May 2017 ISSUE 108
— Serving Manitoba to BC , Yukon & NWT —
Cooling Systems & Emission Controls BY MAREK KRASUSKI
ith summer on the horizon thoughts turn to keeping cool during the sweltering months that lay ahead. Thinking also migrates to the various cooling systems for trucks on the market, their costs and efficiencies. Of note to many is the ongoing debate over preference between battery powered air conditioning systems and auxiliary power units (APUs). Battery powered systems are quiet and relatively maintenance free compared to APUs that require constant maintenance – oil changes, filters, etc. around every 500 hours. The maintenance issue is a problem for fleets because of the cost related to upkeep of APUs. Fuel used to operate an APU is less than running the truck to be sure, but is in excess of a battery operated system. Noise in APUs is a factor as well. The advantage of an APU, however, is that if an operator has to be somewhere for 2 or 3 days then an APU makes sense as they run for longer periods. Still, as battery technology improves running times are extended. And more recently companies are improving on battery life as well with the use THEME >> PAGE 4
our team
Barb Woodward President & Account Executive
Halina Mikicki Account Executive (Bilingual)
Veronica Way Account Executive
Marek Krasuski Editor in Chief
Chris Charles Art Director & MIS
Mike Whalen Business Development Manager
contents 4 19 21 26 30 36 38 42 44
Cooling Systems & Emission Controls
Tire & Wheel News & Technology.
The vehicles, issues, challenges, and opportunities in Vocational Trucking.
WPG at the 2017 National Heavy Equipment Show
Locations Throughout Canada.
SECTION FRANÇAISE Outils de gestion.
Locations and services offered by truck stops on highways across the country.
Locations Throughout Canada.
May 2017 Western Trucking News, O ntario Trucking News & E astern Trucking News are published monthly by Woodward Publishing G roup Head Office: Belleville, Ontario, Canada, 877.225.2232 Head Office: (Sales) Barb Woodward, Barb’s New Direct Line: 613.969.0799 Sales: Halina Mikicki, (Bilingual), Veronica Way, Business Development Mgr: Mike Whalen, Editor-in-Chief: Marek Krasuski, Art Director/MIS: Chris Charles, Writers: Marek Krasuski, Mike Whalen French Translation: Nicolas Côté Distribution: Carl Joly, Copyright © 2017 Woodward Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Publication Agreement: No. #40806005
May 2017 3
Cooling Systems & Emission Controls Provide Comfort and Promote Compliance
of solar panels mounted on truck hoods, that will power A/C unit when the truck is down for the night, thereby eliminating the need for an onboard power generator. Whatever the choice, there is no shortage of options with well respected providers on the market. Webasto, with its branded BlueCool Truck bunk cooler system is a case in point. Thermal storage technology harnesses cold energy to provide comfort, fuel savings and rapid ROI. The BlueCool uses no fuel, has zero emissions, runs up to 10 hours with one charge without idling the engine, and requires no additional batteries. It features adjustable air flow and the ability to maintain comfort during outside temperatures exceeding 90 degrees F. Webasto says BlueCool is virtually maintenance free and operates independently from the truck’s air conditioning. Indel B is another mobile refrigeration company supplying air conditioning systems to North American truck builders. It offers several product lines in air conditioning units as well as truck fridges. Among the A/C selection is Indel B’s electric parking cooler with an evaporating unit mounted high on the inside rear sleeper wall. The system is battery powered and unobtrusive as the condensation unit is located under the 4 May 2017
spoiler. Of note for truckers with large cabins is the battery powered Sleeping Well Arctic Plus with optional positions for the condensing unit. It can be installed under the ceiling, on the inside wall, or positioned under the bed. The company advises the use of an APU for extended running times. For a full viewing of units, visit A major world supplier of air conditioning systems for trucks, AUTOCLIMA, has partnered with Wajax Power Systems to be its Canadian representative serving the OE and aftermarket from 123 branches across Canada. AUTOCLIMA sports a wide selection of parking coolers. The Fresco 3000 RT-24 has a cooling capacity of 3250 BTU and fits easily on the roof hatch of most trucks. Their full range of air conditioning units is available at www.
Hammond Air Conditioning has been an A/C supplier for the trucking, marine, farm, mining and construction sectors for more than thirty years, and has outfitted more than 700 vehicle types. Its answer to rising diesel costs and no idle regulations is the emissions free Arctic Breeze Truck AC. The Arctic Breeze is powered by 12 volt DC batteries and provides 2000 BTUs of cooling power. Hammond lists the following features of the Arctic Breeze: no engine noise, no diesel emissions, no APU or genset, no problems in no idle zones, and no
costly diesel bills. More information is available at Bergstrom is another builder of A/C systems for heavy duty trucks, growing since its inception in 1949 to a world leading manufacturer of A/C and climate control solutions for the commercial vehicle industry. A major supplier of climate control systems, Bergstrom highlights the battery powered NITE (No Idle Thermal Environment) system for class 8 trucks, the first of its kind, the company says, to addressing the problems of increasing legislation and the high cost of running vehicles during no service periods. Bergstrom says its featured NITE Phoenix model has the highest and
longest cooling capacity of any battery powered no idle system on the market. For more information, visit www. Anti-idling features, common in today’s air conditioning systems, is a measured response to the proliferation of antiidling legislation across North America – just one more step in the effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Significant gains have mounted in the reduction of emissions. Truck manufacturers have adopted one of two technologies to attain these reductions – Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) or Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR).
EGR technology cools diesel exhaust which it circulates back into the engine where emissions are eliminated in-cylinder. The advantages of Advanced EGR are no additional costs associated with the purchase of liquid Urea required with the Selective Catalytic Recirculation method, increased payload capacity, and improved efficiency. Popular among most manufacturers is the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) method which is distinguished by the treatment of N0x outside the engine as opposed to the in-cylinder treatment in the EGR system. SCR requires add-ons. Four major components comprise the SCR system: a diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) tank, a DEF doser, a SCR catalyst and an ammonia or oxidation catalyst, all of which are integrated into the exhaust system. SCR works by injecting a small amount of urea, or diesel exhaust fluid, into the exhaust system of a diesel engine. The urea solution combines with nitrous oxide to produce environmentally friendly by-products which are discharged through the tailpipe. Today’s trucks equipped with the latest in emis-
sion controls have yielded significant gains. Current outputs based on EPA regulations are 0.2 grams of nitrous oxide (NOx) and 0.01 grams of particulate matter. These engines equipped with the latest environmental control devices are a fraction of previous engines with outputs of 2.5 grams of NOx and 0.1 grams of particulate matter per brake horsepower hour, meaning that EPA10 engines are more than 12 times cleaner in the emission of NOx and 10 times cleaner in particulate matter emissions. More recently, new standards were brought in at the end of Barak Obama’s presidential tenure to improve fuel efficiency and cut carbon pollution even further over the next decade. The final phase of the program is intended to promote a new generation of cleaner, more
fuel-efficient trucks by encouraging the wider application of currently available technologies and the development of new and advanced cost-effective technologies through to the model year 2027. This, in an effort to further reduce carbon emissions by over 1 billion tonnes. To date, our American cousins have been assiduous in their efforts to penalize violators who circumvent the new regulations. In some cases the EPA has levied fines in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to suppliers of services and devices that delete environmental controls. Yet, attempts to override emission technologies are met with some sympathy amid complaints that new devices on trucks contribute to frequent breakdowns THEME >> PAGE 5
and volatile engine performance. In a statement to the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development in Canada, the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) pointed out that “many fleets add up to 20 percent
to their fleet than was required, just to cover the vehicles put out of service.” But in Canada enforcement practices have been sorely absent. The CTA has petitioned the government to give teeth to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) by
penalizing suppliers and installers of aftermarket devices that override emission controls. CTA’s Stephen Laskowski summarized the dual problem of enforcement and equipment performance: “Governments need to play a stronger role in not only cracking down
on the tampering market, but also reducing demand for that market by correcting the reliability factor and offering carriers some recourse when new equipment doesn’t work properly.” In the last few years new engine diesel builds have greatly contributed
to reductions in emissions, particularly diesel exhaust which is now a known carcinogen and a major contributor to smog and climate change. Yet efforts are stymied both by the prevalence of older engines which will remain in service for the next several years, and by the
persistent troubles of compromised engine performance brought on by emission control devices. But as obstacles are worked out with these relatively new technologies, and older engines are retired, greater compliance and efficiencies should be the order of the day.
Bergstrom Introduces NITE® Phoenix SSI
ergstrom Inc., a global leader in the design and supply of climate systems to the commercial vehicle industry, has introduced an addition to its popular NITE® no-idle lineup – the NITE Phoenix Space Saving Innovation (SSI) system. The NITE Phoenix SSI is a battery-operated A/C split system that has the highest cooling capacity of any battery-powered, no-idle system on the market. It features Bluetooth® technology and is designed to fit all sleepers. “The NITE Phoenix SSI
is a powerful addition to our line of NITE systems and we are very pleased to be able to help drivers in hot climates stay cool,” said Christophe Barreau, Bergstrom’s Managing Director of No-Idle products in North America. “Operators will rest easy knowing they will sleep comfortably with the NITE system in place.” Other key features include: - Plastic internal unit, durable external condenser assembly - Automatic digital temperature control for optimum comfort at driver’s
fingertips - C o n t r o l s p r o v i d e service diagnostics - I n s t a l l s e a s i l y under bunk - H i g h e s t R O I in the industry due to extremely low maintenance requirements - R o t a t a b l e b l o w e r assembly to aid in adapting to OEM ductwork in select applications - Aluminum framed recirculation filter gives extended coil life - S e r v i c e a b l e evaporator coil, receiver drier and TXV
- Brushless motors in compressor, evaporator
blower and condenser fan for extended life The NITE Phoenix SSI can reduce fuel usage by as much as 3,800 gallons of fuel per year, based on diesel prices of $3 per gallon, 8-cylinder engine, 1,000 idling RPM, eight idling hours per day, 240 days per year (Reference: In addition, the system provides a comfortable temperature range for d r i v e r s , alle v iate s clogging of truck engine
D P F, h e l p s r e d u c e harmful diesel particulate emissions and complies with anti-idling laws. NITE SSI meets TMC’s recommended practice (RP) 432A, which offers performance requirements of engine-off HVAC systems for sleeper cabs, is approved by the California Air Resources Board (ARB # 08-643-004), and is certified by the EPA’s SmartWay Program. For more information about NITE Phoenix SSI, please visit nitesystem. com or contact Victor Gontero at vgontero@
A/C & Emissions – Part of Your Maintenance Planning & Scheduling Strategy BY ROBERT MACKAY
leet managers often do not include the air conditioning and emissions system as part of their fleet maintenance checklist, and therefore they also don’t get included as part of their fleet and equipment maintenance planning and scheduling strategy. However, inexpensive and regular scheduled inspections and maintenance of both can prevent breakdowns, ensure peak efficiency, and save money down the road on more expensive repairs. The air conditioning unit and its components are often only repaired when it’s not working or not generating enough cold air. These parts and components can be expensive
to replace, so their regular maintenance should be included on your fleet maintenance checklist. Refrigerant oil is a key part of the A/C system. Regular oil level checks will help ensure the parts are properly lubricated to prevent unnecessary wear and premature failures of A/C components. Changing refrigerant oil regularly prevents moisture buildup within the oil and helps prevent corrosion that can lead to leaks. A regular check of the A/C also enables the parts and components that are showing signs of normal wear and tear to be identified and fixed, avoiding extensive repairs later. Check the maintenance planning and scheduling
section in your owner’s manual for the recomm e nd e d m a i nt e nanc e guidelines for your specific A/C unit. EMISSIONS Emission systems have become increasingly computerized and integrated with the engine. As a result, maintenance planning and scheduling for the emissions system has become more complex and often considered only after an engine light appears or when governmental notices come in the mail. While most shops do not have the diagnostic equipment for testing the computerized component of the emissions system, they can regularly maintain and inspect the key parts and components of the
emissions system. Consider adding those parts that tend to wear out to your fleet maintenance checklist. A few suggestions for your fleet maintenance checklist include air filters, valves, belts & hoses, and pumps. Additionally, spark plugs and oxygen sensors can play an important role. Replacing spark plugs based purely on manufacturing guidelines may not be adequate. Spark plugs should be removed and visually inspected at regular intervals in excess of recommended guidelines. Over time metal corrosion can build up and fuse the spark plug to the cylinder head. When this happens the spark plug becomes difficult to remove, and can
lead to a more costly and involved repair. Regular spark plug inspection can help ensure the emissions system is running properly as well as helping to isolate other problems and issues with the engine and emissions system. Spark plug wires can also wear out and be damaged. Include spark plug wire inspection on your fleet maintenance checklist. Running regular diagnostics to check the oxygen sensor’s response time and how rich or lean the fuel mixture is can help ensure that the oxygen sensor is properly functioning and prevent engine misfires, poor fuel economy, and excess emissions. Plus, a properly functioning oxy-
gen sensor will help avoid premature life of the catalytic converter. Using fleet maintenance software versus a fleet maintenance spreadsheet will also make maintenance planning and scheduling easier and remove the responsibility of maintenance planning from your drivers and operators. Consider fleet maintenance software that easily integrates equipment usage and maintenance planning and scheduling into your equipment maintenance log. Rob Mackay is President of Fleet Harmony Inc., Canada’s premier cloud fleet management software solution. For more information, visit www.fleetharmony. com.
May 2017 5
Urgent Terror Alert for Truck Drivers BY DAWN TRUELL
tockholm, Sweden – On Friday, April 7, 2017, a terrorist stole a company’s tractor trailer and used it to try to murder innocent civilians walking in the streets of Stockholm. In Sweden this has not been experienced before and was completely a shock to everyone there. During this past year many similar incidents have happened, specifically in Berlin, Germany, Nice, France, and London, England. The US CBP Department of Homeland Security, Officer Dan Bauer from the JFK International Airport office, issued an urgent notice to all truck drivers, owner operators and transportation companies to be “Vigilant and see that their drivers and vehicles are not in jeopardy of falling victim to such diabolical actions.” Please note the following preventative measures suggested by this Officer: • Maintain regular communication with your dispatcher. • If rest stops are necessary, park in areas where other truckers are present. Thieves don’t like crowds. • Do not stop on dark freeways or deserted areas while waiting to make deliveries. • Make it a point to stop at only reputable truck stops along your route. And don’t stop at the same location every time. • Be aware of vehicles that are following your truck and of strangers asking questions about your load. • Be suspicious of individuals making you stop as a result of an alleged traffic collision. Hijackers frequently use this ruse to get drivers to stop. If you are unsure whether a crash has occurred, drive to a well-lit busy location before stopping. • Always lock your tractor doors and make sure all trailer and container
6 May 2017
doors are secured with a heavy padlock. • Keep your tractor windows up until you are on the open road or freeway. Be especially watchful immediately after picking up your load. The majority of armed hijackings occur within a few miles of the point of pickup. Freeway on/off ramps are particularly dangerous. • If you are hijacked or you find that your load has been stolen, immediately notify the local policy (dial 911) and then your dispatcher. • If you are hijacked, always and immediately do as instructed by the thieves, but also listen to what is being said and the sounds around you. It may provide law enforcement with valuable information on where your vehicle was taken to. • Try to provide a description of the suspect(s) and the vehicle(s) used by the suspects. • Carry information on your person concerning the ID of the tractor and trailers including license numbers. Law enforcement can’t report your truck stolen without this information. • Do not talk about your load on the radio. Cargo thieves can and do listen to your conversations. As per US CBP DHS Officer Dan Bauer’s remarks, all of us can fall prey to terrorists; we need to keep diligent in our dayto-day practices to ensure everyone’s safety. Dan’s further comments: “Thank you everybody for you continued participation in this important effort to maintain secure trade in a safe supply chain. Your input, vigilance, and expertise have been critical to our successes up to this point. A long road is still ahead but we are confident that with your help we will get to where we need to be.” For more information about transportation and aiding in the fight against drug smuggling, anti ter-
rorism, safety & compliance programs such as C-TPAT, FAST, PIP, CSA, please contact Cross Border Services at www., email dawntruell@gmail. com.
> Scene in central Stockholm of the truck that crashed into the Ahlens department store.
Embracing Technology to Survive & Prosper
he immediate future is promising to be a positive trending period for the trucking industry as increasing volumes lead to a capacity crunch and rates are expected to climb. Following a lengthy period of diminishing margins, heightened competition and low volumes, it’s a welcome change to a distressed industry. But an optimistic future has its own issues. To continue to operate in this changing environment, freight carriers need to stay ahead of competition, of newly mandated regulations and of rising operating costs. The key to managing many of these issues is to embrace current technology and stay current by continually upgrading. Ensuring your company has the working capital
to support this activity is a critical necessity. Freight
and has responded accordingly. Since 2013 there has
focus as new strategies such as teaming and slip
trucking business owner in a dilemma; how to fund
vided. Factoring designed specifically for trucking
bill factoring has become a mainstream financial strategy for a growing number of trucking companies to meet this need. The majority of the transportation industry is run on 15+ year old software. This condition runs uniformly across the three major sectors; shippers, brokers and carriers. All suffer from the same lack of ability to capture big data and for software systems to communicate with each other. Human interaction remains the predominant means of relayed communication. Carriers suffer the most from this inefficient state of affairs. Drivers often sit idle for hours and drive too many empty miles due to a lack of real time integrated information. This results not only in wasted time, but sub-optimal pricing and routes for carriers. As is the nature of the free market, there are entrepreneurs emerging from this milieu who are building success around optimizing the LTL space with current technology to increase efficiencies. Fortunately, the technology community has taken notice of the massive gap in the transportation industry
been a 90% increase in venture capital injected in this space, totaling over $400 million. To date technology companies have focused their efforts on optimizing the three major verticals of shippers, brokers and carriers. Once a leader emerges in each respective field, they will ultimately seek to gain dominance across the horizontal space by integrating communication across the three verticals. At this point, the entire industry will have integrated communication, which will include interfacing with warehouse software. The trucking industry is as old as it is massive, dating back to the dawn of the automobile. It is a history of survival of the fittest on the battle field of improving efficiencies. This battle has played out in several eras, each with distinctively different challenges that had to be overcome. The 80’s was a period of intensifying competition as partial deregulation of the industry dramatically increased the number of trucking companies in operation. Reducing cost per mile and improving equipment utilization became the
seating became common place. The 2000’s was a period of focus on hardware as aerodynamics and improved engine performance became the norm. Today, the focus is shifting to gaining advanced efficiency through technological improvements. The common thread that binds all these challenges is the ability to fund continuous improvement. Change is difficult and change is costly, but change is essential in the continuing battle for survival. For trucking companies, this means staying ahead of the financial curve with healthy cash flow. This challenge is heightened in our industry as operation costs are daily, never ending and increasing as time goes by. To further complicate the challenge, it is an industry plagued with slow paying customers that hampers the financial management of trucking companies. Conventional lenders such as commercial banks are reluctant to extend credit to the majority of small and medium size trucking companies as the risk is considered too great. This leaves the common
daily operation and finance business growth in such a restrictive environment? The answer for many is the powerful leveraging advantage of invoice factoring for trucking. In its strict financial terms, freight bill factoring (a specific form of invoice factoring) is the process of selling your account receivables to a factoring company at a discount in exchange for immediate access to your cash. Upon submission of the receivable, the factoring company immediately advances a percentage (up to 97%) of the invoice face value, minus a small fee. Once the invoice has been paid by your customer to the factoring company the balance owing to you is pro-
companies is a financial tool to gain steady, reliable cash flow bringing monetary stability in an industry full of unpredictability. Trucking is widely recognized as an old school and fragmented industry. However, this is quickly changing as the emergence of technological developments dedicated to solving the needs of this critical industry becomes ever more prominent. For trucking companies that integrate the competitive advantages of modern technology, the future is looking extremely positive in a new era of increased volumes and growing freight rates. For more information about the advantages of freight factoring, visit www.
May 2017 7
Preposterous Trucking Regulations BY SANDI SOENDKER
ongratulations on your “Help Us Knock Out Bad Regs” campaign. I attended MATS 2017 and listened to the FMCSA’s “Introduction to the Electronic Logging Device Rule and Implementation Plan (ELD)” at MATS in Louisville, Kentucky on Friday, March 24th, 2017. My conclusion is that these people are totally wacked. They live on another planet. They have no idea what they are doing and they are preparing another DPF type debacle with many lawsuits and accidents in the making. First and foremost, after the billions of dollars of recalls and/or lawsuits, losses and hassles due to Navistar & Cummins releasing an unproven and untested faulty product (DPF) on the market by coercion of the EPA, we should have learned
8 May 2017
that products need adequate trials and testing before being released. ELDs as the FMCSA “rules” are still in the making! And the FMCSA is still in the process of writing and/or rewriting some of the rules that the ELDs will be required to meet; this, nine months before the implementation date? As it stands, all trucks and trucking companies subject to this rule will become billion dollar victims of an ill-conceived, ill-
planned, ill-prepared mass experiment of unproven technology, a technology that has so far proven to actually cause more accidents. You would think that after nearly putting Navistar into bankruptcy because of EPA coercion, that someone in Congress would have learned that trial studies are a good idea. In medicine they save lives and validate a hypothesis. In trucking, trial studies can do the same while
also saving companies and the economy from bankruptcy. At the MATS seminar the FMCSA representatives notified attendees that the ELD Rule will require everyone who moves a truck to have their own individual ELD code. This means the mechanics, truck washers, fuelers, anyone who moves the truck will need to individually log in and out. I previously assumed that while the truck
is in the garage or the company yard all maintenance employees could use a single maintenance code. Not so. Everyone must have their own code and log in and out every time the truck is moved. If a trucking company has only 30 trucks and the mechanic, fueler, and truck washer only waste one minute per day logging in and out, one and a half hours per day will be lost in productivity. This adds up to 7.5 hours per
week, or one whole day wasted in lost productivity per week just by maintenance personnel moving the truck at the garage or in the company yard. Is this insane or only preposterous? How would maintenance people logging in and out in the garage or in the company yard enhance safety? This is ill conceived, untested, untried insanity that will micro-manage the industry to death. ELDs on the road are unproven and problematic enough. But in the garage and company yard? Woodward Publishing Group invites stakeholders to express their divergent views on all matters relating to trucking. These opinions, however, are strictly those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of Ontario Trucking News, Eastern Trucking News or Western Trucking News.
Ruling Assists in Conviction of Drug Impairment BY LINDA COLGAN
still giggle today when I found out that gummy bears are not some candy that you pick up at the local grocery store. Lego blocks are not made of plastic whereas at one time you were fairly safe to assume so. Cannabis today has many forms, shapes, sizes and disguises than the types that we were familiar with in our high school days way back when. Dinosaurs weren’t roaming the earth at that time but it sure is starting to feel like it! I find it peculiar that
we have to consider the sensitivity of legalized marijuana and the workplace today. Like alcohol, legalized marijuana use needs to be recognized for the safety of others in the workplace as well as the consideration for the general public. The Supreme Court of Canada, in February, passed a ruling for convictions due to impairment caused by drugs. Since 2008 Provincial police officers (500 RCMP officers as well) have enlisted for specialized certification and training for the application and proper as-
sessment of drug testing. These certified officers (DRE’S/Drug Recognition Experts) are recognized in the courts as expert witnesses without having their credentials challenged by a voir dire. OPP are conducting sobriety tests in order to assess an individual’s level of impairment and calibrate their own observation and analytical fact finding. The criminal code now allows police to conduct drug testing when reasonable ground to suspect an individual has been driving while impaired – either alcohol
or drugs. The procedure to determine grounds is based on eye evaluations, attention/alertness tests, pulse, muscle tone, and other stats such as blood pressure and temperature. Testing for drugs can be by means of saliva, urine or blood. Cannabis testing is still in the infancy stages but will be more refined to determine the effects of marijuana and how it affects responses etc. Currently there is a voluntarily submission to random testing in order to determine the effectiveness of two hand held devices
that utilize saliva for the presence of drugs. The challenges of the testing at this point are detection versus impairment (THC causes the direct impairment). Tetra hydro cannabinol is the compound that triggers the “high” and is not always a dominant substance in legalized marijuana. Testing through blood samples will reveal an individual’s use of marijuana up to two weeks prior to testing. Two weeks after use does not determine a person’s impairment but rather usage of the substance. The future as we know it
will see the legalization of marijuana (all indication is by July 1, 2018) so workplace safety policy and procedures must address the sensitivity of drug use and the subsequent reprimands if performance is affected or can affect others. Linda Colgan has been an Insurance Broker in the transportation industry since 1986 and is a Senior Account Executive with Bryson and Associates Insurance Brokers Inc. To contact Linda call 416.809.3103 or feel free to email Linda at lcolgan@
BAMSS Contracting Host its 2017 Truck Rodeo
he Calgary Stampede grounds have long been associated with cowboy rodeos but this spring on Tuesday, April 11, the grounds were the host site for a different type of rodeo activity. BAMSS Contracting Inc., a Trucking company from L a c o m b e, A l b e r t a i n vited their customers to a “truck rodeo” and “appreciation day” at one of the stampede fairgrounds closed parking lots. The grounds are used to welcoming customers of Transcourt Tank Leasing at Stampede time but this was a very different rodeo. No bucking broncos or chuck wagons on this day. The 22 invited participants from various Calgary oil companies, ventured out of the downtown Calgary business towers, to get “up close and personal” with BAMSS’s highway trucks and super b units. The people driving, were given a basic introductory orientation to the truck and super b unit. They were then accompanied in a cab by either Gerald Pearson or Sam Hancik, from BAMSS, as they drove the units around a cone marked oval track.
