d tlie:-s c'b in tlve _- fifl ·"" are\.V fou n at wide ones, second an 11 or t 1e first h "' , came orne on a wt
~n~cl:-st '. "' <!~in d wild"' pitc - on rn a · mith addeo a ~o the iting ga m e. G>n xth by his own out by the Jeade r was e score stood t this · time of the s chool y there wa~! rors by Bae
The game, t ou 111 one, two, ginning and at times he eiJhth scored
year many of the mei1 are thinking of how soon they will be out of school and of what their life work will be. It is true that ing. Both teams p aye its by Eller and snappy ball and· with th e e unt and on error by "fitu5.
"Life Work" meetin gs a r e tion of one inning, fe\v er runs n e mad were made by either team The ff C 1 :..i • • • o ros y uunn emamm
g ame had not progressed far, when it could be eas ily seen that the 0utcome of the games depend• ad on which of two pitchers was the stonger. The game was a fine sample- of a "pitchers battle Y
Smith won the ga me by his supe rb pitchin He put the ball wher~r he w;nted it, usually splitting the pla e.
Fourteen strikeouts was the best record of the day and from a spectator's s tandpoint thi s was the spice of the whole game. In one innin g, wit h no men down and with second and third b ases full, Smith fanned three men in an e.asy way, retiring the side when a hit, or a long fly would have meant runs. The day was lucky for mith in fattening up his batting average. Two hits out of four times at bat is a good record.
Crosly, for Kenyon, did good work. Ten men vainJy beat the air in trying to connect with his curves. With the excet?tion oi the fifth inning, he had the game mostly to himself With three very bad $l'rors behind him, he went up in the air and when b e came down three runs bad cro sse d the plate. After that inning, Otterbein made no hits off his de • livery.
In thl! -se cond inning, Crosly made the first tally for Kenyon by reaching first by: being hit by a pitched ball, stealin second and coming home on a hit by Eddy.
int ing ~ Ken}'on made two runs in the ninth a1te two men were down, on a pair of singles and an error
Lru~ k out,--By l?lne, 7; l)y Rrabill 4 Base on ball -Olf Grabill, 2 Hit by pltcbed ball - trahl and McClbben. TWO· ase llll.8Funk, Eller 2. Three•bose blt,--Allen. Uoo • ble ):'lt\y-!<trnhl t.o Keller to FnnK. Tim e or game-J:15
May Morning Breakfas t.
arranged by the Association that the men may be aided in making a ch oice, yet the supreme qu es • ti qn is: Are we being Jed by tbe Master in making all our decisions, includin g the impor• tant one as to what our life work is to be. The meeting was a
First base on ':>allt,-Otf
2. HI~ by pltobed ball-Or1111ly. Two• ba e bits-Strahl, Funk t oleo ba,;es-K et• l er C'Tosly -t ru ck out-By Oro ly. 10; by mltb. 14. Double plny-Kr1ng to Kellar.
Otterbein journeyed to Gran• ville last Saturday and lost to Denison by the sco re of 8 to t. Th_s: game was fast, being played in <:)11e hour and fifteen minutes. Denison won through superi or batting and play in g, maki ng ..hits when hits mean runs. Otter• bein's only run was made in the first inning. Strahl was hit by a pitched ball and scored on Funk's two-bagger. Flick also secured a hit thi , inning but no runs were made.
Saturday morning, May S, from 6 to 8 in the college gym • naS:ium the Y. W. C. A. girl will serve the best breakfast you ever have had, or will have a chance to eat. Price twenty-five cents, special rates for two-fifty cents. Candy, homemaqe, like
s ixt y stereopticon views of the life in camp at Lakeside Summer Conf erence. There will be s hort explanat ory talks by men who h a ve attended in previous years. The C on ference at Lakeside this year will begin about the time school; clo ses here Whether you intend to go or not you will be pleased:with the view s of sights and scenes there, so plan to be present Thursday evening at six.
Burglary No. Two.
