September 2018 Issue 182
Preparing for Winter
NSTSA Cannabis & Workplace Safety Online Course. . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8
Truck-Lite’s “Road Ready” Trailer Monitoring Solution. . . . . . . . page 19
contents FEATURES:
NSTSA Cannabis & Workplace Safety Online Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
HEAD OFFICE: Trenton, Ontario, Canada, 877.225.2232
Editorial: Big Developments in Trucking Technology.. . . . . . . page 21
Bay-Lynx’s Game-Changing Grout Mixer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 22
HEAD OFFICE: Barb Woodward (Sales): 877.225.2232, ext 302 Chris Charles: ext 305 ART DIRECTOR/MIS: Marek Krasuski CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: Copyright © 2018 – 2022118 Ontario Limited. All rights reserved. Publication Agreement: No. 40806005
Editorial: Big Developments in Trucking Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 PMTC: MELT is Expanding . . . . . . . . 23 SEPTEMBER THEME: WINTER RUNNING, CLASS 2-4: Prepare Your Medium Duty Vehicles for What Lies Ahead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Winter Running Tips - Part 1 . . . . . . . 6 NEW PRODUCTS: Truck-Lite’s “Road Ready” Trailer Monitoring Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 INDUSTRY NEWS: Michelin Receives Prestigious PACCAR Supplier Quality Award . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Minimizer a Finalist for Magazine Manufacturing Awards . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Bay-Lynx’s Game-Changing Grout Mixer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Nova Scotia’s “Move Over” Law . . . 25 CAREERS: Women In Trucking Report . . . . . . . . 24 TransCore Link Logistics Report . . . 25 COLUMNS: Business Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Cross Border Services . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Factoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Healthy Trucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Keeping Your Vehicles Clean . . . . . . 26 Petro-Canada Lubricants . . . . . . . . . 28 Tires & Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Transport For Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Women In Trucking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Products & Services Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Traction & TruckPro Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 September 2018 3
September Theme: Winter Running, Class 2-4
By Marek Krasuski
Prepare Your Medium Duty Vehicles for What Lies Ahead
t the time of writing this article in mid-August with temperature and humidex running into the mid-30s it seems unrealistic to be focusing on winter preparation for medium duty trucks, the theme for this month’s edition. But experience proves time and again that the seasons pass quicker than most of us can keep pace with. So as the sun dips below the horizon line noticeably sooner than it did a month ago, and the chill of the night air gets us reaching for jackets, turning to thoughts of winter preparation is a topic well suited for discussion – before the snow flies. Commercial trucks, especially, can ill afford to ignore the warning signs. Preparing for winter running is a priority for safety, on-time deliveries, and the avoidance of CVOR penalties for equipment ill-suited for winter running. Though winter preparation is a necessity for all vehicles, particularly commercial ones, some practices apply more readily to medium duty vehicles – typically Class 2-4 builds ranging from 6,001 lbs GVWR up to 16,000 lbs GVWR. Think box truck and city delivery trucks to get the general idea of size and application. A major threat to vehicle longevity is rust. Vehicles are prone to rust in winter with the application of road
American states realized that instead of salt, magnesium chloride and calcium chloride, if applied in liquid form, would accelerate the de-icing process on roadways. They could also be applied before the onset of snow and ice which eliminated the need to put road crews on call where trucks idled, fuel was wasted, and maintenance costs climbed. Added to these pre-wetting agents has been the use of such materials as beet juice, a sticky substance that prevents the liquefied compounds from draining off road surfaces. These products do a better job melting snow and are cheaper for cash-conscious municipalities and governments to use, but they are far more corrosive and cause significant damage to car and truck components. As vehicles pass over these pre-wetting agents on road surfaces they are pulled up into undercarriages, thus exposing metal surfaces to greater amounts of moisture, the primary cause of corrosion. To be sure, there are effective corrosion retardants on the market, but bear in mind that more is not always better. Experts caution against the perception that a thick and heavy wax or tar coating is the best method of protection. If moisture, which is the principal cause of corrosion, is trapped by an impenetrable coating, the result is condensa-
salt on highways. According to reports, corrosion costs about $50 Billion a year and, despite rust inhibiting agents on the market, it is actually worst today due to new ice-melting products applied to North American road surfaces. Rock salt, also known as sodium chloride, traditionally did a good job of melting snow and ice, but several years ago transport authorities in Canadian provinces and snow-prone
tion without evaporation. Water is locked between metal surfaces and a thick undercoating, an unfortunate condition that accelerates the rusting process. Instead, the better option is to opt for a lighter product capable of penetrating and protecting metal surfaces most susceptible to corrosion. Corrosion industry experts agree on at least one crucial point: The key to any rust inhibiting material is its ability to
4 September 2018
separate moisture from metal. For medium duty trucks the use of non metallic box liners can reduce the volume of metal subject to corrosion on a vehicle. Box liners made from alternative materials can also be adapted to dump truck applications. Of interest to everyone looking to minimize rust, heed the advice of experts: Be wary of purchasing vehicles with aluminum/steel combinations in which the weaker metal is more vulnerable to corrosion. This may be easier said than done. Some stakeholders are convinced that new builds manufactured from the metal of older, scrapped vehicles contain corrosive properties that remain throughout the recycling process and carry over into new builds. A major problem with corrosion is that it affects the steel rails underneath the vehicle. It reaches into transmission casings, motors, and is especially hazardous to wiring harnesses, one of the biggest problem areas for operators, fleets, and maintenance personnel. Preparing for the winter running of medium duty trucks includes routine measures that can apply to all vehicles in a fleet, but some are more relevant to medium-duty applications. For example, medium duty trucks are normally equipped with block heaters to keep the engine oil warm by heating the engine coolant. This heats the engine block so cold weather starting is made easier. Newer medium duty builds, however, may be equipped with oil-pan heaters which heat the engine and oil directly. The result is a smaller and more efficient alternative to conventional block heaters. In either case heaters, regardless of type, require checking and maintenance. Of note are the additional costs associated with engines lacking heaters. Trucks running in cold climates without the benefit of coolant heaters, for example, will see an escalated deterioration of the vehicle. Further, most diesel engines without the benefit of heaters require 30 to 60 minutes of idle time to warm up. When used, coolant heaters eliminate unnecessary idling as they allow the engine to warm prior to starting, thereby significantly reducing engine wear and tear. And given today’s fuel prices anti-idling coolant heat solutions reportedly yield
a return on investment in 12 weeks for the average over-the-road truck. Winter preparation would not be complete without addressing the viscosity of lubricants and their changing patterns under cold conditions. Viscosity refers to the malleability of oils. If temperatures dive, lubricants thicken and become pasty, causing engines to work harder and heighten the risk of equipment seizure. The lower the viscosity the more fluid the lubricant, and the greater the ability to do its job by penetrating key engine components. This leads to enhanced operability of the entire powertrain and hydraulic systems. Low viscosity testing confirms fuel savings ranging from. 5% to 1.5%. For medium duty trucks it’s advisable to check diesel exhaust fluids (DEF), particularly in northern climes where temperatures plummet. Diesel Exhaust Fluid will freeze at about – 11C, but will thaw in about 45 minutes under normal running operations. Regular checks of DEF system leaks should be integral to the winterization process. If there is one area of operations that demands full attention in preparation for winter driving, it’s tires. At the very least tread thickness should be 5/32-inches for winter driving, and tires should be properly inflated. According to Pressure Systems International (P.S.I.) delivery vehicles running in cities should be equipped with tires that are resistant to the chipping and chunking of tread. Tread design should also prevent stone holding so as to maximize the number of retreads in the tire’s life cycle. For trucks principally dedicated to city driving, zigzagged grooves are recommended for better traction. Finally, a word about general common sense procedures that bear repeating in the interest of safety and profitability. Check belts and hoses and replace when necessary, keep windows clean and free from snow and ice, replace wipers when needed, ensure exhaust systems are free from leaks, and clean battery connections as batteries are more likely to fail in winter due to harsher starting loads. Despite the sweltering days look to September as the optimal time to prepare your rig for the months ahead. Sooner or later, and maybe sooner, the snow will fly.
September Theme: Winter Running, Class 2-4
By Mike Whalen
Winter Running Tips - Part 1
ruck magazines repeat the same messages in the fall of each year covering winter operations. Considering the fact that the company driver or owner-operator is responsible for monitoring the truck’s operating performance, and in many cases performing light maintenance functions, the driver turnover and new young drivers being added to the mix each year necessitates a fresh look at winter operations. This year we have more medium duty work trucks using electric drive trains. Great for warm weather but what about the cold Canadian winters. No worries about cold cranking, and the cab has instant heat. Auxiliary heaters are not required, and idling is eliminated. Plus - there is no effect on the environment. The main issue with electric power, when operating in winter conditions, is an up to
6 September 2018
30% drop in power. This would be a major consideration by operators of work trucks that need power to haul aggregate, wood products, fuels, cranes, heavy equipment, etc. But not so much for trucks working in urban logistics. Electric drive trains have other plusses and minuses. Until the recharging infrastructure is in place most of today’s users are centrally located, returning to the same yard each night. Municipal vehicles, airport and freight yard shunt tractors are examples. Construction fleets are usually transient, moving from job to job. These fleets are made up of diesel-powered off-road vehicles as well as trucks, so it makes sense to employ trucks using diesel as well. The main considerations for cold weather operations are fuels, lubrication, cooling and lighting - as well as tires and traction devises.
Work trucks can be configured to run on several fuels - either gasoline, diesel, propane, natural gas, biofuels or electricity. FUEL SYSTEM Arguably the most important concerns when operating a diesel engine in winter conditions is that the fuel being used is formulated for below freezing temperatures. As the temperature of diesel fuel drops below freezing it thickens and causing filters and fuel lines to plug and restrict flow. Use filters combined with a water separation device and fuel heater. It’s worth knowing that there is a big difference between a water separator and a water coalescer. A separator removes large droplets of water while a coalescer removes emulsified fuel/ water. When the water in fuel emulsifies it takes a special material to coalesce the water into large droplets so they can be removed by a separator.