For some of these “city born and raised” individuals, this was the first opportunity of their life to climb up behind the wheel of a heavy duty highway truck and experience a small part of what the BAMSS drivers see in their daily work world. There were many smiles and laughs inside the cab when the route safety cones became victims of the rookie truck drivers. “It isn’t easy to manoeuver these lengthy tank trailers around a makeshift track”, explains Bruce Daccord, President of Transcourt Tank Leasing, a tank trailer supplier to BAMSS. Most of the comments from the 7 women and 15 men participating concerned the length of the overall unit and controlling this 25-meter-long vehicle. Looking in the mirrors from the driver’s seat, some of these rookie drivers couldn’t imagine the stress the regular drivers must experience with other traffic variables around them and the circulation challenges they themselves have witnessed on public roadways. “It was an incredible experience to go from behind the desk
to behind the wheel. I gained a whole new appreciation for the BAMSS driver skills required to operate this equipment”, said Chris Frederick from Inter Pipeline Ltd. The BAMSS pit crew also had a company highway tractor unit on display. The invited guests were encouraged to climb up in and see the work and living space interior of the “BAMSS company standard” highway truck cab and bunk. There was a much higher appreciation for a driver’s world once they observed the bunk living space complete with fridge, microwave, tv, computer work station, bed, etc. The truck on display also had a set of triple tire chains laid out on the ground for anyone interested in picking up to note the weight and awkwardness of these “trucking tools”. Another chain set was installed on the truck to help the people envision exactly how these chains would look and work when installed. Inside on display were safety equipment, hoses, internal valves, and driver orientation procedures for all to look through while enjoying a light
lunch with the BAMSS people in attendance. “This event helps the Calgary people visualise the LPG (liquefied petroleum
gases) product movement we do for them 365 days of the year. Our people did an exceptional job of showcasing, to our cli-
ents, the equipment that is involved at one stage of their products’ route to market”, stated BAMSS President Bob Hancik.
May 2017 9
Legalized Marijuana – Another Balancing Act for Employers BY MICHAEL HORVAT
n April 13, 2017, the Federal government introduced two long-promised bills that, if passed, would lead to Canada becoming one of the few national jurisdictions to permit the legal growth, possession and recreational consumption of marijuana. What was initially branded as a key election promise could become a regulatory maze that several lev-
els of government, police and private enterprise will have to learn to navigate. The government’s goal is full implementation by July 1, 2018. Safety is a key aspect of the government’s legalization efforts, and the proposed law could provide police with significant authority to conduct legal roadside saliva tests on all drivers based on a reasonable suspicion that the driver has drugs in their
Alcohol Countermeasure Systems’ (ACS) DrugWipe 5S oral fluid drug screening device.
10 May 2017
body. Questions remain as to whether the roadside test currently being contemplated by authorities is reliable or can provide immediate results evidencing current impairment from marijuana. The government has conceded that the current oral saliva test does not measure the level of intoxication or time of use, only the presence of THC, the main impairment ingredient in cannabis. Also problematic for law enforcement is that, unlike alcohol intoxication, there is no generally-accepted level of THC that is recognized as the legal limit to prohibit the operation of a vehicle. Jurisdictions which permit (in some form) the legal consumption of marijuana, or have legislated limits, have different ranges, including
as low as zero tolerance for any THC being present. Tolerance levels, as well as permitted age for use, could be different for each province. For employers whose employees regularly operate on Canada’s roads, the potential legalization of marijuana raises competing interests. Canadian society appears to be more open to the regular recreational use of marijuana, which employees may rightfully argue will become a legal right that can be exercised on their own time. At the same time, the government has clearly signalled that legalized pot will come with wider testing and greater discretion given to law enforcement to engage in that testing. If drug testing becomes more common place, and generally accepted by the
public, will it also result in a liberalization of workplace drug testing? Recently, an injunction sought by a union to prevent the introduction of random drug testing for Toronto Transit Commission drivers failed, and that testing was set to begin March 2017. The court accepted, as part of the employer’s submissions supporting the need for random testing, positive alcohol tests of its employees taken by police during off-duty time. This was provided as evidence of a culture of use that could raise employment concerns. The court also accepted that random testing could ultimately have a deterrent value. The government has referenced the potential for strict penalties for “driving high,” such as licence suspension and
vehicle seizure, as an immediate response for an infraction for maximum deterrent impact. Clearly, those companies who employ drivers will have a clear economic interest in not only ensuring the safe operation of their vehicles, but in protecting their assets. We wait to see how federal regulations and local provincial law enforcement will balance legal marijuana use with public safety concerns and the deterrence of illegal behaviour in a generally more permissive environment. Employers will have to be flexible and ready to react quickly, with testing and accommodation policies that meet both the changing legal and social rules governing a potential future of legal recreational marijuana.
Drug Trafficking in Cambridge, Ontario
BSA along with the RCMP and Waterloo Regional Police arrested 12 people for drug trafficking. 38.5 kilograms of cocaine that was seized in Cambridge, Ontario. There was an ongoing drug investigation which resulted in 12 arrests and
14 search warrants across the province. The cocaine was worth $1.7 million, street value, once mixed with other substances, is worth up to $5 million. One man, obviously not shopping, was arrested during a traffic stop at Walmart in Cambridge, Ontario last Thursday with 34.5 kilograms of cocaine discovered in his vehicle. Another 4 kilograms was found at various residences through ongoing search warrants in the area of Kitchener/ Waterloo. Unfortunately for the trucking industry, once again, the transportation of this cocaine found in these seizures was
via commercial trucks in loads of cargo being transported into Canada. The list of those arrested was released and the ages ranged from 31-62 years old, all from the area: 59-year-old Mile Vignjevic of Cambridge, 34-yearold Dimitrios Papadakis of Kitchener, 46-yearold Thomas Kapouranis of Kitchener, 53-year-
old Jadranko Neskovic of Kitchener, 34-yearold Marko Tufedgzic of Kitchener, 31-year-old M i h a j l o Vi g n j e v i c o f Kitchener, 36-year-old Julie Panyadeth of Kitchener, 31-year-old David Thiessen of Kitchener, 42-year-old Nghia Nguyen of Kitchener, 62-yearold Andreas Maronitis of Thornhill, 42-year-old
Philip Boutrous of Leamington and 30-year-old Thanh Dinh Nguyen of Toronto. As we all know, drug smuggling is illegal and a threat to the health and safety of our citizens across Canada. Our CBSA, RCMP and Police forces struggle daily in this fight against the Cartel and the drug smug-
glers worldwide. For more information about transportation and aiding in the fight against drug smuggling, anti terrorism, safety & compliance programs such as C-TPAT, FAST, PIP, CSA, please contact Cross Border Services at www. or email dawntruell@gmail. com.
CTA Takes Next Step in Succession Plan
he transition to new leadership at the Canadian Trucking Alliance moved one step closer as Stephen Laskowski, previously announced as successor to David Bradley when the latter steps down at the end of 2017, was officially named President of the Alliance at the CTA annual board meeting held in Arizona. Laskowski had served as CTA’s Senior Vice President for the past several years. “This announcement is the
next step in the process that was launched last fall,” said Bradley, who will retain the CEO title until the end of his tenure. Gene Orlick, CTA Chairman and President of Orlick Transport in Calgary, says the Alliance’s succession plan is going smoothly. “We are fortunate to have someone like Stephen, with his experience and drive, already in the fold and ready to step up and assume responsibility for leading CTA into the future.”
May 2017 11
Decade of Steering Toward Diversity
n 2007 a group of influential, successful women met in Las Vegas to create a mission statement for a new organization called “Women In Trucking (WIT).” These women knew what it was like to be outnumbered at every industry event where they would search the room for another female to make a connection. Their goal was simple, to increase the number of women employed in trucking, from driver to board member,
12 May 2017
diversity was the challenge. Although women are still a minority in trucking, the Women In Trucking Association is moving the needle. In the past ten years we’ve made great strides in increasing the ranks of women through numerous initiatives. To name a few: The Girl Scout (Girl Guide) Transportation Patch was cr eated in cooperation with the Greater Chicago/Northern Indiana Girl Scouts. The curriculum guide is available only from the Women In Trucking Association. Numerous troops across North America have been able to see a truck close up and learn about careers as drivers, managers and other roles in transportation. The Salute to Women Behind the Wheel is held each year in conjunction with the Mid-America
Trucking Show in Louisville, Kentucky. Hundreds of female commercial drivers are honored at this event, as well as last year at our first celebration in Canada. The Influential Woman i n Tr u c k i n g a n d t h e Distinguished Woman in Logistics are annual awards to honor women who are role models and pioneers in both trucking and the supply chain. The Women In Trucking Scholarship Foundation was established to provide funding for training in transportation, including safety, technical and leadership areas as well as for commercial driving opportunities. Tens of thousands of dollars have been given to students pursuing careers in trucking. Based on feedback from female drivers, WIT has influenced the design of truck cabs with the manu-
facturers who are seeking ways to accommodate women with a more ergonomic design inside the cab. The goal is adaptability so female drivers are as comfortable as their male counterparts and design changes will allow more women to become professional drivers. The Women In Trucking Image Team was created to showcase professional female drivers, safety managers, recruiters and trainers to those outside of the industry. These women have appeared on panels, attended trade shows, spoken at school functions, and have provided ride-alongs with such influential people as the Federal Motor Carrier Administrator and Deputy Administrator, the National Transportation Safety Board Chairwoman, Senators, Congressmen, journalists and even a safety advocate. The Im-
age Team is a very special way to highlight successful women in trucking. In order to be able to monitor the increase in women employed in trucking, the association has partnered with the National Transportation Institute to create a WIT Index. Results will be based on quarterly surveys with motor carriers in the US. Currently, while the US Department of Labor reports a 5.1 percent for female commercial drivers, their figures are not based on over the road statistics. The average percentage of female drivers reported through the WIT Index is seven percent, and includes only over the road drivers in the data. In 2015 WIT held its first annual Accelerate! Conference and Expo created to promote gender diversity and provide best practices. Over 400 men
and women participated in the event last year, which brought executives and drivers together with vendors, manufacturers and educators in an event that offered insight, education and networking opportunities. As the Women In Trucking Association celebrates its tenth anniversary, it is transforming the industry with new ideas, perspectives, goals and lots of information for anyone who believes in promoting diversity in transportation. This year, with a new anniversary logo and the tag line, “steering toward diversity,” we begin a new decade focused on continuing the mission created in 2007 which is simply to increase the number of women employed in trucking. To join us, visit www. and become a member today.
May 2017 13
Carrier to Donate Transport Refrigeration Units to Feeding America®
thens, Georgia – Carrier Transicold, a leading producer of transport refrigeration equipment for trucks, trailers, rail cars and containers, announced a program funded by a $150,000 grant from parent United Technologies Corp. to donate truck and trailer refrigeration units to individual food banks in the Feeding America ® network. The grant, which will cover the donation and installation of transport refrigeration units to seven food banks, was presented to Feeding America representatives at Carrier Transicold’s 2017 Americas Truck / Trailer Dealer Meeting in Las Vegas. Carrier Transicold is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX). “We take our responsibility very seriously to help preserve, protect, deliver and display the world’s food supply,” said Jon Shaw, director, Global Communications & Sustainability,
14 May 2017
Carrier Transicold & Refrigeration Systems. “As we focus on helping emerging nations develop the cold chain as a means of getting more perishable food to hungry people, we also realize there are needs in the U.S. as well and that’s why we chose to work with Feeding America and its nationwide network of member food banks.” Funds will be disbursed to member food banks that have identified a need for a Carrier truck or trailer refrigeration unit. The food banks in Louisiana, South Dakota, Michigan, California, Georgia and Nevada will then use the funds to purchase the equipment, including installation by an authorized Carrier Transicold dealer. Participating Carrier Transicold dealers in the 2017 program include: Carrier Transicold South in St. Rose, Louisiana; Transport Refrigeration of South Dakota in Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Carrier Transicold of Detroit
in Detroit, Michigan; Bay Area Transport Refrigeration in Hayward, California; Carrier Transicold South in Lake City, Georgia and CT Power in North Las Vegas, Nevada. Feeding America is responsible for serving more than 4 billion meals a year through its network of 200 food banks serving 60,000 agencies nationwide. With a combined 1,850 refrigerated trucks in its fleet, Feeding America and its members deliver more than 1.25 billion pounds of micro-nutrient rich fresh produce and other perishables each year. “More than 42 million people nationwide face hunger, including 13 million children,” said Bill Thomas, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Product Development, Feeding America. “The Feeding America network distributes billions of pounds of produce, dairy and proteins to people in need each year so a robust cold chain is critical to our mission. With support
from Carrier, we will be able to distribute more of these valuable items to help ensure that our communities have access to more healthy and nutritious food options that might otherwise end up in landfills.” The grant was funded in part by proceeds from the book Food Foolish: The Hidden Connection Between Food Waste, Hunger and Climate Change, which was co-authored by John Mandyck, Chief Sustainability Officer, United Technologies. “Cold chain technologies are essential to avoid food waste and extend the world’s food supply so we can sustainably feed more people globally,” said Mandyck. “More than
Tom Ondo (left), Vice President & General Manager, Americas Truck/Trailer/Rail, and Jon Shaw (right), Director, Global Communications & Sustainability, Carrier Transicold & Refrigeration Systems, present a $150,000 check to Bill Thomas, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Feeding America, for the donation and installation of transport refrigeration units to seven Feeding America member food banks across the U.S. 1 billion metric tons of food is lost or wasted each year. This donation will simultaneously help reduce that waste while helping Feeding America in its fight
against hunger.” For more information, visit Follow Carrier Transicold on Twitter: @ SmartColdChain.
CIMC Revamps Website
outh Gate, California – CIMC Intermodal Equipment has completely revamped their website Now, easily accessible on the site are: Specifications and descriptions of CIMC intermodal chassis, Full Maintenance Manual and CIMC
Intermodal Road Service Information. A complete list of dealers throughout the U.S. Available via 24/7/365 Call center, TollFree number, E-mail, Mobile App, Part locator for CIMC chassis and container parts throughout the US, Training videos and Warranty forms and processing
information. Additional information includes company history, environmentally-friendly production processes with e-coat finishes, port services and the company’s newsletter The CIMC Intermodal Dispatch. Please visit www.cimc-ie. com.
May 2017 15
16 May 2017
Bandit Big Rig Series Features Average Joes
looming Prairie, Minnesota – Bandit Big Rig Series driver Chris Kikelhan knows all about racing, but he still considers himself just a normal guy. “Being a small fleet owner and participating in the Bandit Series gives me a chance to enjoy something competitive in the same field as I work in every day,” Kikelhan said. Kikelhan drove the #01
Sundance truck to victory at Hickory Motor Speedway last fall, and he’ll never forget the feeling. “People waited around long after the race,” Kikelhan said. “We were standing over by the fence and they’re trying to call me over for an autograph! It was crazy. I’m just an Average Joe having a blast.” Kikelhan is one of several small fleet owners partici-
pating in the Bandit Big Rig Series. Allen Boles owns and operates Jupiter Enterprises out of North Carolina, but he also drives the #3 Volvo in the Bandit Series. “It’s unreal. The fans treat us like stars, but we’re just out there having fun,” Boles said. “It’s pretty cheap, too. If you’ve got an old truck lying around, all you have to do is throw
a cage in it, weld some bumpers on and put a fuel cell on the back. Turn the key and have a great time.” “There’s also a $50,000 purse for each race, so you’ve got a great opportunity to win some of your investment back,” Kikelhan said. “Win a couple features and you’re probably out ahead!” For a look at the 2017 schedule, visit the Bandit
website at ABOUT BANDIT BIG RIG SERIES The Bandit Big Rig Series returns big rig tractor truck
racing to the short track in the United States. The series was designed to be affordable and accessible for anyone wishing to put together a race team.
Rude Wins Bandit Big Rig Series Race
asley, South Carolina – When the #14 Peterbilt is turning laps like it did at Greenville-Pickens Speedway, Ricky Rude is tough to beat. No one was up to the challenge Saturday night, as Rude captured the checkered flag – not to
mention a $10,000 check – for his win in the Bandit Big Rig Series feature race. I’m not used to losing,” said Rude, who finished eighth in the season’s first event at Hickory Motor Speedway. “I spent three weeks working on my truck and it paid off
(Saturday).” A second consecutive sellout crowd witnessed two separate wrecks. Craig Kruckeberg rode the wall out of turn two after trying to pass Jon Lisenbee during the first Challenge race. “I got greedy. I was gonna take Jon low in turn
three but I had to stay on his bumper and I accelerated out of turn two a little too much,” Kruckeberg said. Allen Boles lost control of his truck during the feature race. He hit the wall close to where Kruckeberg did earlier in the night.
“The fans definitely got their money’s worth,” Kruckeberg said. Greenville-Pickens officials said the crowd was one of the largest they have had on a Saturday night, with 6,000-plus taking in the action. The Bandits return to Greenville-Pickens June
10th. The next Bandit Big Rig Series event is scheduled for May 13th at Montgomery Motor Speedway in Alabama. For additional information, please contact Brian Madsen at 507.676.6627, or email
May 2017 17
CK-4/FA-4: 1st 6 Months BY BARNABY NGAI
n December 2016, the North American heavy duty lubricant market witnessed its biggest specification overhaul in history with the launch of two new API heavy duty diesel engine oil categories: CK-4 and FA-4. At Petro-Canada Lubricants, we believe these new oil categories present an opportunity to improve the carbon footprint of fleet businesses, reduce equipment downtime, deliver savings through lower maintenance costs and increase the productivity and profitability of fleet operations. As with all business decisions, clear understanding and early adoption could result in a genuine competitive edge and that has certainly been the case in the six months since the new oil specifications were introduced. The First Six Months We’re already seeing fleet operators beginning to reap the benefits of the changes. Our customers’
transition to DURON™ next generation API CK-4 oils has been very successful, and that’s testament to the preparation, education, communication and planning that took place in the lead up to the changes. Six months in, it is clear that customers are eager to take advantage of the performance benefits of API CK-4 oils. These benefits include enhanced fuel economy, extended drain intervals and higher levels of wear protection. Looking Ahead While the adoption of API FA-4 oils has undoubtedly been slower, we expect its uptake to increase annually as OEMs design improved engines to meet legislation standards, new 2017+ vehicles are purchased and fleet owners see the potential cost benefits the new category can bring. We expect FA-4 oils to deliver up to 2% improved fuel economy over conventional SAE 15W-40s, and up to 1% better fuel economy compared to an API CK-4 SAE 10W-30 diesel engine oil in on-road
service, depending on driving conditions. There are clear and real benefits to making the switch to more fuel efficient heavy duty engine oils. And, for those fleets already operating a mix of older and newer equipment and an ambition to realize the improvements that will come with the new oil categories, then a stock of both CK-4 and FA-4 products may be best. We’ve pledged to continue to support both the industry and our customers as they manage the changes and start their API CK-4 and FA-4 journey. Our online educational platform, is open for the wider industry and we have direct support in place from our sales teams for those customers ready to transition to the DURON™ next generation product line. Barnaby Ngai is the Category Portfolio Manager, Heavy Duty Engine and Driveline Oils at PetroCanada Lubricants.
Truck Sport Bernau Partnership Renewed
etro-Canada Lubricants Inc., a Holly Frontier business, has announced it has renewed the partnership with FIA European Truck Racing Championship team, Truck Sport Lutz Bernau. As a core sponsor to the team, Petro-Canada Lubricants is set to supply all the lubricants and greases used throughout the racing
truck driveline, including a specially formulated DURON™ racing engine oil. The Truck Sport Lutz Bernau team has signed Spanish racing driver, Antonio Albacete, as its principal driver for 2017. With a career in FIA racing spanning over a decade, Albacete has three Championship wins to his name and will
start his campaign at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg, Austria on May 13th. Albacete will be driving a specially built racing MAN, weighing over five tonnes and with a speed limit of 200km/hr. The partnership announcement follows PetroCanada Lubricants’ launch of DURON™ next generation engine oils across Europe in March 2017. Formulated using leading-edge lubricant technology to combine the best additives with some of the purest base oils, DURON™ next generation has been engineered to maximise fuel economy and deliver higher levels of engine wear protection, even in the harshest environments.
18 May 2017
Why are We Asking You to Look Into Retreads?
ruckers have known the Retread Tire Association (RTA) as a partner, a friend and an ally since we began in 2010. RTA is a non-profit, member-owned international association which has committed itself to the economic and environmental benefits brought about by high quality retreading and repair of tires. With hundreds of members worldwide RTA is regarded as the world’s largest clearinghouse for trading casings, new and
used tires, as well as retread equipment and machinery, and we’re just getting started. Determined to set the record straight, RTA is here to inform and share information about the benefits and quality of retreading. For today’s truckers and fleet managers, RTA wants to be an indispensible resource. We are totally dedicated to the promotion and defense of the interests of our members and the retread and tire repair industries. These are international industries, large and small retreaders and suppliers, who benefit from the public relations activities of RTA. Unfortunately, many people still think that rubber on the road, and ‘road alligators’, which frequently cause road accidents, are caused by retreads, but the facts are different. The true cause of much of the debris on highways
is improper tire maintenance, under inflation, poor tire repairs or tires being driven with less than the legal amount of tread remaining. The public perception of retreading is changing rapidly. Nowadays, there should be no doubt about the quality of retread tires. In fact, there are important advancements made every single year. RTA is determined to counter criticism born out of ignorance. In such cases, we invite critics to visit a modern retread plant with us so that we can show them that their criticism is unfounded. Such critics are also sent the appropriate information material so that they can inform themselves about the facts. Membership benefits also include access to casing and supply memo programs. Our memos are sent to members on the
same day we receive them, so prices can be listed, and responses can be immediate. Additionally, RTA keeps close contact with its members. We strive to phone each member at least three times a year to discuss possible problems, and forward the newest market information. Our website contains a buyers’ guide for retreads, a section with important links to help members in the development and success of their businesses. Members can also have their contact information listed on the website as part of their membership and thereby benefit from
the large network the RTA provides. We also publish many useful press items for our members and the broader public and send them to publications of the particular countries in which our members operate. These press releases are then published in the local media, of course in the native language of our members’ countries. We ar e available to present the interests of the industry and inform the public about the economic and environmental benefits of retreading at conferences, company meetings, etc., which brings us back to the mission of RTA:
representing its members to make sure that the message gets through. The quality of properly retread tires is nowadays as good as, or better than that of new tires. Add the economic and environmental benefits to that, and you see why we work hard to improve the chances of our members to be successful in the market. You have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose by joining the RTA family. If you’d like to become a member please contact us at info@, Retread Tire Association, PO Box 6, Pacific Grove, CA 93950.
