The Otterbein Weekly May 7, 1906

Page 1

Vol I. \Y ESTERVILL E, O., MAY 7, 1906

New Music and Art Building. rival, Heidelberg, by a score of IO to 8. It was the most loosely Mr. F. H Rike, president of played game on both sides that the board of trustees of the col• Otterbein has played in this sea• lege, recciv.-d tl1e following telc- son, errors being plentiful and gra ,1: on last Sunday: largely accountable for the large

Will erect memorial music and score. Although errors let in art building as per conversation of quite a number of runs the game yesterday. would have been 0tterbcin's any•

G. A. LAMBBRT & FAMILY. way inasmuch as Otterbein clearly

The message was announced in outbatted their opponents The the Victoria Theatre at the con• ability to bunch hits is what is clusion of the haccalaureatc ser• often the most important factor vices o'f Union Biblical Seminary, to win a game, and this is what 0. and was greeted by hearty ap • U. did in the eighth when five p l ausc from the more than one hits and an error netted four runs, thousand people present. enough to win the game, although

Mr. Lambert is a resident of Heidelberg already had piled up Anderson, Ind., and has long eight runs through gifts. been a philanthropic patron of 0t· In the early part of the game it tcrbein. The building will be looked as if 0. U. would not be erected at a cost of $25,000, as a able to do anything with Mathias' memorial to the late Mrs. Lam• pitching but toward the latter bert. The probable location of part of his pitching he showed lre'"buitd 1 1 N'ii e on· the 1ro1 h• signs o weakening and was re• east corner of Grove and Park placed by Platt to 0tterbein's streets, or directly cast of the advantage. Grabill in the box association building, and will be did good work, only six hits be• completed within the coming ing made off of him and some of year. Besides the practice rooms, these coming after the side would the buildin~ will contain an audi• have been retired had it not been torium of ample capacity and a for errors. Otterbein showed an magnificent pipe organ. improvement in base running. J.

The college has been handicap• W P. Hall had his first chance ped for years by the cramped in the game and showed up well, quarters of the present building getting two hits when most need• and it is needless to say that the ed and played his position well in memorial building is more than tl1e field. Bove} Hall at first and welcome. Smith at second were there with

No more fitting means could the goods, although not playing have been adopted by the donors their regular positions. The shift to perpetuated the memory of was necessary on account of Funk Mrs. Lambert than to erect this and Keller being out with injuries. conservatory of music and art

Well!! Well!!

Keep it up boys!!

0. U. is fortunate in having two pitchers like Grabill ;111d Smith. They are above the average.

Good Work John!

The game that was scheduled \\-ith Ohio University for next Friday will likely be played at Athens instead of at home.

The crowd that was out to see the game Friday was discourag• ing. The team deserves better support than was given.

Smith Won Another Game for Otterbein.

o. 9

Kring, Flick , Libecap and J. Hall starred Grabill had 4 stolen bas e s and Kring one. John Wil• liam Pitma n Hall wa s a g a i n in left field, although he had nothing to do in the field was there again with his stick and got a nice sin• gle. Outside of the first inning there was nothing that happened to mar the good playing of 0, U. and if the team can get together and get into the game right at the start it is likely that the games to come will end up on the right side of the book.


Otterbein continued the good work again Saturday and won the second game of the week at Co• lumbus Saturday by defeating Capital University by a score of IO to 5. It seems that at last 0t• terbein has found her batting eye and has been swatting the ball at the right time. The hitting of Saturday along with the good pitching of Smith was what won the game. Without the few errors that occurred in the early part of the game Capital U niver• sity would not have been able to score. Smith had them for the uilding.

nir Um· pl r e- Krumer Tlm e- t : t o.

Second Team Defeated.

On Saturday afternoon the second baseball team met a team from North Columbus and were deftated by a score of 7· 3 The team representing Otterbein was pretty well shifted owing to several of the second team men playing with the first team.

With the assurance of th is building, it is pleasing to note that within the next year over $100,000 worth of new buildings will be placed on the campus. The future of Otterbein seems

Otterbein Won by a Rally in the Eighth.

On the home field Friday after• noon Otterbein defeated her old

three of the five hits that

were made off of him came in the

greater part of the game at his assured.

first two innings before he was fairly warmed up. After this there[ was practically nothing do • ing for Capital. Otterbein started the ball rolling in the first and kept it going all thwugh the game. In two innings was 0. U. shut out without a run. This was done by hitting and good base running in which Smith,

The errors made by 0. U. at critical times was the cause oi there defeat.

