1906 04 02 The Otterbein Weekly

Page 1



HE time of tbe year is fast approachin when baseball will call the f(ost bitten fans from their hibernations. In fact the local season has already started and enthusiasm is apparent on every side. Owing to the wet grounds practice has been confined to the gymnasium and every afternoon witnesses a squad of the ''old boys" working out. The size of the gym handicaps the men greatly, but in spite of this some good work is heing done in loosening up arms and with the bat. The majority ol last year's team are still in school, the only ones lost by graduation being ''Sard" Bate and L. W . ·warson. This is an encouraging feature o all those- who are in crested in the ucce s of baseball in Otterbein. Among those who played last year and are available as players for this year's team are Smith, Strahl, Kring, Funk, Flick, Hall and Sanders. Altho the e men are veterans at the game, they will have to work hard to make the team ju t as if they had never belonged to the team. This fact hould be a source of encouragement to any one wJ- o is thinking of trying for the team. o one, because of any previou record on the college team, will be given any more "show" than the new man who is faithfully training and practicing. Every one will have a fair chance to make the team and Captain Flick is de irious of having a large number of men trying for posi­ tions. For catcher's positfon, several experienced men are available. Harry Spitler is a likely candidate who bas had several years' exper­ ience as catcher on the crack Findlay high school. L. M. Kel­ ler is also trying for the same place and bas had valuable exper­ ience on an amateur team of the . C. R. of Dayton. Captain


Flick will officiate either as catch- I Student I:.oyality. er or first baseman. For second base .Funk is an experienced ;,p­ Among the many' factors whi ch p1icant. He can also be counted go to make for the success of any on as a good resecve pitcher. educational institution there is The chances are even for either perhaps none more potent than Jones, Kring or C. Young at the loyality ot its student body. third. Smith, Strahl, Funk, The term '•Student 1oyality" Trimmer and Grabill are bidding admits of a rather more liberal for the pitcher's box. Grabill is interpretation than usually goes a new man this year but has play­ with the idea of loyality but it is ed on the team in years past. for that reason none the less of Titus, Leibcap, Hall and Baird sterling quality. will be tried out in the field. The student who is the .nost Last year's team will be remem ­ loyal to his coll eg e is not always, bered as having a poor outfield, if indeed he ever is, the one who but from present indications "rides" his classes. College life there is plenty of good material consists of much more than for a stron(! outfield. mastery of its text books. While It is hoped that no one will get the curriculum is the nucleus the impression from the above upon which a college must build summary-that it will be no use to yet the studies ought not to be try for a _elace on the team. and ne\ er is ·t he- nly thing that ''The best man for the place" .vill co mands the interest and J be the rule and an quai c 1au1..e pvi will be given to all. Manager student loyality consists in sup. Rymer has almost completed the porting with all the enthusiasm ol chedule for the season. Owing which one is capablt> every to the cheduled tracks-meets a enterprise which is undertaken by foll schedule has not been arrang the students as representative of ed and hence nearly every game their college. The loyal student will be found ought to be a victory to make a in athletics, on the first team, if creditable showing. The following is the baseball he can make a place, o r if not, then giving of his time and schedule for the season of 1906: energy that the "scrubs" may April 7-Kenyon at Gambier. make the first team work to hold April 13-0hio Wesleyan at their positions. He will be found Delaware. in the rooting squad cheering on April 18-0hio St:i te at Colum­ the men who go forth to give of bus. their best for their college and April 21-0hio Medical at Wes­ hence for him. He will be found terville. in the Sabbath school, the Y. M. May 4-Heidelberg at Wester­ C. A. his literary society, every­ ville. where, anywhere that he can lend his hand to make for the better­ May 5-Capital at Columbus. May 12-Athens at Wester­ ment of his college. That Otterbein is able to main­ ville. tain her place in the front rank of May 25-Heidelbery at Tiffiin. Ohio colleges is largely due to May 26 - Ohio orthern at enthusiastic support of her stu­ Ada. dent body. It will be noticed that the first Otterbein student loyalil y is a game will be play d here a week I loyality founded upon love. from Satnrday, April 14, with 0 . 1Dear old Ott rbein is not a ''pat" W. U. and every student shoo Id and meaningless phrase but it is a Iphrase that comes welling up in plan to attend the garr.e.

