\YE 'TER ILL E, 0,, M ROH 5, 1906
Basket Ball.
In on o f the cleanest games of h3.ll when it is completed is given basketb;i ll seen here this sea son,
T he Phillip G. Coc h ran New Memorial H all.
below. Otcerb in defeated Wittenberg by T he building proper will be I SO the score of 46 to IS on last Sat feet long and 75 feet deep fronting urday night. on Grove street. The front porch Prom p tly at 8 o' clock, R eferee will be supported by six st on e Jno . F un k blew the whistl e fo r General Description of the Dormitory to be c:>lum11s se t on a cem e nt fl oor. th e start o f the game. Otterbein Erected This Summer. Building to Ent erin g over this porch we come sta rted in to win c1t once and it t a s mall rot1..1 nda im med iately was not more than a minute' till be Finished September 1st. in i<l e t h e b ig double do r , with Clymer threw the first goal. The t he sta irway on the ri ght leadii,g story 91 the r st of the fa t half, t m eet ing of the build ing h ard b ri ck late will b e used t o up to th e main corridor of th which was the better of two, is co m mittee of the Ph illip G . Coch - cove r t he entire bu ifd in g. ] F"rst fl oo r and wtth double stair- sl,ort. Witteub rg did not tie the ran Me m oria l H all h eld la l SaturT he hall will be heated fro m the way on the left going to the base- score once altho the team pla)'ed day t he co n t racL was le t to l\1 r. H. ce ntr~I hea ting station to be erec t-/ 1 en t. . . . fast sn ppy ball. The score at .., K a rg, of Weste rville. ed t h is s ummer o~ t h e nor th .ves] H a ving reach d the m.arn corn- the e11d ·of the first half stood Ot- .:'Jl'c..ar,,.;g• Th e b uil d ing will b e e rec ted at corn e r of th e marn college cam- dor of the fir t floor runnrng 1101t h terbein 17, Wittenberg 7. a cost o f $30, ooo ;nd will be u ed p us. This s ta tion will fu rnish nd sou th , we s hall tu rn to the In the second J1alf Otter ;i t; :, rln rmitor11Jfnr_aj,rlr: . r lrtrir _liajµ: _for _fl,~ _ ,wiv:lit1.o;,,"D.r.l. Tr;-,.,-,-,1"ct:.1A ,!.,-)'•cv--v·a, - i ,-t,h;'l In ran completely awr\y from Through th e kindn ess o f Mr. a lso th e other coll ege build ings. t he matro n's room sit ua ted d i- th ei r oppone n ts and succeeded i Phill ip G. Coch ra n, o~ Dawso,'1 , The p lan $ o f the Cochra n hall _ ~tly eas t, acro;s th e_ ~orrido r JPJJlinf II zo noirit:_ v,,,t ,,,,t,,.,,, Ya::- t I ou1 lc11ng w1il t,e rec · 1".,ul lu v u hundred ,lnd twe ty- o m a s1 ah t! uest pa l0r. Just secure~ 8 points to their credit, a mem oria l t o h er hu s band.. Thi five incan~es:cnt lig.hts thr~ug h - orth o f this ?a rlor a ~d at ~h e th ree po ints being rewarded by the is c erta inl y a philanthropic con • out the butld1n , besides arc lights e nd of the corridor a nd Ju st o ff ,h e refe ree. Th e fi nal score was 46 ceptian and no b etter way could on the grounds. tha tron ·s roo m is sit uated th e to 1 5 in O. U. 's favo r. have b een found to p e rpe t:.iate th Every modern convenience will main recepti on room, be ing 72 Bask ei vi lle pla) ed the best memory of Mr. Cochran, and it i. be embod ied in tne building. A fee t lon g by 25 feet wid e and run s gam e for the v isitors and with the useless to state that Mrs . Cochran good sized kitchen, a ver? larg e (he e ntire wi dt h o f the b ui ldi ng o n prop r support the score would will always be h eld in the highest dining room, a comp lete ,dundry, the no rth sid e. Th e continui ty ha \ c bee n differen t . O ne fault, esteem of the trustees, faculty , spacious linen closets, etc. , will be f this roo m is broke n by a s tair espe ci ally no t iceable in itttnalumni and s tudent body of Ot- fonnd in the basement, b e ides two ball which leads to th e north be rg 's pl ay ing was t he t en dency terbdn Univ rsity. linen clo ets on each floor. Each porch base m e nt and a l o to the to pl ay sen satio nal ball by takin g Th e Cochran Memor;al hall will of the