New F-Load Range Tires
ypress, California – Toyo Tire U.S.A. Corp. (Toyo Tires®) is proud to announce the addition of F-load range tires to the brand’s popular Open Country line of light truck products. The new, higher carrying capacity tires were developed to meet the needs of late model truck owners and dealers. Available in the Open Country M/T; Open Country R/T; and Open Country A/T II tires, sizes include 35x12.50R20LT, 3 3 X 1 2 . 5 0 R 1 8 LT a n d 37X12.50R22LT. F-load range tires allow for higher carrying capacity at a higher inflation pressure compared to tires of the same size with an E-load range. These new tires address the increase in payload and towing capacity of today’s trucks, giving owners the freedom to personalize the look and style of their vehicles with a tire that is properly load rated. Toyo Tires encourages dealers and owners to review this Tire Replacement Checklist. 1. Confirm that the loadcarrying capacity is greater than or equal to the load
carrying capacity of the OE tire size at the pressure indicated on the vehicle Tire Information Placard. 2. Carefully note any differences between recommendations for front and rear axle positions regarding the tire size and/ or inflation pressure. 3. The speed rating must be equal to or greater than what is specified by the vehicle manufacturer if the speed capability of the vehicle is to be maintained. 4. T i r e s s h o u l d b e mounted on approved wheel widths. If changing tire sizes, check to make sure the wheel has adequate load and inflation pressure capacity. 5. Body and chassis
clearance must be checked on the vehicle’s front and rear axles. 6. Proper spacing between dual tires is necessary for optimum tire performance. If chains are used, particular care must be taken to assure adequate clearance between loaded tires to avoid damage from the chains. The allowable outside diameter difference between a tire and its dual mate is 1 ⁄4” (6.4 mm) for light truck tires. To find the right tire for your vehicle as well as an authorized dealer, visit Be sure to join the Toyo Tires community on: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
May 2017 19
Shell & PepsiCo Set Wheels in Motion for Roadshow Showcasing Fuel Efficiency
hell, PepsiCo, the North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE), and Carbon War Room (CWR) announced Run on Less, a first-of-its-kind crosscountry roadshow to showcase advancements in fuel efficiency. The event will take place in September 2017. Run on Less will demonstrate how Class 8 trucks can use different technologies to achieve the best fuel economy possible. The three-week experience will kick off from multiple locations across the United States and culminate at the North American Commercial Vehicle (NACV) inaugural show in Atlanta,
taking place September 24 to 28, 2017. Run on Less will be led by NACFE and CWR’s Trucking Efficiency Operation, with Shell and PepsiCo as the title sponsors. “Shell consistently works to raise awareness about the energy challenge facing us and the Run on Less collaboration is the perfect way to demonstrate our commitment,” said Annie Peter, Fleet Sector Marketing Manager, Shell Lubricants. “With new fuel economy regulations on the horizon and the need for continuing advances in fuel economy, Shell Lubricants recognizes that a holistic approach to making fuel economy
gains is important. This includes advances in engine and drivetrain technology, the use of low viscosity lubricants, aerodynamic designs, efficient driving methods, and more.” “Delivering products using a more efficient fleet is a key component of achieving PepsiCo’s goal to reduce absolute greenhouse gas emissions across our value chain,” said Mike O’Connell, Senior Director, Supply Chain, PepsiCo. The roadshow will end at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta on September 24, where the final results will be announced, and drivers will showcase their equipment and share learnings and best practices on
Healthy Fleet Challenge Coming in May
ooking to get fit this season or drop a few pounds? Healthy Fleet is excited to announce that their next challenge will be run through a mobile app, which will be available to all companies for free. This new challenge follows the most recent one that took place in January and February of this year, where participants lost a total of 579 pounds. Below is some of the feedback reported by office staff and drivers that participated in the last Healthy Fleet Challenge: 96.4% are eating better, 93.8% are exercising more, 78.1% are feeling better, 71.6% are sleeping better and 95.2% are happy that their fleet encouraged them to participate. To build off the success participants had in this first weight loss challenge, Healthy Fleet has announced their next challenge, which will be bigger and better than any challenge they have done 20 May 2017
before. “Based on the feedback of our participants, we are launching an iOS & Android app for our next challenge starting in May. The new app will make food and exercise tracking, coaching and team support easier for both drivers on the road and staff at the office,” says Aaron Lindsay, VP of Marketing for Healthy Fleet. The app will be available in April and has some great new features:
Coaching Feed: expert tips on nutrition and exercise to help participants live a healthier lifestyle. Goal Setting: participants can set goals for themselves, including feeling better, building m u s c l e, w e i g h t l o s s , improving sleep, and more. Team Feed: participants
can build their own team of coworkers and friends to stay motivated at work and while away from the office. Feedback: participants can receive feedback and support from their Coach, friends and coworkers. Personal Feed: participants can choose to share their food and exercise with their team or keep it private and confidential between themselves and their Coach. Rewards: companies can use the app to provide rewards to provide incentives to Office Staff and Drivers who work towards living a healthy lifestyle. If you or your fleet would like more information on the upcoming challenge in May or would like to beta test the app during the month of April, please email info@healthyfleet. com. Fleets that reserve a spot will be featured on the www.HealthyFleet. com homepage for the months leading up to the challenge.
fuel economy. Technology manufacturers will be available throughout NACV to help attending fleets accelerate their adoption of technologies that make sense for their operations.
More details about Run on Less will be announced in coming months. During April, event organizers will be accepting fleet applications to participate in the Run. Sponsorship oppor-
tunities will remain open until June 1. For more information, please contact Mike Roeth at or visit www.runonless. com.
Carrier Transicold Dealers of the 23
Record Attendance at 20 th NHES...........................Page 26
New Volvo VNR Regional Hauler..........................Page 29
Thermo King Power Generation..................Page 35
T ruck & Trailer VOCATIONAL
May 2017
Proud Tradition of Investing in Employee Well Being BY MAREK KRASUSKI
A Peterbilt’s rugged vocational trucks are built to withstand the rigors of daily heavy-duty service, whatever the demands of the job site may require’.
Canada’s 150th Anniversary 389
eterbilt announces the Model 389 Canadian 150th Anniversary Edition to salute Canada’s history by combining the industry-leading quality and performance of the Model 389 with distinctive styling and exclusive Canadian features. “Canadian owner-operators and premium carriers can honor Canada with the addition of Peterbilt’s Model 389 Canadian 150th Anniversary Edition,” says Kyle Quinn, Peterbilt General Manager and PACCAR Senior Vice President. “It delivers proven productivity, dependability and uptime combined with unique styling and understated elegance.” The Model 389 Canadian 150th Anniversary Edition is configured with a 131inch BBC and can be spec’d in 72- and 78-inch sleeper configurations. Exterior features of the Model 389
Canadian 150th Anniversary Edition include: Louvered grille sheet reminiscent of the 1950’s Model 351 grille; Exhaust Stacks etched with “Canada 150”; Bright bumper with 150th Anniversary emblem; Bright rocker panels, cowl skirt and sunvisor; Polished battery box, fuel tanks and quarter fenders; Numbered Canadian 150th Anniversary Emblem on each side of the sleeper; and Special formulated Legendary Canadian red paint color. Inside the cab, Model 389 Canadian 150th Anniversary Edition has exclusive features and branding that includes: Platinum-level Arctic Gray interior with a dark top dash with blackwood finish accents on the dash, doors, manual transmission shifter knob and sleeper cabinet trim; Peterbilt Premium Leather Seats
sk Luc Stang why Gin-Cor is the largest employer in the Mattawa region and multiple winner of business awards, and this owner and president will defer credit to others. “Success comes from surrounding yourself with good people. Drawing on the expertise of mentors, such as seasoned experts in the business community, including our customers, friends and family, are crucial for positive reinforcement,” he said. Stang practices what he preaches, as demonstrated by the success of Gin-Cor, an industry leader in the custom manufacturing of vocational severe-service
vehicles. In keeping with a lifelong commitment - both personal and corporate to people, Luc Stang is building a culture where employees are engaged with and take ownership in their work. As a result, Stang says, the “goal is not to be the biggest, but to be really great at what we do.” Commitment to employee well being, and to their families, is underscored by the level of worker satisfaction. Gin-Cor is a place where people want to come to work and where employee input is respected and valued. Consequently, the best people are attracted to the company, CONTINUED ON PAGE 23
May 2017 21
With You For The Big Haul BY AL TUCKER
or many of our Ontario readers, when they hear the name Ridgetown, they are most likely to remember the Ridgetown Campus, Ontario Agricultural College, an extension of the University of Guelph. Ridgetown OAC offers a wide range of applied research and academic programs addressing food, agriculture, rural communities, and the environment. The latest addition to their offerings is an Associate Diploma in Equine Care and Management. However, during my recent visit to the area I discovered another, equally impressive ‘College’ that has taken the business of building Heavy Haul Trailers to a ‘Masters’ level, Waltron Trailers Inc. From a distance, the Waltron location looks like many other manufacturing facilities I have visited over the years, but once inside the main building, the true nature of their craft overwhelms. I was met at the door by CEO Gunther Haas, a seasoned veteran in the world of steel structural design and project management; he once managed the project of rebuilding the main center section of the Ambassador Bridge. Gunther escorted me on a tour of the fabrication shops and gave an enlightening commentary of the many specialty design features that are built into every customized Trailer. Every unit demonstrated the attention to detail likely matched only by the Aircraft manufacturing sector. The specialized nature of their Trailers and the critical need for low riding equipment requirements, prompted Waltron to design and build their own unique Drop Axles, -sans the traditional Axle Tube - in order to haul vessels with the deep drafts. Some of their Trailer designs are built so structurally strong as to even eliminate the need for cross-members. Welding in the Waltron shop is truly a refined art! I noticed that all welding rod travels through enclosed tubes to the weld site to eliminate the possibility of air borne contamination. Now that’s what I would call attention to detail! Their ‘Big Haul’ focus carries into a
variety of Roll-off Truck Deck systems (Max. 50,000 lb. capacity), Custom Truck Bodies for the Utility trade, 30 Ton Back Hoe Trailers, larger capacity Heavy Towing Trailers, ‘Stinger’ Steered Trailer models, Trombone Stretch models to 69 feet, “Wag-Tag” Trailer assists and most impressive of all, massive Boat Trailers that my fishing buddies might call the ultimate Lunkers. When I think of a Boat trailer, I would normally think of the one I used to trailer ‘BLUE MAX’, my 18 ft. Doral Bowrider. Waltron’s 53 ft. Trombone ‘Goliath’ Trailer is designed to haul the largest yachts and their HW model with attachments has a capacity of 75 tons! Now that’s some Boat Trailer! With annual production fast approaching 200 units, and sales forecast to continue to climb, - abetted by a not unexpected surge in US demand - the need for additional floor-space has put expansion plans at Waltron into high gear. During our tour, Gunther confided that most recently he has taken up ‘Star Gazing’; that is to say, that he has identified fast growing companies in the ‘Space Race’ that have special requirements for Heavy Haul ‘Rocket’ Trailers, Waltron’s design integrity would certainly meet NASA specs! .Playing a ‘Supporting Role’ to futuristic innovators like SPACEX or VIRGIN GALACTIC could take Waltron to a whole new level. Gunther wasn’t planning a trip to the Moon of course but the news that two private citizens have already booked a flight around the Moon with SPACEX leaves that option open I suppose. In the meantime, with Waltron supporting local high school Co-op programs, the very idea that the fabrication of special trailers could be associated with space travel could certainly peak student interest as aspiring future Heavy Haul Trailer design engineers! If your company has specialty Trailer needs, Gunther would be happy to put his creativity to work for you. He is waiting for your call at 519.674.5488. For the complete story, visit www.waltrontrailers. com.
Engineless Refrigeration Systems
esco, a supermarket chain in England, is conducting a trial of two Carrier Transicold multitemperature refrigeration units – engineless systems that run entirely on hydro-electric power generated by the trucks’ ultra-clean Euro VI engines. Carrier Transicold, which operates in the UK as Carrier Transicold (UK) Limited, is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. The trial is part of the supermarket retailer’s efforts to reduce its impact on the environment. These are the first two trucks fitted with alternative refrigeration technology to join Tesco’s fleet, which includes 450 rigids, 1,300 tractor units and 4,000 trailers. “The new system offers huge potential to help us reduce our carbon footprint through lower emissions and diesel consumption as well as decreasing air and noise pollution. We also hope it will reduce maintenance and fuel costs across our fleet of vehicles in the long term.” says Caroline Sindrey, Tesco’s Engineering Manager. The refrigeration systems are mounted to Mercedes-Benz Antos rigid trucks and will be used up to seven days a week, transporting chilled and ambient produce to urban Tesco Express and Tesco Metro stores across southwest England and southern Wales. Each vehicle will be kept in the fleet for eight years and is
Ideal Temperature, All the Time
IESA Platinum is the roof mounted cab cooler that delivers cool air to the truck’s cabin without running the truck’s engine. VIESA is totally ecological and provides the driver with a healthier rest and comfortable driving condition. Electronic sensors built into the system
22 May 2017
expected to cover 35,000 miles annually. The systems remove the need for a separate diesel engine as they are driven by an Eco-Drive GenSet power unit, which is powered by a hydraulic pump connected to the truck’s engine power take-off. The hydraulic pump drives a generator that delivers electrical power to the refrigeration unit and provides a continual, 100 per cent refrigeration capacity even at the truck’s standard idle speed. With a PIEK-compliant (1) noise level rating of standard, the units are ideally suited to intensive urban delivery work. In addition, the slim-profile evaporator offers maximized load space. With two refrigerating circuits fed by separate fully-hermetic scroll compressors, many serviceable items such as drive belts, pulleys and compressor shaft seals are eliminated, which in turn optimizes uptime levels and refrigerant containment. This configuration – coupled to two economizers and a wide surface condenser – means the system provides a cooling capacity of up to 18,400 watts. For more information, visit and 1. PIEK certification, based on standards set by the Dutch government, verifies that vehicles and equipment operating under 60dB(A) are suitable for use in night time deliveries without causing noise disturbance.
analyze the exterior temperature, allowing the equipment to automatically adjust fan speed and interior conditions. Features include: Automatic shut-off on low battery, easy to use LCD display with alarm clock, programmable on-off operation and silent water pump. For more information, visit
Carrier Transicold South & RETO Named Carrier Transicold Dealers of the Year
thens, Georgia - Carrier Transicold South of Lake City, Georgia, was named Dealer of the Year - North America, and Refrigeración Especializada para el Transporte de Occidente S.A. de C.V. (RETO) of Guadalajara, Mexico, was named Dealer of the Year - Latin America at the recent annual meeting of Carrier Transicold’s Truck/Trailer/Rail Americas dealers. Carrier Transicold is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX). In its 14 years as a Carrier Transicold dealer, Carrier Transicold South has won the Dealer of the Year recognition three times, most recently for 2014. Part of its success, according to its President, Bruce MacDonald, is a highly experienced and enthusiastic team that subscribes to the philosophy that “We don’t say ‘no’ to our customers.” Located in the Atlanta metropolitan area, the Lake City operation serves customers in Georgia and parts of Tennessee. Carrier Transicold South also has facilities in Alabama and Louisiana. “Carrier Transicold South is fully committed to excellence in their customer sales and service support processes,” said Tom Spencer, Dealer Network Manager, Carrier Transicold. “Their focus on the customer has resulted in strong growth of their customer base, leading to yet another winning performance.” In addition to Dealer of the Year, Carrier Transicold South earned a NextLevel2 Platinum Award, which is a prerequisite for Dealer of the Year recognition. NextLevel2 Platinum is awarded for achievements in customer satisfaction, business investment, service proficiency, sales performance and growth. For RETO, this is its second Dealer of the Year award, having achieved it previously for 2009. “RETO’s growth is inspiring,” said Jesús Estrada, Region Director for Mexico and Latin America, Carrier Transicold. “Its sales last year set a record for all of
Refrigeración Especializada para el Transporte de Occidente S.A. de C.V. (RETO) of Guadalajara, Mexico, was named Dealer of the Year - Latin America. Shown from left are: Tom Ondo, Vice President and General Manager, Truck/Trailer/Rail Americas, Carrier Transicold; Alejandro Genera, Sales Director, Latin America, Carrier Transicold; Rubén Almaráz, General Manager, RETO; and Jesús Estrada, Region Director, Mexico and Latin America, Carrier Transicold.
Carrier Transicold’s 2016 Dealer of the Year -North America is Carrier Transicold South of Lake City, Georgia. Pictured from left are: Tom Ondo, Vice President and General Manager, Truck/ Trailer/Rail Americas, Carrier Transicold; from Carrier Transicold South, Tony Ganier, Executive Vice President of Operations, Steve Johnson, Regional Sales Manager, Bruce MacDonald, President, and Hugh Giles, Vice President of Sales; and from Carrier Transicold, Scott Williams, Director Southern Region, and Luke DiMaggio, General Manager, Performance Parts. the Latin America operations. They have created an outstanding service culture, capable of delivering extraordinary experiences that build brand loyalty with every customer encounter.” Led by General Manager Rubén Almaráz, RETO also received a Next Level2 Perfect Score award, which recognizes the top scores in key business areas. Sunbelt Transport Refrigeration of Tampa, Florida, was recognized with the prestigious Extra Mile award for outstanding customer service. Individual awards were also presented to: David Cervini, Carrier Transicold South of St. Rose, Louisiana, Dealer Parts Manager of the Year; Shane Tippie of Carrier Transicold of Utah in Salt Lake City, Dealer Service Manager
of the Year and Todd Sondag of Interstate Power Systems in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Dealer Sales Manager of the Year. A total of 54 dealerships and three individuals were recognized with 87 awards for 2016 performance, business development and personal achievement. The annual dealer meeting was attended by Carrier Transicold employees and dealer representatives from the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua, with guests from Carrier Transicold operations in Brazil and the Netherlands. To learn more about Carrier Transicold products, services and dealer network visit Follow Carrier on Twitter: @SmartColdChain.
Carrier Acquires IMPCO Road & Rail Transport Product Lines
eal includes ComfortPro® APU, will strengthen offerings for energy-efficient and sustainable auxiliary power solutions Carrier Transicold, an industry leader in the transport refrigeration business, has signed an agreement to acquire select IMPCO road and rail transport product lines, including the ComfortPro® Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), from Westport Fuel Systems, Inc. This addition will allow Carrier Transicold to oversee the development, engineering and manufacturing of these product lines and, by leveraging our capabilities and dealer network, provide increased customer support. Carrier Transicold is a part of UTC Climate, Controls & Security, a unit of United Technologies Corp. The acquisition is expected to be finalized in the next few weeks. Once closed,
the ComfortPro APU product line will continue to be supported by the Carrier Transicold dealer network, now backed by Carrier Transicold factory support. For more information, visit
employees who deliver a superior product and assist with ongoing expansion. (Several years ago Gin-Cor completed a brand new addition of an 18,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Mattawa, and later opened sales and service facilities in Carleton Place near Ottawa and Kingston in order to extend market reach. This was followed more recently by the purchase of Durabody and JC Trailers. Both of these acquisitions met Gin-Cor’s desired profile; they are both custom fabricators dedicated to precision work that make up some of the strongest products on the market today). With a workforce of some 190 currently employed in the Gin-Cor group, many are still working into their 60s and 70s, a testament to Gin-Cor’s pledge to honour and reward stellar craftsmen and technicians. Greater employee participation has also been encouraged by introducing more standardization by documenting procedures, cross training personnel, and relegating much of the decision making to staff. “I put things in place to allow others to make decisions and gave them some latitude to allow them to learn and grow,” Stang said. The measure of this premier heavy truck builder’s commitment to employee well being and participation is confirmed by the company’s recognition that, “Behind every dump body, service body, snow plow, sander or crane installation stands a group of dedicated trades people and technicians who have made it their mission to build the very best.” The high level of employee recognition is evident, too, in the help Gin-Cor offers to children of employees by giving them toys to help spark their young and creative imaginations, and to encourage them to consider a career in this industry when their employment years begin. Ever focused on youth and their potential development, Gin-Cor holds an annual family & children’s party and has initiated a fundraising campaign. The company has created a calendar with proceeds from sales used to promote youth education and skiing instruction. Commitment and dedication flow in equal parts to Gin-Cor’s customers and suppliers. Luc Stang is proud of the partnerships the company has built with suppliers in the area, noting that Gin-Cor’s presence as a major regional purchaser is well noted. Standing alongside its suppliers are Gin-Cor’s customers who have come to rely on this builder for quality work. Operating by the mission statement, “We build trucks that owners want to own and drivers want to drive,” Gin-Cor’s success as a major supplier of custom built trucks and trailers is the result of sparing no expense to meet customer needs. As recently as last Fall Gin-Cor Industries was ranked one of the fastest growing companies, another testament to its position as a preferred company among stakeholders. For more information visit www.gincor. com.
May 2017 23
Tomorrow’s Independent Distributor BY MIKE WHALEN
New Product News FLO Components TrailerCam
he way the aftermarket channels of distribution are evolving it’s critical for the independent aftermarket distributor to look closely at the market served and create a plan to reach new prospects. The main competitors the independent faces are the OE dealer networks and national parts marketing groups. The major truck OEM’s are moving quickly to their own brand of engines and integrated drive lines. Plus, the OE dealer now has access to parts lines that used to be ‘owned’ by the independent. This means the OE dealer’s share of the parts and service market is only going to increase from the approximately 60% they hold today. Major marketing/buying groups can offer economies of scale difficult for the independent to match on their own – but joining a marketing group will only keep the independent’s parts acquisition costs competitive with that of the OE dealer. The OE dealer will still have the advantage of detailed service knowledge – and the electronic connection directly to the truck. Creating a plan to best serve your needs starts by really understanding your market’s make-up. Where are the trucks? Once outside the major centers – Toronto, Montreal, etc. the Canadian trucks in service can be mainly classified as vocational purpose-built work trucks. A good example is agriculture. The Ag market employs roughly 35% of the trucks operating in SW Ontario. Forestry – logging and wood processing – in BC, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. Oil & Gas exploration and production in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Construction and utilities across the Country. Trucks in urban logistics and municipal services make up a large percentage throughout the country. The point is that if you know the make-up of your market you can start looking at parts and services tailored to the prospective customer’s mixed fleet, fleets that probably include offroad vehicles. These off-road vehicles, operated by your ‘truck’ customer base, use parts made by the brands you already carry. Think filters, belts, hoses for example. Most operators of off-road vehicles are tied tightly to their OE dealer. Not because they want to be but because they lack aftermarket choices. Think about expanding into services that will result in new parts sales for the off-road equipment operated by new
24 May 2017
prospects, as well as by your current customer base. Examples are hydraulic hose assemblies, exhaust and emission control systems. In-cab heating and air conditioning, fuel systems and vehicle lighting systems are a few more opportunities for expanding your business. Develop relationships with private brand suppliers of off-road vehicle parts. In my past I worked for an aftermarket distributor in northern BC that focused on parts and services for forestry, mining and construction equipment as well as the trucks in their fleets. We carried truck accessories, tools, electrical components, wear parts for dozers, graders, loaders, etc. Our services included hydraulic hose assembly and filter cleaning. We looked at the total equipment mix of our customers and provided full-fleet surveys of hoses and hydraulic hose assemblies, filters and belts as well the wear parts. By doing this we could tailor our inventory to our customer’s needs and provide a valuable service. Make sure your ‘truck’ accounts know of the off-road vehicle parts you carry and work closely with the customer to expand your offering. Ask them what items they have a hard time getting and add those parts to your offering. All that I’m suggesting may be academic for some – but not for others. The vocational/work truck market segments take you into the off-highway vehicle and equipment markets. Leverage your relationships to open new product and service sales opportunities. A major difference in the off-road vehicle world, compared to on-road, is the tendency to continuously rebuild equipment. And this translates into new business.
