The Holiday Issue OTC October 2015

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October 2015| $6.00 The Holiday Issue


Be Holiday

Bronner Bros. Mid-Summer Show Ubiquitous Hair and Health Trade Show Beauty Industry News Scan to visit OTC website

CONTENTS October 2015 in this issue

Editorial Letter ����������������������10 Holiday Hype

홀리데이 마케팅

Expert Advice �����������������������12 Tips for a Quick Pimple Fix

Marketplace �������������������������18 ‘Tis the Season

How Should You Sell It? �������26

Feature Article

10 Accessory Must Haves For 2015’s Winter Wonderland ��������������� 64 by Janet Reid What’s more exciting than a winter wonderland? Wearing accessories in a winter wonderland! It’s that time of the year again when layering up is a must. This year we’re doing it in style. Here are 10 winter wonderland accessory must haves.

Eyelash Selection

어떻게 판매해야 하나? 이번달 판매 초점은 아이래쉬 제품 입니다.

Urban Call Briefs ������������������45 Role Model Beyond Beauty: Part 11

Notes From the Natural Nation ���������������������63 What Time is It?

Clipper Tips ��������������������������68 Holiday Gifts

Therapy Trends ���������������������70 Extended Season and Expanded Reason

Tonsorial Times ��������������������72 Embrace your #HASHTAG

업계소식................................ 86

Show Coverage

Bronner Bros. Mid-Summer 2015 ��������������������������������� 74 The 2015 Mid-Summer Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show was back in Atlanta and bigger than ever, August 15-17. Having outgrown the original floor space, the show was upgraded to a new, expanded location within the Georgia World Congress Center.

This show attendee matches from head to toe in hot pink.

Ubiquitous Hair and Health Trade Show 2015 �������������������������������������������� 82 Calling all hair, health, beauty brands, professionals and enthusiasts alike… The Ubiquitous Hair and Health Trade Show, “Where Relaxed Meets Natural Hair,” brought a new energy and a new purpose to trade shows, August 22-23.

Jinny Innovations �����������������87 Industry News ����������������������90 Coupons ��������������������������� 111 Show Calendar ����������������� 116 Ad Index ��������������������������� 116 Reader Feedback ��������������� 118 Product Spotlight �������������� 120 Grooming Kit 4

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

On The Cover This holiday season, give the gift of curls with exotic shine™. Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco is proud to introduce new, amazing products for natural hair that your customers will absolutely love! Learn more at

CONTENTS October 2015 Knowledge To Know

Business Tips

Remember to Engage the The Importance of Cleansing Beauty Obsessed Latina ����������������������������������� 48 your Face and Removing all Gabriel Samra Makeup Each Day ��������������������� 32 by It’s not new news that the United States is becoming more diverse than ever, and that unique by Toni Love According to research, our skin is aging every day. Therefore, it is important to wash your face every day and night. Learn why skin type is important, perfect your face washing technique, and discover why you must always remove makeup.

일상적인 화장 지우기와 세안의 중요성

연구에 따르면, 우리의 피부는 날마다 나이를 먹는다고 한다. 그러므로, 아침 저녁으로 세안을 하는 것이 매우 중요하다. 피부 타입을 파악하는 것이 왜 중요하며, 완벽한 클렌징 기술, 그리고 왜 화장을 매일 지워야 하는지를 알아보도록 하자.

The Era of Customization in the Barbershop ������������������������ 36 by Dwayne Thompson In this era of customization of the barbering industry we are seeing new products designed to help make the barbering experience convenient and more professional. Learn how this industry is advancing every day and where it’s headed for the future.

이발소 고객 맞춤화 시대

도움이 되도록 설계된 새로운 제품들을 보고 있다. 이 업계가 어떻게 발전하고 있고, 어디를 향해 변화해 가고 있는지 알아보자.

populations are the drivers within major categories. In the past 15 years alone, the Hispanic population has nearly doubled from 35.7 million Hispanics in the year 2000 to 55.4 million in 2014. So how does this impact the beauty industry?

아름다움에 열정적인 라틴계의 마음을 사로잡자.

미국이 그 어느 때보다 다양해지고, 독특한 인구들이 주요 범주에서 중요 역할을 하고 있다는 것은 더 이상 새로운 소식이 아니다. 지난 15년 동안에만, 히스패닉 인구는 2000년 3,570 만에서 2014년 5,540만으로 거의 두 배가 증가했다. 이것이 미용 산업에 주는 영향은 어떨까?

3 Reasons a Balanced Life is a Better Life ������������ 52 by Lumbie Mlambo Life sometimes can seem unbalanced as responsibilities mount and people plow all their physical and mental resources into what seems to be the most pressing crisis of the moment. But I say that’s a good time to take a step back. Everyone has the potential to shine in life’s darkest moments, but the key is to maintain a balance so that one aspect of your life isn’t consumed by another.

균형 잡힌 인생이 더 나은 삶이 되는 3가지 이유

사람들은 여러 가지 책임들이 쌓이고 가장 시급한 위기처럼 보이는 순간이 되면 자신의 모든 신체적, 정신적 에너지를 한 곳에 쏟아버리기 때문에, 때때로 삶은 뭔가 잘못되었거나, 균형을 잃은 듯 보일 수도 있다..그러나 나는 그 순간이 한 발 물러 날 수 있는 좋은 시간이라고 말하고 싶다. 모든 이들은 인생의 가장 어두운 순간에 빛을 발할 수 있는 잠재력을 갖고 있다. 그러나 균형을 유지하는데 가장 중요한 포인트는, 인생이 한 측면으로만 쏠리지 않도록 하는데 있다.

7 Handy Tips to Strengthen Beauty Ambassadors Brittle Nails ����������������������������������� 40 Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article ����������������� 58 by Evans Casey You will be surprised how chipped and frayed nails can bring your otherwise diva-like image crumbling down. Here we have compiled a few tips that will give your brittle nails the sheen that they need.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Create Spellbinding Hair this Halloween

Skin Care Ambassador Article ���������������������������������� 60 Nature’s Super Beauty Ingredient – Cocoa Butter


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Earl Cole

Art Director:

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

Amanda Cano Evans Casey ReGia Davis Toni Love Lumbi Mlambo Dr. Kaleroy Papantoniou Janet Reid Gabriel Samra Phylencia “PT� Taylor Dwayne Thompson Ayanna Ziegler


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Editorial Letter


HYPE 홀리데이 마케팅

Gone are the hot and humid days of summer, and the new, festive holiday season is upon us. Christmas, New Year’s, Halloween, Thanksgiving…there are so many upcoming reasons to celebrate and we could not be more excited! We know your customers are looking for the best in beauty to get them ready for events – both big and small. No matter if they are attending an intimate family and friends gathering, or going to a large scale elaborate holiday party, they want to look fabulous. This is where you can help! Be sure your store shelves house the hottest products to add just the glitz, glamour and handsomeness they crave. Flip through our Marketplace section to explore some of the newest, and essential, event-ready items – from eyelashes to a hot lather machine. While thinking of products to use when dressing for an event, women may consider a little extra glitter, color or drama in their makeup routine. No matter what products they add, be sure they know why it is important to clean their face daily, removing all cosmetics and stress of the day (page 32). Holiday style must still be healthy! Although event outings are fun during this time of year, we are also touching on the everyday style of your customers. Flip to page 64 to explore 10 must-have accessories for this winter. You want to have your shoppers all set from head to toe. Lastly, we couldn’t leave out our reporting on the exciting happenings within the industry. From the awe-inspiring Bronner Bros. Mid-Summer show to the array of undertakings by our tried-and-true beauty brands, we have a lot of news to keep you up to date on. Read on to see what all the hype is about.

덥고 후덥지근한 여름이 가고, 새로운 축제의 홀리데이 시즌이 다가옵니다. 크리스마스, 새해, 할로윈, 추수 감사절…. 축하를 위한 많은 휴일들이 다가오고 있는데 어찌 들뜨지 않을 수가 있을까요! 여러분의 고객들이 크고 작은 이벤트들을 준비하기 위해 최고의 미용 제품을 찾고 있음을 우리는 잘 알고 있습니다. 그들이 가까운 가족, 친구 모임에 참석을 하든, 대규모의 근사한 파티에 가게 되든, 그들은 멋지게 보이길 원합니다. 이것이 바로 우리가 그들에게 도움을 줄 수 있는 것이죠!

고객들이 갈망하는 화려함과 매력적이고 멋진 모습을 더해주는 최고 인기

제품들로 여러분의 매장 진열대가 채워져야 합니다. 마켓 플레이스 섹션에서, 인조 속눈썹부터 뜨거운 비누 거품 기계까지 최신 필수 제품인 동시에 이벤트를 위한 아이템들을 알아보기 바랍니다.

이벤트에 입을 의상에 필요한 제품들을 생각하면, 여성들은 일상적인 화장

위에 약간의 특별한 반짝임이나 색상 등을 고려합니다. 그들이 어떤 제품들을 추가로 더 사용하든지, 그들에게 가장 중요한 것은 화장을 깨끗이 지우고 세안을 철저히 하며 하루의 스트레스를 없애는 것임을 알려주세요(페이지32). 홀리데이 스타일 역시 건강한 스타일이어야 합니다!

물론 이맘때쯤이면 여러 가지 다가올 이벤트들이 즐겁긴 하지만, 저희는

고객들의 일상적인 스타일 역시 신경을 쓰고 있습니다. 페이지64에서는 이번 겨울 꼭 필요한 10가지 액세서리에 관해 다루고 있습니다. 여러분의 고객들이 머리부터 발끝까지 모두 갖길 원하게 될 것입니다.

마지막으로, 업계에서 일어나고 있는 흥미로운 일들을 알려드리는 것을

빼놓을 수는 없겠네요. 장엄한 Bronner Bros Mid-Summer show부터 신뢰할 수 있는 미용 브랜드들의 다양한 일들까지, 최신 뉴스들을 여러분께 제공하고 있습니다. 다양한 기사와 내용들을 읽어보기 바랍니다.

Editor, 10

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice by Dr. Kaleroy Papantoniou

Tips for a Quick Pimple Fix Wedding day, job interview, class photo...Is it just bad luck that zits appear on important days? Maybe not. We don’t know exactly how it works, but we do know that there’s a link between stress and acne. If you’ve never had acne, stress won’t cause it, but studies have shown that those who are prone to acne breakouts may find that stressful situations aggravate the condition. So when a nasty pimple appears on your big day, what can you do? There is no shortage of home remedies for emergency treatment. Not every remedy will work on every individual and more important, not every suggested remedy is safe or effective. Some can irritate the skin and make things worse. I recommend a two-step process for a quick fix: first treat the pimple and then camouflage it. Treat the Pimple • Ice it: Wrap an ice cube in a soft cloth and apply gently to the affected area for 20-30 seconds, rest for a minute and apply again. Cold reduces blood flow to the area and may reduce swelling and inflammation. Don’t press hard and don’t leave the ice on too long or you may irritate the skin. • Apply an over-the-counter acne preparation that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid which kill the bacteria that cause pimples. These creams and lotions also help shed layers of dead cells, leaving skin fresher and rejuvenated. A 2.5% concentration of benzoyl peroxide is sufficient and is less irritating than stronger formulations. Overusing acne preparations will irritate the skin; follow directions precisely. • Apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream that contains 1% hydrocortisone. This medication provides pain relief, and can help to reduce swelling and redness in the area of the pimple. This should not be used every day, or for acne prevention; if used all over the face every day it can actually promote acne. Camouflage the Pimple • Eye drops that are formulated to reduce redness in the eyes can also be effective in reducing the redness and irritation of acne. (Tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride is the ingredient to look for.) Apply to the area with a cotton swab, or combine with cold by soaking the cotton swab with eye drop solution, freezing for an hour or so, then applying to the pimple.

Kaleroy Papantoniou, M.D., F.A.A.D.,

Conceal the blemish with a heavy-duty cosmetic concealer. Consider blending two shades to avoid using one that’s either too light or too dark, which will accentuate the pimple. Blend carefully into the surrounding area.

What NOT To Do • Don’t pick, pop, squeeze or scratch an inflamed pimple. It will take longer to heal, will be more likely to leave a scar and will be harder to camouflage. Try to keep your hands away from your face entirely. • Don’t use aspirin, toothpaste or other home remedies that aren’t formulated for the skin. They may actually trigger acne or cause irritation. • Don’t expect a facial, chemical peel or other spa treatment to provide a quick fix. While they may ultimately have beneficial effects, in the short term they are likely to leave the skin red and irritated. • Don’t overuse astringents. If used appropriately this can help the skin to contract and may shrink the pimple while also reducing the size of your pores. Pharmaceutical astringents that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid also fight pimple-causing bacteria. Natural astringents include: witch hazel (choose one without alcohol); lemon juice (dilute lemon juice with water and dab with a cotton swab over the area); and green tea (steep a tea bag in hot water, drain and apply directly). • Don’t apply undiluted tea tree oil. This is an antibacterial essential oil with anti-inflammatory properties, and if used directly this may be irritating to the skin. There hasn’t been much research on its effectiveness, but it’s safe to use in diluted form. Dilute with coconut oil or argan oil and dab it on with a cotton swab. General skin care advice won’t help in an emergency, but good skin hygiene will help you avoid those emergencies. In a true pimple emergency call your dermatologist and see if you can be seen that same day; a dermatologist can inject the pimple with low potency cortisone which dramatically helps to resolve the break-out. For prevention, start by washing your face twice a day with a gentle facial cleanser; follow with moisturizer. Pat your face dry with a soft towel; don’t rub. Drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly and shower after exercising to remove excess perspiration from your skin. You can’t completely prevent your skin from acting up, but you can reduce the likelihood of it happening at an inopportune moment and be prepared if it does.

specializes in all areas of medical dermatology for adults and children, the prevention and treatment of skin cancer, cosmetic dermatology and laser surgery. Papantoniou works with Advanced Dermatology, P.C.


OTC 2015 OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine October December 2008

May2008 2015 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December



OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December May 20152008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine


‘Tis the


It’s the magical time of year where festive events and gatherings of friends and family abound. No matter what holiday your customers are celebrating or what kind of look an occasion calls for, be sure your store has the products they need to get ready for a fabulous day or night out. WOW-worthy Hair

Little makes a woman feel fancier than when her hair is flawlessly styled in an updo. The holiday season is a great time for customers to try out new styles and their creative touch. Dream World Inc’s Bob Pins offer the stability they need to keep tresses in place all day.

Be Bold

Add a little drama to any outfit with Ardell’s Spiky Eyelashes. Breathtaking lashes are the perfect finishing touch – no matter if the user is attending a dinner, formal event, or even a costume party. They are conveniently reusable so customers can look flawless time and time again. 18

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Foundation First

Don’t forget the basics! Before any clothes are laid out or any makeup applied, hair must be thoroughly cleansed and conditioned. Sulfate-free Hair One Hair Cleanser and Conditioner with Argan Oil for Curly Hair cleanses, conditions, detangles, adds shine and eliminates frizz from locks. Do you know of a better first step to a wonderful night on the town?

True Red

You know that idea of trying a new hair color your customer has been talking about for a while? Why not encourage her to try it for the holidays? L’Oreal Technique’s new Chroma True Reds permanent hair color could be just what she’s looking for. Tube of color must be mixed with developer before use.

Moisturizing Coconut

Hydrate, soften and nourish dry, brittle hair with OKAY’s Deep Moisturizing Coconut Oil Leave-In Deep Conditioner. It replenishes nutrients that provide shine and luster, leaving hair manageable and beautiful. Shown here in a 12-pack display. October 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


M A R K E T PLACE For Hair and Skin

Bronner Bros. Tropical Roots Jamaican Black Castor Oil is formulated to strengthen and revitalize damaged hair while providing beneficial conditioning. It penetrates the root to seal in moisture and thicken the hair shaft. It is also beneficial for skin as it promotes elasticity and softens.

Care for Hair

The strengthening properties of keratin protein and the antioxidant benefits of green tea combine in this one-step formula to help reduce breakage and split ends. Regular use of ApHogee Keratin & Green Tea Restructurizer adds body, controls frizz, repairs hair, and helps preserve color and chemical services. Active ingredients bond into the hair shaft with natural body heat or heat from styling tools.

Beautiful in Beads

With hair bead color combinations perfectly suited to fit any holiday occasion, Chloe Hair Accessories has your youngest customers covered. The rose hues shown here are adorable for Valentine’s Day, and they are packaged with an applicator tool for easy styling. Multiple shapes are also available. Get creative this season!


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Shine with Fantasia

Increase hair strength and elasticity while sealing hair cuticles to enhance shine with Fantasia’s Aloe Oil Anti-Breakage Conditioner. It effectively repairs damaged areas along the hair shaft, resulting in smooth alignment of damaged fibers. Product is made with natural aloe vera, and is sulfate and paraben free.

Hair Masque

Looking for a deep treatment for dry, damaged, brittle hair that utilizes authentic Jamaican Black Castor Oil? Look no further than Doo Gro’s Jamaican Black Castor Oil Deep Treatment Hair Masque. It boasts no silicone, petrolatum or mineral oil. Your customers will love the JBCO difference!

Control Those Edges

Your customers can keep edges in place from the moment they arrive at an event to last call with Cantu’s Extra Hold Edge Stay Gel. It’s perfect for sleek, silky styles and ponytails, as it offers a long-lasting, flake-free hold. It conditions as it smoothes and shines without harsh ingredients. Products are shown here in a useful display. October 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



The Super Supra ZR™

Andis Co. is proud to release one of its most versatile clippers to date with the new Supra ZR Cordless Detachable Blade Clipper. This heavy-duty rotary motor clipper provides the power of a corded tool, but in a convenient cord-free design. It is powered by a lithium-ion battery and delivers up to two hours of run time on a two-hour charge. It boasts five adjustable speeds.

Hot Shave

After two years of development, Wahl is pleased to announce the release of its Hot Lather Machine as a part of their Wahl 19’ line. It was created to help take the professional shave game to the next level. It completely heats lather in 50 minutes, comes with an extra pump, and is easy to maintain. Perfect for barbers and stylists everywhere!


