1906 04 23 The Otterbein Weekly

Page 1

WE ]TERVILL~, 0., APRIL 23, 1906

Vol I.



Otterbein-Ohio State Game.

0. U. m et defeat at the hands of their old time rivals last Wednesday afternoon. The score stood 8 to 4 at the finish. The game wa'> loosely played and many errors were made by both team s. Smith pitched a fine game but had poor support. Both .Benchholter and Brindle twirled good ball for 0. S. U. The day was a fine one and a fairly good crowd was in at­ tend1nce. The fact that the C0lumbus baseball club of the American Association played its opening game with Kansas City at eil Park the same afternoon no doubt kept many from the game at hio tate. T his was also the opening game for Ohio State. SUMMARY.

Otterbein A . B. tr1b~, . ·-················~

}:~~t (.-:·::::::·:·:::·:·:::::·:1

Llbecap. ro .••••.••..... .. :! Flick, I. · ···-· ................ 3

A. E

H. P.


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Da,rl, m . .................. 4 w c., r . . .. .... ... .. . ..... a li'nbacb, I. ...••••••••••••• 4 rtman, l .... ...... ... ..4 li'elmer, 2 .... ........... .4 H 'lnl cb, . ···-·· .......... 4 B'b' lter, p . ................ 4 Brindle, p . -··········· .. 1

H. P .O. A. E . I I I

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No. 7

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7 TotRls ...... .... ...... .. 37 27 12 8 OUurbeln . .............. 2 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 0-4 o . u................. 2 4 o 0 0 0 I I *-8

o. M . U .-0 . U . Game. On la t Saturday afternoon, Otterbei n went down in defeat to the Ohio Medical University, of Columbus, by the close score of of 13 to 12. The fiirst inning was particular­ ly disastrous for Otterbein when eight runs crossed the plate. Pitcher Grabill seemed to be up in the air and he had a good cause. Several easy chances for outs were lost and this, with a couple of hits

