Old Town Crier- February 2018 Issue

Page 1

Road Trip

Business Profile



Southern Hospitality At Its Best

Take a Ride With Francene

Personality Profile

Dining Out



Blissfully Being & Dancing In the Light

Chic French Fare & International Wines

february’18 A Division of Crier Media Group OTC Media LLC PO Box 320386 Alexandria, VA 22320 703. 836. 0132 office@oldtowncrier.com oldtowncrier.com Published the first week of every month. Worth waiting for! PUBLISHER Bob Tagert MARKETING & ADVERTISING Lani Gering Bob Tagert SOCIAL MEDIA & WEBSITE Ashley Schultz DESIGN & PRODUCTION Electronic Ink 9 Royal Street, SE Leesburg, VA 20175 703. 669. 5502 Peggie Arvidson Nancy Bauer Sarah Becker F. Lennox Campello Steve Chaconas Doug Fabbioli Nicole Flanagan Lani Gering Miriam Kramer Genevieve LeFranc Sarah Liu

CONTRIBUTORS Jeff McCord Ron Powers Kim Putens Julie Reardon Ashley Schultz Bob Tagert Carl Trevisan Ryan Unverzagt Lori Welch Brown Molly Winans

© 2018 Crier Media Group, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. The Old Town Crier is published monthly and distributed to select Alexandria residents, hotels, restaurants and retail shops. Also distributed in the Annapolis, Fredericksburg, Blue Ridge and Washington, DC areas and St. John, USVI.

Road Trip

Business Profile



Southern Hospitality At Its Best




A Bit of History............................................................. 16


Personality Profile.............................................................4

After Hours.......................................................................11

From the Bay….............................................................22

Pets of the Month.........................................................19

Alexandria Events............................................................ 2

From the Trainer............................................................42

Points on Pets.................................................................18

Arts & Antiques..............................................................13

Gallery Beat.....................................................................12

Behind the Bar................................................................30

Go Fish...............................................................................45

Business Profile................................................................. 6


Caribbean Connection...............................................20

Groundhog's Day Facts..............................................28

Dining Guide...................................................................34

High Notes.......................................................................10

Dining Out.......................................................................29

Masters of Cuisine.........................................................32

Exploring Virginia Wines............................................39

National Harbor.............................................................47

To the Blue Ridge..........................................................27

Financial Focus.................................................................. 5

On the Road with OTC................................................... 1

Urban Garden.................................................................14

First Blush.........................................................................43

Open Space.....................................................................46

Valentines ........................................................................37

Publisher’s Notes.............................................................. 2 Road Trip...........................................................................26 Social Media Message....................................................3 Spiritual Renaissance...................................................44 The Last Word.................................................................... 9

Take a Ride With Francene

Personality Profile

Dining Out



Blissfully Being & Dancing In the Light

Chic French Fare & International Wines

about the cover on the road with OTC Love Is In the Air! Celebrate Your Valentine on the 14th!

Check out some fun facts about Valentine’s Day On Page 37!

Old Town Crier

(Left) Matt Gambrill, Calvert Marina owner and operator and his wife, Carmen Gambrill, owner of carmen’s gallery in Solomons, Maryland enjoy the Old Town Crier on the road to Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. (Right) No cobra is going to keep Matt from his reading. This photo was taken on the very southern point of South Africa.

If you would like to see your picture here, take the OTC on your next adventure, snap a high resolution photo and send it along with information for the caption to office@oldtowncrier.com. Happy Trails!

February 2018 | 1







friend of mine, George Brown, recently posted on his face book page, “Have you ever noticed that all the tv channels have commercials at the exact same time??? You cannot escape them. Just noticed this???” I responded to George that I have noticed this for some time and to the point that some sporting events even arrange their commercials at that same time. This is to prevent channel surfing. This has gotten to the point where our other “communication” devices have pop-up ads when you are reading an article, and even worse, the entire screen will sometimes go blank and you will lose the entire article. George’s wife, Lori Welch Brown, has been writing a column for us for over 17 years and in all those years not once has a commercial interrupted your reading or has the page gone blank half way through your reading never to be found again. That my friend is the beauty of print media…move at your own pace. Put it down to answer a phone call or a pesky text and then return to where you left off and the article will be waiting for YOU! Also, you can decide which advertisements you wish to view. Ah, the choices! Thanks to all of you for reading us these past 30 years and making that choice on your own! For other uninterrupted articles you might want to check out the Personality Profile of Chou Chou, the Laurel to Doc Scantlin’s Hardy. She is quite the lady! Our featured chef this month is Juan Amador from La Trattoria Old Town while bar tender Farah Ofogh shows you how to make your drink have that smoky flavor behind the bar at City Kitchen. Our Road Trip this month takes you to the historic Greenfield Inn Bed & Breakfast at Washington, Virginia among the rolling hills of the Blue Ridge. Jeff McCord keeps us updated on the recovery of St. John and the other Islands in Caribbean Connection. Thanks to everyone who attended our 30th 1980’s themed, anniversary party. It gave all of us an opportunity to go back in time and me to channel my inner Sonny Crockett once more, probably for the last time. Don’t forget about the largest President’s Parade in the country right here in Old Town on the 19th and remember your sweetheart on Valentine’s Day!

2 | February 2018

CHERRY CHALLENGE In honor of George Washington’s birthday, participating Alexandria restaurants will create unique, cherry-centric dishes in celebration of one of the most cherished legends surrounding our first president. This year features dishes from dozens of restaurants, including Lena’s Wood-Fired Pizza & Tap, Junction Bakery & Bistro and Jackson 20, and from every area of Alexandria—Old Town, Del Ray, the West End, and along the George Washington Memorial Parkway. Patrons rate their favorite dishes, and winners are given special recognition at the George Washington Birthday Parade. A “Frequent Cherry Diner Award” will go to the customer who buys and rates the most Cherry

Challenge entries. For more information, visit www.washingtonbirthday.net or call 703829-6640.

EVERY SUNDAY IN FEBRUARY WALKING WITH WASHINGTON TOURS 2 P.M. ALEXANDRIA VISITOR CENTER Walk in George Washington’s footsteps through his adopted hometown of historic Alexandria and view some of the sites connected to the General, like where he filled his prescriptions or wined and dined with important Alexandrians. Meet at the Alexandria Visitor Center (221 King St.). FREE. ALEXANDRIA CALENDAR> PAGE 8

Thousands will join in the revelry for the 286th anniversary of George Washington’s birth in his adopted hometown of Alexandria, Virginia. The city celebrates the General’s birthday throughout the month of February with 16 festive events, including the George Washington Birthday Parade, a Cherry Challenge among Alexandria’s restaurants, free admission to historic sites, popular walking tours and an 18th-century banquet and ball. Alexandria is a “best of ” when it comes to the spectrum of sites and special events associated with General Washington. With George Washington’s Mount Vernon just eight miles south of historic Old Town, more than 140 locations in present-day Alexandria are associated with the nation’s first president who conducted business, gathered with friends, worshiped and even owned a townhouse in the city. For complete event information, visit www.VisitAlexandriaVA.com/GWbday.

FEBRUARY 19TH GEORGE WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY PARADE 1-3 PM OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA The nation’s largest George Washington Birthday parade marches a one-mile route through the streets of Old Town Alexandria. This community parade honors one of the Alexandria’s favorite sons. For more information, including parking, maps, route and status, visit www. washingtonbirthday.net or call 703-829-6640. FREE.

Old Town Crier



Expected Social Media Trends for


New Year brings new and experimental trends in the ever-growing world of Technology and Social Media. As someone who aligns with what is “hip”, I find, as I gracefully mature, I am not as educated in some of the innovations in Social Media that are coming to the forefront. Therefore, I am writing and researching these trends for a “collective” benefit. Here are some of the expected changes and trends for 2018: Augmented Reality: First, Augmented Reality is a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user’s view of the real world, thus providing a composite view, unlike Virtual Reality where you are encompassed entirely in a virtual environment. This past Christmas, my brother received Star Wars: Jedi Challenges. We are both self proclaimed Star Wars nerds, so at the ages of 36 and 33, respectively, we turned into 6 year olds at the sight of the box. Jedi Challenges is an Augmented Reality game that allows you to use a light saber replica as you fight

Old Town Crier

villains like Darth Vader and Kylo Ren (he would be the first to go in my gameplay). An Augmented Reality head set powers the game; aka a holder with lenses for your phone, a tracking beacon, and most importantly THE light saber. This shows you how mobile gaming is taking a step forward to compete against console and computer gaming. Some of you are probably thinking, “why?”….while the other half of you are already rearranging your furniture. As far as Augmented Reality and Social Media, there are talks of Snapchat and Instagram supporting filters that will allow users to take selfies with a friend or celebrity projected via Augmented Reality. Brands also could soon project their products into the homes of social media users through special filters. Influencer Marketing: According to LINQIA, a company that helps deliver influencer ROI (Return on Investment) 90% of marketers who employ an “Influencer

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February 2018 | 3





hou Chou Scantlin is a force to be reckoned with. If any of you are remotely familiar with Doc Scantlin and His Imperial Palms Orchestra, you know that Chou Chou is the heart of the show. Doc and his band of merry men and women have been transforming audiences back to the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s with their music and merriment since 1983. Chou Chou has been by his side the whole way. I have to confess that my interview with Chou Chou was a little unconventional in that it was conducted solely via email. My preference is to be face to face with my subject matter since I think you get a better feel for who they are but this was different. When I contacted Chou Chou about being profiled for this issue and asked where and when we could meet, she very openly told me, “Because sensory processing, and the hypersensitivity challenges when not home or on stage, are, by far, my greatest challenge, the best way for me to work with reporters or interviewers is often by email. Granted, there is nothing like real life connection, but I can never guarantee how well I will manage the environment.

I adore people and have not one shred of social anxiety, and, obviously, no shyness. I just take in the environment with no governor; no filter. I jokingly refer to it as “Cat in the Washing Machine Syndrome”.” Chou Chou is autistic. She is very open about the struggles that she has had and is also a huge advocate for those who share those struggles. This is when I decided to take a bit of a different turn with the profile. Instead of concentrating on the very obvious and over the top talent that Chou Chou has I wanted you to get to know her. She very graciously gave me permission to access her blog “Blissfully Being”. The following is a portion of one of her first entry in March of 2016. “Conflict has always been my kryptonite. I am a very polite person. I am also a professional entertainer. So when, rather reluctantly, it was revealed rather publicly that I was an autistic woman, I found myself caught in the spotlight of a curious new

4 | February 2018

photo by Nancy Milburn

branding. I was befriended by many members of the autism community and the larger disabilities rights movement, as well as parents and educators of autistic children. And I never felt lonelier. There is a school of thought that says identity is a combination of how we see ourselves, how others see

us, and how we think others see us. Being suddenly seen as autistic did not change how I saw myself, but decidedly changed how others saw me, and it didn’t take long until my idea of how I thought others saw me changed drastically. That changed my view of

myself. My genuinely happy demeanor was seen as masking my suffering. My challenges were to be pitied. Some of my most mediocre endeavors were celebrated as inspirational, considering how “damaged” a person I was. Some people stopped talking to me directly and chose to address my husband instead. The worst moment of all was when someone actually patted me on the head and, with baby talk so I would “understand” her “kindness”, said to a stranger, “And here is our special girl”. I was frozen in shock. After all, I was still the same person as before being seen as autistic: a mother, wife, producer, performer, darn good cook and life hacker, smart in some things and not so much at others, tempered, like others, by a life filled with my fair share of joys and sorrows. I think I live a winning life, even by the most neurotypical standards, so this new pity and patronage was something I felt I didn’t deserve. After all, I was not

disabled. I certainly did not consider myself a valid representative of disabled people, or even other autistic people. I did things differently, faced certain challenges, but didn’t everyone? Besides, I was great at hiding mine. So I sucked it up, politely, continued to congratulate myself on taking the high road and moved on. At the same time, I saw my Facebook newsfeed fill up with more and more advocates of Disabilities Rights, many angry, young, and fired with passion to change the world. Some even attacked me, for they seldom held back anything for the sake of tone or manner. Some, I cheered on, with great admiration, for they were trying to make positive changes. Others had challenges far different from mine, and I could not relate to. I certainly was no expert on their plight. I was encouraged to add my voice to the mix, as a fellow disabled person. But, I thought, I am not disabled! I am winning at life! I cannot speak on behalf of this group, for I am not of this tribe. And then something happened, and I gloriously was. I was sitting in the kitchen of people I love, sweet, kind, loving relations PERSONALITY PROFILE > PAGE 11

Old Town Crier



Reviewing Your Investment Objective


eriodically reviewing your investments to ensure they are on the right track is an important and meaningful measure in working toward your financial goals. Here is a simple but valuable way to get more from your investment strategy. When your next brokerage statement arrives, check your account profile to make sure that all the sections are accurate and up to date. This includes your investment objective, risk tolerance, and time horizon.

Investment objective Focusing on your investment objectives helps us align the other parts of your investment strategy – risk tolerance, time horizon, and liquidity needs – appropriately. Our asset allocation models are grouped within three overarching portfolio orientations: • Income: Portfolios that emphasize current income with minimal consideration for capital appreciation. They usually have less exposure to historically more volatile growth assets. Old Town Crier

• Growth and Income: Portfolios that emphasize a blend of current income and capital appreciation. They usually have some exposure to historically more volatile growth assets. • Growth: Portfolios that emphasize capital appreciation with minimal consideration for current income. They usually have significant exposure to historically more volatile growth assets.

Risk tolerance Everyone is different when it comes to factoring risk into their investment strategy. Each investment objective can be tilted toward assets that tend to be more or less volatile. Risk tolerance is the amount of risk you’re willing and able to accept in order to help achieve your financial goals. Risk tolerance should be viewed along the following continuum: • Conservative investors accept the lowest amount of risk. • Moderate investors seek a balance between stability and appreciation in their portfolio.

• Aggressive investors accept a higher risk for losses while seeking greater potential for returns.

Time horizon How long do you plan to invest before you’ll need the money? The answer, of course, depends on your stage in life and your goals. Your time horizon is the expected number of months, years, or decades you plan to invest toward your financial goals. Time horizon is generally expressed as: • Immediate – Less than 1 year • Short-term – 1 to 3 years • Intermediate – 3 to 5 years • Moderate – 5 to 10 years • Long-term – More than 10 years When checking your portfolio’s alignment, it’s also a good idea to make sure you’ve accounted for your liquidity needs. Liquidity measures the ease with which you can meet financial obligations with your available liquid assets. For reference, cash is the most liquid asset, while real estate, fine art, and collectibles are all relatively

illiquid. Liquidity needs include: • Significant (primary need is liquidity) • Moderate (may need quick access to cash) • None (have other sources of cash) When building your portfolio, it can be tricky to figure out if you’re getting the best return for your risk level. Talk with your financial advisor to make sure your strategy is on track to help achieve your goals. Our firm does not provide legal or tax advice. This article was written by/for Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Carl M. Trevisan, Managing DirectorInvestments and Stephen M. Bearce, First Vice President- Investments in Alexandria, VA at 800-247-8602. Investments in securities and insurance products are: not FDIC-insured/Not bank-guaranteed/May lose value. Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2017 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved. February 2018 | 5





ost of the businesses that we profile here are of the run of the mill retail type with a few entrepreneurial types tossed in the mix. Grace Executive Service falls into the latter category. Arriving in the metro DC area in the fall of 1987, Francene Hudson left the Hoosier State of Indiana and a very abusive ex-husband and embarked on a new phase in her life. Not really knowing exactly what she was going to do, but in need of a job, she decided to answer a help wanted plea at Burlington Coat Factory. Afterall, you never know what can happen in the world of retail. She was hired immediately and made the “Manager of Handbags and Accessories”. She was settling in to her new role in retail when she waited on a gentleman named Eddie White and his wife during the Christmas season. Evidently she made a big impression on Mr. White – White Limousine Services – and he asked her to

6 | February 2018

apply for a position in his business. She was very up front with the fact that she could drive but couldn’t read a map to save her soul but he told her he was looking for someone to work in his office. She did as he asked and once again was hired on the spot. Shortly after she was working on the books at White she discovered that the current manager had been embezzling. He was fired and this meant an immediate promotion for her. She subsequently became business partners with White and they ran the business until his health failed and he wanted to sell his half of the business. Long story short, she went into business with a family member and that didn’t work out so she moved on. During her time at White, Francene did learn how to read a map and had a pretty good handle on the area and had been behind the wheel for quite some time. One of their major clients was NBC and that is when she met Tim Russert and pretty much became his driver. When

things fell apart at White, it was Russert who gave Francene a hand up. She tells me that he called her “Franny” and when he heard what was happening he wanted to loan her $10,000.00 on her good faith to help her start out on her own. That is when Grace Executive Service was launched. She purchased some vehicles and put together drivers and was off to the races. Keeping the clientele at NBC and picking up clients the likes of Pat Buchanan (yes, that Pat Buchanan who she tells me is a different person when he’s not on the air and who she drives for on a regular basis), Francene has driven people from all walks of life. Russert’s untimely death was hard on Francene but she is thankful every day for what he did for her. When I asked what made her decide to name her business Grace Executive, she simply said, “It came about by God’s grace.” While she says she is in no way a “bible banger” she is a woman of faith. She has had many highs and many lows in her life and

she attributes the fact that she has persevered to her faith. She is the sole proprietor of Grace Executive and the only full time driver. She told me that with the advent of the Uber Black Car program and competition from the large limo services it has been harder and harder to maintain business. Her specialty is oneon-one service and welcomes new clients on a daily basis. If you are looking for someone who is trustworthy, dedicated and diligent about her job, Francene is your person. She also has the capability and resources to arrange transportation for any events and excursions in the metro area. The Old Town Crier strives to help small businesses in our distribution area and we sincerely hope that if you have a need for personal and or business transportation services at a reasonable price with one-on-one attention, contact Francene. Grace Executive Service 301-456-5210

graceexecutiveservice@gmail. com Old Town Crier

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Old Town Crier

February 2018 | 7


FEBRUARY 17TH – 19TH & 22ND WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION 17TH – 19TH 9 A.M.-4 P.M. 22ND - 9 A.M.-4 P.M. GEORGE WASHINGTON’S MOUNT VERNON On February 17-18, wish the General a happy birthday while enjoying hoecakes made over the open fire, #PoseLikeThePrez in the Education Center Lobby and observe wreathlayings at Washington’s Tomb. Across the estate, listen to members of the Washington family recount stories about the General, visit with George and Martha Washington at the Interpretive Center and watch dancing demonstrations on the bowling green. On February 19, enjoy free admission to Mount Vernon, witness a presidential tribute featuring honored guests, a wreathlaying at Washington’s tomb, watch Continental soldiers conduct a marching drill, and enjoy character performances around the estate. From 10 a.m.-4 p.m. greet author Jeff Finegan who will sign books from his series, I Knew George Washington. For more information, visit www. mountvernon.org/birthday or call 703-780-2000.