" she' m akes , will be on sale. w111·1e darkness reigned su• Each c-olleg e dass will have a preme la s t W ednesday night, table and its own decor a tions. some burglar or burglars tliought Come out and find out whether the time was propitious and en• she is a good cook or not, boys. t eted the re id ence of Emery Mc• Will expect to meet you there. L eod, [o n · orth Main •treet. Georj!e Majors, ot 0. was in town Saturday.
After ran aeking drawers and cupS. U., boards and turning things upside
I. L. Clymer was he·re visiting last week. We regret to know that Mr. Clymer will not be in school for the remainder oi the term.
down in general they left, no richer than when they came. Wonder who will be the next householder to be favored with a visit? · Better hunt up that old shotgun.
StrMM ',!,'R Y. Otterbein A 8 H. tr.:J)I, s ..•••..•.•..••• .4 l E 2 oTrl!:RBEIN. A B. R Strabl, ss 3 I Funk, lb ..•.......••~. 4 0 i!mllb, lf.. t 0 Fllcl<, r.•c .4 0 Grabill, p 2 0 Llbecap, er 4 o Kelle r, l!b 4 O Krtni, Ub 4 0 'ipitle r. c....... I 0 Titus, r .......• z o Total.. 82 1:1. 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 I 0 5 P.O A E. 3 4 l IO 0 0 O o 0 6 0 0 1 l 0 2 u 0 3 I I 0 3 0 0 I) 0 0 0 1 24 9 s very inter esting one and a large Funk, l 4 I Snlltb ••.•-. •••. .•..- 4 2 P O. A 2 2 6 O 0 ;{ 0 Oeolson. AB. H. n uni r h e "'1 i 1 ..,w,<?-r.,e-,i:i,,..,.,.,......, """e-:'!, l'ltt1~. r .•• • ..•.•• •••.••• :,I 0 0 \) 0 f ,-PJH) '-I l Flick, c -1 I H 0 0 Pine, p 5 0 Alle n, m ......•.•... .4 l 0 pre sent and enjoyed i t. 2 0 Llbecap. m .• . ........ A 0 Grabill. 1 ••...... 4 0 I 0 2 0 I I y ~lvdtog,noo, I. 4 0 n erson, - -a 0 2 I 2 1 i On Th ursday evening of this g:week the meeting will be given ? over to an exhibition of about K e ll e r. 2 2 0 Krlog, 3 ••••...••••••• • ••.. , 0 l 2 1cCll>ben, ..• ••. 3 0 LaRt1e , I •••... •••• 4 2 0 0 2 0 0 rotats JH 5 'J.7 3 ~lier, o .•• 4 not,, r .•••....... .•. .4 II 0 a 12 l 2 2 0 Kenyon. A.B. H. Trn1·i8 2 5 0 P.O A. E. I I I McGln ' s. r •. .• 4 0 0 0 0 Lntly, l • • 4 0 Can'b ' m1 c. ______ 4 u 11 I 0 10 0 0 Crosly, p .••....• ......•... -1 0 l::,Ym ~:::::=::::: ::::::i p Jones, I .• •.•.•• .•••••. ;l 0 o nnell. 3 .•.•.•••••...•... 4 l 0 0 l O l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l:!06 m, s. ·s l Wolcott. .•••... l 0 0 I 8 l 2 IToblls 37 a 2-4 6 R11ns-8tr11bl Funk, mltb Keller 2; Or os• I'< Lee. Funnell
C ro sly.
Tlme-1:35 OU.,rb ln O O O O I I 3 0 •-5 Kenyon •••.•••.. •• 0 l O O O O O O 2-3
86 8 II 27 6 2
In the Interests of the tuden ts of Otterbein University
E. A. LAWRENCE, Asst. Editor
L. M. KELLER , Business Manager
H E YOUNG, Asst. Bus Manager
Ad dress all Mail to OTTERBEI WEEKLY Lock Box 63 , Westerville., Ohio
account of themselves whe r ever found.
Special C. E. Service. R~n c k . ocl~ fount Ri n now iunniog over with g ood thmg le~ Cream, Cru~b.e~ Fruits , Nut Frappe, Phosphates and ever ytn 1Jg .in he Te fr e bmem li ne finer than ever.
