The Holiday Issue October 2014

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October 2014| $6.00 The Holiday Issue

Everyday Beauty and Skin Care OTC Store Interview Inside C & C Beauty Supply – Horn Lake, MS

Taliah Waajid World Natural Health & Beauty Expo NYC Bronner Bros. Happy Hair Experience The Latest Industry News Scan to visit OTC website

CONTENTS October2014 in this issue

Editorial Letter ����������������������10 It’s (Almost) the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! 일년 중 가장 멋진 시간입니다!

Expert Advice �����������������������12 Ten Ways to Get Glowing Skin

Marketplace �������������������������16 Be Holiday Ready

Finished Product

Tweezers: The Most Popular and Misunderstood Instrument in the World ��� 30 by Ken Adams Think about it, most likely a majority of everyone you know owns a pair of tweezers and certainly just about everyone you have ever seen has used a pair. This is not surprising since this handheld instrument is one of the most versatile and popular tools in households today.

Feature Article

Tips for Thriving in a To-Do List-Dominated World ���� 74 How Should You Sell It? �������24 13 by Andy Core Everyday African American Hair Care

어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은… 아프리카계 미국인의 일상적인 헤어 케어이다.

If you’re tired of being stressed out and overworked, Andy has some advice that will help you take back your to-do list and become the CEO of your life. Here, he offers a few tips on how to stop struggling and start thriving!

Manufacturer Profile

Urban Call Briefs ������������������51 Helen of Troy ���������������������������������������������������������������������80 Role Model Beyond Beauty: Part II King of Locs..........................71 The Powerful Profit in Products

Clipper Tips ��������������������������92 Holiday Gift-Giving

Therapy Trends ���������������������94 Have a Merry Holiday Quarter!

It is not uncommon for company names to be synonymous with great success in the beauty industry, and Helen of Troy is one of those. To get a glimpse into this company and learn how it grew into the prominent beauty business it is today, OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with Terri Taricco-Cropp, Vice President of Marketing. “We love the beauty industry and I think it shows in our commitment to them [our customers],” she declared. Undoubtedly this is one piece to the puzzle of having gained—and continuing to add to—customer loyalty. 미용업계에서 회사 이름이 큰 성공과 동의어가 되는 것은 드문 일이 아니며, Helen of Troy가 그 중 하나이다. 이 회사에 대해 엿보고 오늘날 눈에 띄는 뷰티 비즈니스로 성장하게 된 방법을 배우기 위해서, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 마케팅 부사장인 Terri Taricco-Cropp와 얘기를 나눴다. “저희는 뷰티산업을 사랑하고 있으며, 그러한 마음이 고객들에게 저희의 약속과 헌신으로 보여지고 있다고 생각합니다.” 라고 그녀가 말한다. 의심의 여지없이 이것은 그 동안 지속적으로 이어지고 있는 고객 충성도라는 퍼즐의 한 조각이다.

Tonsorial Times .................... 96

Retailer Profile

A Season for Atmospherics

C & C Beauty Supply Horn Lake, MS ����������������������������������86

업계소식............................. 110

Industry News ������������������ 112

by Tony Bae

진정성 있는 관계의 중요성!

Coupons ��������������������������� 121 Show Calendar ����������������� 124 Ad Index ��������������������������� 124 Reader Feedback ��������������� 126 Product Spotlight �������������� 128 Motions® Straight Finish™ Heat Styled System


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

On The Cover Relaxing will never be the same again! Dr. Miracle’s is proud to introduce their new Miracle Renewal™ relaxer because now customers can relax with confidence. Only Miracle Renewal™ with New DuoCare Technology™ and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil rebuilds and restores hair bonds weakened during straightening, leaving hair healthier than before relaxing.

CONTENTS October 2014 Knowledge To Know Business Tips

Good Detangling Practices are Beauty is in the Eye of the Unrealistic Beholder ���� 56 by Tabitha Odell Great, but Tangle Prevention To say that consumers have unrealistic expectations of the products that they purchase is an is Even Better ���������������������������������� 36 understatement. Will this cream make my wrinkles fade away in two days? Will this shampoo and by Joseph Caron Sure it appears to be meaningless to have a snag here and there, but what happens when it’s here, and there…and there…oh and there too. Soon enough you’ll notice your hair begin to break off at the snags and become thin. Tangles are difficult to get through, so you are better off staying far away from tangled hair. Here are a few ways to proactively prevent dangerous tangles.

엉킨 모발을 잘 푸는 것도 좋지만, 엉킴을 방지하는 것이 더욱 필요하다 여기 저기 작은 문제가 생기는 건 큰 의미없어 보인다, 그러나 여기 저기… 그리고 거기… 또 거기 문제가 생긴다면? 당신은 모발이 끊어지고 가늘어진다는 것을 곧 알게 될 것이다. 풍성하고 아름다운 모발은 당신이 상상하는 것보다 훨씬 빨리 사라질 수 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 엉킴은 해결하기가 어렵기 때문에, 모발의 엉킴으로부터 멀찌감치 있는 것이 차라리 낫다. 여기 위험한 엉킴을 사전에 방지할 수 있는 몇 가지 방법들이 있다.

conditioner repair my damaged hair? Cosmetic retailers have to deal with such assumptions on a regular basis and as the retailer you are the first line of attack when the consumer does not get their “instant” miracle.

뷰티산업은 비현실적인 결과를 원하는 까다로운 소비자들과의 한판 승부다. 소비자들이, 자신들이 구매하는 제품에 대해 현실적이지 못한 기대를 갖고 있다고 말하는 것은 잘못된 것이다. 이 크림은 이틀안에 내 주름을 없애줄 수 있을까? 이 샴푸와 컨디셔너는 내 손상된 모발을 복구할 수 있을까? 이 헤어 컬러는 나를 더 예쁘게 만들어줄까? 화장품 소매업체들은 기본적으로 이런 욕구들을 해결해야만 하며, 소매업체로서 고객들이 ”즉각적인” 기적을 얻지 못했을 때 돌아오는 비난을 가장 일선에서 마주하게 된다.

5 Essential Building Blocks for a Thriving Work Culture ��������������������������������������� 60 by Adam Witty What makes a successful business thrive? That’s what eight out of 10 new entrepreneurs would like to know because their businesses fail within the first 18 months, according to Bloomberg. Here Adam presents five essential building blocks for getting the best out of your business and the industry.

번창하는 작업 문화를 위한 5가지 필수적인 환경구성

Why are Hair Care Products 무엇이 성공적인 비즈니스의 번창을 가져오는가? 이것이 바로 신생 기업의 대표 10명 중 8명이 알고 싶어하는 것이다. Bloomberg에 따르면 많은 신생 기업들이 초기 18개월 안에 실패하기 Produced by Ethnic Manufactures 때문이다. 아담씨는 이 기사를 통해 자신의 비즈니스와 업계, 둘 모두에서 원하는 노래를 흥얼거릴 수 있는 5가지 필수적인 환경구성을 나열하였다. Made Available Primarily to Ethnic Consumers? ����������������������� 40 When Employees Disappoint: How Effective by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Currently, this market targets only 12 percent of its potential. The Leaders Respond ����������������������������������������������� 64 other 88 percent are for the most part left out of the loop because they are not directly informed. An ad and promotion program that is directed to this entire market will result in sales that will maximize the current market by a large margin, and lead to increased sales by both the manufacturer and the retailer.

by Alesia Latson Disappointment is inevitable for leaders. At times your people will disappoint you, and there will also be instances where you disappoint others. So the fact that disappointment occurs isn’t the challenge. The real issue to address is how you respond to the disappointment.

다민족 제조업체들이 생산하는 헤어 케어 제품은 왜 주로 다민족 소비자들 만을 타깃으로 할까?

실망감은 리더에게는 불가피하다. 때때로 당신의 직원들은 당신에게 실망할 것이고, 당신 또한 다른 사람에게 실망할 경우도 있을 것이다. 그래서 실망적인 상황이 발생한다는 사실은 그다지 대단한 상황은 아니다. 진짜 문제는 당신이 그 실망감에 어떻게 반응하냐는 것이다.

직원들이 실망감을 줄 때: 리더는 어떻게 효과적으로 반응하는가?

현재, 이 시장은 잠재력의 단지12%만을 대상으로 하고 있다. 나머지 88%는 잘 모르고 있기 때문에 제외되며 대부분의 타깃 대상에서 제외되는 것이다. 이 시장 전체에 관한 광고 및 홍보 프로그램은 큰 이윤으로 현재 시장을 극대화하고, 제조업체와 소매업체 모두의 매출 증가로 이어질 것이다.

Show Coverage

Eyelash Supplies to Flaunt an Extraordinary Look ����������������������� 44

by Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products The growing demand for natural hair information makes a clear statement that natural hair/ chemical-free hair care is relevant and is here to stay. Taliah Waajid understands the importance of consumer education on natural hair care; which is why she debuted the Taliah Waajid World Natural Health & Beauty Expo™ in New York City on July 19-20. The show was outrageously successful and we have the coverage you’re looking for here.

by Ben Bradshaw Many beauty-conscious women desire to flaunt rich and long eyelashes. Semi-permanent eyelashes, eyelash extensions or false lashes have turned out to be a great blessing for them in realizing their wish.

특별한 모습을 과시할 수 있는 속눈썹 제품들 미용에 민감한 많은 여성들은 풍부하고 긴 속눈썹을 과시하길 원한다. 반영구 속눈썹, 속눈썹 익스텐션 혹은 인조 속눈썹은 그들의 바램을 실현할 수 있는 대단한 축복이 되어왔다 6

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

Taliah Waajid World Natural Health & Beauty Expo NYC ��������������������������������� 98

Bronner Bros. Happy Hair Experience ��������������� 104 Bronner Bros. (BB), host to the largest multicultural hair and beauty trade show, recently launched their new professional brand: ‘Happy Hair Experience.’ Taking place August 2-5, 2014 at the Georgia World Congress Center, BB International Hair Show ‘Happy Hair Experience’ presented an all-new professional trade show featuring over 300 exhibitors, the industry’s top educators and pioneers, and newly added educational experiences such as natural hair, barbering and beauty/skin/nails.


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Earl Cole

Art Director:

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

Ken Adams Ben Bradshaw Joseph Caron Andy Core Cyrus Jackson Yolanda M. Lenzy, MD, FFAD Alesia Latson Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Sehrish Noor Tabitha Odell Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products Adam Witty


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

Editorial Letter

It’s (Almost) the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! 일년 중 가장 멋진 시간입니다! Holiday season will soon be here! Chestnuts will be roasting on an open fire, costume-clad children will be ringing doorbells in search of the best candy in the neighborhood, holiday parties will be thrown for celebrating with your closest friends and family, and thankfulness will abound throughout the land. In preparation for this festive time of year, there is something you as an OTC owner can do—make sure your shelves are well-stocked and customers are drawn into your store.

How do you do this? Simply make sure you have the

newest products on the market, be armed with knowledge to answer any questions your customers may have—which will in turn create customer confidence—have holiday signs and indication of any sales you run clearly visible, and stay organized and on top of your “to-do” list. Luckily we strive to bring you information like this ever y month, so flip through this issue and see what you find. Likewise, if you ever encounter a question that we do not address in the publication, feel free to let us know. We would love to research for you and find the answers you want.

In addition to the knowledge and trends of the

industr y we offer, we also cover two amazing shows in this issue. Taliah Waajid and Bronner Bros. both held summer trade shows and we bring you the best coverage around. You just might see someone you know in the photos, so flip on back to page 98.

홀리데이 시즌이 곧 다가올 것입니다! 화로에는 밤이 구워지고, 홀리데이 의상을 입은 아이들은 이웃을 돌며 사탕을 찾으러 집집마다 초인종을 누르고, 가까운 친구들과 가족들이 모여 축하하는 파티들이 여기저기서 열리며, 이 땅에 감사의 마음이 넘칠 것입니다. 한 해의 축제 기간을 대비해서, OTC 매장 주인으로서 여러분이 할 수 있는 것들이 있습니다. 매장 진열대가 잘 갖춰져 있어서 고객들이 여러분의 매장으로 휩쓸려 들어올 수 있을지 확인하는 것입니다. 이것을 어떻게 해야 할까요? 간단한 방법은, 시장의 최신 제품을 보유하고 있는지를 확인하는 것입니다. 고객들이 질문하는 어떤 것에도 대답할 수 있는 충분한 지식을 갖추고 있으면, 결국 고객들에게 신뢰를 심어주게 될 것입니다. 홀리데이 싸인과 여러분이 진행하는 세일 행사에 관한 안내가 시각적으로 명확하게 보이는지 확인해 보세요. 그리고 조직적인 상태를 유지하고 “해야 할 일” 목록에 우선으로 기록하세요. 이번 호에서 우리는 This every month와 같은 정보 코너를 통해 여러분이 찾는 것을 보여주고자 노력하고 있습니다. 마찬가지로, 이 매거진에서 지금껏 우리가 다루지 않은 문제들이 혹시라도 있다면, 우리에게 알려주시길 바랍니다. 여러분을 위해서 열심히 뛰어다니며, 여러분들이 원하는 해답을 찾고자 합니다. 우리가 제시하는 업계의 지식이나 트렌드와 더불어, 이번 호에서는 2가지 놀라운 쇼에 관한 내용을 실었습니다. Taliah Waajid와Bronner Bros인데, 모두 여름에 개최되는 트레이드 쇼이며, 여러분을 위해 이번 호에서 자세한 내용을 다루어 봤습니다. 아마 기사와 함께 실린 사진에서 아는 사람을 발견하게 될 수도 있을 것입니다. 페이지98를 확인해 보세요. 저희 OTC 뷰티 매거진은 여러분과 여러분의 가정이 행복하고 건강하며 성공적인 홀리데이 시즌을 맞이하시길 기원합니다!

We here at OTC Beauty Magazine want to wish you and

your family a happy, healthy and successful holiday season! 10

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014


July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice by Sehrish Noor

Ten Ways to Get Glowing Skin

Every woman wishes to look pretty and gorgeous. Women are always curious to learn how they can nurture and protect their skin so that it looks amazing. When they reach their 40s, their dead skin starts to pile up and make skin dull. For glowing skin they should wash their face before sleeping at night. The following are the 10 basic ways to get glowing skin:

• •

Sunscreen: Use sunscreen to get glowing skin. It is the easiest way to look younger for many years. Ninety percent of wrinkle problems are because of sun exposure. The use of sunscreen is the easy way to prevent skin damage and after that it fixes skin problems. Clean makeup brushes: Many women do not wash their makeup brushes and sponges, yet still continue using them. These sponges and brushes collect dirt and bacteria which cause many skin problems. To avoid this problem, brushes should be washed after three weeks of use. Avoid dairy: To get glowing skin women should limit dairy in their diet because it contains cow hormones that stimulate the oil glands and pores that cause acne problem. Exfoliate small pores: There are many small pores in the skin. They look very tiny but often pores appear larger when they are filled with dust, oil, dead skin cells and protein that live on the surface of the skin. By using a cleansing system you can remove the dust and oil from the skin and to avoid pore problems. Don’t use hot water: A steamy shower is one of the worst things for the skin. Hot water not only strips essential oils, but also creates a mild burn.

• •

Sleep straight: For better and smooth skin sleep on your back. Sleeping in this position saves you from wrinkles whereas sleeping on your side increases them on cheeks. Drink extra water: Water helps clear toxins. Water also transports oxygen to skin cells and prevents dehydration. Dermatologists recommended at least eight glasses of water in a day. Try a skin soothing tea to add flavor. Yogurt and Aloe Vera: Yogurt works as a moisturizer. Apply yogurt on your skin to make your skin soft. It also helps your skin to fight against the signs of premature aging. If you have dry skin, use Aloe Vera. The use of Aloe Vera will reduce wrinkles from your face. Be patient with skin products: Many women do not wait to see the results of products before they use different products without allowing for breaks. Use one product at least four days otherwise it can create dryness, irritation and burning. Keep your hands away from your face: Touching your skin even lightly will create permanent skin damage. Many women press the pimples every time they appear on their skin and it creates skin distress. On the other hand bacteria is pushed deep inside the pore and it can cause the oil gland burst.

These above instructions are very effective for achieving glowing skin. They save skin from many skin problems and damage. It is very easy to follow these instructions.

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Sehrish Noor

urges readers who are looking for the latest in skin care and trendy fashion for girls, men and women to visit Fashions Mod at


OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine October December 2008 OTC 2014

October2008 2014 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December



OTC 2008 OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December October 2014

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine


Whether your customers are prepping for a night out on the town for Halloween or a family Christmas dinner, be sure they have everything they need to glam it up this holiday season.

Get The Zuri Glow

The new Zuri Glow Cocoa Butter Intensive Moisturizing Cream from Fisk Industries is just what your customers need to keep their skin perfectly moisturized and smooth. It provides a protective barrier to retain moisture for 24 hour skin soothing relief for severely dry, itchy or irritated skin.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

Upper Management®

Long Live Healthy Hair

What is a great holiday outfit without the perfect hairdo to compliment it? The new and improved Upper Management Styling Gel from Kiss My Face now contains Argan Oil and strengthening vitamins to manage and nourish manes. This natural gel formula has a medium hold that keeps locks under control without buildup! Perfect for all hair types.

Ideal for dry, brittle, damaged and transitioning hair, this product is a must on your shelves. Your customers will ask specifically for Ossat Natural’s Deeper Moisture Mask this holiday season. Great for maintaining hydration during versatile styling, this mask also contains keratin protein that repairs and strengthens to help prevent breakage and maintain hair health.

Naturally Beautiful

Even your customer’s most observant friends will not notice that their eyelashes aren’t completely natural when they flaunt a pair from the Ardell Professional Natural Multipack. Perfect for a dinner date, holiday party or simply a day at the office, they create the extra oompf of style every woman is looking for.

All Eyes On Me™

Who doesn’t want to steal the spotlight as they enter a room? Get ready to turn heads with the Not Your Mother’s All Eyes on Me Shape and Shine Hairspray. This product will help create unique styles that stay. Infused with lemongrass and orange flower, this spray is truly dreamy. Get all day hold and shine today!

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Correct Naturally

For customers with normal to dry skin, the Koeé™ Dark Spot Correcting Cream is the perfect treatment for all. It is a concentrated cream that gradually fades dark spots related to sun exposure, acne scaring, age spots and scars. This formula is Hydroquinone free and made with natural fruit extracts.

The Ultimate Shaving Experience

Gentlemen, prepare to enjoy the ultimate shaving experience when you get ready to go out this holiday season. The Andis RAZR™ Pro Lather Machine allows individual customers and barbers alike to heat lather and dispense it with ease at the touch of a button. Smooth, close shaves are always in style.

Braid On!

The Salon Pro Braid Sheen Shine Spray Argan Oil 8-in-1 Formula is a hydrating blend of ingredients designed to add moisture and shine to braids. Whether human or synthetic hair, they can benefit from this great product as it helps relieve itching, soothes dry scalp, enhances shine, moisturizes and conditions, detangles and softens all while being non-greasy. Braids stay tightly secure and silky soft with a radiant, polished sheen.

Wake Up, Curls

Designed for all types of curl patterns and textures, this unique LeKair Natural Curls Curl-Rejuvenating Spray puts the spring back into lazy curls. Use it throughout the day to give curls instant energy. It’s rich in natural proteins and botanicals! 18

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

7 N 1 Butter

Looking for a product that truly does it all? If so, look no further than the Jamaican Mango and Lime Pimento Oil 7 N 1 Butter. This one product is great for the following uses: daily hair treatment, body moisturizer, coil and twist butter, ash control (feet and hands), loc rejuvenator, pressing and blow-dry creme, and a cuticle conditioner. Additionally, it’s formulated with Jamaican Black Castor Oil!

Nurse Damaged Hair

Reshma® Henna Oil Treatment for Thinning Hair is a deep conditioning treatment that adds body and volume to hair. It replenishes deep moisture to heal and repair dry and damaged hair, giving users thicker and lustrous hair. Made from a miracle blend of five exotic nourishing oils, it is the answer for thinning hair.

Control That Frizz

Vitale Olive Oil Frizz Free Serum instantly and dramatically transforms dry, frizzy or chemically-treated hair into incredibly smooth, glossy hair. Infused with Olive Oil, this non-greasy, non-sticky formula immediately smoothes hair while delivering perfectly polished, frizz-free styles for greater manageability.

Start Out Right

To check the stability of anything, examine the foundation. The same is true with healthy skin—you must start at the bottom with body wash. It’s the way your customers begin their day, so make sure they start it off on the right foot with Cantu’s Hydrating Body Wash. It revitalizes and replenishes skin with an easy to rinse formula ideal for rough or dry skin.

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

How should you sell it? Courtesy of the American Academy of Dermatology

This month’s focus is...

Everyday African American Hair Care Are there certain recommendations you can make to your customers regarding their everyday hair care, processing and styling routines? Board-certified dermatologist Yolanda M. Lenzy, MD, FAAD, who maintains a private practice in Chicopee, Mass., shares her thoughts with us here.

