#86 July

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July 2015 ISSUE 86

— Serving Manitoba to BC , Yukon & NWT —

Healthy Products & Services BY MAREK KRASUSKI


ar be it from me to tell truckers that their profession brings with it a lot of risks. Aside from the usual occupational hazards — regulation breaches and penalties, cross border delays, accidents, theft — professional drivers face health challenges as well. Long work days, in particular, are responsible for the fact that trucker deaths in auto accidents account for 12 percent of all work related deaths in the United States. Long hours and the pressure to deliver shipments on time make it hard to eat healthy regular meals, prompting many overtired professionals to opt for nutritiously weak fast food alternatives. Time-driven schedules and irregular hours add to the difficulty of setting aside time for regular exercise. Under the best of conditions disciplined exercise is tough, for truckers a lot tougher to take the time for a walk or visit a gym for a workout. Keeping to scheduled health care appointments is no easy task either with long hours far from home. Limited options prompt many truckers to ignore symptoms until they become debilitating before finally seeing a doctor. Finding a place to sleep at night leads to stress as well, particularly in regions where overnight truck HEALTH 4 >>


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