Featuring a Maple Leaf on the Headrest; and Stylized steering wheel. “The Model 389 Canadian 150th Anniversary Edition holds its own among Peterbilt’s most iconic trucks,” Quinn says. “Through unparalleled performance and unique design, it commands attention and furthers our tradition of providing trucks with industry-leading quality.” Visit and order The Model 389 Canadian 150th Anniversary Edition is available now for order through Peterbilt dealerships with production scheduled for May 15, 2017.
evolutionary New Product Solution for Blind Spots Displayed by FLO Components Ltd. at NHES At the National Heavy Equipment Show, FLO Components Ltd. displayed a “revolutionary new product solution to one of the top causes of accidents in the trucking industry: backing up into a dock or narrow street,” said Mike Deckert, Vice-President of FLO Components. Designed and engineered in the USA by Convoy Technologies, LLC, the Patent Pending Portable TrailerCam™ is a removable, wireless, rechargeable battery
ucts or services, please contact the Customer Service Department TOLL free at 800.668.5458, e-mail or visit online at www. ABOUT CONVOY TECHNOLOGIES, LLC Convoy Technologies, LLC has been an innovator of visual tools designed for heavy duty vehicles, improving fleet safety, security and productivity. With the industry’s most rugged engineering, longest warranties, and over 100,000 vehicles equipped, Convoy is the world’s leading manufacturer of military grade video cameras, monitors, and digital video recorders. Convoy’s products transform vehicles, allowing drivers and management to “See Everything.” This newly gained vision can eliminate accidents driving in reverse, provides driver behavior transparency, and creates high quality video evidence for the purpose of proving fault.
operated camera that literally can be placed (using strong, rugged magnets) on the side or rear of any truck or trailer. According to Deckert, the camera can be placed up to 100’ in distance, and can communicate high quality video images and audio to the display monitor in the cab with zero latency or interference. The TrailerCam™ is waterproof, dustproof and “extremely rugged – capable of withstanding the highest industry standards for shock and vibrations”, says Deckert. For companies with multiple trailer fleets or equipment, the TrailerCam™ allows for usage with different trailers, swapping trailers and pairing with other TrailerCam™ devices. “For 40 years our focus at FLO has been to provide solutions which help companies cut costs, reduce unscheduled downtime and improve productivity, to take away our customers’ pain. To that end, the TrailerCam™ is a perfect fit with our current lines of automatic greasers, onboard oil change systems and garage bulk fluid handling & inventory control systems. The TrailerCam™ eliminates the high cost cable installation and labor required by traditional cameras. Most important, the TrailerCam™ will dramatically and conveniently eliminate blind spots and the pain they can cause.” ABOUT FLO COMPONENTS FLO Components Ltd. is an automatic greasing systems specialist and a leading supplier of “Total Lube Solutions” to major manufacturers and heavy equipment users in Ontario. Established in Ontario in 1977, FLO uses application expertise and qualified service technicians to provide cost effective Solutions that help clients reduce unscheduled downtime and improve productivity. FLO Components’ For more information on FLO’s prod-
NeoBrake Matrix NeoCast Brake Shoe
eoBrake Systems has introduced the Matrix NeoCast, a new lightweight cast iron 4707Q brake shoe for the North American heavy-duty market. Matrix NeoCast 4707Q combines the traditional advantages of cast iron shoes, such as rigidity, heat dissipation, sustained maximum torque, and better lining-to-drum contact, with a highcarbon ductile cast iron that weighs less than traditional cast iron shoes. “The future may be air disc brakes, but the roadways are filled with trucks and trailers still using drum brakes to stop them,” said Rick B a l l e w, N e o B r a k e President and C E O . “We know the beating pressed-steel cores take after each relining, so we developed a shoe that could resist all that and de- liver maximum braking power at every stop.” NeoBrake says that the Matrix NeoCast 4707Q weighs within ounces of its pressed-steel counterparts but is more durable than a pressed-steel core. The brake’s rigid, one-piece construction eliminates table flex, web stretch, and broken welds that can lead to diminished torque, uneven lining wear, and premature lining replacement. Matrix NeoCast shoes are currently available for all 4707Q applications and additional sizes are currently in development and will be available once completed. For more information, visit www.
May 2017 25
Record Attendance at 20th NHES BY MAREK KRASUSKI
anada’s largest heavy equipment show celebrated its 20th anniversary April 6 & 7 at The International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario. Innovative designs, cutting edge products for every conceivable sector were on display - industrial eye candy for both industry veterans and neophytes alike. Exhibitors were present from the heavy equipment, road building, construction, forestry, landscaping, aggregates and other related industries. This year especially - the National Heavy Equipment Show (NHES) is a biennial event - saw a strong representation from suppliers of machinery dedicated to infrastructure improvement, thanks in large part to funding in the amount of some $125 billion from the Ontario and Federal governments. Canada is under construction and there was no shortage of equipment at the Show to handle any job. National Show Manager John Cusack described the event as a success. “Our preregistration numbers were up significantly and there’s lots of rubber boots on the floor. There are 350 exhibitors here and we expect to bring in over 13,000 visitors during the two day event,” he said. Others shared Cusack’s enthusiasm. Funding Specialist for AKR Consulting, Oraine DeRosa credited the show for its organization and the benefits it yielded. “It gave us an opportunity to meet new companies that we could form alliances with and with whom we shared information about our services,” she said. Since 2003 AKR Consulting Canada Inc. specializes in helping companies obtain Government Rebates, Subsidies, Refunds, Tax Credits and Grants. Of note to industry stakeholders is the Fuel Rebate program available for companies that use generators as a main source of power on their projects. Additionally, there are rebates for companies with refrigerated trucks and dump trucks. Some of these rebates are retroactive for up to 4 years. DeRosa explained: “Some companies are not aware of the fact that these rebates exist. We also assist companies with other funding programs such as the Hiring Grant and the Job Training Grant. AKR Consulting will find the greatest amount of grant money available for each of the companies we work with. We prepare the necessary paperwork and the applications, and are able to simplify the entire process for our clients.” Visit their website at Prominent among suppliers of infrastructure and road building equipment
26 May 2017
was Trackstack, provider of a variety of Stockpilers, Loaders and Unloaders. The tracked stockpiler, model 8042T for example, is prized for its versatility as an ideal mobile stockpiling solution for a number of applications. The 8042T receives material directly from a crusher or screen or can be installed in a close circuit application. Other features include a production rate of
Kyle Cybulski of Surgenor Truck Group explained the multifunctional benefits of Volvo’s off-highway VHD Series trucks. The 2017 Dump Truck is powered by a 405 hp, engine with 1550 lb. torque with fully automatic I-Shift transmission. Packaged for the smaller general contractor working in tight places, this Dump has an 18 ft box that replaces the standard 20.5 box, and comes with a lighter axle, lighter frame rail, and lighter rear end. “It’s 3 feet shorter than your standard triaxle,” Cybulski says, “but overall you’re still getting good payload.” The VHD runs about $30,000 less than standard triaxles. Earth moving work is integral to infrastructure and new roads and bridges, particularly in this national expansion phase, and machinery representatives were available to promote their latest products designed to handle the most rugged of environments. Liebherr, one of the largest manufacturers of construction machinery, sported a range of hydraulic excavators, heavy duty crawler cranes, tractors and loaders as well as telescopic handlers, wheel load-
up to 600 tonnes per hour, a stockpiling capacity of 2162m3, and fuel reduction features such as Hi-Torque drive and compatible engine size. Find out more
ers and articulated trucks. Liebherr crawler tractors are multifunctional, providing ideal solutions for heavy ripping work, material moving, and fine
by searching www. As expected, truck builders were on hand to display the latest features of their newest builds for specific construction applications.
grading. Multi-tasked excavators, another staple of the Liebherr product line, have high lift capacity, maximum digging force, and low fuel consumption. A machine for virtually any heavy duty construction, earth moving or lifting task, Liebherr’s full product range is available at Wacker Neuson, a diverse company with machinery for applications in multiple sectors, highlighted a representative selection of equipment. Easily identified by its trademark yellow colours, the company is noted for material handling equipment, snow removal, construction, municipal, and landscaping machinery. A wide network of dealers and warrantybacked products add to the company’s solid reputation. Check out their product range - wheel loaders, excavators, dumpers, track loaders and more at www. With a dizzying range of construction equipment, JCB is one of the world’s largest producers with 12,000 employees and product distribution to 150 countries through 2,000 dealer locations. From backhoes to bulldozers, excavators to engines, and tractors to teletrucks, their equipment meets job-specific challenges in all industries, among them construction, agriculture, waste recycling, demolition, landscaping and snow removal, visit Other exhibitors at this year’s show targeted more specific applications. The Quebec-based Metal Pless Inc. (www. focuses primarily on blades and plows, earning the distinction as the “#1 Snow Plow Manufacturer Worldwide.” A variety of snow plow and graders are designed to be installed on tractors, backhoes, wheel loaders, skid steers, trucks and sidewalk equipment. Snow plow models are available in a number of configurations and are equipped with mobile steel trip edging that follows the imperfection of roads. This feature, exclusive to the Metal Pless system, reduces the use of salt and abrasives by up to 50 percent. Distinguishing characteristics of its products, the company says, are greater visibility - the blade is two feet closer to the tractor, reduced weight on the front axle and reduced wear on front tires. High quality manufacturing materials assure durability, reduced maintenance costs and high resale value. Relatively new to the North American market is the company Rototilt which established operations here in 2007 following a robust market presence in Europe. Rototilt’s signature product is the tiltrotator, an add-on that acts as a transforming device to allow excavators and backhoes to perform on-site tasks in limited space with reduced manpower. A 40 degree tilt and 360 degree rotation allows for a greater variety of work that hones in on nimble operations in hard-toget spaces. According to Gerry Mallory, General Manager of Rototilt, breaking into the market was challenging until customers saw for themselves the bene-
VOCATIONAL fits of harnessing this technology. “We worked hard to convince contractors of the tremendous time and labour savings alone with a Rototilt® equipment machine and why it was standard equipment in Northern Europe, but it wasn’t easy. Let’s just say it takes time to change people’s minds and how they work. One of the more unique challenges was to get our customers to tell others or share about how the tiltrotator changed their way of working and made their operations so much more efficient. It was such a big advantage against their competi-
for high efficiencies and feature-rich designs. Kärcher offers an extensive line of more than 100 commercial- and industrial-grade pressure washers and is the only b r a nd i n N o r th America with a full complement of high-pressure cleaning equiptors that they were very hesitant to share! It was almost like a secret,” he said. Peruse the multifunctional benefits of the tiltrotator at Another company specializing in devices to outfit machinery for specialty tasks is Magnum Attachments. Their product range includes hydraulic breakers, compactors, processing buckets, shears and pulverizers. Magnum also features Rotating Sorting Grapples constructed to meet the needs of the demolition, scrap handling, processing, waste handling and rock handling industries. All models are equipped with a large diameter heavy duty rotation motor providing maximum maneuverability that increases production over a standard fixed grapple. Contact the company at www.magnumattachments. com. Also in attendance was Kärcher Canada, a cleaning solutions provider with a complete range of commercial cleaning equipment, accessories and parts to service the Canadian market. Kärcher pressure washers are available in a wide range of innovative product designs for multiple applications, and are highly prized
Heavy Duty Equipment Show hinged on the quality of exhibitors, the innovation of product designs, and the variety of related events such as Live Demos and discussions with experts available to provide instruction, highlight product features and benefits, and introduce veterans and learners alike to the benefits and opportunities of this exciting industry. A full listing of all products and exhibitors at this anniversary event is available at
ment that boasts European technology and North American ruggedness. More information is available at A show of this magnitude would not be complete without providers of education who train the men and women to work on heavy duty machinery, especially today in light of an ongoing labour shortage in both the trucking and heavy equipment sectors. To this end Centennial College was on hand to transmit information to learners and companies about their Heavy Duty, Motive Power & Tr u c k / C o a c h program. Check out program opt i o n s a t w w w. centennialcollege. ca. Another education provider was the Ontario Truck Training Academy ( O T TA ) p r o m o t ing its latest heavy equipment training program. Instructors at the OTTA are experienced professionals with 25-plus years in the transportation industry. The OTTA is also a member of the Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario (TTSAO) which must meet specific terms and conditions to ensure that all individuals receive training that conforms to today’s standards and safety requirements, visit The success of the National May 2017 27
All New Class 6 Truck from Isuzu
suzu Commercial Truck of America, Inc., has announced that production of its all-new entry in the Class 6 medium-duty truck segment - the 2018 Isuzu FTR - will begin in May of this year. The F-Series truck will be assembled at a new 85,000-square-foot Spartan Motors facility in Charlotte, Michigan. Orders for the truck are now being accepted. “The all-new FTR is truly a gamechanger,” said Shaun Skinner, President of Isuzu Commercial Truck of America. “This truck’s combination of low-cabforward design and Class 6 GVWR gives it fantastic maneuverability and visibility along with the ability to carry more cargo than a conventional Class 6 truck. Its four-cylinder diesel engine is environmentally friendly and gives the truck outstanding fuel efficiency. Its classleading warranty gives its owners peace of mind. And it’s an Isuzu Truck, a name that is synonymous with dependability, durability and low cost of ownership.” Powerful, Efficient, Durable, Capable The FTR will be powered by the Isuzu’s renowned Isuzu 4HK1-TC 5.2-liter turbocharged four-cylinder diesel engine - a first in the segment. “We believe that more and more competitors in this class will be turning to four-cylinder engines, because they are cleaner and more efficient,” Skinner said. “Our 4HK engine goes beyond environmental friendliness and economy - it’s also durable and powerful.”
Isuzu also announced that this engine now carries a B-10 durability rating of 375,000 miles - meaning that 90% of engines should reach that mileage before requiring an overhaul. This represents an increase of 65,000 miles from the engine’s previous (and already robust) 310,000-mile B-10 rating. OTHER TECHNICAL HIGHLIGHTS: • The FTR’s turbocharged Isuzu 5.2-liter 4HK1-TC engine generates 520 lbs.-ft. of torque at 1,650 rpm and 215 horsepower at 2,500 rpm • The engine is mated to an Allison 2550 RDS six-speed automatic transmission with power take-off (PTO) capability • The front axle has a capacity of 12,000 pounds, while the rear axle has a capacity of 19,000 pounds • GVWR is 25,950 pounds • 11R22.5 tires are fitted to 22.5” ? 8.25” steel wheels An incredible cruising distance can be achieved by the FTR, thanks not only to the truck’s miserly use of fuel but also its available aluminum 50- or 100-gallon fuel tank dependent on wheelbase. SPACIOUS, FLEXIBLE, COMFORTABLE Because of its low-cab-forward configuration and clean back-of-cab design, the FTR can provide more cargo space within a given overall length than comparable conventional Class 6 trucks. Eight wheelbase lengths, ranging from 152 to 248 inches, will accommodate bodies from 14 feet to 30 feet, allowing for a wide variety of body applications.
Orange EV RR Yard Trucks
ne of the largest rail intermodal yard operators in the United States, Rail Management Services, operates a fleet of more than 700 heavy duty vehicles. In July of last year RMS purchased an Orange EV yard truck for use at a Class 1 rail yard in Chicago. Based on the success of this first truck, RMS initiated a nine-truck reorder in January of 2017. The trucks are being worked into onsite fleets to supplement or replace RMS’s diesel trucks. Five of the trucks will be deployed at the same Chicago rail yard while four will be utilized at rail sites in New York,” said Mike Saxton, Orange EV chief commercial officer. “The trucks operate around 10 to 12 hours each day
of “key on” work. This is expected to increase as the fleet evolves and incorporates the fast-charging option,” according to Saxton. Switching from diesel yard trucks to electric provides immediate emissions reductions and health benefits for workers and surrounding communities. While figures vary by site, Orange EV estimated the per truck emissions eliminated in rail intermodal hub operations annually can be up to 160 tons of CO2, 1.7 tons of NOx, 1.6 tons of CO, and 80 kg of PM. While the overall total cost of ownership and savings benefits need more time for analysis, but the fuel savings are immediately quantifiable. For the initial truck, with standard charging operating 10-12 hours each day, the fuel savings, according to Saxton, are $56 a day or around $20,500 per year. Saxton noted that trucks operating with Orange EV’s fast-charging solution can realize higher daily usage, which equates to higher annualized fuel savings. For more information, visit
28 May 2017
The FTR’s low-cab-forward design also dramatically increases visibility and markedly improves maneuverability. “With inner 50-degree wheel cut, this truck has an incredibly tight turning radius,” Skinner said. This saves drivers time as they navigate crowded city streets where the FTR is expected to be in greatest demand - and that adds to productivity. The FTR cab’s wide step and wideopening doors allow easy entry to the spacious interior of Isuzu’s exclusive Hexapod cab, which features threeacross seating and extra space for storage behind the seats. Other interior amenities include a side under safety mirror, overhead console, and a suspension driver’s seat with armrest specially designed to increase comfort and reduce driver fatigue. LOW COST OF OWNERSHIP The Isuzu FTR, like every Isuzu diesel truck, comes with a suite of features and programs that dramatically reduce downtime and overall cost of ownership, including: • A standard Multi-Information Display that allows drivers to monitor the status and condition of over a dozen vehicle performance functions, reducing maintenance costs and downtime
• Available Vehicle Health Reports provide comprehensive analysis of the truck’s powertrain and emissions systems, fuel economy, brake usage and driver operating habits • T h r e e - y e a r / u n l i m i t e d m i l e a g e powertrain limited warranty • Four-year/unlimited mileage perforation from corrosion limited warranty CLASS 6 TRUCK OF THE FUTURE “The overall concept of the FTR is to bring to our customers the next generation medium-duty low-cab-forward truck, one that features a clean, durable, highly efficient four-cylinder engine and is the best Class 6 choice for pickup and delivery in cities,” Skinner said. “The letters ‘FTR’ don’t stand for ‘future,’ but this truck represents the future, and it is here - now.”
T680 & T880 Now with Allison TC10 Transmission
ouisville, Kentucky - Kenworth will offer Allison’s TC10(R) fully automatic transmission as an option on its Kenworth T680 on-highway flagship and popular T880 vocational model tractors with availability later this year. The Allison TC10 is designed for line haul, regional haul, and pick-up and delivery tractor applications. The transmission provides 10 forward and two reverse speeds. A patented torque converter and twin countershaft gearbox optimize acceleration while improving fuel economy through engine downspeeding and uninterrupted power shifting in all ranges. The TC10 is integrated with multiple engine offerings and will be offered by Kenworth for applications requiring torque up to 1,850 lb.-ft. and up to 110,000-lb GCW. “We are looking forward to offering the TC10 to our customers. Kenworth continues to add product options for the fuel-
efficient Kenworth T680 on-highway and rugged T880 vocational tractors, such as the Allison TC10 transmission,” said Kurt Swihart, Kenworth Marketing Director. The Allison TC10 offers a comprehensive five-year or 750,000-mile warranty. Additionally, customers can expect a superior total cost of ownership with no maintenance required for 500,000 miles. For more information, visit Kenworth is The Driver’s Truck. See what drivers are saying at Kenworth’s Internet home page is at Kenworth is a PACCAR company.
Volvo Previews New Volvo VNR Regional Haul Model
he VNR is wholly reimagined inside and out. It melds a modern, connected workspace inside the cab with bold exterior lines and optimized dimensions for maximum efficiency. This is a truck built to deliver the versatility our customers need to face the challenges of the rapidly evolving North American freight network” said Göran Nyberg, President of Volvo Trucks North America. “We expect that the VNR’s bold, dynamic appearance will change antiquated perceptions of what trucks should look like.” To gauge impressions of the VNR’s streamlined exterior styling, Volvo Trucks recently offered a sneak peek to a few people - none of whom are actors, most with no connection to the trucking industry - and filmed their reactions. To view the responses to the new VNR model visit youtube/HtMPedRv6vc and Volvo Trucks has been adopting automotive features to help make driving freight vehicles easier and created a state-of-the-art driving environment to help attract more drivers to the industry. New features include a proprietary steer-
ing wheel that tilts like a car’s - the first and only one in the industry -more ergonomic seats, an advanced infotainment system and a new instrument cluster with many new functions in the driver information display. An updated version of the Volvo I-Shift automated manual transmission and Volvo’s I-See predictive cruise control that memorizes road topography help shift more efficiently. Enhanced passive safety features and Volvo Active Driver Assist makes the new Volvo VNR the safest Volvo ever. All these are features designed to make it easier for drivers to focus on the road. Designed and engineered expressly for regional haul applications, the new Volvo VNR delivers a street-smart blend of performance and agility. It was developed to be adapted to bulk transport, flatbed, liquid tankers, port drayage, and other urban pickup and delivery operations. Volvo as a brand has always been innovative. We’re always driving progress,” said Nyberg. “Especially in this new Volvo VNR, we wanted to apply technology to meet specific needs articulated
Hammond Represents SIGMA
IGMA Air Conditioning, a world leader in specialized air conditioning equipment, recently selected Hammond Air Conditioning to distribute its products in Eastern Canada. Hammond, based in Ingersoll, Ontario, now provides sales, service and parts to customers in the mining industry throughout Ontario, Quebec and Newfoundland. “We chose Hammond to represent us because it is an established, specialty air conditioning company with a strong reputation for service and customer satisfaction,” says Anthony Fry, MID Product Manager, SIGMA Air Conditioning. “It’s a perfect partnership,” says Deb Lemon, Vice President of Operations at Hammond. “We have expertise installing AC systems for hydraulic power shovels, mobile drills, trucks, loaders and other specialized heavy equipment. We’re excited to add the SIGMA line-up of integrated, aftermarket air conditioning systems to our shelf.” Hammond has more than 35 years of experience in engineering, manufacturing and servicing air conditioning systems for over 1200 different types of work vehicles, including heavy mining and construction equipment. As a SIGMA dealer, Hammond will stock SIGMA construction and mining products. Hammond offers same-day parts delivery, and Hammond’s online store makes it easy for customers anywhere in Canada to
shop for AC systems and parts. In extreme applications, AC manufacturers must contend with dust-saturated environments, heavy shock and vibration loads as well as extreme ambient temperatures. SIGMA has developed specialized filtration equipment to meet health and safety requirements while increasing operator comfort. Its technology has been tested to work in extreme conditions both above and below ground. Hammond Air Conditioning is a world recognized leader in integrated aftermarket air conditioning systems for all types of mobile equipment, trucks and boats. Arctic Wolf, Arctic WAVE and Arctic BREEZE systems represent today’s most compact, reliable, energy-efficient AC solutions for all leading OEM brands, backed by the best in factory support and parts service. With more than 30 years of experience, Hammond supports systems for more than 1200 different vehicle types - from mini-excavators to motor graders, from heavy mining and construction equipment to material handlers and marine applications. For more information about Hammond Air Conditioning and the full line of Arctic Wolf systems, contact Denise Henry or Ken Barnard at Hammond Air Conditioning Limited, 125 Samnah Crescent, Ingersoll Ontario. Please call 800.267.2665, Fax 888.267.3745, email or visit our website at
Volvo Trucks North America defined the shape of trucks to come with its upcoming introduction, April 20, of the new Volvo VNR model, designed expressly for regional haul applications. by our customers. We’re giving them a better tool to apply to the complexities of their regional haul applications.” The new Volvo VNR made its public debut April 20 at ExpoCam in Montreal,
Quebec. For more information, please visit or www. if you are using your mobile phone.
DAVCO’s New Line of Fuel Processor Models
AVCO Technology has released a new line of fuel processor models for Detroit medium – and heavy-duty engines and Cummins medium-duty ISB/ISL engines. The new lines are designed for the new 2017 Detroit Medium Duty DD5/ DD8 engines, 2017 Cummins Medium Duty ISB/ISL engines and 2017 Detroit Heavy Duty DD13, 15 and 16 engines. These new fuel processors incorporate a filter assembly made up of three specially designed elements, which not only capture contaminants but also provide best in class water separation throughout the life of the filter, according to the
company – even in cases with poor fuel quality and low IFT (interfacial tension) characteristics. Due to the negative impact of water and other additives on common rail fuel injection system hardware, both Detroit and Cummins have mandated that primary fuel filters must meet certain performance criteria with low-IFT fuels. DIESEL PRO 245 The new Diesel Pro 245 combines the features of fuel filtration, fuel/water separation and fuel preheating into a single, compact unit intended for the new Detroit DD5 and DD8 engines and the new 2017 Cummins ISB and ISL engines. Optional features Include: a 12 VDC or 24 VDC Pre-heater, a 120 VAC Overnight Heater and Water-In-Fuel (WIF) sensor, and a Fuel Pro 485 and 487, The new Fuel Pro 485 and 487 models are custom designed for the 2017 Detroit DD13, DD15 and DD16 engines. These new Fuel Pros are available with the Next Generation Cascadia, Classic Cascadia, Western Star and M2 114SD/122SD Chassis. OPTIONAL FEATURES INCLUDE: 12 VDC Pre-heater, 120 VAC Overnight heater and Water-In-Fuel (WIF) sensor For more information about this product, go to
May 2017 29
VOCATIONAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES DIRECTORY The Products & Services Directory is your direct route to professional companies serving the Vocational & Trucking Market across Canada. Include your company in the directory by contacting Barb Woodward by phone at 613.969.0799, fax at 613.969.2872 or email at Visit us online at ACCOUNTING, TAX & BOOKKEEPING
Bookkeeping For Your
Danatec Educational Services Ltd.
Business & Personal Finances
“Changing the way you train since 1985. Canada’s leading
Account & Records Management Toll Free: 888.644.2333 AUTOMATED LUBRICATION SYSTEMS
provider of TDG Training & Services”
Wilson Instruments Ltd. The Anti-Idling Experts
43 Crowe Bay Heights, RR 2 Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 Tel: 705.653.2403 • Fax: 705.653.5560
Beka-Lube Products Inc.
201-11450 29th Street SE Calgary, AB T2Z 3V5 Toll Free: 800.465.3366 Tel: 403.232.6950 Fax: 403.232.6952
“Technology you can rely on.”
2830 Argentia Road, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5N 8G4 Toll Free: 888.862.7461 Tel: 905.821.1050 • Fax: 905.858.0597 •
— S.E.T.I. Inc. Service, Experience, Technology, Innovation!
386 Steeles Avenue East, Unit 2 Milton, ON L9T 1Y4 Tel: 905.878.7161 or
50 Admiral Blvd. Mississauga, ON L5T 2W1 Toll Free: 800.668.5458 Tel: 905.671.2355 • Fax: 905.671.2358 Components by:
Specializing in all types of new and reman clutches, clutch components, new and used flywheel exchanges, and flywheel grinding. Pick up and delivery within the GTA available upon request. Fast and friendly service since 1986.
