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Spotlight on… LMD Insurance


Theme: Health & Disability Insurance


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March 2010 Western Trucking News, Ontario Trucking News & Eastern Trucking News are published monthly by Woodward Publishing Inc. Head Office: 259 Salmon Point Road, R.R. #1, Cherry Valley, Ontario, Canada K0K 1P0, (877) 225-2232 Head Office: (Sales) Barb Woodward, barb@woodwardpublishing.com Administration: Halina Mikicki, halina@woodwardpublishing.com Sales: (Ontario) Carl McBride, carl@woodwardpublishing.com Art Director/MIS: Chris Charles, chris@woodwardpublishing.com Distribution: Rick Woodward Photojournalists: Peter Dudley, Marek Krasuski, Kay Redhead & Barb & Rick Woodward Visit us on the web at: www.ontariotruckingnews.com Copyright© 2009 Woodward Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Publication Agreement: No. #40806005

March 2010    3

Spotlight on… LMD Insurance & Wealth Management

Building on a Tradition of Trust By Lina Demedeiros


rucking is the backbone of the country; without it, the flow of goods and services grinds to a halt. Behind the companies that support the industry are the drivers – hard working men and women who transport freight across the country and continent. Without them, there would be no companies in operation and no movement of freight. Lina Demedeiros, President of LMD Insurance and Wealth Management Inc., has long recognized the human resources that are the lifeline of the transportation industry and has committed her professional career to ensuring that the sector continues to support its most valuable asset - the people who deliver our goods and services. Backed by nearly 30 years experience in the insurance industry Lina has, since 1994, delivered innovative concepts to assist business owners, including both owner operators and transportation companies, first by providing advice on risk management, and then by guiding customers through the entire process, right from insurance purchase to benefits securement, when required. To reduce risk, Lina and a team of experts at LMD provide professional face-to-face advice to maximize benefits for clients. At the core of Lina’s motivation is a passion for justice in an industry vastly underrepresented by comprehensive insurance coverage. “We try to deliver fairness to these markets by helping clients manage their money. We are here to tell them we can help with advice on a range of possible coverage solutions for each individual,” she explains. That commitment, enshrined in LMD’s guiding principles, fuels the passion for providing profes-

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sional support for drivers and companies seeking clarification amid the complexity of insurance policies, and adequate coverage in the event of accident, illness and rehabilitation. The need for fair and professional advice grows in the wake of mounting confusion and potential financial ruin, especially for owner-operators unacquainted with the limitations of their existing policies. Insurance contracts which are fully underwritten both medically and financially are unfortunately rare in the transportation industry. Only two percent of industry representatives own high-end contracts with no limitations on critical components such as rehabilitation and other benefits that support quick reintegration back into the workforce. Not all insurance packages are alike. Unless fully apprised of the risks and benefits, drivers involved in accidents, or suffering illness, may not receive the expected compensation. Insurance packages mandated by management and delivered through association plans, for example, generally provide only limited coverage and benefits. Even seemingly substantial payouts of up to $500,000 mean little for drivers forced into long periods of inactivity. Truck payments, mortgages, and cost of living expenses during extended rehabilitation quickly diminish disbursements. Other misperceptions, Lina explains, center on the purchase of insurance packages with limited benefit periods. “Drivers may mistakenly elect to purchase a 5-year benefits package which leaves them with nothing once the term is exhausted,” she says. From a quick perusal of the company’s website, www.lmdfinancial.com, a no-nonsense explanation of the realities behind

insurance payouts emerges. The ability to protect income starts with recognition of the 80/20/80 rule. Eighty percent of policies will never pay; 20 percent will pay, but from this group, only 20 percent will pay according to the benefits applied for. Eighty percent do not pay as applied for. An example of this is the limitations on some policies regarding “soft tissue” or flesh wound injuries. Lina explains: “These are high-persistency injuries which often do not heal within the average duration of an insurance policy that is common in the marketplace. If the injury does not heal within the coverage period, this becomes a financial loss to the owner/operator. Driven by a commitment to risk reduction and unparalleled service, LMD consultants go to any lengths to inform owner/ operators and carriers of the suite of insurance options. As no two insurance contracts are alike, neither are any two drivers or companies. Each carries a unique set of financial conditions and each, therefore, benefits from financial advice that will address their particular financial circumstances. Limited cash flows in an industry rife with ongoing challenges have deterred both drivers and transportation companies from buying full coverage policies. The LMD professionals are on hand to review financial statements, reduce expenses, and re-direct monies into appropriate insurance programs. “We work with drivers to see where their gross income is going and make sure they have the necessary components in place to make their businesses viable and stable. We may be able to provide banking solutions by enlisting the support of a banking advisor, or review tax statements and other financials that

LMD, exceeding your expectations. We offer the trucking industry tools to effectively manage their business operations, exceed compliance requirements in accordance with industry benchmarks for success. Just a couple of our success stories Locomote Systems and Kris Kay Truck Lines. save money. There are a number of variables in a portfolio that can be assessed and possibly revised to minimize expenses and maximize savings,” Lina says, adding a cautionary note to drivers who are reluctant to purchase anything beyond the standard injury-only policies endorsed by many carriers. To help guide clients to the best possible ins u r a n c e c h o i c e, L M D introduced the 2010 Assessment Program. By answering key questions outlined in a straightforward form, a snapshot of a client’s financial picture is generated. Once established, the customer is guided through the labyrinth of insurance options which, with the help of trained specialists in the field, becomes clear by the full awareness of program choice and the benefits that will be paid out at the time of a claim. “We provide due diligence to the customer by explaining the consequences of each insurance choice and the most suitable option. Customers need to know what their rights are and what they will receive in the event of a claim down the road,” confirms Lina. Adding to LMD’s arsenal

of professional advice and best practices is the number of insurance companies it sources for the best possible insurance program. A larger pool of resources translates into greater choice and opens possibilities for full-coverage benefits many clients thought were unattainable. A solid financial pyramid places LMD in good staid with carriers too, says Lina Demeredios. “Our goal is to promote a harmonious relationship among drivers and the carriers. Driver retention will also increase if carriers encourage their independents to secure themselves with appropriate insurance plans.” Securing the expertise of specialists at LMD yields rewards for those prepared to listen. Of 150 drivers working for one organization, fully 30 percent participate in illness coverage negotiated by LMD - unusual in an industry where accidentonly coverage is the norm. Annual participation in this organization continues to increase by one to two percent due to the security that comes with extended coverage. Drivers are strongly encouraged to purchase illness insurance, especially in

light of telling statistics demonstrating that drivers are much more likely to fall victim to illness than they are to job-related accidents. LMD’s unyielding efforts to excel in customer satisfaction are underscored by the company’s ethos of treating all clients with respect. That means offering full disclosure and expertise advice on the most satisfactory and beneficial insurance program. At LMD there are no surprises at claim time. “Our strength lies in the process of information gathering and dissemination. We exercise professional due diligence and ensure that both owner/ operators and transportation companies are making informed choices. We go the extra mile and accompany our clients through the entire process – from the moment we sign them up to the time a claim is made and paid out,” Lina concludes. Wi t h a c o m m i t m e n t to transparency and informed customer choice, LMD Insurance and Wealth Management is poised to continue a tradition of providing superior insurance options to members of the transportation industry and other sectors.


March 2010    5

This Month’s Theme: Health & Disability Insurance

Beware of the Pitfalls of Under-funded Plans

By Marek Krasuski


egotiating the maze of health and disability insurance options for truckers whose expertise is in hauling freight is a daunting task. Small wonder that most owner operators prefer to avoid the issue altogether or blindly accept the advice mandated by many carriers to opt for insurance products offered by association plans. But unless health and disability policies are medically and financially underwritten, and fully explained by an honest and informed insurance representative, policyholders may be in for a surprise. Case in point: An owner operator complains of a

physical pain not attributable to anything specific. The pain continues and he consults his physician who, after examination, dismisses it as a minor ailment. After 90 days the patient returns to the doctor. Still unable to work he submits a claim for compensation. Mistakenly thinking he is insured, the insurance company rejects the claim since the policy covers work-related

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accidents only. Unless secured by accident and illness coverage, the driver either returns to work or, if unable to, runs the risk of losing everything. Employers generally have difficulties managing insurance that deals with full coverage illness and disability, which is why many carriers defer to accident-only policies that their owner operators haplessly buy into. Why? Self-employed drivers consistently forego wider coverage because they think it is too expensive and raises the overall cost of doing business. “They fail to understand that the average business person would never take on such a risk,” says Lina Demedeiros, President of LMD Insurance and Wealth Management, and an expert in the provision of insurance products in the transportation industry. Just two percent of independent drivers opt for

full illness and disability coverage. The reason lies partly in the higher premiums in an industry that survives on razor thin margins, and which can ill afford to increase expenses. Demedeiros counters that a good insurance broker will review a candidate’s financial statements to see where expenses can be reduced and the savings reallocated to an effective insurance policy. It’s valuable advice considering the overwhelming majority of drivers who are more likely to fall victim to illness than to work-related accidents. Representatives hold that the industry’s principal insurer, the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), plays an important role but has been historically underfunded and is vulnerable to claims abuse. As more claims are processed, premiums rise accordingly. Private insurance policies, alternatively, can be designed to address the specifics of each individual in order to maximize coverage based on their earnings. Becoming educated about the convoluted regulations and benefits

Dr. Nancy Rebellato of Sudbury is one of many health practitioners to provide treatment therapies to injured workers. The naturopathic doctor administers a complete and coordinated approach to health care. options in the commercial insurance industry, and cultivating a relationship with a knowledgeable and competent insurance broker, are keys to survival in a sector wrought with pitfalls for the uninformed. But beware! Not all insurance brokers are necessarily qualified to support your health insurance needs. Some insurance experts draw a distinction

between general brokers and specialists in transportation. “I am not 100 per cent comfortable with the influx of brokers who are not knowledgeable about the purchase of insurance for transportation companies,” notes one representative. Insurance brokers in Ontario are governed by the Registered Insurance Brokers Act. Though they are expected to abide by ethical standards outlined on the Registered Insurance Brokers of Ontario (RIBO) website, but, they may not be versed in the complexities of transportation insurance. “Any broker can insure truckers,” says a representative, “but they are not necessarily experts and familiar with all the ramifications.” A knowledgeable broker will assist drivers with a multitude of insurance options, each of which is affected by different variables. “There is no generic policy,” says Drew Hubbard, Director of Financial Services with Hubbard Insurance Brokers. “From a risk management perspective, every insurance

company will look at what a potential client is hauling, how much he is hauling, and how the product is handled. There is a large number of factors, including earnings and overhead expenses that determine the cost of appropriate coverage.” Lina Demedeiros at LMD Insurance agrees. “What may be a good product for one business owner is not necessarily ideal for every other owner operator.” The many available products to choose from add to the complexity. Some accident policies provide extended coverage to injuryrelated expenses such as crutches and back braces; others will not. Policies with limited terms can be equally perilous. Soft tissue or flesh wounds, for example, are high persistency hazards in trucking. Pulled or torn muscles can take longer to heal than the allotted 30 or 60 days specified in many insurance policies. If the injury persists beyond the time limit and the claimant is still unable to work, financial loss results. Purchasing disability in-

cont'd on next page >

> cont’d from previous page surance, however, can be difficult, says Drew Hubbard. “Private disability insurance is one of the toughest to get because insurers leave no stone unturned in terms of medical and financial underwriting.” In other words, any misrepresentation about pre-existing conditions at the time of policy purchase may not be honoured when a claim is tendered. Hubbard adds that approximately one third of health and disability insurance products is approved as

applied for, another third is approved with some exclusionary clauses based on the applicant’s health, and another third is declined outright because of pre-existing conditions which, Drew says, “make the insurance company nervous.” Policies also vary according to the time at which the medical and financial underwriting occurs. Front-end underwriting qualifies an applicant before the policy is issued. This stands in contrast to medical and financial underwriting processed when a claim is made,

typical of most group insurance plans. As for the foreseeable future, expect to see substantial increases in premiums. Changing demographics, an aging population, the downloading of health services to the private sector, increased utilization of hospitals and more expensive drugs impact health care, and trigger a spike in premiums. “We are seeing significant increases in the number of claims and a corresponding rise in rates from 15 to 22 percent per year,” says Drew Hubbard. In response, some com-

panies are resorting to self insurance, also known as Administrative Services Only. Employees pay premiums to the employer which honours claims on a need basis. Self insurance avoids the 22 percent increase insurance companies factor into their premiums. WSIB, Administrative Services Only, and insurance and disability products as variable as each client, call for at least one imperative: Consult a capable and honest insurance broker to choose the best possible insurance product.


Hallmark Insurance

What Have You Done to Protect Your Business? “Those Who Cannot Learn From History Are Doomed To Repeat It” – H.G. Wells By David L. J. Lawless


he stories hav e been countless over the years. An owner-operator signs on

to haul for a company. He claims he is covered under the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) or, better yet, also has his own personal insurance in place. Everything seems per-

fect until…there’s a claim. The driver is seriously injured while hauling goods. A claim is made to WSIB. It’s discovered he doesn’t have coverage. In fact, he has no insurance anywhere. Whatever

coverage may have been in place he had let lapse. The company soon finds itself facing a huge lawsuit. Worst case scenario? That company declares bankruptcy, devastated by that one claim. And, according to Dave Lawless of Hallmark Financial Planning Ltd., all of this could have been avoided if today’s owneroperators saw themselves as the small business they are than as employees. “Education is the key,” said Lawless, President of Hallmark’s Life Division and a certified financial planner for more than 30 years. But, he was quick to note, it’s a matter of getting both the business owners and their owneroperators in the same room at the same time. “That’s the problem; almost an impossibility,” he added. Even the biggest companies, well aware of the processes in place, have thrown discretion to the wind. With costs everywhere on the rise and involved in an industry where so many have come upon hard times, people are looking to shave money. The first thing selected, unfortunately, is insurance. The majority of the trucking firms don’t want the hassle of monitoring their

owner-operators and their insurance coverage. The onus is, therefore, placed back on the drivers. “If you can’t afford the things that are involved in running your business then maybe you should consider a new career,” suggested Lawless, frustrated by an ever-increasing number of owneroperators who are literally taking their lives into their own hands by not carrying the proper insurance coverage. Time after time the Toronto insurance executive has emphasized to a driver the need for disability insurance, only to be quickly met with the words “no I don’t.” Hallmark Financial Planning Ltd., a division of the Hallmark Group which has specialized in adding value added service to its risk management and insurance solutions for more than 60 years, has an excellent program in place designed to give these drivers maximum protection. RBC Insurance, through its Edge program, introduced conditionally renewable disability plans into the Canadian insurance market in 1993. “I’m trying to sell it but, few are willing to listen,” said Lawless, concerned that even if insurance was

offered free of charge to these drivers they would turn it down under the assumption there is much more to it. “They generalize about us,” he continued. “They lump me in with the bad experiences they’ve had with other kinds of insurance.” He said it’s going to take one of their own, someone who has been seriously injured and who had the proper disability coverage in place, to change the mindset out there. It’s going to take one of their own to say “if I didn’t have my disability policy in place, I’d be penniless”. Noting how the cost of everything is huge today, Lawless pointed to an industry filled with guys who have gone through some very hard times. But, he wonders, what have they done to protect their businesses. And, he concluded, unless the whole trucking industry changes the way they go about their business, from his experience education will only lead to a failing grade. For further information contact David L.J. Lawless, at 416-490-6042, by email at dlawless@ hallmarkins.com or visit their website at www. hallmarkins.com.


March 2010    7

New Products & Services

Wilson Instruments (Webasto)

Invest In an Anti-Idling Device for Your Truck


n today’s economy if a Canadian got it, a truck likely brought it, but what we don’t realize are the costs associated with bringing us those much needed goods. What we need to have though are common goals that make it more affordable to continue to meet the higher demands of today. Sometimes spending now can have serious saving consequences down the road quite similar to saving for your retirement as you would an RRSP. Why not invest in an anti-idling device for your truck in a similar investment plan? No more needless idling and wasting precious fuel means

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more money in your pocket as well as keeping up with the latest environmental regulations. Federal and provincial regulations are sweeping North America. Diesel fuel prices continue to increase, therefore the need to reduce idling is more important than ever. Maintenance costs keep increasing.

Driving a truck isn’t just a lifestyle, it’s a rolling business. Whether you have one truck or a large fleet, the most important components to keeping your business healthy are minimizing fuel costs, maintenance costs, and avoiding fines. Webasto and Indel B, both provide the perfect solution in helping to achieve your

mediate heat making cold nights more comfortable for drivers while saving fuel from engine-off operations. Indel-B, Sleeping Well - is

truck’s fuel savings goal in that they will both save you the much needed money you need in today’s harsh economy. Did you know the average return on your investment for a Webasto bunk heater is less than three months? Our most popular TSL17 uses as little as one gallon of fuel in a 20 hour period and provides im-

the first true auxiliary 12v air conditioning noidle system that exchanges the hottest air in the upper sleeper to cold air, effectively cooling the sleeper. Advances in compact/ light weight 12Vdc air conditioning systems like Indel B has made battery powered solutions a very cost effective and efficient

alternative to APU’s. When you combine an Indel B with a Webasto bunk heater you’d have a year round anti-idling cost effective program

with the saving going directly into your pocket. All Webasto and Indel B products qualify for the Ontario rebate program! For more information call Gary at (705) 653-2403 or visit his website at www. wilsoninstrumentsltd. com. Stop idling - start saving


New Products & Services

March 2010    9

New Products & Services

New Load-Based Shift Scheduling Feature for Allison Transmissions


irkland, Wash., – Kenworth Truck Company now offers Allison Transmission’s Load-Based Shift Scheduling (LBSS) as a standard feature on select Allison transmissions with Kenworth Class 8 and medium duty trucks for enhanced fuel economy and performance. Allison LBSS is included on the company’s fully automatic Highway Series (HS) and Rugged Duty Series (RDS) transmis-

sions when configured w i th a 2 0 0 7 a n d later emission model engine. LBSS automatically selects between economy and performance shift schedules based on the vehicle’s actual payload and its operating grade. The economy mode is used when the truck travels on level terrain with an

empty or diminishing load. The performance

mode is used when the

vehicle is heavily loaded or on a grade. According to Allison, the system can help enhance fuel economy, while also maintaining high productivity, even during heavily loaded situations. “Kenworth continues to add costeffective products that help customers achieve even greater fuel efficiency

in their operations,” said Jason Skoog, Kenworth director of marketing planning and research. The addition of LBSS to Allison 3000 and 4000 series models can allow the mode button on the transmission’s shift selector to be programmed for controlling other vehicle functions, such as body builder functions or power takeoff (PTO) operation. On trucks with Allison 1000 and 2000 series transmissions with-

out a shift schedule dash switch, LBSS automatically performs the shift schedule selection for the driver, eliminating the need to manually select the transmission shift schedule for economy operation. For more information, contact your Kenworth dealer or your local Allison representative, or visit the Allison Transmission home page at www.allisontransmission.com.


New Versatile Kenworth T440 Model


irkland, Wash., – Kenworth Truck Company today announced the introduction of the Kenworth T440 model in tractor and truck configurations for regional haul, city pickup and delivery, municipal and vocational applications. “Kenworth is aggressively expanding its product line to bring Kenworth’s World’s Best quality, performance and durability to additional markets and customers in the United States and Canada,” said Gary Moore, Kenworth assistant general manager for marketing and sales. “The new Kenworth T440

offers excellent value, productivity and aerodynamics to truck operators and fleets in heavy front-axle regional haul and pickup and delivery applications. This versatile truck will also benefit vocational and municipal customers who need a heavy front axle for dumps, mixers and fire trucks.” The Kenworth T440 is now available for order with initial production scheduled to begin first quarter 2010. Built on the same platform as the T470 introduced in June, the Kenworth T440 has a gross vehicle weight (GVW) ranging from a heavy Class 7

vehicle at 33,000 lbs. up to a light Class 8 truck at 68,000 lbs. The 2010 PACCAR PX-8 engine, rated from 260 hp to 350 hp and 660 lb-ft to 1,000 lb-ft of torque, is standard equipment. The optional 9-liter, 2010 Cummins ISL engine is rated from 345 hp to 380 hp and 1,150 lb-ft to 1,300 lb-ft of torque. Other key T440 features include 10-, 11-, and 13-speed manual and 5- and 6-speed automatic transmissions; and 12,000 to 22,000 lb. rated front axles, 21,000 to 26,000 lb. rated single rear axles, and 40,000 to 46,000 lb. rated tandem rear axles.

The T440’s modern styling features an aerodynamic sloped hood, which gives the driver enhanced forward visibility. A 3-piece aerodynamic bumper, Kenworth signature grille, and best-in-class forward lighting with Halogen projector headlamps are standard equipment. An aluminums or steel channel bumper and high intensity discharge (HID) lighting are available as options. The Kenworth T440 offers the same, high-quality multiplexed dash installed in Kenworth’s Class 8 product line with a large panel for convenient installation of body controls

and gauges. The Kenworth Driver Information Center is standard in the T440. The optional, spacious Kenworth Extended Day Cab enhances driver comfort with an additional six inches of length and five inches of cab height

compared to Kenworth’s traditional day cab. The T440 can be ordered with the air ride cab and a 38inch Kenworth AeroCab® sleeper. Also available are factory installation of a power take-off (PTO) and one lift axle.


The Sylvite Group of Companies

Air Blue Fluids Diesel Exhaust Fluid Now in Canada


urlington, Ontario The Sylvite Group of Companies has reached a distribution agreement with Cervantes – Delgado Inc. to distribute AirBlueFluids Diesel Exhaust Fluid in Canada, supplying this new product to fuel and transportation industries. Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) is required in new diesel engines that utilize Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology to reduce NOx emis-

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sions. In addition to the environmental benefits, users will experience up to a 5% improvement in fuel efficiency, optimized power and less cleaning of the diesel particulate filter. Diesel exhaust fluid is a non-toxic, non-polluting and nonflammable high-quality urea solution which treats exhaust gas downstream of the engine to convert NOx into harmless nitrogen and water. “Sylvite is very excited to launch API-certified AirB-

lueFluids Diesel Exhaust Fluid to the market. As many customers seek practical solutions for the challenges of the new SCR technology, Sylvite is proud to serve them by leveraging our extensive fuel and chemical experience” assures Sylvite Vice-President Jeremy Goodfellow. The Sylvite Group of Companies (www.sylvite. ca) is a strategic partner in providing supply chain value-added products

and services to agricultural, industrial and government customers in targeted geographic markets. The Company has international access to a variety of products and three decades of experience in bringing these items to Canada and delivering them in a value-added manner to our customers. The Sylvite Group continues to systematically expand these core product and service competencies and increase both the

geographic reach and the market segments served by the business. Cervantes – Delgado Inc. (CDI) was incorporated in 2001 for the primary purpose of marketing and distributing urea solutions for SCR and SNCR NOx systems. With a management team that has over 100 years of experience in the marketing, distribution and engineering of urea systems plus over 30 years in catalyst manufacturing, CDI is proud to have the

capabilities to service their customers from 31 different locations across the United States and Canada and continues to evaluate market conditions to strategically locate additional production facilities as near as possible to evolving markets. For further information, please contact Jeremy Goodfellow, VicePresident, Sylvite Group of Companies (1-800-2290602 or jgoodfellow@sylvite.ca).