Fred Hanawalt student who entert d week.

is a new chool ), st

W. N.;Dellar, ' 05, of Altoona, Pa., spent Thursday with Otter• bein friends

•Platt ou t ; b i t b y bat ted ball O t1er bel n o o o s O o 3 4 • - 10 Heloe l ber g o 2 O o 8 2 1 0 0Run s- Kr in g , G rab ill Ll beca p 2 T llu a 3 B. H a ll 2 J. H all; li8d cll tre ~. l:lr u nda& e. Beer. Ma t h ia s Mauer, He l s bberger, Adams , !!t r ucJc- out,-By Grab i ll, 9; by Ma t h i a s, 2 , at base on ball a-Off' M a t b l a 11 Two- ll a~e bit-Hall, Kr1n, Tbree•base blt-MatblB• Hit b y p itche d b all - RRdc ll tre T i me-I :~ Um p i re l< r ancls. AFT ER TALK.
Otterbein A B J:I P .O. A E
8tr1&bl, s •••••••••••••••••• 6 I S m i th. 2. • - 6 2 Kring, a· ·-·· ···-·· - • 2 llck, c - • o Grabill, p .. ••• •. 4 I Llbecap. m •••••.•.•••. 4 I T l tua r •. • •••.•••.• •••••.3 O B Hall, l •• • • •.• •••••• •. -l 2 J Ha ll ,1 4 2 l' o t a ls 37 11 ll el de l berg A.8. H Ra'1c ll tr , 3 • 1 Hru nd a1<e, 1 6 0 Zeklll, c 5 0 Be e r. r -·····5 I ~latbla~. p ::. •••...•..•. .• 5 I Wo lc ot t, • :; 0 PlaU 2•p .• ••• •• •. •.•. •• 5 I H els bt,er g er, rn •• 4 I Adam .• 1. •• • ••••••••••• •4 l To ta ls •••• ••• • •- ••. 6 I 2 3 10 0 l 0 6 3 "'26 P O 0 l4 8 2 0 I I a 0 2t r
1 0 0 I 0 O 0 l 0 I9 A ,E 0 G 1 2 1 I 0 0 3 0 2 2 a I 0 0 0 I 13 ;
scnuu .a Y O T' rER B E IN A .B. H. P O. A E. S trab l, s s 6 0 0 2 I i!m l tb, p 4 f<rlug 3b f> 2 0 6 0 J '.l 0 1 •lic k , C 4 2 12 1 0 G ra blll r ••• .4 2 I 0 0 L l becap , c !. 4 1 0 u 0 Tl t n s , 2h 4 0 1 I I l! Hall , 1 b 3 I 11 I 1 J Ha ll , 1. 3 I 0 0 0 T ota l. ·-89 :; 24 12 3 Ollp l ta l Un iv. A l:!. l< 'ko, m 6 ttvttt b !i...-Jt -----· ,rn ;,H PO A E. 2 2 0 0 liurman, , , _ 6 0 l I 0 8URCb 1 0 Blrkbo l t, I 4 I 11 0 0 0 I 0 l Lonir c 4 0 6 0 0 f:J ker , 2 4 Stab I. r 4 0 0 4 2 0 II 0 0 l)e k e r, 3• •••• • • •• •• • • • ••• • 4 0 2 0 T o ta ls SI! 5 24 12 a O ll,er beln 8 0 l 8 0 I I I - 10 Capital C ity 2 l l O O O l O 0- 6 :S tol e n b as e.e -f< r ln g , G r a bill 4, B El all, Bnr• man. Hu s ch, Blrkb o ldt. 1-<tru c k ou t.- 8y S mit h 9 , S trod tb6<'k6 Sa c:- rlflce bi ts-St rahl 2, K rtn ir F i r st base on ba lls-Off' mllb 1, off trod t beok 8. Pa s sed b a ll-Lo
Score: u e r bel n •• • -·o o a o o o o o 0- 3 N o rt h \ o l umb us I I O O ll O O 0 - 7 l!atl e r l e1- 'S 11 n d e r and 11a lle y ; eor ge and R o e ttf'

.'Bubb /in ,, _ and i:zzling

conference held in connection


In the Interests of the Stu.tents of Otterbein lJni\l.tfsity.


