The Otterbein Weekly April 16, 1906

Page 1

Vol I.

' Costly day in and would 0 two three in a sbut•out.

""' ES-TERVILLE, O., APRIL 16, 1906

0. W. U. W in s. Errors at Critical Times the Cause

Octerbein was defea ted Satur• a game in w h ich errors on both sides counted ru ns. Grabill and Smith b ot h did fine pitching with the proper support have won the game for U. In the first inning with men out and an error that would h ave retired the side let in runs. The same thing occurred later when an error let run that should have been a

Those who accompanied the baseball team to Delaware were more than pleased with the show• ing made by the team last Satur• day. The game was slow on ac• count of the heaviness of the field. Several serious errors were due to wind and mud. A s ide from the first inning when 0. W. U. scored three runs without a hit after two men were down, the game was close and exciting. This bunch of runs was due to a comedy of errors bunched up at the wrong time. Graybill and Smith allow• ed only 4 hits in the whole game. Spitler at catch is doing well and ..has proven his ability to hold the position down. In the in field Strahl, Kring and Keller did good work. Leibcap's error was due to his accepting a chance which led him through a pool of water and over a mound of Delaware mud.

The weakness af both teams lay in their inability to hit. There was only one earned run in the course of the game.

composed ent irely of representa.1 tive college men and it is up to every loyal student to give the game his support. Ne xt v.·ed• nesday aftcrno on die oys play 0. S. U. at Columbus. Let us send an enthus iastic crowd of rooters along to help them bring home the first scalp.


There will be no regular Y. M. C A. meeting Thursd ay eveni ng. stea the a!>soc1at1on has se r• ed Rev Jas. Haig, of the Union Mission, of Col um bus, who will give a lecture on "Mission and Slum Work in Columbus ." The lecture will be illustrated by sixty stereopticon views of the work, and scenes about Columbus An in• vitation is extended to the Y. W.

No. 6

E. E. Burtner, E. C Worman, and E. A. Lawrence attended the State Presidents conference held at Delaware last Friday, Satur• day an I day;- =f ney- 1rei,>01·Hm,-,..._e,a1111 interes t ing convention-one in which all phases of the college associati on work was touched upon in an able manner.

Kenneth McArthur, of New York City, member of the International Bible Study committee spoke on "How enroll and leaa every man in college to do systematic daily devotional Bible Study" in a way to make every man present feel that his Associa• tion should atm at nothing less than this the coming year.

W. B . Pettus, Gen eral Secre· ta of all Y W C A k 1·n ry • . wor ch· f th t ma gave one o e mos inter esting talks of the c0nven • tion on "How shall we harmonize

Earned rons-Wesleyan 2. Tbr&-b&se hJt -Read ~tolen bases-Potts, Read 2, Ulel• land, Flick,_ Funk, Llebc&p First base on balls-OIi' 1o<ra.ybtll t, off Webb l. B1t by pitched ball-Baker. truck out-By Gray• bill 2. by Smith 1, by Webb 10 Time 1 .30. Umpire Bough.


Oh! the mud. 0. u. will have to cut out the errors if they expect to win.

Arc you going to see the game Wednesday against 0. S. U. at Columbus.

0. W. U. have a fine gym• nasium. Good shower baths and a big plunge in connection helped to make things pleasant for the boys.

It wc.>s a fast game considering the mud, it being played in 1. 30 minutes. The first game at home will be next Saturday. If you can't go to Colum bus Wednesday don't fail to make arrangements to see the game Saturday. The boy need the support of every student in school.

Pitcher Webb, the Delaware Southpaw, is po!ISibly the best college pitcher in the state. He throws a very swift ball with a short qi.lick curve right at the plate. Strahl, however, again succeeded in getting two hits and Titus home with one credit- here Friday. ed to him.

Frank Hager, of Coluir.bus, was

Misses Gladys Hodges and

We have a team this year Lena Loofborough, of Mt. Sterl• which is bound to win a number ing spent several days visiting of games. At the same time it is the Rev. Sayre recently.

Sunday morning the meeting was addressed by natives from China and Japan.

The Association has arranged the following program for the Thnrsday night meetings of the spring term.