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

Eyelash Selection! Dramatic, natural, individual or self-adhesive… with so many false eyelash options, how is a girl to choose the right type? False eyelashes can add a glamorous finishing touch to any holiday style, but sometimes customers could use a little assistance with product selection.

What advice would you give customers on how to make the right false eyelash choice for them? What individual factors influence this decision? “For smaller eyes, keep in mind that the length and volume play a very important part in choosing the perfect lash style. A lash style with less volume and length is ideal for a natural look; if the customer wants a more dramatic look, suggest a lash style with more volume than length as longer lashes can overpower smaller eyes. If they are looking for a style that will give their eyes a little lift, recommend a style that is shorter in the inner corner and longer in the outer; this will create a cat eye effect. For larger eyes, it is almost always good to choose a more dramatic lash as it looks very natural on this eye shape/size. Encourage the customer to try doubling up two pairs of lashes to add more volume for larger eyes shapes. Lashes are a great way to try out different looks and are meant to be fun so always encourage the customer to do just that!”

Ardell Lashes “For help when selecting the proper eyelashes, a conversation will need to take place with the customer. Information about the customer’s lifestyle and occupation should be considered, as well as, if the eyelashes are for a special occasion. Other information should be gathered, such as, if the client is wearing eyelashes for the first time. They should be shown different styles of lashes based on the information gathered during the conversation. Eyelashes from dramatic to natural and the application process should be shown and explained to the customer. Lastly, a 24-48 hour “patch test” should be suggested with the adhesive to ensure the user is not allergic. Given this information, customers can make informed decisions. When making informed decisions, they will more than likely be happy with the results, whether they select natural or dramatic looks.”

Toni Love, Owner Toni Love Training Center “The type of occasion or the look you are going for would determine how dramatic of a lash style you would choose. Another important factor to consider when choosing your style of lash is how long you want to wear them. Review how harsh the adhesive being used to apply your lashes is; will you be able to remove lashes without damaging your natural eyelashes, no matter how long you keep them on? Also, once it is time to remove them, make sure to get them removed professionally or gently with an oil based agent.”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the November issue! 26

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Afua Odame, Marketing Sales Representative AFAM Concept Inc.


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...

아이래쉬 제품 입니다!

드라마틱, 네추럴, 낱개 또는 접착제를 바르는 방법….. 너무도 다양한 인조 속눈썹 옵션들 중에서, 여성들은 어떻게 적절한 타입을 선택할까? 인조 속눈썹은 어떤 홀리데이 스타일에든 어울릴 수 있도록 풍성한 마무리 터치가 가능하게 한다. 그러나 때때로 고객들은 제품 선택에 있어 약간의 도움이 필요할 수 있다.

고객들이 적절한 인조 속눈썹을 선택할 수 있도록 여러분이 할 수 있는 조언은 무엇일까? 어떤 개별적인 요인들이 결정에 영향을 줄까? “작은 눈의 경우, 길이와 볼륨이 완벽한 속눈썹 스타일 선택에 매우 중요하다는 것을 염두에 두어야 합니다. 길이와 볼륨감이 적은 속눈썹 스타일은 자연스러운 스타일에 이상적입니다. 고객이 좀 더 드라마틱한 모습을 원한다면, 길이보다는 불륨이 풍성한 속눈썹 스타일을 제안합니다. 왜냐하면 긴 속눈썹은 작은 눈에는 지나치게 진하게 보일 수가 있기 때문이죠. 눈매가 약간 올라가 보이는 스타일을 원하는 고객들에게는, 안쪽은 좀 더 짧고 바깥쪽이 더 긴 스타일의 속눈썹을 권해보세요. 이것은 고양이 눈 효과를 만들 수 있습니다. 큰 눈의 경우, 좀 더 드라마틱한 속눈썹을 선택하는 것이 거의 대부분 좋습니다 왜냐하면 이 스타일은 눈 모양과 크기를 더욱 자연스럽게 보이게 합니다. 두 쌍의 속눈썹을 한번에 사용하면 큰 눈매를 위해 더욱 볼륨 있는 모습을 연출할 수 있다는 것을 고객들에게 알려주세요. 속눈썹은 변화된 모습을 만들기에 좋은 방법이며 재미있게 시도할 수 있기 때문에 고객들에게 부담 없이 한 번 해보라고 권해볼 수 있습니다!” Ardell Lashes

“적절한 속눈썹 선택에 도움이 필요한 경우, 고객과의 대화가 중요합니다. 고객의 라이프 스타일과 직업이 고려된 정보, 뿐만 아니라, 속눈썹이 특별한 날을 위한 경우인지까지도 정확히 알아야 합니다. 또한, 고객이 처음으로 속눈썹을 사용하려는 것인가 하는 다른 정보들도 필요합니다. 대화를 통해 얻은 정보를 바탕으로 다양한 스타일의 속눈썹들을 고객들에게 보여줘야 합니다. 드라마틱한 스타일부터 자연스러운 스타일까지 속눈썹과 부착 과정까지 보여주고 설명해줘야 합니다. 끝으로, 고객이 접착제에 알레르기가 없다는 것을 확인할 수 있도록24-48시간 정도 “패치 테스트”를 할 것을 제안해야 합니다. 이러한 정보를 통해서, 고객들은 결정을 할 수가 있습니다. 정보를 바탕으로 결정을 내릴 때, 네추럴 스타일이든 드라마틱한 스타일이든 그들이 선택한 결과에 더욱 만족할 수 있게 됩니다.”

Toni Love, Owner Toni Love Training Center

“참여하는 행사 형태나 연출하려는 스타일에 따라 당신이 선택하는 속눈썹의 스타일이 얼마나 드라마틱한지를 결정하게 됩니다. 속눈썹 스타일을 선택할 때 고려해야 하는 또 다른 중요 요소는 얼마 동안 속눈썹을 부착하기를 원하는가 입니다. 여러분의 속눈썹 위에 사용하는 접착제가 얼마나 독한 것인지 확인해보세요. 얼마나 오래 붙이고 있었는지에 상관없이, 원래 속눈썹에 손상을 주지 않고 가짜 속눈썹을 떼어낼 수 있을까요? 또한, 가짜 속눈썹을 제거해야 할 때, 오일 성분의 제품을 사용해서 전문적으로 부드럽게 제거해야 합니다.”

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 11월호에 게재됩니다! 28

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Afua Odame, Marketing Sales Representative, AFAM Concept Inc.

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Toni Love

The Importance of Cleansing your Face and Removing all Makeup Each Day 일상적인 화장 지우기와 세안의 중요성


ccording to research, our skin is aging every day. Therefore, it is important to wash your face every day and night. The skin is either dry, oily, or a combination of the two. First, the skin type needs to be determined in order to apply the proper products. Secondly, the technique of washing the face is important. Splashing water over the face in a hurry is not cleansing it. Lastly, the removal of makeup has to be done on a daily basis. Skin Type Determination If the skin type is not determined, a product can be used that may damage the skin or make an existing condition worse. Visit an esthetician or a dermatologist to receive the proper skin analysis. Face Wash Technique 101 When washing the face, use warm water to assist in lifting the dirt from the skin. Warm water is more gentle than hot or cold water. Hot water tends to dry the skin; 32

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

구에 따르면, 우리의 피부는 날마다 나이를 먹는다고 한다. 그러므로, 아침 저녁으로 세안을

하는 것이 매우 중요하다. 피부는 건성이거나 지성, 혹은 두 가지가 섞인 복합성일 수 있다.

첫째, 적절한 제품을 사용하기 위해서는 피부 타입을 파악하는 것이 중요하다. 둘째로,

세안 방법이 중요하다. 서둘러 얼굴에 물 몇 번 끼얹는 것은 세안이 아니다. 마지막으로, 화장을 지우 는 것은 매일 해야 한다. 피부 타입 파악

피부 타입을 파악하지 않으면, 사용하는 제품이 피부에 손상을 주거나 현재 상태를 악화시킬 수가 있다. 피부 관리사나 전문의에게 정확한 피부 분석을 받아보는 것이 좋다. 세안 기법 101

세수를 할 때는, 피부로부터 먼지를 제거하는데 도움이 되도록 따뜻한 물을 사용해라. 미온수는 뜨

겁거나 차가운 물보다 훨씬 부드럽다. 뜨거운 물은 피부를 건조하게 만드는 경향이 있고, 차가운 물

은 피부의 먼지 제거에 크게 도움이 되지 않는다. 클렌저를 사용하기 전에 피부를 적시는 것은 거품

October 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K cold water is not going to assist with lifting dirt from the skin. Wetting the face before applying the cleanser will allow it to lather and move across the skin easier. Usually, a dime size of cleanser will be sufficient. Squeeze the product into the hands, rub them together and distribute it evenly across the face. Circular motions will provide just enough stimulation to ensure coverage to all areas of the face. Exfoliating is another cleansing method used to cleanse the face. Dirt, as well as dead skin cells, are removed through the exfoliating process. When exfoliating the skin, the products used will clean deeper into the pores. There are facial scrubs sold exclusively for exfoliating. This is not a cleansing method to be used every day and night; it should not be performed on the skin more than twice a week. During the process, a dime size of the scrub is applied to the hands, rubbed together and used with circular motions. In some exfoliating kits, a special sponge is included, or the scrub can be used with a cloth. For people who like natural products, they can purchase them from a retailer, or they can use household products such as honey, eggs, milk, tea and others to mix for cleansing and tightening of the skin. Makeup Removal The cleansing process starts every morning before applying moisturizer and makeup, and ends at night after the removal of makeup. Makeup is taken off with a special remover that can be purchased at a local retailer. It is usually a solvent and is applied with a cotton ball. Vaseline and/or baby oil are commonly used to remove cosmetics from the eyes. There are also special creams sold for use on this area of the face. These creams tend to be very gentle. Sleeping in makeup does not allow the skin to receive the oxygen it needs to repair itself. The skin is left looking dull and the natural exfoliating process is blocked. If there are other skin conditions present such as acne and makeup is not removed, products cannot be applied to the skin to assist with the problems. It is important to cleanse the skin completely and remove makeup because dead skin cells need to be removed, along with sebum, which is the main cause of blackheads. Also, the pollution in the atmosphere from being in different environments during the day is on the skin and needs to be removed before going to bed. In order to maintain healthy looking skin, you must cleanse every day and night.

이 쉽게 만들어져서 피부 위에서 쉽게 거품들이 움직일 수 있게 하는 것이다.

일반적으로, 작은 동전 크기의 클렌저 양이면 충분하다. 손에 제품을 짜서, 문지른 다음, 얼굴

얼굴 세안을 위해 사용할 수 있는 또 다른 방법으로 각질제거가 있다. 먼지뿐 아니라 죽은 피

전체에 골고루 펴 바른다. 원을 그리며 움직이면 얼굴 전체에 빠짐없이 충분하게 자극을 줄 수가 있다.

부 세포들을 각질 제거 과정을 통해 제거하는 것이다. 각질을 제거할 때는, 사용하는 제품이 모공 깊은 곳을 청소하게 된다. 오로지 각질 제거를 위한 페이셜 스크럽도 시중에 많이 판매되고 있다. 이것은 아침 저녁으

로 매일 사용하는 세안 방법은 아니며, 주 2회 이상은 하지 말아야 한다. 작은 동전 크기만큼의 스크럽을 손

에 짜서 얼굴에 원을 그리듯 골고루 바르며 각질을 제거하는 방법이 있다. 어떤 각질 제거 키트에는 스크럽 을 묻혀서 사용할 수 있는 특별한 스폰지나 천이 포함되어 있기도 하다.

네추럴 제품을 선호하는 사람들은 매장에서 이런 제품들을 구매할 수도 있지만, 얼굴 세안과 탄력을 위해 꿀이나 달갈, 우유, 티 등을 섞어서 가정에서 만들어 사용하기도 한다. 화장 지우기

클렌징 과정은 매일 아침 로션을 바르고 화장을 시작하기 전에 시작되며, 매일 밤 화장을 지운 후에 끝이 난 다. 화장은 매장에서 구입할 수 있는 메이크업 리무버로 지워야 한다. 이런 제품들은 보통 용매제인데 솜에

묻혀 사용한다. 바세린이나 베이비 오일은 눈 화장을 지우는데 주로 사용된다. 눈 주변에 사용할 수 있는 특 별한 크림들도 시중에서 판매되고 있는데, 이런 크림들은 아주 순하다.

화장을 한 채로 잠을 자는 것은 피부가 자가 회복하는데 필요한 산소가 공급되지 못하게 한

다. 따라서 피부는 칙칙하게 되고 자연적인 각질 제거 과정이 차단되는 것이다. 여드름과 같은 피부 상태를 갖고 있을 경우에 화장을 지우지 않게 되면, 피부 문제에 도움이 되는 제품을 사용하더라도 제대로 기능을 발휘할 수 없게 된다.

피부를 완벽하게 세안하고 화장을 지우는 것이 중요한 이유는 죽은 피부 세포가 블랙 헤드의

주된 요인이 되는 피지와 함께 제거되어야 하기 때문이다. 또한, 낮 동안 외부 환경으로 인한 오염 물질들이 피부에 묻게 되는데 이 또한 잠자리에 들기 전에 깨끗이 제거되어야 한다. 건강한 피부를 유지하기 위해서 는, 아침 저녁으로 청결히 세안을 해야 한다.

Toni Love is an International Educator and Speaker holding a BA degree in Business Administration (Management) and a MA in Continuing Education. She is a published author of “The World of Wigs, Weaves, and Extensions.” She owns Toni Love’s Cosmetology Training Center based in Atlanta where she teaches licensed professionals from the U.S. and abroad.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015


Knowledge to Know by Dwayne Thompson

Photo Courtesy of Dwayne Thompson



이발소 고객 맞춤화 시대 What is customization?

Customization이란 무엇인가?

To modify (something) according to a customer’s individual requirements,

고객 개인이 원하는 대로 (무언가를) 수정하다.

verb (used with object), customized, customizing. 1. To modify or build according to individual or personal specifications or preference: to customize products or services to fit a client’s preference. ( -------------In this era of customization of the barbering industry we are seeing new products designed to help make the barbering experience convenient and more professional without the need for additional supporting services as often (i.e. blade and shear sharpening and blade setting). I wrote about this briefly in my article from 2011 titled “Barbernomics.” A few years back in 2009-10 I was introduced to a product called Clipp-Aid ( Clipp-Aid® is a unique clipper and trimmer maintenance product for barbers and stylists. At the time, the product was unrefined and still in the testing stages. I was called to the meeting by one of my mentors Louis Alvarez, the owner of a mobile barber supply company and we met and spoke with the owner and barber, Romeo Turner, at an impromptu meeting in a mall food court. At that time, Clipp-Aid was being offered in a large container with cumbersome items such as a brush and container in order to use the product and after one test of the product I knew it would be a great breakthrough and success for Mr. Turner and the industry. Ironically, he was only focused on offering the product to the barbering industry, but when I told him about the equestrian world and the pet grooming business it became 36

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

동사(목적어와 사용), 개개인의 요구에 맞춘, 커스터 마이징. 1. 개인이나 개별적 사용 및 취향에 따라 바

꾸거나 만드는 것: 고객의 선호도에 맞추기 위해 제품이나 서비스를 사용자 정의한다. (


이용업계의 고객 맞춤화 시대에서, 우리는 이발 경험을 편리하게 하고 추가적인 지원 서비스 없이도(예 를 들자면, 블레이드, shear sharpening , 블레이드 세팅) 보다 전문적으로 만드는데 도움이 되도록 설 계된 새로운 제품들을 보게 된다. 나는 2011년 내가 쓴 기사 “Barbernomics”에서 여기에 대해 간략 하게 서술했다.

몇 년 전인 2009-10년, 나는Clipp-Aid (라는 제품을 소개받았다.

Clipp-Aid® 는 이발사와 미용사들을 위한 독특한 클리퍼이자 트리머 제품이다. 그 당시, 이 제품은 세 련되지 못했고 여전히 시험 단계에 있었다. 나의 멘토이자 모바일 이발 제품 회사의 소유주인Louis

Alvarez가 나를 미팅에 불렀고, 우리는 이 회사의 소유주이자 이발사인 Romeo Turner를 작은 쇼핑몰

푸드 코트에서 만나 즉석 회의를 했다. 그 때 당시, Clipp-Aid는 제품을 사용하기 위해서 브러쉬와 컨테

이너처럼 크고 무거운 아이템들과 함께 큰 컨테이너에 담겨 있었는데, 한 번 테스트 한 후, 나는 이 제품 이 대단한 돌파구가 되고 Mr. Turner와 업계를 크게 성공시킬 것을 알았다.

아이러니하게도, 그는 단지 이발업계을 위한 제품 제공에 초점을 맞추고 있었다, 그러나

내가 승마나 애완견 그루밍 사업에 관해 얘기했을 때, Romeo는 제품 디자인과 옵션을 확장해야 한다

clear to Romeo that he would have to expand his options and designs for the product. This all-in-one product allows barbers to clean and sharpen their metal blades like new in less than two minutes right in the convenience of their barber shop or salon. Clipp-Aid now comes in a small pouch designed for one or two sharpenings, and can be tossed in the trash after use. His product has been customized for clippers and trimmers for both human and pet grooming. This product is a great success story.

는 것을 분명히 하게 되었다. 이 올인원 제품은 이발소나 미용실에서 편리하게 사용할 수 있으며, 이발

사들이 금속 블레이드를 2분도 안되어 새 것처럼 날카롭고 깨끗하게 만들 수 있게 해준다. 현재의ClippAid는 작은 파우치에 들어있는데 1-2회 정도 샤프닝을 할 수 있게 설계되었으며 사용 후 휴지통에 버릴

수가 있다. 그의 제품은 클리퍼와 트리머에 있어서 사람과 애완 동물 모두의 미용에 맞게 사용자 정의가 되었다. 이 제품은 대단한 성공 스토리이다.