Why is it important to develop healthy hair habits and stick to them, especially for African Americans? Do you have tips on how to do this? “Unique in appearance and structure, African American hair is especially fragile and prone to injury and damage. More than half of African American women will cite thinning hair or hair loss as their top hair concern. Fortunately, there are a lot of things African Americans can do to help minimize damage and keep their hair beautiful. A lot of what we do to our hair can actually damage hair. Over the years, this damage can build up, leading to unhealthy and unattractive hair. To help African Americans keep their hair healthy, I recommend the following tips: 1. Wash hair once a week or every other week: This will help prevent build-up of hair care products, which can be drying to the hair. 2. Use conditioner: Use conditioner every time you wash your hair. Be sure to coat the ends of the hair with conditioner, as the ends are the oldest and most fragile part of your hair. 3. Use a hot oil treatment twice a month: This adds additional moisture and elasticity to your hair. 4. Use a heat protecting product before styling: Adding this to wet hair before styling will help minimize heat damage. 5. Use caution with relaxers: To minimize hair damage, always go to a professional hair stylist to ensure that the relaxer is applied safely. Touch-ups should only be done every two to three months and only to newly grown hair. Never apply relaxer to hair that has already been relaxed. 6. Use ceramic combs or irons to press hair: If you would like to press or thermally straighten your hair, use a ceramic comb or iron and only do so once a week. Use a straightening device with a dial to ensure the device is not too hot. Use the lowest possible temperature setting that gives you the style you want. A higher temperature may be necessary for thicker, coarser hair. 7. Make sure braids, cornrows or weaves are not too tight: If it hurts while your hair is being styled, ask the stylist to stop and redo it. Pain equals damage. See a board-certified dermatologist if you notice any changes in the texture or appearance of your hair. Even the slightest bit of noticeable thinning can be the start of hair loss. The earlier hair loss is diagnosed, the more effectively it can be treated. Visit the American Academy of Dermatology’s website ( or YouTube channel ( AcademyofDermatology) to see the video “African-American Hair: Everyday Care, Processing and Styling.” This video is part of the Dermatology A to Z: Video Series, which offers relatable videos that demonstrate tips people can use to properly care for their skin, hair and nails. A new video in the series posts to the Academy’s website and YouTube channel each month.

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the November issue! 24

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

Yolanda M. Lenzy, MD, FAAD Board-Certified Dermatologist


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...

아프리카계 미국인의 일상적인 헤어 케어이다. 당신의 고객들에게 일상적인 헤어 케어와 프로세싱, 정기적인 스타일링에 관해 특별히 권유할 사항이 있는가? 메사추세츠 주 Chicopee에서 병원을 운영하는 피부과 전문의Yolanda M. Lenzy, MD, FAAD가 다음과 같은 의견을 내놓는다.

건강한 헤어 습관을 만들고 그것에 충실하는 것이 아프리카계 미국인들에게는 왜 특히 중요할까? 이에관해 어떠한 도움말을 줄 수 있는가? “모양과 구조의 특이함으로, 아프리카계 미국인의 모발은 특히 부서지기 쉽고 손상에 취약한 경향이 있다. 아프리카계 미국인 여성의 절반 이상이 모발이 가늘어 지거나 탈모를 자신의 가장 으뜸 헤어 관심사라고 할 것이다. 다행히, 아프리카계 미국인들이 모발 손상을 최소화하고 아름다운 헤어를 유지할 수 있는 다양한 방법들이 있다. 우리가 모발을 위해서 하는 많은 것들이 실제로는 모발을 손상시킬 수가 있다. 수년에 걸쳐, 이러한 손상들이 점점 쌓이게 되고, 결국에는 건강하지 못하고 매력적이지도 못한 모발로 만드는 것이다. 아프리카계 미국인들이 모발을 건강하게 유지할 수 있도록 돕기 위해, 나는 다음과 같은 내용들을 권장한다: 1. 주 1회 혹은 2주에 한 번 머리 감기: 이것은 모발을 건조하게 만드는 헤어 케어 제품이 모발에 남아서 쌓이는 것을 방지하는데 도움이 될 것이다. 2. 컨디셔너 사용하기: 머리를 감을 때마다 컨디셔너를 사용해라. 컨디셔너로 모발의 끝부분을 코팅해야한다. 끝부분은 모발의 가장 오래되고 부서지기 쉬운 부분이기 때문이다. 3. 한 달에 2 회 핫 오일 트리트먼트를 해라: 이것은 당신의 모발에 추가적인 보습과 탄력을 줄 것이다. 4. 스타일링 전에 열 보호 제품을 사용해라: 스타일링 전, 젖은 모발에 이 제품을 추가하면, 열로인한 손상을 최소화하는데 도움이 될 것이다 5. 릴렉서에 주의해라: 모발 손상을 최소화하기 위해서는, 항상 전문 헤어 스타일리스트에게 가서 릴렉서를 안전하게 사용할 수있도록 해라. 터치업은 오직 2-3개월에 한 번씩만 해야하며 새로 자라는 모발에만 시행해야 한다. 이미 릴렉서가 사용된 모발 부분에는 절대 릴렉서를 사용하지 말라. 6. 헤어 프레스를 할 때는 세라믹 콤이나 아이언을 사용해라: 프레스나 열을 이용해서 스트레이트 헤어를 만들고 싶다면, 세라믹 콤이나 아이언을 사용하고 주 1회 정도만 시행해라. 기구가 너무 뜨겁지 않은지 온도를 체크할 수 있는, 온도 조절 기능이 있는 스트레이트닝 기구를 사용해라. 당신이 원하는 스타일을 만들 수 있는 가능한 가장 낮은 온도를 이용해라. 높은 온도는 굵고 거친 모발에 필요할 수도 있다. 7. 브레이드, 콘로우, 혹은 웨이브는 너무 꽉 조이게 하지 말아야 한다: 스타일을 만드는 동안 모발이나 두피에 불편함이나 통증이 있다면, 스타일리스트에게 중지하거나 다시 할 것을 요구해라. 통증은 곧 손상을 의미한다. 모발의 질감이나 모양에 어떤 변화가 발견되면 피부과 전문의의 도움을 받아라. 아주 사소하고 작은 것이라해도 탈모의 시작이 될 수가 있다. 탈모 진단이 빠를수록, 치료는 더욱 효과적일 수 있다. 미국 피부과 학회 웹사이트(나 유트브 채널( 에서“African-American Hair: Everyday Care, Processing and Styling.” 동영상을 볼 수 있다. 이 동영상은the Dermatology A to Z: 비디오 시리즈의 일부인데, 피부와 헤어 그리고 손톱을 위한 적절한 손질과 관리에 관한 정보와 관련된 동영상을 제공한다. 새로운 동영상은 학회 웹사이트나 유튜브 채널을 통해 매달 게시된다. 이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 11월호에 게재됩니다!


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

Yolanda M. Lenzy, MD, FAAD Board-Certified Dermatologist

July 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Ken Adams


The Most Popular and Misunderstood Instrument in the World

Think about it, most likely a majority of everyone you know owns a pair of tweezers and certainly just about everyone you have ever seen has used a pair. This is not surprising since this handheld instrument is one of the most versatile and popular tools in households today. We use tweezers most commonly for grooming (plucking fine hairs, eyebrows, upper lips, ear hair), first-aid (removing splinters, ingrown hairs, stingers) but we also use them picking up small parts such as screws for the hinges of your eyeglasses or small parts when working a model cars. But there is a wide variety and what tweezers you choose depends on the given application. For our purposes today we are going to bring clarity to five of the most popular tweezers that cover approximately 99% of all applications. When understanding tweezers there are four tips, no wait…four points, no wait…four attributes to consider: 1. Nose or Tip Shape – using either term to describe the business end of the tweezers 2. Size – generally refers to the overall length of the tweezers and heft 3. Material – pros and cons 4. Comfort and Style – how it feels in your hand and basically color 1. Let’s start with the business end of the tweezers, referred to as the tip or nose. This is where the bulk of the differences lie: Pointed Tip Tweezers: Proceed with caution. The pointed tip is extremely sharp and works best for plucking small, fine hairs (ingrown hairs) under the right circumstances. Great lighting, a steady hand and keen vision are just some of what is necessary. Of course most important might be experience; for safety reasons these tweezers are best left to the professional licensed esthetician. This is a difficult DIY tweezers. Straight Tip Tweezers: The straight tip tweezers is a great all-purpose tweezers and in my opinion a little under rated. Its broad tip is great for plucking multiple hairs in a single motion without much worry about collateral damage that you might encounter with a pointed tip. The straight broad tip works well when looking for stray hairs by feeling as well. These are good starter tweezers. Slant Nose Tweezers: The slant nose is the most popular style of tip and combines the benefits from both the pointed tip tweezers and straight tip tweezers, making this a truly versatile instrument. The pointed tip allows you to accurately pluck individual fine hairs and also gives you the speed of removing multiple hairs. They have less precision than pointed tip tweezers, but can cover more area while being more forgiving. These are great all-purpose tweezers for beginners and lifelong users—great for eyebrow work, plucking hair on the upper lip and applying false eyelashes.

Slant/Point Combination Tweezers: This is a great combination of pointed tweezers and slant tip tweezers. The Slant/Point Combination Tweezer is excellent for removing splinters, ingrown hairs and precision eyebrow work. This is for the more experienced user. Round Tip Tweezers: The Round Tip Tweezer is a great all-purpose tweezer. Without any sharp edges it is the most forgiving of tweezers. They are sometimes referred to as “Safety Tweezers” because of their rounded tip. These tweezers work well for confidently removing multiple hairs at once anywhere, but is particularly effective for men who need to clean up hair in and around their ears. This is a great men’s tweezer and a favorite for girlfriends to steal, I mean borrow. 2. Size - There are two primary elements to consider when looking at tweezers size; the first being your hand size and how a tweezers fits into them. Can you hold the tweezers with comfort, control and confidence? Generally speaking, when comparing identical tweezers big and small, bigger hands look for bigger tweezers and smaller hands look for slightly smaller tweezers. But there are exceptions and they have to do with where the “sweet spot” is on the handle. This is the area on the tweezers handle where two or more fingers are positioned for the greatest leverage/power/control when completing the squeezing action. This could be close to the tip or closer to the midpoint of the tweezers. The width of the handle also plays a role in this decision. 3. Material - Stainless steel is the material of choice; possessing both durability and resistance to corrosion is critical in a wet bathroom with hard surfaces that won’t break a fall. They are also non-magnetic, a benefit when working with technology. 4. Comfort and Style - Tweezers come in many different finishes that feel different to the user. Whether the finish is brushed, polished, etched, ribbed or painted stainless steel they all provide a little different feeling in your hand. If all the stars align, I am sure you will not only find a tweezers that feel good to the touch, but also reflect your personal style. There you have it—just about everything you need to know about tweezers but were afraid to ask. Speaking of afraid, let me take a moment to reinforce there is nothing to be afraid of when plucking. In fact I will give you a few parting tips to make your next tweezing experience a better one. First, prior to plucking take a warm shower. This will open your pores so hair can be removed more easily. Next, clean your tweezers of hairs between each hair you pluck. This will prevent hair build up in the tip of the tweezers, allowing the tweezers to continue to operate properly by applying equal pressure to both sides of the hair. Finally, go to or to watch one of the “HOW TO” videos on top of the homepage.

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Ken Adams is the creator of, a grooming site devoted to men plagued by excessive body hair and to the women who support them. 30

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine April 2014

April 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Joseph Caron

Good Detangling Practices are Great, but Tangle Prevention is Even Better 엉킨 모발을 잘 푸는 것도 좋지만, 엉킴을 방지하는 것이 더욱 필요하다

Article courtesy of You can find the article at


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

Sure it appears to be meaningless to have a snag here and there, but what happens when it’s here, and there…and there…oh and there too. Soon enough you’ll notice your hair begin to break off at the snags and become thin. The full luscious locks you once knew could be gone faster than you ever want to imagine. Tangles are difficult to get through, so you are better off staying far away from tangled hair. Here are a few ways to proactively prevent dangerous tangles. Finger Detangle Before Shampooing Using your spray bottle, lightly mist your hair to loosen your curls. With your fingers, gently finger detangles through your hair beginning at the ends and toward your roots to loosen any shed hairs before shampooing. If you are fond of “pre-pooing,” you can apply coconut oil or any other oil while you finger detangle. Allow the oil to set into your hair for at least 15 minutes. Use a Creamy Cleanser Rather than using a highly sudsy shampoo full of sulfates that leave your hair stripped and dry, use a creamy cleanser that coats your strands and aids in separating the strands. Moisturizing and hydrating shampoos are best for dry, curly hair. These support your detangling efforts. A great curl cleanser is the Curlicious Curls Cleansing Cream from Curls. Its rich formula melts the strands into obedient bliss. Two washes with this formula will leave hair clean, smooth, less tangled and ready for the next step. The Curlicious Curls Cream makes cleaning, conditioning and detangling a breeze. Use a Comb Only While Conditioning Use a good conditioner to help detangle African American hair. Now is the perfect time to use a comb if you desire to comb detangle. Always begin at the ends and gently comb through to the roots. While rinsing the conditioner, the comb should glide through hair. If you use this as a practice your hair will begin to train itself to be detangled. Restyle at the Appropriate Times When wearing protective styles, be sure to follow the recommended take down time. Here is a quick guide for a few traditional styles: • Natural Braid and Twist Updo (cornrows) – 4 weeks max • Braid and Twist Extension – 2 months max • Sew in Extension – 2-3 months • Blowout – 2 weeks • Wash and Go – 4-7 days • For all other styles, consult your stylist and obey all instructions. Finally, Never go to Sleep with Unkept Hair The end of the day is the perfect time to moisturize hair. As the body temperature rises in the evening, hair has the opportunity to absorb any moisture it is given. Before preparing for bed, apply a leave in conditioning cream or spray such as Curls’ Cashmere Curls Leave in Conditioner and Quenched Curls Curl Moisturize. From there, always secure your hair with some twists or braids with lightly oiled tips and wrap in a silk scarf or sleep on a silk pillowcase.

여기 저기 작은 문제가 생기는 건 큰 의미없어 보인다, 그러나 여기 저기… 그리고 거기… 또 거기 문제가 생긴다면? 당신은 모발이 끊어지고 가늘어진다는 것을 곧 알게 될 것이다. 풍성하고 아름다운 모발은 당신이 상상하는 것보다 훨씬 빨리 사라질 수 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 엉킴은 해결하기가 어렵기 때문에, 모발의 엉킴으로부터 멀찌감치 있는 것이 차라리 낫다. 여기 위험한 엉킴을 사전에 방지할 수 있는 몇 가지 방법들이 있다. 샴푸 전 손가락으로 엉킴을 푼다. 스프레이 용기를 이용해서, 모발에 가볍게 물을 뿌린 후 컬을 느슨하게 한다. 샴푸 전, 손가 락으로 부드럽게 모발의 끝부분에서 시작해서 뿌리 방향으로 부드럽게 모발의 엉킨 부분을 풀어준다. 만일 “사전 샴푸”를 하고 싶다면, 손가락으로 엉킨 모발을 푸는 동안 코코넛 오일 이나 다른 오일을 사용할 수있다. 최소 15분 정도는 오일을 모발에 바르고 기다린다. 크림타입 클렌저를 사용하라. 거품이 굉장히 많은 샴푸를 사용하면 많은 황산염이 모발에 남아 모발층을 벗기고 건조하 게 만드는데, 이보다는 크림 타입의 클렌저를 사용하면 모발에 코팅이 되어 모발이 가닥가 닥 나눠지는데 도움이 된다. 보습 및 수분 보충 샴푸는 건조한 곱슬 머리에 가장 좋다. 이 것은 엉킴을 풀려는 당신의 노력에 보탬이 된다. 아주 좋은 컬 헤어용 클렌저는Curls의 Curlicious Cleansing Curls Cream제품인데, 풍부한 성분이 모발을 녹이듯 복종 하게 만든다. 이 제품을 두 번 사용하면 모발을 깨끗하고 부드럽고 훨씬 덜 엉키게해서 머 리 손질을 위한 다음 단계를 준비할 수가 있다. Curlicious Curls Cream은 클리닝, 컨디셔닝 그리고 엉킴 푸는 것을 쉽게 한다. 컨디셔닝 동안만 빗을 사용하라. 아프리카계 백인 모발의 엉킴을 푸는데 도움이 되는 좋은 컨디셔너를 사용해라. 빗으로 엉 킴을 풀고싶다면 지금 빗을 사용하는 것이 가장 적절한 시간이다. 항상 끝에서 시작해서 부드럽게 뿌리쪽으로 빗질해라. 컨디셔너를 헹구는 동안, 빗은 모발을 미끄러지듯 해야한 다. 연습삼아 사용할 경우, 당신의 모발은 스스로 엉킴을 푸는 훈련을 시작할 것이다. 적절한 시기에 스타일을 다시 손질하라. 보호적인 스타일을 착용하고 있을 때는, 다음의 권장 제거 시기를 따르도록 한다. 다음은 몇 가지 전통적인 스타일에 대한 간략한 가이드이다. • 네추럴 브레이드와 트위스트 업도(콘로우) – 최대 4주 • 브레이드와 트위스트 익스텐션 – 최대 2주 • 익스텐션에 바느질한 경우 – 2-3개월 • 블로우아웃- 2주 • 세척 -4-7일 마지막으로, 손질안된 헤어로 결코 잠에 들지 말라. 하루의 끝은 모발에 수분을 공급하기 아주 좋은 시간이다. 저녁이 되면 체온이 올라감에 따라, 모발은 주어지는 어떤 수분도 흡수할 기회를 갖게 된다. 잠자리를 준비하기 전에 Curls’ Cashmere Curls Leave in Conditioner and Quenched Curls Curl Moisturize와 같은 컨디셔닝 스프레이나 크림을 모발에 바른다. 그 다음, 모발 끝에 약 간의 오일을 바르고 느슨하게 땋아두든지 실크 스카프로 모발을 감싸주거나 실크 베개를 베고 잔다. 엉킴 없는 생활을 만끽해 보자!

Embrace a tangle-less lifestyle!

Joseph Caron is the regular contributor of CURLS articles and blogs on the web. He has published lots of articles related to curly hair products, natural hair products and organic curly hair products. He loves to write on different types of hair care tips also. October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014


Knowledge to Know by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau

Why are Hair Care

Products Produced by Ethnic Manufactures

Made Available Primarily to Ethnic Consumers? 다민족 제조업체들이 생산하는 헤어 케어 제품은 왜 주로 다민족 소비자들 만을 타깃으로 할까?


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014


his is the fault of the manufactures, the distributors and the retailers for the following reasons… Currently, this market targets only 12 percent of its potential. The other 88 percent are for the most part left out of the loop because they are not directly informed. An ad and promotion program that is directed to this entire market will result in sales that will maximize the current market by a large margin, and lead to increased sales by both the manufacturer and the retailer. Most ethnic manufactures of hair care products allow their products to exist in a self-imposed limbo of bias and limitations of distribution because they have been conditioned to believe that due to the fact that they are of a certain ethnic “group” that their products are only designed for that same ethnicity. Many of the products are, but many are of a generic formula or configuration that is suitable to the total market place. The reason that this is a self-imposed bias is because their advertising and promotions are directed to that ethnic market only. Most ethnic manufactures are unknowingly a party to this and are guilty of embracing this separation from the total market. They have been led to believe by those who control the distribution and major retailers that ethnic-produced products are for that ethnic group only. This is evident by the fact that they will only place these products in locations with a high ethnic customer base. The ethnic manufacture, the distributor and the retailer are guilty of ignorance in this regard. The consumer or customer is also left with ignorance because they are uninformed of the total market value of the products by all parties involved with the marketing process. One of the main concerns when an African American owned firm attempts to invade into a “cross over market” with a product that was until then considered a product designed for African American consumers—added to the equation that the product is also manufactured by an African American firm—creates an atmosphere among the distributors and retailers that this product is only to be promoted and made available to that general market. This thereby renders such products to being available only to 12 percent of the total market place by the distributors and most retailers to the general market. This is based on their decision that African American made hair care and/or cosmetics are for that ethnic group only. One little known fact is that anybody, regardless of racial or ethnic heritage, who has naturally curly or wavy hair can benefit by using hair care maintenance products designed for Afro hair. This is because most of that type hair requires more of an oil base product to relieve dryness and to become more manageable in daily care. This is due to the fact that most naturally curly and wavy hair has much more internal bonding and cell structure then naturally straight hair. This is one of the factors that contribute to the hair being curly or wavy. These bonds and cells absorb and require more nutrients due

조업체, 유통업체, 소비자들의 잘못을 다음과 같이

나열해 보았다.

현재, 이 시장은 잠재력의 단지12%만을 대상으로 하고 있다.

나머지 88%는 잘 모르고 있기 때문에 제외되며 대부분의 타깃 대상에 서 제외되는 것이다. 이 시장 전체에 관한 광고 및 홍보 프로그램은 큰 이윤으로 현재 시장을 극대화하고, 제조업체와 소매업체 모두의 매출 증가로 이어질 것이다.

대부분의 다민족 헤어케어 제품 제조업체들은 자신들의 제품

을 유통의 편견과 한계라는 스스로 만들어 놓은 상태 속에 둔다. 왜냐 하면 그들이 어떤 특정 민족 “그룹”에 속해 있다는 사실 때문에, 그들의 제품은 단지 같은 민족을 위해 고안되었다고 믿어 왔던 것이다. 많은 제품들이 그렇긴 하지만, 많은 제품의 경우 제조법이나 구성은 전체 시 장에 적합하다. 이것이 스스로 만든 편견인 이유는 그들의 광고와 홍보 가 오직 특정 민족 마켓만을 겨냥한 것이기 때문이다.

대부분의 다민족 제조업체들은 자신들도 모르는 사이에 여기

에 속해 있고, 전체 마켓으로부터 동떨어져있음을 받아들이는 잘못을 저지르는 것이다. 다민족업체에서 생산된 제품은 오직 다민족 그룹을 위한 것이라고 생각하는 유통업체와 주요 소매업체를 믿어왔던 것이다. 이것은 그들이 높은 다민족 고객층이 분호하는 지역에 그들의 제품을 배치할 것이라는 사실로 명백히 알 수 있다. 다민족 제조업체와 유통업 체 및 소매업체들은 이런 점을 간과한 것에 잘못이 있다. 소비자나 고객 들은 마케팅 과정에 속하는 모든 담당자들로부터 제품의 전체 시장 가 치를 제대로 전달받지 않기 때문에 제품에 대해 무지하게 남겨지는 것 이다.