April 18 ( Wednesday)-lllus• trated lecture by Rev. James Haig. April 26-Faculty Session, Leader Prof. R. H. Wagoner. May 3-La kes id e Conference Views led by former delegates. May 10-"Mission work in China" led by C. C. Wang, Shanghai China. May 17 -"Boys Work," M. D. Crackle Cleveland 0. May 24-"The Law as a Life Work," Att. Gen. Wade H. Ellis. May 3 1"The Ministry as a Life Work," Rev. Edward S. Lewis, pastor First M. E. church, Columbus. June 7-Seniors Farewell Session Leader F. M. McDonald.

arriving all were told to proceed to the gymnasium floor. On e l·ra·:~ Je~t:i~pe l~U: i.~sion Stu;l'.y;;-~= tering each person was presented' with the Bible Study. with a brightly colored Easter egg and each gentleman told to write his name on the egg given him. These eggs bearing the g entle• men's names were placed in a row in the center of the floor and the ladies each given a chance to roll an egg at them. To hit a gentle• man's egg was to secure him as partner for the evening. This af. forded much fun, as did the con• tests following. Carrying an egg by a spoon held in the mouth was an easy stunt for Mr. Leibcap. Mr. Weaver, our "Jimmy," was most successful in placing an egg in a box in the center of the floor, after being blindfolded and whirled about several times. The two victors were rewarded b1 Mr. Ey. man, master of ceremonies, with several large cookies. After re• tiring to the parlor, visiting the punch bowl en route, the program was varied by music by a quartet consisting of Baird, Shearer, Trim• mer and Funk; readings by Miss Young and Mr. Worman and vocal solos by Miss Yager. Re• freshments were served consisting of Neapolitan ice cream, nabrscos and drops.

S. L. Postlethwaite, of Casr.bridge, 0., was in town last week. Rev. Cunningham, of Dayton, 0., is spending a Jew days with his Westerville friends.

,.'ii"' . \)
SUlllMARY 0 W 0 A B H P O. A E. Haker, 0 3 0 12 6 !:!e's t, 8b t 0 0 2 Potte, 2b ..3 I 6 3 Webb, p •.•.•..•••. •••••• t 0 0 1 Eck 'J, If•.•• •••••••••••••• •, 0 0 0 Re&d. lb t 1 9 0 g C. A. girls to be present as well Bn'on, rf.• ••..••••••••••• 4 1 0 0 Ru ' rt, er 4 u 0 0 5 as any others interested in the Cl 'and, u 8 1 1 l 2 work. 4 'IT u 6 ------"--------E. The Bible class of the Y. w. c. oTrE.R.BEIN. A B. Ji P O. A 2 !) 8 rg~ui::: lb·~:-;;. :::.::.::.::::::! t A. entertained the Bible classes of 0 l I 0 0 0 smith, p , 21 Y. W. C A. last Thursday even• Fl'ck, Jb •4 0 14 0 4 0 0 0 0 Fnnk, •rr..... ..... ........ ... ·ng. The affia,·r was held in the Llbecap, er , 0 0 u 1 1 Spttler,c ·· • 0 4 2 2 l d · Grabill, P····· · 2 0 0 '.1 o Association par ors an an evening Titus, 1, 1 1 1 0 • • d Keller, 2b 2 0 2 2 1 of real entertainment was enJoye Total. .....•.. .88 3 22 lt s by every one present. Soon after - •o_u_t, h-1t -by bat-ted_b_an_.o w. u ·-··--··8 c, O 1 O O I 1 Otterbein ·······-··o o o o o o z o 0-2




In the In terests of th e Students of Otterbei n University.


E. A LAWRENCE, Asst. Editor

L. M. KELLER , Business Manager

H E YOUNG, Asst. Bus. Manager

J. H. KIRKBRIDE, Sub. Agent

Address all Mail to OTTERBEIN WEEKLY Lock Box 63, Westerville Oh io. Subscriptio n Price

Per Year 75c} In Advance Sprmg Term 25c ApplloaUon ror Second• rate

A feature of college life often overlooked by the average student is the opportunities presented for building up stong manhood and womanhood. The physical is given little consideratio n in these days of hurry and worry.

