The Charity Issue OTC Sept 2015

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September 2015| $6.00 The Charity Issue

The Beauty of


Expert Insight Cosmoprof North America 2015 New Jinny Innovations

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CONTENTS September 2015 in this issue Editorial Letter ����������������������10 The Beauty of the Heart 내면의 아름다움

Expert Advice �����������������������12 How to Make Your Business More Socially Responsible

Marketplace �������������������������18 Perfect Additions

How Should You Sell It? �������24 Multimasking

Feature Article

A Call for the OTC Philanthropist! ������������������60 by Phylencia “PT” Taylor Charity is a word that is used frequently and loosely, often defined as an immediate voluntary response to those in need. “Give-to-Charity” has become a “catch-phrase,” yet, philanthropy is a more long-term, strategic focus. It’s important to make this distinction and understand how OTCs can be instrumental philanthropists in their communities—urban America.

어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이달의 판매 초점은 ….Multimasking!

Notes From the Natural Nation ���������������������59 Philanthropy: Another Form of ROI

Special Charity Section

Clipper Tips ��������������������������70 The Beauty of Charity . �����������������������������������������������������64 Give Your Clippers Some T.L.C.

Therapy Trends ���������������������72 Beauty of Business Community

Tonsorial Times ��������������������74

Wow! Here at OTC Beauty Magazine we are absolutely blown away. Recently our news feeds have been filled with devastating news of the times; violence and tough times have fallen hard all around us. Yet in the midst of these crazy alerts, our hearts were filled with the warmth of love as we learned how fellow members of the beauty industry are caring for and working to help their neighbors.

자선의 아름다움

와우! 우리 OTC 뷰티 매거진은 요즘 깜짝 놀라고 있다. 최근 우리에게 전해진 소식들은 충격적인 뉴스들로

Mentorship has Benefits

가득했다. 폭력과 힘든 시간들은 우리 모두를 힘들게 했다. 그러나 이런 말도 안 되는 경보를 사이에서도,

업계소식................................ 90

우리는 미용 산업 분야의 많은 동료들이 이웃을 돕고 그들을 위해 일하는 것을 봐왔고, 우리의 마음은 따뜻한 사랑으로 가득 차있다.

Jinny Innovations �����������������91 Industry News ����������������������94 Coupons ��������������������������� 103 Show Calendar ����������������� 108 Ad Index ��������������������������� 108 Reader Feedback ��������������� 110 Product Spotlight �������������� 112 Profectiv Mega Growth Break Free Daily Leave in Strengthener


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

On The Cover Nothing works like ApHogee! Their Two-Step Protein Treatment stops hair breakage—customers will see immediate results. In addition, the Two-Step Protein Treatment is the remedy for hair that is too weak or fine to take a perm or relaxer, is over bleached, will not hold color, or is mushy when wet and brittle when dry. Proteins fuse to the hair to drastically reduce breakage. These combo packs are an incredible value to your customers. The duo combo includes the Balancing Moisturizer and Two-Step Protein Treatment or the trio combo includes the Balancing Moisturizer, Deep Moisture Shampoo and Two-Step Protein Treatment. Visit

CONTENTS September 2015 Knowledge To Know

Finished Product

by Renae Tate We’ve all heard them and you might have even believed a few of them in the past. Skin lighteners are a hot topic in society today and lead to all sorts of debates and heated arguments on their safety and society’s glorification of lighter skin tones. Let’s debunk some of those rumors you might have heard.

by Shirley Templeton Jamaican Castor Oil is known to cleanse toxins from the scalp, eliminate dry flakes, nourish and thicken the hair, stimulate hair growth, moisturize dry and damaged hair, and protect both hair and scalp from infections which hamper hair growth. This is an excellent product for customers with Afro hair, seeing as it has the tendency to be dry.

피부 미백제는 현재 사회에서 아주 관심이 큰 주제이며, 그것의 안정성과 밝은 피부톤에 관한 사회적 찬양에 있어서 모든 종류의 가열된 논쟁을 이끌어내고 있다. 그 동안 들어 왔던 루머들의 진실을 파해처 보도록 하자.

The Master Game ������������������������������������������� 44

Traditionally Made Jamaican (Black) The Myths Surrounding Skin Lighteners ��������������������������� 34 Castor Oil Aids Afro Hair Growth �������������������������� 30

피부 미백제를 둘러싼 근거없는 믿음들

How to Better Understand your Afro American Customers’ Needs and Why ����������������������������� 38 by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau In previous articles, I attempted to illustrate how and why the hair and skin care requirements are different for most people of Afro decent. The purpose of this article is to instill understanding as to why the need is different and how to service this need with understanding and knowledge.

아프리카계 미국인 소비자들의 요구를 더욱 잘 이해하는 방법과 이유 이전 기사에서, 나는 헤어와 스킨 케어 요구 사항이 흑인들 개인에 따라 각기 다른 이유와 방법에 관해 설명하려 했다. 이 기사의 목적은 그들의 요구가 다른 이유를 이해하고 그 이해와 지식을 바탕으로 그들에게 맞는 서비스를 제공하는 방법을 알려주기 위함이다.

Business Tips

by Michael E. Gerber What does “caring more” mean, and how can it affect your business? Additionally, how will it motivate you to make a difference in the world? Read on to see how adjusting your outlook can benefit your life in multiple facets.

마스터 게임

“더욱 신경쓰기”란 무슨 의미이며, 이것이 어떻게 비즈니스에 영향을 끼칠 수 있나? 또한, 다른 세상을 만드는데 어떠한 동기를 부여해 주나? 이 기사를 통해 여러분 인생에 어떻게 도움이 될 수 있는지 엿보도록 해보자.

How Do You Handle Life’s Detours? ������������������� 48 by Steve Gilliland In what seems like in an instant your life can be turned upside down by a “detour”—a nasty accident; a bad break-up; a new, obsessive habit; a big move to a new town; health problems experienced by you or a loved one. Learn how to effectively deal with these detours to grow and embrace the change instead of resisting it.

인생의 역경에 어떻게 대응하는가?

불쾌한 사고, 좋지 않은 이별, 새로운, 강박적 습관, 새로운 도시로의 이사. 당신이나 당신이 사랑하는 사람들이 경험하는 건강상의 문제 – 이런 것들은 당신의 인생을 뒤집히게 하는 많은 것들 가운데 몇 가지가 될 수 있다. 이러한 역경에 어떻게 슬기롭게 대처해야 하는지 생각해 보자.

Show Coverage

Beauty Ambassadors Cosmoprof North America 2015 ���������������������������� 76 Styling Tools Beauty Ambassador Article ����������������� 54 Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) furthered its reputation as the leading B2B beauty trade show by introducing revolutionary technologies and forward-thinking programs at its recent event, held annually at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Close to 30,000 attendees engaged with a record-breaking 1,017 exhibitors from 39 countries from July 12-14. Full event coverage includes: show floor excitement (page 76), New Product Showcase (page 84), City of Hope’s “Spirit of Life” Gala (page 86), Namaste’s “Celebration of Beauty” Reception (page 87) and a special article with exhibitor feedback (page 88).


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Hair Scandals in the Work Place

Skin Care Ambassador Article ���������������������������������� 56 A History of Success


Ann Jhin


Haley McNeal

Korean News Editor:

Tony Bae

Earl Cole

Art Director:

Advertising & Sales Coordinator:

Contributing Writers:

Amanda Cano ReGia Davis Michael E. Gerber Steve Gilliland Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau Stephanie Scott Adam Singleton Renae Tate Phylencia “PT� Taylor Shirley Templeton


Kenny Duncan Lafayette Jones Elayne McClaine Dwayne Thompson

To subscribe, call us at 678-805-3291 or visit Subscriptions are no charge for businesses (including retailers, manufacturers, and distributors) in the U.S. of the beauty and barber supply industry. For all other subscribers, yearly subscriptions (12 issues) are $48.00. Please send a check payable to OTC Beauty Magazine to: OTC Beauty Magazine; attn: subscriptions; 3587 Oakcliff Rd.; Doraville, GA 30340. Cover price is $6.00. OTC Beauty Magazine is a trade magazine for the multicultural beauty supply industry offering retail store owners, manufacturers, distributors, and industry professionals a unique perspective on new and evolving products, useful business tips, effective selling tools to boost revenue and customer traffic, and valuable product knowledge by combining insight and intelligence with depth and style. This is the only bilingual publication in the industry offering both Korean and English translations. OTC Beauty Magazine is published monthly by Jinny Corp. Postage paid at Auburn, AL and at additional mailing offices. Reproduction in whole or in part of any text, photographs or illustrations without written permission from a staff member is strictly prohibited.

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OTC Beauty Magazine Attn: Subscriptions 3587 Oakcliff Rd., Doraville, GA 30340 T: 678-805-3291 F: 678-805-3292 88

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Editorial Letter

The Beauty of the

HEART 내면의 아름다움

It’s here again: September, the month of our annual Beauty of Charity issue. We spend all year talking about products and beauty regimens to keep you and your customers beautiful, but this is the time we get to look on the inside and do a little “touch-up” on our hearts. This marks our 6th year highlighting the philanthropic and charitable efforts of manufacturing companies in the beauty business, and we do not see any reason to stop here. In addition to the “Beauty of Charity” feature in this issue (page 62), you will also find a wealth of information on the newest products, business advice and knowledge straight from the intelligent minds of beauty experts. Additionally, you can stay up-to-date with the latest news and exciting innovations within the industry. Coverage of the leading B2B beauty trade show, Cosmoprof North America (CPNA), is featured here as well! Each year, OTC Beauty Magazine travels to Las Vegas and brings back information on the latest trends, advancements and undertakings of new as well as tried-and-true companies who exhiit at CPNA. Be sure not to miss out on all the excitement that begins on page 76; we cover more than just the happenings on the tradeshow floor. We invite you to stay tuned throughout this issue and the ones of years to come to learn more about how your neighbors are helping contribute to charity, and how you can too. We hope it inspires you to become active and helpful in your community…just like it did us.

다시 돌아왔습니다. 9월, Beauty of Charity 호가 발간되는 달입니다. 우리는 여러분과 여러분 고객들의 아름다움을 유지할 수 있는 제품과 미용 방법에 관해 1년 내내 얘기해 왔습니다, 그러나 이번에는 우리의 내면을 들여다보고 우리의 마음에 약간의 “터치 업”을 할 시간입니다. 미용 산업 분야의 제조 회사들이 기울이고 있는 자선의 노력과 활동을 집중 조명한지 6년째가 되었지만, 우리는 이것을 멈출 이유가 없습니다.

이번 호에서 다루고 있는 “Beauty of Charity”(페이지64) 이외에도, 최신

제품에 관한 풍부한 정보와 미용 전문가들로부터 직접 듣는 지식과 비즈니스 조언들도 볼 수 있습니다. 또한, 업계 최신 뉴스와 흥미로운 혁신을 뒤쳐짐 없이 따라잡을 수가 있습니다.

최고의 B2B 트레이드 쇼인Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) 기사 내용

또한 포함되어 있습니다! 해마다, OTC 뷰티 매거진은 Las Vegas를 찾아가서, CPNA에서 전시중인 신뢰할 수 있는 기업들에 관한 소식은 물론이고, 최신 트랜드와 발전 및 새로운 것들에 관한 정보를 가지고 돌아옵니다. 페이지76 부터 시작되는 이 모든 흥미로운 기사들을 놓치지 마시기 바랍니다. 우리는 단지 트레이드 쇼 장에서 일어나는 것 이상의 내용들을 이번 호에 싣고 있습니다.

우리는 여러분이 이번 호에 계속 주목하여 이웃들이 행하는 자선 활동에

관해 좀 더 알고 여러분 또한 행할 수 있는 방법을 배울 수 있는 기회를 갖기 바랍니다. 우리가 그랬던 것처럼, 이런 내용의 기사들이 여러분이 지역 사회에서 적극적으로 주변에 도움이 될 수 있도록 여러분을 고무시키는데 도움이 되길 바랍니다.

Editor, 10

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

July 2012OTC Beauty Magazine


Expert Advice by Adam Singleton

How to Make Your Business More

Socially Responsible

Social responsibility comes in many forms—and it’s something that many businesses are taking an increasing interest in. Based on the nature of certain industries, some companies might integrate social responsibility into their business model from the very start. However, other types of businesses might consider social responsibility at later stages of company establishment. No matter where your business lies with regard to implementing socially responsible practices, knowing that there are many means to do so—and acquainting yourself with those means—is a big step towards ultimately making a difference. Many companies, for instance, have taken an interest in environmental issues, adopting green practices and constantly looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly. This could entail anything from conserving resources in the workplace and offsetting carbon emissions, to providing support for environmental organizations. Regardless of the type of actions your company takes with regard to helping the environment, it’s undoubtedly one of the easiest ways to become more socially responsible. Helping charities is another way to increase your company’s social responsibility. Of course, there are various ways to get involved with a charity—

whether through donating money, or donating time as a volunteer. However, it’s a good idea to get involved beyond simply providing a charity with a check, as doing so will help your company learn and grow to a greater extent. Even if the primary source of your involvement is monetary, ensuring you’re involved in other ways will help you and your employees better understand a charitable organization. It’s also important that the charities you choose to work with are in line with the values of your company, customers and staff. Finally, supporting fair trade and ethically made goods is another socially responsible practice that your company can easily adopt. Whether encouraging your employees to support fair trade in their personal lives, or supporting fair trade practices with regard to securing your business resources, fair trade practices affect countless people across the world by providing a fair price for their goods, and helping improve the livelihood of communities. Ultimately, making a business more socially responsible opens up relationships and opportunities for a company, improves employee commitment and satisfaction, and attracts a greater number of customers—not to mention investors. Ethical businesses are sure to benefit in various ways through social responsibility, in addition to helping individuals, groups and communities around them. Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Adam Singleton writes for a digital marketing agency, and is also a contributor to 12

OTC 2015 OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine September December 2008

May2008 2015 OTC OTC Beauty Beauty Magazine Magazine December



OTC OTCBeauty BeautyMagazine Magazine December May 20152008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine

OTC Beauty Magazine December 2008

December 2008 OTC Beauty Magazine


Perfect Additions Looking for new, exciting products that would be perfect to add to your shelves? We have you covered! Keep reading to explore what goodies we’ve gathered together this month.

Oh, Baby!

Parents would do anything for their babies, especially when it comes to protecting them. That’s why it is important to keep your store stocked with the products they look for—like Olive Babies’ Skin Protectant Pure Petroleum Jelly. Made with naturally derived ingredients such as olive oil, argan oil and shea butter, it provides an effective moisture barrier to protect and sooth delicate skin. Redness and irritation can take a hike. 18

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Eco Pro Gel

Styling hair has never been easier, thanks to the pump bottle dispensed Eco Pro Cream Styling Gel from Ecoco. Formulated with no alcohol, parabens or sulfates, this product gives superior hold that lasts all day and provides a healthy sheen to hair—without flaking. Get to styling and curling today!

Pudding Perfection

Attention all natural hair flaunters who long for curls with exotic shine™… look no further! Creme of Nature has just what you need: Pudding Perfection Curl Styling Creme. Formulated to provide soft, hydrated and stretched curls, it is the perfect addition to their full line of natural hair products. Packaged in a handy 12-count packet single sale display, it is perfect for your store shelves.

Edge Hair Gel

Sunny Isle is proud to provide the first Edge Hair Gel infused with Jamaican Black Castor Oil. It stimulates hair growth while keeping edges in place with a long-lasting, firm hold. Great for relaxed and natural hair, this gel moisturizes and gives hair vibrant shine. September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


M A R K E T PLACE Easy Track

Packaged in an easy-to-use tube, Salon Pro 30 Sec Easy Track Weft Sealer is your customers’ choice for sealing wefts or tracks of hair. It’s no shedding benefit guarantees the longevity of purchased hair usage, and users do not have to worry about loss of hair under situations such as rain, swimming, daily workouts or other physical activities. Shown here in clear, it also comes in a dark variant.

Deep Clean Facial

A few times a week, a facial scrub is a vital part of any facial regimen. OKAY’s Clarifying Papaya Facial Scrub moderately exfoliates to reveal naturally beautiful skin. It removes dirt, oil and dull skin for a healthy look and feel. This 100% natural and oil free formulation contains the natural extract of papaya and natural walnut exfoliants for a deep down clean that lasts. No paraben or sulfate here!

Hair Essence

NEXT IMAGE of R&R Corp. introduces Natural Remy Unprocessed Hair Essence, a product made only for unprocessed hair. It restores the natural beauty of unprocessed (virgin) hair and keeps it looking great. It gives users full control of unruly, tangled hair with the use of Keratin, Macadamia, Argan, Olive Oil and Vitamin E. Conditioned, healthy and shiny hair awaits.

Style Control

The professional styling method known as a “Silk Press” is a non-chemical process, transforming naturaltextured hair to a super-softened state allowing it to be easily straightened through heat styling. Argan Smooth brings this process to your customers in a do-it-yourself kit. In four easy steps hair becomes soft, manageable and easy to heat style without a chemical straightener. After straightening, users can easily bounce back to curly by simply shampooing and conditioning.


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Curl Girl

Embrace natural curls with Curl Girl, the complete hair care collection for natural curls, coils and waves. The Curl Control Curl Defining Mousse controls and defines the unruliest of curls. The moisture-rich formula gives curls calm definition and adds shine for a perfect finish. Curl Girl products are all-natural and contain no sulfates, parabens, petroleum, mineral oil or artificial colors.

Scalp Treatment

Encourage your customers to start their scalp treatments first thing in the morning—with their conditioner. Avalon organics offers a Tea Tree Scalp Treatment Conditioner that features Tea Tree Essential Oil, Calendula, Aloe and Vitamins to soothe skin irritation for lasting scalp comfort and stronger, shinier, healthierlooking hair. Product contains 70% organic content.

Déjà Vu ‘Do

Didn’t we just see that fabulous hair-do yesterday? Why yes! Thanks to Not Your Mother’s Déjà Vu ‘Do Style Extender, your customers can lock in their hair style and extend their happy hair days from one morning to the next (or two)! It blocks humidity and repels dirt and oil for days.

Liquid Lather

What man wouldn’t love a close facial shave with warm, liquid lather? Wahl couldn’t agree more. That is why they are proud to offer customers their Liquid Lather, an easy-to-use pre-mixed solution to be used with the Wahl Hot Lather Machine. Look for it with the rest of Wahl’s ‘19 product collection; available in 12 oz. and 64 oz. sizes.

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

How should you sell it?

This month’s focus is...

Multimasking! “Why tackle one skin issue when you can tackle them all at the same time and look like a warrior princess while doing it?” This is the question Ami Shvartzman, Director of Education for Osmosis Pur Medical Skincare poses, and we are wondering the same thing.

Use the tips Shvartzman gives below to increase your facial mask sales by encouraging customers to use multiple mask formulations at once on different parts of their face “Step 1: T-Zone Clay masks are perfect to use for a combination/oily T-Zone area. They work to balance and detoxify the skin, while refining skin’s texture and smoothing larger pores. Step 2: Forehead and Cheeks The forehead and cheeks are an area of the face that can be most affected by the damaging rays of the sun and free radicals. Try revitalizing masks to provide firming, brightening and nourishing treatment to the face. Step 3: Lips The lips are an area most often neglected when it comes to skincare. Don’t leave them out! Lip masks are great for healing dry, dehydrated and damaged lips. Step 4: The Neck The neck can unfortunately be one of the most obvious indicators of age. Counter this by giving the neck all of the loving care it needs with an anti-aging mask. Encouraging hydration and firming is essential!”

If you have input you’d like to share regarding this question, send an email to Your response could be featured in the October issue! 24

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Ami Shvartzman, Director of Education Osmosis Pur Medical Skincare


어떻게 판매할 것인가? 이 달의 판매 초점은 ...


“피부에 한 가지 문제가 생기면 왜 당신은 전체 얼굴을 동시에 해결하려고 달려드는가?” 이것은 Osmosis Pur Medical Skincare의 교육 디렉터인 Ami Shvartzman의 질문이며, 우리도 이것이 궁금하다.

Shvartzman이 아래에 제시하는 팁을 사용하면 소비자들이 얼굴의 각각 다른 부위에 적합한 기능의 멀티 마스크를 한 번에 사용할 수 있도록 장려함으로써 페이스 마스크 판매를 증가시킬 수가 있다. 1단계: T-Zone 클레이 마스크는 복합/ 지성 T존 부위에 사용하는데 이상적이다. 이것은 피부의 균형을 맞추고 독소를 제거하며, 피부의 질감을 개선하고 큰 모공을 누그러뜨린다. 2 단계: 이마와 볼 이마와 볼은 자외선이나 활성 산소로 인한 손상에 가장 영향을 크게 받을 수 있는 얼굴 부위이다. 탄력과 브라이트닝, 영양 공급을 위해 리바이탈라이징 (활력 공급) 마스크를 사용하라. 3 단계: 입술 입술은 스킨 케어에서 자주 소홀해지는 부위이다. 그대로 내버려 두지 말라! 입술 마스크는 건조하고 수분이 부족하며 손상된 입술에 아주 효과적이다. 4 단계: 목 목은 불행히도 나이를 나타내는 가장 확실한 부위 중 하나이다. 안티 에이징 마스크를 비롯해 다양한 방법으로 목을 관리하라. 수분과 탄력 증강은 필수적이다!”

이 문제에 관해 여러분의 의견을 공유하고 싶은 분들은, hmcneal@otcbeautymagazine.com로 이메일 보내주세요. 여러분의 의견은 10월호에 게재됩니다! 26

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Ami Shvartzman, Director of Education Osmosis Pur Medical Skincare

August 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine


by Shirley Templeton

Traditionally Made Jamaican ( B l a c k )

C astor O il A ids A fro H air G rowth Afro hair has a tendency to be dry, which is exacerbated by a structure that can make it difficult for substances to properly penetrate both the scalp and the ends of the hair. Most commercial hair products are bad for Black Afro hair as they contain petroleum-based polymers, silicones, synthetic chemicals and artificial colours that can cause scalp problems and hair loss Jamaican Castor Oil is known to cleanse toxins from the scalp, eliminate dry flakes, nourish and thicken the hair, stimulate hair growth, moisturize dry and damaged hair, and protect both hair and scalp from infections which hamper hair growth. Authentic traditionally made Jamaican Castor Oil is made using roasted Castor beans prior to extraction; this creates a natural occurring activated charcoal. For centuries natural charcoal has been used for the treatment of ailments and injuries. It is the safest means of removing toxins from the body. The Omega-9 fatty acids in traditionally made Jamaican Castor Oil will nourish the hair and prevent the scalp from drying. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungicidal properties of Ricinoleic Acid contained in traditionally made Jamaican Castor Oil will protect the scalp and hair from infections thus stimulating healthy hair growth. The addition of the word “Black” is a new phenomenon. Traditionally made Jamaican Castor Oil has always been darker than “refined” Castor Oil from other regions of the world. Refined Castor Oils have been boiled to extremely high temperatures and then chilled to very low temperatures and bleached. This makes those oils very thin, transparent, and odourless, and of course strips them of most of their natural goodness. Jamaican Black Castor Oil can help with many afro hair care needs: As a daily scalp massage to stimulate hair growth and thicken thinning hair Massage onto scalp regularly paying particular attention to thinning/balding areas. Massaging your scalp promotes hair growth due to the increased blood flow to the hair follicles. Using Jamaican Castor Oil to stimulate circulation increases the benefit of the massage, as it works with the massage to supply your hair follicles with the nourishment they need. Nourished follicles promote and produce better hair growth. Ultimately, for a scalp massage to be really effective, it needs to be done on a daily basis with at least one massage per week, lasing for 10 minutes. Results will be noticeable within 3 months.