made things look very bad from I company bas submitted three BURGLARY. the start. compromise propositions to counIn O tterbein's half of the same Westerville };las had a burglary cil and it would seem that it was inning, anoth er batting and error ot its own! Friday morning about time that som e defin ite bt:e was started and fi ve Otterbein about 1:30· E. G. Lloyd and oth • acti on be taken that our streets men crossed the plate. This en who live near the postoffice may be lighted by somebody, seemed to put a li ttle gLnger in were awakened by a heavy explo• somehow, sometime. the locals arrd with the exceptLon sion. Mr. Lloyd arose ha tily Lecture Course Concert of the third inning Otterbein play­ and although it was quite dark he ed a good game. was able to see a man standi:ng The con cert g iven by the Four runs were credited to each just in front of his house evidently Whjtney Bros. Concert Lo. in team in the third through loose doing sentinel duty. A moment t he colleee chapel Tuesday even­ playing by both in the field. Ot· later a buggy drove up a nd th e ing April 17 was one of the best terbein secured one run in the sentinel was taken in nd driven sixth and two in the seventh, rapidly away to the north ~ Two nu,1 .bers on the Citize ns Lecture thereby tieing- the score. Neither other men were seen by Mr. and Course I his year. This was the sixth number on the course, .but team scored in the eighth. With Mrs, Lloyd, and subsequent dis- not the la t. two men down in the ninth, a Newell Dwight Hillis has as­ coveri es led to the theory that high fly off a Medic bat was drop• there were four men in the gang. sured the committee that he will ped in Otterbein's out fie 1d Upon investigation it was found positively appear as the seventh which let in the winning run. Ot­ that the safe in the po-stoffice had number on our lecture course, on terbein went ou t in one, two, been blown open. Postmaster May 211 d or forfeit twenty.five three order and the game was end­ Stoughton was soon on the scene. dollars. Here's hoping that we ed. He found that the burglars had will not have to take the money The game was interesting at been successful in gaining access but that his third date to lecture times, but an unwarranted amou nt to the safe and had secured about , for us may not be broken. of errors by both teams spoiled an thirty dollars in stamps but had ' The lecture course committee otherwise good game. That first failed to take about $200 in deserves the highest commenda­ in nin g was certainly a "hoodoo" money, although in plain view. tion for t hei r succes ful efforts to for 0. U . and if that innin g had The Colu mbu s police were at provide a course of merit. With been played like the mai ority of once notified, but as yet no clue on.e exception possibly every the rest, a different story could be seems to have been discovered . number bas been up to and above told. H owever, another time, The horse and buggy used by the standard. boys. the crooks was stolen from the barn of J oseph D. Edwards, who Christian Endeavor. UMMARY. lives o n the Weinland farm about O. l1 . U. AB. PO. A. E Farson, cL..... ....... . __ ,t I l 2 I two miles west of town . The rig The meeting last Sunday even­ Ee kfield, I ••••••.•••••••..3 0 12 2 2 Edwards, S.••.•••••..• •• •6 Ii a 2 0 was found in a cemetery nea r ing was led by Miss Una Karg. Tbomus, c ••••••••••••••••6 2 0 0 Barn tt, r .•••.•....•.•.•. 6 2 I 0 2 D elaware Saturday mornin g. The topic was, ''Keeping the Sab­ Wolf, Ill .•.• ••.••• . ••••.•. 5 I 0 0 1 \1ille r, I .. ......... . ...... 6 I I 0 I ,, To show th eir respect for the bath Day Holy." The su bject 4 Ma e.2 ••••. . •••••• • ••••••• 4 1 l I 0 0 0 andera, P ··-·· · ····· ····· 5 law, the safe crackers visited the wa. a practical one and an inter­ Totals ••...••••.... 41 'J:l 10 .9 Jl blacksmith shop of Marshal Strahl esting meeting was held. OTrERBETN, A.B. Ii. P .O. A. E. and secured there their tools with Miss Ethyl Young will le;i d C. trabl, ............. .. .....-6 2 2 2 1 which they forced their entrance roltb, r ...... .. ... ...... . .4 E. next Sunday evening. "Mis­ I 0 0 1 1 9 0 l into the postoffice building. l:lall, lb . -········· ·· ... t Llbecap, cf............... .. 4 l 6 0 1 sion Work Among F oreigners Flick, lf................- ..•. .0 0 0 0 2 This burglary serves to bring to in America" will be the su bject 2 0 0 0 «pitier. c .......... --- ····- ··..4 Rrln,:, Sb . ................... .. o I 2 2 0 Kell r. 2h .•••••••. - ........ ..6 I 2 a l mind forcibly the ease with which considered. 2 1 4 I Grabill, I>••····-····-- •••. 2 crooks may operate in a town Total .. . ... ••••••••....87 12 '1:1 II 10 whose streets are not lighted. Workman Take Notice. Rnn s• -Farson 2, Eckfeld 2, Edw• rde, Nothing but rare good luck has Tbomll8. Rarnett, Wolf~ MIiier 2, Mae 2: Those wishing to work or wish­ trabl, , roltb, Hall, Fllok 3, pitier S, Keller. prevented the occurrence of more Grabill i. l'lrst ba on ball,-Olf Grablll , I; o~ ander 8. track oat-By anders, JI; thieving and crimes of this kind ing work done see o ne of the by rablll, 6. Double.J>l&y-Grabtll to Kellar to llall. 1'1me 2:00. Um pire-Dr . L loyd. during the past three months that following committee: the streets have been in darkness. J. H. Weaver, chairman. The College Orchestra will fur­ Council again postponed definite L. P. Cooper. nish the music for the Center­ action on the light question at its P. C. Luh. ville High School commeiicemcnt regular session last Friday even­ H. M.. Worstell. April 26. ing. We understand the Electric C. V. Roop.






.,. -$.




In the Interests o f the Students of Otterbein University. L. K. FUNKHOUSER, Editor E. A. LAWRENCE, Asst. Editor L. M. KELLER, Business Manager H. E. YOUNG, Asst. Bus. Manager J . H. KIRKBRIDE, ub . Agent Address all Mail to OTTE RB El \1/EEK.L y Lock Box 63, Westerville, Ohio. Subscription Price _Per Year 75C} In Advance Spring Term 25c Application m1tde for Second-class rates. :;-


