Since 1988 • Priceless
July 2017
From the Bay to the Blue Ridge
Celebrating Alexandria’s 268th Birthday and Our Nation’s 241st!
Road Trip “Keepin’ It Cool in the Blue Ridge” Business Profile
THE OLD TOWN SHOP “OTX-Celebrating Old Town Alexandria” Dining Out
HAUTE DOGS AND FRIES “A Gourmet Version of an American Favorite” Across the River
NATIONAL HARBOR “Summertime Sizzles”
july’17 A Division of Crier Media Group OTC Media LLC PO Box 320386 Alexandria, VA 22320 703. 836. 0132
23 Published the first week of every month. Worth waiting for! PUBLISHER Bob Tagert MARKETING & ADVERTISING Lani Gering Bob Tagert SOCIAL MEDIA & WEBSITE Ashley Schultz DESIGN & PRODUCTION Electronic Ink 9 Royal Street, SE Leesburg, VA 20175 703. 669. 5502 Chris Anderson Peggie Arvidson Sarah Becker F. Lennox Campello Steve Chaconas Doug Coleman Jimmy Deaton Doug Fabbioli Nicole Flanagan Lani Gering Miriam Kramer
CONTRIBUTORS Sarah Liu Jeff McCord Kim Putens Julie Reardon Ashley Schultz Chester Simpson Bob Tagert Carl Trevisan Ryan Unverzagt Lori Welch Brown Molly Winans
© 2017 Crier Media Group, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the publisher. The Old Town Crier is published monthly and distributed to select Alexandria residents, hotels, restaurants and retail shops. Also distributed in the Annapolis, Fredericksburg, Blue Ridge and Washington, DC areas and St. John, USVI.
A Bit of History................................................................ 8
Financial Focus.................................................................. 6
Pets of the Month.........................................................17
After Hours.......................................................................15
First Blush.........................................................................44
Points on Pets.................................................................16
Alexandria Events............................................................ 3
Publisher’s Notes.............................................................. 2
Art & Antiques................................................................13
From the Bay….............................................................21
Road Trip...........................................................................24
Behind the Bar................................................................32
From the Trainer............................................................43
Social Media Message....................................................3
Business Profile................................................................. 5
Gallery Beat.....................................................................12
Spiritual Renaissance...................................................41
Caribbean Connection...............................................18
Go Fish...............................................................................45
The Last Word.................................................................10
Chef's Special..................................................................34
High Notes.......................................................................11
To the Blue RIdge..........................................................23
Civil Discourse................................................................... 9
National Harbor.............................................................47
Urban Garden.................................................................14
Dining Guide...................................................................35
On the Road with OTC................................................... 1
Virginia Wine Trails........................................................39
Dining Out.......................................................................30
Open Space.....................................................................46
Exploring Virginia Wines............................................38
Personality Profile.............................................................4
Since 1988 • Priceless
July 2017
From the Bay to the Blue Ridge
Celebrating Alexandria’s 268th Birthday and Our Nation’s 241st!
Road Trip “Keepin’ It Cool in the Blue Ridge” Business Profile
THE OLD TOWN SHOP “OTX-Celebrating Old Town Alexandria” Dining Out
HAUTE DOGS AND FRIES “A Gourmet Version of an American Favorite” Across the River
NATIONAL HARBOR “Summertime Sizzles”
about the cover Photo by © 2017 Bodi Nolan. Nolan has lived his entire life in Maryland, on or near the shores of the Chesapeake Bay. This photo was taken near his home in Downs Memorial Park on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay, in Anne Arundel County, Md. Taking photos of raptors is his passion. “It fills me with exhila ation. Nothing gives me more joy than to hike those shores during the summer months, watching those eagles soar in the skies overhead.” “Bodi Shoots” on FaceBook
on the road with OTC Friends of Linda K. Glover of Old Town enjoy the Crier aboard SV Chelonia, returning from viewing the Super Yacht and J-Boat races off St. George’s at the Eastern end of Bermuda. The readers are Linda’s great friends Billy and Laura Williams who have a lovely waterfront home on Great Sound in Bermuda, and in the middle Lady Judy Vereker, wife of the former Governor of Bermuda.
July 2017 | 1
BOB TAGERT I am writing this two days after the summer solstice so the days are getting shorter but summer is here. This month’s Road Trip takes us to the cool mountains of Virginia and a visit to a few wineries as well as Washington, VA and Sperryville, two of my favorite towns in Rappahannock County. After 30 years of publishing this publication I am still amazed at the diversity of personalities and talents in our area. This month is no different as we meet Chris Ullman, four- time world champion whistler, in Personality Profile and we welcome one of the newer kids on the block, The Old Town Shop, on Union Street as we feature them in the Business Profile. This is the place to visit during our City’s 268th birthday. Doug Coleman pontificates on how he sees our current political climate in his Civil Discourse as Sarah Becker addresses some immigration history in her A Bit of History column. It wouldn’t be right to celebrate the 4th of July without a hot dog and a beer, whether it be the hops and barley type or the root type. All available at Haute Dog and Fries on Montgomery Street –
read about them in Dining Out. In keeping with our wildlife/animal cover theme in 2017, we are happy to inject a bit of a patriotic theme with the handsome Bald Eagle on the cover. This is the first time this local photographer has had an image published anywhere. We are happy that we are able to do it. It is an exciting time in Old Town Alexandria as our waterfront begins its transformation with the opening of Hotel Indigo and the Hummingbird Restaurant and Bar. The Old Dominion Boat Club’s new building is taking shape and the 300 block of South Union Street is under new development. More big things coming for sure. Wishing you all a very Happy 4th of July and our fair city a very Happy Birthday! Stay cool…..
OLD TOWN FARMERS MARKET MARKET SQUARE • 301 KING ST. SATURDAY 7 A.M. – NOON, YEAR ROUND Free parking in Market Square garage during market hours People who come to Alexandria on Saturday mornings find themselves in a busy plaza where local farmers and artists have been selling their products since 1753. Old Town Alexandria’s Market Square is thought to be one of the nation’s oldest continually operating farmers markets, serving as a primary source of meat, dairy, fish, fruits and vegetables for Alexandrians. George Washington sent his produce from Mount Vernon to be sold here. Today, the market offers folks a way to reconnect to the past, while participating in an ongoing local and national tradition.
DEL RAY FARMERS MARKET CORNER OF E. OXFORD & MT. VERNON AVES SATURDAY 8 A.M. – NOON, YEAR ROUND The Del Ray Market is producer grown, with fresh vegetables and fruits in season. All year round, this market offers meats, eggs, fresh pasta and sauces, Amish cheese, yogurt, bakery goods, eggs, jams and jellies, fancy nuts and bakery goods.
THURSDAY 3 – 7 P.M., YEAR ROUND, WEATHER PERMITTING The market will feature local growers, bakers, and other area providers of wholesome foods including Twin Springs, Grace's Pastries, Bread & Water, and Relay Foods.
2 | July 2017
What’s with all these #Hashtags?!! These days there is quite a science behind getting the most out of your social media account to garner more followers and visibility. A major part of that is using hashtags. Let’s discuss what hashtags are and how to figure out the proper ones to use. Hashtags first came to the forefront on the social media platform Twitter. They have now spread to Facebook, Google+, and Instagram. People can type your hashtag into any social media platform search and then be shown your page, even if they are not
following your page. Tweets and posts with hashtags get double the engagement of posts that do not use hashtags.
Here are some quick guidelines on using hashtags: • Don’t use hashtags that are irrelevant in order to gain more visibility to your page. • Avoid using #fullblownsentencesinonehashtag • Don’t #hashtag #every #single #word
• Find what the top trends are and join in the conversation by using the trending hashtags. • Make sure to use hashtags that showcase your business or brand. If you are a BBQ restaurant and are having a special on ribs you would hashtag #BBQ #Ribs and your location such as #visitalexandria or #alexandriava. Hopefully this helps uncover a little bit of the science behind hashtags and the benefits it can supply your business or personal brand. OldTownCrier
Courtesy of C. Davison for VTC
Within eyesight of Washington, D.C. on the Potomac River waterfront, Alexandria, Virginia is nationally recognized for its acclaimed, chef-driven restaurants, bustling boutiques and dynamic arts set against a backdrop of 18th- and 19th-century architecture still intact from its days as George Washington’s hometown. Old Town Alexandria hums with a cosmopolitan feel and a walkable lifestyle—a hidden gem tucked beneath the nation’s capital. Find the many on-going events and more summer happenings at www.
AN AMERICAN CELEBRATION AT MOUNT VERNON July 4th | 9 am -5 pm Admission: Included in site fee; $20 for adults; $9 ages 6-11; free children ages 0-5 George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate 3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway 703-780-2000 An American Celebration includes an inspirational naturalization ceremony for new citizens with a special keynote address, daytime fireworks, military re-enactments, a special wreath laying ceremony, free birthday cake for all (while supplies last), and a visit from General and Mrs. Washington. Enjoy a performance by the National Concert Band during its "Red, White and Blue" concert. Spend a truly inspiring day at a truly inspiring place.
SPECTACULAR SEAFOOD • CREOLE & CAJUN SPECIALTIES Alexandria’s Renowned Neighborhood Restaurant & Bar
3804 Mt. Vernon Avenue • Alexandria 703-684-6010 •
FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT 150TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION PICNIC SERIES & MORE July 12 and August 27 Admission: Varies Frank Lloyd Wright's Pope-Leighey House 9000 Richmond Highway Celebrate world-renowned American architect Frank Lloyd Wright's 150th birthday at the only Frank Lloyd Wright house open to visitors in the D.C. region-the Pope-Leighey House! Located just 10 miles from Old Town Alexandria, the Pope-Leighey House is the perfect showcase of one of Wright's "Usonian" style modest homes that he began designing in the 1930s. Visitors are invited to celebrate the anniversary all year long. On July 12, the hilarious cocktail theater troupe Picnic Theater Company will present their version of Noel Coward's "Hay Fever" in front of the house (picnic dinner available), and on August 27, the Pope-Leighey Picnic Series ends with a mid-century modern, family-style back-to-school picnic (Loren Pope was an education reporter and author) on the grounds of the house. Stay tuned for other events throughout the year, from in-depth architectural tours to Twilight & Tipple Tours with beverages and bites.
50% OFF* one service at first visit
2727 Mt. Vernon Avenue Alexandria, VA 22301
July 8th | 6-10 pm Admission: Free Oronoco Bay Park 100 Madison St. /alexandria-birthday-celebration
WTCAlexandria waxingthecityalexandria
Visitors celebrate America's 241st birthday and Alexandria's 268th along the Potomac River waterfront at Oronoco Bay Park and enjoy live music by the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra, patriotic birthday cake, food vendors and a dazzling fireworks display.
book online: Courtesy of Victor Volansky
*New clients only, first visit. If used on combo services, discount applied to highest priced service only. Not valid with other offers. ©2017 Waxing the City Worldwide, LLC. All rights reserved.
July 2017 | 3
Whistleing Yankee Doodle at the top of the George Washington monument
Christopher Ullman: Whistling his Own Tune!
fter 30 years, I am still amazed at all of the incredible individuals we have met writing this Personality Profile column and this month is no exception. Chris Ullman is a Managing Director and the Director of Global Communications for the Carlyle Group, an asset management company based in Washington, D.C. Prior to joining the Carlyle Group, Chris was Director of Communications at he U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Public Affairs Director and Spokesman for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, but more than anything, Chris is a four-time national and international
whistling champion. Conservatively dressed in his suit and bowtie, I found out that there is much more to this man than his appearance. Who would think that he rides a motorcycle and whistles happy birthday to over 400 people a year and has performed with major symphony orchestras, serenaded President George W. Bush in the Oval Office and whistled the national anthem at major league sporting events. In fact, the day this issue hits the street on June 28th, Chris will be performing the national anthem at the Washington National’s baseball game against the Chicago Cubs. Chris grew up in Massapequa Park in New York. With instruction from his dad, Chris began his
Chris and his friend Preston Ulman take turns whistling for each other.
A whistle handshake from George W.Bush.
4 | July 2017
whistling career at the age of five. In grade school he took up the drums, at age 13 he began to take whistling more serious and in high school he joined the choir. “Most people view whistling as a novelty,’ he tells me. To Chris, this is serious business as he has performed with more than a dozen symphony orchestras. Happy birthday is by far the number that he performs most. “I whistle happy birthday for friends, family, strangers in restaurants, you name it.” At our meeting at Landini’s Restaurant here in Old Town, Chris gave a short performance for me and other friends. Chris also likes performing jazz and the blues because it gives him a chance to improvise and become creative. As much as others like to be entertained by Chris, he in return, has derived a lot of pleasure and purpose in life through his whistling. He recently wrote a book about some of his encounters over the years and encourages others to “Find Your Whistle”, the title of his new book. “Everyone has a gift”, he tells me. “Each of us must find that gift and then share it with the world.” “These stories remind me to make the most of the gifts God has given me, because we never know when hardship or tragedy will strike. On a daily basis, they help me keep life in perspective and appreciate the tasty fruit smoothie and egg sandwich I have most mornings. If the greatest hardship I have today is dealing with bad traffic or a challenging person at work, then I’m doing pretty well. And those times when I face serious struggles, I’m reminded that if I dig deeper, I’ll likely find untapped reserves of energy, insight, and hope,” he says. “In this spirit, Find Your Whistle started out as a collection of lessons learned from my nearly half-century whistling journey. But two years into the process of thinking and writing, I came to a humbling conclusion: I’m not a hero, therefore my moral authority in terms of “lessons learned” was minimal.’ “Yes, I’ve done lots of sweet, crazy, outrageous, and poignant things through my pucker, but none of them are heroic. I haven’t scaled Mt. Everest blind, cured or conquered cancer, survived weeks at sea in a small raft, overcome terrific hardship or addiction, made or lost a billion dollars, or eaten raw shark liver. I’m not a hero-just a whistler,” Chris continued. In reading Find Your Whistle you will learn a lot about Chris Ullman, but even more, you will learn about yourself. There are real life experiences we have all had that make it possible to find our own whistle!
Sharing his book with Old Town's Tom Hullfish.
THE OLD TOWN SHOP 105 South Union Street 703-684-4682
The Old Town Shop – Where the Past is your Present!
he Old Town Shop officially opened its doors this spring and is a welcome addition to the Alexandria retail community-most especially in Old Town. This cute shop brings to the area a unique take on local gifts that celebrate Alexandria’s charm and historic heritage. The store, located at 105 South Union Street, offers custom gifts and Old Town Alexandria merchandise tailored to visitors and residents alike. The Old Town Shop not only features a variety of local curated artisan products that are offered at the Old Town Farmers’ Market in the section of the store called “Locals’ Alley”. In addition, the Shop has created unique, custom designed OldTownCrier
“OTX” and Old Town Alexandria branded merchandise. Other gifts include, gourmet food, books, collectives, and hospitality gifts for tourists and residents. “The Port” is the section of the store that promotes the history of Alexandria known as The Port City, with a representation of twelve (12) Virginia state mile markers to depict the historic importance of Alexandria. The Shop has a rotating Alexandria focused history exhibition area featuring artifacts from surrounding historic partners such as the Alexandria Archeology Museum, the Office of Historic Alexandria, and George Washington’s Mt. Vernon estate. This is a great place to get a good feel for the history of our city
without having to wander through a big museum. The Locals’ Alley section is dedicated to showcasing a variety of artisans who vend regularly at the Saturday Alexandria Farmers’ Market, giving artists an outlet to have a more permanent presence in a retail space. Examples of vendors that will are featured include Truly Life (bath & body), Capital City Candles (soy candles), Amalthea Ridge (goat milk bath products), Napier Farms (local jams & jellies), Dimitri Olive Farms (olive oil & gourmet vinegars) and Ester’s Granola. Store Owner and long-time Alexandria resident and business owner Valerie Ianieri decided to open the store concept because she felt
there was a lack of unique and custom products for Old Town Alexandria. “We are excited to open a Shop that is dedicated to promoting and celebrating the charm and uniqueness of Old Town Alexandria,” says Ms. Ianieri. “From the Kids Cove to Locals’ Alley, we have custom gifts for everyone, even our vibrant dog community.” The store also features regular events that will spotlight local vendors, writers, and artisans that strengthen our community. The Old Town Shop focus is to preserve and promote the history, creativity, and culture of Alexandria locals and the Commonwealth of Virginia. The shop will be open seven days a week. For store hours visit www. July 2017 | 5
Is Your Portfolio as Efficient as It Could Be?
hen you look at a line chart of an investment’s historical performance, one feature to note is its volatility – how frequent and how extreme the ups and downs have been. This is significant because volatility is the most commonly used measurement of an investment’s risk. The greater the volatility, the riskier the investment is considered to be. If you viewed a chart comparing the stock market’s vs. the bond market’s performance, you’d see stocks have been significantly more volatile than bonds. Logically then, a 100% bond portfolio should be less risky than one including both bonds and stocks. Right? Not so fast. In fact, according to a Morningstar study for the years 1970 through 2015, a portfolio comprising 67% bonds (measured by the 20-year U.S. 6 | July 2017
than a 100% bond portfolio. In other words, the former was more “efficient” than the latter, which leads to a concept investors should be aware of: the efficient frontier.
