Vol I. New Music and Art Building. Mr. F . H . R ike, president of t he boa rd of tru stees of the college, recdv.-d tl1e following telegra ,1: on last Sunday: Will erect memorial music and art building as per conversation of yesterday. G. A. L AMBB RT & F AMILY. The message was announced in the Victoria Theatre at the con• cl usion of the haccalaureate ser• vices o'f Union Biblical Seminary, and was greeted by hearty ap • plause from the more than one thousand people present. Mr. Lambert is a resident of Anderson, Ind. , and has long been a philanthropic patron of Otterbein. The building will be erected at a cost of $25 ,000, as a memorial to the late Mrs. Lambert. The probable location of -ire-tmi ci g-wil e on· the 1101 hcast corner of Grove and Park streets, or directly east of the association building, and will be completed within the coming year. Besides the practice rooms, the buildin~ will contain an auditorium of ample capacity and a magnificent pipe organ. The college has been handicap• ped for years by the cramped quarters of the present building and it is needless to say that the memorial building is more than welcome. No more fitting means could have been adopted by the donors to perpetuated the memory of Mrs. Lambert than to erect this conservatory of music and art uildi ng. With the assurance of this building, it is pleasing to note that within the next year over $100,000 worth of new buildings will be placed on the campus. The futurt: of Otterbein seems assured. Otterbein Won by a Rally in the Eighth. On the home field Friday after noon Otterbein defeated her old
7 '"
ESTERVILLE, 0., MAY 7, 1906
rival, Heidelberg, by a score of 10 to 8. It was the most loosely played game on both sides that Otterbein has played in this sea son, errors being plentiful and largely accountable for the large score. Although errors let in quite a number of runs the game would have been Otterbein 's anyway inasmuch as Otterbein clearly outbatted their opponents. The ability to bunch hits is what is often the most important factor to win a game, and this is what 0. U. did in the eighth when five hits and an error netted four runs, enough to win the game, although Heidelberg already had piled up eight runs through gifts. In the early part of the game it looked as if 0. U . would not be able to do anything with Mathias' pitching but to ward the latter part of his pitching he showed signs o weak ening and was re placed by Platt to Otterbein 's advantage. Grabill in the box did good work, only six hits be ing made off of him and some of these coming after the side would have been retired had it not been for errors. Otterbein showed an improvement in base running. J. W. P. Hall had his first chance in the game and showed up well, getting two hits when most need ed and played his position well in tlie field. Bove} Hall at first and Smith at second were there with the goods, although not playing their regular positions. The shift was necessary on account of Funk and Keller being out with injuries. S UMMARY.
Ott e r bel n A li. J:I . P .O. S tr•bl, •· •... •••••••.. • ••• • 5 I I S m ith. 2. · ····· ·-········-·5 2 2 Kri n g, a ....••............. 4 2 3 ~· lick, c .. •• •••• •• ....... ••• •. . 4 O 10 G rabill, p •. ••• •.. ..... •• •• .4 I 0 Llbeca p, m .••• • •.•. •.•• .. 4 I I 0 Tltuo. r . ·····-··············8 0 li. H a l l, l ..••.•..••.• ..•.. 4 2 6 J . J:lall,1 ... . ...... . ... . . ... f 2 3 l'otale .•...• •.......•••. .87 1:1 eld elberg . A.B. R a<lclllf~, 8 .... .•• •.... • •.. 4 Hr unct a ire, l •.. . . . .. 6 Zeklll, c. ......•......... .. .5 Hee r, r . . . .. .. .. ...... ... . . 5 Ma t hias, p . ~. •• •.....• •..•5 Wo lcott,•· ...... ...... . .. r, P lall, 2·P·· · · ···--·· · · · ·· · ·:; H elsbl>er ge r, m . •. .. •... . 4 Ada m s .• , 1. • •• ••• • ••• ••• • • 4 Tornle .•••..•• . .• - •• .. 42
H. .P.O. I 0
0 I I I
14 8 2
0 I I
a 0
No. 9
•PIA tt out; b it by bat ted ball. Utl e r betn_ .... . ...... o O o 8 O O 8 4 • - 10 H e loelberg..... . . ... o 2 0 o a 2 1 0 0- ~ R uns-Kring, G r abill, Ltbecep. 2, ntuo 3, B. H a ll 2 J . Hall ; lw d clltre ~. lirunde&e. Hee r, Mathias. M auer, Hels b berger, Adams, !!tr uck oui.-By Grabtll, 9; by Math ias, 2. ~·1st base o n balla-01f Matb !a11 2. Two-t>au;e blto-Hall, KrlDf. Three-base bt t-Matb !R•. H it by pitched ba ll- R adclttre . Tl m e-J :'b Umpire J<"tanclll.
