhance one’s beauty. By eating healthy, living a healthy lifestyle, and exercising you can preserve your beauty from the inside out. When most people think of reasons to exercise it doesn’t include a clear complexion, blemish free skin, less wrinkles and strong, healthy hair. However that’s exactly what exercise can do for your beauty. Exercise benefits beauty by rewarding you with healthier skin and hair. Exercise reduces wrinkles, restores color and glow to dull skin, decreases acne, and revives weak and brittle hair. So next time you need a motivation to exercise think about your beauty. Going for a walk, doing yoga or working up a sweat around the house can all enhance your beauty.” This article is courtesy of You can find the article at:

Sarah Labdar

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the April issue! 24

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...

운동과 뷰티! 겉으로 아름답게 보이려고 엄청한 시간과 돈을 쓰는 것 이외에, 당신의 고객들이 내면과 더불어 그들의 최고를 보여주고 느낄 수 있는 무엇인가가 있어야 하는데, 그것은 바로… 운동이다! 건강한 체중을 유지하는데 도움이 되는 것 이상의 많은 혜택이 있다. 당신의 고객들이 더욱 멋진 모습과 느낌을 갖는데 도움이 될 수 있도록 운동에 열중하도록 격려하라!

운동은 당신의 신체에 어떤 혜택을 줄까? “아름다움에 사로 잡힌 세상에서, 우리는 피부와 헤어, 네일의 향상을 위해 연간 수십억 달러를 사용해왔다. 그러나, 우리가 이런 미용 제품들을 구매하고 사용할 때 우리가 깨닫지 못하는 것은 아름다움을 향상시키기 위한 더욱 쉽고 네추럴한 방법이 있다는 것이다. 건강하게 먹고, 건강한 생활을 하며, 당신의 아름다움이 내면에서부터 나올 수 있도록 운동하는 것이다.

대부분의 사람들이 운동을 하는 이유를 생각할 때, 깨끗한 피부색이나 잡티없는 피부,

줄어든 주름과 건강하고 강한 모발을 포함하지는 않는다. 운동은 더욱 건강한 피부와 모발을 당신에게 되돌려줌으로써 아름다움의 혜택을 준다. 운동은 주름을 줄이고, 칙칙한 피부에 밝은 색상과 광채를 복원하며, 여드름을 감소시킬 뿐 아니라, 약하고 잘 부서지는 모발에 생기를 준다. 그러니 다음 번에 당신이 아름다움을 위한 무언가를 생각할 때는 운동에 대한 동기부여를 가질 필요가 있다. 산책을 하고 요가를 하거나 집 주변을 땀흘리며 도는 것은 모두 당신의 아름다움을 향상시킬 수가 있다.” 이 내용은 articlesbase.com에서 발췌했습니다.에서 해당 내용을 볼 수 있습니다.

Sarah Labdar

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 4월호에 게재됩니다!


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Cindy Tawiah




OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Hair masques have been in existence since the beginning of time with numerous examples of women in history mixing and applying various homemade preparations into their hair. Even in ancient Egypt, famous women such as Cleopatra were not only known to have bathed in milk and honey, but were also known to have applied exotic oils and fruits such as avocados and bananas which were made into a smooth paste onto their hair. Modern times have us searching through aisles in beauty supply and drug stores, looking for the best deep conditioning hair masques for our dry thirsty strands. The options can be daunting, but the truth is that all conditioners smooth the cuticle (first layer of the hair), soften the hair, add shine and restore moisture to the hair. Modern Masques A hair masque is a deep conditioning treatment for the hair. It is applied once every two weeks to increase moisture in hair, prevent breakage and help prevent frizz. They are also known to make hair soft and shiny. Hair masques contain conditioning and moisturizing agents such as shea butter, avocado oil, botanical and fruit oils or extracts. Some hair masques may contain vitamins and can be used on all hair types. These are especially great for dry, over-processed brittle hair that has been damaged from the use of hair color, chemicals and heat. Application is usually on wet hair which enables the ingredients to be absorbed into the hair’s cuticle. The recommended time interval to leave a hair masque on the hair is 20-30 minutes; they may be used with or without a processing cap. Although a processing cap and heat from a dryer is known to aid in better absorption of the product, absence of a hooded dryer will not affect the effectiveness of the product. They can also be applied to dry hair and the hair may be rinsed the following morning if one chooses to sleep with the product applied. This will not cause damage, but rather make hair softer. This is a process used by some ladies with natural hair. Hair should not feel heavy or greasy after using a hair masque, and to ensure proper distribution throughout the hair, it should be combed to the ends. Some women shampoo and condition their hair after applying a hair masque, especially if the oils leave a heavy residue on the hair. The Cost of Nourished Hair Hair masques are usually more expensive than regular conditioners; prices range from $10 for a 4oz. jar to $35 or more, depending on the brand. Salon exclusive brands tend to cost more. With the high cost of hair masques some women are opting for a more economical option by mixing and applying their own preparations at home. We all know from a professional standpoint that homemade remedies—although they may appear to be a safe and economical option—may not give the same great results as a manufactured brand which has all the proprietary and

essential ingredients added to give hair the proper nutrients. The botanical ingredients listed in some of the popular name brand hair masques include the following: ginger, hydrolyzed keratin proteins, monoi oil, hydrolyzed silk, macadamia oil, argan oil, tea tree oil, chamomile oil, aloe, algae extracts, seaweed, and jojoba to mention a few. Product Terminology Upon closer examination of hair masques, they appear to use the same terminology and claims as deep conditioners and hair re-constructors. A few of these terms and claims include: • deep conditioning mask • makes your hair smooth manageable and shiny • powerful protector for your hair • moisture-based product • your hair is less frizzy • for hydration and shine • enhance the color of your hair The best type of hair masque is one containing keratin, amino acids and fatty acid. Why? Because hair is made up of keratin and protein, and these ingredients rebuild hair structure. The Future of Hair Masques As a result of the many processes women’s hair goes through such as coloring, heat application, styling, and exposure to environmental agents (cold temperatures, heat, etc.) which causes hair to become dry, brittle and damaged, the future of hair masques is firmly established in the beauty industry. We will continue to see its evolution and growth in the coming years with both large and small companies formulating and launching new products with buzz words such as “masque” and ingredients which will move the consumer to action. The overall goal is to create products which will help resolve any problem women may experience, such as shedding, breakage and dryness. In a marketplace driven by appearance, putting your best foot forward is one of the keys to convincing consumers to buy a particular brand of hair masque. By that we mean packaging, which plays a key role in influencing consumers’ decisions to buy products. An array of colors—green and brown earth tones, golden hues with iridescent tones, and varying shades of blue— have dominated the market. Point-of-sale materials, magazines and popular media depict images of women with their hair coated with different formulations. At the heart of all of this is the quest to find the best product or hair masque. The key to finding the best product is testing for quality and performance, along with reading reviews about the product. Taking note of some of the guidelines listed above should also help you make an informed decision on which brands to carry in your store and which ones to recommend to your customers.

Cindy Tawiah is the President of Diva by Cindy Hair Products.

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Marina Janakievska

Eat Healthy, Eat Natural Foods 건강한 음식, 네추럴 푸드를 먹자. Every day we hear on TV, read in the newspapers or on the Net about how important it is to eat healthy natural food. The truth is when we go buying food it can be hard to decide which food is best for consumption. Many times we are uncertain if we should take this or that orange or pepper and not so many times we are certain that we’ve made the exact selection. Specialists advise that we should eat food that is marked as “organic.” This signifies some facts about the quality as the use of chemicals and pesticides is restricted. But actually the fact is that you don’t have to buy organic to eat healthy—natural foods are a very good possible choice, without the high prices. Natural food means foods made of simple, familiar ingredients that you can identify that came from the earth, not from a factory, so the nutritional value is guaranteed. You should also look for words like “local” and “seasonal” because that means that you are eating the products when and where they are supposed to be eaten. It’s natural to know and consume what is grown and caught near you. Now you know how to select your food, so we will give you information about the top 10 natural foods that you should eat. You are what you eat and your life is not just one of the cooking games, so be careful about it. - Almonds are a great source of proteins, vitamin E and calcium. They prevent heart diseases, help decrease cholesterol and also help with weight maintenance and loss. - Another “super food” is apricots, no matter if they’re fresh or dried. They are rich in fiber, full of potassium, and low in calories. - Maybe you are afraid to eat chocolate, but you should know that chocolate and cocoa are a great source of powerful antioxidants that help fight diseases. Consuming them in acceptable amounts helps you lower blood pressure and improve blood flow. Also, there is the effect of feeling better as an added bonus! 36

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

우리는 매일 TV나 신문 혹은 매체들을 통해서 건강한 네추럴 푸드를 먹는 것 이 얼마나 중요한지 듣는다. 그러나 사실상 우리가 음식을 사러 갔을 때, 어 떤 음식이 가장 적합한지 결정하는 것은 쉽지 않다. 이 오렌지를 사야하는지 저 오렌지를 사야하는지, 혹은 고추를 사야하는지 확신을 갖기 힘들 때가 많 고, 정확한 선택을 했다는 확신을 갖는 경우도 그다지 많지가 않다. 전문가들은 “유기농”으로 표시된 음식을 먹어야 한다고 충고한다. 이것은 화학 약품이나 농약이 제한되었다는 품질에 관한 사실을 의미하는 것 이다. 그러나 실상은 건강하게 먹기 위해서 유기농을 반드시 구매할 필요는 없다는 것이다. – 네추럴 푸드는 비싸지 않게 구매할 수 있는 아주 좋은 선택 이 될 수 있다. 네추럴 푸드는 공장에서가 아니라 자연에서 왔음을 식별할 수 있는 간단하고 친숙한 성분으로 만들어진 음식으로, 영양적인 가치가 보증되 는 것을 의미한다. “지역” 이나 “제철”과 같은 단어가 표시되어 있는지 확인 해야 한다. 이것은 우리가 먹고 있는 것들이 언제 어디서 섭취되는 것이 가장 좋은지를 의미하기 때문이다. 여러분 가까운 지역에서 자라고 재배되는 것에 대해 알고 그것을 섭취하는 것이 네추럴한 것이다. 이제 당신의 푸드를 어떻게 선택해야 하는지 알게 되었으니, 꼭 섭취해야 할 10가지 네추럴 푸드에 관한 정보를 제공하겠다. 당신은 곧 당신이 섭취하는 것이며 당신의 인생은 단지 요리 게임의 일종이 아니므로, 선택에 신중하자. - Almonds 아몬드는 프로틴과 비타민E 그리고 칼슘이 아주 풍부하다. 심장 질환을 방지하며 콜레스테롤을 낮추고 체중 조절에도 도움이 된다. - 또 다른 “수퍼 푸드”로 apricots살구가 있는데, 신선한 것이든 말린 것이 든 상관없다. 섬유질이 풍부하고 칼륨이 풍부하며 칼로리가 낮다. - 초콜렛을 먹는 것을 두려워할지도 모르지만, 초콜렛과 카카오는 질병에 대 한 저항력에 도움이 되는 강력한 항산화 물질이 함유되어 있다. 적정한 양의 초콜렛 섭취는 혈압을 낮추고 혈류량을 향상시키는데 도움이 된다. 또한, 기 분이 좋아지는 보너스 효과도 있다!

February 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K - Cucumbers are mainly built of water. They are mineral-rich and full of potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins A and C. Cucumbers are low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium.

- Cucumbers오이는 대부분이 수분으로 이뤄져있다. 미네랄이 풍부하고, 칼 륨과 인, 비타민 A와 C가 다량 함유되어 있다. 오이는 또한 포화 지방과 콜레 스테롤, 나트륨이 낮다. - Figs 무화과는 식이섬유와 칼슘의 훌륭한 소스이다.

- Figs are a wonderful source of dietary fiber and calcium. - You should be familiar with the fact that green beans are a great dietary supplement. They are low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol, but high in fiber, iron, and other vitamins and minerals.

- 녹색 콩이 아주 훌륭한 건강보조 식품이라는 사실을 잘 알고 있어야 한다. 포 화 지방과 나트륨, 콜레스테롤은 낮은 반면, 섬유와 철, 다른 비타민과 미네랄 이 많이 함유되어 있다.

- Hazelnuts are rich in vitamin B6 and E. They provide high protection against many diseases, including heart disease.

- Hazelnuts 헤이즐넛은 비타민 B6와 E가 풍부하다. 심장 질환을 포함한 여 러 질병으로부터 높은 보호 기능을 제공한다.

- Maybe you didn’t know, but lemons are one of the best detoxifying foods that help fight degenerative diseases. They have very high diuretic qualities and antioxidants.

- 여러분이 잘 모르고 있을 수도 있지만, 레몬은 최고의 해독 음식 중 하나로 퇴행성 질환에 대항하는데 도움이 된다. 매우 높은 이뇨 물질과 항산화제가 함 유되어 있다.

- It’s good to know that red peppers actually have more vitamin C than an orange. They also provide great energy and serve as an antioxidant, fighting disease.

- 붉은 고추는 오렌지보다 실제적으로 더 많은 비타민 C를 함유하고 있다. 또한 에너지를 제공하며 질병에 대항할 수 있는 항산화제 역할을 한다.

- Yogurt is an excellent source of protein and calcium. It helps to improve digestion and increases immunity, while boosting your body’s capacity to absorb other useful vitamins and minerals.

- 요구르트는 단백질과 칼슘의 훌륭한 소스이다. 소화를 촉진하며 면역 기능을 증가시키고 유용한 비타민이나 미네랄들을 흡수할 수 있는 신체 능력을 강화 시킨다.

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Marina Janakievska is a graduated philologist in comparative literature, born in Skopje, Macedonia. She finds writing as one of the most appropriate ways to express herself and she likes when it appears useful for others as well.


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015


Knowledge to Know by Jacques Allrich

In What Ways do Natural Hair Care Products Help in Hair Growth? 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품이 모발 성장에 도움이 될 수 있는 방법에는 무엇이 있을까? Long black beautiful hair is every woman’s dream. However this is not possible with the kind of products that are now used on hair. To maintain good hair and to make it look lovely you need to use natural products instead of chemicals that damage the hair. Therefore, natural hair care products have been designed for all hair types. There are various types of hair and every hair type needs a different sort of care and attention. Hence when you use products on your hair make sure that you get the right hair care product for your hair type. Making use of natural products will make your hair lively and vibrant.

검은색의 긴 아름다운 모발은 모든 여성의 꿈이다. 그러나 현재 모발에 사용하고

Vitamins and Natural Oils Help Hair growth is not constant for everyone and does vary from person to person. There are different times in your life when you lose hair naturally and also when hair grows fast. You can use oils, shampoos and even conditioners that are made out of natural elements. Products for natural hair care are the right thing to go for if you want to preserve your natural hair growth. Natural hair care products are good for the hair as they are made from extracts that are gotten naturally from plants and herbs. Therefore they do not cause any harm to the hair. Natural hair care products do make sure that your hair grows well. There are a number of extracts that are used in these hair care products to help in assisting with hair growth. These are aloe vera, coconut oil, rosemary, common sage, chamomile oil and also West Indian bay. These oils help in maintaining the color of the hair and also keeping it in good texture. Some

비타민과 천연 오일의 도움


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

있는 제품 종류로는 불가능하다. 좋은 모발을 유지하고 아름답게 보이게 하기 위 해서는 모발을 손상하는 화학제품 대신 네추럴 제품을 사용해야만 한다. 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품은 모든 헤어 타입을 위해 설계되었다.