of all her oyal sc.>ns. How her college songs stir the contestant to yet more vigorous effort. Score cards will never show just how large apart the "Whoop hip wbo" has pJayed in winning many a hotly contested ga~e, but this makes i.t none the less a mighty factor in every contest. Just now io the interval between the basket and baseball seasons the attention of our students is being focu ed upon the coming debate between­ Heidelberg and Otterbein. The students feel that Otterbein must win. The fact that Heidelberg has been able in the present school year to wrest two victories from us in other lines makes it impera­ tive that in the present <;:onte$t ve shall vin, and surely ff hard and earnest work ,1:an wiri, th.e membeI of the present team a c des rving of victory, but bi is not an affair of the team alone. The students feel that a good "rooting squad" must accompany the team to Heidelberg on April 6th and the debaters as they enter the contest may feel that back of th em and . for them is the loyal support of Otterbein's lo} al stu­ dent body. We must win. Let our watchword be on to Heidelberg! Card of Thanks.

We desire to take this oppor­ tunity to thank our student friends for their kind sym athy during the recent illnes and death ol our husband and father. We shall always remember their tender thoughtfuln and their beautiful fl0ral gifts ~ ith gratitude. MRS. AN A CLY ER AND FA HLY. W. H. Fou e, '93, \ a in town la t we k. :J:r. Fou e is princi­ pal of the colored chool in Galli­ poli and has the di tinction of being the only colored man to graduate from Otterbein.



lHf Ol TfR~flN WffKlY Published Weekly by the OTTERBEIN PUBLISHING COMPANY, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. In the Interests of the-Students of Otterbein University. L. K. FUNKHOUSER, Edito r E. A. LAWRENCE, Asst. Editor L. M. KELLER, Business Manager H. E. YOUNG, Asst. Bus. Manager J. H. KIRKBRIDE, Sub. Agent Address all Mail to OTTERBEIN WEEKL y Lock Box 63, Westerville, Ohio. Subscription Price _Per Year 75c} In Advance Spring Term 25c Application made for Second-ch<os rates.

EDITORIAL. There is no place where har­ mony is n1ore to be desired than tn a college. Every student should seek to maintain the best of 'relations toward his fellows. This is one of the foundation stones for a true college sp irit. The spirit of the coll ege is ga uged by the spirit of the individuals who compose the general student body . The influ en ce i~ reflexive, each assis ting the other. \Vhere these unite we find that harmony is paramount, a state of affairs greatly to be desired. Unfortunately, however, the desired is not always attained. A subdued feeling of bitterness seems tu exist, at times very ap ­ parent. This is easily exempli­ fied in the relations between the management of a college and the general student body. · The fac­ ulty, either collectively or indi­ vidually, are often made the target for unwarranted bitterness which often grows in to hatred. It therefore becomes a serio us problem, either from the sta nd­ point of the faculty o r that of the student body, to maintain h ar­ monious relations wh ich are so essential to the best inte rests o f both. Space will b e h>! re g ive n t o making pub lic a plan , wh ich has b een brought to t he not ice o f t he editor by a m e mb e r o f the fac­ ul ty, for in creas in g and p reserv­ in g a mica ble relation s bet ween t h e fa c ulty a nd student body of Otterbein. A "U niver ity Coun­ cil" shou ld b e formed, co mp osed of rep resentat ives from t he stu­ dent b ody ; the fo ur college cla sses to each have one rep re-

sentative, the prepara tory depart­ men t one, t he t hree adjun ct departmen ts of art, m usic, and business to h ave one represen ta ­ t ive, t he Ch ristian organizations o ne, an d the athlet ic departmen t one. This would be a wieldy body of eight members, and suffi­ ciently comprehensiv<> to give co111plete representation to t he various departments of college act1v1t 1es. This organization shall be democrati c in spirit, dis­ cussing in an open manner such grievances, suggestions, e tc., as may be brought to its attention by its members. Having thor­ oughly di scussed any matter which has arisen, the organization as a whole shall then express itself by vote or otherwise and the president shall communicate said expression to a representa­ tiv e of the faculty, who may or may not be present during the deliberations. The representa­ tive of th~ faculty shall then bring before the faculty the result of the delibera tions of the ''coun-

UP-TO-DATE T ha 1 i tte kiu cl of a Drug Store we have. We k eep up with the times. Y ou rn av expP.ct lo fin d eveq tL ing you n e!c'ci in t he Dru g: li ne here. C 11 111 e and SP S ,v e are e sp eciailv prepR r eci tn fil l Ph .v sici ans' Prescr ipt inns a nd F11 mil y R ecipss- q u11 lit_y and pri r ei;; !! mmrn teed .