Low temperatures will cause diesel fuel to become thicker and, depending on temperature, plug fuel filters and restrict the performance of pumps and injectors. The kerosene in winter diesel helps to prevent gelling, but it can also act like a solvent and wash away the lubricating properties of the diesel fuel. Winter fuel additives contain lubricants to make the fuel slippery again - it’s like adding tiny liquid ball-bearings to your fuel system. Stanadyne Performance Formula, for example, contains detergents to help reduce carbon deposits and keep the internals of your pump and injectors clean and working properly. Winter (No.1) diesel fuel has kerosene added to keep the fuel from gelling up and keep it flowing. Using a quality fuel additive is highly recomCONTINUED ON PAGE 11 >
By Bruce Sayer
Efficiency is Key to Profitability
usiness dynamics have grown increasingly complex for trucking companies. This is due largely to the ongoing challenges of a difficult industry further complicated by its highly competitive nature. As the Canadian economy continues to build strength despite the ongoing trade battles with the US, carriers and brokers face increasing customer demand for efficiency and reliability. Recent on time delivery standards imposed on carriers by manufacturers and retail giants are designed to streamline their supply chain and cut costs. This transfers a huge challenge onto trucking companies to maintain compliance with customer needs, yet stay profitable. Meanwhile, increasing demand to incorporate emerging tech-
nologies and the ongoing pressures of maintaining a productive driver pool continues to plague the trucking industry. All of these aspects affect your trucking company’s cash flow. Profitability is enhanced when your trucking company operates at peak capacity. Operating at capacity requires access to enough working capital to sustain operations. When you have to invest manpower and resources upfront to deliver your services, it’s often tough to wait 30-60 days for an invoice to be paid. In the interim, you still need to make payroll, pay for fuel and maintenance, and the dozen other day-to-day expenses needed to keep your trucks rolling. Even the most successful trucking companies go through periods where their outgoing cash
requirements exceed cash-on-hand. To meet daily operating expenses the factoring of freight bills to access immediate cash is now a common practice for both small trucking companies and larger fleets. With immediate access to revenues, trucking companies can operate at their most productive levels; efficiency is the key to profitability! Choosing the right factoring company to work with is essential to the success of this financial strategy. The three most important aspects of factoring that will positively or negatively affect your company are; speed, cost and service: Speed: As the economy continues to perform well, volumes are expected to remain high throughout 2018 and
beyond. For trucking companies that are positioned for growth, this is an exciting period following years of low volumes and low rates. It is the trucking companies that react quickly and efficiently to emerging opportunities that will capitalize the greatest and benefit with the most profitability. Having funds available when needed to support operations is essential. Look for a factoring company that has a quick qualification process and provides reliable same day funding without delays. Cost: If the cost of factoring your invoices exceeds any savings gained through the process, you may improve cash flow management, but it’ll be at the expense of your company’s bottom line. However, if you keep your factoring fees under 3% and offset the cost with the additional savings offered by discount fuel programs, improved AR Management, free credit search tools and more, your trucking company gains a huge financial advantage. Service: Utilizing the services of a factoring company that specializes in trucking is essential to ensuring correct action is taken when additional financial support is required. A factoring company that provides a dedicated and knowledgeable Accounts Manager to work with you on a daily basis is the ideal option. To learn more about freight factoring, visit:
September 2018 7
Trucking Safety Association (NSTSA)
Cannabis & Workplace Safety Online Course
he NSTSA is proud to announce its procurement of SayleGroup’s ( Cannabis & Workplace Safety Online Course, which has been approved and endorsed by the Professional Security Knowledge Network (PSKN). The legalization of off-duty cannabis use will present many new challenges and unique hazards within the workplace, and employers are required to take reasonable precautions to provide workers with their legal OHS “Right to Know”. The 2-year Certificate provided with each login serves as proof of competence and understanding around this subject and key in protecting your people and your business. This course will give employers, managers and employees a comprehensive look at the top issues facing their workplace and allow them to prepare and educate the workforce
8 September 2018
before legalization (October 17, 2018), including: • Impairment • Duty to Accommodate • Employer Obligations • Employee Rights & Responsibilities • Physical Safety and Mental Health • Workplace Best Practices • Cause for Reasonable Suspicion • The Future Landscape The NSTSA was determined to find a cost-effective, user-friendly resource that would allow its membership to position themselves as the national leaders on the issue - setting the example and the standard for how industries should approach this cultural shift. We feel, through our partnership with SayleGroup, that we have secured the definitive educational resource in the space. Our Association sees this initiative as a great opportunity to be proactive and to establish our industry as the trend-setters. This self-paced course can be com-
pleted via computer or mobile device and will allow organizations to: • Competently assess and revise their Drug & Alcohol Policies (including Zero-Tolerance). • Understand their legal obligations with the legalization of off-duty cannabis use. • Educate their workforce on the risks and liabilities (ensuring OHS due
diligence). • Meet and document your legal OHS obligation for workers’ “Right to Know” about hazards. To ensure your workforce is sufficiently educated and to secure the most cost-effective pricing, please contact us at safety@nstsa. ca or call 902.493.3051, toll free at 888.329.9660.
September 2018 9
By Ellen Voie
Trucks ARE for Girls!
en years ago, when I would stand in front of trucking company executives to talk about Women In Trucking (WIT), their comments were typically dispassionate. “We don’t care if the driver is male or female,” was the usual response. “We just want good drivers.” I would try to make them understand that women wanted different things in a carrier as well as the industry as a whole. Women often had the same challenges but would prioritize their significance differently. Safety was always an issue. Women looked for a carrier that was concerned about their personal safety on the road as well as how well they maintained the tractor and trailer. We knew that women are more risk averse than men. Even the World Health Organization called “masculinity” hazardous to
10 September 2018
health due to risky driving. It was hard to quantify safety data for female commercial drivers, however, as women were said to be, “statistically insignificant” due to the low numbers for data collection. We knew that the National Association of Insurance Commissioners claimed female automobile drivers were less likely to get into accidents, more likely to wear their seatbelt and less likely to drive under the influence. We weren’t comfortable claiming the same for commercial drivers. The Federal Motor Carrier Administration reported only 95 fatalities in commercial trucks in 2015 where the driver was female. Out of a total of 3,883, this meant that women were the drivers in just two percent of truck fatalities while comprising six percent of all commercial drivers.
We knew that women were not only safer drivers but were often reported to be better with customers, took better care of their equipment and were much better in completing their paperwork. Many carriers still didn’t feel the need to focus on attracting and retaining women. To quantify the actual percentage of female over the road drivers, we partnered with The National Transportation Institute to survey carriers on their female driver population. We were surprised to learn that many companies didn’t even KNOW what percentage of their fleet were women. This year, the number of carriers tracking this data increased by 19 percent! We were also pleased to see the number of female drivers increased from 7.13 percent of all drivers in 2016 to 7.89 percent in 2017. This data is significant and promising. We then partnered with Sawgrass Logistics to conduct a best practices study to determine WHAT carriers were doing to increase their female driver population. Sadly, only 11 percent of carriers answered “yes” to having a separate marketing campaign geared toward women. A recent study by DriverIQ found that 35 percent of their carrier respondents had no programs aimed at recruiting female drivers. The remainder felt that their ads were gender neutral. Misperceptions continue to drive recruiting, which is unfortunate, as this industry still hasn’t figured out what women want. The most common concern I hear from company officials is that women are focused on home time more than men. They are wrong. A recent Stay Metrics study found that the top turnover
predictor for men is dissatisfaction with home time. For women, it’s their equipment (safety). How could this be? In our best practices research, we learned that 83 percent of women enter the trucking industry at the urging of a family member or friend. This means women are well aware of the anticipated change in lifestyle. We also know that women ask a lot more questions before they made a decision, so they are better prepared for the career change. Safety has always been this industry’s top priority, yet we need to be more aware of personal safety as well. On a scale of one to ten, we found that women reported they felt safe an average of 4.4 when asked if they felt unsafe or very safe in their job. We’ve challenged truck stops to increase lighting, surveillance cameras, and fencing. We’ve asked manufacturers for personal safety alarms in the event a driver is sleeping and someone tries to enter their truck. We’re monitoring the security at shippers through the Dock411 app as well. We were so excited to learn that the American Transportation Research Institute included gender when researching crash causation. They reported what we’d known all along. Women are safer commercial drivers. Men were found to be twenty percent more likely to be involved in a crash than women. In every category, from reckless driving to improper lane changing, women were found to be safer drivers. Our challenge to this industry is to stop trying to ignore the data and start looking at ways to make our roads safer by attracting and retaining more women. This is our mission at Women In Trucking Association. We hope it will be yours as well.
Business Insurance Matters
By Linda Colgan
Substandard Liability Limits in America
ithin the U.S. noncommercial vehicles are not required to carry higher limits of liability. Of course this varies from State to State but the limit can be as low as $10,000 or as high as $25,000. Considering a claim occurs and the third party is at fault, your insurance policy is vulnerable to respond for the difference between the amount of the loss and the limits of liability provided by the third parties insurance policy. What happens if a loss happens with multiple vehicles involved? The answer is simple, the funds of the at fault party are dispersed amongst those innocent parties seeking financial restitution. Depending on injuries
or severity of damage, subrogation could be inconsequential. Besides Michigan being a mini tort State, it is only prudent to be aware of how vulnerable your insurance policy is in other States that involves a noncommercial vehicle. Where the funds of the at fault party are not sufficient to cover the loss, understand the impact this claim will have on your overall loss performance with your insurance
provider. It is important to be aware of your loss ratio at all times and can easily be remedied by a discussion with your insurance Broker. Linda Colgan has been an Insurance Broker in the transportation industry since 1986 and is Senior Account Executive with Bryson & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd. To contact Linda call 416.809.3103 or feel free to email Linda at
mended when using winter diesel. An additive will help address the lower power issue with a Cetane enhancer, and also has anti-gelling properties to keep the fuel flowing smoothly at low temps. LUBRICATION Having operated a heavy truck hauling sand and logs in the winter I know that manual greasing can suffer due to weather conditions. Who likes to crawl under a truck and trailer to grease at the best of times? Owners will - most of the time - but will a hired driver? Winter conditions usually require more frequent greasing due to slush, salt and sand on the roads. Employing an automatic lubrication system, using cold temperature grease and an integrated warmer, will provide all grease points, including the fifth wheel, with just the right amount of lubricant at the time needed. It’s documented that bearings can last five times longer when an autolube system is used. In Part Two of Winter Running Tips we’ll look at cooling systems, brakes - plus lighting and traction assistance.
September 2018 11
VOCATIONAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES DIRECTORY The Products & Services Directory is your direct route to professional companies serving the Trucking Industry across Canada. Include your company in the directory by contacting Barb Woodward by phone at 877.225.2232 ext 302 or email at Visit us online at ACCOUNTING, TAX & BOOKKEEPING
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BEKA-LUBE PRODUCTS INC. “BEKA is Canada’s leading brand of automatic lubrication systems for industrial, over-the-road and off-road applications. All BEKA products are designed with the durability required for harsh environments found on trucks, agricultural and construction machinery.” 2830 Argentia Road, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5N 8G4 Toll Free: 888.862.7461 Tel: 905.821.1050vFax: 905.858.0597
FLO COMPONENTS LTD. “For Total Lube Solutions, Go With the FLO!”