모발 형태는 아주 다양하며 모든 헤어 타입은 다른 종류의 케어와 관심이 필

요하다. 당신의 모발에 제품을 사용할 때는 당신의 모발 타입에 맞는 적절한 헤어 케어 제품을 사용하는 것이 좋고, 네추럴 제품을 사용하는 것은 당신의 모발을 생 기있고 활기차게 만들 것이다.

모발 성장은 모두에게 일정하지 않으며 사람에 따라 차이가 많이 있다. 당신의 인 생에서 자연적으로 탈모가 되거나 모발이 빠르게 성장하는 여러 시기가 있다. 네 추럴 성분으로 만든 오일과 샴푸, 컨디셔너를 사용할 수 있다. 당신의 네추럴 헤 어 성장을 유지하고자 한다면 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품이 적절하다. 네추럴 헤어 케 어 제품은 식물이나 허브로부터 천연적으로 얻은 추출물로 만들었기 때문에 모 발에 좋다. 따라서 모발에 어떤 유해함도 끼치지 않는다.

네추럴 헤어 케어 제품은 분명히 모발이 잘 성장하게 한다. 모발 성장에 도

움이 되는 이런 헤어 케어 제품에 사용되는 여러가지 추출물들이 있다. 알로에 베 라, 코코넛 오일, 로즈마리, 세이지, 카모마일 오일 그리고 웨스트 인디언 베이가 있다. 이런 오일들은 모발의 색상을 유지하게 도와주며 좋은 텍스쳐를 유지시켜 준다. 이 추출물 중 어떤 것들은 – 로즈마리를 예로 들자면 – 모발에 좋은 컨디셔 너 역할을 한다.

December 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K of these extracts or materials—like rosemary for instance—act as a good conditioner for the hair. Natural oils also prevent hair loss. Oil used for this purpose is lavender oil. Rosemary is good for stimulating hair growth. These are all done with natural elements and hence do not cause damage to hair like the chemical methods that do the same. Hair care products that are of natural origin aid in hair growth as they contain minerals and vitamins. The most commonly used vitamins that are necessary for natural hair growth are vitamins B12 and C. Vitamin E is yet another that is great for natural hair development. These vitamins help in strengthening the hair and maintaining proper growth. Hair Care Varies for Each Hair Type There are different sorts of hair care for each type of hair. The way African or black hair care needs to be done varies from that of Caucasian hair. This type of hair is also referred to as the African American hair. The rate of black hair growth is much slower than Caucasian hair and black hair is also much less dense. The hair re-growth is also slow, hence it needs a lot of good care. This is why you often do find specially formulated natural hair care products for black hair. These natural hair care products contain humectants that help in moisturizing the hair fiber. These hair care products are carefully formulated so that there is no sort of a chemical damage, avoiding hair breakage and split ends.

네추럴 오일은, 또한 탈모를 방지한다. 이런 목적으로 사용되는 오일은 라

벤더 오일이다. 로즈마리는 모발 성장 촉진에 좋다. 이런 오일들은 모두 천연 성 분으로, 같은 역할을 하는 화학적 방법처럼 모발에 손상을 일으키지는 않는다. 천연 성분에 기원을 둔 헤어 케어 제품들은 미네랄과 비타민을 함유하고 있어서 모발 성장에 도움이 된다. 네추럴 헤어 성장에 가장 일반적으로 사용되는 필수 적인 비타민은 B12와 C이다. 비타민E는 네추럴 헤어 성장에 아주 좋다. 이런 비 타민들은 모발을 강하게 하고 적절한 성장을 유지하는데 도움이 된다. 헤어 케어는 각각의 모발 타입에 따라 다르다. 각각의 헤어 타입을 위한 다양한 헤어 케어 방법이 있다. 아프리카나 흑인들의 헤어 케어는 백인들의 헤어 케어와는 달라야 한다. 이런 타입의 헤어는 아프리 카계 미국인 모발로 지칭한다. 흑인 모발 성장 속도는 백인 모발보다 훨씬 느리 며 흑인 모발은 또한 밀도가 훨씬 낮다. 모발 재성장 또한 느리기 때문에, 여러 가지 좋은 케어를 필요로한다. 이것이 흑인 모발을 위해 특별히 공법화된 네추 럴 헤어 케어 제품을 찾는 이유이다. 이런 네추럴 헤어 케어 제품들은 모발 섬유 의 보습에 도움이 되는 습윤제가 포함되어 있다. 이런 헤어 케어 제품들은 세심 하게 공법화되어서 어떤 화학적 손상도 없으며, 모발이 부서지거나 끝이 갈라지 는 것을 피할 수 있다.

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Jacques Allrich is a well-known hair care expert. As an expert in various hair related problems, she has a bunch of natural hair care products for all the hair textures. Each of her products has been lauded by people who care about their hair.


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Urban Call Briefs by Lafayette Jones

Eunice Dudley Businesswoman, Entrepreneur and Humanitarian

Vivián Joiner and Chef Stephanie Tyson Soul Food Celebrity Restaurant Owners of Sweet Potatoes and Cookbook Authors of “Well Shut My Mouth.”

Dorothy Height Woman’s Rights and Civil Rights Activist

Giving Back to Our Community This



editorial were featured at the National Black Theater

another group of “Role Models Beyond Beauty” who are

Festival held bi-annually in Winston-Salem, NC where more

doing wonderful things in our community.

than 30,000 festival participants had an opportunity to












view the exhibition at The Sawtooth School of Visual Art.

Sophisticates Black Hair Styles and Care Guide magazine

feature for more than 25 years. It highlights women of

Lafayette Jones and is co-authored by his daughter, Bridgette

color who have made significant advances in their careers and

Miller Jones, who joined as co-columnist five years

who have given back to their communities. Nearing its 100th

ago. Bridgette is a 2011 Spelman graduate and now East

edition, the column has honored black women in a wide

Carolina School of Dental Medicine candidate (2015). The

range of fields.

“Role Model Beyond Beauty” column originally debuted as

a touring 180+ piece art collection and exhibition.

The column portrait art by commissioned artist Leo

The column is written by beauty industry icon

Rucker is also an art exhibition of 180 pastel portraits with

the Role Model story about these accomplished women

in Winston-Salem, NC, the City of the Arts. Selected

and their distinguished careers are in the personal collec-

pastel portraits of the large collection commissioned

tion of beauty industry leaders Sandra and Lafayette Jones.

by Sandy and Lafayette Jones and illustrated by Artist

Visit and the SMSi-Urban

Extraordinaire Leo Rucker are being shown July 13—


August 9, 2015 in the Milton Rhodes Sawtooth. A handful of




In August 2013 the Role Model Beyond art portraits and

Lafayette Jones

The expanded exhibition opened for a second year

profiles are included in this OTC Beauty Magazine edition.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit

The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author. March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs Eunice Mosley Dudley Eunice M. Dudley, Co-Founder of the DudleyQ+ brand, is one of the world’s most sought after African-American female business leaders. She currently serves as the Executive Director for the Dudley Beauty School System. Eunice Mosley was born in Selma, Alabama. She is the seventh of nine children born to Andrew M. Mosley, Sr. and Eva O. Murdoch Mosley. At a very early age she exhibited a “creative spirit” and a deep desire to learn. She got her start as a teenager in the beauty industry selling Fuller Products door-to-door in Brooklyn, New York while a student at Talladega College. It was at this Fuller branch in the summer of 1960 that she met Joe L. Dudley, Sr.; both were selling Fuller Products during the summer to earn their college tuition money. They married in 1961 and both began working for Fuller Products full-time in 1962. By 1976, Joe L. Dudley, Sr. and Eunice Dudley had early success in the beauty industry and helped to develop a sales force of more than 400, a beauty school and a chain of beauty supply stores located throughout the Southeast. Dudley Products was deemed an entrepreneurial success. Eunice Dudley is an award winning building designer. The design, planning and building of Dudley Products, Inc.’s new manufacturing and home office facility in Kernersville, North Carolina were personally supervised by Dr. Dudley. These efforts earned her The Energy Efficient Building Award presented by Energy User News and the ASHRAE Technology Award, an International Award given for second place in recognizing outstanding achievements in design and operation of energy-efficient buildings. Over the past 40 years through dedication, hard work and persistence, she has helped take the DudleyQ+ Brand from very humble beginnings to a respected and world-renowned position in the beauty industry. She helped the company make the transition to the second generation of leadership. In June 2008, Joe and Eunice restructured the Dudley conglomerate and turned over all day-to-day responsibilities over to their daughter, Ursula Dudley Oglesby who began Dudley Beauty Corp, LLC. In 2009, Joe L. Dudley, Sr. and Eunice Dudley were featured in a national movie, “Good Hair,” a Chris Rock documentary about the hair care industry. Eunice Dudley is the mother of 3 children, all of whom are very active in business. Mrs. Eunice M. Dudley is Chief Financial Officer and Executive Director of The Dudley Beauty School System. Son Joe Jr., holds undergraduate and MBA degrees from Northwestern University and is an author and entrepreneur. Daughter Ursula is a graduate of Harvard University Law School and a classmate of President Barack Obama. Youngest daughter, Genea Dudley Gidey is a graduate of Duke University’s MBA Program and operates spa locations in Greensboro, Kernersville, Burlington and High Point, NC under the Balance Day Spa name. Eunice Dudley has one grandson, Mark Oglesby, Jr. Eunice Dudley is a woman of faith who survived her own personal battle with breast cancer. Today she is strongly committed to helping other women who have been diagnosed with this disease. Eunice Dudley strongly believes in giving back to the community. She frequently volun48

OTC Beauty Magazine

March 2015

teers her time, money and resources to various boards and organizations. Some of her community service includes: • Board Member for the Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro (Gate City Housing board) • Financial Secretary for Greater Greensboro/Reidsville club of NANPBW • United Negro College Fund contributor • Former member of Bennett College Board of Trustees, NCA&T Board of Trustees • Former member of Providence Baptist Church Board of Trustees & Co. • Direct Selling Education Foundation Board She is the recipient of numerous awards including: • The Ollie Chinn Porter Award from The National Association of Negro Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, Inc. [2014] • The Order of the Long Leaf Pine Award [North Carolina 2014] • Carolina Entrepreneur Hall of Fame, Class of 2013 from McColl School of Business, Queen’s College • Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters Degree from Bennett College [1991] • NAAWLI Legacy of Leadership [2008] • The Athena Award from the Greensboro Area Chamber of Commerce • The Crystal Award from the NANBPW Clubs, Inc. • Co-Winner of The Kernersville First Citizens of The Year Award [1993]

Vivián Joiner and Chef Stephanie Tyson Over the past 11 years a flock of noted celebrities, business leaders and entertainers have all made an odyssey to dine at Sweet Potatoes including: the late Nick Ashford and Valerie Simpson, R&B singers and song writers; Dr. Maya Angelou, Author, Poet and actress; Kem (Kemistry); Rev. Al Sharpton; Congressman Mel Watts; Angela Bassett; Andie McDowell; Forrest Whitaker; Natalie Dupree; Bobby and Jamie Deen; Common; Sherman Hemsley; Kim Fields; Melba Moore and James Avery; Susan Taylor, Essence Magazine Editor In Chief Emeritus; Joe Dudley, Beauty Care Products Founder and Author; Larry Leon Hamlin, Founder of National Black Theater Festival; and MSNBC’s TV Host and Wake Forest professor,

Dr. Melissa Perry Harris. Following an extraordinary odyssey that took her from Virginia to Florida to South Carolina to Arizona to Maryland, Chef Stephanie Tyson returned to her native city of Winston-Salem to start her own restaurant. What she and her partner Vivián Joiner fell in love with was a rooming house and pool hall on Trade Street that “she admitted needed a lot of work.” What the two encountered was a tough loan environment and suggestions that they dumb down the idea to a hot dog stand. What they created at Sweet Potatoes was an acclaimed eatery, a beloved local landmark, and a business anchor on Trade Street for the Arts District. Tyson says she’s as Southern as eating dirt. Her menu reflects varied influences – distinct flavors from Joiner’s father, her own Mother’s “out of the can and into the pan” shortcuts, her culinary arts training and restaurant stints. Now readers of “Shut My Mouth” have the means to recreate in their own homes Sweet Potatoes favorites like Gullah Shrimp and Crab Pilau, spicy greens, Sweet Potatoes Bread Pudding with pecan crunch topping. A frequent Sweet Potatoes guest, the late Dr. Maya Angelou, said, “Everything about this book is correct, except the title because anyone with a taste bud should follow these recipes and open their mouth.” Sweet Potatoes-a restaurant with Southern inspired cuisine with a flare is not only a restaurant; it is an atmosphere. Jazz notes float through the air mixed with the aroma of Southern cooking at its best. Open for eight years in downtown Winston-Salem, it has been successful in that it is popular with a reputation for great consistent food and service. The restaurant started with an almost instant success with long lines and wait times for seating exceeding up to two hours at times within a few months of opening. The pace of business has continued over the years while several restaurants in the neighborhood have opened over the past two years. The owners Stephanie Tyson and Vivián Joiner are the magic behind this unique, Southern inspired, uptown, down-home cooking. Created with their hands-on approach to the daily operations, the two owner’s team well in creating an environment that brings both comfort and excitement to dining. Stephanie Tyson is a creative chef who has turned to her Southern roots to bring some staples from the Southern pantry back into the forefront. Her culinary training started in her grandmother’s kitchen reaching to far corners of Ireland. This unique blend of training has added to her expression of Southern cooking. She insists that food encounter all the senses in an enjoyable way. This experience coupled with years cooking in hotels, country clubs abd chain concepts in addition to independent restaurants have benefited her passion, focusing on Southern food. Vivián Joiner has a strong background in guest relations, spending more than 30 combined years in retail and restaurant service. Her genuine care and concern for people helped to strengthen her eye for detail allowing her to function well in many aspects of guest service. Vivián has managed restaurants from fast food, independent, casual to extremely high volume, all helping add to her success in the industry. Sweet Potatoes-a restaurant has been mentioned in several publications outside of Winston-Salem including Our State Magazine, Southern Living and The New York Times. Sweet Potatoes is a great addition to the Triad Community, not only providing a great place to enjoy a wonderful meal, but also by giving back to various organizations such as the Amani Foundation, Hope De Jour, Make a Wish Foundation and several others. The owners have worked with Youth Opportunity teaching cooking to community youth and have provided internships at Sweet Potatoes.

