1906 03 19 The Otterbein Weekly

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Vol I. '


,~ ESTERVILLE, 0., MARCil 19, 1906 BasketBall.

The basketba ll season has closed and a brief review of jt as a whole might not be amiss. Basketball has been very popular in Otterbein this year and quite successful, too. The six home games were well attended and the visiting te:1 ms given n,ice treatment by the crowd. The season opened with a prac• tice game with Bliss 13usfness Collei;'e on · J anuary 13. This game proved interestin g an d showed that we had the material for a good team. Cly mer led the goal throwing with 12 fi el d g oals. Score O tterbei n 38, Bliss 22. January 20 wit nessed what might well have been called an doo r football game with E dmist on and Johnston u iness College. The game was lost in the first ten minutes of play, Otterbein leading in he scoring after that. Kring led in goal throwing with 7 field goals. Score Otterbein 29, E. & J. 38. On January 27 Captain Kring and his tr.en played their first game abroad. The game was played with Denison at Granville and was very fast though quite clean. The first half was close but in the second half Denison's superior team work began to tell and it proved a walkaway. Kring again led our team in goal throy. ing, bagging f, field goals in the course of the game. Score, Otterbein 24, Denison 49. After losing two games in suecession our team got down to playing in earnest. They <leveloped more speed and better team work. On Februry 2 they went to Springfield and met Wittenberg our old rival. This team had defeated us last year by a score of 34 to 17 and hoped to do better than that this year. Clymer lee with six field goals. Score, Otterbein 33, Wittenberg 30. On February 10 we played the Ohio Wesleyan team at home, The game was rough and uninter-


esting. Bingham as Referee showed his old mettle in giving biased decisions at every oppor­ tunity and openly coaching his team on the field. In spite of this Otterbein carried away the victory by mere hard playing. Strahl bagged 4 baskets from the field. Score, Otterbein 26, Ohio Wesleyan 25. A second game was played with Denison on February 17. This was one of the fastest and easily the cleanest game of the season. The first half looked like a n inglorious defeat, but in the second we out_pointed Denison 18 to 14. T he game was decided by foul goals. Clymer led the scoring wjt h 7 fi eld goals. Score, O t­ terbein 27, D enison 33. T he next game was played on Marc 3. On this date Wit en­ berg's team was clearly outplayed, getting only four field goals. Otterbein's speed was great and her team work superb. Strahl led with IO goals from field. Score, Otterbein 46, VVittenberg 15. On March IO the season closed with the fastest game of basket ball ever seen here. The Findlay College team came here fresh from three years of play in which Qnly two games had been lost. Our team showed the best form from the outset and won by a satisfactory score. Score, Otter­ bein 43, Findlay 30. This we think Is a very fair record. Five games won out of eight. One game was lost be­ cause our captain was out with a bad ankle and Strahl was out of the last game. This record is d"ue to the fine work our team has done as a team. Kring has proven an able captain and every­ thing has gone very smoothly. No man has tried to make an in­ dividual record and those grand­ stand plays for which Otterbein has so long been noted have been entirely eradicated. Captain Kring has played a fine (Cnn_tinued on Page Two.)

Athletics. The large number of track men who have worked all winter under the direction of Captain Ayer gives proof for the assertion that the interest aroused in track work last spring has not died out. Although Ditmer, Bennett and a few others will be missed, the showing that new and other old men are making warrants the pre­ diction that the te am will be stron ger this year th an last. The performance of the me-n at 0. S. U. recently was very cred• itable. Ayer's en d urance a nd persiste ncy ga in ed much applause an d in the half mile he crossed the line ahead of G reen. Li eb­ cap p roved t hat he is good fo r seve ral event s. Crecelius gained a good lea on 61s ma n in the re­ lay race and Risley's mile would have taken second easily in the Denison meet last spring. Meets have been arranged here with Wittenberg May 19 and Denison June 2. The following events are scheduled: 100-yard d~b, 220-yard dash, 880-yard dash, mile run, 120-yard and 220yard hurdles, high and broad jump, shot, disc and hammer throw, pole vault and relay race. It is the purpose of the captain to try out every man who will come upon the field for work. There ought to be no fewer than a dozen men working regularly at every event. Forty men will make this possible. Several new men are already doing well at the pole vault and high jump. For the shot put and broad jump entirely new material must be developed, and although we are now apparently weak at the hurdles, all have faith in Funk's ability to muster men for these events. Success in track athlet­ ics depends upon persistent in­ dividual work and not a few of the men are showing that they realize this. At the regular weekly meeting