Meeting the Needs of Barbers Clippers are running cleaner with new materials and technology in the housing, which keeps the blades at lower temperatures with less malfunction and breakdowns. I know you may say this is not customization. Well, not necessarily customization, but more like innovation when it comes to the base equipment barbers may use on a daily basis. Clipper companies are more in-tune to the needs of barbers, and companies like Conair, Babyliss Pro and Oster are now focused on creating and delivering clippers that barbers can learn to love, and use to create designs and new hair styles. Andis and Wahl are ahead of the curve somewhat. I remember sitting in the Andis Corporate office across the table from Matt Andis, President of Andis Company, sharing a power point presentation about innovation in our industry and the need for better educators who barbers want to see in their schools and on the Andis platforms at our industry events. Mr. Andis spoke about the future of the Andis Company and his focus on taking the company to the next level through innovation and education. He said, “Andis Co. will be an iconic brand just like Harley Davidson and John Deere.” Not only is Mr. Andis making good on his promise, they are delivering some of the best products and educators available today! By the way, pick up a pair of their Andis Black Label Master, a must-have for any clipper enthusiast; did I mention they are customized?

이발사의 요구 충족

Step it Up Another place we are seeing customization in our industry is in the category of education. This spans Apps for appointments, social media experts training barbers on the importance of having an online presence through Instagram and Facebook, and my favorite forum – Periscope – where you can actually offer web instructor-led training. Barbers also love customized barber chairs, especially those from Mr. Beauty Equipment who is a renowned distributor of salon and spa equipment, furniture and fixtures. The new kid on the block is Frankie Designs based in Grand Prairie, Texas whose chairs are

업계에서 고객 맞춤을 볼 수 있는 또 다른 곳은 교육 카테고리이다. 다양한 예약 어플리케이션, 인스타

클리퍼는 블레이드가 고장이 덜 나도록 지속적으로 저온상태를 유지할 수 있는 새로운 소재와 자체적인 기술로 만들어지고 있다. 이것은 고객 맞춤은 아니라고 말할 수도 있다. 반드시 고객 맞춤형의 사용자 정 의는 아니지만, 이발사들이 매일 사용하는 기본적인 장비로서 얘기할 때는 혁신에 보다 가깝다. 클리퍼

제조 회사들은 이발사들의 요구에 더욱 맞추려 하며, Conair, Babyliss Pro, Oster와 같은 회사들은 현

재 이발사들이 사용법을 쉽게 배우고, 새로운 헤어 스타일과 디자인을 만들 수 있는 클리퍼를 제조 보급 하는데 초점을 두고 있다. Andis와Wahl가 어떤 점에서는 앞서있다고 할 수 있다. 나는 Andis사의 사장

인 Matt Andis와 그의 사무실에서 만났던 것을 기억한다, 그 때 우리는 업계의 혁신과 이발 학교에서 강 의하는 강사들이 원하는 점들, 그리고 업계에서의 Andis 역할에 관한 프레젠테이션을 공유했다.

Andis씨는 혁신과 교육을 통한 회사의 다음 단계로의 도약에 관한 자신의 초점과 Andis사

의 미래에 관해 얘기했다. 그는, “Andis사는 Harley Davidson 나 John Deere처럼 상징적인 브랜드가 될 것입니다.”고 했다. Andis씨는 그의 약속을 잘 이행하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 현재 유용한 최고의 품질

과 강사들을 제공하고 있다! 클리퍼를 사랑하는 사람들에게는 필수 제품인, Andis Black Label Master 를 선택하라. 이 제품이 커스터마이즈 되어 있다고 내가 언급했었던가? 발전해라.

그램과 페이스북과 같은 온라인 활동의 중요성을 이발사들에게 교육하는 소셜 미디어 전문가들, 그리

고 내가 좋아하는 포럼 – Periscope-이 있는데, 이것은 당신이 실제로 웹 강사가 진행하는 교육을 제공 할 수 있다.

이발사들은 또한 이발용 의자, 특히Mr. Beauty Equipment 제품의 고객 맞춤을 좋아하는

데, 이 회사는 살롱과 스파 장비, 가구 및 비품 분야에서 유명한 유통업체이다. 텍사스의Grand Prairie October 2015

Photo Courtesy of Brian Guilliaux OTC Beauty Magazine 37


Photos Courtesy of Pacinos Management

literally a work of art, handmade and customized for barbershops and salons ( With over 20 years of experience in custom upholstery they are the number one source for custom barber chairs and shop furniture. The Barbershop, Transformed Over the past 5 years the barbershop has transformed and recreated itself into a more refined experience. Barbers have become more focused on ways to save time and keep clients in their chairs as competition increases from non-traditional, unisex barbershops and barbershop industry chains such as Sport Clips. Sport Clips offers men and boys more than just a haircut – they offer them a unique, sports-themed experience they can’t get anywhere else. Sport Clips is now in 49 states with more than 1,350 locations ( Barbers are now offering new liquid products designed and customized for savvy clientele and those who would like to connect to a more urban and less corporate brand. In this space you will find products like Xotics, created by Curtis Smith, and the Pacinos signature line of hair grooming products by Eric “Pacinos.” The Pacinos line includes a pomade and a crème sculpting wax. They also have one of the most successful Apps for the barbering industry: Pacinos App Vol. 1, 2 and 3, which are all available on the iTunes and Android market. Also, Terrell Simpson (a.k.a. Cassius) created Roller Coaster Waves, a great product. Roller Coaster Waves has now established major manufacturing with Professional Products Unlimited and can be purchased on Amazon. Future plans will be to expand and offer instructional workshop campaigns ( Finally, you have industry professionals like Tyrik Jackson who bring incredible skill to the world of color. He recently brought his team of skilled barbers to the Bigen Barber Stage at Bronner Brothers this past August in Atlanta, Ga. Tyrik Jackson is owner and partner of Premier Barber Institute where he progresses his passion for cosmetology and barbering. He is also CEO of Tyrik Jackson International, Inc. and sole proprietor of Sharper Image Barber Shops I & II in Lancaster, Pa. Tyrik was the winner of the renowned 2006 Bronner Brothers Barber Battle in Atlanta, Ga. An audience of more than 22,000 spectators watched on August 6, 2006 as Tyrik was awarded $25,000 and given the name “X-Factor.” He believes innovation and customization equals personalization and monetization of our industry! As Barbers continue to venture out into the corporate world to make products relevant and customized for the barbering industry you can bet that you will see new clipper brands, clothing, shoes, vehicles and technology coming to a barbershop near you. Keep up the good work!

에 기반을 두고 있는Frankie Designs이 새로운 얼굴로 떠오르고 있는데, 이 업체의 의자는 실로 예술 적인 제품으로 이발소와 미용실을 위한 고객 맞춤의 수제품이다 ( 맞춤 실내 장식 분야에서 20년 이상의 경험을 가진 이 회사는 맞춤 이발 의자와 매장 가구를 찾을 수 있는 첫 번째 업체이다. 변화하는 이발소

지난 5년간 이발소는 더욱 세련되게 스스로를 재창조하고 있다. 이발사들은 시간을 절약할 뿐 아니라,

비전통적이며 남녀 모두 이용할 수 있는 이발소와 Sport Clips과 같은 체인점의 경쟁이 증가함에 따라, 고객을 유지하는 방법에 더욱 중점을 두고 있다. Sport Clips은 남성과 남자 아이들에게 헤어컷 이상

의 서비스를 제공한다. 다른 곳에서는 할 수 없는 독특한 스포츠 테마의 경험을 제공하고 있다. Sport Clips은 현재 49개 주의 1,350개 이상의 매장을 보유하고 있다. (

이발소는 현재 더욱 도시적이지만 기업 브랜드가 아닌 제품들을 이용하고자 하는 정통한

고객들에게 맞게 디자인된 새로운 액체 제품을 제공하고 있다. 이런 카테고리 내에서, Curtis Smith가 만든Xotics나Eric “Pacinos” 의 Pacions 헤어 그루밍 시그네쳐 라인과 같은 제품들을 볼 수가 있다. Pacinos 라인에는 포마드와 크림 왁스가 포함되어 있다. 또한 이 회사는 이발 업계에서 가장 성공적

인 어플리케이션 중 하나를 보유하고 있다: Pacinos App Vol. 1, 2 and 3는iTunes과 Android 운영체 계 모두에 적합하다.

Terrell Simpson (일명,Cassius)은Roller Coaster Waves라는 대단한 제품을 만들었

다. Roller Coaster Waves는 물량의 제한 없이 전문 생산할 수 있는 주요 제조 체계를 설립해서 아

마존에서 구매할 수가 있게 되었다. 앞으로 더욱 확장될 것이며 교육 워크샵 캠페인도 제공하게 된다 (

마지막으로, 염색 분야에 있어서 놀라운 능력을 갖고 있는Tyrik Jackson과 같은 업

계 전문가도 있다. 그는 최근 조지아 주 애틀랜타에서 8월에 열린 Bigen Barber

Stage at Bronner Brothers에서 숙련된 이발사 팀을 선보였다. Tyrik Jackson은

미용과 이발에 대한 자신의 열정이 진화하고 있는 Premier Barber Institute의 소 유주이며 파트너이다. 또한Tyrik Jackson International, Inc의 CEO이며, 펜실베

니아Lancaster에서Sharper Image Barber Shops I & II를 소유하고 있기도 하다. Tyrik은 2006년 조지아 주 애틀랜타에서 열린 Bronner Brothers Barber Battle

의 우승자이기도 하다. 22,000명 이상의 관중들이 2006년 8월, Tyrik이 25,000달

러의 상금을 받고“X-Factor”라는 이름을 얻는 것을 지켜보았다. 그는 혁신과 고객 맞춤은 개별화 및 우리 업계의 수익 창출과 동일하다고 믿는다!

이발업계를 위한 적절한 고객 맞춤형의 제품들을 만들기 위해 이발사들은 기업의

세계 속으로 지속적으로 나아가고 있기 때문에, 여러분은 새로운 클리퍼와 의류, 신 발, 자동차 및 기술들을 가까운 이발소에서 볼 수 있게 될 것이다. 앞으로도 꾸준히 잘 변화해 나가길 바란다!

Dwayne Thompson, a.k.a. “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC. He wears many hats as the founder

of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He is also the founder and publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine., Instagram: @tonsorialtimes, @barbersinctv, and @teamfyc.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

October 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Evans Casey


HANDY TIPS TO STRENGTHEN BRITTLE NAILS You will be surprised how chipped and frayed nails can bring your otherwise diva-like image crumbling down. When you spend so much time on your hair and skin care, it only stands to reason that you spend a few minutes of that time caring for your nails. After all, there’s nothing like perfectly filed glossy nails to bolster your confidence. Here we have compiled a few tips that will give your brittle nails the sheen that they need. Stop Biting Your Nails If you are one of those women who tend to bite her nails when she’s nervous or just out of habit, then you need to stop it right now. Not only are you unconsciously eating the dirt embedded under your nails, but it is also causing sharp ridges on your nail plate. Next time you feel the urge taking over, simply distract yourself. 40

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Put On Your Cleaning Gloves Make it a point to put on rubber gloves while cleaning. It is the only barrier for your skin against harsh cleaning agents. The toxic cleaner not only dries your hand, but also breaks down the nails. This simple tip can go a long way in protecting your nails. Olive Oil Massage Want a quick tip for super glossy nails? Then a hot oil massage is something for you. Mix a few drops of lemon juice in warm olive oil, massage the concoction on your nails, slip on a pair of cotton gloves and let the oil work its magic overnight. Your hands will be baby soft and your nails will be super-shiny in the morning.


File Your Nail In One Direction This is perhaps the oldest trick in the book, but it does work! Filing your nails in one direction will put less stress on the fragile tips and keep the skin from splitting. It might be awkward initially, but you will get the hang of it soon enough.

paints contain alcohol which turns your nails brittle and can even cause nails to change colors from pearly crème to slightly yellow. Let your nail breathe. We recommend giving your nails 2 to 3 weeks before the next coat of paint.

Moisturize Your Nails Every time you moisturize your skin, make it a point to dab some cream on your nail bed and cuticles too, it will keep your nails hydrated throughout the day. A moisturizer with vitamin E will work best for both your skin and nails.

Take Vitamins Taking vitamins can help your nails grow stronger and longer. Biotin works the best for your hair and nails. You can also take vitamin E capsules and apply it directly on your nails. Just take a capsule, make a tiny hole with a pin, squirt the content directly on your nails and rub in the gel evenly. Before consuming any pills it is a good idea to consult with your doctor first.

Let Your Nail Breathe We all love to paint our nails, but excessive painting can be damaging. Nail

These tips here are sure to give anyone a serious case of nail envy. For that added pampering don’t forget to indulge in a nail spa.

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Evans Casey is a contributor to


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Urban Call Briefs

Vanessa Williams Actress

Dr. Bridgette Miller Jones Community Volunteer for the Underserved

Lisa Leslie WNBA Basketball Star

Paige Woods Harvard University Activist

Giving Back to Our Community This








held bi-annually in Winston-Salem, NC where more than

another group of “Role Models Beyond Beauty” who are

30,000 festival participants had an opportunity to view the

doing wonderful things in our community.

exhibition at The Sawtooth School of Visual Art.

“Role Model-Beyond Beauty” has been a Sophisticates

The column is written by beauty industry icon Lafayette

Black Hair Styles and Care Guide magazine feature for more

Jones and is co-authored by his daughter, Bridgette Miller

than 25 years. It highlights women of color who have made

Jones, who joined as co-columnist five years ago. Bridgette

significant advances in their careers and who have given back

is a 2011 Spelman graduate and now East Carolina School of

to their communities. Nearing its 100th edition, the column

Dental Medicine candidate (2015). The “Role Model Beyond

has honored black women in a wide range of fields.

Beauty” column originally debuted as a touring 180+ piece

art collection and exhibition.

The column portrait art by commissioned artist Leo

Rucker is also an art exhibition of 180 pastel portraits with

the Role Model story about these accomplished women and

Winston-Salem, NC, the City of the Arts. Selected pastel

their distinguished careers are in the personal collection

portraits of the large collection commissioned by Sandy and

of beauty industry leaders Sandra and Lafayette Jones.

Lafayette Jones and illustrated by Artist Extraordinaire Leo

Visit and the SMSi-Urban

Rucker were shown July 13—August 9, 2015 in the Milton


Rhodes Sawtooth. A handful of profiles are included in this




In August 2013 the Role Model Beyond art portraits and

The expanded exhibition opened for a second year in

OTC Beauty Magazine edition.

editorial were featured at the National Black Theater Festival

Lafayette Jones

Each month, Urban Call Briefs covers subjects that provide readers of OTC Beauty Magazine with information on multicultural consumers, Hispanics and African Americans, who are the fastest growing consumer segments in the U.S. The mission of this column is to build a bridge of communications and information between manufacturers and retailers and the ethnic consumers they wish to serve better. The column offers resources covering marketing, retail merchandising, consumer research, purchase behavior, fashion and beauty trends, industry events and people, trade association news, new product launches and a potpourri of information designed to help the readers make intelligent decisions about the customers they serve. Urban Call is a registered trademark of Segmented Marketing Services, Inc. (SMSi). For more information, call 336-759-7477 or visit

The preceeding article is the property of SMSi – Urban Call Marketing, Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission from the author. October 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Urban Call Briefs Dr. Bridgette Miller Jones Dr. Bridgette Miller Jones is a very unique person – quiet and unassuming but determined to be successful in serving others. She was born in Chicago, and raised in Winston Salem, NC. While attending Spelman College, a Historically Black College and University, in Atlanta, Ga., she fell in love with community service and became heavily involved with volunteer work, both inside and outside of the Spelman College gates. The college also provided her with the opportunity to learn more about a growing passion for dentistry as a leader within the Spelman College Pre-Dental Institute. Dr. Jones’ first interest in dentistry began after receiving orthodontic treatment, and seeing how much it improved her overall confidence. At this point she wanted to be able to give that gift to others, especially those who do not readily have access to dental care. Upon graduation from Spelman she was fortunate to become a member of the Inaugural Class at East Carolina University School (ECU) of Dental Medicine in Greenville, NC. In dental school she helped to found the ECU Chapter of the Student National Dental Association and the Student Professionalism and Ethics Association. Dr. Jones was involved with many other services, including Mission Of Mercy Charitable Dental Cares (MOMS), and mentorship organizations on campus and in the local Greenville Community. During those four years in Dental school, she became a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. Today she is engaged to her college sweetheart and currently in a one year General Practice Residency in Asheville, NC. She is looking to stay in North Carolina for a few years to continue the practice of dentistry. Dr. Bridgette Miler Jones is the daughter of Sandra and Lafayette Jones. The latter is a long term columnist of Urban Call Briefs for this publication, OTC Beauty Magazine.