Dorothy Height Dorothy Height was a civil rights and women’s rights activist focused primarily on improving the circumstances of and opportunities for African-American women. Born on March 24, 1912 in Richmond, Virginia, African-American activist Dorothy Height spent her life fighting for civil rights and women’s rights. The daughter of a building contractor and a nurse, Height moved with her family to Rankin, Pennsylvania in her youth. There, she attended racially integrated schools. In high school, Height showed great talent as an orator. She also became socially and politically active, participating in anti-lynching campaigns. Height’s skills as a speaker took her all the way to a national oratory competition. Winning the event, she was awarded a college scholarship. Height had applied to and been accepted to Barnard College in New York, but as the start of school neared, the college changed its mind about her admittance, telling Height that they had already met their quota for black students. Undeterred, she applied to New York University, where she would earn two degrees: a bachelor’s degree in education in 1930 and a master’s degree in psychology in 1932. After working for a time as a social worker, Height joined the staff of the Harlem YWCA in 1937. She had a life-changing encounter not long after starting work there. Height met educator and founder of the National Council of Negro Women, Mary McLeod Bethune when Bethune and U.S. first lady Eleanor Roosevelt came to visit her facility. Height soon volunteered with the NCNW and became close to McLeod. One of Height’s major accomplishments at the YWCA was directing the integration of all of its centers in 1946. She also established its Center for Racial Justice in 1965, which she ran until 1977. In 1957, Height became the president of the National Council of Negro Women. Through the center and the council, she became one of the leading figures of the Civil Rights Movement. Height worked with Martin Luther King Jr., A. Philip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, Whitney Young, John Lewis and James Farmer—sometimes called the “Big Six” of the Civil Rights Movement—on different campaigns and initiatives. In 1963, Height was one of the organizers of the famed March on Washington. She stood close to Martin Luther King Jr. when he delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. Height joined in the fight for women’s rights. In 1971, she helped found the National Women’s Political Caucus with Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan and Shirley Chisholm. While she retired from the YWCA in 1977, Height continued to run the NCNW for two more decades. One of her later projects was focused on strengthening the African-American family. In 1986, Height organized the first Black Family Reunion, a celebration of traditions and values. The event is still held annually. Height received many honors for her contributions to society. In 1994, President Bill Clinton awarded her the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She stepped down from the presidency of the NCNW in the late 1990s, but remained the organization’s chair of the board until her death in 2010. In 2002, Height turned her 90th birthday celebration into a fundraiser for the NCNW; Oprah Winfrey and Don King were among the celebrities who contributed to the event. In 2004, President George W. Bush gave Height the Congressional Gold Medal. She later befriended the first African-American president of the United States, Barack Obama, who called her “the godmother of the Civil Rights Movement,” according to The New York Times. Height died in Washington, D.C., on April 20, 2010. * Dorothy Height. (2015). The website. Retrieved from March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Sundeep Pardal


Social Media Facts 5 1 0 2 You Should Know in 2015년 당신이 알아야 할 흥미로운 소셜 미디어 No longer just a platform for youngsters to plan an event or share their gags, social media acceptance and attractiveness for both upcoming and established organizations is indisputable. While for one it might prove to be a great tool to get introduced, known, and spread the word, for other it promises an abundant brand engagement and steady brand following. Keeping up with the increasing desirability, following are a few facts you should keep in mind before investing your time, effort and money in 2015:

소셜 미디어는 더이상 젊은이들이 이벤트를 계획하거나 그들의 개그를 공유하는 플랫폼만이 아니며, 새롭게 생성되거나 이미 설립된 조직들 모두를 위해 존재한다는 것에 반론의 여지가 없다. 소개하고 알리고 단어를 확산시키는 훌륭한 도구로서의 역할이 입증됨은 물론, 풍부한 브랜드 참여와 꾸준한 브랜드 지지를 약속하기도 한다. 증가하는 바람직함을 유지하는 것과 꾸준한 지지는 2015년 당신이 시간, 노력, 그리고 돈을 투자하기 전에 염두해두어야 하는 요소들이다.

Twitter The power of short, yet crisp, 140-character strong content drives the Twitter world. Twitter is the right medium to prove that your content needs to make an impact and for that it need not be long. Adding to Twitter fame are the following facts: • 97% of top brands are present on Twitter • Over 300 million active users • 500 million Tweets are sent per day • 80% of Twitter active users are on mobile devices • Twitter supports 35+ languages • Over 34% of marketers use Twitter to successfully generate leads

트위터 짧지만, 선명한, 140자의 강력한 컨텐츠의 힘은 트위터 세상을 구동한다. 트위터는 당신의 컨텐츠가 영향을 미칠수 있도록 할 필요가 있음을 입증할 수 있는 올바른 매체이며 그다지 길 필요가 없다. 다음의 사실들은 트위터의 명성에 추가적으로 더해지는 것들이다: • 최고 브랜드의 97%가 트위터상에 존재한다. • 3억 이상의 활발한 사용자들 • 하루 평균 5억 트윗 전송 • 활발한 트위터 사용자의 80%가 모바일 기기를 사용한다. • 트위터는 35 개 언어를 지원한다. • 마케팅 담당자의 34 % 이상이 성공적인 리드 생성을 위해 트위터를 사용한다.

Facebook From statuses and notes to images and videos, Facebook allows a brand to communicate in interactive ways. Facebook also keeps on updating itself with new and interesting apps almost every day, for enhanced user experience. And to make it further lucrative: • 99% of top brands are present on Facebook • Over 1.35 billion active users • 1.12 billion active users are on mobile • Over 70% of marketers used Facebook to gain new customers • Over 47% of Americans say Facebook is their #1 influencer of purchases Google+ Considering its 3 years of evolution, one of the fastest growing social media, Google+, is gradually shaping the social media arena. Talking about its 52

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

페이스 북 현재 자신의 상황이나 노트부터 이미지와 비디오까지, 페이스북은 브랜드가 상호 작용의 방식으로 의사 소통할 수 있게 한다. 페이스북은 또한 거의 매일 새롭고 흥미로운 애플리케이션을 자체적으로 업데이트함으로써, 사용자들의 경험을 향상시킨다. 그리고 더욱 유리하게 만드는 것은: • 최고 브랜드의 99 %가 페이스북에 존재 • 13억 5천만명 이상의 활발한 이용자들 • 11억 2천만명의 활발한 이용자들이 모바일을 통해 활동한다. • 마케팅 담당자들의 70 % 이상이 신규 고객 확보를 위해 페이스북을 사용한다. • 미국인의 47 % 이상이 페이스북이 구매에 있어서 가장 큰 영향력을 행사한다고 말한다.

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


credits: • 70% of top brands are present on Google+ • Over 54% of Internet users in the world • More than 800 million monthly active users • Google+ is growing at 33% per annum A Few Others While the above are the top notch in the social media space, there are few more which are gradually gearing up and shouldn’t be thought of any less, including: • 83% of luxury brands have a Pinterest account • LinkedIn has a user base of over 300 million users worldwide • 48% of users spend more than two hours a week on LinkedIn • More than 1 billion unique users visit YouTube each month • 100 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute • Instagram has over 300 million users worldwide

구글+ 지난 3년간의 진화를 보면, 구글은 가장 빠르게 성장한 소셜 미디어로 점차 소셜 미디어 분야를 형성해가고 있다. 그 이점에 대해 얘기하자면: • 최고 브랜드의 70 %가 구글에 존재 • 전세계 인터넷 사용자의 54 % 이상 • 8억 이상의 활발한 월 사용자 • 구글은 연간 33 % 성장하고있다. 기타 이상의 것들이 소셜 미디어 공간에서 최고의 수준을 차지하고 있지만, 그 외에도 점차 박차를 가하며 간과할 수 없는 것들이 더 있다: • 명품 브랜드의 83 %가 Pinterest 어카운트 보유. • LinkedIn은 전세계적으로 3억 이상의 사용자 기반을 보유. • LinkedIn 사용자의 48%는 일주일에 평균 2시간 이상 접속. • 월 평균10억 이상의 고유 사용자들이 YouTube 방문 • 매 분마다 100 시간 분량의 비디오가 YouTube에 업로드 • Instagram은 전세계 3억 이상의 사용자 보유.

While you are busy strategizing about the marketing and social media plans, make sure you are using the right, preferred platform for your industry and make the most of it. Happy 2015!

마케팅과 소셜 미디어 전략을 바쁘게 세우는 동안, 당신의 업계에 적합하며 많이 선호되는 플랫폼을 사용하고 있는지, 또 그것을 최대한 활용할 수 있는지 확인하길 바란다. 행복한 2015년이 되길!

*The above stats are a work of curation and not analyzed by self.

* 위의 통계는 기존의 자료이며 자체 분석을 거치지 않았습니다.

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Sundeep Pardal is a creative person who leads the team of designers at, which is a Small Business Website Builder. He likes to experiment with websites, online stores and online marketing, track their performances, and share his insights with readers.


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Scott Grimes

Beauty Supplies to Stock up on this Spring

봄철, 매장을 채울 미용 재료들 When spring turns the bend and we can kiss winter goodbye, it’s the perfect time to stock up on new beauty supplies for the new season. Spring is all about bright colors and funky, fun patterns, and a spiced up hair routine—so even if you’re not into majorly committing to anything, you can easy update your look with a few quick fixes. The new season is the perfect excuse to head to your local beauty supply shop and go a little crazy. No matter where you choose to pick your poison, it’s easy to update your look in a few quick steps, with spring trends ranging from bright lipsticks to bouncy ponytails.

봄이 고개 숙여 인사하고, 우리는 겨울에게 작별을 고하는 지금은 새로운 계절을 위한 새로운 미용 제품들로 매장을 채울 아주 적절한 시간이다. 봄은 곧 밝은 색상과 펑키, 재밌는 패턴을 뜻하며 일상적인 것보다 조금은 더 특별한 헤어의 계절이다. – 만일 크게 무언가에 몰두하고 있지 않다면, 간단한 몇 가지 수정으로 당신의 모습을 업데이트할 수가 있다. 새로운 계절은 주변의 미용 재료 상점을 찾아 약간은 튀어보이기에 완벽한 이유가 된다. 당신에게 약간의 자극이 될 만한 아이템들을 어디서 선택하든, 당신은 몇 가지 간단한 단계를 거쳐, 화사한 립스틱부터 탄력있는 포니테일까지 다양한 봄철 트랜드로 쉽게 업데이트할 수 있다.

Makeup The easiest way to update your look for spring? A little bit of makeup. If you’re not one to go crazy with the bright lipstick, consider playing up your girly side with lined eyes and seriously thick lashes. Start with a sheer pink or peach shadow and brush it over your lids. Makeup Forever makes a great peachy pink with a hint of iridescence that will catch the sunlight for a hint of sparkle. Next, line your eyes’ inner rims, both top and bottom, with black liner. Your goal is to make it look as though no skin peeks through. Then, run your black liner across the upper lash line, slightly winging it out at the corner for a modern day cat eye. Finish with multiple coats of your favorite mascara, and voila! A

메이크업 봄철 당신의 모습을 가장 쉽게 업데이트할 수 있는 방법은? 약간의 화장이다. 화사한 립스틱에 열광하는 스타일이 아니라면, 여성스러움을 강조하는 아이라인과 진지해보이는 두꺼운 속눈썹을 고려해봐라. 눈두덩이는 쉬어 핑크나 피치 섀도우, 브러쉬로 시작해라. Makeup Forever는 태양의 반짝임에서 보여지는 무지개빛에서 힌트를 얻어 멋진 피치 핑크를 만들었다. 다음으로, 눈 안쪽 테두리에 아래 위 양쪽으로 블랙 라인을 그린다. 눈 안쪽 라인의 피부가 보이지 않도록 깔끔하게 그린다. 그리고, 블랙 라이너로 윗쪽 속눈썹 라인을 그리는데, 모서리 부분을 날개 모양으로 약간 끌어올려 현대적인 고양이 눈매처럼 만든다. 마무리로는 당신이 좋아하는 마스카라를


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


fresh, romantic spring beauty look created in just a few steps. If this look isn’t quite your thing, and girly is too…well, girly for you…try a sexier take on spring beauty. Whip out your favorite bronzer, and get to work. Mix a golden tinged liquid highlighter (light or dark depending on your skin tone) with your favorite foundation, and apply to your whole face. Instead of highlighting your cheekbones and brow bones, this look gives your entire face a subtle shimmer that’s perfect for spring. Next, tap the highlighter along your cheekbones to give a bit of extra definition. Once you’ve done that, brush a bit of your favorite bronzer underneath your cheeks to contour the face, and finish the look with subtle brown eye makeup that screams sexy. Apply a copper shadow along the lash lines, smudge brown eyeliner on top, and dab your highlighter in the inner corners of your eyes to wake them up. Voila, a sexy spring look that’s chic—with only a few products needed. Nail Polish Moving on from makeup—another way to approach spring with a fresh new face is to enlist the nail polish gods. Consider a fun ombre manicure, or throw caution to the wind with multi-colored nails. Snag a hot pink color from your local beauty supply store, and pair it with your favorite nude shade. To get the chic ombre look seen everywhere lately and transfer it to your nails, follow these steps. Pour a small amount of the lighter polish into a piece of tin foil that you’ve molded into a tiny bowl shape. Mix in a few drops of the brighter shade. Paint your entire nail with one coat of the nude shade. Then, use a makeup sponge to apply the mixture you’ve made three fourths of the way up the nail, starting at the top. Add one more drop of the brighter, darker color into your mixture, and dab the mixture at the tips of your nails. Voila, a fun spring look that’s simple to create at home! Remember to use a quick dry top coat (which you can and should stock up on for spring) every time you do an at-home manicure. Hair Let’s move on to the locks. Continuing on the ombre trend, why not add some ombre to your hair? This is a trend that hilariously grew out of celebrities and models rocking overgrown roots—so that their roots were dark but their tips were light. It’s now a requested look at salons across the globe. If you’re looking for it, ask your stylist if they can do a “balayage” treatment. Perfect for spring but even better for summer, this chic hairstyle requires little maintenance and gives you effortless, natural looking hair that you doesn’t require you to rush back to the salon every six weeks. If you’re not up for trying something new with your locks, at the very least consider going lighter for spring. Spring and summer are the perfect time to amp up those blonde highlights, or to go platinum for a change. Don’t miss the chance to switch up your look for spring, and get started on stocking up on products before all the best ones fly off the shelves!