As a frequent use scalp massage treatment to eliminate dry flakes - Massage onto scalp using the tips of your fingers in a circular movement to cleanse and nourish the scalp, and remove toxins. This increases blood flow to the scalp. It also helps clear any blocked pores, and prevents the hair from becoming too dry, whilst strengthening the hair roots. As a daily sealant to retain moisture - Apply to hair following a moisturizer paying particular attention to ends of hair, which are the oldest and therefore tend to be the most dry and fragile. As a hot oil treatment to restore lost moisture to dry hair - After shampooing apply warm oil, leave on for 30 minutes with or without heat, then rinse. Jamaican Black Castor Oil can also be added to your favorite deep conditioner for added moisturizing power. As a pre-shave treatment to soften ingrown hairs and prevent razor bumps - Rub warm oil onto face and leave on for five minutes then continue with a normal shaving routine. On your scalp before getting a chemical relaxer - Apply to scalp using a tint brush prior to relaxer application in order to protect sensitive scalps from chemical relaxer burns. On your regrowth to stretch chemical relaxer frequency - Apply frequently to new growth to make hair softer thereby reducing tension and minimizing hair breakage when combing mid-lengths and ends. As a post-conditioner styling oil whilst hair is still wet - Use prior to blow or air drying hair. When looking for authentic Jamaican Black Castor Oil, it is always best to purchase one that has actually been processed in Jamaica!

Article courtesy of You can find the article at:

Shirley Templeton is known for her work at Yard’s Finest Natural Oil Company Limited. She is also a contributor to 30

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Knowledge to Know by Renae Tate

The Myths Surrounding

Skin Lighteners 피부 미백제를 둘러싼 근거없는 믿음들 We’ve all heard them and you might have even believed a few of them in the past. Skin lighteners are a hot topic in society today and lead to all sorts of debates and heated arguments on their safety and society’s glorification of lighter skin tones. However, there are many different facets of why people use lighteners and the different types of ingredients used. Often, however, they are all lumped into one category, which gives many a disproportioned view of this sector of the skincare industry. Let’s debunk some of those rumors you might have heard: 1. People who use skin lighteners have no self confidence and believe white skin is better. For many people who use skin-lightening products, this statement could not be farther from the truth. Darker skin tones often develop dark spots, scars and discolorations from pregnancy, acne, medication or the sun that are noticeably darker than their regular skin tone. Lighter skin tones have less melanin in their skin and thus these darker patches do not develop as prominently. For this reason, many with darker skin turn to skin lightening ingredients to enhance their complexion and blend those discolorations with their natural skin tone. There are those select few that do look to lighten their overall complexion in hopes of being a lighter shade. However, this trend has been going on for centuries as those who stayed indoors were considered higher class and those that had to work in the sun were often poor. However, it is hard to judge or put down those that still hold these views and wish to lighten their skin because of it. Instead of putting down these people we should be working on societies’ representation of ethnic diversity to ensure that new generations are proud of their skin. Overall, we should not lump all those who use skin


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

우리 모두는 그것을 들어봤고, 당신은 지난날 그것들 중 몇 가지를 믿었을 수도 있다. 피부 미백제는 현

재 사회에서 아주 관심이 큰 주제이며, 그것의 안정성과 밝은 피부톤에 관한 사회적 찬양에 있어서 모든 종류의 가열된 논쟁을 이끌어내고 있다. 그러나, 사람들이 미백제를 사용하는 이유는 아주 다양하며, 사 용되는 성분의 형태 또한 여러 가지이다. 그러나 종종, 이것은 하나의 범주에 들어가는데, 그것은 스킨

케어 산업의 이 분야에 관한 불균형적인 견해를 제공한다는 것이다. 당신도 들어 본 적 있는 몇 가지 소 문들의 정체를 폭로해보자:

1. 피부 미백제를 사용하는 사람들은 자신감이 없으며 하얀 피부가 더욱 낫다고 믿는다.

피부 미백제를 사용하는 많은 사람들에게, 이런 얘기는 진실이 아니다. 진한 피부톤은 종종 임신이나 여 드름, 약물 복용 혹은 자외선으로 인해 다크 스팟, 흉터, 색소 침착 등이 일반적인 그들의 피부 색깔보

다 현저하게 진해지게 된다. 밝은 피부톤은 피부 내의 멜라닌 색소 함량이 낮기 때문에, 이런 진한 부분 들이 눈에 띄게 짙어지지는 않는 것이다. 이런 이유에서, 진한 피부색을 가진 사람들은 그들의 안색을 좋게 하고 그들의 자연적인 피부색과 색소가 침착된 부위를 섞이게 하기 위해서 피부 미백 제제를 찾 게 되는 것이다.

좀 더 밝은 피부 톤이 되기를 바라면서 그들의 전체적인 안색을 밝게 보이는 몇 가지 선택들이 있다.

그러나, 실내에서 머무르는 사람들이 더 높은 계급으로 간주되고 햇빛 아래서 일해야만 했던 사람들은 흔히 가난했던 것처럼, 이런 트랜드는 수세기 동안 있어 왔다. 하지만, 이러한 견해를 아직도 유지하고

이런 이유 때문에 자신의 피부를 밝게 하려는 사람들을 판단하거나 깎아 내리기는 힘들다. 이런 사람들 을 깎아 내리는 대신에 우리는 새로운 세대들이 자신의 피부색에 자부심을 갖도록 인종적 다양성을 사

September 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K lighteners as people that are not confident in their darker skin tone. 2. Hydroquinone is unsafe and has horrible side effects. Hydroquinone is actually the only FDA approved ingredient to lighten skin discolorations. The FDA has also regulated the ingredient so that no more than 2% is available in over the counter products. However, higher concentrations can still be obtained by a doctor’s prescription. The reason hydroquinone received such as bad rap is due to people using the ingredient irresponsibly. An important thing to remember is that hydroquinone does make one’s skin sensitive to the sun. Therefore it is important to use sunscreen over the product or use a formulation already containing sunscreen such as Clear Essence Medicated Fade Crème with SPF 15. Used appropriately in a safe concentration and in conjunction with sunscreen, there is no harm in the ingredient. However, for those that are still worried, there are plenty of natural skin lightening ingredients such as Vitamin C, Alpha Hydroxy Acid and Kojic Acid. 3. Once I achieve the skin complexion I want I can stop using skin lighteners. Sadly, no. We’ve already covered wearing sunscreen. You will need to apply an SPF of at least 15 daily to ensure that the skin does not re-darken. But even so, darker skin types are naturally prone to developing dark spots or scars from any disruption to the skin. Unless you stay in a plastic bubble for the rest of your life and are lucky to never get another pimple, you most likely will have to deal with skin lighteners again if you wish to keep your skin tone even and free of any discolorations. But don’t fret; there are many options and products to assist in your skin care goals thanks to the beauty industry and companies formulating products for darker skin tones.

회적으로 표현할 수 있도록 해야만 한다. 전반적으로, 피부 미백제를 사용하는 사람들을 단지 자신의 짙은 피부색에 자신감이 없는 사람들로 인식해서는 안 된다.

2. 하이드로퀴논은 안전하지 않고 끔찍한 부작용이 있다.

하이드로퀴논은 실제로 피부의 색소 침착을 밝게 할 수 있는 유일한 FDA승인 성분이다. FDA는 또한 성분

을 규제하고 있어서 2 % 이상의 제품은 처방 없이 카운터 제품으로 판매할 수 없도록 하고 있다. 그러나 높 은 농도는 여전히 의사 처방으로 구입할 수가 있다. 하이드로퀴논이 이처럼 나쁜 소리를 듣는 이유는 사람 들이 그 성분을 무책임하게 사용하기 때문이다. 중요하게 기억해야 할 것은, 하이드로퀴논은 피부가 자외

선에 더욱 민감해지게 만든다. 그러므로 제품 위에 자외선 차단제를 사용하거나Clear Essence Medicated Fade Crème with SPF 15처럼 이미 자외선 차단제가 함유된 제품을 사용하는 것이 중요하다. 안전한 농도 에서 자외선 차단제와 함께 적절하게 사용하면, 성분에 전혀 해로울 것이 없다. 그러나 여전히 걱정하는 사 람들을 위해서는, 비타민 C, 알파 하이드록시 산 및 코직산 등의 천연 피부 미백 성분이 많이 있다. 3. 일단 내가 원하는 피부색을 갖게 되면 피부 미백제 사용을 중지할 수 있다.

슬프게도, 아니다. 우리는 이미 자외선 차단제로 커버해 왔다. 피부가 다시 어두워지지 않도록 하기 위해서

는 최소한 SPF15를 매일 사용해야 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 짙은 피부 타입은 피부에 어떤 문제가 생기면 선천적으로 다크 스팟이나 흉터를 발전시키는 경향이 있다. 당신의 남은 인생을 플라스틱 버블 속에서 지

내면서 운좋게 뾰로지 하나조차 생기지 않는 한, 당신의 피부톤을 유지하고 어떤 피부 착색도 원치 않는다

면, 당신은 피부 미백제를 사용하게 될 것이다. 하지만 걱정하지 말라. 짙은 피부톤을 위한 제품을 생산하는 많은 회사들과 미용 산업 덕분에 당신의 스킨 케어 목표를 지원할 수 있는 많은 옵션과 제품들이 있다.

Renae Tate is Graphic Design Lead and Sales and Marketing Representative for Clear Essence Cosmetics USA, Inc. While keeping up with beauty trends has become a deep interest for her, she also enjoys snowboarding, fashion, the beach and traveling in her free time.


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015


Knowledge to Know by Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau


Afro American Customers’ Needs and Why 아프리카계 미국인 소비자들의 요구를 더욱 잘 이해하는 방법과 이유 In previous articles, I attempted to illustrate how and why the hair and skin care requirements are different for most people of Afro decent. Although there are other cultures with dark skin, their needs still differ from Afro Americans due primarily to climatic conditions in their native countries where the race originated. Although they no longer live in those regions, or were born there for several generations, through heredity the original genes are passed on. The purpose of this article is to instill understanding as to why the need is different and how to service this need with understanding and knowledge. The importance of this is twofold: 1. There are at least 1/3 more Black Cosmetologists than Caucasians in proportion to their numbers. 2. Blacks are only about 11% of the total population in this country, yet they consume over 30% of all hair care products and professional hair services rendered in the United States. Why is a Black baby born with straight or wavy hair and a few months later it is kinky? The answer to this is simple: the excessive amount of bonds in the cortex and medulla is partly the cause of kinky or curly hair, causing the hair to retract like a stretched rubber band when released. The cuticle layer backs up on each other as a result of the excessive amount of bonds in the cortex and medulla, resulting in Afro hair having up to twice as many overlapping cuticle layers as Caucasian straight hair. This causes the cuticle scales (they are called scales because they resemble the overlapping scales of a fish) to stack 38

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이전 기사에서, 나는 헤어와 스킨 케어 요구 사항이 대부분의 품위 있는 흑인들에 따라 각기 다른 이유

와 방법에 관해 설명하려 했다. 물론, 짙은 피부색을 가진 다른 문화권의 인종들도 있지만, 그들의 요구

는 여전히 아프리카계 미국인들과는 다르다. 왜냐하면 그들 인종이 유래된 본국의 기후 조건이 기본적

으로 다르기 때문이다. 비록 그들은 수 세대에 걸쳐 더 이상 자신들의 본국에 거주하거나 태어나지는 않 아도, 근본 유전자는 전해 내려 오기 때문이다. 이 기사의 목적은 그들의 요구가 다른 이유를 이해하고

그 이해와 지식을 바탕으로 그들에게 맞는 서비스를 제공하는 방법을 알려주기 위함이다. 이것의 중요 성은 두 가지이다:

1. 흑인 미용사들의 수가 백인보다 인종에 비례하여 1/3 이상 더 많다.

2. 흑인들은 미국 전체 인구의 11%정도이지만, 그들은 미국 내 모든 헤어 케어 제품과 전문

헤어 서비스의 30% 이상을 소비한다.

왜 흑인 아기들은 직모나 웨이브 헤어로 태어나서 몇 달 후에 심한 곱슬이 되는가?

대답은 간단하다: 피질과 수질의 과도한 결합이 부분적으로 심한 곱슬이나 곱슬머리의 원인이 된다, 고 무줄을 길게 잡아 당겼다가 놓았을 때처럼 모발이 다시 수축되기 때문이다. 표피층은 피질과 수질에서 발생하는 과도한 양의 결합으로 서로를 지지하게 되고, 결과적으로 흑인들의 모발은 백인들의 직모보 다 큐티클층이 2배 이상 많이 겹쳐지게 된다. 이것은 큐티클 스케일(물고기의 비늘처럼 겹쳐져있어서

SCALES이라 부른다)이 서로 단단하게 쌓여 유지되게 한다. 이것이 바로 흑인들의 모발이 곱슬하게 되

September 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine


K-t-K tightly against each other and flair out. This is the reason for the kinky appearance of Afro hair. Pressing, curling and flat ironing forces the flared cuticles flat against the hair shaft to create the appearance of being straight. When a Black baby is born, the bonding in the cortex and medulla layer of the hair shaft has not yet been formed. Sometimes it takes up to a year and half for the bonds to become apparent, thereby forming hair’s permanent structure and texture. You cannot train a baby’s hair to stay baby hair. Hair reaches full maturity about the same time that the permanent teeth come in (at approximately 7 1/2 years old); this is the earliest that a chemical service can be performed on a child, however the longer you put this off the better. Why do many Black children and adults not have hair on the temple area? Many people who suffer this malady cannot remember ever having hair on the temple, so it is passed off as being hereditary and/or one of the traits of being Black. Actually this situation is caused by people who unknowingly and with good intentions attempt to groom the hair when the person was an infant. As mentioned in the last segment explaining why a Black baby is born with straight or wavy hair, this type of hair structure may not be comparable to that of the infant’s parents who may have extremely curly or kinky hair. Realizing this, the mother, big sister, babysitter, etc., will start to smooth the hair from the forehead back by tying it down with rubber bands, barrettes, or tight braiding that pulls the hair and roots out of the scalp permanently. They may also cake it with heavy oils in an attempt to train the hair to stay straight or wavy. This is a futile practice because it is impossible to train baby hair to stay baby hair. Manipulation of the hair as described above causes a great deal of the papilla (the seed and root of the hair shaft) to become permanently destroyed. It is destroyed by pulling and crushing of the tender Papilla at that young age; it is often mashed between the scalp and skull due to the pressure applied during this futile training attempt, or is pulled out of the scalp. What results is permanent baldness in the temple area, high foreheads, thinning hair and bald spots throughout the rest of the scalp that lasts a lifetime. None of these conditions are natural or inherent for the most part. They were caused unintentionally by people who thought they were doing the right thing on behalf of the child. Also, kinky hair is flat hair that grows from a somewhat flat follicle. By manipulation of the hair as just described you are rendering the follicle even flatter, resulting in even kinkier hair when it matures than it would have been if simply left alone. Normal grooming and care is fine, but do not try to force it to be what it is not. What is bad hair? It is very irritating to me to hear Black people referring to their natural “Afro” hair as being “bad hair.” People of color have enough put downs to deal with without adding another self-imposed one. The only “bad hair” that exists is hair that leaves the head involuntarily regardless of what grade it is. Actually, Afro hair is the strongest, most impenetrable hair there is. Is Afro hair weaker than Caucasian straight hair as stated in most textbooks? No! It is only considered to be weaker after it has been damaged by pressing, hot curling, relaxing, tinting, bleaching, back combing, etc. But, when Afro hair that is in its natural state is compared to straight natural hair, Afro hair is up to three times stronger. This is why Afro hair can be rolled with tension without breaking when permanently curling. It can also be processed up to three times longer, has up to five times the tinsel strength, (the ability to stretch when wet before breaking), and is much more difficult to control and manage. Furthermore, if a relaxer that was designed for Afro hair was applied to Caucasian straight hair; it would destroy the hair in less than five minutes, but on virgin Afro hair it would take 15-20 minutes to relax the hair as intended without damage. If a pressing comb heated to the proper temperature to do its intended purpose on virgin Afro hair was applied to Caucasian straight hair, it would burn and destroy the hair. Afro hair is assumed to be weaker because it does not appear to grow as long; this is because of the exceptional curliness of this hair, creating the illusion of being short. Afro hair grows at the same rate as any other hair type, but breaks off at the ends as a result of relaxing, harsh combing or brushing and excessive heat (i.e. pressing combs and curling irons). When Afro hair is braided or worn in dread locks you can realize the growth being the same as any other types of hair.

는 이유이다. 프레싱, 컬링, 플랫 아이언 등은 모발을 스트레이트하게 만들기 위해서 자연적으로 주

름이 잡힌 큐티클을 강제적으로 평평하게 만드는 것이다. 흑인 아기가 태어날 때, 모간에 있는 피질 과 수질층의 결합은 아직 형성되지 않은 상태이다. 때때로 이러한 결합이 나타나서 영구적인 모발

의 구조와 질감을 형성할 때까지는 1년 반 정도가 걸린다. 아기의 모발이 그대로 유지되게 할 수는

없다. 모발은 영구치아가 나오는 것(정확히 7.5세)과 같은 시기에 완전히 성숙하게 된다; 화학적 손 질을 아이들에게 적용할 수 있는 가장 이른 시기가 바로 이 때이지만, 가능하면 더욱 오래 동안 기 다리는 것이 좋다.

왜 많은 흑인 어린이와 성인들은 관자놀이 부위에 모발이 없을까?

이 문제로 고민하는 많은 사람들은 관자놀이 부위에 모발이 있었던 것도 기억할 수가 없다, 그래서 이것은 흑인들의 특성 중 하나이거나 유전으로 여겨진다. 사실상 이런 상황은 신생아 시기에 특별

한 지식이 없는 채 모발을 손질하기 때문이기도 하다. 흑인 아기들이 직모나 웨이브가 있는 모발로 태어나는 이유를 설명한 마지막 부분에서 언급한 바와 같이, 이런 유형의 모발 구조는 심하게 곱슬

머리인 부모의 모발과는 비교되질 않는다. 이것을 인식하고, 엄마나 큰 언니들, 아기를 돌보는 사람 들은 고무줄이나 바렛 혹은 단단하게 머리를 땋아서 이마부분의 모발을 부드럽게 만들게 되는데,

이 과정에서 모발이 당겨져서 모근이 두피 밖으로 영구적으로 나오게 된다. 또한 직모나 약간의 웨 이브 상태인 아기 모발을 그대로 유지하려고 많은 양의 오일을 발라 모발을 길들이려고 한다. 아기 의 모발 상태를 유지하는 것은 불가능한 일이므로 이것은 소용없는 일이다.

위에서 설명한 것처럼 모발을 조작하는 것은 다량의 파필라(모발의 씨앗과 뿌리)가 영

구적으로 파괴되는 것을 유발한다. 어린 시기에 부드러운 파필라를 밀어 넣고 잡아 당김으로 인해 파괴되는 것이다. 이런 소용없는 시도를 하는 동안 압력이 가해지거나 두피를 잡아 당기기 때문에

두피와 두개골 사이가 종종 일그러진다. 결과적으로 남은 평생을 관자놀이 주변이나 이마 윗부분이 영구적인 대머리 상태로 살거나, 두피 이곳 저곳에 머리숱이 적거나 탈모 자국이 생기게 된다.

이런 상황 중 어느 것도 대부분 자연적이거나 본래의 것이 아니다. 그것은 아이들에게 옳은 일을 한 다고 생각하는 사람들에 의해 의도치 않게 야기된 문제들이다. 또한, 곱슬 머리는 어느 정도는 평평

한 모낭에서부터 자라는 고른 모발이다. 설명한 것처럼 모발을 조작함으로써 모낭을 더욱 평평하게 만들려는 것은, 결과적으로 다 자랐을 때는 그대로 두었을 때보다 더욱 심한 곱슬머리를 초래한다. 일반적인 정리와 관리는 괜찮지만, 아닌 것을 위해서 강제적으로 손질해서는 안 된다. 나쁜 모발은 무엇인가?

흑인들이 자신의 선천적인”흑인”모발을 “나쁜 모발”이라고 언급하는 것이 내겐 아주 불편하게 들

린다. 유색인종들은 자진하지 않아도 충분히 많은 얘기들을 듣고 있다. “나쁜 모발”이라고 할 수 있 는 유일한 것은 상태에 상관없이 부지불식간에 두피를 떠나는 모발이다. 흑인 모발은 가장 강하고 뚫고 들어가기 힘든 모발이다.

대부분의 책에서 언급한 바와 같이 흑인의 모발이 백인의 직모 보다 더 약한가?

그렇지 않다! 프레싱이나 핫 컬링, 릴렉싱, 염색이나 표백, 백 코밍(머리에 불룩함을 보이게 할 목적

으로 빗으로 모발을 반대 방향으로 빗는 것) 등으로 손상이 되었을 때만 약해지는 것으로 간주된다. 그러나, 흑인의 모발이 자연 상태 그대로일 때는 선천적인 직모와 비교될 수가 있는데, 이때는 흑

인의 모발이 3배까지 더 강하다. 이것은 흑인들의 모발은 영구적인 컬링을 할 때 부서짐 없이 압력

을 줘서 말리기 때문이다. 또한 3배 정도 오랜 시간 손질할 수가 있으며, TINSEL STRENGTH(젖었

을 때 부서지기 전까지 늘어나는 능력)는 5배 정도 강해서, 관리하기가 훨씬 어렵다. 또한, 흑인 모발 을 위해 설계된 릴렉서를 백인들의 직모에 사용할 경우, 5분 안에 모발이 손상될 것이다. 그러나 순

수한 흑인 모발의 경우 손상을 주지 않는 범위 내에서 모발에 릴렉서를 사용하기 위해서는 15-20분 정도가 소요된다. 흑인 모발에 사용할 목적으로 적정 온도로 가열한 프레싱 콤을 백인의 직모에 사 용하면, 모발은 타거나 손상된다.

흑인 모발은 길게 자라는 것처럼 보이지 않기 때문에 약한 것으로 간주된다. 이것은 모

발의 아주 특출한 곱슬거림으로 인해 모발이 짧아 보이는 착시 현상 때문이다. 흑인 모발은 다른 타

입의 모발과 같은 비율로 자란다, 그러나 릴렉싱이나 거친 빗질 혹은 과도한 열(프레싱 콤이나 컬링 아이언 등)의 결과로 부서지게 된다. 흑인 모발을 땋거나 드래드 락을 쓸 경우, 그들의 모발이 다른 타입의 모발과 같은 비율로 자란다는 것을 알 수가 있다.