five floors will have two !lecond fl oor. lon g sho ts at the bask t. T his be situated on the southeast cor· toilet rooms. Returni11 g to th e middl e of the a vailed nothin g as not a singk. ner of Grov e and Home streets a The first floor will be divided in- main corridor and 6 oing south, bas ke t was throw n in th is man ne r. short distance north of th e campus to matron's room and office, par- on our left is t he guest room apOtte r be in sh owed g ood team proper. The lot on which t-he !or, guest room and a large recep- proximately 2ox15 feet. Di1ectly w rk t hr o ugh ou t the g am . building will stand is a large one ti on room. Several rooms for across the corridor from this room Strdhl vas esp cially lucky at and will afford ample space for girls are planned for that floor on t the west is a study. Cuttin g throwin baskets, making ten in a rtistic setting. the south. the corridor is a passage running all. I t was pleasing to s1.e WeavThe building will face on Grove j The second and third floors will east and west which gives access er gel iP the gamt' a· •ri he di 5 street, towaru the west, with en - be the ~ormitory proper. The t, four double studies capable of tingui.J, cd hiin:, if b} trances from the west, . no rth and fourth fl oor will be used in part ·commodating eight girls. At goals. ~outh ' hro ma,;:,; ve porches. The for dormitory puposes and the the south end o f the main corri) tront porch will be con~tructed of re~t ucvoted to sick rooms. Th is dor is a double stairs leading to j
• R . Funk and George Scott, vice president of the university. A general descri ption of th e
No. 1
the finest of dressed st on -, a•1 a rtistic railing stone restin g on :,tone columns. The north and ~outh porches will be constructr<l of the same material , but will be smaller
is an especially commendable teature and shows good judgment on the part of Architect Charles Herhy of Dayto11, 0., who drew the pl 'ns. ·
than the front porch. A belt of concrete block will exten<l around the whole building, reaching between the first and second floors. The walls will be completed of the best of elect
. . . . In connection with thrs proJect, it is only fair to me ntion t h e untirin g and com mendable work done by t-he building committee com posed of M essrs. F · H · R 1.k e, president of the board of trusttees,
the basement and sou h porch and al o to the second floor. . Having de -ce nd d the -ta irs itpmediat Jy in ide th fr o iH door of the buildin w COIT'e to the
• b asem e nt. Turning to the left we c me to a short hall which 1 • • • leads u to the d1111ng hall directly d the r~c pt ion room and ol un er ~~~-~~--~~~--~ (Co ntinu ed on P age Three. )
• , ' ittenht rj.!. Yo ung .. .. .. .: .•. ,..... c .....:... ........ Weaver Tho ma s ............. L. F . ......... ....... ~ t rnli1 Bttskervill c) ... ll. F . : .. .. .... ..... I mer Woll<er ............. .L . ~ ~ . •-· ...... • Y rii1 g E idemU1e 1 . ... ..... R. G...... ...... ,.......' mi:b umma'ry : l{efcree tmk, . .; 111p 1rc Trbul, w, a)t rn a t iitg; Timer a \v )" er, \V ., Yo ung, O. .; Scorers Bau o k , ~ . U., hul tz, W . Coals t hrown by W1 ltenberg Young1 1,.Bo. I er vil 1 , Eid millrr 2; by tterb~m Weaver 4 , trahl 10, ly mer 4, I{nw~ 2; Fq uL t liro t n: Ba skerville -1 , Krin g 5. Time of h a Iv 2() minu t es . •
Attention, Students! per .:ent disconnt on -Sta • 10 10 tionery, C ,tu•e'o Toilet Ar-
That i• the kiod of a Drug Store we have. We keep up with the times. You may expPcl to fiod even tbiog , on need in the 0mg lin e tionery and Pennants. here. Corne and sPe We are especially prepttred to fill Ph.v sicians' A. 0 ,...., line ot Pocket Knives, Scissors In the Interests of the Students of Otterbein Prescriptions and Family Recipes-qnalit_v and prfre,.. ~1111rnnteed , and Culiery. and the best of Gas MaAlles, Globes and Burners at
University. Address all Mail to OTT,R,BEIN WEEKLY Lock Box 63, Westervile, Ohio.