50 Admiral Blvd. Mississauga, ON L5T 2W1 Toll Free: 800.668.5458 Tel: 905.671.2355vFax: 905.671.2358 Components by:
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PAT’S DRIVELINE “Over 35 years of Driveshaft Manufacturing Expertise” ALBERTA
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ITR CANADA INC. Canadian consulting and training resource company, committed to providing exceptional products and services to the transportation industry, specializing in D.O.T. drug and alcohol compliance. 490 McGeachie Drive Milton, ON L9T 3Y5 Toll Free: 888.812.0099 Tel: 905.693.0660 Fax: 905.693.0332
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KEE HUMAN RESOURCES “Your Goals Are Our Priority.” 6950 Kenderry Gate Mississauga, ON L5T 2S7 Toll Free: 877.670.3426 Tel: 905.670.3426 Fax: 905.670.3436
CARMEN TRANSPORTATION We are a family-oriented business looking to hire Company Drivers and select O/O for cross-border and Ontario/Quebec runs. We offer competitive compensation, bridge & fuel cards and Pre-pass transponders. 3700 Weston Road Toronto, ON M9L 2Z4 Toll Free: 866.857.5166 Tel: 416.667.9700 Fax: 416.667.8272
EMPIRE TRANSPORTATION LTD. A trucking company based in Grimsby, Ontario that specializes in the movement of oversize and overweight loads. We have an extensive line of heavy haul equipment including flatbeds, step-decks, double drops, floats, mini-decks, extendable trailers, steering dollies and multiaxle transporters with capacities up to 80 tons. 263 South Service Road Grimsby, ON L3M 1Y6 Toll Free: 800.263.0240 Tel: 905.945.9654 Fax: 905.945.4151
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KELSEY TRAIL TRUCKING LTD. We are your “one-stop” total logistics solutions provider since 1981. We have been helping companies get maximum results at exceptional value. Our flat deck long haul services are a key link in any efficient supply chain. LTL, FTL, over dimensional and weight-permitted shipments across Canada. All of our trucks are equipped with a GPS system. We strategically designed our company to be your edge. Experience it today! 2246 Bowman Street Innisfil, ON L9S 3V5 Toll Free: 888.564.8161 Tel: 705.436.6713 Fax: 705.436.9705
WILSON INSTRUMENTS LTD. The Anti-Idling Experts 43 Crowe Bay Heights, RR 2 Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 Tel: 705.653.2403 Fax: 705.653.5560
12 September 2018
DPF CLEANING SPECIALISTS The Cleaning and Maintenance of your DPF and DOC is our only Business. 5325 Outer Drive Windsor, ON N9A 6J3 Tel: 519.737.6005 Fax: 519.737.0005
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DYNAMIC FREIGHT SOLUTIONS INC. Dynamic Freight Solutions Inc. is the asset-based affiliate of North American Logistics providing transportation solutions to Canada and the United States, specializing in daily trips in and out of the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Dynamic Freight Solutions features heated and tailgate trailers for temperature control or special moves such as furniture or store fixtures. 49 Simpson Road Bolton, ON L7E 2R6 Tel: 905.951.5487 Contact: Don Branston Cell: 416.528.5849 or
SIEMENS TRANSPORTATION GROUP INC. Siemens Transportation Group Inc. spans across North America. As an international, family-owned operation, it encompasses specialized transportation companies for a total supply chain solution. These companies range from international Truckload, Less Than Truckload service, International Flat Deck service, Ground Courier service and Warehouse Distribution service P.O. Box 7290 Saskatoon, SK S7K 4J2 Toll Free: 888.878.9585 Fax: 306.668.5849
THE ROSEDALE GROUP “As a transportation and warehousing service provider since 1969, The Rosedale Group, has a proud history of meeting the industry-specific requirements of our customers. We, as a company, have a fundamental belief that our people make the difference in how we consistently deliver total customer satisfaction.” 6845 Invader Crescent Mississauga, ON L5T 2B7 Toll Free: 855.721.3962 Tel: 905.670.0057 Fax: 844.314.5953 or
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MULTI-LINE FASTENER SUPPLY COMPANY LTD. “Serving fastener needs for Industrial, Automotive & Maintenance Trades.” 1100 Courtney Park Dr. E., Unit 5 Mississauga, ON L5T 1L7 Tel: 905.677.5088 • Fax: 905.677.4917
BRYSON & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. “It’s not what you pay. It’s what you get for what you pay. Transportation, Logistics, Cargo, Fleet Safety Management Services & Bonds.” Toll Free: 800.661.5196 Tel: 905.426.8787 • Fax: 905.426.4959
BENNETTS POWER SERVICE PRODUCTS P. O. Box 51016, RPO Tyndall Park Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 Toll Free: 877.778.4440 Tel: 204.694.1777 • Fax: 204.633.0133
ACCUTRAC CAPITAL SOLUTIONS INC. “Accutrac provides cash flow solutions structured specifically for the freight and trucking industry. We’ve made factoring easy to understand and affordable with one low cost, all in. Qualification is easy and funding is available same day.” 174 West Street South, 2nd Floor Orillia, ON L3V 6L4 Toll Free: 866.531.2615 Toll Free Fax: 866.531.2651
BEKA-LUBE PRODUCTS INC. “Providing a selection of hand-held grease guns from the world-leading MATO application hardware. It delivers safe, reliable and environmentally-friendly handling of lubricants. Operators are able to apply grease precisely to the zerks or surfaces, but without the residual mess long associated with the lubricating process.” 2830 Argentia Road, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5N 8G4 Toll Free: 888.862.7461 Tel: 905.821.1050 • Fax: 905.858.0597
J D Factors 315 Matheson Blvd. East Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X8 Toll Free: 800.263.0664 Tel: 905.501.5000 • Fax: 905.501.0395 WESTERN CANADA
1-141 Commercial Drive Calgary, AB T3Z 2A7 Tel: 403.744.5323 Fax: 800.939.2305 EASTERN CANADA
ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER CANADA LIMITED Package policies for both local and long haul fleets. Our team of transportation specialists have in-depth industry knowledge and extensive experience designing and implementing programs to fit our clients’ needs. 120 South Town Centre Blvd. Markham, ON L6G 1C3 Toll Free: 800.267.6670 • Tel: 905.479.6670 Markham: London:
6600 route Transcanadienne bureau 610 Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 4S2 Toll Free: 888.694.8721 Fax: 514.694.4411
LIQUID CAPITAL MIDWEST CORP. “Others Promise… We Deliver” White Glove Service and Industry Expertise. Same-day funding, including weekends. Customized competitive rates. 176 Seacliff Drive West Leamington, ON N8H 3Y5 Toll Free: 877.653.9426 Tel: 519.419.5044 • Fax: 855.295.6605
LEFT LANE ASSOCIATES Left Lane Associates is a logistics only advisory firm that specializes in growth strategies, both organic and through mergers & acquisitions (buying & selling) of other logistics companies. Monetize your business today! 174 Brown’s Line, Suite 100 Toronto, ON M8W 3T3 Toll Free: 888.204.8434 Cell: 647.620.4745 or
CANADIAN INSURANCE BROKERS INC. 1 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 415 Toronto, ON M4P 3Z1 Tel: 416.486.0951 • Fax: 416.489.5311
ERB AND ERB INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. What you want to protect the most. We protect the best! 818 Victoria Street North Kitchener, ON N2B 1C3 Toll Free: 800.265.2634 Tel: 519.579.4270 • Fax: 519.741.1977 or
JONES DESLAURIERS INSURANCE MANAGEMENT INC. Transportation Insurance Broker/Advisor™ 2375 Skymark Avenue Mississauga, ON L4W 1Y6 Toll Free: 877.232.9996 Tel: 416.240.5695 • Fax: 416.259.7178
PALMER ATLANTIC INSURANCE LTD. One of Canada’s leading Trucking Insurance and Risk Services Brokers, specializing in coverage for local and long haul fleets and owner-operators. Check out our website to learn more about how we can help you today! 538 Main Street, Unit 1 Hartland, NB E7P 2N5 Toll Free: 800.267.8006 Tel: 506.375.7500 Fax: 506.375.4232
CREVIER LUBRICANTS 2320, rue de a Métropole Longueuil, QC J4G 1E6 Toll Free: 800.363.0590 Tel: 450.679.8866 Fax: 450.679.5818 ONTARIO – LONDON
CASE ‘N DRUM OIL 3462 White Oak Road London ON N6E 2Z9 Toll Free: 800.265.7642 Tel: 519.681.3772 Fax: 519.681.4680 ONTARIO – WHITBY
RP OIL 1111 Burns Street East, Unit 3 Whitby ON L1N 6A6 Toll Free: 800.335.6623 Tel: 905.666.2313 Fax: 905.666.2761 WESTERN CANADA
CATALYS LUBRICANTS 7483, Progress Way Delta BC V4G 1E7 Toll Free: 855.946.4226 Tel: 604.946.4226 • Fax: 604.946.1499
ON-BOARD SCALES BAIRD MACGREGOR INSURANCE BROKERS LP At Baird MacGregor you are under our shield of protection. We are known throughout the business community for our commitment to acountabilty, consistency, innovation and excellence in all that we do. We have specialized in providing cost-effective insurance and unique risk management solutions since 1979. 825 Queen Street East Toronto, ON M4M 1H8 Toll Free: 800.263.3030 Tel: 416.778.8000 Fax: 416.778.4492
AIRD & BERLIS LLP Aird & Berlis is a recognized as both a pioneer and a leader in transportation law. We provide strategic legal and business advice to companies operating in or servicing the transportation sector in Canada. Our range of expertise includes border security, customs compliance and enforcement, carrier safety, licensing and suspension, labour and employment, M&A, independent operator and tax matters. Brookfield Place 181 Bay Street, Suite 1800 Toronto, ON M5J 2T9 Tel: 416.865.4642 • Fax: 416.863.1515
CLERAL SCALES CLERAL is an onboard scale for trucks manufacturer since 1995. Leader in onboard weighing systems for all suspension types. More precision, easier to use, and at a more than affordable price. 90 des Distributeurs Val d’Or, QC J6P 6Y1 Tel: 855.824.1151 • Fax: 819.824.9463
September 2018 13
VULCAN ON-BOARD SCALES On-board weighing systems for the trucking industry. 1765 Springfield Road, Unit 106 Kelowna, BC V1Y 5V5 Toll Free: 800.663.0854 Tel: 604.944.1481 • Fax: 604.944.1482
FLO COMPONENTS LTD. Grease & oil pumps, hose reels, meters, control valves – all the necessary components to safely store, dispense and track your service shop’s bulk fluids. 50 Admiral Blvd. Mississauga, ON L5T 2W1 Toll Free: 800.668.5458 Tel: 905.671.2355 Fax: 905.671.2358 Components by:
TRANSCOURT TANK LEASING Toll Free: 888.407.3830 Contacts: ONTARIO & MANITOBA Mike Trianos EASTERN CANADA (Quebec & Atlantic Provinces) Julie Thibaudeau Toll Free: 844.322.8360 WESTERN CANADA Kevin Quick
730 PERMIT SERVICES INC. Established in 1992, our experts have detailed knowledge of the filing systems for permits, accounting and audits. BROCKVILLE 1245 California Avenue Brockville, ON K6V 7N5 Toll Free: 800.410.4754 Tel: 613.657.1244 • Fax: 613.657.1453 MISSISSAUGA 6885 Davand Drive, Unit #4 Mississauga, ON L5T 1J5 Tel: 905.670.2208 • Fax: 905.670.0208 WOODSTOCK 535 Mill Street Woodstock, ON N4S 0A9 Tel: 519.537.8658 • Fax: 519.537.7956
LOAD COVERING SOLUTIONS LTD. “Keeping You Covered” 5499 Harvester Road Burlington, ON L7L 5V4 Toll Free: 800.465.8277 Tel: 905.335.2012 Fax: 905.335.8499
KEE TRAINING ACADEMY “Your Goals Are Our Priority.” 6950 Kenderry Gate Mississauga, ON L5T 2S7 Toll Free: 877.670.3426 Tel: 905.670.3426 • Fax: 905.670.3436
1440 Highland Avenue
TruckPro locations on page 19 ABRAMS TOWING “Service Across Ontario” 24 Hour Heavy Towing Toll Free: 888.667.5438 • Tel: 416.398.9474
PERMITS & SERVICES C.U.T.C. INC. Serving the Transportation industry since 1989. 1295 Crois Carol Laval, QC H7W 1G3 Toll Free: 866.927.8294 Tel: 450.687.8294 Fax: 450.687.6963
KROWN CORPORATE “Krown offers a superior line of rust inhibiting products and body maintenance programs to help keep your trucks on the road.” 35 Magnum Drive Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Toll Free: 800.267.5744 Tel: 905.939.8750 Fax: 905.939.8710
14 September 2018
EDMONTON FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 16230-118th Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5V 1C6 Toll Free: 800.663.9366 Tel: 780.447.4422 • Fax: 780.447.3289 GRANDE PRAIRIE FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 10610-82nd Avenue Clairmont, AB T8X 5G9 Toll Free: 866.424.5479 Tel: 780.402.9864 • Fax: 780.402.8659 LLOYDMINSTER FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 5701-63rd Avenue Lloydminster, AB T9V 3B8 Toll Free: 800.661.9709 Tel: 780.875.9115 • Fax: 780.875.1403 RED DEER FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 170 Queens Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 0R5 Toll Free: 866.297.0022 Tel: 403.343.1383 • Fax: 403.347.8275 MANITOBA
FLEET-TAX SERVICES INC. Celebrating 15 Years in Business! Our team is very well known for their MTO & DOT Audit Support, Authorities, IRP, Fuel & Mileage Taxes, Drug & Alcohol Testing Center 4654 Ontario Street Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Tel: 905.563.1010 *** NEW MISSISSAUGA OFFICE *** NOW OPEN Truck Parking Available 1115 Midway Blvd. Mississauga, ON L5T 2C1 Tel: 647.945.1010
BLACK ICE TOWING 24 Hour Heavy, Medium & Light Duty Towing & Recovery. Tilt and Load & Float Services. Licenced Mechanic on Staff. Serving Parry Sound to Sudbury & Surrounding areas. 423 Hwy 69 Britt, ON P0G 1A0 Tel: 705.774.3224
BEDARD TANKERS INC. Leader in Dry Bulk, Liquid, Liquefied Compressed Gas & Cryogenic Road Tanker Trailers. 5785 Place Turcot Montreal, QC H4C 1V9 Tel: 514.937.1670 • Fax: 514.937.2190
FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES Proud distributors of Lode-King, Midland Manufacturing, Landoll and more.
