How do you tell a good vitamin supplement from a bad one

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With Or Against Doctor’s Orders? What Prescribed Vitamin Supplements Can Do For You How do you tell a good vitamin supplement from a bad one? Who do you blame if your vitamins are not working for you? Why certain vitamin supplements work for your friend but not for you? Why do you experience certain side-effects when you actually thought your vitamins to be safe? Do these questions sound familiar? Well, they should be ringing some bells in the heads of those who have at one point of time or the other in their lives, taken vitamin supplements without the doctor’s prescription. Now, most of us would fall in this category. Isn’t it? Don’t tell us you never took those b-complex capsules of your own accord. One simple answer to all the questions asked above is that your vitamins were not prescribed by your doctor. To understand the rationale behind taking a prescribed supplements let us read proceed with the article. What Good Are Vitamins And Supplements? Health supplements, especially vitamins and supplements of similar nature can be of immense help. The present lifestyle leaves quite many gaps and deficiencies in our diet. To make up for these lapses, a dietary supplement like vitamins may be required. But who decides as to what your body needs? Now, this is simple, we usually do not visit a doctor unless we find health symptom that bothers us. So, it is your doctor who is going to find out what the problem is. What follows from this argument is that the one, who diagnoses the problem, recommends the solution. Quite logical, isn’t it? So, let your doctor decide if you need a supplement.

Now let’s see all that vitamins and supplements prescribed by your doctor may do for your health. 1. Fill The Gaps In Your Diet If your doctor has diagnosed a general lack of nutrients in your body, he may prescribe you a good multivitamin or a b-complex that will help you cover the deficiencies that you leave in your body when you do not eat a balance diet. 2. Cure A Specific Malady Your doctor may recommend you some vitamin supplements for the purpose of curing a malady. For example, for treating swollen gums the doctor may tell you to take certain doses of vitamin C. Because most vitamins have disease fighting abilities, it is likely for doctors to recommend some vitamins as support to the treatment. 3. Increase Immunity Usually, doctors may recommend multivitamins or certain other vitamins along with the medication for certain ailments. This may be in order to elevate the level of your immunity so that the body can take accept the treatment well. A few things that you should always keep in mind when you take any supplements: •


Do not keep any secrets from you doctor. Hiding any fact that may be material information for your treatment may render even the best vitamin supplements in India useless; worse still, it may affect adversely. Vitamins cannot replace diet.

A vitamin is never a holistic treatment. Do take the prescribed medication and the recommended diet that goes with your treatment.

Do not take multivitamins of your own accord even if it is one of the best vitamin supplements in India. If your body doesn’t need it. It is not going to work.

Taking even the prescribed supplements may cause side effects sometimes. Do not take this lightly. Consult your doctor immediately to avoid any further complication.

Do not compromise on quality. Supplements of cheaper brands may result in reduced effectiveness of your supplement.

Remember, do not go against your doctor’s orders.

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