81 Northline Road Toronto, ON M4B 3E9 Tel: 416.745.9220 • Tel: 416.742.0003 [alt] Fax: 416.759.5890
ITR Canada Inc. P. O. Box 402, 140 Market Drive Milton, ON L9T 4Y9 Toll Free: 888.812.0099 Tel: 905.693.0660 Fax: 905.693.0332 DPF CLEANING
A proud Canadian remanufacturer of quality Heavy Duty & automotive clutches since 1980. Specializing in heavy duty & custom made clutches including our own Torque Master Clutches.
81 Northline Road Toronto, ON M4B 3E9 Toll Free: 800.677.9038 Tel: 416.759.2245 • Fax: 416.759.5890
Resurfacing all types of flywheels and repairing lugs. A good line of clutch related components including clutch brakes, clutch forks, drive lugs, release bearings, pilot bushings/bearings, master/ slave cylinders, flywheels and alignment tools.
DPF Cleaning Specialists
C-TPAT, FAST, PIP, CSA, SCAC, MC, DOT, CVOR, NEXUS, Bonding, Training Programs & Seminars.
30 May 2017
Kee Human Resources “Your Goals Are Our Priority.”
6950 Kenderry Gate Mississauga, ON L5T 2S7 Toll Free: 877.670.3426 Tel: 905.670.3426 Fax: 905.670.3436 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES
Carmen Transportation
only Business.
We are a great, family-oriented business looking to hire
5325 Outer Drive Windsor, ON N9A 6J3 Tel: 519.737.6005 • Fax: 519.737.0005 — 1225 Aerowood Drive Mississauga, ON L4W 1B9 Tel: 905.282.1255 • Fax: 905.282.0034
Company Drivers and select 0/0 for cross-border runs. We
offer competitive compensation, border crossing bridge cards, fuel cards and E-PASS transponders.
3700 Weston Road Toronto, ON M9L 2Z4 Toll Free: 866.857.5166 Tel: 416.667.9700 Fax: 416.667.8272
Cross Border Services
150 South Service Road Stoney Creek, ON L8E 3H6 Toll Free: 800.268.5076 Tel: 905.573.3101
14715-116th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3E8 Toll Free: 800.661.8826 Tel: 780.453.5105 Fax: 780.452.3555
The Cleaning and Maintenance of your DPF and DOC is our
Pat’s Driveline
Niagara Service & Supply Ltd.
Clutch Distribution Centre Inc.
Fil-Mor Automotive & Clutch Products Ltd. “For Total Lube Solutions, Go With the FLO!”
Pat’s Driveline “Over 35 years of Driveline Manufacturing Expertise”
FLO Components Ltd.
Dawn Truell, B.B.A., B.A. Psy 1450 Headon Road, PO Box 93005 Burlington, ON L7M 4A3 Toll Free: 888.838.9136 Tel: 905.973.9136
“Over 35 years of Driveline Manufacturing Expertise” ONTARIO
1, 7337 Pacific Circle Mississauga, ON L5T 1V1 Toll Free: 877.438.3155 Tel: 905.564.3155 Fax: 905.564.3166 #
International Truckload Services Inc. 107 Bellevue Drive, Box 1450 Belleville, ON K8N 5J1 Toll Free: 800.267.1888 Tel: 613.961.5144 Fax: 613.961.1255 or 888.485.6487 English or Punjabi Call Monty at 800.267.1888 or 613.961.5144 extn 123
LTL, FTL, over dimensional and weight-permitted shipments across Canada. All of our trucks are equipped with a GPS system. We strategically designed our company to be your edge. Experience it today!
2365 Bowman Street Innisfil, ON L9S 3V6 Toll Free: 888.564.8161 Tel: 705.436.6713 Fax: 705.436.9705
Siemens Transportation Group Inc. Siemens Transportation Group Inc. spans across North America. As an international, family-owned operation, it encompasses specialized transportation companies for a total supply chain solution. These companies range from international Truckload, Less Than Truckload service, International Flat Deck service, Ground Courier service and Warehouse Distribution service
P.O. Box 7290 Saskatoon, SK S7K 4J2 Toll Free: 888.878.9585 Fax: 306.668.5849
The Rosedale Group “As a transportation and warehousing service provider since 1969, The Rosedale Group, has a proud history of meeting the industry-specific requirements of our customers. We, as a company, have a fundamental belief that our people make the difference in how we consistently deliver total customer satisfaction.”
6845 Invader Crescent Mississauga, ON L5T 2B7 Toll Free: 855.721.3962 Tel: 905.670.0057 Fax: 844.314.5953 or
Walmart Fleet Get on the road to success with the world’s largest retailer.
6800 Maritz Drive Mississauga, ON L5W 1W2 Tel: 905.670.9966 Ext. 60401 Fax: 905.795.4186
Multi-Line Fastener Supply Company Ltd.
Kelsey Trail Trucking Ltd. We are your “one-stop” total logistics solutions provider since 1981. We have been helping companies get maximum results at exceptional value. Our flat deck long haul services are a key link in any efficient supply chain.
X an Systems Inc. We are a family owned transportation business specializing in temperature controlled and dry freight loads established in and successfully growing since 2003. 16700 Bayview Avenue, Unit 214 Newmarket, ON L3X 1W1 Tel: 647.933.2765 Fax: 647.933.2764
“Serving fastener needs for Industrial, Automotive & Maintenance Trades.”
1100 Courtney Park Dr. E., Unit 5 Mississauga, ON L5T 1L7 Tel: 905.677.5088 • Fax: 905.677.4917 FINANCING/LEASING
Accutrac Capital Solutions Inc. “Accutrac provides cash flow solutions structured specifically for the freight and trucking industry. We’ve made factoring easy to understand and affordable with one low cost, all in. Qualification is easy and funding is available same day.”
74 Mississaga Street East Orillia, ON L3V 1V5 Toll Free: 866.531.2615 Toll Free Fax: 866.531.2651
Execucor Financial Limited We are one of the oldest lease brokerage firms in Canada. We have been providing financial solutions that work for businesses, large and small, from Coast to Coast since 1983. 2 Director Court, Unit 102 Woodbridge, ON L4L 3Z5 Toll Free: 888.393.2826 Tel: 416.498.5017 ext 213 Toll Free Fax: 877.498.6165
Connect Lease Corporation Connect Lease works hard and fast to find you the most competitive lease rates and to obtain the financing you need to buy your vehicle and equipment. 1462 Street Paul Street, Suite A Kelowna, BC. V1Y 2E6 Toll Free: 877.860.4140 Cell: 250.317.5888 Toll Free Fax: 877.860.4741 FLEET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE
Fleet Harmony Inc. PO Box 3375 Stellarton, NS B0K 1S0 Toll Free: 844.527.6669 Tel: 902.775.0825 Fax: 902.755.0341 FUEL ADDITIVES & LUBRICANTS
Bennetts Power Service Products P. O. Box 51016, RPO Tyndall Park Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 Toll Free: 877.778.4440 Tel: 204.694.1777 Fax: 204.633.0133
J D Factors
Liquid Capital Midwest Corp. “Same-day and weekend funding, customized personal service, equipment leasing.” 176 Seacliff Drive West Leamington, ON N8H 3Y5 Toll Free: 877.653.9426 Tel: 519.419.5044 • Fax: 855.295.6605
3162 Thunderbird Cres. Burnaby, BC V5A 3G4 Tel: 604.420.4331 • Fax: 604.420.4137 HEATING SYSTEMS SALES & SERVICE – FUEL FIRED
Polar Mobility (Climate Control Systems) Fuel Fired Heaters for pick-up trucks to Class 8 Trucks. We can help with your Environmental Responsibility, increase your profits by decreasing your Carbon Footprint and reduce Fuel & Maintenance Costs.
315 Matheson Blvd. East Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X8 Toll Free: 800.263.0664 Tel: 905.501.5000 • Fax: 905.501.0395
Blue Water West Ltd. Blue Water Group is Canada’s largest Independent Distributor of Mobil Lubricants. Providing quality Mobil products to all businesses large or small, stationary or on the go, on land or at sea. “Commitment to Service – Privileged to Serve.”
7860-62 Street S.E. Calgary, AB T2C 5K2 Toll Free: 800.309.8155 Tel Calgary: 403.279.3633 Tel Edmonton: 780.465.5068 Tel Red Deer: 403.340.3166 INSURANCE BROKERS
Arthur J. Gallagher Canada Limited Package policies for both local and long haul fleets.
120 South Town Centre Blvd. Markham, ON L6G 1C3 Toll Free: 800.267.6670 Tel: 905.479.6670
Lubricant Solutions Canada Inc. Lubricant Solutions Canada distributes the Mycroleum brand of lubricants servicing the commercial and industrial sectors within several verticals, with particular experience in the trucking, manufacturing, mining, heavy construction and the utility industries. Mycroleum has a collective 150 years of experience in the lubrication and additive industry offering solutions to your lubrication needs with standard lubricants as well as industry leading proprietary fuel treatments and patented speciality lubricants. 6368 Concession 6 South, Amherstburg ON N9V 0C8 Toll Free: 855.99.LUBES Tel: 519.796.5919 Toll Free Fax: 855.99.LUBES
Baird MacGregor Insurance Brokers LP At Baird MacGregor you are under our shield of protection. We are known throughout the business community for our commitment to acountabilty, consistency, innovation and excellence in all that we do. We have specialized in providing cost-effective insurance and unique risk management solutions since 1979.
825 Queen Street East Toronto, ON M4M 1H8 Toll Free: 800.263.3030 Tel: 416.778.8000 • Fax: 416.778.4492 May 2017 31
Bryson & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd. “It’s not what you pay: it’s what your GET for what you pay. Transportation, Logistics, Cargo, Fleet Safety Management Services & Bonds.”
Toll Free: 800.661.5196 Tel: 905.426.8787 • Fax:`905.426.4959
Canadian Insurance Brokers Inc. 1 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 415 Toronto, ON M4P 3Z1 Tel: 416.486.0951 Fax: 416.489.5311
Jones Deslauriers Insurance Management Inc. Transportation Insurance Broker/Advisor™
2375 Skymark Avenue Mississauga, ON L4W 1Y6 Toll Free: 877.232.9996 Tel: 416.240.5695 • Fax: 416.259.7178
Total Canada Inc. Total is the 4 th largest Global Energy Company. We produce and distribute a full range of lubricants specially formulated for the Heavy-Duty industry. Total Rubia’s High Performance lubricants for the Trucking industry offers benefits such as improved Fuel Economy and reduced Fleet Maintenance costs. 220, Lafleur Avenue Lasalle, QC H8R 4C7 Toll Free: 800.463.3955 Tel: 514.595.7579 • Fax: 514.367.5767 ON-BOARD SCALES
Newman Insurance Providing innovative insurance solutions & unparalleled risk management support. Talk to one of Newman’s dedicated Transportation Insurance Specialists to get the right coverage at a competitive price. Licenced in Ontario Only. 62 Dundas Street West Belleville, ON K8P 1A3 Toll Free: 800.653.1924 Tel: 613.968.6705 • Fax: 613.968.9437
Cleral Scales CLERAL is an onboard scale for trucks manufacturer since 1995. Leader in onboard weighing systems for all suspension types. More precision, easier to use, and at a more than affordable price.
730 Permit Services Inc. MISSISSAUGA 6885 Davand Drive, Unit #4 Mississauga, ON L5T 1J5 Tel: 905.670.2208 Fax: 905.670.0208 WOODSTOCK 535 Mill Street Woodstock, ON N4S 0A9 Tel: 519.537.8658 Fax: 519.537.7956
90 des Distributeurs Val d’Or, QC J6P 6Y1 Tel: 855.824.1151 Fax: 819.824.9463
Fleet-Tax Services Inc. Erb and Erb Insurance Brokers Ltd. What you want to protect the most. We protect the best!
30 Queen Street North Kitchener, ON N2H 6N2 Toll Free: 800.265.2634 Tel: 519.579.4270 • Fax: 519.741.1977 or
Celebrating 15 Years in Business! Our team is very well known for their MTO & DOT Audit
Palmer Atlantic Insurance Ltd. One of Canada’s leading Trucking Insurance and Risk Services Brokers, specializing in coverage for local and long haul fleets and owner-operators. Check out our website to learn more about how we can help you today!
538 Main Street, Unit 1 Hartland, NB E7P 2N5 Toll Free: 800.267.8006 Tel: 506.375.7500 • Fax: 506.375.4232
Support, Authorities, IRP, Fuel & Mileage Taxes, Drug & Alcohol Testing Center
Vulcan On-Board Scales On-Board weighing systems for the trucking industry. #11-1642 Langan Avenue Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1K5 Toll Free: 800.663.0854 Tel: 604.944.1481 Fax: 604.944.1482 OUTRIGGER PADS
4654 Ontario Street Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Tel: 905.563.1010 PERMITS & SERVICES
C.U.T.C. Inc. Serving the Transportation industry since 1989.
Salvatore Insurance Brokers Ltd. BRANTFORD
HUB International Ontario Ltd. Transportation Insurance
330 West Street, Unit #7 Brantford, ON N3R 7V5 Toll Free: 800.651.5953 Tel: 519.759.0033 • Fax: 519.759.3312
“It takes knowledge & experience to keep a truck on the road. Use our experience to help drive your company to success. Call one of our trucking insurance specialists today.”
1 Pinehill Drive, Suite 2 Lower Sackville, NS B4C 1N4 Toll Free: 866.865.0025 Tel: 902.865.4297 • Fax: 902.865.5343 LUBRICANTS
HUB International Ontario Ltd. Transportation Insurance
24 Seacliff Drive East Leamington, ON N8H 0C2 Toll Free: 800.463.4700 Tel: 519.326.9339 • Fax: 519.326.0128 OAKVILLE
HUB International Ontario Ltd. Captive Employee & Owner-Operator Benefits for Groups 2265 Upper Middle Road East, Suite 700 Oakville, ON L6H 0G5 Toll Free: 800.263.2383 Tel: 905.847.5500 • Fax: 905.847.6613 32 May 2017
Stability Pads We are committed to offering quality RV stabilizer jack pads, crane outrigger pads and multi-functional stability pads while ensuring everyone access to a safe and affordable product. We offer solutions for avid RV’ers and campers, heavy equipment owners and operators looking to improve the safety and stability of any project or endeavor. B105, 2634 – 45th Avenue Calgary, AB T2B 3M1 Tel: 403.720.6229 • Fax: 403. 720.6226
1295 Crois Carol Laval, QC H7W 1G3 Toll Free: 866.927.8294 Tel: 450.687.8294 Fax: 450.687.6963 REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS
Polar Mobility (Kingtec) RP Oil Limited RP Oil Limited is a distributor of automotive and industrial lubricants. As an independently owned and operated company we’ve been aggressively servicing southern and central Ontario for over 40 years giving us the experience and know-how to keep your vehicle running smoothly. 1111 Burns Street E. Unit 3 Whitby, ON L1N 6A6 Toll Free: 800.335.6623 Tel: 905.666.2313 • Fax: 905.666.2761
Affordable refrigeration alternative for the Small to Medium Business. Proven Grade Materials and Technology with
730 Permit Services Inc. Established in 1992, our experts have detailed knowledge of the filing systems for permits, accounting and audits.
CARDINAL Box 755, 2085 Shanly Road Cardinal, ON K0E 1E0 Toll Free: 800.410.4754 Tel: 613.657.1244 Fax: 613.657.1453
Nation Wide Coverage.
7860-62 Street S.E., Calgary, AB T2C 5K2 Toll Free: 800.309.8155 Tel Calgary: 403.279.3633 Tel Edmonton: 780.465.5068 Tel Red Deer: 403.340.3166
Krown Corporate
Black Ice Towing
“Krown offers a superior line of rust inhibiting products and body maintenance programs to help keep your trucks on the road.”
24 Hour Heavy, Medium & Light Duty Towing & Recovery. Tilt and Load & Float Services. Licenced Mechanic on Staff.
35 Magnum Drive Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Toll Free: 800.267.5744 Tel: 905.939.8750 Fax: 905.939.8710
423 Hwy 69 Britt, ON P0G 1A0 Tel: 705.774.3224
Serving Parry Sound to Sudbury & Surrounding areas.
85 Steelwell Road Brampton, ON L6T 5N5 Tel: 905.791.2485 ext.112 Fax: 905.791.6304
M.T.T. Repair Services Inc. M.T.T. Repair Services Inc. is a family owned and operated business that has been providing quality repairs and services since 1975. We operate out of a 14,000 square foot building with eleven bays including a truck and trailer paint bay and two sandblasting bays. M.T.T. Repair Services currently employs trailer mechanics, welders, body men and painters. We are also an accredited vehicle inspection station that allows us to conduct annual safety inspections to all of your trailers.
1868 Drew Road Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905.677.2771 • Fax: 905.677.2774 •
Bedard Tankers Inc. Newton’s Electric Inc Newton’s Electric Inc. has been supplying material handling, industrial & commerical starters & alternators and AC & DC motors since 1979.
Leader in Dry Bulk, Liquid, Liquefied Compressed Gas & Cryogenic Road Tanker Trailers.
5785 Place Turcot Montreal, QC H4C 1V9 Tel: 514.937.1670 • Fax: 514.937.2190 TRAILER SALES, LEASING, RENTALS & SERVICE
Fort Garry Industries
“Keeping You Covered”
5499 Harvester Road Burlington, ON L7L 5V4 Toll Free: 800.465.8277 Tel: 905.335.2012 Fax: 905.335.8499
5151 Hwy 17 West Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0 Toll Free 866.628.8292 Tel: 705.744.5543 • Fax: 705.744.2943 • TRUCK CUSTOMIZING
Toll Free: 888.407.3830 Contacts: ONTARIO & EASTERN CANADA Robert Pahanich WESTERN CANADA Kevin Quick
A Towing Service Ltd.
Abrams Towing
Kee Training Academy “Your Goals Are Our Priority.”
6950 Kenderry Gate Mississauga, ON L5T 2S7 Toll Free: 877.670.3426 Tel: 905.670.3426 • Fax: 905.670.3436
1625 Stone Church Road East Hamilton, ON L8W 3Y5 Tel: 289.285.3022 • Fax: 289.285.3026 Toll Free Fax: 866.425.4440
Texis Truck Exhaust “Diesel Performance Specialists”
1850 Gage Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1S2 Toll Free: 800.267.4740 Tel: 905.795.2838 • Fax: 905.678.3030 •
The Truck Exhaust Place Since 1982 we have been a one stop exhaust shop for the trucking industry as well as the heavy duty exhaust needs of industrial, farming, manufacturers and mining industry. We have been helping fleets, owner-operators, brokers, truck repair facilities, municipalities and manufactures get their equipment up and running and their trucks back on the road with minimal down time. 1365 Bonhill Road Mississauga, ON L6T 1M1 Toll Free: 800.385.8801 Tel: 905.670.0100 • Fax: 905.670.8128 TRUCK LIGHTING & ACCESSORIES
Grote Industries, Co. Known for innovation, ethical business practices, and a strong commitment to providing quality products and service. Grote Industries is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and marketers of vehicle lighting and safety systems. 230 Travail Road Markham, ON L3S 3J1 Toll Free: 800.268.5612 Tel: 905.209.9744 Toll Free Fax: 800.267.9024 Fax: 905.209.9757 •
SWS Safety Warning Systems Canada’s Go-To Manufacturer, for Amber Beacons, Minibars, Traffic Directors and Backup Alarms for the past 45+ years. Excellent prices with the industry’s best warranties.
Fort Garry Industries Sales and NSM certified installation of snow plows, sanders, mixers, dump bodies and more.
For TruckPro locations see page 45
12 Clarke Blvd., Brampton, ON L6W 1X3 Tel: 905.451.8550 • Fax: 905.451.7627
Drive Star Shuttle Systems Ltd.
“Service Across Ontario” 24 Hour Heavy Towing
Toll Free: 888.667.5438 Tel: 416.398.2500
When you bring your vehicle in to Quality Collision Centre, you can be assured of timely turnaround, expert repairs & complete satisfaction.
Servicing GTA, Ontario and USA. A company you can count on!
185 Bartley Drive Toronto, ON M4A 1E6 Toll Free: 800.773.7952 Tel: 416.656.4000 • Fax: 416.656.3065
Quality Collision Centre Quality Collision Centre has been providing superior collision & body work for heavy trucks, trailers & cars since 1979.
Transcourt Tank Leasing
480 Grays Road, Hamilton, ON L8E 2Z4 Toll Free: 800.461.2495 Tel: 905.578.4303 • Fax: 905.578.4381
Gin-Cor Industries
A & A Exhaust Systems A one-stop total exhaust and emission solution provider. Our products, services and manufacturing abilities enable us to provide our customers with the highest standards in exhaust parts and services.
Proud distributors of Lode-King, Midland Manufacturing, Landoll and more.
Load Covering Solutions Ltd.
7695 Blackburn Parkway Niagara Falls, ON L2H 0A6 Toll Free: 877.357.0222 Tel: 905.357.0222 • Fax: 905.357.9122 May 2017 33
For Traction locations see page 44
Fort Garry Industries
Fort Garry Industries 5350-72nd Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X5 Toll Free: 800.661.3126 Tel: 403.236.9712 • Fax: 403.236.7249 • EDMONTON
Fort Garry Industries 16230-118th Avenue NW Edmonton, AB T5V 1C6 Toll Free: 800.663.9366 Tel: 780.447.4422 • Fax: 780.447.3289 • GRANDE PRAIRIE
Fort Garry Industries 10610-82nd Avenue Clairmont, AB T0H 0W0 Toll Free: 866.424.5479 Tel: 780.402.9864 • Fax: 780.402.8659 LLOYDMINSTER
Fort Garry Industries 5701-63rd Avenue Lloydminster, AB T9V 3B8 Toll Free: 800.661.9709 Tel: 780.875.9115 • Fax: 780.875.1403 •
1523 Ross Avenue East Regina, SK S4N 7E5 Toll Free: 800.552.8044 Tel: 306.757.5606 Fax: 306.781.7926
Fort Garry Industries 3455 Miners Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 7K9 Toll Free: 800.772.4599 Tel: 306.242.3465 Fax: 306.933.4850
Magnum Trailer & Equipment Magnum Trailer & Equipment offers a full line of aluminum aftermarket truck accessories. From moose bumpers to cab guards, tool boxes and more, we can handle all of your truck accessory needs! Magnum Means More. 31632 Marshall Road, Unit 1 Abbotsford, BC V2T 6B1 Toll Free: 800.661.3406 Tel: 604.855.3866 • Fax: 604.855.3866
Fort Garry Industries 170 Queens Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 0R5 Toll Free: 866.297.0022 Tel: 403.343.1383 • Fax: 403.347.8275 • MANITOBA
Fort Garry Industries 1440 Highland Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A7 Toll Free: 866.883.6120 Tel: 204.571.5980 • Fax: 204.571.5982 •
Minimizer Minimizer has been in business for over 30 years. If it’s on/in a heavy duty truck and can be made of polymers, Minimizer is the brand most trusted.We have the only lifetime guarantee in the industry with products proven where it matters most – on trucks & trailers. 500 Minimizer Way S.E. Blooming Prairie, MN 55917 Toll Free: 800.248.3855 Tel: 507.583.2112 • Fax: 507.583.7540 • TRUCK SALES, LEASING, PARTS & SERVICE
Fort Garry Industries 2525 Inkster Blvd. Winnipeg, MB R2R 2Y4 Toll Free: 800.282.8044 Tel: 204.632.8261 • Fax: 204.956.1786 • ONTARIO
Fort Garry Industries 731 Gana Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1P2 Toll Free: 888.456.6567 Tel: 905.564.5404 • Fax: 905.564.8455 • SUDBURY
Fort Garry Industries C-112 Fielding Road Lively, ON P3Y 1L5 Toll Free: 866.328.7725 Tel: 705.222.1042 • THUNDER BAY
Fort Garry Industries 915 Walsh Street West Thunder Bay, ON P7E 4X5 Toll Free: 800.465.5044 Tel: 807.577.5724 • Fax: 807.475.9033 • 34 May 2017
Gerry’s Truck Centre “Your Complete Transportation Business Partner.”