F. M. Ranck's UJ)=to=Date Pharmacy, Wester'1ille. Ohio.

This objection may be easily d i s­ H ave Y ou Su b c1ibed F or T he posed of by stating that the plan of the organiiati0n is to give the faculty, th ro·J gh its representa­ tive, t he opportunity to learn t he sentiments of the student body and furthermore, when such a si t uation arises that naturally the member~ of the "council" If not , do FO hPfore the nex t will hesitate to discuss the fea­ issnP. Pl ~ce yonr name in tures of the situation, the repre­ tba hox on the first fl ,or. sentative of the faculty shall voluntarily ._vithdraw from that sitting of the "council." Certainly ,his plan is worthy Sen<i it to nnr fnPnn 80 cnn E<ee wh11t ii:! doinv Ht 0. the careful ccnsidertion of every student in the college . No harm PER DAY. Yon cao easily makeS4 Lo can possibly come from a trial of per day with the prupoH1Uvn 1 hu,·e to n, ake you. H yon Hre con lderlug this plan for a. term at least, and work for the summe~, don't !HII tv cil " as bei_ng the expression of haveatalH wllh if the results are satisfac tory, the LEE M . K..EL L E "R. . the will of the student body. '' coun cil" shculd be m ade a per- 'R ep.for Thom o J Mo nuJo cturintJ Co. Upo n careful co ns ide ratio n, the ma nent orga nizati o u . consistency and feasibil ity of thi s ART RE CEPTION. pla n will appea~ to everyone. The "council" will b e the con­ T h e art d epartment gave an 1 n­ necting link between t he faculty for mal reception t o it!> m any and the student body, and it will friends an d patrons on Wednes­ form t he natural medium for the day evening, March 14th. T he expression of all matte rs pertain­ work done du r ing the t e rm w as Next Door to Co-Op. ing to the relation o f professors very credi table and made an excel­ and students and thereby secu re le nt dis play. O wing to the in­ wisest action pertai nin g t o t he cle me nt wea ther, many were k e pt best inte rests of the university as a way, b ut those who attended e n­ a whole. \ Vhat t he st udents joyed a ra re t reat. ofte n individually discuss in an In th is Co)nnection, stu dents a ngry fash ion will be given ca lm will d o well to keep in m ind the Mad e up in t he la test styles, and you and carefu l consi de ratio n by the advan tages offe red by thi s depart­ 1 aYe from $5 to $10 by !?lacing you r o r­ council. In the same m a nner, ment. Th e gen eral aim o f eve ry der with us. Satisfaction a nd a perfect the fac ulty will not h ave reaso n one should be to c ultivate alo ng fitgara nteed. We a lso do p ressingin a neat manner t o thi n k unk ind ly of any sugges­ with the intel:ect, a tas te for the t ion that may arise, since carefu l beautiful. Learn to be many­ del ibera tion ought t o and will sid d in opinions, int erests and Formerly Riggle & Co. F orm a symmetrical p reclu de a ny needless and p e r­ desires . OVER KEEFER ' S DRUGSTORE. so nal whims. S itu at io ns which character. a ro use the a r tip at h y o f the stu­ dent bod y will be met in a bu sine s-l ike m a nn er.

The Otterbein Weekly?





New Spring Fabrics

Charles & Titus,

Stylish Clothes for Students ..

The only objection which may l!e raised to t h is plan is that i the re presentative of th e faculty shall attend all meeti ngs, the " council" wi ll fe el .reticent, eHher ind ividu ally or collectively, to di scuss in o pen the propositions brought up for its con sideration.

At the Lowest Prices is my

I. D-.


Of a College Man's Desires

It C oa t • Not b l n g t o Look

I. D. SMITH, Tailor for Young Men 22 East S pring St reet, Columb us. W e a terv llle Car a Pa• • by the Door.





'.Baseball Supplies and Sporting Good, of all descriptions.

,i{'!E ~ Theplaceto Prices tlH lowt>st. get a quick

The Columbus Sporting Goods Co., :2::35 North High Street, Columbus, 0,

THE \l\/ISE Restaurant

ford was accountable for the de­ feat of Plain City. The Misses Last Thursday evening the reg­ Crayton and Sherwood played ular treeting of the association best for the visitors. was led by F . A. Risley. This Plain City Otterbein being the first meeting of the Miss Torbert, C.) C {Miss Gerlaugh Miss Beach 1··· ... Miss Worstell term it was made a consecration Miss Crayton ........ R.F ... Miss Ressler,C. service. Miss Sherwood .....L.F..... Miss Hansford



friends there after society, lectures, etc.