Dr. Edward Tony Lloneau received his doctoral from the National Beauty Culturist League (N.B.C.L.), and was sanctioned through Howard University in Washington, D. C. in 1985. Lloneau attended the institute as both a student and instructor. His specialized field of study is Tricology as it relates to ethnic cosmetology. He has written several books on this subject, and has authored many articles in trade magazines drawing attention to some of the pitfalls and professional related problems that ethnic cosmetologists and students encounter on a daily basis. Contact Dr. Lloneau at or call 310-323-7100. 40

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

September 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips by Michael E. Gerber

The Master Game

Caring More in Business

마스터 게임

기 쓰 경 신 욱 더 에 스 니 즈 비


here once was a man named DeRopp who wrote a book titled “The Master Game.” No need to discuss his book or his philosophy here, other than to say it had to do with the shaping of one’s life and options through a lens few of us normal people have ever looked through before. It brings to mind a question many people have asked me over the years about the entrepreneurial genius of Steve Jobs: What did he know that the rest of us did not? My answer was simply that Jobs didn’t actually know more than the rest of us; he simply cared more. I believe that’s the heart of choice; caring more. Not just doing more, and certainly not just doing something different than what you’re doing today. “Caring More” So, the subject then becomes, what does “caring more” mean? What does it look like and how does it reveal itself, especially at your age and mine? In my work with entrepreneurs and small business owners, caring more is a huge conversation, in that most of my clients and students over the years were confused about what it meant and how it related to what they were doing in their work. They actually believed they cared, even when it was obvious as we pursued the conversation that they didn’t. Yes, they cared about the money. To live without it would certainly throw a monkey wrench into their lives. So, in one sense they cared about making money, just as we all do. But, Steve Jobs didn’t! Think about it. Here was a guy who dropped out of college in his first year, wandered off to India on a spiritual hippy quest that seriously disappointed him, took an engineering job for which he was hopelessly unsuited, and then started his own company—Apple—in his father’s garage, without any hope of succeeding, if you measure success by a financially robust outcome. In short, Jobs didn’t care about the money. He cared about his dream. And his dream was so outrageously incongruent with what was going on in the world of his time as to be, on the face of it, absurd. So caring, as we’re beginning to look at it, has nothing to do with any of us personally—neither DeRopp nor Jobs cared about themselves personally— it has to do with the impersonal. It has to do with something huge outside of ourselves. It has to do with someone else. And it also has to do with the ineffable. (Merriam-Webster defines ineffable as what is “too great, powerful, beautiful, etc., to be described or expressed.”). What is the ineffable? To DeRopp it was the product of the Master Game. To Jobs it was the product of Apple. Not the computer, but the product of the computer, the profound impact the Mac would have on the lives of his customers, and, then through his customers, the unexpected outcome for the world. Everything Jobs did had to do with the ineffable, which couldn’t be described perfectly (thus the ineffable). But he could experience it inside, as a picture that appeared to him in his imagination, in his unconscious, in his visual, emotional, functional and financial mind. (Yes, Apple was a financial engine as well as an 44

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

THE MASTER GAME” 이라는 제목의 책을 쓴 DEROPP라는 사람이 있었다. 우리 보통

사람들이 이전에 보았던 몇 가지 렌즈를 통해 사람의 인생과 옵션의 형성에 관해 얘기하 는 것 외에, 여기서 그의 책이나 철학에 관해 논할 필요는 없다.

이것은 많은 사람들이 수년간 내게 천재 기업가 스티브 잡스에 관해 질문하던 것을

떠올리게 한다. 그는 우리가 알지 못하는 무엇을 알고 있었나요? JOBS가 우리보다 실제로 더 아는 것은 아니라고 나는 간단히 답했다. 그는 단지 더 신경을 썼을 뿐이다.

나는 그것이 선택의 중심이라고 믿는다. 더욱 신경을 쓰는 것. 단지 무엇인가를 더

하는 것이 아니다, 단지 오늘 당신이 하고 있는 일과 다른 무엇인가를 하는 것은 분명히 아니다. “더 신경쓰기”

자, 주제는 “더 신경 쓴다는 것”의 의미가 무엇이냐는 것이다. 그것은 어떤 모습이고, 특히 당신 의 나이와 당신의 것들에서 어떻게 스스로 드러나는가?

대기업이나 중소기업 소유주들과 내가 일을 하면서, 더 신경 쓴다는 것은 대화를

아주 많이 나누는 것인데, 수년간 내 고객들과 학생들의 대부분은 그것이 무슨 뜻이며 그들이

하고 있는 일과 무슨 관련이 있는지 혼돈스러워했다. 그들은 실제로 자신들은 더 신경을 쓴다고 믿고 있었다, 심지어 우리가 대화를 지속할 때 그들이 신경을 쓰지 않았음이 분명한데도 말이 다.

그렇다, 그들은 돈에 대해 신경을 썼다. 돈이 없이 사는 것은 분명히 그들의 삶에

장애물을 던지는 것이다. 그래서, 어떤 의미에서 그들은 돈을 버는 것에 신경을 썼고, 그것은 우 리 모두 마찬가지이다. 그러나, 스티브 잡스는 그렇지 않았다!

생각해보라. 여기 대학 첫 해에 학교를 중퇴한 사람이 있다, 심각하게 스스로에게 실망하여 정

신적인 히피 탐구의 태도로 인도를 떠돌았고, 절망적으로 자신에게는 어울리지 않는 엔지니어 링 일을 했으며, 그 다음으로 자신의 회사인 –APPLE - 을 시작했다. 아버지 차고에서, 성공에 대한 어떤 희망도 없이 말이다 (성공을 제정적인 성과로만 생각했을 때의 성공의 의미).

즉, JOBS는 돈에 대해 신경 쓰지 않았다. 그는 자신의 꿈에 신경 썼다. 그리고 그

의 꿈은 그가 살고 있는 시간, 그가 직면하는 세상에서 일어나는 것들과는 너무도 맞지 않는 것 이었다, 터무니없었다.

우리가 그것을 보기 시작하면서, 신경을 쓴다는 것은 우리 중 누구와도 개인적으로

는 관련이 없다 - DEROPP도 JOBS도 그들 스스로를 개인적으로 신경 쓰지는 않았다. – 그것 은 IMPERSONAL(특정 개인과 상관없는)과 관련이 있다. 그것은 우리 자신 외부의 거대한 무

언가와 연관이 있다. 그것은 누군가 다른 사람과 관련이 있다. 그리고 그것은 또한 말로 표현할 수 없는 것과 관련이 있다. (MERRIAM- WEBSTER는 INEFFABLE을 “너무도 크고, 강력한, 아 름다워서, 혹은 기타 등등의 이유로 설명하거나 표현하기 힘든 것”으로 정의한다.) 형언할 수 없는 것은 무엇일까?

DEROPP에게 그것은THE MASTER GAME의 제작이었다. JOBS에게 그것은 APPLE을 만든

것이다. 컴퓨터가 아니라, 컴퓨터를 만들고, MAC이 그의 고객들의 삶에 끼친 엄청난 영향, 그리 고 그의 고객들을 통해, 세상을 위한 예상치 못한 결과.

그가 한 모든 것은 완벽하게 설명될 수 없는(따라서 말로 설명할 수 없는), 형언할

수 없는 것과 관련이 있다. 그러나 그는 그의 상상 속에, 그의 무의식 속에, 그의 시각적, 정서

적, 기능적, 재정적 마인드 속에 나타난 그림으로서 그것의 내면을 체험할 수 있었다. (그렇다.

APPLE은 금융 엔진일 뿐 아니라, 혁신적인 엔진이기도 했다 – 우리 시대의 혁신적인 엔진). 그

러한 비전이 JOBS와 그의 회사, 그리고 그가 매료시킨 모든 사람들이 세상을 완벽히 바꾸기 위 해 누그러지지 않는 결정을 향해 전진할 수 있도록 한 것이다.

우리 모두가 그것에 대해 할 수 있는 말은 “와우!” 이다. 우리의 관점에서 JOBS가

한 것, DEROPP이 쓴 것 그리고 그가 살아온 방법은 우리 중 누군가 할 수 있는 그 이상으로 너

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Business Tips innovative engine—the innovative engine of our time.) That vision is what drove Jobs and his company, and all of the people he attracted, to be a force moving forward with unabated determination to completely transform the world. All one can say about that is, “Wow!” From our perspective what Jobs did, and what DeRopp wrote about and how he lived are far more ambitious than what any of us would do, so why even put it into our consciousness here? To feel guilty? To feel overwhelmed? To feel diminished or minimalized? No, not at all. The point is to feel what it means when I say, “Steve Jobs didn’t know any more than the rest of us do, he simply cared more.” Because each of us has the ability to feel more, to care more, to discover more, than we’ve ever felt, cared about or discovered before. If that’s true (and at age 79, working as I am on the creation of an enterprise seemingly impossible for me to pursue, I know that it is true) then what in the world do we do about it? That’s the question I wanted to pose to you: What DO you care about? And why? And what difference will it make to the world? What is your ineffable? How does it show up in your mind, in your imagination, in your heart, in your spirit? What is your Apple?

무도 야심 찬 것이다, 그런데 왜 그것

을 우리의 의식 속에 집어 넣는가? 죄 책감을 느끼기 위해서? 압도당하기

위해서? 작고 보잘것없는 느낌을 가 지려고?

아니다, 전혀 아니다. 요점은 내가 “ 스티브 잡스는 우리보다 특별히 더 많 은 것을 알지 못했다, 그는 단지 더 신

경을 썼다.”고 말할 때 그 의미가 무엇 인지를 느끼라는 것이다. 왜냐하면 우

리 개개인은 우리가 이전에 느끼고 신 경 쓰고 발견했던 것보다 더 많은 것

을 느낄 수 있고, 더 신경 쓸 수 있고, 더 발견할 수 있는 능력을 갖고 있기 때문이다,

만일 그게 사실이라면(나이 79세

에, 내가 추구하기에는 불가능해 보이

는 기업 창조 일을 하고 있는, 나는 그것이 사실이라는 것을 알고 있다.) 우리는 세상에서 무엇을 해야 하는가?

그것이 바로 내가 당신에게 제기하고 싶었던 질문이다. 당신은 무엇에 신경을 쓰는

가? 왜? 그리고 세상에 어떤 변화를 가져올 것인가?

당신의 형언할 수 없는 것은 무엇인가? 당신의 생각 속에, 상상 속에, 마음 속에, 당신의 영혼 속 에서 그것은 어떻게 보여지는가? 당신의 APPLE은 무엇인가?

당신의 MASTER GAME은 무엇인가?

당신은 무엇을 창조하기 위해서 이 땅에 태어났는가?

What is your Master Game? What is it that you’ve been placed on this earth to create?

Michael E. Gerber is an entrepreneur, thought leader, speaker and best-selling author whose modern classic, “The E-Myth: Why Most Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It,” has sold more than 3 million copies. He is the founder of The Dreaming Room™, where entrepreneurs and others are provided the tools and facilitation to see, experience, develop and design their Dream, Vision, Purpose and Mission. A free subscription to his Dreaming Room Monologues, a series of taped inspirational talks, is available through his website ( His next book, “Beyond The E-Myth” is a passionate response to America’s current inspiration deficit.


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Business Tips by Steve Gilliland

How Do You Handle Life’s Detours? rt with Wise Decisions Can Sta Noticing Silver Linings

인생의 역경에 어떻게 대응하는가?

현명한 결정은 밝은 희망과 함께 시작할 수 있다.


Here are a few basic steps to dealing with life’s detours:

여기, 인생의 역경을 처리하는 몇 가지 기본적인 단계들이 있다:

nasty accident; a bad break-up; a new, obsessive habit; a big move to a new town; health problems experienced by you or a loved one— these are some of the many things that can turn your life upside down. These are life’s detours that you don’t expect. Could there be a good way to respond to such turns in life? Is it honest to “look on the bright side?” Isn’t the root feeling hurt? I don’t think most people could ask you to deny your feelings, but you don’t have to be led by the nose by feelings, which have a primary characteristic of being temporary. Life is change—it’s axiomatic. Most of us accept this on an intellectual, abstract basis. But when it comes to experiencing change, we often resist it. Fear of change causes immense yet unnecessary suffering. Personal growth and maturity are based largely on how you respond to life’s unexpected detours.

• Ask yourself about opportunity. We don’t like most of life’s detours because they force us out of our comfort zone. New duties at work or a request from a spouse may not only pique our defenses but also make us wonder, “Can I do this?” Fear and anxiety may push us to focus on our weaknesses and convince us of what we cannot do. When we make a simple shift in mentality, however, we can empower the beginning of personal growth by seeing unprecedented challenges as opportunities. • Are you willing to change? If not, then you can’t see opportunity. Change is inevitable, growth is optional. If your wife asks you for a more 48

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

쾌한 사고, 좋지 않은 이별, 새로운, 강박적 습관, 새로운 도시로의 이사. 당신 이나 당신이 사랑하는 사람들이 경험하는 건강상의 문제 – 이런 것들은 당신 의 인생을 뒤집히게 하는 많은 것들 가운데 몇 가지가 될 수 있다. 당신이 기대하지 않던 인생의 역경들이 있다. 인생에서 이런 변화들에 대처할 수 있는 좋은 방법이 있을까? “밝은 면 을 생각하라”는 말은 정말일까? 뿌리가 되는 근원은 상처받지 않을까? 대부분의 사람들이 당신에게 감정을 거부하도록 요구한다고는 생각하지 는 않는다, 그러나 일시적이라는 기본 특성을 가지는 그 감정에 휘둘릴 필요는 없 다. 인생은 변화한다 – 아주 자명한 것이다. 우리들 대부분은 지적이고 추상적인 기 준으로 이에 동의한다. 그러나 변화를 경험할 때는, 종종 이 사실에 저항하게 된다. 변화의 두려움은 엄청나지만 불필요한 고통을 야기한다. 개인적인 성장과 성숙은 인생의 뜻하지 않은 역경에 당신이 어떻게 반응하느냐에 크게 기반을 둔다.

• 기회에 대해 스스로에게 질문하라. 우리는 인생의 우회로 대부분을 좋아하지 않 는다. 왜냐하면 그것들은 우리를 편하고 안락한 지대로부터 강제로 몰아내기 때문 이다. 직장에서의 새로운 업무나 배우자의 요청은 우리의 방어 본능을 불쾌하게 할 뿐 아니라 궁금하게 만들 수도 있다, “ 내가 이것을 할 수 있을까”. 공포와 불안은 우 리를 약점에 집중하도록 밀어 부치고 우리가 할 수 없는 것들이라는 확신을 줄 수도 있다. 사고 방식에 간단한 전환을 가지면, 우리는 전례가 없는 도전을 기회로 바꿈 으로써 개인적인 성장을 시작하는데 힘을 부여할 수가 있다. • 당신은 기꺼이 변화하는가? 그렇지 않으면, 기회는 없다. 변화는 불가피하며, 성

Business Tips patient attitude, for example, will you grow with an open heart or dig your heels in. She may not divorce you if you remain stubborn, but your relationship will likely flounder. Seeing a challenge as an opportunity enables self-improvement. And, when it’s time to ask something of your wife, you will have currency with which to work. The same principle applies to work. If you’re asked to take on a new responsibility and respond well, you will gain leverage in your career. • Can you envision something better? In the process of internally negotiating change, a positive vision can help you tilt the scales of change as something positive. The vision can be specific. If you don’t know how to use software at work that you need to use, imagine how much better your time will be spent once you learn. What will it take to get there? Practice. It may not be effortless, but you’ll have mapped out a solution. The vision can be broad, too. Is it possible to be more patient in general toward life’s detours? Indeed. Simply having more patience toward loved ones, for example, will improve your relationships tremendously.

Steve Gilliland

장은 선택 사항이다. 예를 들어서, 만일 당신의 부인이 당신에게 더욱 인내하는 태 도를 요구한다면, 당신은 열린 마음으로 성장할 것인가 아니면 요지부동 미동도 않 을 것인가. 당신이 여전히 고집을 부린다고 해도 부인이 이혼을 요구하지는 않겠지 만, 두 사람의 관계는 허우적거리게 될 것이다. 도전을 기회로 보는 것은 자기 개발 을 이루게 한다. 그리고, 당신이 아내에게 무언가를 부탁할 때가 오면, 당신의 그 부 탁도 통하게 될 것이다. 같은 이론은 업무에도 적용된다. 만일 당신에게 새로운 책 임이 주어지고 그것을 잘 대응해야 한다면, 당신의 경력에 지렛대를 얻게 되는 것 이다. • 보다 나은 무언가를 마음 속에 그리는가? 변화와 내부적으로 협상을 하는 과정에 서, 긍정적인 비전은 당신이 변화의 규모를 긍정적인 무언가로 여기는데 도움을 준 다. 비전은 구체적일 수 있다. 만일 당신이 직장에서 사용해야만 하는 어떤 소프트 웨어 사용법을 모를 경우, 한 번 배워두면 당신의 시간을 얼마나 더욱 잘 사용할 수 가 있게 될지 상상해보라. 무엇이 그것을 달성할 수 있게 만들까? 연습이다. 쉽지 않 을 수 있다, 그러나 당신은 해결책을 계획할 것이다. 비전은 또한 너무도 광범위 할 수 있다. 인생의 우회로에 대해 일반적으로 더욱 인내하는 것이 가능할까? 정말, 간 단하게 예를 들어, 사랑하는 사람에 대해 더 인내심을 가지는 것은 당신의 관계를 너무도 크게 향상시킬 것이다.

is a member of the National Speaker Association’s Speaker Hall of Fame. He is one of the most in-demand and top-rated speakers in the world. Recognized by his peers as a master storyteller and brilliant comedian, he can be heard daily alongside Jeff Foxworthy and other celebrities on SiriusXM Radio’s Laugh USA and Blue Collar Radio. With an appeal that transcends barriers of age, culture and occupation—plus an interactive and entertaining style—Steve shows audiences how to open doors to success in their careers, their relationships and their lives. He speaks to more than 250,000 people a year and has shared the platform with numerous dignitaries. Also, he is a prolific writer who has achieved popular acclaim with his books “Enjoy The Ride,” “Making a Difference,” and “Hide Your Goat.” His latest book is “Detour: Developing the Mindset to Navigate Life’s Turns.”


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Beauty Ambassador

Styling Tools by Amanda Cano

Hair Scandals in the Work Place

As we anticipate the fall season premiere of the hit television series “Scandal,” we cross our fingers that the powerful, leading, black, female character Olivia Pope uses her power—not to fix a scandalous situation or lure her leading man in to save her, but to make a hair statement that needs to be made amidst a flurry of, unfortunately, real hair controversies in the work place. Women around the world are being written up, sometimes even being considered ineligible for employment because employers seem to think they have the right to tell a woman how she can and cannot style her hair—including whether it can be worn naturally or not. According to TIME Magazine, some military branches including the Army, Air Force and Navy, have recognized that women of color should be able to wear traditional hairstyles without their level of professionalism being affected since 2014. But why is it that to this day, women are being given written notices about their natural curls and are being told they need to reconsider their natural hairstyles before beginning a new position? Why is it that Olivia Pope, the fixer of all scandals, only wears her natural hair when she is secluded, but never in front of the press or a client? The issue in itself is not that wearing natural hair versus styled or relaxed hair is better or the right thing to do, but that women should have the right to make that decision on their own, without their competency at work being questioned. Gold ’N Hot has been dedicated to hair diversity for over 50 years, which is why we offer a number of products to help you get through your work week, regardless of which way YOU decide to wear your hair. For women who have chosen to embrace their natural curls, we offer a variety of hard hat dryers with various heat and speed settings to help set any hairstyle. Additionally, our Gold ’N Hot Professional Conditioning Heat Cap is not only compact, but has 3 heat settings and is thermostatically controlled to set any moisturizing or conditioning treatments to help keep your natural curls shiny, soft and bouncy.

However, some women like to change up their look occasionally or on an everyday basis. Gold ’N Hot tools are made specifically to retexturize any hair in its natural state. The Gold ’N Hot 1” and 2” Professional Ceramic Straightening Irons heat up to 450°F with a rheostat temperature control to lower the temperature to adjust to any hair type. A great alternative for women who want to add a little definition to their natural look is the Gold ’N Hot 3/8” 24K Gold Professional Spring Iron. With an impressive high heat of up to 500°F, this curling iron can quickly touch up your everyday natural look in seconds. These irons are great for hair that is styled often because the ceramic plates distribute heat evenly for fast styling and seal in moisture—leaving your hair shiny, silky-soft and frizz-free with minimal damage. Throughout the seasons, we have been able to catch more and more screen time of Olivia’s natural tresses in sporadic scenes of “Scandal,” which gives us hope that the leading woman is making her way to making her public debut with natural locks. It’s time for THE fixer to prove once and for all that she can fix any scandal, regardless of the way her tresses bounce. Any woman can get a job done just as well—with or without a head full of luscious locks!

Belson Products is dedicated to producing products that give you the power to get professional results you desire from the comfort of your own home. Gold ’N Hot is currently looking for excited new individuals who are eager to give us feedback on our products and increase brand awareness. If you’re interested in becoming a brand ambassador, please contact us or visit our website at Be sure to follow us or like us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest @GoldNHotElite for the latest updates, giveaways, and more.

Amanda Cano is Marketing and Social Media Coordinator for Helen of Troy. She is a creative and driven marketing professional who graduated from St. Mary’s University in San Antonio with a degree in English-communication arts. Her complimentary expertise in graphic design, writing, design, multimedia and social media earned her the “Editor of the Year” title by the Texas Intercollegiate Press Association in 2013. 54

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Beauty Ambassador

Skin Care


A History of Success

Few American-made brands can claim a history and heritage that predates women’s suffrage or the establishment of the Brooklyn Bridge. Fewer still are brands that remain tried-and-true staples available in the mass market today. Palmer’s Skin Success is one such brand. Established in 1840, the company was first headquartered in New York City until the 1960s when it was relocated to New Jersey, where it is currently headquartered today. Palmer’s Skin Success Ointment was the first product marketed back in the 1800s and was an all-purpose skin treatment, advertised for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, blemishes and burns. Nearly two centuries later, Palmer’s Skin Success is an established brand known for bringing affordable and efficacious tone-correcting products to consumers. Coinciding with its 175th anniversary the brand was relaunched this year with new packaging and formulations that employ the most effective pigmentperfecting ingredients for fading unwanted discoloration. Now with the addition of Retinol, a derivative of Vitamin A, this powerhouse anti-aging ingredient does everything from improving fine lines, boosting collagen, improving skin’s texture and increasing cell turnover to help even out skin discoloration. While the packs have become fancier and the formulas more cutting edge, the one thing that hasn’t changed over the years is that Palmer’s Skin Success offers a complete regimen of skincare formulations with the unconditional guarantee of beautiful, radiant skin. So why is skin discoloration a top skin care concern? Studies have revealed that more than wrinkles or loss of firmness, the first visible sign of aging is discoloration such as age spots or dark spots. There are a variety of factors that contribute to the development of discoloration and certainly genetics plays an important role. Discoloration, also referred to sometimes as hyperpigmentation, can be caused by environmental triggers, most commonly sun damage from UV exposure, but can also be prompted by hormonal changes, acne scarring and even severe dryness. An increase in the tyrosinase activity, the chemical responsible for melanin production, takes place and excess melanin forms in a concentrated area that creates a pigmented area of skin darker than the surrounding skin tone. UV light from unprotected sun exposure stimulates this activity as does inflammation associated with skin injury or post-acne scarring. Another form of discoloration can occur during pregnancy or use of estrogen/progesterone regulation such as oral contraception or 56

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

hormone replacement medications. The hormonal changes can stimulate an excess production of melanin and result in a condition called melasma where dark patches form, most commonly on areas of the face. Topical skin lightening formulations such as those found in the Palmer’s Skin Success line are formulated specifically to address these specific skin concerns. Fading discoloration requires a multi-layered approach that begins with inhibiting the production of tyrosinase and therefore the enzyme required for melanin. The next phase is to remove the discolored surface cells through gentle exfoliation and accelerated cell turnover using ingredients such as alpha hydroxy fruit acids and retinol. Once the hyperpigmented surface cells are sloughed away a more uniform, balanced layer of skin is revealed. The last step is to protect the skin and prevent darkening from recurring by regularly using sunscreen. Palmer’s Skin Success products contain a combination of the most the effective ingredients for delivering visible results in as little as two to six weeks of continued use. We’ve had 175 years to perfect the science!

Notes From the

Natural Nation by ReGia Davis


ANOTHER FORM OF ROI As an OTC owner, you often wonder, “What is the return on investment (ROI) when purchasing products for your store?” You are constantly counting, trying to figure out how much money you will get back if you invest in a certain amount of products or services. As an owner, realize it is not always about the monetary return; sometimes it is about the ethical, social conscience that improves the welfare of others. Living in a world where students from every age group lack education, the sick and disabled are fighting to bring public awareness to specific health risks, and humanitarians are working in other countries to build and sustain environments, there is a broad range of charities and philanthropies that companies can partner with to increase the well-being of humankind. Universal Beauty Products, Inc. (UBP) takes pride in giving back to the community and generously donating with concern for human welfare and advancement. Monetary donations, products and quality time have been given to organizations such as Midwest Baptist Church and Cornerstone Fellowship Church School scholarship. Hearts, minds and cultures have been changed because of this act of humanitarianism. These contributions are more than corporate social responsibility. UBP creates value for its executives and employees as well as its suppliers, strategic partners, local communities and customers. Philanthropy nurtures the core set of values helping employees and community members connect emotionally with the company. Shelling out cash is a great gesture, but integrated giving has become a part of corporate processes and purposes to make not just a donation but a difference. Companies should leverage a broad range of philanthropies or charities as well as corporate channels and resources. Often times, attention is given to social inequities addressing wealth, improving health, education and research.

