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Theme: Laptops & Cell Phones
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December 2010 Western Trucking News, Ontario Trucking News & Eastern Trucking News are published monthly by Woodward Publishing Inc. Head Office: 259 Salmon Point Road, R.R. #1, Cherry Valley, Ontario, Canada K0K 1P0, 877.225.2232 Head Office: (Sales) Barb Woodward, Administration: Halina Mikicki, Sales: (Ontario) Carl McBride, Art Director/MIS: Chris Charles, Distribution: Rick Woodward Photojournalists: Peter Dudley, Marek Krasuski, Kay Redhead, Liz Roberts & Barb & Rick Woodward Visit us on the web at: Copyright© 2009 Woodward Publishing Inc. All rights reserved. Publication Agreement: No. #40806005
December 2010 3
Province of B.C.
B.C.’S Premium Carrier Program Recognizes the Best of the Best
he Province of B.C. has introduced a new Premium Carrier Program to enhance road safety by recognizing and rewarding those carriers who show an exceptional commitment to safety. Premium Carriers are the B.C. trucking industry’s leaders and are models for other carriers. At the opening of the Red Rock Inspection Station on Highway 97 south of Prince George in October, Transportation and Infrastructure Minister Shirley Bond welcomed the program’s first two members. Premium Carrier Program
certificates were presented to David Livingstone, President of Lomak Bulk Carriers Corporation and to John Bandstra, President of Bandstra Transportation Systems Limited. “We believe that sound driving practices lead to safer highways and more competitive businesses, so we’re rewarding those leaders in the industry,” said Minister Bond. “Qualifications for the program are based on fleet performance, driver performance and occupational safety performance. High ratings in these three areas indicates a culture of safety
that we believe will make our roads safer overall.” The main benefit of the Premium Carrier Program is recognition of the carrier’s success in achieving safe transportation practices. In addition, the program promotes pride and leadership among the participants, it provides an incentive for carriers to attract high calibre employees, and it encourages drivers to train themselves to the highest standards in order to be able to work alongside the “best of the best” in their industry. Recognition is publicized by a certificate that can be
displayed at the carrier’s premises; a watermark for use on company stationery and website and inclusion on the list of recommended carriers on CVSE’s website. As a result of their high safety standing, Premium Carriers can also take advantage of operating efficiencies as part of the Weigh2GoBC program. Premium Carriers receive free Weigh2GoBC transponders for their entire fleet, and will be automatically assigned the lowest random report percentage (5 per cent) in the program, meaning fewer
stops at inspection stations along their routes. Fewer inspections for Premium Carriers means Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure staff can focus roadside enforcement activities on carriers that are more likely to need attention. The program is currently available to truck and bus operators with more than 20 B.C. base plated commercial motor vehicles in their fleets, which have operated continuously in B.C. for at least three years. Qualifications for the Premium Carrier Program are safety-based. The carrier
must meet or exceed program criteria based on the carrier’s National Safety Code safety rating, as well as their WorkSafeBC and ICBC history. For more information, visit our website at www. or contact PremiumCarrierProgram@
Alberta Ministry of Transportation
Most Comprehensive Distracted Driving Legislation in Canada
dmonton, Alberta – The Alberta government has made history by passing the most comprehensive distracted driving legislation in Canada. Bill 16, the Traffic Safety (Distracted Driving) Amendment Act, 2010, restricts the use of hand-held cell phones and activities like texting, reading, writing, personal grooming, and puts restrictions on using other electronic devices while driving. “This is a great day for traffic safety in our province,” said Minister of Transportation Luke Ouellette. “This legislation is a bold approach and goes beyond restricting cell phones and deals with the broader issue of distracted driving. Our message is clear: Keep your hands on the wheel and your eyes on the road.” This legislation permits the use of hands-free phones. Also, radio communication devices such as CB radios are allowed for commercial purposes and search and rescue services. Drivers may use hand-held devices to contact emergency services— like 911—and this legisla4 December 2010
tion does not affect the official duties of emergency service personnel including law enforcement, fire and medical services. “As a former police officer, I have witnessed the terrible consequences of distracted driving and I am glad we are taking action,” said Art Johnston, MLA for Calgary-Hays, who sponsored the legislation. “Anything we can do to improve safety provides tremendous benefits to Albertans. I would like to thank law enforcement and traffic safety stakeholders for their input and support.” The proposed fine for the distracted driving offence is $172 with no demerit points. Drivers engaged in any of the identified activities can be charged under this new law. A distracted driver could face additional charges if they commit other violations such as running a red light or making an improper lane change. This legislation complements the current driving without due care and attention law—a serious offence with a fine of $402 and six demerit points.
This legislation will come into force upon proclamation, with an anticipated grace period, and could take effect by the middle
of 2011. In the coming months, the province will launch a public education and awareness campaign to help Albertans under-
stand the details of the legislation. This will be coordinated with traffic safety stakeholders and law enforcement.
Go to for more information on Alberta’s new distracted driving legislation.
The Canadian Trucking Alliance
Quick & Easy Way for Drivers to Track Their Travel & Meal Expenses
oronto, ON - The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) is launching a new product that ensures long-haul company drivers are able to realize the maximum possible benefit from the Federal government’s decision to increase the deductible amount for the meals they purchase while on the road. Not only does the book explain the rules in clear language, it also provides the recordkeeping tables required by the Canada Revenue Agency (CTA). The new Practical Travel Expenses for Professional Drivers handbook is a one-stop solution for professional drivers to track and claim travel expenses. The de-
duction can amount to $10,000 for many drivers, so getting it right is very important. The handbook explains CRA rules and details what drivers can deduct and how much. Not only does the handbook explain the different methods drivers can use to track their expenses, it also includes simplified record keeping forms that can be used to support the claim. One book should last a year for most drivers, so for just over $5.00, carriers can support their drivers by making sure they never miss out on a meal deduction claim again. Plus, drivers will sleep easy, enjoying the peace of mind that their expenses
are being tracked properly! This book explains: Who can and can’t claim the deduction for meals and lodging; how much can be claimed; what length of trip qualifies for a meal allowance and expenses in the US; detailed explanation and examples of the record keeping methods along with frequently asked questions. To order copies of the book, please contact your provincial trucking association, below. Susan van Egdom, British Columbia Trucking Association, Email: susan@ Angie Boughton, Alberta Motor Transport Asso-
ciation, Tel: 403.214.3439, Email: Monica Redondo, Manitoba Trucking Association, Tel: 204.632.6600, Email: Eleanor Weare, Saskatchewan Trucking Association, Tel: 306.569.9696, Email: ellie@sasktrucking. com Esperanza Tome, Ontario Trucking Association, Tel: 416.249.7401, Email: esperanza.tome@ Lise Gaulin, Quebec Trucking Association, Tel: 514.932.0377, Email: France Gagnon, Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association, Tel: 506.855.2782, Email: fgagnon@apta. ca.
December 2010 5
This Month’s Theme: Laptops & Cell phones
Communications Technologies: Keys to Efficient Operations & Smarter Drivers
By Marek Krasuski
ecently, a friend, driving a respectable 100 kilometers/hour on Highway 17 - 10 kilometers above the speed limit - was suddenly caught in a tailgate situation by a transport truck following so close behind that the insignia above the grill was out of sight in the rear view mirror. After several minutes, the trucker finally pulled out and passed him in the oncoming lane. More than annoyed, my friend called the number on the back of the trailer to report the driver’s errant behaviour. At first, the dispatcher did not believe him, objecting curtly, “our trucks are maxed out at 90 kilometers.” At my friend’s insistence, however, the dispatcher logged into a tracking system and found the truck on screen in real time, speeding excessively along Highway 17. This anecdote is emblematic of the many tools available to the industry today. “It’s unbelievable how computers and other assistive technologies have helped the trucking industry,” notes John Sheridan, Northern Ontario District Sales Manager for Kenworth Truck Centres. The remarkable advances in computers, communications, electronics, control, and related technologies have found important applications in today’s trucking. Everything from the movement and speed of trucks, to the detection of when and for how long rigs are off road, to the downloading of information at the end of a run, are com-
6 December 2010
mon operational features characteristic of intelligent transportation systems. For savvy operators, computers are a mainstay for calculating cost-per-mile figures - a crucial benchmark for determining profitability – and for many, offering services such as GPS systems, considered as essential, an on-road accompaniment as a cup of coffee. Gone is the need for glove boxes filled with assorted maps. Instead, drivers with access to GPS systems benefit not only from mapping technology, but also from on-screen displays of building and docking layout of their drop-off points. They also access traffic updates, and find hotels, restaurants and entertainment attractions. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) devices operate by receiving signals from a network of satellites orbiting the earth. With this information, various locations, and directions for getting there, are determined. Some reports caution drivers to carefully select their options. Not all GPS solutions are suitable for large trucks. Some lack the ability to set the program to large trucks or to identify roads with restricted access. Among systems that are trucker-friendly is the CoPilot CPT11-NA Truck 11 which features route optimization, truck stops, rest areas and weigh stations. The Route Preview function enables the user to “review and experience an entire trip before beginning the route,” says the company’s website. Magellan Ingenierie’s TourSolver 4 also gets high marks for its fleet management software which provides route planning and scheduling functions, and is claimed to reduce planning time and fuel costs. TourSolver’s func-
tionalities also take into account industries with more complicated routing systems. TourSolver 4 offers transport and logistical features making it possible to distinguish a company’s address from its various warehouse sites and drivers’ home addresses. This technology also makes more efficient use of the computer’s memory and makes it possible to optimize routes over large areas. Also notable among GPS solutions for commercial drivers is Garmin’s 465T. The navigation device is preloaded with a National Truck and Trailer Services (NTTS) Breakdown Directory, is equipped with friendly points of interest, and features specialized routing options through Canada and the United States. The high-resolution touch screen display has street level maps and voices street names for point-by-point instructions to drivers. Thanks to online resources, some security systems have complete visibility and asset security and provide updated information on cargo security status, real-time location of assets, and notifications of violations. They will also transmit information informing owners if trailers have been unhooked, sensitive loads are at risk, or unauthorized entry into trailers has occurred. Standing alongside the functions of computers – GPS tracking, mapping, reporting, and an array of diagnostic tools – are the benefits rising from cell phone use. Three major providers dominate the market in Canada – Telus, Bell and Rogers. Basic plans start around $20 dollars per month but can easily reach $200 depending on usage and functionality. There are unlimited long distance plans that allegedly include cover-
age of the entire North America, but beware. “No one provides an unlimited long distance plan,” says Ross Clark, Store Manager for The Source in Sudbury, Ontario. “They are still restricted to a given number of minutes each month.” Still, there are benefits attached to the more elaborate plans that include unlimited calling to a select number of phone numbers. Clark also cautions drivers to be aware of roaming charges that ratchet-up additional user fees once they are connected to towers outside their own service area. Unique among the top three providers, Bell has developed an alternative to additional fees. The 10-4 radio enables Bell customers to use their cell phones as walkietalkies to call anywhere in Canada, providing they are in a cell phone reception area. There is no long distance or roaming charges attached to the 10-4 system – only a basic
monthly fee. Cell phone costs rise considerably when venturing into Smartphones. Bell, Rogers and Telus each carry discount mobile brands – Virgin, Fido and Koodo, respectively. The difference between the major products and secondary options has less to do with quality and more with choice. “Discounted brands do not translate into poorer quality,” Ross Clark explains. “The real difference lies in selection. The secondary products have limited product choice and fewer options and the handsets are not as current as the brand names.” Like most things in life, the more a product can do, the more expensive it becomes. So it’s no surprise that basic cell phones, costing around $100, reach into the hundreds of dollars for Smart phone purchases. Smartphones can be a smart choice for drivers preferring a compact alternative to the comparatively
bulky laptop. Both Apple iPhones and Blackberries come with most computer functions and basic plans starting at around $50 per month, again depending on the number of minutes and the amount of data required. Roaming charges also apply to data reception, which is why some prefer the Blackberry whose functions prevents the transmission of pictures accompanying an email and so reduce the amount of data the customer pays for. When it comes to plan prices, don’t expect much cut-throat competition. “All plans are pretty much the same across the board,” continues Ross Clark. “If Bell pushes out a promotional plan, the competition will do the same. No one wants to be left out.” Given the bewildering number of product choices and plans, users can only benefit from due diligence and research to find the most suitable product and service choice.
Ross Clark, store manager at The Source, displays a wide selection of Smartphones and monthly package plans.
December 2010 7
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Health Insurance Matters
The Year In Review
By Lina Demedeiros
ur commitment to our readers throughout the years is to help you to protect your income, reduce expenses, save and increase your disposable income with products and services that will deliver when you need them the most. We also give you the opportunity to start building your retirement by helping you understand the value of planning today for tomorrow which is as simple as giving up a “Timmy’s” coffee each morning. This year many changes
10 December 2010
have taken place that will impact your business in 2011. As valued readers and clients, our article this month will help you prepare for 2011. The changes that took effect on September 1st, 2010 for the Automobile Act to provide a greater level of flexibility in coverage should be addressed by your own insurance policies that you use as “alternatives to WSIB”. They have also placed a heavier level of responsibility on the transport company to enforce these proposed changes to protect you as their partners. Bill 119 has increased the level of responsibility to ensure that employers minimize their liability and ensure that their owner/ operators have adequate “alternatives to WSIB” that equals or delivers a greater level of coverage that was previously afforded by the Workplace Safety
and Insurance Board. In an effort to avoid a catastrophic situation you will need to revisit your level of coverage and so will many transport companies as they review coverage they have for both their drivers and owner/operators. Some of the core issues will revolve around extended health care and drugs including limits for rehabilitation limits. It certainly places a heavier burden on insurance advisors to ensure that their respective clients are adequately protected or they may be held liable for providing inadequate coverage that meets this new legislation. If you have opted out of the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board you must make sure that you have coverage that will protect you in the event of any type of accident adequately. This means that your “Alternative to
WSIB” should cover your income. You must have extended health and drug coverage, a minimum of $300,000 of Accidental Death & Dismemberment and if you go out of province you should have this coverage as well. This bill also encourages that the transport company will cover their drivers as well. The need for illness coverage will be far greater than ever since many injuries that later become conditions are covered by the illness component of
your insurance contract. Contact your advisor today and learn more about these proposed changes and how they will impact you as an owner/operator. As an owner/operator the responsibility rests with you. Be sure to understand the limits of the rehabilitation portion of your contract. You should also understand that if you have elected to be part of a company’s fleet insurance, that your personal coverage should be able to
address rehabilitation to a reasonable level. We thank you for your readership. Wishing you and your family happy holidays filled with much joy, happiness, health and success for 2011! For more information on the proposed legislative changes impacting your business for 2011 please feel free to contact me directly at 800.236.5810. I am a Living Benefits Specialist and President of LMD Insurance & Wealth Management Inc.
December 2010 11
The Safety Tip Adviser
Safety Tips That Can Make Your Laptop Last Longer
By Alvis Violo
obile and compact, the laptop has many advantages if you want to use a computer whenever and wherever it suits you. It also has disadvantages if you do not take care of it properly. Protecting a laptop and its contents from damage and loss involves following some basic but essential advice. These safety tips should be added to your weekly laptop maintenance routine and will help you stay productive and safe no matter where you are working. Keep It Ventilated To avoid overheating, keep the laptop well ventilated. A laptop has vents on the bottom, so keep it on a flat, hard surface like a desk or table when in use. Soft surfaces such as mattresses, pillows and even ironically, laps can obstruct the airflow and cause it to overheat quickly. Shut Down When Not In Use Close the lid on your laptop when not in use, and shut down the system altogether if not using it for a prolonged period. This saves energy and prevents heat and overuse which could damage the computer. Like every machine, parts wear down and break eventually, so giving it a rest when you can, prolongs its life. Adjust Power Settings Adjusting your power options will help your laptop from heating up when not in use even if for short periods of time. You can set your hard drive and display to turn off after a set time period. Another option is to set the lap12 December 2010
top to go into standby or hibernation mode. Before You Pack It Up Make sure that before you put your laptop into its carrying bag, it is shut down. A notebook that has been left on can melt. When enclosed in a notebook bag, there is no air circulation and the results can be worse than melting. Don’t find out the hard way and just be sure to turn off your laptop. Buy A Suitable Bag A suitable laptop bag should have ample padding to protect the computer when on the move. Make it generic, with no computer-related logos or identifying features on the outside, as this will make it harder for potential thieves to spot. Unplug Accessories Whenever your laptop will not be in use, even for short periods of time, remember to unplug any accessories. Not only do they use power but they could cause the laptop to overheat. It’s especially important to unplug any accessories before packing your laptop in its carrying case. While you may believe it will make it quicker to use, it could damage your laptop, the accessory and/or your laptop bag. Keep Food & Drink At A Distance As all the features of a laptop lie close together, a liquid spill can damage several parts at the same time. Resist the temptation to eat and drink near your laptop. Crumbs can get between the keys and enter the main machinery, and a clumsy slip with a cup of coffee can bring your laptop’s life to an unexpected end. Check Cables Regularly Because you move around a lot with a laptop, power cables can easily become frayed, posing an electrical safety hazard. Check regularly, and replace or repair with electrical tape when needed.
Keep It In Sight When walking around, keep your laptop with you at all times, attached firmly with a shoulder strap. When traveling in unfamiliar places, resist the temptation to put it down, especially in busy locations, such as airports and bus stations, thieves may be waiting for just such an opportunity. Back Up Data If you store important data on your laptop, keep a backup of your hard drive contents. Online backup services include Dropbox. com, and Alternatively, save to an external hard drive. If you do not save important documents, you lose them permanently if you lose your laptop to theft or damage. Corey Sandler, author of “Laptops All-in-One for Dummies,” advises laptop users to “always assume that the next time you attempt to turn on your computer, it will refuse to respond.” Run Anti-Virus Software Download anti-virus software from a site such as, Symantec. com or Keep it switched on constantly to protect the hard drive
from viruses and other threats, such as malware. Most paid anti-virus software comes with a firewall, which blocks unauthorized communications to and from your laptop. I am not sure about you, but it seems that my laptops are not lasting as long as they used to. I used to think that it was due to the laptop manufacturers’ use of cheap parts but after reviewing the above safety tips, I must admit that it is probably my fault that the laptops did not last as long as they should have. Drive safe, think positive and be prosperous. Alvis Violo is the C.E.O. of
Emergency Road Services Corporation, a coast to coast national roadside assistance company dedicated to the trucking industry in Can-
ada and the U.S. For more information visit www.ersofcanada. com or call 1.877.377.2262. Please send your questions,
feedback or comments about this column to alvisviolo@
December 2010 13
Cross Border Services
Travelling With Your Cell Phone & Laptop
By Dawn Truell
n Ontario, cell phones or any handheld device usage while driving was banned in 2008. Since that time all Provinces across Canada have joined that ban. The U.S Secretary of Transportation, Ray LaHood, announced the beginning of a new organization called, “Focus Driven in 2009, Advocates for Cell Free Driving”, after a mother lost a daughter who was killed by a distracted driver on a cell phone. This organization supports cell phone free driving with an aim to put a face on distracted driving, promote public policy and increase personal responsibility. When travelling by land domestically with laptops and cell phones know that you cannot talk nor text on your cell phone, blackberry or iphones while driving. This is an offence and you will be fined up to $500 in Canada and up to $720 in the U.S.A. Laptops are widely used by truck drivers today while travelling. It is against the law to be distracted from the road by using a laptop while driving, so pull over! Not only are you subject to a fine and possibly jail time, but know that your car/truck insurance does NOT cover any accident that was caused by driver negligence especially while using a cell phone or laptop.