In general, risk and return go hand-in-hand. As an investment’s risk increases, so should its return. government bond) and 33% stocks (using the Ibbotson Large Company Stock Index) offered less risk and better returns
Start with the basics Having a grasp of the efficient frontier begins with understanding: • The relationship between risk and return; • How diversification can help manage risk and return. In general, risk and return go hand-inhand. As an investment’s risk increases, so should its return. If you buy a Treasury bond, the return will probably be low because the risk of default is minimal. If you buy a stock, however, the potential FINANCIAL FOCUS > PAGE 7
risk is significant – think back to what happened to stocks during the Great Recession – and you should expect a greater return potential as “compensation” from the market for accepting that additional risk. (A high risk/low return investment is probably not a good idea.) Diversification is simply blending different investments in a portfolio in an effort to manage risk and return. The result is your *“asset allocation.” A very simple asset allocation might include stocks, which tend to be risky but offer growth potential, and bonds, which have been more stable and provide income (interest). You can help manage your risk and return by how much you allocate to each type of investment. For example, if you have a 75% stock/25% bond portfolio, it should offer a greater risk and return potential than one that’s 25% stocks/75% bonds.
Getting to an efficient frontier Of course, there are lots of other investments for you to choose from, and there are an infinite number of portfolios you could construct from the stocks, bonds, and other assets available. Each of these blends has a unique overall risk and return level. If you plotted them all on a chart, you’d likely see what’s shown in the
hypothetical graph below. The “pies” – representing different asset allocations – farthest to the left and highest up are the ones with the best expected risk/return tradeoffs. If you connected those “dots,” you would have it: the efficient frontier. That’s what the efficient frontier is, but what does it mean for investors? It means that if your risk/return tradeoff doesn’t land along the frontier, your portfolio is not as efficient as it could be. You’re taking on too much risk for the level of return you’re getting, and you probably need to make adjustments to decrease risk, improve return, or both.
Connecting the Dots to Determine an Efficient Frontier
Finding help Determining whether your portfolio is as efficient as it could be may require help from a professional Financial Advisor. He or she will likely ask about your goals (what you’re investing for), time horizon (how long until you need to tap into your investments), and risk tolerance (how comfortable you are with swings in your portfolio’s value). Based on your responses, your advisor can help build a portfolio designed to help reach your goals as efficiently as possible. *Asset allocation cannot eliminate the risk of fluctuating prices and uncertain returns. Our firm does not provide tax or legal
Chart is conceptual and does not reflect any actual returns or represent any specific asset classifications.
advice. However, we would be happy to work with your chosen legal and tax advisors to create a strategy that’s right for you. This article was written by/for Wells Fargo Advisors and provided courtesy of Carl M. Trevisan, Managing Director-Investments and Stephen M. Bearce, First Vice PresidentInvestments in Alexandria, Va. at 800247-8602. Investments in securities
and insurance products are: Not fdicinsured/Not bank-guaranteed/May lose value. Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC, Member SIPC, a registered broker-dealer and non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. © 2017 Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC. All rights reserved. 1115-04020 [99585-v1BDC]
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July 2017 | 7
An Act to Encourage Immigration
braham Lincoln, in his 1864 holiday proclamation, praised Almighty God for augmenting “our free population by emancipation and by immigration…” To immigrate: to enter and settle in a foreign country. To naturalize: to admit a foreigner to citizenship. In 1790 naturalization was limited to “any Alien being a free white person who shall have resided within… the United States for a term of two years.” On July 4, 1864 the U.S. Congress “passed a bill to encourage immigration,” an Act President Lincoln signed into law the same day. The Act permitted foreign emigrants to enter as Alien contract labor “for a term not exceeding 12 months.” In 1864 America’s Civil War was ongoing and labor (common and otherwise) was in short supply. Particularly in the South’s pre-war cotton producing states. The 1860 Census “showed the aggregate population of the United States amounted to 31,041,977, an increase of 8,449,921 as compared with 1850.” Slaves accounted for 12.9% of the total population. The increase in free men was 38%, “a material increase due to immigration from abroad.” Between 1845-1850 Ireland’s potato famine brought approximately 500,000 immigrants to the United States. The Republican Party platform of 1860, the platform upon which President Lincoln was first elected, referenced immigration. The Party “opposed any change in our naturalization laws.” Especially as regards “free homestead policy” and or construction of “a railroad to the Pacific ocean.” “Inasmuch as our country is extensive and new, and the countries of Europe are densely populated, if there are any abroad who desire to make this the land of their adoption, it is not in my heart to…prevent them from coming,” President-elect Lincoln said. Ninety-three million Americans are 8 | July 2017
descended from Homesteaders. In 1862 President Lincoln, an architect of a political-economic type, signed four Acts into law. They were the Department of Agriculture Act, the Homestead Act, the Pacific Railway Act, and the Morrill Act. He also released a preliminary copy of his Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln hoped to send skilled mechanics to Eastern manufacturers; to populate the homesteading West and agricultural South with farmers, laborers, free blacks depending, and femme soles. “The mineral resources of Colorado, Nevada, Idaho, New Mexico, and Arizona are proving far richer than has been heretofore understood…,” President Lincoln told Congress in 1863. “I again [recommend] establishing a system for the encouragement of immigration.” Nevada was admitted to the Union in 1864. “Although this source of national wealth and strength is again flowing with greater freedom than for several years before the insurrection occurred, there is still a great deficiency of laborers in every field of industry, especially in agriculture, and in our mines…,” Lincoln continued. Virginia—Spotsylvania County especially—mined gold, 1804-1947. “While the demand for labor is much increased here, tens of thousands of persons, destitute of remunerative occupation, are thronging our foreign consulates and offering to emigrate to the United States if essential, but very cheap assistance can be afforded them,” Lincoln concluded. Twenty-five percent of the Union Army was foreign born. In 1865, at War’s end, the Alexandria based, Union-friendly restored government of Virginia rejected a bill “to incorporate the Virginia Immigration and land Company… because the bill was a money making enterprise, [en route] to Wall Street.” It proposed “to confer ‘vested rights’ of unusual character upon the corporators.” Under the federal Alien contract labor law emigrants who pledged their wages to third parties
to repay their transportation costs typically finished in debt. The larger, reassembled Virginia Legislature passed an Act to Promote and Encourage Immigration into the State in 1866. Why? “To induce and encourage the immigration into Virginia of [sober and industrious] laborers [and their families] from Europe, [especially England and Scotland];…to cause to be published such information as will show the natural resources of this State,…and for the purpose of acquiring lands to be resold to parties arriving from abroad.” Post-Civil War, Virginians chose either the restoration of labor or ruin. “It is…delusional to hope that immigrants…will…come into Virginia and remain merely as laborers,” Virginia’s Land and Immigration Company wrote in 1868. “But as actual settlers—as landed proprietors, they will only come, and come by the thousands….” The Company offered to sell land “to actual settlers, [especially British and German], on such terms as will induce them to come…” Virginia
rejoined the Union in 1870, before “peace and prosperity” had wholly “dawned.” “We have not one-quarter the population in Virginia that we ought to have,” Governor Gilbert C. Walker said in 1872. “I go heart and soul for keeping our young men at home, but we want others to help us build up the Commonwealth. The importance of immigration is generally conceded… We want no pauper immigrants, nor others to break down Virginia. We can keep that class out. What we want are honest, industrious, thrifty citizens— who will come and improve and build upon our lands. These we can easily obtain, from the North [87% of prewar immigrants lived in the North] and from Europe.” Ten years later Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act; added a 50 cent head tax and said no to emigrant paupers, convicts and the insane. “On the whole immigration last year was of a decidedly superior quality— substantial, intelligent, well-to-do A BIT OF HISTORY > PAGE 15
The new Civil War – is it on?
raditionally, Americans have gone to the polls, voted, and lived with the results whether they liked them or not. An exception was 1860, where Lincoln prevailed with a plurality of just 39.8% of the vote (even Trump got 47.5%). Lincoln's name was not even on the ballot in ten of the eleven states which would secede. In Virginia, where he was on the ballot, he got about 1% of the vote. He lost Missouri too. States started seceding before he could even be inaugurated. Another exception was last year. Within days, the Left Coast was talking secession. An Oregonian secessionist gave the rationale as "Oregonian values are no longer the values held by the rest of the United States." In California, leaders of the legislature issued a press release immediately after the election stating: "Today we woke up feeling like strangers in a foreign land, because yesterday Americans expressed their views on a pluralistic and democratic society that are clearly inconsistent with the values of the people of California." Note the mindset evident in these statements - it is "us versus Americans," suggesting that these folks have already seceded in their minds and no longer consider themselves our countrymen. This bodes ill for reconciliation. Even without actually seceding, many cities ruled by Democrats are dusting off nullification along the lines of South Carolina during Andrew Jackson's presidency. The policy of the new administration is to enforce immigration laws, yet many jurisdictions have chosen to defy the law in maintaining "sanctuary cities" Similarly, the president pulled the US out of the Paris climate accord; some Democrat cities state they will stay in on their own. Who are the Neo-Confederates now?
What is different is that the a large portion of the country has made clear that it will not accept the results of the last election, but will resist the elected administration in every way possible. Former Vice presidential candidate and Virginia senator Tim Kaine has called for massive resistance on every level, including "a fight in the streets." Former attorney general Loretta Lynch called for marching in the streets, acknowledging there might be blood and death. And there has been marching and rioting and blood. The most disturbing thing is that much of this violence appears to be organized by the "Antifa" movement (short for anti-fascists). It is apparent that these people do not know what a fascist is, forgetting that the actual fascists under Hitler and Mussolini were socialists allied with big business - kind of like Bernie and Hillary. In an Orwellian twist, these Antifas assault their political opponents at rallies and shut down speakers at universities just like the real fascists did in the 1930s. Having defined their political opponents as Nazis or fascists, all things are possible and the ends justify the means. Moreover, one of their main tenants is that there is no debate with fascism - once civil discourse is out the window, what is left? And people are getting hurt. A California university professor used a bike lock to crack heads at a Trump rally in April. Allison Stanger, a professor at Middlebury College, ended up in a neck brace after students shut down a talk by Charles Murray on grounds he was "a racist." In February, masked and hooded leftists broke windows and set fires, forcing the cancellation of a talk by Milo Yiannopoulous out of concern for his safety; a young woman supporter was pepper-sprayed by a lefty
while giving an interview. Our differences will not be resolved through debate, as these Antifas are no fans of tolerance and free speech. The point of propaganda is to dehumanize the enemy. Last month, a radicalized Bernie supporter with a hit-list of Republican lawmakers took the resistance to a new level, wounding five on a baseball field here in Alexandria. This is what happens when one's opponents are demonized - there is no sin in hunting Nazis like groundhogs. Unless both sides step back and take a breath, we can expect more of this. The reaction is predictable. Bikers for Trump provided security during the campaign when Trump supporters were getting beat up as the police looked on. Now security is being provided by groups like the Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and Proud Boys. The Proud Boys have their own "fight club," known as the Fraternal Order of Alt Knights, which shows up at conservative rallies looking to get into it with Antifas. In June, members of the Proud Boys showed up to disrupt the Shakespeare production of Julius Caesar, featuring a Trump lookalike being stabbed to death. One can argue over the poor taste of the play, but it is nonetheless disturbing that the militant right is also moving toward stifling political speech. These coalescing groups begin to look like the kernels of militia which formed before the last civil war in anticipation of that struggle. The militias which arose out of the Patriot Movement are still out there and they are expecting a civil war The final nail in the coffin is that Washington establishment itself is determined to resist the new administration at every turn through leaks and investigations. It appears that a decision has already been made to remove Trump through impeachment, details to be supplied later. While some partisans may get a kick out of this, many other citizens will see a coup. If so, elections cease to matter and a government which has not worked well for a long time ceases to be representative (and legitimate) at all. If reconciliation is impossible and elections cease to matter, where do we go from here? Oregon and California's idea to secede is not crazy - let the states who want to be socialist form a socialist nation or two. Otherwise, if the rhetoric and violence continue to escalate, we risk becoming a police state which ceases to resemble traditional America. What can't go on forever won't - someone has to win. Unfortunately, our options seem limited to divorce, civil war or endless incivility. Having our elected officials gunned down at baseball practice does not work for me. If "the resistance" continues to escalate, then it may be time to take a hard look at an amicable divorce. It's becoming cultural and cultures demand their own safe spaces, sometimes known as "nations." Doug Coleman is an attorney and amateur historian in Alexandria; comments and corrections are welcome at Publishers Note: The views in this column do not necessarily reflect the views that we take here at the Old Town Crier. July 2017 | 9
The Handmaid’s Tale
s a teenager in 1986 I first ran across Margaret Atwood’s newly published work, The Handmaid’s Tale, at Old Town’s wonderful Olsson’s Books & Records, which formerly stood on S. Union Street in Alexandria. I was taken aback by the power and simplicity of her writing. This classic work of radical dystopian fiction describes the fate and musings of one woman, Offred, a Handmaid in a monotheocracy called Gilead, formed after the imagined destruction of the United States of America. Recently Atwood’s powerful book has been adapted into an equally riveting series on the streaming network Hulu. In this patriarchal post-American society, martial law and a totalitarian regime controls the movement of all citizens and women in particular, all of whom must cleave to traditionally interpreted monotheistic, puritanical values, or suffer terrible punishments. Those in charge twist the Bible’s words into propaganda, dividing women into high-status Wives, nunlike propagandists and teachers known as Aunts, servant slaves such as Handmaids and Marthas (housekeepers/cooks), low-status Econowives, and finally the Unwomen, those too unruly to do anything but shovel toxic waste in the Colonies until they die, or others who serve as speakeasy-style prostitutes. No women work outside the home, and none, even those with higher status, are allowed to read and write. Fertile women are particularly prized for their ability to continue the human race, since disease and chemical waste in the former United States have caused sterility among the population at large. Therefore, those few women proven to be fertile who are not already married to highranking Commanders in the rigidly conservative new hierarchy are requisitioned as Handmaids. They
10 | July 2017
exist as puritanically dressed sexual slaves subject to impregnation on religious monthly Ceremony Days. Handmaids bear the burden of continuing to populate the country in pleasurefree, wife-supervised rituals with these powerful men. Having recently binged the new television series on Hulu, I was compelled to revisit the book. June, a woman renamed Offred in the world of Gilead, since she is now the property “of Fred,” embodies a cloudy mournfulness and the lonely ambivalence of a woman whose existence is circumscribed and unwillingly focused, a mother whose first child has been taken away by Gilead’s police state. Her whole value now centers on her ability to bear another child, one that she might love, but one that would be taken away from her and given to her Commander and his faded wife, a cynical Tammy Faye Bakker–like former singer and televangelist. In The Handmaid’s Tale, Atwood shows her ability to write earthily and realistically in penning frank and often-brutal conversations between the Handmaids, their contemporaries, and their captors, of whom few trust one another. In capturing the complexity of Offred’s first-person flashes back to her life as a wife, mother, and daughter, she portrays a world where the former June took freedoms easily, despite her own mother’s historic marching and struggling for women’s rights.
Atwood poetically pens gorgeous images, as Offred’s daydreaming of swollen, fecund symbols of nature and appreciation of lovely flowers in her Commander’s garden reveals a desperate will to survive, one that keeps her grasping towards hope and any tiny visual or sensual gratification available. The author has aptly imagined what it is like to be a prisoner for whom pleasure and freedom is proscribed, like a house slave on a Southern plantation, fed adequately but subject to any kind of sexual or other physical violence; or a citizen of any totalitarian regime, isolated and made paranoid by the possibility of being betrayed by a superior, colleague, neighbor, or friend. Her writing moves along rapidly, despite its symbolic depth, and The Handmaid’s Tale will thoroughly reward fans of dystopian fiction. While not quite as action-oriented as Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games, fans of that trilogy, George Orwell’s 1984, or Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World may enjoy it.