On next Sunday eveniPg the Christian Endeavo r mLet ing will be given over to a special •' Anniversary Day'' program, this be ing the society's sixteenth anniversary Th e services will be held at 6 p. m in the college chap el instead of in the Association building. The following program
F. M. Ranck's UJ)=to=Date Pharmacy ' . ' Westerville. Ohio~ New
Subscripti on Price will be given: On Monday evening, April 25 , Per Year 75c} 1 Ad Doxology·, invocation-, recita- occured the reunion of the Pennon Spring Term 25c n vance
Shoe Values
tion, Eathel Young , · Scripture sylvania students now in OtterApplloauon made ror Second-clue rat.ea. ============== 1lesson, ''The First African Con - bein. The hostess, Mrs. Ella vert;" presentation of the names Kring, and the host, Mr Kring, Is a dollar -worth saviog1 Then investigate the values we offer in the Westerville High School Winners.
Friday evening the pupils and friend~ of the Westerville High School journeyed to Columbus in a special car and enthusia. tically supported their r epresentative, Miss Laura Dempsey. a t t he county high school oratorical contest. The contest was held in the Board of Trade Auditorium. The schools represented were Westerville, Worthington, Ga• hanna, Reynoldsburg, L oc kbourn e, Groveport, bu61in, Harrisbur g and Hilliard.
Mis Dempsey secu red first honor ; Mr. Harry Moore, Worthington, second, and Miss Ethel Roberts, Gahanna, third. ' y a singular coincidence both Mis s Dem p ey a nd Mr. Moore spok e upon the sa m e subje ct, vi z., "Graft." Miss Roberts spoke on "Elements of Beauty."
It is no doubt a pleasure to all Otterbein people to know that the schools whose r ep r esen tatives carri ed off the honors are all taught by 0. U. men. The first four chools in the order given above ecure d tne honors, and are tau ght by J. P. West, "9 7, H. S. Gruver, '04, E. V. Bowers, '01, and A L Gantz, 'oo, respectively.
It might also be added t hat Westerville High School has won the highest rank of any h igh school in the county associati on, having won m o re contests than any other school, and that this excellent record of victories won has been made with 0. U. graduates, exclusively, in charge of our high school.
of "Our Missionaries;" prayer for presented various forms of enterAfrica and our missionaries· hymn tainment during the evening "From Greenland's 1c/ Mou~~ which were participated in by au I ta ins;" paper, "Evangelizing present with hearty goo d will. Africa by A fri cans ," Prof Cor- An entirely uni q ue feature o f n ete t ; spe cial m usic; pape r , " Al- the decorations con sisted in a bert Academy;" offe ri ng for the moss covered mock -spring, s o better equipment of Albert Acad- constructed as t o give the im presemy, Freetown_, West Africa; spe- sion of a secluded m ountain cial music; bo ok review , "Day- sp rin g. Beneath the hanging break in th e Dar.k Continent;'' mosses was ice -cooled lemon:idr hymn. "The Morning Light is which refre shed as well as Breaking;" clo sing p ra yer E L. prompted the wi t of many a gues : Po rter, leader Everyone invited to still greater mereiment. Re· ! to come
The Katydids.
The home oi M iss Ruth Bookwalter N. Grove street was the s cene of a very merry party, the third of a seri es of "parties," given by the Katydids. Each is distinct as to its kind and method of entertainment.
This party w a s a "Baby Party," with sixteen guests present dressed to suit appropriately the occasion. A "great big" pie adorned the dining table as the time for refreshments drew near Sixteen strings protruded from this pie to which were attached sixteen clothes pins. The next thing t:o d was w make a pin look as much like a doll as possible with a goodly amount o f tissue paper. Maud Billman won the first prize.
Miss B o okwalter was presented with an Otterbein souvenir spoon with the name of the club engraved · on the handle. The Katydids report a ••fun -frolic of the first class."