No. 3 of the A thletic Boa rd last Thurs­ day , Mgr. R y mer submitted a contract for a baseball game with Denison at Granville April 28. Uniforms were purchased for the baseball team. The Otter­ bein team will present as fine an appearance as any team in the state this spring. Freshman-Junior Banquet. One o f the swellest affairs of th is y ear occur red last T uesday eve ni ng when the F reshman banqueted the J unior in the a sociation parlors. Everything connected with the function wa & a success and although it is now a thing of the past wil! always be remembered by those in at t e n d a n c e. e decorations were fi tting for the occasion as also were t he toasts, m usic an d menu . If the prophecies of Miss Mr. Tit us, both Bale and speaking on their respective classes of thirty years h eoce ca me true the m mbers of the classes of '09 and '07 will be found in every vocation of lite. When at the expiration of this thirty years we all hope to meet in a like function. In the welcoming and responsh e addresses Mr. Hall and Miss Truxal reviewed the quality of the t wo classes and agreed with Mr. A yer in his poem entitled •'The Best" that in these classes are found the representative students of gra,nd old Otterbein. Mr. Keihl acting as toastmaster introduced each of the speakers with a few clever remarks. Toastmaster-S. J. Keihl, '09; address of welcome, P. R. Hail, '09; response, Miss Truxal, '07; music, vocal solo, Miss Weinland, '07; "Our Renown," W. G. Snavely, '07; music, violin solo, Robert Anderson, '09; "'07 Thirty Years Hence, fiss Bale, '07; "'09 Thirty Years Hence, M. 0. Titus, '09; "The Best," J- Warren Ayer, '07; music, quartet.

.., 2

. -~~- lH[ .OTTERBEIN WftKLY . ~

T HE OTTERBE I N WEEK L Y BASKET BAL L • ( Con t inued from Page O n e .)