Every student is striving to acquire a full college education and in pursuit of this, little attention is given to perfect ing the machinery of the mind. As a consequence, many students are forced to drop out of college because the are hysical wrecks. Scores of cases are thus effected- every year and many come to our personal knowledge.

What a mistake is made! Being completely in ensible of anythin g but the purpose in view, the student disregards all the sacred

symmetrical man. Many other examples might be mentioned to illustrate our point, and who would serve to encourage those who recognize the importance of our claim and warn those who pay no attention.

Philomathean Open Session.

The Philomathean literary society entertained its many friends at open session on Friday, April I 3- The program was very good from the standpoint of both a literary and musical nature.



'Bubbling and Sizzlind

Ranck's sodA. fountRin now running over with good things Ice Cream, Crushed Fruits, Nut Frappe, Phosphates and everytning in the refreshmeut line finer than ever.

F. M. Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy, Westerville, Ohio.

Gen. Garfield said

While acldressin~ a graduatrn g class in Bookkeeping, Shorthand and krndred subjects, "the trained man will make his lite felt, while without training tho usands go down on the sea of luck to one who meets with success. "

St1lecte d

Phi lomathean O, cbe , tra Cha plain's Addre Wby, or Why Not

F. L ' mill, Preeiden ~•a Valtd ictory..... ·····• Co ll ege Athletics

I C. Flick

Music-Sweet Mara-areta

Erik J,feyer-Hdmund

P bilow rb .• an Q 1artet

President's Inaugural

The Vo,tu of a Man

8. Tryon

liliat-Orical Narrsti\'e-Tbe Pretended Desertion of J oh n Cbampe

W G. navely

i\1usic Sketches for Piano

(a) Tv a Waterlily-McDow ll

(b) To e Wild Ro se.-McDo-well

Secu re a University Training for Busin~ss- -


(c) Tbe Ooll'n DKnce-Poldini

G G. GYabill

Extemporaueon s Speakiniz

Music Selected Philomatbean Orchestra


M. C Dutton now has quarters law of nature in order to devote in the Hotel Blendon. every power of his bdng to mental Miss faud Billman's sister, of and moral perfection. To be sure Dayton, spent Sunday in 0. U. the vorld is demanding more and Miss Orphia White, of Columm ore, m n of power, mental and bus, visited Miss Ora Bale Friday. moral, but remember, the world B. F. Shively spent Easter also wants men who can carry out Sunday with his special Westerth e great conceptions of great ville friends. minds and the g reat conception of Dr. Bookwalter gave a talk in other men. A great id ea is use• chapel Wednesday morning les unless put into practical effect, the union of churches. and this the world demands.

Rev Monroe Crecelius, Menta activity r.equires th..e -011t• Oh. l 1 to place Dayton ,o, was in t own l f et o p 1ys1ca energy b . the latter f • · Th usmess part o - befor e the world its ge111us. e t man o action 1s a 1w;1ys a a pre- f mium and the commercial world in particular always has room for rum. The mere machine-of-a-man is the man who is filling the che ap jobs. The man who has both ability and energy 11... ver looks long for hi;, employment.

on of on l t as week. Wise Sayings.


Words are but the things truth wears.

A sneeze is said to be the explosion of an undeveloped idea.

Other walks of life are best administered by men who can do as well as think Our own Presiis a well known example of the that cannot be downed,

\Vben a woman loses her ternper she finds her voice.

Grit and wit is a combination

At lbe-
of the OTTERBEIN UNIVERSITY, Address, DR. LEWIS BOOKWALTER, Preside nt PROF. P. T. WILKINSON, Prin. of C".lool of Com merc e Sendfor College Cat alogue., Prospectus, Terms, WE TERVILLE, OHIO pecA I otrer and bow to get a Sobo le.rsbip FREE • HO VVE & CO. ea 1ng ti Very, Room PER DAY You can ea•IIY make ' to S8 per day wlLb the proposition l have to niake you. IJ you are coaslderiog work for the summer. don ' t fl\ll to ha,·e a tal1< wUb $5LEE M. K..ELLE"R.. 'Rep. For Thoma.s Manu.facturinll Co. AGENT for Oliver Typewr iter ae a e Papers and Typewr iter Supplies. Hotel. Co .• Carbon · \ WESTERVILLE. OH IO. Both Phones REAR OF HOTEL HOLME BOTH P.tiONE J:> Stylish Clothes for St udents . At the Lowest · I Of a College Prices is my Man's Desires . [1 Cost• Notblog to Look. I. D. SMITH, Tailor for Young Men "' './· · 22 East Spring Street, Columbus. • .- Weater:-vllle Cara Pa•• by the Door. -~ Columbus, OhioNG J. M. WEIBLI , L d• •~ -Feed and s J St bl Groceries Be t on the market - -a t-F. BOOKMAN'S, Holmes Block. Botb Phones No, 6 M. C. DUTTON , Public Stenographer and Typewriter. 9. Secon d Floor. Blendo n
School of