FEBRUARY 17TH GEORGE WASHINGTON’S BIRTHNIGHT BANQUET & BALL 5:30-11 P.M. (9 P.M. IF ATTENDING THE BALL ONLY) GADSBY’S TAVERN MUSEUM Don your dancing shoes for this famous celebration of Washington’s Birthday at Gadsby’s Tavern Museum,

set in the year 1799. The evening includes an 18thcentury banquet, English country dancing, dessert collation, character reenactors plus the General and Mrs. Washington. Period costume optional; “afterfive” attire encouraged. Cost is $125 per ticket. $150 per person ticket includes dinner in the same room with the Washingtons. $250 per person ticket reserves your spot at a table with the Washingtons for dinner. Reservations required. To purchase tickets, visit Alexandriava.gov/ Shop or call 703-746-4242.

FEBRUARY 19TH HISTORIC ALEXANDRIA OPEN HOUSES 11 A.M.-4 P.M. VARIOUS MUSEUMS THROUGHOUT OLD TOWN ALEXANDRIA In honor of George Washington’s birthday, admission is free at these historic Alexandria sites: Friendship Firehouse Museum, Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum and The Lyceum: Alexandria’s History Museum. FREE.


FEBRUARY 1ST, 8TH, & 15TH 18TH CENTURY DANCE CLASSES 7:30-9:30 P.M. GADSBY’S TAVERN MUSEUM In preparation for George Washington’s Birthnight Ball on February 17, learn 18thcentury English country dancing from expert dance instructors at Gadsby’s Tavern Museum. Tickets are $12 per class or $30 for the series. Reservations

GRACE EXECUTIVE SERVICE Meeting All of Your Transportation Needs Specializing In Personal Chauffeur Services



are recommended. For more information, visit Alexandriava.gov/ Shop or call 703-746-4242.

FEBRUARY 11TH FACETIME WITH HISTORY: DR. SAMUEL DÖMJEN, NATURAL PHILOSOPHER 1-4 P.M. GADSBY’S TAVERN MUSEUM Meet natural philosopherDr. Samuel Dömjen at Gadsby’s Tavern Museum. Learn about his story from the past while journeying through the museum. Admission is $5 per adult. For more information, visit www.alexandriava.gov/ GadsbysTavern or call 703746-4242.

FEBRUARY 18TH REVOLUTIONARY WAR REENACTMENT 10 A.M.-3 P.M. FORT WARD MUSEUM & HISTORIC SITE Historic camp and tactical demonstrations throughout the day, including a Revolutionary War skirmish at 2 p.m. between the Redcoats and the Colonial Army. Participants include renowned reenactment units from around the United States dressed in authentic period costumes and demonstrating authentic 18th-century weaponry. For more information, visit www. washingtonbirthday.net or call 703-829-6640. FREE

FEBRUARY 19TH BREAKFAST & MEETING OF THE FRIENDSHIP VETERANS FIRE ENGINE ASSOCIATION 9-10:30 A.M. THE ALEXANDRIAN, AUTOGRAPH COLLECTION Sponsored by the Friendship Veterans Fire Engine Association, this annual tradition at The Alexandrian, Autograph Collection features “George Washington’s” first appearance of the day, a hearty breakfast and an address by a special guest. Tickets are $35. For more information, visit www. friendshipfire.net or call 703829-6640.

WREATH LAYING CEREMONY AT THE TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER OF THE REVOLUTION 11 A.M.-NOON, OLD PRESBYTERIAN MEETING HOUSE Join the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Sons of the American Revolution as they host colonial military and civilians to honor the soldiers of the Revolution at the Old Presbyterian Meeting House (321 S. Fairfax St.). FREE. BAND CONCERT 11 A.M.-NOON MARKET SQUARE Come enjoy a free onehour concert by the parade marching band units in honor of the General and Lady Washington at Market Square. FREE. ARMED FORCES COMMUNITY COVENANT CEREMONY 12 NOON-12:45 P.M. MARKET SQUARE Come honor our nation’s veterans and active military, and sign the community covenant document showing your support for our armed forces and their families at the Parade Reviewing Stand adjacent to Market Square. FREE.

FEBRUARY 22ND LECTURE: “I CANNOT TELL A LIE: MYTHS ABOUT GEORGE WASHINGTON THAT SHOULD BE DISCARDED” 7:30 P.M. GADSBY’S TAVERN MUSEUM Abigail Adams said that truth was George Washington’s best eulogy. During this lecture at Gadsby’s Tavern Museum, Professor Peter Henriques examines a number of the various myths that have developed and that keep us from better understanding the remarkable individual who was our first and greatest president. Doors open at 7 p.m., and the lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $12 per person or $10 for Society members and volunteers. Reservations are recommended. To purchase tickets, visit Alexandriava. gov/Shop or call 703-7464242

FEBRUARY 24TH GEORGE WASHINGTON SYMPOSIUM GEORGE WASHINGTON MASONIC NATIONAL MEMORIAL 1-4 P.M. The theme of the 2018 George Washington Symposium is Envisioning a Great Nation: Where George Washington’s Journeys Took Him. The symposium will take place Saturday, February 24, 2018, as part of the Memorial’s celebration of Washington’s Birthday. The lectures begin at 1 p.m. in the North Lodge Room. The George Washington Symposium is held annually on Washington’s Birthday to provide the public with enlightening contemporary research on the life of George Washington. Mark Tabbert, the Memorial’s director of collections, serves as the symposium’s master of ceremonies. Admission is free, and free parking is available. Attendees are asked to preregister at bit. ly/101Callahan. FREE. ANNUAL WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY GALA 5:30-9:30 P.M. Formal (white tie optional). Reception at 5:30 p.m. Entertainment in the Memorial Theater at 6:45 p.m. Banquet in the Memorial’s Grand Masonic Hall at 7:30 p.m. The presentation of the George Washington Memorial Award will take place during the banquet. Tickets are $150. Reservations are required. To purchase tickets, visit gwmemorial.org or call 703-683-2007.

For the most up-to-date information about related celebrations, visit www. washingtonbirthday.net. The George Washington Birthday Celebration Committee also maintains a 24-hour phone line that will report any change of status or the cancellation of any event (in case of inclement weather, for instance). Call the events hotline at 703-829-6640.

Check us out online at


or on Facebook at Old Town Crier Regional Magazine 8 | February 2018

Old Town Crier



(A Review of Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward) Medicine roots, swamp entrails, Feed desire, white want. Ghost-blanched tendrils dig for black blood Entranced, entwined, pining In sickness and in health.


esmyn Ward’s complex National Book award winner, Sing, Unburied, Sing, lends itself to an alternative form of book review. She pens a tale that offers the reader rich treasures of myth, symbol, and folklore while building its story. Its plainspoken cast of characters, bedeviled by love and suffering, stumble along paths built on the shaky bedrock of racist history. Woven with gorgeous, often painful images, Ward’s narrative takes circuitous routes to reach her novel’s ambiguous conclusions. Ward’s tale focuses on a sensitive biracial boy, JoJo, who has grown up in the Mississippi Gulf Coast swamp hamlet of Bois Sauvage with his sister, (Kayla) Michaela. His Black drug-addled mother, Leonie, yearns for his White father, Michael, in prison for cooking crystal meth. She ignores her children while working a lowlevel job and taking drugs. His upright and loving maternal grandfather, Pop, wrongfully imprisoned in Mississippi’s Parchman prison as a younger man, teaches him how to take care of Old Town Crier

Bag of Delta, gris-gris Pocket your love boy Hold it close. Trip the dark fantastic My only mother. livestock and a homestead. His spiritual but practical grandmother, Mam, infused with Voodoo and Catholic ritual, takes care of him and his sister at home, mixing up folk remedies for pain and sickness from her gardens and woods. When Michael’s sentence is up, Leonie and a friend take the children to pick him up at Parchman prison in Faulkner-fecund Mississippi, far away from the Gulf Coast. Her mother, Mam, is dying of cancer, and Leonie leaves Pop there to take care of her. JoJo becomes his sister Kayla’s primary caretaker on the trip as he is at home, protecting her from her neglectful, conflicted mother. This road trip awaken demons in Leonie and her son. Leonie sees her love Michael as her only sun, the compass of her life, even though his White cousin shot her Black brother for winning a bet. In turn he loves her unreservedly despite his parents’ intransigent racism towards Blacks. Yet when high on the road trip, Leonie sees

Furrows under blaze white skies Chains, hanging talons, Run boy run. Ghost blood baying Prison bird Poison bird Burning bird fly Beyond the bayou.

her dead brother constantly out of the corner of her eye, as JoJo suddenly starts to see Richie, a Black friend of his Pop’s who died at Parchman Prison years ago. JoJo’s travels north become a rite of passage, in which he has to follow the thread of Richie’s story to find his own way. After I absorbed this book, I tried to think of a way to review it without draining it of its heart and life. Following is the first poem I’ve written in years—it tells this story best because poetry expands when prose contracts. Sing, Unburied, Sing, opens the mind to existential flights of love and fury.

Hear him Hear her Hear them So many —I had not thought death had undone so many.— Sing, sing snakes Before blood-watered Styx Shed your fiery scales That Tree drops Poison fruit, boy. My life wanders alone. Alone mama. River love, unspooling Lovers stumble, winding Heaven-hell unbinding In sickness and in health. Keen, boy, keen This is the unblinding Stand up and find the man His sickness is his wealth.

—Miriam R. Kramer

February 2018 | 9





ith her latest EP release, “Follow My Heart”, Pauline Frechette creates emotional music that is simple and melodic with poetic lyrics that tell her story. The EP includes both a vocal version and instrumental version of the same song. In the vocal rendition, Pauline’s technically demanding vocal is delivered with such a purity of heart and with such honesty that it created quite a visceral effect on me. I felt myself pulled into her world. In fact, I was caught quite unaware of how deeply it affected me emotionally. There is something about her breathy delivery of her intimate lyric that brought me back to the pains of my own early discoveries of love and life. Here’s just a sample of her lyrics: “Follow my heart to a time when I first discovered love, and the summer wind caressed my salty tears.” and “Follow my heart to a time when I first discovered life, with the beauty of a

10 | February 2018

Music & Lyrics by

Pauline Frechette Arranged and produced by

David Campbell Vocal version written & performed by

Pauline Frechette Instrumental version features

Stewart Cole on trumpet symphony I cried.” … “There, all alone I was one with the night. Barely breathing, capturing the stars.” There’s something about that last lyric, sung with cascading notes accompanying it, that took me back to my teens lying on the beach, listening to the waves and allowing myself to get lost in the stars. After falling in love with the vocal rendition, I wasn’t sure I wanted to hear it as an instrumental. But I was pleasantly surprised to find myself again transferred from Earth into the stars

with the strength of her communication being told in her melody alone, even devoid of any lyric. Stewart Cole is featured on trumpet in this sensual and jazzy instrumental version. Known for his virtuosity with Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros, Stewart brought his own brand of dynamic flare and personality to the song. I could easily hear either track, the vocal version or the instrumental, being played in a smoke filled jazz club somewhere in Paris or Berlin. It’s definitely a song that will

stay with you long after the first hearing. The legendary David Campbell is the arranger/ producer of this EP. His credits include arrangements on more than 500 gold and platinum records. (Go to davidmusic.com to hear more of his work) And with Pauline Frechette’s, “Follow My Heart” he has created yet another stellar arrangement by weaving two cellos, one acoustic bass and a tenor saxophone into a landscape of musical counter-point as dictated by Frechette’s original piano score. The music and vocals to “Follow My Heart” were recorded together live in Hollywood, at Capitol Records, Studio B where such legendary singers as Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin recorded some of their most classic songs. Not a wonder that Frechette chose that studio to record “Follow My Heart” since her song has all the markings of becoming a classic itself. Old Town Crier


Marketing Strategy” believe it is successful. This strategy is where companies find Social Media users that have a large audience and employ them to promote their product to their followers. In the past year, companies that used traditional advertising strategies struggled to connect with social media users. With this result, it is likely that more brands will embrace influencer marketing as a way to connect with audiences who tend to ignore traditional marketing strategies. Digital Hangouts: Want to connect with an old group of friends and hang out? Yet, all of you have gone your separate ways? Now there is a platform called “House Party.” According to Tech-Crunch, “House Party,” is a video hangout platform used by over one million people each day that allows you to connect with friends digitally. The current users primarily are “Gen Zers” which is the average age of 22. “House Party” has been so successful that Facebook is investigating ways to create a similar functionality in their platform. Twitter: Twitter has been one of the Social Media platforms that have not introduced any new features in the past year, unlike every other platform. Some have said that Twitter is “circling the drain.” Therefore, we might see some new and exciting things from them to keep up with the ever-changing market! We can expect to see a lot more changes, but it looks like Augmented Reality and Video Streaming are going to be the front-runner in the changes with Social Media and Technology. On that note, Kylo Ren is summoning me for a rematch!


with pure hearts. I have never known them to have anything but the best of intentions. The conversation drifted to them speaking of their church, and one of these sweet and gentle relations expressed how awful it was that the church had been “forced” to put a wheelchair ramp to the pulpit, and how it ruined the look of the altar. I had that same stunned shock as when I was patted on the head. Did he not think, I asked, that all members of the congregation had a right to access the pulpit, since members regularly use it as part of the service? He said, with a now-familiar patronage and pity, that “we” would be happy to carry one of “them” up to the pulpit and that “we” should not have to put up with this unsightly ramp for a few of “them”. Besides the obvious problem being the poorly designed ramp, it did not occur to him that he was speaking of my friends as inconvenient. Time stopped for me. I thought of my advocate friends, of the “we” and “them”. I thought of how far more I related to “them” now, and the laughable, horrible, injustice of thinking of access and dignity and rights of humanity as inconvenient. Time stopped, and I grew. I understood why my young friends were fighting so hard. If such loving, gentle people as these relations could think this way, what did my disabled friends face by those less kind daily? If I, with my mostly invisible but very real challenges, oh yes, now I’ll say it, disabilities, have had my dignity stripped by a pat on the head, what imprinting of indignities did they face? Not to mention all the other groups labeled as “them”. Kind intentions towards “them” is not a valid justification for the othering. There is, in reality, only the “we”. We are all human, all worthy of access and dignity, and not inconvenient. And so, proudly, I am now disabled. And far more able to be part of humanity. We are we. There is no them. To not be able to embrace the idea of the unity of “we” disables us all.” I met Chou Chou a few years ago when she and Doc were performing at the Carlyle Club here in Alexandria. We were attending the show and taking photographs for a profile that we were doing on Doc and the band at the time. It would never have crossed my mind that she was anything other than extremely talented, warm hearted and loving and a bit eccentric (she and Doc live a truly retro life in their “Bungalow on the Bay” near Annapolis) and genuine in every way. I have loved getting to know her via our email transactions and am looking forward to seeing her again soon. The Band will be performing at the Carlyle Club on Friday, February 16th at 8 pm to celebrate Valentine’s Day and Mardi Gras. Ticket information available at docscantlin.com and by contacting the Club at thecarlyleclub.com. Old Town Crier



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AFTER HOURS Birchmere 703.549.7500 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave. birchmere.com The Blackwall Hitch 571-982-3577 5 Cameron St. theblackwallhitch.com Carlyle Club 411 John Carlyle Dr. 703-549-8957 thecarlyleclub.com Chadwicks 203 S. Strand St. 703.836.4442 Evening Star Cafe 703.549.5051 2000 Mt. Vernon Ave. The Fish Market 703.836.5676

105 King St. fishmarketoldtown.com King Street Blues 703.836.8800 112 N. St. Asaph St. La Portas 703.683.6313 1600 Duke St. Las Tapas 703.836.4000 710-714 King St. lastapas.us The Light Horse 703.549.0533 715 King St. lighthorserestaurant.com Murphys Irish Pub 703.548.1717 713 King St. murphyspub.com

O’Connell’s 703.739.1124 112 King St. Rock It Grill 703.739.2274 1319 King St. Shooter McGees 703.751.9266 5239 Duke St. shootermcgees.com Southside 815 703.836.6222 815 S. Washington St. St. Elmos 703.739.9268 2300 Mt. Vernon Ave. Taverna Cretekou 703.548.8688 818 King St.