I urge everyone, even non-readers, to watch the complete first season of the new streaming series on Hulu. I cannot stop thinking about it. The first episode, “Offred,” is one of the best, most riveting first episodes of any TV series I have seen. While not uplifting, it is utterly compelling and addictive, with redemptive moments and a skillful interspersing of Offred’s current life and flashbacks to her earlier life as June, mother and wife. It is less contemplative and much more action-focused than the novel. I have never seen another series like it. Expect The Handmaid’s Tale to receive a slew of Emmy nominations come award season. Elisabeth Moss is brilliant as Offred. The directing, acting, television adaptation, cinematography, and soundtrack are eerie, beautiful, and terrifying. For once, the book is not absolutely superior to the filmed version. They are two separate entities that enhance one another. The series has already departed somewhat from the book, and promises to continue to do so in Season Two. In America, entities like Planned Parenthood and women’s legal rights over their own bodies are either on the funding chopping block or subject to alarming erosion. Every severe indignity and crime against women from The Handmaid’s Tale is also practiced somewhere in the world today, so this series has an even greater global resonance. Still, the reader and watcher must remember the mock-Latin phrase Offred finds scratched at the bottom of her closet by an unknown former Handmaid: “Nolite te bastardes carborundorum,” or “Don’t let the bastards grind you down.” Despite her circumstances, Offred never does. OldTownCrier
Different Days Every music scene has its survivors, those few bands that manage to keep on going, very successfully and despite all odds, long after its peers gave up the ghost. Seattle has Pearl Jam, Halifax has Sloan, the British Invasion has the Rolling Stones, San Francisco had the Dead, Athens had REM, and “Madchester” has the Charlatans. Sometime around 1989, the indie rock scene in and around Manchester completely blew up. It took the UK by storm and made a fair dent in the States as well (it was pretty much all I listened to at the time). Generally, the scene consisted of artsy bands that blended 60’s psychedelic textures with dance beats and, fuelled by ecstasy and baggy clothing, pretty much gave rise to rave culture and Britpop at the same time. Madchester’s “big four” were The Stone Roses, Happy Mondays, Inspiral Carpets, and the Charlatans. Each band had its own sound and vibe, but they were all influenced by each other and clearly made up a unique local core of musicians. The Stone Roses were destined to be bigger than the Beatles (and they possibly could have been) but then they flamed out before they could pull it off, and were done by ‘96. Happy Mondays were long gone by that point, and the Inspirals were quietly limping away. All of those bands would eventually reunite, to some degree, but it’s never quite the same. And we’re still waiting for that third Stone Roses album anyway. The Charlatans, however, never quit plugging away. And I, for one, OldTownCrier
am very thankful for that. Despite many setbacks and obstacles over the decades, they persevered, touring and releasing album after album. Some of those albums were really huge (Tellin’ Stories, Simpatico, Us And Us Only), some were hidden gems (Up At The Lake, Who We Touch), some were instant classics (Some Friendly, the self-titled 4th album) and some were ones that took a little while to absorb (Up To Our Hips, You Cross My Path). But every last one of those albums is outstanding (as are the ones I did not mention). The Charlatans are one of those bands whose every release is unique in style and production, but they always sound like the Charlatans. Their songwriting is constantly maturing and evolving, their musicianship and skills as arrangers continues to grow, Tim Burgess is forever in perfect voice, and they are never afraid to try something new. That is the mark of a great band, the reason they have endured, and the reason why I have completely adored them for almost 28 years. Different Days is the Charlatans’ thirteenth studio album and it finds the band embracing a very modern production approach. It’s clear they have been listening to bands such as Syd Arthur and Mystery Jets and those influences really shine through on songs such as the epic opener, “Hey Sunrise”, the odd meters in “Solutions”, and the exquisite grooves of the title track, one of the best songs I have ever heard from this band. It’s not until the
fourth track, “Plastic Machinery” that you really get a feel for that “classic” Charlatans sound, and it is clear why this was their choice for the leadoff single. This is dark, it is immediate, it has something to say. When all is said and done with this band, hopefully many years from now, this will certainly be one of their stand-out singles. There is a little bit of spoken word on this album, and I’m honestly not sure what I think about that. Scottish crime novelist Ian Rankin tells a story, linking the title track and “Plastic Machinery”, and that’s kinda cool. The great Kurt Wagner (from Lambchop) makes a cameo, speaking over “The Forgotten One”, an otherwise ambient little piece which serves as an intro to “Not Forgotten”, which is another song that is clearly in the band’s wheelhouse, and possibly one that is destined to be the next single. A lot of this album reminds me of their second album, 1992’s Between 10th & 11th, and the various singles and EPs that came out around that time. That influence is apparent in this song and I also hear it in “There Will Be Chances”, which reminds me of the
entire Over Rising EP, all wrapped up into one killer song. “Over Again” features a very danceable groove and finds the band exploring, sonically, in some slightly unfamiliar territory. One of their more synth-heavy songs, this features a dark & dirty verse and a chorus that would be fun to sing along with. That soon moves into the particularly odd “The Same House”, a song that is going to take some time to sink in – more an experiment than a song and the only thing keeping this album from being perfect. But soon the driving, lifting “Let’s Go Together” takes over and brings the album back to some semblance of reality. A song that could be a single, it fades into the mellow instrumental, “The Setting Sun”, which sets us up for the laid-back vibe of the “Spinning Out”, the band’s collaboration with Johnny Marr, from the Smiths. One of the things that makes this album such a success is the way they make what is very clearly a Charlatans record, one that is every bit as good (or better) than any other Charlatans record, and they make it sound as fresh as any other record coming out at this point in time. How many bands create music this relevant, so far into their career? Not a whole lot, I’ll tell ya that. 28 years in, this band should be phoning in their albums, not creating their most inspired work. But nope, they take what they know and they make it sound new, and even throw in a twist or two, and they do it all without sacrificing one lick of their artistic integrity. Which is why I love The Charlatans, and why you should too. July 2017 | 11
Apples by Lee Jaworek
his month I want to use this forum to discuss the work of a highly talented DMV area artist whose singular work has come across my radar recently. Quoting from his own website (, Lee Jaworek “calls his art Artism® - seeing the world through the prismatic lens of Autism. Lee is a young artist with Autism who tries to express his perception of the world through his art; the challenges — the triumphs — the beauty. Lee is a recent graduate of the Art Institute of Washington with a Bachelor of Fine Arts. Since his graduation he has been pursuing a career in painting impressionistic and abstract works. His paintings and prints have been exhibited in the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond, Alexandria Virginia’s Athenaeum Art Gallery, and at the Paula Poundstone Performance/Fundraiser at The Birchmere nightclub, as well as other galleries in the Washington Metropolitan area. Most recently his ‘Sunflower’ has been seen on CBS 12 | July 2017
Lee Jaworek Sunday Morning as part of their sun art collection. Lee has received a number of commissions from private collectors while currently continuing to expand his portfolio. Lee’s Artism® is characterized by vibrant colors, balance, and impact. He believes ‘each color is just as important
Lee Jaworek
as every other color.’ Since an early age, Lee has been attracted to the basic spectrum of colors in the rainbow, and has incorporated them in many of his works. He is intense in his execution, and definite about his selection of subject. Lee’s sensory experience of light and color have a great deal
of influence on his art. Perhaps in viewing it, one may have a glimpse into an autistic person’s perception of the world — stunning, curious, perplexing, magical, beautiful — Artism® .” The first thing that struck me when I initially saw the works of this young artist was how visually “palpable” they were. This characteristic is not an easy one to achieve in either representational or abstract painting, and yet, nearly every work has a visual component that screams “this is how it would feel to touch it”, but the scream is in the use of colors and the brush (or finger) stroke. As many of you know, my wife is Dr. Alida Anderson de Campello, one of the planet’s leading researchers in Special Education, how to teach children with disabilities, the empirical effects of Arts integration, language literacy, and many others line of research that she follows from her position on the faculty of American University, where she has been teaching for nearly a decade. GALLERY BEAT > PAGE 13
And because of that relationship, somewhat by osmosis I have learned a lot about some of the characteristics of the dizzying and many diverse points of knowledge about Autism (among many other things). And I know that one of them is the almost critical manner in which many people in the spectrum of Autism “sense” the most sensory perception of touch. In “Apples”, we see a perfect visual example of what I mean. These are not only an excellent offering of composition and color use, but also an insight as to how Lee “feels” the work through his special prism. These are apples engorged in texture, but a texture foreign to most eyes and I suspect quite mundane to his own and special set of artistic vision – they succeed as a work of art because of that palpability. When I was a Navy officer and sailed several summers in a row around the Kola Peninsula at the top of the world, and later when I lived in
Scotland, I was lucky enough to experience the mind-numbing encounter of seeing the Aurora Borealis in all of its unique mind-altering forms. I don’t know if Jaworek has (in real) life even seen the “Dancing Lights” as the Scots call them, but in his 2015 “Northern Lights”, once again his visual/sensory delivery is intelligently different. The lights are textured and presented in such a way that it would delight anyone and everyone who subscribes to the theory of everything, and the once radical idea that the pointy particles of particle physics can be also modeled as one-dimensional stringy objects – that’s how Jaworek delivers his Aurora Borealis. Picasso once noted that “there are artists who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun.” Visit www. and meet a superbly talented and visionary transformer.
ART&ANTIQUES ANTIQUES Spurgeon-Lewis Antiques 112 N. Columbus Street
Cavalier Antiques 400 Prince Street
Printmakers, Inc. 105 N. Union Street
Sumpter Priddy III 323 S. Washington Street
Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 N. Union Street
Henry Street Antiques 115 S. Henry Street
Principle Gallery 208 King Street
Oerth Gallery 420 S. Washington Street
Imperfections Antiques 1210 King Street
Curzon Hill Antiques 108 S. Columbus Street
Jeffrey Winter Fine Arts 110A S. Columbus Street
The Antique Guild 113 N. Fairfax Street
The Hour 1015 King Street
Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery 105 N. Union Street
Silverman Galleries 110 N. St. Asaph Street
A Galerie 315 Cameron Street
Red Barn Mercantile 1117 King Street
Random Harvest 810 King Street
Washington Square Antiques 425 S. Washington Street
Acme Mid-Century + Modern 128 S. Royal Street
Susquehanna Antique Co. 608 Cameron Street
Van Bommel Antiek Hous 1007 King Street
B&B Art Gallery 215 King Street
Old Town Antiques 222 S. Washington Street
Lloyd’s Row 119 S. Henry Street
Gallery West 1213 King Street
BW Art, Antiques & Collectibles 108 N. Fayette Street
Verdigris Vintage 1215 King Street
Kelly’s Art & Frame 510 N. Washington Street
The Batman Brooding From the Naked Superheroes series Charcoal on Paper, 20x16 inches ©2015 F. Lennox Campello Represented by Alida Anderson Art Projects, LLC Washington, DC For more information or images of other works from the Naked Superheroes series, email us at
Johnston Matthew 105 N. Union Street
St. George Gallery 105 N. Alfred Street
Huddy Studio 105 N. Union Street
The Art League 105 Union Street
Mezzanine Multiples 105 N. Union Street
Local Colour Old Town 218 N. Lee Street
Silverman Galleries 110 N. St. Asaph Street
Icon Galleria 101 N. Union Street
Cochran David 105 N. Union Street Betty Grisham Studio 105 N. Union Street Imagine Artwear 112 King Street
Enamelist’s Gallery 105 N. Union Street
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Promote helpful bugs
ow that the growing season is underway, an abundance of life begins to spring up in our garden: seedlings take root and begin branching out, showing signs of their future production. But with new growth and life, comes the chance of pests finding their way into your garden. Some folks never have to deal with an infestation of pests—and hopefully you won’t either. When invasive species of insects happen to make their way into a garden, some folks rid them by spraying with pesticides. But I believe avoiding harmful pests by taking preventative measures and treating them using safe and natural methods is the best way to keep from harming your ground or your garden crop. The first line of defense to prevent insects from the beginning is to build and maintain a healthy soil. Healthy soil will provide your plants with all the oxygen and nutrients they need so they will better withstand the possible attack from pests. If you are rotating your crops every year, providing mulch and fertilizer, and even growing cover crops every couple of years, your soil will be in prime health and you will grow tenacious plants as a result. Even though pests can be very harmful, the 14 | July 2017
healthiest gardens have bugs, and it can be a very good thing! The best advice I’ve heard is to fight bad bugs with good bugs. What I mean is to allow beneficial insects to populate your garden because they will not only ward off the harmful insects but promote healthy growth of current garden plants. The trick is to grow certain plants and flowers alongside your garden vegetables to attract these helpful bugs into your garden and to scare away harmful ones. These “protective plants” also known as “companion plants” also help repel pests in their own right. For example, because of their strong fragrances, plants in the mint family repel mosquitoes rather than attracting an insect that preys on pests. Here is a list of helpful garden plants and flowers and descriptions on how they can benefit your garden: BRONZE FENNEL – attracts minute pirate bugs which prey on spider mites and aphids. Wards off aphids, slugs, and snails. Bronze Fennel is invasive and should only be planted in containers and placed around your garden. MINT – attracts damsel bugs which prey on caterpillars, mites, potato beetles, cabbage worms. Mint plants are very invasive and should only be planted in containers like Fennel. Remove from
garden before plants flower! DILL – attracts lady bugs which prey on aphids and white flies and wards off squash bugs, spider mites, cabbage loopers, and tomato hornworms. Dill is invasive in wet climates, so treat like mint in those regions. In dry climates, dill is more easily controlled. MARIGOLDS – wards off mosquitos and aphids and attracts bees and wasps, which prey on caterpillars and aphids. Plant right next to tomatoes and peppers! CILANTRO – attracts green lacewings (also attracted by dill), which prey on aphids, whiteflies, and mealybugs. Establish a patch somewhere outside your garden yet nearby and keep controlled. ZINNIA– Will attract Soldier Beetles, which will prey on grasshoppers, one of the most damaging pests. Attracts bees and other vital pollinators. Although bees don’t prey on any insect, they are vital to your garden and the world at large. Vegetables that need bees to pollinate are broccoli, cabbage, melons, squash and apples, just to name a few. Just by having flowers around and in your garden, like marigolds, will make bees feel welcome, URBAN GARDNER > PAGE 15
material…out of which…will be developed a good class of citizens…possibly a millionaire or so,” The Washington Post reported in 1884. Why not the latter? In 1864, “the income of Wm. B. Astor of New York was $1,300,000; that of Cornelius Vanderbilt $575,551.” In 1884 the newlyestablished Anti-Monopoly Party criticized corporate practices; fourteen Southern States formed a for-profit Association to “encourage foreign and domestic emigration;” a divided Republican Party nominated James G. Blaine for President; Congress created the U.S. Bureau of Labor, and the era of conspicuous consumption
began. “Are not all the afflictions which labor is now enduring at the hands of millionaire law-makers quite in keeping with the record of the Republican Party and Congress from 1864?” The Washington Post then asked. “If there is a nation on the face of the earth which might…build a wall upon its every boundary line, deny communion to all the world, and proceed to live upon its own resources and productions, that nation is the United States,” Republican Vice Presidential nominee John A. Logan said in 1884. “While it is the policy of the Republican Party to encourage the oppressed of other nations…,” Logan continued, “the party has never contemplated the admission of a class of servile people
who are…unable…to embrace any higher civilization than their own. To admit such immigrants would be to throw a rotating element into the path of progress. Our legislation should be amply protective… and if not [it] should be made so to the full extent allowed by our treaties with friendly powers.” The Foran Act banned Alien contract labor in 1885. “Although Lincoln himself disavowed any sympathy with the nativists, and had actually invested in a German paper, many Republicans remained hostile to immigrants,” historian Doris Kearns wrote. In 2013, the U.S. Census American Community Survey estimated that 29.6% of Alexandria’s population was foreign-born. This compares to 13% nationally, 3.2% citywide in 1960. THE REAL WORLD SCIENCE BEHIND HARRY POTTER
Courtesy of Evan Michio for the City of Alexandria
10TH ANNUAL DEL RAY MUSIC FESTIVAL July 22nd | 3-8 pm Admission: Free Mt. Vernon Avenue The 10th Annual Del Ray Music Festival is a celebration of local talent, demonstrating what an exciting music community we have right here in the D.C. area. Local musicians will
perform on two stages in the heart of Del Ray. Mount Vernon Avenue will be closed to traffic between E. Uhler and E. Custis Avenues. Del Ray's independently owned restaurants will host beer gardens offering great food and brews all day. Del Ray Music Festival is proud to highlight local music and a chance to celebrate summer with your friends and neighbors. As always, the Del Ray Music Festival is a free event.
prompting them to work for you and your garden! But one of the most effective natural remedies is to dry a hot pepper and put its ground up flakes into a water and soap mixture. Spray the mixture around the plant and this should ward off all insects and rodents. However, understand that this will ward off beneficial insects as well. I recommend using ghost peppers if possible. All in all, you may experience pest problems this year or you may not. The point is to understand how a healthy garden depends on creating a suitable micro-environment with plant diversity and good garden practices. It may take a season to get your garden to
July 30th 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm Admission: 1-4 pm - $6 per person, 6-9 pm - $20 Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum 105-107 S. Fairfax St. In honor of Harry Potter's birthday, the Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum is offering family-friendly tours from 1- 4 pm that explore the real world of science and medicine behind J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. Cost is $6 per person; children must be accompanied by a ticketed adult. The party for the adults runs from 6-9 pm. It's the 20th anniversary of the world meeting Harry Potter! Hour-long tours with timed entry include time for pictures in the photo booth (bring your own camera) and a make-and-take inspired by the series. Cost is $20 and tickets for both events go on sale July 1 at These events will sell out, so purchase in advance.
the state you want it, but part of the joy in gardening is being rewarded for your patience. We also want to take this time to say good bye to our gardening partner, Wilson the Feral. For over 5 years you kept the yard and garden rodent free as well as keeping Angie and I company. And even though the garden is flourishing this year it seems empty with you not being there. R.I.P. Baby-boy. Jimmy, also known as Farmer D, is a native of the DMV and has resided in Del Ray, Alexandria, Va. for 24 years. He and Angie currently share their home with their two cats — Jax and Scooby. Questions or comments about Urban Garden or a garden question for Jimmy can be directed to: office@oldtowncrier. com. Write “Urban Garden” in the subject line.
in antiquities began as a World Bank hire, with Indonesia’s need to generate hard currency. Balinese history, i.e. tourism provided the means. The New York Times describes Becker’s book, Off Your Duffs & Up the Assets, as “a blueprint for thousands of nonprofit managers.” A former museum director, SLAM’s saving grace Sarah received Alexandria’s Salute to Women Award in 2007. Email: abitofhistory53@
Visit President Lincoln’s Cottage at the Soldiers Home this July holiday and share stories of your ancestral arrival. Located in the District of Columbia American by Belief, a Cottage exhibit closes October 30. Sarah Becker started writing for The Economist while a graduate student in England. Similar publications followed. She joined the Crier in 1996 while serving on the Alexandria Convention and Visitors Association Board. Her interest Haircuts $15 Shampoo, Cut & Blow Dry $18 (extra charge for long hair) Scissors Cut $17+up
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July 2017 | 15
t’s summer, and what better time to enjoy being with your pets than when you’re on vacation or just relaxing? There are lots of options to share good times while keeping your pets safe outdoors, as well as great indoor activities for some pets that let them enjoy sunshine and fresh air.