Rather seems like 0. U. grad- Jud Askire, of Fostoria, visited uates were able to give a good friends in 0. U. Sunday.
fr e!; hmentS were ~erved i n following which a hort program was rendered
The third time is the charn ' su,e-so renew th a t date an d don't forget t o bring her with yo u t o the college chapel at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening , May 2 , an d hear Newell Dwight Hillis, thr seventh number on the Citi ze ns ' Lecture course And don ' t forget to bring yonr season ticke t coupon if y ou have one
Y W C. A
The meeting T uesda y eveninJl will be led b)' Miss Edna Streich. Topic. '"'Pu rity o f Thou g ht "
For Men Only. All styles, all widtlis, a.II sizes. Equal to any, superfor to maoy sold at 11. 00 per pair more. Patent col~, vioi kid, velour calf, guo metal, 1n oxfords and bi~b shoes to suit the most fastidious dresser'. Price $2.50 and $3.00
Shoe Store Chittenden Hotel Building COLUMBUS. OIIIO.
For you r pqotograp~s . Jnni.s & fii~fer 199 201 s. High. Bet_ Town & Rich.
+ Sp eci al Rates to Stuhe.nts f Q)tt rb ein. + ee Our 'Rep1eeentative, E. C. WORMAN
;t. .;r. ON THE INSIDE
Baseball Supplies and Sportin& Goods of a ll descriptions. Prices the lowest
The Colum~us Spor.tint Goods Co.,
::23!5 Nor'tli HJgfi Street:, Colurnl>us, C>.
PERSONALS. f. A. Klinefeltar and Mr. Prun er, of 0. S. U., spent Sunday Rev. G. L. Bender, 01 Marion, with friends in Otterbein. 0 , spent last Thursday with his Miss Blanche Gifford, who has son, G. Dewitt been ill for some time, is rapidly Mrs. Harriet Frankenberg, ol Columbus, spent Tuesday with improving.
DR. -A. W. JO E College
Miss Ma-ry Hewitt visited friends h ere over Sunday.
L. W. Warson, '05, and family
We regret to learn that '-N. C. Mr. Warson has just completed Demuth, the colleli!e barber, will his years work as superintendent soon discontinue his work here of the New Madison high school. and go to Ostrander where he will H d ' ·1 t t tt·11 b e an ,amt y wen o I s oro preach. G j Monday. where they will spend
L. E. Myers a nd "! · · the summer.
Snavely left Friday morning for Mr. Myer's home at Lewisville, Miss Blanche Yager and Prof. Ohio. Mr. Snavely before he Barrington sang at_ the Southern ,eturned visited his parents nea r hotel Sunday evening.
Massilon, 0. Miss Mary Weinland entertainMiss Hannah Keefer who has ed the Philalethean Senior Girls, been visiting her brother, Dr. of the class of '06, at.a six o'clock
A. H. Keefer, O. U., 1 76, for the dinner on last Saturday evening. past six months, has returned to After dinner, the guests were her home near Johnson, Oregon. driven around town in the host-
"The Davises" will give a ess' automobile, which was concert at the M. E. church thoroughly enjoyed by all The Thursday evening of this week. very pleasant evening was then Mr. and Mrs. av1s will give an made complete by several musicevening of song which will be al numbers by the hostess and well worth hearing. These two guests. high class entertainers have Miss Bertha Monroe is spendstudied in many of the leading ing several days with her many conservatories of the East. Mr. friendi and acquaintances here at and Mrs. D,wis at one time had O. U. Miss Monroe spent the charge of the Conservatory of first of the winter teaching art at Music at Otterbein. Rushville, Ill. Since then she
The Otterbein De bat i n g has been studying oratory at the Society met in the chapel last Columbia School of Expression Wednesday at six and held the at Chicago and also taking special annual election of officc:rs and work in water color, china and transacted other business. The I ather in the "Marshall Field -
officers chosen for the coming year ;;re: President, J. W. Ayer; Vice President, E. L. Porter; Secretary, F. A. Risley; Treasurer, L. C. Hensel.
Mr. Myers reported a debate already arranged for next year with Heidelberg and negotiations pending for one with Muskingum,
With the good record made by our team this year in defeating Heidelberg the interest in debating in Otterbein should be on the increase. Next year we should have r. good second team as well as a good first team, and take Heidelberg and Muskingum both into camp. We can do it if we will-let us plan to do it.