M.T.T. REPAIR SERVICES INC. M.T.T. Repair Services Inc. is a family owned and operated business that has been providing quality repairs and services since 1975. We operate out of a 14,000 square foot building with eleven bays including a truck and trailer paint bay and two sandblasting bays. M.T.T. Repair Services currently employs trailer mechanics, welders, body men and painters. We are also an accredited vehicle inspection station that allows us to conduct annual safety inspections to all of your trailers. 1868 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905.677.2771 • Fax: 905.677.2774
Traction locations on page 18
CALGARY FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 5350-72nd Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X5 Toll Free: 800.661.3126 Tel: 403.236.9712 • Fax: 403.236.7249
Brandon, MB R7C 1A7 Toll Free: 866.883.6120 Tel: 204.571.5980 • Fax: 204.571.5982 WINNIPEG FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 2525 Inkster Blvd. Winnipeg, MB R2R 2Y4 Toll Free: 800.282.8044 Tel: 204.632.8261 • Fax: 204.956.1786 ONTARIO
MISSISSAUGA FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 731 Gana Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1P2 Toll Free: 888.456.6567 Tel: 905.564.5404 • Fax: 905.564.8455 SUDBURY FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES C-112 Fielding Road Lively, ON P3Y 1L5 Toll Free: 866.328.7725 Tel: 705.222.1042 • THUNDER BAY FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES 915 Walsh Street West Thunder Bay, ON P7E 4X5 Toll Free: 800.465.5044 Tel: 807.577.5724 • Fax: 807.475.9033 SASKATCHEWAN
Fort Garry Industries 1523 Ross Avenue East Regina, SK S4N 7E5 Toll Free: 800.552.8044 Tel: 306.757.5606 • Fax: 306.781.7926
SASKATOON Fort Garry Industries 3455 Miners Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7K9 Toll Free: 800.772.4599 Tel: 306.242.3465 • Fax: 306.933.4850
Texis Truck Exhaust “Diesel Performance Specialists” 1850 Gage Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1S2 Toll Free: 800.267.4740 Tel: 905.795.2838 • Fax: 905.678.3030
MINIMIZER Minimizer has been in business for over 30 years. If it’s on/in a heavy duty truck and can be made of polymers, Minimizer is the brand most trusted.We have the only lifetime guarantee in the industry with products proven where it matters most – on trucks & trailers. 500 Minimizer Way S.E. Blooming Prairie, MN 55917 Toll Free: 800.248.3855 Tel: 507.583.2112 • Fax: 507.583.7540
THE TRUCK EXHAUST PLACE Since 1982 we have been a one stop exhaust shop for the trucking industry as well as the heavy duty exhaust needs of industrial, farming, manufacturers and mining industry. We have been helping fleets, owner-operators, brokers, truck repair facilities, municipalities and manufactures get their equipment up and running and their trucks back on the road with minimal down time. 1365 Bonhill Road Mississauga, ON L6T 1M1 Toll Free: 800.385.8801 Tel: 905.670.0100 • Fax: 905.670.8128
TRUCK LIGHTING & ACCESSORIES QUALITY COLLISION CENTRE Quality Collision Centre has been providing superior collision & body work for heavy trucks, trailers & cars since 1979. When you bring your vehicle in to Quality Collision Centre, you can be assured of timely turnaround, expert repairs & complete satisfaction. 12 Clarke Blvd., Brampton, ON L6W 1X3 Tel: 905.451.8550 • Fax: 905.451.7627
DRIVE STAR SHUTTLE SYSTEM LTD. Providing “drive-away” and “tow-away” services to the class 6, 7 and 8 truck markets in both Canada and the United States. 1625 Stone Church Road East Hamilton, ON L8W 3Y5 Toll Free: 866.378.7827 Tel: 289.285.3000
FORT GARRY INDUSTRIES Sales and NSM certified installation of snow plows, sanders, mixers, dump bodies and more.
GROTE INDUSTRIES, CO. Known for innovation, ethical business practices, and a strong commitment to providing quality products and service. Grote Industries is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and marketers of vehicle lighting and safety systems. 230 Travail Road Markham, ON L3S 3J1 Toll Free: 800.268.5612 Toll Free Fax: 800.267.9024 Tel: 905.209.9744 • Fax: 905.209.9757
LOUNSBURY HEAVY-DUTY TRUCK CENTRE Truck Sales, Parts, Service, Body Shop Repairs, Radiator Sales & Recore along with the latest in Hunter Alignment Technology for all makes and models. Two locations in New Brunswick to serve you. MONCTON 725 St. George Blvd. Moncton, NB E1E 2C2 Toll Free: 800.561.7782 Tel: 506.857.4345 • Fax: 506.857.4346 FREDERICTON 14 Millennium Drive Fredericton NB E3C 2N8 Toll Free: 888.339.7344 Tel: 506.459.1204 • Fax: 506.454.1376
ALLIED TRANSMISSIONS LTD. Allied Transmissions Ltd. is an authorized Allison dealer who is committed to providing the highest standard of service. 235149 Ryan Road S.E. Calgary, AB T1X 0K1 Toll Free: 888.232.2203 Tel: 403.279.9505 • Fax: 403.279.7362 Authorized Allison Dealer
MISSISSAUGA #3, 7337 Pacific Circle Mississauga, ON L5T 1V1 Toll Free: 844.564.8998 Tel: 905.564.8998 • Fax: 905.564.6284
Servicing Truck, RV, Oilfield, Highway, Bus, Construction Automatic & Powershift Transmissions as well as Chelsea PTO Sales & Service Specializing in parts and service for the Allison Transmission. Over 15+ years of Service Excellence in Western Canada & Abroad. RR 1, Site 1, Box 9 27312 – 84, Twp 394 Aspelund Industrial Park Blackfalds, AB TOM 0J0 Toll Free: 877.321.7732 (SPEC) Tel: 403.885.5566 • Fax: 403.885.2556
AWASH (ECOWASH) SYSTEMS CORP. Portable Automated Truck Wash Systems including Battery & Electric versions, customized to your requirements. We are the OEM. CANADA
19 Community Avenue Hamilton, ON L8E 2X9
C & R TRANSMISSION SERVICE LTD. Your Complete Driveline Service Center. Authorized Allison Overhaul & Maintenance Dealer. Large Inventory of the Most Popular Clutches, Transmissions & Differentials. Factory-Trained Rebuilders & 9 Service Bays. 13 Anderson Blvd. Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Toll Free: 888.297.0682 Tel: 905.642.4556 • Fax: 905.642.2293
6405 Inducon Drive East Sanborn, NY, USA 14132 Toll Free: 800.265.7405 Tel: 905.662.2662 • Fax: 888.407.9498
SWS SAFETY WARNING SYSTEMS A quality North American Manufacturer since 1969, SWS Warning Lights Inc. is known for innovation, service and high qulity safety warning lights. We look to constantly progress as a company so we can provide you with the best built lights for your fleet. 7695 Blackburn Parkway Niagara Falls, ON L2H 0A6 Toll Free: 877.357.0222 Tel: 905.357.0222 • Fax: 905.357.9122
A & A EXHAUST SYSTEMS A one-stop total exhaust and emission solution provider. Our products, services and manufacturing abilities enable us to provide our customers with the highest standards in exhaust parts and services. 480 Grays Road, Hamilton, ON L8E 2Z4 Toll Free: 800.461.2495 Tel: 905.578.4303 • Fax: 905.578.4381
GERRY’S TRUCK CENTRE “Your Complete Transportation Business Partner” 4049 Eastgate Cres. London, ON N6L 1B7 Toll Free: 800.363.4380 Tel: 519.652.2100 • Fax: 519.652.6593
CALGARY 7170 Blackfoot Trail SE Calgary, AB T2H 2M1 Toll Free: 800.661.1378 Tel: 403.252.3880 • Fax: 403.252.6308 EDMONTON 14811-116th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3E8 Toll Free: 800.661.8825 Tel: 780.452.6933 • Fax: 780.455.8612 NEW BRUNSWICK
MONCTON Unit 5, 191 Henri Dunant Street Moncton, NB E1E 1E4 Toll Free: 844.701.GEAR (4327) Tel: 506.855.GEAR (4327) Fax: 506.859.GEAR (4327)
DE-ON SUPPLY INC. DSI is the world’s largest distributor and service provider for Clean Burn, the largest seller of used oil furnaces & boilers. Clean Burn stands head & shoulders above the competition due to its innovative technology and quality manufacturing. Sale & Service from Coast to Coast. 1595 Lobsinger Line, R.R.#1 Waterloo, ON N2J 4G8 Toll Free: 800.824.4115 Toll Free Fax: 888.626.7843
COMPASS VEHICLE DELIVERY INC. All types of vehicles delivered across Canada. We specialize in fleet relocation. P.O. Box 265 Stn. Main 4-996 County Road 40 Trenton, ON K8V 5R5 Tel: 613.392.9676 • Fax: 613.392.8730
September 2018 15
Tires & Wheels
By Jeffrey Parks, Managing Director, Retread Tire Association
Get the Most from Your Tires with a Calibrated Tire Gauge
f you are a trucker, regardless of whether you are an owner operator with one truck, or a fleet manager responsible for 100 trucks, very often the tire gauge you or your driver uses might be far from accurate and often can be as much as 10-15 pounds off. If this is the case the tire gauge is not much better than a thumping stick. The solution is to use a calibratable truck tire gauge and check the calibration AT LEAST once monthly and more often if you can. You shouldn’t tolerate a truck tire gauge that is more than a couple of pounds plus or minus from being 100% accurate. Think about it, tires are the only part of the truck to make contact with the road. They are responsible for not only carrying the load of the truck and its contents, but they also contribute to fuel savings if they are carrying the proper amount of air for the load. Tires that carry the proper amount of air also contribute to fewer alignment problems and provide a smoother ride for the driver - not a small benefit. A decent non-calibratable tire gauge can usually be purchased for about $15, but the day you purchase it, how do you know how accurate it is? You don’t. A brand new $15 tire gauge (non- calibratable) is usually plus or minus three pounds of being 100% ac-
curate, and that’s if you are lucky. After the gauge is bounced around in your truck for a few weeks or months, and maybe dropped a couple of times, it is a sure bet that the accuracy diminishes. But does it really matter? The $15 more or less that you paid for the non-calibratable gauge now becomes a very expensive mistake that can allow your tires to drive down the highway with the WRONG amount of air. And since we all know that tires are masochists and love to suffer, they will allow you to get away with driving on them although they are underinflated, or heaven forbid, even overinflated. Bad things happen now, especially when the tires wear out prematurely or when your fuel costs rise, or maybe even worse, they cause an accident… You get the idea. Now let’s look at the cost of a calibratable truck tire gauge. A decent quality calibratable truck tire gauge will generally cost a few dollars more than a standard non calibratable truck tire gauge, but the cost should be looked at as an investment because over the long run you will save big bucks by taking better care of your tires thanks to the calibratable truck tire gauge. “OK, but how do I calibrate my truck
PACCAR Supplier Quality Award
reenville, South Carolina – Michelin North America, Inc., has been recognized by PACCAR – one of the world’s largest manufacturers of medium – and heavy-duty trucks – as a recipient of the 2017 “10 PPM Supplier Quality” award for outstanding commitment to quality. The award was presented recently to Michelin by Gary Safsten, PACCAR Assistant Director of Supplier Quality, at Michelin North America’s headquarters in Greenville. Michelin supplies PACCAR with a range of commercial-truck tires for PACCAR’s Peterbilt and Kenworth brands
16 September 2018
that are known worldwide for their unparalleled quality.
calibratable tire gauge?” Good question. You will need to also buy a Master Gauge or find a nearby truck tire dealer who will allow you to use his on a regular basis. You MUST have access to a Master Gauge to check the calibration of your calibratable truck tire gauge. A Master Gauge is one that is certified to be accurate by the manufacturer when it leaves the factory. Prices for Master Gauges vary from just under $100 to more than $200, depending on the gauge you select for your fleet even if your fleet is just one truck. Tires that carry the proper amount of air will last longer and are far less likely to fail while in service. They will also be more retreadable when the original tread is worn to the legal limit, a VERY
important feature! Your Master Gauge will pay for itself over time. A word of caution: If you buy a Master Gauge NEVER carry your Master Gauge in your truck. Keep it in your shop or home and baby it. It should never be dropped or banged around. Treat it with the respect it deserves and if you do it will serve you well for a long time. Here are a few companies that sell calibrated tire gauges and master gauges: AME International, www. ameintl. net, call 352.799.1111; Haltec, www., 800.321.6471; Tuffy Manufacturing,, 330.630.1111; Mohawk Rubber Sales of New England, www.mohawkrubber. com, 800.242.1446; Magnum Tire Shop Supply, 831.628.3808.
Healthy Trucker
by Andrea Morley
Boosting Your Immune System
hat time of year is here - the kids go back to school, and the germs begin to take over. Whether you’re at home or on the road, most of you will be exposed to the common cold this fall, but I’m going to help you keep your immune system strong so that you’re less likely to catch it! Your body is constantly working hard to stay healthy, but if we don’t support it in doing so, it’s eventually going to crash and get sick when exposed to illnesses. Implement a few (or all) of the following tips into your daily routine or as often as possible, as the best way to keep your immune system running well is through consistent, daily actions rather than sporadic efforts. Top immune-boosting tips: Sleep: Your cell phone cannot function without being charged, and neither can you! Whatever amount of sleep you’re currently getting; aim for an extra 30-60 minutes this season. You
may have to rearrange your evening or morning schedule a tad, but it will pay off. Water: your liver & other organs do a great job at filtering out waste & toxins, but if you’re not drinking enough water, those unwanted products have a harder time leaving the body! Start drinking 1-2 more glasses per day. Fruits & veggies are loaded with antioxidants and virus-fighting compounds, can help to increase antibodies and white blood cells, and provide us with loads of vitamins & minerals! Multivitamin: If your diet suffers when you’re on the road (or always) a multivitamin is a great way to ensure you’re filling some nutrient gaps. Head to a natural health store (most malls have one) and ask for a high quality multivitamin. Vitamin C: many people take vitamin C when they’re already sick in hopes of improving overnight, but it is much
more effective to build your immune system over time with this potent vitamin. Vitamin D: another potent vitamin, this one helps with both immunity and mood management as we head into shorter days and gloomier weather. Probiotics: health starts in the gut, and our gut is made up of millions of bacteria that help us digest food, stay healthy, and much more. Many people have a depleted gut microbiome (i.e. not enough gut bacteria or not enough strains of bacteria) so introducing a high quality probiotic for about a week each month can be a great help for our immune systems. Garlic, onions, ginger fall into the fruit and veggie category, but they deserve their own special mention as they all contain powerful antiviral compounds. Bonus: they’re super affordable! Add them (fresh) into as many meals as you can!