Kring, F lick, L ibecap and J . Hall starred. Grabill had 4 stol en bases and Kring on e. John Wil liam Pitm an H all was agai n in left field , although he had nothing to do in the fieid was there again with his stick and got a nice sin AFT E R TA LK. gle. Outside of the first inning Well ! ! Well ! ! there was noth ing that happened to mar the good play ing of 0, U. Keep it up boys !! 0. U. is fortunate in having and if the team can get together two pitchers like Gr.ibill ;.md and get into the game right at the Smith. They are above the start it is likely that the games to come will end up on the right side average. of the book. Good Work John! SUMMARY . The game that was scheduled OTrEREETN, A .B. P .O. A . E . \\oith Ohio University for next Str a b I, ss....... ............. . . r, Ji. 0 0 2 I 2 Smith, P····· ···········--··• Friday will likely be played at K ring 3 b •• •••••• •..• . . .•.. . 5 I '.l0 06 10 2 12 I 0 l<'llck, C • ·· ·· ·• ·-- · · ·· ···• .. 4 Athens instead of at home. 2 Grablll, r •• •. ··-· •••. ..•. .4 0 l 0 Ltbecap, c !. . .. .. ....... . . . .4 1 0 u 0 2h ... ___ __ ____ _.. . .. ... 4 0 I 1 I The crowd that was out to see Titus, I B. Ha ll, lb.. •••.. - ••••. ...•3 11 I 1 0 0 0 the game Friday was discourag J. J:lall , 1 •..•• • •• ••••• . ..3 l 2j Total. ••....•.•••... _89 5 12 a ing. The team deserves better su pport than was given. Capit a.I Univ. AB. H. PO . A . E. K ' ko, m .... . ... .. .. . .... .. .. .. ..... 0
Smith Won Another Game for Otterbein.
Otterbt>in continued the good work again Saturday and won the second game of the week at Co• lumbus Saturday by defeating Capital University by a score of 10 to 5. It seems that at last Ot• terbein has found her batting eye and has been swatting the ball at the right time. The hitting of Saturday along with the good pitching of Smith was what won the game. Without the few errors that occurred in the early part of the game Capital U niver• sity would not have been able to score. Smith had them for the A . E. greater part of the game at his 4 2 I mercy, three of the five hits that 0 4 I 0 0 were made off of him came in the I 0 I first two innings before he was 0 0 0 up . After this I fairly warmed 0 0 I there[ was practically nothing do• 9 6 ing for Capital. Otterbein started A. E . the ball rolling in the first and 0 0 I 2 kept it going all through the I I 0 0 game. In two innings was 0 . U. 3 0 2 2 a I shut out without a run. This 0 0 0 I was done by hitting and good 13 i base running in which Smith,
. ......... ........... a-
Uu rm an ,, 6................. . 6 Bu"c b 1. .•••. . ... . . • •. •••• .5 Bl r k h olt , I ... ..... .... . ... . . 4
l 11
1 0 0 0 4
Stab I. r ••.•.. .. •. . ·-··· · .• .. 4 nec k er, 3• ••• • ····-···· ·-·.4
0 0 0 0 0
T otals•••.. ••.. •.... S9
Lo ng, c ••••• • ••••••• •• ••••.. 4
H ' k er 1 2.... . ..... ...... .. .. .... 4
6 0 II
0 ~
0 l
0 0
OLterbeln .••• . . ....••.. 8 0 l 8 0 I I I • - 10 Cap lLa l Clty •••••..... 2 l I O O O 1 0 0- 5 ~tolen b88e8- K rlng, Grnblll 4, B. Ball , B u r• ma n , Bu sch, B trk bold t. !<tr uc k ont-By Smith 9, Str odtbtl<'k6. S a<'rlllce b its-Str ahl 2, Krtnir. F irst base on balls-Off m n b 1, off trod tbeo k 8. Passed ba ll-LOnK. U m · pl re-Kram er. Tlme-t :15.