New Products & Services

Flo Components Ltd.

New 18-Volt DC & 120-Volt AC PowerLubers


LO Components is now offering two new PowerLubers recently added to the popular Lincoln family of grease guns. The new 120-volt and 18-volt PowerLubers each offer power, durability and convenience. The first of its kind in the industry, the 120volt corded PowerLuber’s motor provides the highest torque values in its class. Its variable-speed trigger combines with a two-speed transmission for precise flow control. Ideal for filling grease reservoirs, the 120-volt grease gun is an excellent alternative to pneumatic lube tools. This corded grease gun eliminates the need for carrying around extra batteries or for compressed air supply. Developed for heavyduty applications, the 18-

volt PowerLuber features a high-output motor and battery technologies that unite to provide outstanding run time. The grease gun deliv-

ers exceptional performance in high-pressure applications, and its twospeed transmission provides a high-volume grease flow option. Each model features a high-strength composite body and metal gear and pump housing for longevity. In addition, each tool has a balanced,

ergonomic design to reduce operator fatigue and increase productivity. FLO Components will be exhibiting at the Truck

World 2010 Show in Toronto, ON, on April 15-17, 2010, in Booth #5031. FLO Components Ltd. is a lubrication systems specialist and a leading supplier of “Total Lube Solutions” to major manufacturers, trucking companies, mining and construction companies and other heavy equipment users in Ontario. Established in 1977, and based in Mississauga, ON, FLO designs, assembles and installs the highest quality systems for transportation, construction and municipal equipment users using components from industry leaders such as Lincoln, Fairview, CoreLube, Petro-Canada,

Graco, Perma and other world class manufacturers. F L O ’s p r i m a r y f o c u s is on Automatic Lubrication Systems. Other FLO Components Solutions include: hammer lube systems, onboard scale systems, fluid dispensing systems, general lube equipment, specialty lubes, In-house and onsite service and installation, lube audits, on-site personnel lubrication training, scheduled on-site maintenance programs, and a factory authorized warranty & service facility. For more information on FLO’s product or service offerings, please contact the Customer Service Department TOLL free at (800)668-5458, email sales@flocomponents.com or visit online at www.flocomponents. com.


Truck-Lite Co., Inc.

New Line of LED Lighting Products


alconer, NY - Today, Truck-Lite Co., Inc. announced the “release of an innovative line of LED lighting products that allow for flexible mounting, without the need for additional accessories and with versatile wire options that all add up to saving the customer money”, said Bob Ives, Vice President of Marketing. Named the Flex-Lite, the new line of LED products features two new robust thermoplastic housing designs, allowing for a flexible mounting surface to be molded directly around the lens. The unique design of the “winged” version allows for a wide array of mounting options and is ideal on the corner radius for trailer and body applications. Truck-Lite believes that the “non-winged” version will be popular in the aftermarket because

of its versatility to immediately replace failed lamps without tools or additional parts and its ability to cover the holes left behind from initial installation. Manufactured with a specially engineered peel-and-stick adhesive backing, the lamps are affixed to the surface with a heavy-duty adhesive that’s designed to hold up

ing a permanent installation that’s quick and easy. Available with both a rear-exit and side-exit wiring housing style, the lamps allow for both installation without a wiring feed hole (for installation against any flat surface), as well as a clean installation with power and ground wires feeding

to weather, impact and much more while maintaining a strong hold. Their adhesive backing has been rigorously tested against pressure washing and other elements, offer-

into the vehicle or trailer body. The small, low profile design of the Flex-Lite lamps is extremely resistant to damage from impact, heat entrapment and as it’s

less than ½” protrusion from the vehicle making it an excellent option along narrow mounting rails, above loading doors or wherever space is at a premium. “The installation of the Tr u c k - L i t e ’s F l e x - L i t e line of lighting products can considerably decrease the time

needed on the production line, or when retrofitting existing vehicles” said John Howells, TruckLite’s Vice President of

Sales. “Traditional clearance and marker lighting products require the use of accessories and mounting tools, which can make installation cumbersome and time consuming task, especially while positioned on ladders at the top of

heavy-duty trailers. The features of the Flex-Lite line of LED products not only remove the need to purchase costly mounting plugs and brackets, but also eliminate the added

time to drill, assemble and install these additional accessories”, continued Howells. Flex-Lite is a trademark of Truck-Lite Co., Inc. headquartered in Falconer New York, with additional manufacturing facilities in Wellsboro, Coudersport, and McElhattan, Pennsylvania, as well as Birmingham and Harlow England, and other facilities around the world. Truck-Lite is a major producer of signal lighting, forward lighting, wiring harnesses, mirrors, turn signal switches, and safety accessories to the heavy duty truck, trailer, and commercial vehicle industries. For more information on Truck-Lite’s new FlexLite product line, please contact Sherry White, Manager of Marketing Communications & Services at 1-800-562-5012 or visit their website at www. truck-lite.com.


March 2010    11

New Products & Services

FLO Components

Auto Greaser on New “Green” Capacity Shunt Truck


LO Components Ltd. of Mississauga has been chosen to install an Automatic Lube System onto the new Capacity Pluggable Hybrid Electrical Terminal Truck (PHETT™) shunt tractor, to be displayed at the upcoming Truck World 2010 show in April in the Glasvan Great Dane booth #3650. The first PHETT™ rolled off the production line in June 2009. According to Glasvan, the PHETT™ offers significant benefits in terms of cost savings and to the environment: • Reduces diesel fuel consumption by up to 60% • Eliminates exhaust emissions completely in battery mode • Eliminates noise pollution in battery mode & reduces noise by 30% in Diesel Gen-Set mode • Realizes the lowest operational costs of any shunt truck • Saves as much as 7 litres of fuel per hour (for a cost savings of $23,000 less fuel used per year in a 3,000 hour per year operation when compared to a 200 hp diesel shunt) • Saves over $1,500 per year on basic oil changes • Cuts transmission costs for savings of over $1,500/ year The Capacity PHETT is a true “series hybrid” which means that the electric and diesel systems perform completely separate functions. The electricity drives the motion and operation of the truck directly. The 40HP diesel engine (with about 2/5 of the displacement of a regular diesel shunt tractor engine) only charges the batteries. The genset stops and starts automatically as required to keep the battery charge at the required level to sustain operation, but does not drive the axle, hydraulics, heat etc. The PHETT™ can also be plugged into a 220 volt source to charge it up. A full charge takes less than 4.5 hours, will cost around $2 to $3 at current electricity rates and keeps the truck 12    March 2010

running for 1.75 to 3 hours depending on the severity of the operation. Although plugging the PHETT™ in is the cheapest method of powering the truck, it’s not necessary to park or turn off the truck – when the battery charge is depleted down to 50% the diesel genset will automatically start up to raise the charge to 75% with no interruption in operations. The PHETT™ has no transmission. The 225HP electric motor is direct drive to the rear differential. This eliminates all preventative maintenance (tranny oil changes) and costly transmission replacements down the road. The batteries have

an expected life of 5 to 7 years before they require replacement. Furthermore, the diesel gen set requires hundreds less litres of oil per year for lubrication than does a regular diesel powered shunt truck and tranny lubrication changes are eliminated completely, representing another pollutant reduction that the PHETT™ offers its users. In terms of performance and productivity, Capacity made no concessions in developing the PHETT™. For greater manoeuvrability, they used a wider axle stance for the steering, allowing the steer tires to turn in further toward the frame of the truck,

resulting in a tighter turning radius than a typical diesel shunt truck. For pulling power, this truck has 1340 ft/lbs of torque at the drive tires; nearly triple the torque of a regular diesel shunt truck. The decision to include an Automatic Lubrication System on the PHETT™ was in keeping with the design goals of improving productivity, lessening environmental impact and lowering operating costs. According to FLO, in a study conducted by a major component manufacturer, improper lubrication accounts for 53% of all bearing failures, a major cause of equipment downtime and significant mainten-

ance costs. The majority of failures are caused by: contamination of bushings by dust, dirt and moisture; inadequate amounts of lubricant applied to bearings; or over-lubrication of key pivot points. FLO Components will

also be exhibiting at the Truck World 2010 Show, on April 15 to 17, 2010, in Booth #5031. For more information, call (800) 668-5458, sales@ flocomponents.com or visit our web site: www.flocomponents.com.


A.T.S.S.A. Meetings Toronto Chapter, Est. 1938 – March 11th 2010 Regular Monthly meetings are held at: Paradise Banquet Hall, 7601 Jane Street, Vaughan Web: www.torontoats.com, E-mail: torontoats@sympatico.ca

A.T.S.S.A. Belleville Branch, Est 1999 Meetings: 1st Thursday of the Month Ramada Inn on the Bay, Belleville E-mail: atssa@aol.com Tel: (613) 968-3411

A.T.S.S.A. Hamilton Branch, Est 1945 Meetings: 3rd Monday of the Month Renaissance Banquet Centre, 2289 Barton Street East Web: www.hamilton-atssa.org, E-mail: secretary@hamilton-ats.org

Correction Emergency Road Services Article It was reported in the January issue that Emergency Road Services of Canada Inc. had 8,000 service providers in their network. The correct number is actually 12,000 service providers spread out across Canada and the U.S. Emergency Road Services of Canada Inc. continues to build their service provider network across North America on a daily basis in order to better serve their valued customers. For more information, please visit their website at www.ersofcanada.com or call (877) 377-2262.


A.T.S.S.A Kitchener-Waterloo Branch, Est. 1971 Meetings: 1st Thursday of the Month Holiday Inn, Kitchener Web: www.kwatssa.org, E-mail: info@kwatssa.org

A.T.S.S.A London Branch, Est. 1947 Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the Month Lamplighter Inn, London Web: www.atslondon.ca, E-mail: mail@atslondon.ca

A.T.S.S.A. Ottawa Branch, Est. 1966 Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of the Month Chimo Hotel, Ottawa Web: www.atssaottawa.com, E-mail: r.gowan@bellnet.ca

A.T.S.S.A. Sudbury & District Branch, Est. 1978 Meetings: 2nd Thursday of the Month Howard Johnson Hotel, 50 Brady Street, Sudbury Web: www.atssudbury.org, E-mail: info@sudbury.org

A.T.S.S.A. Winsor-Chatham Branch, Est 1974 Meetings: 2nd Monday of the Month Ciociaro Club Web: www.atssawindsor.com, E-mail: windsorchathamats@gmail.com

April 15-17th, 2010 Truck World 2010 International Centre, 6900 Airport Road, Suite 120, Mississauga, Ontario Tel: 416.614.5804 Contact: Craig Macpherson Email: cmacpherson@newcom.ca Web: www.truckworld.ca

May 10-12th, 2010 Canadian Fleet Maintenance Seminar, Est. 1963 Hilton Suites Conference Centre, Markham, Ontario Telephone: 905.957.7265 Contact: Dave Ongaro E-mail: ongarocfms@look.ca Web: www.cfmsonline.com,

May 29 & 30, 2010 Road Today Truck Show Inform, Educate, Entertain Powerade Centre, Brampton Telephone: 416.451.0040 Contact: Manan Gupta Email: info@roadtoday.com Web: www.roadtodaytruckshow.com,

June 18-20, 2010 Stirling Truck Show 425 West Front Street, Stirling, ON K0K 3E0 Telephone: 613.395.0055 Contact: Ruth Potts Email: ruth.potts@hotmail.com Web: www.stirlingtruckshow.com

July 23-26, 2010, Fergus Truck Show Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex & Fairgrounds 550 Belsyde Avenue, Fergus, Ontario Telephone: 866-526-7379 Contact Mardi Billings Email: mbillings@fergustruckshow.com Web: www.fergustruckshow.com

March 2010    13

14    March 2010

March 2010    15

Ask the Fuel Expert

Stranger Than Fiction: The Truth About Oil Prices

By Jack Lee


couple of months ago we talked about the fluctuating world price of oil and how it affects prices at the pump. In that column we talked mostly about supply and demand and mentioned how oil is traded as a commodity. Well there is a lot more to that story, a whole lot more. The CBS television network’s program “60 Minutes” has been a reliable and informative show for decades giving in-depth reports on a variety of topics. In a segment aired January 11th, 2009, CBS correspondent Steve Kroft showed that commodity traders – and not oil supply or market demand – were responsible for sharp climbs in fuel prices. The broadcast was revealing and surprising. Over a one year period the price of oil went from $69 per barrel to nearly $150 and then in just three months collapsed with the stock market. Kroft reports, “Many people believe it was a speculative bubble, not unlike the one that caused the housing crisis, and that it had more to do with traders and speculators on Wall Street than with oil company executives or sheiks in Saudi Arabia.” Kroft explains, “To understand what happened to the price of oil, you first have to understand the way it’s traded. For years it has been bought and sold on something called the commodities futures market. At the New York Mercantile Exchange, it’s traded along-side cotton and coffee, copper and steel by brokers who buy and sell contracts to deliver 16    March 2010

those goods at a certain price at some date in the future.” Dan Gilligan is the president of the Petroleum Marketers Association who represents more than 8,000 retail and wholesale suppliers, everyone from home heating oil companies to gas station owners. When 60 Minutes talked to him last summer, Mr. Gilligan said his members were getting blamed for gouging the public, even though their costs had also gone through the roof. He told Kroft the problem was in the commodities markets, which had been invaded by a new breed of investor. Gilligan said these investors don’t actually take delivery of the oil. “All they do is buy the paper, and hope that they can sell it for more than they paid for it. The volatility is being driven by the huge amounts of money and the huge amounts of leverage that is going into these markets.” About the same time, hedge fund manager Michael Masters reached the same conclusion. Masters’ expertise is in tracking the flow of investments into and out of financial markets and he noticed huge amounts of money leaving stocks for commodities and oil futures, most of it going into index funds, betting the price of oil was going to go up. 60 Minutes asked who was buying this “paper oil,” Masters told Kroft, “The California pension fund, Harvard Endowment, lots of large institutional investors. And, by the way, other investors, hedge funds, Wall Street trading desks were following right behind them, putting money – sovereign wealth funds were putting money in the futures markets as well. So you had all these investors putting money in the futures markets. And that was driving the price up.” 27 barrels of crude were being traded for every 1 barrel of oil consumed.

In a five-year period, Masters said the amount of money institutional investors, hedge funds, and the big Wall Street banks had placed in the commodities markets went from $13 billion to $300 billion. Last year, 27 barrels of crude were being traded every day on the New York Mercantile Exchange for every one barrel of oil that was actually being consumed in the United States. CBS News points out, “A recent report out of MIT, analyzing world oil production and consumption, also concluded that the basic fundamentals of supply and demand could not have been responsible for last year’s run-up in oil prices. And Michael Masters says the U.S. Department of Energy’s own statistics show that if the markets had been working properly, the price of oil should have been going down, not up. As an example, the price of oil jumped $25 in a single day. That day was September 22nd. Michael Greenberger, a former director of trading for the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the federal agency that oversees oil futures, says there were no supply disruptions that could have justified such a big increase. “Everybody agrees supply and demand could not drive the price up $25, which was a record increase in the price of oil. The price of oil went from somewhere in the $60 range to $147 in less than a year. And we were being told, on that run-up, “… it’s supply and demand, supply and demand, supply and demand… ” Greenberger said. “From quarter four of ‘07 until the second quarter of ‘08 the EIA, the Energy Information Administration, said that supply went up, worldwide supply went up. And world-wide demand went down. So you have supply going up and demand going down, which generally means the price

is going down,” Masters told Kroft. “So you had the largest price increase in history during a time when actual demand was going down and actual supply was going up during the same period. However, the only thing that makes sense that lifted the price was investor demand.” Is there price manipulation by these huge investors? The Petroleum Marketers Association President Dan Gilligan told Kroft, “I can’t say. And the reason I can’t say it, is because nobody knows. Our federal regulators don’t have access to the data. They don’t know who holds what positions… federal law doesn’t give them the jurisdiction to find out.” Kroft adds, “Most of the trading is now conducted in secret, with no public scrutiny or government oversight. Over time, the big Wall Street banks were

allowed to buy and sell as many oil contracts as they wanted for their clients, circumventing regulations intended to limit speculation. And in 2000, Congress effectively deregulated the futures market, granting exemptions for complicated derivative investments called oil swaps, as well as electronic trading on private exchanges.” There is more to this story and for a complete transcript of the 60 Minutes Pro-

gram, go to our website. www. askthefuelexpert.com. As consumers, we can’t control the price of fuel, but we can control how we use and manage our fuel consumption. Many companies invest thousands of

dollars each month using fuel – in fact it’s the highest cost of doing business after labour. Fuel Management gives you the tools necessary to control the cost of getting fuel and using fuel. Will there be new regulations to protect consumers from price gouging? Who can say? But whether the price of oil is it at $50 per barrel or $150 per barrel it’s essential to minimize consumption and maximize your efficiency wherever possible. Fortunately, automated Fuel Management is available now to deliver on both. Jack Lee is the President and CEO of 4Refuel Inc, The Leader in Fuel Management. If you have any questions or comments about this article Jack can be reached at (604) 513-0386 or by email at AskthefuelExpert@4refuel. com.


Legal Matters

Insurance Premiums Based On Risk?

By Mark Reynolds


hen a prospective client calls regarding their traffic charges the obvious question is “how would this impact my insurance premiums?” The answer to that question is that the impact on premiums depends upon the policies of each individual insurance

carrier, but for the most part your premium as I understand it, is primarily based on risk. For example a conviction for careless driving would obviously have a significant impact on a person’s premiums because the driver is now viewed as someone likely to cause a significant claim against the insurance carrier. This seems fair enough, but what I have difficulty in understanding is how insurance companies can justify an increase in a driver’s premiums for very minor violations that would never result in any claim being made against the insurance carrier. The

prime example is a conviction for failing to surrender an insurance card to a police officer. Now one would obviously assume that since this offence is what is normally regarded as a “paper charge”, that it would not impact one’s premiums. Just for clarification, I am not talking about someone that is driving a vehicle that is not insured, but a driver who simply forgot to put their new insurance card in the glove box and was unable to produce it on demand of a police officer. I have been swamped lately with calls from people that have had their

insurance premiums increase by as much as $500.00 a year for a conviction for failing to surrender their insurance card to an officer. I have to wonder, how in the world can this be justified? Let’s face it, no one knows better than your insurance carrier that you are insured, given that they issued your policy and collected their premiums. No one knows better than your insurance carrier that you are in possession of a valid insurance card, given that it’s the carrier that mailed it to you. So how is it that an insurance carrier can jus-

tify an increase in insurance premiums as high as $500.00 a year for not surrendering the card to an officer? Where is the risk to that carrier? By law you cannot drive a vehicle on a highway without a valid insurance policy. There is a minimum fine of $5,000.00 for a first offence for this violation. There seems to be nothing in place to prevent your insurance carrier from increasing your premiums for whatever excuse the carrier can come up with. Perhaps it’s time for our government to take a long hard look at this issue.

On another topic, OTT Legal Services will be hosting an information booth at Truck World on April 15-16 and 17, at the international centre. Drop by and say hello, I will be there all 3 days and I look forward to discussing any issues and answering any questions you may have in regard to motor vehicle law and CVOR issues. Mark Reynolds is a licenced paralegal, a former truck driver, MTO Enforcement Officer, and Provincial Trainer and Enforcement Coordinator and can be reached at 1-416-2216888 or MarkReynolds@ OTTLegal.com.


Cross Border Services

Security for the 21st Winter Olympics

By Dawn Truell


he 21st Winter Olympics opens Feb. 12 and continues through Feb. 28.

About 80 nations are expected to be represented. With the opening of the Winter Olympics, Canada has prepared for the biggest domestic security operation in its history. A cost of $900 million and takes in 3,860 square miles of downtown stadiums, remote woodland valleys and miles of urban waterways. There will be 5,000 military soldiers, twice what Can-

ada has in Afghanistan. Police and contract security agents will screen up to 1.6 million ticket holders and protect 5,500 athletes and officials. The North American Aerospace Defense Command is providing air and marine surveillance on both sides of the border, while Canadian CF-18 Hornets are prepared to intercept any unauthorized

aircraft that might penetrate the tightly restricted airspace around the main Olympic sites in Vancouver and Whistler, located 62 miles away along a twisting mountain highway. Military divers have strung floating security booms around the waterside athletes’ village and the cruise ships housing some of the 15,500 security personnel assigned to the Games. A

naval destroyer and frigate will conduct surveillance patrols. The relatively small number of bridges that connect downtown Vancouver with the rest of the city could act as choke points if the area suddenly had to be evacuated. Ferries that ply the Georgia Strait between Vancouver Island and the mainland are loaded with hundreds of cars whose trunks are not regularly inspected. People going to an Olympic event are advised to prepare as they would to board a flight. Banned items include weapons, spray cans, air horns, pepper spray, glass containers and food and beverage purchased outside the venue. Spectators will walk through metal detectors and everything they carry will be subject to X-ray screening. If you want to move through security checkpoints more

rapidly, carry as little as possible, no bag, or with a small bag (up to 6 inches by 6 inches by 12 inches) will move through an express line, while those with larger bags will go through the standard line. Army deploys new antiterrorist balloon to protect Olympic village - The Canadian Forces is using a brand-new anti-terrorism device designed to detect improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan to protect a 20-kilometre radius around the Whistler Athletes Village. The army identified the balloon as a “persistent surveillance system on aerostat,” jargon for a device that scans an area from a fixed aerial position.Terrorism even affects our fun, too bad. Good Luck to all of our proud Canadian Olympians! From Cross Border Services. crossborderservices@cogeco.net.


March 2010    17

It’s All About Numbers

Now is the Time to Contact Your Tax Preparer

By Kelly Potvin


f you haven’t already done so, now is the time to get in gear and contact your tax preparer. What? Don’t have one?

Really? Well, here are some tips on finding a qualified tax preparer. Always check on their qualifications. Do they have training? Are they experienced? Are they up to date on current tax law? Do they prepare taxes year round or just seasonally? Have they been recommended by a friend or co-worker? To avoid being hit with an unexpectedly high bill always ask for a quote before any work is done! What if the return is

filed wrong? Will the tax preparer guarantee the accuracy of their work and amend the return if there’s a mistake? Going online to the The Better Business Bureau (BBB - bbb.org) is another way to check if the tax preparer has had complaints filed against them. Accreditation is available by the BBB for a fee. The BBB advises consumers to steer clear of tax preparers who sound too good to be true. Be-

ware if they: Boast they can obtain larger refunds than their competitors. Pressure you to sign up for immediate payment of your refund. This involves a loan that typically carries a high interest rate. Base their fee on a percentage of the refund amount, rather than the complexity of the tax return, or don’t ask to review your records and receipts, or discuss whether you qualify for expenses and deductions.

