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From the Bay
Spring Sailboat Show Returns to Historic Downtown Annapolis
The Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show is set to return to historic downtown Annapolis April 29 - May 1. The show will feature new and brokerage boats including catamarans, monohulls, racing boats, family cruisers, daysailers, and inflatables. While climbing aboard an impressive line-up of sailboats is always a major draw, there is so much more to see. Guests are invited to meet with boating clubs and charters companies, shop gear and equipment, and catch up with marine professionals and sailing friends.
Novice and seasoned sailors alike are welcome to expand their horizons with a number of educational opportunities:
FIRST SAIL WORKSHOP allows first-time sailors to learn the basics and experience the joy of sailing in a 45-minute classroom session followed by 90 minutes on the water with American Sailing Association accredited instructors provided by Sailtime.
CRUISERS UNIVERSITY is a classroom-based educational opportunity for bluewater sailors. Its comprehensive curriculum offers a complete range of cruising topics to prepare cruisers to live aboard a boat and begin their boating adventures with confidence. Courses include marine weather forecasting, navigation techniques, diesel maintenance, heavy weather sailing, budgeting, and more.
In collaboration with Chesapeake Bay Magazine and Annapolis School of Seamanship, the show also brings a variety of free seminars. Learn from professional captains and experts about a variety of how-to and where-to-go topics including Docking De-Stressed, Get Your Captain’s License, Weekends on the Water - Cruising to towns in the Upper & Middle Bay, Lessons from Sailors Who Log 100 Days on the Water Each Year, and How to Anchor Your Boat.
In addition to boarding beautiful sailboats, guests of the SPRING SAILBOAT SHOW may get behind the wheel on land at the BMW exhibit. Browse the allnew, fully electric iX on display or sign up to test drive the iX, i4, M8 or X7 M50i. Test drives are only available Saturday (April 30) and Sunday (May 1) during show hours.
For those looking to enhance their visit, the VIP EXPERIENCE sponsored by LaVictoire Finance boasts exclusive access to a relaxing area at Latitude 38 restaurant, elegant cuisine, and wine and cocktail tastings throughout the day. VIP attendees looking to purchase a boat at the show may connect with LaVictoire Finance in advance for exclusive access to their VIP program, which allows boat buyers to become pre-qualified for marine financing prior to the show, so they may meet with dealers and brokers with financing in hand.
Not just about business, the show provides a fun and entertaining weekend for all. THE BREAKTHRU TASTING TENT, sponsored by Breakthru Beverage Maryland, will feature daily tastes from Tito’s Handmade vodka, Brugal 1888, Fishers Island Lemonade, Fleurs De Prairie Rose Languedoc, The Crossings Sauvignon Blanc, and The Callings Wines. Guests over 21 years of age are invited to visit the tent to learn more about the beverages and enjoy complimentary tastings.
Outside the show gates, visitors may also enjoy Annapolis restaurants, crab cakes, raw oysters, waterfront bars, glorious sunsets, historic walking tours, strolls through the U.S. Naval Academy, and
The 2022 Boat Show Season kicks off in Annapolis this month.
WEST STREET’S FIRST SUNDAY ARTS FESTIVAL. On Sunday, as the show closes, sailors will gather across the creek at the Eastport Yacht Club for SpinSheet Magazine’s Crew Party.
Tickets are available for advance purchase on the Annapolis Boat Shows website. Admission is $20 per person, and children 12 and under are free. There will be no box office on site, so guests are encouraged to prepurchase their tickets online. For more information, visit www.AnnapolisBoatShows.com.
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Enjoy a sunset along Breton Bay.

Port of Leonardtown Winery www.POLWinery.com
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2022 BAY BRIDGE BOAT SHOW April 21 – 24, 2022 Bay Bridge Marina, Stevensville, MD
2022 ANNAPOLIS SPRING SAILBOAT SHOW April 29 – May 1, 2022 City Dock, Annapolis, MD
CRUISERS UNIVERSITY (SPRING 2022) April 28 – May 1, 2022 Downtown Annapolis, MD
2022 UNITED STATES POWERBOAT SHOW October 6 – 9, 2022 City Dock, Annapolis, MD
2022 UNITED STATES SAILBOAT SHOW October 13 – 17, 2022 City Dock, Annapolis, MD