Second Team Defeated. On Saturday afternoon the second baseball team met a team from North Columbus and were defrated by a score of 7· 3. The team representing Otterbein was pretty well shifted o wing to several of the second team men playing with the first team. The errors made by 0 . U . at critical times was the cause of there defeat. Score: Ott e r bein .•••__ _•..••. 0 0 3 0 O O O O 0-3Nortb \ ola m bn s ..... I I O O 8 o O 2 0- 7 Bauerle&- ·,wders and Balley; eor ge and. R o e1t.-.
Fred H anawal t 1s a new stude nt who en tert d school I:- st week. W. N.;Della r, '05, of A ltoona, Pa., spent Thursday with Otter• bein friends .
ln the In terests of the Stu,1en ts of Otterbein University. L. K. FUNKHOUSER, Editor E. A. LAWRENCE; Asst. Edrtor L. M. KELLER, Business Manager H. E. YOUNG, Asst. Bus. Manager J. H. KIRKBRIDE, Sub. Agent Addr all M ii to 01'TE,tBEII'< WEEJO.v Lock Box 63, WcSterville, Ohio. ubscriptio11 !>nee
-Year 7,c} In Advance prlng Term_ 25c P~
Ap_pltc11,Uon ml\de for
econd-cla s i:atei>.
Hillis Lecture. The extra number on the lecture course wa give n by Dr. ewell Dwight Hilli. at the college cl)apel Wedn sday even ing. The largest audience oftbe year was present, many people from Columbus and elsewhere being i11 attendance.
topic for hri tian deavor next Sunday evening erence ·, 'latt. 9:27-34, 25:3(-40. The A nniver ary program given in the college cbapcl Sunday even ing was an interesting and in structive review of missio11 work in ;\.fr ica. fhe collection for mis ·ion work amounted to ·15.85. Y. W
C A.
There were about fifty girls at Y . W. C. A. Tuesday evening. An interesting meeting wa led by Miss Edna Streich. The meet ing thi week viii be led by Mi s Grace Ressler. Topic, "Our Re sponsibility ." ev. F. Riebel returned Satur day from a four weeks' trip through ;:!.::~==;.;.__..: the ast h ving v1 1te ew or , J· oston, Lexington, Philadelphia, Harvard and Yale colleges and m any other place of interest. He pent everal days with his son, . E. Riebel, '03 , who i at the Theological college at Ando ver, Mas . Wallin will spend the summer on a charge near Andover.
Bible Conference.
Q ite .i number of O t rbein students attended the Bible conference held in connection with the commencement of U nion Biblical Seminary, in Dayton the latter half o ast week and over Sunday. Rev. J. Campbell White, of Allegheny, Pa., was the chief speaker. The funda mental thought in his addresses was, more systematic giving ' by the church in order to spread with greater r apidity the kingdom of Christ. The Christian world is now doing far too little towards the evangelization of the world. The meetings mig-ht be ap propriately called a "conference of methods." A good number of the clergy and laity of the church. were present and an excellent spmt was manifest. The Rev. Dr. 0. P. Gifford, of Buff. lo, assisted in the meetin ~s.
Christian Endeavor.
H.an k oda fo untRin no running over ith good thing . Ice Cream, Crusb.ed Frui:ts, Nut Frappe, Pho~phates-~rnd e: erytning in~ · £r~:ibm 11t line finer than ever. :
F. M. Ranck'~ ·Up=to=Date Pharmafy, Westerville, Ohio. the pleasantness of the surroudi ngs. The nume rous selections by the Co11ege Orchestra were well given an thoroughly enjoy ed by all. The proceeds will amount to about fifty duJlars .
.•. -
Tennis Players.