4049 Eastgate Cres. London, ON N6L 1B7 Toll Free: 800.363.4380 Tel: 519.652.2100 • Fax: 519.652.6593
Surgenor Truck Group Eastern Ontario/Western Quebec’s largest group of independent truck dealerships has built a reputation as durable as the brands that we sell and lease. The Surgenor Truck Group includes two Truck Centres, one in Ottawa, & one in Kingston, as well as 4 service affiliates (Belleville, Gatineau & 2 in Cornwall) providing regularly scheduled maintenance as well as on-call 24/7 for roadside assistance, & parts delivery. 261 Binnington Court Kingston, ON K7M 9H2 Toll Free: 877.548.1101 Tel: 613.548.1100 • Fax: 613.548.4990
C & R Transmission Service Ltd. Your Complete Driveline Service Center. Authorized Allison Overhaul & Maintenance Dealer. Large Inventory of the Most Popular Clutches, Transmissions & Differentials. FactoryTrained Rebuilders & 9 Service Bays. 13 Anderson Blvd. Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Toll Free: 888.297.0682 Tel: 905.642.4556 • Fax: 905.642.2293
Maximum Powertrain We specialize in rebuilding ALL makes of High Quality Differentials, Transmissions, Mid-Range and Steering Gears. We offer competitive price on all units sold. We have all ratios and models in stock! Fast, Honest and Reliable Service! We pick up and deliver! 116 Orenda Road, Unit 7 Brampton, ON L6W 3W6 Tel: 647.629.8035 Fax: 289.752.4565
Awash Systems Corp. Automatic Wash Systems & Water Treatment Recycling Systems customized to your requirements. 19 Community Avenue, Unit 2 Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2X9 Toll Free: 800.265.7405 Tel: 905.662.2662 Fax: 888.407.9498 TRUCKING SOFTWARE
Switchboard Switchboard is an online tool for truck companies to organize their paperwork, jobs, and dispatching. We want to help unlock the potential for fleets by optimizing their operations. Whether you wish to reduce your time and money spent on going over paperwork, or wish to find a more efficient way of managing your ever growing fleet, we have the solution for you! 777 Burrard Street, Suite 41 Vancouver, BC V6Z 1X7 Tel: 778.960.2399 USED OIL FURNACE SALES & SERVICE
7170 Blackfoot Trail SE Calgary, AB T2H 2M1 Toll Free: 800.661.1378 Tel: 403.252.3880 Fax: 403.252.6308
14811-116th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5M 3E8 Toll Free: 800.661.8825 Tel: 780.452.6933 Fax: 780.455.8612 NEW BRUNSWICK
De-On Supply Inc. DSI is the world’s largest distributor and service provider for Clean Burn, the largest selling used oil furnace / boiler manufacturer. Clean Burn stands head and shoulders above the competition, due to its innovative technology and quality manufacturing. R.R.#1, 1595 Lobsinger Line Waterloo, ON N2J 4G8 Toll Free: 800.824.4115 Toll Free Fax: 888.626.7843 VEHICLE DELIVERY
Unit 5, 191 Henri Dunant Street Moncton, NB E1E 1E4 Toll Free: 844.701.GEAR Tel: 506.855.GEAR Fax: 506.859.GEAR ONTARIO
#3, 7337 Pacific Circle Mississauga, ON L5T 1V1 Toll Free: 844.564.8998 Tel: 905.564.8998 Fax: 905.564.6284
Compass Vehicle Delivery Inc. P.O. Box 265 Stn. Main 16693 Old Hwy 2 Trenton, ON K8V 5R5 Toll Free: 888.992.9676 Tel: 613.392.9676
Power Generation Solutions From Thermo King
n expanded power management portfolio builds on Thermo King’s industry leadership with a comprehensive line of solutions that include the new Boost Charger, Auto-Start Module and Electric Pallet Jack Charger. The new products provide greater durability, safety and efficiency, and aim to keep fleets up-and-running on the road. The Thermo King Boost Charger gives fleets peace of mind that liftgate batteries will remain fully charged through multiple power sources. The charger is designed with three-stage battery charging, to maximize battery life, which reduces maintenance costs down the road. The Boost Charger also ensures that tractor power can be matched with other methods of power generation in a smart manner, and through the sevenway circuit, delivers power safely. The Boost Charger is available in 20-amp and 35-amp models and delivers greater
charging output than competitive products at a lower cost. By continuously monitoring system voltage, the Thermo King Auto-Start Module automatically activates the PrecedentTM -Series alternator to charge if power levels drop too low. It also provides low-voltage protection for the auxiliary battery to ensure liftgate operation or that lights are running when they are needed most. With this added functionality, reefers become a “smarter” partner for power generation. The Electric Pallet Jack Charger delivers 120V of power to the inside of trailers. This feature provides a convenient power source for electric pallet jacks. The charger generates power directly from the liftgate battery pack and has builtin lower voltage protection to preserve liftgate operation. With a fully-sealed, automotive-rated assembly, it is designed for under-the-trailer installation, which
MP8 with Turbo Compounding Now Available for Order
ouisville, Kentucky – On March 23, Mack Trucks announced that the 2017 Mack® MP®8 engine with turbo compounding is now available for order, offering highway customers increased fuel efficiency. “The new MP8 engine with turbo compounding is just one of the many engine upgrades Mack made to further enhance fuel efficiency for customers,” said Roy Horton, Mack Director of Product Strategy. “The turbo compounding system enables an improved operating range and allows a truck to hold top gear when cresting a hill, even with the engine rpm decreasing.” Available exclusively with Mack’s Super Econodyne® downspeeding package, the MP8 with turbo compounding converts wasted energy from the exhaust into mechanical energy that is fed back to the engine. The system
adds up to 50 additional horsepower, improving fuel efficiency by up to 8.8 percent. The additional power generated by the turbo compounding system allows the engine to maintain full torque as low as 900 rpm. Several of the revised components and technologies found on Mack’s 2017 MP series engines – including the patented wave piston, turbo compounding and the common rail fuel injection system – were derived from research and development work associated with the U.S. Department of Energy’s SuperTruck program. The SuperTruck program, a cost-shared, public-private partnership, aims to help accelerate the research and development of advanced efficiency technologies to improve the freight-hauling efficiency of heavy-duty Class 8 long-haul tractortrailer trucks. Along with its involvement in the SuperTruck program, and now SuperTruck II, Mack also has been involved in several advanced technology projects that have unique features and benefits for specific applications. For more information about Mack, visit our website at www.macktrucks. com.The 2017 Mack ® 2017 MP ®8 engine with turbo compounding is now available for order, offering highway customers increased fuel efficiency.
keeps the electronics out of the trailer where damage can occur. As the transport industry workforce ages, electric pallet jacks are becoming a mainstay of doing business to prevent injury and increase uptime. The new charger delivers the accessibility of a wall outlet to the inside of the trailer, and increases uptime for drivers who can charge the electric pallet jack between deliveries. The Thermo King power management portfolio also includes ThermoLite™ solar panels, the Supplemental Alternator and EON Power Pack. These solutions provide fleets with smarter, more costeffective ways to maximize uptime and optimize power throughout every mile on the road. The weatherproof ThermoLite solar technologies are available in three wattage options (26W, 36W, 100W) and designed to withstand extreme conditions for reliable performance in a wide variety of applications, resulting in longer battery life, decreased waste, lower fuel consumption and reduced emissions. The Supplemental Alternator offers power generation directly from the reefer unit and draws more power in a smarter way. The EON Power Pack provides additional power storage to keep delivery lights on without sacrificing reefer or
tractor starting capability. For more information about Thermo King power management solutions, please visit power.
The 2017 Mack® 2017 MP®8 engine with turbo compounding is now available for order, offering highway customers increased fuel efficiency. May 2017 35
Les outils de gestions fournissent des mesures essentielles pour l’efficience opérationnelle PAR MAREK KRASUSKI
es enterprises de transport sont toujours sous pression dans leurs opérations quotidiennes. La question du ratio coûtsavantages représente le défi numéro un dans les décisions d’achat. La gamme d’outils de gestion est aussi une considération importante dans le processus de décision, quoique son importance ait diminué ces dernières années. Les entreprises sont confrontées avec des problèmes d’accessibilité financière, croyant que les outils et logiciels de gestion coûtent trop cher. Il y a quelques années, un outil de gestion pouvait coûter jusqu’à $100,000, mais aujourd’hui les possibilités de location avec des frais mensuels les ont rendus accessibles à presque tous les opérateurs, ce qui ouvre la porte à des économies importantes. Mais dans un contexte économique morose la question se pose: combien de capital supplémentaire devrait être investi dans les resources de gestion? Récemment, le camionnage a profité des chutes de prix en carburant, mais ces économies ont été neutralisées par d’autres coûts. Les achats de véhicules augmentent en raison des nouvelles technologies requises pour satisfaire aux strictes régulations en matière d’émission de gaz carbonique et en matière de sécurité. Et en raison de l’avènement de systèmes hautement sophistiqués incorporés aux nouveaux véhicules, les flottes accumulent des frais supplémentaires pour entrainer des techniciens, afin que ces derniers puissent maitriser toutes les nouvelles innovations; qui plus est, les plaintes se multiplient contre les nouveaux camions équipés de technologies à émissions diésel, auxquels on 36 May 2017
reproche d’être responsables d’un plus grand nombre de temps morts et de dépenses. En effet, près de 90 pourcent des pannes mécaniques sont dues à des problèmes liés aux émissions. Les transporteurs doivent aussi encaisser les coûts des pressions environnementales, de santé, et de sécurité. Étant donné que le camionnage est la profession qui affiche le plus grand nombre de demandes d’indemnités pour accidents sur le lieu de travail, les flottes qui négligent cet aspect de leurs obligations le font à leur propre péril. Si les prix de carburant ont pu baisser de manière passagère, ils sont actuellement en train d’augmenter, en partie en raison de la taxe carbone et de la réduction de l’offre de la part des pays membres de l’OPEP. De plus, les flottes avec un oeil sur l’avenir cherchent à échapper aux prix volatiles des carburants traditionnels en se tournant vers des carburants alternatifs et aux technologies afférentes. Les stratégies de réduction de consommation d’essence sont à l’ordre du jour, surtout étant donné que les dépenses en carburant représentent toujours la plus grosse tranche des coûts d’opération. A cette fin, les outils de gestion sont essentiels pour mesurer le taux de consommation de carburant et pour mettre au point des stratégies de réduction des dépenses. Les systèmes d’observation de carburant, offerts par la plupart des fournisseurs de logiciels de gestion, fournissent des méthodes
faciles et efficaces pour réduire les coûts et maximiser la productivité, grâce aux informations exactes qu’ils fournissent de la consommation d’essence. Un élément essentiel pour tout système de reportage est la capacité de surveiller le comportement de conduite. Des outils sont facilement disponibles pour surveiller tous les aspects du comportement de conduite: par exemple, le nombre de fois que les freins sont enclenchés, la vitesse de croisière,
monde. Plutôt qu’une mesure punitive pour juger de la performance des conducteurs, les défenseurs des systèmes affirment qu’un dispositif de surveillance fournit des informations clé sur le comportement de conduite des conducteurs qui permet d’obtenir des meilleurs résultats. Les outils de gestion ont des applications à tous les aspects des opérations. Plusieurs dispositifs de reportage comprennent un module de transbordement qui traque le parcours
le taux de virages serrés effectués durant un quart de travail, la fréquence de freinages brusques, les temps morts, la fréquence d’allumage et d’extinction du moteur, et la fréquence à laquelle une zone particulière à été pénétrée. La surveillance du comportement de conduite ne plait pas à tout le monde, et surtout pas aux conducteurs qui n’aiment pas se sentir observés en permanence par des dispositifs qui rapportent des informations à leur sujet au bureau central. Tant que les camions arrivent à destination à l’heure et que les conducteurs sont sains et saufs, pourquoi recourir à des tactiques dignes de Big Brother demandent ces derniers? Mais ce point de vue n’est pas partagé par tout le
des marchandises. Ces modules permettent de suivre les livraisons à travers plusieurs dépôts. Le statut des cargaisons et toute autre information pertinente sont transmis au bureau de contrôle. Les fonctions de transbordement fournissent un haut degré de contrôle sur le processus de livraison et permettent à la fois de tenir les clients au courant du statut de leurs livraisons et d’optimiser les opérations. Aujourd’hui les systèmes de surveillance intégrés fournissent de multiples modules qui lient toutes les opérations logistiques. Les modules d’expédition, par exemple, dirigent de manière efficace le traffic entrant et sortant, ce qui permet d’accroitre la
visibilité des opérations et donc de mieux les contrôler. Étant donné que les pneus représentent la deuxième plus grosse tranche des coûts d’opération, un système de gestion ne serait pas complet sans un dispositif de surveillance des pneus. Le coût par mile des pneus ne peut être évalué correctement qu’avec un système électronique de mesure précis. Les systèmes de surveillance de pneus ont la faculté de mesurer en temps réel la pression pneumatique, la température des pneus, et la profondeur des bandes de roulement. Les pneus sous-gonflés augmentent la consommation de carburant et la vitesse d’usure du caoutchouc. Une mesure précise du statut des pneus permet d’entreprendre des mesures de correction qui maintiendront les pneus en condition d’opération optimale tout en économisant du carburant. De fait, on constate que l’usage des outils de gestion génère des économies importantes. Le Conseil nord-américain pour l’efficacité du fret (NACFE) à publié une étude qui démontre que les flottes ayant adopté des technologies de reportage et ayant investi dans la formation de leurs conducteurs accumulaient des économies en carburant de $5,700 par camion par an. Cette étude, qui a observé 60 technologies et pratiques sur une période de 10 ans a aussi observé que le pourcentage de flottes ayant adopté des produits et services de gestion est passé de 31 à plus de 50. De plus, les outils de gestion peuvent être adaptés
sur mesure aux besoins des clients. Les transporteurs se spécialisant dans les produits périssables et réfrigérés, par exemple, peuvent obtenir des outils qui obligent les conducteurs à suivre des procédures spécifiques dans la manipulation des groupes frigorifiques. Des applications sur téléphone mobile obligent les conducteurs à suivre étape par étape des procédures de chargement et de déchargement de la marchandise. Les fonctions du logiciel rappellent au conducteur de sonder la marchandise pour s’assurer que la température soit bien réglée. Tant que le conducteur n’a pas effectué cette démarche et que les données ne sont pas entrées dans le système, il sera incapable de démarrer et de continuer son trajet. Il est utile pour les entreprises d’avoir des outils de gestion qui peuvent s’adapter à leurs besoins au fur et à mesure que ces derniers évoluent. Par exemple, des fonctions de suivi de cargaison ne sont peut-être pas nécessaires tout de suite, mais pourraient le devenir d’ici cinq ans. De la même façon, un inventaire des pièces d’équipement n’est peutêtre pas utile aujourd’hui, mais le deviendra quand une flotte doublera en effectifs. L’approche modulaire qui est disponible sur plusieurs systèmes, par conséquent, permet aux clients de changer leurs solutions aux problèmes d’optimisation en tandem avec la croissance de leur entreprise. À mesure que le transport commercial se complexifie suite à l’avènement de technologies sophistiquées et à l’existence de normes de conformité toujours plus exigeantes, les flottes sont bien placées pour profiter de la large gamme de produits de gestion qui est disponible.
Transcourt débute les célébrations son 20e anniversaire à Montréal
akville, Ontario – Location de citernes Transcourt (Transcourt Tank Leasing), chef de file canadien dans la location à court, moyen et long terme de citernes, célèbre cette année son 20e anniversaire. En effet, c’est en 1997 que Bruce Daccord, John Campbell et Neil Pickering décidèrent de fonder leur entreprise. La compagnie a connu un essor progressif car elle s’est rapidement fait connaître par des clients potentiels pour ses solutions sur mesures leur permettant à atteindre leurs objectifs d’affaires.
Après avoir ouvert des bureaux de ventes à Edmonton et Montréal, Transcourt a décidé de
tenter une percée sur le marché américain en ouvrant un bureau à Lansing, en Illinois.
Bruce Daccord, de Transcourt et Philippe Moreau, d’Air Liquide.
Au fil des années, Transcourt a réussi à réunir une impressionnante flotte comprenant de multiples configurations afin de rencontrer les besoins d’une variété de segments de marché. Ces équipements sont disponibles aux clients partout au Canada et aux États-Unis. Pour lancer les festivités entourant son 20e anniversaire, Transcourt avait convié ses invités québécois à un somptueux cocktail dans le VieuxMontréal le jeudi 23 mars dernier. Bruce Daccord, président de Transcourt, Robert Pahanich, viceprésident du développe-
ment des affaires, Julie Thibaudeau, nouvelle directrice du développement des affaires au Québec et dans les Maritimes et Vianna Murday, directrice du marketing et des
communications, étaient sur les lieux pour les accueillir. À la fin de cette agréable soirée, les convives ont pu se régaler du gâteau 20e anniversaire préparé pour l’occasion.
Jules Beauchemin, de Moulins de Soulanges; Julie Thibaudeau, de Transcourt et Vincent Faure, de Trimac
Rodéo de camions 2017 tenu par BAMSS Contracting
es terrains du Calgary Stampede sont depuis longtemps synonymes de rodéos de cowboy mais ce printemps, le 11 avril 2017, probablement pour une première fois, ils ont été le site d’un rodéo d’une toute autre nature. L’entreprise de camionnage de Lacombe en Alberta, BAMSS Contracting, tenait son rodéo de camions dans le cadre d’une journée d’appréciation pour ses clients. Le tout se déroulait dans un stationnement du site. Le Stampede est habitué à recevoir des clients de Location de citernes Transcourt, mais cette fois il s’agissait d’un rodéo bien différent, sans taureaux et sans course de chevaux. Les 22 participants de diverses entreprises pétrolières de Calgary, ont quitté leurs bureaux dans les tours du centre-ville de Calgary pour vivre un rapprochement avec les camions lourds de route et les bi-trains de BAMSS.
Av a n t d e p r e n d r e l e volant, les invités ont reçu un cours d’orientation sur les camions et les bitrains. C’est accompagnés de Gerald Pearson ou de Sam Hancik que ces individus allaient ensuite conduire des véhicules autours d’une piste ovale démarquée par des cônes. Pour certaines de ces personnes nées et élevées dans la grande ville, il s’agissait d’une première expérience de se retrouver au volant d’un mastodonte de la route et de vivre une expérience bien différente d’une journée derrière un bureau. On pouvait entendre beaucoup de rires dans la cabine lorsque ces recrues du volant faisaient tomber des cônes. « Ce n’est vraiment pas facile de manœuvrer ces longs camions avec les remorques à l’arrière autour d’une piste temporaire », de dire Bruce Daccord, président de Location de citernes Transcourt. Les commentaires émis par les 7 femmes et 15
hommes participant à l’événement concernaient surtout les 25 mètres de longueur des véhicules et la difficulté de les contrôler. En regardant dans le rétroviseur d’un des camions, une des recrues ne pouvait s’imaginer le stress que devait ressentir les chauffeurs sur une base quotidienne avec tous les autres variables auxquels ils doivent faire face sur la route. « C’était une expérience extraordinaire de quitter le confort de mon bureau pour me retrouver derrière le volant d’un gros camion. J’ai maintenant beaucoup plus de respect pour les talents nécessaires aux chauffeurs de BAMSS pour opérer ces véhicules », affirmait Chris Frederick, d’inter Pipeline Ltd. L’équipe de BAMSS avait aussi apporté un tracteur de route à l’intérieur duquel les invités pouvaient monter afin de voir l’espace intérieur de la cabine ainsi que la couch-
L’équipe de direction de BAMSS est composée de Bob Hancik et ses 3 fils, AJ, Sterling et Sam. ette standard dans tous les camions de route de BAMSS. Il était alors possible de découvrir les petits secrets de la vie des chauffeurs en voyant que la couchette comprenait une télé, un ordinateur, un micro-ondes, un réfrigérateur, un lit, etc. Les convives pouvaient aussi tenter de lever des chaînes et autres accessoires de
camionnage sur le sol. On retrouvait également à l’intérieur une exposition de divers équipements de sécurité comme des boyaux, des valves internes et des procédures d’orientation pour les chauffeurs que tous pouvaient examiner en dégustant un léger goûter. « Cette activité aide nos clients de Calgary
à visualiser le mouvement du propane que nous réalisons pour eux 365 jours par année. Notre personnel a fait un travail exceptionnel de créer une vitrine à cet effet en laissant nos clients voir les équipements requis pour apporter leurs produits au marché », de conclure le président de BAMSS, Bob Hancik.
May 2017 37
Welcome to our complimentary Truck Stop Directory. We want to help truckers and travellers find the nearest truck stop on route to their destination. For details on how you can list your truck stop, call Barb Woodward at 613.969.0799 or email ALBERTA
Cougar Fuels Ltd.
5602-54th Avenue Bonnyville, AB T9N 2N3 Tel: 780.826.3043 Fax: 780.826.6353 Convenience store, cardlock & showers.
Calgary Husky Travel Centre 2525-32nd Avenue NE Calgary, AB T1Y 6B7 Tel: 403.291.1233
Koch Fuel Products Inc. (Petro Pass)
Petro Canada Southcoast Petroleum Ltd.
AgCom Petroleum Sale Ltd (Petro-Pass) 3240 – 2nd Avenue North Lethbridge, AB T1H 0C6 Tel: 403.527.6411 Fax: 403.380.4267
Husky Travel Centre 5721-44th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 0B3 Tel: 780.872.7089
561-15th Street SW Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4W2 Tel: 403.527.5561
Vulcan Auto Truck Stop (Petro-Pass)
Koch Fuel Products Inc. (Petro Pass)
Adams Industrial Supplies Inc.
Serving your transportation & inductrial needs.
Koch Fuel Products Inc. (Petro Pass) 4703-45th Avenue Rocky Mountain House, AB T4T 1B1 Tel: 403.845.3369 Fax: 403.845.7838 Open 24/7.
RoadKing Travel Centre Strathcona Inc.
Hours of operation: 6:00 am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 12:00 pm Saturday, 24 hrs on our local business number.
26 Strathmoor Drive Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2B6 Tel: 780.417.9400 Fax: 780.417.9449
Strathmore Husky Travel Centre Suite 201-8020 Sparrow Drive Leduc, AB T9E 7G3 Tel: 780.986.7867 Fax: 780.986.7898 Open 6:00 am to midnight, 7 days, restaurant, cardlock, ATM, convenience store, scale, VLT and lounge. 38 May 2017
108 Service Road, Box 1230 Vulcan, AB T0L 2B0 Tel: 403.485.6905 Open 7 days a week.
541 Premier Road, Box 69 Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 Toll Free: 888.571.5991 Tel: 403.823.3427 Fax: 403.823.4867
Nisku Truck Stop
Koch Fuel Products Inc. (Petro Pass)
Husky Travel Centre
732 Highfield Drive, Box 417 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Tel: 403.337.0009 Fax: 403.337.33422 Open 24/7.
221-2nd Street North, Box 820 Three Hill, AB T0M 2A0 Tel: 403.443.5770 Open 24/7 & Full Service Islands.
RoadKing Travel Centre 4949 Barlow Trail SE Calgary, AB T2B 3B5 Tel: 403.569.6251 Fax: 403.235.5095
Hwy 27 West & 22 North, RR 3, Site 122, Box 52 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Tel: 403.638.4930 Fax: 403.638.4383 Open 24/7.
436 Ridge Road Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5 Tel: 403.934.3522 Fax: 403.934.3555 Email:, Open 24 hours, 7 days, restaurant, cardlock, ATM, convenience store, showers.
10178 Nordel Court Delta, BC V4G 1J7 Tel: 604.581.3835 Fax: 604.581.3850 Canopy, fax, photocopier, nearby gov’t scale, restaurant & ATM.
7620A Vedder Road Chilliwack, BC V2R 4E8 Tel: 604.858.5113
Chilliwack Petro-Pass 45461 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC V2R 4J3 Tel: 604.795.9421 Fax: 604.792.8931 Commercial cardlock open 24hrs, 7 days, convenience store open MonFri, 8 am-5 pm, washrooms.
Jepson Petroleum Ltd. Box 1408 Golden, BC V0A 1H0 Tel: 250.344.6161 Fax: 250.344.2232 Open 8 am-5 pm Mon-Fri, lubes & propane, 24hr cardlock, regular, diesel & diesel mark.
Morris Husky Hwy 75 South Morris, MB R0G 1K0 Tel: 204.746.8999 Fax: 204.746.2611 Open 24 hours, 7 days, restaurant Mon.-Fri. 6am-1pm, Sat. & Sun. 7 am-11pm, cardlock, ATM, convenience store with lottery, showers.
Dogwood Valley Husky Services 27051 Baker Road Hope, BC V0X 1L3 Tel: 604.869.9443 —
61850 Flood-Hope Road R.R. #2, Hope, BC V0X 1L2 Tel: 604.869.9214
Petro Canada-Petro Pass 500 Oak Point Highway Winnipeg, MB R2R 1V2 Tel: 204.949.7292 Fax: 204.949.7295 Open 24-7, driver's lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking.