E. A. LAWRENCE; Asst. Editor

L. M. KELLER, .Business Manager

H E. YOUNG, Asst. Bus. Manager

J H. KIRKBRIDE, Sub. Agent

with. the commencement of U 11ion Biblic a l Seminary, rfl Dayton the latter half oi. last week. aod o~r Sunday. Rev. J Campbell White, of Allegheny, Pa., was the chief speaker The fundaAddr es all M II to- l'TEJtBEJl'I WEEKLY mental thought in his addresses Lo ck Box 63, Westerville, Ohio. was, more systematic giving ' by

ubscription Price

Per Year 75c} In Advance prln Term 2 5c Hillis Lecture.

The extra number ou the lecture course was give n by Dr. ewel l Dwight Huli at the colle ge cQapel Wed o day evenjng The lug es t aud ie nce of the year was present, many people from Columbus and elsewhe re be:i ng ht attendance.

Chri stian Enclea.vor.

the church in order t o spread with greater rapidity the kingdom of C hrist.

T he Christian world is now doi n g far too little towards the evangelization of the world.

T he meetings mig-ht be appropriately called a "conference o f methods." A good number of the clergy and laity of the church were present and an excellent pm t was manifest. The Rev. Dr. 0. P. Gifford, of Buff: lo, assisted in the meetin ~s.

May Morning Brea kfast.

finer th an ever. : ·

F. M: Ranck 's Up= t o=D ate Pba r mafy, Westerville, Ohio.

the ple as antnes s of the surroud- HOWE & CO. • E:OuUM{W~, OHIO i ngs. The nu mero u s selecti o ns by the Co11ege Orchestra were well given and t horoughl y enjoyed by all. The proceeds will amount to about fifty dullars

Tennis Pl ayer s.

The schedule boards are to be placed in positioi, thi~ week and • ~ii who are expecting to u e the courts must abide by the rule made by the As ocia tion. · Only members will be~llow~d to use th e courts .o that if you are not a memberit is up to you pay yourl\ r Life membership te a to Mr. L. M. Kell e r treasurer and have your

The topic for Chri tian d eavor next Sund a y vening name recorded. Tho e who do given by th e Y. · C. A. gi r l no t understand the ide of the r"

erences, Matt. 9:27 -34, 2s:3t -40. · ram given in da y evenin g and instruc io11 work in ol lection for mis ·io11 work amounted to · I 5. 85.

Y. WC A.

There were about fifty girls at Y. W. A. Tu esda y evening. An inter sting m eting wa led by Miss dna Streich. The meeting thi week will be led by Mi s Grace l ess ler. Topic, ' ' u r Reponsibili y ."

Rev. F. Riebel retu rn ed Satu rday from a four weeks' t rip t h r ough th e n ing VI 1te

J oston, Lexington, P hil a d l p hia , Harvard and Yale colleges a n d m any other places o f i n t e rest. H e pent eve ral days wi th hi son, E. R iebel, '03 , w h o i at th e T h e o log ic a l c ollege a t Andov e r , Ma Walli n w ill s pe n d the summ e r on a ch a r ge nea r Andover.

A ct h coll e ction of 47.80 was taken la s t S unday in the U B. church for the San Francisco suf • ferers.

The May morning br-eakfa t

in -tcb ssociation build in Satu 1c- ooalds will find the r_u e and'--1-

d ay morning was a decided sue - 1 •

regu at1ons on same or by1jnquir-


1 ce s in very way ing of any of th e m mbers

Hand bills had been distributed to v ry house in town, and various attractive and original posters pl c d in con picuou places, o t hat there were few, either citizen r tudents, wlio di not know of the event.

T h is thr ugh adverti ing and the girls prev i o u r eputa t ion as ma ters of the art of serving delightfu I breakfasts re ulted i n about two hundred and fifty be in g p rese n t a n d enjoy i ng the follow i ng men u : hredded Wheal Bi cuil

A Conflagration

A fire alarm turn d in about eleven o'clock Sund ay call d the fire departtnent to the r esidence o f one of our enior Mr. Sager Gas Mantle or Globe, Tryon, o n West treet. T he Pocket Knife. Razor, mere appro~c h o f the tea m er Strap or some Soap proved uffic1ent to ext i ngui h the t fire which had orig i nated in a go O umme r kitchen. The cause ! DR KEEFER, seem to h ave been sponta n eou • combustion. ' DRUGS AND HARDWARE.

l\ f 1:et you r friends the r e , + ,-::.a~t,~er ociet Uol Ro ll s at lectures, etc, Bulter Jelly

Th e c a n dy s t a nd was in char ge o f Mi ss Ad r ie nne F unk a nd m a ny av a il e d them s elve s of the opportunity t o se cure som e fin e fud g e, cre a m s and other s we e ts.