Otterbein Wins Trial Meet. Otterbein won in a trial meet with the track team from orth High School on last S aturday mor•ning and afternoon by the score of 95 to 36. The North boys made a very creditable showing against such heavy odds and suc­ ceeded in capturing three fi,st places in broad jump, high jump and shot put. Cooke wa the star for orth High taking the above three first and tieing Ube­ cap for first place in the 100 yar dash. For Otterbein Captain Ayer and Libecap divide first honors. Ayer won the 440, 880 and I mile runs in good time. Libecap distinguished himself in the pole vault, 100 and 220-yard dash:..s. Captain Ayer is to be congrat­ ulated on the fine showing made by his men, as his conscientious efforts in training them attests in obody has any ont> results. event all to himself by any means and hence if anyone thinks he can do anything come out and try. The following is the summary of the even ts: 100 yard dash-Libecap and H ., Cooke, first; Rogers, third. Time 10 2-5 seconds. 880-yard yard run, Ayer, first; Ri sley, second; Perkins, . H., third . Ti me, 2:05 1-5. 220 yard dash-Libecap, first; Roger , : H., second; Crecilius, third. Time, 24 seconds. Hammer throw-Flick, first, II 7 fee t; Bailey, second, I 10 feet ; McIntyre, third, 86. I I feet. Two-mile run-Ressler, first; Herrick, . H .. second; Weaver, third. Time, I 1:45 2-5 .

Broad jump-Cook, first, I 9. IO¼ feet; Hall, second, 19.2 ¼ feet; W o rman, third, 18-4 feet. 120 yard nigh hurdles-Hall, first; Porter, second: Munge r, third. T ime, 19 3·5 secou ds. 440-yard dash-Ayer, first, 54 4 5 seconds; Rogers, N. H., second, 56 £econds; Perkins, third, 57 2· 5 seconds. Pole va ult-Libecap, first, 8 feet 6 inches; Rogers, second, 8 feet 4 inches; Dun, N . H., thi rd, 8 feet 2 inches. High jump-Cooke, N. H., first, 5 feet I inch; Davis, second, 5 feet; Dun, . H., third, 4 feet I I inches. Shot put-Cook, N. H., 36 feet I I inches; Flick, second, 33 feet 9¼ inches; Davis, third, 32 feet 9 inches. Discus throw-Knox, first, 90 feet; Flick, second, 87 feet 6 inches; Perkins, . H., third , 8 I feet 6¼ inches. 220 -yard hurdle-Rogers, N. H ., first; Munger, second; Creci­ lius, third. Ti me, 30 4 S seconds. One mile run-Ayer, first, 4:58 4 5; Risley, second; Herrick, third . Otterbein won the relay race in 3:57. Y.M.C. A.

Th e illustrated lecture given by Rev. James Haig last Wednesday evening before both the Y. M. and Y. W. C.A., was well attend­ ed and thorou llhly enjoyed by all present. Rev. Haig gave many fine views of mission work in its varied phases, views of the work among the colored, the poor white, the foreign and the criminal popula­ tion of Columbus. These views were taken from actual photographs and this, to­ gether with the fact that the lec­ ture consisted almost wholly of the personal experiences of Rev. Haig himself, made the lectnre very interesting and beneficial. Just preceding the lecture Mrs. Rev. Haig favored us with a solo, "The Two Lives." Rev. Haig and wife .have been laboring in the mission work in Columbus for the past fifteen years and are certainly accom­ plishing a great work. Topic cards and window hang-






Ranck's soda fountain now running over with good things. Ice Cream, Crushed Fruits, Nut Frappe, Phosphates and everytning in the refres hmeut line finer than ever.

Ranck's Up=to=Date Pharmacy, Westerville, Ohio. ers are out an n unc ing the pro­ gram for th~ Y. M. C. A. meet­ ings dnring the spring term . The meeting Thursday evening will be a "faculty session." It is desired that every man in 0 . U . both students and faculty members be present.

15 per cent. discount on all Athletic Goods at


The Employment Committee I of the association has gotten out post cards which have been dis­ tributed among the citizens of th e town in order that th<s: committee may more easily learn of any one desiring work done by students. The only exertion necessary for a citizen to secure help is for him to fill out one of the post cards, ad­ dress it to one of the committeemen whose names appear on the card, and drop it in the postoffice. , We understand t hat the idea originated here and that it is working nicely. The commi ttee certainly deserves comm end atio n.

Department Store

DR. A. W. JO E College Avenue


Leading Livery, Feed and Sale Stable

Y . W . C. A.

T he Y. W . C. A. will have a missionary t opic for consideration at the regular Tuesday evening meeting. Leader Jessi e Mumma. Recital at Hartman,


Clean line s, moral and physical civilization, and oap-our Castile oap-o-o togeth r. O otber like it---buy it--try it--'ti the be t-and be weet.