New College Paper.
It has often be~n said · noth.mg r,ew un d er t h e ' ' t h ere 1s but with this issue is started at the Old Reliabie sun" '•The Otterbein '.Veekly," some• University Bookstore. thing decidedly new. As will be noticed elsewhere in these columns, this paper is L. Morrison, Prop. published "in the interests of the students of Otterbein University" and our endeavors siall always be Keep Your Teeth devoted to the conservation of In Good Condition these interests. As the college By inve tiog in a Q'ood Tooth grows, the interests of the student hrns h and a hotlle of our body will necessarily become more 'l'ooth pa te. Cost litt.le but extensive and it is in support of aves much. these varied interests that this new enterprise is un:lertaken. Beery's Ph armacy. To write about the lack of college spirit is re,orted to b Car.State. St an~ College Ave. many editors in their dire distres ~-::~;:::::::::::c=:::::::::=-t=,::1c;:: r"""' , va """"'n,t-,,i,.... ° co The rnt tio lMcFARLAND'S SHOE of this paper is not to keep na ging at the student body to show HOLMES BLOCK, more school spirit, but, by creatWill be the i,lace for you ing an interest in the various of col'ege activity, to get up-to-date hoes and departments it is hoped that a natural growth Oxford of the late t sty le of college enthusiasm will spring for men, ladie and chil up to supplant the lethargy we all, as students, have so often dren. manifested, A college must have a wide-awake student body in order to be known as a college in the full meanir.g of the word. Hence, to repeat, we publish this
0 · - - ' "...,,,
W. M. CANTZ, D. D. S.
paper in the interests of the student body of Otterbein. Over First National Bank, As an innovation, we shall de Westerville, O. vote the back page of the Weekly to the funny sayings and happe ing in and about the college, whi come to our notice. The inte I· tion is to make this ?age as amus Yeomans is tbe barber of great renown; ing as po!>sible and in this connecWho'a koo\Vn•in Westerville and for tion we solicit contributions from miles around; th~ students. Any amusing in And at bis shop with a big sign , cidents or foolish sayings should You will always find a crowd in line. be given to the whole school to We do tile abaving with eas)' grace, And every day arc in our place; enjoy. So don't be s cl tis h. \Ve do the massage to perfection, Write it down on a slip of paper And give our cus tomers satisfaction. and put the same in our local box Your• Rc.epc.ctruuy. on the first floor. B. Yeomans, Prop. The rest of the paper will be de eboe 9blAlng ln Ooaoectlon . voted to all important news con-
Westerville. Ohio.
Subscript ion Price 25c Spring1erm.
College Text Books at Cost tor Nex t Term
F. M. Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy, cerning Y . M. C. A., Y. W. C. j New Spring Fabrics. A . , track, basketball, baseball, ! gymnasium, etc. Of course, we Made-up in the latest styles, and you will not have room for these in - aavefrom $5 to $10 by placing your orterests in every issue, but every- der with us . Satisfaction and a perfect fit garanteed. We also do pressing in a thing of importance_, which has neat wanner. happened or is to happen, will be Riggle & Co., Tailors, given proper space. The literary value of the paper Charles & Titus, Managers, will no t be overlooked. The best OVER KEEFER ' S DRUGSTORE. orations, essays, and addresses rendered in the four literary so Frank Ht>llowood, Prop. cie ties will be published from time to time. Columbus Photo Supply, The monotony will be broken, Dealers in too, by an especially interesting story which may be rendered in Photographic Goods. any society and which· the school 32 East Spring St., Columbus. in general will be glad to read. From this statement of our pol- Developing and Printing for icy, as it may be called, the read Amateurs. ers of this first issue will discern the fact that this paper will stand or e best • interests ,__.r:of he stu~· dent body and the college, regard Jes.; of society affiliation, and that the good of all will find prece dence over the advantage of a few.