Moderate exercise can have a positive effect on the immune system, but be sure not to overdo it as that can do the opposite. Aim for 150 minutes per week. Fresh air has been found to help support the immune system, so take your workouts outside or even just sit outdoors for 5-10 minutes of deep breathing! Finally, to minimize the strain you are putting on your body, do your best to reduce how often you consume these foods: processed foods, sugar, wheat (bread, muffins, bagels, pasta, cookies, etc.), dairy & alcohol.
September 2018 17
Traction Locations ALBERTA
BONNYVILLE TRACTION BONNYVILLE Northern Truck & Industrial 6201-C 50th Avenue Bonnyville, AB T9N 2L9 Tel: 780.826.5855 BROOKS TRACTION BROOKS NAPA Auto Parts 99 - 7th Street East Brooks, AB T1R 1C1 Tel: 403.501.5551 DRAYTON VALLEY TRACTION DRAYTON VALLEY Drayton Valley Auto Parts Ltd. 3347 - 50th Street Drayton Valley, AB T7A 0C6 Tel: 780.542.6881 EDMONTON TRACTION HEAD OFFICE 18532 - 116th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 2W8 Tel: 780.489.7555 EDMONTON NORTH WEST TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 18051 - 111th Avenue North West Edmonton NW, AB T5S 2P2 Tel: 780.444.4334 EDMONTON SOUTH TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 3404 - 78th Avenue Edmonton South, AB T6B 2X9 Tel: 800.252.7992 EDSON TRACTION EDSON NAPA Auto Parts 4833 - 2nd Avenue Edson, AB T7E 1T8 Tel: 780.712.4152 FAIRVIEW TRACTION FAIRVIEW Fairview Automotive & Industrial Supplies 11019 - 101st Avenue Fairview AB T0H 1L0 Tel: 780.835.4971
FORT MCMURRAY TRACTION FORT MCMURRAY Paramount Parts Inc. 10218 King Street Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1X9 Tel: 780.791.3000 GRANDE PRAIRIE TRACTION GRANDE PRAIRIE Bradvin HD Inc. 16101 - 101st Street, Unit 4 Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0P2 Tel: 780.538.3038 HIGH PRAIRIE TRACTION HIGH PRAIRIE High Prairie Truck & Trailer Ltd. 5309 - 53rd Avenue, Hwy 2 West High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Tel: 780.523.4777 HINTON TRACTION HINTON NAPA Auto Parts 120 North Street Hinton, AB T7V 1S8 Tel: 780.865.8800 LA CRETE TRACTION LA CRETE Schellenberg Heavy Equipment 10704 99th Street La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Tel: 780.928.3406 LLOYDMINSTER TRACTION LLOYDMINSTER Truck Zone Inc. 5205 - 65th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712 MEDICINE HAT TRACTION MEDICINE HAT Hydraco Industries Ltd. 2111 - 9th Avenue South West Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G8 Tel: 403.526.2244 PEACE RIVER TRACTION PEACE RIVER Peace Truck & Trailer Ltd. 9103 - 75th Street Peace River, AB T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8655
RED DEER TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 8045 Edgar Industrial Cr. Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.342.7884 ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE TRACTION ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE NAPA Auto Parts 4528F - 47th Avenue Rocky Mtn House, AB T4T 0A9 Tel: 403.845.2709 SUNDRE TRACTION SUNDRE Partco Truck Parts & Service 7 West Road Industrial Park Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Toll Free: 800.372.7826 WABASCA TRACTION WABASCA Pelican Automotive 2330 Pelican Business Park Wabasca, AB T0G 2A0 Tel: 780.891.3600 WHITECOURT TRACTION WHITECOURT KW Mechanical Ltd. 4004 - 41st Avenue Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N4 Tel: 780.706.2252
18 September 2018
BRITISH COLUMBIA ABBOTSFORD TRACTION ABBOTSFORD Truckpart Abbotsford 31107 Peardonville Road, Bay 11 Abbotsford, BC, V2T 6T9 Tel: 604.746.9660 BURNS LAKE TRACTION BURNS LAKE Polar Park Automotive 831 Hwy 16 West Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Tel: 250.692.7501 CHETWYND TRACTION CHETWYND Gear-O-Rama Supply 4876 North Access Road Chetwynd, BC V0C 1J0 Tel: 250.788.2255
BRITISH COLUMBIA CHILLIWACK TRACTION CHILLIWACK Lickman Truck & Trailer Parts & Services Ltd. 43915 Industrial Way Chilliwack, BC V2R 3A4 Tel: 604.793.9660 COURTENAY TRACTION COURTENAY Taurus Heavy Duty Ventures 2703A Kilpatrick Avenue Courtenay, BC V9N 6P4 Tel: 250.871.1191 FORT NELSON TRACTION FORT NELSON NAPA Auto Parts 5320 - 49th Avenue Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.2783 KAMLOOPS TRACTION KAMLOOPS Premium Truck & Trailer 1875 Kryczka Place Kamloops, BC V1S 1S4 Tel: 250.374.3100 KELOWNA TRACTION KELOWNA Central Valley Truck Service 105 Adams Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7R1 Tel: 250.765.7738 PORT MCNEILL TRACTION PORT MCNEILL North Island Pacific Parts 470 Pioneer Hill Drive Port McNeill, BC V0N 2R0 Tel: 250.956.4401 PRINCE GEORGE TRACTION PRINCE GEORGE NAPA Auto Parts 564 - 2nd Avenue Prince George, BC V2L 2Z9 Tel: 250.563.7778 QUESNEL TRACTION QUESNEL NAPA Auto Parts 1185 Hwy 97 North Quesnel, BC V2J 2Y3 Tel: 250.991.0650 SIDNEY TRACTION SIDNEY PM Industries 1785 Mills Road Sidney, BC V8L 5S9 Tel: 250.656.1689 SMITHERS TRACTION SMITHERS Smithers Parts & Service 3465 Victoria Drive Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287
SQUAMISH TRACTION SQUAMISH Triton Auto & Industrial Ltd. 1003 Industrial Way Squamish, BC V0N 3G0 Tel: 604.892.5951 SURREY TRACTION SURREY Trailine Trailer Parts Ltd. 10304 - 120th Street Surrey, BC V3V 4G1 Tel: 604.582.4888 TERRACE TRACTION TERRACE BOW VALLEY MACHINE 5107 Keith Avenue Terrace, BC V8G 1K8 Tel: 250.638.0099 VANDERHOOF TRACTION VANDERHOOF P & H Supplies Ltd. 279 1st Street East Vanderhoof, BC, V0J 3A0 Tel: 250.567.9266 WILLIAMS LAKE TRACTION WILLIAMS LAKE W.L. Forestry Supplies Ltd. 675 North Mackenzie Avenue Williams Lake, BC V2G 1N9 Tel: 250.392.6699
MOOSE JAW TRACTION MOOSE JAW Golden West Trailer & Equipment Ltd. 1802 Stadacona Street West Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4N8 Tel: 306.692.7402 NIPAWIN TRACTION NIPAWIN NAPA Auto Parts 811 Nipawin Road East Nipawin, SK S0E 1E0 Tel: 306.862.9881 PRINCE ALBERT TRACTION PRINCE ALBERT Unified Auto Parts Inc. 3802 4th Avenue East Prince Albert, SK S6W 1A4 Tel: 306.764.4220 REGINA TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 405 Park Street Regina, SK S4N 5B2 Tel: 800.667.9856 SASKATOON TRACTION SASKATOON NAPA Auto Parts 2815 Faithfull Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 8E8 Tel: 306.244.9877 SWIFT CURRENT TRACTION SWIFT CURRENT Swift Current Brake & Drive Ltd. 1511 Cheadle Street West Swift Current, SK S9H 5G4 Tel: 306.773.7293 WEYBURN TRACTION WEYBURN Southern Industrial & Truck Ltd. 300 Hwy 13, South Service Road Crossroads Industrial Park Weyburn, SK S4H 2K7 Tel: 306.842.2422 YORKTON TRACTION YORKTON 537 Broadway Street East Yorkton, SK S3N 2W7 Tel: 306.782.4313
MANITOBA BRANDON TRACTION BRANDON NAPA Auto Parts 1940 Queen’s Avenue Brandon, MB R7B 0T1 Tel: 204.727.4850 WINNIPEG TRACTION HEAVY DUTY PARTS 200 Oak Point Highway Winnipeg, MB R2R 1V1 Tel: 888.320.5505 N. W. TERRITORIES YELLOWKNIFE TRACTION YELLOWKNIFE NAPA Auto Parts 114 - 314 Old Airport Road Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2 Tel: 867.669.6272 SASKATCHEWAN MEADOW LAKE TRACTION MEADOW LAKE Unified Auto Parts Inc. 807 - 1st Avenue West Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Y4 Tel: 306.236.4800
YUKON WHITEHORSE TRACTION WHITEHORSE Pacesetter Trading Company Ltd. 126 Industrial Road Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2T9 Tel: 867.393.3902
TruckPro Locations
ACHESON TRUCKPRO ACHESON Silver Mechanical Services [2013] Ltd. 26724 Acheson Road Acheson, AB T7X 6B2 Tel: 780.962.8030 BROOKS TRUCKPRO BROOKS Hopf Mechanical & Hydraulics 660 Aquaduct Drive Brooks, AB T1R 1C5 Tel: 403.501.0190 CALGARY TRUCKPRO CALGARY (14A Street) Alberta Auto & Truck Repair Inc. 4150-B 14A Street SE Calgary, AB T2G 3L3 Tel: 403.543.1000 DAYSLAND TRUCKPRO DAYSLAND Iron Creek Truck & Trailer Ltd. 4909 50th Avenue Daysland, AB T0B 1A0 Tel: 780.374.3724 DRUMHELLER TRUCKPRO DRUMHELLER Drum Diesel 901 South Railway Ave., Bay 13 Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 Tel: 403.823.7966 EDMONTON NORTH WEST TRUCKPRO EDMONTON NW Truck Zone Inc. 15816 - 111th Ave. North West Edmonton, AB T5M 2R8 Tel: 780.451.0225
FORT MACLEOD TRUCKPRO FORT MACLEOD MoBoot’s Ag Mechanics Ltd. 112 - 12th Street Fort MacLeod, AB T0L 0Z0 Tel: 403.795.2645 FORT SASKATCHEWAN TRUCKPRO FORT SASKATCHEWAN Cart Construction Inc. 11401 - 85th Avenue, Unit #11 Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 0A9 Tel: 780.998.5028 GRANDE PRAIRIE TRUCKPRO GRANDE PRAIRIE Bradvin Trailer Sales Ltd. 10920 - 87th Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8K4 Tel: 780.539.6260 LA CRETE TRUCKPRO LA CRETE Schellenberg Heavy Equipment 10704 - 99th Street La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Tel: 780.928.3406 LLOYDMINSTER TRUCKPRO LLOYDMINSTER TRUCK ZONE INC. 5205 - 65th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712 MEDICINE HAT TRUCKPRO MEDICINE HAT Hydraco Industries Ltd. 2111 - 9th Avenue SW Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G8 Tel: 403.526.2244 PEACE RIVER TRUCKPRO PEACE RIVER Peace Truck & Trailer Ltd. 9103 - 75th Street Peace River, AB T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8655
RED DEER TRUCKPRO RED DEER Central Alberta Heavy Duty Repair 10 - 7719 Edgar Industrial Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.358.5335 SUNDRE TRUCKPRO SUNDRE Partco Truck Parts & Service 7 West Road Industrial Park Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Toll Free: 403.638.3414 TABER TRUCKPRO TABER Geeraert Mechanical Service 5911-B 50th Avenue Taber, AB T1G 1W7 Tel: 403.223.8744 TWO HILLS TRUCKPRO TWO HILLS Two Hills Auto & Industrial Supply Ltd. 5929 - 47th Avenue Two Hills, AB T0B 4K0 Tel: 780.657.3304 WHITECOURT TRUCKPRO WHITECOURT KW Mechanical Ltd. 4004 - 41st Avenue Whitecourt, AB T7S 1N4 Tel: 780.706.2252
KAMLOOPS TRUCKPRO KAMLOOPS Premium Truck & Trailer 1875 Kryczka Place Kamloops, BC V1S 1S4 Tel: 250.374.3100 KELOWNA TRUCKPRO KELOWNA Central Valley Truck Services Ltd. 105 Adams Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7R1 Tel: 250.765.7738 NANAIMO TRUCKPRO NANAIMO P.M. Industries Ltd. 4950 Jordan Avenue Nanaimo, BC V9T 2H8 Tel: 250.758.8004 SIDNEY TRUCKPRO SIDNEY P.M. Industries Ltd. 1785 Mills Road Sidney, BC V8L 5S9 Tel: 250.656.1689 SMITHERS TRUCKPRO SMITHERS Smithers Parts & Service (2005) Ltd. 3465 Victoria Drive Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287
DAUPHIN TRUCKPRO DAUPHIN A.R.J. Heavy Truck & Trailer Repair 107053, PTH 20 Dauphin, MB R7N 2V3 Tel: 204.638.0711 NEEPAWA TRUCKPRO NEEPAWA T.I.C. Parts & Service 220 Hwy 5 North Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Tel: 204.476.3809 WINKLER TRUCKPRO WINKLER Road Rig Parts & Service Ltd. 530 George Avenue Winkler, MB R6W 0J4 Tel: 204.331.4744 WINNIPEG NORTH WEST TRUCKPRO WINNIPEG NW DAB’s Repair Ltd. 2126 Logan Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2R 0J2 Tel: 204.694.2390
REGINA TRUCKPRO REGINA (9TH AVE.) Frame & Wheel Alignment Co. (1988) Ltd. 805 - 9th Avenue Regina, SK S4N 7P4 Tel: 306.569.2350 SASKATOON TRUCKPRO SASKATOON NE A-Line Frame & Alignment Services Ltd. 3246 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 5Y2 Tel: 306.931.6612 SWIFT CURRENT TRUCKPRO SWIFT CURRENT Finning Canada 2635 North Service Road West Swift Current, SK S9H 5L4 Tel: 306.773.3240 WEYBURN TRUCKPRO WEYBURN Southern Industrial & Truck Ltd. 300 Hwy 13, South Service Road Weyburn, SK S4H 2K7 Tel: 306.842.2422 YORKTON TRUCKPRO YORKTON Truck Proz Inc. 537 Broadway Street East Yorkton, SK S3N 2X3 Tel: 306.782.4313
BRITISH COLUMBIA CHILLIWACK TRUCKPRO CHILLIWACK Triton Truck & Trailer Repair 44137 Progress Way Chilliwack, BC V2R 0W3 Tel: 604.701.4428 FORT NELSON TRUCKPRO FORT NELSON Gearheads Truck Repair 5204 - 46th Avenue Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.4327
MANITOBA BRANDON TRUCKPRO BRANDON Total Works Truck Equipment 501 Middleton Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 Tel: 204.728.3821
ONTARIO DRYDEN TRUCKPRO DRYDEN Webb Truck Repair Inc. 16677 Hwy 17 West Dryden, ON P8N 2Y7 Tel: 807.937.4444 SASKATCHEWAN MOOSE JAW TRUCKPRO MOOSE JAW Golden West Trailer & Equipment Ltd. 1802 Stadacona Street West Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4N8 Tel: 306.692.7402
YUKON WHITEHORSE TRUCKPRO WHITEHORSE Kulan Mechanical 7 Laberge Road Whitehorse, YK Y1A 5Z3 Tel: 867.393.4581
Road Ready Alerts Fleet in Real Time
alconer, New York - Truck-Lite Co., LLC, a worldwide leader in heavy-duty lighting, telematics, engine protection, safety and visibility systems, received a real-life example of just how the SmartBridge Integrator (SBI) benefits fleets that use the Road Ready trailer telematics system. Launched at the TMC annual meeting in March 2018, the SBI uses proprietary technology to integrate existing trailer devices into the Road Ready platform. Several of the industry’s leading and most trusted trailer systems manufacturers have signed on as technical partners, including Continental (tire pressure monitoring), Purkeys (lift gate charging), P.S.I., Hendrickson and STEMCO (inflation systems). Any fleet currently using these systems can seamlessly incorporate and benefit from Road Ready. John Morrow, owner of Pleasant Trucking in Connellsville, PA, experi-