Prof. Barrin1:;ton, in structor in of voice in Otterbein as isted by Miss Blanche Ya ger, will give a recital this eve ning at the Hartman Hotel. Columbus, 0. l\Iiss Yager will re nde r seven elections. DRUGS


For your




REAR 01<' l:i lEL 1:IL l£ND0N BOTl:i PHONE 15.


Jnnis & ftiefer

Spc ial Rates to Stu ents of Q)tterbcin. ee Our Represe ntative, E. C. WORMAN.


199-201 High. Bet. Town & Rich.




ON THE INSIDE Baseball Supplies and Sporting Good,

of all ceecriptione. Prices the lowest.

The Columbus Sporting Goods Co., :235 North High S t r - e t , Columbus,


sessio, and push in the Associa­ tion building. The push was en­ Stanford University was com­ livened by the usual bits of fun Your 'PHOTOfrom The Old 'Reliable pletely destroyed by the earth­ peculiar to this class of entertain~ ~ = - ; 7 7 Our work is quake at San Francisco, Cal., last ments. The business transacted Jpedal ~L:;:::::!'h,'17.,£.,,.e, m o st dur­ able. week. C. H. Bell, a former Ot­ was in reference to Class Day dur- ..Jtudent.s We excell in terbein student, is attending that ing commencement week, the R..ate.s artistic pose. school. No word has been re­ partic11lars of which will be given Will altvay.s be the be.st. ceived as to his safety, but reports out at an early date. Centur y, and Mr. Carnegie's pri do not show that anyone was Dr. H. L. Ferguson, ex mayor vate secretary, Mr. Bertram. killed at Berkeley, Cal., where of Westerville, who has been Mr. Stanton, while connected the school is located. A donation residing at Amanda, 0., for with Kenyon College befriended of $ wo,ooo has been announced some time past, was in town 1 Carnegie and the steel king Mr. for the immediate rebuilding of 1Wednesday calling on his daugh­ Next Door to Co-Op. has not forgotten the memory of the school. ter, Mrs. George Balthaser. the man who once served him as Hollis Shirey, of Columbus, W. H. Jackson, ol Cleveland, a friend. HOWE & COLUMBUS, OHIO visited 0. U. one day, last week. 0., Gene1al Manager of Hap­ New Walks. Mrs. Hensel and Mrs. Mathias, g0od'~ for Ohio, was at 0. U. of Logan , visited in Otterbein last last week. After a day's stay here he left for Kenyon. Mr. Baker and Mr. Everal week. Hon. C. M. Rogers, , , will were seen taking some measure­ Miss Mary Brandon, of Colum­ 77 bus, visited Miss Mary Hewitt be a crndidate for the nomination ments along the campus walks of Common Pleas Judge on the one day last week. We under­ last Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Gladys Hodges, of Co­ Republican ticket at the coming stand that cement walks will in all primaries. probability be laid from the end lumbus, spent a couple of days President ! ookwalter was at of College Avenue to each of the with Miss Mina Mix last week. Athens, o., 011 Friday evening main entrances to the coHege­ L. C. Hensel visited his par­ the IJ, acting as a judge in an building and also connecting the ents in Canton last week. orator i ca 1 contest between two entrances. However it is not A bunch of fourteen 0. J. students of Ohio University and yet 'known as to just how soon students enjoyed a drive to Wor­ Marietta college. this work will be undertaken, thington and the first picnic of possibly not until after the close E. Ebersole, of f h' Mr. G. the season in a grove near that o t IS term. place on last Thursday afternoon. Butchel College, Akron, 0., A general good time was reported. ~:l:~d. on Miss Inez White, SunThe party consisted of the Will Bonebrake, of Columbus, following persons: The Misses A standard, up-to date, American college, with str'lng faculty, mo-lern equip• 0., was in town Monday. Markley, Hewitt, Nowers and ment, flourishing literary eocieti~s and Christian Aeeo~iatione, and vigoron11 col• Mix, of Westerville, and Hodges Miss Eda Streich is spending a lege life. and Brandon, ot Columbus Ohio, few days at her home in Ports­ The OOLLEGE carries two coureee, the Arte Course and the cience Course. and the Messrs. Staley, Funk­ mouth this week. The AOADEMY accommodates tbo1e who have not bad the advantages of a standard high school. houser, Anderson, Kirkbride, Pre~ident Bookwalter and Dr. The ADJUNCT DEPART~1ENT of Music and Art f'DJl'Y a large patronage Rowley, Keller and Pershing of Scott will spend Thursday of this and there are well or11:aized Schools of Elocution and Commerce. Westerville. E rPEN ES are very moderate-low, considering the high grade facilitie11. week at Kenyon College. They The present attendance is the largest in the history of the institution. R. L. Hewitt went to Gambier will be in attendance at the formal Summer Scnool Begine June 19. Friday to witness the Kenyon­ dedication of the Edwin M. Stan­ LEWIS BOOKWALTER, President, Westerville, 0. Denison game. ton professorship of Politic:11 Thomas R. Keyes, of Indianap­ Economy. This professorshjp olis, Ind., Traveling Auditor of has bten endowed by Andrew the Central Union Telephone Co., Carnegie who will be preseot at While ucldressing a gr~duatmg class in Bookkeeping, Short was the guest of Ray L. Hewitt the dedicatory services and de­ band and kmdred ubJects, "the trained man will make bis 'Nednesday. liver an oration on the life and lite felt, while without trainin~ thou ands go down on the sea of luck to ono who moots with success. " Tom Hughes, '05, of Hillboro, services of Mr. Stanton. The 0., was calling on old frif'nd(s) oration will be given at I I a. m. Secure a University Training for Business. here last week. and the morning services will be A:t t b e Miss Ivand Mann, of 0. S. U., followed by luncheon at three in was the guest of friends here the afternoon. Among those in Departmeut of tl1e OTTERBEIN UNIVER 'ITY, \Vednesday evening. attendance will be President But­ Addre , DR. LEWr BOOKWALTER, President. P.ROF. P. F. WILKI O , Prio. of cbool of Commerce, On Thursday evening the sen­ ler, of Columbia University, Dr. Send for Colle""e alalogne,, Prospe Las, Term Richard W. Gilder, editor of the Special otrer aod IJo,v to getn llolanlJlp FREE'. WE TERVILLE, OHIO iors held a combined business PERSONALS.