15 E.Collel!'e Ave., WESTERVILLE,

~uo:c: m~li: at




Mr. B. J. Woodmansee, the Butter and Eigs, Men',i Overalls and Worki,g Shirts, Gloves, Ho state college secretary of the as­ sier_y and al I kinds of otions at sociation, who is now making a tour of the Ohio colleges will be at Otterbein Wednesday, Thurs· J. C. FREEMAN'S, day and Friday of this we~k. It 'NORTH STATE STREET, BOTH PHONES 65. is his desire to meet the cabinet and each committee while here,

SPEC AL WHILE THEY LAST. Iand to have personal t~lks with all I

'of the men who so desire.

$3 Ou Gold Fountain l'en for

On Thursday evening H.e regu­ lar session of the association will J. L. Morrison, Bookstore. be devoted to installation of officers. The retiring officers will give reports of the work d:me by ROOMS FOR RENT their respective departments dur· L~DIES Electric ing the year just past, and the inBoarding Club in Connection. lights. Bath and Gas. See coming administration will give an College Avenue. outline of the policy of the associR. B DUNLAP, ation for the coming year. The meeting will m ke cle-:lr jmt what' work the association is really do· ing at 0. U., and this fac: along with the assurance of Mr. Mood • maosee's presence should secure the attendance of every man in College Avenue school. Come.

Miss Lortz............ R .G .... .... Miss Stouffer Miss Evans ........... L.G......... Miss Clifton Officials-Miss Milne and Mr. Ja· kson, alternating. Timers-Miss Evans, Plain City, and Prof. Ross_e!ot, 0. U. Scorers CAPITAL STOCK $50.000. 15 PRESSES. -Mias Hall, Plain City, and Mjss Ress­ ler, O. U. Time of halves-15 minutes. College Stationerv Goals thrown by Plain City-Miss Cray­ College Aonnal ton 3 ; i\'liss Sherwood 2; by Otterbein­ College Cutalogf! Miss Hansford 5. Fouls thrown-By l\liss Torbert 1 ; by Miss Han~ford 1; by ~iss Ressler 3 . Final score-0. U. 74 76 78 80 E G dy t., 14; Plain City 11.




The Champlin 'Printing Company



Public Stenographer and Typewriter.

M ss Edna Streich, '08 has re­ turned to resume her studies in 0. U. '•Bill" Charles has entered the agricultural department of 0. S.

U. The Misses Menke and Steiger, of Portsmouth, are visiting es­ terville friends.


I 1

M. C. DUTTON, Phone 79R Dictation Work a Specialty. Dictati0n taken over Phone.

BOVVE &- CO. .,

Miss Mamie Groves, of Greens­ burg, Pa., is a new member of the senior music class. Mr. F. 0 . Clements, '96, head chemist for the Union Pacific rail­ way, was in town recently. Mi5s Laura Smith, '93, teacher

Y. W. C. A. was \fery we11 at­ in the Ohio Avenue school of tended Tuesday evening since it Columbus. visited local friends. it was the first meeting of the W. B. Kind er, '95, professor of term and a number of the girls mathematics Cleveland high school Best in We terville. All or­ had not yet arrived. The meet• visited his parents here la t week. ders promptly delivered. ing was led by Miss Mabel Gardi­ Mrs. John William Shaw, nee ner. Miss Edith Crippen, '96, visited F. BOOKMA.N'S, Miss Geneva Cornell, '94, of Basket Ball. South State street. Columbus, Ohio. Bohne• Block, The girls' basketball team de­ Both Phone• No 6 feated the girls' team from Plain Jnnis & !Hefer 199-201 s. For your :\ Bet. Town & City last Saturday afternoon in a close and exciting game by the Special Rates to Stu ents of QJtterbein. + score of 14-1 I. ~e Onr Rllpreeentative, E. C. WORMAN . Otterbein kept a slight lead 10 per cent. discount on all STA TIO ERY, BOX PA.PER and almost throughout the · entire TA.HLETS. Fine goods-full game. Plain City tied twice but value at regulat· price. soon dropped behind. The team 1 work of the visitors was equal if not better than the local team but the plucky playing of the & Misses Clifton, Stoufler and HansThe Druggist.






H~gh . Rich .



...ARTISTIC FRAMING... If you want your work done neatly and promptly and at the right price take it;to

PHINNEY Car, State loo Main

Special Reduction Sale On all e:oo l in tock dur­

io<Y tbe month 0£ April.


"Everything Pertaining to Mu ic. ''

Laugh and the world laughs with you.