The recent annual Giving in Numbers survey led by the *CECP concludes that 56% of companies increased their total giving from 2012 to 2014. The survey points out five key ways your company should be approaching giving: 1. Measure what counts: 85% of companies measure the impact of their community programs. 2. Innovate new ways to give: Increase the number of innovations including cross-company collaborations, new product development and impact investing. 3. Drive performance through purpose: Companies with the strongest business performance grow by giving the greatest rates. 4. Elevate the role: Honor the role of investment staff by protecting their contribution and its importance. 5. Apply the skills of the company: Leverage employees to contribute to the company’s professional skillset. These five ways demonstrate how companies can continue giving by merging their business missions with their roles as corporate citizens to help make a difference. Corporate philanthropy can include donations of money or of time and labor in the community to improve projects or raising money for a cause. Circulating money in your community can increase the company’s future revenue by income potentially being spent at your business. Communities like to see the goodwill created through corporate philanthropy because it increases their interest and favorable opinions of the company. It return, the “givers” benefit by enhancing their happiness, creating positive attitudes and a life of satisfaction. This helps bring about change in a way that benefits everyone. Contributions, whether within your company or the community, of any sort are seen as life-changing resources that improve lives and strengthen communities. Be a part of the change you want to see. *CECP stands for Committee Encouraging Corporate Philanthropy.

ReGia Davis holds a degree in Public Relations and Marketing from Georgia Southern University. She started her career as a Junior Brand Manager of natural haircare brands for Professional Products Unlimited, Inc. She has also written several articles for OTC Beauty Magazine. ReGia is currently a Marketing Assistant and researcher with Universal Beauty Products, Inc. September 2015

OTC Beauty Magazine


Feature by Phylencia “PT” Taylor

A Call for the OTC Philanthropist!

Charity is a word that is used frequently and loosely, often defined as an immediate voluntary response to those in need. “Give-to-Charity” has become a “catch-phrase.” It is the emotional urge to help others; the change left in a cup of a homeless person on the street or the check written to support the fire or flood emergency. Yet, philanthropy is a more long-term, strategic focus on renewing and rebuilding those in need—a problem-solving call. Why Philanthropy? Why OTC’s? It’s important to make this distinction because OTC’s dwell in areas that are a playground for renewal and rebuilding—urban America. It is particularly important that the OTC’s not only give, but are also vocal givers. Communities need to understand that you support their challenges: the existence of OTC stores in every urban city across the United States, echoing the call for OTC Philanthropy, from a soapbox. OTC stores are staples in the urban and African American community, synonymous with the local beauty salons, barbershops, and supermarkets/bodegas. The primary OTC customer is the African American and Hispanic woman, the core of the family. WOMEN create wealth for beauty and personal care companies in the U.S., estimated to reach $81 Billion by 2017. (Euro Monitor International) Within most cultures and societies the world over, the adage of “with great power, comes great responsibility,” moralistically prevails. As an established fixture in a community where one’s wealth is acquired, it becomes a social responsibility to contribute to the community that sustains the OTC business. Developing a platform of social responsibility is a corporate, social and human responsibility that speaks volumes about your business. It says you care and it gives consumers a “reason to believe” and continue to support your business and with MORE enthusiasm!

Six (6) Reasons to Become a Philanthropist 1. Builds Karma Bank - It’s the right thing to do. Giving is a human, social and business responsibility. 2. Long-Term Cause - Support the people in need that support your business. Commit to a cause and develop a long-term plan (in volunteer time or money, donations or fundraisers). 3. Stand to Receive - Increase employee respect and morale. Show your employees that you stand for worthy values, and ask them to get involved too. 4. Customer Support - It shows the women and community you serve that you care about their needs and appreciate their support of your business. 5. Increase Awareness - It builds awareness for the selected charity and your OTC store. • Partner with a local PR manager or the charities’ PR manager for two months of the project and your awareness could grow in local media or national news, for both the cause and your OTC Store. 6. Tax Deductible - Charitable contributions are tax deductible – 501(c)(3) It’s Overwhelming, Where Do I Begin? Becoming a Philanthropist can actually be quite simple. Philanthropy is about commitment to DOING. Developing a long-term plan to help people renew and rebuild.

6 Reasons to Become One

1) Identify your customer. Who is she/he? What are their patterns, and what are their needs? 2) Think about a common challenge this customer group has. • The options are endless; everything from health and weight concerns, domestic abuse, parenting skills, support of children, career development, educational opportunities…and the list goes on. 3) Insert the cause of your interest in any search engine and the resolve options are endless— locally, regionally or nationally. The opportunities to align with existing causes and their programs make Philanthropy easy. It doesn’t have to be a grand organization effort; it can be as simple as contributing quarterly or annually. Simple, turn-key give-back ideas include: • Inserting a donation box at check out, with specific cause signage. • Supporting an annual 5K. Every city has 5K runs that support a health or some other cause. • Contributing a portion of proceeds during peak times: Holidays, Back-to-School, etc. • Allow a cause organization to host their event in your store. Customers will shop your aisles while the organization raises awareness and fundraises. • Volunteer yourself and include your resources to network for the cause. Becoming a Philanthropist is about your commitment and frequency; it isn’t about the scale of the contribution. Want to Contribute on a Grander Scale? Develop your own non-profit organization. A non-profit organization is an incorporated organization for an educational or charitable cause. Money earned by the non-profit organization must be retained by the organization, and used for its own expenses, operations and programs. Many non-profits benefit from exemption of local taxes including sales and property taxes. For more information on non-profit start-ups, visit and Get a Grant to Support your Non-Profit and Philanthropic Efforts Grants are non-repayable funds or products provided by grant-makers, government entities, corporations, foundations or trusts. In order to receive a grant, some form of “grant writing” often referred to as either a proposal or an application is required. Grants are typically awarded to a distinct group for a specific purpose (i.e. African American women or children living in urban or metropolitan areas, and are primarily provided for specific and defined program development). For more information on grants, go to (Grants for Women), www.SmallBusinessGrants.Biz (Business Grants), and “When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” (Maya Angelou) Few of us can make an “Oprah” type of donation—a gift that adds a wing onto a hospital or builds a library at a university. But, almost all of us, with a little planning and commitment, can be Philanthropists that make a difference in some way, large or small.

Shine Beauty Culture/The Shine Culture is a Brand Management Consultancy for Beauty & Lifestyle Brands, Est. in 2007 in NYC by Phylencia “PT” Taylor. Research, Marketing & Communication Strategies are our core. Inspired by the impact beauty and lifestyle brands transcend to our culture, discovered while working with Fortune 500 Brands for over a decade. When PT isn’t working as a Brand Management Consultant & Researcher, she’s an Adjunct Professor within USG, Entrepreneur and Mom living Atlanta, Georgia. Interested in developing a Philanthropic “Reason to Believe” Campaign? Email Us: 60

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

August 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine




The Beauty of

자선의 아름다움

Discover how members of the beauty industry contribute to 얼마나 많은 미용 산업 분야 사람들이 자선 활동에 참여 하고 있는지 알아보자. charities both near and far


Here at OTC Beauty Magazine we are absolutely blown away. Recently our news feeds have been filled with the devastating news of the times; violence and tough times have fallen hard all around us. Yet in the midst of these crazy alerts, our hearts were filled with the warmth of love as we learned how fellow members of the beauty industry are caring for and working to help their neighbors. In their own individual ways, numerous companies give back to their communities and the world as a whole, striving to make the world a better place. It is efforts like these that shine hope in the world, and we want to share that light with you. In this, our 6th Annual Beauty of Charity issue, we are featuring the philanthropic efforts of our industry colleagues. As you learn how others are helping those around them, we encourage you to take action as well! The efforts of your one store can make a profound difference.

우! 우리 OTC 뷰티 매거진은 요즘 깜짝 놀라고 있다. 최근 우리에게 전해진 소식들은 충격적인 뉴스들로 가득했다. 폭력과

힘든 시간들은 우리 모두를 힘들게 했다. 그러나 이런 말도 안 되는 경보를 사이에서도, 우리는 미용 산업 분야의 많은 동료들이 이웃을 돕고 그들을 위해 일하는 것을 봐왔고, 우리의 마음은 따뜻한 사랑으로 가득 차있다. 각기 자신들의 방법으로, 수많은 회사들은 세상을 더 나은 곳으로 만들기 위해 노력하고 있고, 다시 지역 사회와 세상에 환원하고 있다.

이것은 세상에 밝은 희망과 같은 노력이며, 우리는 그 빛을 여러분과

함께 나누고 싶다. 이번 호로 6번째인 연간 기획Beauty of Charity 에서, 우리는 우리 업계 동료들의 사회 공헌 노력을 중점으로 다루게 되었다. 여러분도 이미 다른 사람들이 주변을 어떻게 돕고 있는지를 알게 되었듯이, 우리는 여러분 또한 실행에 옮길 것을 권하는 바이다! 여러분 한 매장의 노력이 엄청난 차이를 만들어 낼 수 있다.

Spencer Forrest’s Toppik Contributes to National Alopecia Areata Foundation


Spencer Forrest의 Toppik 브랜드가 국립 원형 탈모증 재단에 기부.

oppik contributes 10% of the sale for any customer who places an order via their call center (800-THICKEN) and mentions the National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) to the organization. Participation is not limited to purchases including Hair Building Fibers. Customers ordering anything from 800-THICKEN must simply mention the organization for Toppik to contribute a portion of the sale to the NAAF. This is an on-going partnership and tracked on an annual basis. The company is also proud to announce that their Hair Building Fibers are listed on the website in the Marketplace site (found under the “Shop for Products” tab) as a product recommended for those with Alopecia Areata. Visit to learn more about the organization, and to learn more about the brand.


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015


oppik은 회사 콜 센터(800-THICKEN)로 전화를 하여 National Alopecia Areata Foundation 국립 원형 탈모증 재단을 (NAAF)을 언급한 소비자들에게서 받은 주문의 10%를 기부하고있다. Hair Building Fibers 를 포함하여 구매에 있어서 참여 제한은 없다. 800-THICKEN을 통해 어떤 제품이든 주문을 하는 소비자들이 간단히 재단의 이름을 언급하면, NAAF로 Toppik의 판매 수익 일부가 기부된다. 이것은 지속적인 파트너십으로 연간 기준으로 수익을 추적하게 된다. 회사는 또한Hair Building Fibers제품이 마켓 플레이스 사이트(“Shop for Products” 탭 아래서 찾을 수 있는)의 웹사이트에서 원형 탈모증에 추천하는 제품으로 소개되는 것을 자랑스럽게 발표하고 있다. 재단에 대한 자세한 내용은 www.naaf.org를 통해서, 브랜드에 대한 정보는 www.toppik.com에서 볼 수 있다.

Strength of Nature Global, LLC Announces Year-Long Partnership with Dress for Success® Strength of Nature Global, LLC 가 Dress for Success®

(Above) A group shot taken at the New York Power Walk for Dress for Success (Photo credit: Alex Lipowec)

와 일년 내내 파트너십을 갖게 됐음을 발표했다. Leading haircare company for women with hair of all textures sponsors the 2015 Power Walk for Dress for Success and Support Development Efforts Nationwide


trength of Nature Global, LLC one of the fastest-growing manufacturers of premium quality, affordable hair care products for women with textured hair, has announced a year-long partnership with Dress for Success. Founded in 1997, Dress for Success is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the economic independence of needy women by providing professional attire, a network of support, and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life. A major component of the partnership is Strength of Nature’s title sponsorship of the 2015 The Power Walk for Dress for Success, an annual nationwide initiative that promotes fitness and well-being while bringing communities together to raise money for and build awareness of Dress for Success and its local affiliates. The 2015 Power Walk for Dress for Success was held in New York City’s Riverside Park on Saturday, May 9, with additional local Power Walk for Dress for Success events scheduled in 30 cities across the country. More than 200 people participated in the event, raising $243,000 and shining a spotlight on the important work of Dress for Success. Strength of Nature’s extensive portfolio of ethnic hair care brands includes Beautiful Textures™, African Pride®, Soft &Beautiful® and Elasta QP®. Each brand consists of value-based products, including shampoos, conditioners, texturizers, relaxers and styling aids all retailing for less than $10. To help Dress for Success clients look their best for their respective job interviews, Strength of Nature will provide ongoing in-kind product donations to Dress for Success affiliates in cities nationwide. Strength of Nature will also produce a video Public Service Announcement that will air on various lifestyle and beauty digital sites, encouraging viewers to support Dress for Success in their communities. “At Strength of Nature, we believe that all women deserve beautiful hair and access to quality, affordable hair care options,” says Charlene Dance, global marketing director of Strength of Nature. “We are so pleased to team up with Dress for Success. Their women-focused mission is in line with our own, and we could think of no better way to utilize our resources than to help disadvantaged women and place them on the path of success. We commend Joi Gordon and the entire Dress for Success global network for their tireless and inspiring work to elevate and empower women in need everywhere.” “Through our network of affiliates, Dress for Success serves thousands of women each year by providing vital assistance and support in their quest for employment,” says Joi Gordon, CEO of Dress for Success Worldwide. “An important step in that process is suitable job interview attire as well as a polished and professional coif. We thank Strength of Nature for supporting our 2015 Power Walk for Dress for Success and for supplying our women with hair care products that will truly make them shine.” This partnership also extends to national television with a special African Pride® segment on The Real where Strength of Nature provided head-to-toe makeovers for two deserving graduates of the Dress for Success program. Learn more about Dress for Success at, and Strength of Nature at

모든 모발 타입의 여성들을 위한 헤어 케어 선두 업체가 2015 Power Walk for Dress for Success and Support Development Efforts Nationwide를 후원한다.

스쳐 헤어를 가진 여성들을 위한 최고의 품질과 저렴한 헤어 케어 제품으로 빠르게 성장하는 제조업체 가운데 하나인 Strength of Nature Global, LLC가 Dress for Success와 년간 파트너십을 맺었음을 발표했다. 1997년 설립된 Dress for Success는 글로벌 비영리 단체로서, 도움이 필요한 여성들이 그들의 일과 인생을 잘 꾸려나갈 수 있도록 업무에 맞는 복장이나 지원 네트워크, 경력 개발 수단을 여성들에게 제공함으로써, 그들의 경제적인 자립을 증진시키는 일을 하는 단체이다. 2015 The Power Walk for Dress for Success는 체력 단련과 웰빙을 장려하면서 지역사회가 기금 마련에 동참하고Dress for Success에 대한 인식 및 지역의 제휴를 구축하려는 취지의 전국적인 캠페인으로, Strength of Nature가 타이틀 후원업체가 되었다. 2015 Power Walk for Dress for Success는 5월 9일 토요일 뉴욕Riverside Park 에서 개최되었으며, 추가적인 지역별Power Walk for Dress for Success가 전국 30개 도시에서 개최될 것으로 예정되었다. 이벤트에는 200명 이상이 참여했으며, $243,000의 기금을 마련하여Dress for Success의 중요한 사업에 빛을 밝혀주었다. Strength of Nature의 다문화 인종을 겨냥한 헤어 케어 브랜드에는Beautiful Textures™, African Pride®, Soft &Beautiful® and Elasta QP® 등이 포함되어 있다. 각 브랜드는 샴푸, 컨디셔너, 텍스쳐라이져, 릴렉서, 스타일링 보조 제품을 포함하는 가격 기반 제품으로 구성되는데 모두 소비자 가격이 10불 이하이다. Dress for Success의 고객들이 그들의 입사 면접에서 최고의 모습을 보일 수 있도록 돕기 위해서, Strength of Nature는Dress for Success와 제휴하고 있는 전국의 도시에 지속적으로 제품을 기부하게 될 것이다. Strength of Nature는 또한 다양한 라이프 스타일과 미용 디지털 사이트를 방송하게 될 비디오 공익 광고를 제작해서 시청자들이 자신의 지역 사회의Dress for Success를 지원하도록 장려할 것이다. “저희 Strength of Nature는 모든 여성들이 마땅히 아름다운 헤어와 품질 좋고 저렴한 헤어 케어 옵션을 받을 자격이 있다고 생각합니다.” Strength of Nature 의 글로벌 마케팅 디렉터인Charlene Dance는 말한다. “저희는Dress for Success와 팀이 된 것을 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다. 여성들에게 초점을 맞춘 그들의 미션은 저희의 미션과 일치하며, 저희의 자원을 활용하는데 있어서, 소외된 여성들을 돕고 그들에게 성공의 길을 열어주는 주는 것보다 더 좋은 방법은 없다고 생각합니다. 도움을 필요로 하는 모든 곳의 여성들에게 힘을 실어주고 여성들을 향상시키기 위한Joi Gordon과 전체 Dress for Success 글로벌 네트워크의 지칠 줄 모르고 의욕적인 일을 저희는 칭찬하고 있습니다.” “저희 협력 네트워크를 통해, Dress for Success는 해마다 수천 명의 여성들에게 중요한 도움을 제공하고 취업을 위한 그들의 노력을 지원합니다.” Dress for Success Worldwide의 대표인 Joi Gordon이 말한다. “그 과정에서 취업 면접에 적합한 복장뿐 아니라 세련되고 전문적인 머리 모양도 중요한 단계입니다. Strength of Nature가 저희 여성들이 진정으로 빛나 보일 수 있도록 헤어 케어 제품을 제공하고 2015 Power Walk for Dress for Success를 지원해 주는 것에 대해 감사 드립니다.” 이 파트너십은 또한Strength of Nature 가Dress for Success program 의 두 졸업생을 머리부터 발끝까지 전체적으로 새롭게 단장시켜 주었던 The Real 프로그램에서 스페셜African Pride® 코너를 통해 전국 방송으로 이어진다. Dress for Success 와Strength of Nature 에 관한 자세한 내용은www.dressforsuccess.org와 www.strengthofnature.com를 참고하기 바란다.

Fromm Shines Bright Pink


한 헤어 제품 회사의 많은 자선 모자들

romm Beauty is proud to partner with Bright Pink. It is the only national nonprofit organization focusing on the prevention and early detection of breast and ovarian cancer in young women, while providing support for high-risk individuals. In order to support the organization, Fromm came out with the Pink Hope Brush, which is perfect for beauty on-the-go due to its compact size of 5.5” by 2.25”. The mixed boar bristles and nylon pins allow for easy detangling and smoothing, while the packaging carries the messaging of the organization it supports. The Pink Hope Brush comes in a 12-piece bin for easy store display and can be purchased for a suggested salon price of $60.00/bin. Fifty percent of the sales of this brush go directly to the organization. Learn more about Bright Pink at, and Fromm at


romm Beauty는Bright Pink와 파트너가 된 것에 자부심을 갖고 있다. 이 단체는 젊은 여성들의 유방암과 난소암의 예방과 조기 발견에 중점을 두는 동시에, 발병 위험이 높은 개인을 위한 지원을 제공하는 유일한 네셔널 비영리 단체이다. 이 단체를 지원하기 위해서, Fromm은5.5” x 2.25” 의 소형 사이즈의 휴대용으로 적합한Pink Hope Brush를 출시했다. 이 브러시는 멧돼지 털과 나일론 핀의 혼합으로 엉킨 모발을 쉽게 풀고 부드럽게 하는 동시에, 이 제품이 단체를 지원하고 있다는 메시지가 제품 포장에 포함되어 있다. Pink Hope Brush는 매장 진열이 용이하도록 12개의 박스로 나오며 미용실 가격으로 한 박스에 60불에 구입할 수가 있다. 브러시 판매의 50%는 단체로 직접 후원이 된다. Bright Pink와Fromm에 관한 자세한 정보는www. brightpink.org와 www.frommbeauty.com에서 찾을 수 있다.

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Special Section Creme of Nature and Look Good Feel Better Partner During Breast Cancer Awareness Month Creme of Nature 와 Look Good Feel Better 가 유방암 인식의 달 동안 서로 협력하게 되었다.

Leading ethnic hair care brand joins with non-profit organization to share common thread of helping women with cancer to look good and feel better.


ong-standing hair care brand Creme of Nature® is continuing their partnership with Look Good Feel Better, a free non-medical, brand neutral national public service program created to help individuals with cancer to look good, improve their selfesteem and thereby manage their treatment and recovery with greater confidence. For the fifth consecutive year, Creme of Nature and Look Good Feel Better will run an informative campaign through the end of October. During this important time, Creme of Nature will launch the limited edition of Creme of Nature with Argan Oil from Morocco Pink Perfect Edges—a hair gel infused with Argan Oil that helps to control and hold down edges, without flaking, while moisturizing and adding Exotic Shine™ to the hair—with a portion of its proceeds benefiting Look Good Feel Better. “Courage is Beautiful” informative brochures along with neck hangers will be found on Creme of Nature with Argan Oil product packaging to help spread the word about the organization and the support it provides for women who are undergoing cancer treatment. Through Look Good Feel Better, women receive step-by-step makeover learning sessions that are led by cosmetology professionals. Each free two-hour, hands-on workshop includes a 12-step skin care and make-up lesson, information on nail care techniques and advice on how to deal with hair loss, including tips on the use of wigs and hairpieces and scarves and other accessories. “We at Creme of Nature are delighted to support such a phenomenal organization like Look Good Feel Better,” said Teneya Gholston, Creme of Nature Director of Marketing. “Our brand is committed to making consumers feel beautiful which is why we find it very important to support this organization’s mission to help women look their best while working to survive cancer. This partnership is an extension of our goal to celebrate the beauty of all women and allows us to connect with our consumer on a more personal level.” Along with the “Courage is Beautiful” product inserts, Creme of Nature will be promoting Look Good Feel Better via a social media campaign using #CourageousBeauty as the hashtag. Creme of Nature has also included a link to Look Good Feel Better’s website on and is circulating promotional materials such as pamphlets and posters to the public at key events. Look Good Feel Better information will also be shared on the brand’s social media sites—including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter—and website. Since its inception, Look Good Feel Better has served 800,000 women, and the cosmetic industry has donated more than $113 million in product and financial support. The program has become the second most requested program offered by the American Cancer Society. For more information about the organization, visit For more information about Creme of Nature, visit, or follow the brand on Twitter (@cremeofnature), Facebook for consumers ( cremeofnature) or via the blog (

다문화 헤어 케어의 선두적인 브랜드가 암에 걸린 여성들이 보다 좋은 모습으로 나아지도록 도울 수 있는 공통의 방법을 찾기 위해 비영리 단체와 손을 잡았다.