여러겹 바른다, 어떤가! 상큼하고 로맨틱한 봄철 뷰티 룩이 단 몇 단계만에 완성되었다. 만일 이 여성스러운 모습이 당신 스타일이 아니라면, 좀 더 섹시한 봄철 스타일을 시도해봐라. 브론저를 사용해봐라. 골드색상의 액체 하이라이터(당신의 피부톤에 따라 밝은 색이든 어두운 색이든)를 당신이 좋아하는 파운데이션과 섞어서, 전체 얼굴에 골고루 바른다. 광대뼈와 눈썹뼈를 강조하는 대신, 이 스타일은 당신의 얼굴 전체가 이 봄과 잘 어울리는 묘한 반짝임을 줄 것이다. 다음으로, 광대뼈를 따라 하이라이터를 살살 두드려주면 추가적으로 정돈이 된다. 이런 단계가 끝나면, 뺨 아래 부분에 좋아하는 브론저를 살짝 발라주면 얼굴 윤곽이 돋보이게 된다, 묘한 브라운 아이 메이크업이 섹시함을 돋보이게 한다. 속눈썹 라인을 따라서 구릿빛 섀도우를 바르고 그 위에 브라운 아이라이너를 그린다, 눈 안쪽 모서리 부분은 하이라이터를 살짝 바른다. 어떤가, 세련된 봄 섹시 스타일이 완성되었다. – 단지 몇가지 제품만으로! 매니큐어 산뜻한 새 얼굴로 봄을 맞는 또 다른 방법으로 – 메이크업 다음으로는 매니큐어가 있다. 재밌는 옴버 스타일의 매니큐어도 좋고, 과감하게 다양한 색상의 네일을 시도해볼 수도 있겠다. 주변 뷰티 매장에서 핫 핑크를 구매하고 당신이 좋아하는 누드 색상과 짝을 맞춰라. 요즘 어디서나 볼 수 있는 세련된 옴버 스타일을 다음의 단계를 따라서 당신의 네일에도 시도해봐라. 작은 그릇에서 몰딩을 할 수 있도록 소량의 연한 색상을 은박지에 붓는다. 밝은 색상을 몇 방울 섞는다. 손톱 전체를 한 가지의 누드 색상으로 칠한다. 그 다음, 화장 스폰지를 이용해서 혼합한 색상을 3/4 정도 바르는데, 손톱 윗부분에서 시작한다. 밝은 색상과 진한 색상을 몇 방울 더 첨가하고 손톱 끝부분에 혼합한 색상을 바른다. 어떤가, 재밌는 봄철 스타일이 집에서 아주 손쉽게 완성되었다! 가정에서 매니큐어를 바를 때는 항상 빨리 건조되는 탑코트를 사용하라(이 봄에 꼭 갖고 있어야 할 아이템) 헤어 다음은 헤어로 넘어가 보자. 옴버 트랜드가 지속되는데, 헤어에도 옴버 스타일을 시도해보는 것은 어떨까? 이것은 유명 연예인들이나 모델들이 자라나온 모발의 뿌리 부분을 오히려 멋지게 보일 수있도록 시도하면서 유쾌하게 자라난 트랜드이다 – 모발의 뿌리 부분은 어둡고 끝부분은 밝은 색상이었다. 그러나 이제는 전세계적으로 미용실마다 요청을 받는 스타일이 되었다. 만일 이 스타일을 찾는다면, “balayage(한 부분이 표백되어지거나 염색되어진 머리카락을 만들기 위한 기술)를 당신의 스타일리스트가 할 수 있는지 물어봐라. 봄철에 완벽하게 어울리면서도 여름철에도 더욱 멋져 보이는, 이 세련된 스타일은 유지가 어렵지도 않으며, 6주마다 미용실을 찾아 자라나온 모발 부분에 리터치를 할 필요도 없이 힘 안들이고도 아주 자연스로운 스타일을 연출할 수 있게 한다. 당신의 헤어에 뭔가 새로운 것을 아직 시도하지 않고 있다면, 최소한 봄에 어울리는 연한 색상을 고려해봐라. 봄과 여름은 금발의 하이라이트나 변화를 위한 플래티넘 색상을 시도하기에 완벽한 계절이다. 봄철 당신을 변화시킬 수 있는 기회를 놓치지 말아라. 그리고 최고의 제품들이 진열대를 모두 날아가버리기 전에 제품을 채우기 시작해라!

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Scott Grimes is a freelance writer who writes about beauty and fashion products including finding beauty supplies. 58

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine March 2014

Notes From the

Natural Nation by Joycelyn Gunn-Stephens

Why Another Jamaican Black Castor Oil? That’s a great question! Here’s the answer. Within the last several years many manufacturers of all sizes have entered the marketplace with their versions of the “Jamaican Black Castor Oil.” A small percentage have true JBCO while the majority have products that are a combination on JBCO and other carrier or lighter oils. Universal Beauty Products performed over two years of research on “Jamaican Black Castor Oils” (JBCO) and the needs and desires of the consumer. We as a company were determined to present to the marketplace the best ingredients, the newest processing technology along with 100% pure, unadulterated Jamaican Black Castor Oil. Finally we wanted to give the customer what they needed, but in a better product than what they had been using. The consumer’s desires were primary in the selection of ingredients and in our manufacturing processes. The ‘natural hair’ theme is carried through in all of the flavors of DNA® Jamaican Black Castor Oils. These 100% pure castor oils contain: no sulfates, no parabens, no mineral oil, no synthetic colors and no silicones. DNA® Jamaican Black Castor Oils are powerful, natural, universal in usage, treatment oils that maintain their own ‘DNA’ nutritive beneficial properties of moisturzing, soothing and strengthening for hair, scalp and/or skin. DNA® Jamaican Black Castor Oils are fortified with several superfruits and seed extracts that contain the highest and purest form of beneficial essences that can be derived from plant matter. This powerful combination of 100% pure Jamaican Black Castor Oil and CO2

extracted seeds, fruits and oils provides more than 2x to 3x the benefits of other castor oils in the marketplace. DNA® Jamaican Black Castor Oils are for all textures of hair. These Castor Oils are empowered by an Oil Delivery Technology™ which allows these more concentrated oils to be more easily absorbed into the hair shaft. This new delivery system helps substantiate the claim that each strand is strengthened and moisturized from the inside out. Another special feature of DNA® Jamaican Black Castor Oils is that each flavor of the 100% pure natural oils contains a unique Super Hair Growth (SHG) System™ which is fortified with specific DHT (dihydrotestosterone) blockers which are designed to aid in hair growth and is loaded with individualized Hair Growth Nutritions™. The combination of specially researched ingredients and technologically advanced processes assist these herbal and vitamin infused oils do the following: (1) help promote hair growth; (2) help hair return to its healthiest state; (3) help reverse the effect of thinning hair; (4) moisturize the scalp, hair and skin; and (5) serve as an excellent hot oil moisturizing treatment for dry, damaged hair. These 100% natural Jamaican Black Castor Oils can be used alone, in combination with other oils or by adding them to other hair and skin products. Each flavor of DNA® Jamaican Black Castor Oil will provide the consumer with unique benefits and satisfy their particular needs.

Joycelyn Gunn-Stephens has been a member of the Universal Beauty Products family for over 17 years. During her tenure at the company she has proven to be a valuable member of the team by utilizing her undergraduate degree in chemistry with her MBA in marketing in order to bridge the gap between Research & Development, and Sales and Marketing; thereby helping to develop and promote a cohesive marketing, educational and technical division of the company.

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



10 by Alecia James

Tips For Healthy Natural Hair

Everything that I endorse is centered on creativity and originality. Hair care is no different. The individual curl pattern commonly found in us “curly” naturals is unique, and consequently requires care that is tailored to your particular hair type. However there are some practices that can be beneficial to all regardless of your hair type or structure.

creating a more even and uniformed look throughout. The ends/tips are the oldest part of the hair. These sections are usually thinner because of the disintegration of the cuticle (protective layer). Proper trimming will remove the already damaged hair, replacing it with healthier hair.

1. Moisturize: The coily/curly structure of the Afro-textured hair shaft results in hair that is prone to dryness and breakage because it is difficult for natural oils to travel down the shaft. To combat this condition, it is essential to moisturize. Moisturizing hydrates the hair while infusing essential emollients, leaving hair softer, suppler and more manageable. There are different ways to moisturize the hair; one way is to add water or a leave-in conditioner then using an oil or butter to seal in the moisture.

6. Low Manipulation Styling Techniques: Some may think that because Afro-textured hair is coarser than other textures, it can withstand intense styling and manipulation. However, the coily structure of the hair places it at a higher risk for dryness and breakage. Consequently, this hair type should be styled and handled with low stress and low pressure methods. You might want to reconsider those tight micro-braids which place a lot of stress on the hair (especially around the edges). We’re aiming for fullness, not baldness. Your hair will thank you for an occasional twist-out, which gives it a sense of freedom by just letting it be.

2. Condition: Conditioning is not new. We were doing it all along, simply because after shampooing, this step is known to make our tresses silkier and softer. A popular trend in the natural hair community is to “co-wash,” where washing is done with a conditioner instead of utilizing a shampoo. This is mainly to prevent dryness caused by some shampoos that strip the hair of oils in the cleansing process. A protein based conditioner will impart protein for growth and repair. Conditioners also nourish and restore moisture in addition to adding body and shine. Deep conditioners are beneficial because they help to prevent breakage, protect and strengthen the hair. 3. Use Safe Hair Products: It’s 2015! We are no longer feeding our bodies with junk and unnecessary additives, so the same goes for hair care. Use products with natural ingredients which are safer and beneficial to the hair, as opposed to chemically laden products. Some silicone additives can cause extensive product buildup, and certain sulfates can be harsh, stripping the hair of its natural oils. Alcohols present in hair products can cause dryness as well. The key here is to read labels carefully and experiment to find which products work best for you. 4. Protective Styling: This is styling where the hair isn’t loose or fully exposed; the ends are shielded from elements that can cause breakage. Examples of protective styles include wigs, braids, weaves, head wraps/turbans and up-dos. The rule of thumb here is not to overdo it. If you wear only protective styles, then you’re just concealing the very essence of being natural. Protective styles promote growth and length retention over time, because of a relief from daily styling techniques than can cause breakage and hair loss. Your night time routine is also crucial for hair care and maintenance. Protecting the hair by wrapping with a silk or satin scarf will help to prevent breakage, tangling and matting. 5. Trim Regularly: Say “bye-bye” to those split ends. Trimming is not only essential for removing damaged and split ends, but it improves the overall appearance of the hair, 66

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7. Minimize Exposure to Heat: High temperature from repeated use of styling tools like flat irons, curling irons, and hair dryers can severely damage the protective layer (cuticle) of the hair. This results in moisture loss which leads to frizzy, dry and brittle hair. These high temperatures also mercilessly denature or degrade proteins found in both the cuticle and cortical layer of the hair. A protein treatment might be necessary to restore, rebuild, and strengthen heat-damaged hair. 8. Diet: We are what we eat. I cannot emphasize this enough and I have a feeling that you will be hearing it again. Aim for diets that are rich in essential fatty acids, protein and water, in conjunction with adequate rest and exercise. Hair is primarily composed of the protein keratin, so adequate amounts of dietary protein will promote hair growth and strengthening. Consuming healthy oils will help to restore shine to dull, dry hair. 9. Mind and Body: Our emotional state is just as important as our physical state. Stress can be detrimental to our bodies and can also take a toll on the hair, causing thinning hair and hair loss in some cases. While most of us will experience stressful situations at some point in our lives, it is important that we remain in control and find ways to eliminate it is much as possible. 10. BE YOUR OWN KIND OF NATURAL: We all have our reasons for choosing to wear our hair in its natural state. Whether it is through self-actualization, excessive damage, or simply experimenting, we need to embrace it, adore it, love it and rock it. It is okay to flirt with accessories, wear chic hairstyles, test and try new products, and share experiences while expanding your natural hair knowledge base. Have fun with it—that’s the only way to find internal and perpetual bliss with your fascinating curly locks.

Alecia James is the founder and editor-in-chief of, an online lifestyle magazine dedicated to showcasing makeup artistry at its finest, fashion, natural hair, health and wellness in addition to some of the eclectic elements of NYC. Her work vividly echoes the sentiments of Coco Chanel - “In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.� Article courtesy of You can find the article at: March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine




OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine




Fromm International

Sara Pirok Downsizing. This word often has a negative connotation, but Fromm International used it efficiently in regards to their marketing efforts and it has proved wildly successful. According to Sara Pirok, Chief Marketing Officer for Fromm, the company implemented a 3-brand “good, better, best” strategy to refocus their business plan, and they have “taken the beauty world by storm.” 소형화. 이 단어는 종종 부정적인 의미를 갖지만, Fromm International은 마케팅 부분에서 이것을 효율적으로 사용하였으며 성공적으로 입증해왔다. Fromm의 최고 마케팅 책임자인Sara Pirok에 따르면, 이 회사는 사업 계획에 집중하기 위해 “좋은, 더 좋은, 최고의” 라는 3 가지 브랜드 전략을 구현했으며, “아름다움의 천하를 풍미”하고 있다. 70

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Founder James Simon and his son, Edward Simon, at a tradeshow when the company was still named Illinois Razor Strop Company.

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What is your background with both Fromm and the beauty business? What is your role with the company today? Sara Pirok (SP): As the Chief Marketing Officer for Fromm, I lead efforts on product and brand management, product marketing, creative direction and design, and future vision and strategy. When I joined the company in 2012, I envisioned a new brand plan: to consolidate 13 brands down to three following a good, better, best strategy. This was the opportunity to reimagine and redesign the remaining brands and to develop innovative tools that were beautiful and beneficial to the health of hair, skin and nails. This vision was fully implemented in January of 2014, earning Fromm national media attention and various brand and product awards. Prior to Fromm, I spent nearly a decade serving as the Vice President of Academies & Franchise Development for Pivot Point International, a global educational publisher specializing in all areas of beauty education. At Pivot Point International, I led operations, education, sales, and marketing. I absolutely love the beauty business and feel extremely lucky to have spent the past 15 years working in the industry. OTC: What is Fromm founded on as a company? Can you briefly explain its history? SP: Fromm was founded in 1907 as a razor strop company. Our founder, James Simon, strongly believed in creating authentic, quality products that would stand the test of time. The family ownership remains a cornerstone of the business, as James’ son, granddaughter and grandson-in-law are actively involved in the company. Our leadership continues to lead with the same goal James set forth in 1907: to create the most authentic, beautiful, and quality products on the market today while innovating for tomorrow. At Fromm, we believe that everyone, regardless of ethnicity, gender, age or finances, deserves to have access to the best beauty tools and essentials. Because accessibility is vital to our business, we offer an assortment of products in various categories and at many price points through our Fromm, 1907 and Diane lines. OTC: Describe the goods that make up your product portfolio. What tips do you have to help retailers incorporate these items in their stores? SP: Our three brands—Fromm, 1907 and Diane—have four core categories of products: shears, brushes, combs and salon apparel. In addition, the 1907 brand carries innovative styling appliances, hand-crafted men’s grooming items, and a newly launched headband collection. Our Diane line offers all of the above, as well as a full line of hair accessories, nail essentials, skin and spa essentials, salon essentials (including rods and rollers), mirrors and towels, and a brand-new lash line. We have beautiful store systems and merchandisers designed to make the best use of square footage, while allowing for a captivating presentation. Reach out to our team to build any appropriate planogram for your needs that provides an outstanding shopping experience from your customer. Our goal is to attract happy consumers who love our products and keep coming back for more. OTC: Fromm’s products reach to every consumer in the beauty industry, but how do they uniquely speak to the multicultural consumer base? SP: We consider all hair types when creating products for our brands, but Diane has been a fixture for our multicultural consumer base for more than 50 years. We utilize a