Once your income tax return is prepared, make sure the tax preparer has signed it and ask for a FULL COPY and payment receipt for your records. Always review the return before signing it and ask for clarification of any entry you don’t understand prior to signing. Tax preparers are acting illegally if they encourage you to claim inflated personal or business expenses, claim excessive exemptions, ask you to sign a blank or incom-

plete form or even guarantee that you will not be audited. No one can make that guarantee, not even me! Kelly Potvin of It’s All About Numbers is a certified bookkeeper. Having previously owned a transportation company, her knowledge is ex tensive with continuing taxation courses beginning in 1980. For more information please visit w w w. i t s a l l a b o u t n u m bers.com or call Kelly at 613-340-8409.


Update on Our Efforts in New Brunswick By Peter Turner


e have been working closely with the Southeastern New Brunswick Truckers’ Association (SENBTA) since December 2008. Although it has been a learning curve for all of us, it appears that we are definitely headed in the right direction. In the first year SENBTA’s membership increased from 100 trucks to over 500 trucks. Not only are members now adhering to strict rules or face suspension, but contractors are also being forced to recognize and respect the same rules and regulations. Issues continue to arise but those involved now understand that the majority of differences can be resolved without involving politics. One of the issues that we resolved concerned an out-of-province contractor who planned to bring trucks in from PEI. When we put pressure on them to refrain from doing so, they agreed to hire the local trucks but wanted to pay by the tonne. If we had agreed to these terms, the members would have lost money so we negotiated an hourly rate 18    March 2010

agreeable to both parties. Another situation concerned a sub-contractor that refused to pay one of our members. Although the sub-contractor would not talk to us, the contractor did. As a result, we successfully arranged to have a cheque issued directly from the contractor to our member for monies owed. That’s not to say that issues have not come up involving the NB Government. We have asked for a lien to be placed on a contractor’s bond worth $225,000 but the matter is still ongoing. On February 13, 2010 we had our annual meeting where members voted on

implementing new rules. We had some very good discussions on several touchy issues but, in the end, we were able to reach an agreement. It was truly an informative meeting not only for the members but also for the leadership. It is my pleasure to be able to work with these truckers because of their involvement and willingness to work together rather than against one another. Canadian truckers should take a close look at how Francis Murray, President of SENBTA, along with help from The Truckers’ Voice and staff, has been able to unite and complement the many different personalities of

both French and English independent truckers. Thanks go out to all members for their trust,

faith and support in what we have accomplished to date. For more information

please contact Peter Turner at 1-613-831-1332 or visit him atwww.thetruckersvoice.ca.


Boomerang Tracking

Boomerang’s Cargo Recovery System


ith nearly every load traveling on the highway valued at least $50,000, trucking is a natural target for thieves. Over $1 billion of cargo and equipment is stolen throughout Canada every year, according to the Ontario Trucking Association and Statistics Canada. In the past, thieves were only interested in the cargo itself, said Dave Da Silva, Commercial Account Manager for Boomerang Tracking/LoJack, but one of the latest trends that Boomerang is seeing is the seizure of the transport equipment along with the load it is carrying. “Now we are seeing thieves running chop shops and replacing serial number plates on the equipment for resell,” said Da Silva. It used to be that thieves would strip the unit of cargo and leave the equipment in an abandoned

lot or an industrial area where it would eventually be recovered. Crooks are now realizing, however, that not only is the cargo worth big bucks but the equipment is as well. With these figures and trends in mind, technology companies have attempted to capitalize on industry security and theft control concerns by introducing new communications and tracking devices. “You can’t just walk into a truck dealership and replace a unit right away nor can you replace millions of dollars worth of consumer products very quickly. It’s important that trucking companies not only worry about training drivers, loss control and product handling but also protection of assets,” Da Silva said. It has been a pretty hands-off topic for a number of years now, but it is only getting worse because of the concerns of the insurance companies,

he said. “Over the last few years, we’ve seen a number of trucking companies that have one too many theft claims get dropped by their insurer,” said Da Silva. So instead of just keeping the issue hush-hush, it’s time to take control of the assets, he said. Boomerang markets a theft recovery system that uses cellular telecommunication to detect the location of a stolen tractor-trailer unit or stolen cargo throughout North America. “The customer simply needs to contact our 24/7 security centre and advise us of the situation. The asset will go under surveillance until the local police agency arrives for the recovery. The process takes us a few hours on average,” said Da Silva. One of the advantages of using cellular technology as opposed to satellite technology for track-

ing is the ability to locate equipment or cargo underground. “We recovered stolen Skid-Steers from garages, storage units, warehouses and shipping containers,” said Da Silva. The Boomerang system is designed with a completely covert hardware system, about the size of a pack of cigarettes, which can be installed in multiple

thus becoming one of the most covert and successful recovery products on the market today,” Da Silva said. A security system that everyone knows about isn’t going to work, he said, so Boomerang works with just one or two people from a fleet implementing its security system. Only they know about the installation and where the

in the implementation because it would be up to its operations department to include the device in the load being shipped. “The Boomerang Cargo Recovery product has an independent battery that will last up to 20 days, and is able to be concealed within the cargo, this allows the asset to be tracked and protected independently,” Da Silva

hiding spots in the average highway tractor. “The Boomerang unit doesn’t require a visible antenna and may be installed in any location

devices are located. That said, if a transportation company is also using Boomerang’s cargo tracking system, it would have a larger role to play

said. For more information call (514) 234-8722 or visit their website at www. reperageboomerang. com.


Boomerang Tracking Moving Announcement

We are pleased to announce that as of March 1st, 2010 we are moving to a building that will allow us to better meet the needs of our customers. All telephone and fax numbers remain unchanged. Our new premises will be at 8010 chemin Devonshire, Mont-Royal QC H4P 2K3, Tel: 1-877-777-8722, Fax: 1-888-234-8641.


March 2010    19

Wheels & tires

TRIB [Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau]

Retreaders Not Second Class Citizens Anymore By Harvey Brodsky


here was a time when retreaded tires were pretty good but they didn’t last as long as new tires and their adjustment rate was somewhat higher than comparable new tires. However, they were safe and saved truckers and other motorists considerable amounts of money when compared to higher priced new tires, even if they didn’t last as long and they had a few problems. But that was a long time ago and those days are part of the distant past. Retreaded tires produced in today’s top quality retread factories receive the same care and attention as the best higher priced new tires, and they cost a whole lot less! In fact, the overall adjustment rate for retreads produced in top quality factories will be as low – and very often lower – than the adjustment rate for comparable new tires. If you don’t believe this ask any top quality retreader to show you his adjustment records. He’ll be happy to do so. What Caused The Improvement In Retreads? Just as with many other products in our daily lives (Think computers. Remember the days when if they didn’t crash at least three times every day we wanted to get down on our knees and give thanks), the improvements in retread non-destructive inspection equipment, computer precision-driven machinery, rubber chemistry have been dramatic, leading to finished retreads with unparalleled quality and value. People who have never been in a modern retread factory are amazed when they tour one. Shearography, ultrasound, highvoltage, and X-Ray are some of the non-destructive testing methods they may see that are used in retreading, enabling retreaders to actually “see through” the tire to deter20    March 2010

mine if there are separations, broken steel cords or any other damage that would preclude the tire casing from undergoing another safe and useful life after retreading. Tire casings that cannot pass these tests will not be retreaded. Why Is There Still Reluctance To Use Retreads? The main reason is one of perception. People see tire debris on our highways and they assume – incorrectly – that these “road alligators” are caused by retreads. But the facts belie that belief. The reality is that much of the tire debris we see comes from tires that have NEVER been in a retread plant, and was caused by improper tire maintenance. Another sad reason for the reluctance is because many truckers and others just don’t want to be confused by the facts! Too bad, because they are leaving a lot of money on the table – money that could and should be kept on their side of the table. Those of you who have been reading my articles or who have heard me speak over the years know that I have a passion for retreading. I wear that passion as a badge of honour because I truly believe in retreading and I know absolutely how safe and dependable today’s top quality retreads are. I also happen to drive on retreads, as does my wife and son and we have been doing so for many years. Are Retreads Really, Really Safe? The simple answer in a word is YES. Commercial and military airlines have been safely using retreads on all size planes for years, school and municipal buses, fire engines and other emergency vehicles, the U.S. Postal Service, FED EX, UPS, virtually all major trucking fleets, taxis, race cars and many other types of vehicles all use retreads and you can be certain they wouldn’t use

them if retreads weren’t safe. There is even a federal Executive Order (13149) MANDATING the use of retreads on many types of federal fleet vehicles. How About the Environment? Retreading has always been a very environmentally friendly industry and is responsible for keeping millions of tires out of landfills every year. In addition, every time a tire is retreaded a significant amount of oil and other energy sources are saved. Throughout the years billions (that’s billions with a B) of gallons of oil have been saved for the world, thanks to retreading. A retreaded tire may look round and black, but it is very green! We are one of the most environmentally friendly recycled products you will ever use. Savings? Are They Real? You be the judge. If you are a trucker and are using a top of the line tier 1 tire you are paying well over $400 for one of the common size truck tires. By either retreading your own tires or buying retreads from a top quality retreader, your savings will probably be at least 50%. Not too bad for a tire that will provide approximately the same mileage as a new tier 1 tire and will have an adjustment rate as low, and sometimes even lower, than a comparable new tire. Even if you are a volume buyer and choose to purchase a tier 2 or lesser grade new tire, your savings will still be close to 50% if you switch to retreads. Unless you are in trucking for a hobby and don’t care how you spend your money, you will do yourself and your company a huge favour by GETTING THE FACTS and then making an informed choice. How About the Horror Stories? Don’t be swayed by horror stories you may hear from fellow truckers. I have probably spoken to

more truckers than most people in the world over the many years I have been in the retread industry and the overwhelming consensus from truckers – whether owner operators, company drivers or fleet managers, is that today’s retreads perform as well and are as safe as the best comparable new tires. I am always amused (but saddened is really a better word) when a trucker at a truck show tells me he “wouldn’t use those ‘caps if you paid me,” or “Retreads? Not on my truck!”, and then he refuses to listen or even take our CDs, DVDs or other materials. These are really the ones who just don’t want to be confused with the facts. For every horror story these folks want to tell you, we can put you in touch with ten fellow truckers who will be happy to share their great experiences with retreads. What About The Heat? Will Retreads Hold Up In Heat? You can use a retread wherever you use a virgin tire, regardless of the temperature. However, as with new tires retreads require air! Not just air, but the right amount of air, which means they need to have the proper amount of air for the load they will carry. Thousands of retreads navigate very hot roads successfully every day worldwide. Don’t believe the myths that retreads can’t take the heat, because they can as long as they carry the proper amount of air. We have several very interesting articles about retreads and heat and we’ll be happy to send them to you. Send an email to info@retread. org requesting the articles and they’ll be sent immediately. But You Have To Do Your Part Tires, whether retreads or virgin tires, require a lot of care. You MUST check your air pressure on a regular basis using an accurate, calibrated

tire gauge. This means NO THUMPING to determine if your tires need air. If you really think you thumping will give you an accurate reading of whether your tires need air, you might as well thump the hood of your truck to determine if your engine needs oil. You also have to keep your vehicle in proper alignment, including trailer alignments, and it is a very good idea to do a walk around your vehicle and do the “dirty hand” inspection at least once a week (The walk around alone should be done daily!) Move your hand over the tread area and sidewalls of all the tires you can reach and your hand will tell you if it feels any anomalies. Your hands will get dirty, but that’s a very small price to pay for possibly finding a tire problem that may cost you hundreds of dollars in downtime and tire damage if left undetected. Tires love to suffer! Unlike a dead battery or failed brakes – which will stop you in your tracks – tires will allow you to drive even though they may be ruined because of not having enough air or a faulty sidewall. Never forget that tires are masochists and they love to suffer. It’s up to you to not allow them to get away with it. You will save money and you may even save a life if you give your tires the care they deserve! The very best way to decide if retreads are really worth your while is to visit a retread factory and see for yourself how much care goes into producing a top quality retread – one

that can help you cut your tire costs in half! We will be happy to arrange a tour in your area and we will also be happy to send you our latest CD and DVD with our compliments. Our disks are loaded with valuable information about retreading, tire repairing and tire maintenance tips for both retreads and new tires. To order our materials, call our toll free number 888-473-8732 from anywhere in the U.S. or Canada or send an email to info@retread.org. Just as with anything else you buy, you need to know about the retreader you choose. We urge you to only deal with TOP QUALITY retreaders who stand behind their products and who will be there for you if anything ever goes wrong. We can help you find the best retreaders in your area and we’ll tell you why we think they are the best! Call me personally whenever you are ready to start saving. Our toll free number from anywhere in the U.S. or Canada is 888-4738732. You can also call +831-372-1917 from other countries. Call anytime. I even want to hear from you should you ever have a tire problem, either with a new tire or a retread (it happens). We may be able to help. Remember that knowledge is power. Take advantage of what we have to offer and you will be glad you did. So will your cheque book. And that’s a promise. Here’s to safe and happy driving.


Wheels & tires

TRIB [Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau]

The Truth About Heat & Retreading By Scott C. Perschbacher


he following article was originally written years ago, but the message is timeless and we resend it every summer, which is why we are repeating it now. When TRIB asked me if I would be interested in writing an article about heat and retreading I jumped at the chance. There are so many different stories about this subject, I felt that it was time to give my own and set the record straight. I’ve been involved in retreading for about 12 years, which is only a short period of time compared to some, but in that time I’ve also gained a lot of facts on the effects of heat on retreading. I got my start with a very well known and respected commercial tire dealer in Denver, Colorado, where I worked as a commercial salesman as well as running a store.

I now work for one of the largest tread rubber manufacturers. First I feel that we must define the type of heat that affects tires. There are many issues on heat and tire failure. Heat caused from brakes, heat from improper speed and inflation etc. The issue on the effects of heat on retreading that I want to discuss is the use of retreads in extremely hot weather conditions. When I first started in the tire business my knowledge of tires was very limited to the basics. I knew that if I was to be successful in this game I must learn everything related to the tire industry. Because this is such a complex and always changing business, every day is a learning experience. I remember talking to customers, about using retreads and how this would lower their cost per mile. Most of the time the sale

was there but on occasion I met with resistance. The problem they claimed was that, “we run through the desert or in extremely hot weather conditions and the retread just won’t stay on.” This used to really bother me. Here I am selling retreads for a living and they are only good in cold weather conditions. This just did not make sense to me so I decided to research the problem further. For many years I would ask the fleets and owner-operators what problems they had experienced with retreading concerning hot weather. The answers that I received ranged from “no problems at all to daily problems.” I asked the ones that were having all of the success what was their secret. They would reply, “It’s simple - checking air pressure and good tire maintenance.” With that I then went

back to those that were having all of the problems and studied their tire programs. I was amazed to see the results: fewer then 10% had a good program. And even the ones that did were not checking air pressure regularly. But, those that did check air pressure regularly were money ahead and had very little tire failure. One of those fleets that really stands out in my mind is located in Riverton, Wl. This fleet has one of the best tire programs I’ve ever seen. They run 100 tractortrailer pup units hauling soda ash 24 hours per day. They run multi - axle set-ups hauling extremely heavy loads at high speeds and in extreme weather conditions, which include 4 months of heat. This fleet also uses retreads at every position except the steer. Their secret is simple - a good tire man and a good tire program, which is followed to perfection. The positive effect that

proper air pressure has on tires is endless. When a radial truck tire has been inflated to its proper air pressure according to the weight it is carrying, the operating temperature should be around 150 degrees. Let’s assume that 100psi is the fleet standard. The rule of thumb is that for every loss in air pressure of 2psi the tire temperature will increase 5 degrees. In this fleet 85% of its tires have proper Inflation, which sounds pretty good. The lowest tire in the fleet is 86psi. That means that the operating temperature of that tire is somewhere around 185 degrees, which is well above what the tire is normally designed to run. Combine this with extremely hot weather and you get down time. Notice I’m talking about a generic tire, not a retread, not a new tire. Retreading a casing is a way to give a tire new life in order to reduce operat-

ing costs and promote recycling. A retreaded tire is only as good as the retread manufacturing and tire maintenance it receives throughout its entire life. If tires with low air pressure are left to run they will generate more heat and therefore have a greater chance for down time. I believe that extremely hot temperatures make tire maintenance programs even more critical. To me the myths about running retreads in extreme heat with no success are excuses to downplay poor tire maintenance. The facts all lead to a simple solution: go back to the basics with good solid tire maintenance! For more information about retreading and tire repairing, including a great CD and DVD, please contact the Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau toll free from anywhere in North America at 888-4738732, or by email to: info@ retread.org.


Freight Efficiency Council Names Michelin Truck Tire Expert to Board


reenville, S.C. (Feb. 11, 2010) – Don Baldwin, business segment manager for Michelin Americas Truck Tires, has been named to the board of directors for the North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE). The board is meeting for the first time during this week’s Technology and Maintenance Council (TMC) in Tampa, Fla. Baldwin is the only tire manufacturer representative on the board and was one of 19 original founders of NACFE. “The health of the freight industry depends on the ability of its carriers to implement more energyefficient solutions,” said Baldwin.

The intent of the NACFE is to collect, assess, and circulate performance information from testing agencies and laboratories; collect marketing and user data; and provide understandable, up-todate efficiency information to share with technology developers, Council members, fleet owners and truck drivers. As a member of the board of directors, Baldwin’s primary functions will be to guide the organization to collect, assess, and circulate information on performance and efficiency benefits to technology developers, fleet owners, and truck drivers. At Michelin, Baldwin is responsible for evaluating market trends and specify-

ing the technologies and tires lines that will be developed to meet future customer needs. Baldwin also currently serves as an Advisory Council member for the Yellowstone Park Foundation. He has worked for Michelin for more than 30 years in various manufacturing, quality, product design and marketing positions.


March 2010    21

Section Française

Theme du mois: Choisir Vert

Le Changement de Climat – Réalité ou Risible? Par Marek Krasuski Traduit Par Kay Redhead


près la conférence récente sur le changement de climat et les appels de clairon pour une action signifiante et mesurable, on commence à penser à l’augmentation des niveaux de carbones – le fléau présumé responsable pour les assauts sur l’environnement. Je dis présumé puisqu’il est difficile d’imaginer que nos intêrets égoistes pourraient nous aveugler à la dévastation qui selon menace notre existence même. D’autres, pourtant, n’ont pas cette certitude. En fait, il existe des dissensions à l’intérieur du débat du changement de climat qui dispute l’éthos courant d’une planète condamnée à des températures plus élevées, à la secheresse, aux inondations et à l’Armageddon. Un de mes amis géologues condamne ceux qui attribuent les changements d’élévation des températures à des émissions de gas à effet de serre. « Ces augmentations de températures » insiste-t-il « sont cycliques et se sont produites pendant des miliers d’années. Il ne se tient pas seul. Pendant les jours avant la conférence de Copenhague sur l’environnement, un scandale a éclaté dans les cercles du changement du climat. Des scientifiques de l’Université de East Anglia en Angleterre ont été accusés d’avoir manipuler des données afin de prouver qu’il existait un phénomène de réchauffement global. Le Climate Research Unit (CRU) à cette université a aussi déclaré qu’il a jeté beaucoup de données crues d’où d’autres scientifiques auraient pu vérifier l’exactitude de leurs méthodologies et de leurs trouvailles. Ces déclarations ont incité le Professeur Ian Plimer des Universités d’ Adélaide et Melbourne de s’opposer publiquement aux propos22    March 2010

ants du changement de climat. « Les camarades du chauffement du climat essaient de continuer the gravy train. Les gouvernements aussi cherchent à profiter de nous autant que possible . Tout comme mon ami géologue, Plimer, lui-même professeur de géologie, attribue le rechauffement du climat non pas au résultat des effets de gaz de serre mais plùtôt à des changements naturels comme par exemple des éruptions volcaniques, le mouvement de l’orbite de la terre et de la radiation cosmique. Le bon professeur continue à déclarer que « les niveaux d’oxide de carbone ont déjà atteint un niveau jusqu’à 1000 fois plus élevés dans le passé, ce qui prouve que le CO2 ne peut pas être la cause du rechauffement global actuel. « Pour réduire la température actuelle, il propose que les gouvernements devraient chercher des moyens à minimiser des changements dans l’orbite de la terre, dans les courants des océans et dans les explosions des supernovae dans l’espace : une vraie exigence et une exigence que, lui-même, il n’a pas l’air de vouloir adresser. Néanmoins, les idées de Plimer se rangent à côté de celles de toute une foule d’ autres opposants systématiques du changement de climat qui s’appuyent sur certains évènements inconvénients qui contestent l’opinion majoritaire sur les changements du climat et le rechauffement global. Selon un article récent dans le journal, The National Post, les calottes glaciaires de l’Arctique commencent à se reformer et la presse britannique prédit une période de refroidissement global qui, prétend – il, va durer de 20 à 30 ans, ceci selon des citations de certains des climatologues les plus respectés du monde. En fait, Le US National Snow and Ice Data Centre note une augmentation de 26 pour cent de la glace estivale

de la mer Arctique depuis 2007. Est-ce possible que ces bonnes nouvelles confirment l’idée de Professeur Plimer qui pense que nos gouvernements emploient une espèce de ruse qui leur convient pour mieux puiser dans nos comptes de banque? Si c’est le cas, l’industrie de transport a bien apporté sa partie, d’abord en investissant des millions de dollars en technologies diverses qui ont éliminé plus de 90% des particules diesel et d’émissions d’hydrocarbures, et ensuite par des modifications apparemment sans fin dans les carénages aérodynamiques, dans les jupes latérales, dans la programmation des moteurs et d’autres choses afin d’atteindre une efficacité optimale. Mais l’argument qui oppose la demande pour des réformes radicales n’est que la moitié de l’histoire. L’autre moitié incarne tout récemment plutôt les prévisions sombres qu’on a vu sortir du Sommet International sur les changements de climat à Copenhague en décembre 2009. L’espoir que les leaders mondiaux pourraient se mettre d’accord sur un seuil pour les émissions qui arriverait à son apogée en 2020, après quoi il y aurait une diminution continue dans l’émission des gaz à effet de serre pour retenir les températures à 2 degrès Celsius. A la place de cet accord, il n’y a eu que de vagues références, offertes en général par la Chine, avec un signe d’approbation de la part de l’Inde, à des émissions qui devraient se limiter « aussi vite que possible ». Pour empirer la situation, on a enlevé du plan d’action le but à long terme de réductions de 50% avant 2050. La seule façon de réaliser le but de 2 degrès Celsius est d’arrêter l’augmentation des émissions en 2020 et de les diminuer de 4% chaque année suivante. Cette réalisation exige une

réduction dramatique de l’abattage des forêts pluviales, selon Dr Rachel Warren du Hadley Centre for Cimate Prediction and Research. Même si on pourrait se mettre d’accord sur ces objectifs et trouver des stratégies pour y arriver, le coût s’en éléverait jusqu’à des trillions de dollars, soit $200 par année par habitant de la planéte. L’echec des décisionnaires du monde d’arriver à un objectif primordial à Copenhague a poussé les écologistes à nous préparer à faire face à un avenir incertain. Les températures se sont déjà élevées de 0.74 dégrès C au-dessus des niveaux pré-industriels et le gaz carbonique présent dans l’atmosphére garantit une élévation supplémentaire de 0.5C. Les températures élevées provoquent une diminution de glace et de neige, des extrêmes d’évènenements météorologiques et des niveaux de mer élevés de jusqu’à un mètre, ce qui causera des ondations qui affecteront des millions

partout dans le monde. Au moment où des forces « anti-climat » ont ébranlé les propositions définitives au Sommet de Copenhague, les industries doméstiques des nations développées ont continué à se charger de la plupart de la responsabilité pour la réduction de l’empreinte de carbone. (Cet argument a, pourtant, une certaine force morale. Après tout, le Canada est un des plus grands consommateurs d’énergie par personne de la planète, et ce sont les nations les plus développées qui ont accumulé la plus grande partie de richesses. Est-ce qu’il est vraiment juste qu’on s’attende à ce que les nations plus pauvres endossent le fardeau en proportion égale et diminuent leur propre croissance à cause de problèmes environnementaux causés principalement par les nations riches?) L’industrie de transport doméstique est un bon exemple. On continue à investir des millions de dol-

lars en de nouvelles technologies qui vont réduire les émissions de carbone. Ces investissements pourtant ne constituent qu’un filet contre un déluge de résistance à des changements réels. Néanmoins, on peut trouver rassurant le fait que nous acceptons notre propre responsabilité. Selon certaines estimations, il y aura une réduction de particules de diesel et de nitreux d’azote de 110,000 tonnes par an, avec, en plus, une réduction dans l’atmosphere de 2.6 tonnes d’oxyde d’azote qui cause le smog. Plus de 20,000 enfants par an seront protégés des débuts de la bronchite chronique et on evitera plus de 8,300 morts prématurées. Les prévisions révèlent aussi une réduction abrupte de l’asthme et de problèmes respiratoires, de journées de travail perdues et de visites à l’hôpital à la suite de ces mesures anti-pollution. Si ces prévisions se révèlent précises, mème en partie, l’effort n’en vaut-il pas le coùt?