랜 역사를 가진 헤어 케어 브랜드인 Cream of Nature®는Look Good Feel Better와의 협력 관계를 지속하고 있다. Look Good Feel Better는 무료의 비의료, 브랜드 중립의 국가 공공 서비스 프로그램으로 암에 걸린 여성들이 더 좋아 보이고, 자존감을 향상시켜 그들의 치료를 관리하고 큰 자신감으로 회복할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 만들어졌다. 5년 연속으로, Creme of Nature 와 Look Good Feel Better는 10월말까지 유익한 캠페인을 펼치게 된다. 이 중요한 시기에, Creme of Nature는 모로코에서 온 아르간 오일이 함유된Creme of Nature의 한정판인 Morocco Pink Perfect Edges를 출시하게 되는데, 이 제품은 아르간 오일을 주입한 헤어 젤로서Exotic Shine™과 함께 사용하면 모발의 수분 공급은 물론 모발 가장 자리를 부서짐없이 관리하는데 도움이 된다. 이 과정에서의 일부 수익은Look Good Feel Better로 혜택을 주게 된다. “Courage is Beautiful”정보 책자와 목에 걸수 있는 팬던트가Creme of Nature with Argan Oil 제품 포장에 함께 포함되어 있는데, 이 단체의 구호를 널리 알리고 암 치료 중인 여성들을 지원하는데 도움이 되고자 함이다. Look Good Feel Better를 통해서, 여성들은 미용 전문가들에 의해 주도되는 단계별 메이크업 학습을 받게 된다. 각 2 시간 무료, 실습 워크샵에는 12단계 스킨 케어와 메이크업 세션, 네일 케어 기법에 관한 정보 그리고 탈모 대처 방법은 물론, 가발 및 부분 가발, 스카프, 악세서리 사용에 관한 조언 등도 포함되어 있다. “저희 Creme of Nature는Look Good Feel Better와 같은 경이로운 단체를 지원하는 것을 매우 기쁘게 생각합니다.” Creme of Nature의 마케팅 디렉터, Teneya Gholston가 말한다, “저희 브랜드는 소비자들이 스스로 더욱 아름다워짐을 느끼도록 하는데 최선을 다하고 있으며, 이것이 저희가 암 투명 중인 여성들이 더욱 나은 모습이 될 수 있도록 돕는 이 단체의 미션을 지원하게 된 아주 중요한 이유이기도 합니다. 이 파트너십은 모든 여성들의 아름다움을 축하하기 위한 저희 목표의 연장이며 저희가 소비자들과 보다 각별하게 소통될 수 있도록 해줍니다.” 제품 내에 삽입되는 “Courage is Beautiful”과 함께, Creme of Nature는소셜 미디어 캠페인을 통해 #CourageousBeauty이라는 해시태그 (소셜네트워크서비스 (SNS : social network service)인 트위터에서 ‘#특정단어’ 형식으로, 특정 단어에 대한 글이라는 것을 표현하는 기능)를 사용해서 Look Good Feel Better를 홍보할 것이다. Creme of Nature는 또한Look Good Feel Better 웹사이트를cremeofnature.com와 링크시켜 팜플렛과 포스터 등의 홍보물을 이벤트로 대중에게 제공하고 있다. Look Good Feel Better의 정보는 또한 이 브랜드의 소셜 미디어 사이트 – 페이스북, 인스타그램, 트위터- 그리고 웹사이트에서 공유하게 될 것이다. 이 활동을 시작한 이래로, Look Good Feel Better는 80만명의 여성들을 지원했으며, 화장품 업계에서 1억 1천 300백만 달러를 기부했다. 이 프로그램은American Cancer Society에 의해 제공되는 프로그램 중 2번째로 인기 있는 프로그램이 되었다. 단체에 대한 보다 자세한 정보는www.lookgoodfeelbetter.org를 방문하기 바라며, Creme of Nature에 관한 내용은 혹은Twitter (@ cremeofnature), Facebook for consumers (, 블로그 (를 통해 자세히 알 수 있다.

The Many Charitable Hats of One Hair Product Company 한 헤어 제품 회사의 여러 가지 자선 모자들


Andis Company spreads it charitable support far and wide

or four generations, Andis Company has been a company with a generous spirit, participating in numerous local and national philanthropic efforts. Their top priority is helping people in their own community, which is why every year Andis associates raise money for the United Way of Racine County, Wis. In fact, the company has been active in Racine County, Wis. for more than 90 years, donating to numerous churches, schools and community organizations. Being a family-owned company, Andis believes in guiding the next generations by supporting the youth competitors from organizations such as 4-H and Future Farmers of America. They also sponsored the Junior Showmanship Competition during the 22nd Anniversary World Beef Expo at the Wisconsin State Fair Park. Youth competed by presenting their animals in 21 categories and the winners of each age group—whose animals best represent breed standards—received Andis’ AGC Super 2-Speed Clipper for large animals. The company has also donated clippers and trimmers to back-to-school and other charitable, fund raising events that involve haircutting such as St. Baldrick’s, Relay for Life, the Susan Komen Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, PetSmart Charities and the City of Hope Foundation. Later this year, the company will be launching the Andis Foundation, a standalone non-profit organization, to make an even larger impact and help those in need. The mission of the Andis Foundation will be to “Build strong families, develop thriving kids and foster a vibrant community.” Visit to learn more about the company. 64

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015


Andis Company가 자선 활동을 널리 펼치고 있다.

대에 이어, Andis Company는 너그러운 정신으로 지역과 전국의 수많은 자선 활동에 참여하고 있는 회사이다. 그들의 최우선 순위는 지역 사회의 사람들을 돕는 것이며, 이것이 매년 Andis직원들이 위스콘신의 United Way of Racine County를 위해 기금을 마련하는 이유이다. 사실, 이 회사는 90년 이상, 위스콘신 주 Racine 카운티에서 수 많은 교회와 학교, 지역 단체에 기부를 하며, 활발히 활동하고 있다. 가족 소유 회사인 Andis는4-H 나 Future Farmers of America와 같은 단체로의 청소년 참가자들을 지원함으로 다음 세대에 길잡이가 되고자 한다. 그들은 또한Wisconsin State Fair Park 에서 열린 22회Anniversary World Beef Expo 동안 Junior Showmanship Competition을 후원했다. 참가 청소년들은 21개 부분에서 자신의 동물들을 선보이며 경쟁했고, 각 연령 그룹별로 최고 품종 기준으로 선발된 승자는 큰 동물을 위한 Andis’ AGC Super 2-Speed Clipper 를 받게 되었다. 이 회사는 또한 신학기와 St. Baldrick’s, Relay for Life, the Susan Komen Foundation, the Nature Conservancy, PetSmart Charities and the City of Hope Foundation처럼 헤어 커팅이 포함되는 자선 기금 모금 행사에도 클리퍼와 트리머를 기부하고 있다. 올해 말, 회사는 도움이 필요한 사람들을 돕는데 더욱 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있도록 독립된 비영리 단체인 Andis Foundation을 설립할 것이다. Andis Foundation의 미션은 “강한 가정을 만들고, 아이들을 잘 육성하여 활기찬 지역 사회를 만드는 것”이 될 것이다. 회사에 관한 자세한 정보는www.andis.com를 참조하라.

Ampro Industries Works to Serve around the Country through Corporate Giving and Cause Marketing Ampro Industries 는 기업의 기부 및 Cause Marketing(기업이 소비자를 통해 경제적 가치와 공익적 가치를 동시에 추구하는 마케팅)을 통해 전국에 봉사하고 있다.

Three of the company’s charitable efforts are described below 1.



Memphis Feeds Initiative – In 2012, it was reported that the people in the company’s hometown were “Food Insecure.” Since then, they have sponsored a couple of feeds initiatives to help fill the shelves of the local food banks. To date, Ampro has provided more than 40,000 meals to the citizens of the Memphis community who need their help. Breast Cancer Awareness – In 2014, Ampro initiated their first ever “onpack” donation effort to benefit Breast Cancer Awareness. They utilized a lid label to direct consumers to a page on the company website. For each visit to the website, they pledged to donate $1 up to $8,000. To say the least, they more than exceeded their goal. Ampro customers responded in a very BIG way. At the close of 2014, the company donated $8,000 to the Wings Cancer Foundation in Memphis, Tenn. The work continues – In 2015, they are forging partnerships with nationwide charities while continuing to support local efforts not only within the MidSouth (home base), but also in other local communities they serve throughout the US.




회사의 3가지 자선 활동이 아래에 설명되어 있다 Memphis Feeds Initiative – 2012년, 회사의 고향 지역에 있는 사람들이 “Food Insecure식량 안보의 불안정” 을 겪고 있다고 보고되었다. 그 후로, 이 회사는 지역의 푸드 뱅크에 식품을 지원하기 위해 몇몇Feeds Initiative를 후원하고 있다. 지금까지, Ampro는 40,000 끼니 이상을 도움이 필요한 멤피스 지역 주민들에게 제공 하였다. Breast Cancer Awareness유방암 인식 - 2014 년, Ampro는 유방암 인식 캠페인에 혜택이 돌아갈 수 있도록 “on-pack” 기부를 시작했다. 그들은 뚜껑 라벨을 활용해서 소비자들이 회사 웹사이트 페이지를 찾도록 했다. 각 개인들이 웹사이트를 방문할 때마다, 그들은 1 불에서 최대8000불까지 기부하기로 약속했다. 아무리 적게 잡아도, 그들은 목표치를 훨씬 초과했다. Ampro 소비자들은 아주 큰 방법으로 응답했다. 2014년이 끝날 무렵, 회사는 8000불을 테니시의 멤피스에 있는Wings Cancer Foundation에 기부했다. 사업은 계속된다 – 2015년, 회사는 홈 베이스인 중서부 지역 뿐 아니라, 미국 전역의 그들이 도울 수 있는 다른 지역 시회까지 지원하는 노력을 지속적으로 이어갈 뿐 아니라, 전국 규모의 자선단체와 파트너십을 구축하고 있다.

DRM-JPC Brands Commitment to Giving Back


DRM-JPC Brands의 환원 약속

iving back to communities and consumers has always been a core value at DRM-JPC brands. In 2015, DRM-JPC brands—the makers of Dr. Miracle’s, Gentle Treatment and Ultra Sheen Supreme— made a continued commitment to support the efforts of organizations making a difference. Below we highlight three projects.

역 사회와 소비자들에게 환원하는 것은 언제나DRM-JPC brands의 핵심 가치가 되어 왔다. 2015년, Dr. Miracle’s, Gentle Treatment 의 제조사인Ultra Sheen Supreme DRMJPC brands는 변화를 위해 노력하는 단체들을 지속적으로 지원할 것을 약속했다. 다음은 우리가 주목하는 3가지 프로젝트이다.

ESSENCE FESTIVAL DAY OF SERVICE We believe in making women feel beautiful, so in recognition of the 10 year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the resilient spirit of the people of New Orleans. Ultra Sheen Supreme, Black Opal cosmetics and a local CBS show, The 504 hosted by Sheba Turk, collaborated during the 2015 Essence Festival to ambush makeover two female veterans who valiantly served the city during one of the worst storms in United States history. The veterans were treated to head to toe makeovers, tickets to the Essence Festival concerts and gift bags containing Ultra Sheen Supreme and Black Opal cosmetic products.

ESSENCE FESTIVAL DAY OF SERVICE 우리는 여성들이 아름다움을 느끼도록 만들 수 있다고 믿는다, 허리케인 카트리나와 뉴올리언스 사람들이 그것을 극복해낸 정신을 기리는 10 주년 행사. Ultra Sheen Supreme, Black Opal cosmetics, Sheba Turk 가 진행하는 로컬CBS show The 504가 2015 Essence Festival 동안 협력했다. 2015 Essence Festival은 미국 역사상 최악의 폭풍 중 하나였던 카트리나 허리케인 당시 도시를 용감하게 지켰던 2명의 여성 퇴역 군인을 위한 이벤트를 마련했다. 퇴역 군인들은 머리부터 발끝까지 메이크업을 받았고, Essence Festival concerts 티켓과Ultra Sheen Supreme and Black Opal cosmetic 제품이 들어있는 선물 가방도 함께 받았다.

LOVE LIFE FOUNDATION Three time Grammy nominated R&B recording artist Raheem Devaughn launched the Love Life foundation to enable him to embrace several causes that are close to his heart. Dr. Miracle’s partnered with Raheem for his ‘Queen for a Day’ event which was created to encourage and support victims of domestic violence. The affair included dinner, spa treatments and educational workshops in which DRM-JPC brands representatives discussed proper hair maintenance and provided products as a part of Dr. Miracle’s ‘Undo The Hurt’ campaign which is centered around not only repairing damaged hair, but for women to focus on rebuilding and renewing themselves inside.

LOVE LIFE FOUNDATION 그래미상 후보에 3번 오른R&B레코딩 아티스트Raheem Devaughn가Love Life foundation을 설립했다. Dr. Miracle’s와 Raheem이 협력하여 가정 폭력의 희생자들을 지원하고 용기를 주기 위한 ‘Queen for a Day’ 행사를 열었다. 디너, 스파 트리트먼트 및DRM-JPC brands를 대표하는 담당자들이 적절한 헤어 관리에 관해 논의하고 제품을 제공하는 교육 워크샵이 행사에 포함되었는데, 이는 손상된 머리만 복구하는 것이 아니라, 여성들 스스로 자신을 새롭게 만들고 다시 일어서는데 초점을 두고 있는 Dr. Miracle’s ‘Undo The Hurt’의 일환이다.

SALUTE HER Nationally syndicated radio show for women of color, “Cafe Mocha” and Gentle Treatment are bringing the “Salute Her: Superwomen Making a Difference Awards” ceremony and fundraiser to four cities in 2015: Washington, Atlanta, New York and Chicago. These events will honor women for their exceptional contributions to their communities they serve, as well as raise funds for a local non-profit organization. This is Gentle Treatment’s second year as title sponsor of this event which has honored women such as singer Gloria Gaynor; activist and mother of Trayvon Martin, Sybrina Fulton; model/reality TV star Cynthia Bailey; fashion designer/breast cancer prevention advocate Barbara Bates; digital strategist/blogger Luvvie Ajayi; and journalist/reality TV star Demetria Lucas.

SALUTE HER 유색 인종 여성들을 위한 전국 방송 라디오 쇼 “Café Mocha”와Gentle Treatment은 “Salute Her: Superwomen Making a Difference Awards” 세레모니와 기금 마련 행사를 2015년 워싱턴, 애틀랜타, 뉴욕, 시카고 등, 4 개 도시에서 개최한다. 이 이벤트는 그들이 봉사하고 있는 지역에 특별히 많이 공헌한 여성들에게 감사와 격려를 표함은 물론, 지역 비영리 단체를 위한 기금 마련도 행해진다. 이 행사는Gentle Treatment이 타이틀 스폰서가 되는 2번째 행사로, 가수Gloria Gaynor, 사회운동가이자Trayvon Martin의 어머니인 Sybrina Fulton, model/reality TV star모델이며 리얼 TV 쇼 스타인 Cynthia Bailey, 패션 디자이너/유방암 예방 홍보대사인Barbara Bates, 디지털 전략가/ 블로거 Luvvie Ajayi, 그리고 저널리스트/리얼 TV 쇼 스타 Demetria Lucas등이 수상했다.

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Special Section Wella’s ‘Hairdressers at Heart’ Work Still Going Strong Wella의 ‘Hairdressers at Heart’ 사업은 여전히 견고하다.


‘Beauty Changes Lives’ Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship Winners Announced

ella’s, Hairdressers at Heart and the Beauty Changes Lives Foundation announced the winners of the Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship Program “Basic” and “Advanced” competitions on May 28. The 10 “Basic” and 10 “Advanced” winners were selected from hundreds of applicants who competed in the national competition funded by Wella’s Hairdressers at Heart and administered by the Beauty Changes Lives Foundation. This competition marked 100 scholarships honoring Sassoon’s legacy and marked the halfway point of a $1.5M scholarship commitment. Ten “Basic” winners each received a scholarship covering 50% of cosmetology school tuition (up to $10,000) at an American Association of Cosmetology Schools member school. Ten “Advanced” scholarship winners each received a five-day course at a Sassoon Academy in North America, including travel and course fees (up to $5,000). Winners of the “Basic” Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Program are as follows: Candace Aussant, Paul Mitchell the School, San Antonio, TX; Haley Condor, Haley Condor, Greenville, TX; Monesha Cooper, Regency Beauty Institute, Pasadena, TX; Debora Fuentes, Aveda Institute, Dallas, TX; Christine Gebbia, Paul Mitchell the School, Lakewood, CO; Megan Goldberg, Paul Mitchell the School, Las Vegas, NV; Demetra Kottis, Aveda Institute, New York, NY; Sarah Stuffelbea, Cinta Aveda Institute, San Francisco, CA; Abrea Tillman, Cinta Aveda Institute, San Francisco, CA; and Lisa Torres, Arrojo Cosmetology, New York, NY. Winners of the “Advanced” Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Program and their salons are as follows: Kellie Crossley, Color by Kellie, Niagara Falls, ON; Layla Dudley, London Hair Studios, Eugene, OR; Kelsey Higginbotham, RUSH by Dino Palmieri, Cuyahoga, OH: Zinta Kalins, Avalon Hair Design, North York, ON; Caitlin Lambert, Caitlin HairArtistry StL, St. Louis, MO; Vanessa Li, La Sirena, Haleiwa, HI; Kay Matthews, Madison Avenue Salon, Seattle, WA; Amy Schaming, Metropolis Salon & Dry Bar, Columbia, SC: Leigh Schultz, Salon Decorum, Tottenham, ON; and Dorothy Wrightsman, Bellus Academy, Poway, CA. The scholarship program honors beauty visionary and entrepreneur Vidal Sassoon’s lifelong passion for education. Since the competition was introduced in 2013, the Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship Program has awarded 100 scholarships and fulfilled half of a $1.5M scholarship commitment Wella is funding through 2017. A judging team composed of elite hairstylists selected the winners whose applications reflected their passion for the professional beauty industry and their desire to change lives as a licensed beauty and wellness professional. Winners’ applications may be viewed at social beauty network (at and at “The Beauty Changes Lives scholarship suite has grown to include multiple educational opportunities in addition to a mentoring program,” said Lynelle Lynch, president of the Beauty Changes Lives Foundation. “However, the Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship was the first branded-scholarship offered by BCL and we’re thrilled to see the program’s legacy grow as scholarship winners complete their education and make their mark on the beauty world.” Wella North America CEO Sal Mauceri noted how Vidal Sassoon’s legacy extended far beyond his iconic geometric cuts. “Vidal was a great hairstylist and artist, but he was also an extraordinary entrepreneur, educator, philanthropist and humanitarian who believed deeply in the power of education to change lives,” he said. “Three years after his passing, Wella’s Hairdressers at Heart is pleased to see Vidal’s commitment to education live on through the Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Scholarship.” For more information on the Basic and Advanced scholarships and to view entry videos submitted by previous winners, please visit and The current round of Fall 2015 Scholarships is currently accepting applications until September 7, 2015. Interested stylists and students can enter via or The #WellaCares Challenge is another way Wella supports the careers of hairdressers through their Hairdressers at Heart program.

Beauty Changes Lives’ 의 Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education 장학금 수상자 발표


ella의 Hairdressers at Heart 와 the Beauty Changes Lives 재단은Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty 장학금 프로그램의 “기본” 부분과 “고급”부분 대회의 수상자를 5월 28일 발표했다. Wella의 Hairdressers at Heart가 기금을 담당하고 Beauty Changes Lives 재단이 주관하는 전국 대회에서 경쟁을 펼친 수백 명의 참가자 가운데서 각 10명씩의 “기본”부분과 “고급”부분 수상자들이 선정되었다. 이 대회는 Sassoon의 유산을 기리는 100개의 장학금을 기록했으며 150만불 장학금 약속 가운데 중간 지점을 지났다. 10명의 “기본”부분 수상자들은American Association of Cosmetology Schools 의 속하는 미용 학교 수업료의 50%를 커버하는 장학금을 받았다. 10명의 “고급”부분 장학금 수상자들은 북미 지역 Sassoon 아카데미 5일 코스를 받았으며 여행과 코스 경비가 포함되어 있다. ($5000 까지) “기본”부분Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Program의 수상자들은 다음과 같다: Candace Aussant, Paul Mitchell the School, San Antonio, TX; Haley Condor, Haley Condor, Greenville, TX; Monesha Cooper, Regency Beauty Institute, Pasadena, TX; Debora Fuentes, Aveda Institute, Dallas, TX; Christine Gebbia, Paul Mitchell the School, Lakewood, CO; Megan Goldberg, Paul Mitchell the School, Las Vegas, NV; Demetra Kottis, Aveda Institute, New York, NY; Sarah Stuffelbea, Cinta Aveda Institute, San Francisco, CA; Abrea Tillman, Cinta Aveda Institute, San Francisco, CA; Lisa Torres, Arrojo Cosmetology, New York, NY. “고급”부분Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education Program과 살롱의 수상자들은 다음과 같다: Kellie Crossley, Color by Kellie, Niagara Falls, ON; Layla Dudley, London Hair Studios, Eugene, OR; Kelsey Higginbotham, RUSH by Dino Palmieri, Cuyahoga, OH: Zinta Kalins, Avalon Hair Design, North York, ON; Caitlin Lambert, Caitlin HairArtistry StL, St. Louis, MO; Vanessa Li, La Sirena, Haleiwa, HI; Kay Matthews, Madison Avenue Salon, Seattle, WA; Amy Schaming, Metropolis Salon & Dry Bar, Columbia, SC: Leigh Schultz, Salon Decorum, Tottenham, ON; Dorothy Wrightsman, Bellus Academy, Poway, CA. 장학금 프로그램은 미용 분야의 선지자이자 기업가인Vidal Sassoon의 교육에 대한 평생의 열정을 기린다. 2013년 대회가 소개된 이래로, Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education 장학금 프로그램은 100 건의 장학금을 수여했고 Wella가 2017년까지 기금을 조달하기로 약속한 150만불 장학금의 절반을 달성했다. 심사팀은 수석 헤어 스타일리스트들로 구성되었으며, 이들은 전문 미용 산업에 대한 열정과 미용 및 건강 전문가로서 삶을 변화시키고자 하는 지원자의 욕구가 반영된 지원서를 통해 수상자를 선발했다. 수상자들의 지원서는 소셜 뷰티 네트워크 (www. 과 www.beautychangeslives.org에서 볼 수 있다. “The Beauty Changes Lives 장학금은 여러 가지 다양한 교육 기회는 물론, 멘토링 프로그램까지 포함하기 위해 성장하고 있습니다.” Beauty Changes Lives 재단의 회장을 맡고 있는Lynelle Lynch가 말한다. “그러나, Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education 장학금은 저희BCL에 의해 제공되는 최초의 브랜드 장학금이며, 장학금 수상자들이 교육을 마치고 미용계에서 그들의 족적을 남기고 있으며, 이로 인해 저희는 이 프로그램의 유산이 성장하는 것을 보고 있음을 기쁘게 생각합니다.” Wella 북미 대표Sal Mauceri는 Vidal Sassoon의 유산이 어떻게 그의 상징적인 기하학적 컷 이상으로 넓게 확장되었는지를 강조했다. “Vidal은 대단한 헤어스타일리스트이자 예술가였습니다, 그러나 그는 또한 교육의 힘이 인생을 바꿀 수 있다고 굳게 믿었던 비범한 기업가이자, 교육자, 자선가, 인도주의자였습니다.” 그는 말했다. “Vidal 이 죽고 3년 뒤, Wella의 Hairdressers at Heart는Vidal의 교육에 대한 헌신이 Vidal Sassoon Professional Beauty Education 장학금을 통해 살아있음을 보게 되어 기쁘게 생각합니다.” 기본 및 고급 분야 장학금에 관한 자세한 정보와 이전 수상자들에 의해 제출된 참가자 동영상은 와 www.hairdressersatheart.com에서 볼 수 있다. 현재 진행되고 있는2015년 가을 장학금은 2015년 9월 7일까지 지원서를 받고 있다. 관심 있는 스타일리스트들과 학생들은 php 또는 를 통해 지원할 수가 있다. #WellaCares Challenge는 Wella가Hairdressers at Heart program을 통해 전문 미용인들의 경력을 지원하는 또 다른 방법이다.