The International
Shoe ...
Personals. Lester Zimmerman, '09, and Harry Spahr, 'JO, of Wittenberg, made a three days' ~isit to Mr. Henry Warner last week. Messrs. W. R. Funk, F. H. Rike and Chas. Herly, of Dayton, were liere on business last Satur day. Miss Adrienne Funk enjoyed a short visit from her mother last week. Miss Irene Wright '09 spent Friday, Saturday and Sunday at her home in Dayton.
$3.50 & $4. ~old in everv tate and terri tory in the oited tate and 42 foreign countries. When "Wttlk Over ' oo on shoe tronbl e go off.
Walk-Over Shoe Shop, Chittenden Hotel Building,
Stylish Clothes for Students At the Lowest Prices is my
.. ..
Of a College Man's Desires
It Coat• Nothing to Look.
I~ D. SMITH, Tailor for Young Men 22 East Spring Street, Columbus. Westerville Care Pae• by the Door,
• 11
I ,. 1
neatly ao,l prompt Iv and at the
PHINNEY Good Things to Eat
Anyth ing to pe bo.d la a complete llae o TAPLE nod FAl Y
MOSES &STOCK UTLEYS' ~Opticians~ arc equiped to examine and correct all errors of refrac tio n. All work guaran teed. Your patrona«e is solicited.
State S treet
Groceries iE I carry a complete line of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Q. u a I i t y
the Best , the Lowest.
Hardware, Paint & Oil
~~,.,..,.,..,..., and anythin11; else in the hardware line. Everythiui first class. Prices always righ •
North State Street.
Wilkin, lanaon & PatricK,
:i~:i:: THE \A/ISE Restaurant
Meet your friends there aftersociely, lectures, etc.
also attained to this room from good mcalis th<; stairs descending from the at l north end of the main corridor of - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the first floor. South of the west Will tell you w hat end of the dining room is located to wear and how to the sewing room with two large wear it . storage closets. Directly east ol S pring styles ready this sewing room across the hall One Door South of P. 0 . leading to the dining room, is the serving room. Adjoining this of the study room proper, in ad- For........... room is a large pantry and cool dition to several w-all sockets. GROCE RI-~ S outh of the pantry is the Each room will be finished in yel Try-<.,-room. kitchen, 22 feet long and 16 feet low pine, walls to be artistically wide. I\. door in the west of the frescoed and provided with a corn kitchen leads to the south end of ice and picture moulding. Man· tels an d grates will be found in the the main corridor across which small parlor, matron and guest A aa1i1 fied c·u,1, m..r is our g, eateet passage cuts at right angles giving a im. A r.ompletll etoeli: of roceriee, rooms. access to four double bedrooms fruits a,,d veireta hie,. to be used in part for servants' Oratorical Association. Both Ptlooe • quarters In the southeast corner of the basement is located the Deplorable indeed is the lack Come join the jolly bunch laundry 1 S feet by 16 feet. of interest in the local oratorical • A.lways in the shop The second floor is divided association. Everything is at You can't mistake the place, essentially the same as the first such low ebb that no preliminary ' ex t door to the Co-Op. floor, with the main corridor run contest will be held this year ning north and south, intersected prior to the state contest, since by two smaller .corridors running one man alone is courageous east and west. The north half of enough to enter. Active steps The DEMUTH 1ONSORIAL PARLOR the second floor contains six should be taken in the near future I double bed -rooms, also six in .the to revive the interest in this. de Want Your Patronage south half. Ascendini and de. par:tment f- colleg r-ammg, scendt gs airs are situated at the that in another year we