J.~M. ~WEIBlJNG , Leading livery, Feed and Sale Statile
Annex" at Chicago.
Sunday morning a party of twenty -nine Westerville and 0. U. people attended services at the Ohio Penitentiary and assisted in conducting services there. The morning sermon was delivered by Rev. F. P. Sanders on the theme, ''Christ Our Life. 11 Miss Blanche Yeager sang two selections and the male quartet, composed of Shearer, Baird, Trimmer and Smith favored the men with three selections. Prayer .vas offered by Mr. E. E. Burtner. There were about sixteen hundred pri oners present, and over three hundred visitors in attendance.
J.. C. Gen.
at DR. KEEFER, freeman's DRUGS AND HARDWARE• Garfield said
While acldre sing a S?radaating class in Bookkeeping~ Short hand and kmdred subjects, "the trained man will make hia lite felt, while without training thousands go down on the ea of luck to one who meets with saccess. "
Secure a University Training for Business.
School of Comemrce
WESTERVILLE, REAR O ff H OJEL BLl'!NDON BOTH PHONES 15 Don't fail to 11ee the line of OXF0'R1) at OHIO Farlan ' Shoe Store w. ·M. GANTZ_, D. D. S~ Over First National Bank, Westerville, 0. TAILORS COLUMBUS. OHIO morning and Thur day. on 1 1 ue day return on Prompt oJlection and delivery. First-Class Work Guaranteed. L. C. HENSEL, Agent.
You should see the Bargains . rn Staple and Fancy GROCERIES SPEClAl PRICES THIS WEEK . on fine Stationery. Th latest s tyle s. See them -buy them-try them.
Departo, eot of tbe OTTEltBEI UNIVER ITY, Addre , DR. L~WI BOOKWALTER, Pre ideot. PROF. P. F. WILKIN O , Prin. of @cbool of Oommerce, Bend ror College Oataloaue., P peotn Term , i!peelal otrer and bow t.o get a cbolal'8hlp FIi££ WESTERVILLE, OHIO
++++++t++++ i, t•U++++ i, i, 1' i, f i, ++of++++++ I+ I
Prof. 1iller-(to Mr Huddleston)-"What is a rhomboid?''
Mr. Huddleston-"A rho.nboid is a square whose angles are not right angl es. "
7:00-7:45 A. M Dod £r er goes to class and re;ids ;, l ove story.
7.45-8-45 A. M. Practicle application in Chapel.
One of Zeigler's bri g ht say ings, "He dropped a cigar in the creek and ri vu lit. 11
Singer seeing Kline w ith hi !> girl ''That man sort of bot h ors me."
It don't tak e Per h ion g to get a point and for Kline to butt in.
Prof. S- (to Mr JLil l)" W h:t.t is vi vi -section? "
Ruskin -' 'I d o n't know, I guess it s stealing d ogs. "
"l am not much of a mathema tician, 11 said the ci g arette, "but I can a dd to a man's nervou troubles, I can subt?•act from hi s physical energies, I can multiply ' his aches, and I can div i de his mental power , I can take interest from his work, and discount his common sense.
Prof. Snavely-Mr Eyman , is there any recourse for a criminal after he has been convicted?
Mr. Ey man- Yes sir, after he has been arranged he can ask for pard0n.
Prof. Snavely -Ar raign ed if you plea5,e Mr. Eyman.
Dr. Francis A. Williams. '83. of Ritchie, Ill., is here attending the funeral of his mother, Mrs. Hannah Willi a m
Did yot1 ever hea r l he story about little Frnnk ey Sayre ? H o w the dear boy went a swimming 011 a certain warm spl'in g day ?
You reall y h ave' nt heard it? Well lhe11 I dec lare I'll tell yo u a ll about it tho i ts mi g h ty sad to say.
Two former /lames from tcrlin_g- were here visiting that week And Fran l,ey bt1 rn cd to show them a ll the s tun ts th a t h e cou ld do. , o he sa id if they would atroll with h im down to o ld Alum creek He w o uld t a k e them fo r a paddl;1 in his littl e white canoc.