Giovanni Cosmetics Supports the National Breast Cancer Foundation Giovanni Cosmetics 는 the National Breast Cancer Foundation(국립 유방암 재단)을 지원한다.


iovanni Cosmetics is proud to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Five percent of all retail dollar sales of their D:tox System products are donated. Featuring formulations that boast “out with the bad” and “in with the good” it only makes sense that they would support a foundation that works to do the same, in regard to breast and overall health. To learn more about the D:tox System® - the complete purification regimen for mind, body, soul – and completely touch-worthy skin every day, visit Also, visit to learn more about the National Breast Cancer Foundation. 66

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015


iovanni Cosmetics은National Breast Cancer Foundation을 지원하는 것을 자랑스럽게 생각한다. D:tox System 제품의 모든 소매 달러 판매의 5%가 기부된다. “out with the bad” “in with the good”(나쁜 것은 빠지고 좋은 것이 들어간다)을 자랑하는 제품 성분의 특징은 유방 및 전반적인 건강에 있어서도 같은 의미이며, 이 회사는 이런 사업을 펼치고 있는 재단을 지원해왔다. 마음, 몸, 정신의 완전한 정화 요법으로 날마다 피부에 사용할 충분한 가치가 있는 D:tox System® 에 관한 자세한 내용은www.giovannicosmetics.com에서 알 수 있다. 또한National Breast Cancer Foundation에 관한 자세한 정보는 www.nationalbreastcancer.org에서 볼 수 있다.

Walking in the light of creative altruism… 창조적인 이타심의 빛 속을 걷다…. “Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

“모든 사람들은 자신이 창조적인 이타심의 빛 속을 걸을 것인지, 파괴적인 이기심 속을 걸을 것인지를 결정해야만 한다.” - Martin Luther King Jr

“Live your dream, and wear your passion,” the slogan for Bluefield Associates, Inc., fairly epitomizes the culture of the company—a world leader in ethnic skin care products through its ground breaking premier skin care line Clear Essence® Skin Care System. Clear Essence® Skin Care System is distributed worldwide in the United Stated States, Europe, Africa, South America, the Caribbean Islands and Canada. The diverse team of people who are the fabric of Bluefield Associates, Inc. work together in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ghana, Nigeria and China. The Founder and CEO, Dr. Iheatu Obioha, says he lives his dream each day by “getting up and being excited to come to work!” He enthusiastically maintains he works hard so he can “wear his passion” for giving! Clear Essence® Skin Care System was born from that passion. In 1987 Bluefield Associates, Inc. saw a need for reasonably priced, yet efficacious, ethnic skin care. Dr. Obioha set to work, teaming with renowned dermatologists and chemists culled from African and European medical communities. Their task was multi-faceted: To define characteristics of ethnic skin, determine its primary concerns, and develop scientifically-backed formulations delivering real solutions to people of color. For nearly three decades Bluefield Associates, Inc.—a strong family linked together by their inherent desire to give—has in DEED established a conscientious and deliberate path of giving, promoting social responsibilities as the common denominator of all employees of the company. Dr. Obioha likes to say “Charity begins at home” and Bluefield Associates, Inc. employees (also fondly referred to as “family”) live that credo both in giving and receiving! The BAI Family has historically and proactively sought out opportunity to show charity in events such as: Toys for Tots, providing mentoring opportunities through scholarships, to personal grooming care and supplies to kids who have been physically or sexually abused, to a commitment of energies and monies to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, and more. It is considered an honored privilege, an investment in the future of children and of the generation they will grow to impact. Support for the community is so quintessential that it is an unwritten knowing that each family member, again we are talking staff, will seek out and lend themselves in any way they can to the betterment of the world around them. The company’s ultimate goal is to expand and enhance their charity corporately and individually in all ways humanitarian. The BAI Family has benefited from the charity of the company. What they expended in giving through their years of employment has come back around in receiving which coincidentally results in a noticeable longevity of Associates. The list includes scholarships to college, protracted paid leave to attend to family needs, and providing a place for individuals to work who otherwise could not find employment. It all works to inspire the strong bond that holds this family close: the desire to give.

“당신의 꿈을 위해 살고, 당신의 열정을 입어라,” Bluefield Associates, Inc의 슬로건인 이 말은 상당히 전형적인 회사의 문화를 보여준다 – 이 회사는 획기적인 프리미어 스킨 케어 라인 Clear Essence® Skin Care System을 통해 다문화 스킨 케어 제품 분야에서 세계적으로 선두에 있는 기업이다. Clear Essence® Skin Care System은 미국, 유럽, 아프리카, 남미, 카리브해 섬, 그리고 캐나다까지 세계적으로 유통되고 있다. Bluefield Associates, Inc를 구성하는 다양한 팀원들이 미국과 영국, 가나, 나이지리아 그리고 중국에서 일하고 있다. 설립자이자 대표인Dr. Iheatu Obioha가 말하기를, 그는 “아침에 일어나서 일하러 오는 것이 아주 흥분됩니다!” 라며 날마다 자신의 꿈을 위해 살고 있다. 그는 아주 열정적으로 일하며 나눔을 위해 “자신의 열정을 입고” 일할 수 있는 것이다! Clear Essence® Skin Care System은 열정으로 태어난 제품이다. 1987년Bluefield Associates, Inc는 합리적인 가격이지만 효과적인 다문화 인종을 위한 스킨 케어 제품이 필요함을 보게 되었다. Dr. Obioha가 그 일에 착수하였고, 아프리카와 유럽 의료 분야로부터 유명한 피부과 의사들과 화학자들을 차출해서 팀을 구성했다. 그들의 업무는 다양했다: 다문화 인종의 피부 특성을 정의 내리고, 그것의 주된 관심사를 결정하고, 유색 인종들의 피부에 실제적인 해결책이 될 수 있는 과학적으로 뒷받침되는 제제를 개발하는 것이었다. 거의 30년 동안, 나눔에 대한 강한 욕구가 내재된 가족들로 단단히 결합된 Bluefield Associates, Inc는 회사 전 직원들의 공통점인 나눔과 사회적 책임을 촉진하기 위해 진정으로 성실하고 신중한 길을 설립했다. Dr. Obioha는 “자선은 가정에서 시작한다”는 말을 좋아하며, Bluefield Associates, Inc. 직원들은 (“가족”이라고 애정을 담아 부른다.)주고 받는 것을 신조로 살고 있다! BAI 가족들은 역사적으로 주도적으로 여러 이벤트에서 자선 활동을 보여줄 기회를 찾았다: Toys for Tots, 장학금을 통해 멘터링 기회를 제공하거나, 신체적으로나 성적으로 학대 받은 아동들에게 그루밍 케어와 제품들을 제공하며, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles에 노력의 에너지와 기금을 제공하는 등의 활동을 하고 있다. 그것은 영광스러운 특권이자 아이들과 앞으로 영향을 주게 될 세대들의 미래를 위한 투자로 여겨진다. 지역을 위해 지원하는 것은 지극히 본질적인 것으로, 모든 가족 구성원들, 다시 말해 전 직원들은 불문율처럼 알고 있는 것이다. 그래서 주변 세상이 향상될 수 있도록 그들이 할 수 있는 것을 스스로 찾고 그것이 어떤 방법이든 직접 실행 할 것이다. 회사의 궁극적인 목표는 모든 인주주의적인 차원에서 개인적으로 또 회사적으로 그들의 자선을 확장하고 높이는 것이다. BAI 가족들은 회사의 자선 활동으로부터 편익을 얻는다. 고용 기간 동안 나눔 활동을 많이 하는 직원들은 무언가를 돌려받게 되고, 결과적으로 그러한 직원들은 현저히 오래 근무하고 있음이 눈에 띄게 나타났다. 대학 장학금, 개인적인 가족 문제가 있을 경우 장기 유급 휴가, 그리고 직장을 찾지 못한 사람들에게 일할 수 있는 장소를 제공하는 등의 혜택이 있다. 이것은 모두 이 회사의 가족들을 더욱 가깝게 결속하는 역할을 한다. 이것은 곧 나눔의 의지인 것이다.

Currently, Bluefield’s benefaction includes the following: • The Bluefield Associate Scholarship Program • Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles - • Orangewood Children’s Foundation - • Loma Linda Children’s Hospital - Bluefield is a dynamic company. “Growing people,” developing them into the best versions of themselves, is as much a part of their corporate culture as their product line. In the words of Dr. Obioha, “Strong family transcends the boundaries of Bluefield Associates, Inc.” Finally, “We do whatever can be done to allow us to give back!”

현재 Bluefield의 기부금 현황: • The Bluefield Associate Scholarship Program • Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles - • Orangewood Children’s Foundation - • Loma Linda Children’s Hospital - Bluefield는 역동적인 기업이다. 그들이 가장 좋아하는 형식으로 그들을 개발하고 있는 “ 성장하는 사람들”이 생산 제품만큼이나 중요한 기업 문화의 일원이다. Dr. Obioha의 말로, “ 강한 가족은 Bluefield Associates, In의 경계를 초월한다.” 마지막으로, “우리는 환원하기 위해 우리에게 허락된 무엇이든 할 수 있다!” Bluefield Associates, Inc. The Proud Manufacturer of Clear Essence Cosmetics, USA Ontario, CA USA |

Bluefield Associates, Inc. The Proud Manufacturer of Clear Essence Cosmetics, USA Ontario, CA USA |

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


Special Section Not Your Mother’s® Haircare Becomes a National Sponsor of Young Survival Coalition Not Your Mother’ s® Haircare가Young Survival Coalition의 네셔널 스폰서가 되다.


Haircare Brand Steps up Sponsorship Significantly to Support Young Women with Breast Cancer

ot Your Mother’s Haircare has been a proud supporter of Young Survival Coalition (YSC) since its first year in business, 2010. For 2014-15 the popular haircare company has pledged to significantly increase the sponsorship level to become a national sponsor of the organization, whose mission focuses on young women with breast cancer. “YSC is a wonderful organization with an important vision we support and believe in. Their work to increase the quality of life and uplift the lives of young women with breast cancer is near and dear to our hearts,” says Bethany Pagliarulo, Not Your Mother’s owner. “Breast cancer isn’t just happening in October and it’s not just affecting older women. We are dedicated to show YSC our support with a longterm pledge and help reach more young women.” Not Your Mother’s will work with YSC throughout the year and include breast cancer awareness information on products, in stores, at events and via social media. Breast cancer survivors will also be invited as VIP guests at Not Your Mother’s sponsored events including New York Fashion Week in September. Jennifer Merschdorf, CEO at Young Survival Coalition, says “We are so thrilled to again have the support and partnership of Not Your Mother’s. Their newly expanded support as a national sponsor is a testament to our mission and to their commitment to young women facing breast cancer.” YSC helps young women with breast cancer stand strong against the many unique challenges they face including higher mortality rates, fertility issues and the possibility and ramifications of early menopause. In YSC’s network of young women, however, those challenges can look more like opportunities to accomplish shared goals. YSC works with its members to advocate for more studies about young women and breast cancer; educate young women about the importance of breast selfawareness and knowledge; and serve as a community of support for young women with breast cancer. Not Your Mother’s® is a Tampa, Fla. based haircare brand under the parent company DeMert Brands, Inc. Learn more at

유방암을 앓고 있는 젊은 여성들을 지원하기 위해 헤어 케어 브랜드가 의미 있는 후원의 걸음을 내딛었다. ot Your Mother’s Haircare는 2010년 비즈니스 첫해부터Young Survival Coalition (YSC)의 자랑스러운 후원자였다. 2014-15년동안 인기 있는 헤어 케어 회사는 유방암을 앓고 있는 젊은 여성들에게 중점을 둔 사업을 시행하고 있는 이 단체의 네셔널 스폰서가 되기 위해 후원의 수준을 현저히 높이기로 약속했다. “YSC는 우리가 지원하고 믿는 중요한 비전을 가진 멋진 단체입니다. 유방암을 앓고 있는 젊은 여성들의 삶을 향상시키고 삶의 질을 높이기 위한 그들의 사업은 저희 마음에 아주 친밀하게 와 닿습니다,” Not Your Mother’s의 소유주인 Bethany Pagliarulo는 이어서 말하기를, “유방암은 단지 10월에만 일어나는 것이 아니며 나이 든 여성들에게만 영향을 미치는 것도 아닙니다. 저희는YSC에 장기적인 지원을 약속하고 더욱 많은 젊은 여성들을 돕기 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다.” Not Your Mother’s는 일년 내내 YSC 와 함께 일하며 제품과 매장, 이벤트, 소셜 미디어에 유방암 인식을 위한 정보를 포함시킬 것이다. 또한 유방암을 극복한 사람들이 9월에 있을New York Fashion Week를 포함한 Not Your Mother’s 후원 이벤트에 VIP 게스트로 초대될 것이다. Young Survival Coalition의 대표, Jennifer Merschdorf가 말하기를, “Not Your Mother’s와 파트너십을 맺고 후원을 받게 된 것을 저희는 너무나 기쁘게 생각합니다. 네셔널 스폰서로 새롭게 확장된 그들의 지원은 유방암에 직면한 젊은 여성들을 위한 저희 미션과 그들 약속의 증거입니다” YSC는 유방암에 걸려 높은 사망률, 불임 문제, 조기 폐경 가능성과 영향 등의 여러 가지 문제들에 직면해 용감하게 이겨나가고 있는 젊은 여성들을 돕고 있다. YSC의 젊은 여성 네트워크에서, 이런 문제들은 공유된 목적을 수행할 수 있는 더 많은 기회를 가지게 될 수 있다. YSC는 이 멤버들과 함께 젊은 여성과 유방암에 관한 보다 많은 연구를 지지하기 위해 일하며, 유방 자기 인식과 지식의 중요성에 관해 젊은 여성들을 교육하고, 유방암에 걸린 여성들을 후원하는 단체로서의 역할을 하고 있다. Not Your Mother’s®는 플로리다 Tampa에 기반을 둔 헤어 케어 브랜드이며 모기업인DeMert Brands, Inc 산하에 있다. 자세한 정보는 에서 알 수 있다.


Namaste Supports Cosmo Beauty Educational Scholarship Awards Luncheon Namaste 는 Cosmo Beauty Educational 장학금 시상식 오찬을 지원한다.


n partnership with Namaste Laboratories, Chicago OTC chain Cosmo Beauty hosted the 6th Annual Educational Scholarship Awards Luncheon honoring 11 class of 2015 scholars from Cosmo Beauty Communities. “For years Cosmo Beauty has provided support and encouragement to Chicago’s inner city youth. The goal is to make sure that they don’t give up, even in the midst of turmoil,” said Master of Ceremony Dr. Reginald Mitchell of Namaste Laboratories. “Namaste was happy to work with James Park [CEO]. His stores are an asset to the community, and he’s demonstrating the importance of building relationships and personal integrity.” Scholarship recipients had to write an essay, demonstrate community involvement and submit a letter of recommendation. Recipients had to reside in a Cosmo Beauty Community. Winners and parents were recognized at an awards luncheon and gifted with ORS™ products and premiums. Namaste Sales and Marketing management along with their broker partners shared words of encouragement and networked with and the Cosmo Beauty Scholars. The Cosmo Beauty Scholarship applicant website reads: “Our hope is that by providing greater support to deserving African American students in pursuit of higher education, they will return to their communities empowered to be agents of change with a commitment to making a difference in their communities.” “Namaste is proud to support such events and we look forwards to doing more in the future,” said Trade Marketing Manager Kimberly Miller. A total of $20,000.00 in scholarships was awarded. Visit to learn more about Namaste Laboratories. 68

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015


amaste Laboratories와 협력하여, 시카고 OTC 체인Cosmo Beauty는Cosmo Beauty 지역의 2015년 장학생들의 11 class를 위한 제 6회 교육 장학금 시상식 오찬을 주관한다. “수년간Cosmo Beauty는 시카고 도심 청소년들을 지원하고 격려해 왔습니다. 목표는 그들이 혼란의 시기에 있더라도, 결코 포기하지 않게 하는 것입니다,” 행사 진행을 맡은 Namaste Laboratories의Dr. Reginald Mitchell이 말하기를, “Namaste는James Park [CEO] 과 일하게 된 것을 기쁘게 생각합니다. 그의 매장은 지역 사회의 자산이며, 그는 관계 구축과 개인적인 진실성의 중요성을 입증하고 있습니다.” 장학금 수혜자는 지역 사회 참여 내용을 보여주는 에세이와 추천서를 제출해야 했다. 수혜자들은Cosmo Beauty 지역에 거주 중이어야 했다. 수혜자와 부모들은 시상식 오찬에 초대를 받고ORS™ 제품과 경품들을 선물로 받았다. Namaste 영업 마케팅 팀은 브로커 파트너들과 격려의 말을 나눴고 Cosmo Beauty 장학생들과 네트워크를 구축했다. Cosmo Beauty 장학금 신청자 웹사이트 다음과 같은 내용이 있다: “우리의 희망은 아프리카계 미국인 학생들이 고등 교육을 받을 수 있도록 더 큰 지원을 제공함으로써, 그들이 변화된 에이전트가 되어 지역 사회의 변화를 위한 그들의 노력을 사회로 환원하는 것이다.” “Namaste는 여러 이벤트를 지원함에 자부심을 느끼며 미래에 더 많은 일을 하게 되기를 기대합니다.” 무역 마케팅 매니저, Kimberly Miller가 말한다. 총 $20,000장학금이 수여되었다. Namaste Laboratories에 관한 자세한 정보는 에서 볼 수 있다.


Sponsored by Andis Co.

Give Your Clippers Some T.L.C. T.L.C, or tender loving care, helps any relationship last longer. Think about it—can you imagine a long-lasting marriage without intimacy? Or a car getting 200,000 miles without regular oil changes and tune-ups? Of course not. The same is true when it comes to clippers and trimmers—you must maintain them to make them last. To keep your clippers and trimmers in top shape, follow this T.L.C. routine… it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3. 1. CLEAN First, make sure to turn your tool off. Clean hair remnants and any other debris from the blades with a brush. Next, use Andis Dry Care™ high-pressure air cleaner to blast remaining debris and grime from the blades. The concentrator nozzle is perfect for accessing hard-to-reach areas. 2. DISINFECT Next, follow up with Cool Care Plus™. It is a 5-in-1 coolant/disinfectant spray which includes virucide, fungicide, bactericide and tuberculocide ingredients. To apply, turn on your clipper or trimmer and apply a generous spray to the blade. Turn off the tool and then use a towel to wipe off any excess fluid along with any remaining debris. For health purposes remember to disinfect between each client. 3. LUBRICATE To prolong the life of your clippers and trimmers make sure you use Andis Clipper Oil on your blades after each haircut. Apply five small drops of oil, one on each major contact point of your moving blades—three across the front and one on each side toward the back rail. Regular lubrication will ensure your tools are operating at peak cutting performance. Keep in mind that these steps apply for clippers with adjustable or detachable blades. However, detachable blades will be a little easier to clean since they can be quickly and easily removed.

Clean tools ensure optimum performance and a longer tool life, and if you

follow the simple T.L.C. maintenance steps above that’s just what you’ll get!

For more information about Andis tools and maintenance products,


Kenny “The Professional” Duncan is a National educator for the Andis Co. He has presented classroom demonstrations and platform education at many tradeshows such as Empire Future Professionals, IHS International Hair Show, Bronner Bros International Hair Show and many more. He brings a wealth of information and experience to clipper cutting education. He teaches styling professionals the simplest approach to multicultural hair styling through a combination of solid technical demonstrations, creative interpretations, and entertaining presentations. Kenny is co-owner of Main Attraction Unisex Hair Salon, located in Philadelphia. He is reaching stylists around the world through, where his goal is to provide inspiration, motivation and education to clipper cutters of all experience levels. He truly is a trailblazer in this industry. 70

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015


#1 Beauty Cash-n-Carry JBS Beauty Club has all your accessory needs with necklaces, earrings, scarves, sunglasses, etc. Stock your store with only the best from JBS. As part of the largest beauty supply distributor, you can always buy items by the piece and at great prices. For more information, call 800-361-0786 or visit them at 4300 Northeast Expressway, Doraville, GA.



Beauty of Business Community Manufacturers and OTCs often tap into the beauty of supporting entrepreneurship. Throughout the beauty business, small startups have been honored and encouraged. Individuals with innovation and technology have also been supported. Remember, the legends of the beauty business were once budding entrepreneurs and innovators…the McBrides, Bronners, Johnsons and Gardners. Madame C. J. Walker started the beauty industry and is still promoted as the first African American millionaire. Her success and philanthropy are still big news. A scholarship in her honor would be good press as well as goodwill. When it comes to charity there is no better way to give back to the community than to support local business. Larger manufacturers often promote their procurement programs among certified minority and women-owned businesses. They often award scholarships and support training and internship opportunities. Most get a double beauty benefit of featuring successful employees or vendors in their ads and community events. OTCs can promote burgeoning entrepreneurship by featuring their support of the many small business product launches. Success stories can be published with store merchandising aids or in the local press. Contributing to future salon and barber business, owners or schools can create a cause-related marketing buzz. Entrepreneurial contests, book camps or business collaborations can become charitable connections to your store’s image and concern for economic development. A charitable nod to entrepreneurism could reinforce the commitment to consumers, the beauty business and the community served. Every dollar invested will be returned in consumer spending and profitability.

Elayne McClaine has identified and developed emerging domestic and global trends in hair care, skin care and other consumer categories for such firms as Chesebrough-Pond’s, Revlon and Pharmacia (div. of Pfizer). Her expertise in therapeutic treatments for hair, skin and scalp led to the creation of the Women’s Institute for Fine and Thinning Hair, sponsored by Rogaine. McClaine has been acknowledged by the American Academy of Dermatologists for marketing and promotional excellence. ESME Market Specialists, LLC consults with firms that require expertise in strategy development, multicultural marketing and account planning. For more information, visit 72

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Mentorship has Benefits

The Barbering industry has experienced tremendous growth over the past decade and ironically it has developed or produced very few mentors in our industry to help cultivate the next generation of barbers. What is a mentor you ask? A mentor is a person or friend who guides a less experienced person by building trust and modeling positive behaviors. An effective mentor understands that his or her role is to be dependable, engaged, authentic and tuned into the needs of the mentee. Here are some tips: 1. Establish a game plan. Don’t wing it; mentors are several levels above you. They’ve climbed the ranks from the bottom, and have the insight into what it takes to get to the top, which can be helpful if you’re interested in becoming a success in your industry. 2. Look beyond your circle of influence. Put the word out that you’re looking for someone in your industry to advise you on your career path, and you never know who will turn up. But if you don’t let people know you’re looking, the search will be much harder. 3. Be extremely flexible. It is key to get face time with your mentor, but remember they will be busy with career and life so do not expect anything from your mentor as time will be as valuable as advice. Opt for phone and email if he or she is too busy to meet in person. 4. Be prepared. Come to each meeting with your mentor armed with questions or a subject you want to cover. This will help you maximize your time, and you won’t leave anything out. 5. Be grateful. Your mentor is giving his or her time to you in exchange for the pleasure of watching your career unfold. Show your gratitude by thanking them often.