enced firsthand how the Road Ready system is able to communicate data from his trailers’ STEMCO devices by way of the SBI. When one of his trailers experienced a punctured tire and the STEMCO inflation system kicked on, Morrow says he was notified right away. “I knew about it as soon as it happened,” he said. “I got a notification on my cell phone.” The SBI bridges OE trailer products and systems with Road Ready by broadcasting data to the cloud for review on Road Ready’s website or even a fleet’s own existing dispatching software through the use of an API. Combined with Road Ready’s best-in-class battery life and sensor options, the SBI makes Road Ready the most dynamic, customizable and dependable trailer telematics solution available. “What’s different about Road Ready is that we can tie different components
on the trailer into the SBI,” Morrow said. “It’s more than just location. I can monitor tire pressure, what tires are taking air and how many miles I’m putting on the trailer.” No other trailer telematics solution is able to transmit crucial systems data to a fleet dispatcher; instead, this data stops with the driver. With Road Ready’s SBI, data from a network of OE trailer products manufacturers is communicated straight to dispatch offices, allowing fleets to make proactive and strategic decisions and avoid costly downtime and CSA violations.
“With my previous [telematics] system, I would know that one of my tires or axles was taking air, but I’d have no clue which one,” Morrow said. “With Road Ready, I can integrate it with other STEMCO products that I use so I can tell which axle is taking air, which tire is taking air and what the pressure is in each tire.” Truck-Lite’s Road Ready system is a solar-powered, wireless, multi-functional trailer monitoring solution that integrates existing trailer systems and is easily customizable. For more information, visit
September 2018 19
Minimizer Named Finalist for Award
looming Prairie, Minnesota – For the third year in a row, Minnesota Business magazine has named Minimizer a finalist for its Manufacturing Awards. Minimizer is one of three companies up for the title of Best in Class – Midsize. “It’s a huge honor for Minimizer to be mentioned in the same breath as so many other great companies,” Minimizer CEO and Chief Visionary Craig Kruckeberg said. The company employs nearly 100 people in the small town of Blooming Prairie. “This nomination is a testament to the people we have in place,” Minimizer VP of Operations Jim Richards said. “Everyone works hard and contributes to the team. It really is like a family around here.” Minimizer debuted the original poly fender more than 30 years ago and now
features hundreds of part numbers in its catalog. “Innovation is the name of our game,” Craig said. “We’re constantly looking at new products that are tested and tortured to save the consumer time and money.” Each year, Minnesota Business recognizes the manufacturing sector for outstanding achievements. The panel of judges chose the finalists from a pool of manufacturing companies and executives. “We really appreciate Minnesota Business going to bat for the manufacturing sector,” Craig said. “We always hear about ‘Made in the USA,’ and these awards do their part to help celebrate that.” Winners in each category will be announced at an awards event September 20th. Both winners and finalists will be honored in the September/
A A & A Exhaust Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Eastern Accutrac Capital Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
B Bennetts Power Service Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,10 Bezco Flatbed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Eastern Bryson & Assoc. Insurance Brokers Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern BTC Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Eastern
C C.U.T.C. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
D Dieter’s Metal Fabricationg Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Dynamic Freight Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Eastern
E Empire Transportation Services Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Eastern
F F. G. Lister & Co Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Eastern Fleet-Tax Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern
G GINCOR Truck & Trailer Werx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
I International Truckload Services Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Eastern
J J D Factors Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3
K Kelsey Trail Trucking Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Eastern
S Shell Lubricants.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Siemens Transportation Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
T TA Truck Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Eastern Texis Truck Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern The Gear Centre Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 West The Rosedale Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 25 Traction Truck Parts & TruckPro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Transcourt Tank Leasing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 32
V Volvo Trucks Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 31
W Walmart Fleet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Eastern Wilson Truck Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Eastern 20 September 2018
Minimizer manufactures numerous products at its operations campus, located in Blooming Prairie. October 2018 issue of Minnesota Business magazine. For more information or to contact
a Minimizer distributor, call us at 800.248.3855 or visit our website or email us at
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Bezco Flatbed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Eastern BTC Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Eastern Dynamic Freight Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Eastern Empire Transportation Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Eastern F. G. Lister & Co. Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Eastern International Truckload Services Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Eastern Kelsey Trail Trucking Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Eastern Siemens Transportation Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The Rosedale Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22, 25 Walmart Fleet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Eastern Wilson Truck Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Eastern FACTORING & FINANCE Accutrac Capital Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 J D Factors Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3 FUEL ADDITIVES Bennetts Power Service Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,10 INSURANCE BROKERS Bryson & Assoc. Insurance Brokers Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern LUBRICANTS Shell Lubricants.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 PERMITS & WAIVERS C.U.T.C. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Fleet-Tax Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern TANKER LEASING Transcourt Tank Leasing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 32 TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIRS TruckPro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TRUCK ACCESSORIES Dieter’s Metal Fabricationg Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Traction Truck Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TRUCK BODIES GINCOR Truck & Trailer Werx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 TRUCK EXHAUST SALES & SERVICE A & A Exhaust Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Eastern Texis Truck Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Eastern TRUCK MANUFACTURERS Volvo Trucks Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 31 TRUCK & TRAILER PARTS & ACCESSORIES Traction Truck Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TRUCK SERVICES TA Truck Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Eastern TRUCK TRANSMISSIONS The Gear Centre Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 West
By Marek Krasuski
Big Developments in Trucking Technology BY MAREK KRASUSKI
ver since the closing of sawmills decades ago, and later, the relocation of Government Offices to points beyond, the village of Gogama in Northern Ontario has undergone significant changes. Today it is home to mainly retirees, and serves as the hub of some tourist activity. The abundance of lakes, wildlife and ATV trails still lure wilderness vacationers from larger centers during summer months. If the area’s future goes according to plan, Gogama is on the cusp of a renaissance of sorts, and possibly a dramatic cultural and economic transformation. For decades the region has been the focus of gold exploration, though always a tertiary activity going on largely unnoticed by most. Only until recently have the long-known gold reserves attracted players who have the capability to harness these natural resources and bring them to market. Enter IAM Gold, a mid-tier international company that currently operates four gold producing mines on three continents. If the company’s plan of action to build a mine here is finalized in the coming months, there will be a sea change of activity. The mine site, aptly named the Cote Gold Project after the lake which the Company must drain before open-pit construction begins, will convert a large tract of wilderness, about 20 kilometers southwest of Gogama, into an industrial hub of activity. The scope of the project, at least to area folks accustomed to everything small and quiet in recent years, is huge. The open pit will measure some 2 kilometers long by 1.5 kilometers wide. Roads will snake around and down the pit’s walls so haulage trucks can descend to targeted locations, then drill and haul ore and waste from the mine. What came as a shock to some at a Big Event Mine Expo earlier this year was the announcement by Steven Bowles, Manager for the Cote Gold Project, that the haul trucks will be driverless. The idea may be novel in this part of the country, but these remote behemoths have been used with much fanfare in other parts of the world and in other industries in Canada as well.
Suncor Energy for example has deployed driverless ore hauling trucks in the Alberta oil sands; this, after a testing period of about 4 years where it assessed 400-tonne capacity Komatsu hauling trucks. Suncor plans on expanding its driverless truck inventory to 150 units over the next six years. Elsewhere, driverless trucks have been hard at work. In Australia the British based mining company Rio Tinto has been using 73 driverless trucks to move ore from its mine site in the region of West Angelas. These trucks are also made by the Japanese manufacturer Komatsu. Combinations of GPS, radar and laser sensors, which are the trucks’ eyes, enable the units to negotiate the terrain at the mine site. Also known as autonomous vehicles, the trucks are programmed to drive to the load site, wait to be filled, and move on to the next destination. The fact that several companies who have deployed driverless trucks plan on expanding their inventories solidifies the benefits they yield. And Carol Banducci, IAM Gold’s Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, couldn’t agree more. In a statement she drew attention to the harnessing of these technologies as the Cote Gold projects gets underway. “We’re already seeing the value of integrating digital technologies into our operations, from maintenance, safety and compliance to mine planning and heavy machinery operation,” she said, adding, “we need fewer heavy equipment operators and more software engineers, robotics experts, cybersecurity specialists and data analysts.” Autonomous trucks can run 24 hours a day and need only stop for fuel. This means fewer trucks need to be employed in operations. Moreover, parts such as tires reportedly last 40 percent longer because driverless trucks avoid sudden acceleration and sharp steering. And since autonomous trucks provide the same work as a skilled driver, regardless of remoteness of location, companies need not worry about the quality of their labour force in faraway mines where the employment pool may be small.