Vanessa Williams Vanessa Williams is an American singer-songwriter and actress. In 1983, Williams became the first African American woman to win the Miss America beauty pageant. As a child, Vanessa Williams studied French horn and piano and also enjoyed singing. She earned herself a scholarship to Syracuse University, studying for a major of Theatre Arts. She left the university when she won the Miss America contest so that she could fulfill her role as the winner. She did, however, achieve a graduation certificate from the university 25 years later when she earned her remaining credits from her Tony-award winning Broadway shows. Vanessa Williams first started entering beauty pageants in the 1980s. In 1983, she won Miss New York and in September that year, she was crowned Miss America 1984 and became the first African American 46

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

woman to win the title. Williams received death threats and racial abuse prior to winning the title and 10 months into her reign, she received an anonymous phone call threatening to publish some nude photographs that had been taken of her before she won the title. Hugh Hefner refused to publish the pictures in Playboy on the grounds that they had not been authorized for release and did not want to embarrass Williams any further. However, Bob Guccione, the editor of Penthouse paid for the rights to the photos, regardless of Williams’ wishes. As a result, Williams was stripped of her Miss America title. In 1988, Vanessa Williams released her debut album, “The Right Stuff.” The lead single, of the same name, was a success on the US R&B charts. The second single was “(He’s Got) The Look” and the third, “Dreamin,” was Williams’ first Top 10 hit on the mainstream Hot 100 chart. The album reached gold status and she won three Grammy Awards, including the Best New Artist Grammy. Williams’ second album, “The Comfort Zone” featured the hit single “Running Back To You.” The next three singles, “Just For Tonight,” “Work To Do” and “Freedom Dance (Get Free!)” also performed well. Her biggest hit single to date, though, was “Save The Best For Last.” “The Comfort Zone” sold over 2 million copies in the US alone. The third album from Vanessa Williams, released in 1994, was “The Sweetest Days,” which was a blend of jazz, hip-hop and Latin. It featured the tracks “Betcha Never” and “You Can’t Run,” which were written and produced by Babyface. The album was nominated for two Grammy awards. In 1997, Williams released “Next,” and “Everlasting Love” in 2005.Williams also released two Christmas albums. The first, “Star Bright,” was released in 1996 and the second, “Silver and Gold,” was released in 2004. In 2009, Vanessa Williams announced a new album, to be released in June 2009, who is now signed to Concord Records. In 1994, Vanessa Williams was cast in a Broadway production of “Kiss of the Spider Woman.” She then appeared in a revival of “Into the Woods” by Stephen Sondheim. Williams has also landed roles in a number of feature films, with the most prominent being 1997’s “Soul Food.” She also starred in the 1991 underground hit, “Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man.” She went on to star opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger in “Eraser” and opposite Chayanne in “Dance With Me.” In 2009, Williams featured in the Hannah Montana film, alongside Miley Cyrus, “Hannah Montana: The Movie.” A pivotal role for Williams was her performance as Wilhelmina Slater in the ABC comedy “Ugly Betty,” which is produced by Salma Hayek. Vanessa Williams’ first marriage was to Ramon Hervey II, who was her manager at the time. They were married from 1987-97 and have three children together. Her second marriage was to Rick Fox, the ex-basketball player. They eloped and married in 1999 and have one daughter together, Sasha Gabriella. They divorced in 2005. In September 2014, Williams confirmed that she was engaged to Jim Skrip during an appearance on “The Queen Latifah Show.” The couple met while vacationing in Egypt in 2012. They married on July 4th, 2015. Biography excerpts by

Lisa Leslie When the “face” of your sport is a Wilhelmina model, you know you’re off to a good start. But Lisa Leslie, the mostrecognized player in the WNBA and Team USA brought considerably more than a stunning visage and statuesque body to the court. She was the most dominant player in the women’s game. While at Morningside High School in Inglewood, Calif., she led the team to two state championships. In college at the University of Southern California, she was the all-time Pac-10 leader in points, rebounds and blocked shots. After college, Leslie launched her modeling career, signing with the prestigious Wilhelmina Agency in 1996. She was a member of the gold-winning U.S. Olympic teams in 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008. She is the first team sport athlete to win four consecutive Olympic Gold Medals. In 2001, Leslie was the first WNBA player to win the regular season MVP, the All-Star Game MVP and the playoff MVP in the same season. That year, she also led the Los Angeles Sparks to their first WNBA Championship. In 2002, she became the WNBA all-time leading scorer and was named MVP of the regular season for the second year in a row. She led the Los Angeles Sparks to back-to-back Championships. She would go on to win her third MVP trophy of the WNBA in 2006. Leslie is the first woman to slam-dunk in a professional game. Lisa Leslie sat out the 2007 WNBA season as she and her husband, Michael Lockwood, welcomed baby Lauren into the world. She joined the U.S. team that spring and won her fourth Olympic Gold Medal as she retired from the Olympics. In 2009, Lisa Leslie announced her retirement from the WNBA as she played her last season in front of her family, friends and fans! In Lisa’s off-season she became an author and released her book, “Don’t Let the Lipstick Fool You.” In her own words, she points the spotlight onto her remarkable life off the court, where being a confident champion was not always simple. She became a commentator for ESPN in 2004, covering the NCAA Women’s Tournament and has not looked back. She is now an in-studio sports analyst for ABC, Turner, Fox Sports Net and covered the 2012 Olympics for NBC. Lisa Leslie is Co-Owner of the Los Angeles Sparks – a professional franchise in the WNBA. She also launched the Lisa Leslie Basketball & Leadership Academy. Lisa and Michael are parents to Lauren and MJ. As a wife, mom, author, sports analyst, motivational speaker and entrepreneur, you can see Lisa Leslie does it all.

Paige Woods It isn’t every day that a young black woman who was raised by her mother in the state of North Carolina be accepted into the world’s most revered institution of higher learning, Harvard University, along with eight other prestigious institutions including UNC Chapel Hill, Duke University and Dartmouth University. But it did happen to 18-year-old Paige Woods who was one of 1,600 freshmen college students in the world who moved to Cambridge, Mass. to attend Harvard College. She received an outstanding $900,000 in scholarship money from various sources including a Faculty of Arts and Sciences Scholarship from Harvard valued at $53,750. These opportunities became available because Paige was an exceptional high school student, involving herself in over 20 clubs including Girls Empowered by Math and Science where she served as a teacher’s assistant and junior counselor, Varsity Volleyball where she was Captain and MVP, Student of the Year her 9th, 10th and 12th grade years where she was nominated by students and teachers, and had the fourth highest GPA in her class. “I wanted to be my best and I didn’t seek to compete against anyone else. The only person I was competing against was my own self to ensure that I was functioning in the most efficient manner I possibly could,” said Paige. With her reputable academic success and history of servitude, Paige says that she would not have even thought of applying to Harvard had it not been for the Simmons Memorial Foundation which provides college counseling for students from vulnerable backgrounds. “At first, the request for me to apply to Harvard seemed so preposterous and foreign that I was taken aback. I remember sitting in my mom’s room, telling her that I had feelings of doubt…Most of these schools were places that I would have never applied to had it not been for the urging of the Simmons Memorial Foundation’s staff who pushed me far beyond my comfort zone and for the emotional and financial support of my mother.” Whether it was coming to know what she truly wanted in school or acknowledging her strengths and weaknesses, the college process helped her to grow as a person. It also gave her the opportunity to see the remarkable ability of God to bless abundantly. Not only was she accepted into nine top-notch institutions including three in the Ivy League, she was awarded generous financial aid grants and scholarships. Paige plans to double major in African and African American Studies and Sociology, and minor in global administration. She wants to pursue a career in global health administration in order to assist low resourced families receive the best health care possible. Paige Woods is now in her senior year at Harvard College in Cambridge, Mass. and graduates in the class of 2016 with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Studies and African and African American Studies.

October 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Gabriel Samra

Remember to Engage the Beauty Obsessed Latina 아름다움에 열정적인 라틴계의 마음을 사로잡자.


t’s not new news that the United States is becoming more diverse than ever, and that unique populations are the drivers within major categories. In the past 15 years alone, the Hispanic population has nearly doubled from 35.7 million Hispanics in the year 2000 to 55.4 million in 2014. So how does this impact the beauty industry? According to a recent Nielsen study, “Hispanic consumers are the foundation for beauty category sales.” The study breaks down that while sales have declined across various beauty categories, it’s the opposite for Hispanics. There are yearover-year growths across key categories. For example, the hair care industry faced a 3.6% decline overall, yet the category grew 3% with Hispanics. For beauty brands, businesses and retailers, this is a major growth opportunity to engage a population that is innately beauty obsessed. But understanding the cultural uniqueness of the segment is key to marketing success. Being a salon/business owner myself in a major Hispanic market, Miami, I not only see each day the power of the Latina consumer, but also their passion for all things beauty. So what makes Latinas unique? Vanity is Celebrated Latinas begin a beauty regimen at a much younger age than their traditional American counterparts. Culturally, Latinas celebrate vanity, and express that when you look good on the outside, you feel good on the inside. This mentality is typically the opposite for most women. However, this celebrated vanity leads Latinas to start dying their hair at a younger age, and use multiple products/ regimens to obtain a long-term younger beauty look. Latinas like to be Marketed to and Have Dollars to Spend on Products U.S. Hispanics currently hold a spending power of $1.5 trillion, and Latinas control 86% of that spending power, as they are the primary decision makers. Pair that purchase power with their hunger for learning about brands who speak to them either culturally or in language, and you will see sales and brand loyalty grow. 48

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

국이 그 어느 때보다 다양해지고, 독특한 인구들이 주요 범주에서 중요 역할을 하고 있 다는 것은 더 이상 새로운 소식이 아니다. 지난 15년 동안에만, 히스패닉 인구는 2000

년 3,570만에서 2014년 5,540만으로 거의 두 배가 증가했다. 이것이 미용 산업에 주는 영향 은 어떨까?

최근 닐슨 조사에 따르면, “히스패닉 소비자는 미용 제품 판매에 있어 기본이다.”

이 조사는 다양한 미용 제품 범주에 걸쳐 매출액은 감소하고 있지만, 히스패닉의 경우는 반대라 고 말한다. 주요 카테고리에서 전년 대비 매출이 상승했다. 예를 들어, 헤어 케어 산업은 전체적 으로 3.6% 감소에 직면했지만, 히스패닉을 대상으로 하는 카테고리는 3 % 상승했다. 뷰티 브

랜드와 비즈니스 및 소매업체들에게, 이것은 선천적으로 미용에 관심이 지대한 인종의 마음을 사로잡을 수 있는 주된 성장의 기회이다. 그러나 그 분야에 있어서 문화적 고유성을 이해하는 것이 성공적인 마케팅의 열쇠이다.

마이애미의 주요 히스패닉 상권에서 미용실/비즈니스를 운영하는 나는, 매일 라틴

계 소비자들의 저력을 보는 것은 물론, 미용에 관한 그들의 열정도 보게 된다. 무엇이 이들을 이 렇게 독특하게 만드는 걸까? 허영을 부추기는 문화.

라틴계 여성들은 전통적인 미국인들보다 훨씬 어린 나이에 미용 관리를 시작한다. 문화적으로,

라틴계 여성들은 외적으로 좋아 보일 때, 내적으로도 기분이 좋아진다고 믿으며 허영심 갖는 것 을 당연시하고 있다. 이런 사고방식은 대부분의 여성들과는 상반되는 것이다. 그러나, 이렇게

허영하는 것을 용인하는 문화가 라틴계 여성들이 어린 나이에 모발 염색을 시작하게 만들며, 장 기적으로 더욱 젊은 아름다움을 얻기 위해 다양한 제품과 미용 방법을 사용하게 만든다. 라틴계 여성들은 그들을 대상으로 하는 제품 구매를 위해 아낌없이 지갑을 연다.

미국 히스패닉은 현재 1.5조 달러의 소비력을 보유하고 있으며, 라틴계 여성들은 주요 결정권

자로서 이런 소비력의 86%를 제어하고 있다. 그들의 구매력과 더불어 문화적으로든 언어적으 로든 그들에게 얘기하는 브랜드에 대해 알고자 하는 그들의 욕구가 쌍을 이루고 있기 때문에, 여러분은 매출과 브랜드 충성도의 성장을 볼 수 있을 것이다.

라틴계 여성들을 대상으로 마케팅을 시작할 준비가 되었다면, 라틴계 여성 고객들이 언제나 당 신의 매장을 가장 먼저 떠올리게 할 수 있는 몇 가지 방법들이 있다:

October 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips If you’re ready to start marketing to Latinas, here are a few ways that I make sure to keep Latina consumers top of mind for my business: • Educate them on products and how it addresses their unique beauty concerns. For example, Latina hair tends to go brassy when colored so I educate them on the products/regimen to use/follow to minimize brassiness. • Provide information and tips in both English and Spanish. Many Latinas are Spanish-dominant and feel a company/business is valid when they speak to them in Spanish. • Ensure that visuals show culturally diverse women either on-pack or on-shelf. It’s important to note that there is not one look for all Latinas. They come in all colors and looks. Latinas can be as fair- skinned as Actress Bella Thorne to a deeper-toned as Model Joan Smalls. • Ask your Latina customers directly what they would like to see more of. Opening a two way dialogue is something I pride myself on with my Latina consumers. They appreciate being heard and catered to for their unique needs. I hope you found these tips useful and don’t forget to keep up with industry news on the Hispanic segment as their power is sure to grow.

Gabriel Samra

그들에게 제품에 대해 교육하고 그들의 고유한 뷰티 문제를 해결할 수 있는 방법을 알려주어라. 예를 들어, 라틴 여성들의 모발은 염색했을 때 놋쇠 빛으로 변하는 경 향이 있는데, 나는 이런 문제를 최소화하기 위해 사용할 수 있는 제품이나 방법을

• •

그들에게 알려준다.

정보와 팁은 영어와 스페인어 모두로 알려줘라. 많은 라틴 여성들은 스페인어를 주

로 사용하며 그들이 스페인어로 말을 할 때 비즈니스나 기업이 자신들에게 더욱 친 밀하다고 느낀다.

포장으로든 진열로든 문화적으로 다양한 여성들에게 시각적으로 보여줄 수 있도

록 해라. 모든 라틴여성들을 위한 것이 단 하나의 모습만은 아니라는 점에 유의하

는 것이 중요하다. 그들은 다양한 피부색과 모습을 하고 있다. 라틴 여성들은 여배

우BELLA THORNE처럼 흰 피부색을 가질 수도 있고 모델 JOAN SMALLS처럼 짙 •

은 피부색일 수도 있다.

라틴 여성 고객들에게 그들이 더 필요로 하는 것에 관해 직접적으로 질문해라. 내가 라틴 여성 고객 응대에 대해 스스로 자부심을 갖는 것 중 하나는, 그들과 마음이 열

린 대화를 한다는 것이다. 그들은 자신들의 고유한 요구 사항에 귀 기울여주고 충족 시켜주는 것에 고마워한다.

이상의 팁들이 여러분에게도 도움이 되길 바라며, 확실하게 성장하고 있는 히스패닉 분야에 관한 업계의 최신 뉴스를 지속적으로 체크할 것을 조언하는 바이다.

is a celebrity hairstylist, makeup artist and owner of Gabriel Samra Hair Salon in Miami, Fla. Samra has been synonymous with beauty and glamour for the past decade. Specializing in hair coloring, cutting, design and makeup application, Samra has developed a niche for creating scene stealing, red carpet worthy looks adorned by the likes of top Latina celebrities and more.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Business Tips by Lumbie Mlambo

3 Reasons a Balanced Life is a Better Life

At work and at home, success depends on finding equilibrium

균형 잡힌 인생이 더 나은 삶이 되는 3가지 이유 직장과 가정에서 성공은 균형을 찾는 것에 달려있다.

Life sometimes can seem off kilter, or unbalanced, as responsibilities mount and people plow all their physical and mental resources into what seems to be the most pressing crisis of the moment. But I say that’s a good time to take a step back. Everyone has the potential to shine in life’s darkest moments, but the key to achieving goals and an overall better existence is to maintain a balance so that one aspect of your life isn’t consumed by another. While some people might say balance in life is an impossible goal, I disagree. When each of us finds our equilibrium we become more productive and greater assets to our communities. There’s balance in everything we do, be it walking, talking, eating, sleeping, working or spending time with family. For example, look at how we try to deal with our work-life situation. We balance our workload so that we can still make room for other activities, to spend more time with our spouses or our children. We do that because we understand how important it is. The following are reasons why living a balanced life is essential: • The health factor. Staying balanced is a key to a healthier and successful life. Both mental health and physical health benefit, and as a result, so do our overall lives. When we’re healthy, we’re able to care for ourselves and others in our community. • The empathy factor. When we find balance in life, we can better understand the importance of helping the underprivileged. You begin to realize that someday 52

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

사람들은 여러 가지 책임들이 쌓이고 가장 시급한 위기처럼 보이는 순간이 되면 자 신의 모든 신체적, 정신적 에너지를 한 곳에 쏟아버리기 때문에, 때때로 삶은 뭔가 잘못되었거나, 균형을 잃은 듯 보일 수도 있다. 그러나 나는 그 순간이 한 발 물러 날 수 있는 좋은 시간이라고 말하고 싶다. 모든 이들은 인생의 가장 어두운 순간에 빛을 발할 수 있는 잠재력을 갖고 있 다. 그러나 목표를 달성하고 전반적으로 더 나은 존재가 되기 위한 열쇠는 당신 인 생의 한 측면이 다른 것에 의해 소비되지 않도록 균형을 유지하는데 있다. 삶의 균형은 불가능한 목표라고 말하는 사람들도 있겠지만, 나는 동의하 지 않는다. 우리 각자가 스스로의 균형을 발견하면, 우리는 지역 사회에 더욱 생산 적이고 큰 자산이 되는 것이다. 우리가 하는 모든 것에는 균형이 있다, 걷고, 말하고, 먹고, 잠자고, 일하 고 혹은 가족들과 시간을 보내는 것에도 균형이 존재한다. 예를 들어, 우리가 직장 생활의 상황에 어떻게 대처하는지 살펴보자. 업무량에 조정하여, 다른 활동을 하거 나 가족들과 더 많은 시간을 보낼 수 있는 여유를 만들 수 있다. 그것이 얼마나 중요 한지 우리는 알고 있기 때문에 그렇게 하는 것이다. 다음은 균형 잡힌 삶을 사는 것이 필요한 이유들이다: • 건강 요소. 균형을 유지하는 것은 건강하고 성공적인 삶의 열쇠이다. 정신 건강과 신체 건강의 혜택은 결과적으로 전반적인 우리의 생활에 영향을 끼친다. 우리가 건 강할 때는, 우리 자신은 물론 주변의 다른 사람들에게도 관심을 기울일 수가 있다. • 감정 이입 요소. 우리가 삶의 균형을 찾을 때, 우리는 소외 계층을 돕는 것의 중요

Business Tips you could be in their situation, which makes you a more empathetic person. Your economic situation is like your health; nothing is guaranteed. • The role-model factor. Sharing our stories – whether they are tales of success or failure – is important because others can learn from us and be inspired as they too strive for a balanced life. When you tell your story it empowers, motivates and encourages people to not give up on their dreams and goals. Maybe you think your story is just not that interesting or important, but for someone out there, it may be the spark that ignites them to great things. I have always strove to find balance in my life, but became even more passionate about it after I suffered a stroke in 2001 that left me partially paralyzed. I have since recovered, but the event had a profound impact on me and I will always consider myself a stroke patient. Before the stroke, I thought my life was balanced in a way. I mean, I ate healthy foods. I exercised seven days a week. But it was not balanced in the way I wanted. I had been too focused on myself. I realized that life was not just about me, but about others. Finding balance in life isn’t just a feel-good concept. As people achieve balance, they realize they have the potential to rise above their circumstances. They can become more productive in their communities and that is good for everyone. Staying proactive and shifting the way we think can even help the economy to grow and can help create more jobs. Certainly, maintaining a balanced life may be tougher than ever because technology allows work – emails, text messages, telephone calls – to intrude on people’s “off ” hours. But that’s just all the more reason to make a concerted effort to strive for balance. It has become popular in some circles to argue that a balanced life is a myth and can’t be achieved, but regardless of their views, most people seem to be trying to bring balance to their lives, even if they don’t think of it that way. We eat healthy to stay balanced, we get enough sleep or rest to avoid stress, we juggle our daily activities to stay balanced; to be successful in anything we do we must have some sort of balance.