Tb at iQth e- kind of a D ru ~ Store we ha ve. We k eep up with the game both at fo rward and at times. You may expAct to find eveq thing yon need in the Drug lin~ guard and it is in a great deg ree hel'0. Co rne and see. We a1·e especially prepared to fill Physicians _ WE STERVILLE, OHIO. In the Interests of the Students of Otterbei n to his consistent, untiring effort Prescriptions and F amily Recipes-quality and pri res g uaranteed. University. that the season has heen so su c­ cessful. • Many men wno tho ught L. K. FUNKHOUSER, Editor they knew all about basketball E. A. LAWRENCE, Asst. Editor L. M. KELLER, Business Manager Westerville, Ohio. prophesied at the beg inni ng o l H. E. .YOUNG, Asst. Bus. Manager the season that we wouid not win J. H. KJRKBIUOE, Sub. Agent Clymer at forward a game. Gym Carnival. Have Yo u Subsc ribed F o r Address all Mail to OTTERBE IN WE EKL y played his firs t season on the 'var­ Lock Box 63, Westerville, Ohio. Those who did not sec the exsity. He is a sure goal thrower hibition of gym class Saturday and a very swift man to follow on Subscription Price the floor. He has been chosen night missed the best treat of Per Year 75c} In Advance Spring Ter m 25c · as next year's captain and surety the year. Under the direction of Mr. Eyman the boys have deserves the honor. Smith, play­ Attention! ing his second year on the ' var­ worked hard and have been I~ ft It has been the aim of the sity, is easi ly the best guard we benefited greatly by the work VV; I\ management of this paper to in­ have ever had on a 'varsity team. as the exhibition last night introduce th e Weeklp to the great­ He has never had more than two dicated. The calisthenics, buck If not, do so bllfore the next est num ber of the stud ents of goals thrown on h_im in one game horse and parallel bar work was issue. Place yo ur name in Otterbei n and this end th e first and has played some of the best was exceller..t. The special the box on th e first fl oor. th ree iss ues h ave bee n g iven for wards in the state. In . two features were interesting. To away. Wheth er or not th is pap­ years he has fi fteen goals thro wn much credit can not be given er h as merited th e m any com­ on hi m in fi fteen gam es. Weaver Mr. Eyman. m endatory remarks concerning at center is a new man and has New Field Secretary. its purposes, we are u nable to show n rapid progress throughout j udgeJ we leave that to our read­ t he season. H e al.vays does his Rev. A. E. Davis, of Lima, ers. But it is sufficient to say best and can be counted to take Ohio, has been app ointed Field that ever y effort will be made to care of his position another year. Secretary of the University and d emonstrate that th e paper will Voorhes, too, is a new man at begin his work the first of ~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~ abide by -its original decision to gua rd but has done credit to him- will April. Rev. Davis graduated self and we are counting on him s tand for the interests of th e from 0. U. in 188 1 an d is enthuas a star guard next year. Strahl s tuden ts of th e college. Hence siastic over the interests of the th every s tudent will observe that who has played part of e season school. There is lftt le doubt b ut at forward is one of the fastest 1 f u r tber the inter- men on the team. Accurate in that he will make a success of his . paper W ·1 t h 1s l ests of each one in fur th ering th e passing, sure in goal throwing, work for he has a pleasing address interests of all. Read what are and well versed in the game he and good executive ability. Rev. Next Door to Co-Op. the i n t c re s ts o f a 11 a n d proved a valuable addition to the Davis gave an interesting talk in an d you will read what yourown team . A number of the second chapel Wednesday morning. in terests are. All the news will team men might be mentioned in r Clarence Mathias, of Mr. be up-to-date, an d 1or you to b e this connection, and they really Logan Ohio, visited his brother up-to-date m eans t b at you s h ou ld deserve it but space will not per· mit. Suffice it to say that every here Saturday. subscribe for the Otterb em . . Mr. Arthur Kohler is a new Weekly. The pnce 1s most rea- man will have to work to hold his student that is already in for Made up in the latest s tyles, and you sonable, twenty-five cents for the place next year as there will be ■ave from $5 to $10 by plac ing your or­ the spring term. der with us. Satisfact ion and a perfect sprin g term, and no one can no dearth of material. Ralph (Bunk) Morris received fit garanteed. We also do pressing in a afford to be without a copy. In conclusion an individual a large donation from home last neat manner summary of the goals each man week and shared up with his has thrown as well as those Y.W. C.A. friends with a spread after the thrown by his opponent will be Formerly Riggle & Co. concert last Friday night. It Miss Rad fo rd who has been gi ven. By way of explanation was surely a good treat. OVER KEEFER' S DRUGSTORE. doing Y. W . C. A . work in we might say that too much im­ India for a number of years will portance must not be g iven to , be here to address the enti re this as a guard cannot throw so student body at the regular meet­ many goals and his opponen t nat­ ing of the Y. W. C. A. Tuesday urally throws t he most goals for evening. At the meeting last the opposing team. my Balv' Goals Go' by week Miss Grace Ressler made a Player played tb.r'wn 011p' nt I t C oat• Nothing to L ook. 8 report of the work for the year. Kring, forward 23 6 16 44 Clymer, " 14 Her report showed that the past trahl, •• 8 20 3 16 11 y ear has been a most excellent \Veaver, center 32 16 mith, guard 1 one, especially in Bible and Mis­ Voorhee■, " 22 East Spring Street, Columbus. 10 2 25 6 6 sion study work; also financially. Kring, 9 " Wee t ervt lle Cai:a P••• by the Door.

F. M. Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy,

T he

r eIn


ee Iy:r

2 5c

Spring Term


New Spring Fabrics

Charles & Titus,

Stylish C·l othes for Students .. . . At the Lowest Prices is


Of a College Man's Desires

I. D. SMITH, Tailor for Young Men



ON THE INSIDE ~ The place to Baseball Supplies and Sporting Goods of all descriptions. Prices the lowest. get a quick lunch or a good meal is at



The Columbus Sporting Goods Co.,

2:35 North High Street,


Meet your friends there after society, lectures, etc.