Dwayne Thompson, aka “The Barber Ambassador,” is the CEO of The Fade Club LLC, a marketing and promotions company designed to grow the barbering industry through education and brand management. He wears many hats as the founder of The Barber Academy Tour, creator of “The Barbettes,” a term designed to promote female barbers, and the former host of Against the Grain Radio show, the first barber related radio show on Blog Talk Radio. He is a dynamic writer, educator, product broker, consultant and social media expert. He has held several Executive positions with a former barbershop publication and a national health outreach program. Mr. Thompson is also the Founder and Publisher of Tonsorial Times Magazine, “The Official Barbershop Trade Publication” focused on highlighting products, franchises, schools and educators directly connected to the barbering industry. For more information, visit 74

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015


RA Shea Butter Lotion Our # 1 seller, 100% shea butter with Jojoba Oil is the ultimate moisturizer to vitalize and soften skin while blocking the harsh effects of sun, wind, cold and aging. Apply the healing and cooling power of cucumber to your skin. Cucumber melon lotion is a great skin moisturizer packed with vitamin E that softens and heals damages skin. Now customers can take their favorite shea butter lotion wherever they go. By popular demand, we’ve introduced a fit in the palm of your hand size for those who don’t want to be without! For more information, visit

Article Courtesy of Cosmoprof North America

Cosmoprof North America


Announces Record-Breaking Numbers and Success of New Programs Post-Show

Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) furthered its reputation as the leading B2B beauty trade show by introducing revolutionary technologies and forward-thinking programs at its recent event, held annually at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Close to 30,000 attendees engaged with a record-breaking 1,017 exhibitors from 39 countries to discover unique brand launches; product innovations; new channels for distribution, packaging, and manufacturing; and to form key relationships with top industry professionals and retailers from July 12-14. The three-day event, which takes place under one roof encompassing more than 252,908 square feet, remains the single most important networking opportunity in the United States for all sectors of the global beauty industry. CPNA is organized by North American Beauty Events, a joint venture between BolognaFiere Cosmoprof S.p.a., a leading Italian-based organizer of international trade shows such as Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna, and the Professional Beauty Association (PBA), one of North America’s largest and most influential trade associations representing all categories in the professional beauty industry. The latter hosted its annual PBA Beauty Week, also at Mandalay Bay Convention Center, in conjunction with CPNA’s show, giving CPNA attendees even more unfiltered access to industry happenings and the ultimate platform for one-stop networking. This year’s event had a strong international presence featuring 9 country pavilions representing cultural beauty from: Australia, Brazil, China/Tawain, Ecuador, Italy, Pakistan, Peru, South Korea and Spain. The event hosted 356 international exhibitors representing 39 countries. Major Retailers Major retailers come to CPNA to find what’s the newest and best in beauty from entrepreneurial companies. Organizations such as Barney’s NY, Ulta, C.O. Bigelows, Apothia, Duane Reade, HSN, Kohl’s, HSN, Pharmaca,,, Beauty Bar, Murale, MAS Global, CHALHOUB Group and many more were all present at the show. Introduction of New Special Areas and Social Programs CPNA introduced 3 brand new special areas to its lineup: Discover Scent, IBFE - Focus on the Beauty Supply Chain and Tones of Beauty. Discover Scent located on the Beauty Avenue featured 13 companies representing artisanal high end fragrances and fragrance suppliers and was developed in partnership with Sniffapalooza, a robust organization that unites fragrance aficionados and industry heavyweights worldwide. Tones of Beauty also made its CPNA debut in an effort to cater to the growing multicultural beauty market. Ten brands across 5 distinct categories—skin, hair, cosmetics, fragrance, and lifestyle—were curated by Corey Huggins of love, Aunt Bonnie to exhibit as innovators in the polyethnic market. Another program freshly added to the exhibition was the International Business Forum & Exhibition – Focus on the Beauty Supply Chain. This new area serves as a business platform for companies specialized in packaging, machinery, OEM and raw materials, which gave them the opportunity to present to beauty professionals innovative technologies and new projects in an effort to fulfill the request for innovation and research of the North American beauty market. To support the new focus on fragrance, CPNA partnered with Air Aroma who developed a custom fragrance that was piped into several areas of the exhibition, while to support the packaging sector The Dieline Awards honoring packaging innovators hosted a special pop-up installation making its first appearance at CPNA. Tones of Beauty also welcomed a select group of multicultural digital influencers who created live brand and consumer interactions throughout the course of the event. The B2B Connection Hub Ensuring maximum brand visibility for its exhibitors and guests, CPNA enabled connections with key buyers and leading online influencers. As part of the Domestic Buyer, International Buyer, Discover Beauty Buyer and IBF&E - Focus on the Beauty Supply Chain buyer programs over 750 one-on-one meetings occurred throughout the show. In addition, and 76

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unique to CPNA, leading TV shopping channels EVINE Live, HSN and QVC auditioned 22 select brands onsite to find their next winning on-air products. The US Commercial Service group also hosted nearly 350 export counseling meetings and arranged approximately 225 meetings between US exhibiting companies and international buyer delegates. Leading online personalities were in attendance and shared news from the show floor with their followers. The invited bloggers have a combined audience of 20 million followers. They posted live from the show floor on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, getting more than 200,000 engagements to date. The Growth of Existing Initiatives From the Interactive Experience and Interactive Technology area to the popular BOUTIQUE sampling program and stellar education sessions, CPNA’s existing initiatives surpassed expectations and wowed attendees. Courtesy of drom Fragrances, mycoocoon, and Pulsar, CPNA’s Interactive Area boasted a mood altering multisensorial experience that married the visual (chromatherapy) with scent (fragrances that match the color moods) and the auditory sense (music to match the color moods). In addition, the Interactive Technology Area offered unique exhibits from FaceCake Marketing Technologies, Good Apple Digital, and Hone. Attendees also flocked to the BOUTIQUE sampling area to curate their own beauty box, created by HCT Group, and helped raise a little over $16,000 for City of Hope. Attendees had ample opportunity to experience all things beauty: over 1,500 people fully immersed themselves in the coveted education conferences moderated by executives from ICMAD, F.I.T., CEW, WWD, Beauty Store Business, Beauty Packaging, INC. Magazine and more. CPNA Hosts PBA Beauty Week One of the most anticipated events was PBA Business Forum featuring Beauty Pitch with renowned entrepreneurs Mark Cuban and John Paul DeJoria (Co-founder, Paul Mitchell Hair Care). After a brief Q&A session moderated by PBA Chairman Scott Buchanan with Melissa Goldstein (Beauty Director, Martha Stewart Living) and Neil Parmar (, five pre-selected companies received the opportunity to pitch their brands and products live— to Cuban and DeJoria. The winning company, 100% Pure, received a one-year mentorship from Cuban and a $10,000 cash prize, courtesy of the private equity firm TSG Consumer Partners in conjunction with CircleUp. The 2015 North American Hairstyling Award winners were recognized during a starstudded awards ceremony on July 12 at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. Held during PBA Beauty Week, North America’s largest, most inclusive beauty event, NAHA drew more than 3,000 attendees to the event, while thousands tuned in to watch PBA’s live streaming broadcast online at This year’s celebration was hosted by Brad Goreski, a TV personality, fashion stylist, lifestyle expert and one of the new hosts of E!’s “Fashion Police.” NAHA’s top honor, Hairstylist of the Year, was presented to Robert Grimes from RLG Salon in Austin, TX. This is Grimes’s first NAHA Hairstylist of the Year honor. This year also included a NAHA first, with the addition of the Nail Professional of the Year category. Cosmoprof North America will return to Mandalay Bay Convention Center for its 2016 event, July 24 - 26. Stay tuned to for information and updates. Also, visit the official CPNA Facebook page ( ------Cosmoprof North America (CPNA) is the award winning premier international B2B beauty trade show covering all facets of the industry under one roof and the largest event of its kind in the Americas. For more information, please visit Event information and exhibitor updates are also posted on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@COSMOPROFNA).

Cosmoprof North America 2015

Carrie English, Joe Magnano and Bethany Crellin of Beauty Perfection.

Willie “Doc” Johnson and Jeff Berlin of Murray’s/JM Products.

Alan Murphy and Brenda Leckie of King Research

The House of Cheatham team

Karla Sanjur, Linda Patty and Godfrey Barboj of Mitchell Group

David Stern and Larry Roses of Fantasia

The (LeftDiscover to right) Rachelle Beauty area Navarro, was aSally big hit, Remigio, drawing Harlan an impressive Kirschner crowd and Veronica throughout Diazthe of The show. Kirschner Group

Tyrone Burroughs, President of Frist Choice Sales and Marketing, and Steven Friedman, Vice President of Hollywood Beauty

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David Joy, Renee Capalbo, Lauren Zawisha and Todd Simmons of Imperial Dax

The Reshma Femme

Corey Grant and Afua Odame at the AFAM Concept booth

Todd Smith of the Kirschner Group and Mario Gonzales of DeMert pause for a quick photo with Steve Ma and Dean Kim of Jinny Corp.

The Jinny Corp. team meets with Andis

Tara Coleman, Damon McFarland and Charlene Dance at the Strength of Nature booth


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Dan Parsons of Oster and Mr. Eddie Jhin of Jinny Corp.

Cosmoprof North America 2015

Visitors fill the American International booth.

Nicole Cho meets with curious customers at the Jinny Corp. booth.

Walt Winslow and Domenic Costa of ApHogee/KAB Brands

The Jinny Corp. booth

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Aileen Nunez, Bruce Bock, Karen Formico and Elizabeth Yong of Andis Co.

(Left to right) James Lee, Leo Alba, Jr., Ketlie Toscan and Leo Alba at the nuNAAT booth

(Left to right) Mark Osinoff, Liz Ammon, Garrett Wright, Eric Dow and James Lee at the Hain Celestial booth.

The Fromm team

Craig Llorens, Drysdelle Patulot and Corey Williams of My Skin Liquid Treatments – a booth within the Tones of Beauty area


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Cosmoprof North America 2015

The Sunny Isle booth

Jonathan Rudner and Robert Lee of Ampro

The J. Strickland team

Sharon Parker and Elizabeth Jumet of Keystone Laboratories

David Guerin, Global Artistic Director of Oster, stands with Dejah Garcia of Club Tattoo beside the display for the new Oster clipper collection.

Hector Borrero and Osman Mithavayani of Xtreme Beauty International

The Wahl Professional team

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The Colomer team

Joe Briggs and Sonja Mair of Briggs Market Masters with Garrett Wright and Steve Ma of Jinny Corp.

Maggie Ocasio of Bronner Bros.

John Graterol and Manuel Pena of International Beauty Exchange, Inc.

Tyrone Burroughs, President of Frist Choice Sales and Marketing, and Steven Friedman, Vice President of Hollywood Beauty


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Cosmoprof New Product Showcase Each year, Cosmoprof North America is a time of exciting product releases. Showcased here are noteworthy items we found at the show and wanted to share with you. Keep an eye out for these new products from the manufacturers you know and trust.

Wahl 5-Star Cordless Detailer

Kayline HideawayÂŽ Cart Big Mag Cordless Clipper

Xtreme Beauty International

Men’s Total Care Collection



International Beauty Exchange

Club Tattoo Special Clipper Collection

Topiclear Papaya

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

American International Industries

Bohemian Gypsy ProGel Collection

Ardell Flawless Premium Remy Hair Lashes

Clubman Collection Additions


Limited Edition Master® Black Label Clipper

Pro Dry™ Elite AC Hair Dryer in bold, pearlized colors

SlimLine Pro Lithium Ion Cordless Trimmer


Cover Your Gray® Hair Color Touch-Up Spray

Cover Your Gray® Waterproof Total Brow Eyebrow Sealer & Color

Excelsior Coconut Oil Hair Care Collection


Master® Men’s Toiletries Collection

Eco Style Pro Hair Color

Eco Pro Nail Laquer September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine

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ShowReport Article Courtesy of City of Hope

This photo courtesy of City of Hope.

National Professional Salon Industry Celebrates at Spirit of Life® Award Gala in Las Vegas City of Hope honors Steve Goddard, CEO & Founder of PRAVANA More than 700 salon industry executives and supporters attended City of Hope’s National Professional Salon Industry (NPSI) Spirit of Life® Award Gala on July 11, 2015 at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas to honor Steve Goddard, CEO & Founder of PRAVANA. City of Hope is a leading research, treatment and education center for cancer, diabetes and life-threatening diseases, and The Spirit of Life Award is the institution’s most prestigious philanthropic honor. The award is presented annually to a beauty industry leader who has demonstrated outstanding business and philanthropic achievement. “Rock the Cure”—the theme for this year’s event—celebrated the hope of new treatments, even cures, for cancer and other diseases. The celebration featured a cocktail reception, a silent auction, a Bora Bora trip giveaway, and a special performance by Don Felder, formerly with the Eagles. To date, the “Rock the Cure” campaign has raised more than $1 million for City of Hope. Goddard accepted The Spirit of Life Award from his industry colleague and friend for more than a few decades, Ann Mincey, formerly with REDKEN 5th


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Avenue. Having been in the beauty industry for over 30 years, Goddard decided in 2004 to return to his creative marketing roots and launched a new beauty entity, PRAVANA; a boutique brand of highly sophisticated products utilizing the power of the nature and the strength of technology to produce superior, holistic formulas. PRAVANA’s NEVO hair care products are 100% Vegan and 100% Gluten-Free, packaged in bottles that are 100% biodegradable, and in the spirit of caring, for every purchase of NEVO made, 5% of sales is donated to City of Hope towards the fight against cancer. To date NEVO has raised over $240,000 since the program started in 2012. Thank you to the numerous companies that sponsored the event including PRAVANA & Revitalash/Athena cosmetics for being our two All Access sponsors; our Platinum Sponsors: CND/Revlon, Colorproof, Great Clips, JCP Salons, John Paul Mitchell Systems, Joico/Zotos, KAO inc., Matrix, SalonCentric, and Wella; and our Media Sponsors: American Salon, Creative Age Publications, Modern Salon, OTC Beauty Magazine and Professional Beauty Association.

Namaste “Celebration of Beauty” Reception Following the second show day of CPNA, Namaste Laboratories graciously showed appreciation to their customers at their Customer Appreciation Event titled “Celebration of Beauty.” Held in the Sky Villa at the Palms Casino Resort, the view was absolutely breathtaking. The evening was filled with great music, delicious food, dancing and fun with friends.

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ShowReport by Stephanie Scott

Cosmoprof: What Happens at this Global Beauty Show in Vegas, Doesn’t Stay in Vegas What visitors and exhibitors have to say about this year’s show and advice for the next Spanning across three continents in three cities—Bologna, Las Vegas and Hong Kong—Cosmoprof is undeniably the world’s largest and most anticipated beauty exhibition. Each year, Cosmoprof North America takes place in Las Vegas where the annual event attracts exhibitors, buyers, press and visitors for three days of exciting launches, deal making and educational discussions. This year’s event was held July 12 -14 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center and drew a huge crowd of beauty veterans and newbies all clamoring to see what’s next in the cosmetics, skin, nails, hair and fragrance industries. Cosmoprof North America takes place directly after the North American Hairstyling Awards (NAHA) and has evolved to include sections focusing on manufacturing; countries—including Brazil, Chile, China and Italy; Spotlight—a section for new and emerging brands; Tones of Beauty and Discover Scent. Exhibitors ranged from large and familiar brands, like Revlon Professional, to newer brands including Pottymints—the world’s first dissolvable air refreshing tablets for the bathroom—who debuted new products and drew rave reviews. We caught up with a few show-goers to see what they gleaned from this year’s event. love, Aunt Bonnie “This was my fourth consecutive year attending the North American show and my seventh year in total after attending the Bologna show,” shared Corey Huggins, Founder & Global CEO of love, Aunt Bonnie. Huggins worked with Cosmoprof to develop Tones of Beauty, a luxury showcase catering to the Black and Brown beauty market. Huggins, who was able to solidify new clients from Africa and Europe at the show, found the show to be beneficial as he was able to discover brands from all over the world and interact with them under one roof to really get to know them. His advice to brands considering attending next year is to be prepared; know which brands you have to meet and make those the priority. He advises looking to discover new brands after that. Men Rock First time attendee and UK-based men’s grooming company Men Rock decided to attend the show only nine months prior, after attending Cosmoprof Bologna, and they certainly made an impact. Men Rock’s Managing Partner, Paul Johnson, had a threefold goal set when he decided to exhibit at Cosmoprof North America: (1) to see if the US buyers would be as excited as consumers in Europe have been, (2) to build a distribution network for US expansion and (3) to gain a better understanding of the US market. “We were overwhelmed with the positive reception and there is every chance that we made all the contacts to be able to launch effectively in the US 88

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ahead of our own targets,” Johnson stated. His advice for future attendees is to be clear on your objectives going in and not be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the show and opportunities. Weigh your opportunities and get ready to begin the hard work after the show. MD Solar Sciences Trusted brand MD Solar Sciences is available in the professional channel (i.e. dermatologist offices), but decided to exhibit at Cosmoprof as an entryway into the prestige market to share their efficacious products for modern women. Visitors were able to meet with MD Solar Sciences in the Discovery Beauty area where they had the chance to tell their story, and set up intimate meetings with buyers and press looking to learn more about the science behind their preventative and restorative line. My Skin Corey Williams, a licensed cosmetologist with over 23 years of industry experience and the CEO of My Skin, attended the show to gain insight and meet with distributors for the brand. Williams attends several shows a year and believes that Cosmoprof is one of the best in the industry. “Our expectations were met,” said Williams. “We were able to gain exposure to our brand and gain the right niche of distribution that we were looking for.” My Skin produces an effective, yet gentle solution for ingrown hairs and other skin problems. Scents of Place Perhaps the most exciting thing of beauty that I saw at the show was the Scents of Place fragrance machine from 5th Screen Design. I learned about the concept a few years back at a trend forecasting event, so I was thrilled to see that the idea had come to life. Scents of Place is a revolutionary fragrance-sampling device that allows consumers to learn about fragrance while testing them out using a digital fragrance dispenser. The juice is emitted in the air so you can sample as many as you like without the fear of mixing or over layering. For retail outlets looking for a new way to attract and generate more fragrance sales, this could be used in a variety of settings— perhaps as an airport vending machine. The beauty industry is constantly evolving, but one thing remains the same: our desire to find innovative ways to meet the consumer’s lifestyle and demands. Attending a tradeshow like Cosmoprof is a great way to see what’s new and build relationships with distributors, other brands, buyers, marketing firms and the press. It’s up to the brands to attend and present what’s new in the beauty space, and if you are an attendee, do your homework, come prepared and get ready for the rush after the show.

Stephanie Scott is the CEO and Communicator-in-Chief at First and Last PR (, an independent public relations and digital marketing agency specializing in the beauty industry. With over 15 years of industry experience, the former beauty editor opened First and Last PR determined to give a personalized voice to niche brands, large and small.

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조지아협회 조지아 뷰티협회는 오는 9월 13일 Chicopee Woods GC 에서 장학기금 마련을 위한 골프대회를 개최한다고 한다. 대상은 뷰티업 종사자는 물론, 일반인도 참가할 수 있으며 참가비는 $80이라고 한다. 경기방식은 스트로크이며, 수 상자들에게는 트로피와 상품이 준비되어 있고, 저녁 식사 도 제공될 예정이다. 9월 10일까지 선착순 접수하고 있으 며, 문의는 협회 770-454-7993 으로 하면 된다.

시카고 한인회 50년 역사상 첫 여성 한인회장 탄생

시카고 한인회는 지난 7월 19일, 기호 1번 김학동 후보와 기호 2번 진안 순 후보가 출마한 가운데 총 5,364명이 투표에 참여하여 3,109명의 표를 얻은 진안순 후보가 2,349표를 얻은 김학동 후보를 제치고 (무효 24표) 제 32대 회장으로 당선 되었다. 이는 50년이 넘는 시카고 한인회 역사상 최초의 여성 회장을 선출한 기록이 되기도 하였다. Jinny Beauty Supply 의 회장인 진안순 당선자는 시카고 평통, 한미우호네트워크 등의 활동을 통해 지역봉사를 하며 쌓아온 리더 십과 봉사정신이 인정되어 많은 유권자들의 지지를 얻은 것으로 평가되고 있다. 지난 1년간 한인회 회장 선거 출마를 준비해온 진안순 당선인은 그간의 많은 우여곡절 끝에 회장으로 선출된 후 “원칙에 충실했으며, 정확한 사실만을 유권자들에게 전달하려 노력하였습니다. 유권자들의 바람에 어긋나 지 않게 최선을 다해 한인회를 이끌겠습니다” 라고 당선 소감을 밝혔다. 또한, “저를 지지해 주신 유권자들, 선거 캠프에서 저를 도와주신 분들, 그리고 먼저 당선 축하의 전화를 걸어준 김학동 후보 등 모든 분들에게 감 사합니다” 라는 감사의 말을 전하였다. 90

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JinnyInnovations Top Multicultural Distributor Jinny Corp. Breaks into General Market Products with Beauty Logica Jinny Corp., the number one multicultural distributor in the world, is proud to introduce their newest company, Beauty Logica! It specializes in servicing OTC stores and distributors all over the world with general market type products. Beauty Logica is determined to be in the same top position as Jinny Corp., thriving in the general market industry. The product selection for this market is growing every day with new requests from customers. By utilizing all the distribution centers already in place by Jinny Corp., Beauty Logica has a greater advantage to service new customers and satisfy their needs. “We started Beauty Logica in the Fall of 2013. This new distribution division arose from our desire to branch out into the general market.” declared Jennifer Jhin, Managing Director of Beauty Logica. “By using Jinny’s existing logistics services and 11 distribution centers across the U.S., Beauty Logica is strongly positioned to successfully and quickly serve the general market industry.

“Beauty Logica is young but growing. We are gaining loyal customers daily with our fantastic customer service, prices, and fast shipping, but we still have much to learn. Our growth is highly dependent on our ability to listen to our customers and observe what’s taking place in the industry. “In the near future, we will have an outside sales force focused in key cities. They will communicate with our customers about how to grow Distribution Center their business while emphasizing the importance of product education. “Ultimately, we’re not looking for a quick sale. We’re putting our resources into creating customers for life. So when we learn and educate ourselves, we want our customers—our partners—to continually learn and evolve with us. This type of investment, for me, is priceless.”

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine



Jinny Corp. IT Team Announces Significant After 4.5 years, Jinny Corp., the number one multicultural distributor in the world, is excited to announce that the company’s own consolidated ERP system, JLOFT, has achieved a major milestone. The Jinny IT department has worked tirelessly to create and arrive at this major milestone, and now their efforts have resulted in a noteworthy accomplishment. “JLOFT stands for Jinny Logistical Order Fulfillment Technologies, and when it is fully deployed, Jinny United will be running with a centralized database,” explained Maia Leung, Director of IT. As of now, two legacy internal systems are being used by the company and JLOFT will integrate all data into one system for ease of use. This single centralized database system “will help Jinny to be more agile and responsive in operation and making business decisions,” elaborated Leung. Jinny Corp. has invested over $6.5 million in this project that is sure to benefit the company and their customers for years to come. On June 30, 2015 the team reached a significant milestone toward that goal. In recognition of this accomplishment, a substantial bonus was awarded to the group. There are a few more intermediate milestones to be reached before the targeted March 2016 release, but each step is significant and worthy of recognition, especially one of this magnitude. JLOFT is well on its way to have a gradual implementation across all Jinny locations. Each release will be monitored and enhanced to ensure the system benefits the company as best possible. After initial R1 release, continual work will be carried out on the front end for JLOFT, in addition to enhancing functionalities and break fix support. The team also has a long-term goal of creating a world class point of sale (POS) system built on JLOFT’s foundation that will enable customers to manage stores more efficiently, in addition to easy ordering with Jinny. Currently in Atlanta, the JLOFT team consists of: Corey Bradley, Daniel Rix, David Wallace, Harrison Mitchell, James Toles, Larry Rix, Maia Leung, Philip Ulrich and Ronald Hatchett. Additional team members include software development and database consultants that work/worked off site (Brian Leahy, Curtis Smith, Edward Montgomery, Emmanuel Stapf, Ian Howard, Jeremy Carroll, Kevin Lawson, Michael McGettigan, Neal Lester, Stan Nichols and Victor Wheeler) as well as a new QA 92

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Analyst, Business Analyst and programmer that aid in progression toward the release 1 goal. The team enlisted the help of the consultants to help start up the project. Most project tasks were gradually handed over to the Atlanta-based members, as described below. •

Corey Bradley handled all core accounting modules, including customer transaction processing. He is instrumental in implementing the special ized hair item lookup feature. This lookup feature is modelled after the successfully implemented JOS Warrior ordering system on smart phone and tablet for the outside salesperson.

• Daniel Rix has focused on the purchasing side of JLOFT development. Intensive involvement of purchasing users has resulted in their craving for the upcoming buyer module, which will streamline workflow by all buyers. •

David Wallace is the focal point of the reporting side. Using the report library and other tools, David is responsible for the report markup, report module interface and data hookup. He worked with other team members on enhancing the report library and report module interface, as well as sharing the report markup process.

Harry Mitchell took up the challenge from the start to design and build the sales order module. The module allows sales people to easily find and add related products as well as sales promotion group products, and easily see product information. The item bulk search has a suggestive drop down table to show results without having to jump to another tab or page.