All well and good for the companies, but what of the impact on workers? Those heavy equipment operators whose livelihoods depend on using their well-honed skills skills that technology is rendering obsolete? In Suncor’s bid to acquire more such vehicles for its oil sands operations in Alberta, the net fallout will be 400 lost jobs. Further,
communities in remote mining areas are replaced by technicians - experts possibly removed from the mine site and the neighbouring communities in which they may have otherwise resided. Yet the benefits are nonetheless persuasive. The Australian Report noted above states that previously unprofitable mines may now oper-
in a Report assessing the impact of driverless trucks farther afield in Australian surface mining operations, the authors caution that “ The social implications of greater mine site automation are the reduction in population of remote mining towns and a decrease in the lower skilled labour requirements for the mining sector. There will be an increase in fly-in fly-out mining operations and companies will establish remote control centres for automated mines in larger cities. This may decrease overall labour requirements and so reduce employment in the sector; therefore, the government should be mindful of implementing policies that ensure a fair return on the economic rent of mineral leases.” But to borrow a maxim from modern science’s founding father, Sir Isaac Newton, that “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction,” a modified version of this principle relevant today might read: “For every social and economic deterrent that technology brings in its wake, there are equally sound benefits.” True, autonomous trucks render drivers obsolete. True, drivers that normally might become part of small
ate in the black. “While there will be fewer jobs per mine, with reduced costs and higher productivity some previously uneconomic mines may again be profitable,” it states. Indeed, IAM Gold’s Cote Project Manager Steven Bowles confirmed as much in his comments at the Big Event Mine Expo held this year. “The economics of having less labour involved in the mine really helped us secure the business case for Cote.” To be sure, few would argue against the employment of autonomous vehicles in the case of the Cote Project at Gogama. Currently there are scant employment opportunities for local residents and for the indigenous people at the Mattagami Reserve just north of Gogama. That will change as the mine prepares to hire some 1,200 workers for start-up operations over the course of two years, and a full complement of 400-plus permanent workers through the mine’s life cycle. If technology, namely driverless vehicles in this case, contributes to the Cote Project’s viability, then are we prepared to overlook some of the disadvantages in the wake of much larger economic and social benefits? We think so!
September 2018 21
Bay-Lynx’s Game-Changing Grout Mixer
wners of Condeck Inc. in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Scott Lucas, Clay Wormington and his son Cade are always looking for ways to improve their business. Their business is Grout and flowable fill production using foamed concrete. The foamed concrete provides condensed flowable fill and grout for various projects. These projects range from utility lines to swimming pools at the local YMCA. The need for grout on these projects can range from a couple of yards of
22 September 2018
grout to literally thousands of yards. Given this scope, the best way to produce grout and get material to the site can be daunting and expensive. This is where Scott, Clay and Cade’s concept and Bay-Lynx’s innovation and manufacturing turned into reality. Bay-Lynx developed a single machine that could meet Condeck’s massive production needs. This machine also provided transport and automation of other equipment needed on the job site. Bay-Lynx went to work immediately
on a grout plant that can produce foamed concrete at a rate of 180 cubic yards per hour. The unit is complete with a dust free operation for pneumatic fill and production. In addition, the unit is equipped with a small hydraulically powered grout pump which tows behind the truck. It is completed with bin level indicators to provide a complete automated production process. As a result, Condeck has been able to triple their job site productivity and reduce on-site labor to a two-person operation. Condeck’s ability to be a leader in the industry is driven by their desire to continuously improve their operation. They strive for more production and the flexibility to respond to unusual demands for their customers. Consequently, that means better equipment from their suppliers. The operation went smoothly from both ends for a very satisfying result. Clay states, “We did do our homework and evaluated many Volumetric mixer manufacturers which resulted in one
clear choice, Bay-Lynx Manufacturing. We are beyond satisfied. The magnitude of this magnificent mixing plant is overwhelming. We highly recommend Bay-Lynx to anyone that wants the best from the best!”
MELT is Expanding, Let’s Ensure We Get it Right, and Have Some Commonality BY MIKE MILLIAN, PRESIDENT
ultiple Provincial and Territorial governments have been talking about Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT) the last several years, and it has been a hot topic at the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators (CCMTA) meetings for at least as many. The topic gained more attention when Ontario announced in 2015 that they were going to mandate it in their province. (MELT for AZ drivers in Ontario came into effect on July 1st of 2017) The Humboldt tragedy has pushed this topic to the very forefront of the regulators and media’s attention again. Recently Alberta announced they would be introducing MELT, possibly as early as January of 2019, along with several other changes in regards to truck safety, and held stakeholder consultation sessions in Edmonton and Airdrie in July, which the PMTC attended. Saskatchewan, while not as far along as Alberta, has announced they have been looking into it, and will be introducing some form of Mandatory Entry level training in the not too distant future. Manitoba and British Columbia are also researching MELT, and all the Western Provinces have had initial discussions concerning a “Western MELT Framework”. The PMTC was one of the key stakeholders in the MELT consultations in Ontario and have lobbied Transport Canada to work on a National Framework for MELT for the last several years. As a lot of the people reading this column will know, getting a common regulation implemented across every Province and Territory in Canada is a challenge to say the least, and the patchwork of rules and regulations the industry is forced to work with as they travel across provincial boundaries is a major burden and expense. The CCMTA has done great work at bringing the feds and provinces together to discuss regulations and work towards common ground; however a lot of work still needs to be done on this front. While the PMTC is encouraged that the different jurisdictions are talking, and that most appear to be reviewing the only MELT framework in place in North America right now, that of Ontario, which requires 103.5 hours of training, we are already hearing rumblings of massively different MELT hours being considered. This concerns us, 60 or 70 hours of training has already been floated by Saskatchewan
and is a number we have heard being tossed around as a possible framework for the 4 Western Provinces. I hope this is not a number that is seriously being considered, as less than 2 weeks of training is woefully inadequate in our view. We have the opportunity to work together, build a common approach, and a framework that can be utilised for a training standard across the land. The Ontario standard is not perfect, and does need some refinement, however in our view, this should be looked at as a minimum standard, and one to be learned from and built upon. If we are serious about a MELT regime that will
have a serious impact on road safety and increase the entry level skills of new drivers to the industry, we must work on a meaningful and robust standard, not just one that is better than nothing. Let’s look at Ontario’s, keep what is working, build upon what time has so far shown us isn’t working, and build a meaningful national Memorandum of understanding for MELT that all Provinces and Territories can be encouraged to utilize. I don’t know if training was an issue in the Humboldt case, and I don’t know if MELT would have prevented these
tragic events from occurring, but I do know it could not have hurt. Standardised mandatory training is needed for commercial drivers, and the time to raise the bar as to what is required to enter this industry as a driver, or an operator for that matter, needs to be raised. The requirements to get in have been far too low, for far too long. We are at a moment in time where there appears to be a will for mandatory commercial driver training in most regions of Canada, we have the opportunity to ensure we put a standard in place that is meaningful and workable across the land. Let’s not waste it.
September 2018 23
Looking for Nominations for the Influential Woman in Trucking Award
lover, Wisconsin – Women In Trucking Association (WIT) and Freightliner Trucks are seeking candidates for the 2018 Influential Woman In Trucking award. Created in 2010, the award honors female leaders in the trucking industry. Past recipients include Marcia Taylor, CEO of Bennett International Group; Rebecca Brewster, President and COO, American Transportation Research Institute; Joyce Brenny, President of Brenny Transportation, Inc./Brenny Specialized, Inc.; Rochelle Bartholomew, CEO of CalArk International; Kari Rihm, President of Rihm Kenworth; Ramona Hood, Vice President of Customer Operations, Transportation Logistics at GENCO, a FedEx company; and Daphne Jefferson, Former U.S. Department of Transportation, FMCSA. “Across the trucking industry, we see women in ever increasing roles of importance and influence,” said
Kary Schaefer, General Manager, Marketing and Strategy, Freightliner Trucks. “Women In Trucking provides the network and structure needed to foster and promote this continuing diversification. Freightliner is pleased to be able to sponsor this award and to highlight the exceptional female leaders that help shape our industry.” Now in its eighth year, the award recognizes women who make or influence key decisions in a corporate, manufacturing, supplier, owner-operator, driver, sales or dealership setting. The winner must have a proven record of responsibility and have mentored or served as a role model to other women in the industry. “The Influential Woman In Trucking Award honors female leaders who have been advocates and role models to others. Since the inception of this award, we have seen
extraordinary women recognized,” said Ellen Voie, President and CEO, Women In Trucking. Nominations will be accepted through September 1, at www. The winner will be announced at the WIT Accelerate! Conference & Expo held in Dallas, Texas, November 12-14. Each finalist will be asked
to serve as panelist for the “Influential Women In Trucking” panel discussion. Those that nominate a candidate need to ask the nominee to save the date for this event if she is named a finalist. For more information contact, Women In Trucking: Lana Nichols, 920.737.9490 or Freightl i n e r Tr u c k s : S h e r i s e R i v e r a , 503.745.5743.
Ceremonial First Pitch Goes to Auction
lover, Wisconsin - The Women In Trucking Foundation will auction off the ceremonial first pitch for the Cleveland Indians game, taking place on September 23, 2018 at Progressive Field in Cleveland, Ohio. Proceeds from this auction will be used to fund scholarships for women in the trucking industry who are seeking training in the fields of driving, safety, technical or leadership.
“We’ve seen a big jump in the number of women interested in pursuing careers in trucking, particularly in becoming drivers,” said WIT Foundation Executive Director Miranda Barrett. “We are expecting a lot of scholarship applications this cycle, and we’re hopeful the online auction will help us create more opportunities for these women.” Earlier this year, the WIT Founda-
tion provided thirteen scholarships to women. Information can be found at The highest bidder in the auction will throw the ceremonial first pitch at the September 23 game against the Boston Red Sox and also receive four game day tickets. Bids may be entered online at www.32auctions. com/firstpitch2018. The Women In
Trucking Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and donations are tax deductible. The ceremonial first pitch auction is in conjunction with the fourth annual Women in Transportation event. This event is an opportunity for the Cleveland Indians to recognize women in the transportation industry and acknowledge their hard work and dedication.
Only the Best for Highlight Motor Group
oncord, Ontario – Highlight Motor Group is proud to announce that they have invested in the latest 2019 Volvo VNL 760 sleeper cabs for their company drivers. Thirty units were recently added to their fleet in the distinctive Highlight colors. These units are currently based out of the Concord location and will be running Canada and USA routes. The new VNL series boasts many advancements including innovative
24 September 2018
technology, optimized power and improved aerodynamics which all lead to greater fuel efficiency. Inside the VNL the cab has been totally redesigned to improve both working and living space for the driver. Safety is paramount in all the design changes and the Volvo uptime team manages service and schedules repairs around the clock and throughout North America. Kirk Kalinitchenko, Founder, President & CEO of Highlight Motor Group
started his transportation career as a driver and states, “I understand life on the road and the importance of great equipment and a professional company to work for. We do not compromise when it comes to keeping our drivers safe and operating the best equipment. The new LED lighting on the VNL greatly improves visibility, the reshaped front end improves airflow and the added comfort makes this power unit truly a home away from home.”