아프리카계 미국인이 소유한 회사가 이제껏 아프리카계 미국

인 소비자들을 위해 고안된 것으로 여겼던 제품으로 - 제품 또한 아프 리카계 미국인 회사에 의해 제조된 것이며 - “크로스 오버 마켓”, 즉 타 시장으로의 침투를 시도할 때 중요하게 생각해야할 점은, 이 제품은 일 반적인 시장을 위해서 홍보되고 제공될 수 있다는 분위기를 유통업체와 소매업체들 사이에서 만들어야 한다는 것이다. 이렇게 함으로써 유통업 체와 대부분의 소매업체에 의해 전체 시장의 단지 12%에만 취급되던 제품들이 일반적인 시장에도 제공되게 만들 수 있다. 이것은 특정 민족 그룹만을 위한 헤어 케어나 화장품을 만들었던 아프리카계 미국인들의 결정을 기반으로 한다.

한가지 작은 사실은, 인종이나 민족의 특성과 상관없이 자연적

으로 곱슬 머리를 가진 사람은 누구든 흑인 모발을 위해 고안된 헤어 케 어 관리 제품을 사용해도 혜택을 볼 수가 있다는 것이다. 대부분 이런 타입의 모발은 건조함을 해소하고 일상적인 관리를 더욱 쉽게하기 위해 서 오일이 더 많이 함유된 제품이 요구되기 때문이다. 대부분의 자연적 인 곱슬머리나 컬은 자연적인 생머리보다 훨씬 많은 내부적 결합과 세 포 구조를 갖고 있기 때문이다. 이것이 바로 모발에 컬이 생기거나 곱슬 해지게 하는 요인 중 하나이다. 이런 결합과 세포는 일반적인 생머리보 October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



to their number, as much as 100 percent more than in straight hair. This is only one way in which products that seem to be made for only one group can actually be used and marketed across various consumer bases. Broaden your product horizons today!

다 100%이상 많은 영양분을 흡수하고 필요로 한다. 이것은 오직 특정 그룹을 위해 만들어진 것처럼 보이는 제품이 실제로는 다양한 소비자 층에 사용되고 판매될 수 있는 유일한 방법이다. 지금 바로 당신 제품 의 영역을 넓혀야 한다!

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D.C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Tricology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazine drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologist and students encounter on a daily basis. Contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-323-7100.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014


Knowledge to Know by Ben Bradshaw


Supplies to Flaunt an Extraordinary Look 특별한 모습을 과시할 수 있는 속눈썹 제품들 44

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014


a n y b e a u t y conscious women desire to flaunt rich and long eyelashes. Semi-permanent eyelashes, eyelash extensions or false lashes have turned out to be a great blessing for them in realizing their wish. Adequate knowledge regarding the right eyelash supplies that can offer aesthetics to the lashes is important. There is a pretty good selection of eyelash supplies to transform the way you look as a range of good and reputed companies supply semi-permanent eyelashes, eyelash application products and accessories. Types of Eyelash Supplies to Choose From Fake eyelashes are in great demand since they are worn by almost every female celebrity. They also quench the desire of every appearanceconscious woman to have long and thick eyelashes. Different kinds and styles of false eyelashes are available today and you can even depend on the Internet to shop online. You should be careful to buy these from a reputed and trustworthy source of eyelash supplies. You should also check the client list and products reviews of the supplier before finalizing the purchase. False eyelash supplies can practically be divided into three main types: strip lashes, flares or eyelash extensions, and individual lashes. The kind of impression you want to create is really important while selecting from different categories of eyelash supplies. Strip lashes - Strip lashes are a favorite among women who give priority to ease of use over everything else. This eyelash extension can be easily and comfortably worn for evening and night parties where no one is actually bothered about natural look. Strip lashes are premade extensions with strips that can be easily applied on your eyelash to give the false image of having a thick layer of eyelashes. Strip lashes are the most common among eyelash supplies and come in different styles and

용에 민감한 많은 여성들은 풍부하고 긴 속눈썹을 과시하길 원한다. 반영구 속눈썹, 속눈썹 익스텐션 혹은 인조 속눈썹은 그들의 바램을 실현할 수 있는 대단한 축복이 되어왔다. 속눈썹에 미학을 제공할 수 있는 올바른 속눈썹 제품에 관한 적절한 지식이 중요하다. 평판이 좋 은 회사들이 반영구 속눈썹과 속눈썹 응용 제품 및 액세서리를 공급 하고 있으므로 당신의 모습을 변화시킬 수 있는 아주 좋은 속눈썹 제 품들을 다양하게 선택할 수가 있다. 선택할 수 있는 속눈썹 제품의 타입 가짜 속눈썹은 거의 모든 연예인들이 사용한 후부터 거대한 수요를 보이고 있다. 그것은 길고 굵은 속눈썹을 갖고자 하는 외모에 민감 한 모든 여성들의 욕구를 해소해준다. 요즘은 다양한 종류와 스타일 의 가짜 속눈썹들이 있으며 심지어 온라인으로도 손쉽게 쇼핑할 수 가 있다. 그러나 평판이 좋고 믿을만한 업체로부터 제품을 구매해야 만 한다. 또한 구매를 결정하기 전에 반드시 고객 리스트와 제품 사 용 후기를 확인해 보아야 한다. 가짜 속눈썹 제품은 실질적으로 스트립 속눈썹, 플레어 혹 은 속눈썹 익스텐션, 그리고 개별 속눈썹, 이렇게 3가지 주요 타입으 로 분류가 된다. 다양한 속눈썹 제품들로부터 선택을 할 때 가장 중 요한 것은 당신이 어떤 인상을 연출하고 싶은가이다. 스트립 속눈썹 - 스트립 속눈썹은 쉬운 사용법을 무엇보다 우선으로 하는 여성들 사이에 인기가 높다. 이 속눈썹 익스텐션은 실제로 자연 스러운 모습에 대해 방해되지 않는 이브닝 파티나 나잇 파티를 위해 October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K thicknesses. These temporary, reusable and easy-to-use lashes are the best way to quickly endow your eyes with fuller and longer-looking eyelashes. The only drawback is that most of the strip lashes will not offer a natural look and you may have to compromise on the aesthetics. Flares – Flares or eyelash extensions are great to provide natural looking eyelashes. These false extensions are incredible in giving the desired natural look. Flares are generally shorter and can be used with other extensions also. Most women prefer these over other eyelash supplies thanks to their ability to offer the most natural form of eyelash enhancement. Flares allow for easy application and are available in a variety of designs and richnesses. By applying them over the existing eyelashes you can bring a neat fuller look instantly. These eyelash supplies are the best if you are longing to enhance the thickness of your eyelashes. Individual eyelashes – These eyelash supplies are a favorite among women who want to create a fake impression of being naturally blessed with great eyelashes. Since the application of individual lashes involves more complexity, most brands and suppliers provide training on the same. These courses will also equip customers with all the essential information on eyelash supplies that will enhance their appearance. Fake eyelash supplies in different densities, lengths, styles, forms and colors are great blessings for those who have lost their natural eyelashes due to therapeutic conditions and for everyone who longs to flaunt an extraordinary look.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

쉽고 간편하게 부착할 수가 있다. 스트립 속눈썹은 당신의 속눈썹에 쉽 게 부착할 수 있는 스트립이 달린 미리 만들어진 익스텐션으로 속눈썹 에 굵은 레이어를 제공하여 실제와는 다른 이미지를 줄 수가 있다. 스 트립 속눈썹은 속눈썹 제품 가운데 가장 일반적이며 다양한 스타일과 굵기의 제품들이 있다. 일시적이고 재사용이 가능하며 쉽게 사용할 수 있는 이 속눈썹은 당신의 눈매에 풍성하고 긴 속눈썹을 즉각적으로 부 여할 수 있는 최고의 방법이다. 유일한 단점이라면 대부분의 스트립 속 눈썹들은 자연스러운 모습을 제공하지 않기 때문에 아마도 미학적인 면에서는 타협을 해야만 할 것이다. 플레어 - 플레어 또는 속눈썹 익스텐션은 자연스러운 모습의 속눈썹을 제공하는데 아주 좋다. 이 인조 익스텐션이 주는 자연스러운 모습은 믿 을 수 없을 정도로 놀랍다. 플레어는 일반적으로 좀 더 짧으며 다른 익 스텐션과도 함께 사용할 수가 있다. 대부분의 여성들은 다른 속눈썹 제 품 위에 이 제품을 덧붙여 사용하는데 가장 자연스러운 형태의 속눈썹 향상을 제공하는 그 탁월한 성능에 고마워한다. 플레어는 붙이기가 용 이하고 디자인과 풍성함에 있어서도 다양한 종류가 있다. 기존 눈썹 위 에 이 제품을 붙이면 깔끔하면서도 풍성한 속눈썹을 즉각적으로 갖게 된다. 이 속눈썹 제품은 속눈썹의 굵기를 향상하길 갈망하는 여성들에 게 최고의 제품이다. 개별 속눈썹 – 이 속눈썹 제품은 자연적으로 멋진 속눈썹을 타고난 것처 럼 연출하고자 하는 여성들에게 인기가 있다. 개별 속눈썹의 부착은 더 복잡하기 때문에, 대부분의 브랜드와 공급업체들이 교육을 제공한다. 이 과정은 외모를 향상시킬 속눈썹 제품들에 대한 모든 필수 정보를 고 객들에게 제공할 것이다. 다양한 밀도와 길이, 스타일, 형태와 색상의 가짜 속눈썹들은 건강상의 이유로 실제 속눈썹을 잃은 사람들이나 평범하지 않은 모습을 과시하 길 원하는 모든 이들을 위한 큰 축복이다. Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Urban Call Briefs by Lafayette Jones

Giving Back to Our Community This month’s edition of Urban Call Briefs features another group of “Role Models Beyond Beauty” who are doing wonderful things in our community. “Role Model-Beyond Beauty” has been a Sophisticates Black Hair Styles and Care Guide magazine feature for more than 25 years. It highlights women of color who have made significant advances in their careers and who have given back to their communities. Nearing its 100th edition, the column has honored black women in a wide range of fields. The column portrait art by commissioned artist Leo Rucker is also an art exhibition of 180 pastel portraits with the Role Model story about these accomplished women and their distinguished careers are in the personal collection of beauty industry leaders Sandra and Lafayette Jones. Visit and the SMSi-Urban Call YouTube Channel ( In August 2013 the Role Model Beyond art portraits and

Lafayette Jones

editorial were featured at the National Black Theater Festival held bi-annually in Winston-Salem, NC where more than 30,000 festival participants had an opportunity to view the exhibition at The Sawtooth School of Visual Art. The column is written by beauty industry and icon, Lafayette Jones and is co-authored by his daughter, Bridgette Miller Jones, who joined as co-columnist five years ago. Bridgette is a 2011 Spelman graduate and now East Carolina School of Dental Medicine candidate (2015). The “Role Model Beyond Beauty” column originally debuted as a touring 180+ piece art collection and exhibition. The expanded exhibition opened for a second year in Winston-Salem, NC, the City of the Arts. Selected pastel portraits of the large collection commissioned by Sandy and Lafayette Jones and illustrated by Artist Extraordinaire Leo Rucker were shown July 13—August 9, 2015 in the Milton Rhodes Sawtooth. A handful of profiles are included in this OTC Beauty Magazine edition.

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit

The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and May not be reproduced without written permission from the author. October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs Christal Jordan Christal Jordan is an award-winning author, journalist and media trainer as well as the president of Enchanted PR. The small firm is one of the leading entertainment PR boutiques in the southeast specializing in music, entertainment and the arts. Since establishing Enchanted PR in Atlanta over 7 years ago, Christal has had the opportunity to work with some of the biggest artists in the business. Currently she manages her own clientele roster and is contracted as a media trainer to work with artists as they begin their journey towards stardom. Christal’s debut novel “Under the Cherry Moon” hit bookstores in January of 2006 and garnered a nomination for Cush City’s best new author. The novel was also selected as a Black Expression book club pick by over 10,000 book clubs across the country. In the summer of 2007, Christal was named one of Atlanta’s “On the Cusp” entrepreneurs and was nominated for an SEA award for Best Music Industry Executive. Christal also received an award for her outstanding achievements in PR in regards to sponsorships and media placements from Taylord Entertainment. In the fall of 2007 the former talk show host returned to her roots and added radio cohost to her list of titles, joining legendary rap pioneer Chuck D (Public Enemy) on Air America for Slam Jamz: “Real Talk with Mecca and CC.” The show wrapped after Air America closed its doors, but Christal continued to do freelance hosting with co-host Janol “Mecca” Holmes. In 2013 Christal was awarded with the Entrepreneur of the Year award at the Kontrol Your Destiny awards. In addition to her work with entertainment, Christal serves as Executive Director for TLC’s Chilli’s non-profit camp for middle and high school aged girls. The former charm and etiquette instructor believes getting the opportunity to work with young women through her relationship was Chilli was heaven sent. “Girls too often don’t want to be anything besides ‘pretty.’ Our society spends far too much time and energy teaching young girls that they aren’t pretty because they don’t look a certain way or that they are better than others because they fit society’s standard. Self-esteem is the biggest issue in obtaining success. If we can teach young girls that beauty and self-worth come from within and radiate to the outside, then we’ll raise more successful women.” Christal has over 13 years’ experience in Public/Media Relations and earned a Bachelor of Arts in organizational communication with a minor in public relations and literature from the University of Oklahoma. Jennifer Holliday There have been many renditions of “Dreamgirls,” a musical stage play, but it’s hard to forget the one who had the first and longest run as Effie “Melody” White. Say the name Jennifer Holliday and most people will connect her with the Tony award winning play loosely based on the story of the Supremes and the Motown record industry that had a four-year run on Broadway stage in New York in the early 80s. Jennifer is perhaps best known for her iconic rendition of the torch-song ballad from the show, “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going.” The teen from Texas was just 19 when she first wowed Broadway in “Your Arms Too Short To Box With God.” Several years later she stepped into “Dreamgirls.” Looking at YouTube videos of her first performances and album covers, one would hardly recognize the Jennifer who appears on stage today. “When I was in my thirties, they thought I had lupus. A lot of African-American women have lupus. But it was multiple sclerosis (MS). There is no cure for it, but I have found out how to manage it. I was actually blind in one eye and paralyzed for a time, but with proper care and medicine, I recovered.” While dealing with the disease that affects the central nervous system she has continued her career. “I have even performed when I was experiencing blindness in one eye and people did not know.” She carefully monitors her health and tries not to stress, since it is one of the factors which aggravates MS. She is also an outspoken advocate for mental health having overcome a bout with clinical depression. “I believe in the mind, body and spirit connection,” she says. Apart from her career in the music industry and on the stage, Holliday has also had acting and singing roles on network television. She ranges across rhythm and blues (R&B); pop, and gospel, and is also a songwriter. She is really excited about a scholarship she has established through the United Negro College fund on behalf of her late friend and actress, Yolanda King, oldest daughter of the Martin Luther King Jr., who died in 2007. The scholarship has been named the Yolanda D. King Achieving the Dream Book Scholarship Fund. It will fund the book bills of two Atlanta College students for three year periods.


OTC Beauty Magazine

October 2014

Carolyn House Stewart Attorney Carolyn House Stewart of Tampa, Fla. is the International President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Installed in St. Louis in 2010, she is the first president to serve a full term in the Sorority’s second century and the first lawyer to head the organization. Attorney Stewart’s program theme is Global Leadership through Timeless Service. Driven by this thematic call to action, the Sorority is continuing its 105-year-old legacy of providing service to all mankind. She will serve until July 2014. Under her leadership, members of the Sorority have logged hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours serving in 975 communities all over the globe. It has chapters in the United States as well as in Bermuda, Canada, Germany, Nassau, Japan, South Korea and Africa. Her 35-year legal career began after graduating with a Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina Law Center. She was admitted to the Florida Bar in 1978. She practiced before the US District Courts for the Middle and Southern District of Florida and the US Court of Appeals for the 11th and 5th Circuits. Attorney Stewart is also licensed to practice before the United States Supreme Court. Attorney Stewart is currently of counsel and a former shareholder in the law firm of Macfarlane Ferguson & McMullen, one of Florida’s oldest law firms; she has been with the firm since 1994. She handles cases in the firm’s civil litigation, casualty and labor law sections. She served five years as a member of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners. Attorney Stewart’s rise to Alpha Kappa Alpha’s chief leadership position caps a 41-year record of commitment and service to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority that began when she was initiated at the University of South Florida in 1972. This began her ascension in the Sorority, which included serving as International Program Chairman, and being elected International Secretary in 2002. In 2006, she was elected International Vice President, thereby positioning her to become International President. Her professional achievements have earned her numerous awards including the 2006 Florida Commission on the Status of Women “Achievement Award,” The National Bar Association Presidential Award and the Francisco Rodriguez Award from the George Edgecomb Bar Association. The National Bar Association honored Stewart with the Gertrude E. Rush Award in 2012 and Presidential Award in 2006. She was recently presented the Sadie T. M. Alexander Award from the National Black Law Students Association. She has also been honored with many awards and commendations for her dedication and outstanding service to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. As Alpha Kappa Alpha’s international president, Attorney Stewart serves on the United Negro College Fund board. In 2011, the Sorority was presented the Legacy Award by UNCF in recognition of its long-standing support, including over $2.5 million in contributions to the organization. In addition to her law degree, Attorney Stewart holds a Bachelor of Arts in History and Social Science Education from the University of South Florida. Melanie L. Campbell Melanie L. Campbell is the president and CEO of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation and Convener of the Black Women’s Roundtable Intergenerational Public Policy Network. Ms. Campbell has served in the civil rights, social justice, youth and women’s rights movement for over 20 years. She is one of the hardest working civil rights leaders in the social and economic justice movement and is known for her powerful ability to build diverse coalitions that bring people together for the common good. One of her most rewarding accomplishments at the National Coalition has been creating an innovative, youth-focused leadership development program, Black Youth Vote! (BYV) for which she received the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Emerging Leaders Legacy Award. Highly successful coalition projects enacted under Ms. Campbell’s leadership include the Unity Diaspora Coalition Census 2010 Campaign, Unity 2008 Voter Empowerment Campaign, Women’s Coalition for Dignity and Diversity in the Media, Voices of the Electorate Election Reform Task Force; and the ReBuild Hope NOW Coalition to assist survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in rebuilding their lives in the Gulf Coast. Campbell served as the Director of the Mayor’s Offices of Youth Services for the late Maynard Jackson in Atlanta, Ga. in the 1990s where she was responsible for working on issues related to youth violence, juvenile justice and youth leadership development. Ms. Campbell was also responsible for coordinating the Mayor’s Scholarship Program and the Atlanta Dream Jamboree, a college and vocational opportunity fair targeting high school students in the Atlanta Public Schools. She also organized the

Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council and youth anti-violence initiatives. She is a contributing writer in the 2008 National Urban League State of Black America, Election Reform: Protecting Our Vote from the Enemy Who Never Sleeps; 2006 Harvard University Journal on African Americans in Public Policy, “A Nation Exposed: Rebuilding African American Communities,” article on “Right of Return Means Access to the Ballot, Access to Neighborhoods, and Access to Economic Opportunity.” She also contributed to the publication’s 2004 edition, “Politics & Progress: A Presidential Platform for 2004.” She was featured in the July 2003 Black Enterprise Magazine article on Black Leadership: The Next Generation. Campbell is interviewed and featured on many occasions by television, syndicated radio, print and online news outlets across the country including BET, C-Span, TV One, Bev Smith Show, Tom Joyner Morning Show, Washington Post, Gannett News, New York Times and others. Ms. Campbell is certified in executive non-profit management by the Georgetown University Public Policy Institute Executive Program. She is a nationally recognized expert in civic engagement, black voter participation, election reform, voting rights, census and coalition building. Ms. Campbell is a member of the Inaugural Class of the Progressive Women’s Voices at the Women’s Media Center in New York. She was a resident fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government’s Institute of Politics at Harvard University in 2003. Ms. Campbell serves on the executive board of the Black Leadership Forum, a confederation of the leaders of the top African American civil rights and service organizations. She is a member of the NOBEL African American Women Technology Caucus and Communications Workers of America Speed Matters partnership. She holds a B.A. in Business Administration and Finance from Clark Atlanta University. Ms. Campbell received outstanding leadership and civic service awards from Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, National Urban League, Women in the NAACP, SCLC W.O.M.E.N., National Voting Rights Museum & Institute, State Farm Insurance and 100 Black Men of Washington D.C. She is an active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Social Action Commission, Northern Virginia and Greater Washington Urban Leagues, National Council of Negro Women, NAACP, National Association of Female Executives and many other civic and community- based organizations. She is a native of Mims, Fla. ToshaMakia Known as the “sexiest Puerto-Rican Mami on HipHop radio,” ToshaMakia is one-third of Greensboro’s hilarious morning show cast of Santillian and the Wild Out. She is also an emerging singer, model, mother and strong member of her community who is known for her warm personality, beautiful face and positive attitude. Her career in the music industry began when she launched an infectious single, “Be Yourself ” in the Connecticut area which skyrocketed up the charts. The notoriety allowed her to perform and tour with some of Hip-Hop’s biggest names including Ciara, Diddy, Lil’ Kim, LL Cool J, Nas, Ashanti and more. ToshaMakia also performed on some of television’s most watched shows including 106 & Park, The Carson Daly Show, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and the WB Morning Show. While that may have seemed like some of the best moments in ToshaMakia’s life, what was going on in her personal life was a completely different story. She was a victim in an abusive relationship with her child’s father for over fifteen years where she was physically, mentally and emotionally ripped apart. “Before when I was singing I couldn’t enjoy it. I was just performing to get out of the house.” To this day it is hard for her to discuss but one of her main goals is to help as many battered women and men get out of abusive relationships as she was able to. ToshaMakia took control of her life once again and landed a few jobs in radio before settling as on-air talent on a popular Philadelphia urban station. Later ToshaMakia linked up with Monie Love and the two co-hosted The Ladies First Show on Sirius XM where they both came out about being victims of abusers. In 2011, ToshaMakia joined the radio show Santillian and the Wild Out where she remains. She uses the platform to spread the message of positive body image and respect because “…you have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. I’m so happy that my job allows me to do that.” Tonya Pinkins Oprah described Tonya Pinkins as one of the “Ten Women in America Who Will Take Your Breath Away in 2004.” This Tony Award-winning actress and modern day Renaissance woman created the role of Heather Dalton on the CBS soap, As the World Turns. She was later casted as Livia Frye Cudahy on ABC’s daytime drama All My Children, as the soap’s most popular attorney. Pinkins left All My Children in 1995 but returned to her role in 2003 and has a recurrent role as the soap’s judge. A single mother of four, Pinkins made her mark on stage as Sweet Anita in “Jelly’s Last Jam,” for which she received a Tony Award, Drama Desk Award, Outer Crit-

ics Circle and Clarence Derwent Award. In this past year, Pinkins has performed in a whopping five New York productions. Additionally, she’s starred in the Jeff Pollack/Benny Medina feature film “Above The Rim” alongside Bernie Mac, Tupac Shakur and Marlon Wayans. She’s also had a prolific television career making guest appearances on such television shows as Law & Order, The Cosby Show, Cold Case, Criminal Minds, and The Guardian among others. Born in Chicago, Pinkins was interested in the arts from a young age. In high school, she studied acting at the Goodman Theatre Young People’s Program. Aged 18, she briefly attended college but decided to drop out in order to pursue her acting career. She later returned to college, earning an undergraduate degree from Columbia College in Chicago, followed by graduate work at Carnegie Mellon’s music theater program, and a year of law school in California. She is also a strong champion of positive thinking and “making things happen.” That theology is the basis behind her self-help book “Get Over Yourself!: How To Drop The Drama And Claim the Life You Deserve” was released by Hyperion Publishers. She is an activist for and co-creator of Operation Z, an organization that stands for zero tolerance of violence against women and children. Pinkins was the featured host of the 2013 National Black Theatre Festival in Winston-Salem, NC, an event founded with the help and support of Dr. Maya Angelou., More than 60,000 people will be in attendance. Visit for more information on the 2015 festival. Jennifer M. Drake The success of Oakland-bred music mogul, Jennifer Drake, is hardly a product of luck. Her ascension to the height of the music industry unfolds as a mighty testament to the eternal, unassailable qualities of diligence and focus. After graduating from Clark Atlanta University with a degree in Political Science, Drake began her career working for the federal government. When given the opportunity to manage event planning for NFL superstar Terrell Owens, Drake made a transition that would ultimately change the trajectory of her career. The rest, as they say, is history. Along the way, Drake compiled a client list that spanned some of the entertainment industry’s most prominent names, including former NBA Basketball super star Magic Johnson, entertainers Akon and Ne-Yo, Ford Motor Company, and former Atlanta mayor, Shirley Franklin. While seeking to extend her reach as an event planner, Drake channeled her blossoming proficiency toward the music industry, taking on the role of Director of Operations for Aphilliates Music Group. In the process, she established a magisterial presence that eventually led to a position as A&R Coordinator at the esteemed media powerhouse, Warner Brothers. In addition to working alongside artists such as Gucci Mane, OJ Da Juiceman, Shawty Lo, Drumma Boy and others, Drake also helped birth Versatile Records, an independent label that currently houses such talents as Grammy Award winning artist and writer, Nate Walka and Grammy-nominated writer and producer, Chef Tone. As her time with Warner Bros. winded down, Drake embraced her desire to work in the publishing field of entertainment. Her driven nature caught the attention of Nicole George, Vice President of the Rhythm & Soul Department of the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers, better known as ASCAP. George would become a mentor for Drake, helping her transition to New York City to assume the role of Director of Membership in Rhythm and Soul for ASCAP. Drake would not get too comfortable, however, as she would soon thereafter be promoted to ASCAP’s Atlanta office where she currently oversees the entire Southeast Region. Her passion for sifting out up-and-coming talent has led to her signing such household names as Kendrick Lamar—voted No. 1 hottest MC in the game by MTV— and Mike WiLL Made it—one of hip hop’s most sought-after producers. In addition to her commitment to ASCAP, Drake serves as a member of the Atlanta Chapter of the Recording Academy and as a board member of several foundations, including Saving Our Daughters Foundation. Saving Our Daughters creates the tools to get teen girls discussing key issues and fired up to take the power away from bullying, (cyber, gossip, face-to-face), date abuse, hate crimes, school violence, violence against women, and other esteem slayers ( She is also a board member of the The Compound Foundation. The Foundation’s goal is to support bright futures for young people by helping them to forge healthy relationships, pursue education and training, learn entrepreneurship basics and realize their dreams (www. She also works with GiGi’s Playhouses, an organization supporting Down Syndrome awareness and educational centers that provide resources and specialized teaching for individuals suffering from the disease. ( October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Tabitha Odell

Beauty is in the Eye of the Unrealistic Beholder 뷰티산업은 비현실적인 결과를 원하는 까다로운 소비자들과의 한판 승부다. 56

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014


o say that consumers have unrealistic expectations of the products that they purchase is an understatement. Will this cream make my wrinkles fade away in two days? Will this shampoo and conditioner repair my damaged hair? Will this hair color make me more beautiful? Cosmetic retailers have to deal with such assumptions on a regular basis and as the retailer you are the first line of attack when the consumer does not get their “instant” miracle. As a store owner you have the privilege and the burden of dealing with your consumers, whether they are pleasant or hostile. You are constantly asking yourself what consumers want and how do I satisfy their growing needs. The answer to this question is something that you should fully understand. Talk to your consumers and ask them what they are looking for and if there is something they haven’t been able to find. Your consumer is constantly evolving as trends and styles change. You have to keep your stock current with the style trends to remain relevant to the consumers’ shopping experience. Ask yourself, do you know your consumer? Do you know what you should have in your store? Are there things you could do to make the shopping experience better for your consumers? Once you know your consumer you have to determine how to service them. Every store should have an effective and consistent consumer service program. Successful programs develop hard-to-imitate differentiation and enable your consumers to remember your store and become a loyal repeat consumer. It can set the foundation for a business to achieve more and stand apart from its competitors. I call it the Chick-fil-A experience. Chick-fil-A provides excellent service and a person seldom leaves their store with a wrong order or the bad feeling of being treated poorly. Their store staff is thoroughly

비자들이, 자신들이 구매하는 제품에 대해 현실적이지 못한 기대를 갖고 있다고 말하는 것은 잘못된 것이다. 이 크림은 이틀안에 내 주름을 없애줄 수 있을까? 이 샴푸와 컨디셔너는 내 손상된 모발을 복구할 수 있을까? 이 헤어 컬러는 나를 더 예쁘게 만들어줄까? 화장품 소매업체들은 기본적으로 이런 욕구들을 해결해야만 하며, 소매업체로서 고객들이 ”즉각적인” 기적을 얻지 못했을 때 돌아오는 비난을 가장 일선에서 마주하게 된다. 매장 주인으로서 당신은 고객들이 즐거워하든 적대적이든, 당신의 고객들을 상대하는 특권과 부담을 동시에 갖고 있다. 당신은 고객들이 원하는 것은 무엇이며 그들의 점점 까다로워 지는 요구를 어떻게 충족시킬 수 있을지에 대해 지속적으로 스스로에게 질문하고 있다. 이 질문에 대한 대답은 당신이 완벽하게 이해해야만 하는 어떤 것이다. 고객들에게 그들이 무엇을 찾고 있는지 혹시 찾지 못하는 것이 있는지 물어봐라. 당신의 고객들은 스타일과 트랜드의 변화에 따라 지속적으로 진화하고 있다. 고객들의 쇼핑 경험에 적절히 맞출 수 있는 현재의 트랜드 제품을 항상 보유하고 있어야만 한다. 스스로에게 물어봐라, 당신의 고객을 알고 있는가? 당신의 매장에 무엇을 보유하고 있어야 하는지 알고 있는가? 고객들이 보다 나은 쇼핑을 경험할 수 있도록 당신이 할 수 있는 것들이 있는가? 고객에 관해 알게 되면 그들에게 어떤 서비스를 제공할지 결정해야 한다. 모든 매장들은 효과적이고 지속적인 고객 서비스 프로그램을 갖고 있어야만 한다. 성공적인 프로그램은 모방할 수 없는 차별화를 만들고 그로 인해 고객들이 당신의 매장을 기억하고, 앞으로도 충성스러운 고객이 되게 한다. 그것은 더 많은 것을 달성하고 경쟁사와 차별화될 수 있는 사업적 기반을 설정할 수가 있다. 나는 그것을 Chick-fil-A 경험이라고 부른다. Chick-fil-A는 탁월한 서비스를 October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


trained and they maintain a consistent training schedule and it shows in how efficient their employees are. Educate Your Staff Educating your staff has many benefits and no detractors. The best stores provide excellent consumer service. Excellent consumer service is taught and learned. Every store should look at their current consumer service program and evaluate what would make the program better. A well trained staff makes the store run smoothly and gives the consumer and wonderful shopping experience. Your staff doesn’t have to be trained cosmetologists, but they should be able to answer general questions about the products you sell. The more your staff knows about the products you sell the more valuable they are to the store. Consumers are hungry for product information and they regularly look to store staff to make recommendations and give instruction on how to achieve the look they want. All cosmetic manufacturers have product information that they use to educate their consumers. Request that material and have regular scheduled training sessions with your staff where you review material and discuss any questions they may have. Find out if a manufacturer is willing to come in to your store and train your staff on their products. You would be surprised how many are willing to do this. We all know that some consumers can become “hostile” when they are frustrated because they couldn’t get an answer to a question. Being able to answer consumer questions goes a long way in creating a memorable shopping experience. The Beauty and Barber Supply store (OTC) is a staple in the African American Community and consumers look to these stores because they carry a wide variety of the products African American women need to manage their hair. This leaves a very unique opportunity for the OTC’s. Providing a dedicated consumer service program and giving the consumer a boutique experience where she feels she is getting “more” than if she were shopping in large retail outlet will have her thinking of your store first when she needs to purchase her beauty products. Getting Started A consumer service program is easy to design and implement, you just have to be willing to be consistent in the manner you treat your consumers. Consistency doesn’t mean that you should depersonalize your current service program. It just means that you have the say the same thing, every time and say it the same way. Consistency and reliability are the foundation stones of establishing long-term, positive relations with consumers and store loyalty. To be consistent you should designing the dialog your staff uses. This means that you will tell your staff exactly what to say, and provide them with a script that they can refer to and be able to efficiently deal with common problems. Also ask manufacturers to provide product FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) for reference so that your staff may respond to product questions. Another reason it is important for your staff to know what to say is because you as the store owner are responsible for what your staff tells your consumer and you don’t want your staff saying anything inappropriate. By providing responses to your staff, and designing a specific dialog, you are in control of the communication given to your consumers. Controlling the communication and ensuring that your staff is helpful, knowledgeable and efficient will give you the opportunity to create a wonderful shopping experience for your consumers.

제공하며, 올바르게 대우받지 못해 마음이 상하거나 잘못된 주문으로 매장을 나서는 고객이 거의 없다. 이 매장 직원들은 철저하게 교육이 되어 있고 지속적으로 교육 일정을 유지하고 있는데, 이것은 이 직원들이 얼마나 효율적인지를 보여주고 있다. 직원을 교육하라. 직원을 교육하는 것은 많은 이점이 있으며 여기에는 반대 의견이 있을 수 없다. 최고의 매장은 최상의 서비스를 제공한다. 최상의 고객 서비스는 가르치고 배우는 것이다. 모든 매장들은 현재 자신들의 고객 서비스 프로그램을 우선 살피고 프로그램을 향상할 수 있는 방법을 평가해야 한다. 잘 교육된 직원은 매장이 원활하게 운영될 수 있도록 하며 고객에게 멋진 쇼핑 경험을 제공한다. 당신의 직원이 미용 전문가처럼 교육될 필요는 없지만, 당신이 판매하고 있는 제품에 관한 일반적인 질문에는 답변을 할 수가 있어야 한다. 직원들이 판매 제품에 관해 더욱 많이 알수록 그들은 당신의 매장에 더욱 가치 있는 존재가 된다. 고객들은 제품 정보에 허기져 있고 그들이 원하는 모습을 성취하기 위한 지침이나 추천을 위해서 주기적으로 매장 직원들을 쳐다보게 된다. 모든 화장품 제조업체들은 고객 교육에 사용하는 제품 정보를 갖고 있다. 이런 자료들을 요청하고 당신의 직원들과 함께 정기적으로 교육 과정에 참여하여 제품을 검토하고 의문점들을 논의해라. 제조업체가 당신의 매장으로 직접 나와서 직원들을 위한 제품 교육을 실시할 수 있는지 알아봐라. 얼마나 많은 업체들이 실제 이렇게 하고 있는지 놀라게 될 것이다. 우리 모두는 고객들이 질문에 대한 답변을 듣지 못하면 “적대적”이 될 수 있다는 것을 알고 있다. 고객의 질문에 답하는 것은 그들로 하여금 오래도록 기억에 남는 쇼핑 경험을 만들게 된다. Beauty and Barber Supply store (OTC)는 아프리카계 미국인 커뮤니티 안에서 크게 성장한 업체로, 아프리카계 미국인 여성들의 헤어 손질에 필요한 제품을 아주 광범위하게 보유하고 있기 때문에 고객들이 이 매장을 찾고 있다. 이러한 것이 OTC 매장에게 아주 특별한 기회를 주고있다. 고객들이 대형 아웃렛에서 쇼핑할 때보다 더 많은 것을 얻고 있다고 느낄 수 있도록 헌신적인 고객 서비스 프로그램을 제공하고 고객들에게 부티크에서와 같은 쇼핑 경험을 부여한다면, 그녀들은 필요한 뷰티 제품을 구매해야 할 때 당신의 매장을 처음으로 떠올리게 될 것이다. 시작하기 고객 서비스 프로그램은 설계 및 시행이 용이하다. 하지만, 당신이 고객을 대하는 방법에 있어서 기꺼이 일관성을 가져야 한다. 일관성은 현재 당신의 서비스 프로그램을 비인격화 해야 한다는 뜻이 아니다. 당신은 항상 같은 방법으로 같은 것을 말한다는 의미이다. 일관성과 신뢰성은 고객과 매장 충성도에 있어서 장기적이고 긍정적인 관계를 수립하는 초석이 된다. 직원들이 사용하는 대화 내용을 일관성 있게 설계해야 한다. 이것은 당신이 직원들에게 정확히 해야 할 말을 알려주고, 그들이 언급할 수 있고 일반적인 문제들을 효과적으로 처리할 수 있는 대본을 제공하는 것을 의미한다. 직원들이 제품에 관한 질문에 대응하는데 참고가 될 수 있는 제품 FAQs(자주 묻는 질문과 답변)를 제공해 줄 것을 제조업체에 요청해라. 직원들 스스로 자신이 해야 할 말이 무엇인지를 아는 것이 중요한 또 다른 이유는 매장 주인으로서 당신은 직원들이 고객에게 한 말에 대한 모든 책임을 지기 때문이며, 당신은 직원들이 고객에게 부적절한 어떤 말도 하길 원치 않는다. 직원들에게 적절한 응답 내용을 제공하고 구체적인 대화 내용을 설계함으로써, 당신은 고객들에게 주어지는 커뮤니케이션을 제어할 수가 있다. 커뮤니케이션을 제어하고 직원들이 확실히 도움이 되며 지식을 갖추고 효율적이라면, 고객들이 멋진 쇼핑을 당신의 매장에서 경험할 수 있는 기회를 당신은 얻게 될 것이다.

Tabitha Odell has been providing exceptional consumer service to the health and beauty industry for more than a decade via Cosmetic Answers, LLC. Cosmetic Answers is the culmination of Tabitha’s extensive experience in claims management, litigation management, and compliance and consumer relations in the health and beauty industry. Visit 58

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Adam Witty


Essential Building Blocks for a Thriving Work Culture 번창하는 작업 문화를 위한 5가지 필수적인 환경구성


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

What makes a successful business thrive? That’s what eight out of 10 new entrepreneurs would like to know because their businesses fail within the first 18 months, according to Bloomberg.

I can tell you what has worked for my company, Advantage Media Group,

(, an international publisher of business, selfimprovement and professional development books and online learning. We were recently named as one of the Best Places to Work in South Carolina–for the second consecutive year!

I was selected for INC Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list of “America’s coolest

young entrepreneurs” in 2011, and Advantage Media was featured in the magazine’s top 500|5000 list of the Fastest Growing Private Companies in America for 2012 and 2013.

You don’t have to be a business guru to recognize when a business is firing

on all cylinders, that everyone is putting their skills to maximum use, working together and actually having a good time. How to create that chemistry–that’s the question.

Of course, you need folks with the right qualifications who are willing to

bring their A-game every day–that’s crucial. But there are also character traits to look for: a positive, can-do attitude, for instance. If a person doesn’t fit in the mix, not only will he or she be less likely to bring their best, they can also compromise everyone else’s game.

무엇이 성공적인 비즈니스의 번창을 가져오는가? 이것이 바로 신생 기업의 대표 10명 중 8명이 알고 싶어하는 것이다. Bloomberg에 따르면 많은 신생 기업들이 초기 18개월 안에 실패하기 때문이다.

내 회사인Advantage Media Group, (http://advantagefamily.

com/)은 비즈니스, 자기 개발 및 전문 개발 서적, 온라인 학습에 관한 인터내셔널 출판사인데, 내 회사에서 효과가 있었던 방법들을 여러분에게 알려주려고 한다. 우리는 최근South Carolina에서 – 2년 연속- 가장 좋은 작업 환경의 기업 중 하나로 선정 되었다!

나는 2011년INC Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list에 “미국의

가장 멋진 젊은 기업가”로 선정되었고, Advantage Media는 2012 년과 2013년 미국에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 개인 기업 중 하나로top 500|5000 리스트에 오르게 되었다.

비즈니스가 전력을 다해 가동되고 있을 때, 모든 사람들이

자신의 능력을 최대한 발휘하고, 함께 일하며 실제로 좋은 시간을 보내고 있는지를 인식하기 위해 당신이 비즈니스에 아주 정통한 사람이 될 필요는 없다. 어떻게 화학 반응을 만들어 내느냐 – 그것이 문제인 것이다.

물론, 당신은 날마다 자신의 최고 기량을 기꺼이 발휘할

역량있는 사람들이 필요하다. – 아주 결정적인 것이다. 그러나 또한 바라는 성격적 특성도 있다: 예를 들면, 긍정적이고, 할 수 있다는 자세. 만일 어떤 사람이 함께 어울릴 수 없다면, 스스로 최선의 모습을 보여줄 수 없는 것은 물론, 모두가 함께 하는 게임을 위태롭게 할 수도 있다. October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


여기, 모든 CEO들이 자신의 비즈니스와 업계, 둘 Here are five essential building blocks for getting that hum every

모두에서 원하는 노래를 흥얼거릴 수 있는 5가지 필수적인

CEO wants, both in their business and in the industry.

환경구성을 나열해 보았다. •

최고의 선수들로 팀을 만들어라; 그들은 기다릴만한

• Staff your team with A-players; they’re worth the wait.

가치가 있다. 최고의 선수들은 필요한 모든 역량을

An A-player is someone who brings all of the necessary

테이블에 꺼내놓는 사람이다 – 인간으로서의 추가적인

qualifications to the table–perhaps more than you were

무언가 까지, 혹은 여러분이 기대하는 그 이상까지

expecting–and that something extra as a human being. Of

말이다. 물론, 이런 것들이 45분간의 인터뷰동안 항상

course, that isn’t always readily apparent during a 45-minute

즉각적으로 다 보여지는 것은 아니다. 재능있는 사람의

interview; it can take time to see the true colors of a talented

색깔을 제대로 보기 위해서는 시간이 걸릴 수도 있다.

individual to come through. This speaks to the importance of

이것은 직관력이 있는 인사 담당 매니저를 갖는 것이

having an intuitive hiring manager. Also, it’s important to have

중요함을 시사한다. 또한, 팀을 1등의 위치에 올려 놓을

A-players who put the team first.

수 있는 최고의 선수를 보유하는 것이 중요하다. •

재미의 중요성. 재미를 갖는 것은 단지 여러분의 팀이

• The importance of having fun. Having fun not only helps your

더 잘할 수 있도록 돕는 것에만 그치는 것이 아니다.

team do well, it’s a sign that you’re doing things right. Where

그것은 어떤 일을 옳게 하고 있다는 표시이다. 재미와

fun and work meet is the understanding from employees that

일이 만나면 직원들이 무언가 다른 변화를 창출하고

they’re making a difference. You want a team of individuals who

있음을 이해하게 된다. 당신은 그들이 하고 있는 일에서

are motivated by the “why” of what they do. Fun at work means

“왜”라는 동기 부여를 갖는 개인들이 모인 팀을 원하는

tending to the tasks at hand with energy and enthusiasm.

것이다. 직장에서의 즐거움은 에너지와 열정으로 일에 전념하는 경향을 뜻한다.