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): Fromm과 뷰티 사업 분야에서 귀하의 배경은 무엇입니까? 현재 회사에서의 역할은 무엇인지? Sara Pirok (SP): Fromm의 최고 마케팅 책임자로서, 저는 제품과 브랜드 관리, 제품 마케팅, 창조적인 방향과 디자인, 그리고 미래의 비전과 전략에 노력하고 있습니다. 2012년 제가 회사에 들어왔을 때, 저는 새로운 브랜드 계획을 구상했습니다: 13개의 브랜드를good, better, best 3 가지 전략으로 통합하는 것입니다. 이것은 기존 브랜드들의 이미지를 새롭게하고 재설계하며, 헤어와 스킨 그리고 네일의 건강을 위해 아름답고 유익한 혁신적인 도구를 개발할 수 있는 기회였습니다. 이 비전은 2014년 1월, Fromm이 국가적인 언론의 관심을 얻고 브랜드와 제품이 다양한 수상을 함으로써 완벽하게 구현되었습니다. Fromm이전에, 저는 거의 10년 정도를 미용 교육 전반에 걸쳐 전문화된 글로벌 교육 출판사인Academies & Franchise Development for Pivot Point International의 부사장으로 있으면서, 오퍼레이션과 교육, 세일즈 및 마케팅을 이끌었습니다. 저는 미용 사업을 너무도 사랑하며 지난 15년간 이 분야에서 일할 수 있었던 것을 너무도 행운이라 생각합니다. OTC: 제품의 주요 고객은 누구이며 그들의 요구를 충족하기 위해 어떤 노력을 하고 계십니까? SP: Fromm은 1907년 면도칼을 가는 혁지 회사로 설립되었습니다. 설립자인James Simon 은 오랜 세월 동안 건재할 수 있는 정통의 고품질 제품을 만들겠다는 믿음이 있었습니다. 가족 소유권은 사업의 초석으로 남아있으며, James의 아들, 손녀 그리고 손주 사위가 활발하게 회사에 관여하고 있습니다. 저희 리더쉽은 1907년 James가 제시한 같은 목표를 이어가고 있습니다: 내일을 위해 혁신을 이루는 동안 지금 마켓에서 가장 정통하고 아름다우며 고품질의 제품을 만들자는 것입니다. Fromm에서, 우리는 인종, 성별, 연령, 그리고 재정 능력에 관계없이, 모든 사람들이 최고의 미용 기구와 필수 제품를 마땅히 접촉할 수 있다고 믿습니다. 접근성은 우리 사업에서 아주 중요하기 때문에, 우리는 Fromm, 1907, 그리고 Diane 라인을 통해 여러가지 제품군과 다양한 가격대를 제공합니다. OTC: 제품 포트폴리오를 구성하는 상품들을 설명해주십시오. 또 이런 아이템들이 소매업체에 도움이 될 수 있도록 조언을 하신다면? SP:저희 3가지 브랜드 - Fromm, 1907, Diane – 는 4가지 핵심 카테고리를 갖고 있습니다: 가위, 브러쉬, 빗, 미용실 의류. 또한, 1907 브랜드는 혁신적인 스타일링 기구와 수작업으로 제작된 남성용 면도 아이템, 새롭게 출시된 해드 밴드 컬렉션을 보유하고 있습니다. Diane 라인은 앞서 말씀 드린 제품들뿐 아니라, 헤어 악세서리 전체 라인과 네일 및 스킨, 스파, 미용실 필수 제품들(로드와 롤러 포함), 거울과 타월, 그리고 새로운 속눈썹 라인까지 제공합니다. 저희는 마음을 사로잡는 프리젠테이션을 제공하고, 동시에 공간의 활용을 극대화할 수 있도록 디자인된 아름다운 매장 시스템과 판매자들을 보유하고 있습니다. 여러분의 고객들에게 뛰어난 쇼핑 경험을 제공하기 위한 여러분의 요구에 적절한 플라노그램을 구축하고자 한다면 저희 팀에게 연락하세요. 저희의 목표는 저희 제품을 사랑하고 지속적으로 이용하는 행복한 고객들을 더욱 많이 유치하는 것입니다. OTC: Fromm의 제품은 미용 산업 분야의 모든 소비자들에게 도달하지만, 다문화 소비자 기반에는 어떤 특이한 점을 어필할 수가 있는지요? SP: 앞에서 언급했듯이, Fromm은 1907년 면도칼 혁지 회사로 설립되었으며 1968년 수공예 독일 제품인Fromm의 Shears(큰 가위)가 소개되었습니다. 가위와 면도 기구들이 저희의 기반으로 남아있긴 하지만, 저희는 이제 다른 미용 필수 제품으로도 잘 알려져 있습니다. Diane 라인은 멧돼지털 브러쉬부터 바비핀과 트위스트 플렉스 로드까지 모든 것을 취급합니다! March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Manufacturer Profile panel of salon advisory board members that represent different ethnicities, hair types, and textures for consultation and testing during product development. Through the breadth of our products we aim to fulfill everyday beauty needs. OTC: If you had to pick one product (or a couple) that is most symbolic of your company, what would it be and why? How is it differentiated from other products in the market? SP: As I mentioned, Fromm was founded in 1907 as a razor strop company and overtime introduced Fromm’s hand crafted German made shears in 1968. While shears and shaving tools have remained our foundation, we now are known for many other beauty essentials. Our Diane line carries everything from boar brushes to bobby pins and twist flex rods! OTC: It seems that Fromm has mastered the art of mixing fun with elegance to create a successful product mixture. Do you agree, and how was this mastered? SP: I absolutely agree and thank you! Our products are designed to reach just about everyone, so our product portfolio and performance are crucial. We design products to appeal to anyone interested in beauty, not one specific user group. For us, beauty is more than just a great hair day—it means making people happy! OTC: What form of product promotion do you believe works best in OTC stores? Why? SP: There’s no one size fits all strategy for OTC stores in terms of promotions. What works in one area of the United States may not work in another. Of course, customers love “buy one get one” promotions and things like that, but we prefer to work one-onone with our OTC partners to create a custom promotion plan to suit their specific needs. OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how is the company meeting consumer demand for it? SP: While the 360 hair wave trend never left, it has re-invented itself many times since its popularity in the 1950s. With the recent resurgence of celebrities and athletes sporting this style, this hard to achieve look takes time and the right tools. With an already established fan base for the Diane collection of men’s boar brushes, Fromm listened to bloggers and YouTube vloggers—many who had entire channels dedicated to their favorite Diane brush style and/or how to achieve the perfect wave. With that in mind, Fromm saw there was room for an even higher quality product from Diane. Three new brushes (listed below) will be launching in March—featuring longer bristles that remain in contact with the hair, resulting in deeper penetration for more natural waves with less brushing Current Diane Item

Comparable *New* “OG” Diane







OTC: Fromm recently released a line of goods titled 1907. Please describe the idea behind this product line and how it, along with all your collections, came to fruition. SP: The decision to align Fromm with a new brand vision sparked the long process to create the line that would become 1907 by Fromm. We wanted and needed to improve upon our portfolio in order to appeal to the millennial generation. We also wanted to remain true to our values and to create a line of handcrafted products that were authentic, innovative, and built to last, just like our razor strops were in 1907. After diligent research, we settled on storyboards of what this “better” brand would look and feel like, but we couldn’t agree on the name. After numerous rounds, including the input of a branding firm, nothing resonated. We brought our executive team together to give an update and our VP of Operations, John Cox, inquired, “What about 1907? You always talk about Fromm, since 1907… why not make that the brand name?” We looked at each other and knew we had a winner! He saw something that we had all tried to verbalize: the heritage of the brand that continues to guide our authenticity and our innovation. We now predict that 1907 by Fromm will become one of the bestselling beauty tool brands in North America by the end of 2015. OTC: What is Fromm doing to ensure excellent customer service to OTC retailers? How can they benefit from working with you? SP: Fromm prides itself on being customer focused. Our customer service team interacts with our retailers on a daily basis to ensure that products are being shipped on time. Through daily interaction with our retailers, we gather information regarding current and future needs to ensure that we have a full assortment of trend right 72

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

OTC: 귀사에서 가장 상징적인 제품을 하나만(혹은 한 쌍) 선택하신다면 무엇이며 그 이유는 어디에 있을까요? 그리고 그 제품이 시장의 다른 제품들과는 어떤 차별점을 갖는지? SP: 앞에서 언급했듯이, Fromm은 1907년 면도칼 혁지 회사로 설립되었으며 1968년 수공예 독일 제품인Fromm의 Shears(큰 가위)가 소개되었습니다. 가위와 면도 기구들이 저희의 기반으로 남아있긴 하지만, 저희는 이제 다른 미용 필수 제품으로도 잘 알려져 있습니다. Diane 라인은 멧돼지털 브러쉬부터 바비핀과 트위스트 플렉스 로드까지 모든 것을 취급합니다! OTC:Fromm은 우이함과 재미를 함께 혼합해서 성공적인 제품을 창조한 걸로 보입니다. 동의하시나요? 그렇다면 어떻게 이것이 가능했는지요? SP: 전적으로 동의하며 감사합니다! 저희 제품은 모든 사람들에게 접근할 수 있도록 설계되었기 때문에, 제품의 포트폴리오와 성능이 아주 중요합니다. 저희는 어떤 특정한 한 사용자 그룹이 아니라, 뷰티에 관심이 있는 누구에게든 어필할 수 있는 제품을 설계합니다. 저희에게, 뷰티는 단순히 헤어 스타일이 아주 멋진 날, 그 이상입니다. – 사람들을 행복하게 만든다는 의미죠! OTC: 어떤 형태의 제품 프로모션이 OTC 매장에서 가장 적절하다고 보십니까? 그리고 그 이유는? SP: 프로모션에 있어서 OTC 매장에 어울리는 한 가지 규격의 전체 전략은 없습니다. 미국 내 어떤 지역에서는 효과가 있는 프로모션이 다른 지역에서는 그렇지 않을 수도 있습니다. 물론, 소비자들은“buy one get one” 프로모션이나 제품들을 좋아하지만, 저희는 각 OTC 매장의 요구에 맞는 맞춤형 프로모션을 만들기 위해 OTC 파트너들과 일대일로 작업하는 것을 선호합니다. OTC: 뷰티 사업 내 귀사의 분야에서 가장 최근 성장하고 있는 트랜드는 무엇이며 회사는 이를 위해 소비자들의 요구를 어떻게 충족하고 있습니까? SP: 360 헤어 웨이브 추세는 결코 떠난 적이 없지만, 1950년대 그 인기가 시작된 후로 여러차례 자체적으로 재발명되었습니다. 유명 연예인과 운동 선수들이 최근 이 스타일을 부활시켰습니다. 이러한 만들기 쉽지 않은 스타일을 위해서는 시간과 적절한 기구가 필요합니다. Diane 컬렉션의 남성용 멧돼지털 브러쉬 제품의 경우, 이미 구축된 팬층을 기반으로 Fromm은 블로거들과 유투브 비디오 블로거들에게 귀를 기울이고 있습니다. – 이들은 그들이 선호하는 Diane 브러쉬 스타일과 완벽한 웨이브를 만드는 방법 등에 전념하는 전체 채널을 보유하고 있습니다. 이것을 염두해 두고, Fromm은 Diane 보다 더욱 높은 품질의 제품을 위한 공간이 있다는 것을 보았습니다. 새로운 3가지 브러쉬(아래에 나열)가 3월에 출시될 것입니다. – 브러쉬털을 더욱 길게 만들어서 적은 브러싱으로도 더 자연스러운 웨이브를 낼 수 있도록 모발 안쪽까지 깊숙히 접촉할 수가 있습니다. 현재 Diane 아이템

Diane의 기존 제품과 신제품 비교







OTC: Fromm은 최근 1907이란 이름의 제품 라인을 출시했습니다. 이 제품 라인에 관한 아이디어는 어디에서 왔으며, 어떻게 이 라인이 컬렉션으로 출시되어 결실을 맺게되었습니까 SP: 새로운 브랜드 비전으로 Fromm을 정렬하려는 결정이 Fromm으로 하여금 1907 이라는 라인을 만들기 위한 긴 과정의 발화점이 되었습니다. 저희는 새로운 천년을 맞는 세대들에게 어필하기 위해서는 포트폴리오를 개선할 필요가 있었고 또 그러길 원했습니다. 또한 저희는 가치에 충실하며 정통의 혁신적이고 마지막까지 지속될, 1907년의 면도칼 혁지같은 수공예 제품 라인을 만들고 싶었습니다. 부지런한 연구 후에, 저희는 “더 나은” 브랜드의 모양과 느낌을 갖춘 스토리보드를 결정하게 되었지만, 그 이름에는 동의할 수가 없었습니다. 브랜드 회사의 투입을 포함한 다양한 시도를 했지만, 반향은 없었습니다. 임원진들과 함께 최신 정보를 가져오기도 했는데, John Cox 부사장이 “1907은 어떨까?, 줄곧 1907년 이후부터 Fromm은 …. 이라고 말하는데, 그걸 브랜드 이름으로 하는 건 어때?”하고 묻더군요. 우린 서로 쳐다보면서 승자가 여기 있었구나 생각했습니다! 그는 우리가 말로 모든 것을 표현하려했던 것을 보았습니다: 그것은 우리의 정통성과 혁신을 지속적으로 안내하기 위한 브랜드의 유산입니다. 우리는1907 by Fromm이2015년말 북미지역에서 가장 많은 판매를 올린 미용 도구 브랜드 중 하나가 될 것으로 예측합니다. OTC: Fromm은 OTC 소매업체에 우수한 고객 서비스를 보장하기 위해 어떤 노력을 하고 있습니까? 그들이 귀사와 함께 비즈니스를 함으로써 어떤 혜택을 얻을 수 있을까요? SP: Fromm은 고객에 집중한다는 점에 자부심을 갖고 있습니다. 저희 고객 서비스팀은 소매업체들과 매일 상호 교류하면서 제품이 제시간에 제공되는지 확인합니다. 소매업체들과 매일 상호교류를 함으로써, 저희는 시장의 요구에 부합되는 적절한 제품을 종합적으로 보유하고 있는지를 확인하기 위해서 현재와 미래의 요구에 관한 정보를 수집합니다. Fromm은 매장을 잘 보살피기 때문에 아주 훌륭한 OTC의 파트너입니다. 저희는 여러분의 성공을 생각하며 여러분의 비즈니스가 성장하도록 돕기 위해서 여러분과 함께 일하길 원합니다

products to meet market needs. Fromm is a great OTC partner because we care. We care about your success and we want to collaborate with you to help it grow. OTC: Are there any big plans in store for Fromm in 2015 that you can share? SP: Yes, yes, and yes! We have spent the past few years innovating and developing products that are simply better than anything else on the market—better for people, for the planet and, even for our pets. Flip the switch to fabulous with our new 1907 Zero7 Air Lightweight Dryer. This is our best styling appliance yet! Featuring an ion generator with a positive/negative switch and a powerful custom motor, you can get the style you crave in minutes. Our ground-breaking 1907 Copper Core Brushes are the future of thermal brushes! These innovative brushes help dry hair 30% faster, reducing hand and wrist fatigue. A hand-crafted 100% bore bristle strip offers extreme grip and shine for a glossy finish. These brushes are naturally antimicrobial as copper destroys 88% of bacteria preventing dandruff, itching and flaking. Our new cruelty free, lightweight lashes from Diane are created with the finest synthetic materials that mimic mink without the hefty price tag. We’re extremely proud of our innovative lashes: not only are they the lightest on the market, but we also believe they are the most comfortable lashes available today! OTC: Is there a central belief that serves as the driving force behind the company? Please explain. SP: At Fromm, we live and breathe by four company values: Do the right thing, do great work, focus on our customer, and personally learn and grow. A recent example of “doing the right thing” is illustrated in our new partnership with Bright Pink, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing preventative education to young women. We are tired of seeing some companies in our industry “pink wash” by creating products that customers believe are helping a charity, but the company may only be donating pennies to the cause. We saw an opportunity to create a product that serves the consumer and a cause wholeheartedly. Retailers can purchase our pink product of the year, the 12 piece Pink Hope Brush bin (item DBP007), knowing that 50% of the sales are going directly to support Bright Pink. OTC: What do you think makes the beauty industry so unique and exciting? SP: I can’t think of another industry dedicated to simply helping people feel better about themselves. It’s incredible to think that a business like Fromm has an impact on someone’s life, every single day. The people that comprise the beauty industry are some of the most inclusive, diverse and kind human beings I know. It is an honor to be a small part of this magnificent and growing industry.