Boomerang Tracking Annonce de Demenagement

Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer que depuis le 1er mars, 2010 nous deplacons a un batiment qui nous permettra de repondre mieux aux besoins de nos clients. Tous les nombres de telephone et fax restent le meme. Nos nouveaux lieux seront a 8010 chemin Devonshire, Mont-Royal, QC H4P 2K3, Tel: 1-877-777-8722, Fax: 1-888-234-8641.


Section Française

Meyers Transport

Bienvenue Quatrième Génération de la famille Meyers


euillez vous joindre à nous pour souhaiter la bienvenue à la 4e génération de la famille Meyers pour diriger le groupe de services de Meyers Transport. C’est avec une grande fierté que nous vous annonçons la transition dans une nouvelle phase du groupe de compagnies MTS (Meyers transport, Mortrans et Mosaic Logistics). Après 37 années à la direction, les frères Evan et Larry Meyers passent le flambeau à leurs filles Jacquie et Natalie Meyers. Jacquie Meyers, fille de Evan Meyers, accèdera au poste de Présidente du groupe de compagnies MTS, pendant que Nat-

alie Meyers, fille de Larry Meyers, assumera la Présidence du conseil d’administration. A titre de Présidente, Jacquie orientera son attention vers la progression, la constance et la logistique. Elle a obtenu son Bachelier en Commerce de l’Université McGill, 102 ans après que le fondateur de Meyers, A.J. Meyers, ait obtenu son diplôme d’ingénierie civil de la même institution. Jacquie a travaillé dans l’industrie du transport depuis plus de 8 années dans la fixation des prix, les opérations et la vente. Elle a également dirigé Mosaic Logistics durant les deux dernières années. Elle est bilingue et

a récemment complété sa désignation “CITT” (Institut Canadien du traffic et du transport). Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir

du groupe de compagnies Meyers. Dans son rôle de Presidente du conseil d’administration, Natalie con-

compter sur son enthousiasme dans son nouveau rôle de Présidente

sacrera ses efforts aux opérations, l’administration et la

finance. Après avoir gradué en économie de l’Université de Fanche Comté à Besançon en France, Natalie a oeuvré 8 ans au sein du gouvernement fédéral et particulièrement à PWGSC/ TPGSC dans le secteur de la gestion des immobilisations. En 1995, après la naissance de son deuxième garçon, elle a décidé de se joindre à l’équipe familiale Meyers et a été depuis, une précieuse ressource au sein des opérations. Précédemment V-P des opérations de l’est et couramment bilingue, Natalie a tous les attributs pour réussir dans son nouveau rôle de Présidente du conseil d’administration.

Le groupe de compagnies Sylvite

À travers les générations, Meyers Transport, fondé en 1927, a toujours été le centre des préoccupations de la famille Meyers. Don Meyers a pris la relève de A.J. pour ensuite en 1972, vendre ses actions à ses deux fils. La passation du contrôle de la compagnie à une quatrième génération est une étape rare pour toute entreprise familiale et une qui certes, nous enorgueillis. Nous remercions tous nos clients, fournisseurs et nos précieux employés de nous avoir supportés depuis TROIS GÉNÉRATIONS durant 82 ANNÉES et nous anticipons encore, votre support pour le futur.


Sylvite Commence à Distribuer Air Blue Fluids Diesel


urlington, Ontario, Le groupe de compagnies Sylvite a fait un accord avec Cervantes – Delgado Inc. qui leur permettra à distribuer Air Blue Fluids Diesel Exhaust Fluid au Canada et fournira ce nouveau produit aux industries de carburant et de transport. Les nouveaux moteurs diesel qui utilisent la technologie Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) ont besoin de la liquide

d’échappement diesel (DEF) pour réduire les émissions d’oxyde d’azote. Ceux qui l’emploient en remarquera non seulement les avantages environnementaux mais aussi une amélioration de jusqu’à 5% dans l’éfficacité de l’utilisation du carburant, une puissance améliorée et une réduction du nettoyage du filtre de particules. La liquide d’échappement diesel (DEF), une solution d’urée

de haute qualité qui n’est ni toxique ni polluante et ininflammable, traite les gaz d’échappement en aval du moteur pour en convertir l’oxyde d’azote en simple azote et eau. Le Sylvite Group of Companies (www.sylvite.ca) est un partenaire stratégique qui fournit des produits et des services à valeur ajoutée par voie de ravitaillement à des clients dans les secteurs agricoles, industriels, et gouverne-

mentaux dans certaines régions géographiques. La compagnie a accès international à une variété de produits. Cela fait 3 décennies que Sylvite importe ces articles au Canada et les livre à ses clients d’une maniére à valeur ajoutée. Le Sylvite Group continue à élargir ces compétences de produits et services clé et d’étendre le domaine géographique et commercial qu’il sert. Cervantes – Delgado Inc.

(CDI) a été incorporé en 2001 avec le but principal de marketer et de distribuer des solutions d’urée pour les systèmes SCR et SNCR NOx. Leur équipe de direction a plus de 100 ans d’expérience dans le marketing, la distribution et la manufacture de systèmes d’urée, et plus de 30 ans dans la fabrication de catalyseurs. CDI est fier de posséder la capacité de servir sa clientèle de 31 endroits différents aux


États Unis et au Canada. La compagnie continue à évaluer les conditions du marché et à positionner de nouvelles installations de production aussi proches que possible aux marchés en plein essor. Pour de plus amples information, veuillez contacter Jeremy Goodfellow, Vice-Président, Sylvite Group of Companies au 800-229-0602 ou par courriel à jgoodfellow@sylvite. ca.


La Nouvelle Brochure Signal-Stat Produit DEL Disponible


e 15 février 2010, Falconer, New York – La brochure Signal-Stat Eclairage DEL offre maintenant un choix de plus de 100 lampes de haute diode. On a élargi cette gamme populaire de Signal Stat DEL à plusieurs reprises depuis sa présentation initiale par Truck-Lite en 2004. La gamme offre des produits d’éclairage DEL de qualité à un prix qui est concurrentiel avec celui des lampes importés. Cette gamme de produits croissante inclut actuellement

des lampes à pédiment rond ou carré avec un produit DEL à lentilles colorées ou claires. La gamme Signal Stat de Truck-Lite est manufacturée avec des composants produits partout dans le monde et soumise à des épreuves rigoureuses et à un contrôle de qualité selon la norme de TruckLite. « Nous sommes ravis de l’intêret qu’on a porté à nos produits Signal-Stat DEL » a commenté Bob Ives, VP de Marketing. « Et nous nous attendons à

voir la continuation de cet intêret au fur et à mesure que les applications des produits s’étendent. » La gamme de produits d’éclairage DEL de Signal Stat a été fabriquée pour offrir une technologie d’éclairage DEL de haute qualité tout en utilisant une optique qui comprend toutes les possibilités acceuillies par les moins grandes flottes et les opérateurs-propriétaires. Avec des lentilles claires, des éclairages rouges et ambrés, la gamme Signal Stat offre un aspect net,

aux lignes dépouillées, acceptable aussi pour les camions de salon. Cette gamme complète de lampes DEL présente des solutions pour un nombre toujours croissant d’applications à usage industriel. Aussi bien que les éclairages d’arrêt, de clignotant, et d’arrière, la gamme a la capacité de modifier presque toutes les remorques en utilisant des prises normales de l’industrie. Tous les DEL Signal Stat dépassent les exigences légales, ont une gamme

compréhensive de diodes multiples et sont garantis deux ans. Ils ont les avantages suivants: ils utilisent des accessoires et des trous de montages normaux; ils se modifient facilement en utlisant des prises normales; ils sont résistants aux chocs et aux vibrations; leurs pièces électroniques sont scellées à l’intérieur d’une résine d’époxyde pour mieux résister à la corrosion et à l’humidité et pour consommer moins de courant pour ne pas en réduire la quantité disponible

aux autres fonctions du véhicule. Ceci prolonge la vie de l’alternateur. Pour obtenir une copie de la nouvelle brochure Signal-Stat Produit DEL, veuillez vous adresser par courriel à corporate@ truck-lite.com ou visiter le site web de Truck-Lite à www.truck-lite.com Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter Sherry White, Marketing Communications & Services au 1-800562-5012 ou par courriel à swhite@truck-lite. com.


March 2010    23


brandon RCB Truck & Trailer Ltd. 5600 Richmond Ave. E. Brandon, MB, R7A 7L5 Tel: 204.727.4850 Fax: 204.254.4702 Email: rcbt2@mts.net Contact: Rick Blaine

winnipeg Traction 200 Oak Point Highway Winnipeg, MB, R2R 1V1 Tel: 204.956.9490 Fax: 204.949.9493 Email: lross@uapinc.com Contact: Louise Ross Saskatchewan

meadow lake Unified Auto Parts Inc. 807-1st Avenue West Meadow Lake, SK, S9X 1N2 Tel: 306.764.4220 Fax: 306.236.3200 Email: mark.napa@sasktel.net Contact: Mark Krasicki

moose jaw Golden West Trailer & Equipment Ltd. 1802 Stadacona West Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 4N8 Tel: 306.692.7402 Fax: 306.694.0607 Email: timgoldenwesttrailer@ sasktel.net Contact: Tim Trafford

prince albert Unified Auto Parts Inc. 365-36th Street West Prince Albert, SK S6V 7L4 Tel: 306.764.4220 Fax: 306.763.7988 Email: mark.napa@sasktel.net Contact: Mark Krasicki





Box 1276 Brooks, AB T1R 1C1 Tel: 403.501.5551 Fax: 403.501.5665 Email: bnapa@telus.net Contact: Brian Sieble

Delta Mike Holdings Ltd.

JD Truck Parts

5205-65th Street Lloydminster, AB, T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712 Fax: 780.875.4039 Email: peter@truck-zone.com Contact: Peter Parkinson

105 Adams Road Kelowna, BC, V1X 7R1 Tel: 250.765.7738 Fax: 250.765.7705 Email: kelownatraction@shawbiz.ca Contact: Rick Viens

114-314 Old Airport Road Yellowknife, NT, X1A 3T2 Tel: 867.669.6272 Fax: 867.669.6282 Email: yknapa@ssimicro.com Contact: Doug Moodie

790 - 10th Street, Hanover, ON N4N 1S2 Tel: 519.364.1848 Fax: 519.364.7738 Contact: Brad Wedow Email: jdtruck@wightman.ca

medicine hat

prince george



564-2nd Avenue Prince George, BC, V2L 2Z9 Tel: 250.563.7778 Fax: 250.563.4994 Email: kcarter@napacanada.com Contact: Kevin Carter


NAPA Auto Parts

calgary Traction

Unit #82-5329-72nd Ave. S.E. Calgary, AB, T2C 4X6 Tel: 403.279.2870 Fax: 403.279.4372 Email: pjoseph@uapinc.com Contact: Pat Joseph


Traction Head Office 18532-116th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 2W8 Tel: 780.489.7555 Fax: 780.481.0148 Email: robrien@uapinc.com Contact: Richard O’Brien

edmonton north west Traction

18051-111th Avenue Edmonton NW, AB T5S 2P2 Tel: 780.444.4334 Fax: 780.444.7204 Email: rdodds@uapinc.com Contact: Rob Dodds

edmonton south Traction

3404-78th Avenue Edmonton South, AB, T6B 2X9 Tel: 780.465.8010 Fax: 780.466.4627 Email: kjohnson@uapinc.com Contact: Kevin Johnson


NAPA Auto Parts 4657A


4833-2nd Avenue Edson, AB, T7E 1T8 Tel: 780.712.4152 Fax: 780.712.4212 Email: kpero@napacanada.com Contact: Kris Pero


fort mcmurray

405 Park St. Regina, SK, S4N 5B2 Tel: 306.721.8333 Fax: 306.721.4446 Email: mdevers@uapinc.com Contact: Max Devers

saskatoon Traction #2, 2915 Faithfull Avenue Saskatoon, SK, S7K 8E8 Tel: 306.244.9877 Fax: 306.244.9878 Email: jstinson@uapinc.com Contact: Jeff Stinson

swift current Brake & Drive Ltd. 1511 Cheadle St. W. Swift Current, SK S9H 5G4 Tel: 306.773.7293 Fax: 306.773.5511 Email: brakeanddrive@sasktel.net Contact: Bruce Borden 24    March 2010

Paramount Parts Inc.

10012 Centennial Drive Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4A2 Tel: 780.791.3000 Fax: 780.790.0365 Email: busick@napacanada.com Contact: Brent Usick

grande prairie Traction

#4 16101-101 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0P2 Tel: 780.538.3038 Fax: 780.538.3398 Email: hharmsen@uapinc.com Contact: Harold Harmsen


NAPA Auto Parts 4236A 120 North Street Hinton, AB, T7V 1S8 Tel: 780.865.8800 Fax: 780.865.7628 Email: gireland@napacanada.com Contact: Gord Ireland

Truck Zone

Hydraco Industries Ltd. 2110-9th Avenue S.W. Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G8 Tel: 403.526.2244 Fax: 403.526.1074 Email: jkaramanos@hydraco.com Contact: John Karamanos

peace river Peace Truck & Trailer Ltd. 9103-75th Street Peace River, AB, T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8566 Fax: 780.624.8592 Email: pttrh@telus.net Contact: Rene Houle

British Columbia

NW territories





Central Valley Truck Service Ltd


quesnel G & N Holdings Ltd. 1185 Hwy 97 North Quesnel, BC, V2J 2Y3 Tel: 250.991.0650 Fax: 250.991.0620 Email: nbiller@napacanada.com Contact: Nick Biller


red deer

Ridgeline HD Parts Ltd.


9880 McGrath Road Rosedale, BC V0X 1X0 Tel: 604.794.7078 Fax: 604.794.0099 Email: jfast@tycrop.ca Contact: Joel Fast

8045 Edgar Industrial Cr. Red Deer, AB, T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.342.7884 Fax: 403.342.7377 Email: rcain@uapinc.com Contact: Ron Cain

rocky mountain house NAPA #6260 4528F-47th Avenue Rocky Mtn House, AB, T4T 0A9 Tel: 403.845.2709 Fax: 403.845.2786 Email: dauld@napacanada.com Contact: Dave Auld British Columbia

burns lake Polar Park Automotive 831 Hwy 16 West Burns Lake, BC, V0J 1E0 Tel: 250.692.7501 Fax: 250.692.7985 Email: kebrown@napacanada.com Contact: Keith Brown

Fort Nelson Traction CHR-ACK Ventures 4704-48th Avenue, Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.3273 Fax: 250.774.3274 Email: colleen@chr-ack.com Contact: John & Colleen Reynolds

kamloops Pineridge Trailer & Equipment Ltd. 1875 Kryczka Place, Kamloops, BC, V1S 1S4 Tel: 250.374.3100 Fax: 250.374.0631 Contact: Fred Daku


Traction Ontario Head Office 6895 Menway Court, Mississauga, ON L5S 1W2 Tel: 905.612.0032 or 905.672.3288 Fax: 905.612.8572 Email: robrien@uapinc.com Web: www.uapinc.com

bancroft M&M Gas Diesel & Truck Parts 27523 Highway 62 South, Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0 Tel: 613.332.5474 Fax: 613.332.5998

barrie 255 Saunders Road, Barrie, ON L4N 9A3 Tel: 705.792.1371 Fax: 705.792.1591 Contact: Jason Nelson Email: jnelson@uapinc.com

Smithers Parts & Service


3465 Victoria Drive Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287 Fax: 250.847.5038 Email: dansps@telus.net Contact: Dan Groot

Quinte Truck & Trailer Parts

squamish Triton Auto & Ind. Ltd. 1003 Industrial Way Squamish, BC, V0N 3G0 Tel: 604.892.5951 Fax: 604.892.3986 Email: info@tritonindustries.ca Contact: Mike Bothroyd


Trailine Trailer Parts Ltd. 10304A - 120th Street, Surrey, BC V3V 4G1 Tel: 604.582.4888 Fax: 604.582.4880 Email: trailine@telus.net Contact: Steve Knowlan

terrace Bow Valley Machine 5107 Keith Avenue Terrace, BC, V8G 1K8 Tel: 250.641.8885 Email: terracetraction@citywest.ca Contact: Steve Leal

williams lake

WL Forestry Supplies Ltd. 675 McKenzie Avenue Williams Lake, BC, V2G 1N9 Tel: 250.392.6699 Fax: 250.392.6644 Email: tgood@napacanada.com Contact: Tom Good

280 Jamison Bone Road, Belleville ON K8N 5B5 Tel: 613.966.6070 Fax: 613.966.0720

bolton Visco Industrial 1 Simpson Road, Bolton, ON L7E 1E4 Tel: 905.857.2071 Fax: 905.857.2070

cambridge 1090 Fountain Street North, Units 12 & 13, Cambridge, ON N3E 1A3 Tel: 519.653.3427 Fax: 519.653.0608 Contact: Jim Curley Email: jcurley@uapinc.com

dryden D & S Auto 495 Government St. P.O. Box 697 Dryden, ON P8N 2Z3 Tel: 807.223.3227 Fax: 807.223.4245 Contact: Dale Green

hamilton 30 Bancroft Street Hamilton, ON L8E 2W5 Tel: 905.561.0932 Fax: 905.561.3280 Contact: Brian Kinzel Email: bkinzel@uapinc.com Email: dgreen@napacanada.com

D & S Auto 1051 Railway St. Kenora, ON P9N 3W8 Tel: 807.468.9894 Fax: 807.468.8436 Contact: Dale Green Email: dgreen@napacanada.com

london 2405 Scanlan Street, London, ON N5W 6G9 Tel: 519.455.3440 Fax: 519.455.2812 Contact: Derek Dutt Email: ddutt@uapinc.com

maidstone 3725 Webster Dr. RR #3 Maidstone, ON N0R 1K0 Tel: 519.737.7995 Fax: 519.737.7741

mississauga 5915 Atlantic Drive, Units 6 & 7 Mississauga, ON L4W 1S4 Tel: 905.670.2868 Fax: 905.670.9757 Contact: Doug Paddock Email: dpaddock@uapinc.com

north bay Service 1 Mufflers & More 2621 Trout Lake Rd North Bay, ON P1B 7S8 Tel : (705) 497-0404 Fax: (705) 497-9543

sault ste. marie 380 Industrial Park Crescent, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 5Y8 Tel: 705.759.8042 Fax: 705.759.2962 Contact: Maurice Saindon Email: msaindon@uapinc.com

st. catharines Nick’s Truck Parts 244 Dunkirk Road, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7K6 Tel: 905.687.7031 Fax: 905.687.7129

sudbury Sudbury Truck & Trailer Inc 510 Whissell Avenue, Sudbury, ON P3B 2Z3 Tel: 705.673.3613 Fax: 705.673.4411 Contact: Cheryl Schroeder

whitby 1751 Wentworth Street West, Units 3-6, Whitby, ON L1N 8R9 Tel: 905.432.2785 Fax: 905.571.5436 Contact: Paul MacLean Email: pmaclean@uapinc.om


Alberta Contact: Ken Mitchell

Alberta Contact: Larry Ackerman

British Columbia







grande prairie

RCB Truck & Trailer Ltd.


Bradvin Trailer Sales Ltd.

Partco Truck Parts & Service

A-1 Paul’s Trailer Repair

Voth Sales & Service

Parent Mechanical Services

Box 1187 West Road Industrial Park Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Tel: 403.638.3414 Fax: 403.638.4232 Email: s.lausen@airenet.com Contact: Daryl Peters or Scott Lausen

19415-94th Avenue Surrey, BC V4N 4E6 Tel: 604.882.8627 Email: a1parts@telus.net Contact: Brent Cross

10816 Plank Road 19, Eden, ON N0J 1H0 Tel: 519.866.3459 Fax: 519.866.3572 Contact: Frank Voth

53 Brunell Road North, Kapuskasing, ON P5N 2M1 Tel: 705.335.3617 Fax: 705.337.6880



Ray & Doris Truck Parts


Ken Lapain & Son Ltd

106 Hamel Avenue, Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Tel: 807.876.2687 Fax: 807.876.2570

5600 Richmond Ave. E. Brandon, MB, R7A 7L5 Tel: 204.727.4850 Fax: 204.254.4702 Email: rcbt2@mts.net Contact: Rick Blaine

winnipeg Zirino’s Auto Truck & Trailer Service Ltd.