• Make employees, and clients, your extended family. A family

environment significantly facilitates a team mentality. But why

환경은 팀 정신을 현저히 촉진시킨다. 그런데 왜

stop there? Extend the love to clients, suppliers and other crucial

멈추는가? 고객과 공급 업체, 비즈니스의 다른 중요 구성

components of the business. Without these folks, your business

인물들을 사랑으로 넓혀가라. 이 사람들이 없이 당신의

couldn’t survive.

비즈니스는 살아남을 수 없다.

• Direction: understanding the “why;” encourage difference

makers. Our team members are driven by the “why” of what

장려하라. 우리 팀 구성원들은 우리가 하고 있는 것에서 “

we do. The right content in the right person’s hands at the right

왜”라는 것에 몰두한다. 적절한 시기에 적절한 사람의

time can change the world forever. We believe in sharing stories,

손에서 만들어지는 올바른 콘텐츠는 세상을 영원히

passion and knowledge to guide and help others learn and grow.

바꿀 수가 있다. 우리는 다른 사람이 배우고 성장하는데

직원과 고객을 넒은 의미의 가족으로 만들어라. 가족적인

방향: “왜”라는 것을 이해하고, 다른 점을 만드는 사람을

도움이 되고 안내가 되는 이야기와 열정, 지식을 • Commit to lifelong learning. Seek to uncover and promote the

공유하고 있다고 믿는다.

leader in every one on your team by encouraging all members

to follow a path of personal and professional development. With

반응하는가? 팀의 모든 멤버들이 자기 발전과 전문적인

increased knowledge, experiences and skills, people lead to a

개발의 경로를 따를 수 있도록 권장함으로써 팀의 모든

more fulfilled life, which can profit everyone within a working

일에 관한 리더를 알리고 독려해라. 증가된 지식과 경험,


그리고 기술을 가진다면, 사람들은 작업 환경안에 있는

평직원들이 실망감을 줄 때: 리더는 어떻게 효과적으로

모두에게 이득이 될 수 있는 보다 가득 채워진 인생을 이끌게 된다.

Adam Witty is the founder and CEO of Advantage Media Group, (, an international publisher of business,

self-improvement and professional development books and online learning. He has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs, business leaders and professionals to help them write, publish, market and monetize books to grow their business. Witty has been featured on ABC and Fox, and was selected for INC Magazine’s 30 Under 30 list of “America’s coolest young entrepreneurs” in 2011.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


When Employees Disappoint

Business Tips by Alesia Latson

How Effective Leaders Respond

직원들이 실망감을 줄 때: 리더는 어떻게 효과적으로 반응하는가? Disappointment is inevitable for leaders. At times your people will disappoint you, and there will also be instances where you disappoint others. So the fact that disappointment occurs isn’t the challenge. The real issue to address is how you respond to the disappointment. Unfortunately, far too many leaders react to disappointment with anger and punishment. You’ve likely seen the scenario. An employee loses a key client, misses an important deadline, or does any number of common things and the leader responds by demoting the employee, removing responsibility, not allowing the employee to take vacation time, firing the employee, or doing other punitive actions. Such consequences are really nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction on the part of the leader…and a missed opportunity for the leader to shine. In reality, how you handle disappointment speaks volumes of your leadership style and your credibility in your organization. To make the most of a disappointing situation and use it as the coaching opportunity it is, consider the following suggestions: Manage yourself before you confront the employee. Before talking with the employee about the disappointing situation, you first have to manage yourself. In other words, you have to be clear on what your intention is of the conversation. Because you’re in a position of authority, what you say during these moments will have a ripple effect. Of course, this isn’t to say that you aren’t justified in your anger or justified in your disappointment. You most certainly are. However, your expression of those feelings has an impact on how others view you and on what the employee will do in the future. So before initiating the conversation, take some time to step back and get clear about what you want to have happen as a result of the meeting. Are you simply looking to vent your anger? Is the goal on finding a solution to 64

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

실망감은 리더에게는 불가피하다. 때때로 당신의 직원들은 당신에게 실망할 것이고, 당신 또한 다른 사람에게 실망할 경우도 있을 것이다. 그래서 실망적인 상황이 발생한다는 사실은 그다지 대단한 상황은 아니다. 진짜 문제는 당신이 그 실망감에 어떻게 반응하냐는 것이다.

불행히도, 너무도 많은 리더들이 분노와 처벌로 실망에

대응한다. 이런 시나리오를 본 적 있을 것이다. 직원이 중요한 고객을 놓쳤거나, 중요한 업무 기일이나 여러가지 일반적인 일들을 잊어버리면, 리더는 그 직원을 강등시키고, 책임을 몰수하고, 직원에게 휴가 시간을 주지 않거나, 해고, 혹은 다른 응징의 행동으로 실망감에 대응하게 된다.

이러한 결과는 리더측에서는 단지 반사적인 반응에 지나지

않으며, 리더로서 빛날 수 있는 기회를 잃어버린 것이다. 실제로, 실망감을 처리하는 방법은 당신의 조직 내에서 당신의 리더쉽 스타일과 신뢰성을 시사한다.

대부분의 실망스러운 상황을 가르치는 기회로 활용하기 위해서,

다음의 제안들을 고려해봐라. 직원들과 대면하기 전에 스스로를 먼저 관리해라. 실망스러운 상황에 관해 직원과 얘기하기 전에, 먼저 스스로를 관리해야만 한다. 다시 말해, 당신의 대화 의도는 명확해야 한다. 당신은 권력의 위치에 있기 때문에, 이 순간 당신이 하는 말은 파급효과를 가지게 될 것이다. 물론, 이것이 당신이 분노를 정당화하지 않거나 혹은 당신의 실망감을 정당화한다는 말은 아니다. 분명 대부분 그러하다. 그러나, 이런 감정에 대한 당신의 표현은 다른 사람들이 당신을 어떻게 보고 직원들이 앞으로 어떻게 할 것인가에 영향을 미친다. 그러니 대화를 시작하기 전에, 시간을 갖고 한 발 물러나서 미팅의 결과로 당신이 얻고자 하는 것이 무엇인지를 명확히해라. 당신은 단순히 분노를 배출할 것을 찾고 있는가?

현재의 상황을 해결할 수 있는 솔루션을 찾는 것이 목표인가? 아니면 당신은 정말로 직원들이 이 상황을 통해 배우고 성장하도록 돕고싶은 것인가?

rectify the current circumstances? Or do you really want to help the employee learn and grow from the situation?

실망감에서 당신의 역할을 평가하라. 자신을 관리하는 일환으로, 실망감을 느낄 때 당신의 역할을 돌아볼 수

Assess your role in the disappointment. As part of managing yourself, take some time to reflect on your role in the disappointment. Before you declare, “I did nothing. It was entirely the other person’s fault,” realize that as a leader, you are ultimately responsible for your people. So ask yourself, “What role did I play?” and “How did I contribute to this disappointment?” Perhaps you didn’t give the employee enough training. Maybe you threw them into a situation that they were too “green” to handle. Perhaps you didn’t adequately prepare them. Whatever the disappointing outcome was, chances are you had some role in it—even a small one. Acknowledge that prior to your conversation.

있는 시간을 가져라. 당신이 “내가 그런 것이 아니다. 전적으로 다른

Assume good intent. When you take the stance that the employee didn’t intentionally cause the disappointment, it naturally takes the edge off of your approach and any anger you may have. And in the majority of cases, that stance is absolutely accurate—the employee didn’t set out to cause harm. They simply made a mistake or a bad judgment call, which resulted in a less than ideal situation. Additionally, realize that the employee knows they messed up, and they’ve probably given themselves a thorough thrashing by now and are terrified to speak with you. Therefore, any anger you display will be mild compared to what they’ve already dished out to themselves. Of course, if there’s been an intentional violation of an important principle, value, or standard that compromises the integrity of the organization, then anger is understandable. However, true anger should be reserved for the most egregious acts.

좋은 의도를 가정해라.

When talking to the employee, focus on the disappointment in terms of the outcome, not the person. Successful school teachers know that when you discipline a student, you focus on the behavior, not the child. The same is true for business leaders. Even if the disappointment occurred because the employee was negligent in some way, you need to separate what happened from the employee personally. State your disappointment in terms of the outcome, and then explore with the employee the cause in an inquisitive and coaching way rather than a punitive way. Why? Because when employees feel punished or that the boss is scolding them, they become fearful, which decreases creativity and innovation on the job—the exact things you often need to rectify a disappointing situation. Learn from Disappointments It’s human nature to lash out during disappointing times, and because a leader can, he or she often does. But remember that how you handle disappointment reflects more on you as a leader than on the person who caused the situation. Additionally, realize that the majority of disappointing moments are actually coaching moments in disguise. Savvy leaders recognize this and make the most of these situations. So if you want to be viewed as a leader with courage, credibility, and reason, use the suggestions presented here the next time you feel the need to punish an employee for a wrongdoing. When you do, you won’t be disappointed in the results.

Alesia Latson

사람의 잘못이다”고 선언하기 전에, 리더로서 당신은 당신의 사람들에 대해 궁극적으로 책임이 있음을 깨닫게 된다. 스스로에게 물어봐라, “ 내 역할은 무엇이었나?” 그리고 “나는 이 실망에 어떻게 기여하였나?” 아마 당신은 직원들을 충분히 교육시키지 않았을 것이다. 어쩌면 당신은 그들이 너무도 “미숙하여” 처리할 수 없는 상황으로 그들을 던져둔 것일 수도 있다. 당신이 충분히 그들을 준비시키지 않았을 수도 있다. 실망스러운 결과가 무엇이든, 당신은 크든 작든 그것에 어떠한 역할을 한 것이다. 대화를 시작하기 전, 당신은 이것을 인정해야한다.

직원이 의도적으로 실망스러움을 야기시킨 것이 아니라는 입장을 당신이 취하면, 당신의 분노나 접근 방법을 자연스럽게 누그러트릴 수가 있다. 대부분의 경우, 그러한 자세는 옳은 것이다 – 직원이 피해를 입히기 위한 고의성이 있는 것은 아니다. 그들은 단순하게 실수를 저지르거나 잘못된 판단을 하며, 이것이 결과적으로 보다 덜 이상적인 상황을 만드는 것이다.

또한, 직원들도 그들이 엉망을 만든 것을 인지하고 있으며,

아마도 스스로 자신에게 철저한 채찍질을 하면서 당신에게 알리는 것을 두려워할지도 모른다. 그러므로, 당신이 표출하는 분노는 그들이 이미 스스로에게 준 것에 비하면 약할 것이다. 물론, 중요한 원칙이나 가치, 혹은 기준에 대한 의도적인 위반으로 조직의 무결성을 저해했다면, 분노하는 것은 이해가 된다. 그러나, 진정한 분노는 가장 엄청난 상황을 위해 예약해두어야 한다. 직원에게 얘기할 때는, 사람이 아니라, 실망으로 초래된 결과에 초점을 맞춰라. 성공적인 교사는 학생들을 교육할 때, 그 아이가 아닌 행동에 초점을 맞춘다. 비즈니스 리더도 마찬가지다. 만일 직원의 부주의로 어떤 실망감이 발생했다면, 당신은 그 직원 개인과 일어난 일을 분리해야만 한다. 결과의 측면에서 당신의 실망감을 명확히 제시하고, 징벌의 방법보다는 차근차근 따져보고 가르치는 방법으로 직원과 함께 원인을 찾아라. 왜? 그것은 직원이 벌받는 느낌을 갖거나 상사에게 꾸지람을 듣는다고 느낄 때, 그들은 두려워하게 되고, 이것은 업무– 실망스러운 상황을 수습하는데 종종 필요한 작업-의 창의성과 혁신성을 저하시키게 되기 때문이다. 실망으로부터 배워라 실망의 기간동안 비난하는 것은 인간의 본성이며, 리더는 할 수 있기 때문에, 종종 그러기도 한다. 그러나 당신이 실망감을 처리하는 방법은 그러한 상황을 야기시킨 당사자보다는 리더로서의 당신에게 더욱 반영된다는 것을 기억해라. 또한, 실망스러운 순간의 대부분은 실제로 가르치는 순간으로 바꿀 수 있음을 인식해라. 요령있는 리더는 이것을 인식하고 이런 상황을 최대한 활용한다. 당신이 용기와 신뢰성, 합리성을 갖춘 리더로 보여지고자 한다면, 잘못을 저지른 직원을 응징하고 싶을 때 여기에 적힌 제안들을 활용해라. 그렇게 하면, 결과에 실망하지 않을 것이다.

is speaker, trainer, coach and founder of Latson Leadership Group, a consulting firm specializing in management and leadership development. With more than 20 years of experience, Latson helps organizations and leaders expand their capacity to produce results while enhancing employee engagement. For more information on Alesia’s speaking and consulting, contact her at or visit


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014


OTC Beauty Magazine March 2014

King of Locs by Cyrus Jackson


Powerful Profit



I have been manufacturing products for a long time and marketing them for even longer. My company has truly taken on a major undertaking in the past 60 days as we have taken on contract manufacturing full steam ahead. In the arena of hair care, there truly is something to be said for the power of products in demand. As a private label manufacturer, we cater to salons, spas, retail stores and start-up beauty companies alike. Though these businesses are thriving on their own they all report one major factor in boosting business and that is the addition of company based product lines and line extensions.

According to industry statistics, most health and beauty businesses that

provide a service eventually begin to make their own products at some point. Salons, spas and private owned retail stores often develop hair and skin care lines to not only cash in on supplemental profit but also to give their image a bit of status and marketability. Creating successful products can be intimidating, but with private labelers all over the country, owning a little slice of the health and beauty product pie can be achieved with ease. Keep in mind that most private label and contract manufacturing companies did not start out that way. Most of them began manufacturing and marketing products of their own and graduated into the arena of private labelling. This gives them a wealth of information, contacts and knowledge to the full extent of the product development and distribution road map. The more experienced, the more likely they are to get you started off on the right foot when it comes to product development and distribution.

Salons, spas, doctor’s offices, nail shops and even OTCs are all excellent

springboards for a private label line start up. Take a look at sales data from your top selling products and do your research on the current trends in your market. Most importantly, listen to requests and suggestions from your customers. The consumer tells you all you need to know about a products’ demand. The more you keep your ear to the retail ground and stay on the lookout for what’s hot and what’s not, the more likely you are to find your niche. The most successful products are usually the most unique ideas that fill a gap or seek to remedy just the right consumer need. In my opinion, the biggest challenge is the fear. Producing your products with an experienced manufacturer that is willing to guide and nurture your growing product like Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. is key. You should come to expect this type of service and demand it. Never forget that you and your manufacturer both have a stake in the success of your product, so they should be more than eager to meet your business needs. If not, seek out a manufacturer that is willing to grow with you. Remember, when you are in business and decide to change direction there is always going to be a risk. I have a saying, “Never Fearful, Ever Sure.” No one ever became great by giving in to doubt. So give a new product line a try and watch your profits soar.

Cyrus Jackson

has had a successful career in the hair care industry for over 30 years including sales, marketing and product development with companies such as World of Curl, D-Orum Products, Leisure Curl and Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. Jackson’s continued development and promotions of quality products for natural ethnic beauty has made him the self-proclaimed King of Locs.

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



13 by Andy Core

r o F T o D o T A n I g n Thrivi minated List-Do ips

W o r ld

If you’re tired of being stressed out and overworked, I have some advice that will help you take back your todo list and become the CEO of your life. Here, I offer a few tips on how to stop struggling and start thriving.


hard as I work every day, shouldn’t I have “arrived” by now? It’s a question that nags at you as you slog through each day, bound to the tyranny of your to-do list, one eye constantly on the clock. It seems all you do is work, but you have only mediocre results to show for it. Once, you had big goals and the confidence to achieve them, but now all you feel is tired, stressed and overburdened. It seems the dreams you once had have disappeared into the quicksand that has become your daily life. If this scenario describes you, you’re not a loser. Like so many others, you’re an unwitting victim of today’s demanding work culture, not to mention bad habits that are sabotaging your best efforts. Even your instincts can lead you astray. But you can change habits and patterns that don’t serve you. You can refocus your attention, redirect your thoughts, and generate greater motivation, energy, optimism and creativity, as well as more rewarding relationships. As a thought leader on increasing employee


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

engagement, I can help you become what I call a “Thriver”: someone who works hard, meets or exceeds expectations, and enjoys high levels of personal and professional success, accompanied by (and this is the best part) lower stress levels. Read on for a few CEO-worthy tactics that will help you start thriving immediately: Figure out what’s doable in a day. In my book “Change Your Day” I write about a woman named Janet. She came to me hoping that I could help her find some semblance of balance. She was overworked, overstressed and overweight. She had no time to exercise or to spend with friends and family. She was constantly on the go and fueled by caffeine with no chance to recuperate between projects. Not surprisingly, Janet wanted to change her life. Initially, Janet was disappointed when I told her that changing her life was just too hard. But I explained that turning your whole life around is too big a goal. You can’t sustain that many major changes at once. Instead, I told Janet, I simply wanted her to change her day. I wanted her to reengineer her routine a little bit at a time, one day at a time, cutting out a small stressor here, and adding in a more productive habit there. Our whole strategy was to make small, doable changes that would over time create an unstoppable momentum. You must do the same. You must set realistic boundaries. You must create goals that can be accomplished in the space of a day. Remember, nearly all problems,

challenges, and needs are best faced if they are brought down to the scale of “what can be done right now” by taking on “one small piece” of a difficult situation. Get big things done before 9:00 a.m. (instead of snoozing and procrastinating). Ever notice how your morning sets the tone for your whole day? As Sir Isaac Newton famously said, “Objects in motion tend to stay in motion.” So if an object (you) gets a groggy, frustrating start, you’ll probably feel sluggish and behind the eightball all day long. However, if you start your day with positive and productive ideas, actions, thoughts, and feelings, you’re likely to gain momentum throughout the day. What you do first matters. DO first, then KNOW (not the other way around). Most people believe that the knowledge that something is important should make you want to do it. But in reality, that’s not the case. So, why don’t we do what we know we should do? If we know spending less time on Facebook will make us more productive, why won’t we just commit to spending an hour less on the site each day? If we know setting aside 30 minutes to walk or jog each day will make us healthier, why aren’t we jumping up off the couch right now? Study after study shows that knowledge alone usually isn’t enough to impact our desires. In fact, the opposite is true. First, you must do something—like bite the bullet and put on your workout clothes! If you experience positive feelings, attitudes, and results because of your action, you will learn that whatever you just did is good, and you’ll want to do it again. Over time, you’ll develop a new habit. In other words, you must DO in order to KNOW in order to BE different. Remember, nothing in your life gets better until your daily patterns get better. Own up to your junk hours. “Junk hours” are a little like junk food: While they provide short-term pleasure, they contribute to long-term imbalance and exhaustion. In order to maximize each day, you need to own up to your junk hours. You need to identify when you’re going through the motions of work, versus when real work is being done. Don’t be ashamed that your junk hours exist, because everybody needs to take breaks and shift gears. Your task now is to exchange your low-value “junk” activities for ones that build greater health and value into your workday. Instead of adding to your to-do list, build a new pattern. Maybe you’re thinking, sure, I’d like to change my day, but the thought of adding a boatload of items to my already out-of-control to-do list makes me want to crawl back into bed. I can’t handle any more tasks and responsibilities! If that sounds familiar, take a deep breath. The changes that build momentum are rooted in decisions, not additional tasks. To build a productive new pattern into your life, you usually won’t have to add new tasks to your day. Instead, you’ll simply do what you are already doing, or want to do, in a way that becomes habitual. For instance, if you want to wake up an hour earlier so that you can jump-start the day, you simply have to change the time your alarm rings and the time you go to bed. If you want to be more productive at work, you might have to replace aimless procrastination with scheduled breaks. In both cases, you’re changing the way you perform existing tasks, not adding new ones. Remember, though, it isn’t sufficient to simply trigger the start of a new behavior. You need to make sure that you have a motivating reason to make this change, as well as the confidence and energy to sustain it so that it becomes a pattern. Start with one thing. Then add another. Losing weight is one of the most commonly made New Year’s resolutions. It’s also one of the most commonly abandoned. That’s because people think of losing weight as a singular change. It’s not. To lose weight, a person will need to eat healthier, eat smaller quantities, and become more physically active. That’s three changes. And each of those sub-changes has many smaller components; for instance, eating healthier might involve drinking more water and less soda, eating more fruits and veggies, reducing refined sugars, etc. That’s a lot of changes to keep track of!