The schedule boards are to be placed in positioi1 this week and • ~H who are expecting to use the courts must abide by the rule made by the As ociation. · Only members will be allowed to use the courts .o that if you are not a mem ber it is up to you pay y.our r Life May Morning Breakfast. membership fee. to .Mr. L. M. Keller treasurer and have your The May morning breakfa t name recorded. Tho e who do given by th e Y. · C. A. girl not understand the idea of the ssociati n bu1I i Satu Boards will 6n<f the rule day morning was a decided sue- reg_u 1at1ons • on same or by.inquirce sin every way. ing of any of them mbers. Hand bills had been disti:ibuted to very house in town, and A Conflagration. various attractive and original posters placed in conspicuou A fire alarm turned in about places, o that ther_e were few , eleven o'clock Sunday called the either citizen or tudents, wl10 fire department to the residence of one of our en iors. Mr. Sager Gas Mantle or Globe, did not know of the event. The Pocket Knife. Razor, This through adve rti in g and Tryon, on West . treet. mere approach of the steamer the g irl s previous reputation as Strap or some Soap masters of the art of st>rving de prm1ed sufficient to extingui h the go to lightful breakfasts re ulted in fire, which had originated in a about two hundred and fifty ummer kitchen. The cause ' being present and enjoy ing the seems to have been spontaneous 1 combustion. DRUGS AND HARDWARE. following menu :
bredded Wheat Bi cuil with tawberries Cream of Wheat
The place to quick
llol Rolls Jelly F rui t
~lc:ct your friend there
...,.,,....__,_._~- - ---...,.....:.a::cftcr ocie v
White Br ad Butter
The c andy stand was in charge of Miss Adrienne Funk and many availed themselves of the opportunity to secure some fine fudge, creams and other sweets. The decorations of s p r i n g A c h collection of 47.80 was taken last Sunday in the U. B. flowers provided by each class church for the San Francisco suf for its table, as well as the gen eral decorations, added much to ferers .
lecture , etc,
at For yoor
P~otograpqs . Jnnis & ftiefer
Bet. Town & Rich.
Special Rates to Stu ents of Q)tterbein.
THE I N S I D E and · Sporting Good, ot all deecriptions, Prices the loweet.
olumbus Spor~ing Goods Co., rth High S1:reet, Columbus, C>. Your 'PHOTO from The Old "R.eliabl• ·
Our; work is m ost dur able. We cxcell in a rtistic pofc.
Will alwayJ be the beJt.
Asso ci.a.tioJ1 was on e of the most interesting talks of the entire co nvention. Thi fact together with the "high words oJ praise given Mr. Crackle by one of our own men who is personally ac quainted with him, should make sure a laige attendance at the meeting next Thursday evening.
T.he ''Lakesid e Session '' Thurs \York leav e on Tue day WESTERVILLE, day evening at which stereopti R EAR OF' HOTEL 1:!Lb: N DOS morning and return op con views of camp life at the BO'f H PH 0 SJ£~ J5. Lakeside Summer Conference Thur day. were shown, was well att..:nded Prompt collection and de- J . w. MA_RK.Llu1.', Pre . J. w. EVERAL, Vice and the talks on the views by Ii very. . Pres, <..;. L . L>I I.l ie r . men, who have attended in for mer years, were tho roughly en FIRST N.ATIONA L BANK First-Class Work PERSONALS. joyed. Guaranteed. Th e views g ave a goo d idea of Paul .R. Good was in town last WESTEl'tVll,LE. OHIO . what the t e n d ay at L akeside Wednesday . $2"..5,00 0 CAPITAL STOCK mean by showing wha t is done Miss Bla nche Rock is conf.ned Does a genera l b an king bu lness, recel ~e there during the conference. to her rnom as a result of a a nd lo a n s money, p ays Int e res t o u ti me de There was s me disappointment sp rained ankle. ooslts, buy aud sell bonds. Y ur buein e s I sollc ltel! . 'tbJS bau k 1 u.nd r ir,ver.nment over th..: fact that the views did In ,1)8Ctlon. no show up a,s plainly as expect1:r. D._ . M. Kirkbride, of ed, yet as it was, th ey added D ayton, vi 5 ited his son H arvey - PlRECTO,R I much to th e interest of t he meet- over S unday. J. W. .ltlarlt.ley, J. W.E'O'eral, w.~ \. Xvung , E QnlYCE, M s rs. rimmer and Bougl1er, OoHege 1'nue ing. . L. 1:lrundage. A qu rtettecompo edofTrim of Circleville, visited in Otterbein Citizen Phone No. 3 . Bell 101. mer, Baird, Schear and Smith last week. gave two special son g which Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Hare, ,\ e re ve ry appropriate and well R ev. 0. C. Wright and wife, and received. Miss Rog ers, al l from Columbus, A standard, uptod ate, Aroeric n college, with str'lng faculty, morlern equip The regula r mo nthly cabinet were guests at the Powell home ment, flourishing literary societies and Christian Associations, and vigorous col last Wednesday. meeting was held Saturday n10rn
. w.