Dog Days of Summer Most dogs love being outside, and not just in our backyards or on neighborhood walks. Alexandria is one of the most dog-friendly places in the U.S., so exploring our city together offers you exceptional fun, including 5 fenced dog parks that allow pets off leash, and 12 unfenced dog-exercise areas. [For websites and venues mentioned in this article, please see the Resources list.] Strolling with your dog through Old Town will introduce you to the many local businesses that cater to dog lovers and their pets. There’s even a Canine Cruise on the Potomac. When you want to travel together, U.S. National Parks offer great options, because many welcome dogs. Shenandoah National Park is dog friendly and has almost 500 miles of trails you can hike together, some quite close to the Blue Ridge Parkway. All of the park’s campgrounds allow dogs. Many Virginia state parks and beaches are also dog friendly, along with hundreds of other outdoor venues across the country. Dozens of national hotel chains allow dogs, and some even welcome cats and other pets.
Cats and the Outdoors: Indoor Alternatives Though some cat people enjoy walking their pets on leashes, in veststyle carriers, or with wheeled walkers
KING STREET CATS ADOPTION CALENDAR JULY 2017 FOR DETAILS & MORE INFO website: email: King Street Cats is looking for foster homes! You provide the spare room and TLC and we provide food, litter and all vetting. Please email for our Kitten Fostering FAQ at:
16 | July 2017
Outdoor Options for Your Pets or strollers, most veterinarians and feline specialists would discourage anyone from letting cats outdoors. They believe the dangers to your cat’s safety and health from disease, accidents, or unknown people and animals outweigh any benefits. So when the weather turns warm, what are some good cat-friendly alternatives? Keeping cats happy means giving them plenty to look at and play with. Cat enclosures and window boxes or buildouts are one way to give them a
Cat Enclosures and Catios Dog-Friendly Activities in SOURCES Alexandria enclosure/ pet-friendly/ Aviaries canine-cruise/ Dog-Friendly Travel Homey Spaces for Rabbits don%E2%80%99t-leave-fido-home-explorethese-7-dog-friendly-national-parks pet-rabbit-indoors/
KING STREET CATS 25 Dove Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 Every Saturday and Sunday 1.30pm-4.30pm PETVALU Bradlee Shopping Center, 3652 King St, Alexandria, VA 22302 Saturday July 1 Sunday July 2 Saturday July 15 Sunday July 16 1 – 4 pm
PETCO UNLEASHED 1101 S Joyce St, Arlington, VA 22202 Saturday July 1 Saturday July 15 Sunday July 16 1 – 4 pm PETCO UNLEASHED 1855 Wisconsin Avenue, Washington, DC 20007 Saturday July 22 Sunday July 23 Noon – 3 pm
THE DOG PARK 705 King Street, Alexandria, VA22314 Saturday July 8 1 – 4 pm NATURES NIBBLES 2601 Mt Vernon Ave, Alexandria, VA 22301 Saturday July 8 Saturday July 22 1 – 4 pm
A Plan for Your Pets Can Make All the Difference BY BARBARA S. MOFFET Do you have a cat or dog or other animal whom you cherish, a pet who is part of your family? What would happen to him or her if you suddenly died or became incapacitated? That is a situation commonly faced by the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria (AWLA), called to a home where the owner has died and possibly left pets behind. “Usually, we have no information about the number or type of animals in the home and have to go in to search the premises, hoping that we have found all of the pets inside,” said AWLA Executive Director Megan Webb. “When we do rescue these animals, we often have to start from scratch to learn their specific medical and behavioral needs.” Webb said when she walks through the AWLA shelter, she can often tell which animals have come because their owners have died. “These
animals were very bonded to their owners and will shut down for a long time. We work to make the shelter a wonderful place, but it’s still a shelter. It’s so much better for pets to have a plan in place that was created by their owner beforehand.” To address this need, the AWLA has developed A Plan for Pets, which allows people to register their pets with AWLA, providing extensive information about them and designating a guardian to step in if needed. AWLA board member and attorney Rachel Baer, Esq., who is Of Counsel at Needham Mitnick and Pollack PLC, says A Plan for Pets is groundbreaking. “I know of nothing like it in Virginia,” she said. Baer points out that Virginia law treats pets as property, meaning that the animals can languish in legal limbo for months while the AWLA attempts to contact the owner’s next
of kin or the administrator of the owner’s estate and then waits for them to decide whether the AWLA can take ownership of the animal. A Plan for Pets streamlines this process for Alexandria City residents who don’t have a chosen individual to be their pet’s new owner. Using the AWLA’s transfer agreement, City residents can name the AWLA as the pet’s new owner if the resident passes away so that the AWLA has the immediate authority to make decisions for the pet, such as placing it in foster care or up for adoption. If you have a pet, here are some of the key recommendations in A Plan for Pets: Ensure that your pets are licensed and microchipped for identification and wear a collar with a tag for identification. Choose someone who is willing to take care of the pet if something
happens to you. Meet with a lawyer to set up a durable Power of Attorney document giving your chosen caretaker the authority to care for your pets and make decisions about medical care. Without this document, Baer says, owners run the risk that the veterinarian might not release a pet’s medical records or allow the caregiver to make medical decisions. In addition, a durable Power of Attorney can give the caretaker the authority to use your money to pay for your pet’s care. Make sure pets are included in your estate plan and discuss your plan with a financial planner. Register your pets (if you are a City of Alexandria resident) with the AWLA so all information about them is easily available to AWLA Animal Services Officers and the shelter. If you are a City of Alexandria resident and do not have an individual who can care for your pets if you pass away, consider naming the AWLA as the legal guardian of your pets in the event of your death, using the AWLA transfer agreement. Baer and Webb are leading a series of free informational workshops about the Plan; the next workshops will be at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 18, and at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 20, both at the AWLA shelter at 4101 Eisenhower Ave. Go to and click on the link to register.
This little rascal is 50 pounds of pure joy! Like all lifetime friends are, Buckwheat is unconditionally loyal and will join you on whatever adventures your life brings. While he is not so little in size, this snuggly three-year-old doesn’t let that stop him from crawling right into your lap!
Sweet Tux is a talkative kitty who wants to be the center of your universe. She loves to play and sometimes gets a little carried away in her alter-ego as a jungle cat, so she will need a family who will let her come back down to earth on her own time. When Tux isn’t hunting play mice and climbing her cat trees, she enjoys getting chest rubs and daydreaming out the window.
Do you wish they all could be California girls? Then say hello to Sugarsnap! Sugarsnap is a California shorthair rabbit, a little over one year old. You could travel the world, but nothing comes close to this unforgettable California girl. She’s undeniablefine, fresh, fierce- she’s got it unlocked. If you’re looking for a fabulous bunny to share your champagne lifestyle with, come visit Sugarsnap today!
4101 Eisenhower Avenue • Alexandria, VA Mon-Fri, 1-8 pm • Closed Wed • Sat & Sun, 12-5 pm OldTownCrier
July 2017 | 17
Hamilton, the West Indian (Not the Musical)
learly, the multi-cultural Caribbean shaped the views and life course of America’s “West Indian founding father.” Alexander Hamilton’s youthful experiences with Afro-Europeans and varying religious beliefs and laws in a sea of islands controlled by competing nations informed his career. Then, as now, he stood apart from the many leaders who are products of privileged, restrictive communities of likeminded people. Yet, if not for a hurricane that devastated St. Croix in 1772, Hamilton may never have moved to North America, never fought with Washington in the Revolutionary War and not served as one of America’s foremost defenders of the Constitution and our first Secretary of the Treasury. And, there would be no Tony-award winning musical based on his life. Fortunately for Broadway musicals, on August 31, 1772 a hurricane did strike the then Danish West Indian island of St. Croix where young, impoverished Alexander Hamilton spent his most formative years. The storm was biblical in strength. A journalist’s account, found by National Park Service historian William Cissel, described its impact on what is now the largest U.S. Virgin Island: “All the houses near shore were 18 | July 2017
torn even to the foundations . . . The wall around the [Danish] King’s store house, which was above a yard thick, was tumbled down to the ground and hurled a hundred yards off . . . [The sea] swelled up to 70 feet above the usual height . . . In Christiansted, 460 houses were thrown down . . . All the ships were cast ashore, 50 or 100 yards [up] on the land.” It was 16 year-old Hamilton’s story on this storm that caught the attention of the Danish Governor. He led the business community to raise money to send the prodigy to King’s College (now Columbia University) in New York. In the Royal Danish American Gazette, Hamilton wrote: “It began about dusk from the North . . . and raged very violently till ten o’clock. Then ensued a sudden and unexpected interval, which lasted about an hour. Meanwhile the wind
was shifting round to the South West point, from whence it returned with redoubled fury and continued so ’till near three o’clock in the morning. Good God! what horror and destruction . . . It seemed as if a total dissolution of nature was taking place. The roaring of the sea and wind, fiery meteors flying about it in the air, the prodigious glare of almost perpetual lightning, the crash of the falling houses, and the ear-piercing shrieks of the distressed, were sufficient to strike astonishment into Angels. A great part of the buildings throughout the Island are leveled to the ground, almost all the rest very much shattered; several persons killed and numbers utterly ruined; whole families running about the streets, unknowing where to find a place of shelter; the sick exposed to the keenness of water and air without a bed to lie upon, or a dry covering to their bodies.” Hamilton’s erudite, compassionate account belies his lowly beginnings. Born in 1755 on the small British island of Nevis, his mother Rachel had earlier been thrown out and divorced by an affluent St. Croix planter who alleged she was immoral and “whoring.” Before being expelled to Nevis, she had been imprisoned in Fort Christiansvaern, which guarded Christiansted’s harbor. Resettled on Nevis, Rachel became the
common law wife of James Hamilton, Alexander’s father. Although born of a wealthy, Scottish aristocrat, James was a struggling merchant. When Alexander was eight or nine, James moved the family to the larger, more cosmopolitan St. Croix in a move to improve his business. In 1765, however, James abandoned Rachel, sons Alexander and James. He left the island to become a West Indian drifter. “My father’s affairs at a very early day went to wreck,” Alexander wrote years later. To support her family, Rachel opened a shop in Christiansted in a two-story building at 34 Company Street one door down from the wooden St. John’s Anglican Church, which was a center of the island’s British community at a time when the English outnumbered St. Croix’s Danish and Dutch planters and merchants. The 1772 hurricane destroyed the church, which was quickly rebuilt of stone and can be visited today. Rachel and her boys lived above her store, which sold supplies to plantations she bought wholesale from her landlord Nicholas Cruger, a leading merchant. Their house was near a grove of trees serving as a Sunday market place where slaves, CARIBBEAN CONNECTION > PAGE 19
who had Sundays off, sold their own produce. “Birds and fowl, pigs, goats, tubers, beans, a wide variety of fruit and vegetables, and cassava bread,” were offered, historian Cissel tells us. Young Hamilton’s close acquaintance with the enslaved and free blacks who, in British and Danish islands, often served as policemen and militia men, likely informed his later opposition to slavery in the young United States. Despite slavery’s barbaric cruelties on Caribbean sugar plantations, the integration of West Indian whites and blacks in island communities was unusual within the Western world. Indeed, Charles Dickens later published the history of a West Indian regiment of free blacks -- some recruited from Nevis and the British Virgin Island of Tortola -- that fought alongside Red Coats in the North American colonies of Georgia and the Carolinas against Washington in the War of Independence. In what could be a Dickens tale, three years after his father’s departure, Alexander and his mother both caught yellow fever. Hamilton biographer Ron Chernow describes their medical treatment: “[They received] medieval purgatives so popular in eighteenth-century medicine. Rachel had to endure an emetic and a medicinal herb called valerian, which expelled gas from the alimentary canal; Alexander submitted to bloodletting and an enema. Mother and son must have been joined in a horrid scene of vomiting, flatulence, and defecation as they lay side by side in a feverish
state in the single upstairs bed.” Alexander survived both disease and treatment. Rachel died, leaving the boys orphans. Her landlord, Nicolas Cruger, took on 13-year old Alexander as an apprentice clerk, while the brother was apprenticed to a carpenter. Cruger and business partner David Beekman had an extensive general store, warehouse and a counting shop located at the corner of Kings and King’s Cross Streets in Christiansted where Alexander worked. Alexander quickly mastered mathematics, finance, insurance and other important skills working at Beekman and Cruger -- expertise he later used to establish the U.S. Treasury. Hamilton had also benefited from his mother’s personal library of 34 books -- rare and expensive assets in the 18th century. Upon her death, however, her precious books and other more meager possessions were seized by her first husband’s family, leaving the boys destitute. Of necessity, self-educated Alexander worked hard. In spare time, he wrote poetry and, as he put it, “spun castles in the air.” He sought escape from the “groveling condition of a Clerk to which my Fortune condemns me.” Like so many other young men of his era, Hamilton saw the military as the answer. “What I need is a war,” he wrote. Following the hurricane that improbably propelled him into pre-Revolutionary New York in 1773, Hamilton found his war. George CARIBBEAN CONNECTION > PAGE 40
Key West Getaway One Block from Sloppy Joe’s Contact: • 1-800-654-5131
Apartment on St. John. $170/Night, no minimum stay. Pets allowed with some restrictions. Pool, kitchenette, private bathroom, screened porch overlooking tropical forest with banana and papaya trees, double bed, and separate living area. Perfect for a couple or young family. Amenities include kayaks, snorkel gear, and bamboo walking sticks. More than 60 percent of this spectacular Caribbean island is Virgin Island National Park, offering hiking, snorkeling, and unbelievable views. Get out of traffic and come to paradise.
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Five Friends, One Boat, and Max “…Life is not fair. This is where happy hour comes in handy.”
ven if you love your job and excel at it— even if you’re a sailing editor or something equally as outdoorsy in theory—there are weekday moments when you are at your desk, wearing long sleeves to weather the artificial chill, alone in the harsh realization that it’s a stunning, summer day, and you’re stuck indoors. You appreciate and need this job, but you don’t want to be stuck indoors. Butt in chair. Stay. You’re a grown up. It’s your job. Act productive. You should be out messing about on your boat or other peoples’ boats, washing your car, walking in the park, lounging on the porch with your feet up… anything but tapping on computer keys. It’s not fair. As your parents probably told you and as you may have told your kids, life is not fair. This is where happy hour comes in handy. One of my favorite OldTownCrier
spontaneous happy hour plans began with a Facebook post. Volkswagen enthusiasts may remember how the company ramped up its television advertising campaign in the mid-1990s. Among the memorable ads was one depicting a group of young people driving to a party in a Cabrio convertible under a starry sky and a full moon to the tune of Nick Drake’s song “Pink Moon.” That the songwriter died at age 26 of an anti-depressant overdose and wrote rather somber music doesn’t detract from the joyful feel of the ad itself, in which the Cabrio crew arrives at the party, looks at the rambunctious party scene, glances at one another in silent agreement, and backs out into the moonlit night to drive around in peace. At 9:21 a.m. on a sunny Friday in June, I heard the song “Pink Moon.” Knowing a few friends would comment on the song, which remains
fairly obscure, I posted the opening lyrics on Facebook: “I saw it written and I saw it say, Pink moon is on its way.” Two minutes later, my friend Chris Charbonneau posted a comment to say that he thought we should go out on the boat with wine and cheese to listen to the song. By 10:57 a.m., we had a second motion for a floating happy hour. By 6:30 p.m., we had five friends, a couple of bottles of wine, a cheese tray, and a lifejacketclad dog named Max on the well-loved 1980 Tanzer 24 Winola. We were cheerfully creeping along under sail in
about three knots of breeze. When the wind fizzled enough to have us drifting backwards, we gave in and dropped the hook right there in the harbor. Winola was not born beautiful or fast, yet she has been a platform for beautiful moments among friends for many years. My friend John Burke bought her 11 years ago for $2000 (including a few months’ slip fees), taught himself to sail on her, and even lived aboard for six months in between job and travel stints. (Burke is 6’3” tall. The Tanzer 24 has 5’9”
of headroom. You could call this camping.) When Charbonneau moved to town a few years later, he and Burke became fast friends and co-owners of the boat. Charbonneau has taken a couple dozen out-of-town friends (from his seemingly endless supply) sailing on the boat and even proposed marriage to his wife Kate onboard. You wouldn’t want to have five friends and a dog, even a short-legged Corgi like Max, cramped in Winola’s cockpit in a gale, but in three-to-zero knots in the harbor, we were happy summer campers with good cheese and olives and slightly-better-than-boxed wine. It doesn’t take much to erase the memory of clicking on the keyboard at your desk. A few hours with funny friends watching the sky turn from blue to pink to dark and starry will do. A quiet, “putput-put” tour of the closest creek may help, and if you throw in a final beer and some chicken wings at the local pub before you call it a night, more than just the work day may be forgotten. It’s easy to get wrapped up in waiting for ideal conditions before you get out on the water. You think you need a bigger, sleeker, more spouseor kid-friendly boat. You need new sailing shoes. You have some rule about not going out when the forecast only calls for five knots. You only have a few hours. No matter. Go sailing. Being able to get out on the water for only a couple hours is one of the true privileges of those of us who live along the Bay. Get out there. Even if the wind peters out, and you spend an hour at anchor enjoying the night air, my four friends and Max and I re-discovered in one enchanted summer evening that a not-so-sexy old boat is every bit as good as a yacht for memory making. Summer will be over in the blink of an eye. Don’t let this delicious season pass you by. Winans is the managing editor of SpinSheet, PropTalk, and FishTalk magazines in Eastport, MD.. This article first appeared in the July 2010 issue of SpinSheet. July 2017 | 21
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22 | July 2017
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Apple pie and Fourth of July There’s nothing quite like the July 4th fireworks on the Mall in Washington D.C. But braving the crowds once every few years (or every few decades) is plenty for some, who might wish for smaller crowds and a more small town atmosphere. You don’t have to go far, most of these are within an hour’s drive of the Beltway and can be as simple as some fireworks at dusk, or a full day celebration with parades, picnics, and more. As the actual date is on a Tuesday this year, some celebrations will be held on weekend dates. Middleburg Community Center has fireworks on July 4 along with some family friendly activities beginning with a children’s parade at 5:30 pm and live music by the Bluemont Concert Series at the community center from 7 to 9 pm. The fireworks are from 9 to 9:30 pm; more at www.Middleburg or call 540-687-6373 To add a bit of cachet to small town fun in Middleburg, the upscale Salamander Resort and Spa is opening its lawns for what it claims is the highest and best spot to view the Middleburg fireworks. Its renowned chefs will be preparing smoked BBQ favorites available to purchase; for more information visit their website at or 844303-2723. One of the biggest fireworks displays outside the beltway is in Fauquier County; Great Meadow’s Fourth of July Celebration. Open all day, Great Meadow’s celebration includes a variety of children’s activities, food, a helicopter air show, polo exhibits, and much more. This year, it’s held on July 1st. No dogs, tents, glass or grills permitted; tickets: $35 per car at Wegmans. $40 at the gate. www.GreatMeadow. org In Loudoun, there are fireworks in Leesburg at Ida Lee Park, Rt. 15 (King Street) and Ida Lee Drive, (703) 777-1368. Gates open at 6 p.m. Fireworks around 9:30 p.m.