The O t terbein Tennis Association met last M onday morni n g and el e c t e d the follow i ng officers: Presid e nt, W. H. T ri m me r ; S ecr e tary a nd Treas ur-e r , L. M . K eller. The cou r t s will so o n be put in sh ap e and s o me oth e r improvement ma d e

If y o u a r e not a memb e r hand yaui, d o ll a r t o the treas u rer _a nd se c ure a li fe me mb e r s h ip i n th e Association

The rul e s of th e a s soci a ti o n will be m q re ri g id ly enforce d this season and only members will be a llowed to use the c o urts

So th a t e very member will have an equ a l chance at the c o urts a schedule b o ard has been pr e pared s o th at by putting your name down a d a y ahe a d the court can be s e cured a t th a t hour wheth e r anyone is u s ing it or not. Two pers on s can hold the court for an hour a nd four pers ons for two hours

A committee has been appointed to fix up the c o urts immediately and th e y will be well taken care o f all throu g h the season.

Th e re are quite a number who u s e the courts who are not members of the as s ociation so that it is up to you to see the treasurer as soon as possible.

As soon as the season is w ell under way it is very probable that a tournament (sing 1 e or double) will be arranged. There are quite a number of good players in scho o l so that this movement ought to meet with success and prehaps a tennis team be formed TRACK.

With the ad vent of good weather, every afternoon witnesses a squad of men working hard on the track. Captain Ayer


scheduled and arrangements are being made for an early meet with Kenyon here in May.

New Heating Plant

At a meeting of the prudential committee of the bo a rd of trustee s held in th e pres ident's office last vVednesday , the contract was let for the er e ction of the ce ntral heating plant. The Evans­

A lmir a ll Co. , of Washington , D. C. were · the successful bidders their price being in the neighborhood of ten thousand dollars. A tnoroughly mod€ r n heating system will be installed, capable of furnishing ample heat for all the buildings.

T h e plant will connect with the several buildings by means of main pipe lines which will be protected by a heavy covering of durable quality

At the present time , it is not contemplated that a lighting system will be installed but sufficient room will be allowe d in the new building for a modern electric light station.

The building will be of modern construction, most likely of select brick and w ' be situ ated on the northwest corner of the athletic field. The plant will be completed by early fall.

Football Captain Elected.

At a meeting of all who played two full halves during the recent football season, held in the chapel on Friday morning, Mr. Otto A. Bailey, '07, was elected captain for next year's team. Probably no better choice could have been made, for the captain -elect is a man of extensive experience and ability. As guard on last year's team, Mr. Bailey played a good game, and was never known to lose his head. We congratulate Mr. Bailey and wish him the greatest amount of success.

is very anxious to have more men Easter Cantata. trying for the team and especially for the dashes. Several good A large and appreciative audimen are already slated but there ence enjoyed the fine cantata is room for all. o man is assur- given by the church choir on ed of a place and hence everyone Easter Sunday night. The canwill be given a fair show A reg- tata, "The Conquering King," is ular program will be given to a beautiful piece of musical geneach man for a week's work, ius and throui,'h the earnest and which is intended to lead up to able efforts o f Mr. L. M. Barnes trials on Sat urday. Denison and as director, the rendition of the Wittenberg m eets are already several choruses on the program

Our work is Jpecial most durJtudent.r able A.-ate.r We excell in artistic pose.