Is Dr. Gan tz happy?

ellis, how is the m'gltt relay business coming? Still sleepy?


W. Nlarkley's Department Store.

W . M. GANTZ, D. D. S. Over First National Bank, Westerville, O.

The powder puff is on to all the latest feminine wrinkles. "Just the.age• wix:t;_boy and youth, When thought is speech."

Warner. "A sweeter girl ne'er drew breath Then my own dear Elizabeth. "

Miss G:wer till enjoys our (em)bracing college Ayer.



Miss Mix (at the Co -Op)' 'Give me some powder." Miss Young-"Face, gum, or bug."


w. ~ARKL;&Y, 1-'res. _Pres.




L . BlHJ~D AG E ,


W. C. Bale, Bank Bldg.


1Jurwell ~illiard 'Parlor Jtate Jtreet


Ca bier.


is eating soup ki.ss ?" me?" never: can get

I sollslt.ed. Tbl bank ls under go.-ernmeo t Jo pectlo,n


8:30 a. m. to 4 p. m.


J. W . .\1ar.Kley, J. W. Everal, W. . Y upg w. C:'.Ba:le, C. D. Landou, I<' . Culver, G-. G. tougbton, H.P. .l:!eery, C. L . Bruudage

Citzlzens' Phone No. 3, Bell tot

Eor He lad ha dn 't deaux, eaux. bis 'brains Jrom, bis head did bleaux-.

"Raleigh threw hjs mantle in a mudge puddle. l mean a pudge muddle; no, a pud of mudge . Oh! you know what 1 mean, a muddle of pud."

See Miss Rolo­ son's agents for special offer she is making in pictures for the next th·rty days

RolosonStateArt Gallery, Street, Westerville. 0.

"I stood in the hall at widnight, And the clock-was triking the bour, WJ1en her pa slid down the balu trade, And kcked with all his power."


( McFarren,

Cutlery New Location

Kline-"Why with a fork like a Hall-"Search Kline-"You enough."

K. R.-"Where did you get R. K . Staley, co m m on l y known as "Tub,'-' alias T he t hose glasses?" C. L.-"Bought them . 11 Human Dumpling. R. K.-"Look pretty cheap.'' Teacher-'' ame five animals C. L.-They're not cheap. I of the polar regions . " we11t to the best osculist in Co­ Pupil-• 'Three seals and two lumbus. polar bears."

Congratulations, Brooks.


And landed in the street."

Spring is just beginning and so A lovei; in the city of Bordeaux is campi.rs work. l3ob says he On his lrn!esto his love didgeoux:; has all he can handle. But'tbe maiclensaid neaux,

Hall, R. P.

line is at


E T.A73US.li.EU 1905 Por;ter-(Speaking encourage­ Munger still prefers the W .ESTER V :LLLE, OH.IO ingly to Miss Grant and Miss "Good." CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 Kanaga) Cheer up, don't feel so "O little I recked lier parent's boots Does a general banking busloef@, receives blue, why I have a worse case \Vereillecl with so .much feet! and loans money, pay Interest on time de­ than either of you. po Its, buys and sells l>onda. Your busfuees I went on the spur of th e moment

1'he boy stood o n the burning deck His head was all a whirl, His face and eyes were full of hair Phones, Bell 134, Cltz. 34 And l1is arms were full of girl.


Dispatch Building.


Powell, "The Little Minister. " chasing the Indiana School They say perhaps some day Teachers horse through a muddy Hensel may be a presiding corn field and incidentally Miss Boring. "Elder,"

R. C. McCommon, Jeweler,

'.rhe be t place to buy anything in the

74 N. High St.


gl~t:e:•, Laughbaum, Porter, Lawrence, Williams, Hensel, VanSickle, Hewitt,



Things just beginning to come nice and now you are all deserted. I see where Uncle Sam does some more business. Yankee Doodle went to town, He took his sister Mandy; They botli sub cribed for the "Weel;ly," Aud now they're all the candy.

Ask Harry Young how he likes

Incl □ <lina the famo □ ten o'c' ock down tairs parlor act, and also the one niaht a week provi ion, have bees eo rigidly enforce:d that we are going to give the ladie and gentlemen vf Otterbein an excellent chance to com ­ municate by lett<?rS. We are goin<Y to offer oar foll line of fine b:>x stationery at co t for a few dav . Yoo bad better lay in a good upply, when the dormitory i, co~pleted the situation will be till wor e.

The Co-Op Store, R. K. STALEY, Supt.

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