Other July Events Saturday, July 1st marks the inaugural opening of a new polo series in Leesburg: Polo at the Park. Arena polo matches, picnicking and dancing will take place every Saturday evening in July and August. Spectators are encouraged OldTownCrier
to bring picnic baskets and blankets onto the terraced viewing area next to the riding arena, and a DJ will provide dance music in the pavilion tent immediately following the final polo matches throughout the summer. Stone Tower Winery – the Official Wine Sponsor of Polo in the Park – will offer wine for sale by the glass or by the bottle. Guests may also bring their own wine to enjoy at the polo matches Each night of the season will feature two matches, with one starting at 7 p.m. and the other starting at 8:30 p.m. The gates will open for spectators at 6 p.m. On July 7 – 9th, the best horses and riders in North America and Europe will come to Great Meadow for the second annual Great Meadow International. Teams of riders from the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France and Belgium will compete for their country over 3 days of demanding tests including dressage, cross country and show jumping at the FEI Nations Cup™ CICO***. This is the place to see the top horses and riders from around the world compete at the only FEI Nations Cup™ of Eventing held in North America. For information visit Evening arena and field polo at Banbury Cross Farm just east of Middleburg continue throughout the summer; Friday arena games and Sunday field games, culminating in a high goal charity fundraiser game on the field July 30th, the Piper Cup. For information, check out their Facebook page or visit www. Now, about those apple pies: we have several suggestions. July kicks off county fair season in Virginia, and there’s no place like the bake sales at county fairs to sample some of this perennial favorite. Fauquier County Fair will be held this year July 12-15 at the fairgrounds just outside Warrenton. And there are a number of farmers markets in the area with usually plentiful pie offerings. A personal favorite of mine are the apple pies and, in fact, anything apple from the bakery at the Apple House in Linden. Their apple fritters are melt in your mouth good, especially hot off the griddle. The Apple House is a restaurant located in Linden, a small village on the border of Fauquier and Warren counties off Exit 13 on I-66.
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July 2017 | 23
Keepin’ it Cool in the Mountains
he expression “Use a picture. It’s worth a thousand words” appeared in a 1911 newspaper article quoting newspaper editor Tess Flanders discussing journalism and publicity. I think that I will apply that principle to this month’s Road Trip. I will limit my words and let you enjoy the scenery. 24 | July 2017
Photo: John McCaslin
With the warm summer months upon us I thought that I would take a drive down I- 66 through Northern Fauquier County wine country, into Front Royal and across the mountain to Rappahannock County. The drive begins west on I-66 to Marshall, VA and Route 55 to Barrel Oak Winery in Delaplane. This winery is a very popular destination with mountain views, a wide selection of wines and, for beer lovers, the Farm Taproom that
opened this spring. A couple of miles down Route 55 to Route 17 and across Crooked Run Creek you will discover Three Fox Vineyards. The winery has out door seating on the mountain as well as down by the creek with a few hammocks by the stream. Retracing your drive back to Route 55 and making a right you will pass Aspen Dale winery and come to Leeds Manor Road. Making a right will take you up the mountain to Naked
Mountain Winery and one of Virginia’s best Chardonnays. The winery is in a state of expansion as the tasting room facilities are to be enlarged and a new crush pad is beginning to take shape. There are tables around and numerous chairs on the lawn under the shade trees. Heading back down Leeds Manor Road, across Route 55 and 3 miles RAPPAHANNOCK > PAGE 28
VisitRAPPAHANNOCK background photos by John McCaslin
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July 2017 | 25
background photos by John McCaslin
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background photos by John McCaslin
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July 2017 | 27
down the road you will come to Philip Carter Winery. For three centuries the families have made a way of life in the rolling landscapes of Fauquier County and on July 22nd the founding family of American wine joins with the founding families of Fauquier County’s craft brewing and cider making to host an event celebrating the local craft libations of the region. Known as the Founders Festival, this event is open to the public and only costs $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Be sure to check out events at the other wineries as well as there is something going on all the time. Retracing your path back to Route 55 make a left and head to Linden, VA. At the base of Freezeland Road make a right and climb the mountain to Fox Meadow Winery at the top. A recent Governor’s Cup winner, this winery has arguably the best and most panoramic view of the Blue Ridge… and it is blue. You can see as many as five different mountain ranges in the distance. Coming down from Fox Meadow cross the road and check out The Giving Tree, a locally owned store. The store features vegetables to plant in the spring, fresh vegetables and meats from their farm as well as
sourcing from other farmers in the area. They also have a nice selection of cool stuff…something for everyone. About two miles down Route 55 you will come to the Apple House, which has been run by the same family for 63 years. It is a great place for good country dining…not fancy, just good food. You have to check out their Apple Butter Cinnamon donuts. Continuing down Route 55 you will come to Front Royal, which is
a road trip unto itself. On this road trip you make a left at Rout 522 (right past the Shell station where the gas cost $2.09 when I was there). Take 522 over the mountain, through the little hamlet of Flint Hill. If you are hungry at this point, stop in to Griffin Tavern for a quick bite. Once you come to Route 211 make a right and head to the town of “Little” Washington, the home of the world- renowned Inn at Little Washington. While the Inn is
certainly the centerpiece of the town, there is much more to see and do. Tula’s Restaurant was recently bought by Alexandrian’s and is fast becoming the social center of the town. The Little Washington Theatre is right across the street making for a grand evening out. The theatre is also the home of the annual Little Washington Film Festival held every spring. Other RAPPAHANNOCK > PAGE 29
In Rappahannock, it’s a small step from routine to Extraordinary
MEDITERRANEAN STYLE IN WASHINGTON, VA. A home built for entertaining on a quiet street with mountain view. Two fireplaces, library, three ensuite bedrooms and exceptional lot with mountain view. Cook’s kitchen for dinners with friends or walk to The Inn. $675,000
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ENTERTAINING AND A VINEYARD! Open floor plan and terrific kitchen are ideal for large parties. Four impressive stone fireplaces, large master suite and a den opening to a wine cellar with wet bar. 40 acres on the Rappahannock headwaters with 7 in Old World Vines. $1,195,000
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KAYE KOHLER ~ RICK KOHLER ~ JAN MAKELA A GENTLE PLACE surrounded by native, perennial plantings and a short walk to two National Park trails. This charming 8 acre getaway in the mountains will steal your heart. Close to Sperryville. $425,000
28 | July 2017
291 Gay St., Washington, VA
THE GREAT ESCAPE, a weekend getaway sits on a knoll with 10 fenced acres by the mountains and national park trails. Mountain stream crosses for livestock, play or hunting crawdads. $375,000
places of interest include the Little Washington Wellness and Spa, Wine Loves Chocolate, The Café, and R. H. Ballard, a classic gallery and gift store. You can easily spend a half- day here just discovering these gems in this quaint town. If you decide to spend the night for another adventure the next day, there are a few very nice B&B’s, Inns and rooms available. Check out the Greenfield Inn right off of Route 211. Leaving town, drive back to Route 211 and turn right in the direction of Skyline Drive. If you haven’t satisfied your taste for wine by now, there are two great wineries to visit…Gadino Cellars and Little Washington Winery. They both make wonderful award winning wines. The nice thing about this road trip is that you can do it in reverse. Drive to Sperryville first and hit the other spots on your way home. Just before you begin the climb to Thornton Gap you will come to the town of Sperryville. This is truly one of my favorite places to be. Passing the 9-hole golf course (they rent clubs) turn left and cross over the beautiful Thornton River. This is indeed a very small town with big ideas. Stop in Before & After, a coffee and wine shop, for a cup of joe or a glass of wine in the afternoon. The Thornton River Grill is a favorite gathering place for lunch or dinner and the Corner Store has all of the essential snacks to fortify you on any road trip. Grab a pizza at the wood-burning pizza shop or a drink at the newly opened Francis bar. Traveling back over the Thornton River on River Lane to the River District you will find the Copper Fox Distillery situated among the most interesting and diverse group of businesses anywhere. You can tour this distillery and sample (as well as buy a bottle) of some of the best whiskey made in America. Relax at their outdoor bar along the Thornton River and enjoy one of their signature cocktails. If beer is your fancy, the Pen Druid Brewery is across the lot. Have a brew and meet the locals as well as other travelers. Be sure to stop at Heritage Hollow and stock up on their farm fresh products…the bacon is to die for! A jewelry store, Copper Fox Antiques and Flourish Root, a boutique florist make this a great place to just hang out and enjoy the people and the countryside. If you are looking for a cup of coffee for the road or something to take home with you, be sure to check out Central Coffee Roasters and Blue Ridge Artisans. This is a very long road trip with a wide range of things to do and adventures to enjoy. Near Sperryville you will find the hiking trails of the iconic Old Rag Mountain and White Oak Canyon with its six waterfalls. To extend your stay, spend the night in Sperryville. There are a few wonderful B&Bs and cottages to rent. On this trip, the scenery and the people are the best attraction. Enjoy!
On this trip, the scenery and the people are the best attraction.
potomac belle
docked in old town alexandria
Cruise the waters of the Potomac River with its postcard views of the DC skyline. Business entertainment, private parties, weddings, birthdays and anniversaries are our specialties. We take the art of entertaining to a whole new level, no matter what the occasion. You and your guests will remember the cruise for years to come. Quality service begins with custom planning to suit your needs. | 703-868-5566 | July 2017 | 29
What better way to celebrate our Nation’s 241st birthday than with a hot dog, fries and a cold beer? We found just the place for you to do that with a twist on an old favorite. Haute Dogs and Fries is a small venue in the north end of Old Town Alexandria whose focus is on the “dogs”. Haute Dogs opened its doors in this location a little over 5 years ago and has been going strong ever since. If any of you are baseball fans and have been to a Nationals game or two you may have seen their stand at the ball park – this is true Americana, hot dogs, beer AND baseball! I guess you have figured out by now - just by the name of this eatery- that the hot dogs they serve here aren’t your run of the mill “they plump when you cook them” variety. Make no mistake, they have a good old plain hot dog for all of you purists out there (I am actually one of you) but in addition to it they have over 15 other variations. Ranging from the Coney Island – wiener sauce, chopped onion, yellow mustard and celery salt - to the Duck Duck Dog – hoisin sauce, pickled cucumbers and green onion – and everything in between. There is a combination for every palate. They are all beef dogs, but if you are in search of a vegetarian or chicken variety you are also in luck. In addition to all of those choices, there are 20 plus signature toppings to choose from. You have the option to “build your own” on top of this all at an average price of $5.25. Also on the menu are local sausages and burgers, a New England lobster roll, half smokes and fish and chips and, of course….the fries. These are the real deal – hand-cut Idaho number ones fried to perfection. As with the option for the dogs, they have a selection of 7 different dipping sauces as well as just good old Heinz 57. These range from curry ketchup 30 | July 2017
A Gourmet Version of an American Favorite HAUTE DOGS AND FRIES
610 MONTGOMERY STREET ALEXANDRIA, VA 703-548-3891 HAUTEDOGSANDFRIES.COM M-SU 11 AM – 9 PM to Sriracha mayo. One order of these fries is plenty for two people unless you are really hungry. Other sides available include baked beans, tater tots, mac and cheese and their famous coleslaw. Check out their “this is how you tot” option on your next visit. Another thing that sets Haute Dogs hot dogs apart from the norm is the “bun”. Not your standard hot dog bun, the bread they use is more of a take on Texas toast made for them locally and delivered fresh daily. The bun is grilled so it takes on a crispy texture on the outside but remains soft on the inside. It really is hard to describe. Guess you DINING OUT > PAGE 36
dine out!
JOIN US FOR STEAK NIGHT Thursdays 5-9 PM Starting at $15.95
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July 2017 | 31
Matthew King How did you get started in the bartending business? I started working in a restaurant when I was 17 years old while I was attending college for a finance degree. I started as a busboy and quickly became a server after I turned 18 and fell in love with the business. When I turned 21, I was given the opportunity at the same restaurant to bartend and realized I never wanted to be in any other industry again (including finance!). What is your biggest bartender pet peeve? Calling out my name when I am noticeably busy. “Yes, my name is Matt. I hear you, I see you, I know you are waiting and yes, I will be right with you.” What is the cleverest line anyone has ever used to get you to give them a free drink?
A regular told me that her friend had just gotten rejected on a proposal to his girlfriend. She asked if I could put a drink on her tab but really on the house. (The way she worded it, “can I get a drink for him, on me, but on the house). My response “Uhhh… no.” What is the best/worst pickup line you have overheard at the bar? The worst: “How much does a polar bear weigh?” Enough to break the ice.
Matt is behind the bar Tuesday through Saturday nights.
Tell us about an interesting encounter you have had with a customer(s). I have two. A guest asked me to put lukewarm water in a glass and add ice to it because he didn’t want it too cold….. As I did this with disdain, he said “oh, perfect”. A guest ordered a rib-eye with sides and said that he needed his steak to be cooked well done. As I went to walk away he grabbed my arm and said “You don’t understand, I really need that steak well-done because my doctor said I cannot have any red meat.”
If you could sit down and have a drink with anyone in the world, past or present, who would that be? My father and my grandfather (who have both passed). I would have loved to have had drinks with them when they were younger in their drinking days. And George Carlin would be up there as well. If you would like to see your favorite mixologist featured in this space, send contact information to office@
Matt serves up the Bristow Lemonade – MurLarkey Clemoncy Whiskey, simple syrup, pomegranate juice, citrus bitters & a splash of soda.
32 | July 2017
“The Finest Lebanese Cuisine” –Washington Post, 2001 Family Owned & Operated Come and Enjoy a Cozy Candlelit Dinner Carry-Out Available • Free Delivery Open 7 Days for Lunch & Dinner
719 King St. Old Town Alexandria 703.684.9194 •
Now open for BRUNCH Saturdays & Sundays at 10AM 121 South Union Street, Old Town Alexandria 703.548.1785
A local favorite since 1978 American comfort foods and over 250 wine & beer from around the world
Yellowfin Tuna Month! See our website for details
Specials Every Day Saturday & Sunday Brunch Wine Bar and a Sports Pub Private Party Room 1700 Fern St, Alexandria 703.998.6616 OldTownCrier
G GERANIO RISTORANTE Redefining Italian Cuisine in Old Town Alexandria Dinner Entrees from $14 722 King Street Old Town Alexandria 703.548.0088
July 2017 | 33
Chef Uffe Mikkelsen
ffe Mikkelsen was born and raised in Denmark. He attended culinary school in Copenhagen and then worked at Restaurant Els in the Nyhavn area along the waterfront, canal and entertainment district in Copenhagen. A century ago one of the regular clientele was Hans Christian Anderson. From here Mikkelsen took over the chef duties at Restaurant Scott in Copenhagen. In 1986, Mikkelsen found himself in Boston were he became Executive Sous Chef at the Ritz Carlton. From there he moved to the Washington, D.C. area where he was promoted to Executive Chef at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, Tysons Corner and finally at Pentagon City. “I arrived in America at a good time,” he tells me, “the role of the Executive Chef was changing to being more incorporated into the whole dining concept, and the Ritz was one of the best.The Ritz’s philosophy was…Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen!” When did you first become interested in cooking and what made you choose a culinary career?
My family owned a Konditorei. I began working at age 12 and moved to Copenhagen at 16 to begin Culinary School and an apprenticeship. A Konditorei typically offers a wide variety of pastries and typically also serves as a café. Who or what has been your biggest inspiration during your career? In Denmark at Restaurant ELS, Executive Chef Ole had a strong impression on me, as well as Chef Jean Claude Cavalier at the Ritz Carlton in Boston, MA. He loved to joke; he loved to smile; he loved food; he loved life. What dish on your menu are you most curious to see how it’s received? I most enjoy the catering experience and using seasonal products combined with the special requests of my customers. My every day menu carries favorites such as the Jerk Chicken. What do you feel sets your cuisine apart from others in your field? Roseina’s daily menu and specials of the day reflect the season and always offer light to “Feel Good” fair. Every item is fresh daily and made to order.