성을 더 잘 이해할 수 있다. 당신도 언젠가 그런 상황에 처할 수도 있다는 것을 인식 하고, 자신을 남의 입장을 더욱 잘 이해하는 사람으로 만들기 시작할 것이다. 당신 의 경제 상황은 건강과도 같다; 어떤 것도 장담할 수가 없다. • 롤 모델 요소. 우리의 이야기를 공유하는 것 – 그것이 성공의 스토리이든 실패의 이야기이든 – 은 다른 사람들이 우리로부터 배울 수 있고, 균형된 삶을 위해 노력하 려는 영감을 줄 수 있다는 점에서 중요하다. 당신의 얘기를 할 때, 그것은 사람들이 그들의 꿈과 목표를 포기하지 않도록 격려하고 동기를 부여하며 힘을 실어주게 된 다. 당신의 이야기가 그다지 흥미롭거나 중요한 것은 아니라고 당신은 생각할 지 모 르지만, 어떤 사람들에게 그것은, 그들이 더욱 커다란 것을 할 수 있도록 불꽃을 피 워주는 것일 수도 있다. 나는 언제나 내 삶의 균형을 찾으려 노력했지만, 2001년 뇌졸중으로 몸의 왼쪽이 마 비가 된 후부터는, 더욱 열정적으로 노력하게 되었다. 회복이 된 후에도, 그것은 내게 막대한 영향을 끼쳤고 나는 항상 내 스스로를 뇌졸중 환자로 여기게 될 것이다. 뇌졸중을 앓기 전에, 나는 내 인생이 어느 정도는 균형이 잡혀 있다고 생 각했다. 건강한 음식들을 먹었다는 뜻이다. 일주일에 7일을 운동을 했다. 그러나 그 것은 내가 원했던 점에서의 균형은 아니었다. 내 스스로에게 너무도 집중했던 것이 다. 인생은 단지 나만이 아니라, 다른 사람들에 대한 것이라는 것을 깨달았다. 인생에서 균형을 찾는 것은 단지 기분 좋은 개념만은 아니다. 사람들이 균형을 찾게 되면, 그들은 자신의 환경을 극복할 수 있는 잠재력을 갖고 있음을 인 식하게 된다. 그들의 지역 사회에서 더욱 생산적인 존재가 될 수 있고, 그것은 모든 사람들에게 좋은 영향을 끼친다. 상황에 미리미리 대처하고 사고 방식을 전환하는 것은 경제적 성장에 도움이 될 뿐 아니라 더 많은 일자리를 창출하는데도 도움이 된다. 물론, 균형 잡힌 생활을 유지하는 것이 더 힘들 수도 있다 왜냐하면 기술 의 발전은 –이메일, 문자 메시지, 전화 통화 등을 통해- 사람들이 쉬는 시간까지도 방해하며 일할 수 있게 하기 때문이다. 하지만 균형을 추구하기 위한 혼신의 노력을 하는데 더욱 많은 이유들이 있다. 균형 잡힌 삶은 신화와도 같은 의미로 결코 달성할 수 없다고 주장하는 몇몇 서클들이 인기를 끌고 있다. 그러나 그들의 관점에도 불구하고, 많은 사람들은 자신의 삶의 균형을 위해 노력하고 있다. 균형을 유지하기 위해 건강하게 먹고, 스트레스를 피하기 위해서 충분한 수면이나 휴식을 취한다, 균형을 유지하기 위해서 매일의 일상적인 활동들을 이어 간다. 우리가 하는 어떤 것에서든 성공을 하기 위해서 우리는 어떤 종류로든 균형을 유지해야만 한다.

Lumbie Mlambo is editor of Equanimity Magazine (, a lifestyle publication that shares the stories of “real people and their search to lead better lives.” She also has a background in project management, computer/software engineering and business analysis. She holds an associate degree in computer science from Indiana University South Bend, and a bachelor’s degree in computer science and mathematics from Texas Woman’s University. She is multilingual, speaking English, Zulu, Ndebele and French.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools by Amanda Cano

Create Spellbinding Hair this Halloween

It’s always an exciting time of the year when the leaves start to change colors. An eerie, yet exciting feeling creeps up on us whilst Halloween approaches. As candy corn and pumpkins fill the aisles, we contemplate over and over which costume we’ll wear this time around. If one thing is for certain, your tresses can either make or break whichever disguise you decide to wear. The most exciting thing about Halloween is having the freedom to style your hair ANY way you want—whether it’s a leap into the wild side or a curled perfection into your coronation. A simple, yet great way to truly let your creative side show is by wearing a black, simple outfit and letting your hair and make up showcase your artistic skill as a cute or sexy animal—extra points if you’re daring enough to wear a leotard. To conquer your inner lioness, use the Gold ’N Hot 2” Ceramic Crimping Iron to create extra wavy texture in your hair. The iron heats up to 450°F in 60 seconds, making it easy to re-texturize even the coarsest of hair. Be sure to let hair sit without movement for a few minutes while it cools. Finish your animalistic hair by brushing your fingers through it to give it the extra carefree, wild look. What if you want to use the enchanted day to show your royal, elegant side, you ask? The Gold ’N Hot Ceramic Deep Waver will give you the perfect glamorous curls your sparkling princess crown deserves. The waver heats up to 450°F and can be adjusted to lower temperatures as well to suit any hair type. To ensure extra deep and defined waves, use firming spray before styling. Be sure to let waves cool before applying any type of tension to them.

Some women might opt for the mystical, mysterious and sleek look to complement their spy or superhero costumes. The Gold ’N Hot 2-1/4” Ceramic Straightening Iron is perfect to transform a thick, full head of hair into silky-smooth and shiny locks. The iron heats up to 450°F in 60 seconds, helping you get out the door quickly. Additionally, the iron has a 1-hour automatic shut off, in case you forget on your way to making your saucy appearance at that Halloween party. Whether it is messy waves, collected curls, or sleek straight hair, remember the key ingredient to spine-tingling hair is your imagination. Challenge yourself to add a spark to your everyday hair rituals. Your magical hair will be sure to cast a spell on every person you walk by this Halloween.

Belson Products is dedicated to producing products that give you the power to get professional results you desire from the comfort of your own home. Gold ’N Hot is currently looking for excited new individuals who are eager to give us feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you’re interested in becoming a brand ambassador, please contact us or visit our website at Be sure to follow us or like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest @GoldNHotElite for the latest updates, giveaways and more.

Amanda Cano is an Associate Brand Manager for Helen of Troy. She is a creative and driven marketing professional who graduated from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio with a degree in English-communication arts. Her complementary expertise in graphic design, writing, design, multimedia and social media earned her the “Editor of the Year” title by the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association in 2013. 58

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Beauty Ambassador

Skin Care


Nature’s Super Beauty Ingredient – Cocoa Butter

Cocoa Butter is nature’s super beauty ingredient. Highly prized for centuries, Cocoa Butter (Theobroma Cacao) is an abundant source of antioxidants, flavonoids and the unique Cocoa Mass Polyphenol. This natural ingredient’s superior properties aid in skin’s ability to retain its own moisture. Cocoa Butter works to protect the skin from damaging elements, while retaining skins’ natural beauty and health. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula is at the heart of everything we do – because it works naturally with your skin to keep it healthy and looking beautiful. Cocoa Butter features: • Cocoa Mass Polyphenols o Powerful antioxidants o Neutralize free radicals in the skin o Smooth and help prevent wrinkles • Vitamin E o Softens skin o Anti-oxidant that helps fight the signs of aging o Protects collagen from damage caused by free radicals o Naturally occurring in Cocoa Butter • Oleic Acid o Helps promote cell regeneration, revealing younger looking skin o Anti-inflammatory, soothes breakouts • Skin Protection o Forms an effective barrier from the aging effects of sun, wind, and environmental pollutants o Seals in moisture all day to combat dryness o Vitamin and mineral-rich, promoting skin health o Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E o Flavonoids, zinc, calcium, magnesium Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula is a full skin care line of ultra-moisturizing and extremely efficacious products that heal, soften and soothe even the roughest, driest skin. Unique, thick, rich formulas combine pure Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E in a soothing emollient base. Vitamin E, which is a natural antioxidant, works with the body’s own cells to protect your skin from the elements that cause skin damage. 60

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Body Care range has all the necessary products to enable consumers to find their personal preference for beautiful skin allover-body. The daily use solid, lotions and creams heal and soften rough, dry skin. The Skin Therapy Oil range is ideal for dry, damaged skin, uneven skin tone, as well as fine lines and wrinkles and scars. The hand and foot care products provide the necessary moisture needed to solve common skin problems in these targeted areas. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Mother and Baby Care range is a full range of products including Stretch Mark products, that may be used alone or layered for optimum benefit on all stretch mark prone areas, as well as Baby products to keep baby clean, moisturized and free of diaper rash. The Massage Lotion and Cream for Stretch Marks work to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. The Baby Butter and Bottom Butter provide all-over-body baby moisture and protect baby bottoms. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Face Care range is a full regimen of Facial products to keep consumers’ faces clean, smooth and young-looking. From the Facial Cleanser to the Facial Oil to the Day Cream, skin will look and feel incredible. Facial Wipes can be used at night to remove makeup before using the Night Cream before bed. A good way to keep continually smooth is to alternate between the Facial Cleanser and Facial Scrub, using the Enzyme Mask as a treat once a week. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Lip Care range contains a variety of lip products to help prevent and protect chapped, cracked or wind-burned lips. Swivel Sticks, Lip Balms and Lip Butters all provide various levels of moisture, flavor and protection. Multiple varieties are available to satisfy all your consumers’ preferences. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Bath and Shower Care range consists of multiple products to cleanse, moisturize and rinse off easily. From body washes, available in variety, as well as bar soaps, shampoo and conditioner Palmer’s covers all consumer need. Consumers want more information about product usage and ingredients. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula is continually working on educating the consumers while bringing to market the best possible formulations for the best possible prices. By explaining what each product is formulated to do, Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula enables consumers to make more informed decisions and self-select products with the benefits that meet their skin care needs.

Notes From the

Natural Nation by ReGia Davis

WHAT TIME IS IT? Holiday season is quickly approaching. October kicks it off with leaves falling, temperatures dropping, and kids getting ready to play dress up for Halloween. The shelves of stores are changing around this time of the year and certain products stand out more than usual. Also, in the month of October, pink ribbons and the color pink are sure to catch your eye, bringing attention to National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Granted, National Breast Cancer Awareness is not a holiday, but it is used as a month-long recognition of brave women. You will find there are no limits to products that can be printed with the color pink or adorned with a pink ribbon. You will notice the color pink on everyday items such as hair and skincare product packaging, clothing, jewelry, bags, pens and even candy. In every store you visit, there will be products stamped with pink. Manufacturers repackage or reposition thousands of products every year to support cause-related marketing like Breast Cancer Awareness. According to the site, cause-related marketing (CRM) is a marketing-style option which might appeal to companies wanting to gain market advantage, improve their market position, improve their standing with customers, or increase sales and profits by linking their products to a particular cause. Breast Cancer Awareness is a cause that provides the general public, as well as millions of

women and families affected by this devastating disease, with information and inspiration. The National Breast Cancer Foundation’s stated mission is: “Helping women now. Providing help and inspiring hope to those affected by breast cancer through early detection, education and support services.” OTC owners display products with pink labels or pink ribbon logos to show they support cancer awareness and research. Many times, owners can expect to enjoy an increase in sales when partnering with companies that are committed to the cause. Now remember, just because a product doesn’t have a pink ribbon on the product doesn’t mean that the distributor does not support Breast Cancer Awareness and research. As responsible store owners is it important to purchase products that celebrate and support the lives of women. Store owners who carry breast cancer-themed products are perceived to be socially aware and in favor of supporting cancer awareness and research. The pink ribbon signifies strength and is easily recognized as a promotion for breast cancer. Even if consumers are not familiar with the pink-themed products or pink ribbons, they stand out and encourage consumers to ask questions. Increase your sales this month by actively promoting the awareness of breast cancer, which affects many women and families around you in your own neighborhood, and perhaps your own family.

ReGia Davis holds a degree in Public Relations and Marketing from Georgia Southern University. She started her career as a Junior Brand Manager of natural haircare brands for Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. She has also written several articles for OTC Beauty Magazine. ReGia is currently a Marketing Assistant and researcher with Universal Beauty Products, Inc. October 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature by Janet Reid

10 Accessory Must Haves For 2015’s Winter Wonderland

What’s more exciting than a winter wonderland? Wearing accessories in a winter wonderland! It’s that time of the year again when layering up is a must. This year we’re doing it in style. There’s nothing like having perfect, fashionable accessories to polish off any look. Here are 10 of my winter wonderland accessory must haves: 1. Hair: Flowy curls or natural coils are the way to go this winter. Remember, our hair is one of our best natural accessories. Keep your mane freshly tamed, colored and trendy to fit your own personal style. If you’re anything like me, the condition of my hair dictates the outfit of choice and mood. With colder weather, additional moisture is needed and fun colors can give the humdrum layers we’re forced to wear an added boost. Store owners: be sure to keep your store shelves stocked with hair moisturizing products and fun hair dyes this season! 2. Hats: Hats go perfectly with the flowy curls. How else will we keep our heads warm and our hair in place during those windy days? Hats do not necessarily have to match the jacket, gloves or anything else for that matter. Have fun with prints; wear different fabrics and shapes. Instead of a regular hat try adding a top hat, adding a little oomph. If you are into flowers, rock a hat with a large flower. If you’re into animals, rock an animal print hat. You get the drift. I’ve also found that crotchet hats happen to be super adorbable. 3. Gloves: Keep prints in mind when shopping. Gloves are not just used to keep our hands and fingers warm anymore…they’re art! Grab a pair that can keep your fingers warm while waiting outside for the valet, yet convert to fingerless, keeping your hands warm indoors while fashionably plugging away at the keyboard. The great thing is our midi rings are exposed – super cute! 4. Scarves: Amazingly versatile. Let me start by saying, of course scarves are worn around the neck and can be manipulated in many different ways and styles. Now here’s where the fun begins… use them as belts, head wraps, hair bandeaus or even as vests. A vest?! Imagine that! I know you are wondering how that’s even possible, but it is. The longer scarves can be used as such. 5. Clutches: There’s one for every occasion. Give our arms a break from that heavy handbag. Clutches are a trendy, versatile way of carrying your personals. They come in a variety of sizes, styles, colors, materials, textures and add spunk to any outfit.

6. Rings: Layer ‘em up! What can I say – they don’t have to be worn below the knuckles anymore. I guess you can say “they’ve come up.” If gloves aren’t being worn, try a ring and bracelet combo. If gloves are being worn, midi rings are perfect. A little extra tip: turn those rings that no longer fit the traditional way into midis. 7. Watches: Candy time! More than time telling devices, watches are now the ultimate bracelet. Bundle watches with bracelets and create charming eye candy. The chunkier the watch, the smaller the bracelets should be. Mix and match the bracelets – gold, silver and/or colored. 8. Blazers: Dress up casual looks. Only for suits? Not anymore! Pair a blazer with denim or wear it merely as cover up instead of the typical sweater or cardigan. Try a floral blazer or one with some other print; it doesn’t have to be a solid color. A blazer is the perfect way to dress up the most casual outfit. 9. Bomber Jackets: Stay warm and fabulous. Bomber jackets are the cutest, trendiest and most fashionable way to keep warm casually, professionally or dressed up. The array of colors they are available in make them the jacket of choice. Imagine walking into an all-white party or all black affairs rocking a stellar royal blue bomber jacket…trust me you’re turning heads. They are also available in other materials beside faux leather or leather. 10. Nail Polish: Add a pop of color. With three out the 10 accessories mentioned bringing focus to our hands, it’s only right we keep our nails extremely pretty. It’s nail polish time! Let’s step outside of our comfort zones trying colors we normally wouldn’t. Our nails are a great way of adding a color pop. Steer clear of neon colors in the winter. Instead, go with darker colors like blue, burgundy and red (a classic). By the way, gel polish is a great alternative to regular nail polish. It will withstand the harsh conditions of winter; once it’s on, it’s on. Don’t worry about the constant rubbing of lotion or the putting on and pulling off of gloves. It’s stuck on you! Accessories add character. Let’s venture out of our comfort zones and enjoy this winter!

Janet Reid is a the founder and owner of styledbyJReid ( She is a Jamerican wardrobe consultant who loves all things fashion.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Sponsored by Andis Co.

