2 minute read
Cycling with others – play nice
Cycling up the achievement scale
Einstein is said to have defined insanity as doing the same things repeatedly, and expecting different results. It applies in cycling too.
If you want to improve your cycling – to ride faster, longer, or more comfortably in a group – you have to practise doing those actual things. Not all the time, but sometimes. It seems obvious, but hands up everybody who has actually tried to pedal faster, harder or longer.
If you ride the same 25-kilometre route at the same speed every Sunday morning, nobody can expect their body to perform differently. It gets used to the physical effort you’re asking for and nothing more. It actually becomes so efficient at the repetitive task that it uses fewer calories to do it.
But if you decide to get better at it, and demand a little bit more and then a little bit more still, improvement will come.
It’s natural to want to know what you can do, whether riding for the fun of it or prepping for a big competition. We want to know how good we can be, given the time and resources available. A goal with a name or a number makes it easier to improve to achieve it. ~ Sheila Ascroft
How to tie a clove hitch
THE CLOVE hitch is a quick and easy knot for tying things up, and the best part is that it’s easy to adjust and untie, even 2 2A after you apply a heavy load to the rope. Tie this knot using one of two methods. The first involves making two loops by twisting the rope in opposite directions. Now, place the left loop under the left side of the right loop. This forms the hole, which you then place over the
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object you want to tie onto. To finish, pull both ends of the rope to tighten. The second method involves wrapping the rope around the object. Next, wrap the running end around a second time and pass it under the first wrap. Pull both ends to secure the hitch. Either method works, but the first can only be used when the rope can be placed over the object you’re tying onto. (from Kevin Callan's Happy Camper book.) Φ
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