Jman himself. It is of vital importance that men be trained G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. The young men of the Otter- into a recognition of their rela­ OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, bein Christian Association enjoy- tions to God. 15 E.Colleie Ave., WESTERV]LLE, o. ed a rare privilege on last ThursIn dosing Mr. Budd emphasiz­ day evening at the regular mid- ed that we as students avail our­ week session. The large at selves of the many opportunities, tendance on the part of men was whereby we may become ac­ certainly gratifying to the speaker quainted with city social life. of the evening. Our business is to strive, to find, To Visit Mr. S. S. Budd, Secretary of I to seek and not to yield. Ohio associations, former State Sounbe~ \895 secretary of Massachusetts ad­ PERSONALS. Qapital $50,000 dressed the members on, "An Educated Man 's Obligations in Make it a point to subscribe His Fancy Groceries the Betterment of Social Lite." for the Otterbein Weekly if, you Mr. Budd is recognized as one of have not already done so. are best and cheapest. - - - - - - - - - - - - - the strong association workers Mrs. L. O. Miller, '77, of Daythroughout the country. His ton, is visiting lher father, Dr. address manifested depth of Haywood here. Shaving parlors where thought and practicable applica­ Levitt Custer, 84, of Dayton, yoa can get an EASY tion. John Shoemaker, '94, of Pitts­ Public Stenographer He called attention to the fact SHAVE and ARTIS­ burg, Pa., were in Westerville and Typewriter. TIC HAIRCUT, A that Christ is .the r:epresentative Sunday. of service, and that our obligaSHAMPOO that will tions are in proportion to our Misses Lillian Mauk and Nora keep you bright.· opportunity and ability. Wills leave for Chicago, Ill., the Phone 79R 2 B. C..Youmans, N. State- St. Furthermore that it ts but the 8th of March, where they will repeated story of how we use attend the Y. W. C. A. training our talents, and that no man can school. They will return to 0. escape his obligations to indi- U. in time to graduate with the HOVVE &, CO. viduals. We alone are account- class 1900. able for our influence upon social Mrs. Carl Starkey, (nee Maybe} life whether it be good or bad. Crabbs '05) has been visiting Miss Man's obligations rest upon Warner the last few days. Mr. College Avenue four reasons as follows: First, Starkey '05 came up to spend society must be educated, and Sunday with his friends and both that it is selfishness on his part if leave to-day tor Kentucky where he does not give some of his time Mr. Starkey will be located for to that end. Second, his help some time. aids in the solution of social , No matter what yo~ want in the Cleiorhetean Open Session. problems. Third, it affords train­ ing in leadership. Fourth, the The Senior open session of Grocery Line great need of leaders in social Cleiorhetean Society was held in You can get it at service. Philophronean Hall last Thursday Among the many great forces evening. Many friends of the F. BOOKMAN'S, opposing social life the saloon society were present and thor­ and its organized forces stand Holrne• Block. oughly enjoyed each number on paramount. The great need is Phone orders receive special the program. COLUMBUS, OHIO. for men qualified to combat this attention. broadcast evil with organized For your & 199-201 s. High temperance forces. Bet. Town & lllch. Do you want a In this battle we need a new Special R(!tes to Stu ents of Q)tterbein. ~ FINE, LASTING PERFUME? kind of heroism not so grand as ee Our Repreeeutative, E. C. WORMAN. that of our ancestors, but rather Try our such that as quiet, earnest, strong LA SYLVIA. and with forces mustered; like It is delightful and it stays dy you. that of our president Mr. Roose­ velt and other great leaders ot our country. Social service does not alone help social environment but helps The Druggist.



1. C.

Printing d:ompany


d:olum&us, <D.


I M.











Mjss Sherrick- "Mr. Ander­ son, did you look your frsson over If you want your work done last night?" Bob-"No, mam, I overlooked neatly and promptlv and at the it." right price take it to

PHINNEY Cor, State 5- Main

Special Reduction Sale On all goods in stock dur­ ing the month of March.