The point is, don’t take on more than you can handle. Break each goal down to its smallest components, then pick one of them to tackle. Pursue this change until it becomes a habit, then move on to the next one. Start with one thing and don’t add another until you’re ready. Positive motion creates positive emotion. Make a big-box checklist. It’s a given that you have a to-do list. Maybe it’s on paper, on your smartphone, or just in your head…but you have one. It’s also highly likely that your list isn’t as useful as it could be. Too often, you get stuck doing the urgent instead of the important. I have a solution: Make an actual, on-paper checklist each afternoon for the following day or each morning. Put a box by each task—the more important that task is for you to complete that day, the bigger its box should be. Infuse meaning into your work. First, let’s get one thing straight: Doing meaningful work does not mean that you will “love” every second of it. “Meaning” can simply be a recognition of what you enjoy about your work. With that understanding, though, you’ll be more motivated, productive and satisfied. Seek to serve, not shine. To some extent, it’s human nature to look out for Number One. We all want to rack up accomplishments, receive accolades, and garner recognition. But in many situations, the desire to shine can cause you to get in your own way. Just think of the overeager salesman whose desire to exceed his quota makes him come off as pushy. Instead of convincing you to buy his product, his self-serving attitude just makes you want to cut the meeting short. Ironically, the key to shining is putting others first. People who channel their efforts toward making others’ lives easier are nearly always respected, included and considered valuable. When you help others reach their goals and become their best, you’ll usually find that the same things happen to you. Fill up your energy bank account so you can make withdrawals when you need them. Throughout life, circumstances arise that are beyond our control. You may experience a major illness, lose a loved one or be forced to relocate. You may have to occasionally work long days and go without sleep. Know your needs and capacities and try not to exceed them on a regular basis. In other words, get enough sleep. Eat nutritiously. Exercise when time permits. That way, when you do find yourself needing to push the limits, you’ll have a healthy margin of energy, motivation, or whatever to draw on. Manage what you can manage as often as possible in order to compensate for what you cannot manage. Forget the future. (Really!) The future can be an inspiring thing… but it can also be a scary and misleading one. Awfulizing, what-ifs, and doomsday thinking can plunge you into paralyzing anxiety. And making incorrect assumptions can send you down the wrong path. That’s why, aside from setting goals for yourself, you should try not to let your mind wander into future outcomes. Thrivers trust in an execution mindset and focus their attention and efforts on the here and now. Forgive yesterday so you can work on today. Most successful, hardworking people are often hard on themselves to an unproductive level. Treat yourself with the same compassion and generosity you’d extend to another person who’d messed up or fallen short of a goal. Remember, nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes. What sets Thrivers apart is the fact that after a fall, they forgive themselves faster, get back up and continue the journey forward. By making small changes in how you approach your day, you can begin to take back your to-do list and accomplish the big goals that will really help you thrive. It’s time to stop allowing your quest for success to leave you feeling tired, stressed and disillusioned. So, how will your tomorrow look different from your today? What is one small change you can make right now to start rewiring the patterns that define your life?

Andy Core is the author of “Change Your Day, Not Your Life: A Realistic Guide to Sustained Motivation, More Productivity, and the Art of Working Well.” He is an award-winning lecturer, author, television host and expert in human performance and motivation. Voted a 2012 Top5 Global Health/Healthcare Speaker by Speakers Platform, Andy has a master’s degree in the science of human performance and has spent the past 23 years mastering what it takes to become energized, healthy, motivated and better equipped to thrive in today’s hectic society. October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine




Terri Taricco-Cropp It is not uncommon for company names to be synonymous with great success in the beauty industry, and Helen of Troy is one of those. To get a glimpse into this company and learn how it grew into the prominent beauty business it is today, OTC Beauty Magazine spoke with Terri Taricco-Cropp, Vice President of Marketing. “We love the beauty industry and I think it shows in our commitment to them [our customers],” she declared. Undoubtedly this is one piece to the puzzle of having gained—and continuing to add to—customer loyalty. 미용업계에서 회사 이름이 큰 성공과 동의어가 되는 것은 드문 일이 아니며, Helen of Troy가 그 중 하나이다. 이 회사에 대해 엿보고 오늘날 눈에 띄는 뷰티 비즈니스로 성장하게 된 방법을 배우기 위해서, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 마케팅 부사장인 Terri Taricco-Cropp와 얘기를 나눴다. “저희는 뷰티산업을 사랑하고 있으며, 그러한 마음이 고객들에게 저희의 약속과 헌신으로 보여지고 있다고 생각합니다.” 라고 그녀가 말한다. 의심의 여지없이 이것은 그 동안 지속적으로 이어지고 있는 고객 충성도라는 퍼즐의 한 조각이다. 80

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

OTC Beauty Magazine (OTC): What do you think has contributed most to your company’s growth in the business to become the powerhouse it is today? Terri Tarrico-Cropp (TT): We really try to stay in touch with our Salon Stylist customers. We strive to make tools that are relevant to them and make their jobs easier in the day-to-day world they work in. We constantly try to improve the durability and quality of the items we make while providing them value. OTC: In your opinion, what is the most interesting aspect of the beauty industry? TT: It is always changing, and it is hard to get bored. Also, lots of nice people work in it.

OTC 뷰티 매거진 (OTC): 귀사가 지금까지 성장하고 강한 회사가 되는데 가장 크게 기여한 것은 무엇이라고 생각하십니까? Tarrico-Cropp (TT): 저희는 살롱 스타일리스트 고객들과 항상 연락할 수 있는 관계를 유지하려고 합니다. 그들과 관련있는 기구들을 만들고 그들이 일하는 일상 세계에서 그들의 작업을 더욱 쉽게 만들 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다. 저희가 만든 제품의 가치를 제공함과 동시에 품질과 내구성을 향상시키고자 지속적으로 노력하고 있습니다. OTC: 귀하의 견해로 볼 때, 뷰티 업계에서 가장 흥미로운 측면은 무엇일까요? TT: 항상 변화하고 있어서 지루하기가 어렵죠. 또한 많은 좋은 사람들이 일을 하고 있죠.

OTC: : Please provide us with a brief description of Helen of Troy’s history. TT: Helen of Troy was born in 1968 in El Paso, Texas. What started as a family run wig shop has grown to become a powerful public company that crafts exquisite hair and beauty products. This leader in global fashion and lifestyle trends has established itself as an international presence in the beauty industry, and is still expanding.

OTC: 회사에 관한 흥미로운 내용 중에 기꺼이 말씀하실 수 있는게 있다면? 경쟁사와 구별되는 귀하의 특별한 점이라든지? TT: : 저와Art August (사장), Scott Hagstrom (영업 부사장)의 마케팅 및 영업팀은 뷰티 산업 분야와 100년 동안 연결되어 왔습니다. 그 점이 고객의 요구와 삶의 통찰력 및 첨단을 저희에게 제공한다고 생각합니다.

OTC: Are there any interesting facts about the company that you would be willing to share? Perhaps something that distinguishes you from the competition? TT: The marketing and sales team—which I am a part of along with Art August, our President, and Scott Hagstrom, the VP of Sales—has about 100 years combined in the beauty industry. I think that gives us an edge and insight into the lives and needs of our customer.

OTC: Helen of Troy는 어떻게 구성됩니까? 회사를 구성하는 부서와 브랜드에 관한 설명 부탁드립니다. TT: Helen of Troy는 모기업입니다. 저희는 소매(Revlon, Vidal Sassoon, Bed Head)와 전문가용(Hot Tools, NexGen, Wigo, Caruso, Belson) 으로 구분된 퍼스널 케어가 있습니다. 또한 건강 분야와 가정 환경에 관한 제품 및 가정 용품들도 보유하고 있습니다. October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Manufacturer Profile

OTC: How is Helen of Troy structured? Briefly describe the divisions and brands that make up the company. TT: Helen of Troy is the parent company. We have Personal Care which is divided into Retail (Revlon, Vidal Sassoon, Bed Head) and Professional (Hot Tools, NexGen, Wigo, Caruso, Belson). We also have products in Health and Wellness, Home Environment and Housewares. OTC: How can OTC stores benefit by carrying Helen of Troy’s products, and what differentiates them from others of their kind in the market today? TT: We are a recognized brand and a leader in the industry. I have never walked into a salon that does not have at least one of our tools in it. Our tools are in demand and customers ask for us by name. OTC: How do you determine when it is the right time to develop and release a new product? Are there any indicators you look for and where does the company’s inspiration generally come from? TT: We stay in touch with our customers and follow the fashion and hair trends to make sure we have items in the pipeline that will address the changing styles. OTC: How do you keep consumers and store owners educated on product releases, uses and general information? TT: We make product videos that help educate the sales person, store personnel and the stylist. We produce and distribute catalogs and update our website daily. All of our product information is located on the website. OTC: What trend have you seen grow the most recently in your sector of the beauty business and how has the company met consumer demand for it? TT: Curls are HUGE for the industry right now and we OWN that Category… HOT TOOLS – A Curls Best Friend! OTC: From a store owner’s perspective, what is the easiest aspect of doing business with Helen of Troy? TT: We are always in stock. We have a great sales force that tries to help the store in every way possible. OTC: Do you have a website or a presence on social media? How can OTC store owners and customers both use this to their benefit? TT: We have great websites: and We also are very involved in Social Media (SM). We have a team that focuses on SM every day. OTC: What do you feel is the most important thing for multicultural beauty store owners to know when recommending your company’s products to their customers? TT: Our Belson brands division is devoted to multicultural customers and their business. Also, the Hot Tools brand of products has always reached the heats required for this customer so we have something for everyone.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

OTC: OTC 매장이Helen of Troy 제품을 취급함으로 얻을 수 있는 혜택은 무엇이며, 현재 시장의 다른 종류의 제품들과는 어떤 차이점이 있습니까? TT: 저희는 업계에서 브랜드 인지도를 가진 선두주자입니다. 저는 최소한 한 두가지 이상 저희 제품없이는 살롱을 방문한 적이 없습니다. 저희 기구들은 지속적으로 수요가 있고 고객들은 늘 제품의 이름을 묻습니다. OTC: 신제품을 개발하고 출시하기에 적절한 시기는 어떻게 결정하십니까? 그것을 볼 수 있는 특별한 지표가 있습니까? 그리고 회사의 영감은 일반적으로 어디에서 오는지? TT: 저희는 고객들과 늘 연락을 유지하며 변화하는 스타일을 다룰 수 있는 루트 안에 제품들을 보유하고 있는지를 확인하기 위해서 패션과 헤어 트랜드를 따르고 있습니다. OTC: 소비자와 상점 주인들을 대상으로 하는 제품 출시, 사용 및 일반 정도에 대한 교육은 어떻게 유지하고 계십니까? TT: 저희는 살롱 및 매장 관계자, 그리고 스타일리스트들의 교육에 도움이 될 수 있도록 제품 동영상을 제작합니다. 제품 카탈로그를 제작 배포하며 웹사이트를 매일 업데이트합니다. 모든 저희 제품 정보는 웹사이트에 나와 있습니다. OTC: 현재 뷰티 업계 내 귀사의 분야에서 가장 최근 성장하고 있는 트랜드는 무엇이며 회사는 고객들의 수요 충족을 위해서 어떤 노력을 하고 있는지? TT: 는: 현재 업계에서는 컬이 대세이며 저희는 컬을 위한 최고의 친구인 HOT TOOLS를 보유하고 있습니다! OTC: 매장 오너의 관점에서, Helen of Troy와 비즈니스를 하는데 가장 쉬운 측면은 무엇일까요? TT: 저희는 항상 재고를 보유하고 있습니다. 저희는 매장을 돕는데 있어서 어디서나 가능한 훌륭한 세일즈 인력을 보유하고 있습니다. OTC: 현재 웹사이트나 소셜 미디어 활동을 하고 있습니까? OTC 매장 주인들과 고객들이 혜택을 보기 위해서는 어떻게 사용할 수 있을까요? TT: 저희는 좋은 웹사이트가 있습니다: 와 소셜 미디어(SM)에도 깊이 참여하고 있습니다. 매일 SM에 집중하는 팀이 있습니다.

OTC: Does your company have any big plans in store for the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015 that you can talk about? TT: Our directive for the coming year is one of “New Product Development” (NPD). We always were on the lookout for new and exciting products, but the focus for the coming years is to “invest in” the process and develop new and exciting appliances that lead the beauty marketplace. OTC: Is there any additional expert advice you would like to give OTC Beauty Magazine readers? TT: There are a lot of appliance product companies in the market, but very few have our years of expertise and history. We are not a fly-by-night company and we are in this for the long haul. We stand behind our products and we are committed to our customers at the store and salon level.

OTC: 다문화 뷰티 매장 오너들이 귀사의 제품을 고객들에게 권유할 때 알아야할 가장 중요한 것은 무엇일까요? TT: 저희Belson 브랜드는 다문화 고객들과 그들의 비즈니스에 헌신하고 있습니다. 또한, Hot Tools 브랜드 제품은 항상 고객들이 요구하는 제품에 도달해 왔으며, 누구나 필요로하는 것들을 저희는 보유하고 있습니다. OTC: 2014년 후반기와 2015년 초반에 실시할 큰 계획을 갖고 계십니까? TT: 다가올 해를 위한 저희의 지시어 중 하나는 “ 신제품개발”(NPD)입니다. 저희는 항상 새롭고 흥미로운 제품을 조심스럽게 찾고 있었고, 다가올 해의 OTC: OTC 뷰티 매거진 독자들에게 주고 싶은 전문가로서의 추가적인 조언이 있으시다면? TT: 시장에는 무수히 많은 기구 제품 회사들이 있지만, 아주 소수의 업체만이 전문적 지식과 역사를 가지고 있습니다. 저희는 손쉽게 돈을 버는데만 집중하는 기업이 아니며, 많은 시간과 노력을 들여 앞을 길게 내다보고 있습니다. 저희는 언제나 저희 제품을 지원하며 매장과 살롱의 저희 고객들에게 최선을 다하고 있습니다.

Company Name: Helen of Troy Address: 1 Helen of Troy Plaza, El Paso TX 79912 Contact Number: 1-800-487-8432 Website:, Years in Business: established in 1968

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Profile by Tony Bae

진정성 있는 관계의 중요성! C & C Beauty Supply • Horn Lake, MS

많은 성공한 사람들이 ‘인맥은 재산이다’ 를 말하고 있다. 그러한

로 사람들과의 관계구축을 중요시 한다고 말하였다. ‘관계’ 를 중

사람들은 자산이 많기 때문에 인간관계를 더 중요시 하는 것이 아

요시 하는 그의 경영 마인드를 엿보도록 해보자.

니라, 그러한 인맥들이 있었기에 자신이 성공할 수 있었다고 입을 모으고 있다. 삼성이나 현대와 같은 대기업들은 새로운 사원을 뽑

한국에서 음악을 전공하고, 대학 강사까지 했던 조사장은, 99년도

는 과정과, 그들을 교육시키기 위해 천문학적인 자금을 투자하고

에 가족이민으로 도미하여 대부분의 이민자들처럼 전혀 새로운 삶

있다. 선뜻 이해가 잘 안가는 부분일 수도 있겠지만, 그러한 투자

을 살게 됐다고 한다. 처음에 Deli 스토어를 시작으로 본인의 사업

가 있었기 때문에 기업이 현재의 위치에 오르고, 유지할 수 있다는

을 시작한 조사장은, “Deli 스토어를 하면서 뷰티 제품을 취급한 것

것은 명백한 사실인 것이다. 여러 사람들로부터 조언을 얻고, 생각

이 시작이 되어 2004년에 뷰티 서플라이 스토어를 열었습니다” 라

을 나누고, 또한 다른 사람들을 소개 받으면서 자신이 생각만 했던

고 한다. 대부분 미국에 사는 친척이나 지인들의 도움을 받아 뷰티

사안들을 좀더 효과적이고 현실적인 방법으로 구축해 나가면서 이

스토어를 시작하는 것이 보통인데, 조사장은 그러한 지인들이 주

를 실천으로 옮길 수 있는 기회를 만들 수 있기 때문이기도 한 것

변에 없어, 본인 스스로 공부하며 뷰티를 배워갔다고 한다. “세일

이다. 이는 비단 대기업에만 국한된 것이 아니다. 자영업을 하는 많

즈 하시는 분들에게 가장 많은 도움을 받았습니다” 라는 조사장은

은 스토어 오너들은 직원을 채용하면서 사람의 중요성을 뼈저리게

“세일즈를 하시는 분들은 항상 현장을 다니면서 산 경험을 하신 분

실감할 것이다. 그 직원들이 얼마나 열심히 일해주고, 역량을 발휘

들이기 때문에 저의

하냐에 따라 본인의 사업이 좌지우지 될 수 있다는 것을 너무나 잘

스승님이 될 수 있다

알고 있기 때문이다. 이뿐만이 아니다. 협력업체와의 관계, 고객들

고 생각하고, 그분들

과의 관계 등, 사람 대 사람간의 관계가 그 모든 것을 총괄한다고

로부터 많은 제품 정

봐도 무리는 없을 것이다. 이러한 ‘관계’ 를 중요시 하고 잘 유지

보와 업계 동향을 들

해 나가는 것이 비즈니스를 성공으로 만들어 가는 요인 중 하나임


은 틀림이 없을 것이다. 이번에 OTC 뷰티 매거진은 Mississippi 주

다” 라고 한다. 조사

Horn Lake 에 위치한 C & C Beauty Supply 의 조원형 사장과 인

장은 본인은 항상 스

터뷰를 하였다. 인터뷰 내내 ‘관계’ 의 중요성을 강조했던 조사장

토어에 상주하고 있

은 주위의 사람들로부터 많은 도움을 받았다며 항상 겸허한 자세

어 많은 것들을 보고


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014


들을 수 없는 환경이기 때문에 시장을 실제로 뛰어다니고 경험을 쌓은 세일즈 분들이야 말로 업계를 제일 잘 알고 있는 사람들이라 생각했다고 한다. 그렇게 차근차근 뷰티에 대해 알아가다, 지난 2009년에 두 번째 스토어를 오픈하고, 그 이듬해인 2010년에 세 번째 스토어를 열기에 이르렀다. “그 동안 다른 것은 몰라도, 제 가 하고 있는 일에는 최선을 다했다고 자부할 수 있습니다. 일주 일에 85 ~ 90 시간 정도는 일에 몰두를 하고 있습니다” 라는 조 사장은 본인이 할 수 있는 만큼은 최선을 다하고 있다고 자신 있 게 말하고 있다. 그에 대해 조사장은, “결혼을 늦게 하여 애들이 어린 편입니다. 저는 사업을 최대한 빨리 궤도에 올려 놓고, 가족 들과 시간을 많이 보내고 싶습니다” 라는 명확한 이유를 들었다. 매장의 인테리어도 직접 공사한다는 조사장은, 스토어를 여럿 셋 업하다 보니 그러한 노하우가 생겼다고 한다. “제가 전공한 것이 비즈니스가 아니기 때문에 바닥부터 직접 부딪쳐서 실제로 경험 을 얻는 것이 제일 중요하다고 생각하였습니다” 라는 조사장은, 심지어 새로운 스토어 장소를 물색할 때 직접 스토어 앞에서 몇 시간씩 시간을 보내며 지나가는 사람들을 세어보기도 하고, 지역 소비자들의 성향을 파악하기 위해 그들의 손에 들린 제품들까지 파악했다고 한다. “조금은 무식한 방법 같지만, 저의 약점을 보 안하고, 스토어 경영에 도움이 될 필요한 경험이었다고 생각합니 다”. 이어서 조사장은 이러한 성장을 하는데 있어서 아내의 도움 이 크게 힘이 되었다는 말도 빼놓지 않았다. 각각 6,300 sq ft, 4,000 sq ft, 8,000 sq ft 인 3개의 스토어에는 총 22명 정도의 직원들이 있다고 한다. “직원들의 은퇴연금도 신 경 쓰고 있습니다. 많은 사람들이 주위에 기부를 하고, 좋은 일들 을 많이 하고 있는데, 저는 제 주위사람들 먼저 챙기는 것도 중요 하다고 생각합니다”. 라는 조사장은 직원들의 경조사는 물론, 그 밖의 소소한 것들을 신경 써주는 것이 직원들과의 관계를 더욱 돈독하게 만드는 것은 물론이고, 그로 인해 서로간의 관계가 발 전되는 것은 말하지 않아도 잘 알고 있을 것이라 한다. “저희 직 원들이 밖에 나가서 그들의 지인들에게 저희 스토어에 대해 좋은 감정을 가지고 얘기를 하는 것만큼 커다란 홍보는 없다고 생각 합니다. 하지만 그러한 것에만 포커스를 두고 인간 관계를 맺으 면 안됩니다. 진정성을 가지고 대하지 않으면 그 관계도 생명력 은 짧게 끝날 수가 있습니다” 라는 조사장은, 이러한 것들이 단지 스토어의 판매를 올리기 위함이 아니라, 그들과 진심으로 소통하 고 관계를 맺음으로서, 비즈니스뿐만 아니라 개인적인 친분도 두 터워 질 수 있다고 한다. 조사장은 “꼭 저 자신만의 발전을 위한 October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


Retailer Profile

것은 아닙니다. 저의 수익을 직원들에게도 조금이나마 나누어 줄 수 있으면 모두가 윈윈하는 것 아니겠습니까?” 라고 한다. 해외에 서는 한국의 급진적인 경제발전에는 한국만의 독특한 기업문화 가 많은 기여를 했다고 말하고 있다. 그 중 하나는 회사 동료들이 가족과 같은 분위기에서 직장 생활을 한다는 것도 포함되어 있다. 그러한 직장 분위기가 생산성에 시너지 효과를 가져와 남다른 성 장을 할 수 있는 원동력이 되었다고 분석하고 있다. 매일 3개의 스토어를 모두 돌아 본다는 조사장은, 각 스토어의 매 출현황은 물론, 주문을 해야 할 재고를 정리하고, 스토어에 있는 직원들과 이야기 하며, 현재 스토어의 돌아가는 상황을 듣는다고 한다. “각각의 스토어에서 일하시는 매니저 분들은 스토어에서 저 보다 더 많은 시간을 보내기 때문에, 판매에 관한 사항은 이임을 한 상태입니다. 저는 뒤에서 제품들 재고 관리만 하고 있습니다” 라는 조사장은 각자의 역할 분담을 통해 좀더 능률적으로 스토어 를 운영할 수 있다고 한다. 하지만, 역할 분담을 했다고 해서 뒷짐 만 지고 있지는 않는다고 한다. “직원들에게 솔선하는 모습을 보 여주려고 합니다. 제가 열심히 하여 얻는 수익을 직원들과 조금이 나마 더 나눌 수 있도록 노력하고 있습니다. 그러다 보면, 직원들 이 열심히 일 할 수 있는 동기부여도 되고, 모두들 최선을 다하는 작업 환경이 스토어 내에 자연스럽게 만들어 지는 것 같습니다”. 하나의 스토어 재고 관리만 해도 적은 양의 일이 아닌데 조사장은 하루에 150 마일을 운전하며 모든 스토어들의 재고를 관리하고 있다고 한다. 왜 조사장이 당당하게 ‘최선을 다하고 있습니다’ 라 고 말 할 수 있는지를 여실히 보여주는 대목이다. “저희 스토어들의 최대 강점은 다양한 제품의 선택권이 있다는 것 입니다”. 손님들에게 최대한 편리한 쇼핑환경을 만들어 주기 위해 제품의 다양성에 신경을 쓰고 있으며, 최대로 쾌적한 쇼핑환경을 만들기 위해 내부도 깨끗이 정리를 하였다고 한다. 또한, 방문한 고객들의 편리를 위해, 각 스토어의 직원들에게 제품에 대한 상 식을 많이 습득해 놓으라고 한다고 한다. “새로운 제품들은 가급 적 취급 시도를 하는 편입니다. 적은 양이라도 가져다 놓고 손님 들에게 직접 선을 보여봐야 그 제품이 판매가 되는 것인지 아닌지 를 알 수 있습니다” 라는 조사장은 새로운 제품을 취급할 땐 제조 사에 제공하는 베너나, DVD 등, 마케팅 자료들을 최대한 이용하 며, 선전물을 직접 만들기도 한다고 한다. 예전의 소비자들은 조 88