10920-87th Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8K4 Tel: 780.539.6260 Fax: 780.539.4247 Email: bwillsey@bradvin.com Contact: Brad Willsey

high prairie High Prairie Truck & Trailer

3165 McGillivray Blvd. Winnipeg MB, R3Y 1G5 Tel: 204.275.8038 Fax: 204-275-7759 Email: joez@zirinos.com Contact: Joe Zirino

Box 1388, High Prairie, AB, T0G 1E0 Tel: 780.523.4777 Fax: 780.523.4773 Email: jchptt@telus.net Contact: Crosby Rich


Truck Zone


5205-65th Street Lloydminster, AB, T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712 Fax: 780.875.4039 Email: peter@truck-zone.com Contact: Peter Parkinson

A-Line Frame & Alignment 3246 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5Y2 Tel: 306.931.6612 Fax: 306.931.6615 Email: stan.aline@sasktel.net Contact: Stan & Fred Neudorf Alberta

Calgary South Side Frame & Alignment Company Ltd. 433 – 58th Avenue SE, Calgary, AB T2H 0P5 Tel: 403.253.2337

edmonton McCoy Service Centre West 17303-114th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 2R9 Tel: 780.453.8706 Fax: 780.453.8758 Email: djabs@mccoycorporation.ca Contact: Darnell Jabs

McCoy Service Centre South 3904-78th Avenue Edmonton, AB T6B 2W4 Tel: 780.468.1471 Fax: 780-780.440.1394 kmitchell@mccoycorporation.ca


British Columbia

chilliwack Lickman Truck & Trailer 25, 43915 Industrial Way Chilliwack, BC V2R 3A9 Tel: 604.793.9660 Fax: 604.793.9620 lickmantruckandtrailer@shaw.ca Contact: Dave Easson or Wayne Cromarty

Simcoe Truck & Trailer Ltd 630 Welham Road, Barrie, ON L4N 8Z8 Tel: 705.728.8222 Fax: 705.728.9855

goulais river

Pioneer Spring & Alignment

Goulais River Truck & Tractor

Bolton Truck & Trailer

90 Highway 552 East, Goulais River ON P0S 1E0 Tel: 705.649.4788 Fax: 705.649.4754

260 Hawn Rd., P O Box 1088, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Tel: 705.647.8707 Fax: 705.647.9362

1 Simpson Road , Bolton, ON L7E 1E4 Tel: 905.951.9111 Fax: 905.951.9113


medicine hat

CHR-ACK Ventures Ltd.

Delta Spring & Chassis

Hydraco Industries Ltd.

4704-49th Avenue Fort Nelson, BC, V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.3273 Fax: 250.774.3274 Email: colleen@chr-ack.com Contact:John & Colleen Reynolds

PEACE RIVER Peace Truck & Trailer 9103-75th Street Peace River, AB T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8566 Fax: 780.624.8592 Email: pttrh@telus.net Contact: Rene Houle

Prince George Total Truck & Equipment Ltd. 9122 Rock Island Road, Prince George, BC V2N 5T4 Tel: 250.564.6763 Email: totaltruck@telus.net Contact: Mark Forbes


red deer

Smithers Parts & Service

McCoy Service Centre

3465 Victoria Drive Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287 Fax: 250.847.5038 Email: dansps@telus.net Contact: Dan Groot

4841-78th Street Red Deer, AB, T4P 1N5 Tel: 403.343.8771 Fax: 403.340.0888 lackerman@mccoycorporation.ca

new liskeard


fort nelson

2110-9th Avenue S.W. Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G8 Tel: 403.526.2244 Fax: 403.526.1074 Email: jkaramanos@hydraco.com Contact: John Karamanos

2119 County Road 15, Essex, ON N8M 2X6 Tel: 519.776.6473 Fax: 519.776.6475


232 Woolwich Street, Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519.648.2119

caistor center Pyett Spring & Alignment 9381 Silver Street, R.R. 2, Caistor Center, ON L0R 1E0 Tel: 905.957.7033 Fax: 905.957.0808

Caledonia Oneida Truck & Trailer 634 Fourth Line, Caledonia, ON N3W 2B3 Tel: 905.765.5011

hamilton Barton Truck Centre Ltd. 483-487 Rennie Street, Hamilton, ON L8H 3P6 Tel: 905.544.2626 Fax: 905.544.0747

hanover Hwy 4 Truck Service #

R R #1, Hanover, ON N4N 3B8 Tel: 519.369.5052 Fax: 519.369.5961

hearst Serge G & D Repair Inc. P O Box 1706, Hearst, ON P0L 1N0 Tel: 705.362.5633 Fax: 705.362.7960



North Keele Auto, Truck & Trailer Repair

Muskoka Truck Centre

3915 Keele Street, Downsview, ON M3J 1N6 Tel: 416.638.5963 Fax: 416.638.5964

88 Madill Church Road, Huntsville, ON P1H 2J2 Tel: 705.789.8600 Fax: 705.789.9584 Toll: 866.353.3009

oakville K.I.D. Truck & Trailer Service 1090 South Service Rd., Unit A, Oakville, ON L6J 2X8 Tel: 905.842.2942 Fax: 905.338.5600

ottawa Ottawa Trailer Repair Inc. 2020 Bantree Street, Ottawa, ON K1B 5A4 Tel: 613.741.0878 Fax: 613.741.0245

sudbury Sudbury Truck & Trailer 510 Whissell Avenue Sudbury, ON P3B 2Z3 Tel: 705.673.3613 Fax: 705.673.4411 Contact: Dennis Monticelli


Mobile Mechanical Services 11769 Hwy 364, P O Box 309, Verner, ON P0H 2M0 Tel: 705.594.1319 Fax: 705.594.1548

Provincial Trailer Rentals

New VP of Sales Development


rovincial Trailer Rentals is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Diamantopoulos as Vice President of Sales Dev e l o p m e n t . Wo r k i n g closely with regional Vice Presidents Steve Nash (Ontario), Richard Harvey (Eastern) and Craig Goodmurphy (Western),

Mark will play a key role in developing solutions that integrate the full scope of the company’s services with select accounts across Canada. Mark brings 15 years of sales management and industry experience to the PTR team and most recently held the position of VP Sales and Marketing at

Wabash Trailers Canada. Mark is on the Board of Directors for the Hamilton Traffic Club, is a sports enthusiast and keeps active as a coach with his son’s hockey team, lacrosse and golf activities. He resides in Milton with his wife Shelly and their 2 children. Provincial Trailer Rentals

has expanded exponentially since its purchase by Vancouver based Lions Gate Trailers in 2006. With a network of 22 locations, they are the largest trailer rental, leasing and service business in Canada. Providing a broad range of equipment types, they serve customers’ needs including highway and city

semi-trailer vans, refrigerated and heated vans, flatbeds and container chassis as well as storage vans and containers. Full service maintenance is available for customers’ trailers in selected cities throughout their network. For more information on the company visit their website at ptr.ca.


March 2010    25

The Products & Services Directory is your direct route to professional companies serving your local trucking market across Canada. Include your company in the directory by contacting Barb Woodward by phone at 877.225.2232, fax at 613.476.5959, email at barb@woodwardpublishing.com or mail at 259 Salmon Point Road, R.R. #1, Cherry Valley ON K0K 1P0. Visit us online at www.woodwardpublishing.com. accounting, tax & bookkeeping

Air Conditioning & Heating: Sales & Service

automated Lubrication systems

S.E.T.I. Imports Inc. Accounts & Records Management Bookkeeping For Your Business & Personal Finances Toll Free Tel: 888.644.2333


It’s All About Numbers 1017 Jordan Road, Cardinal, ON K0E 1E0 Diagonally across from the 730 Truck Stop Tel: 613.340.8409 Fax: 888.818.4964 admin@itsallaboutnumbers.com www.itsallaboutnumbers.com Summer hours by appointment only


Wilson Instruments Ltd. 43 Crowe Bay Heights, R.R. 32, Box 9, Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 Tel: 705.653.2403 Fax: 705.653-5560 Email: wilsoninstruments@sympatico.ca

Air Brake Training for Mechanics

California Sunshine Aluminium Polishing

Beka Lube Products Inc. 2830 Argentia Road, Unit 9, Mississauga, ON L5N 8G4 Toll Free Tel: 888.862.7461 Tel: 905.821.1050 Fax: 905.858.0597 Email: info@beka-lube.com Web: www.beka-lube.com “Technology you can rely on.”


CPL Systems Canada Inc. Freinmeister Group Inc. 6 Farnham Crescent, London, ON N6K 1K1 Tel: 519.641.6770 Fax: 519.641.6046 Email: ron@freinmeister.com Web: www.freinmeister.com Air Conditioning & Heating: Sales & Service

Corporate Office 8450 Lawson Road, Unit #5, Milton, ON L9T 0J8 Tel: 905.875.1017 Fax: 905.875.2125 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.1760 Email: sales@cplsystems.com Web: www.cplsystems.com or www.groeneveld-group.com


Flo Components Ltd. Hammond Air Conditioning Ltd. 125 Samnah Crescent Ingersoll, ON N5C 3J7 Tel: 519.485.5961 Email: sales@hammondac.com Web: www.hammondac.com 26    March 2010

collection agencies

50 Admiral Blvd., Mississauga, ON L5T 2W1 Tel: 905.671.2355 Fax: 905.671.2358 Toll Free: 800.668.5458 Email: sales@flocomponents.com Website: www.flocomponents.com

(A Division of SKF Canada Ltd.) 4380 South Service Road, #17 Burlington, ON L7L 5Y6 Tel: 905.631.1821 Fax; 905.631.1787 Toll Free: 800.207. 5823 (LUBE) Email: marketing@skf.ca Web: www.skf.ca “Greasing on the Go!” buildings - all steel pre-engineered

compliance services

120 Vintage Crescent Kitchener, ON N2P 1L2 Tel: 519.748.4420 mike@transportationsafetycs.ca www.transportationsafetycs.ca Safety Training Offers Profits

Credimax Associates Inc. 824 Victoria Street North, Kitchener, ON N2B 3C1 Call: Vielka Young Tel: 519.578.8800 Ext: 229 Toll Free: 800.579.0220 Ext: 229 Fax: 519.578.8131 Email: vyoung@credimax.ca Web: www.credimax.ca Overdue Accounts Collected throughout Canada & USA since 1980 compliance services

Driver Training

E & B Safety Consulting Inc. Transportation Safety & Compliance Solutions

Consultants: Transportation

SKF Lubrication Solutions

Advocates & lobbyists

2 Cripple Creek Crescent, Stittsville, ON K2S 1T3 Tel: 613.831.1332 Email: Peter_Turner@ thetruckersvoice.ca Web: www.thetruckersvoice.ca


Resurfacing all types of flywheels and repairing lugs. A good line of clutch related components including clutch brakes, clutch forks, drive lugs, release bearings, pilot bushings/bearings, master/ slave cylinders, flywheels and alignment tools.

Aluminium Polishing

888B Wallbridge-Loyalist Road, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Tel: 613.336.1496 or 613.967.6211 Web: Transport Financial Services Specializing in the trucking industry www.CaliforniaSunshine01.webs.com “Get the Shine you Deserve” since 1974 Toll Free: 800.461.5970 automated Email: info@tfsgroup.com Lubrication systems Web: www.tfsgroup.com “We Make Trucking Less Taxing”

The Trucker’s Voice

81 Tremaine Road Milton, ON L9T 2W8 Tel: 905.878.7161 Fax: 905.878.7730 Email: info@seti-imports.com Web: www.autogreaser.com or www.seti-imports.com

clutch products

Travel Centre of America, 535 Mill Street, Unit 104, Woodstock, ON N4S 7V6 Tel: 519.537.2002 Fax: 519.537.7499 Email: sandy@ebsafetyconsulting.com Web: www.ebsafetyconsulting.com Taking the guesswork out of compliance Truck Drug &&Alcohol tRAILER rEPAIRS Testing

Stateside Transportation Consultants Inc.

DriverCheck Inc.

United Driver Services Inc.

Emergency Road Services of Canada Inc.

1 Manley Street, 6705 Tomken Road, Suite 219, Ayr, Ontario N0B 1E0 Tel: 519.632.9371 Mississauga, ON L5T 2J6 Toll Free Tel: 800.463.4310 Toll Free Tel: 800.401.9138 Ext. 1 Fax: 519.632.9534 Toll Free Fax: 888.795.2258 WNoftle@statesideconsulting.com Email: drivercheck@drivercheck.ca Web: www.drivercheck.ca www.statesideconsulting.com Worried about substance misuse & With over 30 years experience in the abuse in your workplace? Transportation & Insurance Industry! Emergency Road driver leasing Services

A-Z Technical Building Systems Inc 299 Mill Rd. Unit 1510 Etobicoke, ON M9C 4V9 Tel: 416.626.1794 Toll Free Tel: 877.743.5888 Fax: 416.626.5512 Email: a-ztech@sympatico.ca Web: www.a-ztech.on.ca cargo control products

E&B Safety Consulting Travel Centre of America, 535 Mill Street, Unit 104, Woodstock, ON N4S 7V6 Tel: 519.537.2002 Fax: 519.537.7499 Email: sandy@ebsafetyconsulting.com Web: www.ebsafetyconsulting.com Taking the guesswork out of compliance

••• Mover’s Equipment & Supplies 6176 Atlantic Drive Mississauga, ON L4C 1W2 Tel: 905.670.4488 Toll Free Tel: 800.668.3773 Fax: 905.670.2748 Email: info@movers3.com www.movers3.com clutch products

Fil-Mor Automotive & Clutch Products Ltd.

170 Brockport Drive, Suite 203A Etobicoke, ON M9W 5C8 Tel: 416.675.2141 Fax: 416.675.9643 Toll Free Tel: 800.682.7024 Email: admin@uds.ca Web: www.uds.ca driver services, recruitment & employment

3413 Wolfedale Road, Suite 5, Mississauga, ON L5C 1Z8 Tel: 905.277.2377 Fax: 905.277.2378 Email: info@ersofcanada.com Web: www.ersofcanada.com factoring, finance & foreign exchange

ICC The Compliance Center Inc. 205 Matheson Blvd. E., Unit 7, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X8 Tel: 905.890.7228 Fax: 905.890.7070 Toll Free: 888.977.4834 Email: sales@thecompliancecenter.com Web: www.thecompliancecenter.com Dangerous Goods Supplies & Services


81 Northline Road, Toronto, ON M4B 3E9 Tel: 416.759.2245 Fax: 416.759-5890 Integrated Training Resources Toll Free Tel: 1.800.677.9038 P O Box 402, 8230 Lawson Road, Fil-Mor Automotive is a proud Milton, ON L9T 4Y9 Canadian remanufacturer of quality Tel: 905.693.0660 Heavy Duty & automotive clutches Fax: 905.693.0332 since 1980. Toll Free Tel: 888.812.0099 Fil-Mor Automotive specialize in heavy duty & custom made clutches info@integratedtrainingresources.ca www.integratedtrainingresources.ca including our own

Drakkar Human Resources 1131 Derry Road East, Mississauga, ON L5T 1P3 Tel: 905.795.1397 Toll Free Tel: 877.372.5527 Fax: 905.795.1391 Email: mississaugaresumes@drakkar.ca Web: www.drakkar.ca


J D Factors 5975 Whittle Road, #110 Mississauga, ON L4Z 3N1 Tel: 905.501.5000 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.0664 Fax: 905.501.0395 Email: canadasales@jdfactors.com


Liquid Capital Liquid Capital Midwest Corp. TPI Driver Services 1090 Dundas St. E., Suite 203, Mississauga, ON L4Y 2B8 Tel: 905.566.0922 Toll Free Tel: 888.650.4874 Fax: 905.566.0925 Web: www.tpipersonnel.com

176 Seacliff Drive West, Leamington, ON N8H3Y5 Tel: 519. 419.5044 Toll Free Tel: 877.653.9426 Fax: 519.326.4047 riacobelli@liquidcapitalcorp.com www.liquidcapitalmidwest.com “Large Account Service” to small fleet & start-up companies.


Multi-Line Fastener Supply Co. Ltd. 1100 Courtneypark Drive East, Unit 5, Mississauga, ON L5T 1L7 Tel: 905.677.5088 Fax: 905.677.4917 Web: www.multilinefasteners.com Serving Fastener Needs for Industrial, Automotive & Maintenance Trades Filters

fuel solutions provider

4Refuel Canada Ltd. 231 Oak Park Blvd., Oakville, ON L6H 7S8 Tel: 905.501.0922 Toll Free Tel: 888.473.3835 Fax: 905.257.2580 Web: www.4refuel.com insurance brokers

insurance brokers

Cowan Insurance Group 705 Fountain St. N., P.O. Box 1510 Cambridge, ON N1R 5T2 Tel: 519.578.6030 Toll Free Tel: 877.578.6030 Ext. 41378 Email: joe.pollard@cowangroup.ca www.cowangroup.ca/transport

••• Donaldson Company P O Box 1299 Minneapolis, MN 55440-1299 USA Tel: 952.887.3699 Fax: 952.887.3716 Toll Free Tel: 800.374.1374 Email: engineserviceparts@ donaldson.com Web: www.donaldson-filters.com Financial adviser

Dalton Timmis Insurance Group Allen Insurance Group P O Box 189, 45 Dominion Street, Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 Toll Free Tel: 877.924.2632 Fax: 705.924.3385 Email: info@alleninsurance.ca Web: www.alleninsurance.ca


Bakkar Financial Limited 132 Franciscus Street R.R.#1 Waterloo,ON N2J 4G8 Tel: 519.885.1449 Cell: 519.497.8073 Email: dennisbakker@sympatico.ca “The Financial Help for Truckers” fleet management & litigation support

21 Lake Street, Ste. 2101 Wrentham, MA 02093-1214 Tel: 508.384.9021 Cell: 508.397.7169 Fax: 508.384.9010 Email: dws@darrystuart.com Web: www.darrystuart.com Web: www.ecmteam.com Fleet Management & Litigation Support for the Trucking Industry.

Baird MacGregor Insurance Brokers LP 825 Queen Street East, Toronto, ON M4M 1H8 Tel: 416.778.8000 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.3030 Fax: 416.778.4492 Email: lgarofalo@bairdmacgregor.com Web: www. bairdmacgregor.com

Baizana Insurance Brokers 806 Greenbank Road Ottawa, ON K2J 1A2 Tel: 613.825.5575 Fax: 613.825.5624 Toll Free: 877.791.1682 Email: info@baizanainsurance.com Web: www.baizanainsurance.com


fuel additives & lubricants

Bennetts Power Service Products P.O. Box 51016, RPO Tyndall Park Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 Tel: 204.694.1777 Toll Free Tel: 877.778.4440 Fax: 204.633.0133 Email: gbennett@powerservice.ca Web: www.powerservice.ca fuel improvement products

B.D. Enterprises 2160 Windsor Way Toll Free Tel: 877.898.1733 Fax: 905.820.1733 Email: bskakie1661@rogers.com Web: wwwtrucking4green.com “The Green Titan Generator”

••• Dalton Timmis Insurance Group

••• DWS Fleet Management Services

35 Stone Church Road, Ancaster, ON L9K 1S5 Tel: 905.648.3922 Tol Free Tel: 888.385.8466 Fax: 905.648.2640 Email info@daltontimmis.com Web: www.daltontimmis.com The Perfect Fit for your trucking insurance needs.

14-600 Crowfoot Cres., NW Calgary, AB T3G 0B4 Tel: 403.241.2288 Tol Free Tel: 866.472.0721 Fax: 866.399.3177 Email info@daltontimmis.com Web: www.daltontimmis.com The Perfect Fit for your trucking insurance needs.


Erb & Erb Insurance Brokers Ltd. 30 Queen Street North, Kitchener, ON N2H 6N2 Tel: 519.579.4270 Fax: 519.741.1977 Toll Free: 800.265.2634 Email: cbunn@erb-erb.com or info@erb-erb.com Website: www.erb-erb.com What you want to protect the most.. We protect the best!

••• Bryson & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd. Bryson Insurance & Financial Services Ltd. Tol Free: 800.661.5196 Fax: 905.426.4959 Email: jscheetz@bryson-insurance.com www.bryson-insurance.com “For All Your Trucking Insurance Needs” Transportation Insurance, Fleet Safety Management Services, Bonds, Health, Drug, Dental, Life & Disability Insurance. “Same Day Quotes up to 10 units”

insurance brokers


Wakefield Canada Inc. Hubbard Insurance Brokers Transportation Insurance Specialists 135 Matheson Blvd. W., Suite 202, Mississauga, ON L5R 3L1 Tel: 905.712.4668 Toll Free Tel: 800.900.2009 Fax: 905.712.3586 Email: john@hubbardinsurance.com www.hubbardinsurance.com or www.hubbardinsurance.com/ transport.html Service with a “Passion for Excellence”. No Excuses. Just Superior Performance.

3620 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, ON M8W 1P2 Tel: 416.252.5511 ext 4449 Toll Free Tel: 800.268.5339 Fax: 416 252.7315 Email: mpagnanelli@wakefieldcanada.ca Web: www.castrol.ca Castrol HD creates products that deliver superior performance and greater reliability with the goal of reducing customer operating costs.

••• Rainbow Insurance Brokers Inc 958 Road 2 East Kingsville, ON N9Y 2E4 Tel: 519.733.3268 Fax: 519.733.3282 Email: trishd@xplornet.com www.rainbowinsurancebrokers.com

8 Loyalist Drive, Unit #2, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0 Tel: 613 475 3334 Tol Free Tel: 800.465.0449 Fax: 613.475.4480



The Mortgage Centre

Lucas Oil Products 4060B Sladeview Crescent Mississauga, ON L5L 5Y5 Toll Free Tel: 888.878.6973 Fax: 905.814.9836 Email: info@lucasoil.ca Web: www.lucasoil.ca “Keep that Engine Alive!”


kingsway general insurance authorized brokers

RP Oil Limited Canadian Insurance Brokers Inc. 1 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 415, Toronto, ON M4P 3Z1 Tel: 416.486.0951 Fax: 416.489.5311 Email: jasonj@cibi.ca Web: www.cibi.ca

HUB International Ontario Ltd


Brampton, ON L6R 2E8 Tel: 905.494.0255 Fax: 905.494.0655 Email:checkerboard@sympatico.ca Web:www.blindspots.ca “Driver’s Dream” Safety Convex Mirrors wipe out blind spots on vehicles & eqiupment.”

Hutchinson Fuels

200 Matheson Blvd., Ste 100 Mississauga, ON L5R 3L7 Tel: 416.748.9992 Toll Free Tel: 800.236.5810 Fax: 416.748.9994 Email: lina.d@lmdfinancial.com www.lmd4livingbenefits.com “Your Transportation Specialists”

5656 Bell Harbour Drive, Mississauga, ON L5M 5J3 Tel: 416.520.5527 Toll Free Tel: 866.326.7645 Fax: 905.814.1802 Email: lubedealer@rogers.com Web: www.sinwal.com

Checkerboard Consultants Inc.