14 December 2010
When travelling domestic via air you are allowed one small carry on. Your laptop must be in this carry on and must be able to fit under the seat in front of you on the floor. When travelling International via air your laptop must be in your luggage for checked baggage. Some airlines may make exceptions but that is the general rule. For exceptions you need to contact the airline you are travelling with. Cell phones are allowed in your carry on however must be turned off during all flights due to interference with the aircraft technology which includes blackberry’s and iphones.
When crossing borders with cell phones and laptops, you can have one cell phone and one laptop for personal or business usage. If you have two or more of either be prepared with receipts and proof of why you have more than one as that will be considered product to be sold or traded which is not allowed going from country to country, i.e., Canada to the U.S.A. Can a border guard take your cell phone, laptop, or other handheld device? Unfortunately, yes they can if they have reason to believe that it is being used for some other purpose other than that of personal usage. The chances of them tak-
ing either are unlikely if you have only one for personal use. Remember the safety of yourself and everyone
around you on the roads. Hang up the phone and turn off your laptop while driving! For further informa-
tion on any cross border issues contact me at 905.973.9136 or visit www.crossborderservices. org.
December 2010 15
Ask The Fuel Expert
Solving The Fleet Manager’s Dilemma
By Jack Lee
here’s nothing really fun about managing a fleet fuel budget. Nothing simple about figuring out where all of last year’s fuel dollars really went. There’s the stack of receipts and the pages of invoices and a few spreadsheets that try to summarize it all. But there’s a lot those papers can’t tell you. Shouldn’t we know how efficiently fuel is being used? Determine which trucks use the most fuel or know what’s too much? How about being able to check if last month’s higher fuel costs came from a jump in consumption or a jump in the price at the pump? How about knowing if more fuel consumed means more margins earned – or less? Fuel is the highest operating cost after labour. And with labour, we’re used to tracking the productivity so we can decide if we need to pay more, train more, employ more or fewer. On one hand there’s software that helps us maximize the value of almost every business cost but conspicuously, not for fuel – the highest cost after labour. On the other hand there’s human resources software to help us manage all this and automate much of the filing and reporting. Don’t you wonder why? Actually, fuel management software does exist but many fleet managers are either unaware of it or too stuck in their old ways to investigate it. However, a growing number of companies are using online fuel reporting systems and discovering that it not only saves time 16 December 2010
and frustration, it eases the administrative burden and lets employers free up staff for more satisfying or productive work. One system that seems to lead the pack (if almost 4,000 clients is any indication) is Fuel Management Online. FMO was created five years ago and has grown from an online docket posting system into a full-blown management tool for all things fuel. In this time, it has also attracted imitators but it has never been copied. In case you’re one of the Fortune 500® companies already using FMO, I’ll keep my summary brief and focus on the new innovations instead. Very simply, FMO organizes fuel transaction data (collected from wheel to wheel fuellings, from card-locks or fuel tanks or uploaded from data files) so that managers can analyze it all in one place, in a single format. This may not sound impressive, but if you’ve tried to merge data from several sources in different formats, you’ll know this means enormous savings of time, frustration and hair pulled out. So, with everything in one place, all organized in sensible reporting fields, you can now do some really exciting things. Increase accuracy Reduce administrative busy work With FMO in place you save the time spent gathering fuel data and second you get the accurate data you need to manage your fuel better. The guess work is eliminated so you have exact information to calculate each project’s fuel expense and eliminate waste. How many pieces of equipment and vehicles do you manage? How many projects do you have each year? Where are those projects located? No two companies are the same, but the same problems exist when it comes to fuel management. With many projects operating
in a number of locations, FMO centralizes reporting because data is captured when refuelling occurs. An RFID chip is attached to each piece of equipment and measures the fuel pumped, date and time. FMO works whether you use your own fuel tanks or if you rely on 4Refuel’s on site refuelling delivery. Rapid headache relief FMO data importing If you use card-locks, good news! FMO can use data any card-lock. This means if half your fleet is filled wheel to wheel and the other half is long-distance and fills at card-locks, you can now consolidate all your fuel records in one place. FMO assimilates data from different sources and presents the information you need in one spreadsheet. This makes it simple to manage fuel by vehicle, by project, by week, by month, by year. Crystal ball tool FMO fuel forecasting When it comes to budgeting you have a template to work from based on last year’s results. Tax calculations are easier too, because all the information is there, split out, on your
desk top. All data can be imported and it is compatible with your operating system of choice. Red tape tool FMO tax filing I mentioned earlier that FMO makes it easier to reconcile tax payments. If you operate across the country and cross provincial and state borders, the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) dictates that you must pay a fuel tax to each jurisdiction. It is the law and it can be a real hassle. Think about what you have to do to
separate each region’s tax payment, before you write the cheque. You get hammered with time costs and then the tax payment. FMO eliminates the time spent gathering the amount of provincial and/ or state tax payable. It is right there on a separate line on your spread sheet. We only wish we could help eliminate the tax. Right. Rub a lamp. In addition FMO can help you calculate the Greenhouse gas emissions emitted by each unit so you can manage and reduce your
carbon footprint too. There has been other software applications come on the market, but none that are as functional, as intuitive or as user friendly as FMO. I stake my reputation on it! Jack Lee is CEO of 4Refuel – the largest onsite fuel management company in Canada and a global leader in technology designed to help businesses reduce their fuel expenses. Got a question about fuel? Ask the fuel expert by emailing Jack at AskTheFuelExpert
Canadian Freight Index Maintains Record Performance
oronto, ON - TransCore’s Canadian Freight Index showed a 30 percent increase in year-over-year analysis while monthover-month growth slowed with a 6 point dip from August. Similar to North American data, spot freight volume in Canada for September 2010 is the highest recorded volume when compared to the
same time in the last five years. Spot freight has surpassed the 200-point threshold for the previous seven months, and the last two months have set new high water marks when compared to the same month’s five-year history. Load volume from the third quarter increased 44 percent over the third quarter of 2009, however
consistent with other industry results; spot freight availability softened 15 percent from its peak in the second quarter. Total equipment availability for September 2010 dropped 12 percent from September 2009, while capacity realized a small gain of 3 percent over the second quarter of 2010, resulting in overall improvements in load-to-truck ratio.
It’s Time for De-Regulation
By Robert D. Scheper
he trucking industry is one of the highest regulated industries in North America, and yet it need not be. It’s one thing for an industry to be targeted by hyper-environmentalists who pooh-pooh everything except helmet clad mountain bikes, but to have an industry self denigrated from within, is ri-
diculous! Historically the trucking industry attracted the most responsible and qualified work force in America. They were true captains of large vessel, treated with honor and a level of respect that most citizens rarely obtained. They had the authority and freedom to responsibly navigate a heavy vehicle through multiple terrains as and when they saw fit. They were true heroes because they were given and accepted responsibility. The $64,000 question is, what happened? Human nature hasn’t changed. People still have an innate desire to produce quality work. So why
the long faces and trashy morale? The answer is trashy leadership within the industry. Short sighted and narrow minded regulations strip the professional driver of pride in performance. Typified by the speed limiter legislation, potential universal EOBR’s and a host of other non-seneschal regulations, drivers are no longer captains of responsibility but relegated to the position of children. When individuals are treated like infants, more and more start acting juvenile or at least closing down their natural desire to perform like adults. It’s a dismal and humanly predictable spiral.
One of the world’s most respected business gurus was Dr. Edward Demming. He developed 14 points that helped change Japan from a low quality producer to a high quality producer starting from the 1950’s to the 1980’s. The 14 points focused first on leadership. Breaking down barriers to good work has been one of my favorites. Current leadership has been more concerned with meaningless numbers than flesh and bone faces. Rather than delegating a job to a responsible individual (and paying appropriately for it) industry leaders try to manipulate and squeeze true professionals into
simple low cost producers who are void of pride. Some companies truly value the input and capabilities of their bread and butter. Others think drivers and operators can be easily replaced by anyone who can fog a mirror or pull over to the shoulder when a red light flashes on the dash. The solution for this insult is to stand up and make your objections known. Without open opposition, leadership will continue to wage their war on your bludgeoned career. It’s time for the ocean of regulation and rules to be peeled back, one by one, section by section. The only way that can
happen is for individual drivers to voice their opposition and stand by their principles. Clear, bold but respectful opposition is the only hope for drivers to regain respect and dignity on the job. Robert D. Scheper operates an accounting and consulting firm in Steinbach, Manitoba. He has a Masters Degree in Business Administration and is the author of the Book “Making Your Miles Count: taxes, taxes, taxes” (now available on CD). You can find him at and or at 877.987.9787. You can e-mail him at robert@
Ken James Reappointed as Head of the Blue Water Bridge Authority
ttawa, ON – November 1, 2010 The Honourable Chuck Strahl, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, and the Honourable Rob Merrifield, Minister of State (Transport), today announced the reappoint-
ment of Mr. Ken James of Sarnia, Ontario, as a member and chair of the board of directors of the Blue Water Bridge Authority for a term of one year, effective November 22, 2010. “I am pleased to announce that Mr. James
has accepted this reappointment as chair of the board of directors of the Blue Water Bridge Authority,” said Minister Strahl. “His extensive history with the Authority is a unique and valuable asset that will continue to serve the corporation
well.” “The Blue Water Bridge Authority will continue to benefit from the knowledge, direction and experience of Mr. James,” said Minister Merrifield. “I am confident in the knowledge that his leadership and background will
remain as tremendous assets for the Authority.” Mr. James received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Michigan State University, and went on to serve for 10 years as councillor and reeve of the Township of Sarnia and as Member of Parliament for Sarnia-Lambton from 1984 to 1993. He is currently president of Ken James & Associates, a sales and marketing firm, and President of Marlacres Farms Limited, a farming and land development company. Mr. James received an award from Sigma Alpha Epsilon National Fraternity for his
distinguished service at the municipal and federal levels of government, and was named a Paul Harris Fellow by Rotary International. The Blue Water Bridge Authority, which has a four-member board of directors, is the owner and operator of the Canadian side of the Blue Water Bridge. The Michigan Department of Transportation owns and operates the American side. The bridge, which has existed since 1938, spans the St. Clair River between Point Edward, Ontario, and Port Huron, Michigan.
December 2010 17
New 407 ETR Lanes Keep Highway Fast, Safe & Reliable
oronto, ON - 407 ETR recently opened more than 18 kilometres of new lanes that will keep customers moving along a fast, safe and reliable allelectronic, barrier-free toll highway. The new lanes run both east and west between Highway 404 and Markham Road. While one lane in each direction was officially opened, 407 ETR built a total of two lanes in each direction to accommodate future growth. The investment made this year to construct both lanes at the same time means the other lane in each direction can be opened in the future without the need for major new construction or inconvenience to customers. As with 407 ETR highway construction projects, this project has undergone in-depth inspection and audit and complies with all Ontario Ministry of Transportation standards.
“Significant investment in construction and expansion of the highway ensures we meet the objective of helping to relieve congestion on other GTA highways and local roads,” said Jose Tamariz, 407 ETR President and Chief Executive Officer. “Serving customers with very modern technology makes 407 ETR a unique open toll-road without the need to stop at congestion-causing toll booths.” The new lanes bring the total number of individual lane kilometres on the highway to more than 1,100 kilometres. 407 ETR spans 108 kilometres across the GTA - from Burlington in the west to Pickering in the east. The new lane capacity along this important corridor of the highway is one of many infrastructure projects over the past several years that have served customers well and kept traffic moving. Investment in construc-
tion and infrastructure since 1999 now tops $1.2 billion. In addition to keeping traffic moving, construction and other improvements provide the communities and businesses the highway serves with additional capacity to support growth and development. 407 ETR construction projects also create thousands of local jobs which has been especially important during the recent period of economic recession. 407 ETR makes use of leading edge technology in the operation of 198 unique non-stop entry and exit points along the highway which allow customers to continually move on and off the highway without the need to stop at a toll booth. 407 ETR uses this technology to efficiently process more than 375,000 trips on the highway on an average workday. 407 ETR was recently recognized by the Intel-
l i g e n t Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n Systems Society of Canada for its vehicle fingerprinting system. 407 ETR was awarded the first ever New Canadian Commercial Technology/Innovation or Research and Development Award. In addition to other national and international awards that have recognized the high level of service and innovation at 407 ETR, the company also recently achieved ISO 9001:2008 status. 407 ETR continues to have an excellent safety record which provides drivers and their families important reassurance when travelling on the highway. Close adherence to safety standards and a high-quality maintenance program have given the highway an exceptional safety record. 407 ETR monitors the highway at all times using an extensive fibre optic network of CCTV cameras and through highway operations staff patrols.
It is now a well established fact that keeping traffic moving at a steady, reasonable speed and avoiding stop-and-go traffic congestion reduce both fuel consumption and the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into the air from vehicles. As a toll highway that controls congestion and keeps cars moving, use of 407 ETR reduces the environmental impact of driving. 407 ETR recently set a new one-day traffic record. On Wednesday, June 30, 2010 a record 454,275 trips were taken. In addition to investments in new construction and infrastructure, 407 ETR continues to appreciate its customers’ loyalty and has offered more than $40 million to customers as part of its “ETR Rewards” customer loyalty program. The company also offers periodic incentives to customers to sign-up for automatic payment. The program provides customers with their state-
ment and then allows 10 days for customers to review it prior to their credit card or account being debited. Recognition of the needs of the community is important to 407 ETR. As part of this recognition, 407 ETR, together with employees have donated to local and international charities and sponsors several major conferences and events. 407 ETR Concession Company Limited is the operator and manager of Highway 407, which extends 108 kilometres east-west, just north of Toronto. 407 International Inc., the sole shareholder of 407 ETR, is owned by a consortium comprised of Cintra Infraestructuras, Intoll and SNC-Lavalin. For more information, contact Kevin Sack, VicePresident, Communications and Government Relations, 407 ETR Concession Company Limited, at 905.264.5374 or
Cummins Confirms Support for Greenhouse Gas & Fuel-Efficiency Standards
olumbus, IN, November 15, 2010 - Cummins Inc. confirmed its support for greenhouse gas and fuelefficiency standards for heavy- and medium-duty commercial vehicles and engines during its testimony at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) public hearing in Chicago. On Oct. 25, 2010, the EPA and the NHTSA proposed rules to establish a comprehensive Heavy-Duty National Program, which from 2014 to 2018 would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase fuel efficiency for on-road heavy-duty engines and vehicles. The EPA has
18 December 2010
proposed greenhouse gas emissions standards under the Clean Air Act, and the NHTSA has proposed equivalent fuel consumption standards under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. Dr. Stephen J. Charlton, Chief Technical Officer – Engine Business and Vice President – Cummins Inc., testified on behalf of Cummins and stated, “While we are still working through the details of the proposal and are preparing written comments on specific aspects, we support the time line laid out by President Barack Obama to finalize this rule by July 30, 2011, and deliver improvements over the 2014-to-2018 time frame. The rule and these
benefits can be delivered in this short time frame because many of the building blocks already exist. Over the last 30 years, the industry and government have partnered together to advance clean, efficient technologies. Under the Clean Air Act, heavy-duty diesel engine emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM) have been reduced by 99 percent. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has fostered publicprivate partnerships to develop the heavy-duty technologies needed to meet stringent emissions standards and improve efficiency. Additionally, the SmartWaySM partnership, launched by the EPA in 2004, has attracted thou-
sands of partners focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fuel consumption. “Cummins partnership with the DOE over the past 20 years has allowed us to bring evolutionary and breakthrough engine technologies to the market faster and at a lower cost than we could have done going it alone,” stated Charlton. “Complying with the stringent 2010 NOx limits under the EPA’s Heavy-Duty Highway Rule has put Cummins well along the path of meeting future greenhouse gas and fuel-efficiency requirements.” The company’s Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) technology not only reduces NOx to the near-ze-
ro levels required but also enables greater fuel efficiency. As a result, Cummins 2010 Heavy-Duty and MidRange engines deliver up to 6 percent improved fuel efficiency compared with the previous models. The 2010 engines and SCR technology provide the foundation to meet the new regulations. The EPA and NHTSA proposal establishes three regulatory categories of heavy-duty vehicles: (1) combination tractors; (2) heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans; and (3) vocational vehicles. For combination tractors and vocational vehicles, the agencies have proposed separate engine and vehicle standards. “We strongly support
this regulatory structure,” continued Charlton. “By building on our long history of working together, and by utilizing existing programs where possible, we can together deliver the greenhouse gas and fuel-consumption benefits envisioned in this rulemaking. We appreciate the open and collaborative process that the EPA and NHTSA have used in proposing this historic regulation. We look forward to continuing to work with the agencies over the coming months to develop a final rule.” The complete transcript of Cummins comments can be found at http:// assets/pdf/cummins_ statement.pdf.
T700 & PACCAR MX Engine Canadian Tour
irkland, WA – Off the heels of a successful tour in the United States, Kenworth’s T700 and PACCAR MX Engine Tour continues to draw hundreds of truck operators in Canada as the tour winds its way from British Columbia to New Brunswick, with stops in between. “I think customers realize that Kenworth has hit a home run with its T700 and the PACCAR MX engine,” said Ray Cotton, New and Used Truck Sales Manager for Inland Kenworth in Langley, B.C. “More than 100 customers came to our open house, and there was a good feeling in the air about both these new products. They’re a great one-two punch generating a lot of excite-
ment. During the event, we even had an owner/ operator place an order for a T700 with PACCAR MX engine. Everyone likes all the headroom and interior amenities plus the aerodynamics, coupled with the fuel savings of the PACCAR MX, can mean lower operating costs for our customers.” In Calgary, the tour was part of an open house celebrating the 40th anniversary of GreatWest Kenworth. “We had close to 300 customers on hand and we dovetailed the tour with a vendor fair and anniversary-celebration luncheon,” said Jeff Storwick, Co-President of GreatWest Kenworth. “It was a great event, with great customers and a great new product
lineup.” W h i l e t h e Ke n w o r t h dealership’s main market is vocational trucks and oil field support vehicles, the new, T700 over-theroad tractor bolsters Kenworth’s lineup. “Along with the Kenworth T660, we feel we have the two best trucks out there for the over-the-road market. Even our construction customers wanted to look inside the T700. There is a big wow factor, especially when you step inside and see all the room plus the Kenworth NavPlus(R) system was a hit and we gave lots of demonstrations.” At Edmonton Kenworth – Northside, close to 250 customers came out to view the new aerodynamic model and PACCAR MX engine. “Our
market area is in an upswing and the T700 is really going to give us a push in the wide cab market,” said Vance Klepper, Truck Sales Manager of Edmonton Kenworth – Northside, “that was reinforced by the positive reaction we received. All the interior space, stylish look and aerodynamic features on the new T700 impressed a lot of our key customers.” Across the board at the three dealerships, the PACCAR MX engine is expected to be a big hit with customers. “We have one customer who’s had a lot of experience in early testing of the engine. He couldn’t stop raving about the engine’s performance,” said Cotton. “Our other customers took notice.”
“We have several of the PACCAR MX engines out working with customers and the comments have been all positive,” added Storwick. “Everyone – from our vocation to over-the-road customers are excited about the engine from a performance, quietness, and weight standpoint. It’s going to be big.” “The PACCAR MX engine leads the industry
with a B10 rating compared to the B50 rat ing of other competitive engines,” said Klepper. “That really talks to the quality of the PACCAR MX engine.” A B10 engine life rating means that 90 percent of PACCAR MX engines are expected to reach 1 million miles compared to just 50 percent of those with a B50 / 1 millionmile rating.