If any chef in the world (past or present) could prepare you a meal, who would you want that to be? I was fortunate enough to enjoy a meal by French Chefs Paul Bocuse and Alain Ducasse. They both stand out as my favorite. Chef Bocuse is one of the most prominent chefs associated with the nouvelle cuisine, which is less opulent and caloric than the traditional cuisine classique, and stresses the importance of fresh ingredients of the highest quality. Chef Alain Ducasse is one chef who can honestly claim that his food is out of this world. Not because his restaurants hold a constellation of 19 Michelin stars, but because he has prepared some meals for astronauts aboard the International Space Station. What's your guilty food pleasure? I enjoy rich food like Foie Gras. Any European cuisine with good company makes for a grand dining experience. If you would like to see your favorite chef featured in this space, send contact information to chester@
Photos © Chester Simpson
(L to R) Roseina’s Vegetarian Pleaser w/ our Tomato & Mozzarella Salad, California Sandwich w/ Smoked Turkey, Bacon, Tomato, Lettuce, Avocado & Basil Mayonnaise, Blue Cheese & Caramelized Walnut Salad w/ Baked Salmon and Roseina’s Chilled Gazpacho.
34 | July 2017
AMERICAN ASHAR RESTAURANT AND BAR 116 South Alfred St. 703-739-6090 BILBO BAGGINS 208 Queen St. 703-683-0300 BLACKWALL HITCH 5 Cameron St. 703-739-6090 BURGER FI 111 N. Pitt St. 703-746-9242 CARLYLE CLUB 411 John Carlyle St. 703-549-8957 CHADWICKS 203 Strand St. 703-836-4442 An Old Town tradition since 1979 and an original Georgetown pub and restaurant since 1967. CHART HOUSE One Cameron St. 703-684-5080 CITY KITCHEN 330 South Pickett St. 703-685-9172 USA City inspired menu choices that bring together traditional American and global cuisine with their own personal touch. Casual dress. $30 and under. Lots of free parking. Open 7 days a week with brunch on Sat & Sun 11-3. AMEX, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
INDIGO LANDING #1 Marina Dr. Washington Sailing Marina 703-548-0001 JACKS PLACE 222 North Lee St. 703-684-0372 JACKSON 20 480 King St. 703-842-2790 JOE THEISMANNS 1800 Diagonal Rd. 703-739-0777 KING STREET BLUES 112 N. St. Asaph St. 703-836-8800 LAPORTAS 1600 Duke St. 703-683-6313 LIVE OAK 1603 Commonwealth Ave. 571-312-0402 LOST DOG CAFE 808 North Henry St. 571-970-6511 MACKIE’S BAR AND GRILL 907 King St. 703-684-3288 MAGNOLIA’S ON KING 703 King St. 703-838-9090 MAJESTIC CAFÉ 911 King St. 703-837-9117 MASON SOCIAL 728 Henry Street Old Town Alexandria 703-548-8800
PORK BARREL BBQ 2312 Mount Vernon Ave. 703-822-5699
THE WAREHOUSE BAR & GRILL 214 King St. 703-683-6868
LA MADELEINE 500 King St. 703-729-2854
RAMPARTS 1700 Fern St. 703-998-6616
ASIAN ASIAN BISTRO 809 King St. 703-836-1515
TWO NINETEEN RESTAURANT 219 King St. 703-549-1141
REYNOLDS STREET CAFÉ 34 S. Reynolds St. 703-751-0830
MALAYA 1019 King St. 703-519-3710
RIVER BEND BISTRO 7966 Fort Hunt Rd. Hollin Hall Shopping Center 703-347-7545 ROCK IT GRILL 1319 King St. 703-739-2274 RT's RESTAURANT 3804 Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-684-6010 SAMUEL BECKETTS IRISH GASTRO PUB 2800 S. Randolph St. Villages of Shirlington 703-379-0122 SHOOTER MCGEES 5239 Duke St. 703-751-9266
MAI THAI 9 King St. 703-548-0600 NASIME 1209 King St. 703-548-1848 RED MEI 602 King St. 703-837-0094 STREETS MARKET AND CAFE 3108 Mt. Vernon Ave. 571-431-6810
FACCIA LUNA 823 S. Washington St. 703-838-5998
THAILAND ROYAL 801 N. Fairfax St. 703 535-6622
THE ITALIAN PLACE 621Wythe St. 571-777-8981
TOKYO JAPANESE STEAKHOUSE 66 Canal Center Plaza 703-683-8878
SOCIETY FAIR 277 S. Washington St. 703-683-3247
CAPHE BANH MI VIETNAMESE 407 Cameron St. 703-549-0800
SONOMA CELLAR 207 King St. 703-966-3550
SANG JUN THAI 300 King Street 571-312-3377
SOUTHSIDE 815 815 S. Washington St. 703-836-6222
KAI ZEN TAVERN 1901 Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-836-1212
MOUNT VERNON INN Mount Vernon, Va 703-780-0011
sweetgreen 823 King St. 571-319-0192
THE SUSHI BAR 2312 Mount Vernon Avenue 571-257-3232
EVENING STAR CAFÉ 2000 Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-549-5051
MURPHYS IRISH PUB 713 King St. 703-548-1717 Old-world Irish pub featuring a roaring fireplace, serving a variety of imported, domestic and non-alcoholic beers in a friendly atmosphere. Serving robust American-Irish meals at fair prices. Favorites include fish and chips and Irish stew. Irish-style entertainment nightly.
T.J. STONES GRILL HOUSE & TAP ROOM 608 Montgomery St. 703-548-1004 American cuisine with libations from around the world. Bar specials Mon-Fri, 4-7 pm. Brunch served Sat & Sun.
CONTINENTAL BRABO by Robert Weidmaier 1600 King St. 703-894-3440
FIRE FLIES 1501 Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-548-7200 FIVE GUYS 725 King St. 703-549-7991 FLAT TOP BURGER 529 East Howell Ave. 571-970-1006
MYRON MIXON PITMASTER BBQ 220 North Lee St. 703-535-3340
FOSTERS GRILLE 2004 Eisenhower Ave. 703-725-1342
NICKELLS AND SCHIFFLER 1028 King St. 703-684-5922
GADSBYS TAVERN 138 N. Royal St. 703-548-1288
NINAS DANDY Potomac Party Cruises Zero Prince St. 703-683-6076
HARD TIMES CAFE 1404 King St. 703-837-0050 HEN QUARTER 1404 King St. 703-684-6969 HUNTING CREEK STATION 801 King St. 703-836-5126
NORTHSIDE 1O 10 East Glebe Rd. 703-888-0032 OCONNELLS RESTAURANT & BAR 112 King St. 703-739-1124
TRADEMARK 2800 Jamieson Ave. 703-253-8640 UNION STREET PUBLIC HOUSE 121 South Union St. 703-548-1785 Old Town’s favorite neighborhood tap and grill. Southern style menu, fine steaks, fresh seafood. Sunday brunch, private parties, happy hour. VERMILLION 1120 King St. 703-684-9669
LA BERGERIE 218 N. Lee St. 703-683-1007 ITALIAN BUGSYS PIZZA RESTAURANT 111 King St. 703-683-0313
COLUMBIA FIREHOUSE 109 S. St. Asaph St. 703-683-1776
FIN & HOOF 801 N. Saint Asaph St. 703-836-4700
YVES BISTRO 235 Swamp Fox Rd. (in Hoffman Ctr.) 703-329-1010
BRABO TASTING ROOM 1600 King St. 703-894-5252 CEDAR KNOLL INN GW Parkway at Lucia Ln. 703-799-1501 RESTAURANT EVE 110 S. Pitt St. 703-706-0450 TEMPO 4231 Duke St. 703-370-7900 Northern Italian, French provincial & American cuisine featuring fresh seafood, meats and pasta served in a contemporary, romantic atmosphere. FRENCH
VIRTUE GRAIN & FEED 106 South Union St. 571-970-3669
BASTILLE 606 N. Fayette St. 703-519-3776
VOLA’S DOCKSIDE GRILL & THE HI-TIDE LOUNGE 101 North Union St. 703-935-8890
LE REFUGE 127 N. Washington St. 703-548-4661 FONTAINES CAFFE & CREPERIE 119 S. Royal St. 703-535-8151
GERANIO RISTORANTE 722 King St. 703-548-0088 Still Old Towns highest-rated Italian restaurant (Zagat). Discerning Old Towners flock here for refined cuisine in this comfortable, yet sophisticated restaurant. With entrees from $14, there is no reason not to enjoy a selection from their Wine Spectator award-winning list, while being attended by the friendly staff of seasoned professionals. Reservations recommended and casual attire welcomed. HANKS PASTA BAR 600 Montgomery Ave. 571-312-4117 IL PORTO RESTAURANT 121 King St. 703-836-8833 LANDINI BROTHERS 115 King St. 703-836-8404 Elegant, classical Italian cuisine served in a lovely historical setting. Fresh veal, homemade pastas, and fresh fish are some of the daily choices. An extensive list of wines and champagnes served in a sophisticated and friendly atmosphere. LENA’S WOOD-FIRED PIZZA & TAP 401 East Braddock Rd. 703-960-1086 PARADISO 124 King St. 703-683-5330 PINES OF FLORENCE 1300 King St. 703-549-1796
MEDITERRANEAN LA TASCA 607 King St. 703-299-9810 TAVERNA CRETEKOU 818 King St. 703-548-8688 PITA HOUSE 719 King St. 703-684-9194 Family owned and operated; carry out available and free delivery. DELIAS MEDITERRANEAN GRILL 209 Swamp Fox Rd. Alexandria, VA 703-329-0006 SEAFOOD HANKS OYSTER BAR 1026 King St. 703-739-HANK FISH MARKET-OLD TOWN 105 King St. 703-836-5676 Internationally known and locally owned! We serve shrimps, a few crabs, tall people and lots of nice people, too! Live music and lively food! ERNIES ORGINIAL CRABHOUSE 1743 King St. 703-836-0046 THE WHARF 119 King St. 703-836-2834 "Its All About the Seafood," traditional and creative coastal cuisine. FISH MARKET-CLINTON 7611Old Branch Ave. Clinton, MD 301-599-7900 INDIAN BOMBAY CURRY COMPANY 2607 Mount Vernon Ave. 703-836-6363 DISHES OF INDIA 1510A Bellview Blvd. 703-660-6085 NAMASTE 1504 King St. 703-970-0615 MEXICAN LATIN SOUTHWESTERN DON TACO TEQUILA BAR 808 King St. 703-988-3144 LOS TIOS GRILL 2615 Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-299-9290 LOS TOLTECOS 4111 Duke St. 703-823-1167 TAQUERIA POBLANO 2400-B Mt. Vernon Ave. 703-548-TACO (8226)
RED ROCKS FIREBRICK PIZZA 904 King St. 703-717-9873 TRATTORIA DA FRANCO 305 S. Washington St. 703-548-9338
July 2017 | 35
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will have to go check them out and decide for yourself. On our last trip to Haute dog I opted for the “Let’s Make a Deal”. The “deal” is you get your choice of any two signature dogs and a soft drink. I chose the House Dog – warm onion relish, yellow mustard, mayo and celery salt – and a Coney Island – see description above. I have to admit that my eyes were bigger than my stomach so I only got through one and a bite of the other before pawning the rest off on BT. Be sure you are hungry if you go this route. BT was pretty stoked to see that the special of the day was the Half Smoke so he jumped on it like a big dog……pun intended. All lived up to their descriptions and our expectations. There is a kids menu available and a selection of three ice cream options made from Trickling Springs Super Premium ice cream churned in Chambersburg, PA. POINTS ON PETS FROM PAGE 16
sunny window on the world. Many websites offer enclosures for sale. Others have design options for creating an inexpensive oasis for your cat, attached to a back door, patio, deck, or window, including fun runs, tunnels, and tents. A comfortable, well-ventilated space or ledge with plenty of sunlight and a view of bird feeders, critters, and the outdoors is ideal. If your cats seem bored or crave attention, set aside more time to play together. Consider offering treats like catnip, which is easy to grow in full sun. A scratching post or cat tree rubbed with catnip, along with interactive toys, will help even a cat who’s used to going outside find plenty of fun indoors.
Other Pets and the Outdoors The risks rabbits, other small mammals, and birds face outdoors include animal predators, humans, poisonous plants, pesticides and fertilizers, and disease. Being outside is often stressful for small animals, who are intensely aware of their wider surroundings. Vets and small animal specialists no longer recommend outdoor hutches or cages: any rabbit home needs a solid roof and walls, plus a strong door lock. But well-made enclosures can give your pet a safe way to be outside during the day and in your company. Birds also need space to stretch their wings and exercise. An outdoor aviary can be safe (under supervision) while giving your pet room to enjoy sunlight, new sights and sounds, and fresh air.
Enjoying the Outdoors Safely Together Fireworks – Few animals can ignore the noise, lights, and smells of fireworks. Shelters report a big increase in lost pets every July Fourth, so keep your pet inside. If she’s spooked, talk with your vet about medications, behavior modification, distractions, or working with an animal behaviorist. Sunscreen – Your pet may need sunscreen but shouldn’t use (or eat) yours. Ask your vet about sun protection. Barbecues – Summer grilling is a blast. But some human food (and all alcohol) is toxic for 36 | July 2017
Locally brewed beers and a minimum selection of wine are available. I accompanied my dogs with a Port City Optimal Wit and BT went the all-American route and treated himself to a root beer. There really is something for everyone here in this little brick walled eatery including some fun décor that keeps you entertained while you dine. Treat yourselves to a trip to Haute Dogs and Fries during our nations birthday month and have yourself a very Happy Fourth of July! pets, as are charcoal briquettes, lighter fluid, grill cleaners, and bug sprays and liquids. Cook out safely knowing where your pets are and what they’re playing with and eating. (You can still share treats!) And have your vet’s number on hand as backup. Vehicles – It’s best to never leave your pet alone in your car or let him ride untethered or on a flatbed. Leaning out of car windows is cute but unsafe. Keep an eye out for anything inside your vehicle within reach that could be poisonous or dangerous. Pools (and open water) – Pools are fun for dogs (and some cats and rabbits!). But pool water and chemicals are unsafe for them to swallow. And no pet should be around a pool (or running at the beach) without a supervising human to share the fun. Out on the water, make sure your dog has a life jacket and that you have first-aid kits onboard: one for humans, one for pets. Breathing issues – Persian cats and bulldogs, Pekinese, and pugs with brachycephalic syndrome, and other pets with asthma or allergies, have increased risk of breathing problems when it’s hot and humid. Watch for changes in breathing, including wheezing, coughing, panting, drooling, or differences in breathing sounds. Sunstroke/heatstroke – Most animals can’t cool down the way humans do. Keep your pet cool, out of intense sun for long periods, and well hydrated with cool (not cold) water. If your dog or cat is panting, drooling excessively, or has bright red gums, take her inside. Use cool water and cool, wet towels and fans to lower her body temperature. And call your vet.
Getting Ready: Talk with Your Vet Before heading outdoors, make sure your pets (including indoor ones who might wander off) are microchipped and wearing collars or IDs. Ask your vet about immunizations and parasite prevention, including flea and tick treatments. You can enjoy the outdoors more knowing your pets will, too. Steph volunteers with King Street Cats in Alexandria and lives nearby with her husband and their two cats. OldTownCrier
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Back to basics Our agricultural mentoring program got a big boost a few weeks ago. Now I really need to step up my game to teach better, say the best words and act like a grown up. I hope I can keep the illusion of knowledge going. Along those lines, I wanted to say a few words about making great wine. I was talking to a potential winery owner the other day and found myself giving advice as I usually do. So here are a few thoughts:
Have a vision for your wine Plan your best to match the grapes available with the style of wine you want and with what the customers will be looking for. If it's a small batch, being experimental or creative is fine. But if you are making a large batch of wine, it's best to stay on proven ground. Some folks have more ability to absorb a miscue than others. Our first batch of Raspberry Merlot was a lot smaller than our current batches.
Focus on the fruit Making flavorful wine is much more possible if you have flavorful fruit to do it with. Good canopy management, timely fruit thinning, balanced vines and the right varieties grown in the right location are all important subjects for growers to focus on. As the winemaker, you have to build the EXPLORING VA WINES > PAGE 39
38 | July 2017
Keep it Clean
relationship with the grower that can deliver you the quality you need. Best is to be a grower first before you are a winemaker. As you can grow your own you always have it available you just need to make that commitment.
90% of winemaking is cleaning. Keep the tanks, barrels, equipment and cellar clean. If there is funkiness in the cellar, it will make it into the wine. That is not terroir, it is an infection. Filtering can help keep the bottles consistent but regimental cleaning will keep many challenges away.
Harvest Decision Make sure that the fruit is to the ripeness level that fits with the vision. The ripeness for the Rose’ is going to be different than for a full bodied red. Sometimes Mother Nature may change the vision of the wine because of weather and fruit conditions.
Don't overplay the Oak It's easy to add new barrels to a wine, it only takes money. Using the right barrels at the right amount takes experience and that cannot be purchased. Trust your cooper, keep the fruit forward and do some experiments to find your style. Oak can be added but not removed.
These are just a few thoughts to those few folks that may be thinking about this industry as a career change. A few other folks may appreciate the big picture we use sometimes to keep the little details in site. The perspective may change but understanding the big picture is always a good way to learn the things that are important. Doug is the proprietor and winemaker at Fabbioli Cellars in Loudoun County and has been penning this column for several years. He has been instrumental in the success of many of the Commonwealth’s vineyards and wineries.