Holiday Gifts With the holidays approaching, the need to find the perfect gift for that special someone in the lives of your customers peaks. This also creates an opportunity for your salespeople to suggest to customers the perfect gift for their loved ones. Below are a few clipper-related gift suggestions that could help meet your customers’ needs, while helping your employees close the sale. The trend for male grooming has grown from clean shaven chins to neatly trimmed goatees and various lengths of finely groomed beards. Modern male grooming in between visits to the barbershop includes electric shavers, clippers and trimmers to help maintain clean looks. Suggestion #1 - Andis Profoil™ Li Shaver This shaver is for the man with a goatee or moustache that still desires a clean shaven face. It’s a lithium-ion powered rechargeable shaver with specially designed independent foils that create razor-close shaves without the razor burn. The perfect companion to the Andis Profoil Li Shaver would be Andis BumpCare, a liquid solution that helps eliminate bumps caused from ingrown hairs and soothe irritation from razor burn. Suggestion #2 – Andis SuperLiner™ Trimmer with Shaver Attachment This trimmer is for the guy who is comfortable outlining his own facial hair and desires a close shave, too. The SuperLiner’s T-blade trimmer attachment will deliver clean, close and comfortable outlining. For those wanting a closer finish, the shaver attachment will shave the stubble down to baby-smooth skin. The Andis SuperLiner offers incredible value because it’s two tools in one! Suggestion #3 – Andis T-Outliner® Trimmer This trimmer would be ideal for the man whose skin can’t take a razor-close shave or has a full beard and desires to keep his cheeks shaven. The T-Outliner has been used by professionals and consumers alike for years to shave and outline facial hair. In fact, Steve Harvey recently shared with his viewers that he uses the T-Outliner to dry-shave his face and avoid bumps. And the perfect companion for all of the suggested tools above would be Cool Care Plus® which offers the required blade care and maintenance for years of clean shaving. During the holiday shopping season I would suggest your store employ one of these three ways to highlight the tools mentioned above: 1. Move these tools to highly visible locations 2. Make signage to highlight tools 3. Have a staff briefing to ensure these gift ideas are added to their sales pitch These suggested tools potentially solve the needs of your customers and will be great gifts. For more information about the tools mentioned above, visit Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clipper cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 68

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015


Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor ApHogee’s Keratin 2 Minute Reconstructor with its blend of keratin amino acids, botanical oils, and vitamins dramatically restores dry, damaged and brittle hair. Use in between salon visits to keep hair healthy and color vibrant. Typically, this conditioner will strengthen and moisturize the hair in only 2 minutes. To provide deeper moisture and increased elasticity to the hair, use this product as your weekly deep conditioner treatment. For more information, visit



Extended Season and Expanded Reason The holiday season is celebrated by an increasing number of cultures and religions, both Christian and non-Christian. Some celebrate the season for no reason at all. This year the holiday season will begin as early as Diwali in early November. Hanukkah follows in the first full week of December. Christmas and the Epiphany will be the focus until the beginning of January. Shopping for these occasion starts NOW! The one common theme, no matter the culture, is gifting, glitter and glamour. Holiday celebrations call for festivities and festivities call for holiday looks. Your customers want to look their best as they honor their beliefs.

Holiday brilliance for this year’s season will be

represented by metallic, pearly and twinkly designs. When it’s the holidays, sparkle will be welcomed in fashion, hair color, makeup and skin glitter. Each of the holiday cultures celebrates lights—whether candles or glittering makeup. Every customer will celebrate the reason for the season in a varied and ornate tribute. The release of holiday themes and styles has become akin to the debut of clothing lines at NY Fashion Week. The industry as a whole waits with bated breath to see what looks designers are banking on to drive the festive marketplace. Silver and gold will make a resurgence for 2015, joined by bronze, copper and jeweled tones. Don’t forget the gifting of ornaments and jewel-lit hair accessories. Your customers will rejoice in the reverence of the holiday season and Santa by shopping early and often.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 70

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

SOW TIME Join us for advertising! Call 678.805.3291


Embrace your #HASHTAG

First, follow me on instagram, @tonsorialtimes, and my #hashtag is #tonsorialtimes. Now, did you know that for decades the #hashtag symbol was more commonly referred to as the pound sign? In recent years, this seemingly ordinary symbol evolved into greater significance in our modern world, slowly but surely being dominated by social media. So, if you want to connect with over 160,000 barbers please follow a hashtag my partner John Dillard developed, #barbersinctv, and to view our page go to instagram @barbersinctv or @teamfyc The growth and use of #hashtags has grown to such tremendous popularity that the use of this symbol has become associated or even synonymous to trends and discussions in social media. This provides a wonderful tool and opportunity for business owners and digital marketers to boost the strength and effectiveness of their social media marketing campaign. Question: As a beauty and barber supplier, do you have a social media marketing campaign strategy in place? What are the benefits? Here are some social media platforms where you can find barbers and stylist to market your brand and products to:


#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.

Instagram is a social network that a steadily growing number of users are going gaga about. It is one that is making use of hashtags to provide businesses with an effective tool for influencing and creating brand followers. Twitter, of course, is where hashtags became first used and where they are still very prevalent. They provide a remarkable tool for delivering highly targeted brand messages for brands and businesses using Twitter for social media marketing. Facebook. It took a while for Facebook to catch on the hashtag craze, even after they incorporated its use back in June 2013. And of course you know Facebook owns Instagram so make sure you develop a robust Instagram page. Pinterest is a fast-growing social network that has already joined the hashtag bandwagon. Make sure you get on board! Follow @tonsorialtimes.

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The

Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 72

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

RA Cosmetics 100% Mango Scented Shea Butter Our Body Butter with Mango Scent from RA Cosmetics is 100% all natural and smells incredible. It is full of nourishing and anti-oxidant rich ingredients. It helps fight signs of aging; relieves dry skin; reduces windburn/sunburn and frostbite. It is made with nature’s best moisturizers – shea butter and mango scented oil – and is paraben-free. Our Body Butter is a skin must-have and Nature’s gift to your hair and skin.

Education, Exhibits and Entertainment Abound at Legendary Bronner Bros. Show The 2015 Mid-Summer Bronner Bros. International Beauty Show was back in Atlanta and bigger than ever, August 15-17. Having outgrown the original floor space, the show was upgraded to a new, expanded location within the Georgia World Congress Center. Boasting more than 22,000 attendees and 300 exhibitors there was plenty of excitement and learning to go around. As usual, the three-day professional beauty industry event drew a crowd with featured professional educational courses, an impressive array of exhibitors, exclusive evening events, aweinspiring competitions and celebrity appearances. The event was opened only to licensed beauty industry professionals and

cosmetology students. It allowed visitors the opportunity to explore innovative solutions in the industry: product offerings, styling techniques and secrets of the trade. The Bronner show experience is unlike any other. The nonstop energy of the show floor is electrifying as attendees explore the impressive array of varying company offerings in hair, skin care, barbering, nails, natural textures and more. There is no disputing that this impressive event, the largest multicultural/ multi-textural tradeshow in the U.S., will continue to grow even larger as the years pass.

James Bronner (right) stands alongside fellow show attendees at the event entrance.

A sign welcoming visitors to the event

Stylists hard at work on the FHI Heat stage

The ladies at the Mielle Organics booth pause for a quick photo.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Bronner Bros. Mid-Summer 2015

The Hair Tattooist holds up a Barber Magic Pencil he is using to style a volunteer’s hair.

The H2PRO booth

Master barber and Andis educator Tone McGill creates an impressive cut on the Andis stage.

DeShawn Bullard, President/CEO of NouriTress Hair Products

(Left to right) Andrey Baranov and Jonathan Tiram of Ecoco stand with Haley McNeal of OTC Beauty Magazine at the Ecoco booth.

A look down a crowded show floor aisle

The Tropical Roots booth

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Nakisha works at the 4 Naturals booth, which hosted a great value deal on products for the show.

The expansive Paul Mitchell booth featured hair styling demonstrations, models and an eye-catching gold tree, undeniably drawing attention of passersby.

A model for Kiss Colors

Michael Muhammed holds up the popular Wahl 5 Star Detailer T Blade Trimmer at their booth.

Sunja Friend of AFAM Concepts waits to greet visitors with an Ossat Natural sample bag, and educate them on the Curling Custard.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

James Kemp of Hoyu America

Bronner Bros. Mid-Summer 2015

A volunteer has her hair styled with flexi curling rods at the Dudley Beauty Corp. booth

The Vitale Pro booth

Kevin Stewart and Camille Wright of Ampro

Stylists hard at work on the Universal Beauty Products stage

October 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Bronner Bros. Mid-Summer 2015

The Shea Moisture booth

Anisa BreneĂŠ for Strength of Nature

Two models flaunt beautiful, natural hair styles.

The Hairfinity booth

These booth workers proudly show off their creative hair designs.

Models pause to strike a quick pose together

A glance down an aisle in the fashion and accessories section


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ShowReport by Phylencia “PT” Taylor

International R&B Singer and Author of “Will I Marry Me?” Chanté Moore performed on Sunday. She also hosted the Man Cave, where husbands, dads, brothers, family or friends could play pool and do their own thing.

Celebrity Hair Stylist and Star of WE tv’s “L.A. Hair,” Kim Kimble, was an exhibitor, panelist and workshop facilitator.

When Women Gather, the World Heals A New “Cool” in Beauty Trade Shows


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

In addition to the variety of brands offered at show, this event literally has something for all facets of the industry. • Beauty Manufacturers exhibit in their booths, brand educating and selling product promotions. • Beauty Professionals and Enthusiasts experience beauty, health and lifestyle engagements (main stage talent performances, hands-on, in-depth workshops, and stimulating and inspiring panel discussions on relationship, maturing, finances, family, and a host of other concerns that affect the multi-cultural woman today) designed to meet each woman where she is. The show is designed to inspire, and that it does. Ubiquitous walks a fine, yet classy and comfortable line between beauty, health and the occasional lifestyle brand. There are low, mid and premium-priced beauty, health and lifestyle brands featured at show. This year over 6,200 professionals and enthusiasts were in attendance at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center, in downtown Washington, DC to buy products and tools; see new trends in hair, health and beauty; and experience a variety of product and weave workshops. I especially like the show’s energy of unity, a vibe felt from women at the show - women supporting other women. If you missed the show this year, sign up to participate sooner than later! Save the date for 2016: August 27 and 28, at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in downtown Washington, DC, and visit Don’t miss this show next year. It’s the one to watch!

Photos Courtesy of KelvBPics

Calling all hair, health, beauty brands, professionals and enthusiasts alike… I’ve found a rising star! It’s the newest, hottest and coolest in health and beauty, the Ubiquitous Hair and Health Trade Show (UHHTS). Every year there are a plethora of beauty trade shows to peruse, especially within the natural hair movement for the multi-cultural woman. The UHHTS, “Where Relaxed Meets Natural Hair,” was held in late August in the heart of the nation’s capital, Washington, DC. A great summer destination trip for friends and family, this show brings a new energy and a new purpose to trade shows. It’s the one to watch! I caught up with the brainchild of the show, Founder and Owner, Germaine Bolds-Leftridge and my first question was an obvious one: What is Ubiquitous, and how does it relate to your hair and health show? “The Ubiquitous Woman is seemingly everywhere doing everything to maintain her spirituality, family, friends, career/business, while keeping her inner-self strong and moving forward for growth,” explained Leftridge. “Our show is based on and designed around those core tenants. Our goal is that every guest that enters the doors of the Ubiquitous Hair and Health Trade Show, Where Relaxed Meets Natural Hair, leaves inspired on her path to her own greatness.” “This year as well as last year our sponsors, vendors and guests described the show as ‘AMAZING.’ I am honored that the show has gotten BIGGER in only one year, and I look forward to continuing to AMAZE and INSPIRE in 2016, and beyond” Germaine Bolds-Leftridge expounded. The show launched in 2014, when Leftridge answered a calling to do something to make a more robust impact on women. The Ubiquitous Show is the Nation’s first and only trade show that speaks directly to the needs and wants of the woman who wears her hair either relaxed or natural.

Ubiquitous 2015

Show Founder and Owner, Germaine Bolds-Leftridge (center), with Micheline Bowman (right, WTTG, Fox 5 News) and Oya Thomas (left, WHUR, Recording Artist).

Maurette Brown-Clark and ChantĂŠ Moore, backstage at the show

The crowd grows to watch LEDISI perform.

Photos Courtesy of KelvBPics

Co-Pastor of Fountain of Praise in Houston, TX, Mia Wright, spoke at show.

Maurette Brown-Clark, Stellar Award Winner and Gospel Recording Artist performed

The 2015 Ubiquitous Woman of the Year Award was bestowed to the honorable Marilyn Mosby, Maryland State’s Attorney and Civil Advocate for Justice.

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업계소식 조지아 협회. 조지아 애틀랜타 뷰티협회의 2015 장 학기금마련 골프대회가 지난 9월13 일 게인스빌에 소재한 치코피우드 골 프장에서 열렸다. 뷰티협회 회원들을 비롯한 도매업체 관계자들과 오영록 한인회장, 김형률 골프협회 회장 등 지역의 단체장들 및 후원업체 관계자 등 70여명이 참가하였다. 조지아 애틀란타 뷰티협회 김일홍 회장은 항상 조지아 애틀란타 뷰티협회에 커다란 관심과 후원을 아끼지 않는 모든 분들에게 감사의 말을 전하였다. 오후2시에 샷건으로 진행된 대회를 위하여 준비위원회에서는 참가자 전원에게 골프 타올과 함께 골프장갑을 증정하고 간식 및 음료도 준비하여 참가자들이 플레이 하는데 불편함이 없도록 하였다. 대회 를 마친 후 협회에서 마련한 풍성한 만찬이 참가자들을 즐겁게 하였고, 뒤로 시상식이 이어졌다. 이날 협회에서는 입 상자들에게 트로피와 고급 상품들을 증정하였으며, 또한 경품을 통하여 거리측정기, 50”삼성 스마트TV등 각종 경품 을 참가자 전원에게 나누어 주었다. 조지아 애틀랜타 뷰티협회는 이번 대회에서 조성된 장학기금을 연말 정기총회 및 송년회에서 지역사회의 우수한 학 생 및 회원자녀에게 지급할 예정이다. 조지아 애틀랜타 뷰티협회는 이번 대회에 후원하여주신 모든 분들과 도매업체 에 다시 한번 감사의 말을 전하면서 내년에 다시 만날 것을 기약하였다.

미시간 협회

미시간 미용재료협회는 지난 8월 30일 오후 1시에, 미시간 Brighton에 위치한 Huntmore GC 에서 회원을 단합을 위한 골 프대회를 개최하였다. 75명이 참가한 이날 대회에는, 20 여개의 도매업체가 후원하여 대회를 더욱 풍성하게 만들었다. 협회 엄재학 이사장은 “특별한 요청이 없었는데도 여러 곳에서 후원을 해주어 감사히 생각하고 있습니다” 라며 “친목 도 모를 위해 골프대회를 여는 것도 중요하지만 뷰티협회가 우리들의 손님과 소통하는 기회를 전략적으로 기획해야 합니다. 흑인 뷰티 전국연합회가 한인뷰티연합회를 상대로 인종차별을 이유로 한 소송을 걸어 왔지만 최근 법정 사유 성립이 안 돼 기각되었습니다. 이런 이유로 협회 활동을 적극적으로 할 수 없었던 점 이해해 주시면 감사하겠습니다” 라고 하였다. 한편, 이날 골프 대회에서는, 그로스 챔피언 : 강철웅/80 네트 챔피언: 김용수 남자부 A조 1등: 한명호, 2등: 이기석, 3등: 이동영 B조 1등: 김영성, 2등: 함석준, 3등: 박명규 여자부 1등: 이경혜, 2등: 인미현, 3등:조례석 남자부 근접: 김의석, 장 타: 윤태권 여자부 근접: 한복순, 장타: 김숙자 등이 수상하였다. 86

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015


Memphis Feels Like Home The Jinny Memphis branch successfully thrives on a family culture Officially opened on May 19, 2014, the Memphis, Tenn. branch of Jinny Beauty Supply became the company’s 9th distribution center nationally. Over the past year and a half of existence this location has grown in friendship and comradery with the rural community, harboring a hometown family feel among employees and customers. “We strive to keep a good relationship with customers and to have a strong team among ourselves,” explained Jeff Cho, Branch Manager. Implementing efficient programs to streamline customer satisfaction and trust, order efficiency and overall teamwork, this location is off to a great start! Strategically, the geographical placement of this center is ideal on many accounts. For one, the market base for beauty supply distribution is prominent in this area as many small independent stores abound. There are at least 50 stores in the city of Memphis alone! Jinny saw this as a great opportunity and reached out to locations individually, gaining the support of the majority of these businesses. Additionally, the city of Memphis is located at the border of three states: Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee. This is a great advantage as access to a larger market is easily achieved. Close range access to a wide array of customers also decreases delivery times and enables frequent personal visits with customer stores. The procedure for servicing stores is also made efficient here. With a

minimum delivery order set at $1,000, smaller stores do not need to worry with the pressure of making a substantial purchase each time. Delivery employees are trained to transport products inside stores – not simply leave pallets at the door. Simple acts of kindness like this are what set this Jinny location apart from the competition. Accenting the kindness factor is the sampling process this warehouse implements. “Samples are given out to all customers. The warehouse creates mix and match boxes of varying items so customers can try different brands,” Cho explains. These combination sample boxes are included in each shipment, adding a little joy to the orders and boosting new item sales. Jinny salesmen are constantly working to grow in product knowledge, and to pass that along to their fellow employees. One way this is achieved is through the labeling system on the warehouse shelves. Special tags are posted with each item that display product information, ensuring less mistakes and easy product education. With a young and dynamic local employee base that is eager to learn about the industry, and strong ties that are strengthened by spending time together as a company family, this location is sure to continue growing in success and size over the years. By helping the surrounding community of Memphis and caring about the person behind the store, everyone feels like part of the family.