R. C. Mccommon, Jeweler, S. State St. ,

Phones, Bell 134, Cltz. 34

Best Clothing Manufacturers In America. Spring Iine are reatly.

~.. Lazarus,

~h -


Specialty. Custer.



Hardware and

ry ale,



Dispatch Building.

7 4 N. High St. One of the questions in a recent English examination was as follows. 6. For what purpose does he sight an incident from the "Arabian Nights?"

Jim says- the hardest thing for A ■ Singer was going out one eve, him to do is to keep from laugh- H~s r o om-mate'questioned " Whither?" And Vinton not wiahing to deceive­ ing at a fun eral.




If you want pictures that exactly suit you they can be gotten at ,




• \J

Roloson Art Gallery,

With blushes answered, "With her. "

L. E. Myers seems determ ined that the present question for de­ bate be changed to the following. Resolved, ''That the hen that lays the egg is of more- benefit to mankind than the one that hatches it."

State Street,

Westerville, 0. l.Ll J.

It takes a "Nower(s)" for Funk­ houser to buy a dozen roses.


w. MARKL.EY, Pres. Pres.

'j't Ii

. •..."l

I ,•..,


0. L., BRU DAGB,

Ca hler.




Miss Ada Buttermore, from E TABL ~ED J005 North Lawrence, Ohio, ha been -w:ESTEHVYl,LE), OH:10 visiting her sister for the past Porter has a "Will (s)" of his CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 week. own. Does a 11:eneral booking bnslnes,, receives Rev. Davis, _'81, of Lima, 0., ancUoans m.oney, pay Interest on time de­ C • MYER'S CLUB RULES. made a short vi!'1it with, his son J>O&ltl!, boys and ella bond1. Yonr bnslnees Js soUsited. Tbl ban1t 111 under government I. In order to prevent the last week. inspection members.. from carrying fruit lrom HA KlNG JI.OURS 8:30 a. m. to 4 p . m. Miss Funk was confined h> her the table there will be no fru it. -DIR~CTORroom last week with tonsilitis. 2. Points are n~t allowej to .T. W . Markley, J . W . b:veral, W. A. Young A. W. Denlinger, '08, and C. W. 0. BaJe., 0. D. Landon, F. Culver, play in the hall. W . Hendrickson, 05, recently G. L. tougbton, H .P. Beery, C, L. Brundage 3. Guests wanting exercise Cltz!zellS' Phone No. 3, Bell tot visited Westerville friends. may retire to the kitchen and beat the steak. 4. No rebate made on, "m ush and milk," 5. Gentlemen will not smoke in the parlor-Ladies must not. 6. Bis cuit s found "' have 2 dozen regullJ,r 12.00 and t ogether may be opened chisel. 2.50 sweaters that we will sell at 75c. 7. Toothpicks after AU heavy underwear at absolute cost. m ust be returned in good to the stewart. Toilet articles at special discount. 8. Those desiring fine board will please call for saw dust. Night Robes at 25 per cent off for 9 . Members should not whittle few days only. the pickle. By order of L. E. MYERS, Stewart.

A girls

N . State Street.


Leibcap, in his dreams. The A good way to fif1d a girl out, key of my heart is only a, "D)t." is to call when she is not in. N. R. F. in State. A quo~um The popula, air at the Fresh­ consists of a m«jority of the mem­ man-J unior banquet was, " Chop­ bers present. sticks."

Som·e Sights to See. Ash, alone. Worstell with a skull cap. Dad Trim,ner mad. Singer with his bair combed. Anderson busted. Hall with his mouth shut. Jim W. again with Mary. Postlethwait after a shave. Clym·er without his, "Hay." Staley leading Gym class. Kring miss a goal. Bennett in short trousers.

Agent for the

of tb-, mouth


All the people dead who wrote it; All the people dead who spoke it; All the people die who learn it; Blessed death, they surely earn it;

"Everything Pertaining to Music.''

How old I am, How old I am, Nobody know ■ How old I am.

. ~'IW:


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