VIRGINIA WINE TRAIL PROFILES BEDFORD COUNTY WINE TRAIL The Bedford Wine Trail in the Central Virginia region includes five vineyards and wineries surrounding Bedford. BLUE RIDGE WINE WAY The Blue Ridge Wine Way features eight wineries and vineyards in the spectacular mountains of the Northern Virginia region. BOTETOURT COUNTY WINE TRAIL The Wine Trail of Botetourt Country features three wineries in the Blue Ridge Mountains. EASTERN SHORE WINE TRAIL The Eastern Shore of Virginia Wine Trail hosts three wineries along the Land Between Two Waters. This area is a unique rural coastal environment. Hundreds of miles of Atlantic Ocean and Chesapeake Bay shoreline provide a wealth of recreational opportunities for beach-lovers, fishermen, and boaters in addition to wine lovers. FAUQUIER COUNTY WINE TRAIL Fauquier County is home to 16 wineries and vineyards — each with its own unique flavors. Enjoy awardwinning Virginia wines, wine tastings and tours. SHENANDOAH VALLEY WINE TRAIL The Shenandoah Valley Wine Trail is an association of six vineyards and wineries.
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LOUDOUN WINE TRAIL Loudouns Wine Trail in Northern Virginia takes you through Virginias hunt country to 23 participating wineries. CHESAPEAKE BAY WINE TRAIL The Chesapeake Bay Wine Trail, in the Chesapeake Bay region, highlights six different wineries. HEART OF VIRGINIA WINE TRAIL The Heart of Virginia Wine Trail in Central Virginia presents several events throughout the year at four wineries located in the central region of the state. BLUE RIDGE WINE TRAIL The Blue Ridge Wine Trail features five wineries and vineyards in the spectacular mountains all within minutes of the Blue Ridge Parkway. GENERALS WINE & HISTORY TRAIL In 2009, 10 wineries banded together to form a new type wine trail experience. The new wine trail experience was to tie our rich wine heritage with our rich historical heritage and thus the Generals Wine & History Trail was born. MONTICELLO WINE TRAIL The Monticello Wine Trail leads to 24 wineries from its hub in Charlottesville. Source: Virginia Wine Marketing Office
10100 Three Fox Ln. • Delaplane, VA • 540-364-6073 OldTownCrier
July 2017 | 39
music festivals17 '
If you like music and the outdoors, these festivals are the best for you, your family and friends to attend. Come for the day or camp the weekend. Support local and international artists performing around our area. July 6-9 DoahFest Luray, VA July 13-15 Pasture Palooza Music & Arts Festival Berryville, VA July 14-16 Red Wing Roots Music Festival July 20-22 Deep Roots Mountain Revival Mason Town, WV
July 26-30 FloydFest Floyd, VA
August 24-27 Lockn Festival Arrington, VA
August 8-13 Galax Old Fiddler’s Convention Galax, VA
Sept. 21-24 Watermelon Park Festival Berryville, VA
August 12-13 Moonrise Festival Baltimore, MD
October 5-8 Festy Experience Arrington, VA
August 17-20 Gettysburg Bluegrass Festival Gettysburg, PA
AFTER HOURS Birchmere 703.549.7500 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave. The Blackwall Hitch 571-982-3577 5 Cameron St. Carlyle Club 411 John Carlyle Dr. 703-549-8957 Chadwicks 203 S. Strand St. 703.836.4442 Evening Star Cafe 703.549.5051 2000 Mt. Vernon Ave.
40 | July 2017
The Fish Market 703.836.5676 105 King St. King Street Blues 703.836.8800 112 N. St. Asaph St. La Portas 703.683.6313 1600 Duke St. Las Tapas 703.836.4000 710-714 King St. The Light Horse 703.549.0533 715 King St.
Murphys Irish Pub 703.548.1717 713 King St. O’Connell’s 703.739.1124 112 King St. Rock It Grill 703.739.2274 1319 King St. Shooter McGees 703.751.9266 5239 Duke St. Southside 815 703.836.6222 815 S. Washington St. St. Elmos 703.739.9268 2300 Mt. Vernon Ave.
Washington took him on as an aide, recognizing his unusual intelligence and skills. Following the Revolution, more than a few of Hamilton’s contributions to the United States may be traced to his early Caribbean days. At a time when slavery was the legal underpinning of much of the North American economy, Hamilton said the abilities of black people “are as good as ours” and that slaves should be freed. He also said that civil rights and freedom of religion go hand-in-hand: “Remember civil and religious liberty always go together; if the foundation of one be sapped, the other will fall.” To uphold these liberties guaranteed in the Constitution Hamilton championed, he supported a strong federal government. Today in Christiansted, St. Croix’s largest town, some of the 18th century buildings and sites associated with Hamilton -including the fort where his mother Rachel was imprisoned -are protected within the Christiansted National Historic Site, part of the National Park Service. A Hamilton walking guide is available for interested visitors. Jeffrey R. McCord is a free-lance journalist whose work on international economics and consumer protection has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Gannett newspapers and Truthout. org, among other publications. For more than 20 years, he’s called Northern Virginia his home. Jeff is the author of two fact-based Caribbean novels: “Undocumented Visitors in a Pirate Sea,” which was a quarter-finalist in the 2014 Amazon Breakthrough Novel contest; and, “Santa Anna’s Gold in a Pirate Sea,” a finalist in the 2016 Next Generation Indie Book contest. He now divides his time between Virginia and St. John, USVI. Publishers Note: Jeff and his family are taking some time off of the Island and exploring other tropical paradises. This column ran initially in the July 2016 issue.
Taverna Cretekou 703.548.8688 818 King St. TJ Stones 703.548.1004 608 Montgomery St. Trattoria da Franco 703-548-9338 305 S. Washington St. Two Nineteen 703.549.1141 219 King St. These establishments offer live entertainment. Call to confirm show times, dates and cover charges. Check our advertisers’ websites
hirteen years of reading hands and doing spiritual work and I know for sure that Spirit is accessible to everyone. How do I know this? Because whenever I’m tapped in to do my readings and give my client a particular bit of insight they often say, “Hey, yeah, I was just thinking that the other day.” They also tell me about songs they’ve heard that relate specifically to their question as well as dreams or conversations that have come out of the blue that were word for word what I just said. I’m not eavesdropping on their conversations, following them around their respective countries and cities I’m simply listening and relaying information that they may not have been willing to hear on their own. In a perfect world, we’d all listen and trust our Guidance System – what I refer to as Spirit. But heck, we all know this world isn’t perfect. So here are some of the universal messages that come through time and time again in response to the most common questions I hear.
Question: Will we be together a long time? Answer: Time is a linear abstract created by humans to help them feel more grounded and in control. It’s not real. (I know, try telling that your boss when she wants you at your desk on time!) That being said Spirit likes to point out that there is no such thing as “long” or “short” time – either for our length on Earth or our time with people who are currently in our lives. This isn’t because one person is bad and another is good. It isn’t because the relationship itself isn’t worthwhile – it’s because like everything else in your human experience there’s a reason for it happening. When the work is done, it’s done. Some relationships lasts decades in human time and others just a few months. It’s all the same. You have been working OldTownCrier
Answers About Love and Money with and interacting with the soul of that other human for millennia. It won’t “stop” just because the time ends here. The goal in each relationship is to be fully committed to being present in the here and now. Not focusing on what happened in the past and resisting the temptation to try to manipulate or figure out what will happen in the future. All that does is drag you away from the purpose of the present moment, in the present relationship. This answer is a good look into to how to answer questions such as, “Will he and I get married?” “Will things work out with my twin flame?” and others on this topic.
Question: Will I get the money I need? Answer: Money, Money, Money – it seems to make the world go around and no doubt life is easier when you have enough to pay for what you want. However simply having enough doesn’t mean a thing if you’re not present to how you’re living and what you’re distracting yourself with. You could be distracting yourself with champagne and caviar or you could be distracting yourself bemoaning not having enough money. It’s all distraction from your purpose and reason for being here. The question is flawed because the money you think you need is usually not what you need.
What you need is health and joy and happiness. People joke that even though money can’t buy happiness it would make you happier in your misery! It’s not true though. Until you are grounded and clear on what makes you happy and you become expansive in sharing what you do have it’s just harder to get money to flow to you. (I have some really fun firstperson examples of this if you want to hear them!) Money follows fun. It always has and always will. Money likes to be around people who are joyfilled and open to celebrating everything that flows to them
– even if it’s a penny they find on the street! Money also likes people who are clear on what they have, what they need and what they would love to have it the opportunity came up. In other words, be a good steward of your money and money will enjoy being with you. Budget and stick to what you’ve come up with. Resist the temptation to spend what you don’t have because you then find yourself praying for more just to pay for what you already have and in many cases have already discarded or forgotten you had in the first place. Money in and of itself will
never be enough. Fill yourself with the joy and love you need and then find peace knowing that what you most desire is making its way to you. There you have it – Money and love are the two topics that come up over and over again during readings. Answers come through the connection we all have to Spirit. They are not rocket science. Yet with think that Spirit is going to come up with a magic potion to change our lives around. Spirit is always willing to help if you’re willing to help yourself and ask for assistance.
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July 2017 | 41
Beat Heat
How to safely work out in hot conditions
he dog days of summer are upon us, and with the warm weather and longer days we can all have a chance to get outdoors and enjoy some summer activities. Whether you are participating in sports or other physical activities during these hot months, it is important to keep in mind the potential risks that come with exercising in the heat. As long as you understand how to safely work out in the heat, there is no reason not to take advantage of what summer has to offer. There are many factors that contribute to how our bodies adjust in the heat. Air temperature and humidity
play a major role in the body’s ability to regulate itself. Let’s say you’re running in 80-degree heat and the humidity is low. Your body will be able to regulate temperature easily because the environment is cooler than your body temperature—which is typically 98.6 degrees. Up the humidity to 95 percent, and your shirt is sticking to your body because the sweat is no longer evaporating. When the temperature outside exceeds our internal temperature, the body loses its only natural defense against overheating, which is the ability to sweat. The evaporation of sweat from
the skin allows the body to cool down. However, when the humidity level is too high, there is less evaporation and therefore less cooling. This combination of high humidity and high temperature can be dangerous if a person is exposed for too long without proper hydration. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are two dangerous side effects that can happen when the body can no longer handle the heat. Signs of heat exhaustion include general fatigue, weakness, nausea, dizziness, muscle cramps, and an increase in body temperature. A body temperature above 104, an inability to sweat, acute
respiratory distress, and loss of consciousness can be signs of heat stroke, which is more severe and can lead to death if not treated immediately. This does not mean that you should avoid going outside to have a great summer workout. Just be aware of the risks and take steps to prevent overheating and dehydration. Here are some tips for exercising in the heat. By following these guidelines, you will be able to safely exercise outdoors during the hot summer months:
Keep hydrated! It is very important to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Once you start to feel thirsty you are already dehydrated. Try to stick to non-caffieinated beverages (preferably water) or some type of sports drink. To stay properly hydrated during exercise, drink at least one cup of water 15 minutes prior to the beginning of exercise, and a gulp or two every 15 minutes during the workout.
Eat regularly.
It is important to keep eating during the day. Try to get five small meals a day. For many people, the heat decreases appetite, but your body still needs the energy. Fruits and vegetables are great for energy and will also help with some hydration.
Wear loose-fitting clothing. Try to find clothes that are light and breathable. The best 42 | July 2017
type of clothing to wear is something that is designed to wick sweat away from the body.
Wear sunscreen. Even if you are out early in the morning, if you are exposed to the sun, it can give you a burn. Sunburns can hinder the body’s ability to cool itself.
Workout at times of the day that are cooler and stick to familiar activities. The best times to work out are in the early mornings before the sun has a chance to warm up, or in the late afternoon when it starts to cool down. Try to avoid exercising during the hottest parts of the day (usually between 10am and 4pm).
Warm up and cool down. Give your body a chance to adjust to the outside temperature before beginning your activity. Five minutes of walking or a light jog is a good way to prepare you for a workout. When you are done with the workout be sure to cool down. An example of a cool down would be walking for five or ten minutes to allow your heart rate to return to normal. Avoid extreme temperature changes. Never go right from a hot sweaty workout into cold air conditioning. Don’t forget that we’re living in a city—we don’t have the luxury of running on unpaved country roads—the majority of the trails we enjoy are paved— which radiate heat—greatly increasing the heat from the environment. OldTownCrier
elcome back to another edition of From the Trainer! Hope everyone has enjoyed the summer so far with plenty of sunshine, heat, and humidity on the way. July has a couple of important dates to note. The first is the celebration of our nation’s Independence from Great Britain. The next day is my father’s birthday! There are plenty of reasons to celebrate this month which generally involves burgers, brats, and beer. Keep your health & fitness goals in mind while enjoying the summer BBQ’s. Eat and drink in moderation. Take advantage of all the local farmers’ markets by purchasing the fresh fruit and vegetables while supporting the area farmers as well as your health! My family farms in Wyoming and I know they appreciate when people support and recognize all the hard working families that bring food to your table. With that said, I’ll move on to another exercise that can help you stay fit. I call it the Weight Plate Horseshoe. It targets the shoulders and upper trapezius muscles. I really enjoy this exercise because it challenges your balance, abdominal strength, and provides resistance from multiple directions. Many variations of this exercise exist, but I’ll describe just one version. Begin by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a weight plate at one side with your arms straight (Figure 1). I suggest using a 10lb plate for women and a 25lb plate for men. Using your shoulders to lift, bring the plate up and out to the side of your body while keeping the arms straight. Continue to rotate the weight above your head (Figure 2), and then slowly let it down on the opposite side in the same fashion (Figure 3). A few things to remember during the exercise: Control the weight at all times. Avoid twisting your spine. Contract the abdominals while lifting, this helps stabilize the torso and isolates the shoulders better. At this point, you’re only halfway through the exercise. Rotate the weight plate in the opposite direction to complete the “horseshoe”. This counts as only one repetition. Try one set of 8-10 reps before progressing to more sets and reps. You can add this exercise to any workout for variation. If you like more of a challenge, stand on top of a Bosu Balance Trainer to involve more of the legs. Enjoy the Weight Plate Horseshoe along with all the other fun summertime activities this month! OldTownCrier
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703.683.0800 Hablamos Español • Same Day Appointments July 2017 | 43
Five Steps to Fabulous Summer Feet
S Experience the Difference
pring hits and we immediately toss off our boots and pull out our flip-flops. Undoubtedly we do this out of relief that warm air has arrived and because our feet need a break from winter’s confining shoes. But, most of the time, we really do not take note of the condition of our neglected winter feet. For many of us, it simply means a trip to the local spa for a pedicure followed by weekly or bi-weekly visits to keep them looking good. For me, the idea of a $60 pedicure makes me cringe. Multiply that by several trips a month … I have better things to spend my money on. It really is not that hard to take care of your feet and keep them looking fabulous - all at a fraction of the cost.
Uncover and Observe. Slip off your shoes and take note of the condition of your feet from the winter. I mean really take a look at them. I most notice my feet while doing yoga. For some reason, this is when I get up close and personal with my feet and take notice of their condition. I notice all the calluses that have built up, the rough skin on my heels, and the un-groomed toenails.
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Now it is time to get rid of the rough build up from winter. Invest in a good foot file. Most foot files dull out over time; most notably pumice stones wear out very quickly. While you might have to spend a little more money for a really good one, it should last forever if taken care of properly. The best are those made of crushed diamonds. Sounds decadent, but if you think about it, diamonds do not wear out and they can be sharp enough to cut glass. Do not waste your money on foot sugar and/ or salt scrubs. Unfortunately, they are not strong enough to cut through rough calluses that build up on the feet. They are better for maintaining healthy feet once they are in tip top shape.
Soften and Peel Again. Once the feet are rid of the initial layer of winter build up, soak your feet in a warm Dead Sea salt bath. Dead Sea salts are known for their softening power because they lift away dead skin. Soak for at least 15 minutes to give your feet an opportunity to absorb the benefits of the Dead Sea salts. Immediately after the footbath, scrub your feet again with the foot file to peel away any additional dead skin and rough calluses. Your softened feet from the footbath will make this process easier and ensure the best results.
Groom. While your feet are tender from the soak, this is also a good time to groom your toenails. Push back your cuticles. Trim away hangnails. Cut your toenails to an acceptable length. Shorter nails are much nicer looking than long toenails and it eliminates opportunities for bacteria to hibernate under there.
Make them Gorgeous. With calluses eliminated, softer skin and groomed toenails, your feet are ready to get dressed up. Pick a nail polish that best flatters your personality and/or your wardrobe. On a recent beach trip with 10 women, I observed that reds, dark brown/black, and pinks appear to be popular. Dark colors such as chocolate, black or navy are great compliments to black shoes. If you tend to wear more black on your feet, these colors may help to make your toes blend in better. Pink and nudes blend in nicely with most skin tones and allow for the most diversity in wardrobes. Because they are so neutral, they tend to be the most versatile. And, they look light and airy for the summer months. Reds and other bright colors make more of a statement. If you have big feet like I do, you may want to avoid colors that draw more attention to your feet. That is my personal preference. Last, repeat every 2 weeks. Take time for yourself and avoid the costly pedicures.
and intense focus. Time to get home to clean fish, which I hadn’t done in over 50 years. Luckily Bill had also talked me through that. Not even close to being an expert, I filleted the fish and my wife prepared. Not particularly fond of fish, except Mrs. Paul’s, Gorton’s, or Arthur Treacher’s, this trout wasn’t too fishy. It tasted of victory.