OTC: 회사의 원동력 역할을 하는 중심이되는 믿음이 있다면 설명 부탁드립니다 SP: Fromm에서, 저희는 4가지의 회사 가치에 의해 살며 호흡합니다: 옳은 일을 하라, 훌륭하게 일하라, 고객에게 집중하라, 그리고 개인적으로 배우고 성장하라. “옳은 일을 하라”의 최근 예로, 비영리 단체인Bright Pink와의 새로운 파트너쉽을 들 수가 있는데, 이 단체는 젊은 여성들에게 예방 교육을 제공하는데 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 저희는 업계의 일부 회사들이 “pink wish” 캠페인의 일환으로 제품을 생산하고 그 고객들은 제품 구매를 통해 자선에 도움이 될 것으로 믿지만 실제적으로 회사는 수익에 비해 아주 소액만 기부하는 것을 보는 것이 불편합니다. 저희는 소비자들과 자선을 위해 진심으로 제공할 수 있는 제품을 만들 수 있는 기회를 보게 되었습니다. 소매업체들은 1년 내내 저희 핑크 제품을 구매할 수 있으며, 12 piece Pink Hope Brush bin (item DBP007) 판매 수익의 50%는 알려진대로 Bright Pink로 직접 지원이 됩니다. OTC: 미용업계를 더욱 독특하고 흥미롭게하는 것은 무엇일까요? SP: 사람들이 스스로 더욱 기분이 나아질 수 있도록 최선을 다하는 산업분야가 또 있을까요? Fromm과 같은 회사가 다른 사람의 인생에, 매일 매일 영향을 주고 있다는 생각은 정말 놀랍습니다. 미용업계를 구성하는 사람들은 제가 아는 가장 포괄적이고 다양하며 좋은 인간성을 갖고 있습니다. 이 멋지고 나날이 성장하는 업계의 일부로 포함이 된다는 것은 제겐 영광입니다. OTC: 회사와 미용업계에 관해 OTC 독자들과 마지막으로 공유하고 싶은 생각이 있다면? SP: 저희에게 협력의 권한을 주신 많은 OTC 매장에 감사드립니다. 끊임없이 변화하는 풍경 속에서도, Fromm은 100살의 오랜 브랜드를 James Simon이 1907년 수립한 정통성과 장인정신으로 제공하고 있습니다. 저희는 이 유산을 포용하지만 변화에 허기져있습니다. 저희는 소비자들과 마찬가지로 새로운 목표를 수립하고 성장하고자 노력합니다. Fromm 은 미용 기구와 필수 제품 분야의 전 세계 시장에서 최고의 선택이 되고자 오늘도 내일도 애쓰겠습니다. 눈앞에 펼쳐진 멋진 이 길에 파트너로 저희와 함께 할 여러분 모두를 환영합니다!

OTC: What final thoughts would you like to share with OTC readers about the company and/or the beauty industry in general? SP: Thank you to the many OTCs that have given us the privilege of their partnership. In an ever-changing landscape, Fromm offers a 100+ year old brand built on the values of authenticity and craftsmanship that James Simon established in 1907. We embrace our heritage but we hunger for change. We aim to grow and meet new goals, just as our consumers do. Fromm strives to be the superior choice in beauty tools and essentials in the global market, both today and tomorrow. We welcome all to partner with us on a beautiful road ahead!

OTC: 2015년 Fromm이 매장에서 진행할 큰 계획을 갖고 있다면 얘기하실 수 있으신지? SP: 네! 저희는 지난 수년간 마켓의 어떤 제품보다도 더 나은 제품을 개발하고 혁신하는데 시간을 투자했습니다. – 사람들은 물론, 이 지구와 심지어 애완 동물들에게도 더욱 좋은 제품말입니다. 저희의 멋진 신제품인 1907 Zero7 Air Lightweight Dryer의 스위치를 켜보세요. 이 제품은 지금껏 최고의 스타일링 기구입니다! 양극/음극 스위치와 함께 장착된 이온 발생 장치를 특징으로 강력한 모터가 내제된 이 제품은 몇 분 안에 여러분이 원하는 스타일을 만들어 줄 것입니다. 혁신적인 1907 Copper Core Brushes는 열 브러쉬의 미래입니다! 이런 혁신적인 브러쉬는 기존 제품보다 30% 빠르게 모발을 건조시킬 수 있으며 손과 손목의 피로감을 줄여줍니다. 수제 100% 멧돼지털 브러쉬는 최강의 그립과 광택을 제공하여 모발에 윤기있는 마무리를 줍니다. 구리는 박테리아의 88%를 파괴하기 때문에 이 브러쉬는 천연적인 항균 기능을 보유하고 있어서 비듬이나 가려움, 두피 각질을 방지합니다. Diane의cruelty free(동물 실험을 거치지 않고 개발된 동물성 식품을 함유하지 않은) 의 경량 속눈썹은 비싼 가격표가 없이도 밍크를 모방한 최고의 합성 재료로 만들어집니다. 이 혁신적인 속눈썹에 매우 큰 자부심을 느낍니다: 이 제품은 현재 시장에 나온 제품들 가운데 가장 가벼울 뿐 아니라, 현재 가장 편안한 눈썹이라고 확신합니다!

Company Name: Fromm International Address: 603 Dempster St, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 Contact Number: (847) 498-8200 Website: Years in Business: 108

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine


CLIPPER TIPS Slim Your Cutting Time with the SlimLine Ion Trimmer Sponsored by Andis Co.

I’m always excited when a new Andis tool comes out. The latest member in the company’s lineup is the SlimLine Ion™ T-blade trimmer. The Ion is different from others in the SlimLine family because of its new and improved lithium-ion battery. This more powerful battery produces two hours of non-stop runtime. The best part about lithium-ion batteries is that along with the longer running time, they experience less power loss during use—you get consistent power up until the battery drains completely. Like many Andis tools it is backed by a one-year warranty. Another plus is the ergonomic design. It makes this trimmer a delight to use. Its sleek, contoured housing just feels right in your hand. But the SlimLine has more than good looks. It is equipped with a high-speed rotary motor, which can power through wet or dry hair. It also operates with or without the cord, which means it will be ready for action when you need it with no waiting. The collection of features Andis designed into the Slimline Ion leads me to say that this is probably the most efficient trimmer on the market for use on children. Here’s why. Children pull on cords and cause small time-consuming distractions; the Slimline Ion eliminates that opportunity with its cord-free operation. Children will also appreciate the exclusive comfort edge finish on the T-blade. While the blades are not adjustable like the Slimline Pro, they are factory set to fit the needs of the average clipper cutter. The speed and confidence gained by knowing that your trimmer will not cut or nick the client can potentially save minutes off of your cut. It is also small enough to easily clip hair in tight areas while not cutting a child’s sensitive skin. Finally, this trimmer is a fun, bright color—radiant orchid—that kids will find less intimidating when they are sitting in the chair. For more information about the Andis SlimLine Ion visit Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clippers cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 76

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

Andis Introduces New

RAZR™ Pro Lather Machine Professional barbers can now treat their clients to the ultimate shaving experience with soothing, hot lather dispensed from the new Andis RAZR™ Pro Lather Machine. Designed with an enclosed, maintenance-free motor to prevent rust and corrosion, the Andis RAZR™ Pro Lather Machine has a convenient on/off power switch and heats in 15 minutes. The Andis RAZR™ also has an easy-to-fill, extra-large soak cup, a large push button for dispensing, and non-slip rubber feet to keep the unit in place. Its sturdy construction is highlighted by a zinc metal lid for durability and corrosion resistance. Visit to learn more.


Therapy Trends

Natural Beauty Bullets Many new macro-value, micro-emulsifying bullet products are on the market. They are designed to deliver natural nutritional benefits for internal health and beauty benefits. Fruits, nuts, seeds and proteins are pulverized into formulas that the body can readily access. These bullet type formulas and other natural food trends are being translated into topical beauty products cosmeceuticals. US demand for cosmeceutical products is expected to increase 5.8 percent per annum to $8.5 billion in 2015. A steady stream of technologically advanced products with improved nano-delivery is bringing consumers the impact of nutra-bullet in their beauty regimen. Naturally derived substances consisting of herbal, botanical extracts and animal- marine-based derivatives will be key ingredients. The top health and wellness trends for the body—high protein, low fat, no salt, and good carbs will be the recipe for beauty products. Key ingredients will be touted on hair, skin and makeup labels to deliver moisture, lubrication and protection. However, there will be a stream of new natural pigment and preservatives added to formulas. Attractive products will offer the look and feel of blended fruit smoothies, but the sloughing and resurfacing result from nuts and seeds like chia, hemp and flaxseeds. Based on anti-aging benefits, skin care will be the fasting growing segment. Hair care, makeup and sunscreen products will play a prominent role. Beauty products will take on a vegetarian profile—berries, veggies and supercharged natural ingredients. These natural beauty bullets will cross over into all beauty categories as consumers seek healthier chemical alternatives.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 78

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Fix Damaged Hair When hair is severely damaged to the point that it is breaking off, over processed, over bleached, can’t hold color, or feels mushy when wet and brittle when dry, there is no better answer than ApHogee Two-Step Protein Treatment. It is the number one protein treatment for restoring damaged hair. See results immediately! The process only needs to be done once every four to six weeks. Your customers will thank you. The ApHogee Balancing Moisturizer must be used as the second step of the process. For more information, visit



Get Twisted! Over the past decade there has been significant growth in the men’s hair care product line selection. Manufacturers have mainly focused on expanding their offerings with styling gels, pomades, beard oils, stimulating shampoo and deep conditioners for natural hair growth. Recently, I have seen many old school styles return along with innovative products for styling natural hair and even using straightening combs on beards to add length.

There is an old product on the barbering scene creating a new

flood of product designs to create the natural hair twist, lock or texturized look. This new product is simply a sponge. There are many forms of this product on the market. The most popular styling tool is a sponge with small 7MM or 10MM holes on the styling surface to help create the curly or twisted lock look for natural hair. This style can cost $40 up to $100 to get in a local barbershop or salon. Products like the Magic Twist Sponge by Black Ice, Nu Dred Sponge, or Curl Sponge has grown in popularity as a tool to create these looks.

Since men have reduced the tendency to have hair

augmentations, implants and wigs, many have chosen to go natural. When using these sponges it is suggested to help prevent excessive hair loss, or damage by using a styling gel. It is important to detangle the hair while it is wet. Never detangle hair while it is dry; that can cause hair breakage.

You can suggest moisture-rich conditioners for natural hair; it

RA Shea Butter Lotion

helps to add slip when detangling the hair. An important thing to remember while conditioning hair is detangling. You want to have the client start from the bottom of their hair and work their way up. By gently loosening any hair that has been tangled with either a wide tooth comb or their fingers for best results. Remember you can sell more products by being an informed retailer.

Keep up the good work!

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 80

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit

Courtesy of Fig Design

Western Buying Conference The Western Buying Conference (WBC) celebrated their 30th Anniversary in Las Vegas on January 19th and 20th, with over 200 exhibitors attending. The exhibitors were able to kick off 2015 by showing off their new products and giving fabulous special deals and incentives.

This year’s show was once again well attended by many of the

major distributors and key customers throughout the United States. As always admission to the event was free to the attendees, which consisted of Professional Beauty Distributors, Stores and Spas. The association also offered reimbursement on airfare, hotel and gas. Courtesy of Fig Design

Harlan Kirschner, Peter Mazziliano and Marc Spilo toasted

the 30th Anniversary by thanking everyone for their support at the “Party Bash.” They also announced new and exciting changes for the 2016 show. Everyone then went on and had a great time at the “Party Bash” celebrating the 30th anniversary. It was held at the Champagne Ballroom in the Paris Hotel with an evening of dinner, drinks and a live band for dancing.

Mark your calendar: the 2016 show dates are January 18th and 19th! Article courtesy of the Western Beauty Reps Association

Courtesy of Fig Design


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Western Buying Conference 2015

A look at the entrance to the WBC show floor.

Jay Hong of Fisk Industries

The Kirschner Group booth

A look down a busy show floor aisle

A meeting takes place at the Prolock USA booth, which is set up next to the Tweezerman event space.

Jinny United meets with Mark Osinoff of Queen Helene and David Harrison of CFN Sales.

Sara Dreamer (center) stands alongside fellow Marianna booth workers

Osman (left) and Ali Mithavayani (right) of Xtreme Beauty International with Sue Seok of Jinny United.

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine

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Nicole Far of Giovanni Cosmetics

(Left to right) Todd Smith of the Kirschner Group, Mario Gonzales of DeMert Brands, Steve Ma and Dean Kim of Jinny United.

The Croc booth

The Spilo booth flaunts artistic decoration that grabbed attention with black and white photos.

(Left to right) Brenda Leckie, Alan Murphy, Leslie Roste and Ivan Zoot pause for a quick photo at the King Research booth.

(Left to right) Walt Winslow and Domenic Costa of KAB Brands

Ron Kothari stands with a company representative at the American Dawn booth

American International Industries offers a wide array of nail polishes to customers.


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Western Buying Conference 2015

Jenny Liu, Gina Lee, and Amy Chong of Jinny United stop for a quick photo with Patrick Ratcliff of Belson.

Amy Chong of Jinny United (left) and Evelyn Henderson of L’Oreal

Martin Bachman of Tolco Corporation

Attendees fill the 500 aisle of the show floor inside the Bally’s hotel.

A view of one aisle as meetings take place

Jinny United representatives meet with the Andis Company.

The Cricket booth

Jinny United representatives meet with Graham Beauty, planning for a great year.

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



The Royal and Langnickel booth

Harlan Kirschner, President of the Kirschner Group, catches up with friends like Bruce of Zotos Professional at the show.

James William (left) of Inspired Beauty Brands and Garrett Wright of Jinny United.

Mr. Eddie Jhin, President of Jinny United, and Dean Kim, also of Jinny, meet with Andis Company

The Fromm booth

The always eye-catching Sparks booth

A busy show floor aisle

The inside of the expansive American International Industries booth


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Western Buying Conference 2015

Visitors and attendees alike take to the show floor for an exciting event day.

A small portion of the show floor

(Left to right) Nicole Freeman Cohen of the Freeman Group along with Amy Chong and Gina Lee of Jinny United.

Garrett Wright of Jinny United (center) with Arnisha Hallett-Jones and Richard Cocco of Continental Consumer Products

(Left to right) Gina Lee and Amy Chong, both of Jinny United, and Brenda Leckie of King Research.

The Jinny United team meets with Conair.

A representative from the Croc booth (center) joins Andrey Baranov (left) and Jonathan Tiram of Ecoco for a quick photo.