The ai r wns so balmy t111d t he cr eek o w a rm a nd ca/er rt seemed the very day for att empti ng so m e lhin j! rash, But Franl<ie stepped into the bo at without the s light est fe11 r Stood there g r ace fully a minut e-t hen went ov er with a splash.
One h ad better draw a curtuin o'er t he sce n e that then en s ued , As he p add le d through the w a ter tind came scrambling up the shor e. The l anguage.of the preacher's son it c er ta inly was rude , ' Twould be exaggeration if one said he-1l ightly-sw o r e.
Dr. L. - • 'Why are our Latin s tudents like an automobilt?"
Prof. W. -" Be ca u se they ;i J ways u ·e a h o r e when th ey g et s tuck."
Pr o f.• Durr ant-(to his elem e ntary botany class)-"You p eop le will h a v e to learn t o draw, draw, ,'d r a w. Its one of the most ! es ential thin gs o f life. E ven when you get to doing anything you will have to dra w your
salary. And the la t thing you
will do on earth is to draw your
$5 Worth of Work for $3.50 ••
The best line ol Moulding in 1he City.
That c om plete line of LOW EY'S b as jus t arl'ive<l. There is nothing better to make a moonlight troll more e n joyabl e than a box of Lowney 's Any of tho followino varieties w ill su ffice:
Chocolate Peppermint, Pearl
4 G. ff. MAYHUGH, M. D. OFFICE AND RB IOE CE, • I THE OTTERBEIN WEEKLY ..Fpecia/ ..Ftudent.s k.ate.s Will alwayJ be the beJt , +++++++++++++++->+++++++++r• :t , + • l Our wor,k i mo st duirab le. \\ e ex ccll i 111 artisti c po e 1i + + (oca(s + + I -------------- I -~ 1S E.Collere Ave., WESTERVILLE 0 For the best . W. C. PHINNEY, Dealer In Furniture, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Etc. New llne Picture Moulding Just received Cor, Staie a. Main Bell Phone 66 F. Bookman ~llEALElt llS~ STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES "O\.MEl!I 6\.0CK Franklin Park Floral Company, Leading Florists, Cut Flowers a Specialty JI, JI, JI, Fair and Purh Ave., Columbus Half square from Oak St. car line. Ginger Ale, Root Beer, Phosphates, and Ice Cream Q Beery's Pha1macJ THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO cnt e; •ty )'t."lr I rthf.1ed lnt.., ( 11r Qull rtCrl, Wini t, t n.n,l Auiunrn. dmi ,dn t ,~ ur ,n t~I at the rh on Janu ,y ~. Ai)r I 2d, June 1t,1h, anJ P,o~ ,lnlty S. h I, the Uw tNIJ and the School o sum.met Quart~, t906. June: ptem N" r Pf t Tc:,m : June 10..-July :z6; Second Tc:rm +July '7 Augu t 31. k t )\ Ir.\• tton ts permitted to, the entire quar,e.r ror chber t nu Full a.nd ttgular c:re(I I b ive.o f ,.,o,k done. Specla.J cou~ ue ofre:red (cw t eachen. F in for mation addta THE UNIVERSITY OF' CHICAGO CHICAGO • • ILUNOla
,1 :,;,:. ·4
SPRING PHOTOS See 11-00, MISS ROLOSON ·}ll-· Special t ffer:
J ___.:;::,..=-.._:_:::...____,,~:..._---'-'-,_.,:!c......;;_ 1!
Company 1 m STOCK $50 , 000. 15 PRESSES Co lr~o St11ti n n ery Uo llt>g- e Ann1 lll l Col!Pg- e Cntalog74 76·78- O E G ay St., OHIO
Cll:Zltn Jrtdl 11, The Champlin ; 'Printind
Chocolate Creams
Beauties, Ice Cream Drops, Maple Creams, Chocolate Caramels
The Co-Op Store
h • • • : reat I ~------------......;.......,------~--------