TJ Stones 703.548.1004 608 Montgomery St. tjstones.com Trattoria da Franco 703-548-9338 305 S. Washington St. Two Nineteen 703.549.1141 219 King St. These establishments offer live entertainment. Call to confirm show times, dates and cover charges. Check our advertisers’ websites

February 2018 | 11




Erik Thor Sandberg

at the Katzen!


should start this column by writing: “If you see only one art show this year…” but then, I suspect and hope that most of you who read this column see more than one art show a year. Do not miss the fantastic show by DC area painter Erik Thor Sandberg at the American University Museum - Katzen Arts Center (through March 11, 2018). The news release tells me that this “exhibition features a series of new paintings by American artist Erik Thor Sandberg within the context of selected earlier works. Sandberg is known internationally for pushing the skillful illusionism of master oil painting to the current edge of Magic Realism on threedimensional wood panels of his own design. Grounded

12 | February 2018

in humanism, Sandberg’s paintings present a compelling contemporary expression of how people connect with each other, nature and basic elements of life.” That is all true, but, since I’ve known Sandberg (and have admired his works since he was an art student under the great Margarida Kendall Hull at George Washington University – in my reckoning the greatest realist teacher ever to grace a DMV art school classroom) for several decades now, I can add also that Sandberg’s exceptional artistic talent goes beyond “skillful illusionism” and (in addition to that) is also augmented with a healthy dose of psychological kung fu that reaches into the solar plexus of one’s mind with the

Offerings punching power of a Bruce Lee on steroids. What Sandberg paints on his canvas are gorgeous mind hooks that ensnare the viewer and hypnotizes the casual observer beyond what a “normal painting” would offer. Early in his career, Sandberg was often compared to the creations of Hieronymus Bosch, the fantastical and somewhat macabre Dutch 1400s master who populated his canvasses with images that once seen are seldom forgotten. But there’s

a part of me who thinks that Bosch was reincarnated not as a painter, but as Stephen King, perhaps the greatest living American writer (yeah, yeah… start bitching, but no one comes close to SK), and thus Sandberg stands uniquely on his own, and in my opinion is actually a much better painter than Bosch. Seriously, I read that somewhere… I wrote it, and then I read it. “Campello, are you serious?” Yes I am, just GALLERY BEAT > PAGE 13

Old Town Crier



because a master lived and worked 600 years ago, and painted canvasses like no one else had painted before him, doesn’t make him unapproachable in talent and skill, and Erik Thor Sandberg is loaded to the max with both, and then on top of that he brings to his canvas an acidic viewpoint that is what often sneaks into the fluids of our brain matter and worms its way to that place where a little alien voice whispers for the viewer to drops his/her jaw a little when viewing his works… and then start trying to interpret what we see. For example, look at “Offering” (2017, oil on panel, 42 x 49 inches), where one can spend three written pages just describing and admiring the sensuality of the female figure’s erotic curvature of the belly, curling of the toes, and anti-gravity of impossibly young breasts. But noooo… instead we are diverted to her curious offering of a battle castle that reminds us of the Reconquista and Spain’s warrior queen – is that milk-white body Isabella? Who knows? Is the boy her grandson Charles V, the last Holy Roman Emperor? Who knows?

But in a single swipe of that work, Sandberg has planted all those seeds in my mind, and I’m not even wondering yet as to what the young child is doing, or what the red flower growing behind her means? Is it a pomegranate flower (one of the symbols of the ancient Kingdom of Aragon)? I’m pretty sure that “Offering” has nothing to do with anything that grew in my mind when I see it – absolutely nothing. And yet, it now lives somewhere in my brain as such, and now in this set of written words as that, because that’s what Sandberg’s enviable skills as a painter, storyteller and canvas magician have delivered to me. Don’t miss this show. A catalogue is available, and there’s also a much more elegant and comprehensible essay about Sandberg by Vesela Sretenović, Senior Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC. The gorgeous American University Museum - Katzen Arts Center is located at 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20016 and the museum hours are: Tuesday – Sunday, 11am – 4pm – and there’s usually lots and lots of parking!

GALLERIES Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 N. Union Street

Spurgeon-Lewis Antiques 112 N. Columbus Street

Principle Gallery 208 King Street

BW Art, Antiques & Collectibles 108 N. Fayette Street

Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery 105 N. Union Street

Imperfections Antiques 1210 King Street

St. George Gallery 105 N. Alfred Street

The Antique Guild 113 N. Fairfax Street

The Art League 105 Union Street

Silverman Galleries 110 N. St. Asaph Street

Local Colour Old Town 218 N. Lee Street

Red Barn Mercantile 1117 King Street

Icon Galleria 101 N. Union Street

Washington Square Antiques 425 S. Washington Street

B&B Art Gallery 215 King Street

Susquehanna Antique Co. 608 Cameron Street

Gallery West 1213 King Street

Old Town Antiques 222 S. Washington Street

Enamelist’s Gallery 105 N. Union Street

Verdigris Vintage 1215 King Street

Printmakers, Inc. 105 N. Union Street

Cavalier Antiques 400 Prince Street

Kelly’s Art & Frame 510 N. Washington Street

Sumpter Priddy III 323 S. Washington Street

Oerth Gallery 420 S. Washington Street

Henry Street Antiques 115 S. Henry Street

Jeffrey Winter Fine Arts 110A S. Columbus Street

Curzon Hill Antiques 108 S. Columbus Street

Johnston Matthew 105 N. Union Street

The Hour 1015 King Street

Huddy Studio 105 N. Union Street

A Galerie 315 Cameron Street

Mezzanine Multiples 105 N. Union Street

Random Harvest 810 King Street

Silverman Galleries 110 N. St. Asaph Street

Acme Mid-Century + Modern 128 S. Royal Street

Cochran David 105 N. Union Street

Van Bommel Antiek Hous 1007 King Street

Betty Grisham Studio 105 N. Union Street

Lloyd’s Row 119 S. Henry Street

Imagine Artwear 112 King Street

Version 1

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Version 2

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Old Town Crier

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Sold loose and ready for framing! Each signed and numbered print from this tiny unique edition of 10 prints is $100, packing and shipping included. Email info@alidaanderson.com to order – once this edition is sold out, it is gone forever!

February 2018 | 13




ven though it may still be cold, damp and miserable outdoors, an occasional dose of sunshine could certainly put the gardening bug into you. With a little luck, Mother Nature will send a few blossoms your way this month. We are now at a time when we can no longer put off those garden projects, waiting for a nice day......don’t be caught off guard though, winter is far from being over! If exceptionally cold weather is forecast, provide protection to early flowering or tender plants by covering them with some type of cloth material. Remove the covering as soon as the weather moderates again.

Shrubs and trees • Deciduous shrubs and trees are still dormant enough to transplant this month, once the buds have begun to swell, it will be to late. Click these links for information on transplanting azaleas or 14 | February 2018

moving specimen plants. • Trees which weren’t fed last fall should be deep fed by punching a series of 1-2 inch holes two feet apart around the drip line and filled with an appropriate food. A mulch of well composted manure is also an excellent treat for your tree. • Mid to late February is the time to fertilize shrubs and evergreens. Use an acid type rhododendron fertilizer to feed evergreens, conifers, broad leaf evergreens, rhododendrons, azaleas and camellias. Use an allpurpose fertilizer to feed roses and other deciduous trees and shrubs. If you use dry type fertilizers, be sure to water it in thoroughly. • Prune your summer flowering shrubs now but be aware that spring bloomers have already produced their buds last fall, and pruning them now will result in the loss of flowers. Forsythia,

quince, spirea and other early spring flowering shrubs should be pruned a little later, after they have finished flowering. Pruning to improve the shape of the plant, as well as to open up the center of the plant to good air circulation and sun exposure. Always start your pruning by removing all dead, decayed or broken branches. Click these links for information on pruning roses or general procedures. • It’s a good time to stroll around and trim back any branches that were damaged by the ravages of winter. • If you haven’t yet applied your dormant fruit spray, DO IT NOW!!

Perennials, annuals, and bulbs • Plants which may have been pushed out of the ground by frost heave should be pressed firmly back into place.

• Plant daylilies, bleeding hearts, and plantain lilies this month. • Deciduous vines such as honeysuckle should be pruned and shaped. • Most perennials may be divided and moved up until they begin to show new growth. • Check your stored plants such as fuschias and geraniums, and if they are shriveled water them lightly. • Summer flowering bulbs may try to start into growth if they are subjected to heat. They should be kept very dry, and stored at 45 degrees F. If they are shriveling, put them into slightly damp peat moss, but keep them cool! • If you plan to grow lobelia, ageratum, verbena, petunia, vinca, or other slowing plants from scratch, the seeds should be started indoors in the later part of the month. For more information see growing Old Town Crier


plants from seeds. • Climbing roses should be thinned out to get rid of last years tangled growth.

Odds and ends • House plants may notice the longer days, and begin growing. You can begin

feeding them again, but use a dilute 50% fertilizer mix until the growth is robust. • Continue feeding our feathered friends, you’ll want them to stick around to help you in insect control when the weather warms again. • Did you check your garden tools yet? Don’t wait ‘til

the spring rush to get your mower back in shape! • In the event of snow, be sure to shake or brush off the white stuff from the branches of your evergreens and shrubs. • It’s time to turn the compost pile! This column provided by TheGardenHelper.com

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Old Town Crier

February 2018 | 15



George Washington’s Death and Holiday


emembering that all must die…I hope you will bear the misfortune with that fortitude and complacency of mind, that become a man and a Christian,” General George Washington wrote in 1777.

Apotheosis of Washington by David Edwin, engraving, circa 1800

Credit National Portrait Gallery

Washington died at home on December 14, 1799, at age 67. His death surprised the nation. On the morning of 16 | February 2018

December 12, 1799, Washington departed on horseback to inspect his Mount Vernon property. It was a bad weather day; he rode in rain, hail and snow. When he returned home for dinner “his neck appeared to be wet, and the snow was hanging from his hair.” He sat down to eat rather than change his clothes. The next day Washington complained of sickness. His wife Martha noticed he could barely speak, was hoarse and having trouble breathing. The cold and snow continued; Martha’s request for medical help denied. General Washington was stricken with inflammatory quinsy. A variety of home and physician remedies were administered, including a mixture of molasses, vinegar and butter…sal volatile… blister of cantharides…sage tea and vinegar…calomel, as well as tartar emetic. None eased the inflammation. Dr. Elisha Cullen Dick, age 37, one of two Alexandria doctors called for consultation, recommended a tracheotomy to ease the General’s breathing. Dr. James Craik, age 70, and Maryland’s Dr. Gustavus Brown refused his advice. Instead Dr. Craik

bled Washington for the fourth time, taking five pints of blood in total. Soon after General Washington summoned wife Martha to his side. He requested two documents, burned one and placed the other, his chosen will and testament in her closet. “I die hard, but I am not afraid to go…My breath cannot last long,” Washington told Drs. Craik, Dick and Brown. He then “bid adieu to Sublunary Scenes.” “It is with inexpressible grief, that I have to announce to you the death of the great and good General Washington,” Tobias Lear, Washington’s Secretary wrote on December 15, 1799. In his death, the nation found its soul. “…It has pleased Divine Providence to remove from this life our excellent fellowcitizen, George Washington, by the purity of his character and a long series of services to his country rendered illustrious through the world,” President John Adams replied. “It remains for an affectionate and grateful people, in whose hearts he can never die, to pay suitable honors to his memory.” Washington’s body was

first taken to the Mansion’s large dining room. There it was placed in a lead lined, mahogany casket constructed by Alexandria cabinetmaker Joseph Ingle. The burial, however, was delayed three days. “The family vault at Mount Vernon requiring repairs, and being improperly situated besides, I desire that a new one of Brick, and upon a larger Scale, may be built at the foot of what is commonly called the Vineyard Inclosure, on the ground which is marked out,” General Washington willed. “In which my remains,…may be deposited. And it is my express desire that my Corpse may be Interred in a private manner, without parade, or funeral oration.” On December 18, 1799, the day of Washington’s funeral, the U.S. House of Representatives adjourned; the Virginia House of Delegates each wore “a badge of mourning,” and the State Society of the Cincinnati of Virginia Resolved to “wear a black crepe on the left arm for three months.” The funeral service included a procession, Masonic ritual A BIT OF HISTORY > PAGE 17

Old Town Crier


and prayer. “George Town, Dec. 20. In the long and lofty portico, where oft the hero walked in all his glory, now lay the shrouded corpse. The countenance still composed and serene, seemed to express the dignity of the spirit which lately dwelt in that lifeless form. Then those who paid the last sad honors to the benefactor of his country took an impressive, a farewell view…Between 3 and 4 o’clock the sound of artillery from a vessel in the [Potomac] river firing minute guns awoke afresh our solemn sorrow. The procession moved in the following order: Cavalry, Infantry, and Guard with arms reversed; The General’s horse with his saddle, holsters and pistols; The Corpse including Cols. Simms, Ramsey, Payne, Gilpin, Marstellu, and Little; Mourners, Masonic Brethren and Citizens. When the procession had arrived… where the family vault is placed, the cavalry halted… and the funeral services of the Church were performed…The Son of Glory was set forever.” Wife Martha and granddaughter Nelly Custis did not participate. They remained secluded in the

mansion. Martha was consumed with grief. On December 23, 1799, the U.S. Congress “Resolved… That a marble monument be erected by the United States, in the Capital, at the city of Washington, and that the family of General Washington be requested to permit his body to be deposited under it….” “Our country mourns her father,” Samuel Livermore [FNH], President of the Senate pro tempore explained. “The Almighty Disposer of Human Events has taken from us our greatest benefactor and ornament. It becomes us to submit with reverence to him who maketh darkness His pavilion…The scene is closed, and we are no longer anxious lest misfortune should sully his glory. He has traveled on to the end of his journey and carried with him an increasing weight of honor. He has deposited it safely, where misfortune can not tarnish it, where malice can not blast it...Thanks to God, his glory is consummated. Washington yet lives on earth in his spotless example; his spirit is in Heaven.” “I cannot but be sensible to the mournful tributes of respect and veneration, which

are paid to the memory of my dear deceased Husband,” Martha Washington responded. Taught by great example, she consented. As of 1878 only “the present speckled stone obelisk” stood. On January 6, 1800, Congress, and in turn President John Adams “recommended to the People of the United States to assemble on the twentysecond day of February [Washington’s birth date], in such numbers and manner as may be convenient, publicly to testify their grief for the death of General George Washington….” “For his fellow-citizens, if their prayers could have been answered, he would have been immortal,” President Adams told the Gentlemen of the Senate. “His example… will teach wisdom and virtue to magistrates, citizens, and men, not only in the present age, but in future generations as long as our history shall be read. If a Trajan [Roman Emperor] found a Pliny [Roman consul and writer], a Marcus Aurelius can never want biographers, eulogists, or historians.” Mason Locke [Parson] Weems of Dumfries, Virginia, cousin of Dr. James Craik,

was Washington’s first biographer. He sent Martha Washington a copy of his 80page pamphlet, The Life and Memorable Actions of George Washington, shortly after the General’s death. Weems enticed his publisher with the prediction that “it will sell like flax seed at quarter of a dollar.” Twenty-nine editions had been published by 1825, Weems’ death year, including the fifth edition’s fictitious cherry tree yarn. “Our Country having lost a Citizen in the late illustrious George Washington, the able, successful and heroic Leader of our Armies during the Revolutionary War, which gave us independence; the late wife, moderate and pacific President of the United States, whose unsullied Virtue, Wisdom and Magnanimity in discharging the duties of his public functions… were at once an elevated Example…We Deem It…a generous emulation of exalted Merit, to adopt a plan… to preserve in our minds… an animated recollection of those virtues which so eminently contributed to his Glory,” The Constitution of the Washington Society of Alexandria stated in 1800. “The 22d of February shall be

considered and observed as AN ANNIVERSARY...on this day, in each year.” “Where shall I begin in opening to your view a character throughout sublime?” U.S. Representative and former Continental Army cavalryman Henry “Light-horse Harry” Lee [FVA] asked a joint session of Congress on December 26, 1799. The federal holiday, legal since 1879 was moved to the third Monday in February in 1968. Alexandria’s 2018 celebratory parade is scheduled for February 19. Sarah Becker started writing for The Economist while a graduate student in England. Similar publications followed. She joined the Crier in 1996 while serving on the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association Board. Her interest in antiquities began as a World Bank hire, with Indonesia’s need to generate hard currency. Balinese history, i.e. tourism provided the means. The New York Times describes Becker’s book, Off Your Duffs & Up the Assets, as “a blueprint for thousands of nonprofit managers.” A former museum director, SLAM’s saving grace Sarah received Alexandria’s Salute to Women Award in 2007.