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

금이라도 가격이 싼 스토어에서 제품을 구매하는 성향이 있었다. 물론, 아직도 가격에 민감한 소비자들이 있기는 하지만, 이제는 좀 더 편리하고 쾌적한 환경의 스토어에서 쇼핑하기를 원하는 소비자 들이 늘고 있다. 가격이 비싼 줄 알면서도 백화점을 찾는 데는 그 러한 이유에서일 것이다. 현재 스토어에는 60%정도가 흑인 손님들이고, 나머지 20%, 20% 은 백인들과 히스패닉 손님들이라는 조사장은, “이제는 사실상 백 인제품, 흑인제품의 구분이 모호해 졌습니다. 그래서 특별히 백인 들을 위한 제품을 따로 구비할 필요가 없어진 것 같습니다”. 하지 만 아직도 뷰티 서플라이 스토어는 흑인 고객들이 주로 이용하는 스토어라는 인상이 깊다. 이러한 경계를 무너트리기 위해 조사장 은 “스토어 앞쪽에 백인 제품들을 진열하여 지나가는 백인 고객들 이 그러한 제품들을 보고 매장으로 들어올 수 있게 만들어야 합니 다” 라고 한다. 또한, SNS 를 적극 활용하여 이를 통해 스토어의 소식을 알리는 것은 물론, 현재의 트랜드도 파악하고, 새로운 고 객도 확보하고 있다고 한다. 현재 대부분의 미국 회사들은 페이스 북, 트위터 등, SNS 를 적극 활용하여 본인들의 회사와 제품을 홍 보하고 있다. 하지만 아직 한국인들이 운영하는 소매업체들은 그 활용도가 현저히 낮은 상태이다. 아직 SNS 의 영향력을 경험해 보 지 못함도 있지만, 그것을 관리할 인력이 없다는 것이 가장 큰 이 유일 것이다. “제 아내가 SNS 를 전담하고 있는데, 활용가치가 매 우 높습니다” 라는 조사장은 앞으로도 이를 적극 활용하여 다양한 스토어 마케팅에 활용할 것이라고 한다. 차 안에서나 집에서도 항상 음악을 듣는다는 조사장은 “문화 재단 을 만드는 것이 꿈입니다” 라며 음악을 전공한 사람으로서 그 방 면에 원대한 꿈을 가지고 있었다. 그 꿈을 이루기 위해 아직도 한 국의 지인들과 지속적으로 연락을 하고, 매년 한국을 방문하며 차 근차근 꿈을 향해 나아가고 있다고 한다. 세상을 살아 가면서 모든 사람들에게 인정을 받을 수는 없다. 하지만, 주위의 사람들에게라 도 인정을 받고 좋은 관계를 유지해 나간다면, 성공한 삶이라 할 수 있을 것이다. 겉치레가 아닌 진정한 마음으로 사람들을 대하다 보면 모두에게 좋은 결과가 있을 것이라 생각된다. 그 점에 있어 서 조사장은 귀감을 받을만한 사람이란 생각을 해본다. 마지막으 로 조사장은 초심을 잃지 않게 도와준 어머니와 가족들에게 감사 한다는 말을 전하며 인터뷰를 마쳤다.

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine




Sponsored by Andis Co.

Holiday Gift-Giving

How to Select the Right Trimmer Trimmers are a popular gift item due to their affordability and versatility at home and in the salon. As customers start thinking about holiday gift-giving, no doubt you’ll increasingly hear the question “What’s the best trimmer?” in your store. The most common answer, formulated largely by barbers cutting dry hair in high volume, is the magnetic motor T-Outliner trimmer made by Andis. Without a doubt, this trimmer is unmatched when trimming and designing dry hair; however other tools work better when the hair is wet. When choosing a trimmer, the first thing to consider is whether you are going to be cutting wet or dry hair. Next, will the cutting take place before or after hair products are applied? Magnetic motor trimmers such as the T-Outliner and the Styliner 2 perform great on dry hair, yet the rotary motor Andis Superliner performs better with hair that is wet or that has product in it. The reason why is because rotary motor trimmers have more torque and varying ranges of speed compared to magnetic motors. My personal trimmer favorite is a new member of the Andis Slimline family - the cordless rotary motor Slimline Pro. The Slimline series isn’t new; there as are two previous models, the Slimline and the Slimline II. Both of these cord/cordless models are great for trimming necklines and outlining children. However, the Slimline Pro separates itself from from the pack by sporting a blade set that can be zero gapped and by being cordless only. As a busy professional that trims and outlines 90 percent of my average 30 clients per day, I can say that the Slimline Pro performs very well under heavy use in my salon. I love the smaller T-blade because it allows me to easily create designs while offering freedom from a cord. Because it weighs only 5 ounces, fatigue buildup is very low, and because the rotary motor doesn’t get hot, I can use the one tool all day long. So if your customers are looking for a small, cordless, lightweight but powerful trimmer, you can’t go wrong by recommending the Slimline Pro this holiday season. To learn about more Andis trimmers, visit today. Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clippers cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 92

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

Andis American Legacy Collection Series II Debuts with Full Video Tutorials on Each Style Following the success of its first series, Andis is introducing the American Legacy Collection Series II, featuring looks that can be achieved with the company’s clippers and trimmers. The education team of Aileen Nunez, Kenny Duncan and Danny Amorim performed makeovers with a collection of popular styles including: A-line stacked bob, classic fade with side part and design, fem fauxhawk, hi-top fade with beard design, stacked bob, long layers and pompadour. The video tutorials walk the professional through the steps of each cut in great detail. To view the American Legacy Collection Series II and the tutorial videos visit

#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.


Therapy Trends

Have a Merry Holiday Quarter! The Holiday Season has expanded beyond the Black Friday/Cyber Monday through Three Kings Day time period. Consumers will begin shopping the minute they see the store decorations coming out right after Halloween. On the Internet, it’s Christmas shopping season any time all during the year. Consumers are being trained to plan their shopping or jump on sales all year long. OTCs have a few options for this holiday season—watch the hot items and watch out for the pricing specials. OTCs must be responsive to the hot “As Seen on TV” products as well as the “As Seen on the Net” super sales. New hair and beauty products are being launched on TV and this has become a new competitor for HBA retailers. Big box stores are offering Holiday sales as well as Holiday Online sales. Shipping is often thrown in, especially during the holiday season. More than ever before, holiday shopping is becoming a multi-media experience. OTCs must find ways to engage. Online coupons to those on your data base can be a simplistic angle to driving traffic to the store. Holiday gifting remains important to most customers. Whether for family, friends or co-workers, the gifting tradition is still strong. What has changed is the impersonal nature of a meaningful gift. The gift cards industry is now a 150 billion dollar one. Consumers are gifting minutes, pre-paid shopping or dining experiences, music or spa services. OTCs can offer all these categories without carrying the extra holiday inventory. The merry holiday season won’t ever expire!

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 94

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

RA Shea Butter Lotion Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit


A Season for Atmospherics What is Atmospherics you ask? Well, it is simply defined as the controllable characteristics of a retail space that entice a customer to enter the store, and which are designed to influence a customer’s mood so as to increase the odds of a purchase being made. “Atmospherics” include the store’s layout, noise level, temperature, lighting and decorations. They are designed to set the store apart from its competitors in a positive way. It is part of an overall companies branding and image. All retail stores have atmospherics, even if they are subtle. For example, a beauty or barber supply store may be known for its well-lit aisles and bright red signs. Or a clothing retailer targeted at teenagers, which uses contrasted lighting and trendy or loud music. The drawback to an aggressive use of atmospherics is that they can drive away customers who prefer a more nuanced interaction with their environment. During the holiday season you may be able to develop more potential buyers by placing themed decorations or mood music. It is important to remember the diversity in your community and also the cultural holidays and events taking place throughout the year. The key is to create a buying environment for your customers. It is not about gimmicks or tricks to driving foot traffic through your store. This is indeed a proven concept which can yield additional revenue through your location by developing atmospherics which will complement your company culture and vision for your business success. Starbucks and Chick-fil-A both have incredible yet simple atmospherics built around great products and excellent customer service. Next time you are in these establishments see if you can notice the mood music or the fresh flowers placed on tables. Keep up the good work!

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 96

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014


by Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products

World Natural Hair Health and Beauty Expo


thnic hair care is projected to grow over 11% by 2017 to $761* million in a 5 year period. This growth is driven by women who are choosing to go natural. They’re amongst millions of consumers who are embracing their natural curl pattern

and constantly seeking information on how to achieve healthy hair. They are also looking for ways to improve their quality of life and Taliah Waajid understands this. The growing demand for natural hair information makes a clear statement that natural hair/chemical-free hair care is relevant and is here to stay. Taliah Waajid understands the importance of consumer education on natural hair care; which is the reason she started the World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show over 17 years ago in Atlanta, Ga. This two-day consumer trade show is host to over 40,000 attendees during its Atlanta Spring show. Taliah Waajid recently brought the show back to her hometown of New York City.

The Taliah Waajid World Natural Health & Beauty Expo™ made its outrageously successful debut in New York City on

July 19-20, 2014. Held at the Times Square Marriott Marquis, consumers from around the country came to see first-hand what the expo had to offer. The two-day health and beauty expo provided information and exposure on the advances for natural hair care, beauty tips and the impact of healthy living. Participants had the opportunity to attend free seminars and interact with exhibitors, hairstylists and wellness educators to sample, review and purchase the latest products and services for natural hair, beauty and wellness. There were several familiar staple hair and beauty companies as well as new companies that made their debut at the show. They were all busy with the enthusiastic crowds that lined up to try and buy their products. Other exhibitors included unique jewelry, herbal remedies, art and more. The audience’s energy was contagious as consumers strutted around, owning their natural beauty while learning, shopping and having fun. The weekend was very exciting; mix in the unmistakable New York “swagger” with the infectious enthusiasm from the crowd, and it was an experience that is simply unforgettable.

The show brought to New York City a unique approach that appealed to all demographics as evident by the strong

turnout on both days. In addition to the exceptional vendors and brisk sales, other exciting show highlights included The Main Stage with live performances by R&B artists and local popular comedians. The Book Nook, Da Poet’s Corner, Wellness Way Pavilion, The Children’s Corner and the Social Circle were equally exciting. Some exhibitor booths provided free, on-the-spot, hairstyling and makeovers. There was also a raffle where one lucky person won a free trip to the Fall Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair Health & Beauty Show™ in Atlanta. Needless to say, the expo made a positive and unforgettable impact in the Big Apple.

Make sure to mark your calendars for the Fall Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair Health & Beauty Show™ in Atlanta,

Ga. on October 25-26 and the Spring Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair, Health & Beauty Show in Atlanta Ga. on April 23-27, 2015. Check out the website for more information at *Source: Mintel 98

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

(Photos courtesy of Jonathan Ortiz | Outer Focus Photography)

World Natural Hair Show NYC

This overview sums it up: there’s never a dull moment at the Taliah Waajid World Natural Health & Beauty Expo.

Consumers flock to the Taliah Waajid booth.

Pearl Fils-Aime, the World’s Top Natural Hair Model

An attendee samples, selects and makes a purchase.

Accessories on display

Attendees sample natural oils at the Djemil’s booth.

A consumer receives tips from a stylist on using SoftSheen-Carson’s Dark & Lovely Naturals products in her hair.

A live hair demonstration at the Universal Beauty booth

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The show attracted thousands of attendees and the Taliah Waajid expo staff ensured the lines moved quickly.

Every aisle was packed with consumers.

Consumers making purchases at the Bronner Brothers booth

The Jane Carter team is ready to assist consumers at their booth.

A variety of products for consumers to sample and buy were on display at the Reshma Femme booth.

A view of a busy Ossat booth.

Another satisfied customer takes their beauty products purchased at the Professional Products booth.

Attendees listen and watch a live demonstration on natural hair styling at the Shea Moisture booth.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

(Photos courtesy of Jonathan Ortiz | Outer Focus Photography)


World Natural Hair Show NYC

A live demonstration by barber James Mac.

Attendees line up for free workshops at the event.

Attendees gather for one of the many raffles to find out if they have won.

A SoftSheen-Carson booth representative shows off new products to curious customers.

(Photos courtesy of Jonathan Ortiz | Outer Focus Photography)

Live entertainment for attendees to enjoy

A live demonstration at the Ossat booth

Delroy Reid and a fellow booth worker show off a new men’s product, Beard Oil, at the Sunny Isle booth.

Taliah Waajid representatives welcome little ones to the Children’s Corner

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Glamorous Chicks cosmetics booth

It is all fun and games as children get their faces painted in the children’s Corner.

A show visitor enjoys the great information being shared in a seminar.

A workshop in session!

Alonda Williams, one of the featured authors in the Book Nook

Taking selfies are fun!

Taliah Waajid adores her young, kinky, wavy Natural fans.

Taliah Waajid and Michaela Angela Davis, contributing CNN reporter


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

(Photos courtesy of Jonathan Ortiz | Outer Focus Photography)


Cosmoprof North America 2014

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Bronner Bros. International Hair Show

Rebrands with the All New ‘Happy Hair’ Experience Bronner Bros. (BB), host to the largest multicultural hair and beauty trade show, recently launched their new professional brand: ‘Happy Hair Experience’ under the leadership of newly appointed show director, Sabrina McKenzie. Taking place August 2-5, 2014 at the Georgia World Congress Center, BB International Hair Show ‘Happy Hair Experience’ presented an all-new professional trade show featuring over 300 exhibitors, the industry’s top educators and pioneers, and newly added educational experiences such as natural hair, barbering and beauty/skin/nails. Now in its 67th year, Bernard Bronner appointed Sabrina McKenzie, a former BB model, as the new show director; whose efforts are to produce a brand new show experience with the same solid values and traditions expected from the BB team. “I am humbled to fill the shoes of our esteemed president, Mr. Bernard Bronner,” McKenzie declared. “I walk into the doors with new ideas, new challenges and an extreme love for event planning.” “We are excited to launch our ‘Happy Hair Experience’ campaign [and] our goal for our new campaign is to give you all the experience you have long desired to see at BB Hair Shows,” McKenzie continued. “We want to give you a stress-free weekend filled with all the education and entertainment to make this, for you, a memorable weekend.” That is exactly what BB achieved with this show. 104

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

The Bronner Bros. International Hair Show continues to lead the multicultural market in textured hair! With over 50 classrooms and 200+ classes, 50,000+ stylists and students throughout the U.S., attendees experienced top-rated educational programs such as business operations and cutting classes taught by industry professionals. These professionals included Kim Kimble, Adam Tran, Charles Gregory and Shekinah Jo. Stylists and students also had the opportunity to experience key workshops including BB’s ‘A Day With…’ series featuring weave x-pert Tomeka James and renowned makeup artist Cherry, who took attendees through a very special step-by-step process of how to apply makeup, special contouring techniques, as well as the perfect brow applique. In addition to educational courses and workshops, BB hosted various competitions (Speed Cutting, Andis Total Look Barbering, Hair Fitness and more), a comedy show hosted by comedians Sommore and Bruce, BB’s ‘Bring in the Blitz’ Fashion Show, and one of BB’s favorites, The Sunday Morning Church Service. Be sure to mark your calendar for the next Bronner Bros. International Hair Show, scheduled for February 21-24, 2015 in Atlanta, GA. For more information, visit

Bronner Bros. International Hair Show 2014

A few of the ladies representing Sophisticate’s Black Hair Styles and Care Guide

One show visitor has her hair done by a stylist at the Buff, Polish, Infuse (BPI) booth

A curious show attendee learns about Ossat Naturals from Sunja Friend

(Left to right) Artia and Bridget work at the booth for Tropical Roots.

A barber meticulously works to shape up one customer’s hairstyle.

A happy customer has her hair styled by an artist at the IRK Products booth.

Eyelashes are applied at the Conceited Inc. booth.

The large and eye-catching SoftSheen-Carson booth features their new Hydra Steam line.

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Carnell Billups and Lashan Breakfield at the JF Labs/AFAM Concepts booth

Synetta, a model at the Makeup by Cherry/Ahmni Makeup Academy booth flaunts makeup by artist, Arista Church.

A model for Hick’s Edges flaunt s an impressive hairpiece.

The Natural Cosmetics booth

The expansive Ford booth at the show floor entrance

(Left to right) Andrey, Jonathan and Cassandra of Ecoco.

One show attendee shows off her creative hairstyle.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

Bronner Bros. International Hair Show 2014

(Left to right) Vanessa and Kimberly of Tropic Isle

Mary Samuel and Connie Curry of Koeè.

The Golden Supreme booth

Booth representatives show off Argan Oil products by Fantasia.

A hairstylist at work at the Bovanti Cosmetics booth

Mr. Shorty of Basic Haircare

An Andis Barber gives one show visitor a close, artistic shave.

Workers at the FHI Heat booth

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A show attendee shows off a Hoyu Bigen product

One of the fully stocked, attention-grabbing booths that lined the show floor.

The energy at the Watch Me Work Hair booth was high as women flaunted creative hairstyles and dance moves.

Maurice of Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Products

A speaker addresses the audience while contestants put finishing hairstyling touches on their mannequins for the Student Mannequin Competition.

A MAS Wholesale and Retail representative prepares natural Shea Butter.

A hairstylist demonstrates technique to her attentive audience.

An aerial view of part of the expansive show floor.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

업계소식 조지아 협회 조지아 애틀란타뷰티협회는 지 난 9월21일에 치코피우드 골프 장에서 2014 장학기금마련 골프 대회를 개최하였다. 60여명이 참 가한 이번 골프대회에서는 뷰티 스토어 및 뷰티 종사자들과 일반 인들이 참가하였다. 협회 김일홍회장은 참가하여준 모든 분들에게 감사의 인사를 전하고 특히 장학기금마련에 적 극 후원하여준 홀세일 및 회원들에게도 고마운 마음을 전 했다. 협회는 이번에 조성된 기금을 년말 정기총회 및 송 년회에서 지급할 예정이라고 한다. 대회를 마친 후 클럽 하우스에서 저녁식사와 함께 시상식을 가졌다. 이날 수상 자를 보면 메달리스트에 정상수. A조 1등에 박길태. 2등 에 이완우. B조 1등에 김영수. 2등에김호민. 여성조 1등 에 이정아. 2등에 강문자씨가 차지하였으며 장타에는 박

동일. 근접상에는 정운훈 씨 에게 돌아갔다. 시상식을 마 친 후 협회에서 준비한 푸짐한 선물을 추첨을 통해서 참 가자들에게 나누어 주었다. 추첨에서 영광의 1등에는 채 플뷰티의 박남권 사장이 당첨되어 50”스마트 TV 를 가져 갔다. 대회준비위원장인 정상욱 이사장은 준비과정에서 약간의 미숙한 점이 있었지만 참가자 모두가 이해하고 함 께 해준 것에 대해 사의를 표하고 또한 늦은 시간까지 함 께해준 회원들과 참가자들에게 다시 한번 감사의 말을 전 하며 다음 대회도 더욱 열심히 준비할 것을 약속하였다.

시카고 협회 시카고협회는 지난 9월 14일 모든 임원들이 모인 가운데 임원회를 갖고 새로운 회장을 선출하였다. 비밀투표 방식 으로 진행된 이날 선거에서 현 부회장인 견태종씨가 차기 회장으로 선출 되었다. 이날 선출된 견태종씨는 그 다음 주인 9월 21일 50여명의 회원이 모인 자리에서 만장일치 로 인준을 받아, 내년 1월 1일부터 임기를 시작하여 앞으 로 2년동안 회장직을 수행하게 된다. 협회는 9월 21일에 Midlane Golf Club 에서 친목 골프를 한 후, 우리마을 식 당에 모여 저녁식사를 한 후 새로운 회장을 인준 하였다.

중서부 광역협회 지난 8월 24일, 시카고에서 미 중서부 미용재료 광역협회(회장 홍병길)가 단합을 위한 모임을 가졌다. 시카고 협회, 미시간 협 회, 오하이오주 클리블랜드 협회, 오하이주 신시내티 협회, 미조 리, 세인트루이스 협회, 인디에나 협회, 미네소타 협회에서 회장, 이사장, 차기 회장들이 대거 참여 하여 낮에는 Bitter Sweet 골 프장에서, 저녁에는 쌍용 식당에서 자정까지 결속을 다지는 시 간을 가졌다. 광역협회 회장인 홍병길 회장의 주도 아래 아침부 터 자정까지 모두들 흡족한 시간을 가졌으며 처음 참석한 회원들 은 광역협회의 존재 필요성을 다시 한번 절실히 느꼈다고 한다.