Silver Eagle Manufacturing Company
Silver Eagle Receives ISO 9001:2008 Certification
ortland, Oregon - Silver Eagle Manufacturing, the global leader in military light tactical trailer and converter dolly manufacturing, has received ISO 9001:2008 certification, an internationally recognized standard issued to organizations with a quality management system. The certification was authorized by TÜVRheinland®, a premier provider of independent testing and certification services. ISO 9001:2008 provides a set of requirements that must be in place to have a quality management system, regardless of the organization’s size, prod-
uct or service line, or public or private status. Certification to the standard is voluntary, and organizations must complete a rigorous auditing process by a third-party registrar. “Silver Eagle’s new ISO 9001:2008 registration provides a strong foundation for enhancing our ability to serve our customers better,” said Ali Saalabian, Sr. Vice President of Operations for Silver Eagle. “It further disciplines us to continuously and repeatedly utilize the Lean Manufacturing principals we’ve been employing to improve quality, decrease costs
and reduce lead times.” Silver Eagle embarked on the ISO registration process in February 2010 and received certification just nine months later, a feat noted by TÜVRheinland auditors as “extrao r d i n a r y. ” S a a l a b i a n , however, was confident Silver Eagle could accomplish the goal. “Our manufacturing group was disciplined prior to the registration, but now with this additional certification we have the right templates and processes in place to seek customers’ input, allowing Silver Eagle to develop and produce products that meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.” Silver Eagle engineers, manufactures and markets a variety of trailers and mobile integrations for the United States Military and defense contractors. It also serves the long-haul trucking industry by manufacturing custom-configured converter dollies and the
law enforcement channel with the RapidWALL mobile barrier, a trailerbased blockading system. For more information, go to www.SilverEagleMfg. com.
Silver Eagle Manufacturing, based in Portland, Oregon, is the international market leader in the development, design, and manufacture of on and off road mobile
equipment. The company’s commitment to quality has earned it the important MIL-I-45208A status. Visit our web site at www.SilverEagleMfg. com.
Emergency Road Services Corporation
New Name, Same Great Service!
ississauga, Ontario - November 16, 2010 Emergency Road Services Of Canada Inc. would like to announce that they have changed their company name to Emergency Road Services Corporation due to their expansion into the U.S.A. The company has been providing their services in the U.S.A for the past year, but it became apparent that many customers still assumed that the company only provided their services in Canada because of their original name which included the
word ‘Canada’ in it. Although the company’s original plan was to only supply their services in Canada, it was through customer demand that they decided to expand their services into the U.S.A. Of the 17,000 service providers that the company has put together to provide emergency breakdown services, about half of them are in the U.S.A. Along with a new company name, they have also rolled out a new logo and website domain name. For more information regarding the services pro-
vided by Emergency Road Services Corporation, please visit or call 1.877.377.2262. Dawn and Alvis Violo, the owners of the company, would like to thank their staff and their loyal customers for their support over the last four years. Emergency Road Services Corporation would also like to remind their customers that they will be open throughout the holiday season 24 hours per day including Christmas, Boxing Day and New Years Day.
December 2010 19
New Products & services
Extensive Testing of HydroCell™ Begins
oronto, ON – Upon the recent announcement that GreenCell Technologies completed its latest round of advanced testing with significant results, the company is proud to announce it is now entering into agreements with long-haul trucking firms in Canada and the USA. These new agreements will enable GreenCell to begin requisite extensive testing for HydroCell™ in the field and its Hydrogen Enrichment System, which is expected to double an-
ticipated hydrogen output and increase fuel efficiencies. It is expected that these firms, by connecting and monitoring the HydroCell™, will deliver critical real-road results, combining both city and highway driving in various environmental conditions. Similar to other tests, the Electronic Control Data will be downloaded from vehicles equipped with the HydroCell™ and directly compared to those without the HydroCell™ running the same route
and under the same conditions. Hydrogen, as a fuel, is emission free and the only by-product of combustion is water. It is the most abundant element in the universe and is the fuel of choice for the Space Shuttle’s main engine. The addition of a GreenCell Hydrogen Enrichment System is similar to adding a Supercharger to an engine. To assure continued fuel savings, the HydroCell™ is always tested for performance, efficiency, reliability
and hydrogen output on numerous vehicles, to enhance its core design and help refine the product specifications for engineers. In addition to recent discoveries, GreenCell is also conducting extensive lab tests to establish the most efficient electrolyte mixture and the optimal Anode to Cathode distance for maximum hydrogen production. These tests will lead to new modifications to increase hydrogen output, boost fuel efficiency overall and reduce manufacturing
costs. The HydroCell™ is an electrolysis-based ondemand Hydrogen generator designed specifically for the transport industry. The product draws a small amount of power from the vehicles electrical system and uses it to produce Hydrogen gas from a water-based solution. The HydroCell™ directs the produced Hydrogen gas to the intake of the vehicles engine where it acts as a catalyst during the normal combustion cycle. This creates more power and
fewer emissions, burning only the existing fuel in the cylinder, resulting simply in less fuel being required to operate the vehicle. GreenCell Technologies is a Canadian company, dedicated to designing and bringing to market technology-based products for the transportation and energy industries. To buy shares or for more information,call 289.232.0443, or send an email to or visit www.
AC Global Systems
Over One Million Trucking Professionals Hurt or Killed By Jennifer Watkin
ccording to international statistics, the number one activity causing injury to truckers is tarping. One in three truckers are seriously injured and many are killed each year due to falls from a load. AC Global Systems has the trademark rights to the patented “Safetivity SwifTarp” system, which is a ground based system for tarping trucks, flatbeds, boats and truck trailers, allowing the worker to tarp
20 December 2010
the load with both feet on the ground, in a quarter of the time, providing worker injury protection and drastically reducing shipper liability. Our solution is simply to offer a cost effective solution, at $4,500.00 per unit or under $200.00 per month, on a lease. It supports the smallest of firms and their ability to comply financially with truck fall protection. The US Bureau of Labour Statistics 2006 release stated that their goal is
to have only 10% of all flatbeds equipped with fall protection systems in North America by 2020. That will only help 10% of the people and even so, those ten percent face further risks with Fall Arrest Harnesses (see fall arrest harness suspension trauma, Orthostatic Incompetence report at ). Our solution; the Safetivity SwifTarp keeps the worker on the ground and prevents every injury before it can occur, protecting
100% of the workers. Our market research indicates that the Safetivity SwifTarp will be a game-changer and according to one forum user we aren’t the only ones who are noticing. “I loaded in Langley BC, Canada last week. Has anyone else been there? They tarped my load with a new device attached to the forklift. I was tarped a n d m ov e d a h e a d t o bungie in five minutes. The device is from a Canadian company. I should
have written it down but I think it was called SwifTarp. Has anyone south of the 49th heard about this new gadget? We need to contact this company and get them to come south. I have been flat bedding for 27 years and like all of us I have had a broken wrist and found myself swinging upside down from a safety harness. If everybody had one of these tarping tools I would consider putting off my retirement.” – There are many different
opportunities available with Safetivity SwifTarp, including sales, franchising, manufacturing and distribution as well as an innovative pickup truck mounted hydraulic lift. Please visit for more information, product videos and to view both the OSHA Safetivity Submission and the HRSDC Safetivity Submission. You can also call us at 1-877-364-2333 or 1-250-364-2333. Live Safer with AC Global Systems.
New Products & services
Eastern Greenway Oils Inc. (EGO)
Fuel Additives That Truckers Appreciate
astern Greenway Oils Inc. (EGO) is a small company that prides itself in offering eco-friendly products to consumers which can not only help the environment, but aid in lowering expenses, too. Located in Waterville, New Brunswick, Eastern Greenway is nestled in the heart of trucking country, with the Houlton, U.S. border only minutes away. Brandon Harvey, EGO’s Director of Sales & Marketing explains, “With respect to fuel additives, we hear a lot of stories from truckers who venture into the southern U.S., and then have issues with gelling once they return north to the Maritimes and Quebec. This is one issue our products can really help to address.” Currently, Eastern Greenway has 75 distributors in New Brunswick, PEI and Nova Scotia selling the
EGO Penetr-All® penetrating oil and fuel enhancers. Mr. Harvey states “We have a wonderful network of dealers that cover a wide array of sectors in the Maritimes. We have products that help in all industries including trucking, fishing, farming and construction. Our dealers include automotive supply chains such as NAPA, CARQUEST and UNI-SELECT; tractor dealers such as CASE, JOHN DEERE and KUBOTA; truck dealers such as PETERBILT, KENWORTH, INTERNATIONAL and FREIGHTLINER; and other locations such as HOME HARDWARE, gas stations and independent dealers. In a nutshell, we’ve got most areas covered but are always striving to sell more.” Regarding the fuel additives, EGO has had tremendous success, especially with highway trucks. “Truckers are one
of our largest consumers of fuel additives,” Harvey states. “Most drivers believe in a quality additive, as they cannot afford unnecessary breakdowns and costly repairs. Fuel mileage is always a concern, too and that is where we shine.” EGO offers numerous fuel enhancers for diesel engines, and all are designed to address different issues. They have “preventativemaintenance” items such as “4+ Arctic with anti-gel” for winter and “4+Premium” for summer. They have “Diesel Boost”, an all-season fuel conditioner & lubricator designed for heavy trucks; and they also offer “Super Clean”, formerly known as “Diesel Kleen”, which is a super strength cleaner recommended every 10,000 miles to maintain cleanliness of the entire fuel system. To top it off, they offer a prod-
uct called “Diesel Melt” which is only to be used in already-gelled fuel in cold weather. This product will get you up and running in 20 minutes, and contains no methanol or harmful alcohols. Mr. Harvey states, “We tend to think of our products as being professional grade. You cannot buy them on every street corner, and our bio-component serves a purpose like no other. Not only does it aid in lubricity, but when
burned will drastically reduce harmful emissions and particulate matter.” EGO claims that many products out there do not advertise ASTM standards, contain petroleum distillates, and contain a formula that has never changed in years. Harvey says, “Companies have to keep up to changes in technology; that’s why we changed the formula last year in our 4+ Premium, 4+ Arctic and Diesel Boost … to aid in the new high-
pressure fuel systems found in today’s engines. We added products called DPF X-Tend™ and BlackFilter Eliminator™ to help reduce soot deposits in Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF’s) and to aid in extending the fuel filters life.” For more information on Eastern Greenway Oils and to find a dealer near you, check out their website at or call them at 506.454.6609.
ESCO Corporation
New High Tonnage Jacks
ovember 2010 - ESCO Corporation has added high tonnage/high lift jacks to its complete line of Heavy Duty hydraulic lifting equipment. Five new models are
available with lifting capacity of 100 ton to 250 ton. All models are air/ hydraulic powered and are balanced for easy moving on 13” pneumatic tires/wheels. Lift extension saddles are stored in the jacks’ base for easy adjustments to various lifting heights of 5”, 9” and 12”. Stacking aluminum safety locking rings are an option as is air powered wheel drive for ease of moving. All models are built with
heavy duty lifting holes. Each jack has a maximum width of 23” and will fit into tight clearance in mines, construction sites or railroad yards. Lifting stroke on the five models range from 14.5” to 22.75”. Visit the ESCO website for more inform a t i o n a t w w w. e s c o . net. For more information contact Jeff Jobe, Chief Operating Officer at 352.754.1117 or jjobe@
December 2010 21
tires & Wheels
TICO of Canada
Grip One Snowtraction Belt Innovative Alternative
ICO of Canada, A Canadian provider of intermodal equipment solutions is proud to present an innovative traction invention that is already making a huge impact in the transportation marketplace. For the first time in almost a hundred years there is a new and reliable snow traction device competing with chains in every aspect of vehicle traction. The Grip One SnowTraction Belt originated in Europe and is currently manu-
factured in Koreausing high-tech light weight and highly durable materials. Its remarkable features include: comfort and ease of rapid installation, light weight construction excellent top speed, greater distance performance, outstanding durability and lower life cycle costs. However, the most important advantage of the Grip One SnowTraction Belt is the improvement of the safety of operation in the extreme conditions. Grip One provides better
cornering and manoeuvrability and best of all, outstanding braking & traction performance, reducing stopping distance by almost 66%! Additionally, much lighter than conventional chains, the Grip One SnowTraction Belt improves fuel economy and contributes to a lower carbon footprint! The innovative design prevents extensive damages, common with the usage of chains. The snug yet flexible fit is saves the tires and possible damage
to the surface of the road is significantly reduced. The Grip One Snow Traction Belt has been used successfully in recent years in Europe, gaining its recognition and accreditation by the internationally recognized German Certification Agency TUV. TICO of CANADA is in the approval process with the various Canadian jurisdictions for the GripOne SnowTraction Belt for use of the device as an alternate on highways in the areas where chains are
New Grabber OA Wide Base
ort Mill, South Carolina - Captivating drivers of severe service vehicles, General Truck Tires has grabbed the market this month by introducing its first allposition wide base tire for NAFTA, the Grabber OA Wide Base in size 445/65R22.5. Fleets operating in severe service and construction applications, such as fire service, waste hauling and concrete mixing, need confidence that their tires can handle heavy loads and stand up to off-road conditions. The Grabber OA (Off 22 December 2010
Road, All Position) Wide Base, designed for super single fitment for steer and trailer positions, addresses these needs with a high carrying capacity and reinforced shoulder to add protection against curbing and abrasions. The tire’s 21/32nds of tread depth, coupled with a cut- and chip-resistant tread compound, also assures these demanding customers that they can depend on this tire for long lifetimes, said Clif Armstrong, Director of Marketing for Truck Tires. “The Grabber OA draws on nearly a century of
tough General Tire heritage to bring advanced durability to our on/off road customers,” said Armstrong. “Now by adding wide base sizes to our product portfolio, these drivers can depend on the Grabber OA Wide Base to handle even higher payloads and help them operate quickly and efficiently in severe conditions.” The Grabber OA Wide Base carries up to 12,800 pounds in a super single fitment. The deep grooves in the tread elements and an aggressive pattern help improve traction on soft
soil and muddy roadways. The thick undertread also resists casing penetrations from stones and other debris often found in off-road applications, allowing for multiple retreads. While the 445/65R22.5 size will be available for orders this month, additional sizes (385/65R22.5 and 425/65R22.5) are scheduled for introduction in 2011. For more information on the Grabber OA Wide Base product and a dealer locator, visit the General Tire Web site at
mandatory. Presently TICO is supplying The Grip One SnowTraction belt for off road applications in the intermodal environment and
life cycle cost. This convenient and innovative traction device should appeal to any person that places safety as a high priority in their operations!
in plants, yards etc to get it ready for the upcoming winter environment. Moreover, in addition to the standard warranty, extra replacement parts are readily available therefore greatly extending the life of The Grip One without necessity of buying a new set thereby lowering the
Please contact Margarette at TICO of CANADA for any additional information, presentations and orders. I may be reached at or 1 866 588 8426. TICO of CANADA is the exclusive Canadian distributor for the GRIP ONE Snow Traction Belt.
Tires & Wheels
Continental Rolls Out “American” Bus & RV Tire
ort Mill, South Carolina – Dedicated efforts to provide the recreational vehicle and regional bus segment with a specialized all-position tire have paid off for Continental Tire the Americas, LLC’s Commercial Vehicle Tire Division. This month, CTA has launched the first tire engineered to both meet the needs of the people moving segment and to perform on roads throughout North and South America – the steer and all-position HSR2 SA, said Clif Armstrong, CTA’s marketing director for commercial tires in the Americas. The HSR2 SA (Heavy Steer Regional, Special Application) is CTA’s first regional tire offering for the people segment that is designed and produced at the award-winning Continental plant in Mt. Vernon, Ill., Armstrong
said. Continental engineers have now completed their product portfolio for people movers, as the division also boasts a longdistance steer/all-position tire for heavier buses and RVs (HSL1 Coach, introduced in January 2010) and a steer/ all-position tire for urban bus traffic, the HSU1. “A standard method of travel in Central and South America, bus and rapid transit is rapidly growing in the North American markets as public transportation systems are added and consumers look for ways to reduce their environmental impact,” Armstrong said. “By com-
pleting our product lineup for bus tires with the HSR2 SA, we have introduced our first regional application bus tire for the
Americas that will help fleet managers and even RV drivers control their tire and fuel costs.” The HSR2 SA accomplishes the goal of maximum fuel efficiency on regional roads through advanced tread design and compounding. It was verified in July 2010 by the U.S. EPA SmartWay Transport Partnership as a low rolling resistance truck tire when used in line haul steer positions, said Roger Stansbie, CTA’s director of truck tire engineering for the Americas. “Not only will fleet operators and drivers find the HSR2 SA to be fuel efficient, but
other features we added to this tire mean that it will perform well on regional roads in both North and South America, where you may find wet and muddy conditions, stones and other road hazards,” Stansbie explained. “We added customized tread geometry that aids in water evacuation for good wet traction, and reduces stone retention that can damage the tire’s casing. We also balanced the pressure distribution with a five rib tread design and added our exclusive VAI® + visual alignment indicator system to help ensure even wear.” The VAI® + system is a series of sipes that helps detect faulty alignment conditions by allowing early detection of wear differences between the shoulder ribs, Stansbie said. The exclusive Continental feature also
indicates tread wear by changing from a plus sign to a minus at 8/32 inches of tread wear, and then disappearing at 4/32nds. The long mileage, reliability and fuel efficiency of the HSR2 SA are an unbeatable package that both bus fleet managers and owners of larger RVs will appreciate, Armstrong said. “We’re proud to have engineered this uniquely ‘American’ tire for bus and RV travel throughout our part of the world,” he commented. The HSR2 SA is available now from Continental dealers throughout North and South America in sizes 275/80R22.5, 295/80R22.5 and 315/80R22.5. For more information on Continental commercial vehicle, bus and large RV tires, visit www.continental-truck. com.
December 2010 23
NAPA Auto Parts Box 1276, Brooks, AB T1R 1C1 Tel: 403.501.5551 Fax: 403.501.5665 Email: Contact: Brian Sieble
329 – 72nd Ave. S.E., Unit 82, Calgary, AB, T2C 4X6 Tel: 403.279.2870 Fax: 403.279.4372 Email: Contact: Pat Joseph
Traction Head Office 18532 – 116 Avenue Edmonton, AB T5S 2W8 Tel: 780.489.7555 Fax: 780.481.0148 Email: Contact: Richard O’Brien th
edmonton north west
18051 – 111th Avenue Edmonton NW, AB T5S 2P2 Tel: 780.444.4334 Fax: 780.444.7204 Email: Contact: Rob Dodds
edmonton south
3404 – 78 Avenue Edmonton South, AB, T6B 2X9 Tel: 780.465.8010 Fax: 780.466.4627 th
NAPA Auto Parts 4657A 4833 – 2nd Avenue Edson, AB, T7E 1T8 Tel: 780.712.4152 Fax: 780.712.4212 Email: Contact: Kris Pero
fort mcmurray
Paramount Parts Inc. 36 Riedel Street, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 3E1 Tel: 780.791.3000 Fax: 780.790.0365 Email: Contact: Brent Usick
grande prairie
#4 16101 – 101 Street, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0P2 Tel: 780.538.3038 Fax: 780.538.3398 Email: Contact: Harold Harmsen
High Prairie
High Prairie Truck & Trailer Ltd 5309 – 53rd Avenue, High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Tel: 780.523.4777 Fax: 780.523.4773 Contact: Crosby Rich
Truck Zone
5205 – 65th Street Lloydminster, AB, T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712 Fax: 780.875.4039 Email: Contact: Peter Parkinson
medicine hat
Hydraco Industries Ltd. 2110 – 9 Avenue S.W. Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G8 Tel: 403.526.2244 Fax: 403.526.1074 Email: Contact: John Karamanos th
peace river
Peace Truck & Trailer Ltd. 9103 – 75th Street Peace River, AB, T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8655 Fax: 780.624.8592 Email: Contact: Rene Houle
red deer
8045 Edgar Industrial Cr. Red Deer, AB, T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.342.7884 Fax: 403.342.7377 Email: Contact: Ron Cain
rocky mountain house
NAPA #6260
4528F – 47th Avenue Rocky Mtn House, AB, T4T 0A9 Tel: 403.845.2709 Fax: 403.845.2786 Email: Contact: Dave Auld
Pelican Automotive 2330 Pelican Business Park, Wabasca, AB T0G 2A0 Tel: 780.891.3600 Fax: 780.891.3615 Contact: Shawn Molloy British Columbia
burns lake
Polar Park Automotive 831 Hwy 16 West Burns Lake, BC, V0J 1E0 Tel: 250.692.7501 Fax: 250.692.7985 Email: Contact: Keith Brown
Fort Nelson
Traction CHR-ACK Parts & Repairs 4704 – 48th Avenue, Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.3273 Fax: 250.774.3274 Email: Contact: John & Colleen Reynolds
Pineridge Trailer & Equipment Ltd.