Submit your best images to be featured on the cover of the Old Town Crier each month in 2018!  Dimensions: 10.75 x 15.25in @ 300dpi  Photographer must be Local to the DMV  Subject Matter must be relative to the season (holidays included)  Info for Photo Credit with any copyright info must accompany submission  Please include a short blurb (1-2 sentences) about your image & contact info. for the ToC page  Compensation: Photo credit and front cover exposure  Submit images to office@oldtowncrier.com Photo: Lauren Fleming lfbphoto.smugmug.com

Old Town Crier

February 2018 | 17



Resolved to Get Healthier Last Month?

Did You Consider a Pet? active


ight behind the Times Square ball drop came the New Year’s resolutions to get healthier. We promised ourselves this is the year we’ll exercise more, eat less, go to bed earlier and meditate. If your goal truly is better overall health, you may want to add “get a pet” to the list. There’s a wealth of science to support the physical, psychological and emotional benefits of loving and being loved by an animal companion. But many people aren’t aware of the extent to which they can contribute to our well-being. Get moving! The most obvious benefit is the activity that comes with caring for your companion, especially dogs: walking, hiking, running or doing agility drills with Fido promotes a more

lifestyle. Published studies have found that children with dogs spent more time on moderate to vigorous physical activity than children without dogs, while adult dog owners walked an average of 5 hours per week vs. non-owners who clocked only 3 hours per week on average. Walking other pets – I knew a woman who walked her enormous pet rabbit on leash around downtown Chicago – may provide more moderate activity increases. But it’s all about the movement required by – or inspired by – our animals. Whatever it takes! There are many other very real (and some surreal) potential health benefits for the body and mind associated with pets. Here are a few you may be less familiar with: It’s the heart of the matter. Pets can reduce your stress levels, resulting in decreased blood pressure, cholesterol

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18 | February 2018

and triglyceride levels according to organizations such as the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control. This, in turn, can lower overall risk of heart attack, and speed the recovery process of heart attack patients. For cat owners, the risk may be lowered by as much as 40%. For dog owners, the statistics are equally compelling: Research shows if you’ve had a heart attack, owning a dog can increase your odds of survival from 1 in 87 to 1 in 15. Less sneezy, less wheezy? While it may seem counterintuitive in a world where more and more children are being diagnosed with allergies, scientific research suggests that exposure to cats and dogs in the household during infancy may decrease a child’s likelihood of developing allergies and eczema by helping the body fight off allergens. One study showed a decrease in allergy development related to cats of 33%. Other studies have shown that babies exposed to two or more dogs or cats were up to 77% less likely to develop allergies to dust, grass, ragweed and pets and were at a lower risk for

KING STREET CATS 25 Dove Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Every Saturday and Sunday from 1:30pm-4:30pm PETVALU Bradlee Shopping Center, 3652 King St, Alexandria, VA 22302 Every first and third Sat/Sun from 1pm-4pm PETCO UNLEASHED 1855 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington, DC 20007 Every fourth Sat/Sun from 12pm-3pm

asthma. According to Dr. William Davis of Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center in New York, “There’s something very important in that first year of life when the immune system is developing that we can retrain it away from an allergic response.” This may tie into findings that children living on farms develop fewer allergic diseases. According to the

American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, one theory is that farm animals increase exposure to endotoxins, which stimulate immune response and decrease allergic inflammation. Sprained Ankle? Get me Fluffy! One of the weirder health benefits of POINTS ON PETS > PAGE 19

Friends, Lauren Fleming and Shannon Trout, hike along the Appalachian Trail with their furry companions (left to right): Cobain, Link, Pretzel, and Occam.

PETCO UNLEASHED 1101 S Joyce St, Arlington, VA 22202 Every first Sat and third Sat/Sun from 1pm-4pm THE DOG PARK 705 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Every second Saturday from 1pm-4pm NATURES NIBBLES 2601 Mt Vernon Ave, Alexandria, VA 22301 Every second and fourth Saturday from 1pm-4pm

Old Town Crier


cat ownership is based on studies showing vibrations at a particular level helps heal bones, ligaments and muscles. According to a Scientific American article, “Cats purr during both inhalation and exhalation with a consistent pattern and a frequency between 25 and 150 Hertz. Various investigators have shown that sound frequencies in this range can improve bone density and promote healing. This association between the frequencies of cats’ purrs and improved healing of bones and muscles may provide help for some humans.” Don’t throw out your ice pack just yet, but early research is promising. And it seems to verify an old veterinarian adage: “If you put a cat and a bunch of broken bones in the same room, the bones will heal.” Let me ease your mind. Pets aren’t just good for the body, they’re good for the soul. There are numerous studies showing the psychological and emotional benefits our pets bring, including a calming influence, providing a sense of purpose and achievement, promoting socialization and helping alleviate feelings of loneliness. A study by psychologists at Miami University and Saint Louis University examined the potential benefits of pets among “everyday” people. They found that “pet owners fared better, both in terms of well-being outcomes and individual differences,

than non-owners on several dimensions. …Specifically, pet owners had greater selfesteem, were more physically fit, tended to be less lonely, were more conscientious, were more extraverted, tended to be less fearful and tended to be less preoccupied than non-owners.” Pet parents have always understood that their pets make them feel happy, but science helps us understand the “how” and “why,” and even the “what”. For example, who knew that smiling when your pet does something cute has health benefits? It triggers neurotransmitters that can raise serotonin and dopamine levels, which are associated with calmness and happiness. Or that staring into your dog’s eyes can increase levels of oxytocin in the brain (in both parties). This is the body’s “feel good” drug or the love hormone, which increases feelings of well-being and strengthens the bond between dog and human. The benefits list grows longer each day -- and that’s just for the average human. It doesn’t even touch on the amazing dogs and cats that sniff out disease, alert their owners to imminent medical crises or help them better cope with conditions such as ADHD, autism, PTSD or Parkinson’s. The bottom line is this: Pets can contribute significantly to a person’s overall health and well-being. If you love animals and are ready for the commitment, a pet may be your ticket to a healthier 2018.



Domestic Shorthair, Calico, Spayed female, 8 years old


Lab retriever, chocolate brown, neutered male, 6 years old


Domestic Shorthair, Tuxedo, Neutered male, 13 years old

Drummer is a happy dude who appreciates the finer things in life - tasty treats, snuggle sessions, and movie marathons! This fellow is as sweet as his chocolate brown coat. He gives everyone enthusiastic kisses and loves to make friends with folks he meets on long walks through the park. Drummer would be a fantastic family dog with his gentle nature and playful spirit. If you’re looking for a fabulous boy to bring joy to your day, Drummer will make your heart beat! Calypso and Cello – This combo is a bonded pair with a carefree attitude and willing to snuggle with their human once they get beyond their initial shyness. Cello with his luscious black coat is perfect match with his bonded mate Calypso with her Calico fur. This boy and girl go together, so some lucky person will get double the love and affection, not to mention the joy of watching their relationship and being a part of it. Both senior adults, they will love living in a home where they receive attention and a comfy lap, have room to play and a quiet place where they enjoy a sunbeam and watch the world go by. They’re a perfect


Mouse, Brown, male, 1 year old

match for someone with a busy schedule who looks forward at the end of each day to being greeting by two loving cats who will treasure your company and care. Meet Gus, one of the AWLA mischief of mice! They are an adorable tiny family of mice looking for love and homes of their own! They could be adopted by a family or be great classroom pets! These little guys are the picture of cuteness: bright eyes, dainty paws, and twitching noses all wrapped up in soft, furry packages. True to their mousey nature, these furry friends are fairly independent and can entertain themselves for extended periods of time. Give them a wheel and they will run in it and be busy bees! They love to get tiny treats from their human pals and are sure to squeak their way into your heart!


4101 Eisenhower Avenue • Alexandria, VA 703-746-4774 • alexandriaanimals.org Mon-Fri, 1-8 pm • Closed Wed • Sat & Sun, 12-5 pm


Old Town Crier

February 2018 | 19


As St. John’s Heroes Rebuild, Visitors are Welcome


hether in their twenties or sixties and whether they hail from the Virgin Islands, St. Lucia, Dominica or Virginia, everyone is working frantically on St. John and St. Thomas. It’s a post Hurricanes Irma-Maria race to repair and rebuild in time to salvage the usually tourist high season months of February and March. Everyone is sweating and too busy for conversation. Galvanized metal roofing and any kind of window are in short supply. New orders are weeks and thousands of miles from being filled. Yet, islanders make do. Building owners work side-by-side with contractors and day laborers. Dented cars and pick- up trucks with cracked windshields and fenders patched together with duct tape and plastic fasteners carry available supplies to hundreds of job sites throughout the greening, blossoming hills. Once unloaded, the refuse of blown out walls, mangled roofs and dead appliances is hoisted aboard and taken down to overflowing dumpsters and collection points. What can be saved is reused. My family waited four months for electricity to be restored before returning to our St. John home. So, we are playing catch-up with hurricane repairs, mold eradication and searching for materials. We work side-by-side with carpenters from the British island of Dominica – best known as the bread basket of the Caribbean before devastated by Maria – and young boat captains and crew beached indefinitely by the loss of their vessels and employers. They are skilled mahogany and teak refinishers and painters. Three days before Irma struck, we had fled the islands to our cabin in Virginia’s Blue Ridge. Friends who stayed and survived the maelstrom are eager to tell their stories. Some are harrowing. A photographer spent the early morning of September 20 | February 2018

6 battening down his family home built in the 1960s and picking his spot to ride out Irma. As the winds picked-up, he heard the second story tearing away. Soon after retreating to an interior closet on the first floor, that level’s windows and doors were shattered and carried away. Oddly, he found himself covered in paint. Irma’s 200 mph-plus winds stripped the paint from exterior walls, coating everything inside. Nearby, a neighbor sought cover lying on the floor under a kitchen table. When his home’s roof, walls and even the table were blown away,

he crawled out and over the rubble to his car. Fighting against the wind, he got the door open and climbed in. For four hours, he crouched down on the floor boards as Irma devastated his neighborhood. He was lucky. Many cars parked on mountain properties were blown over and pushed down the hills. And, there is the middle aged school teacher who, with a couple dozen mostly elderly folks, gathered at the congregation hall of the Bethany Moravian Mission. Built on a hill top in about 1750, the hall and adjacent church are among the oldest surviving structures on St. John. It was a designated storm shelter. A few hours into Irma, though, the wooden shutterclad windows were rattling violently and

men moved the kitchen’s refrigerator up against the front door to keep it from blowing in. It was to no avail. Sections of the roof tin and heavy timbers peeled away, disappearing in the rain. Then windows blew out from the inside and all were huddled together on the old stone floor. The teacher kept their spirits up by leading them in singing hymns as the storm raged. Miraculously, no one was hurt. They stayed in the wrecked mission for a week. Water and some food had been stored there. Irma passed over during the day. That night was so hot and airless that many who still had homes lay naked and dazed on their beds trying to sleep in the heat. An artist friend heard a strange noise on his property. He grabbed the machete he always kept next to his bed and in his birthday suit burst from his front door waving the blade and yelling. He chased away the startled looters who left behind pickings from a neighbor’s house as they raced down the hill in the dark, climbing and jumping over piles of rubble in the road. Many such year-round residents are not concerned with preparing for visitors. They focus on basic things: survival on islands with now scarce medical services and no accredited hospitals; getting gutters back-up to channel precious rain water to cisterns; rebuilding stronger structures. They need their repairs finished before the next hurricane season. Virgin Islanders display the kind of everyday courage associated with war zones. At first, they struggled for food and clean water as they used bare hands and hand tools to burrow out of debris fields, trying to secure their homes. Many used buckets lowered on ropes to get water from their cisterns. With the roads now cleared and electricity restored to most households, the battle CARIBBEAN CONNECTION > PAGE 21

Old Town Crier


for recovery has escalated to engagement with power tools. One hero of the storms is the hearty New Englander who owns and operates St. John Ice Co. Throughout both Irma and Maria he remained open for business, providing desperately needed ice and gallon jugs of clean water – even as the building housing his two stories of machinery lost exterior walls and sections of roofing. Located in the hard hit commercial complex known as the Lumberyard, St. John Ice continues operations powered by a large generator because the owners of the structure refuse to provide electricity as they decide the fate of the heavily damaged wooden buildings. Meanwhile, our beaches are now wider than ever and virtually empty. With so many trees trimmed and buildings swept away by Mother Nature, our mountain side views of the Caribbean and neighboring islands are more expansive. Old timers say they have their island back, remembering the 60s and 70s before visitors and protected forests took over. Back then, many hills were still used for cattle grazing or had been just a few years earlier.

The spirit of St. John’s people is driving the recovery. The island is as beautiful as ever. Hardy visitors willing to make do in return for a breathtaking experience are invited. Bring work gloves. Jeffrey R. McCord is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Gannett newspapers and Truthout. org, among other publications. For more than 20 years he’s called Northern Virginia

home. Jeff is the author of two fact-based Caribbean novels available on Amazon. com: “Undocumented Visitors in a Pirate Sea,” a quarterfinalist in the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest; and, “Santa Anna’s Gold in a Pirate Sea,” a finalist in the 2016 Next Generation Indie Book contest. He now divides his time between Virginia and St. John, USVI.

Escape to paradise Hillcrest Guest House is located within a residential area, rising two stories above Cruz Bay, on the crest of a hill and minutes from the beach and the US National Park, Virgin Islands. Six suites available, $185-$235/day Call 340-776-6774 or 340-998-8388 hillcreststjohn.com


MYSTERY READING AT ITS BEST by Virginia author Jeffrey Roswell McCord

CARIBBEAN MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE A dead Marine washed ashore on a Caribbean island leads investigators to otherworldly perpetrators in historic pirate waters and high level abuses in Washington. An intrepid maritime historian working the case for U.S. Naval Intelligence discovers a 60-year record of extraterrestrial activity in the Caribbean basin. History and national security politics meet science fiction in this mystery based on exhaustive factual research and informed conjecture.

CARIBBEAN hISToRY AND ADvENTURE Where did the villain General Santa Anna of Alamo infamy retire? Is time travel possible? What was it like on the ground in the worst hurricane of the 19th century? Can a band of rogue sailors from Coral Bay, St. John, defeat ruthless corporate mercenaries? These questions and more are answered in Jeffrey Roswell McCord’s new fact-based novel “Santa Anna’s Gold in a Pirate Sea.”

Available from Amazon or as a Kindle download



Ann Street Gardens


ey west getawa


As featured on HGTV and winner of “Bang For Your Buck” in St. Thomas. This recently renovated villa resides on the edge of a cliff 200 feet above the Atlantic Ocean crashing onto the rocks below. The best location on the island—a private, secure, gated community of luxury villas—the villa offers spectacular views of the Atlantic and various islands including St. John, Jost Van Dyke and Tortola. The main house has 3 bedrooms with a detached cottage with its’ own queen size bed. Large deck, pool and spa. Phone 703 628-9005 • Fax 703 765-5900

Key West Getaway One Block from Sloppy Joe’s Contact: historichideaways.com • 1-800-654-5131 Old Town Crier

February 2018 | 21



Ice Boating:

Winter Adventure with Plenty of Excitement


Judy's Iceboating debut

Brian and Judy on a Nite2

am frequently asked “why”? Are you nuts! Predictably, these are expressions of curiosity from my friends in Alexandria, not those of my childhood growing up on Delavan Lake, Wis. What I am describing to my neighbors and friends in Old Town is the sport of iceboating. Arguably, the coldest sport in the world with wind chill numbers that are mind numbing. From midDecember to mid-March, weather conditions permitting, one will see ice boaters gliding across lakes or tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay. The sport of ice boating can be found any where in the world where a body of water freezes to the depth of at least 4-6 inches without substantial snow cover. Additionally, there must be sufficient size to allow for maneuvering room

22 | February 2018

to sail the boat safely. The world capital of iceboating is Lake Geneva, Wis. the next lake over from Delavan Lake. The Potomac River will normally freeze over especially above the 14th street Bridge most winters. In 1966, I remember walking on the ice by the Lincoln Memorial my freshman year at GWU. That winter parts of the Chesapeake Bay froze solid enough for some limited iceboating by smaller iceboats. I am sure there are some oldtimers in the area that can tell similar tales of seeing iceboats on the Bay. Iceboating is not new; it is not a sport derived from advances in technology associated with the past 100 years. In fact, there were iceboats on the canals of the Netherlands in the 1600’s to move cargo. Controlled from the back, stern-steered they were the boats that came with the settlers to the New York City area and the Hudson River in the 1700’s. It wasn’t long before Americans figured out how to make the boats sleeker and faster. A sport was born with races, clubs, and regattas. The new boats were easy to assemble, fast, exciting to sail; easy to operate by one person controlling the trim of the sail and steering the boat via a front runner. The most popular boats on the ice today are the DN’s, Skeeter’s, Nite’s and Renegade’s. The A Skeeter is the Ferrari of iceboating capable of 100 mph plus speeds. However the oneperson DN remains the most popular ice boat in the world.