Jinny United meets with Fantasia

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine

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뉴욕협회 뉴욕협회는 오는 4월에 세미나를 준비하고 있다. 이 는 종전의 쇼와는 달리, 제조사와 협력하여 회원사 직원들 그리고 뷰티션들을 초청하여 제품을 정확히

이해시키는 세미나형식이라고 한다. 또한, 헤어 업 체도 참여를 하여 뷰티션들이 솜씨를 뽐내는 경쟁 을 하는 시간도 가질 것이라고 한다.

NFBS 중앙협회

조지아 협회 조지아 협회는 오는 3월 22일에 제 8회 조지아 뷰티 트레이드 쇼를 전년과 같은 장소인 The North Atlanta Trade Center에서 개최한다고 한다. 해마다 참가 자가 늘어나는 조지아 트레이드 쇼는 이번엔 3,000 여명 정도의 인파가 몰릴 것으로 예상하고 막바지 준비에 박차를 가하고 있다고 한다. 쇼에 대한 자세 한 문의사항이나 참가 신청은 협회 웹사이트, www., 또는 이메일 atlbeautylife@, 또는 협회 사무실 770-454-7993으로 하면 된다. 92

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

NFBS 협회 유중현 총회장은 지난 2월 19일, 뉴욕 뷰 티서플라이 협회로 부터 NFBS 가입신청서를 받고, 뉴욕 협회의 NFBS 가입을 공식적으로 확인 하였다. 이에 유중현 총회장은 “업계가 어려울때 함께 고민 하고 업계의 방향성 제고에 함께 할 수 있어서 감사 하게 생각합니다” 라며 환영의 의사를 표명하였다. 이로서 뉴욕협회는 지난 2월 23일의 중앙협회 이사 회를 시작으로 중앙협회의 공식행사에 참여하게 된 다고 한다. 뉴욕협회는 작년에 뉴욕 총회에서 의결하 여 이미 가입의사를 결정하였고, 그 동안 시기를 조 율해오다 가입 결정을 하게 되었다고 한다. 김성이 식 협회장은 “현재 뷰티 업계의 유통구조 파괴, 가격 붕괴 등 상황이 급변하고 있고 이를 위기로 인식하고 있습니다. 이제는 진정으로 힘을 합하여 난국을 타개 해야 합니다. 생산자와 소비자가 직거래 하는 형상으 로, 유통파괴로 인한 피해가 엄청난 상태입니다” 라 고 한다. 이에 소매상을 떠난 소비자들을 다시 잡는 것은 신뢰회복이 관건이라고 강조하며, 늦은 감이 있 지만, 겸허한 마음으로 신뢰를 회복하면 뷰티 시장은 다시 거듭날 수 있으며, 이를 중앙협회와 함께 만들 어 나가자는 취지로 가입을 결정하게 되었다고 피력 하였다. 김회장은 “늦은 감이 있지만, 이렇게 중앙협 회에 가입을 하게되어 감사하고, 미력이나마 뉴욕협 회가 중앙협회에서 추진하는 사업과 뷰티 업계의 발 전에 기여할 수 있으면 좋겠습니다” 라는 말로 가입 인사를 대신 하였다.

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews SoftSheen-Carson Laboratories ® Dark and Lovely ® Expands Its Coveted Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Collection with New Innovations Rock you locks like an it girl with three new recipes from Dark and Lovely’s Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Line Dark and Lovely® Au Naturale, the award-winning #1 new hair care line for natural hair*, is excited to introduce three new recipes for perfect curl elongation: Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Easy Twist Gel N’ Butter, Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Slick Slip Leave-In Conditioner and Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage No Crunch Softening Pomade. Today, put a rest to curl mixology, and say yes to these Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage stylers, perfect for all natural textures. Cocktailing products, where naturalistas play mixologist to achieve custom hair brews, has been a huge trend for impeccable curly styles. A scoop of this, two pumps of that, and a hint of this—cocktailing can be challenging and time consuming. Thus, Dark and Lovely Au Naturale has developed these three new recipes to help simplify the natural hair styling process. “When the curly community can’t find the perfect product, they have a tendency to take matters into their own hands by cocktailing products, creating unique formulas to fit their needs,” says Mezei Jefferson, Director of Education, SoftSheen-Carson. “We wanted to create a new set of products designed to do the miracle-work for specific natural hair styling needs, so curly girls can achieve the looks they want without the hassle. From twist-outs to conditioning, these unique products tackle everyday issues and will enhance any natural hair care regimen.” Introducing new natural hair styling innovations: • Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Slick Slip LeaveIn Conditioner – Detangling anti-shrinkage recipe that seals in long-lasting moisture, refreshes style, and leaves hair hydrated and soft. Great as a foundation for styling. • Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage Easy Twist

Gel N’ Butter – The perfect ratio of conditioning gel and moisturizing butter for hassle-free twist-outs naturalistas have been looking for. The first “No Need to Cocktail Recipe” fights frizz, nourishes curls, and provides long-lasting touchable hold and shine without curdling. • Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage No Crunch Nourishing Pomade – Crafted to restore softness, maintain shine, and seal in moisture for 3x softer curls. Perfect for wash n’ go styles, leaves hair with no greasy residue. The Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage maintenance and styling line is infused with Mango Oil and Bamboo Milk to provide all-day hydration, elongation, definition and nourishment for all curl types. Featuring an exclusive anti-shrinkage recipe, these products are specially formulated to address the unique needs of naturally curly hair textures to fight curl shrinkage, frizz and elongate curls all-day. Dark and Lovely Au Naturale collections contain no drying alcohol, no mineral oil, no petrolatum, no sulfates and no parabens**. The new Dark and Lovely Au Naturale Anti-Shrinkage line was made available beginning in January 2015 in mass, drug and beauty supply stores nationwide. For locations, visit Also check out Dark and Lovely on: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. *According to IRI Dollar Sales in the US, Dark and Lovely Au Naturale was the #1 new hair care line for natural hair in 2013. **Ingredients vary by SKU

Embracing Change in the New Year Spilo relocates to a state-of-the-art facility in Vernon, CA The Spilo Worldwide Headquarters has relocated to a new state-of-the-art facility in Vernon, CA. The offices, warehouse, and every last nail file and bobby pin have a place within this new 50,000+ square foot home featuring a 200 foot assembly line. Not only does this new facility streamline order processing, but also creates a more efficient and open atmosphere for our employees and customers.


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Marc Spilo (center) pictured with Gary Udell (left) and Gerry Udell (right) after touring the new Spilo Worldwide Headquarters in November 2014. (Above) A view of the Spilo Worldwide Headquarters entrance


Andis Education Team

Andis North American Education Summit Barber and stylist education team meet at company headquarters

Recently the Andis North American team of educators, consisting of top stylists and barbers from across the country, met at the company’s headquarters in Sturtevant, WI, for two days of training and collaboration. The summit focused on the techniques and finishes featured in the new ‘Classically Modern. You.’ style collection to be introduced in 2015. Lead by Aileen Nunez, Andis international manager of education and style, the group shared techniques, ideas and prepared for a new season of education and events. “The Andis education team is comprised of successful barbers and stylists that reach different demographics, but all with the same purpose: influencing and educating their hair professional peers. The versatile styles in the ‘Classically Modern. You.’ collection are the fusion between barbers and stylists, so it’s perfectly suited to this team.” says Nunez. “Andis will be bringing these to the classroom and stage in the new year.” “With the renaissance of men’s grooming and classic barbering, Andis has lots of exciting education initiatives planned for 2015, here and abroad,” adds Nunez. “Our team of educators are excited and prepared to deliver dynamic, comprehensive platform clipper education to all levels of stylists and barbers willing to learn the finer points of clipper cutting.” For more information or to request classes, email

Introducing the Wahl ’19 Video Ready to learn more about Wahl’s newest men’s grooming product line, Wahl ’19? Go online to the company website ( to better understand how each Wahl ‘19 product for men’s hair and skin is your tool to help clients maintain their look. There you will find an informational video with all the facts you need to pass on to your customers. Simply scroll down to the ’19 Wahl graphic on the website, click “more info” and scroll down to the video at the bottom! The innovative collection for men gives hair and skin exactly what it needs, along with attitude and confidence. No matter the trends, healthy hair is always in style.

March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews Show and Sell with New Merchandising Flowery and ToolWorx offer new display programs for 2015

The Flowery and ToolWorx brands now have great new merchandising display options to highlight each brand’s new packaging. Whether you’re looking for the chic, professional nail care displays Flowery has to offer, or three varieties of ToolWorx hair, skin and nails displays, we have a variety of options to suit any size store or salon. Flowery • Chic new look • Modular design adapts to any store environment easily, and provides an efficient display

system to maximize shelf real-estate • Show-and-tell shelf talkers educate consumers with brief product descriptions and encourages them to purchase multiple products • Product images located on product strip make purchasing and • • •

ToolWorx • • • •

restocking easy Fits hundreds of files in a compact space Display dimensions with header card: 12”(w) x 9.75”(d) x 11”(h) Display dimensions without header card: 12”(w) x 9.75”(d) x 7.5”(h)

Three great display option—counter, floor and in-line Ideal for focusing on what’s hot—brows, new shears, mani/pedi Completely flexible peg system Pricing: flexible buying options, each display is customizable

Flowery and ToolWorx brands are owned by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 70 years.

2015 Hair and Makeup Design Leaders: Dr. Marqus and Madame Lisa Clowney by Torain the Black Dragon

Two of the most dynamic leaders of the beauty industry today are a young salon owner/radio personality and his lovely wife from Charlotte, North Carolina. Throughout the week Marqus and his wife Lisa work diligently at their two fashionable salons, Black Lotus I and II. Their combined work is an exciting mélange of contemporary hair design and provocative makeup techniques. The uniquely, innovative creations that emanates from their combined talent is like a volcanic force that erupts with a striking new concept of the future. They are both accomplished colorist that have invented a vibrant new direction into commercial hair colors and dramatic color combinations that include the most brilliant fantasy hues. Their creations often feature superbly subtle and simplistic shadings of makeup and hair. This exciting couple has invented a bold, new concept to the ancient art of coordinating makeup and hair design. The 2015 year will follow their lead to an astonishing new theme in the Dr. Marqus and Madame Lisa Clowney future of cosmetology! Learn more at

Save the Date:

Cosmoprof North America 2015 | July 12-14

Cosmoprof North America (CPNA), named one of Trade Show News Network’s 25 Fastest-Growing Trade Shows and winner of Trade Show Executive’s Marketing Genius Award, will take place July 12 – 14, 2015 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center. The show expects over 900 exhibitors this year, encompassing all sectors of beauty, including nail, beauty, skin care, hair, spa and packaging. During this three-day event, exhibitors and attendees will come together to explore the newest products and trends under one roof. In addition to the valuable networking events, CPNA will continue to offer their award-winning educational conferences and business platform initiatives. Discover Beauty will be back for its 9th edition and will continue to feature distinctive brands from around the world. Additionally, the widely successful SPOTLIGHTS program will be back highlighting the best in small niche beauty brands. Stay tuned for new programs set to be unveiled this year. A leader in the professional beauty trade industry, CPNA continues to exemplify innovation, the importance of B2B networking, and insightful education that is relevant to what is currently taking place in the industry. Plan to check out Discover Scent when you attend the show—it’s the new area dedicated to scented products. Cosmoprof North America is the epicenter of groundbreaking beauty, so mark your calendars now! Show hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. July 12-13 and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on July 14. 98

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IndustryNews Attendees gather for the 2015 International Salon & Spa Expo Long Beach.

The International Salon and Spa Expo Long Beach Reaches Record Attendance in 2015 ISSE Long Beach Brings the Best of Beauty to Southern California

Produced by the Professional Beauty Association (PBA), the 2015 International Salon and Spa Expo Long Beach (ISSE) continues to be the West Coast’s largest and most influential beauty event. Reaching record attendance, ISSE Long Beach 2015 welcomed an energetic crowd of nearly 43,500 beauty professionals from around the world. PBA has set out to evolve ISSE Long Beach beyond the traditional “hair show” and become the industry’s most complete beauty event for professional hair, nails, cosmetics, esthetics, wellness, massage and advanced education. ISSE Long Beach is known for its diverse exhibitor base and 2015 was no exception. Known as the launch pad for new beauty products and services, this year’s event featured more than 379 exhibiting companies promoting 420 beauty brands. Ranging from international beauty leaders to indie trendsetters, exhibiting brands included Amika, CAILYN Cosmetics, Enzo Milano, Gelish, Johnny B Hair Care, LightStim, Matrix, OPI Products Inc., Sexy Hair Concepts, Vidal Sassoon, and Zotos International. Corporate event sponsor Beauty Systems Group continued their support in the ticket selling process and participated on the exhibit floor. Additionally, with SalonCentric returning to the event as a corporate show sponsor, ticket seller and exhibit floor participant, ISSE Long Beach was able to secure eight companies that had not exhibited in five years or more. Next year’s International Salon & Spa Expo will take place January 30 - February 1, 2016 at the Long Beach Convention Center. ISSE Long Beach is open to licensed salon/spa professionals, cosmetology students and instructors only. To maintain a professional atmosphere, attendees must present proof of license and a valid photo ID. For additional information and photos from ISSE Long Beach and updates on next year’s show, please visit

The Best Kept Secret in the Hair Care Business

by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Every year for the last 12 years there has been a unique professional cosmetology hair show in Los Angeles, California—Spectrum International Beauty Expo (SIBE)—that is hosted by Ms. Doris Mosley, a very highly respected cosmetologist and educator in the beauty industry. She has taught classes on almost every aspect of the industry. Twelve years ago she decided to share her insight with others on a broad scale by putting on a show that highlighted advanced education in the professional cosmetology arena. She also invited other well-known and motivated educators in the field to participate and share their experiences with the attendees. Later she added a professional trade show that featured the latest innovations in products and techniques related to the field of advanced cosmetology. The show started as a small affair in church halls then escalated to large hotel banquet halls such as the Radisson and Marriott hotels. Last year it outgrew the hotels and was presented at the Los Angeles Convention Center where it is being held this year on March 29 and 30. Many people outside of the L.A. area are unaware of the event, so now through this medium it is being presented to all who hunger for knowledge and personal insight to broaden their horizon within their chosen field of endeavors. This is the place to be. If you are a vendor looking for a venue to present your product or service in the third largest market in the USA, this is it. The L.A. Convention center is located in the heart of the Los Angeles entertainment area and hotel mecca. For more information about tickets, booth rental or activities, call 310-680-7367 or visit March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Maria Menounos Flaunts SheaMoisture Beauty at the Golden Globes Actress, Maria Menounos

Actress, personality and ultimate Hollywood beauty, Maria Menounos, hit the Red Carpet for the Golden Globes as both a guest and host. Maria looked stunning with a dewy complexion and subtle, smoky eye created by her friend and go-to makeup artist, Dimitris Giannetos. Together her hair and makeup were the perfect complement to her navy blue floor length dress. DIMITRIS GIANNETOS INSPIRATION: The true definition of femininity, Maria Menounos, and her bestie Dimitris Giannetos took inspiration from the Spring/Summer 2015 Chanel Fashion Show when creating her makeup look. To complement her edgy dress, Dimitris kept her hair and makeup simple, like she had just emerged from the ocean—dewy and beautiful. HER SKIN: • To achieve a luminous and creamy canvas, Dimitris prepped Maria’s skin with SheaMoisture Primer before applying SheaMoisture Sheer Foundation in Havasu Hazel, a shade ½ tone darker than her natural skin tone, creating the beachy glow from the Chanel runway.