120 North Street Hinton, AB, T7V 1S8 Tel: 780.865.8800 Fax: 780.865.7628 Email:
1875 Kryczka Place, Kamloops, BC, V1S 1S4 Tel: 250.374.3100 Fax: 250.374.0631 Contact: Fred Daku
NAPA Auto Parts 4236A
24 December 2010
British Columbia
Central Valley Truck Service Ltd 105 Adams Road Kelowna, BC, V1X 7R1 Tel: 250.765.7738 Fax: 250.765.7705 Email: Contact: Rick Viens
prince george
564 – 2nd Avenue Prince George, BC, V2L 2Z9 Tel: 250.563.7778 Fax: 250.563.4994 Email: Contact: Kevin Carter
G & N Holdings Ltd. 1185 Hwy 97 North Quesnel, BC, V2J 2Y3 Tel: 250.991.0650 Fax: 250.991.0620 Email: Contact: Nick Biller
Ridgeline HD Parts Ltd. 9880 McGrath Road Rosedale, BC V0X 1X0 Tel: 604.794.7078 Fax: 604.794.0099 Email: Contact: Joel Fast
Smithers Parts & Service 3465 Victoria Drive Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287 Fax: 250.847.5038 Email: Contact: Dan Groot
Triton Auto & Ind. Ltd. 1003 Industrial Way Squamish, BC, V0N 3G0 Tel: 604.892.5951 Fax: 604.892.3986 Email: Contact: Mike Bothroyd
Trailine Trailer Parts Ltd. 10304A – 120 Street, Surrey, BC V3V 4G1 Tel: 604.582.4888 Fax: 604.582.4880 Email: Contact: Steve Knowlan th
Bow Valley Machine 5107 Keith Avenue Terrace, BC, V8G 1K8 Tel: 250.638.0099 Email: Contact: Steve Leal
williams lake
WL Forestry Supplies Ltd. 675 McKenzie Avenue Williams Lake, BC, V2G 1N9 Tel: 250.392.6699 Fax: 250.392.6644 Email: Contact: Tom Good
RCB Truck & Trailer Ltd. 5600 Richmond Ave. E. Brandon, MB, R7A 7L5 Tel: 204.727.4850 Fax: 204.727.2068 Email: Contact: Rick Blaine
Traction 200 Oak Point Highway Winnipeg, MB, R2R 1V1 Tel: 204.956.9490 Fax: 204.949.9493 Email: Contact: Louise Ross N. W. territories
Delta Mike Holdings Ltd. 114 – 314 Old Airport Road Yellowknife, NT, X1A 3T2 Tel: 867.669.6272 Fax: 867.669.6282 Email: Contact: Doug Moodie Ontario
Traction Ontario Head Office 6895 Menway Court, Mississauga, ON L5S 1W2 Tel: 905.612.0032 or 905.672.3288 Fax: 905.612.8572 Email: Web:
M&M Gas Diesel & Truck Parts 27523 Highway 62 South, Bancroft, ON K0L 1C0 Tel: 613.332.5474 Fax: 613.332.5998
barrie 255 Saunders Road, Barrie, ON L4N 9A3 Tel: 705.792.1371 Fax: 705.792.1591 Contact: Jason Nelson Email:
Quinte Truck & Trailer Parts 280 Jamison Bone Road, Belleville ON K8N 5B5 Tel: 613.966.6070 Fax: 613.966.0720
Visco Industrial 1 Simpson Road, Bolton, ON L7E 1E4 Tel: 905.857.2071 Fax: 905.857.2070
cambridge 1090 Fountain Street North, Units 12 & 13, Cambridge, ON N3E 1A3 Tel: 519.653.3427 Fax: 519.653.0608 Contact: Jim Curley Email:
D & S Auto
Sudbury Truck & Trailer Inc
495 Government Street P.O. Box 697 Dryden, ON P8N 2Z3 Tel: 807.223.3227 Fax: 807.223.4245 Contact: Dale Green
510 Whissell Avenue, Sudbury, ON P3B 2Z3 Tel: 705.673.3613 Fax: 705.673.4411 Contact: Cheryl Schroeder
Tractor Trailer Service
30 Bancroft Street Hamilton, ON L8E 2W5 Tel: 905.561.0932 Fax: 905.561.3280 Contact: Brian Kinzel Email:
JD Truck Parts 790 – 10th Street, Hanover, ON N4N 1S2 Tel: 519.364.1848 Fax: 519.364.7738 Contact: Brad Wedow Email:
D & S Auto 1051 Railway Street, Kenora, ON P9N 3W8 Tel: 807.468.9894 Fax: 807.468.8436 Contact: Dale Green Email:
london 2405 Scanlan Street, London, ON N5W 6G9 Tel: 519.455.3440 Fax: 519.455.2812 Contact: Derek Dutt Email:
maidstone 3725 Webster Dr. RR #3 Maidstone, ON N0R 1K0 Tel: 519.737.7995 Fax: 519.737.7741
mississauga 5915 Atlantic Drive, Units 6 & 7 Mississauga, ON L4W 1S4 Tel: 905.670.2868 Fax: 905.670.9757 Contact: Doug Paddock Email:
New Liskeard
Traction New Liskeard 437136 Hawn Drive, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Tel: 705.647.8707 Fax: 705.647.9362
north bay
Service 1 Mufflers & More 2621 Trout Lake Road North Bay, ON P1B 7S8 Tel : 705.497.0404 Fax: 705.497.9543
sault ste. marie 380 Industrial Park Crescent, Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6B 5Y8 Tel: 705.759.8042 Fax: 705.759.2962 Contact: Maurice Saindon Email:
st. catharines
Nick’s Truck Parts 244 Dunkirk Road, St. Catharines, ON L2R 7K6 Tel: 905.687.7031 Fax: 905.687.7129
thunder bay
64 Water Street South, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6T3 Tel: 807.345.5882 Fax: 807.345.1559 Contact: Felice Meo
whitby 1751 Wentworth St. W., Units 3-6, Whitby, ON L1N 8R9 Tel: 905.432.2785 Fax: 905.571.5436 Contact: Paul MacLean Email: Saskatchewan
meadow lake
Unified Auto Parts Inc. 807-1st Avenue West Meadow Lake, SK, S9X 1N2 Tel: 306.764.4220 Fax: 306.236.3200 Email: Contact: Mark Krasicki
moose jaw
Golden West Trailer & Equipment Ltd. 1802 Stadacona West Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 4N8 Tel: 306.692.7402 Fax: 306.694.0607 Email: timgoldenwesttrailer@ Contact: Tim Trafford
prince albert
Unified Auto Parts Inc. 365-36th Street West Prince Albert, SK S6V 7L4 Tel: 306.764.4220 Fax: 306.763.7988 Email: Contact: Mark Krasicki
405 Park Street Regina, SK, S4N 5B2 Tel: 306.721.8333 Fax: 306.721.4446 Email: Contact: Max Devers
#2, 2915 Faithfull Avenue Saskatoon, SK, S7K 8E8 Tel: 306.244.9877 Fax: 306.244.9878 Email: Contact: Jeff Stinson
swift current
Brake & Drive Ltd. 1511 Cheadle Street West Swift Current, SK S9H 5G4 Tel: 306.773.7293 Fax: 306.773.5511 Email: Contact: Bruce Borden
McCoy Service Centre West
Peace Truck & Trailer
17303 – 114th Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5S 2R9 Tel: 780.453.8706 Fax: 780.453.8758 Email: Contact: Darnell Jabs
9103 – 75th Street, Peace River, AB T8S 1T2 Tel: 780.624.8655 Fax: 780.624.8592 Email: Contact: Rene Houle
McCoy Service Centre South 3904 – 78 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T6B 2W4 Tel: 780.468.1471 Fax: 780.440.1394 Contact: Ken Mitchell
red deer
grande prairie
Bradvin Trailer Sales Ltd. 10920 – 87th Avenue, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8K4 Tel: 780.539.6260 Fax: 780.539.4247 Email: Contact: Brad Willsey
McCoy Service Centre 4841 – 78th Street, Red Deer, AB, T4P 1N5 Tel: 403.343.8771 Fax: 403.340.0888 Contact: Larry Ackerman
Partco Truck Parts & Service Box 1187, West Road Industrial Park, Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Tel: 403.638.3414 Fax: 403.638.4232 Email: Contact: Daryl Peters or Scott Lausen
high prairie
High Prairie Truck & Trailer Box 1388, High Prairie, AB, T0G 1E0 Tel: 780.523.4777 Fax: 780.523.4773 Contact: Crosby Rich
British Columbia
Lickman Truck & Trailer
lloydminster 5205 – 65 Street, Lloydminster, AB, T9V 2E8 Tel: 780.875.7712 Fax: 780.875.4039 Email: Contact: Peter Parkinson
25, 43915 Industrial Way, Chilliwack, BC V2R 3A9 Tel: 604.793.9660 Fax: 604.793.9620 Contact: Dave Easson or Wayne Cromarty
medicine hat
fort nelson
Truck Zone th
Hydraco Industries Ltd. 2110 – 9th Avenue S.W., Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G8 Tel: 403.526.2244 Fax: 403.526.1074 Email: Contact: John Karamanos
CHR-ACK Parts & Repairs 4704 – 49 Avenue, Fort Nelson, BC, V0C 1R0 Tel: 250.774.3273 Fax: 250.774.3274 Email: Contact:John & Colleen Reynolds th
British Columbia
Prince George
Total Truck & Equipment Ltd. 9122 Rock Island Road, Prince George, BC V2N 5T4 Tel: 250.564.6763 Email: Contact: Mark Forbes
Barton Truck Centre Ltd.
9381 Silver Street, R.R. 2, Caistor Center, ON L0R 1E0 Tel: 905.957.7033 Fax: 905.957.0808
483-487 Rennie Street, Hamilton, ON L8H 3P6 Tel: 905.544.2626 Fax: 905.544.0747
260 Hawn Road., Box 1088, New Liskeard, ON P0J 1P0 Tel: 705.647.8707 Fax: 705.647.9362
K.I.D. Truck & Trailer Service
3465 Victoria Drive, Smithers, BC V0J 2N0 Tel: 250.847.4287 Fax: 250.847.5048 Email: Contact: Dan Groot
634 Fourth Line, Caledonia, ON N3W 2B3 Tel: 905.765.5011
RCB Truck & Trailer Ltd. 5600 Richmond Ave. E., Brandon, MB, R7A 7L5 Tel: 204.727.9172 Fax: 204.725.4702 Email: Contact: Rick Blaine
Zirino’s Auto Truck & Trailer Service Ltd. 3165 McGillivray Blvd., Winnipeg MB, R3Y 1G5 Tel: 204.275.8038 Fax: 204.275.7759 Email: Contact: Joe Zirino Ontario
Simcoe Truck & Trailer Ltd 630 Welham Road, Barrie, ON L4N 8Z8 Tel: 705.728.8222 Fax: 705.728.9855
Bolton Truck & Trailer 1 Simpson Road, Bolton, ON L7E 1E4 Tel: 905.951.9111 Fax: 905.951.9113
new liskeard
caistor center
Oneida Truck & Trailer
Pyett Spring & Alignment
Smithers Parts & Service
North Keele Auto, Truck & Trailer Repair 3915 Keele Street, Downsview, ON M3J 1N6 Tel: 416.638.5963 Fax: 416.638.5964
Voth Sales & Service 10816 Plank Road 19, Eden, ON N0J 1H0 Tel: 519.866.3459 Fax: 519.866.3572 Contact: Frank Voth
Ken Lapain & Son Ltd 2119 County Road 15, Essex, ON N8M 2X6 Tel: 519.776.6473 Fax: 519.776.6475
OK Tire Truck Repair 39 Shorncliffe Road, Etobicoke, ON M8Z 5K2 Tel: 416.236.1277 Contact: Darryl Croft
goulais river
Goulais River Truck & Tractor 90 Highway 552 East, Goulais River ON P0S 1E0 Tel: 705.649.4788 Fax: 705.649.4754
Hwy #4 Truck Service R R #1, Hanover, ON N4N 3B8 Tel: 519.369.5052 Fax: 519.369.5961
Serge G & D Repair Inc. P O Box 1706, Hearst, ON P0L 1N0 Tel: 705.362.5633 Fax: 705.362.7960
Muskoka Truck Centre 88 Madill Church Road, Huntsville, ON P1H 2J2 Tel: 705.789.8600 Toll Free Tel: 866.353.3009 Fax: 705.789.9584
Parent Mechanical Services 53 Brunelle Road North, Kapuskasing, ON P5N 2M1 Tel: 705.335.3617 Fax: 705.337.6880
Pioneer Spring & Alignment
1090 South Service Rd., Unit A, Oakville, ON L6J 2X8 Tel: 905.842.2942 Fax: 905.338.5600
Ottawa Trailer Repair Inc. 2020 Bantree Street, Ottawa, ON K1B 5A4 Tel: 613.741.0878 Fax: 613.741.0245
Wilson Truck & Trailer 401 Queensway West, Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 5B3 Tel: 519.428.0501 Fax: 519.428.4631 Contact: Duane or Lisa Wilson
Sudbury Truck & Trailer 510 Whissell Avenue, Sudbury, ON P3B 2Z3 Tel: 705.673.3613 Fax: 705.673.4411 Contact: Dennis Monticelli
Ray & Doris Truck Parts
Mobile Mechanical Services
106 Hamel Avenue, Longlac, ON P0T 2A0 Tel: 807.876.2687 Fax: 807.876.2570
11769 Hwy 364, Box 309, Verner, ON P0H 2M0 Tel: 705.594.1319 Fax: 705.594.1548
B. Andrews Truck Service Centre Ltd. 6755 Columbus Road, Unit #2, Mississauga, ON L5T 2G9 Tel: 905.670.3384 Fax: 905.670.5794 Contact: Boyd Andrews Email:
A-Line Frame & Alignment 3246 Millar Avenue, Saskatoon, SK, S7K 5Y2 Tel: 306.931.6612 Fax: 306.931.6615 Email: Contact: Stan & Fred Neudorf
Healthy Living
MSG by Any Other Name is Still a Slow Poison
By Brenda Ricker
e should be extra vigilant in checking labels from now on. The food additive MSG (Monosodium Glutamate)
is a slow poison. MSG hides behind 25 or more names, such as “Natural Flavoring.” MSG is even in your favorite coffee from Tim Horton’s and Starbucks coffee shops! MSG is in virtually everything – Campbell’s soups, Hostess Doritos, Lay’s flavored potato chips, Top Ramen, Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper, Heinz canned gravy, Swanson frozen prepared meals, and Kraft salad dressings,
especially the “healthy low-fat” ones. The items that didn’t have MSG marked on the product label had something called “Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein,” which is just another name for Monosodium Glutamate. It was shocking to see just how many of the foods we feed our children everyday are filled with this
stuff. MSG is hidden under many different names in order to fool those who read the ingredient list, so that they don’t catch on. (Other names f o r MSG are “Accent,
“Aginomoto,” “Natural Meat Tenderizer,” etc.). Burger King, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco Bell, and every fast food restaurant – even the sit-down e a t e r i e s l i k e T G I F, Chili’s, Applebee’s, and Denny’s – use MSG in abundance. Kentucky Fried Chicken seemed to be the W O R S T offender:
MSG was in every chicken dish, salad dressing and gravy. No wonder you loved to eat that coating on the skin – their secret spice was MSG! “Betcha can’t eat [just] one,” takes on a whole new meaning where MSG is concerned! We then wonder why the nation is overweight! For the whole report and details email me at:
December 2010 25
The Products & Services Directory is your direct route to professional companies serving your local trucking market across Canada. Include your company in the directory by contacting Barb Woodward by phone at 877.225.2232, fax at 613.476.5959, email at or mail at 259 Salmon Point Road, R.R. #1, Cherry Valley ON K0K 1P0. Visit us online at accounting, tax & bookkeeping
Air Brake Training for Mechanics
automated Lubrication systems
S.E.T.I. Imports Inc. Accounts & Records Management Bookkeeping For Your Business & Personal Finances Toll Free Tel: 888.644.2333
••• It’s All About Numbers 1017 Jordan Road, Cardinal, ON K0E 1E0 Diagonally across from the 730 Truck Stop Tel: 613.340.8409 Fax: 888.818.4964 Summer hours by appointment only
Southwest Tax Consulting Inc. In-Home Service Truckers Tax Saver Tel: 800.642.2716 Email: Web: “Call for an In-Home Quote in Ontario”
Freinmeister Group Inc. 6 Farnham Crescent, London, ON N6K 1K1 Tel: 519.641.6770 Email: Web: Air Conditioning & Heating: Sales & Service
Wilson Instruments Ltd. 43 Crowe Bay Heights, Campbellford, ON K0L 1L0 Tel: 705.653.2403 Fax: 705.653-5560 Toll Free: 877.467.4440 Email: automated Lubrication systems
••• Beka Lube Products Inc. Transport Financial Services Specializing in the trucking industry since 1974 Toll Free: 800.461.5970 Email: Web: “We Make Trucking Less Taxing”
2830 Argentia Road, Unit 9 Mississauga, ON L5N 8G4 Toll Free Tel: 888.862.7461 Tel: 905.821.1050 Fax: 905.858.0597 Email: Web: “Technology you can rely on.”
4261-A14 Hwy 7 East. Suite 885 Markham, ON L3R 9W6 Toll Free: 888.456.6504 Tel: 905.477.7773 Fax: 866.323.8250 Web: “Bookkeeping, Tax Preparation and Tax Planning for Truckers” Advocates & lobbyists
The Trucker’s Voice 2 Cripple Creek Crescent, Stittsville, ON K2S 1T3 Tel: 613.831.1332 Email: Peter_Turner@ Web: 26 December 2010
SKF Lubrication Solutions (A Division of SKF Canada Ltd.) 5777 Coopers Avenue Mississauga, ON L4Z 1R9 Tel: 905.631.1821 Fax; 905.631.1787 Toll Free: 800.207. 5823 (LUBE) Email: Web: “Greasing on the Go!” buildings - all steel pre-engineered
A-Z Technical Building Systems Inc 299 Mill Road, Unit 1510 Etobicoke, ON M9C 4V9 Tel: 416.626.1794 Toll Free Tel: 877.743.5888 Fax: 416.626.5512 Email: Web: cargo control products
Resurfacing all types of flywheels and repairing lugs. A good line of clutch related components including clutch brakes, clutch forks, drive lugs, release bearings, pilot bushings/bearings, master/ slave cylinders, flywheels and alignment tools. compliance services
Cross Border Services 4130 Foxwood Drive Burlington, ON L7M 4L3 Tel: 905.973.9136 Fax: 905.315.7427 Email: Web: C-TPAT, FAST, PIP, CSA, SCAC, Bonded Carrier, NAFTA, Customs Brokerage and SAPP.