Sailing an iceboat up wind is much the same as sailing on “soft water,” but down wind completely different unless you’re sailing an asymmetrical spinnaker equipped boat like an E-Scow. The key ingredient for ice boats is sensing your boat speed in relation to wind strength and direction especially heading down wind. As your boat speed increases the apparent wind continues to shift forward. You constantly have to make directional adjustments to account for increasing speed. If you sail directly down wind the boat slows down likewise sailing too far into the wind on an up wind course will stall the sail and the boat slows dramatically. Ice boats can tip over, they can spin out of control and they can be going so fast that the boat is out of control with usually disastrous results. There are a plethora of things to worry about when sailing an ice boat. First and foremost are other ice boats on the lake. Ice boats go very fast especially off the wind. Closure rates between boats can be very dangerous if not understood; most dangerous when you have different classes of boats with different boat speeds sailing on the same lake. The E Skeeters can be going three times as fast as a DN and twice as fast as a Nite. The same rules of sailing on “soft water” apply to sailing on “hard water” with some minor exceptions; i. e. the windward boat has right away over a lured boat. You really need to pay attention when

changing direction in an ice boat. You always stay off an ice boat race course when a race is in progress, especially if your ice boat is slower than those boats racing. Personal experiences over many years of ice boating have created an ice boating culture. We are a unique breed. No sport is more at the mercy of wind and weather. Ice boaters skip work to sail their ice boats because it can only be done when conditions are right. Cold doesn’t bother us. There are winter seasons when there is no ice boating. You must sail when you can. For some reason ice boaters always set up directly in front of the bars along the lake shore. After “cheating death” once again and lowering their body temperature to “numb” they come in for refreshment and relaxation while they warm up and watch their competition still on the ice; once “fortified” they go out for another run. When the ice and wind are just right boats are not put away until dark. Sails come down, boats are placed on blocks to get them off the ice, runner blades are removed and the cockpits of the boats are covered to keep any snow from accumulating. Then it is back to the bar to recap the days sailing. Not unlike the tradition of comradeship engendered in the Old Town Cup Regattas of the 1980’s and 1990’s in Alexandria. Authors note: You can see videos and pictures of ice boats www.iceboats.org. From there you can go to the Skeeter, Nite, DN, etc. sites. Old Town Crier

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Take a

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Old Town Crier

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February 2018 | 23

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Winter Break 24 | February 2018



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Old Town Crier



Photo: Lauren Fleming lfbphoto.smugmug.com



ountry roads should take you home, or if you don’t live here, at least for a pleasant drive. Unfortunately, in the 30 years since I moved from Alexandria to the rural countryside, city problems like road rage, speeding, texting, cell phone usage and just plain careless driving have been exponentially increasing out here, just like inside and around the Beltway. In just the first three weeks of 2018, there have been 3 serious accidents with fatalities in Western Loudoun and Fauquier counties, including the death of a popular young veterinarian. We don’t mind sharing our scenic roads, and while (most of the time) we have much less traffic than the more densely populated suburbs, there are some unique hazards that might catch you by surprise— and especially if you’re texting or using your cell phone. As a side note—there are many areas out here with little to no reception. Rather than have your call get dropped or become inaudible, wait until you can pull over in an area Old Town Crier

with good reception. While we may have fewer cars and trucks on the road, we have lots of wild animals, including deer. A lot of them - especially at certain times of the year. October and November are the worst, since deer are in rut, on the move and tend to be oblivious to the dangers of moving vehicles. And, unfortunately, that time of year is when the fall landscape is at its most colorful and when people love to sight see, so more drivers means more accidents. There are also horses and cattle, and while they mostly stay within the confines of their pastures, they do occasionally escape when a limb or tree falls on a fence, or even, a car misjudges a turn and takes down a section. Loose livestock is not a common occurrence, but the trucks and trailers that transport them are very common out here where there are lots of horses and horse events, especially on weekends. Livestock hauling poses a unique problem. The rigs don’t look as imposing as a big semi-tractor trailer,

but make no mistake, they have the same blind spots and the same extended distances needed to brake. Like those behemoths, they cannot stop on a dime and indeed, might take ten times the distance of a car to come to a full stop. Even an SUV towing a horse trailer takes five times the distance of a passenger car to stop; the bigger rigs take two or more times that distance. Cut one off because you passed where you shouldn’t and have to slam on the brakes, and you could cause a serious accident that would have been avoided by waiting a few minutes until you reached a safe area to pass. We share our roads with tractors and other slow moving farm equipment, they are identified by Farm Use tags or bright orange triangles and they deserve your respect since they are making a living and indeed, represent a very small portion of those that use our roads. Cyclists are another hazard of narrow, winding and scenic roads; they have the right to use them and while most riders are respectful of vehicle traffic, sometimes large

groups of them are blissfully unaware of approaching traffic. Everyone wants to enjoy the beautiful scenery here; and part of the charm is the hills and blind curves that open to unexpected splendor of scenic pastoral and mountain views. But even those who drive the roads daily never know what’s beyond the next hill or curve. When in doubt, slow down. Gravel roads deserve respect, too. Despite the dirt, dust and dings, many people that live on them love them because it’s almost impossible to drive really fast on them. If you don’t want your car to get dirty, or you’re in a hurry, avoid them. I shouldn’t have to say it, but don’t text and drive, and don’t use a cell phone without the hands free feature; it’s not only against the law statewide, it’s just plain stupid. Plus, you might miss things like the friendly wave letting you pass, the distant view of a field of riders on a fox hunt, or the bumper sticker on the tractor that reads, zero to 60… in 15 minutes.


February 2018 | 25




Greenfield Inn B & B

he February Road Trip takes us to the beautiful Greenfield Inn Bed and Breakfast in Washington, Virginia. Normally we all think of going to the mountains in the fall to check out the fall foliage, but there are some advantages to visiting the mountains in the winter. Although the green pastures and farm land have taken on a dormant brown color and the leaves have fallen from the trees, the farms are still active and horses and cattle can be observed running in the fields or feeding on the daily hay bale. Life in the country doesn’t stop in the winter, but it does slow down a little bit. This is the time to take advantage of fewer tourists when you visit the wineries and shops and 26 | February 2018

eateries that dot the landscape. We selected the Greenfield Inn as our destination not only because of the history and beauty of this 83-acre farm but also because of its proximity to the towns of Washington and Sperryville, Virginia. The Inn is a grand southern Georgian-style 1760’s mansion surrounded by gently rolling hills. Its two-pillared entrance provides the gateway to breathtaking views in a relaxing, comfortable setting of understated elegance. Sitting areas and garden spaces invite you to unwind. Centrally located in beautiful Rappahannock County guests enjoy easy access to wineries, breweries and distilleries; antique shops; boutiques; spa; hiking trails in the Shenandoah

Southern Hospitality At Its Best

Our room


Old Town Crier


National Park; Civil War attractions; theater and more. Greenfield Inn Bed and Breakfast is one of the oldest mansions in Rappahannock County. Built between 1767 and 1769, Greenfield, like other older homes, has had many additions over the years but the original 1769 structure is known as the Southern Georgian-style of architecture, which was the dominant style for domestic construction in the colonies from 1700 to 1780. Homes such as Greenfield were commonly found on the Eastern Seaboard where the English influence was concentrated. Greenfield, also known as a central hall and parlor home, includes two stories with a centered five-bay entry with windows that align vertically and horizontally, six working fireplaces and 11-foot ceilings. All of these components contribute to its Southern charm.

along with stunning sunsets and overlooking the vineyard from the north. The room also offers a wood-burning fireplace and a king-size antique bed. A welcoming loveseat and antique rocker are nestled next to the fireplace in this charming, comfortable room. Rest your feet on the center ottoman and sip a glass of wine while you enjoy the warmth of the fire on a cold winter night. The private bath is just outside the bedroom door with a claw-foot soaking tub, rainshowerhead, luxury toiletries and cozy plush bathrobes. There are no TVs in the rooms, which is something I like, however there is a large sitting room complete with a wraparound leather couch and a large screen TV. One wall in the room is a large bookshelf stocked with just about anything you would want to read. The opposite side of the room is all windows, which open up to a beautiful

pretty impressive landscaping. We are looking forward to seeing the hundreds of bulbs that will soon be peeking out of the ground in the next couple of months. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the “breakfast” part of this adventure. Audrey prides herself on the three-course first meal of the day that she puts together. The morning we were there we were treated to a starter of a trio of Greek yogurt, gluten-free granola and some of the freshest berries I have had in a long time. Followed by individual breakfast casseroles made with fresh eggs from the chickens in the backyard, mild Italian sausage, cheese, green pepper, and onion and ending with her recipe for a New Orleans-style bread pudding. You won’t go hungry when you leave here for sure. The small vineyard at the Inn is made up of about 700 vines and will be producing

Mosby and Bay Lee been told that even if your pocket book doesn’t include the resources to stay or dine here, just having a cocktail at the Monkey Bar in the Inn is an experience to be had. A couple of our favorite places in Washington are Tula’s Restaurant and Little Washington Spa & the Loft. Both Tula’s and The Spa are owned and operated by former local Alexandrians and friends

Copper Fox

Breakfast fruit Greenfield was a private family dwelling to wellestablished families who were related to past presidents George Washington, James Madison and Zachary Taylor. The home was said to have been a headquarters for both the North and the South during the Civil War. The windows still have the original glass, providing distorted views through the panes in some locations, as the air bubbles of the handmade glass transport you to years past. The Inn offers five different rooms, all beautifully decorated. We were placed in the Nathan Bedford Forrest Room, a spacious, elegant room, in a soothing shade of lavender, located on the second floor of the main house. The room featured spectacular views of the Blue Ridge Mountains from the west side

Old Town Crier

Egg Casserole view of the mountains. It was here that I discovered one of the reasons to come in the winter. At this time of the year the sun rises directly over the mountains making for a perfect photograph. There is a massive tree between the sun and the window but in winter the leaves are gone and the photograph is possible. As the sun moves to the north each day it is not visible from this room during the summer months. Greenfield Inn is now in the very capable hands of Audrey and Al Regnery and their canine Ambassadors Mosby and Bay Lee - who are on the welcoming committee. They have done an extensive amount of work in and around the property since they have been there. The grounds are taking on a fresh look with the inclusion of a pond and some

estate wine for Greenfield Inn. Gadino Cellars, which is located a few miles away, are helping Audrey with her vineyard. It looks like the future holds sipping Greenfield Estate Cabernet Franc by the fireplace or in the future gazebo by the pond. As I mentioned earlier, the towns of Washington and Sperryville are nearby and each offer dining, shops and an assortment of activities. A couple of our favorite places in Sperryville are Before & After – a really cute and fun eatery – and Copper Fox Distillery – home of the original Wasmunds Single Malt American Whiskey. The town of Washington is very close to Greenfield and just walking around this small village is a treat and, of course, it is home to the much celebrated Inn at Little Washington. We have

and worth checking out as is r.h. ballard shop & gallery with their eclectic inventory. February is a good month to avoid the crowds and get to know the locals as well as a time to celebrate a special Valentine’s Day at Greenfield and spend that extra day on Presidents Day weekend…visit the Blue Ridge in the winter for a brand new perspective on the countryside. There are a handful of good wineries – one of our new favorites is Quievremont on Gid Brown Hollow Road - where you can get individual attention and learn about the region. An added treat during the winter is that on a clear night you can see the stars and even the Milky Way. Greenfield is also a great destination for weddings and special gatherings. Detailed information is available on their website.

The proprietors heading out for a night in the Town!


February 2018 | 27


Day &


Phil Fun Facts

28 | February 2018

Old Town Crier






ith the romantic month of February in full swing, we decided to check out Bastille Brasserie & Bar. The restaurant was formerly located at the north end of Old Town on Royal Street but when the new Asher Condos opened on Fayette Street, Chefs Christophe and Michelle Poteaux relocated to 606 North Fayette. And true to a quote on their website - “Since 2006 their award winning brasserie and wine bar has continued to offer guests a contemporary spin on French cuisine set within a sophisticated yet comfortable atmosphere”- they definitely have set the bar high. Upon entering the restaurant you will encounter a bar area to the left with a beautiful bar straight ahead. The dining area is off to the right which helps separate any noise that might come from the bar area. Something that impressed me was the view into the kitchen from both the bar area and Old Town Crier

Cheesecake au Citron

the dining room. It amazes me how these kitchens run like clockwork. The space is very contemporary and straight forward. Looking forward to the spring and summer, the restaurant also has a beautiful patio that provides for outdoor dining in the nice weather. Like many establishments these days, the Poteaux’s use seasonal, locally sourced and farm fresh ingredients. They also present an expansive wine list that is very reasonably priced, some unique draught and bottled beer selections and creative cocktails. As we discovered, Bastille has something for everyone. The night we arrived happened to be the first night of Restaurant Week in Alexandria and the place was pretty busy for a Tuesday night. Everything that they offer on the Restaurant Week menu is also available on their regular menu. I also noticed that there were no salt or pepper shakers on the tables and with a little research I discovered

Betteraves, Oranges & Chevre

that a proper chef will season (salt and pepper) his or her creations perfectly. I had to agree that no additional seasoning was necessary. I started out with one of my favorites since I first ordered it in Montreal in 1972…French Onion Soup. Maybe my first encounter with this dish has jaundiced me. I thought the soup here was delicious but a little weak in comparison to others that I prefer, however, the proportion of cheese and presentation was perfect. My dining companion started off with the Betteraves, oranges, and chevre. This translates in to organic beets, oranges, baby arugula, pickled shallots, fresh goat cheese and walnuts. She assured me this is one of the absolute best beet dishes she has had and she prides herself on being a connoisseur of said dishes. For the entrée I ordered Bouillabaisse, a traditional Provencal fish stew originating from the port city of Marseille. In this case my previous

experience was non- existent, as I can’t ever remember trying the dish. Placed around a plump piece of white fish were small clams, succulent scallops, firm shrimp and mussels. All of these items were cooked to perfection and the small baby carrots and other seasoning gave the sauce a wonderful fresh taste. It was nice and thick…perfect for dipping the accompanying bread. I will definitely try this dish again as, for me, Bastille has now set the standard. The other entrée we ordered was the Mignon de porc aux Epices. Otherwise known as pork tenderloin rubbed with paprika spices and served over sweet potatoes and onions “a la Lyonnaise and Brussel sprouts. All she said was, “WOW”. Again, a big fan of the other white meat, she said it was cooked to perfection and the flavor combinations were spot on. I am going to order this the next time! For dessert I once again went for something new and ordered the Gateau chocolat…a

Valrhona chocolate truffle cake, pecan praline sauce and banana ice cream. This was excellent! The flavors blended very well even though the intense chocolate flavor from the truffle tried to dominate. Keeping with her affinity for fruit, the Cheesecake au citron was L’s choice. This is a different take on what you perceive as a piece of “cheesecake” with fruit. It is sort of deconstructed – the cheese part was in the center of the plate covered with lemon cream and topped with graham cracker crumbles. At its side was a small scoop of raspberry sorbet and the final touch were the little puffs of meringue placed around the plate. Her recommendation is that everyone should try it – guess that says it all. There is something going on all week at Bastille. Starting off the week, Sunday Sippers takes place from 4-9 pm featuring select bottles of wine for $20. They have Happy Hour Tuesdays through Fridays from 4-7 pm with both drink and food discounts. 1/3 Off Thursday is a good night to be here if you really like wine with dinner – 33% off of all wines from 4-9 pm. Both Saturday and Sunday feature their Mimosa Brunch from 11:30 am to 3 pm. The only reason there isn’t anything happening on Monday is because they decided to take that day off and are closed. If you have never been to Bastille or haven’t been in a while, do yourself a favor and put it on the top of the “to do” list.

February 2018 | 29



How did you get started in the bartending business?

It all started with my brother who is 12 years older than me. He was prominent in the industry in the Virginia and DC area and I used to watch him practice flare bartending in our backyard. He would take me to the coolest bars and restaurants where everyone knew him and he received so much love and always had the coolest and hottest friends. His lifestyle was so glamorous and intriguing and I knew that’s what I’d like to do. He got me a job as a soda girl at his friends restaurant (because I wasn’t old enough to serve alcohol) and the rest is history.

What is your biggest bartender pet peeve? Guests who feel they are owed a drink. It’s a privilege, not a right. I don’t have to do it and it’s not mine to give away to begin with.

What is the cleverest line anyone has ever used to get you to give them a free drink? Someone bet they knew

me and I didn’t remember them. He bet a drink if he could prove it. He pulled up a picture from 13 years ago of us at a party and I remembered him. I bought him a few drinks.