Gen. ~Garfield said

School of Comemrce



Hart Schaffner & Marx, The Stein-Bloch Co., J(.i,4 _" • "( • The Atterbury System . .... .. •:-:•-❖--.:➔❖·❖ •f• ❖ l ,J!.



15 E.Colle2e Ave ., WESTERVILLE,

I +


+t t l

W. C. PHINNEY, Dealer In

Furniture, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Etc.

"1: ❖+~➔•H-♦.-~•❖•.-:-

··" .

Are Ready at

I•+ t ++•lt•t-- ❖ t 1 I -t •1-i t +J1+ l•++fi+++++J_ 1 1



+ + tocals + + ,

, ._

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fof, t• t •fo •U++•lol•++++ H++•fo+ -+<t 1l<•H+ 1l1t +ft f ..f,,t,,f,,t l •t-+ol I ++ol •l<+++

Wanted~So me invisible cn ew­ Porter-''Do 'you want a hair ing gum. cut?" Best thing to part with is a Prof. D.-' 'No, I want them all 'c ut." comb. T he " Three Wise Men"­ Kohler, Hall and McFarren.

New line Picture Moulding just received.

Dollie Gray she h Pd a brother, Her brother's name was Bill; I lent Dolly's brot<her a dollar, Good-bye.Dollar. Bill.-Bx.


Special Offer:

' Women must not think them­ selves so many. Remember Eve Cor . St ale &- Main Ndlis went home Saturday was onlya side isime. with the intention df coming back Bell Phone 66 but was · Miss T.-"No, dear; mamma l to Westerville Monda says I must not let you kiss me seen at Baker's Sunday afternoon. The best line of -Wonder why? goodbye.. " the City. Mr. S.-''Quite right, dear; Wanted-A n(ce boy to take I k' . d " wh en in need of anything from a you tss me mstea . me daily to the soda fountain and pl easant smile to clean linen . Miss T:-"Oh, that's another to places of amusement such as Washing and Ironing is Our way of putting it," ;ind she put it ball games, banquets, parks, that way. Business. We t' o it Right. dances and etc. M iss G., Miss J . w. ll1ARRLEY, .tre . J GIVE US A CALL. B., Miss C., Miss D., and me. P.res. 0. L . BJ<UNDA9E, Heard in Junior R hetoric. Prof. S.-(As Mr. Myers enter­ What's the matter, Kline? THE ing late takes his seat in rear of Mary had a iececoigum, BELL PHONE 90. NATIONAL BANK room-"Mr. Myers you eem so It was as white as snow, E 'TABJ,l.SH~~I) 1905 And every place that Mary went, far away. WltSTER.Vrl..LE, OHIO The gum was sure to go. Mr. Myers-(delightedLy taking 1:t followc>d her to school one d ay CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 his seat beside Prof. S.)-"Well Which was a-g ainst the rule. Does a e:eoeral baukt1ig buslo P6, r eceives I'll come close r, then. " 110(1Joaos money , pu:ys Interest on time (lo­ Tlte teacher took the gum a w ay,