Petro Canada-Petro Pass
Husky Travel Centre 9206-97th Street R.R. #2, Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V2 Tel: 250.495.6443
928 Marion Street Winnipeg, MB R2J 0K8 Tel: 204.949.7280 Fax: 204.949.7288 Open 24-7, driver's lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry facilities, showers & parking. NEW BRUNSWICK
Husky Travel Centre 1340 Trans Canada Hwy Sicamous, BC V0G 2V0 7985 Lickman Road Tel: 250.836.4675 Chilliwack, BC V2R 3Z9 Fax: 280.836.2230 Tel: 604.795.5335 Contact: Shelley Arvandel Fax: 604.794.5080 Open 24-7, restaurant (6 Full-service islands, driver's lounge am-10pm), convenience store, & game room, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking, showers, laundry facilities, parking photocopier, oil products, ATM & fax & CAT scale. machine.
Cool Creek Agencies
1990-18th Street North Brandon, MB R7C 1B3 Tel: 204.728.7387
Flood Hope Husky Travel Centre Chilliwack Husky Travel Centre
Brandon Husky Travel Centre
Edmundston Truck Stop Exit 19, 100 Grey Rock Road Edmundston, NB E7C 0B6 Tel: 506.737.2010 Fax: 506.737.2015 Open 24/7 365 days, full service islands, diesel, cardlock, propane, lubricants, driver’s lounge and business centre, seafood & burger restaurant (Le Pirate de la Mer), convenience store, washrooms, showers (4), laundry facilities, parking for 75 trucks, double car wash & 2 bay pet wash, Wi-Fi, ATM, fax & photocopier.
Petro Pass 315 Ouellette Street Grand Falls, NB E3Z 1A6 Tel: 506.473.5575 Fax: 506.475.9816 Toll Free: 800.361.8322 Driver's lounge & game room, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, internet services, showers, parking & CAT scale.
Petro Canada Exit 450, 2600 Mountain Road Moncton, NB E1G 3T6 Tel: 506.859.6000 Fax: 506.859.6005 Open 24-7, convenience store, fast food, ATM & washrooms.
Tobique One Stop Exit 115, Perth-Andover, NB E7H 0A1 Tel: 506.273.9682 Fax: 506.273.9682 Open 24-7, full-service islands, driver's lounge with large screen, restaurant, satellite TV, convenience store, showers, laundry, parking & free high-speed internet.
Aulac Big Stop 170 Aulac Road Aulac, NB E4L 2X2 Tel: 506.536.1339 Fax: 506.536.0579 Open 24-7, full-service islands, driver's lounge, restaurant, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT scale.
Salisbury Big Stop 2986 Fredericton Road Salisbury, NB E4J 2G1 Tel: 506.372.3333 Fax: 506.372.0083 Open 24-7, driver's lounge & game room, restaurant, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT scale.
Lincoln Big Stop
415 Nevers Road Waasis, NB E3B 9E1 Tel: 506.446.4444 Driver Fax: 506.446.4455
Open 24-7, Irving FP Solution I-24, driver's lounge, restaurant, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, free overnight parking.
Murray’s Truck Stop
Hwy 401, Exit 730, 2085 Shanly Road Cardinal, ON K0C 1E0 Tel: 613.657.3019 Open 24 hrs, restaurant, convenience store, washrooms, showers, overnight parking & driver's lounge.
Ultramar Hwy 417, Exit 110, 3199 Hawthorne Road Behind Ultramar Service Station Ottawa, ON K1G 3V8 Tel: 613.248.9319 Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, convenience store, washrooms, driver's lounge, showers & shorttime parking.
730 Truck Stop
Angelo’s Truck Stop 2025 County Road 44 Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0 Tel: 613.925.5158 Fax: 613.925.5158 Open 7 days, game room, restaurant, convenience store, showers, parking & CAT scale.
Hwy 102, Exit 13, 86 Connector Road Truro Heights, NS B2N 5B6 Tel: 902.897.0333 Fax: 902.897.0499 Open 24-7, self service islands, driver's lounge, restaurant, convenience store, showers & parking.
Quick Stop 215 Hwy #49 Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0 Tel: 613.396.3043 Fax: 613.396.1449 Open 6 am-10pm, 7 days, Subway, convenience store & parking.
Antrim Truck Stop
580 White Lake Road Arnprior, ON K7S 3G9 Tel: 613.623.3003 Fax: 613.623.1003 Toll Free: 866.334.4775 Open 24-7, full-service islands, restaurant, convenience store, showers, overnight parking, driver's lounge, CAT scale, garage service facilities, tire service, Western Star truck dealer.
10 Acre Truck Stop
902 Wallbridge Loyalist Road Belleville, ON K8N 5A2 Tel: 613.966.7017 Fax: 613.962.4495 or Office at 613.966.4740 Restaurant & Store: Mon-Fri 6 am11 pm, Sat 7-8 pm, Sun 7-10 pm, convenience store, hair salon, drug testing, showers, parking, Esso Card Lock & Retail Diesel, Wi-Fi & Fax, laundry facilities & CAT Scale.
Esso-Dunvegan Hwy 417, Exit 5, 1515 County Road #20 Dunvegan, ON K0C 1J0 Tel: 613.527.1026 or 613.627.2100 Fax: 613.527.2726 Open 24-7, full-service islands, restaurant (Tim Horton’s), convenience store, parking & ATM.
Kingston Husky Truck Stop Hwy 401, Exit 632, 2054 Joyceville Road Joyceville, ON K0H 1Y0 Tel: 613.542.3468
Esso-Kingston Hwy 401, Exit 611, Kingston, ON K7L 4V2 Tel: 613.384.8888 Fax: 613.634.3162 Open 24-7
Ultramar Hwy 401, Exit 538, 25 Bellevue Drive (rear of Ultramar Service Station) Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Tel: 613.771.1755 Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, convenience store, washrooms, showers,short–time parking & driver's lounge.
Exit 191, 198 Beardsley Road Woodstock, NB E7M 3Z7 Tel: 506.328.2994 Driver’s Fax: 506.325.2148 calving.murraystruckstop@ Open 24-7, full-service islands, driver's lounge & game room, restaurant, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT scale & tire sales & service.
Truro Heights Big Stop
Sudbury Petro Pass
3070 Regent Street Sudbury, ON P3E 5H7 Tel: 705.522.8701 Fax: 705.522.4280 Open Mon-Fri. 6 am-11pm, Sat. 8 am-8 pm & sun. 10 am-9 pm, driver's lounge & game room, convenience store (hot food, pizza, chili & soup), laundry facilities, showers & parking.
Waubaushene Truck Stop 21 Quarry Road, Box 419 Waubaushene, ON L0K 2L0 Tel: 705.538.2900 Fax: 705.538.0452
Johnny’s Gas Bar 448 Talbot Street West Leamington, ON N8H 4H6 Tel: 519.326.5231 Fax: 519.322.0189 Card lock open 24 hours, 7 days, convenience store, cash discount, diesel exhaust fluid and coloured fuel.
Flying M Truck Stop
7340 Colonel Talbot Road London, ON N6L 1H8 BEAMSVILLE Tel: 519.652.2728 Shell Travel Centre Fax: 519.652.6554 QEW, Exit 64, 4673 Ontario Street Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Open 24 hrs, 6 days, full-service Tel: 905.563.8816 islands, driver's lounge, restaurant, Fax: 905.563.4770 convenience store, ATM, internet services, showers, garage on Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience premises & parking. store, weigh scale, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking. WINDSOR
Herb’s Travel Plaza
Bradford Husky Travel Centre Hwy 400 & 88, 3479 Simcoe County Road 88 Bradford, ON L3Z 2A4 Tel: 905.775.5794
North Bay Truck Stop 3060 Hwy 11 North North Bay, ON P1B 8K2 Tel: 705.474.8410 Fax: 705.495.4076 Toll Free: 888.474.8410 Open 24-7, full-service islands, restaurant, convenience store, showers, parking & truck repairs within 2 km.
London Husky Travel Centre Hwy 401 & 74 (Exit 195 off 401), 3391 Westchester Bourne Belmont, ON N0L 1B0 Tel: 519.644.0200
Trucker’s Haven
Hwy 401, Exit 250, 806607 Oxford Road Drumbo, ON N0J 1G0 Tel: 519.463.5088 Fax: 519.463.5628
Marshall Truck & Trailer Repair & Truck Stop
336 Kenora Avenue Hamilton, ON L8E 2W2 Tel: 905.561.4712 Fax: 905.561.7757 Open 24-7 for cardlock, open 7 am-12 am Mon-Fri, 7 am-5 pm Sat, closed Sunday, full-service islands, driver's lounge, restaurant, showers & parking.
Petro-Pass Kitchener
120 Conestoga College Blvd. Kitchener, ON N2P 2N6 Tel: 519.748.5550 Fax: 519.748.9656 Driver's lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry facilities, showers & CAT scale.
Hwy 417, Exit 27, 21160 Service Road Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0 Toll Free: 800.593.4372 Tel: 613.525.2120 Fax: 613.525.1595 Open 24-7 driver's lounge, restaurant, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, internet services, showers & parking.
Irving Oil 5918, Rue Notre Dame Est Montreal, QC H1N 2C5 Tel: 514.257.8626 Fax: 514.259.0910 Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience store & laundry facilities
Windsor Husky Travel Centre Hwy 401, Exit 14, 4040 Essex County Road 46 Tecumseh, ON N0R 1K0 Tel: 519.737.6401
Ultramar Hwy 401, Exit 230 (on TA site), 535 Mill Street Woodstock, ON N4S 7V6 Tel: 519.421.3144 Open 24 hrs, restaurant, convenience store, washrooms, showers, driver's lounge & overnight parking. QUEBEC
Petro-T / Host Depanneur Hwy 132 Kahnawake, QC J0L 1B0 Tel: 450.635.7638 Fax: 450.635.0178 Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience store, accommodations, showers, parking, ATM, Internet Services and APP Rewards Program.
Estevan Husky Travel Centre 201-4th Street Estevan, SK S4A 0T5 Tel: 306.634.3109
Husky Bulk Sales 210 North McDonald Street Regina, SK S4N 5W3 Tel: 306.721.6880 —
Regina Husky Travel Centre 1755 Prince of Wales Drive Regina, SK S4Z 1A5 Tel: 306.789.3477
Petro Canada-Petro Pass 402-51st Street East Saskatoon, SK S7K 7L1 Tel: 306.934.6766 Fax: 306.668.6110 Driver's lounge, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers, scale & parking.
Husky Travel Centre 1510 South Service Road West (Trans Canada Hwy 1 West) Swift Current, SK S9H 3T1 Tel: 306.773.6444
Transport City Service Ltd 2615 North Service Road West Swift Current, SK S9H 5L4 Tel: 306.773.2063 Fax: 306.773.6604 Open 24/7, ATM, Full Service Islands (retail), Esso “Key to the Highway” Card Lock DSL, Internet, Restaurant (6:00 am-10:00 pm), Showers, Convenience Store, Laundry Facilities, Parking. May 2017 39
From the
Avoiding Wildlife
espite weather conditions to the contrary, it’s Spring again and everything seems to awake from months of hibernation, especially wildlife which truckers know all too well will start ambling along ditches and up onto highways. In Canada there are 4 to 8 large animal vehicle collisions every hour, a sobering statistic that should raise the attention of every motorist. OTN queried truck drivers about the collision-avoidance strategies they use to prevent accidents with animals.
MIKE WESTON has never hit an animal in his 33 year driving history quite an accomplishment considering some of this time was spent driving the Alaskan Highway where, he says, “moose are all over the road. It’s an area where they cut off the heads of killed animals and leave the carcasses to other wildlife.” Mike’s secret to an accidentfree career? Use common sense. “Slow down,” he continues. “If I see them, I blow on the air horn. The worst time is coming soon during black fly season and when hunting season opens in the Fall.”
Like Mike, J U S T I N G AWA D Z A ha s ne v e r hit anything either. His advice? “I drive with caution, watch my speed limit, and am more careful about where I’m looking. I keep my eyes on the road and in the bush to make sure nothing is coming out. It helps too that I sit high in the truck so I have a visual advantage."
NATHAN TRUDEL has similar advice. “I do what most drivers do. I look ahead to see if there are any telltale signs of animals about to cross. The neat thing about being a truck driver is we see a lot more from sitting so high in the vehicle. I tend to look out into the ditches to see if there is any wildlife approaching. When I’m getting a little closer to any movement I slow down or swap lanes to avoid any animals I think may be crossing. I haven’t hit anything, though I have come close to hitting a deer and a racoon. Our company installs moose bumpers just in case. They definitely help.”
Andrew Laing, a driver with lots of experience in the North has this to say. “I slow down, watch the road, keep an eye on the ditches and keep the lights on. Unlike deer, the eyes of moose don’t reflect in the headlights so they are difficult to detect. You have to really watch, especially in this part of the province. When you get farther up north around Hearst and Long Lac you see a lot more. Thankfully, I’ve never hit any animals, knock on wood.” ••• If you want your voice h e a rd , c o n t a c t m e a t :
TTSAO Applauds Gordon Food Services Referral Program
amilton, Ontario – Gordon Foo d Services (GFS) took full advantage while hosting a recent TTSAO General Meeting at their Milton, Ontario facility which included representation from TTSAO full member schools, associate members and carriers from across the province. At the meeting the senior management team of Gordon Foods Services (GFS) announced a
40 May 2017
new referral incentive program that will be exclusive for TTSAO Full Member Schools. The incentive program will run from April 1st 2017 to March 31st 2018. Gordon Food Services is offering a $750.00 referral incentive for the first five (5) drivers that are referred by TTSAO Full Member schools and $1000.00 for any consecutive hires thereafter up to March 31st 2018.
The referred driver must complete six months of full time employment with Gordon Food Services for the school to be eligible. TTSAO Chairman of the Board Kim Richardson commented, “Gordon Food Services is recognizing the quality of graduates produced by our members by making this exclusive to the TTSAO. GFS have locations across the Province who needs drivers and the TTSAO has school members in all locations. This is a great opportunity for schools as it will help with the rising costs to run their businesses. Costs keep going up and with the introduction of Mandatory Entry Level Driver Training, which
the TTSAO supports 100%, but there will be more expense that goes with the new legislation. Tuition fees at most of our member schools have remained the same for 3-4 years.” Brian Pattison, General Manager of Northern Academy, commented, “What a great TTSAO meeting hosted by our good friends at Gordon Food Service! Not only did they provide us with a site tour and lunch, but also a huge announcement! A New Referral program for TTSAO member schools, this exclusive partnership provides an excellent opportunity for our quality graduates. Ed Popkie, President of 5th Wheel Training Insti-
tute and current Director on the TTSAO Board, was all smiles, “This has been on the table for years at the TTSAO; more than 20 years to be more specific. The concept of being remunerated for referring quality graduates to companies was first presented to the TTSAO Board years ago by schools in the USA as a way to further enhance partnerships with carriers as well as generating another source of income for the schools. This model is used to assist Carriers with recruitment campaigns during times of low supply and high demand for drivers. “TTSAO member schools interested in participating in the incentive program can email resumes to the Human Resources De-
partment at Gordon Food or For more information on this program, contact: Scott Gates, Human Resources, scott.gates@ or Mario Ross, Transportation Training Supervisor, Mario.ross@ For more information about this press release, please contact: Kim Richardson – Chairman, TTSAO – RTS office, 800.771.8171 x 201 or cell 905.512.0254 or by email at, contact Charlie Charalambous – Director of Public Relations, TTSAO – ISB MEE Office, 800.609.6552 or cell 905.699.8837 or by email at ccharalambous@
A A & A Exhaust Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Accutrac Capital Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 7 Aird & Berlis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Atlantic Truck Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
B Bennetts Power Service Products. . . . . . . . 2, 35 Bryson & Assoc. Insurance Brokers Ltd. . . . . . . 1
Ontario Trucking News
C Caron Transport Systems Canada . . . . . . . . . . 51 C.U.T.C. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Cleral Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cleral Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Western Trucking News Eastern Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
D Diesel Spec Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Domar Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
E Empire Transportation Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Ontario Trucking News
F Fleet-Tax Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Ontario Trucking News
G Gear Centre Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 51 Gin-Cor Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Eastern Trucking News
I International Truckload Services Inc.. . . . . . . . 47
Ontario Trucking News
J J D Factors Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3 Jones DesLauriers Insurance Mgmt Inc. . . . . . . 6
Ontario Trucking News
K Kärcher Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Kelsey Trail Trucking Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Ontario Trucking News
L Laidlaw Carriers Tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Ontario Trucking News
M Minimizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
N Newman Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Newton’s Electric Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
P Polar Mobility Research Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Polar Mobility Research Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Private Motor Truck Council of Canada . . . . . . 43
Western Trucking News
R Road Today Truck Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
S Siemens Transportation Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Western Trucking News
T TA Travel Centres Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12, 19 Texis Truck Exhaust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Rosedale Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Tiger Tool International Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Tirecraft Ontario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Total Canada Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Traction Truck Parts & TruckPro . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Transcourt Tank Leasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Tremcar Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TransX Limited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News Eastern & Western Trucking News Ontario & Western Trucking News Eastern Trucking News Western Trucking News
V VitalAire Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Western Trucking News
W Walmart Fleet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Wilson Truck Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
X Xan Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Ontario Trucking News
Air Conditioning Service TA Travel Centres Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Diesel Performance Products Diesel Spec Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Drivetrains Gear Centre Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 51 Employment Opportunities Caron Transport Systems Canada . . . . . . . . . . 51 Empire Transportation Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 International Truckload Services Inc.. . . . . . . . 47 Kelsey Trail Trucking Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Laidlaw Carriers Tank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Siemens Transportation Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 The Rosedale Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 TransX Limited. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Walmart Fleet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Wilson Truck Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Xan Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Factoring & Finance Accutrac Capital Solutions Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 7 J D Factors Corporation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 3 Fuel Additives Bennetts Power Service Products. . . . . . . . 2, 35 Fuel-Fired Heating Systems Polar Mobility Research Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Insurance Brokers Bryson & Assoc. Insurance Brokers Ltd. . . . . . . 1 Jones DesLauriers Insurance Mgmt Inc. . . . . . . 6 Newman Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Legal Services Aird & Berlis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Lubricants Total Canada Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Permits & Waivers C.U.T.C. Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fleet-Tax Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pressure Washers Kärcher Canada Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Refrigeration Systems Polar Mobility Research Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Sleep Apnea Products VitalAire Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Starters & Alternators Newton’s Electric Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Tanker Leasing Transcourt Tank Leasing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Tank Trailer Manufacturers Tremcar Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Tire Sales & Service TA Travel Centres Canada. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Tirecraft Ontario. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Tools Tiger Tool International Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Trade Shows Atlantic Truck Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Private Motor Truck Council of Canada . . . . . . 43 Road Today Truck Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Transmission Sales & Services Domar Transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Truck Bodies Gin-Cor Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Truck Exhaust Sales & Service A & A Exhaust Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Texis Truck Exhaust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Truck Parts & Accessories Minimizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Traction Truck Parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Truck & Trailer Repairs TruckPro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Weigh Scales (On Board) Cleral Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Cleral Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Ontario Trucking News
Eastern Trucking News Western Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Western Trucking News Western Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Eastern & Western Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News
Western Trucking News Western Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Eastern Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario & Western Trucking News Ontario & Western Trucking News Eastern Trucking News Ontario Trucking News May 2017 41
42 May 2017
TransCore’s Canadian Freight Volumes Skyrocket in the 1st Quarter
oronto, Ontario – Three years after posting unprecedented load volumes for Loadlink customers in 2014, the year 2017 is shaping up to become just as impressive. March volumes were the highest ever recorded since the records were first broken in March 2014. PERFORMANCE OF MARCH LOAD VOLUMES Volumes were up 33 percent compared to last month, volumes were up 51 percent compared to last year, and First Quarter volumes were up 31 percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2016, and were higher by 43 percent compared to the first quarter of 2016. The increase in load volumes was all-encompassing, and reflected cross-border loads (both inbound and outbound)
as well as inter-Canadian freight. Intra-Canada loads represented 27 percent of the total volumes and jumped 50 percent year-over-year. Cross-border load postings averaged 71 percent of the total data submitted by Loadlink’s Canadianbased customers and was
higher compared to last year: loads leaving Canada increased 30 percent, and loads coming into Canada climbed sharply 69 percent year-over-year. EQUIPMENT CAPACITY Even though equipment capacity rose 11 percent compared to last month, this increased availability
was probably undetected by freight brokers due to the increase in their load postings. Despite this increase, for the first time in over two years, the truck-to-load ratio fell to under two trucks for every available load to 1.78 from 2.11 in February. Compared to last year,
the truck-to-load ratio improved 42 percent; in March 2016, this ratio was 3.05. This increase in loads and capacity in March is encouraging news for brokers, and especially for carriers coming into the industry as there is more available work to
be found and brokers are able to better fulfil shipping requirements with their customers. More information on TransCore Link Logistics can be found at www., @loadlink on Twitter, on YouTube, on Facebook and on LinkedIn.
May 2017 43
Traction Locations
Traction Bonnyville
Traction Lloydminster
6015 – 50th Avenue Bonnyville, AB T9N 2L3 Tel: 780.815.3955
5205 – 65th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712
Traction Brooks 99 – 7th Street East Brooks, AB T1R 1C1 Tel: 403.501.5551
Traction Head Office 18532 – 116th Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 2W8 Tel: 780.489.7555
Traction Edmonton North West
Traction Medicine Hat 2111 – 9th Avenue South West Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G8 Tel: 403.526.2244
Traction Peace River 9103 – 75 Street Peace River, AB T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8655 th
Traction Red Deer 8045 Edgar Industrial Cr. Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.342.7884
Traction Fort Nelson 5320 – 49 th Avenue Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.2783
Traction Kamloops 1875 Kryczka Place Kamloops, BC V1S 1S4 Tel: 250.374.3100
Traction Edson 4833 – 2nd Avenue Edson, AB T7E 1T8 Tel: 780.712.4152
Traction Fort McMurray 10218 King Street Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1X9 Tel: 780.791.3000
Traction Grande Prairie
Traction Sundre
Traction Burns Lake 831 Hwy 16 West Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Tel: 250.692.7501
Traction Chetwynd
16101 – 101st Street, Unit 4 Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0P2 Tel: 780.538.3038
4876 North Access Road Chetwynd, BC V0C 1J0 Tel: 250.788.2255
Traction High Prairie
Traction Chilliwack
Traction Quesnel 1185 Hwy 97 North Quesnel, BC V2J 2Y3 Tel: 250.991.0650
Traction Smithers 3465 Victoria Drive Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287
Traction Squamish 1003 Industrial Way Squamish, BC V0N 3G0 Tel: 604.892.5951
Traction Surrey 10304 – 120th Street Surrey, BC V3V 4G1 Tel: 604.582.4888
Traction Terrace
5309 – 53 Avenue, Hwy 2 West High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Tel: 780.523.4777
43915 Industrial Way Chilliwack, BC V2R 3A4 Tel: 604.793.9660
5107 Keith Avenue Terrace, BC V8G 1K8 Tel: 250.638.0099
Traction Hinton
Traction Courtenay
Traction Williams Lake
120 North Street Hinton, AB T7V 1S8 Tel: 780.865.8800
2703 Kilpatrick Avenue Courtenay, BC V9N 6P4 Tel: 250.871.1191
675 North Mackenzie Avenue Williams Lake, BC V2G 1N9 Tel: 250.392.6699
44 May 2017
200 Oak Point Highway Winnipeg, MB R2R 1V1 Tel: 888.320.5505
5915 Atlantic Drive, Units 6 & 7 Mississauga, ON L4W 1S4 Tel: 905.670.2868
564 – 2nd Avenue Prince George, BC V2L 2Z9 Tel: 250.563.7778
2330 Pelican Business Park Wabasca, AB T0G 2A0 Tel: 780.891.3600
Traction Prince George
Traction Winnipeg
Traction Port McNeill
4528F – 47 Avenue Rocky Mtn House, AB T4T 0A9 Tel: 403.845.2709
Traction Wabasca
3725 Webster Crescent, RR #3 Windsor, ON N0R 1K0 Tel: 519.737.7995
Hwy 8 East Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0 Tel: 519.348.4774
Traction Edmonton South
3347 – 50th Street Drayton Valley, AB T7A 0C6 Tel: 780.542.6881
45 Mural Street, Unit #4 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1J4 Tel: 905.771.7331
114 – 314 Old Airport Road Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T2 Tel: 867.669.6272
105 Adams Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7R1 Tel: 250.765.7738
Traction Drayton Valley
1940 Queen’s Avenue Brandon, MB R7B 0T1 Tel: 204.727.4850
Burchill Truck & Trailer Equipment (571344 Ontario Inc.)