What is the best/worst pickup line you have overheard at the bar? I was bartending an outdoor bar in Florida and this homeless guy walks by, stops dead in his tracks and said “girl, I’d clean up so good for you. I’d get a job and everything.” I felt like I could change the world.

Tell us about an interesting encounter you have had with a customer(s). I had a guest who was Asian. She asked for hot sauce to go with her wings, so I gave her a bunch of unique hot sauces I keep behind the bar. But I warned her about one and told her to try it first because it was extremely hot. She swore up and down that she could handle it because she’s Asian and proceeded to dump it on her wings. When she BEHIND THE BAR > PAGE 36

30 | February 2018


Farah conjures up a Fat City Kitchen Specialty of Isaac Bowman Port Whiskey, Honey Water, Black Walnut Bitters & Sea Salt all live smoked with hickory wood chips and finished with a flamed orange peel

Old Town Crier

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hef Amador comes from a family of farmers who grew their own tomatoes and beans and also raised chickens. He has always been in touch with food. His family made tortillas and pasta growing up. When his family went on vacation, he would stay with his grandfather. In Honduras, men traditionally do not cook, but when he was alone with his grandfather, they stepped outside of the box and…cooked.


When did you first become interested in cooking and what made you choose a culinary career? As you can see from the bio, I learned how to cook from my grandfather. He taught me not only technique, but passion for the ingredients and the outcome of my dishes. I was taught that cooking was not a chore, but an experience.


Who or what has been your biggest inspiration during your career? Other than the influence of my grandfather, I have no formal training. I started out as a dishwasher in 1995 at the then Trattoria de Franco (now La Trattoria) and worked my way up. My passion for the food, and the experience of working in kitchens my whole life is my inspiration.

What dish on the menu reflects your personal style? Lasagna is my favorite dish on the menu and it is a dish my family would serve when a big group would get together. I make it from scratch with family secrets thrown in.

What do you feel sets your cuisine apart from others in your field? Every dish is handmade to order. I personally make all of the pasta, pizza crust and bread. I have incorporated some new recipes from the owner – who has a passion for Italian food – in with mine. The menu at La Trattoria is mostly saute, so little preparation can be done in advance of when orders come in. Like most kitchens, it’s a whirlwind at busy times, and my role here is to make sure that every order makes it out of the kitchen in good shape.

If any chef in the world (past or present) could prepare a meal for you, who would that be? My grandfather.

What is your guilty food pleasure? Good Mexican food! I’ll take a good burrito bowl or fajita any day. If you would like to see your favorite Master of Cuisine featured in this space, send contact information to office@oldtowncrier.com.

Cavatelli with Veal Ragu – Handmade in-house cavatelli pasta tossed in a spicy veal ragu topped with cold ricotta

32 | February 2018

Old Town Crier

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February 2018 | 33

AMERICAN ASHLAR RESTAURANT AND BAR 116 South Alfred St. 703-739-6090 BILBO BAGGINS 208 Queen St. 703-683-0300

STREETS MARKET AND CAFE 3108 Mt. Vernon Ave. 571-431-6810

KING STREET BLUES 112 N. St. Asaph St. 703-836-8800

RT's RESTAURANT 3804 Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-684-6010 rtsrestaurant.com

THAILAND ROYAL 801 N. Fairfax St. 703 535-6622

LIVE OAK 1603 Commonwealth Ave. 571-312-0402

CAFE 44 44 Canal Center 571-800-6644

LOST DOG CAFE 808 North Henry St. 571-970-6511

CARLYLE CLUB 411 John Carlyle St. 703-549-8957 CHADWICKS 203 Strand St. 703-836-4442 chadwicksrestaurants.com An Old Town tradition since 1979 and an original Georgetown pub and restaurant since 1967. CHART HOUSE One Cameron St. 703-684-5080 CITY KITCHEN 330 South Pickett St. 703-685-9172 fatcitykitchen.com USA City inspired menu choices that bring together traditional American and global cuisine with their own personal touch. Casual dress. $30 and under. Lots of free parking. Open 7 days a week with brunch on Sat & Sun 11-3. AMEX, Discover, MasterCard, Visa COLUMBIA FIREHOUSE 109 S. St. Asaph St. 703-683-1776 EVENING STAR CAFÉ 2000 Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-549-5051 FIN & HOOF 801 N. Saint Asaph St. 703-836-4700

MACKIE’S BAR AND GRILL 907 King St. 703-684-3288 MAGNOLIA’S ON KING 703 King St. 703-838-9090 MAJESTIC CAFÉ 911 King St. 703-837-9117 MASON SOCIAL 728 Henry Street Old Town Alexandria 703-548-8800 mason-social.com MOUNT VERNON INN Mount Vernon, Va 703-780-0011 MURPHYS IRISH PUB 713 King St. 703-548-1717 murphyspub.com Old-world Irish pub featuring a roaring fireplace, serving a variety of imported, domestic and non-alcoholic beers in a friendly atmosphere. Serving robust American-Irish meals at fair prices. Favorites include fish and chips and Irish stew. Irish-style entertainment nightly. MYRON MIXON PITMASTER BBQ 220 North Lee St. 703-535-3340

FIVE GUYS 725 King St. 703-549-7991

NECTAR COFFEE & WINE BISTRO 106 Hume Avenue 571-431-6150

FLAT TOP BURGER 529 East Howell Ave. 571-970-1006

NICKELLS AND SCHIFFLER 1028 King St. 703-684-5922

FOSTERS GRILLE 2004 Eisenhower Ave. 703-725-1342

NORTHSIDE 1O 10 East Glebe Rd. 703-888-0032

GADSBYS TAVERN 138 N. Royal St. 703-548-1288

OCONNELLS RESTAURANT & BAR 112 King St. 703-739-1124 danieloconnellsrestaurant.com

HARD TIMES CAFE 1404 King St. 703-837-0050 HEN QUARTER 1404 King St. 703-684-6969

PORK BARREL BBQ 2312 Mount Vernon Ave. 703-822-5699

HUMMINGBIRD 220 South Union Street 703-566-1355 HUNTING CREEK STATION 801 King St. 703-836-5126

JACKSON 20 480 King St. 703-842-2790

ROCK IT GRILL 1319 King St. 703-739-2274

LAPORTAS 1600 Duke St. 703-683-6313

BLACKWALL HITCH 5 Cameron St. 703-739-6090

JACKS PLACE 222 North Lee St. 703-684-0372

JOE THEISMANNS 1800 Diagonal Rd. 703-739-0777

RAMPARTS 1700 Fern St. 703-998-6616 rampartstavern.com REYNOLDS STREET CAFÉ 34 S. Reynolds St. 703-751-0830 RIVER BEND BISTRO 7966 Fort Hunt Rd. Hollin Hall Shopping Center 703-347-7545 riverbendbistro.com

34 | February 2018

SAMUEL BECKETTS IRISH GASTRO PUB 2800 S. Randolph St. Villages of Shirlington 703-379-0122 SHOOTER MCGEES 5239 Duke St. 703-751-9266 SNACK BAR 2419 Mt. Vernon Avenue 703-566-1283 SOCIETY FAIR 277 S. Washington St. 703-683-3247 SONOMA CELLAR 207 King St. 703-966-3550 SOUTHSIDE 815 815 S. Washington St. 703-836-6222 SWEETGREEN 823 King St. 571-319-0192 T.J. STONES GRILL HOUSE & TAP ROOM 608 Montgomery St. 703-548-1004 tjstones.com American cuisine with libations from around the world. Bar specials MonFri, 4-7 pm. Brunch served Sat & Sun. TRADEMARK 2800 Jamieson Ave. 703-253-8640 UNION STREET PUBLIC HOUSE 121 South Union St. 703-548-1785 unionstreetpublichouse.com Old Town’s favorite neighborhood tap and grill. Southern style menu, fine steaks, fresh seafood. Sunday brunch, private parties, happy hour. VERMILLION 1120 King St. 703-684-9669 VIRTUE GRAIN & FEED 106 South Union St. 571-970-3669 VOLA’S DOCKSIDE GRILL & THE HI-TIDE LOUNGE 101 North Union St. 703-935-8890 THE WAREHOUSE BAR & GRILL 214 King St. 703-683-6868 ASIAN ASIAN BISTRO 809 King St. 703-836-1515 MALAYA 1019 King St. 703-519-3710 MAI THAI 9 King St. 703-548-0600

TOKYO JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE 66 Canal Center Plaza 703-683-8878 CAPHE BANH MI VIETNAMESE 407 Cameron St. 703-549-0800 SANG JUN THAI 300 King Street 571-312-3377 KAI ZEN TAVERN 1901 Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-836-1212 THE SUSHI BAR 2312 Mount Vernon Avenue 571-257-3232 CONTINENTAL BRABO by Robert Weidmaier 1600 King St. 703-894-3440 BRABO TASTING ROOM 1600 King St. 703-894-5252 CEDAR KNOLL INN GW Parkway at Lucia Ln. 703-799-1501 RESTAURANT EVE 110 S. Pitt St. 703-706-0450 TEMPO 4231 Duke St. 703-370-7900 temporestaurant.com Northern Italian, French provincial & American cuisine featuring fresh seafood, meats and pasta served in a contemporary, romantic atmosphere. FRENCH BASTILLE 606 N. Fayette St. 703-519-3776 bastillerestaurant.com LE REFUGE 127 N. Washington St. 703-548-4661 FONTAINES CAFFE & CREPERIE 119 S. Royal St. 703-535-8151 LA MADELEINE 500 King St. 703-729-2854 TWO NINETEEN RESTAURANT 219 King St. 703-549-1141 YVES BISTRO 235 Swamp Fox Rd. (in Hoffman Ctr.) 703-329-1010 LA BERGERIE 218 N. Lee St. 703-683-1007 labergerie.com ITALIAN BUGSYS PIZZA RESTAURANT 111 King St. 703-683-0313 bugsyspizza.com

NASIME 1209 King St. 703-548-1848

FACCIA LUNA 823 S. Washington St. 703-838-5998

RED MEI 602 King St. 703-837-094

THE ITALIAN PLACE 621Wythe St. 571-777-8981

GERANIO RISTORANTE 722 King St. 703-548-0088 geranio.net Still Old Towns highest-rated Italian restaurant (Zagat). Discerning Old Towners flock here for refined cuisine in this comfortable, yet sophisticated restaurant. With entrees from $14, there is no reason not to enjoy a selection from their Wine Spectator award-winning list, while being attended by the friendly staff of seasoned professionals. Reservations recommended and casual attire welcomed. HANKS PASTA BAR 600 Montgomery Ave. 571-312-4117 IL PORTO RESTAURANT 121 King St. 703-836-8833 LA TRATTORIA 305 S. Washington St. 703-548-9338 LANDINI BROTHERS 115 King St. 703-836-8404 landinibrothers.com Elegant, classical Italian cuisine served in a lovely historical setting. Fresh veal, homemade pastas, and fresh fish are some of the daily choices. An extensive list of wines and champagnes served in a sophisticated and friendly atmosphere. LENA’S WOOD-FIRED PIZZA & TAP 401 East Braddock Rd. 703-960-1086 PARADISO 124 King St. 703-683-5330 PINES OF FLORENCE 1300 King St. 703-549-1796 RED ROCKS FIREBRICK PIZZA 904 King St. 703-717-9873 MEDITERRANEAN LA TASCA 607 King St. 703-299-9810 TAVERNA CRETEKOU 818 King St. 703-548-8688 tavernacretekou.com PITA HOUSE 719 King St. 703-684-9194 thepitahouse.com DELIAS MEDITERRANEAN GRILL 209 Swamp Fox Rd. Alexandria, VA 703-329-0006 SEAFOOD HANKS OYSTER BAR 1026 King St. 703-739-HANK FISH MARKET-OLD TOWN 105 King St. 703-836-5676 fishmarketoldva.com Internationally known and locally owned! We serve shrimps, a few crabs, tall people and lots of nice people, too! Live music and lively food! ERNIES ORGINIAL CRABHOUSE 1743 King St. 703-836-0046

Old Town Crier

4 ary 1



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Old Town Crier

FISH MARKET-CLINTON 7611Old Branch Ave. Clinton, MD 301-599-7900


112 King St. • Old Town Alexandria 703.739.1124 oconnellsrestaurant@gmail.com

INDIAN BOMBAY CURRY COMPANY 2607 Mount Vernon Ave. 703-836-6363


DISHES OF INDIA 1510A Bellview Blvd. 703-660-6085

LOS TIOS GRILL 2615 Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-299-9290

NAMASTE 1504 King St. 703-970-0615

LOS TOLTECOS 4111 Duke St. 703-823-1167 TAQUERIA POBLANO 2400-B Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-548-TACO (8226)

February 2018 | 35


drink with anyone in the world, past or present, who would that be?

was done with her meal, the other bartender asked her how the hot sauce was. She put her hands on her head and in her very thick accent said, “OH MY GOD! Too spicy! My head a hurt so baaaad. I cannot feel my fingas.” He didn’t understand so he asked, “huh?” She held her hands out, tapped each finger and said, “my fingas, they go numb! I think about call 911!” It was so funny I had to walk away. This story is even better when I tell it in person! You can’t write this stuff, I swear!

This is a hard question because I’ve drank with a lot of incredible people. If I absolutely had to choose, it would probably be my General Manager at a concert. It would be so interesting to see him let loose outside of our restaurant. As funny as he is here, I can only imagine what he’s like with a drink or two in him. Farah is behind the bar on Thursday night and all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday!


If you could sit down and have a

If you would like to see your favorite mixologist featured in this space, send contact information to office@oldtowncrier.com.

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Old Town Crier

❤ Old Town Crier

❤ February 2018 | 37



Delaplane Cellars

Photo by Rick Collier

Don’t Be So Serious……


ho cares if you drink your whites too cold, can’t taste the peach in a Viognier, or didn’t know that Meritage is actually supposed to rhyme with heritage? Wine can be a fascinating journey, but it doesn’t always have to be an epic quest. Sometimes, it can just be a rollicking bump in the road. Don’t forget: were it not for Boone’s Farm Tickle Pink, many wine snobs wouldn’t be drinking Provençal rosé today. February has two great chances to have some fun with local wine: Valentine’s Day, and the long Presidents’ Day weekend, which is perfect for a quick wine getaway.

38 | February 2018

Instead of the typical flutes of French sparkling for Valentine’s Day, how about something a little different? Most local wineries are happy to ship. The new Effingham Manor Winery in Nokesville has a beautiful rosé sparkling wine made from Pinot Noir grapes. In Leesburg, Casanel Vineyards offers a bubbly called Red Spark, made with estate grown Norton, Virginia’s native grape. And Paradise Springs in Clifton sells a fun Pineapple Sparkling, made in the style of Champagne, from Maui pineapples. Traditionalists will appreciate the Blanc de Blancs from Greenhill Vineyards in

It’s just wine

Middleburg. How about an apple wine for the apple of your eye? (Just don’t write that on the card.) North Gate Vineyards in Purcellville and Chateau O’Brien in Markham both have excellent apples wines. In Delaplane, one of our favorite hidden gems, Arterra Wines, has a Blueberry Apple Wine, and Village Winery in Waterford mixes apples with elderberry, along with several non-alcoholic elderberrybased beverages.

Serious wine drinkers may leave the room in dismay if you uncork a chocolate wine, but that’s fine; more for everybody else! Barrel Oak Winery in Delaplane sells the popular Chocolate Lab, a Port-style wine of Chambourcin grapes infused with cracked cocoa nibs and aged in oak and whiskey barrels. And for a little cherry to go along with the chocolate, GRAPEVINE > PAGE 40

Old Town Crier



Crossing Over To Cocktails


ecently, I was asked to speak at a conference on collaboration. Ok, it’s not quite a big surprise me talking about collaboration. Anyway, the Cider Conference asked me to sit on a panel with other beverage industry folks to talk about why and how to work together. For me, this all started in California

where I learned so much from other wineries. We would share techniques, borrow equipment and compare suppliers to help each other run a better business. When I came to Virginia in 1997, that sentiment was already here. The industry was very young and we had to work together to get our operations and quality up to speed.