will not north and south ends of the main have to acknowledge our defi corridor. ciency when the state contest The third floor is also reached occurs. by a double stairway directly over Let everybody come to the the main entrance: This floor is oratorical contest Friday night the same in detail as the second. between Heidelberg, Baldwin. The fourth floor is smaller than Antioch and Otterbein and give any of the other floors because of our representative, Mr. E. C. the gabled roof. But there is Weaver, the best support we ample space for two sick rooms have. which will be devoted exclusively for quarantining any contagious Y. M. C. A. J . w. j\J RKLEY, l'res. J , w. E E BAt, Vice diseases. Ten double rooms may Pre . C. L . BRUNDAOB, Cashier. The regular meeting of the Y. also be used for studies on this THE M. C. A. was held on last Thurs floor. It is pleasing to note that day night at which Chairman FIRST NATIONAL BANK E TABLl ' Uh' D 1905 every room will have two win Burtner of the nominating com mittee reported the following WESTERVILLE, OHIO dows, and those rooms that are situated next to the north and nominees who were elected: $25,000 CAPITAL STOCK south porches will have at least l President, S. L. Postlethwaite. Does a creneral bankiog bn lneFs, rec •."' V. President, W. G. Snavely. and loans money, pays Interest on Uh,c de one window seat built in each. postts. buys anct sell/I bood . Your bu luee11 Cor. Sec., L. E. Myers. The rooms will be about the same Is sollslted. This bank Is auder government Inspection Rec . Sec., L. C. Hensel. size, approximately 21 feet by 16 BANKlN-0 HOU.RS M:30 a . m. to4 p. m. Treas., W. D. Kring. feet. A general description of -PIRECTORSThis is a strong corps of officers cne study room will give a general J. W. lllar1<tey, J. W . 1£veral, W. A. Young who will have charge of the Y. idea of all. w. C. Bale, C. D. Laodoo, F . Cu lver, Each room will have two separ M. C. A. next year. Success is O. L. Stoughton, H. P. Beery, C. L. Brundage Phone No. 3 ate alcoves, which will provide for already assured. twosingfe beds, also two closets---------~.....::::::..:....:.!!.:=.::::::=.:..=-="---- - - - - - - - - - - -
Oor . S tate• Ma lo
15 E.Cotlel,?'e Ave .• WESTERVILLE,
right price take it to
1 -.
lunch or a
If yon want yonr work done
The place
Girls Dormitory. r t_h_e_ s_a_m_e__p_r_o_p_o_r_t o_A_s_. _ A_c_c_e-ss-is ;!c
We make the goods We want your trade Call and see for yourself.
Days' Bakery
0( ample_ capacity provided with two eighteen inch shelves. A chandelier with four electric lights will be suspended from the ceiling
~olumbus {[ailoring Vl9 Soutq
Street, <l:olumbus, Q)qio.
, l
4 We are headquarters
Societ y P ins, Co!le g e Pins and Souvenirs.
L OCALS. W-itft good will towards all.
A new su:iply of ociety Pins Point convention. C. E. for all tbe soc eties just arrived. A complete line of Souvenir_ A bier garden. The cemetery. Spoon always in toe~.. Engrav The dark a ges. Those of woing dooe free on all article pur• men. ~based · we also do fir tclasswatch, A counter attraction. A pretty jewelt-; and clock repairing and engraving. sales•lady.
R. C. Mccommon, Jeweler, S. State St. ,
Phones Bell 134, Citz. 34
A girl with a quarter went shopping, And 1!:ept bait a dozen clerks bopping, She spent just a dime But she bad a good t ime; Oh, she was an expei:l:"at shopping.
happy. Man is mad e o f dust. Along comes the watering cart of Fate and his name is mud.
Thompson & Beaver,
eat arke First Door south of Bank of Westerville. n Salt Meats.
Ohio's Greatest Outfitters nd the \r e tervill car stop at our door.
grade work ras won ns a bie- pat· ronage witb stu dents of Otterhein .