E&B Safety Consulting Travel Centre of America, 535 Mill Street, Unit 104, Woodstock, ON N4S 7V6 Tel: 519.537.2002 Fax: 519.537.7499 Email: Web: Taking the guesswork out of compliance
Mover’s Equipment & Supplies
••• Trucktax™
81 Tremaine Road Milton, ON L9T 2W8 Tel: 905.878.7161 Fax: 905.878.7730 Email: Web: or
clutch products
CPL Systems Canada Inc. Corporate Office 8450 Lawson Road, Unit #5, Milton, ON L9T 0J8 Tel: 905.875.1017 Fax: 905.875.2125 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.1760 Email: Web: or
Flo Components Ltd. 50 Admiral Blvd., Mississauga, ON L5T 2W1 Tel: 905.671.2355 Fax: 905.671.2358 Toll Free: 800.668.5458 Email: Website:
6176 Atlantic Drive, Mississauga, ON L4C 1W2 Tel: 905.670.4488 Toll Free Tel: 800.668.3773 Fax: 905.670.2748 Email: clutch products
Fil-Mor Automotive & Clutch Products Ltd.
ICC The Compliance Center Inc. 205 Matheson Blvd. East, Unit 7, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X8 Tel: 905.890.7228 Fax: 905.890.7070 Toll Free: 888.977.4834 Dangerous Goods Supplies & Services
81 Northline Road, Toronto, ON M4B 3E9 Tel: 416.759.2245 Fax: 416.759-5890 Integrated Training Resources Toll Free Tel: 1.800.677.9038 P.O. Box 402, 140 Market Drive, Fil-Mor Automotive is a proud Milton, ON L9T 4Y9 Canadian remanufacturer of quality Tel: 905.693.0660 Heavy Duty & automotive clutches Fax: 905.693.0332 since 1980. Toll Free Tel: 888.812.0099 Fil-Mor Automotive specialize in heavy duty & custom made clutches including our own
driver services, recruitment & employment
factoring, finance & foreign exchange
Drakkar Human Resources 1131 Derry Road East, Mississauga, ON L5T 1P3 Tel: 905.795.1397 Toll Free Tel: 877.372.5527 Fax: 905.795.1391 Email: Web: Driver Training
J D Factors 315 Matheson Blvd. East, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1X8 Tel: 905.501.5000 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.0664 Fax: 905.501.0395 Email: factoring, finance & foreign exchange
E & B Safety Consulting Inc. Travel Centre of America, 535 Mill Street, Unit 104, Woodstock, ON N4S 7V6 Tel: 519.537.2002 Fax: 519.537.7499 Web: Taking the guesswork out of compliance Truck Drug &&Alcohol tRAILER rEPAIRS Testing
Liquid Capital Liquid Capital Midwest Corp. 176 Seacliff Drive West, Leamington, ON N8H3Y5 Tel: 519. 419.5044 Toll Free Tel: 877.653.9426 Fax: 519.326.4047 “Large Account Service” to small fleet & start-up companies.
DriverCheck Inc.
1 Manley Street, Ayr, Ontario N0B 1E0 Tel: 519.632.9371 Toll Free Tel: 800.463.4310 Fax: 519.632.9534 Email: Web:
Multi-Line Fastener Supply Co. Ltd.
DriverCheck Inc.
Mississauga, ON L5T 1L7
1100 Courtneypark Drive East, Unit 5,
4888,72nd Avenue SE, 2nd Floor, Tel: 905.677.5088 Calgary, AB T2C 3Z2 Fax: 905.677.4917 Tel: 403.720.5848 Web: Toll Free: 800.463.4310 Serving Fastener Needs for Industrial, Email: Automotive & Maintenance Trades Web: Worried about substance misuse & Filters abuse in your workplace? Emergency Road Services
Donaldson Company P O Box 1299
Emergency Road Services of Canada Inc. 3413 Wolfedale Road, Suite 5, Mississauga, ON L5C 1Z8 Tel: 905.277.2377 Fax: 905.277.2378 Email: Web:
Minneapolis, MN 55440-1299 USA Tel: 952.887.3699 Fax: 952.887.3716 Toll Free Tel: 800.374.1374 Email: engineserviceparts@ Web:
fleet management & litigation support
insurance brokers
insurance brokers
lifting equipment & jacks
ON-Board truck Scales
Dalton Timmis Insurance Group
DWS Fleet Management Services 21 Lake Street, Ste. 2101 Wrentham, MA 02093-1214 Tel: 508.384.9021 Cell: 508.397.7169 Fax: 508.384.9010 Email: Web: Web: Fleet Management & Litigation Support for the Trucking Industry. fuel additives & lubricants
Bennetts Power Service Products P.O. Box 51016, RPO Tyndall Park Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 Tel: 204.694.1777 Toll Free Tel: 877.778.4440 Fax: 204.633.0133 Email: Web: fuel improvement products
H.O.D. 4 Trucking Inc. Toll Free Tel: 877.898.1733 Email: bskakie1661@rogerscom Web: “The Green Titan Generator” fuel solutions provider
Baird MacGregor Insurance Brokers LP 825 Queen Street East, Toronto, ON M4M 1H8 Tel: 416.778.8000 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.3030 Fax: 416.778.4492
35 Stone Church Road, Ancaster, ON L9K 1S5 Tel: 905.648.3922 Tol Free Tel: 888.385.8466 Fax: 905.648.2640 Email Web: The Perfect Fit for your trucking insurance needs.
Canada Powertrain 3833 Nashua Drive, Mississauga, ON L4V 1R3 Tel: 905.677.3522 Toll Free Tel: 800.268.4809 Fax: 905.677.4618 Email: Web: lubricants
Baizana Insurance Brokers 806 Greenbank Road Ottawa, ON K2J 1A2 Tel: 613.825.5575 Fax: 613.825.5624 Toll Free: 877.791.1682 Email: Web:
14-600 Crowfoot Cres., NW Calgary, AB T3G 0B4 Tel: 403.241.2288 Tol Free Tel: 866.472.0721 Fax: 866.399.3177 Email Web: The Perfect Fit for your trucking insurance needs.
Bryson & Associates Insurance Brokers Ltd.
3620 Lakeshore Blvd. West, Toronto, ON M8W 1P2 Tel: 416.252.5511 ext 4449 Toll Free Tel: 800.268.5339 Fax: 416 252.7315 Email: Web: Castrol HD creates products that deliver superior performance and greater reliability with the goal of reducing customer operating costs.
P O Box 189, 45 Dominion Street, Warkworth, ON K0K 3K0 Toll Free Tel: 877.924.2632 Fax: 705.924.3385 Email: Web:
Sinwal Enterprises Inc 5656 Bell Harbour Drive, Mississauga, ON L5M 5J3 Tel: 416.520.5527 Toll Free Tel: 866.326.7645 Fax: 905.814.1802 Email: Web: MIRRORS (CONVEX)
Bryson Insurance & Financial Services Ltd. Tol Free: 800.661.5196 Fax: 905.426.4959 Email: “For All Your Trucking Insurance Needs” Transportation Insurance, Fleet Safety Management Services, Bonds, Health, Drug, Dental, Life & Disability Insurance. “Same Day Quotes up to 10 units”
Erb and Erb Insurance Brokers Ltd. 30 Queen Street North, Kitchener, ON N2H 6N2 Tel: 519.579.4270 Fax: 519.741.1977 Toll Free: 800.265.2634 Email: or Website: What you want to protect the most.. We protect the best!
Checkerboard Consultants Inc. Hutchinson Fuels 8 Loyalist Drive, Unit #2, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0 Tel: 613 475 3334 Tol Free Tel: 800.465.0449 Fax: 613.475.4480
Lucas Oil Products
Canadian Insurance Brokers Inc. 1 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 415, Toronto, ON M4P 3Z1 Tel: 416.486.0951 Fax: 416.489.5311 Email: Web:
Cowan Insurance Group 705 Fountain St. N., P.O. Box 1510 Cambridge, ON N1R 5T2 Tel: 519.650.6360 Toll Free Tel: 877.578.6030 Ext. 41378 Email:
Brampton, ON L6R 2E8 Tel: 905.494.0255 Fax: 905.494.0655 “Driver’s Dream” Safety Convex Mirrors wipe out blind spots on vehicles & equipment.”
The Mortgage Centre
HUB International Ontario Ltd 33 Princess Street, Suite 501 Leamington, ON N8H 5C5 Tel: 519.326.9339 Fax: 519.326.0128 Toll Free Tel: 800.463.4700 Email: dan.mcguire@ Web: Transportation Insurance
••• Rainbow Insurance Brokers Inc 958 Road 2 East Kingsville, ON N9Y 2E4 Tel: 519.733.3268 Fax: 519.733.3282 Email: www.rainbowinsurancebrokers. In Business since 1995
#11-1642 Langan Ave. Port Coquitlam BC V3C 1K5 Ph: 604.944.1481 Fax: 604.944.1482 Toll Free Tel: 800.663.0854 Web: Permits & services
730 Permit Services Wakefield Canada Inc.
Allen Insurance Group
1111 Burns Street East, Unit 3, Whitby, ON L1N 6A6 Tel: 905.666.2313 Toll Free Tel: 800.335.6623 Fax: 905.666.2761 Email:
Dalton Timmis Insurance Group
4Refuel Canada Ltd.
insurance brokers
RP Oil Limited
lubricants (synthetic)
••• 231 Oak Park Blvd., Oakville, ON L6H 7S8 Tel: 905.501.0922 Toll Free Tel: 888.473.3835 Fax: 905.257.2580 Web:
Vulcan On-Board Scales
4060B Sladeview Crescent Mississauga, ON L5L 5Y5 Toll Free Tel: 888.878.6973 Fax: 905.814.9836 Email: Web: “Keep that Engine Alive!”
9 Holland Street West, Bradford, ON L3Z 2B9 Tel: 905.669.9864 Fax: 905.669.0054 macintosh.k@ IDirect Mortgages Inc. Lic.#10584 An Independent Agent for The Mortgage Centre Network “The mortgage agent to the transportation industry.” oil furnace sales & Service
Box 755, 2085 Shanly Road, Cardinal, ON K0E 1E0 Tel: 613.657.1244 Toll Free Tel: 800.410.4754 Fax: 613.657.1453 Email: Web:
C.U.T.C. Inc. 1295 Carol Crescent, Laval, QC H7W 1G3 Tel: 450.687.8294 Toll Free Tel: 866.927.8294 Fax: 450.687.6963 Email: Preventative Maintenance Products 1
Pro-Ma Performance Products 6370 Concession #6 South Amherstburg, ON N9V 2Y8 Tel: 519.796.5919 Toll Free Tel: 866.284.7851 Fax: 519.736.9436 Email: Pressure Washers
Can-Clean Pressure Washers 6790 Davand Drive, Units 13 & 14 Mississauga, ON L5T 2G5 Tel: 905.568.4868 Fax: 905.565.8821 Toll free: 888.568.8001 Email: Website: Rust Control Products
NOCO Lubricants Company 2 Bradpenn Road, Toronto, ON M8Z 5S9 Tel: 416.232.6626 Toll Free Tel: 800.414.6626 Fax: 416.201.9880 Email: Web:
Best Service, Best Value, Best Quality
De-On Supply Inc. R.R. #1, 1595 Lobsinger Road St. Jacobs, ON N2J 4G8 Toll Free Tel: 800.824.4115 Toll Free Fax: 888.626.7843
Corrosion Control Coatings Ltd 106 Colborne Street, P.O. Box 1088, Waterloo, ON N0G 2V0 Toll Free Tel: 800.937.7771 Toll Free Fax: 800.563.8078 Email: Web: December 2010 27
Rust Control Products
tire & wheel service & equipmenT
towing services
trailer & Container Sales & service
C.A. Towing Krown Corporate 35 Magnum Drive, Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Tel: 905.939.8750 Fax: 905.939.8710 Toll Free Tel: 1.800.267.5744 Email: Web: tarps & tarping systems
Aero-Kit Industries 5499 Harvester Road, Burlington, ON L7L 5V4 Tel: 905.335.2012 Toll Free Tel: 800.465.8277 Fax: 905.335.8499 Web: “Keeping You Covered”
Cramaro Tarpaulin Systems 206 Arvin Avenue, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 2L8 Tel: 905.662.2757 Toll Free Tel: 800.565.8277 Fax: 905.662.4811 Email: Web: Cramaro, for all your tarping needs.
Duret et Landry Inc. 2250 boul, Industriel, Laval, QC H7S 1P9 Tel: 514.337.7777 Toll Free Tel: 800.663.0814 Fax: 450.663.2688 Email:
Ontario Office Corghi, ON Tel: 416.902.4663 Contact: Thierry Lefebvre Web:
Hofmann Balancing Techniques Ltd 6500 Millcreek Drive, Mississauga, ON L5N 2W6 Tel: 905.821.0799 Fax: 905.821.2073 Toll Free Tel: 800.267.2185 Email: or Web: towing services
test equipmentbrakes, abs, lights
185 Bartley Drive Toronto, ON M4A 1E6 Service GTA, Ontario and USA Tel: 416.656.4000 Fax: 416.656.3065 Toll Free Tel: 800.773.7952 Email: Web: A TOWING SERVICE, TORONTO. A company you can count on!
Lite-Check, LLC 3102 East Trent Avenue Spokane, WA, 92202 Tel: 509.535.7512 Toll Free Tel: 800.343.8579 Fax: 509.535.7680 Email: tire balancing
Abram’s Towing “Service Across Ontario” Tel: 416.398.2500 Toll Free Tel: 888.667.5438 24 Hour Heavy Towing Web:
Action Automotive, Towing & Recovery Counteract Balancing Beads 13029 8th Line Georgetown, ON L7G 4S4 Tel: 905.873.3339 Fax: 905.873.3088 Toll Free Tel: 800.572.8952 Email: 28 December 2010
P O Box 126, Trenton ON K8V 5R2 Tel: 613.394.4924 Toll Free Tel: 800.551.6151 Fax: 613.394.2428 Email: Web: “Meeting Your Service Needs in Eastern Ontario”
Storstac 90 North Queen Street, Etobicoke, ON M8Z 2C9 Tel: 416.231.9100 Fax: 416.231.7517 Web: trailer manufacturers
Gervais Towing & Recovery 1485 Startop Road, Ottawa, ON K1B 3W5 Tel: 613.747.4666 Toll Free Tel: 888.689.2170 Fax: 613.747.8323 Email: Web:
Gobbo Towing & Recovery Ltd. 85 Pondhollow Drive, Sudbury, ON P3E 6C1
236 Rutherford Road South, Brampton, ON L6W 3J6 Tel: 905.459.1011 Fax: 905.451.1534 Toll Free Tel: 800.876.7097 Email: Web:
K.B.W. Towing
Titan Trailers 1129 Hwy #3, R R #3, Delhi, ON N4B 2W6 Tel: 519.688.4826 Fax: 519.688.6453 Email: Web: trailer manufacturers [ tankers ]
11 Glen Scarlett Road, Toronto, ON M6N 1P5 Tel: 416.203.9300 Toll Free Tel: 866.527.8225 Fax: 416.203.9303 Email: Web:
Pat Rogers Towing Kingston, Ontario 24 Hour Emergency Service Toll Free Tel: 888.221.3672 Tel: 613.384.2572 Web:
Yanke Group Of Companies Smartway Trailer Rentals 2891 Sideroad 10, Bradford, ON L3Z 2A4 Tel: 905.775.6700 Toll Free Tel: 888.747.7667 Fax: 905.775.7250 Email: Web:
27 Automatic Road, Brampton, ON L6S 5N8 Tel: 905.791.1369 ext 3747 Toll Free Tel: 800.373.6678 Fax: 905.791.1278 Email: Web: Transportation Training
Transit Trailer Ltd. 22217 Bloomfield Rd., R R #6, Chatham, ON N7M 5J6 Tel: 519.354.9944 Toll Free Tel: 877.995.5999 Fax: 519.354.9782 Email: Web: Transport Companies
Bedard Tankers Inc. 5785 Place Turcot Montreal, QC H4C 1V9 Tel: 514.937.1670 Fax: 514.937.2190 Email: Web: Leader in Dry Bulk, Liquid, Liquified Compressed Gas & Cryogenic Road Tanker Trailers
Tremcar Inc.
1 Towns Road, 790 Montrichard Ave. Etobicoke, ON M8Z 1A1 St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, QC J2X 5G4 Tel: 416.255.4443 Tel: 450.347.7822 Toll Free Tel: 866.616.6379 Fax: 450.347.8372 Fax: 416.252.2558 Toll Free Tel: 800.363.2158 Email: Email: Flatbed Specialists, Heavy & Medium trailer Sales, Towing leasing, rentals & ••• service
J P Towing Service & Storage Ltd
Transport Companies
Shop 5238 Hwy. 69 South, Sudbury, ON P3E 4N1 Tel: 705.523.2341 Fax: 705.523.2817 Toll Free: 800.261.4252 Email:
Hansen Towing & Recovery
A Towing Service Ltd. Trison Tarps
130 Copernicus Blvd., Brantford, ON N3P 1L9 Tel: 519.720.9464 Toll Free Tel: 866.948.2777 Fax: 519.720.9468 Email: Web:
R.R. #2, 2485 Campbellville Road, Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0 Tel: 905.854.0169 Toll Free Tel: 800.363.2209 Fax: 905.854.1282 Email:
trailer Sales, leasing, rentals & service
Fort Garry Industries Email: Web: Proud distributors for Lode-King, Midland Manufacturing, Arctic Manufacturing, Landoll, CMIC Container Chassis and more.
GTA Trailer Rentals Inc. Head Office – 36 Cardico Drive, Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 Toll Free Tel; 866.482.5311 Fax: 905.888.6061 Email: Web:
Brian Kurtz Trucking Ltd. R R #2 , Breslau, ON N0B 1M0 Tel: 519.836.5821 Fax: 519.836.9396
Centennial College P.O. Box 631, Station A, Toronto, ON M1K 5E9 Tel: 416.289.5000 Ext 7606 Email: dormiston@ Web: Looking for a career? Apprenticeship Training: Truck,Coach & Heavy Equipment Technicians. Transportation Training
Carmen Transportation Group 3700 Weston Road, Toronto, ON M9L 2Z4 Tel: 416.667.9700 Fax: 416.667.8272 Email: vince@ Web: www.
Adanac Truck Driver Training 595 Middlefield Road, Unit 10, Scarborough, ON M1V 3S2 Tel: 416.754.2222 Toll Free Tel: 877.317.4222 Contact: Wayne Campbell Email:
Commercial Heavy Equipment Training Erb Group of Companies 290 Hamilton Road, New Hamburg, ON N3A 1A2 Tel: 519.662.2710 Fax: 519.662.3316 Toll Free Tel: 800.665.2653 Email: Web:
International Truckload Services Inc.