The biggest point to understand when collaborating with another business, is that if they do better, it does not mean yours is doing worse. Customers that drink wine will often drink different brands. Some may drink beer as well, or spirits, or cider. We need to get past the handcuffs of simple competition and have


email us at info@fabbioliwines.com 15669 Limestone School Rd • Leesburg, VA 20176 703.771.1197 • fabbioliwines.com Old Town Crier

a mindset that together we can all be better. The Virginia wine industry has proven that time and again through marketing, legislative efforts and even sharing winemakers. When a craft distillery opened in our county, I was excited to work with them on some projects. If there was ever an oversupply of grapes in Virginia, the distiller is the one who can turn that excess into brandy that can be used for many other purposes. Specifically for my needs was our pear port. I was bringing in brandy to fortify the wine from California. I was very pleased to work with Scott and Becky Harris at Catoctin Creek Distillery to distill some of our pear wine. Some of the brandy was kept as payment for their services while the rest came back to us to blend into our wine creating the port. We both win and we have since even provided them with pear bottles for their brandy, with a pear grown inside. Sometimes the collaborative efforts build relationships beyond the owners. We have had staff leave us to work for other businesses that we work with. As a collaborator, this is an expected and accepted practice. I don’t want my staff to leave, but I want them happy. It may be better for them to leave. That is a key

part of business. You teach your staff as best you can and realize that they will leave with that knowledge making the industry better. This is another key part of collaborating. As we have planted hops on our farm, our team has learned to care for these plants. So now we take care of a few local hops yards as well as our own. Everyone gets paid a fair rate for the service they provide. The workers learn about collaboration because they are part of the process themselves. With well-tended and productive farms, we all win! Breweries have become a lot more popular in the area. We sell them barrels, grow their hops, work together selling at different events and encourage customers to visit the breweries as they reciprocate. Black Hops at the Vanish Brewery has the hops processing machine that saves a major amount of time needed to pick and process hops. They encourage others to bring their hops to them for processing as this is a win for all. We all can win by collaborating and we prove it time after time. We are all capitalists but we want good, sustainable business year after year. And the work continues.

February 2018 | 39

Sweet, Light, Fruity, Fun Virginia Wine in My Pocket Readers’ Fun Favorites Chateau Morrisette Sweet Mountain Apple Chateau O’Brien Apple Wine North Gate Vineyards Apple Wine


Hiddencroft Vineyards Blackberry Wine Hill Top Berry Farm Virginia Blackberry Wine Magnolia Vineyards Pazzo Blackberry Merlot


Hiddencroft Vineyards Grandpa’s Fantasy port-style Hiddencroft Vineyards Grandma’s Love Potion Blueberry Wine


Hiddencroft Vineyards Sweet Cherry Lake Anna Winery Concerto Merlot Cherry Wine Morais Vineyards Cherry Wine


Barrel Oak Winery Chocolate Lab Cooper Vineyards Noche Glass House Winery Meglio del Sesso Horton Winery Rojo Xoco


Barboursville Vineyards Paxxito (Malvaxia) Bluestone Vineyards Blue Ice, ice wine from Traminette Gray Ghost Adieu late harvest Vidal Blanc King Family Vineyards Loreley Petit Manseng Rockbridge Vineyards Val d’Or The Hague Winery Golden Muscat Cynthia



Early Mountain Vineyards Pétillant-Naturel from Syrah Effingham Manor Winery sparkling rosé from Pinot Noir Casanel Vineyards Red Spark sparkling Norton Mountain Cove Vineyards Skyline White from Villard Blanc Rappahannock Cellars Fizzy Lizzy Rose’

Fruit Blends

Arterra Wines Apple Blueberry Notaviva Vineyards Gitano Chambourcin and Pomegranate Village Winery Apple Elderberry Wine

Cold Weather Wines

Burnley Vineyards Spicy Rivanna, chilled or mulled Williamsburg Winery Jamestown Cellars Settlers’ Spiced Wine Mountain Cove Vineyards Harvest Peach Winery 32 Gloria’s Sunshine


Fabbioli Cellars Pear in the Bottle Horton Winery Pear Dessert Wine

Pear Raspberry

Fabbioli Cellars Raspberry Merlot and Rosa Nera Black Raspberry Hill Top Berry Farm Virginia Raspberry Wine


Horton Winery Chateau le Cabin Strawberry with Grenache Mattaponi Winery Odeimin Peaks of Otter Winery Reserve Strawberry The Homeplace Vineyards Cabin Sunset

Unique Wines & More

Cardinal Point Vineyards Hopped Chardonnay Oak Crest Vineyards Hot Jazz with jalapeno Peaks of Otter Winery Kiss the Devil pepper wine Rappahannock Cellars Solera (Vidal Blanc, f ractional blending, sun-aged) Rockbridge Vineyards Jeremiah’s Blush of Concord and Vidal Sans Soucy Vineyards Ginger Wine, Almond Wine, and Framboise

Firepit Party at Barrel Oak Winery GRAPEVINE FROM PAGE 38

Hiddencroft Vineyards in Lovettsville has a sweet 100% Montmorency cherry wine. Hiddencroft is known for very good serious (aka dry) wines, but also crafts some of the best fruit wines in the region, including two blueberry wines, Grandpa’s Fantasy port-style and Grandma’s Love Potion Blueberry Wine. Maybe the most romantic Valentine’s gift would be the gift of a long weekend away from the cold, the crazy political climate, or whatever else ails you. Plan ahead for a Presidents’ Day getaway. L’Auberge Provencale is a short drive to anything: shopping in Middleburg, hiking at Sky Meadows State Park, the scenery of Skyline Drive, but maybe most importantly, the inn is within 30 miles of two dozen wineries, most in the Delaplane area. There’s no particular strategy needed for a visit to wineries around Delaplane; throw a dart at a map and you’ll hit one worthy of a

Photo by Rick Collier

visit. Reserve a tour and tasting at RdV Vineyards, a premier winery that does not take walk-ins. Delaplane Cellars has excellent reds and dramatic views from its floorto-ceiling windows. Chateau O’Brien offers several different tastings, including a private cellar tasting of reserve wines, and tasty hot sandwiches and grilled flatbreads to enjoy on a large covered deck. In nearby Hume, Philip Carter Winery has interesting artifacts displayed that tell of the Carter family’s 250-year history of making wine in Virginia. Or, for a more whimsical getaway, head to Barrel Oak Winery for Giant Jenga on Friday night, and then back to Barrel Oak to celebrate National Drink Wine Day on Sunday for a relaxed morning breakfast of bagel and cream cheese with a newspaper (complimentary). Pair breakfast with Barrel Oak’s Mimosas (OJ and Sparkling Wine) or Poinsettias (Cranberry Juice and Sparkling Wine). Live music starts at 1:00.

Virginia Wine Country mini desk Calendar Virginia Wine in My Pocket - Only $10! Available exclusively at Shopify virginia-wine-in-my-pocket.myshopify.com

40 | February 2018

Old Town Crier



Cold Weather and Heart Health


lthough winter is a beautiful time of the year, it brings low temperatures, shorter daylight hours and snow (only once every few years here). Cold weather can strain the heart, and according to research, increase the risk for a heart attack. Many people are not even aware that they are at risk until they have a heart attack, so it’s very important to know the risk factors. The risk of heart disease increases if you’re older, a smoker, overweight, have high

blood pressure, don’t exercise enough or have a stress-filled life. Heart problems can also be hereditary. If you’re at risk, you must be especially careful during the winter months. Why? Colder temperatures cause your blood vessels to get smaller, which reduces the flow of blood and oxygen supply to your heart. Your blood becomes thicker when temperatures drop, and this can cause an increase in the risk of clotting. Cold weather can also lead to an increase in blood pressure, which puts

more stress on your heart. If you’re not used to exercising, your risk of a heart attack during winter weather may increase from overexertion. If you are not accustomed to exercise, shoveling snow or even walking in deep or heavy snow can trigger a heart attack. If you don’t know the dangers of being outdoors in cold weather, you could suffer from hypothermia— an abnormally low body temperature. Most deaths from this condition are caused by heart failure.

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It is also important to know the signs of a heart attack. If you experience any of the following signs you should call 9-1-1. • chest pain, pressure or discomfort • pain, pressure or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach • shortness of breath • cold sweat • nausea • lightheadedness Heart healthy living can be part of your lifestyle year round. Factors like diet and exercise contribute to a healthy heart every day. For heart healthy nutrition, avoid foods that are high in saturated fats such as cheese, whole milk and butter. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Different fruits and vegetables are available at certain times of the year, try and stick to produce that is in season. Eating lean meats and fish will get you those heart healthy omega-3’s. Limiting sodium intake can keep blood pressure in normal range and decrease your risk for heart attacks. When it comes to exercise the American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise about five days per week. Exercise can include anything that makes your body burn calories such as jogging, swimming or biking. Walking can be one of the easiest ways

to improve your heart health. Even though it does not look like we will be doing much shoveling in Old Town this year, it has been quite cold. Just remember that when temperatures drop, the risk for heart attacks and hypothermia go up. Dress in layers and know the signs and keep yourself protected with a healthy diet and daily exercise.

February 2018 | 41


Partner Exercises


will admit that sometimes exercise can be boring, but working out with a friend is always better. As in years past, since Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, I would like to share a few “Sweetheart” exercises designed to keep you and your significant other from falling out of love with working out.

Medicine Ball Sit-up, courtesty of crossfitimpulse.com

Medicine Ball (MB) SitUps: This exercise is done with both people on the floor. Sit facing each other with your knees bent about 45 degrees. Then interlock your feet behind each others lower leg. There are many variations to this exercise, but start in the upright or top position of the sit-up. You can hold a medicine ball at chest level. Both you and your partner lower yourselves to the mat until the upper back touches, and then perform a sit-up toward your partner. Hand the MB off to your partner at the top of the sit-up. Keep exchanging the MB until you have completed at least 15 reps. Partner Leg Pushdowns: If you want to turn up the intensity in your workout, try this ab exercise. Lie on your back with your legs straight, hips bent to 90 degrees, and the bottoms of your feet toward the ceiling. Your partner will stand with his or her feet at your shoulders and beside your head. First, grab your partner by the ankles so you have some leverage when performing this exercise. Next, have your

partner push your feet or lower legs away from them and towards the floor. Your job is to tighten up the abs and hip flexors to resist the pushing forces and keep the back of your heels from touching the floor. You also want to keep the legs straight and bring your feet back toward your partner during each repetition. Try at least 10 reps without rest. This exercise is performed very quickly to maximize its effectiveness. DO NOT try this exercise if you have any back, spine, or hip problems. Towel Tug-O-War: This exercise also has many variations, but try this one by sitting on the floor facing your partner. Put the soles of your feet together with knees slightly bent. You will need a long bath or beach towel. Grab one end of the towel with both hands just like you would if it was a rope. (Avoid wrapping the towel around your hands.) Have your partner do the same with the other end of the towel and have him or her provide resistance as you pull the towel toward yourself. Your partner should provide enough

resistance so that you can still pull without leaning back. Keep your back straight by sitting tall with good posture. Focus on engaging the muscles in your mid- and upper back by squeezing your shoulder blades together and not just pulling with your arms. Finish the rep by having your partner pull the towel toward them while you provide the resistance. This exercise is great for improving back, arm, and grip strength. Try at least 15 reps in good form. The three exercises mentioned above require minimal equipment and setup time. So go ahead and grab your partner and fall in love with working out this February. Unverzagt holds Bachelor of Science degree in Wellness Management from Black Hills State University. He is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength & Conditioning Association and a Registered Diagnostic Cardiac Sonographer through the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography.

Partner Leg Pushdown, courtesy of recreation.gmu.edu

Tug Of War Workout, courtesy of rodeoboutique.com 42 | February 2018

Old Town Crier




s if the cold, blustery weather of winter isn’t enough to make most of us want to crawl under our covers and not come out until spring, the havoc it wreaks on our hair is, well, hair-raising. Static electricity, moisture depletion, and not-so-nice texture can make for very bad hair days. To combat the winter hair

blues, its best, in theory, to start in the fall before the winter blast hits. Developing a strategy of move frequent trims and treatments in the fall will ensure smooth sailing into winter. The best strategy is to whack off those dead ends in the fall so that the hair has a fighting chance by starting off healthy. Like most of us, that’s all

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well and good, in theory. So, what to do? First off, it’s never too late to get your hair trimmed. So, book an appointment with your stylist to get your ends trimmed and looking healthy again. That in and of itself will instantly give the hair a boost because dryness starts at the ends. Other things to consider are avoiding and repairing the dryness that winter brings upon our hair. Most of us know that the dryness outside can cause dryness to our hair, but it’s also the dryness inside that exacerbates the problem. Going from the cold, dry climate of the outside to the warm, dry climate of the inside puts a lot of stress on the hair. One strategy for keeping hair looking good starts with a hat. Yes, a hat. We all know how keeping our head covered is key to keeping warmth in our bodies; the same is true about maintaining moisture levels within your hair. Wearing a hat to prevent split ends and breakage is tantamount to wearing gloves to keep your hands from becoming dry and chapped. It’s important to switch our hair routines in the winter. Moisture rich shampoos and conditioners are a must to keep winter hair from becoming blah. Consider also performing a deep moisture treatment to the hair once a week. Simply smooth on a hair treatment or hair masque and cover with a warm towel. Allow the treatment or masque to work its magic for 15 minutes, then rinse. Doing these weekly treatments will help keep hair healthy, prevent

breakage and split ends, and eliminate static electricity. Another best treatment for the hair in the winter is to avoid heat styling. Yes, just say no to the blow dryer and flat iron. Allowing the hair to dry naturally is the best course of action. However, for many of us, that’s not always practical for fear that our hair would turn to icicles as we rush out the door in the mornings. So, thank goodness for alternatives. A few things to try – leave in conditioners or heat protectant styling products. Instead of using gels and mousses, which do nothing to replenish moisture in the hair, try hair creams or products made specifically to protect the hair from heat styling. Many of these products come in the form of silicone drops or sprays. Some are creams juiced up with jojoba oil or olive oil. Spread these gems on your hair before you heat style. And, when the opportunity arises, try allowing the hair to dry naturally to give it a break. Finally, good hair also starts from within, just like good skin, good nails, and good teeth. What we put into our bodies can also affect the health of our hair. Low carb diets are often associated with drier hair. Eating a well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, carbs and good fats all contribute to the wellbeing of your hair. And, let’s not underestimate the importance of drinking plenty of fluids. Try applying these strategies and say hello to Happy Hair Days!


February 2018 | 43


Good Reasons To Learn To Read Hands


almistry can be used in many professions. It can also be useful in your personal life. Here are five good reasons to learn to read hands. Disclaimer: If you’re going to be reading people’s hands at work for any reason, make sure you have their permission. In healing professions. I use this term broadly on purpose because anytime you’re in the business of helping people transform their lives I consider you to be a healer. Some examples: nutritionists; medical professionals but especially nurses; life coaches; business coaches; pastors; therapists; massage therapists and more. If you’re a healer you want the best for your client. Pragmatic Palmistry can often speed up the process of whatever healing you do by helping you and your client focus on not only the symptoms, but the underlying challenge that may be overlooked. You cut out the time it takes to get to the heart of the challenge and get to work right away, united with your client and focused on the most effective way to get results. In hiring/recruiting jobs. A long time ago I was a professional recruiter in a cut-throat industry. I learned so much about people, motivation and interviewing techniques in those years and loved putting good people together with jobs where they could excel. As good as I was in that career; I could have been more successful if I knew how to read hands back then. Palmistry helps a recruiter or hiring director clearly see the strengths and challenges of the individual interviewing for a job. If you’ve narrowed your search down to a few excellent candidates for a position that will require 44 | February 2018

a great deal of concentration, quiet and focus you might think twice about the person whose hands show they have a strong need for socializing in order to feel effective. Knowing this by reading his or her hands, you can have a frank discussion about the position and the toll it could take on them and maybe even point them to another position that would benefit from their talent for networking. In teaching positions. Teachers have so much on their plates in the traditional school system! According to my friends and family who teach, their job is part ring-master, part Mother Confessor and part imparter of wisdom. They do it for a pittance and they try to do it with grace, making each student feel valued in the process. You may not work with elementary or secondary students, but if you teach, wouldn’t it be nice to know the underlying motivation for each of your students? I’ll bet you’d love to see into their true selves so you can focus on what makes them tick in and out of the classroom. Of course, you can’t create individual plans for every one of your 30 students, but you can be aware of what Bobby responds to and what turns Sally off as you deliver your lessons. You’ll have an insight into who is likely to be stoic in the face of true trauma and why the class clown or diva acts the way they do. All this can be seen in their hands. In Sales positions. Sales people spend their days being rejected and yet they get up in the morning and do it all over again. Certainly the rewards can be high but the lows can feel lower. All sales people

know that closing a deal is a natural outcome of building a relationship with someone who genuinely needs and can pay for what they’re selling. Building relationships requires time and with time comes trust and likability. Wouldn’t you like to have the ability to know how your prospective clients prefer to receive information? When you read their hands you gain insight into their preferred ways of communicating and an understanding of their true personality. You can tell if someone is more athletic or artistic on their off-hours and weekends and that can help you build a real relationship. Knowing how your potential clients are hard-wired, helps you to help them throughout the sales cycle and beyond. In Entrepreneurial endeavors. As an entrepreneur it can be hard to focus on your specific goals while you’re busy putting out fires. The odds good that the idea of picking your niche drives nuts. Whether you’re afraid you’ll pick the wrong niche or that you’ll limit yourself by doing so, you’re stuck. Here’s where your hands come in. If you’re in business for yourself you either make something that people need or want, or you provide a service that people need or want. You’re great at what you do because you know the problem your product or service solves and while your favorite clients may not look like you they have at least one or more of the same markers in their hands that you have in your hands. As you identify the similarities you can speak directly to your perfect people. There you have it, 5 spectacular ways that truly knowing and understanding palmistry can help you in your professional life.