(Left to right) Amy Tran, Maia Leung, Corey Bradley, James Toles, Harrison Mitchell, Nancy Lo, Ronald Hatchett, Paul Hardy, Philip Ulrich, Craig Wood, Joseph Chism, Larry Rix, Dave Murphy and Daniel Rix.

Milestone Achieved in JLOFT System • Philip Ulrich has performed a lot of work to stabilize internal codes in JLOFT. These behind the scenes codes are critical to the smooth and correct running of JLOFT. In addition, he provided a great deal of sup port to the other developers as well as giving JLOFT new capabilities (for example, object recovery for JLOFT to recover from where it left off after a crash), database structure and content testing, speed optimization, and GUI re-theming of the application. He also helped write a functioning POS prototype web application with a JLOFT backend. •

Larry Rix is the JLOFT project lead. The FogBugZ software bug and issue tracking system in use helps Jinny to manage the project with improved team synergy. Larry implemented the data file format library to enable JLOFT to exchange certain data with the legacy JBS and JMS systems during the coexistence deployment period.

Application development consultants Brian Leahy, Edward Montgomery, Emmanuel Stapf, Ian Howard, Kevin Lawson, Neal Lester and Victor Wheeler provide guidance and senior technical expertise. In addition to working with Atlanta-based peers on design, object model, framework, application tools and skill transfer, code reviews are conducted periodically. This provides invaluable feedback and in spiration for everyone. Continual enhancement of the masking library helps increase easy coverage of user input validation.

• James Toles and developers work together in the DevChange cycle on database changes. • Ronald Hatchett is the gatekeeper of sane data while bringing the

legacy JMS data over to the JLOFT system. The Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) process, in addition to the post ETL tasks, enables Jinny to consolidate data from all Jinny companies to a centralized database.

• Both database administrators are key to database diagramming, schema change, deployment and other database-related tasks, and critical to the JLOFT system development and deployment success. • •

Database consultants Curtis Smith, Jeremy Carroll, Michael McGettigan, and Stan Nichols did the initial database sizing, design, configuration and ETL setup together with the database administrators. Craig Wood, Dave Murphy and Paul Hardy from the technical services team helps on the infrastructure setup and ongoing support for the JLOFT team, in addition to providing technical support for the Jinny United and carrying out other projects. Application support elevation and legacy enhancement requests are handled by David Wallace, Maia Leung, Paul Hardy and Philip Masses-Valera.

Furthermore, Jinny’s JOS Mobile ordering system running on smart phone and tablet will be available for customer use very soon. It is based on the existing JOS Warrior app for Jinny’s own outside sales force use. There was a new release of the JOS Warrior on Windows smart phone and tablet in August 2015. The initial version of JOS Mobile on iOS is targeted to be available this month, September 2015. JOS Mobile on Android will be available afterward. With this exciting news and a roadmap to availability, Jinny has invested heavily in their IT development and infrastructure initiatives as part of the project portfolios. They distinguish Jinny from the rest of the industry. This will bring Jinny and its customers to the next level and beyond. September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews Optimum Amla Legend Announces Partnership with Tracee Ellis Ross ABC’s “Black-ish” Star and Beauty Guru will create content and collaborate on trends and product launches Award winning actress Tracee Ellis Ross has partnered with Optimum Amla Legend, a leader in salon-quality hair products for multicultural women. Currently on ABC’s show Black-ish, Tracee Ellis Ross is known for her style sensibility, engaging humor and vibrant Instagram account. She will be lending her talents to create style content including interviews, hair tutorials and more on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as well as participate in key brand activations and live events. “I’ve worked closely with the Optimum Amla Legend brand in the past and my hair truly loves the products. Amla Legend keeps my hair hydrated and healthy-looking. No matter what hair style I choose, Amla Legend leaves my hair with so much movement and bounce. Hydration is the key to gorgeous hair,” says Actress Tracee Ellis Ross. “I’m so excited to be part of their family and to help bring Legendary Amla style to the consumer.” “Tracee brings the many dimensions of our consumer to life. As a multicultural brand, Optimum Amla Legend’s consumers come from varied backgrounds with varied hair textures, and we are excited to give her the resources and products she craves,” says Nicole Fourgoux, General Manager, Multicultural Beauty Division, L’Oréal USA. “We are delighted to be working together with Tracee to create meaningful and dynamic content in a way that only she can.”

Optimum Amla Legend is a high-performance range of hair care products infused with Amla Oil from the legendary Indian superfruit, which is high in antioxidants, and renowned for its natural rejuvenating properties of intense nourishment and conditioning. Each product in the line is formulated with the perfect balance of ingredients for high salon-quality performance and results without weighing hair down. A brand catered to all textured hair types, Amla Legend is known to rejuvenate hair with supreme strength and legendary impeccable shine. “Amla Legend is all about the Amla; this superfruit has been used for centuries by Indian women for hair as well as overall well-being. We are happy to have Tracee share this secret of healthy, stronger, more nourished hair and its multitude of uses,” says Michelle Ryan, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Multicultural Beauty Division, L’Oréal USA. Follow @AmlaLegend on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date with all Tracee Ellis Ross exclusive Amla Legend content: #AmlaLOVESTracee, #AmlaOil, #LegendaryStyle, #AmlaLegend. The L’Oréal USA Multicultural Beauty Division is a dynamic portfolio of brands dedicated to serving the growing multicultural market, including Dark and Lovely, Carol’s Daughter as well as Optimum Amla Legend.

Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna 2016 is Getting Ready!

COSMOPACK MARCH 17-20, 2016 | COSMOPROF MARCH 18-21, 2016

After the great success of last edition and the strong participation of the entire beauty business community, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna represents the ultimate leading platform for the beauty business. The event gathers the entire supply chain (from the making of the beauty product to the finished product) under one roof and it is internationally recognized as the not-to-be-missed appointment in the cosmetic business. • 248,000 trade professionals (+20% compared to 2014) out of which 79,000 international (+30% compared to 2014)

• 2,493 exhibitors (70% from outside Italy) • 27 international country pavilions • Over 500 top buyers involved in 2,185 pre-scheduled B2B meetings Experience the energy and the buzz of the 2015 edition! See the Post Show Video and find out what some of the main testimonials think about Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna at the Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna YouTube channel (Cosmoprofworldwide). Also, learn more about the show at

OTC Beauty Magazine New Website Launched

OTC Beauty Magazine proudly launched their new website design in midAugust. The new site features a blog-like layout where visitors can read each article individually from the current month’s publication, as well as back issues. Have no fear; the flip-through magazine feature that was prominent on the old site is still on the new layout. Just below the recent top story section visitors will find an image of the current publication cover. Upon selection, the user is redirected to the flip-through site. From here they can also access full length past issues. The “Issue Archives” link can also be utilized for this task. “The new expanded website holds great potential for OTC Beauty Magazine,” declared Haley McNeal, editor. “Not only does it allow

manufacturers the ability to gain added exposure through advertising on the site, but it will also draw more site visitors by expanding on Search Engine Optimization (SEO). For example, when internet users search for ‘Vitamin E’ one of our articles may be a hit. We are thrilled to see where this new website will take us.” The site is adaptable to mobile devices, offering access anywhere. Take a look today at!

Beauty Tools Battle Breast Cancer Introducing The 2015 Breast Cancer Awareness Wet Brush®

To commemorate their commitment to the fight against breast cancer, Wet Brush proudly introduces the limited edition version of their bestselling detangler, The 2015 Breast Cancer Awareness Wet Brush. This brush not only combats tangles, but also helps support the battle against breast cancer. Take comfort in knowing that every purchase goes towards supporting lifesaving research, providing valuable services to breast cancer sufferers, and creating awareness around this surmountable obstacle. Dedicated to supporting charities, Wet Brush’s unwavering commitment to various Breast Cancer Awareness programs shows the company’s continued pledge to help bring hope into the lives of so many people. 94

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Twenty percent of JDB’s total profits will go towards breast cancer research. The Wet Brush has become the #1 selling brush in the USA! Over the past few years it has developed a cult-like following, fueled by satisfied stylists and clients via word-of-mouth. Perfect for use on wet or dry hair, The Wet Brush quickly and painlessly detangles even the thickest, most stubborn strands thanks to its revolutionary Intelli-flex bristles. In the forefront of technological development, The Wet Brush is designed the Intelli-flex bristles to be ultra-thin and flexible, yet still have rapid recovery memory. Because the bristles don’t pull or put up a fight, even the finest, thinnest hair can be tangle-free without damage. What’s more, the gentle ball tip bristles provide a massaging action that stimulates circulation at the follicle, a proven benefit for hair health.

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews NCNW View Park Chapter Community Breakfast The National Council of Negro Women is a non-profit membership organization with a local Los Angeles chapter that is consistently supported by Clear Essence Cosmetics. On June 6, 2015 the group hosted a community breakfast at Imperial Courts, which is a public housing district in Los Angeles. The event was in support of a new initiative called the “Save Ourselves Sisters Program” which looks to combat issues facing at risk youth within the Black community. Save Ourselves Sisters touches the lives of girls, ages 8-18, in the areas of: Health and Wellness, Life Skills, Etiquette, Personal Development, Financial Literacy, Social Media Etiquette, HIV and AIDS, Cyber Bullying, Sex Trafficking Prevention, Positive Imagery, Domestic Violence Prevention, Hair and Skin Care, Foster Youth Advocacy, Job Preparedness and Parenting Classes for both girls and participants’ parents. The event served as a call to action and gave tips to the local community as to how they could serve as role models and mentors for the younger generation. The panel also showed recognition of current leaders and local community supporters that have helped jump-start the program.

Clear Essence Cosmetics attended the event as a vendor/sponsor and passed out over 100 sample packs to men and women at the venue. The skin care company also provided pastries and orange juice towards the breakfast. Clear Essence staff members educated women on their products and gave general skin care knowledge to benefit one’s complexion and over all confidence. As the overall theme of the event conveyed, Black women must connect with, influence and support one another to improve their personal opportunities within their communities and as productive members of society. Clear Essence Cosmetics understands this goal and wants to put women at their best in terms of confidence and appearance. For this reason, Clear Essence continues to support Black women’s events similar to the NCNW’s Community Breakfast and the Save Ourselves Sisters Program. Clear Essence skin care products help to reveal a natural skin tone free of dark spots, blemishes or discolorations. The staff members will continue to support the community of young Black women in any way possible to ensure their success as confident women.

The Professional Beauty Association Announces New and Returning Members of the Board of Directors and Advisory Councils The Professional Beauty Association (PBA) is proud to announce new leadership for the 2015/2016 term. Reuben Carranza, Group President, R+Co & V76, Luxury Brand Partners will serve as incoming Chairman of the Board and Beth Hickey, with Spa Specialties Representatives will serve as Vice-Chair. Hickey is the first member of the Beauty Professional/NCA Council to be appointed as PBA Vice-Chair. Outgoing Chairman of the Board Scott Buchanan, (Scott J Salon & Spa), will continue to serve on the Board. The PBA Board of Directors is comprised of 12 industry professionals who represent various sectors of the beauty industry. The following are the industry professionals who will serve on the Board of Directors for the 2015/2016 term: Kevin Barrett (Fromm International), Scott Buchanan (Scott J Salon & Spa), Reuben Carranza (Luxury Brand Partners), Mark Goodman (The HairDesigners), Beth Hickey (Spa Specialties Representatives), Harlan Kirschner (Kirschner Group), Edwin Neill III (Neil Corp), Graciela Santiler-Nowik (Hair Base Salon & Spa), Renee Shakour (Interiors by RG Shakour), Oliver Steinnagel (Oliver’s Hair Salon), Karl Sweis (Sweis Professional Salon & Spa Products), and Rowena Yeager (Studio Wish Salon). Cynthia Heisser (Ultimate Beauty Companies) will be leaving the Board. “I am proud to announce the Professional Beauty Association’s Board of Directors for the 2015-2016 term, as well as our incoming Advisory Council Members. As the nation’s largest and most comprehensive beauty industry trade association, these leaders will provide valuable input as we increase awareness for PBA’s advocacy efforts and build our membership,” said PBA Executive Director, Steve Sleeper. “I also want to sincerely thank our outgoing Board and Advisory Council members. These volunteer leaders have been instrumental in helping move PBA’s mission forward.” In addition to the Board of Directors, PBA’s governance model includes four Advisory Council Members. These councils are as follows: Beauty Professional/NCA, Distributor, Manufacturer and Salon/Spa. Members of these councils serve as an ongoing resource to provide recommendations and advice

to the PBA Board of Directors.

Advisory Council Membership for 2015/2016 is as follows: Beauty Professional/NCA Council: Marcia Bird (Raritan Valley Community College), Janae Davis* (Salon Janae), Mark Goodman (The Hair Designers), Beth Hickey (Spa Specialties Representatives), Steven Porter (Steven Porter Hair), and Peggy Sue Schmoldt** (Academy of Cosmetology). Distributor Council: Jennifer Almonte (Professional Salon Services) Sydney Berry* (Salon Services and Supplies), Edwin Neil III (Neil Corp), Brandon Ranney (Creative Salon Concepts), Renee Shakour (Interiors by RG Shakour), Karl Sweis** (Sweis Professional Salon & Spa Products). Manufacturer Council: Kevin Barrett (Fromm International), Reuben Carranza (Luxury Brand Partners), Scott Hagstrom** (Helen of Troy), Sara Jones (Joico Laboratories)*, Harlan Kirschner (Kirschner Group), and Colin Walsh (DevaCurl). Salon/Spa Council: Scott Buchanan (Scott J Salon & Spa), Bonnie Conte (Avalon Salon and Day Spa), Oliver Steinnagel* (Oliver’s Hair Salon), Rowena Yeager (Studio Wish Salon), and Holly Vaught** (KCharles & Company Salons). PBA would also like to sincerely thank the following out-going Advisory Council Members: Cynthia Heisser (Ultimate Beauty Companies), Michael Riley (Scruples Professional Salon Products, Inc.), Graciela Santiler-Nowik (Hair Base Salon & Spa), and Tiffany Conway (CoCo Cheveaux Salon). *Indicates a newly elected Advisory Council Member **Indicates a re-elected Advisory Council Member

“It’s Time for a Haircut”

Andis Co. promotes clipper sales with unique clock promotion

Andis Company is working in a new way to help promote Andis lithium-ion cordless clipper sales to your customers—they are offering an exciting new clock promotion through the end of September! With the purchase of the new Supra ZR detachable blade lithium-ion clipper or the Supra 120 Ion lithium-ion clipper you will get a FREE wall clock to pass through to your customers; a $39.95 value! What barber can turn down a new clock for display in their shop?


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Clock Features • Exclusive Master® and T-Outliner® design • Durable brushed aluminum trim • Hour, minute and second hands • Analog movement • Single AA battery operation (not included)

September 2015 OTC Beauty Magazine


IndustryNews Oster Professional ® and Club Tattoo®

Article courtesy of Mafe De Alba, Oster Professional® Product Marketing Manager Gone are the days when tattoos were rare and a sign of rebellion and controversy. From subculture to pop culture, tattoos have become a beautiful form of self-expression and a meaningful way to document experiences lived, memories, lessons learned or a struggle that has been overcome. A tattoo is a way to self-express and connect with things that we love; a reminder of who we are and our deepest passions. A Shared Craft Hair dressers, barbers, stylists and tattoo makers are highly creative beings that express their passions through their artistic work. If you think a tattoo is an artistic creation, take a look at what a hair professional can make with a pair of clippers and scissors. Their hands are the tools used for their creations and this is the way they bring their art to the people. They are all artists sharing a craft. Oster professional® products and the world famous Club Tattoo®, a luxury tattoo studio concept with multiple locations in the US (Las Vegas, Arizona, San Francisco and opening soon at the Harley Davidson located in Scottsdale), have joined forces to create a lifestyle concept of professional beauty tools that convey art and self-expression. This new special collection of clippers and blades will be launched

in fall 2015 and will embrace the fast growing trend art of tattooing with the beauty industry. The suite will showcase work of amazing Club Tattoo artists and the lifestyles they represent for the professional trade. The Oster® Club Tattoo® suite of products will include the famous Oster® Classic 76 heavy duty clipper, the Oster® Fast Feed® and the Oster® T-Finisher®. A 4-pack of Club Tattoo branded blades will be offered to complement the collection. A creative work is never finished. There’s always a new limit to push; something new to explore. Whatever your canvas, IT’S YOURS™. About Club Tattoo® World Famous Club Tattoo was founded in 1995 when Chester Bennington (Singer for Linkin Park & Stone Temple Pilots) partnered with industry leaders Sean and Thora Dowdell to create the hottest tattoo studios in the world! It is a luxury tattoo studio concept that has multiple locations serving the Las Vegas Strip inside Planet Hollywood’s Miracle Mile Shops and the LINQ Hotel & Casino, San Francisco’s Pier 39, and multiple Arizona locations. Photos courtesy of Evelyn Ticona, Spark Creative Group.

(Left to right) David Guerin, Oster Professional® Artistic Manager, Dejah Sean and Thora Dowdell, Owners

Garcia, Club Tattoo® Artist, Sean and

of Club Tattoo® stand at the Oster

Thora Dowdell, Club Tattoo® Owners

Professional booth at the Cosmoprof Show in Las Vegas


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Logo property of Club Tattoo® and JCS.


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

ShowCalendar SEPTEMBER:

Ad Index American International ............73 Giovanni Cosmetics ................106

Mitchell Group ��������������������������43

Ampro Industries ................35, 61 Helen of Troy ................................9

Namaste Laboratories ...........102

Andis Co. .....................................25 House of Cheatham ���������������101

NEOX �����������������������37, 46, Insert

Paris, France

Baby Sweet ...............................100 Hoyu America ............................41

Oster Prof. Products .................39

16-19 Natural Products Expo East

Beauty Wholesale LTD .......51, 98 Imperial Dax ...............................57

Queen Helene ......................36, 50

Belson ..........................................55 Inspired Beauty Brands ���������������32, 69, 83 Brittny Professional .............14, 23 JBC Distributors ���������������������109

R&R Corp. ...................................33

5-8 11th Annual Beauty Fair São Paulo, Brazil

15-17 Cosmeeting/Beyond Beauty

Baltimore, MD

18-22 Farouk Cancun Conference 2015 Cancun, Mexico

20 NAILPRO Sacramento Sacramento, CA

20-21 Indianapolis Fashion Focus Indianapolis, IN

23-25 Cosmobeaute Asia Bangkok, Thailand

30-Oct. 1 in-cosmetics Brasil São Paulo, Brasil

OCTOBER: 4-5 Charlotte Fashion Focus Charlotte, NC

Cantu ...........................................95 J2 Beauty ����������16, 17, 28, 29, 105 Clear Essence Cosmetics USA, Inc. ......................................11 JBS Beauty Club �����������������������70 JBS Hair ������������������������������ 2, 3, 53 Colomer USA ������������������������� BC JF Labs/AFAM ���������������������27, 97 Conair ..........................................13 KAB Brands �������������������Cover, 47 DeMert Brands ..........................71 L’Oreal Technique ���������������������75 Dream World, Inc. .............. 15, 22, 91, IBC Liquid Gold Bonding/Lloneau Products �����42 Fantasia Ind. �������������������������������45 Mane Selection ��������������������������72 Fromm ���������������������������������IFC, 1 Genieco, Inc. ��������������������������������� 8

5-6 Professional Beauty India | Mumbai Mumbai, India

11-12 Glendale Fashion Focus Glendale, AZ

11-12 Premiere Beauty Classic Columbus, OH


OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

RA Cosmetics ....................74, 107

15-17 Cosmobeaute Asia Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia

25-26 Premiere Birmingham Birmingham, AL

SoftSheen Carson �������������������111 Sparks Hair Color ���������������������� 7 Strength of Nature ..................112 Ten Pro ���������������������������������������74 Universal Beauty Products, Inc. ................58 Wella,The Salon Professional Division of P&G ������������49, Poster Wahl ���������������������������������������������� 5 Xtreme Beauty International ������������ 31, 52, 70, 99

Reader Feedback Let your voice be heard! In this segment OTC Beauty Magazine wants

to find out what is important to you, our loyal readers. Posing a handful of questions each month, our goal is to learn through feedback how to better serve you. We ask that you take a few minutes to share your thoughts; write responses on this sheet and mail it back to us, or send it through email.

여러분의 목소리를 내세요! 여러분의 목소리를 내세요! OTC 뷰티 매거진은 소중한 여러분의 의견을 수렴하려고 합니다. 매달 몇 가지의 질문을 통해 여러분의 의견을 듣고, 좀더 발전된 잡지를 만들고자 합니다. 약간의 시간을 내 주시어 여러분의 생각들을 전달해 주세요. 질문지에 답변을 하여 저희 사무실로 보내주시거나 이메일을 보내 주시면 됩니다. (연락처는 이 페이지 맨 밑에 있습니다)

1. Do you give back to your community or participate in any charity efforts? If so, why do you choose to do so?

1.당신은 지역 사회에 환원하거나 자선 활동에 참여합니까? 그렇다면, 왜 그런 선택을 하게 되었습니까?

2. Does POP product marketing work well in your store? If so, what kind of products do you keep near the register for impulse purchases? 2. POP 제품 마케팅이 당신의 매장에서 효과를 거두고 있습니까? 그렇다면, 고객들의 구매 충동을 위해 계산대 가까이에 진열하고 있는 제품은 어떤 것들입니까?

3. Have you visited any trade shows this year? If so, tell us what you thought. Do you plan on going again – why or why not? 3.올해

무역 박람회에 방문한 적이 있습니까? 그렇다면, 당신의 의견을 말해주세요. 지속적으로 참여할

계획입니까? 그 이유도 말해주세요.

When we receive your feedback we will choose a few answers to feature in the next month’s issue. You could be famous just by answering a few questions – simple as that! We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for supporting this publication. 보내주신 답변 중 몇몇을 뽑아 다음달에 기재하도록 하겠습니다. 몇 개의 질문에 답변을 함으로써, 여러분이 잡지에 실릴 수 있는 것입니다! 여러분의 성원에 감사 드리며, 많은 참여 부탁 드리겠습니다.

Name (성함) _______________________________ Store Name (스토어



State (주) _________________________________ 110

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

Mail this form to: OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:


OTC Beauty Magazine, Attn: Editorial Dept. 3587 Oakcliff Rd. - Doraville, GA 30340 Email:

September 2013 OTC Beauty Magazine




Strength of Nature wants to give your customers long and strong hair through use of their Mega Growth™ line. Designed to improve overall hair health—and in turn creating stronger, longer hair—these richly nourishing hair care products offer women the ultimate damage protection. Profectiv Mega Growth Break Free Daily Leave in Strengthener stops chemical damage before breakage starts. Penetrating and remoisturizing deep inside the hair, Break Free infuses strength to fragile hair, mending damage resulting from over-processing. This exclusive Pro-Growth formula stops and corrects daily breakage caused by chemical treatments. It can be used daily or as an intensive leave-in conditioner after shampooing. All MegaGrowth products contain an ultra-protective, patented blend of natural oils and conditioning proteins that help strengthen and protect the hair shaft. MegaGrowth defends against breakage, 112

OTC Beauty Magazine September 2015

split ends and dryness. The products are infused with an advanced ultra-protective complex, including natural protein strengtheners, olive oil, strong antioxidants, richly conditioning Shea butter, vitamins E, B and C, nourishing superfood avocado, high shine Argan oil and heat protective coconut oil. Consumer Feedback: “Growth? Absolutely!! In addition, the parts in my hairstyle that were thinning out have now filled in, along with the “temple” area which is growing back beautifully.” “This is one of my favorite products; it keeps my hair and scalp in great condition… My hair was getting quite dry and was starting to break off so I ordered the Strengthener and I am so glad I did. My hair has stopped shedding and breaking, and looks great!”

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