2421 Cawthra Road, Mississauga, ON L5A 2W7 Tel: 416.456.2438 Toll Free Tel: 800.297.4322 Fax: 905.281.9637 Contact: Gordon Brown Email: Web:
Crossroads Training Academy
49 Truman Rd., Barrie, ON L4N 8Y7 Tel: 705.719.2419 Toll Free Tel: 866.446.0057 Fax: 705.719.2438 Contact: Read Conley or Diane Austin diane@crossroadstrainingacademy. com or
107 Bellevue Drive, Box 1450 Belleville, ON K8N 5J1 Tel: 613.961.5144 Crossroads Training Academy Toll Free Tel: 800.267.1888 888 Walbridge Loyalist Road, Fax: 613.961.1255 C.R.S. Bldg, Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 Toll Free Fax: 888.485.6487 Tel: 613.389.6000 Email: Toll Free Tel: 888.282.6605 Contact: Robert Barclay Web:
Transportation Training
Transportation Training
Crossroads Training Academy 1525 Centennial Drive, Kingston, ON K7P 2Y7 Tel: 613.389.6000 Toll Free Tel: 888.282.6605 Contact: Robert Barclay
Crossroads Training Academy 2020 Bantree Street, Ottawa, ON K1B 5A4 Tel: 613.742.7499 Toll Free Tel: 866.529.1113 Contact: Brian Adams or Erica Kelly
Crossroads Truck Training Academy 10 Maple Street, Smiths Falls, ON K7A 1Z5 Tel: 613.742.7499 Fax: 613.742.7899 Toll Free Tel: 866-529-1113 Email:
Danbro Truck Training 505 Kenora Ave., Bldg. 1, Unit 1, Hamilton, ON L8E 3P2 Contact: Brent Nantais Tel: 905.575.7606 Toll Free Tel: 800.273.5867 Fax: 905.388.6699 #
Equitrain Systems Ltd. 7384 Beards Lane, P.O. Box 1741, Woodstock, ON N4S 0B1 Tel: 519.537.7722 Toll Free Tel: 866.718.3993 Fax: 519.537.3672 Contact: Melissa Email: Web:
Greater Ottawa Truck Training
Kim Richardson Transportation Specialists Inc. 634 Ireland Road, Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 4K8 Tel: 519.426.8260 ext. 232 Toll Free Tel: 800.771.8171 Fax: 519.428.3112 Contact: Roxanne Wilkieson Email: Website: Heavy equipment & forklift also available.
Kim Richardson Transportation Specialists Inc. 120 Bill Martyn Parkway Street, Thomas, Ontario N5R 6A7 Tel: 905.765.3445 Toll Free Tel: 800.771.8171 Fax: 905.765.1444 Contact: Roxanne Wilkieson Email: Website: Heavy equipment & forklift also available.
Modern Training Ontario 308 Kenora Avenue, Hamilton, ON L8E 2W2 Contact: Nick Korakas Tel: 905.573.9675 Toll Free Tel: 866.443.7483 Fax: 905.573.6425 Email: Web:
Northern Academy of Transportation Training 25 Vagnini Court, Lively, ON P3Y 1K8 Contact: Kevin Pattison Tel: 705.692.9222 Toll Free Tel: 800.719.9334 Fax: 705.692.9256 Email: Web:
Transportation Training
Ontario Truck Driving School (Niagara-on-the-Lake) 281 Queenston Road Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0 Contact: Bill Kent (Truck and Bus Course Info) Contact: Wayne Saunders (Heavy Equipment Info) Tel: 905.685.1117 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.4777 Fax: 905.641.0533 Email: Web:
Ontario Truck Driving School (Sarnia) 141 Mitton Street South, Sarnia, ON N7T 3C5 Contact: Bill Kent Tel: 519.332.8778 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.4777 Toll Free Fax: 866.800.6837 Email: Web:
Ontario Truck Driving School (Windsor) 1333 College Avenue, Windsor, ON N9B 1M8 Contact: Bill Kent Tel: 519.258.0333 Toll Free Tel: 866.410.0333 Fax: 519.258.9056 Email: Web: Forklift & Heavy Equipment Training Available
Ontario Truck Training Academy (Oshawa) 199 Wentworth Street East, Oshawa ON L1H 3V6 Contact: Dennis Lagrois Tel: 905.723.1237 Toll Free Tel: 800.753.2284 Fax: 905.723.1245 Email: Website:
Northstar Truck Driving School 5 Caesar Avenue, 1540 Matthew Brady Blvd., Ottawa, ON K2G 0A8 Windsor ON N8S 3K6 Tel: 613.727.4688 Contact: Robert Labute Ontario Truck Training Academy Fax: 613.727.5997 Tel: 519.967.0444 (Peterborough) Contact: Shahram Dowlatshahi Fax: 519.967.0445 365 Lansdowne Street East, Unit 3, Email: Peterborough, ON K9L 2A3 Tel: 705.743.1888 Jay’s Professional Truck Ontario Truck Driving School Toll Free Tel: 800.939.1463 Training Centre (Chatham) Fax: 705.743.1875 589 Middlefield Road, Unit 11, 1005 Richmond Street, Email: Scarborough, ON M1V 4Y6 Chatham, ON N7M 5J5 Website: Contact: Jay or Chandrika Contact: Bill Kent R obar Training Specialists Tel: 519.355.0077 Tel: 416.299.9638 701 Powerline Road, Toll Free Tel: 800.263.4777 Fax: 416.609.9814 Brantford, ON N3R 7X3 Toll Free Fax: 866.800.6837 Email: Contact: Don Ross Email: Web: Tel: 519.770.3576 Web: Kim Richardson Transportation Toll Free Tel: 866.231.5885 Ontario Truck Driving School Specialists Inc. Fax: 519.770 4559 (L ondon) 23 Industrial Drive, Email: 427 Exeter Road, Caledonia, Ontario N3W 1H8 Website: London, ON N6E 2Z3 Tel: 905.765.3445 Safety Truck Training School Ltd. Contact: Bill Kent Toll Free Tel: 800.771.8171 4 Wilkinson Road, 2nd Floor Tel: 519.858.9338 Fax: 905.765.1444 Brampton, ON L6T 4M3 Toll Free Tel: 800.263.4777 Contact: Roxanne Wilkieson Contact: Yogan Sockalingam Fax: 519.858.0920 Email: Tel: 905.793.9546 Email: Website: Web: Fax: 905.793.6426 Forklift & Heavy Equipment Email: Heavy equipment & forklift also available. Web: Training Available
Transportation Training
Shaun-David Truck Training School 111 Sherwood Drive, Unit 14, Brantford, ON N3S 6J9 Contact: David Nicholas Tel: 519.720.9349 Toll Free Tel: 866.550.5589 Fax: 519.720.9351 Email: Web:
Tri-County Truck Driver Training 480 Waydom Drive Ayr, ON N0B 1E0 Contact: Richard Wynia Tel: 519.653.1700 Toll Free Tel: 800.265.0400 Fax: 519.653.2442 Email: Web:
truck parts & supplies
Quality Custom
12 Clarke Blvd. Brampton, ON L6W 1X3 Tel: 905.451.8550 Fax: 905.451.7627 Email: Web: truck delivery
Valley Driver Training 99 Cote Blvd. Hammer, ON P3P 1L9 Contact: Jamie Fitchett Tel: 705.897.8849 Fax: 705.524.7067 Truck & Trailer Repairs
Fort Garry Industries Email: Web: Brake specialists, installations, safeties and a whole lot more.
2130062 Ontario Inc. o/a G9 Truck & Trailer Repair 492 Mountainash Road, Brampton, ON L6R 0K9 Tel: 416.454.5592 Fax: 905.216.1636
New Tech Mobile Services Inc. 6749 Second Line, R.R. #4, Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0 Tel: 705.333.2411 Fax: 905.936.2411 “Your one stop mobile shop”
MTT Repair Services Inc. 1868 Drew Road, Mississauga, ON L5S 1J6 Tel: 905.677.2771 Fax: 905.677.2774 Email:
1440 Highland Avenue Brandon MB R7C 1A7 Tel: 204.571.5980 Toll Free: 866.883.6120 Fax: 204.571.5982 Email: Web:
Fort Garry Industries Acadian Driveaway 8131 Yonge Street, Ste 207, Thornhill, ON L3T 2C6 Tel: 905.709.8131 Toll Free Tel: 800.668.1879 Fax: 905.709.2527 Email: Web: truck equipment
Truck Training Schools Association of Ontario 27 William Street St. Catharines, ON L2R 5H9 Toll Free: 866.475.9436 Fax: 905.704.1329 Web:
Fort Garry Industries
Fort Garry Industries Email: Web: Sales and NSM certified installations of snow plows, sanders, mixers, dump bodies and more. truck lighting & accessories
Aldo’s Driveline 475 Admiral Blvd., Unit #1, Mississauga, ON L5T 2N1 Tel: 905.670.9105 Fax: 905.670.0618 Toll Free Tel: 800.899.0427 Email:
2525 Inskster Blvd. R.R. #2 Stn Main Winnipeg MB R3C 2E6 Tel: 204.632.8261 Toll Free: 800.282.8044 Fax: 204.956.1786 Email: Web: Saskatchewan
Fort Garry Industries 1523 Ross Avenue East Regina, SK S4N 7E5 Tel: 306.757.5606 Toll Free: 800.552.8044 Fax: 306.781.7926 Email: Web:
Fort Garry Industries 3455 Miners Avenue P.O. Box 1848 Saskatoon, SK S7K 7K9 Tel: 306.242.3465 Toll Free: 800.772.4599 Fax: 306.933.4850 Web: Alberta
Fort Garry Industries 5350-72nd Avenue SE Calgary, AB T2C 4X5 Tel: 403.236.9712 Toll Free: 800.661.3126 Fax: 403.236.7249 Email: Web:
Fort Garry Industries Grote Industries Co. 230 Travail Road, Markham, ON L3S 3J1 Tel: 905.209.9744 Toll Free Tel: 800.268.5612 Fax: 905.209.9757 Toll Free Fax: 800.267.9024 Email: Web:
Techspan 3131Pepper Mill Court, Mississauga, ON L5L 4X6 Tel: 905.820.6150 Toll Free Tel: 800.363.1588 Fax: 905.820.6142 Email: or Web:
16230-118th Avenue NW Edmonton AB T5V 1C6 Tel: 780.447.4422 Toll Free: 800.663.9366 Fax: 780.447.3289 Email: Web:
grande prairie
Fort Garry Industries 10610-82nd Avenue Clairmont AB T0H 0W0 Tel: 780.402.9864 Toll Free: 866.424.5479 Fax: 780.402.8659 Email: Web:
Fort Garry Industries 5701-63rd Avenue Lloydminster AB T9V 3B8 Tel: 780.875.9115 Toll Free: 800.661.9709 Fax:780.875.1403 Email: Web: December 2010 29
truck parts & supplies
truck parts & supplies
truck sales, leasing, parts & service
Truck tire sales & service
truck transmissions, differentials & pto’s
truck Wash
Levy Steering Centre Ltd. Alberta
red deer
Fort Garry Industries 7947 Edgar Industrial Drive Red Deer, AB T4P 3R2 Tel: 403.343.1383 Toll Free: 866.297.0022 Fax: 403.347.8275 Email: Web: ontario
Fort Garry Industries 731 Gana Court Mississauga, ON L5S 1P2 Tel: 905.564.5404 Toll Free: 888.456.6567 Fax: 905.564.8455 Email: Web:
1409 Shawson Drive Mississauga, ON L4W 1C4 Tel: 905.564.1899 Fax: 905.564.1911 Toll Free: 800.565.5389 Web:
Shield Truck Accessories P.O. Box 281, Aylmer, ON N5H 2R9 Tel: 519.765.2828 Toll Free Tel: 866.617.0201 Fax: 519.765.2821 truck sales, leasing, parts & service
thunder bay
Gerry’s Truck Centre
Fort Garry Industries
4049 Eastgate Cres., London, ON N6L 1B7 Tel: 519.652.2100 Toll Free Tel: 800.363.4380 Fax: 519.652.6593 Email: Web: “Your Complete Transportation Business Partner”
915 Walsh Street West Thunder Bay, ON P7E 4X5 Tel: 807.577.5724 Toll Free: 800.465.5044 Fax: 807.475.9033 Email: Web:
Irvine Truck Centre 7537 Woodbine Avenue Markham, ON L3R 2W1 Tel: 905.513.1500 Toll Free Tel: 877.468.7897 Fax: 905.752.0967 Email: Web:
Canada Powertrain Ontario Regional Office 520 Abilene Drive, Mississauga, ON L5T 2H7 Toll Free Tel: 800.465.0618 Tel: 905.564.5171 Fax: 905.564.5175
Diesel Truck Parts Inc.
Morgan’s Diesel Truck Parts & Service Inc.
Over 100 Truck Tire Service Centres
1248 McAdoo’s Lane, R.R. #1 Glenburnie, ON K0H 1S0 Tel: 613.546.0431 Toll Free Tel: 800.267.0633 Fax: 613.546.4206 Web:
Across Canada
Domar Transmission Ltd.
truck transmissions, differentials & pto’s
130 Skyway Avenue, Toronto, ON M9W 4Y9 Tel: 416.675.2268 Toll Free Tel: 800.387.4883 Email: When it comes to transmissions… think DOMAR
C&R Transmission Service Ltd. 261 Binnington Court, Kingston, ON K7M 9H2 Tel: 613.548.1100 Toll Free Tel: 877.548.1101 Fax: 613.548.4990 Web:
Surgenor Truck Centre
3833 Nashua Drive, Mississauga, ON L4V 1R3 Tel: 905.677.3522 Toll Free Tel: 800.268.4809 Fax: 905.677.4618 Email: Web:
13 Anderson Blvd. Stouffville, ON L4A 7X4 Tel: 905.642.4556
Mascot Truck Parts
Fax: 905.642.2293
475 Admiral Blvd., Unit #1 Mississauga, ON L5T 2N1 Tel: 905.670.9100 Fax: 905.670.0618 Toll Free Tel: 800.668.5560
Toll Free: 888.297.0682 We service clutchs also.
Trans Canada Automatic Truck Wash Yellowhead Highway 16 West South at Range Road 14 Lloydminster, AB T9V 3C2 Tel: 780.874.9274 Fax: 780.874.9275 Email: Web: Home of the 8 Minute Semi Wash and the Clean Ride Car Wash Truck Wire, Cable & Electrical Accessories
Techspan 3131 Pepper Mill Court, Mississauga, ON L5L 4X6 Tel: 905.820.6150 Toll Free Tel: 800.363.1588 Fax: 905.820.6142 Email: or Web:
ACC International Now Awash Systems Corp.
ississauga, ON - ACC International Inc., N o r t h A m e r i c a ’s r e c ognized leader in large vehicle single brush wash systems, today announced its new company name, Awash Systems Corp. With more than 1,000 customers in North America using its single brush and waste water treatment systems for image conscious fleet requirements, day-to-day washing and operational efficiencies, the company is changing its name from ACC International to Awash Systems Corp. to better reflect the company’s comprehensive portfolio of wash bay solutions beyond its dominant position in the motor coach and school 30 December 2010
bus market. “Today’s unveiling of Awash marks a significant milestone for our company. The ACC name, which originally stood for Automotive Cleaning equipment Company, no longer adequately represented our business, our products and solutions, our expertise and our position as North America’s recognized leader in fleet washing and wastewater treatment solutions,” explained Jack Jackson, President of Awash. “The Awash name embodies our ability and our commitment to continue helping our customers and the many organizations in North America maintain their large vehicle fleets, im-
prove operational resource consumption, and drive their business forward through our revolutionary systems and expertise.” In conjunction with the name change, the company also announced the availability of the mobile single brush system already in use by customers that build on their sustainability business models: Walkaround is a mobile wash system operated by one person. It leverages an easy-steer system to easily move around a vehicle. Walkaround come in either diesel, gas or battery operated models. Walkaround enables organization to quickly and easily wash large vehicles with minimum resource
commitment. Onboard is a mobile wash system also operated by a single person. It is available in diesel only and can be used in a ‘stand up’ or ‘sit down’ position. Large vehicles can be easily washed by one person and minimum resource commitment. “Growth necessitates change. The new name more accurately reflects the company’s leadership position and the new product offerings further align our commitments and expertise in providing wash bay solutions for all types of industry, from ensuring safety and business continuity to reducing operational costs and improving efficiencies
in fleet maintenance,” said Jackson. Beginning today, the company has launched a new website, Effective immediately, all future business activity will be conducted using the new name. There has been no change in the company’s management or ownership. Awash, North America’s recognized leader in wash bay solutions, merges revolutionary products with industry expertise to help organizations in North America maintain their fleets and manage fleet maintenance operations with unparalleled resource savings. The company’s suite of
wash bay products makes fleet cleaning as simple as washing a toy truck. Organizations in the US and Canada – including O’Hare Airport Transit System, Coach USA, Grayline, Ohio State University, Veolia, MV Transit, Greyhound, Go Transit, Emergency Medical Services (Toronto Ambulance), Maple Leaf Foods rely on Awash to help them maintain a clean fleet. We are the number #1 recommended wash system for wrap graphics. For more information a b o u t Aw a s h c o n t a c t Jack Jackson by phone at 905.624.7227, by fax: at 905.625.5864 or by email at jjackson@awashsystems. com or visit
Section Française
Section Française
Repérage Boomerang Repère Son 7 000e Véhicule Volé Alors Que Son Propriétaire Campait Dans Les Bois
ontréal, QC - Repérage Boomerang Inc., chef de file au Canada en repérage de véhicules volés, est fière d’annoncer le repérage de son 7 000e véhicule volé muni d’un dispositif de repérage Boomerang. Ce tout nouvel exploit porte la valeur des biens retrouvés par Repérage Boomerang à plus de 350 millions de dollars, démontrant l’impact significatif de l’entreprise à réduire le sérieux problème du vol de véhicules qui sévit au Canada tout en assistant les forces policières à appréhender les voleurs professionnels de véhicules et à mettre ceux-ci sous les verrous. Le repérage du 7 000e véhicule, une Acura Integra 1998, met en évidence le fait que ce sont plus souvent les véhicules populaires qui sont ciblés par les voleurs. Peter Lambrinakos, Commandant du Service de Police de la Ville de Montréal, note qu’il a
observé durant les deux dernières années que les voleurs ciblaient aussi les véhicules plus âgés. « Certains vols sont commis par des joyriders qui ne sont pas vraiment spécialisés dans le vol de véhicules, mais qui sont à la recherche d’une voiture facile à voler et qui peut être utilisée pour commettre d’autres infractions. D’autres voleurs plus professionnels travaillent pour les réseaux organisés de vols de véhicules qui ciblent ces types de véhicules afin de vendre les pièces sur le marché noir », conclut le Commandant Lambrinakos. Que s’est-il passé lors de ce 7 000e repérage? Alors que le propriétaire de l’Acura Integra 1998 campait en Ontario et était endormi dans sa tente, la Centrale de sécurité de Boomerang le réveilla à 5h30 du matin car elle avait reçu une alarme provenant de l’avis de vol automatique du dispositif Boomerang de M. Esposito. Celui-ci confirma que
le véhicule devait être en face de sa résidence et s’il se déplaçait, de le repérer immédiatement. L’équipe de repérage Boomerang a ainsi retrouvé le véhicule en moins d’une heure, sans dommages, et a avisé la police locale qui procéda ensuite à l’arrestation des quatre voleurs. C’était la première fois que M. Esposito expérimentait le vol d’un véhicule. Celui-ci est un client de Repérage Boomerang depuis les huit dernières années et avait choisi de protéger son Acura avec un dispositif Boomerang pour la tranquillité d’esprit qu’il fournit. « J’étais à moitié endormi lorsque j’ai reçu l’appel de l’avis du vol et c’était comme dans un rêve, mais je me sentais en sécurité. J’avais confiance en Boomerang et je savais que leur équipe de repérage allait prendre soin de ma voiture en un rien de temps. Je n’avais rien à craindre », commenta M. Esposito. “L’Acura est ma première
voiture et c’est comme mon bébé. J’ai toujours veillé sur elle. Depuis que j’y ai installé un Boomerang, je dors mieux la nuit, je me sens bien et je n’ai aucun souci! », conclut M. Esposito. Le voisin de M. Esposito s’est fait voler sa voiture à trois reprises et n’a jamais été retrouvée. « Bien qu’il est vrai que la plupart des polices d’assurance couvre la perte d’un véhicule, les conducteurs doivent s’attendre à payer au moins 2 500$ de leur poche en dépenses reliées au vol tel que les items volatilisés dans le véhicule, la perte d’usage du véhicule, la perte de l’acompte initial, les éventuels frais de location de voiture et l’augmentation de la prime d’assurance sur un véhicule de remplacement » affirme Michael Lendick, Directeur de la Sécurité chez Repérage Boomerang. « Chaque conducteur a une part à jouer afin d’arrêter le vol de véhicules; il est essentiel que les consom-
mateurs jouent un rôle proactif afin de se protéger eux-mêmes. Nous croyons que plus le conducteur utilise de couches de protection, plus son véhicule sera en sécurité. » Pour informer les gens sur comment bien protéger leurs véhicules contre le vol, Repérage Boomerang a publié le guide de protection contre le vol de véhicules intitulé Sur les traces. Celui-ci fait un survol de l’état du vol de véhicules au Canada ainsi que des quatre moyens de prévention contre le vol. Une version électronique gratuite est
disponible sur le : www. reperageboomerang. com/connaissance. Pour visualiser le témoignage du propriétaire de notre 7 000e repérage, visitez notre chaîne sur Youtube au http://www. Pour plus d’informations ou pour discuter avec M. Michael Lendick, veuillez contacter: Marc Roth, Directeur du marketing, Repérage Boomerang Inc., 877.777.8722 poste 5354 ou mroth@ ou
Lions Gate Trailer Rentals et Provincial Trailer Rentals se Réunissent Sous Une Nouvelle Image, Un Nouveau Nom et Un Nouveau Territoire
ississauga, ON – Résultat d’un geste audacieux, Lions Gate Trailer Rentals (LGTR) et Provincial Trailer Rentals (PTR) ont annoncé le lancement du nouveau nom et de la nouvelle bannière des entités fusionnées: Semiremorques WizardsTM. Lions Gate Trailer Rentals (LGTR) et Provincial Trailer Rentals étaient toutes deux chefs de file régionaux dans les domaines de la location de semi-remorques, de l’entreposage
et de l’entretien. Avec l’acquisition stratégique de certains éléments d’actif des succursales canadiennes de GE Canada Vehicle and Equipement Services (exploité sous la raison sociale GE Trailer Fleet Services, et autrefois connu sous la raison sociale TIP), le groupe obtient du matériel, du personnel et des installations additionnels au Manitoba et au Nouveau-Brunswick. La nouvelle société est maintenant le plus important fournisseur de
solutions de location de semi-remorques au Canada grâce à l’acquisition de la société ontarienne Provincial Trailer Rentals (PTR) par la société britannocolombienne Lions Gate Trailer Rentals (LGTR) en 2006 et, par la suite, à l’acquisition stratégique des actifs de la société GE Trailer Fleet Services (anciennement TIP) en 2010. Pour éviter toute confusion et bien faire comprendre que PTR et LGTR sont plus que des fournisseurs régionaux, mais qu’ils sont
désormais présents sur la scène nationale et offrent des services complets de location de semiremorques, nous avons reconnu que la nouvelle société devait intégrer ses activités sous une même bannière. Sous sa nouvelle image de marque, Semi-remorques Wizards est le principal fournisseur de solutions de location de semi-remorques et d’entreposage. L’entreprise offre des programmes d’entretien complets, l’assistance routière
en tout temps (24/7) et possède les ressources nécessaires pour toujours livrer l’équipement requis par les clients au moment où ils en ont le plus besoin. Grâce aux plus récentes technologies de repérage, elle est en mesure de réduire les coûts de la clientèle en assurant une meilleure optimisation du parc de semi-remorques. De plus, ses initiatives écologiques ont aussi un effet bénéfique sur les ressources de la clientèle et sur la planète. Avec plus de 25 centres
Semi-remorques Wizards partout au Canada, elle a réalisé son rêve, celui d’offrir un «Service local à la grandeur du pays». Pour en savoir plus à propos de Semi-remorques Wizards, y compris sur les types de semi-remorques, la disponibilité et les programmes d’entretien, visitez notre site Internet au www.trailerwizards. com pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements ainsi que nos coordonnées à la grandeur du pays.