The decorations of s p r i n g flowers provided by each class for its table, as well as the general decorati o ns, added much to

T h e place to _get a quick lunch or a od 1e a l

ible Conferen c
Published Weeki by the Q 1,1 ife a number of O t rb ein O1'.TERBEIN PUBL HING CO.\'\PA Y, students attended the Bible H.anck oda fo u ntRin no running· over ith goo d thing I c e Cre am, Cru sb. ed F r u i t s N u t Frap pe , Pho~phates- i:u1d e eryt ing ll) tb fr.t! bm ut, lin e
TT "f"
- - • DEM_U .. 0 -,
Pfiotonrapf...5 < Jn11is & fti f r 199 - 201 s . High. C o ffee :, '- / Bet. Town & Rich.
r uil
r yonr
+ Sp ecial Rat es t Stu ents of Q)tterb 111 +

B aseban Supplies and Sporting Good. of all descriptions. Prices the lowest.

Th e Colum bu s Sporting Goods Co.,

::235 North High S1:reet, Columbus, C>

,_, Oni; work i most durable We exceU tn artistic po,se.

Wilf alway.s be the

The ''Lakesid e S e s ion'' Thursday evening at whi_ch ste reopticon views of camp life at the Lakeside Summer Conference were shown, wa:, well atknded and the talks on the views by men, who hav e attended in former years, were thoroughly enjoyed.

The views gave a good idea of what the ten day at Lake s ide mean by showing what is done there during the conference.

Association was one of the mo s t interesting talks of the entire convention. This fact · together with the 'high words oi praise given Mr. C r ackle by one of our own men who is 'acquainted with him, should make sure a large attendance at the meeting next Thursday evening.


Paul .R Good was in town last Wednesd ay.

Miss Blanche Rock i confined to her room as a result of a There wa s o me disappointment sprained ankle. over th...: fact that the views did

/I TI. M not how up as plainly as expect- r. · ed e t as it wa they add e d Dayton, visited Kirkbride, of his on Harve}, ' y ' i much to the interest of the meet - over Sunday.

ing. - Me sr rimmer and Bougher,

A q u rtette com po ed of Trim- of Circleville, visited in Otterbein mer, Baird. Schear and Smith last week. gave two pecial song which Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Hare, \\ ere very appropriate aod well Rev. 0. C. Wright and wife, and received. Miss Ro g ers, all from Columbus,

The regul ar monthly cabinet meeting was held Saturday morning at eight o'clock. early all of the members of the cabinet were present and submitted their reports for the month ju t pa s t. The employment committee re-ported that twenty-five men had been assi ted in finding work, - that these twenty-five men had secured a total of four hundred

\York Jeave on Tue morning aud return Thur day.

P1·ompt collection and delivery.

First-Class Work Guarantee d.

L. C. HEN SEL , Agent.

DR. . w. JO I E

Oolleg-e Av-enue

. ing Liv eed·an d

~ale Stable

R AR OF 1:iOJEf, 1:ILJ:;. UOS BO'l'a 1-iOlil i,;, ! 5.

:/, w MA_R Kl.E"l:, Pre J w EV&HAL, Vice Pre s. L'. L HRUSD GH' Laslller. THE FIR ST N_AT IO NAL BANK


CAPITAL STOCK $25, 000 Do es a general ban1<1ng buslnes, receive aud lonn s money , pays Inte re st ou t111s\e deooslt.s, buy aud sells bonds. Y ur busln ss l so11c1ted, '£bis bank ls uucter- g ,vernmen t In pectlon.

BA.NK.l (I H OU & ·30 a. m to 4 p rn. -DIR.E>CTO SJ, W. J.larkJey, J. W. Everal, W. A ,)ung , ,..... ..,.c..Wil :,-C. n t1a12da q. E f'nlxe r tonghLon, EI. P Beery, L. llrundnge. Cl1Jzeo Phone No. 3 , Bell 101


were guests at the Powell home last Wednesday.