Jinny Corp.’s New “Idea Email Box” Program Gets Employees Involved Jinny Corp., the number one multicultural distributor in the world, is a company that is always trying to raise their standards to a higher level whenever possible, and they have recently made a new stride in this goal. In mid-August the company implemented a new “Idea Email Box” Outlook program where employees can personally submit their ideas for the betterment of the workplace to upper management via email. “This idea could be something about management issues, company core policies and even new product development ideas,” explained Eddie Jhin, President. Jhin also expressed how he wants to see Jinny Corp. employees get more involved in the business, and this is one way to show how everyone’s opinion matters. Additionally, there is a reward implementation to this program; if the company applies an employee’s idea, they will be able to work toward that goal personally, and will be rewarded accordingly. This program is in place at all Jinny branches nationwide. October 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Introducing the Global Language of Styling EIMI by Wella Professionals #SpeakEIMI Today, we are all self-branders, curating and editing our profiles on and offline. Thanks to technology, the globe has gotten smaller. The diverse cultures, styles, ages and genders inspire and influence us all. From afro to retro, naturalists to extremists, individuality is the first word in styling. No longer are we tied to certain hair lengths, textures or color because selfexpression is the ultimate anti-trend. What we wear and how we style our hair conveys a message about who we are: it’s an individual message that transcends the spoken word. Launched in September 2015, the new EIMI styling brand by Wella Professionals invites you to celebrate and share your style through a global language of individuality. Whether you want untamed texture, dazzling shine, a volume boost or a smooth and sleek finish, with EIMI the possibilities are endless! SAY STYLE. SPEAK EIMI. EIMI (pronounced ‘eye-me’) is inspired by the Ancient Greek phrase “EGO EIMI,” meaning ‘I am’ and speaks to confident and expressive individuals who want to stand out from the crowd. Each day we are inspired by the diversity around us, which shapes our unique identity. EIMI is the thread that connects us all and allows us to speak the same language, no matter where we are in the world. The multi-faceted, multiperformance nature of the new EIMI styling range is designed to work together for endless styling opportunities, helping you to develop and express whatever hairstyle you envision. Wella Professionals Styling Ambassador, Andy LeCompte commented, “EIMI has all of the styling essentials I need to unleash each client’s personality and achieve the hairstyle that best expresses who they are. Hair is an extension of who you are and it’s my job to help people make that connection. I definitely consider myself an EIMI person – I AM eclectic, artistic, dynamic and always willing to make a statement with my style.” TRY ME. I’M EIMI. The collection is easy to navigate and can be customized for specific hair needs so you can express your individual sense of style, not only through hair color and cut from your stylist, but also when styling at home. The


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

complete portfolio, headlined by four hero products, includes 20 styling essentials uniquely organized in five benefit pillars – volume, smooth, texture, shine and hairspray – all of which are designed to enhance your finished look. • • •

EIMI Dry Me: Dry Shampoo – create head-turning volume and a manageable matte texture. Refresh your hair and absorb oil with this tapioca starch formula. EIMI Root Shoot: Precise Root Mousse – provides a high precision weightless lift right from the roots EIMI Perfect Me: Lightweight Beauty Balm Lotion – create natural style with smoothness with this delicate lotion that adds shine, repairs, moisturizes, tames fly-aways and protects from the heat of styling tools EIMI Sugar Lift: Sugar Spray for Voluminous Texture – a rich flexible spray infused with sugar provides lift, shine and touchable grippy texture

EIMI: THE FIRST WORD IN STYLING EIMI leads the way with a new language of styling, inspired by individuality and crafted to represent the fascinating mix of cultures and creativity. The language of individuality shouts loud and clear…visually verbalizing your identity is the future. Say style, #SpeakEIMI. As no stranger to the fashion space, notable fashion designer, author and TV personality Whitney Port was newly named Wella’s Celebrity Ambassador to launch the new EIMI styling collection and inspire and encourage her fans to express their individuality. Through appearances, media interviews and social media engagement, Port will continue to reveal more information on the new styling line and her favorite tips and tricks along the way.

October 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Ampro Insider Program Ampro Industries, Inc., the maker of the award winning Ampro® Pro Styl® and Shine ‘n Jam® hair care products, introduces Ampro Insider – a new program for bloggers and vloggers interested in reviewing new and existing hair and skin care products from Ampro Industries. Earlier this year, the company released a video via its YouTube page encouraging fans to visit and apply to become a member of the exclusive program. Those accepted will periodically receive products manufactured by the various brands of Ampro Industries, Inc., including Ampro® Pro Styl®, Clear Ice®, Neutra Foam®, Shine ‘n Jam®, U R Curly®, VIVAS®, Wrap ‘n Styl® and others. “We are thrilled to begin this journey with devoted and stylish bloggers and vloggers in our industry,” said Tricia Snead, Vice President of Marketing and Brand Management. “Ampro Industries is a company that is dedicated to producing the best products for a value price and what better way to help bring awareness to what we do than to partner with those who have demonstrated their success in spreading the word. It’s a win-win for all involved.” The Ampro Insider program offers bloggers and vloggers free inspiration and products to use as content for their networks. Ampro’s

goal is to help men and women see how they can achieve absolute styling performance and the trendiest looks while using Ampro’s wide variety of products. “We see the Ampro Insider program growing to include tours of our manufacturing facility, networking opportunities and retreats…We could even include some of the more impressive ladies and gents in our advertising campaign. The sky is the limit with this type of endeavor,” says Camille Wright, Vice President of Public Relations and Social Networking. The following bloggers and vloggers have already been accepted into the program: Youtube’s Curly_Coily_Kelly,,, and Want to add yours to this list? Apply at To qualify, new applicants must have at least 1,000 subscribers/followers/monthly views and be located within the United States. Spanish speaking/bilingual bloggers/vloggers are highly encouraged to apply. (Criteria subject to change as program fills). Visit or to apply and learn more.

Kayline by Wahl Appoints Scot Bateman National Sales Manager

Scot Bateman

Kayline by Wahl has appointed Scot Bateman as its new National Sales Manager. Bateman will handle all aspects of sales for Kayline including promotions, overseeing manufacturer representatives and working closely with key customers. In addition, he will act as liaison between the customer and Kayline’s head designer Joe Ryan to make sure all feedback is received for further development of new products. Bateman has 30 years of sales experience in the beauty industry, much of that time as Equipment Manager for Peels Friendly Supply. Bateman spent the past two years operating his own small business where he both sold beauty equipment and designed salons. “I got a call from Joe Ryan, who I had worked with before designing some specific equipment for a very nice salon in St. Louis,” Bateman said. “I knew Joe was a great

designer and he told me he was now with Kayline. After we talked it seemed like it would be a great opportunity to work with Joe to bring customers some great new products.” Kayline is the industry leader in innovative salon equipment for the beauty professional. From rolling carts to manicure tables, Kayline provides endless options to customize equipment to meet your organizational needs. With such creative and high quality equipment, Bateman is ready to talk about Kayline and its products. “I’m eager to build the Kayline brand, have fun bringing new products to customers and to show customers Kayline is a great choice of value and quality,” he said. Visit for more details about Kayline, and to learn about Wahl Clipper Corp.

In Memory of VNC Sales & Marketing’s Marissa Martinez Meza Marissa Martinez Meza


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Marissa Martinez Meza, a beloved friend and co-worker of the VNC Sales & Marketing family, passed away on July 10, 2015. After joining the company in December 2004 she quickly became an invaluable member of the team. Colleagues remark on how her beautiful smile instantly befriended everyone that came in contact with her. She shared joy with the manufacturers, customers and sales representatives with whom she regularly worked. Overall, she spent more than 20 years working in the beauty industry. Marissa will be greatly missed and forever loved by all those whose lives she touched.

October 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews Sunshine, Smog and Stress: RoC® Skincare Reveals the Most Wrinkle-Prone States in America Second Annual Wrinkle Ranking Reveals the Underlying Factors that Contribute to Aging Skin

In a continued effort to help consumers better understand aging skin, RoC® Skincare, an anti-aging pioneer, has partnered with independent research firm, Sperling’s Best Places, to release the second annual Wrinkle Ranking. The 2015 RoC® Wrinkle Ranking determines the U.S. states where the residents’ skin are most at risk from damage caused by lifestyle, occupational and environment factors. While last year’s study highlighted the 50 most wrinkle-prone cities, the 2015 ranking transcends city limits – determining a given populations’ propensity for wrinkles based off the state in which they reside. According to New York City-based board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Debra Jaliman, MD, FAAD, “Residents of every state have their share of positive and negative skin health factors so the exact cause of wrinkles can vary. However, there are several factors that can increase the rate at which skin ages, including high levels of stress, dangerous exposure to pollution and UVA/UBA radiation.” To determine those U.S. states with conditions most hazardous to skin, RoC® and Sperling performed a state-by-state assessment to analyze influences that may increase or decrease ones proclivity for wrinkles. The analysis included factors commonly known to cause skin damage such as UV exposure, as well as other factors such as geographic elevation, daily commute times, stress levels and ozone pollution. Each state was awarded a “Wrinkle Index” which is a measure of each state’s vulnerability to skin damage and premature aging. Consumers can use the Wrinkle Ranking findings to understand what might be causing their skin to age, and take the necessary steps to mitigate future risk: • Step 1: Familiarize yourself with the RoC® Wrinkle Ranking, and learn more about the critical factors that contribute to your state’s rank. • Step 2: Adopt practices and products that can help reduce and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. While investigating which factors had the most impact on a state’s ranking, the study results showed: • The “Big Apple” is Stressed at its Core: New York (Ranked #1) reports very high scores for being “dissatisfied with life” and “lacking emotional support,” and has the second-longest commute times. • Battling Beltway Influences: The District of Columbia ranks in the middle of the list (Ranked #23). Washington, D.C. has the lowest rate of skin cancer, but this is offset by high scores for ozone pollution, lengthy commute, long work week and binge drinking. • All That Sunshine is Serving Them Well: States such Hawaii (Ranked #47), Mississippi (Ranked #31), and Louisiana (Ranked #29), while considered to the sunniest states, actually have the lowest rates of skin cancer and averted being ranked in the top 25 most prone wrinkle states. • High Health Alert South of the Mason-Dixon: Southern states such as West Virginia (Ranked #3), Tennessee (Ranked #8) and Kentucky (Ranked #7) ranked in the top 10 due to their generally poor diet and high percentage of smokers.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Most Wrinkle-Prone States in America: 1. New York 2. Pennsylvania 3. West Virginia 4. Colorado 5. Massachusetts 6. New Hampshire 7. Kentucky 8. Tennessee 9. Maryland 10. Ohio 11. Michigan 12. New Jersey 13. Indiana 14. Oklahoma 15. Missouri 16. Arizona 17. Rhode Island

18. Nevada 19. Virginia 20. Wyoming 21. Alabama 22. Connecticut 23. District of Columbia 24. Delaware 25. Illinois 26. New Mexico 27. Georgia 28. Utah 29. Louisiana 30. Maine 31. Mississippi 32. Florida 33. Kansas 34. North Carolina

35. Arkansas 36. California 37. Vermont 38. Texas 39. Nebraska 40. South Carolina 41. South Dakota 42. Wisconsin 43. Iowa 44. Idaho 45. North Dakota 46. Minnesota 47. Hawaii 48. Montana 49. Washington 50. Oregon 51. Alaska

About the RoC® Skincare Wrinkle Ranking: To determine the states where residents’ skin are most at risk from damage by their lifestyle and environment, RoC® Skincare and Sperling’s Best Places performed a meta-analysis, which combines the findings of original research with existing related research in the field of the study. Lifestyle, occupational and environmental criteria that directly and indirectly relate to skin damage were used, and factors were weighted by relevancy to skin damage risk. All data was adjusted by the current population to arrive at “per capita” figures, providing an accurate comparison between states of varying sizes. Each state in the study received points for each of the criteria based on their relation to the other state’s scores in that data category, and Category scores were weighted and aggregated to determine an overall “Wrinkle Index” score to rank the U.S. states. About RoC® Skincare: RoC® Skincare has been a leading French skincare brand for more than 50 years, devoted to developing anti-aging products that guarantee visible and lasting results for healthier, younger-looking skin. Considered a pioneer in visibly reducing the appearance of wrinkles, the brand was the first to stabilize and patent pure retinol in a cosmetic product and has continued to improve its aesthetics, tolerance and efficacy over the past 25 years. Strong partnerships with dermatologists have contributed to the brand’s expertise in understanding skincare and developing clinically proven products, which are highly effective, yet suitable for most skin types. Visit and for more information on RoC® Skincare. About Sperling’s Best Places: Bert Sperling has been helping people find their own “Best Place” to live, work and retire for nearly 30 years. His research firm, Sperling’s Best Places, puts facts in the hands of the public so they can make better decisions about best places to live, work, retire, play or relocate. He has authored bestselling books rating and ranking places, and his website helps over a million visitors each month. Story and artwork compliments of RoC® Skincare.


Cosmoprof North America Receives Trade Show Executive Gold 100 Award for the Third Consecutive Year

The B2B Beauty Event is Honored as one of the Largest Trade Shows in the Industry As the leading globally recognized beauty trade show for its innovative programs and sheer volume, from square footage to show participants, Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) has been announced as a recipient of a Trade Show Executive (TSE) Gold 100 Award for the third consecutive year in recognition of its record-breaking 2014 event. Selected by TSE leaders, the award represents the largest shows and most inspirational thinkers in the exhibition industry. Organized by North American Beauty Events, LLC, Cosmoprof North America has been hailed as a pioneer among beauty industry professionals and trade show peers. Its 2014 event welcomed more than 27,000 attendees alongside 946 exhibitors from 40 countries, all hosted in a 217,195 square foot space at Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. CPNA leads the trade beauty industry by combining B2B networking and industry education with social marketing initiatives and new technologies. In 2014, the show introduced its first-ever interactive multi-media exhibit sponsored by The New Agency. As part of the exhibit, brands used various analysis tools within a Digital Discovery Tool Booth to evaluate the impact of their online presence. Experts from top social marketing companies were on-hand to provide engagement tactics and digital navigation insight for long-term improvement and growth strategies. “Cosmoprof North America is consistently a standout show that blazes the trail for invention and creativity in the world of beauty,” said Eric Horn, CPNA’s Trade Show Director. Horn has two decades

of success organizing events that deliver unique experiences. “We are honored to once again be recognized by TSE for our commitment to excellence among our peers and our passion for all facets of the beauty industry.” The TSE Gold 100 Award is presented on the heels of CPNA’s 2015 show, which surpassed last year’s numbers and introduced 3 new special areas, not including multiple new social marketing programs with top digital influencers. Daniela Ciocan, CPNA’s Marketing Director for the past 10 years, conceptualized the new areas and partnerships. The 2015 event also debuted Beauty Pitch in partnership with the Professional Beauty Association’s (PBA) Beauty Week; five brands were handpicked by CPNA and PBA executives to live pitch their products to renowned entrepreneurs Mark Cuban and John Paul DeJoria for an opportunity to win a one-year mentorship from Cuban and a $10,000 donation from TSG Consumer Partners in collaboration with CircleUp. “The Cosmoprof North America team is humbled and proud to receive a TSE Gold 100 Award alongside the most prestigious trade shows in the world,” said Ciocan. “We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of our show each year through progressive concepts and look forward to exceeding the expectations that come with this esteemed honor.” For more information about Cosmoprof North America, including show news and images, please visit

Denman Introduces New US Website

Denman is delighted to announce the launch of its new and improved website. For several months the Denman team has been working together to create a website that is both visually and functionally enhanced. The simple navigation around the site makes it user friendly and the new compatibility feature allows customers to access the site using mobile and tablet devices. The website is now fully integrated with Denman’s social media platforms to allow customers the opportunity to share products and pages through their own Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest accounts. The ‘Live Chat’ facility allows the user to chat on a live stream with one of Denman’s hair experts and ask any questions they may have about the brushes or which product may be best suited to their own hair type. Denman has also added additional images to each product so the customer can see the front, back, side, close-up and pack shots clearly. All products have descriptions and dimensions so the customer knows exactly what to expect when their product arrives. The biggest and most exciting development of the Denman website is the new ‘Brush Genie’ feature. This interactive page allows a user to find the perfect brush for their hair length, hair type, hair texture and their overall desired finish. The Genie will recommend three Denman brushes that are suitable for the customer’s hair. Visit the new Denman website at 96

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015


Hydrate + Repair Argan Oil of Morocco Extra Strength Over time heat styling, highlights and chemical treatments can leave hair brittle, dull and in need of serious repair. Introducing the OGX Hydrate + Repair Argan Oil of Morocco Extra Strength collection, developed to deliver intense nourishment and care to even the most severely dry, damaged hair. The deeply hydrating, ultra-creamy formulas drench hair with moisture, strengthening from within to create soft and supremely shiny tresses. Silk proteins lock in moisture to bring hair back to health, giving it a second chance at silky perfection. The OGX Hydrate + Repair Argan Oil of Morocco Extra Strength collection consists of an ultra-moisturizing shampoo, conditioner, hair butter and in-shower oil. Paraben- and SLSfree, each formulation is infused with exotic active ingredients and features recycled packaging. Hydrate + Repair Argan Oil of Morocco Extra Strength Shampoo and Conditioner • Restores moisture to dry hair and stimulates the scalp for a cleansing and rejuvenating experience • Potent blend of extra strength argan oil of Morocco and silk proteins nourish damaged hair • Rich, sulfate-free lather and moisturizers infuse dry strands with hydration Hydrate + Repair Argan Oil of Morocco Extra Strength Creamy Hair Butter • Sugar cane and willow bark soften, while rice milk and bamboo extract leave hair supple

• Extra strength argan oil of Morocco deeply hydrates dry, thirsty strands • Use in the shower as a deep treatment or apply to clean, damp hair as a leave-in treatment • Massage generously all over body morning and night for ultra-hydrated skin Hydrate + Repair Argan Oil of Morocco Extra Strength Miracle InShower Oil • Extra strength in-shower oil moisturizes hair and skin • Multiple uses for head to toe silky perfection include: • Add a few drops to OGX shampoos or conditioners for a boost of hydration • Smooth onto clean hair to prevent damage and heal split ends • Apply to hair for a hydrating pre-shampoo treatment • Moisturize skin from head to toe BEAUTY. PURE AND SIMPLE. OGX is for those who aspire to make better choices and are aware of the integrity of ingredients. The salon-inspired formulas are paraben and SLS-free, and feature exotic active ingredients for an indulgent experience that invigorates the senses. OGX products are not tested on animals and are packaged in eco-friendly bottles manufactured from materials containing recycled postconsumer resin.

A New Way to Twist and Lock Hair One minute – that’s all customers need to twist and lock their hair with the new Afro & Twist Comb. This unique two-in-one product is both an afro comb and a twisting comb that is easy to clean and use. It is perfect for combing, twisting or starting dreads. It is hygienic and long lasting, and is portable for quick anytime use. Learn more at To use, simply follow these three steps: 1. If hair is wet, dry it and apply a styling gel or hair lotion if desired. 2. Holding the afro comb end of the tool, rub the hollow squares in a circular motion against the head. The motion must be in one direction so that the twists do not untangle. Be careful not to put too much pressure on hair with the comb. 3. Continue to lock and twist hair until the desired look is achieved. 98

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015


Photos courtesy of Ron Hill. • Story courtesy of Creme of Nature.