E lectricity is a profound sub ·ect, yet Edison made light of it.
~ The·Roloson Art •-Gallery State Street.
r, N. _Fupk \!O Kirk sitting on
Westerville, 0.
'r.becoloc left her cheek But on the shoulder of bis coat his lap) "You're not as heavy as Jt stayed about a week.
my girl. " Prof. Snavely 111 History:Prof. Durrant (in hygiene) " ow if I call your names and ''What -is the use of an atomizer?" you are not here, please answer Prep-"Why, to separate 'absent'" atoms." He.stole a 'kias, then gave it back, Twas in tl1e sheltering woods; She, too, was guilty, for alack Receiving stoleu goods.
The m a iden sorrowfully mjlked the cow And pensively turned t-o 1;1;mtter, 1 'l wish you'd turn to milk you brute." And tbe animal turned to butt her.
When they put the lid on in Miss Billman- "O, hutQ ! Westerville the othe r day, we wish the L rd had made me ere glad they did n~ p t Sta man." ley's i d on or we would all have. Miss Gardner-"Perhaps he been mothered. has, dear, only ypu haven't found If four faces come together it him yet." forms a polyhedron; but if two A Missouri farmer who saw an come together,. what does it form ? advertisement of a $2 fire escape A dainty ldss , a li tt le bug, sent the money and received a To the parson's then sk edaddle; Bible. Eor food and raiment here to tug,
Be su re anrl take » look at our ock larO'e t tore in We erville, "" witb the mo t com p late tock.
Pi:of. Wagoner-"What is the Smith gets out of many scra pes verb •'to gra p ?" by letting his moustache grow. Davis (to neighbor) "What 1s it?" Neighbo - '·Darned if I know." D avi (aloud) '' D arnedifino, darnedifinare, darned i fin av i, darnedifinatus.
Then o'er the Styx to paddle.
New Location
Bank Bldg.
Run to the Co-Op
DR. A. W. JO E
Artistic Photographs .. If you are tbinkiog of having your pict ore llik o aod want tbe b t, Pe our e terville repr ent,1tive, W. . WnET· ·'.l'O E . ee r11t to toden t •
Elliott's Art Gallery, Columbus.
lfyou loiter in the 1iallwa-ys, 8 11 t~ ft you talk upon the stair , ~ " ; • Uyou whisper in the chapel, Or if y ou sit in pairs, We are now r eady You've got to be most careful, You 've got to look-about, to make you cl n :U Er'the faculty 'II get y ou pictu re . O ur bigb lf yo u don't watch out.
Prof. 'Durrant to Worstell who The census embraces seventeen had been coming la te to class: million women. How would you ' •Good morning, Hiram, .I'm glad like to be the census ? to .see you are early of late; you S ome professors make assign- ·used to be behind befor"e but now men ts every day, but they are you're first at last." still at the sacue old stand. ' He put his arm around her wai t
16, at College Chapel, Admission 25c.
.~ ;~ ~hotos by RoIo so n
Kline- " 1 was just down to the d e ntist's." Liebcap-"Wbat did you h3ve done?" Kline-"He pnllcd some 0f my baby teeth. " Please ha nd methe"Review of Reviews,' ' he said; Van ickle's eye did flash; For another young boarder looked ab sently up, And solemnl y passed the ha h.
Miss Sherrick-' 'Give an example o Lang expression." Sam Kiehl-"That's a cinch.' ' It is someti mes said that "igno rance is bli s. " Some of the seniors seem to be perfectly
Our line of Select Winter Coods must be clear,f ,f ed out immediately. i ,f 'ti'tiHigb gr11de Medium Sweater se llioO' at co t. egligee Shn-t at attractive prices. Medium weight, nRtural wool, l'ibboc and fl ce line1l Uotier wear a t great l'e loctiou . Regul ar 25c Cu bmere HI) e, olid c lor , tbre pair for 50c. "Exarn ,nA tbe quality aod e:radut11ly con ider the pri ce." 8wtf Bo om and Wi nter
The Co-Op Store, R. K. STALEY~ Supt .