December 2010 31
Welcome to our NEW, complimentary Truck Stop Directory. We want to help truckers and travellers find the nearest truck stop on route to their destination. For details on how you can list your truck stop, call Barb Woodward at 877-225-2232 or email Barb at Manitoba
Petro Canada-Petro Pass Highway #7 & #68, Arborg, MB Tel: 204.376.5593 Fax: 204.376.5587 Open 24-7, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store & parking
Petro Canada-Petro Pass 400 Park Avenue, Beausejour, MB Tel: 204.268.2223 Fax: 204.268.4749 Open 24-7, convenience store & parking
Husky Bulk Sales 210 North McDonald Street, Regina, SK S4Z 1A5 Tel: 306.721.6880 1755 Prince of Wales Drive Regina, SK S4Z 1A5 Tel: 306.789.3477
402-51 Street East, Saskatoon, SK Tel: 306.934.6766 Fax: 306.668.6110 Email: Drivers’ lounge, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers, scale & parking st
Brandon Husky Travel Centre 1990-18th Street North, Brandon, MB R7C 1B3 Tel: 204.728.7387
Petro Canada-Petro Pass 217 Main Street, Morris, MB Tel: 204.746.8967 Fax: 204.746.6008 Open 24-7, full service islands, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, ATM & parking
swift current
Husky Travel Centre 1510 South Service Road West, (Trans Canada Hwy 1 West) Swift Current, SK S9H 3T1 Tel: 306.773.6444
Petro Canada-Petro Pass
Highway #11 & #304 Pine Falls, MB Tel: 204.367.8800 Fax: 204.367.4037 Open 24-7, Parking
Cougar Fuels Ltd.
Petro Canada-Petro Pass Highway #7 & 5th Street, Teulon, MB Tel: 204.886.2732 Fax: 204.886.3612 Open 24-7, convenience store & parking
Petro Canada-Petro Pass 500 Oak Point Highway, Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204.949.7292 Fax: 204.949.7295 Open 24-7, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking
Petro Canada-Petro Pass
928 Marion Street, Winnipeg, MB Tel: 204.949.7280 Fax: 204.949.7288 Open 24-7, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, laundry facilities, showers & parking
5602-54th Avenue
Bonnyville, AB Tel: 780.826.3043 Fax: 780.826.6353 Email: brentm@cougarfuelsltd. ca Convenience store, cardlock and showers.
Calgary Husky Travel Centre 2525-32nd Avenue N.E. Calgary, AB T1Y 6B7 Tel: 403.291.1233
RoadKing Travel Centre 4949 Barlow Trail SE, Calgary, AB T2B 3B5 Tel: 403.569.6251 Fax: 403.235.5095
RoadKing Travel Centre Strathcona Inc.
201- 4th Street, Estevan, SK S4A 0T5 Tel: 306.634.3109
26 Strathmoor Drive Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2B6 Tel 780-417-9400 Fax 780-417-9449
Estevan Husky Travel Centre
32 December 2010
British Columbia
British Columbia
Western Ontario
fort erie
Hancock Petroleum
Skyline Truck Stop
5904-44th Street, Lloydminster, AB T9V 1V6 Tel: 888.875.2495 Fax: 780.875.2095 Convenience Store, Showers & Laundry Facilities
5507 Trans Canada Hwy, Craigellachie, BC Tel: 250.836.4949 Fax: 250.836.4950 Email: Open 24-7, full service islands, driver’s lounge & game room, restaurant, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking
1340 Trans Canada Hwy., Sicamous, BC V0G 2V0 Tel: 250.836.4675 Fax: 280.836.2230 Contact: Shelley Arvandel Open 24-7, restaurant (6am-10pm), convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking, photocopier, oil products, ATM and fax machine.
1637 Pettit Road (Exit 5 off QEW) Fort Erie, ON L2A 5M4 Tel: 905.994.8293 Open 24 hrs, Restaurant, Toilet, Showers, Overnight Parking & Truckers’ Lounge
Western Ontario
Regina Husky Travel Centre
Petro Canada-Petro Pass brandon
Husky Travel Centre 5721-44th Street, Lloydminster, AB T9V 0B3 Tel: 780.872.7089
Husky Travel Centre 561-15 Street SW, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 4W2 Tel: 403.527.5561 th
Petro Canada Card Lock AgCom Petroleum Fuel Sales 1802-10 Avenue, S.W. Medicine Hat, AB Tel: 403.527.6411 Fax: 403.529.1660 Showers. British Columbia
Husky Travel Centre 10128 Nordel Court, Delta, BC V4G 1J7 Tel: 604.582.1433
Petro Canada Southcoast Petroleum Ltd. 10178 Nordel Court, Delta, BC Tel: 604.581.3835 Fax: 604.581.3850 Canopy, fax, photocopier, nearby Gov’t Scale, Restaurants & ATM
Jepson Petroleum Ltd.
7620A Vedder Road, Chilliwack, BC V2R 4E8 Tel: 604.858.5113
Box 1408 Golden, BC V0A 1H0 Tel: 250.344.6161 Fax: 250.344.2232 Email: Open 8am-5pm mon-fri, lubes & propane, 24hr Cardlock, regular, diesel & diesel mark.
45461 Yale Road West Chilliwack, BC Tel: 604.795.9421 Fax: 604.792.8931 Email: chilliwack@southcoastpetro. ca Commercial Cardlock Open 24 hrs, 7 days, Convenience Store open Monday to Friday, 8am-5pm (washrooms).
Chilliwack Husky Travel Centre
Chilliwack Petro-Pass
Husky Travel Centre
Beamsville Relay Station 4673 Ontario Street, (Exit 64 off QEW) Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4 Tel: 905.563.8816 Fax: 905.563.4770 Email: Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking
Fifth Wheel Truck Stop
Fifth Wheel Truck Stop 398 North Service Road, (Exit 74, off QEW, E. of Hamilton) (Casablanca Blvd. Exit) Grimsby, ON L3M 4E8 Tel: 905.945.0300 Fax: 905.945.1115 Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, convenience store, CAT scale, blue beacon truck wash, ATM, drug testing centre, gasoline, Sunoco Cardlock, full service fuel islands, restaurant, private showers, laundry facilities, drivers’ lounge & arcade room,100+ parking capacity, chapel, motel (smoking & non- smoking) & Irving Cardlock.
2475 South Service Road, hamilton (Exit 431, Hwy 401, Waverly Road) Bowmanville, ON L1C 3L1 Tel: 905.623.3604 Fax: 905.623.7109 Marshall Truck & Trailer Open 24 hrs., Diesel fuel, Repair & Truck Stop convenience store, CAT scale, 336 Kenora Avenue, gasoline (self service), ATM, propane, Hamilton, ON L8E 2W2 convenience store at fuel bar, Sunoco Tel: 905.561.4712 fleetfuel Cardlock ,full service fuel islands, restaurant, private showers, Fax: 905.561.7757 laundry facilities, drivers’ lounge & Email: arcade room, 100+ truck parking Web: capacity, motel (smoking & nonOpen 24-7 for Cardlock fuelling, smoking),Bell Canada Internet Kiosk, open 7am-12am mon-fri, 7am-5pm Irving Cardlock. Sat, closed Sunday, full service dorchester islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant, showers & parking
Fifth Wheel Truck Stop
3305 Dorchester Road, Petro-Pass Kitchener (Exit 199, Hwy 401, East of London) 120 Conestoga College Blvd., Dorchester, ON N0L 1G0 Kitchener, ON N2P 2N6 Tel: 519.268.7319 Tel: 519.748.5550 Fax: 519.268.2967 Dogwood Valley Fax: 519.748.9656 Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, convenience Husky Travel Centre store, CAT scale, blue beacon truck Drivers’ lounge & game room, 27052 Baker Road, wash, drug testing centre, gasoline convenience store, laundry facilities, Hope, BC V0X 1L3 (self serve), ATM, take-out food, showers & CAT scale. open roads chapel, Sunoco & Irving Tel: 604.869.9443 london Cardlock, full service fuel islands, restaurant, private showers, laundry Flood Hope Husky Travel Centre facilities, drivers’ lounge, 150+ 61850 Flood-Hope Road parking capacity, motel (smoking Flying M Truck Stop Cool Creek Agencies R.R. #2, Hope, BC V0X 1L2 & non-smoking), arcade room, 7340 Colonel Talbot Road, 7985 Lickman Road, convenience store. Tel: 604.869.9214 London, ON Chilliwack, BC V2R 3Z9 drumbo Tel: 519.652.2728 Tel: 604.795.5335 Fax: 519.652.6554 Trucker’s Haven OSOYOOS Fax: 604.794.5080 Hwy 401, Exit 250, Email: H usky T ravel C entre 806607 Oxford Road, Open 24 hrs, 6 days, full service 9206-97th Street, Full service islands, driver’s lounge Drumbo, ON N0J 1G0 islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant, # R.R. 2, Osoyoos, BC V0H 1V2 & game room, convenience store, Tel: 519.463.5088 convenience store, ATM, internet Tel: 250.495.6443 showers, laundry facilities, parking & Fax: 519.463.5628 services, showers, garage on premises & parking Email: CAT scale
Western Ontario
Western Ontario
London Husky Travel Centre Hwy 401 & 74 (Exit 195 off 401) Belmont, ON Tel: 519.644.0200
Fifth Wheel Truck Stop
Eastern Ontario
Windsor Husky Travel Centre
Quick Stop
215 Hwy 49, Deseronto, ON K0K 1X0 Tel: 613.396.3043 Fax: 613.396.1449 Open 6am-10pm, 7 days, full service islands, subway, convenience store, parking & coffee drive-thru.
Tecumseh, ON (off Hwy 401 at Exit 14) Tel: 519.737.6401
535 Mill Street, 40 Chisolm Dr. (Hwy 401 Exit 320) (Hwy 401 Exit 230 on TA site) Milton, ON L9T 3G9 Woodstock, ON N4S 7V6 Tel: 519.421.3144 Tel: 905.878.8441 Esso-Dunvegan Open 24 hrs, restaurant, convenience Fax: 905.878.9376 1515 County Road #20, Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, convenience store, toilet, showers, truckers’ lounge (Hwy 417 Exit 51) & overnight parking store, CAT scale, Blue Beacon truck Dunvegan, ON wash, ATM, lube shop, Sunoco & Eastern Ontario Tel: 613.527.1026 or Irving Cardlock, full service fuel 613.627.2100 islands, restaurant, showers, laundry arnprior facilities, drivers’ lounge & arcade Fax: 613.527.2726 room, 100+ parkin, chapel, motel Open 24-7, full service islands, (smoking & non- smoking), & lottery Antrim Truck Stop restaurant (Tim Horton’s), convenience tickets. 580 White Lake Road, store, showers, parking & ATM. Arnprior, ON K7S 3G9 pickering Tel: 613.623.3003 Fax: 613.623.1003 Toll Free: 866.334.4775 Open 24-7, full service islands, JOYCEVILLE Husky Travel Centre restaurant, convenience store, K ingston Husky Truck Stop 200 Clements Road, Pickering, ON showers, overnight parking, truckers’ Joyceville Road, lounge, CAT scale, garage service Tel: 905.428.9700 facilities, tire service, western star (Hwy 401 Exit 632) truck dealer. Joyceville, ON port Hope bELLEVILLE Tel: 613.542.3468 ULTRAMAR 25 Bellevue Drive, (Hwy 401 Exit 538, rear of Ultramar Service Station) Ultramar Belleville, ON K8N 4Z5 2211 County Road 28, Tel: 613.771.1755 KINGSTON (Hwy 401 Exit 464) Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, E sso-Kingston convenience store, toilets, showers, Port Hope, ON L1A 3W4 Hwy 401 Exit 611, Kingston, ON short-time parking & truckers’ lounge Tel: 905.885.4600 Tel: 613.384.8888 cARDINAL Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, Fax: 613.634.3162 convenience store,toilet, showers, Open 24-7 truckers’ lounge & short-time parking 2085 Shanly Road, stoney creek U ltramar Exit 730 off Hwy 401 Stop 50 Truck Stop Cardinal, ON K0C 1E0 1310 South Service Road, Tel: 613.657.3019 (Exit QEW at Fifty Road) Open 24 hrs, restaurant, convenience store, toilet, showers, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5C5 1993 Hwy 15, Exit 623 overnight parking & truckers’ lounge Tel: 905.643.1151 Kingston, ON K7L 4V3 Cornwall Fax: 905.643.8068 Tel & Fax: 613.542.7971 Open 24-7, full service islands, Email: restaurant, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, showers & parking Open 24/7, Fast-Food, Convenience Store, ATM, Overnight Parking. Tilbury Fifth Wheel Truck Stop 1901 McConnell Avenue, Pilot Travel Centre OTTAWA (Exit 792 off Hwy 401) 19325 County Road 42, Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6 Exit 56 off Hwy 401 Tel: 613.933.8363 Tilbury, Ontario Fax: 613.932.3952 Tel: 519.682.1140 Open 24 hrs, diesel fuel, full-service Fax: 519.682.9221 Ultramar fuel islands, convenience store at Email:TravelCenter.461@ fuel bar, take-out food, CAT scale, 3199 Hawthorne Road, Blue Beacon Truck Wash, propane, (Exit 110 off Hwy 417) Sunoco Cardlock, restaurant, 200+ Behind Ultramar Service Station truck parking capacity, private Open 24-7, six pilot diesel lanes, six Ottawa, ON K1G 3V8 showers, laundry facilities, drivers’ gasoline lanes & six ESSO Cardlock lounge & arcade room, Bell Canada Tel: 613.248.9319 lanes, subway restaurant, large Internet Kiosk, barber shop, ATM, Open 24 hrs, lunch counter, convenience store, drivers’ lounge & drug testing centre, chapel, motel convenience store, toilet, game room, CAT scale, coin laundry, (smoking & non-smoking), tire shop, Truckers’ lounge, showers ATM, six showers & 70+ parking lube shop, mechanic shop, Irving available. & short- ime parking Cardlock.
Eastern Ontario
Northern Ontario
New Brunswick
Angelo’s Truck Stop 2025 County Road 44, Spencerville, ON K0E 1X0 Tel: 613.925.5158 Fax: 613.925.5158 Open 7 days, game room, restaurant, convenience store, showers, parking & CAT scale.
vankleek hill
Herb’s Travel Plaza
Esso Truck Stop
Tobique One Stop
2154 Riverside Drive, Timmins, ON Tel: 705.268.3400 Fax: 705.267.7231 Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience store, ATM & showers.
Exit 115, Perth-Anover, NB Tel: 506.273.9682 Fax: 506.273.9682 Open 24-7, full service islands, drivers’ lounge with large screen, restaurant, satellite TV, convenience store, showers, laundry, parking & free high-speed internet.
21160 Service Road, Exit 27 off Hwy 417 Vankleek Hill, Ontario Toll Free: 800.593.4372 Tel: 613.525.2120 Fax: 613.525.1595 Email: Open 24-7 drivers’ lounge, restaurant, convenience store, laundry facilities, ATM, internet services, showers & parking.
21 Quarry Road, Box 419, Waubashene, ON L0K 2L0 Tel: 705.538.2400 Fax: 705.538.0452 Email:
Northern Ontario
Bradford Husky Travel Centre Hwy 400 & 88, Bradford, ON Tel: 905.775.5794
hWY 144 @ 560a
Watershed Car & Truck Stop Hwy 144 & 560a, Tel: 705.655.4911 or 705.523.4917 Fax: 705.523.4160
new liskeard
Gilli’s Truck Stop Hwy #11 North, New Liskeard, ON Tel: 705.647.1919 Fax: 705.647.5610 Full service islands, restaurant, convenience store, showers & parking.
north bay
BayTruck Stop 3060 Hwy 11 North, North Bay, ON Tel: 705.474.8410 Fax: 705.495.4076 Toll Free: 888.474.8410 Email: Web: Open 24-7, full service islands, restaurant, convenience store, showers, parking & truck repairs within 2 km.