LMD Insurance & Wealth Management

Sinwal Enterprises Inc


1111 Burns Street East, Unit 3, Whitby, ON L1N 6A6 Tel: 905.666.2313 Toll Free Tel: 800.335.6623 Fax: 905.666.2761 Email: larryharris@rpoil.com lubricants (synthetic)

lifting equipment & jacks

33 Princess Street, Suite 501 Leamington, ON N8H 5C5 Tel: 519.326.9339 Fax: 519.326.0128 Toll Free Tel: 800.463.4700 Email: dan.mcguire@ hubinternational.com Web: www.hubinternational.com Transportation Insurance

lubricants (synthetic)

9 Holland Street West, Bradford, ON L3Z 2B9 Tel: 905.669.9864 Fax: 905.669.0054 macintosh.k@ themortgagecentre.com IDirect Mortgages Inc. Lic.#10584 An Independent Agent for The Mortgage Centre Network “The mortgage agency to the transportation industry.” oil furnace sales & Service

De-On Supply Inc. R.R. #1, 1595 Lobsinger Road St. Jacobs, ON N2J 4G8 Toll Free Tel: 800.824.4115 Toll Free Fax: 888.626.7843 Email:info@deonsupply.com Web:www.deonsupply.com ON-Board truck Scales

Flyin’ Fisch Synthetic Lubes Canada Powertrain 3833 Nashua Drive, Mississauga, ON L4V 1R3 Tel: 905.677.3522 Toll Free Tel: 800.268.4809 Fax: 905.677.4618 Email: parts@cptparts.com Web: www.cptparts.com

244 Margaret Avenue Kitchener, Ontario, N2H 4J5 Tel: 519.571.9640 Email:amsoil@flyinfisch.ca Web:www.flyinfisch.ca Holger Fischer B.A., Bus. Dip. Independent AMSOIL Dealer #1157508 The First in Synthetics

Vulcan On-Board Scales #11-1642 Langan Ave. Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1K5 Ph: 604.944.1481 Fax: 604.944.1482 Toll Free Tel: 800.663.0854 Web: www.vulcanscales.com March 2010    27

Permits & services

730 Permit Services

Rust Control Products

Krown Corporate

Box 755, 2085 Shanly Road, Cardinal, ON K0E 1E0 Tel: 613.657.1244 Toll Free Tel: 800.410.4754 Fax: 613.657.1453 Email: info@730permitservices.com Web: www.730permitservices.com

245 Creditstone Road Concord, ON L4K 1N6 Tel: 905.738.6191 Fax: 905.738.6190 Toll Free Tel: 1.800.267.5744 Email: info@krown.com Web: www.krown.com



C.U.T.C. Inc. 1295 Carol Crescent, Laval, QC H7W 1G3 Tel: 450.687.8294 Toll Free Tel: 866.927.8294 Fax: 450.687.6963 Email: pvoelker@sympatico.ca Preventative Maintenance Products 1

Pro-Ma Performance Products 6370 Concession #6 South Amherstburg, ON N9V 2Y8 Tel: 519.796.5919 Toll Free Tel: 866.284.7851 Fax: 519.736.9436 Email: scottatproma@yahoo.ca www.promaperformanceproducts.com Pressure Washers

Can-Clean Pressure Washers 6790 Davand Drive, Units 13 & 14 Mississauga, ON L5T 2G5 Tel: 905.568.4868 Fax: 905.565.8821 Toll free: 888.568.8001 Email: info@can-clean.com Website: www.can-clean.com RECOVERY SYSTEMS

Boomerang Tracking/LoJack 8010 Chemin Devonshire Mont-Royal, QC H4P 2K3 Toll Free Tel: 877.777.8722 Toll Free Fax: 888.234.8641 info@boomerangtracking.com www.boomerangtracking.com “Global Leader in Vehicle Theft Recovery.” Rust Control Products

tire balancing

Counteract Balancing Beads 13029 8th Line Georgetown, ON L7G 4S4 Tel: 905.873.3339 Fax: 905.873.3088 Toll Free Tel: 800.572.8952 Email: info@counteractbalancing.com www.counteractbalancing.com tire Safety: Indicators

Maizis & Miller 109-5405 Eglinton Ave. W. Etobicoke, ON M9C 5K6 Tel: 416.620.5111 Toll Free Tel: 888.620.5111 Fax: 416.620.5216 inquire@maizisandmiller.com www.maizisandmiller.com or www.mechanicshub.com “North America’s largest recruiter for the Heavy Truck & Equipment Industries”.

P.O. Box 129, Starbuck, MB R0G 2P0 Tel: 204.735.3029 Fax: 204.735.2206 Email: skiddd@mts.net Web: www.glowskiddd.com A Safety Feature That Saves You Time & Money!

tarps & tarping systems

tire & wheel service & equipmenT

Aero-Kit Industries 5499 Harvester Road, Burlington, ON L7L 5V4 Tel: 905.335.2012 Toll Free Tel: 800.465.8277 Fax: 905.335.8499 Web: www.aero-kit.com “Keeping You Covered”


Cramaro Tarpaulin Systems 206 Arvin Avenue, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2L8 Tel: 905.662.2757 Toll Free Tel: 800.565.8277 Fax: 905.662.4811 Email: mail@cramarotarps.com Web: www.cramarotarps.com “Cramaro, for all your tarping needs.


Trison Tarps 130 Copernicus Blvd., Brantford, ON N3P 1L9 Tel: 519.720.9464 Toll Free Tel: 866.948.2777 Fax: 519.720.9468 Email: paul@trisontarps.ca Web: www.trisontarps.ca

SKIDDD Wheel Indicator

Duret et Landry Inc. 2250 boul, Industriel, Laval, QC H7S 1P9 Tel: 514.337.7777 Toll Free Tel: 800.663.0814 Fax: 450.663.2688 Email: elandry@duretetlandry.com

Ontario Office Corghi, ON Tel: 416.902.4663 Contact: Thierry Lefebvre Web: www.duretlandry.com

••• Hofmann Balancing Techniques Ltd 6500 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga, ON L5N 2W6 Tel: 905.821.0799 Fax: 905.821.2073 Toll Free Tel: 800.267.2185 Email: info@hofmann.ca or johnvl@hofmann.ca Web: www.hofmann.ca towing services

A Towing Service Ltd. 106 Colborne Street, P.O. Box 1088, Waterloo, ON N0G 2V0 Toll Free Tel: 800.937.7771 Toll Free Fax: 800.563.8078 Email: dwells@cc-coatings.com Web: www.cc-coatings.com 28    March 2010

Lite-Check, LLC 3102 East Trent Avenue Spokane, WA, 92202 Tel: 509.535.7512 Toll Free Tel: 800.343.8579 Fax: 509.535.7680 Email: info@lite-check.com www.lite-check.com

towing services

ABC Towing & Storage

Hansen Towing & Recovery

4421 Harvester Road 236 Rutherford Road South, Burlington, ON L7L 4X1 Brampton, ON L6W 3J6 Tel: 905.631.8248 Fax: 905.631.8175 Tel: 905.459.1011 Toll Free: 866.337-0688 Fax: 905.451.1534 customerservice@abctowing.ca Toll Free Tel: 800.876.7097 Web: www.abctowing.ca Email: hhansen@hansenautow.com Heavy Towing, Recovery & Spill Web: www.hansentowing.com Clean-ups. Your Absolute Best Choice!


Abram’s Towing “Service Across Ontario” Tel: 416.398.2500 Toll Free Tel: 888.667.5438 24 Hour Heavy Towing Web: www.abrams.ca


Action Towing & Recovery


Active Heavy Towing & Recovery 1764 Victoria Street North, Kitchener, ON N2B 3E5 Tel: 519.742.8080 Toll Free Tel: 800.433.3858 Fax: 519.745.5512 Email: linda@activetowing.ca Web: www.activetowing.ca Since 1967 24 Hour Service Kitchener, Cambridge, Guelph


C.A. Towing R.R. #2, 2485 Campbellville Road, Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 Tel: 905.854.0169 Toll Free Tel: 800.363.2209 Fax: 905.854.1282 Email: catowing@bellnet.ca


Gervais Towing & Recovery 1485 Startop Road, Ottawa, ON K1B 3W5 Tel: 613.747.4666 Toll Free Tel: 888.689.2170 Fax: 613.747.8323 Email: info@gervaistowing.com Web: www.gervaistowing.com

89 Sunrise Avenue, GTA, Ontario and USA Tel: 416.656.4000 Fax: 416.656.3065 Toll Free Tel: 800.773.7952 Email: carol@atowing.ca Web: www.atowing.ca Your Complete Towing Service!

trailer manufacturers [ tankers ]

Bedard Tankers Inc.


5785 Place Turcot Montreal, QC H4C 1V9 Tel: 514.937.1670 Fax: 514.937.2190 Email: btinc@aei.ca Web: www.bedardtankers.com Leader in Dry Bulk, Liquid, Liquified Compressed Gas & Cryogenic Road Tanker Trailers

K.B.W. Towing


1 Towns Road, Etobicoke, ON M8Z 1A1 Tel: 416.255.4443 Toll Free Tel: 866.616.6379 Fax: 416.252.2558 Email: edkbw@hotmail.com

Tremcar Inc.

790 Montrichard Ave. St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J2X 5G4 Tel: 450.347.7822 Flatbed Specialists, Heavy & Medium Fax: 450.347.8372 Towing Toll Free Tel: 800.363.2158 ••• Email: tremcar@tremcar.com

P O Box 126, Trenton ON K8V 5R2 Tel: 613.394.4924 Toll Free Tel: 800.551.6151 J P Towing Service & Storage Ltd Fax: 613.394.2428 11 Glen Scarlett Road, Email: action@reach.net Toronto, ON M6N 1P5 Web: www.actiontowing.com Terminals in Bowmanville & Belleville Tel: 416.203.9300


test equipmentbrakes, abs, lights

Corrosion Control Coatings Ltd

towing services

Toll Free Tel: 866.527.8225 Fax: 416.203.9303 Email: sales@jptowing.com Web: www.jptowing.com


Pat Rogers Towing Kingston, Ontario 24 Hour Emergency Service Toll Free Tel: 888.221.7988 Tel: 613.384.2572 Web: www.truckdown.com

••• R. Gowan Towing 3188 Swansea Crescent Ottawa, ON K1G 3W4 Tel: 613.738.0342 Fax: 613.738.0342 Toll Free: 877.844.1521 r.gowan@bellnet.ca Serving the commerical trucking needs in Ottawa and Gatineau. trailer manufacturers

trailer Sales, leasing, rentals & service

Fort Garry Industries Email: trailers@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com/trailers Proud distributors for Lode-King, Midland Manufacturing, Arctic Manufacturing, Landoll, CMIC Container Chassis and more.


GTA Trailer Rentals Inc. Head Office – 36 Cardico Drive, Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Toll Free Tel; 866.482.5311 Fax: 905.888.6061 Email: j.ciciretto@gtatrailer.com Web: www.gtatrailer.com


Provincial Trailer Rentals 1611 Britannia Road East Mississauga, ON L4W 1S5 Tel: 905.670.7077 Toll Free Tel: 800.563.4182 Fax: 905.670.7312 Email: info@provincialtrailers.com Web: www.provincialtrailers.com


Gobbo Towing & Recovery Ltd. 85 Pondhollow Drive, Sudbury, ON P3E 6C1


5238 Hwy. 69 South, Sudbury, ON P3E 4N1 Tel: 705.523.2341 Fax: 705.523.2817 Toll Free: 800.261.4252 Email: gobbotowing@bellnet.ca

Titan Trailers

Smartway Trailer Rentals

1129 Hwy #3, R R #3, Delhi, ON N4B 2W6 Tel: 519.688.4826 Fax: 519.688.6453 Email: info@titantrailers.com Web: www.titantrailers.com

2891 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON L3Z 2A4 Tel: 905.775.6700 Toll Free Tel: 888.747.7667 Fax: 905.775.7250 Email: info@smartwaytrailers.ca Web: www.smartwaytrailers.ca

trailer Sales, leasing, rentals & service

Transportation Training

Transportation Training

Transportation Training

Transportation Training

Truck & Trailer Repairs


492 Mountainash Road, Brampton, ON L6R 0K9 Tel: 416.454.5592 Fax: 905.216.1636

Transit Trailer Ltd. 22217 Bloomfield Rd., R R #6, Chatham, ON N7M 5J6 Tel: 519.354.9944 Toll Free Tel: 877.995.5999 Fax: 519.354.9782 Email: info@transittrailer.com Web: www.transittrailer.com


Adanac Truck Driver Training 595 Middlefield Road, Unit 10, Scarborough, ON M1V 3S2 Tel: 416.754.2222 Toll Free Tel: 877.317.4222 Contact: Rob Campbell Email: adanactruck@primas.ca www.adanactrucktraining.com

Commercial Heavy Equipment Training Wabash Canada 1715 Britannia Road East, Mississauga, ON L4W 2A3 Tel: 905.795.1133 Toll Free Tel: 888.275.2691 Fax: 905.795.1510 Email: markd@wabashcanada.ca Web: www.wabashcanada.ca

2421 Cawthra Road, Mississauga, ON L5A 2W7 Tel: 416.456.2438 Toll Free Tel: 800.297.4322 Fax: 905.281.9637 Contact: Gordon Brown Email: training@chet.ca Web: www.chet.ca

Crossroads Training Academy

49 Truman Road transport companies Barrie, ON L4N 8Y7 Tel: 705.719.2419 Toll Free Tel: 866.446.0057 Fax: 705.719.2438 Contact: Read Conley or Diane Austin read@crossroadstrainingacademy.com Brian Kurtz Trucking Ltd. or diane@ R R #2 , Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 crossroadstrainingacademy.com Tel: 519.836.5821 or crossroadstruc1@bellnet.ca Fax: 519.836.9396 www.crossroadstrainingacademy.com


Carmen Transportation Group 3700 Weston Road, Toronto, ON M9L 2Z4 Tel: 416.667.9700 Fax: 416.667.8272 Email: vince@ carmentransportationgroup.com Web: www. carmentransportationgroup.com


Erb Group of Companies 290 Hamilton Road, New Hamburg, ON N3A 1A2 Tel: 519.662.2710 Fax: 519.662.3316 Toll Free Tel: 800.665.2653 Email: info@erbgroup.com Web: www.erbgroup.com

••• Yanke Group Of Companies 27 Automatic Road, Brampton, ON L6S 5N8 Tel: 905.791.1369 ext 3747 Toll Free Tel: 800.373.6678 Fax: 905.791.1278 Email: donnah@yanke.ca Web: www.yanke.ca

2130062 Ontario Inc. G9 Truck & Trailer Repair

Crossroads Training Academy 888 Walbridge Loyalist Rd., C.R.S. Bldg, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Tel: 613.389.6000 Toll Free Tel: 888.282.6605 Contact: Robert Barclay

Crossroads Training Academy 1525 Centennial Drive, Kingston, ON K7P 2Y7 Tel: 613.389.6000 Toll Free Tel: 888.282.6605 Contact: Robert Barclay

Crossroads Training Academy

Equitrain Systems Ltd. 714976 Oxford Road 4 Box 22082 Woodstock, ON N4S 8Y4 Contact: Dave Williams Tel: 519.537.3300 Toll Free Tel: 866.718.3993 Fax: 519.421.7135 Email: dave@equitrain.ca Web: www.equitrain.ca

Greater Ottawa Truck Training 5 Caesar Avenue Ottawa, ON K2G 0A8 Tel: 613.727.4688 Fax: 613.727.5997 Contact: Shahram Dowlatshahi Email: gott@ greaterottawatrucktraining.com www.greaterottawatrucktraining. com

Jay’s Professional Truck Training Centre

589 Middlefield Road, Unit 11, Scarborough, ON M1V 4Y6 Contact: Jay or Chandrika Tel: 416.299.9638 Fax: 416.609.9814 Email: jaystruck@bellnet.ca Web: www.jaystrucktraining.ca

Modern Training Ontario 308 Kenora Avenue, Hamilton, ON L8E 2W2 Contact: Nick Korakas Tel: 905.573.9675 Toll Free Tel: 866.443.7483 Fax: 905.573.6425 Email: info@moderntraining.com Web: www.moderntraining.com

Northern Academy of Transportation Training 25 Vagnini Court, Lively, ON P3Y 1K8 Contact: Kevin Pattison Tel: 705.692.9222 Toll Free Tel: 800.719.9334 Fax: 705.692.9256 Email: info@northernacademy.ca Web: www.northernacademy.ca

1402-C Star Top Road, Northstar Truck Driving School Ottawa, ON K1B 4V7 1540 Matthew Brady Blvd., Tel: 613.742.7499 Windsor ON N8S 3K6 Toll Free Tel: 866.529.1113 Contact: Robert Labute Contact: Brian Adams or Erica Kelly Tel: 519.967.0444 Email: Brian@ Fax: 519.967.0445 crossroadstrainingacademy.com Email: northstartruck@bellnet.ca www.crossroadstrainingacademy.com www.northstartruckdrivingschool.com

Crossroads Truck Training Academy

NorthWestern Transport Training

10 Maple Street Smiths Falls, ON K7A 1Z5 Tel: 613.742.7499 Fax: 613.742.7899 Toll Free Tel: 866-529-1113 Email: erica@bellnet.ca www.crossroadstrainingacademy.com

195 East Gore Street, Thunder Bay, ON P7E 3R2 Contact: Terry Burke Tel: 807.622.1152 Fax: 807.622.1255 www.northwesternworldwide.com

Danbro Truck Training 505 Kenora Ave., Bldg. 1, Unit 1, Hamilton, ON L8E 3P2 Contact: Brent Nantais Tel: 905.575.7606 Toll Free Tel: 800.273.5867 Fax: 905.388.6699 brent@danbro-training.com #


Ontario Truck Driving School (Chatham) 1005 Richmond Street, Chatham, ON N7M 5J5 Contact: Bill Kent Tel: 519.355.0077 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.4777 Toll Free Fax: 866.800.6837 Email: training@otds.com Web: www.otds.com

Ontario Truck Driving School (London) 427 Exeter Road, London, ON N6E 2Z3 Contact: Bill Kent Tel: 519.858.9338 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.4777 Fax: 519.858.0920 Email: training@otds.com Web: www.otds.com Forklift & Heavy Equipment Training Available

Ontario Truck Driving School (Niagara-on-the-Lake) 281 Queenston Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Contact: Bill Kent (Truck and Bus Course Info) Contact: Wayne Saunders (Heavy Equipment Info) Tel: 905.685.1117 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.4777 Fax: 905.641.0533 Email: training@otds.com Web: www.otds.com

Ontario Truck Driving School (Sarnia) 141 Mitton Street South, Sarnia, ON N7T 3C5 Contact: Bill Kent Tel: 519.332.8778 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.4777 Toll Free Fax: 866.800.6837 Email: training@otds.com Web: www.otds.com

Ontario Truck Driving School (Windsor) 1333 College Avenue, Windsor, ON N9B 1M8 Contact: Bill Kent Tel: 519.258.0333 Toll Free Tel: 866.410.0333 Fax: 519.258.9056 Email: training@otds.com Web: www.otds.com Forklift & Heavy Equipment Training Available

Safety Truck Training School Ltd.

••• New Tech Mobile Services Inc.

4 Wilkinson Road, 2nd Floor Brampton, ON L6T 4M3 Contact: Yogan Sockalingam Tel: 905.793.9546 Fax: 905.793.6426 Email: yogan@safetytruck.com Web: www.safetytruck.com

6749 Second Line, R.R. #4 Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0 Tel: 705.333.2411 Fax: 905.936.2411 newtechmobile@sympatico.ca “Your one stop mobile shop”

Shaun-David Truck Training School

MTT Repair Services Inc.

111 Sherwood Drive, Unit 14, Brantford, ON N3S 6J9 Contact: David Nicholas Tel: 519.720.9349 Toll Free Tel: 866.550.5589 Fax: 519.720.9351 Email: shaundavid@bellnet.ca Web: www.shaundavidtts.com

Tri-County Truck Driver Training 2411 Eagle Street North, Cambridge, ON N3H 4R7 Contact: Richard Wynia Tel: 519.653.1700 Toll Free Tel: 800.265.0400 Fax: 519.653.2442 Email: info@tricountytruck.com Web: www.tricountytruck.com

Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario 27 William Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 5H9 Tel: 905.704.1105 Fax: 905.704.1329 Web: www.ttsao.com

Valley Driver Training 3140 Hwy 69 North, Unit 12, Val-Caron ON P3N 1G3 Contact: Jamie Fitchett Tel: 705.897.8849 Fax: 705.524.7067 valleydrivertraining@hotmail.com

••• 1868 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905.677.2771 Fax: 905.677.2774 Email: info@mttrepair.com


Orillia Premier Truck & Trailer Repair Inc. 300 Matchedash St. S. Orillia,ON L4V 4X3 Tel:705.327.9998 Fax: 705.327.9709 Email: orilliatrucktrailer@bellnet.ca “We specialize in all makes & models of trucks & trailers.”


Supply Line Trailer Service Ltd. 1257 Eglinton Avenue East, Mississauga, ON L4W 1K7 Tel: 905.624.3100 Fax: 905.624.3199 Email: info@supplylinetrailer.ca Web: www.supplylinetrailer.com Tailgate, Pintle Hook, Roller Floor Installations & Trailer Modifications

Truck & Trailer Repairs


Fort Garry Industries

Quality Custom

Training Academy (Oshawa) 199 Wentworth Street East, Oshawa ON L1H 3V6 Contact: Dennis Lagrois Tel: 905.723.1237 Toll Free Tel: 800.753.2284 Fax: 905.723.1245 Email: admin@otta.ca Website: www.otta.ca

Ontario Truck Training Academy 365 Lansdowne Street East, Unit 3, Peterborough, ON K9L 2A3 Tel: 705.743.1888 Toll Free Tel: 800.939.1463 Fax: 705.743.1875 Email: admin@otta.ca Website: www.otta.ca

Robar Training Specialists 701 Powerline Road, Brantford, ON N3R 7X3 Contact: Don Ross Tel: 519.770.3576 Toll Free Tel: 866.231.5885 Fax: 519.770 4559 Email: info@robartraining.com Website: www.robartraining.com

Email: info@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com/parts/ Brake specialists, installations, safeties and a whole lot more.