Traction Rocky Mountain House
7 West Road Industrial Park Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Toll Free: 800.372.7826
Traction Brandon
3404 – 78th Avenue Edmonton South, AB T6B 2X9 Tel: 800.252.7992
470 Pioneer Hill Drive Port McNeill, BC V0N 2R0 Tel: 250.956.4401
Traction Kelowna
18051 – 111 Avenue North West Edmonton NW, AB T5S 2P2 Tel: 780.444.4334 th
Traction Yellowknife
M&M Gas Diesel & Truck Parts 27523 Highway 62 South Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0 Tel: 613.332.5474
Visco Industrial (Barrie Inc.) 255 Saunders Road Barrie, ON L4N 9A3 Tel: 705.792.1371
Visco Industrial 195 Healey Road Bolton, ON L7E 5B2 Tel: 905.857.2071
Traction Cambridge 1090 Fountain St. N., Units 12 & 13 Cambridge, ON N3E 1A3 Tel: 519.623.1413
D & S Auto 459 Government Street Dryden, ON P8N 2Z3 Tel: 807.223.3227
30 Bancroft Street Hamilton, ON L8E 2W5 Tel: 905.561.0932
D & S Auto 1051 Railway Street Kenora, ON P9N 3W8 Tel: 807.468.9894
2405 Scanlan Street London, ON N5W 6G9 Tel: 519.455.3440
Pioneer Diesel 2008 Ltd. 437136 Hawn Drive New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Tel: 705.647.8707
Service 1 Mufflers & More 400 D Kirkpatrick Street North Bay, ON P1B 8G5 Tel: 705.497.0404
Traction Ottawa (605)
Traction Meadow Lake 807 – 1st Avenue West Meadow Lake, SK S9X 1Y4 Tel: 306.236.4800
Traction Moose Jaw 1802 Stadacona Street West Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4N8 Tel: 306.692.7402
Traction Nipawin 811 Nipawin Road East Nipawin, SK S0E 1E0 Tel: 306.862.9881
Traction Prince Albert 3802 4th Avenue East Prince Albert, SK S6W 1A4 Tel: 306.764.4220
Traction Regina
3020 Hawthorne Road, Unit 200E Ottawa, ON K1G 3J6 Toll Free: 800.396.2664 Tel: 613.742.1209
405 Park Street Regina, SK S4N 5B2 Tel: 800.667.9856
Traction Saskatoon
Traction 380 Industrial Park Crescent Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 5Y8 Tel: 705.759.8042
Nick’s Truck Parts 244 Dunkirk Road St. Catharines, ON L2R 7K6 Tel: 905.687.7031
Sudbury Truck & Trailer Centre Inc. 945 Cambrian Heights Drive Sudbury, ON P3B 2Z3 Tel: 705.673.3613
Tractor Trailer Service 64 South Water Street Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6T3 Tel: 807.345.5882
Traction 2075 Forbes Street, Unit 5-7 Whitby, ON L1N 9X1 Tel: 905.432.2785
SASKATOON 2815 Faithfull Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 8E8 Tel: 306.244.9877
Traction Swift Current 1511 Cheadle Street West Swift Current, SK S9H 5G4 Tel: 306.773.7293
Traction Weyburn 300 Hwy13, South Service Road Weyburn, SK S4H 2K7 Tel: 306.842.2422
Traction Yorkton 537 Broadway Street East Yorkton, SK S3N 2W7 Tel: 306.782.4313 YUKON
Traction Whitehorse 126 Industrial Road Whitehorse, YT Y1A 2T9 Tel: 867.393.3902
TruckPro Locations
TruckPro Peace River
Truckpro Acheson
9103 – 75th Street Peace River, AB T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8655
6A 53016 Hwy 60 Acheson, AB T7X 5A7 Tel: 780.962.8030
TruckPro Calgary South East 285151 Kleysen Way Calgary, AB T1X 0K1 Tel: 403.279.8487
TruckPro Drumheller Bay 13, 901 South Railway Avenue Drumheller, AB T0J 0Y0 Tel: 403.823.7966
TruckPro Edmonton NW 15816 – 111th Avenue North West Edmonton, AB T5M 2R8 Tel: 780.451.0225
TruckPro Fort Macleod 112 – 12 th Street Fort MacLeod, AB T0L 0Z0 Tel: 403.915.3499
TruckPro Fort Saskatchewan 11401 – 85th Avenue Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 0A9 Tel: 780.998.5030
TruckPro Grande Prairie 10920 – 87th Avenue Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8K4 Tel: 780.539.6260
TruckPro La Crete 10704 – 99th Street La Crete, AB T0H 2H0 Tel: 780.928.3406
TruckPro Lethbridge 2250 – 39th Street North Lethbridge, AB T1H 5J2 Tel: 403.394.2253
TruckPro Lloydminster
TruckPro Red Deer 10 – 7719 Edgar Industrial Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.358.5335
TruckPro Sundre 7 West Road Industrial Park Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Toll Free: 800.372.7826
TruckPro Taber 5911 B – 50th Avenue Taber, AB T1G 1W7 Tel: 403.223.8744
TruckPro Two Hills 4909 – 55th Avenue Two Hills, AB T0B 4K0 Tel: 780.657.3304 BRITISH COLUMBIA
TruckPro Chilliwack 43915 Industrial Way Chilliwack, BC V2R 3A4 Tel: 604.793.9660
TruckPro Fort Nelson 10862 Clairmont Frontage Road Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.262.4327
TruckPro Fort St. John 5204 – 46 Avenue Fort St. John, BC V1J 4M7 Tel: 250.774.4327 th
TruckPro Kelowna 105 Adams Road Kelowna, BC V1X 7R1 Tel: 250.765.7738
TruckPro Nanaimo
5205 – 65th Street Lloydminster, AB T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712
4950 Jordan Avenue Nanaimo, BC V9T 2H8 Tel: 250.758.8004
TruckPro Medicine Hat 2111 – 9th Avenue SW Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8M9 Tel: 403.526.2244
TruckPro Sidney 1785 Mills Road Sidney, BC V8L 5S9 Tel: 250.656.1689
TruckPro Smithers
Herc’s Truck Service & Repair Ltd.
Keene Truck Inc.
Mobile Mechanical Services
15 McCallum Place Keene, ON K0L 2G0 Tel: 705.295.4444
11769 Hwy 64 Verner, ON P0H 2M0 Tel: 705.594.1319
3465 Victoria Drive Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287 MANITOBA
TruckPro Brandon 501 Middleton Avenue Brandon, MB R7C 1A8 Tel: 204.728.3821
TruckPro Dauphin 107053, PTH 20 Dauphin, MB R7N 2V3 Tel: 204.638.0711
TruckPro Neepawa 220 Hwy 5 North Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Tel: 204.476.3809
TruckPro Winnipeg North West 2126 Logan Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2R 0J2 Tel: 204.694.2390 ONTARIO
J.B. Mobile Mechanic Inc 1891 Russell Road Bourget, ON K0A 1E0 Tel: 613.487.4171
Smartway 3475 Hwy 88, RR 1 Bradford, ON L3Z 2A4 Tel: 905.775.6700
PGL Truck Centre Ltd. 118 Rutherford Road South Brampton, ON L6W 3J5 Tel: 905.451.8115
Oneida Truck & Trailer 634 Fourth Line Caledonia, ON N3W 2B3 Toll Free: 800.654.6454 Tel: 905.765.5011
50 County Road 13 Courtland, ON N0J 1E0 Tel: 519.544.5766 or 519.842.3321
North Keele Auto Truck & Car Repair Centre Ltd. 3915 Keele Street Downsview, ON M3J 1N6 Tel: 416.638.5963
Thur Heavy Truck & Trailer Repair 270 Arthur Street North Elmira, ON N3B 2Z5 Tel: 519.669.8420
Ken Lapain & Sons Ltd. 2119 County Road 15, R.R. #2 Essex, ON N8M 2X6 Tel: 519.776.6473
OK Tire Truck Repair 39 Shorncliffe Road Etobicoke, ON M8Z 5K2 Toll Free: 800.661.6681 Tel: 416.236.1277
Goulais River Truck & Tractor Ltd. 90 Highway 552 East Goulais River, ON P0S 1E0 Tel: 705.649.4788
Barton Truck Centre Ltd. 483 Rennie Street Hamilton, ON L8H 3P6 Tel: 905.544.2626
Hwy #4 Truck Service Ltd. 402143 Grey Road 4, RR 1 Hanover, ON N4N 3B8 Tel: 519.369.5052
Serge G & D Repair Inc. 214 Highway 11 East Hearst, ON P0L 1N0 Tel: 705.362.5633
Quickfix Truck Trailer Repairs 6191 Atlantic Drive Mississauga, ON L5T 1N7 Tel: 905.696.6888
Pioneer Diesel 2008 Ltd. 437136 Hawn Drive New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Tel: 705.647.8707
K.I.D. Truck & Trailer Service 1090 South Service Road East, Unit A Oakville, ON L6J 2X8 Toll Free: 800.265.6291 Tel: 905.842.2942
Quality Truck Repair Inc. 840 Colonel Sam Drive, Oshawa, ON L1H 8A9 Tel: 905.721.2788
Brockville Tractor Trailer Maintenance (2001) Ltd. 3524 County Road 26, RR 2 Prescott, ON K0E 1T0 Tel: 613.925.2889
Sudbury Truck & Trailer Centre Inc. 945 Cambrian Heights Drive Sudbury, ON P3B 2Z3 Toll Free: 800.461.4023 Tel: 705.673.3613
Tractor Trailer Service 64 South Water Street Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6T3 Tel: 807.345.5882
Popular Tire Sales & Service 225 Claireport Crescent Toronto, ON M9W 6P7 Tel: 416.679.1765
TruckPro North Battleford 391 Yellowhead Alley Battleford, SK S0M 0E0 Tel: 306.445.6151
TruckPro Humboldt 210 – 8th Avenue Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0 Tel: 306.682.2900
TruckPro Moose Jaw 1802 Stadacona Street West Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4N8 Tel: 306.692.7402
TruckPro Saskatoon North East 3246 Millar Avenue Saskatoon, SK S7K 5Y2 Tel: 306.931.6612
TruckPro Swift Current 2635 North Service Road West Swift Current, SK S9H 5L4 Tel: 306.773.3240
TruckPro Tisdale Highway 3 West Tisdale, SK S0E 1T0 Tel: 306.873.2613
TruckPro Weyburn 300 Hwy 13, South Service Road Weyburn, SK S4H 2K7 Tel: 306.842.2422
TruckPro Yorkton 537 Broadway Street East Yorkton, SK S3N 2W7 Tel: 306.782.4313 YUKON
Parent Mechanical
Combined Auto & Truck Repair
Greig Truck & Trailer
TruckPro Whitehorse
201 Pinebush Road, Cambridge, ON N1R 7H8 Tel: 519.623.1413
53 Brunelle Road North Kapuskasing, ON P5N 2M1 Tel: 705.335.3617
2 Foster Stearns Road Trenton, ON K8V 5R8 Tel: 613.394.5005
7 Laberge Road Whitehorse, YK Y1A 5Z3 Tel: 867.393.4581
May 2017 45
4 Ways to Shape Up for Spring
ave you been effectively (or not so effectively, if you think about it) hibernating this year? What we mean is, have you taken a hiatus from your exercise routine - even though it was working and you were feeling great? Trust us, you’re not alone. For various reasons, many of us struggle with consistency, and that starts with our commitment to working out regularly. Unfortunately, once we set the wheels of inactivity in motion, it can be tricky to turn things around. Let’s change all that starting today. After all, spring is here, bringing with it warmer, longer days, more sunshine, and with all that, a spirit of renewal and growth that can translate directly into your life. Here’s how: 1. Make Movement a Daily Priority: Committing to exercise starts with a simple step: taking one. It is said movement is life, so start living by making daily activity a part of yours. Find creative ways to take more steps and move more body parts, whether at home or at work. One of the best (and
46 May 2017
easiest) ways is to set your phone / watch to alert you periodically (every 45 minutes or so) to get up from your desk / chair and walk around for five minutes or so. Another great tip: Take a short walk after dinner every evening. It will assist in digestion and burn calories at the same time. 2. Early to Bed, Early to Rise: Sleep (or lack thereof) is increasingly implicated in health issues, with some even attributing chronic sleep dysfunction to just about every disease imaginable. Poor sleep also can sabotage your workouts, making you lethargic and all-toounwilling to find your way to the gym. Sleep needs to be consistent, restful and restorative; set the stage for proper sleep by regulating your sleep-wake cycle; avoiding foods and activities that could disrupt your sleep (drinking too much at night is one of the most common); and overall, making sleep a priority - something a surprisingly small percentage of people do. 3. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: As research suggests in another article in this issue of To Your Health, chronic stress can actually contribute to weight gain / obesity. Stress can be oppressive if you let it, but you can manage your stress by dealing with stressful events before they come up. That can start with better organization (e.g., a To-Do List that helps with smooth completion of your daily tasks) and what we call “better stress processing”: reducing the importance
of stressful events so you have the power, not the stress. 4. Set a Goal - and Then Another One: Motivation is the key to consistent, lifelong fitness and health. Stay focused by setting a small, measurable, achievable goal - for example, jogging 1 mile, twice a week, for the next month. When you’ve met
the goal, set another one: a longer distance, more frequent runs, or another activity you can add to your jogging regimen (e.g., two days a week at the gym). If your winter hasn’t been what you’d hoped in terms of physical activity, don’t fret: skies are clearing and brighter, warmer days are on the horizon.
It’s time to shape up for spring (and every season after that); work with your doctor to help design an exercise program suitable to your goals and health needs. For more information on health and safety please visit and the Ontario Chiropractic Association web site at or call 1.877.327.2273. Dr. George I. Traitses of Infinite Health practices traditional chiropractic, advanced nutrition and anti-aging therapy and has been serving the Toronto and Markham communities since 1981. You can reach him at 416.499.5656 or www.infinite-health. com.
Looking For Peace?
ecently a driver came into our chapel, threw his cigarettes on the chair, and blurted out, “Why do I do this?” I had no idea what he was talking about, until he explained that he had just spent $400.00 at the casino – money he couldn’t afford to waste. “And why do I drink alcohol, why do I use tobacco, why do I go with women that do?” He went on to say, “I’m going to hell where I will be in constant agony forever.” Yet he would not accept the forgiveness and hope Jesus offered him. It is our desire to share with you a message of hope. Actually, it is more than just hope; it is true assurance that offers peace. The current state of our world is anything but peaceful, but God wants you to enjoy a heart of peace, the peace that comes from being forgiven. Scripture reminds
us in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world (you and me) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” God sent His one and only Son to this world for the express reason to save us from sin and to give us lasting peace. In John 17:4, we are permitted to eavesdrop on a conversation between Jesus and His Father: “I have glorified you on the earth; I have finished the work which You gave Me to do.” That work was to seek and to save the lost, but that came at a high price. Right after He prayed that prayer, a gang of soldiers came to arrest Him. Arrest Jesus! And that after He’d healed many of their sick, restored eyesight, made the lame walk, and even brought the dead back to life. Later they spat on his face, slapped him, placed a crown of thorns on his head, and beat him with leather straps. Scripture tells us they bruised Jesus beyond recognition. We find another conversation between Jesus and His Father in Matthew 27:46: “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” God turned his back on Jesus
at that moment because Jesus was carrying on himself the full burden of humanity’s sin. So he died for you and me; but he rose again on the third day, and offers free forgiveness and a new life to all who will come to Him. Go with me to I John 1:9: “If we confess our sin He (Jesus) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Why did Jesus leave heaven’s glory? Because we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and the wages of sin is death – but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. If you are looking for peace, hope and assurance, please consider this invitation from Jesus: “Come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
May 2017 47
Collecting Rain Water to Wash Trucks
here is a push towards washing your vehicles and recycling your water. Not only is it becoming mandatory across many provinces and states, most feel it is the right thing to do. How about rainwater harvesting? That is probably a new term you are not used to seeing in vehicle washing. Did you know that 99.4% of the water on the earth is in the ocean or ice cap/ glaciers? That means only 0.6% of the water available
48 May 2017
is fresh water in lakes, streams, rain and ground water. This is the amount left to sustain the 7 billion people on the earth. We are fortunate in the Great Lakes area to not seem to worry about the resources within our reach to tap into this supply. In many parts of North America it’s not that simple. Thus, this issue of water recycling is continually increasing in the minds of people. If you are on a well system it can become necessary to lengthen the life of the well water. Also, it becomes a difficult decision on where to allow the gray water to drain. Many companies in the rural areas are now getting creative and collecting rain water to wash their vehicles. We hear customers say, “I don’t pay for water, so not to worry.” We all know that eventually there will be an issue, just maybe not while you are the em-
ployee of that location so you need not worry today. If you are on the city water grid there are other issues to consider. The cost of water is continually increasing beyond the inflation rate. Politicians have easily figured out that this user fee system - water in and water out - to be charged to the customer is an easy process with little resistance. What company would actually complain that this is an unfair practice? The first thought I always recommend is to reduce water intake which reduces water outtake, thereby reducing the problem in the first place. It’s simple - less in means less of an issue to deal with. Using a ¾” water hose for an hour of washing a vehicle will use over 1,000 gallons of water. How do you stop that? Simple, using less water and less time to wash is where we
start the analysis. Automated systems start as low as 2.5 gallons of water per minute and as high as hundreds of gallons per minute. Some systems can wash in less than 2 to 5 minutes. We can help you figure out what best suits your needs. Common sense says even if you recycle your water, less water in costs less to process. In all situations, water per minute should be the standard to measure your washing requirements. I have seen the cost of water as high as $0.04/ gallon of water charged by cities. If you do the math, that is $320.00 per day if you used the water hose for a straight 8 hours. Over $100K per year of strictly water costs. There is a very economical and environmental solution to this overwhelming expense. That easy solution is
catching rain water and storing it for water usage. It is a very simple and low cost procedure. You can have a 1,000 gallon storage tank, or more, and collect distilled, mineral free water that will not spot or etch. There are many systems available on the internet or with your local water supply companies. If you do the math on the costs of
water today and the cost of installing a Rainwater Harvest System, you will see the ROI and understand the benefits. Jack Jackson is President of Awash Systems Corp. “We solve vehicle washing issues where no one else can.” Email: jjackson@ or call 800.265.7405. Visit our website,
Don’t Fear the Fat!
ociety tends to instill fear in us surrounding food, often making us believe that certain foods or food groups are evil when in fact they can be beneficial when enjoyed properly. Two of the biggest things we have seen this with over the past couple of decades are fat and carbs. Both have been feared and avoided for thinking that they will cause weight gain and other health issues, but the truth is we have a special need for both of them in our diets. Today I’m going to focus on fat, but I’ll be revisiting the topic of carbohydrates soon. First, you need to know that dietary fat is not the same thing as body fat. When we eat fat, it does not magically stick to us and cause us to gain weight. Dietary fat is a macronutrient, one of 3 (carbs, protein, and fat), that provide us with its own form of energy for our bodies to use. It’s essential, meaning our bodies can’t make it and we need to get it from diet (our bodies CAN make body fat, but again, that’s different) just like all of the essential vitamins and nutrients we need. So why does dietary fat get such a bad reputation? Well, besides its poorly ap-
pointed name (I really wish we could change that), it’s because fat is higher in calories than carbs and protein (providing 9 calories per gram as opposed to 4). This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t eat it, it just means we want to make sure we’re eating it in the right amounts. Weight gain is (mostly) a result of consuming more calories than your body is burning over the course of several days or weeks. When the body realizes these calories aren’t being used (no matter what source they come from), it converts them to body fat, which is then stored. Here’s the thing - as humans, we need both dietary fat and some level of body fat. They serve very different purposes, but neither should be feared. Dietary fat, in addition to providing us with energy, also aids our body in absorbing vitamins, specifically A, D, E, & K, which are “fat soluble” meaning our body needs them to be accompanied by fat to properly use them. Those vitamins are heavily present in vegetables, which is why we should always consume a little fat with our veggies or salads (say no to fat-free salad dressing). Additionally, dietary fat lubricates our digestive tract, aiding in regularity, and also helps in skin maintenance, keeping our skin moisturized and healthy. However, it’s important to make sure you’re eating the right kinds of fat - healthy fat. This includes nuts, seeds, healthy oils like olive or grape seed, and avocadoes. Try to limit the amount of animal fat you consume, but again, don’t fear it.
Body fat on the other hand is different, yet equally essential. Every human has a certain amount of body fat. We want to keep it to a healthy range, of course, to avoid diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, but it does serve a purpose. Body fat helps us synthesize hormones, which control a large part
of our overall health. Body fat also serves as insulation, keeping us warm, and as protection, padding our bones and providing cushioning - imagine sitting on a steel bench with no fat in your butt! Finally, body fat provides energy storage for times when food isn’t as readily available. This, of course,
isn’t as much of an issue for us as it was for our ancestors, since we don’t regularly face food shortages, but it still is relevant. In summary, eat foods with healthy fat and enjoy the flavours, textures, and the satiety it provides. Keep your portions small to avoid calorie overload, and balance it out with
sources of carbohydrates and protein. Finally, learn to have an appreciation for your body fat and the job that it has, and know that you do not need to eliminate it to be healthy. A balanced diet full of healthy, unprocessed foods and a regular exercise routine will improve your health, no matter your size!
May 2017 49
Caron Transportation – Employer of Choice
ize matters. It’s satisfying working for an employer large enough to offer attractive wages and benefits, but small enough for employees to be recognized for their individual efforts. Caron Transportation Systems is that employer. Qualified people looking to get behind the wheel or to provide support inside the business are always welcomed. Opportunities exist for a wide range of people, including those who are - for the first time considering working in the trucking industry. We want our workforce to represent the community, which encompasses all genders, ethnicities and
abilities. That’s why we supported Women Building Futures (WBF), a pilot program that helps women in Alberta get their Class 1 -Professional driver’s license. We offer graduates of the program the opportunity to work permanently for Caron. We further support women in transportation by being a gold sponsor for the 2017 Western Women with Drive Leadership conference. A lot is expected of employees in the trucking industry. Caron properly rewards them. We offer more than a chance to make good money. Employees have their health and financial wellness supported. Caron provides health, dental,
vision and more plus we provide tools and resources that help employees manage their financial futures. Our Professional drivers operate assigned unit -a rarity in the industryand are provided ongoing training, years of service incentives and mentorship. Caron is committed to maintaining an average fleet age of five years. That’s why we’re adding 30 new power units in 2017 equipped with larger bunks, in cab coolers, and auxiliary power units. We are looking for employees who are also dedicated to the highest principles of customer service, safe operation, and service excellence. For
more than 65 years, Caron has been providing safe, dependable service to the construction, manufacturing, mining, oilfield, petro-
chemical, pulp, paper, and water treatment industries in Western, Central and Northern Canada. Interested? We look for-
ward to hearing from you. Visit www.carontransport. ca/jobs/ to explore our list of current opportunities and to apply.
Transcourt’s 20th Anniversary Celebrations Start in Montreal
akville, Ontario – Transcourt Tank Leasing, the Canadian leader in tank trailer leasing, rental and sales is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. It was in fact back in 1997 that Bruce Daccord, John Campbell and Neil Pickering decided to establish
the company. The company grew steadily as it was recognized by potential customers for offering customized solutions that helped them achieve their unique business objectives. After opening sales offices in Edmonton and M o n t r e a l , Tr a n s c o u r t
Bruce Daccord, Transcourt with Philippe Moreau, Air Liquide 50 May 2017
decided to forge ahead into the U.S.A. market by opening an office in Lansing, Illinois. Over the years, Transcourt has built a large fleet of high quality tank trailers in various configurations to suit a variety of unique industry segments. This equipment is made available to customers across Canada and the United-States. On Thursday, March 23rd, 2017, Transcourt invited Québec-based customers to a most enjoyable cocktail in Old Montreal. This event marked the launch of the festivities surrounding Transcourt’s 20th anniversary. On hand to welcome their guests were President Bruce Daccord, Robert Pahanich, Vice-President of Business Development, Julie Thibaudeau, newly appointed Director of Business Development for Québec and the Mari-
times and Vianna Murday, Manager of Marketing
& Communications. At the end of the evening a
delicious 20th anniversary cake was served!
Gift Card Winners
hank you to everyone who stopped at the NHES Booth #2810 on Thursday, April 6 & Friday, April 7 and
entered our draw for a chance to win 1 of 4 - $50 Gift Cards. The winners are Steven Femenia, Markdale,
ON; Dave Hickerson, Burlington, ON; John Johnson, Carp, ON and Alyssa McCormack, Oshawa, Ontario.