Will aft:vay.r be the be.rt.

wa s ve ry g oo d. The following is the p rog ra m in lull:

Or c hestr a Se lect ed

H y m n, No. 1 5 ,. C ongr egatio n Sc( ip t urc a n d prayer._ ,_ Hy Pasto r

P iano prclu de Grace Ressl e r

Ride o n i n ,\l aj es ty Cl1o ir

Zioa's Dau « htex, Weep No M ore Lad ies ' Cho rus

S u r ely Re Ita s Bo rne O ut: G r ief,

B a s s s o lo, J o hn F unk , Al to s o lo , Lillie Res s le r , a n d choir.

Wh e n I S ur vey th e Wo ndro u s Cro ss , Mi s ses :\1cFa rl a nd a nd Gerlau g h

H e Gi vet h S leep, E ll a Barn es PART II.

W hy Wee p es t Th o u ?

B a s s s o lo , H. C. Ba ird, Q uart e t , Yage r , Ba rnes, F unk and Ba rn es.

S o pr a no s o lo Bl a nche

'Fhe Champlin - -?rinting Company


C o lleg e St11ti o nerv

C o ll Pg e Annnul · Coll eg e C11tnlog

74 76 78-8 0 E G1t y St., COLU \1 RU ' OHIO WE

The girls of the college entertained the boys to a box party at the association building on last Saturday ni g ht The affair was uniquely arra ig ned and an enjoyable evening was spent by all.

"Aunt Ha n nah's Quilting Party," as g iven by the M. E. church choir at the town hall last Tuesday evening was a decided success In order to accommodate those who were unable to gain admi ss ion Tuesday night it WaS repeate d to a I ar g e h OUSe Wednesd ay ni g ht


The pl a ce to Meet your get a quick THE \A/ISE friends there lunch or a after soci e ty , g o o d mea l is at lectures, etc.

- ,;..'.tfi:;, le '""•!.
- •• ....,, • '-:
Ya ger , and ch o ir Chris t is Ris en G G. Grabill Duet, Bla nche Yag er, L l\f. Ba r nes , a nd c h o ir How C a lm a n d Bea u t ifo l , B ari t o n e s o lo , R. C Ho rn , a nd choir Lift p Yo ur H eads Ch o ir Rejo ice , the L o rd is King , C ho ir , L a d ies ' Due t and ch o rus Offer to r y, P iano Duet 1isses Ressler Box Party
have a fine stock of candy in boxe s an d bulk. Try some on your friend's disposition and e;::.e-~~~
DR. KEEFER, Druggi t THE UNIV ERSITY OF CHICAG O T e Unh-crtity y~ ts divided into r ur Quarters,, S1,r lng Summer .and A utum n. Admi sio"l i1 l( r Ante,1 at the open(n~ of each , on January 2d, Apr I 2d, June 16th, and CA,wt,cr bl Graduate lns•,ur-t.ion Is oR',re4 in the Cnduatc Schools of Arts and Literatures and In the Qzdcn (Cn.duate) School o ( Sae.nee. Professional instrucdon ts ffercd In the Divinity School the Law School R ~b Co.lcg-c fo1ffi llatedJ and the School or Education. Summer Quarter 1go6, June 16--Sf-ptcmbcr Ar;t Term: J une 16-J uly ~ ; Second Term: July 27-Au~· t 31 R efi • ~:, ':.r:;,·~:'ec1~\;'"~':e~:.,w:/'::-O:.'.bers~ courses ,re offered r. , teaJ>ers. F o.-ln(ormation addttls
them smile.
~'o r your p!.ofogtapf'..<=- ""tnttt<=- & Rt fer 199-201 S. High. '-/ 1-/;;;;, " ,.J ;;;;, Bet. Town & Il ic~. Sp ial Rates to Stubcnts of Q)tterb~in. + +

The low r the gas, the higher the pressure.

We went into the ,g-ardea, We wandered o'er the land ; The moon was shining brig-htly; I held her little-shawl.

Yea, I held held her little shawl ; How fast the evening flies!

We spoke in of love; I gazed into I gazed into her basket; I wished I had a taste ; Here sat my loving charmer, My arms around her-umbrella, Embracing her umbrella, This charming little miss; H,-,- ,.y,-11 were foll nf mi11rhief; l aby\y s'to\c a-sandwic'n.-Ex.