ing at eight o'clock. early all Rev. W. S . White '99, pastor The OOLLEGE carries two courses, the Aris Course and the 8cierce Course. The AOADE}1Y accommodates tho•e wbo have not bad the advantages of a of the members of the cabinet of the U. B. church, at Cam were present and s11bmitted their bridge, and Charles Gorley, of standard high school. The ADJUNCT DEPARTMENT of Music and Art. en1oy a large patronage reports for the month ju t past. Cambridge, of the board of and there are well or11:alzed Schools of Elocution and Oommerce. The employment committee re trustees of Otterbein university EXPEN E are very moderate-low, considering the high grade facilities. The present attendance is the largest in the _h istory of the Institution. -ported that twenty-five men had stopped off here a few hours on been assi ted in finding work, their way to the Bible conference Summer Scnool Begins June 19 -that these twenty-five men had at Dayton and called on old LE WIS BOOKWA LTER, President, Westervi ll e, 0. secured a total of four hundred friends. hours work, and that their earn J. A. Black, of football fame, ing amounted to sixty dollars. who was compelled to go home Mr. M. . Crackle, of Cleve- last C ll o a co unt of injuries, is Wtiile acldl'e 10g a gl'aduatrng cla io Bookkeeping, 'bort 1and, will be with us Thursday I back in Westerville. He bas se band and k1odr d ubject , "tbe train cl mun will wake bi evening of this week instead of cured employment as a plumber lite f It, { hile without training thou and god wn on the ea Thur day evening, May I 7, as here. He will be in school again of luck to one who meet with ucce . ' previously a r ranged. M r. oext year. Secure a University Training for Business. Crackle is president of the AssoT he beaut iful ~•New Centu ry cia tion Boy s' Secretaries o f Y . M. Ideals" on the cover of the R elig C. A . of Am e rica an d will tell us ious T elescope fo r April 25, con De))artroeot of the OTTE l.tB I U IVER ITY, of the associa tion's work among stitu tes the closing chapter o f the boy s. A ll wh o attended the William D e Wi t t Hyde's "College Ad<lre • DR. L EWI HOOKW LTER, President. T o led o conventio n no d o ub t · re- Man and College Woman. " This P RO F. P. F, WILKIN O , Prm. of chool of Oommerce, me mber that the talk on the book has just been added to our end for College Catalogue., Pro p oLu , Ter m , WE STERVILLE, OHIO peclat otrer and bow to get a cbo lar I.lip FREE. b?ys' departmen't work in the college library.
Gen. Garfield said
School of Commerce
of 8pria1 Soila, Top Ooala aad Raiacoala from
Hart Schaffner & Marx, The Stein-Bloch Co., The Atterbury System LOCALS
G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. 15 E.Collere Ave .• WESTERVILLE,
T he U nlvenhy ye11r Is dh·idcd Into r.. ur Qua rten, Win ter, Spri•g, Summ<r ,and Autum n . Adm! •Ion iJ . , . nted at the e: di , on J an ua, y ffl, Apr,I td, June t6rh. and Guduatelnmu,tion 15 offo,cd In the C,atlu3te School• or
~":. : : ~ U ter,tu, .. and In the Ogden (G,aduate) School or Professional in<tructl. . Is otre, ed In the l>Mnlty School. th e Law School, Ru.h Medkal Co.lcce f,.ffiJI tcd>, and the School or Ed ucation. Summer Qua.rt« 1906, Ju ne 16-Septe mbu 1 . First Term: Juneul-Jul y "6;5econd Term, J uly 27- Auru•t 3, . Rea-f .... don Is pe.m litted fof the: entire quarter or for "eit her tenn .