Highlight Motor Group has locations in Concord, New Jersey and Los Angeles. Along with drivers based out of these operational hubs they encourage drivers based out of other high activity locations like Calgary and Vancouver to join their team. They are planning to add more of the 2019 VNL sleepers as opportunities for additional quality drivers arise. To discover more about Highlight Motor Group visit their website at
Move Over Law BY GARY HUNT
he province of Nova Scotia in a recent amendment to the Motor Vehicle Act has added tow trucks to the list of vehicles you must slow down and move over for when they along the side of the road with lights flashing, rendering assistance. The statue updated subsection 106D(1) of the Motor Vehicle Act and it added the following change “(bb) a tow truck at the scene of a fire or an accident or while assisting a vehicle.” Here is the list type of vehicles the slow down move over law applies to: (With emergency lights flashing when rendering roadside assistance on highways in Nova Scotia) • Ambulance • Police vehicle
• Fire department • Chief or Deputy Chief of a volunteer fire department when acting in an emergency arising from a fire or an accident. • Correctional Services • Department of Natural Resources, Conservation Officers and Wild Fire Crew • Deputy Sheriffs • Motor Vehicle Inspection Officer • Motor Carrier Inspector Officer • Public-Safety Vehicle • Tow Trucks A reminder that when you encounter any of the vehicles listed above rendering assistance on the roads, you must: • Slow down to 60 km/h or obey the speed limit when it’s below 60 km/h. • Leave an empty lane if you can do so safely.
Truck-to-Load Ratio Strong
oronto, Ontario – TransCore Link Logistics’ Canadian equipment capacity in July rose to its highest level since November 2016 in contrast to an expected seasonal decline in load volumes. While July load volumes were down 22 percent from June, they were still the highest recorded volumes for the month when compared to any July of any year. Year-over-year, these volumes were up three percent. Intra-Canada loads accounted for 31 percent of the total volumes and amounted to a 12 percent increase year-over-year. Cross-border load postings represented 67 percent of the data submitted by Loadlink users: Loads leaving Canada to the United States decreased two percent yearover-year, and loads entering Canada increased one percent year-over-year. EQUIPMENT PERFORMANCE July’s equipment postings increased 19 percent when compared to June 2018 and 15 percent when compared to July 2017. TRUCK-TO-LOAD RATIO July marked the first time in 19 months that truckload supply and demand pushed past two available trucks for every load posted on Loadlink. The average truck-to-load ratio was 2.2 in July, a 53 percent increase from 1.45 in June. Year-over-year, the average ratio increased 12 percent from 1.98
in July 2017. Find more information at, @loadlink on Twitter, on YouTube, on Facebook and on LinkedIn.
September 2018 25
Keeping Your Vehicles Clean
By Jack Jackson
Most Important Elements of Truck Washing
hat is the most important element for washing vehicles in your company? Company Image? Driver satisfaction? Extended life of equipment? Environmental Impact? All the above can be accomplished with great returns in so many aspects of your business, but is still generally ignored by most companies with little investment or thought by having a consistent wash. In today’s world of environmental concerns and impacts of each industry, the Truck Industry has taken a serious thought to the level of impact on the environment. We have all looked at ways to be efficient in tires, engines, fuel consumption, aero-dynamics, etc. A great wash of your vehicle can accomplish satisfying customers, employees and the environment while reducing capital costs. Not many other maintenance items are as visible and impactful as having nice clean vehicles every day. Today there is technology available to meet any needs and desires of your washing requirements, be it budget or environmentally based. Generally, the most popular automatic machinery to wash vehicles today consists of automated drive through, rollover and walk around units. These automated systems enable a truck to be washed and rinsed in less than 5 minutes. Available as well are water reclamation and recycle systems to offset environment concerns and save on water costs. However, there are many operators still using the manual pressure washer and hand brush scrub system, taking up to 30 minutes or more to wash and rinse. Reliable labor, time costs and wash consistencies are the major frustrations with any operator utilizing a manual hand wash system. Washing inside your building, in majority of cases, means you are tapped into your municipal water sewage system, thus the grey water is being sent to the local treatment facility. This does help the environment and here is a big cost to pay. 1. Cost to the municipality to clean this water 2. Your company or building is paying for water (possibly on a meter). Check your water bill and understand it. 3. Are you paying for sewage discharge as well? Many companies do
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not realize that there is a water charge in and many times there is a “water out” charge. Some areas meter water in and out, with a hefty charge for water discharge. So you are paying for water in and then paying again for water out, sometimes twice the amount to discharge. Today’s technology allows for water treatment systems at your wash bay. There are many systems available that allow for you to capture your water, clean it and re-use for washing. This would allow a zero discharge, thus saving money and the environment.
Whether you are washing inside your building or outside on your parking lot, the use and cost of water can be a major hidden cost to your facility. Do the analysis and find a major saving, especially when you look at your cost per gallon of water. For most of us, the municipality supplies our water through pipes to our facility. Take a minute to examine the water bill and come up with a cost per gallon of water. This is not easy, but necessary to determine your cost per vehicle of washing. After determining the cost of water,
you will have to capture the cost of labor, chemicals and supplies (brushes, cloths, etc.). Overall, truck washing has much more of an impact than most operators take time to consider. There is a major effect to both the environment and the bottom line of every company, city and municipality. Take time to consider your footprint on the environment. Jack Jackson is President of Awash Systems Corp. Email: or call 1.800.265.7405. Visit our website North America’s leader in Fleet Washing Solutions.
September 2018 27
Petro-Canada Lubricants
By Brian Humphrey, OEM Technical Liaison
Improving Maintenance & Well-Being
leet safety and reliability is vital to support the growth of a business and can affect the health of the fleet, just as it can the health and wellbeing of the drivers. In this article, we’ll focus on how fleet owners can help prevent unplanned stops and maintenance that could lead to delays and extended journeys, by ensuring their trucks are as safe and reliable as possible for their drivers. Fleet safety and reliability are important factors for everyone involved in the operation of a fleet; the driver, the maintenance team who resolve any issues, as well as the owner who is responsible for the safety of its employees as well as the commercial success of the business. The maintenance of the fleet is a significant factor in determining the truck’s reliability and safety. In turn this impacts the ability of the driver to return home on time for quality family time or appointments. It’s also an influential factor for the growth of the company as the business’ bottom line can be negatively affected by unplanned downtime, maintenance stops and employee sickness.
Many variables can affect a truck’s maintenance schedule and help keep a fleet running smoothly so drivers can enjoy a good haul and return home safely and on schedule - including the quality and condition of its heavy duty engine oil. Engine oil performs a vital role within fleet engines, by protecting the engine, and helping to optimize its performance and efficiency. This is achieved by minimizing metal-to-metal contact between moving components while reducing pumping and spinning losses. Designed to be more robust and resistant to oxidation, API CK-4 oils also offer improved resistance to aeration and increased shear stability when compared to API CJ-4 oils. Minimizing formation of acids, these oils reduce wear of moving components, while also reducing pumping and spinning losses. This means that heavy duty engine oils, such as DURON™, enhance engine performance and protection over longer drain periods, providing improved reliability and peace of mind for fleet owners and operators, and their drivers. By selecting the most appropriate
lubricant for the fleet - which should always be based on the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) recommendations and expert lubricant advice - can ensure that the engine receives adequate protection at all times. To ensure this level is maintained and to highlight any potential issues, a used oil analysis program should be incorporated into the fleet’s maintenance schedule. For owners and operators looking to prevent unplanned stops and breakdowns, this presents many benefits including if the oil is becoming too dirty and should be changed earlier than normal. It can also bring to attention maintenance issues before they become serious and expensive to repair. These programs can also offer additional benefits as they can be used
Immigration System & Employment
n a recent letter to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) outlined the growing constraints carriers face when trying to attract qualified labour. In the correspondence, CTA notes the truck driver shortage is a challenge for trucking companies now but will soon affect the larger economy as the supply chain struggles to secure truck transportation services. CTA explains how the industry is taking steps to address the labour shortage - from increasing wages to better marketing the opportunities but carriers also need greater access to immigration channels to be able to overcome of the labour constraints and grow at the pace of the demand for their services. The federal government plans to grow overall immigration levels from 310,000 new Canadians in 2018 to 340,000 in 2020. Consequently, CTA stressed there needs to be a focus on attracting and matching new Canadians with indus28 September 2018
tries like trucking that are in demand and facing severe labour shortages. The letter also states that while the
current initiative is underway, it would also be prudent for the government to begin planning for beyond 2021.
to extend oil drain intervals*; however, this should always be supported by recommendations from the OEM manual and advice from technical experts. A three-step process, oil analysis typically involves: taking a representative sample from the vehicle, sending the sample to a qualified used oil analysis laboratory, and interpreting/ acting upon the recommendations of the results. This is most effective when performed at regular intervals, as it allows vehicle specific trends to be identified and measured over time. It also provides time for maintenance plans to be adjusted in advance, meaning that it can coincide with any scheduled downtime or servicing to prevent additional stops. By utilising a quality heavy duty lubricant and incorporating a used oil analysis program as part of a comprehensive maintenance plan, fleet owners and operators can help prevent unplanned downtime and maintenance stops so that drivers can return home safely and on time. * Extending drain intervals should always be undertaken in conjunction with an oil analysis program.
Transport For Christ
By Chaplain Len Reimer
What is it All About?
started out in life so carefree and happy. I was like a little butterfly with beautiful wings and a world of flowers to see. Life seemed wonderful as I looked to see the future. It didn’t take long and my views changed. I realized I had to perform to be accepted. Life seemed like a circus. If I jumped through the rings I received approval. Life became a performance. Go to the right college and get a degree. I did some things I wished I hadn’t, but everybody else did them. Get a good job and make lots of money. Get married, have a few children, buy a nice home and a pretty car. Among all of this I hit some bumps, but it was go, go, go. When, suddenly I stand before the last hoop. What happened to me anyway? Where is the little butterfly and the pretty flowers? Was I really happy? Is this what it’s all about? God, what happened?
“I’m glad you finally asked.” God said. “I will take you back and show you what went wrong and what your life could have been, if you would have chosen my way.” My heart ached as I recalled those happy innocent days-gone, forever gone. God continued, “The time came when you became responsible for your decisions. Do you remember that argument you had with your Mom? It made you feel terrible, but you wouldn’t admit that you were wrong. You chose to take your own way. I tried to stop you. Do you remember when your closest friend died? The lonesome feeling you hadthat was me, talking to you. Deep in your heart you knew things weren’t right, but you were afraid to change. Afraid of what your friends would think, so you ignored me, and drifted farther away from me.” If you know things are not right
with your life, admit it. Turn to God, repent of your sin, and surrender your will to Him. God loves you, and wants to forgive you (John 3:16). The price has already been paid (Romans
5:8-11). He paid the ransom so you could be saved. You can have peace and rest in your heart, and in the endheaven. (John14:1-3) This is what it’s all about.
September 2018 29
Cross Border Services
By Dawn Truell, President, Cross Border Services
EpiPen Shortage is Dangerous
hortage of EpiPens is serious; they are needed for children and adults who suffer from Severe Allergic Reactions that lead to Anaphylaxis. This shortage is across Canada. Here in Ontario for example: Burlington, Ontario, all drug stores are sold out and will not be receiving anymore EpiPens until the end of August I was told yesterday by 5 pharmacists. Firstly, why is there only 1 supplier? Is it not possible for other pharma manufacturers to produce this product? Currently the EpiPen ® is manufactured by King, a subsidiary of Pfizer, and marketed by Mylan; Pfizer as a result is dominating the market. Prices are skyrocketing due to the shortage: EpiPen Jr 15mg $136.29 each, EpiPen Adult $272.58. For those aged 24 and under it’s free, the rest of us pay dearly! I’ve spoken with quite a few pharmacists over the past few weeks about this shortage, from their perspective there are a
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couple of causes for this shortage, firstly obviously there should be more than one supplier and the production needs to increase as the demand has risen; why has the demand risen? From the pharmacists perspective: the new “Free Medications for those 24 and under” has resulted in many people over ordering, they will go into the pharmacy with a prescription for 4 or 5 EpiPens, instead of getting 1 and having the “refills 4” they buy all 5 at once, if everyone does this, which seems to be the trend, there aren’t enough for everyone. Pharmacists are concerned about the unfairness of this, as those who seriously need this medication are having to wait or go without; this is not okay as people can die from Anaphylaxis. EpiPens can be bought without a prescription as well, though this is more expensive, but for those people they obviously seriously need it or they wouldn’t spend the
extra money; that is if they could get the EpiPen, but there aren’t any currently. The Government should realize that they need to step into this problem, hospital emergency departments are going to see an increase in ambulance intakes for victims of Anaphylaxis and worse, people could die. Hopefully there is someone out there who sincerely
cares about the seriousness of this EpiPen shortage and who also can do something about this. For more information about this article or safety & compliance programs such as C-TPAT, FAST, PIP, TTP, AEO, CSA, please contact Cross Border Services at www., email