Rev. W. S White '99, pastor of the U. B. church, at Cambridge, and Charles Gorley, of Cambridge, of the board of tru s tees of Otterbein university stopped off here a few hours on their way to the Bible conference at Dayton and called on old friends. hours work, and that their earn- J. A Black, of football fame, ing amounted to sixty dollars. who was compelled to go home

Mr. M. D. Crackle, of Cleve- I st f II o acc oun t of injuries, is land will be w i th u s Thursday I back i n We s te r ville. He has seeveni n g of t his we e k instead of cu r ed employment as a plumber T hu r sday evening, May 17, as h ere. He will be in school again p reviously a r r anged. M r. oe x t year . Cr ackle is pres i dent of the Asso- T he beau t ifu l " e w C en t u r y cia tion Boys' Se cr e t a ries of Y. M. I deal "on t he c o ve r of t he R eligC . A . o f America an d will t ell us ious T e le s c ope fo r A p ril 2 5 , c onof th e associ a tion 's w or k among stitute s the clo sing chapt e r o f the bo y s A ll who a tt e nd ed the \ i llia m D e Witt Hyde ' s "College Tol e do con v ention no doubt · re- M an and College Woman." This member that the talk on the bo o k has j ust been added to our b?ys ' departm e nt work in the college library.

A standard, nptod ate, American college, with str'lng faculty, mo<lern equipment, .flour ishing literary societies and Christian Associations, and vi oroue col· lege lite,

The COLLEGE carries two courses, the A.rte Course and the Scierce Couree, The ACADEMY accommodates tho e bo have not bad the adventa es of a standard high school.

The ADJUNCT DEPARTMENT of Music and Art enJ<'Y a large patronage and tbere are well oria lzed cbools of Elocution and Commerce.

E ,r PEN E are very moderate-low, considering the high grade facilities. The present attendance is the largest in the history of the institution

Summer Scn o ol B egin& June 19

LEWIS BOOKW ALTER , Preside nt, Westervi ll e, 0,

Gen. Garfield said

Wtiile ad l'e 10g a graduating cla io Bookkeeping, ~bo rt hand and k 1odrerl nbject , ' 'the t rain <l m1tn will wake b i li1e felt, i hil , 1tbout training thou a n d go dow n on t he ea of l uck to o ne who meets wi th ucce '

Secure a University Training for Business.

R.t the-

School of Commerce

Departmeat of tbe OTTE B.B EI ' UNIV E R !TY, Addre , DR. L E WI::; HOOKW LTER, Pre s ident. P RO F. P F. WlLKI O , Prm, of cbool of Oommerce, ead fo r College Catalogue, , Pro p •eLuP , Te r m , peela l o ffe r a ocl bow t oge, n uobo l n~blp FREE W ES TERVILLE, OHIO

0:::I;: C *~' ,:. :,1

The complete lillee of 8prla1 Suite, Top Ooale aad Raiacoale from Hart Schaffner & Karx, The Stein-~loch Co., The Atterbury System Are Ready at

LOCALS \ the property-man.

A clergyman told in his text I "How does the lightning strike How Sampson wa11 barbered and vexed , you 1 And told it 10 true F d M. G d That Dutton in the: pew nen -" 1ss ar ner 1s a Got rattled and shouted out, " Next. " Brethern, isn't she?"

w. Markley's

"Bob tub.''

Smith-"No, she's a Shaker.'' Senior Weinland-''What is Friend-"How do you know?" that strange sound from the con- Smith-"She shook me.''

Prof. Durrant's motto in any-"If at first you don't ceed-try another seed.

It is said thatMower has no trouble to get in the swim. Crisinger has pretty eyes.

"Dad" feels just as young as any of the boys.

Kline wishes he had another date.


C Wiliams (looking at the thermometer in Physics class Monday)-''! wonder what time it is."

Geometry as it is studied at the Thompson club.

1 A bee-line may be made from any boarding house to any other boarding house

2 The stewaJd may be reduced to his lowest terms by a series of propositions.

3 A pie may be produced any number of times

4 On the same bill and on the same side of it there should not be charges for the same thing.

5 Any two meals in a boarding house are together less than one sqare meal.

Prof. Miller (in trig class)''Which is your figure?"

Miss Ressler (P o i n ti n g)"Over there its the only one left Prof. Miller-"Yes, I see it is not right.''