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n the 1930s 3M Scotch Tape was invented, Birdseye prepared frozen dinners, and a Finnish man with a plan (and appetite) carved a legendary fishing lure. Lauri Rapala deciphered the food chain…big eats small, wounded become dinner. With a shoemaker’s knife, sandpaper, and an eye for fish patterns, he created a cork prototype in 1936. Chocolate bar tinfoil became fish lure wrap, coated with melted photographic negatives. Rapala’s fish tales became legendary and the slightly off-center wobbling Original Floating Rapala Minnow was spawned. BASSMASTER Elite Series angler Dave Lefebre’s father introduced him to Rapalas. Avid Musky angler Frank Lefebre trolled the largest, 7” F-18. Eventual pro Lefebre cast smaller 1.5-inch lures toward weed edges. “Twitching as a topwater, I was addicted when I saw fish eating baits.” At 10, Lefebre observed his dad implementing rhythmic jerks and pauses. “I thought it was my secret until I read a BASSMASTER Secrets of the Pros article where Skeeter pro Terry Baksay’s secret was jerking the big Rapala…I was sick to my stomach that it was given away.” “Don’t move it, let it sit!” These were the first instructions 8-year-old Alexandria angler Duel Ballard received from his buddy’s dad. “Throw it out there and don’t move it, just let it settle and then give it little twitches and stop.” There was nothing subtle about the explosive attacks that excited Ballard who, 55 years later, fishes the same Original Rapala Floating #9. The wiggle that fish couldn’t

The minnow would not be lost resist was everyone’s first lure. After 75 years there are more lures, not many competitors. Since 1963, Ballard’s first tutorial still produces. “Rapala is a unique bait because it was more lifelike than lures of the day. Easy to use, like watching a bobber.” Satisfying his angling addiction, Ballard collected pop bottles for deposit money, coins for casting. Trial and error on Virginia’s rivers, Ballard improved his luck and developed his technique. Lures floating down stream were twitched for top water bites or pulled and stopped into the current when drifting into a fishy spot. A round split shot, a foot ahead, allowed Rapalas to nearly suspend. Of many colors and sizes, Rapala’s F-9 remains Ballard’s favorite as he passes ageless angling advice to his kids. At 7, his son declared he was snagged; but his line was moving. “You’re not hung up son; you’ve got a fish. 15 pound northern when it was all said and done, his first major fish on a Rapala.” Still using Rapalas, they scour tackle shops seeking different colors. “Once I lost one of his Rapalas and he blamed me for him not catching fish.” Fondness for the lure is almost superstitious. “If you get a lucky one, it stays lucky until lost. When it’s lost,

it’s like a death in the family. Usually I just close my tackle box and prepare for the long ride home.” Pro angler Lefebre focuses on Rapala’s F9, F11 and F18. Using 13 Fishing Concept E casting reels on a 7’ medium Muse Black rod, he spools 8-10 pound Suffix monofilament. The light Rapala is harder to cast than any jerkbait which is why he’s excited about the new, longer casting, Concept Z reels just introduced by 13 Fishing. To really fling it Lefebre spools Suffix Nanobraid and 15 feet of 8-pound mono leader on a Creed K spinning reel with a 7’ medium action Muse Black rod. Lefebre says balsa wood’s unique characteristics allow erratic lure actions above or below the surface. On top, he wakes it with the rod tip up and a slight bow in the line, bulging the surface with a wide, hard, pushing action. Gentle upward rod twitches on slack line make it shimmy, pop and bob on the surface. Calm water is more important than clarity. The light bait sneaks up on fish, quietly hitting the water. High buoyancy Rapalas float quickly, offering Lefebre more control over shallow cover. Going a bit deeper, Lefebre targets springtime weed bed holes.

“When jerking the bait…jerk and pause, it floats up really fast.” Original minnows come in many colors. Silver and black produces natural flash. “Around smallmouth, perch color with orange on belly, green and gold…clown is in my arsenal, straight gold and firetiger.” Same goes for sizes. He uses F7 a lot, recalling a 2nd place finish at Lake Wheeler. “Shad were really tiny and I crushed them on that for 3 or 4 days.” Smaller

versions work especially well in fall. In a James River Bassmaster tournament, he caught a key fish on a highly pressured fishery to qualify for the Elite Series. “I wanted something on top with a different action to pull fish out of cover and I caught a 2.5 pounder.” Plastic lures look similar, but Lefebre says Rapala’s Original Floating minnow’s action catches fish because they don’t do the same thing every time. Ballard and Lefebre memories and presentations keep this childhood lure in a prominent place in their tackleboxes. Author Capt. Steve Chaconas is Potomac bass fishing guide & contributing writer for BoatU.S. (BoatUS.com) Potomac River reports: nationalbass.com. Book trips/purchase gift certificates: info@NationalBass.com

Potomac River Bassing in February Water will be cold at the beginning of the month and warm slightly by the end, ranging from 38-45. In all cases, burp a ½ ounce Silver Buddy on 10 pound test GAMMA Edge fluorocarbon line on Quantum VAPOR casting reels with a medium action graphite rod. Fish will be on drops. Mizmo chartreuse or smoke colored grub and a Mann’s Stingray grub on a ¼ ounce ball head jig can be worked in the same areas. Dropshotting with a 2/0 Mustad Mega Bite hook can also work. Use a 4-inch leader and either a 1/8 or 3/16 Water Gremlin BullShot weight. For all soft plastics, soak in garlic flavor Jack’s Juice Bait Spray and use 6-pound test Edge. As water gets closer to 45, slow roll Mann’s Classic spinnerbaits and slowly crank Loudmouth III crankbaits.

Old Town Crier

February 2018 | 45



L O V E 1



f you’re looking for love, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Keep walking past those cute little pink heart Valentines, pass right on by the fuchsia thongs blinged out with “You’re Mine,” hang a left at the flavored love lotions and edible whatevers and head straight to the feminine products aisle. From there, go to the antacid aisle and then circle back to the trash bag aisle. Those are the places where true love resides. I know. I’m a buzz kill. Yes—there’s a place for the raging hot, sticky passion-fueled nights, but at some point Mr. (or Ms.) Sex in the Shower is going to have a raging virus (aka Man Cold) or have bodily fluids dripping from somewhere that is the opposite of sexy. Under the germ-encrusted sheets, beside the pile of phlegm-filled tissues is where love lives. The blinged out thong phase is called dating. It is intoxicating and thrilling beyond words, and alas, it is fleeting. And, it is not for everyone. There are plenty of happily married people out there who never left behind any DNA in a public place or had to have buttons replaced on shirts due to a spontaneous interlude. Truth. There are plenty of great Mr. Rights out there who haven’t had lace panties thrown at them. And, there are plenty of phenomenal women out there who would rather bungee jump off the Grand Canyon than willingly wear the word ‘SEXY’ across their butts in the name of love. This fact is a huge disappointment for many, and yet it shouldn’t be because while that phase may be what brings you together, it is rarely what keeps you together. We all yearn for the lace hearts, chocolates and sweet nothings because it satisfies our need for immediate gratification and it makes us the stars of our own Hallmark movies. I get it,

is a 4-Letter Word

and it’s probably what kept me single for a really long time. The world (aka social media) tells us all we need to know about love. Love is passion. Love is never having to say you’re sorry. Love is the most powerful drug of all. Love is an aphrodisiac. Love is two bodies coming together as one. Love is electric. Love is erotic. I’m here to tell you love is none of those things. Love is like happiness— it is a decision that takes work and effort. Love takes action. Love is putting another person’s needs in front of your own. When you find the person who is willing to give you the last chocolate chip cookie, you may be onto something. Love is: • Saying you’re sorry a lot • Listening even when it’s not about you or puppies or kittens or Netflix shows • Never having to wax (unless it’s back hair and then it’s full on) • Moving someone else’s underwear from the washer to the dryer • Rinsing someone else’s random hairs from the shower • Accepting. Every. Damn. Thing. And when you think you’ve mastered acceptance, start over • Smelling spoiled milk and potentially caustic lunch meat and performing other random mystery science fridge checks • Setting up the coffee pot for the next morning without being asked • Biting your lip when your partner is clearly loading the dishwasher incorrectly • Watching back-to-back episodes of Deadliest Catch • Taking the dog out on cold, rainy days so your partner

46 | February 2018

can sleep in • Pretending not to see chin hairs • Agreeing that yoga pants are sexy and that Spanx are a silly waste of money • Listening to opposing political viewpoints even though you know they are based on Facebook facts and are basically bat sh#t crazy • Ignoring your S.O.’s politically-inspired Facebook rants (‘Unfollow’ is a helpful tool) • Laughing at jokes you don’t always get and/or fear are founded in partial truths that don’t shine the brightest light on you (Note: Love is never attempting menopause jokes) • Assuming the best in your partner’s actions, motives and words always • Leaving the light on so your partner can read Before you go getting your g-strings in a twist, I’m not saying you can’t have it both


ways. Yes—you can get the trash taken out and make out in the back of the car. Just not every day. Specifically, not on really cold days or stressful work days or the cat threw up on the new carpet days. That was hard for me to get my head around when I was single. I imagined every day like a “Carrie and Big” reunion day. There would be flirty stares, passionate gazes, smoldering kisses, buttons flying, romantic giggles, sweaty sheets and…well, you get it. TV and movies—especially Hallmark and anything with Jon Hamm—have tainted how we think of love. It’s like movie stars don’t have morning breath and/or require stretching. No achy/stiff joints here! The reasons I love my husband, XXL, are many, but at the end of the day, he is my home. He is my safe place, the one I want to be in the trenches with. He not only signed up for my version of crazy, but he opted out of the warranty. On

our third date, XXL turned to me and said, “I want you to know that I get you. I see what all those other guys missed. I guess that makes me the smartest.” XXL is a master at working in a compliment for himself, but that sealed the deal for me. Later that night I very gracefully face planted on his deck (there may have been wine involved). He got down on the ground beside me and we both turned over and looked up at the stars. Love is messy and clumsy and far from perfect, but it is what makes life worth living. Love is a four-letter word that starts with ‘like’ and ends with ‘work.’ You better like the one you’re with enough to get down on the floor with them because, trust me, they will require you to pick them up often. If he’s lucky, you’ll like him so much that you’ll be willing to dance across the room wearing a pair of fire engine red ‘Be Mine’ thongs. Happy Valentine’s Day! Love yourself as much as the one you’re with. And if you’re not ‘with’ anyone, love yourself even more.

Old Town Crier






he Harbor on the whole is still pretty dormant during the month of February and I was having a bit of trouble deciding what to write about in this month’s column when my friend Rachel Dinbokowitz - who just happens to be the Marketing Manager at the Gaylord - came to the rescue. She sent me some press info about some fabulous things happening at the spa in the resort this month. When it comes to experiential escapes to celebrate Valentine’s Day, look no further than a spa day. Relâche Spa at Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center is offering three ways to spa this February including an exclusive night out at the spa for two - an overnight spa package at the luxurious 19-story resort and three new treatments infused with the most romantic scent of all, frangipani. For the ultimate romantic escape, Relâche Spa’s A Night at Relâche package literally shuts down the spa for a private experience for one

AC LOUNGE 156 Waterfront Street 301-749-2299 BOND 45 149 Waterfront Street 301-839-1445 BRASS TAP 164 Fleet Street 301-965-9116 BROTHER JIMMY’S BBQ 177 Fleet Street 301-909-8860 CADILLAC RANCH 186 Fleet Street 301-839-1100

Old Town Crier

couple. These two guests enjoy a champagne toast; 80-minute couples massage in the spa’s couple’s suite that overlooks the Potomac River; private use of all spa amenities including its sauna, steam room and whirl pools; spa robes to keep; and gourmet bites selected by the resort’s executive chef. The three-hour all-access pass is offered from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. and must be booked 7 days in advance by calling 301-965-4400. The package starts $1,500. If renting out the spa for a loved one is outside ones budget, guests can choose an overnight spa getaway with the Relax at Relâche package. Couples can select one of three spa experiences – a massage, facial or manicure and pedicure – and experience overnight accommodations at the Hotel. This package starts at $429 and can be booked at GaylordNational.com or by calling 301-965-4000. Couples aren’t the only ones that can join in on a February spa escape. Relâche Spa is introducing three new frangipani treatments that are the perfect gift to

CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL 158 National Plaza 301-749-2016 CRAB CAKE CAFE 140 National Plaza 240-766-2063 ELEVATION BURGER 108 Waterfront Street 301-749-4014 FIORELLA PIZZERIA E CAFFE 152 National Plaza 301-839-1811 GRACES MANDARIN 188 Waterfront Street 301-839-3788

celebrate loving oneself or enticing the love of others. The fragrant flower’s essential oils are known to provide its users with harmony, self-confidence, stressrelief, antioxidants, soft skin and a scent that acts as an aphrodisiac. Spa-goers can plan their next love spell when choosing between a 50-minute soothing massage, a 50-minute anti-aging facial and 50-minute luxurious pedicure. To experience all three services for the ultimate rejuvenating experience, the cost is $345 on Mondays through Thursdays and $370 on Fridays through Sundays. Each service is also offered individually with prices starting from $80. I can smell the frangipani now! Relâche Spa is an awardwinning, full-service spa and salon located within the Resort. Its core philosophy stems from its name, Relâche, which comes from the French to “let go” or “take a breather.” As one of the largest resort spas in the Capital Region, Relâche Spa offers massages, body treatments, facials and salon services, as well as a unique couples massage

room, Riverview Relaxation Lounge, sauna, steam room and whirl pool. For more information about Relâche Spa and its February offerings, visit EscapeToRelacheSpa.com, call 301-965-4400 and follow on Facebook.com/ GaylordNationalRelache. The other action taking place in February is National Harbor’s annual Restaurant Week. It takes place February 4th through the 10th and there are more than a dozen participating restaurants this year. Like the Restaurant Weeks in Old Town and DC, there are special menus offered at reduced prices and this year the restaurants in The District area of the MGM Grand are participating. Dinner menus are available for $38, lunch menus for $20 and this Restaurant Week includes entertainment options as well. The Capital Wheel, National Harbor’s 180-foot observation wheel, will offer two tickets for $22 that must be purchased at NationalHarbor.com/ RestaurantWeek and Bobby McKey’s Dueling Piano Bar will offer free cover with a

NATIONAL HARBOR DINING GUIDE GRANITE CITY FOOD & BREWERY 200 American Way 240-493-3900 IRISH WHISPER 177 Fleet Street 301-909-8859 MASON'S FAMOUS LOBSTER ROLLS 156 National Plaza 410-298-7850

McCORMICK & SCHMICK 145 National Plaza 301-567-6224 McLOONES PIER HOUSE 141 National Harbor Plaza 301-839-0815 NANDO’S PERI-PERI 191 American Way 301-567-8900

NATIONAL PAST TIME SPORTS BAR & GRILLE Gaylord Resort 301-965-4000 gaylordnational.com OLD HICKORY STEAKHOUSE Gaylord Resort 301-965-4000 gaylordnational.com

Restaurant Week receipt (this offer is valid only during restaurant week.). Participating restaurants include not only some of the best eateries in the Washington DC metro area including the highly popular Ed Lee’s Succotash, The Walrus Oyster and Ale House, and one of the Old Town Crier’s favorites, Bond 45. Deborah Topcik, Director of Marketing for National Harbor told us, “We are excited to have the largest number of restaurants participating this year including MGM National Harbor’s Tap Sports Bar, Ginger, Voltaggio Brothers Steak House, and Fish by Jose Andrés. Each of our restaurants provide a unique experience for our guests and there is truly something for everyone.” For more information visit NationalHarbor.com/ RestaurantWeek.

PIENZA ITALIAN MARKET Gaylord Resort 301-965-4000 gaylordnational.com POTBELLY SANDWICH WORKS 146 National Plaza 301-686-1160 PUBLIC HOUSE 199 Fleet Street 240-493-6120 REDSTONE AMERICAN GRILL 155 National Plaza 301-839-3330

ROSA MEXICANA 135 Waterfront Street 301-567-1005 SAUCIETY AMERICAN GRILL 171 Waterfront Street 240-766-3640 SUCCOTASH 168 Waterfront Street 301-567-8900 THAI PAVILLION 151 American Way 301-749-2022 WALRUS OYSTER & ALE HOUSE 152 Waterfront Street 301-567-6100

February 2018 | 47

This February Celebrate Your Love at

Gaylord National Resort Enjoy a special three-course pre-fixe menu curated by our Resort Chef

$150 per couple

Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and February 14th Reserve Today OldHickoryRestaurant.com Learn how to pair two of the world’s most decadent treats – Chocolate and Wine – at our Cask & Cocoa Class

$29.99 per person

February 3, 10 & 24th at 1pm Pre-purchase Required GaylordNationalTickets.com

201 Waterfront St. National Harbor, MD 20745 I (301) 965-4000 I www.GaylordNational.com






10, 2018


MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NationalHarbor.com/RestaurantWeek


48 | February 2018

Old Town Crier




Alexandria’s Renowned Neighborhood Restaurant & Bar 3804 Mt. Vernon Avenue Alexandria 703-684-6010 • rtsrestaurant.net Ample Free Parking

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