멤피스 협회 멤피스 협회는 지난 9월 23일, 아시아나 식당에서 정기모 임을 가졌다. 이번에 8회째를 맞는 멤피스 협회쇼에 대한 협의를 위해서였는데, 내년에는 2월 1일에 쇼를 개최하는 것으로 확정 하였다고 한다. 장소는 매년 해오던 Harrah’s 에서 Sam’s Town Tunica로 변경되었다고 한다. 멤피스 협회 제 8회 협회쇼의 일시 장소는 다음과 같다. 110

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

일시: 2015년 2월 1일, 일요일 장소: Sam’s Town Casino Tunica, MS 주최: MBSA 멤피스 뷰티협회. 쇼에 관한 문의는 아래의 번호를 참조하면 된다. 회장.이동윤: 901- 246-5759 김남연: 901-871-2205 조원형: 901-372-4800 총무.김도형: 901-452-9512

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


JinnyNews China Glaze® Builds Beauty Community with Website Redesign Leading nail polish brand brings together and inspires colour enthusiasts China Glaze®, a leader in innovative nail colour and technology, has unveiled a new look for Responsive to mobile and developed with social traffic in mind, the new site is visually intriguing and demonstrates the extensive colour selection China Glaze® has to offer. The revamped site boasts a fashion-forward look and easy navigation, and is designed to promote products while building a community of colour enthusiasts through linking content, personalization, trends and inspiration. Focused on consumer loyalty,’s new design gives consumers an outlet to more deeply interact with the brand online and via social media. “Colour exploration was the basis for the creative development of the new site,” said Kristen Spaun, Director of Digital Marketing at China Glaze®’s parent company, American International Industries. “With the expansive colour palette China Glaze® has to offer, the colour possibilities are endless. The China Glaze® girl polishes her nails as an expression of how she feels or wants to feel; we wanted to bring that colour, passion and creativity into the site for our users to express themselves and inspire each other.”

1907: For the Modern Day Barber Just like our founder James Simon, Fromm holds a great appreciation for the grooming tools and skill that coincide with a barber’s profession. In honor of this old tradition’s resurgence in popular culture, 1907 introduces the Vintage Barber Cape. This professional 45” x 60” cape is made with lightweight polyester and has a vintage tools print. Its water resistant treatment keeps clients dry and protected. And an extra-long adjustable snap closure makes it suitable for a variety of sizes. 1907 salon apparel is made with authentic materials and a high level of craftsmanship for optimal protection and comfort. Depend on 1907 apparel to make all your color designs professional.

Spooktacular Beauty Essentials for Halloween 2014 4-in-1 File Catty, Eyelash Tools and More!

As you prep for Halloween this year, be sure to include these essentials in your beauty regime. You can rely on these products to get celebration-ready in no time! Whether you need a quick nail touch-up, or all the right tools to perfect those falsies and primp those brows for the numerous Halloween events taking place. FLOWERY New! “You Hit the Spot” 4-in-1 File Catty • Four new File Catty features o Nail Tip-Touch: Easily file nails with case closed o Cuticle Push: Simply push back cuticles o Under Nail Clean-Sweep: Quickly clear out any grime under nails o Store and Protect File: Use file case to protect the nail file and everything else from scratches. Translucent materials showcases the designer nail file inside •180/240 grit nail file •“You Hit the Spot” File Catty is part of the “Spot On” Flowery File Catty Collection that launched July 2014 TOOLWORX New! Black Ergonomic Eyelash Curler • Easy-to-use ergo design • Wide grips for added control • Soft-touch finish • 1 extra replacement pad MEHAZ 5” Double Sided Eyelash Applicator • Pointed tip: one side with precision pointed tips for applying single lashes • Crescent tip: other side has crescent shaped tips for applying strip lashes • 5” length • Stainless steel—safely disinfect without rusting! 112

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

Mehaz Retractable Eyelash Comb • The perfect makeup accessory to create fuller looking lashes! • Gold plated, metal teeth glide through and evenly separate eyelashes • Comb retracts inside handle, keeping metal teeth clean and protected from damage. Flowery, Toolworx and Mehaz brands are owned by Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 70 years. For further information, visit


October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews The Stephan Co. Launches LeKair Natural Curls, with Avocado Oil, for African-American Women Who Prefer to ‘Go Natural’ The Stephan Co. wants African American women to get their curl on. The company, which has specialized in helping African American women look fabulous for over four decades, recently unveiled LeKair Natural Curls, a premium line of products specially formulated with the unique properties of Avocado Oil to enhance the beauty of natural black hair. Culled from the best ingredients that nature’s bounty has to offer, LeKair Natural Curls contains Avocado Oil, which adds moisture, strength and shine to natural curly hair. The line consists of four products: Moisturizing and Detangling Conditioner that prevents knots and tangles while helping to soften and hydrate multi-textured hair; Moisturizing Shampoo that softens and strengthens coarse hair while also protecting the scalp from damage; the light-weight Curl Rejuvenating Spray that gives instant bounce and life to lazy curls; and Curl Defining Cream for curl definition without the crunch! All four of the LeKair Natural Curls products are available nationally at leading beauty supply stores. The decision to introduce Natural Curls represents a

natural progression for the LeKair brand, which has been a mainstay in the ethnic hair care aisle for years. “We’ve always prided ourselves with being highly responsive to changes in the hair care needs of our African American consumers,” says The Stephan Company’s VP of Sales Paul Crouch. “In Natural Curls we feel we’ve developed an authentic product line that’s consistent with the aspirations and principles of the growing natural hair movement, which is all about being real.” According to one survey, 70 percent of African women say they currently wear their hair natural or have done or so in the last year. A significant number of these women also believe that ‘going natural’—wearing their hair naturally curly— exudes confidence. 1 To support LeKair Natural Curls, The Stephan Co. plans to connect with today’s African American women on social media and through national sponsorships and sampling at Natural Hair beauty conferences and events. 1

Wahl Professional Held Global Education Summit in the UK

Sharing of Tools, Products and Best Practices with Wahl Global Family

Eight different languages. That was a significant undertaking at the first Wahl Professional Global Education Summit, which brought together 16 educators and marketing strategists from eight countries around the world– U.S., Germany, Russia, France, Italy, England, Spain and Brazil. But the barber/stylists broke the language barrier through education, skill and sharing of different techniques. “The language barrier was only a challenge for a short moment,” says Laura VanderMoere, Director of Education in the Professional Division at Wahl. “Fortunately visual learning is universal so we relied heavily on hands-on demonstrations and the Wahl Professional app for technique visuals from these videos.” The goal of the summit held August 4-5 at the Wahl Academy UK, was to share best practices, teach new techniques, inform on new Wahl products and how to position those products in the industry. “Each artist showcased their own clipper techniques,” VanderMoere says. “The genuine eagerness from everyone to unite and learn displayed how dedicated we all are to the Wahl brand and how these tools are an important means to our industry.” 114

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Wahl Professional USA is sending educators to Brazil, Mexico, Chile and Russia in 2014, but this is the first time they hosted international stylists under one roof. “It was the World Cup of Hair,” says Garland “G-Whiz” Fox, a celebrity stylist and Wahl Education & Artistic Team educator. “We were able to communicate with one another by demonstrating our skills and watching others show theirs.” The Wahl Academy is located at Unit 3 Trade Park, Sea Street, Herne Bay, UK. For more information about Wahl or its products, go to

Photos courtesy of Wahl Professional. (Above) Smiles and fresh air after an intense first day of training at the Summit. (Right) Signs of a job well done and a successful day.


Introducing a Colorful new Way to Detangle with Ease Rid yourself of tangles: hundreds of bristles at work in the palm of your hand! Dessata’s new detangling brush gently untangles without pulling or breaking hair, even when wet. Compared to the Tangle Teaser and Wet Brush, Dessata is a unique detangling brush with three levels of hundreds of bristles at an affordable price. Dessata is exclusive to Spilo Worldwide, a leading manufacturer, importer and international master distributor to the professional beauty industry for over 70 years. Key Features - Patented three bristle length design detangles even the most curly or coarse hair - Antistatic gel bristles create a soft and shiny, static-free finish - Ergonomic design with no handle avoids stress on your hand and provides optimum comfort - Concave shape of the brush adapts to the curvature of your head - Available in eight fun color combos, and full and travel size - Made in Spain

Full Size Brush - Innovative 440 triple length bristles - Detangles hair in no-time! Travel Size Brush - Over 220 triple length bristles - Protective cover included for safe travel

For further information, visit

Barber Authority Powered by Andis Cuts Hair at Lollapolooza Barber Authority powered by Andis at Lollapalooza.

Located in the exclusive artist village at the Lollapolooza musical festival held in Chicago, August 1-3, Barber Authority powered by Andis had a 400-square foot air conditioned tent that provided complimentary cuts, shaves and hair designs for the musical acts and their crews. “At Barber Authority, we only use Andis tools because they have been tremendously supportive in our vision of elevating the barbering community and raising the barber profile at national events. We rely on Andis clippers and trimmers because they can cut, shave or design with precision results. At these major events there’s no time for error,” says owner Steve Vilot.

A barber in action creating a design in one musician’s hair

Consisting of two additional master barbers: Matt Ketchum and Brian Desautels, both from Pittsfield, MA, Barber Authority provides popup barbering services at national events; selecting local barbers to round out the Barber Authority team. At the three-day musical festival, Barber Authority had three chairs and averaged 100 clients a day. “One of the really amazing things about Barber Authority, a lot of these barbers didn’t know each other before. Now they get to work side by side with a peer who is just as passionate and dedicated to the craft of barbering as they are.”

October 2014 OTC Beauty Magazine



Real Me Curl to Coil by nuNAAT Real Me Curl To Coil is an amazing new range by nuNAAT specially created to hydrate curly, coily, kinky, relaxed or chemically processed hair. The Real Me Curl To Coil collection consists of six products that are all free from sulfates, mineral oils and parabens. Products are produced with an exclusive formula called Join Complex, which contains a perfect blend of five natural oils extracted from nuts, fruits and green collagen that nourishes and hydrates hair fibers allowing for softer, more manageable hair. nuNAAT is the name of the exciting new brand created in Brazil currently taking the hair industry by storm. Products are fortified with natural ingredients such as nuts, berries, fruits, plants and a few ancient secrets found in Brazil’s rainforest regions. With a growing number of women seeking products with the purest most natural ingredients, the timing of this trailblazing brand couldn’t be more timely. Products from the Real Me Curl to Coil range include: Lather Up & Hydrate Shampoo: This luxurious shampoo cleanses and moisturizes textured hair without weighing it down. The shampoo contains nuNAAT’s exclusive Join Complex, the secret ingredient designed to impart moisture and shine into strands. With its perfect blend of the five natural oils, Lather Up & Hydrate Shampoo nourishes and hydrates hair fibers leading to softer, more manageable hair.

Blast of Shine Hair Mask: A highly-effective intensive treatment for dry hair, Blast of Shine Hair Mask’s blend of exclusive natural ingredients helps to nourish hair and eliminate frizz and flyaways. The mask provides longlasting hydration while leaving the hair soft, which makes detangling quicker and easier. It can be used as a regular conditioner or deep conditioning treatment. Natural Curl Activator: It keeps hair hydrated and frizz-free for an extended period of time. Ideal for daily use, the blend of five natural oils nourishes and hydrates the hair, protecting it against harsh environmental conditions that are known to cause breakage. Perfect Do Pomade: This good softens and smoothes even the thickest of hair textures without weighing it down. With its special blend of five natural oils that nourishes and softens the hair, the pomade is ideal for slicking down the edges of those with textured or chemically processed hair. For more information visit

Real Moisture Conditioner: This product is designed to soften, hydrate and detangle wavy to kinky hair textures without weighing it down. Formulated with Real Me Curl To Coil’s exclusive Join Complex—the secret to ultimate moisture and shine—the blend of five natural oils extracted from nuts, fruits and green collagen, nourishes and hydrates hair fibers for softer, more manageable hair. Pick Me Up Sheen: This specially formulated hair sheen softens and protects multi-textured hair, leaving it intensely shiny and easy to style. Pick Me Up Sheen is perfect for use as a protectant before flat-ironing or blow-drying, due to the addition of our exclusive Join Complex ingredient, a special blend of five natural oils which penetrates the strands leaving hair soft and full of vitality.

Andis Introduces the ® SlimLine Ion Trimmer For more “get up and go,” the new SlimLine® Ion Cordless Trimmer from Andis is powered by lithium ion technology for up to two hours of non-stop trimming. “At Andis we continually strive to improve our products, providing the best clippers and trimmers for hair professionals. Lithium ion technology is the next generation of dependable cordless power and helps keep mobile barbers and stylists on the go,” says Karen Formico, VP of marketing. The sleek, lightweight trimmer in radiant orchid, 2014 Pantone color of the year, features a convenient cord/cordless design; when the


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

battery drains, simply plug it in and continue trimming or it let it recharge to full power in two hours. The soft-grip inlay provides comfort and sure handling while the stainless-steel T-blade has fine cutting teeth for extremely close trimming and edging on beards, moustaches and necklines, or use one of the 6 attachment combs for shaping and maintaining length. The 12-piece kit includes trimmer, multivoltage charger, trimmer stand, blade guard, oil, blade brush, cleaning brush and six attachment combs: 3 day, 5 day, 7 day, 1/4”, 3/8” and 1/2”. Visit to learn more.


Learn why the Eco Cocktail line is a hit with Textured Hair Social Media Product Bloggers, and why this is important to OTC businesses. Since Ecoco Inc. launched Eco Curl ‘N Styling Cocktail, a crème/curl definer/curl enhancer, in February 2013 there have been a multitude of online product reviews created about the product. Nearly 100 percent of power reviews have given Eco Cocktail a 5 “curl” rating. In editorial print, for premium publications like Modern Salon, the product has been recommend for all texture hair types by stylists-to-celebrities like Ursula Stephens, who works with Rihanna, Kerry Washington and others. And recently, Eco Curl ‘N Styling Cocktail has been nominated for texture hair products of the year by Allure magazine.

moisturizing/detangling conditioner; 54 percent use a styling crème/curl refiner/ curl enhancer; 26.5 percent purchase serums; and the average monthly spend on styling products by texture hair types is $10. The new Eco Cocktail line hits high scores that answer the desired attributes for each product category.

Expanding on Eco Cocktail’s success, a shampoo, conditioner and serum have been added to the line. Each is custom-formulated for optimal textured hair results. Textured hair today encompasses kinky/coily to naturally wavy hair customers. The secret to the Eco Cocktail’s highly effective line of products is the perfect mix of key ingredients, starting with super fruit complexes that unlock the true potential of textured hair.

Eco Cocktail provides OTC customers convenient “Cocktail and Go” products that deliver superior results for textured hair customers. Ecoco Inc. is the proud maker of Eco Styler and other fine hair care products. Ecoco hair care products connect beauty and the environment with a mission to unleash individual style through products that care for your hair and the environment. Most product ingredients are naturally derived and harvested from all parts of the world to deliver not only great personal style, but an improved lifestyle—all this at an incomparable value.

The new Eco Cocktail products help to restore moisture, smooth for greater control, and define unruly, curly and kinky hair. Per the 2013 Phoenix Marketing Textured Hair Trend Report, these are the three top attributes that textured hair customers look for in the products they buy. Specifically, 94 percent look for sulfate free, moisturizing shampoos; 91 percent want a daily

The Stephan Co.’s ‘New Era’ Ushers in First-of-Its-Kind Salon Quality Hair Care at Everyday Affordable Prices for Today’s Multicultural Woman For too long, multicultural women have had few options to choose from in the hair care aisle. Now, thanks to New Era, she has access to affordably priced salon quality products that are designed specifically to meet her diverse hair care needs. Developed by hair care experts The Stephan Company, New Era – Love Your Curls is a category-defining new hair care line fortified with Vitamin F-Forte to revitalize, rehydrate and add shine and softness to curly hair. New Era consists of four products: New Era Moisturizing Shampoo–designed to cleanse and moisturize multi-textured hair while adding shine and elasticity; New Era Moisturizing & Detangling Conditioner–formulated to strengthen damaged brittle hair while also preventing breakage; New Era Rejuvenating Spray–a light-as-air styling mist, ideal for all curl patterns and textures, which revitalizes lazy curls while eliminating frizzies; and New Era Curl-Defining Cream–a 118

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

lightweight cream that provides curl definition, strengthens and hydrates hair, without weighing it down. “Our research shows that women strongly resist attempts to pigeonhole their cultural identity,” says The Stephan Co.’s VicePresident of Sales, Paul Crouch. “All things being equal, consumers respond much more favorably to brands that celebrate their diversity to ones that don’t. In New Era we have created a premium salon quality product line that makes women’s hair look and feel great, and because it’s affordably priced they don’t have to compromise on cost. It is truly the hair care brand for a new era–for today’s American Woman.” To reach out to today’s multicultural women, The Stephan Co. plans to establish a robust presence for New Era on social media and through targeted sponsorships, and sampling, at grass roots events that champion multiculturalism.

ShowCalendar October: 12-13 Premiere Beauty Classic Columbus, OH

19-20 Premiere Birmingham Birmingham, AL

25-26 Taliah Waajid World Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Fall Show College Park, GA

30-Nov. 2 K-Beauty Expo Seoul, South Korea

November: 2 3rd Annual Natural is Beautiful Expo Townson, MD

2 Beauty School Explosion Miami, FL

9 American Crew Opening Night Denver, CO

9 Barristar Beauty School Forum

Ad Index American International ���������109

Inspired Beauty Brands ............84 R&R Corp. �������������������������������������������3

Ampro Industries ���������������Insert

JBS Beauty Club ..................22, 92 RA Cosmetics ����������������������������68, 94 JBS Hair .............................2, 14, 48 SMO International ������������������������� 43

Andis Co. ������������������������������23, 92 Belson �����������������������������������������21 Conair ����������������������������59, Poster Continental Fragrances, LTD ��15

KAB Brands �������������������������������73 Sparks Hair Color �����������������������������7

Cricket .........................................11

Lemisol Corp. .............................93 The Stephan Company ������������������ 13

Dream World, Inc. ���� 32, 33, 76, 90, 94, 96

Liquid Gold Straight Arrow/Mane ‘n Tail ������������ 27 Bonding/Lloneau Products ....125 Strength of Nature ������������������������ 117 Mamado International ������������111 Taliah Waajid Maxi Professional ��������������������127 Natural Hair Products ����������������� 103 Namaste Labs ............................47 Unilever ���������������������������������128, 1BC Nature’s Protein ........................69

DRM-JPC Brands ���������������� Cover, IFC, 1, 79 DeMert Brands ............................9 Ecoco, Inc. ...................... 35, 78, BC Fantasia Ind. �������������������������������31 Fisk Industries ............................95 Fromm International ����������������� 8

San Jose, CA

Giovanni Cosmetics ........... Insert

9-10 San Juan Beauty Show

Helen of Troy �����������������������������85

San Juan, PR

9-10 IECSC Florida Spa & Wellness Show Fort Lauderdale, FL

12-14 Cosmoprof Asia Hong Kong Hong Kong, China

15-16 The Makeup Show Orlando Orlando, FL 124

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

JF Labs/AFAM ���������������������38, 55 Smooth Care ������������������������������������ 54 SMSi-Urban J. Strickland & Co. ....................123 Call Marketing, Inc. ������������������������� 50

House of Cheatham ..................91 Imperial Dax ...............................77

One Bottle ..................................61 Universal Beauty Products ����������� 34 Ossat Products, Inc. �������������������� 5 Urban Therapy/Twisted Sista �������� 25 Oster Prof. Products .................29 Wahl Clipper Corp. ������������������������ 39 Personal Care Products �����������20 Wella,The Salon Professional Pak Group ...................................28 Division of P&G �������������������63, Insert Western Buying Conference �������� 97 Professional Products Unlimited .............67, 70 Xtreme Beauty International ���������������������� 49, 72, 113 Queen Helene ......................42, 46

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. What time management tools do you use to help you keep family/personal time and work balanced? 1.

여러분은 가족/개인 시간과 업무 시간의 균형을 유지하기 위해 어떤 시간 관리 방법을 사용하고 있습니까?

2. Do you have increased false eyelash, colorful accessories and costume jewelry sales just before the holidays—perhaps for Halloween or various holiday special events? Do you plan ahead for these with increased or special inventory orders?

2. 홀리데이를







인조 속눈썹이나 화려한 액세서리, 장신구들의 판매가 증가하고 있습니까? 주문량을 늘이거나 특별한 제품 주문을 미리 계획하고 있습니까?

3. What beauty trend has you baffled? Let us know and we will investigate.



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When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

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OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

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September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


Motions Straight Finish™ Heat Styled System ®

The Motions® Straight Finish™ Heat Styled System lets you go from curly to straight and then bounce right back to your natural curls. The unique, smoothing, salon-tested formulas—with a blend of natural oils and Keratin Protein—PREP, PROTECT and SEAL naturally curly hair, allowing for optimal straightening results. Prep – Motions® Straight Finish™ Cleaner: Gently cleanses, softens and conditions for manageable hair while elongating curls. Formula includes a blend of Shea Butter, Soy Bean Oil and Keratin Protein, as well as a Structured Liquid formula to provide optimal conditioning. Benefits of a Structured Liquid: A structured Liquid supports high concentrations of nourishing oil and water, delivering greater conditioning properties to the hair than available from a traditional shampoo. Protect – Motions® Straight Finish™ LeaveIn Conditioner: Intensive leave-in formula, which includes a blend of Argan Oil, Coconut Oil and Keratin Protein to add a layer of moisturizers that help protect the hair. Seal – Motions® Straight Finish™ Sealer: Minimizes wiry ends and leaves a luminous shine, with a blend of Argan Oil, Almond Oil and Keratin Protein to seal the shaft. 128

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2014

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