Dr. Snavely (i n American Hist.)-"What was the message Gen. Sheridan sent to Gen Early the ni g ht before the battle?"

Leibcap-" Go E a rly and avoid the ru s h "

Hensel is pining away.

Miss Young is only fooling.

In the tropics some whales' heads attain a thickness of 2 feet

and over. It might be said with Jrne

equal truth of people as far north

as Otterbein.

Bennett, like some other little boys, likes to watch the street cars come in on a Sunday afternoon. Bennett usually takes a walk to.ward the bridge just after the 3:30, 4:30 or S:30 car arrives Sunday afternoon.

It is said that time is money; but judging from what they have to show for it, some people 's time must be counterfeit money.

Senior election, 24 present, 31 votes cast.

B natural.

to good


New Spring Fabrics

M ade up

LAZAR G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D. OFFICE ANO RESIDENCE, 15 E.Collere Ave .• WESTERVILLE, o. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO T he U nl ven i ty ye:u ls d lY1 ded int o r, ,ul' Qu:i rtc rs, W in t e r, Spring. Summe r, an d A ut u mn Ad ml slo ts 2 n 1ed at t h~ OJ>"l o 2 o r c o n J a n uM y ~. A pr I •d. Jwic 16th, and Oclober Ht G r aduate lns tT uc- t ion l"'l o ffer ed In the Cn.doa te Sch oa l!I or
~":_U:? Uttra t ures a nd In ll>e Ogd en (G,adllate) Sc hool of servatory
botPt-ofculonal instr uc tion I ITcml In the OMnl ty School Freshman
the th e Law School R u.. b M edli..a1 Co lc~c (.-ffilla tedJ. a nd t he h SchoolofEdu catlo o countr )-"It's the girls glee Sum mer Quart« 1906. J une 16-Se ptem t>e_r r Firs t Tetm : Y Ju oe, 6-July o6;Second Term, J u ly .,-Auru•t 3 r Rel(lstra• 1club having their voices agricul- dou Is pe.rrnmed for the entire quarter o r to r e11ber te nn. !:~rs:S"!er:\::S::~~ e!~ VCD for work done Special tured. ,, For l oronnidon a ddres s THE UNIVERSITY OF' CHICAGO CHICAGO - - ILLINOle Miss White (purchasing music) -Have you •Kissed Me in the Moon Light'?"
Hanaer (from
must have been
other clerk.'' sue-
Young Mr. Clerk-Why-er-no I
See SS ROLOSO~ ·r Special Cffer: $5 Worth of Work for $3.50
best line of Moulding In the City. For style, quality and durability E. & L.
them all.
1-::-:-~ ~=:'--:'-- ~~:..:.__:::.:..;..:,_ J.
.:=... ' •r.
· ·· t. 'I Department Store. POSTULATES AND PROPOSITIO N S.
A little: rein A little sun A little gri,f A little fun A little work And life is done. Let ' , wear clean clothes while we're: here. Domeatlc or Glo•• Flnl•b Westerville Laundry, Bell Phone No. ~. C.L.BAILEY, Student Representative Franklin Park Floral Company, Leading Florists, Cut Flowers a Specialty Fair and Purh Ave., Columbu1 Half 1quarc from Oak St ea, line. W. C. PHINNEY, Dealer In Furniture, Window Shades, Picture Frames, Etc. New line Picture Moulding just received. Cor, State• Main ,. ' Bell Phone 66 The Ch
'Printing Company ~,
College Stationery College Annuals College Catalogs 74 -76•78-80 E Gay St.,
Best Concert of the Season ''The De.vises''
8 :00 p.
m their "EVENING OF SONG," M.
Church, May 10, at
in the la te st sty les , anrl you s av e from $ 5 t o $10 by pl ac ing yo ur o rd e r with u s a ti~ fac t ion a nd a perfec t fit g u a r a nte e d. We a l o d o p es s in g M. C. Public Stenographer and Typewriter.
s c e rtainly is fowl work,'' in a ne a t m a nner I Room 9 , Second Floor , Blendon s aid
AGENT for Oliver Typewriter Co., !Carbon Papers and Typewriter Supplies.
Burtner, a he pulled off the
head of an innocent chicken.
Formerly Riggle & Co.
\~h, Both .Phones
' ' The thunder and storm scene
is pretty poor," s aid the actor to OVER KEEFER'S DRUGSTORE.

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