!:,~!s:,n!er:~:!:s ::~~:ct.\'CD workdone. Sped&J fo,
For information address
For style, quality and durability E. & L. Collar beats them all.
w. Markley's Depa~tmen t Store.
that strange sound fron1 the con servatory ?" Freshman Hanaer (from the h country)-" It's the girls glee , club having their voices agricul tured.,, Miss White (purchasing music) -Have you •Kissed Me in the Moon Light'?" Young Mr. Clerk-Why-er-no I guess it must have been the other clerk.'' C . Wiliams (looking at the thermometer in Physics class Monday)-''! wonder what time it is." Geometry as it is studied at the Thompson club. POSTULATES AND PROPOSITIONS.
1 A bee-line may be made from any boarding house to any A little sun other boarding house. A Ii ttle grief A little fun 2 The stewaJd may be reduc A little work ed to his lowest terms by a series And life is done. of propositions. Let', wear clean clothes while we're here. 3 A pie may be produced any Domeatlc or Glo•• Flnl•b number of times.
A little rain
'Westerville Laun dry,
4 On the same bill and on the same side of it there should not Bell Phone No. '10. be charges for the same thing. C.L.BAILEY, Student Representative 5 Any two meals in ·a boarding house are together less than one sqare meal. Prof. Miller (in trig class) ''Which is your figure?" Miss Ressler (P o i n ti n g) Leading Florists, "Over there its the only one left. Cut Flowers a Specialty JI, JI, JI, Prof. Miller-"Yes, I see it is Fair and Purh Ave.• Columbu ■ Half 1quarc from Oak St, car line. not right.'' Dr. Snavely (i n American Hist.)-"What was the message Gen. Sheridan sent to Gen . Early the ni ght before the battle?" Dealer In
Franklin Park Floral Company,
Furniture, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Etc. New line Picture Moulding just received.
Cor. State• Main Bell Phone. 66 •
"How does the lightning strike
How Sampson was barbered and vexed, . you '' And told it 10 true • Fncnd-"Miss Gardner That Dutton in th, pew Brethem, isn't she?" Got rattled and 1hout,d out, "Next. "
"Bob tub.'' Senior Weinland-"What
\ the property-man.
A clergyman told in his text
Are Ready at
For the best
is a
i, Smith-"No, she's a Shaker.'' Friend-" How do you know?'' See Smith-"Shc shook me.'' Prof. Durrant's motto in botany-"If at first you don't sueSpecial t ffer: ceed-try another seed. It is said that Mower has no trouble to get "Ir in the swim. Crisinger has pretty eyes. "Dad" feels just as young as The best line of Moulding In the City, any of the boys. Kline wishes he had another date. Hensel is pining away. Miss Young is only fooling. In the tropics some whales ' heads attain a thickness of 2 feet ~ ' ~ .. and over. It might be said with Jrne r' equal truth of people as far north ,- · as Otterbein. ......_. . . Bennett, like some other little boys, likes to watch the street cars come in on a Sunday after noon. Bennett usually takes a walk toward the bridge just after ~ the 3:30, 4:30 or 5 :30 car arrives Sunday afternoon. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000. 15 PRESSES It is said that time is money; College Stationery but judging from what they have College Annuals to show for it, some people's College Catalogs time must be counterfeit money. Senior election, 24 present, 31 votes cast. 74-76•78-80 E Gay s,., Keynote to good breeding- COLUMBUS OHIO B natural.
$5 Worth of Work for $3.50
1.. . : .:c.~':"-:=~-----=-=;: .:.:::..,._--==~:. .
The Cha 'Printin,g Company
The Best Concert of the Season
''The De.vises'' m their "EVENING OF SONG,,,
M. E. Church, May 10, at 8 :00 p. m.
New Spring Fabrics
M. C.
Made up in the la te st sty les, ancl you save from $5 t o $10 by pl acing yo ur
L eibcap-"Go E arly and avoid o rder wi t h us. Sa ti~ fac t io n a nd a per the ru h." fec t fit g ua r a nteed. We a lso do p ·essin g "Thi s ce rtainly is fowl work, '' in a neat ma nn er . said Burtner, as ht: pulled off the head of an innocent chicken. "The thunder and storm scene Formerly Riggle & Co. is pretty poor," said the actor to OVER KEEFER 'S DRUGSTORE.
Public Stenographer
and Typewriter. Room 9, Second Floor, Blendon
for Oliver Typewriter Co., !Carbon CHARL-ES & TITUS, AGENT , Papers and Typewriter Supplies.
Both .Phones