A blacksmith named Berry sent his account to a customer, who became annoyed because he sent it so soon. Going to the blacksmith he said: ''This is a pretty mull , Berry, to send in your bill, Berry, before it was due, Berry. Your father, the elder Berry, would not have been such a goose, Berry, as to send in his bill, Berry, before it was due, Berry. You need not look so black, Berry, with those little eyes of blue, Berry, for I don't care a straw, Berry -Ex.

Laughbaum at the restauarnt is now always with his "Grub."

Prof.-"Mr. Munger, you will never fail in any of my classes."


Prof.-"Because you pay Good attention."

Bob (to Mary)-"! have lost my little dog."

Mary-"Why don't you adver tise for him in the paper?"

Bob-"What's th~ use, he can't read?"

Ask Royal F. Martin about his new point.

IA s_w_a_l-lo_w_,.o_f_b_r_a-nd_y_ often turns out to be a bird of ill omen.


I A woman uses a glass to color her face and a man uses a glass to color his nose.

Some people are so cheeful that the teakettle sings whenever they are about.

If a man's mind is ever filled with burning thoughts, it is when he pays the gas bill .

Fortune isn't a question of gender, although there is such a thing as misfortune

A man consumes more or less time when he is eating dates.

All a man has to do who wants to start a second-hand shoestore is to go forth at night with a cat trained to sing on the back fences.

Sometimes the strongest mao cannot raise a dollar,

It is a liberal education for a man to know when not to butt in.

T he wages of sin is not in frequently a job in the city hall.

THE OTTERBEIN WEEKLY "Everything Pertaining to Music." 4 GOLDSMITH'S MUSIC 7 4 N. High St. l J I +•I l t ++++ t f t ++•l"l•of +++•Jo 11 I< i G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. OFFICE AND ~ESIOENCE, 1S E Cotleare Ave., WESTERVILLE o. i + + (oca(s + + j tlllt•+11++1•r1+1•++•r++++••······••o1••·········••+++ ... AR1l~TIC FRAMING... LittleJohdny'sgone away, We'll never see him more ; A Few Wise Sayings. What be too le fvr H 2O , Was B.2S.O 4. It is a case of quick consumpIf you want yonr work done Natural law applied to love- I tion with the man who bolts his neatly and promptly and at the right price take it to PHINNEY Cor State• Main Keep your eye on J. C. FREEMAN Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Something new evory day. • Franklin Park Floral Company, Leading Florists, Cut Flowers a Specialty .JA .JA .JA Fair and Purh Ave., Columbus Half 1quan from Oak St ear line. New Spring Fabrics I. Made up in the latest styles, and you I eave from $5 to $10 by placing your order with us. Satisfaction and a perfect fit garanteed. We also do pressing in a neat manner Charles & Titus, Formerly Riggle & Co. OVER KEEEER'S DRUGSTORE, Knives Razors Hardware and ryG B ) . • a e, New Location Bank Bldg.
Dispatch Building. See Miss Roloson' s Agents and get $ 5.00 worth of work tor l • • New line of Moulding just received. J w. MARKLEY, Pres J w. EVEBAL, Vice Pres. c. L. BRUNDAGE, cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK JR;fJ.'}!;J;I lOOI> WE8TERVILI..E, OHIO CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 Does a ireoeral banking business, receives and lonas money, pays Interest on time deposits, buys nnd sells Your Is aollslted This bank la under government lnepectlon WE PAY 4 PER CENT. ON TIME DEPOSITS. HANKING HOURS 8:30 a. m. to 4 p m. -DIRECTOR&J. w . MnrKley, J. w. Everal, w. A. Young w. C. Bale, C, 0. Landon, F. Culver, G. L, Stoughton, H P Beery, c. L Brundage Cltzlzeas' Phone No. 3, Bell 101
Players Will find display in our window a eomplete line of Ten nis Rackets rangin2 in prices from 12 00 to 15, 00. Manufactured by Wright and Ditson, Victor ~portin~ Goods Co, Tennis Shoes, Tennis Balls, the best assortment in the town. Get your Pennants at our Store. New Session 1906 pennant on hand. The Co-Op Store, R. K. STALEY, Supt.

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