Waubashene Truck Stop
Irving 24 5918, Rue Notre Dame Est, Montreal, QC H1N 2C5 Tel: 514.257.8626 Fax: 514.259.0910
Lincoln Big Stop (Irving)
415 Nevers Rd., Waasis, NB E3B 9E1 Tel: 506.446.4444 Fax: 506.446.4440 Open 24-7, restaurant, convenience store & laundry facilities. New Brunswick Open 24-7, full service & self service islands, drivers’ lounge & game room, restaurant, convenience store, aulac showers, laundry facilities, parking Aulac Big Stop Circle K 170 Aulac Road, Aulac, NB E4L 2X2 Tel: 506.536.1339 Fax: 506.536.0579 Email: Open 24-7, full service islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT scale.
grand falls
Petro Pass 315 Ouellette Street, Grand Falls, NB Tel: 506.473.5575 Fax: 506.475.9816 Toll Free: 800.361.8322 Drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, internet services, showers, parking & CAT scale.
Sudbury Petro Pass 3070 Regent Street, Sudbury, ON Tel: 705.522.8701 Fax: 705.522.4280 Open Mon-Fri. 6am-11pm, Sat. 8am-8pm & sun. 10am-9pm, drivers’ lounge & game room, convenience store (hot food, pizza, chilli & soup), laundry facilities, showers & parking.
Salisbury Big Stop 2986 Fredericton Road, Salisbury, NB E4J 2G1 Tel: 506.372.3333 Fax: 506.372.0083 Open 24-7, drivers’ lounge & game room, restaurant, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT scale
Murray’s Truck Stop Exit 191, 198 Beardsley Road, Woodstock, NB Tel: 506.328.2994 Driver’s Fax: 506.325.2148 email: calving.murraystruckstop Open 24-7, full service islands, drivers’ lounge & game room, restaurant, convenience store, showers, laundry facilities, parking & CAT scale & tire sales & service. Nova Scotia
Enfield Big Stop (Circle K) 6757 Hwy #2, Enfield, NS S2T 1C8 Tel: 902.882.2522 Fax: 902.883.1769 Open 24-7, full-service islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant (6 am11pm), convenience store, showers & parking.
truro heights
Petro-Canada Exit 450, 2600 Mountain Road, Moncton, NB E1G 3T6 Tel: 506.859.6000 Fax: 506.859.6005 Open 24-7, convenience store, fast food, ATM’s & restrooms
Truro Heights Circle K 86 Connector Rd., Hwy 102 Exit 13, Truro Heights, NS B2N 5B6 Tel: 902.897.0333 Fax: 902.897.0499 Open 24-7, self service islands, drivers’ lounge, restaurant, convenience store, showers & parking. December 2010 33
Windsor Amateur Boxing Club
Mary Spencer Needs Your Help
he goal of the Fundraiser for Windsor Amateur Boxing Club is to raise $100,000 per year up to the date of the 2012 Olympic Games in London, England to give Mary Spencer every advantage as she chases her dream to be the first female Boxer to win Olympic Gold and the first to bring it home to Windsor. Mary is competing against
many countries with huge Olympic budgets. The Government of Canada will support Mary through the “Own the Podium” fund. However, there are many restrictions on how the money is used and most of the equipment, support staff, travel, etc. is not eligible for Own the Podium funding. Mary is very grateful to the Canadian Government
for the Own the Podium funding; however, when it comes to funding Mary is David, and the other Olympic countries are Goliath. For example, female boxers from England receive $5.6 million, while Mary will receive $65,000 from the Canadian Own the Podium fund. Mary has the talent and the drive and needs your support to bring home the
Alphabetical List Of Advertisers Advertiser
Page Publication
A 4Refuel Canada Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 A & A Exhaust Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ontario Trucking News AC Global Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Aero Kit Industries Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Allen Insurance Brokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario Trucking News Alrange Container Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
B Benson Tire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ontario Trucking News
C C.U.T.C. Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Canadian Fleet Maintenance Seminar . . . . . . . . 17 Castrol/Wakefield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 36 Ontario Trucking News Challenger Motor Freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
D Domar Transmission Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
E Emergency Road Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,40 Eastern & Western Trucking News Eastern Greenway Oils. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Eastern Trucking News
H Hallmark Insurance Brokers Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ontario Trucking News
I International Truckload Services Inc.. . . . . . . . . 38 Ontario Trucking News
J J.D. Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
K Kindersley Transport Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ontario & Western Trucking News
L Levy Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Liquid Capital Midwest Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,14 Ontario Trucking News Lubecore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Lucas Oil Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
P Performance Diesel (Bully Dog) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 P.T.S. Tire Shops Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ontario Trucking News
S Schneider National Transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 SKF Canada Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Star Van Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Synergy Transportation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Ontario & Eastern Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
T The Fuel Lock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tiger Tools International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Traction Truck Parts & TruckPro . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Ontario & Western Trucking News Trison Tarps Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,14
V Vulcan On-Board Scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Western & Eastern Trucking News
W Wilson Instruments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ontario Trucking News
Y Your Advantage Staffing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ontario Trucking News
34 December 2010
gold! Monies raised will purchase equipment for Mary and the Club, new high tech bags, weights, hand wraps & head gear, facilities, heating, lights, coaches and support staff, chiropractor, massage therapist, physiotherapist, sports psychologist and travel. Own the Podium does not pay for sparring part-
ners or travel nationally and places restrictions on international travel. Competing in both national and international competitions is crucial in preparing for the Olympic Games. If you would like to make a donation, you can make it payable to “Boxing Canada” with a note on the cheque stating “Re: Windsor Amateur Boxing Club & Mary Spencer Support”. In-
clude your name and address with the cheque and a tax receipt will be issued. Please mail the cheque to the attention of Karen Hutt, Drive Logistics, 4960 Walker Road, Windsor, Ontario, N9A 6J3. To learn more about this fundraiser visit the Windsor Amateur Boxing Club at www.windsoramateurboxingclub. com.
Page Publication
Automated Greasing Systems Lubecore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SKF Canada Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Container Sales Alrange Containers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Diesel Performance Products Performance Products (Bully Dog). . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Emergency Road Services Emergency Road Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,,40 Employment Opportunities Challenger Motor Freight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 International Truck Load Services. . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Kindersley Transport Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Schneider National Transport. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Star Van Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Synergy Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Your Advantage Staffing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Factoring & Finance J.D. Factors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Liquid Capital Midwest Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,14 Fuel Solutions Provider 4Refuel Canada Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Heating Sales & Service Wilson Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Insurance Allen Insurance Brokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Hallmark Insurance Brokers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Lubricants Castrol/Wakefield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,36 Lucas Oil Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Permits & Waivers C.U.T.C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Steering & Clutch Products Levy Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Tarps Sales & Service Aero Kit Industries Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Trison Tarps Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,14 Theft Prevention Products The Fuel Lock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tools Tiger Tool International. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Trade Shows Canadian Fleet Maintenance Seminar . . . . . . . . 17 Tracking Software AC Global Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Truck Exhaust A & A Truck Exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Truck Parts & Accessories Traction Truck Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Truck Tires Benson Tire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 P.T.S. Tire Shops Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Truck Transmissions Domar Transmissions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Truck Repairs TruckPro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Weigh Scales (On Board) Vulcan On-Board Scales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Ontario Trucking News
Eastern & Western Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News Ontario & Western Trucking News Ontario & Eastern Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario Trucking News Ontario & Western Trucking News Ontario Trucking News Ontario Trucking News
Ontario & Western Trucking News Western & Eastern Trucking News
From the
Driver’s Seat By: Carl McBride
How do you celebrate Christmas?
ith Christmas fast approaching, the highways are busy with truckloads of product being rushed to market to make every shopper, consumer and business owner dream of sugar plums and fairy tales of wonderful memories dancing in their heads. Since the trucking industry runs 365 days of the year this month’s question is, “Will you be at home with your family or on the road and how do you celebrate Christmas?” • • • Christmas has always been an important time for me, no matter where I have been, so in closing I would like to say to all of our readers, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, no matter where you are, and be safe.
Roger Desparois, CAT from Coteau-du-Lac, QC. “We used to have a big family dinner and watch the kids have fun under the Christmas tree. Now that we have all gotten older and grown apart Christmas isn’t much anymore. I don’t have any children, so being on the road I have a good day off with a lot of happy memories.”
Mark Hurley, Travelers Transportation Services from Montreal, QC. “Now that I am getting older my wife and I celebrate Christmas on the road. We like to let the younger drivers stay home with their families and enjoy their kids. Depending where our load takes us, we sometimes get a chance to spend the day visiting friends.”
Richard Breau, Keltic Transportation from Moncton, NB. “I always hope to be at home with my family and having a great time at Christmas. If I do get the call to take a load out, I always call home on Christmas day and have a good day off.”
Andre Gagnon, Chad Transport from Stoke, QC. “I make a point of taking two weeks holidays so that I am home at Christmas and New Year’s. We always have a traditional Christmas with lots of gifts and good food for everyone to enjoy.”
December 2010 35
ATSSA Toronto
Tico of Canada Hosts November Meeting By Barb Woodward
he November meeting was graciously sponsored by Tico of Canada who has been in business over 70 years with the last 30 years building their own shunt trucks. Tico is the acknowledged lowest life cycle shunt truck in North America in no small part because of their propriety “Engine
Torque Cradle” among the many other unique features. Tico of Canada is also the exclusive distributor in Canada for their Grip One Snow Traction Belt which is perfect for shunt tractors and a great replacement for chains. Please contact Margarette at TICO of CANADA for any additional information, presentations and orders.
She may be reached at or by phone at 866.588.8426. The ATS, its members, Ontario Trucking News and Road Today extend their heartfelt sympathy to Ed Roeder for the recent loss of his mother and get well wishes are to extended to Guido Groppini’s wife who is still in the hospital. Ladies night will be held
on February 26th, 2011 at the Paradise Banquet Hall in Vaughan. The cost will be approximately the same as last year, however, there will be a new caterer and a new band playing. For more information contact Brian Sibbald at 905.564.7278. The Annual Canadian Fleet Maintenance Seminar has been scheduled for
May 9th, 10th and 11th, 2011. The new site at the Hilton Suites Conference Centre in Markham, Ontario was a great success and will be used again for the 2011 seminar. The topics are currently being selected for panel discussions and the date for nomination applications for the Fleet Manager of the Year Award will be announced
at a later date. To book your trade booth contact Brian Sibbald at 905.564.7278 or for more information visit To become an ATS member, contact Guido Groppini, Membership Chairman at 905.564.5404. Sponsors for monthly meetings are always welcome. Contact Brian Sibbald at 905.564.7278.
ATSSA – Belleville
Surgenor Truck Centre Sponsors November Meeting By Barb Woodward
andy Fleming from Volvo Trucks was invited by Surgenor Truck Centre to give a presentation on Volvo’s SCR technology as well as many new enhanced features on their trucks. The Surgenor Truck Group is Eastern Ontario / Western Quebec’s largest group of independent truck
36 December 2010
dealerships who has built a reputation as durable as the brands that they sell and lease. The Surgenor Truck Group has grown to include two Truck Centres – one in Ottawa, and one in Kingston – as well as five service affiliates (Brockville, Pembroke, Gatineau, and two in Cornwall). The company places a premium on being able to serve their
customers far beyond the purchase, whether it’s providing regularly scheduled maintenance or being on call 24/7 for roadside assistance, and parts delivery. For more information call 888.232.9494 or visit their website at www. The 2010/2011 nominations were held for the Executive. Fred Laughlin
remains as President, Don Smith for Vice President, the Treasurer is Leon Markowitz and the Secretary/ Treasurer is Mike McCarney. Dave Fitzgibbon is the representative for the CFMS. A different location was suggested for future meetings of the Belleville Chapter therefore the December/Christmas meeting
will be held at the Masonic Hall on Dundas Street West across from the TSC store. The change in venue was made so members can experience the atmosphere and food which will be catered by a local women’s group. Being a member of the A.T.S.S.A. is a great way to learn more about the trucking industry. This very valu-
able organization is made up of diesel mechanics, fleet managers as well as members of the manufacturing sector, repair shops and media. Members come together to enjoy a nice meal and discuss common issues in the industry. I strongly urge everyone to become a member and attend as many meetings as possible.
Legal Matters
Remember to Check Your Driver & CVOR Abstracts
By Mark Reynolds
s drivers and operators, the day to day grind sometimes leaves us neglecting some of the little things in life. One example of this is that driv-
ers and operators tend to request driver and CVOR abstracts when applying for a new job or when the insurance company requests one, etc. This can be a mistake for a number of reasons. When it comes to the information on an abstract, bear in mind that the Ministry of Transportation receives information from the courts, police officers and its own enforcement staff. There are large volumes of information that has to be processed and entered onto the various abstracts, which will
eventually impact your driving or CVOR record. There are times when information such as convictions, accidents, or MTO inspections can end up on your record in error. This is not something that is happening on a regular basis. In fact the information on most abstracts is quite accurate. When an error does occur, the resulting impact can be a significant headache, as a driver are applying for a job at a new company. If the new company sees that you have a significant convic-
tion on your record along with the associated points that are assigned to that offence, you are assured that the company will view your application less seriously than if you had presented them with a clean abstract. A s f o r a n o p e r a t o r, events entered on your CVOR abstract can have a huge impact on how your insurance carrier calculates your premiums. Incorrect events registered against your CVOR can result in an increased violation rate which in turn can prompt an inter-
vention from the Ministry of Transportation. For example, if incorrect information prompted the MTO to conduct an audit on your operation, it would show the auditor that there is incorrect information on your abstract and he/she will get that information removed, however the auditor will still conduct the audit. Abstracts for drivers and owner operators should be requested every 3 to 4 months. The abstract should be reviewed for accuracy and when incorrect information is
found, the MTO should be contacted to have the incorrect information removed. Although these cases are fairly rare, it’s a mistake to think that your abstract will automatically be accurate when you need it. Don’t find out when it’s too late. Mark Reynolds is a licensed paralegal, a former truck driver, MTO Enforcement Officer, Provincial Trainer and Enforcement Coordinator and can be reached at 416.221.6888 or MarkReynolds@
Linda Colgan has been an Insurance Broker in the transportation industry since 1986 and currently is a Transpor-
tation Insurance Advisor with JDIMI. To contact Linda call 416.809.3103 or email lindac@jdimi. com.
Business Insurance Matters
Gearing Up for the Season By Linda Colgan
ith the Christmas season (yes I said that word!) just around the corner it not only is a time that we start to gear up to get all the Christmas cheer stocked up and gifts for under the tree, but also a time for criminal minds to be at their peak! What a season to shop for loaded trailers full of goodies that make thieves’ pockets
jingle and hard working innocent people suffer. The last consideration a thief will have is how the company responsible for the freight (or the individual) will suffer by way of insurance deductible or the impact the loss will create with their insurance rates. Every day is a good day to practice risk management, however theft losses tend to rise a couple
months before Christmas as stores start to stock their shelves. The message is simply to be aware. Have discussions with drivers and employees to take extra precautions to ensure the safety of the load. As a final comment, with the season just around the corner many transportation firms are involved with Christmas parades. If so, this would also be
the time to start discussion with your insurance Broker on procedures and how this relates to your insurance program.
Ontario Ministry of Transportation
LCV Program Great Success
oronto, Ontario – Ontario’s longcombination
vehicle (LCV) pilot program is such a success it’s probably going to get bigger. In its first year of operating, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) agreed to issue 100 operating permits to 50 carriers. They could get two each. According to Ron Madill, the Coordinator of vehicle weights and dimensions at MTO, the Ontario Trucking Association, which is coordinating the LCV program, has recommended that next year, the number of carriers is raised to 80 with four LCV units each. “We [MTO] are not going to just open the barn doors and let this program go; it’ll be gradual,” Madill told the recent annual meeting of the Canadian Transportation Equipment Association (CTEA), which is made up of body
builders, upfitters and other equipment manufacturers. Ontario’s program expires at the end of November (after one extension, already) but Madill says the longer vehicles will most likely be re-appearing on the highways come spring time. Madill said that the 39 carriers who have participated so far in Ontario have logged 19,000 trips and six million “relatively incident-free” kilometers. It sounds like a lot but, Madill noted, “It’s really a drop in the bucket. It’s about one tenth of one percent of the total miles traveled in Ontario in a year.” There are 36 approved points of origin in 11 different municipalities and he said that the 23 new service centers along the 401 will all be LCVfriendly.
December 2010 37
Transport for Christ
Wow! It’s Christmas Time Again! By Chaplain Len Reimer
o many, Christmas becomes a time of giving. For some it is a time of debt making. We buy beyond our cash flow, all because we want to appear generous, giving and loving, and we overdo it. The Bible gives us some interesting information regarding the events of our first recorded Christmas. God chose to use a young couple to bring the world everlasting hope and that of salvation. God used a young teenage virgin girl, who had found favour with God, as a venue to give birth to baby Jesus. Her betrothed fiancé Joseph wondered what was going on. We understand God spoke to Joseph and said, don’t worry, I am in charge. God through His Spirit caused Mary to become pregnant, so Jesus is the very Son of God. So we find recorded in the Holy Bible, “For God
so loved the world (us) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him (Jesus) should not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus took on human form even before His birth, the moment Mary became pregnant, and Jesus began to live in her womb. Just like all of us in our mother’s womb, before we were born. He took on the form of a human, therefore Jesus understands humans. Scripture tells us that He was tempted in all points as we are, yet remained sinless and pure. Jesus had a heavenly Father. Jesus would have been a sinful human, had Joseph been his father. We might say Jesus had a dual personality; He was God in human form. Many who saw Jesus here on earth, failed to understand who He really was. They looked for someone with pomp and glory. Jesus spent time with those for whom He came.
His purpose was to seek and to save the ones who were (are) lost, those who require a Saviour. He alone can save us from sin and a Christ less eternity, (HELL). We find recorded in Acts 4:12, “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given where by which we must be saved.” According to the word of God (Bible), Jesus is the only way by which we can be saved. There are no other names in the list. Because of this huge gift from God, someone years ago, called this time of year “Christmas”. There is no other gift as great, the price is huge. Jesus left heaven’s glory to spend time here on earth. For the express purpose to give His human life for us, so we might have, as a free gift, everlasting life in heaven. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
Truckers’ Voice
Truckers Are Fighting Back By Peter Turner
s we near the end of another year, truckers have decided that they not only want answers from the Ontario Government regarding speed limiters but are willing to unite and fight back if necessary. In response to our article last month, we received an overwhelming number of calls and emails asking how they could help. We ask that you send us your fuel reports for the 3 months before and the 3 months after you installed your speed limiters. We are looking for documentation on how speed limiters have affected your fuel economy. It is our intent to file a class action against the Ontario government for violating our members’ civil rights because of the way the Commercial Vehicle Operator’s Registration (CVOR) is currently 38 December 2010
being enforced. If you have been given a warning, if your case was dismissed at the last minute or if you have been found not guilty by the courts but it still shows up on your CVOR, please contact us. Only you can help us obtain the information we need to successfully stop this unconstitutional enforcement. It is truly unfortunate that we have to resort to lawsuits in order to get the Ontario government to listen to us. I really don’t know what they are so frightened of or why. If you are sick and tired of being abused by the Ontario Government, here is your chance to join us in the fight! Call Peter Turner at 1.613.831.1332 or visit www.thetruckersvoice. ca. We want to wish you and yours a Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Safe trip.
not of works, lest anyone should boast”, Ephesians 2:8, 9.
Friends, our desire and prayers for you are to accept this gift and enjoy your
first Christmas as a child of God, a member in His family.