$5 Worth of Work $3.50

You Should Come to Our Laundry


Franklin' Park Floral Company,

Heard in Prep Physics: Prof. IM cF.-(a fter explaining Fai, and Pugh A ve., Columbus theory of the pointed ightning Half square from O ak St . car line. rod) -"Where then is the safest place to~ be during an electrical storm?" Mr. Corne tet- (with the air of one who. kn ows)- " Fast t0 a Mad e up in the latest styles, a nd you point." •ave from $5 to $10 by placi ng your or­

Leading Florists,

New Spring Fabrics

der with us. Satisfactio n and a perfect fit garanteed. We a lso do pressing in a Before you ask your girl to neat manner have : a soda first feel for your

Charles & Titus, Formerly Riggle & Co. OVER KEEEER 'S DRUGSTORE,

THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Tie Unlvenity year is divided inti, f ur Qua rters, Winter. Sprfng , Summer. and Autumn. Adm! slo, is \.' r,, nted <lt the open1ng of each, on Jauu.,y 2d, A r I 2d, June 161h, and



Graduate instrurtion is off'rred In the Graduate Schonl< nf A%ts--a.oci Litcratu.rcs and fn the ~dc.11 (Cr.:aduate) h°"l of


Professional in$truct.Jon l!I ofl'ered in the ivinity Srhool. the Law School, R~b MedLal Co.Jcgc j;lffill:ued,. and the School of Education. Summer Quarter 1906. J une 16-St-ptemhcr s. Firo-t Term: June 16,-,July 26; Second Term: July 27-Augu t 31. l{~rua tion is permitted fo r the entire quarter or f0:r either term F ulJ and rqrular aedh k givca f~ work done. Specb.l

courses are offered for teachen. For Information address

money. And Webber has been in this:·position. A sk him if we are correct. Ash took a vacation of three hours the other afternoon. They both say that that afternoon was an age. It will not be repeated. A defective hammock has caused many a lover to fall out. Kline andf Leibcap spent some little time on the regular category the other night. Phosphorous light is the best illuminant to study it by they say. However it is liable to affect umbrellas.

And chewed it after school.

p<>slts, boys nod sells boo(IH. Your buetueea IS •ollstte<I. This bank ts una r goverumeol luspecttoo

McDonald has at last realized the need of campus work for a WE PAY 4 PER CENT. ON TIME DEPOSITS. · _it. , l!ANKINGHOUR Senior. H e seems to en3oy ··80amto4p · · ·m· -DIRECTORS-

A Drama in One Act.

J . W. Mar1tley, J . w. 1£vernl, w. A. Young '\V· C. Bale, C. D. Lau<lou , F. ·utver, G. L. tou.ghtoo, H . f'. Beery, C. L. J.lrundage

Time-Thursday evening 7:30. Cltzlieas' Phone No. 3, Beu IOI Place-Dr. Scott's Residence. Cast of Characters-Dr. Scott and G. DeWitt Bender, a bad little prep who won't go to church on Sundays. A timid rap at the parlor door. Bender-' •G o o d even i n g, Proiessor" (taking a chair,) "Well, I suppose you know what I'm here for" Dr. Scott-"No I do not." Bender-"Why I got your letter this evenfrg." Dr. Scott,-"Letter? I didn't CAPITAL STOCK $50,000. IS PRESSES write you a letter." College Stationery Bender-' •Yes, here 'tis." College Aoou1ds The Doctor after reading College Catalog11 served the bewildered ''Dewitt" with a luncheon and told him 74•76•78-80 E. ., c., that some one had played a little joke on him. COLUMBUS OHIO

The Champlin 'Printi~g Company

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