• For a soft contour, he applied the SheaMoisture Color Correcting, Contouring & Highlighting Palette to the cheekbones for additional definition and sculpting. • Once contoured, Dimitris applied a soft powder to Maria’s face, SheaMoisture Pressed Powder in Snowdonia Fawn. • The final touch was a hint of the “delicious” SheaMoisture Illuminating Powder, Vanuata Nude on the cheekbones. HER EYES: • Dimitris kept eyes fresh with a dusting of SheaMoisture Wet/Dry Eyeshadow in Cecilia to act as highlight against her perfect, dewy skin. • To complete, black Volumizing and Lengthening Mascara were layered to the lashes. HER LIPS: • For a yummy, glistening nude lip, Dimitris applied SheaMoisture Lipgloss in Caroline prior to Maria tossing it in her bag for touch ups.

Ambi Introduces the First Color Product in the AMBI® Skincare Line For decades women of color have depended on AMBI® Skincare to help their skin look flawless. Now, that task has just become easier than ever with the introduction of new AMBI® EVEN & CLEAR CC+ Cream Even Tone Environmental Shield – the first color product in the AMBI® Skincare Line! Specially formulated to match the rich tones of women of color, this rich elegant CC+ Cream contains argan oil, shea butter, and antioxidants to moisturize the skin. There are many exciting benefits about this new multi-tasking product, according to Laurence Dryer, Ph.D., Director of Portfolio Development and Head of R&D for Valeant Pharmaceuticals, North America OTC skincare products. AMBI® CC+ Cream provides broad-spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen protection from UV sun rays that can accelerate the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. This sunscreen is formulated not to leave the skin looking ashy or gray. “The addition


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

of SPF 30 is significant,” explains Dr. Dryer, “because many CC creams offer sunscreen with only SPF 20 and may leave a chalky residue on the skin. AMBI® CC+ Cream provides a higher level of sun protection with quality pigments, without sacrificing a luxurious feel and great coverage.” Available in Light/Medium and Medium/ Dark, AMBI® CC+ Cream is designed to even skin tone instantly with soft focus technology, while helping to shield your skin from environmental elements that may cause uneven skin tone, dry out the skin, and accelerate fine lines and wrinkles. AMBI® EVEN & CLEAR CC+ Cream Even Tone Environmental Shield will be available at national mass, drug, and beauty supply retail stores in March 2015.


SoftSheen-Carson Laboratories® Optimum Salon Haircare® Introduces Amla Legend Silky Blow-Out Ritual The first salon-style, blow-out elixir with Amla Oil Optimum Salon Haircare, a leader in salon-quality products for multicultural women, is proud to introduce Amla Legend Silky Blow-Out Ritual: a regimen designed to achieve perfectly smooth, salon-style blow-outs at home. This high performance range of products contain innovative silkening technology inclusive of Amla Oil and Micro-Keratin, to provide damaged hair with optimum moisture and shine while strengthening and repairing damaged, weak strands. Created to deliver smooth perfection and legendary shine, this collection is a three-step ritual designed to protect hair with deep conditioning properties that defend and repair the hair from heat damage up to 450 degrees, prevent split ends, defy frizz for up to 72 hours, and provide all day humidity resistance for the perfect blow-out. “I’m really excited about the new Optimum Amla Legend Silky Blow-Out Ritual regimen; it’s almost like getting a full, salon-style blow-out at home,” says Johnny Wright, celebrity stylist and SoftSheen-Carson Artistic Style Director. “In just three easy steps, these products provide consumers a chemical-free way to rock straight hair on natural tresses while protecting their hair from heat damage, as well as infusing relaxed hair with extra smoothness, swing and shine. These lightweight formulas were designed for women of all curl types and textures resulting in hair that is full of bounce and revitalized.” Comprised of three key products, the Optimum Amla Legend Silky Blow-Out Ritual includes: • Optimum Amla Legend Silky Blow-Out Masque – Used weekly, it provides deep conditioning and moisture with 450º heat protection. • Optimum Amla Legend 10-in-1 Silky Blow-Out Elixir – The first salon-style blow-out elixir with Amla Oil. Works 10 ways to help repair and strengthen hair for a smooth, silky blow-out every time. Protects the hair up to 450 degrees, frizz control for 72 hours and aids in preventing split ends. • Optimum Amla Legend Silkening Oil Mist – Revives and adds radiant shine, locks in smoothness and provides a lightweight feel. Amla Oil is the best kept beauty secret for beautiful, thick, full hair. Derived from the legendary Amla Superfruit from India, Amla is a powerful anti-oxidant, rich in vitamins and minerals, known for its naturally rejuvenating properties. SoftSheen-Carson has brought this beauty secret to consumers with the Optimum Salon Haircare Amla Legend Rejuvenating Ritual and the Silky Blow-Out Ritual range adds a unique feature. The Optimum Amla Legend Silky Blow-Out Ritual was made available beginning in January 2015 in mass, drug and beauty supply stores nationwide. For more information, visit Also check out Optimum Salon Haircare on: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. March 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Bo Langley

Longtime Employee of Wahl Clipper Corporation, Bo Langley, Passed Away January 31

Longtime employee of Wahl Clipper Corporation, Bo Langley, died January 31, 2015. He was 67. He is admired and remembered by the 2,500 members of the Wahl Clipper Corporation Family. Mr. Langley was a member of the Wahl Clipper family for 17 years before retiring last May. He spent most of that time as the Director of Sales and Marketing for the Professional Division at Wahl. In 2012, he relocated to South Carolina where he handled Kayline by Wahl, as well as the Wahl 5-Star Series and the company’s Mexico distribution. “He looked forward to putting his feet up and relaxing in South Carolina,” said Jim Wahl, Executive Vice President, Wahl Clipper Corporation. “We let him do it two years earlier which turned out to be a Godsend.” Langley and Wahl met in 1997 when Wahl was looking for someone to help with marketing. Wahl called Bennie Lowery, the Vice President of Sally Beauty and said, “I’m looking for somebody to handle a little bit of sales, but mainly internal marketing. Do you have anybody in mind?” Heading north from Texas was Langley. He was a teddy bear of a man, with a Southern drawl, who used to be a judge in Atlanta. It may have seemed unlikely on the surface, but Langley quickly proved to be a perfect fit for Wahl’s company, and being new to the clipper industry, he brought revolutionary thinking. “He just had so many great ideas,” Wahl said. “He studied law. He ran a beauty store. He spoke several languages. But when he got into a product that he hadn’t worked with before, his creative juices went wild and he was just excellent. When you get into something new, you don’t realize what can’t be done, so you do it. He had a dozen or more patents. He was proud to put those little Einstein stickers all over his office. The engineers loved him because he was so creative.” Langley was hired for the job of internal marketing, but was given license to explore. As a result, he made huge contributions that accelerated Wahl Clipper Corporation into its current position of prominence in the industry. Langley pioneered Wahl’s 5-Star line of ethnic-oriented barber products, including the introduction of ultra-close-cutting trimmers like the Detailer and the Hero. During the past two years, one of Langley’s jobs was to grow the 5-Star line. He communicated with stylists through social

media, and created buzz about how to use the products. Langley had a keen focus on clipper blade innovation throughout his career and was instrumental in patenting Wahl’s 6x0 blade on its Balding Clipper, which boosted sales of Wahl’s zero-overlap surgical blades on several units. He also recognized crossover appeal and began to repackage products marketed to barbers for hair stylists. Langley would even disassemble Wahl clippers in his spare time to find ways to improve the designs or develop a new tool. “He’d be so psyched about clippers he would go home and take clippers apart in the garage,” Wahl said. “He loved getting his hands on things.” Before retiring, Langley helped recruit Jim Wahl’s son, Lance, into the business. Langley took Lance under his wing. He mentored him on everything he knew about the industry, including the importance of personal relationships and always being yourself with customers. “I learned a great deal from Bo on how to read people and help them with their goals, but at the same time always keep Wahl’s best interests first and foremost,” said Lance Wahl, Director of Sales and Marketing, Wahl Clipper Corporation Professional Division. “He was very competitive and knew how to repackage old school concepts into a new marketing approach. Even though he could play the role of a good ole boy, he was one of the most intelligent and sharp-witted people I knew.” In addition to all the ideas, Langley was also blessed with the “gift of gab.” He could strike up a good conversation with anyone and treated everyone with respect. Friends joked that even his competitors couldn’t help but like him, even if he was stealing sales away. Langley excelled at whatever he did; rising from lawyer to judge, and climbing the ladder at such companies as Belson Products, Save-Way Beauty Supply and Wahl Clipper Corporation. “I had breakfast with him almost every morning for fifteen years. He was my best friend,” said Jim Wahl. “He had so much potential. The life he lived, he lived 67 years of burning the candle at both ends. It would have taken the rest of us 134 years to do what he did. He was that good.” Langley is survived by his wife, Michelle, five children and six grandchildren.

What Percentage of Afro-Designated Hair Care Products and Distribution do Afro Americans Represent and Control?

A look at demographics

by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Afro descendant people in America are at the most 12 percent of the population, but are consumers of more than 33 percent of all hair care products sold in America and professional hair care services (i.e. cosmetology and barber). They represent up to one third of students enrolled in schools of cosmetology and barbering. The Korean beauty supply monopoly in America controls about 85 percent of Afro designated hair care products sold in beauty supply stores, and 60 percent of the entire beauty supply outlets in America. However the Koreans are only 3 percent of the American population. This is not a criticizing statement because the Koreans seized an opportunity to service a market that was under severed in the early 60s, but is now saturated. Afro Americans are the most prolific consumers in this country, but they have little control of what is being consumed. This is not only true in the hair care market, but in other consumer item arenas such as automobiles, electronics and many more. In the time prior to the early 1960s, Afro Americans had control 102

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of 85 percent of the production of hair care and cosmetics used by these consumers, but now they only own less than 20 percent of the production of these products. Many of the well-known products are not owned by Afro producers, and not even owned by any American based firms. They are owned and controlled by “off shore” firms such as L’Oreal (France), Wella (Germany), Debar (India) and Lever Industries (U.K.). Although there have been many changes in production and distribution of products, the one thing that has not changed is the Afro American beauty and barbering profession. The only real change is who produces and supplies the products they use. Most cosmetologist and barbers are not aware of who the producers are of the products they depend on, as long as it does not disrupt their day-to-day operations. You can get more detailed information on this and other related matters by going online to At to the top of the homepage choose the MEDIA tab and click on BLOG. There you will find over 32 articles to ponder.

ShowCalendar March: 1-2 Professional Beauty Durban Durban, South Africa

1-4 Global Beauty and Wellness Exchange Charleston, SC

2-3 Professional Beauty Bangalore Bangalore, India

2-3 Beauty World Japan Fukuoka Fukuoka, Japan

8-10 IBS New York New York, NY

9 18th Beauty Expo USA Chicago, IL

15-16 South Florida Beauty Show Ft. Lauderdale, FL

20-23 Cosmoprof Bologna

Ad Index Advanced Beauty Systems...8, 83

Helen of Troy �����������������������������39

Oster Prof. Products .................29

American International �����������91

House of Cheatham ������������������� 9

Pak Cosmetics ...........................57

Andis Co. ............................76, IBC

Hoyu America ���������������������������61

Personal Care Products ............33

Belson ..........................................55

Imperial Dax ������������������������������41

Bronner Bros. ..................... Poster

Inspired Beauty Brands �������������35, 69, 111

City of Hope ...............................64

Conair �����������������������������������������21 Diva by Cindy .............................78 Dream World, Inc. ���������������� 15, 44, 45, 60 Ecoco, Inc. �����������������������������27, 79 Fantasia Ind. ................................43 Farouk Systems, Inc. ..................11

Giovanni Cosmetics ..................93

29-30 Spectrum International Beauty Expo Los Angeles, CA

APRIL: 9-11 Cosmobeaute Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 108

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

JBS Hair ������������������������ 2, 3, 50, 82 JF Labs/AFAM ����������������������� 5, 51 KAB Brands �������������������������������78

Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products �����74 Mitchell Group .........................109 Mane Selection �������������22, Poster

21-23 America’s Beauty Show

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Reshma Femme.........................42

JBS Beauty Club �����������������28, 76

L’Oreal Technique �������������������107

Fisk Industries ���������������������������81

23-26 Beauty Professional Malaysia

RA Cosmetics ......................68, 80

Smooth Care...............................34 Colomer USA ............. Cover, IFC, 1, 37, 105

Bologna, Italy

Chicago, IL

Queen Helene ......................38, 54

Maxi Professional .......................32 Namaste Laboratories.......94, 95, 97, 99, 101, 106

APRIL: 12 Roc-A-Natural Natural Hair Health and Beauty Expo New York, NY

SMSi-Urban Call Marketing, Inc......................46 SoftSheen-Carson ....... 25, 59, BC Sparks Hair Color .......................7 Ten Pro ........................................14 Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products ..............23 Universal Beauty Products.......62 Wella,The Salon Professional Division of P&G.....................53, 77 Xtreme Beauty International ..13, 65, 75, 80, 90, 112

APRIL: 18-19 Eastern Buying Conference Somerset, NJ

12-15 ECRM/EPPS Private Brands Health and Beauty Care

25-26 Taliah Waajid 18th Annual World Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Show

Orlando, FL

College Park, GA

14-16 in-cosmetics

26 NAILPRO Pasadena

Barcelona, Spain

Pasadena, CA

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. Have you seen growth in your natural hair care item sales in the past year? What are you doing to help with this growth?

1.지난 해 네추럴 헤어 케어 아이템에서 판매 성장을 이뤘습니까? 이런 성장에 도움이 되도록

어떤 노력을 하고 있습니까?

2. Do you offer natural, organic items for skin care and cosmetics? Do you have these in a section with other natural products, or are they placed on the shelf with general products in their beauty sector? 2.스킨


화장품 분야에서 네추럴 및 유기농 제품을 제공하고 있습니까? 이런 제품들을 다른 네추럴 제품과 같은 섹션에 배치하는지, 아니면 미용 제품 섹션의 일반 제품들과 함께 배치하는지요?

3. Is your store active in social media at all? If so, how and has it helped grow your business? 3.여러분의 매장은 소셜 미디어 활동에 활발합니까? 그렇다면, 비즈니스 성장에 어떻게 도움이 되고 있습니까?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name (성함) _______________________________ Store Name (스토어



State (주) _________________________________ 110

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

Mail this form to: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:


OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:

September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



African Black Soap Original

Originating in West African countries like Ghana, African Black soap is a multi-purpose cleanser made of all natural ingredients. This soap is perfect for people looking for an alternative to ordinary soaps that contain non-natural ingredients that can be harsh on skin. The OKAY African Black Soap is imported directly from Ghana where it is created using traditional methods. This soap is created with natural Plantain extracts, Shea butter, Cocoa powder, Coconut oil and Aloe Vera. African black soap is also gentle enough to be used on your face and is packed with nourishing benefits that helps cleanse and maintain healthy beautiful skin. 112

OTC Beauty Magazine March 2015

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