Creme of Nature Brought IT to the 2015 Steve Harvey Neighborhood Awards Weekend Expo with Stars of Lifetime’s Hit Docuseries Bring It! and New Products for All to Enjoy “Bring It!” Stars Coach Dianna “Miss D” Williams, Kayla and Camryn made a special appearance at Creme of Nature’s booth on Saturday, August 8 Top Beauty Blogger pRoy was on hand Saturday and Sunday to meet and greet fans, take photos and share healthy hair tips. Creme of Nature, a leading hair care brand with more than 40 years of experience working with salon professionals and consumers, teamed up with Dianna “Miss D” Williams, Kayla and Camryn of Lifetime’s hit series Bring It! at the 2015 Steve Harvey Neighborhood Awards Expo in Atlanta on Saturday, August 8. Some 500 fans, men and women alike, stood in line to meet and greet Miss D and her Dancing Dolls Kayla and Camryn and take photos. “Our customers simply can’t get enough of Miss D and the Dancing Dolls,” said Jolorie Williams, Vice President of Marketing. “We love their unrivaled talent and supreme confidence - and these are the makings of our customers, beautiful both inside and out.” The show is midway through their second season and they are as popular as ever. More than one million viewers tune in each week to watch Miss D and her dancing dolls train and compete at the highest levels in dance competitions across the country. In addition, top beauty blogger pRoy was on hand at the booth on Saturday and Sunday to share hair tips, answer questions, and meet and greets fans. Attendees were also treated to Creme of Nature’s Argan Oil from Morocco and Straight from Eden Natural Oil-Infused hair care product samplings, giveaways, hair tips, style 100

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demonstrations and more. “This was our first year at the Steve Harvey Neighborhood Awards and we’re looking forward to coming back. We cherish the opportunities we have to be in the community and meet our fans to answer their questions and share healthy hair tips,” said Williams. For more than three decades, Creme of Nature has produced an extended variety of exceptional products to help women achieve and maintain beautiful, luminous, healthy hair. Creme of Nature is the first ethnic brand to offer hair care and styling products with Argan Oil with its Creme of Nature Argan Oil from Morocco products, which provide intense conditioning and nourishment. The Creme of Nature Natural Oil-Infused Straight From Eden hair care line uses coconut, olive and avocado oils to strengthen the hair and promote overall hair healthiness. The top-selling hair care brand offers a selection of shampoos, conditioners, relaxers and styling aids enriched with natural ingredients, like Argan Oil and Argan Butter, for all hair types and styles. Visit for more details. Creme of Nature is also on Facebook ( CremeOfNature), Twitter (@CremeOfNature), and Instagram (


(Left) Andis educators and emcees Kenny Duncan and Eric Cheek flank 1st place winner William Short of Raleigh, NC. (Below) Winning models from left: second, first, third.

Andis Total Look Competition Takes Center Stage at Georgia World Congress Center Barbering showcase challenges creativity with a head-to-toe look

The Andis Total Look Competition held at the Georgia World Congress Center Sunday, August 16 at the midsummer Bronner Brothers International Beauty Show brought competitive heat to the main stage. The prestigious barber competition had 23 competitors from around the country vying for the top three prizes. “The Andis Total Look competition challenges contestants to be creative and consider the complete image, not just the hair,” said contest emcee, past winner and Andis lead educator Kenny Duncan. “I can attest personally, past winners of the contest have credited the competition in helping them take their skills and career to the next level; growing personally and professionally.” Twenty-three barbers from across the country had 45

minutes to create a finished hairstyle with Andis tools in front of more than 500 spectators with flashing cameras. The competition required a complete haircut of at least half inch of hair removed and a head-to-toe themed look. Contestants were judged on technical execution, originality, new ideas, suitability and head contour. William Short from Raleigh, NC took first place with his model “junior classic man” followed by second place; J. Alexander of Louisville, KY and his model “Skittles;” and Tristan King from Fort Wayne, IN rounded out third place with his “classic man.” Andis prize packs were awarded to the winners and each contestant received the Andis Excel Ultra Detachable Blade Clipper, SuperLiner Trimmer with bonus shaver head, and other Andis essentials.

Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care Launches New Premium, All-Natural Product Collection Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care recently announced the release of the new Shea-Coco collection, Taliah’s most natural lineup of conditioning and finishing products for wavy to coily hair textures. The Shea-Coco collection consists of (5) five products—all formulated with at least 95% natural ingredients—designed to deliver real style results: • • • • •

Curly Hair Curl Soufflé with FrizzGuard (3a – 3c hair textures) - 4 oz. jar Natural Hair Softening Butter (4a – 4c) – 4 oz. jar Daily Leave-In Conditioner – 8 oz. spray bottle Monoi Oil Natural Serum – 4 oz. bottle Leave – In Conditioning Co-Wash – 8 oz. bottle

“Today’s natural hair consumer desires all natural and organic products, with no GMO’s, and Shea-Coco delivers,” said Taliah Waajid, President 102

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of Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care. “We also know, however, that our consumers will not sacrifice styling and conditioning performance just because a product claims to be all-natural. They want an all-natural haircare regimen that actually works. I designed Shea-Coco to be an all-natural family of products that deliver real style results.” Shea-Coco contains Shea Butter and Coconut Oil—fused with all-natural ingredients—to create enriched organic formulas for conditioning and styling natural hair. Shea-Coco helps deliver strong, manageable, moisturized and healthy-looking natural hairstyles— without GMOs, parabens, alcohol, mineral oil, DEA, petroleum or formaldehyde. The Shea-Coco family of products are now available (starting October 2015). Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Care is offering a limited-time promotional discount on its launch display. The suggested retail price for each item in the collection is $9.99.


Makari Caviar Cream Perfects and Clarifies the Skin Better than a $400 Cream Makari de Suisse is known as in innovator in skincare, with products formulated specifically for men and women of color. Their products are manufactured in Switzerland, a country known for quality, innovation, and attention to detail. One of their best-sellers, the Caviar Face Lightening Cream, is an ultra-rich face cream designed to fade darks spots and discoloration while leaving the skin hydrated and bright. The cream is formulated with Caviar Extracts to balance moisture levels and even out the skin’s texture. At only $52.45, this cream is a steal compared to similar creams on the market that sell for hundreds more. Makari’s cream is also the only Caviar-infused cream that is formulated specifically for people of color with their unique skincare needs in mind.

Here is what people are saying about Makari’s Caviar Face Lightening Cream: “Makari’s cream has rejuvenated my skin giving it shine, a beautiful texture and looking younger than ever before. These days friends are interested in what I use on my skin and I have been recommending Makari to them.” “This fantastic product does exactly what it says. No gimmicks whatsoever.” Check out Makari’s Caviar Cream and their entire product line at

American International Industries Expands into the World of Fashion and Beauty Accessories with Acquisition of Hollywood Fashion Secrets® American International Industries (A.I.I.), a leading manufacturer and worldwide distributor of beauty products, announces the recent acquisition of the Hollywood Fashion Secrets® brand. “We are very proud of our new acquisition and its place in the beauty and style essentials category. The great brand name and heritage combined with our wide distribution channels will assure a long future for A.I.I. and Hollywood Fashion Secrets®,” said Zvi Ryman, President of A.I.I. “There are many 104

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items that nicely complement our current beauty offerings, and others that will expand A.I.I. into the fashion category and beyond.” The Hollywood Fashion Secrets® products include the widely recognized Hollywood Fashion Tape® double-stick tape strips, foot comfort care products, beauty solutions and more. Visit to view the complete line.


Key Lime

Mermaid Blue

Red Velvet

Starbright Silver

Wild Flamingo

Ignite Your Imagination with Sparks of Color Sparks Color Launches Five New Shades for Fall Keep your hair vibrant this fall with Sparks, a complete hair color and care system. The line announced the launch of five electrifying new shades this past September, adding to the current roster of long-lasting, vibrant shades ranging from Rad Raspberry and Pink Kiss to Purple Passion and everything in-between. With Sparks, your color palette is limitless since they can be used individually or intermixed to customize shades. Let your imagination go wild! Get the hair you’ve always dreamed of with Sparks. Sparks’ new colors are available in: Wild Flamingo, Key Lime, Mermaid Blue, Red Velvet, Starbright Silver The new color release follows the line’s launch of an online store where creative color fans can directly purchase their favorite Sparks color and care products. Choose from Sparks’ 15 bright, long-lasting hair colors, a threestep color care system including sulfate-free shampoo, color protecting conditioner and protectant spray plus a lightening system.

Not seeing the color you’re looking for? Check out the Sparks’ custom Color Chart for tips on how to combine and create your own customized colors for an endless palette of options plus a helpful Lightening Guide with step-by-step instructions. Also included on the website are how-to guides to achieve a variety of trending color looks such as dip-dye. The vibrant new Sparks colors are available at beauty supply stores nationwide, at select Hot Topic locations, and on To find the nearest distributor to purchase Sparks color, care and lightening products, visit the “Where to Buy” section of the website. ABOUT SPARKS Sparks is a complete hair color and care system for creative color lovers. The line offers long-lasting, bright permanent hair colors in a variety of shades that are easy-to-use, a three-step color care system, and lightening products to get your locks pre-lightened gently and safely. For more information, visit Sparks is a division of Beauty Perfection LLC.

Biography: Joe Ryan, Creative Director for Kayline by Wahl Creator of the New Hideaway Cart has Designed a Life Built on Functional, Beautiful Creativity “It’s super neat to get to reinvent Kayline; especially for my hometown company Wahl Clipper,” Joe Ryan said. Ryan’s first experience with design occurred in his father’s machine shop. The tool and die maker’s motto was “nothing’s impossible.” As a young teen Joe could read blueprints, run a lathe and do set-ups on a milling machine. He built his first motorcycle out of three crates of old parts and progressed from there. “I worried my mom when I outfitted the go-cart with a snowmobile engine,” Ryan said with a laugh. “She made dad sell it before it was complete.” After graduating from the University of Illinois at Chicago with a degree in Industrial Design, Ryan designed bicycles and set up a manufacturing facility for the Chicago Bicycle Company. As an independent artisan he produced mixed media furniture, boutique lighting and architectural installations before moving into a design engineer position at Ready Metal Manufacturing, a store fixture company. 106

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“That’s where I really learned the stuff,” he said. “My boss would feed me bar napkins full of sketches explaining how sheet metal worked in the real world.” In the web crazed ‘90s, the versatile Ryan created a virtual tour and Internet consulting business. After the tech crash, he joined the boutique store fixture company OK Works of Chicago. Post-recession Ryan joined Veeco Manufacturing, reviving the old brand with an onslaught of new products, corporate rebranding campaign and SEO driven website. Ryan connected with Kayline in May 2014, and is excited about designing products that are trendy, fashionable and stylish for the salon professional community. “I started as an artisan working in wood, metal, steel and glass, and pricing for my designs was pretty costly,” says Ryan. “I’m excited about the opportunity to create products at a range of price points. Now, more people can enjoy good design without having to pay a ton of money.”


Diane by Fromm Launches Marcel Curling Irons Your customers can now create smooth, soft curls with Diane by Fromm’s Marcel Curling Irons. With three different ceramic ionic barrel sizes to choose from, the styling possibilities are endless! Additional curling iron traits: • Extra-long barrel for super-fast curling • Lighter weight than the competition • Fast and consistent heat • Textured handle for greater control

• • • • • • • • •

Stand out professional packaging Ceramic barrel generates negative ions for smooth, soft curls Extra-long 6 ¼” barrel Click-in temperature dial stays fixed when in use Soft and comfortable rubberized handle Bumper feature for precise handle control Comes in three sizes: ¾”, 1” and 1 ¼” Adjustable heat settings from 250 degrees to 430 degrees 8 foot professional swivel cord

Are your Customers’ Skin Care Regimens Ready for Winter? Clear Essence Offers Tips to Help them Prepare by Ayanna Ziegler How to beat dryness: • Use lotions such as the Skin Beautifying Milk Maxi-Tone; it can relieve dryness and flaking. Alternatively, add Clear Essence Skin Beautifying Body Oil to bath water to help seal in moisture. Also popular is the Clear Essence Specialist Skin Care Body Oil and both oils, which can be applied directly to the skin. You can also recommend products in our Anti-Aging Line with alpha hydroxy acids, which gently exfoliate to remove dead skin cells, allowing more water and moisture into healthy skin. • Avoid antibacterial and deodorant soaps, which can be harsh and drying. Instead, use a gentle cleanser, such as Clear Essence Olive Oil soap or Carrot Oil soap. • Advise those suffering from dryness not to take extremely hot baths or showers. Do not soak in the tub for more than 10 minutes. Doing so breaks down your skin’s natural protective oils, which keep it soft and smooth. • Use a humidifier during the winter. Central heating and space heaters can dry out the air in your home. • Choose natural, breathable fabrics such as cotton and silk for bedding and the innermost layer of clothing. • Drink plenty of water and other liquids to keep skin hydrated from the inside out. Omega-3s (essential fatty acids found in foods such as salmon, walnuts, flaxseed, soybeans and broccoli) can also help keep skin supple.


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

When should one worry? Recommend seeing a dermatologist if dryness and itching keep one awake at night, if Clear Essence Skincare lotions aren’t working, if one has open sores or large areas of scaling or peeling skin, or if an infection develops from scratching. There could be a more serious condition underlying such as eczema, psoriasis or another skin disorder. Did you know? • Although everyone’s skin changes with age, a man’s skin tends to stay moist longer. That’s because a woman’s skin becomes much drier after menopause. • The best time to apply Clear Essence Skin Beautifying Milk is immediately after a shower or bath, when skin is still damp. • Since dry skin is extra-sensitive, it is important to protect it from the sun, especially if it is snowing (snow can reflect as much as 80 percent of the sun’s rays). Apply Skin Beautifying Milk with SPF 15 or My Natural Beauty Skin Tone Moisturizing Body Lotion with SPF 15 every day to the face, neck and ears. Ayanna is a 3rd year Media and Cultural Studies student at University of Riverside. With extensive experience in writing articles for various beauty publications she continues to build on her knowledge of the industry within her studies and passion for all things makeup and fashion.

ShowCalendar OCTOBER: 4-5 Charlotte Fashion Focus Charlotte, NC

5-6 Professional Beauty India | Mumbai Mumbai, India

11-12 Glendale Fashion Focus Glendale, AZ

Ad Index American International ............55 Genieco, Inc. ..................................8

Queen Helene ���������������������42, 50

Ampro Industries ........ 53, Poster Helen of Troy ..............................41

R&R Corp. ��������������������������������119

Andis Co. .....................................27 House of Cheatham ............ IFC, 1, 109, 117 Baby Sweet .................................16 Inspired Beauty Brands .........IBC Beauty Perfection ............... Insert J2 Beauty ... 2, 3, 56, 57, 84, 85, 103 Beauty Wholesale LTD .......34, 97 JBC Distributors �����������������������71

RA Cosmetics ���������������������72, 91

11-12 Premiere Beauty Classic Columbus, OH

15-17 Cosmobeaute Asia Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

25-26 Premiere Birmingham Birmingham, AL

NOVEMBER: 7-8 The Makeup Show Chicago, IL

8-9 San Juan Beauty Show San Juan, PR

11-13 Cosmoprof Asia Hong Kong, China

21-22 Cape Town Hair and Beauty Show 2015 Cape Town, South Africa


OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

Belson ..........................................59 JBS Beauty Club ................72, 113 Brittny Professional ������������17, 67 JBS Hair .........14, 15, 43, 49, 88, 89 Butter Sweet �����������������������������31 JF Labs/AFAM ......................35, 93 Cantu ...........................................33 KAB Brands ................................68

Smooth Care ..............................95 SMSi-Urban Call Marketing, Inc. ....................44 SoftSheen Carson ........................7 Sparks Hair Color .......................5 Taliah Waajid Natural Hair Products ................................80, 81 Ten Pro ......................................114 Toni Love .....................................70

Chloe Hair Accessories ���������115 Mane Selection .. .........................25 Colomer ..........Cover, 69, 110, BC Maxi Professional .......................30 Mitchell Group .........................105 Conair �����������������������������������������13 Namaste Laboratories ...........107 DeMert Brands ..........................29 NEOX ....................................54, 73 Dream World, Inc. ���������������24, 66 Oster Prof. Products ...................9 E.T. Browne Drug Co., Inc. ������61 PureJOIN ....................................23 Fantasia Ind. �������������������������������51

Universal Beauty Products, Inc. ..............................62 Wella,The Salon Professional Division of P&G ...79 Western Buying Conference ...99

Xtreme Beauty International ...........11, 39, 68, 101

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. What product do you see increasing in sales volume as the holiday season approaches? 1. 홀리데이 시즌이 다가오면서 판매량이 증가하고 있는 제품이 있습니까?

2. Do you hold any special promotions during this time of year? If so, what are they and are they successful? 2. 이맘때쯤 실행하는 특별 프로모션이 있습니까? 있다면, 어떤 품목이며 성공적인가요?

3. What is the one tip you give customers the most regarding their beauty routine? 3.일상적인 미용 관리에 관해 소비자들에게 해줄 수 있는 한 가지 조언이 있다면?

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

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OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

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OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:

September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine



Now your customers can groom their facial hair in style with the Diane by Fromm Grooming Kit. The stylish packaging of this product is half the fun! Grooming scissors and a fine-tooth comb are housed in a debonair mustacheshaped travel case. It is perfect for keeping in a travel bag, shaving kit, or even at home on the bathroom counter to add a little personality to the space. What’s more, it comes with a handy guarantee. Diane by Fromm shears carry a lifetime warranty against manufacturer defects. Fromm will repair or replace defective shears at no charge. Simply return to Fromm with a sales receipt. Be sure your shoppers are ready to groom up for the holidays with this product. 120

OTC Beauty Magazine October 2015

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