12 Clarke Blvd. Brampton, ON L6W 1X3 Tel: 905.451.8550 Fax: 905.451.7627 Email: info@qualitycollision.ca Web: www.qualitycustom.ca truck delivery

G.Z.Easy Mobile Service Truck & Trailer Repairs 3170 Kirwin Avenue, Suite 1210, Mississauga ON L5A 3R1 Tel: 647-201-1526 Email: greg.zal@hotmail.com 24 hour Mobile Repair Service, Monday to Thursday, 5 ton full shop mobile unit, on-site all general repairs, battery chargers/boosts, mobile welding, service on scales, serving GTA area, fully licensed, professional mechanic.

Acadian Driveaway 8131 Yonge Street, Ste 207, Thornhill, ON L3T 2C6 Tel: 905.709.8131 Toll Free Tel: 800.668.1879 Fax: 905.709.2527 Email: info@adctoronto.com Web: www.adctoronto.com March 2010    29

truck equipment

truck parts & supplies

truck parts & supplies

truck parts & supplies

truck sales, leasing, parts & service

truck transmissions, differentials & pto’s

Surgenor Truck Centre

Domar Transmission Ltd.

Levy Steering Centre Ltd. Fort Garry Industries Email: truckequip@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com/equipment Sales and NSM certified installations of snow plows, sanders, mixers, dump bodies and more. truck lighting & accessories

Aldo’s Driveline 475 Admiral Blvd., Unit #1 Mississauga, ON L5T 2N1 Tel: 905.670.9105 Fax: 905.670.0618 Toll Free Tel: 800.899.0427 Email: driveline@mtpi.com






Fort Garry Industries 1440 Highland Avenue Brandon MB R7C 1A7 Tel: 204.571.5980 Toll Free: 866.883.6120 Fax: 204.571.5982 Email: brandon@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com


Fort Garry Industries

Fort Garry Industries

10610-82nd Avenue Clairmont AB T0H 0W0 Tel: 780.402.9864 Toll Free: 866.424.5479 Fax: 780.402.8659 Email: grandeprairie@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com

2525 Inskster Blvd. R.R. #2 Stn Main Winnipeg MB R3C 2E6 Tel: 204.632.8261 Toll Free: 800.282.8044 Fax: 204.956.1786 Email: winnipeg@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com Saskatchewan

regina Fort Garry Industries

Grote Industries Co. 230 Travail Road Markham, ON L3S 3J1 Tel: 905.209.9744

1523 Ross Avenue East Regina, SK S4N 7E5 Tel: 306.757.5606 Toll Free: 800.552.8044 Fax: 306.781.7926 Email: regina@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com

Toll Free Tel: 800.268.5612


Fax: 905.209.9757

Fort Garry Industries

Toll Free Fax: 800.267.9024

3455 Miners Avenue P.O. Box 1848 Saskatoon, SK S7K 7K9 Tel: 306.242.3465 Toll Free: 800.772.4599 Fax: 306.933.4850 Email:saskatoon@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com

Email: mark.paul@grote.com Web: www.grote.com


Techspan 3131Pepper Mill Court, Mississauga, ON L5L 4X6 Tel: 905.820.6150 Toll Free Tel: 800.363.1588 Fax: 905.820.6142 Email: sales@techspan.on.ca or service@techspan.biz

Fort Garry Industries 16230-118th Avenue NW Edmonton AB T5V 1C6 Tel: 780.447.4422 Toll Free: 800.663.9366 Fax: 780.447.3289 Email: edmonton@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com


calgary Fort Garry Industries 5350-72nd Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X5 Tel: 403.236.9712 Toll Free: 800.661.3126 Fax: 403.236.7249 Email: calgary@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com

Web: www.techspan.biz/ta

grande prairie

1409 Shawson Drive Mississauga, ON L4W 1C4 Tel: 905.564.1899 Fax: 905.564.1911 Toll Free: 800.565.5389 orderdesk@levysteering.com Web: www.levysteering.com


Shield Truck Accessories P.O. Box 281, Aylmer, ON N5H 2R9 Tel: 519.765.2828 Toll Free Tel: 866.617.0201 Fax: 519.765.2821 hans@shieldtruckaccessories.com www.shieldtruckaccessories.com

red deer 7947 Edgar Industrial Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.343.1383 Toll Free: 866.297.0022 Fax: 403.347.8275 Email: reddeer@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com ontario

Mississauga Fort Garry Industries 731 Gana Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1P2 Tel: 905.564.5404 Toll Free: 888.456.6567 Fax: 905.564.8455 Email: mississauga@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com

ProMiles Canada Inc. 18 Hunt Street, Bowmanville, ON L1C 0A4 Tel: 905.697.4111 Toll: 888.736.4537 (888 Rd Miles) Email: info@promilescanada.com Web: www.promilescanada.com “More Miles for your Money!” truck sales, leasing, parts & service

Gerry’s Truck Centre

915 Walsh Street West Thunder Bay, ON P7E 4X5 Tel: 807.577.5724 Toll Free: 800.465.5044 Fax: 807.475.9033 Email: thunderbay@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com

truck transmissions, differentials & pto’s

C&R Transmission Service Ltd. 13 Anderson Blvd. Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Tel: 905.642.4556 Fax: 905.642.2293 Toll Free: 888.297.0682 Email: manager@crtransmission.com We service clutches also.

Irvine Truck Centre

Canada Powertrain

thunder bay Fort Garry Industries

520 Abilene Drive, Mississauga, ON L5T 2H7 Toll Free Tel: 800.465.0618 Tel: 905.564.5171 Fax: 905.564.5175 Email: LHardy@oktire.com Web: www.oktire.com Over 100 Truck Tire Service Centres Across Canada

4049 Eastgate Cres., London, ON N6L 1B7 Tel: 519.652.2100 Toll Free Tel: 800.363.4380 Fax: 519.652.6593 Email: info@gerrystrucks.com Web: www.gerrystrucks.com “Your Complete Transportation Business Partner”


7537 Woodbine Avenue Markham, ON L3R 2W1 Tel: 905.513.1500 Toll Free Tel: 877.468.7897 Fax: 905.752.0967 Email: sales@irvinechev.com Web: www.irvinetrucks.ca

130 Skyway Avenue, Toronto, ON M9W 4Y9 Tel: 416.675.2268 Toll Free Tel: 800.387.4883 Email: domar@fcibroadband.com When it comes to transmissions… think DOMAR


Mascot Truck Parts

Ontario Regional Office

Fort Garry Industries

Fort Garry Industries

Truck tire sales & service

Truck Route & IFTA Software

lloydminster 5701-63rd Avenue Lloydminster AB T9V 3B8 Tel: 780.875.9115 Toll Free: 800.661.9709 Fax:780.875.1403 Email: lloydminster@fgiltd.ca Web: www.fgiltd.com

261 Binnington Court, Kingston, ON K7M 9H2 Tel: 613.548.1100 Toll Free Tel: 877.548.1101 Fax: 613.548.4990 Email:mgallant@surgenortruck.com Web: www.surgenortruck.com

475 Admiral Blvd., Unit #1 Mississauga, ON L5T 2N1 Tel: 905.670.9100 Fax: 905.670.0618 Toll Free Tel: 800.668.5560 Truck Wire, Cable & Electrical Accessories

Techspan 3131Pepper Mill Court, Mississauga, ON L5L 4X6 Tel: 905.820.6150 Toll Free Tel: 800.363.1588 Fax: 905.820.6142 Email: sales@techspan.on.ca or service@techspan.biz Web: www.techspan.biz/ta Waiver & Pardon Services


3833 Nashua Drive, Mississauga, ON L4V 1R3 Tel: 905.677.3522 Toll Free Tel: 800.268.4809 Fax: 905.677.4618 Email: parts@cptparts.com Web: www.cptparts.com

123 Pardon Me P.O. Box 30216, 123 Rexdale Blvd., Etobicoke, ON M9W 0B1 Tel: 647.895.3322 Email: info@123pardonme.com Web: www.123pardonme.com Stay on the move… apply for your waiver or pardon TODAY!

ATSSA Toronto

Keep Your Vehicle Clean With Krown Products By Barb Woodward


he February meeting was sponsored by Krown Rust Control. Most people know them from their rust control products but they produce other products as well. Paul Kirkup, 30    March 2010

Regional Sales Manager gave an informative presentation on their MR35 Salt Eliminator. This phenomenal product is able to remove far more salt in just a few minutes than other leading truck wash detergents can remove

in hours. It is specifically engineered to combat the key catalysts of corrosion quickly and easily. To find out more about Krown’s products call Paul Kirkup at (800) 2675744, or send an email to pkirkup@sympatico.

ca or visit their website at www.krown.com. The Annual Canadian Fleet Maintenance Seminar has been scheduled a little earlier than in past years. The dates are May 10 th , 11 th and 12 th . The new site is the Hilton

Suites Conference Centre in Markham, Ontario. The topics have been selected and nominations for the Fleet Manager of the Year Award are still being accepted. To book your trade booth or to purchase tickets for the

event contact Brian Sibbald at (905) 564-7278 or for more information visit www.cfmsonline.com. Become an ATS member, contact Guido Groppini, Membership Chairman at 905-5645404.


Making Your Miles Count

Speed limiters & the Liberal Cabinet Shuffle gator and may even be perceived as the savior of conflicts rather than the mastermind. In many trucker’s minds there is no wonder why on January 19 th Dalton

By Robert Scheper


cabinet shuffle is usually a sign of an administrative failure. Political controversies became uncontrollable and overloaded several or all offices. Shuffles (especially drastic ones) express the political leadership’s desire to correct mistakes, or at least to provide a distraction. The incoming minister is not the insti-

McGuinty extricated Jim Bradley from the tainted Ministry of Transportation. Jim and Dave Bradley’s divorce apparently now places the future of Ontario trucking in the hands of Kathleen Wayne. Everyone is waiting to see if Dave Bradley will be writing her legislation as he did Jim’s. Will Kathleen Wayne’s arm be twisted with “strong words” discouraging even punctuation amendments? If Kathleen Wayne is sight-

ed as a future contender for the Provincial Liberal Party, many may ask if she too can be bought. The speed limiter legislation was birthed by “the Bradley’s”. If it doesn’t directly violate NAFTA, at the very least it violated the “spirit” of NAFTA by restricting cross boarder transportation (an act of open aggression in the current economic climate). It may even further reduce Ontario’s GDP by restructuring the Ontario trucking industry to a cross boarder shunting operation. However, the repressive legislation didn’t just offend or inhibit our trading partners. In the process it rejected

Alphabetical List Of Advertisers Advertiser

Page Publication


4 Refuel Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 A&A Truck Exhaust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  Ontario Trucking News Allen Insurance Brokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  Ontario Trucking News


Bennett’s Power Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Boomerang Tracking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19


Canadian Fleet Maintenance Seminar . . . . . . . . 34 Ontario Trucking News Castrol/Wakefield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,36 Ontario Trucking News


Emergency Road Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 40  Western & Eastern Trucking News


Hallmark Insurance Brokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  Ontario Trucking News HT Transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37, 39  Ontario & Western Trucking News


International Truckload Services Inc.. . . . . . . . . 36  Ontario Trucking News


J.D. Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


Levy Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Liquid Capital Midwest Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,13 Ontario Trucking News LMD Insurance & Wealth Management. . . . . . . . 4 Ontario & Eastern Trucking News


Mackie Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Ontario Trucking News


Ontario Truck Training Academy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ontario Trucking News


Stateside Transportation Consultants Inc.. . . . . . 34


The Wheel Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21  Ontario Trucking News Thermo King of Eastern Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  Ontario Trucking News Tiger Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Traction Truck Parts & TruckPro . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  Ontario & Western Trucking News Trison Tarps Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,12


Vehicle Inspection Safety Systems. . . . . . . . . . . 39 Vulcan On-Board Scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  Western & Eastern Trucking News


Wilson Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Ontario Trucking News


Your Advantage Staffing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ontario Trucking News

scientific evidence and debate on four lane highways and possibly converted many two lanes into a perpetual game of chicken. By removing scientific and public debate or even the option to change punctuation it became clear that the OTA was running the MTO, not for the sake of safety or GHG but just for the sake of “leveling the human resource playing field”. With Ontario running a multi-billion dollar deficit would it be prudent for Kathleen to still demand the money to enforce such an offensive piece of legislation? In tight times, when citizens are mired in finan-

cial hardship, is it reasonable to continue to cater to special interest agenda’s at the further expense of the public? Truckers are tired of overregulation. Canadians are tired of being overtaxed. Too often legislation is not a means of managing public safety but just another form of taxation. When special interest groups convince legislators to manipulate their industry they do so at a financial cost to the public. It is a gross misappropriation of both trust and funds! Maybe, as a gesture of integrity, Kathleen Wayne might rescind the legislation (or at least suspend

enforcement) until a new unbiased commission is established. Unless of course she just intends to retain the position of the newly shuffled puppet of the OTA? I guess time will tell! Robert D. Scheper operates an accounting and consulting firm in Steinbach, Manitoba. He has a Masters Degree in Business Administration and is the author of the Book “Making Your Miles Count: taxes, taxes, taxes” (now available on CD). You can find him at www.thrconsulting. ca and thrconsulting.blogspot.com or at 1-877-9879787. You can e-mail him at robert@thrconsulting. ca.



Page Publication

Diesel Additives & Enhancement Products Bennett’s Power Service Products. . . . . . . . . . . 18 Driver Training Ontario Truck Training Academy.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Emergency Road Services Emergency Road Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 40  Employment Opportunities HR Transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37,39  International Truckload Services Inc.. . . . . . . . . 36  Mackie Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Your Advantage Staffing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Exhaust Sales & Repairs A&A Truck Exhaust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13  Factoring & Finance J.D. Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Liquid Capital Midwest Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,13 Fuel Solutions Provider 4 Refuel Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16  Heating Sales & Service Thermo King of Eastern Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14  Wilson Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8  Insurance Allen Insurance Brokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  Hallmark Insurance Brokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7  LMD Insurance & Wealth Management. . . . . . . . . 4  Lubricants Castrol/Wakefield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15, 36 Steering & Clutch Products Levy Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Tarp Sales & Service Trison Tarps Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,12 Tools Tiger Tool International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tracking Software Boomerang Tracking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Trade Shows Canadian Fleet Maintenance Seminar . . . . . . . . 34 Transportation Consultants Stateside Transportation Consultants Inc.. . . . . . 34 Truck Parts Traction Truck Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  Truck Repairs TruckPro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  Vehicle Inspection Systems Stateside Transportation Consultants Inc.. . . . . . 39 Weigh Scales (On Board) Vulcan On-Board Scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1  Wheel Maintenance The Wheel Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Ontario Trucking News Western & Eastern Trucking News Ontario & Western Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News

Ontario Trucking News

Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario & Eastern Trucking News Ontario Trucking News

Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News

Ontario Trucking & Western Trucking News Ontario Trucking & Western Trucking News

Western & Eastern Trucking News Ontario Trucking News

March 2010    31

Welcome to our NEW, complimentary Truck Stop Directory. We want to help truckers and travellers find the nearest truck stop on route to their destination. For details on how you can list your truck stop, call Barb Woodward at 877-225-2232 or email Barb at barb@woodwardpublishing.com. Manitoba



British Columbia



Medicine Hat


Western Ontario

Western Ontario



Fifth Wheel Truck Stop Petro Canada–Petro Pass Highway #7 & #68 Arborg, MB Tel: 204.376.5593 Fax: 204.376.5587 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Convenience Store & Parking

Estevan Husky Travel Centre 201-4th Street Estevan, SK S4A 0T5 Tel: 306.634.3109 www.myhusky.ca

regina Husky Bulk Sales


210 North McDonald St. Regina, SK S4N 5W3 Tel: 306.721.6880 www.myhusky.ca

Brandon Husky Travel Centre

Regina Husky Travel Centre

1990-18th Street North Brandon, MB R7C 1B3 Tel: 204.728.7387 www.myhusky.ca

BEAUSEJOUR Petro Canada–Petro Pass 400 Park Avenue Beausejour, MB Tel: 204.268.2223 Fax: 204.268.4749 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Convenience Store & Parking

MORRIS Petro Canada–Petro Pass 217 Main Street Morris, MB Tel: 204.746.8967 Fax: 204.746.6008 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Convenience Store, ATM Machine & Parking

PINE FALLS Petro Canada–Petro Pass Highway #11 & #304 Pine Falls, MB Tel: 204.367.8800 Fax: 204.367.4037 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Parking

TEULON Petro Canada–Petro Pass Highway #7 & 5th Street Teulon, MB Tel: 204.886.2732 Fax: 204.886.3612 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Convenience Store & Parking

winnipeg Petro Canada–Petro Pass 500 Oak Point Highway Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204.949.7292 Fax: 204.949.7295 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, ATM Machine, Showers & Parking

Petro Canada–Petro Pass

928 Marion Street Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204.949.7280 Fax: 204.949.7288 Open 24–7, Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, Showers & Parking 32    March 2010

1755 Prince of Wales Drive Regina, SK S4Z 1A5 Tel: 306.789.3477 www.myhusky.ca

saskatoon Petro Canada–Petro Pass 402-51st Street East Saskatoon, SK Tel: 306.934.6766 Fax: 306.668.6110 Email: rainbow@sasktel.net Drivers’ Lounge, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, ATM Machine, Showers, Scale and Parking

swift current Husky Travel Centre 1510 South Service Road West, (Trans Canada Hwy 1 West) Swift Current, SK S9H 3T1 Tel: 306.773.6444 www.myhusky.ca Alberta

calgary Calgary Husky Travel Centre 2525-32nd Ave. N.E. Calgary, AB T1Y 6B7 Tel: 403.291.1233 www.myhusky.ca

Petro Canada Card Lock AgCom Petroleum Fuel Sales 1802-10 Avenue, S.W. Medicine Hat, AB Tel: 403.527.6411 Fax: 403.529.1660 Showers. British Columbia


Jepson Petroleum Ltd. Box 1408 Golden, BC V0A 1H0 Tel: 250.344.6161 Fax: 250.344.2232 Email: ladine@jepsonpetro.com Open 8am–5pm Mon–Fri, Lubes & Propane, 24hr Cardlock, Regular, Diesel and Diesel Mark.


5904-44th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 1V6 Tel: 888.875.2495 Fax: 780.875.2095 Convenience Store, Showers, and Laundry Facilities

CRAIGELLACHIE Skyline Truck Stop 5507 Trans Canada Hwy Craigellachie, BC Tel: 250.836.4949 Fax: 250.836.4950 Email: skyline@jetstream.net Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Driver’s Lounge & Game Room, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, ATM Machine, Showers & Parking


MEDICINE HAT Husky Travel Centre 561-15th Street SW Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4W2 Tel: 403.527.5561 www.myhusky.ca

london Flying M Truck Stop

beamsville Fifth Wheel Truck Stop

Beamsville Relay Station 4673 Ontario Street (Exit 64 off QEW) Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Tel: 905.563.8816 Fax: 905.563.4770 Email: relaystation@bellnet.ca Open 24 hours, 7 days, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, ATM, Showers & Parking


Husky Travel Centre 10128 Nordel Court Delta, BC V4G 1J7 Tel: 604.582.1433 www.myhusky.ca

Husky Travel Centre 5721-44th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 0B3 Tel: 780.872.7089 www.myhusky.ca

Petro–Pass Kitchener 120 Conestoga College Blvd. Kitchener, ON N2P 2N6 Tel: 519.748.5550 Fax: 519.748.9656 Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, Showers & CAT Scale.

7340 Colonel Talbot Road Drumbo London, ON Trucker’s Haven Tel: 519.652.2728 Dogwood Valley Hwy 401, Exit 250, Chilliwack Husky Travel Centre Fax: 519.652.6554 Husky Travel Centre 806607 Oxford Road, 7620A Vedder Road Email: flyingmtruckstop.com 27052 Baker Road Drumbo, ON N0J 1G0 Chilliwack, BC V2R 4E8 Open 24 hours, 6 days, Full Service Hope, BC V0X 1L3 Tel: 519.463.5088 Tel: 604.858.5113 Islands, Drivers’ Lounge, Restaurant, Tel: 604.869.9443 Fax: 519.463.5628 www.myhusky.ca Convenience Store, ATM Machine, www.myhusky.ca Email: amdroit1990@hotmail.com Internet Services, Showers, Garage Flood Hope Husky Travel Centre fort erie on premises & Parking 61850 Flood–Hope Road R.R. #2, Hope, BC V0X 1L2 Cool Creek Agencies Tel: 604.869.9214 7985 Lickman Road www.myhusky.ca Ultramar Chilliwack, BC V2R 3Z9 OSOYOOS 1637 Pettit Road (Exit 5 off QEW) Tel: 604.795.5335 London Husky Travel Centre Husky Travel Centre Fort Erie, ON L2A 5M4 Fax: 604.794.5080 Hwy 401 & 74 (Exit 195 off 401) 9206-97th Street Tel: 905.994.8293 sdufault@coolcreek.ca Belmont, ON R.R. #2, Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V2 Open 24 Hrs, Restaurant, Toilet, Full Service Islands, Driver’s Lounge Tel: 519.644.0200 Tel: 250.495.6443 Showers, Overnight Parking & & Game Room, Convenience Store, www.myhusky.ca www.myhusky.ca Truckers’ Lounge Showers, Laundry Facilities, Parking milton and CAT Scale grimsby Western Ontario

lloydminister Hancock Petroleum

3305 Dorchester Road (Exit 199, Hwy 401, East of London) Dorchester, ON N0L 1G0 Tel: 519.268.7319 Fax: 519.268.2967 Open 24 Hrs, Diesel Fuel, Convenience Store, CAT Scale, Blue Beacon Truck Wash, Drug Testing Centre, Gasoline (Self Serve), ATM, Take-out food, Open Roads Chapel, Sunoco & Irving Cardlock, Full Service Fuel Islands, Restaurant, Private Showers, Laundry Facilities, Drivers’ Lounge, 150+ Parking Capacity, Motel (smoking & non), Arcade Room, Convenience Store.

Petro Canada Southcoast Petroleum Ltd. 10178 Nordel Court Delta, BC Tel: 604.581.3835 Fax: 604.581.3850 nordel@southcoastpetro.ca Canopy, Fax, Photocopier, Nearby Gov’t Scale, Restaurants & ATM

Fifth Wheel Truck Stop 2475 South Service Road (Exit 431, Hwy 401, Waverly Road) Bowmanville, ON L1C 3L1 Tel: 905.623.3604 Fax: 905.623.7109 Open 24 Hrs, Diesel Fuel, Convenience Store, CAT Scale, Gasoline (Self Service), ATM, Propane, Convenience Store at Fuel Bar, Sunoco Fleetfuel Cardlock ,Full Service Fuel Islands, Restaurant, Private Showers, Laundry Facilities, Drivers’ Lounge & Arcade Room, 100+ Truck Parking Capacity, Motel (smoking & non),Bell Canada Internet Kiosk, Irving Cardlock.