Potomac River Bassing in JULY
What’s the Limit?
witnessed stocked trout fishing with curiosity, never participating. This isn’t “A River Runs Through It”, or “On Golden Pond”. It could be “Grumpy Old Men”, but the water isn’t frozen. West Virginia grows trout and stocks nearly a million fish a year for anglers to catch. Put and take fishing, where the state puts and anglers take fish home, just cuts out the fish market middleman. That’s like a safari at the zoo, or finding a date at an all girls school, or seeing a plaid suit at a used car lot. This concept was lost on me. In March, my buddy George Barr invited me to go trout fishing. A 15-minute hike through the woods in the dark at 05:30 in 34 degree weather, hauling two rods each, tackle, and the wishfulthinking cooler, terminated at a mountain lake shoreline. Headlamps lit the way. I thought we were alone until my sleep deprived eyes focused. Lights lined the shoreline like a mid winter holiday festival. Trout fishing is a big deal. Normally I fish from my Skeeter’s padded carpeted deck. I now stood on dirt, in the dark, making casts in the lake’s direction. I relied on George and brought jars of bright orange floating Power Bait, size 12 Mustad red treble hooks, and 4 pound test Gamma Edge OldTownCrier
Fluorocarbon to tie to 8-pound Torque braid. George said trout feed up. Power Bait balls around a hook float about 2-3 feet off the bottom. I tried a drop shot and George fished the traditional way, a slip sinker and leader. We caught a few but no limit, the standard 6 fish trout angler goal. You can use two poles. Trout are sight feeders. Heavy rain and wind in April and May muddied the water, but I decided to go solo and try trout fishing, with bass as a back up. Hiking wasn’t for me. Time to take my jon boat. No trout, but I did meet Bill and Cheryl and we chatted. Understanding these fish are raised in clear water and are fed food pellets, bright colors are key. Power Baits suspend where trout can find them. But what color? Florescent orange, chartreuse and pink are standards. I got them and the combination of all three. But, according the bank brigade, sometimes you need to wrap dough around a Power Bait earthworm. I also picked up Power Bait corn, maggots, mealworms and many more. Something had to work. After chatting with Bill and Cheryl, I went to a light Carolina rig, with the same line and a rod with a bobber to suspend a bait. I ran into Bill and Cheryl again. When I launched my boat, I decided there weren’t going to
be any trout opportunities. Too muddy. They caught one and said they’d been getting bites. I decided to dig in and do the trout thing. Within chatting distance in a hot spot, I set out both rigs and caught two on the floating Power Bait bottom rig. Keeping fish isn’t something I do and one or two fish wasn’t going to cut it. Coming up short of a limit would mean I’d give my fish away. Fish number three came on board in short order. I was really focused on the bottom rig, but kept the bobber floating around. The wind was blowing and gusting. My 4th fish gave me hope I’d achieve the elusive trout limit. This is a game of patience and focus. Under windy conditions, the bobber was ineffective. Fish number five arrived. The goal was within reach. Bill and Cheryl were leaving and encouraged me to stay. It’s like bass tournament fishing, within one of a limit and the clock’s running out. Put the trolling motor on high to cover water for that last fish. Not with trout. Anchored in one spot, nothing could ratchet up the fishing pace, except to abandon the bobber. What took me so long!? It wasn’t long before number six was tugging. Reaching the limit means fishing is over. No more casting, baiting hooks
More grass and hot water makes it time for frog fishing. Mann’s Super Frogs are great when tied to GAMMA 50 pound test Torque braid. Use a long rod and set the hook hard! Over sparse grass or at high tide, try Lucky Craft Gunfish walkers and G-Splash poppers, perfect for clear and calm water with overcast skies! Walk the dog with the Gunfish. Don’t stop when fish strike! They’ll come back. For poppers, pop and stop, varying retrieves until a cadence produces. Also try Mann’s Waker over cover. Use follow-up Mann’s 5-inch HardNose Freefall weightless stickworms on 20-pound test GAMMA torque braid for missed bites! A steady dose of shallow diving Mann’s Baby 1-Minus crankbaits, in craw and baitfish patterns, work over wood and grass. Mann’s Reel N’ Shad is deadly this time of year. For line, 12-14 pound test Edge on a KVD Quantum cranking rod. Also use craw-patterned chatterbaits with a Mann’s HardNose Mullet for a trailer. Pitch Mizmo tubes on 3/0 Mustad Tube hooks with ¼ ounce weights on 14-pound Edge to docks and wood at higher tides, and then grass during every tidal phase. Find targets with Maui Jim HT lenses. Use garlic Jack’s Juice Bait Spray scent. Also try swimming jigs like Mann’s Stone Jigs with a HardNose Reel ‘N’ Shad around cover. Beef up tackle for this. Author Capt. Steve Chaconas is Potomac bass fishing guide & contributing writer for BoatU.S. ( Potomac River reports: Book trips/purchase gift certificates: July 2017 | 45
OMG! I turned into my mother!
Spark to a Flame
ot sure what all the 4th of July hoopla is all about. Wanna see fireworks? Walk in my shoes for a few days. I’ve got fireworks happening in this 50 year old body non-stop. Some days it’s a full-blown Capitol tribute up in here. Lately my job has been to extinguish the spark before it lights up the night sky (or the customer service desk at Target) which is not always an easy task. Most days I’m like a well-seasoned fireman running into a burning building with just moments to assess the situation and douse the flames before the blaze claims any victims. I joke, but I am
46 | July 2017
starting to realize that my otherwise sparkling personality is now just easily sparked. Public Service Announcement (PSA): If you see me out in public, approach at your own risk if you see sweat dripping off my body (and I happen to be sitting under the A/C vent). Sadly, it seems that it hasn’t taken much momentum lately for the spark to turn into a flame. Could be a look from the husband, an inflection in a friend’s voice, or an email ‘tone’. Those are the worst. You know what I’m talking about—the snippy little tone thinly disguised as helpful customer service.
“Hi, Ms. Welch. We would like to let you know that your purchase has shipped.” Can’t you just hear the seething arrogance?! No? Yeah, well you don’t have the radar for these things like I do. It’s wisdom honed over 50 years and the hotter the temps, the more accessible the 50-something wisdom if you know what I’m sayin’. Pop! Pop! Boom! It’s sizzle time! It’s as magical as those fairy tears that drench my body without warning. See ‘PSA’ above. You see, the red hot aura has less to do with conversations with Russians and egregious social injustices than it does with spell check and those produce bags that are impossible to open. For God’s sake. I’ve been rolling
around a filthy, germ-laden shopping cart, and inevitably, I have to lick my finger and run it across the top of the bag to separate the sides. For the love of God, in the year 2017, can we please get a bag that I can open without fear of a flesh eating bacteria invading my esophagus? Now, there’s a Shark Tank idea. You’re welcome. Or how about instead of making those plastic grocery bags that are so incredibly thin you have to double bag everything, you make a bag that doesn’t rip when you put in a bag of cotton balls. Now, there’s a thought. I hear you younger ladies laughing, but my midlife warriors get where I’m coming from. And, you will too one day. One day very, very soon. You see it was just a blink of an eye ago that I too was sitting prettily on a bar stool at O’Connell’s flirting with those roguishly handsome bartenders drinking my weight in wine. I could polish off a plate of fish and chips with nary a worry—I wasn’t concerned about things like cholesterol, weight gain or statins. Heck, I didn’t even know what Paleo was let alone retinol or peptides. I thought collagen was where people hung out when they were tired of sitting in their dorms. Hard to imagine how I made it in life with such a limited vocabulary. Like you, my medicine cabinet was filled with three different kinds of mascara, 16 palettes of glimmering eye shadow, 83 flavors of lip gloss, lotion with glitter flakes, and Clearasil for the occasional breakout. There was no room for glucosamine, tumeric, or Ben Gay. The most upsetting part of my day was getting carded or coming home to one message on my answering machine from my mom. And for the record, I’d kill to have either of those things happen now. Don’t worry though, ladies. It’s really not all that bad. Actually, magical fairy tears aside, it’s pretty frickin’ wonderful to reach a stage in your life where you wake up every day feeling content, happy, grateful, and confident. As they say, you’ve come a long way, baby. And, when you feel the sparks beginning to rise, you make a conscious choice to either lace up your Sauconys and go burn off some steam or draw yourself a lovely lavender bath. If you should decide to let the light show run its course, well, that’s okay too. You’ve earned it after all those years of wearing pantyhose and thongs.
Ladies Day in the Harbor!
was struggling with what I was going to write about in this space besides talking about the heat when I got a fun Facebook message from an old friend of mine from Wyoming who was going to be visiting her son and his family who live across the river in Fairfax, VA. This would be the second time in over 40 years that we have seen each other. Needless to say, it was a great surprise and I couldn’t wait to show Robb the Harbor. Her daughter-in-law, Jodi, was gracious enough to transport her into Old Town and joined us on our adventure. We started out by meeting at City Dock in Old Town and taking the water taxi across the river to the Harbor. As with all of my “unofficial” tours of my resort community, we departed Commander Jacques at the Gaylord Resort stop and embarked on a tour of this beautiful facility. Both Robb and Jodi are well traveled but were very impressed with what they saw. Both having ties to the military, they took a special liking to the Stars
and Stripes Store in the atrium and more importantly to the oversized guitar in front of the store. I love the photo I took! Leaving the hotel we took a stroll down to the waterfront – all while I talked about the stores and restaurants and the history of each - with our goal being a spin around on the Capital Wheel. It’s always fun to see people’s reaction to the height when you get to the top of the ride – these ladies handled it like champs. I was disappointed that there was a big thunder cloud that made the sky gray but the view is beautiful and it does give one a good perspective on “Our Nation’s Capitol” and where we live in relation to it. The Flight Deck is located at the end of the pier, just next to the Wheel. It is an outdoor lounge, serving light snacks, beer, wine, champagne, and soft drinks on Thursday through Sunday evenings. Unfortunately for us, we were there on a Wednesday. You can also now take your alcoholic beverage on the Wheel in one of their souvenir ‘sippy cups’!
The next part of the tour is probably my favorite – a walk up American Way. For those of you who have been reading this column regularly you know how I love the statues along the way. These really make for some great photo ops! Who is cooler than Rosie the Riveter and Marilyn Monroe standing amid President’s Washington, Lincoln, Eisenhower and Roosevelt, Frederick Douglass and Louie Armstrong, Henry Ford, Winston Churchill and others! We decided that we might want to partake in some nourishment and pretty much did a “scissors, paper, rock” approach to picking where to go. Jodi and I decided to let our guest from Wyoming pick the place and we ended up with a light lunch and a couple of very tasty adult beverages on the patio at Redstone Grill. Dining on the patio here really is a great way to show guests what a beautiful and diverse place we live in. The people watching on the Plaza is top notch! We got a little carried away talking about old times and our families and
we missed our scheduled return water taxi but…..this is another benefit of living where I do….all you have to do is change the time and jump on the next one departing. Another good thing about us “missing the boat” is that we had time to experience another waterfront establishment, McLoone’s Pier House. It was a little bit on the hot and humid side so we decided we needed a beverage on the patio there. What a great place to have a Harbor Lemonade to sip on while we waited for our second departure! All in all it was a fantastic afternoon with my dear old friend and a bonus making a new one. You don’t need to wait until you have company coming to enjoy an afternoon like we did and I’m going to make a point to do this more often with my pals that live locally – many of whom have yet to venture to the Harbor after almost 9 years!! Remember that there are NO fireworks in the Harbor on the 4th of July but the Air Force Airmen of Note will be performing on the Plaza at 7 pm. Have a safe an happy holiday!
July 2017 | 47
The Plaza is a Busy Place in July!
National Harbor Calendar of Events - July 2017 FREE FITNESS CLASSES On the Plaza Through October Participate in a free fitness classes on the Plaza brought to you by No Excuse Workout. All classes run from 7-8 pm except Saturday morning yoga that runs from 10 –11 am. Mondays - CardioHIT Tuesdays - Kickboxing Wednesdays - Zumba Saturdays – Yoga (Please refer to National Harbor’s Facebook page for any weather related cancellations.) MOVIES ON THE POTOMAC Through September Nothing says summer like an evening under the stars—and
there’s no better way to enjoy the season than a date night at National Harbor. Join us on the Plaza every Thursday night - Date Night Style - and Sundays – Family Night Style! Please note that movies will begin at 6 pm on Sundays and 7 pm on Thursdays and will be shown once, so end times may vary with each movie. Double Features start at 4 pm. A schedule of movies to be shown can be viewed below. Date Night Screenings: 6th – Invictus 13th – Mean Girls 20th – Love and Basketball 27th – Meet the Parents Family Night Screenings: 2nd – Mary Poppins
SUNSET CONCERT SERIES Saturdays Through September 23rd 7 pm World-class performances by bands from the nation’s Armed Forces at National Harbor will stir the hearts and souls of civilians and military personnel alike, while their tuneful stylings in a variety of genres please music lovers of all ages. Don’t miss these FREE shows on the Plaza stage.
9th – Annie (2014) 16th – Happy Feet & Frozen – Double Feature! 23rd – The BFG 30th – Monsters, Inc. SUMMER FRIDAYS ARE BACK! Through September 29th 4 – 8 pm Start your weekend right with Summer Fridays at National Harbor! Play Corn hole, Connect Four, Giant Jenga, hula hoop, hopscotch, and more with family and friends. Enjoy performances by Bobby McKey’s, giveaways, and listen to the DJ spin your favorite summer jams. And of course, joining us means you get front row seats to the best sunset view in the DMV. Get your cameras ready and your flip flops on!
1st – Concert Band & Singing Sergeants 4th – Air Force Airmen of Note 8th – Air Force Airmen of Note 15th – Concert Band & Singing Sergeants 22nd – Air Force Airmen of Note 29th – Air Force Max Impact
*Please note that times/dates may be changed or cancelled due to weather. Updates will be made via social media, so please make sure to follow the Harbor on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for the latest updates! MILLER FARMS MARKET American Way Saturdays and Sundays Through October 10 am – 5 pm Miller Farms Farmer’s Market returns to National Harbor with their wide array of fresh fruits and vegetables, baked goods, beautiful flowers and plants, and much more. Located on American Way by the fountain. Miller Farms is a 267-acre farm in Clinton, MD that has been family owned and operated since 1840.
Potomac RiveRboat comPany SightSeeing – Private CharterS – Water taxiS
AC LOUNGE 156 Waterfront Street 301-749-2299 BOND 45 149 Waterfront Street 301-839-1445 BROTHER JIMMY’S BBQ 177 Fleet Street 301-909-8860 CADILLAC RANCH 186 Fleet Street 301-839-1100 CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL 158 National Plaza 301-749-2016 CRAB CAKE CAFE 140 National Plaza 240-766-2063 ELEVATION BURGER 108 Waterfront Street 301-749-4014 FIORELLA PIZZERIA E CAFFE 152 National Plaza 301-839-1811 GRACES MANDARIN 188 Waterfront Street 301-839-3788
48 | July 2017
GRANITE CITY FOOD & BREWERY 200 American Way 240-493-3900 IRISH WHISPER 177 Fleet Street 301-909-8859 McCORMICK & SCHMICK 145 National Plaza 301-567-6224 McLOONES PIER HOUSE 141 National Harbor Plaza 301-839-0815 NANDO’S PERI-PERI 191 American Way 301-567-8900 NATIONAL PAST TIME SPORTS BAR & GRILLE Gaylord Resort 301-965-4000 OLD HICKORY STEAKHOUSE Gaylord Resort 301-965-4000 PIENZA ITALIAN MARKET Gaylord Resort 301-965-4000
POTBELLY SANDWICH WORKS 146 National Plaza 301-686-1160 PUBLIC HOUSE 199 Fleet Street 240-493-6120 REDSTONE AMERICAN GRILL 155 National Plaza 301-839-3330 ROSA MEXICANA 135 Waterfront Street 301-567-1005 SAUCIETY AMERICAN GRILL 171 Waterfront Street 240-766-3640 SUCCOTASH 168 Waterfront Street 301-567-8900 THAI PAVILLION 151 American Way 301-749-2022 WALRUS OYSTER & ALE HOUSE 152 Waterfront Street 301-567-6100
alexandria – national harbor Water taxi
washington by wateR monuments cRuise
National Harbor is a waterfront destination across from Alexandria. Round-trip and One-way service provided.
Enjoy our nation’s monuments and historic landmarks on a narrated cruise between Old Town Alexandria and Georgetown Washington D.C.
george WaShington’S mount veRnon by wateR cRuise
Water taxi to the national Mall
Arrive by boat and spend the afternoon exploring the 45-acre estate, grounds, Museum and Education Center.
Arrive in style at the National Mall to view the Roosevelt Memorial, Jefferson Memorial, World War II Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, and more!
For additional information, visit our ticket booth located in the Alexandria City Marina, behind the Torpedo Factory Art Center.
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Happy Hour Tuesday through Friday 4:00pm to 6:30pm
Lunch Thursday and Friday 11:00am to 2:00pm
Dinner Tuesday though Sunday 5:00pm to 9:00pm
Brunch Saturday and Sunday 11:00am to 2:00pm
With seasonal menu changes, a waterfront patio, and a fireplace in each room, Cedar Knoll is the perfect setting for a romantic evening, a gathering of family and friends, or special events small and large. Ask us about our private event space! Walk-ins Welcome, Reservations Recommended 703.780.3665 9030 Lucia Lane Alexandria, VA 22308
MARYLAND 7-Block Waterfront 1/2-Mile Boardwalk & Bike Path Sunrise Garden
Wetlands Overlook Park Casual & Fine Dining Pedestrian-Friendly Shopping
TOWN HALL 8916 Chesapeake Ave 301.855.6681
Kayak & Bicycle Rentals
WELCOME CENTER/PIER 9023 Bay Ave 410.286.3799
Free Movies & Concerts
Friday Night Farmers’ Market Bayside History Museum Pier Rental for Weddings & Special Events