Fifth Wheel Truck Stop

40 Chisolm Drive 398 North Service Road (Exit 320 off Hwy 401) (Exit 74, off QEW, E. of Hamilton) Milton, ON L9T 3G9 (Casablanca Blvd. Exit) Tel: 905.878.8441 Grimsby, ON L3M 4E8 Fax: 905.878.9376 Tel: 905.945.0300 Open 24 Hrs, Diesel Fuel, Fax: 905.945.1115 Convenience Store, CAT Scale, Blue Open 24 Hrs, Diesel Fuel, Beacon Truck Wash, ATM, Lube Convenience Store, CAT Scale, Blue Beacon Truck Wash, ATM, Drug Shop, Sunoco & Irving Cardlock, Full Testing Centre, Gasoline, Sunoco Service Fuel Islands, Restaurant, Cardlock, Full Service Fuel Islands, Showers, Laundry Facilities, Drivers’ Restaurant, Private Showers, Laundry Lounge & Arcade Room, 100+ Facilities, Drivers’ Lounge & Arcade Parking Capacity, Chapel, Motel Room,100+ Parking Capacity, (smoking & non), and Lottery Tickets. Chapel, Motel (smoking & nonNIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE smoking) & Irving Cardlock.


Marshall Truck & Trailer Repair & Truck Stop 336 Kenora Avenue Hamilton, ON L8E 2W2 Tel: 905.561.4712 Fax: 905.561.7757 Email: wayne@marshalltruck.com Web: www.marshalltruck.com Open 24 Hrs 7 Days for cardlock fuelling, Open 7am–12am Mon–Fri, 7am–5pm Sat, closed Sunday, Full Service Islands, Drivers’ Lounge, Restaurant, Showers and Parking

Husky Travel Centre 615 York Road (off QEW at Exit 38) Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON Tel: 905.684.1128 www.myhusky.ca

pickering Husky Travel Centre 200 Clements Road Pickering, ON Tel: 905.428.9700 www.myhusky.ca

Western Ontario

Eastern Ontario

Eastern Ontario

Northern Ontario

Northern Ontario

New Brunswick

port Hope







Bradford Husky Travel Centre

Esso Truck Stop

Tobique One Stop

Ultramar 2211 County Road 28 (Exit 464 off Hwy 401 Port Hope, ON L1A 3W4 Tel: 905.885.4600 Open 24 hours, Lunch Counter, Convenience Store,Toilet, Showers, Truckers’ Lounge & Short Time Parking

SARNIA Sarnia Service Centre (Esso) 5906 Oil Heritage Road Wyoming, ON N0N 1T0 Tel: 519.845.3249 Fax: 519.845.0687

stoney creek Stop 50 Truck Stop 1310 South Service Road (Exit QEW at Fifty Road) Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5C5 Tel: 905.643.1151 Fax: 905.643.8068 Open 24 hours, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, ATM Machine, Showers & Parking

Antrim Truck Stop 580 White Lake Road Arnprior, ON K7S 3G9 Tel: 613.623.3003 Fax: 613.623.1003 Toll Free: 866.334.4775 jack@antrimwesternstar.com Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Showers, Overnight Parking, Truckers’ Lounge, CAT Scale, Garage Service Facilities, Tire Service, Western Star Truck Dealer.

BELLEVILLE ULTRAMAR 25 Bellevue Drive (Hwy 401 Exit 538, rear of Ultramar Service Station) Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Tel: 613.771.1755 Open 24 hrs, Lunch Counter, Convenience Store, Toilets, Showers, Short Time Parking & Truckers’ Lounge


TILBURY 18 Wheeler Truck Stop Exits 56 or 63 off Hwy 401 Tilbury, Ontario Tel: 519.682.3235 Fax: 519.682.1736 Open 24 hours, 7 days a week, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, ATM Machine, Showers & Parking

Pilot Travel Centre 19325 County Rd. 42 Exit 56 off Hwy 401 Tilbury, Ontario Tel: 519.682.1140 Fax: 519.682.9221 Email:TravelCenter.461@ pilottravelcentres.com www.pilottravelcenters.com Open 24 hours, 7 days Six Pilot Diesel Lanes, Six Gasoline Lanes & Six Esso Cardlock Lanes, Subway Restaurant, Large Convenience Store, Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, CAT Scale, Coin Laundry, ATM Machine, Six Showers & 70+ Parking available.

woodstock Ultramar 535 Mill Street, (Hwy 401 Exit 230 on TA site) Woodstock, ON N4S 7V6 Tel: 519.421.3144 Open 24 hours, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Toilet, Showers, Truckers’ Lounge & Overnight Parking

730 Truck Stop 2085 Shanly Road Exit 730 off Hwy 401 Cardinal, ON K0C 1E0 Tel: 613.657.3019 Open 24 hours, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Toilet, Showers, Overnight Parking & Truckers’ Lounge

Tecumseh, ON (off Hwy 401 at Exit 14) Tel: 519.737.6401 www.myhusky.ca

Kingston Husky Truck Stop Joyceville Rd. & 401 (Exit 632 off 401) Joyceville, ON Tel: 613.542.3468 www.myhusky.ca

Hwy 400 & 88 Bradford, ON Tel: 905.775.5794 www.myhusky.ca

driftwood Driftwood Truck Stop Corner of Hwy 11 & Hwy 655

Timmins, ON Tel: 705.272.6161 Fax: 705.272.6111 Email: driftwood_truck_stop @msn.com Restaurant, Convenience Store, Petro Pass Card Lock, ATM Internet Services & Parking

HWY 144 @ 560a Watershed Car & Truck Stop Hwy 144 & 560a Tel: 705.655.4911 or 705.523.4917 Fax: 705.523.4160 Email: jim_blackbearhunting@live.com

KINGSTON Exit 611 off Hwy 401 Kingston, ON Tel: 613.384.8888 Fax: 613.634.3162 Open 24 hrs, 7 days,

new liskeard Gilli’s Truck Stop Hwy #11 North New Liskeard, ON Tel: 705.647.1919 Fax: 705.647.5610 Full Service Islands, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Showers & Parking.

Cornwall Fifth Wheel Truck Stop 1901 McConnell Avenue (Exit 792 off Hwy 401) Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6 Tel: 613.933.8363 Fax: 613.932.3952 Open 24 hours, Diesel Fuel, Convenience Store, CAT Scale, Blue Beacon Truck Wash, Barber Shop, ATM, Drug Testing Centre, Gasoline (Full Service), Mechanic Shop, Propane, Take-out food, Sunoco Cardlock, Full Service Fuel Islands, Restaurant, Private Showers, Laundry Facilities, Drivers’ Lounge & Arcade Room, 200+ Truck Parking Capacity, Chapel, Motel (smoking & non), Tire Shop, Lube Shop, Bell Canada Internet Kiosk, Convenience Store at Fuel Bar, Irving Cardlock.

& Short Time Parking

SPENCERVILLE Angelo’s Truck Stop 2025 County Road 44 Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0 Tel: 613.925.5158 Fax: 613.925.5158 Open 7 days, Game Room, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Showers, Parking & CAT Scale.

vankleek hill

215 Hwy #49 Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0 Tel: 613.396.3043 Fax: 613.396.1449 Open 6am–10pm, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Subway, Convenience Store, Parking and Coffee Drive-thru.

WAUBASHENE 21 Quarry Road, Box 419 Waubashene, ON L0K 2L0 Tel: 705.538.2400 Fax: 705.538.0452 Email: braji@sympatico.ca Québec

Montreal Irving 24 5918, Rue Notre Dame Est, Montreal, QC H1N 2C5 Tel: 514.257.8626 Fax: 514.259.0910 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Restaurant, Convenience Store and Laundry Facilities. New Brunswick

aulac Aulac Big Stop Circle K

north bay

four falls

BayTruck Stop

Springwater Truck Stop

New Liskeard Husky Travel Centre

3060 Hwy 11 North North Bay, ON Tel: 705.474.8410 Fax: 705.495.4076 Toll Free: 888.474.8410 Email: baytruckstop@bellnet.ca Web: www.transportmall.com Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Showers, Parking & Truck Rairs within 2 km.

2539 Route 130 Four Falls, NB E3Z 2H3 Tel: 506.273.3682 Open 12 hrs, 6 days, Full Service Islands, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, ATM Machine, Showers & Parking.

grand falls


Herb’s Travel Plaza

Petro Pass

21160 Service Road Exit 27 off Hwy 417 Vankleek Hill, Ontario Toll Free: 800.593.4372 Tel: 613.525.2120 Fax: 613.525.1595 Email: suzie_vink@yahoo.ca Open 24 hours, 7 days Drivers’ Lounge, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, ATM Machine, Internet Services, Showers & Parking available.

315 Ouellette Street Grand Falls, NB Tel: 506.473.5575 Fax: 506.475.9816 Toll Free: 800.361.8322 guypass@nb.sympatico.ca Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Convenience Store, Showers, Laundry Facilities, Internet Services, Showers,Parking & CAT Scale.

Sudbury Petro Pass 3070 Regent Street Sudbury, ON Tel: 705.522.8701 Fax: 705.522.4280 Open Mon–Fri. 6am–11pm, Sat. 8am–8pm & Sun. 10am–9pm, Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Convenience Store (Hot Food, Pizza, Chilli & Soup), Laundry Facilities, Showers & Parking.

Exit 115, Perth–Anover, NB Tel: 506.273.9682 Fax: 506.273.9682 Open 24 hours, 7 days, full service islands, drivers’ lounge with large screen, satellite TV, convenience store, showers, laundry, parking & FREE high-speed internet.


Waubashene Truck Stop

Hwy 11 North New Liskeard, ON Tel: 705.647.6300 www.myhusky.ca

OTTAWA 3199 Hawthorne Road (Exit 110 off Hwy 417) Behind Ultramar Service Station Ottawa, ON K1G 3V8 Tel: 613.248.9319 Open 24 hours, Lunch Counter, Convenience Store, Toilet, Truckers’ Lounge, Showers

2154 Riverside Drive Timmins, ON Tel: 705.268.3400 Fax: 705.267.7231 bgagnon@krebenterprises.ca Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Restaurant, Convenience Store, ATM Machine & Showers.

170 Aulac Road, Aulac, NB E4L 2X2 Tel: 506.536.1339 Fax: 506.536.0579 Email: aulac@eastlink.ca Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Drivers’ Lounge, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Showers, Laundry Facilities, Parking & CAT Scale.


Quick Stop

Windsor Husky Travel Centre




1515 County Road #20 (Exit 51 at Hwy 417) Dunvegan, ON Tel: 613.527.1026 or 613.627.2100 Fax: 613.527.2726 Open 24 hours, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Restaurant (Tim Horton’s), Convenience Store, Showers, Parking & ATM.

Salisbury Big Stop 2986 Fredericton Road Salisbury, NB E4J 2G1 Tel: 506.372.3333 Fax: 506.372.0083 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Showers, Laundry Facilities, Parking & CAT Scale

waasis Lincoln Big Stop (Irving) 415 Nevers Road Waasis, NB E3B 9E1 Tel: 506.446.4444 Fax: 506.446.4440 bluecanoe@nb.aibn.com www.irvingoil.com Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Full Service & Self Service Islands, Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Showers, Laundry Facilities, Parking

woodstock Murray’s Truck Stop Exit 191, 198 Beardsley Road Woodstock, NB Tel: 506.328.2994 Driver’s Fax: 506.325.2148 calving@murraystruckstop.ca www.murraystruckstop.ca Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Drivers’ Lounge & Game Room, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Showers, Laundry Facilities, Parking & CAT Scale & Tire Sales & Service. Nova Scotia

ENFIELD Enfield Big Stop (Circle K) 6757 Hwy #2, Enfield, NS S2T 1C8 Tel: 902.882.2522 Fax: 902.883.1769 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Full Service Islands, Drivers’ Lounge, Restaurant (6am–11pm), Convenience Store, Showers and Parking.

truro heights Truro Heights Circle K 86 Connector Road Exit 13 off Hwy 102 Truro Heights, NS B2N 5B6 Tel: 902.897.0333 Fax: 902.897.0499 Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Self Service Islands, Drivers’ Lounge, Restaurant, Convenience Store, Showers & Parking. March 2010    33


The Safety Tip Adviser

Do You Have Sleep Apnea? You May & Not Know It

By Alvis Violo


great deal of people over the age of 50 suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a disorder in which breathing gets interrupted during sleep. Those of us who snore loudly often have sleep apnea, but the two are not identical; apnea is characterized by periods of not breathing that can last up to two minutes. You might recognize sleep apnea in a spouse or other family member if they start suddenly snoring during sleep and gasp for air, or if their breathing is irregular and loud. Experts have known for

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some time that sleep apnea can put individuals at risk for stroke. Now a new study published by the American Physiological Society shows why; it seems that apnea episodes disrupt blood flow to the brain, which causes the blood pressure within the brain to elevate.The findings help to explain why people with sleep apnea are more likely to suffer strokes and to die in their sleep. The National Transportation Safety Board in the U.S. is advising that medical experts question truck and bus drivers about sleep apnea, and has sent a letter to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration about this recommendation. The NTSB would like to help design programs that help identify sleep apnea in those affected. Deborah Hersman, chairman of the NTSB, states in this letter that in nearly every mode of transporta-

tion, sleep apnea has been linked to accidents as drivers have fallen asleep at the wheel due to lack of sleep caused by sleep apnea. Similar letters were sent by the NTSB earlier this year to the Federal Aviation Administration and local transit agencies requesting that this same screening be performed in airline pilots and train operators. As you can see, a person with sleep apnea operating any type of vehicle can be a serious risk to both themselves and everyone around them. All of this is good reason to focus on preventing sleep apnea and making sure your family members and friends are as safe as possible while they sleep. Here are some tips: Sleep on your side as lying on your back increases the chance of obstruction to the airways. Special pillows and other remedies can help with this. The tennis ball trick is one strategy

doctors suggest. (Put a tennis ball inside your pajamas so that it wakes you up when you roll over on your back. Warning to all men; the ball goes behind you against your back, not in front of you, in your pants! Putting the ball in your pants may cause unpredictable responses from your sleeping partner). Elevate the head of the bed by four to six inches. Use a wedge pillow or put a pillow or towels under the mattress to tilt up the head of the bed. Don’t drink alcohol, or cut back before you go to sleep as the heavy sleep many people experience after drinking alcohol can increase sleep apnea. Lose some weight. Sleep apnea is strongly associated with carrying extra weight, particularly in the upper body and neck, which can obstruct breathing. Use a nasal dilator, Breathe Right nasal strips,

or saline nasal spray all of which help open nasal passages, making breathing easier. If you think a family member or friend may have sleep apnea, tactfully suggest he or she contact their doctor and get checked out. Studies have shown that 90 percent of people with sleep apnea don’t know they have it! Ignoring the fact that you may have sleep apnea could put your life and the people around you in jeopardy.

Drive safe, think positive and be prosperous. Alvis Violo is the C.E.O. of Emergency Road Services Of Canada Inc., a coast to coast national roadside assistance company dedicated to the trucking industry in Canada. For more information visit www.ersofcanada. com or call (877) 3772262. Please send your questions, feedback or comments about this column to alvisviolo@ersofcanada. com.



March 2010    35


Transport for Christ

One of God’s Great “Don’ts”


By Chaplin Len Reimer

“Do not fret—it only causes harm” Psalm 37:8b

retting means getting ourselves “out of joint” mentally or spiritually. It is one thing to say, “Do not fret”, but something very different to have such a nature that you find yourself unable to fret. It`s easy to say, “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him” until our own little world is turned upside down and we are forced

to live in confusion and agony like so many other people. Is it possible to “rest in the Lord” then? If this “Do not” must work during our days of difficulty and uncertainty, as well as our peaceful days, or it will never work. And if it will not work in our particular case, it will not work for anyone else. Resting in the Lord is not dependent on your exter-

nal circumstances at all, but on your relationship with God Himself. Worrying always results in sin. We tend to think that a little anxiety and worry are simply an indication of how wise we really are, yet it is actually a much better indication of just how wicked we are. Fretting rises from our determination to have our own way. Our Lord

never worried and was never anxious, because His purpose was never to accomplish His own plans but to fulfill God’s plans. Fretting is wickedness for a child of God. Have you been propping up that foolish soul of yours with the idea that your circumstances are too much for God to handle? Set all your opinions and specula-

tions aside and “abide under the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1). Deliberately tell God that you will not fret about whatever concerns you. All our fretting and worrying is caused by planning without God. “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you, (Mathew 6:33).


Healthy Living

Water Essential to all Bodily Functions By Brenda Ricker


o, how do we determine how much to drink? Hunger, bloating, swelling (in the ankles for example), fatigue, headaches, urinary tract infections, dizziness, lack of focus are all signs that your body needs more water. If you are experiencing

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any of these signs, increase your water intake and more often than not they will disappear. Consider the ways that water is lost (exercise/ sweating, breathing, urination, loose bowel movements,etc.) and adjust your water intake accordingly. One great way to access the need

for water is by monitoring urine. If your urine is very light yellow or clear it is likely that you are getting enough fluid. If your urine appears very concentrated or has odour, it most likely is the result of mild dehydration. Now, as for caffeine, does it count towards the daily fluid intake?

The simplest answer is yes and no. Caffeinated liquids, such as coffee, tea and soft drinks do influence the body’s fluid balance, but when consumed in excess of 1 – 2 cups daily, caffeinated liquids have a much more powerful diuretic effect. This means that they actually promote water loss.

Just notice how you have to go to the washroom after drinking these liquids. Caffeine also interferes with the absorption of many nutrients (particularly calcium) and can negatively impact the nervous system. The body’s ability to cope with less than opti-

mal water intake is admirable. The point is, however, not how much we get away with but what we can provide our bodies with so that they can function optimally. If you have any health questions please contact Brenda at health_you_deserve@yahoo.ca.



March 2010    37

Vehicle Inspection Safety Systems – Are you In or Out?

New CSA 2010 & OOS Criteria for Braking Can Stop Fleets Cold by James Jones


ill your truck and documents pass a roadside Level I or II inspection? How will the new CSA 2010 program affect you? New North American Standard Out of Service criteria (April 1, 2008) has changed the rules about vehicle out of service, allowing inspectors more latitude to inspect and take vehicles off the road. Specifically, enforcement agencies are able to test and pass or fail vehicles on an approved performance based brake tester (PBBT). Also, the new CSA 2010 (comprehensive safety analysis) replaces the previous SAFER Stat system of carrier safety ratings with a more comprehensive and timely system to help prevent accidents through proactive participation.

What are these new standards? The CVSA recently adopted new technology to assist in the evaluation and inspection of class 3 through 8 commercial vehicles. Beginning in April of 2008, enforcement agencies across North America began evaluating, purchasing and placing into service performance based brake testers (PBBT). These devices allow an officer to quickly evaluate the braking system of a commercial vehicle and determine the overall 38    March 2010

brake performance. For example, any officer can accurately measure the stopping power of each axle on a vehicle without getting under that vehicle. While not a replacement for a visual inspection, a PBBT shows what cannot be seen – actual brake effectiveness. On a vehicle that carries cargo or goods (not people), each axle must develop brake force equal to or greater than 43.5% of the load on that axle. The PBBT will weigh the axle and then measure the amount of force the brakes generate, and do it time after time without the officer having to risk getting under the vehicle. If the PBBT indicates low or questionable brake performance, the officer can then move on to a more thorough inspection. Now that several states

and provinces are either installing or actively evaluating this technology to improve their inspection efficiency, more fleets and maintenance shops are looking at PBBTs as well. Because CSA 2010 includes and emphasizes safe practices and communicates a carrier’s performance more rapidly than ever, PBBTs and similar tools are becoming an important part of any carrier’s maintenance and prevention arsenal. Let’s look at the BASICs (Behavior Analysis Safety

Improvement Categories) CSA 2010 uses to evaluate and quantify a carrier’s safety rating: • Unsafe Driving • Fatigued Driving (HOS) • Driver Fitness • Controlled Substances • Vehicle Maintenance • Cargo Related • Crash Indicator While personnel policy and management will account for the first four categories, diligence and the correct tools can help manage Vehicle Maintenance and some Cargo Related deficiencies. A PBBT, especially one that also measures chassis and suspension compliance, can quickly detect and help improve shortcomings that would otherwise go undetected until it’s too late. When left to chance (or maybe bad luck), the

potential bodily harm and property losses can be far greater. How can I be prepared? A product like the VISCheck PBBT combines a CVSA compliant brake tester with a dynamic road simulator to give carriers and drivers the same results any officer would see when doing an inspection of a commercial vehicle. In a simple 15 minute test, the vehicle is subjected to a standard, in-place test of each wheel-end brake performance. The

stopping power of the individual wheel ends, axles and total vehicle (tractor and trailer, if attached) is tabulated and provided in an easy to read report.

fort can all be diagnosed in a matter of minutes. In addition, because an “as-loaded” vehicle can be tested, cargo security can also be checked. Not only

There is no interpretation required – the vehicle either passes or fails based on federal standards. If the results are “close,” the carrier knows the vehicle might be at risk of having a more thorough inspection. Does it make sense to send a vehicle on the road and risk brake failure and potential out-ofservice time – or worse? Because a vehicle is tested “as-loaded,” a carrier receives a true indication of stopping power, and the answer to this question is a simple one, every time. And, because each vehicle is entered into a database on the VIS-Check’s computer, each vehicle can be tracked and maintenance predictions for brakes are more accurate, eliminating wasted time and money. The second part of the vehicle test is dynamic road simulation. Each axle of the vehicle (and trailer) can be manipulated to simulate travelling over the road. While the vehicle is tested, the technician performing the inspection can easily see how the suspension, steering and driveline components react to simulated bumps and dips in the road. Loose components, worn springs and bushings, weak links in the drive train and driver com-

are hidden and potentially dangerous maintenance items detected before they become a problem, the carrier is ensuring the vehicle will pass more BASIC aspects of a roadside inspection – Vehicle Maintenance and CargoRelated. What to do? CSA 2010 is meant to

increase safety on our public roads. While there are several components which go into the program, one area that is very simple to control is maintenance. By understanding the tools law enforcement is using and taking advantage of the same technology, drivers and fleets can stay ahead of safety and efficiency. A PBBT like the VIS-Check is more than a tool; it is a means to protect your company’s safety record, reputation and profitability. The low cost-per-test versus the potential cost of fines, downtime or a tragic accident makes proactive testing a logical part of any safety and maintenance program. Contact your local service provider to have your vehicles tested and see where you stand. Are you in or out? In the end, you may find that installing a PBBT makes the most sense for your organization.


The VIS-Check: Is a Performance Based Brake Tester, FMCSA approved for enforcement; • Performs Automated brake, steering and suspension inspection; • Provides Accurate measurement of brake performance and rolling resistance; • Helps extend tire life and save fuel; • Reduces Out of Service risk (FMCSR 393.52a) Using the VIS-Check system, shops and fleets can increase their efficiency and help reduce the overall cost of owning and operating Class 3-8 vehicles. The Contact Vehicle Inspection Systems for an on-site demonstration of the VIS-Check and the entire business system.

866.847.8721 www.VISCheck.net

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